Experiences, ideas, and perspective are only worthy when one who perceives them get the platform to share it. To today ’s context, those platforms are duly lacking among the vibrating youth who are in seek of it. Mero 2 paisa is an initiative to highlight those experiences which aspire others to get inspired, ideas that get exposure and guidance to take it into action and perspective values are cordially valued. So sharing those perspective worth of 2 cents which had never been taken into credibility is what Mero 2 Paisa for. For More: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mero2Paisa
Breaking out of a habit | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 83
Mero2Paisa is back with a new episode where Aashish and Chhitiz have a fun yet intellectual conversation covering several general subjects but yet sticking and relating them to a theme of habits and breaking out of them. In this episode, the guys share that Aashish has been planning to join a Vipasana camp and this episode is the last episode he does before he leaves. He shares why he felt the need of Vipasana in his life. He then further elaborates that he has taken this decision not only for spiritual reasons but to let go of some of his daily habits that have been hindering him from tapping into his utmost potential. With this, then the duo talk about habits and how they are shaped and how they shape us. Listen to the full episode learn and enjoy.
Visit: https://www.nepalipiedpiper.com/
Connect with Aashish:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nepalipiedpiper/?hl=en
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aashish-adhikari-05224446/
Connect with Chhitiz:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chhitiz.bahety/?hl=en
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chhitizbahety/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChhitizBahety
08/02/2021 • 53 minutes, 41 secondes
Do we really know what education means? - Ayush Bajracharya | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 82
This episode of Mero2Paisa features Ayush Bajracharya, who is a podcaster himself and hosts "Ke cha ta" podcast and has been working as a teacher in highschool level. The host Chhitiz and Ayush have a fun and insightful conversation on the education system of Nepal and the quality of education that the Nepali educational institutions have been providing. They discuss how all of us value scores and certificates more than actual knowledge. The conversation covers how education is being glamorized and how our intention and attitude towards education has affected the schooling ecosystem. The podcast is funny and light with both of the speakers sharing their experiences and stories.
Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
Connect with Ayush: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bajruman/?hl=en
Connect with Chhitiz: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chhitiz.bahety/?hl=en
The Audio Version of Our Podcast is Available on the following platform,
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3n0O0LM5RY9AVGdv2w7KG0
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/np/podcast/mero-2-paisa/id1523261142
Google Podcast: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy85NTE2NGYwL3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/mero2paisa
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Catch us on other social media for more:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meroduipaisa
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Website: https://mero2paisa.com/
25/12/2020 • 1 heure, 15 minutes, 5 secondes
Recategorization of Cannabis as a drug : What it means for Nepal | Raijv Kafle | Episode - 81
In this episode of Mero2paisa, Aashish is joined by Rajiv Kafle, who is an activist and has been actively advocating for the legalization of marijuana usage in Nepal. The episode takes off with the duo talking about how cannabis has always been a part of Nepal and its culture. Rajiv mentions how cannabis attracted the hippies to visit Nepal and how that era has help set a foundation to grow the tourism industry in Nepal. Rajiv mentions the socio-political reasons on why marijuana had been categorized as a harmful and addictive substance and how the UN is recategorizing it as a less harmful drug. The duo discuss on the possibilities in medical advancement and economic progress if cannabis is to be legalized. In the second half of the episode, they talk about how Nepal can benefit from the recategorization of cannabis and how it can take steps to legalize it in order to have it under the regulated economic umbrella. They also talk how our national leaders can use this opportunity to actually make an impact on different socio-economic levels of Nepal. The conversation covers a general idea on the prospect that can be created with legalization of cannabis in Nepal.
Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
Connect with Rajiv : https://www.instagram.com/imtopendra2/?hl=en
Connect with Aashish: https://www.instagram.com/nepalipiedpiper/?hl=en
The Audio Version of Our Podcast is Available on the following platform,
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3n0O0LM5RY9AVGdv2w7KG0
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/np/podcast/mero-2-paisa/id1523261142
Google Podcast: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy85NTE2NGYwL3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/mero2paisa
If you have any suggestions and feedback then feel free to drop us an email at [email protected]
Catch us on other social media for more:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meroduipaisa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mero2paisa/
Website: https://mero2paisa.com/
11/12/2020 • 54 minutes, 57 secondes
"I exited RedMud." - Aashish Adhikari | Mero 2 Paisa - Nepali Podcast | Episode - 80
After a break of three months due to covid and lockdown, the team is back with a new episode. Chhitiz and Aashish discuss why they had to take a break from podcasting and what has changed in Aashish's life in the time of his absence from the podcasting life. Aashish shares the news of his exit from RedMud Coffee and how he feels about it. The duo then turns the conversation to talk about the need and significance of taking conscious breaks. Chhitiz asks Aashish if having this long break and being away from Kathmandu has brought any changes in him to which Aashish replies how he feels energy-wise, motivation wise, and attitude towards life-wise. The duo also discusses a new project called "Parayati" that they have been working on. It is a transformative workshop that is well designed and curated in order to help one understand his/her strengths, weaknesses, goals, dreams and give him/her a push towards his/her ambition.
To learn more about the workshop go to https://www.nepalipiedpiper.com/event
Listen to the full podcast, learn, and enjoy.
Connect with Aashish:
Connect with Chhitiz:
The Audio Version of Our Podcast is Available on the following platform,
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3n0O0LM5RY9AVGdv2w7KG0
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/np/podcast/mero-2-paisa/id1523261142
Google Podcast: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy85NTE2NGYwL3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/mero2paisa
Also Available on other major podcast platforms.
If you have any suggestions and feedback then feel free to drop us an email at
[email protected]
Catch us on other social media for more:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meroduipaisa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mero2paisa/
Website: https://mero2paisa.com/
Initiative of,
Dropout Media and Events Pvt. Ltd.
Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal
+977 - 9866495078
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dropoutmedianp/
Website: http://www.dropoutcreation.com/
Awesome Team to make it Happen:
Aashish Adhikari
Mero 2 Paisa Host
Founder of RedMud Coffee
Co-Founder DropOut Media
Connect: https://www.instagram.com/nepalipiedpiper/
Chhitiz Bahety
Production Head
Co-Founder DropOut Media
Connect: https://www.instagram.com/chhitiz.bahety/
Bidhan Pokharel
Digital Media & Marketing Head
Co-Founder DropOut Media
Connect: https://instagram.com/bidhanx
Sachin Khadka
Chief Video Editor of Mero 2 Paisa
Connect: https://www.instagram.com/sac_khadka/
#mero2paisa #nepalipodcast
15/11/2020 • 41 minutes, 9 secondes
Growing one step at a time - Rohit Tiwari | Mero2Paisa | Episode - 79
We have Rohit Tiwari, CEO / Co-Founder of Foodmario joining the host Aashish Adhikari in this episode of Mero2Paisa. The conversation starts off with Rohit giving a background about his startup Foodmario. The primary subject of discussion remains entrepreneurship in this episode while the speakers discuss about leadership, team building, mission as an entrepreneur and investment. Rohit also shares about his past ventures as an entrepreneur. The conversation is light, fun and full of witty moments. In the end Rohit turns the conversation into Aashish's passion for music. The podcast covers Rohit's perception about entrepreneurship. Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
24/07/2020 • 1 heure, 59 secondes
Enough Is Enough - Iih | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 78
We have Iih in this episode of Mero2Paisa. Iih has spent his last few years travelling through Nepal and being involved as an activist in a few social causes. Lately, his initiation, "Enough Is Enough" campaign, which is regarding the ongoing issue of the Covid-19 pandemic and the handling of the situation by the Nepal Government has been in headlines in Nepali media and news. In this episode, Iih talks why he felt the need of starting the campaign and what is it that he wants to address through the means of this campaign. He shares his experience of being involved in this cause and how he finds that every youth needs to be challenging and questioning the authorities about the national and social issues when the need arises. He says how the leadership of the Nepal Government has been incompetent tackling and fighting the pandemic and how such attitude of the leaders and authorities can lead to a lot of people losing their lives.
14/07/2020 • 45 minutes, 23 secondes
Bhagavad Gita for the Millennials | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 77
This episode of Mero2paisa completely dwells on the spiritual side of life where Chhitiz and Aashish discuss their questions, curiosities and opinions regarding the subject. Chhitiz starts off the podcast with his question, "Why do we do what we do?'. Then the podcast moves forward with Aashish explaining his ideas on Chhitiz's question. Aashish talks about the fundamentals of our need to perform actions and the psychology behind them. Furthermore, Chhitiz brings in the subject "the purpose of life". The flow of the conversation revolves around these subjects touching into the content of the Bhagavad Gita. Aashish shares his experience of reading the great book and what he gained from it. The conversation includes some eastern philosophies about life which can help people in this era of global depression and pandemic. The podcast tries to communicate the importance of spirituality of life and how people can enhance this aspect of life referring to what the Bhagavad Gita has to say, and the current situation of the world and the lifestyle of people.
14/07/2020 • 1 heure, 12 minutes, 34 secondes
Entrepreneurs always find a way - Sonam Sherpa ( Founder - The New Barber) | Mero2Paisa | Episode-76
We have Mr. Sonam Sherpa, Founder of The New Barber joining Aashish Adhikari in this episode of Mero2Paisa. The conversation starts off with Sonam sharing his experience of living in Japan and his lifestyle there. He shares what he learnt about work ethics and execution working in Japan. He shares what motivated him to choose barber as a profession and what made him come back to Nepal. Continuing further, he explains his big vision as an entrepreneur and how he wants to contribute to the society. The speakers talk about stereotyping barber and how people have a preconceived perception of the profession. The conversation also covers how the hair cutting industry is unregulated and how it can be made regulated and how it can create employment in Nepal.
04/07/2020 • 48 minutes, 16 secondes
Lockdown, Empathy and Youth Consciousness | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 75
We are back in the studio with episode 75 where Aashish Adhikari and Chhitiz Bahety are having a conversation where Chhitiz starts off by sharing his experience of being completely isolated during the lockdown and about his mental and emotional experiences during the period. Then they move on to talk about their experience of being a part of the Enough Is Enough protest and their opinion regarding how it is being implemented and carried out. The conversation dwells in how the youth of Nepal should be acting and what kind of mindset they should be having. Aashish talks about how we can rise above regardless of the present scenario of chaos and how we can make difference to make our lives and the society better.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mero2Paisa?sub_confirmation=1
Catch us on other social media for more:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mero2paisaofficial
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Website: https://mero2paisa.com/
Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/mero2paisa
04/07/2020 • 50 minutes, 24 secondes
MCC आजको East India Company - Santosh Pradhan Chaudhary | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 73
Millennium Challenge Corporation(MCC) has been a disputed topic in Nepal’s politics for quite a time now. If Nepalese politicians decide to sign this contract, this would bring challenging situation in Nepal. Although our politicians have denied MCC being a part of Indo Pacific strategy, US defence’s website tells a different story. MCC is not a US government but its profit oriented corporation. It is similar to East India Corporation that entered in India few centuries back. It took almost 200 years for India to get out of it and it is said that India still hasn’t been able to get out it. Signing MCC will bring Nepal’s sovereignty at risk. The so called Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal that has never been colonized may be under the control of US military under certain conditions. MCC is said to be a donation to develop infrastructure of our country. It is said to focus mostly on electricity and road networks. Amount of Nrs 55 Arba will be given to Nepal as donation and Nepal will have to invest NRs 13 Arba. Even though it is said to be a donation, there is a clause in the document which mentions about interests in this donation. This treaty is a direct threat to Nepal’s sovereignty and we have been fooled by our politicians in believing it is for the benefit of Nepal.
Connect with Santosh Pradhan
03/07/2020 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 44 secondes
धैर्यको बाँध अब फ़ुट्नेछ अब अत्ति भयो - Aashish Adhikari | Mero2Paisa | Episode - 74
It is the seventy sixth day of the nation wide lockdown imposed by the government of Nepal as one of its strategies to prevent covid outbreak in the country. But as the lockdown prevails in full order, no genuine effort from the government to fight the pandemic and normalize the national situation back to order is observed. It seems as though the ones who need to be working to find ways to tackle the national level problem are enjoying the lockdown and treating it as a holiday. The government had plenty of time to come up with strategies to tackle the in the first month of the lockdown. But as the duration of the lockdown kept increasing, the hopes of people that the leaders will come up with something kept diminishing and at this point, people are frustrated, they're having mental breakdowns, people are starving, businesses are falling towards bankruptcy, while the focus of the leaders and the nation keeps shifting from the India-Nepal border dispute to a murder case in the rural part of Nepal, which definitely should not be the top priority of focus of the nation wide discussion. But, are they important? Yes, they are. But the covid and the lockdown situation is much more important and them. The facts actually show that Covid is not as lethal as it is perceived to be. It is only fatal to newly borns, old aged, and people already suffering from other hazardous health complications. But what makes it so fearful is the statistics that we are being presented. In reality, WHO has asked the officials to register every death occurred to anyone who has tested covid positive to have been caused by covid regardless of other health complications or diseases the person has been suffering from. Due to this, the stats show a high death toll caused by the virus which is ultimately creating a state of panic and fear. Talking about the situation in Nepal, every case of death that is supposed to caused by the virus has shown some already prevailing health complications and most importantly hundreds of people have been recovered although they are not treated for the disease. There is no known remedy for the disease so far. So, what we can conclude is our immune system can fight the virus. So, taking this into consideration, lockdown is useless. Rather, the government should be bringing modules and plans to get the nation active. Yes, we must be careful about the infection and health implications but that should come from each individual's conscience. With the lockdown prevailing for such a long period of time, the corrupts have found opportunity to fill up their bellies with curroption even more. While the leaders seem to be asleep in this dire situation, several cunning players are taking advantages of the helpless to fill up their pockets. Are our leaders really blind? Do they not see this? or are they playing blind enjoying the comfort of their places and position? Its time to dig deep and claim our freedom from those trying to benefit from keeping us in a constant loop of fear and misinformation.
