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Inside The Fall


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3 tracks
3 sample tracks
Inside The Fall - Highest Walls of Despair
Inside The Fall - Threnody At Dusk
Inside The Fall - Fallen Leaves of July
About Inside The Fall
INSIDE THE FALL was formed in January 2011, involving the musical reunion of two close old friends who had been carrying their own sonic experiences through separately due to the distance.The project was taking shape into its driving force’s mind (Aitor Iglesias) for a long time before, faced with the need for him to go back to the roots, to put his ideas in order and turn into reality what he had been searching for years.Aitor is an experienced drummer who had played in several bands before such as Gravity Lock, A Tumba Abierta, Lost Emotions, In Loving Memory… but finally he decides to pick up his guitar again this time in order to arrange and perform his own compositions, taking the inspiration from the most classic / unadulterated Doom Metal in a dark, melancholic and depressive vein.Then recruits David Nevado as a vocalist and the responsible behind lyrical concept too… Both members had been playing together in a band named Deep Hate sixteen years before, which, although it was an ephemeral experience, it’s still today regarded as the root of everything coming after, musically speaking, including INSIDE THE FALL. David is currently involved in several Death, Doom, Black Metal projects as a guitarist, bassist and singer, such as Incorporea (Black-Doom Metal Depressive) among others…The band have just unleashed their self-financed debut Mini-CD, “…As Life Withers”, professionally pressed and limited to 500 copies, including four tracks of deep, melancholic and afflictive Melodic Doom Metal. INSIDE THE FALL ARE:Aitor IglesiasDavid Nevado INSIDE THE FALL nace oficialmente en enero de 2011, suponiendoel reencuentro musical de dos viejos e íntimos amigos que hasta el momentohabían llevado a efecto sus experiencias por separado debido a la distancia. Elproyecto llevaba tiempo gestándose en la mente de su impulsor, Aitor Iglesias,ante la necesidad de volver a las raíces, ordenar sus ideas y llevar a efecto... lo que había perseguido desde hace años. Baterista de dilatada experiencia,que con anterioridad había formado parte de bandas como A Tumba Abierta,Gravity Lock, Lost Emotions o In Loving Memory, Aitor decide retomarsu faceta como guitarrista para componer y ejecutar sus propias ideas, eneste caso bajo la inspiración del Doom Metal más clásico, sin adulterar, y a lapar oscuro melancólico y depresivo, reclutando para ello a David Nevado como vocalista y responsable del concepto lírico. Ambos habían coincidido dieciséis añosatrás en la que pudo ser su primera banda estable y con una dirección más omenos clara: Deep Hate, de efímera existencia, pero que hoy consideran elembrión de todo lo que llegaría después… En la actualidad, David es vocalista,guitarrista y bajista de la banda de Depressive Black-Doom Metal Incorporea, así como de otros proyectos dentro de los terrenos del Death Metal, Doom y Black Metal.La banda acaba de autoeditar su primer mini-CD, “...As Life Withers”, de forma totalmente profesional y en edición limitada a 500 copias, conteniendo cuatro temas de aflictivo, melancólico y sentido Doom Metal melódico. INSIDE THE FALL son:Aitor IglesiasDavid Nevado