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Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And and Vocal Trance Mix Sets - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix - Featuring The Best Of Trance Music - DJ Sets, performed live | DJ FemaleAtWork Cover
Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And and Vocal Trance Mix Sets - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix - Featuring The Best Of Trance Music - DJ Sets, performed live | DJ FemaleAtWork Profile

Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And and Vocal Trance Mix Sets - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix - Featuring The Best Of Trance Music - DJ Sets, performed live | DJ FemaleAtWork

Alemán, Trance, 1 temporada, 120 episodios, 0 días, 0 horas, 0 minutos
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Trance music DJ mixes, featuring the best artists and tracks!
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Euphoric Airlines 24.07.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Und wieder eine neue Episode der "Euphoric Airlines" Radio Show mit vielen tollen Liedern von super Producern! Maßgeblich wirken natürlich auch Eure Musikwünsche auf die Sendung ein - so habt Ihr jede Woche die Gelegenheit, Die Sendung aktiv mitzugestalten. Ich freue mich immer sehr, für Euch da sein zu dürfen und ich freue mich auch über Eure Beteiligung im Chat. Es macht jede Woche so viel Spaß! Vielen Dank dafür!
2/8/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 17.07.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Eine weitere, frische Episode der "Euphoric Airlines Radio Show", die wöchentlich live auf zu hören ist. Jeden Sonntag von 17:30 bis 20:00! Lehnt Euch zurück und genießt die Musik!
18/7/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 03.07.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Ich freue mich, Euch zu einer neuen Episode der "Euphoric Airlines Uplifting Trance Radio Show" begrüßen zu dürfen! Wie immer, tolle musikwünsche Von Strucki, Chris, Mad.Zin und vielen anderen! Es war sehr toll mit Euch!
4/7/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 26.06.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

A selection of Trance mixes, worth to hear. If you feel good, Trance makes it even better; if you feel down, Trance will cheer you up. Including the "Euphoric Airlines Radio Show" which is aired live every Sunday from 17.30 - 20.00 CET/MEZ/MESZ on and of course the "Discover Trance" Podcast!
27/6/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 19.06.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

A selection of Trance mixes, worth to hear. If you feel good, Trance makes it even better; if you feel down, Trance will cheer you up. Including the "Euphoric Airlines Radio Show" which is aired live every Sunday from 17.30 - 20.00 CET/MEZ/MESZ on and of course the "Discover Trance" Podcast!
20/6/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 05.06.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work

An dieser Stelle möchte ich die Bande im Chat ganz herzlich grüßen! Es ist mir jedes Mal ein Fest und eine Ehre!
16/6/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines 22.05.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Tolle Nachricht von Marcel G. erhalten: "Ja heute ist Muttertag und ich höre gerade das geilste Set von allen und ich verfolge nahezu jede Woche deine Radioshows und downloade wenn sie verfügbar sind Auf jeden Fall 5 Platinsterne und noch ein paar mehr als Reserve falls welche verloren gehen. Freue mich außerdem auch schon darauf das heutige Set zu downloaden zu können denn ich habe nämlich meine ganz spezielle Playlist wo ich nur meine absoluten Nr. 1 Set's aus 26 Jahre Trancemusic - Sucht ablege und da ist noch viel Platz für weitere besondere Unikate" Vielen herzlichen Dank für die tolle Nachricht, lieber Marcel! Ich habe mich total gefreut, das ist wirklich lieb von Dir!
23/5/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines 10.04.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

The freshest set from the "Euphoric Airlines Radio Show" which features Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And Vocal Trance! Mixed by Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live on RauteMusik.Trance Every Saturday, 17:30 - 20:00 on
11/4/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines 03.04.2022 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix-Open-High

The freshest set from DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) for you! Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And Vocal Trance tunes from new to classics! Enjoy!
5/4/20220 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Female@Work - DJ Alifts Birthday Bash

My share of Trance sets for DJ Alift's birthday bash. It was a pleasure for me to play the set and I feel honoured by having been asked! I hope you will have a pleasant hour while you sit back and relax.
12/10/20211 hora, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 03.10.2021 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting Trance, Vocal Trance, OrchesTrance! Mixed live every week by DJ Female@Work|FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ on RauteMusik.Trance. Every Sunday afternoon, immerse yourself in the most beautiful trance tracks: new, promising pieces and tried-and-tested classics. Every Sunday from 5.30pm to 8pm Cet/MEZ/MESZ on Who wants to support DJ Female@Work | FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ directly, please use my PayPal mail address [email protected] or
7/10/20210 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 19.09.2021 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting Trance, Vocal Trance, OrchesTrance! Mixed live every week by DJ Female@Work|FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ on RauteMusik.Trance. Every Sunday afternoon, immerse yourself in the most beautiful trance tracks: new, promising pieces and tried-and-tested classics. Every Sunday from 5.30pm to 8pm Cet/MEZ/MESZ on If you want more information, please surf to - there is also a donation button to donate to the German children's cancer aid! Who wants to support DJ Female@Work | FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ directly, please use my PayPal mail address [email protected] or 00:00:10 DJ Female@Work - Euphoric Airlines Radio Show 00:02:35 DeeAnork - Twilight Guardian 00:09:45 Paul Miller - Panamera 00:15:07 Dmitry Kuznetsov - Snowflakes 00:21:35 Se.Ra.Phic - Sogno 00:27:23 RMB - Spring (Talla 2XLC Club Mix) 00:34:27 XiJaro & Pitch - Ode To The Fallen 00:39:54 Alphazone - Stay 00:45:47 Etasonic - Wonder of This Planet 00:52:11 The Mechanic & Vindicator - The World In My Eyes 01:00:36 Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix) 01:07:09 Ilya Soloviev & Poshout - Leaving Planet 01:14:17 RAM & Susana - Someone Like You 01:19:42 Victor Special - Storm Chasers 01:25:31 Syntouch pres. Sunsliderz - Sunrise (Kiyoi & Eky Remix) 01:29:57 Ram & Darren Porter - The Calling (Grotesque 300 Anthem) 01:36:35 NU NRG - Dreamland 01:43:19 Afternova - Into The Sky 01:49:45 Solarstone feat. Clare Stagg - The Spell 01:57:29 Aly & Fila - Eye Of Horus (Ronski Speed Remix) 02:05:12 Push - Universal Nation 02:14:44 DT8 Project - Destination (Above & Beyond Extended Mix) 02:21:10 Marco Torrance & Natasha Jaffe - Under The Diving Bell
3/10/20210 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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DiscoverTrance 18.09.2021 - Melodic, Uplifting and Vocal Trance - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Wenn Sie mich beim Kauf neuer Songs unterstützen wollen, dann benutzen Sie bitte diesen Link oder nutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste Ich danke Ihnen/Euch! Hallo :) Dies ist die neueste Episode von "Discover Trance", gespielt von DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). Während des Sets wähle ich die Tracks aus, die am besten passen (meistens, zumindest) :). Natürlich werden auch immer Hörerwünsche gespielt! Ich hoffe, das Set gefällt und wünsche Ihnen/Euch einen schönen Tag! Biggi ######### If you want to support me in buying new songs, then please use the following link or use my Amazon Wishlist: Thank you! Hello :) This is the latest episode of "Discover Trance", played by DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). During the set, I choose the tracks that fit best (mostly, at least) :). Of course there are always listener requests played! I hope you like the set and I wish you a nice day! Biggi
21/9/20210 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 20.03.2021 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Continuous DJ Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Wenn Sie mich beim Kauf neuer Songs unterstützen wollen, dann benutzen Sie bitte diesen Link oder nutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste: Ich danke Ihnen/Euch! Hallo :) Dies ist die neueste Episode von "Discover Trance", gespielt von DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). Während des Sets wähle ich die Tracks aus, die am besten passen (meistens, zumindest) :). Natürlich werden auch immer Hörerwünsche gespielt! Ich hoffe, das Set gefällt und wünsche Ihnen/Euch einen schönen Tag! Biggi ######### If you want to support me in buying new songs, then please use this linkc or use my Amazon Wishlist: Thank you! Hello :) This is the latest episode of "Discover Trance", played by DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). During the set, I choose the tracks that fit best (mostly, at least) :). Of course there are always listener requests played! I hope you like the set and I wish you a nice day! Biggi
6/4/20211 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 14.03.2021 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

"Euphoric Airlines" läuft jeden Sonntag Von 17.30 bis 20 Uhr live auf ! Natürlich hoffe ich, dass Ihnen/Euch das Set gefällt - wenn ja, würde ich mich über ein Like, einen Kommentar oder wenn Sie das Set teilen, freuen! Vielen Dank im Voraus dafür :)) Sollten auch Sie den Wunsch haben, mir persönlich etwas Gutes zu tun, dann spenden Sie einen Betrag via PayPal, damit ich weiterhin neue Songs kaufen kann! oder benutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste : Über mich: Ich bin 57 Jahre alt und lege seit 2009 auf. Im August '20 wurde bei mir Lungenkrebs im finalen Stadium diagnostiziert - eine Chemotherapie musste aufgrund der Nebenwirkungen abgebrochen werden. Nunmehr erhalte ich alle 3 Wochen eine Immuntherapie. DANKE und viele Grüße! Biggi :)
18/3/20210 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines 03.01.2021 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Das neue Jahr ist da: Willkommen, 2021, wir haben so auf Dich gewartet! Mit dem neuen Jahr geht auch die erfolgreiche Radioshow "Euphoric Airlines" auf RauteMusik.Trance weiter. Euphoric Airlines steht für Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And Vocal Trance - Lieder, die die Sinne betören und die Seele beleben! DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) steht jeden Sonntag von 17:30 bis 20:00 Live an den Decks und präsentiert Euch ihre Favoriten, neue Releases und bewährte Trance Classics. Kommt dazu, lasst für 2.5 Stunden die Wirklichkeit zurück und begebt Euch auf einen magischen Flug mit "Euphoric Airlines"!
4/1/20210 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Hello 2021 - 01.01.2021 - FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ live on RauteMusik.Trance

2021 ist da, 2020 endlich Geschichte. Ich glaube, über das Jahr 2020 muss man nicht mehr viel sagen, 2021 nehmen wir wieder Fahrt auf, volle Kraft voraus! Ich wünsche allen Hörern ein frohes, gesundes und zufriedenes neues Jahr und hoffe, dass zumindest der eine oder andere Wunsch für Euch in Erfüllung geht.
2/1/20210 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 27.12.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting Trance, Vocal Trance, OrchesTrance! Jede Woche live gemixt von DJ Female@Work|FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ auf RauteMusik.Trance Jeden Sonntag Nachmittag eintauchen in die schönsten Trance Tracks: neue, vielversprechende Stücke und altbewährte Classics. Wer weitere Informationen haben möchte, surft bitte zu - dort ist auch ein Spendenbutton, um für die deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe zu spenden! ####### Uplifting Trance, Vocal Trance, OrchesTrance! Mixed live every week by DJ Female@Work|FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ on RauteMusik.Trance Every Sunday afternoon, immerse yourself in the most beautiful trance tracks: new, promising tunes and tried-and-tested classics.If you want more information, please surf to - there is also a donation button to donate to the German children's cancer aid!
28/12/20200 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 26.12.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Continuous DJ Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Meine erster Live-Mix auf nach meiner Krebsdiagnose im August 2020. Ich bin so froh, wieder auflegen zu können! Ich werde so lange wie möglich wieder regelmäßig bei Discover und RauteMusik.Trance sein - ich habe Ihre Nachrichten und Ihre Ermutigung sehr geschätzt, vielen Dank! Wenn Sie weitere Informationen wünschen, besuchen Sie bitte - es gibt dort auch einen Spendenknopf zugunsten der deutschen KINDERKREBSHILFE! Vielen Dank!
28/12/20201 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

