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The Daniela Cambone Show

English, News media, 1 season, 174 episodes, 2 days, 23 hours, 54 minutes
There's a thirst for economic and investment know-how. It's not taught in the classrooms or discussed via mainstream media. The Daniela Cambone Show is proud to bring you the exclusive news, interviews, and insight you can't get anywhere else. Host Daniela Cambone sets out to interview the top minds in finance to help explain new investments, opportunities, and industries that otherwise might be a mystery. From cryptocurrency, gold, silver, interest rates, and central banks, to the inner workings of the global economy, Daniela's goal is to get you to a comfortable level of financial understanding to achieve freedom.
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Next Few Weeks Will Be Brutal, Warns Geopolitical Expert Peter Zeihan

“If everyone on the Republican field were to consolidate behind a single player now, I think Trump would still win, even from prison,” says Peter Zeihan, geopolitical strategist. Peter deciphers the complexity of the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the repercussions of this conflict for the surrounding Middle East region. “When the Saudis had an issue with the Palestinians back in the '70s, they created what we now know today as OPEC,” he says. He remains skeptical about the degree to which the Saudi royal family is going to get involved in the matter because of a “generational split in Saudi Arabia” when it comes to its relationship with Palestine. “I would say that by the end of this calendar year, the Saudis will have, in essence, declared neutrality. And the talks between Jerusalem and Riyadh will pick up again,” he claims. He concludes by dismissing the possibility of a gold-backed BRICS currency because there is a lack of “constellation of economic forces that all of them subscribe to.” ➡️ Watch Here
10/24/202327 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Next Decade Will Be Unlike Anything We’ve Seen, Warns Rick Rule

“This is not a war of the type that any of us have experienced before, which is one of the reasons why investors are going to have to be so dexterous,” says Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. He explains that in the past 12 months, the U.S. has doubled the import of Uranium from Russia, and Russia recently transmitted hydrocarbons through Ukraine while paying a transit fee. Rick believes that is “a strange way to act in a war.” He continues that the dire warning from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon carries merits given what’s happening in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world. He says, “The next 10 years [are] going to require a lot more dexterity than the last 40 have.” Additionally, he advises investors to own assets such as cash, gold, and uranium because the higher deposit rates, which "are going to be a big problem," are still below the real rate of inflation. ➡️ Watch Here
10/23/202322 minutes, 13 seconds
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This is the Worst Nightmare Scenario for People Who Run Money Warns Danielle DiMartino Booth

“I think that the 60% probability of one rate hike between now and January will probably get revised away, but it doesn't matter,” says Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and chief strategist for research and analytics firm QI Research. She emphasizes that Fed Chair Jerome Powell is looking for a reason to maintain higher interest rates so that he can eventually break the Fed put. Danielle says, “I am on board with his mission of breaking the Fed put... [but] don’t actually think that that’s going to happen.” She explains that even though JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warned investors against today's economic instability, she doesn’t believe it’s “hyperbolic” given his vantage point. “He's seeing from the front lines, and he's seeing in his credit card data that the consumer's finally slowing down…he's really got a good view on the confluence of events,” Danielle concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
10/18/202313 minutes, 37 seconds
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We’re in Great Financial Danger: Get Ready for a Recession to Hit by December

"I think we are at great danger... and you look at what's going on geopolitically… We could have a massive blowup,” says David Tice, senior advisor for the Ranger Equity Bear ETF (HDGE). David contends that the instability in the economy combined with today's elevated geopolitical tensions could lead to a major conflict at some point down the road. He also believes that a recession is inevitable before year-end once the impact of the Federal Reserve's interest-rate hikes settles into the economy. David says, "I think the consensus has gotten a soft landing. I think that's ridiculous. What we're talking about is lag between tightening and an eventual recession. But a recession is coming.... And it's going to be here by the end of the year." ➡️ Watch Here
10/17/202320 minutes, 15 seconds
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Bond Market Returns Have Never Been Worse, Why it Will Wreak Havoc for Investors

“We are entering a period when over the next six to nine months something could go wrong and historically, it's when the yield curve steepens,” says Alfonso Peccatiello, founder and CEO of The Macro Compass. He explains that if the steepening continues, it will cause serious damage to equity markets and the economy because "the inversion of the yield curve is a leading indicator of a recession.” He believes it’s likely that the Federal Reserve is done raising interest rates, but it will keep the federal-funds rate above the level of inflation for 24 to 27 months. “That’s what worries me... They are not talking about cutting rates even if inflation slows down," he says. And he stresses that the impact of the Fed's aggressive rate-hike policy hasn't settled into the economy. “We're entering the periods where the macro lags are more likely to kick in because the curve has been inverted already for 17 months and it's now steepening back,” he says. Finally, he advises investors to decrease exposure to equity markets and invest in treasuries. ➡️ Watch Here
10/11/202318 minutes, 8 seconds
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Return of QE Is Now Inevitable, Gold Prices Set to Soar

“We think the Fed will actually have to step in, reverse course, and start QE all over again to be the buyers of these bonds,” says Rudi Fronk, chairman and CEO of Seabridge Gold. And he believes when that happens, gold will be bullish. He also predicts that there will be two more waves of inflation that will cause gold to have “its biggest moves on a historic base.” Rudi also explains why gold stocks are cheap despite the healthy environment gold miners are in. “I think a lot of it is self-inflicted,” he says. Plus, he stresses that the major global companies historically “have not been very good allocators of capital” and “tend to do their acquisitions at market tops… then sell projects at market bottoms.” “They continue to increase their share count without offsetting that dilution with either reserves or production or other measures that would lead to higher share prices,” he concludes.  ➡️ Watch Here
10/9/202311 minutes, 43 seconds
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U.S. $33 Trillion Debt Death Spiral May Be Bitcoin’s Saving Grace

"The actual wonderful nature of crypto is destroyed because it’s basically wrapped up in all these layers and layers,” says Clem Chambers, CEO of Online Blockchain. He claims that the future of cryptocurrencies is uncertain as the asset is caught in the crossfire of an SEC probation and stricter government regulations following the FTX collapse. “I don't think I know what's going to happen there…The halving should be very bullish. It’s going to come in March. So I'm kind of really hanging out for that." He also talks about how central bank digital currencies won’t be able to compete with cryptos because the government won’t risk embracing decentralized features. Plus, he remains optimistic about the global economic outlook. “People confuse the bottom of where the momentum is down and now the momentum is up… I think that’s very good for the next two or three years,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
10/6/202320 minutes, 7 seconds
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We’re Headed Toward Civil War If We Remain Polarized; US Election Biggest Tail Risk in 2024

“If this polarization continues, we're heading towards a civil war,” warns David Woo, former IMF economist and Wall Street strategist. Woo – the creator of David Wu Unbound – explains that the current situation of the U.S. is worrisome given its diminishing influence abroad and political divisiveness at home. “The majority of Americans do distrust the system… There’s no doubt that the country is so polarized that I’m afraid what would happen next year in this election. If anything happens to Trump, all hell is going to break loose,” he claims.  David believes the strong performance of U.S. tech stocks has propped up the U.S. stock market for the past decade and is making the U.S. dollar strong. “The dollar is strong because Big Tech has become strategic for national security and has become basically existential for the Democratic Party. That is what the world is paying a huge tax on. And until somebody breaks that, the dollar's going to be strong,” he says. Given the growing influence of BRICS, he argues that the Biden Administration has made the U.S. appear weaker in front of Saudi Arabia. “I think what we need to realize is that the days that the president of the United States can pick up the phone and call up the King of Saudi Arabia and say, 'You know what, I'm calling, basically cut prices, increase production.' Those days are completely over,” he says. “I think America's greatest enemy is not China or Russia, it's itself,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
10/5/202331 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Big Reset on Gold Is Coming, Price Could Reach $2,300 in 2024, Predicts Frank Holmes

“I think when rates are going to peak next quarter, and we got an election year next year and when rates start falling, gold will be $2,300,” says Frank Holmes, CEO and chief investment officer for U.S. Global Investors. He acknowledges while gold provides a lot of value for investors during times of uncertainty, crypto sparks a “different enthusiasm” for folks to trade globally and digitally. “Kids have CPU chips. There were 30 million kids using their computers to do their homework, gaming, and when they go in bed, they were mining Ethereum,” he says. When it comes to the BRICS, Frank points out that he wouldn’t worry too much about it gaining power because many BRICS nations have a “closed economy” unlike the U.S. “How many California wines can you find in Italy?” he asks, suggesting that BRICS countries have protectionism over products like wine the same way they do with money. “Look up, that’s how high gold prices will rise when rates fall, and mathematically, rates are falling next year. Gold will get a reset button,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
10/2/202314 minutes, 14 seconds
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Gold Legend Says BRICS Currency Plan Is Nearly Impossible

"The U.S. dollar is supreme. It's the unit of currency that's used in trade... It's diminishing, but these things take a long time to change. There's no real substitute out there for it,” says John Doody, founder and editor of Gold Stock Analyst. He points out that the efforts from BRICS to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency with a new gold-backed currency are futile due to the rest of the world's reliance on the dollar for international trade. When it comes to inflation, he says “there’s no way that Powell can do a Volcker and jack up rates to 20% to stop the inflation. The politicians won’t take it anymore." The gold expert also shares an optimistic outlook about the precious metal, as Gold Stock Analyst celebrates its 30th year anniversary this year. "Gold has been the best-performing liquid asset I know of since 1971 when the price was set free. There’s a 8% per year compounded growth rate. I don’t know any liquid asset that’s been that good,” says John. He also talks about a gold mining company that is a “multimillion ounce a year producer." Watch the video to find out the full details. ➡️ Watch Here
9/29/202314 minutes, 48 seconds
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Professor Doubles Down on U.S. Dollar Call: Not Dying for 30 Years Because BRICS Are a Clown Show

“OPEC+ expanding to the BRICS I think is a different discussion which I'd be more worried about than the BRICS creating a new currency that will replace the dollar,” claims president and CEO of Valens Research. He states that despite the energy dominance that BRICS pursues, it will not pose imminent threat to the U.S. dollar. "The idea that China and India will ever agree on giving up their own influence over their own currency is just ridiculous... They're in armed conflict right now!" says Joel. "I think they absolutely want [to take down the dollar], but what – they'll give up their own sovereign rights to each other?"   Additionally, he shares his sentiment about the market, stating that he has never been “so bullish long-term and so bearish show-term.” "We are going to see earnings erode to such a degree... the market is really topped out, and we don't have much more to go,” he concludes. Sign up for to learn more on how you can grow your wealth from Joel. ➡️ Watch Here
9/27/202328 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Financial Accident Will Happen and Spiral; Inflation Fight Is Just a “Charade” Warns Frank Giustra

“Banks are slowing. Some financial accident is going to happen, and it could end up being a spiral. I think the charade of pretending that they’re going to beat inflation is a charade. They know they can’t,” says Frank Giustra, billionaire philanthropist and CEO of the Fiore Group. He says the Fed knows that interest-rate hikes have a lag effect and the massive debt issue will “bankrupt America,” as shown by today's slowing economy. While mining industry veteran Pierre Lassonde paints a negative picture for mining juniors, Frank disagrees and urges folks to avoid letting emotions guide their decisions no matter what happens in the market. “It’s a matter of patience. Hang in there. You just have to know something there is good [coming].” Additionally, Frank points out that central banks around the world accumulating gold means "something is up.” “I don’t think the West is listening. The gold enthusiasts are in the East. That’s where we see all the physical gold is going," Frank concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
9/25/202325 minutes, 39 seconds
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Financial WWIII Is Here Warns Willem Middelkoop... In 5-10 Years, We'll Wonder How It Went So Wrong

“They really try to bring the economy to a halt to bring the inflation down, and then we’ll get a next wave of inflation. I am afraid for that,” says Willem Middelkoop, founder of the Commodity Discovery Fund and bestselling author of The Big Reset: War on Gold and the Financial Endgame. He predicts that the next wave of inflation will hit the U.S. in 2024 to 2025. Given the development that BRICS are pursuing global energy dominance, Willem argues that we’re in a “financial World War III.” He also points out that Saudi Arabia has turned itself into an adversary with the U.S. after it started selling Treasuries en masse over the last few years. Willem concludes by warning that the BRICS are working on a “parallel trading system” that will exclude the U.S. from international trade. ➡️ Watch Here
9/22/202328 minutes, 41 seconds
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Top Gold Insiders Debate the Coming Global Monetary Reset

In a panel discussion with executive co-chairman and founder of Ivanhoe Mines Robert Friedland, President and CEO of the Fiore Group Frank Giustra, and mining industry veteran Pierre Lassonde, our Daniela Cambone discusses the significance of central banks accumulating gold, the imminent threat of central bank digital currencies ("CBDCs"), the state of the mining industry, and inflation. Frank acknowledges that the global monetary system could be completely reshaped moving forward and that gold “will play a role.” Pierre echoes that sentiment, adding that, “We have a very high probability of an alternative currency to the dollar." Plus, Frank warns that the rollout of a universal CBDC means “a loss of freedom.” Finally, Robert predicts inflation to stay at 4% in the next five years and eventually go even higher as oil prices keep rising. “The Fed’s in the box because if they keep raising interest rates, they’re going to dive the economy … The real interest’s gonna increase and this favors gold.” ➡️ Watch Here
9/20/202341 minutes, 50 seconds
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25-Year Army Veteran Warns Europe Faces Squeeze as BRICS Pursue Global Energy Dominance

“I think that Saudi Arabia continuing to lower production is really going to hurt Europe and the rest of the world, whereas [in the] U.S. we can continue to grow our own fossil fuels,” says Col. Jonathan Shaffer, director of business development for MBO Partners and former Pentagon strategist. He discusses many pressing international issues, including the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the expansion of BRICS, and China's growing influence. The 25-year Army veteran expresses concern about China’s infiltration over American entities such as the academics and corporations. However, he sees a potential World War III as unlikely to happen. “I think we have enough controls over the big levers and buttons. This is on the military side as well as diplomatically that we can likely avert that kind of an irrational act,” he says. Col. Shaffner argues that the recent expansion of BRICS signals the organization's desire for “energy dominance.” “They’re trying to expand out of just fuel commodities and move into the future value of commodities... which is going to give them power in the long run,” he concludes.  ➡️ Watch Here
9/19/202322 minutes, 18 seconds
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CBDCs Will Be Forced Upon Us Within Two Years, Here’s Their Master Plan Warns Andy Schectman

“You create this event where the dollar were not clinging to the privilege of the world reserve’s currency,” says Andy Schectman, president and CEO of precious metals investment management company Miles Franklin. He claims that the U.S. government deliberately incentivizes de-dollarization to let the system collapse and reset in order to ease off the insurmountable debt issue. “We have $5 trillion in assets backing $155 trillion in debt... Forty percent of our assets are student debt,” he says. Additionally, he says the price of gold performs lower than it should because the Western system has suppressed the precious metal's price for a long time in order to support a bond market. “Gold is the antithesis of the Western system,” he argues. ➡️ Watch Here
9/16/202333 minutes, 20 seconds
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Pres. Biden Allowing Saudi Arabia to “Rip Us Off”, OPEC to Stick It to Every American

We’re back from our summer break! In today’s interview with Todd "Bubba" Horwitz, he says the U.S. is facing the biggest shortage in oil supply since 1985. "What nobody understands about the oil market is that all gas has a federal tax assigned to it... The higher gas prices get, the more federal tax rates are paying,” he explains. He predicts the Federal Reserve will keep hiking interest rates and many small businesses will be destroyed because of this. “We know the true number is still closer to 15% to 20%. It is so ridiculous to even show a number of 3%,” he says. However, he still believes in the dominance and stability of the U.S. dollar in today's contentious global financial system. He argues the recent discussions among BRICS nations about building a gold-backed currency are “nonsense.” Watch the interview to find out why and more. ➡️ Watch Here
9/15/202314 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Market's Heading for a Double-Digit Sell-Off, But There's a Silver Lining Ahead

The stock market rallied to a 16% gain through the first six months of 2023, completing a strong first half despite fears of a recession looming over several important asset classes. But with uncertainty about today's rampant inflation and heightened geopolitical tensions clouding the market right now, many investors are unsure about what to do with their money throughout the rest of the year. Today’s guest Carter Braxton Worth, founder and CEO of technical analysis company Worth Charting. Carter asserts that a massive wave of sell-offs is inevitable moving forward, creating the opportunity for huge gains in the long term once the downtrend reverses. He says, "We're due for some sort of sell-off or drawdown... It's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. It corrects something that's incorrect. That's what sets you up ultimately to go higher." Carter highlights the precious metals sector as a viable space for investors to explore in order to secure a safe-haven asset throughout the upcoming drawdown. "There arecatch-up trades [available], things that have lagged but whose chart patterns are constructive and good... Gold has kept up with the S&P 500 on a one-year basis," he explains. He concludes by predicting a major uptrend in silver assets, encouraging investors to add the precious metal to their portfolios before the rally begins. Carter says, "I like how this sets up. One wants to have this very much as part of their mix in terms of risk assets. It's the most explosive and dynamic." ➡️ Watch Here
8/21/202314 minutes, 37 seconds
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You're in the Crosshairs of Two Rival Plots for Global, AI-Based Financial Control

With the development of tools like ChatGPT quickly growing popular, many people are  bullish around artificial intelligence ("AI") right now. That's why Tesla CEO Elon Musk launched AI company xAI last month in an effort to take advantage of this fast-moving trend. Today, Daniela chatted with Ran Neuner, co-founder and CEO of blockchain investment fund and advisory service Onchain Capital. Ran contends that Musk's recent launch of xAI serves as a ploy to rival OpenAI CEO Sam Altman in order to increase his foothold in the global economy. He says, "These are big people with big egos... We're seeing two influential billionaires use their own separate platforms to create a global financial institution that is going to capture a large share of global financial transactions." Ran also believes that AI technology will completely reshape verification methods for various industries due to digital identities becoming more prevalent. "We're moving into a new era in the world. In this new era, we're going to have a big need to prove we're human... I suspect that fingerprints may not be able to prove you're human,” he explains. He concludes by expressing optimism about the long-term impact of AI as we continue to discover new ways to use this fast-moving technology to our advantage. "We shouldn't resist going into the world of AI because I think that it's an amazing technology which will only help us, but like any revolution it's going to make us feel uncomfortable,” he tells Daniela. ➡️ Watch Here
8/17/202340 minutes, 39 seconds
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The BRICS' Plan to Destroy the Dollar Unveiled Soon

