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The Sincere Seeker Podcast (Islamic Podcast for Muslims & Those Interested in Learning About Allah (God), the Religion of Islam, the Holy Quran, and Prophet Muhammad PBUH) Cover
The Sincere Seeker Podcast (Islamic Podcast for Muslims & Those Interested in Learning About Allah (God), the Religion of Islam, the Holy Quran, and Prophet Muhammad PBUH) Profile

The Sincere Seeker Podcast (Islamic Podcast for Muslims & Those Interested in Learning About Allah (God), the Religion of Islam, the Holy Quran, and Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

English, Religion, 4 seasons, 204 episodes, 23 hours, 6 minutes
The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic book publishing company and dawah organization calling people back to their Creator to fulfill their life purpose.The Sincere Seeker is designed for those who want to find their life's purpose, build a relationship with their Creator, Allah (God), and gain a deeper understanding of the true Message, Wisdom, and religion of Islam so they can be guided in this world and earn Paradise in the hereafter.The Sincere Seeker provides a collection of Islamic books, animated videos, and blog articles about Allah, the Holy Quran, God's religion of Islam and Prophet Muhammad,peace be upon him, designed to educate and inspire.With the Islamic children's section, The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection can help you instill in your child a proper Islamic upbringing and knowledge of Allah & Islamic concepts.Every page of the kid's collection introduces an Islamic concept with delightful and colorful illustrations to help your child understand and appreciate each component of Islam.The simple and abiding concept behind The Sincere Seeker is to please God the Almighty and provide an educational resource that is both fun and educational.The Sincere Seeker Bookstore: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call! Schedule your call now!
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The Verse of the Sword | "Kill Them Where You Find Them…" Verse

"So, when the sacred months expire, kill the polytheists wherever you find them, and catch them and besiege them and sit in ambush for them everywhere. Then, if they repent and establish Salāh and pay Zakāh, leave their way. Surely, Allah is most Forgiving, Very-Merciful" (Quran 9:5) The Holy Quran was revealed to guide humanity through every aspect of life. It is an instructional manual that mandates just how one's life should be lived, with teachings for both individuals and all of society. The Holy Quran provides guidelines and instructions to govern proper human conduct, a fair economic system, ritual worship, ethics and moral behavior, business, government, and more. Among the many teachings include instruction on responding to hostile people during difficult times.  At age forty, Prophet Muhammad PBUH received his first Revelation from God in a cave via the Angel Gabriel. Although he was known in his community as "the truthful, the trustworthy," most people did not believe him or his Message. Even though Prophet Muhammad PBUH was spreading the Message of Islam to his people peacefully and did not force anyone to convert, a massive campaign was instigated by the idol worshippers of Mecca to persecute him and those who believed in the Message. They harassed the Muslims, ridiculed and insulted them, socially boycotted and isolated them, threatened their lives, and even tortured certain believers to death. After thirteen years of preaching in Mecca while being persecuted, Prophet Muhamad PBUH and his followers secretly migrated to Medina, leaving family members, homes, and businesses behind.  In Medina, Prophet Muhammad PBUH gained new followers and became the city's leader. The idol worshippers of Mecca, who prosecuted Muslims in their homeland, plotted and attempted to reengage their attack. Thus the Muslims prepared for battle to defend themselves and their families from the oppressors that had expelled them from their homes in Mecca. A number of years and several battles later, Prophet Muhammad PBUH led an army of one hundred thousand people back to Mecca and conquered the land in a bloodless victory.  Prophet Muhammad PBUH gathered the chief enemies that had been battling him through the years and told them, "I say to you what my brother Yusuf said to his unkind brothers. Have no fear this day! May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful." The Holy Quran was not revealed in a single setting; it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH passage by passage over 23 years. At this time, a Verse was revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH saying to give the criminal polytheists who broke their treaties with the Muslims, fighting them through the years despite signing peace treaties, a safe place where they could be unthreatened and not intimidated by the Muslims. God stated that they get four months to consider the religion of Islam.  "And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection (O Prophet), grant it to them so they may hear the Word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are a people who have no knowledge" (Quran 9:6) The desired outcome was for these criminals to become Muslims, but if they chose not to convert, they would be required to leave the area. Upon the completion of the four months, if they didn't depart, the command was to "kill them where you find them." The Muslims were instructed to drive out these criminal idol worshippers from the very land that had forced out the Muslims. This is the precise context of the Verse as delivered. 
4/3/20235 minutes, 39 seconds
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Is the Punishment for Apostasy Death in Islam?

A common misconception regarding Islam is that if someone leaves the religion of Islam, an Islamic State will punish them with death. This is simply not true. People always have the option to cease believing in and worshipping Allah in a Muslim land without being punished. Many people who left the religion of Islam in Muslim-dominated countries did so without being harmed. And many places of worship of other faiths can be found in Islamic countries today and in the past.  "And say, O Prophet, 'This is the truth from your Lord. Whoever wills let them believe, and whoever wills let them disbelieve..." (Quran 18:29) Islam clearly states that there is no compulsion regarding religion; therefore, an Islamic State cannot force anyone to convert to the Islamic faith or remain Muslim. The Holy Quran states:"Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing" (Quran 2:256)It's essential to stress that the act of leaving the Islamic faith is not the same as committing the act of apostasy in Islam. Whereas Islam does state that the punishment for apostasy is death, this penalty is assigned only to a particular type of apostasy: and one does not suffer this penalty simply because they left the fold of Islam. The act of apostasy, the commission of which can sentence an apostate to death, is given to those living in an Islamic land that publicly announces their apostasy, convincing others to leave Islam, the religion of God. It's for those who call others to a new faith, misguiding people and leading them to hellfire, thus also leading to a great fitnah, trial, and tribulation for others.The rights of an individual do not trump the rights of society. Islam does not tolerate the commission of any corruption in its society and has rules to protect the community from harm and disunity--and from those that cause doubt and uncertainty in the hearts of believers. Calling people to leave Islam can cause people to commit crimes prohibited in Islam, such as drinking alcohol, drugs, fornication, and other harmful acts to individuals and society. Apostacy, in short, is seen as a form of treason against the state.The Islamic penal system aims to preserve five essential elements: life, intellect, family, property, and religion. To this end, Islam has implemented strict rules to live by through its religion and the prescription of the punishment for apostasy for the safety of society. Only an Islamic state can implement the punishment of apostasy; citizens cannot be vigilantes and take the law into their own hands. The crime must be done intentionally and implicitly, and not ambiguously.  At the time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, apostates did exist, but Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the Muslims never executed any of them. Rarely have apostasy laws ever been implemented at all throughout history. The apostasy law is not unique to Islam; it also exists in Christianity and Judaism. A ruler in an Islamic State can elect to give the apostate a different sentence, such as a prison sentence. The apostate has the right to a court hearing and gets a three-day waiting period. He is allowed time to reflect on the situation, clear misconceptions, and repent. Those who assist the enemy of an Islamic State in battle are likewise subject to the death penalty. This is known as treason, and many nations today punish spies and anyone who plots to harm their own nation by way of their treason laws.
4/3/20234 minutes, 13 seconds
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Understanding Jizya, and is it a Non-Muslim Tax?

"Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth from among those who were given the Scripture, until they pay the tax, willingly submitting, fully humbled" (Quran 9:29)There is wisdom and logic behind the concept of Jizya. The word Jizya is derived from the word Jaza, which translates to mean compensation. Jizya was a form of compensation or payment to the Islamic State for its public services rendered to non-Muslims living under Islamic rule. All states need funding to run their organized government, which is why all nations today level taxes against their citizens. Funding goes to support public services like police, military protection, welfare services, and more to help protect citizens' lives, families, property, and wealth. In an Islamic state, Muslim citizens pay Zakat as their tax. Zakat stands as one of the five pillars of Islam, one that goes to help less fortunate citizens and supports the welfare system. Zakah is obligatory for Muslims so that a certain amount of their wealth will be contributed to the welfare of the poor. Zakah is a form of worship. Non-Muslims, on the other hand, cannot be forced to engage in religious obligations such as paying this Zakat—as it is a form of worship, and compulsory payment would infringe on non-muslims' religious rights.  Non-Muslims living under Muslim rule are free to practice their own religion in any Muslim land without being forced into any form of Islamic practice. But since non-Muslims also reap the social benefits of services provided by their Islamic host state, it is only fair that they pay a tax similar to that paid by their Muslim neighbors—identical to those taxes paid in all countries today. It would be an act of injustice towards Muslims to require them to pay a tax and not to require non-Muslims living in the same land to pay a share too. Honoring and upholding treaties with non-Muslims is a solemn obligation for the Muslim community. The payment of Jizya ensures that the Islamic State protects and guards non-Muslim citizens against harassment from external enemies and funds any ransom imposed on their behalf if they are taken as captives by an external enemy.  Suppose that the Islamic State fails to protect or fears they cannot guarantee security for the non-Muslims living in their land as imposed by an external enemy. In that case, they will return the Jizya paid by the non-Muslims. This happened when Umar the Second Caliph ordered the treasury officer to refund Jizya collected from Syrian Christians because he feared he could not protect them from a military attack by the Byzantines.  Unlike countries today that charge taxes to all citizens, Jizya is not paid by all non-Muslim citizens but only by men of sound mind and of military age who are healthy and capable of earning a living. Women, children, the poor, students, the blind, the disabled, enslaved people, monks, the elderly, and those who chose to fight in the military were exempt from paying this tax. On the other hand, Zakat is paid for by Muslim men and women, but Muslim men cannot be exempt from being drafted into the military. Still, the Jizya payment exempts non-Muslims from joining the military even though the state's military benefits Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The Jizya paid by non-Muslims is generally less than what Muslims pay for Zakat. The Islamic State is required to provide social security services to non-Muslims with disabilities who cannot work. There have been many instances where Muslims provided social security services to non-Muslim citizens living in their land. 
4/3/20234 minutes, 57 seconds
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Penal Codes in Islam; What’s the Deal with Hand Cutting, Lashing, & Stoning?

"...These are the limits set by Allah, so do not approach them..." (Quran 2:187) Sharia Law is Divine Legislation consisting of individual laws that deal with the civil aspects of life, including character, dealing with others, prayer, purification, repentance, marriage, divorce, business dealings, etc. Sharia Law also consists of state-based laws regarding the running of a State. Since Sharia protects and preserves the rights and freedom of individuals and societies, its law must contain rules, regulations, and punishments for those that transgress and infringe on people's rights and freedoms. Listed within state-based laws is a small component known as Hudud-- criminal law and indicates the penal code of Islam. Hudud can be translated as punishment for encroaching upon the limits and boundaries set by Allah. Since certain aspects of Hudud violate human rights, punishments must be enacted to serve justice for those harmed, as is the case in all countries today. Since these crimes severely impact society, they come complete with severe punishments. It's essential to enact harsh penalties for severe crimes, to help deter and discourage such crimes for the community's security.  It's imperative to note that ordinary Muslims cannot enforce the laws we will discuss; these punishments can be carried out only by a Muslim ruler or judge. A person accused of a crime must be tried in an Islamic court and proven guilty before any punishment is implemented. There is no place for vigilantism in the faith of Islam, acts in which Muslims take the law into their own hands. Instead of throwing someone in a jail cell in a harsh environment alongside other criminals to allow them to network with each other while costing citizen taxpayers a great deal of money, Islam prevents crimes in a different matter by using the Hudud punishments as a form of deterrence and retribution. It's imperative to note that the chief principle in implementing Hudud punishments is maximizing mercy - seeking to reform the criminal and allowing the doors of repentance to be opened. Hudud punishments are challenging to prove and enforce. A rigorous requirement of solid evidence almost renders these punishments a scare tactic. A Muslim ruler or jurist can consider many ambiguities to avoid applying a hudud punishment. Prophet Muhammad PBUH stated: Avert the legal penalties from the Muslims as much as possible if he has a way out, then leave him to his way, for if the Imam makes a mistake in forgiving it would be better than making mistake in punishment' As Hudud laws are very difficult to execute, not a single incident of stoning an adulterer occurred in the first 1000 years of the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. And only three or four incidents are recorded of lashings in this faith. "As for male and female thieves, cut off their hands for what they have done— a deterrent from Allah. And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise" (Quran 5:38) Islam takes the rights of people's property very seriously, and as a result, the religion enacts laws to protect any act of aggression toward other people's property. The Islamic concept of theft is to "take that which does not belong to you stealthily from a place where similar things are typically kept." Without a severe punishment for theft, this evil would spread throughout society. Harsh punishment is needed as a deterrent to scare people away from such an evil act. 
4/3/20239 minutes, 43 seconds
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Do Islamic Inheritance Laws Favor Men Over Women? Why Do Women Receive Half the Inheritance Share of a Man?

“Allah commands you regarding your children: the share of the male will be twice that of the female. If you leave only two or more females, their share is two-thirds of the estate. But if there is only one female, her share will be one-half. Each parent is entitled to one-sixth if you leave offspring. But if you are childless and your parents are the only heirs, then your mother will receive one-third. But if you leave siblings, then your mother will receive one-sixth—after the fulfilment of bequests and debts. Be fair to your parents and children, as you do not fully know who is more beneficial to you. This is an obligation from Allah. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise” (Quran 4:11)Islam is more than a religion; it is a way of life that guides humanity in all aspects of their lives, including providing guidance on inheritance. Islamic law allows a person to leave one-third of their assets to whomever they wish, as long as the beneficiaries are not amongst the remaining two third. The will is implied after the deceased's funeral expenses and outstanding debts are paid.The remainder two-thirds goes to the beneficiaries listed in Chapter 4 of the Holy Quran—a passage that some non-Muslims find controversial. Whereas Chapter 4 states that the share of a male is twice that of a female, females do not always receive less than males in all circumstances. There are certain instances where both male and female beneficiaries receive the same amount, where women receive more than male and scenarios where females get a share and men get nothing.  In many religions, women do not inherit from their families in any circumstance. At many points throughout history, women did not inherit anything from their families. They were considered property, part of the inheritance estate needing to be married off and relocated. On the other hand, Islam gave women their inheritance rights, stating that their reasonability determines their share--and not their gender.In some circumstances, females inherit half of what males inherit—but not on all occasions. There is logic and fairness to reinforce those instances in which males get a higher inheritance share than females—with these conditions given to us by our Creator, the All-Knowing, All-Wise, the All-Just. Because Islam has assigned males as the heads of the household, those who bear the family's financial burden, the men will often spend much of what they inherit back into the family. On the other hand, females are entitled to the entirety of their inheritance and wealth--and their husband's wealth. Women can keep 100% of their inheritance without spending or sharing it with anyone--even if they are wealthy and their husband is poverty-stricken. God has chosen men to be the guardian of their wives and family, whom they must look after and to whom they must provide food, clothing, shelter, etc. The man must care for and provide for those closest to him. For instance, a husband needs to look after his wife and offspring; if he passes away or neglects his duty, the next man in a woman's life will need to step up and care for the family, whether it's the adult son or the brother of the woman. It's important to stress once again that the reasonability of the sexes determines the share of an inheritance, not the gender.As a clarifying example, suppose the parents of a son and daughter die, leaving fifteen thousand dollars behind. The daughter would inherit five thousand dollars by edict of Muslim law, and the son would inherit ten thousand dollars. However, if she is unmarried, the brother would have to share the $10,000 with his family, including his wife, children, and even his sister.
4/3/20235 minutes, 59 seconds
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If God Preordained Everything, Why Should I be held Accountable?

The last pillar of the Islamic faith, one that every Muslim believes, is the concept of Al-Qadr, which closely translates to predestination or pre-ordainment (sometimes translated as predestination/Divine Decree, destiny, or fate). When one believes in the tenet of Al-Qadr, translated as "Divine Decree," they affirm that everything--good or bad--that happens in their life emanates from God the Almighty and is something He willed to happen. Al-Qadr, in Arabic, translates to mean to measure, to determine, to assess, to decide, to judge. In the context of religion, the term means "Divine determined measurements and sustenance for everyone and everything, in accordance with His Wisdom and Power." God states in his Book: Indeed, all things We created with predestination (Quran 54:49)God the Almighty, being All-Knowing and All-Wise, knows what we have done in the past, what we are doing now, and what we will do in the future— even before our birth. After all, can God be God if He doesn't know everything, including the future? Whereas humanity has the free will to make their own choices, everything happens only and directly through God's Will and Power.Before discussing the idea that if God preordained everything, why should we be held accountable? You must understand the concept of Divine Decree better. Al-Qadar (Divine Decree) comprises four components. The first component is the belief that God is All-Knowledgeable. His Knowledge encompasses all things. The Almighty's foreknowledge is infallible and complete. "And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry thing but that it is written in a clear record" (Quran 6:59)The second component of Divine Decree is the belief that Allah has recorded all happenings, everything from the beginning of time to the Day of Judgment, in a Tablet He has kept an account known as the Lawh Al-Mahfooth (the Preserved Tablet). Each person's lifespan, substance, deeds, happiness, sorrows, and more are written and recorded on this Tablet. In fact, according to a narration of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Allah, the Glorious, recorded the measurements of all matters regarding His creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth."Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the Heaven and Earth? Indeed, that is in a Record. Indeed that, for Allah, is easy" (Quran 22:70)The third component of Divine Decree is the belief that nothing can occur without the Will and Power of Allah, whether the event stems from the action of the Almighty or the actions of humanity. Nothing occurs haphazardly or by accident; the Almighty has decreed everything.Muslims acknowledge that anything that has happened could not have been avoided or prevented--no one can avoid an occurrence unless God has willed it. By contrast, whatever has not reached, attained, or afflicted a person, was not meant to touch or afflict that person by God's will. Our Prophet PBUH narrated, "Know if all of humanity gathered to harm you, they could not harm you unless Allah had decreed. The Pen has been lifted, and the pages have dried." The fourth and last component of Divine Decree is the belief that Allah is the Creator and Originator of all things."...and has created each thing and determined it with precise determination" (Quran 25:2) 
4/3/20238 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Pilgrimage to Makkah

The fifth pillar of Islam is Hajj, which translates to mean "the pilgrimage to the Holy city of Makkah." The Arabic word, Hajj, linguistically, means "heading to a place for the sake of visiting." In Islamic terminology, the term describes the act of heading to Makkah to observe specific actions and rituals. Hajj, or the pilgrimage, is a 5-6-day journey to this sacred place between the 8th and 13th day of the last month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Dhul-Hijjah. The Hajj journey is obligatory for every Muslim, male or female, to complete at least once in a lifetime, provided they are mentally, physically, and financially capable of making the trip. God states:"...And due to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way..." (Quran 3:97) The Hajj includes detailed reenactments of certain symbolic rituals performed by great Prophets and righteous individuals in the past. The Hajj Pilgrimage and its symbolic rituals commemorate the legacy of Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him; this is why one needs to learn about Prophet Abraham to understand the reasoning behind individual acts performed as a part of Hajj.Integral to Hajj is the Kaaba, a holy shrine - a black silk-clad cube stone structure at the heart of the Grand Mosque in the modern-day city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Kaaba is at the center of the Earth, built by Prophet Abraham and his son Ismael, peace be upon them. Upon completion, God the Almighty commanded Prophet Abraham to relay a single Message to the people: that they would be required to make a pilgrimage to this House. May your journey to the answer and the truth be pleasant and successful.
4/3/20231 minute, 53 seconds
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Could Prophet Muhammad PBUH have Copied its Text from Another Source? Could the Holy Quran Be Inspired by Satan?

The Holy Quran is standing proof of the truthfulness of Islam. Anyone who thoroughly examines the text of the Holy Quran will conclude that no one, including the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, could have authored this Book, as no human being could produce anything like it. Thus, the text could come only from God, the Almighty, the All-Wise. The Holy Quran stands as the eternal miracle of the Prophet Muhamad PBUH, providing the truthfulness and very basis of his Prophethood. Past prophets performed miracles to prove their own Prophethood, but the manifestations of all of these miracles ended with their deaths, as they were Prophets who served their people only. Since Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, is the last Prophet and is meant to be followed until the end of time, the manifestation of his miracle needs to last until this time, so the people who live after him can see his miracle and believe in his Prophethood. Therefore, the Holy Quran remains preserved and exists today--just as it did more than 1400 years ago. For many reasons, Prophet Muhammad PBUH could not have been the earthly author of the Holy Quran. Let us now examine some clear proof of this edict. First, Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not know how to read or write, nor did he attend any schools or travel outside the Arabian Peninsula. So, the Holy Quran was sent down to an unlettered Prophet who did not read, write, or calculate. He had no education or communication skills to demonstrate to the people that he could not have authored the Holy Text. Prophet Muhammad PBUH would not have possessed the ability to compose a Book that became the masterpiece of the Arabic language. The Holy Quran is inimitable in style, form, and spiritual impact; it has a unique rhythm, tone, rhyme, and genre like no other book. The Holy Quran contains the highest possible standard of linguistics and rhetoric in its speech, to the extent that it would be impossible for a human or group of humans to produce.Prophet Muhammad PBUH was not known to compose poetry, nor did he like it. If Prophet Muhamad PBUH were lying about his illiteracy, his enemies would have known—this owing to the fact that Prophet Muhammad PBUH grew up in the same city, Mecca, as many of his enemies. "You, O Prophet, could not read any writing even before this revelation, nor could you write at all. Otherwise, the people of falsehood would have been suspicious" (Quran 29:48)The question remains, how could Prophet Muhammad PBUH have been the author of the Holy Quran when he lived in the midst of the Arabian desert with no teachers or libraries? After all, the Arabic Peninsula existed as a backward, antiquated nation then? The Holy Quran references a variety of forward-thinking facts, resources of knowledge, and various sciences that people could not have known at the time and place in which the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his companions existed. The Holy Quran contains knowledge, guidance, and helpful information to explain complicated matters about inheritance, civil law, criminal law, history, finance, business, tax law, military law, embryology, labor law, real estate law, family law, dietary laws, psychology, raising children, marriage, worship, oceanography, biography, universe, physics, medicine, astronomy, and more. It presents this information using simple speech and imagery in Arabic, with no errors or contradicting principles. Moreover, the Holy Quran uses terminology and descriptions at an advanced level beyond what a 7th-century person living in the desert would know.Early biographical reports state that Prophet Muhammad PBUH was known in his community as truthful and trustworthy due to his early reputation for displaying these qualities. He never was accused of telling a solitary lie.
4/3/202321 minutes, 46 seconds
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What is the Concept of Atonement in Islam? Is it Similar to That of Christianity? How Does One Seek Salvation from Hellfire & Enter Paradise?

Before we discuss the concept of atonement in Islam, it's essential to address Christianity's stance on how to seek salvation from hellfire and enter Paradise. Christians believe that every child is born with the taint of the original sin committed by our parents, Prophet Adam and Eve PBUT. The sin was committed when they disobeyed our Creator by eating from the forbidden tree. Christians believe that, since all men are born in a sinful state because of the actions of our distant ancestors, it is necessary to believe in atonement, the idea that Jesus Christ died for our sins. Christians believe that one can attain salvation, being saved from hellfire and entering Paradise, by simply accepting that Jesus Christ died for their sins, without the need for worshipping God, doing good deeds, or adhering to the Holy Law - because Jesus Christ fulfilled it for them. To reiterate, Christians believe the commandments of God are worthless and need not be followed, as they can earn a free trip to Paradise by simply believing that Jesus Christ died for their sins. They believe one can live sinful without going to hell since Jesus Christ atoned for their sins. If all Christians need to do to reach Paradise is to believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins, then why do they bother learning the Bible or the teachings of Jesus Christ? If Jesus Christ did die for our sins, he would have emphasized and taught this crucial detail. However, nowhere in the Bible did Jesus Christ explicitly stated that he would die to save humanity from sin. Christians say God sacrificed his only begotten son to save humanity, but if God owns the entire universe, why did God need to sacrifice Jesus? One sacrifices one thing for something else they could not obtain otherwise. But God is All-Mighty and can restore the life of Jesus Christ instantly, so by definition, that is not a sacrifice. Not only is the concept of atonement not mentioned in the Bible nor taught by Jesus Christ, but Biblical verses contradict the concept of atonement and prove a fabrication. These verses state that no person is held responsible for another's sin, no parent is accountable for a sin committed by their child, and vice versa. That means we are not held accountable for the sins committed by our parents, Adam and Eve, PBUH."The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin." (Deuteronomy 24:16). Take this passage: "The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child." (Ezekiel 18:20) It is stated in the Bible that the child will not share the guilt of the parent for any particular sin, nor will the parent share the child's responsibility for a sin!  Paul initiated the concept of atonement. Paul proved himself an enemy of Jesus Christ throughout his ministry. He claimed that Jesus Christ came to him in a dream, and only afterward did he become a believer. He then made radical changes to the religion that neither Jesus Christ nor the Bible describes or details! Why are Christians following the teaching of Paul and not Jesus Christ?How did all of the previous, righteous Messengers and Prophets of God, such as Prophet Abraham, Moses, Noah, etc., go to Paradise if they did not accept Jesus Christ, one who did not die for their sins since he was not yet born, as their savior? Are these righteous Messengers and Prophets of God going to hell?! No, of course not! And why didn't these Messengers and Prophets of God know of or teach about the original sin and redemption? That's because these ideas were innovated by Paul and never taught by God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, or anyone. 
4/3/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Why Did the Caliph Uthman Burn Different Versions of the Quran?

Prophet Muhammad PBUH received the text of the Holy Quran from Angel Gabriel, who, in turn, received it directly from God. The Holy Quran was not revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH at one time, nor were they revealed to him in order. Instead, the Verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH over the course of 23 years and often would be delivered in the wake of a current event happening in the time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his early Muslim companions.  Angel Gabriel instructed Prophet Muhammad PBUH where Verses and Chapters belonged so that he could sequence the Holy Quran correctly. Prophet Muhammad PBUH instructed scribes to write verbatim as he dictated them orally. The scribes of the Prophet PBUH would write the Verses of the Holy Quran as dictated on whatever surface they had available, whether it took the form of leather, white stones, bones, animal skin, pieces of bark, etc. His main scribe was named Zaid bin Thabit R.A.  Whereas Quranic Verses were composed in fragments, the Holy Quran was compiled into a Book--one developed within two years after the passing of the Prophet PBUH when his major companions were still alive. During a battle, many Quranic memorizers were killed, so the scribe of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Zaid bin Thabit, was asked to compile the Holy Quran into a published Book.  Whereas Zaid bin Thabit memorized the whole Quran by heart, he did not submit any Verses to the formed Book unless he had acquired two witnesses for each Verse-- their testimonies were in written form and memorization--to confirm the Verses were exactly like how they were revealed ensuring no words or letters were added or subtracted from the text.  It's important to stress that the Prophet's main scribe, Zayd bin Thabit, did not rely on himself, or for that matter, a single companion, to compile the Holy Quran. Instead, he called upon the services of the many memorizers of the Holy Quran to ensure and confirm that they possessed the exact Verses of the Holy Quran, as sent down and Revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH with no additions or subtractions. Many companions of the Prophet PHUH memorized the Holy Quran during the life of the Prophet, word for word. The companions knew that past Scriptures, such as the Torah sent with Prophet Moses and the Gospel sent with Jesus Christ, were rendered lost, so they took the necessary steps to protect the Holy Quran from any additions, enhancements, or subtractions; doing so through the devices of word for word memorization.  No parts of the Holy Quran were lost when Zaid bin Thabit compiled the Quran into book form; this owing to the fact that the companions had written copies of the Holy Quran, and the Holy Quran as a whole was memorized by many of the companions. The oral tradition has always been the primary means of preserving the Holy Quran; even today, millions of people worldwide have memorized the Quran by heart. This more than 600-page document is memorized word for word, letter for letter, even by children that do not speak Arabic. Even if every single copy of the Quran were to be burnt today, it would not matter--because many people worldwide have the Holy Quran memorized by heart.  This complete Book of the Holy Quran remained with the first Caliph, Abu Bakr, until his death, then was passed down to the second Caliph, Umar ibn Al Khattab. After his death, it was entrusted to his daughter, Hafsa, also a wife of the Prophet PBUH. 
4/3/20238 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jihad, Holy War and Terrorism in Islam

 Islam is a greatly misunderstood faith, especially in the western world, and no Islamic term is more widely misunderstood and decried as the word Jihad. Jihad often is mistranslated to mean Holy War. Some non-Muslims misunderstand the term to indicate the waging of war against disbelievers, to convert them to Islam or kill them. Often, the word Jihad is thought to be synonymous with terrorism, but this couldn't be further from the truth.Jihad comes from an Arabic word meaning "to make an effort" or "to strive towards a goal." Jihad means " exerting oneself" or "to struggle." In the Islamic context, it means to struggle against one's evil inclination. So, any effort of self-improvement, whether enhancing one's spirituality, education, or financial situation, is an act of Jihad. "We shall certainly guide those who strive for Our cause to Our path. God is certainly with the righteous ones" (Quran 29:69)This Verse applies to one who spiritually struggles to attain closeness to and seek the pleasure of God. Jihad comes in different forms. The essential Jihad, known as Major Jihad, is Jihad An-Nafs (the Jihad of the soul). This is the spiritual struggle between two powers within humans: the soul and the body. The soul is prone to becoming corrupt from within oneself, external influences, or both sources."Verily, the soul is inclined to evil" (Quran 12:53)Islam expresses the importance of purifying, cleansing, and restraining oneself from submitting to sinful desires. Islam expects its followers to prefer their souls and conscience instead of their bodies and desires by striving to resist urges and inner temptations. They are expected to avoid acts of disobedience and instead perform acts of obedience pleasing to God."And whoever strives only strives for the benefit of himself. Indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds" (Quran 29:6) Islam emphasizes self-improvement, self-development, self-restraint, and self-control to shape one's life in the best manner for personal benefit and the good of society. This Jihad is intended to purify the soul. The concept involves struggling against the greed for worldly purposes, arrogance, pride, envy, jealousy, hatred, hypocrisy, insincerity, vanity, narcissism, and other evil traits Satan uses to lead humanity astray into destruction. Every Muslim must strive daily to overcome these evils to the best of their ability. The Jihad of the soul includes the struggle to perform good deeds to please God and become closer to Him. Allah states in His Book:"He has succeeded who purifies it." (Quran 91:9) Scholars state that the successors to whom this Verse refers are those individuals who purify their souls by obeying God and restraining from sins and evil doing. The other primary Jihad is Jihad Al-Shaytan (Jihad against Satan). Satan's main aim is to destroy the religion of humanity by attacking them with continuous whispers regarding their belief in God and to tempt, corrupt, and mislead people away from God's guidance. "O, you who have believed, enter into submission completely and perfectly and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy" (Quran 2:208)The whispers of Satan come to both righteous people and the wicked. These whispers can be detrimental to one's spiritual, emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. One needs to fight against Satan, warding off the doubts the demon stirs up that undermine faith in God and resisting the corrupt desires he provokes.
4/3/202311 minutes, 15 seconds
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Does Islam Believe in Evolution?

