Want to know how to close the orgasm gap? Riding your hormonal rollercoaster blindfolded? Can’t find contraception that works for you? You’re not the only one. Ladies, We Need To Talk is a show for women, by women, and dives head first into the tricky and taboo topics we often avoid talking about. Join host Yumi Stynes as she tears open the sealed section on life. Or contact us at [email protected]
Abbie Chatfield is not going away
There aren't many people on your Instagram feed who are as loved and as loathed as Abbie Chatfield.Ever since Abbie shot to fame as the slut-shamed villain on The Bachelor Australia in 2019, she's been a public and controversial figure who's hard to look away from.Five years and almost 500K followers later, Abbie's built an empire on sharing her trauma dumps, UTIs, political rants and sexcapades.Abbie's openness has earnt her lots of fans but it's also made her the target of sexist and violent online threats.So how does this former real-estate girly from Brissy manage living a life in the spotlight while staying sane in the real world?
10/21/2024 • 26 minutes, 30 seconds
Hey Yumi! I’m in love with a mama’s boy
What if your man has another, equally important woman in his life: his mum?For some sons, the aprons strings are tied so tight, it’s impossible to compete with mummy. She’s his number one fan, dotes on him and interferes in his life, including his relationships. It’s not sexy.So, can a mama’s boy ever reform and stand on their own two feet in a relationship? Or will you always come off second best?Yumi Stynes and Jess McGuire lay down the law when it comes to being with a mama’s boy. Hint: they must be able to do their own washing.
10/14/2024 • 16 minutes
Why are we so afraid of looking old?
As we get older, wiser, more resilient, and better placed to back seat drive, the world does not reward us. Or our grey hair.
10/7/2024 • 37 minutes
Aubrey Gordon—just say fat
Aubrey Gordon is a fat woman. She's not on a diet or trying to get thinner and that pisses some people off, but she's done apologising.This self-acceptance has been hard fought. All her life, Aubrey has had to swallow comments about her size from strangers and family alike. Like all of us, she was force-fed the idea that there is only one ideal body: a thin one.Aubrey's resistance started with her blog, Your Fat Friend, where she wrote about what it's like to live in the world as a fat person and dared to suggest that fat people deserve the same rights as everyone else. The blog touched a nerve, giving a voice to people who had been silenced and launched Aubrey’s public career.Aubrey is the co-host of the Maintenance Phase podcast, which calls bullshit on the so-called wellness industry. Oh, and she has a laugh that fills up the room.Yumi and Aubrey talk about anti-fat bias, online hate and the myth of the perfect body.
9/30/2024 • 27 minutes
Hey Yumi! Help, he's bad at sex!
You're on a date and there's a spark, the chat is great, the vibes are flowing. But come the time to disrobe, all that potential sexual brilliance comes crashing down. They're a dud root. So what on earth do you do if you've got a connection with someone, but they're not rocking your socks off? How do you have a conversation about what you like, without hurting their feelings? And can you ever turn a jackhammer into a magical orgasm wand? Yumi Stynes and sex therapist Aleks Trkulja get under the sheets and figure out how to communicate your way to the pleasure palace.
9/23/2024 • 16 minutes
The Other Woman
The Other Woman. The bit on the side. Side hoe. She's the biggest villain of them all. She's probably younger, hotter and she's left the girl-code far behind, because THAT woman is stealing your man, girl. So, who is 'the other woman' and what's driving her towards married men anyway? In this episode, Yumi sits down with women dating men who are teken and finds out how they navigate their own messy relationships and emotions.
9/16/2024 • 28 minutes
Jill Stark on leaving alcohol out of the picture
Jill Stark spent most of her life defined by alcohol. Either as a hard-drinking party girl, spurred on by a culture of drinking as a journalist, or as the poster child for sobriety, trapped by a public identity that revolved around abstinence. Yumi and Jill talk about her journey to genuine sobriety on her own terms, and how she has learned who she is without booze. Resources:National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline1800 250 015 Alcoholics Anonymous: https://aa.org.au/1300 222 222 Hello Sunday Morning https://hellosundaymorning.org/Lifeline13 11 14
9/9/2024 • 30 minutes
Labiaplasty—the rise of the designer vagina
We’re all about labia love here at Ladies, but it seems that some women are less than enthusiastic about their lower lips. So what’s the real deal on the labiaplasty? Will cosmetic surgery really help restore the labia love to those who just aren’t feeling it? Yumi is here to unpack the problems with our flaps and give us the low-down on the down-there surgery.
9/2/2024 • 27 minutes, 42 seconds
Hey Yumi! Should I have a baby?
Tick, tock, tick, tock... can you hear that? It’s your biological clock and it’s about to blow! For some, deciding whether to have a baby isn’t just about fertility, it’s also about weighing up whether becoming a parent is the path best taken. Never fear, Yumi Stynes has perched herself behind the mic to hold your hand and navigate this tricky time-bomb.
8/26/2024 • 15 minutes, 10 seconds
Jamila Rizvi—when life doesn’t go to plan
At 31, Jamila Rizvi’s life changed forever. The discovery of a rare brain tumour knocked the ass-kicking, over-achieving media advisor and young mum sideways. Jamila had two rounds of brain surgery, followed by radiation, and now lives with chronic health conditions. She’s had to re-map what life looks like and let go of the idea that she can control what lies ahead. Despite the challenges, Jamila’s found strength in herself and by leaning on those closest to her. In this episode, Jamila and Yumi dig into the wisdom that comes from being dealt one of life’s curve balls.
8/19/2024 • 24 minutes, 15 seconds
Hey Yumi! I feel ugly and it’s holding me back
We all have days when we look in the mirror and think “who is that hideous moll staring back at me??” But what if those days are constant and you feel like a loser in the attractiveness lottery? Let’s face it, being hot is a social currency and the pressure to look a certain way as a woman is constant. So how can we let go of the ideal beauty standard (whatever that is on a given day) and learn to love the image looking back at us? Yumi Stynes is here with her gal pals Myf Warhurst and Zan Rowe to cut through the bull crap and help you embody your smoking self.
8/12/2024 • 15 minutes, 18 seconds
The hot truth about perimenopause and mental health
Perimenopause can be bad for your health. It’s not just the physical symptoms like weight gain, insomnia, exhaustion and loss of sex drive that can knock women sideways, the mental health impacts can be immense as well. Hormone fluctuations during this period can lead to mood swings, anxiety, brain fog and depression. To make matters worse, these symptoms are often misdiagnosed and mistreated. Help is at hand though! Yumi Stynes becomes an honourary member of the club and gets the 411 on all things perimenopause and mental health. Featured in this episode: Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, director of Monash University’s Health Education Research Centre Lifeline: 13 11 14 Menopause Friendly AustraliaHER Centre Australia
8/5/2024 • 33 minutes, 32 seconds
Hey Yumi! I haven’t had sex for a really long time
Have you ever had a sexual dry spell? And when we say dry, we mean years and years. Getting naked and doing the bedroom rodeo with another person can be daunting at the best of times, but especially if it’s been such a long time you’re worried you may have forgotten how to ride the horse. Anxieties begin to take over...Will everything work like it used to? What if they don’t like my body? And what if the dog walks in? So, how can you break the dry spell and get back in the saddle? Yumi Stynes and Jess McGuire strip bare and give no-holds-barred advice on how to reclaim your sexual power after a long absence.
7/29/2024 • 14 minutes, 22 seconds
BEST OF—12 week rule
In life, there are a lot of random rules women stick to. One of them is not telling loved ones about a pregnancy until after the first trimester. But why???The answer is more often than not, miscarriage.
7/22/2024 • 26 minutes, 26 seconds
Hey Yumi! I’m in love but losing myself
Being in love feels so damn good, right? But what if you fall so deeply into your relationship, you start to forget who you are?
7/15/2024 • 12 minutes, 4 seconds
Hannah Ferguson—the case against hookup sex
Swipe left, swipe right, match, meet, hook up, repeat. We all know the dating dance, but is it really serving us as women?Enter Hannah Ferguson, the 25-year-old media queen who isn’t afraid to tell us how it is. When Hannah was in her late teens and dating for the first time, Tinder ruled the scene and sex was available at the swipe of a finger. But a string of sub-par experiences left her wondering if hookup culture is selling women a lie. Have we come to expect scraps because that's all that's on offer? And how can we push back and have the sex and relationships we deserve? Featured in this episode: Hannah Ferguson, CEO of Cheek Media Co. and author of Bite BackLifeline: 13 11 14 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
7/8/2024 • 23 minutes, 7 seconds
Hey Yumi! I'm tired of doing it all
Women bear the load of most of the invisible (thankless) work in a household. And that shit gets heavy. School lunches, laundry, dentist appointments, shopping, snot-wiping, cleaning, care-giving – and don’t forget to get those 10k steps in while you’re at it! We're exhausted just thinking about it. Yumi dishes out advice on how to even out the mental load and take the weight off your shoulders. If you’ve got a snag in your life that you just can’t figure out, let us take on the burden! Send an audio note to [email protected]
7/1/2024 • 8 minutes, 1 second
Horny women
What if your appetite for sex was insatiable? Would you love to be boning every day, multiple times a day? There's this idea that it's men that are always lusting after sex. But guess what? Women can be horn dogs too! But that horniness often comes with the label "slutty". Yumi Stynes chats to women who are relishing their pleasure and enjoying plenty of orgasms while they’re at it.
6/24/2024 • 30 minutes
Hey Yumi! Am I a bad mum?
When you’re stuck in the daily grind of working-mum life, sometimes it can be hard not to feel like a shitty mum. School lunches, getting them dressed (FFS), raising good humans, endless meetings – it's exhausting and soul-destroying. Yumi has some advice to ease the mum-guilt, when your heart is being yanked in opposite directions and backing away from work isn’t an option. If you’ve got a problem that not even your girl gang can help you solve, let us take on the burden! Send an audio note to [email protected]
6/17/2024 • 9 minutes, 3 seconds
BEST OF — Burnout
Yumi has been cheeky and stolen the keys to the ABC archive to bring out one of our favourite episodes. Life is tiring. The cozzi livs, the constant merry-go-round of caring and work and chronic stress can be overwhelming. For some, this relentless pace can lead to burnout.
6/10/2024 • 26 minutes, 12 seconds
Have you ever been the "other woman"? Email us!
The "other woman" has been demonised in pop culture, but is it time we learnt to understand her choices rather than judge her for them?
6/6/2024 • 0
Hey Yumi! My prolapse is a problem
If you’ve carried a baby, you may have had to deal with the fall out (literally) of pelvic prolapse. But having your organs pop out of your vagina isn’t limited to mammas, getting older is also a big factor.
6/3/2024 • 8 minutes, 15 seconds
Rosie’s mum died. She’s kind of relieved
Rosie Waterland’s mum was, to put it mildly, chaos personified. Charming and caring one minute, abusive and cruel the next. This year, she died. A moment Rosie was strangely prepared for. But her mum’s death left her to contend with the conflicting emotions of grief and relief. Yumi Stynes sat down with Rosie for a heart to heart about growing up with an abusive parent, grieving and coming out of the other side of childhood trauma. Featured in this episode: Rosie Waterland, author and podcaster Lifeline: 13 11 14 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
5/27/2024 • 23 minutes, 27 seconds
Hey Yumi! How do I introduce a kink?
Would you like to flip the script and peg your partner? Yumi spreads the word on pegging your boo, how to introduce anal play into your sex life and the ins and outs of doing it (or not) so everyone feels good. If you’ve got a problem that’s doing your head in, never fear because your hottest, coolest agony aunt is primed and ready to help you out! Send us an audio note to [email protected]
5/20/2024 • 7 minutes, 3 seconds
PCOS: Infertility, beards and BS
Weight gain, bristly hairs, no period. Welcome to Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility worldwide and it can cause debilitating physical and psychological symptoms. 1 in 8 women have PCOS, so that’s at least a couple of friends in your group chat. So why do we still know so little about it? Yumi Stynes catches up with ladies who’ve been battling PCOS for years and finds out how they get on top of it. Featured in this episode: Professor Helena Teede, female endocrine specialist from Monash University
5/13/2024 • 32 minutes
Hey Yumi—My partner's gone full slob
Do you have to pry your partner off the couch with a fork-lift? Are they living in skanky trackies 24/7? Yumi spills the tea on what to do if your other half has gone full slob. Got a life problem you just can’t solve? Help is at hand! We’re handing the mic over to you, our lush listeners and taking the burden of problem solving off your shoulders... because Ladies, We Need To Talk... Back! Send us your questions as a voice note to [email protected] - we can’t wait to hear from you!
5/6/2024 • 7 minutes, 7 seconds
Adult Virgins
We live in a sex obsessed world, where hook-up culture is king and getting laid out like a spatchcocked chicken is a status symbol. But what if you’re a fully-fledged adult, paying your own bills and you’re still a “virgin”? Some women might hold off having sex for the first time because they want to meet the “right” person, others because they haven’t had the opportunity or are waiting until marriage. Whatever the reason, it can feel lonely and isolating when there so much noise around sex. Yumi Stynes talks to women who haven’t yet had sex, either by choice or circumstance and to another who waited to have sex for over 40 years, until she met her perfect person. We love hearing from you! Send us an email or a voice note to [email protected] in this episode:Amanda McCracken, writer on love and limerence
4/29/2024 • 31 minutes, 18 seconds
INTRODUCING - our most intimate season ever
Are you a card-carrying virgin? Know what it's like to be the other woman? Horny as hell and can’t get enough? Ladies, We Need To Talk is back and we’re going deep! This season we’ll be meeting the truly gorgeous women who are eager to have sex for the very first time, but for whatever reason haven’t met the perfect person yet. You’ll find out about the mysteries of PCOS and why it’s one of the leading causes of infertility. And we’ll hear from the women who are horny with a capital H, and we can’t get enough of it! Also, for the first time ever we’re going weekly baby! With our new, spicy and short episodes of Ladies, We Need To Talk...Back! Your favourite hot Aunty Yumi will be dishing out her no-holds-barred advice on everything from slovenly partners and squishy vaginas and serious mum guilt. The Ladies, We Need To Talk team love getting your messages so please get in touch at [email protected] Ladies, We Need To Talk hosted by Yumi Stynes on the ABC Listen App and your fave podcast apps now so you never miss an episode, oh, and tell don’t forget to tell ALL your girls about us.
