生活忙碌!你可以唞一唞、Chill一Chill, 開開心心聽下四位美國廣東話/粵語主持人丁丁、Carmen、大力、啊Lam輕輕鬆鬆咁講講美國及世界嘅流行趨勢、移民經歷、生活日常及點滴。| Listen to our podcast to chill and ease your busy life. Four Cantonese-American hosts, Ding Ding, Carmen, Derrick, and Lam will chit chat and share about the trends, their experiences, and daily life as an immigrant in the United States.
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EP99: 美國校園欺凌事件 School Bullying In the United States
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP99: 美國校園欺凌事件 School Bullying In the United States EP99: 欺凌是一個已經討論了幾十年的話題,但情況並沒有好轉。事實上,這些年來欺凌行為變得更加普遍。僅在美國,估計就有五分之一的學生被欺負,而且這個數字還在逐年增長。學校中最常見的欺凌形式是身體欺凌,其次是口頭欺凌,然後是網絡欺凌。對付校園霸凌的方法有很多,但似乎都沒有用。有些人認為,當我們教導孩子有關個人責任和尊重他人的知識時,他們欺負他人的機會就會減少。其他人則認為我們需要讓人們更容易報告校園欺凌事件,這樣那些對同學犯下這些罪行的人就會受到懲罰。| Bullying is a topic that has been discussed for decades, but things have not gotten better. In fact, bullying has become more prevalent over the years. In the United States alone, an estimated one in five students are bullied, which is growing yearly. The most common form of bullying in schools is physical bullying, verbal bullying, and cyberbullying. There are many ways to deal with bullying in schools, but none seem to work. Some people believe that when we teach children about personal responsibility and respect for others, they will be less likely to bully others. Others think we need to make it easier for people to report bullying in schools so that those who commit these crimes against their classmates are punished. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@cantocastfm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #校園欺凌 #欺凌故事 #欺凌 #欺凌行為 #校園霸凌 #霸凌 #霸凌事件 #校園 #校園生活 #學生 #反欺凌法 #欺凌者 #校霸 #網絡欺凌 #美國教育 #教育 #bullies #stopbullying #bullyingawareness #antibullying0:00 校園欺凌事件 11:00 解決校園欺凌方法 20:51 主持人分享霸凌及被霸凌經驗 31:47 校園欺凌零容忍
7/12/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP98: 裁員潮下掙扎求存 Surviving Tech Layoffs
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP98: 裁員潮下掙扎求存 Surviving Tech Layoffs EP98: 最近看到有些朋友或同事很不幸地一個接一個被裁員。很多高科技公司包括Google, HP, Amazon, Cisco, Roku 和 Meta 最近都進行了裁員,而預期在不久的將來可能會有更多公司進行裁員。如果你被裁員或被逼離職,這往往是意想不到的,但至少你不是一個人。裁員潮中生存並不容易,但永遠不要失去希望, 你總有一些事情可以做,使你的職業生涯更容易成功。 | It's really unfortunate to see your friends or colleagues get laid off one by one. Google, HP, Amazon, Cisco, Roku, and Meta have all recently made layoffs and it seems like more can be expected in the near future. It's often unexpected when you are laid off from your job or your position is eliminated but at least you're not alone. Surviving a tech layoff is not easy, but never lose hope, there are always some things you can do to make it easier for your career path. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@cantocastfm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #科技公司 #矽谷 #裁員 #裁員2022 #裁員潮 #大裁員 #炒魷魚 #失業 #失業潮 #新式解雇 #危機 #經濟危機 #職場 #職場吹水 #職場生活 #打工 #見工 #返工 #上司 #同事 0:00 美國科技公司大裁員 4:04 美國求職市道和搵工行情新常態 10:06 求職的門檻越來越高 15:21 企業改組與重組/Work From Home 21:23 Carmen 見工成功個案 26:43 性格主宰命運 31:29 打工新定義/鬥員工福利挖角
30/11/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP97: 感恩節又到了 Thanksgiving & Black Friday
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP97: 感恩節又到了 Thanksgiving & Black Friday EP97: 感恩節又到了,有很多人會被鋪天蓋地的黑色星期五和網絡星期一優惠折扣所吸引。而感恩節也是與朋友、家人和親人相聚的時刻,吃一頓大餐,感謝我們擁有的一切。也許這是一個出去兜風和旅行的好機會。本集節目就和大家慶祝感恩節!多謝大家一路的支持!| Thanksgiving is finally here. For many, Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales are necessary to get the most bang for their buck. With so many bargains and deals to go around, it is hard not to get sucked into this eventful time. And Thanksgiving is also a time to get together with friends, family and loved ones, have a great meal and give thanks for all that we have. And it's also a chance to go travel and take a short trip. In this episode, we are celebrating Thanksgiving with you! Thank you for your support along the way! Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@cantocastfm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #感恩節 #感恩節快樂 #thanksgiving #黑色星期五 #黑色購物節 #blackfriday #blackfriday2023 #cybermonday #購物 #優惠 #折扣 #血拼 #攻略 #火雞 #油炸火雞 #感恩節大餐 #旅行 #滑雪 #自駕遊 0:00 Black Friday 購物促銷 11:34 感恩節當年今日 20:34 感恩節旅行大塞車 29:52 感恩節變死城
23/11/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP96: 世界盃與美國體育文化 FIFA World Cup and American Sport Culture
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP96: 世界盃與美國體育文化 FIFA World Cup and American Sport CultureEP96: 世界杯是世界上最受歡迎的國際體育賽事, 對一些參加賽事的國家來說,它甚至是國家團結和民族自豪感的象徵。在美國, 雖然足球不是最受歡迎的運動,人氣不及NBA, NFL 和 MLB 等美國體育項目,但世界盃在北美亦有大量的粉絲追看。 另一方面,體育是美國文化及娛樂的一個重要組成部分。 在這一集,我們亦會討論美國的體育文化。 | The FIFA World Cup is the most popular international sporting event in the world and it is a symbol of unity and national pride for many countries that compete in it. In the United States, soccer is not the most popular sport and it is not as popular as American sports such as the NBA, NFL and MLB, but the World Cup still has a large fan base in North America . On the another hand, sports in the United States are a big part of American culture. They are a major form of entertainment and an important part of the country's culture. In today's episode, we're going to talk about the American sports culture. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@cantocastfm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #世界盃 #世界盃2022 #世界盃主題曲 #FIFA #WorldCup #Qatar #卡達 #卡塔爾 #中東 #睇波 #睇波直播 #體育精神 #Sportsmanship #英格蘭 #英超 #NBA #NFL #MLB #GoldenStateWarriors #SFGiants 0:00 卡達FIFA世界杯 10:01 世界盃主題曲《Hayya Hayya (Better Together)》 12:17 在美國睇世界盃冇人陪? 19:28 美國體育文化非常盛行? 30:14 睇球賽需要 Fans 熱情