In general, Muslims accept the theory of evolution-- there are many types of evolution Muslims have no issue affirming. Muslims generally have no problems with the concept of microevolution. Muslims have no issues affirming the evolution of animals over time, adapting to their environment, and developing an immunity to negotiate their environment. For example, the beaks of an animal can evolve to assume different shapes and sizes to access food on a particular island better, or an animal can develop thicker skin over the years to survive better in their habitat. This process displays the power and intelligence of the Creator of all, God the Almighty. Muslims also do not have an issue believing that all animals might have come from the same origin animal because this belief doesn't go against the Holy Quran and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. A name of Allah, after all, is Al-Bari, which means the Evolver, the giver of forms. On the other hand, Muslims cannot accept Darwinian evolution or human evolution, where human beings evolved from pre-human ancestors, as it goes against the Holy Quran. We believe everything stated in the Holy Quran because we have good reasons to believe that the entire text came from our Creator. The Holy Quran explicitly states that God fashioned Adam with his own two hands. God created Adam as a fully formed man, not a baby. He created Adam PBUH from a pool of mud with components of clay, soil, Earth, and water. Then God breathed life into him. Then God taught him the name of all things. Then he brought down Prophet Adam PBUH to this Earth. From Adam and Eve came multitudes of men and women. Adam was born miraculously without the intervention or presence of a father or a mother. Human beings were created separately from animals and other creations. "Recall when your Lord said to the angels, "I will create a human being out of clay from an altered black mud" (Quran 15:28) "O humanity! Be mindful of your Lord Who created you from a single soul, and from it He created its mate, and through both He spread countless men and women..." (Quran 4:1) It's imperative to note that the miraculous creation of Adam PBUH cannot be confirmed or rejected by science, nor can science disprove the existence of God. Since science is restricted to providing natural explanations explaining how things work, it cannot explain who created things and why. We need Revelation and religion to provide these explanations. Everything around us is living evidence of an intelligent designer behind it. The origin of our universe has a cause, and we know that chaos cannot create such an intelligently designed system. However, the scientific method cannot indicate the cause of the creation of the universe and why it was created since science looks only at nature—that is, what we can observe, touch, see, and smell--and tries to find natural explanations, excluding anything outside of nature. As for things outside of the natural world, science has no way of dealing with them. Science doesn't take into account the metaphysical realm, the unseen world, so science cannot include explanations not based on nature, like pointing to the Divine as the cause of the universe's inception.  "And Allah has created from water every living creature. Some of them crawl on their bellies, some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. Allah creates whatever He wills. Surely Allah is Most Capable of everything" (Quran 24:45)
4/3/20236 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Young Age of Aisha When She Married Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Muhammad PBUH comes in contemplation of his judgment and ethics in marrying his wife, Aisha R.A, given that she was of a young age. Authentic narrations of Aisha R.A. state that she was six years old when the marriage took place in Mecca and nine years old when she moved into the house of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Medina and consummated her marriage. Aisha was the daughter of Prophet Muhammad PBUH's best friend, Abu Bakr R.A, who stood by Prophet Muhammad PBUH when others did not. Abu Bakr R.A. was the first man to accept the message of Islam and stood as a source of continuous support for Prophet Muhmmad PBUH throughout his journey of spreading the message of God to the people. The attempt to defame the character of Prophet Muhammad PBUH for his marriage of Aisha R.A at a young age fell flat, like other attempts to attack his character. The controversy regarding the age of Aisha is a recent phenomenon—one that people had never had an issue with in the past, and for a good reason. During the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, his enemies would attack his character by calling him a sorcerer, a madman, a magician, a soothsayer, and much more, but they never mentioned the fact that he married someone of a young age.  Why didn't his enemies lodge a fact that would assist them in defaming and attacking the character of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, you ask? Because the age of Aisha R.A. at that time and place was deemed acceptable and the norm for marriageable women. Muslim historians who reported the story of Prophet Muhammad PBUH's marriage to Aisha R.A. never felt the need to justify her age because, at that time, some young ladies did marry. Aisha R.A. had been engaged to someone else before Prophet Muhammad PBUH, which tells us that she was old enough for marriage at that time and place. Taking our current-day 21st-century cultural norms and projecting them onto the auspices of 7th-century Arabian society is not fair nor logical; in fact, it is considered a fallacy of presentism. One should not judge a person who lived more than 1400 years ago by today's standards, especially when doing something acceptable and normal at their time. Note each society has its own set of norms. Throughout history, different cultures and ethnicities set different ages considered appropriate for marriage. The people in Arabia in the 7th century were married off early because, in the hot climate of the Arabia desert, young boys and girls matured at an early age, given that they had to assume family responsibilities. The typical age of marriage today in some countries is 13-15. In 12th-century Europe, some young girls would marry at the age of nine or ten. We shouldn't judge people of the past for marrying spouses of a young age, just like we wouldn't judge famous figures of history for owning slaves because it was accepted at that time as the norm. Islam does not specify a minimum age for marriage. The requirement to marry someone is that they must be mentally and physically ready for the union. The phrase "mentally ready" means they are prepared to shoulder the responsibility of motherhood and fulfill the duties of raising a family. Being physically prepared implies that one has reached the state of puberty. Islam looks at the local customs and traditions of the land at that time and place. The age of consent for marriage will vary depending on time, place, culture, and society. A particular 12-year-old may be ready for marriage, whereas a person of 24 years may not. Some lifespans ran only 30 to 40 years, so they would marry early to accommodate an abbreviated lifetime. One can argue that the 16-year-old of today is mentally equivalent to the 10-year-old of the past. The age of marriage in many Islamic countries today is 18.
4/3/20237 minutes, 1 second
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Why Can Muslim Men Marry Up to Four Wives?

"If you fear you might fail to give orphan women their due rights if you were to marry them, then marry other women of your choice—two, three, or four. But if you are afraid you will fail to maintain justice, then content yourselves with one or those bondwomen in your possession. This way you are less likely to commit injustice" (Quran 4:3)Polygamy is a marriage system that allows one person to marry more than one spouse. This system of the marital union comes in two varieties. In a union of polyandry, a woman marries more than one man, which is not permissible in Islam - and for good reason. The other type is polygyny, a system where a man marries more than one woman, a union acceptable in Islam with certain restrictions. When the Holy Quran came down, polygyny was practiced in Arabia. Islam did not introduce the concept of polygyny; instead, the faith sanctioned regulations and restrictions in a society with no limit imposed on the number of women a man could marry simultaneously. These restrictions were intended to protect women and restore justice. Islam did not mandate polygyny, nor did the faith encourage it.  At a time in Arabia when men guardians would marry numerous orphans in their custody without regard or offer them their fair dower. And after battles in which multiple male casualties occurred, leaving widows and female orphans without guardians, the Holy Quran revealed guidance regarding the fair treatment of female orphans to ensure they get fair treatment, their fair share of a dower, and not get taken advantage of.   Marriage in Islam is a transfer of responsibility from the father to the husband, ensuring the husband will provide for the woman involved. In special cases, the Holy Quran allows a man to marry a female orphan, affording a higher likelihood that the man will accept his financial responsibility toward her. The Holy Quran states if one can treat each wife fairly and equally, he can marry up to four wives. Whereas Allah allows polygyny, He says in the same chapter that it will never be possible for a husband to treat all his wives with equitable fairness. He warns men to exercise caution before entering a polygeny relationship, as it is no easy task to treat multiple wives fairly and do them all justice. In such a relationship, men can encounter problems with their wives and Allah. This issue limits the possibility of polygyny in societies. Thus, Allah indirectly implies that monogamy is preferred in most cases. "You will never be able to maintain emotional justice between your wives—no matter how keen you are. So do not totally incline towards one leaving the other in suspense. And if you do what is right and are mindful of Allah, surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Quran 4:129) Polygyny is not a required marital state; it's optional. A tiny percentage of Muslims practice polygyny. Some Muslim countries prohibit polygyny, some restrict it, and some allow it. Whereas the practice has its negative aspects, its positives and benefits outweigh the negatives, and the union resolves issues facing certain societies. Polygyny may not be suitable for everyone at their current place and time, but it sometimes makes sense to marry more than one wife. While monogamy is generally the preferred norm for contemporary marriages, certain societies in the past boasted more female residents than men because of the high mortality rate of men dying in war or from violent crimes. Some communities have seen female residents outliving their spouses due to the latter being exposed to dangerous occupations or activities that put their health at risk or because women generally boast stronger immune systems than men. 
4/3/20236 minutes, 17 seconds
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Did Islam Spread by the Sword? How Did Islam Spread Throughout the World so Quickly?

As Islam spread quickly throughout the world in such a short period, many assume that the sword spread Islam by way of holy wars. But was this the case? One must distinguish between the Islamic State Empire and the Islamic Faith to understand this. Let's first address the Islamic State Empire. When leaders of the Empire believed they could offer a system better suited for civilizations, they sometimes enacted their powers to expand their reach to other nations, thus benefiting the people in those nations. Empires spread their system using military force, a method of choice throughout history—as is the case with the many western countries that conquered nations in an attempt to extend their system of democracy to lands where--they believed--people were oppressed. The Islamic State Empire started as a small group of people who eventually grew in number and struggled their way to the top. To a certain extent, the Islamic State Empire expanded just as many other Empires expanded throughout history.  Like every other Empire, the Islamic Empire wanted its reach to flourish through political conquests. Without political conquest, they would not have become and remained a superpower. If nations exist where their people are oppressed, their leaders may be confronted for their wrongdoing--as no people deserve mistreatment. One of Islam's main goals is to establish justice in the land and to invite others to know and accept the Message of God. People can hear the message of God without being forced into its acceptance. It would be a tragedy if the leaders of some nations prevented their peoples from hearing the Message of God.  Conquest was the law of the land, and Empires followed this edict to survive. Although most of the battles that Islams fought were defensive, fighting for the protection of their people, the Islamic Empire did expand its Empire by conquering other lands. The Islamic Empire expanded its justice domain by confronting other unjust Empires and letting others hear about Islam without forcing anyone to accept the faith. Unlike many other Empires, Islam's many rules ensure that everyone is treated with justice, boundaries are not crossed, and no injustice is done when they conquer a land. Islam prohibits Muslims from oppressing the people in their conquered lands or enslaving and selling them as other Empires did. The living situation of the conquered people should always be better in the wake of their conquest. Scholars state that offensive warfare should be avoided in this modern period and that striking peace treaties with other nations is the right approach.  Now we will address the manner in which the Islamic faith grew so quickly in such a short period. Were the citizens of the lands conquered by the Islamic State forced to convert to Islam? No. Forced conversion is not allowed in Islam, as stated in the Holy Quran:"Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing" (Quran 2:256)
4/3/20238 minutes, 14 seconds
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Establishment of the Five Mandatory Prayers

The second Pillar of Islam is the mandatory round of ritual prayers that must be performed five times daily. The Islamic method of prayer is a ritualized form of worship, which involves the recitation of Verses from the Holy Quran and supplications to God, all while standing, bowing, and prostrating. This mandatory act of worship is called Salah in Arabic and differs from merely praying or supplicating to God in an impulsive act, i.e., just speaking one's mind. Instead, the Salah prayers demand a formalized structure in which one prays a certain way at specific times, as demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, drawing direct inspiration from Angel Gabriel, who learned from God Himself.The Arabic word Salah, generally translated to mean prayer in English, is linguistically derived from the Arabic word meaning "connection." This mode of prayer connects the servant with his Creator. Salah is your way of establishing direct contact with God the Almighty. Salah represents the affirmation of servanthood and submission to your Creator's Will. In Salah, you acknowledge your weakness and neediness by seeking and begging for God's guidance, mercy, grace, and forgiveness.Salah, the Islamic ritualized prayer, is one form of worship amongst many in this beautiful faith. However, Salah holds a special status in Islam because the act of prayer builds a relationship between you as a servant and your Creator. Salah is considered the center pole of the Religion of Islam; whoever demolishes or denies this practice in their life also demolishes their religion. According to Islamic Scholars, this is the only form of worship that—if neglected—would exclude the disobedient from the folds of Islam.When prayer time arrives, you are expected to discontinue your current activity and pray to connect with God, the Most Merciful, thereby refreshing your faith for your benefit. Prayer helps remind you as to why you are here and for what purpose. Prayers help direct your thoughts and actions away from sin, from that which is not beneficial. Prayers redirect your thoughts to the remembrance of God. God commands you to establish and perfect your prayer by praying properly with concentration and the utmost humility. You must work and practice to improve your prayer technique, which takes a lifetime commitment. You must engage in a lifelong effort to master this art of communication with your Creator. The ones who fall into a habitual routine of reciting their words without concentration and humility will miss the objective of prayer, thus not benefitting from their prayer as deeply as those who pray earnestly and with full concentration and mindfulness.Neglecting mandatory prayer is a grave sin in the Islamic faith. Allah, the glorious, shares a dialogue in the Holy Quran in which the residents of Paradise ask the people condemned to hellfire the reason for their condemnation, and the condemned respond:"They will say, 'We were not of those who prayed, nor did we used to feed the poor, and we used to indulge in vain talk with the vain talkers, and we used to deny the Day of Recompense, Until there came to us the certainty'" (Quran 74:43-47)The state of your Prayer record will be the first thing asked of each of us on the Great Day of Judgement. If your prayers are in order, then everything else will fall into place. If your Prayers are not in order, then you will be doomed. The Messenger of Allah stated: The first of man's deeds for which he will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection will be Salat. If it is found to be perfect, he will be safe and successful; but if it is incomplete, he will be unfortunate and a loser…. (At-Tirmidhi).
4/3/20235 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why are There Two Sects of Muslim? What is the Difference Between Sunni and Shia?

Two separate branches of Muslim predominate this faith. 90% of the Muslim world is Sunni, and 8% is Shia in faith. The followers of Shia are commonly found in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, and a few other places. The difference between Sunni and Shia arose because of a political division at the time in history when Shia followers went their separate way. Yet, while the split started as a difference of opinion in politics, some significant theological differences emerged later, with Shia incorporating many unconventional, foreign concepts into their theology. The Sunni and Shia split found its origin in a disagreement about the leadership of the Muslim community after the death of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. After his death, his companions were forced to choose the next leader, the ruler, and the successor of the Muslim community, commonly known as the Caliphate. Sunnis believed that Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not explicitly designate his replacement, and they needed to appoint this leader by mutual consultation. The Shia believed that the Prophet PBUH designated his cousin and son-in-law, Ali PBUH, to assume the role of Caliph.Sunni Muslims deemed Abu Bakr R.A., the Prophet's closest companion, as the fittest to lead the Muslim community. Abu Bakr became the first Caliph, and Ali eventually became the fourth, serving in the wake of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman, peace be upon them. Ali was well-satisfied with the decision to appoint Abu Bakr R.A. as the ruler, but others were less pleased.The word Sunni comes from the term Sunnah, which refers to the teachings and practice of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, who in turn was taught by Angel Gabriel—who, for his part, learned the faith from God. Sunni Muslims consider themselves followers of Islam's orthodox tradition, adhering to the pure, uninfluenced faith taught by Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Shia linguistically means party, sect, supporters, or a group of similar-minded people. Shia is an abbreviation for Shiatu Ali, which signifies a group or supporters of Ali. Shia was a political faction that claimed the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, should lead the Islamic community as the Caliphate in place of Abu Bakr R.A.Initially, this group of Ali's supporters, known as Shia, stood against the Umayyads political party but remained purely Sunni in their theology and faith, unlike modern-day Shia. Yet, with passing years, significant doctrine/theological differences arose. The famous 12 Imams that certain Shia holds in the highest regard were Sunni in Creed, not Shia.If Prophet Muhammad PBUH explicitly appointed Ali PBUH, as the Shia claim, that would mean Abu Bakr was appointed unjustly in the role of a caliph. It means he disobeyed and went against the wishes of the Prophet, PBUH, despite his role as his closest associate and dearest friend. Additionally, this move implied that the companions who accepted Abu Bakr R.A. as the Caliphate went against the Prophet PBUH despite earning a high rank and God's praise in the Holy Quran.Many beliefs of Shiism claim no basis in the religion of Islam. Shiism evolved from its role as a political sect supporting and favoring the leadership of Ali and his descendants, who they label as Imams, over more qualified companions, to a holder and conveyor of strange ideas foreign to Islam.
4/3/202313 minutes, 30 seconds
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What is the Concept of Hell? Can Hell be Justified? Why Did God Create Hell, Knowing that Some People Will Be Condemned?

We'll go over the concept of Hell in some detail before discussing why God would create Hell, knowing that some people will be condemned. Life is a test, with the test ending at death. Every atom of good and evil that one performs in their lifetime is recorded in their book of deeds, a book to be presented on the Day of Judgment--when every soul will be held accountable for their actions. While in the grave, the deceased souls that deserve to go to Hell will experience suffering, whereas those bound for Paradise will experience peace while awaiting the Day of Resurrection. God is the Arbitrator who will judge, recompense, reward, or punish His creation. When the hour comes, God will raise every deceased person, including the Jinn (supernatural creatures), to judge them according to their deeds in life. Whereas God is Most-Forgiving, He is also Just. If one's good deeds outweigh their bad deeds, they will enter Paradise and join the successful. By contrast, the individuals whose bad deeds outweigh their good deeds will suffer Hellfire. Standing among Islam's most fundamental aspects dictates that life's purpose is to save oneself from the punishment of Hellfire and enter Paradise eternally. "Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your full compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained his desire. And what is the life of this world except for the enjoyment of delusion"  (Quran 3:185)Believing and accepting the reality of the Last Day, Judgment Day, Paradise, and Hellfire is a component of the Six Pillars of Iman (Faith) that every Muslim must believe and accept. Many references to Hellfire are listed throughout the Holy Quran and in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.The finite human mind cannot imagine the pain, horrors, anguish, hardship, humiliation, restlessness, and all forms of punishment of Hellfire. Not everyone lingering in Hell will suffer in the same manner. Those in Hellfire will suffer tremendously, both physically and spiritually. The gravity of one's sins will distinguish and dictate the severity of the suffering.Allah, the Exalted, prepares and reserves Hellfire for those who do not believe in Him, believe in gods other than Allah, rebel against God's Religion and Laws, and reject God's Message and Messengers. Hellfire is for sinners, criminals, murderers, tyrants, hypocrites, the proud and the arrogant, stubborn, unjust, and evil people."Do they not know that whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger - that for him is the Fire of Hell, wherein he will abide eternally? That is the great disgrace"   (Quran 9:63) Islam states that salvation is based on faith in Allah, His Messenger, good deeds, and God's Mercy. It is the nature of God to treat no one unjustly or unfairly. As part of the Justice of God, the Almighty, He punishes no one person or no group of people unless and until He has sent them a messenger relaying his Message."…And never would We punish until We sent a messenger" (Quran 17:15)Among the most severe cause of suffering that unbelievers and evildoers will face on the Day of Judgment is the realization that they did not follow God's Message nor His Guidance and have failed in life, thus earning God's Wrath. Many dwellers of Hellfire will instantly regret the choices they have made in their lives and beg for another chance. The Quran states:And those who followed would say: 'If only We had one more chance, we would clear ourselves of them, as they have cleared themselves of us' Thus, will Allah show them the fruits of their deeds as nothing but regrets. Nor will there be a way for them out of the Fire" (Quran 2:167)
4/3/202320 minutes, 30 seconds
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Does Islam Allow Men to Beat their Wives?

In regards to gender relationships, a single Verse is perhaps the most widely misunderstood in the Holy Quran regarding men and women. The Verse States: "Men are in charge of women by right of what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend for maintenance from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in the husband's absence what Allah would have them guard. But those wives from whom you fear arrogance - first advise them; then if they persist, forsake them in bed; and finally, hit them lightly. But if they obey you once more, seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand" (Quran 4:34) Before one comes to a hasty conclusion, it's imperative to understand that the Holy Quran came down to Prophet Muhammad PBUH and that he then interpreted it for us. It would be problematic and inaccurate for people to interpret Verses individually in isolation without reviewing other Verses of the Quran and Hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad, PBUH). One needs to hear the explanation of the Verse from the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It also would be problematic to ignore the life story of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, as he lived his life based on the Holy Quran and Sunnah. The exemplary manner in which he lived his life and dealt with others is a prime example for us to learn from and emulate, as God created him as our best role model. The Holy Quran provides teachings and guidance regarding all aspects of life. According to Islamic scholars, this Verse offers guidance in extreme and not typical cases. It pertains to a wife rebelling against her husband through immoral acts of lewdness, adultery, or disloyalty to her marriage; for example, through having an affair with another man or committing an act of vulgarity, bringing shame to her family. The Holy Quran advises the husband to advise his wife, reminding her to be conscious and fear God. This process of inquiry also may include a course of professional counseling.If time passes and the issue does not improve through advice and counseling, the husband can continue to sleep in their bed but should abstain from having intercourse with his wife. After some time, if her behavior still does not improve, then as a last resort, the husband would display his concern by tapping her lightly with a small twig the size of a pen, inflicting no pain but making a meaningful symbolic gesture. This gesture symbolizes his disgruntled state, showing her his upset and anger by awakening her and warning her of the gravity of the situation in which she now finds herself. We learn this from our Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It's imperative to emphasize that this light tapping is a last resort, a remedy intended to fix the situation before the problem leads to divorce, breaking up the family. It's also important to emphasize that this light tapping is only symbolic and is intended to show her the grave severity of the situation. This light tapping must leave no marks or swelling in its wake. The faith of Islam does not allow a man to abuse or strike his wife - or any woman - and many Islamic teachings decree the seriousness of this matter. One must realize that it would not be uncommon or at all shocking for men, who sometimes are prone to violence, to lose their cool and hit their wives if they catch them in the act of infidelity. This Verse guides husbands, telling them that they may not harm their wives; instead, they should express their disapproval and anger in a way that their wives understand their pain. The Arabic verb in this Verse, "Tharb," is incorrectly translated in English to mean hit or beat or strike-- but these words hold a different, much more harsh connotation than what the Verse is referring to. 
4/3/20236 minutes, 44 seconds
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Did Islam Start After Judaism and Christianity? Is Prophet Muhammad PBUH the Founder of Islam?

Contrary to popular belief, Islam is not a relatively new religion that came into existence only 1400 years ago, back in the 7th century. Islam, in truth, has existed since the first moment humankind set foot on Earth. The final Prophet of humanity, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, was not the founder of Islam--as many people mistakenly believe. Instead, he was sent as the last and final Prophet of God.  He was delivered by God the Almighty to convey His universal and eternal message to our nation - the final nation. When Prophet Muhamad PBUH appeared, he did not bring a new religion. Instead, he cast light upon a faith that already existed. Prophet Muhammad PBUH renewed the preceding monotheistic religion, that which has been preached and taught by every previous Messenger and Prophet of God.  Prophet Muhammad PBUH was only the last and final Prophet, the very seal of the Prophets. Islam is the continuation, the culmination, and the completion of God's universal and eternal message to humanity, as revealed to all of God's previous Messengers and Prophets.Like all previous Prophets and Messengers of God, Prophet Muhammad PBUH preached and taught Tawheed—the oneness of God. He taught that God Alone is worthy of worship and veneration and is the Creator of all. No other being is worthy of worship, not the Sun, the Moon, or idol. People have been practicing Islam since the creation of Prophet Adam PBUH. Throughout history, anyone who practiced monotheism, submitted to God's will, and followed the Prophet sent to them was considered a Muslim. Throughout the ages, God the Almighty sent Prophets and Messengers to guide and teach their nations in the way of Islam. All Prophets preached the same general message to their nations. All of God's Messengers and Prophets were Muslims by definition because the term Muslim translates to mean 'those who submit their will to God the Almighty.'"He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish the religion and not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with Allah is that to which you invite them. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides to Himself whoever turns back to Him" (Quran 42:13) All three major world religions–Islam, Christianity, and Judaism–portray the Prophet Abraham PBUH as an inspiring example of someone who submitted himself entirely to God and worshipped Him alone. As a result, the Prophet Abraham, PBUH, plays a prominent role in history and religion. The Holy Quran shares stories of Prophet Abraham's firm and steadfast belief in God. He is one who called and preached the oneness of God and rejected the idea of idolatry. However, he later faced various difficult tests and hardships God placed before him, testing his belief and loyalty.The Holy Quran states that Prophet Abraham PBUH was neither a Jew nor a Christian. Prophet Abraham PBUH could not have been a Jew as the term Judaism originates from the name Judah, a name belonging to a man who resided in the land of Judea and was the grandson of Prophet Abraham PBUH. How could Prophet Abraham PBUH be a Jew if he was born before his grandson, for which Judaism was named? The term 'Judaism' is not found anywhere in the Torah.Prophet Abraham PBUH could not have been Christian since Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, and Prophet Abraham PBUH was born before Jesus Christ. The term 'Christianity' is also not found anywhere in the Bible, nor has any Prophet, including Jesus Christ, ever acknowledged it. The word Christianity was introduced much later and never was spoken in the life of Jesus Christ.
4/3/20239 minutes, 30 seconds
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What is Sharia Law in Islam? Do Muslims Want to Spread Islamic Sharia Law to Non-Muslim Countries?