A Tribute To FemaleAtWork RauteMusik Trance 16.12.2020

Im Rahmen des viertägigen special Events "A Tribute To Female@Work" sammeln wir SPENDEN FÜR DIE DEUTSCHE KINDERKREBSHILFE! Einfach auf gehen und dort findet Ihr weitere Informationen - und viel wichtiger, den Spendenbutton, der Euch direkt auf die deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe leitet. Jeder Cent kommt somit dort an! Ich bekam Ende August 2020 völlig überraschend die Diagnose "Lungenkrebs im Endstadium" mitgeteilt - nicht operabel, nicht bestrahlbar, es kann nur noch pallative (Lebensqualität erhaltende) Behandlung erfolgen. Man spricht von 6 bis 12 Monaten, die mir bleiben sollen...aber das sind nur Erfahrungswerte und Statistiken, ich habe natürlich vor, ewig zu leben :D. Daraufhin haben meine Kollegen von diese spezielle Sendung bzw. diesen viertägigen Marathon vom 12.12 bis zum 16.12.2020 geplant und durchgeführt, ganz spontan. Kollegen nicht nur vom Trance-Stream, sondern auch den anderen Streams bei RauteMusik beteiligen sich, um die Zeit zu füllen und den Hörern etwas Schönes zu bieten. VIELEN DANK AN DIESER STELLE DAFÜR, DAS BEDEUTET MIR MEHR ALS ICH AUSDRÜCKEN KANN! Dies ist die erste Sendung, die ich seit meinen Krankenhausaufenthalten und dem Beginn der Chemo-Therapie im Rahmen dieses Events durchgeführt habe - eine Sendung, um Danke zu sagen: Den Hörern, den Kollegen von RauteMusik und ganz speziell dem dortigen Trance-Stream, meinen Freunden und Bekannten und meinem Mann! Mein Dank geht an Euch alle - Eure Unterstützung, eure Mails, Nachrichten und Facebook-Umarmungen, das bedeutet mir in dieser Zeit mehr als Ihr erahnen könnt! Biggi aka. @birgit-fienemann bzw,. Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) ENGLISH: As part of the four-day special event "A Tribute To Female@Work" we are collecting DONATIONS FOR THE GERMAN CHILDREN'S CANCER AID! Just go to and there you will find more information - and more importantly, the donation button that will direct you to the German Children's Cancer Aid. Every cent goes there! At the end of August 2020, I was unexpectedly diagnosed with terminal lung cancer - inoperable, non-irradiable, only palliative (quality of life preserving) treatment is possible. They say I have 6 to 12 months left...but these are only empirical values and statistics, of course I intend to live forever :D. As a result, my colleagues from have planned and carried out this special show or four-day marathon from 12.12 to 16.12.2020, quite spontaneously. Colleagues not only from the Trance stream, but also from the other streams at RauteMusik are participating to fill the time and offer the listeners something nice. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS, IT MEANS MORE TO ME THAN I CAN EXPRESS! This is the first show I've done since my hospital stays and the start of chemo therapy - a show to say thank you: to the listeners, to the colleagues at RauteMusik and especially the trance stream there, to my friends and acquaintances and to my husband! My thanks go to all of you - your support, your emails, messages and Facebook hugs, it means more to me at this time than you can imagine! Biggi aka DJ Female@Work, Trance DJ (Birgit Fienemann) or Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) Translated with (free version)
16/12/20201 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 12.07.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

GOETTINFREYA, danke für Deine Spende von 5 €! DANKE, NIGHTDIVE, für die 10 € und JASON RING für die unglaubliche Spende von 100 €! Danke für die Spenden! Ich habe die Spenden bereits in neue Strecken investiert :) "Euphoric Airlines" ist eine wöchentliche Radiosendung von RauteMusik.FM. Jeden Sonntag von 17:30-20:00 CET/MEZ /MESZ), präsentiere ich meine Favoriten als DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ): Neuere und ältere Titel, die alle gemeinsam haben, dass sie Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance und Vocal Trance sind. Die Zuhörer haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Musikwünsche zu äußern - sie werden integriert, wenn sie passen und verfügbar sind! Natürlich hoffe ich, dass Ihnen/Euch das Set gefällt - wenn ja, würde ich mich über ein Like, einen Kommentar oder wenn Sie das Set teilen, freuen! Vielen Dank im Voraus dafür :)) Sollten auch Sie den Wunsch haben, mir persönlich etwas Gutes zu tun, dann spenden Sie einen Betrag via PayPal, damit ich weiterhin neue Songs kaufen kann! oder benutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste : DANKE und viele Grüße! Biggi :) Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version): GOETTINFREYA, thank you for your 5 € donation! THANK YOU, NIGHTDIVE, for the 10 € and JASON RING for the amazing donation of 100 €!! Thank you! I have already invested the donations into new tracks :) "Euphoric Airlines" is a weekly radio show in RauteMusik.FM. Every Sunday from 17:30-20:00 CET/MEZ /MESZ), I present my favorites as DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ): Newer and older tracks, which all have in common that they are Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance. The listeners have the possibility to express their music wishes - they will be integrated, if they fit and are available! Of course I hope you like the set - if you do, I would be happy about a like, a comment or if you share the set! Many thanks in advance for that :)) Should you also have the wish to do something good to me personally, then donate an amount via PayPal so that I can continue to buy new songs! or use my Amazon Wishlist : THANK YOU!! Biggi :)
13/7/20200 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 05.07.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

GOETTINFREYA, wir danken Ihnen für Deine Spende von 5 €! Danke, NIGHTDIVE, für die 10 € und JASON RING für die wunderbare Spende von 100 €! THANK YOU!! Ich habe die Spenden bereits in neue Lieder investiert :) "Euphoric Airlines" ist eine wöchentliche Radiosendung von RauteMusik.FM. Jeden Sonntag von 17:30-20:00 CET/MEZ /MESZ), präsentiere ich meine Favoriten als DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ): Neuere und ältere Titel, die alle gemeinsam haben, dass sie Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance und Vocal Trance sind. Die Zuhörer haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Musikwünsche zu äußern - sie werden integriert, wenn sie passen und verfügbar sind! Natürlich hoffe ich, dass Ihnen das Set gefällt - wenn ja, würde ich mich über ein Gefallen, einen Kommentar oder wenn Sie das Set teilen! Vielen Dank im Voraus dafür :)) Sollten auch Sie den Wunsch haben, mir persönlich etwas Gutes zu tun, dann spenden Sie einen Betrag via PayPal, damit ich weiterhin neue Songs kaufen kann! oder benutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste : DANKE! Biggi :) GOETTINFREYA, thank you for your donation of 5 €! THANK YOU, NIGHTDIVE, for the 10 € and JASON RING for the amazing donation of 100 €! Thanks for the donation! I have already invested the donations in new tracks :) "Euphoric Airlines" is a weekly radio show from RauteMusik.FM. Every Sunday from 17:30-20:00 CET/MEZ /MESZ), I present my favorites as DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ): Newer and older tracks, which all have in common that they are Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance. The listeners have the possibility to express their music wishes - they will be integrated if they fit and are available! Of course I hope you like the set - if so, I would appreciate a favor, a comment or if you share the set! Many thanks in advance for that :)) If you also have the wish to do something good for me personally, please donate an amount via PayPal, so I can continue to buy new songs! or use my Amazon wish list : THANK YOU! Biggi :)
6/7/20200 horas, 0 minutos
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DiscoverTrance 04.07.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Continuous DJ Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Zunächst vielen Dank an GOETTINFREYA für die Spende von 5 € an mich und an NIGHTDIVE für die Spende von 10 €. Ein großes Dankeschön geht an JASON RING für die Spende von 100 € !! VIELEN DANK, ICH HABE SIE BEREITS IN NEUE ALBEN UND TRACKS INVESTIERT :) Wenn Sie mich beim Kauf neuer Songs unterstützen wollen, dann benutzen Sie bitte diesen Link oder nutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste: Ich danke Ihnen/Euch! Die Einleitung lautet "Efemgie - Intro"! Efemgie erlaubt mir freundlicherweise, seine Arbeit zu verwenden! Hallo :) Dies ist die neueste Episode von "Discover Trance", gespielt von DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). Während des Sets wähle ich die Tracks aus, die am besten passen (meistens, zumindest) :). Natürlich werden auch immer Hörerwünsche gespielt! Ich hoffe, das Set gefällt und wünsche Ihnen/Euch einen schönen Tag! Biggi ######### First, many thanks to GOETTINFREYA for donating 5 € to me and to NIGHTDIVE for the donation of 10 €. A huge thank you goes to JASON RING vor donating 100 € !! THANK YOU SO MUCH, I INVESTED IT INTO NEW ALBUMS AND TRACKS ALREADY :) If you want to support me in buying new songs, then please use this linkc or use my Amazon Wishlist: Thank you! The intro is "Efemgie - Intro"! Efemgie kindly allows me to use his work! Hello :) This is the latest episode of "Discover Trance", played by DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). During the set, I choose the tracks that fit best (mostly, at least) :). Of course there are always listener requests played! I hope you like the set and I wish you a nice day! Biggi
5/7/20200 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 28.06.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

THANK YOU FOR YOUR 100 € DONATION, JASON RING and the 10€ FROM NIGHTDIVE!! Thank you so much! "Euphoric Airlines" is a weekly radio show on Rautemusik.FM. Every Sunday from 17:30-20:00 CET/MEZ /MESZ), I present my favorites as DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ): Newer and older tracks, which all have in common that they are Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance. The listeners have the possibility to express their music wishes - they will be integrated, if they fit and are available! Of course I hope you like the set - if you do, I would be happy about a like, a comment or if you share the set! Many thanks in advance for that :)) Should you also have the wish to do something good to me personally, then donate an amount via PayPal so that I can continue to buy new songs! or use my Amazon Wishlist : THANK YOU!! ###### VIELEN DANK FÜR IHRE 100 € SPENDE, JASON RING, und die 10€ VON NIGHTDIVE!! Danke schön! "Euphoric Airlines" ist eine wöchentliche Radiosendung. Jeden Sonntag von 17:30-20:00 CET/MEZ/MESZ) stelle ich meine Favoriten als DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) vor: Neuere und ältere Titel, die alle gemeinsam haben, dass sie Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance oder Vocal Trance sind. Die Zuhörer haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Musikwünsche zu äußern - sie werden integriert, wenn sie passen und verfügbar sind! Natürlich hoffe ich, dass Ihnen das Set gefällt - wenn ja, würde ich mich über ein Gefallen, einen Kommentar oder wenn Sie das Set teilen! Vielen Dank im Voraus dafür :)) Sollten auch Sie den Wunsch haben, mir persönlich etwas Gutes zu tun, dann spenden Sie einen Betrag via PayPal, damit ich weiterhin neue Songs kaufen kann! Direkt via PayPal oder nutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste : DANKE!
28/6/20200 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

DiscoverTrance 27.06.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Continuous DJ Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

First, a huge thank you to JASON RING vor donating 100 € And to NIGHTDIVE for the 10 €!! Thank you very much for this! If you want to support me in buying new songs, then please use this linkc or use my Amazon Wishlist: Thank you! The intro is "Efemgie - Intro"! Efemgie kindly allows me to use his work! Hello :) This is the latest episode of "Discover Trance", played by me, DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). During the set, I choose the tracks that fit best (mostly, at least) :). Of course there are always listener requests played! I hope you like the set and I wish you a nice day! Biggi ######## Zuerst ein riesiges Dankeschön an JASON RING für die Spende von 100 € und an NIGHTDIVE für die Zuwendung von 10 €!! Vielen Dank lieben Dank dafür! Wenn Sie mich beim Kauf neuer Songs unterstützen wollen, dann benutzen Sie bitte diesen Link oder benutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste: Ich danke Ihnen! Die Einleitung lautet "Efemgie - Intro"! Efemgie erlaubt mir freundlicherweise, seine Arbeit zu verwenden! Hallo :) Dies ist die neueste Episode von "Discover Trance", gespielt von mir, also DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). Während des Sets wähle ich die Tracks aus, die am besten passen (meistens, zumindest) :). Natürlich werden auch immer Hörerwünsche gespielt! Ich hoffe, das Set gefällt Ihnen und wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag! Biggi
28/6/20201 hora, 0 minutos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 21.06.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

