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What Happened To Sandy Beal Profile

What Happened To Sandy Beal

English, Investigative journalism, 2 seasons, 27 episodes, 11 hours, 59 minutes
What Happened to Sandy Beal investigates the violent death of a young woman who dreamed of a career in law enforcement. The search for answers leads to accusations of conspiracy and cover up that have haunted her family for more than 40 years. Investigative journalist Melissa Jeltsen untangles the mystery at the heart of the case — and reveals a troubling pattern of behavior by local police.
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Introducing: Betrayal Season 3

Stacey Rutherford thought she met her soulmate when she laid eyes on Dr. Justin Rutherford. They fell in love, and it was better than she ever imagined. But this family doctor, beloved father, and cherished husband had dark secrets. He had sworn to do no harm but would resort to any means necessary to save himself.   We’re excited to share this Betrayal story with you and even more excited to tell you that you can get access to episodes 100% ad free with an iHeart True Crime+ subscription, available exclusively on Apple Podcasts. Plus, you’ll get access to the next episodes 1-week ahead of everyone else - available only to iHeart True Crime+ subscribers! And you’ll also get access to ALL episodes from Betrayal S1 and S2 ad-free as well! So don’t wait! Head to Apple Podcasts, search for “iHeart True Crime+” and subscribe today!  If you would like to reach out to the Betrayal Team, email us at [email protected] for privacy information.
5/23/20241 minute, 51 seconds
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Introducing: Fallen Angels: A Story of California Corruption

Hi What Happened to Libby Caswell fans! We want to share a new podcast that we think you'll love - Fallen Angels: A Story of California Corruption. About the show: Fallen Angels is a journalistic thriller — Chinatown meets Spotlight — one that takes us into the shadows of sunny LA. Over 10 thirty-minute episodes, we go deeper and deeper into the intermingled world of power and privilege. L.A. Times investigative reporter Paul Pringle is our host – but he doesn’t simply narrate this story. Like a classic L.A. Noir, as Paul and his team of reporting colleagues, who joined forces in secret from their bosses,  investigate the story, they meet obstacles and stonewalling at every turn — from USC,  from the city, and more troubling still, from their own organization. Listen here and subscribe to Fallen Angels: A Story of California Corruption on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts!See for privacy information.
4/16/20241 minute, 58 seconds
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Introducing Ep1 of Sweet Daddy Grace: The Gospel According to Daddy

Since she was a little girl, Marcy DePina felt drawn to a man called Daddy Grace, a charismatic immigrant from Cabo Verde, West Africa, who – during the violent Jim Crow and Civil Rights eras – traveled around the United States preaching, healing, and building his megachurch.  But who was Daddy Grace? For all his accomplishments, he seems to raise more questions than answers. Like why isn’t he more known and celebrated in the Cape Verdean community? And when Marcy brings him up to her family, why do some people refuse to talk about him? And most importantly: Marcy wants to know, are she and Daddy Grace actually related? Listen to Sweet Daddy Grace now on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts! For more on Sweet Daddy Grace, check out SweetDaddyGrace.comSee for privacy information.
9/29/202327 minutes, 15 seconds
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Introducing Remus: The Mad Bootleg King

Hi, What Happened To Sandy Beal fans! Dive into the unreal story of George Remus—teetotaling bootlegger, erudite madman, inspiration for Jay Gatsby—and the pioneering prosecutor who took him down with the new podcast show Remus: The Mad Bootleg King. About Remus: The Mad Bootleg King: George Remus was a teetotaling bootlegger, erudite madman, and real-life inspiration for Jay Gatsby. His wife, Imogene, was his crown jewel. Together they ruled their empire from Cincinnati, bribing officials and living the life of luxury. But Remus’ world came crashing down when a pioneering prosecutor named Mabel Walker Willebrand went after him, his wife betrayed him, and he was sent to prison. It sent Remus spiraling into madness — with deadly results. Listen to Remus: The Mad Bootleg King now on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts!See for privacy information.
7/20/20232 minutes, 30 seconds
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Introducing: Sacred Scandal

La Luz del Mundo Sacred Scandal, named one of Podtrac’s Best New Podcasts of 2022, embarks on its second season, focusing on Mexico-based megachurch La Luz del Mundo (Light of the World). It tells the story of Naasón Joaquín García, a self-proclaimed apostle, who is currently behind bars after pleading guilty in June 2022 of sexually abusing girls from his congregation. Naasón is currently serving a nearly 17-year sentence, but maintains his innocence. Host and investigative journalist Roberta Garza explores Naasón's control over a multitude of devotees, some of whom now describe their experiences in the church as "pure evil." In this true-crime series, survivors share stories about this powerful religious leader and the alleged sexual abuse that followed, many relating to minors.   Listen here and subscribe to Sacred Scandal on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts!See for privacy information.
6/16/20232 minutes, 49 seconds
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Introducing: What Happened To Sandy Beal

See for privacy information.
3/2/20223 minutes, 7 seconds