Getting you out of your head and back into your heart. Heidi is the creator of and Love Wide Open on all major social media channels, and a Heart Space Coach, Author, Blogger, and Alternative Healthcare Practitioner at Her book, Roots and Tendrils, is a poetic journey through the highs of love and the lows of heartbreak ultimately leading to self-love. If you are interested in coaching work with Heidi or finding out more about her book, you can contact her at Support this podcast:
Ways to Enhance Self-Love — E147
What better week to talk about self-love than Valentine's Week?
We could all use to be gentler and more loving to ourselves.
In this episode, I go over some strategies to enhance self-love.
At the end of the podcast, I include an affirmation for loving the self.
I will be taking a break from the podcast for a few weeks.
This would be a great time to binge-listen to some previous episodes.
Need help in the self-love department, reach out and book a Heal Your Story Strategy Session at
Sending lots of love.
— Heidi
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2/13/2023 • 11 minutes, 27 seconds
Habits To Reduce Your Stress Levels — E144
We all have habits, some good and some not so helpful.
In this episode, I discuss some habits you can introduce into your life to reduce your stress levels starting NOW!
If you are finding the podcast helpful and would like to support my work, you can leave a tip in my tip jar. Your tip will go towards production costs for future episodes. Thank you.
Here is the link to the blog article I mentioned about journaling:
Looking for more help in anxiety and stress reduction? You can book a Heal Your Story Strategy Session here:
Sending you all lots of love and healing.
— Heidi
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1/23/2023 • 9 minutes, 12 seconds
How To Tackle Self-Doubt — E143
We all lack self-confidence at times. So what do you do if self-doubt creeps in A LOT?
In this episode, I provide some practical tips for tackling self-doubt.
You can find out more about my coaching services at
Reach back and listen to Episode 100 Signs of Low Self-Esteem.
Sending you all lots of love.
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1/16/2023 • 7 minutes, 57 seconds
Living an Empowered Life - E131
What does it even mean to be empowered? Some people think it means to have power over someone else. That is not the case AT ALL.
To be empowered means to take control of your own life and choices. How awesome would that feel for someone who has always given themselves away.
In this episode, I talk about how you START to live an empowered life. It isn't easy and it takes courage if you are coming from the people-pleasing side of life.
As mentioned in the episode, you can explore as Heal Your Story Strategy Session at and also
join my private FB Heal Your Story Community at
I look forward to hearing from you.
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10/25/2022 • 13 minutes, 27 seconds
E124 5 Types of Happiness Everyone Can Achieve
It seems that everyone has been eluded by happiness at some point.
What if it were more simple? What if happiness was found in the little things and moments?
Join me for 5 different types of happiness that everyone can achieve. It takes time, effort and willingness to be open for happiness to arrive.
Get my Free Ebook Am I an Empath or HSP? A Checklist and 6 tips for Empaths and HSPs to Thrive
You can learn more about me and my coaching services at
You can also join my Heal Your Story Private FB Community here:
Sending lots of love.
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9/6/2022 • 13 minutes, 29 seconds
E122 What Is Your Attachment Style in Relationships?
Our early attachment styles are established in childhood through the infant/caregiver relationship. What if we had to learn to cope to certain events or family dynamics in our early years?
As adults, we are often playing out our early childhood attachment styles in many adult relationships. We may not even be aware of these attachment styles.
Listen in to learn about the 4 types of attachment styles.
As referenced in this episode, you can find the Heal Your Story Community here:
You can also learn more about me and my 1:1 coaching at
I love this work. I help empaths and sensitive souls that feel anxious, overwhelmed and withdrawn release their trapped emotional pain to finally feel calm, clear and confident in trusting themselves to build a safe, joy-filled and purposeful life.
Sending you lots of love.
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8/23/2022 • 13 minutes, 5 seconds
E114 Simple Ways to Reduce Sadness
What if there were simple ways to reduce our sadness or our anger or any emotion for that matter? What if we could easily come back to the present moment and the sacredness of yourselves with just a few simple steps?