03/07/2020 • 57 minutes, 28 secondes
नयाँ नेपाल सम्भव छ - Aashish Adhikari | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 72
Unlike other episodes of Mero2Paisa, this episode is a monologue of Aashish Adhikari, where his words come out of his emotions, love for the country and all the fellow Nepalese, and his frustration as a common Nepali where he talks about the issue of Nepal India border dispute and the larger picture behind the politics of the two nations. The episode starts off by Aashish addressing the current hot issue of the Nepal-India border dispute. He shares his opinion about how we got into this place of all out dependence with our neighbouring country. He shares it dates back to generations and slowly with time we have been getting more and more dependent with India. Sharing his first hand experience of how his family business of manufacturing collapsed in the early 2000s along with other several industries nation wide due to the political turmoil and international influences in the market, he brings out the statement that our behaviour as consumer has shifted through the past few decades in such a way that it has not allowed the local industries to thrive while creating a massive market for foreign businesses and ultimately them taking overall control of our economy. He shares that Nepalese are not practicing democracy properly. The people's conscience is always controlled by some controversial issue that rises in the media which is actually created to shift the citizens' attention from issues that are actually important for the well-being of the nation. He asks people be aware of the power of democracy and utilize their rights to speak out and question the debatable decisions of the government. He asks Nepalese to aspire to bring out the change in the system if they feel that they are being mistreated. He shares that he likes to see young Nepalese aspiring to become leaders of the nation and actually working to lead the nation on a prosperous path. He focuses much on Nepal's dependence on India for trade, Nepal's currency, arms and ammunition for the national army and much more and says that disputes like the on going border issue cannot be solved until Nepal can practice true sovereignty and place border security and reduce its dependence from India for trade and business. He also addresses that Nepal has a lot of foreign influences from different international bodies and even from intelligence agencies of foreign countries, who are here to fulfill their agendas and Nepal has nothing to gain from them but rather these personnel, and agencies, out of which a lot claim to be INGOs create hindrance in Nepal government's proper functioning and threat Nepal's sovereignty. In the end, he requests Nepalese all around the world to create opportunities for themselves here in Nepal rather than complaining for lack of opportunities and the financial minds of the country must focus on flourishing entrepreneurship in the country in order for Nepal to have a prosperous future so that Nepal is less dependent on foreign aids and nations and our sovereignty is secure.
Aashish Adhikari: Facebook, Instagram, Website
05/06/2020 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 11 secondes
Empowering Farmers with Smart Farming - Anil Regmi | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 71
After completing his bachelors in Electronics engineering, Mr. Anil Regmi like many tech graduates of his era thought about developing an app. This desire of him led to brainstorming about many possible field. Agriculture being the field with very high potential, he decided to develop an app related to it and that is how Smart Krishi got developed. We have been hearing Nepal is an agricultural country for countless times from our school days. But do we really know how much it is contributing to Nation’s economy and its current condition. Despite being an agricultural country, Nepal has been importing tons of agricultural products. Mr. Anil shows the potential in Agricultural in Nepal and his positive outlook inspires everyone looking to work in this field go out there and make a dent in the market. Smart Krishi has been empowering farmers towards smart farming. Mr. Anil takes us into the past and tells us how this masterpiece of his was developed and how we can all benefit from this. This is a masterpiece for anyone looking to work in an agricultural sector in Nepal. Enjoy peeps!!
Anil Regmi: Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook
Smart Krishi
17/05/2020 • 1 heure, 11 minutes, 12 secondes
Freedom of Expression Exists or Not ? - Binayak Kuikel | Mero2Paisa | Episode - 70
WHY SO OFFENDED?? There may be very few Nepalese youngsters who haven’t seen or heard this phrase. Binayak Kuikel’s signature face is the first thing that comes to our mind as soon as we hear that. Binayak completely opens up on this very light hearted podcast and let us get the full details of how he researches on his informative satirical content which never fails to put a smile on our face in addition to getting us a little bit more knowledgeable. Our host Aashish and guest Binayak dwell upon the topic of Cyber Security act’s threat, Family’s opinion on his contents, Freedom of expression, Need for change, Reason behind him doing the movies, Availability of data and information for research, Level of Journalism, Agenda based news portal, Meditation and its impacts, Growing a thick skin, Financial pressure and what not? Enjoy it peeps! We are sure you will!!
Binayak's Youtube Channel
12/05/2020 • 1 heure, 30 minutes, 44 secondes
Progress is a gradual process with Rohit Marwadi | Mero2Paisa | Episode - 69
Having being selected for Aeronautical engineering in the University of Texas, Arlington on 2013, Mr. Rohit couldn’t go due to his some personal as well as family problem. In this podcast, Mr. Rohit recalls it to be one of the best decision of his life and shares meaningful insights on Nepal’s trade condition as well as his company Agriculture Nepal’s contribution on this. During 2013-14 Mr. Rohit started as a voluntary advisor for UN and later worked in two-three companies before starting his own company named Agriculture Nepal. After India imposed trade embargo on Nepal after 2014 earthquake, Mr. Rohit dwelled upon trade data of Nepal and realized the huge trade deficit we were going through. Months of research made him realize export would be beneficial not only for himself but also for the entire nation. Our generation has the opportunity as well as responsibility to move Nepal on its way towards trade surplus. Nepal’s current trade ratio is 1:13 which points out the extreme trade deficit we are going through. Almost 9.2 billion dollars is going out of Nepal every year for import. If it wasn’t for remittance and tourism, our economy would have collapsed long time back. Before 1980’s Nepal was one of the trade surplus nation which shows the downhill we went through in the last few decades. Political turmoil made a serious impact on that matter and now finally after decades we have a stable government. Here, Mr. Aashish and Mr. Rohit share the unfortunate incidents their fathers had to go through during those times of instability and now urges the new generation to exponentially grow and increase production as we need to cover up for not only us but our previous generation.
