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Stroke...Surviving the odds

English, Education, 7 seasons, 197 episodes, 2 days, 19 hours, 18 minutes
If I can help just 1 person feel better about their situation....Our podcast is #7worldwide:)) My goal is to Empower, inspire and give Hope there's life to live after stroke. Xx
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S7E19: Progress we don't see

Ever felt like what you do is.t enough?.... _____________CONNEC @ T medical disclaimer: Any content used in this or any other episode of SSTO are those of the creator and should NEVER be replaced for professional physicians help.
10/21/202419 minutes, 54 seconds
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Paying it forward. Coaching $4.99/mth

ARE YOU R3ADY TO TAKE YOUR REHABILITATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL? Did you know Im an Empowerment coach & Life after Stroke-coach, for survivors ? usually $150/hrs.....FOR YOU MY LOYAL LISTENERS ITS SUBSCRIPTION OF $4.99/ mth Grab a pen & paper, the faintest of ink is better than the best memory . Let's do this 💪
10/16/20242 minutes, 41 seconds
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To my loyal listeners

CONNECT @🎃🎃🎃🎃 DONATIONS ACCEPTED VIA PAYPAL @Klsurvivor101 🎃 individual coaching available 🎃 group coaching available 🎃 family coaching available
10/14/202427 seconds
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S7E18:What's an Anti to do list???

-CONNECT @ ✅️ $4.99/Monthly Subscription now available! ✅️ $377 Group coaching available! ✅️$777 Individual coaching available! ✅️ $47 Phone coaching available _________________ DONATIONS ACCEPTED VIA PAYPAL @Klsurvivor101 ____________________________________ MEDICAL DISCLAIMER; Any of the Content used in this or any other episode of SSTO are those of the creator and should NEVER be replaced for professional physicians help.
10/7/202417 minutes, 40 seconds
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S7E17: Stroke rehab & GOD❤️

Nobody will do your rehabilitation for you. But you have plenty of help. This podcast is me sending you a lifeline. GOD WORKS IN MISTERIOUS WAyS. ----------------CONNECT -----------------------medical disclaimer: Any content used in this or any other episode of SSTO are those of the creator and should NEVER be replaced for professional physicians help. -------------------------- ✅️DONATIONS ACCEPTED VIA PAYPAL @Klsurvivor101 ✅️SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE ✅️ LIFE AFTER STROKE Coaching ( group/individuals) ✅️ VOICE COACHING AVAILABLE
9/30/202413 minutes, 2 seconds
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S7e14: How to speed-up your recovery after stroke.

Getting back on track between the prior self& the new self. Merging them together. speedy recovery means EXACTLY that...speady not Fast. ----------------------------------------- CONNECT @ -------------------------------- Do you feel alone? You're not! SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE...;)))))))))))) MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: ANY CONTENT USED IN THIS OR ANY OTHER EPISODE OF SSTO ARE THOSE OF THE CREATOR AND SHOULD NEVER BE REPLACED FOR PROFESSIONAL. PHYSICIANS HELP. -------------------------------- #strokesurvivorpodcast #stroke #brainstemdissection #tbisurvivor ##lifeafterstroke #whatsnext? # speedyrecovery #physicalrecovery #emotionalsafety
9/18/202420 minutes, 58 seconds
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S7E13: My daily routine 26yrs post stroke.

Here's ideas how to make your day " that much" brighter. ------------------------- SUBSCRIPTION AVAILABLE --------------------- Any content used in this or any other episode of SSTO are those of the creator and should NEVER be replaced for professional physicians help. ------------------------ # strokesurvivorpodcast ##tbisurvivor #selfhelp ##lifeafterstroke
9/6/202421 minutes, 42 seconds
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S7E12: Make your life easier after stroke.

Why make things harder than what it is.?I'm making it simple for you. CONNECT on Facebook @ Stroke surviving the odds THE PODCAST. ------------------------MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: ANY CONTENT USED IN THIS OR ANY OTHER EPISODE OF SSTO ARE THOSE OF THE CREATOR AND SHOULD NEVER BE REPLACED FOR PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS HELP. #strokesurvivorpodcast ##strokepodcastlisteners ##strokepodcast ##tbisurvivor ##selfimprovement ##traumahealing
8/31/202419 minutes, 24 seconds
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S7E11: Are you an Intentional champion?

