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The Elevated Man

English, Education, 1 season, 181 episodes, 2 days, 25 minutes
This podcast is here to help inspire you in your life and better understand your relationships so you can maximize the potential of your love life along with your personal life. What you will find here is dating, relationship, and life advice from your host along with some amazing interviews with some pretty amazing experts! LINKS: [VISIT MY WEBSITE}
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12 Signs Of A Narcissistic Woman (She's Using You)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  12 Signs Of A Narcissistic Woman (She's Using You) Do you feel like she is making you question your memory about things?  Do you ever wonder if you might be dating a narcissistic woman?  Suppose you are unsure whether or not the woman you dating is a narcissist and don't know how to get out of that relationship, then this is the podcast for you! In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss the 12 Signs of a Narcissistic Woman and How to Recognize If She's Using You.  Apollonia understands that navigating a relationship with a narcissistic partner can be challenging, and it can often be difficult to determine if you are dating a narcissist. But with Apollonia's guidance, you will learn to identify the key signs of narcissism and gain valuable insights on how to exit the relationship in the healthiest way possible.  So, if you are ready to get out of that relationship and start dating a high-quality woman, this podcast is for you! Key points in this episode: 0:32 - 12 signs you are suffering from a narcissistic woman! 1:15 - It’s not just one sign. It is many signs that point to a person you are dating as a narcissist. 2:06 - Exessive need for attention. She often becomes more distant if you do not give her attention, and she seeks others’ attention. 3:51 - Lack of empathy. Apollonia explains how a narcissist lacks empathy. 5:41 - Malpulaive behavior. Do you often see she uses people? Emotional or sexual blackmail? 6:19 - It’s not easy to get out of a narcissistic relationship. Apollonia understands it is hard to know if you’re dating a narcissist. 7:00 - Apollonia’s storytime of her client, who was in a narcissistic relationship. 8:41 - People believe their stories so much. 9:46 - Superiority complex. She always thinks she is better than everyone. 1:38 - Explosive relationships. Apollonia explains what this is. 12:07 - The gaslighting in an explosive relationship. She constantly makes you question your memories and morals. 13:14 - A lack of genuine relationships. She has a lack of friends or people she has relationships with.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/21/202415 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Women Instantly Know He’s The One ( 7 Signs That Let's Her Know You're The One)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How Women Instantly Know He’s The One ( 7 Signs That Let's Her Know You're The One) Do you want to know if she is serious about you?  Do you often think you found the one, but it ended up that she was not the one?  If you want to find a woman who is the right partner for you, this is the podcast episode for you!  In today's episode, Apollonia Ponti will reveal 7 Signs That Show She's The One and how women instantly recognize when they've found the right partner.  Apollonia understands that finding someone who truly understands you and shares your values can be challenging.  With her guidance, you'll learn how to identify a high-value woman who aligns with your principles, recognize the signs that she’s on the same level as you, and determine if she’s truly the one for you. So, if you’re ready to find the woman of your dreams and start dating seriously, this episode is for you Key points in this episode: 0:33 - How do you know if the woman you are dating is the one? 1:33 - There is genuine happiness. When a healthy woman experiences this, there is consistency. 2:24 - Alinement of values. Do her values match yours? Does she need to be more transparent about her values? 3:55 - Mutual respect when you have differences. How does she react when one of your values conflicts with hers? Is she open-minded, or are you? Apollonia explains. 5:08 - Why do men have to do all of the work? It’s about owning up to the masculine side of you. 6:07 - A woman in her feminine means you’re doing something right. When she feels unsafe, she often leads more to her masculinity. 7:01 - Allowing herself to be accepted emotionally and physically. 8:13 - Conflict resolution. Look for a woman with a healthy conflict resolution; Apollonia tells you how to find a woman like that. 10:05 - When a woman has intuition. How does she feel when she’s around you? Vice versa, how do you feel around her? 11:00 - How she reacts to her experience. What is she bringing in with the experience in her previous relationship? It’s essential to know if she is healing from her expertise.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/14/202413 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Become More Secure With Trust In Your Relationship (The Ultimate Trust Guide For Men)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How to Become More Secure With Trust In Your Relationship (The Ultimate Trust Guide For Men) Do you feel there is no trust in the relationship? Do you need help rebuilding that broken trust? If you wonder how to rebuild trust (or lack thereof) in the relationship, this podcast episode is for you! In today’s episode, Apollonia Ponti and Coach Alex Cormont will discuss building and strengthening faith in your relationship, offering "The Ultimate Trust Guide for Men.”  Apollonia and Alex understand the challenges of building trust in a relationship, especially the difficulty of rebuilding it once it's been broken. With their guidance, they will share valuable insights on regaining trust and strengthening your relationship, helping you feel more secure moving forward.  So, if you are ready to strengthen your trust, this is the podcast for you! Key points in this episode: 1:00 - How Apollonia and Alex will advise you on becoming more secure with trust in your relationship! 2:27 - Trust is essential in the attraction phase and in the marriage. Alex explains why this is so important. 3:50 - Seeking a lot of attention or sleeping a lot of women. Secure women are not attracted to that. 4:53 - Having discipline. You have to be disciplined and stick to your values and hobbies. 6:14 - Women are scared to be cheated on or taken advantage of. 8:00 - You will only get the woman you want if you follow these steps. You first need to start taking care of yourself. 10:00 - How to rebuild trust in the relationship? Apollonia and Alex explain how you can. 11:09 - To build trust, you must know what you want. What are your goals? Your values? 11:59 - Alex explains how their marriage life will be affected without trust. 12:45- Rebuilding trust takes time. Show action rather than talk; it matters that you take the time to rebuild it, not rush it. 13:55 - How do you know if the trust is broken? Empty words? 14:40 - If you’re not doing the deep work in yourself, It won’t be easy to rebuild that trust.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Get More Coach Alex Cormont! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/7/202415 minutes, 38 seconds
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"Why My Wife is Acting Different" Is She Cheating? (Shocking Advice)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  "Why My Wife is Acting Different" Is She Cheating? (Shocking Advice) Do you see that your wife is acting distant towards you?  Do you feel she is pulling away and don’t know why? If you want to know why your partner is pulling away, this is the podcast for you! In today’s episode, Apollonia Ponti and renowned love coach Alex Cormont delve into the complex topic of “Why My Wife is Acting Different: Is She Cheating?” offering insightful and surprising guidance. Apollonia and Alex recognize the emotional weight of feeling your partner drifting away. Their expert advice will provide clear strategies for fostering open communication, recognizing the subtle signs of emotional distance, and navigating the delicate path toward rebuilding intimacy in your relationship.  So, if you’re ready to reconnect, regain that spark, and start living together as a couple again, then this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:41 - Why is your wife acting differently? 1:45 - Why will a woman start to act differently in a marriage? Coach Alex began to explain. 2:47 - There is a lack of emotional connection in the relationship. This is one of the reasons why your wife started to pull away.  4:01 - Resentment in a marriage. One mistake in the past, if left unsolved, can come back into the marriage.  6:02 - A high-value woman will never leave her man because of losing his job. Apollonia explains why. 7:39 - A midlife crisis. At some point in her life, there is a midlife crisis. Apollonia and Alex explain how to help her navigate through this.   9:09 - Apollonia gives an example of a man who lacks his boundaries. 10:45 - Men are not independent. When you’re trying so much to save your marriage, you start to lose yourself. But it would be best if you stopped this. 12:05 - Sometimes, you have to be the bigger person. 13:14 - You have to get the perfect answer. When your wife starts to act distant.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Get More Coach Alex Cormont! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/30/202415 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to No Contact: What Works and What Doesn’t!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Ultimate Guide to No Contact: What Works and What Doesn’t! Do you want your ex back without showing her that your desperate?  Do you want to show her you have genuinely changed?  If you want to know how to grab your ex’s attention and rekindle your relationship with her, this podcast is for you! In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti is joined by special guest Alex Cormont, a renowned Love Coach and dating expert. Together, they will guide you with the No Contact rule and give you what works and what doesn't! Apollonia and Alex understand that winning back your ex can be an emotionally and physically challenging experience. With the help of Coach Alex Cormont's guidance, they will provide expert guidance on how to effectively implement the no-contact rule, offering strategies to help you give your ex the necessary space and increase the chances of rekindling your relationship. So, if you're ready to show your ex that you've truly changed and are determined to win her back, this is the episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:58 - Alex explains what is no contact. But what are the rules? Alex explains further. 2:02 - Let your ex do the first step. Wait for her to react, and use the distance to make her wonder. 3:09 - More willing to listen to you. After 30 days of no contact, they will listen to you more. 4:22 - Benefits of the no-contact rule. 6:00 - Focus on what is essential. A noncontact rule is intended to repair communication and passion. 7:12 - Dont turn to their families or friends. They are not on your side, especially when you’re making no contact. 9:34 - Going to no contact; pace yourself in communication. There is no one rule for everyone. 10:41 - Show off, show that you have changed. 11:14 - After the no-contact rule, the relationship should improve. Alex explains why. 13:05 - Alex explains one piece of IMPORTANT advice that you men need in your life.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Get More Coach Alex Cormont! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/23/202411 minutes, 48 seconds
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How To Get Your Ex Back & Make Her Regret Leaving You! ( I WANT Him Back!!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Get Your Ex Back & Make Her Regret Leaving You! ( I WANT Him Back!!) Do you want your Ex back?  Do you want to show her you have genuinely changed?  If you want to know how to grab your ex’s attention and rekindle your relationship with her, this podcast is for you! In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti is joined by special guest Alex Cormont, a renowned Love Coach and dating expert. Together, they will guide you on how to win back your ex and make her regret leaving. Apollonia and Alex understand that winning back your ex can be an emotionally and physically challenging experience. With the help of Coach Alex Cormont's guidance, they'll not only share strategies for getting your ex back but also help you shift your mindset about the breakup, delve into the root causes, and explore what to do if reconciliation isn’t possible. So, if you're ready to show your ex that you've truly changed and are determined to win her back, this is the episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:33 - Apollonia and Alex talk about how to make an Ex regret leaving you. 1:45 - Why do you want to get back with your ex? What is the reason? 2:48 - Understanding the breakup. What was the reason why did you two break up? 3:26 - What are some things you can do now to try to get with her? Alex explains. 4:06 - Alex’s dating methods of the ‘7 Why’s’. 5:28 - Change as a person. Level yourself up before jumping back into the relationship. 6:19 - Mindset change. If your mindset has not changed, your ex will notice it. 8:46 - Dont go out dating women immediately; instead, try to improve your interactions. Alex explains how social value is essential for a man. 10:40 - Invest in your appearance. It might be losing weight or getting a new wardrobe. You will need to be curious to pique their interest. 13:07 - Never talk about the past relationship. When you are talking to your ex for the first time, men always bring up the problem in their past relationships. Instead of making it a main focus, try to create a solution.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Get More Coach Alex Cormont! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/16/202415 minutes, 9 seconds
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Once a Woman Loses Respect For You THIS Happens...(Don't Let This Be You!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Once a Woman Loses Respect For You THIS Happens...(Don't Let This Be You!) Do you feel your partner is becoming distant?  Do you feel that she is more annoyed than happy when she’s around with you?  If you want to know if your partner is starting to lose respect for you, this podcast episode is just for you! In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti explores why a woman may lose respect for her partner and how to recognize the signs before it's too late. Apollonia understands the challenges of maintaining a long-term relationship and men’s frustration when their partner starts acting differently or becoming distant.  With Apollonia’s help, you will understand why she is losing respect for you, how to know if she is, and finally earn that respect back.  So, if you are ready to be respected by your partner again, stop her from losing respect for you. Then this is the episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:33 - Why a woman is losing respect for you? 1:26 - You’re not sticking to your word. Do you promise or say things you wanted to do but never go through with it? This might be one of the reasons why she is losing respect for you. 2:20 - Woman base their attraction on feeling emotionally safe. Remember this. 3:46 - Addictions. Unhealthy addictions to drugs, porn, etc. This unhealthy behavior will make her lose respect for you. 4:36 - Being extremely cheap. Apollonia explains the difference between being within your budget vs being cheap. 6:22 - You’re not incating sex. You no longer try to have an active sex life. 7:15 - Intimacy started to disappear. This is one of many signs that she is beginning to lose respect for you. 8:59 - She is always trying to belittle you. If she is constantly annoyed and talking down on you, this is a big sign. 9:58 - Everything you say is wrong. In her eyes, you’re failing at something; she is in a constant state of annoyance. 10:54 - The three C’s. Apollonia explains what they are and their importance in the relationship. 12:08 - What are the things you lost sight of? Who am I without her? Why did you want a relationship with her? Ask yourself this. 14:08 - Choosing the woman that is bad for you. It might be your self-esteem is why you choose an unavailable woman. Take time to find the right partner.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Master The Bedroom Course! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/9/202416 minutes, 8 seconds
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How To Never Be Cheated On: 7 Crucial Tips To Cheat-Proof Your Relationship!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Never Be Cheated On: 7 Crucial Tips To Cheat-Proof Your Relationship! Do you find yourself constantly being cheated on in the relationship?  Do you always seem to date a woman who ends up cheating on you, and you dont know why? If you want to start knowing why you are constantly cheated on and want a woman who is as loyal as you are, then this podcast is for you. In this episode, Apollonia Ponti shares insights on how to avoid infidelity in relationships and become a magnet for success. Apollonia recognizes that many men hesitate to speak up about cheating or may excuse their partner's behavior more often than women do. With Apollonia’s help, she explains why infidelity occurs and offers strategies to prevent it. She will guide you on a journey of personal growth, attract a high-quality woman, and take your dating life back with confidence.  So, if you are ready to find a woman who is ready for commitment as you are, then this is the podcast for you! Key points in this episode: 0:31 - How to never be cheated on! 1:16 - Constant cheating in your relationships is a sign that you’re not being careful about who you date. 2:33 - Relationships are lessons, never mistakes. It means taking control of your life. 3:45 - Have personal power. What is your purpose? Your ambition? is to have a good job? or be a father? You will attract the wrong woman when you lack a strong sense of self-worth. 5:28 - Strong values. Have standards for the woman you date. 6:50 - What makes you feel safe in a relationship? Ask this yourself. 7:46 - For a woman to trust a man in a relationship, she must feel safe. This applies to man as well. 8:18 - To avoid being cheated on, stay firm on your values. Don’t break your values for a woman who doesn’t meet yours. 9:25 - Apollonia gives a metaphoric example of a substantial value in a man.   10:19 - Have demands. Do you want a long-term relationship? Want marriage? Say that to her loud and clear. 11:56 - If you know what you are looking for, you will be better off from the men who will take anyone. 12:33 - What is your attachment? Apollonia explains what it is.    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Master The Bedroom Course! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/2/202414 minutes, 10 seconds
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Signs She's Ready To Sleep With You (6 Hidden Cues She Wants More)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Signs She's Ready To Sleep With You (6 Hidden Cues She Wants More) Do you sometimes think the woman you’re dating wants to be intimate?  Do you want to know if she even wants to sleep with you?  If you want to know when the woman you’re dating wants to be intimate without her saying it, this is the podcast for you! In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss the signs that indicate a woman is ready to be intimate with you, highlighting six hidden cues. Apollonia understands that it can be challenging for men to recognize when a woman wants to take things to the next level.  With Apollonia's expert guidance, you'll learn the secrets to identifying when a woman is ready for a more intimate connection. This will empower you to respond confidently to these cues. Finally, let her chase you. So, if you are ready to be intimate with a woman without saying it, then this is the episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:34 - Signs She's Ready To Sleep With You. 1:03 - Having serious talks. She will want to know what you see in her if you want something serious. 2:00 - Asking for you to get tested. Asking about your sex life and past, she is planning out whether or not to be intimate with you. 3:05 - The way she looks at you, her constant eye contact, and the way she leans into you are signs that she wants to take you to the next level (but it doesn’t mean she will go all the way). 4:06 - Doing foreplay with you. This is a healthy way she will start to initiate. 5:16 - Why do women choose who to sleep with more than a man? Apollonia explains why. 7:03 - Show her that you want to be with her without wanting to sleep with her is a big, attractive move. 8:05 - The right woman will not judge you based on your past but on how you are now. A woman like this will help you thrive in life.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Master The Bedroom Course! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/26/20249 minutes, 27 seconds
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8 EXACT Reasons Some Women Cheat! (Don't Let This Happen To You)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  8 EXACT Reasons Some Women Cheat! (Don't Let This Happen To You) Do you wonder why you got cheated on?  Do you feel like a fool being in a relationship with a cheater?  If you ever wondered why your current or past partner cheated on you and want to know the signs, this is the podcast episode for you! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will share eight reasons why some women cheat and how to prevent it from happening to you. Apollonia understands that cheating is unacceptable in any relationship.  But Apollonia will delve into the emotional and physical aspects of infidelity. She will reveal the harsh truths about why your past or current partner may have cheated. She will identify the signs of potential infidelity, helping you save time and emotional pain for a woman who doesn’t deserve you.  So, if you’re ready to move on from your partner cheating or ready to know the signs of cheating and prevent it from happening again, then this is the podcast episode for you!  Key points in this episode: 0:35 - Reasons why women cheat. Apollonia starts here. 1:16 - A woman will cheat if she is emotionally unfulfilled by you. The attraction from a woman is always in the lines of respect. Are you genuinely respecting her? 3:00 - Often, she tries to reconnect with you emotionally. If she is unable, she will emotionally cheat. 4:39 - Calculated values. In more transactional relationships, she relies on your money and uses her beauty to get what she wants. She had superficial needs; if unmet, she would look for someone else. 5:41 - The emotionally and physically abusive woman. Apollonia explains the hidden abusive tendencies that you might overlook from a woman. 6:55 - Look into their communication. Is she always trying to be always right and not letting you talk?  8:10 - Addictions. Sometimes, woman uses their substance abuse and often blame their cheating tendencies because of their addictions. 9:52 - Lack of attention. A woman who wants attention 24/7 doesn’t mean she is highly valued. This stems from the values and needs in the relationship. 11:21 - When you dont work through the relationship troubles. It’s a ticking time bomb. 12:00 - Sexual deprivation. When was the time did you or your partner have sex? Often, women will turn to cheating when there is a lack of sex in the relationship.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Master The Bedroom Course! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/19/202414 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Dark Side Of Attraction For Men! (EXPOSING The #1 Trait Men's Attraction Curse)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Dark Side Of Attraction For Men! (EXPOSING The #1 Trait Men's Attraction Curse) Do you find dating a woman to be difficult?  Do you always seem to date a woman who is only after your money?  If you always find yourself in situations where the woman you’re dating can care less whether or not you’re present in the relationship. This is a sign that you’re going about dating wrong and heading down a path that will prevent you from finding high-quality women. But how do you start to find a high-quality woman? In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss "The Dark Side of Attraction for Men," revealing the number one trait behind men's attraction struggles. Apollonia understands that navigating the dating scene is challenging for women but even more so for men.  With her guidance, Apollonia will teach men to become highly valued individuals who view themselves as equals to beautiful women. She emphasizes that allowing beauty and sex to dominate a relationship inevitably leads to unhappiness.  So, if you’re ready to break that habit and start dating a woman who shares your values and dates for commitment and not for money, then this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 1:01 - How much do you prioritize sex and beauty? 2:38 - Letting beauty and sex rule your relationship will always lead to unhappiness. 3:38 - A highly valued man will see themselves at the same level as a beautiful woman. 4:43 - How you choose your relationships will make you a high valued man. Apollonia explains why. 5:40 - A highly successful man thinks they will get a beautiful woman if they have money. Although true, never date a highly valued woman. 6:34 - A high-quality woman will want to be part of your life. 8:01 - Only men snap out of this type of womanizing when they are a lot older. When they have kids with this toxic woman or at an older age, dont let this happen to you. 9:08 - Your childhood could affect your dating life. The trauma from your childhood and past relationships can make you choose low-quality work without realizing it.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/12/202411 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sexless Marriage: 7 Reasons Why This Happens To A Man! (And How To Fix This!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Sexless Marriage: 7 Reasons Why This Happens To A Man! (And How To Fix This!) Do you feel you are starting to lose sexual attraction to your partner? Do you think your partner is losing sexual attraction to you?  If the topic of sex in your marriage is starting to feel more like a problem instead of excitement, then this is the podcast for you. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses why there are sexless marriages and how to fix them.  Apollonia understands that long-term couples often lose excitement in their sexual relationships, which can negatively impact their overall connection. Apollonia Married herself will give you in-depth knowledge of why your partner may be pulling away and why they are avoiding sex with you; she will offer practical solutions to not only increase your sex drive but also identify the underlying issues of the marriage. So, if you’re ready to start building excitement again in your sex life, then this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 1:26 - Sex is seasonal. Apollonia gets into more reasons why. 2:00 - Do you have an attachment to sex? Do you feel validated from your having sex? Stop this. 3:09 - Life changes. Moving, having children, or hormonal changes can affect your sex life. 4:07 - Heath and age. When testosterone levels drop in men when they get older, it means their sex drive can be affected. 5:27 - Stop putting in the work. Once you stop putting in the fun or passion you and your partner, it will show in your marriage and your sex life. 8:11 - You dont need to feel that passion every day. It’s normal to feel one day a lack of love in your sex life, while the next you feel overwhelming passion. It is normal. 10:26 - To start fixing it, you have to have effective communication. 11:01 - Dont talk about sex in the bedroom. Talk about it outside, doing something fun to ease it so it comes off naturally. 12:47 - Fulfill each other’s emotional needs. Do you know how to fulfill your wife’s emotional needs? 14:31 - What are your stressors in the relationship? 15:32 - Embrace the polarity in the relationship—the feminine and masculine energy. Apollonia explains what this is.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Master The Bedroom Course! Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/5/202418 minutes, 10 seconds
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#1 Thing That Will Make Your Ex Girlfriend Regret Leaving You! (She Will Miss You)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  #1 Thing That Will Make Your Ex Girlfriend Regret Leaving You! (She Will Miss You) Do you miss your ex?  Are you having trouble getting over your ex or trying to move on?  If you are ready to start dating again and stop dwelling on your past relationship, wishing they could return, this is the podcast for you! In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will reveal the number one strategy for making your ex-girlfriend regret leaving you.  Apollonia understands that breakups are challenging and that moving on can be the most difficult part of the process.  With her guidance, not only will you overcome your breakup, but you'll also demonstrate that you're ready to move forward and start dating again. Showing your ex that you have officially moved on!  So, if you’re ready to start dating again and make your ex regret leaving you, this is the best episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:40 - Your change. The change in the relationship can be a big or small one, from you being too clingy or a lack of passion. 1:30 - Why did you break up? Think about why, whether it is her fault or yours. Get into the root of the issue. 2:18 - Personal development. Why are you codependent? Why are you avoiding the relationship through your work? 3:09 - Physical change. Take care of yourself; it’s not necessarily weight loss or muscle gain. But taking care of your health and socializing is your time to do it. 4:06 - Your mindset. Instead of thinking of your past relationship as a mistake, consider it a lesson. 5:32 - Focus on your success in your life. Bring adventure into your life.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/29/20246 minutes, 46 seconds
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9 SECRETS To Attract Women Without Compromising Your Standards! (ADVICE Men Need To Hear)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  9 SECRETS To Attract Women Without Compromising Your Standards! (ADVICE Men Need To Hear) Do you attract the woman who only uses you?  Do you often feel that you must put your values aside to approach a woman?  If you must compromise your values to date or attract a woman, you are going about dating wrong. In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti shares nine essential secrets for attracting women without compromising your standards.  Apollonia understands that men often alter their behavior to attract women, unknowingly attracting low-quality or even toxic women. With her expert advice, she will guide you in attracting high-quality women by setting boundaries, ensuring she treats you right, and, most importantly, staying true to your values.  So, if you’re ready to start attracting a woman who matches your values and finds a lifelong partner, this episode is for you! Key points in this episode: 0:48 - How to attract women without compromising your standards. 2:00 - Compromising your standards usually happens when trying to attract a woman because of her appearance. 3:07- Beauty is not everything. Just because she is attractive doesn’t mean she is high-quality. 5:03 - Sustainable needs vs superficial needs. Apollonia explains the difference. 6:01 - Remember, having a purpose in life is key. Don’t involve your life around women; instead, focus on what truly drives you and gives your life meaning. 7:50 - Dont limit yourself. Go on multiple dates and see different types of women. 9:41 - Do not compare yourself to men who constantly date women. Men who often date women but end up in short-term relationships usually attract the wrong type of woman. 11:04 - When you attract the right woman, choosing is harder. Apollonia tells you how she can help. 13:16 - Stop looking at the outside of things. When you open Instagram, what do you see? Models? Bikini models? Change this. 14:23 - The difference between disrespect and ego. Apollonia explains how it is important to know the difference. 16:34 - Show her a piece of your life. Suppose she is willing to invest to be part of or show some interest in your life. This might be the woman for you.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/22/202420 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Type Of Men Toxic Women Bait! (TRIGGER WARNING For Men)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Type Of Men Toxic Women Bait! (TRIGGER WARNING For Men) Do you feel you’re always attracting toxic women?  Do you sometimes think you are dating the right woman and then find out later she is using you?  If you’re stuck in a loop of dating toxic women or falling for their tricks, you’re not alone. It’s time to understand why this might be happening. If this sounds like your dating life, then this podcast episode is just what you need! In today’s episode, Apollonia Ponti dives into the types of men toxic women often target. Apollonia knows when men who are often inexperienced, wealthy, or possess a savior complex unknowingly attract toxic women.  But with her help, she will help you identify these toxic women, recognize red flags, spot the early signs when dating, and learn how to stop attracting such individuals. So, if you’re ready to start dating a highly valued woman, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode: 0:33 - There is a specific man that Toxic Women Bait! 1:54 - High, successful man. Toxic women will see that these men have a lot of money and, in return, will love to bomb them to get what they want. 3:14 - Usually, when the man is much older than the woman they date, they lead by money. Apollonia explains why it is. 4:02 - Fixing her problems. A savior complex, advocating for her problems, thinking if you can save her, she will love you. 6:08 - Men aren’t willing to set their boundaries. Men who are too passive attract toxic women. 7:33 - Apollonia provides a real-life example of how to approach stating your boundary with a woman. 11:39 - The “yes” man. Saying yes to everything, plans, purchases, and giving her everything she wants. 13:56 - Apollonia provides examples. 16:27 - A man who is inexperienced and doesn’t have options. It can come down to age, looks, or relationship experience. You need to have some exposure to dating women.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/15/202419 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why Men Should Pay On The First Date! ( Don't JUDGE This)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Why Men Should Pay On The First Date! ( Don't JUDGE This) Do you constantly have to second guess whether or not to pay on the first date?  If so, how do you do it without offending her?  If you constantly have to rethink why you should or shouldn’t pay on the first date, then this is a podcast episode for you! In today’s episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss why men should pay on the first date. Apollonia understands that men may be unsure about this tradition, worrying that it might undermine a woman's independence. However, Apollonia will provide insights into why paying on the first date is essential. She will also offer advice on demonstrating genuine interest through thoughtful gestures and showing her that you are more than just a gentleman but a potential partner for her.  So, if you are ready to pay on the first date, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode: 0:34 - Why Men should pay on the first date. 1:15 - Will offering to pay for the dinner offend them? Apollonia explains further. 2:25 - Why is it a tradition for the man to pick up the bill on the first date? Apollonia provides context and examples of when the man pays on the first date. 4:32 - Apollonia knows the struggles of men being confused about paying on the first date. 5:35 - An independent woman still wants chivalry and a touch of old fashion. It’s about the intention behind the gesture of paying first. 6:49 - Let your actions speak louder than your words. Picking up the bill is a sign of mutual respect. 8:28 - The first date is crucial, so go the extra mile. It sets the tone for the relationship. 9:02 - Paying the bill on the first date is critical, but only sometimes. A red flag in a woman is when she demands you pay for every date you guys go to. 10:09 - Not only pay for the bill. Small gestures like opening the door, pulling the seat out for her, see her reaction if she is invested. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/8/202412 minutes, 33 seconds
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7 Secret Behaviors That Women Do That Are Red Flags (You Would Never Know These!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 Secret Behaviors That Women Do That Are Red Flags (You Would Never Know These!) Do you think you often overlook her outbursts or nagging behaviors?  Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed just by being in a relationship with her?  If you are unsure whether or not her behaviors are healthy or unhealthy in the relationship, this podcast episode is for you. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will reveal seven secret behaviors women exhibit that are red flags, which are often difficult to detect. Apollonia understands that identifying these red flags can be challenging, especially when they appear normal in a relationship.  Her expertise will guide you through these seven behaviors to help you recognize potential warning signs. And understand why she might have these red flags and why she uses them to her advantage.  So, if you are ready to know if your relationship is healthy or if her behaviors are justified, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode: 0:32 - Secret Behaviors Women Do that are Red Flags! 1:43 - Woman who loves bombs. If she constantly shows you love bombs at the start of the relationship, this is a red flag. 2:54 - Apollonia tells you examples of what she will say that is lovebombing. 4:07- She constantly nitpicks you, from your clothes to your life choices. If she persistently criticizes your decisions, this is a crucial warning sign to be cautious of. 5:30 - Remarks she will make if you try to tell her to stop nitpicking you. 5:53 - Her bad habit of cutting you off during the conversation. 6:18 - Apollonia’s story of her client dating a woman constantly cutting them off during conversations. 7:19 - When she pressures you to drink. This lack of boundaries is one of many men’s mistakes when dating a woman, and it is a red flag.  8:35 - Uses her body or sex appeal to get what she wants. This is a manipulation tactic (ex, Withholding sex when you dont give her what she wants). 9:47 - Avoiding communication. Avoiding specific topics that can be a deal breaker in the relationship and preventing serious ones without having these talks can complicate the relationship more. 11:33 - Woman thinks all men are evil. 12:21 - Never put in any of the work and expect you to do it. This is an unhealthy balance; she will need to be emotionally and physically invested in the relationship. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/1/202414 minutes, 3 seconds
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The SECRET To Going From Dating To Exclusivity! (Make Her EMOTIONALLY Hooked)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The SECRET To Going From Dating To Exclusivity! (Make Her EMOTIONALLY Hooked) Do you want a long-term commitment to the woman you are dating?  Do you want to make your relationship more serious? Without making it feel rushed? If you’re looking to elevate your relationship to a more serious stage and want to do it in a way that feels natural and unforced, this podcast episode is a must-listen! In this episode, Apollonia Ponti will share invaluable insights on transitioning from dating to exclusivity, helping you build a deeper emotional connection with your partner.  Apollonia understands men’s challenges when seeking a serious relationship without appearing controlling or needy.  With Apollonia’s help, she will share valuable tips on how to guide your relationship toward long-term commitment and recognize if she is equally committed. And start to plan the future with her in mind.  If you’re ready to commit, take things more seriously, and let her know you’re serious, this podcast episode is for you!  Key points in this episode: 0:33 - Going from dating to exclusivity. 2:30 - The crucial first step in this transition is to be crystal clear about your desires, values, and future goals. This lays the foundation for a serious and committed relationship. 3:46 - The value statement. What are you looking for? Start form here. 5:06 - Don’t tell her right away what you want. Let her know little by little, and be open if she asks. 7:16 - Travel with them. Only do this if you are in a relationship with them. 9:37 - Think of any emotional baggage you might have. Self-reflect on the baggage that you brought to your previous relationship. 13:36 - Apollonia’s personal story on how she went from dating to exclusivity with her husband. 15:48 - Dont make her the center of your attention. Take your time with her, do your life, and let her do hers. 17:43 - Causally dating to exclusively. It is a base of foundation that is built on trust, respect, and values.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/24/202421 minutes, 13 seconds
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7 Ways To Be Perceived HOT By Women (Even If You're Not Good-Looking)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 Ways To Be Perceived HOT By Women (Even If You're Not Good-Looking) Do you ever feel you’re not attractive enough for women?  Do you always get intimidated by approaching an attractive woman? If you ever feel that you aren’t attractive enough for a woman and want to know how. Then this is the podcast episode for you; in today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will share seven tips on how to be perceived as attractive by women.  Apollonia understands that it can be challenging for men to be seen as attractive without having the perfect physique or wealth.  However, Apollonia will provide practical insights on how you can start being perceived as attractive by women and how to feel genuinely attractive yourself. By only using these simple 7 steps.  So, if you are ready to invest in your looks and get the woman you want, tune in to this podcast episode!  Key points in this episode:  0:33 - Ways To Be Perceived HOT By Women (Even If You're Not Good-Looking) 2:05 - Your looks don’t define you. Pay attention to the clothes you wear; this is key. 3:05 - It’s not just about looks. Confidence and charisma are attractive. Have you noticed the men who always manage to attract women despite not being conventionally good-looking? It’s their character that shines through. 4:45 - Look put togehter. Keep your beard trimmed, clothes ironed down, smelling good. This is what keeps you looking put together. 6:08 - Avoid feeling like the hottest guy in the room. People can catch up to this and sense this ego energy, which is not attractive. 7:00 - Self deprecating comments. Most of these comments can make you look insecure; Apollonia gives an example of one of her clients doing this. 8:40 - Have structure in your life. Have a balanced life. 10:11 - Having a good group of friends. If a woman sees that you have a good group of friends, she will see it as you being more independent and good at maintaining relationships. 11:30 - Good communication skills. Being able to embrace vulnerability is what women find attractive.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Book a free Agthormion of Attraction call!  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/17/202414 minutes, 32 seconds
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Men With Broken Relationship With Their Mother! (This BROKE Me)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Men With Broken Relationship With Their Mother! (This BROKE Me) Do you have a troubled relationship with your mother? Do you feel like it’s affecting your relationships? Apollonia’s journey into motherhood brought her more awareness of how important the relationship between son and mother will affect the future outcomes with men. Apollonia understands how a strained relationship often impacts men’s dating lives and perceptions of women. Apollonia will share her experiences and insights on parenting, emphasizing the importance of healing these relationships for a healthier future.  Key points in this episode:  0:33 - Apollonia discusses their new journey into motherhood.  1:08 - The relationship between the child and mother is more important.  2:56 - Letting go. Letting go of the troubled relationship with your mother is the first step of healing.  3:18 - Dating someone like your mother. When the healing is not done or has not even started, most men gravitate towards dating a woman who is like their mother.  4:04 - Men dating unavailable women stems from a trauma response of their mother.  5:58 - Mothers letting go of their sons differs from their daughters.  6:48 - Men who grew up in a household of women often step into their feminine too much.  7:45 - The experience between men and women is different.  9:28 - Men who sleep with a lot of women often come from a trauma response from their mother.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/10/202413 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why Successful Men Struggle to Attract The Woman They REALLY Want! (NO One Talks About This)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Why Successful Men Struggle to Attract The Woman They REALLY Want! (NO One Talks About This) Have you ever wondered why you seem to attract women but never attract the woman YOU want?  Do you often end up dating emotionally unavailable or not a high-valued woman?  If you're wondering why you're still not getting the women you want despite being successful, this podcast episode is for you! In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses a topic rarely addressed: why successful men struggle to attract the women they truly want.  Apollonia knows that while successful men find it easy to start dating and initiate relationships, they often face challenges in maintaining these relationships or not recognizing if the woman they are dating is high quality.  With Apollonia's help, she will help successful men how to approach high valued women and date them successfully, while helping them understand why they are attracting emotionally unavailable woman in the first place.  So, if you're ready to start attracting the woman you want, instead of settling for a woman that you feel unfulfilled with. Then, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  0:51 - Two things men do wrong when dating women. 1:30 - Men with an abundance of women don't mean they're happy. Apollonia debunks that stereotype. 2:07 - Successful men dont choose. High-valued men choose the woman they let in and date. 3:04 - Men ask yourself: Do you truly choose the woman you talk to? Do you pick her because she is interesting to talk to? Or is she just good-looking? 4:01 - Women come to them. A highly valued woman doesn't approach. Successful men are often approached by women; however, when they approach a highly valued woman, it is more challenging to get her attention. 6:29 - To attract the woman you want, you need a clear vision of what type of woman you want. Do you plan on having children? Marriage? 6:51 - A go-getter mentally. Although this mentally is great for their careers, it is detrimental when dating. Attraction is an art, not a race. 8:33 - Highly successful men can destroy relationships by trying too hard; Apollonia gives examples of when a successful man doesn't see clearly when dating a woman. 11:30 - Successful men get fixated on women when trying to attract them. It is the idea of getting the woman to date them; it's like an ego boost they can get any woman.  But never the right one.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/3/202414 minutes, 17 seconds
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You Must Do This If You Want To EMOTIONALLY DETACH From A Woman! (...And Gain RESPECT)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  You Must Do This If You Want To EMOTIONALLY DETACH From A Woman! (...And Gain RESPECT) Do women always dismiss you? or not take you seriously? Did you finally have enough?  If you want to know how to detach from her in an emotionally healthy way, then this is the podcast episode for you. In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses a crucial step for emotional detachment from a woman to gain respect. Apollonia understands that letting go of someone can be challenging, especially when you have a history with them.  But with her guidance, she will help you learn how to let go of a woman who is not meeting your needs and instead focus on finding a high-value partner and leveling up in your own life.  So, are you ready to move on and start dating another woman? or make her realize what she lost? Then this episode is for you! Key points in this episode:  0:34 - Do you get walked all over by the woman you date? Then, you might have gotten emotionally attached to the woman you date. 1:43 - Sometimes, we take things for granted. Usually, when something is more obtainable, it is easier for us to want more; in a relationship, the easier it is to get a woman, and it is harder to find a high-value one. 2:56 - It’s up to you to show your value. But how? lead by example. 3:33 - Apollonia gives you an example of how you can lead by example and show value to her. 5:13 - Set your boundaries. People need to know your boundaries. Without setting one, people will walk all over you. 5:54 - Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t only date one person; date as many as you want until you know one person is worth only dating. 6:35 - Have a busy life. The goal is not to make the person you’re dating your center of focus because that can lead to unhealthy attachment. 7:09 - Think before you act. When you are in a situation where she flakes on a date, she ignores you. Breathe and think before you respond.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/27/20249 minutes, 22 seconds
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Stop Mistaking A Woman's Unavailability For High-Quality - Watch This!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Stop Mistaking A Woman's Unavailability For High-Quality - Watch This! Do you always attract emotionally unavailable women?  Do you get confused thinking she was emotionally available, but it turns out she was not?  If you want to attract high-quality women, this podcast episode is for you! In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti addresses the misconception of mistaking a woman's availability for high quality.   Apollonia knows how difficult it is when an unavailable woman may exhibit confidence, mistakenly leading a highly valued man to perceive her as a highly valued woman. But with her help, she will tell you what traits a high-quality woman has and what to expect when dating an emotionally available woman.  So, if you’re ready to start dating high-quality women and stop pursuing unavailable women, then this is the podcast for you! Key points in this episode:  0:33 - Don’t Confuse Unavailability with High Quality: A Guide to Identifying a High-Quality Woman. 1:02 - What makes a high-quality woman? Apollonia explains this further. 2:21 - How to identify a highly valued and emotionally unavailable woman. 3:02 - The excitement in the relationship is what makes a man look over them. She is emotionally unavailable. 4:00 - Perceived independence and confidence. Sometimes, an emotionally unavailable woman displays confidence, which can make a highly valued man assume she is a highly valued woman. 5:27 - Projection of unresolved issues. A past wound that is not healed can bleed into the relationships. 6:10 - Validation. They latch on to them when their partner variables them and their self-worth. Leading to a cycle of low self-esteem and self-worth. 7:13 - How to know if a woman is highly valued. 8:20 - An emotionally available woman opens up to you. She expresses her worries and takes accountability when she is in the wrong. 9:02 - She supports your independence. She will support whatever dreams or goals you have and give you space when needed. 10:02 - An emotionally unavailable partner doesn’t invest. An emotionally available woman puts in the effort in the relationship. There is no shifting the blame on you when things get tough. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/20/202412 minutes, 44 seconds
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How To Make Her Think Of You 24/7 With These Non-Creepy Phrases! (5 Phrases INCLUDED)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Make Her Think Of You 24/7 With These Non-Creepy Phrases! (5 Phrases INCLUDED) Do you ever approach a woman and unintentionally come off as creepy?  Do you want to know why they are uncomfortable when you talk to her?  Suppose you want to know how to approach women in a noncreepy way. Then, this is the podcast episode for you. In this episode of the podcast, Apollonia Ponti shares strategies on how to maintain a woman's interest without seeming creepy.  Apollonia knows that a man’s biggest fear is to come off as creepy when talking to women. However, with her help, she offers practical advice on engaging in natural conversations, effectively communicating intentions, and explaining the direct and indirect approach for immediate impact or subtle compliments.  So, if you are ready to approach a woman fearlessly and get her number, then this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode:  0:33 - Noncreepy words to say to a woman to make her think of you. 1:06 - Do not start with a compliment. Women often hear compliments from men, mostly about their appearance, making them uncomfortable. 2:33 - Make a conversation with her. Maybe her drink is better than yours? Start a conversation rather than a compliment. 3:44 - Create a mental connection. Holding off on the compliments can make her more in tune with the conversation. 4:37 - Direct and indirect intent. Direct is a more immediate compliment, while indirect is a subtle compliment. 5:52 - Apollonia’s example of indirect intent is when she was shopping at a store. 6:51 - Maintain eye contact. Strong eye contact mainly shows her that you are engaged in their conversation. 8:21 - Dont come off as overbearing. Let her know your interest. Let her talk and listen. 8:57 - Four magic words: liked, happy, important, and comfortable. When you are on a date, ensure the conversation flows like these words.  9:51 - Apollonia shares some ideas on how a man can hold a conversation and gives an indirect compliment. 11:11 - Don’t try to force anything she doesn’t want to do. Listen to her and watch her body language when you talk to her. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/13/202413 minutes, 23 seconds
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7 Must-Ask Questions Men Need To Ask Women Before Dating! (SCREEN HER LIKE THIS)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 Must-Ask Questions Men Need To Ask Women Before Dating! (SCREEN HER LIKE THIS) Do you always date women that don’t alliance with your values? Do you want to know how to ask her the right questions? without sounding like an interview?  If you want to know what proper questions to ask her during the date, this podcast episode is for you! In this special podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses seven essential questions that men should ask women before dating them. Apollonia knows that dating is not easy and can sometimes discourage some men when they constantly date women and lack a connection. Apollonia will help you screen potential partners so that you can better understand a woman's value and compatibility. She will help you ask the right questions to avoid overlooking essential cues and indicators that might tell you she is not an available woman. So, if you want to start finding women who share your values, this podcast is for you!  Key points in this episode:  0:36 - Why men should ask these seven questions before dating her. 1:21 - One of the tendencies men often miss is manipulation by women.  2:15 - Dating is an assessment process. But how do you start? 2:37 - How do you character-gauge a woman? Apollonia will explain further about this concept. 3:38 - Why character gauging a woman is important. Does she remind you of your ex? Does she have the same values as you? This is important to note. 4:37 - Having high standards is not how they are physically but emotionally. It sets the foundation Apollonia's you value and look for in a woman. 6:18 - Woman wants an ambitious man. And men should date an ambitious woman, too. 7:03 - Ask her, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” This will give you insight into her goals and dreams, which may or may not align with yours. 8:35 - What is she looking for? This is important to ask; you are showing the woman you are a highly valued man and knowing if she is a highly valued woman.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/6/20249 minutes, 39 seconds
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Psychological Secrets To Get A Woman To Value You MORE! (Eliminate Scarcity NOW)

  Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Psychological Secrets To Get A Woman To Value You MORE! (Eliminate Scarcity NOW) Do you always date woman that leaves you unhappy?  Do you feel you're missing out on high-quality women? If you think you're always never dating a high-quality woman, it might not be how you go about dating but your mindset. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss psychological strategies for increasing a woman's interest in your values and life. Apollonia understands that dating is not easy, and sometimes it can be impossible to find the right one.  However, she'll explore how a shift in mindset towards abundance can enhance your dating life, enabling you to recognize emotionally available partners. She'll provide guidance on cultivating an abundance mindset, establishing healthy habits, and ultimately, attracting the partner you desire. So, if you are ready to start leveling up in your dating life, but also in your own life, then this is the podcast ideal for you! Key points in this episode:  0:33 - The psychological secret to getting a woman to value you more! 1:05 - Coming from a place of lack. If you’re going into dating thinking it is hard, it will be hard. 2:33 - Dating is not meant to be easy but never impossible. 3:44 - Changing your mindset is critical. 4:24 -Scarcity mentally can take place in your own life. It is a fear of losing your partner and missing out on life. 5:00 - Developing bad habits. A scarcity mindset can create bad habits that can bleed into your relationships. 6:05 - Limit your options. When choosing a good woman, you must set boundaries and establish good values to find that high-quality woman. 7:17 - Dating in abundance can make you identify an emotionally available woman. 8:20 - What is the Abundance Mentally in dating? Apollonia explains what it is. 9:15 - Train your brain to have an abundance mindset. Develop healthy habits and stick to them; start small.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/29/202410 minutes, 49 seconds
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How To Know You Aren't The Only One She's Talking To! ( Don't Let THIS Happen)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Know You Aren't The Only One She's Talking To! ( Don't Let THIS Happen) Do you sometimes see that often she is always on the phone and ignoring you?  Do you think she might be talking to someone else while dating you?  If you think the woman you're dating might be talking to other men and dont know what to do.  Then, this is the podcast episode for you! In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses strategies for identifying if she is talking to other men. Apollonia knows when a woman is talking to someone else, it stems from unavailability.  With Apollonia's guidance, she underscores that a key indicator of unavailability is why women turn to talk to other men while dating someone.  Through her insights, Apollonia provides practical advice on recognizing signs that the woman you're dating may not be genuinely interested, taking advantage of you, or seeking attention from other men. So, if you're ready to know if she is genuinely interested in you or if she's just using you for her own comfort, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  0:38 - Apollonia talks about how a woman is sometimes open about their dating life. 1:00 - When she tries to make a competition out of you. She makes you purposely jealous; this is where you need to be careful. 1:45 - Apollonia explains how a woman should properly tell you she’s dating other people without making it a competition. 2:42 - Inconsistent text or calls. The messages are short and repetitive; this can mean she’s losing interest or you are not the only one she is talking to. 3:40 - You always see her so happy when texting someone. You can see that she is eager to text this person back but not as eager to talk or text you. 4:27 - A lack of effort to spend time with you. Do you see her always planning things for the last minute? Or do you always have to put in the effort to plan things? 4:45 - Avoid commitment. She always avoids the topic of commitment. 5:00 - Still in dating apps. This is the biggest red flag that she is still potentially looking for other people. 6:10 - Physical touch is inconsistent. She is more physical with you when you don’t see her in a while; she pulls away when you try to touch her physically.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/22/20247 minutes, 19 seconds
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Where To Meet High Quality Women (Places You Haven't Heard Before)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Where To Meet High Quality Women (Places You Haven't Heard Before) Do you want to start meeting women differently? But don't know where to find high-quality women? If you've tried of using dating apps and want to start approaching women out in public but don't know where to go to find that high-quality woman, then this is the episode for you. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses unique venues for meeting high-quality women that are often overlooked. Apollonia understands that approaching women out in public can be daunting for men.  But with Apollonia's guidance, she will help you approach women respectfully and maintain engaging conversations. And reveals the secrets to encountering women in these lesser-known locations and explains why women frequent these spots. So, if you want to know the spots high-quality women go to and want help approaching women in person, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  2:30 - Brunch show spots. Brunch spots are where women often go in groups with their friends and are great places to interact with women. 3:44 - Kickboxing gyms. Certain kickboxing gyms, often in cities, are very social places where men and women go. 5:28 - You can find high-quality women in lounges. These places are already in a social setting, depending on the lounges; this is where you can interact with many women. 6:00 - Co-working spaces. In some co-working spaces, you can meet many different types of people; these spaces are where you can find potential friends and also a potential partner.  6:46 - Airports. Movies, shows, and hallmark movies always depict woman finding or meeting their true love in airports. In most cases, a woman often fantasizes about meeting their true love in these areas. 7:43 - Homegoods. Women love to decorate and do interior design. This is a place where you can find items for your home and also meet women. 8:09 - Dance classes. You’re in an environment that is not only social but also physical. Dancing can give you the confidence to approach a woman. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/15/202410 minutes, 7 seconds
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EXACTLY What High-Quality Women Expect On A First Date!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  EXACTLY What High-Quality Women Expect On A First Date! Do you want to know what a High-Quality woman looks for on a first date?  Or even impress that high-quality woman?  If you’re struggling to impress or attract a high-quality woman, this is the episode for you. In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti offers valuable insights into the expectations of high-quality women on a first date.  Apollonia knows how important first impressions are on the first date and the anxiety men face when they take out the woman they want to build a connection or future relationship with.  However, Apollonia, emphasizes the importance of communication skills, the impact of first impressions, and taking initiative.  With her advice, she can help you, men, take that first step to getting that high-quality woman and becoming that high-quality man yourself.  So, if you're struggling with how to impress that high-quality woman, make long-lasting good impressions on that first date, and see if you're a high-quality man yourself, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode:  1:02 - High-quality woman knows who they are. They want an man who matches their engery and levels them up, Apollonia begans to tell you how to attract these types of woman. 1:50 - Make the first move. A high-value woman likes a man who takes the initiative, takes her on the date, and plans the date. 2:56 - When planning the date, be careful where you take her. Take her somewhere new or unique. Does she like Shushi? Take her there! 3:40 - Keep the conversation light and witty. Engaging in playful banter and teasing can lighten up the mood, creating a light atmosphere for her to open up to you. 5:10 - Chivalry. A high-value woman loves chivalry; she wants a gentleman. Show her your acts of chivalry. 6:31 - Apollonia gives examples of chivalry. 7:12 - Have good communication skills. Communication is key to any connection. Pay attention to how you communicate with her. Showing engagement shows her that you can take the lead and are self-aware. 8:23 - Women are interested in who you are as a person. Ask your meaningful questions, not check off questions from a list. Go with the flow. 9:25 - How you present yourself. A woman wants a man to care for himself, including how he dresses, his hygiene, and how he carries himself. 10:34 - Punatual. Time is precious. Be on the date on time, and she should be on time, too. Apollonia shares a personal story about consistently not showing up on time for her dates and how her husband reacted. 12:44 - Apollonia summarizes the seven things you must do on a first date.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/8/202414 minutes, 25 seconds
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How To Start Taking Control Of Your Dating Life And Get More Dates w/ Mark Sing and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Start Taking Control Of Your Dating Life And Get More Dates w/ Mark Sing and Apollonia Ponti  Are you at the peak of your career and still struggling to maintain a date? Do you still have trouble approaching women? and asking them out on a date? If this is becoming a problem in your life, then you are in for a special treat. In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti and her special guest, Mark Sing, discuss strategies for taking control of your dating life and increasing your success in getting more dates.  Mark Sing is a dating coach specializing in helping ambitious, career-driven men who struggle with dating. With the assistance of Apollonia Ponti, they provide insights into approaching and attracting women without experiencing anxiety or fear of rejection. Mark Sing understands that approaching a woman while trying to be confident can be difficult. But with Apollonia, Mark Sing will give you secret tips and tricks on engaging in meaningful conversations with women, feeling confident in being authentic and taking ownership of your identity as a man. So, if you struggle to ask that woman out and feel the confidence to even ask any woman out, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this special episode:  0:39 - Introduction to Mark Sing. 1:42 - Mark Sings talks about his past relationships and mental health, which inspired him to become a dating coach. 3:33 - Apollonia and Mark talk about the dating world. And how men view the dating world. 4:44 - Mark Sings discusses men’s lack of confidence and frame control and how it is used in men’s lives. 6:22 - What is frame control? Mark Sings talks about controlling the conversation but leading the discussion. 7:18 - The person who is leading is in their masculine role. This is why men need to take leadership in the relationship; Mark Sings explains further why it is. 9:24 - Apollonia explains why it’s also essential for men to step into your feminine. 10:40 - How do you know if you have too much in your masculine? Mark Sings uses examples of why it’s essential to use your masculine and feminine when dating a woman. 12:18 - When it comes to masculinity. It’s when and how to do it. Mark explains further. 13:57 - Apollonia and Mark discuss how men are not taught to find a healthy woman. They talk about how women are trained to find the right man, listing values, but men are never told that. 16:34 - What do you do if you are too much in their feminine? Mark Sings explains how to step out of your feminine. 19:50 - What are the differences between NLP and hypnotherapy? 22:41 - How do you approach a woman and successfully get her on a date when you’re already confident? Get more Mark Sing on:  Podcast: Website: "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/1/202425 minutes, 36 seconds
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13 Bad Habits EVERY Man Should Break! (This is RUINING Your Chances With Women!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  13 Bad Habits EVERY Man Should Break! (This is RUINING Your Chances With Women! What are healthy habits?  Do you have them? How do you know if you have healthy habits in the first place?  If you want to know what bad and good habits a high-quality man possesses, you're in for a special treat. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss 13 detrimental habits that every man should eliminate to improve his chances with women.  She delves into the importance of cultivating positive behaviors before engaging with high-quality women, highlighting how these habits signal readiness for a committed relationship. Apollonia emphasizes the significance of self-commitment, self-improvement, and adopting healthy habits as essential traits of a high-quality man.   So, are you ready to level up, regain those healthy habits, and start finding that high-quality woman? Then this is the podcast for you!  Key points in this episode:  0:40 - The first habit you need to break is porn. Porn addiction can set unrealistic expectations on how a woman should act in bed and how an woman should be aprroach. 1:30 - Pornography can make you miss out on genuine relationships. This is one of the main reasons why many men who suffer from pornography lack a real connection to other people. 2:17 —Social media. Stop wasting your time on social media. Remember that people post the highlights of their lives, so stop comparing yourself and your relationship to others. 3:00 - Challenge yourself to stop going through those social media apps. Apollonia gives habits to do to try not to go on social media. 3:57 —When using social media for long periods, you neglect to take care of yourself. It might be yourself, but your home and your daily duties, you are the only ones who can stop this. 4:49 - Stepping out of your comfort zone. This one is tough. It’s scary to do things that you’re generally not comfortable with. However, when you do, you can possibly meet that high valued woman you always wanted. 5:29 - Polarity is key. Have you ever heard of masculine and feminine energies? Well, Apollonia explains why they are important in daily life. 6:07 - Not having a mind of your own. You need to start living your best life. What do you want in life? Goals? Habits? Sometimes, the people who are your friends can prevent you from reaching those goals.  7:29 - Gaming all day and every day. Yes, playing games can be a great way to destress, but playing all day and all night can prevent you from being your best self. 8:06 - Not investing in your healing and learning. It’s a struggle to tune into your relationships, but before you do that, learn about yourself. What do you want in a woman? Other than physical? 8:42—Negligating your physical health. Not eating right, sleeping, or taking care of your body signals to the woman that you’re not properly taking care of yourself and can not take care of her needs.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/25/202411 minutes, 24 seconds
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How To Ask A Woman Out And Become Rejection Proof! (5 Lines Included Every Man MUST Try)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Ask A Woman Out And Become Rejection Proof! (5 Lines Included Every Man MUST Try) Do you ever fear to ask a woman out on the spot without trying to sound like a creep?  Or when you do, you always get rejected? So you are stuck there thinking, how do you even approach or talk to a woman without her constantly rejecting you? How do you stop this? If you want to know who to talk a woman and turn those "no" into "yes" in dating, then you are in for a special treat; in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti shares expert advice on how to ask a woman out and become rejection-proof, including five essential strategies every man should try.  Apollonia knows the fear that many men face when trying to ask a woman out. She knows men don't want to be seen as creepy or disrespectful when asking a woman out.  However, Apollonia’s practical guidance on how men can approach women respectfully will help men get the woman they want and stop getting rejected. Her insights can shift your perspective on rejection and improve your dating experiences. So, if you're struggling to ask a woman out, keep getting rejected, and want to know how to attract the women you wish, this is the podcast episode for you!  Key points in this episode:  0:51 - How to start asking a woman out and become rejection-proof! 1:05 - What is rejection when dating? It doesn't mean you’re a failure when she doesn’t give you her number, but the fact you approach her and have the courage to talk to her is a stepping stone towards success with women. 2:32 - Dont let rejection stop you from dating. Many men stop trying to ask a woman out simply because of fear of rejection, but this is important to note: not all women will say yes to you, so don't let this stop you from trying to find that high-quality woman.  3:20 - Changing the landscape. Dating apps and social media are places where men don’t have to approach a woman in public to get her number. This is key because when you approach a woman in public, she will remember you. After all, it is not often done.  4:23 - Approaching in different settings. Apollonia will give you two examples: one is talking to a woman online, and the other is approaching her in person.  5:16 - Here’s a dating secret: a woman loves a sincere personality. When you’re talking to a woman, talk about your plans, what you did that day, something funny happened to you? Bring that up!  6:18 - Apollonia gives examples of what not to say to a woman. 6:56 - Mastering the art of asking a woman out is body language. Does she have an open posture? Or a close one? Apollonia will give examples of what to watch for in her body language. 8:48 - Remember success isn’t about the outcome but is the courage to take those first steps. Keep going when asking a woman out, learn from your mistakes, and try again.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/18/202410 minutes, 54 seconds
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6 Things A Woman Should Bring To The Table In 2024!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  6 Things A Woman Should Bring To The Table In 2024! It’s a new year in 2024. Do you want to find a high-quality woman finally? If you’re left thinking, what makes a high-quality woman? Then you are in for a special treat; in today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss six essential qualities women should have in 2024.  Apollonia has worked with countless men who have trouble dating women. And sees that most of the time, men have trouble differentiating unavailable and emotionally available women. Apollonia will explore what to anticipate from a high-quality woman, strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship with her, and how to recognize signs of dating an emotionally unavailable woman.  So, if you’re struggling to find a high-quality woman, learn how to start looking for one and attract women who want long-term relationships. This podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode:  0:57 - 6 Things A Woman Should Bring To The Table In 2024.  1:31 - Always look for an emotionally available woman. One of the critical factors is vulnerability; when a woman can be emotionally available to you, it’s a sign that she wants a long-term relationship. 2:39 - A high-value woman knows who to support you through an emotional time. She knows when and how to help you through your emotional struggles. 3:15 - Unspoken agreement of loyalty. This is critical; each person needs to trust and respect each other. 4:54 - No snarky comments. Of course, when a woman is frustrated with her partner, she will make some comments here and there. But not constant. Is she really emotionally available if she’s always talking to other people about you? 5:55 - Without communication, there is no relationship. Communication is complex, and expressing your thoughts and feelings is sometimes difficult. Apollonia will give you essential tips on overcoming a lack of communication. 7:54 - Apollonia will give you critical examples of how to communicate with a woman in a relationship properly. And how she should speak back to you. 8:12 - Intimacy and connection. For a relationship to be healthy, you need to have that emotional and physical connection; both are important, but the emotional side can not be taken for granted.  9:40 - Trust. Trust is everything when dating a high-quality woman; it is slow to build trust but quickly to fall if she sees any potential distrust in the relationship. 10:25 - Be careful when a woman wants to make you HER center of the universe. She should be working toward something or goals she wants, a sense of purpose. It doesn’t mean she needs to be career-driven, but something she is actively working towards. In the end, what you don't want is for her to be overly dependent on you. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/11/202413 minutes, 26 seconds
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How To Charm A High-Quality Woman! W/ Apollonia Ponti & Husband Alex Cormont