Connect with Rohit:
09/05/2020 • 1 heure, 14 minutes, 57 secondes
The Data Pandemic | Mero2Paisa - Nepali Podcast | Episode - 68
We are all witnessing a major pandemic in the history of mankind. During this time, Corona Virus isn’t the only thing that is making us suffer. Another serious pandemic that’s threatening all of us is data pandemic. We have surely come across complete bullshit news and ridiculous information that for sure is draining our energy down completely. In this pandemic podcast, we discussed on how to handle these huge amount of information that’s floating across our mobile screen making full use of आशिष अधिकारी’s obesrvations on his won behviours. Right information takes us to different avenue and makes us free but unnecessary and fake information drains us down and can also completely jeopardize our mental peace. So, gear up and learn from the experience of us on how to handle this eco chamber of fake news and how to catch yourself from beating oneself down. Enjoy peeps!!!
Connect with the speakers:
Aashish Adhikari
Chhitiz Bahety
05/05/2020 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 52 secondes
How can we resume economic activity? | Mero2Paisa | Episode - 67
In this live session of Mero2paisa, Chhitiz Bahety (Co-founder, Dropout Media & Events ) and Aashish Adhikari (Founder, Redmud Coffee) suggested some ideas to transition from the current scenario to become economically active. The podcast starts with the touch on social-emotional bonding and how important it is to be close to your loved ones during this lockdown situation. Aashish Adhikari also shares his recent personal experience and explains why a little mobility could be useful to assuage the situation. Aashish Adhikari then directs the conversation towards some notes he had prepared being inspired from other intellectuals which include measures to ease the current chaos. The strategies contain the management of mobility at local levels by Local Government, Providing capital to the people coming back home for the rural economy, Rethinking about the 7 state decentralization, Rebuilding the infrastructures, and so on. The conversation further proceeds towards the need for a border lockdown for Non-residential people and preparation of the Government to receive the willing residential people in Tribhuvan International Airport. Aashish Adhikari also adds that awareness to the people through the media and controlling the flow of mobility according to the need of certain industries is essential. Moreover, they talk about ineffective Governance and how important it is for the whole nation to be self-aware. They also talk about creating a sustainable environment for the people in this pandemic. Aashish Adhikari also touched upon the concept of the rental ceiling. Further, they share their insights on riots, leadership, opportunity, and manpower. The episode is wrapped up with a Q&A session.
Connect with the speakers:
Aashish Adhikari
Chhitiz Bahety
03/05/2020 • 59 minutes, 44 secondes
Lockdown, Boredom and Productivity - with Ashwin Neupane | Mero2Paisa | Episode - 66
In this episode, Chhitiz Bahety (Dropout Media & Events) and Ashwin Neupane (Web Marketing Nepal) cover the topic of quarantine, books, spirituality, creativity, and mindset. The podcast starts with the talk of quarantine and its impact on their lifestyle which then leaps towards the discussion of books and its advantage over videos. Chhitiz Bahety mentions his dream journals and they discuss the fascinating science behind it. Ashwin Neupane touches upon a story of growth hacking from a book ‘Trust me I’m lying.’ Chhitiz Bahety and Ashwin Neupane also talk about the days they feel lethargic and how they cope up with it to be productive for the days to come. They also share about their Yoga practice experiences and how effective meditation is to be self-conscious. They also touch upon stoicism. Moreover, The conversation revolves around the new tasks that they are performing during isolation. They also talk about trending social platform Tik Tok and how creativity is flourishing through it. Ashwin Neupane also brings up the digitization progress that Nepal has made during the pandemic. He also gives suggestions to the viewers that lack creativity and curiosity. Chhitiz wraps up the podcast by answering some QnA.
Connect with the speakers:
Ashwin Neupane
Chhitiz Bahety
02/05/2020 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 11 secondes
Not a diss! Just some suggestions for the Prime Minister | Mero 2 Paisa | Episode - 65
In the honor of all the victims and whole Nepal fighting through the Black days that started in Baisakh 12, Mero2Paisa team is here with another podcast. In this episode, Chhitiz Bahtey(Co-founder, Dropout Media & Events) and Aashish Adhikari(Founder, Redmud Coffee) share their insights on governance, leadership, quarantine, youth, and crisis. The live podcast starts by revisiting the five years back mis-fortunate Earthquake days where they recall the terrors they dealt with and their attempt to channel their energy in the right way to ameliorate other's misery. This conversation leaps towards the present quarantine days and the lack of concerned authority to resolve the pivotal issues occurred during these isolation days. Taking this into consideration, Aashish Adhikari points out ten things the Prime Minister can do to mitigate the problems. The suggestions include the management of a strong workforce of the Health sector from all around the country, mobilizing the workforce to help people get home, a door-door basic food and resource fund to the needy people, transparently presenting their vision for days to come in this pandemic and so on. Chhitiz Bahtey then pours out his frustration as an energetic youth willing to accumulate and disperse all his skills in Nepal, a country with unstable and unpredictable governance. Aashish Adhikari adds up with the context by recollecting the state of Nepal back when he was a teenager and suggests that the scenario is going to change and we should be hopeful about it. The session is wrapped up by some QnA with the viewers.
Connect with the speakers:
Aashish Adhikari : Instagram, website
Chhitiz Bahety: Instagram
27/04/2020 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 59 secondes
आजको खुलामञ्चनै Podcast | Mero2Paisa | Episode 64
Chhitiz Bahety (Co-founder, Dropout Media & Events ) and Aashish Adhikari (Founder, Redmud Coffee) are back with another live session where they talk about influencing books, histories, and people. They also talk about leadership, revolution, and youths. The live podcast starts with them discussing the book ‘Breaking the habit of being yourself’ by Joe Dispenza which they have recently talked about. Aashish Adhikari then talks about the essence of the book which explains how your random mood can become your temperament. The conversation leaps towards a rare book,’मैले जीवनमा भोगेका कटुअनुभवहरु’, which Aashish Adhikari has recently read and was written by his maternal grandfather, Chiranjeevi Prasad Rijal. He says that the book is a window to 60 years old political scenario of Nepal and includes his grandfather's experiences in a revolution with Bisheshwar Prasad Koirala. The podcast dwells into the topic of Leadership and Aashish Adhikari and Chhitiz Bahety share their insight on B.P Koirala and his capabilities; contributions in the Nepalese Society. Moreover, Aashish Adhikari explains the podcast medium as an important platform for the youths to gather up information about leadership, social-economy, history, and make a change in the society. They also share some of their experience and touch upon the topics of Education and Entrepreneurship.