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP95: 人工智能取替你 Artificial Intelligence Replacing Humans EP95: 人工智能現在被應用於很多行業,從制造業到客戶服務。它在創意行業的應用也有一段時間了。近年來,人工智能在創意工作中的使用有所增加,並將繼續增長。人工智能的進步已經導致在許多領域取代人類,包括新聞、法律,甚至駕駛。然而,這並不意味著將不再有人類的工作。人工智能將接管一些任務,但它也將創造新的工作。它們只是在那裡協助人類的工作,並在需要時提供替代解決方案。| AI is now being used in a lot of industries, from manufacturing to customer service. It's also been used in the creative industry for some time now. The use of AI for creative work has increased in recent years and will continue to grow. The advances in AI have led to the replacement of humans in many sectors including journalism, law, and even driving. However, it does not mean that there will be no jobs for humans anymore. AI will be taking over some tasks, but it will also create new jobs as well. They are just there to assist humans with their work and offer alternative solutions when needed. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@cantocastfm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #人工智能 #AI #AI時代 #畫畫 #修圖 #創作 #智能創作 #GPS #地圖 #自動導航 #寫作助手 #科技 #dall-e #AI-powered #artificial #intelligenceartificial #職場 #職場生活 #職場吹水 #生存價值 0:00 Intro 3:51 人工智能(AI)可以取代你嘅工作嗎? 7:40 人工智能繪畫 DALL-E 15:43 人工智能入侵生活 23:43 擁抱科技、善用人工智能30:11 人工智能創作的藝術品 37:11 科技讓你變蠢 43:42 人工智能令工作及生活單一化
9/11/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP94: 見工面試大不同 What to Expect at Job Interviews
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP94: 見工面試大不同 What to Expect at Job Interviews EP94: 不同的公司有不同的面試流程。大多數面試都是為了更多地了解候選人,並了解他們如何與公司文化相適應。 求職者也可通過面試更多了解該公司文化。 今集我們就來討論見工面試不同的情況!| Different companies have different interview processes. Most interviews are designed to learn more about the candidate and how they will fit in with the company culture. Job seekers can also learn more about the company's culture through interviews. In this episode, we will discuss what to expect at job interviews. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #香港 #職場 #職場文化 #職場生活 #職場吹水 #打工仔 #文化差異 #請人 #求職 #辦公室政治 #搵工 #見工 #面試 #求職者 #公司文化 #HR #上司 #同事 #老細 #工作 #做嘢 0:00 Intro 4:42 香港和美國見工面試大不同 9:08 見工面試常見問題 “你最大的弱點是什麼?” 16:14 見工要做足功課 21:53 面試官視角 Point of View 27:29 辦公室政治 - 為何上司總是廢? 34:10 請人優先考慮條件
2/11/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP93: 職場文化差異 Cultural Differences in Workplace
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP93: 職場文化差異 Cultural Differences in Workplace EP93: 不同人會有不同的價值觀和期望。這些不同的文化價值觀影響著人們的行為方式。這些差異不僅限於文化背景,而且還延伸到生活的其他領域,如職場上。 公司文化也一樣,不同公司也有不同管理文化。 我們今集就來談談職場文化。| Different individuals have different values. These different cultural values influence the way people behave. These differences are not only limited to cultural backgrounds, but also extend to other areas of life, such as the workplace. For this episode, we're going to talk about the culture differences in the workplace. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #我要打十個 #職場 #職場文化 #職場生活 #職場吹水 #打工仔 #文化衝擊 #文化差異 #請人 #求職 #求職市場 #招聘 #辦公室 #上司 #同事 #老細 #工作 #做嘢 #扮工 #雙語00:00 職場文化差異10:39 職場一個打十個20:07 求職市場招聘難?25:14 雙語技能已不是優勢?29:44 老細 Point of View
26/10/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP92: 與陌生人成為朋友 Becoming Friends with Strangers
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP92: 與陌生人成為朋友 Becoming friends with strangers EP92: 與陌生人交朋友是一種無價的體驗,儘管具有挑戰性也值得擁抱。但隨著社交媒體和智能手機的出現,我們的交友方式也發生了巨大變化。我們可以和他們聊天,分享我們的想法和感受,如果我們願意的話,甚至可以親自見到他們。我們現在與我們不認識的人的聯繫比以往任何時候都更加緊密。| Making friends with strangers is priceless, although challenging, an experience worth embracing. But with the advent of social media and smartphones, the way we make friends has changed dramatically. We can chat with them, share our thoughts and feelings, and even meet them in person if we want to. We are now more connected to individuals than ever before. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #新朋友 #新朋友聊天 #網友 #朋友圈 #友誼 #純友誼 #交友 #人際互動 #人際關係 #人際 #社交 #交友守則 #陌生人 #陌生人聊天 #尬聊 #Penpal #友誼之光 #友誼萬歲 #人性的弱點 #有價值的朋友00:00 異性朋友變好兄弟、好姊妹 08:17 慎選朋友、篩選朋友 18:38 網上結識新朋友 27:44 維繫友誼的小船 36:57 友誼的小船説翻就翻
12/10/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP91: 慳錢.拍拖.約會 Save Money on Dating
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP91: 慳錢.拍拖.約會 Save Money on DatingEP91: 近幾個月來,通貨膨脹的經濟影響是美國許多人關心的主要問題。基本必需品和奢侈品的價格飆升。人們難以負擔食物、蔬菜和肉類,以及外出體驗娛樂的情況並不少見。約會也會極大地消耗您的預算。| The economic impact of inflation has been a major concern for many people in the United States in recent months. Prices of basic necessities and luxury items have skyrocketed. It is not uncommon for people to struggle to afford food, vegetables and meat, and to experience entertainment away from home. Dating can also be a huge drain on your budget.Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #禮物 #零食 #薯片 #慳錢 #慳家 #物價 #通脹 #通貨膨脹 #平等 #付錢 #請客 #aa制 #男女 #約會 #拍拖 #感情 #金錢觀 #價值觀 #兩性 #地獄式慳錢法00:00 感謝觀眾送禮物03:19 慳錢的習慣20:28 唔約會唔使錢27:12 你以前都唔係咁嘅
5/10/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP90: 難以預計的旅行經歷 Unpredictable Travel Experience
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP90: 難以預計的旅行經歷 Unpredictable Travel Experience EP90: 不可預知的旅行經歷是指任何一種沒有事先計劃的經歷。它可能是一次航班延誤,一次取消的旅行,一次冒險。旅行可能是不可預測的,有時它並不按計劃進行。但這正是它的美妙之處,你可以將你所處的任何情況發揮到極致,使你的旅行經歷更加令人難忘。 | An Unpredictable Travel Experience is any kind of experience that is not planned in advance. It could be a flight delay, a canceled trip, etc. Travelling can be unpredictable and sometimes it doesn't go as planned. But that's the beauty of it - you get to make the best out of whatever situation you are in and make your travel experience more memorable. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #加州 #三藩市 #洛杉磯 #紐約 #拉斯維加斯 #旅遊 #景點 #香港 #台灣 #夜生活 #旅遊勝地 #迪士尼樂園 #優山美地 #大峽谷 #情侶 #嗌交 #旅遊計劃 #自由行 #自駕遊 #到此一遊 00:00 消失的夜生活 09:15 難以預計的意外 20:27 旅行情侶嗌交 26:06 旅行的意外驚喜 34:44 旅行的執着
