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davide abate Profile

davide abate

Italia, Electronic - 8bit, Ambient, Blues, Rock - Bluesrock, Latin - Bossanova, Hiphop - Chillhop, Electronic - Chillout, Electronic - Chillwave, Classical, Country, Rock - Countryrock, Reggae - Dancehall, Electronic - Downtempo, Pop - Dreampop, Electronic, Electronic - Electronica, Pop - Electropop, Rock - Emo, Latin - Flamenco, Folk, Jazz - Freejazz, Funk, Hiphop - Gangstarap, Hiphop, Indie, Indie - Indiepop, Indie - Indierock, Production - Intro, Jazz, Jazz - Jazzfunk, Latin, Jazz - Latinjazz, Hiphop - Lofi, Production - Loop, Pop, Pop Rock, Latin - Reggaeton, Rnb, Rock, Latin - Salsa, Jazz - Smoothjazz, Soul, Pop - Synthpop, Production - Trailer, Hiphop - Trap, Electronic - Triphop, Country - Western

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2 canciones
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fog and streets
angeli in bilico