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Charm A High-Quality Woman! W/ Apollonia Ponti & Husband Alex Cormont Do you sometimes find it challenging to find that one high-valued woman? Do you have trouble maintaining the balance of your own life while dating a woman?  If attracting or keeping a valued woman sounds more of a challenge, then this is the podcast episode for you!  In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti is joined by her husband, Coach Alex Cormont. Together, they discuss the key factors that have contributed to their successful marriage of eight years! Alex Cormont, a renowned love coach and author with numerous publications on love and personal development, has helped over a thousand individuals navigate difficult periods, including overcoming infidelity, boosting self-confidence, and attracting desired partners. Still, most of all, it specializes in strategies for rekindling past relationships.  Under Coach Cormont's and Apollonia's expert advice, they will delve into how they manage their relationship in the public eye of social media and balance their respective careers while providing mutual support. They explore topics such as attracting high-quality partners, maintaining a disciplined mindset, and embracing the value of a partner. These two renowned love coaches will tell you how to maintain a disciplined mindset in their marriage while implementing those in their love life; if you're struggling with keeping the spark in your marriage and maintaining a relationship while maintaining a career, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this special episode:  3:20 - How did Apollonia and Alex meet? 4:37 - Alex talks about why their meeting context was important. Alex, not knowing English very well when he first met Apollonia, explains why it's essential to push through the uncertainties regarding dating. 6:00 - Apollonia talks about how she uses Alex's dating techniques to help inspire her to take these techniques to her guidance when coaching men. 8:04 - Alex dives deep into his past, his relationship with codependency, and how it impacted his dating life. 9:13 - What is a high-value woman? Alex explains his view on a highly valued woman, describing how setting boundaries and having a mature view can help you see if she is a highly valued woman. 10:19 - What can you bring to her life? When dating a highly valued woman, it's essential to ask yourself what you can get for her to help her level up, Alex Cormorts explains further. 11:26 - To charm a highly valued woman to be involved in your life. Apollonia explains the importance of showing her your activities and interests in your life, creating and establishing that bond. 12:45 - Setting your boundaries. Apollonia talks about setting limits in the relationship, remembering how Alex set his boundaries when they were dating, and setting a healthy challenge to know if she was genuinely interested. 14:16 - Alex explains how his ambitions and goals in life help is codenpency. 16:58 - Alex explains his experience dating in the US. He describes how he saw codes or rules you can or can't do when starting to date. 17:34 - Taking her to have coffee on the first date as a deal breaker? Apollonia and Alex explain in detail the importance of first impressions on the first date. 20:55 - How much of a role does social media play in relationships?  Get more Coach Alex Cormont on:  Website; "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Sign up for the 7-Day Free Trial Apollonia's VIP Membership! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/4/202424 minutes, 17 seconds
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How To Create Sexual Tension With The Women! (3 Lines That You MUST Try!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Create Sexual Tension With The Women! (3 Lines That You MUST Try!) Do you want to create that sexual tension with her? Do you feel like sometimes you try to but fail at it?  So, Suppose you want to become a pro at fostering excitement and intimacy with your partner. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti shares invaluable insights on cultivating sexual tension with women. Discover three essential techniques that are a must-try for anyone aiming to master the art of creating a captivating connection.  Apollonia has seen patterns within her clients to spot the one mistake they often make.  Delving into polarity, Apollonia explores the dynamics between feminine and masculine energies. Feminine energies embody gentleness and nurturing, while masculine energies encompass leadership and assertiveness. Learning to channel these energies effectively at opportune moments creates a sense of security for women. Apollonia emphasizes the significance of emotional attraction in the pursuit of sexual tension. Apollonia highlights the role of mystery in generating emotional attraction, prompting the woman to contemplate and desire your presence instantly. So, if you're struggling with how to create that sexual tension, tap into your feminine and masculine energies at the right moment, and make her attractive to you, then this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:32 - Do you want to become a pro and create that exciting sexual tension between you and your woman? 1:05 - To create that sexual tension, you need to have that spark. Unfortunately, Apollonia has seen many men get friendzoned because of the lack of spark. 1:24 - To create that sexual tension is to create an environment where she feels safe. Women often feel skeptical about their surroundings and need that emotional reassurance of handling safely for them to be themselves. 2:00 - Apollonia talks about polarity. She talks about the feminine and masculine energies. Feminine energies are areas where you're gentle and nurturing, while masculine energies are leadership and assertiveness. Channeling the energies at the right time can make her feel safe. 3:00 - Rational and emotional attractions. You can not create that sexual tension without emotional attraction; rational attraction is looks or how much money you have. Emotional attraction is desire; mystery makes that, and she will instantly start thinking about you. 4:01 - Apollonia provides examples of what to say to her if you want to attract her emotionally. The Goal here is to be playful about it, banter playfully, and keep that tone light. 4:27 - Be a tease. Ideally, in person, if you two have established that emotional or little sexual tension, you can start touching her hand or her shoulder to know that you are interested. 5:09 - One easy way to keep her on her toes is nicknames. Is she picky about food? Call her Gordon Ramsay! The key here is to keep it light and not offend her. Dont use it constantly. 6:39 - Be playfully disagree with her. It's playful banters like a dog vs cat person or food; it's all about getting to know each other more. And able to flirt at the same time. It is creating that fun memory. 8:00 -  Within that playful banter, throw in body language. When you two are laughing and being comfortable around each other, please give her a smirk, touch her hand and shoulder, and don't go overboard, but show the intent of what you want.  tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
2/26/202410 minutes, 5 seconds
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Do Women Prefer Dominate Men? Assertive Men vs. Controlling Men (6 Dominate Traits She Finds HOT!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Do Women Prefer Dominate Men? Assertive Men vs. Controlling Men (6 Dominate Traits She Finds HOT!) Do you know if you're an Assertive or Controlling man?  Do you wonder if there is any difference?  If you ever thought that if an woman wants a more assertive or controlling man, you are in for a special treat. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into women's preferences regarding assertive and controlling men. The discussion focuses on six dominant traits that women find appealing, differentiating between assertive and controlling behaviors. Apollonia has seen the behaviors of Assertive and Controlling men. And she sees how women are attracted to assertive men.  But what is an assertive man? Assertive men emphasize the importance of direct yet sensitive communication with their partner. The Assertive man establishes clear boundaries, which he adheres to while respecting those of others. Conversely, the controlling man resorts to manipulative tactics, such as guilt-tripping, to fulfill his desires. This dynamic creates an unhealthy scenario where the partner feels the need to constantly please the controlling individual, often at the expense of neglecting their own needs and desires. If you want to learn the difference and become a man who can attract high-quality women, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode: 1:00 - High-value women love assertive men, not controlling ones. Apollonia will explain the difference between being assertive and controlling behaviors in the relationship. 1:26 - The way an assertive man communicates is direct and yet sensitive. At the core of his assertiveness are boundaries that he had set up, and he respects other people's boundaries. 2:23 - Decision-making isn't only for him to make but collaborating with everyone involved. An assertive man communicates his thoughts and feelings while embracing his partners. 3:25 - An Assertive Man respects his partner's independence. He helps her or creates that space of autonomy, gives a sense of security in the relationship, and offers support when his partner needs reassurance. 4:04 - In contrast to Assertive Man, a Controlling Man looks at relationships to exhibit his power and authority. He goes his way or no way. 5:01 - A Controlling Man will manipulate situations. Not only does it erode trust and understanding in the relationship, but it will create an unhealthy dynamic. 6:15 - Emotional manipulation is joint in controlling men. He does it through guilt-tripping to get the things he wants. This creates situations where his partner constantly tries to please him and disregards her needs and wants. This is toxic. 7:14 - There's always a vast difference between awareness and controlling behaviors. An assertive man is what women want and are attracted to. 7:45 - Apollonia explains why an Assertive man is highly sought after in dating. 9:36 - healthy relationships need to have nurture and assertiveness. They need to balance supporting each other while setting boundaries most healthily. tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
2/19/202410 minutes, 27 seconds
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Why You Become TOO NICE When You Like A Woman! (Then Get REJECTED)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Why You Become TOO NICE When You Like A Woman! (Then Get REJECTED) Are you frustrated when a woman rejects you and you're just being nice?  Do you feel like she's drifting away, confusing you because you do everything to make her happy?  If you don't understand why she's not interested when you're just being nice to her, it might be because you might have the Nice Guy syndrome. In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into 'Nice Guys' and how men give excessive niceness when expressing romantic interest in a woman, ultimately leading to rejection. Apollonia knows how contradicting it is when a woman rejects you because you're too nice. Should I be nice to her? What does she want? Apollonia explores the underlying reasons nice guys may find themselves at a disadvantage in relationships and offers valuable insights into striking a balance between kindness and assertiveness when pursuing romantic connections. She emphasizes the significance of understanding the concept of polarity in relationships, highlighting the crucial interplay between masculine and feminine energies and offering what you should do as a man if you want her to start attracting you.  So, if you're having trouble attracting her to you, how do you stop being the 'Nice Guy' and start dating the woman you want to be with. Then, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:31 - Why do nice guys finish last? 1:32 - Being too nice might be the problem. Of course, a woman wants to date a nice guy, but if you keep treating her like one of her girlfriends, it will throw her off. 2:15 - Apollonia will start to explain tips and tricks on balancing being a nice guy and leading with intention when trying to seduce her. 2:40 - Usually, nice guys finish last because they have the wrong attraction ideas. They dont embrace that masculine energy, not taking leadership when it comes to dating. 3:25 - The concept of polarity is important to every relationship. The balance of masculine and feminine energy is essential in the relationship. It's now about dressing 'feminine' or doing 'masculine' activities. It's about the traits. 4:10 - When embracing too much of your feminine energy, you signal that you want to be her friend rather than a potential partner. This is how guys get friend-zoned. 4:33 - It might be because you lack self-confidence in your ability to attract women. You keep her around because the idea of being her friend is better than losing her. You can't expect someone to fall in love with you when you're not being yourself. 5:43 - There should be a balance. Are you a people pleaser? Do you allow people to treat you wrongly? Remember, don't settle for less. 6:30 - Dont date someone because you're lonely. They have some self-worth when dating someone, usually nice guys, who always want to be nice to the woman they're dating because they feel they need extra work to like him. That is not all true. 7:11 - The right woman will be attracted to your self-worth. When she sees you have a healthy relationship with yourself, she sees you can maintain that healthiness in other relationships. 7:51 - Nice guys fear of setting boundaries. It's not bad. It's about giving yourself choices and setting boundaries will help you attract the woman you want to date. And you are not attracting emotionally unavailable women.  tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
2/12/20249 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Power Of Polarity To Attract Women (Create "Seduction Loops" To Attract Her)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Power Of Polarity To Attract Women (Create "Seduction Loops" To Attract Her) What is the Power of Polarity?  Have you ever heard of masculine and feminine energies? If you heard of the concept of attraction in poetry or heard of feminine and masculine energies but are unsure what it means. Then you're in for a special treat; in today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti explains the influential dynamics of polarity in attraction, specifically focusing on creating "seduction loops" designed to captivate women. Apollonia has worked with many clients and has seen that men have trouble balancing their masculine and feminine energies in their relationships.  However, Apollonia will delve into the nuanced concept of polarity, emphasizing the necessity of maintaining a delicate equilibrium between masculine and feminine energies within the context of a relationship. This will help you gain insights into attracting a feminine partner while preserving the essential balance of these energies within yourself. So, suppose you're unsure about understanding the power of polarity, balancing out your masculine and feminine energy,  and how to start embracing your masculine energy correctly. In that case, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:48 - What is the attraction of polarity? In other words, this effect of a masculine and feminine balance in the relationships is what you lack is what you attract. 1:04 - Have you noticed that you never dated someone who was just like you? 1:32 - Many men mistake feminine and masculine energies, reading as more girly or manly. This isn't the case. 2:09 - Apollonia gives an example of feminine and masculine energies in the relationship. If you both have masculine energies or too much feminine energies, it will not balance out, and the relationship will fall apart. 2:52 - The key to a long-term relationship is balancing or sitting between masculine and feminine energies. Apollonia will begin to explain this concept in more detail. 3:16 - What is a masculine energy? It is all about creating the push-and-pull effect between you and your woman, which means taking the lead, being confident and assertive, and knowing what you want. 3:56 - Remember, if there is the same level of masculine energy within the relationship, it will not work out. This is why many men get friend-zoned. 4:21 - You do need to have a feminine energy. It's all about communication, talking about your feelings, and expressing your needs and wants. 4:38 - Feminine energy is all about nurturing. It's about caring, being cared for, open communication, and being emotionally stable. 5:17 - Apollonia always tells her clients about men being 70% masculine while 20% feminine. You need that leadership role and a nurturing side to help her feel secure and safe in the relationship. 5:55 - In the attraction and seduction stages of the relationship, she needs to see the masculine side of being confident and assertive. But also the feminine side; again, she wants to feel safe. This is the definition of the push and pull effect. 6:42 - Being busy is the easiest way to create that push-and-pull effect. Be active in your life and your goals; that sets the pace of the relationship, showing her that you won't be too clingy and giving her space while letting her miss you and crave your presence. 8:03 - Self-awareness. Being self-aware helps you embrace your masculine and feminine sides. Start journaling and doing more self-awareness exercises; the brain is a muscle that needs training.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
2/5/20249 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dating A Woman With A Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style! (Make Her WANT You MORE)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Dating A Woman With A Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style! (Make Her WANT You MORE) Do you feel like the woman you're dating is not fully there? Do you see that sometimes, when things get serious, she pulls away? If you ever see her doing the push and pull, but she is not fully committed, Then you might be dating a Fearful-Avoidant, Attachment-style woman. In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into the intricacies of dating a woman with a fearful-avoidant attachment style, shedding light on strategies to enhance your appeal and foster a more profound connection while dating a fearful-avoidant attachment style woman.  Apollonia has worked with many clients to see a pattern in a man dating a fearful-avoidant woman.  However, by offering insights into the dos and don'ts of navigating a relationship with a woman exhibiting fearful-avoidant attachment tendencies, Apollonia provides valuable guidance on establishing and sustaining a lasting bond. She will give you essential advice for those currently dating a woman with a fearful-avoidant attachment style, including effective communication techniques to prevent unintentionally creating distance in the relationship. So, if you're struggling to date a woman with a fearful-avoidant attachment style, how do you know if you're dating a fearful-avoidant attachment style woman, and how do you finally open her up? Then, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:33 - Apollonia talks about the different attachment styles. But in today's podcast, she will discuss one attachment style: A fearful, Avoidant Attachment Style. 1:25 - A little background on the theory of Avoidant Attachment Style. John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth tested their attachment theories by analyzing babies' earlier experiences. They saw a pattern of how they would develop later in life in personal growth and relationships. 1:50 - People with Secure Attachments are easy to show affection and interest. They uphold their values, exclude confidence, and, most importantly, set boundaries for people around them. 2:06 - What is an Avoidment Attachment style? Unlike Secure Attachment, they value independence. They hate the idea of being controlled or settling; this leads to unfilling or long-lasting relationships. 3:02 - You might see people with an Avoidment Attachment style holding on to friendships or relationships. However, they have one foot out the door, ready to leave when things get serious. 4:04 - They fear emotional and physical commitment and lash out when confined. They often do things alone and would rather not seek emotional support since they don't trust people. 4:18 - Like Avoidant Attachment, Anoxius Avoidant has some same qualities. They lack self-confidence, suppress their emotions and don't seek help. And unlike Avoidant Attachments, who like to do things alone, they would instead be alone to avoid getting hurt. 5:26 - To date someone with a Fearful, Avoidant Attachment style, you must know when and how to communicate your frustrations. When she promises to call or text and still doesn't, don't get mad, and send her a fury of texts immediately. Take a deep breath, relax, and then send your text. 6:08 - Communicate like adults. No demanding, no controlling the situation, talk. List your needs and wants, and listen to hers. 7:05 - Be patient with her. It's hard to do when she keeps pushing her away and wants to be alone. But remember, she likes to be alone to ease her anxiety. She needs time to think, sometimes requiring her to withdraw a bit. 7:50 - Tap into your empathy, but dont try to fix her. Understand her emotions and let her name her feelings. Support her, but don't push her. If you see that she doesn't want to express her feelings or change, except her or move on to another relationship. You can't change someone to fit your needs, but you can express your desires and wants. 9:31 - Respect their boundaries and maintain your independence. Sometimes, trying to rush the relationships and Fearful, Avoidant Attachment may try to run away at the sight of commitment. That's why giving her space is one way to make her know you respect her boundaries while maintaining yours. 10:47 - The most important thing to do when dating and fearful-avoidant attachment is not to be clingy. Picture this: you have a close friend who tries to cling to you and wants to know everything you do the whole day and every day. This can be overwhelming, so give her space. And she will go to you.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/29/202413 minutes, 2 seconds
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7 Signs A Woman Is Gaslighting and Manipulating You! (EXPOSING Toxic Women)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 Signs A Woman Is Gaslighting and Manipulating You! (EXPOSING Toxic Women) Do you feel like you are constantly second-guessing yourself in the relationship?  Do you see that sometimes your partner is always lying and making it sound like you're the crazy one? Suppose you constantly see a pattern of lies and distorted information in the relationship. Then you might be dating a gaslighter. In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will explore recognizing signs of gaslighting and manipulation in a relationship, thereby shedding light on toxic dynamics within relationships. Apollonia has seen men fall into the cycle of manipulation by the woman they're dating. She understands how frustrating it can be when you're trying to express your discomfort to your manipulator only to be brought down. However, with Apollonia's guidance, she will provide insights into the concept of gaslighting, defining it as a manipulation tactic that deliberately induces doubt in another's mind, causing them to question their thoughts, feelings, and actions.  These practical examples will help you know how gaslighters often distort or misrepresent situations to suit their agenda, even when the facts contradict their narrative—involving a distorted version of reality implemented on their partner's view of the world. So, if you're struggling with dating a gaslighter, how do you know if you're being manipulated, and how do you get out of one? Then, this is the podcast episode for you!  Key points in this episode: 0:46 - What is gaslighting in the relationship? It's a person who will make you second-guess everything you do. They also try to palpitate or twist a situation to favor themselves even though it's completely wrong and feed you with lies until you are convinced they're right. 1:07 - Apollonia's example of a partner trying to gaslight someone and manipulate them. The person always tells you one thing but does the other; they will try to make you feel bad even though it wasn't your fault. 1:55 - To know a woman is a gaslighter and manipulating you is that she's constantly lying even after being confronted with the truth. Even when confronted with evidence that she was lying, she is so confident in her lies that it makes you second guess. 3:00 - The gaslighter wants the upper hand. She wants control of the situation even though it's her fault. 3:16 - the gaslighter questions your insanity. For example, when you tell a story, she will say how the events didn't happen or comment that your memory is terrible even though it was all true. Again, a gaslighter wants the upper hand in your life. 4:03 - A gaslighter will lower your self-esteem and confidence. When she's constantly telling you, you're wrong and feeding you with her lies. It will make you second guess everything you do in life and friendships and drift away from family. This is dangerous. 4:35 - When she accuses you of behaviors that she's engaging in. If you bring up her toxic behaviors, she will flip the situation, saying that you're the one with the unhealthy behaviors. 5:17 - she will make you rethink your perceptions and memories. Let's say she is flirting or talking to another man; when you express your discomfort, she will blame it on you, saying that you are too flirty with women and possessive. 5:57 - A gaslighter and a manipulator will make you second guess everything, down to everyday activities. 6:38 - Her goal is to make you dependent on her. She will want you to guess everything second so you can rely on them, to the point where you ask them for advice for even the most mundane things. 7:19 - She will try to isolate you. Let's say you have a close friend or family member, and she will start to talk about them in a bad light, making them seem like they don't support you or are bad people. This is a way of her controlling your life. 8:27 - When their actions don't match their words. She is telling you what you want to hear but does nothing. She is a walking contradiction. She will make you doubt your feelings and your sense of reality. 9:31 - The most significant sign is when she plays on your insecurities. When you express your insecurities, she will use that as advance to control your emotions (ex., If you're insecure about your age, she will say things like, "You look good. For your age") "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/22/202411 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are All Women Emotionally Unavailable? (What EVERY Man Needs To Know)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Are All Women Emotionally Unavailable? (What EVERY Man Needs To Know) Do you feel like you might be dating an emotionally unavailable woman? Do you feel that most of the women you date lead to nowhere? If you are with a woman and the relationship is heading nowhere, you might be dating an emotionally unavailable woman. But how do you know if you are dating an emotionally unavailable woman? In this podcast episode, coaches Apollonia Ponti and Coach Cynthia delve into the crucial topic of female emotional availability, providing invaluable insights for every man dating an emotionally unavailable woman.  Both Apollonia and Coach Cynthia have worked with many men who have dealt with dating an emotionally unavailable woman. They empathize with the frustration when men want to take the relationship to the next level, only to have the woman pull away.  Apollonia and Coach Cynthia will provide insights into effective communication strategies when dealing with an emotionally unavailable woman and offer guidance on navigating situations while helping you find the right emotionally available woman.  So, if you're struggling with dating an emotionally unavailable woman, how do you know if you're dating an emotionally unavailable woman, and how do you find an emotionally available woman? Then, this is the podcast episode for you!  Key points in this episode:  1:08 - Understand that there are a lot of emotionally available women. However, it's your job not to fix that emotionally available woman. And focus on searching for an emotionally available woman instead. 2:14 - A lot of men get confused about why a woman lies about wanting emotionally available men. Most of the time, a woman who constantly seeks emotionally unavailable men is, too. Because they are emotionally unavailable, you must remember to watch for her behaviors and patterns. 2:59 - You want to be the emotional choice. Emotionally available women base their decisions on their emotions; if you constantly bring in negative emotions everywhere you go, she will see it as someone who can't take care of her emotional needs. 4:35 - You might still have that hero complex. You might be very empathetic, seeing emotionally unavailable women and wanting to help them. You mentally choosing an emotionally unavailable woman, start by stopping this hero complex to see if there is a shift in your dating life. 6:18 - What is the concept of being emotionally unavailable? Some men are confused about the difference between her wanting to get to know you better vs. just enjoying the dating process. Is she only happy when you give her or do things for her? Or is she happy just being in your company? 7:18 - Many men seek only one positive thing in the relationship and let go of the negatives. Usually, when men are in denial when dating an emotionally unavailable woman, they will be sucked into the ideal fantasy of what she could be rather than seeing the reality that she might be a walking red flag. 7:42 - When you're dating an emotionally unavailable woman, she will do nothing but break your heart and waste your time. It's easy to date someone, but it's hard to establish a relationship with them. An emotionally unavailable woman should not be your top priority in life. 9:18 - Let us be honest with ourselves. Sometimes, when we are not seeking honesty within ourselves, we ignore the mixed signals and patterns she is showing in the relationship. She might be saying one thing but contradicts herself; she will be affectionate with you but stops when she leaves. This is a sign that she's an emotionally unavailable woman. 10:54 - Why do you always end up dating an emotionally unavailable woman? It might be because you're intentionally seeking an emotionally unavailable woman. 11:38 - Dont try to fix her pain. When an emotionally unstable woman is still stuck in her trauma and past pains, you can help her, but don't try to fix it for her. Let her learn from her mistakes, and let her heal. 13:39 - There is a plan for you already set in your life. You have to choose the best one. Treat yourself like you're the best plan, take care of yourself mentally or physically, and reconnect with your wants and needs. It is then that you will start to attract emotionally available women.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/15/202415 minutes, 25 seconds
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7 Masculine Habits That Women Find Really Hot! (DRIVE Her WILD)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 Masculine Habits That Women Find Really Hot! (DRIVE Her WILD) Do you feel that you are not attracting high valued women? Do you sometimes think that it might be your masculinity that doesn't attract the right woman? If the thought of not attracting highly valued women because of your masculine traits. Then you are in for a special episode; Apollonia Ponti explores seven male habits that are particularly appealing to women, elevating their level of attraction. Apollonia has worked with many clients and has seen that many of her men have suffered from trying to captivate high-value women through the expression of their masculinity. But Apollonia delves into the reasons behind potential challenges in attracting highly valued women, even for those already embracing their masculine traits. This practical guidance on cultivating and enhancing one's masculinity will encourage alignment with women whose values resonate with one's own.  So, if you're struggling with attracting high-valued women, identifying your masculinity, and having that masculine allure, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode: 1:07 - You have reponsblities. If a woman can see that you are sticking to your responsibilities, she will know you are looking for a committed relationship. 1:49 - If a man can take hold of his own life, he is seen as reliable and a leader; most women will like to see that. If a guy can show that he is responsible with his finances and life, he is mature and shows that he can work together toward a common goal (ex. having a family). 2:39 - High-valued woman is attracted to courageous men. A brave man shows confidence and is a sign that he believes in himself; he can provide a sense of adventure. Most women are attracted to that sense of experience and security. 4:23 - Kindness is one of the most apparent traits a masculine man should possess. Life can get to you, and sometimes stress turns into anger, which a woman doesn't like. If she can see that you can show kindness and compassion throughout your stress of life, this will instantly attract her. 4:58 - Being kind isn't just doing charity or something grand. The small things build up over time, checking up on a family member, grabbing her favorite drink on the way back from work; these little things can make her want to embrace her feminine side around you. 5:41 - A masculine trait is thinking things logically. That self-assuredness in your life shows her that you know what you want and how to get it. This, again, security can help her feel safe around you and open up to new possibilities with you. 6:30 - When you can handle things well under pressure. When can you solve problems quickly, see that you're a great communicator, and keep the connection strong. 6:53 - All the traits that Apollonia has discussed will also get her to admire you. This is the ultimate attraction; if you can maintain these traits, she will see that you are a reliable partner seeking long-term relationships and adaptable to every situation; these are what a woman wants. 7:33 - Have that positive attitude. Bring positivity in the relationship; leading with a positive outlook can create open communication and form a strong bond. 8:41 - If you're always complaining, she will turn away. This is why having a positive attitude is the best way of living for men and everyone. You, too, should seek a highly valued woman with a positive attitude and willingness to navigate the ups and downs with you. 9:00 - Woman are attracted to men who live in their purpose. Witnessing someone catching their goals is very admirable. If a woman sees this, she knows that you has a purpose in your life; it might not be career-wise, but something like; wanting to learn how to sail a boat or build your own home (or owning one); it things that you want to do in your life, and going after it can make her see that you too are a high valued man. 9:56 - Pursuing your goals can show relisences. Showing determination and strong values will make you more interesting. If you can show you're willing to persist in your dreams, then she will feel the need to be around your ambitious energy. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/8/202412 minutes, 17 seconds
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How To Turn Pain Into Power Coach Andres Roadmap to Overcoming Fear w/ Coach Cynthia

