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11:11 Talk Radio

English, Religion, 1 season, 2008 episodes, 22 hours, 18 minutes
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The Power of Words: Dr. Christina Donnell

A series of mystifying moments occasioned by words that lit up before her eyes had longtime psychologist and teacher Christina Donnell profoundly engaged. As her sensory impressions of this “living language” deepened within her, she noticed her thoughts giving way to direct perception and her inner sensations yielding to a feeling of universal perception, transporting her to a level of awareness far beyond normal. No longer was there a self separate from other; infinity and eternity had become physical realities; and more.
10/15/20241 hour
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Eight Directions of The Medicine Wheel: Carlos Philip Glover

Our personal transformation serves the collective healing, This is a journey of self-empowerment around the Medicine Wheel of Earth Wisdom - to ignite your spirit fire, awaken new levels of consciousness, and inspire you to meet the outer challenges through deep inner work. It opens aspects of your innate Earth Wisdom, including your creative, sensory, emotional, and intuitive intelligences, the wisdom of your body-mind and heart-knowing. Illustrated with heartful stories and inspiring images, this is a great read that's full of engaging humour, lyrical story-telling and practices for the next step of human evolution.
10/8/20241 hour
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Savoring Aging: Kamla Kapur

This is a clarion call to the aging to awaken before they die, embark on the adventure of self-discovery, become warriors on the spiritual path to embrace and ensure safe passage with the ultimate triumph of conscious living and dying. The privilege of aging is to experience with engagement this precious, painful life and to achieve vitality, satisfaction, joy in life we are fortunate to still have. Learn the art of resting, happiness, letting go, facing death to live in its light with greater intensity, enthusiasm, passion, and anchoring in a spirituality that transcends death.
10/1/20241 hour
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Becoming Fierce: Stephanie James

Embody the powerful, passionate, fiery energy that is the authentic expression of you. Love beyond external circumstances, live fully in the present moment, and fully embody the spark that is you, letting it shine the way for generations to come. Life is inviting us to stop focusing on everything that is going on outside of us, to stop believing the fear narrative, and to let go of all the things that distract us from cultivating the resilience, joy, and grit it takes to live a bold, beautiful, and deeply meaningful life. We can let go of the focus on the outer world dictating our sense of well-being. The point of power is in the present moment. You get to choose what you want to focus on. This is an inside job and the time to begin is now. It is time to become fierce.
9/24/20241 hour
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Dying Into Love: Meghan Don

Learn how this presence of love can become your constant companion on one of the greatest of all life journeys, whether you are dying, taking care of the dying, or want to prepare for your death whenever that may come. Drawing on her experiences of her mother’s last precious weeks on Earth and other client death journeys, Don teaches that we all knew how to die once and that we can once again enter into this sacred knowing. You will encounter humor, sadness, joy, grief, angel prayers, and words of wisdom from beyond death. The life-death journey calls each one of us, and this book answers that call.
9/17/20241 hour
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Mind Training: Ravinder Taylor

We know that exercising regularly will bring numerous benefits, from improved health and wellness to enhanced creativity, but most do not know that training the mind will bring a host of benefits too. Mind Training presents a way of life that promotes a process of conscious living. Having an awareness of the ‘whys’ behind some of our behaviors will reduce many of the self-destructive patterns that all of us are subject to in certain areas of our lives. Understanding some of our brain chemistry mechanisms allows us to take some manual control to increase our successes and overall feelings of well-being. Discovering some of the automatic mind mechanisms makes it possible to offset the ability for others to exploit them.
9/10/20241 hour
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Mind Magic: Dr. James Doty

Manifestation has been widely dismissed as self-involved, materialistic phooey. Now, James R. Doty, MD—a Stanford neurosurgeon, New York Times bestselling author, and Dalai Lama collaborator—reveals that manifestation is rooted in science. Throughout his latest book, Mind Magic (Avery; on sale: May 7, 2024), Dr. Doty unveils his six-part plan for harnessing your mind’s power to change your brain structure and reclaim your agency. He grounds you in practices for neurological transformation by strategically targeting your attention, desires, obstacles, intention, passion, and expectations, so you can consciously create the life you want. In addition to his medical expertise, Dr. Doty has the lived experience of using manifestation to revamp his reality. After he went from rags to riches back to rags, Dr. Doty overhauled his thinking to focus on being spiritually and morally centered. In turn, the riches stayed for the long haul.
9/3/20241 hour
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The Secret Life of Mother Mary: Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D

Many women have trouble with the image of the Virgin Mary, a young woman whose most esteemed quality has been celibacy. Yet, as Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., reveals in inspiring depth, Mary was not just a docile maiden chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. She was a great spiritual master in her own right: a sought-after healer and holy priestess who continued her public work long after Jesus’s resurrection. Revealing the secret life of Mother Mary as a deeply revered community leader, miracle-worker, and advanced spiritual practitioner, Rigoglioso shows how nurturing a relationship with the world’s most famous holy woman can provide healing, empowerment, and the development of your own womb powers.
8/27/20241 hour
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Portals: Freddy Silva

The experience of two worlds makes you present in both but bound to neither. A portal is a point of possibility, a step into a thousand journeys. Freddy Silva takes you on a magical tour around the world to places on the land where the laws of physics behave differently and the perception of overlapping realities is both apparent and immediate. Experience Cadair Idris in Wales, Tintagel in England, the west coast of Scotland, Kura Tawhiti in New Zealand, Tsé Bit’a’í in New Mexico, the plateau of Giza, and power places high in the Andes. Learn the meaning and origins of the green man, serpents, dragons, and the Shining Ones, and identify the markers for the earth’s telluric currents to find your own places of power. PORTALS is your opening in space and time to multiple levels of reality.
8/20/20241 hour
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The Seven Gateways of Spiritual Experience: Dr. Jonathan Ellerby

Discover the seven most universal categories of spiritual experience. Ranging from the most common to the most esoteric and exulted, these experiences have been recorded consistently throughout human history and around the world. The book provides a simple and clear overview of the seven categories of experience with clear examples of what they might feel like experientially, how to recognize them, and how to make sense of them and the lessons they offer.
8/13/20241 hour
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On Tenderness: Christie Hardwick

Tenderness is pleasurable. So why does it feel like something to avoid, something to cringe from, something to quickly get through? When you are tender with yourself, or someone is tender with you, it is vulnerable. So why not be vulnerable? We all have our stories. Radical Self Tenderness takes self care to the next level. We cultivate within us a vibration of love that heals, What if taking care of you is part of taking care of the world? If you live tenderly on the inside could it contribute to more tenderness in your life and in those whose lives you touch? Can you be tender with what causes you to feel pain? Can you see how self acceptance contributes to peace? What if we were meant to love ourselves? What would that make possible?
8/6/20241 hour
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The Power of Friendship: Mark Nepo

The thing worth keeping alive for the rest of time, is friendship itself. For being seen and heard empowers us to stand by our core. When standing by our core, we have the strength to be fully who we are. When fully who we are, we become humble instruments for each other’s inevitable transformation. At our best, we serve as inadvertent catalysts for each other’s eventual illumination. Coming together like this is intrinsic to our nature and helping each other transform is one of the deep purposes of friendship.
7/30/20241 hour
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Radical Self-Tenderness: Christie Hardwick

Tenderness is pleasurable. So why does it feel like something to avoid, something to cringe from, something to quickly get through? When you are tender with yourself, or someone is tender with you, it is vulnerable. So why not be vulnerable? We all have our stories. Radical Self Tenderness takes self care to the next level. We cultivate within us a vibration of love that heals, What if taking care of you is part of taking care of the world? If you live tenderly on the inside could it contribute to more tenderness in your life and in those whose lives you touch? Can you be tender with what causes you to feel pain? Can you see how self acceptance contributes to peace? What if we were meant to love ourselves? What would that make possible?
7/23/20241 hour
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Radical Self-Tenderness: Christie Hardwick

Tenderness is pleasurable. So why does it feel like something to avoid, something to cringe from, something to quickly get through? When you are tender with yourself, or someone is tender with you, it is vulnerable. So why not be vulnerable? We all have our stories. Radical Self Tenderness takes self care to the next level. We cultivate within us a vibration of love that heals, What if taking care of you is part of taking care of the world? If you live tenderly on the inside could it contribute to more tenderness in your life and in those whose lives you touch? Can you be tender with what causes you to feel pain? Can you see how self acceptance contributes to peace? What if we were meant to love ourselves? What would that make possible?
7/23/20241 hour
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Understand and embrace the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embody and express presence. Recognize subtle attributes of life that hold the illusion of separation. Yield to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss the new trilogy of LIVING, BEING KNOWING (Available now at or anywhere books are sold. ) You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
7/16/20241 hour
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Modern Alchemy: Adora Winquist

Are you a Modern Alchemist? Modern Alchemy is a sacred dance of ancient wisdom interwoven with modern practices—where science meets spirituality and offers us an opportunity to discover more peace, unity, and direction of our true passion and purpose. The path of the modern alchemist is a quest to find the master keys to your most fulfilling and vibrant life. It is the hero or heroines journey that focuses on transforming the world within you. This quest is a journey inward that is grounded in both principles and practical action in this physical world to support you to engage more effectively and harmoniously with the world around you.
7/9/20241 hour
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The Body Code: Lisa Francolini

Has life handed you something challenging? Are you looking for a solution to regain your health or heal your injured body? Maybe you have loved ones who need help and you lack the ability to help them. Are you suffering from a broken heart? Do you want a deeper or more con-nected and loving relationship? Maybe you’re unable to find success with your work. Is something undefined keeping you from reaching for your dream? Maybe you are still searching for your life’s purpose. Often, it’s those perceived challenges and difficulties and the desire to do better or have more that can cause you to search for answers in unfamiliar places. This conversation is an introduction to a simple and practical method for finding solutions to create balance and function for your body and your life. Don’t let the problems of life hold you back or keep you stuck when you could have better health, greater success, and more happiness.
7/2/20241 hour
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Encore The Power of Words: Dr. Christina Donnell

A series of mystifying moments occasioned by words that lit up before her eyes had longtime psychologist and teacher Christina Donnell profoundly engaged. As her sensory impressions of this “living language” deepened within her, she noticed her thoughts giving way to direct perception and her inner sensations yielding to a feeling of universal perception, transporting her to a level of awareness far beyond normal. No longer was there a self separate from other; infinity and eternity had become physical realities; and more.
6/25/20241 hour
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Encore: Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
6/18/20241 hour
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Essential Astonishments: Gina Mazza

“Astonishment is the quintessence of life fully expressed. Yet it is something we cannot will ourselves to feel. This is where poetry—the epitome of word play—steps in, suspends us above the daily drift of ordinariness and alights that spark of awe. It beseeches us to question everything. Every verse, versus, vice versa insists that we stop and revere the nuances of this human experience—to see beauty and grace in the pain and chaos. Poetry encourages us to be wilder in the midst of bewilderment. For this reason, it is an essential tool for experiencing the ephemeral nature of life and the One who created it all.” —Gina Mazza
6/11/20241 hour
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Every day we have an inner battle going on between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. When viewed from our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event of our lives. Each of us has the power to uplift and inspire, to feel love and compassion, no matter how tragic our experiences may be. By viewing the world through your divine lens, you can reawaken to the wisdom and potential of your soul, see the opportunities behind suffering, and help in the collective evolution of soul consciousness.
6/4/20241 hour
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Appalachian Zen: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Steve Kanji Ruhl describes a journey we all take, one that Buddhism calls “seeking our true home.” Edgy, lyrical, and lovingly rendered, this book recounts how a kid from a Pennsylvania mill-town trailer park grew up—surrounded by backwoods farms and amid grief, violence, and passionate yearning—to become something improbable: a Buddhist minister teaching Zen.
5/28/20241 hour
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Healing Through Sound: Vicki Dodd

Learn about listening to the rhythms and stories of the audible body and learn how to use the voice to unlock emotional pain and suffering. Healing Through Sound takes readers on a journey into the core of their being, unveiling a revolutionary system in which sound isn't just heard but deeply felt. Her method goes beyond the surface, tapping into the body's memory, releasing tensions, and healing emotional wounds that have been hidden for years. Discover how how sound can reshape our body's soft tissue, realign our posture, and liberate us from the emotional baggage we've unconsciously carried for years.
5/21/20241 hour
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The Illumination Code: Kim Chestney

Have you ever known, felt, or sensed something that defies rational explanation? Have you ever wondered how your intuition is able to know things that should be impossible to know? In this inspiring conversation, renowned intuition expert Kim Chestney will draw on the latest findings in quantum physics to present a multidimensional exploration of the whole spectrum of intuitive experience — from everyday occurrences such as hunches and gut feelings to “impossible” phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, and precognition.
5/14/20241 hour
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Remember, Reset, Receive: Julie Poole

This is a road map to help you create your best life, showing you how to live a life which is joyful and abundant, helping you to be all that you can be and have all that you desire to have. It is broken down into three areas: remember, reset, receive: the ‘3 Rs’.
5/7/20241 hour
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Goddess: Anodea Judith

Goddess as Mother, Crone, Maiden, and Queen. She explores each aspect with history and mythology, going back to pre-history with the Mother, describing the fall of the Goddess through the Crone, the modern resurgence of the Goddess through the Maiden, and women's empowerment through the Queen archetype.
4/30/20241 hour
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Conversations With the Universe: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
4/23/20241 hour
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Knowing Expressions of Grace

A sacred romance began eons ago when One separated into two; and two became many. All of life stemmed from that origin, expanding and contracting through the sacred constructs of duality, multiplicity and alchemy. Through a multi-sensory experience of Self, 7 human graces make way for knowing the full expanse of humanity that creates the embodied experiences of unconditional loving, compassion and peace. Inner authority, confidence, creativity and authenticity awaken through presence with our most human sensory expansion and the divine flowering of essence. You are not just a rainbow in the dark. An ‘unknown’ YOU has treasures in escrow. Your body holds secrets. The sacred trickles through your bloodlines and rests within the marrow of your bones. You are the embodiment of an enormous spirit that is non-judging, everlasting and all-knowing. Your soul purpose is to reweave human experience into the embodiment and humble power of a God on legs. Deborah Beauvais, Founder DreamVisions7 Radio Network hosts an intimate conversation on Knowing Grace...
4/16/20241 hour
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BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
4/9/20241 hour
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Embracing Humanity Amidst Life's Many Blessings

Open to a unique set of soul oracle books that act as wise guides of your life experiences; they illustrate the three parts of you that are always operating. Designed to be a bedside practice (where only a few lines or paragraph is read daily) this trilogy of self awareness supports understanding life’s cycles, how to navigate them, and ways to rise to higher octaves of self. They dissolve human conditioning, complexity and illusion as they support you in slowing down for greater balance, presence and sacredness. The 3 books work in tandem with one other as the interconnected ‘dimensional you’ The 7 blessings correlate to the 7 Illusions and both correlate to the 7 graces to illustrate the multidimensional divine human  that is all of YOU. LIVING is your identity in the world. BEING is your subconscious and deeply unconscious operating system and programming. KNOWING is your return to humanity and naturalness. ----- LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience ----- BEING: The 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose and Peace ----- KNOWING: The 7 Human Expressions of Grace
4/2/20241 hour
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7 Seconds to Love: Jacqueline Way

In a world where instant gratification and the search for love is as simple as a swipe right to say yes or a quick left to say no to love - we find ourselves searching for love in the wrong places. We choose relationships that hold us hostage in a virtual cage within ourselves or hurt us to what feels like the core of our being. Love has become a complex puzzle with thousands of pieces. We keep looking for the missing piece to complete us. We think we can find the perfect match in the eyes and arms of another. We expect them to mold and bend to fit perfectly to complete the puzzle and feel disappointment and betrayed when they don't. Yet all along, we were always complete. We were born complete, and love has been there. The only person stopping us from having the greatest love affair of your lifetime is us. It's just seconds away, as simple as a breath. It's how it all started when we were born. Our first breath was a simple exchange of giving and receiving—a breath in and a breath out. It does not require an app, a phone, or anyone else. It is a practice with ourselves. It is a practice to give ourselves grace, understanding, gratitude, and compassion. and love. We will begin to remember who we truly are. We are love. It never left us, but we closed the door to it. All you have to do is open the door. Take one step past the fear of what you don't know now and say yes to yourself. Stop swiping left and say yes to love. Join us for a conversation about love that will invite you to meet the love within you. In just a few seconds, you can change your world and the world around you.
3/26/20241 hour
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Awakening to Intuitive Wellness: Heather Ogilvie

Every problem has a solution, advocating for good inner self-worth and a balanced world of masculine and feminine energies. As we traverse a changing world, it requires grounding into your sensibilities and intuitive faculties. Your vision, your voice and your veracity are foundational pillars for a new you and a new earth. Animals have a vast intelligence that they can share with us. Let us open to the intuitive nuances that are arising at this time.
3/19/20241 hour
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Being the Change: SIMRAN

Whatever you are working through dealing with, challenged by, afraid of, resisting, fighting against or ignoring… step back… feel… and get clear. Our world is speaking loud and clear. We must listen. But, we are not listening clearly. Most are listening from their filters, their lenses and their past. Trust in your heart. Trust in your love. Trust in your silence. Trust in your worth. Trust in life. Trust in Spirit. You are always safe. You are always loved. You are always guided. You are the journeyof Spirit in form. Lead (yourself) from there. Let others lead themselves.
3/12/20241 hour
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Being the Change: SIMRAN

Whatever you are working through dealing with, challenged by, afraid of, resisting, fighting against or ignoring… step back… feel… and get clear. Our world is speaking loud and clear. We must listen. But, we are not listening clearly. Most are listening from their filters, their lenses and their past. Trust in your heart. Trust in your love. Trust in your silence. Trust in your worth. Trust in life. Trust in Spirit. You are always safe. You are always loved. You are always guided. You are the journeyof Spirit in form. Lead (yourself) from there. Let others lead themselves.
3/12/20241 hour
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Divine Song of Love: Marc Aronoff

Exploring Saint Catherine of Genoa's writings, Marc Aronoff came across a section of her Spiritual Dialogues which felt like a Divine Song of Love. In reading these words, he felt transformed... hearing and reading her words felt utterly delicious and overwhelming; as if the words themselves carried a certain healing message and energetic charge of Love- fornthe World and Humanity... Catherine knew so well: the mystical, supernatural, and mysterious nature of her relationship with God (the Divine, Source, Goddess Higher Power)... and perhaps others may be inspired and transformed toward a feeling of Love also.
3/5/20241 hour
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Divine Song of Love: Marc Aronoff

Exploring Saint Catherine of Genoa's writings, Marc Aronoff came across a section of her Spiritual Dialogues which felt like a Divine Song of Love. In reading these words, he felt transformed... hearing and reading her words felt utterly delicious and overwhelming; as if the words themselves carried a certain healing message and energetic charge of Love- fornthe World and Humanity... Catherine knew so well: the mystical, supernatural, and mysterious nature of her relationship with God (the Divine, Source, Goddess Higher Power)... and perhaps others may be inspired and transformed toward a feeling of Love also.
3/5/20241 hour
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Divine Song of Love: Marc Aronoff

Exploring Saint Catherine of Genoa's writings, Marc Aronoff came across a section of her Spiritual Dialogues which felt like a Divine Song of Love. In reading these words, he felt transformed... hearing and reading her words felt utterly delicious and overwhelming; as if the words themselves carried a certain healing message and energetic charge of Love- fornthe World and Humanity... Catherine knew so well: the mystical, supernatural, and mysterious nature of her relationship with God (the Divine, Source, Goddess Higher Power)... and perhaps others may be inspired and transformed toward a feeling of Love also.
3/5/20241 hour
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Love Over Fear: Atousa Raissyan

What does it mean to 'living from love' over 'living from fear'... People often say things like “I have forgiven” “I love myself” “I do feel loved” and “I am doing this because it feels good.” But in their words, actions and thoughts, they have not truly forgiven or do not love themselves or feel loved. They are doing most things for recognition and to be seen. And at the same time a part of them is working hard not to be seen due to fear and what it would mean for others to really see them. The energy is important.
2/27/20241 hour
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Love Over Fear: Atousa Raissyan

What does it mean to 'living from love' over 'living from fear'... People often say things like “I have forgiven” “I love myself” “I do feel loved” and “I am doing this because it feels good.” But in their words, actions and thoughts, they have not truly forgiven or do not love themselves or feel loved. They are doing most things for recognition and to be seen. And at the same time a part of them is working hard not to be seen due to fear and what it would mean for others to really see them. The energy is important.
2/27/20241 hour
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Love Over Fear: Atousa Raissyan

What does it mean to 'living from love' over 'living from fear'... People often say things like “I have forgiven” “I love myself” “I do feel loved” and “I am doing this because it feels good.” But in their words, actions and thoughts, they have not truly forgiven or do not love themselves or feel loved. They are doing most things for recognition and to be seen. And at the same time a part of them is working hard not to be seen due to fear and what it would mean for others to really see them. The energy is important.
2/27/20241 hour
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The Power of Words: Dr. Christina Donnell

A series of mystifying moments occasioned by words that lit up before her eyes had longtime psychologist and teacher Christina Donnell profoundly engaged. As her sensory impressions of this “living language” deepened within her, she noticed her thoughts giving way to direct perception and her inner sensations yielding to a feeling of universal perception, transporting her to a level of awareness far beyond normal. No longer was there a self separate from other; infinity and eternity had become physical realities; and more.
2/20/20241 hour
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The Power of Words: Dr. Christina Donnell

A series of mystifying moments occasioned by words that lit up before her eyes had longtime psychologist and teacher Christina Donnell profoundly engaged. As her sensory impressions of this “living language” deepened within her, she noticed her thoughts giving way to direct perception and her inner sensations yielding to a feeling of universal perception, transporting her to a level of awareness far beyond normal. No longer was there a self separate from other; infinity and eternity had become physical realities; and more.
2/20/20241 hour
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The Power of Words: Dr. Christina Donnell

A series of mystifying moments occasioned by words that lit up before her eyes had longtime psychologist and teacher Christina Donnell profoundly engaged. As her sensory impressions of this “living language” deepened within her, she noticed her thoughts giving way to direct perception and her inner sensations yielding to a feeling of universal perception, transporting her to a level of awareness far beyond normal. No longer was there a self separate from other; infinity and eternity had become physical realities; and more.
2/20/20241 hour
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The Power of Words: Dr. Christina Donnell

A series of mystifying moments occasioned by words that lit up before her eyes had longtime psychologist and teacher Christina Donnell profoundly engaged. As her sensory impressions of this “living language” deepened within her, she noticed her thoughts giving way to direct perception and her inner sensations yielding to a feeling of universal perception, transporting her to a level of awareness far beyond normal. No longer was there a self separate from other; infinity and eternity had become physical realities; and more.
2/20/20241 hour
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Powering Change: Tabitha Scott

Change management is a myth. What worked for leaders in the past cannot successfully guide us into the future, and adaptability at today’s accelerated pace of change cannot be achieved with traditional business methods. Just “going faster” is no longer enough. What if you had the secret to unleashing greater potential, productivity, and profits that flow with change instead of chasing it? Blending lessons from physics, bioscience, and nature with intriguing organizational research, engaging business case studies, and current statistics... this is Powering Change.
2/13/20241 hour
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Powering Change: Tabitha Scott

Change management is a myth. What worked for leaders in the past cannot successfully guide us into the future, and adaptability at today’s accelerated pace of change cannot be achieved with traditional business methods. Just “going faster” is no longer enough. What if you had the secret to unleashing greater potential, productivity, and profits that flow with change instead of chasing it? Blending lessons from physics, bioscience, and nature with intriguing organizational research, engaging business case studies, and current statistics... this is Powering Change.
2/13/20241 hour
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Powering Change: Tabitha Scott

Change management is a myth. What worked for leaders in the past cannot successfully guide us into the future, and adaptability at today’s accelerated pace of change cannot be achieved with traditional business methods. Just “going faster” is no longer enough. What if you had the secret to unleashing greater potential, productivity, and profits that flow with change instead of chasing it? Blending lessons from physics, bioscience, and nature with intriguing organizational research, engaging business case studies, and current statistics... this is Powering Change.
2/13/20241 hour
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Fractured Grace: Dr. Julie Krull

An impassioned spiritual perspective on global healing and the evolution of consciousness. Dr. Julie Krull demonstrates how an illusion of separation is the root cause of wide-spread pain, suffering, and even necessary whole-systems breakdown in every aspect of life. Fractured Grace breaks through that illusion and inspires a return to wholeness. Krull challenges the understanding of popular, fragmented models of healing and crisis response, and moves you into a grounded place of hope and clarity, helping you create the conditions for individual and collective healing to occur. She weaves personal stories, current events, and prophetic vision to lay the foundation for deep and regenerative systemic transformation and change.
2/6/20241 hour
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Fractured Grace: Dr. Julie Krull

An impassioned spiritual perspective on global healing and the evolution of consciousness. Dr. Julie Krull demonstrates how an illusion of separation is the root cause of wide-spread pain, suffering, and even necessary whole-systems breakdown in every aspect of life. Fractured Grace breaks through that illusion and inspires a return to wholeness. Krull challenges the understanding of popular, fragmented models of healing and crisis response, and moves you into a grounded place of hope and clarity, helping you create the conditions for individual and collective healing to occur. She weaves personal stories, current events, and prophetic vision to lay the foundation for deep and regenerative systemic transformation and change.
2/6/20241 hour
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Fractured Grace: Dr. Julie Krull

An impassioned spiritual perspective on global healing and the evolution of consciousness. Dr. Julie Krull demonstrates how an illusion of separation is the root cause of wide-spread pain, suffering, and even necessary whole-systems breakdown in every aspect of life. Fractured Grace breaks through that illusion and inspires a return to wholeness. Krull challenges the understanding of popular, fragmented models of healing and crisis response, and moves you into a grounded place of hope and clarity, helping you create the conditions for individual and collective healing to occur. She weaves personal stories, current events, and prophetic vision to lay the foundation for deep and regenerative systemic transformation and change.
2/6/20241 hour
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Essential Astonishments: Gina Mazza

“Astonishment is the quintessence of life fully expressed. Yet it is something we cannot will ourselves to feel. This is where poetry—the epitome of word play—steps in, suspends us above the daily drift of ordinariness and alights that spark of awe. It beseeches us to question everything. Every verse, versus, vice versa insists that we stop and revere the nuances of this human experience—to see beauty and grace in the pain and chaos. Poetry encourages us to be wilder in the midst of bewilderment. For this reason, it is an essential tool for experiencing the ephemeral nature of life and the One who created it all.” —Gina Mazza
1/30/20241 hour
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Essential Astonishments: Gina Mazza

“Astonishment is the quintessence of life fully expressed. Yet it is something we cannot will ourselves to feel. This is where poetry—the epitome of word play—steps in, suspends us above the daily drift of ordinariness and alights that spark of awe. It beseeches us to question everything. Every verse, versus, vice versa insists that we stop and revere the nuances of this human experience—to see beauty and grace in the pain and chaos. Poetry encourages us to be wilder in the midst of bewilderment. For this reason, it is an essential tool for experiencing the ephemeral nature of life and the One who created it all.” —Gina Mazza
1/30/20241 hour
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Essential Astonishments: Gina Mazza

“Astonishment is the quintessence of life fully expressed. Yet it is something we cannot will ourselves to feel. This is where poetry—the epitome of word play—steps in, suspends us above the daily drift of ordinariness and alights that spark of awe. It beseeches us to question everything. Every verse, versus, vice versa insists that we stop and revere the nuances of this human experience—to see beauty and grace in the pain and chaos. Poetry encourages us to be wilder in the midst of bewilderment. For this reason, it is an essential tool for experiencing the ephemeral nature of life and the One who created it all.” —Gina Mazza
1/30/20241 hour
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Essential Astonishments: Gina Mazza

“Astonishment is the quintessence of life fully expressed. Yet it is something we cannot will ourselves to feel. This is where poetry—the epitome of word play—steps in, suspends us above the daily drift of ordinariness and alights that spark of awe. It beseeches us to question everything. Every verse, versus, vice versa insists that we stop and revere the nuances of this human experience—to see beauty and grace in the pain and chaos. Poetry encourages us to be wilder in the midst of bewilderment. For this reason, it is an essential tool for experiencing the ephemeral nature of life and the One who created it all.” —Gina Mazza
1/30/20241 hour
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Journey Through the Planets: Marlene Seven Bremner

A Hermetic journey through each of the seven traditional planets--Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon--exploring their mythological, philosophical, alchemical, Qabalistic, magical, astrological, and energetic natures and offering meditative discourses that reach past the rational mind to speak directly to the intuitive soul. She relates the seven planets to the esoteric anatomy of the human body, specifically the seven chakras, and shows how the planets can offer understanding and experience of archetypal energies and patterns in the body, in one’s life, and in the creative process. Marlene Seven Bremner guides us through The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy: Imagination, Creativity, and the Great Work.
1/23/20241 hour
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Journey Through the Planets: Marlene Seven Bremner

A Hermetic journey through each of the seven traditional planets--Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon--exploring their mythological, philosophical, alchemical, Qabalistic, magical, astrological, and energetic natures and offering meditative discourses that reach past the rational mind to speak directly to the intuitive soul. She relates the seven planets to the esoteric anatomy of the human body, specifically the seven chakras, and shows how the planets can offer understanding and experience of archetypal energies and patterns in the body, in one’s life, and in the creative process. Marlene Seven Bremner guides us through The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy: Imagination, Creativity, and the Great Work.
1/23/20241 hour
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Journey Through the Planets: Marlene Seven Bremner

A Hermetic journey through each of the seven traditional planets--Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon--exploring their mythological, philosophical, alchemical, Qabalistic, magical, astrological, and energetic natures and offering meditative discourses that reach past the rational mind to speak directly to the intuitive soul. She relates the seven planets to the esoteric anatomy of the human body, specifically the seven chakras, and shows how the planets can offer understanding and experience of archetypal energies and patterns in the body, in one’s life, and in the creative process. Marlene Seven Bremner guides us through The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy: Imagination, Creativity, and the Great Work.
1/23/20241 hour
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Awakening Into Awareness: Dr. Steven Farmer

Sharing insights and revelations in spirituality, shamanic healing, trauma recovery, and psychotherapy. And acknowledging that all elements and beings on this Earth are interrelated. Living the conscious psycho-spiritual life awakens awareness. Clarify your life goals and intentions Deepen your relationship with Spirit Develop your understanding of your true purpose Overcome obstacles that stand between you and your goals Liberate yourself from limiting beliefs
1/16/20241 hour
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Awakening Into Awareness: Dr. Steven Farmer

Sharing insights and revelations in spirituality, shamanic healing, trauma recovery, and psychotherapy. And acknowledging that all elements and beings on this Earth are interrelated. Living the conscious psycho-spiritual life awakens awareness. Clarify your life goals and intentions Deepen your relationship with Spirit Develop your understanding of your true purpose Overcome obstacles that stand between you and your goals Liberate yourself from limiting beliefs
1/16/20241 hour
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Awakening Into Awareness: Dr. Steven Farmer

Sharing insights and revelations in spirituality, shamanic healing, trauma recovery, and psychotherapy. And acknowledging that all elements and beings on this Earth are interrelated. Living the conscious psycho-spiritual life awakens awareness. Clarify your life goals and intentions Deepen your relationship with Spirit Develop your understanding of your true purpose Overcome obstacles that stand between you and your goals Liberate yourself from limiting beliefs
1/16/20241 hour
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Multidimensional Living: Sacred Rebellion

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
1/9/20241 hour
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Embracing Humanity

The world is calling for greater humanity, and a new kind of human. One who fully lives into aliveness. One who is ready to embrace all of their boringness. One who stands in their knowingness. You are the journey. Embrace the multidimensional. Embody presence. Experience everything. Express fully.
1/9/20241 hour
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Embracing Humanity

The world is calling for greater humanity, and a new kind of human. One who fully lives into aliveness. One who is ready to embrace all of their boringness. One who stands in their knowingness. You are the journey. Embrace the multidimensional. Embody presence. Experience everything. Express fully.
1/9/20241 hour
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Infinite Grace and Expansion

What does your heart want? Where does your spirit wish to roam? What are you here to express? Where do you belong? SIMRAN guides you into the foundation of visioning and creation for new beginnings, in a way that connects to the fulfillment of your soul. Discover the power of infinity, expansion and grace.
1/2/20241 hour
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Infinite Grace and Expansion

What does your heart want? Where does your spirit wish to roam? What are you here to express? Where do you belong? SIMRAN guides you into the foundation of visioning and creation for new beginnings, in a way that connects to the fulfillment of your soul. Discover the power of infinity, expansion and grace.
1/2/20241 hour
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Infinite Grace and Expansion

What does your heart want? Where does your spirit wish to roam? What are you here to express? Where do you belong? SIMRAN guides you into the foundation of visioning and creation for new beginnings, in a way that connects to the fulfillment of your soul. Discover the power of infinity, expansion and grace.
1/2/20241 hour
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GodTalk: Neale Donald Walsch

Do you talk to God? Is God talking to you? To everyone? The hypothesis here is that when you express the undifferentiated essence of the universe, you project an energy that is generic. It is constant and singular, unwavering and unchanging, precisely because it is “undifferentiated.” At the highest level, this pure energy is conscious and aware of itself, because it is consciousness and awareness itself. It is that from which all differentiated consciousness and awareness springs. This primal force and prime source wants and needs nothing, for the simple and elegant reason that it is everything it could possibly want. More and more human beings are now understanding this. More and more of us are beginning to comprehend that all of us are emanations of the same single thing. We are the product of it and the possessors of it. We can also be the projectors of it. GODTALK will help you see that you really are having conversations with God all the time!
12/26/20231 hour
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GodTalk: Neale Donald Walsch

Do you talk to God? Is God talking to you? To everyone? The hypothesis here is that when you express the undifferentiated essence of the universe, you project an energy that is generic. It is constant and singular, unwavering and unchanging, precisely because it is “undifferentiated.” At the highest level, this pure energy is conscious and aware of itself, because it is consciousness and awareness itself. It is that from which all differentiated consciousness and awareness springs. This primal force and prime source wants and needs nothing, for the simple and elegant reason that it is everything it could possibly want. More and more human beings are now understanding this. More and more of us are beginning to comprehend that all of us are emanations of the same single thing. We are the product of it and the possessors of it. We can also be the projectors of it. GODTALK will help you see that you really are having conversations with God all the time!
12/26/202354 minutes, 59 seconds
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GodTalk: Neale Donald Walsch

Do you talk to God? Is God talking to you? To everyone? The hypothesis here is that when you express the undifferentiated essence of the universe, you project an energy that is generic. It is constant and singular, unwavering and unchanging, precisely because it is “undifferentiated.” At the highest level, this pure energy is conscious and aware of itself, because it is consciousness and awareness itself. It is that from which all differentiated consciousness and awareness springs. This primal force and prime source wants and needs nothing, for the simple and elegant reason that it is everything it could possibly want. More and more human beings are now understanding this. More and more of us are beginning to comprehend that all of us are emanations of the same single thing. We are the product of it and the possessors of it. We can also be the projectors of it. GODTALK will help you see that you really are having conversations with God all the time!
12/26/202354 minutes, 59 seconds
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Fall in Love With Life Again: Peter Matthies

Plan BE is an eye-opening manifesto, providing a new paradigm that moves beyond the doing-addicted approach to success and instead allowing us to expand into who we’re here to be; a pathway for professionals to fall in love with life again, and for organizations to access unprecedented possibilities. Millions of people are yearning for a more fulfilling and wholesome way to work and live. Traditional business approaches are reaching a limit, leaving professionals drained and organizations needing to transform how they operate. A profoundly insightful and practical guide, Plan BE provides liberation from our high-pressure reality and charts the course to a more meaningful, collective existence. For professionals at all levels who are seeking holistic success and deeper purpose.
12/19/20231 hour
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Fall in Love With Life Again: Peter Matthies

Plan BE is an eye-opening manifesto, providing a new paradigm that moves beyond the doing-addicted approach to success and instead allowing us to expand into who we’re here to be; a pathway for professionals to fall in love with life again, and for organizations to access unprecedented possibilities. Millions of people are yearning for a more fulfilling and wholesome way to work and live. Traditional business approaches are reaching a limit, leaving professionals drained and organizations needing to transform how they operate. A profoundly insightful and practical guide, Plan BE provides liberation from our high-pressure reality and charts the course to a more meaningful, collective existence. For professionals at all levels who are seeking holistic success and deeper purpose.
12/19/202356 minutes
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Fall in Love With Life Again: Peter Matthies

Plan BE is an eye-opening manifesto, providing a new paradigm that moves beyond the doing-addicted approach to success and instead allowing us to expand into who we’re here to be; a pathway for professionals to fall in love with life again, and for organizations to access unprecedented possibilities. Millions of people are yearning for a more fulfilling and wholesome way to work and live. Traditional business approaches are reaching a limit, leaving professionals drained and organizations needing to transform how they operate. A profoundly insightful and practical guide, Plan BE provides liberation from our high-pressure reality and charts the course to a more meaningful, collective existence. For professionals at all levels who are seeking holistic success and deeper purpose.
12/19/202356 minutes
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Homeopathy for Existential Stress: Jerry Kantor

Homeopathy engages and invokes the subconscious mind. A fully taken case of existential torment featuring constant worry, anxiety, depression, loss of motivation, exhaustion, and diminished social interaction includes physical symptoms that when interpreted, are clues to subconscious thinking. By signifying an existential ailment’s cause, physical symptoms dictate the course of treatment. Astute psychologists and therapists on occasion also take note of physical symptoms. But other than referring the client to a physician, little use of these is made. For most physicians and therapists acknowledging the subconscious and its pathology is one thing, the purging of inner demons another matter. Yet homeopathic experience with existentially rooted ailments reveals that the subconscious mind and inherited mindsets are amenable to change. --------------------------------------------------- Presenting diagnostic insight, specific homeopathic remedies, and successful case study examples about the profound connections between emotions and their physical manifestations in illness, Jerry M. Kantor correlates the five classical miasms and their core existential quandaries with the Five Elements and Phase Theory of Chinese Medicine. He likens inborn foundational emotions to tools, each one designed to solve an stress-related problem. Self-sabotaging imbalances—energetic and physical—can occur when an emotional tool is excessively used, such as when a once-familiar stress is no longer present, or underused, as when a stressful input is inadequately managed. ------------------ He explains how identifying a default emotional response—such as anxiety or anger—along with its accompanying physical symptoms can determine the core existential stress or heredity pattern underlying a chronic condition. For each of the five classical miasms and their associated physical and emotional conditions, the author presents homeopathic remedies that mollify the impact of specific existential quandaries and explains their indications through detailed examples from his practice.
12/12/20231 hour
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Homeopathy for Existential Stress: Jerry Kantor

Homeopathy engages and invokes the subconscious mind. A fully taken case of existential torment featuring constant worry, anxiety, depression, loss of motivation, exhaustion, and diminished social interaction includes physical symptoms that when interpreted, are clues to subconscious thinking. By signifying an existential ailment’s cause, physical symptoms dictate the course of treatment. Astute psychologists and therapists on occasion also take note of physical symptoms. But other than referring the client to a physician, little use of these is made. For most physicians and therapists acknowledging the subconscious and its pathology is one thing, the purging of inner demons another matter. Yet homeopathic experience with existentially rooted ailments reveals that the subconscious mind and inherited mindsets are amenable to change. --------------------------------------------------- Presenting diagnostic insight, specific homeopathic remedies, and successful case study examples about the profound connections between emotions and their physical manifestations in illness, Jerry M. Kantor correlates the five classical miasms and their core existential quandaries with the Five Elements and Phase Theory of Chinese Medicine. He likens inborn foundational emotions to tools, each one designed to solve an stress-related problem. Self-sabotaging imbalances—energetic and physical—can occur when an emotional tool is excessively used, such as when a once-familiar stress is no longer present, or underused, as when a stressful input is inadequately managed. ------------------ He explains how identifying a default emotional response—such as anxiety or anger—along with its accompanying physical symptoms can determine the core existential stress or heredity pattern underlying a chronic condition. For each of the five classical miasms and their associated physical and emotional conditions, the author presents homeopathic remedies that mollify the impact of specific existential quandaries and explains their indications through detailed examples from his practice.
12/12/202356 minutes, 26 seconds
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Homeopathy for Existential Stress: Jerry Kantor

Homeopathy engages and invokes the subconscious mind. A fully taken case of existential torment featuring constant worry, anxiety, depression, loss of motivation, exhaustion, and diminished social interaction includes physical symptoms that when interpreted, are clues to subconscious thinking. By signifying an existential ailment’s cause, physical symptoms dictate the course of treatment. Astute psychologists and therapists on occasion also take note of physical symptoms. But other than referring the client to a physician, little use of these is made. For most physicians and therapists acknowledging the subconscious and its pathology is one thing, the purging of inner demons another matter. Yet homeopathic experience with existentially rooted ailments reveals that the subconscious mind and inherited mindsets are amenable to change. --------------------------------------------------- Presenting diagnostic insight, specific homeopathic remedies, and successful case study examples about the profound connections between emotions and their physical manifestations in illness, Jerry M. Kantor correlates the five classical miasms and their core existential quandaries with the Five Elements and Phase Theory of Chinese Medicine. He likens inborn foundational emotions to tools, each one designed to solve an stress-related problem. Self-sabotaging imbalances—energetic and physical—can occur when an emotional tool is excessively used, such as when a once-familiar stress is no longer present, or underused, as when a stressful input is inadequately managed. ------------------ He explains how identifying a default emotional response—such as anxiety or anger—along with its accompanying physical symptoms can determine the core existential stress or heredity pattern underlying a chronic condition. For each of the five classical miasms and their associated physical and emotional conditions, the author presents homeopathic remedies that mollify the impact of specific existential quandaries and explains their indications through detailed examples from his practice.
12/12/202356 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Body & Embodiment: Cheryl Pallant, PhD

The body is a process that is part of nature, not separate from it, and that by embarking on the transformative inner journey, we can bring healing to the world around us. --------------- The inner world of self and body is inextricably linked to the outer world of biosphere and biome. As experienced somatic and energy medicine practitioner Cheryl Pallant reveals in vivid depth, by expanding our sensory perceptions and becoming intimately in touch with the rhythms of the body, we can contribute not only to our own healing and transformation but also that of the planet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pallant explains how ecosomatics—embodiment work for personal and planetary health—can help us shift our consciousness through expanded listening with all our senses and embracing the interconnections between our inner and outer worlds. Blending research with personal experience in somatic and contemplative practices, the author explores how a broadened appreciation of conscious and unconscious bodily events and perceptions leads to vitally needed, improved stewardship with ourselves and the planet. She shows how the current health, social, and environmental crises are a chance for an evolution in consciousness, pushing us to heal the divisions within personal identity, between self and others, and with the environment.
12/5/20231 hour
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The Body & Embodiment: Cheryl Pallant, PhD

The body is a process that is part of nature, not separate from it, and that by embarking on the transformative inner journey, we can bring healing to the world around us. --------------- The inner world of self and body is inextricably linked to the outer world of biosphere and biome. As experienced somatic and energy medicine practitioner Cheryl Pallant reveals in vivid depth, by expanding our sensory perceptions and becoming intimately in touch with the rhythms of the body, we can contribute not only to our own healing and transformation but also that of the planet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pallant explains how ecosomatics—embodiment work for personal and planetary health—can help us shift our consciousness through expanded listening with all our senses and embracing the interconnections between our inner and outer worlds. Blending research with personal experience in somatic and contemplative practices, the author explores how a broadened appreciation of conscious and unconscious bodily events and perceptions leads to vitally needed, improved stewardship with ourselves and the planet. She shows how the current health, social, and environmental crises are a chance for an evolution in consciousness, pushing us to heal the divisions within personal identity, between self and others, and with the environment.
12/5/202353 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Body & Embodiment: Cheryl Pallant, PhD

The body is a process that is part of nature, not separate from it, and that by embarking on the transformative inner journey, we can bring healing to the world around us. --------------- The inner world of self and body is inextricably linked to the outer world of biosphere and biome. As experienced somatic and energy medicine practitioner Cheryl Pallant reveals in vivid depth, by expanding our sensory perceptions and becoming intimately in touch with the rhythms of the body, we can contribute not only to our own healing and transformation but also that of the planet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pallant explains how ecosomatics—embodiment work for personal and planetary health—can help us shift our consciousness through expanded listening with all our senses and embracing the interconnections between our inner and outer worlds. Blending research with personal experience in somatic and contemplative practices, the author explores how a broadened appreciation of conscious and unconscious bodily events and perceptions leads to vitally needed, improved stewardship with ourselves and the planet. She shows how the current health, social, and environmental crises are a chance for an evolution in consciousness, pushing us to heal the divisions within personal identity, between self and others, and with the environment.
12/5/202353 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Secret of Resilience: Dr. Stephanie Mines

When neuroscientist Stephanie Mines started practicing the hands-on healing Art of Compassion, she began to unravel the mystery of trauma and the secret to resilience. As a survivor of early childhood abuse, police brutality as a social justice activist, and a series of dysfunctional and abusive relationships, Mines was profoundly curious about how the human nervous system finds resilience despite the cumulative burden of chronic stress and traumatic life events. While earning her doctorate in neuropsychology, she met Mary Iino Burmeister, master of the Art of Compassion, or Jin Shin Jyutsu. Art of Compassion consists of non-invasive touch, using the fingertips, on sites of the body that are similar to acupuncture points. After the Art of Compassion helped Mines resolve her own trauma and awaken her innate resilience, she began to incorporate it into her clinical research. She discovered that the map of the body she learned from Burmeister sites correlated with the Chinese Extraordinary Meridians or Rivers of Splendor, which develop prenatally. She then began investigating our earliest neurodevelopmental processes and was able to correlate the Extraordinary Meridians with specific embryological events. She found that subtle touch on these sites in combination with trauma resolution amplifies neuroresilience, enhances creativity, restores motivation, and heals the fragmentation and disconnection associated with trauma and shock.
11/28/20231 hour
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The Secret of Resilience: Dr. Stephanie Mines

When neuroscientist Stephanie Mines started practicing the hands-on healing Art of Compassion, she began to unravel the mystery of trauma and the secret to resilience. As a survivor of early childhood abuse, police brutality as a social justice activist, and a series of dysfunctional and abusive relationships, Mines was profoundly curious about how the human nervous system finds resilience despite the cumulative burden of chronic stress and traumatic life events. While earning her doctorate in neuropsychology, she met Mary Iino Burmeister, master of the Art of Compassion, or Jin Shin Jyutsu. Art of Compassion consists of non-invasive touch, using the fingertips, on sites of the body that are similar to acupuncture points. After the Art of Compassion helped Mines resolve her own trauma and awaken her innate resilience, she began to incorporate it into her clinical research. She discovered that the map of the body she learned from Burmeister sites correlated with the Chinese Extraordinary Meridians or Rivers of Splendor, which develop prenatally. She then began investigating our earliest neurodevelopmental processes and was able to correlate the Extraordinary Meridians with specific embryological events. She found that subtle touch on these sites in combination with trauma resolution amplifies neuroresilience, enhances creativity, restores motivation, and heals the fragmentation and disconnection associated with trauma and shock.
11/28/202356 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Secret of Resilience: Dr. Stephanie Mines

When neuroscientist Stephanie Mines started practicing the hands-on healing Art of Compassion, she began to unravel the mystery of trauma and the secret to resilience. As a survivor of early childhood abuse, police brutality as a social justice activist, and a series of dysfunctional and abusive relationships, Mines was profoundly curious about how the human nervous system finds resilience despite the cumulative burden of chronic stress and traumatic life events. While earning her doctorate in neuropsychology, she met Mary Iino Burmeister, master of the Art of Compassion, or Jin Shin Jyutsu. Art of Compassion consists of non-invasive touch, using the fingertips, on sites of the body that are similar to acupuncture points. After the Art of Compassion helped Mines resolve her own trauma and awaken her innate resilience, she began to incorporate it into her clinical research. She discovered that the map of the body she learned from Burmeister sites correlated with the Chinese Extraordinary Meridians or Rivers of Splendor, which develop prenatally. She then began investigating our earliest neurodevelopmental processes and was able to correlate the Extraordinary Meridians with specific embryological events. She found that subtle touch on these sites in combination with trauma resolution amplifies neuroresilience, enhances creativity, restores motivation, and heals the fragmentation and disconnection associated with trauma and shock.
11/28/202356 minutes, 27 seconds
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More than one third of adults suffer from insomnia or some other kind of sleep disorder. Left unaddressed, lack of sleep can lead to debilitated health, lowered resilience, and decreased performance in all aspects of life. Restoring hope to the sleepless, psychotherapist Philip Carr-Gomm reveals how we each have the ability to unlock better sleep naturally. Combining his knowledge of sleep science and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with techniques drawn from spiritual traditions and insights from the emerging field of psychedelic therapy, Carr-Gomm presents a fast and easy-to-follow six-step program to help you sleep better. Helping you get a better night’s sleep, this concise and simple guide shows you how to benefit from everything the night offers to body and soul.
11/21/202355 minutes, 20 seconds
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More than one third of adults suffer from insomnia or some other kind of sleep disorder. Left unaddressed, lack of sleep can lead to debilitated health, lowered resilience, and decreased performance in all aspects of life. Restoring hope to the sleepless, psychotherapist Philip Carr-Gomm reveals how we each have the ability to unlock better sleep naturally. Combining his knowledge of sleep science and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with techniques drawn from spiritual traditions and insights from the emerging field of psychedelic therapy, Carr-Gomm presents a fast and easy-to-follow six-step program to help you sleep better. Helping you get a better night’s sleep, this concise and simple guide shows you how to benefit from everything the night offers to body and soul.
11/21/202355 minutes, 20 seconds
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More than one third of adults suffer from insomnia or some other kind of sleep disorder. Left unaddressed, lack of sleep can lead to debilitated health, lowered resilience, and decreased performance in all aspects of life. Restoring hope to the sleepless, psychotherapist Philip Carr-Gomm reveals how we each have the ability to unlock better sleep naturally. Combining his knowledge of sleep science and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with techniques drawn from spiritual traditions and insights from the emerging field of psychedelic therapy, Carr-Gomm presents a fast and easy-to-follow six-step program to help you sleep better. Helping you get a better night’s sleep, this concise and simple guide shows you how to benefit from everything the night offers to body and soul.
11/21/202355 minutes, 20 seconds
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Has life handed you something challenging? Are you looking for a solution to regain your health or heal your injured body? Maybe you have loved ones who need help and you lack the ability to help them. Are you suffering from a broken heart? Do you want a deeper or more con-nected and loving relationship? Maybe you’re unable to find success with your work. Is something undefined keeping you from reaching for your dream? Maybe you are still searching for your life’s purpose. Often, it’s those perceived challenges and difficulties and the desire to do better or have more that can cause you to search for answers in unfamiliar places. This conversation is an introduction to a simple and practical method for finding solutions to create balance and function for your body and your life. Don’t let the problems of life hold you back or keep you stuck when you could have better health, greater success, and more happiness.
11/14/20231 hour
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Has life handed you something challenging? Are you looking for a solution to regain your health or heal your injured body? Maybe you have loved ones who need help and you lack the ability to help them. Are you suffering from a broken heart? Do you want a deeper or more con-nected and loving relationship? Maybe you’re unable to find success with your work. Is something undefined keeping you from reaching for your dream? Maybe you are still searching for your life’s purpose. Often, it’s those perceived challenges and difficulties and the desire to do better or have more that can cause you to search for answers in unfamiliar places. This conversation is an introduction to a simple and practical method for finding solutions to create balance and function for your body and your life. Don’t let the problems of life hold you back or keep you stuck when you could have better health, greater success, and more happiness.
11/14/202355 minutes, 1 second
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Has life handed you something challenging? Are you looking for a solution to regain your health or heal your injured body? Maybe you have loved ones who need help and you lack the ability to help them. Are you suffering from a broken heart? Do you want a deeper or more con-nected and loving relationship? Maybe you’re unable to find success with your work. Is something undefined keeping you from reaching for your dream? Maybe you are still searching for your life’s purpose. Often, it’s those perceived challenges and difficulties and the desire to do better or have more that can cause you to search for answers in unfamiliar places. This conversation is an introduction to a simple and practical method for finding solutions to create balance and function for your body and your life. Don’t let the problems of life hold you back or keep you stuck when you could have better health, greater success, and more happiness.
11/14/202355 minutes, 1 second
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Has life handed you something challenging? Are you looking for a solution to regain your health or heal your injured body? Maybe you have loved ones who need help and you lack the ability to help them. Are you suffering from a broken heart? Do you want a deeper or more con-nected and loving relationship? Maybe you’re unable to find success with your work. Is something undefined keeping you from reaching for your dream? Maybe you are still searching for your life’s purpose. Often, it’s those perceived challenges and difficulties and the desire to do better or have more that can cause you to search for answers in unfamiliar places. This conversation is an introduction to a simple and practical method for finding solutions to create balance and function for your body and your life. Don’t let the problems of life hold you back or keep you stuck when you could have better health, greater success, and more happiness.
11/14/202355 minutes, 1 second
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ANCESTRAL WISDOM: Euphrasia (Éfu) Nyaki

Born and raised on Mount Kilimanjaro’s slopes in Tanzania, East Africa, Efu explains how she came to develop her profoundly successful system for helping people heal trauma by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy. She shares how her journey to become a healer was initiated by her Grandfather, who told her the legend of the sacred healing snail of the Nyaki clan. She explains how she discovered Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy, and how combining these therapies created a powerful system for releasing cellular memories and healing the intergenerational and collective traumas hidden beneath the surface of suffering.
11/7/202354 minutes, 17 seconds
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ANCESTRAL WISDOM: Euphrasia (Éfu) Nyaki

Born and raised on Mount Kilimanjaro’s slopes in Tanzania, East Africa, Efu explains how she came to develop her profoundly successful system for helping people heal trauma by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy. She shares how her journey to become a healer was initiated by her Grandfather, who told her the legend of the sacred healing snail of the Nyaki clan. She explains how she discovered Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy, and how combining these therapies created a powerful system for releasing cellular memories and healing the intergenerational and collective traumas hidden beneath the surface of suffering.
11/7/202354 minutes, 17 seconds
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ANCESTRAL WISDOM: Euphrasia (Éfu) Nyaki

Born and raised on Mount Kilimanjaro’s slopes in Tanzania, East Africa, Efu explains how she came to develop her profoundly successful system for helping people heal trauma by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy. She shares how her journey to become a healer was initiated by her Grandfather, who told her the legend of the sacred healing snail of the Nyaki clan. She explains how she discovered Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy, and how combining these therapies created a powerful system for releasing cellular memories and healing the intergenerational and collective traumas hidden beneath the surface of suffering.
11/7/202354 minutes, 17 seconds
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Just as we might prepare a nest for one about to give birth, so can we lovingly prepare a nest for one who is dying. Seeking to demystify the dying process, Sue Frederick explains what the body physically undergoes during the end of life and shares techniques to physically care for the dying, including methods to assist bedridden individuals. Providing support for caregivers and loved ones as well, Anne-Marie explores self-care methods for moving with grief, ideas for “things to do” when there is nothing to do, and mindfulness practices for contemplating your own mortality. She also offers visualizations and techniques for talking with children about death and dying.
10/31/20231 hour
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Just as we might prepare a nest for one about to give birth, so can we lovingly prepare a nest for one who is dying. Seeking to demystify the dying process, Sue Frederick explains what the body physically undergoes during the end of life and shares techniques to physically care for the dying, including methods to assist bedridden individuals. Providing support for caregivers and loved ones as well, Anne-Marie explores self-care methods for moving with grief, ideas for “things to do” when there is nothing to do, and mindfulness practices for contemplating your own mortality. She also offers visualizations and techniques for talking with children about death and dying.
10/31/202353 minutes, 50 seconds
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Just as we might prepare a nest for one about to give birth, so can we lovingly prepare a nest for one who is dying. Seeking to demystify the dying process, Sue Frederick explains what the body physically undergoes during the end of life and shares techniques to physically care for the dying, including methods to assist bedridden individuals. Providing support for caregivers and loved ones as well, Anne-Marie explores self-care methods for moving with grief, ideas for “things to do” when there is nothing to do, and mindfulness practices for contemplating your own mortality. She also offers visualizations and techniques for talking with children about death and dying.
10/31/202353 minutes, 50 seconds
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Every day we have an inner battle going on between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. When viewed from our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event of our lives. Each of us has the power to uplift and inspire, to feel love and compassion, no matter how tragic our experiences may be. By viewing the world through your divine lens, you can reawaken to the wisdom and potential of your soul, see the opportunities behind suffering, and help in the collective evolution of soul consciousness.
10/24/20231 hour
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Every day we have an inner battle going on between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. When viewed from our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event of our lives. Each of us has the power to uplift and inspire, to feel love and compassion, no matter how tragic our experiences may be. By viewing the world through your divine lens, you can reawaken to the wisdom and potential of your soul, see the opportunities behind suffering, and help in the collective evolution of soul consciousness.
10/24/202354 minutes, 58 seconds
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Every day we have an inner battle going on between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. When viewed from our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event of our lives. Each of us has the power to uplift and inspire, to feel love and compassion, no matter how tragic our experiences may be. By viewing the world through your divine lens, you can reawaken to the wisdom and potential of your soul, see the opportunities behind suffering, and help in the collective evolution of soul consciousness.
10/24/202354 minutes, 58 seconds
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Every day we have an inner battle going on between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. When viewed from our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event of our lives. Each of us has the power to uplift and inspire, to feel love and compassion, no matter how tragic our experiences may be. By viewing the world through your divine lens, you can reawaken to the wisdom and potential of your soul, see the opportunities behind suffering, and help in the collective evolution of soul consciousness.
10/24/202354 minutes, 58 seconds
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There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
10/17/20231 hour
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There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
10/17/202356 minutes, 41 seconds
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There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
10/17/202356 minutes, 41 seconds
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Would you like to connect with the boundless care and “deep pockets” of your Soul to transform financial struggles and eliminate self-doubt? The 12 Archangels want you to know that life keeps improving when you make room for the vast flow of creative genius and abundance coming from the Universe through the divine feminine. The 12 Archangels share lessons on the relationship between money and divine law, how to cultivate your garden of intuition and creativity, and how to resolve financial debt with understanding and love. They offer nighttime practices that support your transformation into a vessel to receive the full blessings of Source. They also offer advanced practices on harnessing your innate power to transform suffering.
10/10/202356 minutes, 44 seconds
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Would you like to connect with the boundless care and “deep pockets” of your Soul to transform financial struggles and eliminate self-doubt? The 12 Archangels want you to know that life keeps improving when you make room for the vast flow of creative genius and abundance coming from the Universe through the divine feminine. The 12 Archangels share lessons on the relationship between money and divine law, how to cultivate your garden of intuition and creativity, and how to resolve financial debt with understanding and love. They offer nighttime practices that support your transformation into a vessel to receive the full blessings of Source. They also offer advanced practices on harnessing your innate power to transform suffering.
10/10/202356 minutes, 44 seconds
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Would you like to connect with the boundless care and “deep pockets” of your Soul to transform financial struggles and eliminate self-doubt? The 12 Archangels want you to know that life keeps improving when you make room for the vast flow of creative genius and abundance coming from the Universe through the divine feminine. The 12 Archangels share lessons on the relationship between money and divine law, how to cultivate your garden of intuition and creativity, and how to resolve financial debt with understanding and love. They offer nighttime practices that support your transformation into a vessel to receive the full blessings of Source. They also offer advanced practices on harnessing your innate power to transform suffering.
10/10/202356 minutes, 44 seconds
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Journey through the archetypal wisdom of the divine feminine to reclaim your authentic self and to follow your soul’s longing. Embodiment teacher Mara Branscombe takes an intriguing look at the seven feminine archetypes that prevail in the modern psyche—Maiden, Mother, Sage, Huntress, Lover, Mystic, and Queen—and traces their continuing influence throughout different stages of our life, sometimes dormant, sometimes prominent. As she explores each archetype’s beneficial qualities, its connections to the physical-emotional-mental body, and its shadow aspects, Mara highlights the positive impact these models can have if we embrace them and live them consciously.
10/3/20231 hour
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Journey through the archetypal wisdom of the divine feminine to reclaim your authentic self and to follow your soul’s longing. Embodiment teacher Mara Branscombe takes an intriguing look at the seven feminine archetypes that prevail in the modern psyche—Maiden, Mother, Sage, Huntress, Lover, Mystic, and Queen—and traces their continuing influence throughout different stages of our life, sometimes dormant, sometimes prominent. As she explores each archetype’s beneficial qualities, its connections to the physical-emotional-mental body, and its shadow aspects, Mara highlights the positive impact these models can have if we embrace them and live them consciously.
10/3/202349 minutes, 23 seconds
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Journey through the archetypal wisdom of the divine feminine to reclaim your authentic self and to follow your soul’s longing. Embodiment teacher Mara Branscombe takes an intriguing look at the seven feminine archetypes that prevail in the modern psyche—Maiden, Mother, Sage, Huntress, Lover, Mystic, and Queen—and traces their continuing influence throughout different stages of our life, sometimes dormant, sometimes prominent. As she explores each archetype’s beneficial qualities, its connections to the physical-emotional-mental body, and its shadow aspects, Mara highlights the positive impact these models can have if we embrace them and live them consciously.
10/3/202349 minutes, 23 seconds
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Encore: How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
9/26/20231 hour
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Encore: How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
9/26/202356 minutes, 24 seconds
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Encore: How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
9/26/202356 minutes, 24 seconds
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UNDAUNTED: Carolyn Baker

We know that countless humans are reeling with climate anxiety and experiencing fear, anger, grief, despair, dread, and understandably attempting to cope with the reality of potential human extinction with massive amounts of denial. This conversation offers an alternative to being consumed with either denial or despair. At its core is the existential issue of climate catastrophe and how to live into it with compassionate, clear-eyed, vibrant, awakened intention. To be 'undaunted' is the realization that we all will will face moments of despair going forward, but knowledge and discovery of skills and practices for living in the face of humanity’s most unprecedented ordeals. Carolyn Baker brings forth a conversation as a wise elder and scared steward of not only our world, but also our humanity.
9/19/20231 hour
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UNDAUNTED: Carolyn Baker

We know that countless humans are reeling with climate anxiety and experiencing fear, anger, grief, despair, dread, and understandably attempting to cope with the reality of potential human extinction with massive amounts of denial. This conversation offers an alternative to being consumed with either denial or despair. At its core is the existential issue of climate catastrophe and how to live into it with compassionate, clear-eyed, vibrant, awakened intention. To be 'undaunted' is the realization that we all will will face moments of despair going forward, but knowledge and discovery of skills and practices for living in the face of humanity’s most unprecedented ordeals. Carolyn Baker brings forth a conversation as a wise elder and scared steward of not only our world, but also our humanity.
9/19/202355 minutes, 14 seconds
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UNDAUNTED: Carolyn Baker

We know that countless humans are reeling with climate anxiety and experiencing fear, anger, grief, despair, dread, and understandably attempting to cope with the reality of potential human extinction with massive amounts of denial. This conversation offers an alternative to being consumed with either denial or despair. At its core is the existential issue of climate catastrophe and how to live into it with compassionate, clear-eyed, vibrant, awakened intention. To be 'undaunted' is the realization that we all will will face moments of despair going forward, but knowledge and discovery of skills and practices for living in the face of humanity’s most unprecedented ordeals. Carolyn Baker brings forth a conversation as a wise elder and scared steward of not only our world, but also our humanity.
9/19/202355 minutes, 14 seconds
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Let's dive into a the inspiring story from the pursuit of wealth and traditional ideas of success toward a more fulfilling life of caring and service to others and to humanity. This is also the story of the potential each of us has for profound change and the power we all hold to open ourselves ever deeper to the Oneness of all things and to evolve consciously toward the highest versions of ourselves. Through this discussion, we will explore some with ideas, tools, a roadmap to greater awareness, and hope for the future as you become a more conscious leader in your family, workplace, and community while helping to create a better world. My guest, Steve Farrell co-founded and led two high-growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley that were featured in the INC500 and spanned the United States and Europe... and then embarked upon A New Universal Dream.
9/12/20231 hour
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Let's dive into a the inspiring story from the pursuit of wealth and traditional ideas of success toward a more fulfilling life of caring and service to others and to humanity. This is also the story of the potential each of us has for profound change and the power we all hold to open ourselves ever deeper to the Oneness of all things and to evolve consciously toward the highest versions of ourselves. Through this discussion, we will explore some with ideas, tools, a roadmap to greater awareness, and hope for the future as you become a more conscious leader in your family, workplace, and community while helping to create a better world. My guest, Steve Farrell co-founded and led two high-growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley that were featured in the INC500 and spanned the United States and Europe... and then embarked upon A New Universal Dream.
9/12/202354 minutes, 29 seconds
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Let's dive into a the inspiring story from the pursuit of wealth and traditional ideas of success toward a more fulfilling life of caring and service to others and to humanity. This is also the story of the potential each of us has for profound change and the power we all hold to open ourselves ever deeper to the Oneness of all things and to evolve consciously toward the highest versions of ourselves. Through this discussion, we will explore some with ideas, tools, a roadmap to greater awareness, and hope for the future as you become a more conscious leader in your family, workplace, and community while helping to create a better world. My guest, Steve Farrell co-founded and led two high-growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley that were featured in the INC500 and spanned the United States and Europe... and then embarked upon A New Universal Dream.
9/12/202354 minutes, 29 seconds
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KALI-KI REIKI: Rajashree Maa

Kali-Ki Reiki symbols are seen as unique, three-dimensional, active, intelligent forms of light that tap into certain universal energy frequencies that are particularly attuned to the evolving conscious awareness as well as the personal and societal dilemmas of our current times. Kali-Ki Reiki healing is understood as a means of bringing the entire human system into balance and alignment with our universal Self and the world around us, creating a wholeness of being that may have been previously cut off by stress, trauma, and cultural conditioning. Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), experienced a series of mystical encounters with the Divine Mother appearing as the goddess Kali Maa. We will discuss the healing symbols that She revealed, and share how these symbols can be used both for mind-body healing and spiritual awakening, or what Rajashree Maa calls wisening.
9/5/202357 minutes, 5 seconds
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KALI-KI REIKI: Rajashree Maa

Kali-Ki Reiki symbols are seen as unique, three-dimensional, active, intelligent forms of light that tap into certain universal energy frequencies that are particularly attuned to the evolving conscious awareness as well as the personal and societal dilemmas of our current times. Kali-Ki Reiki healing is understood as a means of bringing the entire human system into balance and alignment with our universal Self and the world around us, creating a wholeness of being that may have been previously cut off by stress, trauma, and cultural conditioning. Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), experienced a series of mystical encounters with the Divine Mother appearing as the goddess Kali Maa. We will discuss the healing symbols that She revealed, and share how these symbols can be used both for mind-body healing and spiritual awakening, or what Rajashree Maa calls wisening.
9/5/202357 minutes, 5 seconds
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KALI-KI REIKI: Rajashree Maa

Kali-Ki Reiki symbols are seen as unique, three-dimensional, active, intelligent forms of light that tap into certain universal energy frequencies that are particularly attuned to the evolving conscious awareness as well as the personal and societal dilemmas of our current times. Kali-Ki Reiki healing is understood as a means of bringing the entire human system into balance and alignment with our universal Self and the world around us, creating a wholeness of being that may have been previously cut off by stress, trauma, and cultural conditioning. Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), experienced a series of mystical encounters with the Divine Mother appearing as the goddess Kali Maa. We will discuss the healing symbols that She revealed, and share how these symbols can be used both for mind-body healing and spiritual awakening, or what Rajashree Maa calls wisening.
9/5/202357 minutes, 5 seconds
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Mary Magdalene’s confessions reveal a sensual world of love and betrayal, magic and mystery, hidden within the Gospels --------------------- Beginning with Miriam’s childhood as a member of a wealthy Jewish family living outside of Bethany, we see her struggles as a young woman with spiritual curiosity and intellectual aspirations that drive her to combat the violence of Empire and the sexism of her own culture. Propelled by mystic visions, Miriam is finally drawn into the wilds of Galilee, where her destiny collides with a mischievous rabbi who will change her and the world forever. Trapped in a mythic story unfolding in events around them, the lovers strive not to repeat a tragedy older than the pyramids. --- In The Madonna Secret, Sophie Strand resurrects a richly textured world where complex characters reveal the lived reality of scripture and open familiar sayings to radical new meanings and possibilities.
8/29/20231 hour
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Mary Magdalene’s confessions reveal a sensual world of love and betrayal, magic and mystery, hidden within the Gospels --------------------- Beginning with Miriam’s childhood as a member of a wealthy Jewish family living outside of Bethany, we see her struggles as a young woman with spiritual curiosity and intellectual aspirations that drive her to combat the violence of Empire and the sexism of her own culture. Propelled by mystic visions, Miriam is finally drawn into the wilds of Galilee, where her destiny collides with a mischievous rabbi who will change her and the world forever. Trapped in a mythic story unfolding in events around them, the lovers strive not to repeat a tragedy older than the pyramids. --- In The Madonna Secret, Sophie Strand resurrects a richly textured world where complex characters reveal the lived reality of scripture and open familiar sayings to radical new meanings and possibilities.
8/29/202355 minutes
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Mary Magdalene’s confessions reveal a sensual world of love and betrayal, magic and mystery, hidden within the Gospels --------------------- Beginning with Miriam’s childhood as a member of a wealthy Jewish family living outside of Bethany, we see her struggles as a young woman with spiritual curiosity and intellectual aspirations that drive her to combat the violence of Empire and the sexism of her own culture. Propelled by mystic visions, Miriam is finally drawn into the wilds of Galilee, where her destiny collides with a mischievous rabbi who will change her and the world forever. Trapped in a mythic story unfolding in events around them, the lovers strive not to repeat a tragedy older than the pyramids. --- In The Madonna Secret, Sophie Strand resurrects a richly textured world where complex characters reveal the lived reality of scripture and open familiar sayings to radical new meanings and possibilities.
8/29/202355 minutes
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RADICAL REGENERATION: Andrew Harvey & Carolyn Baker

Is there a way to uncover and sustain joy in ourselves and use joy as fuel for continuing Sacred Activism in challenging, chaotic, and even dangerous times? Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker share potential antidotes, drawn from mystical traditions and Sacred Activism, to help us find inspiration and take action in the face of the daunting challenges to our world. In examining the dangers of a growing constellation of intractable crises--authoritarianism both in America and abroad, climate change, economic inequality, social upheaval, and spiritual malaise… we will engage a conversation exploring antidotes to these crises. Sacred Activism is a specifically, creative, wise, and sacredly inspired action. This episode will also examine how the power of joy help to enact personal and planetary transformation. This is Radical Regeneration!
8/22/202356 minutes, 52 seconds
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RADICAL REGENERATION: Andrew Harvey & Carolyn Baker

Is there a way to uncover and sustain joy in ourselves and use joy as fuel for continuing Sacred Activism in challenging, chaotic, and even dangerous times? Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker share potential antidotes, drawn from mystical traditions and Sacred Activism, to help us find inspiration and take action in the face of the daunting challenges to our world. In examining the dangers of a growing constellation of intractable crises--authoritarianism both in America and abroad, climate change, economic inequality, social upheaval, and spiritual malaise… we will engage a conversation exploring antidotes to these crises. Sacred Activism is a specifically, creative, wise, and sacredly inspired action. This episode will also examine how the power of joy help to enact personal and planetary transformation. This is Radical Regeneration!
8/22/202356 minutes, 52 seconds
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RADICAL REGENERATION: Andrew Harvey & Carolyn Baker

Is there a way to uncover and sustain joy in ourselves and use joy as fuel for continuing Sacred Activism in challenging, chaotic, and even dangerous times? Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker share potential antidotes, drawn from mystical traditions and Sacred Activism, to help us find inspiration and take action in the face of the daunting challenges to our world. In examining the dangers of a growing constellation of intractable crises--authoritarianism both in America and abroad, climate change, economic inequality, social upheaval, and spiritual malaise… we will engage a conversation exploring antidotes to these crises. Sacred Activism is a specifically, creative, wise, and sacredly inspired action. This episode will also examine how the power of joy help to enact personal and planetary transformation. This is Radical Regeneration!
8/22/202356 minutes, 52 seconds
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AKASHA: Lisa Barnett

Akasha is the recording of all that exists. And now it is yours to embrace. Move outside of time and space and enter the quantum field of the Akasha, where all that has happened, is happening, and will happen is energetically encoded in its domain. Join Akashic Records teacher Lisa Barnett as she shares who the Akashic Record Keepers are, and how they can assist you on your soul’s journey. Understand why you write soul contracts to include karmic and service contracts; support contracts; and family contracts involving ones with natural born and adopted children. You are a complex and ancient being looking to evolve. Embrace your personal Akashic wisdom and clear your old stories of separation, victimhood, and unworthiness. Learn five simple steps to access your Akashic Records and experience being guided, guarded, and protected with the Rainbow Shield and the Column of Light meditations. Use these tools and knowledge to clear trauma, release karma, and reclaim your gifts and the truth of who you are as a Divine and infinite soul. AKASHA will help you navigate your potential and immense personal library of knowledge! AKASHA: Spiritual Experiences of Accessing the Infinite Intelligence of Our Souls is part of Common Sentience, an uncommon and best- selling book series that brings the mystical into the mainstream by sharing spiritual wisdom and true stories of mystical experiences. Sacred Stories Publishing
8/15/20231 hour
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AKASHA: Lisa Barnett

Akasha is the recording of all that exists. And now it is yours to embrace. Move outside of time and space and enter the quantum field of the Akasha, where all that has happened, is happening, and will happen is energetically encoded in its domain. Join Akashic Records teacher Lisa Barnett as she shares who the Akashic Record Keepers are, and how they can assist you on your soul’s journey. Understand why you write soul contracts to include karmic and service contracts; support contracts; and family contracts involving ones with natural born and adopted children. You are a complex and ancient being looking to evolve. Embrace your personal Akashic wisdom and clear your old stories of separation, victimhood, and unworthiness. Learn five simple steps to access your Akashic Records and experience being guided, guarded, and protected with the Rainbow Shield and the Column of Light meditations. Use these tools and knowledge to clear trauma, release karma, and reclaim your gifts and the truth of who you are as a Divine and infinite soul. AKASHA will help you navigate your potential and immense personal library of knowledge! AKASHA: Spiritual Experiences of Accessing the Infinite Intelligence of Our Souls is part of Common Sentience, an uncommon and best- selling book series that brings the mystical into the mainstream by sharing spiritual wisdom and true stories of mystical experiences. Sacred Stories Publishing
8/15/202356 minutes, 35 seconds
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AKASHA: Lisa Barnett

Akasha is the recording of all that exists. And now it is yours to embrace. Move outside of time and space and enter the quantum field of the Akasha, where all that has happened, is happening, and will happen is energetically encoded in its domain. Join Akashic Records teacher Lisa Barnett as she shares who the Akashic Record Keepers are, and how they can assist you on your soul’s journey. Understand why you write soul contracts to include karmic and service contracts; support contracts; and family contracts involving ones with natural born and adopted children. You are a complex and ancient being looking to evolve. Embrace your personal Akashic wisdom and clear your old stories of separation, victimhood, and unworthiness. Learn five simple steps to access your Akashic Records and experience being guided, guarded, and protected with the Rainbow Shield and the Column of Light meditations. Use these tools and knowledge to clear trauma, release karma, and reclaim your gifts and the truth of who you are as a Divine and infinite soul. AKASHA will help you navigate your potential and immense personal library of knowledge! AKASHA: Spiritual Experiences of Accessing the Infinite Intelligence of Our Souls is part of Common Sentience, an uncommon and best- selling book series that brings the mystical into the mainstream by sharing spiritual wisdom and true stories of mystical experiences. Sacred Stories Publishing
8/15/202356 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sacred Rebellion: LIVING, BEING, KNOWING

Understand and embrace the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embody and express presence. Recognize subtle attributes of life that hold the illusion of separation. Yield to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss the new trilogy of LIVING, BEING KNOWING (Available now at or anywhere books are sold. ) You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
8/8/202357 minutes, 50 seconds
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Understand and embrace the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embody and express presence. Recognize subtle attributes of life that hold the illusion of separation. Yield to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss the new trilogy of LIVING, BEING KNOWING (Available now at or anywhere books are sold. ) You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
8/8/202357 minutes, 50 seconds
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Understand and embrace the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embody and express presence. Recognize subtle attributes of life that hold the illusion of separation. Yield to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss the new trilogy of LIVING, BEING KNOWING (Available now at or anywhere books are sold. ) You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
8/8/202357 minutes, 50 seconds
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Summer Encore Series :The Path to Wealth

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
8/1/202356 minutes, 42 seconds
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Summer Encore Series :The Path to Wealth

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
8/1/202356 minutes, 42 seconds
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Summer Encore Series :The Path to Wealth

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
8/1/202356 minutes, 42 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: How Do You Pray?

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
7/25/202355 minutes, 58 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: How Do You Pray?

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
7/25/202355 minutes, 58 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: How Do You Pray?

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
7/25/202355 minutes, 58 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: 8 Laws of Change

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Discover the 8 Laws of Change that have been found consistently through many social movements and lives of change agents such as King, Gandhi and Mother Theresa. Everything starts with one person holding an intention and making decisions expressing that intention. As their beingness changes even the most unlikely people can become enormously powerful. This process constitutes one of the least understood social forces in our world.
7/18/202359 minutes, 56 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: 8 Laws of Change

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Discover the 8 Laws of Change that have been found consistently through many social movements and lives of change agents such as King, Gandhi and Mother Theresa. Everything starts with one person holding an intention and making decisions expressing that intention. As their beingness changes even the most unlikely people can become enormously powerful. This process constitutes one of the least understood social forces in our world.
7/18/202359 minutes, 56 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: 8 Laws of Change

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Discover the 8 Laws of Change that have been found consistently through many social movements and lives of change agents such as King, Gandhi and Mother Theresa. Everything starts with one person holding an intention and making decisions expressing that intention. As their beingness changes even the most unlikely people can become enormously powerful. This process constitutes one of the least understood social forces in our world.
7/18/202359 minutes, 56 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Yoga of Relationships

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Relationships are the cause of our deepest pain and most ecstatic joy. Throughout life, they are at the root of our successes, failures and sorrows. What power we hand over to those who matter to us! Parents, teachers, friends, lovers and children seem to be at the core of why we feel so unfulfilled or dissatisfied. Often we don’t realize that career also forms one of our most significant partnerships, along with health issues and what stares back at us from the table: food, alcohol and drugs. How many of us can say we are succeeding in all or any of these areas of our lives? Doubtless, we remain troubled about why mother didn’t show us enough affection, teachers never acknowledged our efforts, lovers abandon us or children don’t behave as we expected. The puzzlement goes on and on, leading to stress and further distancing us from those we love, our career path and our personal state of well being.
7/11/202355 minutes, 29 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Yoga of Relationships

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Relationships are the cause of our deepest pain and most ecstatic joy. Throughout life, they are at the root of our successes, failures and sorrows. What power we hand over to those who matter to us! Parents, teachers, friends, lovers and children seem to be at the core of why we feel so unfulfilled or dissatisfied. Often we don’t realize that career also forms one of our most significant partnerships, along with health issues and what stares back at us from the table: food, alcohol and drugs. How many of us can say we are succeeding in all or any of these areas of our lives? Doubtless, we remain troubled about why mother didn’t show us enough affection, teachers never acknowledged our efforts, lovers abandon us or children don’t behave as we expected. The puzzlement goes on and on, leading to stress and further distancing us from those we love, our career path and our personal state of well being.
7/11/202355 minutes, 29 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Yoga of Relationships

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Relationships are the cause of our deepest pain and most ecstatic joy. Throughout life, they are at the root of our successes, failures and sorrows. What power we hand over to those who matter to us! Parents, teachers, friends, lovers and children seem to be at the core of why we feel so unfulfilled or dissatisfied. Often we don’t realize that career also forms one of our most significant partnerships, along with health issues and what stares back at us from the table: food, alcohol and drugs. How many of us can say we are succeeding in all or any of these areas of our lives? Doubtless, we remain troubled about why mother didn’t show us enough affection, teachers never acknowledged our efforts, lovers abandon us or children don’t behave as we expected. The puzzlement goes on and on, leading to stress and further distancing us from those we love, our career path and our personal state of well being.
7/11/202355 minutes, 29 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Love Cycles

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Love Cycles will help you to understand where you are in the circle of a relationship and provide strategies and clarity on how stay happy and committed, even in difficult times. Our road map will take you from The Merge, through Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, and Decision to the joy of Wholehearted Love. Love Cycles unlocks the secrets of attraction, showing why we don't always choose the person who is best for us, why even the most solid-seeming couples don't always make it, and how unlikely-seeming couples sometimes are truly meant for each other.
7/4/20231 hour
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Summer Encore Series: Love Cycles

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Love Cycles will help you to understand where you are in the circle of a relationship and provide strategies and clarity on how stay happy and committed, even in difficult times. Our road map will take you from The Merge, through Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, and Decision to the joy of Wholehearted Love. Love Cycles unlocks the secrets of attraction, showing why we don't always choose the person who is best for us, why even the most solid-seeming couples don't always make it, and how unlikely-seeming couples sometimes are truly meant for each other.
7/4/202355 minutes, 26 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Love Cycles

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. Love Cycles will help you to understand where you are in the circle of a relationship and provide strategies and clarity on how stay happy and committed, even in difficult times. Our road map will take you from The Merge, through Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, and Decision to the joy of Wholehearted Love. Love Cycles unlocks the secrets of attraction, showing why we don't always choose the person who is best for us, why even the most solid-seeming couples don't always make it, and how unlikely-seeming couples sometimes are truly meant for each other.
7/4/202355 minutes, 26 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Sacred Ego

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. The feminine is key to our personal and collective healing. The ego is sacred. It is essentially a positive force. However, it has been conditioned by trial force. Circle work is a new paradigm in conscious healing, especially for women for the empowerment of a new world. Jalaja Bonheim is this weeks guest on 11:11 TalkRadio.
6/27/20231 hour
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Summer Encore Series: Sacred Ego

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. The feminine is key to our personal and collective healing. The ego is sacred. It is essentially a positive force. However, it has been conditioned by trial force. Circle work is a new paradigm in conscious healing, especially for women for the empowerment of a new world. Jalaja Bonheim is this weeks guest on 11:11 TalkRadio.
6/27/202356 minutes, 41 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Sacred Ego

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as timelesss and true. The feminine is key to our personal and collective healing. The ego is sacred. It is essentially a positive force. However, it has been conditioned by trial force. Circle work is a new paradigm in conscious healing, especially for women for the empowerment of a new world. Jalaja Bonheim is this weeks guest on 11:11 TalkRadio.
6/27/202356 minutes, 41 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Path of Shakti

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as times and true. The sages of Tantra have known for centuries that when you follow the path of Shakti—the sacred feminine principle personified by the goddesses of yoga— these gifts can manifest spontaneously. Yet most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of our inner feminine energies.
6/20/20231 hour
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Summer Encore Series: Path of Shakti

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as times and true. The sages of Tantra have known for centuries that when you follow the path of Shakti—the sacred feminine principle personified by the goddesses of yoga— these gifts can manifest spontaneously. Yet most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of our inner feminine energies.
6/20/202355 minutes, 55 seconds
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Summer Encore Series: Path of Shakti

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as times and true. The sages of Tantra have known for centuries that when you follow the path of Shakti—the sacred feminine principle personified by the goddesses of yoga— these gifts can manifest spontaneously. Yet most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of our inner feminine energies.
6/20/202355 minutes, 55 seconds
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Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as times and true. Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
6/13/20231 hour
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Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as times and true. Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
6/13/202356 minutes
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Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Summer Series: Moving through some of our favorite episodes over the years that still ring as times and true. Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
6/13/202356 minutes
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The Good Mood Show: Matt O'Neill

The full spectrum of your humanity is beautiful. You get the highs, and the lows. Life is not meant to feel comfortable all of the time. In this episode, Simran and Matt discuss how to show up fully to each present moment. Be sure to listen to the exercise at the end of this episode. Matt implemented Simran’s five-minute ritual into his day and it made an immediate impact. Matt O'Neill is the CEO of Matt O'Neill Real Estate located in Charleston, SC. After years of operating his successful real estate company, he knew he was destined for more and wanted to make an impact on the world. That's when The Good Mood Show with Matt O'Neill podcast was founded. ( ) Here are some power takeaways from the conversation: - Humanity is experiencing all of life’s emotions - Looking at every experience as your personal amusement park - Finding clarity to know when you’re meant to sit or act - How we’re trapped by the illusion of money - The three-breath exercise that can change your life. The Magic of Experiencing Humanity Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. Simran likens humanity to every color in the crayon box, from anger, depression, jealousy, sadness, and loss – to happiness, bliss, peace, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. However, most people only want the lighter spectrum in the crayon box and not the darker part. The Mastery of Your Environment The journey of the soul is not about being comfortable, but about mastering your environment. In order to do that, you have to clarify what is worth your time, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy and peace. Trust and Surrender We have to get away from this condition or idea that life has to look a certain way. Because it's very hard to live in a space of complete trust and surrender, and at the same time, trying to take control. Once we learn to surrender, we start to open to a greater power within ourselves.
6/6/20231 hour
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The Good Mood Show: Matt O'Neill

The full spectrum of your humanity is beautiful. You get the highs, and the lows. Life is not meant to feel comfortable all of the time. In this episode, Simran and Matt discuss how to show up fully to each present moment. Be sure to listen to the exercise at the end of this episode. Matt implemented Simran’s five-minute ritual into his day and it made an immediate impact. Matt O'Neill is the CEO of Matt O'Neill Real Estate located in Charleston, SC. After years of operating his successful real estate company, he knew he was destined for more and wanted to make an impact on the world. That's when The Good Mood Show with Matt O'Neill podcast was founded. ( ) Here are some power takeaways from the conversation: - Humanity is experiencing all of life’s emotions - Looking at every experience as your personal amusement park - Finding clarity to know when you’re meant to sit or act - How we’re trapped by the illusion of money - The three-breath exercise that can change your life. The Magic of Experiencing Humanity Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. Simran likens humanity to every color in the crayon box, from anger, depression, jealousy, sadness, and loss – to happiness, bliss, peace, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. However, most people only want the lighter spectrum in the crayon box and not the darker part. The Mastery of Your Environment The journey of the soul is not about being comfortable, but about mastering your environment. In order to do that, you have to clarify what is worth your time, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy and peace. Trust and Surrender We have to get away from this condition or idea that life has to look a certain way. Because it's very hard to live in a space of complete trust and surrender, and at the same time, trying to take control. Once we learn to surrender, we start to open to a greater power within ourselves.
6/6/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Good Mood Show: Matt O'Neill

The full spectrum of your humanity is beautiful. You get the highs, and the lows. Life is not meant to feel comfortable all of the time. In this episode, Simran and Matt discuss how to show up fully to each present moment. Be sure to listen to the exercise at the end of this episode. Matt implemented Simran’s five-minute ritual into his day and it made an immediate impact. Matt O'Neill is the CEO of Matt O'Neill Real Estate located in Charleston, SC. After years of operating his successful real estate company, he knew he was destined for more and wanted to make an impact on the world. That's when The Good Mood Show with Matt O'Neill podcast was founded. ( ) Here are some power takeaways from the conversation: - Humanity is experiencing all of life’s emotions - Looking at every experience as your personal amusement park - Finding clarity to know when you’re meant to sit or act - How we’re trapped by the illusion of money - The three-breath exercise that can change your life. The Magic of Experiencing Humanity Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. Simran likens humanity to every color in the crayon box, from anger, depression, jealousy, sadness, and loss – to happiness, bliss, peace, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. However, most people only want the lighter spectrum in the crayon box and not the darker part. The Mastery of Your Environment The journey of the soul is not about being comfortable, but about mastering your environment. In order to do that, you have to clarify what is worth your time, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy and peace. Trust and Surrender We have to get away from this condition or idea that life has to look a certain way. Because it's very hard to live in a space of complete trust and surrender, and at the same time, trying to take control. Once we learn to surrender, we start to open to a greater power within ourselves.
6/6/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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Life Mastery Signs: Todd Cudaback and Jackie Bailey

“Synchronicity is what occurs when we are lined up exactly in the right moment at the right time; meaning we are in such a vertical alignment with source spirit and our presence, that everything happens to match up and work out.” Simran explains when we have those moments of synchronicity, it’s because we have gotten to a place where we are lined up with where we’re supposed to be. When we drop into the past or the future then all of a sudden we move out of synchronicity. Signs have a lot to do with it. They all lead us through these synchronistic moments. In essence it resides within all of us. It’s a matter of us tapping into that. Author of Six Keys to Life Mastery, Todd Alan Cudaback considers himself to be a modern day wizard inspired by metaphysics. Todd’s motto is “People of the Earth, can you hear me?”  Now, since the creation of Life Mastery Radio with Todd Alan in 2012, a few hundred-thousand people are listening. Todd understands his purpose in life is to serve his fellow mankind.
5/30/202352 minutes, 23 seconds
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Life Mastery Signs: Todd Cudaback and Jackie Bailey

“Synchronicity is what occurs when we are lined up exactly in the right moment at the right time; meaning we are in such a vertical alignment with source spirit and our presence, that everything happens to match up and work out.” Simran explains when we have those moments of synchronicity, it’s because we have gotten to a place where we are lined up with where we’re supposed to be. When we drop into the past or the future then all of a sudden we move out of synchronicity. Signs have a lot to do with it. They all lead us through these synchronistic moments. In essence it resides within all of us. It’s a matter of us tapping into that. Author of Six Keys to Life Mastery, Todd Alan Cudaback considers himself to be a modern day wizard inspired by metaphysics. Todd’s motto is “People of the Earth, can you hear me?”  Now, since the creation of Life Mastery Radio with Todd Alan in 2012, a few hundred-thousand people are listening. Todd understands his purpose in life is to serve his fellow mankind.
5/30/202352 minutes, 23 seconds
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Life Mastery Signs: Todd Cudaback and Jackie Bailey

“Synchronicity is what occurs when we are lined up exactly in the right moment at the right time; meaning we are in such a vertical alignment with source spirit and our presence, that everything happens to match up and work out.” Simran explains when we have those moments of synchronicity, it’s because we have gotten to a place where we are lined up with where we’re supposed to be. When we drop into the past or the future then all of a sudden we move out of synchronicity. Signs have a lot to do with it. They all lead us through these synchronistic moments. In essence it resides within all of us. It’s a matter of us tapping into that. Author of Six Keys to Life Mastery, Todd Alan Cudaback considers himself to be a modern day wizard inspired by metaphysics. Todd’s motto is “People of the Earth, can you hear me?”  Now, since the creation of Life Mastery Radio with Todd Alan in 2012, a few hundred-thousand people are listening. Todd understands his purpose in life is to serve his fellow mankind.
5/30/202352 minutes, 23 seconds
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SIGNS: Dr. Julie Krull, All Things Connected

Signs. What are they? How do they show up? And what do they teach us about humanity’s future and potential? Award-winning author, Simran, is gifted at reading signs and symbols, revealing how repetitions, coincidences, and synchronicities are part of our personal conversation with the Universe. Esteemed scientist, Dr. Cassandra Vieten, has spent decades researching such phenomenon. Together, in this riveting episode of Mainstreet Mystics, a fascinating journey exploring signs and our ongoing, personal relationship with the Universe. The Mainstreet Mystics series features authors from the Common Sentience Book Series published by Sacred Stories Publishing and scientists from the work of Dr. Paul J. Mills and his recent book, Science, Being, and Becoming: The Spiritual Lives of Scientists.
5/23/20231 hour
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SIGNS: Dr. Julie Krull, All Things Connected

Signs. What are they? How do they show up? And what do they teach us about humanity’s future and potential? Award-winning author, Simran, is gifted at reading signs and symbols, revealing how repetitions, coincidences, and synchronicities are part of our personal conversation with the Universe. Esteemed scientist, Dr. Cassandra Vieten, has spent decades researching such phenomenon. Together, in this riveting episode of Mainstreet Mystics, a fascinating journey exploring signs and our ongoing, personal relationship with the Universe. The Mainstreet Mystics series features authors from the Common Sentience Book Series published by Sacred Stories Publishing and scientists from the work of Dr. Paul J. Mills and his recent book, Science, Being, and Becoming: The Spiritual Lives of Scientists.
5/23/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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SIGNS: Dr. Julie Krull, All Things Connected

Signs. What are they? How do they show up? And what do they teach us about humanity’s future and potential? Award-winning author, Simran, is gifted at reading signs and symbols, revealing how repetitions, coincidences, and synchronicities are part of our personal conversation with the Universe. Esteemed scientist, Dr. Cassandra Vieten, has spent decades researching such phenomenon. Together, in this riveting episode of Mainstreet Mystics, a fascinating journey exploring signs and our ongoing, personal relationship with the Universe. The Mainstreet Mystics series features authors from the Common Sentience Book Series published by Sacred Stories Publishing and scientists from the work of Dr. Paul J. Mills and his recent book, Science, Being, and Becoming: The Spiritual Lives of Scientists.
5/23/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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Into the Depths of Knowing: Dr. Steven Farmer

A conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer on Healing For Your Soul... It is a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 3 of this 3-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/16/20231 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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Into the Depths of Knowing: Dr. Steven Farmer

A conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer on Healing For Your Soul... It is a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 3 of this 3-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/16/20231 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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Into the Depths of Knowing: Dr. Steven Farmer

A conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer on Healing For Your Soul... It is a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 3 of this 3-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/16/20231 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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Into the Depths of Being: Dr. Steven Farmer

It was a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 2 of this 2-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/9/20231 hour
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Into the Depths of Being: Dr. Steven Farmer

It was a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 2 of this 2-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/9/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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Into the Depths of Being: Dr. Steven Farmer

It was a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 2 of this 2-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/9/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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Into the Depths of Living: Dr. Steven Farmer

It was a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 1 of this 2-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/2/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
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Into the Depths of Living: Dr. Steven Farmer

It was a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 1 of this 2-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/2/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
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Into the Depths of Living: Dr. Steven Farmer

It was a profound honor to engage in conversation with Dr. Steven Farmer. You will discover his vast knowledge and incredibly engaging demeanor. His work stands the test of time and is vast in depth, breadth and knowledge. Enjoy Part 1 of this 2-part series. Dr. Steven Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, soul healer, and author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards. Dr. Farmer offers individual consultations and relationship counseling in person or remotely by phone or Zoom, drawing from his wealth of training and experience as a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and trauma recovery specialist. He offers a popular individualized Spiritual Mentorship and Life Coaching program and serves on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practice. Find out more at
5/2/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
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Sacred Encounters: Humanity’s Team w/ Steve Farrell

Humanity’s Team is a global non-profit organization focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to the interconnectedness—or Oneness—of everything in the Universe, so they can embody that awareness in every aspect of their lives. “Our mission is to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, so everything we do and provide as an organization—the PACE Initiative, our free programs, Masterclasses, our revolutionary streaming platform Humanity Stream+, the Global Oneness Summit, communications, free resources, world regions activity, social media, and community participation outside of our organization—is to support people on their conscious journey so that we may create a sustainable earth and flourishing at every level of life.” Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity's Team, a non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. The organization is focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe.
4/25/20231 hour
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Sacred Encounters: Humanity’s Team w/ Steve Farrell

Humanity’s Team is a global non-profit organization focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to the interconnectedness—or Oneness—of everything in the Universe, so they can embody that awareness in every aspect of their lives. “Our mission is to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, so everything we do and provide as an organization—the PACE Initiative, our free programs, Masterclasses, our revolutionary streaming platform Humanity Stream+, the Global Oneness Summit, communications, free resources, world regions activity, social media, and community participation outside of our organization—is to support people on their conscious journey so that we may create a sustainable earth and flourishing at every level of life.” Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity's Team, a non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. The organization is focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe.
4/25/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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Sacred Encounters: Humanity’s Team w/ Steve Farrell

Humanity’s Team is a global non-profit organization focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to the interconnectedness—or Oneness—of everything in the Universe, so they can embody that awareness in every aspect of their lives. “Our mission is to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, so everything we do and provide as an organization—the PACE Initiative, our free programs, Masterclasses, our revolutionary streaming platform Humanity Stream+, the Global Oneness Summit, communications, free resources, world regions activity, social media, and community participation outside of our organization—is to support people on their conscious journey so that we may create a sustainable earth and flourishing at every level of life.” Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity's Team, a non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. The organization is focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe.
4/25/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Journey of Self: The illuminated Warrior w/ Waska Waboose

A candid conversation about the self. Enjoy this coffee table conversation of exploration and ideas. Waska Waboose holds a forum of candid conversations for men and women, ABOUT MEN; a place to share perspectives and ideas on Th Illuminated Warrior. Discussing and discovering new pathways together through common challenges for healing, growth, clear communication and healthy expression of feelings. Waska offers a welcoming space to run freely but not hide. Inviting questions and insights from men and women as we take this journey together  to elevate relationships between the sacred feminine and the divine masculine. *FREE* –  Waska is offering 3 complimentary ’Healing Strategy Sessions’ for the first 3 men who respond by email: [email protected] Send a message including what area you would like help illuminating.
4/18/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Journey of Self: The illuminated Warrior w/ Waska Waboose

A candid conversation about the self. Enjoy this coffee table conversation of exploration and ideas. Waska Waboose holds a forum of candid conversations for men and women, ABOUT MEN; a place to share perspectives and ideas on Th Illuminated Warrior. Discussing and discovering new pathways together through common challenges for healing, growth, clear communication and healthy expression of feelings. Waska offers a welcoming space to run freely but not hide. Inviting questions and insights from men and women as we take this journey together  to elevate relationships between the sacred feminine and the divine masculine. *FREE* –  Waska is offering 3 complimentary ’Healing Strategy Sessions’ for the first 3 men who respond by email: [email protected] Send a message including what area you would like help illuminating.
4/18/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Journey of Self: The illuminated Warrior w/ Waska Waboose

A candid conversation about the self. Enjoy this coffee table conversation of exploration and ideas. Waska Waboose holds a forum of candid conversations for men and women, ABOUT MEN; a place to share perspectives and ideas on Th Illuminated Warrior. Discussing and discovering new pathways together through common challenges for healing, growth, clear communication and healthy expression of feelings. Waska offers a welcoming space to run freely but not hide. Inviting questions and insights from men and women as we take this journey together  to elevate relationships between the sacred feminine and the divine masculine. *FREE* –  Waska is offering 3 complimentary ’Healing Strategy Sessions’ for the first 3 men who respond by email: [email protected] Send a message including what area you would like help illuminating.
4/18/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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Soulful Living Part 2: Heath Ignited - Drs. Sonya and Nick Jensen

Part II of a powerful intimate and engaging conversation about the human experience unfolding into a divine expression of awareness... Dr. Sonya Jensen is the author of Woman Unleashed, and also cofounder of Tula Teas, for balancing and calming the body and mind. She is a Mom of 2 boys, a business owner, a yoga teacher, a workshop leader and a Women’s Health Expert. After years of working closely with Women and their families her mission and purpose has become clear, to Inspire Women so they can live free and balanced lives. And her partner.... Dr Nick Jensen is extremely passionate about teaching individuals to become the best version of themselves. He focuses on supporting individuals in several areas, including (1) Environmental and Heavy Metal Detox (2) Drug Rehabilitation and Detox (3) Brain Health repair for cognitive/neurodegenerative decline and optimization (4) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Healthy Aging (5) Pain Relief using Neural-Prolotherapy (6) Digestive Health and Nutrition. This beautiful couple also creates so much more. Learn More About (1) Health Ignited Club: (2) Discover Tula Teas: (3) Find out more about Dr. Sonya Jensen: (4) Their practice in Vancouver BC Canada is Divine Elements:
4/11/20231 hour
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Soulful Living Part 2: Heath Ignited - Drs. Sonya and Nick Jensen

Part II of a powerful intimate and engaging conversation about the human experience unfolding into a divine expression of awareness... Dr. Sonya Jensen is the author of Woman Unleashed, and also cofounder of Tula Teas, for balancing and calming the body and mind. She is a Mom of 2 boys, a business owner, a yoga teacher, a workshop leader and a Women’s Health Expert. After years of working closely with Women and their families her mission and purpose has become clear, to Inspire Women so they can live free and balanced lives. And her partner.... Dr Nick Jensen is extremely passionate about teaching individuals to become the best version of themselves. He focuses on supporting individuals in several areas, including (1) Environmental and Heavy Metal Detox (2) Drug Rehabilitation and Detox (3) Brain Health repair for cognitive/neurodegenerative decline and optimization (4) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Healthy Aging (5) Pain Relief using Neural-Prolotherapy (6) Digestive Health and Nutrition. This beautiful couple also creates so much more. Learn More About (1) Health Ignited Club: (2) Discover Tula Teas: (3) Find out more about Dr. Sonya Jensen: (4) Their practice in Vancouver BC Canada is Divine Elements:
4/11/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 5 seconds
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Soulful Living Part 2: Heath Ignited - Drs. Sonya and Nick Jensen

Part II of a powerful intimate and engaging conversation about the human experience unfolding into a divine expression of awareness... Dr. Sonya Jensen is the author of Woman Unleashed, and also cofounder of Tula Teas, for balancing and calming the body and mind. She is a Mom of 2 boys, a business owner, a yoga teacher, a workshop leader and a Women’s Health Expert. After years of working closely with Women and their families her mission and purpose has become clear, to Inspire Women so they can live free and balanced lives. And her partner.... Dr Nick Jensen is extremely passionate about teaching individuals to become the best version of themselves. He focuses on supporting individuals in several areas, including (1) Environmental and Heavy Metal Detox (2) Drug Rehabilitation and Detox (3) Brain Health repair for cognitive/neurodegenerative decline and optimization (4) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Healthy Aging (5) Pain Relief using Neural-Prolotherapy (6) Digestive Health and Nutrition. This beautiful couple also creates so much more. Learn More About (1) Health Ignited Club: (2) Discover Tula Teas: (3) Find out more about Dr. Sonya Jensen: (4) Their practice in Vancouver BC Canada is Divine Elements:
4/11/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 5 seconds
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Soulful Living Part 1: Health Ignited w/ Drs. Nick & Sonya Jensen

A powerful intimate and engaging conversation about the human experience unfolding into a divine expression of awareness... Dr. Sonya Jensen is the author of Woman Unleashed, and also cofounder of Tula Teas, for balancing and calming the body and mind. She is a Mom of 2 boys, a business owner, a yoga teacher, a workshop leader and a Women’s Health Expert. After years of working closely with Women and their families her mission and purpose has become clear, to Inspire Women so they can live free and balanced lives. And her partner.... Dr Nick Jensen is extremely passionate about teaching individuals to become the best version of themselves. He focuses on supporting individuals in several areas, including (1) Environmental and Heavy Metal Detox (2) Drug Rehabilitation and Detox (3) Brain Health repair for cognitive/neurodegenerative decline and optimization (4) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Healthy Aging (5) Pain Relief using Neural-Prolotherapy (6) Digestive Health and Nutrition. This beautiful couple also creates so much more. Learn More About (1) Health Ignited Club: (2) Discover Tula Teas: (3) Find out more about Dr. Sonya Jensen: (4) Their practice in Vancouver BC Canada is Divine Elements:
4/4/20231 hour
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Soulful Living Part 1: Health Ignited w/ Drs. Nick & Sonya Jensen

A powerful intimate and engaging conversation about the human experience unfolding into a divine expression of awareness... Dr. Sonya Jensen is the author of Woman Unleashed, and also cofounder of Tula Teas, for balancing and calming the body and mind. She is a Mom of 2 boys, a business owner, a yoga teacher, a workshop leader and a Women’s Health Expert. After years of working closely with Women and their families her mission and purpose has become clear, to Inspire Women so they can live free and balanced lives. And her partner.... Dr Nick Jensen is extremely passionate about teaching individuals to become the best version of themselves. He focuses on supporting individuals in several areas, including (1) Environmental and Heavy Metal Detox (2) Drug Rehabilitation and Detox (3) Brain Health repair for cognitive/neurodegenerative decline and optimization (4) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Healthy Aging (5) Pain Relief using Neural-Prolotherapy (6) Digestive Health and Nutrition. This beautiful couple also creates so much more. Learn More About (1) Health Ignited Club: (2) Discover Tula Teas: (3) Find out more about Dr. Sonya Jensen: (4) Their practice in Vancouver BC Canada is Divine Elements:
4/4/20231 hour, 4 seconds
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Soulful Living Part 1: Health Ignited w/ Drs. Nick & Sonya Jensen

A powerful intimate and engaging conversation about the human experience unfolding into a divine expression of awareness... Dr. Sonya Jensen is the author of Woman Unleashed, and also cofounder of Tula Teas, for balancing and calming the body and mind. She is a Mom of 2 boys, a business owner, a yoga teacher, a workshop leader and a Women’s Health Expert. After years of working closely with Women and their families her mission and purpose has become clear, to Inspire Women so they can live free and balanced lives. And her partner.... Dr Nick Jensen is extremely passionate about teaching individuals to become the best version of themselves. He focuses on supporting individuals in several areas, including (1) Environmental and Heavy Metal Detox (2) Drug Rehabilitation and Detox (3) Brain Health repair for cognitive/neurodegenerative decline and optimization (4) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Healthy Aging (5) Pain Relief using Neural-Prolotherapy (6) Digestive Health and Nutrition. This beautiful couple also creates so much more. Learn More About (1) Health Ignited Club: (2) Discover Tula Teas: (3) Find out more about Dr. Sonya Jensen: (4) Their practice in Vancouver BC Canada is Divine Elements:
4/4/20231 hour, 4 seconds
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The Multi-Dimensional Human: Sacred Rebellion

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
3/28/202357 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Multi-Dimensional Human: Sacred Rebellion

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
3/28/202357 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Multi-Dimensional Human: Sacred Rebellion

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
3/28/202357 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore: Shavasti #3 Healing our Past

It seems that our capacity to meet, see and feel human suffering is so low that we must either tell others ‘look on the bright side’ with little to no regard for their true feelings, or, use positive thinking to such a degree in our own lives that we’re simply creating another false persona that lives on the other side of a split from our deeper feelings – feelings of anger, loneliness, self loathing, self hatred, and worthlessness.
3/21/202355 minutes, 34 seconds
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Encore: Shavasti #3 Healing our Past

It seems that our capacity to meet, see and feel human suffering is so low that we must either tell others ‘look on the bright side’ with little to no regard for their true feelings, or, use positive thinking to such a degree in our own lives that we’re simply creating another false persona that lives on the other side of a split from our deeper feelings – feelings of anger, loneliness, self loathing, self hatred, and worthlessness.
3/21/202355 minutes, 34 seconds
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Encore: Shavasti #3 Healing our Past

It seems that our capacity to meet, see and feel human suffering is so low that we must either tell others ‘look on the bright side’ with little to no regard for their true feelings, or, use positive thinking to such a degree in our own lives that we’re simply creating another false persona that lives on the other side of a split from our deeper feelings – feelings of anger, loneliness, self loathing, self hatred, and worthlessness.
3/21/202355 minutes, 34 seconds
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Encore: Shavasti #2 / Generational Imprints

Belief systems have directly impacted parenting for generations, at the core of western culture and most western individuals is self hatred. There is the notion that we must achieve something, become something or do something in order to be ‘good’. Our belief in our inherent badness runs deep, very, very deep
3/14/202354 minutes
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Encore: Shavasti #2 / Generational Imprints

Belief systems have directly impacted parenting for generations, at the core of western culture and most western individuals is self hatred. There is the notion that we must achieve something, become something or do something in order to be ‘good’. Our belief in our inherent badness runs deep, very, very deep
3/14/202354 minutes
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Encore: Shavasti #2 / Generational Imprints

Belief systems have directly impacted parenting for generations, at the core of western culture and most western individuals is self hatred. There is the notion that we must achieve something, become something or do something in order to be ‘good’. Our belief in our inherent badness runs deep, very, very deep
3/14/202354 minutes
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Encore: Shavasti #1 / An Awakened Heart

Shavasti’s personal story of a tragedy and other events that transformed both his work and the core of his being. In addition to that brief account, Shavasti invites you to consider, experience, ponder and feel who you are on multiple levels of your being as he weaves almost two decades of a journey as a professional healer, author and seeker of truth together into a tapestry of profound teachings that will change the way you experiences yourself and see your place in the world.
3/7/202353 minutes, 32 seconds
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Encore: Shavasti #1 / An Awakened Heart

Shavasti’s personal story of a tragedy and other events that transformed both his work and the core of his being. In addition to that brief account, Shavasti invites you to consider, experience, ponder and feel who you are on multiple levels of your being as he weaves almost two decades of a journey as a professional healer, author and seeker of truth together into a tapestry of profound teachings that will change the way you experiences yourself and see your place in the world.
3/7/202353 minutes, 32 seconds
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Encore: Shavasti #1 / An Awakened Heart

Shavasti’s personal story of a tragedy and other events that transformed both his work and the core of his being. In addition to that brief account, Shavasti invites you to consider, experience, ponder and feel who you are on multiple levels of your being as he weaves almost two decades of a journey as a professional healer, author and seeker of truth together into a tapestry of profound teachings that will change the way you experiences yourself and see your place in the world.
3/7/202353 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Good Mood Show: Matt O'Neill

The full spectrum of your humanity is beautiful. You get the highs, and the lows. Life is not meant to feel comfortable all of the time. In this episode, Simran and Matt discuss how to show up fully to each present moment. Be sure to listen to the exercise at the end of this episode. Matt implemented Simran’s five-minute ritual into his day and it made an immediate impact. Matt O'Neill is the CEO of Matt O'Neill Real Estate located in Charleston, SC. After years of operating his successful real estate company, he knew he was destined for more and wanted to make an impact on the world. That's when The Good Mood Show with Matt O'Neill podcast was founded. ( ) Here are some power takeaways from the conversation: - Humanity is experiencing all of life’s emotions - Looking at every experience as your personal amusement park - Finding clarity to know when you’re meant to sit or act - How we’re trapped by the illusion of money - The three-breath exercise that can change your life. The Magic of Experiencing Humanity Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. Simran likens humanity to every color in the crayon box, from anger, depression, jealousy, sadness, and loss – to happiness, bliss, peace, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. However, most people only want the lighter spectrum in the crayon box and not the darker part. The Mastery of Your Environment The journey of the soul is not about being comfortable, but about mastering your environment. In order to do that, you have to clarify what is worth your time, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy and peace. Trust and Surrender We have to get away from this condition or idea that life has to look a certain way. Because it's very hard to live in a space of complete trust and surrender, and at the same time, trying to take control. Once we learn to surrender, we start to open to a greater power within ourselves.
2/28/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Good Mood Show: Matt O'Neill

The full spectrum of your humanity is beautiful. You get the highs, and the lows. Life is not meant to feel comfortable all of the time. In this episode, Simran and Matt discuss how to show up fully to each present moment. Be sure to listen to the exercise at the end of this episode. Matt implemented Simran’s five-minute ritual into his day and it made an immediate impact. Matt O'Neill is the CEO of Matt O'Neill Real Estate located in Charleston, SC. After years of operating his successful real estate company, he knew he was destined for more and wanted to make an impact on the world. That's when The Good Mood Show with Matt O'Neill podcast was founded. ( ) Here are some power takeaways from the conversation: - Humanity is experiencing all of life’s emotions - Looking at every experience as your personal amusement park - Finding clarity to know when you’re meant to sit or act - How we’re trapped by the illusion of money - The three-breath exercise that can change your life. The Magic of Experiencing Humanity Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. Simran likens humanity to every color in the crayon box, from anger, depression, jealousy, sadness, and loss – to happiness, bliss, peace, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. However, most people only want the lighter spectrum in the crayon box and not the darker part. The Mastery of Your Environment The journey of the soul is not about being comfortable, but about mastering your environment. In order to do that, you have to clarify what is worth your time, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy and peace. Trust and Surrender We have to get away from this condition or idea that life has to look a certain way. Because it's very hard to live in a space of complete trust and surrender, and at the same time, trying to take control. Once we learn to surrender, we start to open to a greater power within ourselves.
2/28/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Good Mood Show: Matt O'Neill

The full spectrum of your humanity is beautiful. You get the highs, and the lows. Life is not meant to feel comfortable all of the time. In this episode, Simran and Matt discuss how to show up fully to each present moment. Be sure to listen to the exercise at the end of this episode. Matt implemented Simran’s five-minute ritual into his day and it made an immediate impact. Matt O'Neill is the CEO of Matt O'Neill Real Estate located in Charleston, SC. After years of operating his successful real estate company, he knew he was destined for more and wanted to make an impact on the world. That's when The Good Mood Show with Matt O'Neill podcast was founded. ( ) Here are some power takeaways from the conversation: - Humanity is experiencing all of life’s emotions - Looking at every experience as your personal amusement park - Finding clarity to know when you’re meant to sit or act - How we’re trapped by the illusion of money - The three-breath exercise that can change your life. The Magic of Experiencing Humanity Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. Simran likens humanity to every color in the crayon box, from anger, depression, jealousy, sadness, and loss – to happiness, bliss, peace, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. However, most people only want the lighter spectrum in the crayon box and not the darker part. The Mastery of Your Environment The journey of the soul is not about being comfortable, but about mastering your environment. In order to do that, you have to clarify what is worth your time, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy and peace. Trust and Surrender We have to get away from this condition or idea that life has to look a certain way. Because it's very hard to live in a space of complete trust and surrender, and at the same time, trying to take control. Once we learn to surrender, we start to open to a greater power within ourselves.
2/28/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Good Mood Show: Matt O'Neill

The full spectrum of your humanity is beautiful. You get the highs, and the lows. Life is not meant to feel comfortable all of the time. In this episode, Simran and Matt discuss how to show up fully to each present moment. Be sure to listen to the exercise at the end of this episode. Matt implemented Simran’s five-minute ritual into his day and it made an immediate impact. Matt O'Neill is the CEO of Matt O'Neill Real Estate located in Charleston, SC. After years of operating his successful real estate company, he knew he was destined for more and wanted to make an impact on the world. That's when The Good Mood Show with Matt O'Neill podcast was founded. ( ) Here are some power takeaways from the conversation: - Humanity is experiencing all of life’s emotions - Looking at every experience as your personal amusement park - Finding clarity to know when you’re meant to sit or act - How we’re trapped by the illusion of money - The three-breath exercise that can change your life. The Magic of Experiencing Humanity Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. Simran likens humanity to every color in the crayon box, from anger, depression, jealousy, sadness, and loss – to happiness, bliss, peace, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. However, most people only want the lighter spectrum in the crayon box and not the darker part. The Mastery of Your Environment The journey of the soul is not about being comfortable, but about mastering your environment. In order to do that, you have to clarify what is worth your time, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy and peace. Trust and Surrender We have to get away from this condition or idea that life has to look a certain way. Because it's very hard to live in a space of complete trust and surrender, and at the same time, trying to take control. Once we learn to surrender, we start to open to a greater power within ourselves.
2/28/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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Illuminated Warriors: Waska Waboose

An illuminating conversation that grounds spirituality into the world by discussing the challenges that can be faced as we engage with ourselves. Diving deeply into self is a journey into a maze of discovery. Waska Waboose, of The Illuminated Warrior Talk Show and Men's Community connects in conversation. The Illuminated Warrior way is experiential and life-enhancing! Through the teachings and camaraderie of a brotherhood of men you will develop skills and life-ways to live fully, authentically as a leader who plots his own course.More at
2/21/202347 minutes, 33 seconds
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Illuminated Warriors: Waska Waboose

An illuminating conversation that grounds spirituality into the world by discussing the challenges that can be faced as we engage with ourselves. Diving deeply into self is a journey into a maze of discovery. Waska Waboose, of The Illuminated Warrior Talk Show and Men's Community connects in conversation. The Illuminated Warrior way is experiential and life-enhancing! Through the teachings and camaraderie of a brotherhood of men you will develop skills and life-ways to live fully, authentically as a leader who plots his own course.More at
2/21/202347 minutes, 33 seconds
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Illuminated Warriors: Waska Waboose

An illuminating conversation that grounds spirituality into the world by discussing the challenges that can be faced as we engage with ourselves. Diving deeply into self is a journey into a maze of discovery. Waska Waboose, of The Illuminated Warrior Talk Show and Men's Community connects in conversation. The Illuminated Warrior way is experiential and life-enhancing! Through the teachings and camaraderie of a brotherhood of men you will develop skills and life-ways to live fully, authentically as a leader who plots his own course.More at
2/21/202347 minutes, 33 seconds
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Authentic Living: Andrea Mathews

What is it really like to hear from the Universe or the divine? What can we look for in terms of knowing when it is a communique from the Universe? How do we determine the difference between a message from the divine and a message from our own confused emotions? Simran Singh comes to us today with a clear mastery of universal law and divine principle that reveals the soulful wisdom behind these communications. Simran considers herself to be a rebel humanitarian in the realms of metaphysics and spirituality. A beautiful conversation with Host and author, Andrea Mathews of Authentic Living Radio. Be sure to check out her powerful books. Stay tune and hear Simran share one of the sons from the 11 month 66-city Rebel Road one woman show tour.
2/14/202347 minutes, 53 seconds
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Authentic Living: Andrea Mathews

What is it really like to hear from the Universe or the divine? What can we look for in terms of knowing when it is a communique from the Universe? How do we determine the difference between a message from the divine and a message from our own confused emotions? Simran Singh comes to us today with a clear mastery of universal law and divine principle that reveals the soulful wisdom behind these communications. Simran considers herself to be a rebel humanitarian in the realms of metaphysics and spirituality. A beautiful conversation with Host and author, Andrea Mathews of Authentic Living Radio. Be sure to check out her powerful books. Stay tune and hear Simran share one of the sons from the 11 month 66-city Rebel Road one woman show tour.
2/14/202347 minutes, 53 seconds
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Authentic Living: Andrea Mathews