Connect with the speakers:
Aashish Adhikari :
Chhitiz Bahety:
27/04/2020 • 55 minutes, 4 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa Live - With Santosh Pradhan Chaudhary & Aashish Adhikari | Episode - 63
Justifying the evergreen phrase ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’, Mero2paisa is here with a new podcast/ community workshop even in the quarantine days. The host Chhitiz Bahety(Co-founder, Dropout Media & Events) is accompanied by Aashish Adhikari (Founder, Redmud Coffee) and Santosh Pradhan Chaudary (CEO, Property360 Nepal) in the Zoom live session where they talk about spirituality, hustling, lockdown, leadership, politics, and economy. The conversation starts with the hot topic of quarantine and leaps towards the talk of motive the CEO’s have as an entrepreneur/ businessman where they explain that there is a larger purpose to life other than the ambitions of a company. Aashish Adhikari and Santosh Pradhan also talk about the 20-80 rule and they explain that official works in the era should focus more on smart work rather than hard work.
In this podcast, they also talk about the recent lockdown scenario and the responsibilities of a nation’s as well as other leaders during this hard time. Aashish Adhikari explains that the best a leader can do at this moment is to communicate, accumulate resources and look after all their connections. Agreeing with him, Santosh Pradhan adds that a leader should be able to manage their funds in the right way to look after the associates.
Moreover, they share their insights on the agricultural industry in Nepal and how important it is for the public to focus on this industry for the future; analyzing the recent earthquake and lockdown days. The workshop is wrapped up with a Q&A session where Aashish Adhikari and Santosh Pradhan answer questions of the viewers.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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25/04/2020 • 1 heure, 23 minutes, 44 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa Live - Aashish Adhikari | SMEs AFTER COVID-19 | Episode - 62
After the COVID-19 Crisis and the following orders by the Nepalese Government to shut down all public movements, we the team of Mero2Paisa have been home and looking for ways to continue to deliver unconventional learning and value to you all.
Our host and founder Aashish, participated in a Webinar-SMEs AFTER COVID-19, hosted-initiated by CA Bishal Bhattarai (Chitwan Youth Chamber) on 31st March 2020.
Here is the recording.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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24/04/2020 • 1 heure, 18 minutes, 42 secondes
Ghumante | Nepali Traveler & Vlogger | Nepali Podcast - Ep - 61
On this Episode of Mero 2 Paisa, we have Mr. Kanchan Rai, Mr. Khim Bahadur Chhetri and Mr. Rishav Adhikari from the team Ghumante joining our host Mr. Aashish Adhikari. Everyone in the podcast is an avid traveler so the podcast takes off with the guests sharing why they travel. The conversation instantly becomes really interesting as the guests start sharing their thoughts on traveling along with their experiences and stories. The conversation includes various stories and experiences that the guests have faced while living life as travelers and adventure seekers. This podcast will surely make you want to go travel.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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26/03/2020 • 1 heure, 20 minutes, 17 secondes
Sixit Bhatta | Tootle - CEO/Co-Founder | Nepali Podcast - Ep - 60
Tootle Co-founder & CEO Mr. Sixit Bhatta needs no introduction & is one of the most sought after names in Nepal's startup scene. In this insightful podcast between these two incredible CEOs, Mr. Sixit reminisces his childhood starting from the very beginning where he talks about being born & brought up in remote far west and coming to capital at a tender age of eight being fascinated seeing the hustle & bustle of the city.
They dwell deep into how he went from being an engineer & gold medalist MBA graduate to working in telecom & then finally leaving all this to start the revolutionary company TOOTLE which went on to commence a completely different way of commute that brought a huge buzz in Nepal's startup scenario.
Aashish & Sixit then go on to talk more about entrepreneurship, spirituality, climate change and whatnot. This podcast turned out to be a masterpiece and a quest for anyone looking out to do something inspirational in this chaotic world.
Enjoy the podcast peeps!!!
Podcast summary:
2:15 - How tootle overcame legal complications?
5:01 - Every piece of work you do should be your expression.
9:38 - Starting late to do something for our own.
12:12 - Importance of scaling up in entrepreneurship.
14:04 - We tend to over glorify small things.
16:15 - Wrong perception about entrepreneurship in young people.
18:15 - Importance of deep learning & understanding.
25:13 - Less the people know, more they think they know.
27:27 - How VC takes dream away from an entrepreneur?
31:40 - Does it hurt to be Nepali at times?
42:20 - Entertainment being individualized.
46:04 - Creating jobs through entrepreneurship.
50:40 - Work culture in Nepal.
51:44 - Brands are created out of stories.
56:40 - When will tootle go public?
58:20 - Treat entrepreneurship as an art.
Connect with Sixit Bhatta:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bhattasixit/
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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20/03/2020 • 1 heure, 41 secondes
BE THE PERSON YOU WANT YOUR CHILD TO BECOME | Aashish Adhikari | Mero2Paisa - Nepali Podcast - EP 59
On this podcast of mero2paisa, Aashish Adhikari ( CEO, Redmud Coffee) & Chhitiz Bahety(Co-founder, Dropout Media & Events) share their insights on the problems startup founders and CEOs in the general face during the day to day operation of their companies. The conversation between the duo dwells more deeply into the mindset of a leader to enhance his/her entrepreneurial endeavors.
Nepali Podcast
Podcast Summary:
1:23 - How Aashish sees problems.
6:50 - How to remain calm while facing a problem?
10:30 - How does one achieve sense of clarity?
11:22 - Learning from experience VS learning from books.
12:00 - We are losing patience and focus with every new generation.
14:00 - We are more active virtually than in reality.
16:00 - Be the person you want your kid to become.
19:00 - Communicating online within a same house.
20:00 - How do leaders tackle their problems?
23:20 - No more Mr. Nice Guy.
26:00 - You must reflect on your actions daily.
27:15 - Experience chisels you.
27:45 - You can be meditative at every moment.
30:00 - The guilt of undeserved break.
31:15 - Take mini breaks.
32:00 - The benefits of having control over your head space.