THANK YOU FOR YOUR 100 € DONATION, JASON RING and the 10€ FROM NIGHTDIVE!! Thank you so much! "Euphoric Airlines" is a weekly radio show. Every Sunday from 17:30-20:00 CET/MEZ /MESZ), I present my favorites as DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ): Newer and older tracks, which all have in common that they are Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance. The listeners have the possibility to express their music wishes - they will be integrated, if they fit and are available! Of course I hope you like the set - if you do, I would be happy about a like, a comment or if you share the set! Many thanks in advance for that :)) Should you also have the wish to do something good to me personally, then donate an amount via PayPal so that I can continue to buy new songs! or use my Amazon Wishlist : THANK YOU!! ###### VIELEN DANK FÜR IHRE 100 € SPENDE, JASON RING, und die 10€ VON NIGHTDIVE!! Danke schön! "Euphoric Airlines" ist eine wöchentliche Radiosendung. Jeden Sonntag von 17:30-20:00 CET/MEZ/MESZ) stelle ich meine Favoriten als DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) vor: Neuere und ältere Titel, die alle gemeinsam haben, dass sie Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance oder Vocal Trance sind. Die Zuhörer haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Musikwünsche zu äußern - sie werden integriert, wenn sie passen und verfügbar sind! Natürlich hoffe ich, dass Ihnen das Set gefällt - wenn ja, würde ich mich über ein Gefallen, einen Kommentar oder wenn Sie das Set teilen! Vielen Dank im Voraus dafür :)) Sollten auch Sie den Wunsch haben, mir persönlich etwas Gutes zu tun, dann spenden Sie einen Betrag via PayPal, damit ich weiterhin neue Songs kaufen kann! oder nutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste : DANKE!
22/6/20200 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

DiscoverTrance 20.06.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Continuous DJ Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

First, a huge thank you to JASON RING vor donating 100 €!! If you want to support me in buying new songs, then please use this linkc or use my Amazon Wishlist: Thank you! The intro is "Efemgie - Intro"! Efemgie kindly allows me to use his work! Hello :) This is the latest episode of "Discover Trance", played by me, DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). During the set, I choose the tracks that fit best (mostly, at least) :). Of course there are always listener requests played! I hope you like the set and I wish you a nice day! Biggi ######## Zuerst ein riesiges Dankeschön an JASON RING für die Spende von 100 €! Wenn Sie mich beim Kauf neuer Songs unterstützen wollen, dann benutzen Sie bitte diesen Link oder benutzen Sie meine Amazon-Wunschliste: Ich danke Ihnen! Die Einleitung lautet "Efemgie - Intro"! Efemgie erlaubt mir freundlicherweise, seine Arbeit zu verwenden! Hallo :) Dies ist die neueste Episode von "Discover Trance", gespielt von mir, also DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). Während des Sets wähle ich die Tracks aus, die am besten passen (meistens, zumindest) :). Natürlich werden auch immer Hörerwünsche gespielt! Ich hoffe, das Set gefällt Ihnen und wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag! Biggi
22/6/20201 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 13.06.2020 - Melodic Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Continuous DJ Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

First, a huge thank you to JASON RING for donating 100 €!! Many thanks for thIs huge donation! In case you want to support me in buying new songs via Paypal, here is my Paypal link: If you prefer to make presents via Amazon, please feel free to contact my wish list! You are welcome to scroll down to the bottom, it doesn't have to be a couch set of course ;). The intro is "Efemgie - Intro"! Efemgie kindly allows me to use his work! Hello :) This is the latest episode of "Discover Trance", played by DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ). During the set, I choose the tracks that fit best (mostly, at least) :). Of course there are always listener requests played! I hope you like the set and I wish you a nice day! Biggi
21/6/20200 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 11.04.2020 - Orchestral Trance, Uplifting Trance and Vocal Trance Continuous DJ Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Enjoy Exxetter's new release in this mix: "Ascending Force - Revelation" Tracklist: * Ennio Morricone - For Love Can Die (SounEmot Intro Bootleg) * The Avains - Little Empire * Roger Shah with Stoneface & Terminal - Triumvirate * Remech - Lost (Tun3book Remix) * Ascending Force - Revelation (Original Mix) * Puresoul - Dream Of You (Trances Remix) * REQ: Roman Messer & Twin View With Christian Burns - Dancing In The Dark (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Extended Remix) * Efemgie - Factoria * MaickelJ - The Place We Long To Be (Alternative Mix) * Ramin Arab - Sunrise * Driftmoon & Susana - Because Of You * ZOYA - Acid Lullaby (Madwave Remix) * Jeitam Osheen feat. Seref Danyanoglu - Magoa * Nascent Nova - Stratocumulus * Soundgate feat. Rebecca Louise Burch - In The End (Alex Shevchenko Remix) * Nitrous Oxide pres. Redmoon - Cumulus * Suncatcher - Are We There Yet? * Ferry Tayle & Elucidus - Fremont * Tarmo Tammel - Beauty And The Beast (Cold Rush Remix) * ReOrder feat. Stine Grove - Biscay Bay (Afternova Remix) * Veracocha - Carte Blance (Braulio Stefield Rework 2019)
11/4/20200 horas, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 09.11.2019 - Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And Vocal Trance Promo Mix, mastered! "DiscoverTrance" airs LIVE every Saturday night from 22:00 to 0:00 GMT on DJ Female@Work mixes live from scratch with listener requests included and presents her favourite tracks and producers within Orchestral Trance, Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance and Vocal Trance music. I hope you have a great time! "DiscoverTrance" is also available on iTunes podcast, Spotify, etc! Just look for FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ If you want to donate something (for example, to buy new tracks), please use the link to my money pool: Thank you! ######### Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And Vocal Trance Promo Mix, mastered! "DiscoverTrance" выходит в прямом эфире каждую субботу вечером с 22:00 до 0:00 GMT на DJ Female@Work микширует живые выступления с нуля, включая запросы слушателей, и представляет свои любимые треки и продюсеров в составе музыки Orchestral Trance, Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance и Vocal Trance. Надеюсь, вы хорошо проведете время! "DiscoverTrance" также доступен на подкасте iTunes, Spotify, Deezer и т.д.! Просто поищи FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ :) Если вы хотите пожертвовать что-то (например, купить новые треки), пожалуйста, используйте ссылку на мой денежный пул: Спасибо! Переведено с помощью 00:00:00 DreamLife & Dmitry Kuznetsov - La Luna Del Cacciatore (Intro Mix) 00:03:57 Farhad Mahdavi - The Everything 00:10:49 Michal Ostafin - Euforia 00:15:20 Se.Ra.Phic - Sogno 00:20:50 Sneijder - Sky Is On Fire (Kaimo K Remix) 00:28:16 Michael Kaelios - Beat Cannon (Extended Mix) 00:33:06 David Gate pres. Teddy Gate - Fairy Love 00:40:26 Sneijder & Cate Kanell - Letting Me Go 00:45:08 SounEmot - Si Tan Solo Suprieras 00:50:11 Trance Classics & Esmee Bor Stotijn - Till The Sky Falls Down (Steve Allen & Skyborne Remix) 00:56:12 Roman Sand - Like An Angel (Re Trance Anthem) 01:02:27 SounEmot vs. Julian Vincent & Shannon Hurley - Lost Promise (SounEmot MashUp) 01:10:23 District 5 - Bella Donna (Syntouch Remix) 01:16:13 NoMosk feat. Cari - Don't Hold Back (Mhammed El Alami Remix) 01:21:38 Anoikis - Edge Of Everything (Dave Deen Remix) 01:27:47 Craig Connelly feat. Megan McDuffee - Lights Around The World 01:33:36 Yanni - Prelude (Cymatics Remix) 01:40:41 Dmitry Kuznetsov - A Million Little Strings 01:46:53 Luis A. Moreno - To See You Again 01:52:59 Binary System - Sunrise
13/11/20190 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 10.11.2019 - Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix #115

"Euphoric Airlines" is aired every Sunday afternoon 17.30 CET/MEZ/MESZ on RauteMusik.Trance - DJ Female@Work mixes live from scratch with listener requests included and presents her favourite tracks and producers within Orchestral, Uplifting and Vocal Trance music. If you want to donate something (for example, to buy new tracks), please use the link to my money pool: Thank you! ###### "Euphoric Airlines" выходит в эфир каждое воскресенье днем 17.30 CET/MEZ/MESZ на RauteMusik.Trance - DJ Female@Work микширует с нуля, включая запросы слушателей и представляет свои любимые треки и продюсеров в рамках Оркестровой, Восторговой музыки и Вокального Транса. The "Euphoric Airlines Radio Show" также доступен на подкасте iTunes, Spotify, Deezer и т.д.! Просто поищи FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ :) Если вы хотите пожертвовать что-то (например, купить новые треки), пожалуйста, используйте ссылку на мой денежный пул: Спасибо! Переведено с помощью 00:00:03 Female@Work - Trance Gate 2016 (Euphoric Airlines Radio Show) 00:02:24 Dmitry Kuznetsov - Confluence Of Feelings (Unknown Version) 00:07:12 Emanuele Congeddu vs. First Sight & Nadia Sazonova - Black Orchid 00:12:45 Efemgie - Arthur 00:19:05 Etasonic - Sentimental Way 00:25:09 Independent Art - Sometimes 00:30:23 Mike van Fabio & Elles de Graaf - As Fears Go By (Matt Bukovski Uplifting Extended Mix) 00:35:15 Ozone - Rock 00:44:42 Victoriya - Nothing Remains (F.G. Noise Remix) 00:50:25 Farhad Mahdavi and Aans - Save The Night 00:55:52 NoMosk feat. Cari - Don´t Hold Back (Mhammed El Alami Remix) 01:01:13 Alternate High - Dune du Pilat 01:07:21 Flatlex - Frozen Sunset (Fischer & Miethig Remix) 01:12:25 Ross Rayer - Miraculous (Fredd Moz Remix) 01:18:20 David Gate pres. Teddy Gate - Fairy Love 01:25:28 Sneijder feat. Cate Kanell - Letting Me Go 01:30:22 Dalmoori & Ryota Arai - Connected 01:36:43 Dmitry Kuznetsov - A Million Little Strings 01:41:50 Farhad Mahdavi - The Everything 01:42:34 Farhad Mahdavi and Kanski - The Everything 01:51:04 Independent Art - Deep Blue 01:53:59 Marco V - Come Back Home 01:57:35 Carl Daylim - Past Of Love 02:05:06 Ikerya Project - Alaska 02:10:14 Luis A. Moreno - Your Love On A Trip 02:19:09 New World & Geert Huinink - Empyrean 02:25:20 Luis A. Moreno - To See You Again
11/11/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance And Vocal Trance Mix - Euphoric Airlines 27.10.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Euphoric Airlines" is aired every Sunday afternoon 17.30 CET/MEZ/MESZ on RauteMusik.Trance - DJ Female@Work mixes live from scratch with listener requests included and presents her favourite tracks and producers within Orchestral, Uplifting and Vocal Trance music. If you want to donate something (for example, to buy new tracks), please use the link to my money pool: Thank you!
1/11/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 27.10.2019 - Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix #114

BIG THANK YOU to GLYA & NIGHTDRIVE for the donation and support!! "Euphoric Airlines" is aired every Sunday afternoon 17.30 CET/MEZ/MESZ on RauteMusik.Trance - DJ Female@Work mixes live from scratch with listener requests included and presents her favourite tracks and producers within Orchestral, Uplifting and Vocal Trance music. If you want to donate something (for example, to buy new tracks), please use the link to my money pool: Thank you! ###### "Euphoric Airlines" выходит в эфир каждое воскресенье днем 17.30 CET/MEZ/MESZ на RauteMusik.Trance - DJ Female@Work микширует с нуля, включая запросы слушателей и представляет свои любимые треки и продюсеров в рамках Оркестровой, Восторговой музыки и Вокального Транса. Если вы хотите пожертвовать что-то (например, купить новые треки), пожалуйста, используйте ссылку на мой денежный пул: Спасибо! Переведено с помощью 00:00:06 Female@Work - Trance Gate 2016 (Euphoric Airlines Radio Show) 00:02:20 Roman Sand - Sandoya Dreams (Intro Mix) 00:08:24 Calvin O'Commor - The Dawn 00:13:41 Calvin O'Commor - Mythology 00:21:49 Markus Schulz feat. Alina Eremia - You Light Up The Night (Richard Durand Remix) 00:29:02 Aligator feat. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match 00:33:32 Alternate High & Se.Ra.Phic - Eterna 00:39:15 Ancientmind - Kaf 00:45:52 Chris North - Brighter Days 00:52:29 Michael Rods - The Eyes Of Andrea 00:58:33 RAM & Susana - RAMelia (Tribute To Amelia) 01:05:30 M.D.K - The Book Of Love (Outer Space Remix) 01:13:19 DreamLife vs. Coke Montilla & Craig Mortimer - Life Above Our World 01:20:09 C-Systems & Hanna Finsen - Be A Friend 01:24:28 Roman Sand - Beautiful Dream 01:30:54 Obi - Hymalaya 01:36:48 Joseph Darwed - Escape From Reality (Bernis Remix) 01:42:12 STEEM SL - Quantum 01:48:01 Arctic Moon - Quantum Realm 01:53:56 Ben Gold - The City Sleeps Tonight (Extended Mix) 01:59:44 Johlin - Legends (Luis A. Moreno Remix) 02:08:53 Richard Durand & Christina Novelli - Save You 02:15:33 Michael Rods - Camelia 02:25:19 Sound Apparel - Serenity (2016 Remastered)
28/10/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Orchestral & Uplifting Trance - Euphoric Airlines 07.07.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix on RauteMusik.Trance

