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The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

English, Education, 1 season, 1111 episodes, 2 days, 16 hours, 35 minutes
Welcome to the Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma where you’ll receive the mental models, daily routines, and productivity tactics that Robin Sharma has taught to the titans of industry, sports superstars, and elite performers who he has served as a private mentor to for over 24 years. You'll learn how to live a truly world-class life while you accelerate your productivity, grow your leadership, build your business, and scale your impact on the world.
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A Personal Message [To Inspire the Bright Light and Creative Warrior Within You]

You and I are artists. Trust me on this. No matter what label you attach to your work. You paint your gifts on some form of canvas. Your art may be an architectural monument or a movement for a cleaner community. Your magic might be a precious family or starting a business that will enrich all consumers. I may not know what your artwork is yet I do know you have some natural and unusual form of genius within you. And to ignore it because people might not like what it is you do or because you could stumble as you pursue your summit not only denies us your light, it hurts your soul.And so yes, you too will—at times—grow tired. And weary. And perhaps even frightened and feel like giving up. It happens to me too.  All I know is that your treasure will often be sitting ten steps from the place where you feel like retreating.My latest book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
9/27/20246 minutes, 53 seconds
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Steve Jobs' Most Valuable Talent?

While Steve Jobs was clearly intelligent, focused and relentless, his greatest talent just might have been his acute comfort in his own skin....And his “unmessable with” faith in the glory of his mission....And his rare capacity to stand in his own power in the face of critics, cynics and naysayers.He had the internal strength, sense of self and passionate authenticity to live his ambitions, speak his truth and be himself, at all costs.His vision and the product mattered more to him than being adored by others. And fitting in.This is what my new book The Wealth Money Can’t Buy is all about. Real wealth versus fake success. True winning versus spending your life climbing a mountain, only to find out at the end that it was the wrong one. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
8/26/20243 minutes, 20 seconds
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Leaders Are Relationship-Centric [5-Minute Episode]

Take care of the relationship and the money takes care of itself. Too many in business are focused on grabbing cash versus serving people. Yet when your dominant focus is on building relationships with your team, suppliers and customers (who put food on your family table), economic rewards are the byproduct. Get great at building a rich social network—and being of use to as many human beings as possible—and wealth, satisfaction and deep meaning will follow.This is what my new book The Wealth Money Can’t Buy is all about. Real wealth versus fake success. True winning versus spending your life climbing a mountain, only to find out at the end that it was the wrong one. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
8/23/20245 minutes, 49 seconds
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Self-Care is Mission Critical to Sustained Success

In my experience, the single best way to amplify self-love is to take better care of yourself.Often, we are our greatest abusers. And when we increase the caring of our selves, we begin to sense the secret glory that rests at our base. And come to know all that we truly are.You can grow in your self-care by:...resting when you’re tired and enjoying life when it’s time....eating foods that nourish your spirit and upgrade your health....appreciating yourself for how far you’ve come and the person you now are versus always feeling like there’s more to do....not comparing your path and progress to anyone else’s. Because you’re precisely where you need to be....setting clear boundaries so no one ever disrespects you. Ever yourself permission to re-engage with your playful heart. And have a very good time.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
8/2/20245 minutes, 10 seconds
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Peak Fitness Doubles Income and Impact

Intense morning exercise at least five times a week will transform your life.All fortune begins within—with you loving who you are, embracing your talents, taking really great care of you by avoiding toxic influences, ensuring that you are well treated by others and nurturing your body through exercise, exposure to nature, a healthy diet, sunlight and lots of deep rest.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
8/1/20242 minutes, 19 seconds
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Commit to Mastery of Your Craft

Make Mastery a non-negotiable standard. Commit to excellence not only for your own life, but to elevate the world at the same time.  Do this and life will reward your service.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
7/31/20242 minutes, 2 seconds
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Install the Two-Phone Solution [To Optimize Your Focus in This Age of Dramatic Distraction]

You can play with your phone all day, or you can change the world. You don’t get to do both.In today's episode, uncover the potent strategy that helps some of the world's most successful people avoid technological distraction  - so their brains drop into “flow state”, presenting them with the disruptive and visionary ideas that allow them to become legendary. My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
7/30/20243 minutes, 24 seconds
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Schedule Dream Weeks

