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Watch Jerusalem

English, News media, 1 season, 100 episodes, 2 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes
Watch Jerusalem brings you news and archaeology from a biblical perspective. Host Brent Nagtegaal is on location in Jerusalem to give you the most important developments happening on the ground—and emerging from beneath it. Nagtegaal is a contributor for
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#197: Top 10 Biblical Archaeology Discoveries of 2021

While COVID-19 may be slowing down the world, it isn’t slowing down biblical archaeology! Here are our picks for the top 10 discoveries in ascending order of significance.
1/2/202241 minutes, 48 seconds
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#196: Unearthing David’s City and Defending Dr. Eilat Mazar

On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal addresses many of journalist Andrew Lawler’s claims, defending the scientific integrity of Dr. Mazar’s work.
12/26/202147 minutes, 25 seconds
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#195: An Ancient Judean Toilet Seat—and Proof of Nehemiah’s Wall

In the first half of today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses the effort the Associated Press went to in order to blot out any connection of the discovery to the Bible. Then, using an example of a recent article about Persian period Jerusalem, Nagtegaal talks about the ease with which archaeologists themselves can dismiss discoveries that provide corroboratory evidence for the Bible.
10/28/202151 minutes, 7 seconds
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#194: Debating King David

An interview with Prof. Yosef Garfinkel WATCH VIDEO HERE
10/10/202139 minutes, 10 seconds
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#193: Iran’s Role in the Taliban’s Takeover of Afghanistan

On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal shows how Iran has backed the Taliban for years as it pushed for the fall of the Afghan government and the surrender of United States forces. VIDEO HERE -
8/22/202154 minutes, 16 seconds
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#192: The Eliakim Bulla From Tel Lachish

And evidence of Amos’s earthquake discovered in Jerusalem Click HERE to watch the video
8/8/202145 minutes, 25 seconds
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#191: Domesticated Pigs, City Walls and the Real Reason Jerusalem Wasn’t Conquered by Sennacherib

JERUSALEM – Archaeologists in Jerusalem have discovered remains of the eastern wall of the ancient city from 2,700 years ago. From the same period, they also uncovered remains of a domesticated pig, ready to be carved up for a non-kosher meal.In today’s program, archaeologist Brent Nagtegaal discusses the parallels between these Jerusalem discoveries and the Bible. He also speaks about his recent experience volunteering on the excavation of Khirbet el-Ra’i.
7/25/202144 minutes, 59 seconds
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#190: Prof. Yosef Garfinkel and the Discovery of the Jerubbaal (Gideon) Inscription

For the first time in history, archaeologists excavating in southern Israel have uncovered an inscription bearing the name of a biblical period judge. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal visits the excavation site of Khirbet Al-Ra’i to talk with leader archaeologist Dr. Yosef Garfinkel of Hebrew University about the discovery. More -
7/11/202115 minutes, 28 seconds
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#189: The Perilous Assumption of Biblical Error

A look at the all-too-common problem of rushing to claim Bible error—and what biblical archaeology was originally intended to be Full post
6/27/202147 minutes, 34 seconds
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#188: Radical Islam’s New President

Iran is confidently riding a wave of belief that God is strongly endorsing their biblically prophesied push for power in the Middle East.
6/20/202147 minutes, 8 seconds
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#187: Digging With Dr. Eilat Mazar

An inside look at some of Dr. Mazar’s most significant archaeological discoveries. It is recommended to watch the video. Click on the following link.
6/6/202151 minutes, 25 seconds
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#186: Hamas Emerges Victorious After Gaza War

This was not a war to defeat Israel; it was fought to win the hearts and minds of both the Palestinians in the West Bank and, crucially, the 1.2 million Arab citizens of Israel.
5/23/202156 minutes, 52 seconds
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#185: On the Trail of King Solomon’s Maritime Ventures

On today’s program host Brent Nagtegaal talks with Dr. Kingsley about his journey of discovery on the trail of King Solomon’s maritime ventures.
5/16/202139 minutes, 47 seconds
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#184: Obama’s Third Term: Supporting an Arab Takeover of East Jerusalem?

JERUSALEM - The final anti-Israel action of the Obama presidency turns into the opening scene of the Biden Administration’s Jerusalem policy.
5/9/202147 minutes, 32 seconds
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#183: Where Jerusalem Violence Is Leading

Over the past week, violent riots between Arabs and Jews have upset the peace of Jerusalem. What could be next?
4/25/202118 minutes, 22 seconds
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#182: Moses-Era Writing Discovered in Israel

A 3,500-year-old piece of writing discovered at Tel Lachish is the earliest alphabetic script ever found in the land of Israel
4/18/202131 minutes, 51 seconds
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#181: The Red Sea in Bible Prophecy

EILAT, ISRAEL - Israel’s recent attacks in the Red Sea expose Iran’s prophesied takeover.
4/11/202120 minutes, 34 seconds
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#180: REVEALED: King Herod’s Great Four-Way Temple Mount Staircase

Remnants of a massive 2000-year-old arch jutting out of Jerusalem’s Western Wall have long puzzled archaeologists as to its purpose. Now, Jerusalem archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar has a brand new theory: The arch was part of a monumental four-way staircase, a structure completely unique among ancient classical architecture. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal describes this amazing interpretation as documented in Dr. Mazar’s recently published book, Over the Crossroads of Time: Jerusalem’s Temple Mount Monumental Staircases.
4/4/202123 minutes, 28 seconds
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#179: Will Biden Push Israel to Negotiate with Hamas?

JERUSALEM - A leaked copy of America’s roadmap to resetting ties with the Palestinians shows how Biden’s policy could lead to the prophesied split between the United States and Israel.
3/21/202140 minutes, 43 seconds
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#178: Biden’s PR Campaign to Paint Israel as an Aggressor

Israel must be fuming. On March 11, unnamed United States officials released bombshell information to the Wall Street Journal stating that since 2019, Israel has targeted at least a dozen Iranian vessels bound for Syria. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal connects the recent attacks with the timing of the WSJ story. Put together, they reveal that the U.S. is once again attempting to justify empowering Iran at the expense of its ally Israel.
3/14/202141 minutes, 23 seconds
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#177: Why Does the Biden Administration Support Iran’s Takeover of the Middle East?

The Biden administration has insisted that the Middle East is not a priority. Concrete actions prove otherwise. In his first month in office, Mr. Biden has resurrected the pro-Iran foreign policy of Barack Obama, downgrading ties with traditional allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses why the United States is bent on empowering a fanatical regime that regularly chants “death to America,” and even more threateningly—“death to Israel!”
2/28/202156 minutes, 22 seconds
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#176: Royal Purple Fabric From King David’s Era Discovered

JERUSALEM - Royal purple, known as Argamon in the Hebrew Bible, was one of the precious shellfish-derived dyes that colored the tabernacle, temple, and the finest clothing of the biblical court. Now, for the first time, this dye has been found from the time of David, predating by 1000 years previously discovered samples. Royal Purple Fabric Discovered from King David’s Era Discovered
2/21/202157 minutes, 9 seconds
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#175: Biblical Archaeology Loses a Faithful Warrior

On today's program, Brent Nagtegaal appreciates Hershal Shanks’s unwavering support for scholars who would be bold enough to use the Bible as a guide in excavations Sign up to Watch Jerusalem email BAS statement on the death of Hershel Shanks Is This the Prophet Isaiah's Signature? By Eilat Mazar First Person: In Defense of Eilat Mazar by Hershel Shanks First Person: The Bible as a Source of Testable Hypothesesby Hershel Shanks
2/8/202136 minutes, 21 seconds
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#174: The Battle Over History—From Ancient Jerusalem to Washington D.C.

