Speaking of Language is a podcast recorded at the Language Resource Center at Cornell University. Each week, we explore a topic related to language pedagogy and second language acquisition.
S14E8 - Kasia Bartoszynska - Translation, Antiracism, and Estranging the Novel
Dr. Kasia Bartoszynska is an Associate Professor at Ithaca College in Literatures in English and in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is a reader, writer, educator, translator, and lover of good food, and we discuss translation, antiracism, and her recent book, Estranging the Novel.
10/23/2024 • 36 minutes, 49 seconds
S14E7 - Pelin Kumbet Cagman & Banu Ozer Griffin - Wonders of Turkey
Dr. Pelin Kumbet Cagman, a visiting scholar from Kocaeli University in Turkey, and Banu Ozer Griffin, the head of Cornell’s Turkish program, discuss Turkish culture, posthumanism, and Turkish caricatures.
10/16/2024 • 25 minutes, 40 seconds
S14E6 - Colonial Crossings: Art, Identity, and Belief in the Spanish Americas
We speak with Cornell art historians Andrew C. Weislogel and Juliana Fagua Arias about Colonial Crossings, an exhibition on the art of Colonial Latin America at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell. This exhibition, running until December of this year, examines work predominantly created by Indigenous, Black, Asian, and mixed-race artists during the period of Spanish colonial rule. These artists hail from Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
10/9/2024 • 33 minutes, 36 seconds
S14E5 - ABC: AI, Bots, & ChatGPT
We are joined by Grit Matthias Phelps, Amy Cheatle, and Emily Hong to discuss a German language project wherein upper-level students programmed chat bots to interact with introductory language learners.
10/2/2024 • 30 minutes, 44 seconds
S14E4 - Oya Topçuoğlu Judd - Collaborative Curriculum Design, Student-Centered Multimodal Approaches, and Authentic Media
Dr. Oya Topçuoğlu Judd of the Middle East and North African Languages Program at Northwestern University expands on her recent talk about incorporating collaborative course design and contemporary media into the language classroom.
9/25/2024 • 38 minutes, 27 seconds
S14E3 - Ashley Griffith - New LRC Engagement and Outreach Coordinator
We are delighted to introduce our new Language Resource Center team member and colleague, Ashley Griffith, the new LRC engagement and outreach coordinator.
9/18/2024 • 11 minutes, 24 seconds
S14E2 - Julian Currents - Universal Design for Learning and Expanding Accessibility in the Classroom
Dr. Julian Currents joins us to discuss universal design for learning and how our growing understanding of neurodivergence and chronic illness can help create a classroom space that is more beneficial to all.
Kneecap (2024 film): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27367464/
9/11/2024 • 33 minutes, 50 seconds
S14E1 - Once More unto the Breach
Sam and Angelika kick off our 14th season with some updates on language learning at Cornell. Stay tuned for another fascinating semester of exciting guests and fresh topics in language and culture education!
9/4/2024 • 7 minutes, 19 seconds
S13E13 - Triskaidekaphobia
For the thirteenth episode of our thirteenth season, a bonus pod about the number 13 and its significance around the world.
We'll be back in the fall!
Here are the sources for some of the tidbits in this episode:
5/8/2024 • 6 minutes, 40 seconds
S13E12 - Sweet Poetry
We recap the LRC’s annual, multilingual Sweet Poetry event with organizer Hilary Yarger and participating reader Vishnu Pusarapu.
Vishnu reads:
“My Own Love (In Brackets)” - Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill (Irish)
Additional poetry excerpts in this episode:
“Nirvana Shatkam” - Adi Shankaracharya (Sanskrit)
Read by Suresh Kamath Bola
“If I Could Caress in My Mouth the Whole World” - Fernando Pessoa (Portuguese)
Read by Isabela Carvalho
“A Thought Came to My Lips” - Javed Akhtar (Hindi)
Read by Janhvie Joshi
5/1/2024 • 18 minutes, 17 seconds
S13E10 - Caroline Levine - The Space between Two Languages: Translation, Activism, and World Literature
Dr. Caroline Levine, the David and Kathleen Ryan Professor of Humanities at Cornell, joins us to discuss the challenges and revelations of translating poetry, and how languages and the humanities can work as forces for social change.
Access the ebook or request a physical copy of the of the Norton Anthology: https://seagull.wwnorton.com/worldlit5
To request an exam or desk copy of the Norton Anthology, contact Megan at: [email protected]
4/17/2024 • 32 minutes, 17 seconds
S13E9 - Carolyn Fornoff - Subjunctive Aesthetics: Mexican Cultural Production in the Era of Climate Change
Dr. Carolyn Fornoff, from Cornell’s Department of Romance Studies, joins us to discuss her research into the intersection of art, artists, and climate change in Latin America, as investigated in her new book, Subjunctive Aesthetics: Mexican Cultural Production in the Era of Climate Change.
4/10/2024 • 19 minutes, 29 seconds
S13E8 - Jeff Bale - Language Policy, (Anti-)Racism, and Change
Dr. Jeff Bale, of the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, discusses the ties between language policy, culture, and race, and how educators and communities can effect change.
@JeffBaleTO on Twitter
3/27/2024 • 40 minutes, 46 seconds
S13E7 - Tricia Bertram Gallant - Academic Integrity in the Face of Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant joins us from UC San Diego to discuss the impact of generative AI tools on academic integrity in the language classroom and beyond.
3/20/2024 • 31 minutes, 14 seconds
S13E6 - Juliana Torres - Queer Perspectives from Latin American Women Writers
Poet and educator Juliana Torres joins us to discuss "transformative potentiality," as well as her dissertation exploring forms of monstrosity from a queer perspective in a selection of 20th-century Latin American women writers.
Instagram handle: @julitorrres
3/13/2024 • 20 minutes, 27 seconds
S13E5 - Julie Evershed - Copyright Basics: Understanding Copyright in the Context of Language Teaching
University of Michigan Language Resource Center Director Julie Evershed goes on a deep dive with us on copyright in the context of language teaching. She recently gave a talk as part of our monthly LRC Speaker Series on this topic, which you can watch on our website.
Resources for copyright and language classes: https://myumi.ch/96NWx
Video of Julie’s talk: https://youtu.be/s2amGtVnA-I
3/6/2024 • 28 minutes, 52 seconds
S13E4 - Luke Urbain - Language, Art, Safety, and Cornell’s Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program
Dr. Luke Urbain, the new Program Manager of Cornell's Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program, joins us for a wide-ranging conversation about language learning, Cuban politics, art, and the concept of “safety.”
2/28/2024 • 25 minutes, 22 seconds
S13E3 - Malte Jung - Social and Linguistic Implications of AI
Dr. Malte Jung shares some insights into how artificial intelligence affects the way human beings interact not only with technology, but with one another.
2/21/2024 • 37 minutes, 20 seconds
Valentine's Day 2024 Mini-Episode
It's Valentine's Day, so we talked to some folks around the LRC about people, places, and things that they love! Amazingly, they answered in a variety of languages…
Can you recognize them all?
We'll be back next week with a new guest, Dr. Malte Jung!
2/14/2024 • 3 minutes, 15 seconds
S13E2 - Open Doors English - Building Language Skills and Community
We learn about Open Doors English, a nonprofit organization offering classes for adult English language learners. Instructor Joshua Orkin and students Hui-Tzu "Wendy" Kuo and José Tzul describe how the program empowers adult English language learners in Ithaca, Tompkins, and surrounding counties to live fuller lives.
2/7/2024 • 20 minutes, 27 seconds
S13E1 - Ahmed Shamim - New LRC Team Member
We kick off our thirteenth semester by introducing Dr. Ahmed Shamim, the Academic Programs Coordinator and our newest colleague at the Cornell University Language Resource Center.
1/31/2024 • 24 minutes, 27 seconds
S12E13 - Fatema Sumar - Building a Thriving World for All
We are joined by Fatema Sumar, former Obama administration official and current Executive Director of the Center for International Development at Harvard University. Fatema discusses her past as a Cornell student, the challenges in combating global poverty, and the transformative power of language.