I take planning very seriously because clarity of strategy is the golden key to focused performance.In today's episode, I deconstruct one potent method to help you battleproof your future  -- scheduling dream weeks.And yes, please give yourself a full week in isolation to do this. Your results of this year will confirm this decision is worth it.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
7/27/20242 minutes, 2 seconds
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REFUSE to Accept Mediocrity in Your Work [Because You Deserve to Push Magic into the World]

The majority is caught up in the “relentless release of stuff.” Most producers rush to deliver many materials rather than investing the time and painstaking care to handcraft a single masterpiece that stands the test of time. It’s wiser to make one Fifth Symphony versus many pieces of mediocrity [that never establish domain dominance].My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
7/23/20242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Do the Things You Know You Need to Do, But Don't Feel Like Doing [here's how]

I want you to become superbrave. Beginning today, I wish that you’d start doing more of the things you fear. Each time you do, you take back the power that you gave to it. And grow more fearless. This is a practice. So the more you train on leaning into what terrifies you the better you’ll get at it.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
5/28/20242 minutes, 40 seconds
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Visionaries Don’t Mind Being Called Crazy [6-Minute Episode]

The nature of beautiful, honest and inventive work is to cause people to have STRONG opinions.Some will love you. And some will throw rocks at you, for what you’ve made.Your job is to stand steady. Knowing you’ve acted with artistic integrity and done your best—along with taking the rocks of the critics and using them to build monuments of mastery that stand as testimony to your creativity.Oh—and the more violent the opposition to your work, the more you know you’re pushing and challenging and stretching and disturbing the accepted beliefs of the herd. This scares them. And so they react. Meanly. My prayer for you? Continue at all costs. Because this is what artists do.And whether you write code, bake bread, dance for a living, lead a company or start a startup, you’re an artist. At least in my books. Pre-order my hugely anticipated new book The Wealth Money Can't Buy and receive 5 truly extraordinary FREE bonuses [including a 3 hour live online summit with me, a complete virtual training program and 10 powerful morning meditations used by my top clients: all valued at $8,767 USD].  Here's the link so you can pre-order the book.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
2/2/20246 minutes, 37 seconds
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Deploy the Language of Leadership + Possibility

Part of what made people like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi legendary were the words they spoke.Please just think about it: words of hope can lift  whole nations. And words of hate can destroy entire races. Victimspeak will diminish your personal output while leadertalk will galvanize it.If you’d like to learn the tools, habits and daily routines of warriors, billionaires, sages and superstars then read (or listen to) The Everyday Hero Manifesto today. It’s a life-changing book. Get it here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
12/27/20233 minutes, 42 seconds
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Use Each Day As a Platform for Legendary Practice

Winning is sensing the dignity of your labour and honouring your craft by optimizing it daily, even if no one applauds your obsession with mastery—because materializing your potential is a gift you grant yourself.*****If you’re keenly interested in prospering [exponentially] in the increasingly messy and dangerous world ahead, then keep reading as Robin Sharma has done something we believe you’ll find to be VERY VERY special…Robin Sharma has created The Total Transformation Program—a complete package of his 4 most valuable and practical virtual learning programs as well as Success Mastery University [a stunning and vast collection of his bestselling audio programs]—and for the next little while our team is offering you the whole thing for a VERY special price.If you wait you’ll likely be too late, so definitely do this now before you get busy and miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to become the person and producer that you’ve always dreamed of being.Claim the complete package before we’re sold out.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
6/16/20223 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Daily Routine to Defeat Digital Diversion

Yes—all the suffering is sad. Yet we dishonor the world and degrade our genius when we use this time watching the news, escaping into distraction and medicating ourselves with diversion.Turn off your devices for at least a few hours each day and for a full day each week. Work in quietude, on a big problem that will revolutionize the lives of those you serve. And live with greater silence, serenity and presence.To help you stay positive, productive and peaceful in volatile conditions, Robin Sharma is giving away his #1 ebook for free. Click here to download yours for free. FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
3/16/20224 minutes, 33 seconds
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A Protocol to Help You Wire In Amazing Habits Over 2022

