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All New. All Different. All of the Above.

Anglais, Rock, 1 saison, 45 épisodes, 2 jours, 6 heures, 10 minutes
A propos
All of the Above radio: saving the world two hours at a time since May of 2012. All of the Above radio is part music (indie and alternative at its best), part talk (Curb your Enthusiasm with a touch of Frasier), and full escapism (minimal politics, even less religion, just entertainment). Winner of Fishbowl radio's 2013 Red Bowl show of the year, its combination of music and talk is free flowing, fun and thought provoking. Your long commutes, house cleaning or workday is about to be made better by adding All of the Above radio to it. Hank Thorpe is your host and chief storyteller. He's a self proclaimed concert addict, foodie, social commentator, dollar store psychologist and sports fan. His background, education, experiences and life outlook help to create All of the Above's slightly off center perspective. Hank has gotten into and out of countless strange situations and believes that the best stories require no exaggeration. Put mildly, Jerry Seinfeld would be jealous of some of Hank's exploits. And he isn't shy to tell you about any of them! Hank’s passion is music and drug of choice is human interaction. Thanks in part to the stories he tells, the passion he exhibits and the music he plays, Hank was chosen as the 2015 FishBowl radio Male Host of the year. Whether it’s the personality of the award winning host or the music you hear, All of the Above is about to be your new favorite show. Listen Tuesdays from 1p-3p on the Fishbowl Radio Network, listen here or download the show from iTunes and you’ll understand.
Episode Artwork

Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Is the mezcal making me mad or is being mad making me mad?

Do you have a liquor that puts you in a mood? In today's episode, I am checking in on my relationship with my favorite distilled spirit. In addition, I have a small thought bubble about high school and the continued pressure society puts on you to fill your weekends. Get the dialouge going by messaging me at [email protected]
29/06/20241 heure, 23 minutes, 46 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Another rant about parents parenting their kids from your favorite non-parent!

In early 2023, I put out a series of episodes on how to be a better restaurant and/or bar guest. Apparently, the world needs a refresher course. Tune in to listen to yet another tale of kids, parents and grandparents all doing the wrong thing. Hate this rant? Disagree? email me at [email protected]
07/05/20241 heure, 4 minutes, 16 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - If you're sick of Taylor Swift, skip this episode!

On this episode, we are taking a deep dive into the NFL's love of Taylor and Travis's love. We are also discussing Swifties becoming football fans and football fans becoming Swifties. email me your thoughts at [email protected]
10/04/20241 heure, 1 minute, 50 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Looking back at and cleaning up 2023

Before we get too deep into 2024, we should do a cleanup of 2023. Listen in to hear updates and amendments to your favorite show from last year.What did I miss a second time? Let me know at [email protected]
09/02/20241 heure, 22 minutes, 25 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Would you rather be a jack of all trades or a master of one?

I've been GOOD at a lot of things in life. Maybe even GREAT at one or two. But I have never been EXCELLENT at just one thing. We take a deep dive into what it takes to be a "master of one" in this episode. Enjoy. Drop me a line with your thoughts at [email protected]
01/11/20231 heure, 37 minutes, 24 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - What day means multiple things to you?

There's approximately 365 days in a year. Milestones can spread throughout the year. But sometimes, Milestones in your life can happen on the same day from year to year. Today we're talking about two of those days and the milestones that are attached. Has this happened to you? Tell me about it at [email protected]
25/10/20231 heure, 5 minutes, 38 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The life of a pro football scout

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a pro football scout? Have you never heard of pro football scouting and are curious to learn about it? I got you! In this episode, I chat with a man that worked for an awesome team doing quietly awesome work. Buckle up. This is a good one. Start the discussion with me on [email protected]
19/07/20231 heure, 35 minutes, 36 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - I love you. Thank you. You're Welcome.

In a discussion that noone has solved yet, I attempt to unpack the 8 types of love as defined by the Greeks. And I of course bring it into the present day with a story or two from my job.Take a look at the pic and figure out how you have manifested the 8 types. Then send me a line at [email protected]
08/05/20231 heure, 6 minutes, 8 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The first ever domestic living episode!

