On The Married Man podcast, Brian Bandas discusses what works, what doesn't, and breaks down the words, actions and mindsets of a warrior husband. Every man wants greatness. He wants to be a warrior and fight for something bigger than himself. That quest to reach the fullness of our potential starts at home, with becoming the man we need to be for our family. That challenge is the refining fire. It is not an easy test and it is well worth it. Find out more about The Married Man at www.themarriedman.co
The Married Man 020 - What Do When You and Your Wife Disagree On the Big Stuff
What do you do if you and your wife disagree--and I'm not talking about wanting different things for dinner. I'm talking about the BIG stuff: parenting, religion, finances, politics. What do you do if you aren't on the same page?While I won't claim the to be the ultimate authority on this, I can speak from experience--there is plenty that my wife and I see differently. Here are 5 helpful strategies to employ if you find yourself (as I do) in a situation where you and your wife hold strong opposing views.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
1/14/2021 • 25 minutes, 8 seconds
The Married Man 019 - Do These 5 Things Daily to Change Your Marriage in 2021
To start 2021 off right, here are 5 simple things to do every single day that WILL change your marriage relationship for the better over time.Sticking to this challenge will change you, change your wife, and change your marriage for the better. It's not magic, it is just good, meaningful, worthwhile work.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
1/6/2021 • 25 minutes, 21 seconds
The Married Man 018 - Your Thoughts Are a Powerful Weapon (How are you using them?)
Jumping off of a conversation with a fellow husband about him wishing he was divorced, we talk about the power of our thoughts to build up or destroy. They are a powerful weapon that we can use to our benefit or to our detriment.What is the power of our thoughts, and how can we use them to build up and strengthen our marriage?Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
12/2/2020 • 21 minutes, 7 seconds
The Married Man 017 - Your Mission to Build Up Your Wife and Tear Down the Lies
We are uniquely positioned in our wives' lives, as the people closest to them (hopefully!), to speak life and encouragement into their world, to help them fight through the lies and stories they may believe about themselves and get out from under the baggage they may carry.This is one way that we can help them become the fullness of who they were meant to be. This is one way that we can offer our warrior strength to them, and to live our lives in the most fulfilling way: for someone other than ourselves.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
11/11/2020 • 17 minutes, 46 seconds
The Married Man 016 - How to Build Momentum In Your Marriage
A basic principle has helped change my business, my relationship, my fitness and other important areas of my life for the better: behavior drives attitude.How can we take this principle and apply it to our marriage to build momentum toward our goal ot building a powerful, fulfilling marriage?We'll talk through this principle and discuss a few practical ways to apply it.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
11/9/2020 • 23 minutes, 21 seconds
The Married Man 015 - Talking Comfort and Complacency and Being a Warrior Husband
This week we are getting into some real talk about choosing growth over comfort, fulfillment over fun, about the good, hard work of discovering the fullness of the potential that was built into each of us.We don't admire men and women who have chosen comfort or complacency, who have avoided fear, pain and adversity, and most of us don't aspire to that--and yet every one of us can fall into that trap.Marriage is powerful in causing us to grow if we are willing to stay in the discomfort.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
10/28/2020 • 18 minutes, 34 seconds
The Married Man 014 - Potential Pain is a Powerful Motivator
When I was a kid, my dad missed a lot of my baseball games. While he didn't knowingly CHOOSE to, it WAS a direct result of his (and my mom's) choices.That's why it is so important to gain and understanding of the potential pain of defeat. It's important to have a vision for the victory you're working toward. It's equally as important when times get tough, to have an vision for why you AREN'T okay with losing or giving up.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
10/21/2020 • 23 minutes, 15 seconds
The Married Man 013 - Create the Vision, Focus On It, and Let it Carry You
Today we go back to the beginning--understanding the power of our mindset, and asking powerful questions that allow us to shape a vision for what we want to build.This vision for what we're fighting for, what we're building, can carry us through the more challenging moments that we'll inevitably encounter in any marriage.Warriors have vision.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
10/14/2020 • 16 minutes, 47 seconds
The Married Man 012 - An Interview With My Wife After 10 Years of Marriage
Kelly and I celebrated 10 years of marriage this week. I wanted to take some time to talk with her about what she believes has worked, what hasn't, what we've done well and what we could do better.Our marriage isn't perfect, but it is good. We discuss conflict resolution, communicating clearly, building and re-building trust, supporting each other, and more.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
9/30/2020 • 48 minutes, 39 seconds
The Married Man 011 - Stewardship of Marriage and the Pursuit of Your True Potential
Jordan Peterson says that marriage can promote psychological and spiritual growth. But how?Marriage is an important catalyst to you reaching your most powerful potential. You must believe that, and choose to pursue it.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandas
9/23/2020 • 20 minutes, 38 seconds
The Married Man 010 - How to Keep Our Loved Ones Out of Our Blast Radius
Pulling a quote from my good friend Shawn Kaplan, we talk about how those we love most are the most likely recipients of the fallout from our pain, shame, trauma and baggage.While those past hurts are valid and real, they can also become excuses that we lean on instead of choosing to grow toward the results we want--namely, being loving, patient, compassionate and emotionally mature husbands and fathers.What can we do to help keep our wife and children out of our emotional blast radius?Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
9/16/2020 • 22 minutes, 40 seconds
The Married Man 009 - Grace and the Things We Can't Control
As much as we talk about ownership, hard work, responsibility, and fighting like warriors for our marriage... as mere humans there is a limit to the things that we can control.So what do we do when faced with the reality that we cannot control the actions or attitudes of others, most significantly, our wives?A quick peek at some words of wisdom from author Morgan Snyder guide a conversation about what we can and can't control, and what to do about it.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for The Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortify Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
9/9/2020 • 21 minutes, 2 seconds
The Married Man 008 - What Do Discipline and Determination Have to do With Anything?