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Turn Pain Into Power Coach Andres Roadmap to Overcoming Fear w/ Coach Cynthia Do you feel like you haven't moved from your trauma? Do you feel like you want something new but are scared of doing it? If you're at a place where circumstances are not in your favor, then this is the best time to start being your best self, but how?  In today's special podcast episode, Coach Cynthia is joined by special guest Coach Andres, who will provide insights on transforming adversity into empowerment through his Roadmap to Overcoming Fear.   As a life coach known for his work under the banner of Coaching with Andres, he fosters a positive mindset for personal growth, professional development, and navigating the challenges of losing a loved one. Coach Andres is dedicated to assisting individuals in reaching their optimal selves, irrespective of their circumstances. Coach Andres knows how hard it is to think positively under stressful situations.  Coach Andres candidly shares his journey of overcoming traumatic situations. His transformative experience led him to achieve his best self and inspired him to guide others in overcoming their obstacles. Experiencing the best quality of life, and being their best self.  So, If you're struggling with overcoming trauma, staying positive, and just trying to be your best self, then this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this special episode:  2:07 - Who is Coach Andres? Coach Cynthia will introduce him, what he does, and his inspiration to be a coach. 3:22 - We all have fear, but is it holding you back? Coach Andres starts introducing the idea of how to overcome that fear. 4:19 - To overcome fear and to be empowered, you must accept failure. Coach Andres explains that most people must learn to fail and overcome it. 6:48 - How do you turn pain into power? Coach Cynthia explains a lot of men in this modern world are overcome by the stress of their daily lives and the expectations placed on them. Coach Cynthia advises on how to overcome those stresses of life. 8:19 - Coach Andres explains the traumatizing life experience that made him who he is today. 8:47 - Sudden changes can contribute to the cycle of pain. Coach Andres talks about how he didn't process sudden changes like moving and the pandemic—turning him to relieve stress from exercising. 10:13 - Coach Andres discuss his journery of relearning how to walk again after his accident. 12:12 - We always forgive but never forget. When coach Andres discusses how some people suffer in their pain by not learning how to open up and let other people help them. This contributes to their relationships and often why they might have difficulty maintaining one. 14:12 - Coach Cynthia asked Coach Andres how he was motivated to get his body moving and healthy again. What was the click for him to start doing the work? 16:00 - Attitudes and egos kick In a time of hardship. Coach Andres explains how his ego and aggressive attitude thought he could recover quickly and walk again. He explains that this attitude wouldn't help him recover and that he must learn slowly through trial and error. 19:54 - Often, putting on a strong face doesn't mean it will help your quality of life. Coach Andres talks about how being strong for yourself and others wouldn't help you. Ask, lean on family or friends, and most importantly, seek support or advice. 22:03 - Coach Andres advises to help men turn pain into power. His most important advice Is to to surround yourself with people who are overcoming their hardships and are now thriving, join a support group, and talk to people or look up people who have gone through the same hardships as you. Being inspired to improve is a way to get motivated to overcome hardships.  Get more Coach Andres on:  Website; "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.  
1/1/202427 minutes, 6 seconds
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I Get Women, But I CAN'T KEEP Them! (Exactly How To Keep Her Interested)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  I Get Women, But I CAN'T KEEP Them! (Exactly How To Keep Her Interested) Do you constantly find yourself in new relationships? Are you unable to maintain a long-term one? Do you see the women you want to attract but reject you? Suppose you see yourself in a cycle of moving on to the next woman and want a more meaningful connection and a long-term relationship than a short one. In that case, you are in for a special treat because, in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into the intricacies of attracting and maintaining meaningful connections with women and centering on the challenge many individuals encounter in successfully transitioning from initial attraction to a lasting relationship.  Apollonia has seen many of her highly valued clients that end up with unfulfilling relationships.  She will explain the underlying factors that can hinder the establishment of long-term bonds. She adeptly explores the common dilemma of attracting women but failing to sustain a committed relationship. And why often a highly valued woman rejects you.  So, if you're struggling with maintaining a long-term relationship, finding the right woman, and ensuring you're a highly valued man, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode: 0:58 - You get the girl, but you can't keep her. Apollonia will explain why you always seem to get any girl you want, but she's always getting away. 1:32 - One reason you can't keep a woman is an avoidment attachment style. It means that they tend to be more independent and don't try to foster an emotional connection to other people. This is usually because they don't want to get hurt. 1:59 - How do you know if you have an avoidant attachment style? People with an avoidant attachment style have a habit of not wanting to have deep conversations or are emotionally distant when it comes to dating. 2:40 - Most people with an avoidant attachment style might attract anxious people. The anxious attachment people seek more reassurance while the avoidant will try to seek independence, which can both be catastrophic. 3:37 - When men keep getting women but can't keep them, it might be because they are emotionally unavailable women instead of a highly valued woman who plays hard to get. This might be tricky, but it's all about seeing the patterns in the relationship. 4:13 - Apollonia proves an example of a highly valued woman playing hard to get. A high valued woman will seem very selective regarding dating, is open to communication, and is honest about what she wants in the relationship. 5:15 - An emotionally unavailable woman (or a commitment-phobe) will back away when things get serious in the relationship. She will try to create distances from them. She's leaving them unsure about what she wants in the relationship. And send mixed signals. 6:47 - Sometimes, men have a 'frat boy' mentally. It's okay for a man to be a carefree guy, but a woman wants to see some stability in their life. Or at least some sense of responsibility. 7:28 - Sometimes, they might be too focused on the attraction. It's not all about looks; it's about emotional attraction. Some good-looking men see this problem of getting the woman because he is attractive but always fail to have that emotional connection. 8:28 - They wait for her to initiate things. Both partners must contribute to the relationship's growth; it's not who does more than the other. It's about working together to make this relationship work. 10:29 - When can a guy struggle to keep the woman in the relationship is because they are not in touch with themselves. Throughout life, they have been high achievers and tried to be the man the girl wants. But it's never what he wants. They need to make sure when going into a relationship that you must be in love with yourself to love her.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
12/25/202312 minutes, 35 seconds
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How To Know You're Being Too Clingy! (The Right Amount Of Attention To Give In A Relationship)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Know You're Being Too Clingy! (The Right Amount Of Attention To Give In A Relationship) Do you feel that your woman is pushing you away? Do you see that your girlfriend is often telling you that she needs more space than usual? Or do you think that you may be overly clingy but aren't sure? Suppose you see a sudden pattern of her making up excuses or wanting more distance from you and are unsure why; you are in for a special episode. Apollonia Ponti will share guidance on recognizing signs of excessive clinginess in a relationship and establishing a healthy balance of attention. Apollonia has seen many clients destroy their relationships, with their excessive clinginess. Apollonia dives into specific behaviors and characteristics that may render an individual excessively clingy within their romantic partnership; Apollonia offers a comprehensive analysis. She provides practical strategies for managing moments of clinginess and transforming them into constructive interactions.  This practical advice will help you on proactive steps to prevent inadvertently pushing one away. This episode is a valuable resource for fostering harmonious and balanced relationships. So, if you are struggling with over-clinginess, to stop being clingy with her, or how to know if you are in the first place, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  0:32 - The start of the podcast: How To Know You're Being Too Clingy! (The Right Amount Of Attention To Give In A Relationship). 1:10 - When you’re too clingy, you constantly seek validation from a woman. A clingy man will fish for compliments and seek validation of her feelings and never will try to give her the space that she needs. 2:01 - A woman Likes to have space and think. Just like any man or person, space in the relationship is crucial. If you want her to think about you and know what you’re doing, keeping that space will let her think more about you. 2:47 - A clingy man will overanalyze their relationships through the amount of sex they are having. He will think that with less sex, the less the person is interested. Of course, sex in the relationship will decrease over time, but it doesn’t mean that they are not attracted to you anymore. 3:08 - Another huge sign of clinginess is when you give all your attention to her and lose sight of yourself. They will all lose track of their life, neglecting their goals and friends and family. This is a massive turn-off to a high-value woman; she sees this as an immature trait that a man has.   4:08 - When a man is clingy, he will ignore the red flags from a woman. A clingy man will miss all the red flags in the relationship and cling to the idea that she will change for him as the relationship progresses. But this rarely happens. 4:54 - There are no standards for the woman he dates. He doesn’t care if her values align with his, and most likely will neglect his values for her, just get obsessed with the idea of getting her that he doesn’t see if she's interested in the first place. 5:29 - What is the right amount of attention to give to a woman? It all comes down to your life. Make yourself busy, do what makes you happy by exploring your hobbies, and provide time to hang out with friends and family. A balance in your life is what makes a woman attractive to you. 6:19 - When there is a healthy balance in your life, the push and pull become easy. You don’t need to make plans when going out with her; it comes naturally, and you don’t wait for her to talk or text you. And when she does, you will have some time to tell her. Personal development is what makes a woman attracted to you. 7:12 - A balance in your life varies from person to person. It all comes down to one thing is: having full days and not left wondering. When you’re in the beginning stages of dating a woman, you need that balance of communication and mystery. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
12/18/20239 minutes, 29 seconds
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How To Get A Younger Woman's Attention! (Older Men Can WIN A Younger Woman Over EASILY)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Get A Younger Woman's Attention! (Older Men Can WIN A Younger Woman Over EASILY) Do you ever wonder how to attract a younger woman? Do you feel, as an older man, unsure of how to attract a younger woman respectfully? Suppose you're unsure about how to approach the first steps of attracting a younger woman. In that case, you are in for a special treat because, in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti offers valuable insights on capturing the attention of younger women, particularly for older men seeking to establish meaningful connections. Apollonia has worked with many older clients and recognizes common mistakes they make when trying to attract a younger woman.  Apollonia delves into the underlying reasons behind the attraction that younger women often feel for older, more mature individuals. She emphasizes the importance of adopting a mature and experienced mindset, as well as demonstrating strong leadership qualities and masculinity. The practical advice that Apollonia discusses will help older mature men understand initiating and sustaining successful relationships with younger women. And to gain essential knowledge and enhance your dating prospects with younger women. So, suppose you're struggling with how to attract a younger woman, how to approach a younger woman respectfully, and how to start having engaging conversations with a younger woman. In that case, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  1:07 - To attract a younger woman is to let her see you as a leader. This means leading the conversation and talking about your wants and needs. Be confident in the conversation. 1:30 - There is a reason why younger women are attracted to older men. He doesn't have a young person mentality but a mature and experienced one. He is taking the lead and being masculine. 2:09 - Ask her things to see that you want to get to know her. A younger woman wants an older man to ask her something about herself, leading the conversation and getting to know her more. 2:35 - One thing that can turn young women away from older men is focusing too much on the age gap. If the older man keeps making comments about the age gap, then the younger woman will be turned off and make her feel that the age gap will become a recurring problem.   2:58 - Apollonia talks about one of her older clients trying to date a younger woman. He spoke of the age gap and did it so much that the woman felt uncomfortable. She saw that he wasn't confident about his age, therefore leaving him. 3:57 - The younger woman loves adventure. Older men have the stereotype that they lose interest in having fun once they get older. That is not all true; being open to trying new things and exploring each other's interests is a good start. 5:07 - Show that you offer stability in your life. One reason a younger woman is attracted to older men is because they're emotionally secure and stable in their lives; he knows what they want and is not afraid of getting it. 6:10 - Don't hide your past to a younger woman. Telling her your stories and struggles can make her open up to you. This can emotionally attract her to you, knowing that you can open up about your past, not only showing that you can be vulnerable but showing that you're a great communicator as well. 7:25 - Act your AGE! When an older man tries to attract a younger woman, he tries to act like a younger man; this will instantly turn her off. There's a reason why a younger woman is attracted to an older man; he shows signs of maturity and balance in his life. Embrace this; don't try to hide from it.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
12/11/20239 minutes, 17 seconds
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7 SNEAKY Reasons Why Women Friendzone Men! (Why RESPECT Get's You Nowhere!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 SNEAKY Reasons Why Women Friendzone Men! (Why RESPECT Gets You Nowhere!) Do you often get friendzone?  Do you feel like there might be something you’re doing wrong that makes her friendzone you? But I'm not sure what it is. Suppose you don’t want to end up in the friend zone forever and possibly make the relationship a romantic one. In that case, you are in for a special treat because, in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will share the intricacies of why men sometimes find themselves in the challenging position of being friend-zoned by women. Emphasizing the significance of maintaining a balance between masculine and feminine energies, Apollonia provides actionable insights on how to navigate the friend zone and cultivate a more desirable sense of male power. Apollonia understands the frustration of men trying to get out of the friend zone. But in this podcast episode, Apollonia uncovers seven subtle yet crucial reasons contributing to this dynamic.  This practical advice on getting out of the friend zone can help you understand why women perceive a man as a friend rather than a romantic interest, shedding light on potential behaviors that may inadvertently lead to this perception. So, if you’re struggling with how to get out of the friendzone, how to stop getting into the friendzone, and which steps to take when getting out of the friendzone, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  1:25 - One reason men get friendzone is not embracing their masculine side. Men should have a polarity of masculine and feminine energy. Usually, men lack their male side and go far into their feminine; women start to see you as more of a friend. 2:33 - Again, a woman, to be physically attracted to you, needs to see you in your masculine. Of course, a woman wants a man to be friendly and caring, but being too much into your feminine side can make her think you're more of a friend than a potential boyfriend. 3:07 - Frienzones happen when men are not comfortable with their seduction. Women want to crave your presents and feel that you are attracted to them. Showing intent with a woman can make her see you're more interested than just being friends. 3:42 - The woman wants to feel the flirty playfulness. If a man is too shy to flirt or show intent, she will take it as if you're not interested in her. 4:06 - One common reason you are a friendzone is the lack of sexual tension. That is what separates friendships and romantic relationships. Create the sexual tension and keep doing it. 5:10 - Putting more effort into being flirty and showing intent can have a great outcome. That healthy push and pull from a woman can make her feel wanted by you and create that sense of desire for you when you're not around. 5:50 - The structure in your intent. When men are too shy to talk to a woman, don't try to call or go up to her and flirt with her, then the friend zone immediately starts to form. 7:00 - The mistake of focusing on rational attraction rather than emotional attraction. Men will think about how to attract a woman by gaining muscles and or picking up a masculine hobby instead of not focusing on their values. Do you two have the same values? How about big life goals? These questions should be your priority instead of rational attraction. 9:10 - Friendzone happens when men are overly submissive. He will try to make her happy all the time; they will show no boundaries and neglect their values and put her values instead of his own. Women are attracted to men who hold strong values and take the lead in their lives.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
12/4/202312 minutes, 20 seconds
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Are You A Man That's Too Much In His Feminine? (Lacking Masculine Balance)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Are You A Man That's Too Much In His Feminine? (Lacking Masculine Balance) Do you feel a woman always sees you more like a friend than a potential boyfriend? Have other women told you that you exclude feminine energy even though you don’t want to? If the thought of being too feminine is affecting you, attracting highly valued women, you are in for a special podcast episode; Apollonia Ponti discusses maintaining a healthy balance between masculine and feminine energies in individuals. Apollonia knows the frustration of men who face potential challenges in the dating world because they are deficient in their masculine energy. They lack what makes a woman attracted to a man seeking to appreciate a strong sense of masculinity. This practical advice on being masculine while balancing out your femininity will help you attract feminine women. Apollonia will provide insightful examples of masculine energy traits and offers practical guidance on how men can effectively express and embody their masculine selves. So, suppose you struggle with your feminine energy, not knowing if you're using it, and how to finally get a woman who is in their feminine energy. In that case, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  0:58 - Why do women go for the men who mistreated them when im so nice? Apollonia explains the polarity effect and how men and women have both masculine and feminine energies. And sometimes, the lack of male energy can be the leading cause of why a woman will friend zone you. 1:22 - Apollonia explains that her polarity affects the masculine and feminine energy philosophy. Masculine energy is goal-oriented and takes leadership, while feminine energy is nurturing and patient.  2:21 - In a relationship, men and women must use this polarity effect. However, if a man isn't showing his masculine energy and embracing his feminine energy, then the woman will not be interested. 3:15 - Apollonia always tells her male clients to have at least 70% masculine energy while having 20% feminine energy. The feminine energy is also vital; for example, when you talk about your feelings.  3:48 - Apollonia tells a story about one of their male clients being in his feminine too much. She explains how her client constantly sent poems and love letters to the woman he was interested unknowingly making the woman move away.  5:02 - You talk about your feelings all the time. When a man is too much in his feminine, he will constantly talk about his emotions and hold no mystery for the woman to explore.  5:48 - When a man is too much in his feminine, he will never say 'no.' This can be a people-pleaser tendency, but a woman likes a man who can stand his ground and take the lead. If she sees you let her control your life, she might pull away from the relationship. 6:46 - A man who isn't taking the lead is too much in his feminine. When a man doesn't take leadership in his life, the woman will lose Interest. A woman will want to fall into her feminine, but when she doesn't see you as a reliable person, she will start to lose Interest.  8:03 - You are unable to regulate emotionally. This is losing your cool and emotions when there is a tricky situation that you're facing. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/27/20239 minutes, 37 seconds
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How Women REALLY View Intimacy! (What You Need To Know And It's Not What You Think)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How Women REALLY View Intimacy! (What You Need To Know And It's Not What You Think) When you are with a woman, does it seem like every time you’re trying to indicate sexual advances toward her, she instantly pulls away? Do you feel that sometimes your woman seems physically uninterested in being sexual with you?  If the thought of how to please your women sexually becomes more of a challenge, then you are in for a special treat because, in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti provides insights into the nuanced perspective of women regarding intimacy. She delves into a profound understanding of how to genuinely satisfy women sexually, emphasizing that women are multifaceted sexual beings.  Apollonia has worked with many clients and seen their frustration when trying to please their women. But in this podcast episode, Apollonia will explain that beyond physicality, underscores the pivotal role of mental stimulation in pursuing genuine intimacy. Connecting with a woman's mind and ensuring she is mentally engaged is crucial to unlock the depths of her pleasure. This practical advice on how to not only please a woman sexually but also understand a woman's views on intimacy can help you understand the essential distinction between men and women in terms of hormonal responses, highlighting the need for heightened mental stimulation to complement physical sensations for women. So, if you’re struggling with how to please your woman sexually, what to do to stimulate her, and how to make her desire and want you, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode:  1:21 - Women are sexual beings. But there's a whole mental side that you need to stimulate more than physically. You have to tap into her mind and ensure she is mentally simulated. 2:00 - Fantasy is vital to a woman's intimacy. This sets the stage for their physical responses, paving the way to get into the sexual mood. 2:27 - Unlike men, women's hormones are different, meaning they need more stimulation in the mind to feel the sensation you are giving them physically. 3:08 - Sexting can help stimulate her. You can help her with anticipation of being intimate with you. 3:42 - The mental foreplay helps her experience her sexual side. Stirring up those mental images can help her want more imitacy and desires. 4:20 - Apollonia proves an example of how a woman desires a man. When a woman looks at an attractive guy, her first thought is whether he likes and wants her. She craves a man to want her, which can lead to thinking about sex. 5:00 - It's not a physical touch that sparks physical desires for a man. It's mentally letting her know that you want and desire her; that is when mental sexual fantasies occur. 5:31 - Women and men have different orgasms. It may take longer for a woman to orgasm, but once you find a pattern to help her simulate, it's like a guide map to help you know what pecks her sexual interest. 6:46 - Women crave sexual discipline from a man. This means not beg with her for sex, going to their women with sex, and porn addiction; she wants a man who can showcase self-control. This helps her to respect you and want you later on.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/20/20239 minutes, 41 seconds
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8 Types Of Women Who Will INSTANTLY Cheat On You! (Don't Let Her DO This)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  8 Types Of Women Who Will INSTANTLY Cheat On You! (Don't Let Her DO This) Have you ever felt something might be wrong in your relationship? Are you suspecting her of secretly cheating? But aren't you sure if she is?  If that thought ever crosses your mind, you are in for a special treat because, in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will share eight distinct archetypes of women who may engage in infidelity and how to prevent this from happening to you.  Apollonia has worked with many clients who had dealt with infidelity from their past partners. Apollonia empathizes with the frustration that can arise when your partner is dishonest about their actions. However, Apollonia offers a comprehensive analysis of the underlying reasons behind female infidelity and furnishes invaluable insights into identifying the subtle indicators of potential cheating within a relationship. Although determining infidelity may be challenging, Apollonia systematically outlines the behavioral patterns and dispositions that categorize women predisposed to unfaithfulness. So, if you're struggling with a partner suspected of cheating, knowing if she's cheating, and what to do with your cheating partner, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  1:29 - The first sign that a woman is cheating is she is constantly partying. Going out with her friends is not wrong; this only applies to a woman who has substance abuse, as they can not fully grasp the impact of their actions. In a setting with alcohol and drugs, she is most likely to do things out of passion. 2:26 - Substance abuse stems from thrill-seeking behaviors and validation. Because of the thrill, they will most likely find other people who share the same interest in this thrill, which can cause her to cheat. 2:55 - Commitment phobia can cause a person to cheat. She can genuinely care about the person she is dating; however, because of this fear of losing her independence, she will cheat and use that person as a safety net if things go sour. 4:13 - When a woman shows a history of cheating and hasn't changed. It might be obvious to some people, but the main reason men stay in a committed relationship with a woman with a history of cheating is the belief that she will change for him. Men in a relationship like this are usually in constant denial and exhibit self-destructive behaviors. 4:59 - A manipulative woman will cheat. It might be hard to know if someone is manipulating you, but if you see patterns of her trying to control how you do things and guilt tripping you into doing something you didn't want to do, are the first few signs. 5:56 - A woman who cheats is in and out of your life. After you guys broke up, she quickly returned to you, not entirely to commit but to linger around you; it might seem that you two are in a relationship, but you are not. 7:29 - She is extremely private in her life. Even though you both are in a relationship, she is still private about her life, friends, and social life, shutting you out and putting her needs before yours; this is most likely because she is cheating. 8:43 - A woman who is a cheater is self-conscious and thrives on attention from men. When you guys are out together, she cares about how other men look at her; she thrives off the engagement and compliments of men that she barely acknowledges. 9:21 - The emotional connection isn't present anymore. Negligenting her emotional needs can lead to her turning to someone who will pay more attention to her emotional needs. She will seek out someone intentionally and cheat because of the lack of intimacy in the relationship.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/13/202311 minutes, 5 seconds
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How To Be Irresistible To Feminine Women w/ Coach Marce and Coach Cynthia.

