It’s time to SpeakGaelic! With John Urquhart at the helm this exciting new podcast is specially curated to help grow your skills and confidence with Gaelic.
SpeakGaelic Extra: Barraichte
‘S iad Joy Dunlop agus Iain Urchardan a tha a’ toirt thugaibh SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. Tha iad a’ cuimhneachadh air na prògraman Gàidhlig a chuala agus a chunnaic iad nan òige. And with Halloween just around the corner it’s apt that Joy and John share some frightening phrases.Bidh abairtean aca a dh’fhaodas sibh a chleachdadh, le comhairle air fuaimneachadh bho Iain 's Joy, a chuidicheas sibh le faclan mar uilebheistean, uabhasach agus uaine.Gun dìochuimhne a dhèanamh air an fharpais-cheist; an aithnich sibhse guthan nan ceathrar phreasantair a chaidh a mheasgachadh ri chèile?
10/24/2024 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra
Thig an tac an teine le gaisgich SpeakGaelic Extra Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIllEathain a bhios ri beagan seanchas ann am podcast na seachdain seo. Cluinnidh sinn mu na seanachaidhean air a bheil iad fhèin eòlach is dèidheil. And they will also offer some useful expressions you could use when listening to stories as well as some advice on being wary of translating directly from English to Gaelic. Agus, dè cho eòlach is a tha sibh air creutairean miotasach? A bheil sibh air sgeulachdan a chluinntinn mu na creutairean aig a bheil Iain is Calum ri thomhais?
10/17/2024 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Iuchair na Gàidhlig
‘S ann aig Joy Dunlop is Calum MacIllEathain a tha iuchair na Gàidhlig agus iad a’ tabhann taic dhuibh a thaobh a bhith a’ cleachdadh chromagan àrda no apostrophes ann an SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo.It being October, Mòd preparation is on Joy's mind. Agus an dùil an cuireadh an sgioba peann gu pàipear airson an Là Litreachais?
Plus, Joy and Calum have another riddle for you to try. Dèan cinnteach gun cùm sibh sùil air ar meadhanan sòisealta airson feuchainn air.
10/10/2024 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | A’ Chrìoch Mu Dheireadh
‘S iad Joy Dunlop agus Iain Urchardan a tha aig stiùir SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain sa. ‘S ann air na speuran a tha an aire le blas de sgeul os-nàdarra agus beachd air cò ris a bhiodh cèiliche bho saoghal eile coltach.They also have a varied selection of celestial vocabulary for when you’re perusing the sky at night.And Joy's excitement was short lived with a challenging megamix. An dèanadh sibhse dad na b’ fhearr?!
10/3/2024 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Triathlon?
Abair gu bheil treat againn dhuibh an t-seachdain seo is Joy, Calum agus Iain uile còmhla ribh le podcast ùr SpeakGaelic Extra.Our topic this week, community, can mean different things to different people. Is sinne a tha fortanach a bhith nar pàirt de choimhearsnachd shònraichte SpeakGaelic!Gheibhear cuideachd recap air na ràithean, is na làithean a’ fàs nas giorra. There’s also a new challenge; can you guess the answer to our riddle? Check out our social media channels to have a guess.Is mura robh sin gu leòr dhuibh dè cho math is a tha ur n-eòlas cruinn-eòlais? Geography is not Joy’s strong suit so will this give Calum or John the chance to grab the quiz crown?!
9/26/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 26: Gaisgich na Gàidhlig | Gaelic Heroes
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 25: Gnàth-shìde | Climate
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 24: Na Fuadaichean | The Clearances
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 23: Dòchas | Hope
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 22: Bàrdachd | Poetry
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 21: Feallsanachd | Philosophy
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 20: Dualchainnt | Dialect
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 19: Ceòl is Òrain | Music and Songs
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 18: Craoladh | Broadcasting
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 17: Seanchas | Storytelling
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 16: Litreachas | Literature
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 15: Fànas | Space
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes
B2 Episode 14: Coimhearsnachd | Community
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/22/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Cha Tig An Aois Leatha Fhèin
Air SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo, tha Joy Dunlop thall anns na Stàitean Aonaichte is Calum a' cumail rian air cùisean aig an taigh! Tha iad a' bruidhinn air fèisean agus briathrachas a tha ceangailte ris an dearbh chuspair! And it's the last programme in the current series of SpeakGaelic Extra - so who'll come out on top in the quiz?