14/9/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP89: 中秋節團團圓圓 The Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP89: 中秋節團團圓圓 The Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration EP89: 中秋節是中國和亞洲其他國家的傳統農曆節日。它在農曆八月十五慶祝,人們相信在這段時間裡,月亮是最圓的、最亮的和最圓的。中秋節吃月餅是中國傳統的一個聚會,大家圍坐在一起吃月餅、慶祝這個特別的日子。 我們今集除了討論月餅的不同口味外,還回憶述我們兒時的中秋節活動。| The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional lunar festival in China and other Asian countries. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, when it is believed that the moon is at its fullest, brightest and roundest. Eating moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese gathering where people sit around and eat moon cakes to celebrate this special day. In this episode, we not only discuss the different flavors of mooncakes, but also recall the activities of the Mid-Autumn Festival when we were kids. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #粵語 #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #中秋 #中秋節 #月餅 #蓮蓉月餅 #白蓮蓉月餅 #五仁月餅 #冰皮月餅 #糯米糍 #榴槤 #奇華月餅 #生果 #水果 #碌柚 #柚子 #楊桃 #燈籠 #賞月 #玩火 #煲蠟 #紙紮 #小白兔 00:00 食月餅嘅方法 06:50 傳統月餅 vs 新式月餅 13:37 喺美國買到嘅月餅/迷你版月餅 21:07.168 中秋港式 Bonfire 煲蠟 28:42 兒時中秋活動
7/9/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP88: 柬埔寨嘅行騙者? Scammers & Kidnappers from Cambodia
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP88: 柬埔寨嘅行騙者? Scammers & Kidnappers from Cambodia EP88: 美國屋崙華埠知名牙醫徐麗麗被劫匪連開三槍,不幸遇害。 柬埔寨犯罪集團誘騙中國人到當地進行詐騙活動。也許經濟差,導致各地犯罪集團無所不用其技。 今集我們討論一下各地的罪案和我們應該如何自保!| Lili Xu, D.D.S., a well-known dentist in Oakland, was shot three times by robbers and killed. Cambodian crime syndicates lure Chinese people to their country to commit fraud. Perhaps the poor economy has led to a variety of crime syndicates. In this episode, we discuss the crimes and how we should protect ourselves!Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #屋崙 #華埠 #牙醫 #徐麗麗 #搶劫 #槍殺 #亞裔 #VeryAsian #AsianAmerican #MyAsianAmericanStory #AAPI #柬埔寨 #scammer #詐騙 #詐騙集團 #被騙 #人口販賣 #緬甸 #KK園區 #奴隸 #賣豬仔 00:00 華埠名醫遭劫殺 07:43 柬埔寨詐騙集團 20:22.877 東南亞人蛇販賣 28:46 道高一尺、魔高一丈
31/8/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP87: 出軌的暴風雨前夕 The Storm Before Cheating
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP87: 出軌的暴風雨前夕 The Storm Before Cheating EP87: 花花世界和夜生活是所有情懷和情緒都盛開的地方,這是一個可以找到愛情和戀人的地方,也是一個充滿誘惑、猜疑和失落的地方。 也許有許多情侶和夫妻從來沒有接觸過這種誘惑,更多的人根本 沒有這方面的認知能力和不知道如何駕馭它。我們將探討情侶夫妻關係中的懷疑和信任話題。懷疑是否合適的,以及如何處理你的懷疑被證實的情況。| Nightlife and new attractions, lifestyle are a place where all emotions and feelings bloom, a place where love and lovers can be found, but also a place of temptation, suspicion and disappointment. There are probably many couples and lovers who have never been exposed to this temptation, and many more who simply do not have the awareness of it and do not know how to manage it. Whether it is appropriate to doubt and how to deal with situations where your suspicions are confirmed. We will explore the topic of doubt and trust in couples' relationships. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #感情 #愛情 #戀愛 #情侶 #拍拖 #婚姻 #男女 #兩性 #第三者 #禁忌 #出軌 #偷食 #check電話 #信任 #溝通 #相處 #夜生活 #懷疑 #猜忌 #誘惑 00:00 出軌的暴風雨前夕 12:55 花花世界的誘惑 21:40.000 一念之間破壞家庭關係 28:50 伴侶出現追求者 32:42 伴侶的嚴密看管監控
24/8/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP86: 等等,我只是一隻動物 Wait, I’m Just an animal
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP86: 等等,我只是一隻動物 Wait, I’m Just an animal EP86: 人們出於多種原因拋棄寵物。新工作、新房子,甚至是新生嬰兒都可能成為拋棄動物的原因。最常見的原因之一是他們改變了對承諾的看法。當人們覺得自己不值得養寵物時,就會出現這種現象,因為他們只是動物而不是人類。| People give up their pets for a variety of reasons. A new job, a new house, or even a new baby can all be reasons for abandoning an animal. One of the most common reasons is that they have changed their perspective on commitment. This happens when people feel they don't deserve to have a pet because they are animals and not humans. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #貓狗 #貓狗天地 #貓貓狗狗 #pandemicpuppy #catlover #doglover #愛護動物協會 #動物權益 #棄養 #遺棄動物 #狗隻棄養 #狗的想法 #虐待動物 #虐畜 #動物 #動物園 #小動物 #動物愛護 #野生動物 #入侵物種 00:00 什麼是 Pandemic Puppy? 09:18 只是一隻動物 12:24 動物也需要愛 24:18.523 愛護大自然 守護野生動物 33:10 保護動物權益
17/8/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP85: 生病了!全民中招!Everyone on Covid Risk
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP85: 生病了!全民中招!Everyone on Covid RiskEP85: 今集我哋幾個主持同大家分享吓我哋中咗新冠嘅體驗。 近來有啲地方口罩令亦都返咗嚟,所以我哋會同大家講吓喺市面上見到嘅情況。 | In this episode, our hosts will share with you our experience of getting the covid. And recently, the mask order has come back in some places, so we will tell you what we have seen on the street. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #傳染病 #細菌 #病毒 #covid #新冠肺炎 #快速檢測 #疫情防控 #疫苗 #自我隔離 #smallpox #天花 #牛痘 #monkeypox #猴痘 #口罩 #時裝 #魚蛋 #牛雜 #極端氣候 #全球暖化 00:00 深刻嘅染疫體驗08:00 自我隔離 保護家人21:18 美國市面戴口罩現象27:35 全球傳染病惡化32:27 口罩又返嚟啦39:00 香港環境多細菌?
10/8/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP84: 丁丁嘅新電動車用家體驗 The New E-Vehicle User Experience
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP84: 丁丁嘅新電動車用家體驗 New E-Vehicle User Experience EP84: 主持人丁丁最近買咗一部Tesla Model 3。零尾氣排放、比燃氣發動機安靜。大大節省燃料成本。 呢啲只是電動汽車 (EV) 嘅一小部分好處。 同汽油動力車相比,電動車的用戶體驗有很多優勢,但並不適合所有人。 今集就等丁丁同你分享我佢嘅新車體驗。| Ding Ding recently bought a Tesla Model 3, which has zero exhaust emissions and is quieter than a gas engine. Huge savings on fuel costs. These are just a few of the benefits of electric vehicles (EVs). Compared to gas-powered vehicles, the EV user experience has many advantages, but it's not for everyone. In this episode, we will share her experience with you. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #Tesla #特斯拉 #Tesla特斯拉 #特斯拉model3 #租車 #買車 #改車 #電池 #體驗 #EV #電動車 #ChargingStation #充電 #充電站 #Autopilot #自動駕駛 #SelfParking #自動泊車 #無人駕駛 #駕駛系統 00:00 開場: 節目休息原因03:33 丁丁嘅 Tesla 開箱 05:52 車手林志穎車禍意外10:06 自動駕駛及自動泊車14:59 電動車體驗及問題20:49 租車好定買車好31:04 電車充電麻唔麻煩?
27/7/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP83: 細菌當補品? Bacteria as Supplements?
