Hosted by award-winning South African cartoonist Jerm, these are conversations about dangerous ideas.
Nik Stankovic on how the West misrepresents China
Nik Stankovic is a Serbian geopolitical strategist who lived for 10 years in the United States and 15 years in China. He broke apart anti-China propaganda and chatted about daily life.
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9/9/2024 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 59 seconds
Owen Benjamin on comedy, being cancelled, and waking up
Owen Benjamin has become prominent for his hilarious online presence, especially after becoming one of the most cancelled comedians due to doing what comedians are supposed to be doing: comedy.
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9/5/2024 • 59 minutes, 38 seconds
Desmund Bernardo on why South Africa struggles with electricity
Des Bernardo is a South African licensed reactor operator and project manager at Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, with deep insight into the nuts and bolts of the country's energy issues.
In this conversation, he discussed Eskom's origins, political interference, grid stability, Sustainable Development, Andre de Ruyter's globalist agenda of moving away from coal, and why nuclear is great for stable baseload power.
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8/28/2024 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 16 seconds
Alex Newman on schools indoctrinating children to death
Alex Newman, of Liberty Sentinel Media, argues that the Western public school system is a weapon of mass indoctrination designed to kill our children inside and out, both literally and metaphorically.
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8/26/2024 • 59 minutes, 17 seconds
Jeremy Kuzmarov on the Martin Luther King assassination conspiracy
Edirot of Covert Action Magazine, Jeremy Kuzmarov, argues that the CIA planned and assassinated Martin Luther King, adding that James Earl Ray was set up as the fall guy.
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8/19/2024 • 48 minutes, 32 seconds
Denis Rancourt on global all-cause mortality of the entire COVID era
Denis Rancourt and his colleagues have published their most extensive paper to date, analysing all-cause mortality across 125 countries throughout the entire alleged COVID-19 pandemic. In short, there was no pandemic.
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8/11/2024 • 58 minutes, 34 seconds
Nina Teicholz on why saturated fats are good for you
Nina Teicholz is a science journalist and author with a healthy focus on diet and, specifically, saturated fats. She chatted to me about why saturated fats are not the enemy.
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8/5/2024 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 55 seconds
Daniel Roytas on whether you can catch a cold
Can you catch a cold? No. Daniel Roytas argues that you can't catch a cold because there is no such thing as a transmissible disease or viral contagion between humans.
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7/29/2024 • 54 minutes, 58 seconds
Mads Palsvig on the Talmudic World Order
Mads Palsvig argues that the Talmudic World Order is about 'Talmud followers' lying and deceiving the world so that they can change history and current affairs to suit their own agenda.
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7/22/2024 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 16 seconds
Stuart Fischbein on home births versus hospital births
Dr Stuart Fischbein (Dr Stu) is an OBGYN who has delivered many babies and argues that the medical establishment has over-medicalised childbirth, and that home births are safer and superior.
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7/16/2024 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
Mark Conlon on there being no planes on 9/11
Mark Conlon argues that the Boeing 767s claimed to have flown into the Twin Towers on 9/11, did not fly into the Twin Towers. In fact, he claims that no planes crashed anywhere.
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7/15/2024 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
Andrew Johnson on aliens, UFOs and secret military documents
Andrew Johnson chats about aliens, UFOs, CIA intelligence and secret military documents covering up strange paranormal activity that has been happening for thousands of years here on Earth.
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7/8/2024 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 43 seconds
Jeff Berwick on true wealth and disconnecting from the matrix
Jeff Berwick, of The Dollar Vigilante, chats about evolving ideologies and worldviews, self-improvement, personal and financial wealth, meditation and ways to escape the system and defeat the New World Order.
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7/1/2024 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Desmund Bernardo on South Africa's Government of National Unity (GNU)
Desmund Bernardo is a husband, father, and nuclear professional.
He completed his military conscription in the Air Force at the then-secret TFDC Bredasdorp Air Force Base.
Des started his career at South Africa's state-owned electricity utility—Eskom—in 1992 and obtained a Reactor Operator's Licence from the National Nuclear Regulator in 2003. He is currently a Project Manager on the nearly completed Koeberg SGR (Steam-Generator Replacement) Project.
From 2002 to 2010, Des spent eight years in counter-terrorism intelligence.
He is also hosts the Beyond Politics channel on YouTube.
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6/25/2024 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 47 seconds
Scott Adams on anti-White racism, useless experts and artificial intelligence
Scott Adams is the creator of Dilbert, which was cancelled after he said something truthful online. He also chatted about how COVID exposed experts as useless and whether or not AI is an existential danger.
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6/24/2024 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 35 seconds
Frances Leader on the Black Nobility
Frances Leader runs a Substack called Uncensored and is one of the most knowledgeable individuals I've come across, as far as the subject of Black Nobility is concerned.
What is the Black Nobility?
Well, that's why you should listen to this conversation!
Have you ever wondered who are the most powerful and influential people in the world?
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6/21/2024 • 51 minutes, 7 seconds
Adam Eisenberg on there being no plane at the Pentagon on 9/11
While serving in the Army, Adam Eisenberg helped clean up the Pentagon after the plane crash on 9/11. Except that, he argues, there was no plane to be found.
Why do people still believe the official story?
I recommend watching this podcast because Adam includes visuals.
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6/18/2024 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 39 seconds
Henrik Svensmark on understanding the sun and cloud cover
Henrik Svensmark's climate research suggests cosmic rays and sunspots are the primary drivers of global warming, influencing cloud formation and a cooler climate. CO2 does not cause global warming.
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6/4/2024 • 54 minutes, 5 seconds
Carrie Gress on feminism and the end of women
Carrie Gress' book, The End of Women, critiques feminism's negative effects on women's happiness and society as a whole, highlighting its roots, occult connections, and the healthiness of gender roles.
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5/28/2024 • 49 minutes, 44 seconds
Mark Weber on the more accurate history of Winston Churchill
Mark Weber delves into Winston Churchill's political background, revealing his wartime hypocrisy, racism, and appeasement of Stalin, despite his elevated international reputation, all contributing to the decline of the British Empire.
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5/20/2024 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
Jason Christoff on overcoming self- sabotage
Jason Christoff, the founder of an international self-sabotage coaching school, believes manipulative psychology and programming are to blame for social decline and provides powerful ideas to overcome all of it.
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5/13/2024 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 9 seconds
Sam and Mark Bailey on their book "The Final Pandemic"
Sam and Mark Bailey expose diagnostic tests, data manipulation, rubbish doctors, pharmaceutical greed, illness rebranding, press release science and lab-leak nonsense.
There was no pandemic and there will never be a pandemic.
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5/7/2024 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 24 seconds
Roman Bystrianyk on vaccine history, official data, and better explanations
Roman Bystrianyk's slideshow delves into the history of vaccination, describing its origins, definition, processes, risks, and deaths, emphasising the decline of diseases prior to vaccines, and providing realistic explanations.
I strongly recommend watching the video of this conversation:
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4/29/2024 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 13 seconds
Keith Harmon Snow on the Rwandan genocide myths
Award-winning photojournalist Keith Harmon Snow breaks apart the mainstream myth(s) of the Rwandan genocide. What actually happened was a violent coup d'état with Western backing, led by Paul Kagame.
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4/22/2024 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 49 seconds
James Perloff on the war on Christianity
James Perloff argues that there is a globalist war on Christianity in the West, from Darwinian evolution, Marxism, communism, and ecumenism, to dispensationalism, Zionism, and Islam's rise in Europe.
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4/15/2024 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 33 seconds
Pat Miletich on MMA, healthy food, and fighting for freedom
Pat Miletich is a pioneer of MMA and holds many UFC titles. Today, he fights for freedom through improved health via nutrient-dense soil, fewer chemicals, and decentralised agriculture.
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4/8/2024 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 7 seconds
David Daniels on why the Jesuits are not who they appear to be
The Jesuits are the military wing of the Catholic Church. David Daniels argues that they are not who they appear to be, subverting and influencing international politics and economics.
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4/1/2024 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds
Keith Woods on race, IQ, ethnicity, and nationalism
Keith Woods discusses race, IQ, ethnicity, nationalism, and the nature of identity and culture for the sake of peace and prosperity, whether or not they are politically incorrect.
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3/25/2024 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 6 seconds
Ana Mihalcea on transhumanism and self-assembling nanotechnology
Ana Mihalcea, an internal medicine physician, argues that electromagnetic radiation and nanotechnology drive the implementation of Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development, the transhumanist agenda, and mass control of humanity.
I recommend watching this podcast due to Ana's use of slides.
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3/18/2024 • 48 minutes, 11 seconds
Laura Aboli on transhumanism and what to do about it
Laura Aboli started her career in 2000 by co-founding World-Check, a risk identification database, and later Wealth-X in 2010, focusing on ultra-wealthy individuals. After leaving both by 2014, she pursued her passion for interior design with her own company.
With interests in art and a critical view on metaphysics and psychology, she founded the United Democratic International Movement for Awareness and Freedom (UDIMAF) in May 2020, aiming to address the impacts of the global ‘pandemic‘ on society.
Which is a complicated way of saying that she’s exposing globalist agendas and proposing opposition strategies.
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3/13/2024 • 56 minutes, 52 seconds
Nisa Khan on why LED lighting is harmful to all life
Nisa Khan is a scientist with a strong focus on lighting and, specifically, LED lighting and its dangers.
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3/4/2024 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 33 seconds
Steve Falconer on the Jesuits, not the Jews, running the world
The Jews run the world.
That’s what we constantly see and hear from people around us. The Jews are in control of everything, from banking and business to politics and media. They dominate most positions of power and influence the cultural zeitgeist.
But do they?
Steve Falconer, from Spacebusters, says ‘no’, arguing that it is a purposeful strategy of deceit that has been used for centuries by the Jesuits.
Put another way, Steve argues that the Roman Catholic Church and, by extension, the Vatican control the world and use the Jews as a scapegoat.
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2/26/2024 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 9 seconds
E Michael Jones on his book ‘The Holocaust Narrative’
This conversation is not about denying the deaths of Jews (and others) during WWII, but rather about how they died according to the historical literature (including the evolution of the storytelling).
Dr Eugene Michael Jones (commonly known as E Michael Jones) was an Assistant Professor of American Literature at St. Mary’s College, and is widely known for his critical views on contemporary cultural and religious issues.
He argues that ‘Holocaust’ is a term that has evolved in its meaning over time.
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2/20/2024 • 52 minutes, 47 seconds
Quintin Jonck on stopping all of his HIV/AIDS medication
Quintin Jonck is a normal guy who was diagnosed as HIV-positive 23 years ago.
But here’s the thing.
The doctors told him that he had two to four years left to live.
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2/12/2024 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
Zaid Dahhaj on the importance of sunlight
Zaid Dahhaj is a men’s health coach and co-host of The 2AM Podcast. He focuses a lot on the benefits of sunlight and being outside.
It’s weird that, in 2024, we are discussing the benefits of being outside, but here we are.
1/29/2024 • 46 minutes, 41 seconds
Stephen Sizer on the Scofield Bible and Christian Zionism
Christian Zionism is a bizarre Israel-first belief held by tens of millions (possibly even hundreds of millions) of evangelical Christians, particularly in the United States, that supports the modern state of Israel and the ‘return’ of Jews to Palestine.
1/22/2024 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
Zachary Foster on the history of Hamas
Zachary Foster is a Jewish historian with a PhD in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton University. He focuses primarily on Palestinian history.
12/22/2023 • 53 minutes, 53 seconds
E Michael Jones on the subversive nature of sexual revolutions
Dr Eugene Michael Jones (commonly known as E Michael Jones) was an Assistant Professor of American Literature at St. Mary's College, and is widely known for his critical views on contemporary cultural and religious issues.
12/21/2023 • 54 minutes, 2 seconds
Ilan Pappé on the myths about Israel
Ilan Pappé is a Jewish professor of history at the University of Exeter (UK), specialising in Middle Eastern studies.
12/18/2023 • 55 minutes, 32 seconds
Spencer Smith on the Third Adam
In Spencer Smith’s work, the ‘Third Adam’ is a term used to describe a sequence of spiritual and societal shifts that pave the way for the emergence of the Antichrist, serving as a conceptual framework.
12/14/2023 • 55 minutes, 29 seconds
Scott Ritter on American exceptionalism, Ukraine, and Israel
William Scott Ritter Jr (AKA Scott Ritter) is an ex-Marine Corps intelligence officer who became the chief weapons insepctor for the United Nations (UN). He served in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq from 1991 to 1998 overseeing disarmament of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).
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12/11/2023 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 43 seconds
Michael Rivero on all wars being bankers’ wars
Over the last two centuries, private (central) bankers have tried to control the world, says Michael Rivero, creator of the documentary All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars.
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12/4/2023 • 46 minutes, 15 seconds
Florentine Mol on the tumultuous life of Vincent van Gogh
After my wife and I were taken on a private tour of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, I decided to record a podcast about the fascinating life of Vincent.
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11/30/2023 • 51 minutes, 57 seconds
Jeremy Kuzmarov on Israel’s wider war with Iran
This is a conversation with Jeremy Kuzmarov, editor of Covert Action Magazine, a publication dedicated to investigating and exposing deep state operations inside and outside the United States.
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11/27/2023 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
Riaan Roux on Siener van Rensburg
Siener van Rensburg was a Boer prophet famed for his visions during the Boer Wars, predicting significant South African events.
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11/13/2023 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 3 seconds
Brittni De La Mora was a porn star who became a Christian
Brittni De La Mora is an inspiration.
She was a top-tier porn star for seven years, landing over 250 film roles and gaining international fame. Despite her ‘success’, she was plagued by emptiness and despair, relying on drugs and alcohol to cope, even making unsuccessful suicide attempts.
Then she became a Christian, abruptly exited the porn industry, and started a new life.
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10/30/2023 • 58 minutes, 58 seconds
Andrew Wilson on the importance of right-wing conservatism
Right-wing conservatism, rooted in the bedrock of orthodox Christianity, offers a robust framework for societal stability and individual flourishing, argues Andrew Wilson (husband of Occult Feminism author Rachel Wilson).
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10/25/2023 • 55 minutes, 18 seconds
Sean Parker was falsely accused of rape, and jailed
Sean Parker was falsely accused of rape and was sentenced to eight years, four of which were behind bars.
This is what feminism has brought us.
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10/24/2023 • 52 minutes, 11 seconds
Men and women should not sleep around before marriage
Marrying early has its advantages, especially for women, argues Los Angeles-based doctor Mark McDonald.
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10/2/2023 • 1 hour, 1 minute
Denis Rancourt on vaccine deaths in the southern hemisphere
A new paper by Denis Rancourt and colleagues looks at Covid™ vaccine-related deaths in 17 countries in the southern hemisphere. These countries include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, and South Africa, among others.
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9/26/2023 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Debbie DeGroff on indoctrination in children’s books
Debbie DeGroff got into children’s books when her eldest child started reading. She noticed differences between current ’80s literature and her own childhood reads. Her curiosity soon turned to worry, sparking decades of research. Over the last 30+ years, she’s read thousands of kids’ and young adult books.
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9/25/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 24 seconds
Professor Otty Nxumalo on the greatness of Mangosuthu Buthelezi
Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who recently died at age 95, was a powerful figure in South African politics, known for leading the Inkatha movement, later renamed the Inkatha Federal Party (IFP).
He was a member of the Zulu Royal Family and deeply loved and respected throughout the Zulu nation.
Professor Otty Nxumalo, born in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa, is a multi-talented man with degrees from the Universities of South Africa (UNISA), Harvard, and Zululand.
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9/22/2023 • 50 minutes, 35 seconds
Gerda Potgieter on KwaSizabantu and why News24 got it wrong
Kwasizabantu is a non-denominational church mission that originated in South Africa.
In her book, A Journey To The Truth: The case of KwaSizabantu Mission, Gerda Potgieter delves into the ethics of news headlines, examining their power to shape public opinion and impact reputations. She focuses on News24's untruthful coverage of KwaSizabantu.
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9/20/2023 • 53 minutes, 16 seconds
Etienne de la Boetie² on the Federal Reserve and mass control
The Federal Reserve has a significant grip on the US economy, its political system and, by extension, the rest of the world.
Etienne de la Boetie² is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation and the author of Government – The Biggest Scam in History.
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9/18/2023 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 21 seconds
Jeremy Kuzmarov on the history of the CIA
The CIA began as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a military branch that conducted espionage and undercover operations during World War II.
As Jeremy Kuzmarov - editor of CovertAction Magazine points out - the CIA's history is, pretty much, wholly destructive.
