The audio companion to’s daily email meditations on fatherhood, read by Ryan Holiday. Each daily reading will help you find the wisdom, inner strength, and good humor you need in order to be a great dad. Learn from historical figures and contemporary fathers how to do your most important job. Find more at
The Games Mean More Than You Think
Our job is not to prevent our kids from playing and learning and having fun. Our job is to help them do those things.📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/24/2024 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
This Is For Parents, Too
Parenting demands the four Stoic virtues: courage, discipline, justice, and wisdom. It calls for a philosophical mindset, too—being able to see the bigger picture, stay calm in the face of challenges, and know how to respond to life’s unpredictable moments.💡 We set up Stoicism 101: Ancient Philosophy For Your Actual Life to give you the absolute best of Stoicism, in just 14 days! Sign up for the 2024 Stoicism 101 course here: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/23/2024 • 3 minutes, 31 seconds
Give Them This Time
Each child develops on their own timeline. Each kid has their own journey. 📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/22/2024 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
This Is What They’ll Remember
Will they remember your patience or your temper? Your care or your exasperation?📚 The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/21/2024 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
I Took My Son To His First Iron Maiden Concert | Ryan Holiday
Last weekend, Ryan took his oldest on their first father-son trip. Where to? An Iron Maiden concert in California. In this episode, Ryan talks about the trip, from the travel experience to special moments together at the concert. 💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/19/2024 • 13 minutes, 35 seconds
No One Can Do This For You
Every situation, every child, every age is different. You’ll have to figure it out as you go.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/18/2024 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
This Should Help
We could all get better at apologizing…and shrugging things off. This is a long haul we signed up for.📚 Check out Joan Didion's books at The Painted Porch 🎥 Watch Joan Didion: Her (Stoic) Life and Legacy (With Evelyn McDonnell) on YouTube💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/17/2024 • 4 minutes, 37 seconds
Make Sure They Are Reading This Stuff
It’s reading that will make your children great…or not so great. We have to make sure we are exposing them to literature that elevates them, that challenges them, that opens their hearts and minds. 📚 Looking for stories to teach your kids about Stoicism? Check out Ryan Holiday’s books: The Boy Who Would Be King and The Girl Who Would Be Free: A Fable About Epictetus✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/16/2024 • 3 minutes, 32 seconds
You Never Know
We do not know how much time we have. So let’s be kind and sweet, generous and present, while we can.⏳ Get your own Memento Mori reminder |🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/15/2024 • 5 minutes, 13 seconds
You Must Forgive
Our job is to help them through life, even if that life is currently a mess of their own making.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/14/2024 • 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Seize Every Moment With Them (While You Can) | David Kessler
David Kessler was well into his career as a grief and loss expert when his own life was turned upside down by the sudden death of his 21 year old son. As parents, we can learn from the people like David who have gone through these horrible things. They can teach us the incredibly painful wisdom that came from it and how it can help us be more present, be better parents, and not take for granted each day we have with our kids. 🎙️ Listen to David Kessler’s FULL interview on the Daily Stoic | Apple Podcasts & Spotify📕 Grab signed copies of Finding Meaning and theFinding Meaning Workbookby David Kessler at The Painted Porch 📚Books Mentioned: Death Be Not Proud by John Gunther The Road by Cormac McCarthyThis episode is brought to you by BetterHelp |✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/12/2024 • 18 minutes, 29 seconds
It’s Piling Up
It adds up, this time that we turn away. At some point, certainly at the end of our lives but also at the end of their childhood, we would do anything for more of it.🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/11/2024 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
They’ve Always Been Like That
We like to think kids these days are particularly spoiled or empowered, but the truth is, it’s always been this way.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/10/2024 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
These Are Your Priorities
Why on earth don’t we all instinctively spend our money in a way that allows us to spend more time with the people we love?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/9/2024 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
What They’ll Remember Is This
In moments of anxiety, it’s hard to remember we have power over this all-encompassing reaction. It's even harder to remember the little eyes watching you, learning from you. 🪙 We are the creators of our anxiety. Which means we can also be the ones to do something about it. Gain a powerful tool in your fight against anxiety and get the Daily Stoic Anxiety Coin today! episode is brought to you by BetterHelp |✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/8/2024 • 4 minutes, 12 seconds
They Can’t Help It
We have to remember that no matter how high the stakes may feel, our kids are just being kids. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/7/2024 • 3 minutes, 36 seconds
A Few of Our Favorite Things | Ryan and Sam Holiday
Whether it's wishing they bought certain products earlier on in parenthood or kicking themselves for holding onto other items too long, Ryan and Sam hope they can save you some time and money with these recommendations. Check out what Ryan and Sam are loving for the kids (this is not sponsored):Veer WagonFrank Green water bottlesGreeking Out Podcast 📚 Grab a copy of Die With Zero by Bill Perkins |🎙️Listen to Bill Perkin’s interview | Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & WonderyKiwiCo | Get up to 50% off your first crate at, promo code DAILYDAD.🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/5/2024 • 17 minutes, 52 seconds
Why Go Through The Whole Routine?
As parents, we can get better at picking our moments. Not everything needs to be a battle. 📚 Pick up a copy of The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-Town America by Bill Bryson ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/4/2024 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Help Them Find Whose Children They Are
They are them. And you’re going to help them become the best version of that possible.📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/3/2024 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
You’re The Weird One
Don’t be weird. Be there for them.🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/2/2024 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Challenge Them Like This
You can’t just want tough kids. You have to make tough kids.💡 The Stoic Parent: 10 Commandments for Becoming a Better Parent | Take the first step today by committing the next 2 weeks to becoming the best possible parent you can be! Get The Stoic Parent: 10 Commandments for Becoming a Better Parent & all other Daily Stoic courses for FREE when you join Daily Stoic Life | | Get up to 50% off your first crate at, promo code DAILYDAD.🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/1/2024 • 3 minutes, 53 seconds
This Part Is Your Fault
As parents, our job is to help them learn how to do the hardest but most important thing in the world: To deal with frustrations and our limitations.📚 Pick up a copy of The Tree of Man by Patrick White🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/30/2024 • 4 minutes, 23 seconds
See It from an Angle of Appreciation | Timm Chiusano
When they mess up or do things they’re not supposed to do, do as Epictetus says and grab the situation by the other handle. What they did may seem nonsensical to us as parents, but to them it made perfect sense. Timm Chiusano and Ryan talk about looking at these moments with their kids through the lens of curiosity, awareness, and appreciation. 🎙️Listen to Timm’s interview on the Daily Stoic | Apple Podcasts & Spotify🎥 Watch Timm and Ryan’s conversation on YouTube You can follow Timm on TikTok and Instagram @ timmchiusanoSubscribe to Timm’s content on YouTube @TimmChiusano77Check out Timm’s podcast LONG WINDED BY NATUREHiya Health | ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/28/2024 • 11 minutes, 32 seconds
What Would You Give Then?
No matter how loud, how messy, how onerous it may seem. We have it now, as loud and messy and exhausting as it is. Enjoy it.📚 Sorrow and Blissby Meg Mason at The Painted Porch 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/27/2024 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
They Need You (And You Need Them)
A world where people are indifferent to the fates of people different from them is a dangerous world to send your kid out into. Our fate—our kids—are all tied up with each other.💤 Beam’s Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep! | Go to and use code DAILYDAD to shop our exclusive discount and get up to 40% off✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/26/2024 • 4 minutes, 47 seconds
Which Would You Rather Be?
Who would you rather be? Imperious and impossible to please? Or fun and proud and loving?📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/25/2024 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Why Does Anyone Care?
You’re going to feel bad that you were so hard on them. Love them. Support them. Accept them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/24/2024 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
Show Them This Strength
Just like the saying goes: you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. In the same way, you only receive the help that you ask for.📚 Grab a copy of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy 🎙️Listen to Charlie Mackesy’s episode on the Daily Stoic | Apple Podcasts & Spotify💤 Beam’s Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep! | Go to and use code DAILYDAD to shop our exclusive discount and get up to 40% off✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/23/2024 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
Don't Forget to Stick to the Facts
Reminder to all parents: stick to the facts and stop catastrophizing. It's a universal problem parents have had throughout history, Marcus Aurelius and Abraham Lincoln included. Pause, take a step back, and see things as they are without anxiety clouding your perspective. 📓 Grab your own leather bound signed edition of The Daily Stoic! Check it out at the Daily Stoic Store:💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/21/2024 • 12 minutes, 8 seconds
Don’t Cut It Short (If You Don’t Have To)
Of course, sometimes we have to cut family time short. But most of the time? It’s not necessity that motivates us. 🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:🪙 Designed with the intention of carrying them in your pocket, our Memento Mori Medallion is a literal and inescapable reminder that “you could leave life right now.”Check it out at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/20/2024 • 3 minutes, 12 seconds
Don’t Let Them Tell You This
By being disciplined and protective of your personal life, you are being protective and dedicated to your professional life.🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:📕 Discipline is Destiny by Ryan Holiday ☕ TRADE Coffee | Get your first bag free when you subscribe! Visit🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/19/2024 • 5 minutes, 4 seconds
What’s In Your Greatest Hits?
If someone was to put together a ‘greatest hits’ from you, what do you think would show up?💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/18/2024 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
This Is How To Explain Things
We don’t like it when people tell us the point, we like it when they show us.📚 Looking for stories to teach your kids about Stoicism? Check out Ryan Holiday’s books: The Boy Who Would Be King and The Girl Who Would Be Free: A Fable About Epictetus☕ TRADE Coffee | Get your first bag free when you subscribe! Visit🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/17/2024 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
It’s Brave Of Them
We have to want them to be themselves. We want them to be brave enough to be themselves.📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/16/2024 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
What Works For One Kid May Not Work For The Other | Ryan and Sam Holiday
Two kids mean two different personalities, which also means two different parenting styles. Ryan and Sam talk about how they've had to tailor their parenting to their kids' personalities, parts of themselves they see reflected in their kids, and memories of growing up as an extrovert and an introvert.📚 Pick up a copy of Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg at The Painted Porch:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/14/2024 • 13 minutes, 59 seconds
What Will You Do With 72 Seasons?
Eighteen years. That’s 72 seasons. It might seem like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not.🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/13/2024 • 4 minutes, 50 seconds
You Never Know
None of us know how much time we have. None of us know when the last time will be. Don’t rush through this wonderful time.💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/12/2024 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
Say It While You Can
Right now, in this moment, you’re not on a plane that’s about to crash. You know that you have the power and capacity to speak your piece. Do it while you still can. 🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/11/2024 • 4 minutes, 41 seconds
When The World Caves In…
The end of the world is a terrible thought to consider but also very clarifying. Because it reminds us once again of how silly the distinction of “quality time” really is. In the light of real tragedy, even the most mundane and ordinary things can become meaningful and wonderful.🎶 Lyrics mentioned are from As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remindyourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/10/2024 • 4 minutes, 39 seconds
You Do It Too, You Know
The most important thing we can teach our kids in life is how to deal with frustration. Our lives would be better if someone had taught us better, that’s for sure.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/9/2024 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
Parenting Wake-Up Calls That Reveal Our Inner Child | Patrick Dempsey
Patrick Dempsey talks to Ryan about a parenting wake-up call he had that motivated him to do the work around healing his inner child. Patrick Dempsey is an actor, race car driver, and founder of the Dempsey Center. He is most known from his role as Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd from the series Grey’s Anatomy. Patrick has also starred in Enchanted, Sweet Home Alabama, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Made of Honor, The Art of Racing in the Rain, Ferrari, and more. 🎙️ Listen to Patrick Dempsey’s full conversation with Ryan:Part 1: How Patrick Dempsey Applies Stoicism in Acting and Race Car Driving | Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & WonderyPart 2: Patrick Dempsey on Ethical Dilemmas, Being of Service, and Embracing Stoicism | Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & Wondery🎥 Watch Patrick Dempsey’s full interview on YouTube ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/7/2024 • 8 minutes, 6 seconds
You’ll Get What You Want (Just Not When You Want It)
The thing you say you want, the connection you crave. It’s there. Just not always when you want it…or how you want it.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/6/2024 • 2 minutes, 5 seconds
This Is Your Role
You don’t need to understand it. You need to encourage them. You need to be behind them as they discover who they are.📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/5/2024 • 3 minutes, 21 seconds
What Do They Hear Most?
