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Your Legal Rights

English, Legal, 1 season, 74 episodes, 3 days, 12 minutes
San Mateo Deputy District Attorney Chuck Finney talks with experts on various legal topics, with listener participation.
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Bankruptcy and the Two-Minute Debtors Solution

We’re talking bankruptcy, debtors rights, and what this means for you. Your rights, what these tools can do for you, or perhaps to you, and how it all works.Whether you are looking for help or adding to your knowledge base, you’ve come to the right place. You’ve come to the right place. YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, joined by Leon Bayer, are talking bankruptcy, debtors rights, and what this means for you. Your rights, what these tools can do for you, or perhaps to you, and how it all works. Whether you are looking for help or adding to your knowledge base, you’ve come to the right place, you’ve come to the right place.Questions for Jeff and his guest? Call us at (866) 798-8255,
6/13/202459 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Prosecutions of A Past (and maybe future) President

The past President faces civil and criminal prosecutions. His main political rival, currently holding the office, benefits from these prosecutions – or does he? Do we?YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is joined by myriad experts who view these prosecutions from legal, political and constitutional prospectives.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Call toll free at (866) 798-8255.
6/6/202459 minutes, 46 seconds
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To Compete or Not To Compete: That is the Question

You’re ready to move on from your job. That is, until your employer says you can’t work in the industry, that you signed an agreement never to work for a competitor.Tonight on Your Legal Rights, we’re talking non-compete agreements. What are they and how can they affect employer and employee alike?YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is joined by two of the best, employer attorney Tom Lenz and employee attorney Beth Mora.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
5/30/202458 minutes, 4 seconds
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Landlord-Tenant Law: Late Spring 2024

Does this housing crisis rise and fall with the cost of rent? Can we build our way out? What's new in Landlord-Tenant Law?YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is joined tonight by three of the best: Jessica Chylik, David Finkelstein and Sal Timpano. Best of all we take your calls and answer your questions at (866) 798-8255.
5/23/202459 minutes, 27 seconds
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Workers Compensation And The Medical Legal Evaluation

I am proceeding under a workers compensation claim. For medical benefits, do i have to go to a special doctor, or can i go to my regular doctor?What is a qualified medical evaluator? Is it likely my regular doctor is a qualified medical evaluator?YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, and tonight's co-host, Rob Wyman, are joined by Dr. Alex Sable-Smith, M.D., who practices both as a treating physician and as a qualified medical evaluator.Questions for Jeff, Rob and their guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
5/16/202459 minutes, 3 seconds
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Humanizing Immigration

What is it going to take before Congress will take up fair and just immigration reform?Do non-citizens make up a larger percentage of the overall population than in years past? Do undocumented immigrants?When someone shows up at the border, claiming asylum, does the system give him or her the benefit of the doubt? If not, why not?Isn't the fight for immigrant and refuge rights a forgotten part of the fight for racial justice?On Wednesday, May 8, YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is joined by Professor Bill Hing, author of Humanizing Immigration: How to Transform Our Racist and Unjust System.Questions for Jeff and his guest? Please call (866) 798-8255.
5/9/202459 minutes, 50 seconds
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California's Proposition 47 Turns Ten

Upon its 2014 passage, Proposition 47 reclassified some felonies — mostly non-violent drug possessory offenses or low-grade theft cases — to misdemeanor. As misdemeanors, these low level offenses could not be enhanced with prior convictions under the Three Strikes Laws.Ten years later, California is plagued with organized retail thefts and homelessness, that certain law enforcement groups would blame on Proposition 47, while proponents of the measure would point to the tens of thousands of people languishing in jail for the most minor of offenses before it's passage, and further that the crimes most often blamed on Proposition 47 were not, in fact, affected by it.On May 1, 2014, we look at Proposition 47 some ten years after its passage.YLR Host, Jeff Hayden is joined by Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Eugene Hyman, retired, Professor Charis Kubrin from U.C. Irvine, Deputy San Francisco Public Defender Matt Sotorosen, and Will Matthews from Californians for Safety and Justice.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
5/2/202459 minutes, 3 seconds
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Voting Rights in America: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, Where We’re Going

Tonight on Your Legal Rights, with an emphasis on voting technology, we take a look at voting rights in America: where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, and tonight's co-host, Brent Turner, are joined by Secretary William Gardner, former Secretary of State in New Hampshire, having retired as the longest serving Secretary of State in the nation's history.Best of all, we take your calls and answer your questions, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
4/25/202459 minutes, 42 seconds
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Workers Compensation in California -- the Basics