If you want to support the purchase of new tracks, use PayPal : This download is of course free of any charges but some help is greatly appreciated. Every Sunday afternoon, DJ Female@Work presents her favourite tracks and producers within Orchestral, Uplifting and Vocal Trance, mixed live and from scratch, on RauteMusik.FM/Trance . Thank you so much for your support!
21/7/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Orchestral & Uplifting Trance Promo Mix - DiscoverTrance 06.07.2019 - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

If you want to support the purchase of new tracks, use PayPal : This download is of course free of any charges but some help is greatly appreciated. Every Saturday night, DJ Female@Work presents her favourite tracks and producers within Orchestral, Uplifting and Vocal Trance, mixed live and from scratch, on Thank you so much for your support!
20/7/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 1 segundo
Episode Artwork

Orchestral & Uplifting Trance - Euphoric Airlines 30.06.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix on RauteMusik.Trance

If you want to support the purchase of new tracks, use PayPal : This download is of course free of any charges but some help is greatly appreciated. Every Sunday afternoon, DJ Female@Work presents her favourite tracks and producers within Orchestral, Uplifting and Vocal Trance, mixed live and from scratch, on RauteMusik.FM/Trance . Thank you so much for your support!
19/7/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Orchestral & Uplifting Trance Promo Mix - DiscoverTrance 29.06.2019 - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Every Saturday night, DJ Female@Work presents her favourite tracks and producers within Orchestral, Uplifting and Vocal Trance, mixed live from scratch, on If you want to support the purchase of new tracks, you can use Paypal: Thank you so much!
19/7/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 1 segundo
Episode Artwork

90er Trance Classics Set für NoFate77 - DJ Female@Work live in the Mix on RauteMusik.Trance

Nofate77 hat das Gewinnspiel auf RauteMusik.Trance gewonnen und das Lösungswort erraten! Der Preis: Er durfte sich einen DJ von RauteMusik.Trance aussuchen, der dann das von NoFate77 gewünschte Trance-Subgenre (also Uplifting oder Psy oder was auch immer) eine Stunde lang zu spielen hatte. Er suchte sich DJ Female@Work aus und als Genre die 90er! Perfekte Wahl! Jedenfalls was das Subgenre angeht *grins Ich habe einige der bekannten Classics herausgesucht und aus der einen Stunde gleich mal zwei gemacht. In der letzten Hälfte der zweiten Stunde driften wir in die frühen 2000er :). Wir gehen zurück in die Zeit, als Trance gerade so die Dance Floors als eigenes Genre eroberte und uns damals schon Lieder bescherte, die richtig "rockten". Darude - Sandstorm, The First Rebirth, Binary Finary mit 1998, Veracocha mit Carte Blanche... Alles Tracks, die heute noch in so vielen Sets zu finden sind. Und uns immer noch und immer wieder mitnehmen und Erinnerungen wach rufen. Zwei Stunden sind kurz und schnell vorbei - ich würde sagen, das wiederholen wir nochmal, denn es sind SO viele tolle Lieder zwangsläufig ungespielt geblieben....wäre doch schade drum ;) Nofate77, danke für Deine tolle Auswahl, was das Subgenre angeht und ich freue mich sehr und fühle mich noch mehr geehrt, daß Deine Wahl auf mich gefallen ist! Es war mir wirklich eine Ehre und ich hoffe, Du hattest genauso viel Spaß beim Hören der Lieder wie ich beim Auflegen derselben! Viele Grüße von Biggi
24/6/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines 23.06.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix - DJ Female@Work (djfemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix on RauteMusik.Trance

Es tut mir sehr leid, ich war faul beim Hochladen der Sets! Aber ich war nicht zu faul, sie zu spielen :). Ich werde sie nacheinander hochladen, bis die Serie "komplett" ist. Ich hoffe, du genießt diesen Mix - ich habe ihn gespielt, während es im Studio eine unglaubliche Hitze gab und ich fast zusammengebrochen bin. Ich brauche wirklich eine dieser mobilen Klimaanlagen oder ich werde eines Tages wirklich zusammenbrechen :) Wenn du Kommentare hinterlässt, bin ich glücklich und ein Like oder Sharing wird natürlich auch sehr geschätzt :). Enjoy now! Übersetzt mit
23/6/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Discover Trance 15.06.2019 - DJ Female@Work (djfemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Nach kurzer Pause - so kurz, dass man sie kaum bemerkt hat :) - nun eine neue Ausgabe der DiscoverTrance Promo Mixe!
16/6/20190 horas, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines 02.06.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (djfemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live on RauteMusik.Trance

JOE, LISTEN FROM ~00:50:00 ;) Bei etwa 36 Minuten schmierte leider die CD ab und ging in den "Notfall-Modus" - ich hatte weder das folgende Lied eingetaktet noch mir überhaupt Gedanken darüber gemacht und habe einfach das erstbeste Lied auf der CD im anderen CDJ gestartet. Ich habe mich entschlossen, das komplette Set bzw die komplette Sendung NICHT nochmal neu aufzunehmen, denn sowas kann immer mal passieren und das ist ja auch nicht schlimm. Trotzdem hoffe ich natürlich, daß Euch die Sendung gefallen hat oder gefällt! English: At ~36 minutes, the CD got stuck and the player went into the "emergency mode" - I had not yet beatmatched or even decided about the following track, so I just took the first track on the CD which was in the other CDJ. I decided not to record the complete set once again as this is something that can happen anytime :). I hope you enjoyEd or rather enjoy this mix anyway! I hope you enjoy this mix anyway. Best wishes, Birgit
7/6/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Discover Trance 01.06.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Discover Trance Promo Mix - played every Saturday night from 10pm to 12 on
2/6/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 25.05.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (djfemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

"DiscoverTrance" - jede Woche die besten Artists und Tracks, die es in Sachen Trance Music gibt. Dazu: Hörerwünsche! DJ Female@WorK (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) jeden Samstag von 23 - 01 Uhr live in the Mix auf Wer Bock hat, kommt einfach mal vorbei (Chat: English only). Oder hört rein :) Wie auch immer : Have fun and enjoy this mix! Viele Grüße aus Bonn von Biggi
28/5/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines 26.05.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (djfemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live on RauteMusik.Trance

"Euphoric Airlines - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show" läuft jeden Sonntag von 17.30 bis 20 Uhr live auf RauteMusik.Trance. DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) präsentiert ihre Favoriten und die besten Artists und Tracks und naturlich: Hörerwünsche! Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, jeweils Sonntag nachmittags live dabei zu sein! Von dieser Show gibt's übrigens auch ein Video auf - nicht, daß es da wirklich was Interessantes zu sehen gäbe...eher einen Wackeldackel an den Decks. Wer aber schon immer mal wissen wollte, wie das aussieht, wenn ich sende, der kann sich ja mal ein paar Minuten das Video zu Gemüte führen ;)
28/5/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Flying High On Trance 23.05.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix on RauteMusik.Trance

Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix. Mixed live and from scratch on RauteMusik.Trance. Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) presents her favourite artists and tracks of Trance music!
23/5/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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DiscoverTrance 04.05.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Dieses Set wurde am 4.5.2019 auf gespielt, leider ging etwas bei der Aufnahme schief. Also nochmal aufgenommen - ist zwar nicht GANZ das gleiche Set, aber Ich finde es trotzdem schön :). Viel Spaß damit!
20/5/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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DiscoverTrance 11.05.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

DiscoverTrance ist eine wöchentliche Radio Show auf - DJ Female@Work präsentiert ihre favorisierten Lieder aus Uplifting und Vocal Trance! Immer live, immer aus dem Stehgreif gemixt und natürlich auch mit Hörer wünschen. Keine Moderation!
12/5/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines 14.04.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live on RauteMusik.Trance

"Euphoric Airlines" Ist eine wöchentlich ausgestrahlte Trance Music Radio Show, die Sonntags von 17:30 bis 20:00 auf läuft. Live gemixt, mit Musikwünschen natürlich auch :) bietet die Sendung die besten Artists und Tracks, die Uplifting und Vocal Trance zu bieten hat. DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix! Eure Kommentare und Euer Support sind natürlich höchst willkommen! ################# "Euphoric Airlines" is a weekly Trance music radio show, aired every Sunday on RauteMusik.Trance. Mixed live, with listener requests included - featuring the best artists and tracks of Uplifting and Vocal Trance music! DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix! Your comments and your support are highly appreciated :)
21/4/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Discovertrance 13.04.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work live on

I hope you enjoy this mix - I played it live on My show is aired every Saturday night from 10pm - 12 am GMT ! Always live and always from scratch - have fun!
17/4/20190 horas, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
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DiscoverTrance 06.04.19 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Female@Work plays weekly on Saturday nights on - mixing live and presenting her favourite tracks, brand new and good gold... Every Saturday from 10 - 12 pm GMT. I hope you like the set! Have a nice weekend :)
11/4/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 07.04.19 - Uplifting & Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work live on RauteMusik

"Euphoric Airlines" is an Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show, aired weekly on the Trance channel of Europe's biggest radio station, RauteMusik.FM, from 17.30 pm to 20.00 pm CET/MEZ /MESZ. DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) mixes live, from scratch and with listener requests included - featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! FREE DOWNLOADS (including this one): I hope, you do enjoy this set! I would be pleased (of course) if you liked and shared this mix and left your comments :)
8/4/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Feed Your Hunger 15.09.2012 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Gespielt in 2012 - aus dem Server ausgegraben :) Gaia - 4 Elements ( Extended Mix ) ###Snatt & Vix feat. Neev Kennedy - At The End Of The Day ( Suncatcher Remix ) ###Sam Bowels & Charles Donaghy - Cirrus ( Original Mix ) ###Tonic Verdure - Dare ( Original Mix ) ###Vinid - Magical Journey ( Benya Remix ) ###Markus Schulz feat. Adina Butar - Caught ( Club Mix ) ###Paul van Dyk feat. Arty - The Ocean ( Original Mix ) ###4 Strings - Sunrise ( Radion 6 Remix ) ###Above & Beyond - Good For Me ( McCauley & Walsh Remix ) ###Andrew Rayel - Drapchi ( Original Mix ) ###Gaia - Tuvan ( Sandeagle Remix ) ###Harmaala feat. DJ Ives M and DJ T.H. - Impulse ( Nostic Remix ) ###Beamrider - Oxygen ( Original Mix ) ###Mike Semtex - Personal Eden ( Matt Pincer Remix ) ###Saint X feat. Sandel - Fight On ( TuMa Remix ) ###Veracocha - Carte Blanche ( Ben Hamza Remix ) ###Jamaster A - Bells Of Tianamnen ( Airbase Remix ) ###Ace Da Brain - Magic Waters ( Ronny K & David Wurczel Guitar Emotional Remix )
5/4/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 03.03.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) Live on RauteMusik.Trance-Low-Balanced

"Euphoric Airlines Radio Show" features Uplifting and Vocal Trance. The best artists and tracks of Trance music are presented live in the Mix on RauteMusik.Trance ( DJ Female@Work mixes live from scratch with listener requests included. The show is aired weekly from 17.30 to 20.00 pm on RauteMusik.Trance - also, visit the Twitch channel while the show is broadcasted.
3/4/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 31.03.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live on RauteMusik.Trance

"Euphoric Airlines "Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show läuft jeden Sonntag von 17.30 - 20.00 Uhr CET live auf RauteMusik.Trance. Female@Work steht an den Decks und präsentiert die besten Artists und Tracks, die Trance Music zu bieten hat! Wer live dabei sein möchte, hat auf die Gelegenheit dazu. Wer es sich live ansehen will, geht ab 17:30 auf den Twitch Kanal, dort läuft die Show live on Cam.
1/4/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 24.03.2019 - Uplifting & Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work live