What is it really like to hear from the Universe or the divine? What can we look for in terms of knowing when it is a communique from the Universe? How do we determine the difference between a message from the divine and a message from our own confused emotions? Simran Singh comes to us today with a clear mastery of universal law and divine principle that reveals the soulful wisdom behind these communications. Simran considers herself to be a rebel humanitarian in the realms of metaphysics and spirituality. A beautiful conversation with Host and author, Andrea Mathews of Authentic Living Radio. Be sure to check out her powerful books. Stay tune and hear Simran share one of the sons from the 11 month 66-city Rebel Road one woman show tour.
2/14/202347 minutes, 53 seconds
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Adventures In Consciousness: Jennifer Evanko

A deep dive into consciousness through the doorway of our humanity. An exploration of selves, layer, rhythms and cycles. Let the conversation deepen inside of you and open yourself to living, being and knowing in a brand new way. Listen to the end and receive the gift of an original song from Simran. Peace and Love always...     As you venture deeper into self… you may also find that those who travel with you become less and less for a period. As you are changing, the world is mirroring and morphing your changes. Let those who must go, go. And trust, those who you will come to know are aligned and mirroring the places you have reached. The world is an incredible barometer for personal growth. But do not take the world at face or surface value; true mirrors are deeply subtle in nature. This requires the practice of discernment by the higher mind; because the ego will always tell you what you want to hear. We live in a world that’s based on images of what we believe society will approve of. But freedom comes when willing to tell ourselves and others the ‘truth’ of what we came to believe out of innocence, the ‘Truth’ of what we had to live through because of that projection and conditioning… and the ‘TRUTH’ that comes from letting go of any fixed notion of identity to be able to celebrate the full gamut of experience. Are you willing to dig deep and tell yourself the ‘truth’, the ‘Truth’, and the undeniable absolute divine ‘TRUTH’? ?? LIVING on Amazon — ?? LIVING at B & N — ?? Order BEING on Amazon — ?? Order BEING at B & N — ?? Order KNOWING on Amazon — ?? Order KNOWING at B & N — ?????? ?? Autographed copies ?? of the trilogy: LIVING, BEING, and KNOWING — PLUS 2?? bonus CDS:
2/7/202353 minutes, 50 seconds
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Adventures In Consciousness: Jennifer Evanko

A deep dive into consciousness through the doorway of our humanity. An exploration of selves, layer, rhythms and cycles. Let the conversation deepen inside of you and open yourself to living, being and knowing in a brand new way. Listen to the end and receive the gift of an original song from Simran. Peace and Love always...     As you venture deeper into self… you may also find that those who travel with you become less and less for a period. As you are changing, the world is mirroring and morphing your changes. Let those who must go, go. And trust, those who you will come to know are aligned and mirroring the places you have reached. The world is an incredible barometer for personal growth. But do not take the world at face or surface value; true mirrors are deeply subtle in nature. This requires the practice of discernment by the higher mind; because the ego will always tell you what you want to hear. We live in a world that’s based on images of what we believe society will approve of. But freedom comes when willing to tell ourselves and others the ‘truth’ of what we came to believe out of innocence, the ‘Truth’ of what we had to live through because of that projection and conditioning… and the ‘TRUTH’ that comes from letting go of any fixed notion of identity to be able to celebrate the full gamut of experience. Are you willing to dig deep and tell yourself the ‘truth’, the ‘Truth’, and the undeniable absolute divine ‘TRUTH’? ?? LIVING on Amazon — ?? LIVING at B & N — ?? Order BEING on Amazon — ?? Order BEING at B & N — ?? Order KNOWING on Amazon — ?? Order KNOWING at B & N — ?????? ?? Autographed copies ?? of the trilogy: LIVING, BEING, and KNOWING — PLUS 2?? bonus CDS:
2/7/202353 minutes, 50 seconds
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Adventures In Consciousness: Jennifer Evanko

A deep dive into consciousness through the doorway of our humanity. An exploration of selves, layer, rhythms and cycles. Let the conversation deepen inside of you and open yourself to living, being and knowing in a brand new way. Listen to the end and receive the gift of an original song from Simran. Peace and Love always...     As you venture deeper into self… you may also find that those who travel with you become less and less for a period. As you are changing, the world is mirroring and morphing your changes. Let those who must go, go. And trust, those who you will come to know are aligned and mirroring the places you have reached. The world is an incredible barometer for personal growth. But do not take the world at face or surface value; true mirrors are deeply subtle in nature. This requires the practice of discernment by the higher mind; because the ego will always tell you what you want to hear. We live in a world that’s based on images of what we believe society will approve of. But freedom comes when willing to tell ourselves and others the ‘truth’ of what we came to believe out of innocence, the ‘Truth’ of what we had to live through because of that projection and conditioning… and the ‘TRUTH’ that comes from letting go of any fixed notion of identity to be able to celebrate the full gamut of experience. Are you willing to dig deep and tell yourself the ‘truth’, the ‘Truth’, and the undeniable absolute divine ‘TRUTH’? ?? LIVING on Amazon — ?? LIVING at B & N — ?? Order BEING on Amazon — ?? Order BEING at B & N — ?? Order KNOWING on Amazon — ?? Order KNOWING at B & N — ?????? ?? Autographed copies ?? of the trilogy: LIVING, BEING, and KNOWING — PLUS 2?? bonus CDS:
2/7/202353 minutes, 50 seconds
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BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
1/31/202354 minutes, 48 seconds
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BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
1/31/202354 minutes, 48 seconds
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BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
1/31/202354 minutes, 48 seconds
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Soulful Living

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny. Join me this week in an epic dialogue of life, soul and realization with Deborah Beauvais, founder of DreamVisions 7 Radio.
1/24/202347 minutes, 33 seconds
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Soulful Living

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny. Join me this week in an epic dialogue of life, soul and realization with Deborah Beauvais, founder of DreamVisions 7 Radio.
1/24/202347 minutes, 33 seconds
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Soulful Living

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny. Join me this week in an epic dialogue of life, soul and realization with Deborah Beauvais, founder of DreamVisions 7 Radio.
1/24/202347 minutes, 33 seconds
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Your Journey to Enlightenment: Simran

Your Journey to Enlightenment awakens an ancient knowing that you are a Master and have always been. The moment has come for a new visionary that engages in a radical approach to living, being, and knowing. This rebel visionary is fully engaged from the heart and gut and goes against the norm, not allowing systems to rule his or her expression. Your Journey to Enlightenment lays out 12 guiding principles that will help you discover how to: Live in constant, unfolding potential, without attachment to outcomes Live awake and aware, soaring as a magnetizing force in personal and global expansion Live and walk an authentic path of devotion, unlocking inherent gifts Live a process of self-activated awakening for mastery of the multidimensional experience
1/17/202355 minutes, 45 seconds
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Your Journey to Enlightenment: Simran

Your Journey to Enlightenment awakens an ancient knowing that you are a Master and have always been. The moment has come for a new visionary that engages in a radical approach to living, being, and knowing. This rebel visionary is fully engaged from the heart and gut and goes against the norm, not allowing systems to rule his or her expression. Your Journey to Enlightenment lays out 12 guiding principles that will help you discover how to: Live in constant, unfolding potential, without attachment to outcomes Live awake and aware, soaring as a magnetizing force in personal and global expansion Live and walk an authentic path of devotion, unlocking inherent gifts Live a process of self-activated awakening for mastery of the multidimensional experience
1/17/202355 minutes, 45 seconds
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Your Journey to Enlightenment: Simran

Your Journey to Enlightenment awakens an ancient knowing that you are a Master and have always been. The moment has come for a new visionary that engages in a radical approach to living, being, and knowing. This rebel visionary is fully engaged from the heart and gut and goes against the norm, not allowing systems to rule his or her expression. Your Journey to Enlightenment lays out 12 guiding principles that will help you discover how to: Live in constant, unfolding potential, without attachment to outcomes Live awake and aware, soaring as a magnetizing force in personal and global expansion Live and walk an authentic path of devotion, unlocking inherent gifts Live a process of self-activated awakening for mastery of the multidimensional experience
1/17/202355 minutes, 45 seconds
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How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
1/10/202356 minutes, 24 seconds
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How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
1/10/202356 minutes, 24 seconds
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How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
1/10/202356 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Multi-Dimensional Human: SIMRAN

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh It is time to do the work for humanity. One person can change the world. Order the autographed trilogy at
1/3/202355 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Multi-Dimensional Human: SIMRAN

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh It is time to do the work for humanity. One person can change the world. Order the autographed trilogy at
1/3/202355 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Multi-Dimensional Human: SIMRAN

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh It is time to do the work for humanity. One person can change the world. Order the autographed trilogy at
1/3/202355 minutes, 36 seconds
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KNOWING: The 7 Human Expressions of Grace

Deborah Beauvais, Founder DreamVisions7 Radio Network hosts an intimate conversation on Knowing Face... A sacred romance began eons ago when One separated into two; and two became many. All of life stemmed from that origin, expanding and contracting through the sacred constructs of duality, multiplicity and alchemy. Through a multi-sensory experience of Self, 7 human graces make way for knowing the full expanse of humanity that creates the embodied experiences of unconditional loving, compassion and peace. Inner authority, confidence, creativity and authenticity awaken through presence with our most human sensory expansion and the divine flowering of essence. You are not just a rainbow in the dark. An ‘unknown’ YOU has treasures in escrow. Your body holds secrets. The sacred trickles through your bloodlines and rests within the marrow of your bones. You are the embodiment of an enormous spirit that is non-judging, everlasting and all-knowing. Your soul purpose is to reweave human experience into the embodiment and humble power of a God on legs. Deborah Beauvais is the Founder/Owner of Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network created in 2007 out of love with a vision to consciously serve humanity. Since 2004, Deborah’s syndicated radio show Love By Intuition has fostered empowerment, healing and unity consciousness. She is an intuitive, healer and facilitator of Light as a Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™ Practitioner trained by Dr. Eric Pearl. Deborah founded the Kids 4 Love Project, an enrichment program rooted in self-love unifying humanity as well as Kids 4 Love Project Radio Show celebrating kids making a difference. Deborah is co-author of “The Paper Doll Kids” with Janine Sullivan who wrote accompanying song “Kids for Love” sung by four of Deborah’s grandchildren. Deborah is also a contributing author for Chaos to Clarity Sacred Stories of Transformational Change, Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy and Mayhem to Miracles True Stories of Courage, Triumph and Peace.
12/27/202255 minutes, 44 seconds
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KNOWING: The 7 Human Expressions of Grace

Deborah Beauvais, Founder DreamVisions7 Radio Network hosts an intimate conversation on Knowing Face... A sacred romance began eons ago when One separated into two; and two became many. All of life stemmed from that origin, expanding and contracting through the sacred constructs of duality, multiplicity and alchemy. Through a multi-sensory experience of Self, 7 human graces make way for knowing the full expanse of humanity that creates the embodied experiences of unconditional loving, compassion and peace. Inner authority, confidence, creativity and authenticity awaken through presence with our most human sensory expansion and the divine flowering of essence. You are not just a rainbow in the dark. An ‘unknown’ YOU has treasures in escrow. Your body holds secrets. The sacred trickles through your bloodlines and rests within the marrow of your bones. You are the embodiment of an enormous spirit that is non-judging, everlasting and all-knowing. Your soul purpose is to reweave human experience into the embodiment and humble power of a God on legs. Deborah Beauvais is the Founder/Owner of Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network created in 2007 out of love with a vision to consciously serve humanity. Since 2004, Deborah’s syndicated radio show Love By Intuition has fostered empowerment, healing and unity consciousness. She is an intuitive, healer and facilitator of Light as a Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™ Practitioner trained by Dr. Eric Pearl. Deborah founded the Kids 4 Love Project, an enrichment program rooted in self-love unifying humanity as well as Kids 4 Love Project Radio Show celebrating kids making a difference. Deborah is co-author of “The Paper Doll Kids” with Janine Sullivan who wrote accompanying song “Kids for Love” sung by four of Deborah’s grandchildren. Deborah is also a contributing author for Chaos to Clarity Sacred Stories of Transformational Change, Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy and Mayhem to Miracles True Stories of Courage, Triumph and Peace.
12/27/202255 minutes, 44 seconds
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KNOWING: The 7 Human Expressions of Grace

Deborah Beauvais, Founder DreamVisions7 Radio Network hosts an intimate conversation on Knowing Face... A sacred romance began eons ago when One separated into two; and two became many. All of life stemmed from that origin, expanding and contracting through the sacred constructs of duality, multiplicity and alchemy. Through a multi-sensory experience of Self, 7 human graces make way for knowing the full expanse of humanity that creates the embodied experiences of unconditional loving, compassion and peace. Inner authority, confidence, creativity and authenticity awaken through presence with our most human sensory expansion and the divine flowering of essence. You are not just a rainbow in the dark. An ‘unknown’ YOU has treasures in escrow. Your body holds secrets. The sacred trickles through your bloodlines and rests within the marrow of your bones. You are the embodiment of an enormous spirit that is non-judging, everlasting and all-knowing. Your soul purpose is to reweave human experience into the embodiment and humble power of a God on legs. Deborah Beauvais is the Founder/Owner of Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network created in 2007 out of love with a vision to consciously serve humanity. Since 2004, Deborah’s syndicated radio show Love By Intuition has fostered empowerment, healing and unity consciousness. She is an intuitive, healer and facilitator of Light as a Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™ Practitioner trained by Dr. Eric Pearl. Deborah founded the Kids 4 Love Project, an enrichment program rooted in self-love unifying humanity as well as Kids 4 Love Project Radio Show celebrating kids making a difference. Deborah is co-author of “The Paper Doll Kids” with Janine Sullivan who wrote accompanying song “Kids for Love” sung by four of Deborah’s grandchildren. Deborah is also a contributing author for Chaos to Clarity Sacred Stories of Transformational Change, Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy and Mayhem to Miracles True Stories of Courage, Triumph and Peace.
12/27/202255 minutes, 44 seconds
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KNOWING: The 7 Human Expressions of Grace

Deborah Beauvais, Founder DreamVisions7 Radio Network hosts an intimate conversation on Knowing Face... A sacred romance began eons ago when One separated into two; and two became many. All of life stemmed from that origin, expanding and contracting through the sacred constructs of duality, multiplicity and alchemy. Through a multi-sensory experience of Self, 7 human graces make way for knowing the full expanse of humanity that creates the embodied experiences of unconditional loving, compassion and peace. Inner authority, confidence, creativity and authenticity awaken through presence with our most human sensory expansion and the divine flowering of essence. You are not just a rainbow in the dark. An ‘unknown’ YOU has treasures in escrow. Your body holds secrets. The sacred trickles through your bloodlines and rests within the marrow of your bones. You are the embodiment of an enormous spirit that is non-judging, everlasting and all-knowing. Your soul purpose is to reweave human experience into the embodiment and humble power of a God on legs. Deborah Beauvais is the Founder/Owner of Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network created in 2007 out of love with a vision to consciously serve humanity. Since 2004, Deborah’s syndicated radio show Love By Intuition has fostered empowerment, healing and unity consciousness. She is an intuitive, healer and facilitator of Light as a Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™ Practitioner trained by Dr. Eric Pearl. Deborah founded the Kids 4 Love Project, an enrichment program rooted in self-love unifying humanity as well as Kids 4 Love Project Radio Show celebrating kids making a difference. Deborah is co-author of “The Paper Doll Kids” with Janine Sullivan who wrote accompanying song “Kids for Love” sung by four of Deborah’s grandchildren. Deborah is also a contributing author for Chaos to Clarity Sacred Stories of Transformational Change, Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy and Mayhem to Miracles True Stories of Courage, Triumph and Peace.
12/27/202255 minutes, 44 seconds
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Signs: Mystical Turning Points & Divine Guideposts

We’ve all seen butterflies, feathers, or repetitive numbers like 444 . . . and THEN there are moments when we recognize these signs as a cosmic language, turning points and pathways in our lives revealing our answer or next step on our journeys. Signs are mystical, Divine encounters. They create a bridge, a way that we, as the seen, communicate with the unseen. Signs help us pause, notice, and reflect on these moments of wonder to establish trust within ourselves and with the world outside of us. Delve into a conversation on SIGNS between me and Rev. Ariel Patricia Caganello, Founder of Sacred Stories Publishing. We will be discussing the release of SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts... the latest release in the Common Sentience Series.
12/20/20221 hour, 16 seconds
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Signs: Mystical Turning Points & Divine Guideposts

We’ve all seen butterflies, feathers, or repetitive numbers like 444 . . . and THEN there are moments when we recognize these signs as a cosmic language, turning points and pathways in our lives revealing our answer or next step on our journeys. Signs are mystical, Divine encounters. They create a bridge, a way that we, as the seen, communicate with the unseen. Signs help us pause, notice, and reflect on these moments of wonder to establish trust within ourselves and with the world outside of us. Delve into a conversation on SIGNS between me and Rev. Ariel Patricia Caganello, Founder of Sacred Stories Publishing. We will be discussing the release of SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts... the latest release in the Common Sentience Series.
12/20/20221 hour, 16 seconds
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Signs: Mystical Turning Points & Divine Guideposts

We’ve all seen butterflies, feathers, or repetitive numbers like 444 . . . and THEN there are moments when we recognize these signs as a cosmic language, turning points and pathways in our lives revealing our answer or next step on our journeys. Signs are mystical, Divine encounters. They create a bridge, a way that we, as the seen, communicate with the unseen. Signs help us pause, notice, and reflect on these moments of wonder to establish trust within ourselves and with the world outside of us. Delve into a conversation on SIGNS between me and Rev. Ariel Patricia Caganello, Founder of Sacred Stories Publishing. We will be discussing the release of SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts... the latest release in the Common Sentience Series.
12/20/20221 hour, 16 seconds
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Multidimensional Living: Sacred Rebellion

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
12/13/202257 minutes, 50 seconds
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Multidimensional Living: Sacred Rebellion

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
12/13/202257 minutes, 50 seconds
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Multidimensional Living: Sacred Rebellion

In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Simran Singh discuss: Understanding and embracing the multidimensional pieces of ourselves. Embodying and expressing presence. The illusion of separation Consenting to experiencing every feeling and emotion. Key takeaways: The work of evolving can keep us from just being. We cannot receive divine grace before we will give ourselves human grace. True light is resting in the darkness. The world is full of distractions from just being. You have been lying to yourself, you have been avoiding yourself, you've been distracting yourself, and that is why you are having the experience that you're living. — Simran Singh
12/13/202257 minutes, 50 seconds
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Endless Awakening: Patrick Paul Garlinger

Have you awakened spiritually yet still feel stuck? You are not alone. Many seekers feel dissatisfied despite years of practice. When you let go of the idea that you are on a journey, you arrive at your destination. When you accept that your journey never ends, you awaken fully and find the peace that eludes you. - Heal emotionally by embracing the paradox that you are already whole and still healing - Be true to yourself by embracing the paradox that you are beyond time and a story with a past, present, and future - See life differently by embracing the paradox that the world is a mirror of your mind and a mystery you will never unravel - When you open to paradox, a new relationship to spirituality awaits you.
12/6/202257 minutes, 14 seconds
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Endless Awakening: Patrick Paul Garlinger

Have you awakened spiritually yet still feel stuck? You are not alone. Many seekers feel dissatisfied despite years of practice. When you let go of the idea that you are on a journey, you arrive at your destination. When you accept that your journey never ends, you awaken fully and find the peace that eludes you. - Heal emotionally by embracing the paradox that you are already whole and still healing - Be true to yourself by embracing the paradox that you are beyond time and a story with a past, present, and future - See life differently by embracing the paradox that the world is a mirror of your mind and a mystery you will never unravel - When you open to paradox, a new relationship to spirituality awaits you.
12/6/202257 minutes, 14 seconds
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Endless Awakening: Patrick Paul Garlinger

Have you awakened spiritually yet still feel stuck? You are not alone. Many seekers feel dissatisfied despite years of practice. When you let go of the idea that you are on a journey, you arrive at your destination. When you accept that your journey never ends, you awaken fully and find the peace that eludes you. - Heal emotionally by embracing the paradox that you are already whole and still healing - Be true to yourself by embracing the paradox that you are beyond time and a story with a past, present, and future - See life differently by embracing the paradox that the world is a mirror of your mind and a mystery you will never unravel - When you open to paradox, a new relationship to spirituality awaits you.
12/6/202257 minutes, 14 seconds
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Appalachian Zen: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Steve Kanji Ruhl describes a journey we all take, one that Buddhism calls “seeking our true home.” Edgy, lyrical, and lovingly rendered, this book recounts how a kid from a Pennsylvania mill-town trailer park grew up—surrounded by backwoods farms and amid grief, violence, and passionate yearning—to become something improbable: a Buddhist minister teaching Zen.
11/29/202257 minutes, 17 seconds
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Appalachian Zen: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Steve Kanji Ruhl describes a journey we all take, one that Buddhism calls “seeking our true home.” Edgy, lyrical, and lovingly rendered, this book recounts how a kid from a Pennsylvania mill-town trailer park grew up—surrounded by backwoods farms and amid grief, violence, and passionate yearning—to become something improbable: a Buddhist minister teaching Zen.
11/29/202257 minutes, 17 seconds
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Appalachian Zen: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Steve Kanji Ruhl describes a journey we all take, one that Buddhism calls “seeking our true home.” Edgy, lyrical, and lovingly rendered, this book recounts how a kid from a Pennsylvania mill-town trailer park grew up—surrounded by backwoods farms and amid grief, violence, and passionate yearning—to become something improbable: a Buddhist minister teaching Zen.
11/29/202257 minutes, 17 seconds
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Appalachian Zen: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Steve Kanji Ruhl describes a journey we all take, one that Buddhism calls “seeking our true home.” Edgy, lyrical, and lovingly rendered, this book recounts how a kid from a Pennsylvania mill-town trailer park grew up—surrounded by backwoods farms and amid grief, violence, and passionate yearning—to become something improbable: a Buddhist minister teaching Zen.
11/29/202257 minutes, 17 seconds
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Manuals of the Soul on Living

Join me this week in an epic dialogue of life, soul and realization with Deborah Beauvais, founder of DreamVisions 7 Radio. This deep rich dialogue delves into areas that speak deeply to the heart with such truths that you will be stilled to your core.
11/22/202247 minutes, 33 seconds
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Manuals of the Soul on Living

Join me this week in an epic dialogue of life, soul and realization with Deborah Beauvais, founder of DreamVisions 7 Radio. This deep rich dialogue delves into areas that speak deeply to the heart with such truths that you will be stilled to your core.
11/22/202247 minutes, 33 seconds
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Manuals of the Soul on Living

Join me this week in an epic dialogue of life, soul and realization with Deborah Beauvais, founder of DreamVisions 7 Radio. This deep rich dialogue delves into areas that speak deeply to the heart with such truths that you will be stilled to your core.
11/22/202247 minutes, 33 seconds
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Living Unapologetically: Seana Zelazo

Over 4000 years ago in ancient Sumer, some of the first mythographers inscribed the stories and myths of the Goddess Inanna on clay tablets in cuneiform. These incredible findings were unearthed, and the fragments were painstakingly pieced together and translated. What they discovered were the ways Inanna was heralded as a goddess who embodies polarities: impatient and deliberate, an attentive lover and fierce warrior, connected to fertility as well as death-making her an accessible, relatable, and inspiring representation of the Divine Feminine as she stands in her power and multidimensionality. The Way of Inanna: A Heroine's Guide to Living Unapologetically is a field guide to heart-centered living through the wisdom of the Sumerian Goddess of Love.
11/15/202254 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living Unapologetically: Seana Zelazo

Over 4000 years ago in ancient Sumer, some of the first mythographers inscribed the stories and myths of the Goddess Inanna on clay tablets in cuneiform. These incredible findings were unearthed, and the fragments were painstakingly pieced together and translated. What they discovered were the ways Inanna was heralded as a goddess who embodies polarities: impatient and deliberate, an attentive lover and fierce warrior, connected to fertility as well as death-making her an accessible, relatable, and inspiring representation of the Divine Feminine as she stands in her power and multidimensionality. The Way of Inanna: A Heroine's Guide to Living Unapologetically is a field guide to heart-centered living through the wisdom of the Sumerian Goddess of Love.
11/15/202254 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living Unapologetically: Seana Zelazo

Over 4000 years ago in ancient Sumer, some of the first mythographers inscribed the stories and myths of the Goddess Inanna on clay tablets in cuneiform. These incredible findings were unearthed, and the fragments were painstakingly pieced together and translated. What they discovered were the ways Inanna was heralded as a goddess who embodies polarities: impatient and deliberate, an attentive lover and fierce warrior, connected to fertility as well as death-making her an accessible, relatable, and inspiring representation of the Divine Feminine as she stands in her power and multidimensionality. The Way of Inanna: A Heroine's Guide to Living Unapologetically is a field guide to heart-centered living through the wisdom of the Sumerian Goddess of Love.
11/15/202254 minutes, 27 seconds
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Healing Sounds: Jonathan Goldman

Goldman explains in detail how to perform vocal harmonics--a form of overtone chanting--and experience their transformative and healing powers. He shows how harmonics can be used as sonic yoga for meditation and deep relaxation as well as to enhance energy and resonate the chakras, the energy centers of the body. Exploring the vibrational principles that underlie the framework of the universe, including frequency and resonance, Goldman explains how harmonics represent the colors of sound and affect us on all levels, bridging body, mind, and spirit. He explores mantra and chakra chanting, sacred vowels, vocal toning, conscious listening, cymatics, sonic shamanism, magical incantations, and many other vibrational and sound healing techniques. Providing the basis for how and why sound can heal and transform, this new 30th anniversary edition of Healing Sounds also offers more than 100 minutes of exclusive audio downloads featuring recordings of sound healing exercises, guided meditations, and sonic excerpts to help you experience and embody the power of harmonics.
11/8/202256 minutes, 6 seconds
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Healing Sounds: Jonathan Goldman

Goldman explains in detail how to perform vocal harmonics--a form of overtone chanting--and experience their transformative and healing powers. He shows how harmonics can be used as sonic yoga for meditation and deep relaxation as well as to enhance energy and resonate the chakras, the energy centers of the body. Exploring the vibrational principles that underlie the framework of the universe, including frequency and resonance, Goldman explains how harmonics represent the colors of sound and affect us on all levels, bridging body, mind, and spirit. He explores mantra and chakra chanting, sacred vowels, vocal toning, conscious listening, cymatics, sonic shamanism, magical incantations, and many other vibrational and sound healing techniques. Providing the basis for how and why sound can heal and transform, this new 30th anniversary edition of Healing Sounds also offers more than 100 minutes of exclusive audio downloads featuring recordings of sound healing exercises, guided meditations, and sonic excerpts to help you experience and embody the power of harmonics.
11/8/202256 minutes, 6 seconds
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Healing Sounds: Jonathan Goldman

Goldman explains in detail how to perform vocal harmonics--a form of overtone chanting--and experience their transformative and healing powers. He shows how harmonics can be used as sonic yoga for meditation and deep relaxation as well as to enhance energy and resonate the chakras, the energy centers of the body. Exploring the vibrational principles that underlie the framework of the universe, including frequency and resonance, Goldman explains how harmonics represent the colors of sound and affect us on all levels, bridging body, mind, and spirit. He explores mantra and chakra chanting, sacred vowels, vocal toning, conscious listening, cymatics, sonic shamanism, magical incantations, and many other vibrational and sound healing techniques. Providing the basis for how and why sound can heal and transform, this new 30th anniversary edition of Healing Sounds also offers more than 100 minutes of exclusive audio downloads featuring recordings of sound healing exercises, guided meditations, and sonic excerpts to help you experience and embody the power of harmonics.
11/8/202256 minutes, 6 seconds
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Encore: BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
11/1/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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Encore: BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
11/1/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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Encore: BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
11/1/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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Wounds to Wisdom: Lora Soloman

A conversation that illuminates a journey through the body and reveals the potential held within your very blood and bones. It will transform the way you see your life story, bringing clarity and a sense of awe to who you are and what is possible for you. A deep understanding of the physical body’s connection with the emotional past and the spiritual present.
10/25/202256 minutes, 37 seconds
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Wounds to Wisdom: Lora Soloman

A conversation that illuminates a journey through the body and reveals the potential held within your very blood and bones. It will transform the way you see your life story, bringing clarity and a sense of awe to who you are and what is possible for you. A deep understanding of the physical body’s connection with the emotional past and the spiritual present.
10/25/202256 minutes, 37 seconds
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Wounds to Wisdom: Lora Soloman

A conversation that illuminates a journey through the body and reveals the potential held within your very blood and bones. It will transform the way you see your life story, bringing clarity and a sense of awe to who you are and what is possible for you. A deep understanding of the physical body’s connection with the emotional past and the spiritual present.
10/25/202256 minutes, 37 seconds
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Encore Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
10/18/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Encore Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
10/18/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Encore Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
10/18/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
10/11/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
10/11/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN

You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
10/11/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Choose You First: Vicki Dobbs

Are you all ready to crack open just a bit more today and let your Light shine brighter? Isn’t that an awesome a concept…sharing our Light? If you believe what you may have been told, and have come to know, that you are a child of the Divine, created in the image of God, the Creator, the Source of All that Is, then when I talk to you about Resurrecting Your Light, I am talking about you bringing forth a brighter presence of that Essence of The Sacred that you are! It is time to put you first.
10/4/202255 minutes, 12 seconds
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Choose You First: Vicki Dobbs

Are you all ready to crack open just a bit more today and let your Light shine brighter? Isn’t that an awesome a concept…sharing our Light? If you believe what you may have been told, and have come to know, that you are a child of the Divine, created in the image of God, the Creator, the Source of All that Is, then when I talk to you about Resurrecting Your Light, I am talking about you bringing forth a brighter presence of that Essence of The Sacred that you are! It is time to put you first.
10/4/202255 minutes, 12 seconds
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Choose You First: Vicki Dobbs

Are you all ready to crack open just a bit more today and let your Light shine brighter? Isn’t that an awesome a concept…sharing our Light? If you believe what you may have been told, and have come to know, that you are a child of the Divine, created in the image of God, the Creator, the Source of All that Is, then when I talk to you about Resurrecting Your Light, I am talking about you bringing forth a brighter presence of that Essence of The Sacred that you are! It is time to put you first.
10/4/202255 minutes, 12 seconds
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Surviving the Storms: Mark Nepo

We live in a turbulent time. Storms are everywhere, of every shape and size. And like every generation before us, like every soul’s journey on Earth, we must learn the art of surviving storms, so we can endure and build a better world. The reason heartwork is so important in surviving storms is that, as a tree needs to deepen its roots and widen its trunk to endure the force of unexpected storms, we need to know our true self so we can deepen our roots and solidify our connection to all Spirit and all life. Then, we, too, can endure the force of unexpected storms. This is especially relevant now. Every generation has its share of turbulence and chaos—personal storms, relational storms, life storms. And all the traditions offer practices and resources to help us be strong enough and kind enough to meet the challenges of our day. It is our turn to rediscover these practices and resources in order to repair ourselves and our world. This is inner practice; heartwork. Join me and best-selling author, Mark Nepo!
9/27/202255 minutes, 5 seconds
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Surviving the Storms: Mark Nepo

We live in a turbulent time. Storms are everywhere, of every shape and size. And like every generation before us, like every soul’s journey on Earth, we must learn the art of surviving storms, so we can endure and build a better world. The reason heartwork is so important in surviving storms is that, as a tree needs to deepen its roots and widen its trunk to endure the force of unexpected storms, we need to know our true self so we can deepen our roots and solidify our connection to all Spirit and all life. Then, we, too, can endure the force of unexpected storms. This is especially relevant now. Every generation has its share of turbulence and chaos—personal storms, relational storms, life storms. And all the traditions offer practices and resources to help us be strong enough and kind enough to meet the challenges of our day. It is our turn to rediscover these practices and resources in order to repair ourselves and our world. This is inner practice; heartwork. Join me and best-selling author, Mark Nepo!
9/27/202255 minutes, 5 seconds
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Surviving the Storms: Mark Nepo

We live in a turbulent time. Storms are everywhere, of every shape and size. And like every generation before us, like every soul’s journey on Earth, we must learn the art of surviving storms, so we can endure and build a better world. The reason heartwork is so important in surviving storms is that, as a tree needs to deepen its roots and widen its trunk to endure the force of unexpected storms, we need to know our true self so we can deepen our roots and solidify our connection to all Spirit and all life. Then, we, too, can endure the force of unexpected storms. This is especially relevant now. Every generation has its share of turbulence and chaos—personal storms, relational storms, life storms. And all the traditions offer practices and resources to help us be strong enough and kind enough to meet the challenges of our day. It is our turn to rediscover these practices and resources in order to repair ourselves and our world. This is inner practice; heartwork. Join me and best-selling author, Mark Nepo!
9/27/202255 minutes, 5 seconds
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You Are The Rock Star: Alexander Woodrow

Yoga traditionally means a union, a bringing together of things. You can look at it as your mind and body being one, or as a marriage of your breath with your body. Either way, yoga brings us into oneness with what we call the flow state—that effortless, being without thinking state. The state where you just are, in every sense of the word. Ask yourself, how does performing this activity, whether it’s yoga or something else, is a reflection of how you want to live? If it is, great! If it isn’t, find a way to make it. How we do one thing is how we do most things. We become what we practice, and practice what we become. Do more of what reflects how you want to be in the world. Test different solutions until you find the one that works best for you. It’s all about making it accessible for yourself.
9/20/202257 minutes, 3 seconds
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You Are The Rock Star: Alexander Woodrow

Yoga traditionally means a union, a bringing together of things. You can look at it as your mind and body being one, or as a marriage of your breath with your body. Either way, yoga brings us into oneness with what we call the flow state—that effortless, being without thinking state. The state where you just are, in every sense of the word. Ask yourself, how does performing this activity, whether it’s yoga or something else, is a reflection of how you want to live? If it is, great! If it isn’t, find a way to make it. How we do one thing is how we do most things. We become what we practice, and practice what we become. Do more of what reflects how you want to be in the world. Test different solutions until you find the one that works best for you. It’s all about making it accessible for yourself.
9/20/202257 minutes, 3 seconds
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You Are The Rock Star: Alexander Woodrow

Yoga traditionally means a union, a bringing together of things. You can look at it as your mind and body being one, or as a marriage of your breath with your body. Either way, yoga brings us into oneness with what we call the flow state—that effortless, being without thinking state. The state where you just are, in every sense of the word. Ask yourself, how does performing this activity, whether it’s yoga or something else, is a reflection of how you want to live? If it is, great! If it isn’t, find a way to make it. How we do one thing is how we do most things. We become what we practice, and practice what we become. Do more of what reflects how you want to be in the world. Test different solutions until you find the one that works best for you. It’s all about making it accessible for yourself.
9/20/202257 minutes, 3 seconds
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TheArt of Living: Mark Matousek

Being alive is a risky business. No matter who you are, where you live, or how much privilege you enjoy, insecurity is the price tag on human existence, with danger, loss, and suffering close at hand even in the best of times. Science is finally catching up to what sages have been saying forever. Thanks to recent breakthroughs in MRI technology, neurologists are now able—for the first time in history—to observe the human brain in the act of feeling. This has revealed a phenomenon known as neuro- plasticity, which in turn has revolutionized how we think about personal change.
9/13/202253 minutes, 41 seconds
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TheArt of Living: Mark Matousek

Being alive is a risky business. No matter who you are, where you live, or how much privilege you enjoy, insecurity is the price tag on human existence, with danger, loss, and suffering close at hand even in the best of times. Science is finally catching up to what sages have been saying forever. Thanks to recent breakthroughs in MRI technology, neurologists are now able—for the first time in history—to observe the human brain in the act of feeling. This has revealed a phenomenon known as neuro- plasticity, which in turn has revolutionized how we think about personal change.
9/13/202253 minutes, 41 seconds
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TheArt of Living: Mark Matousek

Being alive is a risky business. No matter who you are, where you live, or how much privilege you enjoy, insecurity is the price tag on human existence, with danger, loss, and suffering close at hand even in the best of times. Science is finally catching up to what sages have been saying forever. Thanks to recent breakthroughs in MRI technology, neurologists are now able—for the first time in history—to observe the human brain in the act of feeling. This has revealed a phenomenon known as neuro- plasticity, which in turn has revolutionized how we think about personal change.
9/13/202253 minutes, 41 seconds
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Uncompromising Intimacy:

Have hot, passionate, and deeply satisfying sex with your partner, and fall in love all over again. Are you in a sexless marriage? Wanting more passion and intimacy and afraid that without it you’ll end up divorced? Do you yearn to fall in love again...adored, cherished, and enjoying the feeling that comes with knowing your partner is deeply devoted to you? Explore how to: ~ Escape the trap of being roommates with your spouse ~ Make love as if you’re on your honeymoon ~ Fall deeply in love again, no matter how distant you are today ~ Move from sexless and affection starved to cherished and adored ~ Learn to communicate so you and your partner are working towards the same goals ~ Create and maintain a sensual, intimate, dynamic relationship ~ Be a role model for your kids so they know what a great relationship looks like
9/6/202257 minutes, 8 seconds
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Uncompromising Intimacy:

Have hot, passionate, and deeply satisfying sex with your partner, and fall in love all over again. Are you in a sexless marriage? Wanting more passion and intimacy and afraid that without it you’ll end up divorced? Do you yearn to fall in love again...adored, cherished, and enjoying the feeling that comes with knowing your partner is deeply devoted to you? Explore how to: ~ Escape the trap of being roommates with your spouse ~ Make love as if you’re on your honeymoon ~ Fall deeply in love again, no matter how distant you are today ~ Move from sexless and affection starved to cherished and adored ~ Learn to communicate so you and your partner are working towards the same goals ~ Create and maintain a sensual, intimate, dynamic relationship ~ Be a role model for your kids so they know what a great relationship looks like
9/6/202257 minutes, 8 seconds
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Uncompromising Intimacy:

Have hot, passionate, and deeply satisfying sex with your partner, and fall in love all over again. Are you in a sexless marriage? Wanting more passion and intimacy and afraid that without it you’ll end up divorced? Do you yearn to fall in love again...adored, cherished, and enjoying the feeling that comes with knowing your partner is deeply devoted to you? Explore how to: ~ Escape the trap of being roommates with your spouse ~ Make love as if you’re on your honeymoon ~ Fall deeply in love again, no matter how distant you are today ~ Move from sexless and affection starved to cherished and adored ~ Learn to communicate so you and your partner are working towards the same goals ~ Create and maintain a sensual, intimate, dynamic relationship ~ Be a role model for your kids so they know what a great relationship looks like
9/6/202257 minutes, 8 seconds
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Encore Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
8/30/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Encore Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
8/30/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Encore Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
8/30/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Encore BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
8/23/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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Encore BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
8/23/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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Encore BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
8/23/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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Encore Holy Love: Elisa Romeo & Adam Foley

Many of us have lost connection with the authentic and unconditional part of ourselves — the Soul. How can we connect with another on a soulful level if we do not understand ourselves personally and intimately on a Soul level? How can we find a soul mate if we can’t see and feel our own Soul? This conversation is an invitation to profound growth, fulfilling love, and radical self-discovery via a groundbreaking method designed to transform any relationship into a spiritual path of awakening. The wise part of ourselves is essential for deeply nurturing relationships that are capable of long-term health and growth. Let us clarify and heal conflict in all relationships: marriages, friendships, children, family members, coworkers, neighbors and even acquaintances... with Holy Love
8/16/202254 minutes, 57 seconds
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Encore Holy Love: Elisa Romeo & Adam Foley

Many of us have lost connection with the authentic and unconditional part of ourselves — the Soul. How can we connect with another on a soulful level if we do not understand ourselves personally and intimately on a Soul level? How can we find a soul mate if we can’t see and feel our own Soul? This conversation is an invitation to profound growth, fulfilling love, and radical self-discovery via a groundbreaking method designed to transform any relationship into a spiritual path of awakening. The wise part of ourselves is essential for deeply nurturing relationships that are capable of long-term health and growth. Let us clarify and heal conflict in all relationships: marriages, friendships, children, family members, coworkers, neighbors and even acquaintances... with Holy Love
8/16/202254 minutes, 57 seconds
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Encore Holy Love: Elisa Romeo & Adam Foley

Many of us have lost connection with the authentic and unconditional part of ourselves — the Soul. How can we connect with another on a soulful level if we do not understand ourselves personally and intimately on a Soul level? How can we find a soul mate if we can’t see and feel our own Soul? This conversation is an invitation to profound growth, fulfilling love, and radical self-discovery via a groundbreaking method designed to transform any relationship into a spiritual path of awakening. The wise part of ourselves is essential for deeply nurturing relationships that are capable of long-term health and growth. Let us clarify and heal conflict in all relationships: marriages, friendships, children, family members, coworkers, neighbors and even acquaintances... with Holy Love
8/16/202254 minutes, 57 seconds
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Encore The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
8/9/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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Encore The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
8/9/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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Encore The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
8/9/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
8/2/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
8/2/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace

Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
8/2/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Kabbalah of Light: Catherine Shainberg

Kabbalistic practices to connect with the natural genius of your subconscious and liberate the light within. Tap instantly into the subconscious and receive answers to urgent questions. This method, called the Kabbalah of Light, originated with Rabbi Isaac the Blind of Posquieres (1160-1235) and has been passed down by an ancient kabbalistic family, the Sheshet of Gerona, in an unbroken transmission spanning more than 800 years. The modern lineage holder of the Kabbalah of Light, Shainberg shares 159 short experiential exercises and practices to help you begin dialoguing with your subconscious through images. The images that pop up during these practices are unexpected and revelatory, and she discusses how to open them to greater understanding. At first, they may show you aspects of yourself you don’t like. But seeing them serves as both a diagnosis and a direct path to transformation. Fast and simple, the practices can help you discover your areas of “stuckness,” release past traumas and ancestral patterns, free the imagination, and open the way to the bliss promised us in the Garden of Eden. Beginning this fertile dialogue with your inner world leads you to uncover your soul’s purpose and manifest your dreams in this world. Once your inner dream world and outer reality have merged, you will be able to see your superconscious--your soul’s ­blueprint--and experience the ecstatic illumination of a heart-centered life.
7/26/202255 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Kabbalah of Light: Catherine Shainberg

Kabbalistic practices to connect with the natural genius of your subconscious and liberate the light within. Tap instantly into the subconscious and receive answers to urgent questions. This method, called the Kabbalah of Light, originated with Rabbi Isaac the Blind of Posquieres (1160-1235) and has been passed down by an ancient kabbalistic family, the Sheshet of Gerona, in an unbroken transmission spanning more than 800 years. The modern lineage holder of the Kabbalah of Light, Shainberg shares 159 short experiential exercises and practices to help you begin dialoguing with your subconscious through images. The images that pop up during these practices are unexpected and revelatory, and she discusses how to open them to greater understanding. At first, they may show you aspects of yourself you don’t like. But seeing them serves as both a diagnosis and a direct path to transformation. Fast and simple, the practices can help you discover your areas of “stuckness,” release past traumas and ancestral patterns, free the imagination, and open the way to the bliss promised us in the Garden of Eden. Beginning this fertile dialogue with your inner world leads you to uncover your soul’s purpose and manifest your dreams in this world. Once your inner dream world and outer reality have merged, you will be able to see your superconscious--your soul’s ­blueprint--and experience the ecstatic illumination of a heart-centered life.
7/26/202255 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Kabbalah of Light: Catherine Shainberg

Kabbalistic practices to connect with the natural genius of your subconscious and liberate the light within. Tap instantly into the subconscious and receive answers to urgent questions. This method, called the Kabbalah of Light, originated with Rabbi Isaac the Blind of Posquieres (1160-1235) and has been passed down by an ancient kabbalistic family, the Sheshet of Gerona, in an unbroken transmission spanning more than 800 years. The modern lineage holder of the Kabbalah of Light, Shainberg shares 159 short experiential exercises and practices to help you begin dialoguing with your subconscious through images. The images that pop up during these practices are unexpected and revelatory, and she discusses how to open them to greater understanding. At first, they may show you aspects of yourself you don’t like. But seeing them serves as both a diagnosis and a direct path to transformation. Fast and simple, the practices can help you discover your areas of “stuckness,” release past traumas and ancestral patterns, free the imagination, and open the way to the bliss promised us in the Garden of Eden. Beginning this fertile dialogue with your inner world leads you to uncover your soul’s purpose and manifest your dreams in this world. Once your inner dream world and outer reality have merged, you will be able to see your superconscious--your soul’s ­blueprint--and experience the ecstatic illumination of a heart-centered life.
7/26/202255 minutes, 20 seconds
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Belief, being and BEYOND: Granddaughter Crow

A radical new cognitive framework for under- standing the mysteries of the complex Universe in which we live. Encompass the views and perspectives of seemingly disparate belief systems to create a foundational new paradigm for understanding cultural perspectives. What does Christianity have in common with the tarot? What does Paganism have in common with Navajo creation stories? What does Jesus have in common with the Hindu deity Manu? Granddaughter Crow will enlighten you to the fact that there is far more that unites our varied human systems of belief than we may have ever considered.
7/19/202254 minutes, 39 seconds
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Belief, being and BEYOND: Granddaughter Crow

A radical new cognitive framework for under- standing the mysteries of the complex Universe in which we live. Encompass the views and perspectives of seemingly disparate belief systems to create a foundational new paradigm for understanding cultural perspectives. What does Christianity have in common with the tarot? What does Paganism have in common with Navajo creation stories? What does Jesus have in common with the Hindu deity Manu? Granddaughter Crow will enlighten you to the fact that there is far more that unites our varied human systems of belief than we may have ever considered.
7/19/202254 minutes, 39 seconds
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Belief, being and BEYOND: Granddaughter Crow

A radical new cognitive framework for under- standing the mysteries of the complex Universe in which we live. Encompass the views and perspectives of seemingly disparate belief systems to create a foundational new paradigm for understanding cultural perspectives. What does Christianity have in common with the tarot? What does Paganism have in common with Navajo creation stories? What does Jesus have in common with the Hindu deity Manu? Granddaughter Crow will enlighten you to the fact that there is far more that unites our varied human systems of belief than we may have ever considered.
7/19/202254 minutes, 39 seconds
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Roar Like a Goddess: Acharya Shunya

Within you is a wellspring of strength and resilience, the ability to create and enjoy abundance, and an expansive sense of inner freedom and divinity. Yet after centuries of living in patriarchal societies, many women don’t realize how powerful they are?or how much they’ve been enculturated to keep their true nature hidden. In Roar Like a Goddess, trailblazing Vedic spiritual teacher Acharya Shunya empowers women everywhere to step into their divine immensity and lead powerful, abundant, and wise lives through her revolutionary revisioning of ancient India’s primary goddess archetypes: • Part 1 features the Goddess Durga: a role model who vanquishes internalized misogyny and institutionalized patriarchy, Durga teaches you how to take back your full feminine power. • Part 2 introduces the Goddess Lakshmi: known for her beauty and generous spirit, Lakshmi guides you to cultivate unshakable inner contentment and soul-aligned abundance. • Part 3 celebrates the Goddess Saraswati: the ultimate teacher of our deepest journey to Self, Saraswati illuminates the gifts of wisdom, peace, and inner freedom. Sharing classic myths, original insights, and empowering practices, Shunya offers a profound process for awakening the many faces of the goddess within. “It is time for all women to come out of the closet and roar with all their spiritual power,” she writes, “because that is our true sound.”
7/12/202257 minutes, 33 seconds
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Roar Like a Goddess: Acharya Shunya

Within you is a wellspring of strength and resilience, the ability to create and enjoy abundance, and an expansive sense of inner freedom and divinity. Yet after centuries of living in patriarchal societies, many women don’t realize how powerful they are?or how much they’ve been enculturated to keep their true nature hidden. In Roar Like a Goddess, trailblazing Vedic spiritual teacher Acharya Shunya empowers women everywhere to step into their divine immensity and lead powerful, abundant, and wise lives through her revolutionary revisioning of ancient India’s primary goddess archetypes: • Part 1 features the Goddess Durga: a role model who vanquishes internalized misogyny and institutionalized patriarchy, Durga teaches you how to take back your full feminine power. • Part 2 introduces the Goddess Lakshmi: known for her beauty and generous spirit, Lakshmi guides you to cultivate unshakable inner contentment and soul-aligned abundance. • Part 3 celebrates the Goddess Saraswati: the ultimate teacher of our deepest journey to Self, Saraswati illuminates the gifts of wisdom, peace, and inner freedom. Sharing classic myths, original insights, and empowering practices, Shunya offers a profound process for awakening the many faces of the goddess within. “It is time for all women to come out of the closet and roar with all their spiritual power,” she writes, “because that is our true sound.”
7/12/202257 minutes, 33 seconds
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Roar Like a Goddess: Acharya Shunya

Within you is a wellspring of strength and resilience, the ability to create and enjoy abundance, and an expansive sense of inner freedom and divinity. Yet after centuries of living in patriarchal societies, many women don’t realize how powerful they are?or how much they’ve been enculturated to keep their true nature hidden. In Roar Like a Goddess, trailblazing Vedic spiritual teacher Acharya Shunya empowers women everywhere to step into their divine immensity and lead powerful, abundant, and wise lives through her revolutionary revisioning of ancient India’s primary goddess archetypes: • Part 1 features the Goddess Durga: a role model who vanquishes internalized misogyny and institutionalized patriarchy, Durga teaches you how to take back your full feminine power. • Part 2 introduces the Goddess Lakshmi: known for her beauty and generous spirit, Lakshmi guides you to cultivate unshakable inner contentment and soul-aligned abundance. • Part 3 celebrates the Goddess Saraswati: the ultimate teacher of our deepest journey to Self, Saraswati illuminates the gifts of wisdom, peace, and inner freedom. Sharing classic myths, original insights, and empowering practices, Shunya offers a profound process for awakening the many faces of the goddess within. “It is time for all women to come out of the closet and roar with all their spiritual power,” she writes, “because that is our true sound.”
7/12/202257 minutes, 33 seconds
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Encore LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Experience: Simran

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
7/5/202256 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Experience: Simran

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
7/5/202256 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Experience: Simran

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
7/5/202256 minutes, 41 seconds
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Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: Judy Wilkins-Smith

Everyone knows we inherit our physical DNA, but few people realize we also inherit our emotional DNA?an ancestral blueprint of thoughts, feelings, and actions handed down to us through multiple generations of repeated family patterns. Discover the art and science of creating lasting transformation by working with systemic dynamics and constellations. All of the different systems we belong to?our families, organizations, careers, religions, clubs, cultures?subtly determine how we think, feel, choose, and act. When we illuminate our invisible allegiances to these systems, we’re able to make new choices and watch a world of possibilities open before us. Detect hidden and multigenerational patterns, recognize their purpose, and then transform old cycles to create an extraordinary life. Learn to make the invisible visible by decoding your use of language and your body’s messages. Identify the gifts that are often hidden within the pain and messiness of a family or other system. Understand the physical, emotional, and neurological changes that happen through systemic work. Break free from the immensely powerful meta patterns that keep you in a systemic trance?including gender, war, natural disasters, and religion. Explore the ways your unconscious patterning impacts every area of life?relationships, money, health, and more...
6/28/202253 minutes, 16 seconds
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Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: Judy Wilkins-Smith

Everyone knows we inherit our physical DNA, but few people realize we also inherit our emotional DNA?an ancestral blueprint of thoughts, feelings, and actions handed down to us through multiple generations of repeated family patterns. Discover the art and science of creating lasting transformation by working with systemic dynamics and constellations. All of the different systems we belong to?our families, organizations, careers, religions, clubs, cultures?subtly determine how we think, feel, choose, and act. When we illuminate our invisible allegiances to these systems, we’re able to make new choices and watch a world of possibilities open before us. Detect hidden and multigenerational patterns, recognize their purpose, and then transform old cycles to create an extraordinary life. Learn to make the invisible visible by decoding your use of language and your body’s messages. Identify the gifts that are often hidden within the pain and messiness of a family or other system. Understand the physical, emotional, and neurological changes that happen through systemic work. Break free from the immensely powerful meta patterns that keep you in a systemic trance?including gender, war, natural disasters, and religion. Explore the ways your unconscious patterning impacts every area of life?relationships, money, health, and more...
6/28/202253 minutes, 16 seconds
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Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: Judy Wilkins-Smith

Everyone knows we inherit our physical DNA, but few people realize we also inherit our emotional DNA?an ancestral blueprint of thoughts, feelings, and actions handed down to us through multiple generations of repeated family patterns. Discover the art and science of creating lasting transformation by working with systemic dynamics and constellations. All of the different systems we belong to?our families, organizations, careers, religions, clubs, cultures?subtly determine how we think, feel, choose, and act. When we illuminate our invisible allegiances to these systems, we’re able to make new choices and watch a world of possibilities open before us. Detect hidden and multigenerational patterns, recognize their purpose, and then transform old cycles to create an extraordinary life. Learn to make the invisible visible by decoding your use of language and your body’s messages. Identify the gifts that are often hidden within the pain and messiness of a family or other system. Understand the physical, emotional, and neurological changes that happen through systemic work. Break free from the immensely powerful meta patterns that keep you in a systemic trance?including gender, war, natural disasters, and religion. Explore the ways your unconscious patterning impacts every area of life?relationships, money, health, and more...
6/28/202253 minutes, 16 seconds
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Encore Common Sentience... Meditation: Sister Jenna

Acclaimed spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna expands the concept of meditation to the highest level-from simple relaxation to ecstatic union with Source. Her wisdom will enhance your understanding of the value of contemplative practices, what happens when you turn within, and how it develops your capacity for selfless service. Experience greater depth in your prayerful moments by removing blocks to the process and dropping into the essence of pure Love. This inner transformation will infuse your daily life with more joy, compassion, maturity, and peace. MEDITATION will inspire you to open your doorway to the Divine.
6/21/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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Encore Common Sentience... Meditation: Sister Jenna

Acclaimed spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna expands the concept of meditation to the highest level-from simple relaxation to ecstatic union with Source. Her wisdom will enhance your understanding of the value of contemplative practices, what happens when you turn within, and how it develops your capacity for selfless service. Experience greater depth in your prayerful moments by removing blocks to the process and dropping into the essence of pure Love. This inner transformation will infuse your daily life with more joy, compassion, maturity, and peace. MEDITATION will inspire you to open your doorway to the Divine.
6/21/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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Encore Common Sentience... Meditation: Sister Jenna

Acclaimed spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna expands the concept of meditation to the highest level-from simple relaxation to ecstatic union with Source. Her wisdom will enhance your understanding of the value of contemplative practices, what happens when you turn within, and how it develops your capacity for selfless service. Experience greater depth in your prayerful moments by removing blocks to the process and dropping into the essence of pure Love. This inner transformation will infuse your daily life with more joy, compassion, maturity, and peace. MEDITATION will inspire you to open your doorway to the Divine.
6/21/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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Common Sentience… NATURE: Ana Maria Vasquez

Spiritual wisdom on the ancient wisdom of Nature, messages, and healing Nature shares. In understanding the Natural World, Ana Maria Vasquez shares how the mystical takes form in Nature and how Nature speaks to us. Divine Experiences with Trees, Plants, Stones and Landscapes reveal the greatest teacher of all, including: - healing joy received from a plum tree. - rocks that transmute a woman’s fear into peace. - loving messages from nature allowing a sister to let her beloved brother go. - a sentinel tree witnessing a granddaughters’ short life. - tree spirits that lift a man’s heart and allow lightness and magic into his life. - a water spirit that requests collaboration for healing of the waters. Deepening Your Connection with Nature encourages you to ‘take it into your listening’ and open to the sentient world you are a part of. Recognize you are nature and why it’s important to have reverence, check your vibe, and ask permission to begin co-creating with the natural world.
6/14/202256 minutes, 14 seconds
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Common Sentience… NATURE: Ana Maria Vasquez

Spiritual wisdom on the ancient wisdom of Nature, messages, and healing Nature shares. In understanding the Natural World, Ana Maria Vasquez shares how the mystical takes form in Nature and how Nature speaks to us. Divine Experiences with Trees, Plants, Stones and Landscapes reveal the greatest teacher of all, including: - healing joy received from a plum tree. - rocks that transmute a woman’s fear into peace. - loving messages from nature allowing a sister to let her beloved brother go. - a sentinel tree witnessing a granddaughters’ short life. - tree spirits that lift a man’s heart and allow lightness and magic into his life. - a water spirit that requests collaboration for healing of the waters. Deepening Your Connection with Nature encourages you to ‘take it into your listening’ and open to the sentient world you are a part of. Recognize you are nature and why it’s important to have reverence, check your vibe, and ask permission to begin co-creating with the natural world.
6/14/202256 minutes, 14 seconds
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Common Sentience… NATURE: Ana Maria Vasquez

Spiritual wisdom on the ancient wisdom of Nature, messages, and healing Nature shares. In understanding the Natural World, Ana Maria Vasquez shares how the mystical takes form in Nature and how Nature speaks to us. Divine Experiences with Trees, Plants, Stones and Landscapes reveal the greatest teacher of all, including: - healing joy received from a plum tree. - rocks that transmute a woman’s fear into peace. - loving messages from nature allowing a sister to let her beloved brother go. - a sentinel tree witnessing a granddaughters’ short life. - tree spirits that lift a man’s heart and allow lightness and magic into his life. - a water spirit that requests collaboration for healing of the waters. Deepening Your Connection with Nature encourages you to ‘take it into your listening’ and open to the sentient world you are a part of. Recognize you are nature and why it’s important to have reverence, check your vibe, and ask permission to begin co-creating with the natural world.
6/14/202256 minutes, 14 seconds
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Encore Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
6/7/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Encore Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
6/7/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Encore Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
6/7/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Encore: Empath Activations: Stephanie Red Feather

Presenting high-vibration activational messages, this oracle deck and book set is designed to help you remember your true nature as a being of light, access your cosmic mission, and raise your vibratory frequency. Rev. Stephanie Red Feather hand-painted the art on each of the 44 full-color cards, imbued with sacred geometric symbols and patterns from nature and the cosmos, to serve as a tool of transmission, engaging you on multiple levels of consciousness and allowing you to receive whatever activation, message, or inspiration from Source you need in the moment. The art is also intentionally embedded with activational frequencies to help you “turn on” your light codes, retrieve ancient wisdom stored in your soul’s memory from enlightened times, and transmit signals from Source, which land like seeds in the mind and flower into higher knowledge. Drawing on astrophysics, biology, geology, quantum mechanics, as well as ancient mystical traditions, she shows how the cards can be divided into four groups, each representing a distinct initiatory path and acting as a cosmic mission activation launch sequence. For each card, she explains its meaning and message and includes a ritual activity, such as an incantation, guided journaling, meditation, or ceremony, to help you engage more deeply and experientially with the message. Offering a hands-on tool to discover and activate the next steps of your cosmic mission, this oracle helps you prepare your light body for the next octave of your soul purpose on Earth as well as drawing you into higher, wider, and deeper dimensions of consciousness.
5/31/202255 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore: Empath Activations: Stephanie Red Feather

Presenting high-vibration activational messages, this oracle deck and book set is designed to help you remember your true nature as a being of light, access your cosmic mission, and raise your vibratory frequency. Rev. Stephanie Red Feather hand-painted the art on each of the 44 full-color cards, imbued with sacred geometric symbols and patterns from nature and the cosmos, to serve as a tool of transmission, engaging you on multiple levels of consciousness and allowing you to receive whatever activation, message, or inspiration from Source you need in the moment. The art is also intentionally embedded with activational frequencies to help you “turn on” your light codes, retrieve ancient wisdom stored in your soul’s memory from enlightened times, and transmit signals from Source, which land like seeds in the mind and flower into higher knowledge. Drawing on astrophysics, biology, geology, quantum mechanics, as well as ancient mystical traditions, she shows how the cards can be divided into four groups, each representing a distinct initiatory path and acting as a cosmic mission activation launch sequence. For each card, she explains its meaning and message and includes a ritual activity, such as an incantation, guided journaling, meditation, or ceremony, to help you engage more deeply and experientially with the message. Offering a hands-on tool to discover and activate the next steps of your cosmic mission, this oracle helps you prepare your light body for the next octave of your soul purpose on Earth as well as drawing you into higher, wider, and deeper dimensions of consciousness.
5/31/202255 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore: Empath Activations: Stephanie Red Feather

Presenting high-vibration activational messages, this oracle deck and book set is designed to help you remember your true nature as a being of light, access your cosmic mission, and raise your vibratory frequency. Rev. Stephanie Red Feather hand-painted the art on each of the 44 full-color cards, imbued with sacred geometric symbols and patterns from nature and the cosmos, to serve as a tool of transmission, engaging you on multiple levels of consciousness and allowing you to receive whatever activation, message, or inspiration from Source you need in the moment. The art is also intentionally embedded with activational frequencies to help you “turn on” your light codes, retrieve ancient wisdom stored in your soul’s memory from enlightened times, and transmit signals from Source, which land like seeds in the mind and flower into higher knowledge. Drawing on astrophysics, biology, geology, quantum mechanics, as well as ancient mystical traditions, she shows how the cards can be divided into four groups, each representing a distinct initiatory path and acting as a cosmic mission activation launch sequence. For each card, she explains its meaning and message and includes a ritual activity, such as an incantation, guided journaling, meditation, or ceremony, to help you engage more deeply and experientially with the message. Offering a hands-on tool to discover and activate the next steps of your cosmic mission, this oracle helps you prepare your light body for the next octave of your soul purpose on Earth as well as drawing you into higher, wider, and deeper dimensions of consciousness.
5/31/202255 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
5/24/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Encore Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
5/24/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Encore Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
5/24/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Empath Activations: Stephanie Red Feather

Presenting high-vibration activational messages, this oracle deck and book set is designed to help you remember your true nature as a being of light, access your cosmic mission, and raise your vibratory frequency. Rev. Stephanie Red Feather hand-painted the art on each of the 44 full-color cards, imbued with sacred geometric symbols and patterns from nature and the cosmos, to serve as a tool of transmission, engaging you on multiple levels of consciousness and allowing you to receive whatever activation, message, or inspiration from Source you need in the moment. The art is also intentionally embedded with activational frequencies to help you “turn on” your light codes, retrieve ancient wisdom stored in your soul’s memory from enlightened times, and transmit signals from Source, which land like seeds in the mind and flower into higher knowledge. Drawing on astrophysics, biology, geology, quantum mechanics, as well as ancient mystical traditions, she shows how the cards can be divided into four groups, each representing a distinct initiatory path and acting as a cosmic mission activation launch sequence. For each card, she explains its meaning and message and includes a ritual activity, such as an incantation, guided journaling, meditation, or ceremony, to help you engage more deeply and experientially with the message. Offering a hands-on tool to discover and activate the next steps of your cosmic mission, this oracle helps you prepare your light body for the next octave of your soul purpose on Earth as well as drawing you into higher, wider, and deeper dimensions of consciousness.
5/17/202255 minutes, 50 seconds
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Empath Activations: Stephanie Red Feather

Presenting high-vibration activational messages, this oracle deck and book set is designed to help you remember your true nature as a being of light, access your cosmic mission, and raise your vibratory frequency. Rev. Stephanie Red Feather hand-painted the art on each of the 44 full-color cards, imbued with sacred geometric symbols and patterns from nature and the cosmos, to serve as a tool of transmission, engaging you on multiple levels of consciousness and allowing you to receive whatever activation, message, or inspiration from Source you need in the moment. The art is also intentionally embedded with activational frequencies to help you “turn on” your light codes, retrieve ancient wisdom stored in your soul’s memory from enlightened times, and transmit signals from Source, which land like seeds in the mind and flower into higher knowledge. Drawing on astrophysics, biology, geology, quantum mechanics, as well as ancient mystical traditions, she shows how the cards can be divided into four groups, each representing a distinct initiatory path and acting as a cosmic mission activation launch sequence. For each card, she explains its meaning and message and includes a ritual activity, such as an incantation, guided journaling, meditation, or ceremony, to help you engage more deeply and experientially with the message. Offering a hands-on tool to discover and activate the next steps of your cosmic mission, this oracle helps you prepare your light body for the next octave of your soul purpose on Earth as well as drawing you into higher, wider, and deeper dimensions of consciousness.
5/17/202255 minutes, 50 seconds
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Empath Activations: Stephanie Red Feather

Presenting high-vibration activational messages, this oracle deck and book set is designed to help you remember your true nature as a being of light, access your cosmic mission, and raise your vibratory frequency. Rev. Stephanie Red Feather hand-painted the art on each of the 44 full-color cards, imbued with sacred geometric symbols and patterns from nature and the cosmos, to serve as a tool of transmission, engaging you on multiple levels of consciousness and allowing you to receive whatever activation, message, or inspiration from Source you need in the moment. The art is also intentionally embedded with activational frequencies to help you “turn on” your light codes, retrieve ancient wisdom stored in your soul’s memory from enlightened times, and transmit signals from Source, which land like seeds in the mind and flower into higher knowledge. Drawing on astrophysics, biology, geology, quantum mechanics, as well as ancient mystical traditions, she shows how the cards can be divided into four groups, each representing a distinct initiatory path and acting as a cosmic mission activation launch sequence. For each card, she explains its meaning and message and includes a ritual activity, such as an incantation, guided journaling, meditation, or ceremony, to help you engage more deeply and experientially with the message. Offering a hands-on tool to discover and activate the next steps of your cosmic mission, this oracle helps you prepare your light body for the next octave of your soul purpose on Earth as well as drawing you into higher, wider, and deeper dimensions of consciousness.
5/17/202255 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
5/10/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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Encore The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
5/10/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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Encore The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
5/10/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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Spirit Animals: Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer reveals how spirit animals appearing in life, in dreams, or symbolically, to share their mystical yet practical medicine. Experience how these spiritual allies can guard, aid, heal, and guide you in the most unexpected and delightful ways, including: - a jaguar that restores hope to a heartbroken woman. - an otter that instills confidence in a young single mom. - a family of whales that washes away fear and inspires an awe for life. - a poison dart frog that cautions about caring for our air and water. - a coyote that warns a man of his friend's deception. - a moth that teaches of grief, loss, and eternal love. Renowned animal spirit guy Dr. Steven Farmer explains how these profound encounters affirm our intimacy with the animal world and the realm of Spirit. His wisdom will heighten your understanding of spirit animal symbolism, the five major ways that spirit animals can speak to you, and how to discern their messages for you. Learn how to receive the animals' gifts in the form of wisdom, guidance, protection, and power, and come to feel their support, trust their keen perception, and appreciate the simple ways in which they appear just when you need guidance the most. ANIMALS will show you how you, too, can fly like an eagle, run like a puma, and reach new heights like the tallest giraffe.
5/3/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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Spirit Animals: Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer reveals how spirit animals appearing in life, in dreams, or symbolically, to share their mystical yet practical medicine. Experience how these spiritual allies can guard, aid, heal, and guide you in the most unexpected and delightful ways, including: - a jaguar that restores hope to a heartbroken woman. - an otter that instills confidence in a young single mom. - a family of whales that washes away fear and inspires an awe for life. - a poison dart frog that cautions about caring for our air and water. - a coyote that warns a man of his friend's deception. - a moth that teaches of grief, loss, and eternal love. Renowned animal spirit guy Dr. Steven Farmer explains how these profound encounters affirm our intimacy with the animal world and the realm of Spirit. His wisdom will heighten your understanding of spirit animal symbolism, the five major ways that spirit animals can speak to you, and how to discern their messages for you. Learn how to receive the animals' gifts in the form of wisdom, guidance, protection, and power, and come to feel their support, trust their keen perception, and appreciate the simple ways in which they appear just when you need guidance the most. ANIMALS will show you how you, too, can fly like an eagle, run like a puma, and reach new heights like the tallest giraffe.
5/3/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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Spirit Animals: Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Steven Farmer reveals how spirit animals appearing in life, in dreams, or symbolically, to share their mystical yet practical medicine. Experience how these spiritual allies can guard, aid, heal, and guide you in the most unexpected and delightful ways, including: - a jaguar that restores hope to a heartbroken woman. - an otter that instills confidence in a young single mom. - a family of whales that washes away fear and inspires an awe for life. - a poison dart frog that cautions about caring for our air and water. - a coyote that warns a man of his friend's deception. - a moth that teaches of grief, loss, and eternal love. Renowned animal spirit guy Dr. Steven Farmer explains how these profound encounters affirm our intimacy with the animal world and the realm of Spirit. His wisdom will heighten your understanding of spirit animal symbolism, the five major ways that spirit animals can speak to you, and how to discern their messages for you. Learn how to receive the animals' gifts in the form of wisdom, guidance, protection, and power, and come to feel their support, trust their keen perception, and appreciate the simple ways in which they appear just when you need guidance the most. ANIMALS will show you how you, too, can fly like an eagle, run like a puma, and reach new heights like the tallest giraffe.
5/3/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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Angel Quest: Karen Noé & Marie Antoinette Kelley

Enhance direct communication between you and your angels. As you invoke those in the heavenly realm, you’ll receive accurate, uplifting messages to help you better understand the steps you need to take to move forward in life. Deepen your connection with the angelic realm. Receive the support from the unseen. Connect to your angelic team and co-create with the Universe. How do we connect with the angelic realm? What is divination? How does the soul speak through imagery, color and symbolism. Tune in as we receive messages from the angels. Two beautiful souls came together for an Angel Quest. Karen Noé is a renowned psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list for appointments and consultations. She is the author of several books. Marie Antoinette Kelley is a self-taught artist who has done hundreds of portraits and whose work is well known throughout Montana.
4/26/202256 minutes, 47 seconds
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Angel Quest: Karen Noé & Marie Antoinette Kelley

Enhance direct communication between you and your angels. As you invoke those in the heavenly realm, you’ll receive accurate, uplifting messages to help you better understand the steps you need to take to move forward in life. Deepen your connection with the angelic realm. Receive the support from the unseen. Connect to your angelic team and co-create with the Universe. How do we connect with the angelic realm? What is divination? How does the soul speak through imagery, color and symbolism. Tune in as we receive messages from the angels. Two beautiful souls came together for an Angel Quest. Karen Noé is a renowned psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list for appointments and consultations. She is the author of several books. Marie Antoinette Kelley is a self-taught artist who has done hundreds of portraits and whose work is well known throughout Montana.
4/26/202256 minutes, 47 seconds
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Angel Quest: Karen Noé & Marie Antoinette Kelley

Enhance direct communication between you and your angels. As you invoke those in the heavenly realm, you’ll receive accurate, uplifting messages to help you better understand the steps you need to take to move forward in life. Deepen your connection with the angelic realm. Receive the support from the unseen. Connect to your angelic team and co-create with the Universe. How do we connect with the angelic realm? What is divination? How does the soul speak through imagery, color and symbolism. Tune in as we receive messages from the angels. Two beautiful souls came together for an Angel Quest. Karen Noé is a renowned psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list for appointments and consultations. She is the author of several books. Marie Antoinette Kelley is a self-taught artist who has done hundreds of portraits and whose work is well known throughout Montana.
4/26/202256 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Journey to Enlightenment: Simran

Your Journey to Enlightenment awakens an ancient knowing that you are a Master and have always been. The moment has come for a new visionary that engages in a radical approach to living, being, and knowing. This rebel visionary is fully engaged from the heart and gut and goes against the norm, not allowing systems to rule his or her expression. Your Journey to Enlightenment lays out 12 guiding principles that will help you discover how to: Live in constant, unfolding potential, without attachment to outcomes Live awake and aware, soaring as a magnetizing force in personal and global expansion Live and walk an authentic path of devotion, unlocking inherent gifts Live a process of self-activated awakening for mastery of the multidimensional experience
4/19/202255 minutes, 45 seconds
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Your Journey to Enlightenment: Simran

Your Journey to Enlightenment awakens an ancient knowing that you are a Master and have always been. The moment has come for a new visionary that engages in a radical approach to living, being, and knowing. This rebel visionary is fully engaged from the heart and gut and goes against the norm, not allowing systems to rule his or her expression. Your Journey to Enlightenment lays out 12 guiding principles that will help you discover how to: Live in constant, unfolding potential, without attachment to outcomes Live awake and aware, soaring as a magnetizing force in personal and global expansion Live and walk an authentic path of devotion, unlocking inherent gifts Live a process of self-activated awakening for mastery of the multidimensional experience
4/19/202255 minutes, 45 seconds
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Your Journey to Enlightenment: Simran

Your Journey to Enlightenment awakens an ancient knowing that you are a Master and have always been. The moment has come for a new visionary that engages in a radical approach to living, being, and knowing. This rebel visionary is fully engaged from the heart and gut and goes against the norm, not allowing systems to rule his or her expression. Your Journey to Enlightenment lays out 12 guiding principles that will help you discover how to: Live in constant, unfolding potential, without attachment to outcomes Live awake and aware, soaring as a magnetizing force in personal and global expansion Live and walk an authentic path of devotion, unlocking inherent gifts Live a process of self-activated awakening for mastery of the multidimensional experience
4/19/202255 minutes, 45 seconds
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Holy Love: Elisa Romeo & Adam Foley

Many of us have lost connection with the authentic and unconditional part of ourselves — the Soul. How can we connect with another on a soulful level if we do not understand ourselves personally and intimately on a Soul level? How can we find a soul mate if we can’t see and feel our own Soul? This conversation is an invitation to profound growth, fulfilling love, and radical self-discovery via a groundbreaking method designed to transform any relationship into a spiritual path of awakening. The wise part of ourselves is essential for deeply nurturing relationships that are capable of long-term health and growth. Let us clarify and heal conflict in all relationships: marriages, friendships, children, family members, coworkers, neighbors and even acquaintances... with Holy Love
4/12/202254 minutes, 57 seconds
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Holy Love: Elisa Romeo & Adam Foley

Many of us have lost connection with the authentic and unconditional part of ourselves — the Soul. How can we connect with another on a soulful level if we do not understand ourselves personally and intimately on a Soul level? How can we find a soul mate if we can’t see and feel our own Soul? This conversation is an invitation to profound growth, fulfilling love, and radical self-discovery via a groundbreaking method designed to transform any relationship into a spiritual path of awakening. The wise part of ourselves is essential for deeply nurturing relationships that are capable of long-term health and growth. Let us clarify and heal conflict in all relationships: marriages, friendships, children, family members, coworkers, neighbors and even acquaintances... with Holy Love
4/12/202254 minutes, 57 seconds
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Holy Love: Elisa Romeo & Adam Foley

Many of us have lost connection with the authentic and unconditional part of ourselves — the Soul. How can we connect with another on a soulful level if we do not understand ourselves personally and intimately on a Soul level? How can we find a soul mate if we can’t see and feel our own Soul? This conversation is an invitation to profound growth, fulfilling love, and radical self-discovery via a groundbreaking method designed to transform any relationship into a spiritual path of awakening. The wise part of ourselves is essential for deeply nurturing relationships that are capable of long-term health and growth. Let us clarify and heal conflict in all relationships: marriages, friendships, children, family members, coworkers, neighbors and even acquaintances... with Holy Love
4/12/202254 minutes, 57 seconds
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Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
4/5/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
4/5/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Afterlife Frequency: Mark Anthony

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Faith embraces mysteries, whereas science explains them. But faith and science may converge when it comes to survival of the soul and the afterlife. People of faith accept the existence of the soul and eternal life as true, while simultaneously accepting it as a mystery. People of science accept the existence of the brain’s electrical field and that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The existence of the soul and the afterlife is a mystery, challenging scientists to develop the technology to solve this mystery. - Mark Anthony, Afterlife Frequency
4/5/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Common Sentience... Meditation: Sister Jenna

Acclaimed spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna expands the concept of meditation to the highest level-from simple relaxation to ecstatic union with Source. Her wisdom will enhance your understanding of the value of contemplative practices, what happens when you turn within, and how it develops your capacity for selfless service. Experience greater depth in your prayerful moments by removing blocks to the process and dropping into the essence of pure Love. This inner transformation will infuse your daily life with more joy, compassion, maturity, and peace. MEDITATION will inspire you to open your doorway to the Divine.
3/29/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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Common Sentience... Meditation: Sister Jenna

Acclaimed spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna expands the concept of meditation to the highest level-from simple relaxation to ecstatic union with Source. Her wisdom will enhance your understanding of the value of contemplative practices, what happens when you turn within, and how it develops your capacity for selfless service. Experience greater depth in your prayerful moments by removing blocks to the process and dropping into the essence of pure Love. This inner transformation will infuse your daily life with more joy, compassion, maturity, and peace. MEDITATION will inspire you to open your doorway to the Divine.
3/29/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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Common Sentience... Meditation: Sister Jenna

Acclaimed spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna expands the concept of meditation to the highest level-from simple relaxation to ecstatic union with Source. Her wisdom will enhance your understanding of the value of contemplative practices, what happens when you turn within, and how it develops your capacity for selfless service. Experience greater depth in your prayerful moments by removing blocks to the process and dropping into the essence of pure Love. This inner transformation will infuse your daily life with more joy, compassion, maturity, and peace. MEDITATION will inspire you to open your doorway to the Divine.
3/29/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
3/22/20221 hour, 16 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
3/22/20221 hour, 16 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
3/22/20221 hour, 16 seconds
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Acts of Power: Lynn Andrews

We sometimes forget that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and not the other way around. We also completely forget that we have these innate super powers within us that are all uniquely our own. Each and every person on this planet has a power within them when they cultivate the awareness of what it is and how to use it. Like anything in life you can either ‘use it’ or you ‘lose it’. Each day is available for you to express acts of power and faith.
3/15/202255 minutes, 39 seconds
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Acts of Power: Lynn Andrews

We sometimes forget that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and not the other way around. We also completely forget that we have these innate super powers within us that are all uniquely our own. Each and every person on this planet has a power within them when they cultivate the awareness of what it is and how to use it. Like anything in life you can either ‘use it’ or you ‘lose it’. Each day is available for you to express acts of power and faith.
3/15/202255 minutes, 39 seconds
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Acts of Power: Lynn Andrews

We sometimes forget that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and not the other way around. We also completely forget that we have these innate super powers within us that are all uniquely our own. Each and every person on this planet has a power within them when they cultivate the awareness of what it is and how to use it. Like anything in life you can either ‘use it’ or you ‘lose it’. Each day is available for you to express acts of power and faith.
3/15/202255 minutes, 39 seconds
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Peaceful Heart Warrior Spirit: Dan Millman

Dan Millman’s books and teachings have been a guiding light to millions of people. Now comes the true story of his search for the good life, a quest for meaning in the modern world. In vivid detail, he describes his evolution from childhood dreamer to world-class athlete, including the events that led him to write the spiritual classic Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Over the course of two decades Dan was guided by four radically different mentors: the Professor, a scientist-mystic; the Guru, a charismatic spiritual master; the Warrior-Priest, a rescuer of lost souls; and the Sage, a servant of reality. Each of them generated mind-expanding experiences that prepared Dan for his calling as a down-to-earth spiritual teacher. This book also contains commentaries by his wife Joy with her perspectives of the four mentors and their life together.
3/8/202257 minutes, 31 seconds
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Peaceful Heart Warrior Spirit: Dan Millman

Dan Millman’s books and teachings have been a guiding light to millions of people. Now comes the true story of his search for the good life, a quest for meaning in the modern world. In vivid detail, he describes his evolution from childhood dreamer to world-class athlete, including the events that led him to write the spiritual classic Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Over the course of two decades Dan was guided by four radically different mentors: the Professor, a scientist-mystic; the Guru, a charismatic spiritual master; the Warrior-Priest, a rescuer of lost souls; and the Sage, a servant of reality. Each of them generated mind-expanding experiences that prepared Dan for his calling as a down-to-earth spiritual teacher. This book also contains commentaries by his wife Joy with her perspectives of the four mentors and their life together.
3/8/202257 minutes, 31 seconds
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Peaceful Heart Warrior Spirit: Dan Millman

Dan Millman’s books and teachings have been a guiding light to millions of people. Now comes the true story of his search for the good life, a quest for meaning in the modern world. In vivid detail, he describes his evolution from childhood dreamer to world-class athlete, including the events that led him to write the spiritual classic Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Over the course of two decades Dan was guided by four radically different mentors: the Professor, a scientist-mystic; the Guru, a charismatic spiritual master; the Warrior-Priest, a rescuer of lost souls; and the Sage, a servant of reality. Each of them generated mind-expanding experiences that prepared Dan for his calling as a down-to-earth spiritual teacher. This book also contains commentaries by his wife Joy with her perspectives of the four mentors and their life together.
3/8/202257 minutes, 31 seconds
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LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Experience: Simran

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
3/1/202256 minutes, 41 seconds
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LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Experience: Simran

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
3/1/202256 minutes, 41 seconds
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LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Experience: Simran

There are moments when the human journey can feel like an uphill climb with both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Hidden in plain sight are a unique and unconventional set of blessings available to all of us to help navigate this thing we call life. In this first of three books in the SELF Realization series by award-winning author SIMRAN, learn how the blessings of Life, Challenge, Conflict, Chaos, Obstacles, Darkness, and Death serve as secret passageways to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and your highest potential. Examine the ways that engaging intimately with these seven blessed encounters invites mastery and awakens inherent gifts, while creating the states of fulfillment, empowerment, and connection we all long for. Discover that you are part of a magnificent process of accounting that brings about balance while leading you directly into your destiny.
3/1/202256 minutes, 41 seconds
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Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
2/22/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
2/22/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Feminine Courage: Meghan Don

What does it mean to have courage? And why specifically call it feminine? Looking at the origin of the word 'courage,' we are returned to the medieval era where it was associated with, and known to be, the very seat or place of the feelings, that is, the heart. In contemporary times courage has been defined as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Surely there is no greater human ability that is called for right now? The seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, as well as the enlightened being of one's true nature. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you heal your spirit, find liberation, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can access each divine face and gain empowerment from this guide's exploration of powerful, sacred women, including Mary Magdalene, Lilith, the Black Madonna, and Teresa of Avila.
2/22/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
2/15/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
2/15/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Art of Activism: Stephen Duncombe

Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join the co-founders of the Center for Artistic Activism as they draw lessons from pop culture and mainstream marketing, delve into explorative teachings on ethics and evaluation, and set out the promises and pitfalls of the creative process and utopian thinking. The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science.
2/15/202254 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Soul of Prosperity: Rev. Jim Webb

Prosperity is something we aspire to achieve. However, it often seems just out of reach. Perhaps you've tried in so many ways to improve your life and even had halting, limited success, which has made you feel even more frustrated. The deep, lasting prosperity we desire eludes us because we have let others define it for us, because we've searched for it in the wrong places, and because we haven't had the tools to attain it. Develop your personalized roadmap to prosperity.
2/8/202256 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Soul of Prosperity: Rev. Jim Webb

Prosperity is something we aspire to achieve. However, it often seems just out of reach. Perhaps you've tried in so many ways to improve your life and even had halting, limited success, which has made you feel even more frustrated. The deep, lasting prosperity we desire eludes us because we have let others define it for us, because we've searched for it in the wrong places, and because we haven't had the tools to attain it. Develop your personalized roadmap to prosperity.
2/8/202256 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Soul of Prosperity: Rev. Jim Webb

Prosperity is something we aspire to achieve. However, it often seems just out of reach. Perhaps you've tried in so many ways to improve your life and even had halting, limited success, which has made you feel even more frustrated. The deep, lasting prosperity we desire eludes us because we have let others define it for us, because we've searched for it in the wrong places, and because we haven't had the tools to attain it. Develop your personalized roadmap to prosperity.
2/8/202256 minutes, 23 seconds
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Your Hormones Your Story: Dr. Sonya Jensen

Dr. Sonya Jensen has been working with women for over a decade, inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves and helping them gain freedom from the chains of society, their hormones, and the mantra that continuously plays in so many of their minds, I’m not enough. Dr. Jensen has made it clear that healing hormones isn’t just a job for the physical body but the heart, mind, and even the soul. The experiences a woman has from the womb onward, dictate her thoughts and beliefs about herself and life. These beliefs, in turn, dictate the actions and communication pathways of her hormones, creating her personality and, therefore, creating her life. Dr. Jensen details the science behind hormones and the wisdom behind womanhood, illustrating how the dance between the two makes way for either a woman's healing or her suffering.
2/1/202257 minutes, 12 seconds
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Your Hormones Your Story: Dr. Sonya Jensen

Dr. Sonya Jensen has been working with women for over a decade, inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves and helping them gain freedom from the chains of society, their hormones, and the mantra that continuously plays in so many of their minds, I’m not enough. Dr. Jensen has made it clear that healing hormones isn’t just a job for the physical body but the heart, mind, and even the soul. The experiences a woman has from the womb onward, dictate her thoughts and beliefs about herself and life. These beliefs, in turn, dictate the actions and communication pathways of her hormones, creating her personality and, therefore, creating her life. Dr. Jensen details the science behind hormones and the wisdom behind womanhood, illustrating how the dance between the two makes way for either a woman's healing or her suffering.
2/1/202257 minutes, 12 seconds
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Your Hormones Your Story: Dr. Sonya Jensen

Dr. Sonya Jensen has been working with women for over a decade, inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves and helping them gain freedom from the chains of society, their hormones, and the mantra that continuously plays in so many of their minds, I’m not enough. Dr. Jensen has made it clear that healing hormones isn’t just a job for the physical body but the heart, mind, and even the soul. The experiences a woman has from the womb onward, dictate her thoughts and beliefs about herself and life. These beliefs, in turn, dictate the actions and communication pathways of her hormones, creating her personality and, therefore, creating her life. Dr. Jensen details the science behind hormones and the wisdom behind womanhood, illustrating how the dance between the two makes way for either a woman's healing or her suffering.
2/1/202257 minutes, 12 seconds
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Encore The Story of Everything: Betsy Pool

Fragmented throughout Damanhur’s esoteric archive was a cohesive ancient history of humanity that is not reflected in the history books. Betsy’s mission was to reassemble this history into a mythological narrative that could be shared as a catalyst for the world. A physical StoryRoom was constructed. For a decade, she painstakingly pieced together this history from 40 years of Falco’s teachings, combined with interviews of Damanhurians with whom he had entrusted parts of the story. Her film, THE STORY OF EVERYTHING, now brings the oral transmission of this remarkable narrative to the world. From childhood, Betsy had contact with non-terrestrial intelligence, which silenced when she entered adulthood. After Falco’s death, at a dark point in the StoryRoom assembly, Betsy was ready to abandon the mission. She attended a business media residency in Ronda, Spain to start a new project. There, a man previously unknown to her, channeled a five-page message from the non-terrestrial intelligence of her childhood, introducing him as her ally in this mission. From that point, Edgar Bültemeyer joined Betsy as her partner in the realization of the work to bring the StoryRoom to the world.
1/25/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Encore The Story of Everything: Betsy Pool

Fragmented throughout Damanhur’s esoteric archive was a cohesive ancient history of humanity that is not reflected in the history books. Betsy’s mission was to reassemble this history into a mythological narrative that could be shared as a catalyst for the world. A physical StoryRoom was constructed. For a decade, she painstakingly pieced together this history from 40 years of Falco’s teachings, combined with interviews of Damanhurians with whom he had entrusted parts of the story. Her film, THE STORY OF EVERYTHING, now brings the oral transmission of this remarkable narrative to the world. From childhood, Betsy had contact with non-terrestrial intelligence, which silenced when she entered adulthood. After Falco’s death, at a dark point in the StoryRoom assembly, Betsy was ready to abandon the mission. She attended a business media residency in Ronda, Spain to start a new project. There, a man previously unknown to her, channeled a five-page message from the non-terrestrial intelligence of her childhood, introducing him as her ally in this mission. From that point, Edgar Bültemeyer joined Betsy as her partner in the realization of the work to bring the StoryRoom to the world.
1/25/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Encore The Story of Everything: Betsy Pool

Fragmented throughout Damanhur’s esoteric archive was a cohesive ancient history of humanity that is not reflected in the history books. Betsy’s mission was to reassemble this history into a mythological narrative that could be shared as a catalyst for the world. A physical StoryRoom was constructed. For a decade, she painstakingly pieced together this history from 40 years of Falco’s teachings, combined with interviews of Damanhurians with whom he had entrusted parts of the story. Her film, THE STORY OF EVERYTHING, now brings the oral transmission of this remarkable narrative to the world. From childhood, Betsy had contact with non-terrestrial intelligence, which silenced when she entered adulthood. After Falco’s death, at a dark point in the StoryRoom assembly, Betsy was ready to abandon the mission. She attended a business media residency in Ronda, Spain to start a new project. There, a man previously unknown to her, channeled a five-page message from the non-terrestrial intelligence of her childhood, introducing him as her ally in this mission. From that point, Edgar Bültemeyer joined Betsy as her partner in the realization of the work to bring the StoryRoom to the world.
1/25/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Story of Everything: Betsy Pool

Fragmented throughout Damanhur’s esoteric archive was a cohesive ancient history of humanity that is not reflected in the history books. Betsy’s mission was to reassemble this history into a mythological narrative that could be shared as a catalyst for the world. A physical StoryRoom was constructed. For a decade, she painstakingly pieced together this history from 40 years of Falco’s teachings, combined with interviews of Damanhurians with whom he had entrusted parts of the story. Her film, THE STORY OF EVERYTHING, now brings the oral transmission of this remarkable narrative to the world. From childhood, Betsy had contact with non-terrestrial intelligence, which silenced when she entered adulthood. After Falco’s death, at a dark point in the StoryRoom assembly, Betsy was ready to abandon the mission. She attended a business media residency in Ronda, Spain to start a new project. There, a man previously unknown to her, channeled a five-page message from the non-terrestrial intelligence of her childhood, introducing him as her ally in this mission. From that point, Edgar Bültemeyer joined Betsy as her partner in the realization of the work to bring the StoryRoom to the world.
1/18/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Story of Everything: Betsy Pool

Fragmented throughout Damanhur’s esoteric archive was a cohesive ancient history of humanity that is not reflected in the history books. Betsy’s mission was to reassemble this history into a mythological narrative that could be shared as a catalyst for the world. A physical StoryRoom was constructed. For a decade, she painstakingly pieced together this history from 40 years of Falco’s teachings, combined with interviews of Damanhurians with whom he had entrusted parts of the story. Her film, THE STORY OF EVERYTHING, now brings the oral transmission of this remarkable narrative to the world. From childhood, Betsy had contact with non-terrestrial intelligence, which silenced when she entered adulthood. After Falco’s death, at a dark point in the StoryRoom assembly, Betsy was ready to abandon the mission. She attended a business media residency in Ronda, Spain to start a new project. There, a man previously unknown to her, channeled a five-page message from the non-terrestrial intelligence of her childhood, introducing him as her ally in this mission. From that point, Edgar Bültemeyer joined Betsy as her partner in the realization of the work to bring the StoryRoom to the world.
1/18/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Story of Everything: Betsy Pool

Fragmented throughout Damanhur’s esoteric archive was a cohesive ancient history of humanity that is not reflected in the history books. Betsy’s mission was to reassemble this history into a mythological narrative that could be shared as a catalyst for the world. A physical StoryRoom was constructed. For a decade, she painstakingly pieced together this history from 40 years of Falco’s teachings, combined with interviews of Damanhurians with whom he had entrusted parts of the story. Her film, THE STORY OF EVERYTHING, now brings the oral transmission of this remarkable narrative to the world. From childhood, Betsy had contact with non-terrestrial intelligence, which silenced when she entered adulthood. After Falco’s death, at a dark point in the StoryRoom assembly, Betsy was ready to abandon the mission. She attended a business media residency in Ronda, Spain to start a new project. There, a man previously unknown to her, channeled a five-page message from the non-terrestrial intelligence of her childhood, introducing him as her ally in this mission. From that point, Edgar Bültemeyer joined Betsy as her partner in the realization of the work to bring the StoryRoom to the world.
1/18/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Encore Sovereign Self: Acharya Shunya

There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass?they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. Unshackle your mind and claim your spiritual birthright of freedom, wholeness, and joy through the perennial wisdom of ancient yoga With Sovereign Self, Acharya Shunya shares a groundbreaking guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature?that which is always whole, joyful, and free. As the first female lineage holder in a 2,000-year-old line of spiritual teachers, Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive these authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master?one with a distinctly down-to-earth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed.
1/11/202256 minutes, 59 seconds
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Encore Sovereign Self: Acharya Shunya

There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass?they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. Unshackle your mind and claim your spiritual birthright of freedom, wholeness, and joy through the perennial wisdom of ancient yoga With Sovereign Self, Acharya Shunya shares a groundbreaking guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature?that which is always whole, joyful, and free. As the first female lineage holder in a 2,000-year-old line of spiritual teachers, Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive these authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master?one with a distinctly down-to-earth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed.
1/11/202256 minutes, 59 seconds
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Encore Sovereign Self: Acharya Shunya

There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass?they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. Unshackle your mind and claim your spiritual birthright of freedom, wholeness, and joy through the perennial wisdom of ancient yoga With Sovereign Self, Acharya Shunya shares a groundbreaking guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature?that which is always whole, joyful, and free. As the first female lineage holder in a 2,000-year-old line of spiritual teachers, Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive these authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master?one with a distinctly down-to-earth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed.
1/11/202256 minutes, 59 seconds
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Modern Merlin... Uncover Your Magical Powers: LON

The world is changing every moment. Are you having a hard time keeping up? Do you understand how these changes may be adding extra stress and confusion to your life? Create depth, reason, and purpose beyond your existing belief systems, supporting you as you explore new paradigms and create expanded ways of thinking and feeling. Internationally acclaimed artist and author Lon, takes complex topics, such as magic, manifestation, multidimensionality, and energy, and makes sense of the how and why things are the way they are—and how you can begin using your magic deliberately and skillfully to be in full cocreation with the Universe. Begin 2022 in a magical and powerful way.
1/4/202253 minutes, 3 seconds
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Modern Merlin... Uncover Your Magical Powers: LON

The world is changing every moment. Are you having a hard time keeping up? Do you understand how these changes may be adding extra stress and confusion to your life? Create depth, reason, and purpose beyond your existing belief systems, supporting you as you explore new paradigms and create expanded ways of thinking and feeling. Internationally acclaimed artist and author Lon, takes complex topics, such as magic, manifestation, multidimensionality, and energy, and makes sense of the how and why things are the way they are—and how you can begin using your magic deliberately and skillfully to be in full cocreation with the Universe. Begin 2022 in a magical and powerful way.
1/4/202253 minutes, 3 seconds
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Modern Merlin... Uncover Your Magical Powers: LON

The world is changing every moment. Are you having a hard time keeping up? Do you understand how these changes may be adding extra stress and confusion to your life? Create depth, reason, and purpose beyond your existing belief systems, supporting you as you explore new paradigms and create expanded ways of thinking and feeling. Internationally acclaimed artist and author Lon, takes complex topics, such as magic, manifestation, multidimensionality, and energy, and makes sense of the how and why things are the way they are—and how you can begin using your magic deliberately and skillfully to be in full cocreation with the Universe. Begin 2022 in a magical and powerful way.
1/4/202253 minutes, 3 seconds
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Encore You Are Enough: Panache Desai

True worth and acceptance can only be sourced from your soul. The individual’s search for worth, acceptance, and love is humanity’s search for belonging. It is one mas- sive, primordial cry for love that resounds over all con- tinents, across all oceans. The emptiness you feel is the catalyst, the wake-up call, the trigger that allows the need for belonging to become the yearning for con- nection, authenticity, and oneness. That process begins when you start to become more conscious of the illu- sion that is the created self and recognize that truth lives in the Essential Self.
12/28/202153 minutes, 8 seconds
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Encore You Are Enough: Panache Desai

True worth and acceptance can only be sourced from your soul. The individual’s search for worth, acceptance, and love is humanity’s search for belonging. It is one mas- sive, primordial cry for love that resounds over all con- tinents, across all oceans. The emptiness you feel is the catalyst, the wake-up call, the trigger that allows the need for belonging to become the yearning for con- nection, authenticity, and oneness. That process begins when you start to become more conscious of the illu- sion that is the created self and recognize that truth lives in the Essential Self.
12/28/202153 minutes, 8 seconds
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Encore You Are Enough: Panache Desai

True worth and acceptance can only be sourced from your soul. The individual’s search for worth, acceptance, and love is humanity’s search for belonging. It is one mas- sive, primordial cry for love that resounds over all con- tinents, across all oceans. The emptiness you feel is the catalyst, the wake-up call, the trigger that allows the need for belonging to become the yearning for con- nection, authenticity, and oneness. That process begins when you start to become more conscious of the illu- sion that is the created self and recognize that truth lives in the Essential Self.
12/28/202153 minutes, 8 seconds
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Redesign Your Mind: Eric Maisel

Experience a complete mental fitness and cognitive change program through simple visualization exercises. Eric Maisel, PhD. guides you through techniques that change not only what you think?but how you think. Your mind is yours to redesign, redecorate and create! The idea that you are what you think has concerned philosophers from Marcus Aurelius to the Buddha. Today, this age-old message is delivered via cognitive behavioral therapy and CBT techniques. Dr. Maisel moves cognitive change a giant step forward by describing the room that is your mind and how human consciousness is experienced there. Packed with visualization exercises, this accessible guide makes redesigning your mind and changing what you think easy and simple, an upgrade to the CBT method. Visualization exercises for easy assembly. That room that is your mind is a space that you can decorate, air out, furnish, and turn into a truly congenial place. By practicing these easy-to-understand visualization exercises, you can redesign your mind and change not only what you think but how you think. Each of these techniques addresses major challenges like depression, anxiety, addiction, procrastination, and loneliness and promote cognitive growth, trauma healing, and fundamental change. Inside, you’ll also find information that could help you: Increase your creativity Reduce your anxiety Rid yourself of chronic depression Recover from addiction Heal from past trauma Achieve emotional wellbeing Live your life purposes
12/21/202156 minutes, 41 seconds
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Redesign Your Mind: Eric Maisel

Experience a complete mental fitness and cognitive change program through simple visualization exercises. Eric Maisel, PhD. guides you through techniques that change not only what you think?but how you think. Your mind is yours to redesign, redecorate and create! The idea that you are what you think has concerned philosophers from Marcus Aurelius to the Buddha. Today, this age-old message is delivered via cognitive behavioral therapy and CBT techniques. Dr. Maisel moves cognitive change a giant step forward by describing the room that is your mind and how human consciousness is experienced there. Packed with visualization exercises, this accessible guide makes redesigning your mind and changing what you think easy and simple, an upgrade to the CBT method. Visualization exercises for easy assembly. That room that is your mind is a space that you can decorate, air out, furnish, and turn into a truly congenial place. By practicing these easy-to-understand visualization exercises, you can redesign your mind and change not only what you think but how you think. Each of these techniques addresses major challenges like depression, anxiety, addiction, procrastination, and loneliness and promote cognitive growth, trauma healing, and fundamental change. Inside, you’ll also find information that could help you: Increase your creativity Reduce your anxiety Rid yourself of chronic depression Recover from addiction Heal from past trauma Achieve emotional wellbeing Live your life purposes
12/21/202156 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Redesign Your Mind: Eric Maisel

Experience a complete mental fitness and cognitive change program through simple visualization exercises. Eric Maisel, PhD. guides you through techniques that change not only what you think?but how you think. Your mind is yours to redesign, redecorate and create! The idea that you are what you think has concerned philosophers from Marcus Aurelius to the Buddha. Today, this age-old message is delivered via cognitive behavioral therapy and CBT techniques. Dr. Maisel moves cognitive change a giant step forward by describing the room that is your mind and how human consciousness is experienced there. Packed with visualization exercises, this accessible guide makes redesigning your mind and changing what you think easy and simple, an upgrade to the CBT method. Visualization exercises for easy assembly. That room that is your mind is a space that you can decorate, air out, furnish, and turn into a truly congenial place. By practicing these easy-to-understand visualization exercises, you can redesign your mind and change not only what you think but how you think. Each of these techniques addresses major challenges like depression, anxiety, addiction, procrastination, and loneliness and promote cognitive growth, trauma healing, and fundamental change. Inside, you’ll also find information that could help you: Increase your creativity Reduce your anxiety Rid yourself of chronic depression Recover from addiction Heal from past trauma Achieve emotional wellbeing Live your life purposes
12/21/202156 minutes, 41 seconds
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Shifting from Role to Soul: Dr. Connie Zweig

With extended longevity comes the opportunity for extended personal growth and spiritual development. You now have the chance to become an Elder, to leave behind past roles, shift from work in the outer world to inner work with the soul, and become authentically who you are. This book is a guide to help get past the inner obstacles and embrace the hidden spiritual gifts of age. Offering a radical reimagining of age for all generations, psychotherapist and bestselling author Connie Zweig reveals how to use inner work to uncover and explore the unconscious denial and resistance that erupts around key thresholds of later life, attune to your soul’s longing, and emerge renewed as an Elder filled with vitality and purpose. She explores the obstacles encountered in the transition to wise Elder and offers psychological shadow-work and diverse spiritual practices to help you break through denial to awareness, move from self-rejection to self-acceptance, repair the past to be fully present, reclaim your creativity, and allow mortality to be a teacher. Sharing contemplative practices for selfreflection, she also reveals how to discover ways to share your talents and wisdom to become a force for change in the lives of others.
12/14/202155 minutes, 52 seconds
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Shifting from Role to Soul: Dr. Connie Zweig

With extended longevity comes the opportunity for extended personal growth and spiritual development. You now have the chance to become an Elder, to leave behind past roles, shift from work in the outer world to inner work with the soul, and become authentically who you are. This book is a guide to help get past the inner obstacles and embrace the hidden spiritual gifts of age. Offering a radical reimagining of age for all generations, psychotherapist and bestselling author Connie Zweig reveals how to use inner work to uncover and explore the unconscious denial and resistance that erupts around key thresholds of later life, attune to your soul’s longing, and emerge renewed as an Elder filled with vitality and purpose. She explores the obstacles encountered in the transition to wise Elder and offers psychological shadow-work and diverse spiritual practices to help you break through denial to awareness, move from self-rejection to self-acceptance, repair the past to be fully present, reclaim your creativity, and allow mortality to be a teacher. Sharing contemplative practices for selfreflection, she also reveals how to discover ways to share your talents and wisdom to become a force for change in the lives of others.
12/14/202155 minutes, 52 seconds
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Shifting from Role to Soul: Dr. Connie Zweig

With extended longevity comes the opportunity for extended personal growth and spiritual development. You now have the chance to become an Elder, to leave behind past roles, shift from work in the outer world to inner work with the soul, and become authentically who you are. This book is a guide to help get past the inner obstacles and embrace the hidden spiritual gifts of age. Offering a radical reimagining of age for all generations, psychotherapist and bestselling author Connie Zweig reveals how to use inner work to uncover and explore the unconscious denial and resistance that erupts around key thresholds of later life, attune to your soul’s longing, and emerge renewed as an Elder filled with vitality and purpose. She explores the obstacles encountered in the transition to wise Elder and offers psychological shadow-work and diverse spiritual practices to help you break through denial to awareness, move from self-rejection to self-acceptance, repair the past to be fully present, reclaim your creativity, and allow mortality to be a teacher. Sharing contemplative practices for selfreflection, she also reveals how to discover ways to share your talents and wisdom to become a force for change in the lives of others.
12/14/202155 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Illusion of Life and Death: Clare Goldsberry

From ancient sages, spiritual teachers such as the Buddha, philosophers including Plato and Seneca to modern-day quantum physicists, life-long student of religions and spiritual traditions, philosophy and quantum physics, Clare Goldsberry, walks us through the mystery of death and dying, as well as the questions of the meaning and purpose of life. With her insights as a Buddhist practitioner and teacher, student of Hinduism, as well as the journey of the cancer diagnosis of her significant other and his death, she provides a unique view into living and dying as seen through the ages from those who’ve sought answers into this most mysterious of experiences—this thing we call death.
12/7/202156 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Illusion of Life and Death: Clare Goldsberry

From ancient sages, spiritual teachers such as the Buddha, philosophers including Plato and Seneca to modern-day quantum physicists, life-long student of religions and spiritual traditions, philosophy and quantum physics, Clare Goldsberry, walks us through the mystery of death and dying, as well as the questions of the meaning and purpose of life. With her insights as a Buddhist practitioner and teacher, student of Hinduism, as well as the journey of the cancer diagnosis of her significant other and his death, she provides a unique view into living and dying as seen through the ages from those who’ve sought answers into this most mysterious of experiences—this thing we call death.
12/7/202156 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Illusion of Life and Death: Clare Goldsberry

From ancient sages, spiritual teachers such as the Buddha, philosophers including Plato and Seneca to modern-day quantum physicists, life-long student of religions and spiritual traditions, philosophy and quantum physics, Clare Goldsberry, walks us through the mystery of death and dying, as well as the questions of the meaning and purpose of life. With her insights as a Buddhist practitioner and teacher, student of Hinduism, as well as the journey of the cancer diagnosis of her significant other and his death, she provides a unique view into living and dying as seen through the ages from those who’ve sought answers into this most mysterious of experiences—this thing we call death.
12/7/202156 minutes, 12 seconds
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Landscape of the Afterlife: Mathew McKay

Specifically describing the transition experience and the early stages of the afterlife, including how to navigate each stage, Jordan shows how death is a fluid realm of imagination and invention, a luminous landscape created entirely of consciousness. He explains how a soul that has newly crossed over is an amnesiac, arriving without senses, a nervous system, and all that has anchored us to the world. Jordan details how to navigate without a body, how we learn and grow in the spirit world, and how to release anxiety about the end of life and instead view it as another stage of being. He shows that the inferno described by Dante is an optional nightmare caused by thought projections that overwhelm the newly transitioned soul, and he reveals that the bardos are where souls who are beset with fear and false beliefs spend time learning and recovering. Providing profound relief from the fear of death, as well as exercises to prepare you for navigating and communicating in spirit, Jordan’s message reveals how love is the bonding element that holds all of consciousness--and the afterlife--together. McKay also documents the unbreakable bond between the living and the dead and teaches the skill of channeling, allowing you to connect to loved ones who have passed.
11/30/202157 minutes, 51 seconds
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Landscape of the Afterlife: Mathew McKay

Specifically describing the transition experience and the early stages of the afterlife, including how to navigate each stage, Jordan shows how death is a fluid realm of imagination and invention, a luminous landscape created entirely of consciousness. He explains how a soul that has newly crossed over is an amnesiac, arriving without senses, a nervous system, and all that has anchored us to the world. Jordan details how to navigate without a body, how we learn and grow in the spirit world, and how to release anxiety about the end of life and instead view it as another stage of being. He shows that the inferno described by Dante is an optional nightmare caused by thought projections that overwhelm the newly transitioned soul, and he reveals that the bardos are where souls who are beset with fear and false beliefs spend time learning and recovering. Providing profound relief from the fear of death, as well as exercises to prepare you for navigating and communicating in spirit, Jordan’s message reveals how love is the bonding element that holds all of consciousness--and the afterlife--together. McKay also documents the unbreakable bond between the living and the dead and teaches the skill of channeling, allowing you to connect to loved ones who have passed.
11/30/202157 minutes, 51 seconds
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Landscape of the Afterlife: Mathew McKay

Specifically describing the transition experience and the early stages of the afterlife, including how to navigate each stage, Jordan shows how death is a fluid realm of imagination and invention, a luminous landscape created entirely of consciousness. He explains how a soul that has newly crossed over is an amnesiac, arriving without senses, a nervous system, and all that has anchored us to the world. Jordan details how to navigate without a body, how we learn and grow in the spirit world, and how to release anxiety about the end of life and instead view it as another stage of being. He shows that the inferno described by Dante is an optional nightmare caused by thought projections that overwhelm the newly transitioned soul, and he reveals that the bardos are where souls who are beset with fear and false beliefs spend time learning and recovering. Providing profound relief from the fear of death, as well as exercises to prepare you for navigating and communicating in spirit, Jordan’s message reveals how love is the bonding element that holds all of consciousness--and the afterlife--together. McKay also documents the unbreakable bond between the living and the dead and teaches the skill of channeling, allowing you to connect to loved ones who have passed.
11/30/202157 minutes, 51 seconds
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Being Light in the Workplace

Experience Divinity at Work! Sizzle with Unique Purpose! Flourish in Any Workplace! Navigate Difficult Office Dynamics! For those looking to succeed in the practice of Spirituality at Work, this book reveals how! With this book, you can Discover your True Work and advance it on any job! Here is a sample of the topics covered in this Insightful New Book: I AM @ Work—Unleashing the Power of Divine Self on the Job•Transforming the workplace, making the “best” the most aligned •Seizing Your God-Given Authority through Energetic Programming•Decoding Your True Work DNA•Identifying Your Tools, Constructing Your Portable Spiritual Toolkit
11/23/202157 minutes, 20 seconds
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Being Light in the Workplace

Experience Divinity at Work! Sizzle with Unique Purpose! Flourish in Any Workplace! Navigate Difficult Office Dynamics! For those looking to succeed in the practice of Spirituality at Work, this book reveals how! With this book, you can Discover your True Work and advance it on any job! Here is a sample of the topics covered in this Insightful New Book: I AM @ Work—Unleashing the Power of Divine Self on the Job•Transforming the workplace, making the “best” the most aligned •Seizing Your God-Given Authority through Energetic Programming•Decoding Your True Work DNA•Identifying Your Tools, Constructing Your Portable Spiritual Toolkit
11/23/202157 minutes, 20 seconds
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Being Light in the Workplace

Experience Divinity at Work! Sizzle with Unique Purpose! Flourish in Any Workplace! Navigate Difficult Office Dynamics! For those looking to succeed in the practice of Spirituality at Work, this book reveals how! With this book, you can Discover your True Work and advance it on any job! Here is a sample of the topics covered in this Insightful New Book: I AM @ Work—Unleashing the Power of Divine Self on the Job•Transforming the workplace, making the “best” the most aligned •Seizing Your God-Given Authority through Energetic Programming•Decoding Your True Work DNA•Identifying Your Tools, Constructing Your Portable Spiritual Toolkit
11/23/202157 minutes, 20 seconds
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Access Your Superconscious: Dr. Mark Mincolla

An adventure for the mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen—we create them! According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, developing our superconscious mind and recognizing the divine source that exists within each of us is what generates miracles. A wholistic physician for more than three decades, Mark used his own techniques and learnings to cure himself of a life-threatening illness. In The Way of Miracles, he shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect.
11/16/202154 minutes, 21 seconds
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Access Your Superconscious: Dr. Mark Mincolla

An adventure for the mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen—we create them! According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, developing our superconscious mind and recognizing the divine source that exists within each of us is what generates miracles. A wholistic physician for more than three decades, Mark used his own techniques and learnings to cure himself of a life-threatening illness. In The Way of Miracles, he shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect.
11/16/202154 minutes, 21 seconds
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Access Your Superconscious: Dr. Mark Mincolla

An adventure for the mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen—we create them! According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, developing our superconscious mind and recognizing the divine source that exists within each of us is what generates miracles. A wholistic physician for more than three decades, Mark used his own techniques and learnings to cure himself of a life-threatening illness. In The Way of Miracles, he shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect.
11/16/202154 minutes, 21 seconds
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Your Conscience: Leonard Perlmutter

Discover a straightforward explanation of the four functions of the mind, according to the ancient wisdom of Yoga Science: the senses, ego, unconscious mind, and the Conscience. Readers are taught how - and why - to coordinate these four functions in order to live the joyful life we all long for. Our mind is continually generating thoughts which lead to actions, and the Law of Karma states that every action brings about a consequence. Understanding how to harness the power of our thoughts, then, is critical to making choices that lead to positive consequences.
11/9/202156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Your Conscience: Leonard Perlmutter

Discover a straightforward explanation of the four functions of the mind, according to the ancient wisdom of Yoga Science: the senses, ego, unconscious mind, and the Conscience. Readers are taught how - and why - to coordinate these four functions in order to live the joyful life we all long for. Our mind is continually generating thoughts which lead to actions, and the Law of Karma states that every action brings about a consequence. Understanding how to harness the power of our thoughts, then, is critical to making choices that lead to positive consequences.
11/9/202156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Your Conscience: Leonard Perlmutter

Discover a straightforward explanation of the four functions of the mind, according to the ancient wisdom of Yoga Science: the senses, ego, unconscious mind, and the Conscience. Readers are taught how - and why - to coordinate these four functions in order to live the joyful life we all long for. Our mind is continually generating thoughts which lead to actions, and the Law of Karma states that every action brings about a consequence. Understanding how to harness the power of our thoughts, then, is critical to making choices that lead to positive consequences.
11/9/202156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Trust Your Animal Instincts: Tabitha Scott

If you're struggling to stay positive, you're not alone. The pace of change and the nonexistent norm make us feel off-balance, burned out, and disconnected. Trust Your Animal Instincts reveals how to recharge your life and spark positivity through your own limitless source of power. Exhausted from the burnout of trying to please everyone, including herself, Tabitha Scott quit her job, gave away most of her belongings, and lived near a remote jungle in Costa Rica. Teetering between the wilderness there and the jungle back home, clarity and freedom emerged, along with a passion to share her insights to help others. Identify personal insulators, harmful pressures, and negativity leading to burnout Reconnect to your intuition for direction and renewed purpose Defend against energetic attacks and maintain positivity Learn how to reignite your life and tap into unbridled joy and unconditional love There's no need to travel across the world to discover your personal power--just take a journey through this book to find the answers.
11/2/202157 minutes, 1 second
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Trust Your Animal Instincts: Tabitha Scott

If you're struggling to stay positive, you're not alone. The pace of change and the nonexistent norm make us feel off-balance, burned out, and disconnected. Trust Your Animal Instincts reveals how to recharge your life and spark positivity through your own limitless source of power. Exhausted from the burnout of trying to please everyone, including herself, Tabitha Scott quit her job, gave away most of her belongings, and lived near a remote jungle in Costa Rica. Teetering between the wilderness there and the jungle back home, clarity and freedom emerged, along with a passion to share her insights to help others. Identify personal insulators, harmful pressures, and negativity leading to burnout Reconnect to your intuition for direction and renewed purpose Defend against energetic attacks and maintain positivity Learn how to reignite your life and tap into unbridled joy and unconditional love There's no need to travel across the world to discover your personal power--just take a journey through this book to find the answers.
11/2/202157 minutes, 1 second
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Trust Your Animal Instincts: Tabitha Scott

If you're struggling to stay positive, you're not alone. The pace of change and the nonexistent norm make us feel off-balance, burned out, and disconnected. Trust Your Animal Instincts reveals how to recharge your life and spark positivity through your own limitless source of power. Exhausted from the burnout of trying to please everyone, including herself, Tabitha Scott quit her job, gave away most of her belongings, and lived near a remote jungle in Costa Rica. Teetering between the wilderness there and the jungle back home, clarity and freedom emerged, along with a passion to share her insights to help others. Identify personal insulators, harmful pressures, and negativity leading to burnout Reconnect to your intuition for direction and renewed purpose Defend against energetic attacks and maintain positivity Learn how to reignite your life and tap into unbridled joy and unconditional love There's no need to travel across the world to discover your personal power--just take a journey through this book to find the answers.
11/2/202157 minutes, 1 second
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The Wisdom Principles: Ervin Laszlo

Dr. Ervin Laszlo, authority in the fields of new science, consciousness, and spirituality, bridges the chasm between our understanding of science and the truths of spirituality, bringing an essential and timely message of wisdom to the world. Laszlo offers readers principles of empowerment that will guide the choices they make for years to come and will allow them to move confidently toward a better future. Experience the distillation of Laszlo’s sixty plus years spent delving into the mysteries of science and a lifetime of keen spiritual insight. The nuggets of timely wisdom offered in The Wisdom Principles, and the timeless truths revealed on its pages, are a precious resource for wise thinking and living. As we stand at a crossroads of civilization there has never been a greater need for them than today. Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, and Gregg Braden are among the renowned thought-leaders who lend their voices to Laszlo’s work, framing the book and underscoring the power of its life-changing principles.
10/26/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Wisdom Principles: Ervin Laszlo

Dr. Ervin Laszlo, authority in the fields of new science, consciousness, and spirituality, bridges the chasm between our understanding of science and the truths of spirituality, bringing an essential and timely message of wisdom to the world. Laszlo offers readers principles of empowerment that will guide the choices they make for years to come and will allow them to move confidently toward a better future. Experience the distillation of Laszlo’s sixty plus years spent delving into the mysteries of science and a lifetime of keen spiritual insight. The nuggets of timely wisdom offered in The Wisdom Principles, and the timeless truths revealed on its pages, are a precious resource for wise thinking and living. As we stand at a crossroads of civilization there has never been a greater need for them than today. Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, and Gregg Braden are among the renowned thought-leaders who lend their voices to Laszlo’s work, framing the book and underscoring the power of its life-changing principles.
10/26/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Wisdom Principles: Ervin Laszlo

Dr. Ervin Laszlo, authority in the fields of new science, consciousness, and spirituality, bridges the chasm between our understanding of science and the truths of spirituality, bringing an essential and timely message of wisdom to the world. Laszlo offers readers principles of empowerment that will guide the choices they make for years to come and will allow them to move confidently toward a better future. Experience the distillation of Laszlo’s sixty plus years spent delving into the mysteries of science and a lifetime of keen spiritual insight. The nuggets of timely wisdom offered in The Wisdom Principles, and the timeless truths revealed on its pages, are a precious resource for wise thinking and living. As we stand at a crossroads of civilization there has never been a greater need for them than today. Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, and Gregg Braden are among the renowned thought-leaders who lend their voices to Laszlo’s work, framing the book and underscoring the power of its life-changing principles.
10/26/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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God has Infinite Frequency: Jonathan Masters