4/22/2024 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
Aunty Yumi is in the house and she needs your questions!
Have you ever had a problem you couldn't quite solve? An issue none of your mates could give you advice on? Enter Yumi Stynes! Your resident agony aunt and all around hottie with the best guidance for all your life problems.Whether you need help with your relationship, dating woes or friendships (just to name a few) Yumi is your gal and she would love to help you out!Send a voice note through to [email protected] and the gorg ladies team will be in touch!
3/27/2024 • 0
Horny ladies, we need your help!
Ladies, do you feel like you might be hornier than your friends? Does your partner find it hard to keep up with your thirst for orgasms? Would you say you have a high sex drive? If so, we would absolutely love to hear from you for an episode that's in the works for your fave podcast! Please send us an email to [email protected] and you can remain completely anonymous if you prefer.
3/11/2024 • 0
Calling all virgins, we need your help!
It's a brand new year ladies and we'd love your input for our very first episode of 2024! Did you know the average age for someone to lose their virginity in Australia is 18 years-old? But what if, for whatever reason, you've made it well into adulthood and you’re still holding onto your v-card? It could be that you're waiting for marriage or the kind of person you'd want to have sex with for the very first time hasn't materialised. Whatever the reason, we would love to hear from you. And if you prefer you can be completely anonymous. Shoot an email to [email protected]
2/4/2024 • 1 minute, 7 seconds
Pongy vagina
Uh oh, what’s that you smell... a funky odour down below? The thought of having a stinky crotch is nightmare fuel for some women, but do we even need to worry about our musky bouquet? The delicate aroma of our lady-garden can be affected by things like our menstrual cycle and our lifestyle but how do we tell when the stank goes from normal to full on malodorous pudenda territory and what can be done about it? It’s time to take off those undies and confront the smelly minge in the room with your bestie Yumi by your side for support. Featured in this episode: Deborah Bateson, Professor of Practice and an expert in sexual health at the University of Sydney Sarah O'Neill, comedian
11/27/2023 • 27 minutes, 48 seconds
Tell Aunty Yumi Your Problems!
Do you have a conundrum you can’t talk to your mates about? Or maybe you’ve tried, and they’ve awkwardly mumbled something while staring at the ground. Well, help is at hand! Next season, as well as our regular episodes we’re also launching Ladies, We Need to Talk...Back with me, Yumi Stynes, as your personal agony aunty. Does your partner live in their dirty old trackie daks while you make an effort to look good, and you don’t know how to raise it with them? Are you looking after your parents while also trying to raise your kids and feel like you’re failing at both? Maybe you have an STI and don’t know how to talk to potential partners about it? Nothing is off the table - LET ME SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS! Send your question for me as voice memo or an email to [email protected]
11/20/2023 • 1 minute, 25 seconds
Staying for the money
What happens when you want a divorce but the cost of leaving your marriage would cripple you financially? Would you ever stay in an unhappy marriage for the security money offers? It’s no secret, life is bloody expensive right now. From soaring rents to the cost of a bunch of broccoli, times are tough! So, sticking it out in a relationship you’re no longer happy in can seem appealing. Yumi Stynes talks to women who’ve had to make that extremely difficult choice. Featured in this episode: Victoria Devine, host of She’s on the Money Emily Maguire, CEO of Respect Victoria Rachel Voysey, Founding Director of the Relationship Room Some names have been changed to protect identities Life Line: 13 11 141800 Respect: 1800 737 732
11/13/2023 • 26 minutes, 30 seconds
Clementine Ford on the case against marriage
What if we put a stop to marriage...for good? Like, just stop with flouncy white dresses, walking down the aisle and having a dude give us away.
In her new book, I Don’t, Clementine Ford is calling for just that. She reckons that a ring on a finger is a bridal march to losing your identity.
From the moment we come screaming into the world, we’re pushed the line that to find “the one” to get married and settle down is the be all and end all. You might discover a cure for cancer, scale Mt Everest and be a total baddie but if you’re unwed you haven't quite made it in the eyes of society.
Clem Ford talks to Yumi Stynes about her call to arms for us to ditch the bouquets and our man's dirty laundry for a life on our own terms.
Featured in this episode:
Clementine Ford, author and feminist
10/30/2023 • 26 minutes, 4 seconds
BEST OF - Pelvic flaw in all of us
Do you wizz when you sneeze? Or avoid star jumps at the gym? One in four of us (!) have pelvic floor problems which can lead to incontinence and prolapse (eek).
But don’t stress! Yumi Stynes has kegel’d her way back to the Ladies archives and dug up some reassurance that you can definitely turn things around. Just be prepared to clench.
10/16/2023 • 29 minutes, 18 seconds
Falling for a narcissist
You think you’ve met “the one” and they seem totally perfect for you, but is it all too good to be true? Could you be dating a narcissist?
What starts out as a dreamy relationship filled with fancy presents and compliments galore, suddenly turns sour and you’re left wondering if you’re slowly losing your mind.
Narcissists make up only 1% of the population but the impact they have on the women who date them can be truly devastating.
Yumi Stynes meets women who have fallen in love with a narcissist and uncovers the psychology behind their charm.
Featured in this episode:
Tamara Cavenett, clinical psychologist
Some names have been changed to protect identities
Life Line: 13 11 14
1800 Respect: 1800 737 732
10/2/2023 • 29 minutes, 28 seconds
Sober sex
Having sex can be exposing, nerve wracking. When we strip down, we reveal ourselves – and not just our bits. No wonder we sometimes reach for courage in a bottle.
For some women, a few shots can make them feel comfortable enough to go home with that hottie from across the bar, for others the relationship between alcohol and sex can be more toxic.
Yumi Stynes chats to women who are putting the lid back on the bottle and embarking on sex...stone cold sober.
Featured in this episode:
Tawny Lara, author of Dry Humping
Faye Lawrence, grey area drinking coach
9/18/2023 • 29 minutes, 26 seconds
INTRODUCING: The Newsreader Podcast with Leigh Sales and Lisa Millar
We're excited to introduce you to a new podcast we think you're gonna love!
The Golden Couple of News are back. And so are the spiral perms, shoulder pads and boxy 80s cars.
The Newsreader Podcast is the ABC’s official companion podcast to the hit ABC TV drama The Newsreader, returning on September 10.
Hosted by journo buddies of over 20 years, Leigh Sales and Lisa Millar, The Newsreader Podcast gives an access-all-areas pass to on-set gossip; never before heard stories from the writers' room and the inside rail on the real-life news events that inspired the series.
Join Lisa and Leigh as they meet the stars of the show, chat with the creators and dive-deep, episode-by-episode into the nostalgic 80s world of The Newsreader.
The Newsreader Season 2 airs on ABC TV and iView, Sundays from September 10, with podcast episodes dropping straight after the show.
Hosted by: Leigh Sales and Lisa Millar
Executive Producer: Alex Lollback
Producer: Michele Weekes
Sound Engineer: Angela Grant
Manager, ABC Podcasts: Monique Bowley
Original Music Composer: Cornel Wilczek
Production credits:
A Werner Films Production for the ABC. Major production investment from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and financed with support from VicScreen. Worldwide distribution is managed by Entertainment One (eOne). Created by Michael Lucas. Written by Michael Lucas, Kim Ho, Adrian Russell Wills and Niki Aken. Directed by Emma Freeman. Produced by Lucas and Joanna Werner. Executive Producers Werner, Stuart Menzies and Emma Freeman. ABC Executive Producers Brett Sleigh and Sally Riley.
9/9/2023 • 3 minutes
BEST OF - Love letter to our friends
Yumi has been on an adventure down to the depths of the ABC archives to uncover an absolute banger of an episode.
On every form you ever fill out, there’s always a tick box about your romantic status — de facto, married, single. Why are we only judged on romantic relationships rather than some of the most important bonds in our life — our friendships?
In this love letter to our friends, Yumi Stynes invites herself into the joyful friendship between Jamila Rizvi and Clare Bowditch and celebrates the deep platonic love we can only get from our besties.
9/4/2023 • 31 minutes, 13 seconds
Solo mums by choice
Is the soundtrack to your life a ticking baby-making clock?
What if you’re desperate to be a mother but the other half of the baby-making equation just hasn’t become available?
Yumi Stynes meets women who have given the middle finger to the idea of the nuclear family and become solo mums by choice.
From swiping for sperm; turkey-basting and solo sleep deprivation – find out what it’s really like to choose to parent on your own.
Featured in this episode:
Alexandra Collier – Author of Inconceivable
Dr Karin Hammarberg - Senior Research Fellow, Monash University
8/21/2023 • 32 minutes, 20 seconds
Emily Nagoski on sex in long term relationships
If you’re having trouble getting hot for your long-term partner? You’re not alone.
Domestic bliss, smelling our partner’s farts, demanding kids – it feels like it’s all part of a worldwide conspiracy to shrivel our sex drive.
So come hang with Yumi Stynes and sex nerd Emily Nagoski to get some practical advice on how to brush off the cobwebs, bring back our lady-boners and actually want to have sex with our life mate again.
Featured in this episode:
Emily Nagoski PhD – Sex researcher and author of books, Come As You Are; Burnout and Come Together
8/7/2023 • 30 minutes, 28 seconds
Emily Nagoski on sex in long term relationships
If you’re having trouble getting hot for your long-term partner? You’re not alone.
Domestic bliss, smelling our partner’s farts, demanding kids – it feels like it’s all part of a worldwide conspiracy to shrivel our sex drive.
So come hang with Yumi Stynes and sex nerd Emily Nagoski to get some practical advice on how to brush off the cobwebs, bring back our lady-boners and actually want to have sex with our life mate again.
Featured in this episode:
Emily Nagoski PhD – Sex researcher and author of books, Come As You Are; Burnout and Come Together
8/7/2023 • 30 minutes, 28 seconds
Send us your smelly stories!
Does your vagina give off a bit of a questionable waft?
The smells emanating from our undies can be embarrassing and some women end up feeling massive shame about their malodorous pudenda.
We want to know, do you have a chronic problem with a pongy vagina? What lengths have you gone to to remedy it? Or have you embraced the waft?
Do you have a friend or workmate with a smelly vagina but you can’t bring yourself to tell them?
We are looking for your deepest, most shameful, funniest and most embarrassing tales of when it’s all wrong down there.
You can be anonymous but we are looking for people to be recorded for the podcast.
If this is you, flick us an email: [email protected]
8/3/2023 • 2 minutes, 1 second
Send us your smelly stories!
Does your vagina give off a bit of a questionable waft?
The smells emanating from our undies can be embarrassing and some women end up feeling massive shame about their malodorous pudenda.
We want to know, do you have a chronic problem with a pongy vagina? What lengths have you gone to to remedy it? Or have you embraced the waft?
Do you have a friend or workmate with a smelly vagina but you can’t bring yourself to tell them?
We are looking for your deepest, most shameful, funniest and most embarrassing tales of when it’s all wrong down there.
You can be anonymous but we are looking for people to be recorded for the podcast.
If this is you, flick us an email: [email protected]
8/3/2023 • 2 minutes, 1 second
BEST OF: To pube or not to pube
Yumi Stynes has pinched the keys to the ABC podcast dungeon and has pulled out her absolute fave episodes for you.
Are you team Dolphin or team Pubus Maximus?
Pubic hair — it's one of the most scrutinised patches of hair on our bodies. Research says 80 per cent of women groom their Map of Tassie regularly. But why do we feel the need to pluck, shave, scrape, or zap our pubes at all? Yumi Stynes find out the meaning behind our pubey grooming choices.
Featured in this episode:
Mona Chalabi - Data journalist
Maeve Marsden - Podcaster
Christina Zheng – Comedian
7/24/2023 • 30 minutes, 33 seconds
BEST OF - To pube or not to pube
Yumi Stynes has pinched the keys to the ABC podcast dungeon and has pulled out her absolute fave episodes for you.
Are you team Dolphin or team Pubus Maximus?
Pubic hair — it's one of the most scrutinised patches of hair on our bodies. Research says 80 per cent of women groom their Map of Tassie regularly. But why do we feel the need to pluck, shave, scrape, or zap our pubes at all? Yumi Stynes find out the meaning behind our pubey grooming choices.
Featured in this episode:
Mona Chalabi - Data journalist
Maeve Marsden - Podcaster
Christina Zheng – Comedian
7/24/2023 • 30 minutes, 33 seconds
Sex in a fat bod
Getting naked in front of someone you’re about to get down and dirty with is a really vulnerable thing to do for even the most confident among us.
But what about when you’ve spent your whole life being told your body isn’t desirable or sexy?
And those messages are hitting you from everywhere. From television, movies, strangers on the street and even from the very people who are supposed to be into you.
That’s the reality for a lot of women living in fat bodies out there, so how do you say a big F*** you to that narrative and start having great sex?
Two hot, fat babes, Bec Shaw and April Hélène-Horton got together with Yumi Stynes for a no-holds barred DNM to chat about all things sex.