California maintains a no-fault system under which if you get hurt on the job, your employer is required by law to pay for workers’ compensation benefits.This system, in most cases, is the sole remedy for a workplace injury; in most instances, personal injury laws do not apply to an injury suffered at work. There is a system in place to protect workers, but it is not dependent upon the same factors as would apply to a personal injury case.What happens if you are at fault.What if you want to see your own doctor?What if the injury is permanent?What if you can’t return to work for a while? Forever?Tonight, the basics of the workers compensation system. YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is joined by a sought-after speaker who routinely addresses attorneys, physicians, unions, and consumer groups about workers’ compensation and the law in California, San Rafael workers’ compensation attorney Robert K. Wyman. Questions for Jeff and his guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
4/18/202459 minutes, 11 seconds
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Consumer and Environmental Protection

Tonight on Your Legal Rights, YLR host, Jeff Hayden, is joined by San Mateo County District Attorneys Joel McComb, in the Consumer Protection Unit, and Crystal Chau, in the Environmental Law Unit. Both will talk about this unique function, that encompasses not only criminal prosecution but civil litigation, with a primary goal of making victims whole again.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Call us, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
4/4/202459 minutes
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Landlord-Tenant Law: Spring Installment 2024

As housing was perhaps the single largest subject of legislative activity in the last year, YLR returns to discuss landlord tenant law, the first installment for Spring 2024.YLR Host Jeff Hayden is joined by landlord-tenant attorneys extraordinary: Jessica Chylik and Sal Timpano of San Francisco and David Finkelstein of San Mateo. As always, we take your calls and answer your questions.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll-free, at (866) 798-8255.
3/28/202459 minutes, 54 seconds
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Encore Broadcast: Alternative Sexuality: You, Your Kink and the Law

It's all in good fun. Except when it's not. We plan to give you some guidance, so if you are experimenting in this area, you are not at risk for emotional and physical damage or even criminal prosecution.Want to learn some boundaries before the Folsom Street Fair? You've come to the right place.YLR Host Jeff Hayden and tonight's co-host, Emmy-nominated legal and political analyst Dean Johnson, are joined by Dr. Anna Randall, Dr. Richard Sprout and Susan Wright.As this is an encore broadcast, we are not accepting calls into the broadcast tonight. But we welcome your calls to support this station at (800) 525-9917. The only way this station can stay on the air, is listeners. Listeners just like you. To keep this station going, to keep our live stream available for yourself, to keep shows like Your Legal Rights on the air, please make your donation to KALW, today, at Thank you.Next week, we'll be back, live, with our Landlord-Tenant Broadcast.
3/21/202459 minutes, 43 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 3/13/24

Criminal Law and Immigration
3/14/202458 minutes, 44 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 3/6/24

Interview with former Superior Court Judge and State Senator Quentin Kopp.
3/9/202459 minutes, 52 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 2/28/24

AI in the workplace.
2/29/202459 minutes, 45 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 2/21/24

Nuisance Neighbors
2/22/202459 minutes, 25 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 2/14/24

The new Racial Justice Act
2/15/202459 minutes, 28 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 2/7/24

2/8/202459 minutes, 26 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 1/31/24

Nuisance complaints
2/1/202459 minutes, 40 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 1/24/23

Landlord-tenant issues.
1/25/202459 minutes, 31 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 1/17/24

1/18/202459 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Once-Murder Capital of the Nation Suffers Zero Homicides in 2023

Tonight we are going to talk about crime. This time, good news, as a local city has had a tremendous turnaround that offers hope for other cities.During the 1990s, the Bay Area City of East Palo Alto was overrun by crime, poverty, and drugs, having the highest per capita murder rate in the known world. Last year, the homicide rate was zero.Should we stop at celebrating; or, are there lessons learned that can benefit other locales?Joining YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, and tonight's co-host, Dean Johnson, is the Mayor of East Palo Alto, Antonio Lopez. Questions for Jeff, Dean and their guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
1/11/202459 minutes, 37 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 12/13/23

Elections and Vote Protection.
12/14/202356 minutes, 17 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 12/6/23

Year-End Tax Tips
12/7/202359 minutes, 55 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 11/29/2023

Labor and Employment Law: The Private Attorney General Rule
11/30/202359 minutes, 20 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 11/22/23

Landlord-Tenant laws and issues.
11/23/202359 minutes, 39 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 11/15/23

Your Legal Right's topic is crytocurrency.
11/16/202359 minutes, 42 seconds
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Bankruptcy, Behind in Car Payments, and the Two Minute Debtors Solution

