Learn to aquascape! ScapeFu covers all areas of the art and science of planted aquariums.
Seachem and the Planted Aquarium Hobby | ScapeFu061
In this week's episode of the ScapeFu Podcast, Daniel Griffin of Seachem gives us an inside look at Seachem and it's view/support of the planted aquarium hobby.
20/4/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
How to raise your substrate?
14/4/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
UK Aquascaping Experience 2016 Recap | ScapeFu060
In episode 60 of the ScapeFu Podcast, Jurijs shares his experience at the recent UK Aquascaping Experience 2016. It's a fun episode especially for all of you that were not able to make it this year.
Full show notes with pictures of the hardscape entries can be found at http://scapefu.com/episode60
Thanks for listening!
11/4/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Lighting the Planted Aquarium with Cara Wade | ScapeFu059
Cara Wade, a lighting expert from Build My LED, tells you exactly what you should be looking for when thinking about lighting your planted aquarium. Cara clears up misconceptions and cuts through the marketing jargon that's floating out there. You are not going to want to miss this one!
Links mentioned in the show:
Lighting Basics ScapeFu043
Lighting Basics for the Planted Aquarium ScapeFu017
Introduction to Lighting ScapeFu
Aquatic Gardeners Association Convention DVDs
Nick Klase's MACNA Talk on LED
Thanks for listening!
4/4/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Mineralized Soil with Sean Murphy | ScapeFu058
Sean Murphy is the first to use mineralized soil in planted aquariums intentionally. Mineralized soil retains all of the beneficial nutrients but removes almost 100% of the organics that regular soil has. This minimizes the changes of algae while still providing your plants with the nutrition they need.
Items mentioned:
Aaron Talbot's write up about Mineralized Soil and Sean's recipe at APC
GWAPA site
Potter's Clay
Muriate of Potash
Dustin's Dirt
If you haven't downloaded the ScapeFu App, please consider doing so. It helps us to defray the cost of bringing you the ScapeFu Podcast every week. Download the iOS or Android versions.
21/3/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Get to Know Jeff Miotke | ScapeFu057
Jeff Miotke is an aquascaper from the USA and he's very talented. Get to know Jeff in this episode of the ScapeFu Podcast.
Show notes with some of Jeff's tanks
14/3/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Fertilizing the Planted Aquarium - How we do it | ScapeFu056
Show notes (available March 8, 2016)
7/3/2016 • 1 hora, 0 segundos
Ways to Fertilize Your Plants | ScapeFu055
Ways to Fertilize Your Plants
In ScapeFu episode 55, Art starts a podcast series on the ways people fertilize aquarium plants today. It's a foundation podcast to be followed by deep dives into Estimative Index, Mineralized Soil, PPS and more.
Here's what you'll learn on this episode:
Some history on the way people use to fertilize aquarium plants
What you should do to figure out what method is best for you
Substrate methods
Substrate + Water Column methods
Water Column methods
Commercial solutions
Nutrient Calculators
Some of the links mentioned in the show:
Jurijs' massive aquascape livestream
UK Aquatic Experience
ScapeFu Podcast episode on Wabikusa
Great Plains Aquatic Association Event
Diana Walstad's El Natural Method
Tom Barr's Estimative Index
Edward's Perpetual Preservation System
Aquarium Calculators
APC's Fertilator
JBL's calculators
Yet Another Nutrient Calculator
The AquaTools Calculator
Zorfox Nutrient Calculator
Jame's Nutrient Calculator
31 Days to Build a Better Aquascape
29/2/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Top 10 Reasons People Fail and How to Avoid Them | ScapeFu054
Top 10 Reasons People Fail and How to Avoid Them
Today, it is relatively easy to have a healthy, beautiful aquarium. It’s within anybody’s reach if they take the time to do a little research and purchase the right equipment. However, in spite of all the available information out there, many beginners fail and, some, give up and quit.
In this episode, we share with you the top 10 reasons why people fail and we teach you how to avoid them. If you’re struggling with your planted aquarium, this is for you.
Links Mentioned
The 1 Thing Takashi Amano Does That You Don't
31 Days to Build a Better Aquascape
Dry Start Method: 7 Tips for Success
Golden Equilibrium series
Aquascapes Deconstructed
Algae Prevention: How we do it
Help with Algae
The best way to hear the ScapeFu Podcast and support the show is to download the ScapeFu App. As a bonus, you'll get the weekly Ask Art Podcast for free. Thank you for supporting our work!
iOS ScapeFu App | Android ScapeFu App
You can always reach us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.
Are you on Facebook? Please LIKE the ScapeFu Page!
Use Twitter? Follow us @ScapeFu
Lastly, if you enjoy listening to our work on a weekly basis, please help us get the word out about the ScapeFu Podcast to others. Word of mouth promotion is the only way we advertise and we can't do it without you. Please bring up the ScapeFu Podcast to your friends, forum members and at club meetings.
Thank you so much for your support
21/2/2016 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Aquascaping Styles We Love | ScapeFu053
In episode 53, JJ and Art divulge their love affair with certain aquascaping styles. It's a Valentines Day special episode.
This is a picture heavy episode so we encourage you to visit the episode post on ScapeFu when you can. There you will see examples of the beautiful aquascaping styles we are talking about.
The best way to hear the ScapeFu Podcast and support the show is to download the ScapeFu App. As a bonus, you'll get the weekly Ask Art Podcast for free. Thank you for supporting our work!
iOS ScapeFu App | Android ScapeFu App
You can always reach us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.
Are you on Facebook? Please LIKE the ScapeFu Page!
Use Twitter? Follow us @ScapeFu
Lastly, if you enjoy listening to our work on a weekly basis, please help us get the word out about the ScapeFu Podcast to others. Word of mouth promotion is the only way we advertise and we can't do it without you. Please bring up the ScapeFu Podcast to your friends, forum members and at club meetings.
