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chest of drawers

United Kingdom

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5 tracks
5 sample tracks
Green Bottles
About chest of drawers
I'm a marine biologst working in business finance... however, if I have time on the weekends I like to play around with my piano and guitars, rigging them up to a laptop and recording music that I think's missing from my cd library. The music's not realy for anyone other than myself but, for sure, if someone else wants to give it a listen this place seems like the perfect place to give them that opportunity. My first EP is mostly structured around the song 'Today' which I recorded the other day, the other songs are some ideas I slotted together when I first started recording a year or so ago. I've now got some new equipment and 'Today' is the first song I've recorded from four or five that I've had written and stored away on bits of paper and in my memory. I plan to have them all recorded soon and I'll lump them together in an album. Until then, let me know what you think so far, suggestions and critisisms not only welcome, but desired.