"Is my car in danger of repossession if I pay every month but I'm always behind." "I’m behind on my car payments and I’m afraid the lender will repossess my vehicle. I can't come up with the money to get completely current. What can bankruptcy do to save my car?" "My car was just repossessed. What do I have to do to get it back?" I’ve fallen behind in my credit card payments – what can I do? Joining YLR Host Jeff Hayden is Leon D. Bayer, from the Los Angeles firm of Bayer, Wishman & Leotta. Leon is a certified Bankruptcy Law Specialist, certified by the California Board of Legal Specialization, State Bar of California, and co-author of “The New Bankruptcy: Will It Work For You?” published by Nolo Press. As always, we take your calls and answer your questions, for Jeff and his guest, at (866) 798-8255.
11/9/202359 minutes, 46 seconds
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Care Court Is Here

The “Care Act” -- touted as both a new paradigm for mental health treatment and at least part of the solution to the problem of homelessness -- permits family members, first responders and unspecified others to ask the courts to create and enforce treatment plans for people who are thought to be mentally ill.How is care court different from conservatorship?Governor Newsom recently signed SB 43 which changes conservatorship laws – how will that affect conservatorship? and Care Court?Tonight, YLR Host Jeff Hayden, and tonight’s co-host Dean Johnson, are joined by Emma, the parent to a reluctant consumer of the mental health system, and Tal Klement representing the Mental Health Unit of the San Francisco Public Defender's Office.Questions for Jeff, Dean and their guests? Please call us, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.On November 8, we revisit our discussion of Bankruptcy Law, and on November 15, we will look at Cryptocurrency after the trial of SBF.
11/2/202359 minutes, 34 seconds
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Veterans Treatment Court

Tonight, an encore broadcast wherein we revisit legal issues affecting our military veterans, and what happens when veterans come into the criminal justice system, the specialized courts and resources devoted to helpfully lending a helping hand to those individuals to whom we owe so much . . . .Tonight, you will hear of an award-winning program, The Veteran’s Treatment Court Of The San Mateo County Superior Court.YLR host, Jeff Hayden is joined by an outstanding panel of guests, including Judge Michael Wendler, Judge of the San Mateo County Superior Court and Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, and Sean Noland, Management Analyst at the San Mateo County Superior Court.As this is an encore broadcast, please no calls for Jeff and his guests. We return live next week with a look at Care Court as well as new laws regarding Mental Health and Conservatorships. In two weeks, we look again at Bankruptcy, and especially what to do if you find you have fallen behind in your car payments.
10/26/202358 minutes, 53 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 10/18/23

Proposition 47
10/19/202359 minutes, 2 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 10/4/23

YLR host, Jeff Hayden, and tonight's guest, Ben Feuer, discuss those cases lined up for their day in court. THE court.
10/5/202359 minutes, 25 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 9/27/23

Landlord-Tenant Law: Fall 2023 Installment
10/5/202359 minutes, 32 seconds
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Your Legal Rights 9/20/23

It's all in good fun. Except when it's not. We plan to give you some guidance, so if you are experimenting in this area, you are not at risk for emotional and physical damage or even criminal prosecution.Want to learn some boundaries before the Folsom Street Fair? You've come to the right place.YLR Host Jeff Hayden and tonight's co-host, Emmy-nominated legal and political analyst Dean Johnson, are joined by Dr. Anna Randall, Dr. Richard Sprout and Susan Wright.Questions for Jeff and Dean's guests? Call (866) 798-8255. And please: keep the talk adult, and civil.
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Clearing Your Criminal Record

Every day, in California, people face criminal charges. At the time the case is initially charged, the prosecution designates the charge as an infraction, a misdemeanor, or a felony.Most offenses are carried out by the young – that is, when no one is looking toward the effects a conviction will have later in life.The law provides various means for clearing your criminal record, something many people pursue. Often years after the conviction was suffered.When do these changes restore someone’s ability to resume a normal life, often years after sometimes minor offenses? When is such relief available? When is it effective? When is it less so?And, if you seek help for yourself or a loved one, where can someone turn for help?YLR Host Jeff Hayden and co-host, NBC legal and political commentator Dean Johnson, is Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Eugene Hyman (retired), Redwood City attorney Cheri Wallace, and Mitri Hanania, Assistant Managing Attorney for the Private Defender Program of the San Mateo County Bar Association, Certified by the California Board of Legal Specialization, State Bar of California as a Specialist in Criminal Law. Questions for Jeff, Dean and their guests? Please call (866) 798-8255. Listeners seeking help for themselves or a loved one are especially encouraged to call.
9/14/202358 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Georgia Indictment, Part Two