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP83: 細菌當補品? Bacteria as Supplements?EP83: 俗語有云:「大菌食細菌,細菌當補品」。 當然呢句冇乜科學根據,但係其實乜嘢先至係當補品呢?其實我哋需唔需要補品及保健品呢?點選擇點去揀呢?今集我哋就大範圍傾傾我哋對保健品嘅睇法!| There is an old Chinese saying "Bacteria eat bacteria, bacteria as supplements”(Google Translate). Of course It ain’t scientific, but do we need to have supplements and health foods? Do we benefit from it? How should we choose those?Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #健康 #健康飲食 #養生 #養生術 #保健 #保健品 #補充劑 #維他命 #costco #Vitamin #Supplement #complementary #manukahoney #麥蘆卡蜂蜜 #人蔘 #花旗參 #食品安全 #中藥 #中成藥 #醫學報告00:00 美國全民染疫 07:38 大菌食細菌 細菌當補品 13:01 健康保健品安全23:03 選擇保健品的看法29:51 中藥及中成藥保健品
6/7/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP82: 墮胎法案與槍械管制 Abortion Overturned & Gun Control
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP82: 墮胎法案與槍械管制 Abortion Overturned & Gun Control EP82: 最近美國有幾個極具爭議性嘅法案、提案及社會問題。 呢啲相關嘅提案及法案會直接影響到我哋平常嘅生活。所以今集我哋會比較嚴肅啲咁去討論呢啲問題。 誰是誰非今集就我哋嚟傾傾!| U.S. Supreme Court went against public opinion in ruling on abortion rights and gun legislation recently. So we dive into those controversial and serious issues in this episode. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #人權 #政策 #憲法 #女權 #墮胎 #法案 #人工流產 #終止懷孕 #墮胎權 #性侵 #受害人 #羅訴韋德案 #roevswade #兩黨更安全社區法案 #槍械管制 #槍擊案 #自衛 #guncontrol #gunviolence #gunlaws 00:00 Intro 01:40 美國大法官推翻「羅訴韋德案」 07:20 非自願意外懷孕及產子 11:44 選擇權引致家庭問題 20:57.653 美國西部牛仔文化 28:36 美國社會及政治混沌 35:02 槍械應否設年齡管制
29/6/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP81: 微信上嘅灣區渣男?Bay Area Scumbag on WeChat
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP81: 微信上嘅灣區渣男?Bay Area Scumbag on WeChat EP81: 今日茶餘飯後閒聊近來喺微信上講嘅灣區渣男。 我哋撇開成見,今集嚟傾一傾渣男!| We gonna chit without prejudice on a topic, Bay Area Scumbag, which brought up on Chinese popular social media Wechat recently. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #bayarea #灣區 #渣男 #湾区渣男 #三藩市 #旧金山 #林生斌 #硅谷 #前妻 #亡妻 #谷歌渣男 #google渣男 #人渣 #美国生活 #兩性 #情感 #戀愛 #婚姻 #再婚 #一簾幽夢 #瓊瑤 00:00 誰是灣區渣男 07:04 點樣定義渣男 10:30 渣男基本行為 18:57 人生總會遇上幾個渣男 28:41 想起瓊瑤《一簾幽夢》
8/6/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP80: Lam 哥生日快樂 Happy Birthday, Lam!
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP80: Lam 哥生日快樂 Happy Birthday, Lam! EP80: Lam 哥、生日快樂! 由於我哋嘅主持 Lam 哥生日,所以今集就將呢一集生日相關嘅題目獻俾佢!| Since our host, Mr. Lam has his birthday on early June, let dedicate this episode to him. Happy Birthday, Lam! Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #生日 #生日月 #生日週 #生日快樂 #生日歌 #生日會 #生日蛋糕 #生日飯 #切蛋糕 #禮物 #派對 #劈酒 #驚喜 #人情 #賀禮 #壽包 #壽桃 #紅雞蛋 #birthday #happybirthday 00:00 生日的意義 09:25 有乜生日禮物 14:38 非正日慶祝生日 21:59 奇怪的生日日期25:59 小朋友的生日 36:31 期待夢想的生日
1/6/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP79: 婚禮的祝福 A Wedding Blessings
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP79: 婚禮的祝福 Wedding Blessings EP79: 近呢幾個月可能疫情慢慢消退,身邊開始好多人結婚辦婚禮。 咁今集我哋閑聊一下婚禮呢樣嘢!| After two years of silent and peoples put their wedding party on hold, you realize you may have to attend several wedding parties or ceremonies within this year. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #婚禮 #婚姻 #結婚 #新婚 #擺酒 #新娘 #新郎 #伴娘 #伴郎 #派帖 #紅色炸彈 #後疫情時代 #中式婚禮 #西式婚禮 #MC #主持 #婚禮策劃 #weddingplanner
25/5/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP78: 誰是家暴受害者? Who is a victim of domestic violence?
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP78: 誰是家暴受害者? Who is a victim of domestic violence? EP78: 最近好多人好似睇連續劇咁樣睇住Johnny Depp與Amber Heard誹謗案審訊。 呢個誹謗案中亦都帶出好多家庭及家暴問題。 我哋就嚟討論下邊個係家暴施襲者或點先算一個家暴受害者呢。| Many Americans are following Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard defamation trial as a TV drama series. But on another hand, what are domestic violence and abuse? Who can be a victim of domestic violence? How is domestic violence related to you? Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #johnnydeppvsamberheard #johnnydepptrial #DeppVsHeard #johnnydepp #amberheard #domesticviolence #夫妻 #情侶 #家庭 #情感 #婚姻 #家暴 #兩性關係 #家暴男 #家暴女 #受虐 #家暴者困境 #家暴不逃 #家暴不離開 #感情瓜葛 00:00 從Johnny Depp 事件看家暴 03:11 兒時受對待的家暴 07:16 怎樣才算夫妻情侶間的家暴 19:56 拯救家暴受虐者 30:03 家暴受虐者請盡快求助
18/5/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP77: KOL 同 YouTubers 容易賺錢?Easy Money for Influencers?
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP77: KOL 同 YouTubers 容易賺錢?Easy Money for influencers? EP77: 平時搵娛樂或者搵資料,我哋都可能會上YouTube、Facebook、Instagram、TiK-ToK、Twitter 等社交平台。 除了影片本身,我哋亦都會睇到好多廣告或贊助嘅片段。今日就同大家傾吓網上廣告片、宣傳片同贊助片段信唔信得過呢? YouTuber 係咪真係咁賺錢?| Whatever you do online, you must come across YouTube and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Twitter, etc. At the same time, you must also come across commercial, advertisement, and sponsorship ads. Are those influencers and advertisements trustworthy? Easy Money for Them? Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #subtlecantonesetraits #subtlecantotraits #YouTuber #廣東話youtuber #influencer #socialmedia #社交平台 #網上媒體 #媒體 #開箱 #openbox #review #贊助 #廣告 #sponsor #對不起 #麥當勞 #微辣 #KOL #照騙
11/5/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP76: 我哋呢班打工仔 We are the Laborers
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP76: 我哋呢班打工仔 We are the laborers EP76: 無名三把火,有人好嬲咁投訴同事返工及處理事情嘅態度。 我哋就同大家傾吓一啲打工仔心態同辦公室嘅文化。| Is it workplace environment and labor mindset changed over the last several years? Let’s chat about employee mentality, workplace environment, and cultures. Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast.fm #粵語 #工作 #員工 #同事 #職場 #職場倫理 #上班 #上班族 #辦公室 #辦公室文化 #officeslave #高科技 #IT #openoffice #培訓 #歸屬感 #自我中心 #奴性 #適應力 #越級報告 #管理層 #打工仔
4/5/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP75: 美國嘅香港流行曲及演唱會 Hong Kong Music & Concert in the US
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP75: 美國嘅香港流行曲及演唱會 Hong Kong Music & Concert in the US EP75: 大力Derrick 最近聽到一首好 WOW 嘅香港廣東話歌。佢話姜濤嘅《鏡中鏡》好值得推介。 不過口味嘅嘢每個人都唔同,幾位主持睇法亦唔同。今集就同大家講吓身在美國嘅我哋、如何感受香港音樂、流行曲及演唱會!| Derrick recently fall in love with a Cpop song (鏡中鏡), but others feel another way. So last discuss the culture of Hong Kong music and concert in the U.S. Website: https://cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast.fm #粵語 #香港 #HongKong #娛樂圈 #文化 #cpop #樂壇 #流行曲 #姜濤 #AnsonLo盧瀚霆 #mirror #mirrorweare #鏡中鏡 #Viutv #蔡依林 #JolinTsai #billieeilish #BTS #TaylorSwift #演唱會 #FanClub