Featured in this episode:
Bec Shaw – writer and podcaster
April Hélène-Horton aka The Bodzilla – advocate and activist
7/10/2023 • 25 minutes, 10 seconds
Sex in a fat bod
Getting naked in front of someone you’re about to get down and dirty with is a really vulnerable thing to do for even the most confident among us.
But what about when you’ve spent your whole life being told your body isn’t desirable or sexy?
And those messages are hitting you from everywhere. From television, movies, strangers on the street and even from the very people who are supposed to be into you.
That’s the reality for a lot of women living in fat bodies out there, so how do you say a big F*** you to that narrative and start having great sex?
Two hot, fat babes, Bec Shaw and April Hélène-Horton got together with Yumi Stynes for a no-holds barred DNM to chat about all things sex.
Featured in this episode:
Bec Shaw – writer and podcaster
April Hélène-Horton aka The Bodzilla – advocate and activist
7/10/2023 • 25 minutes, 10 seconds
Ladies, we need your help!
The Ladies team are planning an episode on being in love with a narcissist and we need your stories.
The term narcissist gets thrown around a lot... but to simplify, it means a person with a stupidly high opinion of themselves, someone who is self-centred and someone who lacks empathy.
Does this sound like the person you’re in a relationship with? If so, how do you handle it? What are your hot tips and tricks for survival? Or perhaps you've managed to leave a relationship with a narcissist, how did you do it?
If you’re happy to be recorded for the podcast (you can be anonymous) please email a bit about your story and your phone number to [email protected]
6/29/2023 • 1 minute, 16 seconds
We need your help!
The Ladies team are planning an episode on being in love with a narcissist and we need your stories.
The term narcissist gets thrown around a lot... but to simplify, it means a person with a stupidly high opinion of themselves, someone who is self-centred and someone who lacks empathy.
Does this sound like the person you’re in a relationship with? If so, how do you handle it? What are your hot tips and tricks for survival? Or perhaps you've managed to leave a relationship with a narcissist, how did you do it?
If you’re happy to be recorded for the podcast (you can be anonymous) please email a bit about your story and your phone number to [email protected]
6/29/2023 • 1 minute, 16 seconds
Female rage – why are we so damn angry?
Do you scream foul obscenities at bad drivers? Chuck your phone violently on the bed when seething? Heard “that time of the month?” when you’re furious?
Babes, you’re not alone.
Women are foaming at the mouth with fury and we’re screaming at the top of our lungs. From the mental load to workplace bullying; sexism and just the patriarchy in general plus - HORMONES - there’s a hell of a lot to be ticked off about.
Grab your safety gear and come smash some stuff with Yumi Stynes as she releases her fury with a baseball bat. Who knew destruction could be so cathartic?
Featured in this episode:
Dr Chelsea Watego – Professor of Indigenous Health at QUT’s School of Public Health and Social Work.
Dr Jayashri Kulkarni - Professor in Women's Mental Health. Psychiatrist and Director of Monash University’s Health Education Research Centre.
Dr Liz Summerell – Postdoctoral researcher at the University of New South Wales School of Psychology studying anger, aggression, and humility.
6/26/2023 • 25 minutes, 27 seconds
Female rage – why are we so damn angry?
Do you scream foul obscenities at bad drivers? Chuck your phone violently on the bed when seething? Heard “that time of the month?” when you’re furious?
Babes, you’re not alone.
Women are foaming at the mouth with fury and we’re screaming at the top of our lungs. From the mental load to workplace bullying; sexism and just the patriarchy in general plus - HORMONES - there’s a hell of a lot to be ticked off about.
Grab your safety gear and come smash some stuff with Yumi Stynes as she releases her fury with a baseball bat. Who knew destruction could be so cathartic?
Featured in this episode:
Dr Chelsea Watego – Professor of Indigenous Health at QUT’s School of Public Health and Social Work.
Dr Jayashri Kulkarni - Professor in Women's Mental Health. Psychiatrist and Director of Monash University’s Health Education Research Centre.
Dr Liz Summerell – Postdoctoral researcher at the University of New South Wales School of Psychology studying anger, aggression, and humility.
6/26/2023 • 25 minutes, 27 seconds
Esther Perel on Intimacy
So you hugged a workmate having a rough time – is that intimacy? Locked eyes and shared a giggle with a stranger in a spin class – does that count as intimacy? You just had some hook up sex – was it intimate?
Here at Ladies HQ, we want to know: What even is intimacy? And when we think we're craving sex is what we are actually wanting, intimacy?
(Lucky) Yumi Stynes gets up close and personal with Esther Perel (IRL!) about the importance of intimacy how we can all enjoy a bit more connection with others.
Featured in this episode: World renowned relationship psychotherapist; host of Where Should We Begin and How’s Work podcasts and creator of Where Should We Begin the Game, Esther Perel.
6/12/2023 • 42 minutes, 6 seconds
Esther Perel on Intimacy
So you hugged a workmate having a rough time – is that intimacy? Locked eyes and shared a giggle with a stranger in a spin class – does that count as intimacy? You just had some hook up sex – was it intimate?
Here at Ladies HQ, we want to know: What even is intimacy? And when we think we're craving sex is what we are actually wanting, intimacy?
(Lucky) Yumi Stynes gets up close and personal with Esther Perel (IRL!) about the importance of intimacy how we can all enjoy a bit more connection with others.
Featured in this episode: World renowned relationship psychotherapist; host of Where Should We Begin and How’s Work podcasts and creator of Where Should We Begin the Game, Esther Perel.
6/12/2023 • 42 minutes, 6 seconds
Choking during sex – can it ever be safe?
You're horny. You're hooking up. It's hot and heavy. Then, a hand makes its way to your throat… wait WTF? Yup. Choking during sex has hit the mainstream.
Choking was once the kinda thing you'd only come across in the world of BDSM, but now thanks to our easy access to porn it's literally everywhere and young women are in its grip.
A recent study discovered almost 60 per cent of female college students have been choked during sex, with a quarter having been choked by the time they're 17.
Yumi Stynes finds out why some women love to be choked during sex and talks to others who aren't so enamoured with it.
Some names have been changed to protect identities.
Life Line: 13 11 14
1800 Respect: 1800 737 732
Featured in this episode:
Dr Debby Herbenick - Professor at Indiana University’s School of Public Health, sexuality researcher and educator
Aleks Trkulja – Sex therapist at The Pleasure Centre
5/29/2023 • 30 minutes, 12 seconds
Choking during sex – can it ever be safe?
You're horny. You're hooking up. It's hot and heavy. Then, a hand makes its way to your throat… wait WTF? Yup. Choking during sex has hit the mainstream.
Choking was once the kinda thing you'd only come across in the world of BDSM, but now thanks to our easy access to porn it's literally everywhere and young women are in its grip.
A recent study discovered almost 60 per cent of female college students have been choked during sex, with a quarter having been choked by the time they're 17.
Yumi Stynes finds out why some women love to be choked during sex and talks to others who aren't so enamoured with it.
Some names have been changed to protect identities.
Life Line: 13 11 14
1800 Respect: 1800 737 732
Featured in this episode:
Dr Debby Herbenick - Professor at Indiana University’s School of Public Health, sexuality researcher and educator
Aleks Trkulja – Sex therapist at The Pleasure Centre
5/29/2023 • 30 minutes, 12 seconds
Heartbreak — why does it feel so bloody awful?
Are you guilty of compulsively stalking your ex on socials whilst ugly crying and eating ice cream out of the carton? Join the club baby.
5/15/2023 • 28 minutes, 7 seconds
Heartbreak — why does it feel so bloody awful?
Are you guilty of compulsively stalking your ex on socials whilst ugly crying and eating ice cream out of the carton? Join the club baby.
The soul-shattering, unbridled agony of a devastating break-up, is something we tend to avoid really letting ourselves feel. The most we might get from our mates is "get back on the apps babe, there are plenty more fish in the sea".
Even though it’s a universal experience, heartbreak sits in the domain of teenage girls writing in their diaries rather than being taken seriously as a mental and physical ailment.
Yumi Stynes talks to heartbroken women about how they’re stitching their hearts back into their chests after being tortuously ripped out.
Get in touch with your stories of heartbreak and how you made it through: [email protected]
Featured in this episode:
Jessie Stephens, podcaster and author of Heartsick.
Alice Haddon, counselling psychologist and founder of The Heartbreak Hotel
5/15/2023 • 28 minutes, 7 seconds
INTRODUCING — our most brutally honest season yet
Had your heart pulverised? Been choked during sex? Is your partner a narcissist?
Ladies is back and we’re going there.
5/8/2023 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
INTRODUCING — our most brutally honest season yet
Had your heart pulverised? Been choked during sex? Is your partner a narcissist?
Ladies is back and we’re going there.
5/8/2023 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
Ladies, we want to hear from you!
Ladies, We Need To Talk is in production for a brand new juicy season and we want to hear from you!
Are you staying in your relationship for the money? Maybe it’s that you want to leave but with rising costs of living, interest rates, children if you have them – it'll just be financially devastating. So you’re staying.
If this is relatable, we would love to hear from you. And if you prefer you can be completely anonymous. Shoot an email to [email protected]
5/2/2023 • 1 minute, 5 seconds
Our Fear of farting
Even though we all crack a turd whistle once in a while, it doesn't mean we're not ashamed of the noises and smells that erupt from our bums, especially if it happens in public. And according to research, women hold that shame more deeply and are judged more harshly for their eruptions than men.
Yumi Stynes sniffs out how we can disperse the cloud of shame around women and farting.
Featured in this episode:
Professor Clare Collins, Laureate Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Newcastle
Dr Kirsten Bell, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Roehampton
Additional production: Kelly Ung & Yimeng Hu
11/7/2022 • 28 minutes, 42 seconds
Our Fear of farting
Even though we all crack a turd whistle once in a while, it doesn't mean we're not ashamed of the noises and smells that erupt from our bums, especially if it happens in public. And according to research, women hold that shame more deeply and are judged more harshly for their eruptions than men.
Yumi Stynes sniffs out how we can disperse the cloud of shame around women and farting.
Featured in this episode:
Professor Clare Collins, Laureate Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Newcastle .
Dr Kirsten Bell, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Roehampton
Additional production: Kelly Ung & Yimeng Hu
11/7/2022 • 28 minutes, 42 seconds
Clean eating
Search #cleaneating on social media, and you'll come across over 50 million posts. Vegan, paleo, raw, protein shakes, juice cleanses, gluten-free, dairy-free, chia seeds… all of these things, social media and diet culture will tell us, are the types of foods we should be putting into our bodies.
These diets offer the promise of perfect health and the perfect body…But for some they tip over into unhealthy obsession.
Yumi Stynes discovers what happens when food choices stop being about "yuk" and "yum" and become a battle between good and evil. When clean eating tips over the wafer-thin line into Orthorexia Nervosa.
Featured in this episode: Dr Gemma Sharp, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Body Image research at Monash University
10/24/2022 • 32 minutes
Clean eating
Search #cleaneating on social media, and you'll come across over 50 million posts. Vegan, paleo, raw, protein shakes, juice cleanses, gluten-free, dairy-free, chia seeds… all of these things, social media and diet culture will tell us, are the types of foods we should be putting into our bodies.
These diets offer the promise of perfect health and the perfect body…But for some they tip over into unhealthy obsession.
Yumi Stynes discovers what happens when food choices stop being about "yuk" and "yum" and become a battle between good and evil. When clean eating tips over the wafer-thin line into Orthorexia Nervosa.
Featured in this episode: Dr Gemma Sharp, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Body Image research at Monash University
10/24/2022 • 32 minutes
Bonus — Ellidy Pullin, Young Widows
Ellidy Pullin and her partner, Alex “Chumpy” Pullin were in the prime of their lives and planning their future together when the love of her life died suddenly. Ellidy spoke to Yumi Stynes about grieving, finding solitude and learning to hope again for the Ladies We Need to Talk episode, Young widows.
10/12/2022 • 16 minutes, 26 seconds
Update — Discharge, the gooey taboo
Lots of women are super self-conscious about the sticky stuff in our undies. The way it looks and the way it smells. So much so that up to a third of us wear a panty liner each day. But how much do you actually know about discharge? What should it smell like? What should it look like? And should we just stop dissing our discharge?
10/10/2022 • 23 minutes, 42 seconds
Update — Discharge, the gooey taboo
Lots of women are super self-conscious about the sticky stuff in our undies. The way it looks and the way it smells. So much so that up to a third of us wear a panty liner each day. But how much do you actually know about discharge? What should it smell like? What should it look like? And should we just stop dissing our discharge?
10/10/2022 • 23 minutes, 42 seconds
Facing your own death
Facing your own death
The prospect of dying is an abstract thing, something we try hard not to think about at all costs.
But what if the one dying…is you? Join Yumi Stynes as she meets women who are facing their own death head on and learns how to hard those hard conversations about the end of your life.
Featured in this episode:
Dr Kerrie Noonan, Clinical Psychologist and founder of the Death Literacy Institute
9/26/2022 • 23 minutes, 37 seconds
Facing your own death
The prospect of dying is an abstract thing, something we try hard not to think about at all costs.
But what if the one dying…is you? Join Yumi Stynes as she meets women who are facing their own death head-on and learns how to hard those hard conversations about the end of your life.
Featured in this episode:
Dr Kerrie Noonan, Clinical Psychologist and founder of the Death Literacy Institute.
9/26/2022 • 23 minutes, 37 seconds
Generation gap - Can couples with a large age difference last?
Cradle snatcher, sugar-daddy, toy-boy, cougar… all of those terms are loaded with baggage and undermine the relationships they describe. Beyond the stereotypes, what's it like to be in a relationship with a big age gap?
