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The Orange Cover
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The Orange


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2 canciones
2 muestras
Gran Torino
The Butterflies Night
Sobre The Orange
Rock band romana che alterna cover d'autore a brani originali.Molto attiva per quanto riguarda i live act predilige spettacoli adrenalinici ed un repertorio basato sul rock and roll anni '50 e '60 con arrangiamenti fedeli agli originali ma sempre con quel pizzico di novità che non guasta mai. Rock cover band from Rome that alternates copyright to original songs.Very active on the live act with a preference for adrenaline shows and a repertoire based on rock and roll 50s and 60s with arrangements true to the original but still with that bit of news that never hurts. Membri/Members:Gabriele Gambardella: Voice & Rhytm GuitarMoreno Germani: Voice & Lead GuitarMaurizio Boldrini: Voice, Harmonica & GuitarAndrea D'Alberti: BassMarco Miceli: Drums