Prosperity Podcast by Samriddhi Foundation aims to dissect contemporary development issues with an alternative lens. We hope the podcast will spur dialogue on alternative development narratives. Prosperity Podcast encourages guests to freely discuss their experiences, ideas, and opinions. The opinions expressed by the guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Samriddhi Foundation.
मूल्यवृद्धि, मुद्रास्फिती र नेपालको आर्थिक अवस्थाको बारेमा सिद्धराज भट्टसंगको कुराकनी
मूल्यवृद्धिको र मुद्रास्फितीले देश आक्रान्त बनेको समयमा आम नागरिकको जीवन यापनमा कस्तो कस्तो प्रभाव पर्न सक्छ? के कस्ता कारणले गर्दा मूल्यवृद्धिको मुद्रास्फिती र आर्थिक संकट को अवस्था आउन सक्छ? के यस्तो प्रकारको स्तिथी नेपाल जस्तो बिकासोन्मुख देशहरुले लामो समय सम्म थेग्न सक्छन? जस्ता अन्य थुप्रै प्रश्नहरुको जवाफ दिन Prosperity Podcast को यो श्रिंखला मा हाम्रो अतिथी हुनुहुन्छ नेपालको केन्द्रीय बैंकका उपनिर्देशक अर्थशास्त्री सिद्धराज भट्ट ।
सिद्धराज भट्ट एक अर्थशास्त्री हुन् उनी अहिले नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकको आर्थिक अनुसन्धान विभागका उपनिर्देशकको रुपमा कार्यरत हुनुहुन्छ। साथै उहाँले University of London र Tribhuvan University बाट अर्थशास्त्रको अध्ययन गर्नु भएको छ साथै उहाँले Harvard University र Boston University बाट पनि economics को अध्ययन गर्नु भएको छ ।
उहाँ र उहाँको कामका बारेमा थप जानकारीक लगी तल दिएका linkहरु visit गर्नुहोस् ⬇️
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हामीलाई Facebook र Twitter मा follow गर्न पनि नबिर्सिनुहोला ।
22/9/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
In conversation with Aayusha Shrestha
In this Global Entrepreneurship Week 2021 (GEW) special episode, we speak to Aayusha Shrestha, founder and designer of AAMO. AAMO is a conceptual accessories brand that prioritizes on understanding, documenting and preserving traditional skill sets of metal crafters. Launched in 2016, AAMO works closely with home based artisans, who continue to practice traditional skills, which has been passed down generationally. and has become a beloved brand for artisanal and handmade accessories.
On November 14, we wrapped up this year’s Global Entrepreneurship Week. Global Entrepreneurship Week is the world’s largest celebration of entrepreneurs, innovators, job creators and startup champions. In celebration of GEW2021, we spoke to three Nepali entrepreneurs on the trials and tribulations of being an entrepreneur in Nepal. In our previous episodes, we spoke to Biswas Dhakal, the president and chairperson of F1Soft and Amun Thapa is the CEO of Sastodeal. Please check those episodes.
We had asked our audience on social media to send any question they have for our guests. We would like to thank everyone who sent us the questions.
Prosperity Podcast is presented to you by Samriddhi Foundation. To learn more about the podcast and listen to our previous episodes, please visit our website
17/11/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
In conversation with Amun Thapa | #GEW2021 Special
In this Global Entrepreneurship Week 2021 (GEW) special episode, Amun Thapa gives us an insight into Nepali ecommerce industry and where it is headed. The founder and CEO of Sastodeal, his company is one of the pioneers in Nepali ecommerce. He is also a co-founder of a string of other homegrown brands, including Anthropose and Khalisisi. He currently serves as the president of Confederation of Nepalese Industries Young Entrepreneurs Forum (CNIYEF). And, if you are on LinkedIn, his weekly ‘5 Things SD’ is a delightful read.
This year’s #GEW2021 will be celebrated from November 8 to 14. GEW is the world’s largest celebration of entrepreneurs, innovators, job creators and startup champions. In celebration of GEW, we are speaking to three Nepali entrepreneurs who have pushed the limits of entrepreneurship in Nepal. In our previous episode, we spoke to Biswas Dhakal, the President and Chairperson of F1Soft. In our next episode, we will speak to Aayusha Shrestha, the cofounder and designer at AAMO.
We had asked our audience on social media to send any question they have for our guests. So, a massive thank you to everyone who sent us the questions.
Prosperity Podcast is presented to you by Samriddhi Foundation. To learn more about the podcast and listen to our previous episodes, please visit our website
12/11/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
विश्वास ढकालसँगको कुराकानी | #GEW2021 विशेष
नेपाली information technology को क्षेत्रमा F1Soft लाई एउटा अग्रणी कम्पनी मानिन्छ । सन् २००४ मा स्थापना भएदेखि नै F1Soft ले विभिन्न प्रकारका डिजिटल products र सेवाहरू मार्फत नेपालीहरूको जीवन सहज र सरल बनाउन लागी परेको छ । F1Soft अन्तर्गतकै सन् २००६ मा सुरू भएको eSewa मोबाइलबाट पैसा पठाउने, पाउने सेवाको पर्यायवाची जस्तै नै भएको छ । Financial technology मा हासिल गरेको सफलता पश्चात हाल F1Soft ले अन्य क्षत्रहरूमा पनि आफ्नो उपस्थिति बढाउँदै लगेको छ । आजको एपिसोडमा हामी F1Soft का अध्यक्ष र Chairperson विश्वास ढकालसँग कुराकानी गर्दैँ छौँ ।
यस एपिसोड Global Entrepreneurship Week २०२१ को उपलक्ष्यमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको हो । यस वर्षको Global Entrepreneurship Week २०२१ November 8 तारिख देखि November १४ सम्म मनाउदैँ छौँ । विश्वभरका उद्यमीहरू, लगानीकर्ताहरू, नवप्रवर्तकहरू, जो आफ्नो समाजमा भएका अनेकौँ समस्याहरूको समाधान खोज्न तल्लीन छन् र उहाँहरूका प्रयासहरू र सफलता र सँघर्षका कथाहरूलाई celebrate गर्ने, उहाँहरूलाई थप उत्साह र उर्जा दिने उद्देश्य सहित मनाइने यस उद्यमशीलताको पर्वलाई हामी यस वर्ष पनि मनाउदैँछौँ ।
Global Entrepreneurship Week २०२१ कै उपलक्ष्यमा हामी नेपाली उद्यमशीलता जगतमा सफलताका नयाँ उचाईहरूलाई पुग्न सक्षम तीन उद्यमीहरूसँग कुराकानी गर्दैछौँ । यस हप्ताभर हामीसँग F1Soft International का अध्यक्ष विश्वास ढकाल, Sastodeal का अमुन थापा र आमोका आयुषा श्रेष्ठ पडकाष्टमा जोडिनुहुनेछ ।
Thank you so much for listening to this special episode of Prosperity Podcast. Prosperity Podcast is presented to you by Samriddhi Foundation. To learn more about the podcast and listen to our previous episodes, please visit our website