11/29/2023 • 23 minutes, 37 seconds
Thanksgiving 2023 Mini-Episode
For this year's Thanksgiving special, we are joined by friends and colleagues reading poetry celebrating gratitude.
Sara Goto (Freshman, Cornell): Thank You by Shuntaro Tanikawa
David Ortega (Language Technology Specialist, Yale): Oda a las gracias by Pablo Neruda
Jeremy Urbaniak (Freshman, Cornell):
Krystyna Golovakova (Ukranian instructor, Cornell): Вечірнє сонце, дякую за день! by Lina Kostenko
Japanese - Sara Goto
空 ありがとう
花 ありがとう
お母さん ありがとう
でも誰だろう 何だろう
私 ありがとう
Thank You
Shuntaro Tanikawa
Thank you, Sky
For being above today too
Even when it's cloudy I can tell
How your blue spreads far into space
Thank you, Flower
For blooming today too
Even if you scatter away tomorrow
The smells and colours are already a part of me
Thank you, Mother
For giving me life
Even though it's embarrassing to say out loud
I'll say it once for you to hear
But who and why
Gave myself who I am?
To the endless world I whisper
Thank you, Me
Spanish - David Ortega
Oda a las gracias - Pablo Neruda
Gracias a la palabra
que agradece,
gracias a gracias
cuanto esta palabra
derrite nieve o hierro.
El mundo paecía amenazante
hasta que suave
como pluma
o dulce como pétalo de azúcar,
de labio en labio
grandes a plena boca
o susurrantes,
apenas murmulladas,
y el ser volvió a ser hombre
y no ventana,
alguna claridad
entró en el bosque.
fue posible cantar bajo las hojas.
Gracias, eres la píldora
los óxidos cortantes del desprecio,
la luz contra el altar de la dureza.
Tal vez
también tapiz
entre los más distantes hombres
Los pasajeros
se diseminaron
en la naturaleza
y entonces
en la selva
de los desconocidos,
mientras el tren frénetico
cambia de patria,
borra las fronteras,
junto a los puntiagudos
volcanes, frío y fuego,
thanks, sí, gracias, y entonces
se transforma la tierra en una mesa.
una palabra la limió,
brillan platos y copas,
suenan los tenedores
y parecen manteles las llanuras.
Gracias, gracias,
que viajes y que vuelvas,
que subas
y que bajes.
Está entendido, no
lo llenas todo,
palabra gracias,
donde aparece
tu pétalo pequeño
se esconden los puñales del orgullo,
y aparece un centavo de sonrisa.
Ode to gratitude
Thanks to the word
that gives thanks.
Thanks to the gratitude
for how excellently
the word melts snow or iron.
The planet seemed full of threats
until soft
as a translucent
or sweet as a sugary petal,
from lip to lip,
it passed,
thank you,
magnificent, filling the mouth,
or whispered,
hardly voiced,
and the soul became human again,
not a window,
soome clear shine
penetrated the forest:
it was possible again to sing beneath the leaves.
Gratitude, you are medicine
scorn's bitter oxides,
light melting the cruel altar.
you are also
the carpet
the most distant men,
passengers spread out
through nature
and the jungle
of unknown men,
as the delirous train
penetrates a new country,
eradicating frontiers,
joined with the sharp-cusped
volcanoes, frost and fire,
thanks, yes, gracias, and the Earth
turns into a table,
a single word swept it clean,
plates and cups glisten,
forks jingle,
and the flatlands seem like tablecloths.
Thanks, gracias,
you travel and return,
you rise
and descend.
It is understood, you don't
permeate everything,
but where the word of thanksgiving
appears like a tiny petal,
proud fists hide
and a penny's worth of a smile appears.
Polish - Jeremi Urbaniak
Dziękuje Ci (author unknown)
Czasem warto mówić wierszem
Bo wiersz jest echem
Lekkim powiewem duszy, więc…
Dziękuje Ci
za jawę i za malownicze sny
Dziękuje Ci
za radość
za miłość
za chwile słabości
za rzucone kości
nad Rubikonem życia
Dziękuje Ci
za wszystkie
wspólnie spędzone dni!
Dziękuję Ci
za marzenia spełnione
i te dopiero wyśnione!
Dziękuje Ci!
Sometimes it's worth speaking in verse
Because the poem is an echo
A light breeze of the soul, so…
Thank you
for waking life and for picturesque dreams
Thank you
for joy
for love
for moments of weakness
for the dice thrown
over the Rubicon of life
Thank you
for all
days spent together!
Thank you
for dreams come true
and those just dreamed of!
Thank you!
Ukrainian - Krystyna Golovakova
Вечірнє сонце, дякую за день! - Ліна Костенко
Вечірнє сонце, дякую за день!
Вечірнє сонце, дякую за втому.
За тих лісів просвітлений Едем
і за волошку в житі золотому.
За твій світанок, і за твій зеніт,
і за мої обпечені зеніти.
За те, що завтра хоче зеленіть,
за те, що вчора встигло оддзвеніти.
За небо в небі, за дитячий сміх.
За те, що можу, і за те, що мушу.
Вечірнє сонце, дякую за всіх,
котрі нічим не осквернили душу.
За те, що завтра жде своїх натхнень.
Що десь у світі кров ще не пролито.
Вечірнє сонце, дякую за день,
за цю потребу слова, як молитви.
Evening sun, thank you for the day!
Evening sun, thank you for my fatigue.
For the enlightened Eden of forests
and for a cornflower in a golden rye.
For your dawn, and for your zenith,
and for my burnt zeniths.
For everything that wants to be green tomorrow
And for all the songs yesterday.
For the sky in the sky, for children's laughter.
For what I can and for what I must.
Evening sun, thank you for all,
who did not defile the soul with anything.
For the fact that tomorrow is waiting for its inspirations.
That somewhere in the world blood has not yet been shed.
Evening sun, thank you for the day,
for this need of words as prayers.
(Lina Kostenko)
11/22/2023 • 8 minutes, 42 seconds
S12E12 - Don Vosburg - Gaming as a Learning Tool
Don Vosburg, Academic Technologist of Learning Innovation (and former Language Center Director) at Carleton College in Minnesota, joins us to discuss all things gamification and language learning through gaming.
11/15/2023 • 32 minutes, 14 seconds
S12E11 - Anthony Ng’ang’a - The Safal-Cornell Kiswahili Prize for African Literature
We meet with Anthony Ng’ang’a, a representative from the East Africa-based Safal Group. Anthony discusses he Safal-Cornell Kiswahili Prize, an award to recognize writing and translations in African languages and help proliferate them around the globe.
11/8/2023 • 21 minutes, 48 seconds
S12E10 - Anna Marchetti & Sebastian Young - World Languages Day
We revisit Cornell’s World Languages Day, which took place earlier this month. Participant Anna Marchetti is a senior in high school in Victor, NY (just under two hours northwest of Ithaca), and student volunteer Sebastian Young is a sophomore here at Cornell and one of our LRC student assistants.
Welcome to a new episode of Speaking of Language. I’m Angelika Kraemer, the Director of the Language Resource Center at Cornell University and I’m Sam Lupowitz, the LRC’s Media Manager. We are excited to talk about our annual World Languages Day event today with two participants. Anna Marchetti [mar’kettee] is a senior in high school in Victor, NY (just under two hours northwest of Ithaca), and Sebastian Young is a sophomore here at Cornell and one of our fabulous LRC student assistants
11/1/2023 • 24 minutes, 22 seconds
S12E9 - Catherine Baumann - Reverse Design and its Role in Curricular and Programmatic Articulation
Dr. Catherine Baumann follows up on her talk from our monthly LRC Speaker Series. Cathy dives into reverse design and how to better center language curricula and lessons around the goals and needs of students.