Yumi Stynes meets women who are defying the research and dating way out of their age range… and loving it, even if their friends and family aren't so enamoured.
Featured in this episode:
Dr Grace Lordan, Associate Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science
9/12/2022 • 29 minutes, 15 seconds
Generation gap - Can couples with a large age difference last?
Cradle snatcher, sugar-daddy, toy-boy, cougar… all of those terms are loaded with baggage and undermine the relationships they describe. Beyond the stereotypes, what's it like to be in a relationship with a big age gap?
Yumi Stynes meets women who are defying the research and dating way out of their age range… and loving it, even if their friends and family aren't so enamoured.
Featured in this episode:
Dr Grace Lordan, Associate Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science
9/12/2022 • 29 minutes, 15 seconds
Burnout: It's a word so frequently used that it's almost become a catchphrase. And let's face it, who isn't feeling exhausted? But when does that fatigue and overwhelm tip into burnout?
8/29/2022 • 25 minutes, 57 seconds
Burnout: It's a word so frequently used that it's almost become a catchphrase. And let's face it, who isn't feeling exhausted? But when does that fatigue and overwhelm tip into burnout?
8/29/2022 • 25 minutes, 57 seconds
Being cheated on
Rooting around is as inescapable as laundry and taxes. While humans all around the world make promises to be with each other through sickness and health, to be loyal to the exclusion of all others, it doesn't always work out that way.
Join Yumi Stynes as she discovers what it's like to have your partner do the dirty and how to decide whether to stay or go after being screwed over.
Featured in this episode: Christina Spaccavento, Sex and relationships counsellor.
8/15/2022 • 24 minutes, 9 seconds
Being cheated on
Rooting around is as inescapable as laundry and taxes. While humans all around the world make promises to be with each other through sickness and health, to be loyal to the exclusion of all others, it doesn't always work out that way.
Join Yumi Stynes as she discovers what it's like to have your partner do the dirty and how to decide whether to stay or go after being screwed over.
Featured in this episode: Christina Spaccavento, Sex and relationships counsellor.
8/15/2022 • 24 minutes, 9 seconds
INTRODUCING — New episodes of Ladies, We Need To Talk
Fresh from a season on sex, Yumi Stynes is leaping out of the sack, changing the sheets and delving deep into the stuff that keeps us up at night. We're making a big stink about our fear of farting; learning how to nip burnout in the bud and unearthing the dirty truth about "clean eating".
8/8/2022 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
INTRODUCING — New episodes of Ladies, We Need To Talk
Fresh from a season on sex, Yumi Stynes is leaping out of the sack, changing the sheets and delving deep into the stuff that keeps us up at night. We're making a big stink about our fear of farting; learning how to nip burnout in the bud and unearthing the dirty truth about "clean eating".
8/8/2022 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
What we need men to know about sex
YOU TOLD US AND NOW WE'RE TELLING THE MENFOLK. What we need men to know about sex — from jack-hammering to hygiene to female anatomy 101, nothing's off-limits. If there ever was an episode to share with the blokes in your life, this is it. Featured in this episode: Aleks Trkulja, sex therapist and Nikki Britton, comedian.
8/1/2022 • 29 minutes, 1 second
What we need men to know about sex
YOU TOLD US AND NOW WE'RE TELLING THE MENFOLK. What we need men to know about sex — from jack-hammering to hygiene to female anatomy 101, nothing's off-limits. If there ever was an episode to share with the blokes in your life, this is it. Featured in this episode: Aleks Trkulja, sex therapist and Nikki Britton, comedian.
8/1/2022 • 29 minutes, 1 second
When bad sex is your life — update
We've all got a bad sex story. The partner who's selfish in the sack. The horribly uninspiring one-night stand. The lover with 'performance anxiety'. Most of us have been there. There's this idea though that we grow out of it — that sex gets better as we get older. But what if that doesn't happen? What if bad sex is your life?
Featured in this episode:
Lisa Torney, sex and relationship therapist
7/18/2022 • 33 minutes, 37 seconds
When bad sex is your life — update
We've all got a bad sex story. The partner who's selfish in the sack. The horribly uninspiring one-night stand. The lover with 'performance anxiety'. Most of us have been there. There's this idea though that we grow out of it — that sex gets better as we get older. But what if that doesn't happen? What if bad sex is your life?
Featured in this episode:
Lisa Torney, sex and relationship therapist
7/18/2022 • 33 minutes, 37 seconds
Bonus — Your sex and disability stories
Our sex and disability episode really resonated with you. Hear what our listeners had to say about sex and disability. We love your feedback [email protected].
With thanks to Zoe, Lauren, Rose and Rebecca.
7/11/2022 • 6 minutes, 56 seconds
Bonus — Your sex and disability stories
Our sex and disability episode really resonated with you. Hear what our listeners had to say about sex and disability. We love your feedback [email protected].
With thanks to Zoe, Lauren, Rose and Rebecca.
7/11/2022 • 6 minutes, 56 seconds
Sex and the D Word – Disability
Around one in five Australian women live with a disability. And guess what? They're having sex. Hot, creative sex. But steamy conversations about what it's like to love and lust with a disability are often considered too "out there" to talk about. Join Robyn Lambird, Madeleine Stewart, Akii Ngo and Yumi Stynes for a raunchy chat about Sex and the D-word — from insane orgasms to stumping, 'moot pain' to Paralympic thirst.
7/4/2022 • 28 minutes, 44 seconds
Sex and the D Word – Disability
Around one in five Australian women live with a disability. And guess what? They're having sex. Hot, creative sex. But steamy conversations about what it's like to love and lust with a disability are often considered too "out there" to talk about. Join Robyn Lambird, Madeleine Stewart, Akii Ngo and Yumi Stynes for a raunchy chat about Sex and the D-word — from insane orgasms to stumping, 'moot pain' to Paralympic thirst.
7/4/2022 • 28 minutes, 44 seconds
Anal sex — update
Warning: Explicit Content. Is anal the last taboo? One in five women in Australia has had anal sex. It's everywhere in porn and many of us, especially young women, are feeling the pressure to do it. It's uncomfortable discussing anal sex, but ladies, we need to talk about it.
6/20/2022 • 29 minutes, 12 seconds
Anal sex — update
Warning: Explicit Content. Is anal the last taboo? One in five women in Australia has had anal sex. It's everywhere in porn and many of us, especially young women, are feeling the pressure to do it. It's uncomfortable discussing anal sex, but ladies, we need to talk about it.
6/20/2022 • 29 minutes, 12 seconds
Next level sex
Imagine you've been having ho-hum, pedestrian sex your entire life and BAM! A new trick, a new partner, a revelation about yourself or a total life change and suddenly you've crossed into a new sexual dimension. Colours are brighter, the birds are singing and the sex is mind-blowing, Meet the women who have levelled-up and find out how they got to the promised-land. The land of Best. Sex. Ever.
6/6/2022 • 26 minutes, 8 seconds
Next level sex
Imagine you've been having ho-hum, pedestrian sex your entire life and BAM! A new trick, a new partner, a revelation about yourself or a total life change and suddenly you've crossed into a new sexual dimension. Colours are brighter, the birds are singing and the sex is mind-blowing, Meet the women who have levelled-up and find out how they got to the promised-land. The land of Best. Sex. Ever.
6/6/2022 • 26 minutes, 8 seconds
Asexuality — I don't want to have sex, ever
In a world obsessed with sex, what if you never (or rarely) want it? Yumi Stynes meets women from across the asexuality spectrum to find out how they navigate dating and relationships in a sexed-up world.
Featured in the episode: Angela Chen, author of Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex
Resources: https://www.australianasexuals.com/
5/23/2022 • 26 minutes, 8 seconds
Asexuality — I don't want to have sex, ever
In a world obsessed with sex, what if you never (or rarely) want it? Yumi Stynes meets women from across the asexuality spectrum to find out how they navigate dating and relationships in a sexed-up world.
Featured in the episode: Angela Chen, author of Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex
Resources: https://www.australianasexuals.com/
5/23/2022 • 26 minutes, 8 seconds
LiLL — Later in life lesbians
Imagine going down on a woman for the very first time in your 50s. Yumi Stynes meets later-in-life lesbians who, after years of hetero partnerships and raising kids, are coming out. Were they always attracted to women or can our sexuality shift?
Featured in this episode: Dr Lisa Diamond Professor of Psychology and Gender Studies, University of Utah.
Call: 1300 641 222 | Email: [email protected]
5/9/2022 • 28 minutes, 34 seconds
LiLL — Later in life lesbians
Imagine going down on a woman for the very first time in your 50s. Yumi Stynes meets later-in-life lesbians who, after years of hetero partnerships and raising kids, are coming out. Were they always attracted to women or can our sexuality shift?
Featured in this episode: Dr Lisa Diamond Professor of Psychology and Gender Studies, University of Utah.
Call: 1300 641 222 | Email: [email protected]
5/9/2022 • 28 minutes, 34 seconds
What's it like to watch your partner have sex with another person? What about a group of people? Welcome to the world of swingers, where couples "play" with each other and with the boundaries of sexual expression. Join Yumi Stynes at a sex club as she pulls back the orgy room curtain and meets women who swing to find out why they love 'The Lifestyle' and how it's transformed their relationships.
With special thanks to Juliet Richters, Honorary Professor of the Sexual Health Program at the Kirby Institute. Thanks also to Jess Cattelly from Our Secret Spot.
4/25/2022 • 26 minutes, 33 seconds
What's it like to watch your partner have sex with another person? What about a group of people? Welcome to the world of swingers, where couples "play" with each other and with the boundaries of sexual expression. Join Yumi Stynes at a sex club as she pulls back the orgy room curtain and meets women who swing to find out why they love 'The Lifestyle' and how it's transformed their relationships.
With special thanks to Juliet Richters, Honorary Professor of the Sexual Health Program at the Kirby Institute. Thanks also to Jess Cattelly from Our Secret Spot.
4/25/2022 • 26 minutes, 33 seconds
INTRODUCING — Season SEX of Ladies, We Need To Talk
Welcome to season six of Ladies, We Need to Talk. This time around we're turning the steam up to 11, dropping our towels and baring all. Join Yumi Stynes as she learns the ins-and-outs of swinging; meets later-in-life lesbians; finds out what it's like to be asexual and talks to women who've gone from having ho-hum sex to mind-blowing romps. It's hot and hilarious and we're here for it. Call us on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected]. Follow in your fave podcast app so you never miss an episode.
4/18/2022 • 3 minutes
INTRODUCING — Season SEX of Ladies, We Need To Talk
Welcome to season six of Ladies, We Need to Talk. This time around we're turning the steam up to 11, dropping our towels and baring all. Join Yumi Stynes as she learns the ins-and-outs of swinging; meets later-in-life lesbians; finds out what it's like to be asexual and talks to women who've gone from having ho-hum sex to mind-blowing romps. It's hot and hilarious and we're here for it. Call us on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected]. Follow in your fave podcast app so you never miss an episode.
4/18/2022 • 3 minutes
Bonus — Ellidy Pullin, Young Widows
Ellidy Pullin and her partner, Alex “Chumpy” Pullin were in the prime of their lives and planning their future together when the love of her life died suddenly. Ellidy spoke to Yumi Stynes about grieving, finding solitude and learning to hope again for the Ladies We Need to Talk episode, Young widows.
12/5/2021 • 16 minutes, 26 seconds
Bonus — Ellidy Pullin, Young Widows
Ellidy Pullin and her partner, Alex “Chumpy” Pullin were in the prime of their lives and planning their future together when the love of her life died suddenly. Ellidy spoke to Yumi Stynes about grieving, finding solitude and learning to hope again for the Ladies We Need to Talk episode, Young widows.
12/5/2021 • 16 minutes, 26 seconds
Sexual pleasure and how to get it
Sex is more available and permissible than ever before, but despite this, are we actually getting any pleasure? Lots of women still don’t feel entitled to sexual fulfillment and aren’t in touch with what feels good, let alone how to ask for it.
11/1/2021 • 28 minutes, 14 seconds
Sexual pleasure and how to get it
Sex is more available and permissible than ever before, but despite this, are we actually getting any pleasure? Lots of women still don’t feel entitled to sexual fulfillment and aren’t in touch with what feels good, let alone how to ask for it.
11/1/2021 • 28 minutes, 14 seconds
PRESENTS — Ladies We Need to Talk the book
We know you love the podcast and now there’s Ladies We Need to Talk the book!
10/25/2021 • 2 minutes, 14 seconds
PRESENTS — Ladies We Need to Talk the book
We know you love the podcast and now there’s Ladies We Need to Talk the book!
10/25/2021 • 2 minutes, 14 seconds
Women who have never orgasmed
For some women, reaching climax, cumming, the Big O... is as easy as a walk around the block. For others, it’s an arduous, long, steep hike up a mountain, never quite reaching...the “peak”.
10/18/2021 • 28 minutes, 51 seconds
Women who have never orgasmed
For some women, reaching climax, cumming, the Big O... is as easy as a walk around the block. For others, it’s an arduous, long, steep hike up a mountain, never quite reaching...the “peak”.
10/18/2021 • 28 minutes, 51 seconds
Body Image — Update
Thanks to the pandemic, we now spend even MORE time doom scrolling through obnoxiously perfect Insta-people, and endlessly staring at our own faces via zoom than ever and (surprise, surprise) it's had a negative impact on our self-esteem. Yumi Stynes catches up with body image and eating disorder expert, Dr Gemma Sharpe, about "zoom dysmorphia" and what can we do to feel better about ourselves, one video call at a time.