4/4/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 13: Fèisean | Festivals
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòrachadh, ionnsaichidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmair. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisein SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common - their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
4/1/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Ab-so-total-lutely!
Abair spòrs a bh' aig Calum MacIlleathain agus Iain Urchardan a tha a’ toirt thugaibh podcast SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo.
With the clocks changing this week agus sìneadh a’ tighinn air an latha there’s definitely more of a spring in their step.
Ach, an canadh sibhse gu bheil Iain is Calum ‘cho glic ri cailleach-oidhche’ no ‘cho gòrach ris na h-eòin?’ Well, maybe their performances in the quiz will help you decide!
3/28/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 12: Leigheas | Medicine
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
3/25/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Abair sgioba!
‘S iad Joy Dunlop agus Calum MacIlleathain a tha aig stiùir SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. Nach iad a tha treun is tapaidh a’ sgaoileadh fiosrachadh feumail gu ar luchd-ionnsachaidh èasgaidh.
From lifting stones to darning tights their skills know no bounds!
Mar sin, siuthadaibh, go on and send us any of your questions or queries via our social media pages.
3/21/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 11: Poilitigs | Politics
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
3/18/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Chan fhuilear dha!
‘S iad Gaisgich na Gàidhlig, Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop, a tha aig stiùir SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo.
With a birthday and a wedding anniversary, there are plenty of celebrations! What gifts would you give this pair? Dè na tiodhlaicean air a bheil iad airidh?
Tha fiosrachadh feumail aig Banrigh a' Ghràmair, Joy agus farsaingeachd de bhriathrachas aig Bàrd na Hearadh, Iain.
Dèanaibh cinnteach gum bi sibh ag èisteachd!
3/14/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 10: Ionmhas | Finance
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
3/11/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | BYOB: Bring your own...?
Tha fàilte bhlàth oirbh uile gu podcast SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo le ur gaisgich, Calum MacIlleathain agus Iain Urchardan, aig an stiùir.You’re more than welcome to BYOB, bring your own bèicearachd if you’re planning on popping in! Dithis, ceathrar no deichnear... bidh fàilte is furan oirbh. ‘S fheàirrde aoigheachd SpeakGaelic than the hospitality offered by the establishments in this week’s quiz!
3/7/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 9: Aoigheachd | Hospitality
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
3/4/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Iomain agus Skydiving
Nach buidhe dhuibhse! Tha Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop air ais le SpeakGaelic Extra.
How do you like to get your body moving? A bheil sibhse nas coltaiche ri Joy a’ bocadaich mun cuairt mar chat air spiris? Neo am b’ fheàrr leibh a bhith a’ ruith agus a’ leum air a’ bhlàr a-muigh coltach ri Calum?
And who will be the champion when it comes to slightly off-kilter sports? Nach cuir sibh ur beachdan thugainn air ar meadhanan sòisealta!
2/29/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 8: Eacarsaich | Exercise
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
2/26/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Human Alarm Clock
Obair obair Fhearchair! No rest for the wicked on this week’s SpeakGaelic Extra!
‘S iad Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop a tha aig an stiùir agus ‘s ann air fastadh, employment, a tha iad a’ bruidhinn. Cluinnidh sinn cuideachd mu na h-obraichean as annasaiche a bh’ aca fhèin a-riamh.
Have you had any unusual or interesting jobs? Let us know about them via our social media channels!
2/22/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 7: Fastadh | Employment
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
2/19/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Sgaoil an Gaol
‘S e gaol a tha air àire Joy Dunlop, Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain ann an SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo.
Là, mìos no bliadhna nam pòg, take your pick! Cho fad ‘s gu bheil an gaol air a sgaoileadh, ‘s e sin a tha a’ cunntadh!
If you’ve been scrabbling around looking for all sorts of ways to profess your love and affection, Joy, Calum and Iain have you covered!
Tha farsaingeachd de bhriathrachas aca dhuibhse a tha airson cairt dhìomhair a chur dhan phost.