Why did the Trump Administration declare ancient Jerusalem part of the glorious heritage of the United States of America?
1/24/202143 minutes, 29 seconds
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#173: Top Biblical Archaeology Finds from 2020

Coronavirus aside, 2020 was another major year in biblical archaeology. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal and archaeological writer Christopher Eames reveal Watch Jerusalem’s choice of the top discoveries from the past year. These include inscriptions, major building programs and seal impressions – all of which affirm the biblical text as well as key biblical personalities.
1/3/202148 minutes, 42 seconds
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#172: ME Peace Deals Will Drive Palestinians (and Arab Citizens) Toward Iran

President Trump’s Middle East peace deals are redefining the Middle East in an irreversible way. The United States is using its withdrawing presence in the region, coupled with a growing Iranian threat, to pressure Arab states to publicly recognize their relationship with Israel. How will Iran respond? This week, longtime geopolitical thinker George Friedman forecast that “Iran’s move is to adopt the Palestinian cause as its own, and speak to the Arab public in terms of the betrayal of the Palestinians and capitulation to Israel.” This forecast is one that aligns with biblical prophecy. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses how these deals came about, and why they will cause Arab citizens in some countries to rise up in support of Iran. The Bible reveals the revolt will be so strong in Egypt that it will cause that nation to return to Islamist rule in support of Iran’s cause.
12/20/202031 minutes, 11 seconds
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#171: Uncovering Biblical King Jeroboam II

King Jereboam II was confirmed as being an historical personality this past week as his name is mentioned on a recently authenticated seal impression. Known as a bulla, the seal impression from 2,800 years ago bears the name of Shema, servant/minister of Jeroboam. The bulla mentioning Jeroboam II highlights the reign of one of the most enigmatic figures in biblical history. Although numbered among the wicked kings of the northern tribes of Israel, Jeroboam II's history and archaeology bear out that his reign underscored a massive resurgence in the ancient Israelite state. On today's program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses details about the newly authenticated bulla, as well the larger context of Jeroboam's reign. He also compares the reign of the ancient king to the leader of the United States, President Donald Trump. Uncovering Biblical King Jeroboam II
12/13/202052 minutes, 37 seconds
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#170: Is This Where King David Placed the Ark of the Covenant?

Shortly after conquering Jerusalem, King David brought the ark of the covenant to the city and placed it near the Gihon Spring. According to the Bible, the ark stayed in that location for almost 50 years while the temple was being constructed. On Sunday, host Brent Nagtegaal toured the area surrounding the Gihon Spring with City of David director of international affairs Ze’ev Orenstein. On today’s show, Brent discusses his visit to the Gihon Spring, including the recent discovery of religious rooms that could have held the ark during the time of King David.
11/29/202038 minutes, 41 seconds
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#169: Davidic-Era Fortress on Golan Aligns With Biblical History

Jerusalem - On Wednesday, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced the discovery of a fortress on the Golan Heights built during the time of King David. Excavators believe the building was part of the kingdom of Geshur, an elusive people who were in league with King David for a time. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the discovery of the Golan fortress in the context of King David’s reign.
11/15/202052 minutes, 6 seconds
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#168: How King David United Israel Around Jerusalem

The nation of Israel was bitterly divided when King David came to the throne 3,000 years ago. The kingly dynasty of Saul was finished, and the northern tribes were worried that the Judean King David would not rule fairly. David proved them wrong by establishing a new political and religious capital for the nation. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal details how King David united the nation around the throne and the city that God had chosen. He also shows why God awarded him the most amazing blessing in the Bible. The Jeremiah Seals Restore Hope in David’s Throne Was God’s Covenant with David Conditional? Mystery of the Ages
11/8/202046 minutes, 33 seconds
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#167: Archaeology and the Repentant King Manasseh

Once again, Haaretz is using archaeological discoveries to try and debunk biblical history. Their October 30 article, entitled “Israeli Archaeologists Are Uncovering the Lost Legacy of a Cursed Biblical King,” takes aim at the biblical description of King Manasseh, Judah’s longest-reigning king. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal reviews the article and shows a clear misreading of the biblical narrative. In doing so, he also discusses one of the most undervalued stories of repentance in the Bible. A Summer of Discoveries From King Hezekiah’s Jerusalem Esarhaddon Prism Proves King Manasseh
11/1/202033 minutes, 8 seconds
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#166: Archaeology Journalism During ‘Lockdown,’ and Our Israelite Alphabet

It’s been a long and difficult summer, with coronavirus lockdowns shuttering many in Israel and abroad. One of the victims is the archaeology “industry,” with regular excavations largely grinding to a halt. There has, therefore, been a corresponding lull in archaeological reporting—leading some journalists to write almost humorously grand articles on more “mundane” finds! Nevertheless—despite a summer’s lockdown—in the world of archaeology, you never know what exciting new discovery is about to be unveiled. (The Isaiah bulla a case in point—released eight years after its excavation!) So stay tuned. At Watch Jerusalem, we’ve maintained a steady stream of articles and analyses on past (and even future!) discoveries—everything from a bullae “timeline” to Leviathan to the Tomb of King David. On today’s podcast, host Christopher Eames provides a rundown of some of Watch Jerusalem’s latest archaeology articles, as well as some upcoming pieces (King Ahab’s horses, and a Philistine seal discovered in Ireland). He also summarizes his new three-part series on the ancient Hebrew alphabet—how we English-speakers have come to adopt it as our own.
10/25/202037 minutes, 37 seconds
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#165: Awaiting the Discovery of the Tomb of King David

The Jewish historian Josephus records a chilling event that took place shortly before his own life began. In the account, King Herod and a few of his closest friends secretly raided the tomb of the biblical house of David to find the treasure to fund his extravagant projects. However, just as his men were reaching the very bones of King David and King Solomon, they were killed by a “flame that burst out.” Shaken by the incident, Josephus relates that Herod installed a large white stone monument at the entrance to warn others from entering. Clearly, God intended the discovery of the tombs of David to be preserved for a later time. On today’s program host, Brent Nagtegaal looks at the historical references of the tomb of the kings from both the Bible and secular sources and shows why the discovery of King David’s could be imminent. The Tombs of the Kings DISCOVERED: Nehemiah’s Wall The Tombs of the Kings Are a Sign
10/19/202050 minutes, 24 seconds
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#164: Biblical Archaeology in the Age of Scoffers

“Did God Destroy the Walls of Jericho?,” titled one of Haaretz’s most popular articles this past week. Given the source, you won’t be surprised to find out that the author answers that question in the negative, and even uses archaeological discovery to support that claim. At Watch Jerusalem, we too use archaeology but have come to a different conclusion. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the claims of Jericho’s destruction, as well as other cases, in the context of the culture of scoffing that exists inside academia and the media against the Bible. Uncovering the Bible’s Buried Cities: Jericho The Gezer Calendar
10/12/202039 minutes, 40 seconds
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#163: The Israelites and Ancient Tin Trade From the British Isles

In 2019, a groundbreaking study showed that the tin discovered on the Israelite coast during the time of the judges was sourced as far away as the United Kingdom—specifically, the regions of Cornwall and Devon. While the study attributed the trade of the tin to the Phoenicians, the Bible describes Israelite tribes being heavily invested in seafaring trade at the same time. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal describes his recent visit to a tin mine in Cornwall, as well as the connection between the region and the Israelite tribes of Dan and Asher.
9/8/202045 minutes, 4 seconds
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#162: The U.A.E.–Israel Deal and Bible Prophecy

The first-ever direct flight from Israel to the United Arab Emirates by an Israeli commercial airline took place this week. The flight comes just two weeks after United States President Donald Trump announced that the U.A.E. would normalize its ties with the Jewish state. Commentators have called the deal historic, and rightly so. On today’s show, host Brent Nagtegaal shows how the deal also moves forward biblical prophecies that will culminate in the coming of the Messiah.
8/30/202036 minutes, 23 seconds
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#161: What Happened to the ‘Lost’ Tribes of Israel?