Thank you so much for your support
15/2/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Trimming Plants | AskArt020
Today's question comes from Heather:
When do you trim leaves that are showing deficiency symptoms?
What is the proper way to trim plants?
If you'd like to leave a question for Art to answer on the Ask Art Podcast, please visit the Ask Art page for instructions.
10/2/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Interview with Ghazanfar Ghori | ScapeFu002
Re-released of the long lost ScapeFu episode 2 with an interview with Ghazanfar Ghori.
8/2/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
First Episode of ScapeFu Podcast
This is the first episode of the ScapeFu Podcast. I'm re-releasing it as it has been lost to some of you since we migrated to our current host.
8/2/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Aquascaping the Nano Tank | ScapeFu052
A nano tank can be alluring to a beginner. It's low cost entry point, the promise of easier maintenance, and it's ability to fit almost anywhere make the nano tank almost a no-brainer for beginners. After all, aren't we always taught to start small? It makes sense, right?
However, the reality is, nano tanks are not always easy. They bring some challenges. With less water volume, things happen quicker. Also, such a small footprint makes it difficult to aquascape.
Finally, finding the right plants, fish, hardscape and equipment for it can be difficult. In this episode, we share our thoughts on the pros and cons of nano tanks for aquascaping and give you tips and techniques that you can use if you choose to go the nano route.
Why would someone want to do a nano tank aquascape?
It is cheaper given the smaller equipment needed and some equipment may not be needed at all
People are less intimidated with a smaller tank when they are beginning.
Your significant other may not approve a large tank when you're starting out. You need time to convince them that a bigger tank really is necessary.
There is a myth that nano tanks take less work than larger tanks.
Challenges of a nano tank aquascape
Look at any aquascaping contest to see what work was the best in show and you will see that nano tanks are never represented.
It is very difficult to properly aquascape a nano tank given it small dimensions.
Given the small amount of water, things can go wrong very quickly.
Maintenance is necessary on a more frequent basis.
Finding plants, fish and equipment to fit the smaller size can be challenging.
Tips and techniques for aquascaping a nano tank.
Choosing the right plants
Anubias nana petite
dwarf hairgrass Eleocharis acicularis
Cyrptocoryne parva
Hemianthus callitrichoides (HC)
Pogostemon helferi
Staurogyne sp. "repent"'
Bucephalandra spec
Marsilea hirsuta
Marsilea crenata
Eleocharis mini/pussila
Choosing the right hardscape
Choose hardscape dominant or plant dominant not both (ryuboku)
Don't forget detail work is still important in a nano
Perspective and depth
Are you after a detailed view of a small space or looking to make the nano seem bigger?
All elements must complement each other in terms of size, texture, color, etc.
Depending on the size, the rule of thirds may not make the work look better.
Keep it simple as complicated aquascapes tend to make the aquascape seem smaller
Fish choices for the nano Tank
ember tetra
Dwarf pencilfish
Scarlet badis (Dario dario)
celestial pearl danio
White could mountain minnow
Solitary betta?
Blue neon (p.simulans)
Rasbora espei
Corydoras pygmaeus
Galaxy rasbora
Borara spec
Equipment for the nano Tank
AquaTop Nano Type-P LED light for Planted Tanks
Fluval Nano Aqua Life and Plant Performance LED Lamp
Do you even need one?
Zoo med Nano 10 External Canister Filter
Fluval Nano Aquarium Filter
Finnex Pure-5 Power Aquarium Filter
Eden 501 - very popular in Germany
Dennerle ScapersFlow (HOB) - I really like this one. I hope they make it to the US soon!
Roll your own
Carbon dioxide
Fluval Mini CO2 Supply Set
Nano kit from Tropica Aquarium Plants
Examples of good nano tank aquascapes
Diego Sandoval is the master of the micro aquascaping. His works are amazingly small and amazingly beautiful.
The featured image at the top of this post is of one of Diego's magnificent miniature aquascapes. The work is entitled "Towards Destiny" as is a wonderful example of how proper scale can make a nano tank seem much larger than what it really is.
Please go visit Diego's site and marvel at his artistry. Tell him you heard about him in the ScapeFu Podcast. Some of the links mentioned in the episode:
180p livestream
EAPLC 2015 nano top 10
GAPLC 2014 nano
AGA 2015 under 60 liters
Diego Sandoval's Blog
Miniscape contest – still running until February 15, 2016!!
Green Leaf Aquariums' CO2 Regulator Manifold
Bonus question from George Farmer
George Farmer - "What's the best way to minimise equipment on show in a nano tank? Some aquariums are so small that any equipment at all looks very distracting. Keep up the great work, guys!" Thanks, George! Jurijs replied to George at the end of the episode but you're going to have to listen to it to find our what he said!
The best way to hear the ScapeFu Podcast and support the show is to download the ScapeFu App. As a bonus, you'll get the weekly Ask Art Podcast for free. Thank you for supporting our work!
iOS ScapeFu App | Android ScapeFu App
You can always reach us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!
Are you on Facebook? Please LIKE the ScapeFu Page!
Use Twitter? Follow us @ScapeFu
8/2/2016 • 1 hora, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Algae Prevention and Elimination - How We Do It | ScapeFu051
Algae Prevention & Elimination - How We Do It | ScapeFu051
In episode 51, Jurijs, JJ and Art share with you how they prevent and eliminate algae. If you've ever struggled with algae, you need to have a listen. And, it's Jurijs' birthday!
In this episode, you'll learn:
Can you win the battle over algae?