What do you think your kids hear most from you? Is it words of affection and kindness and encouragement? Or is it those phrases we find ourselves repeating like broken records?This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp |✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/4/2024 • 2 minutes, 59 seconds
Be Patient With Yourself
They’re not doing this to you on purpose. Please be kind. Be patient. Be accommodating. With them…but most of all with yourself.📚 Grab a copy of Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason |✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/3/2024 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Stop Checking Your Watch
Be present. Appreciate the moment. Stop checking your watch.🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: episode is brought to you by BetterHelp |✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/2/2024 • 3 minutes, 48 seconds
Raise Adults, Not Kids | Gary Vee
Last year, Ryan was interviewed by Gary Vee about The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids. Today, you'll hear an excerpt from that interview on how to successfully instill discipline in kids. Gary Vee is a serial entrepreneur, Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Creator and CEO of VeeFriends. His latest project is a children's book, Meet Me in the Middle: A VeeFriends Book! 📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: 📚 Grab your own copy of Meet Me in the Middle: A VeeFriends Book🎙️ Listen to Gary Vee’s FULL interview on the Daily Stoic podcast | Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & Wondery🎥 Tune into Ryan’s interview on the GaryVee Audio Experience: Unpacking the Secrets of Successful Parenting with Ryan Holiday Connect with Gary Vee on Instagram, X, YouTube, TikTok: @GaryVee✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/31/2024 • 15 minutes, 22 seconds
Be A Real Fan
We have to believe in our kids. To be their fan. Why would they be brave enough to put themselves out there, to try new things, if their own parents aren’t even backing them up when it matters most?💤 Beam’s Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep! | Go to and use code DAILYDAD to shop our exclusive discount and get up to 40% off✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/30/2024 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
Maybe It’s You
Have you tried taking your own temperature? Don’t blame them. Check yourself first. Take care of yourself first.☕ TRADE Coffee | Get your first bag free when you subscribe! Visit🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/29/2024 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
It Was You Who Did This
They expect our protection. Nothing is more shocking and devastating than when they don’t get this. They won’t remember the context, what will stick with them is who did this.🗞️ Check out the Daily Dad article on When You Have To Do Better💤 Beam’s Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep! | Go to and use code DAILYDAD to shop our exclusive discount and get up to 40% off🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/28/2024 • 4 minutes, 7 seconds
This Is A Secret To Wisdom (And Greatness)
It’s from stories that we learn the timeless lessons of the human experience. It’s from stories that we can give our children an education in the school of life.📚 Looking for stories to teach your kids about Stoicism? Check out: The Boy Who Would Be King and The Girl Who Would Be Free: A Fable About EpictetusHiya Health | ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/27/2024 • 4 minutes, 38 seconds
Buckle Up, It’s Coming
After a long and peaceful summer, every family careens into the school year. Enjoy it, because the chaos is wonderful.☕ TRADE Coffee | Get your first bag free when you subscribe! Visit🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/26/2024 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Spend Time In The Car Wisely | Ryan and Sam Holiday
Spending time in the car with your kids is rich with opportunities to create connection, even if it means just listening to their music. Ryan and Sam talk about how they are finding ways to bond with the kids during the commute to school, allowing silence during shared activities, and generational differences when it comes to asking about kids interests. 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/24/2024 • 12 minutes, 1 second
Don’t Do This Alone
Parenting is so hard to do alone, so hard. We are stronger when we, our children’s parents, parent together. We go further, together.📚 Grab a copy of The Baby on the Fire Escape: Creativity, Motherhood, and the Mind-Baby Problemby Julie Phillips |🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/23/2024 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
You’re A Bigger Target Now
Life has something over us now. We have something to worry over. Something we love more than life itself.📚 Pick up a copy of Blue Nights by Joan Didion at The Painted Porch:🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remindyourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/22/2024 • 4 minutes, 40 seconds
This Is Too Wonderful To Ignore
What we want is connection, right? So don’t turn it away. Take the hand when it’s offered.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/21/2024 • 2 minutes, 2 seconds
This Is All It Takes
We have to figure out how to be a fan. We have to figure out how not to stifle.📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids:🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/20/2024 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Try To Consider This
Give them the benefit of the doubt. If you’re going to assume anything, assume facts not in evidence. Give them a break.💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/19/2024 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
Spoil Them The Right Way | Katy Milkman
Katy Milkman and Ryan talk about encouraging curiosity as a parent, embracing their kids interests, and when it is okay to spoil them.Katy Milkman is a Behavioral Scientist, Wharton Professor, and Co-Director of the Behavior Change for Good Initiative. She is the Author of How to Change and podcast host of Choicology. You can connect with Katy on X: @katy_milkman and on Instagram: @katymilkman 🎙️Listen to Katy Milkman’s full episode | Spotify, Apple, Wondery✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/17/2024 • 7 minutes, 7 seconds
It Has Stolen So Much From You
Anxiety. It makes you a less vigilant parent in many ways—you’re so busy thinking about what might happen that you don’t always see what is happening.To better keep all that in mind, the team over at the Daily Stoic created the Anxiety Coin for you to carry around wherever you go and use as a tool whenever anxiety strikes.Grab your own Anxiety Coin at the Daily Stoic Store:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/16/2024 • 3 minutes, 44 seconds
This Is All There Is
Parenting is a grind. It’s exhausting. It also goes by very, very fast.🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto 👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/15/2024 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
We All Have Something Like This
Even if our kids are perfectly healthy, they all have their own issues. Whatever it is, it hasn’t changed how much we loved them. 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto 👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/14/2024 • 4 minutes, 7 seconds
We Will Be Fine
Things are going to go wrong. It’s a chance to show them that everything is going to be fine. Because you’re going to make sure it’s fine.🎙️ Learn from Evelyn McDonnell on how staying calm can be contagious and preparing for emergencies as a parent | Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & Wondery👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/13/2024 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Even the Powerful Are Powerless
It doesn’t matter how powerful you are. All of us, now that we have kids, are vulnerable.👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/12/2024 • 3 minutes, 29 seconds
Teaching Kids Gratitude and Presence | Ryan and Sam Holiday
While juggling the many responsibilities that come with being a parent, it's easy to fall into the trap of treating each day as a checklist to get through. In today's episode, Ryan and Sam are talking about what has been helpful for them to stay present, practice mindfulness, express gratitude, and how they are instilling these practices in their kids. 🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/10/2024 • 16 minutes, 8 seconds
Say It While You Can
You have the power and capacity to speak your piece. Do it while you still can, while you still get to.🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: episode is brought to you by BetterHelp - Get 10% of your first month at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/9/2024 • 5 minutes, 15 seconds
Who Are You Keeping This For?
Don’t keep it to yourself. Don’t wait. Give it to them now.💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/8/2024 • 4 minutes, 26 seconds
This Is Our Wonderful Weakness
Our children are our wonderful weakness…and our incredible strength.📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: 🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/7/2024 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
It’s Tough But You Gotta Show Them
This is what is most important. This sense of justice, this sense of fairness. It’s important that we don't just talk about these things, but we live them. We do them even when it's hard.📕 Read more stories that will inspire you to live with justice in Right Thing, Right Now | episode is brought to you by BetterHelp - Get 10% of your first month at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/6/2024 • 4 minutes, 15 seconds
Make Them Very Lucky
There is one way we can make our kids very, very lucky - at least right now. 🎶 Lyrics mentioned are from Quiet Town by The KillersHiya Health | ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/5/2024 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
The Current Parenting Pandemic | Gary Vee
Gary Vee is a serial entrepreneur, Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Creator and CEO of VeeFriends. His latest project is a children's book, Meet Me in the Middle: A VeeFriends Book! The book uses a unique, two-in-one, flip-the-book-around format that encourages young readers (and their parents) to see how different the world looks from another point of view. Based on two VeeFriends characters, Eager Eagle and Patient Pig, it is a fun and engaging story about how real success comes from seeing how the other side does it.📚 Grab your own copy of Meet Me in the Middle: A VeeFriends Book🎙️ Listen to Gary Vee’s FULL interview on the Daily Stoic podcast | Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & Wondery🎥 Tune into Ryan’s interview on the GaryVee Audio Experience: Unpacking the Secrets of Successful Parenting with Ryan Holiday Connect with Gary Vee on Instagram, X, YouTube, TikTok: @GaryVee👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/3/2024 • 12 minutes, 6 seconds
Don’t Feel Guilty
✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/2/2024 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
This Is All You Have To Do
🎥 Watch this YouTube video where Alfred Molina talks about still wrestling with the idea of disappointing his father📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: 👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/1/2024 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
What Are They Seeing From You?
📚 Grab a copy of Essays: A Selectionby Michel Montaigne at The Painted Porch:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/31/2024 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
They Want To Connect
📚 Pick up a copy of Letter to the Fatherby Franz Kafka at The Painted Porch:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/30/2024 • 3 minutes, 21 seconds
This Is What Keeps Us Going
📚 Pick up a copy of The Complete Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/29/2024 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
Turning Garbage Time Into Quality Time
🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/27/2024 • 10 minutes, 17 seconds
Who Are They Learning From?
📕 The Vanishing American Adult by Senator Ben Sasse✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/26/2024 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Do It Now
📚 Pick up a copy of Good Inside by Dr. Becky at The Painted Porch👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/25/2024 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
What A Great Idea
📰 Check out the Daily Dad article on helicopter parents: Don’t Be That Guy—Or That Guy✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/24/2024 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
You Cannot Wait
📚 Pick up a copy of Essaysby Michel de Montaigne at The Painted Porch📕 Learn more about Michel de Montaigne’s life in Sarah Bakewell’s biography of him, How to Live: Or a Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answercarried at The Painted Porch👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/23/2024 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
We’re Not Balanced Right
📚 Pick up a copy of Die with Zero by Bill Perkins at The Painted Porch🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/22/2024 • 4 minutes, 33 seconds
How to Teach Your Kids About Ancient Philosophy
📚 Looking for stories to teach your kids about Stoicism? Check out Ryan Holiday’s books: The Boy Who Would Be King and The Girl Who Would Be Free: A Fable About Epictetus🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets at🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/20/2024 • 11 minutes, 56 seconds
Don’t Put This Off
🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets at💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/19/2024 • 4 minutes, 30 seconds
Let Them Teach You This
📚 Grab a copy of Booth by Karen Joy Fowler at The Painted Porch:🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/18/2024 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
This Is All They Want
💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/17/2024 • 4 minutes, 42 seconds
This Is Something You’ll Regret
🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets at episode is brought to you by BetterHelp - Get 10% of your first month at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/16/2024 • 3 minutes, 40 seconds
Why You Have To Do Better
Bespoke Post | Get 15% off your first box when you sign up at and enter the code dailydad at checkout!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/15/2024 • 4 minutes, 27 seconds
Is It Best For Them, Or Best For You? | Ryan and Sam Holiday
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/13/2024 • 14 minutes, 54 seconds
Instill This Spirit In Them
📕 Pick up your own Premium Leather Edition of Meditations - Marcus Aurelius (Gregory Hays Translation) at the Daily Stoic Store:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/12/2024 • 4 minutes, 4 seconds
It’s A Bad Calculation
💡 Take the first step towards a calmer future by checking out our course: Taming Your Temper: The 11 Day Stoic Guide to Controlling Your Anger over at the Daily Stoic:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/11/2024 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
What’s Keeping You From It?
🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/10/2024 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
It’s Not That Hard
🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets at👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/9/2024 • 3 minutes, 12 seconds
You’re Depriving Them of This
🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/8/2024 • 3 minutes, 32 seconds
A Cautionary Tale: Tiger Woods' Childhood
📚 Pick up a signed copy of Stillness Is The Key by Ryan Holiday:🎟 Order tickets to Ryan's tour dates at Post | Get 15% off your first box when you sign up at and enter the code dailydad at checkout!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/6/2024 • 27 minutes, 19 seconds
Can You Teach Them This?
🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/5/2024 • 3 minutes, 44 seconds
This Is Why They Love Them
Bespoke Post | Get 15% off your first box when you sign up at and enter the code dailydad at checkout!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/4/2024 • 4 minutes, 14 seconds
When Do You See Your Kids?
This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp - Get 10% of your first month at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/3/2024 • 3 minutes, 53 seconds
It Costs What It Costs
🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/2/2024 • 3 minutes, 19 seconds
This Is The Point
🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: episode is brought to you by BetterHelp - Get 10% of your first month at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/1/2024 • 3 minutes, 48 seconds
Embracing The Unexpected | Ryan and Sam Holiday
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/29/2024 • 16 minutes, 23 seconds
This Is Freeing And Humbling
✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/28/2024 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
If You’re Going to Spoil Them, Do It Here
📚 Pick up a copy of Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart about Money at The Painted Porch✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/27/2024 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
Why Do We Put Them First?
🏛 All time is quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/26/2024 • 2 minutes, 56 seconds
Please, Please Don’t Do This
📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids: 👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/25/2024 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
What Do They Really Want?
📚 Grab a copy of Fortune's Children: The Fall of the House of Vanderbilt 👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/24/2024 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
Balancing Urgency and Patience | Topaz Adizes
🎙️Listen to Topaz Adizes’s interview on The Daily Stoic | Wondery, Spotify, & Apple Podcasts🎥 Check out Topaz’s YouTube Channel: @TheSkinDeepCheck out Topaz’s card game aimed to help you connect deeper as a family: head hereFollow Topaz: X and IG: @topazadizesHiya Health | ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/22/2024 • 13 minutes, 49 seconds
It’s All Part Of The Process
💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/21/2024 • 5 minutes, 21 seconds
You Do What You Gotta Do
🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/20/2024 • 3 minutes, 57 seconds
The Trip Is Part of The Trip
🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store:💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/19/2024 • 4 minutes, 49 seconds
All Parents Can Meet This Standard
🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/18/2024 • 4 minutes, 50 seconds
Value This More Than That
📚 Grab a copy of The Wright Brothers at The Painted Porch: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/17/2024 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Happy Father's Day Weekend! | Fatherly Advice From Top Athletes And Coaches
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/15/2024 • 10 minutes, 36 seconds
How Would You Feel?
📚 Pick up a copy of Death Be Not Proud by John J Gunther at The Painted Porch👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/14/2024 • 3 minutes, 25 seconds
It’s Not Fair That We Do This
📕 Right Thing, Right Now is out now! To purchase your own copy, head here:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/13/2024 • 3 minutes, 36 seconds
It’s a Tough Choice
📚 Pick up a copy of The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton📕 Right Thing, Right Now is out now! To purchase your own copy, head here:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/12/2024 • 4 minutes, 35 seconds
Don’t Destroy This
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit📚 Grab a copy of The Wright Brothers at The Painted Porch: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/11/2024 • 3 minutes, 39 seconds
It’s Not An Excuse
📕 Pre-order Right Thing, Right Now and get exclusive bonuses! To learn more and pre-order your own copy, visit ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/10/2024 • 3 minutes, 17 seconds
How To Be More Present With Your Kids | Dr. Michael Gervais’ Parenting Wake Up Call
🎙️ Tune in to Dr. Michael Gervais on The Daily Stoic: Part 1 & Part 2💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/8/2024 • 17 minutes, 12 seconds
It’s An Opportunity To Show Them This
📖 Looking for a Father’s Day gift? Check out Storyworth and save $10 on your first purchase here:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/7/2024 • 3 minutes, 51 seconds
Hold Up This Kind of Person
📓 Father’s Day is just around the corner, gift a leatherbound signed edition of The Daily Stoic! Check it out at the Daily Stoic Store: episode is brought to you by BetterHelp - Get 10% of your first month at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/6/2024 • 6 minutes, 42 seconds
Remember The True Value of This
Bespoke Post | Get a free Mystery Gift with your first monthly shipment when you sign up at and enter the code dailydad at checkout!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/5/2024 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
They’ll Resent You For This
📕 Pre-order Right Thing, Right Now and get exclusive bonuses! To learn more and pre-order your own copy, visit💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/4/2024 • 4 minutes, 47 seconds
Send Them This Message
This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp - Get 10% of your first month at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/3/2024 • 4 minutes, 26 seconds
Feeling Guilty as a Parent | Ryan and Sam Holiday
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/1/2024 • 14 minutes, 31 seconds
Work With Them To Find Their Lane
📕 Pick up a copy of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids at The Painted Porch: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/31/2024 • 2 minutes, 51 seconds
There Are Limits
📕 Pre-order Right Thing, Right Now and get exclusive bonuses! To learn more and pre-order your own copy, visit👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/30/2024 • 4 minutes, 48 seconds
Those Things Don’t Matter
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit📚 Grab a copy of All the King’s Men at The Painted Porch: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/29/2024 • 3 minutes, 38 seconds
This Is What We’re Here For
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/28/2024 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
A Wonderful Way To Think About It
📚 Grab a copy of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel at The Painted Porch:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/27/2024 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
School's Out For Summer | Ryan and Sam Holiday
✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/25/2024 • 16 minutes, 18 seconds
What Our Kids Need To Hear
📕 Pre-order Right Thing, Right Now and get exclusive bonuses! To learn more and pre-order your own copy, visit🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/24/2024 • 4 minutes, 25 seconds
Can You Do This Right?
💪 Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscriptionorder or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/23/2024 • 4 minutes, 39 seconds
But Do You Really Care?
📖 Looking for a Father’s Day gift? Check out Storyworth and save $10 on your first purchase here:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/22/2024 • 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Wish This Into Existence For Them
🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/21/2024 • 4 minutes, 26 seconds
How Would You Like Them To Describe You?
💡 Looking to set a better example as a parent? Sign up for the 10 day course: The Stoic Parent: 10 Commandments For Becoming A Better Parent today at the Daily Stoic Store: ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/20/2024 • 4 minutes, 29 seconds
10 Stoic Parenting Tips | Tom Segura's Parenting Reflections
📚 Grab a copy of I’d Like To Play Alone Please by Tom Segura at The Painted Porch:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/18/2024 • 21 minutes, 38 seconds
It’s Ok To Have Conditions
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/17/2024 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
You Can Do This
👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/16/2024 • 4 minutes, 31 seconds
It’s Simple (But Also Out of Their Hands)
📕 Pick up a copy of The Wright Brothers by David McCullough at The Painted Porch:👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/15/2024 • 3 minutes, 44 seconds
It Works, Just Not How You Think
📕 Pick up a copy of Letter to the Father by Franz Kafka at The Painted Porch:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/14/2024 • 3 minutes, 1 second
This is Out To Get Them
✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/13/2024 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Create Your Own Parenting Legacy | Adrian Grenier
Prioritize your health with HIYA at 📺 Visit The Daily Stoic YouTube channel to watch Ryan's full interview with Adrian Grenier.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/11/2024 • 17 minutes, 41 seconds
You Can’t Get Around This Math
Visit to unlock your best with Momentous.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/10/2024 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
The Important Thing Is That You Do This
Prioritize your mental health with BetterHelp at today.📔 Grab a copy of Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be at The Painted Porch. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/9/2024 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
What Would You Do More Of?
Visit to unlock your best with Momentous.📘 Grab Die with Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life at The Painted Porch. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/8/2024 • 4 minutes, 17 seconds
This Is Your Main Job
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5/7/2024 • 3 minutes, 59 seconds
This is All Temporary
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5/6/2024 • 4 minutes, 21 seconds
Joan Didion's Parenting Strategies | Ryan Holiday & Evelyn McDonnell
📚 Check out Evelyn McDonnell's The World According to Joan Didion. And grab your copy of and The Baby on the Fire Escape at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/5/2024 • 22 minutes, 22 seconds
Show Them, Don’t Tell Them
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5/3/2024 • 4 minutes, 38 seconds
You Were Built For This
Visit Bespoke Post today at📕 Grab a signed copy of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/3/2024 • 6 minutes, 32 seconds
The Important Thing Is That You Do This
📔 Visit The Painted Porch to grab a copy of Dr. Becky Kennedy's Good Inside: A Guide To Becoming The Parent You Want To Be👟 To learn more about the kid's Mach 6 shoe, visit ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/1/2024 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
Anything Less Than Nurturing
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4/30/2024 • 2 minutes, 48 seconds
It’s A Lot To Be a Kid Nowadays
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4/29/2024 • 4 minutes, 14 seconds
Your Family Routine Is Crucial | Ryan and Sam Holiday
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4/27/2024 • 14 minutes, 47 seconds
You Find a Way To Help Them Learn
📕 Grab your copy of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids at The Painted Porch.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/26/2024 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Have You Given Them The Right Priorities?
📕 Grab your copy of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids at The Painted Porch.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/25/2024 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Hold Fast To This
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4/24/2024 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
What Are You Actually Teaching Them?
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4/23/2024 • 2 minutes, 6 seconds
They Don't Know
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4/22/2024 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
How To Make Decisions As A Parent (With Stoicism) | Mike Erwin
📖 Grab a copy of Mike Erwin's Leadership is a Relationship: How to Put People First in the Digital World. X: @erwinrwb IG: @erwinrwb🎧 Check out Ryan's full interview with Mike Erwin.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/20/2024 • 7 minutes, 6 seconds
Teach This To Your Kids
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4/19/2024 • 4 minutes, 40 seconds
You Have To Leave This To Them
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4/18/2024 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Can You Do This?
📕 Grab your copy of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids at The Painted Porch. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/17/2024 • 4 minutes, 24 seconds
This is Out To Get Them
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4/16/2024 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
How Many Are Left?
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4/15/2024 • 4 minutes, 50 seconds
Getting Your Kids To Put Their Shoes On | Ryan and Sam Holiday
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4/13/2024 • 19 minutes, 4 seconds
You Must Seed This Habit
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4/12/2024 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Are You Building This?