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9/11/2023 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 4 seconds
Rachel Wilson on the occultic roots of feminism
Occult influences deeply permeated the women’s liberation movement, an aspect often overlooked in the established narrative.
This unearths a complex, obscured history, challenging preconceived perceptions. Integral to this narrative are elements such as demon worship, witchcraft, and CIA involvement, making the history of feminism far from honest.
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9/4/2023 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 2 seconds
Helen Joyce on transgenderism, ideology and reality
There’s a real hesitancy to dive into certain topics, especially the ones that go against what most people think or believe.
This is clear when it comes to talking about gender identity and the idea that ‘trans women are men’ and, more specifically, that men and women can switch genders.
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9/1/2023 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 1 second
Mark Weber on the Bolshevik Revolution
The Bolshevik Revolution, or the October Revolution, occurred in Russia in 1917. It was a significant event that brought about major changes in the country’s history, from a monarchy to a communist state.
Mark Weber is a historian and author at the Institute for Historical Review.
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8/28/2023 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
A beginner’s guide to Muammar Gaddafi, with Matteo Capasso
Muammar Gaddafi, also known as Colonel Gaddafi, was a significant figure in Libya and world politics.
Matteo Capasso is an Italian historian and research fellow at Columbia University and Ca’ Foscari University in Venice.
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8/24/2023 • 1 hour, 14 seconds
Thomas Seyfried on cancer not being genetic
Thomas Seyfried is a prominent scientist and researcher in the field of cancer biology and metabolic therapies.
He argues that cancer is not genetic and that, in fact, it is metabolic. Which means that chemotherapy is not necessary and that a ketogenic is effective.
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8/21/2023 • 59 minutes, 30 seconds
Brian Berletic on the Belt And Road Initiative
The Belt And Road Initiative (BRI), also known as the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative, is a massive global infrastructure development project proposed by the Chinese government.
Brian Berletic broke apart the initiative and explained what it means for the rest of the world.
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8/14/2023 • 44 minutes, 12 seconds
Theo de Jager on South African farm attacks
Farm attacks, in South Africa, are unique by nature and deserving of a unique counter-strategy.
Theo de Jager is a South African farmer.
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8/10/2023 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 57 seconds
P.D. Lawton on Libya and Muammar Gaddafi’s threat to the West
Libya is a country located in northern Africa, with a rich and complex history dating back thousands of years.
The NATO invasion led to a prolonged civil war, and Gaddafi was captured and killed.
Why did this happen?
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8/7/2023 • 55 minutes
Jeff J. Brown on backpacking through rural China
Jeff J. Brown is an American writer and author who backpacked through rural China.
In his book, 44 Days Backpacking in China, he shares his personal experiences and encounters during his expedition across various provinces, including food, history, culture, politics and myths.
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8/3/2023 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 15 seconds
Brian Berletic on the Uyghur genocide myth
The official story is that the Chinese government has been engaging in a systematic campaign against the Uyghur minority population in the Xinjiang province of China.
It is false.
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8/1/2023 • 54 minutes
John O’Sullivan on the corruption of science
Science must remain uncorrupted by agendas and funding to uphold its fundamental principle of objectivity.
John O’Sullivan is the CEO of Principia-Scientific and co-author of Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon.
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7/24/2023 • 59 minutes, 40 seconds
A beginner’s guide to nuclear power, with Hügo Krüger
Nuclear power has been a significant source of electricity since the mid-20th century, originating with the advent of the Atomic Age, marked by the 1945 detonation of nuclear bombs during WWII.
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7/19/2023 • 56 minutes, 47 seconds
Janice McAfee on what happened to her husband John McAfee
John McAfee was an entrepreneur and computer programmer best known for creating the McAfee Antivirus software.
He was found dead in his prison cell in June 2021, in what was ruled as a suicide.
His wife, Janice, doesn't think it was a suicide.
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7/3/2023 • 55 minutes, 59 seconds
Matt Ehret on the Tiananmen Square hoax
We all know the official story.
The official story is false.
There was no massacre.
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6/26/2023 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 40 seconds
Ken Ham on Biblical creation and why it matters
Ken Ham is an Australian-born Biblical creationist best known as the founder and president of Answers In Genesis(AIG), a Christian apologetics organisation that promotes a literal interpretation of the Bible and defends a young Earth view of creation.
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6/12/2023 • 37 minutes, 48 seconds
Anthony Chaffee on the carnivore diet and plants trying to kill you
Anthony Chaffee is a doctor with a great YouTube channel focused on eating carnivorously.
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6/5/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
Matt Ehret on understanding anti-China propaganda
Is China genuinely a threat to the West (economically or militarily)?
Is the Chinese Communist Party planning on invading Taiwan?
What about “debt trap diplomacy”?
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5/29/2023 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 27 seconds
James Fetzer on the Nashville transgender school shooter hoax
James Fetzer breaks apart the transgender school shooting in Nashville, showing it was a hoax.
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5/22/2023 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 16 seconds
Pete Parada on punk rock and being fired from The Offspring
Pete, who drummed for The Offspring for nearly 15 years, joined me for a conversation in which he chatted about his background, musical influences, playing in various bands. his journey with The Offspring and being booted after taking a stand against the Covid™ “vaccination” nonsense.
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5/15/2023 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 14 seconds
Setareh Sadeqi on busting myths about Iran
Iran is a country that is hated by the Western establishment.
Probably more than China and Russia.
It’s been like that for years. Decades, even.
Admittedly, I fell into the trap and I blame myself for not questioning the propaganda I was told by the media. Like many others, I blindly believed the narrative.
Setareh Sadeqi is an Iranian independent journalist living in Iran and busted some myths about the country.
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5/8/2023 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 9 seconds
A beginner’s guide to Germ Theory, with Andrew Kaufman
There are good reasons to question the conventional model of “Rockefeller medicine”. Much of it doesn’t make sense and desperately requires critique.
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5/1/2023 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
Jay Dyer on Hollywood propaganda and shaping opinion
The entertainment industry has always used the visual arts for more than entertainment, including propaganda and other forms of subliminal messaging for the purposes of shaping perceptions and moulding opinions.
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4/24/2023 • 56 minutes, 13 seconds
Denis Rancourt on Covid vaccine deaths
All-cause mortality is the most reliable data available to scientists.
Denis Rancourt's research has been some of the most explosive I've come across.
His team first revealed that there was no Covid pandemic. No viral outbreak occurred.
Now his team has revealed the mass harm caused by the Covid vaccine rollout and it's eye-opening.
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4/17/2023 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 17 seconds
A beginner’s guide to Syria, with Vanessa Beeley
In the following conversation about Syria, Vanessa Beeley dropped so many truth bombs that Joe Biden thought that Olympus Has Fallen is a documentary.
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4/10/2023 • 1 hour, 22 minutes, 16 seconds
Patrick Henningsen on climate, virology, propaganda and truth
Patrick and I didn’t have a specific theme for the following conversation. We kind of just shot the breeze.
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4/7/2023 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 9 seconds
Steve Falconer on MK-Ultra, MK-Naomi and COVID-19
Have you heard about MK-Ultra? Probably.
Have you heard about MK-Naomi? Probably not.
Both were secret programs run by the CIA and US Department Of Defense, and both relate to the COVID-19 operation.
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4/3/2023 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 7 seconds
Piers Robinson on Syria, the West and propaganda
One of the many red pills that I have swallowed during the "Covid era" is that NATO are not the good guys and that Bashar al-Assad is not the bad guy.
In fact, if you think that he is the baddie, then you're probably on the wrong side of history.
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3/23/2023 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
Alex Jones on the New World Order and the Great Reset
Alex Jones doesn’t need an introduction but, if you want to have a laugh, then visit his page on the bastion of truth that is Wikipedia.
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3/16/2023 • 53 minutes, 24 seconds
Mikki Willis on dividing, conquering, unity and winning
Mikki Willis is a filmmaker and director of the Plandemic series, one of the most watched (and censored) documentaries in history.
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3/13/2023 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 35 seconds
Kevin MacDonald on the Culture Of Critique
Kevin MacDonald is an evolutionary psychologist, former Professor Of Psychology and author of numerous books studying the influence of Jews in the West.
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3/9/2023 • 59 minutes, 23 seconds
Steve Hughes on comedy, postmodernism and political correctness
Steve Hughes is an Australian standup comedian and thrash metal musician who comments on culture, society and conspiracies. (Of course, by “conspiracies” I mean “the real world“.)
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3/6/2023 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 55 seconds
A beginner’s guide to climate change, with Ron Barmby
Everything you wanted to know about climate change summarised into an hour of easy listening.
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3/2/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 4 seconds
Five Times August plays live on Jerm Warfare
Five Times August is the solo act of singer and songwriter Brad Skistimas. He is an indie musician and has been one of the few who took a stand against the Covid madness.
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2/27/2023 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 42 seconds
Gavin de Becker on the gift of fear
Gavin de Becker is an author and security specialist, primarily for governments, large corporations and public figures. His work around fear and understanding gut instincts are the foundation of his highly successful book The Gift Of Fear.
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2/13/2023 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 second
Jared Taylor on why white lives matter
Jared Taylor is an author and editor of American Renaissance, and argues for the importance of preserving white identity including culture and heritage.
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2/2/2023 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 9 seconds
Doug Wilson on returning to classical Christianity
Doug Wilson is a pastor, author, speaker and evangelical theologian from the United States. He is (probably most) known for his “controversial” book Southern Slavery, As It Was and his series of debateswith Christopher Hitchens (who was a fascinating atheist).
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1/30/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
Kees Van Der Pijl on the Malaysia Airlines MH17 false flag
Russian military shot down Malaysia Airlines MH17 over Ukrainian territory back in 2014.
That's the official story.
Except that it's bunk.
Russian military did not shoot it down.
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1/26/2023 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 41 seconds
Arno Carstens on the Springbok Nude Girls and South African music
Arno Carstens is a South African singer, songwriter, fine artist and frontman of Springbok Nude Girls (which is one of the greatest band names ever) and one of my favourite rock bands from South Africa.
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1/23/2023 • 56 minutes, 6 seconds
Călin Georgescu on why the United Nations is Satanic
The United Nations is an evil organisation hellbent on controlling the world through centralised governance, says a former high-ranking director at the United Nations and member of the Club Of Rome.
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1/19/2023 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 13 seconds
Mike Wallach on the viral delusion
Humanity has been duped for over a century surrounding the causes of disease.
Mike Wallach directed a seven-hour documentary which is full of interviews and analyses covering a lot of ground and is highly recommended even if you only watch parts of it. It is called The Viral Delusion and is available at its namesake website.
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1/13/2023 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 18 seconds
Edward Dowd on his new book Cause Unknown
There has been a spike in deaths but the establishment is in denial, blaming climate change and everything other than the jab.
Edward Dowd is a founding partner of Phinance Technologies, a global macro alternative investment firm. He is also the author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022. Ed is widely known for having worked on Wall Street and at BlackRock.
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1/8/2023 • 52 minutes, 41 seconds
Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the faked atomic bombing
This conversation is a slideshow but is possible to follow via listening. Click on the full description below to watch the video.
The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 2.
Or did she?
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12/26/2022 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 6 seconds
Mark McDonald makes the case for Christmas
Mark McDonald is a Los Angeles-based psychologist who has been on my podcast before. This time he makes the case for Christmas and why everybody should celebrate it.
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12/22/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 45 seconds
Jesse Lee Peterson on culture wars, women, Christianity and Trump
Jesse Lee Peterson is a conservative talk show host and pastor.
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12/19/2022 • 54 minutes, 17 seconds
Christmas with Bob Moran and James Delingpole
Two hours of random banter, laughter, alcohol and silliness with Bob Moran and James Delingpole.
Don't expect anything of value!
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12/17/2022 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 35 seconds
Anthony Brink on why Thabo Mbeki was right about HIV
Anthony Brink is a South African advocate of the High Court and argues that the former South African president, Thabo Mbeki, was correct in saying that HIV does not exist.
He was removed from the presidency after he questioned the AIDS narrative.
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12/15/2022 • 54 minutes, 17 seconds
Judith Curry on the complexities of Earth’s climate
Why is a warmer climate something to fear? A colder Earth is way worse.
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12/12/2022 • 59 minutes, 57 seconds
Germ Theory is dead
Steve Falconer explains why the established claims about Germ Theory are wrong and that no germs (viruses included) cause illness or have ever caused illness.
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12/8/2022 • 1 hour, 22 minutes, 48 seconds
What is anarchy?
Anarchy needs to be understood as a vector towards freedom and not towards chaos.
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12/5/2022 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 13 seconds
Matt Ehret on the occultic history of America
Lest we forget the puppetry pulled by the strings of Albert Pike, J Edgar Hoover and the FBI.
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12/1/2022 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 21 seconds
Jim Gale on the benefits of growing your own food
Good health and self reliance are foundational tenets of living freely.
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11/28/2022 • 1 hour, 28 seconds
Dane Wigington on climate engineering
What if it's true that powerful actors are trying to manipulate Earth's climate?
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11/24/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 20 seconds
Tony Gosling on secret societies
Secret societies have existed for a long time and have played influential roles in global affairs.
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11/21/2022 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 52 seconds
Kevin Corbett on mental illness, HIV and paradigms
Is mental illness real?
I mean, sure, it's a thing here and there, but its prevalence and diagnosis are what I'm finding myself questioning.
Kevin Corbett chatted to me about this as well as the HIV swindle and why it matters that we challenge our paradigms.
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11/17/2022 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 38 seconds
Mark Weber on the Anglo-Boer War
One of the most significant moments in, not just South African history, but world history is the Anglo-Boer War.
Mark Weber is a historian who unpacks the conflict between the British and Boers; the brilliance of the Boer war tactics; the concentration camps; the roles of Cecil Rhodes, Paul Kruger and others; gold and diamonds; and more.
It's a fascinating part of history and a testament to the creativity of the Boers.
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11/14/2022 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
How many mass shootings were staged?
James Fetzer has written extensively on faked mass shootings and has been censored as a result.
He analyses the Boston bombing, the Orlando nightclub shooting, the Parkland shooting, the Charlottesville car bombing, and the Las Vegas mass shooting.
This conversation is a slideshow and can be viewed here.
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11/10/2022 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 13 seconds
Mark McDonald on monogamy and polygamy
Are multiple partners a good idea in a relationship? Is having many wives harmful to a family? Why do men constantly like looking at the menu, while women care more about what’s on the dinner table? Are there benefits to polygamous partnerships?
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11/7/2022 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 15 seconds
John Hamer on falsifying history
What if humans did not evolve and that the history of humanity has been covered up? Are ancient bloodlines controlling our perceptions? Did the Great Library Of Alexandria contain important information about the real origins of humans?
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11/3/2022 • 58 minutes, 3 seconds
The Baileys are amazing people
Sam and Mark Bailey are two of the most inspiring hobbits people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. They are both medical doctors who chose to no longer be medical doctors, thanks to the medical industry. Instead, they upgraded their outlook and chose to research – and promote – better ideas surrounding medicine and health.
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10/31/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 33 seconds
Ben Garrison is America’s angriest cartoonist
Ben Garrison is an American cartoonist who is heavily censored and hated by the establishment, which means that his work is over the target and worth following. Political cartoons are like a societal thermometer because they gauge the temperature of the zeitgeist. As the heat increases, so does the censorship.
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10/27/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 38 seconds
Jack Donovan on the way of men
The Way Of Men is a book (available at Amazon), by Jack Donovan, about masculinity and what it means (usually in relation to other men), and why it is not determined by women. Masculinity is determined by men and, specifically, the gang (or the tribe).
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10/24/2022 • 59 minutes, 6 seconds
Matt Lohmeier on Space Force and cultural Marxism
Matt Lohmeier is a fighter jet pilot who was fired from Top Gun Space Force after highlighting the infiltration of cultural Marxism in the Air Force. (Similarly, Taras Kobernyk is a software engineer who was fired from Google for highlighting the infiltration of cultural Marxism in the tech giant.)
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10/19/2022 • 58 minutes, 45 seconds
Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Group
Is the Bilderberg Group a secret society? What goes on at the annual Bilderberg meetings? Do they control the world?
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10/17/2022 • 56 minutes, 35 seconds
Samuel Sey on rejecting woke Christianity
Being a Christian means rejecting cultural Marxism, postmodernism, and wokeness.
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10/13/2022 • 55 minutes, 22 seconds
Ron Thomson on elephant overpopulation in the Kruger National Park
The Kruger National Park is one of the most beautiful game parks in the world, in my opinion.
But it has too many elephants, and they are killing the park. The solution is either to move them, or to shoot them, argues Ron Thomson, a big game conservationist of 60 years.
