About Dr. Right
A pointless introduction : I don't really know what to write - I guess you have to listen to my music to really understand how I function ! Please read onwards for more pointless facts, including my age, the type of music I like to make, and my favourite dish (no, just kidding... but if that really does interest you, then it's got to be pizza). And now for some more ''in-depth'' stuff you all like... : I'm 21 years old, and I enjoy playing around with various pieces of software until I'm happy with the result. I enjoy making lots of different sounds - minimalistic pieces of music, or in-your-face tunes. I therefore invite you all to listen to what I have to offer, and if you feel like it, review, comment and share - because that's the only way I'm only going to improve ! Want to be a friend on jamendo ? Sure, why not. Happy listening ! If you wish to contact me with any questions or hey, if you're feeling crazy and want to collaborate on anything, here's my address : [email protected].