Among the most misunderstood and abused terms and concepts of Islam, both by non-Muslims and Muslims alike is the Sharia Law. Sharia is often portrayed in the media as evil and barbaric, an evil that extremists and terrorists follow, preach, and try to spread in the West. The media often do this for political reasons. The term "Sharia" linguistically originates from an Arabic word meaning "a path that leads to a watering place." Figuratively, the word refers to a clear, straight path. In Islam, Sharia Law means Divine legislation, the infallible law of God, as opposed to human legislation. Sharia is a set of Divine laws and ethics that Muslims live by to draw closer to God and to live in justice and kindness in honor of His Creation.  "And We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth. To each of you We prescribed a law and a method. Had Allah willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but He intended to test you in what He has given you; so race to all that is good. To Allah is your return all together, and He will then inform you concerning that over which you used to differ" (Quran 5:48)No society can function without rules and regulations; without legal boundaries, society will dissolve into anarchy and chaos. Most religions feature sacred Divine laws and ethics equivalent to Islam's Sharia - for instance, Judaism's Halakah Law and the Catholic's Canon Law. Shariah provides the legal framework for the healthy foundation and functioning of society. The religion of Islam incorporates a set of rules and regulations that protects and preserves the rights and freedoms of individuals and society. It is a doctrine concerned with justice, equality, and respect for all. The Sharia Law is derived from the Holy Quran, its primary source, and the Sunnah (teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH), a secondary source. Laws of Sharia also come from Islamic Scholars, who, in their conveyance of the law, draw upon an interpretative process that includes Qiyas (reasoning by analogy, derived from the primary sources), Ijma (the consensus of the opinions held by the Prophet's companions and agreements reached by Islamic scholars), and Ijtihad, the effort to arrive at one's own judgment or reasoning to seek the answers that go unaddressed by the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. Of these five sources, the first two are Divine, while the other three (Qiyas, Ijma, and Ijtihad) are humanistic efforts based on independent juristic reasoning. Sharia Law is applied to protect and preserve five basic rights: the right to practice religion, the protection of Muslim and non-Muslim life, the safeguarding of the mind/intellect/reason, the preservation of honor, dignity, and family, and the sanctity of wealth and property. The Sharia aims to secure humanity's welfare and establish a righteous society. Shariah is more than just Islamic Law; it is not limited to legal issues. Sharia deals with ethical, moral, political, and social codes of conduct for Muslims at the individual and communal levels. Sharia deals with every aspect of life, such as economics, politics, crime, diet, spirituality, hygiene, sexual intercourse, and more. These laws tell Muslims precisely what God expects from them and how they can please Him.  Man was created solely to worship and serve God, and without the guidance of God showing the right path, no one can achieve this purpose. These laws tell Muslims precisely what is permissible to do, eat, and drink and how to dress, sleep, and even relieve themselves. These laws also outline what Muslims are not permitted to do.
4/3/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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If God Exists, Why Does He Allow Evil, Pain, Suffering, and Sickness?

Throughout history, a single question has plagued humanity; a question often asked about an issue that all Abrahamic religions face. If an All-Powerful God, who is All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, Loving, Most-Merciful, and All-Just in control of All things and matters, exists, then why do people experience evil, pain, and suffering in this world? Why must we contend with sickness, natural disasters, starvation, war, calamities, corruption, and killings? If God is Most-Merciful, All-Loving, All-Good, and All-Just, why does He allow such atrocities to happen? The existence of evil ranks among the top reasons people reject the concept of religion or the belief in a Higher Power. This concept is known as the "problem of evil." Many have concluded that God could not exist because of the presence of evil; if He does exist, He is a cruel, unjust God who enjoys seeing people suffer and in pain. They summarize that such a God is not worth worshipping if He is unaware, uncaring, and incapable of removing and controlling evil elements.People who reject God because they cannot grapple with the problem of evil do not adequately understand the conditions of darkness and pain. They reject God because of their lack of understanding. The decision to disbelieve the existence of God only adds more confusion, leading to the emergence of questions as to why we were created, where we are destined to go, etc.  An atheist that rejects God removes God from the equation, but suffering still exists. Disbelieving only eliminates the quality and significance of the suffering and no longer gives it purpose or meaning. One could have suffered their whole life, only to end up in their grave eternally with no justice or recompense for what they had endured, and those who committed evil can get away with their misdeeds. However, with God in the equation, suffering has meaning, and the victims and the oppressed eventually receive justice in this world or the next. Without God in the picture, they may not. The fact that evil exists does not negate the existence of God.The Angels first asked the question of evil upon God, the Almighty's announcement that He was creating a new form of beings called humans."And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, Indeed, I will make upon the Earth a successive authority" (Quran 2:30)The Angels responded with a question:"…They said, 'Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and You?" (Quran 2:30) God answered: "…Indeed, I know that which you do not know" (Quran 2:20)Although God did not explain nor rationalize the answer to their question, the Angels were satisfied with this response; this is owing to their complete humility before, trust in, and faith in God's Wisdom and Knowledge while recognizing His Wisdom as Perfect and without flaws. The Angels did not assume God's Wisdom was incorrect simply because they could not understand nor comprehend that Wisdom. Humans never will understand the reason behind the world's pain and suffering, as our limited, finite minds cannot comprehend God's logic. However, the fact that our intellectual capacity cannot understand and evaluate the Wisdom behind pain and suffering does not nullify that Wisdom. How can we judge the situation or God without attaining the necessary information to do so? God states in the Quran:"…And mankind has not been given of knowledge except a little" (Quran 17:85)
4/3/202316 minutes, 41 seconds
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Does Islam Allow Slavery? The Treatment of Female Prisoners of War

When speaking about slavery, we must define the term to ensure clarity and understanding. This is important because the Islamic term "slavery" differs from the Western definition of the word, as it holds a different connotation in the English language than in Islam. The term slavery in the West is more closely associated with brutal depictions seen in Hollywood movies and disturbing accounts found in the annals of American history.  When European settlers first arrived in America at the beginning of the 16th century, they abducted and enslaved approximately 11 million Africans for 300 years to work under abhorrent, inhumane conditions, generating wealth and opportunity for the American people. At the same time, two million enslaved people died at sea on their way to America. The Islamic term slavery does not reference such abhorrent conditions. Never would Islam allow such horrific treatment of human beings. This brings us to the Islamic understanding of slavery. There was a time in history when slavery was not considered immoral, and almost every middle-class family owned a slave. They would kidnap free people from other lands and sell them into slavery. The act of enslaving people was a common practice in many areas. At a time when the inability to pay off one's debt could result in the enslavement of the debtor, Islam was the only religion to prohibit this form of practice and initiate laws about slavery. Islam states that all human beings are free and that no human has the right to withhold freedom from anyone unlawfully. Therefore, Islam did not allow free people to be taken, sold, or turned into enslaved people. It prohibited all forms of slavery except for instances in which captives of war were claimed, an act having nothing to do with race or skin color. To reaffirm, the only type of slavery Islam allowed was the taking of prisoners of war during the fighting of a battle. If two tribes were at battle and one side reigned victorious, taking enemy soldiers and citizens as captives of war, they could keep them. In modern times, soldiers of the opposite side can be imprisoned if captured because we now have prison institutions to house thousands of prisoners of war when needed. However, back in the Prophet Muhammad PBUH's time, such institutions did not exist. At that time, prisoners of war would be killed, ransomed, or taken into homes as enslaved people. Instead of killing them, Islam allowed them to live humanely in the homes of Muslims without any form of abuse. The faith initiated laws dealing with prisoners of war that were not ransomed. For those offended by the concept of wartime imprisonment: What else would Muslims have done with the prisoners they captured, enemies who had tried to fight and kill them? If they released them, those people could make another attempt on their lives. They didn't have prisons then, and even if they had housed captives of war, the prisoners would have lived in a harsher environment, especially when kept in the desert. Islamic scholars state that the law regarding treating war captives no longer applies today.Whereas Islam allowed only the taking of prisoners of war, the faith did not abruptly abolish slavery altogether, commanding everyone who had slaves to release them. Islam decreased the practice of slavery by degrees to maintain social and economic stability. If everyone freed their slaves simultaneously, the act would have negatively affected their economy and society, putting thousands of people out of work without shelter. Islam encouraged and offered many avenues for people to release their slaves. Islam mandated freeing enslaved people as a requirement for forgiveness for specific sins. The Holy Quran referenced the freeing of an enslaved person as a sign of piety. 
4/3/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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Is a Women's Testimony Worth Half of That of a Man in Islam?

There is a misconception that a woman's testimony is worth half of that of a man in Islam. This can be traced to Verse 2:282 in the Holy Quran, which states that two men are to be called upon to witness a financial contract; if two men are not available, then one man and two women would suffice. So, two women would testify in place of a single male witness:"O believers! When you contract a loan for a fixed period of time, commit it to writing… Call upon two of your men to witness. If two men cannot be found, then one man and two women of your choice will witness—so if one of the women forgets the other may remind her…." (Quran 2:282)When reading this Verse, one can conclude that a woman's testimony is worth only half of that of a man and that women are more prone to forgetting or making errors. However, the requirement of two women to replace one man exclusively refers to the witness of financial agreements and is not meant to be a general stipulation. The ruling of substituting two women for one man is not a statement that men are superior to women but has to do with social and cultural situations at the time the Holy Quran was sent down to humanity. At the time, women were not educated to be as literate as men. They were not involved in business transactions regarding trading caravans, making them prone to forget contractual details or making administrative errors. They were not as familiar with debt contracts and did not engage in their creation as often as men.  It's human nature to have a weak memory of a matter you are less familiar with and in which you are not frequently involved. Men once handled all business trades while women stayed home, raising children. Asking two women to testify regarding financial contracts in place of one man was vital to protecting the money involved in the financial agreement. The Holy Quran takes the protection of financial contractors seriously. In certain circumstances, a woman might have witnessed a debt contract, but may not be able to testify in court in front of a judge due to a condition of pregnancy, nursing, childbirth, etc., so a second female witness was sent to back up her witness. The second female witness can also be there for moral support, her presence lessening the likelihood of the first witness being intimidated, strengthening and protecting the female witness.  In short, the requirement of two women to substitute for one man is not a universal rule; it applies only to financial contracts. The Holy Quran speaks about witness testimony in numerous passages, with no specification of the gender of the witness made, except for the single Verse explicitly referring to financial transactions. In other scenarios, female testimony is equal to a man's; in some cases, a woman's testimony is weighted more than a man's. And sometimes, in the case of issues specific to women, only a woman's testimony is allowed. Regarding this matter, one must understand the difference between witnessing a contract and testifying before a judge. A witness is present during the writing of a contract. Someone giving testimony goes before a judge in the case of a dispute between the two parties involved in an agreement. The Verse in question in this chapter is about women witnessing a contract and not testifying before a judge. A woman's testimony before a judge is equal to the worth of a man's. This Verse only references witnessing a contract, not someone's testimony before a judge.
4/3/20234 minutes, 47 seconds
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Are Women Oppressed in Islam?

The media frequently portrays Islam as a religion that oppresses women. Sadly, women are oppressed in a few Muslim countries around the world, but any form of emotional, physical, or psychological abuse or oppression towards women is prohibited in the faith and strongly goes against the teachings and laws of Islam. The suppression of women occurs in many parts of the world, regardless of the oppressor's religion or culture—or even if the oppressor is an atheist. And no Islamic laws exist sanctioning this oppression. Islam specifically states that women have the right to a decent life without facing aggression or abuse, just as men do. The Holy Quran says God the Almighty created all species in pairs, indicating that men and women were created of the same species. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, stated that Women are the twin halves of men. Furthermore, God says in the Holy Quran: "The men believers and women believers are Auliya' (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another" (Quran 9:71)Islam states that men and women were created in a pure state, and both are equal in the eyes of God. The only real criterion that judges the superiority of one person over another takes the form of piety, God-consciousness, and righteousness."...Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you..." (Quran 49:13)Men and women of the Islamic faith are expected to fulfill the same obligations of faith, worship, prayer, charity, etc.—as stressed in the Holy Quran. Women do not differ from men in the spiritual sense, as both men and women are subject to God's reward or punishment. "And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, even as much as the speck on a date seed" (Quran 4:124)While men and women are spiritually equal in the eyes of God, the two genders are not identical. They exhibit many biological, psychological, and physical differences; therefore, comparing their roles would not be logical. The rights, responsibilities, and roles of each gender are balanced yet are not necessarily the same. Each gender claims different roles in life, and each is suited for their respective role according to their functions, as designed by nature. Men possess more physical strength than women, which is why men and women compete in separate athletic competitions in such rigorous sports as boxing or basketball."...And the male is not like the female..." (Quran 3:36) One should not misinterpret these differences to mean that men are superior or inferior to women; instead, these roles are attributed to each gender's natural capacity and the proper functioning of each gender. For example, women are equipped for childbearing, while men are incapable of giving birth. On the other hand, a man is suited for military field battles during times of war, while the appointment of a woman to fight in the field in place of a man would be a disadvantage for the army. Men and women complement each other while serving as a means of mutual fulfillment.Men and women have preferences and advantages related to their genders. The Holy Quran states that men stand at one degree over women. According to Islamic scholars, this edict references the Verse indicating that men are caretakers of women and should fulfill all of their responsibilities in terms of protecting, supporting, and providing for them. This Verse does not imply that men stand as an authority over women. Women are the beneficiaries of this Verse. A woman's role is to comfort and support her man. He who created both men and women knows the capabilities, weaknesses, and strengths of each gender.
4/3/202327 minutes, 43 seconds
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Fasting During the Month of Ramadan (For Self-Purification)

Fasting during the Month of Ramadan is the 4th pillar of Islam. The Holy Month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and can last 29 or 30 days. Muslims fast by abstaining from eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking, and partaking in any sexual activity from dawn to sunset. Fasting in Islam does not consist solely of refraining from food and drink; instead, you abstain from evil, selfish desire, and wrongdoing. The purpose of fasting is not merely for the body; instead, it's for the spirit as well.  Fasting during Ramadan is for the benefit of your soul, mind, and body. You are commanded to refrain from gossiping, backbiting, slandering, lying, cheating, looking at material that is prohibited, nursing a grudge, using sinful speech, and any wrongdoing. You must adhere to the morals of Islam strictly during your fast, as failure to do so can violate your fast.Fasting during Ramadan is obligatory for every sane, healthy Muslim who is not ill nor traveling long distances, whether male or female, unless a female is on her menstruation cycle or experiencing post-childbirth bleeding. The primary reason Muslims fast is that God the Almighty has commanded us to do so in His Last and Final Revelation, the Holy Quran. "O, you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may become righteous and (hopefully learn) self-restraint."      (Quran 2:183)Fasting is an act of worship beloved by God. The Holy Month of Ramadan and the prescribed fasting is a gift and mercy to you sent directly from the Almighty. God prescribes no rulings to his slaves unless they come complete with great wisdom and benefit. God, the Almighty, states the act of fasting and abstaining from what is prohibited will increase your Taqwa (God-fearing piety, righteousness, mindfulness, and consciousness of God, where you are aware God is always watching). Fasting develops spiritual endurance and self-restraint, helping you control your anger, words, and actions. Fasting helps one to resist unlawful desires and wicked habits, which in turn serves to guard against evil. Fasting during Ramadan suppresses worldly desires and strengthens one's spirituality.The Holy Month of Ramadan is special and blessed because the Holy Quran, God's final Book, was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be up him, in this special month. Therefore, Muslims recite the Holy Quran frequently in this blessed month. During Ramadan, Muslims try to establish or re-establish a relationship with their Creator and the Holy Quran so they may be guided down the right path. Ramadan is a month for deep inner reflection.
4/3/20233 minutes, 9 seconds
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Belief in the Angels of Allah

The second article of faith to embrace is the belief in the Angels. The Angels are part of the unseen world; we cannot comprehend and prove it scientifically. You cannot see the Angels unless God allows you to and enables your vision. Muslims believe in Angels because they are mentioned numerous times throughout the Holy Quran and in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, a body of work that Muslims call Hadith."The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and so have the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His Angels and His Books and His Messengers…" (Quran 2:285)God describes Angels' appearance, attributes, characteristics, and responsibilities in His Holy Book. We do not know precisely when the Angels were created, but they predate the creation of human beings. The Angels were created from pure shining light (Noor in Arabic). They are light-giving entities. Angels are generally more powerful than humans and travel at the speed of light. The Angels have certain specialties and capacities that humans do not possess. God refers to the Angels as honored servants."...Rather, they are but honored servants."           (Quran 21:26)In Arabic, Angels are called 'Mala'ika,' which means "to assist and help." Angels are Holy and exist in a constant state of worship and praise to God all day and all night; they do not disobey Him. They worship Allah constantly without growing bored or tired."They exalt Him night and day and do not slacken." (Quran 21:20)The sole purpose of the Angels is to execute the commandments of Allah. An Angel has no needs or desires for material goods. Angels do not eat, drink, sleep, marry, or procreate. The Angels do not die. The same Angels that existed when Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, was created still exist today and will continue to live until the trumpet is blown for the Day of Judgment.   "…And none knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him…" (Quran 74:31) The Angels have no gender; they are not female nor male. Angels are physically very beautiful, except the Angel guardian of the hellfire, who wears a stern expression and never laughs. The Greatest of these Angels are magnificent in size, far beyond our imagination. The largest and most significant is the Angel Gabriel (Jibril in Arabic), the Angel descended from Heavens to instruct the Prophets on how to teach and preach the religion. All Angels have wings; some possess two, three, or four pairs - or more. Angel Gabriel has 600 wings and is of a size so great that it fills the space between Heaven and Earth, blocking the entire horizon. You learn about the Angels to ponder, reflect, and reaffirm the Greatness of your Creator. The experience of having knowledge and belief in the Angels adds to the awe you feel toward God, in that He can create this great being and, indeed, can create whatever He Pleases and Wills. The awe and magnificence of the Almighty's creation reveal and indicate the Magnificence, Glory, and Majesty of the Almighty Himself. This should humble you and increase your God-consciousness, love, and fear of the Almighty. Knowing of the Angels also reminds you that your actions are continuously recorded by the Angels, hopefully decreasing your sins and increasing your good deeds.
4/3/20234 minutes, 5 seconds
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Belief in the Prophets and Messengers of Allah

Believing in God's Prophets and Messengers is fundamental to Islam. God sent Prophets and Messengers to convey his Message to humanity. The Holy Quran states: "And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, saying, 'Worship Allah and avoid Ta'ghut (false deities).' And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So, proceed through the Earth and observe how was the end of the deniers." (Quran 16:36)Every people, every nation, was given a Prophet; they were sent with the tongue of the people. God communicates His guidance through human Prophets. These Prophets were sent to guide people, not only by preaching to worship the One God and follow His commandment, but they set an example with their actions. The Islamic Tradition states that about 124,000 Prophets were sent to people and nations and 310 odd Messengers. There are 25 Prophets mentioned by name in the Holy Quran. Muslims believe all Prophets and Messengers were mere human beings, not divine or semi-divine. They do not have the right to be worshipped, adored, revered, venerated, nor did they claim so.  
4/3/20231 minute, 32 seconds
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For Those That Are Unsure if They Should Convert

If you are still unsure whether to convert to Islam, you can pray to God without explicitly naming him, praying out and saying, Oh you who created me, please guide me to the truth. Then continue to research and look further into the overwhelming evidence and proof that Islam and the Holy Quran offer to affirm its existence and validity. Do not procrastinate, and do not take this matter of faith lightly, as you are not guaranteed a tomorrow! Your life test can end at any moment. Realize, my dear brother or sister, that you did not come to this randomly or by chance. Your Creator has guided you here.  
4/3/202351 seconds
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What You Need to Practice as a Muslim

What You Need to PracticeIslam is based on five primary foundations or Pillars. Just as a building would lack stability without solid pillars, your relationship with God will lack focus and a secure connection without the observance of and adherence to these five fundamental Pillars. These Five Pillars or religious duties are mandatory; you must follow and enact them with utmost devotion. Failure to comply and enact any of these dictates can lead to the commission of grave sins, some resulting in the expulsion of a believer from the fold and faith of Islam.Like the Ten Commandments, these Pillars provide a spiritual foundation and framework to facilitate your life. Fulfilling these Five Pillars provides blessings and rewards for you in this life and the next. These Pillars help you establish a closer relationship with your Creator and build a spiritual connection with Him. You must prioritize these Pillars over all worldly matters, principles, or regulations in your life, as they form the foundation and starting point for all other good deeds and acts of worship to your Creator. These Five Pillars are mentioned individually throughout the Holy Quran, and through narrations of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, known as Hadith. The Five Pillars of Islam are: 
4/3/20235 minutes, 51 seconds
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Belief in the Last Day, Resurrection, and Judgment Day

"Then when the Horn is blown with one blast, And the Earth and the mountains are lifted and leveled with one blow, Then on that Day, the Resurrection will occur." (Quran 69:13-15) The fifth pillar of faith is the belief that there will be a last day on this Earth, you will be resurrected and judged in front of God the Almighty, the ultimate Judge, based on your intentions and deeds. You would either go to Paradise or Hellfire. 
4/3/202342 seconds
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Belief in the Oneness of Allah

The first article of faith in Islam is the belief in the Oneness of God. Faith begins with believing in Allah, the Glorious, from which all other facets of Faith spring. You must adhere to and acknowledge that no deity is worthy of your worship, love, subservience, hope, and fear other than Allah. Nothing in existence is worthy of your ultimate loyalty and sacrifice nor worth lowering your head in prostration or humility, except for Allah, the Creator of All.  Islam is monotheistic, believing that there is only One God and He is the only One worthy of worship. The idea of multiple gods is rejected in Islam, as is highlighted many times throughout the Qur'an. "They have certainly disbelieved who say, 'Allah is the third of three,' And there is no god except one God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment." (Quran 5:73) The most severe sin in Islam is known as shirk, which translates to the concept of ascribing a partner to Allah. The term also encompasses attributing divine qualities to any other besides Allah. Shirk is the only sin that God does not forgive if a person dies before repenting.The Christian belief that Jesus is the son of God, or God himself, is an example of shirk. The belief in the concept of the Trinity— the father, son, and holy spirit—is a grave sin in Islam. Allah states in the Holy Quran that on the Day of Judgment, Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, will deny ever asking people to worship him instead of God or along with God:"And remember when Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection: 'O 'Jesus, son of Mary! Did you say unto men: 'Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?' 'He will say: 'Glory be to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right to say. Had I said such a thing, You would surely have known it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours, truly, You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden and unseen." (Quran 5:116) God is the One to whom worship is due. He is the Creator, Provider, and Sustainer of everything. He is the Supreme, the Eternal. God has no father nor mother, no son or daughter, no partner nor equal. He is All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Powerful, and Most-Merciful. It is He who gives life and causes death. It is He who is Unique in His Names and Attributes. Everything in this world and everything it contains, the whole universe, including you and me, belong to the One God. We use the phrases "my hand," "my house," and "my money," but it all belongs to God."To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the Earth. Whether you show what is within yourselves or conceal it, Allah will bring you to account for it. Then He will forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills, and Allah is over all things competent." (Quran 2:284)
4/3/20234 minutes, 5 seconds
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Concern and Almsgiving to the Needy (Zakat)

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Zakat translates to mean "the act of giving alms to the poor and needy." Offering Zakat is a religious obligation for Muslims. In Islam, it is considered the duty of individuals of wealth to assist the poor and needy. The term Zakat in Arabic linguistically carries several meanings, including "to purify, to increase, cleanliness, blessings, and goodness." Zakat means to purify. According to the Islamic faith, your wealth and property are not pure unless you share a divinely appointed proportion of your earnings with people in need. The principle of Zakat also purifies your heart of greed and selfishness. Whereas the humanistic love of wealth is natural, Zakat is intended to free you from the excessive and all-consuming love of money and selfish desire, thereby teaching you self-discipline."Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase and invoke Allah's blessings upon them. Indeed, your invocations are reassurance for them. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing." (Quran 9:103) Zakat also translates to mean growth and blessings. If you give and help others in times of ease and difficulties, God will be pleased, increasing and blessing your wealth in response. Allah, the Glorious, has promised that if you spend your wealth in Zakat, your prosperity will increase manifold."The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies His reward for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing." (Quran 2:261)Our Prophet has stated that the act of Charity does not decrease wealth; instead, this act blesses, purifies, and ultimately increases one's fortune. Islam requires you to pay an annual contribution of 2.5 percent of the wealth and liquid assets you have accrued over one lunar year. Your personal Zakat is calculated on your earned net balance; that amount remaining after paying all other necessary expenses. Zakat is not an income tax; the amount due is based on what you have saved and held for an entire year. Zakat is not paid from the funds needed for debt repayment or necessary living expenses such as food, water, shelter, clothing, and transportation.It's important to note that Zakat money needs to be given from an untainted pool of 100% pure and halal funds—not taken from thefts or bribes, nor profits from interest-based loans or sales of alcohol, pork, drugs, or anything prohibited in Islam. God, the Almighty, is Good and Pure and accepts only that which is good and pure. 
4/3/20233 minutes, 12 seconds
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What You Need to Believe in to Be Muslim

Now that you have converted to the fold, you must believe in the six Articles of Iman (Faith). These six articles of Faith form the foundation of the Islamic belief system. Linguistically, the Arabic term "Iman," which translates to "Faith," comes from a root word that means "to give safety and security." Iman makes one feel safe and secure. Without Faith, you would fall into a state of despair. The root word of Iman means to believe in the truth of something or someone, imbuing you with a genuine sense of peace. You must accept God's tenets and teachings, verbalize those concepts with your tongue, and manifest God's teachings in your actions. Believing in and relying upon God will lead you to find safety, security, and contentment even in times of hardship. You acknowledge that you are not alone. God is always with you and fully knows of your situation. You are asked to believe in what you have never seen with your own eyes, which is the essence of Faith itself. Belief in God is natural for humans. Humans, by nature, are believers in God, as belief in God is inherent in them. "Indeed, those who fear their Lord unseen will have forgiveness and a great reward." (Quran 67:12) The six articles of Faith: 
4/3/20231 minute, 35 seconds
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After You Convert to Islam

Now that you have completed your testimony of faith, you are officially Muslim. As a new convert, you do not need to be burdened by past sins committed before your acceptance, as all your past sins would be wiped clean, and you start with a clean slate—as free of sin as a newborn child. Not only that but all your past sins would be converted to good deeds. You should attempt to the best of your ability to keep your slate clean as much as possible and do as many good deeds as you can. As a new convert, you will make a lot of supplications to God, asking him to continue to guide you on the straight path and lead you to Paradise and everything else you desire—in this world and the Hereafter.You gradually continue to learn more about Islam and practice it by performing your five mandatory ritualized prayers that all Muslims perform daily. You should not try to learn all aspects of the faith at once, as that might overwhelm you. Instead, continue to learn and grow your new faith over an extended period. This is a life journey, so don't try to do everything at once; but at the same time, don't take it lightly. It's highly recommended to find a local mosque or Islamic community, attend their gatherings, seek support, and make new friends. You should also give charity and fast during Ramadan, which is mandatory for every Muslim.
4/3/20231 minute, 30 seconds
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How Does God Communicate to You?

Lastly, before we speak about converting to Islam and what you need to know and do after converting, let’s quickly go over how our Creator communicates to His servants—to you and me. How would you know your role in life, your true-life purpose, unless you receive clear and practical instructions about God's wants and expectations of you? To glean this knowledge, we have a need for Prophethood and Revelation. God has sent thousands of Messengers and Prophets to humanity to convey His message and communicate with us. Every nation on Earth received a Prophet for this purpose. They all preached the same general message that only one deity is worthy of worship. He is the One and Only God, without a partner, son, daughter, or equal. God sent Messengers and Prophets to guide humanity, to deter them from worshipping created beings in lieu of worshiping their Creator, the Creator of all things. The Prophets taught their people the identity of their Creator, how to build a relationship with Him, and how to love Him. The Prophets taught their people that life is only a test; those who pass will enter Paradise eternally, while those who fail will be subjected to the ultimate punishment in the afterlife.  As an extension of His mercy and love, God continued to send Messengers with Books to guide humanity, starting with Prophet Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Jacob, Moses, Jesus, and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them all. Many of the Prophets are mentioned in Jewish and Christian traditions. All previous Messengers and Books, other than the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, were sent only to those specific groups of people intended to receive the message and were meant to be followed only for a particular period. For example, Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, was one of God's mightiest Messengers, who was sent down with the same general message as the previous Prophets, but he was sent to speak to only the Children of Israel—the nation where he resided, that existed before us—as their final Prophet because they were disobeying the commandments of God and veering away from the laws sent down by the previous Messenger, Moses, peace be upon him. Whenever God sent Messengers with Revelations, people would distort and change the Revelations after they were passed. What originated as pure Revelation from God would be polluted with the words of men, myths, superstitions, irrational philosophical ideologies, and idol worship. Just like how Prophet Jesus PBUH was sent to revise the previous message sent before him by the Messenger Moses PBUH, Prophet Muhammad PBUH came to reform Prophet Jesus' Message, as it had been distorted by his people and did not survive in its original form.When humanity existed in the depth of the Dark Ages, God the Almighty sent his last and final Messenger to humankind—Prophet Muhamad, peace be upon him—and his final Revelation, the Holy Quran, to redeem humanity. The Holy Quran and the final Messenger affirmed everything revealed to the previous Messengers. 
4/3/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
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How Do You Convert to Islam?