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10/10/2022 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 17 seconds
Joe Olson on false flags throughout history
The story of the Trojan Horse is probably the most famous of all false flags.
Whether or not the Trojan Horse incident really happened is, to some degree, irrelevant because false flags do indeed occur and have always occurred.
But, due to powerful propaganda campaigns and manipulated storytelling, the average Joe understandably wouldn’t know what is true.
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10/6/2022 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 48 seconds
Bob Moran is my favourite cartoonist
Bob Moran is a British cartoonist - and one of my favourites - who was fired from The Telegraph after he took a stance against all the Covid propaganda and anti-scientific nonsense.
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10/3/2022 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 1 second
Jon Rappoport on AIDS, Covid, and mass formation
Jon Rappoport is probably the most prolific independent journalist in the world.
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9/29/2022 • 1 hour, 36 minutes, 51 seconds
We live in two competing worlds
Todd Hayen recently joined me for a great conversation about being in the eye of the storm. He is a writer and psychotherapist, and has a great Substack. His Off-Guardian piece titled War Of The Worlds formed the foundation of the following podcast.
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9/26/2022 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 55 seconds
Preparing properly with purpose
James Walton runs the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
In my mind, there is nothing wrong with being generally prepared. Indeed, it reduces my potential anxiety by knowing that I have the ability (and capability) to handle various situations with confidence (or, a fair degree of confidence).
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9/22/2022 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 9 seconds
Jerome Corsi on oil not being a fossil fuel
Jerome Corsi is an author with a special focus on energy and all things related to actual climate science (rather than the establishment garbage perpetuated daily).
As he explains, oil is not a fossil fuel, and it is, in fact, one of the most abundant liquids on Earth.
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9/19/2022 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 2 seconds
William Happer on electric cars and there being no climate emergency
William Happer is one of the greatest scientists in the world.
Based on his extensive climate change knowledge, he was also an official advisor to the administrations of Bill Clinton (who fired him) and Donald Trump (who he fired).
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9/15/2022 • 57 minutes, 13 seconds
Johnny Vedmore on the history of Klaus Schwab
Before this fake pandemic, I had pretty much no idea who Klaus Schwab is. I mean, I had heard of the World Economic Forum (WEF), but didn't think much of - or about - them.
Then suddenly, as if out of nowhere, Klaus (and the WEF) rocketed into the zeitgeist for all the wrong reasons, the first being the fact that he is sociopathic technocrat utterly disconnected from reality, with a Malthusian desire to centralise and control the world like a Bond villain.
9/12/2022 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 50 seconds
James Fetzer on the 9/11 coverup
This podcast includes 135 slides, meaning that, while it is possible to listen to - and follow - the conversation, I recommend watching it.
Our conversation
In the following two-hour conversation, James presents 135 slides and an enormous amount of critique, including
what happened (or didn't happen) at the Pentagon;
what happened (or didn't happen) at Shanksville;
why planes could not have crashed into the Twin Towers;
why two of the four planes didn't even take off;
why Osama and Muslim "terrorists" were a false flag;
the use of "mini-nukes" (which gives weight to the spike in cancers);
the names and faces of those involved; and
the motivations behind the operation.
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9/11/2022 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 22 seconds
Edward Dowd on the incoming global economic reset
Edward Dowd is a former executive at BlackRock.
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9/8/2022 • 54 minutes, 10 seconds
Mark McDonald on masculinity and fear
Why are people - especially men - addicted to fear?
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9/5/2022 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
All-cause mortality data strongly suggests no viral outbreak in 2020
All-cause mortality is the most accurate and most reliable scientific data for analysing the "Covid pandemic" because it doesn't discriminate and it has no bias. After all, a death is a death.
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9/1/2022 • 1 hour, 58 seconds
Rodney Atkinson on why corporatism is a bad idea
Rodney Atkinson (yes, the brother of Rowan) runs Freenations, a website dedicated to critiquing
the European Union;
mass immigration;
geopolitics and macro-economics; and
other mega-trends.
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8/29/2022 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 51 seconds
James Fetzer on the Sandy Hook coverup
James Fetzer is a researcher who was previously on my podcast in which he discussed the JFK assassination coverup.
I enjoy a good conspiracy as much as the next theorist, and have welcomed some pretty eye-opening conversations in recent months, from Marilyn Monroe to 9/11 to the Titanic, but this one about Sandy Hook is absolutely next level.
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8/25/2022 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 3 seconds
Eden McCourt on the crime of abortion
Life starts at conception, and a baby is innocent and should not be killed while in the womb, as argued by Eden McCourt, who heads up Abortion Resistance, a (new) anti-abortion organisation in the UK.
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8/22/2022 • 59 minutes, 29 seconds
Taras Kobernyk on being fired from Google
Taras Kobernyk is a software engineer who was fired from Google after questioning anti-white sentiment within the company.
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8/18/2022 • 58 minutes, 27 seconds
Tom Luongo on gold, goats, and guns
Tom Luongo is a former chemist who now comments on matters surrounding personal freedoms, Bitcoin, gold, goat farming, and guns
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8/15/2022 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 41 seconds
James Fetzer on JFK’s assassination coverup
James Fetzer is a professor emeritus of the Philosophy Of Science at the University of Minnesota.
A few weeks ago I chatted to Covert Action's Jeremy Kuzmarov about the assassination of Marilyn Monroe, and I found it fascinating. Recently I chatted to James about the assassination of JFK, easily one of the most significant events of the 20th century.
Both were coverups.
Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK.
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8/11/2022 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 42 seconds
Mark Bailey on virus hunting
Mark Bailey is a medical doctor and husband to Sam Bailey (who is also a doctor).
He and a bunch of other medical minds have set a challenge for virologists.
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8/8/2022 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 20 seconds
What really makes you ill?
Dawn Lester and David Parker authored the book What Really Makes You Ill?, in which they challenge the established pharmaceutical position of Germ Theory (which is, in essence, the heart of the entire medical industry and unlikely to be uprooted any time soon)... read more
8/5/2022 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 39 seconds
John Hamer on the Titanic not sinking
John Hamer is a historian and author who has written extensively on the Titanic conspiracy, revealing how it was switched with its sister ship, the Olympic.
It’s a fascinating take, and one that I find more compelling than the official version. (After all, who believes any official story anymore?)
8/1/2022 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 34 seconds
Digitisation is changing the fabric of reality
Eric Coppolino is an astrologer who argues that digitisation is altering the fabric of reality, shifting humanity towards transhumanism. (Joe Allen's conversation with me, about transhumanism, is worth watching in conjunction with this one.)
Eric's insight into the distorted reality of viruses, for example, is spot on. For example, here's what millions of people believed to have happened, versus what actually happened.
SARS-CoV-2 was invented inside computer modelling software, which was referred to as "genome sequence".
A genome sequence is a digital interpretation of what is supposedly seen in reality.
Except that nothing was seen in reality.
The "virus" was propagandised and marketed as a deadly pathogen.
What followed was mass fear and mass compliance.
In other words, there is no difference between SARS-CoV-2 and a computer virus, because they are both digital and don't exist outside of a computer. I strongly recommend spending some time reading through the Viroliegy website, which offers an incredible critique of virology (including genomics, exosomes, microscopy, and more).
More simply put, there is no SARS-CoV-2 pathogen.
7/28/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 27 seconds
Who is behind the global elite?
Michael Lebron, better known as Lionel Nation, is an American syndicated broadcaster and media analyst.
He joined me for a conversation about the global elites who influence geopolitics, such as those who meet at the Bilderberg meetings, but we quickly found ourselves going down a rabbit hole involving aliens and UFOs.
I recently watched a fascinating documentary about a gentleman by the name of Bob Lazar, in which he claims to have worked on extraterrestrial aircraft at a secret facility alongside Area 51.
The film centers on Bob Lazar, a physicist who claimed in an explosive 1989 interview that the U.S. government was working on alien aircrafts at a site near Area 51, a highly classified operating location in Nevada whose primary purpose is still unknown to this day.
Bob, who’s now 60 years old, is still alive and continuing to share stories from his alleged dealings with alien aircrafts. He claims to have read government briefing documents that depict instances of extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs dating back 10,000 years.
Joe Rogan interviewed him not too long ago, and it’s equally mind-bending. I would recommend watching the documentary before watching Joe’s podcast, because Jeremy Corbell’s directing is magnificent.
Look, I have no idea what to believe, but an outright dismissal of Bob’s testimony is probably a bad idea. That his entire life has, in effect, been deleted by the American government, is a red flag. Lionel reckons that Bob is not lying.
So, here’s an existential thought.
What are the implications if there are indeed flying saucers at Area 51?
7/26/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 40 seconds
Naomi Wolf on feminism, guns, and tyranny
Naomi Wolf is one of my favourite feminists and runs the Daily Clout.
Naomi Rebekah Wolf is an American feminist author and journalist. Following her first book The Beauty Myth, she became a leading spokeswoman of what has been described as the third wave of the feminist movement. Feminists including Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan praised her work. Others, including Camille Paglia, criticized it. In the 1990s, she was a political advisor to the presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Wolf’s later books include the bestseller The End of America in 2007 and Vagina: A New Biography.
I am generally antagonistic towards (modern) feminism because it often appears to be a celebration of victimhood culture and a deliberate attack on family values and men. Having watched Cassie Jaye’s documentary, The Red Pill, I was left feeling disgusted at the excessive hatred being vomited by feminists who were interviewed.
Naomi, however, is nowhere near any of that misandrist nonsense.
She shoots guns; she opposes abortion; she rejects state tyranny; she is heavily censored; and she likes men.
7/21/2022 • 54 minutes, 6 seconds
Ben Van Kirkwyk on rewriting human history
This conversation is best watched because he includes photos.
Ben Van Kerkwyk is a researcher and creator of UnchartedX, a website and YouTube channel looking into ancient mysteries, presenting new ideas about humanity's past.
He has been travelling the world for decades, filming ancient sites and interviewing leading historians, which has taken him on a journey of suspicion surrounding established history. (The establishment must always be viewed with a sceptical eye. Just like "trusting the science" is a bad move, so is "trusting the history".)
For example, I’ve often thought that the official story of the Egyptian pyramids doesn’t make sense. And what about Easter Island? How and why were such gigantic heads (and bodies) constructed on an island in the middle of nowhere?
7/18/2022 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 9 seconds
Tony Heller on the insanity of global warming alarmism
Tony Heller is a scientist and software engineer, and runs, in which he analyses climate change claims and debunks propaganda and alarmism using historical data and trends.
I’ve spoken to a few great minds, such as solar physicist Valentina Zharkova and Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore, and the reality is that, as Tony reiterates,
humans do not influence Earth’s climate in any meaningful way;
700climate change has occurred for millennia;
there is no evidence of significant sea-level rise;
extreme weather has not been all that extreme over the last century;
the Arctic and Antarctic are doing fine; and
the climate change narrative has nothing to do with climate change, and everything to do with fear and control and taxation.
On the topic of supposedly melting ice, Susan Crockford is a zoologist with decades of research behind her, and she has shown, over and over, that polar bears are in great shape.
Tony is probably the most savage critic of climate change hysteria, and joined me for a pretty funny conversation about all of it.
7/14/2022 • 1 hour, 59 seconds
David Rasnick on the great cancer swindle
David Rasnick is a biochemist with decades of research in AIDS and cancer, and returned to my podcast to discuss cancer and why most of what we’re told is wrong.
Cancer is an extremely complex subject, so I’d recommend reading his summary article in which he outlines, in fairly layman language, the foundation of his argument.
Basically, it’s known as Aneuploidy Theory, and it is in stark contrast to the current Big Pharmamodel of cancer. Obviously, Aneuploidy Theory is “discredited” and dismissed, as a result. But, as pharmaceutical scientist Mike Donio said, the pharmaceutical industry is untrustworthy and thrives on sick people and unscientific methodology.
David’s conversation is worth watching because he used slides, but it’s possible to get by with audio only.
7/11/2022 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 29 seconds
David Weiss on Earth being flat
David Weiss is a researcher and content creator, arguing that Earth is flat.
Although it's possible to get by listening to this podcast, it's a visual conversation in which David uses slides to illustrate his talking points.
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What an absolutely bonkers conversation! I enjoyed it very much, in spite of not being persuaded.
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7/8/2022 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 38 seconds
Mike Donio on the corrupt pharmaceutical industry
Mike Donio is a pharmaceutical scientist who left the industry after pulling back the curtain on corruption, lies, and medical fraud.
Mike Donio holds a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts and a master’s degree in Biotechnology with a concentration in Biotechnology Enterprise from Johns Hopkins.
He is an accomplished scientist with 20 years of experience, including 15 years in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.
He was fired after refusing the “Covid vaccine“, which is further evidence of what David Rasnick refers to as the “Tyranny Of Dogma“.
California State University’s Leemon McHenry published a superb book titled The Illusion Of Evidence-Based Medicine, in which he exposes the corruption of medicine by the pharmaceutical industry, from exploiting unsuspecting people for drug testing, to manipulation of research data, to disease mongering, and marketing drugs for imaginary health issues.
Del Bigtree has revealed how the American government (including the CDC and FDA) collude with Big Pharma for monetary gain, particularly where safety trials are concerned. Or rather, the lack of safety trials.
Roman Bystrianyk co-authored a book called Dissolving Illusions, in which they use official data to show how, over the last century, no vaccine has worked in the way promised by the pharmaceutical industry and governments.
The point is that Big Pharma is untrustworthy, and few scientists are as close to the action as Mike Donio.
7/4/2022 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
Bart Sibrel on the faked moon landings
Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who has been producing TV programs, documentaries, music videos, TV commercials, and stage plays for over 35 years.
He is largely known for his books and documentaries falsifying, not just the Apollo Missions, but all claims about humans going to the moon.
Sibrel grew up as the biggest fan of the purported “moon landings”, yet gradually began to recognize their unfortunate falsification. Sibrel believes that a religious attachment to the emotional event is what prevents people from waking up to the deplorable reality.
A previous guest, Randy Walsh, makes a very similar argument, although his research is primarily centred around the Saturn rockets that NASA claims to have used (versus what was actually used).
Like with numerous “official” narratives, such as 9/11 and SARS-CoV-2 and Marilyn Monroe, a healthy suspicion and scepticism is warranted.
Bart’s arguments, about the moon landings being staged, are compelling.
6/30/2022 • 58 minutes, 45 seconds
Kit Knightly on fake binaries and great movies
Kit Knightly is one of the editors at OffGuardian.
OffGuardian (or Off-Guardian, since I’m not sure how it’s actually spelt) is one of my favourite sources of news, mainly because it publishes independent journalism instead of mainstream propaganda.
The concept of a Fake Binary is something I picked up from OffGuardian‘s Telegram channel, although it’s similar to the concept of the Overton Window, which can be essentially defined as the range of ideas people, in general, are willing to consider and accept.
Thinking outside of the given parameters, in other words, is deemed unacceptable.
For example, I am no longer convinced that SARS-CoV-2 is a real virus. (I think it is merely rebranded Flu.) This position is deemed so unacceptable that YouTube actively removes content making such claims. So, in this instance, the Fake Binaries would be
SARS-CoV-2 originated from a wet market; or
SARS-CoV-2 was leaked from a laboratory.
In both scenarios, the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 is reinforced, creating the parameters inside which acceptable discourse (and even aggressive debate) may occur.
My position – that SARS-CoV-2 does not exist – is outside of the above parameters and, as such, deemed radical and unthinkable and, as such, dismissed.
My conversation with Kit wasn’t only about the aforementioned, but also about other very important matters, like why Lord Of The Rings is one of the greatest movies ever made, and the lessons we might learn from Hollywood.
6/28/2022 • 56 minutes, 59 seconds
Lara Logan on being a great journalist
Lara Logan is a journalist and war correspondent.
Besides being one of the greatest journalists of our time, what makes Lara even more special is that, like me, she is South African. Which, of course, gives me the privilege to laugh at her funny accent.
Her résumé is impressive, from CBS, to 60 Minutes, to FOX; and her decades of war reporting – including Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Libya – have been both brilliant and brutal. For example, Lara was attacked by a mob, and beaten, and gang-raped, while covering the 2011 revolution in Egypt.
In our conversation, she chatted about missing being in South Africa; Trump understanding the working class; the essence of journalism; navigating the fog of war; fake news, narratives, and facts; being gang-raped and the will to survive; and the dangers of the post-Covid world.
6/22/2022 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 43 seconds
Patrick Fagan on nudging and beliefs
Patrick Fagan is a lecturer, author, and public speaker, and consults for brands and political campaigns around the world.
He was the lead behavioural scientist at the now-infamous Cambridge Analytica.