📘 Get your copy of Dr. Becky Kennedy's Good Inside at The Painted Porch.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/11/2024 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
You Have to Give Them Access
To learn more about the HOKA Mach 6 shoe, visit and check it out.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/10/2024 • 4 minutes, 33 seconds
You’re Not Trying To Raise Well-Behaved Kids
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4/9/2024 • 2 minutes, 51 seconds
Never Wish For Less Time
To learn more about the HOKA Mach 6 shoe, visit and check it out.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/8/2024 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
Morgan Housel and Ryan Holiday on Raising Well Adjusted Children And Being Prepared
Grab a signed copy of Same as Ever and The Psychology of Money from The Painted Porch!Morgan Housel is a partner at The Collaborative Fund. His book The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness is a deep dive into the psychology of money and investing, especially how personal history shapes one’s view of economic risk, the implications of not understanding the future, being rich vs. being wealthy, how we measure success, the problem with social comparison, and much more. It has sold over 1.9 million copies and has been translated into 46 languages. Morgan is a two-time winner of the Best in Business Award from the Society of American Business Editors, winner of the New York Times Sidney Award, and a two-time finalist for the Gerald Loeb Award for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism. He serves on the board of Markel and has presented at more than 100 conferences all over the globe.Website: Twitter: @morganhousel
4/6/2024 • 11 minutes, 13 seconds
These Are The Best Times
Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscription order. And if you don’t feel like subscribing, you can still get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/5/2024 • 4 minutes, 40 seconds
Try Not To Be This
Redefine learning with play—explore projects that build confidence and problem-solving skills with KiwiCo! Get 50% off your first month on ANY crate line at KIWICO.COM with promo code DAILYDAD. That’s 50% off your first month at KIWICO.COM, promo code DAILYDAD.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/4/2024 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
This Is A Form of Real Poverty
This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/3/2024 • 3 minutes, 53 seconds
What If You Didn’t Hear It Again?
Go to to get up to 32% off your first subscription order. And if you don’t feel like subscribing, you can still get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/2/2024 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
How To Repair
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”Get a copy of Dr. Becky Kennedy's "Good Inside" at the Painted Porch:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/1/2024 • 3 minutes, 9 seconds
Stop Creating Unnecessary Tension As A Parent
Ryan and Sam Holiday talk about the tips that they gave to Whitney Cummings as she has her first kid. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/30/2024 • 17 minutes, 34 seconds
Kids See Through to What Matters
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3/29/2024 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
This is the Most Important Skill To Give Them
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3/28/2024 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
Another Way It’s Tough To Be Your Kid
Click here to check out the new Hoka Mach 6 and the brand new KIDS Mach 6 shoes!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/27/2024 • 3 minutes, 38 seconds
You’re Probably Better Than You Think
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3/26/2024 • 2 minutes
This Is How They Feel
Click here to check out the new Hoka Mach 6 and the brand new KIDS Mach 6 shoes!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/25/2024 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Ryan and Sam Holiday on Advice For First Time Parents
Ryan and Sam Holiday talk about what would have actually prepared them for having children.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/23/2024 • 15 minutes, 50 seconds
You Don’t Even Realize How Much You Say It
So why on earth do we so often signal the opposite? Literally and figuratively, we send the message that they’re bothering us, that they’re a distraction, a burden, annoying. As Evelyn McDonnell writes in her fascinating book The World According to Joan Didion, Didion’s daughter Quintana Roo once wrote down a list of her mother’s sayings. They were: “Brush your teeth,” “Brush your hair,” and “Shush, I'm working.”Only later do we realize what we’re saying to them—as Didion did tragically in her haunting book Blue Nights—how this hurt them, how it contradicted what we felt deep down inside. We were just busy in that moment! We just needed to finish something real quick! We didn’t mean anything by it!Of course, we have to make a living. Sometimes we do have to finish things. Some things are important. We just have to make sure that we value what really is important, that we remember, as we say in the March 22nd entry in The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids, our kids aren’t a distraction from our work, they are our work.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/22/2024 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Learning is Frustrating
Being a kid is tough. It’s tough because they’re learning—often by painful trial and error—an endless number of lessons about life. What they’re allowed to do and not. What happens when you touch something hot. How other people act. What feels good and what doesn’t. Plus they’re also in school learning academic knowledge too—math and science and reading and history.Well, here’s a piece of advice from the great Dr. Becky (from her amazing book Good Inside) that we can translate to our kids, but also to ourselves:Things are tough, things are frustrating because we’re learning, we as parents, them as kids. It’s fun to learn but it’s also exhausting. It’s supposed to be this way, just as lifting weights is supposed to make you sore. It’s the price you pay to get the thing you want—which is to learn, to be smart, to be capable, to get the hang of this life thing.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/21/2024 • 4 minutes, 15 seconds
You’re Not Trying To Raise Well-Behaved Kids
We have so many things we need to do as parents. There’s the logistics of it. The survival aspect of it (food and shelter). There’s the education we have to give them. There’s the experiences we want them to have. There’s the values and character we know need to be instilled.We’re not trying to raise well-behaved kids. **As we’ve said before, we’re not trying to raise kids at all. The whole point of parenting is to raise our kids into adults, it’s trying to raise these little people into good human beings.Of course, behavior matters but it’s not the end all be all. Tantrums aren’t great. Kids are sometimes going to be crazy. But as parents we need to remember that our primary job is teaching our kids how to manage and regulate their emotions and urges—it’s not to stamp them out because they embarrass us. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/20/2024 • 4 minutes, 49 seconds
A Much Better Way To Motivate
It’s important that we look for examples of people who have done great things as a result of their parent’s ability to believe in them, support them, and make them feel secure. We’ve talked about Jim Valvano many times here and tell the story in Daily Dad about how his dad packed his bags and told his son he was ready to watch him coach in the Final Four. We posted a great video of the comedian Andrew Schultz recently. Andrew told his father that his dream was to perform at Madison Square Gardens someday. Everyone else laughed or dismissed it. His father just looked at him and said, “I can see it.”We think this idea—that you have to be your kids’ biggest supporter—is so important that in The Daily Dad book, the entire month of August is on the theme. The month of August in The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids is titled, “Always Be A Fan”—it is, as we’ve said, the greatest gift you can give your kids.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/19/2024 • 3 minutes, 33 seconds
Tackle This First
“Connection first,” is Dr. Becky’s advice in Good Inside. Connection as opposed to shame, to criticism, to questions, to doubt, to consequences. There will be time for all that (except shame) later. “Now, to be clear,” Dr. Becky writes, “connection does not mean approval…Connection is an opening that allows for movement. Connection is when we show our kids, ‘It’s okay to be you right now. Even when you’re struggling, it’s okay to be you. I am here with you, as you are.’” Let’s start by slowing down. Let’s start by letting them know that this doesn’t change how we feel about them. Let’s start by letting them know that we’re here to help, that we’re on their team. Let’s start by letting them know that we love them (which, as we’ve said, you really cannot ever say too much). Once this is established, then we can get to work. Connection is not at odds with accountability, with learning a lesson, with consequences or even criticism. In fact, it makes the chances of all these things landing even higher. Because they’ll be listening, they’ll be less on guard, they’ll see it not as part of the problem, but part of the solution. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/18/2024 • 3 minutes, 57 seconds
Ryan And Sam Holiday On Raising Well Adjusted Adults Not Well Behaved Children
On this episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan Holiday and his wife Samantha dive into the nuanced art of raising well-adjusted adults rather than merely well-behaved children. Drawing from their own experiences as parents, they emphasize the importance of fostering independence, resilience, and critical thinking skills in young minds. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/16/2024 • 15 minutes, 32 seconds
This Is The First Step
As Claire Tomalin writes in her book Jane Austen: A Life, we can trace the beginnings of Jane Austen’s greatness to her father’s library. “Their father’s bookshelves were of primary importance in fostering her talent,” she writes, “given that the first impulse to write stories comes from being entertained and excited by other people’s.” And her father had quite a library, **some 500 volumes.It’s a crime, we’ve said, to raise a kid in a house without books. Our job is to surround our kids with great ideas, great writers, great art. We can’t expect it to turn all of them into groundbreaking creatives, but it will have that effect on some of them. In every case though, it will give them windows into other worlds, it will teach them empathy, it will entertain them and teach them lessons about life and human nature.And more than just surrounding them with books, we have to demonstrate what being a reader looks like. Not on our phones, not on audiobooks, but good old fashioned reading.We think this idea—that you have a responsibility to make reading a part of your children’s life—is so important that the month of September in The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids is all about it and titled “Raise A Reader.” It’s 30 days full of stories and lessons in learning, curiosity, and how to raise a reader.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/15/2024 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
You Have To See What’s Really Going On
All that did happen. It shouldn’t have. It’s not ok that it did. But before you do anything, can you try this? Can you say to yourself, as Dr. Becky writes in Good Inside (a great book!), “Ok, one second. Let me take a breath. Let me see if I understand what’s happening here…”In a sense, can you be a Stoic about it? Can you put your first impressions to the test, as Epictetus tells us, not be overwhelmed by the moment, as Marcus Aurelius said, and see what’s really happening? Because what’s really happening is that they are frustrated after being prodded and provoked by their siblings for days on end. What happened is that they’re overwhelmed by school, and they need help. What happened is that they’re desperate for connection. What happened is that they’re having bigger feelings than they’re equipped to deal with.Talk to them, talk it through. Don’t be distracted by what’s on the surface, what is frustrating or inappropriate, but go to what’s really happening and help them there.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/14/2024 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
This is The Cure
It doesn’t matter how driven you were. It doesn’t matter how much money is on the table. Having kids humbles you. We said recently that having kids changes you because it brings you up close and personal with something that actually means something and all your other worldly stuff naturally pales somewhat in comparison. As the writer Stephen Marche describes (he has a great little book on writing and life), “the physical changes that occasionally transpire with women after birth—eczema disappearing, once intractable allergies going away—have a psychological equivalent. The flesh of little children is the cure for self-importance. Everything matters less. Having children does not necessarily make writing harder, but it makes it a lot harder to pretend that writing matters.”It makes it harder for that business trip to matter. Not when your son is struggling in school. It makes it harder for that big exit for your startup to matter…now that pursuing it has made your spouse contemplate an exit from your marriage (and now you’re staring down the heartbreak of shared custody). You thought it was all so important. You thought you were so important.Click here to check out the new Hoka Mach 6 and the brand new KIDS Mach 6 shoes!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/13/2024 • 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Easy Like Sunday Morning
Why is your house so stressful? Why is everything such a fight? It doesn’t need to be. Sure, school is important. Rules and respect and basic cleanliness matter. But these things aren’t that important. Indeed, most conflicts that pop up while getting ready for school or sitting down to dinner or finishing household tasks aren’t that important.Here’s a magical phrase worth thinking about as a parent. It’s from that great Lionel Richie song (and Faith No More cover): Easy like Sunday morning…What if more of your days were like that? When you had less you were trying to force through? When you were slightly more relaxed? If you understood that it was your kids’ day too, that there was nothing that really had to happen?P.S. If you’re looking to avoid falling back into bad habits when stress inevitably announces itself, consider checking out our Daily Stoic Spring Forward challenge. We all think of March as the month we tend to get started on our spring cleaning, but how many of us spend the time to get our whole houses in order? Not just our physical spaces, but our minds, our routines, our assumptions? The challenge is designed to push you to examine those parts of your life, your choices, your relationships, and move you closer to living your best life. Become the person you aspire to be and enroll at today!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/12/2024 • 2 minutes, 51 seconds
You Don’t Have To Like It, But You Should Try
It had been a long day. He was tired. He just wanted his teenage step-daughter Tegan, from the indie pop duo Tegan and Sara, to stop blasting the same album over and over. Besides, he hated Nirvana, which was just then about the biggest band in the world. So he told her to turn it off. He told her the music was driving him insane.He was well within his rights…up until the point that he made a joke about Kurt Cobain’s sexuality. He should have known better. As Tegan explains in her fascinating book, High School (a must read for any parent with artistic children), she was just then coming to terms with her own identity. She went ballistic at her father. She was inconsolable. It was clearly not about the music at all.Finally, after many apologies, her dad was able to talk to her. She played Nirvana’s Unplugged album for him. A fan of David Bowie, he was surprised by their cover of “The Man Who Sold the World.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/11/2024 • 3 minutes, 27 seconds
You Are Your Kids Biggest Fan
On this episode of the Daily Dad podcast, best-selling author and renowned stoic philosopher, Ryan Holiday, shares an insightful and heartwarming story about a profound parenting conversation he had with a driver on his way to the San Diego airport. In this engaging narrative, Holiday reflects on the importance of being your child's biggest fan. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/9/2024 • 12 minutes, 26 seconds
They’re The Only Ones In There
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”Dr. Becky (read Good Inside already!) says she tries to repeat it to get kids as often as possible: “You’re the only one in your body, so only you could know what you like.” She probably repeats it as much for her kid’s benefit as theirs. Because of course, they know what they like. The problem is that we tend to assume that we know better. And how could that be true? We’re not inside them, we’re not the same as them, as much as they sometimes seem like us. As we’ve said before, ‘knowing better’ is a corrosive thing, because it becomes less true over time and it’s hard to turn it off once you’ve internalized the assumption.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/8/2024 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
They Need You To Do This For Them
There’s a story about Queen Elizabeth, told in Discipline is Destiny. After a long day of travel with her late husband, Prince Philip, the Queen found him worked up and in an argument with someone who was organizing an event. What wouldn’t have worked in that situation with Prince Philip was the Queen coming over and telling him to get control of himself. It wouldn’t have helped for her to come in and pile on or take over the situation either. He was stuck in a loop, and she helped pull him out. While it’s not our job to parent our spouses, this was a wonderful example of fantastic parent energy. When our kids are upset, we can help them with a simple redirect, an interruption, a distraction, we can give them an off-ramp. We can provide calming energy as opposed to amping things up, to adding more tension or stress to a situation by reprimanding them or telling them to shape up. P.S. “Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power,” Seneca said. If you’re looking to gain a little more temperance, for both your sake and your family’s sake, check out Ryan Holiday’s Discipline is Destiny. Developing a practice of discipline not only makes it more likely you’ll be successful, it ensures that whatever happens, you are great, both for yourself and those around you. Grab a copy today!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/7/2024 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
Your Future Is What You Make It
In his fantastic book Outlive, Peter Attia (we carry the book at The Painted Porch and did a fantastic 2-hour interview with him on the Daily Stoic podcast) looks at this idea literally and figuratively. Will you want to be able to go skiing with your adult children? Will you want to be able to travel to see your grandkids? Will you want to live long enough to maybe get to see them get married or bring you great-grandkids? Just as important as whether these things are physically possible is will you have the kind of relationship that allows for this? Will your kids want to do those things with you?These are the questions you have to be thinking about. Not just thinking about, but making decisions and investments about and in. If you eat whatever you want, let your weight balloon, smoke, drink to excess—it doesn’t matter what dreams you have for your twilight years. You are making a powerful statement in reality about the actual value of those things to you. The same goes for how you balance work and life, whether you have put in the work on your issues, whether you’ve improved at repairing with your kids, whether you support and root for them or whether you judge and criticize them. Again, you can fantasize about family trips when you’re retired, but if, while you’re working, you’re a self-absorbed, miserable jerk—that’s never going to happen.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/6/2024 • 4 minutes, 2 seconds
What Will Your Kids See?