The U.S. dollar's longstanding status as the world's reserve currency has been threatened this year as prominent countries around the world have avoided relying on the dollar for global trade. Today, Daniela interviewed Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, who asserts that the global de-dollarization trend signals that a return to a gold standard is inevitable as long as these foreign adversaries remain unified. He says, "When you talk about the BRICS, almost three-quarters of the population has signed on. It's not if, but when they switch to gold. That's what they're saying." Robert also believes that cryptocurrencies offer a viable store of value as investors search for a safe haven from this chaotic market. "I like bitcoin because we have an enemy in common called the federal government, the Treasury, the Fed, and Wall Street," he proclaims. He concludes by encouraging investors to explore the precious metals sector in an effort to protect their wealth as mountains of debt continue to weigh on the economy. "In two months alone, they've added $1.8 trillion in new debt; this is unsustainable. That's why I'm a big hard asset person. I don't buy much paper," he states. ➡️ Watch Here
8/14/202319 minutes, 39 seconds
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America Is Losing: It’s the Worst Economic, Social, and Political Time Ever

Between out-of-control inflation, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the ongoing banking crisis, the market is filled with uncertainty right now. On today’s show, Daniela’s guest Peter Grandich asserts that the de-dollarization trend could reshape the global markets as BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – look to establish a new gold-backed international standard currency. Peter says, "The United States is either being eliminated or limited in exposure on trade after 100-plus years of being a leader on trade. I personally think when the BRICS stuff is all said and done over the next one to three years, it'll be the most important thing for world trade since the Industrial Revolution." He also believes that it's crucial for investors to prevent themselves from tuning out today's  negativity in order to form a sound plan moving forward. “The only thing that's going to keep you sane is to deal in the world of reality... The reality is America is facing its worst ever social, political, or economic period,” he explains. Peter concludes by stressing that the Federal Reserve is unlikely to pivot from its aggressive inflation-fighting strategy, meaning this market turbulence we're experiencing today could drag on for much longer. “The easier way always for politicians is inflation versus deflation. Deflation is horrible. We saw that  during the [Great] Depression. They will choose inflation over deflation, no matter what they may say at the moment,” he says. ➡️ Watch Here
8/11/202319 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ed Dowd Unfiltered: RFK, the Vaccine’s New Disability Crisis, and the Next Big Threat to America

The U.S. dollar has reigned king of global currencies for decades, but other countries have  challenged the dollar's status this year in hopes of unseating it as the world's reserve  currency. Today, Daniela sat down with Edward Dowd, founding partner of global macro alternative investing firm Phinance Technologies. Edward argues that foreign adversaries using the threat of a gold-backed currency as leverage to weaken the dollar are bluffing. He says, "The dollar system is so ingrained that money and debt are the same thing. All  these countries have dollar-denominated debt... They're going to have to devalue their  currencies if they go on a gold standard.” At the same time, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy recently unveiled a plan to back the dollar with hard currencies like gold, silver, or bitcoin (BTC). Edward, who serves as co-treasurer to RFK Jr.'s campaign, highlights this potential shift as a foundational element of a new financial system. "Robert’s introducing the conversation into the electorate. The current monetary system, as it stands, is debt based. Might is created through debt. We've reached the endpoint so there has to be a new system," he explains. Edward also contends that the Federal Reserve is using the war on inflation as a guise to keep interest rates elevated and maintain control over the direction of the global economy. "The dollar unfortunately has become a weapon... It's going to continue to be strong as long as we keep interest rates high. We're choking off credit from the rest of the world,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
8/9/202320 minutes, 40 seconds
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We're Inching Toward WW3 as Trust Across Society Plunges Warns Doug Casey

Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman warned today that additional interest-rate hikes will likely be approved moving forward to temper inflation. But with inflation still nowhere near the central bank's 2% target rate, these rate hikes could continue throughout a significant portion of 2024. Today, Daniela sits down with best-selling author and world-renowned speculator Doug Casey, who argues that it's futile for market experts to attempt to predict the Fed's next move since the central bank's ability to manipulate interest rates allows it to control the direction of the economy. He says,"This is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The Fed shouldn't have any control over interest rates. The buying and selling of lending and borrowing of capital in the open market is what should control interest rates." Doug also believes that the Fed could use central bank digital currencies to boost its already immense control over everyday people. "For central banks to have digital currencies that people are going to use is a bad idea on steroids...this gives a huge amount of power to the state," he asserts. He concludes by highlighting the precious metals sector as a viable space to explore in order to provide extra protection for your portfolio throughout this uncertain market. "[Mining stocks] are the cheapest class of securities in the world. I think a pretty good case can be made that mining stocks, in the pretty near future, are going to explode upwards," he explains.  ➡️ Watch Here
8/7/202336 minutes, 32 seconds
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We're Sleepwalking Into Recession – This Is the Market's Final Gasp Warns Steve Hanke

Fitch Ratings downgraded the U.S. credit rating from a stellar "AAA" to "AA+" earlier this  week, citing "a steady deterioration in standards of governance" and overwhelming debt as  motivating factors in its decision. Today, Daniela sat down with Steve Hanke, an applied economics professor at Johns Hopkins University. Steve argues the Fed's aggressive rate-hike policy has caused the burden of today's out-of-control debt to weigh heavily on everyday people. He says, "They're just running the numbers, and the numbers aren't sustainable. The burden of the debt is increasing tremendously.” Steve also contends that the Fed is using rate hikes as a guise to keep prices elevated for  consumers. "Inflation is a hidden tax. No one votes on it. It's imposed in an undemocratic way. Inflation is a bad deal," explains Steve. He concludes by warning investors that the markets will remain volatile moving forward, highlighting the money supply as an indicator for an eventual turnaround. "We're sleepwalking into turbulence in the market. For some reason, people think this 'soft landing' thing is in the cards... I'm saying no,” he asserts. ➡️ Watch Here
8/4/202327 minutes, 41 seconds
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WorldCoin 'Orb' Is the Next Nightmare Coming Soon to a Government Near You Warns George Gammon

With the development of tools like ChatGPT quickly growing popular, many people are bullish around artificial intelligence ("AI") right now. That's why OpenAI CEO Sam Altman launched Worldcoin last week to capitalize on this fast-moving trend. But today, Daniela's guest believes this ongoing shift toward going digital could have disastrous results as businesses and governments increase surveillance over everyday people. George Gammon, macroeconomics expert and host of the Rebel Capitalist Show asserts that folks must be wary of the long-term implications of sharing their data with programs like Worldcoin. He says, "What they tell you is that in the future...once they start to monetize, basically your biometric data, then they'll give you dividends in the form of more cryptocurrency." George also believes that the debt imbalance we're experiencing right now won't change unless the central bank reigns in its overspending habit. "The problem isn't the debt it. It's government spending. They spent the money to accrue the debt to begin with," he claims. He concludes by discussing the impact of the de-dollarization trend on the U.S. economy, encouraging investors to monitor this global shift away from the U.S. dollar in order to gain a clearer perspective on today's chaotic market. "It's not just a matter of what is happening with the domestic economy within the United States. There's a lot more to it at play. The global economy is about $110 trillion of gross domestic product, and 60% to 70% of those transactions settle in the U.S.  dollar," he explains. ➡️ Watch Here
8/2/202336 minutes, 58 seconds
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Keep Your Money Away From the Woke Empire

Since the start of 2023, the U.S. Dollar Index has declined nearly 2% as a result of foreign adversaries aiming to unseat the dollar as the world's reserve currency. Joining the Daniela Cambone show today, Marc Faber believes this de-dollarization trend could reshape the global economy as countries around the world embrace alternative currencies. "the system should not be a system where you have a global currency like the dollar was. As in, the basis [is] we have many different currencies and that people trade freely with each other." Marc also believes that the Federal Reserve is in no rush to bring inflation down to its 2% target rate. He says, "Their interest is to maintain the financial market at the highest level. They don't want deflation in financial assets and if they could, they would also prevent deflation in real assets like properties but this is difficult to control." He concludes by stressing that it's crucial for investors to recognize how the de-dollarization trend signals a massive shift in the global economy in order to understand how to navigate today's market uncertainty.  ➡️ Watch Here
7/31/202334 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why Your Most Significant Money Is Yet to Come

The global economy has faced heightened volatility this year as countries around the world continue shifting away from the U.S. dollar in an effort to unseat the dollar as king of global currencies. Today, Daniela Cambone sits down with precious metals expert David Morgan, who contends that the de-dollarization trend could result in a seismic market shift as countries around the world continue exploring ways to complete transactions. He says, "At the end of all great inflations, the free market comes to the fore and starts finding ways to mitigate the problem... There are countries that are banning together because they've had enough of the U.S dollar. So, it's all shaping up to the fact that we're near the endgame." David remains skeptical about how folks will respond to the Federal Reserve launching central bank digital currencies ("CBDCs") amid today's uncertain market. He encourages investors to explore safe-haven assets in order to protect their portfolios as the banking crisis drags on. "It's far from over. You might want to think about mitigating the issue by getting into an asset class or making some move that could protect you. If this thing falls rapidly, then it's very difficult to mitigate the problem," he concludes.  ➡️ Watch Here
7/28/202337 minutes, 36 seconds
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Legendary Short Seller That Called FTX, SVB, and Silvergate Is Now All in on This Battery Maker

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence ("AI") has tempted many investors to explore the  technology sector in an effort to capitalize on the AI trend in its early stages. Today, Daniela interview famed short seller Marc Cohodes, who argues that it's crucial to prevent negative headlines from influencing your investment plan in order to uncover buying opportunities throughout this uncertain market.  He says, "I'm not concerned about the backdrop one way or the other. I think it's a stock picker's market. There's things you can own and make a lot of money at, and I think there's some garbage out there that you should avoid." Marc also highlights the high upside potential of battery maker Enovix as AI technology rises to prominence. "If AI becomes a thing, battery becomes the gatekeeper for AI. AI is an energy hog. I look for things that can be very big and solve big problems, and I think this can be it," he claims. Marc concludes by encouraging investors to remain patient as the Fed gradually tempers inflation to its 2% target rate in order to avoid huge losses throughout this market chaos. "All this stuff always gets solved. The can always gets kicked down the road. It's important not to be too excited and not to be too negative because the middle of the road is usually where this all goes," he explains. ➡️ Watch Here
7/26/202325 minutes
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Why 2023 May Be The Last Great Time in Your Life - E.B. Tucker

The potential of artificial intelligence ("AI") has been discussed for several years, and with the development of tools like ChatGPT quickly growing popular, many people are bullish about AI right now. On today's show, Daniela's guest E.B. Tucker believes this global race to develop AI technology could intensify geopolitical tensions, much like de-dollarization, as foreign adversaries embrace this fast-moving trend. He says, "The chip wars are real. They're almost as big as the currency wars. That's the new method of battling the world powers. Without the chips, you can't make any of this happen." E.B. also believes the Federal Reserve's willingness to use interest-rate hikes to manipulate the money supply will weigh heavily on consumers in the long term.  "The Fed's going to go as high and as long as it can before it creates panic. The game plan right now is to suck as much money out of the system as it can without causing a big earthquake in the system," he explains. In conclusion, he implores Daniela's listeners to avoid letting fears of a recession guide their investment decisions due to the central bank's ability to interfere with the economy. "We used to have recessions 25 years ago. What we have is an ongoing boom and the occasional panic. Now, it's too difficult because there's so much intervention. They're trying to manage everything, so there won't be a recession," he claims. ➡️ Watch Here
7/24/202328 minutes, 17 seconds
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It's the Death of Everything

The U.S. dollar has been under attack this year as foreign adversaries have shifted away from the currency in an effort to unseat the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency. Today, Daniela sat down with Lynette Zang, chief market analyst for ITM Trading. Lynette argues that the U.S. dollar is on a path toward losing its status as the king of global currencies. She says, "There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that the U.S. dollar is losing its position as the world's reserve currency, but I don't really think that it will be a BRICS currency, any individual country, or a smaller group of countries that would take over that role.” Lynette also believes a recession is inevitable as the impact of the Fed's aggressive rate-hike policy gradually sets into the economy. "We are just now starting to experience the lag effects of those rapid rate rises that came in 2022 through Q1 2023. We haven't yet fully felt the impact,” she asserts. Lynette concludes by encouraging investors to explore the precious metals space in order to uncover safe-have assets. "There are opportunities, but you need to be in the right place at the right time holding the right asset so you can have that wealth transfer your way for a change,” she explains. ➡️ Watch Here
7/21/202325 minutes, 59 seconds
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America’s Weaponization of Money: Bank Account Seizures Are Only the Start Warns Rick Rule

The Federal Reserve aims to launch its new FedNow instant-money platform later this month. On the first episode of her Summer Series, Daniela talks with Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. Rick contends that central bank digital currencies off the back of FedNow will lead to less privacy as the Fed manipulates the bank accounts of everyday people. He says, "The idea that governments would have a tool that would allow them to eliminate people's savings, people's medium of exchange, [and] people's wealth if those people didn't behave the way the big thinkers wanted is terrifying." Furthermore, Rick balks at the threat of the BRICS' proposed gold-backed digital currency supplanting the U.S. dollar. "I think it's important to clear up a misconception...they are describing a currency backed by gold, but they don't have enough gold to back the quantity of transactions that they expect to have transpire - good luck with that," he asserts. Rick concludes by highlighting the Fed's ongoing battle with rampant inflation as a critical issue to monitor in order to understand how to navigate the markets moving forward. "The Fed has done a pretty good job... I'm astonished by the relative strength of the U.S. economy. We have been able to fashion these interest-rate rises without bringing home construction or the bond market, as an example, to a screeching halt," he explains. ➡️ Watch Here
7/19/202339 minutes, 35 seconds
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Why a Texas Gold-Backed Currency Is a Stand Against the Fed

Inflation recently fell to its lowest annual rate in more than two years, but many investors remain wary about what to do with their money moving forward. On today's show, Daniela sits down with Nomi Prins, geopolitical finance expert and bestselling author. Nomi stresses investors must avoid letting fear guide their investment decisions in order to uncover buying opportunities as this rampant market uncertainty drags on. She says, "The best way to navigate [the noise] as an investor is to ignore what the Fed does if it raises rates by another two incremental rate hikes within the next several months. The reality is it's not going to impact the quality of investments, place in which we're investing, or how those investments perform."  When it comes to the Fed's upcoming launch of its FedNow instant-money platform, Naomi believes it only serves as a ploy for the central bank to increase its foothold in the digital currency space. "Without the makings of a digital footprint, you don't have the makings of a digital coin," she asserts. Continuing with the theme of de-dollarization, Naomi warns that this trend could affect the long term outlook of the markets as foreign adversaries aim to chip away at the value of the U.S. dollar. "I don't actually think it's going to be replaced in our lifetimes, but that doesn't mean there isn't a trading pattern here that's emerging," she concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
7/17/202324 minutes, 1 second
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The Fed Won't Stop Until the Market Drops 50% to 70% Predicts Bubba Horwitz

Headlines this week claimed that inflation rose only 0.2% in June, but 40-year professional trader, Todd "Bubba" Horwitz, begs to differ. "Look at what you're spending yourself, and then look at the BS numbers the government gives you and tell me if we've had a relief this month." With the recent rush back into equities, he asserts that this is the "greed phase of the market" and that "before this move is over, we will see 50 to 70% to the downside." Regardless of the BRICS' proposed adoption of a new gold-backed currency, Horwitz explains that he's a buyer of the precious metal "regardless of what's going on in the's a buy at any time because you're playing long-term." When it comes to cryptocurrencies, Todd is adamant that the government's latest attempt to interfere with cryptos failed and that he's adding to his bitcoin (BTC) position because "people are finally waking up and realizing that they're tired of the central banking system around the globe stealing their money and misspending it." He concludes by echoing the current sentiment of the American people. "Between all the things that are going on with the education system, break down of the family unit and the political system - we have disaster brewing," he says. ➡️ Watch Here
7/14/202318 minutes, 39 seconds
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Fed Is Radioactive, It Can No Longer Manipulate Money Supply Warns Former Mellon CIO

“The reserve dominance the U.S. had is slowly slipping,” says David Daglio, CEO of asset-management firm BC-GUMPS, when discussing the de-dollarization trend. He also criticizes the Federal Reserve for not independently tackling today's out-of-control inflation and instead just casually monitoring it like a “weatherman.” He predicts that in six months, the Fed is going to be “cutting rates” to bring down inflation. “The bond market has already spoken. We are going to see the sharpest cut in rates of all time,” he adds. Daglio says that the biggest problem for banks throughout this banking crisis is the fractional reserve model, which is a “systematic problem” that results in banks lending out more than they actually have because not all people need their money at one time. He concludes by sharing his investment philosophy and how folks should navigate through this uncertain market moving forward. ➡️ Watch Here
7/12/202330 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Fed's New Feudal System Will Wipe Out the Middle Class, Warns Greg Mannarino

“We are existing in an environment of lies, upside-down, backward, and sideways, where nothing makes sense,” says Greg Mannarino, founder of and financial strategist, in the second part of our interview. He stresses that people should remain skeptical of what the Federal Reserve is telling them because “the polar opposite is true.” Mannarino sees de-dollarization as a real risk and warns that that “America is on borrowed time and the current system is in free-fall.” He argues that the U.S. has had the privilege of having the world reserve currency for many years, which has “allowed the U.S. to live a lifestyle that it’s not entitled to” due to its ability to impact inflation around the world. Mannarino concludes that the Fed is trying to establish “a new feudal system” that wipes out the middle class. “Things are changing very very rapidly,” he warns. ➡️ Watch Here
7/10/202315 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Fed Needs Inflation to Survive, U.S. Is Living on Borrowed Money and Time

“America is falling. You have a situation [where] we’re living on borrowed money. We’re living on borrowed time,” says Greg Mannarino, founder of and financial strategist. He paints a bleak picture of the American economy as indicated by the inverted yield curve. Mannarino also expresses skepticism about the authenticity of newly released job data. “It’s not checked by a third party. There’s no bearing on reality. The economy is in free-fall. People are maxed out.” Plus, he warns a new market crash coming because the Federal Reserve “artificially suppressed rates,” reinflating a bubble. “If action is not taken by central banks to keep rates suppressed more than they are now… this market is going down a lot from here.” He also predicts a debt market meltdown, claiming that the Fed has to buy the debt and “create cash out of nothing” to keep targeted interest rates. “A central bank’s power sides in only one thing.. and that is its ability to inflate,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
7/7/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why Tesla Is a National Security Threat No One Saw Coming, Plus the Sleeper Stock to Watch

“What if China says to Elon Musk, 'If you don't make sure that your algorithms on Twitter perform better and treat news about China in a better light, we are going to shut you down in China,'"” asks Gareth Soloway, president and CFO of With China accounting for half of Tesla’s global sales from April to June, the company is less likely to be immune from any political pressure China may impose on Twitter. “Let’s say they do that.. Tesla stock falls by 50% at least… that means Elon Musk's net worth would decline by about one-third or 33%. Is there a national security threat with them selling vehicles in China?” he asks. Additionally, he discusses the excitement artificial intelligence ("AI") brings to the market and compares the AI momentum with the “dot-com” era. “Everyone got very, very excited about it because it was going to change the world, and it did, but it just took a little bit longer and you had to kind of filter out things for a while,” he says. He concludes by revealing a sleeper stock that investors should watch out for. ➡️ Watch Here
7/5/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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Powell Doubles Down on Inflation, Who Wins, Who Loses?