10/25/2023 • 22 minutes, 34 seconds
S12E8 - Simon Zuberek - Corpora and Data in the Language Classroom
Simon Zuberek returns to Speaking of Language. Simon is a senior educational technologist, linguist, and language educator, and we will talk today about corpora, data, and their applications and validity in the language classroom.
10/18/2023 • 38 minutes, 47 seconds
S12E7 - Discovery Across Disciplines: Cornell’s College Scholar Program
McKenna Norton and Jack Donnellan are undergraduates in the Class of 2025 cohort of Cornell's Robert S. Harrison College Scholar Program. They describe their projects that focus on responses to alienation across cultures and on the role of language in the application of the rule of law around the world.
10/11/2023 • 23 minutes, 42 seconds
S12E6 - Mari Noda - Fail Better: Learning to Participate in Another Culture
Dr. Mari Noda talks about the “game” of language learning, and how each of us can endeavor to “fail better” in our interactions with other cultures.
Watch the video of Mari's talk: https://youtu.be/2l5ufdeKoD8
10/4/2023 • 32 minutes, 55 seconds
S12E5 - The Next Monsoon & Gatty Lecture Rewind - Cornell’s Asian Language and Culture Podcasts
We meet some of the teams behind two other Cornell-based language and culture podcasts. Daniel Bass and Shavin Seneviratne are the co-hosts of The Next Monsoon, a series by Cornell's South Asia Program examining artistic and cultural responses to climate change in South Asia. Francine Barchett and Emily Falica are involved with Gatty Lecture Rewind, a podcast by the Southeast Asia Program centered on conversations and interviews with visiting scholars working in and around that region.
Gatty Lecture Rewind: https://gattyrewind.libsyn.com/
The Next Monsoon: https://nextmonsoon.podbean.com/
Listen to a brief trailer for The Next Monsoon: https://nextmonsoon.podbean.com/e/welcome-to-the-next-monsoon-1679507165/
Next Monsoon conference: https://events.cornell.edu/event/the_next_monsoon .
Daniel's Monsoon Radio show: https://www.wrfi.org/wrfiprograms/monsoon-radio/
# נחת
9/27/2023 • 37 minutes, 41 seconds
S12E4 - Daniel R. Walter - Psycholinguistic Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
We are joined by Daniel Walter, Assistant Professor of German and Linguistics at Emory University. Dr. Walter recently published the book titled Psycholinguistic Approaches to Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Linking Theory, Findings, and Practice, and we will dive into his work on our podcast today.
9/20/2023 • 25 minutes, 28 seconds
S12E3 - Hilary Yarger - New LRC Engagement and Outreach Coordinator
Meet Hilary Yarger, the newest member of the team here at the Cornell University Language Resource Center. We discuss what drew Hilary to the LRC and what she hopes to accomplish as our Engagement and Outreach Coordinator. We'll also hear some of her original music, and perhaps even a classic 90s jam.
Included in this episode: excerpt from "Hazy Devotion," Hilary's MA thesis project.
9/13/2023 • 12 minutes, 37 seconds
S12E2 - Américo Mendoza-Mori - Language Revitalization, Cultural Reclamation, and Global Indigeneity
What can be learned from Indigenous language and culture? Dr. Américo Mendoza-Mori recently visited from Harvard University to give a talk as a part of our LRC Speaker Series. He explores the impact of making space for marginalized people and traditions.
Follow @ameriqo on social media
9/6/2023 • 27 minutes, 32 seconds
S12E1 - Revenge of What You Did Last Summer
Sam and Angelika revisit what they did last summer. But mostly, they look ahead to trends and current events in language learning, and some of the topics in store for the coming season of the podcast.
Information on cuts being made at West Virginia University:
Change.org petition to protest cuts to world languages at West Virginia University:
The Sophie Washburn French Instructorship:
8/30/2023 • 17 minutes, 29 seconds
S11E13 - Kate Paesani & Mandy Menke - Literacies in Language Education
Kate Paesani and Mandy Menke discuss their new book, Literacies in Language Education, and the benefits of a literacies-based approach to language instruction.
Companion website: https://carla.umn.edu/literacies/book.html
Instagram & Twitter: @umn_languages
Twitter: @CARLA_UMN
Read a transcription of this episode here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jm13pTHFNtBJrMxwR3WQHr2KSgJnpl1OFnOPuObds6Y/edit?usp=sharing
5/3/2023 • 36 minutes, 16 seconds
S11E12 - Koen Van Gorp - Exploring Task-Based Language Teaching
Koen Van Gorp joins us to talk about task-based language teaching.
4/26/2023 • 37 minutes, 1 second
S11E11 - Valerie Fridland - When “Bad” Language Makes us Better Communicators
Dr. Valerie Fridland, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Nevada, Reno, discusses her new book Like, Literally, Dude: Arguing for the Good in Bad English. Dr. Fridland demonstrates the deep cultural and historical significance of speech patterns that are initially resisted before becoming widely accepted.
4/19/2023 • 40 minutes, 3 seconds
S11E10 - Florencia Henshaw - Guiding SLA Principles and Assessment
Florencia Henshaw returns to discuss her book, Common Ground: Second Language Acquisition Theory Goes to the Classroom. She recently gave a talk as part of our monthly LRC Speaker Series on SLA principles and assessment. Her talk was part of our spring learning community that is sponsored by the Central New York Humanities Corridor from an award by the Mellon Foundation. The learning community brings together colleagues from Cornell, Colgate, Skidmore, and Syracuse to exchange best practices in language teaching.
Linktree for Florencia: https://linktr.ee/florenciahenshaw
Florencia's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Unpackinglanguagepedagogy
4/12/2023 • 0
S11E9 - Richard Kiely - Transformative Learning, Community Engagement, and Dissonance
Dr. Richard Kiely is a senior fellow in Cornell's Einhorn Center for Community Engagement, and, among many other things, stewards the design and implementation of the Engaged College Initiative. He discusses transformative learning theory, international community-engaged learning, and dissonance.
Einhorn Center: https://einhorn.cornell.edu/
3/29/2023 • 31 minutes, 13 seconds
S11E8 - Margaret Ransdell-Green & Eric Barker - Constructing Language and Culture
Margaret Ransdell-Green is a linguist who has been creating constructed languages, or ConLangs, since the late 1990s. Eric Barker, her husband, is a musician and composer. The two have collaborated on writing music and lyrics in the languages and styles of these fictional peoples.
Margaret's ConLangs: http://www.aeniith.com/
Music video: https://youtu.be/dTp67Xqr2WU
Language Creation Society (LCS): https://conlang.org/
Ana Lemma
The songs heard in this episode were "Zhumzhu" and "Phatakap."
3/22/2023 • 32 minutes, 11 seconds
S11E7 - Xiaoyan Li - AI and Turn-Taking in Online Discussions
Xiaoyan Li enlightens us on her role in developing an AI agent that helps enforce equal participation for native speakers and second language learners in online discussions.
Improving Non-Native Speakers' Participation with an Automatic Agent in Multilingual Groups - https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3567562
3/15/2023 • 23 minutes, 33 seconds
S11E6 - Cory Duclos - Data, Ethics, and AI
Cory Duclos, Director of the Keck Center for Language Study at Colgate University and a Senior Lecturer in Linguistics, joins Sam and Angelika this week. One of his current research projects is concerned with ethics of data gathering online.
3/8/2023 • 30 minutes, 7 seconds
S11E5 - Joe Dale - Educational Technology in Language Learning
Joe Dale is an independent languages consultant from the UK who works with a range of organizations such as Network for Languages, ALL, The British Council, the BBC, Skype, Microsoft, and The Guardian, who described him as an "MFL guru." Joe is no stranger to podcasting as co-host of his own, the #mfltwitterati, and we're excited to hear about his broad experience with language teaching and technology around the world.