As she writes her memoir Suffragette, these incidents illustrate to her “the fact that the impressions of childhood often have more to do with character and future conduct than heredity or education. I tell it also to show that my development into an advocate of militancy was largely a sympathetic process.”The lesson, which we built the whole first month of The Daily Dad book around, is a simple one: Children learn by example. It doesn’t matter so much what adults tell them, what ideology they try to teach them, what matters is what children see. And that children are far more perceptive than we might think.P.S. “Thou Shall Teach By Example” is the 1st Commandment in The Stoic Parent: 10 Commandments For Becoming A Better Parent. If you want to take your parenting to the next level, or just looking to set a better example as a parent, The Stoic Parent course is 10 days of the most important things that you can do to become the best parent you can be. Sign up today at the Daily Stoic Store!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/5/2024 • 4 minutes, 48 seconds
The Key To Real Happiness
As we said recently, no parent has ever successfully shielded their child from negative feelings or distress. No parent has done it and no grown adult has ever looked back at their childhood and been grateful that their parents tried. “I’m so glad Mom and Dad kept me in a bubble of sunshine and kittens, that really set me up now that I’m on my own.”Gaslighting someone about their feelings is not, and never has been, a service.Dr. Becky Kennedy writes In Good Inside, her wonderful book about parenting (can’t recommend it enough), that “adults whose childhood were focused mainly on happiness are not only unprepared for tough moments, they experience more discomfort in those tough moments because deep down, they think they’re doing something wrong if they can’t ‘find the happy’ and get themselves to a ‘better place.’”We’ve talked before about Seneca’s Consolations essays where he works his friends and family through the awful grief they are experiencing. It’s important that we understand this is how the Stoics—and hopefully your kids—learn to deal with strong emotions, period. You don’t stuff it down. You don’t mask it with smiles. You don’t seek out pleasure to counterbalance it. In fact, the more you do those things, the harder time you will have in the future if even more serious or distressing things happen.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/4/2024 • 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Are Your Kids Having Fun?
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan shifts to the basketball court as he attends both of his son's game, unveiling profound lessons about team sports for kids and the essential role of adults in shaping their experiences. Amidst the cheers and competitive spirit, Holiday reflects on the delicate balance required in fostering a positive environment. He observes that, while skill development is crucial, the paramount lesson lies in the importance of having fun. As an engaged parent and spectator, Holiday underscores the significance of adults maintaining perspective, encouraging sportsmanship, and emphasizing the joy of the game over mere victories. This insightful episode serves as a reminder that, ultimately, the true victory in youth sports lies in the smiles, camaraderie, and personal growth experienced by the young athletes on the court.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/2/2024 • 12 minutes, 30 seconds
It’s Part of The Job
Look, we get it: the iPad is a magical device. It can quiet even the craziest kid. It can take them into a world of learning and exploration that is literally miraculous. Best of all, most of this content is free!Books on the other hand are not free and they take up so much space. Lugging them around can be a pain. You’re a grown-ass person. Do you really have to read about why dragons love tacos again? Or what Frodo is going to do with that stupid ring? And read it with the excited tone of a voice-over actor?Yes. The answer is yes. Your house and your life must be filled with books. Good ones. Silly ones. Annoying ones. Used ones. New ones. Reading is part of the job. “A house without books is like a room without windows,” Horace Mann once said. “No man has a right to bring up his children without surrounding them with books, if he has the means to buy them.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/1/2024 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Deal With It Now
We all have our issues. We had trauma from childhood. We have bad habits we picked up in college. We have scripts we learned, patterns we’ve repeated, coping mechanisms we’ve developed.We prefer not to die with them, to carry them always. But when exactly are we planning on dealing with them? In a perfect world, we would have gotten serious about it before we had kids. In the next best world, we’d deal with them now.“All I know is that as we age the weight of our unsorted baggage becomes heavier,” Bruce Springsteen explains in his spectacular autobiography Born To Run, “…much heavier.” We talked before about his strange and disorienting childhood, which was warped by the grief of his grandparents and their inclination to spoil him, along with the distance and demons of his father. He related that, like a lot of us, “the defenses I built to withstand the stress of my childhood, to save what I had of myself, outlived their usefulness…” When the bill comes due, Springsteen says, the payment is in tears.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/29/2024 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Watch What Happens
In her book Good Inside, Dr. Becky Kennedy shares something that a mom wrote to her. “I feel guilty for all those years I punished my daughter and gave time-outs,” the woman wrote. “I always thought, ‘It’s too late, I messed up my kids forever.’” But of course, as we’ve been talking about, it’s never too late—never too late to change, never too late to repair. That mom decided she wasn’t just going to feel guilty, she was going to talk to her kids about it. “I told my 8-year-old that I’ve learned more about what kids need and that I wish I hadn’t given her so many time-outs in the moments she needed me most. I saw her body soften. I really did. We hugged. It felt really important.”Well, we can’t make our parents do that. We can’t change what happened then or in the early days of our own parenting journey. But we’ve learned some stuff since then, we’ve gotten better. And so we can repair. Nothing is messed up forever—not if we choose to be vulnerable enough, loving enough, brave enough to try to address it. We can do that. We must do that. Watch what happens when we do.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/28/2024 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
You Are Different Now
There’s even an expression (one we’ve rebutted before) about how a stroller in the hall is the enemy of great art. Parenting comes with so many obligations, so many stresses—it is so all-consuming, it can’t help but be a distraction. But the writer Stephen Marche (who has an amazing little book on writing), once explained that “Being a writer and being a parent, I have found, are in conflict but not for the reasons most believe—the loss of time, the sleeplessness, the responsibility for another life, the fixedness in place, the need to make money to support them. Having children, like losing your virginity, changes the nature of meaning.”You have seen something, finally gotten something that people tried to tell you but you just couldn’t understand. Happiness is not in achievement, it’s not in stuff, it’s in people—specifically, it’s with these people. It’s in the stillness. The presence is the present, the gift that never gets old. And once you get this, you can still succeed and achieve, to be sure, but you can never go back to how you were before.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/27/2024 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
It’s Almost Too Painful to See
Only when it’s over will we realize it. Only when it’s all been stripped away will we be able to see.How not present we were. How much we took it for granted. How often we prioritized the wrong thing. How needlessly strict or harsh we were.For Joan Didion, whose beautiful (but haunting) books A Year of Magical Thinking and Blue Nights, we have been learning from and talking about, this came when she lost her husband and her adult daughter in short order. The books she wrote were about grief sure, but not just grief at what had disappeared but also grief at the unavoidable realizations that came from that loss.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/26/2024 • 3 minutes, 25 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Nathan Barry On Parenting Advice And Applying Stoicism In Our Routine (Part 2)
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to creator, author, designer, and the founder of ConvertKit Nathan Barry on having kids earlier in their career, their interest in farms and outdoors, the process of Emotional Vaccination and applying stoicism in our parenting routine.IG, and, X,✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/24/2024 • 13 minutes, 21 seconds
We’re In This Together
When we say “our own” we don’t think Americans or whatever country we live in, we think race. Or we think our blood relatives. That’s awful. This system we live in demands that we think of ourselves as more than just parents to our own kids. We have to think generationally. We can’t just think about getting ours, or protecting ours. We have to think like a village, like a group.The Stoics remind us that we are “made for each other.” Marcus Aurelius spoke dozens of times about the “common good.” He didn’t just care about his kids. He cared about everybody’s kids. Because that’s what justice—what doing the right thing—demands of us.It’s better to think of “our kids” as everybody. We’re all in this together, every single parent. We’re all better if we’re doing better, together.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/23/2024 • 3 minutes, 44 seconds
It’s Only Been Given For An Hour
Seneca knew from experience. In one of the most dreadful periods of his life, he lost his livelihood, his home and then his young child. He was exiled on false charges. He buried an infant.Fortune…she can be cruel.As Seneca wrote to Marcia, the daughter of a prominent Roman historian, in his beautiful and moving “Consolations” essays:“Snatch the pleasures your children bring, let your children in turn find delight in you, and drain joy to the dregs without delay; no promise has been given you for this night—nay, I have offered too long a respite!—no promise has been given even for this hour.”Two thousand years later, that hard-won reminder holds true. Nothing is promised. The future is not certain. It’s a scary world—one we’re hostages to, as we’ve said. But we can’t dwell in sadness or fear.All we can do is hold our children tight. We must snatch the pleasures they bring us and bring them pleasures too. Drain joy to the dregs together. Enjoy the hour…because not one second more is guaranteed.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/22/2024 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
It’s Like This For Everyone
