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The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Profile

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast

English, Financial News
Hey Y'all! We are Shane & Jocelyn Sams. We are a real family from Kentucky making our entire living on the Internet! After years of job losses, bad bosses, and trading time for dollars; we decided to look for something different. On a rare day off work, we discovered online business, entrepreneurship, and internet marketing listening to a podcast. After months of trial and error, we were able to start an online business that would not only replace our 9-to-5 income, but earn millions of dollars online! Online business gave our family freedom we couldn't imagine. It gave us total control of our lives. That's living the Flipped Lifestyle! We started The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast to help other families find the freedom we have by working at home, making money online, becoming and staying self-employed. Each week we help real members of our Flip Your Life Community LIVE on air overcome their biggest business fears, mindset issues, and challenges so they can take their business to the next level! That's right: we don't interview self-proclaimed gurus or overhyped guests selling their latest book. The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast is packed with real calls, and real Q&A's, from real people! People just like you who are trying to build a better future for their family! We break down their business and detail next steps so they can succeed. Then we let you listen in so you can do the same! If you are looking for something different, you've found it! So pour a cup of sweet tea, settle in, and learn how you can start, build and grow your own online business! We are living the Flipped Lifestyle, and we are going to help YOU Flip Your Life™ too!

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