Blending art and insight, Jonathan Masters is penetrating, amusing, and sometimes provocative, as it takes us on a tour of many of our dearly held beliefs - challenging them, and giving us the precious opportunity to reconsider, feel, and to see things anew. As our worlds break apart, and a new consciousness emerges, here is an invitation to explore, be inspired and reformulate. The experience is multi-dimensional, artistic, and joyful, and one that touches the core of who we are. Its gentle whisper resonates in our hearts, and helps remind us, ground us, and open us to new ways of seeing and experiencing ourselves and the world. We are accompanied on a journey of re-creation, and as we take the journey, we find the destination is more of ourselves.
10/19/202157 minutes, 1 second
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God has Infinite Frequency: Jonathan Masters

Blending art and insight, Jonathan Masters is penetrating, amusing, and sometimes provocative, as it takes us on a tour of many of our dearly held beliefs - challenging them, and giving us the precious opportunity to reconsider, feel, and to see things anew. As our worlds break apart, and a new consciousness emerges, here is an invitation to explore, be inspired and reformulate. The experience is multi-dimensional, artistic, and joyful, and one that touches the core of who we are. Its gentle whisper resonates in our hearts, and helps remind us, ground us, and open us to new ways of seeing and experiencing ourselves and the world. We are accompanied on a journey of re-creation, and as we take the journey, we find the destination is more of ourselves.
10/19/202157 minutes, 1 second
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God has Infinite Frequency: Jonathan Masters

Blending art and insight, Jonathan Masters is penetrating, amusing, and sometimes provocative, as it takes us on a tour of many of our dearly held beliefs - challenging them, and giving us the precious opportunity to reconsider, feel, and to see things anew. As our worlds break apart, and a new consciousness emerges, here is an invitation to explore, be inspired and reformulate. The experience is multi-dimensional, artistic, and joyful, and one that touches the core of who we are. Its gentle whisper resonates in our hearts, and helps remind us, ground us, and open us to new ways of seeing and experiencing ourselves and the world. We are accompanied on a journey of re-creation, and as we take the journey, we find the destination is more of ourselves.
10/19/202157 minutes, 1 second
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Somatic Practices to Heal From Trauma: Rochelle Calvert

As psychologist and mindfulness teacher Rochelle Calvert explores one of the greatest sources of healing from trauma is all around us — nature. Dr. Calvert shows how to relate to and connect with nature through the practice of mindfulness to calm and relax the nervous system, tune in to the somatic wisdom of the body to face lingering trauma and rewire it, and work with painful experiences to transform them in ways that heal the individual and contribute to healing the wider world. Healing with Nature pioneers a path not just to recovery but to lifelong healing and resilience.
10/12/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Somatic Practices to Heal From Trauma: Rochelle Calvert

As psychologist and mindfulness teacher Rochelle Calvert explores one of the greatest sources of healing from trauma is all around us — nature. Dr. Calvert shows how to relate to and connect with nature through the practice of mindfulness to calm and relax the nervous system, tune in to the somatic wisdom of the body to face lingering trauma and rewire it, and work with painful experiences to transform them in ways that heal the individual and contribute to healing the wider world. Healing with Nature pioneers a path not just to recovery but to lifelong healing and resilience.
10/12/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Somatic Practices to Heal From Trauma: Rochelle Calvert

As psychologist and mindfulness teacher Rochelle Calvert explores one of the greatest sources of healing from trauma is all around us — nature. Dr. Calvert shows how to relate to and connect with nature through the practice of mindfulness to calm and relax the nervous system, tune in to the somatic wisdom of the body to face lingering trauma and rewire it, and work with painful experiences to transform them in ways that heal the individual and contribute to healing the wider world. Healing with Nature pioneers a path not just to recovery but to lifelong healing and resilience.
10/12/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Kingdom: Paul Selig

Paul Selig’s profound gift is to channel the unfiltered wisdom of The Guides?higher beings who exist beyond the borders of traditional human understanding?and share it with the world. The Kingdom is a transcription of Paul’s channeled messages, direct from the Guides in their complete and unedited form. With beautiful language and profound wisdom, The Guides share an awe-inspiring glimpse into an understanding apart from and above our own. The first two books of the Beyond the Known series urged readers to step beyond their own understanding and enter into the transformational work this knowledge demands. This process of growth and transformation finds its ultimate completion and fulfillment in The Kingdom as readers are invited to dwell in a world transformed by a new understanding.
10/5/202156 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Kingdom: Paul Selig

Paul Selig’s profound gift is to channel the unfiltered wisdom of The Guides?higher beings who exist beyond the borders of traditional human understanding?and share it with the world. The Kingdom is a transcription of Paul’s channeled messages, direct from the Guides in their complete and unedited form. With beautiful language and profound wisdom, The Guides share an awe-inspiring glimpse into an understanding apart from and above our own. The first two books of the Beyond the Known series urged readers to step beyond their own understanding and enter into the transformational work this knowledge demands. This process of growth and transformation finds its ultimate completion and fulfillment in The Kingdom as readers are invited to dwell in a world transformed by a new understanding.
10/5/202156 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Kingdom: Paul Selig

Paul Selig’s profound gift is to channel the unfiltered wisdom of The Guides?higher beings who exist beyond the borders of traditional human understanding?and share it with the world. The Kingdom is a transcription of Paul’s channeled messages, direct from the Guides in their complete and unedited form. With beautiful language and profound wisdom, The Guides share an awe-inspiring glimpse into an understanding apart from and above our own. The first two books of the Beyond the Known series urged readers to step beyond their own understanding and enter into the transformational work this knowledge demands. This process of growth and transformation finds its ultimate completion and fulfillment in The Kingdom as readers are invited to dwell in a world transformed by a new understanding.
10/5/202156 minutes, 42 seconds
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Encore: Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Let's compare the lives and teachings of three of the world's most admired spiritual masters: Francis of Assisi, the Christian saint; Dogen, the great Zen Buddhist teacher; and Rumi, the Islamic Sufi master. They lived during the same turbulent century. They integrated mystical experiences of the sacred into their lives, and they can inspire us to do the same. An interfaith approach to spiritual exploration, one that links Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic mystical teachings within a vibrant historical context and shows how they not only complement each other but remain profoundly relevant in the twenty-first century. Our conversation interweaves the spiritual lives of these Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim teachers.
9/28/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore: Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Let's compare the lives and teachings of three of the world's most admired spiritual masters: Francis of Assisi, the Christian saint; Dogen, the great Zen Buddhist teacher; and Rumi, the Islamic Sufi master. They lived during the same turbulent century. They integrated mystical experiences of the sacred into their lives, and they can inspire us to do the same. An interfaith approach to spiritual exploration, one that links Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic mystical teachings within a vibrant historical context and shows how they not only complement each other but remain profoundly relevant in the twenty-first century. Our conversation interweaves the spiritual lives of these Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim teachers.
9/28/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore: Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Let's compare the lives and teachings of three of the world's most admired spiritual masters: Francis of Assisi, the Christian saint; Dogen, the great Zen Buddhist teacher; and Rumi, the Islamic Sufi master. They lived during the same turbulent century. They integrated mystical experiences of the sacred into their lives, and they can inspire us to do the same. An interfaith approach to spiritual exploration, one that links Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic mystical teachings within a vibrant historical context and shows how they not only complement each other but remain profoundly relevant in the twenty-first century. Our conversation interweaves the spiritual lives of these Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim teachers.
9/28/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Starseed Letters & Activations: Rebecca Campbell

What is the soul, where did it originate and why have we chosen to come here at this time? As a planet, we are waking up to the fact that the ancient prophecies and warnings from the elders and wise ones are no longer predictions, but our waking reality. They are not just coming or even near... we are living them right now. What we do now matters to the future of this planet. And we all have a role to play. Do you remember why you have come? We are living in a time between myths and stories, and are currently re-weaving the fabric of life on Earth. Rebecca Campbell will share insights and experiences illuminating the connection between our souls, the Earth and the cosmos, to encourage you to commit fully to your incarnation, embrace your human experience and plant yourself here.
9/21/202155 minutes, 51 seconds
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Starseed Letters & Activations: Rebecca Campbell

What is the soul, where did it originate and why have we chosen to come here at this time? As a planet, we are waking up to the fact that the ancient prophecies and warnings from the elders and wise ones are no longer predictions, but our waking reality. They are not just coming or even near... we are living them right now. What we do now matters to the future of this planet. And we all have a role to play. Do you remember why you have come? We are living in a time between myths and stories, and are currently re-weaving the fabric of life on Earth. Rebecca Campbell will share insights and experiences illuminating the connection between our souls, the Earth and the cosmos, to encourage you to commit fully to your incarnation, embrace your human experience and plant yourself here.
9/21/202155 minutes, 51 seconds
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Starseed Letters & Activations: Rebecca Campbell

What is the soul, where did it originate and why have we chosen to come here at this time? As a planet, we are waking up to the fact that the ancient prophecies and warnings from the elders and wise ones are no longer predictions, but our waking reality. They are not just coming or even near... we are living them right now. What we do now matters to the future of this planet. And we all have a role to play. Do you remember why you have come? We are living in a time between myths and stories, and are currently re-weaving the fabric of life on Earth. Rebecca Campbell will share insights and experiences illuminating the connection between our souls, the Earth and the cosmos, to encourage you to commit fully to your incarnation, embrace your human experience and plant yourself here.
9/21/202155 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Art of Stopping: David Kundtz

Stopping is not slowing down. There are many books on slowing down the frantic pace of life. This is not one of them, even though an important aspect of Stopping?even one of the reasons for Stopping?is, in fact, to slow down. The process of Stopping is very different from the process of slowing down. Trying to slow down does not slow you down. We have been trying to do that for many years now; it generally doesn't work. It's like trying to cut down on smoking: in a short time you end up where you started, except more frustrated. Slowing down doesn't work because everything around us is going so fast. We get revved-up even if we don't want to be. In his book Timeshifting, Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD, writes about entrainment, which he describes as an unconscious “process that governs how various rhythms fall into sync with one another.” For example, if you were to place two out-of-sync pendulum clocks next to one another, in a short time they would be exactly in sync. “The same principle works,” says Rechtschaffen, “with atomic particles, the tides and human beings.” With human beings? That's quite a remarkable idea. We pick up each other's rhythms and the accumulated rhythms of the world around us. If most of the rhythms around us are fast, so are ours, automatically. That's entrainment. The word can also mean “getting on a train.” Stopping can bring us both an answer and a solution.
9/14/202150 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Art of Stopping: David Kundtz

Stopping is not slowing down. There are many books on slowing down the frantic pace of life. This is not one of them, even though an important aspect of Stopping?even one of the reasons for Stopping?is, in fact, to slow down. The process of Stopping is very different from the process of slowing down. Trying to slow down does not slow you down. We have been trying to do that for many years now; it generally doesn't work. It's like trying to cut down on smoking: in a short time you end up where you started, except more frustrated. Slowing down doesn't work because everything around us is going so fast. We get revved-up even if we don't want to be. In his book Timeshifting, Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD, writes about entrainment, which he describes as an unconscious “process that governs how various rhythms fall into sync with one another.” For example, if you were to place two out-of-sync pendulum clocks next to one another, in a short time they would be exactly in sync. “The same principle works,” says Rechtschaffen, “with atomic particles, the tides and human beings.” With human beings? That's quite a remarkable idea. We pick up each other's rhythms and the accumulated rhythms of the world around us. If most of the rhythms around us are fast, so are ours, automatically. That's entrainment. The word can also mean “getting on a train.” Stopping can bring us both an answer and a solution.
9/14/202150 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Art of Stopping: David Kundtz

Stopping is not slowing down. There are many books on slowing down the frantic pace of life. This is not one of them, even though an important aspect of Stopping?even one of the reasons for Stopping?is, in fact, to slow down. The process of Stopping is very different from the process of slowing down. Trying to slow down does not slow you down. We have been trying to do that for many years now; it generally doesn't work. It's like trying to cut down on smoking: in a short time you end up where you started, except more frustrated. Slowing down doesn't work because everything around us is going so fast. We get revved-up even if we don't want to be. In his book Timeshifting, Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD, writes about entrainment, which he describes as an unconscious “process that governs how various rhythms fall into sync with one another.” For example, if you were to place two out-of-sync pendulum clocks next to one another, in a short time they would be exactly in sync. “The same principle works,” says Rechtschaffen, “with atomic particles, the tides and human beings.” With human beings? That's quite a remarkable idea. We pick up each other's rhythms and the accumulated rhythms of the world around us. If most of the rhythms around us are fast, so are ours, automatically. That's entrainment. The word can also mean “getting on a train.” Stopping can bring us both an answer and a solution.
9/14/202150 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Land of Attachments: Eve Marko & Wendy Nakao

Zen koans, beginning some 1500 years ago, refer to stories or questions arising in encounters between monks and old Chinese and Japanese masters, and include commentaries designed to help the Zen practitioner awaken. Koans like Hakuin’s What is the sound of one hand clapping? are well-known, and the word koan has even gone mainstream. The koans deal with the challenges of relationships, raising children, work, money, love, loss, old age, and death, and come from practitioners across three continents, and with commentaries by two Western teachers. The collection is based on the premise that our lives as householders contain situations rich with challenge and grit, the equivalents of old Zen masters’ shouts or blows meant to sweep the ground right from under their students. They become koans, or koan practice, when they jolt us out of our usual way of thinking, when we’re no longer observers of our lives but plunge in, closing the gap between ourselves and the situation we face.
9/7/202159 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Land of Attachments: Eve Marko & Wendy Nakao

Zen koans, beginning some 1500 years ago, refer to stories or questions arising in encounters between monks and old Chinese and Japanese masters, and include commentaries designed to help the Zen practitioner awaken. Koans like Hakuin’s What is the sound of one hand clapping? are well-known, and the word koan has even gone mainstream. The koans deal with the challenges of relationships, raising children, work, money, love, loss, old age, and death, and come from practitioners across three continents, and with commentaries by two Western teachers. The collection is based on the premise that our lives as householders contain situations rich with challenge and grit, the equivalents of old Zen masters’ shouts or blows meant to sweep the ground right from under their students. They become koans, or koan practice, when they jolt us out of our usual way of thinking, when we’re no longer observers of our lives but plunge in, closing the gap between ourselves and the situation we face.
9/7/202159 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Land of Attachments: Eve Marko & Wendy Nakao

Zen koans, beginning some 1500 years ago, refer to stories or questions arising in encounters between monks and old Chinese and Japanese masters, and include commentaries designed to help the Zen practitioner awaken. Koans like Hakuin’s What is the sound of one hand clapping? are well-known, and the word koan has even gone mainstream. The koans deal with the challenges of relationships, raising children, work, money, love, loss, old age, and death, and come from practitioners across three continents, and with commentaries by two Western teachers. The collection is based on the premise that our lives as householders contain situations rich with challenge and grit, the equivalents of old Zen masters’ shouts or blows meant to sweep the ground right from under their students. They become koans, or koan practice, when they jolt us out of our usual way of thinking, when we’re no longer observers of our lives but plunge in, closing the gap between ourselves and the situation we face.
9/7/202159 minutes, 21 seconds
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Rolling With It: Vikash Shivdasani

We are each dealt a hand; one that we must learn to accept and embrace. What are you doing with yours? What if you were made to sit down?Would yo fight it... get depressed... get angry... or roll with it? Rolling With It is a depiction of Vik’s raw and humorous personal spiritual journey that started with an accident that left him a paraplegic at 22 years old. This catalytic event sparked a seeker’s journey to understand the relationship between our thoughts and emotions and the reality we are creating because of it. This story isn’t like any spiritual book you’ve ever read because this one is about a guy who had to come to terms with a sitting perspective of life, an unwavering curiosity to understand reality, and the hard lessons he received because of it. In addition, you will also gain a better understanding on how to identify and release the emotional blocks that are holding you back from living the life you truly want to live.
8/31/202157 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rolling With It: Vikash Shivdasani

We are each dealt a hand; one that we must learn to accept and embrace. What are you doing with yours? What if you were made to sit down?Would yo fight it... get depressed... get angry... or roll with it? Rolling With It is a depiction of Vik’s raw and humorous personal spiritual journey that started with an accident that left him a paraplegic at 22 years old. This catalytic event sparked a seeker’s journey to understand the relationship between our thoughts and emotions and the reality we are creating because of it. This story isn’t like any spiritual book you’ve ever read because this one is about a guy who had to come to terms with a sitting perspective of life, an unwavering curiosity to understand reality, and the hard lessons he received because of it. In addition, you will also gain a better understanding on how to identify and release the emotional blocks that are holding you back from living the life you truly want to live.
8/31/202157 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rolling With It: Vikash Shivdasani

We are each dealt a hand; one that we must learn to accept and embrace. What are you doing with yours? What if you were made to sit down?Would yo fight it... get depressed... get angry... or roll with it? Rolling With It is a depiction of Vik’s raw and humorous personal spiritual journey that started with an accident that left him a paraplegic at 22 years old. This catalytic event sparked a seeker’s journey to understand the relationship between our thoughts and emotions and the reality we are creating because of it. This story isn’t like any spiritual book you’ve ever read because this one is about a guy who had to come to terms with a sitting perspective of life, an unwavering curiosity to understand reality, and the hard lessons he received because of it. In addition, you will also gain a better understanding on how to identify and release the emotional blocks that are holding you back from living the life you truly want to live.
8/31/202157 minutes, 18 seconds
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Healing Ourselves Whole: Emily A. Francis

As a trained body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain and trauma have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and energy healing. You will rearrange the dialogue within your body memory systems as well as learn a practice to re-birth by healing your inner child and adolescent selves, coming into the present to create the best adult self possible. Learn to get in touch with various parts of the physical and energy body, and how to use them to let go of stored traumas and rediscover the deeply held joys that have also been stored within the body. From this, you will learn to live from a new mindful and powerful space.
8/24/202156 minutes, 49 seconds
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Healing Ourselves Whole: Emily A. Francis

As a trained body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain and trauma have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and energy healing. You will rearrange the dialogue within your body memory systems as well as learn a practice to re-birth by healing your inner child and adolescent selves, coming into the present to create the best adult self possible. Learn to get in touch with various parts of the physical and energy body, and how to use them to let go of stored traumas and rediscover the deeply held joys that have also been stored within the body. From this, you will learn to live from a new mindful and powerful space.
8/24/202156 minutes, 49 seconds
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Healing Ourselves Whole: Emily A. Francis

As a trained body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain and trauma have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and energy healing. You will rearrange the dialogue within your body memory systems as well as learn a practice to re-birth by healing your inner child and adolescent selves, coming into the present to create the best adult self possible. Learn to get in touch with various parts of the physical and energy body, and how to use them to let go of stored traumas and rediscover the deeply held joys that have also been stored within the body. From this, you will learn to live from a new mindful and powerful space.
8/24/202156 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Desire Factor: Christy Whitman

Master your energy so you can create a life that you love despite what’s going on around you. - When you harness the energy of The Desire Factor, you’ll understand: - How to transform longing into joyful expectancy - What alignment feels like and how to achieve it - How to use the power of focus to manifest your desires - The role that surrender plays in the manifestation process - How to cultivate the energy of having, even before your desire has manifested - The secret to infusing your external actions with spiritual power - How to attract your desires through the power of love Christy Whitman’s philosophy is that YOU are the energy master of your own life; you embody healing energy and have the power to improve your circumstances; you direct this unlimited flow of energy wherever you want, allowing you to manifest; it is your Divine Nature to create—and this creation is invigorating!
8/17/202152 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Desire Factor: Christy Whitman

Master your energy so you can create a life that you love despite what’s going on around you. - When you harness the energy of The Desire Factor, you’ll understand: - How to transform longing into joyful expectancy - What alignment feels like and how to achieve it - How to use the power of focus to manifest your desires - The role that surrender plays in the manifestation process - How to cultivate the energy of having, even before your desire has manifested - The secret to infusing your external actions with spiritual power - How to attract your desires through the power of love Christy Whitman’s philosophy is that YOU are the energy master of your own life; you embody healing energy and have the power to improve your circumstances; you direct this unlimited flow of energy wherever you want, allowing you to manifest; it is your Divine Nature to create—and this creation is invigorating!
8/17/202152 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Desire Factor: Christy Whitman

Master your energy so you can create a life that you love despite what’s going on around you. - When you harness the energy of The Desire Factor, you’ll understand: - How to transform longing into joyful expectancy - What alignment feels like and how to achieve it - How to use the power of focus to manifest your desires - The role that surrender plays in the manifestation process - How to cultivate the energy of having, even before your desire has manifested - The secret to infusing your external actions with spiritual power - How to attract your desires through the power of love Christy Whitman’s philosophy is that YOU are the energy master of your own life; you embody healing energy and have the power to improve your circumstances; you direct this unlimited flow of energy wherever you want, allowing you to manifest; it is your Divine Nature to create—and this creation is invigorating!
8/17/202152 minutes, 29 seconds
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ANA: Joanne Louise Hardy

In 2014, an incredible woman shared her life-story in exchange for the promise that a novel would be crafted from the remarkable events she had lived through. Holding nothing back, she candidly shared her experiences, truths, and wisdom, offering her life to the world as a compassionate message of hope. In this touching narrative, we discover a girl from Nottingham, England, who knew hardship all too well. Yearning to find freedom and to live a life filled with love, Ana scours her world for an anchor to cling to and a path to lead her out of turmoil. But, as happens when we find we are the only ones who can truly save ourselves, Ana discovers she must dig deep to face the wounds of her past. Through this powerful novel, ANA portrays a universal truth with grace: no matter how dark life can get, with love in our hearts we can find the courage and strength to rise up from even the most challenging experiences. There is always light at the end of the tunnel for anyone that strives to reach it.
8/10/202156 minutes, 54 seconds
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ANA: Joanne Louise Hardy

In 2014, an incredible woman shared her life-story in exchange for the promise that a novel would be crafted from the remarkable events she had lived through. Holding nothing back, she candidly shared her experiences, truths, and wisdom, offering her life to the world as a compassionate message of hope. In this touching narrative, we discover a girl from Nottingham, England, who knew hardship all too well. Yearning to find freedom and to live a life filled with love, Ana scours her world for an anchor to cling to and a path to lead her out of turmoil. But, as happens when we find we are the only ones who can truly save ourselves, Ana discovers she must dig deep to face the wounds of her past. Through this powerful novel, ANA portrays a universal truth with grace: no matter how dark life can get, with love in our hearts we can find the courage and strength to rise up from even the most challenging experiences. There is always light at the end of the tunnel for anyone that strives to reach it.
8/10/202156 minutes, 54 seconds
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ANA: Joanne Louise Hardy

In 2014, an incredible woman shared her life-story in exchange for the promise that a novel would be crafted from the remarkable events she had lived through. Holding nothing back, she candidly shared her experiences, truths, and wisdom, offering her life to the world as a compassionate message of hope. In this touching narrative, we discover a girl from Nottingham, England, who knew hardship all too well. Yearning to find freedom and to live a life filled with love, Ana scours her world for an anchor to cling to and a path to lead her out of turmoil. But, as happens when we find we are the only ones who can truly save ourselves, Ana discovers she must dig deep to face the wounds of her past. Through this powerful novel, ANA portrays a universal truth with grace: no matter how dark life can get, with love in our hearts we can find the courage and strength to rise up from even the most challenging experiences. There is always light at the end of the tunnel for anyone that strives to reach it.
8/10/202156 minutes, 54 seconds
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Kriya Yoga for Self-Discovery: Dr. Keith Lowenstein

Kriya yoga is an ancient meditation technique that focuses on breathing and the spine to unlock deep states of awareness, self-realization, and spiritual growth. Kriya can provide a fast path to awakening, yet its practice has been shrouded in secrecy, passed only from master to initiate for millennia. Introduced into Kriya 40 years ago, Keith Lowenstein, M.D., offers an accessible yet detailed guide to Kriya yoga. He explains the basic techniques of the practice step by step, detailing proper posture, breathwork exercises (pranayama), visualization practices, and mantra. He reveals how Kriya is a scientific art--if practiced consistently, it will allow you to quickly enter deep states of meditation and ultimately experience inner stillness. He also explores how the practice of Kriya leads to healing and the development of compassion and the freeing joy of the union of Nature and Spirit. Sharing the wisdom of his Kriya yoga teacher Ganesh Baba, the author adds a detailed understanding of anatomy, especially the importance of the spine in Kriya yoga and energy flow. The author explores Ganesh Baba’s teachings on spirit-infused science and the integration of Vedic philosophy, quantum mechanics, prana, and spiritualization illustrated in the Cycle of Synthesis. He also discusses the relationship between the exercises of Kriya yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as well as teachings from his other teachers, including Paramahansa Hariharananda.
8/3/202154 minutes, 29 seconds
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Kriya Yoga for Self-Discovery: Dr. Keith Lowenstein

Kriya yoga is an ancient meditation technique that focuses on breathing and the spine to unlock deep states of awareness, self-realization, and spiritual growth. Kriya can provide a fast path to awakening, yet its practice has been shrouded in secrecy, passed only from master to initiate for millennia. Introduced into Kriya 40 years ago, Keith Lowenstein, M.D., offers an accessible yet detailed guide to Kriya yoga. He explains the basic techniques of the practice step by step, detailing proper posture, breathwork exercises (pranayama), visualization practices, and mantra. He reveals how Kriya is a scientific art--if practiced consistently, it will allow you to quickly enter deep states of meditation and ultimately experience inner stillness. He also explores how the practice of Kriya leads to healing and the development of compassion and the freeing joy of the union of Nature and Spirit. Sharing the wisdom of his Kriya yoga teacher Ganesh Baba, the author adds a detailed understanding of anatomy, especially the importance of the spine in Kriya yoga and energy flow. The author explores Ganesh Baba’s teachings on spirit-infused science and the integration of Vedic philosophy, quantum mechanics, prana, and spiritualization illustrated in the Cycle of Synthesis. He also discusses the relationship between the exercises of Kriya yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as well as teachings from his other teachers, including Paramahansa Hariharananda.
8/3/202154 minutes, 29 seconds
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Kriya Yoga for Self-Discovery: Dr. Keith Lowenstein

Kriya yoga is an ancient meditation technique that focuses on breathing and the spine to unlock deep states of awareness, self-realization, and spiritual growth. Kriya can provide a fast path to awakening, yet its practice has been shrouded in secrecy, passed only from master to initiate for millennia. Introduced into Kriya 40 years ago, Keith Lowenstein, M.D., offers an accessible yet detailed guide to Kriya yoga. He explains the basic techniques of the practice step by step, detailing proper posture, breathwork exercises (pranayama), visualization practices, and mantra. He reveals how Kriya is a scientific art--if practiced consistently, it will allow you to quickly enter deep states of meditation and ultimately experience inner stillness. He also explores how the practice of Kriya leads to healing and the development of compassion and the freeing joy of the union of Nature and Spirit. Sharing the wisdom of his Kriya yoga teacher Ganesh Baba, the author adds a detailed understanding of anatomy, especially the importance of the spine in Kriya yoga and energy flow. The author explores Ganesh Baba’s teachings on spirit-infused science and the integration of Vedic philosophy, quantum mechanics, prana, and spiritualization illustrated in the Cycle of Synthesis. He also discusses the relationship between the exercises of Kriya yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as well as teachings from his other teachers, including Paramahansa Hariharananda.
8/3/202154 minutes, 29 seconds
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Making Contact: Alan Steinfeld

Making Contact presents multiple perspectives on what no longer can be denied: UFOs and their occupants are visiting our world. The book answers questions which remain in the wake of the recent Pentagon’s disclosures as to who and why these beings are here. At this critical juncture in the government’s official acknowledgement of the reality of UFOs/UAPs, scientists, politicians and mainstream news outlets have no idea what to make of these startling revelations or the outpouring of sightings and “contact” experiences currently being reported on a global scale. The book stands as the most comprehensive clarification to date on the intent and intelligence behind the phenomena. The variety of viewpoints expressed in the volume provide a solid foundation for the “preparation” of the greatest challenge to ever face humankind. Making Contact stands as the essential handbook for embracing the most exalted moment in history: Meeting the cosmic others.
7/27/202155 minutes, 39 seconds
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Making Contact: Alan Steinfeld

Making Contact presents multiple perspectives on what no longer can be denied: UFOs and their occupants are visiting our world. The book answers questions which remain in the wake of the recent Pentagon’s disclosures as to who and why these beings are here. At this critical juncture in the government’s official acknowledgement of the reality of UFOs/UAPs, scientists, politicians and mainstream news outlets have no idea what to make of these startling revelations or the outpouring of sightings and “contact” experiences currently being reported on a global scale. The book stands as the most comprehensive clarification to date on the intent and intelligence behind the phenomena. The variety of viewpoints expressed in the volume provide a solid foundation for the “preparation” of the greatest challenge to ever face humankind. Making Contact stands as the essential handbook for embracing the most exalted moment in history: Meeting the cosmic others.
7/27/202155 minutes, 39 seconds
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Making Contact: Alan Steinfeld

Making Contact presents multiple perspectives on what no longer can be denied: UFOs and their occupants are visiting our world. The book answers questions which remain in the wake of the recent Pentagon’s disclosures as to who and why these beings are here. At this critical juncture in the government’s official acknowledgement of the reality of UFOs/UAPs, scientists, politicians and mainstream news outlets have no idea what to make of these startling revelations or the outpouring of sightings and “contact” experiences currently being reported on a global scale. The book stands as the most comprehensive clarification to date on the intent and intelligence behind the phenomena. The variety of viewpoints expressed in the volume provide a solid foundation for the “preparation” of the greatest challenge to ever face humankind. Making Contact stands as the essential handbook for embracing the most exalted moment in history: Meeting the cosmic others.
7/27/202155 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sex Death Enlightenment: Mark Matousek

It's hard to know when you're having a breakdown in New York City. The symptoms of living here, succeeding here, and losing your mind here are almost identical. So begins Matousek's 1996 breakout memoir about leaving a fast-track publishing life (working for pop artist Andy Warhol at Interview Magazine) and hitting the dharma trail in search of a meaningful life and spiritual wisdom. Hailed by Publisher's Weekly as brave, beautiful, and brilliantly observed, Sex Death Enlightenment became an international best seller (published in 10 countries). Like Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat Pray Love and Paul Monette in Borrowed Time, Matousek takes the reader on an insightful, rollicking search for answers to life's deepest questions in this landmark memoir. “An extraordinarily articulate chronicle of how the sickness of our time can spawn spiritual awakening and compassion.” ?Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now and Grist For the Mill “Brave, beautiful and brilliantly observed.” ?Publishers Weekly
7/20/202155 minutes, 23 seconds
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Sex Death Enlightenment: Mark Matousek

It's hard to know when you're having a breakdown in New York City. The symptoms of living here, succeeding here, and losing your mind here are almost identical. So begins Matousek's 1996 breakout memoir about leaving a fast-track publishing life (working for pop artist Andy Warhol at Interview Magazine) and hitting the dharma trail in search of a meaningful life and spiritual wisdom. Hailed by Publisher's Weekly as brave, beautiful, and brilliantly observed, Sex Death Enlightenment became an international best seller (published in 10 countries). Like Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat Pray Love and Paul Monette in Borrowed Time, Matousek takes the reader on an insightful, rollicking search for answers to life's deepest questions in this landmark memoir. “An extraordinarily articulate chronicle of how the sickness of our time can spawn spiritual awakening and compassion.” ?Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now and Grist For the Mill “Brave, beautiful and brilliantly observed.” ?Publishers Weekly
7/20/202155 minutes, 23 seconds
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Sex Death Enlightenment: Mark Matousek

It's hard to know when you're having a breakdown in New York City. The symptoms of living here, succeeding here, and losing your mind here are almost identical. So begins Matousek's 1996 breakout memoir about leaving a fast-track publishing life (working for pop artist Andy Warhol at Interview Magazine) and hitting the dharma trail in search of a meaningful life and spiritual wisdom. Hailed by Publisher's Weekly as brave, beautiful, and brilliantly observed, Sex Death Enlightenment became an international best seller (published in 10 countries). Like Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat Pray Love and Paul Monette in Borrowed Time, Matousek takes the reader on an insightful, rollicking search for answers to life's deepest questions in this landmark memoir. “An extraordinarily articulate chronicle of how the sickness of our time can spawn spiritual awakening and compassion.” ?Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now and Grist For the Mill “Brave, beautiful and brilliantly observed.” ?Publishers Weekly
7/20/202155 minutes, 23 seconds
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I Am Invincible: Norma Kamali

At 75, Kamali looks—and acts—nearly half her age. The secret, she writes, is learning to age with power: Embracing a healthy lifestyle and looking forward to every milestone and the changes they bring, with the realization that reaching one’s potential has no date. With wisdom and wit, Kamali imparts her lessons on authentic beauty, timeless style, career-building, ?tness, and health through personal stories, worldly insight, and actionable advice designed to help women of every age create their happiest, healthiest, most successful and fulfilling lives. Norma Kamali's stylish, inspiring, and heartfelt handbook for gliding boldly through each of life’s decades with purpose and power is manifesto, memoir, and essential guide; its pages are informed by 50 years of Kamali’s twists, turns, triumphs, and failures experienced while ?nding the courage and conviction to race after her dreams and never look back.
7/13/202156 minutes, 57 seconds
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I Am Invincible: Norma Kamali

At 75, Kamali looks—and acts—nearly half her age. The secret, she writes, is learning to age with power: Embracing a healthy lifestyle and looking forward to every milestone and the changes they bring, with the realization that reaching one’s potential has no date. With wisdom and wit, Kamali imparts her lessons on authentic beauty, timeless style, career-building, ?tness, and health through personal stories, worldly insight, and actionable advice designed to help women of every age create their happiest, healthiest, most successful and fulfilling lives. Norma Kamali's stylish, inspiring, and heartfelt handbook for gliding boldly through each of life’s decades with purpose and power is manifesto, memoir, and essential guide; its pages are informed by 50 years of Kamali’s twists, turns, triumphs, and failures experienced while ?nding the courage and conviction to race after her dreams and never look back.
7/13/202156 minutes, 57 seconds
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I Am Invincible: Norma Kamali

At 75, Kamali looks—and acts—nearly half her age. The secret, she writes, is learning to age with power: Embracing a healthy lifestyle and looking forward to every milestone and the changes they bring, with the realization that reaching one’s potential has no date. With wisdom and wit, Kamali imparts her lessons on authentic beauty, timeless style, career-building, ?tness, and health through personal stories, worldly insight, and actionable advice designed to help women of every age create their happiest, healthiest, most successful and fulfilling lives. Norma Kamali's stylish, inspiring, and heartfelt handbook for gliding boldly through each of life’s decades with purpose and power is manifesto, memoir, and essential guide; its pages are informed by 50 years of Kamali’s twists, turns, triumphs, and failures experienced while ?nding the courage and conviction to race after her dreams and never look back.
7/13/202156 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Insights of Joseph Chilton Pearce: Michael Mendizza

An expert in child development, Joseph Chilton Pearce (1926-2016) devoted his life to exploring the optimum development and astonishing capacities within each individual human being. Across his 12 visionary books and thousands of lectures, he blended cutting-edge science with spirituality and explored the amazing power of imagination for both children and adults--the space where we are able to play with our reality--inspiring millions to discover the human birthright of a more magical world. In this guide to Pearce’s complete vision of transcendent human potential, Michael Mendizza explores 7 of his most influential books, sharing insights and expertise from Pearce’s full range of interests, from child development and conscious parenting to psychic phenomena and altered states to the power of the mind to shape reality. Offering essential passages interwoven with Pearce’s own commentary, drawn from personal conversations and unpublished material, this book shows how Pearce’s key insights build across his books, breaking down core assumptions about reality and human potential. We see the importance of imagination and empathic, non-verbal forms of wisdom, which have been long overshadowed--to the peril of humanity--by verbal-intellectual skills with their abstract concepts and ideological perspectives.
7/6/202158 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Insights of Joseph Chilton Pearce: Michael Mendizza

An expert in child development, Joseph Chilton Pearce (1926-2016) devoted his life to exploring the optimum development and astonishing capacities within each individual human being. Across his 12 visionary books and thousands of lectures, he blended cutting-edge science with spirituality and explored the amazing power of imagination for both children and adults--the space where we are able to play with our reality--inspiring millions to discover the human birthright of a more magical world. In this guide to Pearce’s complete vision of transcendent human potential, Michael Mendizza explores 7 of his most influential books, sharing insights and expertise from Pearce’s full range of interests, from child development and conscious parenting to psychic phenomena and altered states to the power of the mind to shape reality. Offering essential passages interwoven with Pearce’s own commentary, drawn from personal conversations and unpublished material, this book shows how Pearce’s key insights build across his books, breaking down core assumptions about reality and human potential. We see the importance of imagination and empathic, non-verbal forms of wisdom, which have been long overshadowed--to the peril of humanity--by verbal-intellectual skills with their abstract concepts and ideological perspectives.
7/6/202158 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Insights of Joseph Chilton Pearce: Michael Mendizza

An expert in child development, Joseph Chilton Pearce (1926-2016) devoted his life to exploring the optimum development and astonishing capacities within each individual human being. Across his 12 visionary books and thousands of lectures, he blended cutting-edge science with spirituality and explored the amazing power of imagination for both children and adults--the space where we are able to play with our reality--inspiring millions to discover the human birthright of a more magical world. In this guide to Pearce’s complete vision of transcendent human potential, Michael Mendizza explores 7 of his most influential books, sharing insights and expertise from Pearce’s full range of interests, from child development and conscious parenting to psychic phenomena and altered states to the power of the mind to shape reality. Offering essential passages interwoven with Pearce’s own commentary, drawn from personal conversations and unpublished material, this book shows how Pearce’s key insights build across his books, breaking down core assumptions about reality and human potential. We see the importance of imagination and empathic, non-verbal forms of wisdom, which have been long overshadowed--to the peril of humanity--by verbal-intellectual skills with their abstract concepts and ideological perspectives.
7/6/202158 minutes, 9 seconds
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Mindful Astrology: Amy Zerner & Monte Farber

Ever wonder what’s behind the simple question of “What's your sign?” While most people are aware of their sun sign, beginning to understand the combination of your sun, moon, and rising signs—also known as your “celestial trilogy”—can give you a deeper perspective on your personality and those of your loved ones. Your sun sign represents your purpose in life, your moon sign rules your emotional intelligence, and your rising sign indicates how you appear to others. Explored together, your celestial trilogy gives you meaningful insights into: Love and relationships Work and career Wealth and success Wellness and mindfulness Our purpose is to grow, love, and bring ourselves into balance. The mindful practice of astrology can help you achieve self-awareness, learning to truly see yourself and others. With the insights from Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, you can create a more mindful life filled with self-knowledge, peace, and meaning.
6/29/202153 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mindful Astrology: Amy Zerner & Monte Farber

Ever wonder what’s behind the simple question of “What's your sign?” While most people are aware of their sun sign, beginning to understand the combination of your sun, moon, and rising signs—also known as your “celestial trilogy”—can give you a deeper perspective on your personality and those of your loved ones. Your sun sign represents your purpose in life, your moon sign rules your emotional intelligence, and your rising sign indicates how you appear to others. Explored together, your celestial trilogy gives you meaningful insights into: Love and relationships Work and career Wealth and success Wellness and mindfulness Our purpose is to grow, love, and bring ourselves into balance. The mindful practice of astrology can help you achieve self-awareness, learning to truly see yourself and others. With the insights from Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, you can create a more mindful life filled with self-knowledge, peace, and meaning.
6/29/202153 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mindful Astrology: Amy Zerner & Monte Farber

Ever wonder what’s behind the simple question of “What's your sign?” While most people are aware of their sun sign, beginning to understand the combination of your sun, moon, and rising signs—also known as your “celestial trilogy”—can give you a deeper perspective on your personality and those of your loved ones. Your sun sign represents your purpose in life, your moon sign rules your emotional intelligence, and your rising sign indicates how you appear to others. Explored together, your celestial trilogy gives you meaningful insights into: Love and relationships Work and career Wealth and success Wellness and mindfulness Our purpose is to grow, love, and bring ourselves into balance. The mindful practice of astrology can help you achieve self-awareness, learning to truly see yourself and others. With the insights from Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, you can create a more mindful life filled with self-knowledge, peace, and meaning.
6/29/202153 minutes, 57 seconds
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God and Love on Route 80: Dr. Stephen Post

There are no coincidences in this world. God and Love on Route 80 is the highly entertaining true story of a cross-country road trip and a spiritual journey that led one young man to the discovery that a powerful force carries us toward our destinies. Many scriptures teach of an eternal, Infinite Mind beyond space and time that creates and sustains the universe. The divine Mind whispers and winks at us as we move through our everyday lives to reassure us that the journey is meaningful after all, even when we stumble. The goodness of the universe is greater than ourselves. This conversation is for dreamers and questers of any spirituality who are looking for positive meaning and purpose in life. On the road, we can find God, redemption, forgiveness, and the understanding that we are all connected.
6/22/202151 minutes, 42 seconds
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God and Love on Route 80: Dr. Stephen Post

There are no coincidences in this world. God and Love on Route 80 is the highly entertaining true story of a cross-country road trip and a spiritual journey that led one young man to the discovery that a powerful force carries us toward our destinies. Many scriptures teach of an eternal, Infinite Mind beyond space and time that creates and sustains the universe. The divine Mind whispers and winks at us as we move through our everyday lives to reassure us that the journey is meaningful after all, even when we stumble. The goodness of the universe is greater than ourselves. This conversation is for dreamers and questers of any spirituality who are looking for positive meaning and purpose in life. On the road, we can find God, redemption, forgiveness, and the understanding that we are all connected.
6/22/202151 minutes, 42 seconds
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God and Love on Route 80: Dr. Stephen Post

There are no coincidences in this world. God and Love on Route 80 is the highly entertaining true story of a cross-country road trip and a spiritual journey that led one young man to the discovery that a powerful force carries us toward our destinies. Many scriptures teach of an eternal, Infinite Mind beyond space and time that creates and sustains the universe. The divine Mind whispers and winks at us as we move through our everyday lives to reassure us that the journey is meaningful after all, even when we stumble. The goodness of the universe is greater than ourselves. This conversation is for dreamers and questers of any spirituality who are looking for positive meaning and purpose in life. On the road, we can find God, redemption, forgiveness, and the understanding that we are all connected.
6/22/202151 minutes, 42 seconds
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Your Symphony of Selves: James Fadiman & Jordan Gruber

Why you are a different you at different times and how that’s both normal and healthy... Each of us is comprised of distinct, autonomous, and inherently valuable “selves”. They also show that honoring each of these selves is a key to improved ways of living, loving, and working. Instead of seeing the existence of many selves as a flaw or pathology, Gruber and Fadiman reveal that the healthiest people, mentally and emotionally, are those that have naturally learned to appreciate and work in harmony with their own symphony of selves. They identify “the Single Self Assumption” as the prime reason why the benefits of having multiple selves has been ignored. This assumption holds that we each are or ought to be a single consistent self, yet we all recognize, in reality, that we are different in different situations.
6/15/202156 minutes, 33 seconds
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Your Symphony of Selves: James Fadiman & Jordan Gruber

Why you are a different you at different times and how that’s both normal and healthy... Each of us is comprised of distinct, autonomous, and inherently valuable “selves”. They also show that honoring each of these selves is a key to improved ways of living, loving, and working. Instead of seeing the existence of many selves as a flaw or pathology, Gruber and Fadiman reveal that the healthiest people, mentally and emotionally, are those that have naturally learned to appreciate and work in harmony with their own symphony of selves. They identify “the Single Self Assumption” as the prime reason why the benefits of having multiple selves has been ignored. This assumption holds that we each are or ought to be a single consistent self, yet we all recognize, in reality, that we are different in different situations.
6/15/202156 minutes, 33 seconds
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Your Symphony of Selves: James Fadiman & Jordan Gruber

Why you are a different you at different times and how that’s both normal and healthy... Each of us is comprised of distinct, autonomous, and inherently valuable “selves”. They also show that honoring each of these selves is a key to improved ways of living, loving, and working. Instead of seeing the existence of many selves as a flaw or pathology, Gruber and Fadiman reveal that the healthiest people, mentally and emotionally, are those that have naturally learned to appreciate and work in harmony with their own symphony of selves. They identify “the Single Self Assumption” as the prime reason why the benefits of having multiple selves has been ignored. This assumption holds that we each are or ought to be a single consistent self, yet we all recognize, in reality, that we are different in different situations.
6/15/202156 minutes, 33 seconds
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Encore: Alchemy of Inner Work: Lorie Dechar & Benjamin Fox

A redefinition of healing that brings the soul back into the conversation and links individual health to the vitality of the world soul—the surrounding community of human and nonhuman beings that make up our world. Alchemical Healing is not meant to be a replacement or even a complement to Western medicine, traditional psychotherapy, or the current symptomatic approach of modern Chinese medicine. Rather, it invites us to leap into a completely different conversation about health. It proposes a new set of values, attitudes, goals, and skills and offers a way to address the nonphysical forms of human distress, the psychic and spiritual imbalances, and disease that are at the root of so much of modern suffering and illness. As my doctor friend says, “What you do doesn’t complement Western medicine, it enhances it.”
6/8/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Encore: Alchemy of Inner Work: Lorie Dechar & Benjamin Fox

A redefinition of healing that brings the soul back into the conversation and links individual health to the vitality of the world soul—the surrounding community of human and nonhuman beings that make up our world. Alchemical Healing is not meant to be a replacement or even a complement to Western medicine, traditional psychotherapy, or the current symptomatic approach of modern Chinese medicine. Rather, it invites us to leap into a completely different conversation about health. It proposes a new set of values, attitudes, goals, and skills and offers a way to address the nonphysical forms of human distress, the psychic and spiritual imbalances, and disease that are at the root of so much of modern suffering and illness. As my doctor friend says, “What you do doesn’t complement Western medicine, it enhances it.”
6/8/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Encore: Alchemy of Inner Work: Lorie Dechar & Benjamin Fox

A redefinition of healing that brings the soul back into the conversation and links individual health to the vitality of the world soul—the surrounding community of human and nonhuman beings that make up our world. Alchemical Healing is not meant to be a replacement or even a complement to Western medicine, traditional psychotherapy, or the current symptomatic approach of modern Chinese medicine. Rather, it invites us to leap into a completely different conversation about health. It proposes a new set of values, attitudes, goals, and skills and offers a way to address the nonphysical forms of human distress, the psychic and spiritual imbalances, and disease that are at the root of so much of modern suffering and illness. As my doctor friend says, “What you do doesn’t complement Western medicine, it enhances it.”
6/8/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Stop Cutting Cords: Michelle Welch

Work with the energies that connect all people, and instead of cutting cords, you will learn to transform and transmute negative energy in ways that support your personal spiritual journey. Embrace your connection to others and live a more empowered life. Manifest Love and Stay Connected with Your Community... Even When You're Confronted by Negative Energy. Living a spiritually attuned life can come with challenges. Transmute energies so you can become a grounded source of love and light.
6/1/202156 minutes, 33 seconds
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Stop Cutting Cords: Michelle Welch

Work with the energies that connect all people, and instead of cutting cords, you will learn to transform and transmute negative energy in ways that support your personal spiritual journey. Embrace your connection to others and live a more empowered life. Manifest Love and Stay Connected with Your Community... Even When You're Confronted by Negative Energy. Living a spiritually attuned life can come with challenges. Transmute energies so you can become a grounded source of love and light.
6/1/202156 minutes, 33 seconds
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Stop Cutting Cords: Michelle Welch

Work with the energies that connect all people, and instead of cutting cords, you will learn to transform and transmute negative energy in ways that support your personal spiritual journey. Embrace your connection to others and live a more empowered life. Manifest Love and Stay Connected with Your Community... Even When You're Confronted by Negative Energy. Living a spiritually attuned life can come with challenges. Transmute energies so you can become a grounded source of love and light.
6/1/202156 minutes, 33 seconds
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Opening to Grief: Claire Willis

Grief and love are richly intertwined. Because we love, we grieve. And when we fully feel our sorrow, we open to loving ourselves and other beings more deeply. All of us experience loss. Some of us have lost a spouse, or a child, our parents, a beloved pet, a dear friend, or neighbor. In the pandemic, we have lost hundreds of thousands of lives in the United States and around the world. Many of us have lost our livelihoods. All of us have lost our familiar daily routines and textures of work, family, and community. And the losses are not over. Grieve fully, turn toward your emotions and experiences however they arise, and follow your own path toward healing.
5/25/202153 minutes, 29 seconds
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Opening to Grief: Claire Willis

Grief and love are richly intertwined. Because we love, we grieve. And when we fully feel our sorrow, we open to loving ourselves and other beings more deeply. All of us experience loss. Some of us have lost a spouse, or a child, our parents, a beloved pet, a dear friend, or neighbor. In the pandemic, we have lost hundreds of thousands of lives in the United States and around the world. Many of us have lost our livelihoods. All of us have lost our familiar daily routines and textures of work, family, and community. And the losses are not over. Grieve fully, turn toward your emotions and experiences however they arise, and follow your own path toward healing.
5/25/202153 minutes, 29 seconds
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Opening to Grief: Claire Willis

Grief and love are richly intertwined. Because we love, we grieve. And when we fully feel our sorrow, we open to loving ourselves and other beings more deeply. All of us experience loss. Some of us have lost a spouse, or a child, our parents, a beloved pet, a dear friend, or neighbor. In the pandemic, we have lost hundreds of thousands of lives in the United States and around the world. Many of us have lost our livelihoods. All of us have lost our familiar daily routines and textures of work, family, and community. And the losses are not over. Grieve fully, turn toward your emotions and experiences however they arise, and follow your own path toward healing.
5/25/202153 minutes, 29 seconds
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Chakra Healing: Glen Park

Chakras can be understood as an embodied map of the psyche, with each chakra representing a different stage of development from infancy and childhood through adulthood, with the Heart Chakra playing a central role in awakening the spiritual potential of the upper chakras. She examines each chakra individually on the physical, psychological, psychic, and spiritual level, as well as through the lens of the solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) channels. She shows how the connections between the chakras and developmental stages are paralleled in the findings of Western psychology and neuroscience and how our collective expressions of the chakras influence cultural trends in society.
5/18/202157 minutes, 19 seconds
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Chakra Healing: Glen Park

Chakras can be understood as an embodied map of the psyche, with each chakra representing a different stage of development from infancy and childhood through adulthood, with the Heart Chakra playing a central role in awakening the spiritual potential of the upper chakras. She examines each chakra individually on the physical, psychological, psychic, and spiritual level, as well as through the lens of the solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) channels. She shows how the connections between the chakras and developmental stages are paralleled in the findings of Western psychology and neuroscience and how our collective expressions of the chakras influence cultural trends in society.
5/18/202157 minutes, 19 seconds
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Chakra Healing: Glen Park

Chakras can be understood as an embodied map of the psyche, with each chakra representing a different stage of development from infancy and childhood through adulthood, with the Heart Chakra playing a central role in awakening the spiritual potential of the upper chakras. She examines each chakra individually on the physical, psychological, psychic, and spiritual level, as well as through the lens of the solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) channels. She shows how the connections between the chakras and developmental stages are paralleled in the findings of Western psychology and neuroscience and how our collective expressions of the chakras influence cultural trends in society.
5/18/202157 minutes, 19 seconds
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Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Let's compare the lives and teachings of three of the world's most admired spiritual masters: Francis of Assisi, the Christian saint; Dogen, the great Zen Buddhist teacher; and Rumi, the Islamic Sufi master. They lived during the same turbulent century. They integrated mystical experiences of the sacred into their lives, and they can inspire us to do the same. An interfaith approach to spiritual exploration, one that links Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic mystical teachings within a vibrant historical context and shows how they not only complement each other but remain profoundly relevant in the twenty-first century. Our conversation interweaves the spiritual lives of these Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim teachers.
5/11/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Let's compare the lives and teachings of three of the world's most admired spiritual masters: Francis of Assisi, the Christian saint; Dogen, the great Zen Buddhist teacher; and Rumi, the Islamic Sufi master. They lived during the same turbulent century. They integrated mystical experiences of the sacred into their lives, and they can inspire us to do the same. An interfaith approach to spiritual exploration, one that links Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic mystical teachings within a vibrant historical context and shows how they not only complement each other but remain profoundly relevant in the twenty-first century. Our conversation interweaves the spiritual lives of these Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim teachers.
5/11/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim: Steve Kanji Ruhl

Let's compare the lives and teachings of three of the world's most admired spiritual masters: Francis of Assisi, the Christian saint; Dogen, the great Zen Buddhist teacher; and Rumi, the Islamic Sufi master. They lived during the same turbulent century. They integrated mystical experiences of the sacred into their lives, and they can inspire us to do the same. An interfaith approach to spiritual exploration, one that links Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic mystical teachings within a vibrant historical context and shows how they not only complement each other but remain profoundly relevant in the twenty-first century. Our conversation interweaves the spiritual lives of these Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim teachers.
5/11/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Going Beyond: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

To go beyond is to move into a higher state of consciousness, to a place of bliss, greater understanding, love, and deep connectedness, a realm where we finally find life's meaning - experiences for which all spiritual seekers seek. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake - best-selling author of Morphic Resonance - examines seven areas of spiritual practice that are personally transformative and have scientifically measurable effects. He combines his extensive knowledge of science and the natural world, as an experienced biologist, with a broad command of mystical and religious traditions to show how we can tune into more-than-human realms of consciousness. Dr. Sheldrake shows how we can and do truly go beyond. Even everyday activities can have mystical dimensions... as we will discover Ways to Go Beyond And Why They Work!
5/4/202156 minutes, 2 seconds
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Going Beyond: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

To go beyond is to move into a higher state of consciousness, to a place of bliss, greater understanding, love, and deep connectedness, a realm where we finally find life's meaning - experiences for which all spiritual seekers seek. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake - best-selling author of Morphic Resonance - examines seven areas of spiritual practice that are personally transformative and have scientifically measurable effects. He combines his extensive knowledge of science and the natural world, as an experienced biologist, with a broad command of mystical and religious traditions to show how we can tune into more-than-human realms of consciousness. Dr. Sheldrake shows how we can and do truly go beyond. Even everyday activities can have mystical dimensions... as we will discover Ways to Go Beyond And Why They Work!
5/4/202156 minutes, 2 seconds
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Going Beyond: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

To go beyond is to move into a higher state of consciousness, to a place of bliss, greater understanding, love, and deep connectedness, a realm where we finally find life's meaning - experiences for which all spiritual seekers seek. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake - best-selling author of Morphic Resonance - examines seven areas of spiritual practice that are personally transformative and have scientifically measurable effects. He combines his extensive knowledge of science and the natural world, as an experienced biologist, with a broad command of mystical and religious traditions to show how we can tune into more-than-human realms of consciousness. Dr. Sheldrake shows how we can and do truly go beyond. Even everyday activities can have mystical dimensions... as we will discover Ways to Go Beyond And Why They Work!
5/4/202156 minutes, 2 seconds
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Clear Light: Steve Taylor

Reflections is a guide to spiritual awakening and offers experiential glimpses of the state of enlightenment itself. Taylor ranges widely, through subjects including “Making the Human Race Whole,” “Freedom from the Past,” and “The Reality of Connection,” always in clear and simple language. Best of all, he reminds us of the choices we always have when life feels chaotic and overwhelming: empathy, acceptance, and love. Soothing but also challenging, Taylor’s poetic words continually affirm the profound bedrock of peace and even joy in the present that is always available. Let us come together and create a space of spiritual reflection and meditation.
4/27/202155 minutes, 58 seconds
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Clear Light: Steve Taylor

Reflections is a guide to spiritual awakening and offers experiential glimpses of the state of enlightenment itself. Taylor ranges widely, through subjects including “Making the Human Race Whole,” “Freedom from the Past,” and “The Reality of Connection,” always in clear and simple language. Best of all, he reminds us of the choices we always have when life feels chaotic and overwhelming: empathy, acceptance, and love. Soothing but also challenging, Taylor’s poetic words continually affirm the profound bedrock of peace and even joy in the present that is always available. Let us come together and create a space of spiritual reflection and meditation.
4/27/202155 minutes, 58 seconds
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Clear Light: Steve Taylor

Reflections is a guide to spiritual awakening and offers experiential glimpses of the state of enlightenment itself. Taylor ranges widely, through subjects including “Making the Human Race Whole,” “Freedom from the Past,” and “The Reality of Connection,” always in clear and simple language. Best of all, he reminds us of the choices we always have when life feels chaotic and overwhelming: empathy, acceptance, and love. Soothing but also challenging, Taylor’s poetic words continually affirm the profound bedrock of peace and even joy in the present that is always available. Let us come together and create a space of spiritual reflection and meditation.
4/27/202155 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bride of the Buddha: Barbara McHugh

Imagine... the story of Yasodhara, the abandoned wife of the Buddha. Facing society’s challenges, she transforms her rage into devotion to the path of liberation. The page-turner about a woman’s struggle in an unapologetic religious patriarchy, Bride of the Buddha offers a penetrating perspective on the milieu of the Buddha. This engrossing exploration of gender dynamics, identity, and the spiritual quest for meaning will appeal to Buddhists and general readers alike. —Publishers Weekly “This is an impressive tapestry of history, spiritual philosophy, and literary drama and an edifying look at the patriarchal limitations of Buddhism’s genesis…An intelligently conceived and artistically executed reconsideration of religious history.” —Kirkus Reviews “Bride of the Buddha is an immersive novel about the founding of Buddhism, told in the voice of a woman who would not be excluded from the spiritual quest, nor from the presence of the man whom she loved.” —ForeWord Magazine
4/20/202156 minutes, 48 seconds
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Bride of the Buddha: Barbara McHugh

Imagine... the story of Yasodhara, the abandoned wife of the Buddha. Facing society’s challenges, she transforms her rage into devotion to the path of liberation. The page-turner about a woman’s struggle in an unapologetic religious patriarchy, Bride of the Buddha offers a penetrating perspective on the milieu of the Buddha. This engrossing exploration of gender dynamics, identity, and the spiritual quest for meaning will appeal to Buddhists and general readers alike. —Publishers Weekly “This is an impressive tapestry of history, spiritual philosophy, and literary drama and an edifying look at the patriarchal limitations of Buddhism’s genesis…An intelligently conceived and artistically executed reconsideration of religious history.” —Kirkus Reviews “Bride of the Buddha is an immersive novel about the founding of Buddhism, told in the voice of a woman who would not be excluded from the spiritual quest, nor from the presence of the man whom she loved.” —ForeWord Magazine
4/20/202156 minutes, 48 seconds
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Bride of the Buddha: Barbara McHugh

Imagine... the story of Yasodhara, the abandoned wife of the Buddha. Facing society’s challenges, she transforms her rage into devotion to the path of liberation. The page-turner about a woman’s struggle in an unapologetic religious patriarchy, Bride of the Buddha offers a penetrating perspective on the milieu of the Buddha. This engrossing exploration of gender dynamics, identity, and the spiritual quest for meaning will appeal to Buddhists and general readers alike. —Publishers Weekly “This is an impressive tapestry of history, spiritual philosophy, and literary drama and an edifying look at the patriarchal limitations of Buddhism’s genesis…An intelligently conceived and artistically executed reconsideration of religious history.” —Kirkus Reviews “Bride of the Buddha is an immersive novel about the founding of Buddhism, told in the voice of a woman who would not be excluded from the spiritual quest, nor from the presence of the man whom she loved.” —ForeWord Magazine
4/20/202156 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sovereign Self: Acharya Shunya

There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass?they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. Unshackle your mind and claim your spiritual birthright of freedom, wholeness, and joy through the perennial wisdom of ancient yoga With Sovereign Self, Acharya Shunya shares a groundbreaking guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature?that which is always whole, joyful, and free. As the first female lineage holder in a 2,000-year-old line of spiritual teachers, Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive these authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master?one with a distinctly down-to-earth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed.
4/13/202156 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sovereign Self: Acharya Shunya

There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass?they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. Unshackle your mind and claim your spiritual birthright of freedom, wholeness, and joy through the perennial wisdom of ancient yoga With Sovereign Self, Acharya Shunya shares a groundbreaking guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature?that which is always whole, joyful, and free. As the first female lineage holder in a 2,000-year-old line of spiritual teachers, Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive these authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master?one with a distinctly down-to-earth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed.
4/13/202156 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sovereign Self: Acharya Shunya

There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass?they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. Unshackle your mind and claim your spiritual birthright of freedom, wholeness, and joy through the perennial wisdom of ancient yoga With Sovereign Self, Acharya Shunya shares a groundbreaking guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature?that which is always whole, joyful, and free. As the first female lineage holder in a 2,000-year-old line of spiritual teachers, Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive these authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master?one with a distinctly down-to-earth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed.
4/13/202156 minutes, 59 seconds
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Creating Optimal Health & Wellness: Dr. Meg Haworth

Do you understand the connection between our life experiences and our illnesses later in life. What if you had a groundbreaking mind-body technique for self-healing along with a useful chart of illnesses, the energy system, and their attributes to help you get unstuck and get well now. Chronic illnesses do not have to be permanent. Meet a celebrity nutritional chef, wellness expert, and doctor of Transpersonal Psychology who healed over a dozen illnesses & traumas in her own body including fibromyalgia, IBS, drowning and being struck by lightning, this book offers a whole person approach to rapid and lasting healing that is a must-have for health seekers everywhere. After spending a decade in doctor's office waiting rooms receiving one diagnosis after the next in her twenties, Dr. Meg had a turning point moment that required a different choice. She took her healing into her own hands and everything changed.
4/6/202154 minutes, 29 seconds
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Creating Optimal Health & Wellness: Dr. Meg Haworth

Do you understand the connection between our life experiences and our illnesses later in life. What if you had a groundbreaking mind-body technique for self-healing along with a useful chart of illnesses, the energy system, and their attributes to help you get unstuck and get well now. Chronic illnesses do not have to be permanent. Meet a celebrity nutritional chef, wellness expert, and doctor of Transpersonal Psychology who healed over a dozen illnesses & traumas in her own body including fibromyalgia, IBS, drowning and being struck by lightning, this book offers a whole person approach to rapid and lasting healing that is a must-have for health seekers everywhere. After spending a decade in doctor's office waiting rooms receiving one diagnosis after the next in her twenties, Dr. Meg had a turning point moment that required a different choice. She took her healing into her own hands and everything changed.
4/6/202154 minutes, 29 seconds
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Creating Optimal Health & Wellness: Dr. Meg Haworth

Do you understand the connection between our life experiences and our illnesses later in life. What if you had a groundbreaking mind-body technique for self-healing along with a useful chart of illnesses, the energy system, and their attributes to help you get unstuck and get well now. Chronic illnesses do not have to be permanent. Meet a celebrity nutritional chef, wellness expert, and doctor of Transpersonal Psychology who healed over a dozen illnesses & traumas in her own body including fibromyalgia, IBS, drowning and being struck by lightning, this book offers a whole person approach to rapid and lasting healing that is a must-have for health seekers everywhere. After spending a decade in doctor's office waiting rooms receiving one diagnosis after the next in her twenties, Dr. Meg had a turning point moment that required a different choice. She took her healing into her own hands and everything changed.
4/6/202154 minutes, 29 seconds
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Spirit Translator: Diana Cole

Seven transformative truths for well-being and happiness form the backbone of this walk with spirit. Create a relationship with your Spirit Guides. - raise your vibrations – so others will begin treating you better – and you can enjoy deeper, happier relationships - become a positive thought warrior – so you can experience less conflict, drama and stress. - stop staying stuck in the pain of the past – and start recognizing the meaning, purpose, gift and lesson in your experiences – so you can live more at your full power - quiet your inner turmoil so you enjoy more calm during the day and enjoy better sleep at night
3/31/202156 minutes, 29 seconds
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Spirit Translator: Diana Cole

Seven transformative truths for well-being and happiness form the backbone of this walk with spirit. Create a relationship with your Spirit Guides. - raise your vibrations – so others will begin treating you better – and you can enjoy deeper, happier relationships - become a positive thought warrior – so you can experience less conflict, drama and stress. - stop staying stuck in the pain of the past – and start recognizing the meaning, purpose, gift and lesson in your experiences – so you can live more at your full power - quiet your inner turmoil so you enjoy more calm during the day and enjoy better sleep at night
3/31/202156 minutes, 29 seconds
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Spirit Translator: Diana Cole

Seven transformative truths for well-being and happiness form the backbone of this walk with spirit. Create a relationship with your Spirit Guides. - raise your vibrations – so others will begin treating you better – and you can enjoy deeper, happier relationships - become a positive thought warrior – so you can experience less conflict, drama and stress. - stop staying stuck in the pain of the past – and start recognizing the meaning, purpose, gift and lesson in your experiences – so you can live more at your full power - quiet your inner turmoil so you enjoy more calm during the day and enjoy better sleep at night
3/31/202156 minutes, 29 seconds
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Return of Planet Sedna: Jennifer Gehl

The Story of Sedna mythologically, astrologically, and astronomincally is the story of Earth and all her beings remembering who they are–beings of the infinite cosmos and consciousness. Her frequency is like the anomolous wave pattern of a soliton that stands alone yet like the tsunami carries great impact. Her emotional instinct is fear, yet she shows the way to overcoming fearful responses by surrendering to changes that inevitably unfold. The cosmic codes lying dormant in our DNA are awakening, and as they do they are activating the inner alchemy and divine marriage of solar and lunar, masculine and feminine, giving birth to the innocent child and the path of the heart.
3/24/202156 minutes, 39 seconds
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Return of Planet Sedna: Jennifer Gehl

The Story of Sedna mythologically, astrologically, and astronomincally is the story of Earth and all her beings remembering who they are–beings of the infinite cosmos and consciousness. Her frequency is like the anomolous wave pattern of a soliton that stands alone yet like the tsunami carries great impact. Her emotional instinct is fear, yet she shows the way to overcoming fearful responses by surrendering to changes that inevitably unfold. The cosmic codes lying dormant in our DNA are awakening, and as they do they are activating the inner alchemy and divine marriage of solar and lunar, masculine and feminine, giving birth to the innocent child and the path of the heart.
3/24/202156 minutes, 39 seconds
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Return of Planet Sedna: Jennifer Gehl

The Story of Sedna mythologically, astrologically, and astronomincally is the story of Earth and all her beings remembering who they are–beings of the infinite cosmos and consciousness. Her frequency is like the anomolous wave pattern of a soliton that stands alone yet like the tsunami carries great impact. Her emotional instinct is fear, yet she shows the way to overcoming fearful responses by surrendering to changes that inevitably unfold. The cosmic codes lying dormant in our DNA are awakening, and as they do they are activating the inner alchemy and divine marriage of solar and lunar, masculine and feminine, giving birth to the innocent child and the path of the heart.
3/24/202156 minutes, 39 seconds
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Aging Boldly: Jeannie Ralston

Aging is a fact of life. Aging boldly is a state of mind. NextTribe is a lifestyle network for smart, engaged women over 45. NextTribe's mission is to inform, promote, and connect women of this age. Now women in their mid-50s ... grappling with current or impending “empty nest syndrome”—a term as dreadful as the condition itself. Today, their conversations question which direction we are headed in and how to get there. How to drink it all in and how to give back. While the girls’ getaway never materialized, an online refuge has. It is this, Next Tribe is a portal for new joy and purpose.
3/17/202155 minutes, 33 seconds
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Aging Boldly: Jeannie Ralston

Aging is a fact of life. Aging boldly is a state of mind. NextTribe is a lifestyle network for smart, engaged women over 45. NextTribe's mission is to inform, promote, and connect women of this age. Now women in their mid-50s ... grappling with current or impending “empty nest syndrome”—a term as dreadful as the condition itself. Today, their conversations question which direction we are headed in and how to get there. How to drink it all in and how to give back. While the girls’ getaway never materialized, an online refuge has. It is this, Next Tribe is a portal for new joy and purpose.
3/17/202155 minutes, 33 seconds
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Aging Boldly: Jeannie Ralston

Aging is a fact of life. Aging boldly is a state of mind. NextTribe is a lifestyle network for smart, engaged women over 45. NextTribe's mission is to inform, promote, and connect women of this age. Now women in their mid-50s ... grappling with current or impending “empty nest syndrome”—a term as dreadful as the condition itself. Today, their conversations question which direction we are headed in and how to get there. How to drink it all in and how to give back. While the girls’ getaway never materialized, an online refuge has. It is this, Next Tribe is a portal for new joy and purpose.
3/17/202155 minutes, 33 seconds
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Alchemy of Inner Work: Lorie Dechar & Benjamin Fox

A redefinition of healing that brings the soul back into the conversation and links individual health to the vitality of the world soul—the surrounding community of human and nonhuman beings that make up our world. Alchemical Healing is not meant to be a replacement or even a complement to Western medicine, traditional psychotherapy, or the current symptomatic approach of modern Chinese medicine. Rather, it invites us to leap into a completely different conversation about health. It proposes a new set of values, attitudes, goals, and skills and offers a way to address the nonphysical forms of human distress, the psychic and spiritual imbalances, and disease that are at the root of so much of modern suffering and illness. As my doctor friend says, “What you do doesn’t complement Western medicine, it enhances it.”
3/10/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Alchemy of Inner Work: Lorie Dechar & Benjamin Fox

A redefinition of healing that brings the soul back into the conversation and links individual health to the vitality of the world soul—the surrounding community of human and nonhuman beings that make up our world. Alchemical Healing is not meant to be a replacement or even a complement to Western medicine, traditional psychotherapy, or the current symptomatic approach of modern Chinese medicine. Rather, it invites us to leap into a completely different conversation about health. It proposes a new set of values, attitudes, goals, and skills and offers a way to address the nonphysical forms of human distress, the psychic and spiritual imbalances, and disease that are at the root of so much of modern suffering and illness. As my doctor friend says, “What you do doesn’t complement Western medicine, it enhances it.”
3/10/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Alchemy of Inner Work: Lorie Dechar & Benjamin Fox

A redefinition of healing that brings the soul back into the conversation and links individual health to the vitality of the world soul—the surrounding community of human and nonhuman beings that make up our world. Alchemical Healing is not meant to be a replacement or even a complement to Western medicine, traditional psychotherapy, or the current symptomatic approach of modern Chinese medicine. Rather, it invites us to leap into a completely different conversation about health. It proposes a new set of values, attitudes, goals, and skills and offers a way to address the nonphysical forms of human distress, the psychic and spiritual imbalances, and disease that are at the root of so much of modern suffering and illness. As my doctor friend says, “What you do doesn’t complement Western medicine, it enhances it.”
3/10/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bliss Brain: Dawson Church

Neuroplasticity is the law of the brain. Neuroplasticity means that what you do with your brain can actually produce changes in its structure. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are creating neural pathways in your brain by what you think, do, and feel. In Bliss Brain, researcher Dawson Church is hyper-focused on techniques that undo chronic stress and release emotions that keep you in a reactive state—responding to the past— rather than the present. He shows you how to achieve specific brain waves, the ones associated with relaxation and resilience. With these methods, you can reach a deep meditative state in minutes. He shows the remarkable effects this has on the body, from creating new stem cells to activating your mitochondria to lengthening your anti-aging telomeres.
3/3/202156 minutes, 55 seconds
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Bliss Brain: Dawson Church

Neuroplasticity is the law of the brain. Neuroplasticity means that what you do with your brain can actually produce changes in its structure. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are creating neural pathways in your brain by what you think, do, and feel. In Bliss Brain, researcher Dawson Church is hyper-focused on techniques that undo chronic stress and release emotions that keep you in a reactive state—responding to the past— rather than the present. He shows you how to achieve specific brain waves, the ones associated with relaxation and resilience. With these methods, you can reach a deep meditative state in minutes. He shows the remarkable effects this has on the body, from creating new stem cells to activating your mitochondria to lengthening your anti-aging telomeres.
3/3/202156 minutes, 55 seconds
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Bliss Brain: Dawson Church

Neuroplasticity is the law of the brain. Neuroplasticity means that what you do with your brain can actually produce changes in its structure. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are creating neural pathways in your brain by what you think, do, and feel. In Bliss Brain, researcher Dawson Church is hyper-focused on techniques that undo chronic stress and release emotions that keep you in a reactive state—responding to the past— rather than the present. He shows you how to achieve specific brain waves, the ones associated with relaxation and resilience. With these methods, you can reach a deep meditative state in minutes. He shows the remarkable effects this has on the body, from creating new stem cells to activating your mitochondria to lengthening your anti-aging telomeres.
3/3/202156 minutes, 55 seconds
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Big Miracles: Joanna Garzilli

The 11 Spiritual Rules of Big Miracles will teach you exactly how to make huge positive changes in your life and replace anxiety with tranquility, self-doubt with self-acceptance, and insecurity with certainty about your life purpose—how to achieve your dreams and actively create miracles. Each chapter shows you, with encouragement and grace, both how to live its lessons and how doing so will create your miracle. Laying the foundation with the first rule, “Align with Spirit,” Garzilli illustrates how to build from there to: - Be a Spiritual Vehicle - Commit to Your Breakthrough - Forgive Mistakes - Live Without Ego - Believe in Your Ability - Accept Responsibility - Aim High - Take the Right Action - Be of Service - Get Outside Your Comfort Zone With Big Miracles, you will discover how to nurture your connection to Spirit to move forward with momentum and create the outcomes you desire.
2/24/202155 minutes, 42 seconds
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Big Miracles: Joanna Garzilli

The 11 Spiritual Rules of Big Miracles will teach you exactly how to make huge positive changes in your life and replace anxiety with tranquility, self-doubt with self-acceptance, and insecurity with certainty about your life purpose—how to achieve your dreams and actively create miracles. Each chapter shows you, with encouragement and grace, both how to live its lessons and how doing so will create your miracle. Laying the foundation with the first rule, “Align with Spirit,” Garzilli illustrates how to build from there to: - Be a Spiritual Vehicle - Commit to Your Breakthrough - Forgive Mistakes - Live Without Ego - Believe in Your Ability - Accept Responsibility - Aim High - Take the Right Action - Be of Service - Get Outside Your Comfort Zone With Big Miracles, you will discover how to nurture your connection to Spirit to move forward with momentum and create the outcomes you desire.
2/24/202155 minutes, 42 seconds
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Big Miracles: Joanna Garzilli

The 11 Spiritual Rules of Big Miracles will teach you exactly how to make huge positive changes in your life and replace anxiety with tranquility, self-doubt with self-acceptance, and insecurity with certainty about your life purpose—how to achieve your dreams and actively create miracles. Each chapter shows you, with encouragement and grace, both how to live its lessons and how doing so will create your miracle. Laying the foundation with the first rule, “Align with Spirit,” Garzilli illustrates how to build from there to: - Be a Spiritual Vehicle - Commit to Your Breakthrough - Forgive Mistakes - Live Without Ego - Believe in Your Ability - Accept Responsibility - Aim High - Take the Right Action - Be of Service - Get Outside Your Comfort Zone With Big Miracles, you will discover how to nurture your connection to Spirit to move forward with momentum and create the outcomes you desire.
2/24/202155 minutes, 42 seconds
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Manifesting Love: Jean Adrienne

The time is now for the divine feminine to return to her place of honor on our planet and in the Universe. For over five thousand years, she’s been pushed to the background to allow the divine masculine to find his personal power. It’s all part of a plan, and now when the feminine heals her wounds and claims her power, she is able to support the masculine in doing his own inner work to heal and atone for his part in wounding her over the last age. At that point, they are finally able to magnetize each other to themselves, inside themselves. When this happens, high alchemy occurs, leading to conjunctio—the divine marriage. Conjunctio has always been used in alchemy as the symbol of culmination, and it means to unite or bind the cosmic pair of opposites.
2/17/202155 minutes, 33 seconds
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Manifesting Love: Jean Adrienne

The time is now for the divine feminine to return to her place of honor on our planet and in the Universe. For over five thousand years, she’s been pushed to the background to allow the divine masculine to find his personal power. It’s all part of a plan, and now when the feminine heals her wounds and claims her power, she is able to support the masculine in doing his own inner work to heal and atone for his part in wounding her over the last age. At that point, they are finally able to magnetize each other to themselves, inside themselves. When this happens, high alchemy occurs, leading to conjunctio—the divine marriage. Conjunctio has always been used in alchemy as the symbol of culmination, and it means to unite or bind the cosmic pair of opposites.
2/17/202155 minutes, 33 seconds
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Manifesting Love: Jean Adrienne

The time is now for the divine feminine to return to her place of honor on our planet and in the Universe. For over five thousand years, she’s been pushed to the background to allow the divine masculine to find his personal power. It’s all part of a plan, and now when the feminine heals her wounds and claims her power, she is able to support the masculine in doing his own inner work to heal and atone for his part in wounding her over the last age. At that point, they are finally able to magnetize each other to themselves, inside themselves. When this happens, high alchemy occurs, leading to conjunctio—the divine marriage. Conjunctio has always been used in alchemy as the symbol of culmination, and it means to unite or bind the cosmic pair of opposites.
2/17/202155 minutes, 33 seconds
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Healing the Mother Wound: Kerri Hummingbird

A woman in her true power gives everyone a space to flourish because she is the constant gardener, she is the Mother Earth. She is not afraid to let the forest burn down or weeds to grow rampant because she knows life is a process, a cycle, and has innate wisdom. She is tapped into a greater consciousness through her feelings and intuition and surrenders to this all knowing presence to guide her way. She knows she is the voice of her ancestors, and her children are their greatest hope. She listens to the Mother Earth and feels the early tremors of the quakes and storms so she can lead the tribe to course correct and come back into harmony before a natural consequence is needed. She knows that every member of the tribe is dreaming a unique dream of their Soul, and she helps teach the respect and tolerance that allows all of these dreams to coexist.
2/10/202151 minutes, 30 seconds
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Healing the Mother Wound: Kerri Hummingbird

A woman in her true power gives everyone a space to flourish because she is the constant gardener, she is the Mother Earth. She is not afraid to let the forest burn down or weeds to grow rampant because she knows life is a process, a cycle, and has innate wisdom. She is tapped into a greater consciousness through her feelings and intuition and surrenders to this all knowing presence to guide her way. She knows she is the voice of her ancestors, and her children are their greatest hope. She listens to the Mother Earth and feels the early tremors of the quakes and storms so she can lead the tribe to course correct and come back into harmony before a natural consequence is needed. She knows that every member of the tribe is dreaming a unique dream of their Soul, and she helps teach the respect and tolerance that allows all of these dreams to coexist.
2/10/202151 minutes, 30 seconds
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Healing the Mother Wound: Kerri Hummingbird

A woman in her true power gives everyone a space to flourish because she is the constant gardener, she is the Mother Earth. She is not afraid to let the forest burn down or weeds to grow rampant because she knows life is a process, a cycle, and has innate wisdom. She is tapped into a greater consciousness through her feelings and intuition and surrenders to this all knowing presence to guide her way. She knows she is the voice of her ancestors, and her children are their greatest hope. She listens to the Mother Earth and feels the early tremors of the quakes and storms so she can lead the tribe to course correct and come back into harmony before a natural consequence is needed. She knows that every member of the tribe is dreaming a unique dream of their Soul, and she helps teach the respect and tolerance that allows all of these dreams to coexist.
2/10/202151 minutes, 30 seconds
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Overwhelmed and Over It: Christine Arylo

Exhale all that pressure you have been carrying around like a twenty-five-pound sack of judgment against yourself. The guilt, expectations, obligations, criticisms, comparisons, and ideals of what you should have done, accomplished, or figured out by now. All the ways in which you deem you are not measuring up, keeping up, or doing enough. The cause of the shoulder knots, jaw clenching, anxiety, men- tal fogginess, depression, despair, and exhaustion. And then consider embracing this: if you truly want to thrive, then you have to do this differently. The current norms for how we work and operate as a society are not something you want to lean into. This is an invitation to liberate yourself from the self-sacrifice and burnout. The first step in changing what’s not working for you is awareness — becoming conscious of what you are currently blind to.
2/3/202155 minutes, 40 seconds
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Overwhelmed and Over It: Christine Arylo

Exhale all that pressure you have been carrying around like a twenty-five-pound sack of judgment against yourself. The guilt, expectations, obligations, criticisms, comparisons, and ideals of what you should have done, accomplished, or figured out by now. All the ways in which you deem you are not measuring up, keeping up, or doing enough. The cause of the shoulder knots, jaw clenching, anxiety, men- tal fogginess, depression, despair, and exhaustion. And then consider embracing this: if you truly want to thrive, then you have to do this differently. The current norms for how we work and operate as a society are not something you want to lean into. This is an invitation to liberate yourself from the self-sacrifice and burnout. The first step in changing what’s not working for you is awareness — becoming conscious of what you are currently blind to.
2/3/202155 minutes, 40 seconds
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Overwhelmed and Over It: Christine Arylo

Exhale all that pressure you have been carrying around like a twenty-five-pound sack of judgment against yourself. The guilt, expectations, obligations, criticisms, comparisons, and ideals of what you should have done, accomplished, or figured out by now. All the ways in which you deem you are not measuring up, keeping up, or doing enough. The cause of the shoulder knots, jaw clenching, anxiety, men- tal fogginess, depression, despair, and exhaustion. And then consider embracing this: if you truly want to thrive, then you have to do this differently. The current norms for how we work and operate as a society are not something you want to lean into. This is an invitation to liberate yourself from the self-sacrifice and burnout. The first step in changing what’s not working for you is awareness — becoming conscious of what you are currently blind to.
2/3/202155 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Chiron Effect: Lisa Tahir

In our astrological natal chart, also called our birth chart, the location of Chiron reveals core wounds, which block our capacity to have self-empathy and to forgive. Lack of empathy and compassion for ourselves and others obstructs our ability to both create and allow our desires. By working with Chiron, you come to understand the correlation between deep inner wounding and your greatest challenges. You can accurately identify twelve areas of core wounding, diagnosed by the astrological placement of Chiron in your birth chart. It is this placement of Chiron that identifies the causes that repeat painful, unconscious patterns.
1/27/202155 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Chiron Effect: Lisa Tahir

In our astrological natal chart, also called our birth chart, the location of Chiron reveals core wounds, which block our capacity to have self-empathy and to forgive. Lack of empathy and compassion for ourselves and others obstructs our ability to both create and allow our desires. By working with Chiron, you come to understand the correlation between deep inner wounding and your greatest challenges. You can accurately identify twelve areas of core wounding, diagnosed by the astrological placement of Chiron in your birth chart. It is this placement of Chiron that identifies the causes that repeat painful, unconscious patterns.
1/27/202155 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Chiron Effect: Lisa Tahir

In our astrological natal chart, also called our birth chart, the location of Chiron reveals core wounds, which block our capacity to have self-empathy and to forgive. Lack of empathy and compassion for ourselves and others obstructs our ability to both create and allow our desires. By working with Chiron, you come to understand the correlation between deep inner wounding and your greatest challenges. You can accurately identify twelve areas of core wounding, diagnosed by the astrological placement of Chiron in your birth chart. It is this placement of Chiron that identifies the causes that repeat painful, unconscious patterns.
1/27/202155 minutes, 55 seconds
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ALCHEMY: Stones of the New Consciousness

The alchemists believed that consciousness is within everything—that the world is aware and alive, and that the stones are alive in the same way. They even called the great goal of their work the Philosophers’ Stone! Alchemy is a cosmology within which the phenomena and potential of our spiritual engagement with stones made perfect sense. And alchemy could also provide a picture of where our involvement with stones and their energies can go. the metaphysical interest in stones is now worldwide, involving millions of people. It has been over thirty years since the crystal fad began; and it has not behaved like a fad. It is more like a spiritual movement—a current within a worldwide tide of transformation. Alchemy has always been a practice aimed at transformation. The alchemist’s desire is to improve or perfect something—whether it be a physical substance, one’s body or one’s own soul, or all together. In the alchemical para- digm, substance and soul are not separated.
1/20/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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ALCHEMY: Stones of the New Consciousness

The alchemists believed that consciousness is within everything—that the world is aware and alive, and that the stones are alive in the same way. They even called the great goal of their work the Philosophers’ Stone! Alchemy is a cosmology within which the phenomena and potential of our spiritual engagement with stones made perfect sense. And alchemy could also provide a picture of where our involvement with stones and their energies can go. the metaphysical interest in stones is now worldwide, involving millions of people. It has been over thirty years since the crystal fad began; and it has not behaved like a fad. It is more like a spiritual movement—a current within a worldwide tide of transformation. Alchemy has always been a practice aimed at transformation. The alchemist’s desire is to improve or perfect something—whether it be a physical substance, one’s body or one’s own soul, or all together. In the alchemical para- digm, substance and soul are not separated.
1/20/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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ALCHEMY: Stones of the New Consciousness

The alchemists believed that consciousness is within everything—that the world is aware and alive, and that the stones are alive in the same way. They even called the great goal of their work the Philosophers’ Stone! Alchemy is a cosmology within which the phenomena and potential of our spiritual engagement with stones made perfect sense. And alchemy could also provide a picture of where our involvement with stones and their energies can go. the metaphysical interest in stones is now worldwide, involving millions of people. It has been over thirty years since the crystal fad began; and it has not behaved like a fad. It is more like a spiritual movement—a current within a worldwide tide of transformation. Alchemy has always been a practice aimed at transformation. The alchemist’s desire is to improve or perfect something—whether it be a physical substance, one’s body or one’s own soul, or all together. In the alchemical para- digm, substance and soul are not separated.
1/20/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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Without Reservation: Randy Kritkausky

We are but a few generations removed from millennia spent living in intimate contact with the natural world and in close commune with ancestral spirits. Who we are and who we think we are is rooted in historical connections with those who came before us and in our relationships with the land and the sentient natural world. When we wander too far from our roots, our ancestors and kin in the natural world call us home, sometimes with gentle whispers and sometimes in loud voices sounding alarms.
1/13/202156 minutes, 43 seconds
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Without Reservation: Randy Kritkausky

We are but a few generations removed from millennia spent living in intimate contact with the natural world and in close commune with ancestral spirits. Who we are and who we think we are is rooted in historical connections with those who came before us and in our relationships with the land and the sentient natural world. When we wander too far from our roots, our ancestors and kin in the natural world call us home, sometimes with gentle whispers and sometimes in loud voices sounding alarms.
1/13/202156 minutes, 43 seconds
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Without Reservation: Randy Kritkausky

We are but a few generations removed from millennia spent living in intimate contact with the natural world and in close commune with ancestral spirits. Who we are and who we think we are is rooted in historical connections with those who came before us and in our relationships with the land and the sentient natural world. When we wander too far from our roots, our ancestors and kin in the natural world call us home, sometimes with gentle whispers and sometimes in loud voices sounding alarms.
1/13/202156 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Mother’s Evolution During Her Child’s Gender Change: Paria Hassouri

On Thanksgiving morning, Paria Hassouri finds herself furiously praying and negotiating with the universe as she irons a dress her fourteen-year-old, designated male at birth, has secretly purchased and wants to wear to dinner with the extended family. In this wonderfully frank, loving, and practical account of parenting a transgender teen, Paria chronicles what amounts to a dual transition: as her child transitions from male to female, she navigates through anger, denial, and grief to eventually arrive at acceptance. Despite her experience advising other parents in her work as a pediatrician, she was blindsided by her child’s gender identity. Paria is also forced to examine how she still carries insecurities from her past of growing up as an Iranian-American immigrant in a predominantly white neighborhood, and how her life experience is causing her to parent with fear instead of love. Paria discovers her capacity to evolve, as well as what it really means to parent.
1/6/202153 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Mother’s Evolution During Her Child’s Gender Change: Paria Hassouri

On Thanksgiving morning, Paria Hassouri finds herself furiously praying and negotiating with the universe as she irons a dress her fourteen-year-old, designated male at birth, has secretly purchased and wants to wear to dinner with the extended family. In this wonderfully frank, loving, and practical account of parenting a transgender teen, Paria chronicles what amounts to a dual transition: as her child transitions from male to female, she navigates through anger, denial, and grief to eventually arrive at acceptance. Despite her experience advising other parents in her work as a pediatrician, she was blindsided by her child’s gender identity. Paria is also forced to examine how she still carries insecurities from her past of growing up as an Iranian-American immigrant in a predominantly white neighborhood, and how her life experience is causing her to parent with fear instead of love. Paria discovers her capacity to evolve, as well as what it really means to parent.
1/6/202153 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Mother’s Evolution During Her Child’s Gender Change: Paria Hassouri

On Thanksgiving morning, Paria Hassouri finds herself furiously praying and negotiating with the universe as she irons a dress her fourteen-year-old, designated male at birth, has secretly purchased and wants to wear to dinner with the extended family. In this wonderfully frank, loving, and practical account of parenting a transgender teen, Paria chronicles what amounts to a dual transition: as her child transitions from male to female, she navigates through anger, denial, and grief to eventually arrive at acceptance. Despite her experience advising other parents in her work as a pediatrician, she was blindsided by her child’s gender identity. Paria is also forced to examine how she still carries insecurities from her past of growing up as an Iranian-American immigrant in a predominantly white neighborhood, and how her life experience is causing her to parent with fear instead of love. Paria discovers her capacity to evolve, as well as what it really means to parent.
1/6/202153 minutes, 29 seconds
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Don't Stop in Front of the Finish Line: Bridgit Dengel Gaspard

Bridgit Dengel Gaspard coined the term “the final eighth” to describe a phenomenon she experienced herself and observed in others: talented, energetic, motivated people accomplish many steps toward a goal (seven-eighths of it) but then are mysteriously stalled. Practical tips and pep talks don’t work because the problem — and the solution — lies deeper. While the conscious, everyday self says, “I want this,” other inner selves worry that success will put them in some kind of danger. The powerful secret? Not every part of you wants what you think you want! The innovative technique of voice dialogue will help you communicate with your alter egos, whatever your goal is. In the process, you’ll discover and liberate inner “wise counselors, canny advisers, and magical sages,” transforming them into valuable allies who’ll help you finally achieve your goals.
12/30/202057 minutes, 43 seconds
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Don't Stop in Front of the Finish Line: Bridgit Dengel Gaspard

Bridgit Dengel Gaspard coined the term “the final eighth” to describe a phenomenon she experienced herself and observed in others: talented, energetic, motivated people accomplish many steps toward a goal (seven-eighths of it) but then are mysteriously stalled. Practical tips and pep talks don’t work because the problem — and the solution — lies deeper. While the conscious, everyday self says, “I want this,” other inner selves worry that success will put them in some kind of danger. The powerful secret? Not every part of you wants what you think you want! The innovative technique of voice dialogue will help you communicate with your alter egos, whatever your goal is. In the process, you’ll discover and liberate inner “wise counselors, canny advisers, and magical sages,” transforming them into valuable allies who’ll help you finally achieve your goals.
12/30/202057 minutes, 43 seconds
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Don't Stop in Front of the Finish Line: Bridgit Dengel Gaspard

Bridgit Dengel Gaspard coined the term “the final eighth” to describe a phenomenon she experienced herself and observed in others: talented, energetic, motivated people accomplish many steps toward a goal (seven-eighths of it) but then are mysteriously stalled. Practical tips and pep talks don’t work because the problem — and the solution — lies deeper. While the conscious, everyday self says, “I want this,” other inner selves worry that success will put them in some kind of danger. The powerful secret? Not every part of you wants what you think you want! The innovative technique of voice dialogue will help you communicate with your alter egos, whatever your goal is. In the process, you’ll discover and liberate inner “wise counselors, canny advisers, and magical sages,” transforming them into valuable allies who’ll help you finally achieve your goals.
12/30/202057 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience and Business Behavior: Robin Hills

What if you had strategies to manage stress and weather storms in the workplace? What if you could inspire others and build successful relationships among those in your teams? Despite a barren parched environment, life continues to flourish. There is new growth and there are new prospects. Out of adversity comes opportunity and a new plant grows where others would fail to flourish. The old is replaced by the new, that will eventually grow to full maturity and the new plant will be an integral part of a new landscape and new environment. Emotional intelligence has become increasingly recognised as a trait in leadership. In fact, it could easily be argued that emotional intelligence is an important characteristic for anyone at any level of an organisation. A leader’s emotional intelligence can have a major influence over their relationships, how they manage their teams and generally how they interact with individuals in the workplace.
12/23/202057 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience and Business Behavior: Robin Hills

What if you had strategies to manage stress and weather storms in the workplace? What if you could inspire others and build successful relationships among those in your teams? Despite a barren parched environment, life continues to flourish. There is new growth and there are new prospects. Out of adversity comes opportunity and a new plant grows where others would fail to flourish. The old is replaced by the new, that will eventually grow to full maturity and the new plant will be an integral part of a new landscape and new environment. Emotional intelligence has become increasingly recognised as a trait in leadership. In fact, it could easily be argued that emotional intelligence is an important characteristic for anyone at any level of an organisation. A leader’s emotional intelligence can have a major influence over their relationships, how they manage their teams and generally how they interact with individuals in the workplace.
12/23/202057 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience and Business Behavior: Robin Hills

What if you had strategies to manage stress and weather storms in the workplace? What if you could inspire others and build successful relationships among those in your teams? Despite a barren parched environment, life continues to flourish. There is new growth and there are new prospects. Out of adversity comes opportunity and a new plant grows where others would fail to flourish. The old is replaced by the new, that will eventually grow to full maturity and the new plant will be an integral part of a new landscape and new environment. Emotional intelligence has become increasingly recognised as a trait in leadership. In fact, it could easily be argued that emotional intelligence is an important characteristic for anyone at any level of an organisation. A leader’s emotional intelligence can have a major influence over their relationships, how they manage their teams and generally how they interact with individuals in the workplace.
12/23/202057 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Mindful Millionaire: Leisa Peterson

In the world of personal finance the biggest challenge is the sense that there’s never going to be enough. It is this mindset of scarcity, and not the amount spent on lattes, that holds people back the most from achieving their financial dreams. Using techniques she’s developed as a financial planner and spiritual coach, Leisa Peterson guides you to dig deeper and discover the root of your financial thinking to change not just the way you save and spend, but the way you live your life. Discover how Leisa bucked the norm to find joy, happiness and a meaningful life through a combination of self-awareness, breaking free of money shame and providing yourself with ultimate self-compassion.
12/16/202055 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Mindful Millionaire: Leisa Peterson

In the world of personal finance the biggest challenge is the sense that there’s never going to be enough. It is this mindset of scarcity, and not the amount spent on lattes, that holds people back the most from achieving their financial dreams. Using techniques she’s developed as a financial planner and spiritual coach, Leisa Peterson guides you to dig deeper and discover the root of your financial thinking to change not just the way you save and spend, but the way you live your life. Discover how Leisa bucked the norm to find joy, happiness and a meaningful life through a combination of self-awareness, breaking free of money shame and providing yourself with ultimate self-compassion.
12/16/202055 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Mindful Millionaire: Leisa Peterson

In the world of personal finance the biggest challenge is the sense that there’s never going to be enough. It is this mindset of scarcity, and not the amount spent on lattes, that holds people back the most from achieving their financial dreams. Using techniques she’s developed as a financial planner and spiritual coach, Leisa Peterson guides you to dig deeper and discover the root of your financial thinking to change not just the way you save and spend, but the way you live your life. Discover how Leisa bucked the norm to find joy, happiness and a meaningful life through a combination of self-awareness, breaking free of money shame and providing yourself with ultimate self-compassion.
12/16/202055 minutes, 25 seconds
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Good Works: Dennis Pitocco

LET'S CREATE RIPPLES OF CHANGE FOR GOOD It’s time for a renaissance of pure, unbridled wonder. It’s time to renew in both our hearts and in our souls more joy, more kindness, more compassion, more understanding. And that magical sense of truly belonging to something greater than status quo. The time is long overdue for a paradigm shift, pivoting from where we are to where many of us simply wish to be. The time is now to come together as a thriving “conscious community” where people are bound together by choice –not chance nor edict –remaining together because they want to. Because they embrace and enjoy listening, respecting, empathizing, and supporting without judgment. A community where they feel welcome and safe. Where authentic relationships that can be counted on without hesitation or reservation. It’s time to bring the spirit of “humanity at its best” back to the forefront.
12/9/202055 minutes, 38 seconds
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Good Works: Dennis Pitocco

LET'S CREATE RIPPLES OF CHANGE FOR GOOD It’s time for a renaissance of pure, unbridled wonder. It’s time to renew in both our hearts and in our souls more joy, more kindness, more compassion, more understanding. And that magical sense of truly belonging to something greater than status quo. The time is long overdue for a paradigm shift, pivoting from where we are to where many of us simply wish to be. The time is now to come together as a thriving “conscious community” where people are bound together by choice –not chance nor edict –remaining together because they want to. Because they embrace and enjoy listening, respecting, empathizing, and supporting without judgment. A community where they feel welcome and safe. Where authentic relationships that can be counted on without hesitation or reservation. It’s time to bring the spirit of “humanity at its best” back to the forefront.
12/9/202055 minutes, 38 seconds
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Good Works: Dennis Pitocco

LET'S CREATE RIPPLES OF CHANGE FOR GOOD It’s time for a renaissance of pure, unbridled wonder. It’s time to renew in both our hearts and in our souls more joy, more kindness, more compassion, more understanding. And that magical sense of truly belonging to something greater than status quo. The time is long overdue for a paradigm shift, pivoting from where we are to where many of us simply wish to be. The time is now to come together as a thriving “conscious community” where people are bound together by choice –not chance nor edict –remaining together because they want to. Because they embrace and enjoy listening, respecting, empathizing, and supporting without judgment. A community where they feel welcome and safe. Where authentic relationships that can be counted on without hesitation or reservation. It’s time to bring the spirit of “humanity at its best” back to the forefront.
12/9/202055 minutes, 38 seconds
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Power of Daily Practice: Eric Maisel

Eric Maisel knows from experience and observation that the single most crucial element of success for any endeavor is a regular, daily practice. Dr. Maisel, a preeminent creativity coach, therapist, and acclaimed author, shows how and why to implement a daily practice and addresses common challenges. His experience working with bestselling writers, entrepreneurs, musicians, actors, visual artists, recovering addicts, and rehabilitation patients shows as he outlines various ways to approach a daily practice and goes on to help you build a version of this important discipline that suits your life and goals. Real-world stories and practical examples will help you make measurable progress and build satisfaction in your most cherished pursuits. Break through your blocks and restore creative purpose.
12/2/202056 minutes, 52 seconds
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Power of Daily Practice: Eric Maisel

Eric Maisel knows from experience and observation that the single most crucial element of success for any endeavor is a regular, daily practice. Dr. Maisel, a preeminent creativity coach, therapist, and acclaimed author, shows how and why to implement a daily practice and addresses common challenges. His experience working with bestselling writers, entrepreneurs, musicians, actors, visual artists, recovering addicts, and rehabilitation patients shows as he outlines various ways to approach a daily practice and goes on to help you build a version of this important discipline that suits your life and goals. Real-world stories and practical examples will help you make measurable progress and build satisfaction in your most cherished pursuits. Break through your blocks and restore creative purpose.
12/2/202056 minutes, 52 seconds
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Power of Daily Practice: Eric Maisel

Eric Maisel knows from experience and observation that the single most crucial element of success for any endeavor is a regular, daily practice. Dr. Maisel, a preeminent creativity coach, therapist, and acclaimed author, shows how and why to implement a daily practice and addresses common challenges. His experience working with bestselling writers, entrepreneurs, musicians, actors, visual artists, recovering addicts, and rehabilitation patients shows as he outlines various ways to approach a daily practice and goes on to help you build a version of this important discipline that suits your life and goals. Real-world stories and practical examples will help you make measurable progress and build satisfaction in your most cherished pursuits. Break through your blocks and restore creative purpose.
12/2/202056 minutes, 52 seconds
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Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind: James Jensen

Your Subconscious is Your Power We talk to ourselves all day long at the rate of 150-300 words per minute, or up to 50,000 thoughts per day. These thoughts condition the subconscious mind and become commands to be carried out by the subconscious. This process happens whether we realize it or not. But what if we could fully understand the relationship between our conscious and subconscious mind and use this knowledge to better ourselves in ways we never before thought possible? Jim Jensen’s commentaries remind us, Joseph Murphy’s classic book does not use these words lightly. There is a rapidly growing body of rigorous scientific evidence indicating that the mind can significantly influence matter, both within the body and beyond. The powers that Murphy describes might seem like miracles, but as science progresses we are slowly but surely unraveling its mysteries.
11/25/202054 minutes, 10 seconds
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Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind: James Jensen

Your Subconscious is Your Power We talk to ourselves all day long at the rate of 150-300 words per minute, or up to 50,000 thoughts per day. These thoughts condition the subconscious mind and become commands to be carried out by the subconscious. This process happens whether we realize it or not. But what if we could fully understand the relationship between our conscious and subconscious mind and use this knowledge to better ourselves in ways we never before thought possible? Jim Jensen’s commentaries remind us, Joseph Murphy’s classic book does not use these words lightly. There is a rapidly growing body of rigorous scientific evidence indicating that the mind can significantly influence matter, both within the body and beyond. The powers that Murphy describes might seem like miracles, but as science progresses we are slowly but surely unraveling its mysteries.
11/25/202054 minutes, 10 seconds
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Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind: James Jensen

Your Subconscious is Your Power We talk to ourselves all day long at the rate of 150-300 words per minute, or up to 50,000 thoughts per day. These thoughts condition the subconscious mind and become commands to be carried out by the subconscious. This process happens whether we realize it or not. But what if we could fully understand the relationship between our conscious and subconscious mind and use this knowledge to better ourselves in ways we never before thought possible? Jim Jensen’s commentaries remind us, Joseph Murphy’s classic book does not use these words lightly. There is a rapidly growing body of rigorous scientific evidence indicating that the mind can significantly influence matter, both within the body and beyond. The powers that Murphy describes might seem like miracles, but as science progresses we are slowly but surely unraveling its mysteries.
11/25/202054 minutes, 10 seconds
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Encore: The Purple Papers: Roland Comtois

SIGNS OF SPIRIT The Purple Papers and the Stories Behind Them When a powerful spiritual presence directed Roland Comtois to write down the messages he receives from the other side, Roland decided to do just that … and the results have been astonishing. Signs of Spirit presents the heartwarming stories of people who have received Roland's Purple Papers and confirmed that the messages are from their loved ones in spirit. In the Purple Papers, broken relationships are repaired and emotional turmoil is released as one of the world's most remarkable mediums delivers breathtaking messages from loved ones who passed away too soon. You will also discover many photos of the most powerful Purple Papers, as well as messages that haven't yet found their recipient—one of them could even be for you.
11/18/202055 minutes, 33 seconds
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Encore: The Purple Papers: Roland Comtois

SIGNS OF SPIRIT The Purple Papers and the Stories Behind Them When a powerful spiritual presence directed Roland Comtois to write down the messages he receives from the other side, Roland decided to do just that … and the results have been astonishing. Signs of Spirit presents the heartwarming stories of people who have received Roland's Purple Papers and confirmed that the messages are from their loved ones in spirit. In the Purple Papers, broken relationships are repaired and emotional turmoil is released as one of the world's most remarkable mediums delivers breathtaking messages from loved ones who passed away too soon. You will also discover many photos of the most powerful Purple Papers, as well as messages that haven't yet found their recipient—one of them could even be for you.
11/18/202055 minutes, 33 seconds
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Encore: The Purple Papers: Roland Comtois

SIGNS OF SPIRIT The Purple Papers and the Stories Behind Them When a powerful spiritual presence directed Roland Comtois to write down the messages he receives from the other side, Roland decided to do just that … and the results have been astonishing. Signs of Spirit presents the heartwarming stories of people who have received Roland's Purple Papers and confirmed that the messages are from their loved ones in spirit. In the Purple Papers, broken relationships are repaired and emotional turmoil is released as one of the world's most remarkable mediums delivers breathtaking messages from loved ones who passed away too soon. You will also discover many photos of the most powerful Purple Papers, as well as messages that haven't yet found their recipient—one of them could even be for you.
11/18/202055 minutes, 33 seconds
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Encore: Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
11/11/202051 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
11/11/202051 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
11/11/202051 minutes, 41 seconds
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Three Men, Six Lives: Bernie Siegel, MD

Dr. Bernie Siegel broke new ground with his monumental book Love, Medicine and Miracles. Today Bernie continues to impart wisdom about the true nature of life and love in his entertaining and enlightening debut fiction novel Three Men, Six Lives. A grand adventure born of Bernie's experience of his current and past lives awaits you. When three conflicted men search for deeper meaning in their lives, through their sometimes painful and amusing explorations they discover there are no coincidences: • Jon Hokmah, an empathetic psychotherapist who comes to accept the fact that he became a therapist because of his own problems. • George Dingfelder, a stressed-out Jewish physician with a name longer than his lean body, a nervous smile, photographic memory, and a tendency to talk too much and fantasize even more. • Carmine Birsamatto, an Italian crime boss who doesn't deny he's a racketeer but makes it clear he's not a thug.
11/4/202056 minutes, 25 seconds
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Three Men, Six Lives: Bernie Siegel, MD

Dr. Bernie Siegel broke new ground with his monumental book Love, Medicine and Miracles. Today Bernie continues to impart wisdom about the true nature of life and love in his entertaining and enlightening debut fiction novel Three Men, Six Lives. A grand adventure born of Bernie's experience of his current and past lives awaits you. When three conflicted men search for deeper meaning in their lives, through their sometimes painful and amusing explorations they discover there are no coincidences: • Jon Hokmah, an empathetic psychotherapist who comes to accept the fact that he became a therapist because of his own problems. • George Dingfelder, a stressed-out Jewish physician with a name longer than his lean body, a nervous smile, photographic memory, and a tendency to talk too much and fantasize even more. • Carmine Birsamatto, an Italian crime boss who doesn't deny he's a racketeer but makes it clear he's not a thug.
11/4/202056 minutes, 25 seconds
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Three Men, Six Lives: Bernie Siegel, MD

Dr. Bernie Siegel broke new ground with his monumental book Love, Medicine and Miracles. Today Bernie continues to impart wisdom about the true nature of life and love in his entertaining and enlightening debut fiction novel Three Men, Six Lives. A grand adventure born of Bernie's experience of his current and past lives awaits you. When three conflicted men search for deeper meaning in their lives, through their sometimes painful and amusing explorations they discover there are no coincidences: • Jon Hokmah, an empathetic psychotherapist who comes to accept the fact that he became a therapist because of his own problems. • George Dingfelder, a stressed-out Jewish physician with a name longer than his lean body, a nervous smile, photographic memory, and a tendency to talk too much and fantasize even more. • Carmine Birsamatto, an Italian crime boss who doesn't deny he's a racketeer but makes it clear he's not a thug.
11/4/202056 minutes, 25 seconds
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Brave Leadership: Kimberly Davis

People want to give their best. But in a business world that’s so competitive and uncertain, how do you connect with others more authentically to tap into their elusive want? Brave Leadership is the essential guide for leaders in today’s ever-shifting world. Wherever you are in your leadership journey—new, seasoned, young, or old—if you aspire to be the best leader you can be... - Uncover your barriers to brave - Escape overwhelm and frustration and learn to manage stress and anxiety - Prepare for high-stakes meetings and conversations - Have the influence you want to have - Set the direction of your career - Connect powerfully - Feel more confident, courageous, satisfied, and purposeful - Tap into the want of the people you lead to get the results you need This provocative and inspiring guest bridges traditional business how-to with a personal development approach to demystify what it takes to be the brave leader you were born to be.
10/28/202056 minutes, 49 seconds
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Brave Leadership: Kimberly Davis

People want to give their best. But in a business world that’s so competitive and uncertain, how do you connect with others more authentically to tap into their elusive want? Brave Leadership is the essential guide for leaders in today’s ever-shifting world. Wherever you are in your leadership journey—new, seasoned, young, or old—if you aspire to be the best leader you can be... - Uncover your barriers to brave - Escape overwhelm and frustration and learn to manage stress and anxiety - Prepare for high-stakes meetings and conversations - Have the influence you want to have - Set the direction of your career - Connect powerfully - Feel more confident, courageous, satisfied, and purposeful - Tap into the want of the people you lead to get the results you need This provocative and inspiring guest bridges traditional business how-to with a personal development approach to demystify what it takes to be the brave leader you were born to be.
10/28/202056 minutes, 49 seconds
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Brave Leadership: Kimberly Davis

People want to give their best. But in a business world that’s so competitive and uncertain, how do you connect with others more authentically to tap into their elusive want? Brave Leadership is the essential guide for leaders in today’s ever-shifting world. Wherever you are in your leadership journey—new, seasoned, young, or old—if you aspire to be the best leader you can be... - Uncover your barriers to brave - Escape overwhelm and frustration and learn to manage stress and anxiety - Prepare for high-stakes meetings and conversations - Have the influence you want to have - Set the direction of your career - Connect powerfully - Feel more confident, courageous, satisfied, and purposeful - Tap into the want of the people you lead to get the results you need This provocative and inspiring guest bridges traditional business how-to with a personal development approach to demystify what it takes to be the brave leader you were born to be.
10/28/202056 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Purple Papers: Roland Comtois

SIGNS OF SPIRIT The Purple Papers and the Stories Behind Them When a powerful spiritual presence directed Roland Comtois to write down the messages he receives from the other side, Roland decided to do just that … and the results have been astonishing. Signs of Spirit presents the heartwarming stories of people who have received Roland's Purple Papers and confirmed that the messages are from their loved ones in spirit. In the Purple Papers, broken relationships are repaired and emotional turmoil is released as one of the world's most remarkable mediums delivers breathtaking messages from loved ones who passed away too soon. You will also discover many photos of the most powerful Purple Papers, as well as messages that haven't yet found their recipient—one of them could even be for you.
10/21/202055 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Purple Papers: Roland Comtois

SIGNS OF SPIRIT The Purple Papers and the Stories Behind Them When a powerful spiritual presence directed Roland Comtois to write down the messages he receives from the other side, Roland decided to do just that … and the results have been astonishing. Signs of Spirit presents the heartwarming stories of people who have received Roland's Purple Papers and confirmed that the messages are from their loved ones in spirit. In the Purple Papers, broken relationships are repaired and emotional turmoil is released as one of the world's most remarkable mediums delivers breathtaking messages from loved ones who passed away too soon. You will also discover many photos of the most powerful Purple Papers, as well as messages that haven't yet found their recipient—one of them could even be for you.
10/21/202055 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Purple Papers: Roland Comtois

SIGNS OF SPIRIT The Purple Papers and the Stories Behind Them When a powerful spiritual presence directed Roland Comtois to write down the messages he receives from the other side, Roland decided to do just that … and the results have been astonishing. Signs of Spirit presents the heartwarming stories of people who have received Roland's Purple Papers and confirmed that the messages are from their loved ones in spirit. In the Purple Papers, broken relationships are repaired and emotional turmoil is released as one of the world's most remarkable mediums delivers breathtaking messages from loved ones who passed away too soon. You will also discover many photos of the most powerful Purple Papers, as well as messages that haven't yet found their recipient—one of them could even be for you.
10/21/202055 minutes, 33 seconds
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Cleansing Rites: Erika Buenaflor

Do you regularly cleanse and clear your space, your energy, and your body? Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo: Limpias Espirituales of Ancient Mesoamerican Shamans explores the essential tools and processes used by ancient Mesoamerican shamans, when conducting limpias—practical and incredibly effective shamanic cleanses that heal, purify, and revitalize people and spaces. People who are interested in developing their holistic healing arsenal, will find this book invaluable. Erika outlines how limpias work holistically to enable one to let go and cleanse the body, mind, and spirit of limiting beliefs, traumas, and broken stories; heal acute and chronic illnesses such as depression, insomnia, and anxiety; and revitalize and activate sacred spaces by renewing their essence and clearing negative energies.
10/14/202054 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cleansing Rites: Erika Buenaflor

Do you regularly cleanse and clear your space, your energy, and your body? Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo: Limpias Espirituales of Ancient Mesoamerican Shamans explores the essential tools and processes used by ancient Mesoamerican shamans, when conducting limpias—practical and incredibly effective shamanic cleanses that heal, purify, and revitalize people and spaces. People who are interested in developing their holistic healing arsenal, will find this book invaluable. Erika outlines how limpias work holistically to enable one to let go and cleanse the body, mind, and spirit of limiting beliefs, traumas, and broken stories; heal acute and chronic illnesses such as depression, insomnia, and anxiety; and revitalize and activate sacred spaces by renewing their essence and clearing negative energies.
10/14/202054 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cleansing Rites: Erika Buenaflor

Do you regularly cleanse and clear your space, your energy, and your body? Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo: Limpias Espirituales of Ancient Mesoamerican Shamans explores the essential tools and processes used by ancient Mesoamerican shamans, when conducting limpias—practical and incredibly effective shamanic cleanses that heal, purify, and revitalize people and spaces. People who are interested in developing their holistic healing arsenal, will find this book invaluable. Erika outlines how limpias work holistically to enable one to let go and cleanse the body, mind, and spirit of limiting beliefs, traumas, and broken stories; heal acute and chronic illnesses such as depression, insomnia, and anxiety; and revitalize and activate sacred spaces by renewing their essence and clearing negative energies.
10/14/202054 minutes, 44 seconds
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Fresh Eyes Upon the World: Neal Grace

The conversation with Neal Grace will offer important questions and answers relevant to almost all of us.You have a purpose between your birth and your death. The world needs your contribution no matter how small or how significant. We are all in this show together. The more conscious we are, the more successful we will be in transforming fear, doubt, anger and resignation into joy, fulfillment and triumph. We all need to get a clearer perspective of who we are. We need to assimilate new information that will broaden our understanding of ourselves and of our world.
10/7/202054 minutes, 47 seconds
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Fresh Eyes Upon the World: Neal Grace

The conversation with Neal Grace will offer important questions and answers relevant to almost all of us.You have a purpose between your birth and your death. The world needs your contribution no matter how small or how significant. We are all in this show together. The more conscious we are, the more successful we will be in transforming fear, doubt, anger and resignation into joy, fulfillment and triumph. We all need to get a clearer perspective of who we are. We need to assimilate new information that will broaden our understanding of ourselves and of our world.
10/7/202054 minutes, 47 seconds
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Fresh Eyes Upon the World: Neal Grace

The conversation with Neal Grace will offer important questions and answers relevant to almost all of us.You have a purpose between your birth and your death. The world needs your contribution no matter how small or how significant. We are all in this show together. The more conscious we are, the more successful we will be in transforming fear, doubt, anger and resignation into joy, fulfillment and triumph. We all need to get a clearer perspective of who we are. We need to assimilate new information that will broaden our understanding of ourselves and of our world.
10/7/202054 minutes, 47 seconds
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Boho Beautiful Life: Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk

Boho Beautiful is a travel, yoga and lifestyle brand founded by Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk creating positive content for the body, mind and earth. With content centered around yoga, travel, fitness, vegan food, self-awareness, conscious living and guided meditations, Boho Beautiful has grown to over 1.6 million subscribers on YouTube, 300k+ followers on Instagram, sold tens of thousands of books & programs online, and inspired and been inspired by so many wonderful people from all over the planet. As a growing community for health and mindfulness, the ongoing mission for Boho Beautiful is to create and share as much high frequency positive content as possible and to continue to reach and connect to as many people as this beautiful opportunity will allow.
9/30/202056 minutes, 2 seconds
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Boho Beautiful Life: Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk

Boho Beautiful is a travel, yoga and lifestyle brand founded by Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk creating positive content for the body, mind and earth. With content centered around yoga, travel, fitness, vegan food, self-awareness, conscious living and guided meditations, Boho Beautiful has grown to over 1.6 million subscribers on YouTube, 300k+ followers on Instagram, sold tens of thousands of books & programs online, and inspired and been inspired by so many wonderful people from all over the planet. As a growing community for health and mindfulness, the ongoing mission for Boho Beautiful is to create and share as much high frequency positive content as possible and to continue to reach and connect to as many people as this beautiful opportunity will allow.
9/30/202056 minutes, 2 seconds
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Boho Beautiful Life: Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk

Boho Beautiful is a travel, yoga and lifestyle brand founded by Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk creating positive content for the body, mind and earth. With content centered around yoga, travel, fitness, vegan food, self-awareness, conscious living and guided meditations, Boho Beautiful has grown to over 1.6 million subscribers on YouTube, 300k+ followers on Instagram, sold tens of thousands of books & programs online, and inspired and been inspired by so many wonderful people from all over the planet. As a growing community for health and mindfulness, the ongoing mission for Boho Beautiful is to create and share as much high frequency positive content as possible and to continue to reach and connect to as many people as this beautiful opportunity will allow.
9/30/202056 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Technology of Intention: Kim Stanwood Terranova

We are a technological society, no doubt about it. Our devices keep us informed while isolating us from each other and from ourselves, our true selves. There is, however, another technology, an inner technology that brings us back to our true selves and gives us the ability to create lives of joy, abundance, and wisdom. Kim Stanwood Terranova calls it The Technology of Intention and in this book, she teaches the reader how to tap into this technology and unleash its power. We all have the power we’ve just forgotten how to use it. Intentions give us the pathway to consciously create our lives. They are the powerful force that points the energy in the direction of all we wish to manifest. This book is a guiding light in assisting us to not only understand the power we each have, but also to give us the road map and step-by-step process to ignite that power.
9/23/202057 minutes, 1 second
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The Technology of Intention: Kim Stanwood Terranova