27/4/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP74: 物價上漲及離網生活 Inflation and Off-Grid Living
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP74: 物價上漲及離網生活 Inflation and Off-Grid LivingEP74: 近來物價整體上漲,美國嘅通脹率已經去到8.5%。啲嘢咁貴,我哋又可以點樣生活呢!所以大力Derrick 最近研究緊離網生活。今集就同大家分享吓捱貴貨同一啲另類生活。| US inflation climbed to 8.5% last March. We feel like everything become more and more expensive. That made Derrick start to research on alternative living style and he discovered Homesteading and Off-Grid Living.Website: https://cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #物價 #通貨膨脹 #通脹 #inflation #電動車 #Tesla #加價 #茶餐廳 #Chinatown #三餸一湯 #Costco #一百種生活 #自給自足 #離網生活 #offgridliving #homesteading #水耕種植 #hydroponic #魚菜共生 #aquaponic
20/4/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP73: 理工直男與異地戀 Straight-forward Guy and Long Distance Relationship
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP73: 理工直男與異地戀 Straight-forward Guy and Long Distance RelationshipEP73: 由於今集回應聽眾嘅要求,所以主題就係想講講理工直男與異地戀。今集兩位主持傾吓傾吓突然發覺節目變咗一個情感節目。| As our listener requested, our topic gonna be about Straight-forward Guy and Long Distance Relationships.Website: https://cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #理工直男 #理工男 #直男 #直男癌 #異地戀 #情侶 #情人 #愛情 #戀愛 #不浪漫 #約會 #兩性關係 #兩性 #拍拖 #男朋友 #女朋友 #男友 #女友 #距離 #時間
13/4/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP72: 傾傾熊抱青春記 Disney and Pixar's Turning Red
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP72: 傾傾熊抱青春記 Disney and Pixar's Turning RedEP72: 我哋返嚟啦! 休息咗幾個禮拜,我哋而家返嚟啦! 今集我哋同大家傾一傾一套動畫片 Turning Red 熊抱青春記。 我哋作為一個傳統家庭長大嘅中國人,對呢套戲特別有感覺! 今集就嚟同大家分享一下我哋嘅體會。| WE ARE BACK!!! We are gonna talk about the American computer-animated fantasy comedy film, Turning Red. This film is deeply familiar puberty story to us in many ways. Let’s start our culture debate!Website: https://cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #TurningRed #熊抱青春記 #青春變形記 #青春養成記 #PixarTurningRed #pixar #DisneyPlus #海外華人 #青春期 #反叛期 #加拿大 #多倫多 #沈殿霞 #LydiaShum #楊紫瓊 #MichelleYeoh #TVB #玉器 #兩代 #矛盾
6/4/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP71: 將興趣成為職業/斜槓族 Turn a Hobby Into a Career /Slash Career
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP71: 將興趣成為職業/斜槓族 Turn a Hobby Into a Career /Slash CareerEP71: 其實興趣同職業呢兩樣嘢係咪可以共存嘅呢?今集我哋就輕輕鬆鬆傾一傾「興趣成為職業」呢一個話題,我哋又會傾到多重職業人/斜杠人生/斜杠族/Slash族。作為斜杠族嘅大力Derrick 亦會分享一下佢嘅睇法。| Can a hobby become a career or even a slash career? Let’s discuss it in this episode and Derrick, a slasher, will share his point of view on this topic. Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/ 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading 大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #斜槓人生 #興趣 #職業 #自由職業 #工作 #創意 #設計 #證書 #網上課程 #碩士 #slashcareer #slasher #slashies #hobby #career #freelance #creative #design #certificate #onlinecourse
9/3/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP70: 雪山上嘅交通意外 Multi-Vehicle Accident on Snow
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP70: 雪山上嘅交通意外 Multi-Vehicle Accident on SnowEP70: 喺美國生活經常都要揸車出門。揸車多、意外機會自然多。 我哋主持人丁丁早前就喺雪山上發生多車連環相撞嘅交通意外。 幸好意外冇造成任何人嘅受傷。有見及此,今集就同大家分享一下我哋交通意外經歷。| Driving is essential in their daily life and it is the most dangerous thing most Americans do every day. Our host DingDing recently involved a Multi-Car Crash (Multi-Vehicle Accident) up on the snowy mountain and fortunately no minor and serious injuries reported. We are gonna share our vehicle accident experience to you, so you can beware and avoid any potential accident happen.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #撞車 #炒車 #交通 #交通意外 #accident #vehicleaccident #連環相撞 #逃生 #飄移 #開車 #賴地硬 #保險 #Insurance #汽車保險 #賠償 #自駕遊 #長途車 #totalloss #修車 #驗車
2/3/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP69: 繼續講廣東話 Let’s Speak Cantonese
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP69: 繼續講廣東話 Let’s Speak CantoneseEP69: 最近三藩市灣區嘅社區大學同史丹福大學都因為資源問題, 嘗試削減廣東話語言課程。 我哋作為一個廣東話嘅Podcast節目主持,我哋同其他社區人士都支持廣東話,極力爭取保留廣東話語言課程。 今集節目我哋就用廣東話嚟講廣東話,同大家傾傾廣東話有幾有用、有幾有趣。 | Recently, City College in San Francisco and Stanford University are under threat of canceling Cantonese language education programs due to budget cuts this year. As Cantonese speakers and Cantonese podcasters, We and our community are here to prevent it happens. So let’s us speak Cantonese to talk about Cantonese, why we should keep speaking it and why Cantonese are so interesting.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話Podcast #Podcast #播客 #subtlecantonestraits #Cantonese #Canto #粵語 #廣東話 #大排檔 #茶餐廳 #飲食 #走青 #雲吞麵 #細蓉 #靚仔 #靚女 #奶茶 #三點三 #下午茶 #厚多士 #食蕉 #腸粉 #點心 #打冷 #打邊爐 #竹升 #SaveCantonese
23/2/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP68: 情人節的煩惱 The Problem With Valentine's Day
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP68: 情人節的煩惱 The Problem With Valentine's DayEP68: 好多人都會煩惱情人節點樣揀禮物,送啲咩花,點樣安排當日行程。 今集再同大家傾傾我哋嘅情人節係會點渡過。| Some people might bother by how to prepare gift, flower, dinner reservation for Valentine’s Day. Let’s chat and share idea about our Valentine’s Day in this episode.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #情人節 #情人節禮物 #禮物 #送花 #七夕 #白色情人節 #觀星 #撐艇仔 #看海 #放燈 #情人節套餐 #套餐 #宣示主權 #旅行 #節目 #心型牛扒
16/2/2022 • 0 minutos
EP67: 冬奧帶動運動效應 Effects of the Winter Olympics
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP67: 冬奧帶動運動效應 Effects of the Winter OlympicsEP67: 去得滑雪場滑雪,一定係裝備齊全,由頭包到落腳。 今集主持丁丁會教你點樣喺滑雪場,從裝扮中分辨出佢係咪中國人呢!我哋又會講一講最近北京嘅冬季奧運所帶嚟嘅效應。| Usually skiing & snowboarding gear are fully covered from head to toes. But can you identify someone with their skiing & snowboarding wear on? Ding Ding will tell you how can you identify Chinese based on their skiing clothing. And we will share about which winter sport event we care in Winter Olympics. Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #wintersport #WinterOlympics #olympics #北京 #Beijing #冬季奧運 #冬奧 #snowboard #滑雪 #滑雪裝備 #Figureskating #花式溜冰 #iceskating #溜冰 #curling #冰壺 #SpeedSkating #速度滑冰 #短道速滑 #Skijumping
