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GodsyGirl Inspiration for Christian Women and Pastors Wives Cover
GodsyGirl Inspiration for Christian Women and Pastors Wives Profile

GodsyGirl Inspiration for Christian Women and Pastors Wives

English, Christian Rap, 2 seasons, 40 episodes, 13 hours, 38 minutes
Inspiration for women living live and managing Christian leadership roles and pastor's wives.
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Supporting the Brokenhearted: Christian Tips for Grief

In this heartfelt episode, we dive into practical, faith-based tips for managing grief as a Christian and explore ways to support others through their own journeys of loss. Whether you’re dealing with personal grief or walking alongside someone else, this episode offers encouragement, biblical insight, and strategies for finding comfort and hope in difficult times. Join us for an honest conversation on grieving with grace, healing, and the power of God’s presence in our most challenging moments.
10/10/202433 minutes, 52 seconds
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Prayer for Forgiveness

In the midst of life's challenges and moments of regret, the power of forgiveness stands as a beacon of hope, offering solace and redemption to both the forgiver and the forgiven. Join me for my podcast "A Prayer for Forgiveness," where I explore the profound journey of seeking and granting forgiveness. This podcast is based on my blog post on Click here to read it: If you are grappling with the courage to forgive or simply intrigued by the profound human experience of letting go, this podcast offers a sanctuary of empathy, guidance, and inspiration. Tune in to "A Prayer for Forgiveness" and embark on a transformative journey towards healing, love, and compassion.  
11/3/202322 minutes, 13 seconds
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Gained too much weight... God helps!

Your relationship with the Lord will grow closer and closer once you realize He will help you with absolutely EVERYTHING you need in this lifetime.  Why should weight loss be any different? See what I'm doing to get my weight under control and how I'm doing it God's way.         
7/15/202225 minutes, 14 seconds
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Got a Bully? Don't worry, you've got Jesus too!

Dealing with bullies can be a challenge.  Sometimes people purposely target Christians because they think we are easy targets. I say WE ARE NOT!  Listen to this podcast about how Christians handle bullies and get a fresh perspective on your power, your purpose, and the God who is always fighting for you.    Check out the GodsyGirl blog post "How to handle a bully as a Christian": Don't forget to visit the GodsyGirl Shop!  
6/4/202129 minutes, 38 seconds
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What if God is pleased with you...right now... as you are.

So many Christian women live in guilt and condemnation.  But, what if God is pleased with you ... RIGHT NOW!  All the things the enemy makes you feel guilty about, what if God is like "Whateverrrrr", just be with me. I'm with you and I'm ok with you as you are.  Wow! Let's talk about it.  Be sure to visit me at
9/2/202013 minutes, 33 seconds
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What to say to your Black friend right now.

We are living and some very difficult days. In this episode, I'm sharing what my Caucasian friends have done to support me During these terrible times. As I mentioned in the podcast this is my perspective and my voice. I hope it encourages some, educates others, and is a good contribution to the current times we're living in.    In this podcast, you'll get three points and a couple of suggestions.       Be sure to check out!  
6/19/202029 minutes, 54 seconds
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Godly relationship advice for Christian Couples

Hey, here is some real-deal Godly relationship advice for Christian.  Hear this unusual "take" on what becoming "one flesh" is like. It hurts. Could that be part of the process?    Be sure to check out!  
6/5/202022 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to keep faith in times like this

I actually recorded this podcast somewhat at the beginning of the global problem we're in right now.   Somehow it didn't post. However, I'm going to share it anyway but beware that it is a little bit out of order.   The message is clear: buck up, Christian woman. Now is the time to demonstrate the strength that you've cultivated in the years and months and days prior to this crisis.    Do you want to know how to keep the faith? Listen to this podcast and you'll know.   Now is a crazy time.  How can we handle the hard emotions that surface when we are "still"?  I'll tell you how I'm dealing with it and how I'm dealing with emotions I THOUGHT I had dealt with years ago.  Always hopeful. Always faith-filled. Always real.  How I'm getting through all this: my e-store, watching my hair turn gray and my Bible!   Visit GodsyGirl Shop today! Visit GodsyGirl the blog too!       
5/29/202019 minutes, 37 seconds
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Moving toward your purpose - Step 1