What happened to the ‘lost’ tribes of Israel? Where did they go after they vanished some 2,700 years ago? The modern identity of the “lost tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for centuries, if not millennia. Explorers of antiquity have attempted to identify them with uncontacted native islanders. Theories abound. Some claim that they simply no longer exist, swallowed up by time, war, captivity. Can we know what happened to them? Book: The United States and Britain in Prophecy Booklet: The Proof of the Bible Article: “Were the Celtic Druids Pagan Israelite Priests?”
8/16/202049 minutes, 30 seconds
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#160: The Beirut Blast and Bible Prophecy

For over a decade Watch Jerusalem editor in chief Gerald Flurry has said that Europe will replace Iran as the dominant force inside Lebanon. He made this forecast at a time when Hezbollah was strong and Europe’s power in the nation was virtually nil. In the aftermath of last week’s Beirut blast that killed over 150 people and injured thousands, we are witnessing this biblically based forecast quickly take place. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses how the Beirut explosion could act as a catalyst for the fulfillment of this prophecy. Vive la Révolution Libanaise Why You Need to Watch Lebanon
8/9/202036 minutes, 59 seconds
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#159: More Archaeological Proof of King Hezekiah’s Kingdom

Last week, archaeologists in Jerusalem showcased a recently discovered administration storage center from the time period of biblical king Hezekiah. On today’s podcast, host Brent Nagtegaal talks with archaeologist Christopher Eames about the significance of the discovery. Nagtegaal also discusses a recent study from Tel Aviv University that overturns the assumption that greater efficiency of the human brain accounts for its superior output when compared to animals.
7/26/202045 minutes, 1 second
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#158: The Reality of a Nuclear-Armed Iran

For the past three weeks, several explosions at Iran’s nuclear facilities have again raised the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran. According to the New York Times, Israel was behind many of the attacks that may have set back Iran’s nuclear program. Nevertheless, in an unsettling interview with the Times of Israel, former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit said that it is only a matter of time before Iran attains a nuclear weapon. More troubling was the assertion from Shavit that Iran could be deterred from using the bomb by traditional means. In his view, it would be unlikely for Iran to use a nuclear weapon as it would mean the simultaneous destruction of Iran by a nuclear counter-attack. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the recent attacks on Iran’s nuclear program and discusses why such “cold war” logic from Shavit does not apply to Iran.
7/12/202037 minutes, 52 seconds
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#157: Scotland and Wales: The ‘Lost’ Tribes of Simeon and Levi?

In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the United States and British Commonwealth represent the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, respectively—one tribe prophesied to become a great nation, and the other, a company, or commonwealth, of nations. While his book focused primarily on those two birthright tribes, Mr. Armstrong identified several other nations of western Europe, Scandinavia and the British Isles as descending from the ‘lost’ tribes of Israel. We have covered these nations one by one throughout this “Modern Identity of the 12 Tribes” podcast series. But the final two tribes of this series, Simeon and Levi, are somewhat different—these were prophesied to be “scattered” within Israel. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for where these tribes went—including, in particular, a significant connection to Scotland, Wales and Cornwall.
7/5/202057 minutes, 29 seconds
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#156: The New Yorker’s Attempt to Topple King David

As statues of eminent historical figures fall around the world, another effort is underway to "topple" the biblical "image" of David. Did the king exist? And if so, was he really ruler over a kingdom of any significance? That's the premise of the recent New Yorker exposé by Ruth Margalit. Spoiler alert: The article concludes that there is little, if any, evidence--and even if David existed, he certainly didn't rule a significant kingdom. The conclusion was not surprising from the New Yorker. What was surprising was that the article content was not about archaeology. In fact, the article was hardly about King David himself! On today's program, host Christopher Eames examines the "evidence" presented against King David (or rather, the lack thereof) and the primary focus of the article: a fawning biography of the "generous, witty, courtly, overwhelmingly charming," anti-David theorist Prof. Israel Finkelstein. Article - New Yorker’s ‘Did David Exist?’ Exposé Falls Epicly Short
6/30/202052 minutes, 26 seconds
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#155: Obama’s Hatred for Israel Exposed in Second Planned UN Resolution

On December 23, 2016, the United States failed to veto a United Nations Security Council resolution that called Israel’s control of the Old City of Jerusalem illegal. The decision to let the anti-Israel resolution pass was largely seen as a parting shot against the state of Israel by the outgoing Obama administration. Reporting on the event at the time, we asked if President Obama was planning on pushing another anti-Israel resolution in his final weeks. While no resolution came forward, reporting this past week revealed for the first time that Obama was indeed preparing another anti-Israel resolution at the UN. It was withdrawn after Russian officials told the Obama administration that Moscow would not let it pass. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal details the proof of President Obama’s plan at the UN as well as the deeper motivations behind his hatred for the State of Israel.
6/21/202038 minutes, 36 seconds
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#154: Norway: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Benjamin?

On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying modern-day Norway and Iceland with the “wolf” tribe of Benjamin.
6/14/202048 minutes, 1 second
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#153: The Missing Connection Between the Arad Cannabis Altar and the Bible

Judahite worshipers in a temple at Tel Arad burned cannabis as part of their ritual worship some 2,700 years ago, new research has revealed. In light of the discovery, some are now questing whether such a practice was endorsed by God. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal talks with archaeologist Christopher Eames about the discovery, as well as the largely unreported link to the Bible.
6/7/202038 minutes, 17 seconds
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#152: Denmark: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan?

In an earlier podcast, we identified the Irish as the modern-day descendants of the tribe of Dan. But anciently, Dan was split into two distinct parts: A western tribe, that migrated to Ireland c. 3,000 years ago; and a northern tribe, that was taken captive by the Assyrians and migrated into the European continent with the other Israelite tribes. These northern Danites are represented by the modern-day nation of Denmark (Danish: Danmark). On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying modern-day Denmark with the tribe of Dan. He also examines some of the evidence for the modern identity of the tribe of Issachar.
5/31/202049 minutes, 41 seconds
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#151: Why Did Obama Seek to Empower Israel’s Enemy?

President Donald Trump’s first National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, only lasted a couple of weeks in office before he was brought down by former President Barack Obama’s administration through unlawful spying and leaking to the media of classified discussions. The question of why Obama targeted Flynn was answered on Thursday in an article titled “How Russiagate Began with Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign,” written by Lee Smith in Tablet Magazine. Smith showed how Flynn threatened to dismantle Obama’s legacy move in the Middle East: empowering Iran. He also showed how Obama’s policy of spying on U.S. citizens on Trump’s team during the transition also took place for years on those who opposed the Iran nuclear deal. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal reveals the deeper reason why Obama sought to empower Iran at the expense of America’s ally Israel. What Inspires President Obama’s Relationship With Israel? By Gerald Flurry How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign by Lee Smith
5/24/202029 minutes, 53 seconds
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#150: Sweden: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Naphtali?

The identity of the “Lost 10 Tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. While the identity of the Jews—those of the southern Kingdom of Judah—remains known, what about those 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported long before by the Assyrian Empire? In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the United States and British Commonwealth represent the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, respectively. While his book focused primarily on those two birthright tribes, Mr. Armstrong identified the Swedish as descendants of these ancient Israelites. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying modern-day Sweden with the Tribe of Naphtali.
5/17/202051 minutes, 2 seconds
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#149: Switzerland: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Gad?