We are a technological society, no doubt about it. Our devices keep us informed while isolating us from each other and from ourselves, our true selves. There is, however, another technology, an inner technology that brings us back to our true selves and gives us the ability to create lives of joy, abundance, and wisdom. Kim Stanwood Terranova calls it The Technology of Intention and in this book, she teaches the reader how to tap into this technology and unleash its power. We all have the power we’ve just forgotten how to use it. Intentions give us the pathway to consciously create our lives. They are the powerful force that points the energy in the direction of all we wish to manifest. This book is a guiding light in assisting us to not only understand the power we each have, but also to give us the road map and step-by-step process to ignite that power.
9/23/202057 minutes, 1 second
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The Technology of Intention: Kim Stanwood Terranova

We are a technological society, no doubt about it. Our devices keep us informed while isolating us from each other and from ourselves, our true selves. There is, however, another technology, an inner technology that brings us back to our true selves and gives us the ability to create lives of joy, abundance, and wisdom. Kim Stanwood Terranova calls it The Technology of Intention and in this book, she teaches the reader how to tap into this technology and unleash its power. We all have the power we’ve just forgotten how to use it. Intentions give us the pathway to consciously create our lives. They are the powerful force that points the energy in the direction of all we wish to manifest. This book is a guiding light in assisting us to not only understand the power we each have, but also to give us the road map and step-by-step process to ignite that power.
9/23/202057 minutes, 1 second
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Unlocking Creativity: Firdaus Kharas

OPEN YOUR MIND Using ideas, images and examples that have changed the way the world thinks, this book gives you straight-forward advice on how to open your mind to become a creative thinker. You’ll learn in clear and simple language why you need creativity and how to succeed in life using creativity. COVID-19 has brought creativity to the fore in every business and household. Everything has had to be re-thought. During times of uncertainty, the most valuable asset we have is our ability to be creative. It’s what creates innovation and change. It will be those who are able to adapt, coming up with new ideas on how to operate in these challenging times, that will come out stronger and thrive in this changing world. Order Now
9/16/202057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Unlocking Creativity: Firdaus Kharas

OPEN YOUR MIND Using ideas, images and examples that have changed the way the world thinks, this book gives you straight-forward advice on how to open your mind to become a creative thinker. You’ll learn in clear and simple language why you need creativity and how to succeed in life using creativity. COVID-19 has brought creativity to the fore in every business and household. Everything has had to be re-thought. During times of uncertainty, the most valuable asset we have is our ability to be creative. It’s what creates innovation and change. It will be those who are able to adapt, coming up with new ideas on how to operate in these challenging times, that will come out stronger and thrive in this changing world. Order Now
9/16/202057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Unlocking Creativity: Firdaus Kharas

OPEN YOUR MIND Using ideas, images and examples that have changed the way the world thinks, this book gives you straight-forward advice on how to open your mind to become a creative thinker. You’ll learn in clear and simple language why you need creativity and how to succeed in life using creativity. COVID-19 has brought creativity to the fore in every business and household. Everything has had to be re-thought. During times of uncertainty, the most valuable asset we have is our ability to be creative. It’s what creates innovation and change. It will be those who are able to adapt, coming up with new ideas on how to operate in these challenging times, that will come out stronger and thrive in this changing world. Order Now
9/16/202057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child: Tina Gilbertson

When your adult child won’t talk to you (or your spouse), it’s heart-breaking. You feel sad whenever you think about it, which is often. You wonder what you did to deserve this, if anything. Maybe you’re angry — why does he or she have to do this to you, or to the family? You feel embarrassed when asked about your child. You don’t know what to tell people. It’s humiliating … and so very sad, not to be able to talk about your own child with pride and ease. Not to be able to talk to your own child is more painful than anyone who hasn’t been through it can readily understand. In that sense, estrangement is a problem that isolates you. You feel like you’re the only parent in the world living with this awful situation. But you’re not. There are ways to reconnect. Let us explore them.
9/9/202055 minutes, 46 seconds
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Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child: Tina Gilbertson

When your adult child won’t talk to you (or your spouse), it’s heart-breaking. You feel sad whenever you think about it, which is often. You wonder what you did to deserve this, if anything. Maybe you’re angry — why does he or she have to do this to you, or to the family? You feel embarrassed when asked about your child. You don’t know what to tell people. It’s humiliating … and so very sad, not to be able to talk about your own child with pride and ease. Not to be able to talk to your own child is more painful than anyone who hasn’t been through it can readily understand. In that sense, estrangement is a problem that isolates you. You feel like you’re the only parent in the world living with this awful situation. But you’re not. There are ways to reconnect. Let us explore them.
9/9/202055 minutes, 46 seconds
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Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child: Tina Gilbertson

When your adult child won’t talk to you (or your spouse), it’s heart-breaking. You feel sad whenever you think about it, which is often. You wonder what you did to deserve this, if anything. Maybe you’re angry — why does he or she have to do this to you, or to the family? You feel embarrassed when asked about your child. You don’t know what to tell people. It’s humiliating … and so very sad, not to be able to talk about your own child with pride and ease. Not to be able to talk to your own child is more painful than anyone who hasn’t been through it can readily understand. In that sense, estrangement is a problem that isolates you. You feel like you’re the only parent in the world living with this awful situation. But you’re not. There are ways to reconnect. Let us explore them.
9/9/202055 minutes, 46 seconds
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Expanding Human Potential & Performance: Judy Ryan

Expanding Human Potential... How do we do it? Change is happening at the speed of imagination. Globalization, digital transformation and new technologies require agile human behavior. When people do not experience the right conditions and conversations they sink into uninterrupted struggles internally and externally, causing untold losses in wellbeing and productivity. To stay innovative and relevant, you need a proven plan and roadmap, delivered through today’s technologies so that all of your people become competent, free to focus on collaborating and innovating rather than putting out fires.
9/2/202055 minutes, 6 seconds
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Expanding Human Potential & Performance: Judy Ryan

Expanding Human Potential... How do we do it? Change is happening at the speed of imagination. Globalization, digital transformation and new technologies require agile human behavior. When people do not experience the right conditions and conversations they sink into uninterrupted struggles internally and externally, causing untold losses in wellbeing and productivity. To stay innovative and relevant, you need a proven plan and roadmap, delivered through today’s technologies so that all of your people become competent, free to focus on collaborating and innovating rather than putting out fires.
9/2/202055 minutes, 6 seconds
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Expanding Human Potential & Performance: Judy Ryan

Expanding Human Potential... How do we do it? Change is happening at the speed of imagination. Globalization, digital transformation and new technologies require agile human behavior. When people do not experience the right conditions and conversations they sink into uninterrupted struggles internally and externally, causing untold losses in wellbeing and productivity. To stay innovative and relevant, you need a proven plan and roadmap, delivered through today’s technologies so that all of your people become competent, free to focus on collaborating and innovating rather than putting out fires.
9/2/202055 minutes, 6 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 4

Part 4 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/26/202055 minutes, 37 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 4

Part 4 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/26/202055 minutes, 37 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 4

Part 4 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/26/202055 minutes, 37 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 3

Part 3 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/19/202055 minutes, 37 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 3

Part 3 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/19/202055 minutes, 37 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 3

Part 3 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/19/202055 minutes, 37 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 2

Part 2 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/12/202056 minutes, 10 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 2

Part 2 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/12/202056 minutes, 10 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 2

Part 2 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/12/202056 minutes, 10 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 1

Part 1 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/5/202051 minutes, 53 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 1

Part 1 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/5/202051 minutes, 53 seconds
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Insights & Abilities for Today's World: James Redfield Series - Part 1

Part 1 of a 4-Part Series on the Twelve Insights and their corresponding abilities, James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, offers an understanding of how to embody a higher version of ourselves through commitment and focus. Each episode during August 2020 will delve into 3 Insights and 3 corresponding abilities so that any individual may uncover their own template for living an aligned life.
8/5/202051 minutes, 53 seconds
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Intuition for Peak Performance: Jason Gregory

An optimal experience and life is not something that just happens to you through an abundance of wishful thinking; it depends on skills you have acquired that allow you to reach peak states of perfor- mance. You are required to set the conditions in your life that will swing things in your favor, and commitment and dedicated hard work are the means to achieve that end. We often recoil from hard work because we are used to other people telling us what to do in exchange for financial reward. But if you really want to excel in your life it takes blood, sweat, tears, and many failures to realize your full potential.
7/29/202056 minutes, 18 seconds
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Intuition for Peak Performance: Jason Gregory

An optimal experience and life is not something that just happens to you through an abundance of wishful thinking; it depends on skills you have acquired that allow you to reach peak states of perfor- mance. You are required to set the conditions in your life that will swing things in your favor, and commitment and dedicated hard work are the means to achieve that end. We often recoil from hard work because we are used to other people telling us what to do in exchange for financial reward. But if you really want to excel in your life it takes blood, sweat, tears, and many failures to realize your full potential.
7/29/202056 minutes, 18 seconds
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Intuition for Peak Performance: Jason Gregory

An optimal experience and life is not something that just happens to you through an abundance of wishful thinking; it depends on skills you have acquired that allow you to reach peak states of perfor- mance. You are required to set the conditions in your life that will swing things in your favor, and commitment and dedicated hard work are the means to achieve that end. We often recoil from hard work because we are used to other people telling us what to do in exchange for financial reward. But if you really want to excel in your life it takes blood, sweat, tears, and many failures to realize your full potential.
7/29/202056 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Language Your Body Speaks: Ellen Meredith

Self-healing with Energy Medicine is more than a grab-bag of techniques; it is a journey to find ways to reconstruct the Self in alignment with inner truths. Allow the body-mind and spirit to guide you into true wellness. Find your unique voice and style to make energy medicine your own. Subtle Energies form your body, fuel the operations of your body, and organize the functioning of your body. They carry and express meaning. Energy is our mother tongue. The key to self-healing is to reclaim that language - as a language -- and learn to dialogue with your body's energies. Taking your health and well-being into your own hands means learning to participate in the ongoing, marvelous, energetic conversations that make up your creation of Self.
7/22/202055 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Language Your Body Speaks: Ellen Meredith

Self-healing with Energy Medicine is more than a grab-bag of techniques; it is a journey to find ways to reconstruct the Self in alignment with inner truths. Allow the body-mind and spirit to guide you into true wellness. Find your unique voice and style to make energy medicine your own. Subtle Energies form your body, fuel the operations of your body, and organize the functioning of your body. They carry and express meaning. Energy is our mother tongue. The key to self-healing is to reclaim that language - as a language -- and learn to dialogue with your body's energies. Taking your health and well-being into your own hands means learning to participate in the ongoing, marvelous, energetic conversations that make up your creation of Self.
7/22/202055 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Language Your Body Speaks: Ellen Meredith

Self-healing with Energy Medicine is more than a grab-bag of techniques; it is a journey to find ways to reconstruct the Self in alignment with inner truths. Allow the body-mind and spirit to guide you into true wellness. Find your unique voice and style to make energy medicine your own. Subtle Energies form your body, fuel the operations of your body, and organize the functioning of your body. They carry and express meaning. Energy is our mother tongue. The key to self-healing is to reclaim that language - as a language -- and learn to dialogue with your body's energies. Taking your health and well-being into your own hands means learning to participate in the ongoing, marvelous, energetic conversations that make up your creation of Self.
7/22/202055 minutes, 55 seconds
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Caregiving: Dave Nassaney

Learn how to stop the pain and reclaim your life while being a caregiver. We provide the insight and resources necessary for you to become joyful and peaceful again, plus you become part of a loving and caring community of other caregivers. As a caregiver for more than 23-years, I understand the pain and frustration of caregiving. Dave teaches caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones (due to an illness or disability) how to take care of themselves FIRST.
7/15/202054 minutes, 52 seconds
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Caregiving: Dave Nassaney

Learn how to stop the pain and reclaim your life while being a caregiver. We provide the insight and resources necessary for you to become joyful and peaceful again, plus you become part of a loving and caring community of other caregivers. As a caregiver for more than 23-years, I understand the pain and frustration of caregiving. Dave teaches caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones (due to an illness or disability) how to take care of themselves FIRST.
7/15/202054 minutes, 52 seconds
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Caregiving: Dave Nassaney

Learn how to stop the pain and reclaim your life while being a caregiver. We provide the insight and resources necessary for you to become joyful and peaceful again, plus you become part of a loving and caring community of other caregivers. As a caregiver for more than 23-years, I understand the pain and frustration of caregiving. Dave teaches caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones (due to an illness or disability) how to take care of themselves FIRST.
7/15/202054 minutes, 52 seconds
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Crystal Basics: Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson offers guidance on selecting your crystals and gemstones, then step-by-step instructions on how to cleanse, charge, activate, and program them. He explains how to make crystal grids and healing layouts, including templates for both, and also discusses the numerology and geometry of crystal grids. He explores the essentials of crystal elixirs, complete with elixir recipes, and details how to perform crystal meditations, clear the energy centers and the aura, and practice more advanced techniques, such as engaging with the crystal devas, creating sacred space, and practices for spiritual hygiene and protection.
7/8/202055 minutes, 59 seconds
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Crystal Basics: Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson offers guidance on selecting your crystals and gemstones, then step-by-step instructions on how to cleanse, charge, activate, and program them. He explains how to make crystal grids and healing layouts, including templates for both, and also discusses the numerology and geometry of crystal grids. He explores the essentials of crystal elixirs, complete with elixir recipes, and details how to perform crystal meditations, clear the energy centers and the aura, and practice more advanced techniques, such as engaging with the crystal devas, creating sacred space, and practices for spiritual hygiene and protection.
7/8/202055 minutes, 59 seconds
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Crystal Basics: Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson offers guidance on selecting your crystals and gemstones, then step-by-step instructions on how to cleanse, charge, activate, and program them. He explains how to make crystal grids and healing layouts, including templates for both, and also discusses the numerology and geometry of crystal grids. He explores the essentials of crystal elixirs, complete with elixir recipes, and details how to perform crystal meditations, clear the energy centers and the aura, and practice more advanced techniques, such as engaging with the crystal devas, creating sacred space, and practices for spiritual hygiene and protection.
7/8/202055 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Book of Soul: Mark Nepo

After being born physically, we unfold within a second womb, meant to incubate our better angel. The second womb is an experiential one that, through the labor of a lifetime, births the soul on Earth. This book delves into that process of transformation in its mystery, difficulty, and inevitability. It is designed to be entered a chapter each week over the course of a year, so you can weave your inner reflection into your days, letting one inform the other. Our journey from innocence to experience is how we emerge from the second womb. The sections of this book mark the passages we all face in moving through this experiential unfolding: enduring our walk in the world, until we discover our true inheritance, which lets us live in the open by widening our circle, until we help each other stay awake.
7/1/202054 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Book of Soul: Mark Nepo

After being born physically, we unfold within a second womb, meant to incubate our better angel. The second womb is an experiential one that, through the labor of a lifetime, births the soul on Earth. This book delves into that process of transformation in its mystery, difficulty, and inevitability. It is designed to be entered a chapter each week over the course of a year, so you can weave your inner reflection into your days, letting one inform the other. Our journey from innocence to experience is how we emerge from the second womb. The sections of this book mark the passages we all face in moving through this experiential unfolding: enduring our walk in the world, until we discover our true inheritance, which lets us live in the open by widening our circle, until we help each other stay awake.
7/1/202054 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Book of Soul: Mark Nepo

After being born physically, we unfold within a second womb, meant to incubate our better angel. The second womb is an experiential one that, through the labor of a lifetime, births the soul on Earth. This book delves into that process of transformation in its mystery, difficulty, and inevitability. It is designed to be entered a chapter each week over the course of a year, so you can weave your inner reflection into your days, letting one inform the other. Our journey from innocence to experience is how we emerge from the second womb. The sections of this book mark the passages we all face in moving through this experiential unfolding: enduring our walk in the world, until we discover our true inheritance, which lets us live in the open by widening our circle, until we help each other stay awake.
7/1/202054 minutes, 4 seconds
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Celestine Prophecy: James Redfield

Using an adventure parable approach that has been called “part Indiana Jones, part Scott Peck,” The Celestine Prophecy created a model for spiritual perception and actualization that resonated with millions of people and focused on the mysterious coincidences that occur in each of our lives. Disdaining the spotlight himself, Redfield proclaimed in The Celestine Prophecy that each of us must intuit his own spiritual destiny. As he writes in The Celestine Vision, his non-fiction title published in 1997, “The actual writing of The Celestine Prophecy occurred from January 1989 through April 1991 and was characterized by a sort of trial-and-error process. Quite amazingly, as I remembered earlier experiences and wrote about them, lacing them into an adventure tale, striking coincidences would occur to emphasize the particular points I wanted to make. Books would show up mysteriously, or I would have timely encounters with the exact sort of individuals I was attempting to describe.
6/24/202056 minutes, 24 seconds
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Celestine Prophecy: James Redfield

Using an adventure parable approach that has been called “part Indiana Jones, part Scott Peck,” The Celestine Prophecy created a model for spiritual perception and actualization that resonated with millions of people and focused on the mysterious coincidences that occur in each of our lives. Disdaining the spotlight himself, Redfield proclaimed in The Celestine Prophecy that each of us must intuit his own spiritual destiny. As he writes in The Celestine Vision, his non-fiction title published in 1997, “The actual writing of The Celestine Prophecy occurred from January 1989 through April 1991 and was characterized by a sort of trial-and-error process. Quite amazingly, as I remembered earlier experiences and wrote about them, lacing them into an adventure tale, striking coincidences would occur to emphasize the particular points I wanted to make. Books would show up mysteriously, or I would have timely encounters with the exact sort of individuals I was attempting to describe.
6/24/202056 minutes, 24 seconds
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Celestine Prophecy: James Redfield

Using an adventure parable approach that has been called “part Indiana Jones, part Scott Peck,” The Celestine Prophecy created a model for spiritual perception and actualization that resonated with millions of people and focused on the mysterious coincidences that occur in each of our lives. Disdaining the spotlight himself, Redfield proclaimed in The Celestine Prophecy that each of us must intuit his own spiritual destiny. As he writes in The Celestine Vision, his non-fiction title published in 1997, “The actual writing of The Celestine Prophecy occurred from January 1989 through April 1991 and was characterized by a sort of trial-and-error process. Quite amazingly, as I remembered earlier experiences and wrote about them, lacing them into an adventure tale, striking coincidences would occur to emphasize the particular points I wanted to make. Books would show up mysteriously, or I would have timely encounters with the exact sort of individuals I was attempting to describe.
6/24/202056 minutes, 24 seconds
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Scripting the Life You Want: Royce Christyn

Royce Christyn details a simple “scripting” process for harnessing the Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want in your life--happiness, wealth, travel, love, health, the perfect career, or simply a productive day. The process is backed by science and experience, yet it feels like magic. And all you need is a pen and paper. From small dreams to lifelong goals, Royce gives you the tools to put your thoughts into action and finally close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in your life.
6/17/202053 minutes, 13 seconds
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Scripting the Life You Want: Royce Christyn

Royce Christyn details a simple “scripting” process for harnessing the Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want in your life--happiness, wealth, travel, love, health, the perfect career, or simply a productive day. The process is backed by science and experience, yet it feels like magic. And all you need is a pen and paper. From small dreams to lifelong goals, Royce gives you the tools to put your thoughts into action and finally close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in your life.
6/17/202053 minutes, 13 seconds
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Scripting the Life You Want: Royce Christyn

Royce Christyn details a simple “scripting” process for harnessing the Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want in your life--happiness, wealth, travel, love, health, the perfect career, or simply a productive day. The process is backed by science and experience, yet it feels like magic. And all you need is a pen and paper. From small dreams to lifelong goals, Royce gives you the tools to put your thoughts into action and finally close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in your life.
6/17/202053 minutes, 13 seconds
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Triumph of Diversity: Dr. Arthur P. Ciaramicoli

Have we come to a time where differences in color, religion, sexuality, or nationality are seen as threats to our way of life? Has exclusion and lack of interest in those suffering in other parts of the world become a way to protect us from our fears? When we close the door to those who seem dissimilar, we limit our potential for growth. Diversity expands the mind and enriches the soul; it is the antidote to groupthink. Dr. Ciaramicoli analyzes prejudice by tracing it to personal origins and relates true stories of courageous individuals who have overcome hatred, cruelty and sadism to become open-minded, loving resilient people. He re-emphasizes that we are in desperate need of those who unite rather than those who ostracize.
6/10/202054 minutes, 52 seconds
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Triumph of Diversity: Dr. Arthur P. Ciaramicoli

Have we come to a time where differences in color, religion, sexuality, or nationality are seen as threats to our way of life? Has exclusion and lack of interest in those suffering in other parts of the world become a way to protect us from our fears? When we close the door to those who seem dissimilar, we limit our potential for growth. Diversity expands the mind and enriches the soul; it is the antidote to groupthink. Dr. Ciaramicoli analyzes prejudice by tracing it to personal origins and relates true stories of courageous individuals who have overcome hatred, cruelty and sadism to become open-minded, loving resilient people. He re-emphasizes that we are in desperate need of those who unite rather than those who ostracize.
6/10/202054 minutes, 52 seconds
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Triumph of Diversity: Dr. Arthur P. Ciaramicoli

Have we come to a time where differences in color, religion, sexuality, or nationality are seen as threats to our way of life? Has exclusion and lack of interest in those suffering in other parts of the world become a way to protect us from our fears? When we close the door to those who seem dissimilar, we limit our potential for growth. Diversity expands the mind and enriches the soul; it is the antidote to groupthink. Dr. Ciaramicoli analyzes prejudice by tracing it to personal origins and relates true stories of courageous individuals who have overcome hatred, cruelty and sadism to become open-minded, loving resilient people. He re-emphasizes that we are in desperate need of those who unite rather than those who ostracize.
6/10/202054 minutes, 52 seconds
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Moon and Flame: Danielle Dulsky

The yearning to slow down and simplify, return to the earth, and maybe even “rewild” what has been tamed in ourselves persists even though that dream may seem ever more remote in contemporary life. Danielle Dulsky shows that even in our high-tech and high-pressure lives, it is possible to manifest your own “year of the wild” and to tap into often-forgotten holy wisdom. Seasons of Moon and Flame guides you to live cyclically while working with the archetype of the Sacred Hag, or wild grandmother, who appears in various guises. Wonderfully inclusive, with adaptations for families, spiritual groups, and other traditions, this book is a potentially life-changing guide to living mystically, magically, and in empowering harmony with the worlds of spirit and nature.
6/3/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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Moon and Flame: Danielle Dulsky

The yearning to slow down and simplify, return to the earth, and maybe even “rewild” what has been tamed in ourselves persists even though that dream may seem ever more remote in contemporary life. Danielle Dulsky shows that even in our high-tech and high-pressure lives, it is possible to manifest your own “year of the wild” and to tap into often-forgotten holy wisdom. Seasons of Moon and Flame guides you to live cyclically while working with the archetype of the Sacred Hag, or wild grandmother, who appears in various guises. Wonderfully inclusive, with adaptations for families, spiritual groups, and other traditions, this book is a potentially life-changing guide to living mystically, magically, and in empowering harmony with the worlds of spirit and nature.
6/3/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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Moon and Flame: Danielle Dulsky

The yearning to slow down and simplify, return to the earth, and maybe even “rewild” what has been tamed in ourselves persists even though that dream may seem ever more remote in contemporary life. Danielle Dulsky shows that even in our high-tech and high-pressure lives, it is possible to manifest your own “year of the wild” and to tap into often-forgotten holy wisdom. Seasons of Moon and Flame guides you to live cyclically while working with the archetype of the Sacred Hag, or wild grandmother, who appears in various guises. Wonderfully inclusive, with adaptations for families, spiritual groups, and other traditions, this book is a potentially life-changing guide to living mystically, magically, and in empowering harmony with the worlds of spirit and nature.
6/3/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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Encore: Paul Selig: The Mastery Series

The channeled literature of Paul Selig--who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides--has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s. Selig's previous trilogy of channeled wisdom--I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth--won a large following around the world for its depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. The first book of his new Mastery Trilogy, The Book of Mastery, likewise attained popularity and praise. Now, Selig continues the Teachings of Mastery.
5/27/202053 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore: Paul Selig: The Mastery Series

The channeled literature of Paul Selig--who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides--has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s. Selig's previous trilogy of channeled wisdom--I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth--won a large following around the world for its depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. The first book of his new Mastery Trilogy, The Book of Mastery, likewise attained popularity and praise. Now, Selig continues the Teachings of Mastery.
5/27/202053 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore: Paul Selig: The Mastery Series

The channeled literature of Paul Selig--who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides--has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s. Selig's previous trilogy of channeled wisdom--I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth--won a large following around the world for its depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. The first book of his new Mastery Trilogy, The Book of Mastery, likewise attained popularity and praise. Now, Selig continues the Teachings of Mastery.
5/27/202053 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Afterlife: Hollister Rand

Author and world-renowned Medium Hollister Rand answers some of the most common and prevalent questions about life after death in her upcoming release Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife but Were Afraid to Ask. Hollister’s incredible insights—and her friendly candor and wit!—will leave you with feelings of ease, comfort, and warmth as this comprehensive book guides you through understanding one of today’s greatest mysteries.
5/20/202057 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Afterlife: Hollister Rand

Author and world-renowned Medium Hollister Rand answers some of the most common and prevalent questions about life after death in her upcoming release Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife but Were Afraid to Ask. Hollister’s incredible insights—and her friendly candor and wit!—will leave you with feelings of ease, comfort, and warmth as this comprehensive book guides you through understanding one of today’s greatest mysteries.
5/20/202057 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Afterlife: Hollister Rand

Author and world-renowned Medium Hollister Rand answers some of the most common and prevalent questions about life after death in her upcoming release Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife but Were Afraid to Ask. Hollister’s incredible insights—and her friendly candor and wit!—will leave you with feelings of ease, comfort, and warmth as this comprehensive book guides you through understanding one of today’s greatest mysteries.
5/20/202057 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Work Part 2: Robert Augustus Masters

Part 2 of 2 series with Robert Masters... When we uncover and work in-depth with our shadow, we free ourselves from its control and gain the opportunity to put its contents to work for us instead of allowing them to work against us. Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection. Robert Augustus Masters has helped thousands of men address and work through such issues. What he’s found is that the common solution to these dilemmas is challenging yet clear: we must face our unresolved wounds, shame, and whatever else is holding us back, bringing “our head, heart, and guts into full-blooded alignment.”
5/13/202055 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Work Part 2: Robert Augustus Masters

Part 2 of 2 series with Robert Masters... When we uncover and work in-depth with our shadow, we free ourselves from its control and gain the opportunity to put its contents to work for us instead of allowing them to work against us. Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection. Robert Augustus Masters has helped thousands of men address and work through such issues. What he’s found is that the common solution to these dilemmas is challenging yet clear: we must face our unresolved wounds, shame, and whatever else is holding us back, bringing “our head, heart, and guts into full-blooded alignment.”
5/13/202055 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Work Part 2: Robert Augustus Masters

Part 2 of 2 series with Robert Masters... When we uncover and work in-depth with our shadow, we free ourselves from its control and gain the opportunity to put its contents to work for us instead of allowing them to work against us. Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection. Robert Augustus Masters has helped thousands of men address and work through such issues. What he’s found is that the common solution to these dilemmas is challenging yet clear: we must face our unresolved wounds, shame, and whatever else is holding us back, bringing “our head, heart, and guts into full-blooded alignment.”
5/13/202055 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Work Part 1: Robert Augustus Masters

Part 1 of 2 Powerful Episodes... When we uncover and work in-depth with our shadow, we free ourselves from its control and gain the opportunity to put its contents to work for us instead of allowing them to work against us. Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection. Robert Augustus Masters has helped thousands of men address and work through such issues. What he’s found is that the common solution to these dilemmas is challenging yet clear: we must face our unresolved wounds, shame, and whatever else is holding us back, bringing “our head, heart, and guts into full-blooded alignment.”
5/6/202053 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Work Part 1: Robert Augustus Masters

Part 1 of 2 Powerful Episodes... When we uncover and work in-depth with our shadow, we free ourselves from its control and gain the opportunity to put its contents to work for us instead of allowing them to work against us. Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection. Robert Augustus Masters has helped thousands of men address and work through such issues. What he’s found is that the common solution to these dilemmas is challenging yet clear: we must face our unresolved wounds, shame, and whatever else is holding us back, bringing “our head, heart, and guts into full-blooded alignment.”
5/6/202053 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Work Part 1: Robert Augustus Masters

Part 1 of 2 Powerful Episodes... When we uncover and work in-depth with our shadow, we free ourselves from its control and gain the opportunity to put its contents to work for us instead of allowing them to work against us. Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection. Robert Augustus Masters has helped thousands of men address and work through such issues. What he’s found is that the common solution to these dilemmas is challenging yet clear: we must face our unresolved wounds, shame, and whatever else is holding us back, bringing “our head, heart, and guts into full-blooded alignment.”
5/6/202053 minutes, 33 seconds
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Creativity Oracles: Amy Zerner & Monte Farber

The magic makers, writers, artists, and craftspeople of the world... — Imagine having a compass, an assistant, a prompt, an obstacle remover, a game changer, and a pathfinder. Divination systems are designed to help stimulate.... Amy Zerner and Monte Farber are experts and oracles within the creative process and guide others in an imaginative and intuitive flow, while motivating and guiding your gifts and talents. Whether you want to make your living doing what you love or to bring more fulfillment into your life... discover a husband and wife duo that has been creating together for decades and impacting people all over the globe.
4/29/202055 minutes, 8 seconds
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Creativity Oracles: Amy Zerner & Monte Farber

The magic makers, writers, artists, and craftspeople of the world... — Imagine having a compass, an assistant, a prompt, an obstacle remover, a game changer, and a pathfinder. Divination systems are designed to help stimulate.... Amy Zerner and Monte Farber are experts and oracles within the creative process and guide others in an imaginative and intuitive flow, while motivating and guiding your gifts and talents. Whether you want to make your living doing what you love or to bring more fulfillment into your life... discover a husband and wife duo that has been creating together for decades and impacting people all over the globe.
4/29/202055 minutes, 8 seconds
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Creativity Oracles: Amy Zerner & Monte Farber

The magic makers, writers, artists, and craftspeople of the world... — Imagine having a compass, an assistant, a prompt, an obstacle remover, a game changer, and a pathfinder. Divination systems are designed to help stimulate.... Amy Zerner and Monte Farber are experts and oracles within the creative process and guide others in an imaginative and intuitive flow, while motivating and guiding your gifts and talents. Whether you want to make your living doing what you love or to bring more fulfillment into your life... discover a husband and wife duo that has been creating together for decades and impacting people all over the globe.
4/29/202055 minutes, 8 seconds
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Book of Longings: Sue Monk Kidd

THE BOOK OF LONGINGS is a novel Sue Monk Kidd was born to write—a powerfully imagined, beautifully composed, fully realized story of a young woman who realizes her passion and potential against great odds. In a voice that is assured and intoxicating, the novel takes up many of the signature themes of Kidd’s fiction: feminism, the bonds between women, the search for self, and the quest for one’s voice and purpose in life. In particular, this novel explores the longings and “largeness” within women, addresses the importance of women’s stories and voices, and encourages readers to grapple with the inherent sexism in society and western religion. How would the world be different if Jesus had had a wife who had been part of the story? Would western culture and Christianity have evolved somewhat differently? Would women and their stories have found more inclusion and equality? THE BOOK OF LONGINGS invites readers to contemplate these questions, and reconsider the story we thought we knew.
4/22/202055 minutes, 14 seconds
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Book of Longings: Sue Monk Kidd

THE BOOK OF LONGINGS is a novel Sue Monk Kidd was born to write—a powerfully imagined, beautifully composed, fully realized story of a young woman who realizes her passion and potential against great odds. In a voice that is assured and intoxicating, the novel takes up many of the signature themes of Kidd’s fiction: feminism, the bonds between women, the search for self, and the quest for one’s voice and purpose in life. In particular, this novel explores the longings and “largeness” within women, addresses the importance of women’s stories and voices, and encourages readers to grapple with the inherent sexism in society and western religion. How would the world be different if Jesus had had a wife who had been part of the story? Would western culture and Christianity have evolved somewhat differently? Would women and their stories have found more inclusion and equality? THE BOOK OF LONGINGS invites readers to contemplate these questions, and reconsider the story we thought we knew.
4/22/202055 minutes, 14 seconds
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Book of Longings: Sue Monk Kidd

THE BOOK OF LONGINGS is a novel Sue Monk Kidd was born to write—a powerfully imagined, beautifully composed, fully realized story of a young woman who realizes her passion and potential against great odds. In a voice that is assured and intoxicating, the novel takes up many of the signature themes of Kidd’s fiction: feminism, the bonds between women, the search for self, and the quest for one’s voice and purpose in life. In particular, this novel explores the longings and “largeness” within women, addresses the importance of women’s stories and voices, and encourages readers to grapple with the inherent sexism in society and western religion. How would the world be different if Jesus had had a wife who had been part of the story? Would western culture and Christianity have evolved somewhat differently? Would women and their stories have found more inclusion and equality? THE BOOK OF LONGINGS invites readers to contemplate these questions, and reconsider the story we thought we knew.
4/22/202055 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Angel Experiment: Corin Grillo

Open your eyes and your heart to the unknown world of angel guidance and transformation through Spirit. Angels are just one call away! Corin Grillo brings clarity to the magic of angel healing in every area of your life and will inspire you to take steps immedi- ately for divine serendipity.
4/15/202056 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Angel Experiment: Corin Grillo

Open your eyes and your heart to the unknown world of angel guidance and transformation through Spirit. Angels are just one call away! Corin Grillo brings clarity to the magic of angel healing in every area of your life and will inspire you to take steps immedi- ately for divine serendipity.
4/15/202056 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Angel Experiment: Corin Grillo

Open your eyes and your heart to the unknown world of angel guidance and transformation through Spirit. Angels are just one call away! Corin Grillo brings clarity to the magic of angel healing in every area of your life and will inspire you to take steps immedi- ately for divine serendipity.
4/15/202056 minutes, 17 seconds
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You Are Enough: Panache Desai

True worth and acceptance can only be sourced from your soul. The individual’s search for worth, acceptance, and love is humanity’s search for belonging. It is one mas- sive, primordial cry for love that resounds over all con- tinents, across all oceans. The emptiness you feel is the catalyst, the wake-up call, the trigger that allows the need for belonging to become the yearning for con- nection, authenticity, and oneness. That process begins when you start to become more conscious of the illu- sion that is the created self and recognize that truth lives in the Essential Self.
4/8/202053 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

You Are Enough: Panache Desai

True worth and acceptance can only be sourced from your soul. The individual’s search for worth, acceptance, and love is humanity’s search for belonging. It is one mas- sive, primordial cry for love that resounds over all con- tinents, across all oceans. The emptiness you feel is the catalyst, the wake-up call, the trigger that allows the need for belonging to become the yearning for con- nection, authenticity, and oneness. That process begins when you start to become more conscious of the illu- sion that is the created self and recognize that truth lives in the Essential Self.
4/8/202053 minutes, 8 seconds
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You Are Enough: Panache Desai

True worth and acceptance can only be sourced from your soul. The individual’s search for worth, acceptance, and love is humanity’s search for belonging. It is one mas- sive, primordial cry for love that resounds over all con- tinents, across all oceans. The emptiness you feel is the catalyst, the wake-up call, the trigger that allows the need for belonging to become the yearning for con- nection, authenticity, and oneness. That process begins when you start to become more conscious of the illu- sion that is the created self and recognize that truth lives in the Essential Self.
4/8/202053 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Blessing of Now: Simran Singh

This moment offers an opportunity for powerful transformation. What is the caronavirus really asking on a spiritual level? What will each individual do with it? Is it something to fight? Or something to surrender into?Is it possible that a virus can come with blessings... a gift... as a catalyst for change. If so, what is it asking of us. Today is the day to look at 'who you are being... 'how you are doing... and whee. you are residing. Come on a journey with Simran... into a state of remembrance, truth and awareness. Is this moment illusion or reality? Get my FREE Inspired Living Journal to be prompted into your own thoughts, feelings and dreams Or receive three FREE talks and deep meditations
4/1/202052 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Blessing of Now: Simran Singh

This moment offers an opportunity for powerful transformation. What is the caronavirus really asking on a spiritual level? What will each individual do with it? Is it something to fight? Or something to surrender into?Is it possible that a virus can come with blessings... a gift... as a catalyst for change. If so, what is it asking of us. Today is the day to look at 'who you are being... 'how you are doing... and whee. you are residing. Come on a journey with Simran... into a state of remembrance, truth and awareness. Is this moment illusion or reality? Get my FREE Inspired Living Journal to be prompted into your own thoughts, feelings and dreams Or receive three FREE talks and deep meditations
4/1/202052 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Blessing of Now: Simran Singh

This moment offers an opportunity for powerful transformation. What is the caronavirus really asking on a spiritual level? What will each individual do with it? Is it something to fight? Or something to surrender into?Is it possible that a virus can come with blessings... a gift... as a catalyst for change. If so, what is it asking of us. Today is the day to look at 'who you are being... 'how you are doing... and whee. you are residing. Come on a journey with Simran... into a state of remembrance, truth and awareness. Is this moment illusion or reality? Get my FREE Inspired Living Journal to be prompted into your own thoughts, feelings and dreams Or receive three FREE talks and deep meditations
4/1/202052 minutes, 8 seconds
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Integrative Medicine: Bonnie McLean

Integrative Medicine: The Return of the Soul to Health Care is an introduction to the field of integrative medicine. Based on both her extensive research and personal experience as a practitioner and recipient of allopathic medicine, oriental medicine, functional medicine, energy medicine, and counseling, Dr. Bonnie McLean offers a user-friendly overview of integrative medicine with resources for further exploration by the reader. From childhood to her current practice in oriental medicine, Dr. McLean has spent her life immersed in medicine. Raised by a physician father and nurse mother, she spent the first twenty years of her adulthood as an RN. After witnessing what she calls a loss of soul in contemporary medicine, she spent the next thirty years in a search of the soul in medicine. She explored natural medicine, Chinese medicine, psychology, energy medicine, and shamanic healing.
3/25/202055 minutes, 18 seconds
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Integrative Medicine: Bonnie McLean

Integrative Medicine: The Return of the Soul to Health Care is an introduction to the field of integrative medicine. Based on both her extensive research and personal experience as a practitioner and recipient of allopathic medicine, oriental medicine, functional medicine, energy medicine, and counseling, Dr. Bonnie McLean offers a user-friendly overview of integrative medicine with resources for further exploration by the reader. From childhood to her current practice in oriental medicine, Dr. McLean has spent her life immersed in medicine. Raised by a physician father and nurse mother, she spent the first twenty years of her adulthood as an RN. After witnessing what she calls a loss of soul in contemporary medicine, she spent the next thirty years in a search of the soul in medicine. She explored natural medicine, Chinese medicine, psychology, energy medicine, and shamanic healing.
3/25/202055 minutes, 18 seconds
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Integrative Medicine: Bonnie McLean

Integrative Medicine: The Return of the Soul to Health Care is an introduction to the field of integrative medicine. Based on both her extensive research and personal experience as a practitioner and recipient of allopathic medicine, oriental medicine, functional medicine, energy medicine, and counseling, Dr. Bonnie McLean offers a user-friendly overview of integrative medicine with resources for further exploration by the reader. From childhood to her current practice in oriental medicine, Dr. McLean has spent her life immersed in medicine. Raised by a physician father and nurse mother, she spent the first twenty years of her adulthood as an RN. After witnessing what she calls a loss of soul in contemporary medicine, she spent the next thirty years in a search of the soul in medicine. She explored natural medicine, Chinese medicine, psychology, energy medicine, and shamanic healing.
3/25/202055 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Unspoken: Bob Holman

Featured in a Henry Louis Gates, Jr. profile in The New Yorker, crowned Ringmaster of the Spoken Word by the New York Daily News, Bob Holman has performed his poems with a punk band in Kiev, a griot in Timbuktu, a ballet company in San Francisco. As the original Slam Master of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, creator of the world's first spoken word record label, Mouth Almighty/Mercury, and the founder of the Bowery Poetry Club, Holman has played a central role in the spoken word and slam poetry movements of the last several decades. He is the author of 17 poetry collections, A Couple of Ways of Doing Something (Aperture, a collaboration with Chuck Close), and has taught at Princeton, Columbia, NYU, Bard, and The New School. A co-founder of the Endangered Language Alliance, Holman's study of hip-hop and West African oral traditions led to his current work with endangered languages. He is the producer/host of films including The United States of Poetry and Language Matters with Bob Holman
3/18/202053 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Unspoken: Bob Holman

Featured in a Henry Louis Gates, Jr. profile in The New Yorker, crowned Ringmaster of the Spoken Word by the New York Daily News, Bob Holman has performed his poems with a punk band in Kiev, a griot in Timbuktu, a ballet company in San Francisco. As the original Slam Master of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, creator of the world's first spoken word record label, Mouth Almighty/Mercury, and the founder of the Bowery Poetry Club, Holman has played a central role in the spoken word and slam poetry movements of the last several decades. He is the author of 17 poetry collections, A Couple of Ways of Doing Something (Aperture, a collaboration with Chuck Close), and has taught at Princeton, Columbia, NYU, Bard, and The New School. A co-founder of the Endangered Language Alliance, Holman's study of hip-hop and West African oral traditions led to his current work with endangered languages. He is the producer/host of films including The United States of Poetry and Language Matters with Bob Holman
3/18/202053 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Unspoken: Bob Holman

Featured in a Henry Louis Gates, Jr. profile in The New Yorker, crowned Ringmaster of the Spoken Word by the New York Daily News, Bob Holman has performed his poems with a punk band in Kiev, a griot in Timbuktu, a ballet company in San Francisco. As the original Slam Master of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, creator of the world's first spoken word record label, Mouth Almighty/Mercury, and the founder of the Bowery Poetry Club, Holman has played a central role in the spoken word and slam poetry movements of the last several decades. He is the author of 17 poetry collections, A Couple of Ways of Doing Something (Aperture, a collaboration with Chuck Close), and has taught at Princeton, Columbia, NYU, Bard, and The New School. A co-founder of the Endangered Language Alliance, Holman's study of hip-hop and West African oral traditions led to his current work with endangered languages. He is the producer/host of films including The United States of Poetry and Language Matters with Bob Holman
3/18/202053 minutes, 56 seconds
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A World Without Identity: Patrick Paul Garlinger

What if the ways in which we attempt to reform our society or transform our political systems are doomed to multiply the mistakes of the past? What if there were a different path to equality and unity? In this groundbreaking work of channeled wisdom, Patrick Paul Garlinger offers an incisive diagnosis of the problems of our current political, economic, and legal systems, and a profound critique of the conventional ways we attempt to reform them. Our approach to social change suffers from the same flaw: the illusion that we are separate from each other and therefore must defend ourselves from others. In reality, we are all one; our lives are entirely interconnected and interdependent. Our collective mission is to embrace that truth, celebrate our differences, and manifest unity on a global scale. Reframing systems of government, finance, and law from a place of compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness offers a radical new vision for healing our world and uniting humanity.
3/11/202054 minutes, 12 seconds
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A World Without Identity: Patrick Paul Garlinger

What if the ways in which we attempt to reform our society or transform our political systems are doomed to multiply the mistakes of the past? What if there were a different path to equality and unity? In this groundbreaking work of channeled wisdom, Patrick Paul Garlinger offers an incisive diagnosis of the problems of our current political, economic, and legal systems, and a profound critique of the conventional ways we attempt to reform them. Our approach to social change suffers from the same flaw: the illusion that we are separate from each other and therefore must defend ourselves from others. In reality, we are all one; our lives are entirely interconnected and interdependent. Our collective mission is to embrace that truth, celebrate our differences, and manifest unity on a global scale. Reframing systems of government, finance, and law from a place of compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness offers a radical new vision for healing our world and uniting humanity.
3/11/202054 minutes, 12 seconds
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A World Without Identity: Patrick Paul Garlinger

What if the ways in which we attempt to reform our society or transform our political systems are doomed to multiply the mistakes of the past? What if there were a different path to equality and unity? In this groundbreaking work of channeled wisdom, Patrick Paul Garlinger offers an incisive diagnosis of the problems of our current political, economic, and legal systems, and a profound critique of the conventional ways we attempt to reform them. Our approach to social change suffers from the same flaw: the illusion that we are separate from each other and therefore must defend ourselves from others. In reality, we are all one; our lives are entirely interconnected and interdependent. Our collective mission is to embrace that truth, celebrate our differences, and manifest unity on a global scale. Reframing systems of government, finance, and law from a place of compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness offers a radical new vision for healing our world and uniting humanity.
3/11/202054 minutes, 12 seconds
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Good Sugar Bad Sugar & Remedies for Inflammation

From aspirin and ibuprofen to antihistamines and cortisone, anti-inflammatory drugs are now the top-selling pharmaceuticals in the world. But daily use of these powerful drugs comes with a price: side effects, many of which can lead to other chronic conditions and the further use of medications. Christopher Vasey explores anti-inflammatory herbs. Explores the use of 18 anti-inflammatory herbs, such as bay laurel, basil, turmeric, and devil’s claw, as well as 15 other natural substances, such as propolis and fish oil • Examines which natural remedy is best for many common inflammation-related ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis, tendonitis, arthritis, and eczema • Reveals the important role of omega-3s in defending the body against inflammation
3/4/202051 minutes, 42 seconds
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Good Sugar Bad Sugar & Remedies for Inflammation

From aspirin and ibuprofen to antihistamines and cortisone, anti-inflammatory drugs are now the top-selling pharmaceuticals in the world. But daily use of these powerful drugs comes with a price: side effects, many of which can lead to other chronic conditions and the further use of medications. Christopher Vasey explores anti-inflammatory herbs. Explores the use of 18 anti-inflammatory herbs, such as bay laurel, basil, turmeric, and devil’s claw, as well as 15 other natural substances, such as propolis and fish oil • Examines which natural remedy is best for many common inflammation-related ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis, tendonitis, arthritis, and eczema • Reveals the important role of omega-3s in defending the body against inflammation
3/4/202051 minutes, 42 seconds
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Good Sugar Bad Sugar & Remedies for Inflammation

From aspirin and ibuprofen to antihistamines and cortisone, anti-inflammatory drugs are now the top-selling pharmaceuticals in the world. But daily use of these powerful drugs comes with a price: side effects, many of which can lead to other chronic conditions and the further use of medications. Christopher Vasey explores anti-inflammatory herbs. Explores the use of 18 anti-inflammatory herbs, such as bay laurel, basil, turmeric, and devil’s claw, as well as 15 other natural substances, such as propolis and fish oil • Examines which natural remedy is best for many common inflammation-related ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis, tendonitis, arthritis, and eczema • Reveals the important role of omega-3s in defending the body against inflammation
3/4/202051 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Mosaic: Daniel Bruce Levin

A ground-breaking book in the tradition of The Alchemist and The Celestine Prophecy, The Mosaic, by marketing expert and activist Daniel Bruce Levin invites you to see the world from a new point-of-view? one that focuses on what connects us to each other and brings us happiness. The Mosaic follows the journey of Mo, a boy who loses his parents two years apart on the same day. When he asks the adults where his parents went, they tell him they are in heaven. Mo sets out to find the place called heaven and along the way, he meets an assortment of ordinary people, who are anything but ordinary. The Mosaic is a magical book that will inspire conversation around the possibilities that exist when we are able to see what we do not see. It will entertain and uplift you through the magic of connection, and it will linger with you well after you finish its story.
2/26/202056 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Mosaic: Daniel Bruce Levin

A ground-breaking book in the tradition of The Alchemist and The Celestine Prophecy, The Mosaic, by marketing expert and activist Daniel Bruce Levin invites you to see the world from a new point-of-view? one that focuses on what connects us to each other and brings us happiness. The Mosaic follows the journey of Mo, a boy who loses his parents two years apart on the same day. When he asks the adults where his parents went, they tell him they are in heaven. Mo sets out to find the place called heaven and along the way, he meets an assortment of ordinary people, who are anything but ordinary. The Mosaic is a magical book that will inspire conversation around the possibilities that exist when we are able to see what we do not see. It will entertain and uplift you through the magic of connection, and it will linger with you well after you finish its story.
2/26/202056 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Mosaic: Daniel Bruce Levin

A ground-breaking book in the tradition of The Alchemist and The Celestine Prophecy, The Mosaic, by marketing expert and activist Daniel Bruce Levin invites you to see the world from a new point-of-view? one that focuses on what connects us to each other and brings us happiness. The Mosaic follows the journey of Mo, a boy who loses his parents two years apart on the same day. When he asks the adults where his parents went, they tell him they are in heaven. Mo sets out to find the place called heaven and along the way, he meets an assortment of ordinary people, who are anything but ordinary. The Mosaic is a magical book that will inspire conversation around the possibilities that exist when we are able to see what we do not see. It will entertain and uplift you through the magic of connection, and it will linger with you well after you finish its story.
2/26/202056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Earth Speaks Up: Mary E. McNerney

Humanity’s understanding of Earth throughout history is filled with a series of awakenings. We once believed the Earth was flat; stationary; and the center of the universe; over time we learned otherwise. Today we hold onto the belief that Earth is merely a compilation of dirt and rock. Our past experience shows us; though; that our perception of Earth needs to be fluid; open to change. Earth Speaks Up brings you to our next new wonderful awakening: knowing Earth as a sentient and communicating being. An Earth who is eager to consciously connect with you and with all of humanity.
2/19/202055 minutes, 24 seconds
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Earth Speaks Up: Mary E. McNerney

Humanity’s understanding of Earth throughout history is filled with a series of awakenings. We once believed the Earth was flat; stationary; and the center of the universe; over time we learned otherwise. Today we hold onto the belief that Earth is merely a compilation of dirt and rock. Our past experience shows us; though; that our perception of Earth needs to be fluid; open to change. Earth Speaks Up brings you to our next new wonderful awakening: knowing Earth as a sentient and communicating being. An Earth who is eager to consciously connect with you and with all of humanity.
2/19/202055 minutes, 24 seconds
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Earth Speaks Up: Mary E. McNerney

Humanity’s understanding of Earth throughout history is filled with a series of awakenings. We once believed the Earth was flat; stationary; and the center of the universe; over time we learned otherwise. Today we hold onto the belief that Earth is merely a compilation of dirt and rock. Our past experience shows us; though; that our perception of Earth needs to be fluid; open to change. Earth Speaks Up brings you to our next new wonderful awakening: knowing Earth as a sentient and communicating being. An Earth who is eager to consciously connect with you and with all of humanity.
2/19/202055 minutes, 24 seconds
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Fierce Feminine Rising: Heal from Predatory Relationships and Recenter Your Personal Power

Heal from Predatory Relationships and Recenter Your Personal Power reveals a map, a template that she was given as she wrote the book. It is the map of our absolute awakening, our return to the heart. Believing in uncompromising truth, reckless beauty and courageous love, knowing that life is worth more than money and that there is nothing greater, nothing more important, nothing more sacred than protecting the sacred spirit deep within all life. We have tragically lost our way. With whatever time we have left Anaiya is even more committed to addresses head-on the many challenges that stand in our way and the bringing of Love to overcome them.
2/12/202055 minutes, 46 seconds
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Fierce Feminine Rising: Heal from Predatory Relationships and Recenter Your Personal Power

Heal from Predatory Relationships and Recenter Your Personal Power reveals a map, a template that she was given as she wrote the book. It is the map of our absolute awakening, our return to the heart. Believing in uncompromising truth, reckless beauty and courageous love, knowing that life is worth more than money and that there is nothing greater, nothing more important, nothing more sacred than protecting the sacred spirit deep within all life. We have tragically lost our way. With whatever time we have left Anaiya is even more committed to addresses head-on the many challenges that stand in our way and the bringing of Love to overcome them.
2/12/202055 minutes, 46 seconds
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Fierce Feminine Rising: Heal from Predatory Relationships and Recenter Your Personal Power

Heal from Predatory Relationships and Recenter Your Personal Power reveals a map, a template that she was given as she wrote the book. It is the map of our absolute awakening, our return to the heart. Believing in uncompromising truth, reckless beauty and courageous love, knowing that life is worth more than money and that there is nothing greater, nothing more important, nothing more sacred than protecting the sacred spirit deep within all life. We have tragically lost our way. With whatever time we have left Anaiya is even more committed to addresses head-on the many challenges that stand in our way and the bringing of Love to overcome them.
2/12/202055 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dreams That Can Save Your Life

Showcasing the important role of dreams and their power to detect and heal illness, Dr. Larry Burk and Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos share amazing research and true stories of physical and emotional healings triggered by dreams. The authors explore medical studies and ongoing research on the diagnostic power of precognitive dreams, including Dr. Burk’s own research on dreams that come true and can be medically validated. They share detailed stories--all confirmed by pathology reports--from subjects in medical research projects whose dreams diagnosed illness and helped heal their lives, including Kathleen’s own story as a three-time breast cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed her cancer even when it was missed by her doctors.
2/5/202052 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dreams That Can Save Your Life

Showcasing the important role of dreams and their power to detect and heal illness, Dr. Larry Burk and Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos share amazing research and true stories of physical and emotional healings triggered by dreams. The authors explore medical studies and ongoing research on the diagnostic power of precognitive dreams, including Dr. Burk’s own research on dreams that come true and can be medically validated. They share detailed stories--all confirmed by pathology reports--from subjects in medical research projects whose dreams diagnosed illness and helped heal their lives, including Kathleen’s own story as a three-time breast cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed her cancer even when it was missed by her doctors.
2/5/202052 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dreams That Can Save Your Life

Showcasing the important role of dreams and their power to detect and heal illness, Dr. Larry Burk and Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos share amazing research and true stories of physical and emotional healings triggered by dreams. The authors explore medical studies and ongoing research on the diagnostic power of precognitive dreams, including Dr. Burk’s own research on dreams that come true and can be medically validated. They share detailed stories--all confirmed by pathology reports--from subjects in medical research projects whose dreams diagnosed illness and helped heal their lives, including Kathleen’s own story as a three-time breast cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed her cancer even when it was missed by her doctors.
2/5/202052 minutes, 59 seconds
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Transcending the Human Drama: Kerri Hummingbird

Now is the time. You're being called into service. The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama, reminds you of the plan with guidance from ascended master White Eagle for closing the Book of Fate and opening the Book of Destiny. It's time to liberate yourself from the shackles of a dehumanized world, claim your sovereignty, stand in your truth and knowing, speak up and speak out, and BE the change in your family systems, communities, and world. You are the ones the Earth has been waiting for. You are the wise ones, the ancient ones, the master teachers. It's time to rise up in Unity and unleash a flood of love and wisdom on the planet. It's time for the Second Wave.
1/29/202055 minutes, 1 second
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Transcending the Human Drama: Kerri Hummingbird

Now is the time. You're being called into service. The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama, reminds you of the plan with guidance from ascended master White Eagle for closing the Book of Fate and opening the Book of Destiny. It's time to liberate yourself from the shackles of a dehumanized world, claim your sovereignty, stand in your truth and knowing, speak up and speak out, and BE the change in your family systems, communities, and world. You are the ones the Earth has been waiting for. You are the wise ones, the ancient ones, the master teachers. It's time to rise up in Unity and unleash a flood of love and wisdom on the planet. It's time for the Second Wave.
1/29/202055 minutes, 1 second
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Transcending the Human Drama: Kerri Hummingbird

Now is the time. You're being called into service. The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama, reminds you of the plan with guidance from ascended master White Eagle for closing the Book of Fate and opening the Book of Destiny. It's time to liberate yourself from the shackles of a dehumanized world, claim your sovereignty, stand in your truth and knowing, speak up and speak out, and BE the change in your family systems, communities, and world. You are the ones the Earth has been waiting for. You are the wise ones, the ancient ones, the master teachers. It's time to rise up in Unity and unleash a flood of love and wisdom on the planet. It's time for the Second Wave.
1/29/202055 minutes, 1 second
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Rabbi Tirzah Firestone: Wounds to Wisdom

Our past does not simply disappear. The painful history of our ancestors and their rich cultural wisdom intertwine within us to create the patterns of our future. Even when past trauma remains unspoken or has long been forgotten, it becomes part of us and our children?a legacy of both strength and woundedness that shapes our lives. Seven principles emerge from these wise narratives?powerful prescriptive tools that speak to anyone dealing with the effects of past injury. At the broadest level, these principles are directives for staying morally awake in a world rife with terror.
1/22/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rabbi Tirzah Firestone: Wounds to Wisdom

Our past does not simply disappear. The painful history of our ancestors and their rich cultural wisdom intertwine within us to create the patterns of our future. Even when past trauma remains unspoken or has long been forgotten, it becomes part of us and our children?a legacy of both strength and woundedness that shapes our lives. Seven principles emerge from these wise narratives?powerful prescriptive tools that speak to anyone dealing with the effects of past injury. At the broadest level, these principles are directives for staying morally awake in a world rife with terror.
1/22/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rabbi Tirzah Firestone: Wounds to Wisdom

Our past does not simply disappear. The painful history of our ancestors and their rich cultural wisdom intertwine within us to create the patterns of our future. Even when past trauma remains unspoken or has long been forgotten, it becomes part of us and our children?a legacy of both strength and woundedness that shapes our lives. Seven principles emerge from these wise narratives?powerful prescriptive tools that speak to anyone dealing with the effects of past injury. At the broadest level, these principles are directives for staying morally awake in a world rife with terror.
1/22/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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Break the Grip of Past Lovers: Jumana Sophia

Jumana guides women beyond the limitations of talk therapy and into a personal homecoming that will become a foundation for truly healthy intimacy in the future. Break the Grip of Past Lovers addresses regret, remorse, low self-esteem, and the inability to connect fully or trust someone new. Jumana guides the reader through experiences of betrayal, neglect, loss of personal power, manipulation, and even experiences that were so beautiful that they have left grief and irreconcilable longing in their place. The journey she presents is a journey of initiation into power, catalyzed by the kind of heartbreak and loss of self that only past sexual relationships can provide.
1/15/202057 minutes, 20 seconds
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Break the Grip of Past Lovers: Jumana Sophia

Jumana guides women beyond the limitations of talk therapy and into a personal homecoming that will become a foundation for truly healthy intimacy in the future. Break the Grip of Past Lovers addresses regret, remorse, low self-esteem, and the inability to connect fully or trust someone new. Jumana guides the reader through experiences of betrayal, neglect, loss of personal power, manipulation, and even experiences that were so beautiful that they have left grief and irreconcilable longing in their place. The journey she presents is a journey of initiation into power, catalyzed by the kind of heartbreak and loss of self that only past sexual relationships can provide.
1/15/202057 minutes, 20 seconds
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Break the Grip of Past Lovers: Jumana Sophia

Jumana guides women beyond the limitations of talk therapy and into a personal homecoming that will become a foundation for truly healthy intimacy in the future. Break the Grip of Past Lovers addresses regret, remorse, low self-esteem, and the inability to connect fully or trust someone new. Jumana guides the reader through experiences of betrayal, neglect, loss of personal power, manipulation, and even experiences that were so beautiful that they have left grief and irreconcilable longing in their place. The journey she presents is a journey of initiation into power, catalyzed by the kind of heartbreak and loss of self that only past sexual relationships can provide.
1/15/202057 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Evolutionary Empath: Stephanie Red Feather

There are now more empaths than ever before, but that this surge in numbers is no coincidence. With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, empaths represent the new human blueprint. They are the way-showers for the next step in human evolution, and they have a cosmic mission: to usher in a higher level of human consciousness, centered in the heart chakra. Red Feather also explains the impending reactivation of dormant levels of consciousness and cosmic memory, which will upgrade our human operating systems to function at a higher frequency. This shift is already acutely felt by empaths and will allow us to reclaim the lost powers of our ancestors.
1/8/202056 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Evolutionary Empath: Stephanie Red Feather

There are now more empaths than ever before, but that this surge in numbers is no coincidence. With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, empaths represent the new human blueprint. They are the way-showers for the next step in human evolution, and they have a cosmic mission: to usher in a higher level of human consciousness, centered in the heart chakra. Red Feather also explains the impending reactivation of dormant levels of consciousness and cosmic memory, which will upgrade our human operating systems to function at a higher frequency. This shift is already acutely felt by empaths and will allow us to reclaim the lost powers of our ancestors.
1/8/202056 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Evolutionary Empath: Stephanie Red Feather

There are now more empaths than ever before, but that this surge in numbers is no coincidence. With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, empaths represent the new human blueprint. They are the way-showers for the next step in human evolution, and they have a cosmic mission: to usher in a higher level of human consciousness, centered in the heart chakra. Red Feather also explains the impending reactivation of dormant levels of consciousness and cosmic memory, which will upgrade our human operating systems to function at a higher frequency. This shift is already acutely felt by empaths and will allow us to reclaim the lost powers of our ancestors.
1/8/202056 minutes, 58 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
1/1/20201 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
1/1/20201 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
1/1/20201 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Encore: Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
12/25/201951 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
12/25/201951 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
12/25/201951 minutes, 41 seconds
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John Murphy: Miracle Minded Manager

Are you trying to transform your company? Have you hit a roadblock with defensive direct reports and antiquated systems that no longer serve the organization? Instead of practical business tactics, imagine trying A Course in Miracles to open your mind and let go of ego. You may find the personal and professional results are life-changing.You may soon experience transformations in all areas of your life: from family relationships to daily stress levels. Miracles spread across all areas of life, if only we open ourselves up to faith.
12/18/201953 minutes, 37 seconds
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John Murphy: Miracle Minded Manager

Are you trying to transform your company? Have you hit a roadblock with defensive direct reports and antiquated systems that no longer serve the organization? Instead of practical business tactics, imagine trying A Course in Miracles to open your mind and let go of ego. You may find the personal and professional results are life-changing.You may soon experience transformations in all areas of your life: from family relationships to daily stress levels. Miracles spread across all areas of life, if only we open ourselves up to faith.
12/18/201953 minutes, 37 seconds
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John Murphy: Miracle Minded Manager

Are you trying to transform your company? Have you hit a roadblock with defensive direct reports and antiquated systems that no longer serve the organization? Instead of practical business tactics, imagine trying A Course in Miracles to open your mind and let go of ego. You may find the personal and professional results are life-changing.You may soon experience transformations in all areas of your life: from family relationships to daily stress levels. Miracles spread across all areas of life, if only we open ourselves up to faith.
12/18/201953 minutes, 37 seconds
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Encore Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
12/11/20191 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Encore Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
12/11/20191 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Encore Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
12/11/20191 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Gary Jon Bishop: UNFU*K YOURSELF

Are you tired of feeling f*cked up? If you are, Gary John Bishop gives you the tools and advice you need to demolish the slag weighing you down and become the truly unf*cked version of yourself. Wake up to the miracle you are, he directs. Here's what you've forgotten: You're a f*cking miracle of being. It isn't other people that are standing in your way; it isn't even your circumstances that are blocking your ability to thrive. It's yourself and the negative self-talk you keep telling yourself. In Unf*ck Yourself, Bishop leads you through a series of seven assertions: - I am willing - I am wired to win - I got this - I embrace the uncertainty - I am not my thoughts; I am what I do - I am relentless - I expect nothing and accept everything
12/4/201955 minutes, 51 seconds
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Gary Jon Bishop: UNFU*K YOURSELF

Are you tired of feeling f*cked up? If you are, Gary John Bishop gives you the tools and advice you need to demolish the slag weighing you down and become the truly unf*cked version of yourself. Wake up to the miracle you are, he directs. Here's what you've forgotten: You're a f*cking miracle of being. It isn't other people that are standing in your way; it isn't even your circumstances that are blocking your ability to thrive. It's yourself and the negative self-talk you keep telling yourself. In Unf*ck Yourself, Bishop leads you through a series of seven assertions: - I am willing - I am wired to win - I got this - I embrace the uncertainty - I am not my thoughts; I am what I do - I am relentless - I expect nothing and accept everything
12/4/201955 minutes, 51 seconds
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Gary Jon Bishop: UNFU*K YOURSELF

Are you tired of feeling f*cked up? If you are, Gary John Bishop gives you the tools and advice you need to demolish the slag weighing you down and become the truly unf*cked version of yourself. Wake up to the miracle you are, he directs. Here's what you've forgotten: You're a f*cking miracle of being. It isn't other people that are standing in your way; it isn't even your circumstances that are blocking your ability to thrive. It's yourself and the negative self-talk you keep telling yourself. In Unf*ck Yourself, Bishop leads you through a series of seven assertions: - I am willing - I am wired to win - I got this - I embrace the uncertainty - I am not my thoughts; I am what I do - I am relentless - I expect nothing and accept everything
12/4/201955 minutes, 51 seconds
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Paul O'Brien: Intuitive Intelligence

What happens when a vision of creative freedom, courageous risk-taking and good timing come together? What if you focused on what fascinates you, then mastered some skills—including a level of intuitive decision-making that helps you make the right moves at the right time? The answer is a life filled with success on your own terms. Paul’s elegant Visionary Decision Making process and philosophy clearly define the essential skills of accessing intuition when you need it most. The book shows readers how to take charge of their life and fearlessly take the risks that will that help them realize their goals and dreams—to fearlessly take take those risks that will grow them as a person.
11/27/201955 minutes, 18 seconds
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Paul O'Brien: Intuitive Intelligence

What happens when a vision of creative freedom, courageous risk-taking and good timing come together? What if you focused on what fascinates you, then mastered some skills—including a level of intuitive decision-making that helps you make the right moves at the right time? The answer is a life filled with success on your own terms. Paul’s elegant Visionary Decision Making process and philosophy clearly define the essential skills of accessing intuition when you need it most. The book shows readers how to take charge of their life and fearlessly take the risks that will that help them realize their goals and dreams—to fearlessly take take those risks that will grow them as a person.
11/27/201955 minutes, 18 seconds
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Paul O'Brien: Intuitive Intelligence

What happens when a vision of creative freedom, courageous risk-taking and good timing come together? What if you focused on what fascinates you, then mastered some skills—including a level of intuitive decision-making that helps you make the right moves at the right time? The answer is a life filled with success on your own terms. Paul’s elegant Visionary Decision Making process and philosophy clearly define the essential skills of accessing intuition when you need it most. The book shows readers how to take charge of their life and fearlessly take the risks that will that help them realize their goals and dreams—to fearlessly take take those risks that will grow them as a person.
11/27/201955 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jim Phillips

Discover the -simplexities- of LIFE over the course of your current, unique -souljourn-. The Key to LIFE: Living In Full Expression reveals ancient wisdom within the context of modern day living that unlocks the vault of Divine wisdom within you. Jim's insights and experiences offer an opportunity to gain clarity and answer your questions concerning your soul, your purpose, and your active role as the creator of your own life. Your song is the grandest expression and experience of Self that patiently awaits your willingness to sing it loud and clear. The Key to LIFE is the songbook for singing that song.
11/20/201954 minutes, 23 seconds
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Jim Phillips

Discover the -simplexities- of LIFE over the course of your current, unique -souljourn-. The Key to LIFE: Living In Full Expression reveals ancient wisdom within the context of modern day living that unlocks the vault of Divine wisdom within you. Jim's insights and experiences offer an opportunity to gain clarity and answer your questions concerning your soul, your purpose, and your active role as the creator of your own life. Your song is the grandest expression and experience of Self that patiently awaits your willingness to sing it loud and clear. The Key to LIFE is the songbook for singing that song.
11/20/201954 minutes, 23 seconds
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Jim Phillips

Discover the -simplexities- of LIFE over the course of your current, unique -souljourn-. The Key to LIFE: Living In Full Expression reveals ancient wisdom within the context of modern day living that unlocks the vault of Divine wisdom within you. Jim's insights and experiences offer an opportunity to gain clarity and answer your questions concerning your soul, your purpose, and your active role as the creator of your own life. Your song is the grandest expression and experience of Self that patiently awaits your willingness to sing it loud and clear. The Key to LIFE is the songbook for singing that song.
11/20/201954 minutes, 23 seconds
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Sarah Bowen: Spiritual Rebel

An indispensable guide for seekers, those in spiritual communities, agnostics, atheists, mystics, and the spiritual-but-not-religious, Spiritual Rebel is for anyone who desires meaningful experiences without having to commit exclusively to one path or fear they might be doing it wrong. The diverse collection of interspiritual practices and resources will inspire the Force within you, by whatever name you call it.
11/13/201954 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sarah Bowen: Spiritual Rebel

An indispensable guide for seekers, those in spiritual communities, agnostics, atheists, mystics, and the spiritual-but-not-religious, Spiritual Rebel is for anyone who desires meaningful experiences without having to commit exclusively to one path or fear they might be doing it wrong. The diverse collection of interspiritual practices and resources will inspire the Force within you, by whatever name you call it.
11/13/201954 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sarah Bowen: Spiritual Rebel

An indispensable guide for seekers, those in spiritual communities, agnostics, atheists, mystics, and the spiritual-but-not-religious, Spiritual Rebel is for anyone who desires meaningful experiences without having to commit exclusively to one path or fear they might be doing it wrong. The diverse collection of interspiritual practices and resources will inspire the Force within you, by whatever name you call it.
11/13/201954 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jo Boaler: Limitless Mind

Dr. Jo Boaler, a professor of education at Stanford University and acclaimed math educator who has spent decades studying the impact of beliefs and bias on education, reveals the six keys to unlocking learning potential, based on the latest scientific findings.
11/6/201955 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jo Boaler: Limitless Mind

Dr. Jo Boaler, a professor of education at Stanford University and acclaimed math educator who has spent decades studying the impact of beliefs and bias on education, reveals the six keys to unlocking learning potential, based on the latest scientific findings.
11/6/201955 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jo Boaler: Limitless Mind

Dr. Jo Boaler, a professor of education at Stanford University and acclaimed math educator who has spent decades studying the impact of beliefs and bias on education, reveals the six keys to unlocking learning potential, based on the latest scientific findings.
11/6/201955 minutes, 52 seconds
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Money Loves You: Sarah McCrum

If you could have a conversation directly with Money, what would it say to you? Sarah McCrum says... Money is the powerful energy that underlies every form of exchange that takes place between human beings. It is an extraordinary system for dealing with the billions of financial and material requests that are made by human beings every day – many of them hopelessly confused, often desperate. Money speaks to us directly through this book, explaining simply, often with a sense of humour, exactly how our financial requests are processed and delivered, why so many of them never arrive and why we get so many bills, especially when we are broke. This post-recession blueprint for making money is for people who haven't yet been able to afford the lifestyle of their dreams but still believe they will.
10/30/201956 minutes, 22 seconds
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Money Loves You: Sarah McCrum

If you could have a conversation directly with Money, what would it say to you? Sarah McCrum says... Money is the powerful energy that underlies every form of exchange that takes place between human beings. It is an extraordinary system for dealing with the billions of financial and material requests that are made by human beings every day – many of them hopelessly confused, often desperate. Money speaks to us directly through this book, explaining simply, often with a sense of humour, exactly how our financial requests are processed and delivered, why so many of them never arrive and why we get so many bills, especially when we are broke. This post-recession blueprint for making money is for people who haven't yet been able to afford the lifestyle of their dreams but still believe they will.
10/30/201956 minutes, 22 seconds
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Money Loves You: Sarah McCrum

If you could have a conversation directly with Money, what would it say to you? Sarah McCrum says... Money is the powerful energy that underlies every form of exchange that takes place between human beings. It is an extraordinary system for dealing with the billions of financial and material requests that are made by human beings every day – many of them hopelessly confused, often desperate. Money speaks to us directly through this book, explaining simply, often with a sense of humour, exactly how our financial requests are processed and delivered, why so many of them never arrive and why we get so many bills, especially when we are broke. This post-recession blueprint for making money is for people who haven't yet been able to afford the lifestyle of their dreams but still believe they will.
10/30/201956 minutes, 22 seconds
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Epic Sexy You: Morgan Field

Create an EPIC life that you LOVE living – Where you pinch yourself that you wonder if it is even real. Create sustainable SEXINESS! Destroy doubt. Be Unapologetically YOU! Go Get It! This Amazon #1 Best Seller, which is currently in 18 countries and counting, leads you on the journey to discover what you want, explore your options, and build, build, build a life you want, filled with love, success and happiness. Not that fake, #blessed on Instagram or “Lovin’ my life!” on Facebook happy. Real happiness that comes from fulfillment and self love. Along with being an Amazon #1 Best Seller, this book has been Awarded in the Category of “Best Motivational Books of 2016” by the Best Book Awards, “Top Self-Help: Motivational Books of 2017? by the International Books Awards, “Top Motivational Books of 2017? by the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and has been Awarded “Top Non-Fiction Motivational books of 2017” and “5 Star Recognition” by the Reader’s Favorite Awards.
10/23/201956 minutes, 44 seconds
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Epic Sexy You: Morgan Field

Create an EPIC life that you LOVE living – Where you pinch yourself that you wonder if it is even real. Create sustainable SEXINESS! Destroy doubt. Be Unapologetically YOU! Go Get It! This Amazon #1 Best Seller, which is currently in 18 countries and counting, leads you on the journey to discover what you want, explore your options, and build, build, build a life you want, filled with love, success and happiness. Not that fake, #blessed on Instagram or “Lovin’ my life!” on Facebook happy. Real happiness that comes from fulfillment and self love. Along with being an Amazon #1 Best Seller, this book has been Awarded in the Category of “Best Motivational Books of 2016” by the Best Book Awards, “Top Self-Help: Motivational Books of 2017? by the International Books Awards, “Top Motivational Books of 2017? by the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and has been Awarded “Top Non-Fiction Motivational books of 2017” and “5 Star Recognition” by the Reader’s Favorite Awards.
10/23/201956 minutes, 44 seconds
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Epic Sexy You: Morgan Field

Create an EPIC life that you LOVE living – Where you pinch yourself that you wonder if it is even real. Create sustainable SEXINESS! Destroy doubt. Be Unapologetically YOU! Go Get It! This Amazon #1 Best Seller, which is currently in 18 countries and counting, leads you on the journey to discover what you want, explore your options, and build, build, build a life you want, filled with love, success and happiness. Not that fake, #blessed on Instagram or “Lovin’ my life!” on Facebook happy. Real happiness that comes from fulfillment and self love. Along with being an Amazon #1 Best Seller, this book has been Awarded in the Category of “Best Motivational Books of 2016” by the Best Book Awards, “Top Self-Help: Motivational Books of 2017? by the International Books Awards, “Top Motivational Books of 2017? by the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and has been Awarded “Top Non-Fiction Motivational books of 2017” and “5 Star Recognition” by the Reader’s Favorite Awards.
10/23/201956 minutes, 44 seconds
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Humble the Poet: Things No One Else Can Teach Us

Humble the Poet flips the conventional script for happiness and success, showing us how our most painful experiences can be our greatest teachers Through an in-depth discussion about life, lessons, leaps and unlearning... we will dive into topics that affect everyone every day as we uncover how to 'Unlearn' and 'Things No One Else Can Teach Us'. With tattoos, beard, head wrap and a silly smile, Humble stimulates audiences with ideas that challenge conventional wisdom and go against the grain. Humble has an aura that embodies diversity and resiliency. Humble the Poet (Kanwer Mahl), is a Canadian-born rapper, spoken-word artist, poet, internationally bestselling author, and former elementary school teacher with a wildly popular blog with over 100,000 monthly readers. Beloved for his sincerity, playfulness, and sage advice, Humble has traditionally shared his message of self-discovery, creativity, and empowerment with his fans through music and written word.
10/16/201950 minutes, 56 seconds
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Humble the Poet: Things No One Else Can Teach Us

Humble the Poet flips the conventional script for happiness and success, showing us how our most painful experiences can be our greatest teachers Through an in-depth discussion about life, lessons, leaps and unlearning... we will dive into topics that affect everyone every day as we uncover how to 'Unlearn' and 'Things No One Else Can Teach Us'. With tattoos, beard, head wrap and a silly smile, Humble stimulates audiences with ideas that challenge conventional wisdom and go against the grain. Humble has an aura that embodies diversity and resiliency. Humble the Poet (Kanwer Mahl), is a Canadian-born rapper, spoken-word artist, poet, internationally bestselling author, and former elementary school teacher with a wildly popular blog with over 100,000 monthly readers. Beloved for his sincerity, playfulness, and sage advice, Humble has traditionally shared his message of self-discovery, creativity, and empowerment with his fans through music and written word.
10/16/201950 minutes, 56 seconds
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Humble the Poet: Things No One Else Can Teach Us

Humble the Poet flips the conventional script for happiness and success, showing us how our most painful experiences can be our greatest teachers Through an in-depth discussion about life, lessons, leaps and unlearning... we will dive into topics that affect everyone every day as we uncover how to 'Unlearn' and 'Things No One Else Can Teach Us'. With tattoos, beard, head wrap and a silly smile, Humble stimulates audiences with ideas that challenge conventional wisdom and go against the grain. Humble has an aura that embodies diversity and resiliency. Humble the Poet (Kanwer Mahl), is a Canadian-born rapper, spoken-word artist, poet, internationally bestselling author, and former elementary school teacher with a wildly popular blog with over 100,000 monthly readers. Beloved for his sincerity, playfulness, and sage advice, Humble has traditionally shared his message of self-discovery, creativity, and empowerment with his fans through music and written word.
10/16/201950 minutes, 56 seconds
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Drinking from the River of Light: Mark Nepo

“Meaningful art, enduring art and the transformative process it awakens keeps us alive,” writes Mark Nepo. With Drinking from the River of Light, this bestselling poet and philosopher will lead you on a journey to discover just how art and authentic expression can bring our deepest truths to bear in the world. Here you will discover: · The importance of openly embracing the full scope of your emotions · The need for raw honesty and self exploration in education · Why a new perspective always waits only a “quarter turn” away · The importance of staying in constant conversation with other creative voices · The crucial difference between giving and getting attention · Concrete guidelines for respectful peer review · What it means to channel the sound of your innermost being and the universe Drinking from the River of Light traces the search for our most essential selves and the importance of the life of expression to bear witness to the sorrow, depth, and joy of life.
10/9/201954 minutes, 17 seconds
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Drinking from the River of Light: Mark Nepo

“Meaningful art, enduring art and the transformative process it awakens keeps us alive,” writes Mark Nepo. With Drinking from the River of Light, this bestselling poet and philosopher will lead you on a journey to discover just how art and authentic expression can bring our deepest truths to bear in the world. Here you will discover: · The importance of openly embracing the full scope of your emotions · The need for raw honesty and self exploration in education · Why a new perspective always waits only a “quarter turn” away · The importance of staying in constant conversation with other creative voices · The crucial difference between giving and getting attention · Concrete guidelines for respectful peer review · What it means to channel the sound of your innermost being and the universe Drinking from the River of Light traces the search for our most essential selves and the importance of the life of expression to bear witness to the sorrow, depth, and joy of life.
10/9/201954 minutes, 17 seconds
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Drinking from the River of Light: Mark Nepo

“Meaningful art, enduring art and the transformative process it awakens keeps us alive,” writes Mark Nepo. With Drinking from the River of Light, this bestselling poet and philosopher will lead you on a journey to discover just how art and authentic expression can bring our deepest truths to bear in the world. Here you will discover: · The importance of openly embracing the full scope of your emotions · The need for raw honesty and self exploration in education · Why a new perspective always waits only a “quarter turn” away · The importance of staying in constant conversation with other creative voices · The crucial difference between giving and getting attention · Concrete guidelines for respectful peer review · What it means to channel the sound of your innermost being and the universe Drinking from the River of Light traces the search for our most essential selves and the importance of the life of expression to bear witness to the sorrow, depth, and joy of life.
10/9/201954 minutes, 17 seconds
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Subconscious Power: Kimberly Friedmutter

The subconscious is the root of your true power and desire it is your inner eight-year-old, your authentic self. It is the honest compass that will lead you to a life of happiness, so long as you are able to follow its direction. We all have the power to access it—children do so effortlessly—but as we grow up we are taught to stop daydreaming and to follow societys rules, which makes us disconnect from our subconscious, often with tragic results. Unsatisfying careers. Volatile, unhealthy relationships. Unfulfilled dreams. Too many live lives that fall short of what they truly desire. It is possible to design the life of your dreams, but the power to do so lies within you, in your subconscious mind.
10/2/201955 minutes, 4 seconds
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Subconscious Power: Kimberly Friedmutter

The subconscious is the root of your true power and desire it is your inner eight-year-old, your authentic self. It is the honest compass that will lead you to a life of happiness, so long as you are able to follow its direction. We all have the power to access it—children do so effortlessly—but as we grow up we are taught to stop daydreaming and to follow societys rules, which makes us disconnect from our subconscious, often with tragic results. Unsatisfying careers. Volatile, unhealthy relationships. Unfulfilled dreams. Too many live lives that fall short of what they truly desire. It is possible to design the life of your dreams, but the power to do so lies within you, in your subconscious mind.
10/2/201955 minutes, 4 seconds
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Subconscious Power: Kimberly Friedmutter

The subconscious is the root of your true power and desire it is your inner eight-year-old, your authentic self. It is the honest compass that will lead you to a life of happiness, so long as you are able to follow its direction. We all have the power to access it—children do so effortlessly—but as we grow up we are taught to stop daydreaming and to follow societys rules, which makes us disconnect from our subconscious, often with tragic results. Unsatisfying careers. Volatile, unhealthy relationships. Unfulfilled dreams. Too many live lives that fall short of what they truly desire. It is possible to design the life of your dreams, but the power to do so lies within you, in your subconscious mind.
10/2/201955 minutes, 4 seconds
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Loving Out Loud: Robyn Spizman

You have the power to make a positive impact on someones day, every day, and it is not nearly as hard as you think. The smallest compliment or remark of appreciation can transform an awkward moment into one of connection and joy. There are a multitude of ways to know we are paying attention, we care, and we appreciate them. Loving Out Loud is poised to inspire a movement toward a kinder, more engaged community.
9/25/201954 minutes, 19 seconds
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Loving Out Loud: Robyn Spizman

You have the power to make a positive impact on someones day, every day, and it is not nearly as hard as you think. The smallest compliment or remark of appreciation can transform an awkward moment into one of connection and joy. There are a multitude of ways to know we are paying attention, we care, and we appreciate them. Loving Out Loud is poised to inspire a movement toward a kinder, more engaged community.
9/25/201954 minutes, 19 seconds
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Loving Out Loud: Robyn Spizman

You have the power to make a positive impact on someones day, every day, and it is not nearly as hard as you think. The smallest compliment or remark of appreciation can transform an awkward moment into one of connection and joy. There are a multitude of ways to know we are paying attention, we care, and we appreciate them. Loving Out Loud is poised to inspire a movement toward a kinder, more engaged community.
9/25/201954 minutes, 19 seconds
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In Search of Lost Lives: Michael Goddart

In Search of Lost Lives is Michael Goddarts unique memoir in which he recovers eighty eight past lives and depicts spiritual experiences that ultimately prepared him to follow a path of soul liberation from the mind. In Search of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind and Soul shows how desires and actions order transmigration to subsequent human and animal lives. Twelve lives show how hurtful actions resulted in a subsequent life as an animal or a sojourn between lives in a state of reformation. This singular account shows the spiritual experiences in numerous lives that were the many steps of his spiritual evolution that led to initiation onto a mystical path of freedom from reincarnation and reunion with God. Winner of the BODY MIND SPIRIT BOOK AWARD® Winner of the NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE® AWARD
9/18/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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In Search of Lost Lives: Michael Goddart

In Search of Lost Lives is Michael Goddarts unique memoir in which he recovers eighty eight past lives and depicts spiritual experiences that ultimately prepared him to follow a path of soul liberation from the mind. In Search of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind and Soul shows how desires and actions order transmigration to subsequent human and animal lives. Twelve lives show how hurtful actions resulted in a subsequent life as an animal or a sojourn between lives in a state of reformation. This singular account shows the spiritual experiences in numerous lives that were the many steps of his spiritual evolution that led to initiation onto a mystical path of freedom from reincarnation and reunion with God. Winner of the BODY MIND SPIRIT BOOK AWARD® Winner of the NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE® AWARD
9/18/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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In Search of Lost Lives: Michael Goddart

In Search of Lost Lives is Michael Goddarts unique memoir in which he recovers eighty eight past lives and depicts spiritual experiences that ultimately prepared him to follow a path of soul liberation from the mind. In Search of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind and Soul shows how desires and actions order transmigration to subsequent human and animal lives. Twelve lives show how hurtful actions resulted in a subsequent life as an animal or a sojourn between lives in a state of reformation. This singular account shows the spiritual experiences in numerous lives that were the many steps of his spiritual evolution that led to initiation onto a mystical path of freedom from reincarnation and reunion with God. Winner of the BODY MIND SPIRIT BOOK AWARD® Winner of the NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE® AWARD
9/18/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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You Are Your Purpose: Yoram Weis

Weis offers poetic writing that makes for a powerful contribution to the planetary shift in consciousness. His books magic emanates from the synergy between gorgeous poetic language that illuminates an inner dialogue, and its depth of human compassion. From awakening you to your unlimited potential, and encouraging you to embrace your intuition, to illuminating the power of facing your fears and finding your freedom in forgiveness and compassion,The dialogue will dance between free will and destiny through the spiral of life lessons, unveiling deeper gifts and innate passions, and uplifting your spirit to its wider view of life, this insightful guide opens a pathway to expanding into a fuller being.
9/11/201957 minutes, 40 seconds
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You Are Your Purpose: Yoram Weis

Weis offers poetic writing that makes for a powerful contribution to the planetary shift in consciousness. His books magic emanates from the synergy between gorgeous poetic language that illuminates an inner dialogue, and its depth of human compassion. From awakening you to your unlimited potential, and encouraging you to embrace your intuition, to illuminating the power of facing your fears and finding your freedom in forgiveness and compassion,The dialogue will dance between free will and destiny through the spiral of life lessons, unveiling deeper gifts and innate passions, and uplifting your spirit to its wider view of life, this insightful guide opens a pathway to expanding into a fuller being.
9/11/201957 minutes, 40 seconds
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You Are Your Purpose: Yoram Weis

Weis offers poetic writing that makes for a powerful contribution to the planetary shift in consciousness. His books magic emanates from the synergy between gorgeous poetic language that illuminates an inner dialogue, and its depth of human compassion. From awakening you to your unlimited potential, and encouraging you to embrace your intuition, to illuminating the power of facing your fears and finding your freedom in forgiveness and compassion,The dialogue will dance between free will and destiny through the spiral of life lessons, unveiling deeper gifts and innate passions, and uplifting your spirit to its wider view of life, this insightful guide opens a pathway to expanding into a fuller being.
9/11/201957 minutes, 40 seconds
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Just Be... Live as Infinity: Suresh Ramaswamy

Would you like to: Transform your life from the inside out Flow joyously with emotions Unlock the mystery of true love in relationships Accelerate shifts in consciousness through powerful practices Immerse yourself in profound stillness through meditation Discover the magic and beauty of pure beingness Get to know your essence who you really are Draw upon Light the most powerful transformative agent Discover what life is truly about, learn practices to experience a deeper reality rooted in beingness, and understand how to live from that reality. Uplifting, inspirational, and overflowing with beautiful jewels of wisdom, Suresh Ramaswamy will inspire you and share insights on how you can lead you a life of infinity pulsating with love, peace, and joy. Winner of the International Soul Bridge Body Mind Spirit Book Award and 2018 Nautilus Book Award.
9/4/201956 minutes, 9 seconds
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Just Be... Live as Infinity: Suresh Ramaswamy

Would you like to: Transform your life from the inside out Flow joyously with emotions Unlock the mystery of true love in relationships Accelerate shifts in consciousness through powerful practices Immerse yourself in profound stillness through meditation Discover the magic and beauty of pure beingness Get to know your essence who you really are Draw upon Light the most powerful transformative agent Discover what life is truly about, learn practices to experience a deeper reality rooted in beingness, and understand how to live from that reality. Uplifting, inspirational, and overflowing with beautiful jewels of wisdom, Suresh Ramaswamy will inspire you and share insights on how you can lead you a life of infinity pulsating with love, peace, and joy. Winner of the International Soul Bridge Body Mind Spirit Book Award and 2018 Nautilus Book Award.
9/4/201956 minutes, 9 seconds
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Just Be... Live as Infinity: Suresh Ramaswamy

Would you like to: Transform your life from the inside out Flow joyously with emotions Unlock the mystery of true love in relationships Accelerate shifts in consciousness through powerful practices Immerse yourself in profound stillness through meditation Discover the magic and beauty of pure beingness Get to know your essence who you really are Draw upon Light the most powerful transformative agent Discover what life is truly about, learn practices to experience a deeper reality rooted in beingness, and understand how to live from that reality. Uplifting, inspirational, and overflowing with beautiful jewels of wisdom, Suresh Ramaswamy will inspire you and share insights on how you can lead you a life of infinity pulsating with love, peace, and joy. Winner of the International Soul Bridge Body Mind Spirit Book Award and 2018 Nautilus Book Award.
9/4/201956 minutes, 9 seconds
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Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
2/18/201951 minutes, 41 seconds
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Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
2/18/201951 minutes, 41 seconds
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Two Meditative Talks from Simran

Experience the deep rich relaxation and stillness of two powerful Meditative Talks from Simran. Allow the deeper nature within you to be accessed and opened. Feel into your truth. For deepened experiences and continued personal growth, explore 11:11 on Audio Yearly Coaching - $97/ Year. Program encompasses a monthly curriculum of 6 Audio Lessons, Meditative Talks, Intention Audios and Life Coaching Prompts. Click Show Page Top Banner or More Details at 11:11 Header or Shop Page Mentoring Section.
2/18/201951 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
2/11/20191 hour, 16 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
2/11/20191 hour, 16 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
2/11/20191 hour, 16 seconds
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Your Journey to Love: Twelve Guiding Principles

What is your soul calling for? How have you limited or held yourself back? Discover Twelve Guiding Principles of Love, Courage and Commitment.
2/4/201951 minutes, 34 seconds
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Your Journey to Love: Twelve Guiding Principles

What is your soul calling for? How have you limited or held yourself back? Discover Twelve Guiding Principles of Love, Courage and Commitment.
2/4/201951 minutes, 34 seconds
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Your Journey to Love: Twelve Guiding Principles

What is your soul calling for? How have you limited or held yourself back? Discover Twelve Guiding Principles of Love, Courage and Commitment.
2/4/201951 minutes, 34 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
1/28/20191 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
1/28/20191 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Encore: Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
1/28/20191 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Encore: Heather Lyn Mann: Ocean of Insight

Heather Lyn Mann was a battle–weary environmental advocate in Madison, Wisconsin, struggling over what to do about climate change when she and her husband decided to explore the Atlantic on a small sloop. This memoir of six years living afloat is a chronological unfolding of disasters and discoveries—life–threatening storms, the boredom of isolation, societies on the brink of extinction, sinking ships, colorful Caribbean characters, near collisions, a pirate scare, and more. Throughout, the ocean becomes Mann’s teacher, transforming her with uncompromising lessons on how to harmonize with natural order, the exact moments and ways to let in fearlessness, resilience, happiness, impermanence, balance, compassion, skillful action, and beginner’s mind.
9/24/201859 minutes, 2 seconds
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Encore: Heather Lyn Mann: Ocean of Insight

Heather Lyn Mann was a battle–weary environmental advocate in Madison, Wisconsin, struggling over what to do about climate change when she and her husband decided to explore the Atlantic on a small sloop. This memoir of six years living afloat is a chronological unfolding of disasters and discoveries—life–threatening storms, the boredom of isolation, societies on the brink of extinction, sinking ships, colorful Caribbean characters, near collisions, a pirate scare, and more. Throughout, the ocean becomes Mann’s teacher, transforming her with uncompromising lessons on how to harmonize with natural order, the exact moments and ways to let in fearlessness, resilience, happiness, impermanence, balance, compassion, skillful action, and beginner’s mind.
9/24/201859 minutes, 2 seconds
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Encore: Heather Lyn Mann: Ocean of Insight

Heather Lyn Mann was a battle–weary environmental advocate in Madison, Wisconsin, struggling over what to do about climate change when she and her husband decided to explore the Atlantic on a small sloop. This memoir of six years living afloat is a chronological unfolding of disasters and discoveries—life–threatening storms, the boredom of isolation, societies on the brink of extinction, sinking ships, colorful Caribbean characters, near collisions, a pirate scare, and more. Throughout, the ocean becomes Mann’s teacher, transforming her with uncompromising lessons on how to harmonize with natural order, the exact moments and ways to let in fearlessness, resilience, happiness, impermanence, balance, compassion, skillful action, and beginner’s mind.
9/24/201859 minutes, 2 seconds
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Encore: Lisa Barnett: Akashic Knowing

The Akashic Masters offer prayers for Self-Trust, Heart-Opening, Fear, Strength, Courage, Forgiveness, Shame/Guilt, Judgement, Self-Love, Abundance/Financial Growth, Grief/Loss, Release of Unconscious Beliefs, Vibration Elevation, Creativity, Happiness, Life Balance, Grace, Peace and more.  How to release old karmic patterns and complete soul contracts with these messages of light  The influence ancestral lineage may have on you  The way to unblock chakras using prayer  How these prayers are best used to resolve issues, clear blocks, heal emotional pain and resentments -- and open space for the miraculous to arrive
9/17/201854 minutes, 17 seconds
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Encore: Lisa Barnett: Akashic Knowing

The Akashic Masters offer prayers for Self-Trust, Heart-Opening, Fear, Strength, Courage, Forgiveness, Shame/Guilt, Judgement, Self-Love, Abundance/Financial Growth, Grief/Loss, Release of Unconscious Beliefs, Vibration Elevation, Creativity, Happiness, Life Balance, Grace, Peace and more.  How to release old karmic patterns and complete soul contracts with these messages of light  The influence ancestral lineage may have on you  The way to unblock chakras using prayer  How these prayers are best used to resolve issues, clear blocks, heal emotional pain and resentments -- and open space for the miraculous to arrive
9/17/201854 minutes, 17 seconds
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Encore: Lisa Barnett: Akashic Knowing

The Akashic Masters offer prayers for Self-Trust, Heart-Opening, Fear, Strength, Courage, Forgiveness, Shame/Guilt, Judgement, Self-Love, Abundance/Financial Growth, Grief/Loss, Release of Unconscious Beliefs, Vibration Elevation, Creativity, Happiness, Life Balance, Grace, Peace and more.  How to release old karmic patterns and complete soul contracts with these messages of light  The influence ancestral lineage may have on you  The way to unblock chakras using prayer  How these prayers are best used to resolve issues, clear blocks, heal emotional pain and resentments -- and open space for the miraculous to arrive
9/17/201854 minutes, 17 seconds
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Encore: Andrea Mathews: Letting Go of Good

Dismantling the false connection between being good and being worthy. While exposing the dangers of the guilt-led life, practicing psychotherapist Andrea Mathews shares innovative tools and techniques for healing, including how to understand and dialogue with emotions, develop intuition and discernment, and make decisions from a place of honest desire and compassion.
9/10/201856 minutes, 36 seconds
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Encore: Andrea Mathews: Letting Go of Good

Dismantling the false connection between being good and being worthy. While exposing the dangers of the guilt-led life, practicing psychotherapist Andrea Mathews shares innovative tools and techniques for healing, including how to understand and dialogue with emotions, develop intuition and discernment, and make decisions from a place of honest desire and compassion.
9/10/201856 minutes, 36 seconds
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Encore: Andrea Mathews: Letting Go of Good

Dismantling the false connection between being good and being worthy. While exposing the dangers of the guilt-led life, practicing psychotherapist Andrea Mathews shares innovative tools and techniques for healing, including how to understand and dialogue with emotions, develop intuition and discernment, and make decisions from a place of honest desire and compassion.
9/10/201856 minutes, 36 seconds
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Encore: Les Jensen

Les Jensen talks about how we can show up in an authentic and powerful way, fulfilling the vision of our heart and soul. Empower yourself and your role here on Earth. Take the vision of your heart and fulfill it like a King. This book is about honoring your own authentic power and your purpose. It provides an in-depth look at what it would feel like to trust in your role and fulfill your soul’s vision from the passion of your own heart.
8/13/201855 minutes, 13 seconds
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Encore: Les Jensen

Les Jensen talks about how we can show up in an authentic and powerful way, fulfilling the vision of our heart and soul. Empower yourself and your role here on Earth. Take the vision of your heart and fulfill it like a King. This book is about honoring your own authentic power and your purpose. It provides an in-depth look at what it would feel like to trust in your role and fulfill your soul’s vision from the passion of your own heart.
8/13/201855 minutes, 13 seconds
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Encore: Les Jensen

Les Jensen talks about how we can show up in an authentic and powerful way, fulfilling the vision of our heart and soul. Empower yourself and your role here on Earth. Take the vision of your heart and fulfill it like a King. This book is about honoring your own authentic power and your purpose. It provides an in-depth look at what it would feel like to trust in your role and fulfill your soul’s vision from the passion of your own heart.
8/13/201855 minutes, 13 seconds
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Encore: The Stress Solution: Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli

Contemporary life has come to include 1. working too much, 2. sleeping too little, and 3. feeling disconnected from partners and family (largely because of 1 and 2.) Our health and relationships suffer (as does our work.) As author Ciaramicoli shows, this state of affairs can be changed — while maintaining high performance success. His simple and realistic, yet powerful and profound techniques show readers how to use empathy to perceive accurately, use CBT to correct distorted thinking, and trigger our own neurochemistry to produce calm, focused energy. He developed this unique, three-pronged approach over 35 years working with clients struggling with depression, anxiety, and addictions. Over and over again, he has helped sufferers overcome old hurts and combat performance anxiety, fears, and hypervigiliance. Ciaramicoli’s is a truly pioneering approach, and one that offers new promise to readers facing a variety of stress-based concerns.
8/6/201854 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: The Stress Solution: Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli

Contemporary life has come to include 1. working too much, 2. sleeping too little, and 3. feeling disconnected from partners and family (largely because of 1 and 2.) Our health and relationships suffer (as does our work.) As author Ciaramicoli shows, this state of affairs can be changed — while maintaining high performance success. His simple and realistic, yet powerful and profound techniques show readers how to use empathy to perceive accurately, use CBT to correct distorted thinking, and trigger our own neurochemistry to produce calm, focused energy. He developed this unique, three-pronged approach over 35 years working with clients struggling with depression, anxiety, and addictions. Over and over again, he has helped sufferers overcome old hurts and combat performance anxiety, fears, and hypervigiliance. Ciaramicoli’s is a truly pioneering approach, and one that offers new promise to readers facing a variety of stress-based concerns.
8/6/201854 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: The Stress Solution: Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli

Contemporary life has come to include 1. working too much, 2. sleeping too little, and 3. feeling disconnected from partners and family (largely because of 1 and 2.) Our health and relationships suffer (as does our work.) As author Ciaramicoli shows, this state of affairs can be changed — while maintaining high performance success. His simple and realistic, yet powerful and profound techniques show readers how to use empathy to perceive accurately, use CBT to correct distorted thinking, and trigger our own neurochemistry to produce calm, focused energy. He developed this unique, three-pronged approach over 35 years working with clients struggling with depression, anxiety, and addictions. Over and over again, he has helped sufferers overcome old hurts and combat performance anxiety, fears, and hypervigiliance. Ciaramicoli’s is a truly pioneering approach, and one that offers new promise to readers facing a variety of stress-based concerns.
8/6/201854 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: Celeste Yacoboni: How Do You Pray?

Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
7/30/201855 minutes, 58 seconds
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Encore: Celeste Yacoboni: How Do You Pray?

Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
7/30/201855 minutes, 58 seconds
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Encore: Celeste Yacoboni: How Do You Pray?

Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
7/30/201855 minutes, 58 seconds
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Encore: Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker on Joy

Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis. In this book, Andrew and Carolyn mine the mystical wisdom of the ages that places joy at the core of our existence and purpose as a species, moving forward to consider in depth the myriad enemies of joy in our time. Looming large among these is the personal and collective shadow which must be confronted directly if we are to reclaim our birthright of vibrant living in a spiritually and emotionally anesthetized culture.
7/23/201857 minutes, 13 seconds
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Encore: Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker on Joy

Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis. In this book, Andrew and Carolyn mine the mystical wisdom of the ages that places joy at the core of our existence and purpose as a species, moving forward to consider in depth the myriad enemies of joy in our time. Looming large among these is the personal and collective shadow which must be confronted directly if we are to reclaim our birthright of vibrant living in a spiritually and emotionally anesthetized culture.
7/23/201857 minutes, 13 seconds
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Encore: Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker on Joy

Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis. In this book, Andrew and Carolyn mine the mystical wisdom of the ages that places joy at the core of our existence and purpose as a species, moving forward to consider in depth the myriad enemies of joy in our time. Looming large among these is the personal and collective shadow which must be confronted directly if we are to reclaim our birthright of vibrant living in a spiritually and emotionally anesthetized culture.
7/23/201857 minutes, 13 seconds
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Encore: The Path to Wealth - May McCarthy

A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
7/16/201856 minutes, 42 seconds
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Encore: The Path to Wealth - May McCarthy

A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
7/16/201856 minutes, 42 seconds
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Encore: The Path to Wealth - May McCarthy

A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
7/16/201856 minutes, 42 seconds
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Encore: Belonging to God: Will Keepin

A breathtaking exploration of divine love in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism―and the writings of leading mystics from these traditions―culminating in a glorious universal path of love that is illuminated equally by modern science and ancient wisdom.
7/9/201856 minutes, 49 seconds
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Encore: Belonging to God: Will Keepin

A breathtaking exploration of divine love in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism―and the writings of leading mystics from these traditions―culminating in a glorious universal path of love that is illuminated equally by modern science and ancient wisdom.
7/9/201856 minutes, 49 seconds
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Encore: Belonging to God: Will Keepin

A breathtaking exploration of divine love in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism―and the writings of leading mystics from these traditions―culminating in a glorious universal path of love that is illuminated equally by modern science and ancient wisdom.
7/9/201856 minutes, 49 seconds
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Encore: The Art if Uncertainty: Dennis Merritt Jones

The Art of Uncertainty is about learning to use our time spent in this Earth School wisely. Regardless of your level of education, the school of life itself is always in session. As we make living in the mystery a daily practice, we prepare ourselves for the adventure regardless of whether we are pushed onto the pathway of uncertainty by inspiration or desperation, or by pleasure or pain. In either case, we shall discover it is a journey we can learn to love. With its 'Points to Ponder' and 'Mindfulness Practices' at the end of each chapter, you can consider The Art of Uncertainty the perfect guidebook on how to step into the mystery of life and love it.
7/2/201855 minutes, 1 second
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Encore: The Art if Uncertainty: Dennis Merritt Jones

The Art of Uncertainty is about learning to use our time spent in this Earth School wisely. Regardless of your level of education, the school of life itself is always in session. As we make living in the mystery a daily practice, we prepare ourselves for the adventure regardless of whether we are pushed onto the pathway of uncertainty by inspiration or desperation, or by pleasure or pain. In either case, we shall discover it is a journey we can learn to love. With its 'Points to Ponder' and 'Mindfulness Practices' at the end of each chapter, you can consider The Art of Uncertainty the perfect guidebook on how to step into the mystery of life and love it.
7/2/201855 minutes, 1 second
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Encore: The Art if Uncertainty: Dennis Merritt Jones

The Art of Uncertainty is about learning to use our time spent in this Earth School wisely. Regardless of your level of education, the school of life itself is always in session. As we make living in the mystery a daily practice, we prepare ourselves for the adventure regardless of whether we are pushed onto the pathway of uncertainty by inspiration or desperation, or by pleasure or pain. In either case, we shall discover it is a journey we can learn to love. With its 'Points to Ponder' and 'Mindfulness Practices' at the end of each chapter, you can consider The Art of Uncertainty the perfect guidebook on how to step into the mystery of life and love it.
7/2/201855 minutes, 1 second
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Encore: Acharya Shunya: Ayurvedic Wisdom

Ayurveda teaches us that true health is our birthright—and that by artfully adapting to the rhythms of nature, we can bring ourselves back into balance and experience optimal well-being. Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom is a groundbreaking work within the field of holistic health and traditional yoga, written by internationally renowned Ayurvedic healer, teacher, and scholar Acharya Shunya.
6/25/201857 minutes, 28 seconds
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Encore: Acharya Shunya: Ayurvedic Wisdom

Ayurveda teaches us that true health is our birthright—and that by artfully adapting to the rhythms of nature, we can bring ourselves back into balance and experience optimal well-being. Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom is a groundbreaking work within the field of holistic health and traditional yoga, written by internationally renowned Ayurvedic healer, teacher, and scholar Acharya Shunya.
6/25/201857 minutes, 28 seconds
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Encore: Acharya Shunya: Ayurvedic Wisdom

Ayurveda teaches us that true health is our birthright—and that by artfully adapting to the rhythms of nature, we can bring ourselves back into balance and experience optimal well-being. Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom is a groundbreaking work within the field of holistic health and traditional yoga, written by internationally renowned Ayurvedic healer, teacher, and scholar Acharya Shunya.
6/25/201857 minutes, 28 seconds
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JP Sears: Being Ultra-Spiritual

Perhaps our ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously is what increases our spiritual growth. JP Sears is going to show you how to be Ultra Spiritual but first you have to know that being Ultra Spiritual has nothing to do with actually being spiritual.
6/18/201855 minutes, 33 seconds
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JP Sears: Being Ultra-Spiritual

Perhaps our ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously is what increases our spiritual growth. JP Sears is going to show you how to be Ultra Spiritual but first you have to know that being Ultra Spiritual has nothing to do with actually being spiritual.
6/18/201855 minutes, 33 seconds
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JP Sears: Being Ultra-Spiritual

Perhaps our ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously is what increases our spiritual growth. JP Sears is going to show you how to be Ultra Spiritual but first you have to know that being Ultra Spiritual has nothing to do with actually being spiritual.
6/18/201855 minutes, 33 seconds
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Encore: Tobin Hart: The Four Virtues

The Four Virtues is designed to help us understand and develop inner capacities essential for PsychoSpiritual growth. The book serves as an inspiring, intelligent and integrative field guide to the inner life. Drawing from across the wisdom traditions and contemporary sciences The Four Virtues explores how the universal capacities of Presence, Heart, Wisdom, and Creation come to life within us. This builds and balances the psychological and spiritual in order to help us get out of our own way. Exercises and quizzes bookend chapters, providing experiential entry to the material. This is easily applied to personal growth, psychological and spiritual development, in both secular and spiritual contexts.
6/4/201855 minutes, 57 seconds
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Encore: Tobin Hart: The Four Virtues

The Four Virtues is designed to help us understand and develop inner capacities essential for PsychoSpiritual growth. The book serves as an inspiring, intelligent and integrative field guide to the inner life. Drawing from across the wisdom traditions and contemporary sciences The Four Virtues explores how the universal capacities of Presence, Heart, Wisdom, and Creation come to life within us. This builds and balances the psychological and spiritual in order to help us get out of our own way. Exercises and quizzes bookend chapters, providing experiential entry to the material. This is easily applied to personal growth, psychological and spiritual development, in both secular and spiritual contexts.
6/4/201855 minutes, 57 seconds
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Encore: Tobin Hart: The Four Virtues

The Four Virtues is designed to help us understand and develop inner capacities essential for PsychoSpiritual growth. The book serves as an inspiring, intelligent and integrative field guide to the inner life. Drawing from across the wisdom traditions and contemporary sciences The Four Virtues explores how the universal capacities of Presence, Heart, Wisdom, and Creation come to life within us. This builds and balances the psychological and spiritual in order to help us get out of our own way. Exercises and quizzes bookend chapters, providing experiential entry to the material. This is easily applied to personal growth, psychological and spiritual development, in both secular and spiritual contexts.
6/4/201855 minutes, 57 seconds
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Encore: A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

Follow the step-by-step techniques to manifest a new way of being and step out of the chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifth Connect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page of this book. Access free supplemental meditations, lectures, videos and animations from the actual Mastering Alchemy course, guided by the Teachers of Light. A free, private online classroom is available only to readers of this book.
4/30/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
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Encore: A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

Follow the step-by-step techniques to manifest a new way of being and step out of the chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifth Connect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page of this book. Access free supplemental meditations, lectures, videos and animations from the actual Mastering Alchemy course, guided by the Teachers of Light. A free, private online classroom is available only to readers of this book.
4/30/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
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Encore: A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

Follow the step-by-step techniques to manifest a new way of being and step out of the chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifth Connect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page of this book. Access free supplemental meditations, lectures, videos and animations from the actual Mastering Alchemy course, guided by the Teachers of Light. A free, private online classroom is available only to readers of this book.
4/30/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Humming Effect: Jonathan and Andi Goldman

The Humming Effect: Jonathan & Andi Goldman Jonathan and Andi Goldman show how humming affects us on a physical level, reducing stress, enhancing sleep, and lowering heart rate and blood pressure producing powerful neurochemicals such as oxytocin, the “love” hormone. They also examine humming as a sonic yoga technique and its role in many world traditions, such as the Om, Aum, or Hum.
4/23/201854 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Humming Effect: Jonathan and Andi Goldman

The Humming Effect: Jonathan & Andi Goldman Jonathan and Andi Goldman show how humming affects us on a physical level, reducing stress, enhancing sleep, and lowering heart rate and blood pressure producing powerful neurochemicals such as oxytocin, the “love” hormone. They also examine humming as a sonic yoga technique and its role in many world traditions, such as the Om, Aum, or Hum.
4/23/201854 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Humming Effect: Jonathan and Andi Goldman

The Humming Effect: Jonathan & Andi Goldman Jonathan and Andi Goldman show how humming affects us on a physical level, reducing stress, enhancing sleep, and lowering heart rate and blood pressure producing powerful neurochemicals such as oxytocin, the “love” hormone. They also examine humming as a sonic yoga technique and its role in many world traditions, such as the Om, Aum, or Hum.
4/23/201854 minutes, 55 seconds
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Effortless Living: Jason Gregory

The practice of non-doing, non-forcing is an essential aspect of Taoism known as wu-wei. Attributed to the great sage Lao-tzu, the philosophy of wu-wei teaches you how to develop a natural state of consciousness not bound by thought or preconceived limitations. Experienced by the greatest artists, athletes, musicians, and writers, this heightened state of consciousness, referred to as “being in the zone,” is where intelligent spontaneity and effortless action flourish via a practice rooted in permitting the natural harmony of the cosmos to prevail. Listen to Jason Gregory's Other Archived Interviews: 'Fasting the Mind' - Archive Date 2-5-18 'Enlightenment Now - Archive Date 5-1-17 'The Science of Humility' - Archive Date 11-9-15
4/9/201856 minutes, 48 seconds
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Effortless Living: Jason Gregory

The practice of non-doing, non-forcing is an essential aspect of Taoism known as wu-wei. Attributed to the great sage Lao-tzu, the philosophy of wu-wei teaches you how to develop a natural state of consciousness not bound by thought or preconceived limitations. Experienced by the greatest artists, athletes, musicians, and writers, this heightened state of consciousness, referred to as “being in the zone,” is where intelligent spontaneity and effortless action flourish via a practice rooted in permitting the natural harmony of the cosmos to prevail. Listen to Jason Gregory's Other Archived Interviews: 'Fasting the Mind' - Archive Date 2-5-18 'Enlightenment Now - Archive Date 5-1-17 'The Science of Humility' - Archive Date 11-9-15
4/9/201856 minutes, 48 seconds
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Effortless Living: Jason Gregory

The practice of non-doing, non-forcing is an essential aspect of Taoism known as wu-wei. Attributed to the great sage Lao-tzu, the philosophy of wu-wei teaches you how to develop a natural state of consciousness not bound by thought or preconceived limitations. Experienced by the greatest artists, athletes, musicians, and writers, this heightened state of consciousness, referred to as “being in the zone,” is where intelligent spontaneity and effortless action flourish via a practice rooted in permitting the natural harmony of the cosmos to prevail. Listen to Jason Gregory's Other Archived Interviews: 'Fasting the Mind' - Archive Date 2-5-18 'Enlightenment Now - Archive Date 5-1-17 'The Science of Humility' - Archive Date 11-9-15
4/9/201856 minutes, 48 seconds
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Shamanic Wisdom for Pregnancy and Parenting

The journey into parenthood transforms us, whether our children are biological, adopted, in spirit, or not yet conceived. As we give birth through heart or body, we not only shape-shift into mothers and fathers, but also gain access to the deep inner well of spiritual wisdom that opens with initiation into parenthood. Restoring honor to the shadow side of parenthood, the author discusses the shamanic perspective on miscarriage, fertility, sexuality, postpartum stress and depression, blended families, and adoption as a form of birthing through the heart.
4/2/201857 minutes
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Shamanic Wisdom for Pregnancy and Parenting

The journey into parenthood transforms us, whether our children are biological, adopted, in spirit, or not yet conceived. As we give birth through heart or body, we not only shape-shift into mothers and fathers, but also gain access to the deep inner well of spiritual wisdom that opens with initiation into parenthood. Restoring honor to the shadow side of parenthood, the author discusses the shamanic perspective on miscarriage, fertility, sexuality, postpartum stress and depression, blended families, and adoption as a form of birthing through the heart.
4/2/201857 minutes
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Shamanic Wisdom for Pregnancy and Parenting

The journey into parenthood transforms us, whether our children are biological, adopted, in spirit, or not yet conceived. As we give birth through heart or body, we not only shape-shift into mothers and fathers, but also gain access to the deep inner well of spiritual wisdom that opens with initiation into parenthood. Restoring honor to the shadow side of parenthood, the author discusses the shamanic perspective on miscarriage, fertility, sexuality, postpartum stress and depression, blended families, and adoption as a form of birthing through the heart.
4/2/201857 minutes
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Womb Awakening: Dr. Azra Bertrand

The Ancients lived by a feminine cosmology of creation, where everything was birthed and dissolved through a sacred universal Womb. Within each of us, whether female or male, lies a holographic blueprint of this Womb of Creation, connecting us to the Web of Life. By awakening your spiritual Womb, the holy of holies within the temple of your body, you can reconnect to the transformative energy of Womb Consciousness and reclaim your sacred powers of creation and love.
3/26/201856 minutes, 43 seconds
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Womb Awakening: Dr. Azra Bertrand

The Ancients lived by a feminine cosmology of creation, where everything was birthed and dissolved through a sacred universal Womb. Within each of us, whether female or male, lies a holographic blueprint of this Womb of Creation, connecting us to the Web of Life. By awakening your spiritual Womb, the holy of holies within the temple of your body, you can reconnect to the transformative energy of Womb Consciousness and reclaim your sacred powers of creation and love.
3/26/201856 minutes, 43 seconds
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Womb Awakening: Dr. Azra Bertrand

The Ancients lived by a feminine cosmology of creation, where everything was birthed and dissolved through a sacred universal Womb. Within each of us, whether female or male, lies a holographic blueprint of this Womb of Creation, connecting us to the Web of Life. By awakening your spiritual Womb, the holy of holies within the temple of your body, you can reconnect to the transformative energy of Womb Consciousness and reclaim your sacred powers of creation and love.
3/26/201856 minutes, 43 seconds
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Natural Cycles to Recharge Life:Pia Orleane

All of life is interwoven into a living system of cycles, from Earth’s seasons to the enzymatic pathways that provide energy to a cell. Waxing and waning from times of growth to times of rest, renewal, and healing, cycles map the most auspicious time for everything in life. Both women and men have biological cycles of active growth and quiet renewal, led by our hormones. By understanding how everything in life moves in cycles, you can become more aware of and comfortable with your own cyclic nature, something that has been forgotten by the modern world’s linear views of time.
3/19/201852 minutes, 31 seconds
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Natural Cycles to Recharge Life:Pia Orleane

All of life is interwoven into a living system of cycles, from Earth’s seasons to the enzymatic pathways that provide energy to a cell. Waxing and waning from times of growth to times of rest, renewal, and healing, cycles map the most auspicious time for everything in life. Both women and men have biological cycles of active growth and quiet renewal, led by our hormones. By understanding how everything in life moves in cycles, you can become more aware of and comfortable with your own cyclic nature, something that has been forgotten by the modern world’s linear views of time.
3/19/201852 minutes, 31 seconds
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Natural Cycles to Recharge Life:Pia Orleane

All of life is interwoven into a living system of cycles, from Earth’s seasons to the enzymatic pathways that provide energy to a cell. Waxing and waning from times of growth to times of rest, renewal, and healing, cycles map the most auspicious time for everything in life. Both women and men have biological cycles of active growth and quiet renewal, led by our hormones. By understanding how everything in life moves in cycles, you can become more aware of and comfortable with your own cyclic nature, something that has been forgotten by the modern world’s linear views of time.
3/19/201852 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Angelic Origins of the Soul: Tricia McCannon

Your Soul is a divine light originating within the Angelic Orders of Heaven. The Tibetan Book of the Dead speaks about the seven Lokas, or dimensions, the Soul travels through after death, while the Egyptian Book of the Dead refers to the Soul becoming one with the ever-renewing phoenix. Yet what is the phoenix but a symbol of our own Angelic Twin who resides in the highest realms, the essence of our Soul? In this book, Tricia McCannon explains how to discover the angelic realms where the highest parts of yourself reside and become the catalyst for your own path of ascension.
3/5/201855 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Angelic Origins of the Soul: Tricia McCannon

Your Soul is a divine light originating within the Angelic Orders of Heaven. The Tibetan Book of the Dead speaks about the seven Lokas, or dimensions, the Soul travels through after death, while the Egyptian Book of the Dead refers to the Soul becoming one with the ever-renewing phoenix. Yet what is the phoenix but a symbol of our own Angelic Twin who resides in the highest realms, the essence of our Soul? In this book, Tricia McCannon explains how to discover the angelic realms where the highest parts of yourself reside and become the catalyst for your own path of ascension.
3/5/201855 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Angelic Origins of the Soul: Tricia McCannon