We talked about Lincoln recently, who used to bring his “brats” to the office, in the words of William Herndon, Lincoln’s law partner. As much as he hated the noise, Herndon actually seemed to admire Lincoln’s ability to deal with this. “The boys were absolutely unrestrained in their amusement,” he noted. “If they pulled down all the books from the shelves, bent the points of all the pens, overturned inkstands, scattered law papers over the floor or threw the pencils into the spittoon, it never disturbed the serenity of their father’s good nature.”The lesson here is twofold. First off, it’s a reminder that you’re not alone in raising absolute hellions. That’s just what kids are—and they never really stop being them (they find new ways of stirring stuff up when they’re older!). Two, really the only part of this that reflects on you is how you respond to it. If it turns you into a monster, if it makes you mean or nasty or makes you throw a fit in response to their fit? Well that’s the real problem.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/21/2024 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
You Won’t Be Able To Do This
Nobody likes it when their kids are sad. It breaks our hearts when they feel lonely, ashamed, or frustrated. We’d like to just make this all go away, to protect them from all this, so they can feel happy all the time.But that’s not possible (nor is it, as we’ve talked about, actually a recipe for happiness).In Good Inside, the great Dr. Becky writes, “I don’t know one adult who has ever said, ‘Wow, my parents really got all those uncomfortable feelings out of me! The disappointment and frustration and envy…they convinced them all out of me! They successfully distracted me so much that now, as an adult, I never feel these things! I am happy all the time!’”You can’t—just as your parents couldn’t—tell them to stuff their feelings down. You can’t gaslight them into thinking the negative feelings aren’t there. You can’t make life so wonderful and fun that they’re never sad or angry or jealous or frustrated.We can’t do it. We shouldn’t try to do it.Instead, we have to try to raise and cultivate kids who know how to deal with those feelings. We can teach them how to deal with frustration. We can inform them that, sadly, frustration is an inevitable part of life—that things don’t always work out, that stuff breaks, that obstacles arise. We can empower them to understand their feelings, to be aware of them, to process them, to find healthy outlets for them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/20/2024 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
You Gotta Cut Them Some Slack
It’s hard to be a kid, as we’ve said many times. It’s hard to make transitions between worlds. It’s hard to come home after a long day of behaving and not misbehave. They want personal space. They want some freedom. What they need is some empathy and understanding. You want and need these things and you’re an adult who has a lot more practice, has a lot more resources and a lot more maturity.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/19/2024 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Austin Kleon On Maintaining Healthy Habits & Growing As Parents (Daily Dad Book Tour Pt 2)
Ryan speaks with his longtime friend fellow father Austin Kleon during a stop along his book tour for The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids. They discuss the life habits that they maintain in order to help fuel their creative success, why the most effective form of parenting is indirect, what parenting skills they are working on right now, how adopting a daily journaling habit vastly improved their lives, and more.Austin Kleon is a writer, author, artist, speaker, and blogger whose work focuses on creativity in the modern world. Although he is most known for his five New York Times bestselling books Steal Like An Artist:10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative, Show Your Work!, Keep Going, Steal Like An Artist Journal, and Newspaper Blackout, Austin has spoken for organizations such as Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx, and The Economist. He lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and sons. You can follow his work at, Instagram @austinkleon, and Twitter @austinkleon.You can listen to a few of Austin’s other appearances on The Daily Stoic YouTube channel:Ryan Holiday & Austin Kleon Discuss Stoicism, Creativity, Journaling & MoreRyan Holiday and Austin Kleon On How To Increase Creativity With Stoicism ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/17/2024 • 11 minutes, 25 seconds
You Can Be A Parent Anywhere
When we think teacher, we think classroom. When we think leader, we think the corner office or the lectern or a general in front of their troops. But the truth is that a teacher can do their job anywhere and in many forms, just as a leader can.Plutarch would say of Socrates that he “did not set up desks for his students, sit in a teacher’s chair, or reserve a prearranged time for lecturing and walking with his pupils. No, he practiced philosophy while joking around (when the chance arose) and drinking and serving on military campaigns and hanging around the marketplace with some of his students, and finally, even while under arrest and drinking the hemlock. He was the first to demonstrate that our lives are open to philosophy at all times and in every aspect, while experiencing every emotion, and in each and every activity.”As with teaching and with leadership and with philosophy, so too with parenting. You can be a parent anywhere. It’s not just on fishing trips or at family dinners. It’s not just about carrying them around in a baby bjorn or going to back-to-school night. It’s not about punishments or incentives, or rules or life lessons, though of course it’s also about all these things too.Remember what we’ve talked about with quality time vs. garbage time? It may just be that the most impact you’ll have as a dad will come while joking around, it may come on a walk, it may come with how you do your job (and show them your work), it may come on a family vacation or it may come while you’re watching TV and make some passing comment that lands in exactly the right way. It may come—god forbid—on your deathbed, as you depart from this life with courage and compassion, showing them that they don’t need to be afraid, that you love them and that they’ll be okay without you.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/16/2024 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
They Don’t Want This
Bruce Springsteen’s childhood was a strange one. His mother worked to support their family. His father was distant and harsh. He spent a lot of time with his grandparents, who spoiled him, in part because they were grieving the loss of their own daughter years earlier.“His Majesty, the Baby,” is how his childhood is described in the fascinating book Deliver Me From Nowhere (incredible book, by the way). Springsteen would admit that this kind of attention and celebration “seems to a kid like a great thing, but it’s exactly what a kid doesn’t want. Very problematic, it caused me a lot of trouble. To this day. It destroyed me and it made me. At the same time.”As we said before, nobody likes a spoiled child…especially the spoiled children. It warps their sense of reality. It makes them both entitled and strips them of pleasure—because they come to take it for granted. The attention ceases to have meaning because it feels like a birthright. It suffocates and isolates. They are deprived of skills they need, confidence and character they need.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/15/2024 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Your Calendar Doesn’t Lie
Marcus even wrote a testament to his love for his wife and their life together in a letter to his tutor Fronto. “I call the gods to witness,” he wrote, “that I would I were now living in exile with [Faustina] rather than without her on the Palatine.” Sure, the palaces were nice and so was power. He had an important job. But none of it was better than spending time with his lovely partner.It’s a wonderful sentiment, but is it true? Marcus Aurelius spent years away from Rome, fighting wars, visiting the provinces. He spent time in Greece, as all students of philosophy considered a must. He had cases to adjudicate, dignitaries to receive, things to write. No doubt he spent a lot of time reading, a lot of time training, a lot of time committed to serving the people of Rome.It means putting the time on our calendar, scheduling play time, and sticking to it. Because you may be able to deceive yourself, but at the end of the day, your calendar doesn’t lie.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/14/2024 • 4 minutes, 7 seconds
It’s Not Easy To Be Your Kid
It’s not easy for lots of reasons. Gay Talese, who knew the Didion family (who we’ve been talking about a lot recently), speculates in Evelyn McDonnell’s biography of Joan Didion (signed copies here) what it must have been like to be Quintana Roo, their adopted daughter.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/13/2024 • 2 minutes, 54 seconds
The Compass That Guides Us
These are the Cardinal Virtues, which Zeno laid down in the 3rd Century B.C. as:CourageDisciplineJusticeWisdomWe need these virtues and we need to teach these virtues to our children. Their life…and the future hinges on it. So memorize these four virtues. Act on them. Live them. Parent by them. And keep them close to your heart always.If you want to carry the Four Virtues around like a compass,, over at Daily Stoic, we created the Four Virtues Medallion.INSERT 4V MEDALLION PICThe front of the Four Virtues Medallion features a custom-designed seal with four elements representing the Four Virtues: a lion (Courage), a man sprinkling water into a jug of wine (Temperance), a set of scales (Justice), and an owl (Wisdom). On the back is an admonition not to exchange the Four Virtues for others—for there is no other set of virtues that will serve you better than these.As with all our other coins, the Four Virtues Medallion is handcrafted in the United States by a custom mint operating in Minnesota since 1882. Each coin is shipped with an accompanying information card, explaining the Four Virtues to its fortunate recipient. Each coin has a unique finish and character.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/12/2024 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Casey Neistat On The Purpose Of Parenthood (Daily Dad Book Tour Pt 1)
While on tour for his new book The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids, Ryan met up with his longtime friend and occasional running partner Casey Neistat for a live interview at Barnes & Noble in Union Square during which they shared the story of how they met, reflections and wisdom they have gleaned from their journeys through parenthood, the work and life habits that have led to their success, their advice for new parents, and more.Casey Neistat is a YouTube personality, filmmaker, vlogger, the co-founder of the multimedia company Beme, and the founder of the creative and collaborative space for creators 368. His main body of work consists of dozens of short films he has released exclusively on the Internet, including regular contributions to the New York Times critically acclaimed Op-Doc series. His online films and videos have been viewed over three billion times. You can find his work on his website and on his social media channels: YouTube: CaseyNeistat, IG: @caseyneistat, Twitter: @Casey.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/10/2024 • 8 minutes, 48 seconds
Aren’t You A Little Old For That?