"Euphoric Airlines" 24.03.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live on RauteMusik.Trance. Mixed live on the air, from scratch and with listener requests included. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! FREE DOWNLOADS:
26/3/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

DiscoverTrance 23.03.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work live in the Mix

DiscoverTrance - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Mixed live on the air by Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ), from scratch and with listener requests included! FREE DOWNLOADS :
26/3/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Flying High On Trance 21.03.2018 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix on RauteMusik.Trance

"Flying High On Trance" - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix on RauteMusik.Trance. Mixed from scratch with listener requests included - featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music!
22/3/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

DiscoverTrance 16.03.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix. Mixed live on the air by Female@Work. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music.
17/3/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 10.03.2019 - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkTranceDJ) live in the mix on RauteMusik.Trance

Die Sendung "Euphoric Airlines" läuft Jeden Sonntag von 17.30 - 20 Uhr (CET /MEZ /MESZ) auf - immer live, immer ohne vorbereitete Playlist. Gespielt wird, was gefällt, was gewünscht wird und was mir unter die Finger kommt. Natürlich mit Turntables/Vinyl bzw CD's :) Ich würde mich natürlich sehr freuen, wenn Ihr mich auch auf PromoDJ supported - Ich wünsche Euch eine gute Zeit, bis nächste Woche!
13/3/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 23.02.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) Live in the Mix

Discover Trance ist ein wöchentlicher Promo Mix/Podcast (unmoderiert), den ich im Rahmen einer Radio Sendung aufnehme, in welcher ich meine gern gespielten Lieder präsentiere - neue Lieder, ältere oder auch "ganz alte", halt wie es kommt und worauf ich und die Hörer Lust haben. Musikwünsche sind natürlich erlaubt! Da ist's ja prima, daß ich keine vorbereitete Playlist habe, sondern einfach das mixe, was mir in die Finger fällt :) Auch dieser Promo Mix wird natürlich ebenfalls auf PromoDJ veröffentlicht und wie gehabt würde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn Ihr dort vorbeischaut und fix ein Like hinterlasst - es ist halt immer schön zu sehen, wenn die Sachen, die man macht, auch anderen Leuten gefallen! Wer nicht genug bekommt, abonniert einfach meinen Stream auf Spotify oder besucht mich auf Facebook. Discover Trance wird jeden Samstagabend von 23 - 01 Uhr auf aufgezeichnet - Wer Englisch versteht, kann dort auch gerne in den Chat kommen, nette Leute sind garantiert (Sprache ausschließlich Englisch). Dieser Mix auf PromoDJ: Spotify: (Kurzlink, hier könnt Ihr meinen Stream abonnieren)
27/2/20190 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 24.02.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) Live on RauteMusik.Trance

"Euphoric Airlines" Ist eine Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show, die jeden Sonntag um 17.30 auf beginnt - bis 20 Uhr. Ich mixe immer live, immer ohne vorbereitete (und vorkonfigurierte *grins*) Playlist, eben einfach das, was mir in den Sinn kommt oder eben Musikwünsche der Hörer. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr mal während der Sendung vorbei schaut! Wer sich das mal anschauen möchte, kann das auf PromoDJ tun - ich würde mich auch riesig freuen, wenn Ihr mir dort ein Like bei meinen Mixen hinterlasst - Support ist sooo wichtig für uns DJs :). Wer sonst noch mehr Interesse hat, abonniert einfach mal meinen Podcast auf Spotify - oder besucht mich bei Facebook! Wie auch immer, ich hoffe, der Mix/die Show gefällt Euch und bis zum nächsten Mal! GEMASTERT! Dieser Mix bei PromoDJ: Video bei PromoDJ: Spotify: (Kurzlink auf Spotify, dort könnt Ihr abonnieren) Ich wünsche Euch allen eine schöne Woche!
25/2/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 16.02.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix (mastered). Mixed live on the air by Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) - the lIve show is aired weekly from 10-12pm GMT on Please support me on as well! Thank for that!
19/2/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 17.02.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) live on RauteMusik.Trance

Euphoric Airlines is a live mixed radio show, aired weekly on Europe's biggest radio station, RauteMusik. Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) presents the very best artists and tracks of Uplifting and Vocal Trance Music! The whole show is mixed from scratch with listener requests during the show included. Meet me on every Sunday from 4.30 - 7 pm GMT (17.30 - 20.00 CET/MEZ/MESZ)
19/2/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 09.02.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - recorded live on I always mix from scratch and I hope that you will enjoy this mix! PLEASE support me on my PromoDJ page as well - thank you so much in advance!
10/2/20190 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 26.01.2019 - Uplifting Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting Trance Promo Mix, performed live and from scratch! The original material is a .wav file, so the quality should be fine. I hope you enjoy this mix! Recorded as .wav file, uploaded losless. Pls support my PromoDJ-account as well, thank you!
31/1/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 27.01.2019 - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) LIVE on RauteMusik.Trance

Uplifting and Vocal Trance Radio Show, aired live every Sunday from 17.30 to 20.00 CET/MEZ/MESZ on (Short link for the subscription to my Spotify podcast) Du magst meine Shows und Mixes UND Du magst Spotify? Abonniere meinen Podcast, der Dich mit all meinen Promo Mixen und Radio-Sendungen unterhält! Viel Spaß! Alles natürlich live on air gemixt ###### Вам нравятся мои шоу и миксы И вам нравится Spotify? Подпишитесь на мой подкаст, который будет развлекать вас всеми моими промо-миксами и радио-шоу! Повеселись! Конечно, все смешано вживую. (перевод с гугл переводчик. Я надеюсь, что этот перевод имеет смысл) ###### You like my shows and mixes AND you like Spotify? Subscribe to my podcast, which will entertain you with all my promo mixes and radio shows! Have fun! Of course, all is mixed live ###### ¿Te gustan mis shows y mixes Y te gusta Spotify? Suscríbete a mi podcast, que te entretendrá con todas mis promo mixes  y programas de radio ¡Que te diviertas! Todo mezclado vivo en el aire. (Translation by Google, I hope it's understandable....:)) #tranceglobal #djane #djset #livemix #trance #UpliftingTrance #VocalTrance #MelodicTrance #TranceFamily #TrancefamilyRussia #TranceFamilyGermany #TranceFamilyGermanyOfficial #TranceFamilyPoland #TranceFamilyScotland #TranceFamilyNetherlands #TranceFamilyMexico #TranceFamilyEgypt #trancefamilia
31/1/20190 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 19.01.2019 - Uplifting Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) live in the Mix

Uplifting Trance Promo Mix, recorded live and from scratch on - featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music! (Short link for the subscription to my Spotify podcast) (Kurzlink, um meinen Spotify Podcast zu abonnieren) Du magst meine Shows und Mixes UND Du magst Spotify? Abonniere meinen Podcast, der Dich mit all meinen Promo Mixen und Radio-Sendungen unterhält! Viel Spaß! Alles natürlich live on air gemixt ###### Вам нравятся мои шоу и миксы И вам нравится Spotify? Подпишитесь на мой подкаст, который будет развлекать вас всеми моими промо-миксами и радио-шоу! Повеселись! Конечно, все смешано вживую. (перевод с гугл переводчик. Я надеюсь, что этот перевод имеет смысл) ###### You like my shows and mixes AND you like Spotify? Subscribe to my podcast, which will entertain you with all my promo mixes and radio shows! Have fun! Of course, all is mixed live ###### ¿Te gustan mis shows y mixes Y te gusta Spotify? Suscríbete a mi podcast, que te entretendrá con todas mis promo mixes  y programas de radio ¡Que te diviertas! Todo mezclado vivo en el aire. (Translation by Google, I hope it's understandable....:)) #tranceglobal #djane #djset #livemix #trance #UpliftingTrance #VocalTrance #MelodicTrance #TranceFamily #TrancefamilyRussia #TranceFamilyGermany #TranceFamilyGermanyOfficial #TranceFamilyPoland #TranceFamilyScotland #TranceFamilyNetherlands #TranceFamilyMexico #TranceFamilyEgypt #trancefamilia
20/1/20190 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 05.01.2019 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) Live In The Mix (Short link for the subscription to my Spotify podcast) Du magst meine Shows und Mixes UND Du magst Spotify? Abonniere meinen Podcast, der Dich mit all meinen Promo Mixen und Radio-Sendungen unterhält! Viel Spaß! Alles natürlich live on air gemixt ###### You like my shows and mixes AND you like Spotify? Subscribe to my podcast, which will entertain you with all my promo mixes and radio shows! Have fun! Of course, all is mixed live ###### ¿Te gustan mis shows y mixes Y te gusta Spotify? Suscríbete a mi podcast, que te entretendrá con todas mis promo mixes y programas de radio ¡Que te diviertas! Todo mezclado vivo en el aire. (Translation by Google, I hope it's understandable....:)) #tranceglobal #djane #djset #livemix #trance #UpliftingTrance #VocalTrance #MelodicTrance #TranceFamily #TrancefamilyRussia #TranceFamilyGermany #TranceFamilyGermanyOfficial #TranceFamilyPoland #TranceFamilyScotland #TranceFamilyNetherlands #TranceFamilyMexico #TranceFamilyEgypt #trancefamilia
7/1/20191 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 29.12.2018 - Uplifting and Vocal Trance Promo Mix live by Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) (Short link for the subscription to my Spotify podcast) Du magst meine Shows und Mixes UND Du magst Spotify? Abonniere meinen Podcast, der Dich mit all meinen Promo Mixen und Radio-Sendungen unterhält! Viel Spaß! Alles natürlich live on air gemixt ###### You like my shows and mixes AND you like Spotify? Subscribe to my podcast, which will entertain you with all my promo mixes and radio shows! Have fun! Of course, all is mixed live ###### ¿Te gustan mis shows y mixes Y te gusta Spotify? Suscríbete a mi podcast, que te entretendrá con todas mis promo mixes  y programas de radio ¡Que te diviertas! Todo mezclado vivo en el aire. (Translation by Google, I hope it's understandable....:)) #tranceglobal #djane #djset #livemix #trance #UpliftingTrance #VocalTrance #MelodicTrance #TranceFamily #TrancefamilyRussia #TranceFamilyGermany #TranceFamilyGermanyOfficial #TranceFamilyPoland #TranceFamilyScotland #TranceFamilyNetherlands #TranceFamilyMexico #TranceFamilyEgypt #trancefamilia #tranceglobal #djane #djset #livemix #trance #UpliftingTrance #VocalTrance #MelodicTrance #TranceFamily #TrancefamilyRussia #TranceFamilyGermany #TranceFamilyGermanyOfficial #TranceFamilyPoland #TranceFamilyScotland #TranceFamilyNetherlands #TranceFamilyMexico #TranceFamilyEgypt #trancefamilia
30/12/20180 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 23.12.2018 - DJ Female@Work live on RauteMusik.Trance (FemaleAtWorkDJ)

Uplifting and Vocal Trance radio show, performed live by DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWorkDJ) on RauteMusik/Trance. Mixed from scratch, including listener requests. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music! Subscribe to my podcast on Spotify! Du magst meine Shows und Mixes UND Du magst Spotify? Abonniere meinen Podcast, der Dich mit all meinen Promo Mixen und Radio-Sendungen unterhält! Viel Spaß! Alles natürlich live on air gemixt ###### You like my shows and mixes AND you like Spotify? Subscribe to my podcast, which will entertain you with all my promo mixes and radio shows! Have fun! Of course, all is mixed live ###### ¿Te gustan mis shows y mixes Y te gusta Spotify? Suscríbete a mi podcast, que te entretendrá con todas mis promo mixes  y programas de radio ¡Que te diviertas! Todo mezclado vivo en el aire. (Translation by Google, I hope it's understandable....:)) #tranceglobal #djane #djset #livemix #trance #UpliftingTrance #VocalTrance #MelodicTrance #TranceFamily #TrancefamilyRussia #TranceFamilyGermany #TranceFamilyGermanyOfficial #TranceFamilyPoland #TranceFamilyScotland #TranceFamilyNetherlands #TranceFamilyMexico #TranceFamilyEgypt
26/12/20180 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 22.12.2018 - DJ Female@Work live in the Mix - DJ FemaleAtWork Promo Mix