Your Soul is a divine light originating within the Angelic Orders of Heaven. The Tibetan Book of the Dead speaks about the seven Lokas, or dimensions, the Soul travels through after death, while the Egyptian Book of the Dead refers to the Soul becoming one with the ever-renewing phoenix. Yet what is the phoenix but a symbol of our own Angelic Twin who resides in the highest realms, the essence of our Soul? In this book, Tricia McCannon explains how to discover the angelic realms where the highest parts of yourself reside and become the catalyst for your own path of ascension.
3/5/201855 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Gratitude Formula: May McCarthy

In The Gratitude Formula, McCarthy offers a definable, practical system that can be put to use every day to achieve success in health, finances, relationships, careers, and spiritual connections. McCarthy’s experience as a business strategist and successful entrepreneur has given her the tools to create success in her life and for her clients, and now she shares those tools in this book. Create powerful, practical, and achievable goals for all aspects of your life. Untangle from the beliefs, doubts, and fears that are keeping you from abundance. Say yes to prosperity and opening to the limitless possibilities of success.
2/26/201857 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Gratitude Formula: May McCarthy

In The Gratitude Formula, McCarthy offers a definable, practical system that can be put to use every day to achieve success in health, finances, relationships, careers, and spiritual connections. McCarthy’s experience as a business strategist and successful entrepreneur has given her the tools to create success in her life and for her clients, and now she shares those tools in this book. Create powerful, practical, and achievable goals for all aspects of your life. Untangle from the beliefs, doubts, and fears that are keeping you from abundance. Say yes to prosperity and opening to the limitless possibilities of success.
2/26/201857 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Gratitude Formula: May McCarthy

In The Gratitude Formula, McCarthy offers a definable, practical system that can be put to use every day to achieve success in health, finances, relationships, careers, and spiritual connections. McCarthy’s experience as a business strategist and successful entrepreneur has given her the tools to create success in her life and for her clients, and now she shares those tools in this book. Create powerful, practical, and achievable goals for all aspects of your life. Untangle from the beliefs, doubts, and fears that are keeping you from abundance. Say yes to prosperity and opening to the limitless possibilities of success.
2/26/201857 minutes, 20 seconds
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A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

Follow the step-by-step techniques to manifest a new way of being and step out of the chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifth Connect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page of this book. Access free supplemental meditations, lectures, videos and animations from the actual Mastering Alchemy course, guided by the Teachers of Light. A free, private online classroom is available only to readers of this book.
2/19/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

Follow the step-by-step techniques to manifest a new way of being and step out of the chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifth Connect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page of this book. Access free supplemental meditations, lectures, videos and animations from the actual Mastering Alchemy course, guided by the Teachers of Light. A free, private online classroom is available only to readers of this book.
2/19/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
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A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

Follow the step-by-step techniques to manifest a new way of being and step out of the chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifth Connect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page of this book. Access free supplemental meditations, lectures, videos and animations from the actual Mastering Alchemy course, guided by the Teachers of Light. A free, private online classroom is available only to readers of this book.
2/19/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
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Encore: Doug Noll: De-escalate

Discover how to successfully and efficiently calm an angry person or diffuse a volatile situation in ninety seconds or less with this proven and accessible peacekeeping method by self-described “lawyer turned peacemaker” Douglas E. Noll. We live in an increasingly divided world and most of us have encountered our fair share of aggressive people and difficult confrontations. Fortunately, we now have the tools to become peacemakers and transform emotionally volatile situations and hurt feelings to calm, non-aggressive ones. Tested on prison inmates, De-Escalate offers a new set of social listening and communication skills, based on the latest findings in neuroscience and meditation. Along with practical exercises and scenario-based examples, each chapter focuses on specific themes, such as dealing with emotionally charged teenagers and frustrated coworkers. Additionally, Noll shares practical tips on how to be civil in an uncivil society.
2/12/201857 minutes, 48 seconds
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Encore: Doug Noll: De-escalate

Discover how to successfully and efficiently calm an angry person or diffuse a volatile situation in ninety seconds or less with this proven and accessible peacekeeping method by self-described “lawyer turned peacemaker” Douglas E. Noll. We live in an increasingly divided world and most of us have encountered our fair share of aggressive people and difficult confrontations. Fortunately, we now have the tools to become peacemakers and transform emotionally volatile situations and hurt feelings to calm, non-aggressive ones. Tested on prison inmates, De-Escalate offers a new set of social listening and communication skills, based on the latest findings in neuroscience and meditation. Along with practical exercises and scenario-based examples, each chapter focuses on specific themes, such as dealing with emotionally charged teenagers and frustrated coworkers. Additionally, Noll shares practical tips on how to be civil in an uncivil society.
2/12/201857 minutes, 48 seconds
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Encore: Doug Noll: De-escalate

Discover how to successfully and efficiently calm an angry person or diffuse a volatile situation in ninety seconds or less with this proven and accessible peacekeeping method by self-described “lawyer turned peacemaker” Douglas E. Noll. We live in an increasingly divided world and most of us have encountered our fair share of aggressive people and difficult confrontations. Fortunately, we now have the tools to become peacemakers and transform emotionally volatile situations and hurt feelings to calm, non-aggressive ones. Tested on prison inmates, De-Escalate offers a new set of social listening and communication skills, based on the latest findings in neuroscience and meditation. Along with practical exercises and scenario-based examples, each chapter focuses on specific themes, such as dealing with emotionally charged teenagers and frustrated coworkers. Additionally, Noll shares practical tips on how to be civil in an uncivil society.
2/12/201857 minutes, 48 seconds
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Jason Gregory: Fasting the Mind

Stop planning, stop comparing, stop competing, stop thinking, and just breathe deeply for a minute . . . Our undivided attention is something we are rarely able to give for reasons ranging from digital overload to the cultural conditioning of equating busyness with purpose. Just as you might choose a fast from eating to detoxify the body, the best way to overcome this modern mental overload is to periodically fast the mind.
2/5/201852 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jason Gregory: Fasting the Mind

Stop planning, stop comparing, stop competing, stop thinking, and just breathe deeply for a minute . . . Our undivided attention is something we are rarely able to give for reasons ranging from digital overload to the cultural conditioning of equating busyness with purpose. Just as you might choose a fast from eating to detoxify the body, the best way to overcome this modern mental overload is to periodically fast the mind.
2/5/201852 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jason Gregory: Fasting the Mind

Stop planning, stop comparing, stop competing, stop thinking, and just breathe deeply for a minute . . . Our undivided attention is something we are rarely able to give for reasons ranging from digital overload to the cultural conditioning of equating busyness with purpose. Just as you might choose a fast from eating to detoxify the body, the best way to overcome this modern mental overload is to periodically fast the mind.
2/5/201852 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Four Keys: Dr. Anna Gatmon

Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World offers a offers an unconventional approach to the spiritual-material split so prevalent in our culture. In these pages, Dr. Anna Gatmon demystifies the all-too-often elusive nature of spirituality and brings it down to earth, providing a concrete roadmap to living a life that is spiritually fulfilling without having to give up material pleasures.
1/29/201853 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Four Keys: Dr. Anna Gatmon

Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World offers a offers an unconventional approach to the spiritual-material split so prevalent in our culture. In these pages, Dr. Anna Gatmon demystifies the all-too-often elusive nature of spirituality and brings it down to earth, providing a concrete roadmap to living a life that is spiritually fulfilling without having to give up material pleasures.
1/29/201853 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Four Keys: Dr. Anna Gatmon

Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World offers a offers an unconventional approach to the spiritual-material split so prevalent in our culture. In these pages, Dr. Anna Gatmon demystifies the all-too-often elusive nature of spirituality and brings it down to earth, providing a concrete roadmap to living a life that is spiritually fulfilling without having to give up material pleasures.
1/29/201853 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jeanine Staples: Voices of the Fragmented Selves

The Revelations of Asher: Toward Supreme Love in Self is an endarkened, feminist, new literacies event. It critically and creatively explores Black womens terror in love. With poetry, prose, and analytic memos, Jeanine Staples shows how a group of Black womens talk and writings about relationships revealed epistemological and ontological revelations, after 9/11. These revelations are presented in the context of a third wave new literacies framework. They are voiced and storied dynamically by the womens seven fragmented selves. Through the selves, we learn the five ways the women lived as lovers.
1/22/201856 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jeanine Staples: Voices of the Fragmented Selves

The Revelations of Asher: Toward Supreme Love in Self is an endarkened, feminist, new literacies event. It critically and creatively explores Black womens terror in love. With poetry, prose, and analytic memos, Jeanine Staples shows how a group of Black womens talk and writings about relationships revealed epistemological and ontological revelations, after 9/11. These revelations are presented in the context of a third wave new literacies framework. They are voiced and storied dynamically by the womens seven fragmented selves. Through the selves, we learn the five ways the women lived as lovers.
1/22/201856 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jeanine Staples: Voices of the Fragmented Selves

The Revelations of Asher: Toward Supreme Love in Self is an endarkened, feminist, new literacies event. It critically and creatively explores Black womens terror in love. With poetry, prose, and analytic memos, Jeanine Staples shows how a group of Black womens talk and writings about relationships revealed epistemological and ontological revelations, after 9/11. These revelations are presented in the context of a third wave new literacies framework. They are voiced and storied dynamically by the womens seven fragmented selves. Through the selves, we learn the five ways the women lived as lovers.
1/22/201856 minutes, 9 seconds
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Philip Shepherd: Radical Wholeness

There are qualities we all yearn to experience in our lives—peace, simplicity, grace, connection, clarity. Yet these qualities evade us because each of them arises from an experience of wholeness, and we live in a culture that enforces divisions within each of us. In Radical Wholeness, Disconnected from the body’s intelligence, we also disconnect from the wholeness of the present. This schism within us is the primary source of stress not just in our personal lives, but for the systems of the planet.
1/15/201855 minutes, 33 seconds
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Philip Shepherd: Radical Wholeness

There are qualities we all yearn to experience in our lives—peace, simplicity, grace, connection, clarity. Yet these qualities evade us because each of them arises from an experience of wholeness, and we live in a culture that enforces divisions within each of us. In Radical Wholeness, Disconnected from the body’s intelligence, we also disconnect from the wholeness of the present. This schism within us is the primary source of stress not just in our personal lives, but for the systems of the planet.
1/15/201855 minutes, 33 seconds
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Philip Shepherd: Radical Wholeness

There are qualities we all yearn to experience in our lives—peace, simplicity, grace, connection, clarity. Yet these qualities evade us because each of them arises from an experience of wholeness, and we live in a culture that enforces divisions within each of us. In Radical Wholeness, Disconnected from the body’s intelligence, we also disconnect from the wholeness of the present. This schism within us is the primary source of stress not just in our personal lives, but for the systems of the planet.
1/15/201855 minutes, 33 seconds
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Paul Selig: The Mastery Series

The channeled literature of Paul Selig--who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides--has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s. Selig's previous trilogy of channeled wisdom--I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth--won a large following around the world for its depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. The first book of his new Mastery Trilogy, The Book of Mastery, likewise attained popularity and praise. Now, Selig continues the Teachings of Mastery.
1/8/201853 minutes, 50 seconds
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Paul Selig: The Mastery Series

The channeled literature of Paul Selig--who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides--has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s. Selig's previous trilogy of channeled wisdom--I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth--won a large following around the world for its depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. The first book of his new Mastery Trilogy, The Book of Mastery, likewise attained popularity and praise. Now, Selig continues the Teachings of Mastery.
1/8/201853 minutes, 50 seconds
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Paul Selig: The Mastery Series

The channeled literature of Paul Selig--who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides--has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s. Selig's previous trilogy of channeled wisdom--I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth--won a large following around the world for its depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. The first book of his new Mastery Trilogy, The Book of Mastery, likewise attained popularity and praise. Now, Selig continues the Teachings of Mastery.
1/8/201853 minutes, 50 seconds
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Encore: Belinda Womack - Lessons From the Archangels

Angels are loving forces in our lives. Each of us has the ability to communicate with them if we open our minds to their teachings. Belinda Womack was a believer in Angels until the age of 12, when she decided she wanted to become a scientist. Years later, working in a biology lab, she found herself in the presence of the Archangel Gabriel and realized her calling as a spiritual conduit for Angelic healing and support. She shares lessons, practices, and daily guidance from the 12 Archangels to help us listen to and heal our wounded inner child, release our fears, and enact deep subconscious transformation. Each word, transmitted directly from the 12 Archangels, carries their love, so that when read, the love is absorbed into the reader’s mind and supports the release of our deepest wounds and fears.
1/1/201856 minutes
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Encore: Belinda Womack - Lessons From the Archangels

Angels are loving forces in our lives. Each of us has the ability to communicate with them if we open our minds to their teachings. Belinda Womack was a believer in Angels until the age of 12, when she decided she wanted to become a scientist. Years later, working in a biology lab, she found herself in the presence of the Archangel Gabriel and realized her calling as a spiritual conduit for Angelic healing and support. She shares lessons, practices, and daily guidance from the 12 Archangels to help us listen to and heal our wounded inner child, release our fears, and enact deep subconscious transformation. Each word, transmitted directly from the 12 Archangels, carries their love, so that when read, the love is absorbed into the reader’s mind and supports the release of our deepest wounds and fears.
1/1/201856 minutes
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Encore: Belinda Womack - Lessons From the Archangels

Angels are loving forces in our lives. Each of us has the ability to communicate with them if we open our minds to their teachings. Belinda Womack was a believer in Angels until the age of 12, when she decided she wanted to become a scientist. Years later, working in a biology lab, she found herself in the presence of the Archangel Gabriel and realized her calling as a spiritual conduit for Angelic healing and support. She shares lessons, practices, and daily guidance from the 12 Archangels to help us listen to and heal our wounded inner child, release our fears, and enact deep subconscious transformation. Each word, transmitted directly from the 12 Archangels, carries their love, so that when read, the love is absorbed into the reader’s mind and supports the release of our deepest wounds and fears.
1/1/201856 minutes
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Encore: Rise Sister Rise: Rebecca Campbell

Rise Sister Rise is for the women who agreed at soul level to be here at this stage in history to lead this global shift that the mystics of all of the ages have predicted: the return of the mother and the rise of the feminine. It is essentially a call to arms for women to rise up, tell their truth, and lead.
12/25/201755 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: Rise Sister Rise: Rebecca Campbell

Rise Sister Rise is for the women who agreed at soul level to be here at this stage in history to lead this global shift that the mystics of all of the ages have predicted: the return of the mother and the rise of the feminine. It is essentially a call to arms for women to rise up, tell their truth, and lead.
12/25/201755 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encore: Rise Sister Rise: Rebecca Campbell

Rise Sister Rise is for the women who agreed at soul level to be here at this stage in history to lead this global shift that the mystics of all of the ages have predicted: the return of the mother and the rise of the feminine. It is essentially a call to arms for women to rise up, tell their truth, and lead.
12/25/201755 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lisa Barnett: Akashic Knowing

The Akashic Masters offer prayers for Self-Trust, Heart-Opening, Fear, Strength, Courage, Forgiveness, Shame/Guilt, Judgement, Self-Love, Abundance/Financial Growth, Grief/Loss, Release of Unconscious Beliefs, Vibration Elevation, Creativity, Happiness, Life Balance, Grace, Peace and more.  How to release old karmic patterns and complete soul contracts with these messages of light  The influence ancestral lineage may have on you  The way to unblock chakras using prayer  How these prayers are best used to resolve issues, clear blocks, heal emotional pain and resentments -- and open space for the miraculous to arrive
12/18/201754 minutes, 17 seconds
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Lisa Barnett: Akashic Knowing

The Akashic Masters offer prayers for Self-Trust, Heart-Opening, Fear, Strength, Courage, Forgiveness, Shame/Guilt, Judgement, Self-Love, Abundance/Financial Growth, Grief/Loss, Release of Unconscious Beliefs, Vibration Elevation, Creativity, Happiness, Life Balance, Grace, Peace and more.  How to release old karmic patterns and complete soul contracts with these messages of light  The influence ancestral lineage may have on you  The way to unblock chakras using prayer  How these prayers are best used to resolve issues, clear blocks, heal emotional pain and resentments -- and open space for the miraculous to arrive
12/18/201754 minutes, 17 seconds
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Lisa Barnett: Akashic Knowing

The Akashic Masters offer prayers for Self-Trust, Heart-Opening, Fear, Strength, Courage, Forgiveness, Shame/Guilt, Judgement, Self-Love, Abundance/Financial Growth, Grief/Loss, Release of Unconscious Beliefs, Vibration Elevation, Creativity, Happiness, Life Balance, Grace, Peace and more.  How to release old karmic patterns and complete soul contracts with these messages of light  The influence ancestral lineage may have on you  The way to unblock chakras using prayer  How these prayers are best used to resolve issues, clear blocks, heal emotional pain and resentments -- and open space for the miraculous to arrive
12/18/201754 minutes, 17 seconds
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Jennie Lee:

Living love as an embodied meditation practice. Uniting us in a universally understandable goal, Jennie Lee builds immediate bridges of peace by changing how we look at love; from something to be acquired and preserved, to something to be realized and breathed. Active conscious loving is the basis of the meditation practices offered in Breathing Love, providing you with inner solace and a deep sense of purpose. Whether in a relationship or not, in the prime of life or nearing death, you'll be encouraged to move beyond the pain, pride, and fear that keep you from love.
12/11/201758 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jennie Lee:

Living love as an embodied meditation practice. Uniting us in a universally understandable goal, Jennie Lee builds immediate bridges of peace by changing how we look at love; from something to be acquired and preserved, to something to be realized and breathed. Active conscious loving is the basis of the meditation practices offered in Breathing Love, providing you with inner solace and a deep sense of purpose. Whether in a relationship or not, in the prime of life or nearing death, you'll be encouraged to move beyond the pain, pride, and fear that keep you from love.
12/11/201758 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jennie Lee:

Living love as an embodied meditation practice. Uniting us in a universally understandable goal, Jennie Lee builds immediate bridges of peace by changing how we look at love; from something to be acquired and preserved, to something to be realized and breathed. Active conscious loving is the basis of the meditation practices offered in Breathing Love, providing you with inner solace and a deep sense of purpose. Whether in a relationship or not, in the prime of life or nearing death, you'll be encouraged to move beyond the pain, pride, and fear that keep you from love.
12/11/201758 minutes, 20 seconds
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Andrea Mathews: Letting Go of Good

Dismantling the false connection between being good and being worthy. While exposing the dangers of the guilt-led life, practicing psychotherapist Andrea Mathews shares innovative tools and techniques for healing, including how to understand and dialogue with emotions, develop intuition and discernment, and make decisions from a place of honest desire and compassion.
12/4/201756 minutes, 36 seconds
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Andrea Mathews: Letting Go of Good

Dismantling the false connection between being good and being worthy. While exposing the dangers of the guilt-led life, practicing psychotherapist Andrea Mathews shares innovative tools and techniques for healing, including how to understand and dialogue with emotions, develop intuition and discernment, and make decisions from a place of honest desire and compassion.
12/4/201756 minutes, 36 seconds
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Andrea Mathews: Letting Go of Good

Dismantling the false connection between being good and being worthy. While exposing the dangers of the guilt-led life, practicing psychotherapist Andrea Mathews shares innovative tools and techniques for healing, including how to understand and dialogue with emotions, develop intuition and discernment, and make decisions from a place of honest desire and compassion.
12/4/201756 minutes, 36 seconds
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Heather Lyn Mann: Ocean of Insight

Heather Lyn Mann was a battle–weary environmental advocate in Madison, Wisconsin, struggling over what to do about climate change when she and her husband decided to explore the Atlantic on a small sloop. This memoir of six years living afloat is a chronological unfolding of disasters and discoveries—life–threatening storms, the boredom of isolation, societies on the brink of extinction, sinking ships, colorful Caribbean characters, near collisions, a pirate scare, and more. Throughout, the ocean becomes Mann’s teacher, transforming her with uncompromising lessons on how to harmonize with natural order, the exact moments and ways to let in fearlessness, resilience, happiness, impermanence, balance, compassion, skillful action, and beginner’s mind.
11/27/201759 minutes, 2 seconds
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Heather Lyn Mann: Ocean of Insight

Heather Lyn Mann was a battle–weary environmental advocate in Madison, Wisconsin, struggling over what to do about climate change when she and her husband decided to explore the Atlantic on a small sloop. This memoir of six years living afloat is a chronological unfolding of disasters and discoveries—life–threatening storms, the boredom of isolation, societies on the brink of extinction, sinking ships, colorful Caribbean characters, near collisions, a pirate scare, and more. Throughout, the ocean becomes Mann’s teacher, transforming her with uncompromising lessons on how to harmonize with natural order, the exact moments and ways to let in fearlessness, resilience, happiness, impermanence, balance, compassion, skillful action, and beginner’s mind.
11/27/201759 minutes, 2 seconds
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Heather Lyn Mann: Ocean of Insight

Heather Lyn Mann was a battle–weary environmental advocate in Madison, Wisconsin, struggling over what to do about climate change when she and her husband decided to explore the Atlantic on a small sloop. This memoir of six years living afloat is a chronological unfolding of disasters and discoveries—life–threatening storms, the boredom of isolation, societies on the brink of extinction, sinking ships, colorful Caribbean characters, near collisions, a pirate scare, and more. Throughout, the ocean becomes Mann’s teacher, transforming her with uncompromising lessons on how to harmonize with natural order, the exact moments and ways to let in fearlessness, resilience, happiness, impermanence, balance, compassion, skillful action, and beginner’s mind.
11/27/201759 minutes, 2 seconds
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Indira Dyal-Dominguez: YOU As A Spiritual Being

Distinguish between the Mind’s energy and the Self’s energy, allow- ing you to access your Self on demand.You: a Spiritual Being on a Spiritual Journey is about knowing yourself, not just as a mind and a body, but as an eternal spirit or Self, a vibration that lasts forever. Most importantly, this book is about being able to communicate with that eternal Self in a way that allows for you to complete the journey you are here in this lifetime to fulfill. It will give you the ability to find the answers that are unique to you to live a better and more fulfilling life . . . to live your best life.
11/20/201752 minutes, 41 seconds
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Indira Dyal-Dominguez: YOU As A Spiritual Being

Distinguish between the Mind’s energy and the Self’s energy, allow- ing you to access your Self on demand.You: a Spiritual Being on a Spiritual Journey is about knowing yourself, not just as a mind and a body, but as an eternal spirit or Self, a vibration that lasts forever. Most importantly, this book is about being able to communicate with that eternal Self in a way that allows for you to complete the journey you are here in this lifetime to fulfill. It will give you the ability to find the answers that are unique to you to live a better and more fulfilling life . . . to live your best life.
11/20/201752 minutes, 41 seconds
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Indira Dyal-Dominguez: YOU As A Spiritual Being

Distinguish between the Mind’s energy and the Self’s energy, allow- ing you to access your Self on demand.You: a Spiritual Being on a Spiritual Journey is about knowing yourself, not just as a mind and a body, but as an eternal spirit or Self, a vibration that lasts forever. Most importantly, this book is about being able to communicate with that eternal Self in a way that allows for you to complete the journey you are here in this lifetime to fulfill. It will give you the ability to find the answers that are unique to you to live a better and more fulfilling life . . . to live your best life.
11/20/201752 minutes, 41 seconds
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Doug Noll: De-escalate

Discover how to successfully and efficiently calm an angry person or diffuse a volatile situation in ninety seconds or less with this proven and accessible peacekeeping method by self-described “lawyer turned peacemaker” Douglas E. Noll. We live in an increasingly divided world and most of us have encountered our fair share of aggressive people and difficult confrontations. Fortunately, we now have the tools to become peacemakers and transform emotionally volatile situations and hurt feelings to calm, non-aggressive ones. Tested on prison inmates, De-Escalate offers a new set of social listening and communication skills, based on the latest findings in neuroscience and meditation. Along with practical exercises and scenario-based examples, each chapter focuses on specific themes, such as dealing with emotionally charged teenagers and frustrated coworkers. Additionally, Noll shares practical tips on how to be civil in an uncivil society.
11/13/201752 minutes, 30 seconds
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Doug Noll: De-escalate

Discover how to successfully and efficiently calm an angry person or diffuse a volatile situation in ninety seconds or less with this proven and accessible peacekeeping method by self-described “lawyer turned peacemaker” Douglas E. Noll. We live in an increasingly divided world and most of us have encountered our fair share of aggressive people and difficult confrontations. Fortunately, we now have the tools to become peacemakers and transform emotionally volatile situations and hurt feelings to calm, non-aggressive ones. Tested on prison inmates, De-Escalate offers a new set of social listening and communication skills, based on the latest findings in neuroscience and meditation. Along with practical exercises and scenario-based examples, each chapter focuses on specific themes, such as dealing with emotionally charged teenagers and frustrated coworkers. Additionally, Noll shares practical tips on how to be civil in an uncivil society.
11/13/201752 minutes, 30 seconds
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Doug Noll: De-escalate

Discover how to successfully and efficiently calm an angry person or diffuse a volatile situation in ninety seconds or less with this proven and accessible peacekeeping method by self-described “lawyer turned peacemaker” Douglas E. Noll. We live in an increasingly divided world and most of us have encountered our fair share of aggressive people and difficult confrontations. Fortunately, we now have the tools to become peacemakers and transform emotionally volatile situations and hurt feelings to calm, non-aggressive ones. Tested on prison inmates, De-Escalate offers a new set of social listening and communication skills, based on the latest findings in neuroscience and meditation. Along with practical exercises and scenario-based examples, each chapter focuses on specific themes, such as dealing with emotionally charged teenagers and frustrated coworkers. Additionally, Noll shares practical tips on how to be civil in an uncivil society.
11/13/201752 minutes, 30 seconds
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Christopher Sowton: Dreamworking

Drawing on Christopher’s 20 years of clinical experience and study in dreamwork: - Why we should pay attention to our dreams - The language of dreams - Spotting the metaphor or figure of speech in a dream - The problem of fixed meanings and superstitions - How to get oriented within a dreamscape - How to differentiate negative figures in dreams - Birth and baby dreams and what they tell us - How to approach sexual dreams - How to help connect the dream to the dreamer’s life fourteen universal dream motifs and how to work with them
11/6/201756 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christopher Sowton: Dreamworking

Drawing on Christopher’s 20 years of clinical experience and study in dreamwork: - Why we should pay attention to our dreams - The language of dreams - Spotting the metaphor or figure of speech in a dream - The problem of fixed meanings and superstitions - How to get oriented within a dreamscape - How to differentiate negative figures in dreams - Birth and baby dreams and what they tell us - How to approach sexual dreams - How to help connect the dream to the dreamer’s life fourteen universal dream motifs and how to work with them
11/6/201756 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christopher Sowton: Dreamworking

Drawing on Christopher’s 20 years of clinical experience and study in dreamwork: - Why we should pay attention to our dreams - The language of dreams - Spotting the metaphor or figure of speech in a dream - The problem of fixed meanings and superstitions - How to get oriented within a dreamscape - How to differentiate negative figures in dreams - Birth and baby dreams and what they tell us - How to approach sexual dreams - How to help connect the dream to the dreamer’s life fourteen universal dream motifs and how to work with them
11/6/201756 minutes, 16 seconds
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Eileen Workman: Raindrops of Love

A timely spiritual guide to surviving and thriving in today’s pervasive, gloomy atmosphere of alienation and fear, Raindrops of Love For a Thirsty World, lays out a path to life long self-actualization, and reconnection through a shared consciousness. The author, Eileen Workman, has summoned the profound wisdom of The Life Force in a series of loving messages. These communications come at an opportune time, as we drift in a sea of anxiety and worry, deeply shaken by recent political, economic and social crises, and starved for connection due to divisiveness.
10/30/201754 minutes, 21 seconds
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Eileen Workman: Raindrops of Love

A timely spiritual guide to surviving and thriving in today’s pervasive, gloomy atmosphere of alienation and fear, Raindrops of Love For a Thirsty World, lays out a path to life long self-actualization, and reconnection through a shared consciousness. The author, Eileen Workman, has summoned the profound wisdom of The Life Force in a series of loving messages. These communications come at an opportune time, as we drift in a sea of anxiety and worry, deeply shaken by recent political, economic and social crises, and starved for connection due to divisiveness.
10/30/201754 minutes, 21 seconds
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Eileen Workman: Raindrops of Love

A timely spiritual guide to surviving and thriving in today’s pervasive, gloomy atmosphere of alienation and fear, Raindrops of Love For a Thirsty World, lays out a path to life long self-actualization, and reconnection through a shared consciousness. The author, Eileen Workman, has summoned the profound wisdom of The Life Force in a series of loving messages. These communications come at an opportune time, as we drift in a sea of anxiety and worry, deeply shaken by recent political, economic and social crises, and starved for connection due to divisiveness.
10/30/201754 minutes, 21 seconds
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Anaiya Sophia: Sacred Sexual Union

Experience the orgasmic rapture of Sacred Union with your Twin Soul and the Divine • sacred sexuality, emotional intimacy, and soul awareness to awaken the Love, Power, and Wisdom of your soul, attract your Twin Soul, and satisfy your soul’s longing to reunite with God • teachings from Gnosticism, Sufi mysticism, the Kabbalah, Kundalini yoga, sexual shamanism, the Egyptian Mystery schools, and Christ Consciousness • examples of Sacred Union, including Jesus and Mary Magdalene and Rumi and Shams as well as experiences of modern couples
10/23/201753 minutes, 14 seconds
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Anaiya Sophia: Sacred Sexual Union

Experience the orgasmic rapture of Sacred Union with your Twin Soul and the Divine • sacred sexuality, emotional intimacy, and soul awareness to awaken the Love, Power, and Wisdom of your soul, attract your Twin Soul, and satisfy your soul’s longing to reunite with God • teachings from Gnosticism, Sufi mysticism, the Kabbalah, Kundalini yoga, sexual shamanism, the Egyptian Mystery schools, and Christ Consciousness • examples of Sacred Union, including Jesus and Mary Magdalene and Rumi and Shams as well as experiences of modern couples
10/23/201753 minutes, 14 seconds
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Anaiya Sophia: Sacred Sexual Union

Experience the orgasmic rapture of Sacred Union with your Twin Soul and the Divine • sacred sexuality, emotional intimacy, and soul awareness to awaken the Love, Power, and Wisdom of your soul, attract your Twin Soul, and satisfy your soul’s longing to reunite with God • teachings from Gnosticism, Sufi mysticism, the Kabbalah, Kundalini yoga, sexual shamanism, the Egyptian Mystery schools, and Christ Consciousness • examples of Sacred Union, including Jesus and Mary Magdalene and Rumi and Shams as well as experiences of modern couples
10/23/201753 minutes, 14 seconds
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Danielle Dulsky: Woman Most Wild

Woman Most Wild is a fierce, raw, and unapologetic affirmation of women’s spiritual freedom. This book offers women lush glimpses of and open pathways to Wild Woman Spirituality, the non-religious and fully accessible practice of soulful, nature-born sensuality, magick and ritual, and sisterhood. Reclaiming the name of Witch as both a wild woman as well as a compassionate global healer, this book asks the reader to consider spiritual liberation by way of the “three keys to the broom closet.”
10/16/201756 minutes, 52 seconds
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Danielle Dulsky: Woman Most Wild

Woman Most Wild is a fierce, raw, and unapologetic affirmation of women’s spiritual freedom. This book offers women lush glimpses of and open pathways to Wild Woman Spirituality, the non-religious and fully accessible practice of soulful, nature-born sensuality, magick and ritual, and sisterhood. Reclaiming the name of Witch as both a wild woman as well as a compassionate global healer, this book asks the reader to consider spiritual liberation by way of the “three keys to the broom closet.”
10/16/201756 minutes, 52 seconds
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Danielle Dulsky: Woman Most Wild

Woman Most Wild is a fierce, raw, and unapologetic affirmation of women’s spiritual freedom. This book offers women lush glimpses of and open pathways to Wild Woman Spirituality, the non-religious and fully accessible practice of soulful, nature-born sensuality, magick and ritual, and sisterhood. Reclaiming the name of Witch as both a wild woman as well as a compassionate global healer, this book asks the reader to consider spiritual liberation by way of the “three keys to the broom closet.”
10/16/201756 minutes, 52 seconds
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Suzy Miller: Awesomism

You're a parent or teacher or therapist struggling to come to terms with the diagnosis of autism. You sense that drugs and behavior modification aren't the answer. But what is there?Here it is! A fresh new and boldly positive way to view autism as it really is...not a problem or mystery but a gift in your life.Suzy Miller had been a highly skilled pediatric speech pathologist for close to two decades when, through an amazing experience with a 4-year old child diagnosed with autism, she came to this break through way of understanding.
10/9/201755 minutes, 52 seconds
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Suzy Miller: Awesomism

You're a parent or teacher or therapist struggling to come to terms with the diagnosis of autism. You sense that drugs and behavior modification aren't the answer. But what is there?Here it is! A fresh new and boldly positive way to view autism as it really is...not a problem or mystery but a gift in your life.Suzy Miller had been a highly skilled pediatric speech pathologist for close to two decades when, through an amazing experience with a 4-year old child diagnosed with autism, she came to this break through way of understanding.
10/9/201755 minutes, 52 seconds
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Suzy Miller: Awesomism

You're a parent or teacher or therapist struggling to come to terms with the diagnosis of autism. You sense that drugs and behavior modification aren't the answer. But what is there?Here it is! A fresh new and boldly positive way to view autism as it really is...not a problem or mystery but a gift in your life.Suzy Miller had been a highly skilled pediatric speech pathologist for close to two decades when, through an amazing experience with a 4-year old child diagnosed with autism, she came to this break through way of understanding.
10/9/201755 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jacob Nordby: Blessed are the Weird

Jacob Nordby offers a bold new definition of success in the modern era. “The only success now is living and creating a work-of-art life: unique, rich with meaning, naked of anything we don’t care about, and ruthless about carving out something absolutely real from a world that has gorged itself on fakeness and become critically ill from it. The only failure now is pulling back from that quest because of fear.” Expanding upon his short original “Blessed Are the Weird” piece that became a viral phenomenon, he traces the roots of soulful artistry and creation to ancient times and back again to reveal the insistent, eternal quest of our true natures that demands something real—as if our very existence depends upon it.
10/2/201756 minutes, 57 seconds
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Jacob Nordby: Blessed are the Weird

Jacob Nordby offers a bold new definition of success in the modern era. “The only success now is living and creating a work-of-art life: unique, rich with meaning, naked of anything we don’t care about, and ruthless about carving out something absolutely real from a world that has gorged itself on fakeness and become critically ill from it. The only failure now is pulling back from that quest because of fear.” Expanding upon his short original “Blessed Are the Weird” piece that became a viral phenomenon, he traces the roots of soulful artistry and creation to ancient times and back again to reveal the insistent, eternal quest of our true natures that demands something real—as if our very existence depends upon it.
10/2/201756 minutes, 57 seconds
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Jacob Nordby: Blessed are the Weird

Jacob Nordby offers a bold new definition of success in the modern era. “The only success now is living and creating a work-of-art life: unique, rich with meaning, naked of anything we don’t care about, and ruthless about carving out something absolutely real from a world that has gorged itself on fakeness and become critically ill from it. The only failure now is pulling back from that quest because of fear.” Expanding upon his short original “Blessed Are the Weird” piece that became a viral phenomenon, he traces the roots of soulful artistry and creation to ancient times and back again to reveal the insistent, eternal quest of our true natures that demands something real—as if our very existence depends upon it.
10/2/201756 minutes, 57 seconds
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Penney Peirce

A groundbreaking book with an inside-out view of personal transformation and the path to everyday enlightenment by letting go of the clutter, defense, and fears to instead focus on building the courage to be honest, vulnerable, authentic, and super-clear. Transparency is the next book in Penney Peirce’s award-winning, visionary series of guidebooks on personal and societal transformation. Timely and revolutionary, Penney shows us how to let go of everything that gets in our way—the obstacles, clutter, and fears—to truly achieve greater authenticity, clarity of purpose, and feelings of belonging and joy. By transforming our opaque reality into a state of transparency, the dividing lines that fragment and isolate us melt away and all that’s left is the true self—connecting us to everything and everyone.
9/25/201757 minutes, 30 seconds
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Penney Peirce

A groundbreaking book with an inside-out view of personal transformation and the path to everyday enlightenment by letting go of the clutter, defense, and fears to instead focus on building the courage to be honest, vulnerable, authentic, and super-clear. Transparency is the next book in Penney Peirce’s award-winning, visionary series of guidebooks on personal and societal transformation. Timely and revolutionary, Penney shows us how to let go of everything that gets in our way—the obstacles, clutter, and fears—to truly achieve greater authenticity, clarity of purpose, and feelings of belonging and joy. By transforming our opaque reality into a state of transparency, the dividing lines that fragment and isolate us melt away and all that’s left is the true self—connecting us to everything and everyone.
9/25/201757 minutes, 30 seconds
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Penney Peirce

A groundbreaking book with an inside-out view of personal transformation and the path to everyday enlightenment by letting go of the clutter, defense, and fears to instead focus on building the courage to be honest, vulnerable, authentic, and super-clear. Transparency is the next book in Penney Peirce’s award-winning, visionary series of guidebooks on personal and societal transformation. Timely and revolutionary, Penney shows us how to let go of everything that gets in our way—the obstacles, clutter, and fears—to truly achieve greater authenticity, clarity of purpose, and feelings of belonging and joy. By transforming our opaque reality into a state of transparency, the dividing lines that fragment and isolate us melt away and all that’s left is the true self—connecting us to everything and everyone.
9/25/201757 minutes, 30 seconds
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Dr. Dongxun Zhang: Intended Evolution

According to Intended Evolution, during this process organisms can save internal representations of useful information patterns for future use in decision making. Therefore all of life exhibits intelligence, and over time, any life form can learn to optimize their possible (limited of course) choices it makes and actions it takes, including intentionally making changes to the information carried in their own DNA, their behavior, structure, and physiology. This continuous process of change is happening not just at the level of an organism as a whole, but internally at other units of life as well: systems, organs, functional units, and cells.
9/18/201756 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dr. Dongxun Zhang: Intended Evolution

According to Intended Evolution, during this process organisms can save internal representations of useful information patterns for future use in decision making. Therefore all of life exhibits intelligence, and over time, any life form can learn to optimize their possible (limited of course) choices it makes and actions it takes, including intentionally making changes to the information carried in their own DNA, their behavior, structure, and physiology. This continuous process of change is happening not just at the level of an organism as a whole, but internally at other units of life as well: systems, organs, functional units, and cells.
9/18/201756 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dr. Dongxun Zhang: Intended Evolution

According to Intended Evolution, during this process organisms can save internal representations of useful information patterns for future use in decision making. Therefore all of life exhibits intelligence, and over time, any life form can learn to optimize their possible (limited of course) choices it makes and actions it takes, including intentionally making changes to the information carried in their own DNA, their behavior, structure, and physiology. This continuous process of change is happening not just at the level of an organism as a whole, but internally at other units of life as well: systems, organs, functional units, and cells.
9/18/201756 minutes, 48 seconds
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Encore: Your Inner Will: Pierro Ferrucci

All kinds of memories surface from the past: parents who, having been abandoned with children by their partner, found the energy and spirit to bring up a family; people who had a financial crisis, suffered failure or betrayal; who became unemployed at a late age; who had a serious illness; who discovered their son or daughter was alcoholic or addicted to gambling; who faced the plight of emigration, or the loss of a loved one. Yet it was precisely in such dire situations that these people brought out their best: their resilience and courage, their practical intelligence, and above all their inner strength. They felt a flow of warm, powerful energy that allowed them to emerge from the crisis stronger and more alive. As the Latin saying tells us, Per aspera ad astra. Through hardship we reach the stars.
9/4/201756 minutes
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Encore: Your Inner Will: Pierro Ferrucci

All kinds of memories surface from the past: parents who, having been abandoned with children by their partner, found the energy and spirit to bring up a family; people who had a financial crisis, suffered failure or betrayal; who became unemployed at a late age; who had a serious illness; who discovered their son or daughter was alcoholic or addicted to gambling; who faced the plight of emigration, or the loss of a loved one. Yet it was precisely in such dire situations that these people brought out their best: their resilience and courage, their practical intelligence, and above all their inner strength. They felt a flow of warm, powerful energy that allowed them to emerge from the crisis stronger and more alive. As the Latin saying tells us, Per aspera ad astra. Through hardship we reach the stars.
9/4/201756 minutes
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Encore: Your Inner Will: Pierro Ferrucci

All kinds of memories surface from the past: parents who, having been abandoned with children by their partner, found the energy and spirit to bring up a family; people who had a financial crisis, suffered failure or betrayal; who became unemployed at a late age; who had a serious illness; who discovered their son or daughter was alcoholic or addicted to gambling; who faced the plight of emigration, or the loss of a loved one. Yet it was precisely in such dire situations that these people brought out their best: their resilience and courage, their practical intelligence, and above all their inner strength. They felt a flow of warm, powerful energy that allowed them to emerge from the crisis stronger and more alive. As the Latin saying tells us, Per aspera ad astra. Through hardship we reach the stars.
9/4/201756 minutes
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Suzi Lula: The Motherhood Evolution

The Motherhood Evolution challenges conventional thinking that says that mothers must sacrifice themselves if they are to be good mothers. Suzi provides a new vision of motherhood, giving us permission to thrive, taking us from overwhelm and exhaustion to a life overflowing with joy, meaning and most of all, real connection with our children. The Motherhood Evolution proves out to us that caring for ourselves and thriving is the BEST thing we can do as mothers!
8/28/201757 minutes, 42 seconds
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Suzi Lula: The Motherhood Evolution

The Motherhood Evolution challenges conventional thinking that says that mothers must sacrifice themselves if they are to be good mothers. Suzi provides a new vision of motherhood, giving us permission to thrive, taking us from overwhelm and exhaustion to a life overflowing with joy, meaning and most of all, real connection with our children. The Motherhood Evolution proves out to us that caring for ourselves and thriving is the BEST thing we can do as mothers!
8/28/201757 minutes, 42 seconds
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Suzi Lula: The Motherhood Evolution

The Motherhood Evolution challenges conventional thinking that says that mothers must sacrifice themselves if they are to be good mothers. Suzi provides a new vision of motherhood, giving us permission to thrive, taking us from overwhelm and exhaustion to a life overflowing with joy, meaning and most of all, real connection with our children. The Motherhood Evolution proves out to us that caring for ourselves and thriving is the BEST thing we can do as mothers!
8/28/201757 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mark Nepo: Things That Join the Sea and the Sky

With Things That Join the Sea and the Sky, Mark Nepo brings us a rich and compelling resource of short prose reflections to turn to when we’re struggling to keep our heads above water—and to help us surface and breathe into all of our sorrows and joys. 17 themes, intended to be entered individually or as an unfolding sequence. Here, Mark’s own personal accounts of “sinking and being lifted” serve as the seeds for each selection, each unfolding insight relevant to our own lives.
8/21/201756 minutes, 44 seconds
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Mark Nepo: Things That Join the Sea and the Sky

With Things That Join the Sea and the Sky, Mark Nepo brings us a rich and compelling resource of short prose reflections to turn to when we’re struggling to keep our heads above water—and to help us surface and breathe into all of our sorrows and joys. 17 themes, intended to be entered individually or as an unfolding sequence. Here, Mark’s own personal accounts of “sinking and being lifted” serve as the seeds for each selection, each unfolding insight relevant to our own lives.
8/21/201756 minutes, 44 seconds
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Mark Nepo: Things That Join the Sea and the Sky

With Things That Join the Sea and the Sky, Mark Nepo brings us a rich and compelling resource of short prose reflections to turn to when we’re struggling to keep our heads above water—and to help us surface and breathe into all of our sorrows and joys. 17 themes, intended to be entered individually or as an unfolding sequence. Here, Mark’s own personal accounts of “sinking and being lifted” serve as the seeds for each selection, each unfolding insight relevant to our own lives.
8/21/201756 minutes, 44 seconds
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Encore: Renee Starr: Goddess Wisdom

You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every woman deserves to know herself in this way. You Are Woman, You Are Divine is a guide to help you reclaim all the beauty, grace, and strength that being female is. Return to your ancient roots, learn the timeless wisdom of your mythic history, and discover how you are the embodiment of the highest feminine Essence of the world—The Divine Feminine.
8/14/201759 minutes, 38 seconds
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Encore: Renee Starr: Goddess Wisdom

You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every woman deserves to know herself in this way. You Are Woman, You Are Divine is a guide to help you reclaim all the beauty, grace, and strength that being female is. Return to your ancient roots, learn the timeless wisdom of your mythic history, and discover how you are the embodiment of the highest feminine Essence of the world—The Divine Feminine.
8/14/201759 minutes, 38 seconds
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Encore: Renee Starr: Goddess Wisdom

You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every woman deserves to know herself in this way. You Are Woman, You Are Divine is a guide to help you reclaim all the beauty, grace, and strength that being female is. Return to your ancient roots, learn the timeless wisdom of your mythic history, and discover how you are the embodiment of the highest feminine Essence of the world—The Divine Feminine.
8/14/201759 minutes, 38 seconds
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Encore: Philip Shepherd: New Self New World

There is an unseen paradigm in our culture that affects everything we do. It sows anxiety into our daily lives, skews our experience of what it means to be human, and disrupts our relationship with the natural world. The problem is, the paradigm is something we have come to accept as a given – so normal to us that it remains invisible, even as it confines and drives and frustrates us. New Self, New World exposes the deficiencies of that paradigm, traces the roots of its inception to the Neolithic Revolution, and pinpoints the way we live in our heads as the most evident and damaging expression of it.
8/7/201757 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: Philip Shepherd: New Self New World

There is an unseen paradigm in our culture that affects everything we do. It sows anxiety into our daily lives, skews our experience of what it means to be human, and disrupts our relationship with the natural world. The problem is, the paradigm is something we have come to accept as a given – so normal to us that it remains invisible, even as it confines and drives and frustrates us. New Self, New World exposes the deficiencies of that paradigm, traces the roots of its inception to the Neolithic Revolution, and pinpoints the way we live in our heads as the most evident and damaging expression of it.
8/7/201757 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: Philip Shepherd: New Self New World

There is an unseen paradigm in our culture that affects everything we do. It sows anxiety into our daily lives, skews our experience of what it means to be human, and disrupts our relationship with the natural world. The problem is, the paradigm is something we have come to accept as a given – so normal to us that it remains invisible, even as it confines and drives and frustrates us. New Self, New World exposes the deficiencies of that paradigm, traces the roots of its inception to the Neolithic Revolution, and pinpoints the way we live in our heads as the most evident and damaging expression of it.
8/7/201757 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: Ellen Gunter: Healing Our Broken Connection to the Earth

It’s clear that the unimaginable future that Rachel Carson warned us about in 1962 in her best-seller, Silent Spring, has become our daily reality. On a colossal and historic scale—from our water, air, and soil to the factory-grown food which no longer nourishes us—all is definitely not well on our planet, and each of us can sense that. Ellen Gunter's New book, Reunion, not only offers a way to look at the global reality we all share; it also provides a path to understanding how this came to be and what each of us can do—individually and together—to bring our earth, and ourselves, back to wholeness.
7/31/201757 minutes, 3 seconds
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Encore: Ellen Gunter: Healing Our Broken Connection to the Earth

It’s clear that the unimaginable future that Rachel Carson warned us about in 1962 in her best-seller, Silent Spring, has become our daily reality. On a colossal and historic scale—from our water, air, and soil to the factory-grown food which no longer nourishes us—all is definitely not well on our planet, and each of us can sense that. Ellen Gunter's New book, Reunion, not only offers a way to look at the global reality we all share; it also provides a path to understanding how this came to be and what each of us can do—individually and together—to bring our earth, and ourselves, back to wholeness.
7/31/201757 minutes, 3 seconds
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Encore: Ellen Gunter: Healing Our Broken Connection to the Earth

It’s clear that the unimaginable future that Rachel Carson warned us about in 1962 in her best-seller, Silent Spring, has become our daily reality. On a colossal and historic scale—from our water, air, and soil to the factory-grown food which no longer nourishes us—all is definitely not well on our planet, and each of us can sense that. Ellen Gunter's New book, Reunion, not only offers a way to look at the global reality we all share; it also provides a path to understanding how this came to be and what each of us can do—individually and together—to bring our earth, and ourselves, back to wholeness.
7/31/201757 minutes, 3 seconds
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Encore: Joan Borysenko: It's Not the End of the World

Joan Borysenko wrote her latest book to teach you how to hold fear in the palm of your hand without being burned by its fire. 'Whatever maybe going on for is not the end of the world. It is a call to the genius that lies asleep within you - within all of us - a genius that is ready and able to re-create the world.'
7/24/201759 minutes, 22 seconds
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Encore: Joan Borysenko: It's Not the End of the World

Joan Borysenko wrote her latest book to teach you how to hold fear in the palm of your hand without being burned by its fire. 'Whatever maybe going on for is not the end of the world. It is a call to the genius that lies asleep within you - within all of us - a genius that is ready and able to re-create the world.'
7/24/201759 minutes, 22 seconds
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Encore: Joan Borysenko: It's Not the End of the World

Joan Borysenko wrote her latest book to teach you how to hold fear in the palm of your hand without being burned by its fire. 'Whatever maybe going on for is not the end of the world. It is a call to the genius that lies asleep within you - within all of us - a genius that is ready and able to re-create the world.'
7/24/201759 minutes, 22 seconds
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Encore: The 5th Agreement: Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth, without words. The result of practicing the Fifth Agreement is the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness. Enjoy a conversation with Don Miguel Ruiz and son, Jose Ruiz...Let’s make a difference in this world. Let’s win the war in our head, and change the world.
7/17/201755 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: The 5th Agreement: Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth, without words. The result of practicing the Fifth Agreement is the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness. Enjoy a conversation with Don Miguel Ruiz and son, Jose Ruiz...Let’s make a difference in this world. Let’s win the war in our head, and change the world.
7/17/201755 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: The 5th Agreement: Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth, without words. The result of practicing the Fifth Agreement is the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness. Enjoy a conversation with Don Miguel Ruiz and son, Jose Ruiz...Let’s make a difference in this world. Let’s win the war in our head, and change the world.
7/17/201755 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
7/10/201753 minutes, 53 seconds
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Encore: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
7/10/201753 minutes, 53 seconds
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Encore: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
7/10/201753 minutes, 53 seconds
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Encore: Maureen McCarthy: State of Grace

There is a new way to build, sustain and transition relationships with honor and grace and it is called the State of Grace Document. It takes into consideration each individual involved in the relationship, their personal preferences, their expectations as well as the nature of the relationship, be it between colleagues, employee and manager, partners, husband and wife, landlord and tenant, client and supplier, or any other relationship situation.
7/3/201754 minutes, 46 seconds
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Encore: Maureen McCarthy: State of Grace

There is a new way to build, sustain and transition relationships with honor and grace and it is called the State of Grace Document. It takes into consideration each individual involved in the relationship, their personal preferences, their expectations as well as the nature of the relationship, be it between colleagues, employee and manager, partners, husband and wife, landlord and tenant, client and supplier, or any other relationship situation.
7/3/201754 minutes, 46 seconds
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Encore: Maureen McCarthy: State of Grace

There is a new way to build, sustain and transition relationships with honor and grace and it is called the State of Grace Document. It takes into consideration each individual involved in the relationship, their personal preferences, their expectations as well as the nature of the relationship, be it between colleagues, employee and manager, partners, husband and wife, landlord and tenant, client and supplier, or any other relationship situation.
7/3/201754 minutes, 46 seconds
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Encore: Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation

As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, Beckwith stands at the forefront with other visionaries in the fields spirituality, education, sociology, economics, science, international futurists—those who dare to call an end to human suffering. In 1986 Dr. Beckwith founded the Agape International Spiritual Center and life is a living testament to building community.
6/26/201756 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation

As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, Beckwith stands at the forefront with other visionaries in the fields spirituality, education, sociology, economics, science, international futurists—those who dare to call an end to human suffering. In 1986 Dr. Beckwith founded the Agape International Spiritual Center and life is a living testament to building community.
6/26/201756 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation

As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, Beckwith stands at the forefront with other visionaries in the fields spirituality, education, sociology, economics, science, international futurists—those who dare to call an end to human suffering. In 1986 Dr. Beckwith founded the Agape International Spiritual Center and life is a living testament to building community.
6/26/201756 minutes, 47 seconds
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Encore: Iyanla Vanzant - Peace From Broken Pieces

Peace From Broken Pieces is a story about how a New York Times best-selling author ends up flat broke, looking for a place to live, how a 37-year relationship ends in divorce by e-mail, and how an internationally recognized spiritual teacher ends up on the edge of the bed in a million-dollar home slated for foreclosure, contemplating suicide. Learn about the power of friends, faith, and prayer. Discover why everything you need to learn is reflected in your relationships. Gain a new understanding of the patterns and pathologies that families unconsciously pass down through the generations----- until someone finally breaks through. Put your personal puzzle together, and dare to claim the peace that you truly deserve.
6/19/201757 minutes, 11 seconds
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Encore: Iyanla Vanzant - Peace From Broken Pieces

Peace From Broken Pieces is a story about how a New York Times best-selling author ends up flat broke, looking for a place to live, how a 37-year relationship ends in divorce by e-mail, and how an internationally recognized spiritual teacher ends up on the edge of the bed in a million-dollar home slated for foreclosure, contemplating suicide. Learn about the power of friends, faith, and prayer. Discover why everything you need to learn is reflected in your relationships. Gain a new understanding of the patterns and pathologies that families unconsciously pass down through the generations----- until someone finally breaks through. Put your personal puzzle together, and dare to claim the peace that you truly deserve.
6/19/201757 minutes, 11 seconds
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Encore: Iyanla Vanzant - Peace From Broken Pieces

Peace From Broken Pieces is a story about how a New York Times best-selling author ends up flat broke, looking for a place to live, how a 37-year relationship ends in divorce by e-mail, and how an internationally recognized spiritual teacher ends up on the edge of the bed in a million-dollar home slated for foreclosure, contemplating suicide. Learn about the power of friends, faith, and prayer. Discover why everything you need to learn is reflected in your relationships. Gain a new understanding of the patterns and pathologies that families unconsciously pass down through the generations----- until someone finally breaks through. Put your personal puzzle together, and dare to claim the peace that you truly deserve.
6/19/201757 minutes, 11 seconds
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Encore: John Holland

One of the most respected psychic mediums and spirit messengers on the world stage, John Holland takes his work seriously and treats it with the utmost integrity and respect. “If I can help people connect with someone on the Other-Side – by linking with the Spirit World – to bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, or if I can help you to understand and tap into your own inner-guidance (psychic intuition) for answers, then I’ll be satisfied that I’ve done my job!”
6/12/201755 minutes, 36 seconds
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Encore: John Holland

One of the most respected psychic mediums and spirit messengers on the world stage, John Holland takes his work seriously and treats it with the utmost integrity and respect. “If I can help people connect with someone on the Other-Side – by linking with the Spirit World – to bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, or if I can help you to understand and tap into your own inner-guidance (psychic intuition) for answers, then I’ll be satisfied that I’ve done my job!”
6/12/201755 minutes, 36 seconds
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Encore: John Holland

One of the most respected psychic mediums and spirit messengers on the world stage, John Holland takes his work seriously and treats it with the utmost integrity and respect. “If I can help people connect with someone on the Other-Side – by linking with the Spirit World – to bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, or if I can help you to understand and tap into your own inner-guidance (psychic intuition) for answers, then I’ll be satisfied that I’ve done my job!”
6/12/201755 minutes, 36 seconds
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Encore: Allison Stillman: The Sacred Art of Annointing

Author Allison Stillman’s new book, The Sacred Art of Anointing, offers a comprehensive guide to anointing as practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt and describes how to anoint for love, abundance and optimum health. Stillman’s book explains how anointing with essential oils can enhance inner wisdom and guidance, induce deeper relaxation, and awaken higher states of consciousness.
6/5/201755 minutes, 15 seconds
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Encore: Allison Stillman: The Sacred Art of Annointing

Author Allison Stillman’s new book, The Sacred Art of Anointing, offers a comprehensive guide to anointing as practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt and describes how to anoint for love, abundance and optimum health. Stillman’s book explains how anointing with essential oils can enhance inner wisdom and guidance, induce deeper relaxation, and awaken higher states of consciousness.
6/5/201755 minutes, 15 seconds
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Encore: Allison Stillman: The Sacred Art of Annointing

Author Allison Stillman’s new book, The Sacred Art of Anointing, offers a comprehensive guide to anointing as practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt and describes how to anoint for love, abundance and optimum health. Stillman’s book explains how anointing with essential oils can enhance inner wisdom and guidance, induce deeper relaxation, and awaken higher states of consciousness.
6/5/201755 minutes, 15 seconds
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Carl Johan Calleman: Waves of Creation

In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new Waves of Creation emanating from the center of the universe that influence human thinking. From the Big Bang to the present, these Waves guide the evolution of the universe and, through their holographic resonance with the human mind, profoundly shape revolutions in religion, technology, economy, and social consciousness.
5/22/201754 minutes, 56 seconds
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Carl Johan Calleman: Waves of Creation

In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new Waves of Creation emanating from the center of the universe that influence human thinking. From the Big Bang to the present, these Waves guide the evolution of the universe and, through their holographic resonance with the human mind, profoundly shape revolutions in religion, technology, economy, and social consciousness.
5/22/201754 minutes, 56 seconds
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Carl Johan Calleman: Waves of Creation

In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new Waves of Creation emanating from the center of the universe that influence human thinking. From the Big Bang to the present, these Waves guide the evolution of the universe and, through their holographic resonance with the human mind, profoundly shape revolutions in religion, technology, economy, and social consciousness.
5/22/201754 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jennifer Gehl: Planetary Signatures

Perhaps only two or three times a decade comes along real paradigm shift in the clinical sciences. The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine is truly one of those books. Gehl has lifted the tectonic plates in our field, and in detail ushered back in the ancient teachings of Tehuti and others in “As above, so below; as within, so without”. In so doing she has outlined another trajectory for the reunion of mind, body and spirit in the clinical sciences. Truly a magnificent contribution! ~Edward Bynum, Ph.D., Director of Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback, UMass., author of DARK LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS
5/15/201755 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jennifer Gehl: Planetary Signatures

Perhaps only two or three times a decade comes along real paradigm shift in the clinical sciences. The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine is truly one of those books. Gehl has lifted the tectonic plates in our field, and in detail ushered back in the ancient teachings of Tehuti and others in “As above, so below; as within, so without”. In so doing she has outlined another trajectory for the reunion of mind, body and spirit in the clinical sciences. Truly a magnificent contribution! ~Edward Bynum, Ph.D., Director of Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback, UMass., author of DARK LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS
5/15/201755 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jennifer Gehl: Planetary Signatures

Perhaps only two or three times a decade comes along real paradigm shift in the clinical sciences. The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine is truly one of those books. Gehl has lifted the tectonic plates in our field, and in detail ushered back in the ancient teachings of Tehuti and others in “As above, so below; as within, so without”. In so doing she has outlined another trajectory for the reunion of mind, body and spirit in the clinical sciences. Truly a magnificent contribution! ~Edward Bynum, Ph.D., Director of Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback, UMass., author of DARK LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS
5/15/201755 minutes, 37 seconds
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Chetan Parkyn: Human Design and the Lines

Like any great novel, your life story is guided by a common overriding theme from beginning to end. As you grow, learn and change throughout your lifetime, your theme is always with you, as an undercurrent to the story of your life. The problem is that too few of us actually remember how to recognize it. Determined by the time, date and place of our birth, there are 192 possible Life Themes available to all of us. Each one carries with it, its own unique set of strengths, vulnerabilities and character profiles that govern who we are and how we are designed to thrive in the world.
5/8/201756 minutes, 12 seconds
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Chetan Parkyn: Human Design and the Lines

Like any great novel, your life story is guided by a common overriding theme from beginning to end. As you grow, learn and change throughout your lifetime, your theme is always with you, as an undercurrent to the story of your life. The problem is that too few of us actually remember how to recognize it. Determined by the time, date and place of our birth, there are 192 possible Life Themes available to all of us. Each one carries with it, its own unique set of strengths, vulnerabilities and character profiles that govern who we are and how we are designed to thrive in the world.
5/8/201756 minutes, 12 seconds
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Chetan Parkyn: Human Design and the Lines

Like any great novel, your life story is guided by a common overriding theme from beginning to end. As you grow, learn and change throughout your lifetime, your theme is always with you, as an undercurrent to the story of your life. The problem is that too few of us actually remember how to recognize it. Determined by the time, date and place of our birth, there are 192 possible Life Themes available to all of us. Each one carries with it, its own unique set of strengths, vulnerabilities and character profiles that govern who we are and how we are designed to thrive in the world.
5/8/201756 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jason Gregory: Enlighenment Now

Enlightenment in the East is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. It is completely different from the philosophical movement known as “the Enlightenment” in Europe during the 18th century. Eastern enlightenment is often studied but never experienced. It is usually viewed through our Western and modern linear view of life. Yet the Eastern view of life is built on the natural world’s foundation of a nonlinear view, inclusivity rather than exclusivity, collectivism over individualism, which all contribute to a perception of reality attuned to holism rather than an analytical perspective. Instead of analytically dissecting reality into separate parts to try and understand the whole, the East focused on how the apparent separateness of life is integral and essentially one.
5/1/201756 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jason Gregory: Enlighenment Now

Enlightenment in the East is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. It is completely different from the philosophical movement known as “the Enlightenment” in Europe during the 18th century. Eastern enlightenment is often studied but never experienced. It is usually viewed through our Western and modern linear view of life. Yet the Eastern view of life is built on the natural world’s foundation of a nonlinear view, inclusivity rather than exclusivity, collectivism over individualism, which all contribute to a perception of reality attuned to holism rather than an analytical perspective. Instead of analytically dissecting reality into separate parts to try and understand the whole, the East focused on how the apparent separateness of life is integral and essentially one.
5/1/201756 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jason Gregory: Enlighenment Now

Enlightenment in the East is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. It is completely different from the philosophical movement known as “the Enlightenment” in Europe during the 18th century. Eastern enlightenment is often studied but never experienced. It is usually viewed through our Western and modern linear view of life. Yet the Eastern view of life is built on the natural world’s foundation of a nonlinear view, inclusivity rather than exclusivity, collectivism over individualism, which all contribute to a perception of reality attuned to holism rather than an analytical perspective. Instead of analytically dissecting reality into separate parts to try and understand the whole, the East focused on how the apparent separateness of life is integral and essentially one.
5/1/201756 minutes, 35 seconds
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Renee Starr: Goddess Wisdom

You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every woman deserves to know herself in this way. You Are Woman, You Are Divine is a guide to help you reclaim all the beauty, grace, and strength that being female is. Return to your ancient roots, learn the timeless wisdom of your mythic history, and discover how you are the embodiment of the highest feminine Essence of the world—The Divine Feminine.
4/17/201759 minutes, 38 seconds
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Renee Starr: Goddess Wisdom

You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every woman deserves to know herself in this way. You Are Woman, You Are Divine is a guide to help you reclaim all the beauty, grace, and strength that being female is. Return to your ancient roots, learn the timeless wisdom of your mythic history, and discover how you are the embodiment of the highest feminine Essence of the world—The Divine Feminine.
4/17/201759 minutes, 38 seconds
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Renee Starr: Goddess Wisdom

You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every woman deserves to know herself in this way. You Are Woman, You Are Divine is a guide to help you reclaim all the beauty, grace, and strength that being female is. Return to your ancient roots, learn the timeless wisdom of your mythic history, and discover how you are the embodiment of the highest feminine Essence of the world—The Divine Feminine.
4/17/201759 minutes, 38 seconds
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Acharya Shunya: Ayurvedic Wisdom

Ayurveda teaches us that true health is our birthright—and that by artfully adapting to the rhythms of nature, we can bring ourselves back into balance and experience optimal well-being. Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom is a groundbreaking work within the field of holistic health and traditional yoga, written by internationally renowned Ayurvedic healer, teacher, and scholar Acharya Shunya.
4/10/201757 minutes, 28 seconds
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Acharya Shunya: Ayurvedic Wisdom

Ayurveda teaches us that true health is our birthright—and that by artfully adapting to the rhythms of nature, we can bring ourselves back into balance and experience optimal well-being. Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom is a groundbreaking work within the field of holistic health and traditional yoga, written by internationally renowned Ayurvedic healer, teacher, and scholar Acharya Shunya.
4/10/201757 minutes, 28 seconds
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Acharya Shunya: Ayurvedic Wisdom

Ayurveda teaches us that true health is our birthright—and that by artfully adapting to the rhythms of nature, we can bring ourselves back into balance and experience optimal well-being. Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom is a groundbreaking work within the field of holistic health and traditional yoga, written by internationally renowned Ayurvedic healer, teacher, and scholar Acharya Shunya.
4/10/201757 minutes, 28 seconds
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Colette Baron-Reid: Oracle Wisdom

Everyone is born with the natural gifts of an Oracle. Unfortunately, they remain dormant and unused in 99% of people. But the tides are shifting. Spirit has a plan for us, and YOU were called here (to this exact page, at this very moment) to be a part of it. Something inside of you is stirring, and ready to awaken. Can you feel it? Have you experienced oracle cards?
4/3/201752 minutes, 47 seconds
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Colette Baron-Reid: Oracle Wisdom

Everyone is born with the natural gifts of an Oracle. Unfortunately, they remain dormant and unused in 99% of people. But the tides are shifting. Spirit has a plan for us, and YOU were called here (to this exact page, at this very moment) to be a part of it. Something inside of you is stirring, and ready to awaken. Can you feel it? Have you experienced oracle cards?
4/3/201752 minutes, 47 seconds
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Colette Baron-Reid: Oracle Wisdom

Everyone is born with the natural gifts of an Oracle. Unfortunately, they remain dormant and unused in 99% of people. But the tides are shifting. Spirit has a plan for us, and YOU were called here (to this exact page, at this very moment) to be a part of it. Something inside of you is stirring, and ready to awaken. Can you feel it? Have you experienced oracle cards?
4/3/201752 minutes, 47 seconds
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Warrior Goddess - Heatherash Amara

It is a time for Women... Warrior energy is our power: focus, dedication, purpose, determination. When we harness our warrior energy we are confident, clear, and bring 100 percent of ourselves to each action. Goddess energy is our creative flow: unconditional love, pleasure, passion, wisdom. When we claim our goddess energy we live in joyful self-acceptance, self-respect, and listen to our innermost knowing.
3/20/201756 minutes, 12 seconds
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Warrior Goddess - Heatherash Amara

It is a time for Women... Warrior energy is our power: focus, dedication, purpose, determination. When we harness our warrior energy we are confident, clear, and bring 100 percent of ourselves to each action. Goddess energy is our creative flow: unconditional love, pleasure, passion, wisdom. When we claim our goddess energy we live in joyful self-acceptance, self-respect, and listen to our innermost knowing.
3/20/201756 minutes, 12 seconds
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Warrior Goddess - Heatherash Amara

It is a time for Women... Warrior energy is our power: focus, dedication, purpose, determination. When we harness our warrior energy we are confident, clear, and bring 100 percent of ourselves to each action. Goddess energy is our creative flow: unconditional love, pleasure, passion, wisdom. When we claim our goddess energy we live in joyful self-acceptance, self-respect, and listen to our innermost knowing.
3/20/201756 minutes, 12 seconds
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Evolutionary Love Relationships: Andrew Harvey

A template for more enheartened, authentic love relationships, AND invites couples and other significant pairings (friends, business colleagues) to move their powerful relational energy into the world to effect change. Rather than limiting their gaze to each other, partners are invited to take their focus outward, channeling their energies toward those causes that both unite them and transform the world we live in. With love as the fuel for inspired action, the relationship becomes a homage to sacred purpose, finding its deeper meaning in its efforts to positively influence the planet. Written by sacred activists Andrew Harvey and Chris Saade (with a Foreword by ‘An Uncommon Bond’ author Jeff Brown).
3/13/201757 minutes, 30 seconds
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Evolutionary Love Relationships: Andrew Harvey

A template for more enheartened, authentic love relationships, AND invites couples and other significant pairings (friends, business colleagues) to move their powerful relational energy into the world to effect change. Rather than limiting their gaze to each other, partners are invited to take their focus outward, channeling their energies toward those causes that both unite them and transform the world we live in. With love as the fuel for inspired action, the relationship becomes a homage to sacred purpose, finding its deeper meaning in its efforts to positively influence the planet. Written by sacred activists Andrew Harvey and Chris Saade (with a Foreword by ‘An Uncommon Bond’ author Jeff Brown).
3/13/201757 minutes, 30 seconds
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Evolutionary Love Relationships: Andrew Harvey

A template for more enheartened, authentic love relationships, AND invites couples and other significant pairings (friends, business colleagues) to move their powerful relational energy into the world to effect change. Rather than limiting their gaze to each other, partners are invited to take their focus outward, channeling their energies toward those causes that both unite them and transform the world we live in. With love as the fuel for inspired action, the relationship becomes a homage to sacred purpose, finding its deeper meaning in its efforts to positively influence the planet. Written by sacred activists Andrew Harvey and Chris Saade (with a Foreword by ‘An Uncommon Bond’ author Jeff Brown).
3/13/201757 minutes, 30 seconds
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Speaking With Nature: Sandra Ingerman

Nature and the Earth are conscious. They speak to us through our dreams, intuition, and deep longings. By opening our minds, hearts, and senses we can consciously awaken to the magic of the wild, the rhythms of nature, and the profound feminine wisdom of the Earth. We can connect with nature spirits who have deep compassion and love for us, offering their guidance and support as we each make our journey through life.
2/20/201755 minutes, 40 seconds
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Speaking With Nature: Sandra Ingerman

Nature and the Earth are conscious. They speak to us through our dreams, intuition, and deep longings. By opening our minds, hearts, and senses we can consciously awaken to the magic of the wild, the rhythms of nature, and the profound feminine wisdom of the Earth. We can connect with nature spirits who have deep compassion and love for us, offering their guidance and support as we each make our journey through life.
2/20/201755 minutes, 40 seconds
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Speaking With Nature: Sandra Ingerman

Nature and the Earth are conscious. They speak to us through our dreams, intuition, and deep longings. By opening our minds, hearts, and senses we can consciously awaken to the magic of the wild, the rhythms of nature, and the profound feminine wisdom of the Earth. We can connect with nature spirits who have deep compassion and love for us, offering their guidance and support as we each make our journey through life.
2/20/201755 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Stress Solution: Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli

Contemporary life has come to include 1. working too much, 2. sleeping too little, and 3. feeling disconnected from partners and family (largely because of 1 and 2.) Our health and relationships suffer (as does our work.) As author Ciaramicoli shows, this state of affairs can be changed — while maintaining high performance success. His simple and realistic, yet powerful and profound techniques show readers how to use empathy to perceive accurately, use CBT to correct distorted thinking, and trigger our own neurochemistry to produce calm, focused energy. He developed this unique, three-pronged approach over 35 years working with clients struggling with depression, anxiety, and addictions. Over and over again, he has helped sufferers overcome old hurts and combat performance anxiety, fears, and hypervigiliance. Ciaramicoli’s is a truly pioneering approach, and one that offers new promise to readers facing a variety of stress-based concerns.
2/13/201754 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Stress Solution: Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli

Contemporary life has come to include 1. working too much, 2. sleeping too little, and 3. feeling disconnected from partners and family (largely because of 1 and 2.) Our health and relationships suffer (as does our work.) As author Ciaramicoli shows, this state of affairs can be changed — while maintaining high performance success. His simple and realistic, yet powerful and profound techniques show readers how to use empathy to perceive accurately, use CBT to correct distorted thinking, and trigger our own neurochemistry to produce calm, focused energy. He developed this unique, three-pronged approach over 35 years working with clients struggling with depression, anxiety, and addictions. Over and over again, he has helped sufferers overcome old hurts and combat performance anxiety, fears, and hypervigiliance. Ciaramicoli’s is a truly pioneering approach, and one that offers new promise to readers facing a variety of stress-based concerns.
2/13/201754 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Stress Solution: Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli

Contemporary life has come to include 1. working too much, 2. sleeping too little, and 3. feeling disconnected from partners and family (largely because of 1 and 2.) Our health and relationships suffer (as does our work.) As author Ciaramicoli shows, this state of affairs can be changed — while maintaining high performance success. His simple and realistic, yet powerful and profound techniques show readers how to use empathy to perceive accurately, use CBT to correct distorted thinking, and trigger our own neurochemistry to produce calm, focused energy. He developed this unique, three-pronged approach over 35 years working with clients struggling with depression, anxiety, and addictions. Over and over again, he has helped sufferers overcome old hurts and combat performance anxiety, fears, and hypervigiliance. Ciaramicoli’s is a truly pioneering approach, and one that offers new promise to readers facing a variety of stress-based concerns.
2/13/201754 minutes, 41 seconds
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JP Sears: Being Ultra-Spiritual

Perhaps our ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously is what increases our spiritual growth. JP Sears is going to show you how to be Ultra Spiritual but first you have to know that being Ultra Spiritual has nothing to do with actually being spiritual.
2/6/201755 minutes, 33 seconds
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JP Sears: Being Ultra-Spiritual

Perhaps our ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously is what increases our spiritual growth. JP Sears is going to show you how to be Ultra Spiritual but first you have to know that being Ultra Spiritual has nothing to do with actually being spiritual.
2/6/201755 minutes, 33 seconds
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JP Sears: Being Ultra-Spiritual

Perhaps our ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously is what increases our spiritual growth. JP Sears is going to show you how to be Ultra Spiritual but first you have to know that being Ultra Spiritual has nothing to do with actually being spiritual.
2/6/201755 minutes, 33 seconds
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Sister Giant - Marianne Williamson

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Politics should be sacred.” Sacred doesn’t necessarily mean religious – it means stemming from the deepest part of ourselves. The search for authenticity, for our deep humanity, should not stop at the door to politics. If anything, it should extend deeply into realms that affect so powerfully the existence of earth’s billions of inhabitants. From how we treat the environment to how we treat each other, our political choices are significant indicators of our moral values and spiritual convictions. At this year’s SISTER GIANT, Bernie Sanders will give the keynote address. Marianne Williamson partners with Derrick Harkins, Senior Vice-President at Union Theological Seminary to SISTER GIAT in Washington DC, at the Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Va. From Feb. 2-4, 2017. The Conference will bring together an illuminating mix of thinkers, gathering to consider the state of our country on both spiritual and political levels.
1/30/201755 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sister Giant - Marianne Williamson

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Politics should be sacred.” Sacred doesn’t necessarily mean religious – it means stemming from the deepest part of ourselves. The search for authenticity, for our deep humanity, should not stop at the door to politics. If anything, it should extend deeply into realms that affect so powerfully the existence of earth’s billions of inhabitants. From how we treat the environment to how we treat each other, our political choices are significant indicators of our moral values and spiritual convictions. At this year’s SISTER GIANT, Bernie Sanders will give the keynote address. Marianne Williamson partners with Derrick Harkins, Senior Vice-President at Union Theological Seminary to SISTER GIAT in Washington DC, at the Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Va. From Feb. 2-4, 2017. The Conference will bring together an illuminating mix of thinkers, gathering to consider the state of our country on both spiritual and political levels.
1/30/201755 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sister Giant - Marianne Williamson

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Politics should be sacred.” Sacred doesn’t necessarily mean religious – it means stemming from the deepest part of ourselves. The search for authenticity, for our deep humanity, should not stop at the door to politics. If anything, it should extend deeply into realms that affect so powerfully the existence of earth’s billions of inhabitants. From how we treat the environment to how we treat each other, our political choices are significant indicators of our moral values and spiritual convictions. At this year’s SISTER GIANT, Bernie Sanders will give the keynote address. Marianne Williamson partners with Derrick Harkins, Senior Vice-President at Union Theological Seminary to SISTER GIAT in Washington DC, at the Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Va. From Feb. 2-4, 2017. The Conference will bring together an illuminating mix of thinkers, gathering to consider the state of our country on both spiritual and political levels.
1/30/201755 minutes, 35 seconds
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Marc Allen: The Magical Path

The magical, the mystical, the spiritual — all are interlinked. Magical practice connects with spiritual power; the results can be startling, and can happen quickly — that’s why it’s called a short path. The process is a mystical one that we can never fully understand. It will always remain a mystery. Repeat this mantra — these words of power — again: Form is emptiness; emptiness is form. The emptiness and form of our bodies are completely connected with everything else in the universe. We are all one, now and forever.
1/23/201756 minutes, 24 seconds
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Marc Allen: The Magical Path

The magical, the mystical, the spiritual — all are interlinked. Magical practice connects with spiritual power; the results can be startling, and can happen quickly — that’s why it’s called a short path. The process is a mystical one that we can never fully understand. It will always remain a mystery. Repeat this mantra — these words of power — again: Form is emptiness; emptiness is form. The emptiness and form of our bodies are completely connected with everything else in the universe. We are all one, now and forever.
1/23/201756 minutes, 24 seconds
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Marc Allen: The Magical Path

The magical, the mystical, the spiritual — all are interlinked. Magical practice connects with spiritual power; the results can be startling, and can happen quickly — that’s why it’s called a short path. The process is a mystical one that we can never fully understand. It will always remain a mystery. Repeat this mantra — these words of power — again: Form is emptiness; emptiness is form. The emptiness and form of our bodies are completely connected with everything else in the universe. We are all one, now and forever.
1/23/201756 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Technology of Sound: Ted Winslow

Sound Sync Technologies™ is a Scientifically proven sound healing technology developed by Ted Winslow. Ted invented this specialized sound healing music after 25 years of research and development of healing Solfeggio Frequencies, Binaural Beats, Theta Brainwave Technology, layering of frequencies, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and spherical sound waves which are composed and mastered in a unique way which have a positive affect on the human energy field. Through his unique style he has developed a form of sound healing that layers his compositions to maximize the healing affect that replicates the brain's natural process while simultaneously providing a more powerful healing response. Ted Winslow is a best-selling recording artist, producer, and composer, and will be releasing his 13th album in January 2017.
1/16/201753 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Technology of Sound: Ted Winslow

Sound Sync Technologies™ is a Scientifically proven sound healing technology developed by Ted Winslow. Ted invented this specialized sound healing music after 25 years of research and development of healing Solfeggio Frequencies, Binaural Beats, Theta Brainwave Technology, layering of frequencies, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and spherical sound waves which are composed and mastered in a unique way which have a positive affect on the human energy field. Through his unique style he has developed a form of sound healing that layers his compositions to maximize the healing affect that replicates the brain's natural process while simultaneously providing a more powerful healing response. Ted Winslow is a best-selling recording artist, producer, and composer, and will be releasing his 13th album in January 2017.
1/16/201753 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Technology of Sound: Ted Winslow

Sound Sync Technologies™ is a Scientifically proven sound healing technology developed by Ted Winslow. Ted invented this specialized sound healing music after 25 years of research and development of healing Solfeggio Frequencies, Binaural Beats, Theta Brainwave Technology, layering of frequencies, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and spherical sound waves which are composed and mastered in a unique way which have a positive affect on the human energy field. Through his unique style he has developed a form of sound healing that layers his compositions to maximize the healing affect that replicates the brain's natural process while simultaneously providing a more powerful healing response. Ted Winslow is a best-selling recording artist, producer, and composer, and will be releasing his 13th album in January 2017.
1/16/201753 minutes, 26 seconds
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Igniting Greatness: Howard Glasser

Over the years, Howard Glasser noticed that applying the principles and practices of the Nurtured Heart Approach to himself, a mode he knew to be most effective at bringing forth a child's greatness, had a surprising and powerful impact. Although he always considered himself a highly positive person, Howard had a realization that under pressure and under the stresses and gravity of life, he was actually self-critical and negative thinking. The Nurtured Heart Approach evolved into a personal practice that shifted him from random forms of negativity to an expansive focus on seeing and growing greatness, both within himself and through all his relationships. He found himself drawn powerfully into self-talk that went beyond any standard version of positivity. He found this to be transformative and life changing. From this, he developed a greatness practice that could be taught to others.
1/9/201753 minutes, 29 seconds
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Igniting Greatness: Howard Glasser

Over the years, Howard Glasser noticed that applying the principles and practices of the Nurtured Heart Approach to himself, a mode he knew to be most effective at bringing forth a child's greatness, had a surprising and powerful impact. Although he always considered himself a highly positive person, Howard had a realization that under pressure and under the stresses and gravity of life, he was actually self-critical and negative thinking. The Nurtured Heart Approach evolved into a personal practice that shifted him from random forms of negativity to an expansive focus on seeing and growing greatness, both within himself and through all his relationships. He found himself drawn powerfully into self-talk that went beyond any standard version of positivity. He found this to be transformative and life changing. From this, he developed a greatness practice that could be taught to others.
1/9/201753 minutes, 29 seconds
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Igniting Greatness: Howard Glasser

Over the years, Howard Glasser noticed that applying the principles and practices of the Nurtured Heart Approach to himself, a mode he knew to be most effective at bringing forth a child's greatness, had a surprising and powerful impact. Although he always considered himself a highly positive person, Howard had a realization that under pressure and under the stresses and gravity of life, he was actually self-critical and negative thinking. The Nurtured Heart Approach evolved into a personal practice that shifted him from random forms of negativity to an expansive focus on seeing and growing greatness, both within himself and through all his relationships. He found himself drawn powerfully into self-talk that went beyond any standard version of positivity. He found this to be transformative and life changing. From this, he developed a greatness practice that could be taught to others.
1/9/201753 minutes, 29 seconds
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Eliminating Mental Suffering: Dr. Jeffrey Fidel

Jeffrey R. Fidel, MD refuses to live his life medicated for Bipolar I disorder. In near complete solitude, he endured nearly a full year of intense mental anguish. Utilizing mainly the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, he learned how to connect to a voice originating from his heart. The “voice within” teaches him that our true identity is “beyond thought” and that we and the universe are I-One-
12/19/201654 minutes, 49 seconds
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Eliminating Mental Suffering: Dr. Jeffrey Fidel

Jeffrey R. Fidel, MD refuses to live his life medicated for Bipolar I disorder. In near complete solitude, he endured nearly a full year of intense mental anguish. Utilizing mainly the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, he learned how to connect to a voice originating from his heart. The “voice within” teaches him that our true identity is “beyond thought” and that we and the universe are I-One-
12/19/201654 minutes, 49 seconds
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Eliminating Mental Suffering: Dr. Jeffrey Fidel

Jeffrey R. Fidel, MD refuses to live his life medicated for Bipolar I disorder. In near complete solitude, he endured nearly a full year of intense mental anguish. Utilizing mainly the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, he learned how to connect to a voice originating from his heart. The “voice within” teaches him that our true identity is “beyond thought” and that we and the universe are I-One-
12/19/201654 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gordana Biernat: Knowing Who You Are

Thinker, Seeker and Explorer of the Physical Reality. Born on 11/11 at 11:11. At the age of eleven, Gordana realised that the stars in the heavens and the stars in her mind were made of the same “stuff”. This truth changed the way she perceived and set course for a lifelong adventure of exploring.
12/12/201656 minutes, 44 seconds
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Gordana Biernat: Knowing Who You Are

Thinker, Seeker and Explorer of the Physical Reality. Born on 11/11 at 11:11. At the age of eleven, Gordana realised that the stars in the heavens and the stars in her mind were made of the same “stuff”. This truth changed the way she perceived and set course for a lifelong adventure of exploring.
12/12/201656 minutes, 44 seconds
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Gordana Biernat: Knowing Who You Are

Thinker, Seeker and Explorer of the Physical Reality. Born on 11/11 at 11:11. At the age of eleven, Gordana realised that the stars in the heavens and the stars in her mind were made of the same “stuff”. This truth changed the way she perceived and set course for a lifelong adventure of exploring.
12/12/201656 minutes, 44 seconds
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Rise Sister Rise: Rebecca Campbell

Rise Sister Rise is for the women who agreed at soul level to be here at this stage in history to lead this global shift that the mystics of all of the ages have predicted: the return of the mother and the rise of the feminine. It is essentially a call to arms for women to rise up, tell their truth, and lead.
12/5/201655 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rise Sister Rise: Rebecca Campbell

Rise Sister Rise is for the women who agreed at soul level to be here at this stage in history to lead this global shift that the mystics of all of the ages have predicted: the return of the mother and the rise of the feminine. It is essentially a call to arms for women to rise up, tell their truth, and lead.
12/5/201655 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rise Sister Rise: Rebecca Campbell

Rise Sister Rise is for the women who agreed at soul level to be here at this stage in history to lead this global shift that the mystics of all of the ages have predicted: the return of the mother and the rise of the feminine. It is essentially a call to arms for women to rise up, tell their truth, and lead.
12/5/201655 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lady Liberty: Laura Cortner

Authors Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner explain the forgotten lineage of the Statue of Liberty, including how she is based on a female symbol representing America on the earliest maps of the continent: a Native American “Queen.” They further reveal how Lady Liberty has become the conscience of our nation.
11/28/201657 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lady Liberty: Laura Cortner

Authors Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner explain the forgotten lineage of the Statue of Liberty, including how she is based on a female symbol representing America on the earliest maps of the continent: a Native American “Queen.” They further reveal how Lady Liberty has become the conscience of our nation.
11/28/201657 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lady Liberty: Laura Cortner

Authors Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner explain the forgotten lineage of the Statue of Liberty, including how she is based on a female symbol representing America on the earliest maps of the continent: a Native American “Queen.” They further reveal how Lady Liberty has become the conscience of our nation.
11/28/201657 minutes, 45 seconds
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Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker on Joy

Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis. In this book, Andrew and Carolyn mine the mystical wisdom of the ages that places joy at the core of our existence and purpose as a species, moving forward to consider in depth the myriad enemies of joy in our time. Looming large among these is the personal and collective shadow which must be confronted directly if we are to reclaim our birthright of vibrant living in a spiritually and emotionally anesthetized culture.
11/21/201657 minutes, 13 seconds
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Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker on Joy

Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis. In this book, Andrew and Carolyn mine the mystical wisdom of the ages that places joy at the core of our existence and purpose as a species, moving forward to consider in depth the myriad enemies of joy in our time. Looming large among these is the personal and collective shadow which must be confronted directly if we are to reclaim our birthright of vibrant living in a spiritually and emotionally anesthetized culture.
11/21/201657 minutes, 13 seconds
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Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker on Joy

Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis. In this book, Andrew and Carolyn mine the mystical wisdom of the ages that places joy at the core of our existence and purpose as a species, moving forward to consider in depth the myriad enemies of joy in our time. Looming large among these is the personal and collective shadow which must be confronted directly if we are to reclaim our birthright of vibrant living in a spiritually and emotionally anesthetized culture.
11/21/201657 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Art if Uncertainty: Dennis Merritt Jones

The Art of Uncertainty is about learning to use our time spent in this Earth School wisely. Regardless of your level of education, the school of life itself is always in session. As we make living in the mystery a daily practice, we prepare ourselves for the adventure regardless of whether we are pushed onto the pathway of uncertainty by inspiration or desperation, or by pleasure or pain. In either case, we shall discover it is a journey we can learn to love. With its 'Points to Ponder' and 'Mindfulness Practices' at the end of each chapter, you can consider The Art of Uncertainty the perfect guidebook on how to step into the mystery of life and love it.
11/14/201655 minutes, 1 second
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The Art if Uncertainty: Dennis Merritt Jones

The Art of Uncertainty is about learning to use our time spent in this Earth School wisely. Regardless of your level of education, the school of life itself is always in session. As we make living in the mystery a daily practice, we prepare ourselves for the adventure regardless of whether we are pushed onto the pathway of uncertainty by inspiration or desperation, or by pleasure or pain. In either case, we shall discover it is a journey we can learn to love. With its 'Points to Ponder' and 'Mindfulness Practices' at the end of each chapter, you can consider The Art of Uncertainty the perfect guidebook on how to step into the mystery of life and love it.
11/14/201655 minutes, 1 second
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The Art if Uncertainty: Dennis Merritt Jones

The Art of Uncertainty is about learning to use our time spent in this Earth School wisely. Regardless of your level of education, the school of life itself is always in session. As we make living in the mystery a daily practice, we prepare ourselves for the adventure regardless of whether we are pushed onto the pathway of uncertainty by inspiration or desperation, or by pleasure or pain. In either case, we shall discover it is a journey we can learn to love. With its 'Points to Ponder' and 'Mindfulness Practices' at the end of each chapter, you can consider The Art of Uncertainty the perfect guidebook on how to step into the mystery of life and love it.
11/14/201655 minutes, 1 second
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Belonging to God: Will Keepin

A breathtaking exploration of divine love in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism―and the writings of leading mystics from these traditions―culminating in a glorious universal path of love that is illuminated equally by modern science and ancient wisdom.
11/7/201656 minutes, 49 seconds
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Belonging to God: Will Keepin

A breathtaking exploration of divine love in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism―and the writings of leading mystics from these traditions―culminating in a glorious universal path of love that is illuminated equally by modern science and ancient wisdom.
11/7/201656 minutes, 49 seconds
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Belonging to God: Will Keepin

A breathtaking exploration of divine love in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism―and the writings of leading mystics from these traditions―culminating in a glorious universal path of love that is illuminated equally by modern science and ancient wisdom.
11/7/201656 minutes, 49 seconds
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Marianne Williamson: Tears to Triumph

Marianne Williamson is a bestselling author, world-renowned teacher, and one of the most important spiritual voices of our time. In Tears to Triumph, she argues that we—as a culture and as individuals—have learned to avoid facing pain. By doing so, we are neglecting the spiritual work of healing. True healing and transcendence can only come when we finally face our pain and wrestle with what it has to teach us.
10/24/201657 minutes, 18 seconds
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Marianne Williamson: Tears to Triumph

Marianne Williamson is a bestselling author, world-renowned teacher, and one of the most important spiritual voices of our time. In Tears to Triumph, she argues that we—as a culture and as individuals—have learned to avoid facing pain. By doing so, we are neglecting the spiritual work of healing. True healing and transcendence can only come when we finally face our pain and wrestle with what it has to teach us.
10/24/201657 minutes, 18 seconds
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Marianne Williamson: Tears to Triumph

Marianne Williamson is a bestselling author, world-renowned teacher, and one of the most important spiritual voices of our time. In Tears to Triumph, she argues that we—as a culture and as individuals—have learned to avoid facing pain. By doing so, we are neglecting the spiritual work of healing. True healing and transcendence can only come when we finally face our pain and wrestle with what it has to teach us.
10/24/201657 minutes, 18 seconds
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The New Divine Feminine: Meghan Don

Embracing the archetypal truths of sacred womanhood with Meghan Don. Bringing forward Gnostic and mystical teachings, Meghan Don shows you how to work with the seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, opening the way to one’s true enlightened nature.
10/17/201656 minutes, 18 seconds
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The New Divine Feminine: Meghan Don

Embracing the archetypal truths of sacred womanhood with Meghan Don. Bringing forward Gnostic and mystical teachings, Meghan Don shows you how to work with the seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, opening the way to one’s true enlightened nature.
10/17/201656 minutes, 18 seconds
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The New Divine Feminine: Meghan Don

Embracing the archetypal truths of sacred womanhood with Meghan Don. Bringing forward Gnostic and mystical teachings, Meghan Don shows you how to work with the seven faces of the Divine Feminine: the light and dark aspects of the Daughter, Mother, and Crone, opening the way to one’s true enlightened nature.
10/17/201656 minutes, 18 seconds
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Science of Mind... 90 years and the Path Forward

Science of Mind is a guide for spiritual living published monthly. Themes include inner peace, hope, healing, guidance, and others. The magazine features articles that draw together secular philosophy, the theology of various world religions and elements of science. It has been in distribution since 1927 and is celebrating its 90th Anniversary. Rev. Dr. David S. Goldberg, publisher, speaks on the history and the path forward.
10/10/201657 minutes, 24 seconds
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Science of Mind... 90 years and the Path Forward

Science of Mind is a guide for spiritual living published monthly. Themes include inner peace, hope, healing, guidance, and others. The magazine features articles that draw together secular philosophy, the theology of various world religions and elements of science. It has been in distribution since 1927 and is celebrating its 90th Anniversary. Rev. Dr. David S. Goldberg, publisher, speaks on the history and the path forward.
10/10/201657 minutes, 24 seconds
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Science of Mind... 90 years and the Path Forward

Science of Mind is a guide for spiritual living published monthly. Themes include inner peace, hope, healing, guidance, and others. The magazine features articles that draw together secular philosophy, the theology of various world religions and elements of science. It has been in distribution since 1927 and is celebrating its 90th Anniversary. Rev. Dr. David S. Goldberg, publisher, speaks on the history and the path forward.
10/10/201657 minutes, 24 seconds
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When Did You Die? - Temple Hayes

Energetically speaking, people of all ages are dying inside every day. Too many people have come to accept dying while they are living as a way of life and this book aims to change that. When Did You Die? takes the reader on an insightful journey focused on eight simple and profound steps to stop dying and start waking up! Become impassioned and energized about your LIFE!
9/26/201656 minutes, 54 seconds
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When Did You Die? - Temple Hayes

Energetically speaking, people of all ages are dying inside every day. Too many people have come to accept dying while they are living as a way of life and this book aims to change that. When Did You Die? takes the reader on an insightful journey focused on eight simple and profound steps to stop dying and start waking up! Become impassioned and energized about your LIFE!
9/26/201656 minutes, 54 seconds
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When Did You Die? - Temple Hayes

Energetically speaking, people of all ages are dying inside every day. Too many people have come to accept dying while they are living as a way of life and this book aims to change that. When Did You Die? takes the reader on an insightful journey focused on eight simple and profound steps to stop dying and start waking up! Become impassioned and energized about your LIFE!
9/26/201656 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Path to Wealth - May McCarthy

A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
9/19/201656 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Path to Wealth - May McCarthy

A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
9/19/201656 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Path to Wealth - May McCarthy

A clear path to wealth and abundance in just 30 minutes a day! In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to get clear about your personal and professional goals- and to commit to a plan that will get you there. In The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy shares her own daily practice to help you do just that.
9/19/201656 minutes, 42 seconds
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Dark Gold - Carolyn Baker

We will closely examine both the personal shadow with which we all must contend individually and the collective shadow to which the personal shadows of some seven billion people contribute. The influence of both on the human species is gargantuan, and the current global crisis which threatens to erase all life from planet Earth is a horrifying testimony to the destructiveness of the shadow unseen and unhealed.
9/12/201655 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dark Gold - Carolyn Baker

We will closely examine both the personal shadow with which we all must contend individually and the collective shadow to which the personal shadows of some seven billion people contribute. The influence of both on the human species is gargantuan, and the current global crisis which threatens to erase all life from planet Earth is a horrifying testimony to the destructiveness of the shadow unseen and unhealed.
9/12/201655 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dark Gold - Carolyn Baker

We will closely examine both the personal shadow with which we all must contend individually and the collective shadow to which the personal shadows of some seven billion people contribute. The influence of both on the human species is gargantuan, and the current global crisis which threatens to erase all life from planet Earth is a horrifying testimony to the destructiveness of the shadow unseen and unhealed.
9/12/201655 minutes, 51 seconds
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Seven Sacred Seals Part 2 - Richard Rudd

Show 2 of 2 - A mystical part of the Gene Keys teachings, the journey into the Seven Sacred Seals is a journey beyond the frontiers where most people spend their lives. It is a passage into the world of Illumination, into the fabric of light that stitches both time and space together, and that will lead us one day into immensity, into that limitless world that we call the Divine.
8/29/201655 minutes, 16 seconds
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Seven Sacred Seals Part 2 - Richard Rudd

Show 2 of 2 - A mystical part of the Gene Keys teachings, the journey into the Seven Sacred Seals is a journey beyond the frontiers where most people spend their lives. It is a passage into the world of Illumination, into the fabric of light that stitches both time and space together, and that will lead us one day into immensity, into that limitless world that we call the Divine.
8/29/201655 minutes, 16 seconds
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Seven Sacred Seals Part 2 - Richard Rudd

Show 2 of 2 - A mystical part of the Gene Keys teachings, the journey into the Seven Sacred Seals is a journey beyond the frontiers where most people spend their lives. It is a passage into the world of Illumination, into the fabric of light that stitches both time and space together, and that will lead us one day into immensity, into that limitless world that we call the Divine.
8/29/201655 minutes, 16 seconds
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Seven Sacred Seals - Richard Rudd Part 1

A mystical part of the Gene Keys teachings, the journey into the Seven Sacred Seals is a journey beyond the frontiers where most people spend their lives. It is a passage into the world of Illumination, into the fabric of light that stitches both time and space together, and that will lead us one day into immensity, into that limitless world that we call the Divine.
8/22/201656 minutes, 31 seconds
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Seven Sacred Seals - Richard Rudd Part 1

A mystical part of the Gene Keys teachings, the journey into the Seven Sacred Seals is a journey beyond the frontiers where most people spend their lives. It is a passage into the world of Illumination, into the fabric of light that stitches both time and space together, and that will lead us one day into immensity, into that limitless world that we call the Divine.
8/22/201656 minutes, 31 seconds
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Seven Sacred Seals - Richard Rudd Part 1

A mystical part of the Gene Keys teachings, the journey into the Seven Sacred Seals is a journey beyond the frontiers where most people spend their lives. It is a passage into the world of Illumination, into the fabric of light that stitches both time and space together, and that will lead us one day into immensity, into that limitless world that we call the Divine.
8/22/201656 minutes, 31 seconds
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Reset Your Child's Brain - Dr. Victoria Dunckley

Each time a child picks up a screen device, not one but many changes occur in the brain that lead to overstimulation and hyperarousal. Reward pathways are strongly activated which eventually become desensitized. Large amounts of dopamine are released. Blue-toned light (inherent to screens) desynchonizes the body clock and suppresses melatonin, the sleep signal. Vivid colors and rapid changes in movement or page loads overwhelm the visual system. Enormous amounts of information are taken in and processed, draining mental reserves and fracturing attention. Media multi-tasking and interactivity raise arousal and stress levels. Manmade radiation from both the device and from wireless communications perturb brain waves.
8/15/201654 minutes, 54 seconds
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Reset Your Child's Brain - Dr. Victoria Dunckley

Each time a child picks up a screen device, not one but many changes occur in the brain that lead to overstimulation and hyperarousal. Reward pathways are strongly activated which eventually become desensitized. Large amounts of dopamine are released. Blue-toned light (inherent to screens) desynchonizes the body clock and suppresses melatonin, the sleep signal. Vivid colors and rapid changes in movement or page loads overwhelm the visual system. Enormous amounts of information are taken in and processed, draining mental reserves and fracturing attention. Media multi-tasking and interactivity raise arousal and stress levels. Manmade radiation from both the device and from wireless communications perturb brain waves.
8/15/201654 minutes, 54 seconds
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Reset Your Child's Brain - Dr. Victoria Dunckley

Each time a child picks up a screen device, not one but many changes occur in the brain that lead to overstimulation and hyperarousal. Reward pathways are strongly activated which eventually become desensitized. Large amounts of dopamine are released. Blue-toned light (inherent to screens) desynchonizes the body clock and suppresses melatonin, the sleep signal. Vivid colors and rapid changes in movement or page loads overwhelm the visual system. Enormous amounts of information are taken in and processed, draining mental reserves and fracturing attention. Media multi-tasking and interactivity raise arousal and stress levels. Manmade radiation from both the device and from wireless communications perturb brain waves.
8/15/201654 minutes, 54 seconds
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Empty Hands: Nimo Nimesh Patel

From an Ivy League education to Wall street to fame and fortune as a MTV Rap star, at some point along Nimo's journey he realized that we was walking a path of suffering and that the only path to light was through selfless service to others and his own internal purification. Empty Hands Music's mission: is to spread seeds of goodness in the world through selfless service, music, and love. All of Empty Hands Music's offerings are gifts to the world. Download music at:
8/8/201649 minutes, 55 seconds
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Empty Hands: Nimo Nimesh Patel

From an Ivy League education to Wall street to fame and fortune as a MTV Rap star, at some point along Nimo's journey he realized that we was walking a path of suffering and that the only path to light was through selfless service to others and his own internal purification. Empty Hands Music's mission: is to spread seeds of goodness in the world through selfless service, music, and love. All of Empty Hands Music's offerings are gifts to the world. Download music at:
8/8/201649 minutes, 55 seconds
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Empty Hands: Nimo Nimesh Patel

From an Ivy League education to Wall street to fame and fortune as a MTV Rap star, at some point along Nimo's journey he realized that we was walking a path of suffering and that the only path to light was through selfless service to others and his own internal purification. Empty Hands Music's mission: is to spread seeds of goodness in the world through selfless service, music, and love. All of Empty Hands Music's offerings are gifts to the world. Download music at:
8/8/201649 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pathways to Possibility: Rosamond Zander

Life is a story we tell ourselves, and we have the power to change that story. Breaking old patterns and telling a new story can transform not just our own lives, but also our relationships with others—whether in a marriage, a classroom, or a business. With this new understanding of ourselves and our place within an interconnected world, we can take powerful action in the collective interest, and gain a sense of deep connection to the universe. Rosamond Zander expands our notions of how much we can grow and change, whether we can affect others or the world at large, and how much freedom and joy we can experience.
8/1/201655 minutes, 35 seconds
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Pathways to Possibility: Rosamond Zander

Life is a story we tell ourselves, and we have the power to change that story. Breaking old patterns and telling a new story can transform not just our own lives, but also our relationships with others—whether in a marriage, a classroom, or a business. With this new understanding of ourselves and our place within an interconnected world, we can take powerful action in the collective interest, and gain a sense of deep connection to the universe. Rosamond Zander expands our notions of how much we can grow and change, whether we can affect others or the world at large, and how much freedom and joy we can experience.
8/1/201655 minutes, 35 seconds
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Pathways to Possibility: Rosamond Zander

Life is a story we tell ourselves, and we have the power to change that story. Breaking old patterns and telling a new story can transform not just our own lives, but also our relationships with others—whether in a marriage, a classroom, or a business. With this new understanding of ourselves and our place within an interconnected world, we can take powerful action in the collective interest, and gain a sense of deep connection to the universe. Rosamond Zander expands our notions of how much we can grow and change, whether we can affect others or the world at large, and how much freedom and joy we can experience.
8/1/201655 minutes, 35 seconds
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Mark Nepo:The One Life We Are Given

Nepo serves as a guide in how to get closer to what matters and how to inhabit each minute of the life we're given. An insightful companion, the book unfolds how to feel deeply while taking off our armor against the fear of being hurt or failing. Nepo shows how to work with fear and how to get up when we’re knocked down, whether by illness, betrayal, grief, or job loss. He discusses the difficult pull of regret and the art of acceptance, through which we can discern our path and confirm our strength, self-awareness, and compassion. Living with an open heart, even when we are broken, we can be who we are, care for our souls and others, and thrive.
7/18/201656 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mark Nepo:The One Life We Are Given

Nepo serves as a guide in how to get closer to what matters and how to inhabit each minute of the life we're given. An insightful companion, the book unfolds how to feel deeply while taking off our armor against the fear of being hurt or failing. Nepo shows how to work with fear and how to get up when we’re knocked down, whether by illness, betrayal, grief, or job loss. He discusses the difficult pull of regret and the art of acceptance, through which we can discern our path and confirm our strength, self-awareness, and compassion. Living with an open heart, even when we are broken, we can be who we are, care for our souls and others, and thrive.
7/18/201656 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mark Nepo:The One Life We Are Given

Nepo serves as a guide in how to get closer to what matters and how to inhabit each minute of the life we're given. An insightful companion, the book unfolds how to feel deeply while taking off our armor against the fear of being hurt or failing. Nepo shows how to work with fear and how to get up when we’re knocked down, whether by illness, betrayal, grief, or job loss. He discusses the difficult pull of regret and the art of acceptance, through which we can discern our path and confirm our strength, self-awareness, and compassion. Living with an open heart, even when we are broken, we can be who we are, care for our souls and others, and thrive.
7/18/201656 minutes, 22 seconds
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Sark: Succulent Wild Love

One of the most wonderful things that humans can ever experience – the connection of one heart to another – is sometimes exhausting and shameful for many people. Those pesky little inner critics (along with just about everything you hear on the radio, TV and in print) tell you without love you’re nothing. You may believe you are too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short, too whatever – to find the love you are longing for. You might even think that you don’t deserve love.
7/11/201655 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sark: Succulent Wild Love

One of the most wonderful things that humans can ever experience – the connection of one heart to another – is sometimes exhausting and shameful for many people. Those pesky little inner critics (along with just about everything you hear on the radio, TV and in print) tell you without love you’re nothing. You may believe you are too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short, too whatever – to find the love you are longing for. You might even think that you don’t deserve love.
7/11/201655 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sark: Succulent Wild Love

One of the most wonderful things that humans can ever experience – the connection of one heart to another – is sometimes exhausting and shameful for many people. Those pesky little inner critics (along with just about everything you hear on the radio, TV and in print) tell you without love you’re nothing. You may believe you are too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short, too whatever – to find the love you are longing for. You might even think that you don’t deserve love.
7/11/201655 minutes, 53 seconds
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Tamarack Song: Becoming Nature

Learn the language of Nature with this step-by-step guide to animal and plant communication through connection with your primal mind and by immersing yourself in the natural realm. This book includes exercises for learning how to become invisible within Nature, sense hidden animals, and communicate with wild animals and birds.
6/6/201653 minutes, 35 seconds
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Tamarack Song: Becoming Nature

Learn the language of Nature with this step-by-step guide to animal and plant communication through connection with your primal mind and by immersing yourself in the natural realm. This book includes exercises for learning how to become invisible within Nature, sense hidden animals, and communicate with wild animals and birds.
6/6/201653 minutes, 35 seconds
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Tamarack Song: Becoming Nature

Learn the language of Nature with this step-by-step guide to animal and plant communication through connection with your primal mind and by immersing yourself in the natural realm. This book includes exercises for learning how to become invisible within Nature, sense hidden animals, and communicate with wild animals and birds.
6/6/201653 minutes, 35 seconds
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Barry Goldstein: Secret Language of the Heart

In The Secret Language of the Heart, award-winning producer and composer Barry Goldstein shares how every one of us--the musical and non-musical alike--can harness the power of music to alleviate specific illnesses, reverse negative mindsets and attitudes, dissolve creative blocks and improve overall health. Backed up by the latest scientific research on the benefits of sound, music, and vibration, this book offers practical, concrete instructions for healing that can be tailored to suit your individual preferences and needs.
5/30/201654 minutes, 43 seconds
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Barry Goldstein: Secret Language of the Heart

In The Secret Language of the Heart, award-winning producer and composer Barry Goldstein shares how every one of us--the musical and non-musical alike--can harness the power of music to alleviate specific illnesses, reverse negative mindsets and attitudes, dissolve creative blocks and improve overall health. Backed up by the latest scientific research on the benefits of sound, music, and vibration, this book offers practical, concrete instructions for healing that can be tailored to suit your individual preferences and needs.
5/30/201654 minutes, 43 seconds
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Barry Goldstein: Secret Language of the Heart

In The Secret Language of the Heart, award-winning producer and composer Barry Goldstein shares how every one of us--the musical and non-musical alike--can harness the power of music to alleviate specific illnesses, reverse negative mindsets and attitudes, dissolve creative blocks and improve overall health. Backed up by the latest scientific research on the benefits of sound, music, and vibration, this book offers practical, concrete instructions for healing that can be tailored to suit your individual preferences and needs.
5/30/201654 minutes, 43 seconds
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Love in the Age of Ecological Apocalypse

Given the daunting, dire predicament in which we find ourselves on this planet, what is described by social critic James Howard Kunstler as a Long Emergency may in fact become a Last Emergency for humanity. Whether we encounter a long or a last emergency, Carolyn Baker seeks to offer inspiration and guidance for inhabiting our remaining days with passion, vitality, empathy, intimate contact with our emotions, kindness in our relationships with all species, gratitude, open-hearted receptivity, exquisite creations of beauty, and utilizing every occasion, even our demise, as an opportunity to invoke and inflict joy in our world. Love in the Age of Ecological Apolcalypse addresses an array of relationships in the Last Emergency and how one's relationship with oneself may enrich or impede interactions with all other beings.
5/16/201654 minutes, 46 seconds
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Love in the Age of Ecological Apocalypse

Given the daunting, dire predicament in which we find ourselves on this planet, what is described by social critic James Howard Kunstler as a Long Emergency may in fact become a Last Emergency for humanity. Whether we encounter a long or a last emergency, Carolyn Baker seeks to offer inspiration and guidance for inhabiting our remaining days with passion, vitality, empathy, intimate contact with our emotions, kindness in our relationships with all species, gratitude, open-hearted receptivity, exquisite creations of beauty, and utilizing every occasion, even our demise, as an opportunity to invoke and inflict joy in our world. Love in the Age of Ecological Apolcalypse addresses an array of relationships in the Last Emergency and how one's relationship with oneself may enrich or impede interactions with all other beings.
5/16/201654 minutes, 46 seconds
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Love in the Age of Ecological Apocalypse

Given the daunting, dire predicament in which we find ourselves on this planet, what is described by social critic James Howard Kunstler as a Long Emergency may in fact become a Last Emergency for humanity. Whether we encounter a long or a last emergency, Carolyn Baker seeks to offer inspiration and guidance for inhabiting our remaining days with passion, vitality, empathy, intimate contact with our emotions, kindness in our relationships with all species, gratitude, open-hearted receptivity, exquisite creations of beauty, and utilizing every occasion, even our demise, as an opportunity to invoke and inflict joy in our world. Love in the Age of Ecological Apolcalypse addresses an array of relationships in the Last Emergency and how one's relationship with oneself may enrich or impede interactions with all other beings.
5/16/201654 minutes, 46 seconds
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Master Del Pe:Sexual Alchemy and Divine Intimacy

Master Del Pe provides an understanding of what sex can truly mean in relation to soul work. Sexual energy is a path of evolution and illumination when utilized and directed correctly. The advancement of souls requires the integration of sexual energies through the solar center and channelled upward. Divine intimacy between two beings is the true union of energy and manifestation. Discover a new look at sex, sexuality and intimacy.
5/9/201658 minutes, 44 seconds
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Master Del Pe:Sexual Alchemy and Divine Intimacy

Master Del Pe provides an understanding of what sex can truly mean in relation to soul work. Sexual energy is a path of evolution and illumination when utilized and directed correctly. The advancement of souls requires the integration of sexual energies through the solar center and channelled upward. Divine intimacy between two beings is the true union of energy and manifestation. Discover a new look at sex, sexuality and intimacy.
5/9/201658 minutes, 44 seconds
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Master Del Pe:Sexual Alchemy and Divine Intimacy

Master Del Pe provides an understanding of what sex can truly mean in relation to soul work. Sexual energy is a path of evolution and illumination when utilized and directed correctly. The advancement of souls requires the integration of sexual energies through the solar center and channelled upward. Divine intimacy between two beings is the true union of energy and manifestation. Discover a new look at sex, sexuality and intimacy.
5/9/201658 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Annunnaki Chronicles

What if the tales from the Old Testament and other ancient writings, such as those from Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, and Greece, were not myths or allegory but accounts of actual historical events? Known for his ability to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) took the words of our most ancient ancestors as fact and, through decades of meticulous research, showed that they revealed a coherent narrative about the true origins of humanity and civilization. Drawing both widespread interest and criticism, his Earth Chronicles series of books, beginning with The 12th Planet, detailed how humanity arose after the arrival of the Anunnaki (“those who from Heaven to Earth came”), alien “gods” who created modern man in their own image and imparted gifts of civilizing knowledge.
5/2/201657 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Annunnaki Chronicles

What if the tales from the Old Testament and other ancient writings, such as those from Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, and Greece, were not myths or allegory but accounts of actual historical events? Known for his ability to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) took the words of our most ancient ancestors as fact and, through decades of meticulous research, showed that they revealed a coherent narrative about the true origins of humanity and civilization. Drawing both widespread interest and criticism, his Earth Chronicles series of books, beginning with The 12th Planet, detailed how humanity arose after the arrival of the Anunnaki (“those who from Heaven to Earth came”), alien “gods” who created modern man in their own image and imparted gifts of civilizing knowledge.
5/2/201657 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Annunnaki Chronicles

What if the tales from the Old Testament and other ancient writings, such as those from Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, and Greece, were not myths or allegory but accounts of actual historical events? Known for his ability to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) took the words of our most ancient ancestors as fact and, through decades of meticulous research, showed that they revealed a coherent narrative about the true origins of humanity and civilization. Drawing both widespread interest and criticism, his Earth Chronicles series of books, beginning with The 12th Planet, detailed how humanity arose after the arrival of the Anunnaki (“those who from Heaven to Earth came”), alien “gods” who created modern man in their own image and imparted gifts of civilizing knowledge.
5/2/201657 minutes, 53 seconds
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Master Del Pe - The Third Eye

This groundbreaking book, with it’s never-before revealed diagrams and related spiritual technology will illuminate you on the magical uses of The Third Eye. It is based on more than two decades of Master Del Pe’s original research, experimentation, personal experiences and training with 4 enlightened Masters from the East. br Discover and Learn: br - Easy techniques to develop the Third Eye safely br - The 10 uses of the Third Eye br - How the Third Eye will be used in advanced education in the future br - The 9 levels of human evolution and the 7 types of human design br - The Sacred Fire, Kundalini and its evolving models not illustrated in any book yet br - Advanced concepts of your spiritual anatomy: the Spirit, the Soul and the 5 hidden Chakras beyond the known 7 Chakras
4/25/201654 minutes, 54 seconds
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Master Del Pe - The Third Eye

This groundbreaking book, with it’s never-before revealed diagrams and related spiritual technology will illuminate you on the magical uses of The Third Eye. It is based on more than two decades of Master Del Pe’s original research, experimentation, personal experiences and training with 4 enlightened Masters from the East. br Discover and Learn: br - Easy techniques to develop the Third Eye safely br - The 10 uses of the Third Eye br - How the Third Eye will be used in advanced education in the future br - The 9 levels of human evolution and the 7 types of human design br - The Sacred Fire, Kundalini and its evolving models not illustrated in any book yet br - Advanced concepts of your spiritual anatomy: the Spirit, the Soul and the 5 hidden Chakras beyond the known 7 Chakras
4/25/201654 minutes, 54 seconds
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Master Del Pe - The Third Eye

This groundbreaking book, with it’s never-before revealed diagrams and related spiritual technology will illuminate you on the magical uses of The Third Eye. It is based on more than two decades of Master Del Pe’s original research, experimentation, personal experiences and training with 4 enlightened Masters from the East. br Discover and Learn: br - Easy techniques to develop the Third Eye safely br - The 10 uses of the Third Eye br - How the Third Eye will be used in advanced education in the future br - The 9 levels of human evolution and the 7 types of human design br - The Sacred Fire, Kundalini and its evolving models not illustrated in any book yet br - Advanced concepts of your spiritual anatomy: the Spirit, the Soul and the 5 hidden Chakras beyond the known 7 Chakras
4/25/201654 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dr. Susan Shumsky: Awaken Your Divine Intuition

Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to experience and communicate directly with Spirit. The divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, or holy men. Everyone is worthy to receive the blessings of Spirit. Open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. Open the pipeline to the divine and begin the flow of inner guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from your center of being. You will awaken the still, small voice within, go directly to Spirit without a middleman, and experience higher consciousness.
4/18/201655 minutes, 39 seconds
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Dr. Susan Shumsky: Awaken Your Divine Intuition

Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to experience and communicate directly with Spirit. The divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, or holy men. Everyone is worthy to receive the blessings of Spirit. Open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. Open the pipeline to the divine and begin the flow of inner guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from your center of being. You will awaken the still, small voice within, go directly to Spirit without a middleman, and experience higher consciousness.
4/18/201655 minutes, 39 seconds
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Dr. Susan Shumsky: Awaken Your Divine Intuition

Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to experience and communicate directly with Spirit. The divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, or holy men. Everyone is worthy to receive the blessings of Spirit. Open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. Open the pipeline to the divine and begin the flow of inner guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from your center of being. You will awaken the still, small voice within, go directly to Spirit without a middleman, and experience higher consciousness.
4/18/201655 minutes, 39 seconds
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Celeste Yacoboni: How Do You Pray?

Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
4/11/201655 minutes, 58 seconds
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Celeste Yacoboni: How Do You Pray?

Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
4/11/201655 minutes, 58 seconds
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Celeste Yacoboni: How Do You Pray?