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”When our kids mess up we say: Aren’t you a little old for that? And we have all sorts of rules of thumb for what things are age appropriate or not—what age they should stop having accidents, what age they should stop throwing a tantrum just because they’re tired, what age it stops being okay for other people to have to pick up after them.“We ought not willingly add to old age, which has many of its own problems, the shame of misbehaviors.” That’s Cato the Elder, who seems to have really lived up to that second part of his name. You’re too old to act out. And even if you weren’t, remember your kids are always watching—a little fellow follows you—so act like the adult that they believe you are.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/9/2024 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
It Should Be Part Of Who You Are
There’s an interesting passage in Evelyn McDonnell’s fascinating biography of Joan Didion (who we have written about many times and we also just had Evelyn on the Daily Stoic podcast), that points out another about the difference between how the public saw Didion and her husband John Gregory Dunne, also a great and successful writer. One was clearly identified as a parent and the other was not, even though Dunne actually wrote a whole book about the topic! As we’ve said before, by talking about the joys and the struggles of parenting you are helping other parents. You are putting things out in the open. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/8/2024 • 4 minutes, 30 seconds
Do It While You Can
We all feel a little self-conscious about it. Our kids don’t behave as well as we’d like. They make a mess. They make an incredible amount of noise. Perhaps this is why we keep them at home, why we’re always apologizing, preparing people in advance for the hurricane that may or may not come through. Maybe some of us fear being overshadowed by our kids or judged for having them with us—that it will undermine our image as professionals.Don’t apologize. Do your best to clean up, to teach them how to behave, but bring the brats with you. You won’t regret it in the long run…even if on occasion you do.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/7/2024 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
You’ve Done Your Job
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”The great John Wooden would practice his team hard through the week. He’d run through the plans over and over and over again. Yet as they left the locker room and headed out onto the court for the game, he would say to the team, “Well, I’ve done my job.” He wasn’t going to be micromanaging them from the sideline. It was their turn to do their job.And so it goes for us as parents. At some point, we have to leave them at the entrance to the school. At their job. With their own finances. With their own children. We can’t solve every problem. We can’t prevent everything from going wrong. That’s their job.Jessica Lahey’s wonderful book The Gift of Failure (pick it up at The Painted Porch) reminds us that by not giving them this chance, by not letting them try and struggle to do their job, we’re actually harming them. We’re setting them up for more failure down the road…and less ability to deal with it.Giving children the space to struggle because we believe in them, because we believe even more in what will come out the other side, isn’t always easy—for us or them. That’s why one side of our Luctor et Emergo medallion features the mantra, “good, not easy,” surrounded by three other reminders we parents need each day: “let them struggle,” “show them support,” “help them grow.” Get one to carry around with you at the Daily Dad Store today! ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/6/2024 • 5 minutes, 5 seconds
It’s A Window. See It As A Window
In her wonderful book Good Inside (yes, we love it), Dr. Becky Kennedy writes that “on the surface we see a behavior, but underneath we see a person.” We’ve said before that your kids are always talking to you—just not necessarily with words. “Throwing the cereal box wasn’t the main event,” Dr. Becky explains. “It was a window into the main event. Behavior, in all its forms, is a window: into the feelings, thoughts, urges, sensations, perceptions, and unmet needs of a person. Behavior is never “the story” but rather it’s a clue to the bigger story begging to be addressed.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/5/2024 • 4 minutes, 46 seconds
It’s A Window. See It As A Window
The tantrum. The whining about going to school. The punch that’s thrown. The slipping grades. The sneaking out. The lie. The shouting. The moping around the house.These are not things you like to see your kids do. Maybe these are things you’ve talked to them about before, maybe a million times. But maybe that’s the problem. You’re seeing the wrong thing. You’re talking about the wrong thing.In her wonderful book Good Inside (yes, we love it), Dr. Becky Kennedy writes that “on the surface we see a behavior, but underneath we see a person.” We’ve said before that your kids are always talking to you—just not necessarily with words. “Throwing the cereal box wasn’t the main event,” Dr. Becky explains. “It was a window into the main event. Behavior, in all its forms, is a window: into the feelings, thoughts, urges, sensations, perceptions, and unmet needs of a person. Behavior is never “the story” **but rather it’s a clue to the bigger story begging to be addressed.”What a wonderful gift it would be to your family, to everyone you met, if you could start seeing behavior not as a thing to be upset about but a window into how someone is doing, what is going on with them. We’ve said it many times—they’re telling you that they’re hungry, that they’re tired, that they’re scared, that they’re lonely, that they’re overwhelmed or stressed. But they don’t know how to say that…so they lash out, so they hide in their room, so they call you something mean.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/5/2024 • 3 minutes, 48 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Nathan Barry On Simple Parenting Techniques
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to creator, author, designer, and the founder of ConvertKit Nathan Barry on having kids earlier in their career, their interest in farms and outdoors, and the process of Emotional Vaccination.IG, and, X, ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/3/2024 • 12 minutes, 43 seconds
Your Character Determines Everything
These are challenging, uncertain times, no question. What’s at the root of it? How did we get here? And what can fathers do about it?The answer comes to us, as it often does, from an ancient prescription: Character is fate. Who a person is determines what will happen and what they can do. It should surprise no one that a culture that has put character at the absolute bottom of the list of requirements for its leaders—below whether they tell us what we want to hear, below how clever their tweets are, below how they look on television, below whether they’ll pass short-term measures that benefit us financially, below whether they belong to this party or that one—would find itself in crisis after crisis.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/2/2024 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
This is Power
Rich is how much you get to see your kids, we said recently. We were redefining wealth away from material items and salary—although these things are nice as far as they go—and towards a thing that pretty much everyone wishes they had more of: time with the people you love most. Is it really a rich life if you are missing out on something so priceless? Perhaps it’s worth also taking a minute to do some similar considerations about power. There are the obvious trappings of power: The corner office. The gatekeepers. The influence you have over world events or an audience. The presidency. The title. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/1/2024 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
You Ain’t Got Time
Maybe you did before, but you can’t now. Before you could afford to get sucked into drama, to gossip, to get into long arguments with your buddies, to be petty, to hold grudges, to follow the latest breaking news or celebrity.But now? Now, you need to remind yourself: I ain’t got time for that.Because you don’t. You have kids now. You have people you’re responsible for. You have a big enough struggle on your hands.Your crazy coworker is their own problem. That actor who cheated on their spouse is in their own mess. Your dumb neighbor with the flag for the political cult they’ve joined…Your sibling’s poor financial choices…That person who is embarrassingly wrong on the internet…You ain’t got time for that.Not one second. You ain’t got one second for that anymore.TEMPUS FUGIT✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/31/2024 • 2 minutes, 7 seconds
It’s Never Too Late To Do This
We’ve said before that it’s never too late. It’s never too late, as a parent, to follow your dreams—to show your kids that they can too. It’s never too late to start showing up. It’s never too late to deal with your demons. It’s never too late to change. Sooner is better of course, but it’s never too late.It’s also never too late to do that thing we’ve been talking about a lot recently—repair. “Repair can happen ten minutes after a blowup, ten days later, or ten years later,” Dr. Becky Kennedy writes in Good Enough. “Never ever doubt the power of repair—every time you go back to your child, you allow him to rewire, to rewrite the ending of the story so it concludes in connection and understanding, rather than aloneness and fear.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/30/2024 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
You Have To Come Down
It’s a wonderful state—being in flow. Getting caught up in your work. Getting caught up in the moment. And before you had kids, you lived for this…in fact, you may well have lived in it.Life was simpler then. You would get lost for days at a time in a project. You could spend years, it would seem in retrospect, in the building stages of a company, in the pursuit of a dream, in finding yourself, in exploring the world.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/29/2024 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Ryan and Sam Holiday on Protecting Your Headspace
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on how Sam prepares for writing Ryan, Integrating his routine in a well adjusted life, how this year is going to be different, all while protecting their headspace.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/27/2024 • 14 minutes, 41 seconds
Make Them Do It On Their Own
There is a great story about a young Spartan woman, Gorgo, who would one day become queen. Despite her royal status, like all Spartans she was raised to be self-sufficient, and without any frills or needless luxury. So imagine Gorgo’s surprise when she witnessed a distinguished visitor to Sparta have his shoes put on by a servant. “Look, father,” she said, “the stranger has no hands!” ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/26/2024 • 2 minutes, 3 seconds
Help Them Understand This Distinction
We have emotions. We experience stressful situations. We have intrusive thoughts. So really what we have to teach our kids, Dr. Becky writes in her incredible book Good Inside (must read!), is how to differentiate urge from action. “Having the urge to bite is okay,” she explains, “biting a person is not. Having the urge to hit is okay; hitting a person is not okay.” We know this to be true in our adult lives—that there’s a big difference between being angry and then doing something rash or irresponsible or hurtful out of anger. We know that we can type the email and not send it. We know that we can want to quit on the spot but think better of it. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/25/2024 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
You Can Go In A Different Direction
Our parents weren’t everything we needed. Maybe it was more time we needed. More understanding. More kindness. More support. More love. More just them having their act together.But they weren’t this. Sadly, they also weren’t what the world needed either. Few generations have been. They kicked problems down the road. They started wars that cost blood and treasure to little purpose. They abused the environment. They averted their gaze, turned their hearts away from sufferings and injustice.In a recent interview on Marc Maron’s podcast, Arnold Schwarzenegger talked about how his own life, as a parent, as a politician, as a person was largely driven by the desire to go in a different direction than the example of his father and his father’s generation. His father had been a Nazi, his father drank too much, his father smacked his kids around.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/24/2024 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
You Gotta Let Them Do The Rest
George Dewey was a kid who got in trouble a lot. His father was always bailing him out. Finally, as a last ditch effort, he secured his son entrance into the U.S Naval Academy in 19XX.“George, I’ve done all I can for you,” his father told him as he dropped him off. “The rest you must do for yourself.” We talked a while back about how you have to let your kids fail, you have to let them struggle. As we’ve said before Luctor Et Emergo—from the struggle they emerge (we have a cool challenge coin as a reminder for parents).✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/23/2024 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
All They Wanted
The bike was nice. So was the trip to Disneyland. So was being able to graduate from college without student debt. They appreciated the presents. They appreciated the clothes that fit. Or maybe they didn’t. Maybe they took for granted what it cost for you to buy a house where they could have their own room. Maybe they didn’t understand what it took out of you to give them a better life than you had, to pay for all this stuff, to pay to go to all these places. Maybe they didn’t understand because that stuff wasn’t really what they wanted, even if they said they did. Because—and you know this already, you do—all they really wanted was you. They wanted you to be present, more than they wanted presents. They wanted your love, your attention, they wanted your acceptance. They wanted your support. They wanted you to be proud of them. They wanted you to apologize. They wanted you to understand them. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/22/2024 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Dr. Becky Kennedy On Emotional Vaccination (PT 2)
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan talks with clinical psychologist Dr. Becky Kennedy on how we emotionally vaccinate, the ability to cope through stress, educating our kids on emotions and her new book Good InsideDr. Becky Kennedy is an American clinical psychologist who is founder and chief executive officer of the Good Inside company, an online parenting advice service. She has been called the "millennial parent whisperer" by Time Magazine and is a number one New York Times bestseller for her book Good Inside. As a mom of three, when she was first starting out, she practiced a popular behavior-first, reward-and-punishment model of parent coaching. But, after a while, something struck her: those methods feel awful–for kids and parents. She put together everything she knew about attachment, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and internal family systems theory, and translated those ideas into a new method for working with parents. www.GoodInside.comIG: (drbeckyatgoodinside)Podcast: Good Inside with Dr. Becky✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/20/2024 • 17 minutes, 11 seconds
It’s a Long Run We’ve Signed Up For
The career opportunities are hard to turn down. It’s hard in the moment, as we’ve talked about, to be able to think too far into the future. It’s hard to make much in the way of long term investments as a parent because you’re so overwhelmed by the responsibilities of the present.But we have to remember what we’re after, we have to keep in perspective that this is a marathon we’ve signed up for. We quoted the baseball player Anthony Rendon recently about how he was having to weigh painful but career-elongating surgeries and the grind of continuing to play against the kind of shape he wants to be in as his kids get older and the kind of relationship he can have with them. “Right now, it looks like we are only playing for these next four years of baseball,” Rendon said, “but I’m trying to hang out with my kids for the rest of their lives.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/19/2024 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
Rules Are Important
You didn’t like rules when you were a kid. Your parents had too many. Your school was a prison of pointless, arbitrary ones—how you could dress, when you could go to the bathroom, how you had to hold the pencil.So it makes sense that you’re averse to them now. It’s good that you question how many of them matter and don’t want to make the same mistakes as adults did in your own childhood.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/18/2024 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Show Them Like This
There are lots of ways to read, ways that have improved the experience and opened up the world of literature to people who otherwise would have missed out. Ebooks are awesome. Audiobooks are spectacular. They let you read anywhere. They let you read faster. They let you read while you’re multitasking. All from the convenience of a device in your pocket smaller than the smallest book. But that’s sort of the problem isn’t it? Your kids have no idea that that is what you’re using your phone for. To them, you could just as easily be on Twitter. You could be answering emails and working like you always do. You could be betting on sports. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/17/2024 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
You Owe Them This
You know your kids are good. You’ve seen their sweetness, their cuteness since the beginning. You’ve seen them try. You’ve seen them feel shame when they’ve messed up.You also know how hard it is to be a person, let alone a kid, in this world. Life is frustrating. Life is tough. It’s full of temptations. It’s easy to make mistakes. It’s easy to get overwhelmed.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/16/2024 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
Being This Young Is Art
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”How flexible you were then. How much energy you had. What you could eat without consequence. The innocence. The earnestness. The sweetness. You had it once and now, it’s gone, disappeared beneath the years and the experiences and everything else.When Taylor Swift sang ‘being this young is art,’ she wasn’t talking about your kids, about kids generally, but she may as well have been. And it’s high time we appreciate it. Because it’s something special, something irreplaceable, something that one can only do for a short time, at a very specific time.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/15/2024 • 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Ryan and Sam Holiday On Creating Better Systems In 2024
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on Their word for 2024 being systems, designing the system around people instead of people around the system, and creating plans before they happen instead of during the chaos. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/13/2024 • 18 minutes, 2 seconds
They’re Doing What They Do
The late Paul Woodruff told a wonderful story in his episode on the Daily Stoic podcast. Before he died, he loved birdwatching and had a bird feeder in his backyard. But the squirrels kept stealing the birdseed he was putting out. This was frustrating and annoying and he found himself growing angry.But then he remembered a passage from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations about how we should accept when things are doing what their nature demands. The squirrels were not trying to give Paul a hard time, they did not mean any harm. The squirrels were simply doing what they do. They were doing what their nature demanded.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/12/2024 • 2 minutes, 11 seconds
Help Them Become Who They Are
Bruce Springsteen has three children: Evan, Jessica, and Sam. One of them is an Olympic-level equestrian (which can not have been a cheap or easy interest to encourage, nor always a fun one to watch). His son, Sam, recently became a New Jersey firefighter (a scary thought for any parent). Clearly, Bruce and his wife Patti have figured out how to help their children become who they are, and to realize their potential.“I wanted them to see people that did a lot of other things,” Bruce once said in an interview, “be around people who would shape them and they would have a lot of options.” Perhaps his inclination to encourage them to pursue their dreams comes from his own experience. In his autobiography, Springsteen takes us back to when he was 7 years old and watched the controversial rockstar Elvis Presley’s appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. When Elvis walked off the stage, “I sat there transfixed in front of the television set, my mind on fire. I had the same two arms, two legs, two eyes; I looked hideous but I’d figure that part out… so what was missing? THE GUITAR! The next day I convinced my mom to take me to Diehl’s Music on South Street in Freehold. There, with no money to spend, we rented a guitar.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Stoic email:🏛 Check out the Daily Stoic Store for Stoic inspired products, signed books, and more.📱 Follow us: Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook
1/11/2024 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
What Are You Playing For?