10/4/2021 • 38 minutes, 26 seconds
Body Image — Update
Thanks to the pandemic, we now spend even MORE time doom scrolling through obnoxiously perfect Insta-people, and endlessly staring at our own faces via zoom than ever and (surprise, surprise) it's had a negative impact on our self-esteem. Yumi Stynes catches up with body image and eating disorder expert, Dr Gemma Sharpe, about "zoom dysmorphia" and what can we do to feel better about ourselves, one video call at a time.
10/4/2021 • 38 minutes, 26 seconds
Digital dating despair
You're more likely to meet your partner on an app than any other way. But between the constant swiping, messaging, rejections, ghosting and d&*k pics, it can be rough. Yumi Stynes talks to a bunch of awesome single women about their approach to dating apps and how to stay sane, safe and maintain your self-esteem while swiping.
9/20/2021 • 30 minutes, 3 seconds
Digital dating despair
You're more likely to meet your partner on an app than any other way. But between the constant swiping, messaging, rejections, ghosting and d&*k pics, it can be rough. Yumi Stynes talks to a bunch of awesome single women about their approach to dating apps and how to stay sane, safe and maintain your self-esteem while swiping.
9/20/2021 • 30 minutes, 3 seconds
Sex detox
Forget juice cleanses, meditation and yoni eggs, is a sex detox the best way to reset our thinking around sex and relationships to find out what really presses our buttons? Yumi Stynes talks to women who have flipped the script on sex, who've hit the pause button and are feeling better for it.
Featured in this episode: Catherine Gray — Author of The Unexpected Joy of Being Single.
9/6/2021 • 23 minutes, 37 seconds
Sex detox
Forget juice cleanses, meditation and yoni eggs, is a sex detox the best way to reset our thinking around sex and relationships to find out what really presses our buttons? Yumi Stynes talks to women who have flipped the script on sex, who've hit the pause button and are feeling better for it.
Featured in this episode: Catherine Gray — Author of The Unexpected Joy of Being Single.
9/6/2021 • 23 minutes, 37 seconds
Foreplay — update
Ladies, it's time for a refresher course on foreplay! Yumi Stynes talks to psychotherapist Esther Perel and a bunch of brilliant female experts about their best foreplay tips. We're here to talk about it. Ring us on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected].
8/23/2021 • 29 minutes, 56 seconds
Foreplay — update
Ladies, it's time for a refresher course on foreplay! Yumi Stynes talks to psychotherapist Esther Perel and a bunch of brilliant female experts about their best foreplay tips. We're here to talk about it. Ring us on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected].
8/23/2021 • 29 minutes, 56 seconds
Birth trauma
"Have a baby," they said. "It'll be great," they said. But what they didn't say, was that getting that kid out could leave you traumatised. Physically and mentally.
One in three Australian women describe their birth as traumatic. Yumi Stynes hears how different women are still coming to terms with their birth experiences, sometimes years later, and finds out what can be done to prevent traumatic births.
8/9/2021 • 33 minutes, 19 seconds
Birth trauma
"Have a baby," they said. "It'll be great," they said. But what they didn't say, was that getting that kid out could leave you traumatised. Physically and mentally.
One in three Australian women describe their birth as traumatic. Yumi Stynes hears how different women are still coming to terms with their birth experiences, sometimes years later, and finds out what can be done to prevent traumatic births.
8/9/2021 • 33 minutes, 19 seconds
A love letter to our friends
On every form you ever fill out, there’s always a tick box about your romantic status — de facto, married, single. Why are we only judged on romantic relationships rather than some of the most important bonds in our life — our friendships? Yumi Stynes writes a love letter to our friends and casually invites herself into the wonderful friendship of Jamila Rizvi and Clare Bowditch.
7/26/2021 • 30 minutes, 14 seconds
A love letter to our friends
On every form you ever fill out, there’s always a tick box about your romantic status — de facto, married, single. Why are we only judged on romantic relationships rather than some of the most important bonds in our life — our friendships? Yumi Stynes writes a love letter to our friends and casually invites herself into the wonderful friendship of Jamila Rizvi and Clare Bowditch.
7/26/2021 • 30 minutes, 14 seconds
Mum won't come to our wedding
You can't help who you fall in love with. But what happens if your family disapproves? Every relationship has its challenges, but for lovers from a completely different cultural and ethnic background, Yumi Stynes finds out that race, religion and tradition can add multiple layers of complication.
Featured in this episode: Dr Reenee Singh, Psychologist and Systemic Psychotherapist specialising in Intercultural couples.
7/12/2021 • 27 minutes, 25 seconds
Mum won't come to our wedding
You can't help who you fall in love with. But what happens if your family disapproves? Every relationship has its challenges, but for lovers from a completely different cultural and ethnic background, Yumi Stynes finds out that race, religion and tradition can add multiple layers of complication.
Featured in this episode: Dr Reenee Singh, Psychologist and Systemic Psychotherapist specialising in Intercultural couples.
7/12/2021 • 27 minutes, 25 seconds
Young widows
What happens if you're young and that #1 person, the special love that you searched for and pinned down, the one you expected to love till you were old — dies early? It's painfully lonely to be a young person grieving, but that loneliness can be compounded by the judgement of others on how to grieve.
Yumi Stynes talks to Ellidy Pullin, and other young widows, about life after death.
Support services:
6/28/2021 • 27 minutes, 52 seconds
Young widows
What happens if you're young and that #1 person, the special love that you searched for and pinned down, the one you expected to love till you were old — dies early? It's painfully lonely to be a young person grieving, but that loneliness can be compounded by the judgement of others on how to grieve.
Yumi Stynes talks to Ellidy Pullin, and other young widows, about life after death.
Support services:
6/28/2021 • 27 minutes, 52 seconds
Last shot pregnancy
What happens if you want a baby but you're running out of time? Maybe you haven't found the right partner, or you've found the right one, but they don't want kids? You just can't seem to get pregnant or you're simply too busy having an awesome life and heaps of fun to have a baby. And then suddenly, your 'fertile window' starts to close.
Yumi Stynes finds out what it's like to have one last shot at pregnancy.
Featured in this episode: Dr Karin Hammarberg (VARTA), Senior research fellow, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University.
Fertility resources: yourIVFsuccess.com.au; VARTA; yourfertility.org.au
6/14/2021 • 34 minutes, 18 seconds
Last shot pregnancy
What happens if you want a baby but you're running out of time? Maybe you haven't found the right partner, or you've found the right one, but they don't want kids? You just can't seem to get pregnant or you're simply too busy having an awesome life and heaps of fun to have a baby. And then suddenly, your 'fertile window' starts to close.
Yumi Stynes finds out what it's like to have one last shot at pregnancy.
Featured in this episode: Dr Karin Hammarberg (VARTA), Senior research fellow, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University.
Fertility resources: yourIVFsuccess.com.au; VARTA; yourfertility.org.au
6/14/2021 • 34 minutes, 18 seconds
Hair — Why do we care?
Have you noticed that most women have long hair, and most men have short hair? And how grey-haired men are silver foxes and women old and witchy?
What's with these unspoken hair rules? And why the hell are we conforming? Yumi Stynes gets to the root of why women's hair is such a big deal and teases out why we're so tangled up in knots about our locks.
Featured in this episode: Author Tara Moss; Kellie Scott @Hairlossboss; Shantel Wetherall, Host of Hey Aunty podcast.
5/31/2021 • 26 minutes, 33 seconds
Hair — Why do we care?
Have you noticed that most women have long hair, and most men have short hair? And how grey-haired men are silver foxes and women old and witchy?
What's with these unspoken hair rules? And why the hell are we conforming? Yumi Stynes gets to the root of why women's hair is such a big deal and teases out why we're so tangled up in knots about our locks.
Featured in this episode: Author Tara Moss; Kellie Scott @Hairlossboss; Shantel Wetherall, Host of Hey Aunty podcast.
5/31/2021 • 26 minutes, 33 seconds
The rage in my pelvis
Nearly one million Australian women live with persistent pain in their pelvis. Yumi Stynes finds out what the hell it is, what causes it and most importantly, how to get through the day with a raging pelvis. If you need help dealing with your pelvic pain, www.pelvicpain.org.au has loads of helpful advice.
Featured in this episode: Dr Susan Evans, Gynaecologist and Pelvic Pain Physician; Gabrielle Jackson, Associate News Editor of Guardian Australia and author of Pain and Prejudice.
5/17/2021 • 33 minutes
The rage in my pelvis
Nearly one million Australian women live with persistent pain in their pelvis. Yumi Stynes finds out what the hell it is, what causes it and most importantly, how to get through the day with a raging pelvis. If you need help dealing with your pelvic pain, www.pelvicpain.org.au has loads of helpful advice.
Featured in this episode: Dr Susan Evans, Gynaecologist and Pelvic Pain Physician; Gabrielle Jackson, Associate News Editor of Guardian Australia and author of Pain and Prejudice.
5/17/2021 • 33 minutes
What the hell happens in old age?
Saggy boobs, cracked vaginas, being invisible, loneliness. Getting older can't all be this grim? CAN IT?!? Yumi Stynes finds out how to stay awesome, mentally and physically, as the years tick by and the mammaries get lower ... and it's not all bad news for our sex lives — HOORAY! With thanks to the amazing group of women at the Bowral Country Women's Association.
Featured in this episode: Professor Cassandra Szoeke, Director of the Healthy Ageing Program at the University of Melbourne; Dr Katherine Campbell, Psychologist; Dr Wendy Vanselow, women's health GP and sex therapist; Faith Agugu, founder of Silver Sirens.
5/3/2021 • 28 minutes, 32 seconds
What the hell happens in old age?
Saggy boobs, cracked vaginas, being invisible, loneliness. Getting older can't all be this grim? CAN IT?!? Yumi Stynes finds out how to stay awesome, mentally and physically, as the years tick by and the mammaries get lower ... and it's not all bad news for our sex lives — HOORAY! With thanks to the amazing group of women at the Bowral Country Women's Association.
Featured in this episode: Professor Cassandra Szoeke, Director of the Healthy Ageing Program at the University of Melbourne; Dr Katherine Campbell, Psychologist; Dr Wendy Vanselow, women's health GP and sex therapist; Faith Agugu, founder of Silver Sirens.
5/3/2021 • 28 minutes, 32 seconds
What really turns you on? Getting your toes sucked? Latex? High-heeled shoes? Fetish is a word that can be overused without us really thinking about its meaning. Sexologist Dr Sarah Ashton helps us figure out what a fetish actually is, where fetishes come from and why it's A-OK to have one. We'll also find out what it's like to be the object of someone else's fetish.
4/19/2021 • 25 minutes, 30 seconds
What really turns you on? Getting your toes sucked? Latex? High-heeled shoes? Fetish is a word that can be overused without us really thinking about its meaning. Sexologist Dr Sarah Ashton helps us figure out what a fetish actually is, where fetishes come from and why it's A-OK to have one. We'll also find out what it's like to be the object of someone else's fetish.
4/19/2021 • 25 minutes, 30 seconds
Introducing — Season 5 of Ladies, We Need To Talk
Ladies! Listen up: we're back and we've missed you! Join Yumi Stynes as she dives right in to all the taboo lady-business that women find tricky to talk about. Whether it's your fetish, what the hell happens to us in old age or dealing with the rage in our pelvis — Ladies, we've got your back. We love your feedback so please leave us a voicemail on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected]. Follow Ladies, We Need To Talk now so you never miss an episode, oh, and tell ALL your girlfriends.
4/12/2021 • 3 minutes, 59 seconds
Introducing — Season 5 of Ladies, We Need To Talk
Ladies! Listen up: we're back and we've missed you! Join Yumi Stynes as she dives right in to all the taboo lady-business that women find tricky to talk about. Whether it's your fetish, what the hell happens to us in old age or dealing with the rage in our pelvis — Ladies, we've got your back. We love your feedback so please leave us a voicemail on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected]. Follow Ladies, We Need To Talk now so you never miss an episode, oh, and tell ALL your girlfriends.
4/12/2021 • 3 minutes, 59 seconds
The secret lives of vaginas
Sex, babies, periods, discharge. Our vaginas do a lot. But how well do you really know your vagina? Get comfy for a guided tour of your vagina with Dr Elizabeth O'Farrell. Plus, you'll meet Deanna, owner of possibly the world's most adventurous vagina, and Louise, who learnt something about her vagina at 53 that completely changed her life.
10/19/2020 • 27 minutes, 32 seconds
The secret lives of vaginas
Sex, babies, periods, discharge. Our vaginas do a lot. But how well do you really know your vagina? Get comfy for a guided tour of your vagina with Dr Elizabeth O'Farrell. Plus, you'll meet Deanna, owner of possibly the world's most adventurous vagina, and Louise, who learnt something about her vagina at 53 that completely changed her life.
10/19/2020 • 27 minutes, 32 seconds
To pube or not to pube
Pubic hair — it's one of the most scrutinised patches of hair on our bodies. Research says 80 per cent of women groom their hair regularly. But why? What's really behind our choices? Data journalist Mona Chalabi muses on the perceived link between women's pubes and our sanity. Podcaster Maeve Marsden and comedian Christina Zheng debate to pube or not to pube.
10/5/2020 • 30 minutes, 36 seconds
To pube or not to pube
Pubic hair — it's one of the most scrutinised patches of hair on our bodies. Research says 80 per cent of women groom their hair regularly. But why? What's really behind our choices? Data journalist Mona Chalabi muses on the perceived link between women's pubes and our sanity. Podcaster Maeve Marsden and comedian Christina Zheng debate to pube or not to pube.
10/5/2020 • 30 minutes, 36 seconds
Escaping monogamy
Monogamy is the default, but for lots of people it doesn't work. More and more people are actively looking for alternatives to monogamy, according to research. So why are many of us abandoning monogamy in favour of polyamorous and open relationships?