Cuideachd, dèanaibh cinnteach feuchainn air an fharpais-cheist. Dè seòrsa eòlas a th’ agaibhse air filmichean romansach?
2/15/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 6: Co-fhaireachdainn | Sympathy
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
2/12/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Hoolie
‘S iad Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop a th’ aig stiùir SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. With the stormy weather that has been whipping about, they thought sharing vocabulary for all manner of breezes, gales and hoolies would be useful! Agus ‘s e cruinn-eòlas fòcas an fharpais-cheist. An urrainn dhuibhse a’ chùis a dhèanamh air Joy is Calum?
2/8/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 5: Bàiltean Mòra | Cities
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
2/5/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Horò-gheallaidh
Deireadh na ciad mhìos den bhliadhna ùir, tha sin ceart tha sinn fhathast anns an Fhaoilleach! ‘S math gu bheil Joy Dunlop agus Calum MacIlleathain an seo gus ur togail agus ur mìsneachadh le podcast ùr SpeakGaelic Extra.
It’s been a wild and wintery start to the year, so Joy and Calum thought it would be beneficial to share some words and phrases you could use to talk about snow.
Agus, abair gun robh iad air an dòigh feuchainn air Megamix eile. Cia mheud òran a dh’aithnich sibhse?!
2/1/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 4: Sòisealtas | Society
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/29/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Feel Good Factor
‘S ann trang ag obair an fhearainn a tha Iain Urchardan is Joy Dunlop air podcast SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. Agriculture is the theme of this week’s programme, but even if you’re not a farmer or a crofter, you’ll learn plenty of useful new words and phrases. Bidh taic aca dhuibhse a bhios ’s dòcha a’ strì le gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach no ‘irregular verbs.’ And who will get the upper hand in the quiz?! Dèanaibh cinnteach gum bi sibh ag èisteachd gus faighinn a-mach!
1/25/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 3: Àiteachas | Farming
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/22/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Morair nam Fàinneachan
Dèan cinnteach gum bi sibh nur deann-ruith gus èisteachd ri podcast SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo ann an cuideachd Joy Dunlop agus Calum MacIlleathain.
Are the short days of winter leaving you searching for some summer sun? Uill, cluinnidh sibh mu chuid de na h-àitichean a bhios a’ tàladh Joy is Calum agus mar a mhiannaicheadh iadsan an làithean-saora a chur seachad.
Agus cuimhnich, chan e an ro chabhag as fheàrr! Take your time ingesting their words of wisdom. Tha sgioba SpeakGaelic an-còmhnaidh ro dheònach ur cuideachadh!
1/18/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 2: Turasachd | Tourism
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/15/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Mo Chreach Is Mo Handbag!
Mo chreach 's a thàinig, bliadhna ùr agus sreath ùr de SpeakGaelic Extra! Joy Dunlop and Calum Maclean have been gently easing themselves into the new year ach na gabhaibh dragh, tha iad air an dòigh a bhith air ais nur cuideachd. Cha bhi iad idir leisg ann a bhith a’ toirt comhairle agus taic dhuibh, ach saoil a bheil piseach air tighinn air an cuid eòlais?!
1/11/2024 • 20 minutes
B2 Episode 1: Foghlam | Education
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha aig ìre adhartach agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmar cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air you a Gaelic learner aiming to take the final step towards fluency? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B2 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at advanced learners.John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situations as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he welcomes a diverse range of guests who all share one thing in common; their love of the Gaelic language.These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/8/2024 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | An Toil Leat Mo Ghlagan Binn?
‘S e fear nam puns Calum MacIlleathain agus tè a’ ghràmair Joy Dunlop a tha a’ toirt thugaibh am podcast mu dheireadh den t-sreath seo de SpeakGaelic Extra.
With Christmas just around the corner, it’s all the festive food and drink that have their attention. Mulled wine versus Eggnog; dè a b’ fheàrr leibhse?
Agus, dè cho math is a tha ur n-eòlas air filmichean agus ceòl na Nollaige? Nach feuch sibh air a' mhegamix! How many can you pick out?