Former President Trump faces prosecution in Georgia, under an indictment that differs than either the January 6th case pending in Washington D.C. or the documents case pending in a federal court in Florida in important ways. Among the differences are that at least for the present, it is pending in a state court, and there are myriad other indicted co-conspirators including former government officials and at least three attorneys for the then-president. Where is all this heading? What affect will this have on the upcoming presidential election?Joining tonight’s host, emmy-nominated legal and political commentator Dean Johnson, is Professor Lawrence Douglas, the James J. Grosfeld Professor of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought at Amherst College. Questions for Dean and Professor Douglas? Please call, toll-free, at (866) 798-8255.
9/7/202359 minutes, 54 seconds
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Demystifying Traffic Court and The Department of Motor Vehicles

There was a movement afoot to use cameras to analyze speed? So every car speeding down the road can get a ticket. What’s the status? If it’s passed, after all, will this really slow us down?I got a red-light ticket. Is there anything I can do?The red lights came on behind me. What happens next? Can I do anything? Anything I absolutely should not do? Why what I do in the next few moments can really make a difference.Joining YLR Host Jeff Hayden is San Mateo attorney, David Nazzaro, Jay Baik, Law offices of Majeed S. Samara in Millbrae, and David Uthman, a retired peace officer, currently practicing law at the Law Offices of David Uthman and the San Francisco Traffic Law Clinic.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
8/10/202359 minutes, 22 seconds
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Landlord-Tenant: Summer 2023 Installment

Is your landlord now limited to how much of a deposit he/she can charge? Are there any eviction moratoriums left? What is new with Landlord-Tenant Law? YLR Host Jeff Hayden is joined by three of the best Landlord-Tenant Attorneys in the region. Best of all, we'll take your calls and answer your questions.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll free, (866( 798-8255.
8/3/202359 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rebroadcast: A Conversation About Marijuana

Tonight we are talking about marijuana, with a look at how the law evolved, where we are today, and, perhaps, a look ahead.Joining YLR Host Jeff Hayden is Chris Conrad; Chris is an author, museum curator, consultant, cannabis expert witness and internationally respected authority on cannabis, industrial hemp, medical marijuana, and . . . the list goes on.Tonight is a rebroadcast from this past May; as a rebroadcast, we will not be accepting calls. Your Legal Rights returns live next week, with a discussion of Landlord-Tenant Law, where we once again take your calls and answer your questions.
7/27/202359 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Supreme Court: What Have They Done Now? What's Next? -- Part II

Last year, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, we asked our experts: What's Next? Are other rights in jeopardy?With recent decisions at the close of this years term, replete with a bit of activism, we again find ourselves asking: What's Next?YLR host, Jeff Hayden is joined by Ben Feuer of the Complex Appellate Litigation Group, Anne Voigts from King & Spalding and James Brosnahan one of the nation’s most revered trial lawyers and author of the newly released book Justice at Trial.Questions for Jeff his guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
7/20/202358 minutes, 54 seconds
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An Evening With James Brosnahan

Tonight, YLR Host Jeff Hayden shares a rare visit with legendary attorney James Brosnahan.James Brosnahan is one of the nation’s most revered trial lawyers. Having tried cases ranging from anti-trust to wire fraud and from patent litigation to white collar crime and murder, Mr. Brosnahan defended John Philip Walker Lindh — the so-called Marin Taliban, an American captured by United States forces as an enemy combatant during the invasion of Afghanistan — and Prosecuted Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger for the Iran-Contra Affair. James Brosnahan is a local legend.If you don’t know of Mr. Brosnahan, all the more reason you must listen. His upcoming book: Justice At Trial, is a must read.Questions for Jeff and his guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
7/13/202358 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Supreme Court: What Have They Done Now? What's Next?

Last year, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, we asked our experts: What's Next? Are other rights in jeopardy?With recent decisions at the close of this years term, replete with a bit of activism, we again find ourselves asking: What's Next?YLR host, Jeff Hayden, and co-host Dean Johnson, are joined by Ben Feuer of the Complex Appellate Litigation Group, and Anne Voigts from King & Spalding.Questions for Jeff, Dean and their guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
7/6/202359 minutes, 29 seconds
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Returning To Work — What Are The Issues And What Do We Do About Them?