Uplifting and inspiring Trance promo mix by Dj Female@Work, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Mixed live and from scratch, on air. You can now subscribe to my podcast on Spotify! Just enter this address: #tranceglobal #djane #djset #livemix #trance #UpliftingTrance #VocalTrance #MelodicTrance #TranceFamily #TrancefamilyRussia #TranceFamilyGermany #TranceFamilyGermanyOfficial #TranceFamilyPoland #TranceFamilyScotland #TranceFamilyNetherlands #TranceFamilyMexico #TranceFamilyEgypt
23/12/20181 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Sense of Trance 2 - Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWork) - Uplifting and Vocal Trance, mixed live and from scratch

DJ Female@Work's promo mixes are always mixed live on air and from scratch. Uplifting and Vocal Trance promo mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! #globaltrance #trancefamily #trancefamilia #worldtrance #trance #uplifting #vocaltrance Live on air every Saturday from 22:00 - 0:00 CET (MEZ/MESZ) on [](http://) Live on air every Sunday from 17:30 - 20:00 CET (MEZ/MESZ) on [](http://)
18/12/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Sense Of Trance 1 - Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWork) - Uplifting and Vocal Trance, mixed live and from scratch

DJ Female@Work's promo mixes are always mixed live on air and from scratch. Uplifting and Vocal Trance promo mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! #globaltrance #trancefamily #trancefamilia #worldtrance #trance #uplifting #vocaltrance Live on air every Saturday from 22:00 - 0:00 CET (MEZ/MESZ) on Live on air every Sunday from 17:30 - 20:00 CET (MEZ/MESZ) on
18/12/20181 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Sense Of Trance 3 - Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWork) - Uplifting and Vocal Trance, mixed live and from scratch

DJ Female@Work's promo mixes are always mixed live on air and from scratch. Uplifting and Vocal Trance promo mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! #globaltrance #trancefamily #trancefamilia #worldtrance #trance #uplifting #vocaltrance Live on air every Saturday from 22:00 - 0:00 CET (MEZ/MESZ) on Live on air every Sunday from 17:30 - 20:00 CET (MEZ/MESZ) on
18/12/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Sense Of Trance 4 - Promo Mix - DJ Female@Work (FemaleAtWork) - Uplifting and Vocal Trance, mixed live and from scratch

DJ Female@Work's promo mixes are always mixed live on air and from scratch. Uplifting and Vocal Trance promo mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! #globaltrance #trancefamily #trancefamilia #worldtrance #trance #uplifting #vocaltrance Live on air every Saturday from 22:00 - 0:00 CET (MEZ/MESZ) on Live on air every Sunday from 17:30 - 20:00 CET (MEZ/MESZ) on
18/12/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 15.12.2018 - DJ Female@Work live in the Mix

DJ Female@Work live in the mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Recorded live, mixed from scratch. #upliftingtrance #vocaltrance #trancefamily #tranceglobal #trancenation #trance
18/12/20180 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 01.12.2018 - DJ Female[@]Work live in the Mix

Uplifting and Vocal Trance mix, recorded live! Mixed from scratch and featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! #upliftingtrance #vocaltrance #trancefamily #tranceglobal #trancenation #trance
2/12/20181 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 17.11.2018 - DJ Female[@]Work live in the Mix

DJ Female@Work live in the mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Recorded live, mixed from scratch. #upliftingtrance #vocaltrance #trancefamily #tranceglobal #trancenation #trance
18/11/20181 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 18.11.2018 - DJ Female[@]Work live on RauteMusik.Trance

DJ Female@Work live on RauteMusik.Trance - featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music! Mixed live and from scratch. #trance #trancefamily #upliftingtrance #vocaltrance #trancefamily #tranceglobal #electrohouse #edm #djset #livemix #emotionaltrance
18/11/20180 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance Podcast 10.11.2018 - DJ Female[@]Work live in the Mix

"Discover Trance" Podcast by DJ Female@Work - mixed live on every Saturday 23.00 - 01.00 CET/MEZ/MESZ. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music! Tracklist: * Sandro Mireno - It's Your Day (Intro Mix) * Stine Grove - This World Is Full of Goodbyes 2018 (Extended Mix) * Johann Stone & Alex van ReeVe - Midgard (Original Mix) * Kiyoi & Eky - Pluviam (Original Mix) * Cold Blue - Speed Of Life (Original Mix) * Amos & Riot Night - Parallel Worlds ( Extended Mix) * Javii Wind & Airlab 7 - Last Adventure (Original Mix) * Derek Palmer - Sands Of Time (Mhammed El Alami Remix) * Ocean9 & Nordic - Asgard (Original Mix) * Nikolauss & Chronosapien - After The Sunrise (Original Mix) * Will Holland - Timeless (Daniel Kandi Remix) for Stefan * Ronny K pres. Advanced - Onyx (Original Mix) * First State - First State (Original Mix) * Sunset & Myk Bee - After The Sunrise (Original Mix) * Alan Morris & La Antonia and Sue McLaren - Nowhere Left To Hide (Extended Mix) for Ice * Dart Rayne - Lionheart (Etasonic Remix) * Nikolauss - Temple Of Asgard (Original Mix) * Estigma - Artemis (Allen & Envy Remix) * Eric Senn & Laucco - Elderflower (Original Mix) for AliFT * Airlab 7 - Days Like No Other (O.B.M Notion Remix)
12/11/20180 horas, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 11.11.2018 - DJ Female[@]Work live on RauteMusik.Trance

DJ Female@Work's "Euphoric Airlines" is a Trance music radio show (live mix). Every Sunday from 17.30 - 20.00 CET/MEZ/MESZ on [RauteMusik Trance]( Tracklist: * Female@Work - Trance Gate 2016 (Euphoric Airlines Radio Show) 00:00:02 * Sothzanne String - Fortaleza (Intro Mix) 00:01:53 * Ferry Tayle - Mystery Fear 00:09:53 * Andy Blueman - Beyond The World We Know 00:13:53 * Ingsha & Di - Binary Code (Liquid Visions In Memory Of Tillmann Uhrmacher Remix) 00:22:53 * Kiran M Sajeef & David Surok feat. 3PM - Alive (Magic Sense & Spins Remix) 00:29:53 * Onova - Timotej 00:34:53 * AirLab7 - Le Fruit De La Grisaia (Miroslav Vrlik Remix) 00:41:53 * Alexey Selin - White Crystal (Allen & Envy Remix) 00:46:53 * Michael Milov feat. Angel Falls - I'll Be With You 00:52:53 * Bilal El Aly & ULA - Like Before (ULA Remix) 00:57:53 * Tom Colontonio feat Michele Karmin - Colors Of A Tear (Suncatcher Remix) 01:02:53 * AirLab7 & Javii Wind - Last Adventure 01:11:53 * Eric Senn & Laucco - Elderflower 01:15:53 * Ocean 9 And Nordic - Asgard 01:20:53 * Johann Stone & Alex van ReeVe - Midgard 01:28:53 * Ascending Force - Timeline (Exxetter Original Mix) 01:34:53 * Ronny K pres. Advanced - Onyx 01:42:53 * Sunset & Myk Bee - After The Sunrise 01:49:53 * Dart Rayne - Lionheart (Etasonic Remix) 01:56:53 * Roses & Garlics - Uvercinka (Mike van Fabio Remix) 02:02:53 * Estigma - Artemis (Allen & Envy Remix) 02:10:53 * Nery - Redawn (Andy Blueman Remix) 02:14:53 * Mhammed El Alami & Ula - Eternity 02:21:53
12/11/20180 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 04.03.2018 - DJ Female[@]Work live on RauteMusik.Trance

Trance music Radio Show, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Every Sunday live on www.RauteMusik.FM/Trance. 17.30 - 20.00 Uhr
5/3/20180 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 03.03.2018 - DJ Female[@]Work live in the Mix

DJ Female@Work live in the mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Played live from scratch, including listener requests.
4/3/20180 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 17.02.2018 - DJ Female @Work live in the Mix

DJ Female@Work live in the mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music!
18/2/20180 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 03.02.2018 - DJ Female @Work live in the Mix

Playedr Live, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Comments and shares are highly appreciated!
5/2/20180 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 04.02.2018 - DJ Female @Work live on RauteMusik.Trance

DJ Female@Work playing live, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Your comments, likes and shares are highly appreciated. Thank you in advance! Played live on - every Sunday from 17.30 - 20:00 CET/MEZ.
5/2/20180 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 05.01.2018 - Female@Work live on RauteMusik.Trance

Mixed Live and from scratch, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Picture: Ansgar Koreng / CC BY-SA 3.0 (DE) [CC BY_SA 3.0](http://Ansgar Koreng / CC BY-SA 3.0 (DE))/)
7/1/20180 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 30.12.2017 - DJ Female@Work live in the Mix

Uplifting and Vocal Trance set, mixed live from scratch by DJ Female@Work. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music!
31/12/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 10.12.2017 (Trance Music Radio Show) by Female@Work live on RauteMusik.Trance

Trance Music Radio Show, mixed and moderated live by Female@Work on www.RauteMusik.FM/Trance
12/12/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 09.12.2017 - Female@Work live in the Mix

Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix, mixed and recorded live with 2 Pioneer CDJ-2000 nx2 and a Pioneer DJM-900 nx2. Free download here:
10/12/20170 horas, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 02.12.2017 - Female@Work live in the Mix

Uplifting and vocal Trance set, mixed live by DJ Female@Work! Inspiring and chilling music.
3/12/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Discover Trance 18.11.2017 - Female@Work live in the Mix

Trance set, mixed live by Female@Work, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music!
21/11/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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DiscoverTrance 04.11.2017 - Female@Work live in the Mix

Female@Work live in the mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music!
5/11/20170 horas, 0 segundos
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Flying High On Trance Radio Show 31.10.2017 - Trance Mix by Female@Work live on RauteMusik.Trance

Trance Radio Show, mixed live and from scratch by Female@Work. Embedded listener requests! Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music!
1/11/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

DiscoverTrance 29.10.2017 - mixed live by DJ Female@Work

Uplifting and Vocal Trance Mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Mixed live on air by Female@Work, including listener requests into the set. Tracklist: Driftmoon & Andy Blueman & DSharp - Exodus/Leviticus Aeden - No Blood For Us (Original Mix) Dominik Walter & Giovanni de Sadeleer - Hope Remains (George Crossfield Remix) InnerSync - Fairies from the Magic Forest (Original Mix) The Visions Of Shiva - Perfect Day (Binary Finary's Sunset Remix) Aeden - Flying Cities (Withness 45 Remix) Ikerya Project & O.B.M Notion feat. Danny Claire - Goodbye (Original Mix) req from ALIFT Double Resistance - Sounds Of Energy (Original Mix) Joe Shadows - Across The Bay (Mike van Fabio Remix) Manuel Le Saux & TrancEye - Endless Horizons (Original Mix) for Ice & the chatters Smile Nektarios meets Kirsty Hawkshaw & Jan Johnston - Invisible walls (Trance Arts Remix) for Stefan 00db - Solomate (Original Mix) PPK - ResuRection (Renov8 Remix) Ben Nicky feat. Linnea Schossow - Tears (Temple One Remix) for AliFT Fictivision vs. C-Quence - Symbols (Original Mix) for ice Emanuele Congeddu & Danny Rayel – Stardust Till Dawn (Extended Mix) from Billy for RobsTa Dan Stone - Colorado Avenue (Original Mix) for Ice Kelly Andrew - Julietta (Suncatcher Orchestral Mix) #trancefamilyofficial #tranceattack #uplifting trance #upliftingtrance #vocaltrance #transcendent #trancenergy #Trance #progressivetrance #vocaltrance #hardtrance #psychedelictrance #psytrance #progressivepsytrance #goatrance #dtrance #hamburg #germany #duitsland #tranceclassics #classictrance #trancemaster #trancemasters #mastersoftrance #mastersatwork #SoundEngineer #paradise ‪#Heaven
29/10/20170 horas, 0 segundos
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Euphoric Airlines Trance Mix 01.10.2017 - DJ Female@Work on RauteMusik.Trance