12/14/2023 • 26 minutes, 25 seconds
SpeakGaelic Extra | Fada Cus Fiosrachaidh
NGD – Na gabh dragh! Tha laoich SpeakGaelic Extra Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop an seo gus taic a thoirt dhuibh le ceist sam bith a dh’fhaodadh a bhith agaibh mun Ghàidhlig. Dithis a bhios gu tric a’ dol aig peilear am beatha; does the cold dark of winter slow them down?Agus, OMC – Oh mo chreach; will today’s dastardly quiz on duos have them stumped? Am bi sibhse DGM – a’ dèanamh gàire mòr - when listening to their attempts? Could you do any better?!
12/7/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | An Rud As Miosa A Chaidh A Chraoladh?!
Tha a h-uile latha na latha sgoile!Is abair gu bheil Joy Dunlop agus Calum MacIlleathain èasgaidh ann am podcast SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo! Tha iad a’ feuchainn ri ceistean mu eachdraidh na h-Alba a fhreagairt; would you fare any better in remembering some key Scottish history dates?!Togaidh iad air Seachdain Nàiseanta nan Craobh and how trees represent the Gaelic alphabet. Agus, dè mu dheidhinn iomairt gus sgioba SpeakGaelic Extra òran Nollaige a thoirt a-mach?!
11/30/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Panic! At The Farpais-Cheist
In this week’s SpeakGaelic Extra, John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop chat about their hopes and dreams. They’ll also have some tips on how you can talk about your own aspirations. Am bu mhiann leibhse coinneachadh ri ar sàr phreasantairean? Am bu mhath leibh ùine a chur seachad leotha gus an ceasneachadh mu nithean gràmair? And will pride come before a fall? No, an tig an dithis còmhla gus a' chùis a dhèanamh air an fharpais-cheist?
11/23/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | A’ Gabhail Na Grèine
Mar is àbhaist tha sop às gach seid - a little bit of everything - aig Joy Dunlop agus Calum MacIlleathain dhuibh air SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain-sa. Bidh iad a’ deasbad mu bhith a’ deasbad! Calum has his dancing shoes on once more and Joy relishes in assisting with some grammar queries. Agus ciamar a chaidh dhaibh anns an fharpais-cheist - an canadh sibh gun robh iad uabhasach math… neo dìreach uabhasach?!
11/16/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Cognitive Dissonance
Dithis air leth ealanta ann an iomadh diofar dhòighean a tha a’ toirt thugaibh fichead mionaid de dh’fhiosrachadh feumail agus slabaid de spòrs. Sin agaibh Calum MacIlleathain agus Iain Urchardan. With both having a pretty strong creative streak, they are very well placed to help you talk about some of the artsy pastimes you might have. Ach, a bheil an ùidh a th’ aca ann an ealain na chuideachadh anns an fharpais-cheist?
11/9/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Suas Leis Na Nerds!
A bheil sibhse a’ faireachdainn an dorchadais a’ gabhail grèim is na gleocan a-nis air atharrachadh? Ma tha, na gabhaibh dragh! Oir tha Iain Urchardan is Joy Dunlop an seo gus gleans a chur air an latha le pod-chraoladh SpeakGaelic Extra ùr dhuibh.
They’ll have words of encouragement for your learning journey; look upon it as a marathon and not a sprint!
Is dè cho math is a tha eòlas cruinn-eòlais Joy is Iain; an robh beachd an luchd-èisteachd - gun soirbhicheadh le Joy - ceart?
11/2/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Bileagach
Ged a tha i gruamach a-muigh chan fheum sibhse a bhith gruamach a-staigh oir thèid ur spiorad a thogail is craic gu leòr a’ dol aig Joy Dunlop is Calum MacIlleathain. They’ll have some style tips for different occasions. Brògan dannsaidh no bòtainnean dìonach, dè thaghadh sibhse? They’ll also lend a helping hand in tackling some of your queries. Cuideachd, a bheil an t-eòlas ciùil agaibhse treun? Feuch an dèan sibhse an gnothach air Joy is Calum anns an fharpais-cheist!