Sterilizing techniques including "cooking"
Best way to prevent algae
Maintenance crew examples
How we eliminate algae
Links mentioned in this episode:
UK Aquascaping Experience
ADA 180p Event on February 27, 2016
Black Brush Algae (BBA) - How to Kill it | ScapeFu047
Estimative Index Fertilization by Tom Barr
The water stop that Jurijs uses
Reverse Osmosis System used by Jurijs
Twinstar interview with Dave Chow | ScapeFu020
AlgaeFix Algae Control
Aquatic Essentials - JJ and Gabriel's site
Support the show and show your appreciation by downloading the ScapeFu App. It's the best way to listen to the show, get it before anyone else and also get the app-only Ask Art Podcast. iOS ScapeFu App | Android ScapeFu App
We want to hear from you! Reach us at [email protected]
1/2/2016 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
How to Slow Down an Aquascape | AskArt018
In the 18th episode of the Ask Art Podcast, Gabriel asks about slowing down an aquascape to a nice idle. Also, a sneak peak at the 31 Days to Build a Better Aquascape Challenge 2016.
Links mentioned in the episode:
Golden equilibrium post on ScapeFu
Send Art a question for the Ask Art Podcast
Thank you for being a loyal listener and supporter of the ScapeFu and Ask Art Podcasts. We hope you are getting value and entertainment from them.
Other ways to support our efforts:
Tell other hobbyists about the ScapeFu App and Podcast
Leave a review on iTunes
Send us feedback
31/1/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Re-scaping: How We Do It | ScapeFu050
Celebrating our 50th episode! We talk about re-scaping your aquarium. Jurijs, JJ and Art share how they re-scape with pro tips for you.
Re-scaping Your Aquarium
In this episode, you will learn:
Re-scaping is versus tweaking
How to prepare to re-scape correctly and avoid problems/mistakes
How you take apart an aquarium properly so that you can re-scape
How best to implement your re-scape
Tweaking for when you don't want a full reset
Links mentioned in the episode:
Takashi Amano partial re-scaping video
Jurijs' two in one layout - a good example of tweaking versus re-scaping
The 1 Thing Amano Does that You Don't
ScapeFu Dojo video
How to Create a Beautiful (and growing) Wabikusa | ScapeFu026
Aquatic Essentials - Need help installing or maintaining an aquascape? If you're in South Florida, JJ and team can help
Show notes with pictures
How about you? Have you done a re-scape before? Contemplating one? Tell us about it in the comments!
The best way to support the show is by buying the ScapeFu app. As a free gift, you will get access to all of the Ask Art Podcasts - my weekly show where I answer one of your questions. You can download the app by going to your app store: iOS ScapeFu App | Android ScapeFu App
We want to hear from you! Send us an email: [email protected]
25/1/2016 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Help with BBA - AskArt017
In episode 17 of the Ask Art Podcast, Art answers James' question on how to deal with BBA in some of his tanks.
If you want to send Art a question to be answered in the Ask Art Podcast, just go to AskArt.help.
20/1/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Behind the Scenes of the 2015 EAPLC | ScapeFu049
In 2015, the third edition of the European Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (EAPLC) was held for the whole of Europe. In this episode, Jurijs and Art share with you a behind the scenes look at at the EAPLC from their perspectives as event organizer/judge (Jurijs) and independent judge (Art).
In ScapeFu episode #49, you will learn:
The history of the EAPLC
The 2015 judges (what a group!)
How do judges go about scoring the works
What's in store for the 2016 EAPLC
Show Notes
We discussed 5 Reasons to Join an Aquascaping Contest in the past.
The 2015 Judges Panel:
ADA Japan (in deputy for Takashi Amano)
Oliver Knott (Germany)
Viktor Lantos (greenaqua Hungary)
Ralf Gerlach (Tropica,Denmark)
Dave Chow (China)
Luca Galarraga (Brazil)
Jurijs Jutjajevs (Germany) - Jurijs!
Art Pennom (USA) - me!
George Farmer (UK)
Adam Paszczela (Poland)
The 2015 Organization Team:
Boris Hildebrandt
Jörg Buhlmann
Jurijs Jutjajevs
The 2015 Sponsors:
Aqua Design Amano
Dähne Verlag (exclusive media partner)
WABIKUSA - Category
This year Wabikusa category received almost twice amount of entries. This leaves no doubt Wabikusa is trending!
Platz 1 – Frederic Fuss (Germany)
Platz 2 – Andre Franken (Germany)
Platz 3 – Peter Slacka (Slovakia)
Platz 4 – Albert Escrihuela (Spain)
Platz 5 – Pedro Rosa (Portugal)
Platz 6 – Roberto Bielli (Italy)
Platz 7 – Enrico Fortuna (Italy)
Platz 8 – Wilco Piest (Netherlands)
Platz 9 – Sascha Hoyer (Germany)
Platz 10 – Miguel Angel Garcia (Spain)
NANO – Category
“Less is more” is how to describe the Nano category. Presented works look huge and are more difficult to accomplish compared to regular sized aquariums.
Platz 1 – Frederic Fuss (Germany)
Platz 2 – Vladimir Tomek (Czech Republic)
Platz 3 – Alexander Maletin (Russian Federation)
Platz 4 – Mikolaj Weterle (Poland)
Platz 5 – Andre Franken (Germany)
Platz 6 – Daniel Nagy (Hungary)
Platz 7 – David Barandiaran (France)
Platz 8 – Swee Lim Cheah (France)
Platz 9 – Lajos Nincsics (Hungary)
Platz 10 – Tamas Janos Danicska (Hungary)
STANDARD – Category
Finally the top 10 of the most desired category. Making a head to head race, the winner is Gregoire Wolinski! Three times in a row winning EAPLC is such a great achievement, for this reason we decided to nominate Gregoire Wolinski as a honor member of the judges board 2016.