The identity of the “lost 10 tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. While the identity of the Jews—those of the southern kingdom of Judah—remains known, what about those 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported long before by the Assyrian Empire? In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the United States and British Commonwealth represent the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, respectively. While his book focused primarily on those two birthright tribes, Mr. Armstrong identified the Swiss as descendants of these ancient Israelites. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying modern-day Switzerland with the tribe of Gad. Book: The United States and Britain in Prophecy Article: Why Switzerland Will Not Remain Neutral Podcast: France: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Reuben? Podcast: Ireland: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan? Podcast: Modern-Day Israel: The Tribe of Judah Podcast: Great Britain: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Ephraim? Podcast: The Netherlands: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Zebulun? Podcast: The United States of America: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Manasseh? Podcast: Belgium: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Asher?
5/3/202055 minutes, 33 seconds
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#148: San Remo Accords: Israel’s Legitimate Right to Palestine Is Unanimous

JERUSALEM - One hundred years ago, world powers assembled at San Remo, Italy to discuss how to divide the Ottoman Empire. In respect to the Jewish people, the so-called San Remo Declaration charged the British with implementing the Balfour Declaration, which three years earlier had endorsed “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” The decision was unanimous by the allied powers at San Remo, and was later confirmed by all 59 members of the League of Nations. There was to be a Jewish Homeland, overseen by the British until statehood could be affirmed. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks back at the San Remo declaration and shows how it received complete support throughout the world. This included, significantly, the Arab leadership in the region. He also shows why recent retelling of Israel’s birth seeks to downplay the history of San Remo, and focus more on the post-holocaust establishment of the Jewish State. Netanyahu Puts Sovereignty Above All Else in Unity Deal Will the Trump Peace Plan Bring Peace to Israel? San Remo: The original ‘deal of the century’
4/26/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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#147: Belgium: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Asher?

The identity of the “Lost 10 Tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. While the identity of the Jews—those of the southern kingdom of Judah—remains known, what about those 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported long before by the Assyrian Empire? In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the United States and British Commonwealth represent the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, respectively. While his book focused primarily on those two birthright tribes, Mr. Armstrong identified the nations of Belgium and Luxembourg as descendants of these ancient Israelites. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying modern-day Belgium and Luxembourg as the tribe of Asher. Book: The United States and Britain in Prophecy Article: Luxembourg—Vassal State of Europe’s Dominant Power Article: The Answer to Belgium’s Leadership Crisis Podcast: France: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Reuben? Podcast: Ireland: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan? Podcast: Modern-Day Israel: The Tribe of Judah Podcast: Great Britain: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Ephraim? Podcast: The Netherlands: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Zebulun? Podcast: The United States of America: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Manasseh?
4/19/202052 minutes, 9 seconds
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#146: The Lawless Rule of Israel’s High Court

JERUSALEM - Two weeks ago, Israel’s High Court attempted to subvert Knesset protocol and insert its own choice as the Speaker. The decision was just the latest power grab by the court in its attempt to wrest complete power for the judiciary over the other branches of government. “The High Court has long ago taken over the discretion of the executive power,” stated outgoing Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstsein to Israel Hayom after the decision. He continued, “Now there’s a takeover, or at least an attempt to takeover, the legislative power.” Following Edelstein’s resignation and Benny Gantz’s decision to break up his party, the High Court’s lawless intrusion was halted. Nevertheless, the bold move exposed just how far the court has come in extending its own powers. Once labeled by imminent legal scholar Robert Bork as “the most activist court I’ve ever seen," Israel’s High Court has bulldozed judicial norms in its quest to be the ultimate authority in the lives of Israelis. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses the court’s thirty-year descent into lawlessness, and reveals the largely unnoticed event that started it all off. The Hidden Cause of Society’s Deadly Decline by Gerald Flurry Barak’s Rule by Robert Bork Israel’s constitutional crisis has been postponed, not resolved by Evelyn Gordan
4/12/202045 minutes, 9 seconds
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#145: The Almost-Stolen 2015 Israeli Election

JERUSALEM - t midday on Election Day in 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu took to Facebook with a now-famous call: “The Arab’s are coming out in droves to the polls. They are being bussed out by Left-wing NGO’s.” The statement was derided by Israel’s media establishment, the Obama Whitehouse and even the main challenger in the election as divisive, racist and false. Subsequent revelations now show that Netanyahu’s election day comments were overwhelmingly true. The Arab’s were coming out in droves as part of a highly coordinated strategy involving foreign intervention at the highest levels with links back to Obama’s State Department. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks back on the 2015 election and shows that without Netanyahu’s comments the election would have been not just lost, but much worse – stolen! The Mystery of President Obama’s Visit to Israel by Gerald Flurry PDF - Senate Subcommittee Review of US State Department Grants to OneVoice
4/5/202051 minutes, 38 seconds
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#144: The United States of America: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Manasseh?

The identity of the “Lost 10 Tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. While the identity of the Jews—those of the southern Kingdom of Judah—remains known, what about those 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported long before by the Assyrian Empire? In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the Lost 10 Tribes migrated up into Europe and formed individual nations. He specifically highlighted the identity of the United States as the tribe of Manasseh, and Britain and her Commonwealth as the tribe of Ephraim—the tribe prophesied to become a “company of nations” (Genesis 35:11, 48:19). On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying the United States of America as the tribe of Manasseh. Book: The United States and Britain in Prophecy Article: Who Is the Modern-Day Jeroboam? Video: Was Donald Trump’s Presidency Prophesied? Article: ‘We Are A Righteous People’ Podcast: France: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Reuben? Podcast: Ireland: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan? Podcast: Modern-Day Israel: The Tribe of Judah Podcast: Great Britain: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Ephraim? Podcast: The Netherlands: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Zebulun?
3/22/202055 minutes, 18 seconds
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#143: Coronavirus, Israel and Resurgent Anti-Semitism

JERUSALEM - Israel has enacted some of the most stringent precautions to prevent the spread of the new Coronavirus. After having effectively shuttered its doors to all non-residents last week, Israel is now closing down restaurants, cafés, gyms, schools and gatherings over ten people. It is also starting to track Coronavirus patients with their cellphones and arresting some of those who break quarantine regulations. By acting sooner than most nations, Israel seems to be the best equipped to lessen the impact of the virus. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal asks whether Israel’s successful approach to containing the Coronavirus could motivate an increase in Jew blaming; similar to what took place after other historic plagues. Watch Jerusalem magazine The King of the South Pandemic panic a breeding ground for the virus of Jew-hatred by Jonathan Tobin
3/15/202038 minutes, 5 seconds
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#142: Baruch’s Great Test of Faith

JERUSALEM - During the 1970s, two bullae (clay seal stamps) turned up on the antiquities market. These items had an identical impression, made by the same seal stamp. They read: “Belonging to Berechiahu, son of Neriahu, the Scribe.” Or in its simplified biblical name form: Baruch, son of Neriah. This man is known to us as the chief scribe of Jeremiah the prophet. He had the critical task of preserving the book of Jeremiah for us today; a work that came with huge challenges. On today’s program, Brent Nagtegaal discusses the critical test of faith that qualified Baruch for his role as Jeremiah’s scribe. Baruch, Jeremiah’s Scribe: Proved?
3/1/202031 minutes, 2 seconds
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#141: Biblical Archaeology in the Press: Bias, Assumptions and Error

What often happens when a major media outlet attempts an “exposé” into the field of biblical archaeology? Some fascinating material and in-depth research—mixed with a healthy portion of bias, assumptions, and flat-out error. Such has been the case over the past year, with major editorials and articles produced by Der Spiegel, National Geographic, Haaretz, and others. Tabloids are often quick to jump on biblically significant discoveries, and face claims of “sensationalization”; what receives less scrutiny, unfortunately, are claims of “evidence against the Bible,” or “no evidence for the Bible.” On today’s program, host Chris Eames examines claims made by various reporters about what has (or hasn’t) been found, emphasizing the importance of understanding what archaeology reveals, and what the Bible actually says. Newly Discovered Cultic Site Outside Jerusalem Matches Biblical Narrative ‘A Rare Case of Merging the Biblical Narrative With Archaeology ’Haaretz’s Hit Job on the Bible Spiegel - Kings, Prophets, Legends: The Historical Truth About the Heroes of the Bible Haaretz - Is the Bible a True Story?
2/23/202033 minutes, 27 seconds
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#140: What If the Palestinians Negotiate the Deal of the Century?

