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Over ZULU.
It all began in 2005 when three guys (Csaba Zoltán (vocals), Söptei Balázs (guitar), Hörömpöli Erik(guitar)) decided to make some sick music. They started to play with Kiss Gábor (guitar, originally bass) and Metzger Dávid (drums).Erik left the band and Kozma Dániel (bass) came to take his place. Months later Dávid joined the band Horda and he decided not to continue playing in ZULU. To his place Réti Gábor came.In autumn the band made gigs in clubs of Budapest. In spring 2006 ZULU recorded a 3 song EP in a home studio but it was never finished. After summer 2006 there were some changes in the line-up because Kiss Gábor, Kozma Dániel and Réti Gábor left the band. The new drummer was Urbán Marcell, the new bassist was Fánczi Gábor. With them the music became more universal. ZULU played with leading hungarian underground bands eg. Watch My Dying, Tech-No-Logic, Everflash, Lights Go Out, Insane, Cadaveres, Replika.The first album (called Magadat Kerested) with the new guys was recorded in the summer of 2007, and in this year the ZULU was playing in the world famous SZIGET festival.