Platz 1 – Gregoire Wolinski (France)
Platz 2 – Ulrich Poupin (France)
Platz 3 – Annika Reinke und Marcel Runde (Germany)
Platz 4 – Julien Voultoury (France)
Platz 5 – Michael Reinke (France)
Platz 6 – Olivier Thebaud (France)
Platz 7 – Serkan Cetinkol (Turkey)
Platz 8 – Amparo Piera (Spain)
Platz 9 – Grigoriy Polishchuk (Ukraine)
Platz 10 – Vladimir Trcka (Czech Republic)
For pictures from the EAPLC, please go to the main ScapeFu049 show notes page.
18/1/2016 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 1 segundo
UK Aquatic Experience 2016
Professional aquascaper, George Farmer, joins Art to talk about the UK Aquascaping Experience taking place the 5th day of March, 2016. If you will be in the UK in March, I would highly recommend that you make an effort to attend. It's free.
There will be 4 events:
Hardscape Challenge with a £1,000 prize - Information on how to enter the hardscape challenge
Aquascaping Demonstration
Photography Workshop
Aquascaping Seminar
Have a listen and let us know if you go.
16/1/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Reflecting on 2015 Looking Forward to 2016 | ScapeFu048
Reflecting on 2015 and Looking Forward to 2016
In episode 48 of the ScapeFu Podcast, Art and Jurijs reflect on 2015 and tell you what they have planned for 2016. They have big goals for this year!
Links mentioned in the episode
Jurijs' German site Lernscapen
Submersed Forest - Takashi Amano's masterpiece and largest aquascape in the world
Practical Fishkeeping's article on Takashi Amano's passing
You can always contact ScapeFu with any questions
If you use Twitter, I'm at @scapefu
11/1/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Black Brush Algae (BBA) - How to Kill it | ScapeFu047
Black Brush Algae (BBA) - How to kill it
This is a first in a series on understanding algae that commonly plague our aquariums. We kick off the series with the infamous Black Brush Algae a/k/a BBA.
The Aquatic Experience in Chicago
Aqvainnova - Dennerle - JBJ
Shout out to Green Leaf Aquariums
Lupy LED - theONE coming in the Winter of 2015
Get to know Black Brush Algae (BBA)
Black brush algae (BBA) is one of the toughest algae to get rid of in the aquarium. It’s tenacious and can overtake and suffocate your plants in a matter of a couple of weeks if not controlled.
It belongs to the Phylum Rhodophyta (Greek meaning, red plant) that includes 5,000 to 6,000 species of mostly multicellular, marine algae. There are 164 freshwater species mostly in the genus Lemanea and Audouinella.
Black brush algae (BBA) is stiff bristle-like branched or unbranched similar to a coarse horsehair. You can recognize it in tight tufts on hardscape and will line the edges of your plant leaves. It’s also known ask black beard algae because it resembles coarse beard hair.
It’s blue-green to olive to dark grey in color when young. It’s typically found in fast-moving streams where it’s ability to anchor itself comes in handy. Unfortunately, that same ability makes it extremely difficult to remove.
How does black brush algae (BBA) get into your aquarium
Easy. It hitchhiked in via plants or even in the guts of fish or inverts. Once the spores are in, they can reproduce quickly under the right conditions.
Does CO2 deficiency or inconsistency lead to black brush algae (BBA)?
Yes, but this isn’t specific to BBA. Inconsistent or deficient CO2 will cause an imbalance in the golden equilibrium that will cause any algae to grow, not just BBA. So, although this is widely thought to be a cause of BBA outbreaks, it’s not totally correct.
Does vitamin B12 cause black brush algae (BBA)?
Well, that’s an interesting question. There’s a great thread on this at the UKAPS, entitled What exactly causes BBA? Part 2 - Bacterial imbalance.
Here’s the summarized version: High organics in the aquarium cause heterotrophic bacteria to grow exponentially and outcompete the common nitrifying bacteria that we’re used to. Heterotrophic bacteria will result in an increase in vitamin B12 as a byproduct and a decrease in O2 further limiting nitrifying bacteria.
Black brush algae (BBA) uses B12 to grow and the decreased nitrification causes an excess of ammonium that algae use to grow.
Problems with this theory:
You don’t know if the species of black brush algae (BBA) that is in your aquarium, requires vitamin B12 to grow.
Decreased nitrification/increase of ammonium should be taken up by plants, if you are sticking to the golden equilibrium
An increase in heterotrophic bacteria will result in an increase of CO2 that should improve plant growth
Focusing on B12 is a bit misleading because black brush algae (BBA), like any other algae species, requires a number of different nutrients not just B12. One study even found that caffeine cause a significant increase in algal growth
How to eliminate Black Brush Algae (BBA)
It is my opinion that, just like any algae, an imbalance in the golden equilibrium is what causes algae outbreaks. So, first and foremost, it is critical to rebalance the golden equilibrium.
Known methods to control black brush algae (BBA)
Maintain golden equilibrium - most important
Maintenance Crew - Siamese Algae Eater and black mollies
Hydrogen peroxide (H202) standard store bought 3%
Seachem Excel (gluteraldahyde)
Quarantine fish and dip your plants - Dip the affected plants or decor in the 1:20 bleach solution for about 10-15 mins and then thoroughly rinse in running water.
Don’t buy plants from unknown sources or big box stores
Download the ScapeFu App - iOS version | Android version
Contact us via email - Art’s email | JJ, Jurijs & Art email
2/11/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Dosing Vinegar in Your Aquarium? | ScapeFu046
Dosing Vinegar in Your Aquarium
Yes, I mean real vinegar. Literally.
Here's what you'll learn:
Why vinegar may be a good thing to add?
What does it do to cyanobacteria/blue-green algae?
Art's accidental experiment while on vacation
How to add vinegar to your aquarium
ScapeFu post on this episode.