Recent signs that the Palestinians may indeed come to the negotiating table JERUSALEM - Last week, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas failed to gain international support at the United Nations for his hard-nosed rejection of President Trump’s peace plan. One member of the Palestinian delegation said the time had come for Palestinians to “reconsider the boycott of the Trump administration and the peace plan it formulated.” Most Israelis support initiating the peace plan for what it gives Israel in the short term. However, most are also banking on the notion that Palestinians will not come to the table to negotiate the long-term deal, one that will see dozens of Israeli communities virtually surrounded by a potentially hostile Arab state. In today’s program, Brent Nagtegaal looks at the recent signs showing that the Palestinians may indeed come to the negotiating table. He also discusses why the Bible calls the peace process the “wound” of Israel. Jerusalem in Prophecy
2/16/202029 minutes, 35 seconds
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#139: Newly Discovered Cultic Site Outside Jerusalem Matches Biblical Narrative

JERUSALEM - In the latest issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, archaeologists Shua Kisilevits and Oded Lipschits discuss the discovery of a 3,000-year-old temple on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Instead of confirming the biblical story, the authors believe their discovery has “fundamentally changed the way we understand the religious practice of the Judahites.” Or put another way, they believe their discovery runs counter to the history described in the Bible. Really? On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the discovery of the cultic place at Tel Motza alongside the history of the Bible. Far from disproving the text, Nagtegaal shows how the physical description of the cultic place and its dating aligns well with the biblical narrative. Another Temple in Judah by Shua Kisilevitz and Oded Lipschits (behind paywall) Revealed: In First Temple era, another massive temple was in use near Jerusalem by Amanda Borschel-Dan
2/9/202052 minutes, 36 seconds
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#138: Reexamined: Biblical-Era Writings Reveal Royal Administration in Israel

JERUSALEM—Excavations in 1910 at the ancient Israelite capital of Samaria yielded over 100 pieces of pottery covered with ink writing. Known today as the Samaria Ostraca, these ancient administrative documents detail the receipt of wine and oil to Samaria during the reign of the Israelite King Jeroboam II—over 2,700 years ago. Now, a renewed study of the potsherds has revealed that only two scribes wrote all of the documents. In response to the study, many media outlets implied that the limited number of scribes point to a low level of literacy in ancient Israel. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal refutes the claim, showing how the results of the study harmonize extremely well with biblical history—especially during the reign of Jeroboam II. A Prophesied Resurgence in Israel Study - Algorithmic handwriting analysis of the Samaria inscriptions illuminates bureaucratic apparatus in biblical Israel
2/2/202033 minutes, 55 seconds
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#137: The Netherlands: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Zebulun?

The identity of the “lost 10 tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. While the identity of the Jews—those of the southern kingdom of Judah—remains known, what about those 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported long before by the Assyrian Empire? In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the United States and British Commonwealth represent the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, respectively. While his book focused primarily on those two birthright tribes, Mr. Armstrong identified the Dutch as descendants of these ancient Israelites. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying the modern-day Netherlands, and the Dutch people, as the tribe of Zebulun. Book: The United States and Britain in Prophecy Podcast: Modern-Day Israel: The Tribe of Judah Podcast: Great Britain: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Ephraim? Podcast: France: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Reuben? Podcast: Ireland: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan?
1/26/202043 minutes, 45 seconds
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#136: Suleimani’s Death and America's Exit Strategy from the Middle East

JERUSALEM - Almost three weeks after the death of Iran’s arch-terrorist Qassem Suleimani and the face-saving Iranian reprisal attack on American bases in Iraq, the United States is facing the question of its future in the Middle East. No longer bound by a need for Middle East oil, President Trump has made clear he intends to get out of the region, fully expecting European nations to pick up the slack. Will Europe be bold enough to fill the void created by the United States? And how will Iran respond? On today’s program, Brent Nagtegaal discusses what the Bible forecasts concerning a European intervention in the Middle East and the Iranian response. The King of the South
1/19/202030 minutes, 7 seconds
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#135: Great Britain: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Ephraim?

The identity of the “Lost 10 Tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. While the identity of the Jews—those of the southern Kingdom of Judah—remains known, what about those 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported long before by the Assyrian Empire? In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the Lost 10 Tribes migrated up into Europe and formed individual nations. He specifically highlighted the identity of the United States as the Tribe of Manasseh, and Britain and her Commonwealth as the tribe of Ephraim. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying modern-day Great Britain, and the British Commonwealth, as the Tribe of Ephraim. Book: The United States and Britain in Prophecy Book: The New Throne of David Booklet: Australia—Where to Now? Booklet: South Africa in Prophecy Article: The UK’s Break from Europe Article: God Promised David an Everlasting Throne—What Happened to It? Podcast: France: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Reuben? Podcast: Ireland: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan? Podcast: Modern-Day Israel: The Tribe of Judah
1/5/202047 minutes, 12 seconds
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#134: Bones, Seals, Altars and Destruction – Update from Tel Shiloh

TEL SHILOH - Known famously for the location of the Tabernacle for 300 years, Tel Shiloh is rich in biblical history. For the past three summers, a massive team of archaeologists and volunteers have excavated the site under the direction of Dr. Scott Stripling. Currently, Stripling and a smaller crew have returned to the site for three weeks this winter to apply the modern technique of wet sifting to previously excavated dirt from earlier excavations. On Friday, host Brent Nagtegaal traveled out to Shiloh to talk with Dr. Stripling about the importance of Shiloh, and the latest discoveries from the excavations. Altar Horns Uncovered at Shiloh
12/22/201921 minutes, 44 seconds
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#133: Join Five Million People and “Go Now to Jerusalem”

Jerusalem is the fastest-growing tourist city in the world, declared the Globes website on Sunday. Expected to garner almost 5 million foreign visitors in 2019, many tourists are coming to experience the city’s ancient sites, made increasingly popular by modern archaeological discoveries. However, the flight of so many visitors to Jerusalem is not without controversy. From changes to transportation infrastructure to the narrative presented at the historic sites, disagreements between the Jews themselves, or the Arabs and Jews, are rife. On today’s program, Brent Nagtegaal discusses how such superficial arguments gloss over the dramatic archaeological discoveries themselves, as well as the important message they hold for us today. Uncovering the Bible’s Buried Cities: Jerusalem Can an Archaeological Dig Change the Future of Jerusalem? By Bari Weiss
12/15/201937 minutes, 58 seconds
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#132: National Geographic Undermines Jerusalem Archaeology

“UNDER JERUSALEM – New excavations reveal the ancient city – and stoke modern tensions,” reads the front cover of the December 2019 edition of National Geographic magazine. The article surveys numerous excavations in Jerusalem’s ancient City of David. However, instead of using the opportunity to showcase the stunning history being unearthed, the author focuses on background political noise. On today’s program, Brent Nagtegaal critiques the article for its own political bias, and tells of why such reporting is damaging to current and future archaeological discovery in Jerusalem. Uncovering the Bible’s Buried Cities: Jerusalem National Geographic - Jerusalem’s massive digs reveal new treasures, and stoke ancient conflicts
12/8/201940 minutes, 25 seconds
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#131: Modern-Day Israel: The Tribe of Judah

The identity of the “Lost 10 Tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. What happened to the 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported by the Assyrian Empire some 130 years before the end of the Kingdom of Judah? Are the tribes to be found—as many assume—only within the land of modern-day Israel today? Actually, modern-day Israel is generally representative of only one tribe of the ancient 12—the tribe of Judah. As part of his series on the identity of the 12 Tribes of Israel, host Christopher Eames goes back to the basics in examining the evidence for identifying modern-day Israel, and the Jewish people in general, with the Tribe of Judah. The United States and Britain in Prophecy Jerusalem in Prophecy God Promised David an Everlasting Throne—What Happened to It? The New Throne of David France: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Reuben? Ireland: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan?
12/1/201934 minutes, 53 seconds
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#130: Do Israelis Still Trust the System?