@JoeDale on Twitter
3/1/2023 • 36 minutes, 17 seconds
S11E4 - Larisa Kasumagić- Kafedžić - Peace Pedagogy and Language Education
Larisa Kasumagić- Kafedžić, a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellow at Cornell from the University of Sarajevo, explores how language instructors can embrace a pedagogy of peace, justice, and conflict resolution.
2/22/2023 • 35 minutes, 43 seconds
S11E3 - Claire Frances & Giovanni Zimotti - ChatGPT, AI, and Second Language Writing
Claire Frances and Giovanni Zimotti of the University of Iowa discuss their research into ChatGPT, one of the recent artificial intelligence programs garnering attention in and out of academia. The pair recently published an article in FLTMAG about Chat GPT's potential impact on writing in language education.
Read a transcription of this episode here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13eXare1Bg6hFEWpoobQjdWkPD3K1ce1n2ZG55o-7obg/edit?usp=sharing
2/15/2023 • 22 minutes, 36 seconds
S11E2 - Alan van den Arend - Active Learning in Language Teaching
Alan van den Arend discusses how we can rethink approaches to translation and pedagogy to better connect with students.
Correction: ALI was founded by Alex and Laura Hanson (not Harrison)
Read a transcription of this episode here:
2/8/2023 • 21 minutes, 57 seconds
S11E1 - Katie Blake - Amazon’s Alexa AI
Katie Blake tells us how her Ph.D. in Linguistics from Cornell led to her work on Amazon’s Alexa AI, and takes us under the hood of the popular digital assistant.
Read a transcription of this episode here:
2/1/2023 • 21 minutes, 31 seconds
S10E13 - Cori Crane - Creating Pathways of Perspective-Shifting through Structured Critical Reflection
Dr. Cori Crane closes out our season by diving deeper into her recent talk at the LRC on utilizing reflection for language and culture learning.
12/7/2022 • 28 minutes, 8 seconds
S10E12 - Sam Tilsen - Emergence of Dialects
Sam and Angelika meet with Dr. Sam Tilsen, an Associate Professor of Linguistics at Cornell. He and his collaborator, Dr. James Sethna, were recently awarded one of the College of Arts and Sciences’ New Frontiers Grants for their research on dialects.
11/30/2022 • 39 minutes, 56 seconds
Thanksgiving 2022 Mini-Episode
As another Thanksgiving break approaches, Language Resource Center staff and their colleagues reflect on who they are grateful for.
In order of appearance:
Sam Lupowitz, LRC Media Manager
Angelika Kraemer, LRC Director
Kelly Zeng Ho, LRC Student Assistant
Emma Britton, LRC Learning Initiatives Coordinator
Xue Shao, LRC Student Assistant
Julia Felice, Engagement Specialist, Intergroup Dialogue Project at Cornell University
Sebastian Young, LRC Student Assistant
Angela Chen, LRC Student Assistant
11/23/2022 • 3 minutes, 37 seconds
S10E11 - Claudia Holguín Mendoza - Antiracist Critical Literacy: Methodologies of the Oppressed for Language Education
Dr. Claudia Holguín Mendoza gave a keynote as part of this year’s Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning Workshop on Language Pedagogy. Her talk discussed Antiracist Critical Literacy and Methodologies of the Oppressed for Language Education. She follows up on opportunities to reimagine language teaching with critical literacy and student support at the forefront.
11/16/2022 • 26 minutes, 53 seconds
S10E10 - Julia de Aragón - Latino Heritage Association of Tompkins County
Julia de Aragón is a board member of the Latino Civic Association of Tompkins County (where Cornell University sits). She sits down with Sam and Angelika to describe the programs and resources this volunteer organization offers our local community.
Facebook: Latino Civic Association of Tompkins County
LCA Listserv: [email protected]
Website: lca-of-tc.org
11/9/2022 • 18 minutes, 55 seconds
S10E9 - Peidong Sun - Fashion and Politics in Twentieth-Century China
Dr. Peidong Sun of Cornell's history department discusses her course titled Fashion and Politics in Twentieth-Century China. She also shares details of her time studying in China and France, as well as her numerous upcoming book projects.
11/2/2022 • 26 minutes, 40 seconds
S10E8 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers
We are joined by Alexander Adrogué, Isabela Perez, and Frida Herrera, students from Cornell's Spanish for Heritage Speakers courses, as well as course coordinator and instructor Mary K Redmond. We'll hear about the students' experience and what they gained in terms of language and cultural skills and awareness.
10/26/2022 • 26 minutes, 44 seconds
S10E7 - Language Teaching, Queer Constellations, and Puppets
Isabel Choinowski and Dennis Wegner, Ph.D. candidates in German Studies at Cornell, discuss avant-garde puppetry, gender-inclusive pronouns, Sprachcafé, and more.
10/19/2022 • 22 minutes, 20 seconds
S10E6 - Bruno M. Shirley - Buddhist Sovereignty and Accessible Digital Tools for Humanities Students
Bruno Shirley, a graduate student in the Department of Asian Studies here at Cornell, discusses his research into Buddhist intellectual histories of political thought and his accompanying study of Sinhala, Tamil, and other less commonly taught languages.
10/12/2022 • 21 minutes, 23 seconds
S10E5 - FLIP - Foreign Language Introduction Program
We meet with Thamora Fishel, Chencong Zhu, Irfan Asgani, and Maks Tkachuk, members of the team from FLIP, Cornell’s Foreign Language Introduction Program. They share the background of the organization and their plans for community outreach.
10/5/2022 • 24 minutes, 4 seconds
S10E4 - Stacey M. Johnson - Problem-Based Models for Language and Culture Instruction
Dr. Stacey Johnson follows up on her talk (part of our monthly LRC Speaker Series) about problem-based models for language and culture instruction and describes the transformative power of the language classroom.
9/28/2022 • 39 minutes, 17 seconds
S10E3 - Amalia Skilton - Language Development and Social Interaction
Amalia Skilton, a Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Linguistics at Cornell University, discusses her research in the Ticuna language in Peru and what it can tell us about the nature of human communication.
9/21/2022 • 20 minutes, 27 seconds
S10E2 - Luana Reis - Black Feminist Poetics and Language Teaching
Luana Reis unpacks her recent talk for the monthly LRC Speaker Series, Black Feminist Poetics and Language Teaching. Luana discusses bringing poetry and social justice into the language classroom, and even shares some original poetry with us.
[email protected]
Download "Brazilian Women Poets in Translation," including Luana's work:
9/14/2022 • 32 minutes, 1 second
S10E1 - I Forgot What You Did Last Summer
Sam and Angelika return from another summer break, ready to tackle burning questions about language classes and the students who take them – and even love them!
In our final episode of the semester, we speak with Dr. Shyam Sharma, Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at the State University of New York in Stony Brook. He gave a talk as part of our monthly LRC Speaker Series on Transcending Monolingual Worldviews. We dive deeper into how to magnify the impact of knowledge in academia and society, as he shares ideas for rejecting a hegemony of English (or any state-imposed language) and embracing human connection through a multilingual experience.
5/11/2022 • 38 minutes, 38 seconds
S9E12 - Cornell’s International Teaching Assistant Program
Derina Samuel, Jody Gabler, Jayasri Srinivasan, Mila Veshcherevich, and Alice Wu from Cornell’s International Teaching Assistant Program tell us about the support services they offer to our international graduate student community.
ITAP on the web: https://teaching.cornell.edu/graduate-students/ITAP
5/4/2022 • 31 minutes, 55 seconds
S9E11 - Emma Britton - New LRC Learning Initiatives Coordinator
We meet Emma Britton, the new Learning Initiatives Coordinator at the Cornell University Language Resource Center, and discuss the hegemony of English as well as her experience learning Azerbaijani.
4/27/2022 • 16 minutes, 57 seconds
S9E10 - Corrine Occhino - What Everyone Should Know about ASL and American Deaf Culture
Dr. Corrine Occhino joins us to follow up on her talk, “What Everyone Should Know about American Sign Language and American Deaf Culture.” We discuss language deprivation in Deaf children, the phenomenon of Deaf Gain, and how hearing folks can help make a more inclusive world for their Deaf community members.