“Clearly, people that are familiar with the market would say, 'what do they know that nobody else doesn’t?'” asks Will Rhind, founder and CEO of GraniteShares, as news circulates that BlackRock’s spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund application may likely get approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He claims that the saga has been ongoing for years and it is unclear why many large institutions such as Fidelity and Invesco are following suit now. Additionally, Rhind claims that investors should be level-headed about Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s comments on raising interest rates. “We have to be a little bit careful at the same time… that’s why the response from the market so far has been a little bit measured.” He concludes that the U.S. economy is strong and that signals a “dampening demand for [precious] metals.” ➡️ Watch Here
6/28/202312 minutes, 8 seconds
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SEC Fired a Bazooka at Crypto, Why Bitcoin Will Respond With $80,000 Price

“And now we have a cascade of other participants that are saying, ‘the SEC didn’t nuke crypto. They shot the nuke and crypto went into its bunker and then came back out for afternoon tea,” says Eric Wade, editor of Crypto Capital and Crypto CashFlow. He predicts bitcoin will reach $80,000 in a year and then go higher than that, citing the approvals of the ETFs and the scarcity of bitcoin. “44% of bitcoin has not moved in two years...44% of the supply of bitcoin being locked in... it’s going to take more than that [$67,000] to free up some of the bitcoin that refused to move,” he explains. While commenting on BlackRock’s spot-bitcoin ETF filing, Eric says the timing of the application is “interesting” because BlackRock didn’t want to be “left out,” claiming that the government can’t say no to BlackRock because the firm has 10 trillion dollars under management and “a lot of influence.” He concludes that the SEC’s Operation Choke Point 2.0 will not strangle the crypto industry. Along with the launch of FedNow, there will be an acceleration of technology to move money faster, as well as opportunities. To learn more about how you can take this opportunity to increase your wealth, visit ➡️ Watch Here
6/26/202327 minutes, 26 seconds
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Six-Month Countdown to S&P 5,000, These Two Sectors Are Set to Explode, Wall Street Legend Reveals

“The economy is a lot stronger than people are giving it credit for and therefore I'm not necessarily looking for rates to be cut, but I'm looking for rates to flatten out,” says Marc Chaikin, founder and CEO for our corporate affiliate Chaikin Analytics. He says the central bank is unlikely to achieve its 2% target rate in the next five years. “The reality is the market is adjusting to higher interest rates.” But he maintains a bullish outlook, predicting the S&P 500 Index to rise 15% from now to reach 5,000 by year-end. Finally, Mark reveals the mechanisms his unique Power Gauge stock rating system is using, and what companies are worth looking into next for investors. Check out to learn more about these opportunities. ➡️ Watch Here
6/23/202315 minutes, 23 seconds
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U.S. Dollar Value Slowly Being Chipped Away by Side Deals

“Deflation will start coming back. And then, they’re going to turn around and start money printing again,” says Chris Blasi, president and CEO of Neptune Global. “The market is perceiving the rates are a little high and that the Fed is gonna overdo it and that we’re going to go into a recession.” He explains that we will be experiencing some “strong deflationary forces” in certain sectors of the economy as global supply-chain issues persist and housing prices continue rising. He also contends that the U.S. dollar’s dominant status is fading as countries around the world shift toward trading in local currencies or alternative assets in the future. “When you move from a unipolar [system] to multipolar and one currency to multicurrency, and that's a time of chaos, that's when gold thrives,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
6/22/202320 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Secret Reason Every Market Seems Broken Today... From Stocks to Gold, Nickel to Carbon

“What people miss is this transition to what I believe is going to be a medium-term or even long-term supply shock in the commodities space,” says Josh Crumb, president and CEO of Abaxx Technologies. He explains that we’re entering a period of “structurally higher inflation” and “heightened volatility” that will lead to the fluctuation of gold prices. Additionally, the global commodity infrastructure is underinvested across the board, down from roughly $2 trillion a year to nearly $1.5 trillion even though demand is still growing. “We’re just chronically underinvested,” in a new environment with “higher volatility and higher interest rates,” he claims. “The capital is not hitting the market like it needs to,” he says. Finally, he discusses the future of the energy sector and how decarbonization finance could impact that space. ➡️ Watch Here
6/16/202316 minutes, 9 seconds
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Forget Talk of Dollar's Demise... THIS Should Be Your Greatest Worry in 2023 Warns Wall Street Titan

“The U.S. dollar is going to remain the reserve currency for the next several decades, as long as the Bill of Rights stays in place,” claims Joel Litman, president and CEO of Valens Research. He sees no imminent threat to the dollar because, “there’s no fiat currency that’s a good currency to invest in.” However, he believes this ongoing economic turmoil and geopolitical uncertainty could drag on for the next 24 months. “I think we’re still going to have the recession, and it’s not going to be pretty,” he warns. Finally, he shares what folks can do to navigate this choppy market. ➡️ Watch Here
6/14/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
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Alien Threats A Facade to Justify Spending Bonanza warns Edward Dowd

“An alien threat is a government spending bonanza,” claims Edward Dowd, founding partner of Phinance Technologies. He also warns that central bank digital currencies could give the government more control over people’s money and freedom, adding more economic chaos to today's bear market. And as economic conditions worsen, the U.S. dollar is “at an endgame” and the government would need to introduce a new financial system, he explains. In order to survive this ongoing turmoil, Dowd advises investors to seek opportunities in cash. “People at the maximum amount of fear will want to sell everything. You have to fight that fear,” he claims. Finally, he says that de-dollarization is unlikely to happen given the dollar’s dominance in global trade. “So the dollar system, if it fails, will fail up, meaning it will destroy the rest of the globe before it destroys us,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
6/12/202317 minutes, 34 seconds
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Cash Con Game is Over: Current Financial System Has Reached Its End Warns Lynette Zang

“The reality is, this is the end of the current system's life cycle. It actually died in 2008,” says Lynette Zang, chief market analyst for ITM Trading. “They just pumped a lot of garbage [money] into the system to make it look like it’s still alive and still viable when it’s not.” She claims that we are living in a bigger crisis than the pandemic and the “entire system” needs to be changed.  “Things don’t look the same today as they did before, just like they don't look the same as they did in 2007 before the banking system actually died,” she warns. In addition, she points out that the recent crackdown on crypto by SEC is orchestrated by the authority to “scare the crap out of everybody” so that people can feel comfortable spending government-issued CBDCs in the future. Finally, Zang indicates that gold holds no geopolitical risk or counterparty risk as it’s outside the system. “A rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency,” she concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
6/9/202316 minutes, 46 seconds
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Kevin O’Leary: I’m Bored to Death of Crypto, Thank God for SEC Crackdown

“Does [CZ] really have $54 billion of cash? I don't know. But if he doesn’t, you're at huge risk. They’ll go to zero like FTX,” says Kevin O’Leary, business mogul and star of ABC's hit TV series Shark Tank. He claims that regulators are trying to “starve CZ from oxygen” because investors will not do business with anyone charged with the allegations at the regulator level. “There's no transparency in ownership. You don't know who owns those wallets,” says O’Leary. However, he acknowledges that CZ is in a difficult position. “I actually have compassion for him today. I feel sorry for him.” Speaking of the controversial PGA/LIV deal, O’Leary argues that it’s a different world and the deal provides “an opening for every sport.” “My bet would be the Saudis go after soccer next,” he claims. “You can never make everybody happy all the time. That is an impossibility and you will deal with this criticism in perpetuity on anything you do and that's actually what corporate America has just learned,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
6/8/202318 minutes, 51 seconds
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Central Banks Will Keep Buying Gold at Record Pace, Here’s Why...

“My expectation is until we have some significant news, we’re probably going to see gold and silver continue to consolidate,” says Mark Yaxley, managing director at Strategic Wealth Preservation. He predicts that gold is likely to trade between $1,900 to $2,100 per ounce at the end of the year, and what the price has suggested now could be a good buying opportunity. When speaking of the headlines of central banks adding more gold to their reserve, Yaxley points out that the trend will continue, and that indicates “a solid base of demand for physical gold… which will help drive up the price.” ➡️ Watch Here
6/5/202314 minutes, 31 seconds
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Death of the Dollar Starts Now: Gerald Celente on Surviving America’s Next Big Crisis

“Why would anyone with a brain bigger than a pea swallow the garbage spewing out of Jerome Powell's mouth? We are in a recession now,” says Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Journal online magazine. In this special episode, Daniela travels to Kingston, New York, and sits down with Celente, who shares views on life, money, and the recent economic turmoil in America. Gerald believes the central bank is clueless about how to resolve today's economic turmoil after exhausting its easy money policies. He says, "They dumped in countless trillions of dollars to fight the COVID-19 war. This is a crisis the likes of which we have never seen. They don't know what to do. They're guessing right now." "The reason why they're doing this is they want every tax dollar they can get. That's the bottom line." He concludes by warning folks that central bank digital currencies serve as a guide for the Fed to increase its control over consumers. ➡️ Watch Here
6/5/202341 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ignore Digital Dollar’s 'Hot Air' and Watch for Gold $3,000, Silver $50

“Silver is gold on steroids. After gold gets going, people start to look at the next big thing, silver takes off,” says John Doody, editor of Gold Stock Analyst. He talks about the factors contributing to the bullish outlook for gold and silver, including unresolved debt issues and the Federal Reserve's aggressive interest-rate hikes. He also discusses the deep-rooted cause for the recent banking crisis. "It's 2008 all over again. The banks are loaded up with bonds, [and] the value is way under what they paid for,” argues Doody. He explains that the Fed’s rate-hike policy has diminished the value of bonds, leading to the death of Silicon Valley Bank since it had to sell bonds in losses to return money back to depositors. “The whole problem is really a problem for all banks,” he says. He believes that all banks are underwater in terms of bond holdings. Additionally, he contends that a cashless society is less likely because “people need cash to do transactions.”
6/1/202318 minutes, 24 seconds
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America in Ruins: We’re Entering Our Worst Ever Economic and Social Times Says Peter Grandich

“We’re going to face a far worse crisis than what we’re going through this moment,” says Peter Grandich, founder of Peter Grandich & Company, highlighting the massive national debt and incurring interest folks have to pay. “We have half our total revenue going just to pay the interest on our debt which is unsustainable,” he warns. Peter believes the economic turmoil we're experiencing has made the U.S. dollar vulnerable as countries around the world continue to shift away from the currency. "Many people in the world now are starting to dissociate themselves from the United States. That’s what there’s a movement to join the BRICS. The end is in sight now,” he warns. He concludes by highlighting the potential of a huge rally in the stock market if the central bank resolves its massive debt issue and shifts away from its aggressive rate-hike policy.
5/30/202323 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jekyll Island Author Declares Revolution Is Only Way to Escape the Fed's Planned Crisis

“We will not survive the system by figuring out how to hide from it,” says G. Edward Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University, in the second part of our interview. He says it's critical for folks to focus on protecting their portfolios. “Our lives and our freedom are at stake here,” Griffin warns. He also believes the banking crisis is not a surprise since it allows for the transition toward “a cashless society” with fewer banks. “Cash gives people autonomy.. it allows them to be independent of others,” he argues. Finally, he claims that de-dollarization is inevitable and might happen soon.
5/30/202327 minutes, 48 seconds
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Banking Crisis Not Accidental: It’s the Last Leg of the Fed’s Master Plan Warns Jekyll Author

“The world is now in the hands of the banking institutions,” says G. Edward Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University. He argues that large banks have become so powerful that they are now “regulating the governments.” When it comes to the banking crisis, he says that it has been with us for a long time and “might really change our lives in the near future.” He concludes that investors will eventually lose their freedom of choice in the market because we’re moving towards a cashless society. “It’s not our money, we don’t own it,” he says.
5/23/202325 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why the Fed Secretly Wants the Banks to Implode

“This is a trend that is just beginning. It almost as if the Fed wants this to happen,” says Andy Schectman, president and CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals. He believes that the Fed wants all the money to leave regional banks because, “they could just disallow the ability for the money market to park their money inside the overnight repo market.” He explains that when President Joe Biden nominated Jared Bernstein, who previously supported de-dollarization, it made the role of the U.S. dollar as world reserve currency vulnerable. Plus, he argues that instead of tackling the massive debt issue, the U.S. tends to find an unrelated “villain” to blame. “It’s almost as if you’re looking for a villain such as Putin, Xi Jinping, OPEC, and all the countries moving away from the dollar,” he exclaims. “But you have to give them reason to de-dollarize, to move away from the system because how do you pay this off? There’s no way out of this mess. It’s either inflation or default,” he concludes.
5/23/202331 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hugh Hendry: Are Banks Holding Your Cash Hostage?

“That probability [of banks freezing your money] like mercury is rising because we experienced the Fed folly,” says Hugh Hendry, former global macro hedge-fund manager. “The Fed hiking is the fastest with the greatest magnitude. They have never done this before,” he argues, explaining that rate hikes inherently destabilize the U.S. banking system as banks are no longer able to match the federal-funds rate. However, Hendry argues that the Fed's recent 25-basis-point increase shows the central bank has failed to learn from the ongoing banking crisis. “As banks are offering 5% CDs, their net interest margin now is heading to zero,” Hugh warns. Hugh compares central bank digital currencies with TikTok because the two elicit much debate but he doesn’t see a legitimate reason for concerns. He concludes that de-dollarization is a “bluff” and doesn't treat it as an imminent threat.
5/18/202339 minutes, 44 seconds
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Fed Dollar Would Make Powell Most Powerful Person on Planet; It Must Be Stopped Urges Bubba Horwitz

“Theoretically, Jerome Powell would be the most powerful person in the world because he controls the money,” says Todd “Bubba” Horwitz, founder of When it comes to the central bank digital currency ("CBDC") and how Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill restricting the use of CBDCs in the state, Horwitz backs up these measures and adds that we need “more to stand up to say, ‘we can not allow the central banks, the Federal Reserve to take over completely.” “The Fed is supposed to oversee, not the world’s largest thief stealing our money,” he argues. He continues that inflation is “worse than it’s been” and that it will go higher. He claims that the Fed will continue hiking interest rates unless another banking collapse happens, adding that the 10-year note will reach 6%. He predicts a stock market meltdown, with the S&P 500 Index dropping to 2,000 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average under 20,000. ➡️ Watch Here
5/15/202313 minutes, 52 seconds
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U.S. Dollar Havoc Will First Emerge in Energy; Major Oil Crisis on Horizon

“You’re going to see [de-dollarization] in the energy sector before you see in anywhere else,” says Ford Nicholson, co-founder and strategic advisor at MCF Energy. “Whether it’s Renminbi or bitcoin or some other version of trade, I see that beginning in the oil market,” Nicholson argues, explaining that what happened in the energy market spells issues for the dollar moving forward. Plus, he claims that the European energy crisis also implies opportunities in the next two years as countries such as Germany struggle with domestic supply of oil and gas. "Each continent is going to have its own battle with energy,” Nicholson claims. “Energy is where rubber hits the road to keep the economy going… Looking at the differentiation between each of these continents is going to be super critical and I think a lot of money can be made by following this,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
5/15/202324 minutes, 29 seconds
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Market Disaster Looming, Don't Get Excited About Bitcoin Yet Cautions Gareth Soloway

“I actually have a very bearish outlook for the second half of this year,” warns Gareth Soloway, president and CFO of He predicts a 20% correction in the S&P 500 Index and that inflation will linger around 3% for several years. “The problem is wages have gone up and it becomes very sticky. Once those wages go up, it’s very hard to get that genie back in the bottle,” he says. He believes the Fed will not come to rescue as it did in the early stages of the pandemic with quantitative easing and that’s when “real panic sets in.” Plus, he remains bearish about bitcoin. “Leading into the potential default for the U.S. government, this is when bitcoin needs to shine. We saw it shine with the banking crisis. The potential for a default should be seeing even more price action to the upside... If we're not getting a bigger move later this month in bitcoin, I would start to get very bearish." ➡️ Watch Here
5/11/202322 minutes, 1 second
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Why The Fed Wants You to Have a Mental Breakdown: E.B. Tucker

In the second part of our interview with E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of Why Gold, Why Now?, he details how the Fed's actions are weighing on consumers. “You don’t tell the builder what kind of house you want. They tell you what kind of house we’re gonna get,” he says, highlighting that folks end up living in a space that may be massive but not necessarily the one they enjoy living in. “The builders have succeeded in doing this for probably 40 years now because people had access to cheaper and cheaper money... [but] you’re much better off being in a space that works with your mood and enchases your life," he says. Tucker also explains that in terms of de-dollarization, there’s a shift going on in the global markets. “We have to be aware that the U.S. is losing standing,” he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
5/8/202327 minutes, 52 seconds
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Powell's Fed Won't Stop Until It Sees the Whites of Your Eyes Warns EB Tucker

“The attitude of market people in the U.S. is kind of like wanting your house to burn down so that you can get the insurance money,” says E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of Why Gold, Why Now? He argues that while people may take the Fed’s eventual slowdown on raising interest rates as a positive sign, it indicates a looming recession that will result in people losing their jobs, businesses failing, and everybody spending their savings. “There’s a lot of pain and discomfort... People are not feeling pain yet,” he warns. Tucker concludes we’re living in a “centrally controlled system,” highlighting that Treasury bills still a provide safety net for investors regardless of the massive debt issue in the U.S. ➡️ Watch Here
5/5/202327 minutes, 31 seconds
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Take Your "Safe Money" Out of the Banks, We’re Facing Crisis Greater Than 1930s

"The economy is going to come to a standstill and worse because everything starts imploding," says Bert Dohmen, founder and president of Dohmen Capital Research. He explains that in the wake of the banking crisis, it becomes challenging to get a loan from the bank "no matter how trustworthy" a borrower is. Additionally, he says that President Joe Biden's current spending plan, which aims to double the capital gains tax on corporations and wealthy Americans, is a "killer for the economy." Bert asserts that "investors create businesses, and businesses create jobs. If nobody creates businesses, you have no job creation." Given the current uncertain environment, he concludes that investors should seek safety in U.S. treasury bills. However, he predicts that gold price will experience an up and down in the future and that the precious metal's recent record high indicates a sell signal.
5/4/202315 minutes, 44 seconds
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How The Fed Will Usher In Its “Miracle” Banking System Under Guise of Protecting You

