Rise and shine sleepy heads. Tune in for thematic playlists of music to accompany coffee and commuting.
Sleep in and never miss an episode by joining the BwGN AM Mail List (http://eepurl.com/c4hi4z).
BwGN AM Mixtape #145 – The (FINALth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
A goodbye-themed mixtape to say au revoir. Boy with Girl's Name Morning Mixtape has provided me with a release valve for all of my pent up…
20/10/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #144 – The (∞th) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
A heavy set this week, featuring new music by Zeal and Ardor and L.A.'s Sprain, as well as recent tracks by Be Well, Crack Cloud, and…
13/10/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #143 – The (22nd) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
Continuing from where we left off last week , we'll hear some songs from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and…
06/10/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #142 – The (21st) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
For this week's mixtape, I did yet more digging into my collection for music I haven't played much since I resurrected Boy with Girl's Name Morning…
29/09/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #141 – The (20th) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
I had about a dozen different ideas about how to organize this week's mixtape. What came together did so in a very roundabout way and includes…
22/09/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #140 – The (19th) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
With this week's episode, I tried to build a sonic space for us all, collectively, to begin collecting our thoughts, assessing our feelings, and letting go…
15/09/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #139 – The (eighteeteenth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
You know what they say about best intentions... and those for this mixtape was to bring you something fun and familiar for you to throw on…
08/09/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #138 – The (XVIIth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
We pick up this week's mixtape where last week's ended. I also indulge in a couple long tracks: "Jenny Ondioline" by Stereolab and seamless Tortoise remixes…
01/09/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #137 – The (16th) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
This week's mixtape started out with a full 90s nostalgia playlist, but then I added brand new tracks by Bully and Haley Blais, as well as…
25/08/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #136 – The (15th) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
A mixtape for these unpredictable days of summer here in San Francisco, where, in the past week, we've gone from cool fog to humid heatwave, from…
18/08/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #135 – The (14th) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
Let's all take a moment to pause and take a collective breath. This week's episode includes new and recent music by music by the Andrew Weathers Ensemble,…
11/08/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #134 – The (13th) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
This week's episode is my partial answer to friend Dan's question: "I'm stuck in 2003. What are some good artists/albums I should know about from the…
04/08/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #133 – The (dozenth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
This week, we shift away from the hard rock mixtapes of the past few weeks to some jazz, hip hop, and soul music, including new and…
28/07/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #132 – The (eleventieth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
I don't even know what happened this week. Thanks for listening! The Loose Canon Listening Club will return...
21/07/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #131 – The (tenth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
We get dark and heavy this week with a mixtape that includes new tracks by Hum, Death Valley Girls, Boris, and Mrs. Piss. The Loose Canon…
14/07/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #130 – The (ninth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
OK, the last few episodes have been... kinda intense. So, here's a more upbeat summer soundtrack with rock and soul music from the past 6 decades, including…
07/07/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #129 – The (eighth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
This week's mixtape completes an accidental triptych of sonic landscapes – no words, just music. Hope you've enjoyed them all. The Loose Canon Listening Club will…
23/06/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #128 – The (seventh) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
A companion to last week's mixtape: No words. Just music. Thanks for listening. The Loose Canon Listening Club will return...
16/06/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #127 – The (sixth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
No words this week. Just music. Enjoy. The Loose Canon Listening Club will return...
09/06/2020 • 0
BwGN AM Mixtape #126 – The (fifth) one while Loose Canon Listening Club is on hiatus
While much of the music industry went dark for Black Out Tuesday in solidarity with Black communities and their allies protesting for equity, justice, and security,…