Being a Champion is not define by the metals...... You having intention is saying: Hey guys! I'm full of shit.🤣🤣🤣 --------------------- MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: ANY CONTENT USED IN THIS OR ANY OTHER EPISODE OF SSTO ARE THOSE OF THE CREATOR AND SHOULD NEVER BE REPLACED FOR PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS HELP. #STROKESURVIVORPODCAST #stroke #selfhelp ##lifeafterstroke
8/30/20248 minutes, 54 seconds
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S7E10: How to stop the pain.....after stroke ( part2)

8/29/202414 minutes, 22 seconds
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S7E9: Why are you always tired post-stroke?( part 1)

CONNECT @ -------------------------- MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: ANY CONTENT USED IN THIS OR ANY OTHER EPISODE OF SSTO ARE THOSE OF THE CREATOR AND SHOULD NEVER BE REPLACED FOR PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS HELP. ------------------#strokesurvivorpodcast #stroke #brainstemdissection #healing #selfhelp
8/29/20246 minutes
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S7E8: Listen to yourself

i know that I'll be ruffling some feathers by saying "the Stroke....." ------------------- CONNECT @
8/23/202418 minutes, 19 seconds
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Focus on the now & brainwash yourself after stroke.

Using a NLP concept of self-talk. Deletion, Distortion & generalization. And how to use these to Brainwash the brain to live in the NOW.
8/16/202415 minutes, 6 seconds
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S7E6: pain versus suffering

medical disclaimer: Any content used in this or any other episode of SSTO are those of the creator and should NEVER be replaced for professional physicians help.
8/13/202416 minutes, 30 seconds
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S7E5: Stress management for SS. 8 techniques

Reality just hit.....Stroke & back to reality....AHHHH! here's how to deal. medical disclaimer: Any content used in this or any other episode of SSTO are those of the creator and should NEVER be replaced for professional physicians help. #strokesurvivorpodcast #tbisurvivor ##brainstemdissection #Journaling #Breathwook #traumahealing
8/13/202415 minutes, 48 seconds
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S7E4: Overstimulation & SS.

Colors, Shape, noic , eye pollution can all overstimulate the brain. Learn the signs and how to manage. _____________________________MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Any content used in this or any other episode of SSTO, are those of the creator and should NEVER be replacement for professionnal physician help. ____________________________ #strokesurvivorpodcast #tbisurvivor #brainstemdissection #healingafterstroke #colortherapy #clutterfreeliving
7/30/202432 minutes, 41 seconds
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S7E3: Trust the healing process .

You cant rush healing.....just like you cant rush grass to grow. Acknowledge Accept Action.........youve got this. #strokesurvivorpodcast #brainstemdissection #trusttheprocess #traumahealing
7/26/202421 minutes, 22 seconds
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S7E2: Stroke & weight gain

Its not just about what you put in your mouth... Its mostly about what you put in your mind.
7/24/202428 minutes, 15 seconds
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S7E1 why trying new things is scary?

Life changes at a fast pace....
7/23/202424 minutes, 42 seconds
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How could we forget about you? impossible

Took vacation time to revamp, recreate new ways to get my message across... THERE'S SO MUCH LIFE TO LOOK VE AFTER STROKE.
7/23/20242 minutes, 15 seconds
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Stroke...Surviving the odds (Trailer)

--- Send in a voice message:
4/22/202445 seconds
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S3E13: Managing your fears.

FACT: A fear will never ever go away unless its acted upon._______________________________________________________________________________If you catch yourself saying something like: " I was afraid of such & such pre-stroke so i still am"........chances are you're carrying baggage from your prior life. L:et-me explain____________________________________________________________________________________________ CONNECT with me on FACEBOOK
3/21/202326 minutes, 47 seconds
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💥 SPECIAL OFFER for my listeners. 💥

There's no reason because your financial situation should stop your full potential TODAY! My job as a coach is to help you find the part of you that got lost since the stroke. IVE GOT YOU!______________________ Reach-me on email. [email protected]____________________________________ on Facebook #brainstemdissection#lifegoesonwithorwithoutyou #lifeafterstroke #healing #specialoffer
5/27/20222 minutes, 30 seconds
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From mental,physical,sexual now having a stroke! WTF!!!! Life, the Universe, God has a way to make you realize that you need to calm down ...I'm a 23years Brainstem Stroke Survivor: yes I was 25 when it happened. From coma to re-learning all basic functions. Through my experiences as a Stroke survivor I'll be giving practices that became habits allowing my life to be a little easier to bare. Also what wasn't so positive. From being on survival mode, interpersonal struggles to MOURNING THE OLD KARINA to a little sexy-talk : it's all there. Now 47, my mission is simple: help! By displaying resilience to the max, in the face of adversities. If I could do it, so can you! TRANSPARENCY, CANDIDNESS &HUMOR are my secret weapons to delivering this podcast . My community of stroke survivors will benefit from the life of the surviving me. EMPOWER,INSPIRE, give HOPE...that's why I'm here. **** CALL TO ACTION: By submitting your email you will be the first notified when I post my launch episodes.
3/1/20216 minutes, 9 seconds