What does the word "discipline" have to do with marriage? Can't we just "be in love" and let that powerful emotion of romance take care of things?What about "determination"? What is the point of applying serious determination and commitment to a relationship like this? Why is it worth the work?Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for my the Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortifiy Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
9/2/2020 • 21 minutes, 38 seconds
The Married Man 007 - The Trap of Keeping Score in Marriage
Every husband and wife has the tendency to fall into the trap of keeping score. Who works the most? Who takes care of the house, the kids, the bills? Who makes the money? Who drives the kids around?This tit-for-tat score-keeping is a trap and a dead end. It is ego driven and causes division, not unity.So what is the mindset of a warrior husband who refuses to keep score and instead is intent on fighting for a rich marriage marked by unity?Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for my the Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortifiy Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
8/26/2020 • 13 minutes, 34 seconds
The Married Man 006 - The Struggle Up the Literal and Figurative Mountain
After a challenging experience backpacking in East Tennessee, I reflect on the role and value of struggle as it relates to marriage.It's okay to struggle. We are refined in the struggle, and strengthened in the struggle. We learn in the struggle.The problem comes when we relent, and stop struggling.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for my the Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortifiy Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
8/19/2020 • 17 minutes, 42 seconds
The Married Man 005- Fun vs. Fulfillment and Living for Others
Jumping off of some questions and comments I read on a FB group geared toward men and fathers, I discuss what it means to trade fulfillment for fun, and what it means to live a life that is lived for others.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for my the Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortifiy Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
8/12/2020 • 18 minutes, 38 seconds
The Married Man 002 - Would You Sacrifice Your Dignity?
At our core, we all want true intimacy: to truly know someone, and to be truly known by them. Countless men seem to want that and yet not know how to get it. I see and hear the pain in men around me who clearly want this (whether or not they can admit it). So why are so many men finding this so difficult to find and experience? What can we do to start to experience victory in that struggle?Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for my the Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortifiy Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
7/22/2020 • 16 minutes, 11 seconds
The Married Man 004 - Mastering the Fundamentals (The Michael Jordan Analogy)
These are the fundamentals of treating your wife well and building a rich marriage relationship: make her feel wanted, make her feel needed, make her feel appreciated.We often pour ourselves relentlessly into our various passions: sports, building businesses, learning a new trade or how to play an instrument. What if we attacked our desire to build a powerful marriage in the same way?Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for my the Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortifiy Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
7/8/2020 • 16 minutes, 48 seconds
The Married Man 003 - Is Monogamy Good or Bad for Men?
Recently the question was posed: "I monogamy needed, and why?" The man asking the question talked about seeing monogamy stifle men's social lives and personal growth. So what role should monogamy play, if any, in the lives of men. Does it automatically stifle our growth and lead to stagnation? Or can it somehow enhance who we are and who we are to become?Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for my the Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortifiy Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!
7/8/2020 • 11 minutes, 50 seconds
The Married Man 001 - What is The Married Man?
What is The Married Man? What does it mean to be a Warrior Husband? Is it possible that being a phenomenal husband is an integral part of being a wholly powerful man? As men, what is the most important task in front of us? What is our calling? Today we discuss the role of marriage in the life of a man who hungers for greatness.Head over to www.themarriedman.co--home of the Warrior Husband--to subscribe to the weekly Married Man newsletter and be challenged and inspired each week in the most important area of your life.Be sure to sign up for my the Married Man email list to receive weekly content about building a powerful and fulfilling marriage (and snag your free digital copy of the "Fortifiy Your Marriage" handbook).Twitter: @brianbandasFB: facebook.com/brian.bandasInsta: @brianbandasCheck out my other podcast, the NEVER EVER QUIT SHOW wherever you listen to podcasts, or visit www.BrianBandas.com!