You convert to Islam, embracing the fold because you chose to submit and surrender to the Will of your Creator voluntarily. You realize that you were created to worship God, and only when you submit to the one true God and live according to His Divinely revealed Laws will you achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart. You understand that no one is worthy of your worship and veneration except the One True Creator, the ultimate Creator, the Creator of this World, and everything in it. You realize that the only true purpose of your life is to find God, build a relationship with Him, and follow His commandments.You realize that God, the Almighty, would not leave you in darkness without guiding and showing you how He wants you to live. So, your Creator chose Messengers and Prophets throughout history to send to different nations at different times to communicate His Message to humanity and show how you should live and to teach you about Him. These prophets came with glad tidings, stating that whoever Worships the One God with no partners and lives a righteous life while obeying God's commands will enter Paradise eternally, and whoever worships other than Allah and does not follow God's commandments will enter hellfire.You convert to the faith, realizing that Islam will change your life for the better and that Islam will provide you the light to guide your life and grant you true salvation from eternal hellfire. You have searched for your life's purpose and your Creator, sincere and curious to learn the truth. Now you are being guided to the truth by the Will of God and by His Mercy, Love, and Justice. God decided to guide you. He guides those He Wills and Pleases. You realize that Islam is the true religion of God, and you are ready to embrace the fold. In Islam, every action begins with an intention, so start by setting an intention in your heart to embrace Islam for the sake of God alone. It's highly recommended that you first take a bath or shower to symbolically purify and cleanse yourself of your past life and past sins. It's also recommended to wear suitable clothes on the day of your conversion.Unlike other religions, converting to Islam does not involve rituals, ceremonials, or baptisms. All you have to do is declare the testimony of faith, known as the Shahada in Arabic, the first of the five pillars of Islam. These two statements encapsulate all the beliefs of Islam:أشهدأن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله 'I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and messenger.'You can state this phrase in privacy by yourself or in public with witnesses, which is recommended. You will have help with the accuracy of the pronunciation of the wording in Arabic. The testimony of faith is recommended and often done publicly, in a Mosque or gathering.You testify, acknowledge, and avow you are convinced that no deity is worthy of worship and veneration other than Allah. Allah is the unique name of God, the ultimate Creator. You acknowledge that there is only one God, the Sustainer, the Creator, who controls all matters and all things and has no partners, children, or associates. He is the Most-High, Most-Merciful, All-Knowing, All-Wise, All-Seeing, All-Hearing; he is the First; He is the Last.You also testify and acknowledge that Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is God's last and final messenger, sent to relay the same general Message as the prophets before him. He is the best example and role model for humanity, a slave and worshipper of Allah, and should not be wrongly worshipped like past Prophets—who were only human messengers of God and not God himself.
4/3/20234 minutes, 26 seconds
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Belief in Divine Predestination

The last pillar of the Islamic faith that you must believe in is the concept of Divine Decree. When you believe in this tenet, you affirm that everything - good or bad - that happens in your life emanates from God, the Almighty, and is something He wills to happen. The Arabic word for Divine Decree is Al-Qadr, which translates to measure, determine, assess, decide, and judge. In the context of religion, the term means "Divine determined measurements and sustenance for everyone and everything, by His Wisdom and Power." God states in his Book: "Indeed, all things We created with predestination." (Quran 54:49)God the Almighty, being All-Knowing and All-Wise, knows what we have done in the past, what we are doing now, and what we will do in the future— even before birth. After all, can God be God if He doesn't know everything, including the future? Whereas humanity has the free will to make their own choices, everything happens only and directly through God's Will and Power.If you question why you are held responsible for the choices and actions you make if God decreed all of them before your birth, you must realize that whatever has been written about you was written only because you will make those choices on your own. You would not be making choices in life because they were written beforehand. They were written beforehand because God can foretell the future, and He decided to write everything that will happen until the day of Judgment on a tablet. But because God wrote all that will occur in your life on a tablet doesn't mean that God determined or dictated the choices and actions you will take and that these decisions were preordained against your will. God wrote all your actions because you will commit them; you did not commit them because God wrote them. Everyone has the free will to make whatever choice they want. 
4/3/20232 minutes, 13 seconds
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Belief in the Books of Allah

You are obligated to believe in all inspired Books that God has sent to humanity, as delivered through His Prophets. Every Prophet received Inspiration from God. The Arabic word for Inspiration or Revelation is "Wahi" which has several meanings. Wahi means an idea or something revealed or written, commandment, suggestion, to point out something, or to send a message. Inspiration or Revelation comes to God's Human Prophets directly or through an intermediary of the Angel, Gabriel, who brings Revelation to them.God's Books contain His Speech, His Message to you and to humanity, which include His commandments, prohibitions, exhortations, stories, parables, reminders, descriptions of Himself and His Attributes, descriptions of the afterlife, Heaven and Hell, the purpose of life, the creation of the Universe, Worship, Piety, morals, manners, the importance of being kind to one's parents, and much more. These Books seek to guide you through every aspect of your life. God's Books act as a guide, an instructional manual on how to live your life. God, in a high manifestation of His Mercy, Compassion, and Love, sent Books to teach and guide humanity. "...Your Lord is the possessor of vast Mercy..."  (Qur'an 6:147)Islam counts as an article of faith, the belief in all of God's Books in their original, pure form."Say, [O believers], 'We have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him.'"              (Quran 2:136)The Old and New Testaments present today are not the Revelations sent with Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus, peace be upon them. The present-day Old and New Testaments have been altered by men and contain mixtures of human-made ideas and innovations that have corrupted their current state. Whereas these Books may still contain some remaining traces of truth, they do not stand in their original revealed form. God warns in his final Testament, the Holy Quran:"So, woe to those who write the 'scripture' with their own hands, then say,' This is from Allah,' to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for  what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn." (Quran 2:79) When previous Holy Scriptures were altered and corrupted by human hands, God in his Mercy, enlisted his last Revelation, the Holy Quran. God has taken it upon Himself to safeguard and protect his final Book to humanity from human-made alterations or corruption. The Holy Quran is the only scripture in its original language and words today. Not one letter of the Holy Quran has been changed since its Revelation. The Holy Quran is meant to serve and teach all people until the end of time. Everything in the Holy Quran is truth, with no evidence of contradictions or falseness, and it will remain so for eternity.Muslims believe that the Holy Quran abrogates all previous Scriptures before it, meaning it cancels the rulings of earlier scriptures and renders them inapplicable going forward since the preceding scriptures were meant for earlier nations and not for us. In his infinite wisdom, God did not feel fit to send down the Holy Quran for previous nations. As the Creator of the World and everything it contains, God knows who would understand and who would not. Although different revelations came down to various Prophets and nations, the general Message had always remained the same: To worship God Alone and to follow his Commandments.
4/3/20234 minutes, 26 seconds
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Prophet Muhammad PBUH's Predictions From Hadith All Came True

sayings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH also have conveyed many predictions. We can outline a few among the more than 100 prophecies in the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH (sayings of the Prophet).  When Arab pagans were not known for building tall buildings, as the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians were, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH prophesied a time when you would see the children of barefooted camel and goat herders participating in the construction of high-rise buildings. He pointed out that this would signify the onset of Judgment Day. This prophecy was made at a time and place when no indications existed that Arabs would construct tall buildings; indeed, this was at a time when Arabs lived as impoverished herders of camels and sheep. The fathers of the current rulers of Dubai and Saudi Arabia once walked barefoot and worked primarily as herders of camels and goats before discovering oil. Today, Dubai and Saudi Arabia host the world's tallest buildings. ...And when you see barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds constructing tall buildings... - Saheeh Muslim. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH also predicted that Jerusalem would be conquered after his death, lost, and then conquered once again. He prophesied the conquest of Persia, Rome, and Egypt. Muslims conquered Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) after his death, as predicted. Prophet Muhammad PBUH predicted that Islam would spread to the far Eastern and Western ends of the world. Now we see that Islam has spread worldwide, encompassing 24% of the world's population. Among the many predictions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the claim that a time would come when …women are clothed yet naked, walking with an enticing gait... (narrated by Ahmad & Muslim in Al-Saheeh). Today, women worldwide walk in the streets with many body parts exposed, flaunting their beauty as the Hadith predicted. Prophet Muhammed PBUH prophesied a time when murders would increase, and the one who kills would not know why they killed, nor would the one killed understand the motive. One can see this phenomenon happening in modern wars and gang-related conflicts.Prophet Muhammed PBUH prophesied the increase in usury and interest, acts which are unethical and exploitative as they make the rich richer at the expense of the poor. He stated that no one would be able to escape this state, which, unfortunately, defines the world's current economic conditions.Prophet Muhammad PBUH ordered Mosques (houses of God) to be built with a design of pure simplicity. He prophesied a time when Mosques would be like palaces, and now, we see many huge, beautiful Mosques worldwide just brimming with pillars, chandeliers, domes, beautiful colored carpets, and marbled floors. 
4/3/20233 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Holy Quran's Quality and Eloquence is Proof of its Divine Source

Now let's speak on the irrefutable proofs and evidence on why the Holy Quran is the true Speech of God. The Holy Quran will continue to speak to every generation until the Day of Judgment. Amongst the many miracles of the Holy Quran is the Quality and Eloquence of the Holy Quran when the text is read in Arabic. Arabic speakers can appreciate the linguistic perfection of the Arabic language of the Holy Quran—it stands as a living miracle of the Arabic language. The Arabs who lived at the time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH could appreciate the eloquence of the language of the Book as they spoke Arabic. The Holy Quran contains the highest possible standard of rhetoric in its language, to the extent that it would be impossible for a human or group of humans to produce. The Holy Quran consists of perfect grammar. The Holy Quran explains complicated legal matters like inheritance in simple speech and imagery through the Arabic language. The Holy Quran is inimitable in style, form, and spiritual impact; the book's text has a unique rhythm, tone, rhyme, and genre like no other book. The Holy Quran uses terminology and descriptions that express a sophistication beyond what a 7th-century person living in the desert would know.The Holy Quran contains many miracles that non-Arabic speakers can appreciate and recognize. The Holy Quran is a miracle because of the power the book wields over humans worldwide. Daily, it changes millions of lives and views. It transforms people into better human beings. The Holy Quran is a miracle because of its incredible spiritual power and positive psychological effects on those who read it. The Book often gives readers an indescribable feeling that moves them to tears, even if they do not speak or comprehend Arabic. The Holy Quran is a miracle, as it has changed and impacted human history in many ways. The Holy Quran contains references to various branches of knowledge and various sciences that could not have been known firsthand at the time and place of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his companions. We will now dig a little deeper into this subject.
4/3/20232 minutes, 30 seconds
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What is Islam in a Nutshell?

Before we speak about the evidence of Islam and the Holy Quran's Divine origin, let me quickly introduce Islam. Islam is defined as the voluntary act of submitting yourself to God. When you become a Muslim, you submit and surrender to the will of God, just as the creation around you, providing you peace and contentment in this life and the hereafter. Only when you submit to God, through a process of believing in Him and obeying His commandments, do you achieve an innate and lasting sense of security, true peace of mind, and surety of heart. As a Muslim, you don't live to fulfill your desires, lusts, and impulses; instead, by definition, a Muslim submits their will to the almighty God. You acknowledge and trust that God knows what's best for you, so you follow His guidance. You cannot live peacefully or successfully without religion, and this religion cannot be man-made. Religion must be utterly Divine, with no human alteration inherent. The only Revelation in the world today that still rings good and true is the final Book, the last and final Testament of God, the Holy Quran. All other traditional Revelations have been lost in the annals of time or undergone endless human-made modifications that have rendered them impractical for humanity. Unlike other sacred scriptures such as the Bible, the Holy Quran has been perfectly preserved in both its words and meaning—and in a language that still exists today.Islam is a monotheistic faith that requires followers to admit and recognize the existence of one Supreme God and Being who is Almighty, All-Powerful, All-Knowledgeable, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, Most-Merciful, and Loving. Islam stresses the existence of only One God. The same God worshipped by Prophet Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them all. Islam demonstrates the fact that, through the centuries, God has continued to bless humanity with holy Prophets bearing the same general message. The message is simple: you should worship God Alone with no partners, love Him with all of your heart, and follow His Commandments. If you follow this edict, you will live a content life in this world and enter Paradise eternally in the afterlife. If you do not believe in God and follow His commandments, you will live a depressed life and enter hellfire in the afterlife. Islam is not a religion solely based on creeds, customs, and rituals such as praying and fasting; instead, Islam is a complete way of life that guides followers in every aspect of their lives. Islam teaches the art of living and dictates how you should steer and navigate your life. Islam instructs you about the things in this life that are beneficial to you and those that are ultimately destructive and should be avoided. Islam states that everyday human acts, such as eating, drinking, greeting others, sitting, learning, dressing, sleeping, and giving charity, are all acts of worship if conducted for God alone and in accordance with His Divine Laws and guidelines. 
4/3/20233 minutes, 39 seconds
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Irrefutable Proofs and Evidence on Why Islam is the True Religion of God

Many reasons justify the belief that Islam is the religion of God and that the Holy Quran is the true word of God. If you are still unsure of it, you should investigate the evidence that points to Islam as the true faith and that the Holy Quran is the true Speech of God. Let's quickly go over a few of these:Many proofs exist to support the fact that Islam is the true religion of God. Among the many proofs of Islam's truthfulness is the fact that it is the only religion whose message and teachings have been preserved and never tampered with nor changed over time. As for Christianity and other religions, their original Revelation and teachings have not been preserved for our perusal. If you look at Christianity, for instance, since Jesus Christ and the disciples spoke Aramaic, Jesus Christ's Message and teachings must have been conveyed in that language. Today, we do not have copies of Jesus Christ's teachings available in the language he taught them. Amongst the many proofs of Islam's truthfulness is that Islam speaks to the predisposition and innate belief God has placed in the hearts of every human. Take the concept of God, for instance. The idea of God is simple, understandable, and not as complex as it is in other religions. Islam teaches the existence of only One Supreme Being, who is All-Mighty, All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Seeing, and Most-Merciful, and who created the entire universe and everything in it. All other beings are creations of God and not the actual Creator. If more than one God existed, there would befall a chaos of gods fighting each other for control. If the gods did not fight each other for power and control, then they would be considered dependent on and submissive to each other—in other words, not gods at all. Among the many proofs of Islam's truthfulness stands the idea that salvation makes common sense and applies true justice. Islam states that salvation is based on believing in your Creator, intentions, actions, and repentance. No other religion supports the belief in rational and logical concepts like Islam's concept of God; thus, the ideas of His Prophets, salvation, and the Hereafter appeal to everyone! Islam says that every man is responsible for his actions, sins, and salvation; no one will bear the effects of anyone else's sins, as Christianity believes, which is unjust! God, who owns everything, does not need to sacrifice his supposed son to forgive humanity's sins! Moreover, salvation is not based on one's native ethnicity and civilization, over which people have no control, as Jews believe. Where is the fairness, logic, and justice in that? Islam's concept of the Hereafter makes total sense and applies full justice in its scope. Islam states that there is a life after this one, where everyone will be judged based on how they lived. Everyone will get what they deserve on Judgment Day, be it a reward or a punishment. In this world, evil people may live decent lives and go unpunished for their wrongdoing, while sometimes good people who believe in God and do good deeds live difficult lives. On Judgment Day, justice will be applied. Among the many proofs of Islam's existence is how its teachings guide you to achieving goodness. Other religions teach you to refrain from stealing and cheating, but their teachings are not practical. In contrast, Islam's teachings are very practical and provide solutions for all problems and aspects of life. Islam offers many resolutions, like the solution to poverty. The faith contains a system known as Zakat, which requires everyone with more than a certain amount of money and assets to give the poor 2.5% of their wealth annually. If everyone followed this system worldwide, no one would die from hunger, and poverty would perish!
4/3/20234 minutes, 43 seconds
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Miracles of the Holy Quran and Knowledge of Past Events

Not only does the Holy Quran prophesize future events, but the text tells many stories of past events, past nations, and past prophets, such as the stories of Prophet Joseph, Moses, and Jesus PBUT. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH lived in the middle of the desert with no libraries available because the Arabian Peninsula was a backward, antiquated nation at the time. He was unlettered and grew up among illiterate idol worshippers without knowledge of the Scriptures. He had no way of reading or conjuring these stories shared in the Holy Quan."That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you, [O Muhammad]. You knew it not, neither you nor your people, before this. So be patient; indeed, the [best] outcome is for the righteous." (Quran 11:49)
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Who is Allah?

And before we speak about the evidence of Islam and the Holy Quran's Divine origin, let me quickly introduce your Creator to you. Muslims do not worship a particular God of Muslims; instead, the God that Muslims worship is the universal God who created the heavens and the Earth, which many people believe in from the time of their childhood. The word "Allah" is the unique name of God and translates to mean God. Regardless, some people harbor the mistaken belief that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews do and that "Allah" is the God of the Arabs or the Muslims. This is far from the truth. Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians use the same name, "Allah," to refer to God. If one were to examine an Arabic translation of the Bible, one would see the word "Allah" being used in place of the term, God. However, Muslims, Christians, and Jews have different concepts of God.Allah is the one and only absolute and eternal God. He is the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, the Creator of the Universe. He is the Lord of all lords and King of all kings. He is the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful. Allah Neither Begets nor is He Begotten. And He knows no equal. Say, "He is Allah, who is One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neitherbegets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent." (Quran 112:1-4) Muslims believe in one unique, incomparable God—one with no son, daughter, father, mother, family, or partner. He is the Knower of the unseen and the Source of All Mercy. He is the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner, the Wise. All that is in the Heavens and on Earth magnifies Him. Muslims believe that none should be worshipped but Him alone. He is the true God, and every other deity is false. None carries the right to be worshipped, revered, adored, invoked, supplicated, or shown any act of worship but Allah alone. God is unique, indivisible, and similar to nothing. Whenever you try to compare God to anything in this world, the source of comparison cannot be God because God, to put it simply, is incomparable. Your finite human mind cannot comprehend and grasp God as a concept. Muslims avoid conceptualizing His image because imagining or visualizing Him would limit Him. The human imagination is limited, as it is based on what it observes and experiences directly. The human imagination cannot fully grasp God's state, which is timeless and eternal with no beginning or end. God has a unique nature and is free from gender and human weakness. He is beyond anything which human beings can imagine. "There is no god but He, the Creator of all things; then worship Him, and He has the power to dispose of all affairs. No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision; He is the Sublime, Well-Aware."            (Quran 6: 102-103)God is the King, the Holy, free from all defects, The Protector, the Keeper, the Sustainer of Earth and the Universe and all it contains. He is the Glorious, the Great, the deserver of all Praise. The Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth belong to Him. Nothing is hidden from Him, and nothing is beyond His capabilities. He is the One that merges the night into the day and the day into the night. He is the Master of the Day of Judgment. Allah does not sleep nor slumber, nor does sleep overtake Him. "He is Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing." (Quran 42:11)God is Loving, Compassionate, and Merciful; He is the answerer of prayers. He is indeed involved and concerned with the daily affairs of all human beings. God is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is the Giver of life and the Causer of death. He is the Master of the Day of Judgment. He is the Most-High, the Most-Supreme. 
4/3/202312 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Many Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran

Among the many miracles of the Holy Quran are hundreds of scientific facts listed in the book, later confirmed to be accurate years after the Book was revealed. Whereas the Holy Quran contains accounts of hundreds of scientific miracles, it is not a book of science nor a book of engineering or medicine. The Holy Quran is a Book of Guidance containing spiritual signs that prove its divinity, coming from a higher power. The Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the 7th century, an illiterate man living in the desert at a time when there were no telescopes, microscopes, or anything resembling the symbols of advanced technology we have today. As the faith in Islam continued to grow century after century, humanity evolved into the age of modern science. In this era, many scientific discoveries confirm references listed in certain verses of the Holy Quran. Of the many scientific miracles in the Quran, here are a few:The Holy Quran addresses the evolution of the human embryo in the mother's womb in chronological order. Allah, the Glorious, uses a specific Arabic word to describe the embryo in the Holy Quran: Alaqah, which translates to mean Blood Clot, suspended thing—that which hangs, a clinging substance, and a Leech. Allah calls the child in the womb "that which hangs" when even physicians did not know that a growing embryo hangs in the mother's womb. The word Alaqah that God chose can translate to mean blood clot because the embryo's appearance and accompanying sacs seen during the alaqah stage are like those of a blood clot. The phrase a suspended thing can be used here because the embryo hangs in the mother's womb. Moreover, the word "leech" can be used because many similarities exist between an embryo and a leech. They appear identical and function similarly, as both obtain nourishment from the mother's blood. The three meanings of the word alaqah that God chose to apply here correspond accurately to the descriptions of the embryo at the alaqah stage."And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump of flesh, and We made from the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators." (Quran 23:12-14)The descriptions of embryology mentioned in the Holy Quran and Hadith agree with those revealed by the latest scientific discoveries in the field. These descriptions could not have been obtained based on the scientific knowledge available in the 7th century, proving that this knowledge could have come only from God. Moreover, God speaks of the embryo's three-stage growth process in the mother's womb. He reveals that He created the womb with three veils, cloaks, shields, or envelopes of darkness around the child. Now we know that three layers of darkness separate the embryo from the outside world. 
4/3/202311 minutes, 39 seconds
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What is the Holy Quran in a Nutshell?

To navigate humanity to Him, God the Almighty sent down Books with His Prophets to teach and show humankind how to live their lives pleasingly in His eyes—a way of life that delivers contentment in this world and the next while avoiding punishment in the afterlife and attaining Paradise. God sends these Books to serve as study guides and instructional manuals regarding how one's life should be lived. Through his Revelations to humanity, delivered with Prophets, God reveals His Wisdom, Laws, and Instructions. The Holy Quran is a guide or instructional manual that teaches one how to live their life. The Book was revealed to guide humanity through every aspect of life. The Holy Quran is a personal guide meant to navigate a person through daily struggles. Just as when you buy a computer or any electronic device, the machine comes with an instructional manual dictating its operation. The Holy Quran deals with all subjects pertaining to the lives of human beings, such as doctrine, wisdom, worship, law, transactions, and more. Its central theme is the relationship between God and His creation. The Holy Quran also teaches the art of living. The Holy Quran contains guidelines and teachings for both individuals and society as a whole. The Holy Quran's guidelines and instructions for proper human conduct, a fair economic system, ritual worship, ethics and moral behavior, business, government, etc., are presented in this monumental text.You are advised to read the instructional manual of life, the Holy Quran, and live as our Creator has commanded. How else would you know your role and the purpose of your existence unless you receive clear and practical instructions regarding God's expectations of you? If you follow the guidelines carefully, you shall be rewarded with a better life--now and in the hereafter. If you disobey God and go against His commands, by contrast, you will face the consequences in this world and the Hereafter.The Holy Quran is the primary source of Islamic teachings for all Muslims. The Book is and always has been written in Arabic. The Holy Quran is so unique in content and style that it cannot be translated; therefore, any translation is only intended to interpret its meaning. Distinctions must be drawn between the Holy Quran and its translations. Unlike other Scriptures of God, not one letter of the Holy Quran has been changed since its Revelation. Everything found in the Holy Quran is true, with no evidence of contradictions or falsehood found, and the truth of the book will remain valid for eternity. Now let's review the irrefutable evidence that proves the Holy Quran to be the Word of God:The Holy Quran is proof of Islam's truthfulness. Anyone who thoroughly examines the Holy Quran will conclude that no one, including the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, could have authored this Book, as no human could produce anything of its scope and magnitude. Thus, this text could come only from God. The Holy Quran is the eternal miracle of the Prophet Muhamad PBUH, providing the truthfulness of his Prophethood. Past prophets performed miracles to prove their Prophethood, but all of these miracles ended with their deaths since they were Prophets meant to serve their people only. Since Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, is the last Prophet and meant to be followed till the end of time, his miracle needs to last for that duration so that the people who live after him can see his miracle and believe in his Prophethood. The Holy Quran remains preserved and exists today in the same form as it existed more than 1400 years ago.  The Holy Quran is the greatest miracle of God and contains thousands of miracles to prove its Godly origins. For a book to claim to be the word of God is a formidable statement indeed. Without clear evidence or with one contradiction found within the Book, the apparent Word of God would be proven false. 
4/3/20234 minutes, 37 seconds
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What is Life's Purpose, and Why Should You Convert to Islam?

If you do not have a relationship with your Creator, then your soul eternally will seek something to fill the emptiness of your heart. All of the wealth and material goods of this world never will fill the void, the emptiness, the gap of your vacant soul. Your happiness is not derived from the gathering of possessions. Real wealth is obtained only from the richness and contentment of the heart and soul. And the only true poverty is the poverty of your spirit and heart. Whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not, this is how God designed you and how He designed the world you live in. In today's materialistic world, the endless quest for fame and wealth distracts you from reflecting on the beautiful creation of God and the purpose behind it. You live in a world where people are obsessed with materialism; their main aim and focus is to gather all the money and prizes they can possess. You are in a world in which people are obsessed with taking as much as possible from this world. A perpetual state of excessive materialism can affect your inner peace. You cannot achieve satisfaction in life if you do little but pursue material gain to an excessive and extreme extent; instead, you should look at the situation of those less fortunate than you. This way, you will have a greater appreciation of the love, gifts, benefits, and mercy the Almighty has bestowed upon you regarding your wealth, family, friends, housing, etc. You were created and born with a sense of awe and wonder, but many kill that sense of wonder somewhere along their journey to adulthood. Many no longer feel awe at God's creation around them because of their excessiveness, obsession, and distraction as rooted in the material things of this world. Many are so preoccupied with useless material goods, vain talk, and gossip that they have forgotten and even are immune to the wonder of the miracles happening around them every second of every day. One should think deeply and ask more critical questions about life and its purpose rather than thinking about that which is less significant.For the few that ponder and think deeply on this creation, which others overlook, they discover within it signs and great lessons all around them that lead them straight back to their Creator. Signs that lead one to an appreciation of the Wisdom and Wonders of the Almighty's creation, bringing them thus closer to their Lord. In the Holy Quran, God invites individuals of true understanding to think about the issues other people overlook.  You surely harbor fundamental questions that malign your conscience. Why was I created? What am I doing here? What is the purpose of my existence? Where am I headed? These are questions that only God can answer. Only He can provide you with a meaningful purpose for your life and the guidance needed to fulfill your life's purpose.Other religions do not answer the big questions of life. You cannot live peacefully in this world without knowing who you are, who created you, where you are headed, what your role is, and how to fulfill that role. The Almighty implanted the need to answer these questions into your inner nature. However, your human intellect alone cannot answer these questions unaided. You need Divine guidance to discover these all-important spiritual answers. The answers lie in Islam.
4/3/202327 minutes, 4 seconds
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Mathematical Miracles in the Holy Quran

God taught the Holy Quran to the Angel Gabriel, who then taught it to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, who then taught it to his companions. It is imperative to know that Muslims recorded the Revelation as it was taught to them by Prophet Muhammad PBUH over 23 years. The Holy Quran was revealed passage by passage orally. It did not come down in written form. After the Book was compiled, it was apparent that the Holy Quran consisted of a deep mathematical structure and design that only God could have achieved. The Holy Quran contains many mathematical miracles or presumed coincidences that cannot be mere coincidences.Among the many mathematical miracles outlined in the Holy Quran is the mention of the word day 365 times, which is the time it takes the Earth to complete a single orbit around the sun. The plural of the word is used 30 times within the text, representing the number of days in a typical month. The word month is used 12 times in this same text. The words, man and woman are mentioned 24 times each, and sometimes in different contexts. The word Dunya (the world we live in) is mentioned 115 times, and the word that references the Hereafter is mentioned 115 times. Again, God did not reveal the Holy Quran entirely at once; it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH through Angel Gabriel orally, piece by piece, over 23 years. A human could never compile the Holy Quran, brimming with a bounty of mathematical miracles, in 23 years. These are only a few of the many miracles found in the Holy Quran. These miracles, along with many others found in the text, show a deliberate order in the Holy Quran. All of the presumed mathematical coincidences cannot be, in fact, coincidences.Unlike the modern-day Bible, which contains thousands of contradictions due to its excessive modifications and insertions from human hands, the Holy Quran boasts perfect consistency and contains zero contradictions, even though this more than 600-page Book speaks of many complex topics such as theology, law, legal problems, peace and war, marriage and divorce, economics, child custody, inheritance, etc. God states that if this Book were written by anyone else, the text undoubtedly would contain many contradictions.Given the fact that Prophet Muhammad PBUH was an unlettered man who did not know how to read or write and lived in the desert, he could not have authored the Holy Quran as it is written, at a high literacy level of the Arabic language, containing no errors, contradictions, nor inconsistencies. "Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been  from any other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction." (Quran 4:82)The Holy Quran contains perfect consistency and is free of contradictions, even though it was revealed orally over twenty-three years. The Holy Quran challenges anyone who doubts the Book's Divine origins to produce another sacred text equal in merit, one that matches its eloquence, power, style, language, etc. Allah made it clear that no one will be able to produce anything comparable to the Holy Quran—another prophecy of the Holy Quran that is true. "And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful."          (Quran 2:23) 
4/3/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
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Optional Sunnah in Prayer

Some acts and sayings in prayers must be done, or your prayer will be invalid. However, there are also Sunnahs in prayer. A Sunnah is an act that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, performed or encouraged us to perform and is optional, and if enacted, you would get rewarded more by Allah. If not completed, there is no harm, and your prayer will remain valid. 
1/22/202330 seconds
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Tayammum (Dry Ablution) When No Water is Available, or You Cannot Use Water