9/2/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP66: 農曆新年傳統與禁忌 Chinese New Year Traditions & Prohibition
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP66: 農曆新年傳統與禁忌 Chinese New Year Traditions & ProhibitionEP65: 今集我哋嘅節目會同大家分享吓農曆新年嘅傳統同禁忌,講講八卦嘢。咁喺美國生活嘅我哋仲會跟中國農曆新年嘅傳統去做呢? 呢啲係傳統定迷信呢? | In this episode, we gonna discuss about tradition and prohibition of Chinese New Year. What the different between tradition and faith. If you participate and celebrate CNY in State, what Chinese tradition you must follow and what you can pass by. Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #ChineseNewYear #CNY #yearoftiger #傳統 #新年 #農曆新年 #春節 #禁忌 #拜年 #風水 #玄學 #運程 #虎年運程 #生肖運程 #犯太歲 #拜神 #佛教 #道教 #利是 #紅包
2/2/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP65: 車行裏的麻煩客 Difficult Customer in Car Dealership
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP65: 車行裏的麻煩客 Difficult Customer in Car DealershipEP65: 今集我哋請咗喺車行工作嘅嘉賓Brian。 如果你喺美國車行買過車,都應該知道買車可以有幾複雜。呢集同大家分享吓喺車行入邊佢遇到嘅麻煩客人同埋分享一下客戶服務嘅辛酸。| If you had purchase vehicle from car dealership before, you should already know how complicate and time consuming is it. So we invited our guest, Brian, who works in car dealership and he will share his experience on how to deal with difficult or unhappy customers.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#美國 #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #買車 #賣車 #新車 #舊車 #專業 #客戶服務 #車行 #麻煩 #客戶 #銷售 #銷售策略 #無理要求 #cardealership #customerservice #troublemaker #sales
26/1/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP64: Carmen 回歸錄音室 疫情下餐飲業如何
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP64: Carmen 回歸錄音室 疫情下餐飲業如何EP64: 歡迎Carmen回歸我哋嘅錄音室,同我哋一齊錄 Podcast。 由於大家都有一段時間冇見,所以今集會先傾傾近況,再講講我哋喺疫情下所見到嘅展望展。由於時間關係,我哋今集講一講我哋見到嘅餐飲業如何。| We welcome Carmen to join our podcast again. Since we took a short break during Christmas and New Year, it is good to catch up with our hosts and share our recent pandemic life.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tseCarmen Instagram: @Carmen_318 #美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #covid #變種病毒 #檢測 #疫苗 #感染率 #中醫 #西醫 #文化差別 #口罩令 #感冒 #與病毒共存 #經濟 #工作 #生活 # 飲食 #餐館 #食肆 #餐飲業 #煮飯 #烹飪
19/1/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP63: 新冠疫情顯出文化差別 我哋與病毒共存嘅日子
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP63: 新冠疫情顯出文化差別 我哋與病毒共存嘅日子EP63: 疫情已經持續左兩年,我哋嘅生活亦都產生好多變化。全球不同國家都有唔同政策或理念去處理新冠病毒。 呢集我哋講吓我哋所見到同嘅文化差別同埋成個疫情對我哋嘅生活同工作有咩影響呢!| Our life had changed last two years because of pandemic. Different country or culture custom has their own way to handle the pandemic. So we're gonna discuss about the differences and how we deal with the pandemic in our life.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tse#美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #Omicron #變種病毒 #檢測 #疫苗 #感染率 #中醫 #西醫 #文化差別 #口罩令 #感冒 #止痛藥 #計劃趕不上變化 #分隔兩地 #與病毒共存 #旅遊 #跨年 #經濟 #工作 #生活 #生活變化
12/1/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP62: 猶他州鹽湖城旅行經歷 風景照騙與現實不符
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP62: 猶他州鹽湖城旅行經歷 風景照騙與現實不符EP62: 呢一集,丁丁帶大家去猶他州鹽湖城旅行。風景照片優美,環境心曠神怡!但係事實係咪咁呢?今集就分享吓到風景區旅行嘅趣事。| Ding Ding will share her travel experience of Salt Lake City, Utah in this is episode. All nature landscape pictures that you found on internet are amazing, but most of them have been edited to be unreal. Will Ding Ding disappoint when she physically there?Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tse #美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #聖誕節 #新年 #白色聖誕 #猶他州 #Utah #鹽湖城 #saltlakecity #mirrorlake #渡假屋 #小鎮 #自駕遊 #小鎮餐館 #外州餐館 #暑期工 #攝影 #風景相 #P圖 #照騙 #旅行經歷 #滑雪 #衝浪
5/1/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP61: 聖誕老人送聖誕禮物 過一個平安的平安夜
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP61: 聖誕老人送聖誕禮物 過一個平安的平安夜EP61: 今年聖誕又來到啦!雖然今年嘅聖誕節仍然係疫情嘅陰影下,但仍然好多人或公司都會搞派對。家庭朋友公司聚會都可能會送下禮物表達下心意。 今集就講講點樣做聖誕老人送聖誕禮物。| Although we are still under pandemic threat on Christmas 2021, but still a ton of peoples held and join holiday party or events this Christmas. Most people may prepare Christmas gift to attend those parties. So we gonna share how we transform to be Santa Claus in the holiday season. Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tse #美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #聖誕節 #聖誕 #白色聖誕 #聖誕老人 #禮物 #禮物套裝 #交換禮物 #Whiteelephant #退貨 #購物 #派對 #晚餐 #約會 #平安夜 #家人 #家庭樂 #香港 #廣州 #與病毒共存 #homealone
22/12/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP60: 美式室內遊樂場 重拾兒時歡樂天地
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP60: 美式室內遊樂場 重拾兒時歡樂天地EP60: 喺美國好多地方都有室內遊樂場。佢哋都不設年齡限制,大人細路一齊玩。今集就同大家講講我哋去呢啲室內遊樂場玩啲乜,有乜玩!| In this episode, we are gonna share about our fun time in arcades and sport bars.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tse #美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #daveandbusters #arcade #賭場 #遊樂場 #遊戲設施 #歡樂天地 #歡樂小天地 #投幣遊戲 #經典遊戲 #打機 #拍拖 #公仔 #夾公仔機 #跳舞機 #賽車 #射擊遊戲 #彩虹池 #波波池 #打地鼠 #鬥牛
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP58: 美國治安越嚟越差 我哋點樣保護自己EP58: 最近美國治安越嚟越差,不單止一個地區,係整個美國嘅治安都越嚟越差。 今日我哋就想同大家分享吓係治安咁差咁嘅情況下,我哋幾位主持如何應對。| Crime and violent wave is rising in the State and it isn’t local issue, it is national issue. In this episode, we are sharing our thoughts and how we deal with this issue to protect ourselves.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tse#美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #治安 #搶劫 #集體搶劫 #持槍搶劫 #開槍 #槍械問題 #汽車爆竊 #種族歧視 #防狼噴霧 #胡椒噴霧 #軍刀 #防身 #防身器具 #防身物 #反跟蹤 #看門狗 #真槍 #氣槍 #StopAsianHate
1/12/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP57: Happy Thanksgiving! 為節日假期做好準備