10/26/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | World Domination
Dithis ann an deagh shunnd, Iain Urchardan is Joy Dunlop a tha aig stiùir SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. Ach, tha iad air leth taingeil airson nan cothroman conaltraidh a tha teicneòlas a’ toirt dhaibh!
Though it’s technology that brings them together to record the podcasts neither proclaim to be a gadget whizz. How tech savvy are you? Do you think that you could beat them in the quiz?
10/19/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Diridh-Ochain
Tha plòigh is fealla-dhà gu leòr a’ dol eadar Calum MacIlleathain agus Iain Urchardan ann am podcast SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. Calum finds a fair few opportunities to drop in some swimming references, is abair gun robh an luchd-èisteachd èasgaidh! Plenty in the bucket list of places to visit in the Highlands; bho thuath gu deas, no mar a chanar ‘bho Hiort gu Peairt!’
10/12/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Bu tu an gèadh…
'S iad Joy Dunlop agus Iain Urchardan a tha a’ toirt thugaibh SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo is h-abair gun robh an dithis aoibhneil a bhith an cuideachd a chèile! They’ll tell us about their holiday packing essentials; ach dè bhios agaibhse, poca no puicean? Agus an e cnap-starra a bhios an dìth eòlais aca air miotas - will they be bamboozled by mythology?
10/5/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Fàilte is Furan
'S iad Joy Dunlop agus Calum MacIlleathain a th’ aig stiùir SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. Cluinnidh sinn sgeulachdan siubhail Joy agus na miannan siubhail aig Calum. They’ll also pass on their wild swimming recommendations and give some good vocabulary options for a day out in the hills. Agus, gheibh sibhse an cothrom feuchainn air an fharpais-cheist. Am faigh sibh làmh an uachdair air na preasantairean?
9/28/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Co-dhiù no Co-dheth
Mar a sheinn Thin Lizzy, The Boys Are Back In Town. Sin agaibh balaich SpeakGaelic Extra, Calum MacIlleathain is Iain Urchardan is iad air ais le tuilleadh puns is searmonan air bòidhchead na Hearadh.
We’ll find out what some of our lovely listeners have been up to over the summer months, and we’ll be sharing grammar pointers, too.
Gheibh sinn cuideachd blasad de na h-àitean air do thadhail Calum ’san t-sreath seo de SpeakGaelic.
Also, we’ll find out their level of soap expertise. An d èan iad càl no brochan dhen fharpais-cheist?
9/21/2023 • 20 minutes
B1 Episode 26: Dualchas | Culture
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 25: So-sheasmhachd | Sustainability
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 24: Eachdraidh | History
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 23: Miannan | Desires
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 22: Alba Nuadh | Nova Scotia
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 21: Ealain | Art
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 20: Na h-Eileanan | The Islands
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 19: Fasan | Fashion
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 18: Teicneòlas | Technology
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 17: A’ Ghàidhealtachd | The Highlands
Podcast do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an t-sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA. Weekly podcast for Gaelic learners, accompanying the BBC ALBA series SpeakGaelic.
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 16: Creideamh | Belief
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 15: Siubhal | Travel
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 14: Nàbaidhean | Neighbours
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
9/18/2023 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Wordsworth no Donaidh Dòtaman?
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum Maclean.
4/6/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Maighstir Motivator
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Joy Dunlop agus Iain Urchardan.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Joy Dunlop and John Urquhart.
3/30/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Gun Fheum
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Joy Dunlop agus Calum MacIlleathain.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Joy Dunlop and Calum Maclean.
3/23/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Snashters
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum Maclean.
3/16/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Custard Air M' Aodann
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
3/9/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Sgoinneil, Sònraichte, Gasta
Cò am ‘favourite’ an-diugh? Uill, 's e Calum MacIlleathain a th’ ann an cuideachd Iain Urchardain, so place your bets on who receives that accolade this time!
‘S ann a-muigh a’ ruith nam beanntan a bhios Calum; however, it was indoors in the boxing ring that John’s family excelled. Calum and John also help with some sports lingo that you requested. Plus, how clued up are they on classic sports programmes? An dèanadh sibhse na b’ fheàrr ann a bhith gan tomhais? Dèanaibh cinnteach gum bi sibh ag èisteachd!