Yeah. Here's part one. If this is the first time you're seeing this podcast episode for Christian women,  the reason I'm starting the description this way is that I had some tech issues that tripped me up and as a result, this podcast series is a little out of order. But trust me, it's very worth the effort. Backtrack listen to these in order and get motivated to live and pursue your life's purpose. Every Breath You Breathe is because God has a reason for you to be here. Don't delay. Don't dawdle. Get about it!      Be sure to check out!  
5/15/202015 minutes, 5 seconds
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Moving toward your purpose - Step 2

Hey, What can I say? I had some tech issues and some of my uploads didn't happen as expected. Boohoo!    Anyway, I'm uploading this part 2 segment to finding your purpose.   I’m so sorry, but you'll have to backtrack to listen to part 1 and part 3. Don’t worry. It’s worth the trouble. :)   This podcast episode features scriptures you can focus on and ground your faith on as you’re pursuing your life purpose.    Remember, your faith is only as good as what you put it in. Anytime your faith is anchored in God's Word you're going to be just fine!
5/15/20208 minutes, 59 seconds
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Handling the "bad" feelings during this time - Christian Women

Now is a crazy time.  How can we handle the hard emotions that surface when we are "still"?  I'll tell you how I'm dealing with it and how I'm dealing with emotions I THOUGHT I had dealt with years ago.  Always hopeful. Always faith-filled. Always real.  How I'm getting through all this: my e-store, watching my hair turn gray and my Bible!  
5/13/202024 minutes, 45 seconds
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Prayer for good medical test results

Check out my take on how you wait for God and you cultivate your prayer for good medical results.  Please hear this in the context in which it is given. The words are strong and I make no apologies.  My goal is to light a fire in someone facing a test result or a diagnosis.  Here is the thing.  I've been there.  I've been there several times and I'm going to share how I stay in dogged faith when I'm faced with something scary and how I respond while I'm believing God for someone else's healing.  NOTE: I do NOT believe we can manipulate God with a specific set of beliefs.  His will reigns. But, until HE makes the decision on your outcome, I want you to remain in faith. I want you to trust Him for your peace's sake - NOT BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE HIM DO ANYTHING.  That faulty theology exists and I am not advocating that. I'm advocating for the sort of faith that leans on:  "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all [a]comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-8 DO KNOW: If God carries you to a trial, He has a plan, provision and will help you through it.  But, until He does, you remain in faith.  Sickness is not a sin. If you are struggling now through this sort of season, keep the faith-filled atmosphere while you fight! 
3/17/202013 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why Pastors Wives should be on social media

One of the most important characteristics of a pastor's wife is being accessible and relate-able.  I think social media helps with this. Listen now to hear my tips and my "take" on why pastors wives should be on social media. Maybe you'll agree. Maybe you won't, but either way you'll hear a solid argument as to why you should use social media to get to know the women in your congregation and community.   
3/2/202022 minutes, 14 seconds
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Don't let people get on your nerves, Girl!

Neglect yourself and you neglect those who need you.  Find out what I mean. Listen to my take on creating an atmosphere for taking care of yourself and eliminating the foolishness in your world.  This episode isn't so much about pastors' wives as it is relevant to any woman trying to find the mythical "balance" to make it all happen.    Here is the full scripture I referenced in the episode. Psalm 9 For the director of music. To the tune of “The Death of the Son.” A psalm of David. 1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;     I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. 2 I will be glad and rejoice in you;     I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. 3 My enemies turn back;     they stumble and perish before you. 4 For you have upheld my right and my cause,     sitting enthroned as the righteous judge. 5 You have rebuked the nations and destroyed the wicked;     you have blotted out their name for ever and ever. 6 Endless ruin has overtaken my enemies,     you have uprooted their cities;     even the memory of them has perished. 7 The Lord reigns forever;     he has established his throne for judgment. 8 He rules the world in righteousness     and judges the peoples with equity. 9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,     a stronghold in times of trouble. 10 Those who know your name trust in you,     for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. 11 Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion;     proclaim among the nations what he has done. 12 For he who avenges blood remembers;     he does not ignore the cries of the afflicted. 13 Lord, see how my enemies persecute me!     Have mercy and lift me up from the gates of death, 14 that I may declare your praises     in the gates of Daughter Zion,     and there rejoice in your salvation. 15 The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug;     their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. 16 The Lord is known by his acts of justice;     the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.[c] 17 The wicked go down to the realm of the dead,     all the nations that forget God. 18 But God will never forget the needy;     the hope of the afflicted will never perish. 19 Arise, Lord, do not let mortals triumph;     let the nations be judged in your presence. 20 Strike them with terror, Lord;     let the nations know they are only mortal. You gotta checkout the GodsyGirl Shop! Amazing apparel for Christian women and Christian men! You'll also find hilarious tees for both as well! Visit today!
2/7/202014 minutes, 56 seconds
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Praying For Your Husband - FOR REAL

Praying for your husband is not often the first thing you think about in the morning? Or is it? It’s not for me. Let me be clear. I’m talking PRAYER. I don’t mean praying while vacuuming, folding laundry or running to the supermarket. I mean REALLY praying for him?  Setting aside time. Turning off the television, assuming a prayer posture JUST FOR HIM. Let's talk more about it in this podcast.  Check out my blog post on and grab a sample prayer to inspire you to pray for your man.   Don't forget the GodsyGirl Shop!  
7/20/201912 minutes, 51 seconds
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Wifely Duties List

I typed this type exactly how folks Googled my blog  Hilarious, right?  Not that someone would search for it, but that I would try to tackle it. Get ready. Buckle up. I'm going to share some of the secrets of making my ministry marriage work.  Not perfect, but I sure got a better handle on it than I did when I first married! Be blessed and be sure to visit and the GodsyGirlShop at!    
5/31/201918 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to be a better wife

How to be a better wife starts with being a good Christian.  I still have so much to learn about how to be a wife, but I know this much! Check out this Christian podcast and gets a few practical tips to help you be a better wife.  Be sure to visit me below: Visit   You gotta checkout the GodsyGirl Shop! Amazing apparel for Christian women and Christian men! You'll also find hilarious tees for both as well! Visit today!    
5/24/201917 minutes, 43 seconds
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Psalms to equip and inspire - Scriptures from the Bible

Psalms hold such rich treasures to not only hold us accountable, but also to equip us for battle. In these Psalms, I read to you straight from the Bible.      Be sure to visit me below: Visit   You gotta checkout the GodsyGirl Shop! Amazing apparel for Christian women and Christian men! You'll also find hilarious tees for both as well! Visit today!    
5/17/201923 minutes, 51 seconds
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Don't be like me - Wake up and PRAY!

Christian prayer time is critical to our daily victory and sense of well-being.   You can at any time Google and find searches for everything from prayer for my family to healing prayer.  But, the best prayers in hard times come from your heart. They are organic...and necessary.  Hope you enjoy this podcast and are encouraged to wake up!    Be sure to visit me below: Visit   You gotta checkout the GodsyGirl Shop! Amazing apparel for Christian women and Christian men! You'll also find hilarious tees for both as well! Visit today!    
5/10/201926 minutes, 42 seconds
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Babies, Surgery and Purpose - Christian Woman and Pastor's Wife Podcast

I learned several things lately. I'm sharing. I've learned God can hide sweet moments in trying ones, like my son's surgery. I've learned God answers prayers we pray even when the other person doesn't know it and I've learned we serve a powerful Lord and Savior in Jesus Christ (actually, I knew that one I knew already:)
4/15/201921 minutes, 1 second
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After and During Scary Times

In this episode, I share a personal scare and how God got me through it. It also taught me something very important about my marriage. Learn from my lessons.
4/8/201918 minutes, 2 seconds
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Blended Christian Families

This is a tough topic. I've lived it and I think it presents TONS of challenges.  There is no perfect solution, but here is my take. Blended families can work, but in just about every case there is some confusion and discomfort in the beginning. Here's my story and my "take".
4/6/201920 minutes, 40 seconds
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The problem being strong Black woman and a Wife

Marriage is hard for any ethnicity.  However, it is super hard for women of color because of the models we saw and the way we were socialized. I'm talking real talk and giving real warnings in this episode of GodsyGirl FaithJuice.  I hunger for your comments and thoughts. 
3/29/201920 minutes, 38 seconds
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Characteristics of a Pastors Wife

Let's talk about some characteristics of a pastor's wife.  Find some practical, real life conversations about everything from jealousy to confidence.
3/26/201918 minutes, 38 seconds
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How should a pastor's wife dress?

What should a pastor's wife wear?  How should a pastor's wife dress?  Buckle up on this's going to be a bumpy ride. As usual, I have very strong opinions. Let me know what you think.
3/22/201910 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dating A Pastor - Look before you leap

Are you a single woman thinking of dating a pastor? If so, here are a few tips and "food for thought" before you take the leap into the "deep" end of the pool of being a pastor's wife. Pastors wives deal with so many things and many could be avoided if you plan ahead, ask the right questions and keep your eyes peeled. 
3/18/201918 minutes, 41 seconds
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Leave the Pastor's Kids ALONE! - Supporting PKs and Pastors' kids

I'm talking real talk about the struggles pastors' children (commonly known as PKs) deal with in ministry. Warning: I'm talking transparently to church members and pastors' wives. 
3/11/201924 minutes, 12 seconds
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God's Word and a Car Ride

I'm sorry.  I purposely re-did this podcast. Corrected some audio errors and adjusted sound. Blame it on being a newbie Christian podcaster.  If you're getting this a second time...please forgive.  If you're getting it for the first're welcome. :) 
3/11/201912 minutes, 9 seconds
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Encouragement Scriptures for waiting on medical test, marriage problems, life problems and hard times

Going through a rough time? Need encouragement from the Bible and not a lot of "blah blah". Well, listen now and hear scriptures to soothe your anxious spirit. Everything will be ok. 
3/8/201912 minutes, 43 seconds
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Navigating Difficult Conversations in Work, Life and Relationships

Difficult, conflict-ridden conversations can be tough.  Here are some time-tested concepts to help you understand the other person, diffuse your own "white noise" and manage the conflict with grace, fairness and kindness. It's all about perspective. 
3/8/201924 minutes, 51 seconds
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Interview with In the Word Ministry founder Eileen Epps Hamilton

I had the pleasure of my first interview with the founder of In the Word Ministries and the Morning Reflections podcast. Be blessed and challenged.  Visit online at In the Word Ministries, Inc. ( Be sure to share and leave your comments!   
3/7/201938 minutes, 9 seconds
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Tearing Your House Down with Your Own Hands

I'm talking real talk again - to you and me - about how to manage all these demands on our lives. In the end, we can't tear down our homes because we can't keep our mouths shut or because of our own insecurities. Let me know what you think...whether you're a pastor's wife or not. 
3/4/201929 minutes, 28 seconds
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Who are you to judge, Pastors Wife?

It's clear we know secrets. It's also clear we are human beings. Let's talk about how to keep our humanness from interfering with our spiritual role and the confidence people place in us as pastors' wives. 
3/3/201911 minutes, 38 seconds
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Moving toward your purpose - Step 3

You're ready!  You're embolden with God's Word and you've started inching toward great things in the Lord. In this episode, I talk about your final step. It's a doozy and your seed of success is buried deep inside!         
3/3/201915 minutes, 33 seconds
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Shine Bright, Pastor's Wife!

Being married to a pastor can be taxing. It can be difficult to find your way when you are standing beside a man in ministry.  However, it's ultimately up to you whether you shrink or shine! Stand. Be. Walk out your own destiny while complementing his.  You've got this, Pastor's Wife and the best part is God's got you!
3/1/201915 minutes, 47 seconds
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God's Word and a Car Ride

I did something different here. This episode is 99% God's Word. Listen to this when you're relaxing, driving or needing a spiritual recharge to your Christian spirit.  My Youtube Channel
2/27/201912 minutes, 52 seconds
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A full class on how to plan Christian Workshops

As a professional training facilitator, I created this online class for Christian women speakers creating workshops and classes for Christian women events. Find me on Youtube
2/17/201933 minutes, 49 seconds
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Christian Professional in the Workplace - Be present! Speak up!

Let no one bully you intellectually, professionally or creatively.  Whether you're a pastor's wife or a Christian woman contributing to a project, speak up! I'm on Youtube too!
2/17/20196 minutes, 47 seconds