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10 Minute Mindset Profile

10 Minute Mindset

Inglés, Finance, 1 temporada, 35 episodios, 0 horas, 0 minutos
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10 Minute Mindset is designed to help you start your day in the best state possible. Our habits create the life we experience each day. 10 Minute Mindset shares roughly 10 minutes of new content every single day to help you create momentum toward the life you desire to experience. Our daily GIO method kicks off each episode to help you become intentional and specific about the outcome you want to create, back it with compelling emotion, take strategic action toward it, and to do it from an empowering state of gratitude. The rest of the podcast is designed to help you build and align your mindset with your unique purpose—and to live that purpose passionately to create true fulfillment in your life. If you want to uncover your unique purpose to serve and impact the world as only you can, then join us for 10 minutes each day to align your mindset and build momentum toward what you desire to achieve.
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Ep 975: Christy Metcalf: Why a Side Hustle Isn’t Serving You

Christy Metcalf returns to discuss why starting a side hustle as a way to transition out of corporate work can hold you back from entrepreneurial success.
27/7/20210 minutos, 1 segundo
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Ep 974: Christy Metcalf: Pivoting to Entrepreneurship after Corporate

Christy Metcalf shares why she pivoted from corporate work to entrepreneurship and the things to consider before you make the leap.
26/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 973: Wylie Robinson: Being Prepared to Solve Problems

Wylie Robinson returns to discuss how problem-solving is a symptom of success and how his organization looks at problem-solving as continuous innovation.
23/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 972: Wylie Robinson: Staying Innovative and Passionate within your Organization

Wylie Robinson shares how inspiration and passion were the foundation for his company and how he looks for opportunities to exercise his passion within his organization.
23/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 971: Maya Hu-Chan: Humility as an Asset

Maya Hu-Chan returns to discuss the importance of humility as a leader and how you can create psychological safety in the workplace.
19/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 970: Maya Hu-Chan: Creating Trust and Dignity in Your Organization

Maya Hu-Chan shares the importance of trust and dignity in the workplace and how to avoid large conflicts by understanding the nuances of the way we communicate within our organizations.
16/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 968: Errol Leandre: Overcoming Fear to Reach New Levels of Success

Errol Leandre shares how he overcame his fear of public speaking and the challenge of a speech impediment by stepping out of his comfort zone and serving others.
9/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 967: Alex Kuhn: Why the Hustle Mentality Doesn’t Work

Alex Kuhn returns to discuss why the hustle and grind mentality isn’t always best entrepreneurs and how you can still work hard and have a peaceful career.
8/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 965: Dr. Darin Detwiler: Creating Systems to Make an Impact

Dr. Darin Detwiler returns to share how he stays organized and aligned with his purpose as he tackles the world of thought leadership.
6/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 964: Dr. Darin Detwiler: Finding Your Purpose through Adversity

Dr. Darin Detwiler shares how a personal tragedy inspired a life-long journey of thought leadership in the food safety industry and how you can use your own adversity to create a meaningful life.
5/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 962: Gabrielle Bosche: The Difference Between Purpose and Goals

Gabrielle Bosche shares the key to finding your purpose and the importance of understanding the difference between living a purpose and accomplishing your goals.
29/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 961: Jeremy Hass: Raising Funds for Your Startup

Jeremy Hass returns to share what you should consider when raising money for your next venture and the most important skills you need to make an impact.
28/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 960: Jeremy Hass: Creating New Solutions with Peer-to-Peer Services

Jeremy Hass reveals how his company is innovating the self-storage industry and why peer-to-peer business models are more safe than ever.
25/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 959: Bill Flynn: Mastering Simplified Servanthood

Bill Flynn returns to discuss what simplified servanthood means and what it means to walk the line of giving and thriving.
24/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 958: Bill Flynn: Managing Risk in Business through Mindset

Bill Flynn shares his best strategies for approaching business risk and crisis through mindset strategy.
23/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 956: Keyen Lage: From Near Paralysis to High Performance Expert

Keyen Lage reveals how his journey from an NFL injury to high performance coach allowed him a deeper understanding of confidence and the desire to fully live life.
4/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 955: Sarry Ibrahim: How MMA Training Improves Your Business Skills