Read a transcription of this episode here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lh5TY8lUUEVrh4G8HLvCD2RA04cY1u4Dhfe37fuLrOI/edit?usp=sharing
And see two of Corrine's favorite signs in ASL here: https://youtu.be/gQgK3HeyXo8
ASL for Free: https://www.gallaudet.edu/asl-connect/asl-for-free/
Also on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aslconnect/
SignSchool: https://www.signschool.com/
ASL at Home: https://www.aslathome.org/
The ASL App: https://www.instagram.com/theaslapp/
4/20/2022 • 34 minutes, 54 seconds
S9E9 - Student Perspectives on Distance Language Learning
Aliou Gambrel (a senior) and Kevin Kwong (a graduate student) have spent the last few years learning languages in multiple modalities: in person with other students, connecting individually over Zoom, and through the hybrid video-linked classrooms of Cornell, Yale, and Columbia’s Shared Course Initiative. Here’s what they had to say about their varied experiences as language students.
4/13/2022 • 27 minutes, 51 seconds
S9E8 - Morten H. Christiansen - The Language Game: How Improvisation Created Language and Changed the World
Morten Christiansen explains how language is like charades while discussing his new book, The Language Game: How Improvisation Created Language and Changed the World. He also reassures us that we shouldn’t fear artificial intelligence taking over the world, or the field of poetry.
The Language Game:
Cognitive Science of Language Lab:
4/6/2022 • 35 minutes, 55 seconds
S9E7 - Krista Saleet - Cornell’s David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement
Krista Saleet gives us the rundown on the new David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement at Cornell and the programming and resources they offer.
3/30/2022 • 16 minutes, 32 seconds
S9E6 - Yarden Kedar - Bilingual Community-Based Language Pedagogy
Yarden Kedar, Israel Institute Visiting Faculty in the Department of Psychology at Cornell, follows up on his talk on bilingual community-based language pedagogy, and discusses an Arab-Jewish Language Café in Jerusalem.
Watch Yarden's talk here:
3/23/2022 • 22 minutes, 47 seconds
S9E5 - Cornell’s Global Hubs
We’re going global! We will talk about Cornell’s new collaborative Global Hubs with our colleagues Wendy Wolford, Rachel Beatty Riedl, Sebnem Ozkan, and Cindy Tarter.
Partnerships exist with institutions in Australia, China, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Zambia.
3/9/2022 • 29 minutes, 51 seconds
S9E4 - Alejandra Diemecke - The Music of La Llorona
Alejandra Diemecke tells us how her Mexican-American background and her musical family influenced the songs she performs on violin and vocals as La Llorona.
Instagram: @_lallorona_music
La Llorona on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7wPJ4oWaD1oS4GKD5CvtbXt?si=1HvsqY4ERjKYmRC_nONGwQ
This podcast includes excerpts of the songs “La Llorona” and “Wildwood” from the La Llorona EP Hedges.
3/2/2022 • 23 minutes, 55 seconds
S9E3 - Christina Rocha - Inquiry-Based Language Learning
Christina Rocha joins us from the American Community Schools in Athens, Greece to follow up on her recent talk about inquiry-based language learning.
Watch Chistina's talk here: https://youtu.be/YfHkirMN6Ko
Right Question Institute: https://rightquestion.org/
Curious Classes: https://curiousclasses.com
2/23/2022 • 23 minutes, 14 seconds
S9E2 - Michelle Crow - Broadening Support for Multilingual Students
Dr. Michelle Crow, the director of Cornell's English Language Support Office, returns to Speaking of Language to tell us what’s new at ELSO.
2/16/2022 • 24 minutes, 23 seconds
S9E1 - Connecting Social Justice, Language, and Art
Emilia Illana Mahiques and Macarena Tejada López discuss how they synthesized language, migration, and human rights in their teaching, and the culminating project that highlighted the knowledge and creativity of their students.
Read about the student art exhibition:
2/9/2022 • 30 minutes, 46 seconds
S8E13 - Brenda Schertz - ASL at Cornell Revisited
It’s time to wrap up 2021 by revisiting our December 2019 conversation with Cornell’s American Sign Language instructor, Brenda Schertz, with a revised interpretation! Visit our YouTube channel to watch and listen to the episode.
12/8/2021 • 1 minute, 4 seconds
S8E12 - Digital Storytelling in Global Education
We are joined by Lori Leonard, Amy Kuo Somchanhmavong, and Shorna Allred, members of the Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation’s Digital Storytelling Community of Practice. We learn about the podcasts, video stories, and other media projects they are utilizing in the classroom and the field.
Center for Teaching Innovation - Digital Storytelling Community of Practice
Global Garbage - Trash Talk
Global Citizenship and Sustainability Digital Stories
12/1/2021 • 30 minutes, 33 seconds
Thanksgiving 2021 Mini-Episode
This year, we'll hear a few words (and some music) from the Language Resource Center's late Technology Director, Dan Gaibel, who recorded himself discussing some of the perspective he gained from his battle with cancer. We hope it brings some light in a difficult time.
11/24/2021 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
S8E11 - Mariame Sy - Critical Thinking in World Language Teaching
Mariame Sy, Lecturer in African Languages and the Director of the African Language Program at Columbia University, discusses the history of African language teaching in the United States and identifies opportunities for innovation in the language classroom.
11/17/2021 • 21 minutes, 49 seconds
S8E10 - Munther Younes - Integrating Written and Spoken Arabic
Munther Younes, a trailblazer in the field of Arabic language instruction, discusses his 31-year career at Cornell and the innovative educational materials he has in the works.
11/10/2021 • 24 minutes, 56 seconds
S8E9 - Tom Pepinsky - Cornell‘s Southeast Asia Program
Tom Pepinsky, the new director of Cornell’s Southeast Asia Program, talks about his relationship to Indonesian language and culture, growing up in a rust belt town in the United States, and the ways in which the language you speak may or may not affect your view of the world.
11/3/2021 • 24 minutes, 10 seconds
S8E8 - Soledad Chango & Ken Roberts - Quechua at Cornell
Soledad Chango and Ken Roberts discuss the return of Quechua and Kichwa to Cornell and the impact of offering classes in Indigenous languages.
10/27/2021 • 25 minutes, 24 seconds
S8E7 - Ian Andrew MacDonald - Theatre and Language Learning
Ian Andrew MacDonald discusses his background in bilingual theater and how that informs his approach to language teaching and student support.
10/20/2021 • 24 minutes, 56 seconds
S8E6 - Karen Lichtman - Acquisition vs. Learning in 2021
We are joined by Karen Lichtman, Associate Professor in Spanish Linguistics and Educator Licensure at Northern Illinois University. Dr. Lichtman follows up on her talk, “Acquisition vs Learning in 2021,” comparing and contrasting the implicit and the explicit in language instruction.
Cornell's Brandon Lanners, Executive Director of the Office of Global Learning, and Gustavo Flores-Macías, Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs, discuss how to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for international students.
10/6/2021 • 35 minutes, 47 seconds
S8E4 - Jamie Rankin - Research-Based Strategies for Teaching and Learning L2 Vocabulary
Jamie Rankin is the Director of the Princeton Center for Language Study and co-director of the language program in the German Department at Princeton University. He follows up on his recent talk at Cornell, entitled "How Can I Learn All These Words?" Research-based strategies for teaching and learning L2 Vocabulary.
9/29/2021 • 24 minutes, 25 seconds
S8E3 - Jaelyn Millon - Cornell’s Language House
Jaelyn Millon is the new director of the Language House at Cornell. She fills us in on the big changes and goings-on at our favorite residential program.
9/22/2021 • 20 minutes, 8 seconds
S8E2 - Elvia Andía - Designing (Indigenous) Language Classes to Promote Spoken Proficiency
Elvia Andía, Quechua Lecturer at The Ohio State University, follows up on her talk about teaching Indigenous language classes and her own experience teaching Quechua.