“Euphoric Airlines“ Radio Show, aired every Sunday on Rautemusik.Trance (17:30 - 20:00 CET/MEZ). LIVE mixed by Female@Work, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Tracklist: Female@Work - Gate 2016 (Euphoric Airlines Radio Show) Illitheas - Shine (Intro Mix) Matt Skyer pres. JMS - Georgia - 00:00:53 Mhammed El Alami & Illitheas & Johannes Fischer - Breath Of Life - 00:05:07 Abandoned Rainbow - Part Of My Soul - 00:11:07 C-Systems - Aeneas - 00:17:07 Allen & Envy with Julie Harrington - Always (Mike van Fabio & Araya Vocal Mix) - 00:29:07 Sound Of Tomorrow - Symphony Of Love - 00:41:07 Majai - Lightwave (Airbase Remix) - 00:52:07 Simon O'Shine & Sergey Nevone - Last Goodbye - 00:59:07 Imperfection - A Beautiful Tomorrow - 01:09:07 Cymatics - 7th Dimension - 01:21:07 NoMosk - Later - 01:25:07 Ascending Force feat. Danny Claire - Everything Is Dust (Original Mix) Hoyaa - Orange Sky - 01:42:07 Kevin 3ngel & AR-2 - A New Begining (Cinematic Trance Mix) - 01:50:07 Frank Dattilo - Angel's City (Lafale Remix) - 01:57:07 Dominik Walter & Giovannie De Sadeleer - Hope Remains (George Crossfield Remix) SoundLift - Freedom (Original Mix)
3/10/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Discover Trance - Mixed By Female@Work - Live Mix on 30.09.2017

Trance Mix, performed by Female@Work on 30.09.2017. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! tracklist: Veselin Tasev - Blue Light (Trance Culture 2009 Anthem) Randy Katana - In Silence (Ron van den Beuken Remix) Ozone - Rock (Original Mix) Svenson - Sunlight Theory (Ozone Mix) Paul Connolly - August (Original Mix) Ascending Force - Heavens Gate (Original Mix) Thomas Coastline - After Hour (Original Mix) Roger Shah & Signum - Ancient Worlds (Roger Shah's Long Haul Flight Mix) Etasonic vs. Laucco - Someone Like You (Emanuele Congeddu's Emotional Take) Sound Of Tomorrow - Symphony Of Love (Original Mix) Alex Greenhouse - New Year, New Life, New Music (Original Mix) Suncatcher & Exolight - Memory Of You (Extended Mix) Will Holland - Timeless (Daniel Kandi Remix) for Stefan Hoyaa - Orange Sky (Original Mix) DJ Gard - Under The Stars (Extended Edit)
1/10/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Feed Your Hunger 23.09.2017 - Trance Mix by Female@Work

Trance Mix, recorded live by Female@Work. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Tracklist: Ehren Stowers - Solar Dreams (Simon Bostock Intro Remix) Alex Shevchenko & Blue Moon - Ivory Tower (Chronosapien Remix) Marcos - Around In Circles (Original Mix) Ascania - Time Travel (Original Mix) Tonny Nesse - Hole In The Sky (Arctic Moon Remix) Mahammed El Alami & Illitheas - Horizon (Original Mix) Steve Brian & David Berkeley - The Faded Red & Blue (Suncatcher Remix) for billy Ancientmind - Sahmeran (Dan Thomas Extended Remix) Arctic Moon & Apple One feat. Diana Leah - Who We Are (Bjorn Akesson Remix) for Ice Emanuele Congeddu & Allam - Redeemer's Sundown (Etasonic Vocal Mix) Two & One feat. Anthya - The End Is Over (A.R.D.I. Remix) Alatheia - Heavenly Heights (Original Mix) TrancEye - Demonica (Touchstone Remix) Nikolauss & Valexki - Shakti (Skylex Remix) Emanuele Congeddu - Fable Of Love (Araya Remix) RAYSIM - My World (Original Mix) Dominik Dudek pres.Astral Forteness - Enchanted In Time (TrancEye Remix)
25/9/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Flying High On Trance 15.08.2017 - Trance Mix by Female@Work live

Trance Mix, mixed and recorded live by Female@Work. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Likes and sharing is greatly appreciated! Thank you! Tracklisting: 00:03:34 Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H B2B Woody Van Eyden Intro Vocal Mix) 00:10:34 Aeden - Evolution 00:14:34 Danyella - From Malta To Germany 00:20:34 JDC - Two Worlds 00:25:34 Rapha - Deepfield (Ferry Tayles The Wizzard Remix) 00:37:34 Blue Horizon & Shyprince - A Miserable Heart 00:54:34 Plutian - Debris 01:07:34 The Avains - VV 01:13:34 Ram - Ramelia Orchestria (The Langhams Rework) 01:20:34 Kelly Andrew - Key To The Garden 01:20:00 Ascending Force feat. Danny Claire - Everything Is Dust (Original Mix) 01:35:34 Alex Shevchenko - Sunset Island (Eddie Lung Remix) 01:47:34 Adryann - A New Hope 01:53:34 Bryan Kearney & Plumb - All Over Again 02:02:34 Veselin Tasev - Pacific Waves (Mysterious Movement Remix) 02:08:34 Another World feat. Stephanie Kay - The Last Call 02:20:34 BluEye - Critical Distance 02:21:34 TrancEye - On The Edge
22/9/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Feed Your Hunger 19.08.2017 - Trance Mix by Female@Work live

Trance Mix, recorded and mixed live by Female@Work. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Likes and sharing is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
22/9/20170 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Feed Your Hunger 16.09.2017 - Female@Work DiscoverTrance Live Mix

Free Download! Trance Mix, Uplifting and and Vocal Trance. Mixed live and from scratch. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Tracklist: 4 Seas - Ergaticus (Intro Mix) Sindre Eide - Two Against The World (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) Airlab 7 - Airport (Original Mix) Arctic Moon - Starships over Alice (Original Mix) Fady & Mina - Akemi (Extended Mix) Dominik Walter & Giovannie de Sadeleer - Hope Remains (George Crossfield Remix) Air Night - Last words (UDM Remix) for Stefan Alex van ReeVe - Halcyon (Extended Mix) Soundlift - Nakthi (Original Mix) Night Sky - Endorphine (Afternova Remix) for ALIFT Stoneface & Terminal & Ana Criado - My Heart Won't Tell You No (Original Mix) Andy Blueman - Sea Tides (Original Mix) Jorn van Deynhoven - Fastlane (Robert Nickson Remix) Kaimo K - Rise & Smile (Original Mix) Emanuele Congeddu - Fable Of Love (Araya Remix) for Alift Derek Palmer & Cassandra Grey - Awake (Extended Mix) for AliFT Menno de Jong & Adam Ellis featuring Kate Louise Smith - Set To Sail (Original Mix) for Ice First State - First State (Original Mix) Johan Gielen - Magnitude (ReOrder Remix)
17/9/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Feed Your Hunger 02.09.2017 by Female@Work

“Feed Your Hunger“, Trance Mix, performed live by Female@Work. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Tracklist: * Solarstone & Haris C - Ultraviolet (Solarstone Pure Intro Mix) * Jorn van Deynhoven - Spotlight (Original Mix) * Alatheia - Heavenly Heights (Original Mix) * Fast Distance & Dimension - Above The Clouds (Original Mix) * Mike Squillo - 8 Chambers (Original Mix) for Billy * Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now we are free (Hoyaa Remix) * Ferrin & Morris & Sequentia - Polarity (Original Mix) for AliFT * Southern Fraiz feat. Irena Love - Afterclouds (Simon O'Shine Vocal Mix) * Kaimo K - 84 (Original Mix) * Solis & Sean Truby with Ultimate & Stine Grove - Your Dawn (Original Mix) for Stefan * Jet Set - Into The Blue (Original Mix) for Ice * Pizz@dox - Abracadabra (Original Mix) * Pedro Del Mar - Summer Cruise (Epic Mix) * Rene Ablaze meets Silence Keepers - Spinning World (Ron van den Beuken Remix) * Sergei Vasilenko - Flight On Mercury (Original Mix) * Dimension - Mystic Falls (Elias B Remix) * Chris Metcalfe featuring Amy Kirkpatrick - Across The World (Original Mix) * French Skies - Element Of Life (Original Emotional Mix) * Dan Stone - Colorado Avenue (Original Mix)
7/9/20170 horas, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 20.08.2017 - Female@Work live on RauteMusik.Trance

“Euphoric Airlines“ Radio Show, aired weekly on Rautemusik.Trance. Hosted by DJ Female@Work, mixed live and from scratch, with listener requests mixed in. Tracklist: DJ Female@Work - Trance Gate 2016 (Euphoric Airlines Radio Show) - 00:00:02 New World - Ushio (Emotional Intro Mix) - 00:02:39 Allen & Envy feat. Robin Vane - Immortal - 00:11:39 Aimoon - Leto - 00:14:39 Alex van Gray - In My Memory - 00:22:39 Sean Tyas - Lift (Unknown Version) - 00:33:39 Yuri Kane & Ana Criado - Running Wild (Liam Wilson Remix) - 00:39:39 Ayla - Ayla (Omar Sherif 2016 Remix) - 00:44:39 DJ Gard - The Rising Of A New Day - 00:50:39 The Pulsarix & Alternate High - Different Worlds (Rich Triphonic Remix) - 00:57:39 Night Sky - Akira - 01:03:39 Chris Metcalfe - First Encounter (J. Suckley Remix) - 01:08:39 Paul van Dyk & Peter Heppner - Wir Sind Wir - 01:17:39 Jochen Miller - Viper (Traces Traxx Remix) - 01:21:39 System F feat. Armin van Buuren - Exhale (Inhale Remix) - 01:30:39 InnerSync - Blue Reef - 01:35:39 Ascending Force - Islands - 01:40:39 Rene Ablaze meets Silence Keepers - Spinning World (Ron van den Beuken Remix) - 01:47:39 Frank Dattilo - Supernatural (Danila Kraev Orchestral Mix) - 01:51:39 Plumb - Now I Need You (How Many Times) (Bryan Kearney Remix) - 01:58:39 Frank Dattilo - Leonida (Another World Remix) - 02:06:39 Kaimo Kerge - 6 Ways To Sunday - 02:12:39 Insigma - Open Your Eyes (Sean Tyas Got Piano Mix) - 02:25:39
20/8/20170 horas, 0 minutos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 13.08.2017 - Trance Mix Live by Female@Work

“Euphoric Airlines Radio Show“, faires weekly on RauteMusik.Trance. Mixed live and from scratch by DJ Female@Work. Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance music! Free Download - enjoy! #trancefamily #trancearmy #tranceenergy #upliftingtrance #vocaltrance #trancefamilyofficial #trance #InTranceWeTrust #UnitedAsOne #TranceFamilyGlobal #TranceForLife #EuphoricAirlines #Trance #upliftingTrance #VocalTrance #DJFemaleatwork #TranceLovers #TranceIsLife
13/8/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Flying high On Trance 19.07.2017 - Trance Mix live on RauteMusik.Trance

Blue Silence - Nothing To Fear (New World Intro Mix) Ferry Tayle feat. Erica Curran - Rescue Me (Suncatcher Remix) - 00:08:38 Tranzlift vs. Airyboy - 1989 (AirLab7 Remix) - 00:14:38 Ciaran McAuley - Thoughts Become Things - 00:22:38 Solarstone - 4Ever (Pure Retouch) - 00:28:38 Talla 2XLC vs. Carl B feat. Katie Marne - Giving Up, Giving In (Sean Tyas Remix) - 00:34:38 DJ Ives M & DJ T.H. - Above The Sky - 00:41:38 Snow Patrol vs. Johan Ekman & Araya - New York Duende (DJ Pitch & XiJaro Mashup) - 00:47:38 Alex van ReeVe & Geert Huinink - Natalie - 00:54:38 Matt Bukovski - Fresh Air - 01:03:38 Rene Ablaze & Ian Buff & DJ T.H. - 10 Years (Eddie Lung Remix) - 01:08:38 Jean Clemence - Everest (Plutian Remix) - 01:13:38 Mark Dior - Tranquility - 01:20:38 Sound Apparel - Victoria (2017 Remaster) - 01:25:38 Robert Nickson - Euphorica - 01:36:38 Flatlex - Faded Memories (Etasonic Remix) - 01:40:38 Tukan - Light A Rainbow (CJ Stone Remix) - 01:45:38 Illitheas - Shine - 01:53:38
24/7/20170 horas, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Feed Your Hunger 22.07.2017 Trance Mix, Live Mix

Trance Mix by Female@Work, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music.
22/7/20170 horas, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 16.07.2017 - Free Download - Mixed by Female@Work - Live on RauteMusik.Trance

