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The queer is yet to come

English, Social, 5 seasons, 22 episodes, 13 hours, 16 minutes
In French, Arabic, English Queers Of North Africa is dedicated to sharing the experiences of gender and sexuality in North African societies and its diaspora. Through our three thematic categories (Queer Talks, Queers on The Ground and Academiqueer), discover the testimonies of queer people, the stories of their activism and the academic research around these topics.
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EP 5: A look at the past: women in colonial Algeria, silent or silenced? - with Prof Marnia Lazreg

Following Fatima Mernissi’s words in Dreams of Trespass: a Girlhood in the Harem, recalling that “Words are like onions, The more you peel off, the more meaning you find. And when you start to discover several meanings, the true and the false don't mean anything anymore”, we decided in this episode to have a look at how we deprive of words women in the Maghreb through the example of Algeria before, during and after colonisation. Today, we welcome professor of sociology at Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Professor Marnia Lazreg. focusing on postcolonial Algeria and the effects of decolonization, she carried out research on  human rights, social class inequality, cultural movements, development, and gender. She is the author of several books, including Torture and the Twilight of Empire:  From Algiers to Baghdad; The Eloquence of Silence:  Algerian Women in Question, a second edition of which came out in 2019, and Islamic Feminism and the Discourse of Post-Liberation:  The Cultural Turn in Algeria which has just been released.  Her work appeared in translation in several foreign languages. In this episode, we ask ourselves about what mechanisms were (and still are) mobilized to silence Algerian women. QONA's mission is to share experiences of gender and sexuality in North African societies and its diaspora. QONA invites you to discover, to make mistakes, to learn, to question yourself and, above all, to open up. Bibliography: Benchemsi Rajae, Marrakech, Lumière d’exil, 2003 Djerba Assia, Women of Algiers in Their Apartment, 1980 Lazreg Marnia, Torture and the Twilight of Empire:  From Algiers to Baghdad, 2008 Lazreg Marnia, The Eloquence of Silence:  Algerian Women in Question, 2019 Lazreg Marnia, Islamic Feminism and the Discourse of Post-Liberation:  The Cultural Turn in Algeria, 2020 Mernissi Fatema, Dreams of Trespass: a Girlhood in the Harem, 1994
5/10/202146 minutes, 59 seconds