Why do employees fear return to work rules are bad? Who does remote work favor? Who does return to work favor? Will a return to work disproportionately hurt some vulnerable populations? Women? Young parents? People of color? The disabled?Courtesy of the Labor and Employment Law Section of the California Lawyers Association, YLR Host Jeff Hayden is joined by Thomas Lenz, a partner at Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo in Pasadena and Beth W. Mora of Mora Employment Law.Question for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
6/29/202359 minutes
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Censorship of Sexual Freedom

KALW is celebrating pride with a week of programming about LGBTQIA+ people and issues — all week long, online and on-air, across the station’s schedule. In that spirit, tonight’s discussion focuses on the censorship of sexual freedom.YLR host, Jeff Hayden, and tonight's co-host, Dean Johnson, are joined, courtesy of the Woodhull Foundation, the current COO, Mandy Salley and the Founder and CEO Ricci Levy.Questions for Jeff, Dean and their guests? Please call us, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
6/22/202359 minutes, 53 seconds
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Bankruptcy, Debtors Rights, and the Two Minute Analysis

Tonight, we’re talking bankruptcy and debtors rights, sure; but tonight, we’re taking it a bit further.You got questions about bankruptcy? About debtors’ rights? We got you covered; call us for a 2 minute air-time solution.YLR host Jeff Hayden, and tonight's co-host are joined by Leon D. Bayer, from the Los Angeles firm of Bayer, Wishman & Leotta, Certified as a Bankruptcy Law Specialist by the California Board of Legal Specialization, State Bar of California.Questions for Jeff, Dean and their guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
6/15/202359 minutes, 29 seconds
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Animal Law II

Tonight on Your Legal Rights, we're resuming our conversation about animal law.YLR host, Jeff Hayden, and tonight's co-host, Dean Johnson, are joined by Deborah Dubow Press, Esq., associate general counsel for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, former director of regulatory affairs for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Corey Page, the founding partner Of Evans & Page, and, courtesy of the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Carter Dillard, formerly Director of Litigation for The Animal Legal Defense Fund.Questions for Jeff, Dean and their guests? Please call us, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
6/8/202359 minutes, 24 seconds
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An Evening with J. Tony Serra

Tonight, a rebroadcast from Nov. 30, 2022, in which YLR Host Jeff Hayden s joined by San Francisco attorney J. Tony Serra.To anyone who has followed the law, much less criminal law in the San Francisco Bay Area, Tony Serra needs no introduction. To defense attorneys, J. Tony Serra is nothing short of a master. Mr. Serra stands out in local, regional and national media as a legend. Those familiar such diverse movies as True Believer, Where the Buffalo Roam or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas have seen characters seemingly based, at least in part, on Tony Serra. Enjoy a chance to have listen to one of the most interesting and colorful local folks in our era.
6/1/202358 minutes, 46 seconds
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Mid-2023 Landlord Tenant

As the Assembly sends the question of limiting security deposits off to the Senate, Alameda County delays lifting an eviction moratorium into at least July, we ponder what else is changing in the arena of landlord-tenant law.Join YLR host JEFF HAYDEN and his guests, Jessica Chylik and Sal Timpano for the next installment of this important discussion.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll-free, at (866) 798-8255.
5/25/202359 minutes, 53 seconds
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Do Animals Have Rights?

Do animals have rights? Tonight on Your Legal Rights, we're talking about animal law.YLR host, Jeff Hayden, and tonight's co-host, Dean Johnson, are joined by Jared Goodman, General Counsel of Animal Law for The Peta Foundation, Corey Page, the founding partner Of Evans & Page, and courtesy of the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Carter Dillard, formerly Director of Litigation for The Animal Legal Defense Fund.Questions for Jeff, Dean and their guests? Please call us, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
5/18/202359 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Conversation About Marijuana

Tonight we are talking about marijuana, with a look at how the law evolved, where we are today, and, perhaps, a look ahead.Joining YLR Host Jeff Hayden is Chris Conrad; Chris is an author, museum curator, consultant, cannabis expert witness and internationally respected authority on cannabis, industrial hemp, medical marijuana, and . . . the list goes on.Questions for Jeff and his guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
5/11/202359 minutes, 30 seconds
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Navigating Long Term Care Facilities and What to Do If They Close?

We place great trust in long term care facilities to take care of very vulnerable people - how can we be good consumers and assure the care our loved ones, or even ourselves, will receive is what it should be?What rights do patients have if a facility is slated for closing or downsizing?YLR Host Jeff Hayden is joined by Jaclyn Flores, Consumer & Policy Advocate at California Advocates For Nursing Home Reform.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call toll free at (866) 798-8255.
5/4/202359 minutes, 33 seconds
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The red-light comes on behind you. What you do next can mean the difference between jail, a ticket, or a tip of the officer's had as he/she lets you drive away. What do you do?Joining YLR Host Jeff Hayden is David Uthman, a retired peace officer, currently practicing law at Law Offices of David Uthman and the San Francisco Traffic Law Clinic.Questions for Jeff and his guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
4/27/202359 minutes, 30 seconds
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Criminal Law And Immigration