JERUSALEM - Fifty-six percent of Israelis believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu should resign after being indicted for bribery by Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, noted Channel 13 in a recent poll. However, the same poll found that 35 percent said that he shouldn’t resign and another 9% said they didn’t yet know. The fact that a massive segment of Israeli society does not think Netanyahu should step down after being accused of such a crime shows that many Israelis no longer trust the system. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses the announcement to indict Netanyahu, the entrenchment of Israel’s “deep state” and Israel’s broadening divisions. The Danger of Division by Warren Reinsch Israel’s Deep State Attacks Benjamin Netanyahu The Reign of the Prosecution by Caroline Glick
11/24/201940 minutes
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#129: Iranian Power Under Threat in Lebanon and Iraq

JERUSALEM - In 2011, the national protest movements spread across the North Africa and Middle East region. Low standards of living, suppressed freedoms and proposed tax hikes mobilized millions of ordinary citizens to take the streets and demand that decades-old regimes be ousted and new “democratic” systems of government installed. Two nations that weren’t affected back then were Lebanon and Iraq, where the systems of government were already considered democratic. But now in 2019, though there might not be a dictator in power, Iraqis and Lebanese both realize that there is a strong force interfering in their politics – and they don’t like it. And that force is Iran. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the current protests in Lebanon and Iraq and shows what Bible Prophecy says the outcome will be. The King of the South
11/17/201940 minutes, 53 seconds
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#128: Is Genesis Compatible with Modern Science?

The dinosaurs, the Ice Age, prehistoric man and other scientific discoveries have proved the timeline of Earth and the universe is completely at odds with the Bible. Or have they? How confident can we be in interpreting the scientific data? On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal and writer Christopher Eames talk about the stunning scientific discoveries that support the biblical account of origins, as well as why there are some scientific discrepancies in the dating of events. FREE book offer - Mystery of the Ages The Prehistoric World Vs. Genesis
11/10/201939 minutes, 33 seconds
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#127: Will Hezbollah’s Hold on Power Survive the Mass Protests in Lebanon?

The largest Lebanese protests in 15 years have brought the nation to a stand-still. Government corruption, massive national debt and the collapse of simple services such as trash pick-up are drawing all Lebanese sects onto the streets. Surprisingly, much of the public anger is being directed at Hezbollah, including by fellow Shiites. On Friday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah decried the demonstrations, saying that it could bring the nation toward civil war. Some Hezbollah supporters have already clashed with Lebanese protestors. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal draws attention to Nasrallah’s comments, as well as how the current Shiite schism inside Lebanon could hasten the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Why You Need to Watch Lebanon U.S. Hits Back at Iran in Lebanon
10/27/201934 minutes, 19 seconds
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#126: Ireland: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan?

The identity of the “Lost 10 Tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. While the identity of the Jews—those of the southern Kingdom of Judah—remains known, what about those 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported long before by the Assyrian Empire? In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the United States and British Commonwealth represent the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, respectively. While his book focused primarily on those two birthright tribes, Mr Armstrong did refer to the Irish as the modern descendants of the tribe of Dan. On today’s program, host Chris Eames examines the evidence for identifying the modern-day Republic of Ireland, and the Irish people, as the Tribe of Dan.
10/6/201928 minutes, 25 seconds
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#125: Ancient Tablets Prove Biblical Account of Assyrian Resettlement Policy

Archaeological excavations near Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport have unearthed two ancient tablets from 2,700 years ago. Hadid is located in the center of ancient Israel, and yet the writing and the names mentioned on the tablets were not Israelite. This proves that the inhabitants of the massive city were foreigners, specifically from Mesopotamia. What were ancient Babylonians doing occupying the area north of Jerusalem, just as Kings Hezekiah and Manasseh reigned over southern Judah? On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal’s details the new discovery in light of the biblical history of the Samaritan people. The United States and Britain in Prophecy Assyrians Came, Conquered, and Kicked Everyone Out: Tablets Reveal 2,700-year-old Relocation
9/29/201941 minutes, 12 seconds
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#124: Ancient Copper-Smelting Slag Confirms Biblical Dating for Edomite State

A recently released study analyzing the accumulation of copper slag from south of the Dead Sea indicates that biblical Edom arose to statehood centuries earlier than previously thought. This overturns a classic anti-bible notion that Edomite’s only became a polity long after the Bible indicates. Archaeology Confirms Book of Genesis on Israel’s Arch-nemesis, the Edomites Ancient technology and punctuated change: Detecting the emergence of the Edomite Kingdom in the Southern Levant
9/22/201928 minutes, 57 seconds
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#123: France: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Reuben?

The identity of the “Lost 10 Tribes” of Israel has intrigued people for millennia. While the identity of the Jews—those of the southern Kingdom of Judah—remains known, what about those 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel, conquered and deported long before by the Assyrian Empire? In his seminal work The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong established that the United States and British Commonwealth represent the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, respectively. While his book focused primarily on those two birthright tribes, Mr Armstrong did make passing references to the French as the modern descendants of the tribe of Reuben. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying modern-day France, and the French-speaking people, as the Tribe of Reuben. Book: The United States and Britain in Prophecy Article: France is Betraying America and Fulfilling Bible Prophecy Videos: Trump vs. Macron in Bible Prophecy France in Bible Prophecy—Pt 2 France is Betraying America & Fulfilling Bible Prophecy—Pt 3 Booklet: French Speaking Peoples in Prophecy
9/8/201935 minutes, 44 seconds
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#122: The Right Approach to Biblical Archaeology

JERUSALEM -Reports are everywhere of archaeological discoveries that prove or disprove the Bible. But how can you know which reports are accurate? On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal outlines the right approach to attaining whether a discovery supports the Bible or not. He then applies that approach to recent archaeological claims regarding the dating of King David’s Palace, the location of biblical Ziklag, and the ethnic identity of Khirbet Qeiyafa. King David: More Evidence Unearthed
9/1/201941 minutes, 1 second
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#121: The Iranian Push and Israel’s Evolving Security Doctrine

JERUSALEM – Over the weekend, Israel confirmed a successful preemptive strike against an Iranian drone team in Syria. The strike was designed to curtail an imminent threat whereby Iranian Quds Force operators would fly explosive-laden drones into Israel. Israel’s very public acknowledgment of the attack on foreign soil highlights the current shift in Israel’s security policy. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the events of the past weekend in light of Iran’s drive for regional dominance, and how Iranian policy has pushed Israel to change its own security doctrine. Iraq Is Conquered—On to Jerusalem The King of the South Iran’s Aggression and the Shiite Apocalypse
8/25/201943 minutes, 14 seconds
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#120: Archaeological Proof of the Babylonian Destruction of Jerusalem

JERUSALEM - Last week, excavation directors on Mount Zion announced they had discovered a destruction layer relating to the 2600-year-old burning of Jerusalem at the hands of the Babylonians. This destruction is detailed heavily in the biblical books of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Kings and Chronicles. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal details the biblical account of the destruction, the corresponding archaeological proof, and the powerful message that discoveries from the destruction layer provide. Seals of Jeremiah’s Captors Discovered Evidence of the Babylonian Conquest of Jerusalem Found in Mount Zion Excavation Horns of an Ancient Altar Discovered at Shiloh, Israel
8/18/201944 minutes, 33 seconds
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#119: Britain’s Historic Pro-Zionist Government

JERUSALEM - When Boris Johnson became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom last month, reporting focused on how his selected cabinet was full of Brexit hawks. What went largely unreported in the press both here and in Britain, is that almost all of his high-level ministers are pro-Zionist. In fact, Johnson has assembled arguably the most pro-Israel government in 100 years, ever since the infamous Balfour Agreement that set the tone for a return of the Jews to their historic homeland. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the Israelophiles in Johnson’s inner circle and shows how Britain’s rekindled relationship with the Jewish state is both historic and prophetic. The United States and Britain in Prophecy God’s Hand in the Balfour Declaration
8/11/201933 minutes, 39 seconds
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#118: Israeli Strikes Reveal Iran’s Takeover of Iraq