I was overcome with emotions with the news of June 24th. I ran the gamut of emotions and put my own practices into place in order to find peace for the moment.
If you identify as an empath or a sensitive, get yourself on the newsletter. There are some big things coming down the pike. You can sign up here and don't forget to confirm on your confirmation email. It could end up in promotions or spam. Email sign-up:
You can also learn more about my coaching services or read more blog posts on or
Sending you all love and peace.
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6/24/2022 • 15 minutes, 47 seconds
E106 Strategies For Overcoming Overwhelm
Overwhelm can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, grief, traumatic events or even a pileup of a lot of little things that creep up on you all at the same time. Overwhelm can cause physical problems like headaches, work-related woes like poor performance, home life stress and emotional changes. So, it must be dealt with.
How we think something should turn out greatly affects our perception of what is actually taking place. Learning to take care of yourself and implementing these strategies is a good first step in reducing your overwhelm.
If you are struggling deeply with anxiety and overwhelm, sign-up for a Heal Your Story Strategy session to work with me 1:1. I can provide you with proven techniques for long-lasting calm in your life.
Sending you lots of love.
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4/10/2022 • 9 minutes, 16 seconds
Ep 69 How You Treat Others is a Reflection of What You Hold Within
Being mindful of how you treat others can determine what kind of heart space you are opening up to others. As humans, we carry a powerful darkness within. It is part of the human condition and when triggered it feels so natural we do not even realize when are allowing it enter into our being. When we treat others poorly, we are dehumanizing that person in our brains. Be the seeds of love we need in the world. ~Heidi
If you would like to work with me for Heart Space Coaching, you can reach out through the contact form on or
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8/15/2019 • 7 minutes, 34 seconds
Ep 68 Believing In Your Own Magic
We are what we believe we are and when we can move past the roadblocks of self-sabotage and understand that we are the creating force behind the kind of life we want to live, we tap into our own magic. Let's talk about believing and creating your own magic. I would love to hear from you about your own magic story. You can reach me through the contact from on either or Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter while you are there. If you are using the app, you can send me a voice message right through the app. Sending lots of love. ~Heidi
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7/29/2019 • 13 minutes, 54 seconds
Ep 67 Maybe It's Time For A Spiritual Cleanse
All the negative thoughts, experiences, and situations are absorbed into the spirit, much like unhealthy toxins are absorbed into the body. Do you know how good it feels to stand in the hot shower and let the water run over your face after you’ve been crying? It’s a spiritual cleansing. That’s what we are talking about here.
But saying one needs a spiritual cleanse and understanding how to go about achieving the cleanse are two very different things. Before you continue with your cleanse, it is important to note the reasons why you need one.
What negative thoughts or feelings do you need to purge so that you can make space for positive thoughts and feelings to fill that space?
You can reach me at to learn more about my book or my Heart Space Coaching or at for self-help and self-development articles and my personal blog. If you use the Anchor app to listen, you can send me voice messages that I may use on future episodes.
Sending lots of love. ~Heidi
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7/25/2019 • 12 minutes, 32 seconds
Ep 66 Is Your Empathy Ruining Your Life?
Are you an empathetic person? If so, you may have run into this problem before. I sure used to before I learned some healthier boundaries. When you take on another person‘s emotions or baggage as your own, it is very easy to lose yourself in the process. Where many empathetic people have a difficult time turning on and off their empathy, it is necessary to a certain extent or else you run the risk of ruining your own life and happiness. So, is your empathy preventing you from living your life? I would love to hear from you about this episode or anything else that is on your mind. You can reach me at or If you are interested in my book, Roots and Tendrils, which is my journey back from being too empathetic towards others and not enough towards myself, you can learn more on If you are interested in working with me for Heart Space Sessions, reach out through
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7/15/2019 • 9 minutes, 4 seconds
Ep 65 Fixed vs Growth Mindsets
People with a growth mindset have an underlying belief that their learning and intelligence can grow with time and experience. According to Dweck, when a student has a fixed mindset, they believe that their basic abilities, intelligence, and talents are fixed traits.
Let's talk about what it takes to have a growth mindset and a positive mindset to move forward in life and learn new things. You can reach me at or If you are listening on the Anchor App, you can send me voice messages that may be used in future episodes.
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7/2/2019 • 13 minutes, 30 seconds
Ep 64 Healing From Within: An Interview with Author, Catherine B. Roy
When we tell our stories, we start to heal. It is through telling our stories that we realize that we are far more alike with others than we are different. I had the pleasure of speaking with Catherine B. Roy, the author of Live From the Heart and Mind.
Catherine B. Roy is a Human Potential Thought Leader, Bestselling Author, Personal Growth and Business Coach, MENSA member and an Award Winning Artist and Scientist whose stimulating, upbeat and inspirational writings have helped countless people in the world.
Catherine’s writings have been published in The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and many others. She has been featured as a guest expert at many summits and as a participant and expert speaker at numerous international conferences.
Catherine enjoys the distinction of receiving the Top 30 Under 30 award and is an experienced linguistics researcher and is certified in the fields of emotional intelligence and assertive communication.
As the author of the “Live from Your Heart and Mind”, Catherine is the guiding force behind the “LHM” system for increasing a person’s emotional and intellectual capacity, and inspiring them to positive change and accomplishment.
You can find Catherine at her website
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in working with me around all areas of the heart (Heart Space Coaching), you can contact me through the contact form on either or
I would love to hear what you think about Catherine's story. If you are using the app, you can send me voice messages that may be used in future podcast episodes.
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6/30/2019 • 35 minutes, 11 seconds
Ep 63 Life Paths: How the Hell Did I End Up Here?
So many of my clients find themselves in this place in life. Hell, I found myself in this place in life once. We wonder who the hell we are. Why did life get so off track? Is it too late? Can I change it? Do I have the power within myself to do something else? Well, I am here to tell you, Yes! You do still have power to change your life, you just need to WANT to CHOOSE to change it. It's all up to you. If you would like to speak with me about this episode or want to work with me, reach out to me through the contact form at or Have an amazing day and I am happy to be part of your journey. Sending lots of love. ~Heidi
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6/28/2019 • 11 minutes, 37 seconds
Ep 62 Lessons in Love: Thank You, Elizabeth Gilbert
I had the pleasure of hearing Elizabeth Gilbert speak on the last leg of her book tour for City of Girls at Memorial Church at Harvard last week. I got up and asked a question about something that Liz talks about a lot...being love in the room. Liz has been an inspiration to me in many ways and has been a part of my journey. Her book Big Magic was the push I needed to understand that Love Wide Open was a big magic idea. I now teach people about love after learning to love myself again. My own book was my love letter to myself and a healing journey. I now coach people on heart journeys. Thanks Liz for all that you do to remind us that love is messy and beautiful and that life was meant to be lived. There are several powerful quotes from Liz in this episode along with the Derek Walcott poem, Love After Love. I also wrote an article about it for my Heart Space Lessons blog on You can find it here If you would like to reach out to me or work with me, you can contact me at or Sending lots of love. ~Heidi
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6/24/2019 • 17 minutes, 51 seconds
Ep 61 Becoming the Creator of Your Own Life
How do you take control of your own life and make it what you want it to be? How do you become who you want to be? We are capable of becoming anything we want to be. It takes practice and diligence. I work with so many clients who get stuck in a self-limiting belief mindset and can't see that they have the ability to CHOOSE what happens next in their lives. They have the responsibility right in their own hands. Understanding that I was capable of anything allowed me to finish my book, Roots and Tendrils.
If you would like to work with me or reach out about this episode, you can find me through the contact form at or You may also leave me a message or become a sponsor of this podcast at
Thank you for listening and doing the work on yourselves to keep growing.
Much love. ~Heidi
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6/21/2019 • 12 minutes, 16 seconds
Ep 60 When Someone Won't Forgive You
We have all been through it. We have made mistakes. We have hurt people. What do we do when someone won't forgive us for what we have done to them? Is it our responsibility to try to make them understand and forgive us or do we need to forgive ourselves in the midst of taking responsibility for our actions and say that we are sorry? I would love to hear more from you. You can find me at or If you are interested in working with me for Heart Space Coaching, reach out through the websites above. Sending lots of love to everyone.
Sending out a huge thank you to those who are monetarily supporting this podcast. Your contribution makes a huge difference in the Love Wide Open mission. If you love what is happening here on this podcast, you can support us for future episodes by going to the Anchor App and pledging a monthly amount.
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6/14/2019 • 10 minutes, 47 seconds
Ep 59 Loving Someone Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol
Substance abuse is a topic that comes up a lot with clients, whether it be their personal addiction or the addiction of someone they love. Whether the addict in your life is a partner, a parent, a sibling or a friend, maintaining a relationship with a person with a substance abuse issue will present challenges for you. If you love someone who abuses drugs or alcohol, their dependence becomes an unavoidable part of your life.
Don't forget to subscribe or follow on whatever platform you are listening on so that you don't miss another episode. If you are listening on the Anchor app, you can leave me a message that may be used or read in a future episode. I can also be reached at or I look forward to hearing from you. Be gentle with yourself, always. <3
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6/11/2019 • 9 minutes, 3 seconds
Ep 58 How to Put Positivity into Action
In the last two episodes, I have discussed negative and positive self-talk. In this episode, I discuss how to put positivity into action and the practices that you can put into place to obtain a more positive mindset. If you are listening on the Anchor app, you can send me a message that may be read or played on a future episode. Thank you for listening and I can be reached through the contact form at or
Want to Attract more Positivity in your life? Check out my mini-course Attracting Positivity through Gratitude and Appreciation. I love this mini-course and you get to chat with me inside the course.
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6/7/2019 • 10 minutes, 15 seconds
Ep 57 Positive Self-Talk: Daily Positive Affirmations
Words have power. We can either use negative words or positive words. Negative words hold us back. Positive words propel us forward. The language we use with ourselves internally and with the world at large have a major impact on who we become. They can keep us struggling or they can empower us to strive for high achievement and a better life for ourselves and the world. There is power in getting into a routine or habit of positive self-talk.
Let me know what your words of positivity are going to be for yourself. If you would like to work with me, I can be reached at or Don't forget to subscribe or follow the podcast on whatever channel you are listening so that you don't miss another episode.
Want to Attract more Positivity in your life? Check out my mini-course Attracting Positivity through Gratitude and Appreciation. I love this mini-course and you get to chat with me inside the course.
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6/3/2019 • 10 minutes, 26 seconds
Ep 56 Negative Self-Talk: How It Limits Our Growth and Expansion
Sometimes we aren't even aware that we have a negative internal dialogue that can also spill out to the Universe and become our reality. Negative words and thoughts become what we are. If we believe we aren't good enough, then we aren't. The things we think and speak are important to our stagnation or our growth. Let's discuss those negative words and phrases and touch upon how to slowly shift that around.
If you are listening on Anchor, you can send me a message via the app, if you are listening on Apple Podcasts, I would love your honest review. Don't forget to subscribe or favorite so that you don't miss another episode. I can also be reached at or at
Want to Attract more Positivity in your life? Check out my mini-course Attracting Positivity through Gratitude and Appreciation. I love this mini-course and you get to chat with me inside the course.
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5/30/2019 • 11 minutes, 33 seconds
Ep 55 Death Teaches Us How to Live
If you knew you had one week to live, what would you do differently with your time? If it is different than your every day life, it is time to dig deeper. Let's talk about how death teaches us how to live instead of wasting our precious gift of life. If you are listening on Anchor, you can send me a message about this episode or any previous episode. If you are listening on Apple Podcasts, please leave your honest review of this podcast. There is a poem in my book, Roots and Tendrils, that speaks to this topic called "Life". I can be reached at or Thank you for your support.
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5/24/2019 • 9 minutes, 52 seconds
Ep 54 Why Do We Fear Change?
Why are we so quick to fear change? Why do we get anxious about the things we can't control? Change, often, brings us amazing periods of growth. So what must we do to embrace change and put fear aside? I would love your feedback on this episode or any other episode. If you are listening on Apple Podcasts or another platform that allows reviews, I would also love your review. I can be reached at or
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5/19/2019 • 9 minutes, 26 seconds
Ep 53 Keeping An Open Heart
So many of us push away our discomforts and opt to stay only in our comfort zones. What we are ultimately doing is pushing away those things that we need to work through from past hurts, traumas or faulty beliefs. When we lean into the discomfort and allow ourselves to heal our "stuff", we free ourselves and allow are hearts to be more open. And when our hearts are more open, so are our minds and vice versa. Don't forget to subscribe and review if your listening platform allows it. Thank you. If you have questions or comments about this episode or other episodes, I can be reached at or
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5/11/2019 • 7 minutes, 32 seconds
Ep 52 Rebuilding Your Life After Leaving a Toxic Relationship
Many of you have heard me talk about chasing joy after getting out of a toxic relationship. I have made a few videos about it on both the Love Wide Open Channel on YouTube and also Love Wide Open on Facebook. How do you do it? How do you rebuild your life after losing yourself and giving yourself away to a toxic connection with someone else. It takes a lot of hard work and effort but it starts with getting back into doing the things you love and spending time with the people who love you. There are numerous articles about it on If you have any questions about this episode or want to work with me, I can be reached through either or
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5/6/2019 • 5 minutes, 39 seconds
Ep 51 Loving Someone Too Hard Can Become Tainted / Toxic Love
Just because you love someone doesn't mean that they are going to be able to receive it. You can't save someone with your love. Only they can save themselves. When we squeeze too hard, we can squash the love we are trying to give away and then it just becomes toxic for both parties involved. You can find me on or Please reach you about this episode or something you would like to hear about.
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5/2/2019 • 12 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 50 Are You Living Your Best Life?
When facing great challenges in life it is very easy to blame other people and situations for our pain. Invariably, you will find that accepting responsibility for yourself and your life is the only way to bring about lasting change. I would love to hear from you about either this episode or other content you would love to hear. You can reach me or through You can also check out my book, Roots and Tendrils here on Amazon.
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4/30/2019 • 9 minutes, 16 seconds
Ep 49 Fear, Vulnerability and Courage
“Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s tough to do that when we’re terrified about what people might see or think.” — Brené Brown
To contact me, you can reach out at [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also learn more about my book through the Roots and Tendrils page on
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4/17/2019 • 11 minutes, 57 seconds
Ep 48 Embracing Our Shadow and Our Light
We can learn a lot about ourselves and society in general if we choose to embrace the shadow self instead of ignore it or make it "not" part of who we actually are. Listen in as I discuss how embracing our shadow actually allows for us to be more compassionate with ourselves and others. Feel free to reach out to discuss this topic at [email protected] or [email protected]. You can find out more about my book Roots and Tendrils at
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4/15/2019 • 8 minutes, 35 seconds
Ep 47 Friendship Brings Many Gifts
Friendship is such a beautiful testiment and witness to who we really are in the eyes of another. Friendship can be fleeting or last beyond our own passing. Join me on a journey through what true friendship means through the words of one of my favorite poets, David Whyte. He has been one of the inspirations in my own writing and publishing of my poetry book, Roots and Tendrils.
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4/12/2019 • 9 minutes, 14 seconds
Ep 46 How To Find Joy In Life
As we are moving through life, why does it become harder to find or express the joyful moments in life like when we were children? Where are you #chasingjoy? How are you finding joy in your life? Have you forgotten to look around and see it everywhere in every present moment? You can connect with my more on or and reach out through email on either site. My book, Roots and Tendrils, is available on Amazon. A poetic journey through the highs of love and the lows of heartbreak that ultimately lead you to self-love. It's for anyone who has ever loved or been loved.
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