Tayammum (dry ablution) is a gift Allah has given us to make things earlier for us. If you are sick or wounded and cannot use water or traveling and do not have water, you may perform Tayammum instead of wudu or ghusl. Tayammum is a symbolic ritual, and all you must do is strike both your hands lightly into any clean Earth surface, for instance, sand or stone, blow your hands to blow the dust off, and then wipe your face and hands.
1/22/202339 seconds
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Where Can One Pray? Praying Individually & in Congregation with Other

Prayers can either be performed individually or in a congregation with others. One can pray individually or in congregation at home, work, Mosque, or anywhere indoors or outdoors except in bathrooms and graveyards. You are also allowed to pray outdoors, as the whole Earth has been permissible as a place of worship, including sand, grass, etc. unless there are signs of impurity. Males are highly recommended to pray in congregation with others in one of God's Houses called Mosques. Friday prayers are required to be prayed in the Mosque for all males and not required for females. While not required, many Muslims use a prayer mat to pray on. 
1/22/202351 seconds
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You Are in Need of Praying to Allah; Allah Does Not Need Your Prayers

It's important to note that God is transcendent, free of all needs, and independent. He does not need human worship or reverence, as He gains nothing from it. Muslims do not pray or worship God for God's sake; instead, they praise and worship God for their own sake. God made worship and the remembrance of Him beneficial to humanity, both in this world and the next."And whoever strives only strives for [the benefit of] himself. Indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds" (Quran 29:6) The benefits of praying to the Almighty are vast, and the blessings of Prayer are beyond our imagination. Prayer motivates one to do good and strive for the best, so one can live a good life in this world--and in the next world, eternally."Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish Prayer for My remembrance" (Quran 20:14)  
1/22/20231 minute, 15 seconds
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The Importance of Concentration & Mindfulness During Salat Prayers

During Prayer, Muslims are directed to disconnect themselves and clear their minds of worldly matters as they converse with God. They pray to a God who is near, All-Loving, All-Hearing, All-Caring, and All-Powerful. Muslims are to concentrate on their words and humble themselves only to the Almighty. A Muslim affirms that God is the Master and that they are the servant and slave of God who needs the Almighty's direction, help, and guidance to the straight path. The Islamic Prayer is so sacred that it is prohibited to eat, drink, or converse as they pray."And establish Prayer and give Zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]" (Quran 2:43) While not mandated, it is highly encouraged for one to awaken in the middle of the night to pray to God, as this is a common practice of righteous people.
1/22/20231 minute, 7 seconds
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Salah Prayer has six Pre-Conditions that Must be Met

The Salah Prayer has six pre-conditions that Muslims must follow for their prayer to be valid unless one has a valid excuse. The first pre-condition is that one must be in a state of spiritual purity by cleansing themself with ghusl (washing the whole body) or wudu (ablution). If water is unavailable, one can perform Tayammum instead (dry ablution using purified sand, stone, or mud). The second pre-condition is the timing of the prayer—one must pray during its set time. The third pre-condition is that a Muslim must cover his awrah where his skin is not shown. One's cloth cannot be transparent or skin-tight. For men, the awrah is their body parts from their navel to their knees. Women's awrah includes their whole body except their face and hands. The fourth pre-condition is to purify oneself from the impurity of one's physical body, clothes, and where one is praying. The fifth condition is that a Muslim must face the direction of Qibla (towards Mecca) when praying. The sixth pre-condition is that one must set an intention in their heart for the prayer they are about to perform—they must know which prayer they are praying.
1/22/20231 minute, 22 seconds
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The Direction Muslims Face When Praying

Muslims all face the same direction when praying Salah. We pray with our face and body facing the direction of Mecca, in present-day Saudi Arabia, where the Holy House of God—known as the Kaaba—is situated. Muslims from all over the globe face this direction, where the first House was built on Earth to worship the One God. Of course, we do not worship the Kaaba; we only use the Holy House as a direction to face while worshipping the One God as instructed by God Himself. Prayers are only directed to God, our Creator.    
1/22/202340 seconds
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How Do We Pray Salah Prayer?

performed: Before you connect with Allah, you must start by setting an intention in your heart for the prayer you are about to perform. There is no need to verbalize your intention. Now you are ready to start the prayer. You start by raising both your hands to shoulder or ear height– do not place your hands together, instead keep them shoulder apart and your feet shoulder apart, and you say 'Allah Akhbar,' which translates to 'Allah is Greater' – in almost every movement of the prayer, you will say 'Allah Akhbar' which will constantly remind you Allah is Greater than what you were doing, saying, thinking, and is Greater than everything. You keep your eyes looking down at the ground in front of you where your head would be placed when you prostrate. It's essential to stay concentrated on your prayer and not look around, which would disturb you from your prayers. You should not close your eyes during prayers.  
1/22/202312 minutes, 27 seconds
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Prayers That Are More Than 2-Unit Prayers

What we just performed was a 2-unit prayer. The five daily prayers you are required to pray have different numbers of units needed to pray. Only the Fajr prayer (from dawn to the right before sunrise) is a two-unit prayer. As for Thur, Asr, and Isha, prayers are four-unit prayers, and Majrib is a three-unit prayer. For these four prayers, after completing the second prostration of your second unit of prayer, you place both your hands on your knees with your back and head lined up straight. It's Sunnah to raise your right foot vertically with your toes pointing to the direction of the Qibla (Mecca). Your left leg will be underneath your thigh with the weight of your body on your left thigh and buttock—so you'll be sitting on the left side of your body, and you say the same first half of the Tashahhud we spoke about earlier.التَّحِيَّاتُ لِلَّهِ وَالصَّلَوَاتُ وَالطَّيِّبَاتُ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْنَا وَعَلَى عِبَادِ اللَّهِ الصَّالِحِينَ أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ At-tahiyyatu lillahi was-salawatu wat-tayyibat, as-salamu ‘alaika ayyuhan-Nabiyyu wa rahmatAllahi wa baraktuhu. As-salamu ‘alaina wa ‘ala ‘ibad illahis-salihin, ashahdu an la illaha ill-Allah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluhuAll compliments, prayers, and beautiful expressions are for God. Peace be on you, O Prophet, and Allah's mercy and blessings are on you. And peace be on us and on the good (pious) worshipers of Allah. I bear that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Apostle.Then you would get up while saying 'Allah Akhbar' (God is Greater) and perform your 3rd unit of prayer.
1/22/20231 minute, 58 seconds
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Reciting the Holy Quran in Your Prayers Out Loud or Silently

the Opening Chapter of the Holy Quran and the Verses of your choice after it out loud instead of silently. As for the rest of the units for Majrib (one unit) and Isha Prayer (two units), you read silently to yourself. For Thur and Asr prayers, all four units are read silently.May Allah accept your Prayers and reward you abundantly & may your prayers be a means that connects you closer to your Creator!
1/22/202344 seconds
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Before We Pray, We Must Cleanse Ourselves by Performing Wudu Ablution

Before the prayer begins, a Muslim is required to perform ablution (wudu in Arabic), which is the act of cleaning and purifying oneself from physical bodily fluids such as blood, urine, or any impurity with water. A Muslim must be clean and free of impurities in his body, clothing, and the area where the Prayer will be performed. One drop of waste matter presents anywhere would void one's Prayer.  Wudu was the first ritual legislated in Islam, legislated right after the second Revelation. Wudu is half of our faith. The passing of urine, stool, windbreaks, eating camel meat, losing consciousness, and falling asleep while lying down on one's Wudu. Ghusl, a full body bath is required after sexual intercourse or when sperm is discharged. If one does not break his wudu and the following prayer comes in, they can pray with the same Wudu Ablution performed prior. Our Prophet Muhammad PBUH stated that were it not difficult for my nation, I would have commanded my nation to perform Wudu Ablution every time they stood up to pray. This is to show us the importance of and encourage us to perform a lot of Wudu in our lives. On Judgement Day, those who performed a perfect wudu will be identifiable by the light shining from the areas they washed in wudu. Every time we make Wudu, sins fall with the drops of water from our skin, so the repetition of Wudu cleanses our sins, and we should get into the habit of performing ablution regularly.O believers! When you rise up for prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, wipe your heads, and wash your feet to the ankles. And if you are in a state of ˹full˺ impurity, then take a full bath. But if you are ill, on a journey, or have relieved yourselves, or have been intimate with your wives and cannot find water, then purify yourselves with clean Earth by wiping your faces and hands. It is not Allah's Will to burden you, but to purify you and complete His favour upon you, so perhaps you will be grateful. (Quran 5:6)
1/22/20234 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Athan; the Islamic Call for Prayer

In Muslim countries, Prayer is publicly announced to the community—not by bells—but by an Islamic chant or call of Prayer known as Adhan in Arabic. Before we start our prayer, we make our Adhan and iqamah, the Islamic chant or call of prayer, which is given to call people if there will be other people joining you. If one is praying alone, there is no need to perform adthan or igama, but it's Sunnah.
1/22/202332 seconds
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The Set Times of Salat Prayers & How Many Units Each Prayer Consists

Much like the pillars of a building, where one cannot move them and need to walk around them physically, a Muslim's life revolves around their five daily prayers; instead of casually trying to fit their prayers into their life. A Muslim's prayers are always their top priority; everything else comes secondary.Muslims pray to Allah five times a day. These five prayers are obligatory. There are also optional prayers in which Muslims can pray throughout the day to strengthen their connection with Allah. Here are a list of the five mandatory prayers and how many units each consists of. We will talk about what movements and sayings consist in a unit of prayer in the section on how to pray Salat.                            • The first is the Fajr Prayer, prayed from dawn to the right before sunrise. The Fajr prayer has two units to be prayed.• The second is the Zhuhr Prayer, prayed just after noon (mid-day, when the sun passes the median point in the sky). The Zhur prayer has four units to be prayed. • The third is the Asr Prayer, prayed during the afternoon (halfway between noon and sunset). The Asr prayer has four units to be prayed.• The fourth is the Maghrib Prayer, prayed directly after sunset. The Maghrib prayer has three units to be prayed. • The fifth is the Isha Prayer, prayed late evening, during the dark of the night (approximately an hour and a half after sunset).' The Isha prayer has four units to be prayed.The five daily Prayers set the rhythm of a Muslim's day. Prayers must be performed at their appointed due times unless a reasonable excuse exists to delay them. Prayers are prohibited from being postponed to where they overlap with the following Prayer's timeframe.      
1/22/20232 minutes
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Previous Prophets & Nations Also Performed Salah

The Islamic Prayer is a ritual that has been unchanged for more than 1400 years and is repeated five times a day by hundreds of millions of people all around the globe. Earlier Prophets and Messengers also performed the Salah prayer, in which the act of prostration was involved. According to the Gospel of Mathew, Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, fell with his face to the ground and prayed: 'Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed: 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Not as I will, but as you will" (Mathew 26:39)
1/22/202347 seconds
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We Pray the Way Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, Taught Us

Prophet Muhammad PBUH stated, 'Pray as you have seen me praying' So we should pray the way Prophet Muhammad PBUH instructed us to pray through narrations of Hadith that were passed down to us. Hadith about prayer teaches us the pillars of Prayer, the mandatory movements and sayings, the Sunnah acts, and the acts and sayings that nullify the prayer.It's also important to note while Muslims agree with each other in almost all aspects of religion, there are a few minor disagreements when it comes to the finer, minor details of our faith; there are differences of opinions among scholars based on their interpretations and evidence they extrapolate from the Sunnah. For example, some scholars or schools of thought might place their hands a little lower or higher than other scholars and schools of thought do in prayer. But at the end of the day, as long as you follow reputable scholars or a school of thought, your prayer is valid. 
1/22/20231 minute, 6 seconds
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What is the Salah Prayer?

Before we go over how to pray, we must go over the Salah Prayer and why we perform it. The second Pillar of Islam is the mandatory round of ritual prayers that every Muslim must perform five times daily. The Islamic method of Prayer is a ritualized form of worship, which involves the recitation of Verses from the Holy Quran and supplications to God, all while standing, bowing, and prostrating. This mandatory act of worship is called Salah in Arabic and differs from merely praying or supplicating to God in an impulsive act, just speaking one's mind. Instead, the Salah prayers demand a formalized structure in which one prays a certain way at specific times, as demonstrated to us by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, drawing direct inspiration from Angel Gabriel, who learned from God Himself. The Arabic word 'Salah,' generally translated as Prayer in English, is linguistically derived from the Arabic word meaning 'connection'; this mode of Prayer connects the servant with his Creator. Salah is a Muslim's way of establishing direct contact with God the Almighty. Salah represents a Muslim's affirmation of servanthood and submission to his Creator's Will. In Salah, a Muslim acknowledges his weakness and neediness by seeking and begging for God's guidance, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Salah, or this Islamic ritualized Prayer, is one form of worship amongst many in this beautiful faith. However, Salah holds a special status in Islam because Prayer builds a relationship between a servant and his Creator. Salah is considered the center pole of the Religion of Islam; whoever demolishes or denies this practice in their life demolishes their religion. According to Islamic Scholars, this is the only form of worship that—if neglected—would exclude the disobedient from the folds of Islam. When prayer time arrives, one is expected to discontinue their current activity and pray to connect with God, the All-Merciful, refreshing their faith for their benefit. Prayer helps remind one why they are here and for what purpose. Prayers help direct a person's thoughts and actions away from sin, from that which is not beneficial. Prayers redirect a believer's thoughts to the remembrance of God.
1/22/20232 minutes, 32 seconds
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Who is Required to Pray Salah & Who is Not Required?

The five prayers are obligatory for anyone who is Muslim, reached puberty, and is in his senses. The Salah prayer is not required for those mentally challenged, not in their sense. A woman that is menstruating or experiencing postnatal bleeding should not pray. 
1/22/202324 seconds
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What are the Benefits of Praying Salah?

The Islamic ritual prayers come with many benefits—in this world and the next—for the ones that engage in them sincerely and mindfully, with concentration and humility. Amongst the benefits of praying is that the one that prays regularly and prays the way that they are supposed to be prayed has a promise from Allah that Allah will cause them to enter Paradise.  Amongst the benefits of praying is that the act of praying guards and protects a believer from sins and evil doings. "Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish the Prayer. Indeed, the Prayer prevents from the immorality and evil deeds, and surely (the) remembrance (of) Allah (is) greatest. And Allah knows what you do" (Quran 29:45)When one becomes lackadaisical in their worship or neglects Prayer altogether, they will experience the consequence of feeling distant from God, which may cause increased instances of sinning and evil doing. As they distance themselves from Prayer and the remembrance of God, they become easier targets for Satan to reach out to and tempt them. The one that guards and faithfully practices their prayers would be mindful of everything else that matters. The one that neglects their prayers would be neglectful of what matters in this life. Amongst the many benefits of Prayer is the transformative power that Prayer has on a person. Prayer transforms a person's attitude, behavior, mentality, thoughts, and priorities, redirecting these elements to what matters in life. Prayer softens one's heart toward Allah and his Creation. Muslims steadfast in their Prayer are continually looking to help others and have a genuine concern for them—not just themselves.If one does not see their prayers' benefits and positive effects, one should question their sincerity, humility, and concentration in praying. God references the fate of past generations who did not take advantage of their prayers—wasting them. "But there came after them successors who neglected prayer and pursued desires; so, they are going to face Destruction" (Quran 19:59) Salah (Prayer) is also connected to the state of our Ummah (Muslim community). Prayer solves the many problems our nation is facing. If our Prayer is strong, everything else in our community will be healthy. 
1/22/20232 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why Do We Pray the Salah Prayer?

The Salah prayer is specifically a human form of worship. All other creatures of God, including animals and plants, submit without question to the Almighty in their unique way. Everything in the Sky and Earth declares Allah's perfection and worships Him in their way, a pattern we humans may not understand. All other creations of God are in continuous glorification, praise, and remembrance of God and worship in their own way. Just like the other members of creation-worship Allah, man is expected to worship God."Do not you see that Allah - glorify Him whoever (is) in the Heavens and the Earth and the birds (with) wings outspread? Each one certainly knows its Prayer and its glorification. And Allah (is) All-Knower of what they do" (Quran 24:41)Humanity was created for Prayer and Divine worship. God states in the Quran:"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me" (Quran 51:56)God commands humanity to establish and perfect their Prayer by praying properly with concentration and the utmost humility. Every Muslim must work and practice to improve their prayer technique, which is a lifetime commitment. Muslims must engage in a lifelong effort to master this art of communication with their Creator. The ones that fall into a habitual routine of reciting their words without concentration and humility would miss the point of Prayer, not benefitting from their Prayer nearly as much as those who pray earnestly and with full concentration and mindfulness. Neglecting mandatory Prayer is a grave sin in the Islamic faith. Allah, the glorious, shares a dialogue in the Holy Koran in which the residents of Paradise ask the people of the hellfire as to the reason for their condemnation, and the condemned respond:"They will say, 'We were not of those who prayed, nor did we used to feed the poor, and we used to indulge in vain talk with the vain talkers, and we used to deny the Day of Recompense, Until there came to us the certainty'" (Quran 74:43-47)The state of one's Prayer will be the first thing to be asked of each on the Great Day of Judgement. If one's Prayers were in order, everything else would fall into place. If one's Prayer were not in order, they would be doomed. The Messenger of Allah stated: 'The first of man's deeds for which he will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection will be Salat. If it is found to be perfect, he will be safe and successful; but if it is incomplete, he will be unfortunate and a loser…." (At-Tirmidhi). Prayer should be directed only to God the Almighty, as he is the Only One in complete control of everything—including man's destiny. He is All-Powerful, All-Wise, All-Knowing, and All-Hearing, and can fill anyone's needs and remove all of man's pain and miseries.The Islamic prayer ritual expresses submission to God, showing humility, devotion toward, and love of God. Praying to the Creator daily is the best way to build a personal connection with Him while seeking His guidance, Blessings, and Forgiveness. Muslims pray to God to gain spiritual strength and peace of mind and strengthen their faith's foundation. Muslims temporarily step out of their daily activities five times a day to connect to God; to stay mindful of Him in this world of stress, struggle, and distractions. Prayers remind Muslims that Allah controls all things so they can put their worldly concerns into perspective. The Islamic prayer method and mode act as a spiritual diet. Such as the body requires food and water throughout the day, our spirit needs to partake in the remembrance and worship of God to stay spiritually healthy; is not the soul more valuable than the body?
1/22/20234 minutes, 44 seconds
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Islam Speaks to the Predisposition and Innate Belief That God Has Put in the Hearts of Every Human

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20223 minutes, 4 seconds
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Allah’s Promise to Preserve the Holy Quran & Make It Easy to Memorize

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20221 minute, 15 seconds
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Islam Is the Only Religion Whose Message and Teachings Have Been Preserved and Never Tampered With

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20222 minutes, 12 seconds
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Modern Christianity Follows the Teachings of Paul and not Jesus Christ

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20225 minutes, 29 seconds
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Muslims Follow the Teachings of Jesus Christ & Christians Follow the Teachings of Paul & Not Jesus Christ

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20224 minutes, 46 seconds
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Amongst the many gifts our Creator has bestowed upon us, the Salat al Istikhara (The Istikhara Prayer) stands among them. The word Istikhara originates from the Arabic root word of Khair, which is an umbrella word connotating all that is good. Istikhara stems from a verb pattern that means ‘to seek that which is good’ The term Istikhara means ‘to look for Allah’s Guidance, Wisdom, Support, Supervision, Consultation, Goodness, and Blessings.’How to Do Istikhara for Marriage: When a Muslim is confused about how to resolve a matter, he can ask for Allah, the Glorious, to Aid him by reciting the Istikhara prayer. Salat al Istikhara is a powerful tool that God the Most-Merciful, the Compassionate, has given his slaves so that they can seek His Guidance and Wisdom in all matters of life--whether big or small. For instance, one can pray the Istikhara prayer to seek God’s advice about whether they should relocate for school or work, if they should accept a marriage proposal, or if they should buy a particular car or house. The Istikhara Prayer is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, that he recommended and performed. Several myths and misconceptions surround the Istikhara Prayer (Salat al Istikhara in Arabic) and many do not have a full understanding of the prayer.How to Pray Istikhara Step By Step: The prayer is performed simply. Whenever one faces a decision, he or she first would need to do their part by researching possible solutions to their quandary. They should put their intellect and rationale to work, assessing the circumstances to their best of ability. One then should seek sound counsel from others that are knowledgeable, wise, trustworthy, and genuine, and who are worthy of consultation on the very issue. One should use his or her God-given intellect to weigh all available options, reflecting and pondering all gathered research and advice to determine the best possible outcome.How to Perform Istikhara: Once one determines how to move forward on the issue, he would then pray 2-units (Rakat) of voluntary prayer, which should not be counted as part of the five obligatory prayers of the day. It’s important to note, one should not pray Istikhara until he has chosen the course of action he plans to take regarding the matter. The prayer he performs would be similar to any other traditional prayer. One must make wudu (ablution) in a clean, pure state, dressed appropriately and facing the Qibla (in the direction of Kabah, God’s House here on Earth, in modern-day Saudi Arabia). It is always recommended to seek God’s Forgiveness and Mercy at the beginning of the prayer, especially if you consistently commit sins.BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker Collection for Adults & Children on AMAZON: The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website ➡️📸 Instagram ➡️📲 TikTok ➡️💙 Facebook ➡️🎤 Podcast ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️ ⬅️ 📚🎥 SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker YouTube Channel & Turn on Notifications! 🔔💥
10/26/20229 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Bible Wrongfully States the Light of the Moon Is Its Own Light & Quran States its Borrowed / Reflected Light

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20221 minute, 13 seconds
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Prophet Abraham PBUH Could Not Have Been a Jew or Christian, He Was Muslim, by Definition

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20223 minutes, 4 seconds
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Quran Miracle: Function of Mountain As Pegs

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/202246 seconds
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The Quran Miracle About the Two Seas (Fresh & Salt Water) That Meet Without Mixing

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/202256 seconds
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Prophet Muhammad PBUH Prophesied Children of Barefooted Camel & Goat Herders Constructing High Buildings

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20221 minute, 27 seconds
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Quran Miracle Referencing a Dialogue Between a Queen Ant and Her Community

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/202258 seconds
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Some of the Accurate Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Hadith; Hadith Miracles

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20222 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Holy Quran Predicted and Promised That Muslims Would Re-Enter The Sacred House of Allah & Was Right

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20221 minute, 9 seconds
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The Miracle of the Splitting of the Moon; Quran Miracle

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20222 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Concept of Salvation in Islam Makes Common Sense, Unlike Christianity

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/26/20228 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Quran Miracle of the Preservation of the Pharaoh’s Body as a Sign for Those Who Came After Him

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20221 minute, 19 seconds
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The Quran Miracle of the Bold Prediction of the Victory of The Byzantine Empire Over the Persian Empire

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20222 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Quran Stated Allah Created Every Living Thing From Water - Quran Miracle

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/202235 seconds
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The Science of Chain of Narration of Hadith to Check its Authenticity

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20222 minutes, 7 seconds
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Islam Speaks to the Predisposition and Innate Belief That God Has Put in the Hearts of Every Human

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20223 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Only Explicit Verse in the Bible That References the Trinity

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20226 minutes, 25 seconds
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Modern Christianity Follows the Teachings of Paul and not Jesus Christ

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20225 minutes, 29 seconds
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Some Examples of Contradictions Found in the Bible Proving It is Not From God

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20227 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Bible Demonstrates God and Jesus Christ are Two Separate Beings

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20225 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Bible Demonstrates Jesus Christ Praying to God Which Proves He Cannot Be God or Part of God

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20225 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Concept of the Trinity & Man-God Is Influenced by Paganism

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20222 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Concept of Salvation in Islam Makes Common Sense, Unlike Christianity

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20228 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Holy Quran Addresses the Evolution of the Human Embryo in the Mother’s Womb in Chronological Order

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20223 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Bible is Not the Words of God or Jesus Christ & the Authours are Unknown

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20229 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Bible Demonstrates Jesus Christ Was Not All-Knowing and Not Independent So He Cannot be God

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20228 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Bible States Jesus Christ was Only a Prophet of God and Never Stated He Was God or to Worship Him

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20229 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Concepts of the Christmas Tree, Its Ornaments, December 25th, and Santa Claus Come From Pagan Ideologies

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/25/20222 minutes, 57 seconds
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Three Contradictory Accounts of Paul’s So-Called “Conversion” When He Claims He Saw Jesus Christ in a Vision

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/24/20223 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Holy Quran References the Earth as the Shape of an Egg of an Ostrich and Is Expanding

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/24/202244 seconds
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The Quran References That Iron Is Not Natural to the Earth - Quran Miracle

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/24/20221 minute, 35 seconds
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Today’s Bible Is Only a Man-Made Effort to Translate & Compile Thousands of Fragments of the Original Manuscripts Found in Koine Greek

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/24/20225 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Holy Quran Is Based on Love, Compassion, Faith, and Goodwill

BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: to Islam and Become Muslim in a 5-min Call!  Schedule your call now! The Sincere Seeker on social media to stay up to date👇📖 Website     ➡️ 📸 Instagram  ➡️ 📲 TikTok        ➡️💙 Facebook   ➡️ 🎤 Podcast      ➡️🛒 Amazon Store ➡️  ⬅️ 📚🎥  SUBSCRIBE to The Sincere Seeker CHANNEL & Turn on Notifications! 🔔 💥 💥#Allah #Quran #Islam #ProphetMuhammad #God #Ramadan #5PillarsofIslam
10/24/20223 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Toward the End of Times

Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus Christ will return toward the end of times before the Day of Judgment. While the beliefs of Muslims and Christians regarding the return of Jesus Chris share some similarities, the details and definitions are very different. The arrival of Jesus Christ is one of the signs indicating the arrival of the Day of Judgment. Muslims believe Jesus Christ was neither crucified nor killed; instead, he was raised by God in the Heavens and is still alive today.Muslims believe Jesus Christ will return at the end of time when the world is in dire need. It will be a time of many difficulties, trials, tribulations, corruption, evil, immorality, nudity, fornication, killing, violence, and earthquakes when good deeds acts will decrease. Jesus Christ will fight the False Messiah — the Antichrist, a powerful figure of falsehood and temptation that will deceive many and gain a large following. Jesus Christ will defeat the False Messiah in the battle of the Great Armageddon, a battle which Christians also believe.Jesus Christ will return to complete his mission, which was left incomplete. The purpose of the return of Christ is to complete his mission and demonstrate that he, just like all Prophets, preached and taught the worship of One God to reunite the world under the Rule of God. Jesus Christ will preach the true Oneness of God, as he has always done. He will not preach the Trinity nor initiate a new religion; instead, he will break the cross figuratively or literally to demonstrate to Christians that they were wrong to describe him as divine and the Son of God. He will further demonstrate to the Jews that he never was crucified. He will kill a pig to demonstrate that he never commanded his people to abandon God’s law. He will follow the teachings of the Holy Quran and the final Prophet that came after him, Muhammad PBUH. He will call all humanity to Islam.Jesus Christ will fight and kill the Antichrist, whom Muslims refer to as the Dajjal. He will lead the Muslims to victory against the oppressors, establishing peace and justice. Every person from the Book (Christians and Jews) living at the time will eventually recognize and believe in Jesus Christ and embrace the faith of Islam in which Jesus Christ will peach. Jesus Christ will eventually die a natural death, as do all humans. Today, there is an empty grave reserved for Jesus Christ in a special spot reserved by the Muslim community. He will be buried in the city of Medina, next to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, just as Prophet Muhammad PBUH commanded it. Prophet Muhammad PBUH loved Jesus Christ and called him his brother; he stated he was the one closest to him since Jesus Christ was the Prophet right before him.According to the Holy Quran, God will ask Prophet Jesus PBUH on the Day of Judgment:“…O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?’… “(Quran 5:116–118)Prophet Jesus PBUH will respond:“…He will say, ‘Exalted, are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen. I said not to them except what You commanded me — to worship Allah, my Lord, and your Lord. And I was a witness over them as long as I was among them; but when You took me up, You were the Observer over them, and You are, over all things, Witness. If You should punish them — indeed they are Your servants; but if You forgive them — indeed it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise” (Quran 5:116–118)
3/12/20225 minutes
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Tawheed: The Oneness of God

Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and all the previous prophets of God PBUT preached, taught, and stressed the teachings of Tawheed, defined as the Oneness of God. They taught that God alone is the Creator of all, and only He is worthy of worship and veneration. No other deity should be worshiped, not the Sun, Moon, or idols.   The New Testament quotes Jesus Christ, stating: One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, 'Of all the commandments, which is the most important?' 'The most important one,' answered Jesus, is this: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. (Mark12:28-29). Never did Prophet Jesus PBUH, nor any other Prophet, preach that God is part of a Trinity. The Holy Quran teaches us:    "Say: He is Allah, the One! God the eternal; needing none. He neither begot anyone, nor was he begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him" (Quran 112:1-4)   Islam stresses the Oneness of God. However, Christians insist on upholding the concept of the Trinity, believing they are worshipping one God while, in actuality, they are worshipping three gods. They ascribe partners to God, which they have no right to do. Islam forbids the association of partners with Almighty God, whether in belief or worship. Islam teaches that Allah, the Arabic name for God, is the One and Unique Eternal God, the One who neither begets nor is born. There is, very simply, nothing like Him. Muslims love Allah, depend only on Him, fear him, and place their trust and hope in Him.    The ease of believing and understanding one Creator comes naturally to human beings as they are born with an innate eagerness and ability to seek God, recognize Him, and understand His existence. On the other hand, the concept of multiple gods or a deity being worshipped other than our God above becomes unnatural for humans.   
3/12/20222 minutes, 53 seconds
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Was Our Father Prophet Abraham PBUH a Jew, Christian, or Muslim?