Links mentioned:
Aquatic Experience
Heterotrophic Bacteria and Their Practical Applications in a Freshwater Aquarium
Dosing Sugar or Vodka
If you're not listening to this podcast on the ScapeFu app, why not? It would help us out tremendously AND you get the app-only Ask Art Podcast.
Go get it:
iOS version
Android version
26/10/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Aqvainnova is finally here! | ScapeFu045
Aqvainnova is finally here!
In episode 45 of the ScapeFu Podcast, JJ talks with Esther Mous of Aqvainnova, a new company created to bring quality aquarium plants to the USA.
What you'll learn:
Why did Aqua Flora and Anubias create Aqvainnova?
What is so special about their Linea Zero Aquarium Plants?
When and where they will be launching?
ScapeFu Supplemental Post on Aqvainnova and ScapeFu #45
Links mentioned:
Aqua Flora
Aquatic Experience
Linea Zero Aquarium Plant List
Linea in Vitro Aquarium Plant List
If you haven't already, please download the ScapeFu App for iOS or the ScapeFu App for Android. You will be helping us tremendously and you get the Ask Art Podcast as a thank you.
Join the growing ScapeFu Community Forums
21/10/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
From Zero to Aquascape for $100 | ScapeFu044
"I would love to set up one of those beautiful planted aquariums but I don't have the money right now."
Do you know someone who's said that? Perhaps, it's been your excuse?
In ScapeFu Podcast #44, Jurijs and Art commit to a new challenge. They will go from zero to a full aquascape for about $100. In the episode, they explain how they plan on doing it.
It won't be easy and thinking outside the box will critical. Can they do it? What do you think?
Here is Art's list of materials:
10 US gallon aquarium from Walmart $13.62
CaribSea Eco Complete 20 lb. Black Planted Aquarium Substrate $22.99
Finnex Pure-5 Power Aquarium Filter $15.96
Finnex StingRAY LED Clip Light $23.84
Seachem Flourish 250ml $5.86
Fluval Mini Pressurized 20g CO2 Kit $24.99
Fluval CO2 Indicator Kit $11,43
Zilla Malaysian Driftwood $8.28
Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo' In Vitro $10.99
Total: $137.96 ($37.96 over at the moment)
Here is Jurijs' list of materials:
ADA mini M 36x22x26cm (float glas) 36,90€
Cheap 20x20x25cm cube 12,59€
ADA Amazonia 3 liter bag 15,90€
Philips Tornado 23watt 6500k 1500 lumen 9,87€
Ikea Lersta or Tertial 14,99€
Eden 501 Filter 300 l/h 26,18€
Invitro cub HC 8,5cm 6,95€
Nano pump Sera FD150 11,99€
Dennerle Bio Co2 kit 8,95€
Tropica plant growth 125 ml 6,95€
Total: 151.27€ (51.27€ over at the moment)
What do you think of the lists? Tell us in the comments below!
Why don't you join us?
Got an extra C-note to spare? Why don't you join us in this challenge?? We'd love to have company!
Tell us what your list would be and send us pictures as you build it. Let's build the $100 aquascape together.
ScapeFu App - if you don't have it already, we would VERY MUCH appreciate it if you would help us out by downloading the ScapeFu App. Here's what you get:
Easy download and listening to the ScapeFu Podcast
The app-only Ask Art Podcast
Access to every ScapeFu Podcast episode
Great positive karma for help us defray the cost of bringing you ScapeFu
A warm fuzzy feeling because you're awesome
The iOS version of the ScapeFu App.
The Android version of the ScapeFu App.
ScapeFu Tribe Community - we now have a small forum to discuss ScapeFu Podcast episodes. Go check it out!
Affiliate disclaimer- some of the links above are Amazon referral links. ScapeFu will receive a small affiliate referral fee if you purchase via that link. It doesn't increase the amount you pay and it helps us defray the cost of ScapeFu. We thank you for your help.
21/9/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Light Basics for Planted Aquariums Part 1 | ScapeFu043
Light Basics for Planted Aquariums Part 1 | ScapeFu043
In this episode of the ScapeFu Podcast, Art introduces the concept of light for the planted aquarium. It's intended for beginners and presents complicated concepts in an easy to understand format.
More advanced concepts will be explained in following podcasts.
Please read the shownotes in conjunction with this podcast episode.
Related ScapeFu Podcast episodes:
Lighting for the planted aquarium
The ScapeFu App is now available for iOS and Android. Please help defray the costs of ScapeFu by downloading the app today!
Please join the ScapeFu Tribe Community Forum. We are discussing this podcast episode and more. Looking forward to speaking with you there!
Moss Graffiti: A Foolproof? Moss Starting Method | ScapeFu042
In this episode, Art walks you step-by-step through this method of starting moss for your aquascape. Want that old, moss covered forest look? This is how to get it.
The ScapeFu App:
iPhone/iPad version
Android version
Items mentioned in this episodes:
WikiHow on Moss Graffiti
George Farmer's post on UKAPS
The 1 Thing Takashi Amano Does that YOU Don't
ScapeFu Dojo Video
Mist Maker Fogger
Petco Humidity Guage
Video on making a CO2 generator
7/9/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
We are back - ScapeFu041
We Are Back
Hi! We hope you had a great summer!
JJ, Jurijs and I are back to our regular ScapeFu recording schedule.
This is a short episode. We go over what we've been up to and Jurijs shares some of what he's going through moving his aquariums to a different city. Read more about it on Jurijs' Facebook page.
ScapeFu Community Forums - you told us you wanted a place to gather and discuss ScapeFu Podcast episodes and grow as a community. The ScapeFu Community Forums is where we will do exactly that. Go sign up and join the growing community!
ScapeFu App - we now have an App for the ScapeFu Podcast! Not only are you helping us pay for producing and hosting the ScapeFu Podcast, but you get to hear every single episode of the ScapeFu Podcast and the "App-only" Ask Art Podcast. Please consider downloading it to your iOS iPhone, iPad or iPod. The Android version is coming soon!