3/2/2023 • 27 minutes, 40 seconds
SpeakGaelic Extra | Bliadhna Nam Pòg
An ‘dream team’ de Joy Dunlop agus Iain Urchardan a th’ aig stiùir SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. Tha comhairle aca dhuibhse a th’ air ur slighe do dh’fhileantas that will give your confidence a boost. Joy attempts to dig herself out of a hole by insinuating that Iain is the ‘Tosgaire (Aosta)’ dha Seachdain na Gàidhlig, agus cluinnidh sinn mu ‘Bliadhna nam Pòg’ aig na Hearaich. We’ll also find out how good their entrepreneurial knowledge is!
2/23/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Tha Mi Claoidhte!
Dè an seòrsa triom a th’ air Joy Dunlop is Calum MacIlleathain ann am podcast SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo? They give us a selection of useful examples on how to use colours to emphasise our feelings. Cluinnidh sinn mu làithean buidhe a h-òige; with Joy reminiscing about Parkour in Connel. Herself and Calum also show us how teamwork makes the dream work whilst tackling your questions. Agus, an dèan sibhse an gnothach air am megamix?
2/16/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | 'Sandwiches Always Taste Better When...'
Na gaisgich Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain a th’ aig stiùir SpeakGaelic Extra na seachdain seo. They chat about their morning routines - or lack thereof! They explain the difference between dual-chainnt – dialect, and blas – accent. Tha ceist aca, “Cò as a thàinig am facal “ceapaire”?", agus tha cothrom ann ur briathrachas mu thaigheadas a leudachadh!
2/9/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | 'Fuar Fuar, Òrdagan is Corragan'
Dè ur beò? Mìos ùr agus podcast ùr SpeakGaelic Extra! ‘S iad Joy Dunlop is Calum MacIlleathain a tha a’ toirt thugaibh podcast na seachdain seo with tales of proposals as well as new vocabulary to add to your stash. Agus, thathar air dùbhlan a chur romhaibh, ar luchd-èisteachd èasgaidh. Can you name the songs and body parts that appear in our music mix? Siuthadaibh - feuch air!
2/2/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | You Can't Beat A Diphthong
A bheil sibh gu sprogail, sunndach? Ready for another jam-packed twenty minutes with Joy Dunlop and John Urquhart? Gheibhear còmhairle mun thuiseal ginideach agus diofar dhòighean gus ‘uair dhen t-saoghal’ a ràdh. The joy of a diphthong and a handy hint to help nail some of those tricky Gaelic vowel sounds. Bidh cothrom agaibh cuideachd feuchainn air a’ cheisteachan - will you have more success than our presenters' in decoding the clues?
1/26/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Most Excellent!
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum Maclean.
1/19/2023 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Honking
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
1/12/2023 • 20 minutes
B1 Episode 13: Cuirmean Mòra | Big Occasions
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 12: Slàinte is Sunnd | Health and Wellbeing
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 11: Naidheachdan | News
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 10: A' Ghalltachd | The Lowlands
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 9: Còcaireachd | Cooking
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 8: Spòrs | Sports
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 35 minutes
B1 Episode 7: Gnothachas | Business
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 35 minutes
B1 Episode 6: Faireachdainn | Feelings
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 35 minutes
B1 Episode 5: Taigheadas | Housing
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 35 minutes
B1 Episode 4: A' Bhodhaig | The Body
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 35 minutes
B1 Episode 3: Àrainneachd | Environment
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 2: Còmhdhail | Transport
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan gràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 30 minutes
B1 Episode 1: Ionnsachadh | Learning
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath B1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air adhartas a dhèanamh anns a’ chànan agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Le Iain gur treòireachadh, ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean ùra co-cheangailte ri diofar chuspairean agus beagan mu ghràmair cuideachd. Cuideachd anns gach podcast, gheibh sibh blasad de chultar agus dualchas nan Gàidheal agus bidh aoigh sònraichte a’ seanchas ri Iain.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
Have you been learning Gaelic for a year or longer? If so, this podcast is for you. Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series B1 of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at intermediate learners.