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Be Irresistible To Feminine Women w/ Coach Marce and Coach Cynthia. Have you ever felt that sometimes you unwillingly attract a masculine woman instead of a feminine one? Do you ever hear people tell you you have more feminine energy than masculine? If the thought of attracting a feminine woman becomes more of a challenge, then you are in for a special podcast episode; in today's episode, Coach Cynthia, along with her distinguished guest, Coach Marce, will offer guidance on cultivating irresistible appeal to feminine women.  Coach Marce is a transformational coaching expert who empowers men to authentically embrace, heal, and inspire their innate masculine energies. With a wealth of experience, Coach Marce has assisted numerous men in restoring and enhancing their masculine energy while enabling their partners to express their feminine essence fully. Coach Marce knows in the modern dating landscape; men often grapple with societal expectations that may encourage the suppression of their masculine qualities, leading them to overcompensate by attempting to fulfill women's needs instead of their own. Under Coach Marce's expert guidance, this episode aims to help men reconnect with their masculine attributes and attract available and feminine partners into their lives. So, if you're struggling with embracing your masculine energy, attracting feminine energy, and knowing if you are more in your unhealthy feminine, then this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this special episode:  0:33 - Coach Cynthia introduces Coach Marce. 2:50 - Coach Marce explains what masculine and feminine energy is. She explains how both men and woman naturally carries these energies. 3:37 - Masculine energy is different from feminine energy. Masculine energy is beautiful in that it naturally leans into their leadership and strength. 4:52 - What happens if there is no balance with both energy? Coach Marce explains it through her journey of seeing these energies in person. 5:43 - Coach Marce talks about her past. Raised in a traditional household, she faced difficult situations where she could not embrace her feminine side and instead took more of her masculine side. 7:00 - Coach Marce's story of a woman who is embracing their feminine side. In this story, she explains how the woman she was shopping with, receives different treatment from men when assuming her feminine energy. 8:08 - Men have a natural side to help and support somebody. Coach Marce explains how confused men are when embracing this side in the modern dating world, where women are held to the standard of being their boss. 10:08 - Woman naturally craves safety. Coach Marce explains how a woman's natural feminine side shuts down in unsafe situations and instead starts to embrace their masculine side. 11:34 - Coach Marce explains what it looks like if a man is not in his unhealthy feminine. If a man is in a relationship with a woman showing her masculine side, he lets her take the lead, leading to his unhealthy femininity. 14:39 - A man who cannot embody his healthy masculinity doesn't feel fulfilled. This goes the same way with a woman who does not feel happy when not embracing her healthy feminine. 17:54 - What's the difference between grounded and passive energy? Coach Marce will explain how to identify the difference using the nature around you, calming you down to face your natural energy when talking to a woman. 21:41 - The energy in a masculine is to pursue a woman. If a woman is unavailable, she will not let him follow her and will not open up to him about her availability.  Get more Coach Marce on:  Website; "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/6/202324 minutes, 44 seconds
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How To Touch A Woman To Turn Her On! (5 Things Most Men Miss, But Now You Won't)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Touch A Woman To Turn Her On! (5 Things Most Men Miss, But Now You Won't) Are you unsure when to start flirting with her?  Do you get nervous at the thought of trying to seduce your date? And often unsure whether or not she is really into you in the first place. If your thoughts of seducing a woman are making you unsure that will lead to more, then you are in for a special treat; in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti shares valuable insights on the art of building romantic connections with women, specifically focusing on the subtle nuances of physical interaction that many men tend to overlook. Apollonia has seen it all when men are trying to turn a woman on. Many men and her clients frequently overanalyze their approach in the realm of seduction, often failing to grasp the subtle cues and signals women provide to express their interest. Apollonia empathizes with the frustration of seducing a woman and trying to turn her on while not being seen as creepy. But in this podcast episode, Apollonia uses practical and straightforward methods to help you discern a woman's readiness for romantic advances.  These practical advice and tests will help you emphasize the importance of attentive body language observation and reciprocal physical contact; Apollonia provides essential guidance for recognizing the pivotal moments when a woman is ready to take things to the next level and potentially lead to the bedroom. So, if you're struggling with how to turn on a woman, seduce a woman, and know if she wants to be seduced, then this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode:  1:00 - Most men struggle with seducation. Apollonia explains how many men overthink when trying to seduce women, such as being overly flirty in a text. 1:34 - You need to read the room. Watch her body language and see how she is acting toward you. Is she smiling? Laughing? Constantly touching your arm, or is she closed off, moving away from you, or not even looking at you? 2:38 - The hand test. It's a simple yet effective test: if she wants you, put your hand on hers for 5 seconds. If she pulls away immediately, she is not comfortable with you yet; however, if she doesn't pull away and let your hand rest on hers for a while, that is the green light. 3:15 - Touch the appropriate parts of her body. One way to turn a woman on is physical touch (only start doing this if you know she is comfortable with you). Touching her shoulders, arms, and hands is the most respectful way to convey that you want her; however, feeling her stomach, thighs, or knees will make her uncomfortable. 4:45 - Putting her hair behind her ear. This makes a woman turn on; the thought of a romantic gesture makes her want you more. 5:19 - Hugging her. Once you have the green light and are both comfortable touching each other, once you hug her, let your hand gently touch her back; kissing her shoulders or neck will instantly turn her on. 5:58 - The key to turning her on is taking it slowly. Build up the tension; don't start kissing her off the bat; start with her hand, then her shoulder, hugging, and finally, a kiss. These steps can cause her to take things more with you in the bedroom.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/30/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
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Are Men Done With Dating? TODAY'S Dating Scarcity Leaves Men Feeling Miserable!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Are Men Done With Dating? TODAY'S Dating Scarcity Leaves Men Feeling Miserable! Do you feel that it’s getting hard to find the right partner?  Are you jealous because you see friends and family are getting married or in a committed relationship?  If you are having trouble finding a partner or lack the motivation to start dating again, then you are in for a special episode; in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into the modern dating landscape, shedding light on why some men may find themselves disillusioned with today's dating culture. Apollonia knows her clients well; she has seen the patterns of men having a scarcity mindset that leaves them alone and unsure of why they are unsuccessful in the dating world. Apollonia recognizes that individuals with a scarcity mindset frequently find themselves entering relationships with partners who do not align with their desired criteria. Apollonia's practical advice and examples shed light on the scarcity mindset, which serves as a cognitive filter in dating, instilling the belief that one's current relationship is inadequate for long-term commitment.  So, if you’re struggling with finding the right partner, getting out of a scarcity mindset, and finding any encouragement to return to the dating world, this podcast episode is for you! Key points in this episode:  1:10 - What is a scarcity mindset? It's a mindset that is a mental filter when dating; it is a mindset that you feel that the person in the relationship is not enough to be long-term. This leads to rushing into relationships because they are afraid of being alone. 2:40 - Desperation is not attractive. In the scarcity mindset, you are often seen as desperate for love and will drive potential partners away. 3:18 - Apollonia proves an example of a man in a scarcity mindset. When a man thinks that a woman is lost in life and only a man will save her, he develops into a savior complex. This can create an unhealthy codependency and a lack of boundaries.  5:03 - Another reason why men are in a scarcity mindset is appearance. In society, men are looked down on if they show emotion; they care about having the ' tough guy' appearance, which can make them get into toxic or unfulfilling relationships. 6:11 - Men deserve to have respect and express emotion. They should be able to express vulnerability (if they know how to do it correctly). One way to get out of the scarcity mindset is to make sure you have standards for the woman you date and respect other people's standards if they do not meet yours. 7:11 - It's essential to have a positive outlook in dating. Some men see the dating world as a hostile place, but if you can think optimistically about the dating world, you will be able to attract the woman you want. 7:40 - Surround yourself with other men and support. Men who are feeling miserable after dating usually lack support from people. Talk to people or men that are successful in the dating world. Listen to them and their advice on navigating and finding partners healthily.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/23/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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Is Porn Destroying Men's Lives? (The SILENT Epidemic)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Is Porn Destroying Men's Lives? (The SILENT Epidemic) Let's be honest; have you ever been in your room all day watching porn and doing nothing else? Do you miss out on events, seeing loved ones, or dating life because of porn?  If you ever thought that you might have a porn addiction, then you are in for a special episode; in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into the pressing topic of the impact of pornography on men's lives, addressing it as a pervasive yet often unacknowledged issue – the "Silent Epidemic."  Apollonia knows that a lack of awareness of porn addiction can profoundly affect men's social, psychological, and romantic spheres. But in this podcast episode, Apollonia advises navigating porn addiction, the reasons behind men's reliance on pornography, dissecting the unrealistic ideals it propagates, and guiding self-assessment for potential addiction.  These practical strategies that Apollonia discusses will help you debunk misconceptions surrounding intimacy in pornography to empower modern men in overcoming this challenge. And will make you live a fulfilling life simply by identifying the underlying cause of porn addiction.  So if you're struggling with porn addiction, don't know if you are addicted to porn, or if your unsure why you are addicted to porn, then this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 1:19 - Apollonias experiences her clients and their porn addiction. She understands how porn is made to make the person consume more crazy and explicit scenarios, inviting men to go down the rabbit hole of addiction to porn. 2:18 - Unrealistic expectations of what a woman should be doing in bed. It gives the expectation that if a woman is not acting like what is seen in porn videos, then they are not enjoying it or that you are a terrible lover, which is entirely false. 3:01 - Apollonia explains her male clients developing performance anxiety. Since they already have a false impression of how they should perform and how the women should reciprocate, they develop anxiety since they know they can not do what they saw in the videos. 3:20 - Some guys want to sleep with women who have the body of the pornstar. It's okay for men to have preferences, but this is a false perception of a woman's body; it should be noted that a lot of porn star actress has gone under cosmetic surgeries. 3:46 - Porn addiction can cause erectile dysfunction. Younger men are having trouble getting erect because their brains function to watch other people having sex, and when they try to have sex, they can not perform. This is an unhealthily codependently on porn. 4:49 - Dr. Andrew Huberman's takes on porn addiction. He explains porn addiction is like spices; the more different you eat, the more bland the rest gets. 5:33 - Porn can hurt your stamina and performance. When men masturbate to porn, their train their bodies to ejaculate quickly, which can affect their life when it comes to the bedroom with a woman. Women want someone who will last longer and is emotionally present; a lack of that can turn them off. 6:40 - Porn can create dopamine spikes associated with shame and guilt. You are training your body to have these high dopamine spikes from doing something that does not make you happy. She explains further how men have to watch porn to get their day started; without it, it doesn't make them feel good, potentially messing up their dating and personal lives. 8:28 - Apollonia is not trying to shame men that are watching porn. She says that many men miss out on dating women or interacting with women when having porn addiction. Some men base their interactions on what they see in porn, which affects their fundamental interactions with a woman thinking it's okay to say things to a woman that will make her want to have sex with them, which is often seen as creepy or harassment.   "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/16/202310 minutes, 50 seconds
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Identifying Toxic Women! (13 Signs That Scream AVOID HER!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Identifying Toxic Women! (13 Signs That Scream AVOID HER!) After having a good day at work, do you ever feel hesitant to come home knowing that your partner is there?  Do you suddenly feel stressed or overwhelmed by the thought of spending time with your partner, to the point where you would rather stay at work than be at home?  This might be the sign that you are dating toxic women, and if you are still unsure, then you are in for a special treat; in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into the topic of recognizing toxic behaviors in women, presenting 13 distinct signs that serve as clear indicators to avoid that person.  Apollonia has worked with many clients and has seen high-valued men overlook the toxic traits of women and try to justify their actions. But in this podcast episode, Apollonia offers valuable insights for those currently dating or in relationships, highlighting that developing toxic traits is a gradual process rather than an abrupt transformation in relationships.  Apollonia's practical advice will help you identify toxic women and how to respond to these toxic behaviors appropriately. She will help you know if you’re in a toxic relationship by looking at their inconsistencies and mental games surrounded by their negativity.  So, if you are struggling with a toxic woman, how to identify if someone is toxic, and how to start moving on from a toxic relationship, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 1:11 - A person with toxic traits doesn't become toxic overnight. Apollonia explains why people become toxic, often stemming from childhood or trauma. 2:04 - They are a cloud of negativity. They will bring down the friendly mood around you, a familiar sign people look at. 2:33 - Toxic women have controlling behavior. They will want to control every aspect of your life, down to how you dress or even who you talk to. 3:01 - She takes a lack of accountability. Instead of owning their faults, they will blame someone else and not see that they are causing problems. 3:38 - Jealously and possessive. This behavior can make you feel suffocated in the relationship and often leave you with trust issues as you enter a different relationship. 4:12 -  A lack of empathy. Don't expect sympathy from toxic people; they will brush off your feelings. They will make your problem look small and won't even acknowledge your frustration. 4:38 - They are gaslighting you. This is a bit difficult to see if you are being manipulated. However, the typical signs you have being gaslit are feeling drained and confused after talking to or confronting them. 5:23 - Being constantly dramatic. Apollonia provides an example of a client she had and the relationship he was in, saying that she would always cry when he confronted her about the things he didn't like. 5:38 - Inconsistent behavior. One moment, they are loveling and affectionate, and then later, they are mad and aggressive with you. You always feel that you are walking on eggshells. 6:08 - Toxic people will try to cut you off from family and friends. They will try to isolate you to depend on them; this is dangerous and should be discussed more. 6:25 - They are emotionally or physically abused. This is the worst trait of a toxic woman; they will belittle or try to hit you. This can result in you having trauma in the relationship. 7:02 - An unhealthy sense of entitlement. Toxic women (and people) believe they should be catered to everything and the center of your attention. 7:22 - Always crossing your boundaries. When you're setting your boundaries, they will try to push it and cross those you have set. She will always make you try to say yes to things you are uncomfortable with.  "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/9/20239 minutes, 21 seconds
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Are You Addicted To Emotionally Unavailable Women? (FIX The Emotional Trap)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Are You Addicted To Emotionally Unavailable Women? (FIX The Emotional Trap) Do you constantly find yourself attracting the wrong women?  Do you find yourself in a relationship where you feel like there is no thrill, and you're constantly trying to seek new ones and approach women who are not interested in you?  If you're always in a situation when pursuing a woman and ends up feeling emotionally unfulfilling, it makes you move on to another woman, then you are in for a special treat; Apollonia Ponti will share her insights on knowing if you are addicted to an emotionally unavailable woman.  Apollonia has worked with many clients and recognizes that some men, don't know that they are chasing an emotionally unavailable relationship. But in this podcast episode, Apollonia addresses identifying one's susceptibility to emotional unavailability in women and offers insights on rectifying this pattern (addressing the "Emotional Trap").  Apollonia's practical advice will shed light on the common tendency of mistaking the pursuit of emotionally distant women for a mark of high-value relationships. This mindset leads to an overestimation of a woman's worth, frequently driven by the allure of the chase. Apollonia further highlights the reciprocity between emotionally distant men and their counterparts, shedding light on the appeal of pursuing and triumphing over emotionally elusive partners. So, if you want to know if you are addicted to emotionally unavailable women, how to identify emotionally unavailable, and how to start attracting emotionally available women, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 1:14 - You confuse the chase with high quality. Women come naturally to you; therefore, you are not interested in pursuing them. That is why you put more value in women than you can get; most of the time, it is the thrill.  2:16 - It is not easy to get high quality. Most high-quality women are direct about what they want in the relationship; however, not-valued women will play around with you, which can lead to toxic relationships. 3:26 - You are unavailable yourself. Being honest with yourself is the right step for a mature relationship. Constantly breaking up and moving to another woman, it might not be them, but it might be you.  4:29 - Apollonia explains more about unavailable in men and women. Because emotionally unavailable men attract emotionally unavailable women, you love the chase and the thrill of accomplishment after you are in a relationship with her.  5:11 - You are living in fancy than in reality. You're constantly daydreaming about the good qualities of her and ignoring the bad ones. You're not expecting her to be unavailable and show toxic tendencies you miss.  5:42 - Apollonia's coach called with a guy who was chasing an emotionally unavailable woman. He was living in a fantasy, trying to pursue a woman who had just gotten out of a relationship and was trying to heal from it. This is an excellent example of what not to do to an emotionally unavailable woman.  7:14 - The hero complex. Her traumas extend to you, and she blames her concussions (or even accuses you). In return, you try to support and "fix" her instead of giving her space or even breaking up to let her start healing herself.  8:54 - Apollonia explains further about the hero complex. She talks about how men who pursue emotionally unavailable women often lose themselves and become emotionally unavailable. "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/2/202310 minutes, 32 seconds
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5 TRUE Reasons Why Girls Play Hard To Get! (Untold Secrets To Female Behaviors)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 TRUE Reasons Why Girls Play Hard To Get! (Untold Secrets To Female Behaviors) Are you constantly meeting her needs in the relationship, but she is not reciprocating?  Do you find yourself chasing her more often than, and you feel like she is playing hard to get? If this thought ever crosses your mind, you are in for a special treat. In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into the nuanced nature of romantic pursuits by uncovering five genuine reasons behind women's inclination to adopt the 'hard to get' stance.  Apollonia sympathizes with how men struggle to get a woman's attention when she is playing hard to get it. But in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti guides you on recognizing the potential misinterpretation of women's intentions; the episode advocates for a balanced approach, emphasizing reciprocity as a pivotal factor. Apollonia's advice will make you understand why she is playing hard to get and how to get her to start reciprocating. With a focus on decoding intricate female behaviors, Apollonia adeptly illustrates the various traits associated with this approach while providing insights to distinguish between healthy play and toxic dynamics. So, if you are having trouble pursuing her while she plays hard to get, how to impact her positively to get her to call back, or even know this push-and-pull dynamic is healthy, this podcast episode is for you!  Key points in this episode: 1:23 - She wants to see if you're invested. Often, this is a very materialistic relationship; she wants you to buy her expensive items and take her to expensive places, which is one reason women play hard to get. 2:00 - Apollonia's example of a transactional relationship. The guy will provide all the finances and, in return, feel good being with a good-looking woman. 2:54 - Chase me and show me you are worth it. This modern-day dating mindset of women trying to play hard to get can turn toxic. 3:32- The difference between pursuing women and chasing women. Apollonia will explain the difference between these two: following her is when you take more initiative; however, the women must return the favor equally.  4:25 - She is not like "other girls". Women get judged for everything they do; this is a factor of why she is playing hard to get and play games with you. They want to be respected and think highly of. 6:28 - She is trying to make you jealous. This is an immature way to play hard to get; they will flirt with other men and talk about another man.. she will do this to see how you will react and make you jealous. 7:30 - A woman will try to make you jealous, but this is when you come in to state your boundaries. It is your job to sit down and talk to her about what you want in the relationship and see if she will try to justify her actions. This is when you will see the real side of her. This is when you decide whether to stay with her or not. 9:00 - Apollonia explains if a high-valued man will confront the situation of handling a woman trying to make him jealous. He will be assertive with his values, and already place boundaries in the beginning and talk to her about what he wants in the relationship. 10:15 - She is in and out of your life. It's a type of "relationship" that she will be with you for attention. This is her playing hard to get; she uses you for affection.  "I love Apollonia, and her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/25/202311 minutes, 55 seconds
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10 Signs She's Flirting With You! (Unlock Her Intentions EASILY!)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  10 Signs She's Flirting With You! (Unlock Her Intentions EASILY!) In the middle of a conversation with a woman, have you seen her say or do things that make you question if she is flirting with you?  Are you afraid that you may have mistaken her kindness for flirting?  If this dilemma leaves you more conflicted about the relationship than before, then you are in for a special treat; in today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti explores the subtleties of recognizing flirtatious behavior through a comprehensive discussion of ten indicative signs. Apollonia has seen many men struggle to understand when a woman is trying to flirt. Resulting in them trying to flirt back when she is no longer interested.  Apollonia knows how frustrating it can be when men don't know when to initiate without finding themselves in an awkward postion. But Apollonia's listeners gain valuable insights into deciphering flirtatious cues embedded within speech patterns, gestures, and body language.   It's not just about understanding when someone expresses romantic interest—it's about honing the skill to reciprocate those feelings artfully. These insights aid in comprehending when women are flirting and offer a practical understanding of effective flirting techniques, potentially elevating the dating experience to a more meaningful level.  So, if you're struggling to know if a woman is flirting with you, picking up flirtatious cues, and taking things to the next level, this is the podcast episode for you! Key points in this episode: 0:46 - Prolong eye contact. She is constantly looking at you in your eyes; no matter where you are, she will always find a way to maintain eye contact. 1:53 - She is constantly smiling and laughing at your jokes. This may be a sign that she is flirting with you. You don't have to be funny, but your presence makes her comfortable to make her smile. 3:32 - Touch is a sign of flirting. It's a subtle, playful touch on your arms, shoulders, or hands. It's a sign that she is trying to flirt with you. 5:01 - When a woman is interested in you, she is an active listener. She pays close attention to your words and asks questions. This sign that she wants to get closer to you and know who you are. 6:24 - In your conversations, there is friendly banter. There is playful teasing and flirtatious banter and overall, it's a positive atmosphere. 7:30 - She starts to lean in with you. It's a silent invitation that she wants to be closer to you. 8:12 - Mirroring your body language. When a woman is interested in you, she mirrors your body language; it's a subtle way that she says, "We are on the same wavelength." 9:29 - When she takes the time to compliment you. This is a good sign that she is interested in you; her compliments make you feel happy and secure. 10:21 - She initiates the contact. She will often try to contact you to see what you are doing. If you have any plans, she will try to find a way to spend more time with you. 11:02 - Suggesting that you two should do activities together. This is an essential sign that she wants to be with you; this is more than flirting but a sign that she wants a potential future relationship with you.  Don't forget to rate, review, and follow! "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/18/202312 minutes, 37 seconds
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6 Habits That TRAP Men Into Wrong Relationships!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  6 Habits That TRAP Men Into Wrong Relationships! Do you feel your relationship overwhelms you and does not make you feel fulfilled?  Do you feel as though it's like a trap? The cycle of being left unsatisfied and surrounded by negativity? That you question why you are in the relationship in the first place. Suppose the thought of leaving or being in the relationship makes you feel unfulfilled and trapped. In that case, you are in for a special treat because, in this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti provides insights into six distinct habits that frequently ensnare men within unfavorable and unsatisfying relationships.  Apollonia saw this firsthand with many of her clients successfully getting into relationships, yet left feeling trapped and unfulfilled by the thought of advancing their relationship any further.  Apollonia understands the common tendency among men to hastily pursue a partner, often resulting in settling for less than they truly desire. Apollonia will give you practical advice and wisdom to navigate your romantic journeys more thoughtfully and discerningly. These practical six habits will help men offer guidance on finding a compatible partner who aligns with one's needs and aspirations. Forming these habits will get you out of your trapped relationship and find a necessary balance between your and your partner's needs.  So, if you feel trapped in the wrong relationship, don't know if you are in the wrong relationship, and don't know how to find the right relationship, this podcast episode is for you!  Key points in this episode: 1:50 - Ignoring red flags can trap you into a wrong relationship. It's easy to brush it off when she is nice to you; here's how to identify it. 3:22 - Believe in your instincts. They are essential if you feel or see behaviors you don't like, and acknowledging them initially can prevent you from going into the wrong relationship. 4:03 - Trying to settle for less. One of these habits that traps men into the wrong relationship is picking a woman who does not need your standards in fear of never finding love again. 4:58 - Apollonia explains more why settling for less is compromising your happiness. She is not saying to have a perfect relationship, but a relationship filled with compromises that will satisfy you and your partner's needs. 5:44 - Example of a client Apollonia helped coach. He was starting to attract women but not attracting the right ones; it's a simple yet easy example of why settling for less does not help you in any way. 7:04 - The fear of being alone causes men to be trapped in the wrong relationship. Apollonia explains the habits of self-doubt and childhood traumas that cause this fear to intertwine into your relationships. 8:30 - Being alone doesn't mean being miserable. Being single gives you the time to understand yourself and build a strong sense of yourself. 9:44 - The lack of self-awareness. It's about lacking awareness of your needs; without you will go along with someone's values without understanding what you see yourself. 11:01 - Take a pause here. Think now about your values and get in touch with your boundaries. See who you are as a person. 12:30 - When you're trying to make everyone happy. Being a people pleaser compromises your values; this is not a healthy and sustainable habit in a relationship. 13:35 - It's essential to balance meeting someone else needs and your needs. Having that balance will make sure that you attract a wrong relationship. 14:40 - Another example of Apollonia's client where he was afraid of change. A new change in your life can be both feeling and scary; in the dating world, it can be more beneficial than you realize. Don't forget to rate, review, and follow! "I love Apollonia, and her tips have really helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/11/202316 minutes, 52 seconds
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3 Ways Women Secretly Test Masculine Men! (Pass INSTANTLY & Win Her Over)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  3 Ways Women Secretly Test Masculine Men! (Pass INSTANTLY & Win Her Over) When talking to a woman, do you ever feel in the middle of the conversation, the mood changes from a playful into a serious one?  After leaving that date, do you ever feel that you might have said something wrong or feel that she may never call you back? If this thought crosses your mind, you're in for a unique insider look. In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into these subtle tests women use to assess their potential masculine partners' emotional and intellectual maturity.  Apollonia understands that a woman's mind is often filled with uncertainty about the men they date. It makes them secretly test masculine men mentally and emotionally, leaving some men falling in these tests.  Apollonia empathizes with the frustration when witnessing highly valued masculine men not passing mental tests that can be avoided if they respond correctly. In this podcast episode, Apollonia practically gives you a guide on exploring three discrete methods that shed light on the covert nature of these tests and offer insightful guidance on recognizing and effectively responding to them.  These practicals gain valuable insights into decoding these nuanced interactions, enabling them to navigate such scenarios with poise and understanding. These tips will help masculine men pass and instantly win her over!  So, if you are struggling to get a call back from your date and see no progression in your dating process, this podcast episode is for you! Podcast Keypoints: 1:38 - She doesn't give you time to talk to her. This is a type of test that she wants to see if you're not serious about her. 3:14 -  If you catch a woman off guard, she will start testing you. Maybe you did something that made her question your intentions 3:48 - She tests you to determine whether or not you are worth her investment. She wants to see if you have the polarity of masculine and feminine sides. 4:39 - Example of a woman your reactions, to see if you have emotional control. It usually starts with a teasing, playful demeanor; she will watch how you respond to them. 6:57 - She wants to know if you're a people pleaser. If a man fails to be assertive or engage in a healthy push and pull, he will face being in the friend zone. 8:34 - Apollonia's example of a healthy push and pull while remaining respectful. This example also helps you test her and see her reaction when trying to compromise. 9:41 - A woman will test your honesty. This is important. She wants to know if you follow your plans and keep your promises. Women want a man already leading in his own life; a lack of leadership in your own life will not make her want you to be her top priority.  "I love Apollonia, and her tips have helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/4/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Win A Woman Over Through Text Messages! (The Texting Blueprint)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How to Win A Woman Over Through Text Messages! (The Texting Blueprint) Do you feel nervous or shy when it comes to texting a woman that you just went on a date with? Do you get nervous every time you see her message pop up on your phone screen, and you're trying to come up with a text that will captivate her and get her to think of you? If the thought of texting a woman after a date leaves you feeling anxious, then you are in for a special treat because In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will share with you exclusive insights on exactly how you can win a woman over through text messages alone! Apollonia has worked with many clients and recognizes that some men may exude confidence in person but struggle with text-based communication.  Apollonia empathizes with the frustration that can arise when you find yourself in the post-date dilemma of texting a woman. But in this podcast episode, Apollonia practically gives you a guide on what kind of text messages to send to her and how to seem confident and flirty through the phone screen! These practical test messaging examples that Apollonia discusses will definitely capture her attention and will sustain conversation through messaging. These techniques will help you craft the compelling and flirty messages you need in order to win her over!  So if you're struggling with how to text a woman, what kind of text messages to send to a woman, how to flirt with her over text messages, or how to start having engaging conversations with women, this is the podcast episode for you!    Key points in this episode:  02:11 -This is a client's story of what happened to him when he didn’t know what to text a woman after a date. Her reaction is something I think we can all relate to! 03:09 - Spelling and grammar are really important when it comes to the text messages that you send to a woman. If you have bad grammar or spelling mistakes in your text messages, this can leave a woman feeling unsure about you. 4:25 - Open-ended questions are your best friend when it comes to winning a woman over through text messages! Open-ended questions will carve a path for deeper conversations that will help you get to know her a little better.  5:30 - Here are some open-ended question examples that you guys can start using today when it comes to texting a woman. These examples are key to getting her to open up, helping you flirt with her, and helping build attraction and positive tension between you guys! 06:40 - Make sure the text messages you sent to a woman are short and sweet! Sending her paragraphs or spamming her with text messages will turn her off and make her not want to text you back. 9:00 - You can showcase your status through text messages without sounding too obvious! Here are some examples that will help you do this.  11:18 - Text messages should be fun and light-hearted! Here are some text messaging examples that will get grab her attention as soon as she sees your message on her phone screen! 14:06 - It’s important to show her that you’re playful and positive through text messages. This will get her to associate you subconsciously with positivity, and this will make her want to talk to you more and deepen your connection with her. 16:29 - It’s good to reference something that she told you before through text or in person. When you reference something she’s told you, this will make her feel that you listen and understand her. 17:20 - Don’t focus too much on compliments. Complimenting her too much through texts will not help you! Don't forget to rate, review, and follow! "I love Apollonia, and her tips have really helped me with my dating!" All you have to do is press the follow button -->, scroll to the bottom to Rating & Reviews, and click on Write a Review.   Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Want more dating advice? Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram; Facebook; YouTube; Website; Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/28/202319 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why Women REJECT "Nice Guys" & Why They Finish Last! ( How To Change The Nice Guy Syndrome)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Why Women REJECT "Nice Guys" & Why They Finish Last! ( How To Change The Nice Guy Syndrome) In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti delves into the topic of why some men, commonly referred to as 'nice guys,' face challenges in romantic pursuits, often finding themselves at a disadvantage. The discussion revolves around understanding the 'nice guy syndrome,' its identifiable traits, and the necessary adjustments to capture a woman's interest. Apollonia emphasizes the importance of maintaining respect and friendliness while also exploring ways to modify behaviors that may hinder the achievement of desired relationships. Podcast Keypoints: 1:00 - Your people-pleasing tendencies. 8:40 - Do you have any masculine traits?  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/21/202313 minutes, 1 second
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How To Balance Your Mental Health in A Relationship with Jay Barnett and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti How To Balance Your Mental Health in A Relationship with Jay Barnett and Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti engages in an enlightening discussion with guest Jay Barnett, a distinguished mental health and family therapist renowned for his expertise in guiding individuals toward self-actualization by addressing past traumas and intrinsic self-doubt. Drawing from his background as a former professional football player, Barnett intimately comprehends the interplay between personal setbacks, triumphs, and mental well-being. The conversation delves into the often-neglected realm of men's mental health, spotlighting its significance and advocating for its early intervention. Through strategic dialogues centered around self-love and inner healing, Jay Barnett empowers individuals, particularly men, to navigate the hindrances stemming from their inner childhood and embrace their journey toward self-improvement. Key Timestamps: 8:35 - How to open up and start healing.  11:11 - Facades that men put.  15:34 - The true definition of vulnerability.  Get more Coach Jay Barnett on: Instagram Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/14/202323 minutes, 35 seconds
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5 EXACT Reasons Why She "FRIENDZONED" You! (IMMEDIATELY Get Out Of Her Friendzone)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 EXACT Reasons Why She "FRIENDZONED" You! (IMMEDIATELY Get Out Of Her Friendzone) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti shares five reasons individuals may find themselves in the friend zone and offers practical strategies to transition out of it. With insights tailored for men who have encountered this situation, Apollonia guides listeners on displaying clear intent and ensuring mutual respect in their relationships, fostering healthier connections. Tune in to discover valuable tips on navigating the friend zone with confidence and integrity. Podcast Keypoints: 6:10 - Should you give her space? 8:32 - A good example of properly showing intent. Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/7/202317 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why Most Men Don't Realize Their Low Testosterone Levels and How To Fix It with Nick Soulias and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti Why Most Men Don't Realize Their Low Testosterone Levels and How To Fix It with Nick Soulias and Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Nick Soulias, a fitness specialist and health professional who helps men lose weight by their testosterone levels. Nick Soulias understands how men over the age of 30 struggle to lose weight while trying to intake the right amount of nutrition. Nick Soulias connects weight loss to low testosterone levels; he was able to find the right balance of exercises and diets that helps increase testosterone levels while eliminating foods that you thought were good for you. Nick Soulias will give you the tools and facts on why you have low testosterone and how to reach your physical peak simply by changing your mindset about food, having a simple workout routine, and understanding your body needs.   Podcast Keypoints: 7:28 - How do you know if you have low testosterone? 12:05 - Nick Soulias client testmonials. 18:01 - Snack or foods recommended.  Get more Coach Nick Soulias on: Take the Testosterone Quiz HERE! Website Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/3/202326 minutes, 36 seconds
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7 Red Flags Of The Modern Women Men SHOULDN'T Date!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 Red Flags Of The Modern Women Men SHOULDN'T Date! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti delves into an insightful discussion, shedding light on seven traits exhibited by some women in modern dating scenarios that men should be mindful of. These behaviors, often overlooked or rationalized, can have detrimental effects on relationships. By exploring these traits and characteristics, Apollonia aims to provide valuable insights into potential root causes of relationship challenges. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding and foster healthier connections in your personal life. Podcast Keypoints: 3:27 - She keeps bringing up her ex.  6:20 - She doesn't need a man attitude.  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/27/202314 minutes, 41 seconds
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4 Signs You're Sabotaging The Dating Process! (Don't RUIN Your Chances With Women)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  4 Signs You're Sabotaging The Dating Process! (Don't RUIN Your Chances With Women) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will tell you four signs that you're sabotaging the dating process with women. Apollonia will explain the behaviors and habits that completely ruin your chances with women. And will tell you how to reverse those unattractive habits and attract the women you want to date! 4:17 - Unrealistic expectations.  8:13 - The fear of Commitment.  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/18/202313 minutes, 38 seconds
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7 SEXIEST Things Men Do In Bed That Women Find Attractive! (This Leaves Her SPEECHLESS)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 SEXIEST Things Men Do In Bed That Women Find Attractive! (This Leaves Her SPEECHLESS) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti explains the seven sexiest things men do in bed that make women leave her speechless. Apollonia understands that sex can play a significant factor in the relationship, not only for pleasure but also for an emotional connection. Apollonia will help you how to be more physically and mentally present with her, ensuring that she is fully satisfied.  2:58 - Tease her  7:40 - Find her hot spots! Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/11/202313 minutes, 33 seconds
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Breaking Free From Porn Addiction and Letting Go Of Sexual Shame w/ Jeremy Lipkowitz and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti Breaking Free From Porn Addiction and Letting Go Of Sexual Shame w/ Jeremy Lipkowitz and Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Jeremy Lipkowitz, a mindfulness coach that teaches how to overcome destructive patterns and be more in tune with your emotions. Jeremy Lipkowitz understands shame, and depression can prevent you from reaching acceptance and becoming your higher self. Jeremy Lipkowitz knows that porn addiction is an underlying issue many men face, not only taking a physical toll but mentally affecting their images of actual sexual desires. Jeremy Lipkowitz explores the roots of your addiction, offering mindful advice and emotional intelligence practices that can enhance your outlook in life and help you realize that addiction can be temporary.   6:36 - How did the porn find you? 12:01 - Don't demonized sexually.  16:38 - How does a man sexually express themselves respectfully?  Get more Coach Jeremy Lipkowitz on: Website  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/4/202324 minutes, 24 seconds
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3 Internal Obstacles MEN Face In Attracting Women Today! (Don't Let This Be You)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  3 Internal Obstacles MEN Face In Attracting Women Today! (Don't Let This Be You) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will explain to you 3 internal obstacles that men face when trying to attract women. Apollonia understands the lack of drive or self-esteem men face today in dating. The expectations and the image men have to meet can lead to them self-sabotaging their lives. Apollonia will explain how to be confident in your life, present your best self, and attract the women you want. 4:49 - Build a more positive self-image 8:39 - Recognizing your self-sabotaging behaviors.  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/27/202312 minutes, 11 seconds
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5 Traits EVERY Man Should Look For In A High-Quality Woman To Date! ( Is She Worth It?)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 Traits EVERY Man Should Look For In A High-Quality Woman To Date! ( Is She Worth It?) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 5 things to notice if you're dating a high-quality woman. Apollonia will give you traits and behaviors that only a high-quality woman possesses. She will explain why these qualities are essential in your dating life and how to avoid a woman that potentially is wasting your time.  4:52 - She doesn't have that princess mentally.  6:42 - She has balance with her own life and you.  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/20/202317 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Women Are VERY ATTRACTED To Men Who Don't Try HARD! (UNBELIEVABLE Results)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Why Women Are VERY ATTRACTED To Men Who Don't Try HARD! (UNBELIEVABLE Results) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will explain why women are attracted to men who do not try hard to impress them. Apollonia will explain the psychological reasons why a woman is attracted to this behavior and teach you how to avoid looking clingy or needy when trying to get her to like you.  2:51 - How to catch her curiosity.  5:39 - Have polarity in your relationship. Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/13/202311 minutes, 15 seconds
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How To Start Improving Your Mental Health In 2023 with Ahmad J Grant and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Start Improving Your Mental Health In 2023 with Ahmad J Grant and Apollonia Ponti  In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Ahmad J Grant, a motivational coach and mental health advocate that helps people reach their true potential. Ahmad J Grant understands that our minds are often clouded with bad ideas and past failures and take in criticism very quickly. Ahmad J Grant helps people to rewire their minds, understanding that our past failures help us to avoid the same mistakes in our present. Ahamd J Grant not only motivates people but provides thought-provoking questions and ideas that give you a grip on how to start your journey to your higher self.  5:53 - Men's stigmas  7:39 - formulating new habits 11:44 - How to start your healing stage. Get more Coach Ahmad J Grant on: Instagram Messenger  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/6/202319 minutes, 9 seconds
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EXACTLY How To Deal With A Girl Who GHOSTED You!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  EXACTLY How To Deal With A Girl Who GHOSTED You! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 5 ways to deal with her ghosting you. Apollonia gives you scenarios of ghosting providing you with short to long-term solutions that can show her what she is missing. Ghosting can take a hit on your pride, but remember; how you react can make her chase after you!  2:25 - Give her space.  4:08 - Bring excitement to your life.  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/30/202310 minutes, 6 seconds
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5 Shocking Things Women Do To Manipulate Men Today... (She's Controlling You)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 Shocking Things Women Do To Manipulate Men Today... (She's Controlling You) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti explains five shocking things women will do to manipulate you. Apollonia will give examples and tactics to identify if she is manipulating you. She will carefully deconstruct why she manipulates you and how to call her out. Remember, love is earned through respect; If she doesn't respect you, is it really love?  1:47 - Examples of verbal manipulation  5:29 - She cries to get what she wants Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/23/202311 minutes, 7 seconds
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6 NEEDY Male Behaviors That Scare Women Away!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  6 NEEDY Male Behaviors That Scare Women Away! In today's podcast, Apollonia Pont explains 6 needy behaviors that will scare her away. Apollonia will give you advice on how to approach her appropriately and respectfully. She will list the behaviors and traits that will turn off women and will provide alternative ways to grab her attention! 7:09 - Unknowing harassing her?  13:06 -Do not be entitled.  Free eBook:  7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/16/202317 minutes, 44 seconds
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How To Prevent ED and Become More Confident In The Bedroom with Caitlin V. and Apollonia