Thank you so much for listening and supporting the ScapeFu Podcast. As always, you can reach us at [email protected]
Best personal regards,
Art Pennom
30/8/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Update and Housekeeping
Update and Housekeeping
Art explains the reason for the recent lack of episodes. He goes on to make some announcements:
Ask Art Podcasts wll now be released via the ScapeFu App
We will be doing a tribute show remembering Takashi Amano. If he influenced you, please tell us how. We will read your email on the air during the tribute show.
In order to keep future podcasts serving you, please let us know what you like about your aquarium and what you're not happy with. Please send us an email and let us know.
23/8/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Modding Your Aquarium Cabinet | ScapeFu039
Modding Your Aquarium Cabinet
Jurijs and Art discuss how you can, and should, modify your cabinet to make it as beautiful as your aquarium.
Detailed Show Notes
6/7/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Pro Aquascaper George Farmer Gives You His Best Advice | ScapeFu039
In episode 39 of the ScapeFu Podcast, Art has a one hour conversation with professional aquascaper, George Farmer. It's a thought-provoking and educational conversation you won't want to miss.
Link to full show notes.
Join the ScapeFu Tribe to be notified by email when each episode is released.
29/6/2015 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Iwagumi Aquascaping Style Explained | ScapeFu037
Iwagumi Aquascaping Style Explained | ScapeFu037
Detailed Show Notes.
Please subscribe to the Ask Art Podcast. It's a short-format, question and answer podcast where I answer one of your aquarium-related questions each episode so that you don't need to search through the forums for an answer.
22/6/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
5 Reasons Why YOU Should Enter an Aquascaping Contest | ScapeFu036
5 Reasons Why YOU Should Enter an Aquascaping Contest
Detailed show notes.
Please also subscribe to the Ask Ar
15/6/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The 1 Thing Takashi Amano Does That YOU Don't
The 1 Thing Takashi Amano Does That YOU Don't is...
Let me show you how to practice aquascaping.
Detailed shownotes.
Direct link to accompanying Youtube video.
Beginning Aquascaper series - Nathan Perossa
In the first of a series on Beginning Aquascapers, ScapeFu #33 focuses on Nathan Perossa from Australia. He’s only four weeks into his aquascaping journey and shares what he’s learned so far.
Show notes
25/5/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
What you missed at the AGA Convention 2015 | ScapeFu032
The Aquatic Gardeners Association Convention 2015 was held in beautiful Washington, DC on April 10-12, 2015. In episode 32, JJ and I take you there! We had a great time and we hope you’ll find our overview entertaining. Next time, maybe we can record you at the 2017 Convention!
Have a listen!
Show notes
18/5/2015 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Low Tech Aquascaping: What You Need to Know
Low Tech Aquascaping: What you need to know
Low tech aquariums are the oldest type of aquarium but they've lost the limelight to high tech, full-throttle aquariums. In this episode, we give you what you need to know to set up your own low tech aquascape.
Full show notes: Low Tech Aquascaping
11/5/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
CO2 Regulators Explained | ScapeFu034
CO2 Regulators are one of the most important pieces of equipment for a planted aquarium. In episode 34, we explain CO2 regulators in detail and tell you what YOU need to know to make an informed purchasing decision.
Detailed show notes
4/5/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Aquarium Photography: Tutorial for Aquascaping
Aquarium Photography: Tutorial for Aquascaping
ScapeFu Podcast Episode 30 full show notes.
Learning to photograph your aquascape is like learning how to not kill plants. Your need to do it to improve your aquascaping and make your aquarium beautiful.
In episode 30, we tell you the secrets to taking winning aquascaping photos from famed aquascaper from Portugal, Filipe Oliveira, and professional photographer and aquascaper from the UK, Stu Worrall. Jurijs and I wrap up this pro tip-packed episode with the tips to take your aquarium photography to the next level.
Additional resources:
Filipe's old blog
Aquascape Photography - CAU
ADA Video on Aquarium Photography
Aquarium Photography how-to from Nikon
3/5/2015 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Killing Blue Green Algae - SFPT009
Killing Blue Green Algae/Cyanobacteria - SFPT009
Today, it’s all about ways to knock out the smelliest of all algaes - blue green algae a/k/a cyanobacteria!
Yes my friends, those of you that have been visited by this nasty, slimy type of algae know what I’m talking about. It’s an ugly bugger. Here’s how to get rid of it.
More details available in the shownotes.
Do you have a tip that is making your aquascape or life better?
Please pay it forward and share it with your fellow hobbyists! Send it to Art at [email protected] and he'll share it on a future ScapeFu Wednesday Pro Tip!
Become a friend of the show by subscribing to the podcast on iTunes and leaving us an honest rating. It will really help us promote the show.
8/4/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Excel to Kill Algae | SFPT008
1/4/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Takashi Amano's Underwater Forest - Largest Nature Aquarium | SF029
Takashi Amano's Underwater Forests - Behind the Scene by Jurijs | SF029
The largest nature aquarium in the world is located at the Lisbon Oceanario. It's a temporary exhibit created by Takashi Amano called Florestas Submerses or Underwater Forests.
Our very own Jurijs was there as one of the volunteers. In ScapeFu Podcast 29, Jurijs takes us behind the scene and walks us through what it was like to spend a week with Takashi Amano and his team.
Questions covered include:
What was the typical day?
What substrate was used?
What equipment is being used to maintain the world's largest nature aquarium?
How was Takashi Amano like?
What planning did Aqua Design Amano do to prepare for this?