“Euphoric Airlines“ Radio Show, mixed live by Female@Work on RauteMusik.Trance. Aired weekly, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music! **Tracklist** Female@Work – Trance Gate 2016 (Euphoric Airlines Radio Show) Soundlift - Freedom (Intro Mix) - 00:04:55 Playme - Peace & Serenity - 00:12:55 Sandeagle - Oceanic Dolphin - 00:20:55 Suncatcher feat. Aneym - Underneath My Skin - 00:27:55 TUBOE - Wings To The Mind - 00:36:55 Neal Scarborough - Kanya (Andy Blueman Remix) - 00:43:55 The Noble Six - The Storm - 00:52:55 Ancientmind - Sahmeran (Dean Thomas Extended Remix) - 01:01:55 Eric Senn - Leaving Earth - 01:12:55 Ozone - Rock - 01:17:55 Tiësto feat. BT - Break My Fall (Airbase Remix) - 01:26:55 Rah - Pole Position (Airbase Remix) - 01:33:55 Infite - Euphoria (Tranzlift Remix) - 01:39:55 Joren Heelsing feat.Ren - Heaven On Earth (The Noble Six Remix) - 01:47:55 Robert Nickson - Euphorica - 01:54:55 The Avains - VV (Kiyoi & Eky Remix) - 02:00:55 DJ Gard - Under The Stars - 02:05:55 Snow Patrol vs. Johan Ekman & Araya - New York Duende (DJ Pitch & XiJaro Mashup) - 02:19:55 Ben Weston - A New Beginning (Unknown Version) - 02:27:55
20/7/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 10.07.2017 - Mixed by Female@Work on RauteMusik.Trance

“Euphoric Airlines“ Radio Show, aired weekly on Trance, mixed live on air by DJ Female@Work Tracklist: DJ Female@Work - Trance Gate 2016 (Euphoric Airlines Radio Show) Etasonic - Farewell Forever (Intro Mix) - 00:03:41 Elite Electronic - Sunshine Beach (A.T.M. pres. Aquatica Balearic Remix) - 00:08:41 Kelly Andrew - Xanadu (Orchestral Trance Mix) - 00:16:41 ReOrder & Ferry Tayle - Tomorroworld - 00:21:41 Dirkie Coetzee & Misja Helsloot - We Are Trance (Ikerya Project Remix) - 00:27:41 Sean Tyas - Lift (Jimmy Chou Remix) - 00:32:41 Radion6 - Hope - 00:38:41 Tiësto - Adagio For Strings (Danjo & Styles Remix) - 00:43:41 Tim Besamusca - The Sky People - 00:52:41 Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Natalie Gioia - Dreams - 00:57:41 C.I.A.T. - Education Techique (Luuk Goossen Remix) - 01:06:41 Paul van Dyk feat. Plumb - I Don't Deserve You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) - 01:11:41 Pizz@dox - Nemesis (Vocal Edit) - 01:18:41 TrancEye - Night's Watch - 01:24:41 Mike van Fabio & Sarah Shields - A Light That Never Dies - 01:30:41 Ultimate - Elbrus - 01:36:41 2Trancy - Above The Sky - 01:41:41 Tiësto - Sparkles (Airscape Remix) - 01:48:41 RAM - Elijah - 01:54:41 SounEmot - Better Than You (Trances Remix) - 02:00:41 Rene Ablaze vs. Cyrex feat. Stine Grove - Continuum (Dima Krasnik Remix) - 02:06:41 Etasonic vs. Laucco - Someone Like You - 02:12:41 Solarstone vs. Scott Bond - 3rd Earth (Scott Bond & Charlie Walker REBOOTED Extended Mix) - 02:17:41 E.T Project - Free - 02:24:41
13/7/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 27.06.2017 - mixed live on air by DJ Female@Work

"Euphoric Airlines" Show, aired weekly live on - mixed live on air by DJ Female@Work. Free download on Soundcloud or
26/6/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
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Sense Of Trance 5

Featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music! Mixed Byes DJ Female@Work.
22/6/20170 minutos, 0 segundos
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Sense Of Trance 1 by Female@Work

1hr of the best Trance tracks ever! Mixed by Female@Work.
21/6/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Female@Work - Euphoric Airlines 11.06.2017

Weekly Radio show on RauteMusik.Trance, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music.
12/6/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Feed Your Hunger 012 - 27.05.2017 - mixed by Female@Work

DJ mix, recorded live, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music. * Afternova - Tranquility (Original Mix) * Beat Service - Metro (Digital Remix) * Marc de Buur feat. Stephey - Solarstorm (Sebastian Relius Remix) * Allen & Envy feat. Jess Morgan - The Heart That Never Sleeps (Original Mix) * Neo Kekkonen - Timepiece (Original Mix) * Tom Bro - Memories (Alan Morris Remix) * Alexzideyn - Lost Love (Airzoom Orchestral Mix) * Talla 2xlc - Arcadia (Original Mix) * Running Man pres. Fifth Dimension - Somewhere (Original Mix) * ReOrder - Miracles (Trance Arts Remix) * Kai del Noi - Andromeda (Sequentia's A6 Remix) * Tom Colontonio feat. Michele Karmin - Colors Of A Tear (Suncatcher Remix) for Bjorn * Akira Kayosa & Hugh Tolland - Enceladus (Astronomers Retake) * Ultimate - Elbrus (Extended Mix) for Heatwave * W&W vs. Jonas Stenberg - Alligator huffhouse (Bjorn Akesson Remix) for Stefan * Alex Wright - Galactica (Original Mix) * Blue Tente - Antarctic Day (Original Mix) * Ciro Visone - Alive (Ico Remix) * Armin van Buuren - Exhale (ORiginal Mix) * tranzLift vs AiryBoy - 1989 (AirLab7 Remix) for Heatwave
28/5/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 012 on RauteMusik.Trance 23.04.2017 - mixed by Female@Work

Euphoric Airlines Show, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music! Mixed live by Female@Work on RauteMusik.Trance. Your comments are welcome!
15/5/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 011 on RauteMusik.Trance - 02.04.2017 by Female@Work

“Euphoric Airlines“, Uplifting Trance Radio Show on RauteMusik.Trance, mixed live by Female@Work, featuring the best artists and tracks!
5/4/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Female@Work - Feed Your Hunger 011 - 01.04.2017 - Featuring The Best Artists And Tracks

Female@Work - Feed Your Hunger 011, Live mix, featuring the best artists and tracks of Trance Music!
2/4/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Feed Your Hunger 25.03.2017 - mixed by Female@Work featuring the best artists and tracks

Female German Trance DJ, featuring the best artists and tracks! Mixed live.
28/3/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Female@Work - Feed Your Hunger 18.03.2017

Trance DJ Set, mixed live by Female@Work, featuring the best artists and tracks! Tracklist: Armin van Buuren feat. Miri Ben-Ari - Intense (Original Mix) Nick Parker - True Love (Plutians Sentimental Take) Alan Morris & Marco Cera - Tears Of The Sun (Extended Uplifting Mix) Conujure One - The Garden (Mhammed El Alami Extended Remix) Flatlex - Faded Memories (Etasonic Remix) Sou Kanai & C-Systems feat. Hanna Finsen - Far Away (Original Mix) Binary System - Beyond The Horizon (Original Mix) Alessandra Roncone - Sogno (Original Mix) RAM - RAMexico (Original Mix) Hoyaa - Autumn (Original Mix) Innersync - Elves Of Eire (Original Mix) Jerzyk feat. Ariette Florence - Nest To You (Astuni & Manuel Le Saux Re-Lift) Sound Apparel - Sadness (2017 Remastered) Avalona - Island Of Dreams (Moreno J Remix) Vol Deeman - Calling Me Back Home (Original Mix) The Thrillseekers feat Shannon Hurley - Stay (Here With Me) (Club Mix) Ahmed Romel vs. A-Z - Revive (Extended Mix) Talla 2XLC vs. Carl B. feat. Katie Marne ‎- Giving up, Giving in (Sean Tyas Vocal Remix)
23/3/20171 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 007 on RauteMusik.Trance mixed by Female@Work on 12.03.2017

Euphoric Airlines is a weekly Trance music Radio Show, mixed Live by Female@Work (Biggi Fienemann). #trancefamily #upliftingtrance #VocalTrance #EDM Female@Work - Trance Gate 1 (Euphoric Airlines), mixed by Female@Work - 00:00:00 Sandeagle - Red Fox (Intro Mix) - 00:02:53 Allen & Envy and Gemma Pavlovic - Heaven Won't Wait (Mike van Fabio Remix) - 00:07:53 Secret Garden - Poeme (Innersync Remix) - 00:13:53 Manuel Rocca - Omkara - 00:19:53 Syntouch - Into The Sky (Extended Orchestral Mix) - 00:25:53 Solarstone - A State Of Mind (Pure Mix) - 00:33:53 Mart Sine feat. Lynsey Shaw - Another Day (Derek Palmer Remix) - 00:40:53 Stella Project & Dr Riddle - We Are The Future (9eek Remix) - 00:46:53 ULA - The Phantom Sixth Man - 00:51:53 Ronny K pres. Advanced - Tash (John Waver Remix) - 00:57:53 Hazem Beltagui & Julie Scott - When Nothing's True - 01:06:53 Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Turn It On (Sean Tyas Remix) - 01:12:53 Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Woody van Eyden feat. Michelle Citrin - Turn It On (Sean Tyas Remix) - 01:12:53 Roger Shah pres. Savannah - Darling Harbour (Fast Distance Remix) - 01:19:53 Alexander Gagarin - One Step Closer (Tobias F Weber & Marco Mc Neil Remix) - 01:26:53 Michael Retouch - Noctilucent Clouds - 01:33:53 Curtis & Craig feat. Claire Willis - Sanctuary - 01:38:53 Lucas Moor & Maritime Vibes - Our Mother Land (Moreno J Remix) - 01:46:53 Fresh Code - Tomorrow World - 01:55:53 Woody van Eyden - 10.5 - 02:01:53 Tiësto pres. Alone in the Dark - Edward Carnby - 02:06:53 Plutian - Letters To Heaven - 02:11:53 Binary Finary - 1998 (Gouryella Remix) - 02:17:53 Pizz@dox - 4 AM Redeemer (James Dymond Remix) - 02:23:53
11/3/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 1 segundo
Episode Artwork

Euphoric Airlines 006 on RauteMusik Trance 05.03.2017

Euphoric Airlines on Rautemusik.Trance - 05.03.17 17:30 - 05.03.17 20:01 Luis A. Moreno - Dreams (Intro Mix) - 00:02:34 Khoa Tran - Song To Say Goodbye - 00:10:34 Andy Elliass & ARCZI - Centaurus (Allen & Envy Remix) - 00:17:34 Fabio XB & Liuck feat. Roxanne Emery - Nowhere To Be Found (Craig Connelly Remix) - 00:23:34 Arrakeen & Jaki Song - Time (Neo Kekkonen Remix) - 00:26:34 DJ Deraven pres. Amalia - Love Is An Ocean - 00:33:34 Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Good For Me (Redanka Remix) - 00:38:34 Abide & Joze Linecker - Go For It (Simon Moon Remix) - 00:44:34 The Thrillseekers feat. Stine Grove - Anywhere With You (Solarstone Pure Mix) - 00:50:34 BluEye - Pegasus (Myk Bee Remix) - 00:58:34 Samuel Barber - Adagio For Strings (TrancEye Remix) - 01:05:34 First State - Sacred - 01:11:34 Illitheas pres. Aren - 20° - 01:16:34 Abide & Joze Linecker - For You (Philipp J Remix) - 01:23:34 Roger Shah & Signum - Ancient World (Roger Shah Long Haul Flight Mix) - 01:30:34 Reconceal - Touch Her Heart - 01:39:34 Andy Blueman & Reconceal - World To Come (Andy Blueman Mix) - 01:45:34 Talla 2XLC feat. Naama Hillman - No Inbetween (John O'Callaghan Remix) - 01:54:34 Magic Sense & Spins - Bleak Heart (Enfortro Remix) - 02:03:34 Hazem Beltagui & Aneym - Remember Me (Club Mix) - 02:07:34 Ell Cairde - The Conjuring - 02:13:34 Jerom - No Way Back (Phil Dinner Remix) - 02:20:34 Karim Raji - Blackbirds - 02:23:34
6/3/20170 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos