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Bro History

English, National/National politics/National assembly, 1 season, 171 episodes, 3 days, 17 hours, 43 minutes
Bro History delivers an unapologetic and humorous take on history, geopolitics, and international news. Every week you will receive multiple hours of foreign policy & history-themed content that is thought-provoking, politically incorrect and educational.
Episode Artwork

Sudan Crises - Why is Sudan on the verge of Full-Blown Civil War?

Fighting broke out on April 15th between two power factions in Sudan: the army and the largest paramilitary force. Sadly, hundreds, if not thousands of people have already been killed. To understand the current situation, we must go back to the 30-year reign of Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, the former strongman of Sudan. Al-Bashir created two rival military factions to balance each other out. However, the leaders of both groups conspired together to overthrow al-Bashir in 2019. Now they are fighting each other. Today we talk about the history of Sudan and the problems that plague most African countries. #276 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/27/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gorkastan: The most important country you never heard of

Gorkastan is a country which holds the record as "least google-able" - as a result, finding articles and podcasts on the country is really hard. So we decided to be the first. Join us as we unearth ancient tales of barley gods, delve into the comical misadventures of the Great Goat War, and explore the quirkiest scandals that have rocked Gorkastan from the time of the Gorkum civilization to the present day. Whether it's navigating the high-stakes world of international politics or uncovering the secret luxury island retreats for the rich and powerful, we'll reveal the absurd, the scandalous, and the downright bizarre in the epic saga of Gorkastan. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. #275 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/20/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Bizarre Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane

On today's episode, we discuss the background of the infamous extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane and his eventual murder by Al Qaeda.  IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. #274 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/13/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 45 seconds
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Zionism, Antisemitism & the Palestine Question

Sheldon Richman joins us today to discuss the origins of the state of Israeli, Zionism and the current political environment. Coming to Palestine - IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. #273 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/6/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 59 seconds
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Israeli Civil War

Pundits are warning that civil war may be coming to Israel. In fact, civil war has already arrived. Well... at the very least there is a massive culture war going on. For the past 12 weeks or so, there has been a large scale protests over legislation that would weaken the power of the Israeli supreme court, reflecting a massive schism in society. Today we discuss the culture war going in Israel in more detail, along with the proposed bill that is escalating the problem. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. #272 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/30/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 17 seconds
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Georgia - The New Global Hotspot?

Looks like Georgia is turning into a global hotspot.. again. Protesters took to the streets in opposition to a foreign registration bill introduced by Georgia's ruling party. The bill would require that entities receiving more than 20 percent of funding from abroad register and explain their funding source. Which brings up the real question, is this a legit way to curb foreign influence or a means of media oppression.  Today we debate the issue in addition to dissecting US and Russian influence strategies in different countries. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. #271 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/23/20232 hours, 23 minutes, 51 seconds
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China's Plan for the Middle East

Jose Nino joins the show to discuss how the China-brokered Saudi-Iran deal impacts the Middle East, along with the rest of the world. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. #270 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 34 seconds
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Unit 731 - Human Experemenation & Bio Warfare in Japan

Unit 731 was a covert biological warfare R&D unit in Imperial Japan that engaged in lethal human experimentation. They would perform vivisections (autopsies with a living subject) and intentionally infect people with diseases (smallpox, plagues, typhus, anthrax, etc). This was all in the name of science, so it was probably "justified" /s. Today we discuss the history of this program and how those institutions justified crimes against humanity. HEY YOU!!! Yea, I'm talking to you! Fill out the survey below and you can win $500. If you don't fill it out, this podcast can potentially self destruct. #269 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/20231 hour, 59 minutes, 56 seconds
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Armenian Genocide

Ara Sanjian joins us today to discuss the origins and horrors of the Armenian genocide. We cover the following: Why the Turks to viewed Armenians as radicals How Ottoman entry into WW1 led the government to blame Armenians for disloyalty The tragic ethnic cleansing campaigns and wealth distribution of Armenians  Forced assimilation of Armenians Current Turkish governments stance on the Armenian genocide Ara Sanjian is an Associate Professor of History and the Director of the Armenian Research Center from the University of Michigan at Dearborn. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #268 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/20231 hour, 47 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to form a Nation State

Joseph Solis Mullen joins us to discuss the "Nation State". To be more specific, what exactly is a nation state and why do things get so damn violent when people form them. We trace the origins of modern states from agrarian feudal societies with limited power to modern behemoths with the ability to propagandize tens of millions of people into a sense of community. Knibb High football rules! ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #267 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20231 hour, 53 minutes, 21 seconds
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Rise of the German Police State

The 1970s was not only the age of M*A*S*H, heavy cologne to mask body odor and flammable mattresses. It was also dubbed the "Global Age of Terror", especially in Western Europe. You had national separatist groups, anti imperialist and straight communists blowing stuff up and kidnapping people on a regular basis. The worst cases were in West Germany, being that it was the borderland between two massive Empires trying to subvert each other every chance they got. In the episode we discuss how the Western German government cracked down on militant groups, while always trying not to go too far given their … you know.. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #266 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/16/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 59 seconds
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Political Terror & Bank Hiests in 1970s Germany

Get ready for another wild and crazy story about everyones favorite West German far-left Marxist-Leninist urban guerrilla group who we're assuming doesnt shower very much. Today we discuss the Baader–Meinhof (AKA The Red Army Faction) and some of their stranger escapades such as bank robberies, bombings and even training with the PLO. Listen comrades and lets take on the global capitalist dictatorship! Hail the Victory of the Proletarian Revolutionary! ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #265 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/8/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 36 seconds
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Red Army Faction - Left Wing Guerrillas in West Germany

In the 1970s, the Red Army Faction terrorized West Germany, robbing banks, bombing military bases and murdering policemen, all in the name of overthrowing “the fascist state.” On today's episode we discuss the origins of this gang of misfits who almost set modern Germany on fire. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Support on Patreon: #264 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 17 seconds
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Causes of WW1 – German Invasion of Belgium

On today’s episode, we discuss the events that played out after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand that turned a regional conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia into a global war. We focus on the Schlieffen plan – the German plan to win the war early by invading neutral Belgium. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Support on Patreon: #263 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/19/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 55 seconds
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Causes of WW1 – Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

We did it folks. We’re finally here. On today’s episode, we discuss the build up to the “shot heard round the world”. We take a look at the political situation in Bosnia, how it connected to secret Serbian nationalist societies, and dive into the back stories of both Franz Ferdinand and his killer Gavrilo Princip to give you all the context on what is honestly one of the weirdest and most impactful assassinations in world history. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Support on Patreon: #262 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/5/20222 hours, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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Causes of WW1 – Twisted Politics in Serbia

Today we discuss the brutal murder of a European Monarchie, hyper nationalism in Serbia and the origins of the secret regicide network known as the “Black Hand” (you know, the guys who kill Archduke Ferdinand). As Ralph Raico says – “The immediate origins of the 1914 war lie in the twisted politics of the Kingdom of Serbia.[1] In June, 1903, Serbian army officers murdered their king and queen in the palace and threw their bodies out a window, at the same time massacring various royal relations, cabinet ministers, and members of the palace guards. It was an act that horrified and disgusted many in the civilized world. The military clique replaced the pro-Austrian Obrenovic dynasty with the anti-Austrian Karageorgevics. The new government pursued a pro-Russian, Pan-Slavist policy, and a network of secret societies sprang up, closely linked to the government, whose goal was the ‘liberation’ of the Serb subjects of Austria (and Turkey), and perhaps the other South Slavs as well.” Did you say murder? Well now I need to listen. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #261 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 40 seconds
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Causes of WW1 – Anglo-German Arms Race

Today, we discuss the polarization of Europe’s geopolitical system, along with the naval arms race between Britain and Germany. As Christopher Clark says – “If you compare a diagram of the alliances among the European great powers in 1887 with a similar map for the year 1907, you see the outlines of a transformation. The first diagram reveals a multipolar system, in which a plurality of forces and interests balance each other in precarious equilibrium. Move forward twenty years to a diagram of the European alliances in 1907, and the picture has changed utterly. You see a bipolar Europe organized around two alliance systems” Well how did this all happen? Listen to this episode to find out. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Support on Patreon: #260 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/20221 hour, 41 minutes, 33 seconds
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Causes of WW1 – Bismarck’s Alliance System

Today, we kickoff our series on the causes of WWI. We focus on how the rise of the German Empire reshuffled the balance of power in Europe. In addition, we discuss the alliance system Otto von Bismarck created to isolate Germany’s bitter rival France. The question is, did his foreign policy blow up in Germany’s face? ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Support on Patreon: #259 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 39 seconds
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Overextending Russia

Bro History Overextending Russia On today’s episode, we discuss the potential US strategy to lure Russia into geopolitical and economic quagmires. Support on Patreon: #258 Overextending Russia szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/22/20221 hour, 46 minutes, 7 seconds
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United States Bombs Puerto Rico Pt. 2

Bro History United States Bombs Puerto Rico Pt. 2 On today’s episode, we cover the early conditions of colonization of Puerto Rico by the US, including economic disenfranchisement, usury, forced sterilization, police brutality, and massive surveillance to give the background historical context for the 6 crazy stories we presented on our last episode of United States Bombs Puerto Rico. While this episode can certainly stand on its own, If you haven’t listened to the last episode, we highly encourage giving that a listen as well. Support on Patreon: #257 United States Bombs Puerto Rico Pt. 2 szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/20221 hour, 35 minutes, 13 seconds
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Russia, Ukraine & Nuclear War with Scott Horton

Bro History Russia, Ukraine & Nuclear War with Scott Horton Scott Horton joins us to today to discuss Russia, Ukraine and the danger of Nuclear war. Check out Hotter Than the Sun: Support on Patreon: #256 Russia, Ukraine & Nuclear War with Scott Horton szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/29/20222 hours, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
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United States Bombs Puerto Rico

Bro History United States Bombs Puerto Rico On occasion, we come across a historical story that we’re shocked we didn’t know about. On today’s episode, we present to you 6 of them. We cover the Puerto Rican Nationalist movement in the 1950s, and specifically a four day period of revolutions for Independance and assassination attempts that conclude with The US dropping bombs on Puerto Rican cities.   Support on Patreon: #255 United States Bombs Puerto Rico szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Taiwan Lobby

Bro History The Taiwan Lobby Today we talk about the impact of foreign governments on US policy and Think Tanks. Specifically, how the Taiwan lobby paved the way for Pelosi’s trip this summer. We also discuss the origins of the “One China Policy”. Check out this article: Support on Patreon: #254 The Taiwan Lobby szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 25 seconds
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Right Wing Populism

Bro History Right Wing Populism José Niño comes on to discuss right wing populism is in America. Episode: 253 Right Wing Populism szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/5/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 36 seconds
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Separatist Movements: Spain

Bro History Separatist Movements: Spain On Today’s Episode we use the declining situation in Kosovo as a segway to talk about something most westerners don’t really know about: Separatist movements in Europe. Specifically, we review some separatist movements in Spain, like the Catalonians, which to this day are vying for independence. Support on Patreon: #252 Separatist Movements: Spain szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 37 seconds
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Is China about to invade Taiwan?

Bro History Is China about to invade Taiwan? On today’s episode, we invited Joseph Solis-Mullen back on the show to comment on recent developments in  China – Taiwan relations. We discuss Speaker of the House Pelosi’s controversial visit to Taiwan and the resulting Chinese live fire exercises, The potential for Chinese economic collapse, and a whole lot more. Joseph Solis-Mullen is a political scientist with expertise in China. Support on Patreon: #251 Is China about to invade Taiwan? szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/17/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 49 seconds
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Reviewing Reviews

Bro History Reviewing Reviews Heads up for the people who want us to stick to history – this one’s all rabbit holes. On today’s episode, we review your reviews. Find out how we feel about reviews like: “You guys are like the ‘missionary position’ of 20th century history.” “The good: they talk about history in terms that rubes can understand. The bad: they aren’t particularly good at it” “This is the most accurately described podcast I have ever come across—and not in a good way.” Support on Patreon: #250 Reviewing Reviews szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/20222 hours, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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Breaking the US Political Duopoly with Matt Hoh

Bro History Breaking the US Political Duopoly with Matt Hoh On today’s Episode, Matt Hoh joins us to tell the crazy story of how his North Carolina Senate run as the presumptive Green Party candidate was suppressed by the National Democratic Party. Matt is a former Marine Corps Captain and worked in the State Department as part of the provincial reconstruction team in Afghanistan. In 2009, Matt resigned in protest from his post over the American escalation of the war. We chat about the Duopoly of the US government, how actions taken by the Democratic party to block his run could represent a dangerous precedent against any third parties running in the US, as well as a little bit of history. Support on Patreon: #249 Breaking the US Political Duopoly with Matt Hoh szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/20221 hour, 41 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Spanish American War

Bro History The Spanish American War On today’s episode, we continue our discussion of the Spanish American War. We discuss the onset of the war, Yellow Journalism and its impacts on the War, and the implications of the explosion of the USS Maine. Support on Patreon: #248 The Spanish American War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/25/20221 hour, 36 minutes, 7 seconds
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Bro History McCarthyism On today’s episode, we talk a period in US history where there was a widespread effort to root out Soviet spies in the Government. We dive into Joe McCarthy’s history, how his particular brand of inquisition became synonymous with political “witch hunts”, and debate on the effectiveness and legitimacy of those efforts on US policy. Also, we talk a bit about how McCarthyism is potentially being applied today. Support on Patreon: #247 McCarthyism szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/18/20221 hour, 47 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Global Financial Crisis

Bro History The Global Financial Crisis On today’s episode, we invited Joseph Solis-Mullen and Jose Nino to help us understand the potential for a coming global financial crisis, how it impacts approval ratings of world leaders, and what strategies countries around the world may be putting into place as a result. Support on Patreon: #246   The Global Financial Crisis szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 28 seconds
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Origins of the Spanish – American War

Bro History Origins of the Spanish – American War On today’s episode we walk through the complex series of events of the early 1800’s which lead up to the Spanish – American War. Support on Patreon: #245 Origins of the Spanish – American War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 35 seconds
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Joe Biden & Saudi Arabia

Bro History Joe Biden & Saudi Arabia On today’s episode we discuss current US relations with Saudi Arabia. We also talk about the Saudi war in Yemen. Support on Patreon: #244 Joe Biden & Saudi Arabia szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 16 seconds
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Turkey is now Türkiye

Bro History Turkey is now Türkiye On today’s episode, we discuss Turkey’s recent name change to Türkiye, why they changed it, and some interesting facts about country names, language quirks, and turkeys (the birds). Also, we dive into Turkish plans to invade Syria… again. Support on Patreon: #243 Turkey is now Türkiye szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/20/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 22 seconds
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US Geopolitics in Ukraine & Taiwan

Bro History US Geopolitics in Ukraine & Taiwan On today’s episode,  Joseph Solis-Mullen joins us to discuss the current geopolitical situation in Russia, Ukraine, China and Taiwan. Support on Patreon: #242 US Geopolitics in Ukraine & Taiwan szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/10/20222 hours, 18 minutes, 2 seconds
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Peculiar Puerto Rican History

Bro History Peculiar Puerto Rican History To commemorate Henry’s trip to Puerto Rico, we’ve decided to chat about the complicated, interesting and downright weird aspects of Puerto Rican history. We discuss cultural issues, conspiracy theories, its dark colonial past, and potential futures of the island of enchantment. Support on Patreon: #241 Peculiar Puerto Rican History szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/26/20221 hour, 45 minutes, 11 seconds
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History of the Lend-Lease Act

Bro History History of the Lend-Lease Act On May 9th, 2022, Joe Biden signed the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022. On today’s episode, we discuss the history of the original Lend-Lease act from WWII, and how it impacted the war on the eastern front. Also, we dive into the nitty gritty of an open bill in congress, which aims to provide Ukraine with $40b in aid. Support on Patreon: #240 History of the Lend-Lease Act szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/16/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ballistic Missiles in Ukraine

Bro History Ballistic Missiles in Ukraine On today’s episode, we discuss the use of ballistic missiles in the ongoing war in Ukraine. We review the different types of missiles used, and discuss the different controversial events surrounding their use. Also, we chat about multiple rocket launchers (MRLs), the use of drones, and their impact on warfare. Support on Patreon: #239 Ballistic Missiles in Ukraine szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/20221 hour, 44 minutes, 28 seconds
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Origins of the Ukraine Crises

Bro History Origins of the Ukraine Crises On today’s episode, we discuss the origins of the 2014 Euromaidan in Ukraine. We also discuss the friction between Western and Eastern Ukraine. Support our Partners: Bourbon Pursuit | The Official Podcast of Bourbon Support on Patreon: #238 Origins of the Ukraine Crises szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/20221 hour, 40 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Cuban Missile Crisis

Bro History The Cuban Missile Crisis On today’s episode,  we talk about the history of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and discuss how political pressure on both sides edged the world closer to nuclear war. Support on Patreon: #237 The Cuban Missile Crisis szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/18/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 1 second
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Geopolitics & the War in Ukraine with José Niño

Bro History Geopolitics & the War in Ukraine with José Niño On today’s episode,  Jose Nino joins us to discuss the global politics surrounding the war in Ukraine. Follow Jose on Twitter – Support our Partners: Bourbon Pursuit | The Official Podcast of Bourbon Support on Patreon: #236 Geopolitics & the War in Ukraine with José Niño szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/11/20221 hour, 51 minutes, 46 seconds
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Is Ukraine winning the war?

Bro History Is Ukraine winning the war? On today’s episode,  Joseph Solis-Mullen joins us again to discuss whether Ukraine is winning the war. Also, whether the Russian Invasion was legal, If China could be a good broker for peace, and how the rest of the world is reacting to the month-long conflict Support our Partners: Bourbon Pursuit | The Official Podcast of Bourbon ThoseBrosNFTs | TheCabalKids Collection Support on Patreon: #235 Is Ukraine winning the war? szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/4/20222 hours, 9 minutes, 55 seconds
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Origins of Vladimir Putin

Bro History Origins of Vladimir Putin Today, we discuss how Vladimir Putin came to power in Russia. Support our Partners – Bourbon Pursuit | The Official Podcast of Bourbon Support on Patreon: #234 Origins of Vladimir Putin szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/28/20221 hour, 36 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rise of South Korea

Bro History Rise of South Korea Today, we discuss South Korean dictator, Syngman Rhee. This is part four on our series on the Korean War. Support on Patreon: #233 Rise of South Korea szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/21/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ukraine History (4000 BC – 1700s)

Bro History Ukraine History (4000 BC – 1700s) Today, we discuss how Ukrainian territory has shifted hands between various European powers. We also talk about if Ukraine qualifies as a nation. Support on Patreon: #232 Ukraine History (4000 BC – 1700s) szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/14/20221 hour, 59 minutes, 52 seconds
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Impact of the Russia Ukraine War

Bro History Impact of the Russia Ukraine War Today, we discuss the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Support on Patreon: #231 Impact of the Russia Ukraine War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/20221 hour, 44 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why Russia Invaded Ukraine

Bro History Why Russia Invaded Ukraine Today, Joseph Solis-Mullen joins us to discuss the lead up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We also discuss the future of Russian-Western relations. Joseph Solis-Mullen is a political scientist with an expertise in global affairs. Support on Patreon: #230 Why Russia Invaded Ukraine szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/28/20221 hour, 57 minutes, 7 seconds
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War in Ukraine

Bro History War in Ukraine Today, we discuss the Russian recognition of the breakaway Ukrainian republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. We also discuss the possibility of a full scale invasion of Ukraine.       Support on Patreon: #229 War in Ukraine szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/23/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 39 seconds
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Rise of North Korea

Bro History Rise of North Korea Today, we discuss the rise of the “Eternal Leader” of North Korea, Kim Il-sung. Support on Patreon: #228 Rise of North Korea szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/14/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 44 seconds
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Japanese War Crimes in Korea

Bro History Japanese War Crimes in Korea Today, we discuss the Japanese occupation of Korea. Support on Patreon: #227 Japanese War Crimes in Korea szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 26 seconds
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Will Russia Invade Ukraine?

Bro History Will Russia Invade Ukraine? Today we discuss the pressure Russia is putting on the “West” to achieve its geopolitical goals. We also measure the likely that a conflict between Russia and NATO will actually erupt. Support on Patreon: #226 Will Russia Invade Ukraine? szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/31/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 26 seconds
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Korean History 101

Bro History Korean History 101 Today we kick off a multi-part series on the Korean War. We provide a high level overview of Korean history over the past 3,000 years and identify conditions that led to a bloody civil war in the 20th century. Support on Patreon: #225 Korean History 101 szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/24/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 57 seconds
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Kazakhstan Riots

Bro History Kazakhstan Riots On todays episode, we discuss the origins of violent riots in Kazakhstan and if it was a Colour revolution. Support on Patreon: #224 Kazakhstan Riots szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/17/20221 hour, 42 minutes, 26 seconds
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China-Russia Cooperation

Bro History China-Russia Cooperation On todays episode, we discuss the relationship between China & Russia and if they are building an alliance to counter the West. Support on Patreon: #223 China-Russia Cooperation szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/10/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Kosovo War

Bro History Kosovo War On todays episode, we discuss NATO’s intervention in the Kosovo War in 1999. Support on Patreon: #222 Kosovo War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/3/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 19 seconds
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Russia-Ukraine Crises

Bro History Russia-Ukraine Crises On today’s Episode, we commemorate the 30th anniversary of the breakup of the Soviet Union. Also, we review the current situation unfolding in the Donbass region of Ukraine, and debate whether Russia intends to invade or annex the region. Support on Patreon: #221 Russia-Ukraine Crises szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/20/20211 hour, 50 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bosnian War

Bro History Bosnian War On todays episode, we discuss the origins of the Bosnian War. Support on Patreon: #220 Bosnian War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/8/20211 hour, 42 minutes, 42 seconds
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Rise & Fall of Yugoslavia

Bro History Rise & Fall of Yugoslavia On todays episode, we give a high level overview of the rise and fall of  Yugoslavia. We also talk about the current political crises in Bosnia and Herzegovina This is the YouTube video Henry was talking about – Support on Patreon: #219 Rise & Fall of Yugoslavia szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/22/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 38 seconds
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Britney & Belarus

Bro History Britney & Belarus What does Britney Spears and Belarus have in common? Absolutely nothing, but we talk about both anyway. On today’s episode we talk about the latest update on the #freebritney movement and the growing migrant crises on the Belarus–Poland border. Support on Patreon: #218     Britney & Belarus szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/20211 hour, 39 minutes, 43 seconds
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Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe

Bro History Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe On today’s episode, we discuss how inflation in Zimbabwe reached an annualized rate of 89.7 sextillion (or 89,700,000,000,000,000,000,000) percent. Support on Patreon: #217 Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/7/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hypersonic Missiles

Bro History Hypersonic Missiles China recently completed a successful test of a hypersonic missile, and the media has been comparing its accomplishment to when the Soviet Union beat the US to space by launching Sputnik. Today we breakdown what a hypersonic missile is, how it works, and whether it lives up to the hype. We also compare the current arms race for hypersonic missiles to the “missile gap” arms race during the cold war. Support on Patreon: #216 Hypersonic Missiles szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/31/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taiwan & the Falklands War

Bro History Taiwan & the Falklands War Joseph Solis-Mullen joins us today to compare a potential war with China over Taiwan with the Falklands War. Joseph Solis-Mullen is a political scientist with expertise in China. Support on Patreon: #215 Taiwan & the Falklands War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/24/20211 hour, 58 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ethiopia, Tigray & Civil War

Bro History Ethiopia, Tigray & Civil War On todays episode, we discuss the roots of the armed conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. Support on Patreon: #214 Ethiopia, Tigray & Civil War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/20211 hour, 35 minutes, 1 second
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Origins of the CIA

Bro History Origins of the CIA On todays episode, we discuss the early history of the Central Intelligence Agency. Support our Sponsor Conflict of Nations: WW3. Find it on the appstore / playstore or the web game at Support on Patreon: #213 Origins of the CIA szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Soviet Atomic Bomb

Bro History The Soviet Atomic Bomb On todays episode, we discuss the origins of the Soviet Atomic program. Support our Sponsor Conflict of Nations: WW3. Find it on the appstore / playstore or the web game at Support on Patreon: #212 The Soviet Atomic Bomb szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 4 seconds
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Origins of the Cold War

Bro History Origins of the Cold War On todays episode, we discuss the origins of the Cold War. Support our Sponsor Conflict of Nations: WW3. Find it on the appstore / playstore or the web game at Support on Patreon: #211 Origins of the Cold War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 17 seconds
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History of the War on Terror with Scott Horton

Bro History History of the War on Terror with Scott Horton Scott Horton joins us today to discuss the origins of the war on terror and his new book, “Enough Already”. Scott Horton is director of the Libertarian Institute, editorial director of, host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from He’s the author of the 2021 book Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism, the 2017 book, Fool’s Errand:Time to End the War in Afghanistan and editor of the 2019 book The Great Ron Paul: The Scott Horton Show Interviews 2004–2019. Support our Sponsor Conflict of Nations: WW3. Find it on the appstore / playstore or the web game at Support on Patreon: #210 History of the War on Terror with Scott Horton szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/20212 hours, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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China & World Domination with Joseph Solis-Mullen

Bro History China & World Domination with Joseph Solis-Mullen Joseph Solis-Mullen joins us today to discuss if China has the ability to conquer the world Joseph Solis-Mullen is a political scientist with expertise in China. Support on Patreon: #209 China & World Domination with Joseph Solis-Mullen szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/20211 hour, 44 minutes, 55 seconds
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Bro History ISIS-K On todays episode, we discuss the origins of ISIS-K. Here’s a link to the report we were talking about: The Islamic State in ‘Khorasan’: How it began and where it stands now in Nangarhar Support on Patreon: #208 ISIS-K szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/5/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 43 seconds
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US Failures in Afghanistan with Matthew Hoh

Bro History US Failures in Afghanistan with Matthew Hoh Matthew Hoh joins us to explain why the U.S mission in Afghanistan failed. Matthew is a former Marine Corps Captain and worked in the State Department as part of the provincial reconstruction team in Afghanistan. In 2009, Matthew resigned in protest from his post over the American escalation of the war. Support on Patreon: #207 US Failures in Afghanistan with Matthew Hoh szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/29/20211 hour, 42 minutes, 28 seconds
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Rise of the Taliban

Bro History Rise of the Taliban On today’s episode, we discuss the origins of the Taliban and the fall of the Afghan government in Kabul. Support on Patreon: #206 Rise of the Taliban szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/20/20212 hours, 3 minutes, 41 seconds
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Hyperinflation in Germany

Bro History Hyperinflation in Germany On today’s episode, we discuss how German central banks caused hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic between 1914–1923. Support on Patreon: #205 Hyperinflation in Germany szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/15/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 52 seconds
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Woodrow Wilson & WWI

Bro History Woodrow Wilson & WWI On today’s episode, we discuss how the Woodrow Administration led America into WWI. Support on Patreon: #204   Woodrow Wilson & WWI szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rise of WikiLeaks

Bro History Rise of WikiLeaks On today’s episode, we discuss how Wikileaks has impacted world events. Support on Patreon: #203 Rise of WikiLeaks szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 56 seconds
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Fall of Afghanistan

Bro History Fall of Afghanistan On today’s episode, we discuss the U.S withdrawal from Afghanistan and the impending collapse of the Afghan Government. We also discuss the protests going on in Cuba, along with Ben & Jerry’s no longer selling ice cream in occupied Palestinian territories. Support on Patreon: #202 Fall of Afghanistan szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/25/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 49 seconds
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America’s Plan to Invade Canada

Bro History America’s Plan to Invade Canada On today’s episode, we discuss the U.S plan to conquer Canada. Support on Patreon: #201 America’s Plan to Invade Canada szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
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UFOs & The Pentagon

Bro History UFOs & The Pentagon On today’s episode, we dive into the Pentagon’s unclassified report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’s (aka UFOs). Support on Patreon: #200 UFOs & The Pentagon szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/20211 hour, 43 minutes, 32 seconds
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Deceptions of the Vietnam War

Bro History Deceptions of the Vietnam War On today’s episode, we discuss the lies told by the government that pushed the U.S into the Vietnam War. Support on Patreon: #199 Deceptions of the Vietnam War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/20/20211 hour, 56 minutes, 27 seconds
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China vs Taiwan

Bro History China vs Taiwan On today’s episode, we discuss what would happen if China invaded Taiwan. Support on Patreon: #198 China vs Taiwan szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/13/20211 hour, 47 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ukraine’s Nazi Problem

Bro History Ukraine’s Nazi Problem On today’s episode, we discuss far right neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine. Support on Patreon: #197 Ukraine’s Nazi Problem szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/6/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 15 seconds
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Rise of Hamas

Bro History Rise of Hamas On todays episode we discuss how Hamas, the militant Palestinian nationalist and Islamist movement, was created. Support on Patreon: #196 Rise of Hamas szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/30/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 14 seconds
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Origins of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict

Bro History Origins of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict Israel/Palestine 101 – On todays episode we discuss early Zionism, Jewish immigration to Palestine, and the lead up to the 1948 Arab Israeli War. Support on Patreon: #195 Origins of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/23/20212 hours, 32 minutes, 1 second
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Ethnic Origins of Slavs

Bro History Ethnic Origins of Slavs On Today’s episode, we discuss the controversial history of the first Slavic state, the Kievan Rus’. Article discussed THE PLACE OF THE KIEVAN RUS IN HISTORY: Support on Patreon: #194 Ethnic Origins of Slavs szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/9/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 43 seconds
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Russia’s Ancient Clone Army

Bro History Russia’s Ancient Clone Army Vladimir Putin is building a clone army of “Ancient Scythian Warriors” to invade Ukraine! Well.. according to the internet he is… In the Russian Republic of Tuva (Southern Siberia), archeologists found the DNA of a Scythian warrior frozen in permafrost. The Russian government hinted they would be interested in using that DNA in a “Dolly the Sheep” type cloning experiment. The Scythians were a group of ancient tribes of nomadic warrior type people who were known for clashing with just about every major state in the known world between 900 BC to 200 BC. On today’s episode we discuss, the history of the Scythians, ancient Russia, and the validity of this cloning story. Article discuss: Russia Wants to Clone Ancient Scythian Warriors Support on Patreon: #193 Russia’s Ancient Clone Army szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/20211 hour, 32 minutes
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Do You Live Near a Nuclear Sponge?

Bro History Do You Live Near a Nuclear Sponge? The “Nuclear Sponge” refers to the hundreds of nuclear missiles spread across Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wyoming. These ICBMs, are not meant to be launched, but to “absorb” a nuclear attack and spare major population centers. Today we discuss the logic of the “Nuclear Sponge” policy along with the history of nuclear weapons in the U.S. Support on Patreon: #192 Do You Live Near a Nuclear Sponge? szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 32 seconds
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Origins of the Russo-Ukrainian War

Bro History Origins of the Russo-Ukrainian War On today’s episode, we explain how the circumstances set by the end of Cold War led up to the current crises between Russia and Ukraine. Support on Patreon: #191 Origins of the Russo-Ukrainian War szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/18/20211 hour, 38 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rise of Japanese Nationalism

Bro History Rise of Japanese Nationalism “Government by Assassination” was a term used to describe the tumultuous political situation in Japan in the early 20th century. The rise of fanatic nationalism led to a huge of influx of political murders in Pre-WWII Japan. Perhaps the strangest thing about this period was that Japanese society would often venerate the patriotic intent of these assassins. On todays’ episode we discuss the origins of hardcore nationalism in Japan, and what factors led to them showing such tolerance towards radical behavior. Support on Patreon: #190 Rise of Japanese Nationalism szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/11/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 27 seconds
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Gunboat Diplomacy

Bro History Gunboat Diplomacy “Gunboat diplomacy” refers to the pursuit of foreign policy objectives through the threat of force. One of the most notorious case studies of “Gunboat diplomacy” is when Matthew C. Perry forced Japan to dismiss their 200 year policy of isolation and start trading with the U.S. On todays’ episode we dive into early U.S. relations with Japan, and what led America to taking a more aggressive foreign policy approach. Support on Patreon: #189 Gunboat Diplomacy szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 3 seconds
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Shoguns & Roots of Japanese Nationalism

Bro History Shoguns & Roots of Japanese Nationalism The standard narrative when it comes to Japanese nationalism is that they rapidly modernized out of fear of being colonized by the west. One issue with this narrative is that it assumes that nation states arise via diffusion, rather than through a countries own internal societal circumstances. On today’s episode we dive into pre-modern Japan looking for traces of national unity. We discuss shoguns, great unifiers, and Japanese proto-nationalism. Support on Patreon: #188 Shoguns & Roots of Japanese Nationalism szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/28/20211 hour, 39 minutes, 52 seconds
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Myth of the Samurai

Bro History Myth of the Samurai On today’s episode we discuss how the “way of the samurai” or bushido, fueled the creation of the imperial Japanese nation state. Bushido is supposedly the value system that governed the behavior of Samurai in feudal Japan. It encouraged them to be loyal, courageous , polite, etc. What’s interesting is that the term “bushido” wasn’t really a thing prior to the 1800s. It was an invented concept used to inspire national identity. Come join us to learn more about how “thinkers” use symbols from the past as a tool to create nationalism. Support on Patreon: Sources: Oleg Benesch – Inventing the Way of the Samurai Inazo Nitobe – Bushido, the Soul of Japan Edwin, Reischauer – Japan: Story of Nation K. Henshall –  A History of Japan: From Stone Age to Superpower Bushi-NO: The Myth of the Samurai Chivalric Code John Stuart Mill – Considerations on Representative Government Eric Hobsbawm – The Invention of Tradition Basil Hall Chamberlain – The Invention of a New Religion Episode #187 Myth of the Samurai szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/21/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 4 seconds
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Origins of Japanese Feudalism

Bro History Origins of Japanese Feudalism Today we dive into Classical Japan’s transition from a strong central government to feudalism. During the Heian period, Japan created a court system mimicking the Tang Dynasty of China. Due to high levels of corruption and crony land politics, the Japanese court system gradually deteriorated into a country ruled by powerful private land owners. Today we discuss how this transition applies to Japan’s national identity. Support on Patreon: Episode #186 Origins of Japanese Feudalism szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/14/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ethnic Origins of the Japanese

Bro History Ethnic Origins of the Japanese Today we kickoff our series on the creation of the Japanese nation state. On this episode we discuss the first “peoples” of  Japan such as the Jōmon and the Yayoi. In addition, we dive into the origins of the first Japanese kingdoms. Checkout War and Conquest Support on Patreon: Episode #185 Ethnic Origins of the Japanese szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/7/20211 hour, 35 minutes, 18 seconds
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Rise of Mao Zedong

Bro History Rise of Mao Zedong On today’s episode we discuss how the Chinese Communist Party seized state power during the first half the 20th century. The CCP’s rise as the sole political structure in China was a long and brutal process. In fact, the Chinese Communist Movement was almost completely wiped out on multiple occasions. On this episode, we explore the friction between the CCP and the Chinese Nationalist Party, along with how the CCP survived near extinction. Thomas’s Road to Recovery: Support on Patreon: Episode #184 Rise of Mao Zedong szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/28/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 13 seconds
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Unification of Ancient China

Bro History Unification of Ancient China On today’s episode we discuss the first imperial dynasty of ancient China, the Qin Dynasty. It was founded by Shi Huangdi who operated according to the precepts of Legalism, a political philosophy that called for a strong central government and authoritarian state control. We explore how Shi Huangdi, or Emperor Qin, used Machiavellian principles to consolidate power. We also ask the question – how does legalist philosophy inspire the actions of Xi Jinping. Thomas’s Road to Recovery: Support on Patreon: Episode #183 Unification of Ancient China szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/19/20211 hour, 23 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Invention of the Chinese People

Bro History The Invention of the Chinese People Today we discuss the development of civilization in the Yellow River region of Northern China and the emergence of the Han Chinese. China is a multi-ethnic nation with a population of 1.4 Billion people. The Han Chinese are over 90% of the population. Some anthropologist have described the Han as an amalgamation of many ancient ethnicities that share a cohesive culture. On this episode we explore Ancient China and try to figure out how the Han assimilated so many other groups into their culture. Support on Patreon: Episode #182 The Invention of the Chinese People szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/12/20211 hour, 44 minutes, 16 seconds
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China’s Uyghur Genocide

Bro History China’s Uyghur Genocide Today we discuss the history of the Uyghur people and the creepy Xinjiang re-education camps. Most people think of China as an ethnically homogenous nation-state, however, they would be wrong. There are fifty-six official “nationalities” of China, some with culture values diametrically obsessed with the CCP. This has caused China to go through extreme measures to assimilate some of these groups. In fact, the US officially determined that China is committing genocide and crimes against humanity against Uyghur Muslims who live in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. The Uyghurs are a Turkic speaking, predominantly Muslim ethnic group with a strong national identity, so it’s not surprising that China has labeled them a threat. Support on Patreon: Episode #181 China’s Uyghur Genocide szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/5/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 8 seconds
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Origins of the War on Yemen

Bro History Origins of the War on Yemen The Yemeni Civil War has led to the worst humanitarian crises in the world. According the the UN, 233,000 people have been killed and 7 million more are at risk of famine. In addition, the conflict is incredibly difficult to wrap your head around due to Yemen’s complex history. Today we break down the basics: Yemeni colonial history in the 19th and 20th century How the modern state of Yemen was created. The major players on the ground. The events that led to the breakout of the war in March 2015. Why the war continues to go on. Support on Patreon: Episode #180 bbzt23i3 Origins of the War on Yemen szamotah Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/29/20211 hour, 39 minutes, 29 seconds
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Alexander the Great - The Genocidal Maniac

Alexander III is venerated as one of history’s greatest figures, forging an empire stretching over three continents in just 13 years. However, the man known as “Alexander the Great” showed many dark tendencies thought-out his life time. Some historians suggest that Alexander was a rage-filled, paranoid, alcoholic who potentially suffered from PTSD and possible brain damage. On today’s show, we dive into the factors that could have contributed to Alexander’s bizarre and murderous behavior. Book Discussed: The Madness of Alexander the Great: And the Myth of Military Genius by Richard A. Gabriel Support on Patreon: Episode #179 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/22/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sparta's influence on Nazi Germany

In the 19th & 20th century, many German academics idolized Sparta’s rigorous martial education and state structures. In addition, Adolf Hitler once called Sparta “the purest racial State in history” (He would have loved the movie 300). Therefore, it should come at no surprise that Sparta was seen as an ancient prototype of the Nazi state. On todays episode, we explore how the Third Reich built upon longstanding analogies between Germany and Ancient Sparta. Support on Patreon: Episode #178 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/15/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 45 seconds
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Greco-Persian Wars

The Greco-Persian Wars refer to the series of conflicts between allied Greek City-States and the Persian Empire in the 5th century BC. In popular culture, it’s painted as the war to that saved “Western Civilization” from the decadence of the east. Despite being outnumbered, the Greek Hoplites outperformed the Persians on the battlefield due to their discipline and superior fighting skills. The problem with this narrative, is that history is written by the victors. Most of the source material we use when studying this conflict comes from highly bias Greek historians. Today, we dive into the Greco-Persian Wars as told by Herodotus and attempt to filter out some of his exaggerations. Support on Patreon: Episode #177 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/8/20211 hour, 35 minutes, 37 seconds
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Assyria - The Ancient Version of Nazi Germany

The Assyrian War Machine created the world’s first great empire, held together by brutality and terror. For example, they would implement horrific physical punishments such as skinning people alive, mutilating body parts and burning down entire cities. In addition, they would deport entire populations in order to destroy the national identity of their subjects. This has led many historians to liken them as the ancient version of Nazi Germany. Today we discuss the rise of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, the evolution of Ancient armies and why their neighbors felts the need to wipe them off the face of the earth. Support on Patreon: Episode #176 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/29/20201 hour, 32 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ancient Egypt & Geopolitics

One of the luxuries of living in Ancient Egypt was that you were surrounded by massive deserts, protecting you from people who wanted to cut your head off. Well, at some point between 1650 – 1550 BC (who knows really), the Kingdom is invaded by barbarian hill people. The occupation of their homeland led to a massive shift in mentality. The paranoia of being surrounded led to the rise of the “Warrior Pharaoh”. In todays episode, we discuss the origins of Egyptian civilization, the rise of empire, the geopolitics of the Ancient Near East, and one of the greatest military commanders of all time – Thutmose III. Support on Patreon: Episode #175 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/18/20201 hour, 39 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ancient Sumer & the First Professional Armies

The cities of Ancient Sumer provide the world’s first examples of urban centers with significant populations. Food surpluses made it possible to free of people from their farms and create divisions of labor. This led to the creation of the “violence specialist”. These violence specialist produced the most sophisticated armies of the Bronze Age. Today we discuss the rise of civilization and the birth of the first professional armies. Support on Patreon: Episode #174 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/11/20201 hour, 20 minutes
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How the U.S Civil War Impacted the Rest of the World

How did the American Civil War impact global politics? For one, the killing machines created under the pressures of the Civil War changed modern warfare. In addition, the Union blockade on southern cotton had Europeans scrambling for new suppliers. Today we dive deeper into how the Civil War changed not only American society, but the rest of the world. Support on Patreon: Episode #173 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/4/20201 hour, 33 minutes, 49 seconds
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Origins of the Irish Republican Army

Danny Sjursen joins us today to discuss the history of the Irish Republican Army and how they compare to modern resistance movements. Danny Sjursen is a retired US Army strategist and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can find his work at Support on Patreon: Episode #172 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/27/20201 hour, 41 minutes, 36 seconds
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Anatomy of the Military Industrial Complex

The term “military-industrial-complex” has become this catchall phrase to describe the shady relationship between, defense contractors, the Pentagon and politicians. Christian Sorensen joins us today to explain the anatomy of this triangle and reveals just how much profiteering takes place. Christian Sorensen is a novelist, military analyst, and independent journalist mainly focused on war profiteering within the military-industrial complex. An Air Force veteran, he is the author of the recently published book, Understanding the War Industry. Christian is also a senior fellow at the Eisenhower Media Network (EMN), an organization of independent veteran military and national security experts. Join our Patreon for access to extra content and our slack community. Episode #171 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/20/20201 hour, 39 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ethiopia - War in Tigray

Ethiopia is on the cusp of a devastating civil war. While the world has been obsessing over the U.S election, the Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed launched a military campaign against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, (TPLF), which is the group that controls the Tigray region in Northern Ethiopia. A conflict in Ethiopia would be a complete nightmare. Ethiopia is the 12th largest country in the world with a population of 110 million people. The war could start a massive refuges crises and destabilize the Horn of Africa. Today we discuss how Ethiopia’s political system of “Ethnic Federalism” created this ticking time bomb. Join our Patreon for access to extra content and our slack community. Episode #170 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/13/20201 hour, 27 minutes, 59 seconds
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2020 Election from Hell

The 2020 election has turned into a full blown sh*t-show. Today we discuss the major themes of the election and speculate on the future of the country. Join our Patreon for access to extra content and our slack community. Episode #169 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/6/20201 hour, 50 minutes, 34 seconds
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Biden vs Trump on Foreign Policy

Foreign policy typically plays a meager role during presidential elections, however, last we checked the US has the most dominant military in world history — which it freely deploys across the globe. Today we dive deeper into Trump and Biden’s foreign policy record. Join our Patreon for access to extra content and our slack community. Episode #168 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/30/20202 hours, 30 minutes, 55 seconds
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Terrorism - Radical Right vs. Radical Left

According to the FBI, the greatest terror threat we face is posed by lone actors radicalized online by left-wing and/or right-wing extremists. On the far-left you have groups such as Antifa, which is a decentralized network of militants that oppose what they believe are fascist. On the far-right you have a much broader bucket which lumps in white supremacists, anti-government extremists, and incels (yes incels are included as right wing for some reason). Today we discuss the threat level of these groups. Join our Patreon for access to extra content and our slack community. Sources Used Episode #166 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/16/20201 hour, 38 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ronald Reagan and the Iran Hostage Crisis

The “October Surprise” is a phrase within the American political lexicon, referring to some last-minute unlikely event that has the potential to change the course of a presidential election. Today we review “October Surprise” cases that never earned a place in mainstream American history. In 1968, the Nixon campaign allegedly sabotaged Lyndon B. Johnson’s diplomatic efforts to pull out of Vietnam. During the 1980 election, the Reagan campaign allegedly colluded with Iran to delay the release of US hostages in Iran in order to thwart Jimmy Carter. Both cases are egregious and today we discuss their validity. Episode #164 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/2/20201 hour, 46 minutes, 29 seconds
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Origins of the Iraq War 2

Today we discuss the events and deceptions that led to one of the greatest foreign policy disasters in US history. Episode #163 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/25/20201 hour, 49 minutes, 41 seconds
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Warnings of September 11

A disturbing aspect of 911 is that warnings signs were dismissed. Today we discuss the intelligence that was ignored prior to the September 11 attacks. This episode is a direct follow up to our previous episode “Rise of Al-Qaeda”. Episode #162 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/18/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 6 seconds
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Origins of Al-Qaeda

It has been nineteen years since the Islamist terrorist syndicate, Al-Qaeda, flew planes into the WTC and Pentagon. Today we provide a timeline starting with Al-Qaeda’s origins through covert funding in the Soviet-Afghan war, to their failed plot in 1993 to bomb the Twin Towers knocking them into each other. Episode #161 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/11/20201 hour, 41 minutes, 16 seconds
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Origins of the Syrian Civil War

The war in Syria remains the deadliest conflict in the 21st century. In addition, it’s incredibly difficult to understand due to widespread propaganda networks promulgated by both sides of the war. Today we start with the basics – How was Syria created? Who are the Assads? What were the circumstances that turned Syria into a ticking time bomb? Episode #160 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/4/20201 hour, 22 minutes
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Lukashenko - Europe’s Last Dictator

Alexander Lukashenko has been President of Belarus since 1994. This is the longest tenure as head of state in the former Soviet Union. Lukashenko consolidated his power through authoritarian means and a centralized economic system very similar to the former Soviet Union. Presidential elections were held in Belarus on Sunday, August 9th. SPOILER ALERT – Lukashenko won with over 80% of the vote. Now protesters are taking the street and calling the election illegitimate, however, Belarus and Russia are claiming that these protests are directed by foreign actors. On today’s episode we discuss the protests, the geopolitical implications and history of Belarus. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #158 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/21/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds
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Iran-Contra - CIA Drug Trafficking & Arms Sales in the 1980s

Drug trafficking and illegal arms sales make one hell of a scandal. In the 1980s, the CIA and National Security Council covertly sponsored Nicaraguan rebels by the raising money through narcotics and weapons transactions to Iran. All while, keeping it secret from congress. Today we discuss the origins of Iran-Contra, the Nicaraguan Revolution and the “crack epidemic” in the United States. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #154 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/24/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Cyber War on Iran

There have been a number of mysterious explosions in Iran. These incidents have been way too frequent to be considered random accidents. Therefore, they smell of active sabotage. In addition, it was revealed that Trump authorized the CIA to wage Cyberwar on Iran back 2018. So the questions is, are these events all related? IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #153 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/17/20201 hour, 42 minutes, 58 seconds
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Did Russia put Bounties on U.S. Troops?

Did the Russians pay Afghan militants to kill American troops in Afghanistan? According to reports published by the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal they did…. well maybe the did. Today we discuss if we have reason to believe that there was a Russian bounty program targeting US troops. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #152 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/10/20201 hour, 32 minutes, 59 seconds
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Causes of the American Civil War

Was slavery the primary cause for the Civil War? Was the war for states rights? How big of a role did tariffs play in Southern Succession movements? Today we go over the causes that led to Southern Succession and why the Lincoln invaded the South. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #151 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/26/20201 hour, 44 minutes, 51 seconds
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Summer Riots 2020

America is burning and the country seems more divided than ever. Danny and Henry – despite having different world views – discuss, debate and find common ground on some sensitive issues. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #148 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/5/20202 hours, 26 minutes, 17 seconds
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Is War with China on the Horizon?

The U.S and China seem to be embarking on some sort of neo-island hopping campaign in the South Pacific. They’re both scrambling around for land masses to situate missile systems. Also, from a birds-eye view, it looks like the U.S is diverting weapons from Saudi Arabia and sending them to the South China Sea. Today we give a quick Middle East Update talk about the possibility of war with China. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #144 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/8/20201 hour, 21 minutes, 31 seconds
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Legacy of Thirty Years’ War

The Thirty Year’s War was one of most destructive conflicts in human history. The population of Germany fell from 21 million to 13 million between 1618 – 1648. It has been called “The Outstanding Example of Meaningless conflict”. Today we talk about the religious and political factors that led up to war in Central Europe – along with the overall global consequences.  IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #135 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/5/20201 hour, 37 minutes, 20 seconds
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Failed U.S. Foreign Policy with Scott Horton

Scott Horton comes on to discuss the Taliban, Nuclear War, the MIC and much more. As always, Scott provides a wealth of knowledge on a variety of subjects relating to history and US foreign policy.   IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #134 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/27/20202 hours, 5 minutes, 35 seconds
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Examine the Human Tragedy in Iraq with Maj. Danny Sjursen

Maj. Danny Sjursen (ret.) shares his experience as a young 1st Lieutenant in the Shia-majority East Baghdad in 2007 – a very dangerous time, with upwards of 100 U.S soldiers being killed each month. Danny reflects on the loss of soldiers under his command by a deadly improvised explosive device and the political conditions that led to it all. Danny Sjursen is a retired US Army strategist and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #130 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/30/20201 hour, 45 minutes, 43 seconds
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Who Started WW1?

Some people believe that WW3 looms over us like an ominous black cloud. If that’s true, we should at the very least have a basic understanding of how other world conflicts started. Today we talk about the twisted politics of Europe that led to one of the most horrific events human history. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #128 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/16/20201 hour, 38 minutes, 48 seconds
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Iran Attacks U.S with Ballistic Missiles

Iran attacked Iraqi bases housing US forces with ballistic missiles. This was in retaliation for a US drone strike that killed a top Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani. Today we break down the timeline of how the US and Iran got to the brink of war – but we do it in reverse. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #127 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/9/20201 hour, 29 minutes, 56 seconds
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Iraqi's Attack U.S Embassy

On New Year’s Eve, the US Embassy in Baghdad was set on fire by Iraqi protesters. This was in response to the US killing 25 members of Kata’ib Hezbollah, a Shia militia which is pro government. Today we break down what led to this and what actually happened. IMPORTANT NOTICE – This was recorded before the US killed Suleimani in response to the riots. Regardless, this episode will give you more context on the political situation in Iraq and Iran. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #126 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/3/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 18 seconds
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What is the U.S. Space Force?

Trump signed a $738 Billion defense bill that established “U.S Space Force”. Today we go over if Space Force is as cool as it sounds.. pew pew pew! IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #125 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/26/20191 hour, 42 minutes, 7 seconds
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What the Hell is Transhumanism? with Zoltan Istvan

Zoltan Istvan is a global leader of the radical science movement, humanitarian activist, and former journalist for the National Geographic. He is now running for President of the United States as a Republican against Trump. Today we talk to Zoltan about his campaign. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Support Zoltan – Episode #124 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/19/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Afghanistan Papers - Lies about the War

So the war in Afghanistan has been going pretty well.. Right? The Washington Post recently revealed that senior U.S officials failed to tell the truth about the 18-year campaign, which basically confirms everything we already know. The war in Afghanistan has been a unmitigated disaster. Wow what a surprise. Also discussed – the Pensacola shooting and the U.S troop surge in Saudi Arabia. Article Discussed: IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. Episode #123 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/12/20191 hour, 42 minutes
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Why Israeli Settlements are in the West Bank

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are considered illegal under international law. Meanwhile, Mike Pompeo has declared them “legal” citing the need to advance peace. Today we discuss the history of settlements in Palestinian territory and why US presidents in the past have condemned them. Episode #120 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/21/20191 hour, 28 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ukraine - Is War on the Horizon?

There’s a huge lack of historical context when it comes to covering Ukraine. Today we cover the sad history of Ukraine under the Soviet Union, the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, and the origins of the annexation of Crimea by Russia. And oh yea.. we talk a little about the “Trump–Ukraine scandal” IMPORTANT MESSAGE - please complete this survey. Don't miss out on a chance to win $500. It will also help out your pals Henry and Danny. #118 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/7/20191 hour, 48 minutes, 4 seconds
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Neoconservatism with Pratik Chougule

Pratik Chougule shares his journey of transformation from neoconservative to foreign policy realist. Pratik was the managing editor of The National Interest. He previously served as policy coordinator on the presidential campaigns of Mr. Donald Trump and Governor Mike Huckabee. From 2008-2009, Chougule was a Bush Administration appointee at the State Department in the Office of the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security. Support Bro History on Patreon ▸ Episode #117 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/31/20191 hour, 34 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Kurdish Question

Did Trump betray the Kurds? Turkey is moving forward with their plans to invade the Kurdish occupied zone in Syria and US is letting them. We debate if Trump is right to do so. Also, we recap the recent Houthi military victory in Saudi Arabia in more detail. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #114 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/20191 hour, 19 minutes, 25 seconds
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Houthis VS Saudis

Did the Houthis just win the war in Yemen? Well, they sure as hell just pulled off one of the most successful military operations in recent history. Last weekend, the Houthis crossed the Saudi border and killed/wounded 500 Saudi soldiers (or mercs) and captured another 2,000. Yes, 2,000.. Other topics include the fall of MBS and of course the anniversary of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Episode #113 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/20191 hour, 41 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Neocons Lied the US into Iraq

Neocons believe that the US should forcefully promote its values around the world. Today we take a look at some papers published in the late 90s and early 2000s that spell out their foreign policy goals. Spoiler Alert… they are weird….. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #112 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/20191 hour, 22 minutes, 14 seconds
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Kashmir: Why India and Pakistan fight over it

Is the India/Pakistan dispute over Kashmir the most dangerous conflict in the world? Well, you can make a strong case for it since both nations are armed with nuclear warheads. Today we go over the history of the Indo-Pakistani conflict and what led to the tensions over Kashmir. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Episode #110 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/20191 hour, 40 minutes, 49 seconds
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Toyota Changes Modern Warfare

Pickup trucks aren’t just useful for moving, they’re GREAT for desert warfare. The Toyota Hilux is durable, cheap and very easy to mount a gun on. It’s no wonder they have been the preferred vehicle in conflicts ranging from the Chadian–Libyan conflict to the Syrian Civil War. Today we examine how militias are turning trucks into modern-day chariots and ask the question, how are extremist getting their hands on them? ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Episode #107 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/22/20191 hour, 20 minutes, 45 seconds
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Partition of the Ottoman Empire

During WW1, the British and French made a secret deal to split up the Ottoman Empire’s Middle Eastern territories. They did this by drawing a diagonal line on a map that ran from the Mediterranean Sea to the Mountains in Persia. This secret deal is called the Sykes-Picot Agreement. Today, we explore this history and geopolitical realities that led up to this deal. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #106 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/15/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 7 seconds
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Drugs in Nazi Germany

Norman Ohler joins to discuss the rampant drug use in Nazi Germany. NORMAN OHLER is an award-winning German novelist, screenwriter, and journalist. He spent five years researching Blitzed in numerous archives in Germany and the United States and spoke to eye-witnesses, military historians, and doctors. He is also the author of the novels Die Quotenmaschine (the world’s first hypertext novel), Mitte and Stadt des Goldes (translated into English as Ponte City). He was co-writer of the script for Wim Wenders’ film Palermo Shooting. Originally Published on 10/17/2018 ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Support us on Patreon – Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/201940 minutes, 47 seconds
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Israel & Palestine 101 with Danny Sjursen

Danny Sjursen comes on to discuss the “Deal of the Century” and the ongoing struggle between Israelis and Palestinians that began in the mid-20th century. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill this feedback survey out. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Support us on Patreon – #103  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/27/20191 hour, 17 minutes, 21 seconds
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Nuclear Weapons VS Energy

“Nuclear” is a pretty scary word and people are more interested than ever since The Chernobyl Podcast was released. The word conjures up images of mushroom clouds, 1950s PSAs and Terminator movies. However, there is a huge difference between nuclear energy (civilian) and nuclear weapons (military) programs. Today we go over the difference, along with how much weapons-relevant work can be done in a “civilian” program. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? #99. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/20191 hour, 36 minutes, 53 seconds
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Nuclear Program of Iran with Scott Horton

Scott Horton joins today’s show to discuss the JCPOA and the Iranian nuclear program. This week, Iran began enriching uranium to more than 3.67% purity. They surpassed the limits set by the Iran deal that the Trump administration pulled out of. A number of news outlets have said that Iran could be 6 months away from building a nuclear weapon. Does that sound familiar? ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Scott Horton is the author of Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan, managing director of the Libertarian Institute at, editorial director of, and host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles and KUCR 88.3 in Riverside, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from this website. In 2007, Scott Horton won the Austin Chronicle‘s “Best of Austin” award for his Iraq war coverage on Antiwar Radio. He’s conducted more than 5,000 interviews since 2003. Scotts Book: Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan:… #98 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/9/20191 hour, 18 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Sherman Tank Death Machine

Did you know it would take at least five Sherman tanks to neutralize a German Panzer during WWII? That meant a lot of US tank operators died. Today we go over why the US adopted a strategy of tank rushing the Germans, the best WWII tanks and some of the weirder experimental weapons that were never used, such as the Bat Bomb.  ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/5/201955 minutes, 51 seconds
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Modern Power of the Japanese Military

The Japanese Empire is back and getting ready to annex Manchukuo... Well not really. But they sure as hell are a bigger military powerful right now than most people think. On this episode we go over the current strength of the Japanese military. ATTENTION - Help your brothers out and fill out this feedback survey. You can win a $500 Amazon gift card. Who wouldn't like that? SUPPORT US ON PATREON – #88 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/3/201942 minutes, 52 seconds
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War Game Fail - How Iran Destroyed 20,000 US personal

Millennium Challenge 2002 was a major war game conducted by the United States Armed Forces in mid-2002. It was a complete disaster. The U.S lost 20,000 soldiers and almost twenty ships in the Persian Gulf against Iran. Today we go over what went wrong. Patreon ▸ #86 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/23/201958 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is China an Enemy?

Is China a competitor or an adversary? The Department of Defense just released their annual military power report on China. Today, we dissect their report, evaluate China’s military strength and go over their geopolitical aspirations. #83 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/6/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 11 seconds
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US Foreign Policy in Venezula with Daniel McAdams

Daniel McAdams joins today’s show to discuss the “coup” against Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela and the reality of the situation. About Guest Daniel McAdams is the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. He is also the co-host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Twitter: @DanielLMcAdams #82 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/3/201949 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why Sanctions in Iran Don't Work

Today’s topics include the sanctions on Iran, the future of global oil prices, the threat of military intervention and Mike Pompeo’s vision on foreign policy.The article mentioned in this podcast is below. #80 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 10 seconds
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Truth about the Syrian Civil War

Henry dissects a policy paper written by former Obama & Trump diplomat, Brett McGurk. Brett McGurk was one of the diplomats that resigned after Trump announced his withdrawal from Syria. Check out the full article below. #79 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/22/20191 hour, 27 minutes, 57 seconds
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Game of Thrones VS Real Politicians

The Game of Thrones universe mirrors today’s modern political landscape. Today we compare each GOT characters to a specific World Leader. WARNING SPOILERS #75 – Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/9/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 53 seconds
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Pentagon Wars - The Bizarre History of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle

The Bradley Fighting Vehicle was one of the most controversial military projects in U.S military history due to its high cost and safety issues. A book titled, “The Pentagon Wars” by James G Burton, highlighted many of the problems with the Bradley and it was so eye-opening that HBO produced a movie adaption starring Kelsey Grammer. Today, we review the film and discuss the problems with the Bradley and the Military Industrial Complex. Also, in this show, we give an update on the Saudi nuclear deal and Tier 1 Group. Tier 1 Group apparently provided training to the Saudi hit squad that murdered Jamal Khashoggi. #73 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/1/20191 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
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War Crimes Committed by US Allies in Syria with Senator Richard Black

Senator Richard Black joins today’s episode to speak about his trip to Syria and meeting with Bashar al-Assad. Senator Black represents the 13th district of the Virginia State Senate. He served with the U.S Marine corps in Vietnam, from 1963 to 1970 where he was awarded a purple heart. Senator Black then served as a JAG officer from 1976 to 1994. He has met with Bashar al-Assad twice and is a critique of U.S foreign policy in the Middle East.  #71 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/20191 hour, 30 minutes, 7 seconds
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Yemen - The War Explained

Today we are giving a crash course on the current crises in Yemen. There have been battles in Congress to challenge the US war in Yemen under the War Powers Act over the past months. This is now coming to a key moment. Saudi Arabia attacked Yemen in 2015, seeking to reinstall exiled President Hadi and remove the Shi’ite Houthi movement. The US backed the Saudi invasion and has participated in logistical support. #67 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/13/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 50 seconds
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Consequence of Pulling out of Afghanistan