34:40 - How escaping from chaos for a while helps to resolve the chaos.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mero2Paisa?sub_confirmation=1
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19/03/2020 • 39 minutes, 2 secondes
Offering Happiness | Santosh Pandey | Mero 2 Paisa - Nepali podcast | Ep - 58
On this Episode of Mero 2 Paisa, we have Santosh Pandey, Co-founder of Offering Happiness and the conversation between him and the host Aashish Adhikari covers the experiences of Santosh of translating ideas into reality, starting up and figuring out the what's, why's and how's of entrepreneurship. This episode will definitely help a lot of young people who aspire to have their own business as the young entrepreneur shares his learnings. Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
Nepali Podcast
Podcast Summary:
02:15 - What is Offering Happiness?
02:44 - How Santosh got into entrepreneurship?
04:40 - How did the idea of Offering Happiness come?
06:55 - Why the name 'Offering Happiness'?
08:50 - Team building and figuring out the business.
12:00 - Experiencing the first sale.
16:30 - Raising the starting capital.
17:30 - Bootstrapping and early days in a startup.
19:40 - Challenges to raise second round of funding.
22:22 - Reinvest in the business.
23:10 - knowing about the truth of entrepreneurship.
27:00 - Benefits of participating in entrepreneurship programs.
31:30 - Learnings from the experiences of the early days of entrepreneurship.
32:45 - You can't do everything. You need to distribute the work and trust your team.
36:00 - You'll get a lot of rejections.
38:27 - Social Media helps Offering Happiness.
39:50 - Offering Happiness's target market.
44:44 - Adapting to technology to execute business optimally.
47:50 - Dealing with copycats.
51:10 - Future plans for Offering Happiness.
Connect with Guest:
Santosh's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/santoshpand...
Offering Happiness: https://offeringhappiness.com/
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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19/03/2020 • 57 minutes, 3 secondes
Apoorwa Kshitiz Singh & Aayush Shrestha - Nepali Standup Comedy || Nepali Podcast | Ep - 57
On this Episode of Mero 2 Paisa, we have Apoorwa Kshitiz Singh and Aayush Shrestha, two prominent stand-up comedians in Nepal. The mood is lightened and turns jolly as the duo starts conversing with the host Aashish Adhikari. The conversation covers subjects like the comedy scene in Nepal, the culture of live events, the legal situation for content creators in Nepal and filled with hilarious jokes in between. Listen to the full podcast and enjoy it.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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03/02/2020 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 11 secondes
How to Sell Anything? - Bibek Bhandary || Co-Founder at Ascendifly || Nepali Podcast || Episode - 56
On this Episode of Mero 2 Paisa, we have Mr. Bibek Bhandary ( Co-Founder of Ascendifly ) who discusses his learning and experience of starting up and professionalism with the host Aashish Adhikari. The episode revolves around the work culture of Nepal and how it is lacking in multiple ways and what can make it better. The duo also discusses about the mentality of people in Nepal when they work for any organization and company and how that mentality is blocking the optimum usage of their skills and talent. But the main agenda discussed in the episode is about sales and marketing. Bibek shares what sales is and what marketing is.
He also discusses how entrepreneurs must focus on sales more than anything else. Also, how businesses can market their product or services. This episode definitely provides a lot about whats, whys and hows about sales and marketing. Listen to this podcast and gain a lot about what it has to provide.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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03/02/2020 • 1 heure, 8 minutes, 59 secondes
LAW OF ATTRACTION || Nita Adhikari || Mero2Paisa || Episode - 55
On this Episode of Mero 2 Paisa, we have Nita Adhikari, who is an MBA student and has joined the host Aashish in the podcast as an open mic participant. The podcast covers a casual conversation between the speakers where they talk about Nita's aspirations for business, law of attraction and how it works and goal setting.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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03/02/2020 • 1 heure
Whats and Hows of Entrepreneurship - Aashish Adhikari and Kishor Gartaula || Episode - 54
On this Episode of Mero 2 Paisa, we are joined by Kishor Gartaula, who came in as an open mic applicant that the Mero2Paisa team had called for. Kishor is a business student and is currently involved in his startup and freelance jobs. He brings in his curiosities about doing business as his questions for the host Aashish and the podcast basically covers this QnA session.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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05/01/2020 • 1 heure, 1 minute, 34 secondes
Law & Compliance - Nabish Pokharel || CA || Nepali Podcast || Episode - 53
On this Episode of Mero2Paisa, we have Mr. Nabish Pokharel a CA, who came in as a speaker in the podcast as an open mic applicant. The episode primarily focuses on the financial aspects of a business. Nabish and Aashish discuss subjects like laws, policies, compliance that play vital roles to keep a company on right and legal track and make it easier for the company to grow. This episode of Mero2Paisa will definitely guide the audiences on the financial aspects of their companies.
Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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05/01/2020 • 52 minutes, 28 secondes
Business Opportunities in Nepal - Gunjan Ghimire || Difr Podcast || Nepali Podcast || Episode - 52
On this Episode of Mero 2 Paisa, we have Gunjan Ghimire, host of Difr podcast with us. The early morning podcast starts with high energy as Aashish and Gunjan get into their conversation. Both Aashish and Gunjan share their opinions on various topics like lifestyle of a abroad returnee Nepali, education system in the USA for Nepali students, education system in Nepal, Nepal's political transformation, startup ecosystem in Nepal, taxation laws in Nepal, Govinda KC's agendas, potential industries for Nepal and many many more. The conversation covers a wide range of subjects and vivid ideologies.
Listen to the full podcast, enjoy and learn.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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05/01/2020 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 10 secondes
Ke Chha Ta Team and Blincventures.com|| Nepali Podcast || Episode - 51
On this Episode of Mero 2 Paisa, we do a collaborative podcast with Ke Chha Ta and Blincventures.com. Aashish is joined by Aayush Bajracharya and Amul Baidya from the 'Ke Chha Ta ?' podcast and Shambhavi Singh from Blincventures.com
The speakers start off the podcast by sharing how they started their respective podcasting journeys and what have been their motives for doing podcasts. They also share how Blincventures got associated with Ke Chha Ta podcast and how the collaboration has been so far for both of the parties. Taking the four-way conversation forward the guys talk about the impact of social media in the daily lives of people, especially teenagers. Dabbing into subjects like proper parenting, the significance of teaching the kids values of life in early stage of life and the mindset of kids and teenagers on luxury, the conversation then takes a drastic turn into an interesting subject, the reality show about politics that is going to happen soon and is being covered by one of the Nepal's mainstream TV channels. All the speakers share their views on the matter and discuss how media influences the mindset of the general public and how politicians leverage this phenomenon to influence their political career and power. In the end, Aashish leaves everyone stunned with his secret announcement.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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28/12/2019 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Ravi Singhal || CEO/Co-Founder - Sarathi Cab & Social Aves || Nepali Podcast || Episode - 50
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
This episode of Mero2Paisa features Ravi Singhal, CEO at Social Aves and co-founder at Sarathi Cab. Here, he talks about how he started his entrepreneurial journey. He started early in his college days and has had a fair amount of experience in the entrepreneurial lifestyle which he shares in this episode. He talks about the importance of education versus the importance of experience and skills and how they shape one's success in life. He talks about his failures and successes and what they have taught him so far. He explains why more failure stories must be promoted in media and academics as one can learn a lot from such stories. Talking about being a leader, he confesses that being at the top gives you a lot of responsibilities to fulfill and also how lonely it is to have no one above you in the hierarchy. Later, dabbing into spirituality as the conversation flows, he shares his views on his personal take on spirituality and in the end, he gives his share of wisdom to the audience in a single sentence.
Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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26/12/2019 • 54 minutes, 57 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa with Mero 2 Paisa Team || Business, Entrepreneurship & Lifestyle || Episode - 49
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
This episode too features a conversation between Aashish and Bidhan like the previous one. The conversation is more casual and touches different subjects. Aashish shares why he wants to mentor the ones who want to be mentored and how his mentors have impacted his life. He tells how one can approach someone to get mentorship. The duo also talks about the kind of attitude one should portray towards his/her life and work. Basically, this is a conversation between a mentee and a mentor which revolves around work culture and work relationship.
Listen to the full podcast, enjoy and learn.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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26/12/2019 • 54 minutes, 10 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa with Bidhan Pokharel || Business, Entrepreneurship & Lifestyle || Episode - 48
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
Business, Entrepreneurship & Lifestyle.
This episode marks the debut of Bidhan Pokharel of the Mero2Paisa team from Dropout Media and Events. Here, he asks some queries that the audiences of Mero2Paisa have requested to be raised in the podcast. While Aashish answers all the raised queries, Bidhan too gives in his opinions regarding the subjects that are being discussed. Along with the queries of the audiences, they also have a discussion on some additional subjects. Bidhan asks his curiosities about business development, Aashish's parenting style and much more. The conversation between the two starts in QnA format and turns into an interesting discussion that is really engaging and informative.
Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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26/12/2019 • 56 minutes, 32 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa with Binod Shahi || Snow Yak Foundation || Episode - 47
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
This episode of Mero2Paisa features Mr. Binod Shahi from Snow Yak Foundation. Here, he shares how he got into the life he is living right now. He shares how he got the idea of teaching kids living in probably one of the most remote parts of the world. In his conversation with the host Aashish Adhikari, he talks about why he has been selflessly helping the children from Dolpa, Nepal. In pursuit of providing those kids with proper education, he has faced a lot of difficulties and setbacks. He talks about a lot of them. He shares his stories of struggle, accomplishments, satisfaction, failures and some fantastic and equally heartbreaking experiences. This conversation is absolutely motivating as such an inspirational individual shares his mero2paisa with us.
Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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26/12/2019 • 59 minutes, 16 secondes
Visit Nepal 2020 || Aashish Adhikari || How to Trek ? || Nepali Podcast || Episode - 46
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
In this episode of Mero2Paisa, Aashish and Chhitiz discuss what they're both fond of, which is trekking. Chhitiz asks some queries about what's, how's and why's related to trekking and Aashish replies to them based on his experience in the subject. They dwell upon the physical, mental and spiritual significance of spending time in nature and also the economics behind the tourism industry of Nepal.
Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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26/12/2019 • 1 heure, 15 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa with Aashish Adhikari || Founder & CEO -| RedMud Coffee || Episode - 45
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
In this episode of Mero2Paisa Aashish and Chhitiz discuss the ongoing issue of conflict between Nepal and India regarding the border between the two nations at Kalapani. The duo discusses about the history regarding the matter. Aashish shares his opinions on why the matter is taking hype in the media lately and who might be behind creating the hype. The presenters also talk about the socio-economical causes and consequences of the matter. They have a passionate conversation on the subject and also talk about their personal feelings and experiences related to the subject.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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18/12/2019 • 53 minutes, 55 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa with Dr. Suman Neupane || Co - Founder at Doctors on Call || Episode - 44
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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18/12/2019 • 59 minutes, 12 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa with Paras Katuwal || Director at Nepal Thopa Sinchai || Episode - 42
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
This episode of Mero2Paisa features Paras Katuwal, Director at Nepal Thopa Sinchai. Paras, in this episode talks about the background of Nepal Thopa Sinchai. He talks about how his father got the motivation and founded the company. The podcast covers a conversation between him and the host, Aashish about how Paras, his father and the NTS team has been helping the agriculture sector in Nepal. In this episode he talks about his relationship with his father and how his father turned him into the man he is today. The young and inspiring guest shares a lot about his entrepreneurial journey and his experiences. This is an absolutely 'must listen to' podcast.
Listen to the full podcast, learn and enjoy.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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17/12/2019 • 1 heure, 13 minutes, 13 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa with Anup Ghimire || Founder - Viewfinders Production || Episode - 41
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
This episode of Mero2Paisa features Anup Ghimire, founder of Viewfinders Production and the host of The Doers Podcast. In this episode he shares his ideology about being creative and being a doer. He starts the conversation by sharing how he go into photography and how he established Viewfinders Production and as the conversation progresses, more and more interesting and fascinating topics are touched and talked about. He shares how he and his company started Comedy Circle, Wedding Dreams Nepal and now The Doers Podcast. He tells about what keeps him high on energy and hustling. This is an absolutely brilliant conversation between Anup and Aashish.
Listen to the full podcast, enjoy and learn.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mero2Paisa?sub_confirmation=1
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17/12/2019 • 1 heure, 17 minutes, 50 secondes
Mero 2 Paisa with Pranav Raj Joshi || Veterinary Doctor || Episode - 40
A Truly Nepali Podcast, This episode of Mero2Paisa features Mr. Pranav Raj Joshi, a veterinary doctor. This episode covers a really interesting conversation between Pranav and the host Aashish. The conversation covers a variety of topics that are all equally interesting and amazing. The guest talks about his childhood and the kind of mentality he had. He tells his interesting experiences with his relatives and family. He talks about his academic background and how he eventually ended up being a vet. He talks about his love for animals and nature. He shares how he has maintained simplicity in his life in this society and era and shares his perception on life. This is an absolutely amazing and and worth listening podcast. Listen to the full podcast, lean and enjoy.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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15/12/2019 • 58 minutes, 53 secondes
Here in this episode of Mero 2 paisa podcast mero 2 paisa team sat around and discussed their journey and learning from starting from 1st episode to making of 25th episodes and more small videos in between and the work around it.