9/21/2020 • 33 minutes, 54 seconds
Escaping monogamy
Monogamy is the default, but for lots of people it doesn't work. More and more people are actively looking for alternatives to monogamy, according to research. So why are many of us abandoning monogamy in favour of polyamorous and open relationships?
9/21/2020 • 33 minutes, 54 seconds
How to break up well
It can take months or years to get through a breakup, and the fallout can be totally devastating. Whether it's money, legal stuff, kids, or all the feelings, we're giving you practical tools to break up well and flourish afterwards. Writer Zoe Foster Blake teaches us how we can keep our dignity in a breakup and see it as a 'gift'.
9/7/2020 • 27 minutes, 57 seconds
How to break up well
It can take months or years to get through a breakup, and the fallout can be totally devastating. Whether it's money, legal stuff, kids, or all the feelings, we're giving you practical tools to break up well and flourish afterwards. Writer Zoe Foster Blake teaches us how we can keep our dignity in a breakup and see it as a 'gift'.
9/7/2020 • 27 minutes, 57 seconds
Anal Sex — the biggest taboo
Warning: explicit content. One in five women in Australia has had anal sex. It's everywhere in porn and many of us, especially young women, are feeling the pressure to do it. It's uncomfortable discussing anal sex, so let's talk about it. Dr Nikki Goldstein sets out how to negotiate anal sex including consent and Professor Cicely Marston tells us how anal sex typically plays out for young people.
8/24/2020 • 27 minutes, 57 seconds
Anal Sex — the biggest taboo
Warning: explicit content. One in five women in Australia has had anal sex. It's everywhere in porn and many of us, especially young women, are feeling the pressure to do it. It's uncomfortable discussing anal sex, so let's talk about it. Dr Nikki Goldstein sets out how to negotiate anal sex including consent and Professor Cicely Marston tells us how anal sex typically plays out for young people.
8/24/2020 • 27 minutes, 57 seconds
Solving the mental load — update
A movement's begun to expose the mental load women shoulder. All that relentless, unpaid, thankless and invisible work women do. Naming it is powerful, right? But we want solutions! Author Eve Rodsky breaks down the mental load and teaches you how to spread the mental load more evenly with our partners — hallelujah!
8/10/2020 • 29 minutes, 21 seconds
Solving the mental load — update
A movement's begun to expose the mental load women shoulder. All that relentless, unpaid, thankless and invisible work women do. Naming it is powerful, right? But we want solutions! Author Eve Rodsky breaks down the mental load and teaches you how to spread the mental load more evenly with our partners — hallelujah!
8/10/2020 • 29 minutes, 21 seconds
Emotional abuse
One in four Australian women have experienced emotional abuse from a partner. You don't get physically hurt, but psychologically it's devastating and it erodes your identity and trust in yourself. Hear from Investigative Journalist Jess Hill and Inez Carey from 1800 Respect about how you can recognize, and stop, emotional abuse.
7/27/2020 • 32 minutes, 1 second
Emotional abuse
One in four Australian women have experienced emotional abuse from a partner. You don't get physically hurt, but psychologically it's devastating and it erodes your identity and trust in yourself. Hear from Investigative Journalist Jess Hill and Inez Carey from 1800 Respect about how you can recognize, and stop, emotional abuse.
7/27/2020 • 32 minutes, 1 second
Clitoris 101
When most of us picture our clitoris, we think of it as being the size of a tiny jellybean. But sisters, your clitoris is so much more than that! It's going to blow your mind just how amazing the clitoris is. You'll hear from the woman who 'discovered' it, Australian doctor, Helen O'Connell.
7/13/2020 • 27 minutes, 53 seconds
Clitoris 101
When most of us picture our clitoris, we think of it as being the size of a tiny jellybean. But sisters, your clitoris is so much more than that! It's going to blow your mind just how amazing the clitoris is. You'll hear from the woman who 'discovered' it, Australian doctor, Helen O'Connell.
7/13/2020 • 27 minutes, 53 seconds
The answer's no
Women are pretty bad at saying no — we're socialised to please and serve others. Author of F*** No!, Sarah Knight, political commentator Jamilla Rizvi and emotional intelligence coach Rachel Green are going to teach you how to say no, and do it unapologetically.
6/29/2020 • 31 minutes, 10 seconds
The answer's no
Women are pretty bad at saying no — we're socialised to please and serve others. Author of F*** No!, Sarah Knight, political commentator Jamilla Rizvi and emotional intelligence coach Rachel Green are going to teach you how to say no, and do it unapologetically.
6/29/2020 • 31 minutes, 10 seconds
Propping up your partner
Caring for partners is something women do well and often. But what's the limit, how do you know if your support is causing more harm than good and how do you do it without sacrificing yourself? We speak to women propping up their partner through issues like depression, addiction and suicide.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36
1800 Respect:1800 737 732
6/15/2020 • 36 minutes, 15 seconds
Propping up your partner
Caring for partners is something women do well and often. But what's the limit, how do you know if your support is causing more harm than good and how do you do it without sacrificing yourself? We speak to women propping up their partner through issues like depression, addiction and suicide.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36
1800 Respect:1800 737 732
6/15/2020 • 36 minutes, 15 seconds
Coronavirus — Are we panic buying partners?
You'd think a pandemic would stop all romance and the dating game. But it's seen an acceleration of relationships and romance as some single people panic bought partners like toilet paper. Ladies Producer Cassandra Steeth takes a look at love in the time of coronavirus and lets us peek into her new relationship too.
6/8/2020 • 31 minutes, 32 seconds
Coronavirus — Are we panic buying partners?
You'd think a pandemic would stop all romance and the dating game. But it's seen an acceleration of relationships and romance as some single people panic bought partners like toilet paper. Ladies Producer Cassandra Steeth takes a look at love in the time of coronavirus and lets us peek into her new relationship too.
6/8/2020 • 31 minutes, 32 seconds
The gender beauty gap
It's no secret women spend way more time, energy and hard-earned cash on our appearances than men do. But what else could we be firing our mental bullets at if we weren't so worried about what the hell we looked like? Researcher, Dr Phillipa Deidrichs, says the focus many of us place on what we see in the mirror is stopping us from fully functioning.
6/1/2020 • 33 minutes, 45 seconds
The gender beauty gap
It's no secret women spend way more time, energy and hard-earned cash on our appearances than men do. But what else could we be firing our mental bullets at if we weren't so worried about what the hell we looked like? Researcher, Dr Phillipa Deidrichs, says the focus many of us place on what we see in the mirror is stopping us from fully functioning.
6/1/2020 • 33 minutes, 45 seconds
A gender gap of pandemic proportions
Guess who is way worse off in pandemics? Yup — women. While we're leading the charge on the frontline by slogging away in jobs like nursing, teaching and aged care, our purses are copping a flogging now and into the future. More women than men have lost their jobs during this crisis and there are no prizes for picking who does the lion's share of home-schooling. COVID-19 is creating a gendered storm of pandemic proportions (sorry, we couldn't help ourselves).
The good news is, other women are the ones helping us through this crisis. Gender inclusion commentator, Amy Haddad, says we have some very finely honed skills in just shovelling through shit. And, you know, we just keep on shovelling.
5/18/2020 • 29 minutes, 56 seconds
A gender gap of pandemic proportions
Guess who is way worse off in pandemics? Yup — women. While we're leading the charge on the frontline by slogging away in jobs like nursing, teaching and aged care, our purses are copping a flogging now and into the future. More women than men have lost their jobs during this crisis and there are no prizes for picking who does the lion's share of home-schooling. COVID-19 is creating a gendered storm of pandemic proportions (sorry, we couldn't help ourselves).
The good news is, other women are the ones helping us through this crisis. Gender inclusion commentator, Amy Haddad, says we have some very finely honed skills in just shovelling through shit. And, you know, we just keep on shovelling.
5/18/2020 • 29 minutes, 56 seconds
The secrets we keep
Most of us have a secret we've never told anyone. Secrets are self-protective and universal, but some are hard to keep and impossible to share. If your secret is eating you up or has the propensity to blow up your entire life — should you share it? Are secrets better out than in?
Dr Katie Greenaway says it depends. Psychotherapist Gillian Straker walks us through the shame some secrets bring and what kinds we're keeping from ourselves.
5/4/2020 • 35 minutes, 46 seconds
The secrets we keep
Most of us have a secret we've never told anyone. Secrets are self-protective and universal, but some are hard to keep and impossible to share. If your secret is eating you up or has the propensity to blow up your entire life — should you share it? Are secrets better out than in?
Dr Katie Greenaway says it depends. Psychotherapist Gillian Straker walks us through the shame some secrets bring and what kinds we're keeping from ourselves.
5/4/2020 • 35 minutes, 46 seconds
50-shades of erotic literature
What if you could read something that would radically change your sex life and your whole relationship dynamic? What if, a few pages could actually make you feel like sex with your long-term partner?
Cue the case for erotic literature — the nerdy aphrodisiac you didn't know you needed. Low sex drive affects many of us, including Sally, who says erotica has increased her libido 10-fold. You'll also hear from Kate Cuthbert from the Victorian Writers Centre and Gina Gutierrez from an audio-erotica company on how erotica is evolving.
4/20/2020 • 26 minutes, 45 seconds
50-shades of erotic literature
What if you could read something that would radically change your sex life and your whole relationship dynamic? What if, a few pages could actually make you feel like sex with your long-term partner?
Cue the case for erotic literature — the nerdy aphrodisiac you didn't know you needed. Low sex drive affects many of us, including Sally, who says erotica has increased her libido 10-fold. You'll also hear from Kate Cuthbert from the Victorian Writers Centre and Gina Gutierrez from an audio-erotica company on how erotica is evolving.
4/20/2020 • 26 minutes, 45 seconds
Anxious? We got you
While one in three women will experience anxiety in normal circumstances, when COVID-19 hit, for many it was the first time they'd ever felt anxious. And for many of us, that feeling isn't going away because there's a lot to be anxious about - pandemics, climate change, money, kids and the list goes on. To help, we're revisiting an episode we did in season 2 in which Dr Charlotte Keating coaches us through climate change anxiety. Her advice is super relevant for if you're feeling anxious.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36
Headspace: 1800 650 890
4/6/2020 • 30 minutes, 58 seconds
Anxious? We got you
While one in three women will experience anxiety in normal circumstances, when COVID-19 hit, for many it was the first time they'd ever felt anxious. And for many of us, that feeling isn't going away because there's a lot to be anxious about - pandemics, climate change, money, kids and the list goes on. To help, we're revisiting an episode we did in season 2 in which Dr Charlotte Keating coaches us through climate change anxiety. Her advice is super relevant for if you're feeling anxious.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36
Headspace: 1800 650 890
4/6/2020 • 30 minutes, 58 seconds
Coronavirus — hot tips on how you can get through
Whether you're juggling working at home with kids or figuring out how to pay rent as a single mum after losing your job — life just got a whole lot tougher for women. Many women are on the front line of fighting coronavirus at home and self-isolation is feeling like total chaos. In the first episode of season 4 Yumi Stynes dives into your corona shitshow and talks with clinical psychologist Dr Jacqui Winship about ways you can make lockdown a little more bearable.
4/2/2020 • 32 minutes, 19 seconds
Coronavirus — hot tips on how you can get through
Whether you're juggling working at home with kids or figuring out how to pay rent as a single mum after losing your job — life just got a whole lot tougher for women. Many women are on the front line of fighting coronavirus at home and self-isolation is feeling like total chaos. In the first episode of season 4 Yumi Stynes dives into your corona shitshow and talks with clinical psychologist Dr Jacqui Winship about ways you can make lockdown a little more bearable.
4/2/2020 • 32 minutes, 19 seconds
BONUS — The concrete ceiling
You’ll have heard of the glass ceiling — the invisible barrier that stops women getting ahead at work. For women of colour, that ceiling is actually concrete. And while you can (sometimes) shatter a glass ceiling, the concrete ceiling is a much tougher barrier to smash. At a live recording of Ladies, We Need To Talk, Yumi Stynes speaks with a panel of brilliant women about what it’s like looking up at the concrete ceiling. Our guests were Professor Sujatha Fernandes, Shy Magsalin and Shyamla Eswaran.
This episode is a part of the ABC’s Australia Talks project, which aims to find out what Australians are really thinking and feeling, and uses those findings to help us all learn something about each other.
12/9/2019 • 33 minutes, 24 seconds
BONUS — The concrete ceiling
You’ll have heard of the glass ceiling — the invisible barrier that stops women getting ahead at work. For women of colour, that ceiling is actually concrete. And while you can (sometimes) shatter a glass ceiling, the concrete ceiling is a much tougher barrier to smash. At a live recording of Ladies, We Need To Talk, Yumi Stynes speaks with a panel of brilliant women about what it’s like looking up at the concrete ceiling. Our guests were Professor Sujatha Fernandes, Shy Magsalin and Shyamla Eswaran.
This episode is a part of the ABC’s Australia Talks project, which aims to find out what Australians are really thinking and feeling, and uses those findings to help us all learn something about each other.
12/9/2019 • 33 minutes, 24 seconds
Ladies, we love your boobs
Boobies, tits, cans, your rack. Ladies, we want to celebrate your boobs. Despite what the beauty mags tell you, boobs come in all shapes and sizes. Some are big, some small, some are great at breastfeeding, others are not. Some women love their boobs, others get new ones. This episode talks about, and celebrates, all the boobs.
11/4/2019 • 31 minutes, 35 seconds
Ladies, we love your boobs
Boobies, tits, cans, your rack. Ladies, we want to celebrate your boobs. Despite what the beauty mags tell you, boobs come in all shapes and sizes. Some are big, some small, some are great at breastfeeding, others are not. Some women love their boobs, others get new ones. This episode talks about, and celebrates, all the boobs.