9/15/2021 • 20 minutes, 42 seconds
S8E1 - I‘ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
Our hosts Sam and Angelika return to campus and reflect on what's past and what's to come.
9/8/2021 • 9 minutes, 25 seconds
S7E14 - Florencia Henshaw - Aspirations for Post-Pandemic Language Teaching
We are joined by Florencia Henshaw, language educator, teacher trainer, program director, author, tech enthusiast, and social media trailblazer. She brings her energy for and expertise in online learning to our show. We discuss what we’ve learned about learning through the pandemic, and what wisdom we can take with us into post-pandemic language teaching.
5/19/2021 • 26 minutes, 26 seconds
S7E13 - Eduardo Viana da Silva - Developing an Open and Inclusionary Language Textbook
We are joined by Eduardo Viana da Silva from the University of Washington, who will give a talk as part of our monthly LRC Speaker Series this week on developing an open and inclusionary language textbook for Portuguese. He offers strategies for teachers interested in creating and sharing open materials.
5/12/2021 • 23 minutes, 27 seconds
S7E12 - Fatema Sumar - Language Access and Equity
We share highlights from a webinar hosted by Cornell’s Translator Interpreter Program featuring our own Angelika Kraemer, as well as TIP's founder, Fatema Sumar. A 2001 Cornell graduate, Fatema is now the President Biden-appointed Vice President of the Department of Compact Operations at the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Fatema who now works in the Biden administration.
The webinar was moderated by current TIP student leaders Tiffany Lam and Pearl Ngai, and was recorded by Matt Gorney.
5/5/2021 • 22 minutes, 5 seconds
S7E11 - Cornell China Center
We speak with Ying Hua and Nina Chaopricha about the Cornell China Center and the events and opportunities afforded to students onsite in Beijing and on Cornell's campus.
4/28/2021 • 30 minutes, 25 seconds
S7E10 - Bill VanPatten - Barriers to Innovation in Language Teaching
Bill VanPatten, the Diva of Second Language Acquisition, returns to Speaking of Language to chat about revolution and his recent talk for our monthly LRC Speaker Series, "Barriers to Innovation in Language Teaching.
Watch Dr. VanPatten's talk here.
4/21/2021 • 29 minutes, 58 seconds
S7E9 - Nancy Martinsen - Mentoring and Supporting International Students
Nancy Martinsen of Cornell’s Asian and Asian American Center describes the joys and challenges of being an international student in the United States, and what we can do to support these students.
A3C website
Including International Students in Online Teaching
4/14/2021 • 21 minutes, 49 seconds
S7E8 - Rebecca Roberts - Planet Word
We learn about the Planet Word Museum in Washington, D.C. and its innovative exhibits on the wonders of the English language, with its Curator of Programming, Rebecca Roberts.
4/7/2021 • 16 minutes, 17 seconds
S7E7 - Giulia Andreoni - Theater, Music, and Language Learning
Giulia Andreoni, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University with a major concentration in Italian literature, suggests ways to incorporate music and drama into language teaching and learning.
3/31/2021 • 15 minutes, 3 seconds
S7E6 - Social Justice and the University Language Learner
Cassandra Glynn, Pamela Wesely, and Beth Wassell, authors of Words and Actions: Teaching Languages through the Lens of Social Justice, discuss how we can rethink and transform our teaching to better serve our students and our world.
3/24/2021 • 27 minutes, 55 seconds
S7E5 - N‘Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba - Africana Studies and African Languages at Cornell
N‘Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba shares the lessons of three decades in Africana Studies at Cornell University.
Global Comparative Education: Journal of WCCES – https://www.theworldcouncil.net/gce-editorial-team.html
World Voices Nexus: the WCCES Chronicle – https://www.worldcces.org/
Find information on conversation hours for Cornell's African languages (Igbo, KiSwahili, and Yoruba) at https://lrc.cornell.edu/conversation-hours
3/17/2021 • 34 minutes, 41 seconds
S7E4 - Le Anne Spino & Karen de Bruin - Employability and Language Proficiency
Le Anne Spino and Karen de Bruin discuss the Proficiency Initiative at the University of Rhode Island and its impact on students and the curriculum.
Referenced sources:
Language Majors on offer at URI:
Global Languages & Area Studies (tracks in Japanese, Arabic, and Classics)
3/10/2021 • 36 minutes, 27 seconds
S7E3 - Language Tutoring at Cornell
Jennifer Bokaer-Smith, Bianca Lewis, and Ariana Croese from Cornell’s Learning Strategies Center discuss their growing language tutoring program and its value to the Cornell community.
#mi alma
#mi schiallo
3/3/2021 • 29 minutes, 17 seconds
S7E2 - Dustin Crowther - Addressing Speech Comprehensibility in the L2 Classroom
Dustin Crowther discusses the ins and outs of intelligibility when speaking a second language, and how it relates to fluency.
2/24/2021 • 25 minutes, 32 seconds
S7E1 - Kelly Moore - Target Practice: Using the TL from the Get-Go
Kelly Moore, PhD candidate in the Department of Romance Studies at Cornell, describes her process of integrating the target language more deeply into her beginner-level language courses, both in person and online.
2/17/2021 • 22 minutes, 50 seconds
S6E14 - Rachel Beatty Riedl - Cornell's New Migrations Initiative
Rachel Beatty Riedl, the new director of Cornell's Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, illuminates the Center's new Migrations Initiative, as well as her investigations as a scholar and podcast host into life and politics on the African continent.
Listen to Rachel's podcast, Ufahamu Africa, at https://ufahamuafrica.com.
12/16/2020 • 17 minutes, 43 seconds
S6E13 - Sergio Pedro - Pronunciation, Literature, and Music
Sergio Pedro joins us from Ithaca College to discuss some of his favorite language-related topics from pronunciation to Miguel Cervantes, as well as his "other life" as a musician in the Ithaca area.
12/9/2020 • 23 minutes, 56 seconds
S6E12 - Heather Rowley - Spanish for Migrant Aid
Heather Rowley joins us to discuss how studying Spanish, and her early inclination to teach, led her down a path toward migrant aid, social work, and immigration issues.
12/2/2020 • 14 minutes, 39 seconds
Thanksgiving 2020 Mini-Episode
In honor of Thanksgiving, we asked language students at Cornell to thank their teachers for their hard work, particularly through the transition to remote learning in 2020. We share what a few of them had to say (in their target languages, of course).
In order of appearance:
Nandi Ndoro for Nandipa Sipengane, Zulu
Alejna Gjakmani for Banu Ozer Griffin, Turkish
Maxwell Wang for Zhihong Chen, Chinese
Jerry Guo for Su George, Chinese
Christine Sit for Yuanyuan Duan, Chinese
Corinna You for Damien Tissot, French
Ria Castaneda for Aleksandar Bošković, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian
Jack Liufu
Christopher Chandra
Aidan Ackerman
for Dan Gallagher, Latin
11/25/2020 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
S6E11 - Gregory Green - Study Lao: Developing a Language App
Gregory Green, curator of the John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia at the Cornell University Library, talks about his Android app, Study Lao, and the inspiration behind its creation.
11/18/2020 • 16 minutes, 57 seconds
S6E10 - Christopher Hromalik - Inclusive by Design: Universal Design for Learning and the World Language Classroom
Christopher Hromalik follows up his talk, “Inclusive by Design: Universal Design for Learning and the World Language Classroom,” with a conversation about Universal Design for Learning and what it means for the language classroom.
To watch Chris's talk and see his presentation slides, please visit our Speaker Series archive at https://lrc.cornell.edu/speaker-series.
View a written transcript of this episode here.
11/11/2020 • 26 minutes, 59 seconds
S6E9 - Julio Rodriguez - AMPLIFY: Professional Learning Experiences for World Language Education
Julio Rodríguez joins us to discuss AMPLIFY, a resource aggregator of professional learning experiences for world language education.