The popular media presents a very misleading image of recent changes in law and punishment, immigrants entering or already living in this country, and create a perception that both sentences and overall incarceration rates are at historic lows, when quite the opposite is true.To help flush out the related issues of crime, immigration, and immigration consequences of often minor transgressions, YLR Host Jeff Hayden is joined by Stanely Radtke, an immigration attorney, and Mara Feiger, a certified criminal law specialist.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll-free, at (866) 798-8255.
4/20/202359 minutes, 50 seconds
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Shasta County Elections Revolution and other Election News

We’ve spoken of elections, election law, and election software. And now there is a revolution afoot from an unlikely place: Shasta County.YLR host Jeff Hayden is joined by elections expert Brent Turner to discuss the fight for best voting technology, and the recent system upheaval in Shasta County, in California and nationally.Our attention will shift home, where our panel will be joined by Chris Jerdonek, Vice-President of the San Francisco Election Commission.Questions for Jeff and his guests — for as always, we take your calls and answer your questions — please call, toll free at (866) 798-8255.
4/13/202359 minutes, 1 second
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Last Minute Tax Filing Tips

Your tax filings are coming due in just about two weeks.Tonight, on your legal rights, we will focus on tips for preparation and filing of your state and local taxes.YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is joined by Frank Adam, of Pacifica, -- Frank is an, attorney, real estate broker and certified public accountant – and Cindy Ho of Cindy Ho Law, APC, in San Jose, now in her 20th year and focused extensively on tax controversy and litigation.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
4/6/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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You And Your Insurance: A Question Of Coverage

When disaster strikes, are you truly covered? Is there a difference between whether the hillside behind your house comes calling, or a tree comes knocking? You lost your business due to COVID — when are you covered?Tonight, YLR Host Jeff Hayden is joined by Kathleen M. Defever, an insurance litigator and an insurance adjuster, with a Master's of Insurance Law from the University of Connecticut School of Law.Questions for Jeff and his guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
3/30/202359 minutes, 17 seconds
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Landlord/Tenant Law in 2023, Part Two

Tonight we present the second installment of our popular feature, Landlord/Tenant Law. Joining YLR Host Jeff Hayden are three of the San Francisco Bay Area's Best: Jessica Chylik of San Francisco, David Finkelstein of San Mateo, and Sal Timpano of San Francisco. Questions for Jeff's guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
3/23/202359 minutes, 15 seconds
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National Divorce: Is There a Case To Be Made?

Marjorie Taylor-Green first voiced the idea of a national divorce. Given the source, is it really to be taken seriously? Is there a case to be made?Tonight's YLR Host, Dean Johnson, is joined by New York Times columnist David French.Questions for Dean and his guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
3/16/202358 minutes, 36 seconds
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Labor Law and YOUR Workplace

The last few years have seen an increase in union organizing and employee protests in non-traditional areas – retail, tech, cannabis dispensaries, college campuses, non-profits. We also saw a spike in the number of strikes in 2022. Organizing has definitely been in the news as well-known employers have experienced organizing campaigns – Starbucks, Amazon, Trader Joe’s, Apple retail stores, Peets coffee etc. What does “union organizing” mean? Why are employees seeking assistance from unions? Why might they be willing to strike? Do employees have rights to act together even without a union?YLR Host is joined tonight by Jill Coffman, Regional Director of The National Labor Relations Board, Beth Mora of Mora Employment Law, Thomas Lenz, a partner at Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo in Pasadena, Ca, and Jill Coffman, Regional Director of The National Labor Relations Board.Questions for Jeff's guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
3/2/202358 minutes, 44 seconds
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New Employment Laws For 2023

Tonight, on Your Legal Rights, with the help and participation from the Labor and Employment Law Section of the California Lawyers Association, we’re talking about the evolving world of Labor and Employment Law.YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is joined by Beth W. Mora of Mora Employment Law, and Thomas Lenz of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo.Questions for Jeff and his guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
2/23/202359 minutes, 35 seconds
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encore broadcast: Veteran's Treatment Court

Tonight, we bring you the second installment in our 2-part series on legal issues affecting our military veterans.Just what happens when veterans come into the criminal justice system, the specialized courts and resources devoted to helpfully lending a helping hand to those individuals to whom we owe so much . . . .Tonight, you will hear of an award-winning program, The Veteran’s Treatment Court Of The San Mateo County Superior Court.YLR host, Jeff Hayden is joined by Judge Michael Wendler, Judge of the San Mateo County Superior Court and Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, and Sean Noland, Management Analyst at the San Mateo County Superior Court.As this is an encore broadcast, we will not be taking calls this evening.
2/16/202359 minutes, 14 seconds
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Gun Violence? Gun Violence Restraining Orders.