11/4/2019 • 31 minutes, 35 seconds
Toxic mums
There’s a whole lot of mythology around the so-called sacred mother-daughter bond, but it isn’t always reality. Mumming is hard work. It’s a tonne of unpaid emotional and physical labour, and mums don’t always get it right. We speak to women who’ve navigated very fraught relationships with their mums.
10/21/2019 • 32 minutes, 5 seconds
Toxic mums
There’s a whole lot of mythology around the so-called sacred mother-daughter bond, but it isn’t always reality. Mumming is hard work. It’s a tonne of unpaid emotional and physical labour, and mums don’t always get it right. We speak to women who’ve navigated very fraught relationships with their mums.
10/21/2019 • 32 minutes, 5 seconds
Sex after sexual assault
One in five Australian women over the age of 15 have experienced sexual violence.
1.4 million Australians have lived through childhood sexual abuse.
So if that’s you, how do you find the courage to be intimate again? For this episode we speak to women who’ve struggled to have sex after sexual assault, and others who now have a healthy sex life.
Life Line: 13 11 14
1800 Respect: 1800 737 732
10/7/2019 • 30 minutes, 53 seconds
Sex after sexual assault
One in five Australian women over the age of 15 have experienced sexual violence.
1.4 million Australians have lived through childhood sexual abuse.
So if that’s you, how do you find the courage to be intimate again? For this episode we speak to women who’ve struggled to have sex after sexual assault, and others who now have a healthy sex life.
Life Line: 13 11 14
1800 Respect: 1800 737 732
10/7/2019 • 30 minutes, 53 seconds
Sexually transmitted isolation
Around four million Australians have had an STI at some point in their life, but who ever talks about it? STI’s are shrouded in loads of shame, secrecy and regret. And it’s not just young people getting them — women in their 30s and 40s get them too. In fact, the number of older people getting them is actually growing. We smash the stigma and learn that women living with an STI aren’t alone.
9/23/2019 • 29 minutes, 54 seconds
Sexually transmitted isolation
Around four million Australians have had an STI at some point in their life, but who ever talks about it? STI’s are shrouded in loads of shame, secrecy and regret. And it’s not just young people getting them — women in their 30s and 40s get them too. In fact, the number of older people getting them is actually growing. We smash the stigma and learn that women living with an STI aren’t alone.
9/23/2019 • 29 minutes, 54 seconds
Walking away from your kids — update
Women are still expected to be primary caregivers — but what happens when they choose to walk away from this role? In season one we heard from women who "broke the motherhood contract". They were no longer living with their kids and felt society judged them harshly for it. We check back in to see how those women are going now.
9/9/2019 • 27 minutes, 26 seconds
Walking away from your kids — update
Women are still expected to be primary caregivers — but what happens when they choose to walk away from this role? In season one we heard from women who "broke the motherhood contract". They were no longer living with their kids and felt society judged them harshly for it. We check back in to see how those women are going now.
9/9/2019 • 27 minutes, 26 seconds
How to make friends as an adult
At a certain point in life, making friends gets trickier and feels super awkward. Many of us want and need new friends though — so how do you do it? At a live recording of Ladies, We Need To Talk, Yumi Stynes and a panel of amazing women chat about why having good friends is so important and give advice for making new ones.
8/26/2019 • 34 minutes, 48 seconds
How to make friends as an adult
At a certain point in life, making friends gets trickier and feels super awkward. Many of us want and need new friends though — so how do you do it? At a live recording of Ladies, We Need To Talk, Yumi Stynes and a panel of amazing women chat about why having good friends is so important and give advice for making new ones.
8/26/2019 • 34 minutes, 48 seconds
The patriarchy of poo
Do you feel embarrassed if you have to poo in public? You're not alone. Whether it's poo, farts, discharge or sweat — women are constantly self-conscious about our odour because it's considered 'unladylike' to smell. But if everyone on the planet needs to poo to survive, why do we have such poo shame? And if poo is on top of the list of things we feel awkward talking about, how do we know when something's going wrong with our bowels? So, Ladies, let's talk about poo.
8/12/2019 • 29 minutes, 47 seconds
The patriarchy of poo
Do you feel embarrassed if you have to poo in public? You're not alone. Whether it's poo, farts, discharge or sweat — women are constantly self-conscious about our odour because it's considered 'unladylike' to smell. But if everyone on the planet needs to poo to survive, why do we have such poo shame? And if poo is on top of the list of things we feel awkward talking about, how do we know when something's going wrong with our bowels? So, Ladies, let's talk about poo.
8/12/2019 • 29 minutes, 47 seconds
Esther Perel — how to have a hard conversation
How do you tell a mate your friendship isn't working? Or a partner you can't stand the way they kiss? Hard conversations are tough to have but sometimes necessary. Psychotherapist Esther Perel is the world's best known couples counsellor and she gives Yumi a lesson on how to navigate difficult conversations.
7/29/2019 • 32 minutes, 32 seconds
Esther Perel — how to have a hard conversation
How do you tell a mate your friendship isn't working? Or a partner you can't stand the way they kiss? Hard conversations are tough to have but sometimes necessary. Psychotherapist Esther Perel is the world's best known couples counsellor and she gives Yumi a lesson on how to navigate difficult conversations.
7/29/2019 • 32 minutes, 32 seconds
Birth control — choose your own adventure
We're totally spoilt for choice when it comes to birth control. There are 12 different types of contraception to choose from and about 30 different brands of the pill. Having all these options is awesome, but how do you know you've chosen the right one for you?
7/15/2019 • 32 minutes, 25 seconds
Birth control — choose your own adventure
We're totally spoilt for choice when it comes to birth control. There are 12 different types of contraception to choose from and about 30 different brands of the pill. Having all these options is awesome, but how do you know you've chosen the right one for you?
7/15/2019 • 32 minutes, 25 seconds
Stone cold sober — alcohol update
In season one, we looked at why so many Australian women drink at risky levels. Yumi Stynes revealed her battle with drinking and quit alcohol. We also met Jo, who drank at really risky levels. This episode, we check back in, to see how they're going, plus show you how to cut down your drinking if you'd like to sub the wine for kombucha.
7/1/2019 • 35 minutes, 46 seconds
Stone cold sober — alcohol update
In season one, we looked at why so many Australian women drink at risky levels. Yumi Stynes revealed her battle with drinking and quit alcohol. We also met Jo, who drank at really risky levels. This episode, we check back in, to see how they're going, plus show you how to cut down your drinking if you'd like to sub the wine for kombucha.
7/1/2019 • 35 minutes, 46 seconds
Footloose and childfree
Grow up, find a partner, have kids — we’ve been doing it for thousands of years. But more and more women are choosing to ignore that path. And the latest research says they’re actually happier for it. So why do we judge women without kids?
6/17/2019 • 29 minutes, 24 seconds
Footloose and childfree
Grow up, find a partner, have kids — we’ve been doing it for thousands of years. But more and more women are choosing to ignore that path. And the latest research says they’re actually happier for it. So why do we judge women without kids?
6/17/2019 • 29 minutes, 24 seconds
Body image — why do we hate our bodies?
Have you ever felt like a massive failure when you've looked in the mirror or felt depressed about the size of your thighs? You're not alone — research says almost 80 per cent of Australian women are unhappy with their weight. And nearly one million Australians have an eating disorder, most of them, women. What can we do to feel better about our bodies?
6/3/2019 • 33 minutes, 28 seconds
Body image — why do we hate our bodies?
Have you ever felt like a massive failure when you've looked in the mirror or felt depressed about the size of your thighs? You're not alone — research says almost 80 per cent of Australian women are unhappy with their weight. And nearly one million Australians have an eating disorder, most of them, women. What can we do to feel better about our bodies?
6/3/2019 • 33 minutes, 28 seconds
Discharge — the gooey taboo
Lots of women are really self-conscious about the way their vaginas smell. We quickly hide our undies the second we take them off and up to a third of us wear a panty liner every day. But how much do you actually know about discharge? What should it smell like? What should it look like? And should we just stop dissing our discharge?
5/20/2019 • 22 minutes, 51 seconds
Discharge — the gooey taboo
Lots of women are really self-conscious about the way their vaginas smell. We quickly hide our undies the second we take them off and up to a third of us wear a panty liner every day. But how much do you actually know about discharge? What should it smell like? What should it look like? And should we just stop dissing our discharge?
5/20/2019 • 22 minutes, 51 seconds
Abortion — beyond the stereotype
If you’re in your 30s and have had an abortion or are going to, you’re not going through it alone. It’s a myth that only the young and reckless have abortions. The stats show that older women, and those who already have kids, are having more abortions in Australia than teenagers. So if they’re the facts, why is abortion shrouded in shame, judgement and silence for older women?
5/6/2019 • 32 minutes, 35 seconds
Abortion — beyond the stereotype
If you’re in your 30s and have had an abortion or are going to, you’re not going through it alone. It’s a myth that only the young and reckless have abortions. The stats show that older women, and those who already have kids, are having more abortions in Australia than teenagers. So if they’re the facts, why is abortion shrouded in shame, judgement and silence for older women?
5/6/2019 • 32 minutes, 35 seconds
When bad sex is your life
We’ve all got a bad sex story. The partner who’s selfish in the sack. The horribly uninspiring one-night stand. The lover with 'performance anxiety'. Most of us have been there. There’s this idea though that we grow out of it — that we all get better at 'doing it' as we get older. But what if that doesn’t happen? What if bad sex is your life?
4/22/2019 • 33 minutes, 45 seconds
When bad sex is your life
We’ve all got a bad sex story. The partner who’s selfish in the sack. The horribly uninspiring one-night stand. The lover with 'performance anxiety'. Most of us have been there. There’s this idea though that we grow out of it — that we all get better at 'doing it' as we get older. But what if that doesn’t happen? What if bad sex is your life?
4/22/2019 • 33 minutes, 45 seconds
INTRODUCING — Series 3 of Ladies, We Need To Talk
We're back! Join Yumi Stynes as she once again tears open the sealed section on life to talk all about your forbidden lady business. This is the podcast where we can confess all our secret ladies' stuff and learn something along the way. So, whether it's your discharge, what you use for birth control, or how you can make a new friend ... we're here for you! Ring us on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected]. Subscribe now so you never miss an episode.
4/8/2019 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
INTRODUCING — Series 3 of Ladies, We Need To Talk
We're back! Join Yumi Stynes as she once again tears open the sealed section on life to talk all about your forbidden lady business. This is the podcast where we can confess all our secret ladies' stuff and learn something along the way. So, whether it's your discharge, what you use for birth control, or how you can make a new friend ... we're here for you! Ring us on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected]. Subscribe now so you never miss an episode.
4/8/2019 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Ladies, we love you
You trusted us with some of your deepest, darkest and most intimate secrets and you let us share them with the podcast universe.
For our final episode of 2018, we check in with the women we’ve met and hear from YOU about what you’ve learnt.
11/5/2018 • 30 minutes, 31 seconds
Ladies, we love you
You trusted us with some of your deepest, darkest and most intimate secrets and you let us share them with the podcast universe.
For our final episode of 2018, we check in with the women we’ve met and hear from YOU about what you’ve learnt.
11/5/2018 • 30 minutes, 31 seconds
Anxious much?
Everyone gets a little bit anxious at times, but is what you’re feeling normal? Anxiety is the most common mental health issue in Australia. Up to one in three women will experience anxiety, for men it’s one in five.
So why are women going through this? And if you are, what can you do about it?
Crisis lines
Lifeline on 13 11 14
Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
Headspace on 1800 650 890
QLife on 1800 184 527
Chat services
10/22/2018 • 29 minutes, 9 seconds
Anxious much?
Everyone gets a little bit anxious at times, but is what you’re feeling normal? Anxiety is the most common mental health issue in Australia. Up to one in three women will experience anxiety, for men it’s one in five.
So why are women going through this? And if you are, what can you do about it?
Crisis lines
Lifeline on 13 11 14
Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
Headspace on 1800 650 890
QLife on 1800 184 527
Chat services
10/22/2018 • 29 minutes, 9 seconds
Perimenopause — coming to a uterus near you
Sore boobs, loss of libido, hot flushes, irregular periods. Sound familiar? While you may think you’ll only experience these symptoms when you’re of a 'certain age' and hitting menopause, it turns out, they can creep in way earlier.
Welcome to perimenopause! And if you think that’s years down the track, think again.
10/8/2018 • 30 minutes, 42 seconds
Perimenopause — coming to a uterus near you
Sore boobs, loss of libido, hot flushes, irregular periods. Sound familiar? While you may think you’ll only experience these symptoms when you’re of a 'certain age' and hitting menopause, it turns out, they can creep in way earlier.
Welcome to perimenopause! And if you think that’s years down the track, think again.
10/8/2018 • 30 minutes, 42 seconds
Mean girls — our secret sexism
How often have you casually heard the terms "bitch" or "mean girl" being used to describe another woman? And, be honest, how often have you used them? In a world where we’re sold the idea that women constantly compete, compare and undermine each other, what are the invisible forces that shape the way we treat each other? And how can we stop, and strengthen the sisterhood instead?
9/24/2018 • 28 minutes, 47 seconds
Mean girls — our secret sexism
How often have you casually heard the terms "bitch" or "mean girl" being used to describe another woman? And, be honest, how often have you used them? In a world where we’re sold the idea that women constantly compete, compare and undermine each other, what are the invisible forces that shape the way we treat each other? And how can we stop, and strengthen the sisterhood instead?