All three major world religions–Islam, Christianity, and Judaism–portray the Prophet Abraham PBUH as an inspiring example of someone who submitted himself entirely to God and worshipped Him. Prophet Abraham, PBUH, plays a prominent role in history and religion.    The Holy Quran shares stories of Prophet Abraham's firm and steadfast belief in God, as one who called and preached the Oneness of God and rejected the belief of idolatry. He later faced various difficult tests and hardships God placed before him, testing his belief and loyalty.   The Holy Quran states that Prophet Abraham PBUH was neither a Jew nor a Christian. Prophet Abraham PBUH could not have been a Jew. The term Judaism originates from the name Judah, who resided in the land of Judea and was the grandson of Prophet Abraham PBUH. How could Prophet Abraham PBUH be a Jew if he was born before his grandson, which Judaism is named? Prophet Abraham PBUH could not have been Christian since Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, and Prophet Abraham was born before Jesus Christ.    Well, the question arises: what was the religion of Prophet Abraham PBUH and the religion of all the previous Messengers and Prophets of God up until Prophet Adam PBUT, if it could not have been Judaism or Christianity? It was Islam! Islam, by definition, means the act of submitting fully to God. This act was the way of life God, the Almighty, prescribed to all the previous Messengers, Prophets, and humanity. Islam is the voluntary "submission" or "surrender" to the Will of God, and in exchange, one would acquire peace and contentment in this life and the Hereafter. The Holy Quran states that Prophet Abraham PBUH was a Muslim. By definition, a Muslim is someone who submits wholly to God, and Prophet Abraham PBUH indeed submitted himself to God.    "People of the Book! Why do you dispute with us about Abraham even though the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after the time of Abraham? Do you not understand? Behold, you are those who have disputed greatly concerning matters which you knew; why are you now disputing about matters that you know nothing about? Allah knows it whereas you do not know. Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was a Muslim, wholly devoted to God. And he certainly was not amongst those who associate others with Allah in His divinity. Surely the people who have the best claim to a relationship with Abraham are those who followed him in the past, and presently this Prophet and those who believe in him; Allah is the guardian of the men of faith" (Quran 3:65:68)
3/12/20223 minutes, 58 seconds
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Muslims are the True Followers of Jesus Christ

Modern Christianity and Christians today do not follow the actual teachings of Jesus Christ, despite their assumption that they do. They are following the teachings of Paul and the early church fathers who came with many innovative ideas that Jesus Christ never taught and was fighting during his lifetime to stop. Modern Christianity teaches the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ was preaching and teaching, such as the belief in the Trinity, which is the worship of more than one God (even though they think they worship one God) - Jesus Christ's divinity, and the belief that it is acceptable to disobey the law of God as long as one believes that Jesus Christ died for their sins. Jesus Christ taught and preached the Oneness of God referenced throughout the Old Testament. Never once does the Old Testament talk about the Trinity because it is an innovative concept that came much later after the departure of Jesus Christ. 'The most important one,' answered Jesus, is this, Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. (Mark 12:29). Muslims believe in and worship One Creator.  If modern Christianity is the religion taught by Jesus Christ, why aren't Christians following the laws of the Old Testament? Jesus Christ stated he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill them. Jesus Christ followed the law of the previous Prophet, Moses, PBUH, and commanded others to follow this law, as referenced in the Bible. Today, the Church has abolished all laws and passes out free tickets to Paradise as long as recipients believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins with no action required to get to Heaven! These were the strange teachings of Paul and the early Church fathers, not Jesus Christ himself.  Why aren't Christians observing Kosher laws when Jesus Christ observed a Kosher lifestyle? Jesus Christ was circumcised. Why are few Christians today circumcised? Why aren't Christians following the second commandment, which forbids statues? Instead, you see statues in churches even though Leviticus 26:1 clearly states: ‘Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the Lord your God.’ One sees so many statues of saints and Jesus Christ throughout most churches! Jesus Christ did not eat pork, while many Christians do!  On the other hand, Muslims are faithful followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ. When Muslims pray, they prostrate themselves to God by placing their foreheads on the ground in total submission, in the same fashion that Jesus Christ did: Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.' (Matthew 26:39).  Muslims pray in the same fashion that the Bible demonstrated for Prophet Abraham PBUH: Then Abram fell on his face [in worship], and God spoke with him, saying. (Genesis 17:3) Muslims pray in the same fashion that the Bible demonstrated for Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron PBUT: The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 'separate yourselves from this assembly so I can put an end to them at once.' But Moses and Aaron fell face down and cried out, 'O God, the God who gives breath to all living things, will you be angry with the entire assembly when only one man sins?' (Numbers 16:20-22) Prophets Moses, Aron, and Jesus Christ, used to wash and purify themselves before prayer just as Muslims do. (Exodus 40:31-32)  Muslims do not eat pork, just like Jesus Christ did not. Muslims fast for a month, and Jesus Christ fasted for over a month (Matthew 4:2). Muslims are circumcised just as Jesus Christ was. Jesus Christ had a beard, as many Muslims wear today. Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, covered her hair as Muslim women do. The Bible states that women w
3/12/20226 minutes, 57 seconds
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Prophet Muhammad PBUH Prophesied in The Bible and Other Scriptures

God appoints a Messenger to carry His Message to the people. The message that the Messenger brings is known as Revelation, the Divinely-inspired words of God. God's Revelation consists of information about God and his Attributes, including His guidelines, teachings, miracles, stores of past prophets, nations, lessons, and more. God's Revelation also includes prophecies of future events that will happen before Judgment Day, occurring as signs for us to know that Judgment Day is near and that the Revelation came from God. Some Revelation includes prophecies of new Prophets yet to come. Prophet Muhammad PBUH is prophesied in the Scriptures of most if not all major world religions, including the Old Testament and the New Testament.  Before the arrival of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the Jews and Christians of Arabia were awaiting an unlettered Prophet to revive Prophet Abraham PBUH's religion. Early records of Jews and Christians, from rabbis to monks, witnessed and recognized that Prophet Muhammad PBUH represented the fulfillment of a prophecy stated in their Book.  "And when there came to them a Book from Allah, which confirms what was with them- while earlier, they used to seek help against those who disbelieved - yet when there came to them that which they did recognize, they denied it. So the curse of Allah is upon the disbelievers" (Quran 2:89) The coming of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is prophesied in the Old Testament in several passages. God, the Almighty, speaks to Prophet Moses PBUH: I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. (Deuteronomy 18:18) This verse states that God will send down another Prophet similar to Prophet Moses PBUH. Who is this Prophet to which this verse is referencing? Christians mistakenly believe that this prophecy refers to Jesus Christ because of his similarity to the Prophet Moses PBUH. They were both Jews and Prophets. However, if one looks at only these two criteria, then all of the Prophets of the Bible who came after the Prophet Moses PBUH, such as Prophet Isiah, Daniel, Joel, etc., would fulfill this prophecy since they reigned as both Jews and Prophets.  In actuality, this verse references Prophet Muhammad PBUH, who came after Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus PBUT. As the verse states, Prophet Muhammad PBUH is like Prophet Moses PBUH because both had fathers and mothers. Of course, Prophet Jesus PBUH had no father. According to the Bible, both Prophets were married and had children, whereas Prophet Jesus PBUH did not marry nor have offspring. Both Prophet Mahammad and Moses PBUT died natural deaths, whereas Prophet Jesus PBUH was raised to the Heavens by God.  Both Prophet Muhammad and Moses PBUT were accepted as Prophets by their people in their lifetimes, while Prophet Jesus PBUH was rejected and not accepted by his people. Both Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Moses PBUT were statesmen who governed their people, wielding power to inflict capital punishment. They were political and military leaders, whereas Prophet Jesus PBUH was not. Both Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Moses PBUT came with new laws and regulations for their people, while Prophet Jesus PBUH did not come with a new law. He came only to confirm and renew the law of the previous Prophet, Moses PBUH, according to Mathew 5:17. Both Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Moses PBUT began their prophethood at the age of forty, while Jesus Christ initiated his at thirty. These are only a few similarities between Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Moses PBUT. They have a lot more in common than Prophet Jesus and Prophet Moses PBUH.  The same verse also states that the Prophet shall be among their brethren to come. Deuteronomy 34:10 says the awaited Prophet will not be a Jew of ethnic origin and will come fr
3/12/202217 minutes, 49 seconds
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Mathematical Miracles in the Holy Quran

God taught the Holy Quran to the Angel Gabriel, who then taught it to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, who then taught it to his companions. It is imperative to know that the early Muslims compiled the Holy Quran and recorded the Revelation as it was taught to them by Prophet Muhammad PBUH over the span of 23 years. The Holy Quran was revealed bit by bit orally. It did not come down in a written form. The early Muslims tried their best to compile the Holy Quran, and it was eventually produced into the Book we have today. After the Book was compiled, it was apparent that the Holy Quran contained a deep mathematical structure and design that only God could have done. The Holy Quran contains many mathematical miracles or presumed coincidences that cannot be mere coincidences. Among the many mathematical miracles outlined in the Holy Quran is the mention of the word day 365 times, which is the time it takes the Earth to complete one orbit around the sun. The plural of the word is used 30 times within the text, representing the number of days in a typical month. The word month is used 12 times in this same text. The words man and woman are mentioned 24 times each and not always in the same context. The word Dunya (the world we live in) is mentioned 115 times, and the word that references the Hereafter is mentioned 115 times.  Again, God did not reveal the Holy Quran entirely at once; it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH through Angel Gabriel orally, piece by piece, in 23 years. A human could never compile the Holy Quran with tons of mathematical miracles in 23 years. These are only a few of the many found in the Holy Quran. These miracles, along with many others found in the text, show a deliberate order in the text of the Holy Quran. All the presumed mathematical coincidences cannot be, in fact, coincidences. Unlike the modern-day Bible, which contains thousands of contradictions due to its excessive modifications and insertions by human hands, the Holy Quran boasts perfect consistency and contains zero contradictions, even though this more than 600-page Book speaks of many complex topics such as theology, law, legal problems, peace and war, marriage and divorce, economics, child custody, inheritance, etc. God states that if this Book were written or tampered with by anyone, the text undoubtedly would contain many contradictions. Given the fact that Prophet Muhammad PBUH was an unlettered man who did not know how to read or write and lived in the desert, He could not have authored the Holy Quran as it is written, in a very high literacy level of the Arabic language, containing no errors, contradictions, nor inconsistencies. "Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction" (Quran 4:82) The Holy Quran contains perfect consistency and is free of contradictions, even though it was revealed orally over twenty-three years. The Holy Quran challenges anyone who doubts the Book's Divine origins to produce another sacred text equal in merit that matches its eloquence, power, style, language, etc. Allah made it clear that no one will ever be able to produce anything comparable to the Holy Quran—another prophecy of the Holy Quran that is true.  "And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful" (Quran 2:23)
3/12/20224 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Prophet Muhammad PBUH in a Nutshell

Just like the Prophet Jesus PBUH was sent in the wake of Prophet Moses PBUH to reform Judaism, reinstate the rule of the Divine, and sweep away all innovations introduced after the Prophet Moses PBUH had passed, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was sent after Prophet Jesus PBUH because people again distorted the message and Scripture of God after the departure of Jesus Christ.   Contrary to popular belief, Islam is not a new religion that came into existence a mere 1,400 years ago, back in the 7th century. Islam has existed since man set foot on Earth. The final Prophet of humanity, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, was not the founder of Islam, nor was he the first to present Islam, as many people mistakenly believe. Instead, he was sent as the last and final Prophet of God, delivered by God, the Almighty, to convey God's universal and eternal message to our nation - the final nation. When the Prophet Muhamad PBUH appeared, he did not bring with him a new religion; instead, he brought forth a faith that already existed.    Prophet Muhammad PBUH renewed the ancient tradition of the preceding monotheistic religion preached and taught by every previous Messenger and Prophet of God. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was only the last and final Prophet, the very seal of the Prophets. Islam is the continuation, the culmination, and the completion of God's universal and eternal message to humanity, as revealed to all of God's previous Messengers and Prophets.   Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born about 570 years after the birth of the Prophet Jesus PBUH. He was born in Mecca, in the Arabian Peninsula. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was an Arab, but many of the past Prophets of God were not Arab. The people of Mecca were devoted idol-worshippers, and the area during that period was full of ignorance, foolishness, and misguidance. At forty, Prophet Muhammad PBUH received his first Revelation in a cave from God via the Angel Gabriel. He then spent the remaining portion of his life explaining the Holy Quran and the Islamic teachings that God had revealed to him.    Although he was known among his community as the truthful, the trustworthy due to his early reputation for having these qualities, most people did not believe him or his message. Soon after, a massive campaign started to persecute those who believed in his message. After thirteen years of preaching in the city of Mecca, Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his small number of followers migrated to the city of Medina, where he gained more devotees. His followers made him the leader of the city.    The idol-worshippers living in Mecca, who disbelieved the Message of God, plotted and attempted to attack the religion. During years of struggle, what was originally a small group of Muslims grew in number. Soon afterward, the Muslims coul
3/12/20228 minutes, 35 seconds
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Miracles of the Quran and Knowledge of Past Events

 Not only does the Holy Quran prophesize future events, but it tells many stories of past events, past nations, and past prophets, such as the stories of Prophet Joseph, Moses, and Jesus PBUT. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH lived in the middle of the desert with no libraries because the Arabic Peninsula was a backward, antiquated nation at the time. He was unlettered and grew up among illiterate idol worshippers devoid of knowledge of the Scriptures. He had no way of reading or conjuring these stories shared in the Holy Quan.   "That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you, [O Muhammad]. You knew it not, neither you nor your people, before this. So be patient; indeed, the [best] outcome is for the righteous" (Quran 11:49)  
3/12/20221 minute, 8 seconds
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Prophecies and Predictions of the Holy Quran

Linguistic and scientific miracles are not the only miracles present in the Holy Quran, as it also contains prophecies that have since come true. The Holy Quran provides many predictions related to future events. All these Quranic predictions manifested as predicated.  Among the many accurate futuristic predictions made is the bold claim of the victory of the Byzantine Empire over the Persian Empire. In the early 7th century, the two great empires ruling and competing at the time were the Byzantine and Persian empires. The Byzantines suffered a severe defeat in their fight against the Persians during their wars at the time, which seemed to doom the Empire. The Holy Quran stated that while the Byzantines did experience an initial loss, they would soon be victorious within three to nine years, and they were indeed victorious, something that no one could have anticipated. God the Almighty states: The Byzantines have been defeated. In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome. Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice. In the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful. (Quran 30-2-5) Not only did this prediction come to fruition, but this verse referenced that in geographic terms, the Romans were defeated in the lowest land in the Arabic language. We later came to find via satellite images that the location of their defeat is the lowest point on the face of the Earth. This vicinity boasted the lowest altitude on Earth or 400 meters below sea level.  The Pharaoh who lived in the time of Prophet Moses PBUH had power and wealth; he even arrogantly proclaimed himself to be God. He eventually drowned; his fate was a direct punishment for his arrogance. In a verse of the Holy Quran, God stated that He would preserve the Pharaoh's body as a sign for those who came after him. His body was later discovered in 1898. In the early '70s, his corpse was examined, and it was discovered through investigation of his mummy that he had died from the infiltration of water into his lung, providing conclusive proof of a drowning death. It also was proven that he lived at the time of the Prophet Moses PBUH. God preserved his body forever as a sign and lesson for humanity as He had promised in His Final Revelation. This body is in a museum and often tours the world for everyone to see. "So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign. And indeed, many among the people, of Our signs, are heedless" (Quran 10:92) After the idol-worshippers forced Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the Muslims to flee the Holy land of Mecca, they settled in the city of Medina. These idol-worshippers continued to prosecute the Muslims and tried to end the Message of Islam. The Holy Quran predicted and promised that Muslims would re-enter the Sacred House of Allah, Mecca, victoriously in a state of security. This later came true in the eighth year of the Hijrah, with many of their hairs shaved and cut short. As the verse states, they performed a pilgrimage and fulfilled the rituals without fear.  "Indeed, Allah has made true to His Messenger the dream (shown) with truth: You will definitely enter the Sacred Mosque inshā’allāh (if Allah wills,) peacefully, with your heads shaved, and your hairs cut short, having no fear. So He knew what you did not know, and He assigned before that a victory, near at hand" (Quran 48:27) Many other prophecies fill the Holy Quran; for instance, God's claim that He would safeguard and protect his final Book to humanity, the Holy Quran, from human-made alterations or any form of corruption. As stated in a previ
3/12/20229 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Many Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran

Among the many miracles of the Holy Quran are hundreds of scientific facts later confirmed to be accurate, years after the Book was revealed. Whereas the Holy Quran contains accounts of hundreds of scientific miracles, the Holy Quran is not a book of science, nor is it a book of engineering or medicine. The Holy Quran is a Book of Guidance and signs that prove its divinity, coming from a higher power.    The Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the 7th century, an illiterate man living in the desert when at a time when there were no telescopes, microscopes, or anything resembling the symbols of advanced technology we have today. As the faith of Islam continued to grow century after century, humanity evolved into the age of modern science. In this era, many scientific discoveries confirm certain verses of the Holy Quran. Of the many scientific miracles in the Quran, here are a few:   The Holy Quran addresses the evolution of the human embryo in the mother's womb in chronological order. Allah, the Glorious, uses a specific Arabic word to describe the embryo in the Holy Quran, ' Alaqah,' which translates to mean Blood Clot, suspended thing-- that which hangs, a clinging substance, and a Leech. Allah calls the child in the womb "that which hangs" when even physicians did not know that a growing embryo hangs in the mother's womb. The word 'Alaqah' that God chose to use can mean 'blood clot' because the embryo's appearance and sacs during the alaqah stage are like that of a blood clot. 'A suspended thing' can be used because the embryo hangs in the mother's womb. Moreover, the word 'Leech' can be used because there are many similarities between an embryo and a leech as they look identical and function similarly as both obtain nourishment from the mother's blood. The three meanings of the word alaqah that God chose to use correspond accurately to the descriptions of the embryo at the alaqah stage.   "And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators" (Quran 23:12-14)   The descriptions of Embryology mentioned in the Holy Quran and Hadith agree with the latest discoveries in Embryology, and these descriptions could not have been obtained based on the scientific knowledge of the 7th century, which proves that this knowledge could have only come from God. Moreover, God speaks of the embryo's three-stage growth process in the mother's womb. He reveals that He created the womb with three veils, cloaks, shields, or envelopes of darkness around the child, and now we know that three layers of darkness separate the embryo from the outside world.    Among the many miracles of the Holy Quran is God's statement that He created everything from water. It was not until later, after the invention of the microscope, that it was confirmed that every living thing consists primarily of water. We now know that all living things are made of cells, and these cells are made mostly of water.   "…and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?" (Quran 21:30)   When God speaks of His creations in the Holy Quran, He uses the terms "He Created" or "We Created." For instance, God would state in the Holy Quran, We created the Skies, the Earth, the Heavens, the Mountains, etc. The "We" used here is the royal we; of course, this does not imply another Creator with God, as there is only One Creator. When God references the element of iron in the Holy Quran, He states that He sent down instead of <
3/12/202213 minutes, 17 seconds
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Miracles of the Holy Quran; its Quality and Eloquence is Proof of its Divine Source

The Holy Quran is proof of Islam's truthfulness. Anyone who examines the Holy Quran with sincerity will conclude that no one, including the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, could have authored this Book, as no human could produce anything like it. Thus, it could come only from God.    The Holy Quran is the eternal miracle of the Prophet Muhamad PBUH, providing the truthfulness of his Prophethood. Past prophets performed miracles to prove their Prophethood, but all these miracles ended with their death since they were Prophets for their people only. Since Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, is the last Prophet and meant to be followed till the end of time, his miracle needs to last until this time, so the people who live after him can see his miracle and believe in his Prophethood. The Holy Quran is still preserved and exists today the same way it existed 1400+ years ago.    The Holy Quran is the greatest miracle of God and contains thousands of miracles to prove its Godly origins. For a book to claim to be the word of God is a heavy statement. Without clear evidence or with one contradiction found within the Book, the apparent Word of God would be proven false. The Holy Quran does not contain any contradictions, nor does it contain any information confirmed as incorrect.   The Holy Quran speaks to every generation until the Day of Judgment. Amongst the many miracles of the Holy Quran is the Quality and Eloquence of the Holy Quran read in Arabic. Arabic speakers can appreciate the linguistic perfection of the Arabic language of the Holy Quran—it is a living miracle of the Arabic language. As for the Arabs of the time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, they could appreciate the eloquence of the language of the Book since they spoke Arabic.    The Holy Quran contains the highest possible standard of rhetoric in its speech to an extent where it would be impossible for a human or group of humans to produce. The Holy Quran contains perfect grammar. The Holy Quran explains complicated legal matters like inheritance in simple speech and imagery in the Arabic language. The Holy Quran is inimitable in style, form, and spiritual impact; it has a unique rhythm, tone, rhyme, and genre like no other book. The Holy Quran uses terminology and descriptions beyond what a 7th-century person living in the desert would know now.   The Holy Quran contains many miracles that non-Arabic speakers can appreciate and recognize. The Holy is a miracle because of the power it wields for humans worldwide. Daily, it changes millions of lives and views. It transforms people into better human beings. The Holy Quran is a miracle because of its incredible spiritual power and positive psychological effects on those who read it. The Book gives readers an indescribable feeling that moves them to tears, even if they do not speak nor comprehend Arabic. The Holy Qur
3/12/20224 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Holy Quran: God's Final Revelation to Mankind

To help humanity navigate to Him, God the Almighty sent down Books with His Prophets to teach and show humankind how to live their lives pleasingly in His eyes - a way of life that comes with contentment in this world and the next while avoiding punishment in the afterlife and attaining Paradise. These Books sent by God are study guides and instructional manuals on how one's life should be lived. Through his Revelations to humanity delivered with Prophets, God reveals His Wisdom, Laws, and Instructions. The Holy Quran says that in every age, a Book is revealed. God has sent forth a number of them in the past, but with the last and final Revelation arrives the Glorious Quran, as revealed to the latest and final Prophet, Muhammad PBUH. The Holy Quran is meant to be the Book of Guidance for people living today until the end of time, whereas past Scriptures were meant only for past nations; therefore, they no longer need to be preserved. Muslims believe that the Holy Quran has abrogated all previous Scriptures before it, meaning the book cancels the rulings of the earlier Scriptures and renders them inapplicable going forward-- since these preceding Scriptures were meant for earlier nations, not for us. In His infinite Wisdom, God did not feel fit to send down the Holy Quran at the time of previous nations. Although different Revelations came to various Prophets and nations with slight differences in law (what is allowed and prohibited), the general message and theology remained the same: worship God alone and follow His Commandments. The Holy Quran is a guide or instructional manual teaching how to live one's life. It was revealed to guide humanity through every aspect of life. The Holy Quran is a personal guide to navigating a person through daily struggles. Just as when you buy a computer or any electronic device, the machine comes with an instructional manual dictating how it should operate. One is advised to read the instructional manual of life, the Holy Quran, and live as our Creator has commanded. How else would man know his role and the purpose of his existence unless he receives clear and practical instructions regarding what God wants from him? If one follows the guidelines carefully, he shall be rewarded with a better life here in this world and the Hereafter. If you disobey God and go against His commands, you will face the consequences in this world and the Hereafter. The Holy Quran is the primary source of Islam for all Muslims. The Book is and always has been written in Arabic. The Holy Quran is so unique in content and style that it cannot be translated; therefore, any translation is to be taken only to interpret its meanings. Distinctions must be drawn between the Holy Quran and its translations. Any translations of the Holy Quran are not the Holy Quran in its true and pure form; they are merely explanations of the Original Masterwork authored by the Almighty. A translation of the Holy Quran is not the Word of God. Different translations are intended to help non-Arabic-speaking audiences comprehend its meaning. Since each translation is not the original work and is only human-made in content, it is an imperfect translation bound to contain errors. Some translations may be superior to others in their linguistic style or interpretations. Still and all, there is only one version of this timeless Book, and it contains the exact Arabic words spoken by God, as revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH by the Angel Gabriel.  Unlike other Scriptures of God, not one letter of the Holy Quran has been changed since its Revelation. Everything found in the Holy Quran is true, with no evidence of contradictions or falsehood, and the truth of the book will remain so for eternity.  If a Muslim in Asia reads a verse of the Holy Quran, one can be sure that another Muslim is reciting the exact words in faraway Africa. No differences will exist between the two reciting. God has promised to preserve the Holy Q
3/12/202216 minutes, 27 seconds
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Proofs that Islam is the Only True Religion of God?

Many proofs exist that Islam is the true religion of God. Among the many proofs of Islam’s truthfulness is that it is the only religion whose message and teachings have been preserved and never tampered with or changed over time. As for Christianity and other religions, we do not have their original Revelation and teachings preserved for our perusal. If you look at Christianity, for instance, since Jesus Christ and the disciples spoke Aramaic, Jesus Christ’s Message and teachings were in this language. Today, we do not have copies of Jesus Christ’s teachings in the language he taught them. We have manuscripts in Koine Greek, which was not Jesus Christ’s language. It was not until 300 years later, in the 4th century, that manuscripts were cherry-picked and compiled into books from various unknown sources and authors. Then these manuscripts were translated again years later into English and other languages spoken today. The same can be said with the Revelation and teachings sent with Prophet Moses and Prophet David PBUT. Their Revelations were never preserved. God did not preserve their Revelations because they were meant for previous nations and not for us today. Islam, on the other hand — its Scripture, the Holy Quran — stands the same today as when it was first revealed 1400 plus years ago, word for word, letter by letter. God taught it to Angel Gabriel, who taught it to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, who taught it to his companions, who wrote it down in the role of scribes and memorized it letter for letter. Millions of people of every generation have memorized the Holy Quran. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have this 600+ page Holy Book memorized by heart. Amongst the many proofs of Islam’s truthfulness is that Islam speaks to the predisposition and innate belief that God has put in the hearts of every human. Take the concept of God, for instance. The idea of God is simple, understandable, and not complex as in other religions. Islam teaches the existence of only One Supreme Being, who is All-Mighty, All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Loving, who created the whole universe and everything in it. All other beings are creations of God and not the actual Creator. All the great religious disputes of the past pointed to One God, including Judaism. If there were more than one God, there would be chaos of gods fighting each other for control. If the gods did not fight each other for power and control, that would mean that these gods were dependent on and submissive to each other — in other words, not gods. All past prophets of God mentioned in the Old Testament stressed the teachings of One Creator. Islam acknowledges the historical progression of these great prophets sent by God to humanity, starting with Prophet Adam, Abraham, Noah, Jesus, and Prophet Muhammad PBUT. Islam acknowledges the continuation of these great Prophets of God, all who came with the same general message. Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, is part of this family of prophets, like Jesus Christ and the rest. While all Prophets came down with the same general message and theology, the laws they came with were fine-tuned based on the time, place, and circumstances of their existence. Muslims believe in all the past Prophets and Messengers that God continually sent, and Prophet Muhammad’s Message was no different! The Prophets of God that Islam teaches were all holy, righteous men. None ever did anything immoral or questionable, as other religions such as Christianity wrongfully claimed. For those who think that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH might have fabricated his Prophethood for worldly gain, it is imperative to realize that the Prophet, believers from his family, and his companions went through many years of persecution, hardship, and lost kinship because they believed in and spread
3/12/20228 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Religion and Way of Life That God Prescribe to Humanity; Fully Submitting to God

Jesus Christ came to affirm, teach, and preach the previous law of the Prophet Moses PBUH. Jesus Christ, like the Prophet Moses PBUH, prayed, fasted, and observed the Sabbath as all Jews did. He never ate pork and was circumcised as Jews should be. The word Christianity was not invented until long after the departure of Christ. Neither Jesus Christ nor the Prophet Moses PBUH ever used or heard of the word Christianity, nor is it mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Because Christianity is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, it could not have been the religion that God prescribed to past Prophets and humanity, as Jesus Christ was born and came after the previous Prophets of God. He was the second-to-last Prophet of God! How can one think that Christianity is the religion that God prescribed for all humanity from the start?   If Christianity was not the religion that God prescribed to all previous Prophets, then what was it? Was the religion that God prescribed to humanity Judaism? While the Prophet Moses and the Prophet Jesus PBUT were Jews, both Prophets never called their religion Judaism, nor is the word Judaism found anywhere in the Old or New Testaments. Nor had both Prophets of God heard of the term Judaism. This term comes from Judah, who resided in the land of Judea. He was the Son of the Prophet Jacob PBUH (also called Israel) and the grandson of the Prophet Abraham PBUH. Before Judah, the previous Prophets of God, including the Prophet Abraham PBUH, could not have been Jews, as Judah had not been born at that point.    Then the question arises: What was the religion of Prophet Abraham and all the previous Messengers and Prophets of God until the Prophet Adam PBUT if it could not have been Christianity or Judaism? It was Islam! Islam, by definition, means the act of submitting fully to God. Islam is the voluntary "submission" or "surrender" to the Will of God. Islam, or submitting fully to God, was the way of life that God prescribed to all previous Messengers, Prophets, and humanity.    All the previous Messengers and Prophets of God were Muslim. A Muslim, by definition, is someone who submits to God. Islam truly is the oldest and only religion and way of life God commanded humankind to follow. Islam, therefore, is the only religion acceptable to and ordained by God. Islam and God's final Book to humanity, the Holy Quran, abrogates all previous scriptures and becomes the Book of guidance for all humankind until the end.
3/12/202224 minutes, 43 seconds
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Was Jesus Christ Crucified?