Born from a vision in which she was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?”, Celeste Yacoboni reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response. The result is a deeply moving book that speaks to the reader’s heart and asks “What is your soul’s expression? Bow in gratitude? Merge with nature? Cry out for guidance?”
4/11/201655 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tim Link - Wagging Tales

Animal lovers often wonder what their pet’s meow, bark, tweet, or stare means. Why the incessant meowing after Kitty has been fed, petted, and played with? Why is Fido barking up a storm or digging in the yard as if his life depended on it? Pet owners want to know, and Tim Link, an expert animal communicator, teaches readers how to find out. The author was initially surprised to find himself being able to communicate with animals of all types.
4/4/201655 minutes, 19 seconds
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Tim Link - Wagging Tales

Animal lovers often wonder what their pet’s meow, bark, tweet, or stare means. Why the incessant meowing after Kitty has been fed, petted, and played with? Why is Fido barking up a storm or digging in the yard as if his life depended on it? Pet owners want to know, and Tim Link, an expert animal communicator, teaches readers how to find out. The author was initially surprised to find himself being able to communicate with animals of all types.
4/4/201655 minutes, 19 seconds
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Tim Link - Wagging Tales

Animal lovers often wonder what their pet’s meow, bark, tweet, or stare means. Why the incessant meowing after Kitty has been fed, petted, and played with? Why is Fido barking up a storm or digging in the yard as if his life depended on it? Pet owners want to know, and Tim Link, an expert animal communicator, teaches readers how to find out. The author was initially surprised to find himself being able to communicate with animals of all types.
4/4/201655 minutes, 19 seconds
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Judy Carroll - The Human Ladder

The Zeta Message tells the story of Judy’s own life-long and life-changing contact experiences with ETs, along with that of a family she was called upon to assist in the year 2000 when their home became the focus of prolonged and at times fully conscious ET visitation, centred mainly around the two children. Helene Kaye, the mother of the family, tells in her own words the story of a mind-blowing inner journey from abject terror, disempowerment and denial, to eventually move through the fear barrier to find love, deep knowledge/understanding and self-empowerment on the other side.
3/28/201655 minutes, 56 seconds
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Judy Carroll - The Human Ladder

The Zeta Message tells the story of Judy’s own life-long and life-changing contact experiences with ETs, along with that of a family she was called upon to assist in the year 2000 when their home became the focus of prolonged and at times fully conscious ET visitation, centred mainly around the two children. Helene Kaye, the mother of the family, tells in her own words the story of a mind-blowing inner journey from abject terror, disempowerment and denial, to eventually move through the fear barrier to find love, deep knowledge/understanding and self-empowerment on the other side.
3/28/201655 minutes, 56 seconds
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Judy Carroll - The Human Ladder

The Zeta Message tells the story of Judy’s own life-long and life-changing contact experiences with ETs, along with that of a family she was called upon to assist in the year 2000 when their home became the focus of prolonged and at times fully conscious ET visitation, centred mainly around the two children. Helene Kaye, the mother of the family, tells in her own words the story of a mind-blowing inner journey from abject terror, disempowerment and denial, to eventually move through the fear barrier to find love, deep knowledge/understanding and self-empowerment on the other side.
3/28/201655 minutes, 56 seconds
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Messages From Eloheim: Veronica Torres

Eloheim has been with us since the beginning. Eloheim is best known for their multitude of practical, actionable tools which facilitate our movement from a fear-based existence as Homo sapiens to consciousness-based living as Homo spiritus. Eloheim's teachings are delivered with humor, love, and profound respect and have gained a passionate world-wide following.
3/21/201656 minutes, 33 seconds
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Messages From Eloheim: Veronica Torres

Eloheim has been with us since the beginning. Eloheim is best known for their multitude of practical, actionable tools which facilitate our movement from a fear-based existence as Homo sapiens to consciousness-based living as Homo spiritus. Eloheim's teachings are delivered with humor, love, and profound respect and have gained a passionate world-wide following.
3/21/201656 minutes, 33 seconds
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Messages From Eloheim: Veronica Torres

Eloheim has been with us since the beginning. Eloheim is best known for their multitude of practical, actionable tools which facilitate our movement from a fear-based existence as Homo sapiens to consciousness-based living as Homo spiritus. Eloheim's teachings are delivered with humor, love, and profound respect and have gained a passionate world-wide following.
3/21/201656 minutes, 33 seconds
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Teachings from God: Courtney Amundsen

Courtney Amundson is only worried about whether the messages she is astonishingly being delivered from the Divine are reaching enough people. Because Courtney was a mere 16 when she began following in the footsteps of Esther Hicks, Jane Roberts, Edgar Cayce and JZ Knight as an extraordinary powerful channeller. Now, a ripened 19 and wise beyond her years, she is introducing to the world Teachings from God, Greeting Your Soul and Revealing the Divine Within, a book of loving channeled wisdom brought forth to light mankind’s path in challenging times.
3/14/201655 minutes, 50 seconds
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Teachings from God: Courtney Amundsen

Courtney Amundson is only worried about whether the messages she is astonishingly being delivered from the Divine are reaching enough people. Because Courtney was a mere 16 when she began following in the footsteps of Esther Hicks, Jane Roberts, Edgar Cayce and JZ Knight as an extraordinary powerful channeller. Now, a ripened 19 and wise beyond her years, she is introducing to the world Teachings from God, Greeting Your Soul and Revealing the Divine Within, a book of loving channeled wisdom brought forth to light mankind’s path in challenging times.
3/14/201655 minutes, 50 seconds
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Teachings from God: Courtney Amundsen

Courtney Amundson is only worried about whether the messages she is astonishingly being delivered from the Divine are reaching enough people. Because Courtney was a mere 16 when she began following in the footsteps of Esther Hicks, Jane Roberts, Edgar Cayce and JZ Knight as an extraordinary powerful channeller. Now, a ripened 19 and wise beyond her years, she is introducing to the world Teachings from God, Greeting Your Soul and Revealing the Divine Within, a book of loving channeled wisdom brought forth to light mankind’s path in challenging times.
3/14/201655 minutes, 50 seconds
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8 Laws of Change: Stephan A. Schwartz

Discover the 8 Laws of Change that have been found consistently through many social movements and lives of change agents such as King, Gandhi and Mother Theresa. Everything starts with one person holding an intention and making decisions expressing that intention. As their beingness changes even the most unlikely people can become enormously powerful. This process constitutes one of the least understood social forces in our world.
3/7/201659 minutes, 56 seconds
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8 Laws of Change: Stephan A. Schwartz

Discover the 8 Laws of Change that have been found consistently through many social movements and lives of change agents such as King, Gandhi and Mother Theresa. Everything starts with one person holding an intention and making decisions expressing that intention. As their beingness changes even the most unlikely people can become enormously powerful. This process constitutes one of the least understood social forces in our world.
3/7/201659 minutes, 56 seconds
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8 Laws of Change: Stephan A. Schwartz

Discover the 8 Laws of Change that have been found consistently through many social movements and lives of change agents such as King, Gandhi and Mother Theresa. Everything starts with one person holding an intention and making decisions expressing that intention. As their beingness changes even the most unlikely people can become enormously powerful. This process constitutes one of the least understood social forces in our world.
3/7/201659 minutes, 56 seconds
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8 Laws of Change: Stephan A. Schwartz

Discover the 8 Laws of Change that have been found consistently through many social movements and lives of change agents such as King, Gandhi and Mother Theresa. Everything starts with one person holding an intention and making decisions expressing that intention. As their beingness changes even the most unlikely people can become enormously powerful. This process constitutes one of the least understood social forces in our world.
3/7/201659 minutes, 56 seconds
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Barbara Marx Hubbard - The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation

In The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation, visionary futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard elaborates an evolutionary perspective on Christ consciousness, seeing in Christ an archetype for humanity's current journey from egocentric, to ego freedom. It inspires each individual to awaken to his or her divine nature and fulfill the promise of performing even greater miracles than those once performed by Jesus. It carries a message for Unity amongst religions, as well as an invitation for us not to abandon the Church, but to evolve it.
2/29/201655 minutes, 48 seconds
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Barbara Marx Hubbard - The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation

In The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation, visionary futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard elaborates an evolutionary perspective on Christ consciousness, seeing in Christ an archetype for humanity's current journey from egocentric, to ego freedom. It inspires each individual to awaken to his or her divine nature and fulfill the promise of performing even greater miracles than those once performed by Jesus. It carries a message for Unity amongst religions, as well as an invitation for us not to abandon the Church, but to evolve it.
2/29/201655 minutes, 48 seconds
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Barbara Marx Hubbard - The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation

In The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation, visionary futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard elaborates an evolutionary perspective on Christ consciousness, seeing in Christ an archetype for humanity's current journey from egocentric, to ego freedom. It inspires each individual to awaken to his or her divine nature and fulfill the promise of performing even greater miracles than those once performed by Jesus. It carries a message for Unity amongst religions, as well as an invitation for us not to abandon the Church, but to evolve it.
2/29/201655 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Superhuman Mind

Understand the lives and brains of geniuses, savants, virtuosos, and a wide variety of ordinary people who have acquired truly extraordinary talents, one way or another. Delving into the neurological underpinnings of these abilities, we reveal how we can acquire some of them ourselves—from perfect pitch and lightning fast math skills to supercharged creativity.
2/22/201656 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Superhuman Mind

Understand the lives and brains of geniuses, savants, virtuosos, and a wide variety of ordinary people who have acquired truly extraordinary talents, one way or another. Delving into the neurological underpinnings of these abilities, we reveal how we can acquire some of them ourselves—from perfect pitch and lightning fast math skills to supercharged creativity.
2/22/201656 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Superhuman Mind

Understand the lives and brains of geniuses, savants, virtuosos, and a wide variety of ordinary people who have acquired truly extraordinary talents, one way or another. Delving into the neurological underpinnings of these abilities, we reveal how we can acquire some of them ourselves—from perfect pitch and lightning fast math skills to supercharged creativity.
2/22/201656 minutes, 10 seconds
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Lyric Benson Ferguson - French Kissing God

French Kissing God: A Journey to Enlightenment is a critically acclaimed, “Rumi-esque” poetry book for lovers of spirituality, God, Being, Mother Nature (or whatever term you choose to call all-denominational Divinity.) br This revolutionary book, by author Lyric Benson Fergusson, offers inspiration and insights, gives guidance, and provides encouragement for spiritual seekers. No matter your religious or spiritual tradition, you will find this book eye-opening, heartening, humorous, and boundary breaking.
2/15/201658 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lyric Benson Ferguson - French Kissing God

French Kissing God: A Journey to Enlightenment is a critically acclaimed, “Rumi-esque” poetry book for lovers of spirituality, God, Being, Mother Nature (or whatever term you choose to call all-denominational Divinity.) br This revolutionary book, by author Lyric Benson Fergusson, offers inspiration and insights, gives guidance, and provides encouragement for spiritual seekers. No matter your religious or spiritual tradition, you will find this book eye-opening, heartening, humorous, and boundary breaking.
2/15/201658 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lyric Benson Ferguson - French Kissing God

French Kissing God: A Journey to Enlightenment is a critically acclaimed, “Rumi-esque” poetry book for lovers of spirituality, God, Being, Mother Nature (or whatever term you choose to call all-denominational Divinity.) br This revolutionary book, by author Lyric Benson Fergusson, offers inspiration and insights, gives guidance, and provides encouragement for spiritual seekers. No matter your religious or spiritual tradition, you will find this book eye-opening, heartening, humorous, and boundary breaking.
2/15/201658 minutes, 9 seconds
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Colleen Mauro - Spiritual Telepathy

The Wisdom teachings tell us that the soul is our gateway to the higher worlds. Through the soul, we have access to the universal or divine mind where information on all subjects can be found. In the past, it's been only the special people--our saints, shamans and spiritual leaders--who have had access to the higher worlds. Colleen assures us that we can all gain access to that universal wellspring of inspiration and knowledge. Featuring info from her new book ' Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to master the Wisdom of Your Soul'
2/8/201655 minutes, 31 seconds
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Colleen Mauro - Spiritual Telepathy

The Wisdom teachings tell us that the soul is our gateway to the higher worlds. Through the soul, we have access to the universal or divine mind where information on all subjects can be found. In the past, it's been only the special people--our saints, shamans and spiritual leaders--who have had access to the higher worlds. Colleen assures us that we can all gain access to that universal wellspring of inspiration and knowledge. Featuring info from her new book ' Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to master the Wisdom of Your Soul'
2/8/201655 minutes, 31 seconds
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Colleen Mauro - Spiritual Telepathy

The Wisdom teachings tell us that the soul is our gateway to the higher worlds. Through the soul, we have access to the universal or divine mind where information on all subjects can be found. In the past, it's been only the special people--our saints, shamans and spiritual leaders--who have had access to the higher worlds. Colleen assures us that we can all gain access to that universal wellspring of inspiration and knowledge. Featuring info from her new book ' Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to master the Wisdom of Your Soul'
2/8/201655 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dale Allen Hoffman - Echoes of an Ancient Dream

Dale encourages others to stop eating the menu being served and instead step off of the pre-established pathways of religious spin-doctoring and fundamentalism into an authentic, honest investigation of the ACTUAL history of The Yeshua Teachings and the Christian church in all of its manifestations. Rather than scapegoating, blame-casting, victimization and fear, Dale teaches from an open heart space of empowerment, support, spiritual growth, inclusion and LOVE.
1/25/201658 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dale Allen Hoffman - Echoes of an Ancient Dream

Dale encourages others to stop eating the menu being served and instead step off of the pre-established pathways of religious spin-doctoring and fundamentalism into an authentic, honest investigation of the ACTUAL history of The Yeshua Teachings and the Christian church in all of its manifestations. Rather than scapegoating, blame-casting, victimization and fear, Dale teaches from an open heart space of empowerment, support, spiritual growth, inclusion and LOVE.
1/25/201658 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dale Allen Hoffman - Echoes of an Ancient Dream

Dale encourages others to stop eating the menu being served and instead step off of the pre-established pathways of religious spin-doctoring and fundamentalism into an authentic, honest investigation of the ACTUAL history of The Yeshua Teachings and the Christian church in all of its manifestations. Rather than scapegoating, blame-casting, victimization and fear, Dale teaches from an open heart space of empowerment, support, spiritual growth, inclusion and LOVE.
1/25/201658 minutes, 26 seconds
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Les Jensen

Les Jensen talks about how we can show up in an authentic and powerful way, fulfilling the vision of our heart and soul. Empower yourself and your role here on Earth. Take the vision of your heart and fulfill it like a King. This book is about honoring your own authentic power and your purpose. It provides an in-depth look at what it would feel like to trust in your role and fulfill your soul’s vision from the passion of your own heart.
1/18/201655 minutes, 13 seconds
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Les Jensen

Les Jensen talks about how we can show up in an authentic and powerful way, fulfilling the vision of our heart and soul. Empower yourself and your role here on Earth. Take the vision of your heart and fulfill it like a King. This book is about honoring your own authentic power and your purpose. It provides an in-depth look at what it would feel like to trust in your role and fulfill your soul’s vision from the passion of your own heart.
1/18/201655 minutes, 13 seconds
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Les Jensen

Les Jensen talks about how we can show up in an authentic and powerful way, fulfilling the vision of our heart and soul. Empower yourself and your role here on Earth. Take the vision of your heart and fulfill it like a King. This book is about honoring your own authentic power and your purpose. It provides an in-depth look at what it would feel like to trust in your role and fulfill your soul’s vision from the passion of your own heart.
1/18/201655 minutes, 13 seconds
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Belinda Womack - Lessons From the Archangels

Angels are loving forces in our lives. Each of us has the ability to communicate with them if we open our minds to their teachings. Belinda Womack was a believer in Angels until the age of 12, when she decided she wanted to become a scientist. Years later, working in a biology lab, she found herself in the presence of the Archangel Gabriel and realized her calling as a spiritual conduit for Angelic healing and support. She shares lessons, practices, and daily guidance from the 12 Archangels to help us listen to and heal our wounded inner child, release our fears, and enact deep subconscious transformation. Each word, transmitted directly from the 12 Archangels, carries their love, so that when read, the love is absorbed into the reader’s mind and supports the release of our deepest wounds and fears.
1/11/201656 minutes
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Belinda Womack - Lessons From the Archangels

Angels are loving forces in our lives. Each of us has the ability to communicate with them if we open our minds to their teachings. Belinda Womack was a believer in Angels until the age of 12, when she decided she wanted to become a scientist. Years later, working in a biology lab, she found herself in the presence of the Archangel Gabriel and realized her calling as a spiritual conduit for Angelic healing and support. She shares lessons, practices, and daily guidance from the 12 Archangels to help us listen to and heal our wounded inner child, release our fears, and enact deep subconscious transformation. Each word, transmitted directly from the 12 Archangels, carries their love, so that when read, the love is absorbed into the reader’s mind and supports the release of our deepest wounds and fears.
1/11/201656 minutes
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Belinda Womack - Lessons From the Archangels

Angels are loving forces in our lives. Each of us has the ability to communicate with them if we open our minds to their teachings. Belinda Womack was a believer in Angels until the age of 12, when she decided she wanted to become a scientist. Years later, working in a biology lab, she found herself in the presence of the Archangel Gabriel and realized her calling as a spiritual conduit for Angelic healing and support. She shares lessons, practices, and daily guidance from the 12 Archangels to help us listen to and heal our wounded inner child, release our fears, and enact deep subconscious transformation. Each word, transmitted directly from the 12 Archangels, carries their love, so that when read, the love is absorbed into the reader’s mind and supports the release of our deepest wounds and fears.
1/11/201656 minutes
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Dr. Jamie Turndorf - Love Never Dies

What we’ve been told about the afterlife is dead wrong. We don’t need to wait to die to be reunited with loved ones in heaven. Heaven is a state, not a place. Heaven is here and now. This knowledge opens us to the reality that we are meant to say hello, not goodbye, and stay connected to those in spirit. Dr. Turndorf has created a method that enables the bereaved how to reconnect rather than say goodbye.
1/4/201657 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dr. Jamie Turndorf - Love Never Dies

What we’ve been told about the afterlife is dead wrong. We don’t need to wait to die to be reunited with loved ones in heaven. Heaven is a state, not a place. Heaven is here and now. This knowledge opens us to the reality that we are meant to say hello, not goodbye, and stay connected to those in spirit. Dr. Turndorf has created a method that enables the bereaved how to reconnect rather than say goodbye.
1/4/201657 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dr. Jamie Turndorf - Love Never Dies

What we’ve been told about the afterlife is dead wrong. We don’t need to wait to die to be reunited with loved ones in heaven. Heaven is a state, not a place. Heaven is here and now. This knowledge opens us to the reality that we are meant to say hello, not goodbye, and stay connected to those in spirit. Dr. Turndorf has created a method that enables the bereaved how to reconnect rather than say goodbye.
1/4/201657 minutes, 26 seconds
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Amrit Desai: Yoga of Relationships

Relationships are the cause of our deepest pain and most ecstatic joy. Throughout life, they are at the root of our successes, failures and sorrows. What power we hand over to those who matter to us! Parents, teachers, friends, lovers and children seem to be at the core of why we feel so unfulfilled or dissatisfied. Often we don’t realize that career also forms one of our most significant partnerships, along with health issues and what stares back at us from the table: food, alcohol and drugs. brbr How many of us can say we are succeeding in all or any of these areas of our lives? Doubtless, we remain troubled about why mother didn’t show us enough affection, teachers never acknowledged our efforts, lovers abandon us or children don’t behave as we expected. The puzzlement goes on and on, leading to stress and further distancing us from those we love, our career path and our personal state of well being.
12/21/201555 minutes, 29 seconds
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Amrit Desai: Yoga of Relationships

Relationships are the cause of our deepest pain and most ecstatic joy. Throughout life, they are at the root of our successes, failures and sorrows. What power we hand over to those who matter to us! Parents, teachers, friends, lovers and children seem to be at the core of why we feel so unfulfilled or dissatisfied. Often we don’t realize that career also forms one of our most significant partnerships, along with health issues and what stares back at us from the table: food, alcohol and drugs. brbr How many of us can say we are succeeding in all or any of these areas of our lives? Doubtless, we remain troubled about why mother didn’t show us enough affection, teachers never acknowledged our efforts, lovers abandon us or children don’t behave as we expected. The puzzlement goes on and on, leading to stress and further distancing us from those we love, our career path and our personal state of well being.
12/21/201555 minutes, 29 seconds
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Amrit Desai: Yoga of Relationships

Relationships are the cause of our deepest pain and most ecstatic joy. Throughout life, they are at the root of our successes, failures and sorrows. What power we hand over to those who matter to us! Parents, teachers, friends, lovers and children seem to be at the core of why we feel so unfulfilled or dissatisfied. Often we don’t realize that career also forms one of our most significant partnerships, along with health issues and what stares back at us from the table: food, alcohol and drugs. brbr How many of us can say we are succeeding in all or any of these areas of our lives? Doubtless, we remain troubled about why mother didn’t show us enough affection, teachers never acknowledged our efforts, lovers abandon us or children don’t behave as we expected. The puzzlement goes on and on, leading to stress and further distancing us from those we love, our career path and our personal state of well being.
12/21/201555 minutes, 29 seconds
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Amrit Desai: Yoga of Relationships

Relationships are the cause of our deepest pain and most ecstatic joy. Throughout life, they are at the root of our successes, failures and sorrows. What power we hand over to those who matter to us! Parents, teachers, friends, lovers and children seem to be at the core of why we feel so unfulfilled or dissatisfied. Often we don’t realize that career also forms one of our most significant partnerships, along with health issues and what stares back at us from the table: food, alcohol and drugs. brbr How many of us can say we are succeeding in all or any of these areas of our lives? Doubtless, we remain troubled about why mother didn’t show us enough affection, teachers never acknowledged our efforts, lovers abandon us or children don’t behave as we expected. The puzzlement goes on and on, leading to stress and further distancing us from those we love, our career path and our personal state of well being.
12/21/201555 minutes, 29 seconds
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Linda Carroll: Love Cycles

Love Cycles will help you to understand where you are in the circle of a relationship and provide strategies and clarity on how stay happy and committed, even in difficult times. Our road map will take you from The Merge, through Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, and Decision to the joy of Wholehearted Love. brbr Love Cycles unlocks the secrets of attraction, showing why we don't always choose the person who is best for us, why even the most solid-seeming couples don't always make it, and how unlikely-seeming couples sometimes are truly meant for each other.
12/7/201555 minutes, 26 seconds
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Linda Carroll: Love Cycles

Love Cycles will help you to understand where you are in the circle of a relationship and provide strategies and clarity on how stay happy and committed, even in difficult times. Our road map will take you from The Merge, through Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, and Decision to the joy of Wholehearted Love. brbr Love Cycles unlocks the secrets of attraction, showing why we don't always choose the person who is best for us, why even the most solid-seeming couples don't always make it, and how unlikely-seeming couples sometimes are truly meant for each other.
12/7/201555 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Linda Carroll: Love Cycles

Love Cycles will help you to understand where you are in the circle of a relationship and provide strategies and clarity on how stay happy and committed, even in difficult times. Our road map will take you from The Merge, through Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, and Decision to the joy of Wholehearted Love. brbr Love Cycles unlocks the secrets of attraction, showing why we don't always choose the person who is best for us, why even the most solid-seeming couples don't always make it, and how unlikely-seeming couples sometimes are truly meant for each other.
12/7/201555 minutes, 26 seconds
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Linda Carroll: Love Cycles

Love Cycles will help you to understand where you are in the circle of a relationship and provide strategies and clarity on how stay happy and committed, even in difficult times. Our road map will take you from The Merge, through Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, and Decision to the joy of Wholehearted Love. brbr Love Cycles unlocks the secrets of attraction, showing why we don't always choose the person who is best for us, why even the most solid-seeming couples don't always make it, and how unlikely-seeming couples sometimes are truly meant for each other.
12/7/201555 minutes, 26 seconds
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Brant Cortright: The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle

The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle brings together the latest in neuroscience research to present a new paradigm of brain health and aging. brbr You can enhance your brain and life – whether you are in your 20’s or 30’s or whether you are in your 50’s, 60’s or older. Our bodies are surviving longer than ever before, but what good is an extended life span if your brain can’t go the distance? brbr Revolutionary discoveries in the emerging field of neurogenesis reveal the secrets of cognitive enhancement. This pioneering book presents research scattered in obscure scientific journals and offers a helpful, simple approach to improve your brain and all parts of your life.
11/30/201557 minutes, 40 seconds
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Brant Cortright: The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle

The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle brings together the latest in neuroscience research to present a new paradigm of brain health and aging. brbr You can enhance your brain and life – whether you are in your 20’s or 30’s or whether you are in your 50’s, 60’s or older. Our bodies are surviving longer than ever before, but what good is an extended life span if your brain can’t go the distance? brbr Revolutionary discoveries in the emerging field of neurogenesis reveal the secrets of cognitive enhancement. This pioneering book presents research scattered in obscure scientific journals and offers a helpful, simple approach to improve your brain and all parts of your life.
11/30/201557 minutes, 40 seconds
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Brant Cortright: The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle

The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle brings together the latest in neuroscience research to present a new paradigm of brain health and aging. brbr You can enhance your brain and life – whether you are in your 20’s or 30’s or whether you are in your 50’s, 60’s or older. Our bodies are surviving longer than ever before, but what good is an extended life span if your brain can’t go the distance? brbr Revolutionary discoveries in the emerging field of neurogenesis reveal the secrets of cognitive enhancement. This pioneering book presents research scattered in obscure scientific journals and offers a helpful, simple approach to improve your brain and all parts of your life.
11/30/201557 minutes, 40 seconds
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Richard House: Between Now and When

Between Now and When relates a transcendent journey from earthly suffering and addiction into the rarely glimpsed supra-reality of higher dimensions. brbr Between Now and When will: brbr Take you on a metaphysical journey around the world br Open your eyes to the energetic grid that organizes earthly life br Help you understand human suffering and why it is an important part of God's life on earth br Open your heart to the unlimited power of divine and human love
11/23/201556 minutes, 35 seconds
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Richard House: Between Now and When

Between Now and When relates a transcendent journey from earthly suffering and addiction into the rarely glimpsed supra-reality of higher dimensions. brbr Between Now and When will: brbr Take you on a metaphysical journey around the world br Open your eyes to the energetic grid that organizes earthly life br Help you understand human suffering and why it is an important part of God's life on earth br Open your heart to the unlimited power of divine and human love
11/23/201556 minutes, 35 seconds
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Richard House: Between Now and When

Between Now and When relates a transcendent journey from earthly suffering and addiction into the rarely glimpsed supra-reality of higher dimensions. brbr Between Now and When will: brbr Take you on a metaphysical journey around the world br Open your eyes to the energetic grid that organizes earthly life br Help you understand human suffering and why it is an important part of God's life on earth br Open your heart to the unlimited power of divine and human love
11/23/201556 minutes, 35 seconds
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Encore: Tom Shadyac/Life's Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
11/16/201556 minutes
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Encore: Tom Shadyac/Life's Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
11/16/201556 minutes
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Encore: Tom Shadyac/Life's Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
11/16/201556 minutes
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Jason Gregory: The Science of Humility

The effortless universal virtue of humility is what evokes enlightenment in life. The big problem with this mystical virtue is generally we only have fleeting moments of its power, as we constantly get sucked back into the subjective dramas of the world in our mind. As a result, we revere the sage for their sustained absorption in the lowest and paradoxically most powerful state of humility. A master absorbed in the humble and most refined state of consciousness has truly accepted life as it is. They have no desire to promote their own agenda, as from this state all agendas have evaporated like dewdrops on a hot sunny day. - Jason Gregory, The Science and Practice of Humility
11/9/201554 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jason Gregory: The Science of Humility

The effortless universal virtue of humility is what evokes enlightenment in life. The big problem with this mystical virtue is generally we only have fleeting moments of its power, as we constantly get sucked back into the subjective dramas of the world in our mind. As a result, we revere the sage for their sustained absorption in the lowest and paradoxically most powerful state of humility. A master absorbed in the humble and most refined state of consciousness has truly accepted life as it is. They have no desire to promote their own agenda, as from this state all agendas have evaporated like dewdrops on a hot sunny day. - Jason Gregory, The Science and Practice of Humility
11/9/201554 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jason Gregory: The Science of Humility

The effortless universal virtue of humility is what evokes enlightenment in life. The big problem with this mystical virtue is generally we only have fleeting moments of its power, as we constantly get sucked back into the subjective dramas of the world in our mind. As a result, we revere the sage for their sustained absorption in the lowest and paradoxically most powerful state of humility. A master absorbed in the humble and most refined state of consciousness has truly accepted life as it is. They have no desire to promote their own agenda, as from this state all agendas have evaporated like dewdrops on a hot sunny day. - Jason Gregory, The Science and Practice of Humility
11/9/201554 minutes, 56 seconds
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Prudence Gensmen: Mindset Reset

You have the power to actively engage your thoughts and dynamically create new pathways in the brain. When you begin to engage the mind and brain directly, you have the ability to impact lasting physiological changes in the body leading to a healthier more fulfilling way to be. o Powerfully manage your thoughts to give way to new opportunities and possibilities beyond the active imagination. o Reveal ideas and solutions. Those things that once appeared to be blocked are no longer seen as limitation. o Gain access to positive control in the way you think and the results you experience. o Show-up more fully in your relationship with your self and develop deeper, more meaningful connection with others.
11/2/201559 minutes, 6 seconds
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Prudence Gensmen: Mindset Reset

You have the power to actively engage your thoughts and dynamically create new pathways in the brain. When you begin to engage the mind and brain directly, you have the ability to impact lasting physiological changes in the body leading to a healthier more fulfilling way to be. o Powerfully manage your thoughts to give way to new opportunities and possibilities beyond the active imagination. o Reveal ideas and solutions. Those things that once appeared to be blocked are no longer seen as limitation. o Gain access to positive control in the way you think and the results you experience. o Show-up more fully in your relationship with your self and develop deeper, more meaningful connection with others.
11/2/201559 minutes, 6 seconds
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Prudence Gensmen: Mindset Reset

You have the power to actively engage your thoughts and dynamically create new pathways in the brain. When you begin to engage the mind and brain directly, you have the ability to impact lasting physiological changes in the body leading to a healthier more fulfilling way to be. o Powerfully manage your thoughts to give way to new opportunities and possibilities beyond the active imagination. o Reveal ideas and solutions. Those things that once appeared to be blocked are no longer seen as limitation. o Gain access to positive control in the way you think and the results you experience. o Show-up more fully in your relationship with your self and develop deeper, more meaningful connection with others.
11/2/201559 minutes, 6 seconds
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Mark Nepo: Inside the Miracle: Enduring Suffering, Approaching Wholeness

Mark Nepo (November 2015, Sounds True), gathers twenty-eight years of Mark’s writing and teaching about suffering, healing, and wholeness, including the original poems and prose from the first editions of Inside the Miracle, ten relevant essays from his collected personal essays, Unlearning Back to God, and thirty-nine new poems and prose pieces not yet published—all offered as an integrated lifelong journey. It's my hope that the trail of this lifetime conversation with suffering and care will open you to the fullness of your own humanity. With a steadfast belief in our aliveness, I hope what's here will help you meet the transformation that waits in however you're being forged.
10/26/201543 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mark Nepo: Inside the Miracle: Enduring Suffering, Approaching Wholeness

Mark Nepo (November 2015, Sounds True), gathers twenty-eight years of Mark’s writing and teaching about suffering, healing, and wholeness, including the original poems and prose from the first editions of Inside the Miracle, ten relevant essays from his collected personal essays, Unlearning Back to God, and thirty-nine new poems and prose pieces not yet published—all offered as an integrated lifelong journey. It's my hope that the trail of this lifetime conversation with suffering and care will open you to the fullness of your own humanity. With a steadfast belief in our aliveness, I hope what's here will help you meet the transformation that waits in however you're being forged.
10/26/201543 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mark Nepo: Inside the Miracle: Enduring Suffering, Approaching Wholeness

Mark Nepo (November 2015, Sounds True), gathers twenty-eight years of Mark’s writing and teaching about suffering, healing, and wholeness, including the original poems and prose from the first editions of Inside the Miracle, ten relevant essays from his collected personal essays, Unlearning Back to God, and thirty-nine new poems and prose pieces not yet published—all offered as an integrated lifelong journey. It's my hope that the trail of this lifetime conversation with suffering and care will open you to the fullness of your own humanity. With a steadfast belief in our aliveness, I hope what's here will help you meet the transformation that waits in however you're being forged.
10/26/201543 minutes, 18 seconds
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ALEYA DAO: Seven Cups of Consciousness

The light body is the essence of who we were before birth and what will continue after death. It is the source of true spiritual awakening and healing. With Light Body Sound Healing, Aleya Dao offers an album of spacious music created to resonate with the listener at the subtle energetic level, helping us bring our physical bodies into alignment with our innate wholeness. Combining natural healing sounds such as whale song and flowing water with Aleya's angelic toning and tranquil music, this album creates a sound environment designed to transport you into another world—one beyond body and mind, in touch with the loving support of the spiritual dimensions.
10/19/201553 minutes, 57 seconds
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ALEYA DAO: Seven Cups of Consciousness

The light body is the essence of who we were before birth and what will continue after death. It is the source of true spiritual awakening and healing. With Light Body Sound Healing, Aleya Dao offers an album of spacious music created to resonate with the listener at the subtle energetic level, helping us bring our physical bodies into alignment with our innate wholeness. Combining natural healing sounds such as whale song and flowing water with Aleya's angelic toning and tranquil music, this album creates a sound environment designed to transport you into another world—one beyond body and mind, in touch with the loving support of the spiritual dimensions.
10/19/201553 minutes, 57 seconds
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ALEYA DAO: Seven Cups of Consciousness

The light body is the essence of who we were before birth and what will continue after death. It is the source of true spiritual awakening and healing. With Light Body Sound Healing, Aleya Dao offers an album of spacious music created to resonate with the listener at the subtle energetic level, helping us bring our physical bodies into alignment with our innate wholeness. Combining natural healing sounds such as whale song and flowing water with Aleya's angelic toning and tranquil music, this album creates a sound environment designed to transport you into another world—one beyond body and mind, in touch with the loving support of the spiritual dimensions.
10/19/201553 minutes, 57 seconds
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Your Inner Will: Pierro Ferrucci

All kinds of memories surface from the past: parents who, having been abandoned with children by their partner, found the energy and spirit to bring up a family; people who had a financial crisis, suffered failure or betrayal; who became unemployed at a late age; who had a serious illness; who discovered their son or daughter was alcoholic or addicted to gambling; who faced the plight of emigration, or the loss of a loved one. Yet it was precisely in such dire situations that these people brought out their best: their resilience and courage, their practical intelligence, and above all their inner strength. They felt a flow of warm, powerful energy that allowed them to emerge from the crisis stronger and more alive. As the Latin saying tells us, Per aspera ad astra. Through hardship we reach the stars.
10/12/201556 minutes
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Your Inner Will: Pierro Ferrucci

All kinds of memories surface from the past: parents who, having been abandoned with children by their partner, found the energy and spirit to bring up a family; people who had a financial crisis, suffered failure or betrayal; who became unemployed at a late age; who had a serious illness; who discovered their son or daughter was alcoholic or addicted to gambling; who faced the plight of emigration, or the loss of a loved one. Yet it was precisely in such dire situations that these people brought out their best: their resilience and courage, their practical intelligence, and above all their inner strength. They felt a flow of warm, powerful energy that allowed them to emerge from the crisis stronger and more alive. As the Latin saying tells us, Per aspera ad astra. Through hardship we reach the stars.
10/12/201556 minutes
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Your Inner Will: Pierro Ferrucci

All kinds of memories surface from the past: parents who, having been abandoned with children by their partner, found the energy and spirit to bring up a family; people who had a financial crisis, suffered failure or betrayal; who became unemployed at a late age; who had a serious illness; who discovered their son or daughter was alcoholic or addicted to gambling; who faced the plight of emigration, or the loss of a loved one. Yet it was precisely in such dire situations that these people brought out their best: their resilience and courage, their practical intelligence, and above all their inner strength. They felt a flow of warm, powerful energy that allowed them to emerge from the crisis stronger and more alive. As the Latin saying tells us, Per aspera ad astra. Through hardship we reach the stars.
10/12/201556 minutes
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Transfiguration for Our World: Gordon Asher Davidson

Why is our world in such upheaval today? What or who is causing it, and where are we headed? The Transfiguration of Our World gives a comprehensive overview of the world situation, why we are having such problems, and the solutions now being put in place. According to author Gordon Asher Davidson, the world is being guided by an interdimensional Light Alliance working closely with many members of humanity to release the hold of darkness on our planet. In order to loosen the impasse currently gripping the world, it is essential for us to recognize and understand the purpose of higher beings and civilizations from beyond our planet. Their intention is to help us co-create a sustainable and spiritually fulfilling civilization based on love and aligned with a higher spiritual plan for human evolution.
10/5/201550 minutes, 12 seconds
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Transfiguration for Our World: Gordon Asher Davidson

Why is our world in such upheaval today? What or who is causing it, and where are we headed? The Transfiguration of Our World gives a comprehensive overview of the world situation, why we are having such problems, and the solutions now being put in place. According to author Gordon Asher Davidson, the world is being guided by an interdimensional Light Alliance working closely with many members of humanity to release the hold of darkness on our planet. In order to loosen the impasse currently gripping the world, it is essential for us to recognize and understand the purpose of higher beings and civilizations from beyond our planet. Their intention is to help us co-create a sustainable and spiritually fulfilling civilization based on love and aligned with a higher spiritual plan for human evolution.
10/5/201550 minutes, 12 seconds
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Transfiguration for Our World: Gordon Asher Davidson

Why is our world in such upheaval today? What or who is causing it, and where are we headed? The Transfiguration of Our World gives a comprehensive overview of the world situation, why we are having such problems, and the solutions now being put in place. According to author Gordon Asher Davidson, the world is being guided by an interdimensional Light Alliance working closely with many members of humanity to release the hold of darkness on our planet. In order to loosen the impasse currently gripping the world, it is essential for us to recognize and understand the purpose of higher beings and civilizations from beyond our planet. Their intention is to help us co-create a sustainable and spiritually fulfilling civilization based on love and aligned with a higher spiritual plan for human evolution.
10/5/201550 minutes, 12 seconds
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On Sacred Time: Nicole Henderson

If you have ever wanted to know how to connect with the trees, the wind, the water, the animals or even other people, this book is a necessity. Nicole Henderson teaches through being 'On Sacred Time' that you are not alone and that you are just as capable of tapping into this unrecognized source of power. On Sacred Time, Tapping the power within provides a lifetime of discovery for those that just KNOW that there is something awesome about being alive today and they have to (not just want to) tap into it! They understand that present day cataclysmic events call each of us to change and align ourselves with a higher purpose.Meet medical intuitive and author Nicole Henderson.
9/28/201558 minutes, 26 seconds
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On Sacred Time: Nicole Henderson

If you have ever wanted to know how to connect with the trees, the wind, the water, the animals or even other people, this book is a necessity. Nicole Henderson teaches through being 'On Sacred Time' that you are not alone and that you are just as capable of tapping into this unrecognized source of power. On Sacred Time, Tapping the power within provides a lifetime of discovery for those that just KNOW that there is something awesome about being alive today and they have to (not just want to) tap into it! They understand that present day cataclysmic events call each of us to change and align ourselves with a higher purpose.Meet medical intuitive and author Nicole Henderson.
9/28/201558 minutes, 26 seconds
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On Sacred Time: Nicole Henderson

If you have ever wanted to know how to connect with the trees, the wind, the water, the animals or even other people, this book is a necessity. Nicole Henderson teaches through being 'On Sacred Time' that you are not alone and that you are just as capable of tapping into this unrecognized source of power. On Sacred Time, Tapping the power within provides a lifetime of discovery for those that just KNOW that there is something awesome about being alive today and they have to (not just want to) tap into it! They understand that present day cataclysmic events call each of us to change and align ourselves with a higher purpose.Meet medical intuitive and author Nicole Henderson.
9/28/201558 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Polarized Mind: Kirk Schneider

The polarized mind is the fixation on one point of view to the utter exclusion of competing points of view, is killing us—and has been for millennia. Drawing from the standpoint of existential psychology, this book details the basis for the polarized mind, how it has ravaged leaders and their cultures throughout history (up to and including our own time), and steps we urgently need to take to address the problem. Combining contemporary insights with centuries of cross-cultural, awe-inspired wisdom, Schneider offers solutions to this worldwide problem.
9/21/201556 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Polarized Mind: Kirk Schneider

The polarized mind is the fixation on one point of view to the utter exclusion of competing points of view, is killing us—and has been for millennia. Drawing from the standpoint of existential psychology, this book details the basis for the polarized mind, how it has ravaged leaders and their cultures throughout history (up to and including our own time), and steps we urgently need to take to address the problem. Combining contemporary insights with centuries of cross-cultural, awe-inspired wisdom, Schneider offers solutions to this worldwide problem.
9/21/201556 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Polarized Mind: Kirk Schneider

The polarized mind is the fixation on one point of view to the utter exclusion of competing points of view, is killing us—and has been for millennia. Drawing from the standpoint of existential psychology, this book details the basis for the polarized mind, how it has ravaged leaders and their cultures throughout history (up to and including our own time), and steps we urgently need to take to address the problem. Combining contemporary insights with centuries of cross-cultural, awe-inspired wisdom, Schneider offers solutions to this worldwide problem.
9/21/201556 minutes, 7 seconds
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Jalaja Bonheim

The feminine is key to our personal and collective healing. The ego is sacred. It is essentially a positive force. However, it has been conditioned by trial force. Circle work is a new paradigm in conscious healing, especially for women for the empowerment of a new world. Jalaja Bonheim is this weeks guest on 11:11 TalkRadio.
9/14/201556 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jalaja Bonheim

The feminine is key to our personal and collective healing. The ego is sacred. It is essentially a positive force. However, it has been conditioned by trial force. Circle work is a new paradigm in conscious healing, especially for women for the empowerment of a new world. Jalaja Bonheim is this weeks guest on 11:11 TalkRadio.
9/14/201556 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jalaja Bonheim

The feminine is key to our personal and collective healing. The ego is sacred. It is essentially a positive force. However, it has been conditioned by trial force. Circle work is a new paradigm in conscious healing, especially for women for the empowerment of a new world. Jalaja Bonheim is this weeks guest on 11:11 TalkRadio.
9/14/201556 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jalaja Bonheim

The feminine is key to our personal and collective healing. The ego is sacred. It is essentially a positive force. However, it has been conditioned by trial force. Circle work is a new paradigm in conscious healing, especially for women for the empowerment of a new world. Jalaja Bonheim is this weeks guest on 11:11 TalkRadio.
9/14/201556 minutes, 41 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation of Andrew Harvey: Radical Passion

Andrew Harvey's work bridges the great divide between spiritual resignation and engaged spiritual activism. A manifesto for the transformation of the world through the fusion of deep mystical peace with the clarity of radical wisdom, it is a wake-up call to put love and compassion to urgent, focused action.
8/31/201558 minutes, 21 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation of Andrew Harvey: Radical Passion

Andrew Harvey's work bridges the great divide between spiritual resignation and engaged spiritual activism. A manifesto for the transformation of the world through the fusion of deep mystical peace with the clarity of radical wisdom, it is a wake-up call to put love and compassion to urgent, focused action.
8/31/201558 minutes, 21 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation of Andrew Harvey: Radical Passion

Andrew Harvey's work bridges the great divide between spiritual resignation and engaged spiritual activism. A manifesto for the transformation of the world through the fusion of deep mystical peace with the clarity of radical wisdom, it is a wake-up call to put love and compassion to urgent, focused action.
8/31/201558 minutes, 21 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality. Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for a spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God.
8/24/201556 minutes, 50 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality. Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for a spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God.
8/24/201556 minutes, 50 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality. Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for a spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God.
8/24/201556 minutes, 50 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Tom Shadyac/Life's Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
8/17/201556 minutes
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Special Encore Presentation: Tom Shadyac/Life's Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
8/17/201556 minutes
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Special Encore Presentation: Tom Shadyac/Life's Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
8/17/201556 minutes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Christine Page/The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman Health, Creativity and Fertility for the Soul

Through a fascinating journey into the body, Dr. Page shows the importance of self love and self respect, offering simple rituals which all women can follow to bring fertility, creativity and healing to their body and soul.
8/10/201556 minutes, 18 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Christine Page/The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman Health, Creativity and Fertility for the Soul

Through a fascinating journey into the body, Dr. Page shows the importance of self love and self respect, offering simple rituals which all women can follow to bring fertility, creativity and healing to their body and soul.
8/10/201556 minutes, 18 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Christine Page/The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman Health, Creativity and Fertility for the Soul

Through a fascinating journey into the body, Dr. Page shows the importance of self love and self respect, offering simple rituals which all women can follow to bring fertility, creativity and healing to their body and soul.
8/10/201556 minutes, 18 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation of Marianne Williamson: Law of Divine Compensation

As an expression of divine perfection, the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting. To whatever extent your mind is aligned with love, you will receive divine compensation for any lack in your material existence. From spiritual substance will come material manifestation. This is not just a theory; it is a fact. It is a law by which the universe operates. I call it the Law of Divine Compensation.
8/3/201557 minutes, 50 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation of Marianne Williamson: Law of Divine Compensation

As an expression of divine perfection, the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting. To whatever extent your mind is aligned with love, you will receive divine compensation for any lack in your material existence. From spiritual substance will come material manifestation. This is not just a theory; it is a fact. It is a law by which the universe operates. I call it the Law of Divine Compensation.
8/3/201557 minutes, 50 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation of Marianne Williamson: Law of Divine Compensation

As an expression of divine perfection, the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting. To whatever extent your mind is aligned with love, you will receive divine compensation for any lack in your material existence. From spiritual substance will come material manifestation. This is not just a theory; it is a fact. It is a law by which the universe operates. I call it the Law of Divine Compensation.
8/3/201557 minutes, 50 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 3

Simran Singh from 11:11 talk radio interviews millennial expert Chelsea Krost and key note speaker, Justin Packshaw from #sagesummit in New Orleans!
7/30/201527 minutes, 46 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 3

Simran Singh from 11:11 talk radio interviews millennial expert Chelsea Krost and key note speaker, Justin Packshaw from #sagesummit in New Orleans!
7/30/201527 minutes, 46 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 3

Simran Singh from 11:11 talk radio interviews millennial expert Chelsea Krost and key note speaker, Justin Packshaw from #sagesummit in New Orleans!
7/30/201527 minutes, 46 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 2

Simran Singh and Prudence Gensman LIVE on day 2 of the #SageSummit !
7/29/201525 minutes, 18 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 2

Simran Singh and Prudence Gensman LIVE on day 2 of the #SageSummit !
7/29/201525 minutes, 18 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 2

Simran Singh and Prudence Gensman LIVE on day 2 of the #SageSummit !
7/29/201525 minutes, 18 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 1

Simran Singh from the VoiceAmerica 7th Wave and Health channels broadcasts LIVE from #SageSummit in New Orleans! She interviews 2 dynamic guests - Andrew Davis and Susan Solovic.
7/28/201525 minutes, 42 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 1

Simran Singh from the VoiceAmerica 7th Wave and Health channels broadcasts LIVE from #SageSummit in New Orleans! She interviews 2 dynamic guests - Andrew Davis and Susan Solovic.
7/28/201525 minutes, 42 seconds
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2015 Sage Summit - Day 1

Simran Singh from the VoiceAmerica 7th Wave and Health channels broadcasts LIVE from #SageSummit in New Orleans! She interviews 2 dynamic guests - Andrew Davis and Susan Solovic.
7/28/201525 minutes, 42 seconds
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Sharon McErlane/ A Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak and Our Love Is Our Power

The energies of Yin and Yang are out of balance. Too much Yang, the energy of the masculine principle, and not enough Yin, the energy of the feminine principle has placed the Earth in danger. Because women are the natural reservoirs of Yin for the planet, they must be empowered. It is time for this planet to return to harmony and for this,women must lead
10/2/201455 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sharon McErlane/ A Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak and Our Love Is Our Power

The energies of Yin and Yang are out of balance. Too much Yang, the energy of the masculine principle, and not enough Yin, the energy of the feminine principle has placed the Earth in danger. Because women are the natural reservoirs of Yin for the planet, they must be empowered. It is time for this planet to return to harmony and for this,women must lead
10/2/201455 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sharon McErlane/ A Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak and Our Love Is Our Power

The energies of Yin and Yang are out of balance. Too much Yang, the energy of the masculine principle, and not enough Yin, the energy of the feminine principle has placed the Earth in danger. Because women are the natural reservoirs of Yin for the planet, they must be empowered. It is time for this planet to return to harmony and for this,women must lead
10/2/201455 minutes, 48 seconds
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Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible - Part 3 -

Part 3 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world.
9/25/201454 minutes, 6 seconds
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Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible - Part 3 -

Part 3 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world.
9/25/201454 minutes, 6 seconds
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Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible - Part 3 -

Part 3 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world.
9/25/201454 minutes, 6 seconds
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Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible - Part 2

Part 2 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world.
9/18/201453 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible - Part 2

Part 2 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world.
9/18/201453 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible - Part 2

Part 2 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world.
9/18/201453 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible - Part 1

Part 1 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world
9/11/201456 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible - Part 1

Part 1 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world
9/11/201456 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Charles Eisenstein/The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible - Part 1

Part 1 - In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what’s true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world
9/11/201456 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Carol McCall/ Listen! There's A World Waiting To Be Heard

Next to breathing, listening is the single most important thing you and I do. Yet, did you know that most people only listen at 25 percent of their capacity? Imagine for just a moment what would be possible for you - in all of your relationships, in your work, your family, in every area of your life - if you could improve your ability to really listen by as little as ten percent more than you do now.
9/4/201458 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Carol McCall/ Listen! There's A World Waiting To Be Heard

Next to breathing, listening is the single most important thing you and I do. Yet, did you know that most people only listen at 25 percent of their capacity? Imagine for just a moment what would be possible for you - in all of your relationships, in your work, your family, in every area of your life - if you could improve your ability to really listen by as little as ten percent more than you do now.
9/4/201458 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Carol McCall/ Listen! There's A World Waiting To Be Heard

Next to breathing, listening is the single most important thing you and I do. Yet, did you know that most people only listen at 25 percent of their capacity? Imagine for just a moment what would be possible for you - in all of your relationships, in your work, your family, in every area of your life - if you could improve your ability to really listen by as little as ten percent more than you do now.
9/4/201458 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Philippe SHOCK Matthews: The Shock Philosophy: A Mindset For Massive Manifestation

Do you know why you seem to be stuck and have not moved forward? The #1 Reason YOU have Not Manifested the Reality You Desire is Because You Have Not Learned How to Blend the Three Most Powerful Forces of Manifestation in the Universe: Theology, Biology & Psychology!
8/28/201457 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Philippe SHOCK Matthews: The Shock Philosophy: A Mindset For Massive Manifestation

Do you know why you seem to be stuck and have not moved forward? The #1 Reason YOU have Not Manifested the Reality You Desire is Because You Have Not Learned How to Blend the Three Most Powerful Forces of Manifestation in the Universe: Theology, Biology & Psychology!
8/28/201457 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Philippe SHOCK Matthews: The Shock Philosophy: A Mindset For Massive Manifestation

Do you know why you seem to be stuck and have not moved forward? The #1 Reason YOU have Not Manifested the Reality You Desire is Because You Have Not Learned How to Blend the Three Most Powerful Forces of Manifestation in the Universe: Theology, Biology & Psychology!
8/28/201457 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Phillip Comella: The Collapse of the Material World

Philip Comella demonstrates how philosophy, science, religion, and the paranormal all point in the same direction. We are not random collections of stardust, but instead one mind rising to the realization that together we dream the world—and the stars overhead.
8/21/201457 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Phillip Comella: The Collapse of the Material World

Philip Comella demonstrates how philosophy, science, religion, and the paranormal all point in the same direction. We are not random collections of stardust, but instead one mind rising to the realization that together we dream the world—and the stars overhead.
8/21/201457 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Phillip Comella: The Collapse of the Material World

Philip Comella demonstrates how philosophy, science, religion, and the paranormal all point in the same direction. We are not random collections of stardust, but instead one mind rising to the realization that together we dream the world—and the stars overhead.
8/21/201457 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 3

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
8/14/201456 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 3

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
8/14/201456 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 3

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
8/14/201456 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 2

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
8/7/201450 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 2

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
8/7/201450 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 2

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
8/7/201450 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 1

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
7/31/201457 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 1

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
7/31/201457 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 1

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
7/31/201457 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Simon Chokoisky: The 5 Dharma Types

What is your Dharma? What is your Purpose in life? There is something that you do better than anyone else on the planet… Discover that, and everything follows from there! Have you ever wondered why, despite great obstacles, some people achieve success, while others, though given everything, seem to squander it away? Or why some people, despite having very little, radiate joy, while others appear miserable though surrounded by opulence? The answer is Dharma: knowing your soul’s purpose and living it is the key to creating a fulfilling life.
7/17/201454 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Simon Chokoisky: The 5 Dharma Types

What is your Dharma? What is your Purpose in life? There is something that you do better than anyone else on the planet… Discover that, and everything follows from there! Have you ever wondered why, despite great obstacles, some people achieve success, while others, though given everything, seem to squander it away? Or why some people, despite having very little, radiate joy, while others appear miserable though surrounded by opulence? The answer is Dharma: knowing your soul’s purpose and living it is the key to creating a fulfilling life.
7/17/201454 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Simon Chokoisky: The 5 Dharma Types

What is your Dharma? What is your Purpose in life? There is something that you do better than anyone else on the planet… Discover that, and everything follows from there! Have you ever wondered why, despite great obstacles, some people achieve success, while others, though given everything, seem to squander it away? Or why some people, despite having very little, radiate joy, while others appear miserable though surrounded by opulence? The answer is Dharma: knowing your soul’s purpose and living it is the key to creating a fulfilling life.
7/17/201454 minutes, 11 seconds
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Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
7/10/20141 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
7/10/20141 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Simran Singh: Your Journey to Enlightenment

Tonight’s show features Steven Hairfield as the interviewer for a candid conversation with Simran Singh on her book Your Journey To Enlightenment.
7/10/20141 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lee Harris/Energy Speaks – Volume Two

The second collection of channels from internationally renowned energy intuitive and channeler, Lee Harris. 8 channels from his collective guides on topics that touch us all including Personal Power, Abundance, Relationships, Heart Energy and The Art of Receiving. Featuring an extensive interview with Lee’s collective guide group, The Z’s, who offer their broader perspective on living and thriving as a human on Planet Earth at this transitional time.
7/3/201455 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lee Harris/Energy Speaks – Volume Two

The second collection of channels from internationally renowned energy intuitive and channeler, Lee Harris. 8 channels from his collective guides on topics that touch us all including Personal Power, Abundance, Relationships, Heart Energy and The Art of Receiving. Featuring an extensive interview with Lee’s collective guide group, The Z’s, who offer their broader perspective on living and thriving as a human on Planet Earth at this transitional time.
7/3/201455 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lee Harris/Energy Speaks – Volume Two

The second collection of channels from internationally renowned energy intuitive and channeler, Lee Harris. 8 channels from his collective guides on topics that touch us all including Personal Power, Abundance, Relationships, Heart Energy and The Art of Receiving. Featuring an extensive interview with Lee’s collective guide group, The Z’s, who offer their broader perspective on living and thriving as a human on Planet Earth at this transitional time.
7/3/201455 minutes, 27 seconds
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Healing our Past

It seems that our capacity to meet, see and feel human suffering is so low that we must either tell others ‘look on the bright side’ with little to no regard for their true feelings, or, use positive thinking to such a degree in our own lives that we’re simply creating another false persona that lives on the other side of a split from our deeper feelings – feelings of anger, loneliness, self loathing, self hatred, and worthlessness.
6/26/201455 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Healing our Past

It seems that our capacity to meet, see and feel human suffering is so low that we must either tell others ‘look on the bright side’ with little to no regard for their true feelings, or, use positive thinking to such a degree in our own lives that we’re simply creating another false persona that lives on the other side of a split from our deeper feelings – feelings of anger, loneliness, self loathing, self hatred, and worthlessness.
6/26/201455 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Healing our Past

It seems that our capacity to meet, see and feel human suffering is so low that we must either tell others ‘look on the bright side’ with little to no regard for their true feelings, or, use positive thinking to such a degree in our own lives that we’re simply creating another false persona that lives on the other side of a split from our deeper feelings – feelings of anger, loneliness, self loathing, self hatred, and worthlessness.
6/26/201455 minutes, 34 seconds
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Shavasti / Generational Imprints

Belief systems have directly impacted parenting for generations, at the core of western culture and most western individuals is self hatred. There is the notion that we must achieve something, become something or do something in order to be ‘good’. Our belief in our inherent badness runs deep, very, very deep
6/19/201454 minutes
Episode Artwork

Shavasti / Generational Imprints

Belief systems have directly impacted parenting for generations, at the core of western culture and most western individuals is self hatred. There is the notion that we must achieve something, become something or do something in order to be ‘good’. Our belief in our inherent badness runs deep, very, very deep
6/19/201454 minutes
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Shavasti / Generational Imprints

Belief systems have directly impacted parenting for generations, at the core of western culture and most western individuals is self hatred. There is the notion that we must achieve something, become something or do something in order to be ‘good’. Our belief in our inherent badness runs deep, very, very deep
6/19/201454 minutes
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Shavasti / An Awakened Heart

Shavasti’s personal story of a tragedy and other events that transformed both his work and the core of his being. In addition to that brief account, Shavasti invites you to consider, experience, ponder and feel who you are on multiple levels of your being as he weaves almost two decades of a journey as a professional healer, author and seeker of truth together into a tapestry of profound teachings that will change the way you experiences yourself and see your place in the world.
6/12/201453 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Shavasti / An Awakened Heart

Shavasti’s personal story of a tragedy and other events that transformed both his work and the core of his being. In addition to that brief account, Shavasti invites you to consider, experience, ponder and feel who you are on multiple levels of your being as he weaves almost two decades of a journey as a professional healer, author and seeker of truth together into a tapestry of profound teachings that will change the way you experiences yourself and see your place in the world.
6/12/201453 minutes, 32 seconds
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Shavasti / An Awakened Heart

Shavasti’s personal story of a tragedy and other events that transformed both his work and the core of his being. In addition to that brief account, Shavasti invites you to consider, experience, ponder and feel who you are on multiple levels of your being as he weaves almost two decades of a journey as a professional healer, author and seeker of truth together into a tapestry of profound teachings that will change the way you experiences yourself and see your place in the world.
6/12/201453 minutes, 32 seconds
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Regina Cates: Lead With Your Heart , Creating a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose

Lead With Your Heart answers the question: “How do I actually change my life?” Provides tangible real-world solutions to life’s everyday challenges and describes what it means to love ourselves and others
6/5/201454 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Regina Cates: Lead With Your Heart , Creating a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose

Lead With Your Heart answers the question: “How do I actually change my life?” Provides tangible real-world solutions to life’s everyday challenges and describes what it means to love ourselves and others
6/5/201454 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Regina Cates: Lead With Your Heart , Creating a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose

Lead With Your Heart answers the question: “How do I actually change my life?” Provides tangible real-world solutions to life’s everyday challenges and describes what it means to love ourselves and others
6/5/201454 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ernest Kurtz: Experiencing Spirituality Finding Meaning Through Storytelling

In Experiencing Spirituality authors, Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketchum, continue to follow what they began in The Spirituality of Imperfection: telling stories of the spiritually adept, the stories that they told those who sought to follow them, the stories that were their lives – the stories that may help us answer the most meaningful question of all: How do we be?
5/29/201455 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ernest Kurtz: Experiencing Spirituality Finding Meaning Through Storytelling

In Experiencing Spirituality authors, Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketchum, continue to follow what they began in The Spirituality of Imperfection: telling stories of the spiritually adept, the stories that they told those who sought to follow them, the stories that were their lives – the stories that may help us answer the most meaningful question of all: How do we be?
5/29/201455 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ernest Kurtz: Experiencing Spirituality Finding Meaning Through Storytelling

In Experiencing Spirituality authors, Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketchum, continue to follow what they began in The Spirituality of Imperfection: telling stories of the spiritually adept, the stories that they told those who sought to follow them, the stories that were their lives – the stories that may help us answer the most meaningful question of all: How do we be?
5/29/201455 minutes, 33 seconds
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Juliet Butters Doty: Tree of Life and Liquid Love

Tools and techniques for “Internal Disarmament”. Sacred alchemy healings, long distance healings, connecting to your guides, channelings and meditations.
5/22/201454 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Juliet Butters Doty: Tree of Life and Liquid Love

Tools and techniques for “Internal Disarmament”. Sacred alchemy healings, long distance healings, connecting to your guides, channelings and meditations.
5/22/201454 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Juliet Butters Doty: Tree of Life and Liquid Love

Tools and techniques for “Internal Disarmament”. Sacred alchemy healings, long distance healings, connecting to your guides, channelings and meditations.
5/22/201454 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Justina Lasley

Wake Up! will inspire you to awaken to your authentic Self and greatest potential; and introduces you to the incredible wealth of wisdom available nightly through your dreams. Learn to remember, record, and dissect your dreams to better understand yourself and your life. Wake Up! teaches you to use nighttime dreams as a tool to awaken your most authentic, creative, and spiritual Self and thus to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life.
5/15/201456 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Justina Lasley

Wake Up! will inspire you to awaken to your authentic Self and greatest potential; and introduces you to the incredible wealth of wisdom available nightly through your dreams. Learn to remember, record, and dissect your dreams to better understand yourself and your life. Wake Up! teaches you to use nighttime dreams as a tool to awaken your most authentic, creative, and spiritual Self and thus to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life.
5/15/201456 minutes, 38 seconds
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Justina Lasley

Wake Up! will inspire you to awaken to your authentic Self and greatest potential; and introduces you to the incredible wealth of wisdom available nightly through your dreams. Learn to remember, record, and dissect your dreams to better understand yourself and your life. Wake Up! teaches you to use nighttime dreams as a tool to awaken your most authentic, creative, and spiritual Self and thus to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life.
5/15/201456 minutes, 38 seconds
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Panache Desai/DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE: Finding Your Purpose, Passion, and Joy

Your soul signature is your spiritual DNA—it is who you are at your core, the most authentic part of you. When living it, you tap into your limitless potential. Starting now, you can be empowered to uncover your soul signature and begin to overcome the vibrational density and emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting to its unalterable truth.
5/8/201456 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Panache Desai/DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE: Finding Your Purpose, Passion, and Joy

Your soul signature is your spiritual DNA—it is who you are at your core, the most authentic part of you. When living it, you tap into your limitless potential. Starting now, you can be empowered to uncover your soul signature and begin to overcome the vibrational density and emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting to its unalterable truth.
5/8/201456 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Panache Desai/DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE: Finding Your Purpose, Passion, and Joy

Your soul signature is your spiritual DNA—it is who you are at your core, the most authentic part of you. When living it, you tap into your limitless potential. Starting now, you can be empowered to uncover your soul signature and begin to overcome the vibrational density and emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting to its unalterable truth.
5/8/201456 minutes, 33 seconds
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Dr. Joe Vitale/The Quest for Miracles Through Ho’oponopono

Do you want more money? A better job? Freedom to travel or pursue your passion? Peace of mind? To heal your body? More love and romance in your life? Dr. Joe Vitale’s new book goes deeper into Ho'oponopono, reveals where it all began, shares riveting stories of new ways to use it, tells more secrets and methods, and leads you to a true spiritual awakening.
5/1/201456 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Joe Vitale/The Quest for Miracles Through Ho’oponopono

Do you want more money? A better job? Freedom to travel or pursue your passion? Peace of mind? To heal your body? More love and romance in your life? Dr. Joe Vitale’s new book goes deeper into Ho'oponopono, reveals where it all began, shares riveting stories of new ways to use it, tells more secrets and methods, and leads you to a true spiritual awakening.
5/1/201456 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Joe Vitale/The Quest for Miracles Through Ho’oponopono

Do you want more money? A better job? Freedom to travel or pursue your passion? Peace of mind? To heal your body? More love and romance in your life? Dr. Joe Vitale’s new book goes deeper into Ho'oponopono, reveals where it all began, shares riveting stories of new ways to use it, tells more secrets and methods, and leads you to a true spiritual awakening.
5/1/201456 minutes, 43 seconds
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Tobin Hart: The Four Virtues

The Four Virtues is designed to help us understand and develop inner capacities essential for PsychoSpiritual growth. The book serves as an inspiring, intelligent and integrative field guide to the inner life. Drawing from across the wisdom traditions and contemporary sciences The Four Virtues explores how the universal capacities of Presence, Heart, Wisdom, and Creation come to life within us. This builds and balances the psychological and spiritual in order to help us get out of our own way. Exercises and quizzes bookend chapters, providing experiential entry to the material. This is easily applied to personal growth, psychological and spiritual development, in both secular and spiritual contexts.
4/24/201455 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tobin Hart: The Four Virtues

The Four Virtues is designed to help us understand and develop inner capacities essential for PsychoSpiritual growth. The book serves as an inspiring, intelligent and integrative field guide to the inner life. Drawing from across the wisdom traditions and contemporary sciences The Four Virtues explores how the universal capacities of Presence, Heart, Wisdom, and Creation come to life within us. This builds and balances the psychological and spiritual in order to help us get out of our own way. Exercises and quizzes bookend chapters, providing experiential entry to the material. This is easily applied to personal growth, psychological and spiritual development, in both secular and spiritual contexts.
4/24/201455 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tobin Hart: The Four Virtues

The Four Virtues is designed to help us understand and develop inner capacities essential for PsychoSpiritual growth. The book serves as an inspiring, intelligent and integrative field guide to the inner life. Drawing from across the wisdom traditions and contemporary sciences The Four Virtues explores how the universal capacities of Presence, Heart, Wisdom, and Creation come to life within us. This builds and balances the psychological and spiritual in order to help us get out of our own way. Exercises and quizzes bookend chapters, providing experiential entry to the material. This is easily applied to personal growth, psychological and spiritual development, in both secular and spiritual contexts.
4/24/201455 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Conscious Relationships and Divorce

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
4/17/201455 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Conscious Relationships and Divorce

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
4/17/201455 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Conscious Relationships and Divorce

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
4/17/201455 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Consciously Parenting Children

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
4/10/201454 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Consciously Parenting Children

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
4/10/201454 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Consciously Parenting Children

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
4/10/201454 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Betsy Chasse: Tipping Sacred Cows

The uplifting story of spilt milk, spirituality and finding your way in a hectic world.
4/3/201456 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Betsy Chasse: Tipping Sacred Cows

The uplifting story of spilt milk, spirituality and finding your way in a hectic world.
4/3/201456 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Betsy Chasse: Tipping Sacred Cows

The uplifting story of spilt milk, spirituality and finding your way in a hectic world.
4/3/201456 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Cheryl Simone: Midnights With the Mystic

Cheryl Simone shares her experience sitting around a bonfire on a secluded island at midnight with a profound mystic and self-realized yogi from India, Sadhguru.
3/27/201456 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Cheryl Simone: Midnights With the Mystic

Cheryl Simone shares her experience sitting around a bonfire on a secluded island at midnight with a profound mystic and self-realized yogi from India, Sadhguru.
3/27/201456 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Cheryl Simone: Midnights With the Mystic

Cheryl Simone shares her experience sitting around a bonfire on a secluded island at midnight with a profound mystic and self-realized yogi from India, Sadhguru.
3/27/201456 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 3

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/20/201456 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 3

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/20/201456 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 3

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/20/201456 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 2

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/13/201450 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 2

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/13/201450 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 2

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/13/201450 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 1

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/6/201457 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 1

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/6/201457 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys part 1

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Richard Rudd walk through the Prime Gifts, Venus Sequence and Pearl of the Golden Pathway to better understand the power of the Gene Keys. 1st Episode is The Charting of Prime Gifts. 2nd Episode is The Venus Sequence and relationships. 3rd Episode is the Pearl and opening to prosperity in life. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Golden Pathway. For your own access to your free Golden Pathway Chart or Richard's powerful online program, support Simran's show by using this link in your browser:
3/6/201457 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Baird Hersey: The Practice of Nada Yoga Meditation on the Inner Sacred Sound

Nada yoga is a lost practice from ancient texts. It is a journey from the noise of the external world around us inward to a place of internal peace and bliss. It is a portal through which we connect our individual “Self” with the greater Universe. The practice of nada yoga is not complex or complicated. It is amazingly simple. It is the act of listening.
2/27/201456 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Baird Hersey: The Practice of Nada Yoga Meditation on the Inner Sacred Sound

Nada yoga is a lost practice from ancient texts. It is a journey from the noise of the external world around us inward to a place of internal peace and bliss. It is a portal through which we connect our individual “Self” with the greater Universe. The practice of nada yoga is not complex or complicated. It is amazingly simple. It is the act of listening.
2/27/201456 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Baird Hersey: The Practice of Nada Yoga Meditation on the Inner Sacred Sound

Nada yoga is a lost practice from ancient texts. It is a journey from the noise of the external world around us inward to a place of internal peace and bliss. It is a portal through which we connect our individual “Self” with the greater Universe. The practice of nada yoga is not complex or complicated. It is amazingly simple. It is the act of listening.
2/27/201456 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dianne Collins, Do You Quantum Think? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World

Dianne Collins is an important thought-leader of our time; her workshops and consulting sessions are widely sought after by a clientele that includes politicians, celebrities, and CEOs alike. This ambitious book is the culmination of her life’s work, and it unveils the powerful secrets she has uncovered in the process. These secrets bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science to reveal a power that exists in each of us if only we learn how to access its source. The key to this access is a concept she calls QuantumThink®, which explains that our thinking is not “free” but is conditioned by our world view. Only with this knowledge are we able to pursue the lives that we truly desire.
2/20/201456 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dianne Collins, Do You Quantum Think? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World

Dianne Collins is an important thought-leader of our time; her workshops and consulting sessions are widely sought after by a clientele that includes politicians, celebrities, and CEOs alike. This ambitious book is the culmination of her life’s work, and it unveils the powerful secrets she has uncovered in the process. These secrets bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science to reveal a power that exists in each of us if only we learn how to access its source. The key to this access is a concept she calls QuantumThink®, which explains that our thinking is not “free” but is conditioned by our world view. Only with this knowledge are we able to pursue the lives that we truly desire.
2/20/201456 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dianne Collins, Do You Quantum Think? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World

Dianne Collins is an important thought-leader of our time; her workshops and consulting sessions are widely sought after by a clientele that includes politicians, celebrities, and CEOs alike. This ambitious book is the culmination of her life’s work, and it unveils the powerful secrets she has uncovered in the process. These secrets bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science to reveal a power that exists in each of us if only we learn how to access its source. The key to this access is a concept she calls QuantumThink®, which explains that our thinking is not “free” but is conditioned by our world view. Only with this knowledge are we able to pursue the lives that we truly desire.
2/20/201456 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Danielle Rama Hoffman, The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul

Through her advanced spiritual work with Thoth, Danielle Rama Hoffman was introduced to the Council of Light--an intergalactic group of thousands of light beings from across the Multiverse. Their purpose is to support individuals as they shift into Unity Consciousness and return to their natural state of joy. The Council transmitted the teachings in this book for those seeking to accelerate their journey toward health, wealth, happiness, and their soul’s deepest desires.
2/13/201454 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Danielle Rama Hoffman, The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul

Through her advanced spiritual work with Thoth, Danielle Rama Hoffman was introduced to the Council of Light--an intergalactic group of thousands of light beings from across the Multiverse. Their purpose is to support individuals as they shift into Unity Consciousness and return to their natural state of joy. The Council transmitted the teachings in this book for those seeking to accelerate their journey toward health, wealth, happiness, and their soul’s deepest desires.
2/13/201454 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Danielle Rama Hoffman, The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul

Through her advanced spiritual work with Thoth, Danielle Rama Hoffman was introduced to the Council of Light--an intergalactic group of thousands of light beings from across the Multiverse. Their purpose is to support individuals as they shift into Unity Consciousness and return to their natural state of joy. The Council transmitted the teachings in this book for those seeking to accelerate their journey toward health, wealth, happiness, and their soul’s deepest desires.
2/13/201454 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Timothy Wyllie: Revolt of the Rebel Angels

A rebel angel’s perspective on the Lucifer Rebellion 200,000 years ago and her insight into its past and future effects on consciousness.
2/6/201457 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Timothy Wyllie: Revolt of the Rebel Angels

A rebel angel’s perspective on the Lucifer Rebellion 200,000 years ago and her insight into its past and future effects on consciousness.
2/6/201457 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Timothy Wyllie: Revolt of the Rebel Angels

A rebel angel’s perspective on the Lucifer Rebellion 200,000 years ago and her insight into its past and future effects on consciousness.
2/6/201457 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nicholas David Ngan, Your Soul Contract Decoded, Discovering the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
1/30/201456 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nicholas David Ngan, Your Soul Contract Decoded, Discovering the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
1/30/201456 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nicholas David Ngan, Your Soul Contract Decoded, Discovering the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology

A Powerful 3 - Part Series of Experiential learning as Simran Singh and Nicolas David Ngan walk through The Soul Contract Decoded to better understand the power of your name and numerology when incorporated within the Star of David and 22 sounds of God. 1st Episode is the Soul Decoded. 2nd Episode is the soul contracts regarding Children of two partners. 3rd Episode soul contracts of related partners. To access the charts discussed, go to - Click Resources Tab under 11:11 Talk Radio Heading and locate Show Description Heading of Soul Contract.
1/30/201456 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Kala Ambrose, The Awakened Aura: Experiencing the Evolution of Your Energy Body

Over the past decade, what Kala has been seeing in the auric fields is changing dramatically. She reports that our auras are actually evolving! They are creating new energy bodies around the physical body, connecting in new patterns and forming crystalline structures to enhance our conscious evolution, including our connectivity to each other, the world, and higher planes of existence. These structures are creating powerful crystalline receivers, which allow psychic abilities to be enhanced and provide regenerative energetic force fields to heal energy from within at the cellular level. Kala shares that we are truly evolving into super-powered human beings and it’s happening first in the aura!
1/23/201454 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Kala Ambrose, The Awakened Aura: Experiencing the Evolution of Your Energy Body

Over the past decade, what Kala has been seeing in the auric fields is changing dramatically. She reports that our auras are actually evolving! They are creating new energy bodies around the physical body, connecting in new patterns and forming crystalline structures to enhance our conscious evolution, including our connectivity to each other, the world, and higher planes of existence. These structures are creating powerful crystalline receivers, which allow psychic abilities to be enhanced and provide regenerative energetic force fields to heal energy from within at the cellular level. Kala shares that we are truly evolving into super-powered human beings and it’s happening first in the aura!
1/23/201454 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Kala Ambrose, The Awakened Aura: Experiencing the Evolution of Your Energy Body

Over the past decade, what Kala has been seeing in the auric fields is changing dramatically. She reports that our auras are actually evolving! They are creating new energy bodies around the physical body, connecting in new patterns and forming crystalline structures to enhance our conscious evolution, including our connectivity to each other, the world, and higher planes of existence. These structures are creating powerful crystalline receivers, which allow psychic abilities to be enhanced and provide regenerative energetic force fields to heal energy from within at the cellular level. Kala shares that we are truly evolving into super-powered human beings and it’s happening first in the aura!
1/23/201454 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Brian L. Crissey, Ph D and Pamela Meyer Crissey, Common Sense in Uncommon Times

If a flood, drought, storm, fire, earthquake, accident, tornado, or act of terrorism struck your home or family… Would you be prepared to survive?
1/16/201455 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Brian L. Crissey, Ph D and Pamela Meyer Crissey, Common Sense in Uncommon Times

If a flood, drought, storm, fire, earthquake, accident, tornado, or act of terrorism struck your home or family… Would you be prepared to survive?
1/16/201455 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Brian L. Crissey, Ph D and Pamela Meyer Crissey, Common Sense in Uncommon Times

If a flood, drought, storm, fire, earthquake, accident, tornado, or act of terrorism struck your home or family… Would you be prepared to survive?
1/16/201455 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Karen Hering, Writing to Wake the Soul Opening the Sacred Conversation From Within

This is a book about words, but it’s equally about what pulses beneath them, what lies between the lines. It opens a path to the inner self and to the timeless wisdom deep within. By focusing on ten key spiritual words, Hering provides an elegant practice for readers to explore a greater intimacy with their spirituality, their soul, and their world.
1/9/201455 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Karen Hering, Writing to Wake the Soul Opening the Sacred Conversation From Within

This is a book about words, but it’s equally about what pulses beneath them, what lies between the lines. It opens a path to the inner self and to the timeless wisdom deep within. By focusing on ten key spiritual words, Hering provides an elegant practice for readers to explore a greater intimacy with their spirituality, their soul, and their world.
1/9/201455 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Karen Hering, Writing to Wake the Soul Opening the Sacred Conversation From Within

This is a book about words, but it’s equally about what pulses beneath them, what lies between the lines. It opens a path to the inner self and to the timeless wisdom deep within. By focusing on ten key spiritual words, Hering provides an elegant practice for readers to explore a greater intimacy with their spirituality, their soul, and their world.
1/9/201455 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lyric Benson: Lyrics Love Light Revolution

The daughter of Karla DeVito and Robby Benson, Lyric grew up in the entertainment business. When Lyric’s poetry evolved into ideas for songs, she collaborated with her father, Robby Benson, who wrote the music, and arranged and produced the ten-song album in his studio on Cape Cod. Robby’s musical genius lays the foundation for Lyric’s powerful lyrics to flow into light. Lyric’s Love Light Revolution is a cosmic journey inward.
1/2/201453 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lyric Benson: Lyrics Love Light Revolution

The daughter of Karla DeVito and Robby Benson, Lyric grew up in the entertainment business. When Lyric’s poetry evolved into ideas for songs, she collaborated with her father, Robby Benson, who wrote the music, and arranged and produced the ten-song album in his studio on Cape Cod. Robby’s musical genius lays the foundation for Lyric’s powerful lyrics to flow into light. Lyric’s Love Light Revolution is a cosmic journey inward.
1/2/201453 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lyric Benson: Lyrics Love Light Revolution

The daughter of Karla DeVito and Robby Benson, Lyric grew up in the entertainment business. When Lyric’s poetry evolved into ideas for songs, she collaborated with her father, Robby Benson, who wrote the music, and arranged and produced the ten-song album in his studio on Cape Cod. Robby’s musical genius lays the foundation for Lyric’s powerful lyrics to flow into light. Lyric’s Love Light Revolution is a cosmic journey inward.
1/2/201453 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Evan Pritchard/Bird Medicine- The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanish

Pairing scholarly research with more than 200 firsthand accounts of bird encounters from traditional Native Americans and their descendants, Evan Pritchard explores the living spiritual tradition surrounding birds in Native American culture.
12/26/201356 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Evan Pritchard/Bird Medicine- The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanish

Pairing scholarly research with more than 200 firsthand accounts of bird encounters from traditional Native Americans and their descendants, Evan Pritchard explores the living spiritual tradition surrounding birds in Native American culture.
12/26/201356 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Evan Pritchard/Bird Medicine- The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanish

Pairing scholarly research with more than 200 firsthand accounts of bird encounters from traditional Native Americans and their descendants, Evan Pritchard explores the living spiritual tradition surrounding birds in Native American culture.
12/26/201356 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Anodea Judith/Global Heart Awakens

Most human stories are about power and politics, but The Global Heart Awakens, offers the first narrative of human evolution told from a female’s perspective and from the standpoint of the heart. This archetypal history of humanity offers a formula for creating a sustainable future and how we can get there.
12/19/201353 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Anodea Judith/Global Heart Awakens

Most human stories are about power and politics, but The Global Heart Awakens, offers the first narrative of human evolution told from a female’s perspective and from the standpoint of the heart. This archetypal history of humanity offers a formula for creating a sustainable future and how we can get there.
12/19/201353 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Anodea Judith/Global Heart Awakens

Most human stories are about power and politics, but The Global Heart Awakens, offers the first narrative of human evolution told from a female’s perspective and from the standpoint of the heart. This archetypal history of humanity offers a formula for creating a sustainable future and how we can get there.
12/19/201353 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Mark Nepo

Reduced to Joy, a book of seventy-three poems, retrieved and shaped over the last thirteen years, about the nature of working with what we're given till it wears us through to joy.
12/12/201356 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Mark Nepo

Reduced to Joy, a book of seventy-three poems, retrieved and shaped over the last thirteen years, about the nature of working with what we're given till it wears us through to joy.
12/12/201356 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Mark Nepo

Reduced to Joy, a book of seventy-three poems, retrieved and shaped over the last thirteen years, about the nature of working with what we're given till it wears us through to joy.
12/12/201356 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

11:11 Talk Radio Thursday, December 5, 2013

12/5/201354 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

11:11 Talk Radio Thursday, December 5, 2013

12/5/201354 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

11:11 Talk Radio Thursday, December 5, 2013

12/5/201354 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Greta & Ali

Self-Love and Self-Care belongs at the top of our ‘to-do’ lists, but so many believe there just isn't enough time in the day to fit it in. It is because of this, that we have created Mini Meditations for anyone to implement into their busy lives; helping to create a few minutes of peace of mind and stress relief, no matter what the day holds. Whether you have the luxury of meditating on a mountain, or simply during a lunchtime break, taking a few minutes to get quiet and connect, will truly change your life for the better, creating more joy, more peace, and more love.
11/28/201354 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Greta & Ali

Self-Love and Self-Care belongs at the top of our ‘to-do’ lists, but so many believe there just isn't enough time in the day to fit it in. It is because of this, that we have created Mini Meditations for anyone to implement into their busy lives; helping to create a few minutes of peace of mind and stress relief, no matter what the day holds. Whether you have the luxury of meditating on a mountain, or simply during a lunchtime break, taking a few minutes to get quiet and connect, will truly change your life for the better, creating more joy, more peace, and more love.
11/28/201354 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Greta & Ali

Self-Love and Self-Care belongs at the top of our ‘to-do’ lists, but so many believe there just isn't enough time in the day to fit it in. It is because of this, that we have created Mini Meditations for anyone to implement into their busy lives; helping to create a few minutes of peace of mind and stress relief, no matter what the day holds. Whether you have the luxury of meditating on a mountain, or simply during a lunchtime break, taking a few minutes to get quiet and connect, will truly change your life for the better, creating more joy, more peace, and more love.
11/28/201354 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gwilda Wiyaka/SO WE'RE STILL HERE, NOW WHAT? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment In a New Era

Gwilda Wiyaka reveals that tremendous influences are occurring and will continue to occur, which will effect us for quite some time. So what does this mean for us and what does this book have to offer that is unlike all the hype and hysteria we have been bombarded with as of late?
11/21/201355 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gwilda Wiyaka/SO WE'RE STILL HERE, NOW WHAT? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment In a New Era

Gwilda Wiyaka reveals that tremendous influences are occurring and will continue to occur, which will effect us for quite some time. So what does this mean for us and what does this book have to offer that is unlike all the hype and hysteria we have been bombarded with as of late?
11/21/201355 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gwilda Wiyaka/SO WE'RE STILL HERE, NOW WHAT? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment In a New Era

Gwilda Wiyaka reveals that tremendous influences are occurring and will continue to occur, which will effect us for quite some time. So what does this mean for us and what does this book have to offer that is unlike all the hype and hysteria we have been bombarded with as of late?
11/21/201355 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Mario Martinez/The Mind Body Code

You may know that your mind influences your health—but what's influencing your mind? Until you answer this question, you may be overlooking a key factor on the path to personal excellence. On The Mind-Body Code, pioneering neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez invites you to discover the dynamic interplay between your thoughts, body, and cultural history to master the creation of wellness and fulfillment.
11/14/201356 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Mario Martinez/The Mind Body Code

You may know that your mind influences your health—but what's influencing your mind? Until you answer this question, you may be overlooking a key factor on the path to personal excellence. On The Mind-Body Code, pioneering neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez invites you to discover the dynamic interplay between your thoughts, body, and cultural history to master the creation of wellness and fulfillment.
11/14/201356 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr. Mario Martinez/The Mind Body Code

You may know that your mind influences your health—but what's influencing your mind? Until you answer this question, you may be overlooking a key factor on the path to personal excellence. On The Mind-Body Code, pioneering neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez invites you to discover the dynamic interplay between your thoughts, body, and cultural history to master the creation of wellness and fulfillment.
11/14/201356 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rasha/Journey to Oneness

Rich with Divine insight, A Journey to Oneness gives us a vibrant new vision of the nature of humanness and an in-depth guide to discovering the Divinity within. Here, in one woman's unforgettable spiritual adventure, is the key to the actual experience of Oneness--the God within us all.
10/31/201356 minutes, 21 seconds
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Rasha/Journey to Oneness

Rich with Divine insight, A Journey to Oneness gives us a vibrant new vision of the nature of humanness and an in-depth guide to discovering the Divinity within. Here, in one woman's unforgettable spiritual adventure, is the key to the actual experience of Oneness--the God within us all.
10/31/201356 minutes, 21 seconds
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Rasha/Journey to Oneness

Rich with Divine insight, A Journey to Oneness gives us a vibrant new vision of the nature of humanness and an in-depth guide to discovering the Divinity within. Here, in one woman's unforgettable spiritual adventure, is the key to the actual experience of Oneness--the God within us all.
10/31/201356 minutes, 21 seconds
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Evan Pritchard/Bird Medicine- The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanish

Pairing scholarly research with more than 200 firsthand accounts of bird encounters from traditional Native Americans and their descendants, Evan Pritchard explores the living spiritual tradition surrounding birds in Native American culture.
10/24/201356 minutes, 4 seconds
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Evan Pritchard/Bird Medicine- The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanish

Pairing scholarly research with more than 200 firsthand accounts of bird encounters from traditional Native Americans and their descendants, Evan Pritchard explores the living spiritual tradition surrounding birds in Native American culture.
10/24/201356 minutes, 4 seconds
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Evan Pritchard/Bird Medicine- The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanish

Pairing scholarly research with more than 200 firsthand accounts of bird encounters from traditional Native Americans and their descendants, Evan Pritchard explores the living spiritual tradition surrounding birds in Native American culture.
10/24/201356 minutes, 4 seconds
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Anodea Judith/Global Heart Awakens

Most human stories are about power and politics, but The Global Heart Awakens, offers the first narrative of human evolution told from a female’s perspective and from the standpoint of the heart. This archetypal history of humanity offers a formula for creating a sustainable future and how we can get there.
10/17/201353 minutes, 11 seconds
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Anodea Judith/Global Heart Awakens

Most human stories are about power and politics, but The Global Heart Awakens, offers the first narrative of human evolution told from a female’s perspective and from the standpoint of the heart. This archetypal history of humanity offers a formula for creating a sustainable future and how we can get there.
10/17/201353 minutes, 11 seconds
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Anodea Judith/Global Heart Awakens

Most human stories are about power and politics, but The Global Heart Awakens, offers the first narrative of human evolution told from a female’s perspective and from the standpoint of the heart. This archetypal history of humanity offers a formula for creating a sustainable future and how we can get there.
10/17/201353 minutes, 11 seconds
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Padma Aon/Dimensions of Love 7 Steps to God

What is love and what is it not? Why is love the most misused word on this planet? Why do our love relationships break and hurt us deeply? Is love meant to hurt?
10/10/201358 minutes, 51 seconds
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Padma Aon/Dimensions of Love 7 Steps to God

What is love and what is it not? Why is love the most misused word on this planet? Why do our love relationships break and hurt us deeply? Is love meant to hurt?
10/10/201358 minutes, 51 seconds
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Padma Aon/Dimensions of Love 7 Steps to God

What is love and what is it not? Why is love the most misused word on this planet? Why do our love relationships break and hurt us deeply? Is love meant to hurt?
10/10/201358 minutes, 51 seconds
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Mark Nepo

Reduced to Joy, a book of seventy-three poems, retrieved and shaped over the last thirteen years, about the nature of working with what we're given till it wears us through to joy.
10/3/201356 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mark Nepo

Reduced to Joy, a book of seventy-three poems, retrieved and shaped over the last thirteen years, about the nature of working with what we're given till it wears us through to joy.
10/3/201356 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mark Nepo

Reduced to Joy, a book of seventy-three poems, retrieved and shaped over the last thirteen years, about the nature of working with what we're given till it wears us through to joy.
10/3/201356 minutes, 33 seconds
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Penney Peirce/Leap of Perception The Transforming Power of Your Attention

Penney Peirce offers a comprehensive guide to developing the contemporary “attention skills” necessary to navigate your transformation process, recognize the radically different Intuition Age reality and live successfully by its new rules. With down to earth examples and simple exercises, you can move beyond frustration and coping to thrive in a world of rapidly expanding possibilities.
9/26/201356 minutes, 21 seconds
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Penney Peirce/Leap of Perception The Transforming Power of Your Attention

Penney Peirce offers a comprehensive guide to developing the contemporary “attention skills” necessary to navigate your transformation process, recognize the radically different Intuition Age reality and live successfully by its new rules. With down to earth examples and simple exercises, you can move beyond frustration and coping to thrive in a world of rapidly expanding possibilities.
9/26/201356 minutes, 21 seconds
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Penney Peirce/Leap of Perception The Transforming Power of Your Attention

Penney Peirce offers a comprehensive guide to developing the contemporary “attention skills” necessary to navigate your transformation process, recognize the radically different Intuition Age reality and live successfully by its new rules. With down to earth examples and simple exercises, you can move beyond frustration and coping to thrive in a world of rapidly expanding possibilities.
9/26/201356 minutes, 21 seconds
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Patricia Cota-Robles/Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

At long last the answers to the questions people have been asking for lifetimes can be revealed. These profound truths have been carefully hidden in sacred mystery schools awaiting the time when the masses of Humanity would be awake enough to comprehend them. That time is now!
9/19/201357 minutes, 21 seconds
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Patricia Cota-Robles/Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

At long last the answers to the questions people have been asking for lifetimes can be revealed. These profound truths have been carefully hidden in sacred mystery schools awaiting the time when the masses of Humanity would be awake enough to comprehend them. That time is now!
9/19/201357 minutes, 21 seconds
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Patricia Cota-Robles/Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

At long last the answers to the questions people have been asking for lifetimes can be revealed. These profound truths have been carefully hidden in sacred mystery schools awaiting the time when the masses of Humanity would be awake enough to comprehend them. That time is now!
9/19/201357 minutes, 21 seconds
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Richard Rudd/Gene Keys

Regardless of our outer circumstances, every single human being has something beautiful hidden inside them. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring that beauty forth – to ignite the eternal spark of genius that sets you apart from everyone else. To learn more please click: Gene Keys Golden Path
9/12/201358 minutes, 17 seconds
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Richard Rudd/Gene Keys

Regardless of our outer circumstances, every single human being has something beautiful hidden inside them. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring that beauty forth – to ignite the eternal spark of genius that sets you apart from everyone else. To learn more please click: Gene Keys Golden Path
9/12/201358 minutes, 17 seconds
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Richard Rudd/Gene Keys

Regardless of our outer circumstances, every single human being has something beautiful hidden inside them. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring that beauty forth – to ignite the eternal spark of genius that sets you apart from everyone else. To learn more please click: Gene Keys Golden Path
9/12/201358 minutes, 17 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Tom Shadyac/Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
9/5/201356 minutes
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Special Encore Presentation: Tom Shadyac/Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
9/5/201356 minutes
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Special Encore Presentation: Tom Shadyac/Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
9/5/201356 minutes
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Dr. Christine Page/The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman Health, Creativity and Fertility for the Soul

Through a fascinating journey into the body, Dr. Page shows the importance of self love and self respect, offering simple rituals which all women can follow to bring fertility, creativity and healing to their body and soul.
8/29/201356 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dr. Christine Page/The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman Health, Creativity and Fertility for the Soul

Through a fascinating journey into the body, Dr. Page shows the importance of self love and self respect, offering simple rituals which all women can follow to bring fertility, creativity and healing to their body and soul.
8/29/201356 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dr. Christine Page/The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman Health, Creativity and Fertility for the Soul

Through a fascinating journey into the body, Dr. Page shows the importance of self love and self respect, offering simple rituals which all women can follow to bring fertility, creativity and healing to their body and soul.
8/29/201356 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rashmi Khilnani/Shiva Speaks

Babaji, the ageless avatar who taught Jesus and Moses, and who, as Shiva, is the Lord of the Universe, speaks to us through his devotee, the Indian mystic Rashmi, who shares with us both her journey with this supreme master and his wisdom teachings for the modern age.
8/22/201354 minutes, 22 seconds
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Rashmi Khilnani/Shiva Speaks

Babaji, the ageless avatar who taught Jesus and Moses, and who, as Shiva, is the Lord of the Universe, speaks to us through his devotee, the Indian mystic Rashmi, who shares with us both her journey with this supreme master and his wisdom teachings for the modern age.
8/22/201354 minutes, 22 seconds
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Rashmi Khilnani/Shiva Speaks

Babaji, the ageless avatar who taught Jesus and Moses, and who, as Shiva, is the Lord of the Universe, speaks to us through his devotee, the Indian mystic Rashmi, who shares with us both her journey with this supreme master and his wisdom teachings for the modern age.
8/22/201354 minutes, 22 seconds
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Jim Self/What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?

Why now is the time to release who you are not and remember who you are.
8/15/201357 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jim Self/What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?

Why now is the time to release who you are not and remember who you are.
8/15/201357 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jim Self/What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?

Why now is the time to release who you are not and remember who you are.
8/15/201357 minutes, 12 seconds
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Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
8/8/20131 hour, 16 seconds
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Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
8/8/20131 hour, 16 seconds
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Simran Singh: Conversations With The Universe

Simran Singh speaks on the multiple ways the Universe is engaging us with answers and directions. We need only be aware of what is going on in our lives. You will never look at life the same way after reading this book. Maureen Moss, 4 time award winning author interviews Simran Singh. Readers receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:Conversations With The Universe
8/8/20131 hour, 16 seconds
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Julie McIntyre/Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart

Nature is having sex all the time--that’s one of the reasons we feel so alive when we are immersed in it. Sexuality is essential to the sensation of Nature in your own body, of connecting to the piece of Earth closest to you--your own flesh and bones. Many a couple has been overcome by passion while walking in the woods or on the beach; many a soul has found solace or epiphany in Nature. Living in accordance with Nature depends on you being your true, whole self--a sexual, sensual, erotic, fully alive human being.
8/1/201359 minutes, 22 seconds
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Julie McIntyre/Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart

Nature is having sex all the time--that’s one of the reasons we feel so alive when we are immersed in it. Sexuality is essential to the sensation of Nature in your own body, of connecting to the piece of Earth closest to you--your own flesh and bones. Many a couple has been overcome by passion while walking in the woods or on the beach; many a soul has found solace or epiphany in Nature. Living in accordance with Nature depends on you being your true, whole self--a sexual, sensual, erotic, fully alive human being.
8/1/201359 minutes, 22 seconds
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Julie McIntyre/Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart

Nature is having sex all the time--that’s one of the reasons we feel so alive when we are immersed in it. Sexuality is essential to the sensation of Nature in your own body, of connecting to the piece of Earth closest to you--your own flesh and bones. Many a couple has been overcome by passion while walking in the woods or on the beach; many a soul has found solace or epiphany in Nature. Living in accordance with Nature depends on you being your true, whole self--a sexual, sensual, erotic, fully alive human being.
8/1/201359 minutes, 22 seconds
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PMH Atwater/Children of the Fifth World: A Guide to the Coming Changes in Human Consciousness

The past 30 years have seen a quantum leap in the intuitive, creative, and abstract- thinking abilities of children as well as an unprecedented rise in incidences of ADHD, dyslexia, and autism spectrum disorders. As P. M. H. Atwater explains, we are witnessing evolution at work. The changes in consciousness and brain function evident in these “new kids” signal the widespread emergence of the Fifth Root Race and, fortuitously, coincide with our transition into the Fifth World.
7/25/201356 minutes, 45 seconds
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PMH Atwater/Children of the Fifth World: A Guide to the Coming Changes in Human Consciousness

The past 30 years have seen a quantum leap in the intuitive, creative, and abstract- thinking abilities of children as well as an unprecedented rise in incidences of ADHD, dyslexia, and autism spectrum disorders. As P. M. H. Atwater explains, we are witnessing evolution at work. The changes in consciousness and brain function evident in these “new kids” signal the widespread emergence of the Fifth Root Race and, fortuitously, coincide with our transition into the Fifth World.
7/25/201356 minutes, 45 seconds
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PMH Atwater/Children of the Fifth World: A Guide to the Coming Changes in Human Consciousness

The past 30 years have seen a quantum leap in the intuitive, creative, and abstract- thinking abilities of children as well as an unprecedented rise in incidences of ADHD, dyslexia, and autism spectrum disorders. As P. M. H. Atwater explains, we are witnessing evolution at work. The changes in consciousness and brain function evident in these “new kids” signal the widespread emergence of the Fifth Root Race and, fortuitously, coincide with our transition into the Fifth World.
7/25/201356 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sunny Dawn Johnston/Invoking the Archangels: A Nine Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul

Every person, can at any moment, call upon not only one Archangel but seven specific Archangels to bring blessings and protection-you just need to learn how to ask.
7/18/201357 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sunny Dawn Johnston/Invoking the Archangels: A Nine Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul

Every person, can at any moment, call upon not only one Archangel but seven specific Archangels to bring blessings and protection-you just need to learn how to ask.
7/18/201357 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sunny Dawn Johnston/Invoking the Archangels: A Nine Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul

Every person, can at any moment, call upon not only one Archangel but seven specific Archangels to bring blessings and protection-you just need to learn how to ask.
7/18/201357 minutes, 19 seconds
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Joseph Chilton Pearce/The Heart-Mind Matrix: How the Heart Can Teach the Mind New Ways to Think

Joseph Chilton Pearce shows that by activating the original matrix of the Heart-Mind--the engine of our spiritual evolution and our innate connection to the universe--we can teach our brains new ways to think, amend our destructive behavior loops, and enter into a future of peace, spiritual connection, and conscious evolution.
7/11/201357 minutes, 37 seconds
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Joseph Chilton Pearce/The Heart-Mind Matrix: How the Heart Can Teach the Mind New Ways to Think

Joseph Chilton Pearce shows that by activating the original matrix of the Heart-Mind--the engine of our spiritual evolution and our innate connection to the universe--we can teach our brains new ways to think, amend our destructive behavior loops, and enter into a future of peace, spiritual connection, and conscious evolution.
7/11/201357 minutes, 37 seconds
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Joseph Chilton Pearce/The Heart-Mind Matrix: How the Heart Can Teach the Mind New Ways to Think

Joseph Chilton Pearce shows that by activating the original matrix of the Heart-Mind--the engine of our spiritual evolution and our innate connection to the universe--we can teach our brains new ways to think, amend our destructive behavior loops, and enter into a future of peace, spiritual connection, and conscious evolution.
7/11/201357 minutes, 37 seconds
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Steve Bhaerman/Swami Beyondananda

As anyone who follows the news can attest, we are living in serious times. The antidote? Serious laughter. Take it from the Swami himself: “The best way to overcome gravity is with levity.”
7/4/20131 hour, 16 seconds
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Steve Bhaerman/Swami Beyondananda

As anyone who follows the news can attest, we are living in serious times. The antidote? Serious laughter. Take it from the Swami himself: “The best way to overcome gravity is with levity.”
7/4/20131 hour, 16 seconds
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Steve Bhaerman/Swami Beyondananda

As anyone who follows the news can attest, we are living in serious times. The antidote? Serious laughter. Take it from the Swami himself: “The best way to overcome gravity is with levity.”
7/4/20131 hour, 16 seconds
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Tom Shadyac/Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
6/27/201356 minutes
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Tom Shadyac/Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
6/27/201356 minutes
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Tom Shadyac/Life’s Operating Manual: With the Truth and Fear Dialogues

Modern society is replete with electronics—iPads, computers, cell phones, cars, and so on—and all of these come with one important accessory: a manual that teaches you how to use and care for your device. In Life’s Operating Manual, Tom Shadyac answers a simple yet provocative question: is it possible that life comes with a similar set of guidelines?
6/27/201356 minutes
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Linda Graham/Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well Being

Ground breaking integration of modern brain science, relational psychology and mindfulness practices to help you skillfully cope with life’s challenges, whether every day disappointments or extraordinary disasters. The book offers down to earth perspectives and dozens of powerful experiential practices for responding to pressures and tragedies quickly, adaptively, effectively.
6/20/201359 minutes, 23 seconds
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Linda Graham/Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well Being

Ground breaking integration of modern brain science, relational psychology and mindfulness practices to help you skillfully cope with life’s challenges, whether every day disappointments or extraordinary disasters. The book offers down to earth perspectives and dozens of powerful experiential practices for responding to pressures and tragedies quickly, adaptively, effectively.
6/20/201359 minutes, 23 seconds
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Linda Graham/Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well Being

Ground breaking integration of modern brain science, relational psychology and mindfulness practices to help you skillfully cope with life’s challenges, whether every day disappointments or extraordinary disasters. The book offers down to earth perspectives and dozens of powerful experiential practices for responding to pressures and tragedies quickly, adaptively, effectively.
6/20/201359 minutes, 23 seconds
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Temba Spirit /Reclaim Your Innocence: Remember the Love-Beauty Within

Temba Spirit shares the importance of honoring and loving ourselves as well as those around us every day. He captures the essence of our gentle spirits when we are born and the crucial need to continue to live in this type of love consistently.
6/13/201355 minutes, 23 seconds
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Temba Spirit /Reclaim Your Innocence: Remember the Love-Beauty Within

Temba Spirit shares the importance of honoring and loving ourselves as well as those around us every day. He captures the essence of our gentle spirits when we are born and the crucial need to continue to live in this type of love consistently.
6/13/201355 minutes, 23 seconds
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Temba Spirit /Reclaim Your Innocence: Remember the Love-Beauty Within

Temba Spirit shares the importance of honoring and loving ourselves as well as those around us every day. He captures the essence of our gentle spirits when we are born and the crucial need to continue to live in this type of love consistently.
6/13/201355 minutes, 23 seconds
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Polly Campbell/Imperfect Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People

You can lead a healthier, happier, more authentic life by adopting useful and easy spiritual practices that will help you shed the life-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and develop the courage to embrace all that you are. Our imperfections are not liabilities, they hold possibilities.
6/6/201358 minutes, 19 seconds
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Polly Campbell/Imperfect Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People

You can lead a healthier, happier, more authentic life by adopting useful and easy spiritual practices that will help you shed the life-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and develop the courage to embrace all that you are. Our imperfections are not liabilities, they hold possibilities.
6/6/201358 minutes, 19 seconds
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Polly Campbell/Imperfect Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People

You can lead a healthier, happier, more authentic life by adopting useful and easy spiritual practices that will help you shed the life-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and develop the courage to embrace all that you are. Our imperfections are not liabilities, they hold possibilities.
6/6/201358 minutes, 19 seconds
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William von Holst for Imre Vallyon, The New Planetary Reality

The New Planetary Reality by Imre Vallyon starts where the author’s previous book, Planetary Transformation, left off. It explains the mystery of the Coming Avatara, which, unlike past Avataras like Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu and many others, is not a single person sent to a particular place, religion or culture but a global phenomenon—a Planetary Avatara, a Cosmic Energy coming from the inner dimensions that has already started to permeate planet Earth.
5/30/201356 minutes, 10 seconds
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William von Holst for Imre Vallyon, The New Planetary Reality

The New Planetary Reality by Imre Vallyon starts where the author’s previous book, Planetary Transformation, left off. It explains the mystery of the Coming Avatara, which, unlike past Avataras like Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu and many others, is not a single person sent to a particular place, religion or culture but a global phenomenon—a Planetary Avatara, a Cosmic Energy coming from the inner dimensions that has already started to permeate planet Earth.
5/30/201356 minutes, 10 seconds
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William von Holst for Imre Vallyon, The New Planetary Reality

The New Planetary Reality by Imre Vallyon starts where the author’s previous book, Planetary Transformation, left off. It explains the mystery of the Coming Avatara, which, unlike past Avataras like Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu and many others, is not a single person sent to a particular place, religion or culture but a global phenomenon—a Planetary Avatara, a Cosmic Energy coming from the inner dimensions that has already started to permeate planet Earth.
5/30/201356 minutes, 10 seconds
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Dr. Annie Kagan, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad Boy Brother Proved to Me There is Life After Death

When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, Annie agreed to accompany him on his journey through the mysteries of death. As Billy reaches from the “other side” to change his sister’s life and the lives of those around her, he shares secrets about the bliss and wonder to come in the afterlife. One of the most detailed after-death communications ever recorded, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers takes you on an unprecedented journey into the mysteries of life beyond death.
5/23/201356 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dr. Annie Kagan, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad Boy Brother Proved to Me There is Life After Death

When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, Annie agreed to accompany him on his journey through the mysteries of death. As Billy reaches from the “other side” to change his sister’s life and the lives of those around her, he shares secrets about the bliss and wonder to come in the afterlife. One of the most detailed after-death communications ever recorded, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers takes you on an unprecedented journey into the mysteries of life beyond death.
5/23/201356 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dr. Annie Kagan, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad Boy Brother Proved to Me There is Life After Death

When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, Annie agreed to accompany him on his journey through the mysteries of death. As Billy reaches from the “other side” to change his sister’s life and the lives of those around her, he shares secrets about the bliss and wonder to come in the afterlife. One of the most detailed after-death communications ever recorded, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers takes you on an unprecedented journey into the mysteries of life beyond death.
5/23/201356 minutes, 29 seconds
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Nianell, Knowing Who I Am

Nianell shares her journey from painfully shy girl growing up in Namibia to wife, mother and successful South African entertainer whose mesmerizing performances cement her connection with her audiences. At the heart of her book and music is the message that we all need to learn to love ourselves.
5/16/201357 minutes
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Nianell, Knowing Who I Am

Nianell shares her journey from painfully shy girl growing up in Namibia to wife, mother and successful South African entertainer whose mesmerizing performances cement her connection with her audiences. At the heart of her book and music is the message that we all need to learn to love ourselves.
5/16/201357 minutes
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Nianell, Knowing Who I Am

Nianell shares her journey from painfully shy girl growing up in Namibia to wife, mother and successful South African entertainer whose mesmerizing performances cement her connection with her audiences. At the heart of her book and music is the message that we all need to learn to love ourselves.
5/16/201357 minutes
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James Olson, The Whole Brain Path to Peace

Drawing on science, philosophy, and modern revelation, James Olson explores how our brain’s division into distinct hemispheres results in two divergent ways of responding to our world.
5/9/201354 minutes, 6 seconds
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James Olson, The Whole Brain Path to Peace

Drawing on science, philosophy, and modern revelation, James Olson explores how our brain’s division into distinct hemispheres results in two divergent ways of responding to our world.
5/9/201354 minutes, 6 seconds
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James Olson, The Whole Brain Path to Peace

Drawing on science, philosophy, and modern revelation, James Olson explores how our brain’s division into distinct hemispheres results in two divergent ways of responding to our world.
5/9/201354 minutes, 6 seconds
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Anaiya Sophia, Sacred Sexual Union, The Alchemy of Love, Power and Wisdom

Sacred Sexual Union, also known as Hieros Gamos or the Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber is a term that is generally used to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or a human being and God, or between two human beings; it is the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites, dissolving all duality.
5/2/201358 minutes, 37 seconds
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Anaiya Sophia, Sacred Sexual Union, The Alchemy of Love, Power and Wisdom

Sacred Sexual Union, also known as Hieros Gamos or the Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber is a term that is generally used to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or a human being and God, or between two human beings; it is the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites, dissolving all duality.
5/2/201358 minutes, 37 seconds
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Anaiya Sophia, Sacred Sexual Union, The Alchemy of Love, Power and Wisdom

Sacred Sexual Union, also known as Hieros Gamos or the Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber is a term that is generally used to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or a human being and God, or between two human beings; it is the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites, dissolving all duality.
5/2/201358 minutes, 37 seconds
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Don Miguel Ruiz Jr

We are living beings regardless of our knowledge, which exists only because we exist. The Authentic Self is a name given to that living being that is the full potential of life. It is the name that describes the force that not only animates our body, but also gives life to our mind and our soul. The Authentic Self is always present, and it is only our attachment that keeps us from remembering this is who we really are.
4/25/201357 minutes, 8 seconds
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Don Miguel Ruiz Jr

We are living beings regardless of our knowledge, which exists only because we exist. The Authentic Self is a name given to that living being that is the full potential of life. It is the name that describes the force that not only animates our body, but also gives life to our mind and our soul. The Authentic Self is always present, and it is only our attachment that keeps us from remembering this is who we really are.
4/25/201357 minutes, 8 seconds
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Don Miguel Ruiz Jr

We are living beings regardless of our knowledge, which exists only because we exist. The Authentic Self is a name given to that living being that is the full potential of life. It is the name that describes the force that not only animates our body, but also gives life to our mind and our soul. The Authentic Self is always present, and it is only our attachment that keeps us from remembering this is who we really are.
4/25/201357 minutes, 8 seconds
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Dr. Nicholas E. Brink, The Power of Ecstatic Trance

A guide to ecstatic trance for spiritual and emotional development, spirit journeying, and connecting to the collective unconscious. Over the millennia shamanic trance journeying has been used as a way of healing, of providing answers to questions and of offering solutions to individual, family and community problems. Though traditionally it was the shaman of the community who went on such journeys, the revolutionary work of the late anthropologist Felicitas Goodman shows that we all have these shamanic powers.
4/18/201357 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dr. Nicholas E. Brink, The Power of Ecstatic Trance

A guide to ecstatic trance for spiritual and emotional development, spirit journeying, and connecting to the collective unconscious. Over the millennia shamanic trance journeying has been used as a way of healing, of providing answers to questions and of offering solutions to individual, family and community problems. Though traditionally it was the shaman of the community who went on such journeys, the revolutionary work of the late anthropologist Felicitas Goodman shows that we all have these shamanic powers.
4/18/201357 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dr. Nicholas E. Brink, The Power of Ecstatic Trance

A guide to ecstatic trance for spiritual and emotional development, spirit journeying, and connecting to the collective unconscious. Over the millennia shamanic trance journeying has been used as a way of healing, of providing answers to questions and of offering solutions to individual, family and community problems. Though traditionally it was the shaman of the community who went on such journeys, the revolutionary work of the late anthropologist Felicitas Goodman shows that we all have these shamanic powers.
4/18/201357 minutes, 23 seconds
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Jake Ducey, Into The Wind

When Jake Ducey left behind the predictable life of a troubled teen, he took a risk most of us rarely take…one that our heart beckons us all to follow. His profound spiritual journey around the world and his ultimate transformation will rekindle your belief in yourself, the beauty of humanity, and remind you joy is a gift that's always available …when we stop to smile!
4/11/201355 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jake Ducey, Into The Wind

When Jake Ducey left behind the predictable life of a troubled teen, he took a risk most of us rarely take…one that our heart beckons us all to follow. His profound spiritual journey around the world and his ultimate transformation will rekindle your belief in yourself, the beauty of humanity, and remind you joy is a gift that's always available …when we stop to smile!
4/11/201355 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jake Ducey, Into The Wind

When Jake Ducey left behind the predictable life of a troubled teen, he took a risk most of us rarely take…one that our heart beckons us all to follow. His profound spiritual journey around the world and his ultimate transformation will rekindle your belief in yourself, the beauty of humanity, and remind you joy is a gift that's always available …when we stop to smile!
4/11/201355 minutes, 52 seconds
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David Ison, The Chakra Sound System

The Chakra Sound System is a music-based meditation system, designed to open the pathways to your highest self. The practices presented in the CSS use the transformative power of music and meditation to awaken and release the hidden potential within each of the seven chakras—your subtle body energy centers—guiding you toward the joy of being right here, right now.
4/4/201356 minutes, 28 seconds
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David Ison, The Chakra Sound System

The Chakra Sound System is a music-based meditation system, designed to open the pathways to your highest self. The practices presented in the CSS use the transformative power of music and meditation to awaken and release the hidden potential within each of the seven chakras—your subtle body energy centers—guiding you toward the joy of being right here, right now.
4/4/201356 minutes, 28 seconds
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David Ison, The Chakra Sound System

The Chakra Sound System is a music-based meditation system, designed to open the pathways to your highest self. The practices presented in the CSS use the transformative power of music and meditation to awaken and release the hidden potential within each of the seven chakras—your subtle body energy centers—guiding you toward the joy of being right here, right now.
4/4/201356 minutes, 28 seconds
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Barry Goldstein: The Heart Codes

3/28/201356 minutes, 24 seconds
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Barry Goldstein: The Heart Codes

3/28/201356 minutes, 24 seconds
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Barry Goldstein: The Heart Codes

3/28/201356 minutes, 24 seconds
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Kaya: Angels - Dreams - Signs

Dreams have always fascinated human beings… Since the beginning of time, they have played an important part in history, religions, in the lives of our society's leaders and inspired our poets and singers that at first were traveling throughout the world to open our minds and hearts to new realities. But do dreams have a true meaning… are they a real science or the reflection of our imagination?
3/21/201358 minutes, 14 seconds
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Kaya: Angels - Dreams - Signs

Dreams have always fascinated human beings… Since the beginning of time, they have played an important part in history, religions, in the lives of our society's leaders and inspired our poets and singers that at first were traveling throughout the world to open our minds and hearts to new realities. But do dreams have a true meaning… are they a real science or the reflection of our imagination?
3/21/201358 minutes, 14 seconds
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Kaya: Angels - Dreams - Signs

Dreams have always fascinated human beings… Since the beginning of time, they have played an important part in history, religions, in the lives of our society's leaders and inspired our poets and singers that at first were traveling throughout the world to open our minds and hearts to new realities. But do dreams have a true meaning… are they a real science or the reflection of our imagination?
3/21/201358 minutes, 14 seconds
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Emmy Award winner Jim Oliver

Simran Singh sat down with Emmy Award winner Jim Oliver to talk about his upcoming concert series. The concert series entitled, The Realization of Love, will be the first concert to be streamed LIVE around the world. More details can be found
3/14/201355 minutes, 20 seconds
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Emmy Award winner Jim Oliver

Simran Singh sat down with Emmy Award winner Jim Oliver to talk about his upcoming concert series. The concert series entitled, The Realization of Love, will be the first concert to be streamed LIVE around the world. More details can be found
3/14/201355 minutes, 20 seconds
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Emmy Award winner Jim Oliver

Simran Singh sat down with Emmy Award winner Jim Oliver to talk about his upcoming concert series. The concert series entitled, The Realization of Love, will be the first concert to be streamed LIVE around the world. More details can be found
3/14/201355 minutes, 20 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality. Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for a spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God.
3/7/201356 minutes, 50 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality. Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for a spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God.
3/7/201356 minutes, 50 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality. Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for a spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God.
3/7/201356 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sally Kempton

The sages of Tantra have known for centuries that when you follow the path of Shakti—the sacred feminine principle personified by the goddesses of yoga— these gifts can manifest spontaneously. Yet most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of our inner feminine energies.
2/28/201355 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sally Kempton

The sages of Tantra have known for centuries that when you follow the path of Shakti—the sacred feminine principle personified by the goddesses of yoga— these gifts can manifest spontaneously. Yet most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of our inner feminine energies.
2/28/201355 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sally Kempton

The sages of Tantra have known for centuries that when you follow the path of Shakti—the sacred feminine principle personified by the goddesses of yoga— these gifts can manifest spontaneously. Yet most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of our inner feminine energies.
2/28/201355 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sally Kempton

The sages of Tantra have known for centuries that when you follow the path of Shakti—the sacred feminine principle personified by the goddesses of yoga— these gifts can manifest spontaneously. Yet most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of our inner feminine energies.
2/28/201355 minutes, 55 seconds
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Inna Segal

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
2/21/201352 minutes, 30 seconds
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Inna Segal

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
2/21/201352 minutes, 30 seconds
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Inna Segal

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
2/21/201352 minutes, 30 seconds
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Andrew Harvey: Radical Passion

Andrew Harvey's work bridges the great divide between spiritual resignation and engaged spiritual activism. A manifesto for the transformation of the world through the fusion of deep mystical peace with the clarity of radical wisdom, it is a wake-up call to put love and compassion to urgent, focused action.
2/14/201358 minutes, 21 seconds
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Andrew Harvey: Radical Passion

Andrew Harvey's work bridges the great divide between spiritual resignation and engaged spiritual activism. A manifesto for the transformation of the world through the fusion of deep mystical peace with the clarity of radical wisdom, it is a wake-up call to put love and compassion to urgent, focused action.
2/14/201358 minutes, 21 seconds
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Andrew Harvey: Radical Passion

Andrew Harvey's work bridges the great divide between spiritual resignation and engaged spiritual activism. A manifesto for the transformation of the world through the fusion of deep mystical peace with the clarity of radical wisdom, it is a wake-up call to put love and compassion to urgent, focused action.
2/14/201358 minutes, 21 seconds
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Simran Singh: Wisdom Gone Wacky!

LIFE is too serious! And the Dark Night... well very long and DARK! In the midst of all of the chaos, inner work, and soul work... Where's the good stuff? I realized one day that I just wanted to laugh... I had a MAJOR 'AHA'... I need to 'LIGHTEN UP!' If the Universe has a sense of humor, I am going to find mine! I want that doubled over, hands to the gut, tears streaming out of the eyes, bodily fluids spraying, belly laugh.... I know it does not sound much different than the Dark Night experiences, but its got to feel better! Well, I have a second show and here's a sample… In addition to 11:11 Talk Radio you can also tune into a new me…
1/31/201357 minutes, 6 seconds
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Simran Singh: Wisdom Gone Wacky!

LIFE is too serious! And the Dark Night... well very long and DARK! In the midst of all of the chaos, inner work, and soul work... Where's the good stuff? I realized one day that I just wanted to laugh... I had a MAJOR 'AHA'... I need to 'LIGHTEN UP!' If the Universe has a sense of humor, I am going to find mine! I want that doubled over, hands to the gut, tears streaming out of the eyes, bodily fluids spraying, belly laugh.... I know it does not sound much different than the Dark Night experiences, but its got to feel better! Well, I have a second show and here's a sample… In addition to 11:11 Talk Radio you can also tune into a new me…
1/31/201357 minutes, 6 seconds
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Simran Singh: Wisdom Gone Wacky!