John will share vocabulary and phrases that you can use in all types of situation as well as helping you to get to grips with some of the rules of the language. You’ll get the chance to learn more about Gaelic’s rich culture, past and present, and to join John as he chats to a diverse range of guests about their own journey to fluency.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
1/9/2023 • 30 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Tiodhlac na Nollaige
A bheil sibh air a bhith ag ionndrainn Iain, Joy is Calum agus an cuid spòrs? Uill seo an triùir còmhla a-rithist gus blasad de na bhios a’ dol anns an t-sreath ùr de SpeakGaelic Extra a thoirt dhuibh, mar thiodhlac beag na Nollaige!
Have you missed John, Joy and Calum? Well, here’s a wee festive taster of what might be in store in the next series.
12/21/2022 • 11 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Leig air falbh e! Leig air falbh e!
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
6/9/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | En-dolphins
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
6/2/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Beul Gun Phutan
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
5/26/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | The SpeakGaelic Dance Crew
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Calum Maclean and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Calum MacIlleathainn agus Joy Dunlop.
5/19/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Pineapple Is A Topping
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum MacLean.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
5/12/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Grease (Not The Place Beside Turkey)
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
5/5/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Dè chanas na caoraich?
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart, Calum MacLean and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan, Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop.
4/28/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Big Purple Giant Human
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Calum Maclean and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop.
4/21/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Who Lives In A House Like This?
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Calum MacLean and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop.
4/14/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Dè do chor? Kor-ma!
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum MacLean.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
4/7/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Long Short Long Short Long
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
3/31/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Big Fat Monkey Paws
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
3/24/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Have You Missed Us Terribly?
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum Maclean.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
3/17/2022 • 20 minutes
A2 Episode 13: Nàdar | Nature
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 37 minutes, 27 seconds
A2 Episode 12: Sgilean Dhaoine | People's Skills
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 33 minutes, 10 seconds
A2 Episode 11: Conaltradh | Communication
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 33 minutes, 39 seconds
A2 Episode 10: Anns a' Bhaile | In the Town
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 41 minutes, 5 seconds
A2 Episode 9: Air Splaoid | Out and About
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 36 minutes, 28 seconds
A2 Episode 8: Cur-seachadan | Hobbies
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 39 minutes, 10 seconds
A2 Episode 7: An t-Àite-obrach | The Workplace
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 39 minutes, 48 seconds
A2 Episode 6: Planaichean | Plans
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 39 minutes, 53 seconds
A2 Episode 5: Aig an Taigh | At the House
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 37 minutes, 31 seconds
A2 Episode 4: Daoine agus Dàimhean | People and Relationships
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 39 minutes, 9 seconds
A2 Episode 3: Ràithean | Seasons
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 38 minutes, 52 seconds
A2 Episode 2: Air Feadh an t-Saoghail | Around the World
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair is eile bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 39 minutes, 52 seconds
A2 Episode 1: Càirdeas | Friendship
Have you recently started learning Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series two of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at foundation learners who are making progress with the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 2 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air daoine a tha air tòiseachadh air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho chionn ghoirid agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhisean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
3/14/2022 • 38 minutes, 22 seconds
SpeakGaelic Extra | ’S e Babe a th’ annam
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Calum MacLean and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòigh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop.
1/27/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Calum Calum Bu Tu Am Balach!
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast!
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum MacLean.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòigh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
1/20/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Joy Joy Abair Plòigh!
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast!
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòigh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Joy Dunlop.
1/13/2022 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Pàrtaidh na Nollaige!
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by all three SpeakGaelic presenters - John Urquhart, Calum Maclean and Joy Dunlop!
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le preasantairean SpeakGaelic uile gu lèir – Iain Urchardan, Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop!
12/23/2021 • 28 minutes, 40 seconds
SpeakGaelic Extra | Fìon Muileach
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Calum Maclean and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop.
12/16/2021 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Orienteering le Rod Stewart
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum Maclean.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
12/9/2021 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Murt! She Wrote
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Joy Dunlop and John Urquhart.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Joy Dunlop agus Iain Urchardan.
12/2/2021 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Dolly Partan
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Calum Maclean and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop.
11/25/2021 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Anann-sach
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum Maclean.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
11/18/2021 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | What Does Iain Really, Really Want?