The de-dollarization is “a watershed moment,” says Matthew Piepenburg, partner at Matterhorn Asset Management. “The world’s reserve currency is not going to change,” he continues, highlighting that the U.S. dollar accounts for 60% of the global currency pool. As a result, he claims what’s changing is “the hegemony, the respect, the trust for the U.S. dollar as a payment system.” Additionally, he argues that BRICS countries began trading with each other using alternative currencies because the Fed's interest-rate hikes made the US dollar too expensive. “Foreign treasuries and foreign nations have been dumping U.S. treasuries throughout 2022… $14 trillion in foreign debt has to be paid in U.S. dollars,” he continues. “The fiat game is not sustainable. This debt game is not sustainable... You can’t keep solving the debt problem with more debt,” he concludes. Matthew says FedNow and other central bank digital currencies only serve to expand the government's control.  ➡️ Watch Here
5/2/202344 minutes, 22 seconds
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US Dollar Disruption Could Lead to War, De-Leveraging System Comes With Immense Pain

“The de-dollarization is going to happen and it’s going to be a very painful process,” says Alfonso Peccatiello, founder and CEO of The Macro Compass. He says moving away from the dollar-centric transaction system will result in “geopolitical tension, wars, tectonic shifts, and nothing we hope for as humanity.” On top of that, “We have created $12 trillion of debt, denominating in dollars but issued by entities that are not in the U.S… when they became debt in a currency that is not controlled, they basically become independent of dollar inflows from their trade to service their debt, so they need to sell more commodities in dollars to pay their dollar debt and dollar coupons.” Ahead of the Fed's upcoming meeting, Alfonso says the central bank is expected to approve a 25-basis-point boost. ➡️ Watch Here
5/2/202320 minutes, 37 seconds
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Wall Street Is Wrong: The Fed Will Keep Hiking Rates and Stagflation Is Next Reveals Fed Insider

“It’s all cleared. What happened in March was an overreaction,” says Joseph Wang, chief investment officer of Monetary Macros and author of Fed Guy, as banks announce earnings in the wake of the recent banking crisis. He points out that the U.S. has more than 4,000 banks nationwide and macro indicators signal the panic has been subsided. For instance, the emergency lending that the Fed provides to commercial banks fell in late March. He claims that the government will jump into action to navigate this ongoing chaos just like during the 2008 financial crisis. “Whenever something bad happens, they are going to be peppered over just like that, ” he says. He believes the Fed will keep hiking interest rates to contain inflation. “Because of inflation, there’s a real fundamental regime change of how the Fed operates,” he explains, arguing that we are expected to see a 25 basis point hike in the next Fed meeting in early May. He concludes that in today’s stagflation environment, investors will be better off investing in commodities such as oil and energy ➡️ Watch Here
4/26/202336 minutes, 52 seconds
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'Why I’m Using More Cash,' as My Worst Nightmare Closes In Warns Rick Rule

“The enemies of the U.S. dollar are not Saudi Arabia. They aren’t China. They aren’t Russia,” says Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. “The worst enemy of the U.S. dollar, rather than being external, it’s from within.” He argues that the U.S. is facing more than $130 trillion of debt and Congress has promised to service with a budget that’s in deficit $2 trillion a year. “You don’t dig yourself out of a hole by digging deeper.. which is precisely what we were doing,” Rick says. However, he is still impressed by the resilience of the U.S. economy and advises young people to follow their passion if they want to succeed. In regards to latest rollouts of central bank digital currencies, Rick says it’s the “worst possible nightmare” because the digital currency program will allow governments to monitor people and control their money. “I am using more and more cash,” Rick says. He concludes that the deficits, debt issues,  and negative real interest rates will tempt folks to explore the precious metals sector, including physical gold and gold-mining companies. ➡️ Watch Here
4/25/202344 minutes, 19 seconds
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This Coming Financial Crisis Is Different: The Fed Has More Tools to Take Your Money - George Gammon

“If you have this contraction in the money supply and we see that continue, then potentially you go into a 1930s type of Great Depression,” says George Gammon, macroeconomics expert and host of the Rebel Capitalist Show. He says the money supply contracted 20% to 30% during the Great Depression, leading to business failures and a reduction in bank lending... and that is exactly what we are seeing right now. In addition, he argues that the recently announced IMF central bank digital currency serves as a means for the Fed to control and “micromanage the global monetary system.” “Instead of holding gold on their balance sheet as a reserve asset, the Federal Reserve would hold digital SDRs,” making the transfers and payments across borders much easier. He concludes that the global monetary system has been broken since 2008 and he predicts a hard landing due to the fragility of the banking system. ➡️ Watch Here
4/21/202331 minutes, 26 seconds
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Your Banks Can Seize Your Money; It’s a Failed System Moving to Digital, Know the Risks Warns Expert

“It’s impossible to carry on the system as it stands now. We’re at the end of the fiat experiment,” says David Morgan, founder of He says the newly announced Universal Monetary Unit by the IMF demonstrates a monetary structure that’s simply replicating the current one. It’s “a new failed system” that will allow banks to track transactions more efficiently and monitor everyone. “But it it doesn’t change anything,” he explains. David remains neutral about the future rule of Ripple in CBDC transactions. However, he also acknowledges that most cryptos are vulnerable “because they’re not really anything other than a new form of fiat." In addition, he expects that the Fed is less likely to hike rates again in May and argues that most Fed officials are academics and don’t understand the market.
4/20/202343 minutes, 15 seconds
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“It’s a Tragedy for Privacy and Humans:” Expert Warns of 'Unicoin' CBDC Unveiled at IMF Meeting

“This is signaling a disaster for privacy, for humans, for people, [and] for citizens,“ says Todd Bubba Horwitz, founder of, following the recent launch of the Universal Monetary Unit at IMF Spring Meetings in Washington, D.C. He says it’s a “tragedy” because central bank digital currencies will enable governments to track people “from the day you born until the day you die,” arguing that it's just another way of taking freedom away from people. He says that the Fed is expected to raise interest rates again in May and there will be a “major disaster in the equity market" in the next year or so, citing unemployment, stagflation, and high interest rates as major factors. As a result, he says money will flow to gold and silver, helping gold reach new highs this year. ➡️ Watch Here
4/18/202321 minutes, 59 seconds
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Kevin O’Leary: 'Get Over It', There Is No De-dollarization and No Country That Matters Dumping USD

"I have moved into the camp that the Fed needs to pause for three months," says Kevin O'Leary, business mogul and star of ABC's hit TV series Shark Tank. "I think we are more near four and a half inflation. I think the way [the] CPI is calculated is a mistake and needs to be fixed," he tells Daniela Cambone. "Liquidity for loans has completely dried up in the past few weeks, you cannot get any capital," O'Leary argues. "There is a big problem brewing here and the Fed needs seriously to look at this," he exclaims. "I think we have some real soul-searching to do in America about how many of these regional banks are going to survive and how many people want to support them in perpetuity," O'Leary continues. "What is the possible reason that the value of a regional bank is going up when there is crushing regulation coming?" he asks. "To be completely out of equities is probably risky as well. If it's true that we are stalled out here on rate hikes, this is as good as it's going to get on treasuries," O'Leary argues. "The only thing that really matters for the U.S. is what is the default currency of the world and who brokers the power. Those are the two issues at stake," he says. "Nobody trusts the Chinese government. Nobody is going to take the Chinese yuan instead because of this," O'Leary concludes.
4/12/202325 minutes, 39 seconds
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What the Six Massive Financial Black Holes Are Signaling Next

"We've had six super, massive black holes one after another since 2011," argues Claude Bejet, private investor and contributor for the Swiss Gold Letter. "The reason now I'm getting a new spout of energy [for gold miners] is: when you start seeing banks fail, it's probably a good time to get into gold," he tells Daniela Cambone at the 2023 Swiss Mining Institute conference. "I think people should allocate their portfolios with more than 10% of gold, I am massively in the junior gold space," Bejet continues. "Gold miners are undervalued versus gold. Mid caps are very undervalued versus gold, and the small caps are seeing total dislocation so you have fantastic opportunities there," he says. "You have to find an edge, I think now we are going into a stock-picking era," Bejet warns. "Gold analysts are now traumatized and are penalizing growth, so one of the best strategies is to buy growth companies like Equinox Gold at a discount," he says. "It's a pretty good sign to see investors like Ross Beaty and Frank Giustra enter the market for what they believe is a big bull cycle," Bejet concludes.
4/10/202313 minutes, 53 seconds
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Financial System Is Done, Nothing Left: Fed Will Now Fast-Track CBDCs Warns Lynette Zang

"2008 is when the system actually died and was put on QE life support until [the Fed] could get into place the next system that could take place of the current system," argues Lynette Zang, chief market analyst for ITM Trading. "We seem to be paralleling what's happened in 2008 in regards to bank consolidation. We're at that same juncture right now where everything has changed," she tells Daniela Cambone. "There is nothing left in the system. There is officially no purchasing power left in the currencies. It's all just on public confidence. Central banks don't have confidence in each other," she continues. "We need to go into a new system because this system is done," Zang exclaims. "Whether you're looking at deflation or inflation, it's the same coin, just the opposite side," she argues. "The Fed will propose CBDCs as a way to get rid of inflation, but it will present the problem of deflation and it will not control how low they can push interest rates," Zang predicts. "This is about the banks and the financial system. We vote with our wallets... if you buy stocks, that's your vote. If you buy gold and silver that's your vote. If you buy cryptos, that's your vote," she continues. "[The Fed] can't pull off a CBDC if enough of us vote a certain way. A rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency and once you really understand that a currency is failing, you make different choices," Zang concludes.
4/6/202330 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Wild Card That Would Send Gold to $5,000, Silver to $300 in This Cycle

"Silver is the most conductive and reflective metal out there. It sets the standard bar none for industrial metals," says Peter Krauth, editor of Silver Stock Investor and author of The Great Silver Bull. "Those properties make it irreplaceable in a ton of applications... the single biggest one today is solar, where silver is driving the solar market," he tells Daniela Cambone at the 2023 Swiss Mining Institute conference. "I see silver going higher by the end of the year. Silver tends to follow gold and by all measures, it's very likely to be considerably higher this year," Krauth continues. "I could see $30 silver by the first half of next year," he predicts. "In this cycle, based on the research I've done, we could see silver hit a peak of $300 in a time of speculative mania," Krauth exclaims. "The monetary demand is what will send the precious metal soaring," he continues. "[Electric vehicles] require twice as much silver as a regular car. Silver surrounds us and we don't even realize it," Krauth concludes.
4/4/202311 minutes, 38 seconds
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U.S. Dollar on Brink of Extinction? China’s De-dollarization Agenda Is Creating a Global Shift

"The bank collapses were bound to happen. I've been saying if the Fed kept up their rate-hike cycle, something would break and it did," says Frank Giustra, CEO of the Fiore Group. "There are more collapses to come. We are seeing the beginnings of a great unraveling," he tells Daniela Cambone at the 2023 Swiss Mining Institute conference. "The world financial system is going to go through a tectonic change and most people aren't prepared for it. The U.S. dollar's supremacy is changing and we are in the middle of that change," Giustra asserts. "Recent central bank gold buying started in 2010 and has been accelerated," he continues. "The U.S. is definitely worried they are losing their power in the Middle East, and this came about because America withdrew diplomatically from the region," Giustra argues. "The consequences to the U.S.'s involvement in the Ukraine-Russia conflict created a global movement to move away from the dollar, helping the BRICS expand and create their own currency. That is the direction we are heading towards and it will happen sooner than people think and gold will play a role in this new currency," he predicts. "China has already created a pathway to trade with countries sanctioned by the U.S. in the petroyuan... China's economic might is taking over and that's driving fear in a lot of Americans. Hopefully, it's not a hot war," Giustra says. "No currency in history has ever been launched without a gold backing, including the U.S. dollar," he states. "You have to be very afraid of CBDCs. The government is going to reward or punish you depending on how they want to fine tune the economy. They are a very scary proposition," Giustra concludes.
4/3/202338 minutes, 51 seconds
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Banks Gasping for Air, Facing Crisis Unlike 2008

"[The situation we're in now] is very different than 2008, the rising of rates seems to be a magic number," argues Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors and Chairman of HIVE Blockchain Technologies. "Signature bank falling was such a shock, but we moved our money out and it was all professional," he tells Daniela Cambone at the 2023 Swiss Mining Institute annual conference. "It's very tragic what happened to the shareholders of [Signature bank], it was a first-class operation," Holmes says. "Bitcoin validated the blockchain... there are 12,000 independent nodes around the world validating transactions," he continues. "You have to support getting auditors [in the crypto space] to actually chase away crooks like Sam Bankman-Fried," Holmes states. "We have, for the first time in history, an interesting black swan because America is dealing with two cold wars [between Russia and China]," he concludes.
3/30/202315 minutes, 21 seconds
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Bad Times Ahead for Stocks, History Shows Something ‘Big’ Is About to Drop

"There a lot of themes in the global macro world right now that are firming up for precious metals," says Otavio "Tavi" Costa, portfolio manager for Crescat Capital. "We've really had five very bad decades for the stock market throughout history and I think we're going to have another one here," he tells Daniela Cambone at the 2023 Swiss Mining Institute annual conference. "There will be a 'Great Rotation,' basically a domino effect of things like interest rates being higher," Costa continues. "We are very concerned about private equity markets, mega caps, and the corporate bond," he exclaims. "A yield-curve inversion is one of the best indicators that precedes a recession," Costa argues. "On the long side, metals and mining are where you want to be," he continues. "Given the level of imbalances we have in the global economy, not just the U.S., it's hard to believe we are not going to see more things unfold," Costa says. "There's going to be a lot of readjustments of prices of fundamentals from here," he concludes.
3/27/202313 minutes, 56 seconds
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“Dark Scenario” for U.S. Dollar: China and Russia’s Masterplan

"I've been saying for 20 years that we will see the petrodollar system end. And now, we can say there has been an end to that system," says Willem Middelkoop, founder of the Commodity Discovery Fund and bestselling author of The Big Reset: War on Gold and the Financial Endgame. "The real question is, 'Is this start of the petroyuan system?'," he says to Daniela Cambone at the 2023 Swiss Mining Institute conference in Zurich. "The worst scenario for the U.S. is when Russia teams up with China and possibly Iran. They know they are playing a dangerous game [with] these countries," Middelkoop asserts. "It's quite clear that China is now being much more aggressive and negative about the U.S. compared to the '90s and 2000s," he continues. "A special new BRICS reserve currency could be the absolute nail in the coffin and it could be backed by a basket of commodities beyond just gold," Middelkoop predicts. "Your savings aren't safe in a bank account because it is now owned by the bank, and we've seen the repercussions of this in the past weeks with Silicon Valley Bank," he says. "It's why regulators had to guarantee all deposits... and that's endgame stuff," Middelkoop argues. "Gold will cross $2,000 and then that level will become support instead of resistance. And that's when the major bull market will start," he concludes.
3/27/202321 minutes, 30 seconds
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Bank Runs: All Roads Lead to Central Bank Digital Currencies, You Need Gold, Bitcoin to Exit System

"We forgot about free markets a long time ago. We've been in [a] quantitative easing market ever since the 2008 financial crisis," says Simon Dixon, CEO and co-founder of "What's really been exposed is the fragility of the financial system... when you try to reverse any centrally planned, low-interest-rate, central-bank-subsidized stock market," he tells Daniela Cambone. "Banks have been broken based on a product that has become more volatile than bitcoin, which is straight up treasuries," Dixon argues. "There seems to be a theme and U.S. regulators seem to treat these blowups as a fine rather than prevent it in the first place. It's a regulatory failure," he continues. "Money at a bank is money I'm lucky to get back. That's how I've always looked at it and obviously that's not how most people look at it," Dixon says. "Bitcoin is a great mechanism for saving, but it's not very useful for spending. However, throughout this whole system shakedown, bitcoin has just worked," he concludes.
3/20/202329 minutes, 6 seconds
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Short Seller That Nailed FTX, SVB, and Silvergate Says ‘They’ May Be Next; It’s a Global Scheme

"People fall in love with the shiny object, and in the case of FTX it turned out to be a fake," says legendary short seller Marc Cohodes. "The world right now lacks people's ability to actually think. The more I dug in on Silvergate's clients, one was worse than the next [Signature Bank]," he tells Daniela Cambone. "I told people Silvergate is a publicly traded crime scene and the CEO needs to go to jail," Cohodes says. "I'm very proud of the work I did here and the time I put in because two really bad outfits are now out of business," he continues. "I had three bullets in my gun and all three hit the target... I'm also short Helen of Troy. It's headed for big-time trouble," Cohodes predicts. "The cost of living is out of control and the CPI does not capture how expensive it is these days to live," he continues. "The Fed has really messed things up over the past decade and a half with the generation of easy money," Marc states. "It's why these banks are all in trouble. They borrowed all of this cheap money with low interest-rate investments... It's all coming home to roost," he argues. "The Fed is in a real box and they need to take interest rates way up and absolutely kill inflation," Marc continues. "[The Fed] really needs to slow things down hard and break inflation... We are in a zombie state," he concludes.
3/16/202332 minutes, 30 seconds
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Bloodbath Has Just Begun: ‘Dr. Doom’ Roubini Says We’re Solely in First Inning of Major Debt Crisis

"We are in the beginning of a debt crisis in the U.S., we are only in the first few innings," says Dr. Nouriel Roubini, co-founder and chairman of Roubini Global Economics & Professor Emeritus of the Stern School of Business of New York University. "It's very likely the Fed will pivot with the implied risk of a financial meltdown," he tells Daniela Cambone. "There is a doom loop occurring and the Fed is in a position where they will be damned if they do and damned if they don't raise rates," Roubini continues. "The real economy and financial economy are contradicting each other, and the government created a mess of too much debt and now it becomes another leverage cycle all over again," he exclaims. "The Fed has been doing backdoor QE and the financial system is reckless... everything was in a bubble 2 years ago," Roubini continues. "Even in a mild recession, the S&P is going to fall between 30% and 50% and gold has upside in this environment," he says. "We are in a geopolitical depression, Israel is getting ready to potentially strike Iran and cold war between U.S. and China may soon become a hot war," Roubini states. "There is only a certain amount of time before something happens in Taiwan, we are living in a world of geopolitical depression," he concludes.
3/14/202331 minutes, 20 seconds
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CBDCs Could Be Greatest Evil We Have Ever Seen