11/4/2020 • 32 minutes, 27 seconds
S6E8 - David Forman - Yiddish at Cornell
David Forman talks all things Yiddish at Cornell, and shares some history of the language in New York and the United States in general.
Join David for Yiddish Conversation Hour on Fridays from 12-1pm.
אַן אַלרײַטניק#
קענען זיך אין די שוואַתצע פּינטעלעך
זײַן אַ קענער אין די שוואַרצע פּינטעלעך
10/28/2020 • 23 minutes, 29 seconds
S6E7 - Steve Henhawk - Cayuga at Cornell
Steve Henhawk shares his mission to maintain and proliferate the language and culture of the Cayuga, or Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫʼ, the indigenous people who first inhabited the land on which Cornell University now sits.
10/21/2020 • 14 minutes, 20 seconds
S6E6 - Kate Paesani - Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Teacher Professional Development
Kate Paesani joins us to follow up her talk, “Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Teacher Professional Development: From Research to Practice.” We’ll learn how educators can integrate multiliteracies into their curriculum.
10/14/2020 • 25 minutes, 20 seconds
S6E5 - Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom
Melina Ivanchikova and Matt Ouellett, Center for Teaching Innovation
Giulia Friso, Senior Research Associate, Plant Biology
In our 100th episode, we dive into “Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom,” a Massive Open Online Course developed by Cornell’s Center for Teaching Innovation. Two of its creators, Melina Ivanchikova and Matt Ouellett, as well as contributing faculty member Giulia Friso, discuss the importance of incorporating diversity concepts into the teaching of any subject matter. They also provide suggestions for how you can develop these skills in your own teaching, learning, and life.
Learn more about the course (and sign up) here.
10/7/2020 • 37 minutes, 4 seconds
S6E4 - Daniel Gallagher - In Vino Veritas: Bringing Latin to Life
Daniel Gallagher, from Cornell’s Classics department, reflects on his decade of experience living and working as a Latin secretary in the Vatican, and shares the many benefits of learning to speak and converse in a language some may consider “dead.”
Professor Beth Lyon, Director of Cornell’s Farmworker Legal Assistance Clinic, and Victor Flores, J.D. Candidate and Spanish instructor in our Languages Across the Curriculum Initiative, offer a look into Cornell’s Farmworker Legal Assistance Clinic, and the different educational methods they utilize to create access to the American justice system for speakers of Spanish and Indigenous languages.
9/23/2020 • 17 minutes, 56 seconds
S6E2 - Julio Torres - The Effects of Instruction on Heritage Language Learners
Julio Torres joins us from the University of California, Irvine to enlighten us on how language instruction affects heritage speakers.
Watch Julio's talk, presented at the Cornell LRC over Zoom, here.
9/16/2020 • 25 minutes, 20 seconds
S6E1 - I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
We kick off our first episode of season 6 with lessons learned over the summer. Sam and Angelika discuss building the LRC's Online Learning Community, and Cornell instructors Thierry Torea and Su George talk about their experiences in building community and engaging students online.
9/9/2020 • 12 minutes, 57 seconds
S5E16 - Voices from the Field: Students’ Perspectives on Learning Languages Remotely
In the final episode of our Spring 2020 season, we speak with three Cornell language students about their transition into remote learning over the course of this semester: Jabari Gambrel (Wolof), JT Miller (Korean), and Skyeler McQueen (German).
#그냥 패스
5/13/2020 • 23 minutes, 47 seconds
S5E15 - Voices from the Field: Instructors’ Perspectives on Teaching Languages Remotely
Claire Ménard, Naomi Larson, and Munther Younes, lecturers of French, Japanese, and Arabic at Cornell University, share their experiences with the transition to remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
5/6/2020 • 35 minutes, 36 seconds
S5E14 - Simon Zuberek - Extended Reality (XR) in the Language Classroom
Simon Zuberek, the Educational Technologist from the Language Resource Center at Columbia University, investigates the application of virtual, augmented, and extended reality for learning and teaching language and culture.
4/29/2020 • 24 minutes, 45 seconds
S5E13 - Lauren Rosen - Looking Back and Ahead: Successes and Challenges in Moving Language Instruction Online
Director of the University of Wisconsin System Collaborative Language Program, Lauren Rosen, discusses the lessons, consequences, and potential in moving language instruction into a virtual space.
4/22/2020 • 23 minutes, 42 seconds
S5E12 - Shannon Spasova - The Online Language Teacher’s Toolbox
Shannon Spasova, Technology Specialist in the Center for Language Teaching Advancement at Michigan State University and Assistant Professor of Russian, speaks with us about useful tools for teaching and learning language online.
4/15/2020 • 28 minutes, 31 seconds
S5E11 - David Ortega - Engaging Learners in the Virtual Environment
David Ortega, Language Technology Specialist in the Center for Language Study at Yale University, discusses strategies for engaging learners remotely.
4/8/2020 • 26 minutes, 22 seconds
S5E10 - Andrew Ross - The Role of the Language Center in Times of Remote Instruction
As we continue our special focus on language teaching and learning strategies in a virtual space, we welcome Andrew Ross to our podcast. Dr. Ross is the director of the Language Center at Harvard University. He joins us to discuss the role of the language center supporting teachers and students in these times.
4/1/2020 • 27 minutes, 55 seconds
S5E9 - Assessment in the Online Language Classroom
In this episode, we are joined once again by our colleague Chris Kaiser, Program Manager for the Shared Course Initiative, a collaborative agreement among Columbia, Cornell, and Yale Universities to share instruction in the less commonly taught languages. Chris shares several philosophies and strategies for assessing students in a time of social distance.
3/25/2020 • 32 minutes, 37 seconds
S5E8 - Adeolu Ademoyo (rebroadcast) – Storytelling Across Sites
What it is, Speaking of Language listeners! As we're sure you can imagine, our usual schedule here at the Language Resource Center has been disrupted by the global COVID-19 pandemic. But fear not — we still plan to deliver weekly podcasts to you, both to maintain a sense of normalcy in an unusual time, and to keep you up to date on teaching and learning strategies for language in a virtual space, as we all do our best to flatten the curve through quarantine and social distance.
For this week, though, please enjoy a re-run of one of our early episodes with one of the masters of language teaching in a synchronous virtual space: Adeolu Ademoyo.
Adeolu Ademoyo is a senior lecturer in Yoruba language and culture at Cornell. His research interests include: African Philosophy: Ethics, Epistemology and Aesthetics, the locus of African Languages in delineating met-ethical concepts in African moral discourse, gender issues, and family and social structures.
3/18/2020 • 28 minutes, 22 seconds
S5E7 - Story/Lines - The Manga Universe
Story/Lines: Visual Narratives in Japanese Pop Culture is a new exhibit at the Cornell library about the history of manga and its relevance in Japanese culture. We speak with exhibit curators Dan McKee, Karl Rozyn, and Aparna Ghosh about how the comic-book universe can be integrated into learning and teaching.
3/11/2020 • 29 minutes, 9 seconds
S5E6 - Ali Moeller - Pathways to Language and Intercultural Proficiency
Ali Moeller, Edith S. Greer Professor of Language Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, joins us on campus as part of our monthly LRC Speaker Series to give a talk titled “Pathways to Language and Intercultural Proficiency.” She discusses how language learners can take on the role of cultural anthropologist for greater success and deeper engagement in the classroom and beyond.
3/4/2020 • 26 minutes, 52 seconds
S5E5 - Language Advocacy Day
Angelika interviews some fellow attendees of Language Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.