In recent months, there have been an uptick in the number of mass-casualty shooting events. Despite the publicity surrounding two recent events occurring in California, California has been said to have the most restrictive laws in the nation and has one of the lowest gun death rates in the nation.Next week, our discussion continues as we take a look at some of these gun-control measures. Tonight, we will discuss one of the tools to address gun violence before it happens, the gun violence restraining order. California’s red flag law allows people in certain specified roles or with specified relationships to an individual to seek a gun violence restraining order to remove firearms from a person who has been deemed a threat to themselves or someone else.But who is to decide who is deemed a threat? What standards will that person apply?Joining YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is Lance Bayer, a municipal attorney in private practice. Questions for Jeff and his guest? Please call us at (866) 798-8255.
2/9/202358 minutes, 54 seconds
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Counting Your Votes: why can't they get it right?

Our final show of 2022, just five weeks ago, proved prophetic. We asked what would happen if government, at any level, paired ranked-choice voting with proprietary software, and made a mistake; how would we ever know? The very next day, that very scenario was unveiled in Alameda County, when election officials came to realize they had declared the wrong winner in a race. The officials determined that as a result of rank choice voting had been misapplied, they declared the wrong candidate as the winner. As we go to air tonight, some twelve weeks after the election -- even after certifying the election – the court ordered a review in the Alameda County School Board, District Four ballots. And while the attorneys for the two candidates get to review those ballots, and watch as the sausage is being made, the court order does not go so far as to overturn the results; at least not yet.And then what happens? And just what is the state of elections in California?YLR Host, Jeff Hayden, is joined, once again, by Brent Turner, the real activist. Questions for Jeff and his guest? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
2/2/202359 minutes, 3 seconds
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Landlord Tenant Law

California recently enacted a form of rent control. Is the country next?The holidays behind us, a new year beginning, some face loss of habitability, or worse yet eviction.In other cases, small landlords depending on the income from a rental face a tenant who is not paying.Again, we revisit the question, where do landlords and tenants stand right now?Joining YLR Host Dean Johnson, are three of the best: Jessica Chylik, David Finkelstein and Sal Timpano.Questions for Dean's guests? Call us, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
2/2/202359 minutes, 51 seconds
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S.F. vs New Hampshire - The fight for clean election technology !!

S.F. vs New Hampshire - The fight for clean election technology !! YLR hosts Jeff Hayden and Dean Johnson are joined by local election guru Brent Turner for a debrief on the San Francisco County election director issue as well as a national update. Recently Fox News host Tucker Carlson lambasted the San Francisco Elections Commission for moving toward replacement of the current S.F. election department chief John Arntz and questions were raised regarding cronyism and sole source contracts. Best of all, we take your calls and answer your questions.Join the conversation regarding open source software technology, Ranked Choice Voting, equity, and much more!! Call (866) 798-8255.
1/12/20231 hour, 29 seconds
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Vets and Mental Health: The Overwatch Collective

Tonight’s program, a first for us, is the first of a two-part series devoted to issues unique to veterans.We are all aware sometimes severe physical injuries, even death, can befall our soldiers. Less discussed are the less visible manifestations of warfare, whether myriad physical health issues, addition to medication, or mental health issues. Relative to their numbers in societly at large, military veterans are overrepresented in the homeless – the list goes on and on.This first segment takes a broader look to veterans and mental health needs, and hopefully resources. Next week, what happens when veterans come into the criminal justice system, the specialized courts and resources devoted to helpfully lending a helping hand to those individuals to whom we owe so much . . . .Joining YLR host, Jeff Hayden, is the President and co-founders of The Overwatch Collective, Jesse Coulter.Question for Jeff and his guest? Call, toll-free, at (866) 798-8255.
1/12/202359 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bankruptcy: An Overview

A quick summary of just what bankruptcy is, different types of bankruptcy cases. How does all this work.In the aftermath of the various economic stimuli and protections born of the pandemic, are bankruptcies on the rise?It’s been 14 months since last we examined the law of bankruptcy; any changes in store?Tonight, YLR host Jeff Hayden and tonight's co-host Dean Johnson host Leon Bayer to talk about bankruptcy, and debtor’s rights; more importantly, we are here to take your calls and answer your questions.YLR host Jeff Hayden welcomes Leon Bayer. Certified as a Bankruptcy Law Specialist by the California Board of Legal Specialization, State Bar of California, Mr. Bayer is co-author of THE NEW BANKRUPTCY: WILL IT WORK FOR YOU? published by Nolo Press. Questions for Jeff, Dean and Leon? Please call us, toll-free, at (866) 798-8255.
12/22/202259 minutes, 24 seconds
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Year End Tax Planning Tips 2022