This show is always looking for ways to grow and update. And this show is the first experiment using a wireless microphone to chat with you. Follow along as I run the dishwasher, iron and chat. Why is my lead pic for this show Winston Bishop? Listen and find out.Get the dialouge going by emailing me at [email protected].
23/04/202353 minutes, 31 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The semi quarterly goals check-in

What habit would you challenege yourself to do for 30 days? I pick a different goal each month. In the episode, we look at the first few months of 2023 and check in on each goal I set and how close I got. It's small growth. But it's growth all the same.Tell me about your personal challenge or 30 day goal at [email protected].
18/04/20231 heure, 2 minutes, 19 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - A long overdue memorial and finding ways to get out of our own way

This episode breaks down into two parts but comes right back together. I'm talking a ton about how hard it is to get out of your own way. Then in the second half, I pay respects to celebrities that have passed over the past year. And yet it all comes together at the end. What keeps you from better success? Start the discussion at [email protected]
08/04/20231 heure, 13 minutes, 33 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The essential rules to being a better bar guest part 3

Here it is! This is the final (for now) installmant of the ways that YOU can be a better bar or restaurant guest. Listen, laugh, internalize.  And then feel free to add your two cents in at
03/03/20231 heure, 30 minutes, 15 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The essential rules to being a better bar guest (part 2)

Here comes part two in the series of rules and tips to being a better bar/restaurant guest. As the topics get hotter, so do I. Some of you will love this. Some of you will want to hide in shame. Let's get the discussion going. Email me your thoughts at [email protected]
14/02/20231 heure, 1 minute, 33 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The essential rules to being a better bar guest

I've been a bartender for a lot of years. I've seen a ton and learned even more. Now I must teach you all. Follow these simple rules and you too can be a model bar guest. I promise.Disagree? Offended? Start the discussion by emailing me at [email protected]
07/02/20231 heure, 18 minutes, 47 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Why does anyone do dry January?!?!

In this episode, we dive into the small commitment and hopefully large reset that is Dry January.  The reasons why, the ups the downs and everything in between. Tell me your Dry January stories. Or deeper yet, confess the habits that you want to disconnect from.  Email the show at [email protected]
03/02/20231 heure, 3 minutes, 36 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - It's a cooking show. Kinda.

Two things I love to do: work in the kitchen and record for you. So I decided to do them at the same time. If you like what you hear, I'll do more random conversations from the kitchen.Email the show at [email protected]
29/11/20221 heure, 13 minutes, 11 secondes
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Episode 2: All New. All Different. AOTA - Diving into the archives! Part 2

Time for another listen into the old show; All of the Above radio. In this archive dive, we're showcasing a best of collection that originally aired in July of 2018. This episode features not just my musings. It also features an in studio cohost and two great call in guests. Get comfortable and enjoy. And don't forget to tell me what you think of the old show @[email protected] Credits:Zero by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Written by Brian Chase, Karen Lee Orzolek and Nicholas Joseph ZinnerYou worry me by Natheniel Rateliff and the night sweats - Written by Nathaniel Rateliff and Luke MossmanPanic Switch by Silversun Pickups - Written by Brian Aubert, Christopher Ander Guanlao, Joseph Charles Lester and Nicole Lynn MonningerLoving is easy by Rex Orange County - Written by Alexander O'Connor and Benny SingsNo Good by Kaleo - Written by Jokull Juliusson, Daniel Aegir Kristjansson, Rubin Pollock and David Nils Olof AntonssonSend me on my way by Rusted Root -Written by Micheal Glabicki, Liz Berlin, John Buynak, Jim Dispirito, Jim Donovan, Patrick Norman and Jennifer WertzI do not own the rights to any music played on this show.
01/11/20221 heure, 57 minutes, 43 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Asking for forgiveness instead of permisson!

Consider this episode a preview and a clean up. We are previewing and reviewing the "best of" archive dive. But we are also catching new listeners up on what the old scene was all about. Curious? Confused? Give it a listen. And if you haven't already, listen to the All of the Above archive dive.Tell me what you think of the old scene AND the new version of the old scene. Email me at [email protected]
24/10/202245 minutes, 24 secondes
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Episode 1: All New. All Different. AOTA - Diving into the archives! Part 1

Do you remember the old days of All of the Above radio? New to the show and just heard me talk about the old show format? Well I've dug into the crates to give you a best of All of the Above radio episode from January of 2019. You're about to get the full taste of what the show once was. Thanks to my time at the Fishbowl Radio Network for a great experience and vessel for creativity. Song Credits;Valerie by Ra Ra Riot - Written by Steve Winwood and Will JenningsLoving is Easy by Rex Orange County - Written by Alexander O'Connor and Benny SingsStarry Eyed by Ellie Goulding - Written by Ellie Goulding and Johnny LattimerEverything is Debatable by Hellogoodbye - Written by Forrest KlineSend Me on my way by Rusted Root - Written by Michael Glabicki, Liz Berlin, John Buynak, Jim Dispirito, Jim Donovan, Patrick Norman and Jennifer WertzI do not own the rights to any music played on this show.
21/10/20221 heure, 55 minutes, 3 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Wait....Hank reads too?