And many more
Read more about it and see pictures by visiting the show notes: http://www.scapefu.com/29
Please subscribe to the ScapeFu Podcast on:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/scapefu/id389713289?mt=2
Stitcher (Android): http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/art-pennom/scapefu-podcast
Join the ScapeFu Tribe and get email updates for FREE: http://forms.aweber.com/form/57/1084542957.htm
28/3/2015 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Automating Fertilization | ScapeFu Wednesday Pro Tip
25/3/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
5 Characteristics of the Perfect Substrate | ScapeFu028
5 Characteristics of the Perfect Substrate | ScapeFu028
What type of substrate should I use in my aquarium?
This is a question we hear all the time. Perhaps you’ve asked it? It’s a good one because the substrate you use in your aquarium has a lot to do with whether you succeed or fail. Depending on the size of your aquarium and your aquascape, it may be one of the more expensive things to buy as well.
Aquatic Gardeners Association 2015 Convention in Reston, VA April 10–12
Aqua Design Amano’s “Largest Nature Aquarium in the World” in Lisbon. The gag order on Jurijs is now lifted! Come back for the next episode of the ScapeFu Podcast where Jurijs will give us all the “behind the scene” details!
5 Characteristics of the PERFECT substrate
Appearance suitable for the aquascape. Does it meet your vision for the aquascape? It’s got to look good to you or everything else doesn’t matter. Remember that you’re trying to tell a story with your aquascape and the substrate must help you do that. Consider the color, size and texture of the granules and what sense of scale it will give the viewer.
Any good substrate must properly anchor your roots. It’s got to hold them down well. Use too large of a granual size and your tiny rooted plants will have a tough time staying down. Also, it should won’t turn to mush over time. If you use soil, for example, you’ll end up with a mess. Soil + water = mud…
The substrate must be capable of functioning as a nutrient storehouse. What I mean by this is that a good substrate will have/absorb essential nutrients and hold them (out of solution or in solution but only in the substrate) so that plants can take them up. A substrate’s Cataion Exchange Capacity (CEC) is one way to measure how good a substrate is at doing this.
The all-knowning Wiki tells us that CEC is the total capacity of a soil to hold exchangeable cations. CEC is an inherent soil characteristic and is difficult to alter significantly. It influences the soil’s ability to hold onto essential nutrients and provides a buffer against soil acidification.
Another way substrates create a nutrient storehouse is by providing the proper home to bacteria and microorganism that convert nutrients to forms available to plants. They also finish certain cycles such as the nitrogen cycle. They are critical for the long-term success of your aquarium.
The perfect substrate won’t negatively affect water chemistry. Substrates with limestone/calcium will change the hardness of your water. Pour some muriatic acid (CAREFUL!) on a substrate that you’re unsure of and see if it bubbles, fizzles or melts. Don’t use it if it does.
The perfect substrate won’t cloud the water by constantly releasing substances such as tannins.
Bonus! The perfect substrate is cheap and easy to obtain. But, should it be cheap?
Question: is a combination of substrates (for example, Power Sand + Aquasoil) better than only one substrate (Aquasoil)?
We’ve done it both ways and either works.
What are some of the commercial substrates we’ve used?
Seachem Flourite
CaribSea Eco-Complete
ADA Power Sand and Aqua Soil
We would love it if you could please share this episode with your Facebook Followers. We don’t advertise so this is the only way we have to get the word out about The ScapeFu Podcast.
If you like what you’ve heard, please go to iTunes and rate, review and subscribe to the ScapeFu Podcast. It’s the easiest way to make sure you don’t miss an episode. They will be downloaded automatically to your device to listen to at your convenience.
Ways to Subscribe to the ScapeFu Podcast
Subscribe via iTunes
Subscribe via RSS
Subscribe via Stitcher (Andriod)
We’d love to hear from you about today’s topic or anything else. How can we help you?
The easiest way to reach us is via email. Art is at [email protected], JJ is at [email protected] and Jurijs is at [email protected].
21/3/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Pumice as Substrate Base Layer - ScapeFu Wednesday Pro Tip
This Wednesday Pro Tip comes to us courtesy of Giuseppe! It’s using pumice as a base layer in your substrate and it makes a lot of sense.
If your aquascape calls for a thick substrate and you’re wallet is starting to hurt because it’s going to cost a lot to use 100% expensive substrate, think about using a base layer of pumice to build it up. Then cover this layer with the substrate of choice.
This is a great idea because:
1. Saving money because it’s cheap and easy to get.
2. It creates a great environment for the microbes that are necessary in the substrate
It doesn’t have to be pumice. You can also use ceramic rings like the ones you put in filters. Really almost anything that’s inert will work.
Thanks, Guiseppe!
If you have a tip that you want to share with your fellow hobbyists, pay it forward and send it to us at [email protected]. We’ll share it with the world!
If you like what you heard, please subscribe to the ScapeFu Podcast. It’s free and easy. All you need to do is use iTunes or Stitcher on Android
18/3/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Dry Start Method: 7 Tips for Success | ScapeFu027
Dry Start Method - 7 Tips for Success | ScapeFu027
What is the Dry Start Method?
Popularized by Tom Barr back in 2007, the Dry Start Method is intended to solve a problem people have with setting up an aquarium with tiny carpet plants. The problems are:
These plants, like Hemianthus callitrichoides or HC, have tiny roots that are extremely difficult to plant.
There’s a tendency to float when you flood the aquarium with water.
HC also needs a lot of light and CO2 to grow well and carpet the aquarium bottom. Pressurized CO2, strong light and clear water are needed to get it established well in the aquarium. Not everyone can start with the right equipment and frequent water changes needed for clear water.
Algae is a risk until HC really takes root.
From Tom’s article, the benefits of the dry start method are:
No algae
No water changes/loose pieces floating around/being pulled up
No replanting
No cycling the aquarium
No dosing
No fiddling with CO2
No having to buy a lot of plant material initially
No transition from emergent to submersed states(some plants will, but with good CO2, this is greatly minimized)
No extra electrical cost running other equipment during the dry phase.