Your investments have gone up and down like a yo-yo; what are the tax implications? What do we know about possible changes brought on by the pandemic relief? What tax law changes do we yet know of, whether now in effect or coming down the road such as increasing the SALT (State an local tax) limit? What should we be doing in the final weeks of the year? Should we all go out and buy bigger houses? Cash in on what we got?Tonight, on your legal rights: as the year comes to a close, we give you tax tips. YLR Hosts Jeff Hayden and Dean Johnson are joined by CPA/Attorney Frank Adam and Tax Attorney Cindy Ho.Questions for Jeff's & Deans Guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
12/15/202259 minutes, 56 seconds
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A few months ago, we dared ask if the time had truly come for cryptocurrency. But a short time later, we had billions of dollars lost with the collapse of cryptocurrency values, the failure of the FTX currency exchange and a host of lawsuits against professional athletes, celebrities, and other spokespersons. . . .The obvious questions: How did this happen? and What are we going to do about it?Tonight, YLR Hosts are joined by crypto experts Chris Eberle and Redbeard.Questions for Dean, Jeff and tonight's guests? Call us, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
12/8/202258 minutes, 55 seconds
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An Evening with J. Tony Serra

Tonight, YLR Host Jeff Hayden is joined by San Francisco attorney J. Tony Serra.To anyone who has followed the law, much less criminal law in the San Francisco Bay Area, Tony Serra needs no introduction. To defense attorneys, J. Tony Serra is nothing short of a master. Mr. Serra stands out in local, regional and national media as a legend. Those familiar such diverse movies as True Believer, Where the Buffalo Roam or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas have seen characters seemingly based, at least in part, on Tony Serra. Enjoy a chance to have a word with one of the most interesting and colorful local folks in our era. Call us, toll-free, at (866) 798-8255.
12/1/202259 minutes, 58 seconds
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Landlord-Tenant Issues Even During the Holidays

Last time we ran this program, we were looking at a massive budget surplus, the governor and legislators found money to help more folks in the offing; we are now looking at a deficit. Even as we enter the holidays, some face loss of habitability, or worse yet eviction. In other cases, small landlords depending on the income from a rental face a tenant who is not paying.In short, where do landlords and tenants stand right now? Joining YLR Host Jeff Hayden, and co-host Dean Johnson, are three of the best: Jessica Chylik, David Finkelstein and Sal Timpano.Questions for Jeff's and Dean's guests? Call us, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
11/24/202259 minutes, 24 seconds
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2022 Election: The Aftermath

Last week's election left us, both locally, and nationally, awash in uncertainty. Tonight, the second in a two-part series, looks at the election.In Part One, examined the uncertainty and anxiety. In national elections, how did we get to where the pundits so inaccurately predict with such confidence? In local elections, how do such practices as ranked-choice voting both potentially delay the result and alter the outcome?Tonight, in Part Two, we will look at specific issues, the legislative agenda, access to voting, and again, just where we are.For both broadcasts, we welcome your input. Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
11/17/202259 minutes, 20 seconds
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Demystifying Traffic Court and the workings of the Department of Motor Vehicles

The red lights came on – now what happens? Can what I do now make a difference?I got a red-light ticket. Is there anything I can do?Are all traffic matters still considered criminal?Tonight, on Your Legal Rights: we’re taking on the inner workings of Traffic Court and the Department Of Motor Vehicles. YLR Host, Dean Johnson, is joined by David Uthman, Law Offices of David Uthman and The San Francisco Traffic Law Clinic, and San Francisco Attorney Michael Silviera.Questions for Dean and his guests? Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
11/10/202259 minutes, 51 seconds
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2022 Election is over, or is it?

Last night's election left us, both locally, and nationally, awash in uncertainty. Tonight, the first in a two-part series, looks at the election.In Part One, we will examine the uncertainty and anxiety. In national elections, how did we get to where the pundits so inaccurately predict with such confidence? In local elections, how do such practices as ranked-choice voting both potentially delay the result and alter the outcome?In Part Two, we will look at specific issues, the legislative agenda, access to voting, and again, just where we are.For both broadcasts, we welcome your input. Please call, toll free, at (866) 798-8255.
11/10/202259 minutes, 17 seconds