They also discussed working on a startup and actually starting a startup. do listen to the full episode for more information and learning.
And this is the last episode of season 1.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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17/09/2019 • 48 minutes, 10 secondes
Amun Thapa, founder, and CEO of Sastodeal is our guest in this podcast. He and Aashish dwell into a conversation relating to the E-commerce scenario of Nepal. They talk about the experiences that the E-commerce entrepreneurs have faced in Nepal and the things they still face. They also touch on getting investments and scaling up businesses.
Amun Thapa is also a co-founder at Anthropose, sastobook.com, a supporter at Khalisisi and co-owner at Chhahari Production.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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30/04/2019 • 48 minutes, 21 secondes
We have Mr. Shaurab Lohani as our guest for the podcast. He is an entrepreneur, a leader and a motivational speaker. Here he talks with Aashish about the importance of communication in various aspects of life. The two also touch upon the mentality of today's youth, the characteristics of today's society and many more.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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16/04/2019 • 53 minutes, 44 secondes
Investment Opportunities in Nepal || With Pranav Pradhan - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 17
We have Mr. Pranav Pradhan ( Founder/ Managing Director at Green Bamboo Creation ) as a guest in our podcast. Aashish Adhikari and Pranav Pradhan get into the conversation that revolves around entrepreneurship, leadership, and opportunities here in Nepal.
Mr. Pradhan shares his entrepreneurial experience. He shares how he started his entrepreneurial journey and the kind of situations he has encountered so far. He tells his views regarding what the youth needs to do in order to achieve their goals in the field of entrepreneurship. And also shows us the immense opportunity for Investment in Nepal.
A Truly Nepali Podcast,
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16/04/2019 • 1 heure, 4 minutes, 29 secondes
परिवर्तनको बिगुल - Mero 2 Paisa
This video has been made in an effort to show what Mero2paisa is all about. This video describes the essence of mero2paisa that is entrepreneurial, spiritual and adventurous. We are trying to make our voice reach to the youth of Nepal. We want them to know how important they are for society and the upcoming generation.
We are here to provide aspirations for the youth to whom they can look up to. We are here so that real positive change occurs within the youth and they provide to the prosperity of the society.
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Website: https://mero2paisa.com/
15/04/2019 • 5 minutes, 59 secondes
SME - THE LIFELINE FOR NEPAL - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 12
Here we are discussing one Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), How this can contribute to countries growth. Especially for a country like Nepal.
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SME - THE LIFELINE FOR NEPAL - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 12
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03/04/2019 • 48 minutes, 6 secondes
HOW DEMOCRATIC IS NEPAL ? - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 11
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HOW DEMOCRATIC IS NEPAL ? - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 11
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03/04/2019 • 54 minutes, 3 secondes
REPROGRAM YOUR MIND - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 10
The team dives into a conversation about their perception of mind and mindset. Bidhan, Chhitiz and Madhu put forward their queries and confusion in this domain and Aashish takes on what they have to say and put forward his views in the topic of discussion. #mero2paisa
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REPROGRAM YOUR MIND - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 10
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03/04/2019 • 43 minutes, 25 secondes
UNDERSTANDING YOUR MIND - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 9
The team dives into a conversation about their perception of mind and mindset. Bidhan, Chhitiz and Madhu put forward their queries and confusion in this domain and Aashish takes on what they have to say and put forward his views in the topic of discussion. #mero2paisa
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UNDERSTANDING YOUR MIND - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 9
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03/04/2019 • 48 minutes, 37 secondes
THE RIGHT MINDSET - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 8
Aashish, Bidhan and Chhitiz have a discussion about the mindset. What is the mindset? What is the winning mindset? and how do you tap into it? #mero2paisa
Shout Out to #GaneshGD
THE RIGHT MINDSET - Nepali Podcast 8
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THE RIGHT MINDSET - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 8
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03/04/2019 • 45 minutes, 30 secondes
EDUCATIONUSTRY ! - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 7
In this podcast, we talk about the trend of Nepalese going to abroad for studies and how some people and organizations have made business via this trend. We also dwell into the US experience of Aashish Adhikari and his views and suggestions to people watching this video in this subject matter.
EDUCATIONUSTRY ! - Nepali Podcast
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EDUCATIONUSTRY ! - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 7
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03/04/2019 • 42 minutes, 22 secondes
क्षमता या Degree ? - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 6
This Podcast starts off with individual school experiences and moves on to how our experiences in institutions of education shape out our attitude, mindset and how these institutions can become the training grounds for future entrepreneurs. School and Colleges can become deal makers or deal breakers. Enjoy the podcast.
क्षमता या Degree ? - Nepali Podcast
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Nepali Podcast: 5
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03/04/2019 • 50 minutes, 22 secondes
शिक्षक या गुरु ? - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 5
In this podcast, we explore and learn more by evaluating our own challenges and learnings. We dwell upon the issue in a mentor-mentee relationship and a whole lot of subjects related to self-improvement, entrepreneurship and everything in between. It turned out to be a long podcast but we decided to not leave anything behind because we believe there is much value if you listen to this through its entirety.
Enjoy! Learn! Share!
Nepali Podcast: 5
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03/04/2019 • 1 heure, 7 minutes, 24 secondes
Talking Tootle- - Nepali Podcast Ep. - 4
Well we picked a subject that is been the talk of the town in recent times, in this episodes we deep dive into the situation that has arisen due to a recent ban on a ride-sharing app, that is gaining a lot of attention, and we believe this is a pivotal moment in the development of #entrepreneurship and IT sector in Nepal.
For More:
03/04/2019 • 34 minutes, 51 secondes
देशकाे माटाे , कर्तब्यबोध र उद्यम्सिलताको पाठ
This Video was a result of some spontaneous events that happened in late 2018. During our initiation and team building exercises we were discussing some ideas and an opportunity to travel to Birgunj arose. The objective of the travel parallel-ed the vision of Mero2Paisa and the result is in front of you.
The Ideas expressed are our common genuine feelings and are not laced with dual motives , the only motive here is to inspire you to take action from where ever you are. Please Enjoy.
Video Concept : Aashish Adhikari and Mero2Paisa Team
Video Footage : Chhitiz Bahety
Script : Madhu Sudan Dhakal
Regular Show: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIxc1kU1sH2V8E5ZZktN6Ig/videos
A Truly Nepali Podcast, Catch us on other social media for more:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meroduipaisa
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Website: https://meroduipaisa.com/