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Prevent ED and Become More Confident In The Bedroom with Caitlin V. and Apollonia In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Caitlin V, a certificated sex coach, and educator for men suffering from ED (Erectile dysfunction). Caitlin V understands the stigmas and the misconceptions around ED, affecting the actual cause of ED and the men that stay quiet from these speculations. However, Caitlin V helps men know the underlying cause of ED, debunking the claims surrounding ED and educating them on how to identify if they have ED. Caitlin V gives an all-natural process of curing your ED by exploring the underlying cause preventing you from being intimate.  3:55 - What is ED? 8:20 - The best way to go about having ED. 14:24 - The complex or simple solutions for ED.  Get more Coach Caitlin V. on: Website Youtube Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/9/202323 minutes, 40 seconds
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5 Signs of Male Insecurities That Turn Off Women! (This Pushes Her Away)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 Signs of Male Insecurities That Turn Off Women! (This Pushes Her Away) In today's podcast, Apollonia Pont will give you 5 signs of male insecurities that will push her away. Apollonia explains that it is not your insecurities about a certain thing that will push her way, but your actions coming from that. She will tell you what male insecurities women avoid and how to prevent this from happening! 4:44 - Jealousy and possessive behavior?  8:05 - Lack of emotional intelligence.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/2/202317 minutes, 1 second
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5 Secret Women Want In Bed That They're Not Telling You!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 Secret Women Want In Bed That They're Not Telling You! In today's podcast, Apollonia Pont will give 5 secrets a woman wants you to do in bed. Apollonia will share the secrets that she's too shy to tell you and how to reciprocate those feelings for her in bed!  2:43 - Example of foreplay.  7:19 - She wants you to ask about her fantasies.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/25/202311 minutes
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The POWER of NO CONTACT! (What To Do When She Breaks Up With You!) with Coach Adrian and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The POWER of NO CONTACT! (What To Do When She Breaks Up With You!) with Coach Adrian and Apollonia Ponti  In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Coach Adrian, one of the founders of Love Advice TV is a relationship coach that helps people trying to win back their ex. Coach Adrian understands that getting your ex-back can be a long and tedious process, emotionally and physically. However, Coach Adrian will provide you with the necessary steps based on your circumstances when trying to win her/him back!  3:00 - Is it still possible to get her/him back? 6:06 - A breakup is an opportunity for growth.  9:39 - No contact is more than a communication strategy.  Get more Coach Adrian on: Website  Youtube Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/18/202314 minutes, 26 seconds
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8 Realistic Expectations When Dating Someone! (Attract Women With Abundance)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  8 Realistic Expectations When Dating Someone! (Attract Women With Abundance) In today's podcast, Apollonia Pont will tell you 8 REAL things to know when dating someone. Apollonia will explain expectations when dating, the false perception of dating, and how to avoid them.  2:39 - Honestly is key.  6:23 - Learning how to respect yourself.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/11/202313 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Key To Winning Her Over: How To Make The PERFECT First Steps With A Woman!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Key To Winning Her Over: How To Make The PERFECT First Steps With A Woman! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you the perfect first steps to win over a woman. Apollonia will talk about how to pick up her hints and cues. And will talk about what not to do that will make her reject you! 4:05 - Envoke emotion in the conversation.  9:20 - See her personal cues.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/4/202312 minutes, 31 seconds
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Never Lose Your POWER With A Woman Again! (5 Ways To Know The Way You Love)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Never Lose Your POWER With A Woman Again! (5 Ways To Know The Way You Love). In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will explain to you 5 different types of love. Apollonia will talk about different elements of love, identifying the pros and cons of this love language. Each love language is different; remember, universal love is earned through respect! 4:19 - Fear of rejection 10:35 - Disadvantage of Mania Love Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.  
3/28/202316 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Effects Of Porn In Men with Alex Grendi and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Effects Of Porn In Men with Alex Grendi and Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Alex Grendi, a sex coach for men. Alex Grendi helps men to understand their bodies through sex and talks about how emotional intimacy is key when trying to please her. Alex Grendi knows that performance anxiety can stem from porn and how man will often compare their performance to these standards (set in porn). However, Grendi will help you men to understand that overcoming your performance anxiety is not by learning through porn. But is to understand your body and mind space around sex. 6:42 - Performance with men 8:50 - Common misconceptions of sex 19:43 - Is porn bad for men?  Get more Alex Grendi on  Website Courses Youtube Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app  
3/21/202321 minutes, 42 seconds
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2 Important Traits To Make You IRRESISTIBLE To Women! (Master Seduction Physically & Mentally)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  2 Important Traits To Make You IRRESISTIBLE To Women! (Master Seduction Physically & Mentally) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you two essential traits that make you irresistible to women. Apollonia will explain how to communicate with her. She will provide you with tips on resetting your needs and being subtle and seductive at the same time.  1:52 - Use touch as a form of communication. 6:35 - Have that conversation with her about your wants and desires.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/14/202311 minutes, 18 seconds
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Men Who Internalize Shame and Men's Mental Health with Elise Micheals and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Men Who Internalize Shame and Men's Mental Health with Elise Micheals and Apollonia Ponti  In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Elise Micheals, mental health coach for men. Elise Micheals helps men learn about their mental health and explores why men subconsciously suppress their emotions. Elise Micheals knows that mental health is key to success; Elise Micheals struggled with this in the past and has finally found ways to find her inner peace. Michales can guide you on how you could be leveling up in your life, relationships, and even with yourself! 5:50 - Hardly any advice for men.  10:30 - Feeling stuck, not knowing how to get in touch with your feelings.  17:29 - Having a good childhood means there's no trauma?  Get more Elise Micheals on  Website  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
3/7/202322 minutes, 58 seconds
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10 Things Confident Men Do That Seduce Women! (Women LOVE THIS)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  10 Things Confident Men Do That Seduce Women! (Women LOVE THIS) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 10 tips that confident men do to seduce any woman. Apollonia will explain how to become that confident man in dating and attract the woman you want. She will provide the necessary steps to bring you into the right mindset when trying to seduce her!  3:30 - Be assertive with her.  6:45 - Own that part of yourself that is adventurous.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
2/28/202311 minutes, 8 seconds
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10 CRAZY Secrets You’re Allowed To Keep From Your Woman!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  10 CRAZY Secrets You’re Allowed To Keep From Your Woman! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 10 crazy secrets you can keep from her. In any relationship, you do not have to tell all your secrets; Apollonia will explain when it is okay to keep a secret and when it is not. Remember, you were your own person before you met her!  2:03 - Do not tell her how much money you make. 9:41 - Do not talk about your ex. Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
2/21/202314 minutes, 17 seconds
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Women Are EASILY Attracted To Men Who KNOW These 8 Things!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Women Are EASILY Attracted To Men Who KNOW These 8 Things! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 8 things to know when trying to attract her. Apollonia will explain what a high-quality woman is looking for and how to obtain this quality yourself. Remember, guys, who you are is what you attract!  4:07 - Chivalry still exist.  6:30 - Handling your emotions.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
2/14/202316 minutes, 3 seconds
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The EXACT Steps To Attract Women and LEAD YOUR DATING PROCESS!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The EXACT Steps To Attract Women and LEAD YOUR DATING PROCESS! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you exact steps on how to attract and lead women instantly! Apollonia will help you find techniques not only to attract her physically but emotionally.  8:28 - Find a common interest. 19:16 - Do the steps of emotional attraction.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
2/7/202327 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Ingredients In Food That Are Harming You with Jen Smiley and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Ingredients In Food That Are Harming You with Jen Smiley and Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Jen Smiley, an expert food coach promoting healthy eating habits. Jen Smiley helps people to learn about their gut health and ignores any marketing tactics that promote unhealthy restrictions. Jen Smiley knows that food is important for the mind, Jen Smiley struggling with this herself, she has learned the secrets of leveling up in life by only changing what you eat.  3:31 - Smiley's food journey. 15:20 - Strategies that will help you stay consistent.  18:06 - Is sugar-free soda still good?  Get more Jen Smiley on: Website  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
1/31/202321 minutes, 37 seconds
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Women Cheat When These 3 Things Happen! (Emotional & Intimate Cheating)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Women Cheat When These 3 Things Happen! (Emotional & Intimate Cheating) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 3 reasons why a woman will cheat and how it happens. Apollonia will tell you signs to look for and the psychological reason why she cheated on you! 5:12 - Why will a woman cheat? 12:29 - She seeks attention. Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
1/24/202317 minutes, 43 seconds
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8 Simple Tips To Attract Women Like a MAGNET!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  8 Simple Tips To Attract Women Like a MAGNET! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 8 tips on how to attract women instantly! Apollonia will give you the do and don't when dating. She will help you embrace your masculinity and take ownership of being a high-quality man.  3:03 - Don't get into a relationship trying to impress her. 9:10 - Tell her what you want in life.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
1/17/202313 minutes, 47 seconds
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How To Know You're Being Too Needy and Codependent! (EXACTLY What Pushes Women Away)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Know You're Being Too Needy and Codependent! (EXACTLY What Pushes Women Away) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will advise how to get out of a codependent mindset and know if you're too needy. Apollonia will tell you why she is pushing you away and how to stop letting this happen.  3:16 - Codependency comes with risks.  6:57 - Codependency can come from past trauma.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
1/10/202312 minutes, 3 seconds
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2 Ways Men Should TEST Women & 8 Questions To Screen Women!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  2 Ways Men Should TEST Women & 8 Questions To Screen Women! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will discuss 8 questions and 2 ways to test highly valued women. Apollonia will give you questions to ask when dating her to see if she is the right one fore you. Don't let her waste your time! 2:47 - Do not chase!  10:40 - Are you close to your family?  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
1/3/202312 minutes, 38 seconds
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8 Psychological SECRETS To Change Your Scarcity Mindset To Abundance When Dating Women!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  8 Psychological SECRETS To Change Your Scarcity Mindset To Abundance When Dating Women! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will discuss the 8 secret ways to change your scarcity mindset when dating women. Apollonia will explain why you are psychologically drawn to this mindset and methods to catch your abundance mentality.  5:23 - What is scarcity? 11:47 - Abundance mentality when dating.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
12/27/202220 minutes, 40 seconds
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7 BAD Flirting Mistakes Men Do Wrong And How To Avoid Them!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 BAD Flirting Mistakes Men Do Wrong And How To Avoid Them! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will explain the seven common mistakes men make when trying to flirt with women! Apollonia will give you the do and don't of flirting. And give you examples of what not to say to attract high-quality women.  3:29 - Don't start touching her!  7:41 - Stop romanticizing your flirts.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
12/20/202211 minutes, 14 seconds
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How To Have Emotional Intelligence With Women! with Emile Steenveld and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Have Emotional Intelligence With Women! with Emile Steenveld and Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Emile Steenveld, an emotional intelligence coach for entrepreneurs. Emile Steenveld helps men deal with their emotions and how to express them properly, whether in the dating world or their personal life. Emile Steenveld knows that expressing your feelings is difficult; experiencing this himself, Emile Steenveld, will give you the tips you will need to better yourself with your personal development and be your own high-value man.  5:04 - Understand your own emotions. 11:18 - Maintaining consistency is the key.! 17:05 - We find external things to soothe our internal behaviors. Get more Emile Steenveld on  Website  Instagram  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
12/13/202222 minutes, 4 seconds
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7 Psychological Reasons You Still CRAVE Approval From Women! Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 Psychological Reasons You Still CRAVE Approval From Women! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will explain why you seek approval from women. Apollonia will give you tips on how to stop seeking approval from her and prevent these psychological habits, that will help you in your dating journey.     4:44 - You can't always be on top of things.  9:06 - Understanding your own programming!  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
12/6/202213 minutes, 51 seconds
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How To Create Better Matches and Results with OK Cupid Global Communications Manager, Michael Kaye and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Create Better Matches and Results with OK Cupid Global Communications Manager, Michael Kaye and Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Michael Kaye, a global communications manager on the popular dating app OK Cupid. Michael Kaye will give you an inside look at how to properly navigate OK Cupid, he will give you tips on how to find a proper date. With Michael Kaye's help, you might be able to find the date that you are looking for! Micheal Kaye knows that online dating is hard, he has seen and experienced this himself, and now will like to share his tricks with you!  3:00 - What is cuffing season?  7:45 - Having trouble with dating apps. 16:02 - What happens if your report someone on OK Cupid?  Get more Michael Kaye on:  Instagram Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
11/29/202222 minutes, 16 seconds
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Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  HEALING CHILDHOOD TRAUMA: 9 Steps To Begin Healing! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give tips on healing from childhood trauma. Apollonia will provide you with the steps to take to recognize your trauma and how to deal with them during your dating journey.    4:42 Separate yourself and your childhood trauma 1:51 Recall any triggers or emotions Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
11/22/202210 minutes, 12 seconds
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Overcoming Abusive and Toxic Relationships with Dr. Heidi Brocke and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Overcoming Abusive and Toxic Relationships with Dr. Heidi Brocke and Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Dr. Heidi Brocke, a toxic relationship specialist and an advocate for spreading awareness of toxic behaviors in relationships. Dr. Heidi Brocke specializes in understanding how toxic relationships work, identifying them, and healing from them. Dr. Heidi Brocke cares deeply about her clients, experiencing toxic relationship herself. She will give you tips and advice to overcome this toxicity; that is holding you back from becoming your best self!  7:49 - Worries about the children when in an emotionally abusive relationship.  9:10-Patterns of an emotionally abusive partner  17:20- Dating advice for people who had an emotionally abusive partner.  Get more Dr. Heidi Brocke on:  Instagram  Facebook Website  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
11/15/202221 minutes, 23 seconds
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10 Types of Women You NEED To Avoid At All COST! (Brutal Truth)