Patrick has a healthy understanding of human minds and how they work, and knows how to optimise communication through nudging and other psychological mechanisms.
Nudge theory is a concept in behavioral economics, political theory, and behavioral sciences that proposes positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions as ways to influence the behavior and decision-making of groups or individuals.
He joined me for a conversation about
nudging and how it works;
beliefs and indoctrination;
reality versus illusion;
keeping society in a state of fluidity; and
his fear of being eaten by a shark.
After listening to this discussion, you will think you’re inside The Matrix.
6/20/2022 • 51 minutes, 39 seconds
Jeremy Kuzmarov on the assassination of Marilyn Monroe
Jeremy Kuzmarov is the editor of Covert Action Magazine, a publication that has, since the 1970s, been uncovering conspiracies committed by the American government and the CIA (and other groups).
They published a fascinating article about Marilyn Monroe’s death and new evidence apparently linking Bobby Kennedy to her murder. The official story is that she overdosed, but like other official stories coming from the government, it’s not believable.
Especially because it involved the Kennedy family, one member of whom was the American president.
Jeremy chatted to me about
the CIA’s shadowy history;
American government coverups;
psychological operations; and
evidence surrounding the murder of Marilyn Monroe.
The short story is that Marilyn knew too much.
6/16/2022 • 56 minutes, 15 seconds
Martin Armstrong on the global economic crash
Martin Armstrong is an economist and forecaster.
I particularly like the way in which the bastion of truth and impartiality, Wikipedia, frames him.
Martin Arthur Armstrong is an American self-taught economic forecaster and convicted felon who spent 11 years in jail for cheating investors out of $700 million and hiding $15 million in assets from regulators.
All the more reason to have Martin on my podcast!
Martin joined me for a conversation around
predicting geopolitical trends;
the World Economic Forum making people poorer;
the implosion of the West; and
what he sees in his crystal ball.
6/13/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 11 seconds
Andrew Kaufman on viruses not existing
Andrew Kaufman is a medical doctor.
More specifically,
Andrew Kaufman is a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and Molecular Biologist who received his training and degrees from Duke University, MIT and South Carolina Medical University. He says there are no such things as "viruses" and the "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" is a "manufactured event."
The conversation around whether or not viruses exist, appears to conjure up all kinds of emotions, and is met with resistance. My guess is because virology is a deeply entrenched paradigm, and it is what we were taught as kids.
A cult-like approach would be to dismiss dissenting views and, instead, to perpetuate a previously held belief. David Rasnick refers to this as the Tyranny Of Dogma.
The science is never settled.
Andrew joined me for a conversation about
viruses and what they are;
causation and indirect evidence;
observation versus computer modelling;
the origins of SARS-CoV-2;
and the causes of illness, if not viruses.
6/9/2022 • 49 minutes, 58 seconds
Mark McDonald on the traditional family
Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist in Los Angeles.
He previously chatted to me about masculinity.
This time, he chatted to me about why the traditional family matters.
In our conversation, Mark touches on
a mother and a father being critical;
gay and single parents;
children versus video games, drugs, and gangs;
women failing at being both career-and-family driven; and
prioritising family over income.
As he points out, there are exceptions, but it's important to remember that exceptions are not the rule.
Whether we like it or not, the traditional family matters.
6/6/2022 • 59 minutes, 39 seconds
Mike Stone on the virology lie
Mike Stone runs, easily the most powerful and persuasive critique of virology, that I've come across.
I've chatted to a number of great minds on the topic of viruses, such as Tom Cowan and Sam Bailey, and find myself convinced by their arguments.
In our conversation, Mike covers
why virology is pseudoscience;
what viruses are;
the problems with definitions;
direct evidence versus indirect evidence;
Koch's Postulates and why they matter;
the rejection of the Scientific Method;
isolation and purification;
genomics and genome sequencing; and
the Rockefeller funding behind virology.
I strongly recommend reading Bechamp Or Pasteur, which is a biographical exposé of the fraudulent work of Louis Pasteur and the forgotten work of Antoine Béchamp.
6/2/2022 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 30 seconds
Thierry Baudet on what’s wrong with the West
Thierry Baudet is a Dutch author of 12 books and the founding director of the Forum For Democracy, a Dutch thinktank and political party.
He is a member of parliament and a renowned public speaker.
Thierry chatted to me about three, what he refers to as, mega-trends currently shaping the West. They are mass immigration, global governance, and climate change.
All three mega-trends are dangerous.
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5/30/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Max Blumenthal on challenging the establishment
Max Blumenthal is probably the most savage journalist around.
He is also the editor-in-chief at The Grayzone.
Max is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling 'Republican Gomorrah', 'Goliath', 'The Fifty One Day War', and 'The Management of Savagery'.
5/26/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
Rachel Blevins on being hated for doing real journalism
Rachel Blevins is a journalist at RT (Russia Today).
She is based in Washington DC and has received serious amounts of backlash for not buying into the #RussianManBad propaganda.
Rachel discusses her experience with all the hatred and death threats, as well as the purpose of journalism and the search for truth, as well as the problems with Western exceptionalism and Uncle Sam.
As the adage goes, receiving flak means that one is over the target.
5/23/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 23 seconds
Tim Noakes on a low carb lifestyle
Tim Noakes is one of the highest ranked sports scientists in the world.
Prof Noakes was born in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1949. As a youngster, he had a keen interest in sport and attended Diocesan College in Cape Town. Following this, he studied at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and obtained an MBChB degree in 1974, an MD in 1981 and a DSc (Med) in Exercise Science in 2002.
Prof Noakes has published more than 750 scientific books and articles. He has been cited more than 21 000 times in scientific literature, has an H-index of 77 and has been rated an A1 scientist by the National Research Foundation of South Africa for a second 5-year term. He has won numerous awards over the years and made himself available on many editorial boards.
I’ve known him for a number of years and his insight has been inspirational to me. In fact, of all my podcast guests, Tim has made close to the most impact on me.
Eating healthy is superior to a pill or a vaccine.
Diet is foundational to mental clarity and physical wellbeing.
5/19/2022 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 14 seconds
Joe Allen on understanding transhumanism
Joe Allen is a regular contributor on Steve Bannon’s War Room.
He is highly knowledgable on transhumanism and what it is and how it’s affecting humanity.
Joe joined me for a conversation about the definition of transhumanism; how transhumanism is interwoven into the fabric of modernity; why transhumanism matters; and what we can do to push back against transhumanism.
5/11/2022 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 6 seconds
Mark McDonald on celebrating toxic masculinity
Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist in Los Angeles, with a focus on childhood trauma and autism.
He’s been on my podcast before.
This time Mark chatted to me about masculinity and why it’s not toxic. In fact, masculinity is critical the survival of men and women. (Without masculinity, there is no femininity.)
Mark argues that we need to celebrate what it means to be a man.
I agree.
5/10/2022 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
Daniel Satchkov on why Bastyon is superior to Twitter
Daniel Satchkov is the founder of Bastyon.
Bastyon is a decentralised, blockchain-based alternative to Twitter, and, in my opinion, superior. I left Twitter a few years ago and, in spite of Elon Musk’s attempts to stop it from sinking, I have no intention of returning. Instead, I joined Bastyon and am enjoying the experience. Follow me here. (Keep in mind that it’s new and a helluva lot smaller than Twitter.)
Daniel joined me for a conversation about why he developed it; the ethos behind it; free speech; censorship; and the future of Bastyon.
Plus, Bastyon is proving to be a superb video platform too. While I use Odysee for my videos, I have found found that Bastyon is faster and more reliable than Odysee.
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5/2/2022 • 1 hour, 2 seconds
A Russian opinion
Stan is a regular Russian gentleman with an opinion that he shares via his YouTube channel.
I stumbled across a viral video of his, in which he gives a savage breakdown of the West’s response to Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine. (According to Dmitry Orlov, it was not an invasion.)
Stan joined me for a frank conversation about living in Russia; the sentiment; Western media’s hypocrisy; the failure of sanctions; and why Putin’s actions were justified.
4/28/2022 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 10 seconds
Vasily Prozorov is a former Ukrainian spy
Vasily Prozorov is a former Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) agent, working for the Ukrainian government between 1999 and 2018.
Not unlike Julian Assange, he is currently exposing the Ukrainian government’s corruption and crimes, including the atrocities committed by the Ukrainian government, such as killing its own citizens, from 2014 to today.
Watch the video that Russell Bentley - a soldier living in Donetsk - sent me.
Vasily can’t speak English, and I can’t speak Russian (or Ukainian), so we were joined by a translator in Moscow. It was an incredibly difficult conversation to conduct, so the video was produced by my friend Justus Killian (who is also the mastermind behind the Jerm Warfare intro video).
Furthermore, Vasily spoke to me from a war zone, so his internet connection was poor.
He has agreed to return for a longer and more in-depth conversation soon.
4/25/2022 • 24 minutes, 57 seconds
Piers Robinson on navigating the fog of war propaganda
Piers Robinson is an expert on propaganda.
Dr Piers Robinson is a political scientist and currently a co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media, an associated researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global ‘War on Terror’ and a member of Panda.
He has been on my podcast before.
This time, however, Piers focused more on, what’s known as, the fog of war, which is essentially the uncertainty in situational awareness experienced by participants in military operations.
In other words, when there is a war, there is mass propaganda.
How do we know what is true?
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4/21/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
Aleksandr Dugin on the Fourth Political Theory
Aleksandr Dugin is a Russian professor and author who believes that modernity and liberalism are highly destructive.
He developed an idea known as the Fourth Political Theory.
Alexander Dugin (b. 1962) is one of the best-known writers and political commentators in post-Soviet Russia. During the 1980s, he was a principal member of the underground traditionalist movement in the Soviet Union, for which he was arrested by the KGB and expelled from his studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1983. He continued to support his private studies in traditionalist philosophy by working as a street sweeper. He later became a journalist and made his earliest foray into politics by joining Pamyat, the first nationalist party to emerge during the twilight years of the USSR.
He is hated (and sanctioned) by the Western establishment; his books are banned on Amazon; and mentioning his name triggers polarised discourse.
I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Aleksandr and found myself agreeing with a lot of what he said. Ignore what the haters say and, instead, listen to our conversation in which he discusses modernity, liberalism, postmodernism, the West, tradition, and conservatism.
4/18/2022 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 12 seconds
Astrid Stuckelberger on the WHO’s ’Pandemic Treaty’
Astrid Stuckelberger is an international health scientist with more than 25 years of experience behind her.
But the part I like is that she has also worked for the World Health Organisation (WHO) for many years, and has an intricate understanding of how the organisation operates.
She joined me for a truncated conversation about the WHO's Pandemic Treaty and why it is extremely dangerous for everybody.
Her referenced document can be found at my website.
4/14/2022 • 41 minutes, 49 seconds
Isa Blumi on why the West ignores the US-backed war in Yemen
According to Stockholm University,
Isa Blumi is Docent/Associate Professor of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies at Stockholm University within the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. He holds a PhD in History and Middle Eastern/Islamic Studies from New York University (NYU-2005) and a Master of Political Science and Historical Studies (1995) from The New School for Social Research, New York.
Isa joined me for a conversation about Yemen and why the US-backed war is being ignored by the West.
4/14/2022 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 6 seconds
Michael Capuzzo on journalism, fake news, and conspiracy theories
Micheal Capuzzo is a journalist and author.
Because his legacy is so profound, I’m going to simply quote his website.
Michael Capuzzo is one of the country’s most honored writers. A native of Boston, his six books include two critically acclaimed New York Times nonfiction bestsellers, Close to Shore and The Murder Room. His books and articles have been nominated six times for the Pulitzer Prize, twice for the National Book Award, and for the Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Among more than 100 journalism awards, Mike is a winner of the National Headliner Award and was a finalist for the Livingston Award and for the Gold Dagger Award for best nonfiction book of the year from the British Crime Writer's Association in London. His books are international bestsellers and his stories have been widely anthologized.
Mike was a newspaper reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Miami Herald, covering everything from hurricanes to the trials of the last Unconquered Seminole Medicine Man in the Everglades, has written for The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, and was an award-winning United Feature Syndicate humor columnist for Newsday and forty other newspapers. His magazine stories have appeared in Smithsonian, Esquire, Life, Sports Illustrated, and Reader's Digest. He helped produce a special episode of ABC's 20/20 about his book The Murder Room that helped solve the cold murder of a 15-year-old girl, and his books have been widely optioned by leading Hollywood studios.
Chatting with Mike was an absolute pleasure and very uplifting.
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4/11/2022 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 27 seconds
Iain Davis on Russia versus technocracy
Iain Davis is an investigative journalist with a deep understanding of global power structures and technocracy.
He has been on my podcast before.
This time Iain chatted about Russia’s justifiable security concerns; Russia’s technocractic ambitions; the West’s technocractic ambitions; the incoming multipolar world order; and why public-private partnerships are dangerous.
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4/7/2022 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 6 seconds
Dustin Broadbery on the subversive origins of the internet
Dustin Broadbery is an investigative journalist and blogger.
He previously chatted to me about the anatomy of a cult. This time, he chatted to me about the subversive origins of the internet, including the central and military intelligence links to Facebook, Siri, and a whole lot more.
It’s all a bit creepy and can make one somewhat paranoid about the promises of online privacy.
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4/4/2022 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 13 seconds
John Titus on Russian sanctions and how it’s killing the dollar
John Titus is an expert on money, and has been on my podcast before.
His YouTube channel is superb, although it will probably get torpedoed by the thought police soon.
John joined me for a conversation around
the Russian sanctions and why they will tank the US dollar;
the stupidity of the West;
what is real money and why it matters;
the importance of gold and silver; and
getting off the digital grid.
John’s commentary is both savage and superb.
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3/31/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
Whitney Webb on deep diving into Epstein, 9/11, Covid, and more
Whitney Webb is a researcher and a proper journalist.
She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative reporter for Mint Press News. She currently runs Unlimited Hangout and contributes to The Last American Vagabond.
Whitney joined me for a conversation covering her journey into journalism and Chile; fact-checkers; Bill Gates; central intelligence; Facebook versus mass surveillance; Jeffrey Epstein; 9/11; why people fear conspiracy theories; and parallel structures.
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3/28/2022 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 3 seconds
Catherine Fitts and Robert Kennedy on Fauci and vaccine fraud
Catherine Fitts and Robert Kennedy have, at separate times, been on my podcast.
This time they joined me, together, for a conversation around Bobby’s incredible book about Fauci; Fauci’s powerful influence; vaccine fraud in America; corruption in the pharmaceutical industry; vaccine passports being a trojan horse; how to push back against the attempts at globalist control.
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3/24/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute
Dmitry Orlov on Russia not needing the West
Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and a writer.
He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States.
He writes on subjects related to economic, ecological, and political decline in the West, and argues that America is imploding.
Dmitry’s book Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects, published in 2008, further details his views about Western collapse.
In our conversation, he covers the American collapse; why Russia won’t be negatively impacted; Russian values; NATO destroying everything it touches; Western sanctions hurting the West more than Russia; killing Ukraine’s neo-Nazis; and the future of Russia.
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3/21/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 39 seconds
Kees Van Der Pijl on NATO, Russia, Ukraine, and the dying West
Kees van der Pijl is a political scientist and former professor of international politics at the University Of Sussex.
He is known for his critical approach to global political economics, and has published a bunch of books. He has been on my podcast before, in which he chatted about Covid lies.
In this conversation, Kees discusses propaganda wars; historical background of Russia and Ukraine; the importance of Crimea and the eastern regions of Ukraine; why NATO are not the good guys; why the US government has blood on its hands; why the West hates Russia; and whether or not Putin is a globalist.
This is a long discussion, but well worth the time because he covers a lot of ground.
Kees is an absolute gentleman and scholar.
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3/18/2022 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 40 seconds
Mikki Willis on people waking up
Mikki Willis is an American filmmaker, entrepreneur, and director of the documentary “Plandemic”, which is the most watched (and censored) documentary in history.
He is the founder of movie production company Elevate Films, which has a mission to “utilise the power of the media in a positive way”.
Mikki joined me for a conversation about working in the film industry; corporates and governments censoring truth; how the left has become everything it opposed; having a healthy distrust in the medical industry; and the importance of family.
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3/14/2022 • 51 minutes, 48 seconds
Alison Morrow on why journalism is rubbish
Alison Morrow is a journalist and former producer at FOX.
She has a very popular podcast and YouTube channel.
Alison left traditional television media to pursue a career as an online personality, publishing content on multiple platforms. She also moved out of the city and into the countryside.
In our conversation, we chatted about the problems with journalism; the greatness of living off the grid; why parallel societies matter; liberal and conservative ideologies; and family values.
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3/10/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 34 seconds
Del Bigtree on vaccine fraud and misinformation
Del Bigtree is an American television and film producer, as well as CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).
He produced the documentary Vaxxed, featuring Andrew Wakefield, and hosts a show on The HighWire.
Del joined me for a conversation surrounding vaccine fraud and misinformation largely driven by pharmaceutical and government interests at the expense of good science and safety.
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3/7/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
Richard Sakwa on understanding Russia
Richard Sakwa is Professor Of Russian And European Politics at the University of Kent.
He has written books about Russian and eastern European communist and post-communist politics. Richard was a participant of Valdai Discussion Club, as well as an Associate Fellow of the Russia And Eurasia Programme at the Royal Institute Of International Affairs. He is also a member of the advisory boards of the Institute Of Law And Public Policy in Moscow.
Richard’s conversation with me covers a lot of ground, including the history of Russia and Ukraine; the complexities of Ukraine’s national identity; why Putin is not interested in Ukraine; why Biden and NATO are at fault; Ukrainian government’s deliberate aggression towards its own people; why Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine is understandable but a strategic blunder; the current conflict’s impact on the West.
If you listened to my podcast with Russell Bentley, then I strongly recommend that you listen to this one with Richard.
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3/6/2022 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 13 seconds
Russell ”Texas” Bentley on fighting to liberate Ukraine
Russell "Texas" Bentley is a soldier and war correspondent in Donetsk (eastern Ukraine).
He has been in Donbass since December 2014, as a soldier in the Novorussian Army, serving with the Essence Of Time combat unit in Vostok, as well as with the XAH Battalions.
Russell is also an accredited war correspondent, providing factual news and counter-propaganda about the situation in Ukraine and the Ukrainian government’s war against Donbass. He is trying to expose the US-backed regime in Kiev. Russell is also the vice president of Donbass Humanitarian Aid, a fund which has helped hundreds of innocent victims of the war since 2015.
He joined me for a conversation about his story and how he arrived where he is, as well as what’s going on in Ukraine.
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3/4/2022 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 26 seconds
Astrid Stuckelberger and Claudio Grass on breaking free from Covid madness
Astrid Stuckelberger and Claudio Grass both feature in the documentary Planet Lockdown.
They have been on my podcast separately, but this time they are together, talking about breaking free from Covid madness.
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3/3/2022 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 52 seconds
Zev Zelenko and Peter McCullough on vaccines causing mass murder
Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko and Peter McCullough are doctors who are speaking out against Covid “vaccines”.
Both have appeared on my podcast, separately. This time, however, they appear together.
They chatted about why the jab must be avoided; fact-checkers not checking facts; the huge increase in death following the shots; the agendas driving the vaccine mandates; what we can do to push back.
The conversation was plagued with connectivity issues. My apologies.
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2/28/2022 • 59 minutes, 58 seconds
Sam Bailey on what it means to be healthy (and liking big bananas)
Sam Bailey is a doctor.
She researches common medical conditions, but has been censored on YouTube numerous times because YouTube prohibits views it doesn’t like. I strongly recommend you buy her new book, Virus Mania, because it was force you to rethink everything you think you know about viruses.
In this conversation, Sam chats to me about what it means to be healthy; the importance of vitamins; how doctors have become marketing tools for the pharmaceutical industry; and why Sam likes big bananas.
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2/24/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Simon Goddek on listening to grandma and living off the grid
Simon Goddek is a scientist with a focus on vitamin D and permaculture.
To quote his website,
I hold a PhD in biotechnology and systems thinking and follow a multidisciplinary scientific approach. Most of my scientific publications focus on integrated food production systems, but I also publish about COVID-related topics such as human metabolism, vitamin D, food security, and mathematics.
He chats about why climate science and virology are broken; the fake Covid pandemic; the importance of permaculture; getting off the grid; and why grandma was right.
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2/21/2022 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
Denis Rancourt on the global climate change agenda
Denis Rancourt is a scientist and social theorist.
He has chatted to me about Covid myths, and now he chats to me about climate change myths.
In this conversation, Denis discusses why more CO2 is a good thing; why plastic straws aren't an issue; green energy propaganda; why warmer tempratures aren't a concern; and why the climate change industry is a scam.
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2/17/2022 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 52 seconds
Kees Van Der Pijl on the globalist wars being waged on us
Kees van der Pijl was a professor of international politics at the University Of Sussex.
He discusses why the current “pandemic” is fraudulent; why it's a cover for global political seizure of power; why the “health emergency” is just a proxy for the new digital identity control grid; and why China is a preview of what's coming.
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2/14/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 6 seconds
Adam Coleman on the culture of black victimhood
Adam Coleman is an author, public speaker, and founder of Wrong Speak Publishing.
His literature has been featured in Newsweek, The Post Millennial, ScoonTV, Free Black Thought, and Human Defense Initiative.
In this conversation, Adam discusses growing up homeless and without a father; the importance of the family; why masculinity matters; feminism exploiting black women; white liberals always wanting to "save" black people; and Siri versus Black Lives Matter.
Adam is a gentleman and a great thinker.
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2/10/2022 • 57 minutes, 56 seconds
Des Latham on a very quick history of South Africa
Des Latham is a musician, historian, and pilot.
He hosts a brilliant series of podcasts from the history of South Africa, to the Anglo-Boer war, to the battle of Stalingrad.
In this conversation, Des touches on why learning about the geological formation of the land matters; how we have a politicIsed and romanticised view of history; when farming began in southern Africa; how and why conflict arose between the various population groups; and why South Africa won't become like Zimbabwe.
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2/7/2022 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 10 seconds
Reiner Fuellmich on the Covid exit strategy
Reiner Fuellmich is a lawyer in Germany and the United States.
He and his team (Corona Committee) have been gathering evidence against the global players behind the Covid pseudopandemic.
In this conversation, Reiner discusses his background; this not being a pandemic at all; PCR fraud; the importance of the Grand Jury; why the legal system is captured; and getting off the control grid and building parallel structures.
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2/3/2022 • 1 hour, 37 seconds
Gabrielle Clark on white liberals and Critical Race Theory
Gabrielle Clark is a black mom fighting for her white son.
She is suing his school after they wanted to fail him because he said that black people can be racist towards white people.
She discusses the nonsense that is Critical Race Theory; why the school is perpetuating racism; why anybody can be racist; why all lives matter; and why black Americans are not oppressed.
Please support Gabrielle's fight.
And please support my work.
1/26/2022 • 57 minutes, 53 seconds
Patrick Wood on technocracy and the globalist agenda
Patrick Wood is an author and expert on technocracy.
His book, Technocracy, is one of my favourites. It gives the best overview of everything that is happening in the world right now, and it includes the historical context too, which is obviously important.
In our conversation, Patrick chats about the definition of technocracy; who the players are; how it all relates to the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Gates Foundation, and other groups; the Trilateral Commission; why they are dangerous; and what we can do to push back.
This is one of the most important podcasts I've done.
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1/23/2022 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 37 seconds
Chris Williamson on being the best version of yourself
Chris Williamson is a night club promotor and podcast host.
He has had some incredible guests on his show including Jordan Peterson, James Clear, Ryan Holiday, Michael Malice, and even a porn star.
We chatted about inspiring books; the meaning of life; how to be the best version of yourself; interesting countries to visit; zef music; and waking up with purpose.
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1/19/2022 • 52 minutes, 32 seconds
TRIGGERnometry’s Konstantin and Francis on comedy and woke culture
TRIGGERnometry is a free speech YouTube show and podcast.
Comedians Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster create conversations with guests, including former presidential advisors and political experts, leading economists, psychologists, and so on.
We chatted about
the state of comedy;
woke and cancel culture;
the importance of listening to opposing opinions;
the future of humanity.
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1/16/2022 • 57 minutes, 44 seconds
Mattias Desmet and Mike Yeadon on mass psychosis
Mike Yeadon is a former chief scientist at Pfizer, and Mattias Desmet is a professor of psychology at Ghent University in Belgium.
Both Mattias and Mike have been on my podcast on separate occasions.
This time they were together.
They discussed
mass formation psychosis;
scientists not thinking critically;
totalitarianism and its parallels to Covid hysteria;
the human desire for belief in something; and
why Mike could have chosen a better American state in which to live.
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1/12/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 19 seconds
James Delingpole on technocracy and being eaten by sharks
James Delingpole is an editor, journalist, and author.
We started 2022 with a conversation about
technocracy getting in the way;
democracy being theatre;
the world's worst leaders;
imagining being eaten by various animals; and
why British entertainment is superior.
Plot twist: I think Pink Floyd are overrated.
Another plot twist: James thinks The Beatles are overrated.
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1/9/2022 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 50 seconds
Sam Bailey and Jerm end the year with a silly Christmas show
Sam Bailey is a doctor.
She previously appeared on my podcast to chat about why viruses don’t cause illness.
This time, however, was different.
Sam joined me for a Christmas live-stream in which we drank, laughed, and chatted about
orcs, sheep, and New Zealand;
why I am eating turkey all wrong;
whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie;
which country has the best beaches; and
why Sam is a great target for practical jokes.
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12/22/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 9 seconds
Shea Houdmann on the meaning of Christmas
Shea Houdmann is a writer at Got Questions (also known as
He joined me, on my podcast, to discuss the meaning of Christmas, including the liberal war on Christmas; why Christmas decorations don't detract from the essence; how giving gifts is Biblical; the confusion around pagan holidays; and the deliciousness of eggnog.
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12/22/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
Catherine Austin on plague laws and spiritual warfare
Catherine Austin Fitts is an investment banker.
She previously worked in the Bush (senior) administration and was a banker on Wall Street. She currently runs the Solari Report.
Catherine discusses her Rockefeller background; the secrecy in the central banking cartels; the importance of being righteous; the mass control and surveillance coming; why we should not get sucked into the digital world; plague laws; and knowing that we're in a spiritual war.
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12/17/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 49 seconds
Dustin Broadbery on the anatomy of a cult
Dustin Broadbery is an investigative journalist and blogger.
Our conversation is based on his Off-Guardian piece The Anatomy Of A Cult.
He discusses what a cult is and why Covid fits into the definition; why millions of people succumb to indoctrination; parallels to death cults and totalitarianism; and what we can do to avoid being sucked into the Covid cult.
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12/15/2021 • 56 minutes, 28 seconds
Alexander Tschugguel on the Covid tyranny in Austria
Alexander Tschugguel is a regular Austrian taking a stand against totalitarianism.
He is the founder of the St Boniface Institute, which was founded as a platform to support the fight for the traditional Catholic faith.
Alexander is also very outspoken about the “vaccine” totalitarianism that is consuming Austria.
He is taking a principled stand alongside many thousands of fellow Austrians.
Alexander joined me for a quick conversation about what’s happening in Vienna; how it’s all about control and surveillance; not dining at the enemy’s table.
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12/14/2021 • 22 minutes, 41 seconds
Robin Monotti on biourbanism versus the Smart City
Robin Monotti is an Italian architect and filmmaker.
He discusses why biourbanism is preferable to Smart Cities; how technocratic power structures have dehumanised relationships between people; the importance of local produce; why parallel societies matter; and returning to traditional tools and utilities.
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12/13/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 50 seconds
Michael Tellinger on One Small Town and everything being a lie
Michael Tellinger is a historian and social scientist.
He discusses the One Small Town project and why soveriegn communities matter; why capitalism is harmful; how the monetary system is slavery; and what we can do to restore human freedom.
Michael also shared some fascinating insights on why everything we think we know is a lie, and why it’s beneficial to “unlearn” conventional education.
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12/12/2021 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 55 seconds
Denis Rancourt on there being no evidence of a pandemic
Denis Rancourt is a scientist and social theorist.
He joined me on my podcast about a year ago, but a lot has happened since then.
For example, he co-authored a massive paper in which they concluded that, in the United States, there is no evidence of a pandemic.
They studied all-cause mortality, which is the most reliable data because, as Denis said, deaths are deaths, regardless of cause. Either somebody died or somebody didn’t die.
Here is the full 170-page paper.
In our conversation, Denis discusses the conclusions of the paper; why the data shows no evidence of a pandemic; how the lockdowns (and other government interventions) are the cause of excess deaths; and the dangers of the "vaccines".
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12/6/2021 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 36 seconds
CJ Hopkins on the Covidian cult and totalitarianism
CJ Hopkins is a writer and satirist.
He has written some of the most brilliant, most brutal commentary I’ve read surrounding this pseudopandemic.
Such as his piece titled The Road to Totalitarianism.
Or The Criminalization of Dissent.
Or the one that inspired our conversation, The Covidian Cult.
When CJ last joined me on my podcast, our internet connection was plagued with gremlins. Weirdly enough, we had similar issues this time around, which is why the conversation has a few cuts here and there.
Nevertheless, it turned out to be great.
He discusses the Covidian cult to which millions of people have willingly succumbed; how it's driven by fear and no different to totalitarianism; why being silent is a terrible idea; and what we can do to push back against the global capitalists.
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12/5/2021 • 59 minutes, 18 seconds
Peter Breggin on the global predators preying on humankind
Peter Breggin is known as the "conscience of psychiatry".
He is a long-time critic of shock treatment and psychiatric medication. Instead, he advocates psychotherapy, education, empathy, and love.
In our conversation, which is centred around his new book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, Peter discusses who the global predators are; why they are preying on us; what their end game is; and how we can defend ourselves against them.
He is a great man with a great mind, and is a great inspiration to me.
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12/3/2021 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 28 seconds
Iain Davis on the global power structure
Iain Davis is an author and investigative journalist.
His great piece, which formed the basis of our conversation, is essential reading.
The Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP) is a world-wide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners. This collective of stakeholders (the capitalists and their partners) comprises of global corporations (including central banks), philanthropic foundations (multi-billionaire philanthropists), policy think-tanks, governments (and their agencies), non-governmental organisations, selected academic & scientific institutions, global charities, the labour unions and other chosen “thought leaders.”
In our conversation, Iain discusses the global partnerships between corporations, NGOs, and governments; how one-world governance is being achieved through policymaking and policy distribution; why voting doesn't matter; who is pulling the public strings; and what we can do to protect ourselves from globalist tyranny.
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11/27/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Joost Strydom on Orania, Afrikaners, and self determination
Joost Strydom is the spokesman for Orania.
Orania is a fast-growing semi-autonomous Afrikaner town in the middle of South Africa.
Joost joined me on my podcast to discuss why and when the town came into existence; the town’s traditional Christian values and conservative politics; who is welcome to live there (and why such exclusivity is not racist); the importance of preserving culture and heritage; why communities matter; and what the long-term expansion of the town looks like.
Orania is a fantastic example of self determination.
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11/25/2021 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 20 seconds
Ernst Wolff on the deliberate destruction of the global economy
Ernst Wolff is a journalist and author.
Unfortunately for me, most of his work is in German. But I was able to find English - or subtitled - variations of his incredible commentary, like this one (and this one), and I was not sorry.
He joined me for a conversation about how the central banks are deliberately destroying the global economy; why they're using a "pandemic" as the catalyst; who are the people pulling the strings; and what we can do to resist.
My conversation with John Titus overlaps this one, which helps me join the dots a bit more.
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11/24/2021 • 59 minutes, 1 second
Scott Adams on Dilbert, Trump, and hypnosis
Scott Adams is my favourite cartoonist.
Everybody knows his comic strip Dilbert. But the reason why Scott is my favourite cartoonist spans beyond Dilbert.
Scott’s insight into the world is unmatched, and you can find evidence of this simply by following his blog or by reading his non-Dilbert commentary.
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11/21/2021 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 47 seconds
Michael Esfeld on the warning signs of totalitarianism
Michael Esfeld is a professor of Philosophy Of Science at the University Of Lausanne in Switzerland.
He is very worried about the way in which we gather and distribute knowledge, arguing that it's becoming too cult-like, centralised, and closed.
Freedom to act and think creates open societies.
In his conversation with me, Michael chats about the work of Karl Popper; the differences between open and closed societies; the fragility of freedom; being cautious of “the greater good” narrative; why “trust the science” is a nonsensical claim; the dangers of science becoming political; and why it’s importance to do your own research.
Michael’s insight dovetails conversations I’ve had with Mattias Desmet and Piers Robinson.
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11/18/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
Joe Navarro on understanding body language
Joe Navarro is a public speaker, author, and former FBI agent.
He spent over two decades, applying his expertise in body language, leading SWAT teams and catching spies.
Nonverbal communication is humanity’s primal messenger. It is what humans used before they had the ability to speak, and, unlike words, body language never lies.
In this conversation with me, Joe chats about the importance of nonverbal communication; terrible handshakes and picking up women; the art of staring at somebody for just long enough; cultural differences between nonverbal communication; how men and women use body language to communicate differently; how the digital era is affecting body language; and why it is that my buddies and I hit one another for fun.
This is one of my favourite conversations to date.
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11/17/2021 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
Rahim Taghizadegan on free private cities and the Hanseatic League
Rahim Taghizadegan is an Austrian economist, author, and president of the Free Private Cities project.
I had the pleasure of listening to him give a talk here in South Africa recently, so I invited him onto my podcast.
In our conversation, he explains why city states are a great idea for overall liberty and prosperity; how city states have enjoyed a successful history for many centuries; why more people should know about the Hanseatic League; and why European countries are going to soon end up like African countries.
In some ways, the Hanseatic concept strikes me as being superior to secession because it is primarily based around pragmatism such as trade and common interests, while secession relies on political negotiations and geographical borders.
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11/16/2021 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
Men have become cowards with no balls - Mark McDonald
Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist and author.
He provides therapy and medication treatment to patients of all ages in a private, convenient office located in West Los Angeles. He is board certified in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry, as well as a candidate in adult psychoanalysis.
11/9/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
John Titus on central banks controlling everything
John Titus is a lawyer and YouTuber.
His YouTube channel is called Best Evidence and focuses mainly on the central banking system.
John chatted to me about the history of central banks; why we have them; how the debt-based monetary system is imploding; what CBDCs are; how this "pandemic" is entirely linked to central bankers; Going Direct; and what he sees in his crystal ball.
What John outlines here is the root of everything that's happening around us right now.
11/7/2021 • 59 minutes, 41 seconds
Dricus Du Plessis is a MMA champion and hates South African farm murders
Dricus Du Plessis is a South African professional mixed martial artist (MMA) currently competing in the Middleweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
At the time of writing this, he has won 15 out of 17 fights, with six being via knockouts.
Furthermore, he recently spoke out against farm murders, which was great to see. (Of course, the mainstream media doesn’t like that.)
Dricus chatted to me about his career, his diet, farm murders, and why he loses most fights against his girlfriend. WATCH THE CONVERSATION
11/6/2021 • 56 minutes, 22 seconds
Andrew Doyle says ridicule is more effective than censorship
Titania McGrath is a parody Twitter account created and run by comedian and Spiked columnist Andrew Doyle. He describes her as "a militant vegan who thinks she is a better poet than William Shakespeare."
Andrew chatted to me about the importance of satire and why postmodernism is destructive and an absolute tragedy of reason.
Woke culture, an offshoot of postmodernism, is a mindset steeped in racism, sexism, censorship, intolerance, bullying, and narcism.
It’s about gaining power through feigning grievances.
11/3/2021 • 37 minutes, 50 seconds
A conversation with the Church Of Satan
David Harris enjoys gin, Ozzy Osbourne, and making porn with his wife.
He is also a magister in the Church Of Satan.
David joined me for a conversation about what it means to be a Satanist; why they don’t drink goat’s blood; symbolism and attire are just fun props; and why Anton LaVey’s church does not worship the Devil.
Satanism has always been portrayed as evil and, while I find the celebration of self-worship and degeneracy unappealing, David’s brand of Satanism doesn’t appear to be evil in the way I was taught as a kid.
Conversely, he makes good points about evil being committed in the name of other religions such as Christianity and Islam.
11/2/2021 • 51 minutes, 4 seconds
The Helderberg air disaster was a conspiracy
Dr David Klatzow is a forensic scientist who knows what happened to SAA flight 295 (“Helderberg”) in the 1987 air disaster, and has spent around three decades researching the catastrophe.
Here’s the summary.
"South African Airways Flight 295 was a commercial flight from Taiwan to South Africa, with a stopover in Mauritius. On 28 November 1987, the aircraft serving the flight, a Boeing 747 Combi named Helderberg, experienced a catastrophic in-flight fire in the cargo area, broke up in mid-air, and crashed into the Indian Ocean east of Mauritius, killing all 159 people on board."
And here’s the official conclusion.
"The official inquiry, headed by Judge Cecil Margo, was unable to determine the cause of the fire. This lack of a conclusion led to conspiracy theories being advanced and a subsequent post-apartheid investigation, in the years following the accident."
The governmental line is that it was all just an aeronautical accident.
I don’t buy it.
And neither does Dr David Klatzow. WATCH THE CONVERSATION
11/1/2021 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 3 seconds
South Africa’s former spy boss
Brother of Schabir Shaik, Moe Shaik is the former head of South Africa’s Secret Service.
That aside, his résumé is extensive.
Moe was also the CEO of the International Division at the Development Bank Of Southern Africa; CEO of CorpAfrica (Pty) Limited; a consul general position in Germany; an ambassadorship position at the Democratic Republic Of Algeria; a special advisor position to the former minister of Foreign Affairs (Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma); and head of policy research at the Department Of Foreign Affairs.
He also released a book earlier this year, The ANC Spy Bible, which is basically about espionage and related accusations within the governing party. WATCH THE CONVERSATION
10/31/2021 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 18 seconds
The rise or fall of South Africa
Frans Cronje is the (former) head of the South African Institute Of Race Relations (IRR), an advocacy organisation that fights for classically liberal values and ideas. WATCH THE CONVERSATION
10/28/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
Dissolving vaccine illusions
Roman Bystrianyk is the co-author of 'Dissolving Illusions', which details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.
If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?”
Watch the slideshow
10/22/2021 • 51 minutes, 40 seconds
Analysing Covid propaganda, with Piers Robinson
Dr Piers Robinson is Co-Director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media and associated researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global ‘War on Terror’. He has served on the boards of several academic journals.
Professor/Chair in Politics, Society and Political Journalism, University of Sheffield, 2016-2019. Piers's website
10/21/2021 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 35 seconds
No virus has ever caused disease
Dr Tom Cowan argues that Germ Theory is nonsense and that viruses do not cause disease, and have never been shown to.
According to Dr Tom Cowan’s website, he is
a well-known alternative medicine doctor, author and speaker, with a common-sense, holistic approach to health and wellness.
But here’s the exciting bit.
Following my heart led me to a conception of science, medicine and the world at large that was radically different from anything I was taught in school. My ideas, such as the heart is not a pump, blocked arteries are not the main cause of heart attacks, vaccines are ineffective and unsafe, cancer is not a genetic disease, and the “war on cancer” has been an utter failure, have been the subjects of three of my books.
Recently, because of current events, I turned my questioning gaze on the widely accepted theory —so accepted that it now lives in our culture as truth — that germs (bacteria and viruses) cause disease.
Tom’s views echo those of Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Sam Bailey and others.
As the inventor of PCR - Kary Mullis - said, science is not about being right; it’s about being wrong.
10/20/2021 • 44 minutes, 3 seconds
A conversation with Herman Mashaba
This is a re-upload from 4 May 2020.
Not that he needs an introduction, but Herman Mashaba is the former mayor of Johannesburg and a South African with a tremendously inspirational history.
"Mashaba was brought up in near-poverty in GaRamotse in Hammanskraal, Gauteng, by his sisters while his absent domestic-worker mother worked to provide for the family.
His older brother dropped out of school at 15, going from one unsubstantial job to another. Mashaba realised that acquiring an education would be crucial for him to break out of the cycle of poverty.
He graduated from high school but did not complete his tertiary education. From a young age, he was a strategic thinker - he bought a car without having a license and drove out of the dealership without ever having learned to drive. He drove himself from one selling job to another, in the process confirming for himself that he was a natural salesman with an unswerving instinct for business."
Basically, he grew up during an oppressive system in a broken home, and overcame all of that by not letting go of his belief in God, self worth, and family values.
I’m not a fan of his current politics, but I am a fan of his story. Watch the conversation
10/19/2021 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 5 seconds
Right Said Fred on mask madness, fake news, and vaccine choices
A little under a year ago, the brothers Fred and Richard Fairbrass, of Right Said Fred, joined me on my podcast.
It was time for a catch-up.
And what a great catch-up it was!
We chatted about mask madness; we laughed about Boris Johnson being a disaster; we cried about the rock music industry no longer raging against the machine; we wondered about the future of travel; and we reviewed The Handmaid’s Tale.
Oh, and they looked into their crystal ball.
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10/17/2021 • 53 minutes, 7 seconds
A general conversation with Gareth Cliff (2020)
This podcast is a re-upload. It was recorded on 5 May, 2020.
To quote Wikipedia,
"Gareth Cliff is a South African radio and television personality. He began his professional radio career at 702, and later became the host of the breakfast show on 5FM."
Gareth is a wealth of knowledge and easily one of South Africa’s most memorable media personalities. He left broadcast radio during 2014, and launched CliffCentral, an internet-based radio station.
Like me, he lives rent-free in the minds of many thought police, which means he is doing something right.
10/17/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
The future of South Africa, with John Steenhuisen (June 2020)
NB: This podcast is a re-upload from June 2020.
John Steenhuisen is the interim leader of South Africa's official opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), and joined me for a conversation about the lockdown, the ANC, secession, and the future of the country. Watch the conversation
10/15/2021 • 47 minutes, 51 seconds
Disney’s vaccine mandate is not funny
A Disney insider, Nick Caturano, is taking a stand against the vaccine mandate, even if it means getting fired.
He has worked for Disney for over 16 years, and has loved his job, which is now on the line because he refuses to get jabbed.
How Disney has fallen.
10/12/2021 • 49 minutes, 58 seconds
Big Data will read your mind and predict your behaviour
Patrick Fagan is a behavioural scientist and former lead psychologist at Cambridge Analytica, the company accused of helping put Trump into the White House, using Facebook's data to manipulate millions of Americans.
Patrick understands how Big Data works, and fears that it's becoming too invasive and dangerous, soon to be used to predict our behaviour and to control us.
And the vaccine passports are one such example. Patrick Fagan's website
10/12/2021 • 36 minutes, 30 seconds
”Stand for what’s right” - nurse who lost her job for refusing the jab
Nurse Dani is a paediatric nurse of 16 years in Florida (US), and was forced out of her hospital because she didn't want the Covid "vaccine".
In a real pandemic, a hospital does not get rid of its medical staff.
She is now unemployed.
Think about that for a moment.
10/10/2021 • 26 minutes, 5 seconds
Climate change is political
(This conversation is a re-upload from Feb 2020.)
Marc Morano is a former Republican political aide who founded and runs the website Watch the conversation
10/10/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 5 seconds
Western Cape independence is a good idea, with Jack Miller (Cape Independence Party)
Jack Miller is the leader of the Cape Independence Party (CIP), a South African political party whose goal it is to secede the Western Cape province from South Africa and to create a new autonomous country.
10/8/2021 • 51 minutes, 25 seconds
Valentina Zharkova on Earth cooling and no global warming
Professor Of Physics & Mathematics at Northumbria University, Valentina Zharkova is a solar physicist who knows a lot about the sun.
For years we’ve been told that Earth is warming and it’s an absolute catastrophe thanks to carbon emissions and human activity in general. Oceans are rising and polar bears are dying and Antarctica is melting and it’s your fault.
Except that it’s all nonsense.
Humans don’t affect Earth’s temperature.
The sun does.
Valentina joined me for a conversation in which she uses slides to explain things. It’s rather complex, but the basic idea is that sun spots are crucial in Earth’s temperature.
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10/6/2021 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 18 seconds
”Vaccine passports remind me of apartheid” - Reverend Kenneth Meshoe, ACDP (South Africa)
Kenneth Rasalabe Joseph Meshoe (born 18 January 1954) is a South African evangelist, politician, reverend and teacher. He has been serving as the inaugural leader of the African Christian Democratic Party, a Christian democratic political party, since 1993.
He became a Member of Parliament in 1994 and has since been re-elected five times. He is one of the longest-serving MPs.
10/2/2021 • 45 minutes, 11 seconds
Covid jabs are a murder weapon - Dr Christiane Northrup
Christiane Northrup is a doctor who sepcialises women's health, having appeared on Dr Oz and Oprah. These days, she is heavily censored, which means she is doing something right. Visit her website
10/1/2021 • 50 minutes, 1 second
The illusion of evidence-based medicine, with Prof Leemon McHenry
Leemon McHenry is a bioethicist and Emeritus Professor Of Philosophy at California State University, and author of the book "The Illusion Of Evidence-Based Medicine". Buy his amazing book
9/25/2021 • 54 minutes, 36 seconds
James Corbett on piecing together puzzles
The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source.
It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. The Corbett Report
9/24/2021 • 54 minutes, 55 seconds
”Don’t resign” - Nick Hudson, PANDA
PANDA's Nick Hudson says that South Africans must not resign from their jobs if they feel threatened about vaccine mandates. Instead, stay calm and don't be sucked into the fearmongering. Watch the video
9/12/2021 • 5 minutes, 31 seconds
Mattias Desmet on Covid and mass formation
Mattias Desmet is a professor of psychology at Ghent University in Belgium.
He focuses on stuff like mass crowd formation, totalitarianism, mass hypnosis, indoctrination and, basically, how the human mind works.
For example, I’d like to know how it is that millions of people suddenly believe that permanently wearing a mask and fearing perfectly healthy people, is a good idea.
For the time being, there are few figures that show the evolution of possible indicators such as the intake of antidepressants and anxiolytics or the number of suicides. But it is especially important to place mental well-being in the corona crisis in its historical continuity. Mental health had been declining for decades. There has long been a steady increase in the number of depression and anxiety problems and the number of suicides. And in recent years there has been an enormous growth in absenteeism due to psychological suffering and burnouts. The year before the corona outbreak, you could feel this malaise growing exponentially. This gave the impression that society was heading for a tipping point where a psychological ‘reorganization’ of the social system was imperative.
- Mattias Desmet, 2021
Mattias told me in our podcast below, that this “pandemic” is less biological and more psychological.
And I think he’s absolutely correct.
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9/4/2021 • 47 minutes, 28 seconds
”5G is not safe” - Dafna Tachover, IDF telecoms specialist
Dafna Tachover is an attorney and former IDF telecoms specialist, working between the US and Israel.
She recently won a major lawsuit in the US, relating to the harm caused by 5G radiation.
9/3/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
”I won’t force the vaccine on my staff” - Farmer Angus
Farmer Angus is a South African beef farmer who rejects Covid propaganda and won’t force his staff to get the jab.
8/26/2021 • 42 minutes, 11 seconds
Zuby on scientists being the new priests
Zuby is a superb (fully independent) rapper from the UK, but speaks with an American accent, and grew up in Saudi Arabia.
If that isn’t confusing enough, then he is also an incredibly decent guy who celebrates ideas like family values, tradition, Christianity, and treating people with love.
Which, according to society these days, makes one a far-right extremist.
Take a listen to Zuby’s latest single for excellent far-right extremism.
Just as impressively, he has
"appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience, The Adam Carolla Show, The Glenn Beck Podcast, The Rubin Report, The Ben Shapiro Show, and The Candace Owens Show, as well as mainstream news outlets such as BBC, Fox News, Sky News and RT."
As I type this, he is touring the United States to promote his new album, Word Of Zuby (available on Apple Music, and so on).
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8/24/2021 • 54 minutes, 41 seconds
A conversation with Robert F Kennedy junior
Nephew of former American president John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy junior is a world renowned environmental advocate and head of Children’s Health Defense.
8/20/2021 • 50 minutes, 18 seconds
Reyno de Beer on South Africa’s invalid lockdown regulations
Reyno de Beer, of the Liberty Fighters Network, is a South African hero and, at great personal expense, has fought the government at every legal level.
And he's not stopping until we're free from all Covid restrictions.
8/19/2021 • 51 minutes, 18 seconds
Prank calls to various labs
A Jerm Warfare trooper called three South African laboratories (Lancet, AmPath, PathCare), asking whether or not they test for the Delta variant.
Not one of them does.
Take a listen.
8/13/2021 • 10 minutes, 31 seconds
Thomas Renz is suing the American government for vaccine deaths
Thomas Renz is a lead attorney in several major lawsuits across the United States, currently mostly related to lockdowns, mask mandates, business closures, false PCR data, and fraudulent death numbers.
8/11/2021 • 27 minutes, 46 seconds
”HIV does not cause AIDS” - David Rasnick
Dr David Rasnick is an American biochemist with decades of specialisation in AIDS; arthritis; cancer; proteases in emphysema and parasites; drug design; and clinical diagnostics.
8/10/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 37 seconds
James Manning on the problem with black people
James Manning is a pastor in Harlem and is widely known for his exceptionally brutal commentary on what he believes to be the failures of black people.
7/22/2021 • 50 minutes, 53 seconds
Sam Bailey on viruses not causing disease
Sam Bailey is a doctor from New Zealand.
She researches common medical conditions, but has been censored on YouTube numerous times because YouTube prohibits views it doesn’t like.
I strongly recommend you buy her new book, Virus Mania, because it was force you to rethink everything you think you know about viruses.
In my podcast, Sam discusses why viruses have never been shown to cause disease; why the science behind every epidemic needs to be scrutinised; why no virus has ever been truly isolated; why disease starts from within the body; and why Germ Theory is protected and lucrative.
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7/15/2021 • 49 minutes, 1 second
Peter McCullough on Covid vaccines killing people
Dr Peter McCullough is one of the most cited doctors in the world, regarding his effective early Covid treatment and his criticism of rushed (and harmful) Covid vaccines.
7/14/2021 • 52 minutes, 26 seconds
MMR vaccines could cause autism in many kids - Andrew Wakefield
Dr Andrew Wakefield is one of the most important scientists in the field of autism and vaccines, and also one of the most targeted scientists by the pharmaceutical industry for the same reason.
Do watch his documentary 'Vaxxed'. It's eye-opening.
7/6/2021 • 58 minutes, 59 seconds
Tess Lawrie on why Ivermectin works
Tess Lawrie runs a company called the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy, which is located in the UK.
From her website,
"The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd is an independent medical research company that makes meaningful contributions to the quality of healthcare globally through rigorous research and innovative healthcare research methodology."
Basically, it means that she reviews lots of science and creates recommendations.
A few months after we did this podcast, a significant paper, on Ivermectin’s benefits, by Tess, was published in the American Journal Of Therapeutics.
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6/22/2021 • 37 minutes, 2 seconds
”The biggest hoax perpetrated on an unsuspecting public” - Dr Roger Hodkinson
Dr Roger Hodkinson is a pathologist by training, with a wealth of knowledge in infectious disease, virology and evidence-based medicine.
He was educated at Cambridge University and University College Hospital Medical School in London, before moving to Canada in 1970 and training at the University Of British Columbia.
6/20/2021 • 48 minutes, 56 seconds
”There’s no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 exists” - Dr Andrew Kaufman (2020)
Dr Andrew Kaufman is a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, and forensic psychiatrist with training from MIT and Duke University School Of Medicine, among others.
He is constantly being censored because of his views. And these days, being censored means you’re probably doing something right. (I know all about being censored.)
6/19/2021 • 53 minutes, 29 seconds
The Indian Bar Association is suing the WHO’s chief scientist
Advocate Dipali Ojha from the Indian Bar Association in Mumbai, joined me for a quick update on their legal proceeding against the WHO's chief scientist for recommending AGAINST Ivermectin and for misleading the world on the benefits of Ivermectin.
6/18/2021 • 11 minutes, 51 seconds
Michael Rectenwald on illiberalism
Michael was a Professor of Liberal Studies and Global Liberal Studies at NYU from 2008 to 2019. He also taught at Duke University, North Carolina Central University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Case Western Reserve University.
6/18/2021 • 53 minutes, 22 seconds
Luigi Warren invented Moderna’s mRNA technology
Luigi Warren invented the mRNA technology on which Moderna was founded.
If it weren’t for Luigi, then Moderna wouldn’t exist.
"Luigi Warren, Ph.D. is President & CEO of Cellular Reprogramming, a biotechnology company located in La Jolla, California. The company produces human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) for researchers in academia and pharma using mRNA reprogramming, a clinically-relevant alternative to viral reprogramming which Luigi pioneered during postdoctoral work at Harvard Medical School."
I came across Luigi after Twitter’s “fact checkers” thought that they knew more than Luigi.
Nick Hudson, who was previously on my podcast, joined in for this conversation.
6/17/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 45 seconds
Jennifer Zeng on Chinese death camps and fleeing China
Jennifer Zeng, who now lives in the United States, worked for the Chinese Communist Party.
Her life changed when she embraced religion and was swept up in a government crackdown on Falun Gong, and thrown into labour camps (from which, unbelievably, organ harvesting is a multimillion-dollar industry).
Falun Gong is sort of Buddhism mixed with Taoism.
Jennifer refers to herself as a “China insider”.
She discussed the Chinese Communist Party as the real threat to the world (especially Africa); Marxism being rejected; westerners not knowing what actual oppression is; and the Chinese Communist Party infiltrating everything.
Please support my work.
6/16/2021 • 54 minutes, 12 seconds
Why do nations fail? (2020)
Last year I read a really good book called Why Nations Fail, by Daron Acemoglu - a professor of economics at MIT - and co-authored by Harvard professor James Robinson. Watch the video
6/15/2021 • 47 minutes, 43 seconds
How to have impossible conversations (2019)
Peter Boghossian is an American philosopher. He is an assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University. Boghossian's areas of academic focus include atheism, critical thinking, pedagogy, scientific skepticism, and the Socratic method. Watch the video
6/12/2021 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 25 seconds
”This vaccine is about control” - Reiner Fuellmich
Reiner Fuellmich is one of Germany's most powerful lawyers, and is building a string of class action lawsuits globally, for "crimes against humanity".
6/9/2021 • 39 minutes, 57 seconds
”Big wars are won through winning small battles” - Brian Gerrish, UK Column
Brian Gerrish is founder and editor of UK Column.
6/8/2021 • 53 minutes, 22 seconds
”I wouldn’t recommend any vaccine at this stage” - Stephanie Seneff
Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientist at MIT, which is MIT’s highest research rank.
After receiving four degrees from MIT (B.S.. in Biophysics, M.S., E.E., and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), she has conducted research in packet-switched networks, computational modeling of the human auditory system, natural language processing, spoken dialogue systems, and second language learning.
6/1/2021 • 53 minutes, 44 seconds
The case for colonialism (2020)
Dr Bruce Gilley is professor of political science at Portland State University.
His research centres on comparative and international politics and public policy, and covers issues as diverse as democracy, climate change, political legitimacy, and international conflict. Watch the video
5/30/2021 • 54 minutes, 35 seconds
Chief whip of the Democratic Alliance, Natasha Mazzone
Natasha Mazzone is the public face of the DA in parliament and joined me for a Friday night conversation of laughter and seriousness that turned out to be too short.
5/29/2021 • 53 minutes, 44 seconds
Dan Roodt on the future of Afrikaners (2019)
I had the pleasure of chatting to Dan Roodt, an author and commentator who advocates an independent Afrikaner state.
5/28/2021 • 55 minutes, 38 seconds
The global warming swindle [2020]
Donna Laframboise is a very experienced Canadian investigative journalist whose book with a really long title, The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert, blew my mind. Watch video
5/26/2021 • 48 minutes, 2 seconds
Everything you need to know about getting a gun in South Africa
Gideon Joubert is a gun rights activist and explains everything South Africans need to know about becoming legally armed for self defence, sports, and hunting.
5/25/2021 • 35 minutes, 58 seconds
”Jesus didn’t die for everybody” - Westboro Baptist Church [REPEAT]
Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an American church known for its use of inflammatory hate speech, especially against LGBT+ people, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, atheists, Muslims, Jews, and U.S. soldiers and politicians. Multiple sources describe it as a hate group. Watch the video
5/24/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Water is making people gay
Jeff Prager is an investigative journalist; author of over 100 free ebooks; and former founder and publisher of Senior Magazine, a monthly periodical for senior citizens.
Jeff’s areas of interest are incredible, from 9/11 and nuclear weapons, to propaganda in the media, to vaccines and autism.
5/20/2021 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 7 seconds
Zuby is a rapper who promotes conservative values (2020)
Zuby is the Jordan Peterson of rap. Watch the video
5/3/2021 • 43 minutes, 54 seconds
A conversation with David Icke, Dec 2020
This is a repeat. Please watch the video at
4/30/2021 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 36 seconds
Helen Zille says woke culture is destroying South Africa
Helen Zille is the former leader of South Africa's opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), just published a book on how America's woke culture is destroying South Africa, and she's correct.
4/28/2021 • 39 minutes, 34 seconds
Judy Mikovits on viruses, diseases, vaccines, and why COVID-19 is a lie
Dr Judy Mikovits, a molecular biologist, is one of my favourite scientists, mainly because of her bravery and integrity.
After all, why would a scientist be followed by the FBI; be arrested and released for no reason; have her family intimated by government officials in the early hours of the morning; be followed by a driver taking photos of her; and even have her lab raided?
4/27/2021 • 58 minutes, 48 seconds
9/11 was an inside job, says Mike Berger of 911Truth.Org
If you’re listening to this, then you’re probably old enough to remember what you were doing that day. I was visiting my girlfriend and her brother came running in, shouting that World War 3 had begun and that we must turn on CNN. Watch the video
4/26/2021 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 47 seconds
”Man has never landed on the moon” - Randy Walsh
Randy Walsh is an author and pilot who argues that the Apollo Missions were faked by NASA. Randy's primary focus of research is around the Saturn rockets, and their engineering, that were simply not capable of getting astronauts safely to the moon.
This is not your ordinary "conspiracy theory" conversation. Instead, it's technical and remarkably interesting and convincing.
4/24/2021 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
To beat Covid hysteria, we must ridicule and laugh
Nick Hudson, from PANDA (Pandemic Data & Analytics), chats with me about why all of the government mitigation measures are utterly absurd and must be ridiculed to show how stupid and harmful it all is.
4/15/2021 • 22 minutes, 17 seconds
David Cole on Auschwitz not being a death camp
David Cole, a Jewish journalist and researcher, made a documentary in 1992 in which he visited Auschwitz and interviewed Franciszek Piper, the head of the museum’s archives.
In the film, David investigates the discrepancy surrounding Auschwitz’s claims presented to millions of tourists.
Furthermore, and entirely contrary to everything I’ve been taught, David argues that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp and that no gas chambers existed there.
I don’t know what to believe anymore.
Please support my work.
4/14/2021 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 15 seconds
”Trans women are men” - Debbie Hayton
Debbie Hayton is a British transgender school teacher and journalist who argues that you can't change your sex.
4/13/2021 • 54 minutes, 45 seconds
Does HIV cause AIDS?
Dr David Rasnick is an American biochemist with decades of specialisation in AIDS; arthritis; cancer; proteases in emphysema and parasites; drug design; and clinical diagnostics.
He also participated as a member of the Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel Of South Africa, under then-president Thabo Mbeki. Which, of course, is where it gets interesting. Mbeki was recalled for being an “AIDS denialist” because he questioned the link between HIV and AIDS. Watch the video
4/12/2021 • 48 minutes, 57 seconds
Norman Finkelstein on the Holocaust industry
Norman Finkelstein is an American political scientist, activist, professor, and author. His primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust, an interest motivated by the experiences of his parents who were Jewish Holocaust survivors.
His book "The Holocaust Industry" is about how the Nazi holocaust is a wide array of organisations and individuals who claim to be defenders of Jews and Holocaust victims, while in truth they only aim to serve their own interests. Watch the video
4/6/2021 • 51 minutes, 53 seconds
Reiner Fuellmich is suing the WHO for ”crimes against humanity”
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is one of the most powerful lawyers in Germany, and is currently building the largest class action lawsuit in history.
The WHO, Bill Gates, governments, and others have imposed lockdowns and other totalitarian measures on billions of people.
4/2/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
”Black people are not oppressed” - Steve Hofmeyr (2020)
Steve Hofmeyr recorded a brilliant message in which he challenges the apparent oppression black people experience.
Here’s the thing.
Black people are not oppressed.
Well, that is, unless you’re talking about slavery in northern Africa. In which case, yes, black people are oppressing black people. Watch the video
4/1/2021 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 2 seconds
Dr Astrid Stuckelberger is a WHO insider
She is currently speaking out about the corruption and lies coming from the WHO and Bill Gates, regarding this fake pandemic and dangerous vaccine rollout.
3/30/2021 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 27 seconds
Prof Sucharit Bhakdi on COVID-19 facts and lies (2020)
Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology, having studied at the universities of Bonn, Giesen, Mainz, and Copenhagen.
He also studied at the Max Planck Institute Of Immunobiology And Epigenetics in Freiburg, and is a professor emeritus of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and from 1991 to 2012 was head of the Institute Of Medical Microbiology And Hygiene. Watch the video
3/29/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 41 seconds
Stefan Molyneux on postmodernism and everything else
Stefan Molyneux is everything I want in a philosopher.
"Molyneux is described as a leading figure of the alt-right movement by Politico and The Washington Post, and as far-right by The New York Times."
3/27/2021 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 51 seconds
Censoring Dr Seuss, and other cartoons, is harmful
Mark Oppenheimer is a South African constitutional lawyer who has a lot of experience in matters surrounding free speech and hate speech. He also has a great YouTube channel on which he has conversations about philosophical ideas.
He joined me for a conversation about why censoring Dr Seuss (and other) cartoons is ridiculous and harmful. Watch the video
3/24/2021 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 53 seconds
A conversation with Gavin McInnes (2019)
Gavin is the founder of Vice magazine and Proud Boys, and is hated by the left, feminists, and everybody in between. He is also brilliantly funny and banned from Twitter and Facebook because, well, Gavin is the founder of Vice magazine and Proud Boys, and is hated by the left, feminists, and everybody in between.
I caught up with him while he was holidaying with his family.
We discussed Trump, progressivism, punk rock, Cape Town’s lack of water, and South African farm murders. Gavin also pondered about South Africa’s future and why I should emigrate. Watch the video
3/20/2021 • 39 minutes, 42 seconds
Dr Lee Merritt on viruses and biowarfare
Dr Lee Merritt is a former surgeon in the US Navy and strongly believes that SARS-CoV-2 is being used as biowarfare for the purposes of power and money by the world's most powerful people. Watch the video
3/19/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 6 seconds
Susan Crockford on polar bears doing perfectly fine
Like with all things climate change, doomsday hysteria engulfs everything. Including polar bears.
Full description:
3/17/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
What is veganism?
Mary-Ann Shearer is a prominent South African author and restaurant owner promoting a plant-based lifestyle. She joined me for a conversation about her journey to becoming a vegan. Watch the video
3/15/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 41 seconds
Who is Naomi Seibt?
Naomi Seibt is a German “counter-activist” (for lack of a better description) often referred to as "anti-Greta-Thunberg" because of her non-conformist and independent approach to current affairs, particularly around climate change.
Here’s the clincher.
At the time of writing this, she is 20 years old, and way smarter than a vast number of people double her age. Watch the video
3/14/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 22 seconds
Jeremy Kauffman has a solution to YouTube’s censorship
Jeremy Kauffman is the CEO and founder of the LBRY network and Odysee video platform, which are based on blockchain technology.
I can’t wrap my head around what the blockchain actually is, but all I know is that it’s decentralised and very immune to censorship.
That’s a win for me. Watch the video
3/12/2021 • 58 minutes, 7 seconds
Who killed Inge Lotz?
Forensic scientist David Klatzow joined me to talk about the murder of Inge Lotz in 2005. Watch the video
3/10/2021 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 15 seconds
Gold is the only real money
Gold has been used as money (or a store of value) for thousands of years. It’s always been valuable to humans, for some reason, and it’s withstood everything history has thrown at it.
Silver too.
Fiat money is what we use today. It’s essentially money created out of thin air, on a spreadsheet, by banks and the government via monetary policy, and it has absolutely nothing backing it. This is why currencies come and go, such as the Zim Dollar which lasted a few decades.
Bitcoin is an interesting spanner in the wheel, mind you, and it’s one about which precious metals consultant Claudio Grass has mixed views. For good reason; cryptocurrency is very new and is invisible. It’s nothing more than computer code dependent on electricity and an internet connection. Watch the conversation
3/9/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 12 seconds
Is Earth flat?
Mark Sargent - as can be seen in his books and Netflix films - is a proponent of a flat Earth. Not only that, but the Earth is enclosed inside a dome (à la The Truman Show), and nobody - other than, perhaps, the political elite - know what’s beyond the dome.
I have no idea whether or not my guest is being serious or not. Watch the video
3/8/2021 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 32 seconds
Mark Rippetoe and Starting Strength
Mark Rippetoe is a former powerlifter and currently a strength coach in Texas, and author of Starting Strength. He has been one of the most influential people in my personal life, without even knowing it.
3/2/2021 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 49 seconds
The Constitution is worthless
Koos Malan is professor of public law at the University Of Pretoria, and was a state prosecutor and magistrate before that.
He is probably the smartest person in South Africa, where constitutional matters are concerned.
