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4 tracks. 4 tracks.
4 Hörbeispiele.
A Pyrrhic Victory for Humanity
Season of the Locust
The Ambulant Plague of Humans
Über Havok.
Havok began in the year of 2003, when guitarists Mahan Ahmadi and Miguel Cabrera founded the technical thrash/death metal outfit Ecliptica, in the southern swedish city of Lund. With a loosely knit formation, they recorded a couple of songs. During the winter of 2004, they were on the hunt for a new drummer, and conveniently found Johan Cronqvist, who had recently immigrated from the town of Halmstad. With him came the change of bandname, turning the music towards a more brutal, chaotic death metal sound, yet still with remnants from the thrash days. Trying out various musicians to fill the void behind microphone and bass, the summer of 2005 brought the vocalist Johan Bergström. Some months later, as winter approached, Andreas Johansson joined the band, filling the last gap in the line-up with his bass. As time progressed, the songwriting continued to evolve, leaving older songs behind, sharpening their composing skills, and a few live performances in Lund took place. In July 2006, this constellation entered a studio for the first time (Flatpig, in Malmö), recording their four tracked debut demo, ”Realms of Reverie”. Despite a generally positive respone to the demo, Havok were not overly satisfied with how the sound turned out, moving on composing the follow-up single, entitled ”World Shroud”. It was recorded at the end of 2006 at the Blacklodge Studio in Örkelljunga, and is bound to be released in the beginning of February.