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  10 Types of Women You NEED To Avoid At All COST! (Brutal Truth) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give tips for avoiding toxic women. Apollonia will explain the traits and bad habits you need to watch out for to avoid getting into a bad relationship or dating experience.  3:11 - She is love-bombing you!  9:39 - The woman that wants you to save her.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
11/8/202212 minutes, 44 seconds
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How To Find Peace Within Yourself Despite The Chaos with Joel Brown and Apollonia Ponti

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti is joined by a special guest, Joel Brown, a transformation coach who deals with developing your self-worth. Joel Brown specializes in elevating your mind and bringing faith to your inner journey. He has transformed his life for the better and will now give you guys tips and tricks for becoming your best self! Joel Brown cares deeply about his clients and understands that knowing yourself is key to becoming your own success story!  How To Find Peace Within Yourself Despite The Chaos with Joel Brown and Apollonia Ponti  7:56 - How does someone even find their center? What does this mean?  12:48 - Dating someone at your level during your healing.  17:00 - How do you get the religion out of you?  Get more Joel Brown on:  Instagram  Youtube  Website  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
11/1/202222 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Type of Emotional Connection EVERY Woman CRAVES!

Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Type Of Emotional Connection EVERY woman CRAVES!  In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give tips on connecting emotionally with a high valued woman. Apollonia will share examples and tips for dating women who can match your emotional needs.  4:37 - Naturally communicates with her.  6:08 - Date a woman who can emotionally connect with you.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
10/25/202212 minutes, 11 seconds
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What Pornography Does To Men & Ruins Your Mindset! With Frank Rich and Apollonia Ponti

In today's podcast, Apollonia is joined by a special guest, Frank Rich, who dives into getting over porn addiction, and how detrimental it is to the minds of men. Frank Rich, or Coach Frank Rich, specializes in getting over pornography. He has done numerous amounts of training in this field and even experienced this himself of overcoming pornography! Frank Rich cares deeply about his clients and understands how porn addiction can prevent men from missing out in the life they want; he is committed to showing up and serving in the best way for the men who want to be their best selves! Get more Frank Rich on:  Instagram  Youtube  Website  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
10/18/202220 minutes, 27 seconds
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5 Actions For Dating Someone With Anxiety! | (How To Navigate This)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 Actions For Dating Someone With Anxiety! | (How To Navigate This) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you tips on dating someone who has anxiety. Apollonia talks about what it is like to date someone with anxiety and the steps you should take that would not cause more anxiety.  1:55 - How the person feels with anxiety.  5:45 - Managing your reactions to their anxiety.  Be a part of the membership community!  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/11/20227 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Type Of Shy Men Who Don't Get Results With Women! With Tripp Kramer and Apollonia Ponti

They always say the number one attraction is confidence, But no one talks about how to become confident, especially when someone is introverted, better yet, a shy one!  In today's podcast, Apollonia is joined by a special guest, Tripp Kramer, who dives into getting over shyness when dating and steps to take to become more confident! Tripp Kramer Or Tripp Advice specializes in shyness and gives dating advice for men to overcome the fear of talking to women. He has done numerous amounts of training in this field and even experienced this himself of overcoming shyness! Tripp Kramer cares deeply about his clients understanding how shyness can prevent you from being your best self; he is committed to showing up and serving in the best way he can for the people who come into his life and those about to come!   What to Listen for:  2:21 Difference between Introvert and shy  9:09 Exposing yourself to the things you fear 19:00 "Is it a good idea, to be honest with women? Like being nervous? etc." Get more Trip Kramer on:  Instagram  Youtube  Twitter Website  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app
10/4/202221 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Stop OBSESSIVELY Thinking About Her! (Reality Vs. Fantasy)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How to Stop OBSESSIVELY Thinking About Her! (Reality Vs. Fantasy) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will explain how to stop obsessive thoughts in your relationship, and ground yourself back to reality.  Apollonia will talk about getting over the fantasy in the relationship and how to avoid going back from obsessing.   1:34 - What is illusional thinking?  4:59 - Stop idolizing situations that never happen.  Be a part of the membership community!  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/27/20227 minutes, 58 seconds
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The EXACT 5 Steps To Get Over A Toxic Relationship! (Moving On)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The EXACT 5 Steps To Get Over A Toxic Relationship! (Moving On) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 5 tips on how to get over a toxic relationship. Apollonia will talk about overcoming your faults and the reality of a toxic relationship.  3:00 - Forgiving yourself and them too.  5:56 - Do not expect closure.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/20/20229 minutes, 17 seconds
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Embracing The Masculine Side Of Showing Emotions and Nurturing with Rick William and Apollonia Ponti

In today's podcast, Apollonia is joined by a special guest Rick William, where they both dive into human emotions as well as how to regulate your emotions in your day-to-day life!  Rick Williams is a life, relationship, and business strategist. He works with clients who are high performers and high achievers who have gotten to a stage in their life where they're looking to do some inner work. He specializes in EQ emotional mastery, and inner work, and is trained as a trauma-informed coach. He has done numerous amounts of training in these fields in order to support his clients with their inner work. Rick William cares deeply for human beings, nature, and animals, and is committed to showing up and serving in the best way that he can for the people who come into his life and for those about to come!   03:19 - Rick William's EQ Alpha Workshop  11:48 - Some of the ways you can express your emotions as a man.  17:40 - Confidence in dating and general success. Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.  
9/13/202221 minutes, 51 seconds
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10 Red Flags That Turn Women Off INSTANTLY! ( NEVER Ignored These)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  10 Red Flags That Turn Women Off INSTANTLY! ( NEVER Ignored These) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will talk about 10 red flags that turn women off and away. Guys make sure to use these tips on your dream woman!  4:21 - Unwanted sexual flirting.  8:43 - If you're stingy with money or broke.  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/6/202215 minutes, 25 seconds
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Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard | What This Means For Men Dating & Relationship Coach Shares Thoughts

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard | What This Means For Men Dating & Relationship Coach Shares Thoughts In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will share her thoughts on the verdict of Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard. Apollonia will discuss the importance of this case for all men that faced abuse in their relationships and express her own personal thoughts on why it's changing the dating scene for men.  2:22 - Now more than ever women and men should understand each other.  5:03 - You must have standards when dating.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/1/202210 minutes, 23 seconds
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The BEST Way To Deal With A Girl Who Ghost You! (EXACTLY What To Do)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The BEST Way To Deal With A Girl Who Ghost You! (EXACTLY What To Do) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you the best tips to deal with a woman that ghosted you. Apollonia will talk about recovering from ghosting, and steps that you need to take to gain your self-respect back.  3:41 - Don't spend time to get her back after she ghosted you.  4:51 - The best revenge is to move on with your life.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/30/20227 minutes, 53 seconds
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Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Outsmart The MANIPULATOR Just Like THIS! (NEUTRALIZE, EXPOSE, RESPOND) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you advice on how to outsmart a manipulator in a relationship. Remember to not give in to the manipulation guys!  1:48 - Outsmarting the manipulator is being the manipulator.   4:05 - Walking away from the manipulator.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/23/20226 minutes, 49 seconds
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5 Signs You're Needy & How To Recover and "FIX IT" (Codependent Relationships)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 Signs You're Needy & How To Recover and "FIX IT" In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 5 tips on how to recover from neediness. Apollonia will talk about unhealthy codependency in a relationship, and how to avoid those obsessive thoughts.  1:08 - Your happiness is their happiness.  2:34 - Their praise isn't always enough.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/16/20225 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Most POWERFUL Way To Manifest Your Dream Girl NOW!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Most POWERFUL Way To Manifest Your Dream Girl NOW! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will talk about manifesting the women of your dreams. Make sure to watch out for that dream girl!  1:40 - Focus on how you want to feel in a relationship more than looks.  2:36 - Believing that love will come to you.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.  
8/9/20225 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Powerful Method To INSTANTLY Gain A Woman's Trust, Respect, and Loyalty!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Powerful Method To INSTANTLY Gain A Woman's Trust, Respect, and Loyalty! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti discusses strategies to gain a woman's respect, trust, and loyalty. Apollonia talks about having honesty in the relationship and maintaining consistency!  2:48 - Being honest even though it hurts.  7:13 - Not being too passive in the relationships.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/2/202212 minutes, 23 seconds
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5 SURE Ways To Make Her CRAVE You, WANT You, and DESIRE You!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 SURE Ways To Make Her CRAVE You, WANT You, and DESIRE You!  In today's podcats, Apollonia Ponti will give you 5 ways that will make women want, crave, and desire you. Apollonia talks about accepting your self-worth and your masculinity to attract high-quality women!  2:27 - Building on sexual tension doesn't mean it leads to sex. 5:38 - A mindset switch is essential. Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook   Youtube  Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/26/20229 minutes, 13 seconds
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Narcissistic Abuse and Narcissistic Relationships with Matthew Phifer & Apollonia Ponti

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Narcissistic Abuse and Narcissistic Relationships with Matthew Phifer & Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti and Matthew Phifer talk about how to overcome narcissism, recover from a narcissistic partner, and spot traits that might be narcissistic. Apollonia and Matthew will give you personal tips on how to discover a narcissist when dating. Matthew Phifer is a therapist and a former coach specialist that helped people overcome narcissistic relationships. He has helped hundreds of people trying to heal from their toxic relationships and advises them on how to manage a narcissist in their life. Matthew's passion is to help people learn how to stabilize their life after a toxic relationship with a narcissist.  8:16 - Two types of Narcissism.  13:43 - How to know the difference between manipulation and a narcissistic.  20:04 - Will they intentionally push my buttons to try to control me?  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/19/202224 minutes, 31 seconds
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#1 GROUNDED Way To Create "JUICIER" Connections With WOMEN!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  #1 GROUNDED Way To Create "JUICIER" Connections With WOMEN! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will talk about how to maintain a long-lasting relationship with women. And, stay connected to the women you want! 3:50 - A woman will reciprocate if she is interested. 6:23 - Know what you want in the relationship.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/12/20229 minutes, 54 seconds
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How To Attract Your DREAM WOMAN Ready For A Relationship INSTANTLY!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Attract Your DREAM WOMAN Ready For A Relationship INSTANTLY! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will teach you how to attract your dream women. Apollonia will talk about how to mentally align yourself, and attract a woman that is ready for a relationship.  3:11 - Changing your mindset to attract high-quality women.  5:20 - Taking accountability in past relationships.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/5/20229 minutes, 51 seconds
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5 Reasons Why Women Don't Respond To Your Online Dating Messages! (Apollonia Ponti)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 Reasons Why Women Don't Respond To Your Online Dating Messages! (Apollonia Ponti) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will give you 5 reasons why women are not responding to your online dating messages. Apollonia will talk about expectations with online dating, and tips to get results quickly with women online!  1:03 - Online dating photos are important for getting the women's attention.  6:08 - Limit expectations on dating apps.  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/28/20229 minutes, 53 seconds
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5 PROVEN Ways To Attract A Woman WITHOUT Saying Anything! ( The "Alpha" Effect)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  5 PROVEN Ways To Attract A Woman WITHOUT Saying Anything! ( The "Alpha" Effect) In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti gives you 5 strategies to attract women without saying anything. Watch out for these strategies guys! 1:32 - Embracing who you are. 4:25 - Not seeking validation through sex. Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram Facebook  Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/21/20229 minutes, 54 seconds
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THIS Is How You Attract A High Quality Woman with Emily Freeman & Apollonia Ponti

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  THIS Is How You Attract A High-Quality Women with Emily Freeman & Apollonia Ponti In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti and Emily Freeman talk about attraction, high-quality women, and overcoming limiting beliefs. Apollonia and Emily will talk about how to attract the women of your dreams.  Emily Freeman is a dating coach who has helped hundreds of men. She has given advice to driven men who were confused and now emotionally confident in a relationship. Emily's passion is to help men discover themselves when it comes to their life.  5:55 The steps you can take to be the best version of yourself.  10:57 The important questions to ask on a first date.  13:05 The best way to text, call or communicate with a women. Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube   Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/14/202222 minutes, 4 seconds
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From Homelessness To A Million Dollar Business: How You Can Switch Your Mindset To Produce Success In YOUR Life w/ Stephen Scoggins & Apollonia Ponti

In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti and Stephen Scoggins will discuss what it means and what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Stephen has built his business from the ground up and has struggled with homelessness before transforming his life and getting involved in the entrepreneurial space. Stephen Scoggins is an award-winning, successful entrepreneur, however, it wasn’t always that way. Growing up, life was really difficult for Stephen. He uses the pain of his past and the lessons he’s learned along the way to help people discover who they are, why they are here and what to do about it. Stephen offers practical and empowering education to those looking for a second chance to level up, catapult forward and make their dreams a reality. 12:45 - Daily routines that can help you focus on your mission. 17:02 - How to change your mindset when your surroundings showcase unsuccessfulness.  👉🏽 Watch the full interview by becoming part of our VIP Membership community here! You get exclusive interviews and weekly coaching calls every month, 5 free all-access programs, entry to our VIP Facebook community, and more! Men's Mastery Membership (VIP COMMUNITY) Apollonia Ponti Coaching: Click Here Apollonia Ponti's Instagram Apollonia Ponti's Facebook Apollonia Ponti's Youtube Check Out My Website!
5/31/202220 minutes, 45 seconds
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21 INVALUABLE Dating & Relationship Tips For EVERY Man!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  21 INVALUABLE Dating & Relationship Tips For EVERY Man! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti gives you 21 dating tips every man needs to know. Apollonia Ponti is international dating, life, and relationship coach. Apollonia has helped hundreds of men all over the world throughout her career.  4:14 being truthful in a relationship.  5:09 The importance of running on compatibility, not on chemistry.   9:42 Letting go of closure. Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia On:  Instagram  Facebook    Youtube  Website   Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/24/202213 minutes, 56 seconds
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THIS Is How You Find Your Values & Understand The Concept Of Values w/ Lorraine Hamilton and Apollonia Ponti

In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti and Lorraine Hamilton will discuss how to understand the concept of values and how to find them! So many people have asked what exactly are values and how to recognize the values you already have. This is exactly what Apollonia Ponti and Lorraine Hamilton will dissect today!   Lorraine Hamilton is an ICF teacher/ certified coach who helps other people recognize their values and get a better understanding of the concept of values. Lorraine is also Apollonia's personal coach who helps her elevate her coaching skills in order to build her business and help hundreds of people struggling with their personal lives. 03:23 - Understanding your values is the foundation of everything in your life. 09:30 - This is how you can implement your values and standards in certain family situations. 👉🏽 Watch the full interview by becoming part of our VIP Membership community here! You get exclusive interviews and weekly coaching calls every month, 5 free all-access programs, entry to our VIP Facebook community and so much more! Men's Mastery Membership (VIP COMMUNITY) Lorraine Hamilton's Website: Click Here Apollonia Ponti Coaching: Click Here Apollonia Ponti's Instagram Apollonia Ponti's Facebook Apollonia Ponti's Youtube Check Out My Website!  
5/17/202218 minutes, 59 seconds
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Unlock Your Full Potential By Finding Your Purpose w/ Ira Davis & Apollonia Ponti

In today’s podcast, Apollonia Ponti and Ira Davis will dive deep into how to find your purpose, discover your life mission, and motivate you to start using your maximum potential in order to leave your mark in this world. 05:30 - How to find your purpose. 12:22 - How long does it take to find your purpose 👉🏽 Watch the full interview by becoming part of our VIP Membership community here! You get exclusive interviews and weekly coaching calls every month, 5 free all-access programs, entry to our VIP Facebook community and so much more! Men's Mastery Membership (VIP COMMUNITY) Ira Davis Website: Click Here Apollonia Ponti Coaching: Click Here Apollonia Ponti's Instagram Apollonia Ponti's Facebook Apollonia Ponti's Youtube Check Out My Website!
5/10/202220 minutes, 15 seconds
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9 HUMILIATING Things You Should NEVER Say To A Woman!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  9 HUMILIATING Things You Should NEVER Say To A Woman! What to say and what NOT to say in order to get the girl and not watch her walk away!  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman   Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:00: #1 You don't want to talk about how much you hate your ex 2:18 #2 Talking about how you lack ambition   7:24 Saying is it that time of the month because of how she is acting or what she is saying.  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/12/202216 minutes, 1 second
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The SHOCKING Reason Why Men Should TEST Women!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The SHOCKING Reason Why Men Should TEST Women! Why it's so important to have standards and boundaries! How to test women the RIGHT way and get the dating life and relationship like you deserve! Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:56: Becoming more aware when approaching dating 2:35 What happens when we don't do healthy testing?  6:49 Character gaging and not coming from an ego place of "I'm better than this person"  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/5/202213 minutes, 40 seconds
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HUGE Tips To MAXIMIZE Your Attraction Skills Starting TODAY!!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  3 HUGE Tips To MAXIMIZE Your Attraction Skills Starting TODAY!! Start attracting the love of your life today! How to get the girl of your dreams and up your game so you can see results today!  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:57: Create substance 3:32 Don't look at this as you NEED this relationship in order to be okay  7:48 Pacing yourself and not attaching!  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/29/202234 minutes, 23 seconds
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6 Red Flags In Relationships You Should NEVER Ignore!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  6 Red Flags In Relationships You Should NEVER Ignore! Reg flags in relationships you should never ignore. I know sometimes when it comes to love we always want to hope for the best but these red flags are what makes toxic relationships. You have to be honest with yourself and what you need moving forward when you are trying to cultivate a healthy relationship. Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:47: Red Flag #1 Lies 1:35: What happens when there is no trust in a relationship  4:01: Relationships aren't always full of happiness, but what to do when you're mostly unhappy and red flag #5  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/22/20226 minutes, 21 seconds
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EXACTLY What To Do When A Woman Loses Interest!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  EXACTLY What To Do When A Woman Loses Interest! In this video, I talk about exactly why some women lose interest and 4 important things you should do if this has happened to you. Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:51: The main reason a woman loses attraction 1:37 What happens in human nature when someone is trying too hard 4:40: How and when to share vulnerability and not do it out of fear Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti and Natalie Stavola on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/15/202213 minutes, 45 seconds
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Neuroscientist REVEALS How To DESTROY Negative Thoughts & BUILD Confidence! with Dr. Caroline Leaf

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti File Progress Neuroscientist REVEALS How To DESTROY Negative Thoughts & BUILD Confidence! with Dr. Caroline Leaf How to reframe past limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. Reprogram your mind to work FOR you! How to create a great mindset and have the ultimate confidence!  GUEST: Dr. Caroline Leaf Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input.  She has helped hundreds of thousands of students and adults learn how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain to succeed in every area of their lives, including school, university, and the workplace. Website: Apollonia Ponti Become A Member Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  2:39: The advice you get and how to actually implement it 6:43: Every experience that you go through goes into the brain and gets planted like a seed 29:06: How do you have more confidence and peeling back to get to the root. Got to get to the root and do the work. Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/1/202256 minutes, 44 seconds
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3 SNEAKY SECRETS Proven To Keep A Conversation Going With A Girl!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  3 SNEAKY SECRETS Proven To Keep A Conversation Going With A Girl! (THE FBI NEGOTIATOR TECHNIQUE!) How to listen and engage and keep the conversation flowing! Never feel like you're going to miss something or worry about what to say ever again!  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Visit My Website Here:Apollonia Ponti Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:57: The 3-step method on what to do when approaching or in a conversation (or even in a relationship!)  2:06 Mirroring! This works great for social anxiety or if you're shy 7:51: 3rd method keyword association  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
2/15/202213 minutes, 23 seconds
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11 Types of Women You Should AVOID! (These Women Will Waste Your Time)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti   11 Types of Women You Should AVOID! (These Women Will Waste Your Time) Discover the types of women that will have you confused, feeling used, or not feeling good at all! Walk away from these types of women and create space for the types of women you truly want and deserve! Learn how to ENJOY the dating process! Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:22: Date a woman who does not hide her emotions  1:57: Date a woman who is playful AND mature 5:57: So important! Date a woman who wants to support and contribute to your life as a giver. (Obviously, this is something that should be reciprocated, too, when you find the right one.)  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/25/202216 minutes, 7 seconds
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16 Signs She DOESN'T Like You & She's NOT Interested