LIFE is too serious! And the Dark Night... well very long and DARK! In the midst of all of the chaos, inner work, and soul work... Where's the good stuff? I realized one day that I just wanted to laugh... I had a MAJOR 'AHA'... I need to 'LIGHTEN UP!' If the Universe has a sense of humor, I am going to find mine! I want that doubled over, hands to the gut, tears streaming out of the eyes, bodily fluids spraying, belly laugh.... I know it does not sound much different than the Dark Night experiences, but its got to feel better! Well, I have a second show and here's a sample… In addition to 11:11 Talk Radio you can also tune into a new me…
1/31/201357 minutes, 6 seconds
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Byron Belitsos: The Adventure of Being Human

Amplifying the core spiritual teachings of The Urantia Book—introduces the two central deity-personalities of the Urantia revelation: Christ Michael—Jesus—and his feminine, coequal consort, Mother Spirit. As the study relates, these two deities maintain intimate contact with their sons and daughters, demonstrating their love through an unprecedented series of teachings. This compilation chronicles Jesus’ own awe-inspiring lessons—along with essential introductory and background materials.
1/24/201331 minutes, 28 seconds
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Byron Belitsos: The Adventure of Being Human

Amplifying the core spiritual teachings of The Urantia Book—introduces the two central deity-personalities of the Urantia revelation: Christ Michael—Jesus—and his feminine, coequal consort, Mother Spirit. As the study relates, these two deities maintain intimate contact with their sons and daughters, demonstrating their love through an unprecedented series of teachings. This compilation chronicles Jesus’ own awe-inspiring lessons—along with essential introductory and background materials.
1/24/201331 minutes, 28 seconds
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Byron Belitsos: The Adventure of Being Human

Amplifying the core spiritual teachings of The Urantia Book—introduces the two central deity-personalities of the Urantia revelation: Christ Michael—Jesus—and his feminine, coequal consort, Mother Spirit. As the study relates, these two deities maintain intimate contact with their sons and daughters, demonstrating their love through an unprecedented series of teachings. This compilation chronicles Jesus’ own awe-inspiring lessons—along with essential introductory and background materials.
1/24/201331 minutes, 28 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
1/17/201353 minutes, 48 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
1/17/201353 minutes, 48 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
1/17/201353 minutes, 48 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
1/10/201357 minutes, 55 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
1/10/201357 minutes, 55 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
1/10/201357 minutes, 55 seconds
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Colette Baron-Reid: Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much

Learn about: • how your emotional sensitivity affects your weight • how to recognize when your porous boundaries are wide open and taking in all the emotional trash around you • see the effects of using specific techniques for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries for yourself • make peace with food, your body, and your weight • manage empathy overload and establish healthy boundaries
1/3/201355 minutes, 39 seconds
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Colette Baron-Reid: Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much

Learn about: • how your emotional sensitivity affects your weight • how to recognize when your porous boundaries are wide open and taking in all the emotional trash around you • see the effects of using specific techniques for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries for yourself • make peace with food, your body, and your weight • manage empathy overload and establish healthy boundaries
1/3/201355 minutes, 39 seconds
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Colette Baron-Reid: Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much

Learn about: • how your emotional sensitivity affects your weight • how to recognize when your porous boundaries are wide open and taking in all the emotional trash around you • see the effects of using specific techniques for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries for yourself • make peace with food, your body, and your weight • manage empathy overload and establish healthy boundaries
1/3/201355 minutes, 39 seconds
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Gabrielle Bernstein: May Cause Miracles

Are you ready to work miracles? Gabrielle Bernstein believes that simple, consistent shifts in our thinking and actions can lead to the miraculous in all aspects of our daily lives, including our relationships, finances, bodies, and self-image. In this inspiring guide, Gabrielle offers an exciting plan for releasing fear and allowing gratitude, forgiveness, and love to flow through us without fail.
12/27/201256 minutes, 21 seconds
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Gabrielle Bernstein: May Cause Miracles

Are you ready to work miracles? Gabrielle Bernstein believes that simple, consistent shifts in our thinking and actions can lead to the miraculous in all aspects of our daily lives, including our relationships, finances, bodies, and self-image. In this inspiring guide, Gabrielle offers an exciting plan for releasing fear and allowing gratitude, forgiveness, and love to flow through us without fail.
12/27/201256 minutes, 21 seconds
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Gabrielle Bernstein: May Cause Miracles

Are you ready to work miracles? Gabrielle Bernstein believes that simple, consistent shifts in our thinking and actions can lead to the miraculous in all aspects of our daily lives, including our relationships, finances, bodies, and self-image. In this inspiring guide, Gabrielle offers an exciting plan for releasing fear and allowing gratitude, forgiveness, and love to flow through us without fail.
12/27/201256 minutes, 21 seconds
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Marianne Williamson: Law of Divine Compensation

As an expression of divine perfection, the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting. To whatever extent your mind is aligned with love, you will receive divine compensation for any lack in your material existence. From spiritual substance will come material manifestation. This is not just a theory; it is a fact. It is a law by which the universe operates. I call it the Law of Divine Compensation.
12/20/201257 minutes, 50 seconds
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Marianne Williamson: Law of Divine Compensation

As an expression of divine perfection, the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting. To whatever extent your mind is aligned with love, you will receive divine compensation for any lack in your material existence. From spiritual substance will come material manifestation. This is not just a theory; it is a fact. It is a law by which the universe operates. I call it the Law of Divine Compensation.
12/20/201257 minutes, 50 seconds
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Marianne Williamson: Law of Divine Compensation

As an expression of divine perfection, the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting. To whatever extent your mind is aligned with love, you will receive divine compensation for any lack in your material existence. From spiritual substance will come material manifestation. This is not just a theory; it is a fact. It is a law by which the universe operates. I call it the Law of Divine Compensation.
12/20/201257 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christine Arylo

Arylo takes women beyond the idea of loving, valuing and caring for themselves and offers a tangible, practical and fun self-love roadmap. Throughout the book, readers measure their “love pulse” on the 10 branches of self-love to determine where they lack self-love, and then they take the daring adventures the book prescribes. “Most women know that loving themselves would be good, but they have no idea what that really means. They need help pinpointing where to improve their relationship with themselves so they can be happier, healthier, have better relationships and feel (not just look) successful.”
12/13/201256 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christine Arylo

Arylo takes women beyond the idea of loving, valuing and caring for themselves and offers a tangible, practical and fun self-love roadmap. Throughout the book, readers measure their “love pulse” on the 10 branches of self-love to determine where they lack self-love, and then they take the daring adventures the book prescribes. “Most women know that loving themselves would be good, but they have no idea what that really means. They need help pinpointing where to improve their relationship with themselves so they can be happier, healthier, have better relationships and feel (not just look) successful.”
12/13/201256 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christine Arylo

Arylo takes women beyond the idea of loving, valuing and caring for themselves and offers a tangible, practical and fun self-love roadmap. Throughout the book, readers measure their “love pulse” on the 10 branches of self-love to determine where they lack self-love, and then they take the daring adventures the book prescribes. “Most women know that loving themselves would be good, but they have no idea what that really means. They need help pinpointing where to improve their relationship with themselves so they can be happier, healthier, have better relationships and feel (not just look) successful.”
12/13/201256 minutes, 2 seconds
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World Meditation and Planetary Event

SIX leaders of consciousness will create a living field of powerful loving energy through cosmic wisdom, meditations, activations and transmissions, to gracefully guide you into oneness with our New Planet, and for new life. On this Divine Self is birthed. Come together as the six leaders - Maureen Moss, Neale Donald Walsch Celia Fenn, Rikka Zimmerman, Barry Goldstein & Simran Singh create a space to invite you in for conversation around becoming a chalice of Love on 12-12-12. To register for this FREE event:
12/6/201254 minutes, 28 seconds
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World Meditation and Planetary Event

SIX leaders of consciousness will create a living field of powerful loving energy through cosmic wisdom, meditations, activations and transmissions, to gracefully guide you into oneness with our New Planet, and for new life. On this Divine Self is birthed. Come together as the six leaders - Maureen Moss, Neale Donald Walsch Celia Fenn, Rikka Zimmerman, Barry Goldstein & Simran Singh create a space to invite you in for conversation around becoming a chalice of Love on 12-12-12. To register for this FREE event:
12/6/201254 minutes, 28 seconds
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World Meditation and Planetary Event

SIX leaders of consciousness will create a living field of powerful loving energy through cosmic wisdom, meditations, activations and transmissions, to gracefully guide you into oneness with our New Planet, and for new life. On this Divine Self is birthed. Come together as the six leaders - Maureen Moss, Neale Donald Walsch Celia Fenn, Rikka Zimmerman, Barry Goldstein & Simran Singh create a space to invite you in for conversation around becoming a chalice of Love on 12-12-12. To register for this FREE event:
12/6/201254 minutes, 28 seconds
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Deborah Price: Heart of Money

Money, love, and sex … any one of these subjects represents a plethora of complex emotions and experiences that humans have grappled with throughout history. When you mix these issues together, you have perhaps the most challenging and combustible material known to humankind. Even in the best of economic times, over 50% of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce with money issues being reported as the number one cause.The Heart of Money: A Couple’s Guide to Creating True Financial Intimacy helps individuals and couples move beyond their limiting money patterns and beliefs through exercises designed to help them safely explore, communicate, and understand each other’s money dynamics.
11/29/201258 minutes, 32 seconds
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Deborah Price: Heart of Money

Money, love, and sex … any one of these subjects represents a plethora of complex emotions and experiences that humans have grappled with throughout history. When you mix these issues together, you have perhaps the most challenging and combustible material known to humankind. Even in the best of economic times, over 50% of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce with money issues being reported as the number one cause.The Heart of Money: A Couple’s Guide to Creating True Financial Intimacy helps individuals and couples move beyond their limiting money patterns and beliefs through exercises designed to help them safely explore, communicate, and understand each other’s money dynamics.
11/29/201258 minutes, 32 seconds
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Deborah Price: Heart of Money

Money, love, and sex … any one of these subjects represents a plethora of complex emotions and experiences that humans have grappled with throughout history. When you mix these issues together, you have perhaps the most challenging and combustible material known to humankind. Even in the best of economic times, over 50% of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce with money issues being reported as the number one cause.The Heart of Money: A Couple’s Guide to Creating True Financial Intimacy helps individuals and couples move beyond their limiting money patterns and beliefs through exercises designed to help them safely explore, communicate, and understand each other’s money dynamics.
11/29/201258 minutes, 32 seconds
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James O'dea: Cultivating Peace

A comprehensive roadmap for today’s peace ambassadors In providing theoretical and practical guidance for facilitators of deep dialogue between perpetrator and victim, O’Dea strikes deep chords of optimism even as he teaches us how to face “the heart of darkness.” His poetic, soulful voice calls readers to new ways to think about peace-building in our personal and professional lives.
11/15/201256 minutes, 17 seconds
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James O'dea: Cultivating Peace

A comprehensive roadmap for today’s peace ambassadors In providing theoretical and practical guidance for facilitators of deep dialogue between perpetrator and victim, O’Dea strikes deep chords of optimism even as he teaches us how to face “the heart of darkness.” His poetic, soulful voice calls readers to new ways to think about peace-building in our personal and professional lives.
11/15/201256 minutes, 17 seconds
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James O'dea: Cultivating Peace

A comprehensive roadmap for today’s peace ambassadors In providing theoretical and practical guidance for facilitators of deep dialogue between perpetrator and victim, O’Dea strikes deep chords of optimism even as he teaches us how to face “the heart of darkness.” His poetic, soulful voice calls readers to new ways to think about peace-building in our personal and professional lives.
11/15/201256 minutes, 17 seconds
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Sarah McLean: Soul Centered

5 Essentials to a successful meditation practice, along with step-by-step instruction in a wide variety of meditation practices, including an eating meditation, a number of walking meditations, and a variety of seated silent meditations.
11/8/201256 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sarah McLean: Soul Centered

5 Essentials to a successful meditation practice, along with step-by-step instruction in a wide variety of meditation practices, including an eating meditation, a number of walking meditations, and a variety of seated silent meditations.
11/8/201256 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sarah McLean: Soul Centered

5 Essentials to a successful meditation practice, along with step-by-step instruction in a wide variety of meditation practices, including an eating meditation, a number of walking meditations, and a variety of seated silent meditations.
11/8/201256 minutes, 4 seconds
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Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman: Creating On Purpose

You may have seen the movies and read the books about manifestation, but your power to create your dreams still seems to be missing the mark. Don't throw in the towel yet—there's a radically new approach that may reveal the missing piece of the puzzle. With Creating on Purpose, innovative teachers Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman present a comprehensive, systematic method for realizing your highest aspirations.
11/1/201257 minutes, 42 seconds
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Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman: Creating On Purpose

You may have seen the movies and read the books about manifestation, but your power to create your dreams still seems to be missing the mark. Don't throw in the towel yet—there's a radically new approach that may reveal the missing piece of the puzzle. With Creating on Purpose, innovative teachers Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman present a comprehensive, systematic method for realizing your highest aspirations.
11/1/201257 minutes, 42 seconds
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Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman: Creating On Purpose

You may have seen the movies and read the books about manifestation, but your power to create your dreams still seems to be missing the mark. Don't throw in the towel yet—there's a radically new approach that may reveal the missing piece of the puzzle. With Creating on Purpose, innovative teachers Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman present a comprehensive, systematic method for realizing your highest aspirations.
11/1/201257 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ruth Miller: Game of Life

The key lies within. To overcome the patterns of today’s world we must first change our fundamental feelings and thoughts. And thought is often words—words spoken silently, internally, and spoken out loud, to ourselves or in the presence of others. This then, must be the focus of our spiritual lives: to man- age our thoughts and words in order to experience the truth of our being. We replace old, no longer useful thoughts with a new one—hence the name of the movement: New Thought.
10/25/201255 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ruth Miller: Game of Life

The key lies within. To overcome the patterns of today’s world we must first change our fundamental feelings and thoughts. And thought is often words—words spoken silently, internally, and spoken out loud, to ourselves or in the presence of others. This then, must be the focus of our spiritual lives: to man- age our thoughts and words in order to experience the truth of our being. We replace old, no longer useful thoughts with a new one—hence the name of the movement: New Thought.
10/25/201255 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ruth Miller: Game of Life

The key lies within. To overcome the patterns of today’s world we must first change our fundamental feelings and thoughts. And thought is often words—words spoken silently, internally, and spoken out loud, to ourselves or in the presence of others. This then, must be the focus of our spiritual lives: to man- age our thoughts and words in order to experience the truth of our being. We replace old, no longer useful thoughts with a new one—hence the name of the movement: New Thought.
10/25/201255 minutes, 55 seconds
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Lorna Byrne: A Message of Hope

Every single person has a guardian angel regardless of their religion, nationality or the colour of their skin, even if they have no faith and don’t believe in anything. Your guardian angel is trying to help you. It is a gift from God and it never leaves you for one moment, from before your birth to after your death.
10/18/201255 minutes, 55 seconds
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Lorna Byrne: A Message of Hope

Every single person has a guardian angel regardless of their religion, nationality or the colour of their skin, even if they have no faith and don’t believe in anything. Your guardian angel is trying to help you. It is a gift from God and it never leaves you for one moment, from before your birth to after your death.
10/18/201255 minutes, 55 seconds
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Lorna Byrne: A Message of Hope

Every single person has a guardian angel regardless of their religion, nationality or the colour of their skin, even if they have no faith and don’t believe in anything. Your guardian angel is trying to help you. It is a gift from God and it never leaves you for one moment, from before your birth to after your death.
10/18/201255 minutes, 55 seconds
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Nick Polizzi: The Sacred Science

The Sacred Science follows eight people from all different walks of life, with varying physical and psychological ailments, as they embark on a one month healing journey into the heart of the amaon jungle. Working with a handful of local shamanic healers and using a combination of plant medicine and intense spiritual exercises, the barriers between physical health and mental well-being are blurred and eventually eliminated altogether.
10/11/201258 minutes, 53 seconds
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Nick Polizzi: The Sacred Science

The Sacred Science follows eight people from all different walks of life, with varying physical and psychological ailments, as they embark on a one month healing journey into the heart of the amaon jungle. Working with a handful of local shamanic healers and using a combination of plant medicine and intense spiritual exercises, the barriers between physical health and mental well-being are blurred and eventually eliminated altogether.
10/11/201258 minutes, 53 seconds
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Nick Polizzi: The Sacred Science

The Sacred Science follows eight people from all different walks of life, with varying physical and psychological ailments, as they embark on a one month healing journey into the heart of the amaon jungle. Working with a handful of local shamanic healers and using a combination of plant medicine and intense spiritual exercises, the barriers between physical health and mental well-being are blurred and eventually eliminated altogether.
10/11/201258 minutes, 53 seconds
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James D'Angelo - Chakra Sounds

Using the Sacred Alphabet—the universal sounds of all languages—sound-healing teacher James D’Angelo explores the intimate connections between vowel, consonant, and syllable combinations, each of the 7 chakras, and their corresponding psychological traits. Revealing the voice as the master instrument for transformation—attested by the spiritual traditions that use chanting as an aid to enlightenment—he provides discussion for incorporating sound for general well-being.
10/4/201259 minutes, 25 seconds
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James D'Angelo - Chakra Sounds

Using the Sacred Alphabet—the universal sounds of all languages—sound-healing teacher James D’Angelo explores the intimate connections between vowel, consonant, and syllable combinations, each of the 7 chakras, and their corresponding psychological traits. Revealing the voice as the master instrument for transformation—attested by the spiritual traditions that use chanting as an aid to enlightenment—he provides discussion for incorporating sound for general well-being.
10/4/201259 minutes, 25 seconds
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James D'Angelo - Chakra Sounds

Using the Sacred Alphabet—the universal sounds of all languages—sound-healing teacher James D’Angelo explores the intimate connections between vowel, consonant, and syllable combinations, each of the 7 chakras, and their corresponding psychological traits. Revealing the voice as the master instrument for transformation—attested by the spiritual traditions that use chanting as an aid to enlightenment—he provides discussion for incorporating sound for general well-being.
10/4/201259 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sanctuary of the Divine Presence: Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

Sanctuary of Divine Presence by Dr. Zohara Hieronimus reveals practices for self mastery and revelation based on the holy design of the first Hebrew Sanctuary, the lives of the Hebrew Prophets, and the Tree of Life. We will discuss how the Tree of Life’s ten sefirot correspond to the Torah’s prophetic Ten Songs of Creation; to alchemical ritual practices of fire, water, air, and earth; and to specific parts of the body, emotions, and aspects of the soul
9/27/201254 minutes, 12 seconds
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Sanctuary of the Divine Presence: Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

Sanctuary of Divine Presence by Dr. Zohara Hieronimus reveals practices for self mastery and revelation based on the holy design of the first Hebrew Sanctuary, the lives of the Hebrew Prophets, and the Tree of Life. We will discuss how the Tree of Life’s ten sefirot correspond to the Torah’s prophetic Ten Songs of Creation; to alchemical ritual practices of fire, water, air, and earth; and to specific parts of the body, emotions, and aspects of the soul
9/27/201254 minutes, 12 seconds
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Sanctuary of the Divine Presence: Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

Sanctuary of Divine Presence by Dr. Zohara Hieronimus reveals practices for self mastery and revelation based on the holy design of the first Hebrew Sanctuary, the lives of the Hebrew Prophets, and the Tree of Life. We will discuss how the Tree of Life’s ten sefirot correspond to the Torah’s prophetic Ten Songs of Creation; to alchemical ritual practices of fire, water, air, and earth; and to specific parts of the body, emotions, and aspects of the soul
9/27/201254 minutes, 12 seconds
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Vera Lauren for Catherine Julian Dove

If you enjoyed a Course in Miracles and Conversations with God, you will absolutely love this book as it is in the same genre. Vera Lauren discusses The Measure of Christ's Love. Catherine Julian Dove is an oracle, conveying Jesus' messages of unconditional love and mercy to the world. The Measure of Christ's Love brings forth the divine intentions of Jesus, and the meaning behind his teachings, and clarifies major misinterpretations, offering highlights of Jesus' extraordinary life, from infancy to his final hours.
9/20/201256 minutes, 29 seconds
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Vera Lauren for Catherine Julian Dove

If you enjoyed a Course in Miracles and Conversations with God, you will absolutely love this book as it is in the same genre. Vera Lauren discusses The Measure of Christ's Love. Catherine Julian Dove is an oracle, conveying Jesus' messages of unconditional love and mercy to the world. The Measure of Christ's Love brings forth the divine intentions of Jesus, and the meaning behind his teachings, and clarifies major misinterpretations, offering highlights of Jesus' extraordinary life, from infancy to his final hours.
9/20/201256 minutes, 29 seconds
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Vera Lauren for Catherine Julian Dove

If you enjoyed a Course in Miracles and Conversations with God, you will absolutely love this book as it is in the same genre. Vera Lauren discusses The Measure of Christ's Love. Catherine Julian Dove is an oracle, conveying Jesus' messages of unconditional love and mercy to the world. The Measure of Christ's Love brings forth the divine intentions of Jesus, and the meaning behind his teachings, and clarifies major misinterpretations, offering highlights of Jesus' extraordinary life, from infancy to his final hours.
9/20/201256 minutes, 29 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Marie Manuchehri: Energy Intuitive

The most sophisticated tests can't always find the source of a health issue, but there is one authority that always knows—your own body. “We intuitively perceive what we need for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing,” teaches Marie Manuchehri. “The biggest challenge for most of us is learning to trust our inner guidance.” This registered nurse and renowned energy healer provides accessible instruction for helping you tune into your health at a deeper level.
9/13/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Marie Manuchehri: Energy Intuitive

The most sophisticated tests can't always find the source of a health issue, but there is one authority that always knows—your own body. “We intuitively perceive what we need for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing,” teaches Marie Manuchehri. “The biggest challenge for most of us is learning to trust our inner guidance.” This registered nurse and renowned energy healer provides accessible instruction for helping you tune into your health at a deeper level.
9/13/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Marie Manuchehri: Energy Intuitive

The most sophisticated tests can't always find the source of a health issue, but there is one authority that always knows—your own body. “We intuitively perceive what we need for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing,” teaches Marie Manuchehri. “The biggest challenge for most of us is learning to trust our inner guidance.” This registered nurse and renowned energy healer provides accessible instruction for helping you tune into your health at a deeper level.
9/13/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Michelle Phillips

By making the connection between your beauty and your deep inner life, and bringing it out in all of your choices, Michelle Phillips speaks about how to radiate a beauty that cannot be outmatched. By re-discovering who you are on the inside and what you most want out of life, you will reveal to the world what makes you uniquely beautiful. The “Beauty Blueprint” culminates by helping you project to the world the beauty of the real you that has been defined and empowered by your transformation.
9/6/201256 minutes, 34 seconds
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Michelle Phillips

By making the connection between your beauty and your deep inner life, and bringing it out in all of your choices, Michelle Phillips speaks about how to radiate a beauty that cannot be outmatched. By re-discovering who you are on the inside and what you most want out of life, you will reveal to the world what makes you uniquely beautiful. The “Beauty Blueprint” culminates by helping you project to the world the beauty of the real you that has been defined and empowered by your transformation.
9/6/201256 minutes, 34 seconds
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Michelle Phillips

By making the connection between your beauty and your deep inner life, and bringing it out in all of your choices, Michelle Phillips speaks about how to radiate a beauty that cannot be outmatched. By re-discovering who you are on the inside and what you most want out of life, you will reveal to the world what makes you uniquely beautiful. The “Beauty Blueprint” culminates by helping you project to the world the beauty of the real you that has been defined and empowered by your transformation.
9/6/201256 minutes, 34 seconds
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Betska Burr: The ‘God’ in Coaching

Much of society has experienced neglect, disrespect, judgment, blame, abuse, trauma, grief, job loss, or loss of a loved one at some point in their lifetime. These experiences can lead to negative thought patterns that can lead to apathy, complacency, anxiety, depression, unhealthy eating patterns and dependency on drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Acclaimed best-selling author Canadian born Betska K-Burr presents a revolutionary approach to Business and Life Coaching based in mutual respect and dignity to restore inner peace, happiness and harmony so that personal goals, relationships and businesses can once again flourish.
8/30/201255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Betska Burr: The ‘God’ in Coaching

Much of society has experienced neglect, disrespect, judgment, blame, abuse, trauma, grief, job loss, or loss of a loved one at some point in their lifetime. These experiences can lead to negative thought patterns that can lead to apathy, complacency, anxiety, depression, unhealthy eating patterns and dependency on drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Acclaimed best-selling author Canadian born Betska K-Burr presents a revolutionary approach to Business and Life Coaching based in mutual respect and dignity to restore inner peace, happiness and harmony so that personal goals, relationships and businesses can once again flourish.
8/30/201255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Betska Burr: The ‘God’ in Coaching

Much of society has experienced neglect, disrespect, judgment, blame, abuse, trauma, grief, job loss, or loss of a loved one at some point in their lifetime. These experiences can lead to negative thought patterns that can lead to apathy, complacency, anxiety, depression, unhealthy eating patterns and dependency on drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Acclaimed best-selling author Canadian born Betska K-Burr presents a revolutionary approach to Business and Life Coaching based in mutual respect and dignity to restore inner peace, happiness and harmony so that personal goals, relationships and businesses can once again flourish.
8/30/201255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Katrina Ariel: Yoga for Dragon Riders

Yoga is the method by which Dragon Riders and Seekers of Truth emerge from where they are hidden, deep within, sleeping beneath the limiting ideas of human habits and conditioning. Why initiations? Because the journey of incorporating all of these different ideas and practices into your life takes time and quickly and completely. You step over an inner threshold as you begin each practice, coming more fully into balanced power informed by love and wisdom.
8/23/201256 minutes, 44 seconds
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Katrina Ariel: Yoga for Dragon Riders

Yoga is the method by which Dragon Riders and Seekers of Truth emerge from where they are hidden, deep within, sleeping beneath the limiting ideas of human habits and conditioning. Why initiations? Because the journey of incorporating all of these different ideas and practices into your life takes time and quickly and completely. You step over an inner threshold as you begin each practice, coming more fully into balanced power informed by love and wisdom.
8/23/201256 minutes, 44 seconds
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Katrina Ariel: Yoga for Dragon Riders

Yoga is the method by which Dragon Riders and Seekers of Truth emerge from where they are hidden, deep within, sleeping beneath the limiting ideas of human habits and conditioning. Why initiations? Because the journey of incorporating all of these different ideas and practices into your life takes time and quickly and completely. You step over an inner threshold as you begin each practice, coming more fully into balanced power informed by love and wisdom.
8/23/201256 minutes, 44 seconds
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Scott Creighton: Pyramids of Giza

Offering a radical new perspective on the Great Pyramid of Giza and all the structures surrounding it, designers of Giza intentionally arranged these massive structures to create an astronomical timeline recording catastrophic events in the past as well as warning later generations of the precise times of future catastrophes. Old Kingdom pyramids of Giza were created, ?not as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens, but as “recovery vaults” to ensure the rebirth of the Kingdom of Egypt after a global disaster.
8/16/201258 minutes, 1 second
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Scott Creighton: Pyramids of Giza

Offering a radical new perspective on the Great Pyramid of Giza and all the structures surrounding it, designers of Giza intentionally arranged these massive structures to create an astronomical timeline recording catastrophic events in the past as well as warning later generations of the precise times of future catastrophes. Old Kingdom pyramids of Giza were created, ?not as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens, but as “recovery vaults” to ensure the rebirth of the Kingdom of Egypt after a global disaster.
8/16/201258 minutes, 1 second
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Scott Creighton: Pyramids of Giza

Offering a radical new perspective on the Great Pyramid of Giza and all the structures surrounding it, designers of Giza intentionally arranged these massive structures to create an astronomical timeline recording catastrophic events in the past as well as warning later generations of the precise times of future catastrophes. Old Kingdom pyramids of Giza were created, ?not as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens, but as “recovery vaults” to ensure the rebirth of the Kingdom of Egypt after a global disaster.
8/16/201258 minutes, 1 second
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Von Braschler: Mystic Voyages of the Energy Body

Nature teaches us how the past becomes the future. We can see that trees do not die in autumn. Instead, they begin a regeneration process. In the winter, when much of the physical world is frozen, we commonly think of death. But the life force in nature endures and recycles. The next spring looks like the spring of last year. We, too, are essentially a life force—a light body encased in a gross, material body. We reside there but we are not destined to remain entombed in our physical structures forever.
8/9/201258 minutes, 53 seconds
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Von Braschler: Mystic Voyages of the Energy Body

Nature teaches us how the past becomes the future. We can see that trees do not die in autumn. Instead, they begin a regeneration process. In the winter, when much of the physical world is frozen, we commonly think of death. But the life force in nature endures and recycles. The next spring looks like the spring of last year. We, too, are essentially a life force—a light body encased in a gross, material body. We reside there but we are not destined to remain entombed in our physical structures forever.
8/9/201258 minutes, 53 seconds
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Von Braschler: Mystic Voyages of the Energy Body

Nature teaches us how the past becomes the future. We can see that trees do not die in autumn. Instead, they begin a regeneration process. In the winter, when much of the physical world is frozen, we commonly think of death. But the life force in nature endures and recycles. The next spring looks like the spring of last year. We, too, are essentially a life force—a light body encased in a gross, material body. We reside there but we are not destined to remain entombed in our physical structures forever.
8/9/201258 minutes, 53 seconds
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Will Johnson: Whole Body Breath

The body is constantly on the move. It moves through space as it walks across a room. It shimmers and vibrates at the level of cells. Deeply relaxed, it can be felt to pulsate and throb to the organic rhythms of the heartbeat, the breath, the nerve signals racing through their fibers, the flowing rivers of blood and lymph. Nothing still. –Will Johnson
8/2/201256 minutes, 52 seconds
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Will Johnson: Whole Body Breath

The body is constantly on the move. It moves through space as it walks across a room. It shimmers and vibrates at the level of cells. Deeply relaxed, it can be felt to pulsate and throb to the organic rhythms of the heartbeat, the breath, the nerve signals racing through their fibers, the flowing rivers of blood and lymph. Nothing still. –Will Johnson
8/2/201256 minutes, 52 seconds
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Will Johnson: Whole Body Breath

The body is constantly on the move. It moves through space as it walks across a room. It shimmers and vibrates at the level of cells. Deeply relaxed, it can be felt to pulsate and throb to the organic rhythms of the heartbeat, the breath, the nerve signals racing through their fibers, the flowing rivers of blood and lymph. Nothing still. –Will Johnson
8/2/201256 minutes, 52 seconds
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Nicole and Micheal Sebastian

Trust Yourself delivers the Fastest Therapy, Most Reliable Decision-Making and Unparalleled Way of Knowing All in One. It's Free, Works on Auto-Pilot, and Provides 24/7 FoolProof Guidance... Trust Yourself is Laced with methodology, personal stories and techniques that you can use Tonight.
7/26/20121 hour, 57 seconds
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Nicole and Micheal Sebastian

Trust Yourself delivers the Fastest Therapy, Most Reliable Decision-Making and Unparalleled Way of Knowing All in One. It's Free, Works on Auto-Pilot, and Provides 24/7 FoolProof Guidance... Trust Yourself is Laced with methodology, personal stories and techniques that you can use Tonight.
7/26/20121 hour, 57 seconds
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Nicole and Micheal Sebastian

Trust Yourself delivers the Fastest Therapy, Most Reliable Decision-Making and Unparalleled Way of Knowing All in One. It's Free, Works on Auto-Pilot, and Provides 24/7 FoolProof Guidance... Trust Yourself is Laced with methodology, personal stories and techniques that you can use Tonight.
7/26/20121 hour, 57 seconds
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Linda Star Wolf: Shaman Voyage

We are in a highly tran­si­tional time on Earth as old struc­tures break down in preparation for the new world that is coming. The accelerated pace of this time of spiritual evolution is forcing each of us to awaken the shaman within and reach our highest potential as quickly as possible. We no longer have the luxury of learning only from the past–we must also download information from the future in order to be fully present, fully conscious, in our most embodied and best self now.
7/19/201256 minutes, 49 seconds
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Linda Star Wolf: Shaman Voyage

We are in a highly tran­si­tional time on Earth as old struc­tures break down in preparation for the new world that is coming. The accelerated pace of this time of spiritual evolution is forcing each of us to awaken the shaman within and reach our highest potential as quickly as possible. We no longer have the luxury of learning only from the past–we must also download information from the future in order to be fully present, fully conscious, in our most embodied and best self now.
7/19/201256 minutes, 49 seconds
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Linda Star Wolf: Shaman Voyage

We are in a highly tran­si­tional time on Earth as old struc­tures break down in preparation for the new world that is coming. The accelerated pace of this time of spiritual evolution is forcing each of us to awaken the shaman within and reach our highest potential as quickly as possible. We no longer have the luxury of learning only from the past–we must also download information from the future in order to be fully present, fully conscious, in our most embodied and best self now.
7/19/201256 minutes, 49 seconds
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Patricia Bisch and Honi Borden

Patricia Bisch speaks on Freedom From Food and the belief systems that hold weight in place. Honi Borden share How to Be a SuperHero along with the creation of eco-friendly products. Two powerful women making a difference in the world.
7/12/201259 minutes, 18 seconds
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Patricia Bisch and Honi Borden

Patricia Bisch speaks on Freedom From Food and the belief systems that hold weight in place. Honi Borden share How to Be a SuperHero along with the creation of eco-friendly products. Two powerful women making a difference in the world.
7/12/201259 minutes, 18 seconds
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Patricia Bisch and Honi Borden

Patricia Bisch speaks on Freedom From Food and the belief systems that hold weight in place. Honi Borden share How to Be a SuperHero along with the creation of eco-friendly products. Two powerful women making a difference in the world.
7/12/201259 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jennifer Scalise

You really have two choices when it comes to dealing with tragedy, you can let the grief consume you and ruin your life altogether or you can chose to survive it and become a stronger, better person because of what you have been through. As for me, I chose the latter.’ ? Every parent’s worst nightmare is the death of their child. What had started as the dream vacation in Costa Rica ended in the tragic death of Jennifer’s 12 year old daughter, Brooke Lauren Scalise.
7/5/201256 minutes, 50 seconds
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Jennifer Scalise

You really have two choices when it comes to dealing with tragedy, you can let the grief consume you and ruin your life altogether or you can chose to survive it and become a stronger, better person because of what you have been through. As for me, I chose the latter.’ ? Every parent’s worst nightmare is the death of their child. What had started as the dream vacation in Costa Rica ended in the tragic death of Jennifer’s 12 year old daughter, Brooke Lauren Scalise.
7/5/201256 minutes, 50 seconds
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Jennifer Scalise

You really have two choices when it comes to dealing with tragedy, you can let the grief consume you and ruin your life altogether or you can chose to survive it and become a stronger, better person because of what you have been through. As for me, I chose the latter.’ ? Every parent’s worst nightmare is the death of their child. What had started as the dream vacation in Costa Rica ended in the tragic death of Jennifer’s 12 year old daughter, Brooke Lauren Scalise.
7/5/201256 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sophie Rose: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

After years of daily meditation, Sophie Rose was contacted by a being that she perceived as Jesus. A non-religious person, at first she was shocked by the possibility that the divine presence might be real. Ultimately, Rose realized that she was to be a conduit for two of the greatest spiritual masters who have ever lived. Her astonishing new book presents a series of detailed spiritual lessons as relayed to her by Jeshua and Mary Magdalene.
6/28/201257 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sophie Rose: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

After years of daily meditation, Sophie Rose was contacted by a being that she perceived as Jesus. A non-religious person, at first she was shocked by the possibility that the divine presence might be real. Ultimately, Rose realized that she was to be a conduit for two of the greatest spiritual masters who have ever lived. Her astonishing new book presents a series of detailed spiritual lessons as relayed to her by Jeshua and Mary Magdalene.
6/28/201257 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sophie Rose: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

After years of daily meditation, Sophie Rose was contacted by a being that she perceived as Jesus. A non-religious person, at first she was shocked by the possibility that the divine presence might be real. Ultimately, Rose realized that she was to be a conduit for two of the greatest spiritual masters who have ever lived. Her astonishing new book presents a series of detailed spiritual lessons as relayed to her by Jeshua and Mary Magdalene.
6/28/201257 minutes, 59 seconds
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Jonathan Ellerby: Promise of Paradise

Everyone talks about creating a dream life, but what does it look like when your dreams come true? Is there really a paradise for each of us? Learn more about creating change, attracting success, and following your dreams in this short, simple yet powerful new book by Jonathan, in which he describes his relocation to the Riviera Maya of Mexico and amazing lessons that he found there.
6/21/201256 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jonathan Ellerby: Promise of Paradise

Everyone talks about creating a dream life, but what does it look like when your dreams come true? Is there really a paradise for each of us? Learn more about creating change, attracting success, and following your dreams in this short, simple yet powerful new book by Jonathan, in which he describes his relocation to the Riviera Maya of Mexico and amazing lessons that he found there.
6/21/201256 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jonathan Ellerby: Promise of Paradise

Everyone talks about creating a dream life, but what does it look like when your dreams come true? Is there really a paradise for each of us? Learn more about creating change, attracting success, and following your dreams in this short, simple yet powerful new book by Jonathan, in which he describes his relocation to the Riviera Maya of Mexico and amazing lessons that he found there.
6/21/201256 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kala Ambrose: Awakening the Aura

Humanity is entering a new era—we are evolving into super-powered beings of light. Our auric and etheric bodies are experiencing a transformational shift as new crystalline structures form within and around our auras.
6/14/201258 minutes, 24 seconds
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Kala Ambrose: Awakening the Aura

Humanity is entering a new era—we are evolving into super-powered beings of light. Our auric and etheric bodies are experiencing a transformational shift as new crystalline structures form within and around our auras.
6/14/201258 minutes, 24 seconds
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Kala Ambrose: Awakening the Aura

Humanity is entering a new era—we are evolving into super-powered beings of light. Our auric and etheric bodies are experiencing a transformational shift as new crystalline structures form within and around our auras.
6/14/201258 minutes, 24 seconds
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Osprey Orielle Lake: Uprisings for the Earth

Orielle speaks about reconnecting with Nature in urban life, the balance between high technology and hand-made things, women leadership and climate situation, indigenous wisdom and partnership model, Nature as teacher, open to the beauty and awe of the “big conversation”, Frau Holle and other female archetypes of Nature, art and environmental awareness, honoring the rights of the Earth…
6/7/201255 minutes, 46 seconds
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Osprey Orielle Lake: Uprisings for the Earth

Orielle speaks about reconnecting with Nature in urban life, the balance between high technology and hand-made things, women leadership and climate situation, indigenous wisdom and partnership model, Nature as teacher, open to the beauty and awe of the “big conversation”, Frau Holle and other female archetypes of Nature, art and environmental awareness, honoring the rights of the Earth…
6/7/201255 minutes, 46 seconds
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Osprey Orielle Lake: Uprisings for the Earth

Orielle speaks about reconnecting with Nature in urban life, the balance between high technology and hand-made things, women leadership and climate situation, indigenous wisdom and partnership model, Nature as teacher, open to the beauty and awe of the “big conversation”, Frau Holle and other female archetypes of Nature, art and environmental awareness, honoring the rights of the Earth…
6/7/201255 minutes, 46 seconds
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Eric Maisel

Are you unhappy? Okay; but does that mean you have the “mental disorder” known as “depression?” Just look around you, Dr. Maisel urges readers in Rethinking Depression, and see how many people are diagnosed as “depressed” in our society today. It seems that no one is allowed to be unhappy in this day and age, he suggests, without having it labeled as an abnormal mental disorder. Is this practice in itself normal? Ethical, even?
5/31/201254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Eric Maisel

Are you unhappy? Okay; but does that mean you have the “mental disorder” known as “depression?” Just look around you, Dr. Maisel urges readers in Rethinking Depression, and see how many people are diagnosed as “depressed” in our society today. It seems that no one is allowed to be unhappy in this day and age, he suggests, without having it labeled as an abnormal mental disorder. Is this practice in itself normal? Ethical, even?
5/31/201254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Eric Maisel

Are you unhappy? Okay; but does that mean you have the “mental disorder” known as “depression?” Just look around you, Dr. Maisel urges readers in Rethinking Depression, and see how many people are diagnosed as “depressed” in our society today. It seems that no one is allowed to be unhappy in this day and age, he suggests, without having it labeled as an abnormal mental disorder. Is this practice in itself normal? Ethical, even?
5/31/201254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Don Mordasani

Don Mordasani was a successful stockbroker, VP of Dean Witter And Co, until his life hit the wall and he lost his executive position, money, status and his family. At mid life he began a psycho-spiritual quest that led to him becoming a psychotherapist. He trekked to the Himalayas, studied ancient scriptures, and spent hours in spiritual practices under the guidance of a teacher in India.
5/17/201254 minutes, 23 seconds
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Don Mordasani

Don Mordasani was a successful stockbroker, VP of Dean Witter And Co, until his life hit the wall and he lost his executive position, money, status and his family. At mid life he began a psycho-spiritual quest that led to him becoming a psychotherapist. He trekked to the Himalayas, studied ancient scriptures, and spent hours in spiritual practices under the guidance of a teacher in India.
5/17/201254 minutes, 23 seconds
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Don Mordasani

Don Mordasani was a successful stockbroker, VP of Dean Witter And Co, until his life hit the wall and he lost his executive position, money, status and his family. At mid life he began a psycho-spiritual quest that led to him becoming a psychotherapist. He trekked to the Himalayas, studied ancient scriptures, and spent hours in spiritual practices under the guidance of a teacher in India.
5/17/201254 minutes, 23 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Monte Farber: Quantum Affirmations

Quantum Affirmations is the revolutionary new method for harnessing your mind's power based on quantum physics. Farber has researched intriguing scientific principles and their complementary metaphysical laws that support that affirmations work. In Quantum Affirmations, he's applies those principles to formulate a simple 5-Step Process that anyone can use to create the future they want. Farber Includes in-depth interviews of people he has guided step-by-step through the process, and shows readers how to create their own Quantum Affirmations. When the world seems to be falling apart and things getting out of control, this book offers an easy-to-use tool to take matters into your own hands.
5/10/201256 minutes, 12 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Monte Farber: Quantum Affirmations

Quantum Affirmations is the revolutionary new method for harnessing your mind's power based on quantum physics. Farber has researched intriguing scientific principles and their complementary metaphysical laws that support that affirmations work. In Quantum Affirmations, he's applies those principles to formulate a simple 5-Step Process that anyone can use to create the future they want. Farber Includes in-depth interviews of people he has guided step-by-step through the process, and shows readers how to create their own Quantum Affirmations. When the world seems to be falling apart and things getting out of control, this book offers an easy-to-use tool to take matters into your own hands.
5/10/201256 minutes, 12 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Monte Farber: Quantum Affirmations

Quantum Affirmations is the revolutionary new method for harnessing your mind's power based on quantum physics. Farber has researched intriguing scientific principles and their complementary metaphysical laws that support that affirmations work. In Quantum Affirmations, he's applies those principles to formulate a simple 5-Step Process that anyone can use to create the future they want. Farber Includes in-depth interviews of people he has guided step-by-step through the process, and shows readers how to create their own Quantum Affirmations. When the world seems to be falling apart and things getting out of control, this book offers an easy-to-use tool to take matters into your own hands.
5/10/201256 minutes, 12 seconds
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Marie Manuchehri: Energy Intuitive

The most sophisticated tests can't always find the source of a health issue, but there is one authority that always knows—your own body. “We intuitively perceive what we need for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing,” teaches Marie Manuchehri. “The biggest challenge for most of us is learning to trust our inner guidance.” This registered nurse and renowned energy healer provides accessible instruction for helping you tune into your health at a deeper level.
5/3/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Marie Manuchehri: Energy Intuitive

The most sophisticated tests can't always find the source of a health issue, but there is one authority that always knows—your own body. “We intuitively perceive what we need for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing,” teaches Marie Manuchehri. “The biggest challenge for most of us is learning to trust our inner guidance.” This registered nurse and renowned energy healer provides accessible instruction for helping you tune into your health at a deeper level.
5/3/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Marie Manuchehri: Energy Intuitive

The most sophisticated tests can't always find the source of a health issue, but there is one authority that always knows—your own body. “We intuitively perceive what we need for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing,” teaches Marie Manuchehri. “The biggest challenge for most of us is learning to trust our inner guidance.” This registered nurse and renowned energy healer provides accessible instruction for helping you tune into your health at a deeper level.
5/3/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy: Active Hope

Active Hope, by Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy, is about finding, and offering, our best response to the crisis of sustainability unfolding in our world. It offers tools that help us face the mess we’re in, as well as find and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society. Active Hope is something we do rather than have. It involves being clear what we hope for and then playing our role in the process of bringing that about.
4/26/201257 minutes, 55 seconds
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Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy: Active Hope

Active Hope, by Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy, is about finding, and offering, our best response to the crisis of sustainability unfolding in our world. It offers tools that help us face the mess we’re in, as well as find and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society. Active Hope is something we do rather than have. It involves being clear what we hope for and then playing our role in the process of bringing that about.
4/26/201257 minutes, 55 seconds
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Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy: Active Hope

Active Hope, by Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy, is about finding, and offering, our best response to the crisis of sustainability unfolding in our world. It offers tools that help us face the mess we’re in, as well as find and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society. Active Hope is something we do rather than have. It involves being clear what we hope for and then playing our role in the process of bringing that about.
4/26/201257 minutes, 55 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Maureen Moss

Written by Maureen Moss, “God’s Promise” is accompanied by 16 magnificent pieces of art by award winning artist Gerald Purnell. As a family eagerly awaits the birth of their baby girl, God helps Angelina prepare for her life on Earth. Maureen Moss has created a sparkling gem that will be treasured for generations to come. Illustrated by award-winning artist Gerald Purnell, this tender story will touch readers of all ages.
4/19/201257 minutes, 45 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Maureen Moss

Written by Maureen Moss, “God’s Promise” is accompanied by 16 magnificent pieces of art by award winning artist Gerald Purnell. As a family eagerly awaits the birth of their baby girl, God helps Angelina prepare for her life on Earth. Maureen Moss has created a sparkling gem that will be treasured for generations to come. Illustrated by award-winning artist Gerald Purnell, this tender story will touch readers of all ages.
4/19/201257 minutes, 45 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Maureen Moss

Written by Maureen Moss, “God’s Promise” is accompanied by 16 magnificent pieces of art by award winning artist Gerald Purnell. As a family eagerly awaits the birth of their baby girl, God helps Angelina prepare for her life on Earth. Maureen Moss has created a sparkling gem that will be treasured for generations to come. Illustrated by award-winning artist Gerald Purnell, this tender story will touch readers of all ages.
4/19/201257 minutes, 45 seconds
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Howard Falco: I Am

I AM presents a powerful and astonishing new perspective on the relationship between you and the world around you, offering a deeply liberating look at the nature of who you are and the life you are truly capable of experiencing. The book offers the key to personal transformation, peace and fulfillment, empowering you with the awareness of how to immediately understand, change and create your experience of life as desired.
4/12/201254 minutes, 32 seconds
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Howard Falco: I Am

I AM presents a powerful and astonishing new perspective on the relationship between you and the world around you, offering a deeply liberating look at the nature of who you are and the life you are truly capable of experiencing. The book offers the key to personal transformation, peace and fulfillment, empowering you with the awareness of how to immediately understand, change and create your experience of life as desired.
4/12/201254 minutes, 32 seconds
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Howard Falco: I Am

I AM presents a powerful and astonishing new perspective on the relationship between you and the world around you, offering a deeply liberating look at the nature of who you are and the life you are truly capable of experiencing. The book offers the key to personal transformation, peace and fulfillment, empowering you with the awareness of how to immediately understand, change and create your experience of life as desired.
4/12/201254 minutes, 32 seconds
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Anita Moorjani: Dying To Be Me

In this truly inspirational memoir, Anita Moorjani relates how, after fighting cancer for almost four years, her body—overwhelmed by the malignant cells spreading throughout her system—began shutting down. As her organs failed, she entered into an extraordinary near-death experience where she realized her inherent worth . . . and the actual cause of her disease. Upon regaining consciousness, Anita found that her condition had improved so rapidly that she could be released from the hospital within weeks . . . without a trace of cancer in her body!
4/5/201254 minutes, 10 seconds
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Anita Moorjani: Dying To Be Me

In this truly inspirational memoir, Anita Moorjani relates how, after fighting cancer for almost four years, her body—overwhelmed by the malignant cells spreading throughout her system—began shutting down. As her organs failed, she entered into an extraordinary near-death experience where she realized her inherent worth . . . and the actual cause of her disease. Upon regaining consciousness, Anita found that her condition had improved so rapidly that she could be released from the hospital within weeks . . . without a trace of cancer in her body!
4/5/201254 minutes, 10 seconds
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Anita Moorjani: Dying To Be Me

In this truly inspirational memoir, Anita Moorjani relates how, after fighting cancer for almost four years, her body—overwhelmed by the malignant cells spreading throughout her system—began shutting down. As her organs failed, she entered into an extraordinary near-death experience where she realized her inherent worth . . . and the actual cause of her disease. Upon regaining consciousness, Anita found that her condition had improved so rapidly that she could be released from the hospital within weeks . . . without a trace of cancer in her body!
4/5/201254 minutes, 10 seconds
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Dr. J. J. Hurtak: The Oversoul Awakening

Dr. JJ Hurtak is author of The Book of Knowledge: the Keys of Enoch & more. His wife, Dr. Desiree Hurtak, is co-author of Pstis Sophia,investigating the spiritual role of early-Christian women. Together, they operate the Academy of Future Science.
3/29/201238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Dr. J. J. Hurtak: The Oversoul Awakening

Dr. JJ Hurtak is author of The Book of Knowledge: the Keys of Enoch & more. His wife, Dr. Desiree Hurtak, is co-author of Pstis Sophia,investigating the spiritual role of early-Christian women. Together, they operate the Academy of Future Science.
3/29/201238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Dr. J. J. Hurtak: The Oversoul Awakening

Dr. JJ Hurtak is author of The Book of Knowledge: the Keys of Enoch & more. His wife, Dr. Desiree Hurtak, is co-author of Pstis Sophia,investigating the spiritual role of early-Christian women. Together, they operate the Academy of Future Science.
3/29/201238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Nick Ortner: EFT Technique

With Tapping, you can discover the vital secret for emotional wholeness and physical relief. You can take your physical and emotional well-being into your own hands. It's simple for anyone to master, and it's free. Tapping provides relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases.
3/22/201256 minutes, 37 seconds
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Nick Ortner: EFT Technique

With Tapping, you can discover the vital secret for emotional wholeness and physical relief. You can take your physical and emotional well-being into your own hands. It's simple for anyone to master, and it's free. Tapping provides relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases.
3/22/201256 minutes, 37 seconds
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Nick Ortner: EFT Technique

With Tapping, you can discover the vital secret for emotional wholeness and physical relief. You can take your physical and emotional well-being into your own hands. It's simple for anyone to master, and it's free. Tapping provides relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases.
3/22/201256 minutes, 37 seconds
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Quantum Affirmations

Quantum Affirmations is the revolutionary new method for harnessing your mind's power based on quantum physics. Farber has researched intriguing scientific principles and their complementary metaphysical laws that support that affirmations work. In Quantum Affirmations, he's applies those principles to formulate a simple 5-Step Process that anyone can use to create the future they want. Farber Includes in-depth interviews of people he has guided step-by-step through the process, and shows readers how to create their own Quantum Affirmations. When the world seems to be falling apart and things getting out of control, this book offers an easy-to-use tool to take matters into your own hands.
3/15/201256 minutes, 12 seconds
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Quantum Affirmations

Quantum Affirmations is the revolutionary new method for harnessing your mind's power based on quantum physics. Farber has researched intriguing scientific principles and their complementary metaphysical laws that support that affirmations work. In Quantum Affirmations, he's applies those principles to formulate a simple 5-Step Process that anyone can use to create the future they want. Farber Includes in-depth interviews of people he has guided step-by-step through the process, and shows readers how to create their own Quantum Affirmations. When the world seems to be falling apart and things getting out of control, this book offers an easy-to-use tool to take matters into your own hands.
3/15/201256 minutes, 12 seconds
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Quantum Affirmations

Quantum Affirmations is the revolutionary new method for harnessing your mind's power based on quantum physics. Farber has researched intriguing scientific principles and their complementary metaphysical laws that support that affirmations work. In Quantum Affirmations, he's applies those principles to formulate a simple 5-Step Process that anyone can use to create the future they want. Farber Includes in-depth interviews of people he has guided step-by-step through the process, and shows readers how to create their own Quantum Affirmations. When the world seems to be falling apart and things getting out of control, this book offers an easy-to-use tool to take matters into your own hands.
3/15/201256 minutes, 12 seconds
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Maureen Moss

Written by Maureen Moss, “God’s Promise” is accompanied by 16 magnificent pieces of art by award winning artist Gerald Purnell. As a family eagerly awaits the birth of their baby girl, God helps Angelina prepare for her life on Earth. Maureen Moss has created a sparkling gem that will be treasured for generations to come. Illustrated by award-winning artist Gerald Purnell, this tender story will touch readers of all ages.
3/8/201257 minutes, 45 seconds
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Maureen Moss

Written by Maureen Moss, “God’s Promise” is accompanied by 16 magnificent pieces of art by award winning artist Gerald Purnell. As a family eagerly awaits the birth of their baby girl, God helps Angelina prepare for her life on Earth. Maureen Moss has created a sparkling gem that will be treasured for generations to come. Illustrated by award-winning artist Gerald Purnell, this tender story will touch readers of all ages.
3/8/201257 minutes, 45 seconds
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Maureen Moss

Written by Maureen Moss, “God’s Promise” is accompanied by 16 magnificent pieces of art by award winning artist Gerald Purnell. As a family eagerly awaits the birth of their baby girl, God helps Angelina prepare for her life on Earth. Maureen Moss has created a sparkling gem that will be treasured for generations to come. Illustrated by award-winning artist Gerald Purnell, this tender story will touch readers of all ages.
3/8/201257 minutes, 45 seconds
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Eldon Taylor

These can be trying times and it can be easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget about working on those aspects of change that are truly important to us. Most of us believe it is the amount of our resolve - the pure determination - that dictates whether or not we will accomplish our goals. It is all a matter of will power and if our will power is strong enough, then we will succeed. The truth of the matter is, we unknowingly sabotage our own attempts to keep our goals because very few of us know the tools and techniques necessary to succeed!
3/1/201257 minutes, 36 seconds
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Eldon Taylor

These can be trying times and it can be easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget about working on those aspects of change that are truly important to us. Most of us believe it is the amount of our resolve - the pure determination - that dictates whether or not we will accomplish our goals. It is all a matter of will power and if our will power is strong enough, then we will succeed. The truth of the matter is, we unknowingly sabotage our own attempts to keep our goals because very few of us know the tools and techniques necessary to succeed!
3/1/201257 minutes, 36 seconds
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Eldon Taylor

These can be trying times and it can be easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget about working on those aspects of change that are truly important to us. Most of us believe it is the amount of our resolve - the pure determination - that dictates whether or not we will accomplish our goals. It is all a matter of will power and if our will power is strong enough, then we will succeed. The truth of the matter is, we unknowingly sabotage our own attempts to keep our goals because very few of us know the tools and techniques necessary to succeed!
3/1/201257 minutes, 36 seconds
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Savannah Arienta

Are you a Lightworker? It is the Lightworkers' mission to lend their light energy to a planet heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren't all well known spiritual gurus. They are musicians and artists, shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on the street. They share their gifts by speaking out for those who have no voice and they create glorious works of art that beautify our planet or write music that elevates our spirits. Many have forgotten their divine purpose; they live among us unaware of who they really are. Although it's not always obvious who these Lightworkers are, nor is it easy to recognize or understand their special qualities, one thing is certain: the Earth is more in need of them than ever before.
2/23/201257 minutes, 6 seconds
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Savannah Arienta

Are you a Lightworker? It is the Lightworkers' mission to lend their light energy to a planet heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren't all well known spiritual gurus. They are musicians and artists, shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on the street. They share their gifts by speaking out for those who have no voice and they create glorious works of art that beautify our planet or write music that elevates our spirits. Many have forgotten their divine purpose; they live among us unaware of who they really are. Although it's not always obvious who these Lightworkers are, nor is it easy to recognize or understand their special qualities, one thing is certain: the Earth is more in need of them than ever before.
2/23/201257 minutes, 6 seconds
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Savannah Arienta

Are you a Lightworker? It is the Lightworkers' mission to lend their light energy to a planet heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren't all well known spiritual gurus. They are musicians and artists, shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on the street. They share their gifts by speaking out for those who have no voice and they create glorious works of art that beautify our planet or write music that elevates our spirits. Many have forgotten their divine purpose; they live among us unaware of who they really are. Although it's not always obvious who these Lightworkers are, nor is it easy to recognize or understand their special qualities, one thing is certain: the Earth is more in need of them than ever before.
2/23/201257 minutes, 6 seconds
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Jonas Elrod: Wake Up Film

The documentary movie WAKE UP follows this fascinating story of an average guy who inexplicably developed the ability to access other dimensions. Physicians gave him a clean bill of health and were unable to provide an explanation. What was it? Why was it happening to him? One thing was certain for this 36-year old man – life as he had known it would never be the same. With his loving but skeptical girlfriend by his side, Jonas crisscrosses the country as he searches for answers and delves deeper into this thrilling world of the phenomenal and spiritual. Along the way, he encounters an amazing group of religious teachers, scientists, mystics and spiritual healers who help him piece together this intricate puzzle.
2/16/201255 minutes, 46 seconds
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Jonas Elrod: Wake Up Film

The documentary movie WAKE UP follows this fascinating story of an average guy who inexplicably developed the ability to access other dimensions. Physicians gave him a clean bill of health and were unable to provide an explanation. What was it? Why was it happening to him? One thing was certain for this 36-year old man – life as he had known it would never be the same. With his loving but skeptical girlfriend by his side, Jonas crisscrosses the country as he searches for answers and delves deeper into this thrilling world of the phenomenal and spiritual. Along the way, he encounters an amazing group of religious teachers, scientists, mystics and spiritual healers who help him piece together this intricate puzzle.
2/16/201255 minutes, 46 seconds
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Jonas Elrod: Wake Up Film

The documentary movie WAKE UP follows this fascinating story of an average guy who inexplicably developed the ability to access other dimensions. Physicians gave him a clean bill of health and were unable to provide an explanation. What was it? Why was it happening to him? One thing was certain for this 36-year old man – life as he had known it would never be the same. With his loving but skeptical girlfriend by his side, Jonas crisscrosses the country as he searches for answers and delves deeper into this thrilling world of the phenomenal and spiritual. Along the way, he encounters an amazing group of religious teachers, scientists, mystics and spiritual healers who help him piece together this intricate puzzle.
2/16/201255 minutes, 46 seconds
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Gary Zukav: Spiritual Partnership

Gary Zukav's book, Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power invites us to change our world by using our relationships as opportunities for spiritual growth. Zukav's defines a spiritual partnership as a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. Spiritual partnerships can be between spouses, significant others, family members, friends and co-workers. Gary uses specific examples, guidance and guidelines to enable the reader to explore emotions, intentions, and intuition to create spiritual growth in our relationships and world.
2/9/201257 minutes, 20 seconds
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Gary Zukav: Spiritual Partnership

Gary Zukav's book, Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power invites us to change our world by using our relationships as opportunities for spiritual growth. Zukav's defines a spiritual partnership as a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. Spiritual partnerships can be between spouses, significant others, family members, friends and co-workers. Gary uses specific examples, guidance and guidelines to enable the reader to explore emotions, intentions, and intuition to create spiritual growth in our relationships and world.
2/9/201257 minutes, 20 seconds
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Gary Zukav: Spiritual Partnership

Gary Zukav's book, Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power invites us to change our world by using our relationships as opportunities for spiritual growth. Zukav's defines a spiritual partnership as a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. Spiritual partnerships can be between spouses, significant others, family members, friends and co-workers. Gary uses specific examples, guidance and guidelines to enable the reader to explore emotions, intentions, and intuition to create spiritual growth in our relationships and world.
2/9/201257 minutes, 20 seconds
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Mike Dooley: Leveraging the Universe

Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic is about using the gifts of thought, word, and deed to harness this grace. It's about doing the least to get the most. Learning what the truth is, and how to live it, so that the kingdom, the power, and the glory can be revealed before your very eyes, as you discover your holy place in creation - as a creator, yourself.
2/2/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Mike Dooley: Leveraging the Universe

Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic is about using the gifts of thought, word, and deed to harness this grace. It's about doing the least to get the most. Learning what the truth is, and how to live it, so that the kingdom, the power, and the glory can be revealed before your very eyes, as you discover your holy place in creation - as a creator, yourself.
2/2/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Mike Dooley: Leveraging the Universe

Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic is about using the gifts of thought, word, and deed to harness this grace. It's about doing the least to get the most. Learning what the truth is, and how to live it, so that the kingdom, the power, and the glory can be revealed before your very eyes, as you discover your holy place in creation - as a creator, yourself.
2/2/201256 minutes, 39 seconds
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Arielle Ford: Wabi Sabi Love

Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships, is devoted to exploring the simple, fun and effective ways to apply Wabi Sabi to our love relationships. Find the beauty and perfection… in each other’s imperfections... “Going from annoyed to enjoyed!”
1/26/201256 minutes, 11 seconds
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Arielle Ford: Wabi Sabi Love

Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships, is devoted to exploring the simple, fun and effective ways to apply Wabi Sabi to our love relationships. Find the beauty and perfection… in each other’s imperfections... “Going from annoyed to enjoyed!”
1/26/201256 minutes, 11 seconds
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Arielle Ford: Wabi Sabi Love

Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships, is devoted to exploring the simple, fun and effective ways to apply Wabi Sabi to our love relationships. Find the beauty and perfection… in each other’s imperfections... “Going from annoyed to enjoyed!”
1/26/201256 minutes, 11 seconds
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Sarah Seidelmann: Beastie Energy

The ancients knew something exciting… they tapped into a language between animals and people. They provide guidance and influence…if we make ourselves aware of their presence and message. What are the beasties showing up in your life? What do they mean?
1/19/201256 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sarah Seidelmann: Beastie Energy

The ancients knew something exciting… they tapped into a language between animals and people. They provide guidance and influence…if we make ourselves aware of their presence and message. What are the beasties showing up in your life? What do they mean?
1/19/201256 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sarah Seidelmann: Beastie Energy

The ancients knew something exciting… they tapped into a language between animals and people. They provide guidance and influence…if we make ourselves aware of their presence and message. What are the beasties showing up in your life? What do they mean?
1/19/201256 minutes, 34 seconds
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Julia Cameron: The Prosperous Heart... Creating a Life of Enough

Discover a dynamic new 12 week program from the woman who has inspired millions to discover their creative souls. People think of prosperity as a fiscal bottom line. The truh is that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line. What does your creative body have to do with your wealth, your life and the full expression of you. Julia Cameron shares a lifetime of wisdom about the prosperous heart. What is for relationship to money...ready to look at it?
1/12/201256 minutes, 45 seconds
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Julia Cameron: The Prosperous Heart... Creating a Life of Enough

Discover a dynamic new 12 week program from the woman who has inspired millions to discover their creative souls. People think of prosperity as a fiscal bottom line. The truh is that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line. What does your creative body have to do with your wealth, your life and the full expression of you. Julia Cameron shares a lifetime of wisdom about the prosperous heart. What is for relationship to money...ready to look at it?
1/12/201256 minutes, 45 seconds
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Julia Cameron: The Prosperous Heart... Creating a Life of Enough

Discover a dynamic new 12 week program from the woman who has inspired millions to discover their creative souls. People think of prosperity as a fiscal bottom line. The truh is that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line. What does your creative body have to do with your wealth, your life and the full expression of you. Julia Cameron shares a lifetime of wisdom about the prosperous heart. What is for relationship to money...ready to look at it?
1/12/201256 minutes, 45 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch: The Storm Before the Calm

Here is a spiritual and social tour-de-force, a positive word about humanity's future—and a clear and simple way for each of us to affect it. The author of seven New York Timesbestsellers Conversations with God series, Neale Donald Walsch offers a striking explanation for the upheaval we are seeing all over our planet, and proposes a simple plan by which we can impact both our personal and collective future in an extraordinarily positive way.
1/5/201256 minutes, 51 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch: The Storm Before the Calm

Here is a spiritual and social tour-de-force, a positive word about humanity's future—and a clear and simple way for each of us to affect it. The author of seven New York Timesbestsellers Conversations with God series, Neale Donald Walsch offers a striking explanation for the upheaval we are seeing all over our planet, and proposes a simple plan by which we can impact both our personal and collective future in an extraordinarily positive way.
1/5/201256 minutes, 51 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch: The Storm Before the Calm

Here is a spiritual and social tour-de-force, a positive word about humanity's future—and a clear and simple way for each of us to affect it. The author of seven New York Timesbestsellers Conversations with God series, Neale Donald Walsch offers a striking explanation for the upheaval we are seeing all over our planet, and proposes a simple plan by which we can impact both our personal and collective future in an extraordinarily positive way.
1/5/201256 minutes, 51 seconds
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Aleyo Dao: Sound Healing and Prayers for 2012

Aleya had an enlightenment experience which gave her the ability to perceive other realms, and feel others' feelings. Using this ability she is able to hear the sounds of the angelic realm, as well as locate solutions for the challenges that arise in life. Her music takes people into states of higher consciousness, gives them a sense of deep connection, and awakens within them a place where they once again feel at home.
12/29/201156 minutes, 34 seconds
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Aleyo Dao: Sound Healing and Prayers for 2012

Aleya had an enlightenment experience which gave her the ability to perceive other realms, and feel others' feelings. Using this ability she is able to hear the sounds of the angelic realm, as well as locate solutions for the challenges that arise in life. Her music takes people into states of higher consciousness, gives them a sense of deep connection, and awakens within them a place where they once again feel at home.
12/29/201156 minutes, 34 seconds
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Aleyo Dao: Sound Healing and Prayers for 2012

Aleya had an enlightenment experience which gave her the ability to perceive other realms, and feel others' feelings. Using this ability she is able to hear the sounds of the angelic realm, as well as locate solutions for the challenges that arise in life. Her music takes people into states of higher consciousness, gives them a sense of deep connection, and awakens within them a place where they once again feel at home.
12/29/201156 minutes, 34 seconds
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Steve Olsher: Reinventing YOU For 2012

Ready to reinvent yourself? Steve Olsher's methodology blends ancient wisdom with revolutionary lessons from modern thought leaders. These teachings, combined with his unique exercises and singular approach to realizing permanent, positive change, form a proven system for ultimate achievement.
12/22/201155 minutes, 49 seconds
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Steve Olsher: Reinventing YOU For 2012

Ready to reinvent yourself? Steve Olsher's methodology blends ancient wisdom with revolutionary lessons from modern thought leaders. These teachings, combined with his unique exercises and singular approach to realizing permanent, positive change, form a proven system for ultimate achievement.
12/22/201155 minutes, 49 seconds
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Steve Olsher: Reinventing YOU For 2012

Ready to reinvent yourself? Steve Olsher's methodology blends ancient wisdom with revolutionary lessons from modern thought leaders. These teachings, combined with his unique exercises and singular approach to realizing permanent, positive change, form a proven system for ultimate achievement.
12/22/201155 minutes, 49 seconds
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Devaa Haley Mitchell

For the past 19 years Devaa Haley Mitchell has studied and experienced many systems of personal growth and spiritual development and is an ordained interfaith minister. She recently launched her first CD, Sacred Alchemy, an album designed to reawaken and liberate the many dimensions of the sacred feminine. Discover how to Awaken the Goddess.
12/15/201156 minutes, 54 seconds
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Devaa Haley Mitchell

For the past 19 years Devaa Haley Mitchell has studied and experienced many systems of personal growth and spiritual development and is an ordained interfaith minister. She recently launched her first CD, Sacred Alchemy, an album designed to reawaken and liberate the many dimensions of the sacred feminine. Discover how to Awaken the Goddess.
12/15/201156 minutes, 54 seconds
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Devaa Haley Mitchell

For the past 19 years Devaa Haley Mitchell has studied and experienced many systems of personal growth and spiritual development and is an ordained interfaith minister. She recently launched her first CD, Sacred Alchemy, an album designed to reawaken and liberate the many dimensions of the sacred feminine. Discover how to Awaken the Goddess.
12/15/201156 minutes, 54 seconds
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Shakti Gawain: Living in The Light

Today, as people grapple with personal, national, and global challenges on many fronts, The 25th Anniversary edition of Living in the Light is timelier than ever — for both longtime fans and first-time readers. Exercises on subjects including creativity, the world as mirror, relationships, childrearing, money, health, and transforming the world help readers put Gawain’s teachings to personal, practical use. Together they compose a comprehensive map to growth, fulfillment, and heightened consciousness.
12/8/201156 minutes, 44 seconds
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Shakti Gawain: Living in The Light

Today, as people grapple with personal, national, and global challenges on many fronts, The 25th Anniversary edition of Living in the Light is timelier than ever — for both longtime fans and first-time readers. Exercises on subjects including creativity, the world as mirror, relationships, childrearing, money, health, and transforming the world help readers put Gawain’s teachings to personal, practical use. Together they compose a comprehensive map to growth, fulfillment, and heightened consciousness.
12/8/201156 minutes, 44 seconds
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Shakti Gawain: Living in The Light

Today, as people grapple with personal, national, and global challenges on many fronts, The 25th Anniversary edition of Living in the Light is timelier than ever — for both longtime fans and first-time readers. Exercises on subjects including creativity, the world as mirror, relationships, childrearing, money, health, and transforming the world help readers put Gawain’s teachings to personal, practical use. Together they compose a comprehensive map to growth, fulfillment, and heightened consciousness.
12/8/201156 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes: Untie the Strong Woman

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes first major work in nearly two decades since Women Who Run with the Wolves—Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul paints a contemporary portrait of the Blessed Mother as one who exudes strength, fierceness, love, and capability (ie: “Guadelupe as a Girl Gang Leader in Heaven”), liberating her from the visions of others where she has been trapped in seemingly fixed stereotypes. Helping to restore human dimensions to an icon that has traditionally appeared as a delicate religious figure, Dr. Estes’ work is told not from a theological point of view, but from a personal one.
12/1/201154 minutes, 36 seconds
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes: Untie the Strong Woman

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes first major work in nearly two decades since Women Who Run with the Wolves—Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul paints a contemporary portrait of the Blessed Mother as one who exudes strength, fierceness, love, and capability (ie: “Guadelupe as a Girl Gang Leader in Heaven”), liberating her from the visions of others where she has been trapped in seemingly fixed stereotypes. Helping to restore human dimensions to an icon that has traditionally appeared as a delicate religious figure, Dr. Estes’ work is told not from a theological point of view, but from a personal one.
12/1/201154 minutes, 36 seconds
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes: Untie the Strong Woman

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes first major work in nearly two decades since Women Who Run with the Wolves—Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul paints a contemporary portrait of the Blessed Mother as one who exudes strength, fierceness, love, and capability (ie: “Guadelupe as a Girl Gang Leader in Heaven”), liberating her from the visions of others where she has been trapped in seemingly fixed stereotypes. Helping to restore human dimensions to an icon that has traditionally appeared as a delicate religious figure, Dr. Estes’ work is told not from a theological point of view, but from a personal one.
12/1/201154 minutes, 36 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Jean Houston

The simple question, “What would you do if you could not fail?” takes us right into the heart of accountability for this gift of life. Beyond the justifications, recriminations and assignment of blame for why you are not living the life you dream of, there resides a world of possibility and higher destiny. “These times require, even demand, that we activate the great gifts we were given and retire the excuses, forgive the transgressions, and assume the roles we were created to live. This is no time for quivering promises, but a period of reckoning in which we stand humbly and boldly in the presence of our own great promise. We call our magnificent spirit into full expression; we trust our instincts and find our voice. More importantly, we act as if the world depended on our initiative and courage.”
11/24/201156 minutes, 30 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Jean Houston

The simple question, “What would you do if you could not fail?” takes us right into the heart of accountability for this gift of life. Beyond the justifications, recriminations and assignment of blame for why you are not living the life you dream of, there resides a world of possibility and higher destiny. “These times require, even demand, that we activate the great gifts we were given and retire the excuses, forgive the transgressions, and assume the roles we were created to live. This is no time for quivering promises, but a period of reckoning in which we stand humbly and boldly in the presence of our own great promise. We call our magnificent spirit into full expression; we trust our instincts and find our voice. More importantly, we act as if the world depended on our initiative and courage.”
11/24/201156 minutes, 30 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Jean Houston

The simple question, “What would you do if you could not fail?” takes us right into the heart of accountability for this gift of life. Beyond the justifications, recriminations and assignment of blame for why you are not living the life you dream of, there resides a world of possibility and higher destiny. “These times require, even demand, that we activate the great gifts we were given and retire the excuses, forgive the transgressions, and assume the roles we were created to live. This is no time for quivering promises, but a period of reckoning in which we stand humbly and boldly in the presence of our own great promise. We call our magnificent spirit into full expression; we trust our instincts and find our voice. More importantly, we act as if the world depended on our initiative and courage.”
11/24/201156 minutes, 30 seconds
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Jack Canfield and William Gladstone: Golden Motorcycle gang

The Golden Motorcycle Gang: A Story of Transformation is an exciting new book and wake up call for those of us, who believe we have come here to make a difference in world. It is part autobiography , spiritual adventure story and a 2012 resource guide. It will introduce you to amazing people in the world, who along with Jack, have dedicated their life to helping the planet.
11/17/201156 minutes, 49 seconds
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Jack Canfield and William Gladstone: Golden Motorcycle gang

The Golden Motorcycle Gang: A Story of Transformation is an exciting new book and wake up call for those of us, who believe we have come here to make a difference in world. It is part autobiography , spiritual adventure story and a 2012 resource guide. It will introduce you to amazing people in the world, who along with Jack, have dedicated their life to helping the planet.
11/17/201156 minutes, 49 seconds
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Jack Canfield and William Gladstone: Golden Motorcycle gang

The Golden Motorcycle Gang: A Story of Transformation is an exciting new book and wake up call for those of us, who believe we have come here to make a difference in world. It is part autobiography , spiritual adventure story and a 2012 resource guide. It will introduce you to amazing people in the world, who along with Jack, have dedicated their life to helping the planet.
11/17/201156 minutes, 49 seconds
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Barbara Marx Hubbard: Birth 2012

Barbara Marx Hubbard declares that the fears around a prophetic “end” date are actually a birth date - a symbolic marker of the movement into a new era of human evolution. We can celebrate what is already shifting toward sustainability, peace and innovative solutions in every field. Barbara calls this vision Birth 2012: a growing movement of worldwide citizens who are committed to linking hearts and minds with others and consciously co-creating the next stage of our evolution.
11/10/201157 minutes, 12 seconds
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Barbara Marx Hubbard: Birth 2012

Barbara Marx Hubbard declares that the fears around a prophetic “end” date are actually a birth date - a symbolic marker of the movement into a new era of human evolution. We can celebrate what is already shifting toward sustainability, peace and innovative solutions in every field. Barbara calls this vision Birth 2012: a growing movement of worldwide citizens who are committed to linking hearts and minds with others and consciously co-creating the next stage of our evolution.
11/10/201157 minutes, 12 seconds
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Barbara Marx Hubbard: Birth 2012

Barbara Marx Hubbard declares that the fears around a prophetic “end” date are actually a birth date - a symbolic marker of the movement into a new era of human evolution. We can celebrate what is already shifting toward sustainability, peace and innovative solutions in every field. Barbara calls this vision Birth 2012: a growing movement of worldwide citizens who are committed to linking hearts and minds with others and consciously co-creating the next stage of our evolution.
11/10/201157 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rickie Byars Beckwith: Surrender

Rickie Byars Beckwith is one of the 21st century’s most revered singer-songwriters whose transcendent music opens the heart, touches the soul, and uplifts the spirit...announces the release of her debut book, Let My Soul Surrender: Grace Notes of a Journey, with a companion CD by the same name.
11/3/201157 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rickie Byars Beckwith: Surrender

Rickie Byars Beckwith is one of the 21st century’s most revered singer-songwriters whose transcendent music opens the heart, touches the soul, and uplifts the spirit...announces the release of her debut book, Let My Soul Surrender: Grace Notes of a Journey, with a companion CD by the same name.
11/3/201157 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rickie Byars Beckwith: Surrender

Rickie Byars Beckwith is one of the 21st century’s most revered singer-songwriters whose transcendent music opens the heart, touches the soul, and uplifts the spirit...announces the release of her debut book, Let My Soul Surrender: Grace Notes of a Journey, with a companion CD by the same name.
11/3/201157 minutes, 3 seconds
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Gabrielle Bernstein: Spirit Junkie

Until my mid twenties, I was looking for happiness and love in all the wrong places... How does a New York City publicist and party girl turn into a guru for the next generation? By taking a 'Radical Road to Self Love and Miracles. Here a story of how one woman overcame fear, changed her perceptions, and created a life she was psyched for!
10/27/201155 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gabrielle Bernstein: Spirit Junkie

Until my mid twenties, I was looking for happiness and love in all the wrong places... How does a New York City publicist and party girl turn into a guru for the next generation? By taking a 'Radical Road to Self Love and Miracles. Here a story of how one woman overcame fear, changed her perceptions, and created a life she was psyched for!
10/27/201155 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gabrielle Bernstein: Spirit Junkie

Until my mid twenties, I was looking for happiness and love in all the wrong places... How does a New York City publicist and party girl turn into a guru for the next generation? By taking a 'Radical Road to Self Love and Miracles. Here a story of how one woman overcame fear, changed her perceptions, and created a life she was psyched for!
10/27/201155 minutes, 45 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: James Van Praagh

A psychic senses energy around the living people or objects. A medium not only senses energy, but is able to interface between the slower vibrations of the physical world and the much faster ones of the spirit world. Though James Van Praagh is quick to point out that his gift does not provide insights into the future, he is able to provide detailed evidential proof that a loved one survived death. Surviving death may seem to be the supreme oxymoron, but he has a firm belief that we are all spirit beings, and that there is far more to our life than our lifespan.
10/20/201154 minutes, 54 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: James Van Praagh

A psychic senses energy around the living people or objects. A medium not only senses energy, but is able to interface between the slower vibrations of the physical world and the much faster ones of the spirit world. Though James Van Praagh is quick to point out that his gift does not provide insights into the future, he is able to provide detailed evidential proof that a loved one survived death. Surviving death may seem to be the supreme oxymoron, but he has a firm belief that we are all spirit beings, and that there is far more to our life than our lifespan.
10/20/201154 minutes, 54 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: James Van Praagh

A psychic senses energy around the living people or objects. A medium not only senses energy, but is able to interface between the slower vibrations of the physical world and the much faster ones of the spirit world. Though James Van Praagh is quick to point out that his gift does not provide insights into the future, he is able to provide detailed evidential proof that a loved one survived death. Surviving death may seem to be the supreme oxymoron, but he has a firm belief that we are all spirit beings, and that there is far more to our life than our lifespan.
10/20/201154 minutes, 54 seconds
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Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe: The Code

The Code goes deeper than most numerology books to offer insights into personal relationships, child rearing, career options, and more. Bestselling authors Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe have sold more than 10 million books in Germany alone!
10/13/201155 minutes, 57 seconds
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Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe: The Code

The Code goes deeper than most numerology books to offer insights into personal relationships, child rearing, career options, and more. Bestselling authors Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe have sold more than 10 million books in Germany alone!
10/13/201155 minutes, 57 seconds
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Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe: The Code

The Code goes deeper than most numerology books to offer insights into personal relationships, child rearing, career options, and more. Bestselling authors Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe have sold more than 10 million books in Germany alone!
10/13/201155 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sharon Lynn Wyeth: Neimology

Neimology™ Science is the study of the placement of letters in a name, and how they interact with each other to divulge hidden secrets about someone’s character. Unlock the secrets hidden within someone’s name so that you have immediate insight into someone’s personality.
10/6/201156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Sharon Lynn Wyeth: Neimology

Neimology™ Science is the study of the placement of letters in a name, and how they interact with each other to divulge hidden secrets about someone’s character. Unlock the secrets hidden within someone’s name so that you have immediate insight into someone’s personality.
10/6/201156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Sharon Lynn Wyeth: Neimology

Neimology™ Science is the study of the placement of letters in a name, and how they interact with each other to divulge hidden secrets about someone’s character. Unlock the secrets hidden within someone’s name so that you have immediate insight into someone’s personality.
10/6/201156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dr. Jean Houston

The simple question, “What would you do if you could not fail?” takes us right into the heart of accountability for this gift of life. Beyond the justifications, recriminations and assignment of blame for why you are not living the life you dream of, there resides a world of possibility and higher destiny. “These times require, even demand, that we activate the great gifts we were given and retire the excuses, forgive the transgressions, and assume the roles we were created to live. This is no time for quivering promises, but a period of reckoning in which we stand humbly and boldly in the presence of our own great promise. We call our magnificent spirit into full expression; we trust our instincts and find our voice. More importantly, we act as if the world depended on our initiative and courage.”
9/29/201156 minutes, 30 seconds
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Dr. Jean Houston

The simple question, “What would you do if you could not fail?” takes us right into the heart of accountability for this gift of life. Beyond the justifications, recriminations and assignment of blame for why you are not living the life you dream of, there resides a world of possibility and higher destiny. “These times require, even demand, that we activate the great gifts we were given and retire the excuses, forgive the transgressions, and assume the roles we were created to live. This is no time for quivering promises, but a period of reckoning in which we stand humbly and boldly in the presence of our own great promise. We call our magnificent spirit into full expression; we trust our instincts and find our voice. More importantly, we act as if the world depended on our initiative and courage.”
9/29/201156 minutes, 30 seconds
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Dr. Jean Houston

The simple question, “What would you do if you could not fail?” takes us right into the heart of accountability for this gift of life. Beyond the justifications, recriminations and assignment of blame for why you are not living the life you dream of, there resides a world of possibility and higher destiny. “These times require, even demand, that we activate the great gifts we were given and retire the excuses, forgive the transgressions, and assume the roles we were created to live. This is no time for quivering promises, but a period of reckoning in which we stand humbly and boldly in the presence of our own great promise. We call our magnificent spirit into full expression; we trust our instincts and find our voice. More importantly, we act as if the world depended on our initiative and courage.”
9/29/201156 minutes, 30 seconds
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Randolph Rogers: The Key to Life

The Key of Life, is a consciousness-raising self-help detective story that can lead you to examine the everyday details of your life. This is a true story, about who we are, why we are here and how we are all connected. That connection is meticulously documented as you follow my quest for the truth and then proven in an ending, that is really only the beginning.
9/22/201157 minutes, 5 seconds
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Randolph Rogers: The Key to Life

The Key of Life, is a consciousness-raising self-help detective story that can lead you to examine the everyday details of your life. This is a true story, about who we are, why we are here and how we are all connected. That connection is meticulously documented as you follow my quest for the truth and then proven in an ending, that is really only the beginning.
9/22/201157 minutes, 5 seconds
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Randolph Rogers: The Key to Life

The Key of Life, is a consciousness-raising self-help detective story that can lead you to examine the everyday details of your life. This is a true story, about who we are, why we are here and how we are all connected. That connection is meticulously documented as you follow my quest for the truth and then proven in an ending, that is really only the beginning.
9/22/201157 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dr. Rashid Buttar - 9 Steps to Healing

Dr. Buttar lays out an effective system for ridding the body of toxicity and reestablishing a healthy internal environment. The 9 Steps program is a breakthrough process designed to do 3 main things: 1. Help you discover, understand and ACT upon the most powerful methods for removing dangerous toxins from your body... 2. Shift your mind so that you feel excited and eager to make the necessary changes in your life and ... 3. Radically transform your mood, confidence and sense of well being.
9/15/201157 minutes, 32 seconds
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Dr. Rashid Buttar - 9 Steps to Healing

Dr. Buttar lays out an effective system for ridding the body of toxicity and reestablishing a healthy internal environment. The 9 Steps program is a breakthrough process designed to do 3 main things: 1. Help you discover, understand and ACT upon the most powerful methods for removing dangerous toxins from your body... 2. Shift your mind so that you feel excited and eager to make the necessary changes in your life and ... 3. Radically transform your mood, confidence and sense of well being.
9/15/201157 minutes, 32 seconds
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Dr. Rashid Buttar - 9 Steps to Healing

Dr. Buttar lays out an effective system for ridding the body of toxicity and reestablishing a healthy internal environment. The 9 Steps program is a breakthrough process designed to do 3 main things: 1. Help you discover, understand and ACT upon the most powerful methods for removing dangerous toxins from your body... 2. Shift your mind so that you feel excited and eager to make the necessary changes in your life and ... 3. Radically transform your mood, confidence and sense of well being.
9/15/201157 minutes, 32 seconds
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Penney Pierce: Frequency

new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace, fear to enthusiasm, and snagged situations to magical results.
9/8/201156 minutes, 37 seconds
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Penney Pierce: Frequency

new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace, fear to enthusiasm, and snagged situations to magical results.
9/8/201156 minutes, 37 seconds
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Penney Pierce: Frequency

new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace, fear to enthusiasm, and snagged situations to magical results.
9/8/201156 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dr. Gary Schwartz: The Sacred promise

What if our increasing feelings of emptiness, loneliness, hopelessness and meaninglessness are fostered by our belief in a Spirit-less Universe? What if Spirit is actually all around us, ready to fill us with energy, hope and direction if we are ready to cooperate with it. Dr. Gary Schwartz, author of multiple books and Professor at yale has conducted numerous years of research on the existence of Spirit and its workings in our lives.
9/1/201157 minutes, 55 seconds
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Dr. Gary Schwartz: The Sacred promise

What if our increasing feelings of emptiness, loneliness, hopelessness and meaninglessness are fostered by our belief in a Spirit-less Universe? What if Spirit is actually all around us, ready to fill us with energy, hope and direction if we are ready to cooperate with it. Dr. Gary Schwartz, author of multiple books and Professor at yale has conducted numerous years of research on the existence of Spirit and its workings in our lives.
9/1/201157 minutes, 55 seconds
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Dr. Gary Schwartz: The Sacred promise

What if our increasing feelings of emptiness, loneliness, hopelessness and meaninglessness are fostered by our belief in a Spirit-less Universe? What if Spirit is actually all around us, ready to fill us with energy, hope and direction if we are ready to cooperate with it. Dr. Gary Schwartz, author of multiple books and Professor at yale has conducted numerous years of research on the existence of Spirit and its workings in our lives.
9/1/201157 minutes, 55 seconds
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Dr. Sue Morter

Dr. Sue Morter is an internationally recognized authority on bridging Science, Spirit and Human Possibility. She can be seen in documentary films, internet television and radio interviews and live conferences worldwide. Her high-energy platform presence ignites passion, imparts knowledge, and affects audiences around the globe through her keynote addresses, workshops and programs. SPECIAL 11:11 Talk Radio Offer From Dr. Sue Morter Full Package $97 ( Reg. Package Value is $1041 )
8/25/201155 minutes
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Dr. Sue Morter

Dr. Sue Morter is an internationally recognized authority on bridging Science, Spirit and Human Possibility. She can be seen in documentary films, internet television and radio interviews and live conferences worldwide. Her high-energy platform presence ignites passion, imparts knowledge, and affects audiences around the globe through her keynote addresses, workshops and programs. SPECIAL 11:11 Talk Radio Offer From Dr. Sue Morter Full Package $97 ( Reg. Package Value is $1041 )
8/25/201155 minutes
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Dr. Sue Morter

Dr. Sue Morter is an internationally recognized authority on bridging Science, Spirit and Human Possibility. She can be seen in documentary films, internet television and radio interviews and live conferences worldwide. Her high-energy platform presence ignites passion, imparts knowledge, and affects audiences around the globe through her keynote addresses, workshops and programs. SPECIAL 11:11 Talk Radio Offer From Dr. Sue Morter Full Package $97 ( Reg. Package Value is $1041 )
8/25/201155 minutes
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Steven Hairfield: Karmic Law

Is karma real? If not then why is there cause and effect? Do you realize that we as human are a result of divine karma? Karma is not about punishment it is more about all things are equal and Karma insures this! How would you like to attain full control of your life? Will understanding karma give us control? Do you realize that karma is how we all create in our lives? Did you know that you may use karma with intention and have what you seek?
8/18/201156 minutes, 4 seconds
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Steven Hairfield: Karmic Law

Is karma real? If not then why is there cause and effect? Do you realize that we as human are a result of divine karma? Karma is not about punishment it is more about all things are equal and Karma insures this! How would you like to attain full control of your life? Will understanding karma give us control? Do you realize that karma is how we all create in our lives? Did you know that you may use karma with intention and have what you seek?
8/18/201156 minutes, 4 seconds
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Steven Hairfield: Karmic Law

Is karma real? If not then why is there cause and effect? Do you realize that we as human are a result of divine karma? Karma is not about punishment it is more about all things are equal and Karma insures this! How would you like to attain full control of your life? Will understanding karma give us control? Do you realize that karma is how we all create in our lives? Did you know that you may use karma with intention and have what you seek?
8/18/201156 minutes, 4 seconds
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Robert Moss: Active Dreaming

Active Dreaming is an original synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and shamanic methods of journeying and healing. Dreaming isn't just what happens during sleep; dreaming is waking up to sources of guidance, healing, and creativity beyond the reach of the everyday mind. Our “big story” is stalking us, and if we don’t embrace that story, others will impose their own stories, little stories and “small” identities, on us. Robert Moss takes us into the world of dreams.
8/11/201157 minutes, 13 seconds
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Robert Moss: Active Dreaming

Active Dreaming is an original synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and shamanic methods of journeying and healing. Dreaming isn't just what happens during sleep; dreaming is waking up to sources of guidance, healing, and creativity beyond the reach of the everyday mind. Our “big story” is stalking us, and if we don’t embrace that story, others will impose their own stories, little stories and “small” identities, on us. Robert Moss takes us into the world of dreams.
8/11/201157 minutes, 13 seconds
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Robert Moss: Active Dreaming

Active Dreaming is an original synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and shamanic methods of journeying and healing. Dreaming isn't just what happens during sleep; dreaming is waking up to sources of guidance, healing, and creativity beyond the reach of the everyday mind. Our “big story” is stalking us, and if we don’t embrace that story, others will impose their own stories, little stories and “small” identities, on us. Robert Moss takes us into the world of dreams.
8/11/201157 minutes, 13 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Tami Lynn Kent: Wild Feminine

Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Female Body offers a unique, holistic approach to reclaiming the power, spirit, and joy of the female body and to understanding its connection to creative energy flow. By restoring physical and energetic balance in the pelvic bowl, women can learn to care for themselves in a nourishing and respectful manner, heal spiritual fractures, and renew their relationship with the sacred feminine. Although the feminine body is an access point to the greater realm of the spirit, many women have lost their connection to this source. Author Tami Kent, MSPT, has an answer. Drawing from her experiences as a woman's health physical therapist who works with the physical body and female energy system, Kent provides a framework for healing the body and navigating the realms of feminine spirit. Through pelvic bodywork, healing stories, visualizations, rituals, and creative exercises, women can explore the deep and natural wisdom inherent in the female body.
8/4/201133 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Tami Lynn Kent: Wild Feminine

Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Female Body offers a unique, holistic approach to reclaiming the power, spirit, and joy of the female body and to understanding its connection to creative energy flow. By restoring physical and energetic balance in the pelvic bowl, women can learn to care for themselves in a nourishing and respectful manner, heal spiritual fractures, and renew their relationship with the sacred feminine. Although the feminine body is an access point to the greater realm of the spirit, many women have lost their connection to this source. Author Tami Kent, MSPT, has an answer. Drawing from her experiences as a woman's health physical therapist who works with the physical body and female energy system, Kent provides a framework for healing the body and navigating the realms of feminine spirit. Through pelvic bodywork, healing stories, visualizations, rituals, and creative exercises, women can explore the deep and natural wisdom inherent in the female body.
8/4/201133 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Tami Lynn Kent: Wild Feminine

Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Female Body offers a unique, holistic approach to reclaiming the power, spirit, and joy of the female body and to understanding its connection to creative energy flow. By restoring physical and energetic balance in the pelvic bowl, women can learn to care for themselves in a nourishing and respectful manner, heal spiritual fractures, and renew their relationship with the sacred feminine. Although the feminine body is an access point to the greater realm of the spirit, many women have lost their connection to this source. Author Tami Kent, MSPT, has an answer. Drawing from her experiences as a woman's health physical therapist who works with the physical body and female energy system, Kent provides a framework for healing the body and navigating the realms of feminine spirit. Through pelvic bodywork, healing stories, visualizations, rituals, and creative exercises, women can explore the deep and natural wisdom inherent in the female body.
8/4/201133 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: John Gray

Click to receive 3 FREE Gifts to support your Health, Wellness & Wealth John Gray's Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice uses relationship situations everybody can identify with to depict the stunning connection between personal interactions, hormones, love, desire and healthy vitality. Gray also speaks on the importance of cleansing, nutrition, superfood shakes, mineral and vitamin supplements for individuals on the evolutionary path for conscious care and replenishment of brain chemicals, hormone balancing and overall body and life vitality in todays times of nutritionally bankrupt soil and food sources..
7/28/201155 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: John Gray

Click to receive 3 FREE Gifts to support your Health, Wellness & Wealth John Gray's Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice uses relationship situations everybody can identify with to depict the stunning connection between personal interactions, hormones, love, desire and healthy vitality. Gray also speaks on the importance of cleansing, nutrition, superfood shakes, mineral and vitamin supplements for individuals on the evolutionary path for conscious care and replenishment of brain chemicals, hormone balancing and overall body and life vitality in todays times of nutritionally bankrupt soil and food sources..
7/28/201155 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: John Gray

Click to receive 3 FREE Gifts to support your Health, Wellness & Wealth John Gray's Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice uses relationship situations everybody can identify with to depict the stunning connection between personal interactions, hormones, love, desire and healthy vitality. Gray also speaks on the importance of cleansing, nutrition, superfood shakes, mineral and vitamin supplements for individuals on the evolutionary path for conscious care and replenishment of brain chemicals, hormone balancing and overall body and life vitality in todays times of nutritionally bankrupt soil and food sources..
7/28/201155 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gotham Chopra - Deepak Chopra : Superhero Style

In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes, Deepak Chopra and his son Gotham give spirituality a hip and modern makeover as they outline the blueprint for a new breed of superhero that YOU can embody to positively transform your life. From Buddha’s search for truth to Batman’s struggle with his dark side, Chopra decodes the seven essential laws that govern the realm of superheroes both ancient and modern, cosmic and commercial, and explain their relevance, importance, and perhaps most critically, how to apply them to our daily lives.
7/21/201154 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gotham Chopra - Deepak Chopra : Superhero Style

In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes, Deepak Chopra and his son Gotham give spirituality a hip and modern makeover as they outline the blueprint for a new breed of superhero that YOU can embody to positively transform your life. From Buddha’s search for truth to Batman’s struggle with his dark side, Chopra decodes the seven essential laws that govern the realm of superheroes both ancient and modern, cosmic and commercial, and explain their relevance, importance, and perhaps most critically, how to apply them to our daily lives.
7/21/201154 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gotham Chopra - Deepak Chopra : Superhero Style

In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes, Deepak Chopra and his son Gotham give spirituality a hip and modern makeover as they outline the blueprint for a new breed of superhero that YOU can embody to positively transform your life. From Buddha’s search for truth to Batman’s struggle with his dark side, Chopra decodes the seven essential laws that govern the realm of superheroes both ancient and modern, cosmic and commercial, and explain their relevance, importance, and perhaps most critically, how to apply them to our daily lives.
7/21/201154 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Maryam Kabeer Faye - Ten Thousand Veils

JOURNEY THROUGH TEN THOUSAND VEILS, The Alchemy of Transformation on the Sufi Path, documents both the inner and outer journey, is a revealing social commentary, dispelling many stereotypes such as the proposition, that women are inevitably oppressed in Islam. On the contrary, it is by entering into the heart of Islam that the author was liberated, elevated, and guided to realize the true purpose of her existence.
7/14/201155 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Maryam Kabeer Faye - Ten Thousand Veils

JOURNEY THROUGH TEN THOUSAND VEILS, The Alchemy of Transformation on the Sufi Path, documents both the inner and outer journey, is a revealing social commentary, dispelling many stereotypes such as the proposition, that women are inevitably oppressed in Islam. On the contrary, it is by entering into the heart of Islam that the author was liberated, elevated, and guided to realize the true purpose of her existence.
7/14/201155 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Maryam Kabeer Faye - Ten Thousand Veils

JOURNEY THROUGH TEN THOUSAND VEILS, The Alchemy of Transformation on the Sufi Path, documents both the inner and outer journey, is a revealing social commentary, dispelling many stereotypes such as the proposition, that women are inevitably oppressed in Islam. On the contrary, it is by entering into the heart of Islam that the author was liberated, elevated, and guided to realize the true purpose of her existence.
7/14/201155 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bob Proctor: Success Puzzle

We have arranged a special Discount on Bob Proctor's Success Puzzle at this CORRECTED link! There is a Science of Getting Rich. Scientific Laws that govern whether you are wealthy or poor and they are just as exact as those that govern the Universe. Learn and use them and you will attract money in abundance just as certainly as the force of gravity holds you to the earth. There is also a science of success. Discover the Success Puzzle.
7/7/201159 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bob Proctor: Success Puzzle

We have arranged a special Discount on Bob Proctor's Success Puzzle at this CORRECTED link! There is a Science of Getting Rich. Scientific Laws that govern whether you are wealthy or poor and they are just as exact as those that govern the Universe. Learn and use them and you will attract money in abundance just as certainly as the force of gravity holds you to the earth. There is also a science of success. Discover the Success Puzzle.
7/7/201159 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bob Proctor: Success Puzzle

We have arranged a special Discount on Bob Proctor's Success Puzzle at this CORRECTED link! There is a Science of Getting Rich. Scientific Laws that govern whether you are wealthy or poor and they are just as exact as those that govern the Universe. Learn and use them and you will attract money in abundance just as certainly as the force of gravity holds you to the earth. There is also a science of success. Discover the Success Puzzle.
7/7/201159 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

John Gray

Click to receive 3 FREE Gifts to support your Health, Wellness & Wealth John Gray's Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice uses relationship situations everybody can identify with to depict the stunning connection between personal interactions, hormones, love, desire and healthy vitality. Gray also speaks on the importance of cleansing, nutrition, superfood shakes, mineral and vitamin supplements for individuals on the evolutionary path for conscious care and replenishment of brain chemicals, hormone balancing and overall body and life vitality in todays times of nutritionally bankrupt soil and food sources..
6/30/201155 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

John Gray

Click to receive 3 FREE Gifts to support your Health, Wellness & Wealth John Gray's Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice uses relationship situations everybody can identify with to depict the stunning connection between personal interactions, hormones, love, desire and healthy vitality. Gray also speaks on the importance of cleansing, nutrition, superfood shakes, mineral and vitamin supplements for individuals on the evolutionary path for conscious care and replenishment of brain chemicals, hormone balancing and overall body and life vitality in todays times of nutritionally bankrupt soil and food sources..
6/30/201155 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

John Gray

Click to receive 3 FREE Gifts to support your Health, Wellness & Wealth John Gray's Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice uses relationship situations everybody can identify with to depict the stunning connection between personal interactions, hormones, love, desire and healthy vitality. Gray also speaks on the importance of cleansing, nutrition, superfood shakes, mineral and vitamin supplements for individuals on the evolutionary path for conscious care and replenishment of brain chemicals, hormone balancing and overall body and life vitality in todays times of nutritionally bankrupt soil and food sources..
6/30/201155 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tami Lynn Kent: Wild Feminine

Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Female Body offers a unique, holistic approach to reclaiming the power, spirit, and joy of the female body and to understanding its connection to creative energy flow. By restoring physical and energetic balance in the pelvic bowl, women can learn to care for themselves in a nourishing and respectful manner, heal spiritual fractures, and renew their relationship with the sacred feminine. Although the feminine body is an access point to the greater realm of the spirit, many women have lost their connection to this source. Author Tami Kent, MSPT, has an answer. Drawing from her experiences as a woman's health physical therapist who works with the physical body and female energy system, Kent provides a framework for healing the body and navigating the realms of feminine spirit. Through pelvic bodywork, healing stories, visualizations, rituals, and creative exercises, women can explore the deep and natural wisdom inherent in the female body.
6/23/201154 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tami Lynn Kent: Wild Feminine

Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Female Body offers a unique, holistic approach to reclaiming the power, spirit, and joy of the female body and to understanding its connection to creative energy flow. By restoring physical and energetic balance in the pelvic bowl, women can learn to care for themselves in a nourishing and respectful manner, heal spiritual fractures, and renew their relationship with the sacred feminine. Although the feminine body is an access point to the greater realm of the spirit, many women have lost their connection to this source. Author Tami Kent, MSPT, has an answer. Drawing from her experiences as a woman's health physical therapist who works with the physical body and female energy system, Kent provides a framework for healing the body and navigating the realms of feminine spirit. Through pelvic bodywork, healing stories, visualizations, rituals, and creative exercises, women can explore the deep and natural wisdom inherent in the female body.
6/23/201154 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tami Lynn Kent: Wild Feminine

Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Female Body offers a unique, holistic approach to reclaiming the power, spirit, and joy of the female body and to understanding its connection to creative energy flow. By restoring physical and energetic balance in the pelvic bowl, women can learn to care for themselves in a nourishing and respectful manner, heal spiritual fractures, and renew their relationship with the sacred feminine. Although the feminine body is an access point to the greater realm of the spirit, many women have lost their connection to this source. Author Tami Kent, MSPT, has an answer. Drawing from her experiences as a woman's health physical therapist who works with the physical body and female energy system, Kent provides a framework for healing the body and navigating the realms of feminine spirit. Through pelvic bodywork, healing stories, visualizations, rituals, and creative exercises, women can explore the deep and natural wisdom inherent in the female body.
6/23/201154 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
6/16/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
6/16/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
6/16/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Inna Segal: Secret Language of the Body

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
6/9/201155 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Inna Segal: Secret Language of the Body

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
6/9/201155 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Special Encore Presentation: Inna Segal: Secret Language of the Body

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
6/9/201155 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

James Van Praagh

A psychic senses energy around the living people or objects. A medium not only senses energy, but is able to interface between the slower vibrations of the physical world and the much faster ones of the spirit world. Though James Van Praagh is quick to point out that his gift does not provide insights into the future, he is able to provide detailed evidential proof that a loved one survived death. Surviving death may seem to be the supreme oxymoron, but he has a firm belief that we are all spirit beings, and that there is far more to our life than our lifespan.
6/2/201154 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

James Van Praagh

A psychic senses energy around the living people or objects. A medium not only senses energy, but is able to interface between the slower vibrations of the physical world and the much faster ones of the spirit world. Though James Van Praagh is quick to point out that his gift does not provide insights into the future, he is able to provide detailed evidential proof that a loved one survived death. Surviving death may seem to be the supreme oxymoron, but he has a firm belief that we are all spirit beings, and that there is far more to our life than our lifespan.
6/2/201154 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

James Van Praagh

A psychic senses energy around the living people or objects. A medium not only senses energy, but is able to interface between the slower vibrations of the physical world and the much faster ones of the spirit world. Though James Van Praagh is quick to point out that his gift does not provide insights into the future, he is able to provide detailed evidential proof that a loved one survived death. Surviving death may seem to be the supreme oxymoron, but he has a firm belief that we are all spirit beings, and that there is far more to our life than our lifespan.
6/2/201154 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tania Gabrielle: You Are Your Numbers

Everything in your life can be reduced to numbers, including your name, your street address, birth date and the name of your business. All these numbers play a much larger role in determining your destiny than you can even imagine. MASTER Numbers. These numbers are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 and so on - all of which indicate great skill and talent in life. Fact: you are affected by your name and numbers right NOW - and you react to everyone else's name, including all the big names in the media.
5/26/201156 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tania Gabrielle: You Are Your Numbers

Everything in your life can be reduced to numbers, including your name, your street address, birth date and the name of your business. All these numbers play a much larger role in determining your destiny than you can even imagine. MASTER Numbers. These numbers are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 and so on - all of which indicate great skill and talent in life. Fact: you are affected by your name and numbers right NOW - and you react to everyone else's name, including all the big names in the media.
5/26/201156 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tania Gabrielle: You Are Your Numbers

Everything in your life can be reduced to numbers, including your name, your street address, birth date and the name of your business. All these numbers play a much larger role in determining your destiny than you can even imagine. MASTER Numbers. These numbers are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 and so on - all of which indicate great skill and talent in life. Fact: you are affected by your name and numbers right NOW - and you react to everyone else's name, including all the big names in the media.
5/26/201156 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rabia Hayek: Do As One

One billion people will breathe together synchronously by November 11, 2012. For a moment, think of what will happen when one billion people breathe in and out in perfect unison, creating one universal breath flow. The impact this will have on humanity is yet to be experienced. We invite you to be one of the billion.
5/19/201155 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rabia Hayek: Do As One

One billion people will breathe together synchronously by November 11, 2012. For a moment, think of what will happen when one billion people breathe in and out in perfect unison, creating one universal breath flow. The impact this will have on humanity is yet to be experienced. We invite you to be one of the billion.
5/19/201155 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rabia Hayek: Do As One

One billion people will breathe together synchronously by November 11, 2012. For a moment, think of what will happen when one billion people breathe in and out in perfect unison, creating one universal breath flow. The impact this will have on humanity is yet to be experienced. We invite you to be one of the billion.
5/19/201155 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Inna Segal: Secret Language of the Body

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
5/12/201155 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Inna Segal: Secret Language of the Body

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
5/12/201155 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Inna Segal: Secret Language of the Body

Inna Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body and reveals the underlying mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical symptoms and medical conditions. This inspiring show delves into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Inna offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health.
5/12/201155 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Shelley von Strunkel: Astrology Expert

Shelley von Strunkel is one of the leading world astrologers. discover how free will affects your chart. e parameters of free-will are much greater. The traditional attribution of the planets, the signs and the aspects really need to be amended, updated, shift with the times. But it's all moving so quickly that these changes can't even be encoded in a book. While exhausting, this really puts astrologers on their mettle. The one thing that continues, however is that at its core, astrology reflects the cycles of nature.
5/5/201154 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Shelley von Strunkel: Astrology Expert

Shelley von Strunkel is one of the leading world astrologers. discover how free will affects your chart. e parameters of free-will are much greater. The traditional attribution of the planets, the signs and the aspects really need to be amended, updated, shift with the times. But it's all moving so quickly that these changes can't even be encoded in a book. While exhausting, this really puts astrologers on their mettle. The one thing that continues, however is that at its core, astrology reflects the cycles of nature.
5/5/201154 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Shelley von Strunkel: Astrology Expert

Shelley von Strunkel is one of the leading world astrologers. discover how free will affects your chart. e parameters of free-will are much greater. The traditional attribution of the planets, the signs and the aspects really need to be amended, updated, shift with the times. But it's all moving so quickly that these changes can't even be encoded in a book. While exhausting, this really puts astrologers on their mettle. The one thing that continues, however is that at its core, astrology reflects the cycles of nature.
5/5/201154 minutes, 52 seconds
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Secrets to Meditation: Larry Terkel

Meditation is generally an internal, personal practice and done without any external involvement, often invoking or cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to a specific focal point. The term can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state.
4/28/201155 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Secrets to Meditation: Larry Terkel

Meditation is generally an internal, personal practice and done without any external involvement, often invoking or cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to a specific focal point. The term can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state.
4/28/201155 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Secrets to Meditation: Larry Terkel

Meditation is generally an internal, personal practice and done without any external involvement, often invoking or cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to a specific focal point. The term can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state.
4/28/201155 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dan Millman: The Four Purposes of Life

Dan Millman faces life’s fundamental questions: Why am I here? What am I meant to do? Millman understands the primary human need for direction and purpose. Here, in this straightforward and down-to-earth book, he shares fresh, realistic techniques anyone can use to find and fulfill their fourfold life purpose. Find meaning and direction in a changing weld.
4/21/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dan Millman: The Four Purposes of Life

Dan Millman faces life’s fundamental questions: Why am I here? What am I meant to do? Millman understands the primary human need for direction and purpose. Here, in this straightforward and down-to-earth book, he shares fresh, realistic techniques anyone can use to find and fulfill their fourfold life purpose. Find meaning and direction in a changing weld.
4/21/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dan Millman: The Four Purposes of Life

Dan Millman faces life’s fundamental questions: Why am I here? What am I meant to do? Millman understands the primary human need for direction and purpose. Here, in this straightforward and down-to-earth book, he shares fresh, realistic techniques anyone can use to find and fulfill their fourfold life purpose. Find meaning and direction in a changing weld.
4/21/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Alexandra Solnado: The Book of Light

THE BOOK OF LIGHT is heaven’s attempt to communicate with you by providing solace and inspiration with a beautiful and unique system for seeking answers directly from Jesus It can be utilized daily or whenever a pressing question arises in your life. Alexandra began receiving messages from Jesus after a mysterious illness nearly took her daughter’s life.
4/14/201155 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Alexandra Solnado: The Book of Light

THE BOOK OF LIGHT is heaven’s attempt to communicate with you by providing solace and inspiration with a beautiful and unique system for seeking answers directly from Jesus It can be utilized daily or whenever a pressing question arises in your life. Alexandra began receiving messages from Jesus after a mysterious illness nearly took her daughter’s life.
4/14/201155 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Alexandra Solnado: The Book of Light

THE BOOK OF LIGHT is heaven’s attempt to communicate with you by providing solace and inspiration with a beautiful and unique system for seeking answers directly from Jesus It can be utilized daily or whenever a pressing question arises in your life. Alexandra began receiving messages from Jesus after a mysterious illness nearly took her daughter’s life.
4/14/201155 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matthew Fox: Christian Mystics

The 365 writings in Christian Mystics represent a wide-ranging sampling of these readings for modern-day seekers of all faiths — or no faith. What is mysticism? Mysticism is our deep experiences of unity—with nature, with music, with friends, with truth, with God. It is a work of the right brain more than the left brain; it is the essence of authentic religion and it is about experiencing, not intellectualizing.
4/7/201156 minutes, 26 seconds
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Matthew Fox: Christian Mystics

The 365 writings in Christian Mystics represent a wide-ranging sampling of these readings for modern-day seekers of all faiths — or no faith. What is mysticism? Mysticism is our deep experiences of unity—with nature, with music, with friends, with truth, with God. It is a work of the right brain more than the left brain; it is the essence of authentic religion and it is about experiencing, not intellectualizing.
4/7/201156 minutes, 26 seconds
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Matthew Fox: Christian Mystics

The 365 writings in Christian Mystics represent a wide-ranging sampling of these readings for modern-day seekers of all faiths — or no faith. What is mysticism? Mysticism is our deep experiences of unity—with nature, with music, with friends, with truth, with God. It is a work of the right brain more than the left brain; it is the essence of authentic religion and it is about experiencing, not intellectualizing.
4/7/201156 minutes, 26 seconds
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Eric Maisel: Overcoming Creative Anxiety

Are you creating less often than you would like? Are you avoiding your creative work altogether? Anxiety may be the culprit! Anxiety regularly stops creative people in their tracks and makes their experience of creating more painful than pleasurable. It stops would-be creative people entirely, preventing them from realizing their dreams. Anxiety is the number one problem that creative people face--and yet few know about it.
3/31/201150 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eric Maisel: Overcoming Creative Anxiety

Are you creating less often than you would like? Are you avoiding your creative work altogether? Anxiety may be the culprit! Anxiety regularly stops creative people in their tracks and makes their experience of creating more painful than pleasurable. It stops would-be creative people entirely, preventing them from realizing their dreams. Anxiety is the number one problem that creative people face--and yet few know about it.
3/31/201150 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eric Maisel: Overcoming Creative Anxiety

Are you creating less often than you would like? Are you avoiding your creative work altogether? Anxiety may be the culprit! Anxiety regularly stops creative people in their tracks and makes their experience of creating more painful than pleasurable. It stops would-be creative people entirely, preventing them from realizing their dreams. Anxiety is the number one problem that creative people face--and yet few know about it.
3/31/201150 minutes, 51 seconds
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Colette Barron-Reid: The Map

Too many are feeling powerless, fearful, confused, and anxious. If only there were a map of fate and destiny that would magically tell where we are when we feel lost, and where we’re meant to go next! Meet the aspects of your consciousness that can wisely guide you: the Wizard of Awareness, the Gentle Gardener, the Bone Collector, and the Spirits of the psychological terrain you traverse. Discover how to tame the mischievous trickster Goblin, who locks you into old habits. Colette Barron Reid guides this amazing journey so that you learn to navigate your own map.
3/24/201157 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Colette Barron-Reid: The Map

Too many are feeling powerless, fearful, confused, and anxious. If only there were a map of fate and destiny that would magically tell where we are when we feel lost, and where we’re meant to go next! Meet the aspects of your consciousness that can wisely guide you: the Wizard of Awareness, the Gentle Gardener, the Bone Collector, and the Spirits of the psychological terrain you traverse. Discover how to tame the mischievous trickster Goblin, who locks you into old habits. Colette Barron Reid guides this amazing journey so that you learn to navigate your own map.
3/24/201157 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Colette Barron-Reid: The Map

Too many are feeling powerless, fearful, confused, and anxious. If only there were a map of fate and destiny that would magically tell where we are when we feel lost, and where we’re meant to go next! Meet the aspects of your consciousness that can wisely guide you: the Wizard of Awareness, the Gentle Gardener, the Bone Collector, and the Spirits of the psychological terrain you traverse. Discover how to tame the mischievous trickster Goblin, who locks you into old habits. Colette Barron Reid guides this amazing journey so that you learn to navigate your own map.
3/24/201157 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Doreen Virtue

Angel Words gives visual proof of the power and impact of speaking in a loving way. You’ll come to understand why positive words express the most energy and therefore have the most power to manifest your dreams. You'll also see how negative words have low energy and read how they can actually draw negative experiences to you.
3/17/201154 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Doreen Virtue

Angel Words gives visual proof of the power and impact of speaking in a loving way. You’ll come to understand why positive words express the most energy and therefore have the most power to manifest your dreams. You'll also see how negative words have low energy and read how they can actually draw negative experiences to you.
3/17/201154 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Doreen Virtue

Angel Words gives visual proof of the power and impact of speaking in a loving way. You’ll come to understand why positive words express the most energy and therefore have the most power to manifest your dreams. You'll also see how negative words have low energy and read how they can actually draw negative experiences to you.
3/17/201154 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

James Malinchak: The Secret Millionaire

The secret's out! Some of America's most successful self-made millionaires are embarking on a truly incredible journey. They will spend a week in the country's poorest areas and ultimately reward some unsung community heroes with hundreds of thousands of dollars of their own money. Meet James Malinchak...The Secret Millionaire.
3/10/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

James Malinchak: The Secret Millionaire

The secret's out! Some of America's most successful self-made millionaires are embarking on a truly incredible journey. They will spend a week in the country's poorest areas and ultimately reward some unsung community heroes with hundreds of thousands of dollars of their own money. Meet James Malinchak...The Secret Millionaire.
3/10/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

James Malinchak: The Secret Millionaire

The secret's out! Some of America's most successful self-made millionaires are embarking on a truly incredible journey. They will spend a week in the country's poorest areas and ultimately reward some unsung community heroes with hundreds of thousands of dollars of their own money. Meet James Malinchak...The Secret Millionaire.
3/10/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Marianne Williamson - A Course In Weight Loss

In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the fifty most influential baby boomers. Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Marianne’s latest New York Times Best Seller is A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. A Course in Weight Loss was selected by Oprah to be one of her Favorite Things in 2010.
3/3/201154 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Marianne Williamson - A Course In Weight Loss

In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the fifty most influential baby boomers. Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Marianne’s latest New York Times Best Seller is A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. A Course in Weight Loss was selected by Oprah to be one of her Favorite Things in 2010.
3/3/201154 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Marianne Williamson - A Course In Weight Loss

In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the fifty most influential baby boomers. Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Marianne’s latest New York Times Best Seller is A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. A Course in Weight Loss was selected by Oprah to be one of her Favorite Things in 2010.
3/3/201154 minutes, 53 seconds
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SARK: Glad No Matter What

After many years of resisting change and grieving losses in my life, I embarked on a journey of choosing to be Glad No Matter What. This choice sprang from how dreadful the alternatives seemed, and also from burrowing into my own psychology for many years, and finding out that weaving the dark and the light together creates a rich, fertile middle ground to live in. From this middle ground came my gladness. So what does it mean to be Glad No Matter What? It does NOT mean feeling glad when you don't. How annoying.
2/24/201157 minutes, 40 seconds
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SARK: Glad No Matter What

After many years of resisting change and grieving losses in my life, I embarked on a journey of choosing to be Glad No Matter What. This choice sprang from how dreadful the alternatives seemed, and also from burrowing into my own psychology for many years, and finding out that weaving the dark and the light together creates a rich, fertile middle ground to live in. From this middle ground came my gladness. So what does it mean to be Glad No Matter What? It does NOT mean feeling glad when you don't. How annoying.
2/24/201157 minutes, 40 seconds
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SARK: Glad No Matter What

After many years of resisting change and grieving losses in my life, I embarked on a journey of choosing to be Glad No Matter What. This choice sprang from how dreadful the alternatives seemed, and also from burrowing into my own psychology for many years, and finding out that weaving the dark and the light together creates a rich, fertile middle ground to live in. From this middle ground came my gladness. So what does it mean to be Glad No Matter What? It does NOT mean feeling glad when you don't. How annoying.
2/24/201157 minutes, 40 seconds
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John Holland