OK so I'm not a particularly avid reader. But I definitely wanted to share the books I've recently enjoyed and why. Feel free to tell me if you've read any of these books and let me know your recommendations.Keep the conversation going outside of the show at [email protected]
21/09/202254 minutes, 42 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - An interview with the bride!

This episode features an in depth interview with the recently married Hayli Thorpe. We chat about the wedding planning process, her bridesmaids, Bud Light and more. Anyone planning a wedding should check this out!Email me your questions or questions for Hayli at [email protected] 
12/07/20221 heure, 41 minutes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The AOTA Alumni wedding photo

In this episode, we take a long look at the alumni photo that was taken during my wedding reception. Did I talk about you? What did I say? Tune in and enjoy.
30/06/20221 heure, 35 minutes, 8 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - When a coach gets fired. From a kid's perpective.

Welcome to 2022! In the first episode of the year, we chat about the firing of NFL coaches. I interview the son of a former NFL coach about what it's like when the end of the season arrives. Let's get the dialouge rolling outside after the show. Email me at [email protected]
24/01/202253 minutes, 29 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Yes one person DOES make a difference!

As we walk into to 2022, it's about time we shared a positive message. Let's start this year right!contact me at [email protected]
31/12/202151 minutes, 49 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - No seriously. It's ok to not be ok.

As a child, people going to therapy was considerably more taboo. The age we are in now is far different. My thoughts on that and more are here. Be prepared for more questions that answers.Let's start a dialogue. Send me your thoughts at [email protected]
29/12/20211 heure, 27 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The Christmas Special

Favorite Christmas memories? Got em. Favorite Christmas songs? Got em. Random thoughts about Christmas in general? Yup we got those too! Listen and enjoy.Start the convo with me by emailing me at
27/12/202155 minutes, 2 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Spoiler Alert! Hamilton was pretty good.

In this episode, we are talking about a huge musical sensation, a huge difference in concerts and movies, and a huge petpeeve when it comes to bathroom etiquette.Send me your thoughts on Hamilton to [email protected]
19/12/202155 minutes, 19 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - An unwrapping of sorts

The Spotify Wrapped video is causing a stir with musicians and consumers alike. In very spontaneous fashioned, I caught up to Dave Perez of local Dallas band Big Story for his thoughts. Email your thoughts to [email protected]
05/12/202137 minutes, 6 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Damn you recurring dreams!

In this episode, we are chatting about two recurring dreams I have had. One has been prevalent over the last year. The other has been around since high school. You and me are gonna figure out just what they mean in the waking me your thoughts at [email protected]
30/11/202152 minutes, 9 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - A brand new Ferrari. Parked it when I bought it.

A super fast episode to get me back in shape and to get you excited again for AOTA. There's more to come. Stick around.
01/11/202138 minutes, 27 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - The top 5 things I've heard since getting engaged

Since getting engaged in October of 2020, I've heard lots of thoughts and opinions. Some of them welcome. Some not so much. I put together a top 5 list of what I've heard the most. Listen and enjoy. Agree or disagree? email your top 5 to [email protected]
17/08/202156 minutes, 46 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - When being prisoner of the moment clouds your mind

In today's episode, we're getting into recency bias and the way it does or doesn't shape the decisions you make. Listen in for my examples and then start the discussion by emailing me at [email protected].
26/07/20211 heure, 5 minutes, 39 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Wait, you wanna keep your mask on??

This episode is in many was a follow up piece to a show from June of 2020. It's been over a year since restaurants shut down and reopened. Mask mandates are being lifted all over the United States. But here I come with the reason why I might consider still wearing one. Or not. Search Hank Thorpe on Spotify for previous episodes
06/07/20211 heure, 32 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - A deep dive into Maui. See what I did there?