So here’s an extremely powerful tactic that has been delivering gorgeous results for the elite clients that I coach. [And please know that it’s really helping me advance my own game massively, as well].It’s called The Forced Optimization Strategy (FOS)……The idea’s this: forget self-discipline when it comes to getting to your health, career, financial and spiritual goals. What works 100X better is to install an automatic system that “forces” you to do the thing you need to do.The reality of human nature is we generally get things done when there’s some fire under us to do them…so use this fact to give yourself a huge advantage…Some simple examples:Example #1: Getting ultra-fit is a game-changer. Everything in your life just works better when you’re alive with energy and peak health. But the reality is too many of us try to build the habit of working out via willpower. And so we end up giving up after a few weeks.Using the Forced Optimization Strategy (FOS), you could “force” yourself to get uncommonly fit by hiring a trainer to come to your home at 6AM three times a week. Now, you have to do the workout. Because she’ll be knocking at your front door tomorrow morning :)Book this schedule onto your calendar for 3 or 4 months and you’re golden. It won’t be easy. But it’ll be worth it.Example #2: If you like “The 2 Massage Protocol” I’ve been teaching for years because you get that massages dramatically boost energy, reduce the amount of sleep you need and keep you feeling like a lion, then book your therapist 3 months into the future so it’s a done deal.No excuses. No alternatives. No lame reasons for not getting the ritual done.Example #3: If this is the year you’re amped to grow your business/career exponentially (10% annual growth is so old-school), then “force” the creation of a new habit by meeting with your mastermind alliance every Friday afternoon or sign up for a webinar program that runs every week or schedule a team meeting every Monday where everyone comes to the table to clearly explain what they’ve done to accelerate results.You can use the FOS to take more time off than you’ve taken off in years. Just ask yourself which trips and adventures would fuel your finest performance and help you live a life you love.Then book the trips/adventures ahead 12 months. You’ll “force the optimization” even more if you pay for them.I think you get the idea. Just run this protocol for a few weeks and you’ll get how awesome it is. And please remember: no idea works until you do the work.If you're ready to make 2022 the single happiest, healthiest and most productive year of your life yet with Robin Sharma as your mentor...He has just released a VERY special new online course based on his #1 global bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.This truly remarkable 30-Day Challenge offers you hours of world-class training and takes you well beyond what you learned in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book that so many people around the world have fallen in love with. [If you haven't read the book you'll still be blown away by this course]You can find all the details to get one of the limited memberships into the course here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
2/2/20223 minutes, 39 seconds
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Embrace Emotional Healing to x25 Your Mastery

Over the past number of years I’ve been a bit of a lone voice in the wilderness, evangelizing a message that emotional healing is absolutely essential to expert performance.Heartset work [introduced in The 5AM Club] allows you to dissolve the repressed regret, disappointment, shame, anger and sorrow that we all experience as we advance through life.Working on a better Mindset for 2022 while neglecting your Heartset sets up a situation of self-sabotage where your intellect knows what you should do yet your emotional world keeps you limited.If you're ready to make 2022 the single happiest, healthiest and most productive year of your life yet with Robin Sharma as your mentor...He has just released a VERY special new online course based on his #1 global bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.This truly remarkable 30-Day Challenge offers you hours of world-class training and takes you well beyond what you learned in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book that so many people around the world have fallen in love with. [If you haven't read the book you'll still be blown away by this course]You can find all the details to get one of the limited memberships into the course here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
1/4/20223 minutes, 32 seconds
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Lead with Kindness

Some people laugh at the notion of being nice and decent and noble. “That’s a sign of weakness,” I hear. Nope. It’s a sign of strength. Anyone can put themselves first. Piece of cake. What takes guts is to stand for something higher and to be of service to others. Like Mandela. Like Gandhi. Like King. Heroes of mine.So stand for something higher. Have impeccable manners. Be the kindest person you know. Be there for people. Show them you care. And, above all else, be good. No one ever regretted being the best person they knew as they rested on their deathbed.To help you stay ultra-inspired during these interesting times Robin Sharma is giving you full access to the audiobook of his #1 bestseller The Greatness Guide for free.Go ahead and click here to claim your free copy.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
4/8/20213 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Profound Insight to Help You x10 Self-Love

Much of my personal leadership journey has been an exercise in building self-love. In my experience, the single best way to amplify self-love is to take better care of yourself.You can grow in your self-care by: ...appreciating yourself for how far you’ve come and the person you now are versus always feeling like there’s more to do....not comparing your path and progress to anyone else’s. Because you’re precisely where you need to be. And comparing how we’re doing with the apparent success of others disappoints us. To help you make 2021 the greatest year of your life yet, Robin Sharma has created a new life-changing digital program [based on his #1 bestseller], The The 5AM Club Method .Click here to snap up one of the limited memberships to this truly amazing online course.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube 
1/15/20214 minutes, 5 seconds