9/24/2018 • 28 minutes, 47 seconds
The secret life of hormones
Every month you go on a hormonal rollercoaster but most of us ride it blindfolded. Reproductive hormones control ovulation but they can also affect how you think. Oestrogen can make you feel fantastic, while progesterone can make you feel crappy. And for women who are hormonally sensitive, this rollercoaster can feel like a freefall.
9/10/2018 • 30 minutes, 34 seconds
The secret life of hormones
Every month you go on a hormonal rollercoaster but most of us ride it blindfolded. Reproductive hormones control ovulation but they can also affect how you think. Oestrogen can make you feel fantastic, while progesterone can make you feel crappy. And for women who are hormonally sensitive, this rollercoaster can feel like a freefall.
9/10/2018 • 30 minutes, 34 seconds
When sex hurts
Sex that feels like your vagina is about to tear open isn’t exactly dinner party conversation, but it’s common. One in five women experience painful sex, according to a study by the University of NSW.
8/27/2018 • 31 minutes, 19 seconds
When sex hurts
Sex that feels like your vagina is about to tear open isn’t exactly dinner party conversation, but it’s common. One in five women experience painful sex, according to a study by the University of NSW.
8/27/2018 • 31 minutes, 19 seconds
Obsession with youth
If we are intelligent, ambitious and capable women, why are we still judged by the way we look?
The Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery estimates that Australians spend around $1 billion a year on cosmetic procedures. Most of that is spent on botox and fillers.
So if we’re spending so much money on looking young, are we complicit in society’s obsession with youth?
8/13/2018 • 30 minutes, 57 seconds
Obsession with youth
If we are intelligent, ambitious and capable women, why are we still judged by the way we look?
The Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery estimates that Australians spend around $1 billion a year on cosmetic procedures. Most of that is spent on botox and fillers.
So if we’re spending so much money on looking young, are we complicit in society’s obsession with youth?
8/13/2018 • 30 minutes, 57 seconds
Settling for average
A healthy relationship is meant to feel like a warm hug from your mum after about a year, according to psychologists. But if your partner doesn’t feel like your perfect soul mate all the time, you might feel like you settled for something you didn’t sign up to. So does 'settling' exist or is it just a reality of long-term monogamy?
7/30/2018 • 27 minutes, 29 seconds
Settling for average
A healthy relationship is meant to feel like a warm hug from your mum after about a year, according to psychologists. But if your partner doesn’t feel like your perfect soul mate all the time, you might feel like you settled for something you didn’t sign up to. So does 'settling' exist or is it just a reality of long-term monogamy?
7/30/2018 • 27 minutes, 29 seconds
Ladies Live — closing the orgasm gap
Women don’t orgasm as often as men during sex. A US study of 50,000 people found 95% of men orgasm during sex, but only 65 per cent of straight women do.
7/16/2018 • 32 minutes
Ladies Live — closing the orgasm gap
Women don’t orgasm as often as men during sex. A US study of 50,000 people found 95% of men orgasm during sex, but only 65 per cent of straight women do.
7/16/2018 • 32 minutes
The pelvic flaw in all of us
Do you wee when you sneeze? Or avoid star jumps at the gym? One in four of us experience pelvic floor problems which can lead to incontinence, or even prolapse.
7/3/2018 • 27 minutes, 47 seconds
The pelvic flaw in all of us
Do you wee when you sneeze? Or avoid star jumps at the gym? One in four of us experience pelvic floor problems which can lead to incontinence, or even prolapse.
7/3/2018 • 27 minutes, 47 seconds
Foreplay — getting what you want
When was the last time you talked about foreplay? Women tend to need more foreplay than men — so if your partner’s just a bit crap at foreplay — get them to listen to this. We talk to psychotherapist Esther Perel and a bunch of brilliant female experts about their best foreplay tips.
6/18/2018 • 26 minutes, 44 seconds
Foreplay — getting what you want
When was the last time you talked about foreplay? Women tend to need more foreplay than men — so if your partner’s just a bit crap at foreplay — get them to listen to this. We talk to psychotherapist Esther Perel and a bunch of brilliant female experts about their best foreplay tips.
6/18/2018 • 26 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS — ladies who are single and killing it
We’ve been inundated with single ladies flying the solo flag with pride. We asked you; what do you love about your single life? What have you been able to achieve because you’re single? What would you happily never hear again from your coupled-up mates? Here are your stories.
6/15/2018 • 5 minutes, 25 seconds
BONUS — ladies who are single and killing it
We’ve been inundated with single ladies flying the solo flag with pride. We asked you; what do you love about your single life? What have you been able to achieve because you’re single? What would you happily never hear again from your coupled-up mates? Here are your stories.
6/15/2018 • 5 minutes, 25 seconds
Being single and owning it
More people are living the single life than ever before. But what if you don’t need a partner to feel whole? In a world that wants you to couple up, is being single the new happily ever after?
6/4/2018 • 27 minutes, 16 seconds
Being single and owning it
More people are living the single life than ever before. But what if you don’t need a partner to feel whole? In a world that wants you to couple up, is being single the new happily ever after?
6/4/2018 • 27 minutes, 16 seconds
Can porn be good for women?
It’s free, it’s prolific, it’s easy to find and more of us than ever are watching it but is mainstream porn contributing to the exploitation of women? Is it normalising bedroom practices that are problematic? Or is it just good, dirty fun? Warning: contains explicit material.
5/21/2018 • 28 minutes, 15 seconds
Can porn be good for women?
It’s free, it’s prolific, it’s easy to find and more of us than ever are watching it but is mainstream porn contributing to the exploitation of women? Is it normalising bedroom practices that are problematic? Or is it just good, dirty fun? Warning: contains explicit material.
5/21/2018 • 28 minutes, 15 seconds
BONUS — you tell us - living through pregnancy loss
The response to our last episode was extraordinary. We asked you; what do you wish people knew about pregnancy loss? What’s the best thing to say? How can we better support family or friends who are dealing with it? Here are your stories.
5/18/2018 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
BONUS — you tell us - living through pregnancy loss
The response to our last episode was extraordinary. We asked you; what do you wish people knew about pregnancy loss? What’s the best thing to say? How can we better support family or friends who are dealing with it? Here are your stories.
5/18/2018 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
The 12 week rule
The first trimester of a pregnancy can often be the hardest, so why do so many women feel the need to stay quiet? And what if the answer — miscarriage — is the reason we should be talking about pregnancy earlier?
5/7/2018 • 24 minutes, 43 seconds
The 12 week rule
The first trimester of a pregnancy can often be the hardest, so why do so many women feel the need to stay quiet? And what if the answer — miscarriage — is the reason we should be talking about pregnancy earlier?
5/7/2018 • 24 minutes, 43 seconds
Women who cheat
The statistics say the number of women who are unfaithful is massively on the rise. So why? What’s driving those who seek a covert thrill outside their relationship? And does society still judge women who stray more harshly than men?
Warning: this podcast contains strong language and adult themes.
4/24/2018 • 27 minutes, 15 seconds
Women who cheat
The statistics say the number of women who are unfaithful is massively on the rise. So why? What’s driving those who seek a covert thrill outside their relationship? And does society still judge women who stray more harshly than men?
Warning: this podcast contains strong language and adult themes.
4/24/2018 • 27 minutes, 15 seconds
INTRODUCING — series 2 of Ladies, We Need To Talk
We’re back! Season two is coming and this time, we’re calling on you - our sisters out there. What's in your treasure chest of taboos you feel like you can't tell anyone, but seriously need to get off your chest?
We’re here to talk about it. Ring us on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected].
4/10/2018 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
INTRODUCING — series 2 of Ladies, We Need To Talk
We’re back! Season two is coming and this time, we’re calling on you - our sisters out there. What's in your treasure chest of taboos you feel like you can't tell anyone, but seriously need to get off your chest?
We’re here to talk about it. Ring us on 1300 641 222 or email [email protected].
4/10/2018 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Bonus: More than pads and tampons
When was the last time you sat down with your girlfriends and had a conversation about menstrual products? No need to. We did it for you.
11/23/2017 • 7 minutes, 42 seconds
Bonus: More than pads and tampons
When was the last time you sat down with your girlfriends and had a conversation about menstrual products? No need to. We did it for you.
11/23/2017 • 7 minutes, 42 seconds
Bonus: Your vagina questions answered
Imagine knowing so much about vaginas that you’ve been given an Order of Australia medal. Dr Elizabeth Farrell received the award for her incredible work in women’s health. Warning: This episode contains the odd swear word, frank disclosure and graphic description.
11/9/2017 • 5 minutes, 40 seconds
Bonus: Your vagina questions answered
Imagine knowing so much about vaginas that you’ve been given an Order of Australia medal. Dr Elizabeth Farrell received the award for her incredible work in women’s health. Warning: This episode contains the odd swear word, frank disclosure and graphic description.
11/9/2017 • 5 minutes, 40 seconds
Masturbation — the big taboo
Masturbation is still a conversation stopper for many women. There are some really good reasons, though, why we need to move on from our embarrassment and start talking about women's pleasure.
10/25/2017 • 22 minutes, 2 seconds
Masturbation — the big taboo
Masturbation is still a conversation stopper for many women. There are some really good reasons, though, why we need to move on from our embarrassment and start talking about women's pleasure.
10/25/2017 • 22 minutes, 2 seconds
Fat talk
You're a woman who makes a point of not hurting other women's feelings. But have you ever considered that the way you talk about your own body could be making other women feel like crap?
10/18/2017 • 24 minutes, 50 seconds
Fat talk
You're a woman who makes a point of not hurting other women's feelings. But have you ever considered that the way you talk about your own body could be making other women feel like crap?
10/18/2017 • 24 minutes, 50 seconds
Has anyone seen my libido?
Your day is finally over, the kids are in bed, and you get a moment's peace. But then, your partner gives you the nudge and you're ready for sex! Right? Nope. Low sex drive is pretty common for women, but why is that? And how can that be fixed?
10/11/2017 • 24 minutes, 36 seconds
Has anyone seen my libido?
Your day is finally over, the kids are in bed, and you get a moment's peace. But then, your partner gives you the nudge and you're ready for sex! Right? Nope. Low sex drive is pretty common for women, but why is that? And how can that be fixed?
10/11/2017 • 24 minutes, 36 seconds
Breaking the motherhood contract
At some point, most mums ask 'is this really what I want?'. Sure motherhood means cuddles, love and macaroni necklaces. It also means sleepless nights, tantrums and vomiting bugs. But what happens when you genuinely regret motherhood? Or find yourself choosing not to raise your children?
10/4/2017 • 21 minutes, 4 seconds
Breaking the motherhood contract
At some point, most mums ask 'is this really what I want?'. Sure motherhood means cuddles, love and macaroni necklaces. It also means sleepless nights, tantrums and vomiting bugs. But what happens when you genuinely regret motherhood? Or find yourself choosing not to raise your children?
10/4/2017 • 21 minutes, 4 seconds
Let's slay menstrual taboos
In many ways we're OK with periods, but we've still got a way to go. Because it's one thing to ask for a tampon, it's a whole other story when you leak onto your clothes. So how do we finally slay menstrual taboos?
9/27/2017 • 22 minutes, 47 seconds
Let's slay menstrual taboos
In many ways we're OK with periods, but we've still got a way to go. Because it's one thing to ask for a tampon, it's a whole other story when you leak onto your clothes. So how do we finally slay menstrual taboos?
9/27/2017 • 22 minutes, 47 seconds
Anyone for a drink?
Many of us like a glass of wine to help put a line under our day, and research tells us more Australian women are drinking than ever before. So why do we like to drink? And would you know if your drinking was heading down a hazardous path?
9/20/2017 • 19 minutes, 57 seconds
Anyone for a drink?
Many of us like a glass of wine to help put a line under our day, and research tells us more Australian women are drinking than ever before. So why do we like to drink? And would you know if your drinking was heading down a hazardous path?
9/20/2017 • 19 minutes, 57 seconds
Time to name (and shame) the mental load
You’re cooking dinner, answering work emails, calling the tradie, and getting the kids bathed. All at the same time. It’s no wonder you feel like you're an octopus, juggling tasks. All of this work you do is invisible, ongoing, exhausting and, mostly, unrewarding. Want to know what it's called? And better still, how to banish it?
9/13/2017 • 27 minutes
Time to name (and shame) the mental load
You’re cooking dinner, answering work emails, calling the tradie, and getting the kids bathed. All at the same time. It’s no wonder you feel like you're an octopus, juggling tasks. All of this work you do is invisible, ongoing, exhausting and, mostly, unrewarding. Want to know what it's called? And better still, how to banish it?
9/13/2017 • 27 minutes
You say vulva, I say vagina
What’s the difference between your vulva and vagina? Do you know what your cervix feels like? Can you lose something inside your vagina? Ladies, it’s time for the sex ed lesson we missed out on as teens. Warning: This episode contains the odd swear word, frank disclosure and graphic description.
9/6/2017 • 26 minutes, 16 seconds
You say vulva, I say vagina
What’s the difference between your vulva and vagina? Do you know what your cervix feels like? Can you lose something inside your vagina? Ladies, it’s time for the sex ed lesson we missed out on as teens. Warning: This episode contains the odd swear word, frank disclosure and graphic description.
9/6/2017 • 26 minutes, 16 seconds
INTRODUCING — Ladies, We Need To Talk
Brace yourself. Leave your judgement at the door. And embrace a head first dive into those tricky topics that we’re all thinking about, but don’t feel comfortable talking about out loud.
8/31/2017 • 3 minutes, 39 seconds
INTRODUCING — Ladies, We Need To Talk
Brace yourself. Leave your judgement at the door. And embrace a head first dive into those tricky topics that we’re all thinking about, but don’t feel comfortable talking about out loud.