"The average time, historically, between the last rate hike and the first rate cut is only five months, since the 1950s... We could very well see Powell stopping rate hikes later this year and then lower them five months later," says Jeff Clark, senior precious metals analyst for And he argues that ongoing global supply-chain disruptions are hampering the precious metals space. "The supply chain is the real issue. Even if I want to pay more to get something I still can't get it... Miners are budgeting for a certain inflation rate, and their inflation rate internally ends up being higher, all because of the supply chain," he tells our Daniela Cambone. "Bringing down the economy will slow demand down, which in theory slows inflation," he concludes.
3/13/202312 minutes, 42 seconds
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Fed’s Plan at Fighting Inflation Will Fail, Higher Prices Here for Another Decade

"Basic commodities we rely on as a mining industry we have to look for today because the Fed is cutting off supply chains," says Keith Neumeyer, president and CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp. "We're going to have long-term inflation... I think we are going to have an inflationary period that's going to last the next decade," he says at the Gold & Silver reception during PDAC 2023. "On a dollar basis, we are producing more gold than silver right now... Gold creates the stability we need on a balance sheet," Neumeyer continues. "Copper is the highway, and silver is the glue... Recycling is virtually at zero for silver, " he argues. "The entire mining sector is down, and we are heavily affected by the silver price. "We're still focusing on Mexico, I've not given up on it, I think it's a great place for a silver and gold company to be," Neumeyer states. "There is something going on behind the scenes with central banks hoarding gold, and because of that, we're going to see new highs in gold at the end of the year... $3,000 gold and $30 silver," he concludes. ➡️ Watch Here
3/9/202313 minutes, 49 seconds
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Investors Should Be 'Careful What They Wish For' When it Comes to $100 Silver

"Not many are falling into the silver space. The industry really hasn't recovered since 2012," says Peter Megaw, co-founder of MAG Silver. "We use Archie's Rule as a metric on a regular basis and if it doesn't make Archie happy we move on," he tells Daniela Cambone at GSA Investor Day 2023. "There are geologic ways you can narrow your search parameters once you identify where you want to be exploring you can locate big deposits," Megaw explains. "Silver is different than gold because silver gets used, and it gets used in ways that can't be recovered," he continues. "A lot of the silver that's ever been found is gone and every piece of gold is still around," Megaw states. "Over time, we need a lot more silver. The metal is scarce," he warns. Megaw concludes that investors should, "be careful what you wish for when it comes to a $50 or $100 silver price," because it would have dire implications on the rest of the economy.
3/7/202315 minutes, 47 seconds
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Get Ready for Triple-Digit Silver

"The production is down for silver every year and the demand keeps going up... The usage of silver is going parabolic and astronomic," says Silver Stock Analyst editor Garrett Goggin . "Eighty percent of the world's silver comes from Mexico, which is not a great place to operate anymore," he tells Daniela Cambone at GSA Investor Day 2023. "Silver is a risky investment to mine, but you need to look at Bolivia and Morocco and not play it safe," Goggin says. "Finding the companies that are looking at everything on a per-share metric, those are the companies preferred with a high-grade deposit," he continues. "Silver is a volatile metal, and gold mines are more profitable than mining silver... The margins are less in the silver industry," Goggin says. "The supply-and-demand equation does not line up for silver and at some point the metal's price will catch up," he concludes.
3/6/20238 minutes, 53 seconds
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Two Things That Blew Me Away, Why I Know Gold Has to Go Higher: Franco-Nevada CEO

"Part of what's driving higher industry cost right now is higher energy prices," says Paul Brink president and CEO of Franco-Nevada. "Franco-Nevada is actually a beneficiary of that situation," he tells Daniela Cambone at GSA Investor Day 2023. "Finding gold mines is tougher and tougher over time, and it means there is a real premium for good operating assets and that's driving [mergers and acquisitions] in the sector," Brink states. "The M&A cycle is typically a recycling cycle of companies in our sector," he continues. "It's a positive the central bank buying, and the odds are in the price of gold's favor," Brink concludes.
3/6/202311 minutes, 20 seconds
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Fed Needs to Put 'Debt-to-GDP Genie' Back in the Bottle

"We’ve made it very clear over the years that Seabridge KSM is too large for us to develop on our own, the largest gold and copper project the world," says Rudi Fronk, CEO and chair of Seabridge Gold. "It's a tough time to be in the gold space from a shareholder and equity side," he says. "The market right now is the absolute condition we need to get our joint venture done, [but] it feels like Pac Man," Fronk says. "We may see one or two more hikes from the Fed. The bigger issue going forward is the funding that the Treasury is going to require," he warns. "The Fed needs inflation to put the debt-to-GDP genie back in the bottle," Fronk argues. "The best is yet to come for gold. We are going to see the precious metal at levels that will shock a lot of people," he says. "I believe the precious metal will go above $2,500. The record central bank gold purchasing is hugely telling," Fronk concludes.
3/6/20238 minutes, 59 seconds
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Don’t Believe the Fed: With Recession on the Horizon, Central Bank Will Be Forced to Lower Rates

"If you're in this business, from a mining standpoint, this is a good timing opportunity for silver miners to convert to gold," says Gold Stock Analyst editor John Doody, founder and editor of Gold Stock Analyst. "If you want to grow, it's hard to grow in silver and it's easier to grow in gold," he tells Daniela Cambone at GSA Investor Day 2023. "I think we're going to have a recession. An inverted yield curve has always led to a recession," Doody continues. "When you have a recession on the horizon, the Fed always lowers interest rates, and lower interest rates means higher gold [prices]," he says. "Inflation will come down all on its own because what you're comparing it to is relatively cheaper. The base rose," he concludes.
3/2/20239 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why China Is Suddenly Releasing News About Its Gold Purchases: World Gold Chair

Silver has a lot of the same fundamentals that gold has and a few more," says Randy Smallwood, president and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals. "Silver conducts electricity better than any other metal in the world," he tells Daniela Cambone at GSA Investor Day 2023. "We are seeing increasing investments on silver's side, it continues to grow year after year... The fundamentals are just stronger for silver," Smallwood asserts. "We saw the U.S. dollar weaponized so a lot of central banks around the world made a big swap toward the gold space," he continues. "Gold is apolitical, it's accepted around the world, and it's not subject to the political influence the U.S. dollar has," Smallwood reiterates. "It's very unlikely the world would accept the renminbi as a reserve currency, but they're going to try to get it to the same credibility that the U.S. dollar has," he warns. "We're well down the path of central bank digital currencies already," Smallwood concludes.
3/1/202313 minutes, 32 seconds
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We Will All Be Trapped; Something Big Lurking Beneath the Surface Warns Mike Maloney

"The amount of gold available above ground is about twice of what was available back during [the] 1980s," says Mike Maloney, founder and CEO of "I started working on The Great Gold and Silver Rush of the 21st about a decade ago, and the final book is about 20% of what was written," he says. "Money makes and currency takes. People need to start differentiating the two. There is no nation on the Earth that uses money today," exclaims Mahoney. "Warren Buffett isn't going to turn to bitcoin. Currencies and cryptocurrencies are dishonest and theft, we have all been monetized," he continues. "The Fed has stolen more than 97% of the purchasing power of the dollar, and gold is lagging, but there will be dramatic shifts in monetary exchange," Maloney warns. "Precious metals are the only thing that have proven themselves over the centuries to be money... A store of a value is the most important attribute of money, unlike currency," he concludes. You can read Chapter 3 and 4 of The Great Gold and Silver Rush of the 21st here:
2/23/202345 minutes, 30 seconds
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Robert Kiyosaki Talks Spy Balloons: Something Nefarious Is Going On, Be Prepared

"I think we’re going to war. There is something nefarious going on that we will never know and it's a frightening time," says Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. "Our pensions are empty... That is the biggest crisis facing America today," he tells Daniela Cambone. "Gold and silver are international money, and paper money is worthless," Kiyosaki continues. "Silver is the hottest investment right now, and it's the most suppressed and manipulated commodity out there," he says. "I see blockchain as an accounting system and Charlie Munger is a part of the Fed, treasury, and Wall Street," Kiyosaki states. He concludes, "something is going on that I can't figure out, we will look back upon this and think 'what were we doing?' These are epic times."
2/20/202329 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fed Cherry-Picking Inflation Data; They Can’t Save you From Egg Prices

"There is still going to be an overhang in the economy even as the markets are going to get comfortable with the dialed down size of the Fed's rate hikes," says Nomi Prins, bestselling author and investigative journalist. "The Fed is going to go to neutrality," she tells Daniela Cambone. "Then they will start to buy bonds again or back up from their plan to do quantitative tightening," Prins continues. "There are certain assets like gold, silver, and copper that are already peaking up because the Fed has entered the first stage of a three-stage pivot," she says. "Gold purchasing by China has allowed them to begin backing the renminbi with the metal and create new alliances at the same time," Prins says. Take a look at her new book Permanent Distortion: How the Financial Markets Abandoned the Real Economy Forever here
2/15/202319 minutes, 10 seconds
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Insider’s Guide: Top Gold, Silver Coins and Bars to Gift for Valentine’s Day

“I’m approaching this with guarded optimism. Everyone feels we’re set up for a strong run in in 2023,” says Mark Yaxley, managing director of Strategic Wealth Preservation. The price of gold will “continue rising because the table is set for that” and “there seems to be more gains ahead for gold and silver,” he tells Daniela Cambone. He also claims that it’s a good opportunity to explore the precious metals sector now because “the premiums are quite soft now so take advantage while they last.” This soft premium is due to “a slowdown in the demand from retails investors for physical products” and the U.S. dollar's value as well. “The Main Street is worried about what’s going to happen in the next 12 months and when the Main Street is worried, they start to look for outs. Gold and silver are one of those outs,” says Mark. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Mark also shared his top gift ideas for your Valentine if you don’t have a present yet.
2/13/202317 minutes, 3 seconds
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This is the End of the Experiment: What the Central Banks Know That You Don’t – Lynette Zang

“I think there’s going to be a crisis this year. I don’t think there’s going to be a soft landing, I don’t think there is a disinflation. I think there’s going to be a hard landing,” warns Lynette Zang, chief market analyst for ITM Trading. Zang tells our Daniela Cambone, “We’re in the middle of that transition from LIBOR — that interest-rate benchmark —in the U.S., SOFR. And they’re getting some pushbacks particularly from [collateralized loan obligations] and I don’t think they can make the transition.” Zang explains. She continues by saying that “there are 610 trillion notional value contracts that have to be converted and even with their mathematical fixes, they cannot get the SOFR to show interest rates the same as the LIBOR. That impacts all the contracts that still have LIBOR embedded in it.” But how could this actually impact everyday people’s life? She further says that it will make the generated income from bonds or other contract-based debt instruments much smaller. “Student loans, credit cards, mortgage statements, car loan. All of the sudden, they look different.” Zang also shared that she saw the central bank digital currencies ("CBDCs") are becoming more prevalent worldwide and that China has demonstrated its leadership in “showing us the way of getting adoption of the CBDC and how to control a society.” In terms of crypto, Zang said bitcoin will remain popular because Wall Street has embraced cryptocurriences more recently. But she said she would not hold value in it.
2/13/202330 minutes, 20 seconds
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We’re Facing the Most Critical Geopolitical Time Since WW2 Warns Billionaire Mogul

"We are probably in the most challenging time from a geopolitical standpoint that we have seen from the end of the second World War," warns Dr. Thomas Kaplan, mining mogul and chairman of NOVAGOLD. "We are very much in uncharted waters. A reset of some kind is looming," he tells Daniela Cambone. "Even against the almighty dollar, gold has performed extremely well... We now know central banks are buyers of gold," Kaplan states. "The Fed buying gold is the equivalent of insider buying. No one knows better than they do, the fragility of all other assets," he says. "The price chart of gold is wildly bullish. If crypto is gold 2.0, it turns out that gold 1.0 is pretty great," he continues. "The United States does not really care about the value of the dollar. They do care about the world reserve status, but not enough to make the long-term sacrifices to keep," Kaplan asserts. "Gold's next equilibrium range will be between $3,000 [and] $5,000, and it will happen much fast than people think similar to how fast people adapted to crypto," he concludes.
2/9/202351 minutes, 29 seconds
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Kevin O’Leary Slams Elizabeth Warren & Co., 'They Are Killing U.S. Business'

"We're two-thirds into the Federal Reserve's process, no matter how you look at it we're on the back end of hikes," predicts Kevin O'Leary, business mogul and star of ABC's hit TV series Shark Tank. "This could've been the last rate hike for a while because the Federal Reserve has not seen any slowdown yet, and specifically with payroll figures," he tells our Daniela Cambone. O'Leary discusses his latest investment in the state of North Dakota where he argues, "The flyover states are using policy to change the competitive environment against California and Massachusetts and many others states that were the hot beds for startups." He says, "Today, we’d never fund a startup in one of those states, the tax and regulatory environment are too punitive... the new strategy has been competition of state." "You need to keep your powder dry, and I'm very interested in these developing AI technologies... I think I have to participate," he continues. "On equities, I remain very cautious. I won't buy something unless it has positive cash flow in all 11 sectors," O'Leary concludes.
2/6/202325 minutes, 42 seconds
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Fed Is Right to Raise Rates, Be Prepared to Dodge Lagging ‘Full Punch’ Says Rick Rule

Sign up for Rick Rule's Virtual Silver Investors Bootcamp here: "I've been positively surprised at the strength of the U.S. economy in the face of consistent interest raises, which are indeed the right policy," says Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. "They need to raise interest rates again, and most likely by 25 basis points," he tells Daniela Cambone. "The economic response often lags, and it's possible we haven't felt the full punch of these interest-rate rises," Rule warns. He projects that there will not be no soft landing once this downturn ends, "but a crash may be too strong a word... I've never seen a soft landing occur in 50 years however." Rule states. And he believes, "there's currently a worldwide push to look for a bilateral means of exchange outside of the U.S. dollar, and that is gold, beyond the BRICS nations." "I believe the dollar will continue to be the primary means of exchange... U.S. treasuries are the deepest and most liquid market in the world," he concludes.
2/1/202332 minutes, 54 seconds
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We’re Entering a Major Crisis; CBDCs Coming in 2023, Serfdom is Upon Us Warns Doug Casey

"The excess money printing is to maintain the house of cards we've built up over decades and decades," says Doug Casey, New York Times best-selling author and host of the Doug Casey's Take podcast. "Central bank digital currencies are like the final arrow in their quiver, and if the public sheepishly accepts CBDCs, we'll be one step closer to the serfs," he warns Daniela Cambone. "The U.S.'s leading export has been dollars, we ship dollars, and they are printed up out of nothing by the Federal Reserve, and they are going to lose the world reserve currency status," Casey continues. "[China and Russia] are trading with each other with gold, the whole world is going go back to gold and people will trade with gold," he exclaims. "There shouldn't be a gold backed currency, gold is currency," Casey makes clear. "The Ukraine-Russia conflict is just an overture... many of the countries in the world today are going to breakup into smaller countries including, Brazil, Bolivia, all the countries in Africa, France, Span and the U.K.," he concludes
1/30/202342 minutes, 43 seconds
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More Skeletons Will Fall Out Of Crypto Closet, Is Binance Next?

"All markets are cyclical, and historically bitcoin has worked in three- to four-year cycles," claims Nicholas Prouten, chief operating officer of global payments platform LODE Payments International. "We are looking at a model that points to a bullish market from bitcoin, but regulation and big players like Binance will dictate the price in this space," he tells Daniela Cambone. Crypto turbulence has, "pushed us closer and closer to what blockchain is suppose to provide, and it's very beneficial for the decentralized finance space with more skeletons to fall, Prouten continues. "I'm noticing a shift in language in the crypto space, the word 'crypto' is always used as a negative connotation unless we’re in a bullish market," he argues. "The WEF has a vested interest to maintain the status quo, there is a concerted effort to paint that negative stigma for the entire industry," says Prouten. "If Binance falls, it would be severely debilitating for the industry... and I see a similar type of arrangement with FTX and Binance, they are all in connection with each other, I can’t say I can trust these operations," he continues. "The evolution of the BRICS alliance and countries stating they want to move to a gold backed system... we are at the beginning of the end for a large political power shift which is about to take place, and precious metals inherently are going to play an important role in this shift," says Prouten. If we are moving toward central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), "it makes use extremely bullish if we are moving towards CBDC’s, exploring the notion of what it means to be backed by precious metals entirely," he concludes.
1/26/202323 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Real Reason Central Banks Are Desperate to Hoard Gold: E.B. Tucker

"Big tech companies are laying off 10% of their workforce, this is going to have a huge effect," warns E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of Why Gold, Why Now? "We are slowly grinding towards a position where something weak will crack," he tells Daniela Cambone on this episode of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "The crypto story is speculative mania blow off coming back down to Earth... To their detriment, central banks are going to make their own crypto," he continues. "Nothing is going up in value on a speculative basis. You have to remain solvent in order to play the next inning," Tucker says. While the Fed remains on their current path, "it's really hard for people to wait, but you're in a scenario right now where if you make a big move, you're probably going to get hurt," he warns. "The [gold] resource producer is beginning to assert power they haven't had in 25 years. You want to own the actual physical resources," Tucker says. "The people that think the dollar is going to crash are dreaming, it is not something that just disappears," he continues. "The system is majorly broken, it's a centrally planned economy," Tucker concludes.
1/21/202337 minutes, 30 seconds
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Once Thinking Gold Was Left for Dead, Trader Now Sees It Hitting $3,000

"Gold has been making all-time highs, the dollar is making six-month lows... There's a strong negative correlation between the dollar and stocks," says JC Parets, founder and CEO of "Gold is not an inflation hedge, it's proven to be a hedge against profitability," he tells Daniela Cambone on this episode of of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "The narrative was put to bed during rampant money printing... Gold is outperforming all of its alternatives," Parets continues. "We are talking about decadeslong trends for gold, and we may only be in the second inning," he predicts. "The demand is absorbing supply with each test of a level for gold," Parets says. "I'm bullish silver because I'm bullish gold. When gold is doing well silver is going to outperform it... the beta works in both directions," he states. "The S&P 500 is one of the worst indexes in the world, because of its exposure to growth stocks," Parets continues. "The stock market bottomed seven months ago in June of 2022... Every single sector is up since then, investors are looking at their charts upside down if they think we are in a bear market," he states. "Money goes where its treated best, it's about relative strength versus relative weakness," he concludes.
1/19/202336 minutes, 44 seconds
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Banks Increasing Credit Limits at Rapid Pace To Keep You in a Chokehold