When the Children of Israel went astray from the path of God, Allah, the Glorious, sent them their final Prophet, Jesus PBUH, as a wake-up call and the last warning to fulfill God's commandments. When Jesus Christ continued to preach God's Message, commanding them to do certain things and avoid unlawful acts, they felt frustrated, rejected, and plotted against him instead of believing and following him. According to the New Testament, a group of hypocritical and self-serving men of the Children of Israelites plotted to destroy the Prophet Jesus PBUH. People from the Children of Israel complained to the Roman authorities, who were pagan idol worshipers and had political power at the time because the Children of Israel were only a minority. The Children of Israel complained that the Prophet Jesus PBUH was preaching something new. They provoked the Romans to rise against him, leading the Roman governor to believe that the call of Jesus Christ conveyed direct threats against Roman power. Jesus Christ was not going to benefit the Children of Israel in the political scheme of things, nor would he have brought them any material benefit, the only thing that concerned them. Jesus Christ called them to the purity of theology and encouraged them to uphold the Law.  The Children of Israel have killed Messengers of God in the past, but if they had killed Jesus Christ themselves, they would have gotten rid of the Messenger--not the message. The Children of Israel wanted to get rid of this Messenger, Jesus Christ, and the message. The Children of Israel wanted Jesus Christ crucified to discredit him; because according to the Law of Moses in Deuteronomy 21:23, if you crucify someone, they would be cursed by God, indicating to the people that Jesus Christ was not a Messenger of God-- as to how can His Messenger be cursed? Modern Jews do not believe Jesus Christ was a Messenger of God, and one of their pieces of evidence is his crucifixion. The Children of Israel claimed that Jesus Christ was an agitator speaking against the Emperor, which was not true. The Roman governor ordered that the Prophet Jesus PBUH be arrested, then crucified by hanging on a cross and starving, a common form of shame killing.  According to the Christian narrative, which Muslims do not believe, the Roman authorities found Jesus Christ, arrested him, then put him on the Roman cross—where he died. They eventually buried him, only to see him resurrected and returned from the dead. He announced to everyone that he was the Son of God. However, according to the Holy Quran, God states: "And [for] their saying (in boast), 'Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.' And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise" (Quran 4:157-158) God placed a likeness of the Prophet Jesus PBUH on another person to make it appear as if that person was Jesus PBUH. So, according to the Holy Quran, the Children of Israel boasted that they had killed Jesus, the son of Mary; however, they neither killed nor crucified him. It only was made to appear that Jesus Christ had been crucified. In the Holy Quran, God says that those who disagree about what happened are full of doubt, have no certainty, and only assume that they know the truth. For certain, says Allah, they did not kill Jesus, the son of Mary! Even the eyewitnesses to the crucifixion did not know what had happened. The only one that knew the Truth was God the Almighty.  The claim that Jesus Christ was crucified is strictly hearsay, and none of the disciples ever claim that they witnessed the act. According t
3/12/202211 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Influence of Paganism on Christianity

Overwhelming evidence exists that modern-day Christian beliefs, practices, and concepts such as the Atonement, Salvation, the idea of God incarnate in man, the blood sacrifice, the concept of a triune God, and other Christian concepts did not originate from God nor Jesus Christ; instead, they came from men influenced by pagan rituals and beliefs. These Christian rituals came from the same pagan beliefs and ideals that Jesus Christ fought against and did all he could to destroy. These Christian ideas came from Pagan Roman and Greek concepts and Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Pegan ideologies.  The pagan worship environment that Paul was immersed in heavily influenced him. The idea of a man-god, similar to the Christian belief in Jesus Christ's divinity, is not a new concept. The ancient Egyptian Pharos were supposedly man-gods who had to be sacrificed for society's greater good and were worshiped by believers. Other past nations falsely worshipped man-gods. The Christian symbol was first a fish, a symbol of the last supper; then it morphed into a cross. The ancient Egyptians also used the cross as their religious symbol of their sun god - the cross of light.  The Trinity is also not new, as Christians took that concept from pagan ideologies. Many ancient religions held the idea of a threefold division in the entities they worshiped, such as in ancient Egypt, Greek, and India. Trinities were worshipped in various places during the time of Jesus Christ.   Some of the pagan gods wrongfully worshipped supposedly died violently and were resurrected to save their people—such as Christians believe. The ancient Egyptians worshipped a trinity, and their trinity symbols were a wing, glove, and a serpent--which they felt represented three attributes of their God. Egyptians worshipped the Trinity of gods Horus, Isis, and Osiris long before the time of modern Christianity. The gods of the Greco-Roman Palmyra were the Lord in the Heavens, the sun god, and the moon god. The Babylonians and Zoroastrians also worshipped a trinity of gods, as did many other past societies. Hindu worship revolves around a trinity consisting of Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu. Their followers believed that their gods died for the sins of their believers. Do these concepts sound familiar? Do a quick internet search and read if you do not believe these words! In Mithraism, Persians believed Mithra to be a great mediator between God and man. He was borne on December 25th by a virgin who died for humanity and was resurrected after being buried. He was called their savior. Mithra's festivals were the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox (Christmas and Easter). Again, these modern-day Christian concepts were taken from past pagan religions.  December 25th is not found in the original teaching of Jesus Christ, nor is it the date that Jesus Christ was born, as many Christian scholars acknowledge. December 25th fell around the time of the pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice, which fell in midwinter during the shortest day of the year—when the "sun is born." December 25th was known as the birthday of the Roman Sun-god, Sol-Invictus, and the Persian sun-god, Mithra. Many of the gods worshiped in the past were sun-gods, and nearly all were born on or around what is now Christmas Day. Christians borrowed the concept of Christmas Day from the ancient pagan festival of the sun. The actual birth date of Jesus Christ is unknown. Some indicate that Jesus' birthdate is early spring because of the biblical reference to his birth that referenced the shepherds watching their flocks by night, as stated in Luke 2:8. The shepherds would not have worked in the fields with their livestock during the long cold winter, but no solid evidence of the actual date of Jesus Christ's birth exists, as it is not mentioned anywhere in the Scriptures.  The concepts of the Christmas tree, its ornaments, and Santa Claus also come from pagan ideologies.
3/12/20226 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Atonement: Did Jesus Christ Die for Our Sins?

Christians believe that every child is born with the taint of the original sin committed by our parents, Prophet Adam and Eve PBUT. The sin was committed when they disobeyed our Creator by eating from the forbidden tree. Christians believe that since all men are born in a sinful state, it is necessary to believe in the atonement or the idea that Jesus Christ died for our sins. Christian believe one can attain salvation by believing that Jesus Christ died for their sins - without the need for worshipping God, doing good deeds, or adhering to the Holy Law - because Jesus Christ fulfilled it for them.  However, nowhere in the Bible did Jesus Christ explicitly state that he would die to save humanity from sin. If Jesus Christ did die for our sins, he would have emphasized this crucial detail and taught this information in detail. According to the Holy Quran and the Bible itself, one can receive forgiveness for sins solely through sincere repentance, with forgiveness sought directly from God. If God, the Almighty, wished and willed to forgive humanity, then he certainly could have done so without the need to sacrifice Jesus Christ, his supposed "begotten son."  Christians state that God sacrificed his only begotten son to save humanity, but if God owns the entire universe, why did God need to sacrifice Jesus Christ? Why does God need to sacrifice his only son when he owns everything? Why couldn't God save his only son as opposed to sacrificing him? Is it even really "sacrificing" when God could restore Jesus Christ's life since He can do anything? If all a Christian needs to do to obtain Paradise is believe that Jesus Christ died for his sins, why does one even bother to learn the Bible or the teachings of Christ? According to the Christian belief, one can live a sinful life if they believe in atonement for sins. They can live however they wish, as Paul taught (not Jesus Christ). Apparently, to Christians, the commandments of God are worthless and do not need to be followed, as they can earn a free trip to Paradise by believing that Jesus Christ died for their sins. Not only is the concept of the atonement not mentioned in the Bible and not taught by Jesus Christ, but there are Biblical verses that contradict the concept of the atonement and prove the idea to be a fabrication. These verses state that no person is held responsible for another's sin; no parent is responsible for a sin committed by their child and vice versa. That means we are not held responsible for the sin committed by our parents Adam and Eve PBUH. The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. (Deuteronomy 24:16) Moreover, In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge. (Jeremiah 31:29-30). Take this passage: The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. (Ezekiel 18:20) It is clearly stated in the Bible that the child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the responsibility of the child! The concept of atonement was started by Paul long after this verse was written. Paul proved himself an enemy of Jesus Christ throughout his ministry. He claimed that Jesus Christ came to him in a dream and afterward became a believer. He then made some radical changes to the religion, changes that neither Jesus Christ nor the Bible describes! Why are Christians following the teaching of Paul and not Jesus Christ? How can all the previous righteous Messengers and Prophets of God, such as Prophet Abraham, Moses, Noah, etc., go to Paradise if they did not accept Jesus Christ as their savior--who would not die for their sins si
3/12/202210 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Role of Paul in Christianity and How He Destroyed the Teachings of Jesus Christ

When Jesus Christ began his mission to call the Israelites back to God, many of the Israelites and Roman authorities were far astray from the truth. While many Israelites and Roman authorities rejected the Message and teachings of Jesus Christ, a group of humble, sincere people of the Israelites believed and accepted his message and teachings. They accepted that God had sent Jesus Christ to guide them to their Creator. Jesus Christ asked the Israelites to be his helpers in God's cause, to call them back to the worship of One God. Some of them responded.   "O you who believe, be supporters of (the religion of) Allah, just as Jesus, son of Maryam, said to the Disciples, "Who are my supporters towards Allah?" The Disciples said, "We are the supporters of (the religion of) Allah." So a group from the children of Isrā’īl believed, and another group disbelieved. Then We supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became victors" (Quran 61:14)   This group of devoted followers held in high esteem by Islam submitted to God and pledged their allegiance to the Almighty and His Messenger, Jesus Christ. These companions, helpers, supporters, and friends of Christ were known as the twelve disciples or apostles. The name disciples or apostles is used to differentiate Jesus' close companions from the remainder of his followers, whose numbers later grew.    When God elevated Jesus Christ to the Heavens, the Jewish people remained persecuted and did not have much power. No uniform authority stood to establish and maintain the actual message and teachings of Jesus Christ. The followers of Jesus Christ dissipated after his departure, and little support remained to carry on his message--except for those who witnessed Jesus Christ and relayed his message and story to those who were not there, presenting it from their perspective. Later, strange new theories spread that were never preached by Jesus Christ, from him being an imposter to being the divine Son of God.    Around 35 CE, a man named Saul of Tarsus came; he later changed his name to Paul. Paul was a Roman citizen, a Jew, and the enemy of Jesus Christ. He was a zealous persecutor and killer of Jesus Christ's faithful followers. En route from Jerusalem to Damascus, Paul claimed that he saw "the light" when he saw Jesus Christ appearing to him, filled with the Holy Spirit. He was chosen and commanded to teach and preach acts that Jesus Christ never did to the masses. Paul taught concepts contradictory to what Jesus Christ and faithful followers of Jesus Christ were teaching. Paul provided no proof as to what he claimed to receive. I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught
3/12/202217 minutes, 26 seconds
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'I am the way and the truth and the life' and 'He That Has Seen Me Has Seen the Father' Verses

In John 14:6, the verse states, I am the way and the truth and the life and in John 14:9, it says: …Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father? These count as additional verses in the Bible that Christians have misunderstood by pulling verses out of context without reading the verses that come before and after them. Christians think these verses prove that Jesus Christ is the Father or part of the Father in the Trinity. To understand the meaning of this verse, one should understand its proper context by reading the verses before and after it, as opposed simply to reading one line.   It starts in John 14:1, Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. Jesus tells his disciples that they know where he is going and how to get there. However, the disciples misunderstood his reference and stated they did not see how they could know the way. They thought he was referring to a physical geographical destination in this world, but Jesus Christ was referring to embarking on a spiritual journey to God, so his people can earn God's Kingdom; Paradise.  Then Jesus Christ responded: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) Jesus Christ tells his disciples that since he is their God-appointed messenger, they need to follow him as he is the way, the truth, and the life as every Prophet was for their people. However, the disciples did not understand what Jesus Christ meant. Philip said, 'Lord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.' (John 14:8) Philip wanted to see God with his own eyes, but seeing God in this world is impossible, as stated in John 1:18 & 1 John 4:12: No one has ever seen God.  Then Jesus responded: Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Jesus told them, you have been with me for a while now and should know better than to ask God to see God the Almighty in this world as seeing God is rationally impossible. This is a strange request! If you cannot even stare at the sun in this world, how do you expect to see God, the Almighty? Jesus Christ said if you have seen me, you have seen the Father, meaning if you understand me and my mission, you will realize who God (the Father) is. Jesus tells them that if they follow his commandments, they will follow God, the Father's commandments! In other words, Jesus Christ is telling his disciples that by following him, they are following God in the heavens by extension. As is the case with past nations, if the people followed their Prophet's commandments, they would have followed God's commandments by extension because God appointed a messenger for each nation to learn and follow. Jesus Christ was telling them that the actions and miracles that God willed him to do are sufficient proof of the existence of God and that he is their Messenger without a need for God to come down every time someone is doubtful of His existence.  Christians wrongfully believe that when Philip and the disciples saw Jesus Christ, they had seen God, the Father. Christians believe Jesus Christ is the Father or part of the Father as both are 'one' in the Trinity, and Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God, according to Christians. However, this concept would contradict John 1:18 & 1 John 4:12 as it states, 'No one has ever seen God.
3/12/20225 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Word 'Begotten' in the Bible

Christians say that God, the Almighty, has a son, and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, was conceived by Mary PBHF through the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ was born in the form of a human child. Here is the verse that Christians often quote as proof that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) The word begotten is found in the King James Version, but this same word begotten is not found anywhere in the Revised Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version, nor in the World English Bible.  Here is another word deleted from the Bible by Christian scholars and Bible revisers as they discovered that this is another fabrication presented in the Bible! What book of God has words added to the text and subtracted from it? The Holy Quran certainly does not, as it contains the actual verbatim words of God! The fact that words have been added, which Christian scholars admit to, should be very concerning to Christians! Christians use the word begotten to prove Jesus Christ's divinity; however, the same word is used in the case of Prophet David PBUH in the Old Testament! I will declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me, 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. (Psalm 2:7) One verse in the Bible states that Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son, but in another verse of the Bible, Prophet David PBUH is also the begotten Son of God. It is a contradiction of the Bible, the so-called word of God. Human hands have modified the Gospel as it is impossible for God the Almighty, the Perfect Being, to contradict Himself! The concept of Jesus Christ as the 'begotten son of god' can be proven false by the Bible itself.   If a Christian says that God, the Almighty, had begotten Jesus Christ, is he saying that God was only a duality and not part of a Trinity before Jesus Christ was born? Was God not complete then? Moreover, if God begot Jesus Christ, that would imply a point where Jesus Christ was not in existence, so he could not be God or a part of God as a God has no beginning nor an end! A God does not come into existence at a certain point as a God is not created, He is uncreated. Only created beings come into existence at a point in time. Moreover, Jesus Christ could not be co-eternal with God since God was in existence when Jesus was not! Furthermore, if Jesus Christ were the begotten Son, that would make God the begetter. If God is the begetter, how could Jesus then be the begotten? How could the begetter be 'begotten' if both are one and part of the Trinity?  The Holy Quran condemns these atrocious words of blasphemy, as begetting is an animal act that signifies the lower animal functions of sex. We are not to attribute such a quality to God, the All-High. Metaphorically speaking, we are all the children of God, and Jesus Christ can be viewed as being closer to God than the rest of us since he is a more faithful and righteous man than the rest of us, but it does not mean he is literally the Son of God! Humanity did not have to wait long to discover that these words were a fabrication inserted later, as God the Almighty told us in his final Book, the Holy Quran, about this blasphemy; doing so as He expresses His wrath in the strongest terms for those that attribute a son to Him--calling it highly inappropriate and atrocious for one to commit this sin: “And they say (Christians), 'The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son'. You have done an atrocious thing. The heavens almost rupture therefrom, and the earth splits open, and the mountains collapse in devastation. That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son. And it is not appropriate for the Most Merciful that He should take a son” (Quran 19:
3/12/20225 minutes, 42 seconds
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'For There are Three That Bear Record in Heaven' Verse

Many Christians use this verse to prove the existence of the Trinity. For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. (1 John 5:7) The issue with this verse is that it is universally recognized by Biblical scholars and historians, including thirty-two Christian scholars of the highest eminence backed by fifty cooperating Christian denominations, as being inserted by the Church later. Since it was proven that this verse is a fabrication, it has been deleted from some of the later Bibles, such as the Revised Standard Version and the New Revised Standard Version. 
3/12/202255 seconds
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'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God….' Verse

Another verse Christians used to prove Jesus Christ's divinity is: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) The Bible goes on to say that the Word became flesh. First, it is imperative to know that these words are not the words of Jesus Christ rather the words of a Greek-speaking Jewish Philosopher named Philo Alexandra in Egypt, who never claimed he was divinely inspired and had written before the birth of Jesus Christ and John-- as recognized by Christian scholars. If you peruse a red-letter Bible that contains all of Jesus' words in red, you will notice that this quote is not in red because Jesus Christ did not say it.    Secondly, it is essential to note that the English Bible wrongfully translated both the Greek words, Hotheos and Tontheos, in this verse to mean God, which changes their meaning entirely. Capital letters are used to start a proper noun in English, and lowercase letters start a common noun, but this system does not exist in Greek or Hebrew. In this verse, the first occurrence of the word God is the Greek word Hotheos, which means The God; used with a capital 'G,' it denotes a proper noun, meaning God, the Almighty above, the Father. The second occurrence of the word, God, in this verse is the Greek word, Tontheos, which means a god', with a lowercase 'g,' which translates to mean godly, a godly person, a messenger, etc., and is not referring to God, the Almighty above, the Father. This critical difference between the capital 'G' and the lowercase 'g' should be translated correctly in the English Bible as it changes the meaning entirely. However, the English Bible does relay this.    A consistent Christian system of translation would have spelled the second 'god' 'Tontheos' with a lowercase 'g,' rendering 'Tontheos' to mean 'a god.' This verse should read, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (Hotheos meaning God the Almighty above, the Father), and the Word was God (Tontheos meaning a prophet, Jesus Christ was a Prophet). If you do not read it correctly, taking both words to mean God with a capital G, you would be reading, "In the Beginning was God, God was with God, and God was God," which makes no sense.    As mentioned above, the second word in this verse, Tontheos, does not necessarily mean God the Father. The same term, Tontheos, is also used in other verses to mean a god but not refer to God in the Heavens. For example, 2 Corinthians 4:4 states: Satan, who is the God of this world, has blinded the minds of those who do not believe. This verse says that Satan is ruling over them and is not saying that Satan is 'The God' because a small 'g' was used; the word Tontheos was used, which again means a god as some take Satan as their God. The same word Tontheos and a lowercase 'g' is used in Exodus 7:1 because Prophet Moses PBUH is not 'The God' but rather is a godly person and a Prophet, as it states: Then the LORD said to Moses, 'See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet.'    John 1:14 states, The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us because Jesus Christ was a human messenger of flesh and blood. If Jesus Christ were a God born in the form of a human baby, that would imply that a God who is supposed to be perfect, with unlimited power and Godly attributes, would lose all that divinity when being born into a human body because humans are imperfect with limited attributes that require them to eat, drink, and sleep. This would be a huge contradiction as God does not need any
3/12/20224 minutes, 51 seconds
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'The Father and I are one' Verse

Another verse that Christians often use to prove Jesus Christ's membership in Trinity with God in the Heavens is: The Father and I are one. (John 10:30). A similar verse states: Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? (John 14:10) Yet another similar verse states: On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. (John 14:20) Christians constantly mistake the verse I and the Father are one to mean God and Jesus Christ are one being, even though this verse does not mean it in this context.  To understand the correct context, one needs to read the verse before it. The passage starts from John 10:23 and reads: And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. 'I already told you,' Jesus replied, 'but you did not believe. The works I do in My Father's name testify on My behalf. But you do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one.' These verses state that the Jews surrounded Jesus Christ and claimed he lacked clarity and spoke ambiguously, despite the clarity of his message. They did not like him nor his message and tried to foment issues for him. The Jews picked up stones to aim at him because they claimed he was preaching that he was God. Jesus Christ explained to the Jews that they were wrong to accuse him of this claim, as he never said he was God. Jesus replied, I told you and you did not believe, the works I do in my Father's name, my faithful followers bear witness of me as my true followers follow me, and I give them eternal life... and so on goes the rest of the passage quoted above. Christians must read the verses before and after a verse to fully understand its proper context. When reading the verses that came before - I and the Father are one, one realizes that Jesus Christ means they are one in purpose and not one being.  John 17:21-22 quotes Jesus Christ praying that his disciples should be one with God as Jesus Christ was: That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one. The same one is used here in this context as well. If Christians were consistent in their way of thinking, they would include the disciples as part of the Trinity, infused into one body. Does this verse mean that Jesus Christ was praying that the disciples formed part of God as well? No, of course not! He meant one in agreement and that they shared a common purpose!  If one believes God and Jesus Christ are one and part of a Triune God because of this verse, it will contradict other verses in the Bible that state God and Jesus Christ are not one in the same person. If Jesus Christ stated, 'the Father is greater than I,' that would imply that they are not equal. How can they be one if one is greater than the other? My father is greater than I. (John, 14:28) But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[a] but only the Father. (Matthew 24:36) The concept of the Trinity in which God the Almighty is a union of three divine persons in one - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - is impossible as Jesus Christ is a man with a body and a soul; the unity between an imperfect physical body that require
3/12/20225 minutes, 20 seconds
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God Calls Jesus Christ 'His Servant'

If Jesus Christ were God, the Son of God, or part of God in the Trinity, God would not call Jesus Christ his servant in the Bible because a servant is held in lower esteem than one's children. However, God called Jesus Christ His servant because all humanity is servants of God, including Jesus Christ. Behold, my servant whom I have chosen... (Matthew 12:18).  He is our Master, and we are His slaves and servants. One also should know that the New Testament's Greek word for Son is pias and piada, which translates to servant, son, and manservant. Some translations of the Bible chose to translate this word to mean son when attributing it to Jesus Christ and translate the same word as servant to refer to almost everyone else. However, the Revised Standard Version has corrected this and returned the translation to mean 'servant.' 
3/12/20221 minute, 15 seconds
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The Bible Labels Jesus Christ as 'Lord'

Jesus Christ as Lord. This label, too, is not to be taken literally in the language of the Gospel. The term Lord was used to apply to someone held in high esteem as a form of respect, not because of their divinity. If this were not true, you would not find the same label of Lord used on other individuals in the Bible! The Bible quotes Prophet Joseph's brothers calling him Lord: So they went up to Joseph's steward and spoke to him at the entrance to the house. 'We beg your pardon, our lord,' they said, 'We came down here the first time to buy food.' (Genesis 43:19-20)
3/12/202251 seconds
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The Bible Labels Jesus Christ as 'The Son of God'

The original manuscripts that form the Bible were not in English; they were mainly in Koine Greek. When translating from one language to another, conveying the whole or exact meaning is not easy without adding or subtracting something. The term, Son of God, had a different connotation when translated from Aramaic to Greek to English. The term, Son of God, did not mean it literally. In ancient Hebrew, the term was used to refer to a Godly person, a righteous person. It was customary to call any Prophet of God, or a righteous man, a son of God. The term, Son of God, was not meant to be taken literally as Christians have. Never did Jesus Christ claim in the Gospels to be the Son of God in the physical sense.   Other Prophets of God and individuals in the Bible are referred to as sons of God, such as orphans, judges, jurists, the Israelites, the Prophet Adam, David, Solomon, and Jacob. It was a common saying amongst the Children of Israel to refer to a righteous person as the Son of God! Prophet David PBUH is referred to as the Son of God in I will proclaim the LORD's decree: He said to me, 'You are my son; today I have become your father.' (Psalm 2:7) The Children of Israel are referenced as the sons of God in Hosea, 1:10: Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God. Prophet Adam PBUH was labeled as a son of God in Luke 3:38: Which was the Son of Enos, which was the Son of Seth, which was the Son of Adam, which was the Son of God. Exodus 4:22 quotes God calling Israel his Son, Then say to Pharaoh, 'This is what the Lord says: Israel is my firstborn son.' (Exodus 4:22)    Jesus Christ calls the peacemakers children of God, 'Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.' (Matthew 5:9) Why don't Christians apply the same concept to those individuals in the Bible who were referred to as sons of God?   If Christians are going to use the Bible's labeling of Jesus Christ as the Son of God as proof that He is the Son of God, it would mean that the Prophet Israel is of higher status than Jesus Christ because he was the firstborn, which generally would be respected more than a younger brother!       
3/12/20223 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jesus Calls Himself 'Son of Man'

The Bible quotes Jesus Christ calling himself Son of man many times throughout the Bible. The reference to the Son of man is used 80 times in the Gospels, and 30 of them are in the Gospel of Mathew alone. Jesus replied, 'Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.' (Matthew 8:20) For Christians to say that Jesus Christ labeled as the Son of God in the Bible is proof of his divinity, they would be ignoring the apparent contraindication that arises when Jesus Christ is referred to as the Son of man throughout the Bible! How can one be the Son of God and the Son of man simultaneously? To dispel all doubts and confusion, Jesus Christ frequently called himself the Son of man.
3/12/20221 minute, 2 seconds
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Christians Claim Jesus Christ is Divine, and his Ability to Perform Miracles is Proof

Some Christians associate Jesus Christ with divinity because He performed miracles. He was able to heal individuals with leprosy, cure the blind, fashion birds of clay, then blow into them to turn them into real birds, and resurrect the dead. It is true that Jesus Christ was able to perform such miracles and was born miraculously of a virgin, as the Holy Quran confirms. God's Prophets’ came with miracles (signs of God's existence) to prove that God sent them and that they were, in fact, true Prophet of God and not imposters! None of the Prophets of God, including Jesus Christ, would have been able to perform such miracles by themselves! All the miracles performed by Jesus Christ and these Prophets of God were performed only by the permission and Will of God the Almighty, in the Heavens!    Islam defines a miracle as an extraordinary act or event that goes against nature's laws and can only come about through God's direct intervention and Will. Miracles are not magic, which only consists of tricks or illusions performed with the help of devils. Only Prophets can achieve miracles. Past Prophets were provided with miracles as irrefutable evidence, proving that their Prophethood was, in fact, a matter of truth. The Prophets were supported by miracles that their nations excelled in so the acts would be convincing, understood, appreciated, and identified by their people and not thought of as mere magic.   For instance, the people of Egypt excelled in magic and sorcery; they had reached the pinnacle of these evil acts as they often were in contact and teamed with Jinn (spirits) to work illusions on people. Thus, God provided the Prophet Moses PBUH with miracles related to illusions, such as the power to transform his staff into a snake right before his people. He was also able to strike the Nile with his rod to transform the river into blood and part the Red Sea. All this was meant to humble his people and remind them that God's Power, Control, and Might are true and not just an illusion of the eyes.   Likewise, during the time of Prophet Jesus PBUH, the Romans prided themselves on their medicine, healing arts, cures, and the possession of the best doctors in the land as medical science was at its height. Thus, God sent down the Prophet Jesus PBUH with several miracles of this nature that medical science could not justify. These miracles include the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ of a virgin and the ability to heal individuals with leprosy, cure the blind, fashion birds of clay, then blow into them to turn them into real birds, and resurrect the dead with the permission and Will of God. Acts 2:22 states: Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.   Never did the Prophet Jesus PBUH take credit for performing any of his miracles. He credited God, the Almighty, in the Heavens because he could have only done it through the Will and Power of God. Jesus Christ acknowledged that the powers given to him were from God. Matthew 28:18 states: Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me' Matthew 9:8 states: 'When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to man.' They did not praise Jesus Christ; they praised God the Almighty in the Heavens, understanding that He is the one that provided Jesus Christ with the ability to perform these miracles! Nowhere does it state in the Bible that Jesus Christ performed the miracles on his own—because he did not. The fact that Jesus Christ could not perform miracles on his own is proof that he cannot be God, as God is All-Powerful, All-Mighty, and can do anything.    …All power is given unto me in heaven a
3/12/20226 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is Jesus Christ God Because He was Born With no Father?