This is the companion piece to the interview with Jessica Everett. We talk about my trip to Maui in depth and ask the question of how you all like to do your vacations.Follow me on Instagram @hankheyhowyadoin or @hanktoldyouso
30/06/20211 heure, 8 minutes, 51 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Bands of your life survey for 2021

In April of last year, I did the Bands of your life music survey. Here I am doing it again. Chime in and chat with me on Instagram about your list @hankheyhowyadoin.1-Band you hate2-Band you think is overrated3-Band who is underappreciated4-Band you can listen to over and over5-Band that made you fall in love with music6-Band that changed your life7-Band that surprised you8-Band you love9-Band you should have seen by now10-Guity pleasure11-Great band to see live
28/06/202144 minutes, 24 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - I went to Maui and fell in love with a bar?

I was lucky and privileged to meet and then interview Jessica Everett. She is a bartender and operating partner of Ester's Fair Prospect in Wailuku, Maui HI. Listen in as we talk dreams, cold summers, cheap beer and expensive living. Follow Ester's on Instagram @estersmauiFollow me on Instagram @hanktoldyouso or @hankheyhowyadoin
29/03/20211 heure, 20 minutes, 11 secondes
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Episode 13121: All New. All Different. AOTA - A deep dive into my whiskey buying habit.

From baseball cards as a kid to whiskey as an adult, I have a bit of a collector's bone in my body. We talk deep about that and more in this episode. Send feedback to [email protected]
31/01/20211 heure, 24 minutes, 59 secondes
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Episode 12021: All New. All Different. AOTA - The 2020 year in review

Before we run like hell towards 2021, I wanted to take a look back at what was a surprisingly good 2020. Lots of topics covered in short order. Email me at [email protected] or [email protected] if you want any topic expanded into a full show.
20/01/20211 heure, 14 minutes, 52 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - I was into Phil Collins a long time ago!

Twins the new trend and other Youtube reaction video makers have given me a chance to think back to my younger days when music had no bias. And of course, I turn this into an episode about race and stereotyping. NOW ON SPOTIFY!!!
29/09/20201 heure, 33 minutes, 33 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - A hero's funeral.

The passing of Chadwick Boseman caused me to think about a few things. Dive in and give a listen. 
31/08/20201 heure, 13 minutes, 52 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Because brunch on the patio must go on!!!

As we travel deeper into 2020, restaurant dining rooms and patios across the country are opening their doors to the public again. Would you go out? Do you think it's too soon? Are you just ready for life again? Hear my opinions on that and more. We're now on Google Podcasts. 
12/06/20201 heure, 59 minutes, 18 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Protests, corruption, and memories. OH MY!

The recent death of George Floyd and the protests that followed have sparked lots of thoughts and feelings across the country. Personally, it sparked a memory of Colin Kaepernick and his protests of police brutality. Listen in as we dive into the All of the Above radio archives to give you thoughts from August of 2016 and how they tie in to the world of today. 
03/06/20201 heure, 37 minutes, 6 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - A Facebook music survey? Why not!

Having more time at home has caused me to get back on Facebook. And while I was there, I found a music survey that was kinda fun. So instead of just listing it on FB, I decided to turn it into an interactive show. Here's the survey:Please do copy the text below and answer the questions for yourself. If you wanna discuss, email me at [email protected] or follow me on Instagram @hankheyhowyadoin or @hanktoldyousoName a band:1. You hate: 2. Who is overrated: 3. Who is under appreciated: 4. You can listen to over and over: 5. That made you fall in love with music: 6. Which changed your life: 7. That surprised you: 8. You love: 9. You should have seen by now: 10. That is guilty pleasure: 11. Best to see live: 12. You want to learn more about: 13. You listened to last: At time of typing this: 14. You still own their cd: 15. That makes you think of younger days: 16. Who you think people should be listening to? 17. You actually bought at least one album and it wasn’t your thing? 18. Artist/Band that you feel is so talented they can do no wrong musically? 19. Band you never gave a fair chance to? 20. What voice/singing style do you wish you could emulate? 
18/04/20201 heure, 21 minutes, 5 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Thank you Bill Withers

After a long break, I am back with new content. The loss of Bill Withers gives me some very strong memories and thoughts. Sit back and reminisce with me. Song credits:Lovely Day (1977) is written by Bill Withers and Skip ScarboroughCan we pretend (1974) is written by Bill Withers and Denise Nicholas
14/04/202050 minutes, 10 secondes
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Episode 32767: All New. All Different. AOTA - Mead isn't just for Vikings!

We have returned with new content for you. On this episode, I talk to Blake Gordon, the owner of the first dedicated meadery in Dallas TX. Listen as we talk Walter White, beekeeping, flavor pairing and the next great trend in drinking. Previous episodes are on Apple Podcasts. 
30/10/20191 heure, 32 minutes, 28 secondes