Today Sarry Ibrahim returns to share how his experience in MMA training helped him build the resiliency and discipline to make better, more confident business decisions.
3/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 919: Bridgit Dengel Gaspard: What to Do When You Change Your Mind About Success

On this episode of Ten Minute Mindset Bridgit Dengel Gaspard returns to discuss what happens when we are close to a goal and decide to change course. She also explains the different parts of our personalities that contribute to making that decision, as well as which parts should carry more weight than others.
4/3/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 918: Bridgit Dengel Gaspard: How to Overcome Missing a Goal

On this episode of Ten Minute Mindset Bridgit Dengel Gaspard shares how her book unravels the mystery of why so many high achieving individuals stall just inside the finish line. Mario and Bridgit discuss understanding the why behind our decisions and how to release the guilt and blame that comes with getting close to a goal and not quite making it.
3/3/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 907: Jennifer L’Heureux: Using Corporate Skills in Entrepreneurship

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Jennifer L’Heureux returns to discuss how she developed her own company after leaving the corporate space.
17/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 906: Jennifer L’Heureux: Building an Adaptable Business

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Jennifer L’Heureux shares the advantages to developing leadership and teams that are able to predict and adapt to change in order to serve customers at a higher level.
17/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 904: Dr. Wesley Fox: Creating an Evening Routine to Support Your Day

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Dr. Wesley Fox shares how his evening routine impact his mornings and why he ends his day with gratitude.
14/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 903: Bryan Clayton: Building a Bootstrapped Multi-Million Dollar Business

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Bryan Clayton shares what he learned after taking his business from zero to 20 million dollars in revenue with no debt and no outside investors.
12/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 902: Bryan Clayton: Creating a Financially Sound Startup

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Bryan Clayton shares how he found financing at the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey and what financial considerations he needed to consider as the company scaled.
11/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 901: Ryan Cote: Using Relaxation Techniques to Stay Productive

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Ryan Cote returns to share how he maximizes his productivity by making time for meditation, health routines, and time to relax.
10/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 899: Lacy Bentley: Creating Balance Between Work and Relationships

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Lacy Bentley returns to reveal her best advice for creating balance between your passion for work and passion for relationships. She also shares tips and strategies for creating boundaries and staying focused on the tasks at hand when distracted by feelings of joy.
8/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 898: Lacy Bentley: Attachment Disorder and Business Relationships

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Lacy Bentley shares how she identified and overcame her attachment disorder as well as how she’s helping other women do the same.
7/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 897: Ali Cudby: The New 80/20 Rule of Sales

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Ali Cudby returns to discuss how to create loyal customers after the sale and new ways the companies can enrich the experience from prospect to client.
7/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 896: Ali Cudby: Creating Long-Term Customer Loyalty

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Ali Cudby shares her journey to discovering her niche and how understanding customers helps you keep them happy and loyal.
4/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 895: Bobbi Sudberry: Reframing Your Stories to Help Others

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Bobbi Sudberry reveals her best advice for using personal stories to inspire others, as well as how she prioritized self-care and her mental health after personal tragedy in order to transition from surviving to thriving. Bobbi Sudberry is an author, executive director and founder of Kaity’s Way, a nonprofit organization focused on providing education on issues of teen dating and violence, as well as promoting the importance of healthy relationships. You can learn more about Bobbi at
3/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 893: Kelly Glover: Developing a Guest-Worthy Personal Brand

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Kelly Glover gives her best advice for polishing your pitch and presenting your brand in a way that gets you booked on more podcasts.
1/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 880: Chris Ruddick: Putting Craftmanship First

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Chris Ruddick discusses how his passion for craftsmanship inspired a journey into baking the perfect bread and how he avoids the rabbit hold of perfection.
18/1/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 879: Chris Ruddick: Putting a Value on Happiness

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Chris Ruddick shares his journey from the mail room to founding his own company and why income isn’t the only way to measure success.
17/1/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 866: Ed Evarts: The Anatomy of Leading by Example

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Ed Evarts breaks down what leadership behavior really looks and how you can use those traits to create your own formula for leadership success.
3/1/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ep 865: Tim Douglas: Finding Inspiration by Helping Others

Today on 10 Minute Mindset, Tim Douglas reveals an inspirational story of about a cow and a buffalo, and what these animals can teach us about human nature and helping others.
1/1/20210 minutos, 0 segundos