In part two of Greg Mannarino's discussion with Daniela Cambone, he says, "the government is creating more slaves to the current system, more than ever before." "We are going to see currency devaluation on a grand scale this year," Mannarino continues. He concludes by explaining the most optimal way to use credit, and why he "never, ever, ever carries debt." You can find part one here:
1/17/20239 minutes
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Don’t Get Distracted: How Central Banks Are Looking To Make You a Slave to the System

"It's a farce... [the Fed] raising rates is meant to kill demand and crush the consumer, it's not meant to curtail inflation," warns Greg Mannarino, founder of and financial strategist. "Contracting the money supply is the only way to stop inflation in its tracks, but it's a big secret [the system] doesn't want you to know," he tells Daniela Cambone on this episode of of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "People are not waking up fast enough unfortunately, this mechanism is going to progress much further moving forward," Mannarino continues. "Inflation continues to rise, this is the central banks playing their game and it's not going to stop," he grimly predicts. Mannarino doubles down on his previous statement from last interview by saying, "They are eliminating an entire class of people on a worldwide scale." "Central banks wish to become the lender and buyer of a last resort, that's why they want to kill the economy," he says. "Everybody is holding gold, and it doesn't need the reassurance of central banks as a store of wealth," Mannarino states. "Silver is the most undervalued asset in the world," he concludes.
1/17/202323 minutes, 38 seconds
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Major Market Meltdown Is Coming, Here's What They Aren't Telling You About Inflation Levels

"The Federal Reserve is raising rates into a recession, and America's food shortage is going to decline not grow," says Todd “Bubba” Horwitz, founder of "We're using data as if we were still a manufacturing nation and not a service nation, which we now are... Inflation is much higher, we are somewhere in the 20% range," he says to Daniela Cambone on this episode of of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "With the inversion of the yield curve, gold is going to make new highs this year," Horwitz reveals. "The Fed has about another two years of raising rates... They're not stopping anytime soon," he says. "There is an entire circumstance here that will lead to a major meltdown coming shortly," he concludes.
1/12/202314 minutes, 47 seconds
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Bitcoin Left for Dead as Gold Set to Soar; Chartmaster Talks Must-Own Assets in 2023

"Gold miners are up four months in a row, and no other aggregate of any kind has matched that," claims Carter Braxton Worth, founder and CEO of Worth Charting. "I would consider the last decade for gold rest rather than bear," he tells Daniela Cambone on this episode of of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "We're in the camp that the dollar will continue to go lower, but not much lower," Worth continues. "We've seen peaks in commodities, and ultimately there is a reason that 10-year yields aren't higher right now... it's because we've hit peak inflation," he argues. "Silver tends to lag before it comes alive," Worth adds. "Bitcoin's price has been left for dead, and perhaps it's reached a level where it belongs," he says. Worth concludes, "The health care sector has been underperforming since 2015, but it's going to make a relative new high this year and it's why I'm long health care."
1/9/202326 minutes, 28 seconds
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This Is How the Fed Will Seize Your Money in 2023: Gerald Celente

"I've never seen a decline that we're looking at now, and [NATO] is ramping up the war in Ukraine into World War III," says trends forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal, Gerald Celente. "There's going to be a false flag or a nuclear exchange to make this official," he grimly predicts on this episode of of Powershift: Outlook 2023. Gerald discusses why people have been content with the Fed feeding them cheap money, "and the Fed may be less aggressive in raising interest rates this year and that's why gold prices will go up." "China and Russia have united, the BRICS have united, and there are more of them than us... the United States' way out is with war," he tells Daniela Cambone. "We are forecasting that this is going to be the year we go from dirty cash to digital trash... and this is the year [the U.S. government] is going to make a big push towards a digital currency," Celente states. When they do, "gold is going to go through the roof," he continues. "When the governments go fully digital, they are going to make it very hard for bitcoin... That's the only way we see it going down," Celente predicts. "It's not about we the people, it's about the ones running the show," he concludes.
1/9/202342 minutes, 1 second
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“I’m Still Heavy Cash,” Prepare for Pain in 2023 Warns Mark Moss

"Bond yields have bottomed out and stock markets have topped out," says Mark Moss, an analyst for Market Disruptors. "There's been a shift at the Fed itself, and they're doing everything to keep the dollar strong," he tells our Daniela Cambone in this edition of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "[Jerome] Powell does not care about your retirement account or your home's value... he's made that very clear," Moss continues. "If [the Fed] don't continue to inflate the currency the whole system will crash, and the dollar will of course continue to decline in value it just depends on the time frame," he explains. "Tech stock equities are going to do horrible over the next couple of years due to their diminishing P/E ratios," Moss warns. "The SEC has obviously failed consumers [on the FTX situation], and regulators are going to be pressured to act," he concludes.
1/5/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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‘If You’re Dumb and Trusting, You Will Be Separated From Your Money’: Rick Rule’s Advice for 2023

"I'm pleasantly surprised by the resilience of the U.S. economy, and I'm bullish on the broader economy and equities," says Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. "Increasing interest rates are very bad for the long bond market, and I remain very cautious in the face of higher interest rates," he warns Daniela Cambone in this edition of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "My fear is that the structure of the U.S. economy is too dependent on artificially low interest rates and liquidity," Rule continues. "The U.S. dollar is the most liquid and transparent market in the world, and I think the U.S. government is doing it's very best to blindly wreck and weaponize it," he asserts. "There's a political conundrum we have to face five years from now, with the chronic underfunding of pension funds almost guaranteeing poverty," says Rule . He believes that, "the very volatility in bitcoin that attracted speculators and promoters reduced its utility as a medium of exchange and as a store of value." Rule concludes, "You need to be your own regulator. When you believe the big regulators have your backs, that's the beginning of the end of your fortunes."
12/22/202239 minutes, 59 seconds
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'Hell on Earth' Sums up 2022, So Experts Reveal Best Bets Heading Into 2023

Lead-Lag Report publisher Michael Gayed and CFO Gareth Soloway weigh in on current inflation levels, Federal Reserve intervention, the direction of the U.S. dollar, and much more. Daniela Cambone moderates this special edition of Powershift: Outlook 2023.
12/19/202248 minutes, 41 seconds
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Fed Pausing Is No Celebration: Recession Will Be Deeper, People Will Get Poorer

"Market celebrations are premature with the Fed nearing the end of its hiking cycle," says Michael Gentile, co-founder of Bastion Asset Management. He reflects on the past year saying, "certain parts of the market got crushed, and that better day is not here today." He warns Daniela Cambone to be prepared for choppiness in 2023, "where significant pain will be the extent of an economic downturn, triggered by the Fed." "Higher structural inflation for longer is my view," Gentile continues. He forecasts a choppy and difficult year in 2023 for investors. "Rather than stomaching a difficult recession, we will see more government intervention through stimulus which is inflationary," Gentile says. He concludes by saying, "the Yen and euro are the cannery in the coal mine and silver is outperforming gold which we have not seen in years."
12/14/202217 minutes, 39 seconds
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‘It’s Worse Than You Think’, Major Risk of Recession as Inflation Will Tumble Down: Jim Rickards

"The new supply chain, what I call supply chain 2.0, will look very different than the old supply chain," asserts NYT bestselling author Jim Rickards. "The U.S. and China will be running two different clubs," in this new supply chain environment and decoupling from each other, he tells Daniela Cambone in this edition of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "We are at peak inflation, inflation is going away very quickly, and the Fed's moves are working," Rickards continues. "The markets are not ready for the sharp decline in inflation to come, and that inflation is coming from the supply side," he says. "A global liquidity crisis and a recession are very different, and sometimes they come together like 2008... we may be looking at a scenario like that," Rickards states. He is very critical of the crypto space predicting, "there's nothing there with crypto, and it's all imploding." "Eventually they will all go to zero, in stages," Rickards concludes.
12/13/202227 minutes, 40 seconds
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What Happened to $220K Bitcoin? Max Keiser Says No Damage Done, Reveals 2023 Forecast

"Sam Bankman-Fried ran out of runway, it's similar to Bernie Madoff and also the 2008 financial crisis," says Max Keiser of the Keiser Report, founder of Bitcoin Capital and Heisenberg Capital. "The regulators really have some answers that need to be filled in, this was the culmination of a multidecade nightmare," he tells Daniela Cambone in this edition of Powershift: Outlook 2023. "Regulators are clearly implicated, and the U.S. is a kleptocracy at this point," Keiser continues. He touts the garnered strength El Salvador has attained over the past year, arguing "the U.S. is on its way down, and El Salvador is on it's way up." Keiser claims there has been no damage done to the bitcoin network in the wake of the FTX crisis... "It never touched the network, the hash rate has never been higher." "The axis of power, the pendulum of power is swinging away from the U.S. dollar and fiat currencies, it's a new century," he concludes.
12/13/202247 minutes, 21 seconds
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Gold Set Up for Breakout With Looming Recession, Bitcoin Will Be Corrupted

"The price of oil has come down from its peak, and the cost of key consumables are declining," argues Chris Mancini, Gabelli Funds Senior Analyst. "Labor is not increasing at the same rate that it has been," he tells Daniela Cambone on today's episode. "There are good signs that inflation has peaked, but we're starting to see the economy start to weaken a little bit," Mancini continues. "Broad U.S. market CPI has peaked, and the price of gold will rally on real recession next year," he predicts. Mancini warns that there is more Fed help is on the way, "and inflation will take off again." Gold in a position in a place where it needs to show it can sustain itself. Mancini concludes, "Bitcoin was suppose to be man-made gold, but the issue with anything made by man is it's going to be corrupted."
12/8/202218 minutes, 53 seconds
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Bitcoin Bottom Is Not $13K It’s Worse Than That Now, Says Expert That Called $17K

"I don't think it is all over, the FTX crisis remains unresolved," says Clem Chambers, CEO of Online Blockchain. He tells Daniela Cambone, "Centralized exchange is a bad thing and Bitcoin has a media curse." "[Bitcoin] goes up like a rocket, and down like a rock," Chambers continues. "It still feels like we are digging a hole in the world economy, fiscal deficits all over the world are not coming down," he warns. "We are looking at a really bad road ahead in the next two to four years," Chambers predicts. "There will be continuous pressure on selling gold until the war in Ukraine subsides," he concludes. ⭐️ Join Daniela Cambone's exclusive community ➡️
12/6/202223 minutes, 34 seconds
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Bitcoin Price to Face More Damage After FTX Disaster? Experts Yusko, McGlone, Wade Weigh-In

Going Digital features the latest news and insights in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency world. Anchored by Daniela Cambone and HIVE's CFO Darcy Daubaras, they speak to some of the world's best-known Bitcoin experts on the fallout of FTX and more. Guests include: investor Mark Yusko, Bloomberg's Mike McGlone, Stansberry Research's Crypto Capital editor Eric Wade, Perianne Boring from the Chamber of Digital Commerce, Curzio Research's CEO Frank Curzio, Bitcoin Magazine Pro's Dylan LeClair, HIVE's Adam Sharp, Curzio, and Financial Underground founder Nick Giambruno. Going Digital: investing in the future of Bitcoin and blockchain took place on Wednesday, November 30th. This event was made possible in collaboration with HIVE Blockchain Technologies and Bitcoin Magazine.
12/5/20221 hour, 48 minutes, 59 seconds
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‘I’m Embarrassed and We Look Foolish,’ Kevin O’Leary Gets Candid on SBF, FTX Crisis

"To be expected, the FTX collapse is going to have some peripheral damage and I think there's more to come," says Kevin O'Leary, business mogul and star of ABC's hit TV series Shark Tank. He clarifies his statement on if he would still support former CEO of FTX Sam Bankman-Fried, detailing that he, "wouldn't because I wouldn't be allowed to," with impending investigations underway. "All of us at the cap table have spoken and we're stunned, and we don't have any answers yet," O'Leary continues. "It's clear to many people throughout the last few trading sessions that the various digital tokens are so correlated," he says, "and most of the tokens that exist will go away." The China wild card has been persistent every 90 days, "and the Chinese need to step up and buy a working vaccine to have the same herd immunity benefits seen in North America," O'Leary concludes. #FTX #SBF #blockfi ⭐️ Join Daniela Cambone's exclusive community ➡️
12/1/202237 minutes, 28 seconds
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Bitcoin Price Likely Headed to $8K but Gold Could See $2,100, Silver $30 on Dollar Downfall

"The U.S. dollar has been holding everything back in terms of valuations," says Carley Garner, author of Higher Probability Commodity Trading" and founder of "There's a big disconnect between oil stocks and oil future's market," she says to Daniela Cambone. "Investors are starving for a place to put their money and oil is working for the time being," Garner states. "I have a hard time finding intrinsic value in bitcoin, or one particular coin in general," she continues. "I personally think there is a chance of $8,000 bitcoin, the market is full of surprises for bitcoin and that won't change," Garner says. Garner concludes that, "gold has been very disappointing and is not behaving the way you expect it to in war-like and inflation-like environment." ⭐️ Join Daniela Cambone's exclusive community ➡️
11/30/202216 minutes, 19 seconds
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Best Gold, Silver Investment Plays Right Now, Top Holiday Tips: Mark Yaxley

"The fundamentals a really strong for gold ownership," and crypto market woes are causing an influx of investment into the precious metals space, claims Mark Yaxley, managing director at Strategic Wealth Preservation. Investments in gold and silver, "don't just disappear and vanish in the same way that FTX investors are now experiencing," he tells Daniela Cambone. As the U.S. dollar continues to soften, "it's a negative correlation for gold and silver, it costs you more to by an ounce of silver and gold," he continues. Silver really is popping to the upside, and you should be selling when that happens, Yaxley urges precious metals owners. ⭐️ Join Daniela Cambone's exclusive community ➡️
11/30/202224 minutes, 45 seconds
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Why You Can’t Blame Bitcoin, Ethereum for Crypto’s Existential Crisis

"For the time being, the [crypto] industry has really kneecapped itself," says Nicholas Prouten, chief operating officer of global payments platform LODE Payments International. For something like FTX to take place at such a crucial time for the industry, "is really bad a devastating loss for those who lost funds in the fiasco," he tells Daniela Cambone. Prouten speculates, "this is a shining moment for the decentralized finance space," and this is an opportunity for this side of the industry to say, "we are the future of finance." "The shift is happening and you can't bury your head in the sand any longer," he continues. "LODE is all about autonomous function," Prouten stresses, "we don't have control of your funds, that's what it's all about and that's so important." We can't freeze or withdraw your money, and this helps build trust, he says and argues, "gold backed currency is stability and peace of mind." "LODE has always been about restoring silver and gold to the monetary system," Prouten concludes.
11/21/202221 minutes, 22 seconds
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Sorry Gold Bugs, Gold and Silver Prices Could Face a ‘Particularly Tough 2023,’ Here’s Why

"Gold and silver have outperformed equities," and we have to be happy with their performance thus far outside of the U.S. dollar, claims Philip Newman, managing director and founding partner for precious metals consultancy Metals Focus. Philip contends that October's inflation numbers cause the Fed to reconsider its aggressive strategy, sparking greater interest in the precious metals market. He says, "the market thinks the Fed will perhaps take a slower pace of rate increases, will we start to see some [investors] move back in? I think it is possible." Philip also asserts that the precious metals sector doesn't offer a viable safe haven for investors, despite a recent rally in the space. He says, "Gold and silver may struggle to hold onto some of these gains." Philip concludes, "It's difficult to read too much into one reading... [Yields moving higher] will be the ultimate headwind for gold and silver."
11/21/202216 minutes, 43 seconds
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Facebook Whistleblower Talks the Dangers of TikTok, Why No One Should Be On It

"I knew there was no chance Facebook could save itself," says Frances Haugen, data scientist and Facebook whistleblower. "I became increasingly alarmed by the choices the company made," prioritizing their own profits over public safety and putting people's lives at risk, she tells Daniela Cambone at the 2022 Stansberry Conference and Alliance Meeting. Frances explains why she decided to blow the whistle on Facebook. She fundamentally believes that the problems we are facing today with social media are fixable, and details the danger of the Chinese-ownedTikTok app. "We can have social media that brings out the best in humanity," she concludes.
11/16/202219 minutes, 17 seconds
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BRICS Are a Major Waking Giant, It’s the West Against the Rest, Warns Willem Middelkoop

With more and more countries joining, "the BRICS alliance is a waking giant," asserts Willem Middelkoop, CDF founder and best-selling author of The Big Reset: War on Gold and the Financial Endgame. "It's the west against the rest of the world now," and a lot hinges on if Saudi Arabia joins BRICS or not, he tells Daniela Cambone. Middelkoop discusses how he predicted, "Moscow and Beijing will seek a reconstruction of the world order," in his best-selling book, and there will be a gold revaluation as a part of the great reset. Physical gold's case has been made with "the popping of the crypto bubble," he argues. Bitcoin is here to stay, and it's healthy to have a shakeout in the digital asset market, Middelkoop continues. He concludes, "Bitcoin is digital gold, and the other alternative cryptos are Ponzi schemes."
11/14/202229 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Era of Excess Liquidity 'Has Come to an End,' Prepare for Gold to Rebound

The Fed's chances of hiking rates by 75 basis points in December is, "significantly reduced" based on current trend forecasts, says Will Rhind, founder and CEO of GraniteShares. Housing is already in a recession here in the United States, "and there's still a long way to get inflation to 2%." [The Fed] can only look in the rearview mirror. The rally that is coming will be largely technical, end of year rally. and the economy will get worse from here not better. He concludes by stressing that if the dollar's rally is paused or continues downward there will be a rally in gold.
11/14/202221 minutes, 4 seconds
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‘Nightmare Q4’: Midterms Aside, Stage Set for a 50-70% Crash in Stocks

"Election night was a purple wave, and we are in a deep bear market," says market expert Todd “Bubba” Horwitz, founder of "They are destroying competition, the way this administration is running the country," he tells Daniela Cambone. "It could be a brutal fourth quarter," with no clarity on policy, energy, or inflation, Horwitz continues. "The Fed is trying to raise rate into a recession," he says. He asks: "how can we expect a Santa Claus rally to show up if he's not literally bringing coal with him." "I'm hedged against the market, I'm buying more as we go down," Horwitz says. Trading position is short because we are going to see a massive sell-off as liquidity comes back to markets, he concludes. ⭐️ Join Daniela Cambone's exclusive community ➡️
11/11/202218 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Central Banks Are Hoarding Gold at Record Rates, What’s Behind the Massive Purchases: WGC Chair

"Central banks around the world are nervous," about the U.S. dollars they have in central bank reserves, says Randy Smallwood, president and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals. "Gold is the constant store of value, it's always provided that for society and it will always provide that for society," he tells our Daniela Cambone. "A healthy apolitical alternative is gold," and cannot be weaponized by future governments as we may be seeing today with the U.S. dollar, Smallwood continues. The ultimate goal for gold is to improve the "accessibility, transparency and trust behind it," through digital means, he concludes.
11/7/202220 minutes, 47 seconds
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We’re on the Brink of a Zombie Apocalypse; U.S. Has 25 Days To Find Solution Warns George Gammon