JERUSALEM - Two times in July Israeli jets struck Iranian targets deep inside Iraq. This was the first Israeli strike in Iraq in almost 40 years. The targets were weapons transfer facilities operated by the Badr organization, a Shiite militia and political force that answers to Iran rather than the Iraqi government. The Israeli strikes reveal a stunning new reality in the Middle East: Iraq has fallen to Iran, and the Baghdad government has no power to stop it. What does Iran’s hold on Iraq mean as part of the ongoing quest to contain Iran? On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal explores the ramifications of the Israeli strikes on Iraq, and shows how biblical prophecy supports an Iranian takeover of its long-time adversary. Watch Jerusalem - Israel Preemptively Strikes Iranian Missiles in Iraq Watch Jerusalem – Iraq is Conquered, On to Jerusalem Watch Jerusalem – The King of the South (free book) Jonathan Spyer – Israeli Jets Appear to Have Struck Iraq for the First Time Since 1981 John Hannah – Iran-Backed Militias Are In Iraq to Stay
8/4/201940 minutes, 50 seconds
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#117: Gath: Davidic-Era City Revealed

JERUSALEM – Massive structures dating to the time period of King David’s battle with Goliath were discovered this summer at Tel es-Safi (biblical Gath). Before this season, decades of excavation at the massive philistine site had mostly uncovered the later biblical city – not the city made famous as being Goliath’s home town. However, this year, to the surprise of excavation director Prof. Aren Maeir, excavators found stones and walls directly under the 9th century B.C.E. city. So far, this earlier city from the Iron I period looks to be bigger and more impressive than the later remains, dovetailing nicely with descriptions in the biblical text. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal, discusses reporting of the breakthrough, as well as how this adds more support to the biblical narrative from King David’s time. Times of Israel - Large 3,500-year-old staircase hints at conquered Canaanite kingdom’s grandeur Haaretz - Goliath’s True Hometown Found? Lost 3,000-year-old Philistine City Emerges Beneath Gath Times of Israel - Colossal ancient structures found at Gath may explain origin of story of Goliath
7/28/201950 minutes, 4 seconds
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#116: Foes of Biblical Nehemiah Revealed in Ancient Documents

2500 years ago, the cupbearer to the most powerful king in the world requested a twelve-year-leave to defend his struggling native people from would-be attackers. Despite countless attempts at his life, the cupbearer succeeded in building a defensive wall around the city ensuring the survival of the Jewish presence in Jerusalem. The Bible’s telling of the history of Nehemiah is so compelling and descriptive that many have doubted its accuracy. Yet numerous individuals, including his foremost adversaries, are proven historical figures. On today’s program, we talk with Christopher Eames about what the Elephantine Papyri tell us about the time of Nehemiah. Elephantine Papyrus: Proving the book of Nehemiah Nehemiah: A Man and a Momentous Wall “Generic” Biblical Names: What Archaeology Says
7/21/201928 minutes, 53 seconds
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#115: Another Davidic City Discovered, But is it Biblical Ziklag?

JERUSALEM - We have found biblical Ziklag,” declared a press release from the Khirbet a-Ra’i excavation team this week. A massive archaeological effort has taken place at the site over the past three years, excavating through a square kilometer of the tel and providing evidence for what could be considered King David’s “first” city. On today’s program host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the claim that Khirbet a-Ra’i is biblical Ziklag and the larger point that another Davidic-era city has been discovered. ‘We Have Found Biblical Ziklag’ DNA Study Confirms Biblical Account of Philistine Origins Archaeologists propose new site as biblical Ziklag. Is it so? – Luke Chandler
7/14/201935 minutes, 41 seconds
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#114: DNA Study Confirms Biblical Account of Philistine Origins

JERUSALEM – A recent DNA study of the ancient Philistines revealed that one of ancient Israel’s most formidable foes traveled to the land from southern Europe, confirming what many historians and archaeologists have long believed. The media quickly picked up on the study with articles being published in Live Science, the New York Times, the Washington Post and most other papers of note. Stunningly, one fact was left out of most of the reports. The DNA study actually confirms what the Bible records about Philistine origins. On the first half of today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses the study and what it means for confirming the Biblical text. On the second half, Nagtegaal discusses the recent discovery of the first –biblical-era facility for manufacturing purple dye, and its possible use in adorning of King Solomon’s Temple. Uncovering the Bible’s Buried Civilizations: The Philistines Know thine enemy: DNA study solves ancient riddle of origins of the Philistines DNA Study 3,000-Year-Old Purple Dye Industry Revealed Near Haifa
7/7/201939 minutes, 57 seconds
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#113: Interview: Working the ‘Big Dig’ in 1972

Following the recapture of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War, there was an immediate interest in conducting excavations in the Holy City. Prof. Benjamin Mazar led a massive team in undertaking a decade-long project that became known as the “Big Dig” around the southern wall of the Temple Mount (1968–1976). The dig was supported in 50-50 partnership by the leader of our parent organization, Herbert W. Armstrong, chancellor of Ambassador College. Hundreds of Ambassador students participated in the effort. These major excavations laid the foundation for our continuing digs in Jerusalem and relationship with the Mazar family. Today, Armstrong College students continue to participate in excavations led by Professor Mazar’s granddaughter, Dr. Eilat Mazar. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames interviews one of the early Ambassador students who served under Prof. Benjamin Mazar to find out what life was like on the “Big Dig.” Some of the details, anecdotes and coincidences might surprise you!
6/30/201946 minutes, 8 seconds
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#112: Iran Ignites the Gulf of Oman and the Dangerous Mainstreaming of Anti-Semitism

JERUSALEM – On June 13, Iran attacked two tankers just outside the Strait of Hormuz, the most critical oil choke point in the world. This follows attacks on four different tankers a month earlier. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses Iran’s strategy in stepping up these attacks. On the second half of the program, Nagtegaal analyzes the surge in anti-Semitic attacks in the Western world, and the weak-willed response to them. He attended a recent Jerusalem symposium were world leaders in the study of mainstream anti-Semitism discussed this worrying trend. Analysis: The Hezekiah Bulla - Tankers on Fire in Gulf of Oman Anti-Semitism: Why You Should Be Alarmed
6/16/201954 minutes, 32 seconds
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#111: Germany publicly endorses expanding mission in Syria, potentially replacing the United States

A joint press conference between United States Security of State Mike Pompeo and German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass on Friday confirmed that Germany is looking to increase its involvement in Syria, potential safeguarding safe zones in northeastern Syria. “Germany, thus, becomes the first European country to publicly express its willingness to participate in maintaining the security zone…” Kurdistan 24 wrote concerning Germany’s decision. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses how Germany’s entrance into the Syrian arena is prophesied. In the second half of the show, Christopher Eames details some stunning miracles that allowed Israel to take back Jerusalem in the Six-Day-War. How the Syrian Crisis Will End Germany backs US plans for safe zone in Syria Miracles in Six Days
6/2/201937 minutes, 50 seconds
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#110: Dinosaurs, the Ice Age, and Early Man: Evidence Against the Bible?