No labor
Can do it outside in a tray even………
Dry Start Method: 7 Tips for Success
Light for full 10–12 hours to power photosynthesis and growth.
Cover with cling wrap or glass or plastic. 100% for a few days then slowly peel corner.
Hills are OK but you may want to pre-saturate. In fact, always pre-saturate. No puddles!
Inert substrates will require liquid fertilizer. Dilute foliar fertilizer
Patience! Resist the urge to flood! Wait 3–6 weeks at least
When flooding, do 3–4 large 80%+ water changes to flush out substrate.
Mould or fungus - H2O2 1:4 with water or Excel straight up
Not everyone thinks the dry start method is the bomb. Niko’s post on APC for example. He suggests an ebb and flow system.
Focus on You
Five star iTunes Review! Yay!
The Best! by A_single_non from Australia “Art has come a long way since starting the podcast. He does a good job and is the only current podcast related to aquascaping. Keep it up! I really enjoy them and have listened to all of them.”
Barry from South Africa
Hi Art. Thank you for allowing me to become a member of ScapeFu. I’ve been an avid ’scaper for about ten years now and find your site to be very informative and easy to navigate around. your articles are not only relevant and packed with good practical advice, but easy to understand as well. I found the WabiKusa article very informative and a few tips that I will definitely try on my next one.
Hi guys, Just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for all of the work you do to share your experience and wisdom. I know the podcast/website is a ton of work to keep going, and is more of a labor of love for you instead of a revenue stream. One thought for topics - let’s help a newbie segment
We would love it if you could please share this episode with your Facebook Followers. We don’t advertise so this is the only way we have to get the word out about The ScapeFu Podcast.
If you like what you’ve heard, please go to iTunes and rate, review and subscribe to the ScapeFu Podcast. It’s the easiest way to make sure you don’t miss an episode. They will be downloaded automatically to your device to listen to at your convenience.
Ways to Subscribe to the ScapeFu Podcast
Subscribe via iTunes
Subscribe via RSS
Subscribe via Stitcher (Andriod)
We’d love to hear from you about today’s topic or anything else. How can we help you?
The easiest way to reach us is via email. Art is at [email protected], JJ is at [email protected] and Jurijs is at [email protected].
Links Mentioned in This Episode and Additional Resources
Tom Barr’s Original Article on the Dry Start Method
Nice Tutorial on the Dry Start Method
Old Emails on Emersed Growth from the Aquatic Plant Digest
Another How To
Tom’s Post in Aquatic Quotient with pictures
Tips When Flooding
Mold When Dry Starting
George Farmer on the Dry Start Method
George Farmer’s One-Pot Iwagumi Challenge
Nice Write-up on Dry Start Method
14/3/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Water Changes Using Python: ScapeFu Wednesday Pro Tip
Shownotes are at http://www.scapefu.com/protip004
11/3/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
SF 026: How to Create a Beautiful and Growing Wabikusa
Shownotes are at http://www.scapefu.com/26
7/3/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Tips from JJ: ScapeFu Pro Tip 005
3/3/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Using nylon stocking to hold down driftwood: ScapeFu Wednesday Pro Tip
20/2/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Oliver Knott at Aquatic Experience and Aqvainnova: ScapeFu025
20/2/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Jeff Senske at the Aquatic Experience Talking Aquavas and Aqvainnova: ScapeFu024
19/2/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu Wednesday Pro Tip: Plexiglass to Create Sections in Your Aquascape
17/2/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFuTip001: Plant Away From the Glass
11/2/2015 • 1 minuto, 0 segundos
3 Ways to Put Story Into Your Aquascape : ScapeFu023
6/2/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu022: Balazs Farkas
An interview with Balazs Farkas about his award-winning aquascape, Before the Creation of Adam.
24/1/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu 021: Professional Aquascaping
7/11/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu020 - Dave Chow, Twinstar and Algae in the Planted Aquarium
15/8/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu019: The Future of the Aquarium Plant Industry
25/7/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu018: Aquascaping Styles
21/7/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu017: The Basics of Lighting the Planted Aquarium
27/6/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu016: Aquascaping Analysis
20/6/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu015: Measuring CO2 in Your Aquarium
Carbon dioxide is a critical factor that determines, for many, success or failure with planted aquariums. Making sure you are providing enough to your plants given your unique aquarium situation can be challenging. In this episode, we dive into the science side of planted aquariums and discuss the importance of CO2 and how to go about making sure you are providing enough.
12/6/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu014: Mike Senske Talking Aquavas & 5 Tips to Incorporate an Aquarium into any Room
11/5/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
ScapeFu013: Cycling a planted fish tank?
Do you need to cycle a planted fish tank? Art, JJ and Tom Barr give you their thoughts.
1/5/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Scape Fu Episode 12
6/2/2014 • 1 hora, 0 segundos
Episode 10rev
6/2/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Scapefu new.output
6/2/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode 5 final
Scape Fu Episode 5: The Big One / / In this episode, Devin of ripariumsupply.com speaks to us about ripariums, Karen Randall discusses the hobby's past and the projects she's involved with and, finally, Jeff Senske talks aquascaping.
6/2/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode 3 final
Scape Fu Episode 3 - Double Feature / / In this episode we feature interviews with JohnN of AquascapingWorld.com and Frank Wazeter of Aquarium Design Group. We also bring you our Link of the Week- Guitarfish.org. Finally, we close with some iTunes
6/2/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
episode 4 final
6/2/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
AGA Convention 1
AGA Convention 2010 Day 1 recap
6/2/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
AGA Convention Day 2 final
6/2/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode 9
6/2/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Scape Fu Episode 8
Scape Fu is a podcast dedicated to the aquarium plant hobby.