One of the most respected psychic mediums and spirit messengers on the world stage, John Holland takes his work seriously and treats it with the utmost integrity and respect. “If I can help people connect with someone on the Other-Side – by linking with the Spirit World – to bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, or if I can help you to understand and tap into your own inner-guidance (psychic intuition) for answers, then I’ll be satisfied that I’ve done my job!”
2/17/201155 minutes, 36 seconds
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John Holland

One of the most respected psychic mediums and spirit messengers on the world stage, John Holland takes his work seriously and treats it with the utmost integrity and respect. “If I can help people connect with someone on the Other-Side – by linking with the Spirit World – to bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, or if I can help you to understand and tap into your own inner-guidance (psychic intuition) for answers, then I’ll be satisfied that I’ve done my job!”
2/17/201155 minutes, 36 seconds
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John Holland

One of the most respected psychic mediums and spirit messengers on the world stage, John Holland takes his work seriously and treats it with the utmost integrity and respect. “If I can help people connect with someone on the Other-Side – by linking with the Spirit World – to bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, or if I can help you to understand and tap into your own inner-guidance (psychic intuition) for answers, then I’ll be satisfied that I’ve done my job!”
2/17/201155 minutes, 36 seconds
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Deb Scott: Reframing Reality

The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue: Turning Your Upside Down World Right Side Up is a wonderfully helpful tool of techniques for people in a chaotic world. From the heart of a personal journey that transforms challenges into celebrations, true life practical situations and well thought out solutions are offered.
2/10/201156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Deb Scott: Reframing Reality

The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue: Turning Your Upside Down World Right Side Up is a wonderfully helpful tool of techniques for people in a chaotic world. From the heart of a personal journey that transforms challenges into celebrations, true life practical situations and well thought out solutions are offered.
2/10/201156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Deb Scott: Reframing Reality

The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue: Turning Your Upside Down World Right Side Up is a wonderfully helpful tool of techniques for people in a chaotic world. From the heart of a personal journey that transforms challenges into celebrations, true life practical situations and well thought out solutions are offered.
2/10/201156 minutes, 40 seconds
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Allison Stillman: The Sacred Art of Annointing

Author Allison Stillman’s new book, The Sacred Art of Anointing, offers a comprehensive guide to anointing as practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt and describes how to anoint for love, abundance and optimum health. Stillman’s book explains how anointing with essential oils can enhance inner wisdom and guidance, induce deeper relaxation, and awaken higher states of consciousness.
2/3/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
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Allison Stillman: The Sacred Art of Annointing

Author Allison Stillman’s new book, The Sacred Art of Anointing, offers a comprehensive guide to anointing as practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt and describes how to anoint for love, abundance and optimum health. Stillman’s book explains how anointing with essential oils can enhance inner wisdom and guidance, induce deeper relaxation, and awaken higher states of consciousness.
2/3/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
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Allison Stillman: The Sacred Art of Annointing

Author Allison Stillman’s new book, The Sacred Art of Anointing, offers a comprehensive guide to anointing as practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt and describes how to anoint for love, abundance and optimum health. Stillman’s book explains how anointing with essential oils can enhance inner wisdom and guidance, induce deeper relaxation, and awaken higher states of consciousness.
2/3/201155 minutes, 15 seconds
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Dorothy Atalla: Conversations with the Goddess

Conversations with the Goddess swiftly evolves from personal story into a universal story in which a feminine Presence speaks about the role of the sacred Feminine in the future. She also speaks of the past, revealing a panoramic view of a time in which the Goddess was revered not only at Petra but also throughout the ancient world.
1/27/201156 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dorothy Atalla: Conversations with the Goddess

Conversations with the Goddess swiftly evolves from personal story into a universal story in which a feminine Presence speaks about the role of the sacred Feminine in the future. She also speaks of the past, revealing a panoramic view of a time in which the Goddess was revered not only at Petra but also throughout the ancient world.
1/27/201156 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dorothy Atalla: Conversations with the Goddess

Conversations with the Goddess swiftly evolves from personal story into a universal story in which a feminine Presence speaks about the role of the sacred Feminine in the future. She also speaks of the past, revealing a panoramic view of a time in which the Goddess was revered not only at Petra but also throughout the ancient world.
1/27/201156 minutes, 31 seconds
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Hale Dwoskin: Letting Go

Letting Go will liberate you to having a richer, happier and more prosperous life including: Financial freedom and boundless success, miraculously loving and fun filled relationships, health and well-being so radiant that shines through every cell in your body and boundless happiness and unshakable inner peace no matter what is going on around you.
1/20/201157 minutes, 42 seconds
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Hale Dwoskin: Letting Go

Letting Go will liberate you to having a richer, happier and more prosperous life including: Financial freedom and boundless success, miraculously loving and fun filled relationships, health and well-being so radiant that shines through every cell in your body and boundless happiness and unshakable inner peace no matter what is going on around you.
1/20/201157 minutes, 42 seconds
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Hale Dwoskin: Letting Go

Letting Go will liberate you to having a richer, happier and more prosperous life including: Financial freedom and boundless success, miraculously loving and fun filled relationships, health and well-being so radiant that shines through every cell in your body and boundless happiness and unshakable inner peace no matter what is going on around you.
1/20/201157 minutes, 42 seconds
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David Shaner: The Seven Arts of Change

Many businesses try to change...but few succeed. At best, a few buzzwords and new reports become part of the company’s structure. At worst, programs crash and burn, and everyone becomes irreparably disillusioned with the revolving door of new-mission statements. David Shaner merges Eastern philosophy with Western business savvy to present his Seven Arts of Change, showing how individual adjustments—from the CEO down—can transform a company.
1/13/201158 minutes
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David Shaner: The Seven Arts of Change

Many businesses try to change...but few succeed. At best, a few buzzwords and new reports become part of the company’s structure. At worst, programs crash and burn, and everyone becomes irreparably disillusioned with the revolving door of new-mission statements. David Shaner merges Eastern philosophy with Western business savvy to present his Seven Arts of Change, showing how individual adjustments—from the CEO down—can transform a company.
1/13/201158 minutes
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David Shaner: The Seven Arts of Change

Many businesses try to change...but few succeed. At best, a few buzzwords and new reports become part of the company’s structure. At worst, programs crash and burn, and everyone becomes irreparably disillusioned with the revolving door of new-mission statements. David Shaner merges Eastern philosophy with Western business savvy to present his Seven Arts of Change, showing how individual adjustments—from the CEO down—can transform a company.
1/13/201158 minutes
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Julie Loar: Goddesses for Everyday

Goddesses of dawn and new beginnings are aligned with spring, goddesses of birth with summer, goddesses of the harvest with autumn, and goddesses who preside over death are matched to the dark time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The ancient frame of the twelve signs of the zodiac also provide a reference by which the archetypal significance of the goddesses can be understood. Discover Goddesses for Every Day!
1/6/201157 minutes, 22 seconds
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Julie Loar: Goddesses for Everyday

Goddesses of dawn and new beginnings are aligned with spring, goddesses of birth with summer, goddesses of the harvest with autumn, and goddesses who preside over death are matched to the dark time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The ancient frame of the twelve signs of the zodiac also provide a reference by which the archetypal significance of the goddesses can be understood. Discover Goddesses for Every Day!
1/6/201157 minutes, 22 seconds
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Julie Loar: Goddesses for Everyday

Goddesses of dawn and new beginnings are aligned with spring, goddesses of birth with summer, goddesses of the harvest with autumn, and goddesses who preside over death are matched to the dark time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The ancient frame of the twelve signs of the zodiac also provide a reference by which the archetypal significance of the goddesses can be understood. Discover Goddesses for Every Day!
1/6/201157 minutes, 22 seconds
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Higher Dimension Activation

In order to ascend into the 5th Dimension, or the Fifth World, we must have the energy structure built to contain and hold our energies there, to allow us to dwell there, and to create there. This is where the higher and deeper chakras come in. They are the elements of your subtle anatomy that will form the Living Temple of Light where your mighty I AM Presence will come and dwell, so that your BEing will have a way to express and create in the 5th Dimension. Shondra Rose of Light & Jeremiah Lindsay , special guests.
12/30/201057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Higher Dimension Activation

In order to ascend into the 5th Dimension, or the Fifth World, we must have the energy structure built to contain and hold our energies there, to allow us to dwell there, and to create there. This is where the higher and deeper chakras come in. They are the elements of your subtle anatomy that will form the Living Temple of Light where your mighty I AM Presence will come and dwell, so that your BEing will have a way to express and create in the 5th Dimension. Shondra Rose of Light & Jeremiah Lindsay , special guests.
12/30/201057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Higher Dimension Activation

In order to ascend into the 5th Dimension, or the Fifth World, we must have the energy structure built to contain and hold our energies there, to allow us to dwell there, and to create there. This is where the higher and deeper chakras come in. They are the elements of your subtle anatomy that will form the Living Temple of Light where your mighty I AM Presence will come and dwell, so that your BEing will have a way to express and create in the 5th Dimension. Shondra Rose of Light & Jeremiah Lindsay , special guests.
12/30/201057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Chetan Parkyn: Human Design

In Human Design: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live, author Chetan Parkyn asks, “Are you following the right life path and living true to your human design?” Human Design draws from four ancient wisdom traditions — astrology, the chakra system, the I Ching, and the Kabbalah. “It is a system which takes the torch from the hand of astrology and carries it to the next level, providing a self-assessment device and an accurate guide for life.”
12/23/201058 minutes, 21 seconds
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Chetan Parkyn: Human Design

In Human Design: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live, author Chetan Parkyn asks, “Are you following the right life path and living true to your human design?” Human Design draws from four ancient wisdom traditions — astrology, the chakra system, the I Ching, and the Kabbalah. “It is a system which takes the torch from the hand of astrology and carries it to the next level, providing a self-assessment device and an accurate guide for life.”
12/23/201058 minutes, 21 seconds
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Chetan Parkyn: Human Design

In Human Design: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live, author Chetan Parkyn asks, “Are you following the right life path and living true to your human design?” Human Design draws from four ancient wisdom traditions — astrology, the chakra system, the I Ching, and the Kabbalah. “It is a system which takes the torch from the hand of astrology and carries it to the next level, providing a self-assessment device and an accurate guide for life.”
12/23/201058 minutes, 21 seconds
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Monte Farber: A Psychic's Perspective

Is it possible for a human being to know the future? Of course it is; it happens every day. Each and every day since human beings were created, billions of people have made their short and long-range plans based on what they think the future will be. Are you about a psychic's persective? Meet Monte Farber!
12/16/201056 minutes, 8 seconds
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Monte Farber: A Psychic's Perspective

Is it possible for a human being to know the future? Of course it is; it happens every day. Each and every day since human beings were created, billions of people have made their short and long-range plans based on what they think the future will be. Are you about a psychic's persective? Meet Monte Farber!
12/16/201056 minutes, 8 seconds
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Monte Farber: A Psychic's Perspective

Is it possible for a human being to know the future? Of course it is; it happens every day. Each and every day since human beings were created, billions of people have made their short and long-range plans based on what they think the future will be. Are you about a psychic's persective? Meet Monte Farber!
12/16/201056 minutes, 8 seconds
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Tom Zuba: Making Peace with Living

In 1990, following a five-day illness, Tom’s 18-month-old daughter Erin died suddenly and unexpectedly. In 1999, following a 52-hour hospital stay, Tom's wife Trici died equally as suddenly. Five years later, the night after his second day of 7th grade, Tom's 13-year-old son Rory had a seizure. Rory died three months later on February 22, 2005. Tom and his teenage son Sean are learning to live a full, joy-filled life one day at a time... and teaching others how to make peace with LIVING !
12/9/201057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Tom Zuba: Making Peace with Living

In 1990, following a five-day illness, Tom’s 18-month-old daughter Erin died suddenly and unexpectedly. In 1999, following a 52-hour hospital stay, Tom's wife Trici died equally as suddenly. Five years later, the night after his second day of 7th grade, Tom's 13-year-old son Rory had a seizure. Rory died three months later on February 22, 2005. Tom and his teenage son Sean are learning to live a full, joy-filled life one day at a time... and teaching others how to make peace with LIVING !
12/9/201057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Tom Zuba: Making Peace with Living

In 1990, following a five-day illness, Tom’s 18-month-old daughter Erin died suddenly and unexpectedly. In 1999, following a 52-hour hospital stay, Tom's wife Trici died equally as suddenly. Five years later, the night after his second day of 7th grade, Tom's 13-year-old son Rory had a seizure. Rory died three months later on February 22, 2005. Tom and his teenage son Sean are learning to live a full, joy-filled life one day at a time... and teaching others how to make peace with LIVING !
12/9/201057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Iyanla Vanzant - Peace From Broken Pieces

Peace From Broken Pieces is a story about how a New York Times best-selling author ends up flat broke, looking for a place to live, how a 37-year relationship ends in divorce by e-mail, and how an internationally recognized spiritual teacher ends up on the edge of the bed in a million-dollar home slated for foreclosure, contemplating suicide. Learn about the power of friends, faith, and prayer. Discover why everything you need to learn is reflected in your relationships. Gain a new understanding of the patterns and pathologies that families unconsciously pass down through the generations----- until someone finally breaks through. Put your personal puzzle together, and dare to claim the peace that you truly deserve.
12/2/201057 minutes, 11 seconds
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Iyanla Vanzant - Peace From Broken Pieces

Peace From Broken Pieces is a story about how a New York Times best-selling author ends up flat broke, looking for a place to live, how a 37-year relationship ends in divorce by e-mail, and how an internationally recognized spiritual teacher ends up on the edge of the bed in a million-dollar home slated for foreclosure, contemplating suicide. Learn about the power of friends, faith, and prayer. Discover why everything you need to learn is reflected in your relationships. Gain a new understanding of the patterns and pathologies that families unconsciously pass down through the generations----- until someone finally breaks through. Put your personal puzzle together, and dare to claim the peace that you truly deserve.
12/2/201057 minutes, 11 seconds
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Iyanla Vanzant - Peace From Broken Pieces

Peace From Broken Pieces is a story about how a New York Times best-selling author ends up flat broke, looking for a place to live, how a 37-year relationship ends in divorce by e-mail, and how an internationally recognized spiritual teacher ends up on the edge of the bed in a million-dollar home slated for foreclosure, contemplating suicide. Learn about the power of friends, faith, and prayer. Discover why everything you need to learn is reflected in your relationships. Gain a new understanding of the patterns and pathologies that families unconsciously pass down through the generations----- until someone finally breaks through. Put your personal puzzle together, and dare to claim the peace that you truly deserve.
12/2/201057 minutes, 11 seconds
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Simran Singh

Simran Singh is an ordinary woman …she is an extraordinary being . . . she is you, them, and she is me. She feels pain and desires love…just like every other person on the planet. Simran Singh recognizes we all have a choice…and asks, ‘What are you doing with yours?’ Revisit the journey through 18 issues of 11:11 magazine and discover a personal healing path that will allow you to step into your purpose, power and authenticity.
11/25/201056 minutes, 25 seconds
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Simran Singh

Simran Singh is an ordinary woman …she is an extraordinary being . . . she is you, them, and she is me. She feels pain and desires love…just like every other person on the planet. Simran Singh recognizes we all have a choice…and asks, ‘What are you doing with yours?’ Revisit the journey through 18 issues of 11:11 magazine and discover a personal healing path that will allow you to step into your purpose, power and authenticity.
11/25/201056 minutes, 25 seconds
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Simran Singh

Simran Singh is an ordinary woman …she is an extraordinary being . . . she is you, them, and she is me. She feels pain and desires love…just like every other person on the planet. Simran Singh recognizes we all have a choice…and asks, ‘What are you doing with yours?’ Revisit the journey through 18 issues of 11:11 magazine and discover a personal healing path that will allow you to step into your purpose, power and authenticity.
11/25/201056 minutes, 25 seconds
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Chanson Duvall: Our Lady of Dreams

Our Lady of Dreams: a prophecy for the new age, is a spiritual fiction that takes the reader on a personal intimate journey through the different levels of consciousness from the most mundane to the highest levels of spiritual awareness. Yet it is very down-to-earth and sensual, blending the many worlds of consciousness together to create a story of love, murder, mystery and spirituality.
11/18/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Chanson Duvall: Our Lady of Dreams

Our Lady of Dreams: a prophecy for the new age, is a spiritual fiction that takes the reader on a personal intimate journey through the different levels of consciousness from the most mundane to the highest levels of spiritual awareness. Yet it is very down-to-earth and sensual, blending the many worlds of consciousness together to create a story of love, murder, mystery and spirituality.
11/18/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Chanson Duvall: Our Lady of Dreams

Our Lady of Dreams: a prophecy for the new age, is a spiritual fiction that takes the reader on a personal intimate journey through the different levels of consciousness from the most mundane to the highest levels of spiritual awareness. Yet it is very down-to-earth and sensual, blending the many worlds of consciousness together to create a story of love, murder, mystery and spirituality.
11/18/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ask Theo: Sheila and Marcus Gilette

Taking human potential to a whole new level, THEO provides the tools to transcend the limitations of the physical world and enter into the timeless dimensions of the soul. As you awaken to this unlimited spiritual energy, you will feel the joy and excitement of manifesting peak spiritual experiences and illumination that until now have been thought to be the exclusive domain of saints and mystics. By learning to access the realms where miracles are created, you can join the millions of ordinary people now having extraordinary experiences.
11/11/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ask Theo: Sheila and Marcus Gilette

Taking human potential to a whole new level, THEO provides the tools to transcend the limitations of the physical world and enter into the timeless dimensions of the soul. As you awaken to this unlimited spiritual energy, you will feel the joy and excitement of manifesting peak spiritual experiences and illumination that until now have been thought to be the exclusive domain of saints and mystics. By learning to access the realms where miracles are created, you can join the millions of ordinary people now having extraordinary experiences.
11/11/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ask Theo: Sheila and Marcus Gilette

Taking human potential to a whole new level, THEO provides the tools to transcend the limitations of the physical world and enter into the timeless dimensions of the soul. As you awaken to this unlimited spiritual energy, you will feel the joy and excitement of manifesting peak spiritual experiences and illumination that until now have been thought to be the exclusive domain of saints and mystics. By learning to access the realms where miracles are created, you can join the millions of ordinary people now having extraordinary experiences.
11/11/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Seane Corn: Off the Mat Into the World

Off the Mat, Into the World® started out as an HIV/AIDS mission and has become about anyone in need. Seane Corn formed this non-profit to educate and train leaders in the yoga world to be more effective, sustainable activists. Activists who are self-responsible, process their triggers and learn how to move through them. Off the Mat has raised nearly $1.7 million for different organizations.
11/4/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Seane Corn: Off the Mat Into the World

Off the Mat, Into the World® started out as an HIV/AIDS mission and has become about anyone in need. Seane Corn formed this non-profit to educate and train leaders in the yoga world to be more effective, sustainable activists. Activists who are self-responsible, process their triggers and learn how to move through them. Off the Mat has raised nearly $1.7 million for different organizations.
11/4/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Seane Corn: Off the Mat Into the World

Off the Mat, Into the World® started out as an HIV/AIDS mission and has become about anyone in need. Seane Corn formed this non-profit to educate and train leaders in the yoga world to be more effective, sustainable activists. Activists who are self-responsible, process their triggers and learn how to move through them. Off the Mat has raised nearly $1.7 million for different organizations.
11/4/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Gay Hendricks

Here’s the bottom line: We have an inner thermostat that determines the amount of love and success we allow ourselves. When we exceed our setting, we tend to sabotage ourselves so that we can return to the old, familiar zone where we feel secure. The thermostat was set before you could think for yourself, usually in early childhood.
10/28/201056 minutes, 11 seconds
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Gay Hendricks

Here’s the bottom line: We have an inner thermostat that determines the amount of love and success we allow ourselves. When we exceed our setting, we tend to sabotage ourselves so that we can return to the old, familiar zone where we feel secure. The thermostat was set before you could think for yourself, usually in early childhood.
10/28/201056 minutes, 11 seconds
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Gay Hendricks

Here’s the bottom line: We have an inner thermostat that determines the amount of love and success we allow ourselves. When we exceed our setting, we tend to sabotage ourselves so that we can return to the old, familiar zone where we feel secure. The thermostat was set before you could think for yourself, usually in early childhood.
10/28/201056 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dr. Vijai S Shankar: The Evolution of Mind

In his search for answers, often desperate, man has thrown himself at whatever has been offered in the market-place of liberation and, gradually, in this way too, he has been traveling the road towards maturity of understanding. The mind flows either like brackish water leaking from a blocked plug, or fresh water from a clear and vibrant fountain. Dr. Vijai Shankar unmasks our predilection for grasping at duality as the core obstacle to wisdom and enlightenment, and offers hope that through observation and courage we can stretch beyond perception into the light of what life truly is.
10/21/201057 minutes, 2 seconds
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Dr. Vijai S Shankar: The Evolution of Mind

In his search for answers, often desperate, man has thrown himself at whatever has been offered in the market-place of liberation and, gradually, in this way too, he has been traveling the road towards maturity of understanding. The mind flows either like brackish water leaking from a blocked plug, or fresh water from a clear and vibrant fountain. Dr. Vijai Shankar unmasks our predilection for grasping at duality as the core obstacle to wisdom and enlightenment, and offers hope that through observation and courage we can stretch beyond perception into the light of what life truly is.
10/21/201057 minutes, 2 seconds
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Dr. Vijai S Shankar: The Evolution of Mind

In his search for answers, often desperate, man has thrown himself at whatever has been offered in the market-place of liberation and, gradually, in this way too, he has been traveling the road towards maturity of understanding. The mind flows either like brackish water leaking from a blocked plug, or fresh water from a clear and vibrant fountain. Dr. Vijai Shankar unmasks our predilection for grasping at duality as the core obstacle to wisdom and enlightenment, and offers hope that through observation and courage we can stretch beyond perception into the light of what life truly is.
10/21/201057 minutes, 2 seconds
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Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl

Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, is the co-producer, with João Amorim, of the animated videos series Post Modern Times, now collected in “Beyond 2012,” a new DVD published by UFO TV. His new book,Notes from the End Times, will be published next fall by Tarcher. Pinchbeck lives in New York City, where he is frequently sought out for interviews on psychedelics, prophecies, and other countercultural ideas.
10/14/201058 minutes, 35 seconds
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Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl

Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, is the co-producer, with João Amorim, of the animated videos series Post Modern Times, now collected in “Beyond 2012,” a new DVD published by UFO TV. His new book,Notes from the End Times, will be published next fall by Tarcher. Pinchbeck lives in New York City, where he is frequently sought out for interviews on psychedelics, prophecies, and other countercultural ideas.
10/14/201058 minutes, 35 seconds
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Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl

Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, is the co-producer, with João Amorim, of the animated videos series Post Modern Times, now collected in “Beyond 2012,” a new DVD published by UFO TV. His new book,Notes from the End Times, will be published next fall by Tarcher. Pinchbeck lives in New York City, where he is frequently sought out for interviews on psychedelics, prophecies, and other countercultural ideas.
10/14/201058 minutes, 35 seconds
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Julia Cameron: The Creative Life

What are the steps that a writer takes to unleash creativity, or any artist for that matter? Is creativity in the busy-ness of live or in the open spaces. Join me as Julia Cameron shares the secrets to unleashing the creative aspect from within. What tools are essential? What are the fears that all artists face? How do we move forward? Her new book, The Creative Life, shows readers how to use their creative heart and minds to cultivate lives that nourish and sustain their art.
10/7/201055 minutes, 56 seconds
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Julia Cameron: The Creative Life

What are the steps that a writer takes to unleash creativity, or any artist for that matter? Is creativity in the busy-ness of live or in the open spaces. Join me as Julia Cameron shares the secrets to unleashing the creative aspect from within. What tools are essential? What are the fears that all artists face? How do we move forward? Her new book, The Creative Life, shows readers how to use their creative heart and minds to cultivate lives that nourish and sustain their art.
10/7/201055 minutes, 56 seconds
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Julia Cameron: The Creative Life

What are the steps that a writer takes to unleash creativity, or any artist for that matter? Is creativity in the busy-ness of live or in the open spaces. Join me as Julia Cameron shares the secrets to unleashing the creative aspect from within. What tools are essential? What are the fears that all artists face? How do we move forward? Her new book, The Creative Life, shows readers how to use their creative heart and minds to cultivate lives that nourish and sustain their art.
10/7/201055 minutes, 56 seconds
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Seane Corn: Off the Mat Into the World

Off the Mat, Into the World® started out as an HIV/AIDS mission and has become about anyone in need. Seane Corn formed this non-profit to educate and train leaders in the yoga world to be more effective, sustainable activists. Activists who are self-responsible, process their triggers and learn how to move through them. Off the Mat has raised nearly $1.7 million for different organizations.
9/30/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Seane Corn: Off the Mat Into the World

Off the Mat, Into the World® started out as an HIV/AIDS mission and has become about anyone in need. Seane Corn formed this non-profit to educate and train leaders in the yoga world to be more effective, sustainable activists. Activists who are self-responsible, process their triggers and learn how to move through them. Off the Mat has raised nearly $1.7 million for different organizations.
9/30/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Seane Corn: Off the Mat Into the World

Off the Mat, Into the World® started out as an HIV/AIDS mission and has become about anyone in need. Seane Corn formed this non-profit to educate and train leaders in the yoga world to be more effective, sustainable activists. Activists who are self-responsible, process their triggers and learn how to move through them. Off the Mat has raised nearly $1.7 million for different organizations.
9/30/201056 minutes, 15 seconds
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Sylvia Browne: Psychic - My Life in Two Worlds

Sylvia Browne is a world renowned spiritual teacher, psychic, author, lecturer and researcher in the field of parapsychology. Sylvia is well known for her dynamic, genuine, down-to-earth style and personality. Her latest release, “Psychic – My Life in Two Worlds”, is an intimate, unapologetic, no-holds-barred memoir that candidly discusses deeper personal and professional experiences that she has never revealed in public.
9/23/201054 minutes, 38 seconds
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Sylvia Browne: Psychic - My Life in Two Worlds

Sylvia Browne is a world renowned spiritual teacher, psychic, author, lecturer and researcher in the field of parapsychology. Sylvia is well known for her dynamic, genuine, down-to-earth style and personality. Her latest release, “Psychic – My Life in Two Worlds”, is an intimate, unapologetic, no-holds-barred memoir that candidly discusses deeper personal and professional experiences that she has never revealed in public.
9/23/201054 minutes, 38 seconds
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Sylvia Browne: Psychic - My Life in Two Worlds

Sylvia Browne is a world renowned spiritual teacher, psychic, author, lecturer and researcher in the field of parapsychology. Sylvia is well known for her dynamic, genuine, down-to-earth style and personality. Her latest release, “Psychic – My Life in Two Worlds”, is an intimate, unapologetic, no-holds-barred memoir that candidly discusses deeper personal and professional experiences that she has never revealed in public.
9/23/201054 minutes, 38 seconds
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Carol Howe: Never Forget to Laugh

For the first time, an intimate portrait of the life and spiritual path of Bill Thetford, a brilliant and accomplished psychologist and co-scribe of A Course In Miracles. As one of he world’s foremost authorities on how the ego develops, Bill then provided a way—through ACIM—to release that ego, for himself and everyone. His life was transformed into a joyous one and his journey provides a proven, timeless guide for anyone who wishes to replace pain and grievances with grace and peace of mind.
9/16/201051 minutes, 11 seconds
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Carol Howe: Never Forget to Laugh

For the first time, an intimate portrait of the life and spiritual path of Bill Thetford, a brilliant and accomplished psychologist and co-scribe of A Course In Miracles. As one of he world’s foremost authorities on how the ego develops, Bill then provided a way—through ACIM—to release that ego, for himself and everyone. His life was transformed into a joyous one and his journey provides a proven, timeless guide for anyone who wishes to replace pain and grievances with grace and peace of mind.
9/16/201051 minutes, 11 seconds
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Carol Howe: Never Forget to Laugh

For the first time, an intimate portrait of the life and spiritual path of Bill Thetford, a brilliant and accomplished psychologist and co-scribe of A Course In Miracles. As one of he world’s foremost authorities on how the ego develops, Bill then provided a way—through ACIM—to release that ego, for himself and everyone. His life was transformed into a joyous one and his journey provides a proven, timeless guide for anyone who wishes to replace pain and grievances with grace and peace of mind.
9/16/201051 minutes, 11 seconds
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Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation

As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, Beckwith stands at the forefront with other visionaries in the fields spirituality, education, sociology, economics, science, international futurists—those who dare to call an end to human suffering. In 1986 Dr. Beckwith founded the Agape International Spiritual Center and life is a living testament to building community.
9/9/201056 minutes, 47 seconds
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Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation

As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, Beckwith stands at the forefront with other visionaries in the fields spirituality, education, sociology, economics, science, international futurists—those who dare to call an end to human suffering. In 1986 Dr. Beckwith founded the Agape International Spiritual Center and life is a living testament to building community.
9/9/201056 minutes, 47 seconds
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Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation

As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, Beckwith stands at the forefront with other visionaries in the fields spirituality, education, sociology, economics, science, international futurists—those who dare to call an end to human suffering. In 1986 Dr. Beckwith founded the Agape International Spiritual Center and life is a living testament to building community.
9/9/201056 minutes, 47 seconds
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James Twyman: The Barn Dance

On November 27, 2005, two men broke into Linda Twyman’s apartment in Evanston, Illinois, and brutally ended her young life. Three and a half years later, guided by a series of visions and dreams, James Twyman was mystically drawn to a barn deep in the Nevada wilderness where Heaven and Earth collide and magic changes lives. If you’ve ever wondered if we really can communicate with our loved ones who have passed to the other side? This story will reveal a world you never imagined . . . .
9/2/201058 minutes, 59 seconds
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James Twyman: The Barn Dance

On November 27, 2005, two men broke into Linda Twyman’s apartment in Evanston, Illinois, and brutally ended her young life. Three and a half years later, guided by a series of visions and dreams, James Twyman was mystically drawn to a barn deep in the Nevada wilderness where Heaven and Earth collide and magic changes lives. If you’ve ever wondered if we really can communicate with our loved ones who have passed to the other side? This story will reveal a world you never imagined . . . .
9/2/201058 minutes, 59 seconds
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James Twyman: The Barn Dance

On November 27, 2005, two men broke into Linda Twyman’s apartment in Evanston, Illinois, and brutally ended her young life. Three and a half years later, guided by a series of visions and dreams, James Twyman was mystically drawn to a barn deep in the Nevada wilderness where Heaven and Earth collide and magic changes lives. If you’ve ever wondered if we really can communicate with our loved ones who have passed to the other side? This story will reveal a world you never imagined . . . .
9/2/201058 minutes, 59 seconds
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Adam Bucko: Reciprocity Foundation

Each year, up to 2.8 million youth experience homelessness—a group roughly equivalent to 1% of the U.S. population. The causes of homelessness are numerous and range from being orphaned, fleeing chronic abuse or simply escaping economic problems. Some youth are called “throw-aways” because their parents and guardians force them out of the home because of sexual orientation or beliefs.
8/26/201056 minutes, 26 seconds
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Adam Bucko: Reciprocity Foundation

Each year, up to 2.8 million youth experience homelessness—a group roughly equivalent to 1% of the U.S. population. The causes of homelessness are numerous and range from being orphaned, fleeing chronic abuse or simply escaping economic problems. Some youth are called “throw-aways” because their parents and guardians force them out of the home because of sexual orientation or beliefs.
8/26/201056 minutes, 26 seconds
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Adam Bucko: Reciprocity Foundation

Each year, up to 2.8 million youth experience homelessness—a group roughly equivalent to 1% of the U.S. population. The causes of homelessness are numerous and range from being orphaned, fleeing chronic abuse or simply escaping economic problems. Some youth are called “throw-aways” because their parents and guardians force them out of the home because of sexual orientation or beliefs.
8/26/201056 minutes, 26 seconds
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Karuna Erickson: Heart Yoga

In Heart Yoga, renowned spiritual writer and Sacred Activist Andrew Harvey and longtime yoga teacher Karuna Erickson present a vision of hatha yoga practice that links ancient spiritual traditions to contemporary life. Including excerpts of poetic sacred writing from mystical sages through the ages, the book reminds readers that the purpose of yoga is not to improve one's physical health or even to achieve peace of mind , but to reach a state of unity with the divine, the goal of mystics from all traditions.
8/19/201056 minutes, 9 seconds
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Karuna Erickson: Heart Yoga

In Heart Yoga, renowned spiritual writer and Sacred Activist Andrew Harvey and longtime yoga teacher Karuna Erickson present a vision of hatha yoga practice that links ancient spiritual traditions to contemporary life. Including excerpts of poetic sacred writing from mystical sages through the ages, the book reminds readers that the purpose of yoga is not to improve one's physical health or even to achieve peace of mind , but to reach a state of unity with the divine, the goal of mystics from all traditions.
8/19/201056 minutes, 9 seconds
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Karuna Erickson: Heart Yoga

In Heart Yoga, renowned spiritual writer and Sacred Activist Andrew Harvey and longtime yoga teacher Karuna Erickson present a vision of hatha yoga practice that links ancient spiritual traditions to contemporary life. Including excerpts of poetic sacred writing from mystical sages through the ages, the book reminds readers that the purpose of yoga is not to improve one's physical health or even to achieve peace of mind , but to reach a state of unity with the divine, the goal of mystics from all traditions.
8/19/201056 minutes, 9 seconds
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Philip Shepherd: New Self New World

There is an unseen paradigm in our culture that affects everything we do. It sows anxiety into our daily lives, skews our experience of what it means to be human, and disrupts our relationship with the natural world. The problem is, the paradigm is something we have come to accept as a given – so normal to us that it remains invisible, even as it confines and drives and frustrates us. New Self, New World exposes the deficiencies of that paradigm, traces the roots of its inception to the Neolithic Revolution, and pinpoints the way we live in our heads as the most evident and damaging expression of it.
8/12/201057 minutes, 47 seconds
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Philip Shepherd: New Self New World

There is an unseen paradigm in our culture that affects everything we do. It sows anxiety into our daily lives, skews our experience of what it means to be human, and disrupts our relationship with the natural world. The problem is, the paradigm is something we have come to accept as a given – so normal to us that it remains invisible, even as it confines and drives and frustrates us. New Self, New World exposes the deficiencies of that paradigm, traces the roots of its inception to the Neolithic Revolution, and pinpoints the way we live in our heads as the most evident and damaging expression of it.
8/12/201057 minutes, 47 seconds
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Philip Shepherd: New Self New World

There is an unseen paradigm in our culture that affects everything we do. It sows anxiety into our daily lives, skews our experience of what it means to be human, and disrupts our relationship with the natural world. The problem is, the paradigm is something we have come to accept as a given – so normal to us that it remains invisible, even as it confines and drives and frustrates us. New Self, New World exposes the deficiencies of that paradigm, traces the roots of its inception to the Neolithic Revolution, and pinpoints the way we live in our heads as the most evident and damaging expression of it.
8/12/201057 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ellen Gunter: Healing Our Broken Connection to the Earth

It’s clear that the unimaginable future that Rachel Carson warned us about in 1962 in her best-seller, Silent Spring, has become our daily reality. On a colossal and historic scale—from our water, air, and soil to the factory-grown food which no longer nourishes us—all is definitely not well on our planet, and each of us can sense that. Ellen Gunter's New book, Reunion, not only offers a way to look at the global reality we all share; it also provides a path to understanding how this came to be and what each of us can do—individually and together—to bring our earth, and ourselves, back to wholeness.
8/5/201057 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ellen Gunter: Healing Our Broken Connection to the Earth

It’s clear that the unimaginable future that Rachel Carson warned us about in 1962 in her best-seller, Silent Spring, has become our daily reality. On a colossal and historic scale—from our water, air, and soil to the factory-grown food which no longer nourishes us—all is definitely not well on our planet, and each of us can sense that. Ellen Gunter's New book, Reunion, not only offers a way to look at the global reality we all share; it also provides a path to understanding how this came to be and what each of us can do—individually and together—to bring our earth, and ourselves, back to wholeness.
8/5/201057 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ellen Gunter: Healing Our Broken Connection to the Earth

It’s clear that the unimaginable future that Rachel Carson warned us about in 1962 in her best-seller, Silent Spring, has become our daily reality. On a colossal and historic scale—from our water, air, and soil to the factory-grown food which no longer nourishes us—all is definitely not well on our planet, and each of us can sense that. Ellen Gunter's New book, Reunion, not only offers a way to look at the global reality we all share; it also provides a path to understanding how this came to be and what each of us can do—individually and together—to bring our earth, and ourselves, back to wholeness.
8/5/201057 minutes, 3 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
7/29/201055 minutes, 15 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
7/29/201055 minutes, 15 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
7/29/201055 minutes, 15 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
7/22/201057 minutes, 55 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
7/22/201057 minutes, 55 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
7/22/201057 minutes, 55 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
7/15/201053 minutes, 53 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
7/15/201053 minutes, 53 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
7/15/201053 minutes, 53 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette is passionate, dynamic, powerful, and direct in her ability to instantly liberate people from the limitations and fears (a five-sensory life) and leads them to create a far more effective, spirit guided (six sensory) successful life which she insists is “our natural way.” She states, I believe our sixth sense should be first. Join me as we discuss her new release, Traveling at the Speed of Love
7/8/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette is passionate, dynamic, powerful, and direct in her ability to instantly liberate people from the limitations and fears (a five-sensory life) and leads them to create a far more effective, spirit guided (six sensory) successful life which she insists is “our natural way.” She states, I believe our sixth sense should be first. Join me as we discuss her new release, Traveling at the Speed of Love
7/8/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette is passionate, dynamic, powerful, and direct in her ability to instantly liberate people from the limitations and fears (a five-sensory life) and leads them to create a far more effective, spirit guided (six sensory) successful life which she insists is “our natural way.” She states, I believe our sixth sense should be first. Join me as we discuss her new release, Traveling at the Speed of Love
7/8/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore’s latest book, Care of the Soul in Medicine, represents his vision for improving health care. It spells out how health-care workers can care for their patients as whole persons—body, soul, and spirit. He gives advice to both health-care providers and patients for maintaining dignity and humanity, providing spiritual guidance for dealing with feelings of mortality and threat, encouraging patients do not only take an active part in healing but also to view illness as a positive passage to new awareness.
7/1/201054 minutes, 40 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore’s latest book, Care of the Soul in Medicine, represents his vision for improving health care. It spells out how health-care workers can care for their patients as whole persons—body, soul, and spirit. He gives advice to both health-care providers and patients for maintaining dignity and humanity, providing spiritual guidance for dealing with feelings of mortality and threat, encouraging patients do not only take an active part in healing but also to view illness as a positive passage to new awareness.
7/1/201054 minutes, 40 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore’s latest book, Care of the Soul in Medicine, represents his vision for improving health care. It spells out how health-care workers can care for their patients as whole persons—body, soul, and spirit. He gives advice to both health-care providers and patients for maintaining dignity and humanity, providing spiritual guidance for dealing with feelings of mortality and threat, encouraging patients do not only take an active part in healing but also to view illness as a positive passage to new awareness.
7/1/201054 minutes, 40 seconds
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Girish: Diamonds in the Sun

A monumental offering of transcendent melodies and earthy grooves, Girish joins his lush, soulful vocals with a global cast of award winning musicians. Sanskrit chants and English lyrics weave with instrumentation from Portland to Pakistan in a fresh, eclectic blend that is by turns intimate, peaceful, and inspiring, and then vibrant, passionate, and playful. A welcome reminder that just below the surface of who we think we are, we all are Diamonds in The Sun.
6/24/201055 minutes, 20 seconds
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Girish: Diamonds in the Sun

A monumental offering of transcendent melodies and earthy grooves, Girish joins his lush, soulful vocals with a global cast of award winning musicians. Sanskrit chants and English lyrics weave with instrumentation from Portland to Pakistan in a fresh, eclectic blend that is by turns intimate, peaceful, and inspiring, and then vibrant, passionate, and playful. A welcome reminder that just below the surface of who we think we are, we all are Diamonds in The Sun.
6/24/201055 minutes, 20 seconds
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Girish: Diamonds in the Sun

A monumental offering of transcendent melodies and earthy grooves, Girish joins his lush, soulful vocals with a global cast of award winning musicians. Sanskrit chants and English lyrics weave with instrumentation from Portland to Pakistan in a fresh, eclectic blend that is by turns intimate, peaceful, and inspiring, and then vibrant, passionate, and playful. A welcome reminder that just below the surface of who we think we are, we all are Diamonds in The Sun.
6/24/201055 minutes, 20 seconds
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Joan Borysenko: It's Not the End of the World

Joan Borysenko wrote her latest book to teach you how to hold fear in the palm of your hand without being burned by its fire. 'Whatever maybe going on for is not the end of the world. It is a call to the genius that lies asleep within you - within all of us - a genius that is ready and able to re-create the world.'
6/17/201059 minutes, 22 seconds
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Joan Borysenko: It's Not the End of the World

Joan Borysenko wrote her latest book to teach you how to hold fear in the palm of your hand without being burned by its fire. 'Whatever maybe going on for is not the end of the world. It is a call to the genius that lies asleep within you - within all of us - a genius that is ready and able to re-create the world.'
6/17/201059 minutes, 22 seconds
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Joan Borysenko: It's Not the End of the World

Joan Borysenko wrote her latest book to teach you how to hold fear in the palm of your hand without being burned by its fire. 'Whatever maybe going on for is not the end of the world. It is a call to the genius that lies asleep within you - within all of us - a genius that is ready and able to re-create the world.'
6/17/201059 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dr. Zhi Gang Sha: Tao I - The Way to All Life

Tao is the source of all universes. Tao creates One. In fact, Tao is One and One is Tao. One creates Two. Two is Heaven and Earth, yang and yin. Heaven and Earth interact to produce all souls and all things in all universes, but they all come from Tao. To study and practice Tao is advanced soul study and practice. It is most important to understand that everything has a Tao.
6/10/201057 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dr. Zhi Gang Sha: Tao I - The Way to All Life

Tao is the source of all universes. Tao creates One. In fact, Tao is One and One is Tao. One creates Two. Two is Heaven and Earth, yang and yin. Heaven and Earth interact to produce all souls and all things in all universes, but they all come from Tao. To study and practice Tao is advanced soul study and practice. It is most important to understand that everything has a Tao.
6/10/201057 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dr. Zhi Gang Sha: Tao I - The Way to All Life

Tao is the source of all universes. Tao creates One. In fact, Tao is One and One is Tao. One creates Two. Two is Heaven and Earth, yang and yin. Heaven and Earth interact to produce all souls and all things in all universes, but they all come from Tao. To study and practice Tao is advanced soul study and practice. It is most important to understand that everything has a Tao.
6/10/201057 minutes, 54 seconds
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Tricia McCannon: Jesus, 30 Lost Years

PART II -This is a wide-ranging examination of the direct links and similarities between Jesus’s teachings and those of various mystery religions and sects that were poplar during his lifetime, including the Essenes, Buddhists, and Druids. McCannon offers compelling evidence that places Jesus’s life and mission firmly in the context of the profound spiritual teachings that came before him. Drawing on records from the Vatican, Tibet, India, and Egypt, along with Greek Aramaic, and Pali texts, as well as from oral traditions of jesus’s teachings, McCannon uncovers the real reason that he remained such a powerful and pivotal figure in world consciousness for over two millennia.
6/3/201058 minutes
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Tricia McCannon: Jesus, 30 Lost Years

PART II -This is a wide-ranging examination of the direct links and similarities between Jesus’s teachings and those of various mystery religions and sects that were poplar during his lifetime, including the Essenes, Buddhists, and Druids. McCannon offers compelling evidence that places Jesus’s life and mission firmly in the context of the profound spiritual teachings that came before him. Drawing on records from the Vatican, Tibet, India, and Egypt, along with Greek Aramaic, and Pali texts, as well as from oral traditions of jesus’s teachings, McCannon uncovers the real reason that he remained such a powerful and pivotal figure in world consciousness for over two millennia.
6/3/201058 minutes
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Tricia McCannon: Jesus, 30 Lost Years

PART II -This is a wide-ranging examination of the direct links and similarities between Jesus’s teachings and those of various mystery religions and sects that were poplar during his lifetime, including the Essenes, Buddhists, and Druids. McCannon offers compelling evidence that places Jesus’s life and mission firmly in the context of the profound spiritual teachings that came before him. Drawing on records from the Vatican, Tibet, India, and Egypt, along with Greek Aramaic, and Pali texts, as well as from oral traditions of jesus’s teachings, McCannon uncovers the real reason that he remained such a powerful and pivotal figure in world consciousness for over two millennia.
6/3/201058 minutes
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Tricia McCannon: Jesus, 30 Lost Years

This is a wide-ranging examination of the direct links and similarities between Jesus’s teachings and those of various mystery religions and sects that were poplar during his lifetime, including the Essenes, Buddhists, and Druids. McCannon offers compelling evidence that places Jesus’s life and mission firmly in the context of the profound spiritual teachings that came before him. Drawing on records from the Vatican, Tibet, India, and Egypt, along with Greek Aramaic, and Pali texts, as well as from oral traditions of jesus’s teachings, McCannon uncovers the real reason that he remained such a powerful and pivotal figure in world consciousness for over two millennia.
5/27/201059 minutes, 8 seconds
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Tricia McCannon: Jesus, 30 Lost Years

This is a wide-ranging examination of the direct links and similarities between Jesus’s teachings and those of various mystery religions and sects that were poplar during his lifetime, including the Essenes, Buddhists, and Druids. McCannon offers compelling evidence that places Jesus’s life and mission firmly in the context of the profound spiritual teachings that came before him. Drawing on records from the Vatican, Tibet, India, and Egypt, along with Greek Aramaic, and Pali texts, as well as from oral traditions of jesus’s teachings, McCannon uncovers the real reason that he remained such a powerful and pivotal figure in world consciousness for over two millennia.
5/27/201059 minutes, 8 seconds
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Tricia McCannon: Jesus, 30 Lost Years

This is a wide-ranging examination of the direct links and similarities between Jesus’s teachings and those of various mystery religions and sects that were poplar during his lifetime, including the Essenes, Buddhists, and Druids. McCannon offers compelling evidence that places Jesus’s life and mission firmly in the context of the profound spiritual teachings that came before him. Drawing on records from the Vatican, Tibet, India, and Egypt, along with Greek Aramaic, and Pali texts, as well as from oral traditions of jesus’s teachings, McCannon uncovers the real reason that he remained such a powerful and pivotal figure in world consciousness for over two millennia.
5/27/201059 minutes, 8 seconds
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The word “dwarf” was a difficult word for Julie Bond Genovese. Her diminutive stature carried labels that seemed to make her world just as small. Insensitive bullies called her “shrimpy, wittle midgee,” and in her formative years, Genovese saw herself as a freak. Yet her biggest fear throughout life was not the teasing and adversity she experienced, but the fear of never finding happiness. Through her journey the author realized: • The only thing that stood in the way of her dreams was her own disbelief. • A joyful, self-empowered life is not dependent on circumstances but on attitude. • Challenges helped rekindle her spirit and carve out big dreams. • When you can't stop the rain, calm the inner storm instead.
5/20/201058 minutes
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The word “dwarf” was a difficult word for Julie Bond Genovese. Her diminutive stature carried labels that seemed to make her world just as small. Insensitive bullies called her “shrimpy, wittle midgee,” and in her formative years, Genovese saw herself as a freak. Yet her biggest fear throughout life was not the teasing and adversity she experienced, but the fear of never finding happiness. Through her journey the author realized: • The only thing that stood in the way of her dreams was her own disbelief. • A joyful, self-empowered life is not dependent on circumstances but on attitude. • Challenges helped rekindle her spirit and carve out big dreams. • When you can't stop the rain, calm the inner storm instead.
5/20/201058 minutes
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The word “dwarf” was a difficult word for Julie Bond Genovese. Her diminutive stature carried labels that seemed to make her world just as small. Insensitive bullies called her “shrimpy, wittle midgee,” and in her formative years, Genovese saw herself as a freak. Yet her biggest fear throughout life was not the teasing and adversity she experienced, but the fear of never finding happiness. Through her journey the author realized: • The only thing that stood in the way of her dreams was her own disbelief. • A joyful, self-empowered life is not dependent on circumstances but on attitude. • Challenges helped rekindle her spirit and carve out big dreams. • When you can't stop the rain, calm the inner storm instead.
5/20/201058 minutes
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Krishna Das

Chants of the Lifetime (February 2010), includes 230 pages of Krishna Das’s stories of his youth, his time with his Guru, and his experiences on the Path - written in his own words, with photos, and a CD especially designed for the reader/listener to develop her own chanting practice.
5/13/201057 minutes, 44 seconds
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Krishna Das

Chants of the Lifetime (February 2010), includes 230 pages of Krishna Das’s stories of his youth, his time with his Guru, and his experiences on the Path - written in his own words, with photos, and a CD especially designed for the reader/listener to develop her own chanting practice.
5/13/201057 minutes, 44 seconds
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Krishna Das

Chants of the Lifetime (February 2010), includes 230 pages of Krishna Das’s stories of his youth, his time with his Guru, and his experiences on the Path - written in his own words, with photos, and a CD especially designed for the reader/listener to develop her own chanting practice.
5/13/201057 minutes, 44 seconds
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Debbie Rosas: NIA Technique

“Nia inspires me to continue a personal journey of self-discovery, self-actualization and healing. For me, the journey of learning and being in a body is one of the most poetic and romantic gifts we have the gift to experience. I thrive on educating, motivating and inspiring people to fall in love with themselves and their bodies. My life is my art and my body is the canvas.” Debbie Rosas -
5/6/201056 minutes, 33 seconds
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Debbie Rosas: NIA Technique

“Nia inspires me to continue a personal journey of self-discovery, self-actualization and healing. For me, the journey of learning and being in a body is one of the most poetic and romantic gifts we have the gift to experience. I thrive on educating, motivating and inspiring people to fall in love with themselves and their bodies. My life is my art and my body is the canvas.” Debbie Rosas -
5/6/201056 minutes, 33 seconds
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Debbie Rosas: NIA Technique

“Nia inspires me to continue a personal journey of self-discovery, self-actualization and healing. For me, the journey of learning and being in a body is one of the most poetic and romantic gifts we have the gift to experience. I thrive on educating, motivating and inspiring people to fall in love with themselves and their bodies. My life is my art and my body is the canvas.” Debbie Rosas -
5/6/201056 minutes, 33 seconds
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Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore’s latest book, Care of the Soul in Medicine, represents his vision for improving health care. It spells out how health-care workers can care for their patients as whole persons—body, soul, and spirit. He gives advice to both health-care providers and patients for maintaining dignity and humanity, providing spiritual guidance for dealing with feelings of mortality and threat, encouraging patients do not only take an active part in healing but also to view illness as a positive passage to new awareness.
4/29/201054 minutes, 40 seconds
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Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore’s latest book, Care of the Soul in Medicine, represents his vision for improving health care. It spells out how health-care workers can care for their patients as whole persons—body, soul, and spirit. He gives advice to both health-care providers and patients for maintaining dignity and humanity, providing spiritual guidance for dealing with feelings of mortality and threat, encouraging patients do not only take an active part in healing but also to view illness as a positive passage to new awareness.
4/29/201054 minutes, 40 seconds
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Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore’s latest book, Care of the Soul in Medicine, represents his vision for improving health care. It spells out how health-care workers can care for their patients as whole persons—body, soul, and spirit. He gives advice to both health-care providers and patients for maintaining dignity and humanity, providing spiritual guidance for dealing with feelings of mortality and threat, encouraging patients do not only take an active part in healing but also to view illness as a positive passage to new awareness.
4/29/201054 minutes, 40 seconds
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Elevate with Mikki Willis and Nadia Salamanca

Elevate is a tribe of professional artists united by a commitment to unleash higher expressions of human potential through movies, music and digital media. They are the team that pioneered the first international philanthropic filmmaking competition, Elevate Film Festival. Where traditional festivals show films selected from outside submissions, Elevate produces every frame of content in-house.
4/22/201056 minutes, 10 seconds
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Elevate with Mikki Willis and Nadia Salamanca

Elevate is a tribe of professional artists united by a commitment to unleash higher expressions of human potential through movies, music and digital media. They are the team that pioneered the first international philanthropic filmmaking competition, Elevate Film Festival. Where traditional festivals show films selected from outside submissions, Elevate produces every frame of content in-house.
4/22/201056 minutes, 10 seconds
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Elevate with Mikki Willis and Nadia Salamanca

Elevate is a tribe of professional artists united by a commitment to unleash higher expressions of human potential through movies, music and digital media. They are the team that pioneered the first international philanthropic filmmaking competition, Elevate Film Festival. Where traditional festivals show films selected from outside submissions, Elevate produces every frame of content in-house.
4/22/201056 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette is passionate, dynamic, powerful, and direct in her ability to instantly liberate people from the limitations and fears (a five-sensory life) and leads them to create a far more effective, spirit guided (six sensory) successful life which she insists is “our natural way.” She states, I believe our sixth sense should be first. Join me as we discuss her new release, Traveling at the Speed of Love
4/15/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette is passionate, dynamic, powerful, and direct in her ability to instantly liberate people from the limitations and fears (a five-sensory life) and leads them to create a far more effective, spirit guided (six sensory) successful life which she insists is “our natural way.” She states, I believe our sixth sense should be first. Join me as we discuss her new release, Traveling at the Speed of Love
4/15/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette is passionate, dynamic, powerful, and direct in her ability to instantly liberate people from the limitations and fears (a five-sensory life) and leads them to create a far more effective, spirit guided (six sensory) successful life which she insists is “our natural way.” She states, I believe our sixth sense should be first. Join me as we discuss her new release, Traveling at the Speed of Love
4/15/201057 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

When people ask where the heck I’ve been and why I so seldom come out when called by the “clattering world,” I often want to respond by saying that one can’t fulfill one’s calling by beingcalled away. Rather one fulfills one’s calling by filling up . . . by studying, thinking, listening, looking at, living in the layers of life beyond the collective ones. Then . . . one can pour outwardly again.
4/8/201057 minutes, 15 seconds
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

When people ask where the heck I’ve been and why I so seldom come out when called by the “clattering world,” I often want to respond by saying that one can’t fulfill one’s calling by beingcalled away. Rather one fulfills one’s calling by filling up . . . by studying, thinking, listening, looking at, living in the layers of life beyond the collective ones. Then . . . one can pour outwardly again.
4/8/201057 minutes, 15 seconds
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

When people ask where the heck I’ve been and why I so seldom come out when called by the “clattering world,” I often want to respond by saying that one can’t fulfill one’s calling by beingcalled away. Rather one fulfills one’s calling by filling up . . . by studying, thinking, listening, looking at, living in the layers of life beyond the collective ones. Then . . . one can pour outwardly again.
4/8/201057 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Wisdom of Iyanla Vanzant

Iyanla teaches that personal change cannot be accomplished by technology. Change is “an inside job”. It requires commitment, persistence, determination and patience. Change is a process that unfolds when the individual’s mind comes into alignment and cooperation with the flow of life, the universe at large.
4/1/201057 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Wisdom of Iyanla Vanzant

Iyanla teaches that personal change cannot be accomplished by technology. Change is “an inside job”. It requires commitment, persistence, determination and patience. Change is a process that unfolds when the individual’s mind comes into alignment and cooperation with the flow of life, the universe at large.
4/1/201057 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Wisdom of Iyanla Vanzant

Iyanla teaches that personal change cannot be accomplished by technology. Change is “an inside job”. It requires commitment, persistence, determination and patience. Change is a process that unfolds when the individual’s mind comes into alignment and cooperation with the flow of life, the universe at large.
4/1/201057 minutes, 14 seconds
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The 5th Agreement: Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth, without words. The result of practicing the Fifth Agreement is the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness. Enjoy a conversation with Don Miguel Ruiz and son, Jose Ruiz...Let’s make a difference in this world. Let’s win the war in our head, and change the world.
3/25/201055 minutes, 47 seconds
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The 5th Agreement: Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth, without words. The result of practicing the Fifth Agreement is the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness. Enjoy a conversation with Don Miguel Ruiz and son, Jose Ruiz...Let’s make a difference in this world. Let’s win the war in our head, and change the world.
3/25/201055 minutes, 47 seconds
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The 5th Agreement: Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth, without words. The result of practicing the Fifth Agreement is the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness. Enjoy a conversation with Don Miguel Ruiz and son, Jose Ruiz...Let’s make a difference in this world. Let’s win the war in our head, and change the world.
3/25/201055 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jonathan Goldman: Sacred Sound

Jonathan Goldman is a leader and pioneer in the science, spirituality and healing of sound. Sound is encoded in our DNA. When intoned it can bring harmony and healing to ourselves and the planet. The Divine Name, his latest book is a step-bystep process of vibratory activation allowing the experience of power, majesty, and healing.
3/18/201056 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jonathan Goldman: Sacred Sound

Jonathan Goldman is a leader and pioneer in the science, spirituality and healing of sound. Sound is encoded in our DNA. When intoned it can bring harmony and healing to ourselves and the planet. The Divine Name, his latest book is a step-bystep process of vibratory activation allowing the experience of power, majesty, and healing.
3/18/201056 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jonathan Goldman: Sacred Sound

Jonathan Goldman is a leader and pioneer in the science, spirituality and healing of sound. Sound is encoded in our DNA. When intoned it can bring harmony and healing to ourselves and the planet. The Divine Name, his latest book is a step-bystep process of vibratory activation allowing the experience of power, majesty, and healing.
3/18/201056 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
3/11/201053 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
3/11/201053 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sacred Activism - Andrew Harvey

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.
3/11/201053 minutes, 53 seconds
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Howard Wills - Peacemaking Through Prayer

Howard Wills has worked with people all over the world and witnessed marvelous and miraculous transformations - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. His poweful prayers assist people in releasing the obstacles that block them from living expansive, healthy, joyful lives filled with love, happiness and freedom. through peacemaking we free ourselves, generations and future lineages. Howard Wills transformational experience with The Light. opened his perceptions, lifted the veil, and allowed deep insight into the nature of life. Howard discovered the art of health, healing and consciousness. He understood how to generate transformation within people and help people help themselves.
3/4/201056 minutes
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Howard Wills - Peacemaking Through Prayer

Howard Wills has worked with people all over the world and witnessed marvelous and miraculous transformations - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. His poweful prayers assist people in releasing the obstacles that block them from living expansive, healthy, joyful lives filled with love, happiness and freedom. through peacemaking we free ourselves, generations and future lineages. Howard Wills transformational experience with The Light. opened his perceptions, lifted the veil, and allowed deep insight into the nature of life. Howard discovered the art of health, healing and consciousness. He understood how to generate transformation within people and help people help themselves.
3/4/201056 minutes
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Howard Wills - Peacemaking Through Prayer

Howard Wills has worked with people all over the world and witnessed marvelous and miraculous transformations - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. His poweful prayers assist people in releasing the obstacles that block them from living expansive, healthy, joyful lives filled with love, happiness and freedom. through peacemaking we free ourselves, generations and future lineages. Howard Wills transformational experience with The Light. opened his perceptions, lifted the veil, and allowed deep insight into the nature of life. Howard discovered the art of health, healing and consciousness. He understood how to generate transformation within people and help people help themselves.
3/4/201056 minutes
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Coffee Table Conversation: Mirabai Devi

Through a candid coffee table conversation condcted for a print article feature in 11:11 magazine, this recording is being made available to you so that you may experience the power presence and love of Mirabai Devi...through a candid recount of her story and deep wisdon of the journey, Mirabai reveals the light of herself and that which is in all of us. Mirabai Devi Foundation -
2/25/201057 minutes, 9 seconds
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Coffee Table Conversation: Mirabai Devi

Through a candid coffee table conversation condcted for a print article feature in 11:11 magazine, this recording is being made available to you so that you may experience the power presence and love of Mirabai Devi...through a candid recount of her story and deep wisdon of the journey, Mirabai reveals the light of herself and that which is in all of us. Mirabai Devi Foundation -
2/25/201057 minutes, 9 seconds
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Coffee Table Conversation: Mirabai Devi

Through a candid coffee table conversation condcted for a print article feature in 11:11 magazine, this recording is being made available to you so that you may experience the power presence and love of Mirabai Devi...through a candid recount of her story and deep wisdon of the journey, Mirabai reveals the light of herself and that which is in all of us. Mirabai Devi Foundation -
2/25/201057 minutes, 9 seconds
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Maureen McCarthy: State of Grace

There is a new way to build, sustain and transition relationships with honor and grace and it is called the State of Grace Document. It takes into consideration each individual involved in the relationship, their personal preferences, their expectations as well as the nature of the relationship, be it between colleagues, employee and manager, partners, husband and wife, landlord and tenant, client and supplier, or any other relationship situation.
2/18/201054 minutes, 46 seconds
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Maureen McCarthy: State of Grace

There is a new way to build, sustain and transition relationships with honor and grace and it is called the State of Grace Document. It takes into consideration each individual involved in the relationship, their personal preferences, their expectations as well as the nature of the relationship, be it between colleagues, employee and manager, partners, husband and wife, landlord and tenant, client and supplier, or any other relationship situation.
2/18/201054 minutes, 46 seconds
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Maureen McCarthy: State of Grace

There is a new way to build, sustain and transition relationships with honor and grace and it is called the State of Grace Document. It takes into consideration each individual involved in the relationship, their personal preferences, their expectations as well as the nature of the relationship, be it between colleagues, employee and manager, partners, husband and wife, landlord and tenant, client and supplier, or any other relationship situation.
2/18/201054 minutes, 46 seconds
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A Path to Healing: Josie Ravenwing

“…The journey of healing and spiritual awakening is always an internal experience, but sometimes we need external teachers, changes of environment and new sources of energy to help us along the path back to our sacred, inner light.” Josie Ravenwing most profoundly encountered this essential truth at John of God’s healing center in Brazil. John of God is a medium, or vessel, of spiritual healing. Many have said that he has performed miracles of healing, but John of God always says, “I have never healed anyone – it is God who heals.”
2/11/201058 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Path to Healing: Josie Ravenwing

“…The journey of healing and spiritual awakening is always an internal experience, but sometimes we need external teachers, changes of environment and new sources of energy to help us along the path back to our sacred, inner light.” Josie Ravenwing most profoundly encountered this essential truth at John of God’s healing center in Brazil. John of God is a medium, or vessel, of spiritual healing. Many have said that he has performed miracles of healing, but John of God always says, “I have never healed anyone – it is God who heals.”
2/11/201058 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Path to Healing: Josie Ravenwing

“…The journey of healing and spiritual awakening is always an internal experience, but sometimes we need external teachers, changes of environment and new sources of energy to help us along the path back to our sacred, inner light.” Josie Ravenwing most profoundly encountered this essential truth at John of God’s healing center in Brazil. John of God is a medium, or vessel, of spiritual healing. Many have said that he has performed miracles of healing, but John of God always says, “I have never healed anyone – it is God who heals.”
2/11/201058 minutes, 17 seconds
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TOOLS That Move Us...

The music of Muriel is magic for the Soul. Her lyrics speak of deep and wonderful truth. Her melodies carry us on wings of joy. Here is a blessing in our midst; a bit of Heaven on Earth! NEALE DONALD WALSCH, International bestselling author of the 'Conversations with God' series. Jean Adrienne Miller is a healer, teacher, lecturer and creator of quantum change. She is the author of several books including InnerSpeak. Discover this tool as another path toward healing.
2/4/201054 minutes, 6 seconds
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TOOLS That Move Us...

The music of Muriel is magic for the Soul. Her lyrics speak of deep and wonderful truth. Her melodies carry us on wings of joy. Here is a blessing in our midst; a bit of Heaven on Earth! NEALE DONALD WALSCH, International bestselling author of the 'Conversations with God' series. Jean Adrienne Miller is a healer, teacher, lecturer and creator of quantum change. She is the author of several books including InnerSpeak. Discover this tool as another path toward healing.
2/4/201054 minutes, 6 seconds
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TOOLS That Move Us...

The music of Muriel is magic for the Soul. Her lyrics speak of deep and wonderful truth. Her melodies carry us on wings of joy. Here is a blessing in our midst; a bit of Heaven on Earth! NEALE DONALD WALSCH, International bestselling author of the 'Conversations with God' series. Jean Adrienne Miller is a healer, teacher, lecturer and creator of quantum change. She is the author of several books including InnerSpeak. Discover this tool as another path toward healing.
2/4/201054 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Keys: J.J. and Desiree Hurtak

The Keys reveal a given plan of unfoldment of the Divine Mind, opening the ‘heart’ and bringing the music of the soul to the next level of human-Divine partnership, where we connect with the opening of inner and outer multidimensional doors simultaneously. Through a conversation that deeply delves into matters of soul and consciousness growth, The Hurtaks have long been guiding lights for the planet.
1/28/201058 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Keys: J.J. and Desiree Hurtak

The Keys reveal a given plan of unfoldment of the Divine Mind, opening the ‘heart’ and bringing the music of the soul to the next level of human-Divine partnership, where we connect with the opening of inner and outer multidimensional doors simultaneously. Through a conversation that deeply delves into matters of soul and consciousness growth, The Hurtaks have long been guiding lights for the planet.
1/28/201058 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Keys: J.J. and Desiree Hurtak

The Keys reveal a given plan of unfoldment of the Divine Mind, opening the ‘heart’ and bringing the music of the soul to the next level of human-Divine partnership, where we connect with the opening of inner and outer multidimensional doors simultaneously. Through a conversation that deeply delves into matters of soul and consciousness growth, The Hurtaks have long been guiding lights for the planet.
1/28/201058 minutes, 26 seconds
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Innately Good: Jan Denise

Jan Denise is the author of Innately Good: Dispelling the Myth that You're Not (her latest book, which identifies the ultimate fear of not being good enough as what triggers empty pursuit, escape, and addiction, as well as all negative emotion, and then invalidates the fear with the truth of innate goodness, or the love within) Naked Relationships (which brought the science of relationships, the art of loving, and the mystery of spirit together).
1/21/201055 minutes, 13 seconds
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Innately Good: Jan Denise

Jan Denise is the author of Innately Good: Dispelling the Myth that You're Not (her latest book, which identifies the ultimate fear of not being good enough as what triggers empty pursuit, escape, and addiction, as well as all negative emotion, and then invalidates the fear with the truth of innate goodness, or the love within) Naked Relationships (which brought the science of relationships, the art of loving, and the mystery of spirit together).
1/21/201055 minutes, 13 seconds
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Innately Good: Jan Denise

Jan Denise is the author of Innately Good: Dispelling the Myth that You're Not (her latest book, which identifies the ultimate fear of not being good enough as what triggers empty pursuit, escape, and addiction, as well as all negative emotion, and then invalidates the fear with the truth of innate goodness, or the love within) Naked Relationships (which brought the science of relationships, the art of loving, and the mystery of spirit together).
1/21/201055 minutes, 13 seconds
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Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
1/14/201057 minutes, 55 seconds
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Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
1/14/201057 minutes, 55 seconds
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Radical Forgiveness: Colin Tipping

Would You Like the Power to Forgive? Radical Forgiveness... It works! It’s as simple as that. If you’re mad at someone, hurting, feeling victimized, depressed, grieving or angry, then Radical Forgiveness will give you the relief you are looking for. Forget traditional forgiveness — it’s far too slow and much too difficult. Radical Forgiveness works for anyone and it is fast, easy and effective.
1/14/201057 minutes, 55 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch: God's Latest Scribe

“I had an automobile accident a few years ago, and I broke my neck. An elderly man hit my car. He was charged with reckless driving. He was about 86, and he just made a mistake. Fortunately, I wasn't going fast enough to kill myself, but I did almost die.I lost my job.I lost my income. And after about a year and a half, all the benefits that the government provides for ran out. So I, I wound up on the street.
1/7/201057 minutes, 3 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch: God's Latest Scribe

“I had an automobile accident a few years ago, and I broke my neck. An elderly man hit my car. He was charged with reckless driving. He was about 86, and he just made a mistake. Fortunately, I wasn't going fast enough to kill myself, but I did almost die.I lost my job.I lost my income. And after about a year and a half, all the benefits that the government provides for ran out. So I, I wound up on the street.
1/7/201057 minutes, 3 seconds
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Neale Donald Walsch: God's Latest Scribe

“I had an automobile accident a few years ago, and I broke my neck. An elderly man hit my car. He was charged with reckless driving. He was about 86, and he just made a mistake. Fortunately, I wasn't going fast enough to kill myself, but I did almost die.I lost my job.I lost my income. And after about a year and a half, all the benefits that the government provides for ran out. So I, I wound up on the street.
1/7/201057 minutes, 3 seconds
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Enchantment, Magic and Mysticism: Amy Zerner and Monte Farber

Amy and Monte's expertise and straightforward but lighthearted approach to oracular wisdom has enabled them to become the first people in history to sell a metaphysical product, The Instant Tarot Reader book and card set, on national television (QVC and The Home Shopping Network). As Monte puts it, We take our subjects seriously, but we don't take ourselves seriously. We make it fast and fun.
12/31/200951 minutes, 54 seconds
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Enchantment, Magic and Mysticism: Amy Zerner and Monte Farber

Amy and Monte's expertise and straightforward but lighthearted approach to oracular wisdom has enabled them to become the first people in history to sell a metaphysical product, The Instant Tarot Reader book and card set, on national television (QVC and The Home Shopping Network). As Monte puts it, We take our subjects seriously, but we don't take ourselves seriously. We make it fast and fun.
12/31/200951 minutes, 54 seconds
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Enchantment, Magic and Mysticism: Amy Zerner and Monte Farber

Amy and Monte's expertise and straightforward but lighthearted approach to oracular wisdom has enabled them to become the first people in history to sell a metaphysical product, The Instant Tarot Reader book and card set, on national television (QVC and The Home Shopping Network). As Monte puts it, We take our subjects seriously, but we don't take ourselves seriously. We make it fast and fun.
12/31/200951 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Magic of Gayatri Mantra: Chandra Sheckar

The Gayatri Mantra - According to the Vedas, there are seven realms or spheres or planes of existence, each more spiritually advanced than the previous one. It is written that through spiritual awareness and development, we can progressively move through these realms and ultimately merge with the Supreme Being. Many Buddhist teachings have also referred to these seven realms. By chanting this mantra, Divine spiritual light and power is infused in each of our seven chakras and connects them to these seven great spiritual realms of existence.
12/24/200954 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Magic of Gayatri Mantra: Chandra Sheckar

The Gayatri Mantra - According to the Vedas, there are seven realms or spheres or planes of existence, each more spiritually advanced than the previous one. It is written that through spiritual awareness and development, we can progressively move through these realms and ultimately merge with the Supreme Being. Many Buddhist teachings have also referred to these seven realms. By chanting this mantra, Divine spiritual light and power is infused in each of our seven chakras and connects them to these seven great spiritual realms of existence.
12/24/200954 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Magic of Gayatri Mantra: Chandra Sheckar

The Gayatri Mantra - According to the Vedas, there are seven realms or spheres or planes of existence, each more spiritually advanced than the previous one. It is written that through spiritual awareness and development, we can progressively move through these realms and ultimately merge with the Supreme Being. Many Buddhist teachings have also referred to these seven realms. By chanting this mantra, Divine spiritual light and power is infused in each of our seven chakras and connects them to these seven great spiritual realms of existence.
12/24/200954 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dr. Ajit Randhawa: Evolution of Faith and Religion

Human psyche is already shifting towards spirituality, the bedrock of all faiths. All New Age alternatives focus on the power of mind. Scientists are exploring the potential of the human mind and talking about meditation and consciousness as a path towards peace . Prayer has become an accepted part of medical treatment based on growing evidence of miraculous healings that baffle health practitioners and scientists.
12/17/200956 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dr. Ajit Randhawa: Evolution of Faith and Religion

Human psyche is already shifting towards spirituality, the bedrock of all faiths. All New Age alternatives focus on the power of mind. Scientists are exploring the potential of the human mind and talking about meditation and consciousness as a path towards peace . Prayer has become an accepted part of medical treatment based on growing evidence of miraculous healings that baffle health practitioners and scientists.
12/17/200956 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dr. Ajit Randhawa: Evolution of Faith and Religion

Human psyche is already shifting towards spirituality, the bedrock of all faiths. All New Age alternatives focus on the power of mind. Scientists are exploring the potential of the human mind and talking about meditation and consciousness as a path towards peace . Prayer has become an accepted part of medical treatment based on growing evidence of miraculous healings that baffle health practitioners and scientists.
12/17/200956 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Living Matrix: Greg and Susan Becker

THE LIVING MATRIX—THE NEW SCIENCE OF HEALING (Beyond Words), addresses these questions and explores how quantum physics, energy fields, and consciousness directly affects our health and well-being. For the first time leading scientists, researchers, and holistic practitioners share the latest science and alternative concepts that are revolutionizing healthcare as we know it. created by Greg & Susan Becker
12/10/200956 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Living Matrix: Greg and Susan Becker

THE LIVING MATRIX—THE NEW SCIENCE OF HEALING (Beyond Words), addresses these questions and explores how quantum physics, energy fields, and consciousness directly affects our health and well-being. For the first time leading scientists, researchers, and holistic practitioners share the latest science and alternative concepts that are revolutionizing healthcare as we know it. created by Greg & Susan Becker
12/10/200956 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Living Matrix: Greg and Susan Becker

THE LIVING MATRIX—THE NEW SCIENCE OF HEALING (Beyond Words), addresses these questions and explores how quantum physics, energy fields, and consciousness directly affects our health and well-being. For the first time leading scientists, researchers, and holistic practitioners share the latest science and alternative concepts that are revolutionizing healthcare as we know it. created by Greg & Susan Becker
12/10/200956 minutes, 52 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Mirabai Devi, Divine Light

Mirabai Devi travels the world bringing peace and healing to thousands. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, from a very young age Mirabai saw the suffering in humanity which spurred a deep opening in her heart and filled her with compassion. Her earliest training came directly from the Divine Light and the beings of Light [Masters] who appeared before her when she was a child. They came to teach and prepare her for her future healing mission. Later, she journeyed to India and throughout the West, studying with teachers from varied spiritual traditions. Her work is non-denominational, incorporating all the knowledge she has received and that which she has experienced directly.
11/26/200955 minutes, 45 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Mirabai Devi, Divine Light

Mirabai Devi travels the world bringing peace and healing to thousands. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, from a very young age Mirabai saw the suffering in humanity which spurred a deep opening in her heart and filled her with compassion. Her earliest training came directly from the Divine Light and the beings of Light [Masters] who appeared before her when she was a child. They came to teach and prepare her for her future healing mission. Later, she journeyed to India and throughout the West, studying with teachers from varied spiritual traditions. Her work is non-denominational, incorporating all the knowledge she has received and that which she has experienced directly.
11/26/200955 minutes, 45 seconds
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Special Encore Presentation: Mirabai Devi, Divine Light

Mirabai Devi travels the world bringing peace and healing to thousands. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, from a very young age Mirabai saw the suffering in humanity which spurred a deep opening in her heart and filled her with compassion. Her earliest training came directly from the Divine Light and the beings of Light [Masters] who appeared before her when she was a child. They came to teach and prepare her for her future healing mission. Later, she journeyed to India and throughout the West, studying with teachers from varied spiritual traditions. Her work is non-denominational, incorporating all the knowledge she has received and that which she has experienced directly.
11/26/200955 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dr. Zhi Gang Sha: Soul Songs

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha helps individuals find soul songs of love, forgiveness, compassion and light that are literally blessings from the Divine to transform every aspect of your life. Use these Soul Songs to benefit your health and well-being, to transform your relationships and your finances, to accelerate your spiritual journey.
11/19/200956 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dr. Zhi Gang Sha: Soul Songs

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha helps individuals find soul songs of love, forgiveness, compassion and light that are literally blessings from the Divine to transform every aspect of your life. Use these Soul Songs to benefit your health and well-being, to transform your relationships and your finances, to accelerate your spiritual journey.
11/19/200956 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dr. Zhi Gang Sha: Soul Songs

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha helps individuals find soul songs of love, forgiveness, compassion and light that are literally blessings from the Divine to transform every aspect of your life. Use these Soul Songs to benefit your health and well-being, to transform your relationships and your finances, to accelerate your spiritual journey.
11/19/200956 minutes, 26 seconds
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Wise Mind Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Time of Crisis, Loss and Change

Dr. Alexander can focus on the building of mindstrength - the ability to use mindfulness to master and refocus ones thoughts, beliefs and emotions as well as to learn to access core creativity and become more empowered as a mindful leader. He speaks about how as the mind quiets, it opens into deeper states of awareness through a three-step process that resilient creative artists have mastered.
11/12/200954 minutes, 16 seconds
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Wise Mind Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Time of Crisis, Loss and Change

Dr. Alexander can focus on the building of mindstrength - the ability to use mindfulness to master and refocus ones thoughts, beliefs and emotions as well as to learn to access core creativity and become more empowered as a mindful leader. He speaks about how as the mind quiets, it opens into deeper states of awareness through a three-step process that resilient creative artists have mastered.
11/12/200954 minutes, 16 seconds
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Wise Mind Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Time of Crisis, Loss and Change

Dr. Alexander can focus on the building of mindstrength - the ability to use mindfulness to master and refocus ones thoughts, beliefs and emotions as well as to learn to access core creativity and become more empowered as a mindful leader. He speaks about how as the mind quiets, it opens into deeper states of awareness through a three-step process that resilient creative artists have mastered.
11/12/200954 minutes, 16 seconds
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Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
11/5/200955 minutes, 15 seconds
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Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
11/5/200955 minutes, 15 seconds
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Debbie Ford: The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.
11/5/200955 minutes, 15 seconds
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Nicole and Michael Sebastian: Just say HU

The HU not only alleviates the addresses the cause. The HU Technique is simple and uses Sound. It's called HU (hue) and goes like this---HUUUUUUU. The HU is a universal tool that provides relief 100% of the time. It can be used for anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, centering, clarity, decision-making, harmony, and overall well-being.
10/29/200956 minutes, 47 seconds
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Nicole and Michael Sebastian: Just say HU

The HU not only alleviates the addresses the cause. The HU Technique is simple and uses Sound. It's called HU (hue) and goes like this---HUUUUUUU. The HU is a universal tool that provides relief 100% of the time. It can be used for anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, centering, clarity, decision-making, harmony, and overall well-being.
10/29/200956 minutes, 47 seconds
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Nicole and Michael Sebastian: Just say HU

The HU not only alleviates the addresses the cause. The HU Technique is simple and uses Sound. It's called HU (hue) and goes like this---HUUUUUUU. The HU is a universal tool that provides relief 100% of the time. It can be used for anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, centering, clarity, decision-making, harmony, and overall well-being.
10/29/200956 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wade Morisette Musician Moving Hearts and Souls

Wade Imre Morissette was born in Ottawa, Canada, just minutes before his twin sister Alanis. The twins took to music at an early age; Wade studied piano as a child and took on guitar and djembe in his teens, but their paths diverged when Wade began to study yoga
10/22/200956 minutes, 28 seconds
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Wade Morisette Musician Moving Hearts and Souls

Wade Imre Morissette was born in Ottawa, Canada, just minutes before his twin sister Alanis. The twins took to music at an early age; Wade studied piano as a child and took on guitar and djembe in his teens, but their paths diverged when Wade began to study yoga
10/22/200956 minutes, 28 seconds
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Wade Morisette Musician Moving Hearts and Souls

Wade Imre Morissette was born in Ottawa, Canada, just minutes before his twin sister Alanis. The twins took to music at an early age; Wade studied piano as a child and took on guitar and djembe in his teens, but their paths diverged when Wade began to study yoga
10/22/200956 minutes, 28 seconds
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Will Linville:The Marriage of Higher and Lower Self

Will Linville is here to assist you and all kingdoms, plant, mineral, oceanic, as well as humanity, and the planetary matrix. from 425 Pounds and a surgical procedure, an agreement of physical body exchange between the entity known as Will linville exchanged with the essence now known as Will linville, steward of humanity.
10/15/200957 minutes, 23 seconds
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Will Linville:The Marriage of Higher and Lower Self

Will Linville is here to assist you and all kingdoms, plant, mineral, oceanic, as well as humanity, and the planetary matrix. from 425 Pounds and a surgical procedure, an agreement of physical body exchange between the entity known as Will linville exchanged with the essence now known as Will linville, steward of humanity.
10/15/200957 minutes, 23 seconds
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Will Linville:The Marriage of Higher and Lower Self

Will Linville is here to assist you and all kingdoms, plant, mineral, oceanic, as well as humanity, and the planetary matrix. from 425 Pounds and a surgical procedure, an agreement of physical body exchange between the entity known as Will linville exchanged with the essence now known as Will linville, steward of humanity.
10/15/200957 minutes, 23 seconds
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Lessons on Relationships: John English

Do you have challenges around relationships? Discover a story of one mans journey from addiction to empowerment. Through his lessons, Joh English now supports others into discovering the beauty of relationships.
10/8/200956 minutes, 42 seconds
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Lessons on Relationships: John English

Do you have challenges around relationships? Discover a story of one mans journey from addiction to empowerment. Through his lessons, Joh English now supports others into discovering the beauty of relationships.
10/8/200956 minutes, 42 seconds
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Lessons on Relationships: John English

Do you have challenges around relationships? Discover a story of one mans journey from addiction to empowerment. Through his lessons, Joh English now supports others into discovering the beauty of relationships.
10/8/200956 minutes, 42 seconds
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Dr. Charlotte Reznick: Utilizing a Childs Imagination for Healing

The big idea: A child's imagination is a proven, powerful healing tool. For example, visualizing an ice-blue pillow can cool a child's hot headache, or conjuring a Personal Wizard can help a fretful schoolchild get needed homework help. These are some of the imagery techniques developed by child educational psychologist Charlotte Reznick, PhD, who has been using them for more than 25 years in her private practice.
10/1/200955 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dr. Charlotte Reznick: Utilizing a Childs Imagination for Healing

The big idea: A child's imagination is a proven, powerful healing tool. For example, visualizing an ice-blue pillow can cool a child's hot headache, or conjuring a Personal Wizard can help a fretful schoolchild get needed homework help. These are some of the imagery techniques developed by child educational psychologist Charlotte Reznick, PhD, who has been using them for more than 25 years in her private practice.
10/1/200955 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dr. Charlotte Reznick: Utilizing a Childs Imagination for Healing

The big idea: A child's imagination is a proven, powerful healing tool. For example, visualizing an ice-blue pillow can cool a child's hot headache, or conjuring a Personal Wizard can help a fretful schoolchild get needed homework help. These are some of the imagery techniques developed by child educational psychologist Charlotte Reznick, PhD, who has been using them for more than 25 years in her private practice.
10/1/200955 minutes, 18 seconds
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Reconnective Kids and Reconnective Yoga

Reconnective Yoga combines the practice of yoga with Reconnective Healing frequencies to bring forth a powerfulnew means of aligning body and spirit. Reconnective Healing -reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness ofwho we are. These frequencies enable us to reconnect to the universe and to the very essence of our beings. And now kids are too!
9/24/200953 minutes, 5 seconds
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Reconnective Kids and Reconnective Yoga

Reconnective Yoga combines the practice of yoga with Reconnective Healing frequencies to bring forth a powerfulnew means of aligning body and spirit. Reconnective Healing -reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness ofwho we are. These frequencies enable us to reconnect to the universe and to the very essence of our beings. And now kids are too!
9/24/200953 minutes, 5 seconds
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Reconnective Kids and Reconnective Yoga

Reconnective Yoga combines the practice of yoga with Reconnective Healing frequencies to bring forth a powerfulnew means of aligning body and spirit. Reconnective Healing -reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness ofwho we are. These frequencies enable us to reconnect to the universe and to the very essence of our beings. And now kids are too!
9/24/200953 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Voice Doctor: Norma Hollis

When you apply authenticity to communication, wellness, career, leadership and life, you create a world that others embrace and want to be a part of. As a result individuals and organizations attract customers, friends, associates and opportunities that connect with their authentic success.
9/17/200955 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Voice Doctor: Norma Hollis

When you apply authenticity to communication, wellness, career, leadership and life, you create a world that others embrace and want to be a part of. As a result individuals and organizations attract customers, friends, associates and opportunities that connect with their authentic success.
9/17/200955 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Voice Doctor: Norma Hollis

When you apply authenticity to communication, wellness, career, leadership and life, you create a world that others embrace and want to be a part of. As a result individuals and organizations attract customers, friends, associates and opportunities that connect with their authentic success.
9/17/200955 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Art of Reinvention

Wesley delivers a message of personal liberation through the art of reinvention. With his unique perspective on how to bring about transformation, he continues equipping leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and professionals for the future. Remember the beginning of 2009? People were so excited to shake off 2008 and hoped for a new year full of possibilities, financial abundance, new sense of health, new career opportunities, finding love, fulfilling dreams, etc. Sadly though, 2009has been a disaster for many. The economic downturn in the market, the uncertainty of what a new government would bring, and a pessimistic media influenced most people to live in fear, uncertainty and massive frustration. This is the time where we learn the Art of Reinvention...
9/10/200957 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Art of Reinvention

Wesley delivers a message of personal liberation through the art of reinvention. With his unique perspective on how to bring about transformation, he continues equipping leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and professionals for the future. Remember the beginning of 2009? People were so excited to shake off 2008 and hoped for a new year full of possibilities, financial abundance, new sense of health, new career opportunities, finding love, fulfilling dreams, etc. Sadly though, 2009has been a disaster for many. The economic downturn in the market, the uncertainty of what a new government would bring, and a pessimistic media influenced most people to live in fear, uncertainty and massive frustration. This is the time where we learn the Art of Reinvention...
9/10/200957 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Art of Reinvention

Wesley delivers a message of personal liberation through the art of reinvention. With his unique perspective on how to bring about transformation, he continues equipping leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and professionals for the future. Remember the beginning of 2009? People were so excited to shake off 2008 and hoped for a new year full of possibilities, financial abundance, new sense of health, new career opportunities, finding love, fulfilling dreams, etc. Sadly though, 2009has been a disaster for many. The economic downturn in the market, the uncertainty of what a new government would bring, and a pessimistic media influenced most people to live in fear, uncertainty and massive frustration. This is the time where we learn the Art of Reinvention...
9/10/200957 minutes, 36 seconds
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Diane Legro: The Speaker Singing Success

For 15 years she has taught Broadway, classical and cabaret singers to fully express their artistry, and to voice their spirit. Fortune 100 companies and top government agencies have utilized her coaching to develop their leaders’ expression and creativity. Now, she teaches master classes nationwide and is a member of the Hollywood community’s highest quality voice teachers. Dianne teaches solid voice technique, voice therapy for weak and injured voices, and offers practices that help you create your best blend of thoughts and feelings during performances so you can speak and perform in the top range of your abilities.
9/3/200953 minutes, 56 seconds
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Diane Legro: The Speaker Singing Success

For 15 years she has taught Broadway, classical and cabaret singers to fully express their artistry, and to voice their spirit. Fortune 100 companies and top government agencies have utilized her coaching to develop their leaders’ expression and creativity. Now, she teaches master classes nationwide and is a member of the Hollywood community’s highest quality voice teachers. Dianne teaches solid voice technique, voice therapy for weak and injured voices, and offers practices that help you create your best blend of thoughts and feelings during performances so you can speak and perform in the top range of your abilities.
9/3/200953 minutes, 56 seconds
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Diane Legro: The Speaker Singing Success

For 15 years she has taught Broadway, classical and cabaret singers to fully express their artistry, and to voice their spirit. Fortune 100 companies and top government agencies have utilized her coaching to develop their leaders’ expression and creativity. Now, she teaches master classes nationwide and is a member of the Hollywood community’s highest quality voice teachers. Dianne teaches solid voice technique, voice therapy for weak and injured voices, and offers practices that help you create your best blend of thoughts and feelings during performances so you can speak and perform in the top range of your abilities.
9/3/200953 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dr. Eric Pearl: The Reconnection

Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very first time. It reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories. The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. This is something new. This is different. This is real—and it can be entrained in each of us.
8/27/200956 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dr. Eric Pearl: The Reconnection

Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very first time. It reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories. The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. This is something new. This is different. This is real—and it can be entrained in each of us.
8/27/200956 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dr. Eric Pearl: The Reconnection

Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very first time. It reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories. The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. This is something new. This is different. This is real—and it can be entrained in each of us.
8/27/200956 minutes, 16 seconds
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Donna DeLory: The Feminine Voice of Spirituality

Donna De Lory is a singer, songwriter, producer and musician whose voice and music transcends time and genre. Fans will be familiar with Donna from her years of touring with Madonna, but her music has its own compelling vision. With her new release Sanctuary, De Lory has crafted an expressive, spiritually-charged album that embraces both her passionate exploration of yoga and meditation inspired music. A devoted student of yoga and spiritual teachings, she is inspired not only by Western pop, but by Indian devotional music, Sanskrit mantras, Northern African grooves, psychedelic arrangements, and dance beats. The Los Angeles based singer enjoys making what she calls “meditative music” that can smartly – and sensuously - lend itself to dance-friendly re-mixes and can heal through both contemplation and celebration
8/20/200956 minutes, 58 seconds
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Donna DeLory: The Feminine Voice of Spirituality

Donna De Lory is a singer, songwriter, producer and musician whose voice and music transcends time and genre. Fans will be familiar with Donna from her years of touring with Madonna, but her music has its own compelling vision. With her new release Sanctuary, De Lory has crafted an expressive, spiritually-charged album that embraces both her passionate exploration of yoga and meditation inspired music. A devoted student of yoga and spiritual teachings, she is inspired not only by Western pop, but by Indian devotional music, Sanskrit mantras, Northern African grooves, psychedelic arrangements, and dance beats. The Los Angeles based singer enjoys making what she calls “meditative music” that can smartly – and sensuously - lend itself to dance-friendly re-mixes and can heal through both contemplation and celebration
8/20/200956 minutes, 58 seconds
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Donna DeLory: The Feminine Voice of Spirituality

Donna De Lory is a singer, songwriter, producer and musician whose voice and music transcends time and genre. Fans will be familiar with Donna from her years of touring with Madonna, but her music has its own compelling vision. With her new release Sanctuary, De Lory has crafted an expressive, spiritually-charged album that embraces both her passionate exploration of yoga and meditation inspired music. A devoted student of yoga and spiritual teachings, she is inspired not only by Western pop, but by Indian devotional music, Sanskrit mantras, Northern African grooves, psychedelic arrangements, and dance beats. The Los Angeles based singer enjoys making what she calls “meditative music” that can smartly – and sensuously - lend itself to dance-friendly re-mixes and can heal through both contemplation and celebration
8/20/200956 minutes, 58 seconds
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Indigo Awakening

Indigo Awakening is one of the first books to be written by an adult indigo, telling the experience of indigos from the inside out, and showing how their puzzling and painful experiences are paving the way for the emergence of a new way of being, in harmony with self, other, the world and the universe.
8/13/200954 minutes, 49 seconds
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Indigo Awakening

Indigo Awakening is one of the first books to be written by an adult indigo, telling the experience of indigos from the inside out, and showing how their puzzling and painful experiences are paving the way for the emergence of a new way of being, in harmony with self, other, the world and the universe.
8/13/200954 minutes, 49 seconds
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Indigo Awakening

Indigo Awakening is one of the first books to be written by an adult indigo, telling the experience of indigos from the inside out, and showing how their puzzling and painful experiences are paving the way for the emergence of a new way of being, in harmony with self, other, the world and the universe.
8/13/200954 minutes, 49 seconds
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Energies of Enlightenment

The essence of love as a way of life seems like common sense but not always a common experience. So often the word is confused as to whether it is a verb or a noun. It is something desired, anticipated, longed for and at times truly discovered. William & marilu understand that discovery and how to support individuals in tapping into it. Lets learn how to do love, be love and have love.
8/6/200957 minutes, 28 seconds
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Energies of Enlightenment

The essence of love as a way of life seems like common sense but not always a common experience. So often the word is confused as to whether it is a verb or a noun. It is something desired, anticipated, longed for and at times truly discovered. William & marilu understand that discovery and how to support individuals in tapping into it. Lets learn how to do love, be love and have love.
8/6/200957 minutes, 28 seconds
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Energies of Enlightenment

The essence of love as a way of life seems like common sense but not always a common experience. So often the word is confused as to whether it is a verb or a noun. It is something desired, anticipated, longed for and at times truly discovered. William & marilu understand that discovery and how to support individuals in tapping into it. Lets learn how to do love, be love and have love.
8/6/200957 minutes, 28 seconds
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Shondra Rose of Light

As males and females we encompass both feminine and masculine energies and chakra systems. The chakra system which most are familiar with is only part of what is built into our energetic structures. In addition to the Divine Masculine System, which star5ts where the male organs are and goes up, we have a complimenting system meant to balance the other one. The Deep System of chakras begins where the female organs are and goes down from there. The first two chakras of each system overlap and interface. But be very clear, they are NOT the same chakras! The Divine Feminine chakra system is a completely unique system. It's purpose is to perfectly balance , and thereby compliment, the Upper System. They are meant to work as a whole, integrated unit.
7/30/200956 minutes, 29 seconds
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Shondra Rose of Light

As males and females we encompass both feminine and masculine energies and chakra systems. The chakra system which most are familiar with is only part of what is built into our energetic structures. In addition to the Divine Masculine System, which star5ts where the male organs are and goes up, we have a complimenting system meant to balance the other one. The Deep System of chakras begins where the female organs are and goes down from there. The first two chakras of each system overlap and interface. But be very clear, they are NOT the same chakras! The Divine Feminine chakra system is a completely unique system. It's purpose is to perfectly balance , and thereby compliment, the Upper System. They are meant to work as a whole, integrated unit.
7/30/200956 minutes, 29 seconds
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Shondra Rose of Light

As males and females we encompass both feminine and masculine energies and chakra systems. The chakra system which most are familiar with is only part of what is built into our energetic structures. In addition to the Divine Masculine System, which star5ts where the male organs are and goes up, we have a complimenting system meant to balance the other one. The Deep System of chakras begins where the female organs are and goes down from there. The first two chakras of each system overlap and interface. But be very clear, they are NOT the same chakras! The Divine Feminine chakra system is a completely unique system. It's purpose is to perfectly balance , and thereby compliment, the Upper System. They are meant to work as a whole, integrated unit.
7/30/200956 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gloria Karpinski: Bridging the Gap Between Worlds

Where do the two worlds touch? The mix between the illusion and the real often can become blurred or one disappear completely. Discover how to move through the personal sacred journey while maintaining grasp of what is soulful and real. As we each move through our own spiritual rights of passage, understand how this dynamic of learning begins to weave an incredible tapestry known as the human experience.
7/23/200956 minutes, 41 seconds
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Gloria Karpinski: Bridging the Gap Between Worlds

Where do the two worlds touch? The mix between the illusion and the real often can become blurred or one disappear completely. Discover how to move through the personal sacred journey while maintaining grasp of what is soulful and real. As we each move through our own spiritual rights of passage, understand how this dynamic of learning begins to weave an incredible tapestry known as the human experience.
7/23/200956 minutes, 41 seconds
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Gloria Karpinski: Bridging the Gap Between Worlds

Where do the two worlds touch? The mix between the illusion and the real often can become blurred or one disappear completely. Discover how to move through the personal sacred journey while maintaining grasp of what is soulful and real. As we each move through our own spiritual rights of passage, understand how this dynamic of learning begins to weave an incredible tapestry known as the human experience.
7/23/200956 minutes, 41 seconds
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Nick Good: Living In Natural Magic

Stress is a foundation of human disease. It is the consequence of not living our life purpose. As part of the natural world we are governed by its laws. The amount of disease we see in the world today is a consequence of being out of harmony with those laws. No matter what we do, no matter how powerful we consider the blocks, no matter how strong the resistance, no matter how conditioned and molded we have become, unless we uncover and become the embodiment of our life purpose, our mission, our destiny, we deny ourselves access to the deep abiding peace within that is a natural consequence of being in harmony with Life. This wonderful inner peace is the basis of health, prosperity, happiness and optimal creative expression. We call it Living In Natural Magic.
7/16/200957 minutes, 24 seconds
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Nick Good: Living In Natural Magic

Stress is a foundation of human disease. It is the consequence of not living our life purpose. As part of the natural world we are governed by its laws. The amount of disease we see in the world today is a consequence of being out of harmony with those laws. No matter what we do, no matter how powerful we consider the blocks, no matter how strong the resistance, no matter how conditioned and molded we have become, unless we uncover and become the embodiment of our life purpose, our mission, our destiny, we deny ourselves access to the deep abiding peace within that is a natural consequence of being in harmony with Life. This wonderful inner peace is the basis of health, prosperity, happiness and optimal creative expression. We call it Living In Natural Magic.
7/16/200957 minutes, 24 seconds
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Nick Good: Living In Natural Magic

Stress is a foundation of human disease. It is the consequence of not living our life purpose. As part of the natural world we are governed by its laws. The amount of disease we see in the world today is a consequence of being out of harmony with those laws. No matter what we do, no matter how powerful we consider the blocks, no matter how strong the resistance, no matter how conditioned and molded we have become, unless we uncover and become the embodiment of our life purpose, our mission, our destiny, we deny ourselves access to the deep abiding peace within that is a natural consequence of being in harmony with Life. This wonderful inner peace is the basis of health, prosperity, happiness and optimal creative expression. We call it Living In Natural Magic.
7/16/200957 minutes, 24 seconds
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Jai Uttal, Thunder Love

“I feel like this album is about opening up to love—finally,” he says. “That involved letting go of a huge part of me that said ‘I don’t deserve love,’ or on really bad days, ‘love doesn’t exist.’ For me, it’s taken big catharses to change those deep internal patterns. I’ve immersed myself in a great number of spiritual practices, but truly embracing human life…that’s what brought me through the times of terrible darkness and addiction.” Thunder Love is, in many ways, a sonic approximation of darkness giving way to dawn. But in its depiction of the first rays of a new rising sun, there’s an acknowledgment of the shadows that came before, shadows that Uttal addresses with bold directness on songs like “Bolo Ram (Let the Spirits Sing),” a multi-layered, densely-percussive piece that ranks with his most personal outpourings.
7/9/200956 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jai Uttal, Thunder Love

“I feel like this album is about opening up to love—finally,” he says. “That involved letting go of a huge part of me that said ‘I don’t deserve love,’ or on really bad days, ‘love doesn’t exist.’ For me, it’s taken big catharses to change those deep internal patterns. I’ve immersed myself in a great number of spiritual practices, but truly embracing human life…that’s what brought me through the times of terrible darkness and addiction.” Thunder Love is, in many ways, a sonic approximation of darkness giving way to dawn. But in its depiction of the first rays of a new rising sun, there’s an acknowledgment of the shadows that came before, shadows that Uttal addresses with bold directness on songs like “Bolo Ram (Let the Spirits Sing),” a multi-layered, densely-percussive piece that ranks with his most personal outpourings.
7/9/200956 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jai Uttal, Thunder Love

“I feel like this album is about opening up to love—finally,” he says. “That involved letting go of a huge part of me that said ‘I don’t deserve love,’ or on really bad days, ‘love doesn’t exist.’ For me, it’s taken big catharses to change those deep internal patterns. I’ve immersed myself in a great number of spiritual practices, but truly embracing human life…that’s what brought me through the times of terrible darkness and addiction.” Thunder Love is, in many ways, a sonic approximation of darkness giving way to dawn. But in its depiction of the first rays of a new rising sun, there’s an acknowledgment of the shadows that came before, shadows that Uttal addresses with bold directness on songs like “Bolo Ram (Let the Spirits Sing),” a multi-layered, densely-percussive piece that ranks with his most personal outpourings.
7/9/200956 minutes, 32 seconds
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Arielle Ford, The Soulmate Secret

Have you ever wondered what it takes to find the love of your life? Is it your dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you? The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction will show you how to take control of your romantic destiny. Arielle Ford knows that finding true love is possible for anyone at any age if you’re willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love. Arielle used the techniques in this book to bring her soulmate, Brian Hilliard, into her life at age forty-four. They were engaged three weeks later. Now together for more than ten years, her techniques have worked for men and women from 18 to 85 years of age.
7/2/200955 minutes, 25 seconds
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Arielle Ford, The Soulmate Secret

Have you ever wondered what it takes to find the love of your life? Is it your dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you? The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction will show you how to take control of your romantic destiny. Arielle Ford knows that finding true love is possible for anyone at any age if you’re willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love. Arielle used the techniques in this book to bring her soulmate, Brian Hilliard, into her life at age forty-four. They were engaged three weeks later. Now together for more than ten years, her techniques have worked for men and women from 18 to 85 years of age.
7/2/200955 minutes, 25 seconds
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Arielle Ford, The Soulmate Secret

Have you ever wondered what it takes to find the love of your life? Is it your dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you? The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction will show you how to take control of your romantic destiny. Arielle Ford knows that finding true love is possible for anyone at any age if you’re willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love. Arielle used the techniques in this book to bring her soulmate, Brian Hilliard, into her life at age forty-four. They were engaged three weeks later. Now together for more than ten years, her techniques have worked for men and women from 18 to 85 years of age.
7/2/200955 minutes, 25 seconds
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Catherine Crawford, 'The Highly Intuitive Child'

Some children can walk into a room and feel “the vibe” instantly in their body. Others may tune into an unspoken family conflict, or tell someone to be careful before stumbling into an unknown situation. These may seem to be the normal human qualities of intuition and empathy, but in highly intuitive children (and adults), such traits are supercharged. Growing up in a culture that favors the rational and the five senses can be difficult for gifted children. This book shows parents, teachers, and therapists how to help them — and those around them — embrace and exercise their gift. The Highly Intuitive Child covers a wealth of topics including: how to easily identify the intuitive child; how life is different for them; the 10 skills to learn before leaving home; the connections between neuroscience and empathy; what other cultures can teach us about supporting intuitive children; success stories; and much more.
6/25/200956 minutes, 25 seconds
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Catherine Crawford, 'The Highly Intuitive Child'

Some children can walk into a room and feel “the vibe” instantly in their body. Others may tune into an unspoken family conflict, or tell someone to be careful before stumbling into an unknown situation. These may seem to be the normal human qualities of intuition and empathy, but in highly intuitive children (and adults), such traits are supercharged. Growing up in a culture that favors the rational and the five senses can be difficult for gifted children. This book shows parents, teachers, and therapists how to help them — and those around them — embrace and exercise their gift. The Highly Intuitive Child covers a wealth of topics including: how to easily identify the intuitive child; how life is different for them; the 10 skills to learn before leaving home; the connections between neuroscience and empathy; what other cultures can teach us about supporting intuitive children; success stories; and much more.
6/25/200956 minutes, 25 seconds
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Catherine Crawford, 'The Highly Intuitive Child'

Some children can walk into a room and feel “the vibe” instantly in their body. Others may tune into an unspoken family conflict, or tell someone to be careful before stumbling into an unknown situation. These may seem to be the normal human qualities of intuition and empathy, but in highly intuitive children (and adults), such traits are supercharged. Growing up in a culture that favors the rational and the five senses can be difficult for gifted children. This book shows parents, teachers, and therapists how to help them — and those around them — embrace and exercise their gift. The Highly Intuitive Child covers a wealth of topics including: how to easily identify the intuitive child; how life is different for them; the 10 skills to learn before leaving home; the connections between neuroscience and empathy; what other cultures can teach us about supporting intuitive children; success stories; and much more.
6/25/200956 minutes, 25 seconds
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Mirabai Devi, Divine Light

Mirabai Devi travels the world bringing peace and healing to thousands. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, from a very young age Mirabai saw the suffering in humanity which spurred a deep opening in her heart and filled her with compassion. Her earliest training came directly from the Divine Light and the beings of Light [Masters] who appeared before her when she was a child. They came to teach and prepare her for her future healing mission. Later, she journeyed to India and throughout the West, studying with teachers from varied spiritual traditions. Her work is non-denominational, incorporating all the knowledge she has received and that which she has experienced directly.
6/18/200955 minutes, 45 seconds
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Mirabai Devi, Divine Light

Mirabai Devi travels the world bringing peace and healing to thousands. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, from a very young age Mirabai saw the suffering in humanity which spurred a deep opening in her heart and filled her with compassion. Her earliest training came directly from the Divine Light and the beings of Light [Masters] who appeared before her when she was a child. They came to teach and prepare her for her future healing mission. Later, she journeyed to India and throughout the West, studying with teachers from varied spiritual traditions. Her work is non-denominational, incorporating all the knowledge she has received and that which she has experienced directly.
6/18/200955 minutes, 45 seconds
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Mirabai Devi, Divine Light

Mirabai Devi travels the world bringing peace and healing to thousands. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, from a very young age Mirabai saw the suffering in humanity which spurred a deep opening in her heart and filled her with compassion. Her earliest training came directly from the Divine Light and the beings of Light [Masters] who appeared before her when she was a child. They came to teach and prepare her for her future healing mission. Later, she journeyed to India and throughout the West, studying with teachers from varied spiritual traditions. Her work is non-denominational, incorporating all the knowledge she has received and that which she has experienced directly.
6/18/200955 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ester Nicholson, Child Above the Sun

The daughter of a Baptist minister and raised in a home with strong gospel roots, Ester Nicholson has taken her music around the globe performing as a vocalist with Rod Stewart, Bette Midler, Brenda Russell, Al Green, Faith Hill, Beyonce, Carol King, Barbara Streisand and many others. But the real story of Ester Nicholson is not her famous performances on Good Morning America or on tours around the world. The untold story is her recovery from drug addiction through her genuine love of the Divine, and the incredible life transformation that resulted from that love. Through years of work, study and prayer, Ester has been reborn as a successful musical artist, businesswoman and inspirational speaker.
6/11/200954 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ester Nicholson, Child Above the Sun

The daughter of a Baptist minister and raised in a home with strong gospel roots, Ester Nicholson has taken her music around the globe performing as a vocalist with Rod Stewart, Bette Midler, Brenda Russell, Al Green, Faith Hill, Beyonce, Carol King, Barbara Streisand and many others. But the real story of Ester Nicholson is not her famous performances on Good Morning America or on tours around the world. The untold story is her recovery from drug addiction through her genuine love of the Divine, and the incredible life transformation that resulted from that love. Through years of work, study and prayer, Ester has been reborn as a successful musical artist, businesswoman and inspirational speaker.
6/11/200954 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ester Nicholson, Child Above the Sun

The daughter of a Baptist minister and raised in a home with strong gospel roots, Ester Nicholson has taken her music around the globe performing as a vocalist with Rod Stewart, Bette Midler, Brenda Russell, Al Green, Faith Hill, Beyonce, Carol King, Barbara Streisand and many others. But the real story of Ester Nicholson is not her famous performances on Good Morning America or on tours around the world. The untold story is her recovery from drug addiction through her genuine love of the Divine, and the incredible life transformation that resulted from that love. Through years of work, study and prayer, Ester has been reborn as a successful musical artist, businesswoman and inspirational speaker.
6/11/200954 minutes, 41 seconds
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Light Seven and The Chakras: Mykal Aubry

Breathing...Human...Being. The art of Mykal Aubry invokes peace within the heart and reflects the majesty of being alive. Born from his essence, Mykal's work speaks to and communes with the viewer, using images of the human form, geometric patterns and star formations. See and feel each painting as a prayer, a portal, a transmission, a temple to enter into and receive whatever aspects of you that are desired. An interactive experience on an energetic level between and through the field and consciousness of the painting and that of the individual viewing the painting. The exchange is an attunement of energies, a communion using images of the human form, patterns of light and organic ethereal matter. Star formations are also important symbols that are present in my work as anchors and focal points of highly concentrated gateways of accelerated, crystalline energy. The beauty of Myka Aubry came through a story of inspirational journey.
6/4/200956 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Light Seven and The Chakras: Mykal Aubry

Breathing...Human...Being. The art of Mykal Aubry invokes peace within the heart and reflects the majesty of being alive. Born from his essence, Mykal's work speaks to and communes with the viewer, using images of the human form, geometric patterns and star formations. See and feel each painting as a prayer, a portal, a transmission, a temple to enter into and receive whatever aspects of you that are desired. An interactive experience on an energetic level between and through the field and consciousness of the painting and that of the individual viewing the painting. The exchange is an attunement of energies, a communion using images of the human form, patterns of light and organic ethereal matter. Star formations are also important symbols that are present in my work as anchors and focal points of highly concentrated gateways of accelerated, crystalline energy. The beauty of Myka Aubry came through a story of inspirational journey.
6/4/200956 minutes, 44 seconds
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Light Seven and The Chakras: Mykal Aubry

Breathing...Human...Being. The art of Mykal Aubry invokes peace within the heart and reflects the majesty of being alive. Born from his essence, Mykal's work speaks to and communes with the viewer, using images of the human form, geometric patterns and star formations. See and feel each painting as a prayer, a portal, a transmission, a temple to enter into and receive whatever aspects of you that are desired. An interactive experience on an energetic level between and through the field and consciousness of the painting and that of the individual viewing the painting. The exchange is an attunement of energies, a communion using images of the human form, patterns of light and organic ethereal matter. Star formations are also important symbols that are present in my work as anchors and focal points of highly concentrated gateways of accelerated, crystalline energy. The beauty of Myka Aubry came through a story of inspirational journey.
6/4/200956 minutes, 44 seconds
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Freedom From Food: Patricia Bisch

Freedom from Food presents a revolutionary program designed by Patricia Bisch, who discovered the secret to regaining her power over food without deprivation. Built on the solid foundation of quantum physics, which substantiates how the mind affects the body. Freedom From Food provides practical applications of principles that guide you to making your consciousness strong enough to transform your body. Patricia Bisch lived the painful life of an overeater from her teen years to well into early adulthood. Then, over 30 years ago, she discovered the secret to regaining her power over food-- not through deprivation, but as a way to enjoy eating and to lose weight anyway. She proceeded to practice and perfect the principles and remains completely healed.
5/28/200956 minutes, 35 seconds
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Freedom From Food: Patricia Bisch

Freedom from Food presents a revolutionary program designed by Patricia Bisch, who discovered the secret to regaining her power over food without deprivation. Built on the solid foundation of quantum physics, which substantiates how the mind affects the body. Freedom From Food provides practical applications of principles that guide you to making your consciousness strong enough to transform your body. Patricia Bisch lived the painful life of an overeater from her teen years to well into early adulthood. Then, over 30 years ago, she discovered the secret to regaining her power over food-- not through deprivation, but as a way to enjoy eating and to lose weight anyway. She proceeded to practice and perfect the principles and remains completely healed.
5/28/200956 minutes, 35 seconds
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Freedom From Food: Patricia Bisch

Freedom from Food presents a revolutionary program designed by Patricia Bisch, who discovered the secret to regaining her power over food without deprivation. Built on the solid foundation of quantum physics, which substantiates how the mind affects the body. Freedom From Food provides practical applications of principles that guide you to making your consciousness strong enough to transform your body. Patricia Bisch lived the painful life of an overeater from her teen years to well into early adulthood. Then, over 30 years ago, she discovered the secret to regaining her power over food-- not through deprivation, but as a way to enjoy eating and to lose weight anyway. She proceeded to practice and perfect the principles and remains completely healed.
5/28/200956 minutes, 35 seconds
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Emotional Freedom: Dr. Judith Orloff

Intuition plays an indispensable role in self-diagnosis, pain control, immune response and recovery from acute and chronic illness. As you nurture your intuitive healing capacity your body then provides the energy needed to create holistic methodologies that assist you in creating breakthroughs in anxiety, panic, depression, and other emotional blockages. This approach can be a bridge between traditional and complementary medicine. Transform negative emotions such as fear, worry, and frustration into courage, calm, and patience. Identify your “emotional type” and combat emotional vampires who can agitate your mood. Every step we make in the direction towards emotional freedom lets us be heroes in our own lives and creates a ripple effect to the world so that we can create positive change. Guest, Dr. Judith Orloff takes us through many emotional types and how one takes steps toward emotional freedom.
5/21/200947 minutes, 31 seconds
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Emotional Freedom: Dr. Judith Orloff

Intuition plays an indispensable role in self-diagnosis, pain control, immune response and recovery from acute and chronic illness. As you nurture your intuitive healing capacity your body then provides the energy needed to create holistic methodologies that assist you in creating breakthroughs in anxiety, panic, depression, and other emotional blockages. This approach can be a bridge between traditional and complementary medicine. Transform negative emotions such as fear, worry, and frustration into courage, calm, and patience. Identify your “emotional type” and combat emotional vampires who can agitate your mood. Every step we make in the direction towards emotional freedom lets us be heroes in our own lives and creates a ripple effect to the world so that we can create positive change. Guest, Dr. Judith Orloff takes us through many emotional types and how one takes steps toward emotional freedom.
5/21/200947 minutes, 31 seconds
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Emotional Freedom: Dr. Judith Orloff

Intuition plays an indispensable role in self-diagnosis, pain control, immune response and recovery from acute and chronic illness. As you nurture your intuitive healing capacity your body then provides the energy needed to create holistic methodologies that assist you in creating breakthroughs in anxiety, panic, depression, and other emotional blockages. This approach can be a bridge between traditional and complementary medicine. Transform negative emotions such as fear, worry, and frustration into courage, calm, and patience. Identify your “emotional type” and combat emotional vampires who can agitate your mood. Every step we make in the direction towards emotional freedom lets us be heroes in our own lives and creates a ripple effect to the world so that we can create positive change. Guest, Dr. Judith Orloff takes us through many emotional types and how one takes steps toward emotional freedom.
5/21/200947 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Relationship to 'Self': Ken and Renee Kizer

One of the most grave illnesses today is the 'diease of disconnect', the unspoken way that many walk through life never feeling connected. So many feel different than everyone else and close off rather than seeing those others as exactly the same: wanting to share and love, feeling some pain or abndonment, and seeking of community. It is easy to walk away from relationships that do not work. Often when a relationship is there for a while, experiences will trigger, upset, or frustration. Discover how everything is a mirror, particularly relationships with others. In viewing relationships, we actually begin to understand who we really have been so that more conscious choices can be made. Join breathwork and relationship cpaches, ken & renee Kizer, as we learn to laugh at the lives we create, the mirrors we see reflected and the journey we have chosen.
5/14/200952 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Relationship to 'Self': Ken and Renee Kizer

One of the most grave illnesses today is the 'diease of disconnect', the unspoken way that many walk through life never feeling connected. So many feel different than everyone else and close off rather than seeing those others as exactly the same: wanting to share and love, feeling some pain or abndonment, and seeking of community. It is easy to walk away from relationships that do not work. Often when a relationship is there for a while, experiences will trigger, upset, or frustration. Discover how everything is a mirror, particularly relationships with others. In viewing relationships, we actually begin to understand who we really have been so that more conscious choices can be made. Join breathwork and relationship cpaches, ken & renee Kizer, as we learn to laugh at the lives we create, the mirrors we see reflected and the journey we have chosen.
5/14/200952 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Relationship to 'Self': Ken and Renee Kizer

One of the most grave illnesses today is the 'diease of disconnect', the unspoken way that many walk through life never feeling connected. So many feel different than everyone else and close off rather than seeing those others as exactly the same: wanting to share and love, feeling some pain or abndonment, and seeking of community. It is easy to walk away from relationships that do not work. Often when a relationship is there for a while, experiences will trigger, upset, or frustration. Discover how everything is a mirror, particularly relationships with others. In viewing relationships, we actually begin to understand who we really have been so that more conscious choices can be made. Join breathwork and relationship cpaches, ken & renee Kizer, as we learn to laugh at the lives we create, the mirrors we see reflected and the journey we have chosen.
5/14/200952 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Love Response: Dr. Eva Selhub

Fear, anger and anxiety- - the side effects of life's stresses - are natural and sometimes helpful, but left unchecked they can lead to a host of debilitating ailments. There is good news, though: the key to a healthylife free of these conditions is to activate the love response : a series of biochemical reactions that lower blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and adrenaline levels, stimulating physical healing and reinstating balance and well -being. Discover a practical life-healing program, the first of its kind that allows individuals to reverse the destructive physical effects of fear and stress, and banish emotional wounds from the past. Meet Dr. Eva Selhub, author of The Love Response, and discover the three building blocks of mental health: social love, self-love, and spiritual love.
5/7/200953 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Love Response: Dr. Eva Selhub

Fear, anger and anxiety- - the side effects of life's stresses - are natural and sometimes helpful, but left unchecked they can lead to a host of debilitating ailments. There is good news, though: the key to a healthylife free of these conditions is to activate the love response : a series of biochemical reactions that lower blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and adrenaline levels, stimulating physical healing and reinstating balance and well -being. Discover a practical life-healing program, the first of its kind that allows individuals to reverse the destructive physical effects of fear and stress, and banish emotional wounds from the past. Meet Dr. Eva Selhub, author of The Love Response, and discover the three building blocks of mental health: social love, self-love, and spiritual love.
5/7/200953 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Love Response: Dr. Eva Selhub

Fear, anger and anxiety- - the side effects of life's stresses - are natural and sometimes helpful, but left unchecked they can lead to a host of debilitating ailments. There is good news, though: the key to a healthylife free of these conditions is to activate the love response : a series of biochemical reactions that lower blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and adrenaline levels, stimulating physical healing and reinstating balance and well -being. Discover a practical life-healing program, the first of its kind that allows individuals to reverse the destructive physical effects of fear and stress, and banish emotional wounds from the past. Meet Dr. Eva Selhub, author of The Love Response, and discover the three building blocks of mental health: social love, self-love, and spiritual love.
5/7/200953 minutes, 36 seconds