Trey Calvin, Managing Director of JNCL-NCLIS
Rebecca Blouwolff, ACTFL Teacher of the Year 2020, French, Wellesley Middle School in Wellesley, MA
Jenny Delfini, Spanish, Lenape Elementary in New Paltz, NY
Keith Cothrun, Executive Director of AATG
Meredith White, Spanish, Peachtree Ridge High School in Suwanee, GA
We learn what LAD is all about, why it is so important to advocate for languages on the Hill, and how these colleagues share what they learned back in their schools and districts. To learn more about Language Advocacy Day, legislative priorities, and what you can do to advocate for languages, visit languagepolicy.org.
2/26/2020 • 20 minutes, 9 seconds
S5E4 - Charlie Accurso - Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellow
Cornell senior Charlie Accurso describes his experiences as a Foreign Language and Area Studies fellow, and the many opportunities he has been afforded as a speaker of many languages.
FLAS Fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of Education and help graduate and undergraduate students acquire high levels of competence in languages that are deemed critical to the national needs of the United States, and also to gain a fuller understanding of the areas, regions, or countries in which those languages are commonly used. At Cornell, FLAS fellowships are offered through the South Asia Program and the Southeast Asia Program.
The following languages are offered:
Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, Persian, Punjabi, Sinhala, Tamil, Modern Tibetan, Urdu (SAP)
Burmese, Khmer, Indonesian/Malay, Filipino (Tagalog), Thai, Vietnamese (SEAP)
Application deadline is Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 4:30 pm. For more information, visit bit.ly/CornellFLAS
2/19/2020 • 18 minutes, 59 seconds
S5E3 - John Graves - New LRC Team Member
Sam and Angelika welcome John Graves, the newest team member at the Cornell University Language Resource Center. John talks about growing up in a bilingual household, considers how to apply his educational philosophies as the new instructional designer and project manager at the LRC, and shares some heart-pounding stories from his past teaching experiences.
2/12/2020 • 22 minutes, 33 seconds
S5E2 - Camille Andrews - Makerspaces
The Makerspace in Cornell Univesity's Mann Library, the "mannUfactory," is a place of experiential learning, where students, faculty, and staff can exercise their creativity and develop new crafts and skills. Emerging Literacies Librarian Camille Andrews gives us the scoop.
To learn more about the mannUfactory, visit https://makerspace.library.cornell.edu/
2/5/2020 • 17 minutes, 27 seconds
S5E1 - Translator-Interpreter Program
We dive into Cornell’s Translator-Interpreter Program, a student-run organization that offers its services to the surrounding community. Student executive board members Dana Slayton, Pearl Ngai, and Ruby Li join us to discuss what TIP has to offer.
To learn more about TIP, visit https://cornell.campusgroups.com/tip/home/
1/29/2020 • 23 minutes, 12 seconds
S4E13 - Brenda Schertz - American Sign Language at Cornell
Since ASL is a visual form of communication, we present this episode as a video, rather than the usual audio-only format. You can view the video here: https://youtu.be/cIcmaj7kkpk
A transcription of this conversation, adapted from the real-time translation occurring in the studio, is available at https://tinyurl.com/brendaschertz.
A second version of the conversation, with a new translation, is forthcoming.
For the final episode of the fourth season of the Speaking of Language podcast, Sam and Angelika speak with Brenda Schertz, the senior lecturer in American Sign Language and coordinator of the ASL Program here at Cornell. Brenda holds a BFA from the Art Institute of Boston, and a Masters in Sign Language Education from Gallaudet University. Brenda and interpreter Mareike Larsen discuss interpreter training, art, film, and all things American Sign Language.
12/6/2019 • 1 minute, 28 seconds
Thanksgiving 2019 Mini-Episode
In honor of Thanksgiving, Sam and Angelika ask students, faculty, and staff around the LRC what they're thankful for.
We'll be back next week with our special final episode of the semester!
11/27/2019 • 4 minutes, 18 seconds
S4E12 - Amanda Brown - Immersive versus Non-Immersive Language Teaching
Amanda Brown lets us in on the sometimes surprising results of her research into immersive and non-immersive language teaching. Dr. Brown is Associate Professor of Linguistics at Syracuse University. She was on campus as part of our monthly LRC Speaker Series, and gave a talk titled “Immersive versus Non-Immersive Language Teaching: Experimental Studies in English, French, and Arabic Classrooms.”
11/20/2019 • 31 minutes, 35 seconds
S4E10 - Cornell World Languages Day
Sam and Angelika are joined by Cornell's Abby Cohn and Katie Blake to recap the premier Cornell World Languages Day. The pilot event brought high school students from the community to Cornell's campus to celebrate world languages and cultures. The four discuss the impact it had on participating students and Cornell participants.
Learn more about Cornell World Languages Day at http://wld.lrc.cornell.edu/
11/6/2019 • 23 minutes, 24 seconds
S4E9 - Alternatives in Language Education: Cornell's Prison Education Program
In this episode, two Cornell colleagues join us to discuss their experiences teaching language to incarcerated students. Makda Weatherspoon is a Senior Lecturer of Arabic, and Tess Wheelwright is the Academic Director of the Cornell Prison Education Program (CPEP).
Learn more about CPEP at https://cpep.cornell.edu/
10/30/2019 • 26 minutes, 51 seconds
S4E8 - Leah Sweet - Museums and Language Teaching
Leah Sweet, the Lynch Curatorial Coordinator for Academic Programs at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art on Cornell’s campus, discusses how museums can be integrated into language teaching. She also touches on the current Johnson exhibition of contemporary art about the movement of people across the globe.
Learn more about the Johnson Museum, including current, past, and upcoming exhibits, at https://museum.cornell.edu/
10/23/2019 • 23 minutes, 17 seconds
S4E6 - Allyssa Ford - 🎶 In the Navy 🎶
Allyssa Ford, a student at Cornell’s S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, discusses her experience as a linguist for the United States Navy, and her time in their intensive language school as well as working with civilian language analysts in the NSA.
10/9/2019 • 19 minutes, 40 seconds
S4E5 - Nisa Burns - Heritage Learning, Multilingualism, and Global Change
Cornell undergraduate Nisa Burns shares her experiences learning multiple Southeast Asian languages and how study abroad has influenced her future aspirations for language revitalization.
10/2/2019 • 20 minutes, 9 seconds
S4E4 - Candace Black - State-Level Developments in World Language Education
How does a state government affect language education on a national or global level? Candace Black joins us from the New York State Education Department’s Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages to share her experience. More information about her office and the revisions to the New York State Standards for World Languages can be found at http://nysed.gov/world-languages/. Candace can be reached at [email protected] or 518-473-7505. Learn more about New York's language teachers' association NYSAFLT at https://nysaflt.org.
9/25/2019 • 22 minutes, 2 seconds
S4E3 - Edvan Brito - Language Variation, Race, and Migration
Edvan Brito joins us to discuss what the Brazilian settlements called favelas can teach us about how language, race, and geography intersect.
Dr. Brito is Assistant Professor and Director of the Portuguese Program at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. He was on Cornell's campus as part of the monthly LRC Speaker Series, and gave a talk titled “Using Social and Cultural Issues to Promote Language Learning and Cultural Awareness: Language Variation, Race, and Migration.”
Watch Dr. Brito's talk here.
9/18/2019 • 29 minutes, 30 seconds
S4E2 - Joseph Rhyne & Ryan Hearn - Do You Speak Torfan?
This week, we take a trip to the movies as we investigate how two Cornell PhD students created an alien language for the blockbuster film Captain Marvel. LRC Media Manager Sam Lupowitz speaks with Joseph Rhyne and Ryan Hearn, two PhD candidates in Linguistics at Cornell. Joseph and Ryan created the “ConLang,” or “Constructed Language,” of the planet Torfa for this entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which stars Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jackson.
9/11/2019 • 29 minutes, 15 seconds
S4E1 - I Know What You Did Last Summer
Speaking of Language returns for a new academic year! Cornell LRC Director Angelika Kraemer fills us in on lessons learned during summer travels to conferences, both domestic and international. Media Development Manager Sam Lupowitz remembers by the end that he went on his honeymoon.
Call for chapter submissions to the 2021 Language Center Handbook.