Inventories in the diesel market are near an all-time low for the U.S., "with 25 days remaining," warns George Gammon of the Rebel Capitalist. "The poor and middle class are worse off today then 2019," due to economic policy caused by U.S. politicians, according to him. "At the end of the day, Jerome Powell and the Fed are going to do whatever the Biden administration wants them to do," Gammon says. All of the problems the Fed is trying to fix can be solved by letting the free market dictate the price of goods and services, concluding that, "there are no certainties, only probabilities."
11/7/202225 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why This $1.2 Trillion Market Was Overlooked and Now Beating Gold and Bitcoin

Diamond prices are overwhelmingly driven by consumer demand for jewelry," asserts Cormac Kinney, founder and CEO of Diamond Standard. "Diamonds are not correlated to anything else," which makes them a strong diversifier and has driven a lot of institutional interest, he tells Daniela Cambone at the 2022 Stansberry Conference and Alliance Meeting. Kinney stresses the timing of their breakthrough product, "it's a great opportunity."
11/3/202211 minutes, 30 seconds
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Say Goodbye to the Good Ol' Days, This Will Be the Greatest Loss With Crypto Regulation

Dollar cost averaging is king for bitcoin trading right now, exclaims Eric Wade, editor of Crypto Capital. Eric says "it's too early to say" how many official blockchains will dictate the future of money transactions, but he likes all of the big leaders such as Ethereum, he tells Daniela Cambone. When regulation arrives for crypto, "it's going to be a drumbeat for the asset class," he continues. "I love gold, and if you don't own gold ask yourself why," Wade concludes. And he believes "if you're wrong [on a trade], take your loss... except for bitcoin, ride that forever."
11/3/202218 minutes, 58 seconds
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It’s Going to Get Worse Before It Gets Better; Fed Purely Political Warns Marko Papic

Marko Papic, chief strategist of alternative investment asset-management firm Clocktower Group, speaks with Daniela Cambone at the 2022 Stansberry Conference and Alliance Meeting in Boston. He warns her, "the Fed is in a really big bind," as the central bank look to ease the pace of rates hikes currently underway. "If we have a shallower recession in 2023 because the Fed arrests the pace of tightening right now," he believes the market could perform well over the next year. "Equity markets are sniffing out a pivot in the inflation cycle," but Papic concludes it's purely political timing.
10/31/202215 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Global Monetary Reset Is Here; Countries No Longer Want to Be Held Hostage, Warns Frank Giustra

In an exclusive interview with Daniela Cambone, billionaire philanthropist, Frank Giustra lays out his thesis for the global monetary reset already underway. We're at the beginning of a currency war, "and I'm absolutely certain we're heading into a global monetary system reset," warns Frank Giustra, CEO of the Fiore Group. He tells Daniela Cambone, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, "have made it very clear they want an alternative to the U.S. dollar," after being held hostage by the currency for so long. Predicting that the dollar will lose its status as the world's reserve currency, Giustra says China will be victorious in its efforts to solidify a new central bank currency backed by gold. "Everybody, and I mean everybody, should own physical gold," he says when asked about the increasing privacy issues posed by technology. "I think the pivot is around the corner, the [Fed's] math doesn't make any sense," claims Giustra when asked about the rate-hike cycle currently underway for the central bank. "The Fed is trying to talk inflation and something is going to break, they've ruined the American dollar," he concludes.
10/24/202244 minutes, 10 seconds
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New Era Will Emerge, Now Is Not the Time to Gamble With Your Money: E.B. Tucker

"This is not a time to gamble with your money, we are in a time right now where things are shifting," warns E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of Why Gold, Why Now? Tucker returns to discuss his thoughts on blue chip companies from Apple to Amazon, detailing that, "we are on the verge of a new era." Barrick is one of the best gold companies, he continues. "If we get to a point where the producers of gold actually determine the price, it's a different ballgame," Tucker concludes.
10/21/202226 minutes, 20 seconds
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Global Markets Preparing for '1929-Like Scenario' | Bloomberg Intelligence

"It's hard for the Fed to be much more aggressive than the are with the world tilting toward recession," says Mike McGlone, commodities strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence. He says this a 1929-like scenario for international markets, and tells our Daniela Cambone that a bear market is now mainstream. Monetary supply is plunging for the U.S., which he says is a key indicator to pay attention to. Gold under the lens of other currencies besides the U.S. dollar is, "doing what it should be doing and protecting wealth." McGlone concludes that other assets like bitcoin are at their most significant discount in a while, which he believes will cause the digital token to climb to $100,000 per coin. Please see missing charts at links at the top of the video, we apologize for the inconvenience.
10/17/202217 minutes, 58 seconds
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Something ‘Big’ Is About to Break in Financial System, Don’t Let It Be You, Warns E.B. Tucker

Something is going to break in the financial system, "don't let it be you, that's how you have to see things," exclaims E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of Why Gold, Why Now? [The Fed] is going to raise interest rates until something cracks because, "that gives them some sort of leverage that they are looking for on the world stage," he says. The dollar is ripping higher, "and it's all a part of the plan for U.S. lawmakers," he continues. "It's very difficult to say what Russia is up to," as a large producer of oil and precious metals, Tucker concludes.
10/17/202227 minutes, 41 seconds
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More Economic Pain Is Coming; You Must Get Your House ’In Order,‘ Warns Rick Rule

"My fear is the pain will continue to be felt on a delayed basis, there's more pain to come," warns Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. He asserts on today's episode that the Fed's aggressive rate-hike strategy will lead to even more inflationary pressure, weighing heavily on consumers in the long term. "I'm frankly delighted they've been able to get away with as many raises as they have," Rule tells our Daniela Cambone. Rule advises against trying to forecast markets with as many variables as there are saying, "it's trying to know the unknowable."Investors should instead focus on fortifying their portfolios, he concludes.
9/30/202227 minutes, 56 seconds
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Fed Going Bigger and Bolder, Here’s What You Should Own: Chris Versace

"The Fed's playbook is to go bigger for longer," warns Chris Versace, chief investment officer of Tematica Research. Versace tells our Daniela Cambone, "there will be 50 to 75 bps hikes at the November and December FOMC," based on the inflation data forecasted through the rest of 2022. He urges viewers not to "fight the Fed" as the housing market rolls over and highlights that the Fed warned, "there will be some pain experienced." The strength of the U.S. dollar is holding gold down, "but other commodities are rallying such as wheat, corn, soybeans, and others," Versace concludes.
9/28/202211 minutes, 58 seconds
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Gold Is Not an Inflation Hedge, But It Should Do This in Your Portfolio

Gold is best positioned as wealth insurance, according to Mark Yaxley, managing director at Strategic Wealth Preservation. There is a misconception that gold correlates to inflation but really, "it reacts to interest rate-hikes and recessionary environments," says Mark. "Gold is still outperforming the equites market," he continues. "The U.S. dollar is the No. 1 driver for the gold price," Yaxley argues. "Premiums tell the truth on the supply and demand of metals," and most investors are waiting on the sidelines waiting for an entry point to develop. Yaxley concludes that silver under $20 is still a good deal and, "the market is in an analysis paralysis status and we're in the midst of a rate-hike cycle, so I would expect gold to react quite well."
9/27/202214 minutes, 49 seconds
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Global Crisis Is Here... Dam Is Ready to Break in Financial Markets

The Fed's efforts are futile since we're already in the early stages of a global crisis, asserts Bert Dohmen, founder and president of Dohmen Capital Research. He tells our Daniela Cambone that the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war marks the first of what will be many conflicts moving forward as the global financial markets remain in disarray. "We have to get ready for the worst, we can't change what's happening, but we can protect ourselves," Dohmen says. He concludes by touting natural gas stocks as a sector to explore for lucrative gains amid today's rampant inflation because," it's designed to go up in times of crisis."
9/27/202224 minutes, 10 seconds
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Someone Tipped off Wall Street… This Is 3X More Extreme Than 2008, Says Insider

The situation is dire in Europe and, "a recession has entered America," exclaims Genevieve Roch-Decter, founder and CEO of Grit Capital. She says, "the Fed won't surprise anyone [today]," since they are just playing a game of catch-up. "[The Fed] wants to tame inflation at any cost," Roch-Decter continues. She concludes by sharing her favorite trades while facing the frightening scenario Europe is facing heading into winter.
9/21/202215 minutes, 48 seconds
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Bitcoin Price Gears Up for Collapse to $12,000... Gold to Remain Top Asset

Considering that the U.S. dollar has gone up 15% on the year, "gold has performed amazingly well," argues Gareth Soloway, president and CFO of Gareth says that he is a huge gold bull due to the relative performance of gold to the dollar, "and the fact gold is only down 5% with the dollar up 15% says all you need to know." He continues on to say that the bond market is made up of the smartest money in the world, and it does not believe the Federal Reserve will hike rates again after Wednesday based on priced-in economic data. Soloway believes the dollar is getting ready for a reversal, "and markets will rejoice." "Crypto regulation is needed and I welcome it," he concludes.
9/21/202221 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Fed Will Continue to Destroy Your Wealth as It Fails to Fight Inflation

With their monetary policy, "the Fed is not able to affect the most sticky parts of the economy yet," says Alfonso Peccatiello, publisher of the financial newsletter The Macro Compass. "Inflation remains relatively high," he says. And he believes core services and rent of shelter will be the last to be quelled. Because the drivers of inflation aren't going down, "the Fed cannot be happy about this," Peccatiello continues. "The bond market knows the more the Fed is tightening today, the more long-term damage will be done to the economy," he surmises. Peccatiello concludes that Europe will make it through the winter, "but it will cost 7% to 10% gross domestic product," and will hit the private sector severely.
9/19/202214 minutes, 40 seconds
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U.S. Stocks Sink, But It’s Still No Bear Market... It’s China That’s Headed For Catastrophe

The recent sell-offs seen in the U.S. stock market are, "a pullback in an otherwise bull market, and we don't see the signals the a bear market is coming," says Joel Litman, founder and CIO of Altimetry. "Bad inflation is currency devaluation," he tells our Daniela Cambone. And demand-driven inflation is not great but it's not as deadly as inflation driven by currency devaluation. The theme that China is going to overtake the U.S. within the next five to 10 years is wrong. "The numbers just aren't there," Litman continues. There has been a credit crisis building in China over the last several years, "that's is worse than what the U.S. and Europe experienced in 2008." Litman discusses his new Perfect Stock portfolio, which you can sign up for here:
9/16/202222 minutes, 34 seconds
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Fed Pumps Brakes on the Dollar... It’s a 'Big Hairy Deal' for Bitcoin

The Fed has decided that the dollar is strong enough, "and they don't wait it to get any stronger," says Clem Chambers, CEO of Online Blockchain Plc. He tells our Daniela Cambone that the dollar's strength has been suppressing all other assets and, "the dollar's rampant run has suddenly stopped and that's not accidental." Chambers says this is very good news for cryptos and other commodities, "and the dollar's strength can drag crypto." He remains bearish on bitcoin as a whole, saying if the digital asset breaches a $17,000 threshold it could fall all the way down to $10,000 a coin. Chambers concludes that he recently got out of the physical side of gold and has focused on [precious metals and miners] equities because of the current market conditions.
9/13/202220 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Big Crash I Predicted Is Upon Us... But It’s Time to Get Rich: Robert Kiyosaki

"I had more to lose than I had to gain when writing Capitalist Manifesto: How Entrepreneurs Can Save Capitalism," says Robert Kiyosaki, says best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki. "I fight for freedom and they're taking our freedoms away," he tells our Daniela Cambone on today's episode. Robert warns that, "communism has entered America via our school system." He reveals that, "the dollar is toast, and gold is money... if you can print it, I don't want it." Robert concludes by discussing why the bank of international settlements, "just upgraded gold from a tier three to tier one asset," giving precious metals the recognition they deserve.
9/8/202227 minutes, 4 seconds
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Returning Gold and Silver to the Monetary System... The Momentum Is Rising: LODE COO

At its core, "LODE is an initiative to return silver and gold to the momentary system with blockchain technologies," claims Nicholas Prouten, chief operating officer of global payments platform LODE Payments International. "People need an asset they can trust, something that is inherently valuable, to act as a bedrock in times of crisis so that your wealth isn't devaluating," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Nicholas believes that in the near future, "almost every [asset] will be tokenized or entirely digitized so people will have a lot more flexibility on how they store their capital." He concludes by discussing dips in the market for gold and silver, saying that, "investor sentiment lies elsewhere right now, but it will return. It always does."
8/24/202218 minutes, 32 seconds
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‘We’re in the Matrix’: U.S. On a Trajectory That’s Not Going to End Well, Warns David Morgan

The Inflation Reduction Act passed last week does almost anything except address inflation, says David Morgan, author of The Silver Manifesto and founder of The "misnomer bill" only accelerates the current trajectory of the U.S., "and it does not end well," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Based on the current geopolitical landscape, "globalization is breaking up and is basically a failure," Morgan concludes.
8/22/202226 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Fed and ECB Are ‘Choking’ the Economy; Horrific Winter Awaits Europe: Alf Peccatiello

"Finally we got a slowdown in the momentum of inflation," says Alfonso Peccatiello, publisher of financial newsletter The Macro Compass. And he says most of this reduction comes from energy prices and commodities. He believes the Fed's tool is one big hammer, "that consists of a combination of raising interest rates and reducing the balance sheet." Peccatiello continues on, touting long-term bonds as a good bet because, "the Federal Reserve and ECB are willing to choke the economy right now." As winter approaches, "Putin will probably squeeze [energy prices] for Europe even further," Peccatiello concludes.
8/17/202219 minutes, 14 seconds
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Greatest Crash Ever: Avoid Equities and Housing Until 2024, Harry Dent Doubles Down

"This is the greatest financial asset bubble in history, there is no soft landing for this [economy]," claims Harry Dent, founder of "All the signs point toward a recession, and we've just finished the first of three major downturns in markets," he tells our Daniela Cambone on the final episode of this year's Summer Series. "We're at the biggest demographic downturn in history," Dent argues. He believes it is essential to flush out "bad debt," and predicts trillions of dollars will be sold off in stocks, real estate, and commodities like gold. Dent contends that the Fed's tightening measures, "will "fail faster than they think." Dent says we're approaching a once-in-a-lifetime crash, and urges investors to protect their assets moving forward while the suffering unfolds.
8/11/202230 minutes, 52 seconds
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'World Is Breaking Apart,’: We’re on the Verge of a Sovereign Debt Crisis, Says Michael Gayed

The Inflation Reduction Act is, "unequivocally a misnomer", according to Michael Gayed, portfolio manager at Toroso Investments and publisher of The Lead-Lag Report. He tells our Daniela Cambone that recent spending bills have proven to, "never be used to actually pay down debt, but used as justification to do more." "It wouldn't surprise me if there was a much bigger recession down the line," but Gayed says it's still unclear if we are in a recession right now. He suggests that "the best thing for investors to do is to consider treasuries again." Gayed concludes by arguing that the way the dollar has acted against other currencies signals a potential debt crisis is coming.
8/9/202229 minutes, 15 seconds
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'I See the Future and It’s Hell on Earth,' Warns Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente

"This time, there will be no getaway plan [for investors]," warns trends forecaster and publisher of the popular Trends Journal, Gerald Celente. The crisis that we are facing now is unprecedented and he believes, " we are in a "new world disorder." he tells our Daniela Cambone. Gerald warns, "When all else fails they take you to war, and this economy has failed." He says, "Gold prices should have been skyrocketing the last three years," but financial institutions are stifling the price. "Gold prices should be $2,500 an ounce, they're rigging the precious metals market," he concludes.
8/9/202229 minutes, 31 seconds
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We Have Never Seen This in Economic History Says Kevin O’Leary

On today’s episode, Daniela Cambone speaks with Kevin O’Leary, widely known as "Mr. Wonderful," about inflation, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, bitcoin, gold, and more. O’Leary says we haven’t hit peak inflation and the fact that we have full employment with the second quarter of gross domestic product shrinking “has never happened before.” “It’s very hard to call this a recession,” he explains and claims Powell is “doing a really good job” because “he’s trying to stay flexible” and figure out where the economy is headed. O’Leary goes on to say that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies need regulations and he is confident that something is going to happen soon. When asked about gold, O’Leary said he is not very fond of the precious metal and says it is “not doing what it should be if you’re really a believer of hyperinflation.”
8/4/202219 minutes, 15 seconds
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When It All Comes Crashing, Only These Two Assets Will Save You Says Chart Master

"The market is ahead of the Fed, and rates are going lower," claims Carter Braxton Worth, CEO and founder of Worth Charting LLC. We've hit, "peak inflation," based on the message emitting from rates to commodity price action, he tells our Daniela Cambone. As a simple hedge against S&P 500 selloffs, "gold has stood the test of time," Worth continues. The two most essential things you need to own if everything comes crashing down are: "a currency you can count on, and gold is the only one, and some form of fuel, there is a reason governments store them and nothing else," he concludes.
7/27/202230 minutes, 2 seconds
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System Will ‘Wipe Out’ Entire Class as Global Economy Spins Into Free Fall, Warns Greg Mannarino

"I would argue that we're way, way worse off than a recession here right now," warns Greg Mannarino, founder of and financial strategist. The yield curve is, "extremely inverted," at this point and, "the global economy is in free-fall, it's not going to stop," he exclaims to our Daniela Cambone. "The system demands that debt be created, every day by every mechanism possible," Mannarino explains as the government intends to, "exert more economic control on people." He concludes that the Fed only has one tool in its arsenal, "and it's how they can manipulate the debt... that's it."
7/25/202232 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gold Price Manipulation Is Part of Banking Culture, JPMorgan ‘Difficult’ to Displace Says Expert

The case for gold right now is two-pronged, "where you have a lot of demand, and on the other side you have a very strong U.S. dollar," asserts Mark Yaxley, Managing Director at Strategic Wealth Preservation. The correlation between the dollar and gold, "is basically one-to-one at this point, that's really a main driver, and that's what investors need to be paying attention to," he tells our Daniela Cambone. "Gold is experiencing a healthy correction because of the dollar," Yaxley continues, "and we're approaching the bottom for gold and silver." He argues that the manipulation of non-physical gold is, "unfortunately part of the culture," and concludes it would be hard to replace titans such as JPMorgan who have been caught recently in the act of price manipulation.
7/25/202217 minutes, 3 seconds
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U.S. Dollar’s Rise: 'Something Crazy' Will Roil Markets in Next 90 Days Warns E.B. Tucker