We discuss the possible consequence of pulling out of Afghanistan. Also discussed, Syria and the Anti Assad movement, identity politics in the Greater Middle East, and Kashmir conflict. Patreon ▸ #65 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/20191 hour, 24 minutes, 16 seconds
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North Korea - They are more Dangerous than you think

North Korea is more dangerous than you think. They have much more than just nukes to use as a deterrence. Today we talk about the North Korean artillery lined up on the DMZ and how they use migration as a weapon. We also review the Hanoi Summit and the future of Asian geopolitics. #63 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/4/201945 minutes, 41 seconds
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Saudi Arabia is GOING NUCLEAR

CALLING ALL PATRIOTS - I repeat Saudi Arabia is going NUCLEAR! Saudi Arabia wants a nuclear program and the White House is ready to help them achieve that goal. A report from the staff of the US House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform shows evidence that members of the Trump transition team tried to push through a plan to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. The plan would have led to the construction of 40 nuclear power plants and facilities to enrich uranium fuel. The technology, while focused on civil nuclear power, could give the Saudis resources that could be used to build nuclear weapons. The plan would also have pumped billions into a number of US companies involved in the nuclear industry. Labeled the “Middle East Marshall Plan,” which was spearheaded by IP3 International, a private company led by a retired admiral and whose board includes a bunch of retired generals and politicians. Flynn signed on as an advisor to IP3 International just before joining the Trump transition team. The Saudi nuclear sales push is the entire focus of IP3 International. Is the Saudi Arabis nuclear program a good idea? Are nuclear power plants in the Middle East a good idea at all? - – Patreon ▸ #60 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/25/201955 minutes, 12 seconds
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Iranian Opposition Movements

Muhammad Sahimi comes on the show to explain the different movements and opposition in Iran. The opposition movement in Iran is kind of a mixed bag. Some like, the Iranian Green Movement, are natural reformers who are trying to facilitate real change in Iran. The other side of the opposition in Iran is groups like the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK). The Iranian Green Movement, also known as the Persian Awakening or Persian Spring by the western media, refers to a political movement that arose after the 2009 Iranian presidential election, in which protesters demanded the removal of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from office. Muhammad Sahimi explains that groups like the Iranian Green Movement are trying to make real progress. However, as much as these groups are a force for change, no one in the Iranian Green Movement is going to cozy up with the U.S in order to facilitate regime change. Patreon ▸ #59 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/19/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Colonize Mars with Robert Zubrin

Dr. Robert Zubrin tells how we can colonize Mars. Dr. Robert Zubrin is the founder and president of the Mars Society. The Mars Society is the world’s largest and most influential space advocacy organization dedicated to the human exploration and settlement of the planet Mars. Today we talk to Dr. Robert Zubrin about the benefits of going to Mars, along with how life would be on the Red Planet. Dr. Robert Zubrin is an aerospace engineer and author, best known for his advocacy of human exploration of Mars. Check Out Dr. Robert Zubrin’s book: The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must #58 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/201944 minutes, 11 seconds
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US Foreign Policy in the Middle East with Roy Casagranda

Roy Casagranda gives us an overview of US foreign policy in the Middle East from 1953 to 2003.. We start off by talking about the 1953 Iranian coup d’état and then move into the Iranian Revolution. We go into the rise of Saddam Hussien and the Iran–Iraq War. After that, we start talking about the events that led into the Desert Storm and finish off the conversation talking about the Iraq War. Roy Casagranda is a political scientist, professor of government and resident Middle East expert at Austin Community College (ACC). His research lies with the intersection of politics, history, economics, psychology, and philosophy. He has been doing local new interviews since 2008 on conflicts in the Persian Gulf.  Roy is the faculty advisor for the Austin School, a student club that hosts lecture series. ( Highly Recommended)  Roys Website: The Austin School: SUPPORT US – #56 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/11/20191 hour, 51 minutes, 43 seconds
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Modern Power of the US Navy

China has been expanding its naval power and prioritizing its Aircraft carrier program. We figured we break down the history of Supercarriers and why the U.S dominates the sea. On today’s episode, we break down the strategic advantage of having a large Aircraft carrier fleet and what the geopolitical implications are. Yes, it is another military tech episode. # 51 SUPPORT US ON PATREON – # 51 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/24/201947 minutes, 6 seconds
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Israel's Hollywood Spy

Ted Snider jumps into the details of Benjamin Netanyahu's relationship with Arnon Milchan, the Israeli billionaire businessman and film producer. He also lived a double life as an Israeli spy. He has been called the Israeli James Bond by Haaretz. Article Discussed: Netanyahu’s latest corruption case could expose long-hidden secrets about Israel’s nuclear weapons program. About Guest: Ted Snider writes on analyzing patterns in U.S foreign policy and history. He is a regular writer for and Patreon:  #50 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/17/201939 minutes, 19 seconds
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Weirdness of Europeans

We talk about our experiences traveling through Europe and what we found interesting about these very strange peoples. – SUPPORT US ON  #49 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/14/201946 minutes, 9 seconds
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Who is Mohammed bin Salman?

Dr. Gregory Gause joins us to discuss the rise of Mohammad Bin Salman and the future of Saudia Arabia. Mohammad Bin Salaman (MBS) is the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. He is currently serving as the country’s deputy prime minister, chairman of the Council for Economic and Development Affairs and chairman of the Council of Political and Security Affairs. He is also the minister of defense – the world’s youngest at the time of his appointment. He is seen as the power behind the throne of his father, King Salman. He has led several reforms, which include regulations restricting the powers of the religious police, and lifted the ban on female drivers. His Vision 2030 program aims to diversify the Saudi economy through investment in non-oil sectors including technology and tourism. Despite making progress on domestic reforms, commentators and human rights groups have been vocally critical of his behavior. He is the primary architect of the war in Yemen which has claimed thousands of civilian lives due to indiscriminate bombing campaigns. War-induced famine and the Saudi led blockade has led to Yemen being on brink of starvation. In addition to all this, MBS has allegedly assassinated Washingon Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi bringing him closer to the status of global pariah.With all this negative press what does the future hold for this young crown prince? How did he even consolidate all this power? Dr.Gregory Gause is the head of Department of International Affairs at the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M. Dr. Gause has focused his research on the international politics of the Middle East, with a particular interest in the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf. He has published three books, the most recent of which is The International Relations of the Persian Gulf (Cambridge University Press, 2010). His articles have appeared in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Security Studies, Middle East Journal, and The National Interest, as well as in other journals and edited volumes. – SUPPORT US ON #48 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/7/201942 minutes, 8 seconds
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How the Modern Middle East was Created with Roy Casagranda

Roy Casagranda comes on the show to discuss the development of the modern borders in the Middle East in the early 20th century. Roy is one of the most entertaining and fun lecturers you will listen to, so give the episode listen and increase your knowledge stats.  Roy Casagranda is a political scientist, professor of government and resident Middle East expert at Austin Community College (ACC). His research lies with the intersection of politics, history, economics, psychology, and philosophy. He has been doing local new interviews since 2008 on conflicts in the Persian Gulf.  Roy is the faculty advisor for the Austin School, a student club that hosts lecture series. ( Highly Recommended)  Patreon ▸ #42 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/17/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is Stealth Technology a Myth?

A lot of the preconceived notions on stealth technology are not actually true. Today we explain what stealth technology actually is. SUPPORT US ON PATREON – #41 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/11/201855 minutes, 18 seconds
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Magic Kingdom - The Wild Politics of Saudi Arabia

Wonder why women were allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia? Because it was getting expensive for familes to hire drivers for them. This is a crashcourse on the history and modern politics of Saudia Arabia. We discuss the founding of the modern Saudi state, economic challenges, womens rights, and their disataser in Yemen. Patreon ▸ #39 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/4/201841 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Iraq Failed with Maj. Danny Sjursen

Major Danny Sjursen comes on the show to talk about errors in U.S foreign policy in the Greater Middle East. Major Danny Sjursen is a US Army strategist and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He writes regularly for and he’s the author of Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge. Follow him on Twitter @SkepticalVet. Danny’s Podcast: Danny’s Memoirs: Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge. Support us on Patreon – #32 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/14/201858 minutes, 49 seconds
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Story of the AK-47

Come and sit Uncle Kalashnikova's lap and learn the fascinating history of the worlds most famous rifle. Even after seven decades, the AK-47 and remains the most popular and widely used assault rifles in the world because of their reliability and low production cost. They are available in pretty much every geographic region. They are so easy to handle that even a child can use it if they can handle the recoil. Join us on Patreon – #30 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/7/201852 minutes, 16 seconds
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Trillion Dollar Disaster - The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

WARNING - THIS PLANE WILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is the most expensive military project in the history of the United States. However, the error-ridden Fifth-generation fighter has been the subject of much debate. Despite reports of planes falling from they sky and helmets ripping pilots heads off, the F-35 still seems to be in demand. Today we discuss the pro’s and con’s of the F-35 and take a look at how Lockheed Martin created a military project that is “too big to fail”. Join us on Patreon - #27 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/25/201859 minutes, 29 seconds