Some Christians accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God because He was born miraculously of a virgin without a human father. God responds to this claim in His final Scripture, the Holy Quran, which states He also created the Prophet Adam PBUH with no father. Prophet Adam PBUH was born without a father or mother. Our mother, Eve (Hawa), was created from a male without a female. Does that make Prophet Adam PBUH a God?  If we follow Christian logic, doesn't this make Prophet Adam PBUH a greater God than Jesus Christ since he was born without a father and a mother? Of course not! Prophet Adam PBUH is not God, nor does the logic followed by some Christians make any sense! Even the Angels were created from light without fathers or mothers, and the Devil was created from fire without a father or mother. “Verily, the likeness of Iesa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him 'Be!' – and he was" (Quran 3:59) Declining to call Jesus Christ the Son of God is not to belittle or insult Jesus Christ; instead, it is done to Glorify and Magnify God. Allah is the One and Only and far above having a child or a partner in His Divinity. God, the Almighty, can create whatever He Wills. When He intends to create something, He declares to it, Be, it instantly comes into existence. If He Wills that Jesus Christ or the Prophet Adam PBUH be made without a father, he can easily make this possible. The act of Jesus Christ being created without a human father indicates God's ability to create whatever He Wills. 
3/12/20222 minutes, 27 seconds
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Does the Bible Contain Errors and Contradictions?

It is indisputable that what God inspires cannot be wrong, as He is Perfect. Since God is Perfect and therefore does not make mistakes, any apparent word of God with even one error or contradiction would be proven false--and not the Word of God. The Holy Quran is devoid of mistakes and contradictions and does not contain any information confirmed to be inaccurate.    On the other hand, because human hands have altered the original Revelation sent from God through the Prophet Jesus PBUH, many errors, contractions, absurdities, and immoralities have found their way into the Bible even though the Bible prohibits anyone from adding to it. Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. (Deuteronomy 4:2). Anyone honest with themselves would identify and understand them unless they chose to follow their Church blindly, without applying the God-given gift of intellect, logic, and reason.    Many Christian scholars have acknowledged the thousands of contradictions and errors found in the Bible. Many believe there to be as many as 50,000 errors within the text. To combat the errors and contradictions found in the Bible, Biblical scholars either find a bizarre explanation to justify the verse or state that one verse is the correct one while the verse that contradicts it is false and not the Word of God, although it is found in the Bible. The masses seem unaware of this. The average Christian is ignorant that the book he takes as the Word of God contains many errors and contradictions.    How can a reasonable, sincere Christian call the Bible "the inspired Word of God" when the Bible contains errors and contradictions? If one error exists in the Bible (let alone thousands), it is enough to determine that this is not the Word of God but instead the word of man. The Word of God should be perfect, free from errors on any subject, something no man or a number of men could produce!    For the sake of time and the length of this point, I will point out only a few errors in the Bible. One can research the remainder of them online. Here are some undisputable contradictions in the Bible:   How old was Ahaziah when he ruled over Jerusalem; was he twenty-two or forty-two? According to 2 Kings 8:26: Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem one year, and acco
3/12/202210 minutes, 8 seconds
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Pornography, Incest, and Immorality in the Bible

The Bible contains pornographic imagery, rape, bestiality, and immorality unsuitable for children. The so-called "inspired Word of God" contains filthy incest stories depicted within close kinship relationships. Just look at these verses in the Bible:   Ezekiel 23:20 states: There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses' Song of Solomon 5:4 states: My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him' 2 Kings 18:27 states: But Rabshakeh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you? How can God, who is All-Pure, write such things?   The Bible shares a false story of the Prophet Lot PBUH and his two daughters in a mountain cave. According to the Bible, the older daughter told the younger one that their father was aging; therefore, they should get him drunk and sleep with him to preserve their family line. So, they slept with him and had his babies! That is right; the Bible also contains incest! Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. One day, the older daughter said to the younger, 'Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the Earth. Let us get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father' (Genesis 19:30 and onwards).   In another verse, Judah, the father of the Jewish state and namesake to the Jews, slept with his daughter-in-law and begot a daughter with her: When Judah saw her, he thought she was a prostitute, for she had covered her face. Not realizing that she was his daughter-in-law, he went over to her by the roadside and said, 'Come now, let me sleep with you' And what will you give me to sleep with you,' she asked. (Genesis 38:15 and onwards).   Another Bible verse references Ruben, the firstborn of the Prophet Jacob PBUH, who supposedly had sexual intercourse with Bilhah, his father's concubine: While Israel was living in that region, Reuben went in and slept with his father's concubine Bilhah, and Israel heard of it (Genesis 35:22).  
3/12/20224 minutes, 33 seconds
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Who is the Author of the Bible?

Muslims are obligated to believe in all Inspired Books that God has sent to serve humanity, as delivered through His Prophets. Some of the Revelations include the Torah; the Revelation sent with the Prophet Moses PBUH to the Children of Israel, the Psalms (Zabur in Arabic), which was sent with the Prophet David PBUH to the Children of Israel, and the Gospel (Injeel in Arabic) which was sent with the Prophet Jesus PBUH to the Children of Israel, all in which are no longer in existence today as they were never preserved. God’s final Book, which exists today, is the Holy Quran sent with Prophet Muhammad PBUH sent to our nation. Inspiration or Revelation comes to God’s Human Prophets either directly or through an intermediary of the Angel Gabriel, who brings the Revelation to them. Every religion that believes in God also believes in Revelation. God’s Books to humanity are a collective reference point to the way of life God has prescribed. They teach humanity about God and His Attributes, the purpose of life, the obligations and Commandments of God, prohibitions, exhortations, stories, parables, reminders, descriptions of the afterlife, Paradise and Hell, the creation of the Universe, the importance of being kind to one’s parents, and much more. These Books seek to guide man through every aspect of life. God’s Books act as a guide and instructional manual regarding how one should live their life. While Muslims must believe in the Revelation that came with these mighty Prophets of God, we must distinguish between the original Revelations which these Prophets came down with and the present-day Bible. The present-day Gospels, known as the Evangels — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — are not the same Revelations God sent down with the Prophet Jesus PBUH, nor is the Old Testament today the Revelation sent with Prophet Moses PBUH, in which God commands us to believe. The Holy Quran renders it an obligation to believe in the Revelation that came down with Jesus Christ, but it has been lost and is no longer in existence today. The original Revelation, known in Arabic as the Injil, meaning “Glad Tidings” or Evangelion in Greek, was God’s Revelation, whereas what we now have is a Bible that contains a mixture of words from Prophets, historians, scholars, many unknown and random men, including malicious inserts and deletions made throughout time for people’s agenda and political and financial gain. Whereas these Books may still contain traces of truth, the Gospel does not stand in its original revealed form. No divine Revelation exists today in its original form as revealed when the Prophet lived, except for the Holy Quran. God warns in his final testament, the Holy Quran: “So, woe to those who write the ‘scripture’ with their own hands, then say, ‘this is from Allah,’ to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn” (Quran 2:79) The Bible contains commandments, prohibitions, stories, prophecies, words of prophets, rulings, and more. The books of the Bible are divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is said by Christians to have been received through the Prophets before Jesus Christ and starts with the creation of the Heavens and Earth, our Father Adam and Mother Eve, and ends just before the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians believe the New Testament to have been written by inspiration after the time of Jesus. It contains references to the birth of Christ, his disciples, prophecies of the last days, the second coming, and information regarding the hereafter. Christian denominations do not agree on what is conside
3/12/202221 minutes, 29 seconds
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Is Jesus God, Son of God, or Prophet of God? What does the Bible Say?

Now that you have a basic introduction to Allah, our Creator, you need to learn the true identities of Jesus Christ and Mary PBUT and the messages conveyed about them through God and Islam. Jesus Christ is a central and revered figure in the Islamic faith. A fundamental pillar of Islam involves the core belief in all of God's Messengers and Prophets, sent down to relay His message to humanity. Anyone who does not believe in God's Prophets is considered a disbeliever in Islam. Muslims hold all Prophets of God in high esteem, including Jesus PBUH. Muslims love and admire Jesus PBUH and will not speak the name of Jesus (Isa in Arabic) or any other Prophet without respectfully adding the words peace be upon him, following the reference (I will use PBUH for short or PBUT for peace be upon them - throughout this book).   Aside from Christianity, Islam is the only other religion that requires followers to believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is mentioned more than 25 times in the Holy Quran. God's last and final Prophet, Muhammad PBUH, narrated, He who bears witness that there is no true god except Allah, alone having no partner with Him, that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, that Isa (Jesus) is His slave and Messenger, and he (Jesus) is His Word which He communicated to Maryam (Mary) and His Spirit which He sent to her, that Jannah (Paradise) is true and Hell is true; Allah will make him enter Jannah accepting whatever deeds he accomplished.    The mother of Jesus Christ is Mary (Mariam in Arabic). She was a very pious and righteous woman. According to the Holy Quran, she is the holiest and greatest of all women. Mary PBUH has the great honor to be the only female mentioned by name in the Holy Quran and even has a whole Chapter named in her honor.    “And [mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds” (Quran 3:42)   The mother of Mary, Hannah, was a barren woman who longed for a child. She made a vow to God that if He gifted her with a child, she would consecrate Him to His service in the Holiest of all Temples, the Temple of Solomon PBUH, to be a scholar or priest. God answered her prayers and gifted her with a girl child. Hannah PBUH was saddened at the child's gender, as usually only male children were given in service.    Following her promise to God, she instructed that Mary PBUH be raised at the Temple. Mary PBUH was blessed by miracles sent from God, even before the birth of Jesus Christ. Her Uncle Zechariah PBUH, a Prophet of God, raised her. As Mary grew older, Prophet Zechariah PBUH would visit her in her chamber at the Temple, where only he had access. He would observe that she feasted on the best of foods and cold drinks. He asked who had delivered these feasts when no one except him had keys to the chamber. She then would respond, "Allah!"   According to the Holy Quran, the Angel Gabriel walked into Mary's chamber. Terrified that someone had come to harm her, she cried out, I seek refuge from Allah! Angel Gabriel responded, I am not an enemy, I am Allah's servant and a messenger who came to deliver glad tidings to you, that Allah would bestow upon you a child. She replied, How can I have a child if I do not have a husband, and no man has touched me?' Angel Gabriel then responded:   “Allah creates what He wills. If He decrees a thing, He says unto it only be! and it is”       (Quran 3:47)   The Quran confirms that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin woman. Mary gave birth to Jesus PBUH in the valley of Bethlehem, away from people, after which she returned. When they saw her with her
3/12/202224 minutes, 15 seconds
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Whom Was Jesus Christ Sent to Address? What Was His Mission? Did He Come with a New Law as Christians Claim?

Now that you have a basic understanding of Jesus Christ's identity, it is time to dig deeper to understand whom God, the Almighty, sent Jesus Christ to address and for what purpose. I have spoken about this already, but it is imperative to cite evidence taken straight from the Bible that Christians follow. God has sent thousands of Prophets to humanity. They all preached the same general message: there stands only One Deity worthy of worship. He is the One and Only God, without a partner, son, daughter, or equal. All other gods are false and only creations of God - not the actual Creator Himself. These Prophets and Messengers came to lead humanity to God with the same purpose.    God communicates His Guidance through human Prophets. Every time human hands altered the Revelation of God, He, out of the His Infinite Mercy and Love, continued to send other Prophets and Books to guide humanity back to Him. More than one hundred thousand Prophets and Messengers were sent to all humanity, nations, and races in all corners of the world. Each Prophet and Book was sent to different nations and people. Some Prophets were superior to others; the best among them were Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the Prophet Muhammad PBUT. However, when these Prophets or Messengers would pass, their message would slowly be altered, distorted, and changed by their people. The Revelations sent soon were modified by human hands to contain the words of men and not the Divine Being. God, the Almighty, warns those who changed His Scripture in his final Book, the Holy Quran:   “So woe to those who write the 'scripture' with their own hands, then say, 'this is from Allah,' to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn” (Quran 2:79)   The Prophet Jesus PBUH was one of God's mightiest messengers, sent down with the same general Message of all previous Prophets but only to address the Children of Israel—those we know as Jews—since they descended from their forefather, Judah.   God, the Almighty, chose these Jews, the Children of Israel, from all of humanity for a particular purpose. God chose them not because of their race, color, or status in this world; instead, He chose the Children of Israel for a particular purpose, as stated in the Old Testament and the Holy Quran. The favor was a covenant between the Children of Israel and God that the Children of Israel was to be a Kingdom of Priests, guiding others to discover the knowledge of God. The favor to the Israelites came with the condition that they keep their side of the covenant. To do this, they were required to follow the commandments of God and preach them to others. God blessed the Jews with blessed land and an abundance of goodness.   “O children of Israel, Remember My favors upon you. Fulfil your covenant and I will fulfill Mine, and stand in awe of Me alone” (Quran 2:40)   The Prophet Moses PBUH is told to say, Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, you will be my treasured possession out of all nations. Although the whole Earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites. (Exodus 19:5-6). God is speaking through Prophet Moses PBUH, stating to the Children of Israel if they follow the commandants of God and keep their covenant and not break it, then " will be my treasured possession" (Exodus 19:5-6). God also states in the Book of the Old Testament that if the Children of Israel did not keep their covenant and carry out their duties and responsibilities, God would punish them seven times more than the rest of humanity. If after all this you will not listen to me, I will punish you for your sins seven times over. (Leviticus 26:18)   The Children of
3/11/202228 minutes, 36 seconds
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Basic Understanding of the Similarities and Differences Between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism

Before moving forward, it is imperative to know the basic similarities and differences between each of the three Abrahamic religions—the world's three biggest religions. They are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. All three religions consider themselves monotheistic faiths, as they all claim to worship one God. While Muslims and Jews are indeed strict monotheists worshipping one God as a single, indivisible entity, Christians, on the other hand, while thinking they are monotheists worshipping one God, are not, as they believe in the Trinity. Christians claim they believe in one God represented by or manifests himself in three persons. They claim they do not believe in three individual Gods; instead, they think they believe in one God who manifests himself through different identities, roles, and images: the Father in the Heavens, the Son, Jesus Christ, who came down in human form as the savior, and the Holy Spirit, the Counselor.    Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God Himself. They believe that Jesus Christ has a divine and created nature. They also believe that each of these personas in the Trinity equally co-exists as God and that each of these entities is eternal and all-powerful. They do not think that each is a separate entity; instead, they believe that God the Father is the God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This, of course, is a contradiction; common logic dictates that there cannot be three Gods at the same time as there is one God. It is either one or three, as one and three are not the same.   Prophets are to be loved and respected, but no form of worship is directed toward them, nor are they treated as demi-gods or intermediaries between humanity and God. Christians appointed Jesus Christ to divine heights he was not entitled to, which eventually became the dominant Christian belief. Jesus Christ was a mighty messenger sent from God, but he was only a mortal human. He was born to a mother; he ate and drank, slept, and used the bathroom; he suffered pain and emotions. This differentiates him from God the Almighty, as God does not need to eat, sleep, or drink. The Prophet Jesus' mission was to confirm the Torah previously sent, make certain things lawful to ease the lives of the Children of Israel, and proclaim and re-affirm the belief in One God. He was only the servant and slave of God. The Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—and the concept that Jesus died for our sins are firmly rejected in Islam.    Just like Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was only a created human Prophet sent by God, Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was also a mortal human prophet sent by God after Jesus Christ. Prophet Muhammad PBUH is separate and distinct from Allah (God). God is eternal and immortal; He never had a beginning and was never created. All the powers that Jesus Christ is said to have had were given to him by God. On the other hand, God's Attributes and Powers were not given to Him; they were within Him all along. God's Attributes and powers never knew a beginning, nor will they ever have an ending. He has always been, and will always be, All-Knowing, All-Mighty, All-Powerful. God hears everything from the buzz of a mosquito's wing to the eruption of volcanoes. All His Attributes are infinite.    The three religions worship the same God. The God in the Heavens that Christians worship and refer to as the Father is the same God worshipped by Muslims and Jews. Muslims use Allah to refer to God: Allah translates to God. Allah is not a foreign God, nor does He bear a foreign name. Allah, instead, is the semantic term for God. Regardless of this, some people harbor the mistaken belief that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews and that Allah is the God of the Arabs or the Muslims. This is far from the truth. The word Allah is an Arabic name connoting the Almighty God. Arabic-speaki
3/11/202215 minutes, 14 seconds
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Who is Allah? A Brief Introduction to Your Creator

Before we talk about Jesus Christ and his actual teachings in detail, you will need an introduction to Allah. Allah is not a foreign God and does not bear a foreign name. Allah, instead, is the semantic term for God. Regardless, some people harbor the mistaken belief that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews and that Allah is the God of the Arabs or the Muslims. This is far from the truth. The word Allah is the unique name of God. It is the Arabic name connoting Almighty God. Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians use this same word to refer to God. If one were to peruse an Arabic translation of the Bible, one would see the word Allah used in place of the term God. However, Muslims, Christians, and Jews all have different concepts of God. Muslims and Jews reject the Christian belief in the Trinity and the Divine incarnation. Yet, this does not mean that these three religions worship a different God: There is only One true God.   The name of God in Hebrew is Eloah (pronounced eeLo), and the name of God in Aramaic is Elahh (pronounced as El-aw), and Assyrian Aramaic is Alaha (pronounced the way it is read ʼAlâhâ), and in Arabic, it is Allah (pronounced as AaLaH / Allawh). All the names of God in these languages are pronounced about the same as there is only One True God. If one were to pursue an Arabic bible, it reads: 'In the beginning Allah created the heavens and the earth' (Genesis 1:1) & 'For Allah so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life' (John 3:16)   Muslims prefer to use the name 'Allah' instead of "God" because the word "God" can be made plural and rendered masculine or feminine. In contrast, the Arabic word "Allah" that God chose for Himself cannot be made plural and is genderless. For instance, if you add the letter "s" to the word God, it becomes gods—the plural of God. In the case of the Arabic word Allah, one cannot make the word plural by adding "s" or in any other way morphing the word's structure. Likewise, if one adds "ess" to the end of the word "God," it becomes "goddess," which connotes a female god. God is neither female nor male. He is genderless. The Arabic term Allah does not have a gender. It cannot be made feminine.   Muslims prefer to use Allah instead of God because using the word God has different connotations for different people. God indicates an entity worthy of worship. Regretfully, people assign a godlike status to many other beings, divine or otherwise. However, while speaking to non-Muslims, one may use God instead of Allah to help the intended audience understand the word's context.   Allah originates from the word Al-ilah, which enjoins the two terms "The" and "God," as in The God. The Arabic word illah, the closest synonym to God, is rich and has several meanings. Illah refers to an entity worthy of worship and service, an object of devotion and love, someone you turn to in desperate times, someone you adore and think about. Illah also is one you turn to for protection, help, or aid. One can find sanctuary and rest in their Illah, who is always present to comfort and guide His creation.   The relationship with God is expressed in the Arabic word Al-Rabb, which is used frequently in the Holy Quran. Linguistically, it is defined as sticking close to something. It also means joining something with another. In the Holy Quran, the word Al-Rabb implies that the owner (God) has full authority over His property (his servants) and is the Master who ultimately sustains His creation by regulating affairs, providing provisions, and granti
3/11/202222 minutes, 13 seconds
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Understanding the Concept of God Sending Messengers to Relay His Message

How would one know their role and life purpose unless one received clear and practical instructions as to what God wants and expects of them? Thus comes the need for Prophethood. God has sent thousands of Messengers and Prophets to humanity to convey His Message and communicate to us. Every nation on Earth has received a Prophet. They all preached the same general message that there is only one deity worthy of worship, and we should follow His commandments. He is the One and Only God, without a partner, son, daughter, or equal. God sent Messengers and Prophets to guide humanity away from worshipping created beings and toward worshipping Him, the Creator of all things. Prophets came to teach their people who their Creator is, how to build a relationship with Him, and how to love Him. These Prophets taught their people that life is only a test; the successful will enter Paradise eternally, while the unsuccessful will undergo the ultimate punishment in the Hereafter.  God sent Messengers with Revelation to humanity to guide them, starting with the Prophet Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Jacob, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad PBUT. Due to God's Love and Mercy, He began to guide humanity as soon as He created Adam and Eve PBUH. He instructed them to worship Him alone, the one and only God, and not worship His creation. He ordered them to submit fully to Him. Later, this message was given to the rest of the Messengers and Prophets of God to deliver to their people. The practice of fully submitting to God, which the Prophets taught, is Islam. Islam, by definition, means the act of submitting to God. A Muslim, by definition, is "someone who submits himself to God." Anyone who submits to God is called a Muslim. "He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish the religion and not be divided therein..." (Quran 42:13) Many of the Prophets are found in the Jewish and Christian traditions. Whenever God sent Messengers with Revelation, people distorted and changed the Revelation of God after they passed. What was once pure Revelation from God was polluted with the words of historians, scholars, random people, superstitions, irrational philosophical ideologies, and idol worship and included many malicious inserts and deletions throughout time, done for the person's own agenda and political and financial gain.  Whenever people distorted the Message of God and His Revelation, God sent another Messenger or Prophet to reform or renew His Message out of His infinite Mercy. Jesus Christ was sent to reform the previous message sent by the Prophet before him, Prophet Moses PBUH, as Prophet Moses' Message was distorted after his departure. Jesus Christ is quoted in the Bible as saying, Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17).  Just like how Jesus Christ was sent to reform the message of the Prophet before him, Prophet Muhammad PBUH came to reform Prophet Jesus' Message because it had been too distorted by people after his departure and did not survive in its original form. Because God will not be sending any more Revelations and Messengers to humanity, Prophet Muhammad PBUH and God's final Revelation, the Holy Quran, is meant for all humanity until the last day.  All previous Messengers and Books other than the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad PBUH were sent to only a specific group of people and were meant to be followed for a particular period; they had expiration dates. For example, Prophet Jesus PBUH was one of God's mightiest Messengers, sent down with the same general Message of all previous Prophets but only to the Children of Israel—the nati
3/11/20227 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Approach of This Book and What It Aims to Prove; Using the Bible to Prove It Goes Against Modern Christian Beliefs

While Muslims disagree with Christian theology, including their beliefs about the Trinity, the concept of redemption, and other Christian concepts, Allah, in the Holy Quran, still praises sincere Christians and states that they are nearest to Muslims in the way of love, affection, support, respect, and humility because they have righteousness and are not arrogant.  "…You will certainly find that the closest of them in friendship with the believers are those who say, 'We are Christians' That is because among them there are priests and monks, and because they are not arrogant' When they hear what has been sent down to the Messenger, you will see their eyes overflowing with tears because of the truth they have recognized. They say, 'Our Lord, we have come to believe. So, record us along with those who bear witness" (Quran 5:82-83-84) Unfortunately, many well-intentioned Christians follow modern Christianity, which is a corrupted version of the teachings of Jesus Christ, a version that He never preached or taught. This book encourages Christians and non-Muslims to cross-examine what the Bible states about God, Jesus Christ, and related concepts. If this is done sincerely, one will conclude that neither Jesus Christ nor the Bible teaches what the Church teaches today. One will conclude that Jesus Christ and the Bible never taught the Trinity, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God or divine or the concept of redemption. Nor did Jesus Christ permit his followers to abandon the law of Prophet Moses PBUH.  Muslims do not believe that the Bible in existence today is the true word of God, as the Revelation that Jesus Christ came down with was never preserved. Today's Bible consists of words of men who are unknown and not the actual words of God or Jesus Christ. While the Bible may consist of translated fragments of the original Scripture revealed by God, it is mixed with words of prophets, historians, scholars, and many unknown random men and contain malicious inserts and deletions made throughout time to promote people's agendas and political and financial gain. The Bible is what Christians claim they use to extract their strange beliefs. This book will prove that modern Christian beliefs are not stated or taught in the Bible and go against Jesus Christ's actual teachings. If one were to read the Bible carefully, one would find the teachings of Islam to be the true religion and way of life of God—and not what the Church teaches.  The Holy Quran states that Christians and Jews say that no one shall enter Paradise except Jews or Christians; then, the Holy Quran challenges them to bring forth proof that what they say is indeed correct.  "They say that no one shall ever enter Paradise unless he is a Jew or a Christian. These are their fancies. Say, 'Bring your proof, if you are truthful" (Quran 2:111) This book will prove the truthfulness of Islam by referencing the Bible and the Holy Quran and using common logic. The Holy Quran directs Muslims to call people to the actual teachings of God with a common starting point that there is only One True God, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, without associating any partners with Him. "Say: 'O People of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered (unto Allah)" (Quran 3:64) The goal of this book is to provide indisputable evidence that if anyone worships anyone or anything other than the One Supreme God and Being in the Heavens, whom Christians refer to as the Father—who is All-Powerful, All-Mighty, All-Knowledgeable, All-Knowing, All-See
3/11/20227 minutes, 54 seconds
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Constantly Monitor Your Intentions as Everyone Will Receive That Which They Have Intended For

You must strive to seek the truth, God, and His guidance. You were created with a purpose, and you must strive to find that purpose and live as your Creator expects. Finding God and obeying Him leads to honor and significant reward, while rejecting God leads to severe punishment. When seeking the truth, you must search with absolute sincerity to find what you are looking for, as intentions are the roots of every action. If you investigate Islam and the Holy Quran intending to seek God, the truth, and guidance while putting in the effort, you will find God and His Path. However, if you open the Holy Quran and investigate Islam only to try to find errors, contradictions, and falsehoods, without sincerely trying to find the truth and receive guidance from your Creator, you will find what appear to be errors, contradictions, and falsehoods, but are not, due to your ill intentions. Two people can look at the same religion or read the same verses of God's Scriptures and achieve two different outcomes due to their intentions.    True faith is beneficial only to sincere people seeking guidance; misguiding those who are not sincere, genuine, and honest in their spiritual quests—those who reject divine guidance and spiritual truth when shown to them and who are too stubborn arrogant to accept it.   Faith and guidance are the most valuable possessions one can acquire. If you choose to seek God, He will assist you in this beautiful journey of finding His Path. Guidance can come only from Him and is available to anyone who seeks it. So, ask Him to guide you on the straight path—the path to Him. You do not have to name Him; only say, "You who created me and this whole universe, please guide me and bring me closer to you!" One guided by God can never go astray, and whomever God allows to go astray, no one else can guide.    God guides those who struggle to find the path to Him and strive to do good. When a person chooses guidance, God will increase them in guidance. May God make us among them! If one chooses misguidance and rejects God and His Message when they see signs of His existence, God will increase them in misguidance. May God not make us among them! One must put in the effort and take the first steps to find God, and God will guide them.   To my dear Christian, you must research and learn the authentic message of Jesus Christ. God, the Almighty, has distinguished man above His other creations by providing humankind with the gift of reason. One would not be considered a rational being if they had faith without using their intellect to investigate, rationalize, analyze, and reflect on their beliefs, blindly following their Church and pastor. To my dear Christian, take the time to research and think for yourself. Do not procrastinate and do not take the matter of faith lightly, as you are not guaranteed a tomorrow! The test of life can end at any moment. Realize that you did not come to this book by random chance. Your Creator has guided you here.  
3/11/20224 minutes, 28 seconds