"You need to be protecting your liquidity, everything you need is going up in price," asserts E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of "Why Gold, Why Now?" and renowned gold expert. He tells our Daniela Cambone there are no attractive trades or areas to store your money as inflationary pressures rage on. Without a strong dollar, "[the Fed] has nothing," Tucker argues. He says a key pivot point to watch for as we are heading into a huge slowdown in the economy is the Fed will step in and, "rewrite the rules." "There is a speculative mania playing out for crypto," Tucker paints a grim picture of bitcoin and other digital asset. He exclaims that the dollar cannot be this strong forever and something will break in markets, "in the next 90 days." Tucker concludes by warning people that the Fed could be manufacturing the demise of the U.S. dollar in an effort to reshape the global monetary system.
7/21/202234 minutes, 16 seconds
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Fear Now Is Stagflation Which Would Lead to a Depression, Warns Bubba Horwitz

Real inflation figures are, "somewhere near [the 20% range], not 9.1%," exclaims market expert Todd “Bubba” Horwitz, the founder of "I don't think we will stop seeing rate hikes until the end of the year, [inflation] is not going to go away," he tells our Daniela Cambone. The Fed's rate hike plan will unleash stagflation, which could "take us into a depression," he warns. The Eurozone is deep in a recession already, and is in "dramatic trouble," Horwitz continues. "There is some real selling pressure going on," for precious metals sending them to lower levels, he concludes.
7/19/202211 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Federal Reserve Needs to Destroy U.S. Dollar to Usher in Cashless System: Jekyll Island Author

In part two of our discussion with G. Edward Griffin, he warns that the United States and the Federal Reserve are, "actively trying to destroy the U.S. dollar," along with adversarial nations. The author of The Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University tells our Daniela Cambone that the economic leaders of the world are working towards, "the bankers dream... a cashless society." Griffin says the goal of this is to give governments full control of purchasing power, and the ability to have all future transactions passed through the banks. In the long run, cryptos will not be the “freedom-loving" assets they promise to be, he continues and says a, "gold or silver-backed monetary system" is still more attractive compared to today's prominent digital currencies. Griffin says that, "the reason why we have inflation is that the money supply is not pegged to something that takes human effort to produce," concluding that there is no difference between governments and banks creating inflation. Here's a link to the first part of the interview:
7/11/202232 minutes, 40 seconds
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It’s Ludicrous the Fed is Fighting Inflation, When They Created the Monster: Jekyll Author

"The Federal Reserve is the cause of inflation," and it's ludicrous they are trying to stop it, claims G. Edward Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University. "Money supply is based on tangible value," which the U.S. dollar is lacking he tells our Daniela Cambone. "Gold and silver throughout history have been the backing of any good money supply, because they take human-effort to produce," Griffin continues. "The middle-class is being squeezed out of existence," he warns and says we are, "going back to kind've a medieval stage." Griffin concludes by discussing why banks love having gold and silver stockpiled, "but they can never have enough of it to base a monetary system on it that is profitable to them." Check out Griffin's Red Pill Expo this weekend, here:
7/11/202215 minutes, 29 seconds
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Celsius Crisis Could Cause 'Cascading' Price for Bitcoin, Cryptos Warns Simon Dixon

The crypto lending industry, "has created a 2007-style systemic risk event, similar to Lehman Brothers, but built upon digital hard sound money," asserts Simon Dixon, CEO & Co-Founder He describes to our Daniela Cambone that the crypto lender Celsius was pitched to many people as, "a low risk saving account, when actually in fact, it was a high risk security." Dixon shares how he has been rallying the support of the community surrounding Celsius, by providing "better solutions" for a way forward. A doomsday bankruptcy scenario for the company would cause, "cascading liquidations [of cryptos]," where bitcoin would be unfazed, he continues. "I don't care how low the price goes for bitcoin because the fundamentals never change," Dixon argues. He concludes by sharing a heartfelt reason why he felt compelled to help those affected by the current Celsius crisis, and encourages investors to learn from this situation, "have a long-term perspective, get on the right side of trends." Learn more about suicide prevention below and navigating through financial difficulties: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: SuicideLine Victoria: #celcius #cryptonews #mentalhealth
7/7/202227 minutes, 39 seconds
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It’s Getting Ugly Everywhere in the Markets; Looking for Recapitulation Says Brent Cook

It's ugly everywhere for the miners, "and I'm looking for a recapitulation later this year," says Brent Cook, Founder and Senior Advisor of Exploration Insights. He tells our Daniela Cambone that, "whatever happens to the majors mining market happens to the minors mining market as well." Cook discusses the successful tactics he uses when identifying promising exploration projects, suggesting that miners today, "are not doing enough to find deposits organically, and it's not all about geology." Cook concludes by telling investors to, "wait for the perfect pitch, and hope is not a very good investment philosophy," underscoring the importance of timing when investing in the miners.
7/6/202217 minutes, 35 seconds
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U.S. Faces Major Reckoning; No Easy Way Out After Years of QE Warns Rick Rule

The United States is, "facing a reckoning from quantitative easing," says founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media, Rick Rule. “I have a very difficult time seeing an easy way out of this, with 40 years of low inflation, low-interest rates, and economic growth," he details to our Daniela Cambone. He concludes that "the U.S. is less of a power than it was 20 years ago," and we will have to accommodate other cultures as a shift in global power moving forward. Daniela and Rick also discuss his upcoming Natural Resources Symposium and the main topics that will be the focus, those interested can access it here:
7/1/202235 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Tether Blowup Would Add to Crypto Meltdown: Ripple, Not Bitcoin, Is The Solution

"We are close to having some foundational regulation for the [crypto] space that haven't had up until now," claims Bradley Kimes, founder of Digital Perspectives. "We are in that moment before real regulation," he tells our Daniela Cambone and underscores how critical the next few months are for the future of cryptocurrencies. "Tether has been operating as a private U.S. dollar and I have to believe that's a problem," Kimes asserts. Bitcoin is equivalent to the first cell phone, "and no one is using the first cell phone today," he continues, saying that the crypto leader could face massive price action pullback based on its exposed use case. Kimes details the Ripple-SEC lawsuit currently taking place and why the SEC's case is, "completely contradictory." He concludes by encouraging investors to, "throw the word cryptocurrency in the garbage," and look the space as, "new payment networks."
6/29/202222 minutes, 39 seconds
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Bitcoin Price May Get Boost Then Plummet Down to $12K, Says Trader Who Predicted Crash

"I have a [bitcoin] target around $12,000," says technical trader Gareth Soloway, president and CFO of There is a, "confluence of levels around $12,000 [for bitcoin]," since entering this ice age for cryptocurrencies, he details to our Daniela Cambone. "My long-term view on bitcoin is extremely bullish," Soloway continues saying $60,000 per coin is the low-end of what's in store. "The key for crypto is how it doesn't have an infinite printing issue," which fiat currencies face, he asserts as a main claim for his bullishness. Gold holding its own signals an incredible run on the side of technical analysis, Soloway continues, saying that, "gold is being accumulated by big money and will have a big run in the next 12 months." "Logic is the most powerful thing in investing," and most people get caught up in emotion when it comes to trading, he concludes.
6/28/202224 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why Gold Has Done Its Job Against Inflation

"We're starting to feel the beginning of a real inflation narrative coming into people's investment decisions," exclaims Dan Wilton, CEO of First Mining Gold. "I'm super optimistic," when it comes to gold even though the M&A market hasn't taken off as expected, he tells our Daniela Cambone at the Silver & Gold Reception during this year's 2022 PDAC Conference. "The tech bubble has burst, and bitcoin is no longer a thing," Wilton continues. "[Bitcoin] has failed its test as a store of value as a hedge against inflation, and gold has absolutely done its job," he concludes.
6/27/20229 minutes, 6 seconds
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Gold Holding Its Ground, Strong Junior Miners Still Standing

"Gold is being tested as a store of value, and is holding its own," asserts Scott Berdahl, Snowline Gold Corp. Co-Founder and CEO. "$1,800 gold is not that bad of a thing, a lot of [mining] companies are making a lot of money right now," he tells our Daniela Cambone at the Silver & Gold Reception during this year's 2022 PDAC Conference. "There are a lot of junior miners out there that are good stories and have weathered the last ten years," Berdahl concludes.
6/24/20226 minutes, 8 seconds
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Investing In The ‘New Normal’ With Rick Rule and Frank Holmes

“Wall Street is substantially more interested in the fees than its customers,” says Rick Rule, founder of Rule Investment Media. “It’s a new world when it comes to investing,” says Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors. Both Rule and Holmes sit down with Daniela Cambone to discuss the current investment environment, and where the miners and other safe-haven assets are positioned. This panel discussion with Rick Rule and Frank Holmes took place June 2nd, 2022 at the Swiss Mining Conference in Zurich.
6/23/202237 minutes, 17 seconds
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Silver Market Is Ripe To Surge Once Market Volatility Passes

"There may be a bit more pain to come, but silver and gold is a great place to be," says Michael Steinmann, President & Chief Executive Officer of Pan American Silver. "I'm very happy with the prices of silver and gold right now," he asserts and explains his bullish sentiment for the two prominent precious metals to our Daniela Cambone at the Silver & Gold Reception during this year's 2022 PDAC Conference. "The market is ripe to go up after this volatility is over," Steinmann predicts, touting silver's usage when it comes to green infrastructure. He concludes that the increase in mining companies is positive overall for the sector because, "there will be new discoveries, and will ultimately helps us on the M&A side," if a new discoveries are made.
6/22/20225 minutes, 44 seconds
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Silver Price Triple Digit Forecast: How Close Are We Now?

Come the fall, we will see [silver] pick back up again," claims Dan Dickson, CEO at Endeavour Silver Corp. "We live in a world of cycles, and we've been kicking the can down the road when it comes to interest rates," he tells our Daniela Cambone at the Silver & Gold Reception during this year's 2022 PDAC Conference. Dickson calls the receding market an opportunity for mining companies, and says that, "silver's industrial component has expanded exponentially over the last six to seven years." Dickson concludes that he doesn't see, "triple digits [for silver] in the near future, but one day we'll get there."
6/22/20227 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Fed Doesn’t Know Next Move, Fiat System Reeks of Fraudulence Says Bubba Horwitz

"The Fed will never be successful because they are ignorant, and they refuse to let a free market system work," exclaims market expert Todd “Bubba” Horwitz, the founder of Between taxation without representation and the manipulation of currencies, the Fed has created a "brutal system that doesn't know what to do next," he tells our Daniela Cambone. [The Fed] will not be able to stop the recession, "we're already in," Horwitz continues. He says the U.S. is undergoing a transition where, "systemically turning the power over to all of our enemies that would like to take us out in the first place," It's a race to the bottom when it comes to the devaluation of the dollar and other prominent currencies, "the fiat currency system is about the most fraudulent system that there is," he states. The commodity markets, "especially gold and silver," will break out big to the upside and more pain is ahead for equities, Horwitz concludes.
5/27/202215 minutes, 22 seconds
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'It’s a Doom Loop' With Raging Inflation, Only Way Out Is Enormous Depression

"Inflation is just roasting people," from gas to food prices, "and sadly it's going to get worse," warns Lawrence Lepard, Equity Management Associates Founder, and Managing Partner. "The Fed can't print goods and services like they can print dollars," he tells our Daniela Cambone, saying the United States will remain stuck in a doom loop if it does not reset its currency with a "sound, neutral reserve currency," Lepard claims Powell is attempting to channel his inner Paul Volcker by raising interest rates, but with a caveat: until something within the system implodes or breaks. "I don't think you can hide in stocks [right now], and you need to be totally out of bonds," he asserts. Lepard holds firm that gold is the best performing asset class year-to-date, saying bitcoin will continue to coexist alongside it and both will shoot, "to the moon." He concludes that in order to protect your money today, investors need to be in, "sound money assets," which include: gold, silver, and bitcoin.
5/25/202240 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gold Not Part of Wall Street’s Playbook and That’s a Good Thing, Says SWP's Mark Yaxley

"Gold is not part of the Wall Street playbook," and that's a good thing right now, asserts Mark Yaxley, Managing Director at Strategic Wealth Preservation. Gold acting as a hedge against all other investments and existing out on its own, "is a good thing for investors right now," he tells our Daniela Cambone. "Be patient and let [gold and silver] do their job, they will come through in the end," Yaxley advises precious metal investors. "We are in a very severe market correction, and gold and silver tend to explode toward the upside of a market correction," so look to expect a similar situation soon, he continues. Yaxley concludes that the biggest risk associated with storing your precious metals, "is government overreach, from a political risk standpoint."
5/23/202216 minutes, 50 seconds
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More Financial Market Pain Ahead Until This Major Blowup Occurs: Kevin O’Leary

"We're having a garden variety correction," as the market tries to figure out what comes next, asserts Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary, also known as Mr. Wonderful. "We're getting close to a bottom," he tells our Daniela Cambone, on the first edition of the new monthly series: WonderBerry. O'Leary questions what portion of inflation is transitory, as Target and Walmart saw severe downturns this past week, "not due to consumer demand, but increased costs." "This market is not yet finished trying to find its equilibrium, and at the end of the day, inflation is [the Fed's] number one mandate," he states. The Biden administration's efforts to still push the Build Back Better Act within this current environment is, "sheer madness," O'Leary exclaims, saying it would be financial suicide for the nation. "I remain bullish on crypto from the perspective of productivity," he continues saying that these different [cryptocurrency] projects are software, not just a digital currencies. One of the biggest problems the crypto space is facing right now, "is getting access to semi-conductors to build out data centers... there are none," O'Leary concludes.
5/20/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Fed Hikes After June Are Highly Unlikely, U.S. Economy Would Completely Shatter Warns Market Expert

"The Fed is going to keep raising rates until the economy falls apart," and we're at a point where they're, "going to take their foot off the gas," warns Garrett Goggin, editor of the Silver Stock Analyst, "There hasn't been a better time to buy silver and silver stocks in the past ten years than now," he shares with our Daniela Cambone. Technically silver is in a bear market, Goggin admits but forecasts a stark upturn over the next year. "I wouldn't be surprised to see gold well north of $2,500 an ounce," as this rate hike cycle continues, he predicts. The only thing that matters with crypto is bitcoin, "because it's proof of work," and bitcoin is, "no doubt a form of stored energy," Goggin continues. I see, "bitcoin as a store of value like gold," and I see stores of value continuing to do better.
5/18/202216 minutes, 28 seconds
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Crypto Carnage: Why Bitcoin May be Headed to $12,000 And Can UST/LUNA Be Saved?

"Bitcoin shining during inflation was always a myth," claims Gareth Soloway, president and CFO of He tells our Daniela Cambone that Bitcoin has never experienced an era without quantitative easing stemming from the Fed, and has a $20,000 high-end and a $12,000 low-end target for the digital asset. "Terra's collapse was insane," Soloway exclaims, saying that it will be very hard for it to bounce back significantly since they keep minting, "more and more coins." Soloway asserts that bitcoin is still viewed as, "digital gold," but the precious metal gold is a very mature asset in comparison. "Even after a pretty dramatic pullback recently, gold is still having a positive year," he states when comparing the safe haven to other forms of stored wealth. "Gold should start its next leg up soon," he predicts, as the precious metal saw a downturn over the weekend. He concludes that we are in a "Fed-induced bear market, with a recession coming later in 2022," so it's important to be a nimble investor.
5/16/202224 minutes, 2 seconds
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Stock Market Disaster: When It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Some Stocks

"Good news is not good enough," from earnings reports to positive economic data with weighted market uncertainty being at the center of it all, says Chris Versace, Chief Investment Officer of Tematica Research. "We're almost seeing a repeat of the first quarter in 2020," he tells our Daniela Cambone, "but the catalyst is different." "Consumer inflation-fighting stocks are a great safe haven and are companies with an elastic business model," Versace continues when asked about the best place to store money over the next year. He predicts that a "mini-supply chain issue," will arise once China finds its way out of the current Covid resurgence. Due to the Fed facing a lag in the implementation of monetary policy, a soft landing is not likely, Versace concludes.
5/13/202212 minutes, 9 seconds
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Fed “Doesn’t Care” About Inflation, It’s a Mirage to Prop U.S. Dollar at All Costs Says E.B. Tucker

"We are in a centrally planned economy," and no longer a capitalist system due to the Fed's actions, asserts E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of "Why Gold, Why Now?" This narrative-driven economy has been pinpointed on the Fed wanting to strengthen the dollar, "they don't care about inflation," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Tucker illustrates this large, "debt-based system," as a perpetual boom with the occasional crisis. He also adds that it is difficult for investors to navigate these economic waters, "and won't end until it explodes, which is not going to happen anytime soon." He warns that a digitized dollar is the next step toward total control of the masses, saying that China has already begun this with the digital yuan. Tucker touts and defends the company Metalla because they've acquired over 70 royalties to date, and concludes that this fantastic investment is parallel to, "the gold price doing great."
5/11/202235 minutes
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We’re In Dangerous Era of Global Turbulence; War Can Spread East and West Warns Expert

The Chinese government, "cannot control the [resurgence] in Covid-19 because it's spreading very fast," explains Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China and The Great U.S.-China Tech War. This new variant is, "traveling at will and Beijing does not know what to do," he tells our Daniela Cambone. "Xi Jinping wants that third term," and that alone is why China would jeopardize its economy to achieve the “zero-Covid policy,” explains Chang. He also criticizes President Biden's foreign policy measures toward China as, "pro-Beijing," saying that there are challenges presented by China that this U.S. administration is just not seeing. Chang concludes that we've passed the inflection point of peace and stability, where Russia's recent actions have signaled to the rest of the world that the "bad guys can do what they want."
5/9/202216 minutes, 5 seconds
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Recession Unstoppable Now And Situation Is Beyond the Fed, Warns Peter Grandich

Inflation today compared to the 1980s, "is a completely different animal this time around, and the situation is so beyond what the Fed can do now," says Peter Grandich, founder of Peter Grandich & Company. The enthusiasm over this week's Fed rate hike is misrepresented, he tells our Daniela Cambone, because Powell and the Fed, "will still be behind the curve, and need to be more aggressive." "Social and political disharmony is at the highest level since the onset of Civil War," in the U.S., and with the world suffering economic challenges, "it does not paint a good picture for the future." General stocks and bonds have had a phenomenal run, but have been overdone on the upside, Grandich states, "and the only market I can risk capital on for capital appreciation is the gold market." He concludes that the mining companies, "especially the majors, are in phenomenal shape," with the juniors market still facing struggles.
5/6/202226 minutes, 2 seconds