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  16 Signs She DOESN'T Like You & She's Not Interested. (The Power of Walking Away)  16 signs she doesn't like you and how to walk away from her that will possibly get her attention! In this episode, we talk about the signs women will show you if they are not interested. Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:54: The obvious one: she tells you that she doesn't like you and wants nothing to do with you (it is NOT a challenge)  1:27: She doesn't care about the topics that you're discussing, she's not reciprocating the conversations. No effort, no energy. 1:55: She pulls away when you're subtly touching her. Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/18/202211 minutes, 14 seconds
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10 Subtle Things That Women Find HIGHLY Attractive & SEXY!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti and Cynthia Maria 10 Subtle Things That Women Find HIGHLY Attractive & SEXY! In this video, we talk about what women find really attractive. These are the things we women talk about to each other. They might be really subtle things but girls like these traits and find them highly desirable! xo Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:10: Number 1 Veins on the arms!  1:48: Pulling up the sleeves 2:24: When a man is focused on something that he loves doing. It's a turn on!  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/11/20228 minutes, 10 seconds
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How To Charm A Girl!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Charm A Girl! INSTANTLY Make Her Fall In Love With You I give you 10 tips on exactly how to charm a girl. Things you haven't heard before. I know exactly what it's like as a woman to feel a sense of attraction and I'm going to show you just how to charm a girl so you get instant results with women and your dates. xo Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:04: Don't take yourself too seriously! How this charms women 2:14: The truth about how women feel on dates! 4:50: Body language!! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/4/202210 minutes, 49 seconds
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6 Subconscious Things Girls Do When They Like You! (LEARN THESE HIDDEN SECRETS)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti 6 Subconscious Things Girls Do When They Like You! (LEARN THESE HIDDEN SECRETS) In this episode, you will know the signs to pay attention to when you're wondering if a woman likes you. Understand when a girl likes you there are stacked signals that are suggested in this video when she likes you. Comment below and tell me the signs you've caught on to that show you a woman likes you. Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:05: A woman will plan something with you when she likes you 1:53: The subtle flirts she does that she hopes you pick up on 4:47: When she texts you first... what it means! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
12/28/20219 minutes
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These 8 Subconscious "Bad Boy" Beliefs Attract ALL WOMEN! (Psychological Tricks)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  These 8 Subconscious "Bad Boy" Beliefs Attract ALL WOMEN! (Psychological Tricks) Find out WHY women become so attracted to the "bad boy" and learn how to use these tools to become more confident and attract women! The belief system that will have you staying an amazing man and also have standards!!  Be a part of the membership community!  Membership! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:58: Subconscious belief #1 I am respected 1:47: How to come across as being assertive without coming off like a jerk 12:59: Women love a man on a purpose just as much as a man loves a woman on her purpose! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
12/14/202118 minutes, 16 seconds
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7 BEST Humor & Flirting Lines Guaranteed To Make ANY Girl Laugh!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 BEST Humor & Flirting Lines Guaranteed To Make ANY Girl Laugh! The best pick-up lines and flirting lines are guaranteed to get her obsessed with you! Know exactly what to say and how to say it!! What women want to hear!  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:22: Using SLIGHT sarcasm and how to do it! 3:11: Tactic number 2: Call yourself out!! Why does this work! 9:22: Passing the character test of how many people you've been with and how to use humor to pass this and have fun!! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/30/202119 minutes, 39 seconds
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5 "Needy" Things Women DON’T Want To Hear From You!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti 5 "Needy" Things Women DON’T Want To Hear From You! These are the top 5 things that turn her off! Find out what you're doing and what you're not doing to get her attracted to you. Get the inside scoop on what women want and how they think! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:09: Not making decisions. Put together the date! Why this works 2:00: When you're asking a woman if you can kiss her. How to do it the right way.  5:55: When you say "I hope you like me" and why this kills it.  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/23/20218 minutes, 15 seconds
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How To Know If She's Gaslighting You!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Know If She's Gaslighting You! Find out if she is gaslighting you! The ways to find out If you are in a toxic, unhealthy relationship and what to do! Gaslighting and everything you need to know explained. Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:27: Manipulators and gaslighters will use their own insecurities and past pain and blame you for it and then gets mad at you 1:38: One way of a gaslighter putting you down that makes you question whether or not you are untrustworthy and you start second-guessing yourself (When you've been showing up!)  2:04: Remember! Dating is an assessment. You have to be careful who you are choosing to be in your life! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/16/20215 minutes, 37 seconds
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How To Create VALUE So A Woman Values You!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti How To Create VALUE So A Woman Values You! (Make Her Crazy About You!) How to have values and standards and actually have women chasing after you! This is the number one way to have women (and others) look up to you and respect and value you!  {SECRET VIDEO} FREE 15 Minute Video SECRET Traits Women Love Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:25: Tip #1 You have to understand that time is precious for yourself as well  2:44: If you want someone who is trustworthy and has value, then you need to ask certain types of questions in order to find out 3:12: Tip #3 It is so important for you to speak up on boundaries and speak up for yourself. We teach people how to treat us by how we treat ourselves. Still do it with respect but place boundaries.  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/9/20218 minutes, 4 seconds
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This Is How You Get A Woman To PURSUE YOU!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti This Is How You Get A Woman To PURSUE YOU! In this episode, I talk about exactly how to give a woman space to get to start to pursue you as well! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:10: Tip #1 Let her process her emotions and give her space to do it!  3:19: Pacing is the root of all attraction 4:01: Even in my own partnership/marriage, how he did it and how to show that balance! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
11/2/20216 minutes, 49 seconds
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4 Signs She Wants To Be Approached!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti 4 Signs She Wants To Be Approached! 4 SIGNS SHE WANTS TO BE APPROACHED! This podcast episode will show you examples of what women do when they want you to approach them. How to get out of your comfort zone and go for it!  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:29: Tip #1 If she has a wandering eye... (looking at you) 1:06: Tip #2 Fidgeting and moving body 2:38: The interesting thing about how YOU come off... Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/26/20216 minutes, 28 seconds
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Texting Women | Become a Pro at Texting Women!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Texting Women | Become a Pro at Texting Women! Texting women can be a little complicated or overwhelming with what you're supposed to do. I've had many guys tell me recently they just text to plan the date and then the girl thinks it's odd or they're hiding something. Texting should be used to plan a date but between then you should have little messages here and there and I explain in this podcast. :) Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:01: What it means when you hear text should mean business 2:38: What do you when you get a girl's number 4:52: Women are attracted to CONSISTENCY Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
10/12/20215 minutes, 55 seconds
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The RIGHT Type of Seduction That Women CRAVE!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The RIGHT Type of Seduction That Women CRAVE! In this episode, I talk about the right type of seduction to keep in mind. This will help you attract women moving forward with the comfort and setting the standards for yourself so she can respect you as you discipline yourself to become a high-value man. What are your standards! Live by them! When you do this a woman will naturally come to you. Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  2:10: Seduction can only be played when you build trust 6:54: The best friend test and how to apply it to dating and relationships 11:57: Body language and seduction!  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/28/202114 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why Is She Ignoring Me | 7 TRUTH TIPS!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Why Is She Ignoring Me | 7 TRUTH TIPS! Why is she ignoring me!? In this video, I give you 7 reasons why she ignores you. I know it's frustrating and you want to know what to do if a girl ignores you and what to do if she keeps ignoring me and that's what I share with you in this video. Make sure you watch till the very end as there is detailed advice on how to deal with being ignored, when she starts ignoring you what you should do, and to figure out is she ignoring me for something I did or something she is going through? I would never advise you to intrude on a girl's personal space if she is ignoring you as that can come off needy. If there is a bigger issue that you may have been placing on her later this could be a reason why your thinking "she is ignoring me now." Your comments are always welcome. I am here for you! :) 35 Rules to Save Your Relationship Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:04: Tip #1 She might be bored with you. What to do with this!  2:05: Tip #2 You might be pushing an issue on her 7:01: What a woman is looking for and how to do it! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/21/20218 minutes, 57 seconds
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How To Improve Communication In A Relationship (The "W" Method)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Improve Communication In A Relationship (The "W" Method) Tips #1: Discuss with the curiosity questions. "W" what, why, when, where. Tip # 2: Compromise Tip #3: Understand how you handle your emotions. Tip #4: Actions vs words 35 Rules to Save Your Relationship Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  2:18: There has to been a common ground of mutual respect 3:12: How to ask and get good at asking curiosity questions 6:46: Actions and words. You cannot take back words and actions are the biggest things Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
9/14/20219 minutes, 44 seconds
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Does Silence Make A Woman Miss You! Here’s the TRUTH (This WORKS!)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Does Silence Make A Woman Miss You! Here’s the TRUTH (This WORKS!) The truth about silence and how to make a woman miss you. How to no longer play games that make quality women run the opposite direction. How to authentically show up as yourself and attract quality women! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  :53: What to do if this is something that happens multiple times 1:23: Being silent and playing hot and cold all of the time... how this DOES NOT work 7:12: How you can do silence face to face with someone Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/31/20219 minutes, 54 seconds
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#1 THING That Will Make ANY Woman REGRET Losing You!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti #1 THING That Will Make ANY Woman REGRET Losing You! The real tricks behind getting a woman to regret losing you and have her rushing back to get you back in her life! This podcast dives into what it really takes to become the man of her dreams and the actual CHOOSER in your own life.  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  :53: What to do if this is something that happens multiple times 1:20: Why she would regret losing you 6:13: What actually happens when you do the inner work on yourself and the effect it has Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/24/20217 minutes, 57 seconds
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How To Make A Woman Love You | 8 Tips To Do NOW!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti How To Make A Woman Love You | 8 Tips To Do NOW! 8 tips that get a woman to fall in love. I know sometimes it's not easy to make a woman fall in love with you if you don't understand how we operate or what can make both of you grow together. My dating advice comes from coaching many clients and because I am a woman myself. I know what it takes on how to make a girl fall in love with you. My goal is to give you the truth about how to make a woman fall in love not a black book answer of some twisted way to get her to fall in love because "the game" never works for long term. Especially if you want to make her fall in love... a high-quality woman that is. :) If you have any comments or questions please be sure to comment below and I will try my best to answer them personally. Enjoy! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:58: The 5 love languages and how to use them... 3:28: Speak up! A high-value woman loves when a man has his own opinions 4:42: Why do women use social media to see if you're just chasing after something else or if you're serious Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/10/20216 minutes, 24 seconds
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STOP DOING THIS! She's Losing Interest In You!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  STOP DOING THIS! She's Losing Interest In You! with Coach Cynthia Stop doing this! The top things men do that can have women running in the opposite direction. These are the things that can come off as needy, insecure, or show red flags. How to keep your control and power and get her wanting you more!  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Get out of the friendzone! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:17 When you jump in too fast too soon 4:58 Don't bring up the ex! Talking about the past and how to do it 10:25 How to apply this to a relationship  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
8/3/202113 minutes, 7 seconds
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7 HUGE Mistakes Men Make When Women Pull Away

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  7 HUGE Mistakes Men Make When Women Pull Away Don't do this! Find out the top mistakes men make when a woman is pulling away. What to do when she says "I need space." And how to keep her attracted and interested. Avoid the reactions that have her running in the opposite direction! [WATCH THIS PRIVATE VIDEO] Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Get out of the friendzone! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:49 Reason number 1... you are over contacting her!  4:26 Sharing your feelings too fast. When and how to do it 14:10 What to do INSTEAD when she says she needs space Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/27/202118 minutes, 7 seconds
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Introvert Men | Approaching Women The 5 Step Process For Success!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Introvert Men | Approaching Women The 5 Step Process For Success! Introvert men and approaching women. I give you my step-by-step process on what to do moving forward. After watching this video you are going to know exactly how to overcome approach anxiety! If you are asking yourself the following. I need dating tips for introvert guys, how to approach women as an introvert, shy dating, how to date if you're an introvert, approaching women, approaching girls, how to approach women, fear of approaching women, what to say when approaching a girl, and if your shy. If yes! Then this episode is going to be gold for you! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Get out of the friendzone! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:43 The truth about introvert men and how many women view them 4:05 Exactly what to do BEFORE you go for the approach 8:30 The questions to know to ask a woman Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/20/202113 minutes, 38 seconds
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2 Most IRRESISTIBLE Things Confident Men Do!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  2 Most IRRESISTIBLE Things Confident Men Do! Watch This FREE 15 Minute Video: This video will show you what confident men do when they establish a certain mindset that will get you results with women. Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Get out of the friendzone! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:25 The mindset and thoughts of a confident man 2:51 How to challenge negative thoughts and limiting beliefs 4:14 What happens when you actually feel free to be yourself and not seek approval. Limiting beliefs are just illusions Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
7/6/20217 minutes, 4 seconds
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Healing from Trauma with Alex March

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Healing from Trauma with Alex March How to heal from trauma and narcissistic abuse. We discuss what is a healer, an empath, and a medium, and the ways to overcome abuse to get the life that you deserve. Healing after sociopathic and narcissistic abuse.  GUEST: Alex March MEDIUM. PHYSICAL EMPATH. TRAUMA HEALER.  Alex March is a healer and who has over 170,000 youtube views and helps others with trauma, and discussing energy, healing, and relationships between sociopaths and empaths. Alex’s work is her entire life and she’s dedicated her entire life to it. She doesn’t just ‘read’ you, she helps you find your own superpowers and heal everything. Alex has helped women get pregnant who couldn’t by healing emotional trauma, reversed AI, gotten hundreds of people off anti-anxiety medications as well as hundreds of people out of sociopathic relationships and healed them along the way. She helps people find their superpower in their trauma all while having one of the greatest senses of humor. Website: Alex March Instagram: Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:30: Who Alex March is and how she got started in healing 10:32: Overcoming narcissistic abuse and no longer questioning your reality  27:06: Dating after abuse and finding the lessons in the experiences to find what you truly want in your life partner Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/29/202147 minutes, 43 seconds
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How To Make Her Want You More And More!!!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti How To Make Her Want You More And More!!! How to make her want you more. In this podcast, I talk about what continues to keep women interested and how to start being the man that women are constantly thinking about. Understand if you are struggling with making girls want you or asking yourself how to get a girl, it comes down to how you carry yourself. You cannot fake the way you feel about yourself and this is from inner confidence. When you have this you won't be asking how to make a girl want you more, you will be having a choice and then it's about choosing the best girl for you. :) Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Get out of the friendzone! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:42 The main point in how to make her want you more and more 2:17 The differences between men and women in liking the opposite sex 8:14 What to say to her when you're going out on the date with her Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/22/20219 minutes, 42 seconds
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How To Go Down On A Woman!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How to Go Down on a Woman! with Michelle Alva Find out how to go down on a woman and give her pleasure! How to have even better connection, intimacy and sex with your partner! Have her craving you and wanting more.  Michelle Alva Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Get out of the friendzone! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  2:23 Hot spots you might not have known about!  3:11 How to add in on the pleasure with multiple areas  6:40 Positions to try for the best angles!  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/15/202113 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Tips You Need For Growing an Online Business with Blake Nubar

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The Tips You Need For Growing an Online Business with Blake Nubar How to find your purpose and create a successful online business! Become financially free and set yourself up for the life you want doing something you love! GUEST: Blake Nubar Blake Nubar started out completely broke working 70 hour weeks at his dead-end operations job. In few short years, Blake built several wildly profitable online businesses and has helped thousands of entrepreneurs do the same with his unique approach to launching sales funnels. Blake has one of the best (if not the best) track records in this industry and has helped countless others build a life-changing business online with his training. Blake Nubar Website: Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  3:25: The road to success 19:47: How to start a business from scratch when you just have an idea 26:00: What to do when you're first starting out. Creative vs Money Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/8/202144 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Make Friends and What To Do When She Says "Let's Just Be Friends!"

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How to Make Friends as an Adult! 3 Tips to Solid Friendship I know a lot of times as we get older we can start to wonder why it's so hard to make better friendships as a lot of our friends might be married or moving towards a different direction in their life. It can also be difficult when you're dating and you hear her say "let's just be friends". That is why it's important to make this podcast so no matter what, even if you feel alone you can still make friendships with others and you know exactly what to do when you hear those words! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Get out of the friendzone! Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:28: Why this is important!  1:22: Friendships give us a lot of important dynamics in our lives and we learn so much from others while also getting support 4:12: How to play your cards right if she says "I just want to be friends" Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
6/1/20216 minutes, 54 seconds
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Why Men CHEAT Vulnerability with Preston Smiles

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Why Men CHEAT Vulnerability with Preston Smiles The differences between men and women and how to honor and respect each other. Why men shut down and how to overcome it and get really honest and open about life and love.  GUEST: Preston Smiles Preston Smiles is a self-help guru and influencer who spreads his ideas about personal wellness and positivity across several different active platforms. He has over 8,000 followers on Twitter, over 20,000 followers on Facebook, over 220,000 followers on Instagram, and his eponymous YouTube channel has racked up over 4.5 million views.  Evan Carmichael Website: Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  2:16: Who Preston is and what he does 11:23: What beliefs have you been born into...  38:10 How to allow a woman to feel safe being in her feminine  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/25/202149 minutes, 51 seconds
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Online Dating Scams! What You NEED to Know!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Online Dating Scams! What You NEED to Know! DON'T get caught with these scams! What you need to know in order to avoid fake accounts and scam artists. How to tell what's a scam so you never wind up losing time or money and how to handle this if it's happened to you...  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:02: Personal story about this happening to someone close  2:02: It is NOT your fault! The reason why you do not need to shame yourself 7:50: The reason why we stay in the scam and lose even more money or time. 11:57: The reason why people get scammed...  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/18/202115 minutes, 35 seconds
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How To Find Your Purpose & Overcome Obstacles with Evan Carmichael

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How To Find Your Purpose & Overcome Obstacles with Evan Carmichael Discover your purpose and learn how to overcome anything in life to build the success you want and the life you desire. Find your freedom and create your breakthroughs today! GUEST: Evan Carmichael Evan Carmichael #Believes in entrepreneurs. Gary Vaynerchuck called him the DJ who inspires people and Ed Mylett called him the modern-day Napoleon Hill. At 19, he built and then sold a biotech software company. At 22, he was a venture capitalist raising $500k to $15M. He now runs a YouTube channel for entrepreneurs with over 2 million subscribers and 300 million views, wrote 4 books, and speaks globally. He wants to solve the world's biggest problem, people don't #Believe in themselves enough. Forbes named him one of the world's top 40 social marketing talents and Inc. named him one of the 100 great leadership speakers and 25 social media keynote speakers you need to know. He's set 2 world records, uses a trampoline & stand-up desk, owns Canada's largest salsa dance studio where he met his wife, and has a giant Doritos bag in front of him all day long to remind him that he's stronger than the Doritos. Toronto is his home. He's a husband, father, TSM Fan, and Teemo main.  Evan Carmichael Website: Evans Books: Built to Serve Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  3:02: How Evan met his wife and a great way to meet women... 4:25: The purpose behind the success... how it happened 16:04 The qualities of a successful entrepreneur Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/11/202128 minutes, 15 seconds
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She Lost Interest... How to Re-Attract Her & Get Results!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  She Lost Interest... How to Re-Attract Her & Get Results! What to do when she loses interest and needs some time or space. This video is for you men that want to get her back but you might have lost some control in the relationship and wondering what you should do moving forward. Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:54: The difference between showing feeling and being needy 3:45: The reason why you lost your sense of control in the relationship 7:14: Being addicted to someone who is not addicted to you Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
5/4/20219 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Make Money Together with Your Relationship Partner with Jessica Higdon

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti How to Make Money Together with Your Relationship Partner with Jessica Higdon The key components for what it takes to build your empire with your significant other. How to build each other up while still growing your relationship and creating success in both areas.  GUEST: Jessica Higdon Jessica Higdon is a social media/personal branding expert for network marketing. She started her own home business at the age of 21 years old with no business experience whatsoever. After struggling for 6 months with no profit, she decided to turn to Facebook to find customers. By following a simple social media strategy she was able to create a 6 figure business from home. She and her husband's coaching company was recognized this year on the Inc 5000 as one of Americas fastest growing companies and they LOVE helping network marketers grow large teams and create freedom in their life. Jessica Higdon Website: Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  3:35: First getting into business, what to do and what to avoid 6:32: How to get your relationship to serving in a higher purpose together  14:36 How your relationship with money is affecting you...  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/27/202135 minutes, 25 seconds
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The 10 Types of Women to Avoid & NOT Marry!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  The 10 Types of Women to Avoid & NOT Marry! To be clear TIP #10 is meant for the woman who calls herself a feminist but is a feminazi. I believe the right feminist woman does see men with compassion but a lot of women these days are calling themselves feminist but being a feminazi to others and this is not healthy in any realm of dating or life. Types of women to avoid! I get real with you as a woman! I want you men to be the best person you can be for yourself and with that I want you to pay attention to the women you shouldn't be settling down with. Do I think this can change? Yes. But I do think it's important that you understand the types of girls to avoid and make sure you do not surround yourself with toxic women. In this video, I give you 10 character traits to really focus on! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  0:52: The insecure woman... 1:52: The booty call woman! 8:03: The party girl. How to spot her and what to look out for! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/20/202112 minutes, 26 seconds
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Elevate Your Life: From Pain to Purpose with Anthony Trucks

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Elevate Your Life: From Pain to Purpose with Anthony Trucks Former NFL player, motivational speaker, and life coach, Anthony Trucks, talks about overcoming your obstacles and achieving success in careers, relationships, marriages, and everywhere else. From hitting rock bottom to teaching others how to overcome their own pain, and why a transformational shift is what your life is missing to reach your full potential. GUEST: Anthony Trucks Anthony Trucks is a former NFL Athlete, American Ninja Warrior on NBC, international speaker, host of the Aww Shift podcast, and the founder of Identity Shift coaching. He uses cutting-edge science and psychology to upgrade how you operate so you can elevate your life and business to reach your full potential. After being given away into foster care at 3 years old, being adopted into an all-white family at 14, losing his NFL career to injury, and more he learned how to shift at a very young age, and now his life mission is teaching others how to Make Shift Happen in their lives. Anthony Trucks Website: Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  4:44: Didn't like it, but this made him who he is today... 624: Losing yourself and how to find yourself after you lose what you love 38:15 Regaining trust in a relationship and how to transform together Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/13/202143 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why You Settle For The "Counterfeit" Woman!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Why You Settle For The "Counterfeit" Woman! How to tell if she's Mrs. Right or Mrs. Right now. With additional guest, coach Cynthia, we discuss and dissect the signs of the counterfeit woman and how to create standards and boundaries to find the woman of your dreams!  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:42: What does the counterfeit even mean? 7:12 What happens when we jump to the next best woman and latch on to the "checklist" 34:58 Values! How to find them out and what happens when we ignore them Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
4/6/202144 minutes, 42 seconds
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Get it On in the Kitchen! Why Cooking Together is the Perfect Date!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti Get it In the Kitchen! Why Cooking Together is the Perfect Date! Date nights do not have to be boring! Get together and add some spice to your love life. Natasha Ho gives tips and tricks on how to connect and have fun together while creating something tasty to make sparks happen not just on the stove. Fantastic date night to deepen your connection and show off some newly learned skills. GUEST: Natasha Ho Natasha Ho is a master-trained chef and an avid traveler who has studied culinary traditions from cuisines around the world. She is the founder of The Well-Traveled The palate, a fast-growing company focused on helping food lovers learn how to cook a wide variety of meals that are consistently delicious so they can have more fun, ease and joy in their kitchen. Natasha is also the host of the online cooking show Tasty Kitchen. Each week, she helps home cooks bring infinite variety to their kitchens with globally-inspired recipes and virtual cooking lessons. Natasha is obsessed with making adventure and joy accessible through food. Her passion is teaching foodies how to master globally inspired flavors, sharpen their skills in the kitchen and learn to cook the most delicious meals. Natasha Ho Website:  Text FLAVOR to 66866 to set up your Are You Date Ready? evaluation Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  3:19: Connecting with food and why this is the perfect date 6:09 How learning how to cook builds confidence in all areas of your life 10:12 What to cook and which dishes to go for! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/30/202126 minutes, 54 seconds
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#1 Thing That Kills A Woman's Attraction (What NOT To Do!)

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  #1 Thing That Kills A Woman's Attraction (What NOT To Do!) Attraction is something that helps couples find a passion for each other. As a coach, I'm so passionate about attraction in relationships and dating so I hope this video brings some clarity as this example happens to so many men. This is a tool to learn from and get clarity on the #1 thing that kills attraction. INSECURITIES. Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:06: How this guy killed the attraction after a couple of dates 2:24 What happened after they slept together and how things can go wrong after you get intimate 3:58 The insecure texts that kill attraction and turn women off! Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/23/202113 minutes, 30 seconds
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Homeless to Nine- Figure Leader! Transform Your Life with Stephen Scoggins

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How to Transform Your Life with Stephen Scoggins Becoming unstoppable and overcoming the obstacles in your life. Stephen Scoggins talks about his life and his total transformation. How to transform your dating life and find your soul mate! Instagram: Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  14:05: This too shall pass and what comes next will be greater 24:00 Finding your soulmate and not settling for the counterfeit  38:38 "What kind of man do I need to be in order to attract the right woman?" Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/16/202155 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Open Up to a Woman WITHOUT Being Needy!

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  How to Open Up to a Woman WITHOUT Being Needy! Learn to connect to women and create deeper, long-lasting connections. Learn the difference between sharing too much and sharing the right kind of vulnerabilities to have her feeling powerfully connected to you!  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Break Free of Codependency Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  8:50: It's not just what you decide to do in your life, it's who you decide to do it with that determines a lot of your life 16:09 The two things that everyone really wants out of life 39:52 The characteristics of a leader Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/9/202111 minutes, 19 seconds
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Unleashing The Power of EXTRAORDINARY Communication! | Chuck Garcia | Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Episode #96 Unleashing The Power of EXTRAORDINARY Communication! with Chuck Garcia Learn the power of effective communication. How to stand effectively to magnify your approach when it comes to communication. Integrating presentation and emotional intelligence to become a master communicator. Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Guest: Chuck Garcia Chuck Garcia is the founder of Climb Leadership International and coaches executives on leadership development, public speaking, and Emotional Intelligence. He is a professional speaker, an Amazon best-selling author, and Talk Radio Host of A CLIMB TO THE TOP: Stories of Transformation. Chuck also teaches Leadership Communication at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Engineering. Website: Timestamps:  8:50: It's not just what you decide to do in your life, it's who you decide to do it with that determines a lot of your life 16:09 The two things that everyone really wants out of life 39:52 The characteristics of a leader Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
3/2/202154 minutes, 29 seconds
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Discussions About Covid and Panic Attacks | Dr.Sabanas | Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Episode #95 Discussions About Covid and Panic Attacks with Dr.Sabanas Dr. Sabanas shares his stories and advice to give you some comfort and answers about this trying time we are living in with COVID. Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Guest: Dr. Philipp Sabanas Invested in providing meaningful, relationship-centered care, Dr. Sabanas seeks to understand his patients' specific life circumstances in his development of effective and thorough treatment plans. Knowledgeable and approachable, his fields of expertise are in primary care medicine and family medicine, as well as in preventive and emergency medicine. "An important part of my philosophy is to prioritize my patients, taking all the time they need and employing openness, patience, and understanding in describing their condition and the best course of therapy to alleviate and remedy their ailments." Website: Timestamps:  3:30: Covid symptoms and how to take care of yourself 2617: Dealing with the fear of the pandemic and panic attacks 40:03 Having anxiety and what it's trying to tell you. Why does anxiety come up and what to do Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
2/23/202149 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Shy Guys Can Talk To Women & Get A Girlfriend! | Tripp Advice | Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Episode #94 How Shy Guys Can Talk To Women & Get A Girlfriend!  with Tripp's Advice  How to get over your shyness and date the women you never thought you would date before! Create lasting transformation in your life and create standards to attract the girl of your dreams!  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Guest: Tripp Advice Tripp Kramer has helped thousands of men around the world excel in their love lives, by showing them how to develop confidence that’s as solid as steel, tested and proven techniques to make women curious and attracted, and scientifically proven ways to develop intense levels of rapport, turn her on so much she’ll be dripping wet like a leaky faucet, and how to make their relationships more meaningful and last longer. Tripp has helped men who suffered from serious bouts of depression and loneliness find the kind of girlfriend or wife who brings happiness and joy to their lives, and who they’re proud to show off to their friends and family. He helps you evolve into that charming and charismatic stud he knows is lying dormant inside you. Website: YouTube: Timestamps:  8:24: The real difference between introvert and extrovert 11:55: ALL men have a sense of shyness and the reason why! 31:18 Men having standards and why it's so important  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
2/16/202153 minutes, 1 second
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Does She Like Me? 6 Things Women Do When They are HIGHLY Attracted to You! | Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Episode #93 Does She Like Me? 6 Things Women Do When They are HIGHLY Attracted to You! No more playing guessing games and trying to figure it out! Find out if she likes you and how to tell if she is highly attracted to you! Find the signs and get your confidence! Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:10: Why some women hold out sexually 1:59: What does it means when she's asking about your future, your friends, and your goals 3:04: The friendship test. When she introduces you to her friends what to do!  Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
2/9/20217 minutes, 35 seconds
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10 Signs This Woman Is Wasting Your Time! | Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti  Episode #91 10 Signs This Woman Is Wasting Your Time!  How to find out if she's Mrs. Right or if she's Mrs. Problems. Learn the signs to discover if she's there for you and interested in growing or if it's time to walk away!  Apollonia Ponti Private coaching  Free eBook: 7 Common Mistakes Men Make When Attracting a Woman View Products Here Follow Apollonia: Instagram Twitter Timestamps:  1:08: When she is going back and forth on what she wants and not sure of a relationship, what that means! 1:28: When her repeatedly telling you that she's dating other men would become a red flag.  5:48 What happens when she is consistently canceling plans on you Listen and Subscribe to the Write Your Legend Podcast with Apollonia Ponti on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and the CLNS Media Network mobile app.
1/26/20218 minutes, 17 seconds