The reason why the prof is unable to distinguish between a religious text and the Constitution, is because both are essentially the same. Watch the video
2/27/2021 • 56 minutes, 27 seconds
A conversation with Bruce Fordyce
Bruce Noel Stevenson Fordyce (born 3 December 1955 in Hong Kong) is a South African marathon and ultramarathon athlete. He is best known for having won the South African Comrades Marathon a record nine times, of which eight wins were consecutive. He also won the London to Brighton Ultramarathon three years in a row. He is the former world record holder over 50 miles and the former world record holder over 100 km.
2/25/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 36 seconds
Catherine Austin
Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Wall Street banker with the most incredible perspective on how the world works.
She was recently interviewed in a documentary called Planet Lockdown which continues to be removed from YouTube (surprise surprise), in which she outlines the global economic situation in which we find ourselves during this fake pandemic.
Central bankers and big tech companies are pushing the world into a new model of trading designed to micromanage every aspect of our lives, from our appliances to our thoughts. Watch the video
2/23/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
What is libertarianism?
I’m very sympathetic to libertarian thought, and have been for years. However, I don’t classify myself as a libertarian for various reasons.
Nevertheless, what is libertarianism?
Essentially, it’s a political philosophy advocating:
maximising individual freedom;
minimising the role of the state;
and the belief in free will.
I have some conflict with the first bullet, but the third bullet is the one that gets me. I am on the fence about free will.
Could it be that free will is largely an illusion and that a lot of our decisions are made based on factors beyond our control, as noted by thinkers such as Scott Adams and Steven Pinker?
I don’t know.
Martin van Staden, from the Free Market Foundation, chatted to me about all of this. Watch the video
2/22/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 12 seconds
Bombing Japan after Pearl Harbor was the right thing to do
Bombing Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor was the right thing to do, and DM Giangreco, the former editor of Military Review (the publication of the United States Army Combined Arms Center), explains why in his book Hell To Pay. Watch the conversation
2/21/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 19 seconds
Two hours of me mocking the president
I live-streamed the State Of The Nation Address and played laugh tracks because it's a sitcom not worthy of respect. Subscribe to my war report
2/11/2021 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 21 seconds
Transgenderism is a mental illness
Walt Heyer is a man who underwent hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery in 1983 to become a woman, and regretted it. After eight years of identifying as Laura Jenson, he decided to “de-transition” back to being a man, albeit with a messed up body and butchered genitalia. Watch the video conversation
2/9/2021 • 49 minutes, 29 seconds
Dr Andrew Kaufman says SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist
Dr Andrew Kaufman is a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, and forensic psychiatrist with training from MIT and Duke University School Of Medicine, among others.
He is constantly being censored because of his views. And these days, being censored means you’re probably doing something right.
Basically, his argument is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not exist, and that it is likely confused with something called an exosome.
This hypothesis is strengthened by the success of antiparasitic drugs like Ivermectin. Watch the video
2/5/2021 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 1 second
The New Normal
When the following documentary - The New Normal - was released by Happen Network a few months ago, it was censored or removed from wherever I looked for it. As I type this, it is viewable on YouTube, but was removed from Vimeo. Watch it here
2/2/2021 • 53 minutes, 12 seconds
Prof Denis Rancourt on COVID propaganda
Denis Rancourt is a former tenured full professor of physics at the University Of Ottawa in Canada.
He is a researcher for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and a social theorist, and has published more than 100 articles in scientific journals.
Denis joined me last night for an absolutely brilliant conversation about all things COVID and the collateral propaganda perpetuated by the government and its PR wing, the mainstream media. Video link
1/22/2021 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 13 seconds
Does HIV cause AIDS?
Dr David Rasnick is an American biochemist with decades of specialisation in AIDS; arthritis; cancer; proteases in emphysema and parasites; drug design; and clinical diagnostics.
He also participated as a member of the Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel Of South Africa, under then-president Thabo Mbeki. Which, of course, is where it gets interesting. Mbeki was recalled for being an “AIDS denialist” because he questioned the link between HIV and AIDS.
The former president famously said that “AIDS is a disease of poverty”.
David agrees. Watch the video
1/20/2021 • 50 minutes
David Icke, raw and uncensored
A few months ago, David Icke joined me on Jerm Warfare for a pre-recorded conversation about what’s going on around us, including this garbage pandemic.
YouTube censored it.
So, David returned, this time raw and uncensored.
12/20/2020 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 40 seconds
Pfizer’s chief scientist, Dr Mike Yeadon, says the vaccine is a bad idea
Dr Mike Yeadon was Pfizer’s chief science officer and vice-president of Allergy & Respiratory Research, and also part of their global research and development team.
I was also joined by Pandemics Data & Analytics (PANDA)'s Nick Hudson.
12/15/2020 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 43 seconds
SARS-CoV-2 does not cause COVID-19, says Dr Judy Mikovits
Dr Judy Mikovits is an American molecular biologist and former medical researcher who worked at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick MD for 20 years.
She is featured in a documentary series titled ‘Plandemic’, where she claims that the coronavirus outbreak has been carefully designed by the use of vaccines.
12/9/2020 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 41 seconds
A conversation with Right Said Fred
Everybody knows Right Said Fred.
Right Said Fred are a London-based English band formed by brothers Fred and Richard Fairbrass in 1989. Their achievements include number 1 hits in 70 countries including one US number 1, one UK number 1, and a number 1 in Japan. They were the first band to reach the number one slot in the US with a debut single since The Beatles. They have performed for Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom, Nelson Mandela and at the Filmfare Awards and subsequently released a track for Comic Relief.
As multi-platinum award winning artists and songwriters, their global sales total 30 million and over 100 million plays on Spotify. They have writing credits on Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do" and Sofi Tukker's "Batshit", their music has been featured in over 50 films and TV shows (e.g. Angry Birds 2, The Odd Couple, The Simpsons, West Wing, Family Guy) and in excess of 100 commercials. The band have performed with Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger and David Bowie; plus had plaudits from Madonna, Jay Z, and Prince.
That is one helluva résumé.
My playlist is littered with Right Said Fred tunes. And it’s easy to understand why. Jerm Warfare
12/3/2020 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 25 seconds
COVID-19 in Sweden
Dr Sebastian Rushworth is a practicing physician in Stockholm, Sweden, focusing on evidence-based medicine, medical ethics, and medical history.
He unpacks COVID-19 facts and fiction.
12/1/2020 • 59 minutes, 22 seconds
Is this pandemic a social experiment?
Is this pandemic about a virus? Are we in the middle of a huge social experiment? What is fact and what is fiction?
Nick Hudson is an actuary and founding member of PANDA (Pandemic Data & Analytics).
Dr Clare Craig is a consultant pathologist, working in the NHS (Britain), and later on the cancer arm of the '100,000 Genomes Project', and more recently, medical AI.
PANDA's website:
11/30/2020 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 11 seconds
The Great COVID-19 Swindle
Is COVID-19 really serious? Is the pandemic a hoax? Are we being swindled by governments and powerful organisations like the WHO and pharmaceutical companies?
Lockdown and mask mandates make no sense, and neither do the numbers.
Hugo Kruger is a South African structural nuclear engineer based in France, with a good understanding of how data is constructed.
11/27/2020 • 58 minutes, 13 seconds
Is this pandemic a social experiment?
Is this pandemic about a virus? Are we in the middle of a huge social experiment? What is fact and what is fiction?
Nick Hudson is an actuary and founding member of PANDA (Pandemic Data & Analytics).
Dr Clare Craig is a consultant pathologist, working in the NHS (Britain), and later on the cancer arm of the '100,000 Genomes Project', and more recently, medical AI.
PANDA's website:
11/26/2020 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 8 seconds
Prof Sucharit Bhakdi on COVID-19 facts and lies
Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology.
He studied at the Universities of Bonn, Gießen, Mainz, and Copenhagen, and at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg.
He is Professor Emeritus of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and from 1991 to 2012 was head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene.
His book, 'False Alarm', at Amazon:
11/25/2020 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 28 seconds
Who is Moe Shaik?
Brother of Schabir Shaik, Moe Shaik is the former head of South Africa’s Secret Service.
That aside, his résumé is extensive.
Moe was also the CEO of the International Division at the Development Bank Of Southern Africa; CEO of CorpAfrica (Pty) Limited; a consul general position in Germany; an ambassadorship position at the Democratic Republic Of Algeria; a special advisor position to the former minister of Foreign Affairs (Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma); and head of policy research at the Department Of Foreign Affairs.
11/11/2020 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 55 seconds
Who is Gerard Batten?
Gerard Joseph Batten is a British politician who served as the Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) between 2018 and 2019.
He was a founding member of the party in 1993, and served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for London between 2004 and 2019.
Gerard on Twitter:
11/10/2020 • 1 minute, 8 seconds
What will Joe Biden do for South Africa?
Frans Cronje directs the Centre For Risk Analysis and is the head of the Institute Of Race Relations (IRR), and shares his thoughts on what a Joe Biden presidency might mean for South Africa.
IRR website:
Centre For Risk Analysis on YouTube:
11/9/2020 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
The new Democratic Alliance (DA), 2020
The Democratic Alliance (DA) has announced John Steenhuisen as its new leader. Steenhuisen was elected at the party's two-day virtual congress. The party's leadership race was a hotly contested one between Steenhuisen and Mbali Ntuli.
Helen Zille was elected as Federal Chair.
11/2/2020 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 51 seconds
Why you should not become a vegan
Tim Noakes is a South African scientist and an emeritus professor in the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine at the University of Cape Town. He is also a member of the National Research Foundation, who list him as one of their highest-rated members.
10/29/2020 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 57 seconds
How do you go vegan?
The term “vegan” was coined in 1944 by a small group of vegetarians who broke away from the Leicester Vegetarian Society in England to form the Vegan Society.
They chose not to consume dairy, eggs, or any other products of animal origin, in addition to refraining from meat, as do vegetarians.
The term “vegan” was chosen by combining the first and last letters of “vegetarian.”
Veganism is currently defined as a way of living that attempts to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty, be it from food, clothing, or any other purpose.
Mark & Mary-Ann Shearer have been free from so-called 'normal' ailments like allergies, hay fever, tonsillitis, ear-infections, indigestion, IBS, high blood pressure, depression, mood swings, and weight problems, since 1986. All due to a vegan lifestyle.
Please visit:
10/27/2020 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 18 seconds
MMA champion Dricus ”Stillknocks” Du Plessis
Dricus Du Plessis is a South African professional mixed martial artist (MMA) currently competing in the Middleweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
He previously competed in the Middleweight division of EFC Africa, where he is the former Middleweight and Welterweight Champion.
A professional since 2013, he has also competed for Polish-based promotion KSW. In addition to being a two-time Middleweight and former Welterweight EFC Champion, he is also a former KSW Welterweight Champion.!
10/26/2020 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Civil war in South Africa?
Is South Africa getting closer to a civil war? Forensic scientist Dr David Klatzow believes that South Africa is already in a "low grade" civil war.
Julius Malema and the EFF continue to incite violence around the country, singing about killing white farmers (and white people in general).
Email David: [email protected]
10/23/2020 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
Is Christianity dead in the West?
Peter Hitchens argues that Christianity is dead in Britain and dying in the West.
Rob Duigan (Marhobane) tends to agree.
Rob's channel:
10/22/2020 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Who is Naomi Seibt?
Naomi Seibt is a young German counter-activist often referred to as "anti-Greta-Thunberg" because of her non-conformist and independent approach to current affairs.
Naomi has given presentations across Europe, and has appeared on multiple news channels.
According to Naomi's website:
The main problem that society is facing today is that as we take it for granted that everything is handled by the state, we have stopped questioning what is put in front of us. People have no idea how to read studies, how to evaluate authoritarian measures that restrict our freedoms and demand that other people have their freedoms taken away for a utilitarian “greater good”. This utopian goal remains ill-defined due to a lack of understanding of the failures of collectivist/socialist systems.
10/21/2020 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Land expropriation in South Africa
Rob Hutchinson runs Dear SA, a public forum designed to influence government policy decisions.
Land expropriation without compensation is a real possibility in South Africa, and it's a dangerous slippery slope towards communism.
10/21/2020 • 1 hour, 49 seconds
Taking Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ) to court
Dear SA, represented by Hurter Spies Attorneys, is taking Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, to court over the extended State Of Disaster.
Rob Hutchinson represents Dear SA.
Daniel Eloff represents Hurter Spies.
Here is the legal letter:
10/20/2020 • 19 minutes, 24 seconds
Bruce Gilley on the case for colonialism
Bruce Gilley is professor of political science at Portland State University.
His research centers on comparative and international politics and public policy. His work covers issues as diverse as democracy, climate change, political legitimacy, and international conflict.
Bruce faced the cancel culture mob back in 2017, when a piece he wrote, for the journal Third World Quarterly, on the benefits of colonialism was met with death threats and calls for his firing.
10/19/2020 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 19 seconds
The facts about AfriForum at Senekal
Kallie Kriel is the CEO of AfriForum, and was at Senekal while the EFF were trying to create a race war.
AfriForum has also received unfair criticism on social media for supposedly turning the event into a music festival, which, of course, is utter nonsense.
10/18/2020 • 20 minutes, 19 seconds
The history of money and banking
Chris Becker is an Investec economist and cryptocurrency expert, and chats about the history of money, the monetary system, and the future of money.
Chris on Twitter:
10/16/2020 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 7 seconds
Willem Petzer on the murder of Brendan Horner (and the Senekal court hearing)
According to the news,
Agricultural leaders and community members from Senekal and surrounding areas in the Free State have gathered in their numbers ahead of the court case of the two men linked to the murder of farm manager Brendin Horner.
The two men, suspected to be stock thieves, are expected to appear in the Senekal magistrate’s court on Tuesday morning.
Senekal detectives arrested the men, aged 34 and 43, on Saturday at Fateng tse Ntho in Paul Roux.
Horner, 21, worked for the Scheepers family on Bloukruin farm, close to Paul Roux. His body was found tied to a pole in an open space at the farm on Friday.
Scores of community members clad in "Stop Farm Murders" T-shirts gathered in the Free State town on Tuesday morning.
The large group were carrying placards that read “Remember their names” and “Enough is enough”.
10/8/2020 • 55 minutes, 39 seconds
How to stop farm attacks (2020)
David Klatzow is a forensic scientist who has a few suggestions on how to stop farm attacks in South Africa.
Email David: [email protected]
Dear SA -
Southern Cross -
Forklift Direct -
Caloroso Coffee:
Job Guru:
10/7/2020 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 32 seconds
Open society explained
An "open society" is a society that allows its members considerable freedom, such as a democracy.
In open society, certain inequalities may exist, but individuals have the opportunity to move up to a higher social class or down to a lower social class.
(A truly open society, however, is an ideal type, one that exists in theory only.) Within this system, individuals can move from one class to another through hard work, demonstrated unit, luck, or marriage, their status is thus said to be achieved.
The United States has an open society system, not without barriers to be overcome.
Rob Duigan's YouTube channel:
10/5/2020 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 42 seconds
Barry Hilton, my cousin
Barry Hilton is an award-winning South African comedian, actor and TV personality with 3 decades of experience. His unique style of performance - observational and witty - has an international appeal, and has won the hearts of old and young around the globe. In 2014, the South African comedy industry paid tribute to the seasoned entertainer by presenting him with the Lifetime Achiever Award at the annual Comics Choice Awards.
10/2/2020 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 39 seconds
The rise or fall of South Africa [repeat]
Frans Cronje is the head of the South African Institute Of Race Relations (IRR).
The IRR is an advocacy organisation that fights for your right to make decisions about your life, family, and business, free from unnecessary government, political, and bureaucratic interference. It was established in 1929 and has remained true to its founding principles for these almost 90 years.
Frans's new book:
IRR's website:
Dear SA -
Southern Cross -
Buffelsfontein -
Caloroso Coffee:
9/30/2020 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
Gavin McInnes interview [repeat]
Gavin is the founder of Vice magazine and Proud Boys, and is hated by the left, feminists, and everybody in between. He is also brilliantly funny and banned from Twitter and Facebook because, well, Gavin is the founder of Vice magazine and Proud Boys, and is hated by the left, feminists, and everybody in between.
In this episode of Jerm Warfare, I caught up with him while he was holidaying with his family.
9/29/2020 • 42 minutes
The Kiffness (2020) - David Scott (entertainer)
The Kiffness is a musical and comedic act, led by frontman David Scott.
My previous conversation with The Kiffness was removed by YouTube, for unknown reasons, so this is round two.
Buy the Tsek fragrance:
9/18/2020 • 48 minutes, 43 seconds
South Africa is falling apart (2020) - Dr David Klatzow
Nothing is going right for South Africans, from the collapsing economy, to the corrupt politicians, to the outflow of capital, to the increased poverty and riots, to the ramapant crime.
Dr David Klatzow agrees.
Email David: [email protected] SUPPORT JERM