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP57: Happy Thanksgiving! 為節日假期做好準備EP57: Happy Thanksgiving! 雖然今年嘅美國感恩節仍然係疫情陰影下,但我哋嘅主持丁丁仍然無懼疫情, set好個靚頭準備旅行。呢一集就同大家講吓我哋點樣為節日假期做好準備。| Happy Thanksgiving! Despite pandemic, our host Ding-Ding are ready for holiday travel. So we gonna share how we prepare for this Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday in this episode.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tse#美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #thanksgiving #blackfriday #cybermonday #hoildayseason #感恩節 #假期 #長假期 #理髮 #扮靚 #買衫 #旅行 #外遊 #滑雪 #Privatesale #特價 #Sale #購物 #團聚 #火雞 #感恩節大餐
24/11/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP56: 有社交牛逼症的主持 在朋友圈中扮演什麼角色
EP56: 你喺朋友圈中扮演乜嘢角色! 我哋嘅主持最近懷疑患上社交牛逼症及社交恐懼症。 究竟邊位中咗招呢?所以我哋今集會講講我哋平時喺朋友圈中扮演啲乜嘢角色。| What is your role in your circle of friends? In this episode, we're gonna discuss about how we interact with our friends and what role are we playing in our circle of friends.Website: https://www.mychinesepodcast.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/丁丁 Instagram: @ikading大力 Instagram: @derrick_digitalartLam Instagram: @lam.tse#美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #社交 #朋友圈 #朋友 #人際關係 #交友之道 #角色 #朋友關係 #友情 #交友 #生活圈 #朋友旅行 #旅遊 #旅行 #出遊 #溝通 #豬隊友 #社交恐懼症 #社交牛逼症 #社交牛B症 #社交nb症
Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP47: 都是翻譯惹的禍 It's all caused by translationEP47: 無論係中文翻譯英文或者係廣東話翻譯國語,我哋平常喺美國生活都會遇上好多翻譯上嘅事情。所以今集我哋同大家分享吓我哋平常遇到翻譯上嘅笑話同情況。以下英文係由 Google Translate (冇修改) | Whether it is a Chinese translation to English or a Cantonese translation to Mandarin, we usually encounter many translation issues in American life. So in this episode, we share with you the jokes and situations that scare us when we usually encounter translations. The following English is by Google Translate (not modified)Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/#美國 #三藩市 #舊金山 #SanFrancisco #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #播客 #粵語 #翻譯 #中文 #英文 #英文文法 #中文考試 #文法 #解釋 #醫療 #醫生 #DMV #考車牌 #紋身 #中文紋身 #槍牌 #考槍牌 #地產牌 #建築牌 #英文菜單 #菜單 #中餐館
EP29: 今集同大家分享吓喺美國睇醫生、睇急診同住院嘅一啲經歷。美國醫療費用出名先進同昂貴,咁佢哋嘅服務又係點嘅呢? 同香港、國內有咩唔同呢? | We gonna share our patient experience in this episode. The US often use expensive technologies and spends more on health care nearly twice as much as the average of most other countries, but how good are their health care service? Is it different than others?
12/5/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP28: 主播運動趣事多 金腰帶張偉麗30秒被K.O.
EP28: 主持人丁丁主場之主播運動趣事多。我哋同大家講下運動嘅趣事,由綜合格鬥講到 田徑,再去 到極限運動。分享下我哋以前玩運動嘅趣事。| We are gonna share our interesting story about sports in this episode. From UFC, MMA, Track and Field to X-Games, we are gonna share our experience on every single sport.
5/5/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP27: 搭飛機去玩嘅奇遇
EP27: 而家好多人已經打咗疫苗,大家都準備要搭飛機去玩或者去探親戚。今集就同大家由中國國內機、國際機去到美國國內機,我哋講講搭飛機遇上嘅奇遇。| Since most people in the State have been vaccinated and a lot of us are planning our next trip. In this episode, we're gonna share about our adventure relating to air travel.
28/4/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP26: 奪命追魂Call 愛情冷戰冷暴力
EP26: 相信大家係愛情路上都體驗過奪命追魂Call、分手又唔分手進入愛情冷戰時期。我哋延續上一集嘅話題同大家傾傾戀愛中嘅距離及文化觀念差異。 We believe you have experienced a ton of calls and messages sent by your boyfriend or girlfriend in a short period of time. And experienced stuck at breakup or not in a relationship. We continue to discuss on Chinese and American dating cultures from the last episode.
21/4/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP25: 中式約會 vs 美式 Dating 文化觀念差異
EP25: 係美國約會不等於交往?今集想同大家研究一下中美式約會 Dating 文化上同觀念上嘅差異。| Does dating mean being in a relationship? In this episode, we are gonna discuss different on Chinese and American dating cultures, different perspectives, views of relationships.#戀愛攻略 #兩性 #戀愛 #約會 #好感 #男女 #女生 #男生 #愛情 #戀情 #交往 #曖昧 #發展 #升溫 #暗示 #告白 #交友軟體 #單身 #把妹 #約出去
14/4/2021 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP24: 中西歌曲音樂有啲咩唔同
EP24: 中西歌曲有啲咩唔同?我哋喺美國又點樣聽到中文歌呢?我哋會分享我哋聽歌嘅習慣同埋聽歌嘅種類。| What is the difference between Chinese and English Pop? How do we listen to Chinese Pop in the state? We are gonna share our habit of listening to music and our favorite music genres.
7/4/2021 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP23: 80s-90s粵語流行曲 永遠懷念張國榮
EP23: 今集同大家懷念張國榮,同時一齊傾吓80-90年代嘅粵語流行曲。由張國榮、譚詠麟、梅艷芳到四大天王張學友、劉德華、郭富城、黎明。音樂對我哋成長有乜影響呢!| We miss you, Leslie Cheung, at the same time, we’re gonna talk about 80s-90s Cantopop in this episode. From Leslie Cheung, Alan Tam, Anita Mui to Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok and Leon Lai.
31/3/2021 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP22: 幾時可以去旅行?X Clubhouse小測試
EP22: 幾時可以去旅行? 上一年完全唔可以去旅行,而家終於好多地方慢慢重開。係時候開始諗下下一步去邊度旅行啦! | When can we travel again? We couldn't travel last year but many places are reopening slowly now. It is time to think about our next trip.
24/3/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP21: 緬懷經典香港電視劇
EP21: 以前細個冇乜娛樂,睇電視煲劇成為我哋嘅成長一部分。今集我哋就緬懷一下我哋以前睇嘅香港電視劇。| Hong Kong TV dramas were part of our life when we grew up. Let’s cherish the memory of the Hong Kong TV series we watched before in this episode.
17/3/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP20: 童年玩具 遊戲人間
EP20: 你嘅童年玩啲咩㗎?我哋就講下我哋嘅童年有啲咩玩。我哋曾經擁有過嘅玩具。我哋曾經玩過嘅遊戲。童年時嘅我與你!| What does your childhood look like? We will share our childhood with you. The toy that we owned, the game that we played. Let’s chat about our childhood.
10/3/2021 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP19: 兒時跌親撞親睇醫生
EP19: 小時候一定會跌親撞親,一定會出動紅藥水、藍藥水或紫藥水。正所謂睇醫生由細睇到大。今集就講講我哋跌跌碰碰嘅小時候。| When we were young and jumped around, we must somehow physically hurt ourselves and used Merbromin to treat our minor wounds. Doctor visits became routine visits. Let’s talk about our childhood days.
3/3/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP18: 百厭主持話童年
EP18: 今集我哋幾位主持講一講我哋細個百厭曳曳嘅事。我哋細個有咩玩、打咩機、睇咩卡通片。| In this episode, we will talk about how mischievous we are. We share what game we played and what cartoon we watched.