Host Christopher Eames examines Earth’s early history, comparing the scientific evidence and the biblical account of creation—with some surprising parallels. Scientists have discovered much regarding the earliest history of the Earth, dinosaurs, “ice age” creatures, and early man. This early “prehistory” is seen as completely contradictory to the biblical account. As such, Bible believers promote many different forms of creationism, such as theistic evolution, to explain away supposed contradictions. But is the biblical account of creation really the opposite of what has been discovered by the various fields of science? Or is it really a much mistaken interpretation of the biblical account—together with some scientific misconceptions? On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines Earth’s early history, comparing the scientific evidence with the biblical account of creation. There are some surprising parallels. Dinosaurs, the Bible, and a 6,000-year-old Earth? The Carbon Dating Game Clothing: A ‘Cultural Universal’ in Archaeology and the Bible The Case for Adam and Eve All humans may be descended from just TWO people and a catastrophic event almost wiped out ALL species 100,000 years ago, study suggests
5/26/201930 minutes, 14 seconds
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#109: Balak, Bilbo or Bruce? Mesha Stele Says Anything but David

JERUSALEM – Two weeks ago, scholars from Tel Aviv University and the College de France published a paper dismissing the notion that the name of king David could be found on the Mesha Stele, an almost 3,000-year-old stone inscription. Instead, they proposed it mentions the Moabite king Balak. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal briefly discusses the outrageous new claim, as well as further evidence for the traditional reading of the inscription. Mesha portion begins at 18:50. Is the United States the Aggressor in the Middle East? The King of the South High-tech study of ancient stone suggests new proof of King David’s dynasty
5/12/201945 minutes, 18 seconds
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#108: First Person: Taking Cover in Ashkelon

ASHKELON – In the past 24 hours, Iranian-backed terrorist groups operating in the Gaza Strip fired over 600 rockets at Israel, killing four civilians. On Sunday, amidst the attack, Watch Jerusalem host Brent Nagtegaal visited the Gaza Strip border region on a media tour and had to seek refuge from more rockets. Ironically, that safety was found with family members of a man that died from an attack overnight. Here is the account of that visit. Jerusalem in Prophecy
5/5/201932 minutes, 40 seconds
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#107: Elusive Fortified City of King Rehoboam Found in Israel

The ancient city of Lachish in southern Israel is one of the most excavated sites in Israel. It is mentioned in the Bible during the time of Jeremiah, and further back during the time of King Hezekiah. Earlier, the Bible notes that it was King Rehoboam, King David’s grandson, who first fortified the city around 920 BCE. And yet, all the excavations at Lachish have failed to uncover a fortified city from the time of Rehoboam. Until now. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses the recent discovery of a large wall from Rehoboam’s city that confirms the biblical construction date of the city. Uncovering the Bible’s Buried Cities: Lachish Did the Kingdom of David Exist? New Wall Found in Southern Israel Reignites Debate 2,600-year-old Jerusalem Discovery Leaves Archaeologists Shell-shocked
4/28/201935 minutes, 14 seconds
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#106: Does Archaeology Support the Biblical Account of the Exodus?

Archaeology is often used as a bulwark against those who would so readily dismiss the Bible as mere myth. Discoveries over the past 100 years have confirmed many elements of the biblical narrative from the time of the kings and the prophets. But what has been uncovered correlating to the earlier period of the Exodus? On today’s program, we talk with archaeology writer Christopher Eames about what archaeology and secular history has to say about the biblical account of Israel’s deliverance from slavery. The Bible’s Buried Civilizations: the Egyptians - Did Lions, Bears, Leopards and Camels Really Live in Ancient Israel? – Were Hebrews Ever Slaves in Ancient Egypt – Yes
4/21/201932 minutes, 53 seconds
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#105: Did Lions, Bears, Leopards and Camels Really Live in Ancient Israel?

Around 100 different creatures are described in the Bible, most of which are described as native to Israel or the Middle East. Could such exotic animals really have lived in this territory? How did the ancient biblical writers even know about some of these animals? On today’s program, we interview archaeology writer Christopher Eames about the elusive animals of the Bible and what insights archaeology has to offer. The Animals of the Bible The Proof of the Bible
4/14/201934 minutes, 21 seconds
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#104: Official in King Josiah’s Court Confirmed in Jerusalem Excavation

JERUSALEM – The Givati excavation in Jerusalem has been running around the clock for over a decade. This week, the excavation made international news over the discovery of a seal impression of an official mentioned in the Bible. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal interviews Givati excavation co-director Dr. Yiftah Shalev at the site. They discuss the recent discovery, as well as the larger context of the Jerusalem excavation. Nathan-Melech: Found!
4/7/201936 minutes, 30 seconds
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#103: Israeli Archaeologist: Jeroboam II, Not David, Is the Real Biblical Hero

JERUSALEM - In his latest attack against King David, Tel Aviv University archaeologist Israel Finklestein now says that the history of the United Monarchy under King David and Solomon, is really just a description of the magnificent kingdom of Jeroboam II, projected back by aggrandizing Jewish scribes centuries later. On today's program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at a recent Haaretz article featuring this new theory and shows why it is dishonest to the facts on the ground, and in the Bible itself. Did David and Solomon Actually Exist? - The United States and Britain in Prophecy - Talking Biblical Shiloh With Excavation Director Dr. Scott Stripling - Meet the real King David, the one the Bible didn’t want you to know about – Haaretz -
3/31/201950 minutes, 31 seconds
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#102: "Generic” Biblical Names: What Archaeology Says

Adam. Seth. Jacob. Moses. None of these biblical individuals have been absolutely proven through archaeology. But what of the simple names? The Bible is full of names for different people of different periods. If archaeology can corroborate names for the right periods, then that would serve as proof, in its own right, of the accuracy of the biblical record. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the slew of “generic” biblical names that have been verified in the archaeology record. Biblical Names Confirmed Through Archaeology Proof of the Bible
3/26/201929 minutes, 46 seconds
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#101: After Conquering Iraq, Suleimani Eyes Jerusalem

JERUSALEM – Last Sunday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei awarded General Qassem Suleimani with the Order of Zulfaqar, the highest military honor in the country. Suleimani is the first person to receive the commendation since the Islamic revolution in 1979. Why now? Suleimani’s award came at the precise time a large Iranian delegation was in Iraq cementing their alliance. The correlation between the two events is clear: Suleimani was being recognized for successfully overseeing Iran’s conquering of Iraq. A few days after receiving the award, Iran began a massive military drill entitled “Toward Jerusalem 1." On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the Iranian revolution’s longstanding connection between the capture of Iraq, and its main mission of conquering Jerusalem. The King of the South - Shadow Commander: Qassem Suleimani | BBC Documentary -
3/17/201938 minutes, 44 seconds
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#100: Gen. Qassem Suleimani: The Point of Iran’s Spear

JERUSALEM – “Sulemani is singularly dangerous. He is also singularly positioned to shape the future of the Middle East.” This is how United States Gen. Stanley McChrystal recently described the head of Iran’s Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. At a time when Iran is seeking hegemonic goals in the Middle East, Suleimani leads the expeditionary force making it possible. On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal looks at the battlefield successes of Qassem Suleimani in light of the prophetic rise of Iran, the biblical “king of the south.” The King of the South -
3/10/201936 minutes, 58 seconds
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#99: A Tale of Two Great Scientists

Sensationalist, biased, fraudulent, agenda-driven—such were the ad hominem attacks leveled by the scholarly Victorian establishment against the great African explorer Sir Henry Morton Stanley. One of the greatest adventurers ever to have lived, this man suffered much abuse from establishment peers jealous of his work. Unfortunately, his story is all too familiar. Dr. Eilat Mazar—an archaeologist that we at Watch Jerusalem have been privileged to work with for well over a decade—is one of Israel’s greatest archaeologists, with easily the largest number of significant discoveries to her name. Yet she too has suffered abuse from the same old, cold Establishment. On today’s program, host Christopher Eames compares the stories of two great scientists—Sir Henry Morton Stanley and Dr. Eilat Mazar—examining not only the inordinate attacks against them from certain scholarly critics but also the inordinate affection shown to them by the general public. Proof of the Bible
2/25/201930 minutes, 7 seconds
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#98: Archaeological Proof of the Prophet Jeremiah’s Helpers

JERUSALEM – The historical setting of the biblical book of Jeremiah has been verified time and again by both archaeological discoveries and contemporary literary sources. Although the story took place over 2600 years ago, many of Jeremiah’s friends and as well as the kings he warned have been uncovered by modern science. On today’s show, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses the historical reality of the Book of Jeremiah’s lesser-known heroes, who each had their own difficult journey’s in support of the famous prophet. The Scribe Gemariah—Uncovered! So Much Archaeological Proof!
2/17/201943 minutes, 10 seconds