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to reinforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Joy Dunlop and John Urquhart.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Joy Dunlop agus Iain Urchardan.
11/12/2021 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Mac An Èisg
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Calum Maclean and Joy Dunlop.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Calum MacIlleathain agus Joy Dunlop.
11/4/2021 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra | Guga
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by John Urquhart and Calum Maclean.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Iain Urchardan agus Calum MacIlleathain.
10/28/2021 • 20 minutes
SpeakGaelic Extra Episode 1
Have you recently started learning Gaelic with SpeakGaelic on BBC ALBA? If so, make sure you don’t miss this additional podcast.
Join SpeakGaelic’s presenters each week as they take a sideways look at some of what we’ve learned in the latest episode of the TV series.
They’ll help to re-enforce some of what we learned in this week’s programme and do their best to answer your Gaelic-related questions – along with plenty of banter and a bit of nonsense!
This week's podcast is presented by Joy Dunlop and John Urquhart.
A bheil sibhse ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil sibh a’ leantainn na sreath SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA, air a lìbhrigeadh le Joy Dunlop? Ma tha feuch nach caill sibh am podcast seo! Gach Diardaoin bidh preasantairean SpeakGaelic a’ tighinn còmhla airson fichead mionaid de phlòidh is dibhearsan – agus beagan ionnsachaidh cuideachd!
Cuidichidh iad gus na dh’ionnsaich sibh ann am prògram na seachdain-sa a dhaingneachadh agus ma tha ceistean cànain agaibh nì iad an dìcheall iad sin a fhreagairt!
Tha podcast na seachdain-sa air a thoirt thugaibh le Joy Dunlop agus Iain Urchardan.
10/22/2021 • 20 minutes
A1 Episode 13: Peataichean | Pets
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 35 minutes, 31 seconds
A1 Episode 12: Coltas Dhaoine | Describing People
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 39 minutes, 40 seconds
A1 Episode 11: Latha gu Latha | Day to Day
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 37 minutes, 30 seconds
A1 Episode 10: Ceannachd | Shopping
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 39 minutes, 53 seconds
A1 Episode 9: Biadh & Deoch | Food & Drink
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 35 minutes, 55 seconds
A1 Episode 8: Tìde Dheth | Time Off
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 36 minutes, 51 seconds
A1 Episode 7: Obair | Work
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 30 minutes
A1 Episode 6: Tìde | Time
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 30 minutes
A1 Episode 5: Dachaigh | Home
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 30 minutes
A1 Episode 4: Teaghlach | Family
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 30 minutes
A1 Episode 3: An Aimsir | The Weather
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 30 minutes
A1 Episode 2: Àitichean | Places
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 30 minutes
A1 Episode 1: Caraidean Ùra | New Friends
Do you want to learn Gaelic? If so, this is the podcast for you! Presented by popular broadcaster and writer John Urquhart, series one of the SpeakGaelic podcast is aimed at those who are new to the language.
John will be your guide through each episode as you add to your store of phrases and vocabulary, and we’ll also help you to get to grips with some of the basic rules of the language.
These podcasts are designed to complement the other SpeakGaelic resources, including the television series on BBC ALBA. Additional learning materials can be found on
A bheil sibhse ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Ma tha, is ann dhuibhse a tha am podcast seo! Tha sreath 1 de phodcast SpeakGaelic ag amas air luchd-tòiseachaidh agus tha e air a thoirt thugainn leis a’ chraoladair agus sgrìobhaiche Iain Urchardan.
Ionnsachaidh sibh faclan agus abairtean cumanta còmhla ri Iain agus gheibhear comhairle fheumail air gràmair agus fuaimneachadh bho eòlaichean SpeakGaelic cuideachd.
Gabhaidh na podcastan seo a chleachdadh nan aonar air neo an cois na sreath telebhìsean SpeakGaelic air BBC ALBA agus tha goireasan ionnsachaidh ceangailte riutha rim faotainn air
10/15/2021 • 30 minutes
Welcome to SpeakGaelic
John Urquhart introduces you to SpeakGaelic. A specifically curated podcast created to accompany Gaelic learners and lapsed speakers from the beginning of their journey onwards.