24/2/2021 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP17: 美國 華人點過農曆新年 (飲食篇)
EP17: 剛剛過緊農曆新年,今集同大家分享下農曆新年我哋習慣會食啲咩。各處鄉村各處例,我哋嘅新年食品有啲咩唔同呢?| We already shared how Chinese-American celebrate Lunar New Year in the last episode. Different locations or places of Chinese have their own food culture to celebrate Lunar New Year. So in this episode, we are gonna talk about foods for Lunar New Year.
17/2/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP16: 美國華人點過農曆新年
EP16: 恭喜發財,新年快樂,身體健康!又到農曆新年,今集節目我哋講下我哋喺美國點樣過農曆新年。 由辦年貨、拜年、新年街會、講到三藩市農曆新年花車巡遊。 想知美國華人點過農曆新年就要聽呢一集啦! | Happy Lunar New Year! 2021 Lunar New Year is here. We're gonna talk about how Chinese-American celebrate Lunar New Year in the US. We will cover from CNY preparation to the San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival & Parade in this episode.今集提到嘅電視節目連結:2021《鷹明天下》新春特別節目https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwMVUgEDVjPcpmUYwotA5lNMKNnuvIgxt
10/2/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP15: 今年情人節早啲準備 買乜禮物做乜好
EP15: 今年情人節遇上疫情,好多地方冇得食情人節大餐。今集講講我哋計畫點過情人節。當然我哋亦會講下我哋以前嘅情人節係點過。| This year Valentine's Day may look different. Many restaurants and attractions have closed to the public during the pandemic. We are gonna share our Valentine’s Day plan and share our experience on past V Day.
3/2/2021 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP14: 寵物情緣 貓貓狗狗做主角
EP14: 拜登上任連同佢嘅德國牧羊犬 Champ 同 Major一齊都搬入白宮。根據美國調查、 67% 嘅家庭都有餵養寵物。全美一半以上 53% 都係養狗狗嘅。今集就講下係美國養寵物係乜一回事。| New President Joe Biden moved in White House with his German Shepherd dogs Champ & Major. 67% of U.S. households own a pet and 53% of American households own dogs. So we are gonna chit about pets and dogs in this episode.
27/1/2021 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP13: CES 2021 美國消費電子展有啲乜 高科技有乜用
EP13: CES 2021 美國消費電子展在一片歌聲後完美落幕。咁今年有啲咩特別嘅產品引起我哋嘅注意呢?咁呢啲高科技同我哋嘅生活又有啲咩關係呢?| The Party of CES 2021 was ended with Dua Lipa and Billie Eilish's performance. So which tech products at CES that caught our attention and why they are related to our daily life?
20/1/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP12: 偷車爆車窗玻璃 居家避疫入屋爆竊反增
EP12: 最近偷車爆玻璃,居家避疫入屋爆竊反增!我哋今集傾下我哋比人偷車、爆車窗玻璃同入屋爆竊嘅經驗同分享一下我哋嘅小貼士。 | Property crime has been rising recently. We are gonna share our experience on how to fight against those crimes including vehicle theft, break-ins, burglary, and larceny.
13/1/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP11: 錢錢錢錢錢!用錢洗錢、賺錢搵錢
EP11: 2021 嘅第一集就同大家講錢!美國聯邦派發$600紓困金,我哋會點用呢?我哋又會傾下我哋點樣碌卡洗錢同搵錢。| Let’s talk about money. The second round of $600 stimulus checks is on the way. What is our plan? We also discuss our experience with spending and earning habits. Everything is about money in this episode.
6/1/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP10: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 | 再見2020 歡迎2021
EP10: Happy New Year, 2021!我哋今集會同你細說我哋有喜有悲嘅2020。我哋都會同大家傾下 2021年嘅計劃同展望。| Happy New Year, 2021! In this episode, We will talk about our joys and sorrows in 2020. And we will share our plans and prospects for 2021.
30/12/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP09: 聖誕節交換禮物小派對及尋找聖誕之旅
EP09: Happy Holiday! 我哋搞咗個小型聖誕節交換禮物嘅派對。三位主持交換禮物現場拆開禮物畀你睇(可到我哋 Facebook, Youtube 或 Instagram 觀看)。我哋又會帶大家尋找我哋記憶中嘅聖誕節。| Happy Holiday! We threw a small Christmas gift exchange party in our studio. Our three hosts will open our gift in front of the camera immediately. We also take you to walk down our Christmas memory lanes.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mychinesepodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mychinesepodcast/Youtube: https://yt.vu/+mychinesepodcast
23/12/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP08: 電影院與串流平台之戰及體驗分享
EP08: 華納兄弟2021新電影將係 HBO Max 同步上架。 咁會唔會導致電影院相繼結業呢?從觀眾嘅角度,我哋會討論下咁樣會有乜影響同衝擊。我哋又會分享下我哋睇戲嘅體驗。| Warner Bros. will release all of its new 2021 movies on HBO Max simultaneously. Will they potentially kill theaters? We will discuss the impact of our watching movie experience and sharing our experience on streaming services.
16/12/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP07: 速遞包裹經常失竊及與其他族裔相處經驗
最近速遞包裹經常失竊。呢集我哋講下對速遞及其公司嘅一啲睇法。 同時有聽眾提議我哋講下我哋點同其他族裔嘅人相處, 一啲文化交流嘅經歷。 | Porch package thieves are on the rise recently. Let’s talk about shipping and mail delivery issues and our point of view. As suggested by our audience, we're gonna talk about our experience on how we get along with different ethnic friends and groups.
9/12/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP06: 世紀「高齡拳擊賽」及男女購物習慣大不同
EP06: 係呢個感恩節假日有一場世紀拳擊表演賽,泰臣 (Mike Tyson) 大戰鍾斯 (Roy Jones Jr.)。 兩位都係唔同年代嘅傳奇拳王。我哋會傾傾呢一場兩位加埋過百歲嘅高齡拳王復出賽。我哋又會傾下感恩節商場打折促銷,其實男人女人嘅出門購物習慣有乜唔同呢?| We're gonna discuss a fight between two former and retired boxing legend and heavyweight champions, a dramatic boxing exhibition of Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr. during this Thanksgiving holiday. In the big discount shopping season, we share our perspective of gender differences on shopping behavior that men and women differ dramatically in their shopping habits and strategies.
2/12/2020 • 0 minutos, 1 segundo
EP05: 美國感恩節食 乜嘢?黑色星期五大血拚
EP05: 今集我哋分享下美國感恩節有啲乜嘢食。我哋又會講下黑色星期五及 Cyber Monday 購物高峰期嘅購物心情及小攻略。| In this episode, we will discuss traditional and non-traditional dishes for Thanksgiving in the United States. We will talk about our shopping experience and tips on the shopping fever of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
25/11/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP04: 我們的校園生活: 中港美校園大不同
EP04: 中國、香港、美國嘅校園生活有啲咩唔同呢!三位主持分別曾經係不同地方嘅校園成長。 我哋會分享喺唔同地方嘅校園生活點滴。| How different are school & campus life in China, Hong Kong, and the United States? We shared our middle and high school life while we were in those different places.
18/11/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
EP03: 移民美國初體驗: 移民經歷分享及文化衝擊
EP03: 三位主持憶述移民美國嘅第一次。三位移民美國嘅時間都唔同,感受亦有所不同。我哋一一分享我哋嘅經歷、點樣考車牌、交通通勤、飲食習慣及文化衝擊。| Our hosts recalled their immigration experience to the United States. Since we immigrated to the United States at different periods of time, our experience and sympathy are also different. We share our experiences and feelings on commuting, dietary habits, and culture shock.