It can be hard in the moment to think of anything else. You have lunches to make. Practices to get to. Birthday parties to plan. Work to do. Childhoods to survive.Having kids is so overwhelming that your ability to conceive of two weeks from now, let alone the future, is severely compromised. This isn’t entirely a bad thing—it’s good to be in the moment, to not get too far ahead of yourself.But at the same time, you do need to make sure that you consider more than just this moment.The baseball player Anthony Rendon has talked about how he’s needed to balance optimizing not just for his professional career but his goals as a parent. “Even if the season doesn’t work out or the next four years don’t work out,” he said recently, “I’m planning for taking care of my kids when they get older. Hip surgeries, wrist surgeries, ankle surgeries … I want to play with them when they are 10, 12, 15 years old.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/10/2024 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Rich Is How Much You Get To See Your Kids
There are lots of different trappings of wealth. A big house. A nice car. Exotic vacations. First-class flights? Private flights? Not everyone can afford these things. In fact, that’s sort of the point—they are considered fancy and elite because of how elusive they are. But is this really wealth? Or is this just materialism? On Christmas (and it’s the Dec 25th entry in *The Daily Da*d book, too), we quoted Paul Orfalea, the billionaire founder of Kinkos, who defined ‘success’ as having kids who come home for the holidays. He was saying that there are lots of wealthy people out there who don’t have that, who are estranged from their family. But what’s interesting about this idea is that it is largely focused on where you and your kids end up later in life, when they have a choice about how much they see you. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/9/2024 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Don’t Send Them In Defenseless
Your kids are going to face stuff in life. Big stuff for sure–failing tests, being made fun of, getting fired, losing something important to them. We may wish we could prevent that from happening, but we can’t. We teach them resilience instead. But our kids are also going to face little situations too. The TV is going to have to be turned off at some point, and they’re not going to like it. They’re going to have to get up early for school tomorrow. Their routines are going to change. They’re going to have to try new things. They’re going to be out of their comfort zone. This is going to bring up strong emotions: Frustration. Fear. Anger. Annoyance. Sadness. The answer to this is also resilience, but in a more specific way. Dr. Becky talks about this in her fantastic book Good Inside, referring to a strategy she calls “emotional vaccination.” ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/8/2024 • 2 minutes, 48 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Dr. Becky Kennedy On Emotional Vaccination (PT 1)
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan talks with clinical psychologist Dr. Becky Kennedy on how we emotionally vaccinate, the ability to cope through stress, educating our kids on emotions and her new book Good InsideDr. Becky Kennedy is an American clinical psychologist who is founder and chief executive officer of the Good Inside company, an online parenting advice service. She has been called the "millennial parent whisperer" by Time Magazine and is a number one New York Times bestseller for her book Good Inside. As a mom of three, when she was first starting out, she practiced a popular behavior-first, reward-and-punishment model of parent coaching. But, after a while, something struck her: those methods feel awful–for kids and parents. She put together everything she knew about attachment, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and internal family systems theory, and translated those ideas into a new method for working with parents. www.GoodInside.comIG: (drbeckyatgoodinside)Podcast: Good Inside with Dr. Becky✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/6/2024 • 32 minutes, 2 seconds
Show Them What They’ll Get Out Of This
Most schools and most parents teach reading all wrong. They bully kids into doing it. They pressure them. They tell them, “Reading is what smart and successful people do.” Then they’re surprised when kids who struggled with reading don’t think they’re smart, and they wonder why kids almost wear illiteracy as a badge of honor. They wonder why people say things like, “I haven’t read a book since I was forced to in high school.”No, the way to teach a kid to read is not to talk about how wonderful literature is and force them to read fancy or pretentious novels. You teach a kid to love books by—as the great lover of books Robert Greene has said—appealing to their self-interest. *Show them what they will get out of books.*Tangibly. Immediately. Show them that quote from Warren Buffet, where he says the single best investment he ever made was buying a copy of Benjamin Graham’s The Intelligent Investor.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/5/2024 • 3 minutes, 55 seconds
This Is What We Have To Try To Get Better At
We spend so much time at the office, trying to get better at our jobs, trying to make a little more money, trying to climb further up the ladder. We spend hours in the gym over the course of a life, trying to get into better shape, trying to hit personal records. We spend mountains of time online, trying to help our fantasy football teams, trying to find discount codes to save money shopping, trying to stay abreast of our friends’ and families’ lives (or so we tell ourselves). ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/4/2024 • 4 minutes, 50 seconds
You Have To Know How These Things Land
It doesn’t feel like they listen. In fact, we have pretty visible evidence that they don’t. We tell them not to do this or that and then we watch them do that exact thing. We warn them, remind them, advise them…and then they come to us crying or complaining or in trouble, having heeded none of that guidance.So you can be forgiven for missing the fact that not only are they listening to what you say, but that your words have an enormous effect on them. So much so that you have to really, really be careful.Think about your own life. Are there not things that your parents said that still weigh on you? The way your father would call you lazy. The comments your mother made about food or your weight. The way they would tease you. The things they said about your grades. The tone they used when they were disappointed or angry.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/3/2024 • 4 minutes, 7 seconds
This is What It Costs
We’ve been quoting recently from the old children’s story The Velveteen Rabbit, about a toy that’s so loved by a young boy that it becomes real. This is a great metaphor for parenting in a way. Because that’s what’s happening to us. We made a decision to have kids many years ago and then for years that decision works on us, shaping, changing, transforming us. No part of that is more powerful than the love and energy of our children—whose joy, whose innocence, whose pain, whose growth is working on us always…even as it takes so much out of us.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/2/2024 • 4 minutes, 24 seconds
Show Them It’s Not Too Late
We talked recently about what Dr. Becky Kennedy always tells parents: it’s never too late. We’ve talked about Nell Painter’s mother, who became an author late in life (and Nell Painter herself, who went back and was Old in Art School) We’ve talked about Bruce Springsteen’s father finally telling Bruce what he needed to hear. We’ve talked about other parents who got their act together late. We should be inspired by these examples. We should be inspired to be this example for our kids. We should show them, it’s never too late. It’s never too late to lose weight, to change, to find a new career, to quit a longtime vice, to try something new, to invest in yourself, to repair or apologize or make amends. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/1/2024 • 4 minutes, 46 seconds
Ryan and Sam Holiday on The Importance Of Routine
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on finding common ground and learning to empathize after they had kids, the value of to do lists, pros and cons from the pandemic & the importance of routine.If you want to spend time with more dedicated Stoics, if you want to join a culture full of people rising together, we invite you to join the 2024 Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge. We did the first New Year New You Challenge in 2018, and year after year, we’ve realized more and more that one of the core benefits of the challenge is the community dynamic. Change and improvement comes fastest through culture, results through accountability, and wisdom through exposure to new people and new ideas.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/30/2023 • 10 minutes, 51 seconds
Why Are You Trying To Make This Go Away?
We’ve said this before, but one of the things we need to constantly remind ourselves of as parents is that our kids are just being kids. If we’re being honest, what’s closer to an accurate description of a kid: those behaviors listed above or being a perfectly quiet, perfectly obedient, perfectly well mannered and well behaved? You know that kids do these things, you know that it’s normal, you know that it’s largely harmless, you know that they have very little control over it, that it’s all part of a process of learning and growing and figuring things out.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/29/2023 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Reform is Necessary, Despair is Criminal
You weren’t the parent you wanted to be in 2023. You weren’t the person you wanted to be in 2023. Almost no one was. Anyone who thinks or says they were is lying…and for most of us, this truth goes back further than a calendar year.None of us are perfect. We all screwed up. We all back-slid. We all picked up bad habits. And as a parent, that means our kids picked up those bad habits too. Because, as we’ve said before, behavior is the language of children.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/28/2023 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
The Debt Is Paid Forward
We do so much for our kids. We drive them around. We provide for them. We entertain them. And of course, there are parents who do even more. Parents who packed up and moved across the world for a better life for their kids. Parents who gave their lives for their kids.How much do children understand these sacrifices? How much do they appreciate it? Not fully, that’s for sure. But that’s OK—because it’s not theirs to understand, it’s not theirs to appreciate. As we’ve said before, we owe our kids everything. We’re the ones that brought them into this world. They don’t owe us anything except to be themselves.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/27/2023 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
[Good Inside] It’s Never Too Late
Every parent wishes they could have done some things differently. Maybe you wish you were around more when they were a toddler. Maybe you wish you were more patient when they were a teenager. Maybe you wish you said I love you more.In her amazing book Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be, Dr. Becky Kennedy writes that that’s what she hears all the time:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/26/2023 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
This Is a Gift To Give Yourself (And Your Family)
Today we wanted to run our favorite entry from The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids, a helpful reminder on this day of celebration.When you were younger, for Christmas, all you wanted was presents.Now that you’re older, now that you have kids, all you want is presence. All you want is for your kids to be present over the holidays.Our New Year New You Challenge is all-new content, guided by thousands of responses and reactions to our previous challenges, courses, videos, and emails. It’s a whole new challenge based on painstaking research and timeless science, for an all-new, life changing experience.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/25/2023 • 4 minutes, 20 seconds
Ryan and Sam Holiday on Recognizing The Most Important Thing
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on the emotional neglect that comes with using kids for social media, the culture of Christmas being stressful, not letting work or expectations become the main thing along with self awareness and communication.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/23/2023 • 13 minutes, 52 seconds
You Must Give Them This Gift
Theodore Roosevelt lived an incredible life. He was an author. A naturalist. A rancher. A police chief. A cowboy. A hunter. A governor. A soldier. A president. An explorer. A philanthropist. And that’s probably not even close to an exhaustive list. His life was full of activity. It was full of adventure. It was marked by triumph and adversity to overcome.It’s worth telling your kids the story of Theodore Roosevelt to inspire them for the same reason that Theodore Roosevelt’s parents made sure he knew about the fascinating and inspiring lives of history. As one biographer observed, “the story of Theodore Roosevelt is the story of a small boy who read about great men and decided he wanted to be like them.”So we’ll leave you today by putting a challenge in front of you. For the last four years, we have been doing what we call the Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge—a set of 21 actionable challenges, presented one per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. These aren’t pie-in-the-sky, theoretical discussions but clear, immediate exercises and methods you can begin right now to spark the reinvention you’ve been trying for. We’ll tell you what to do, how to do it, and why it works.From these challenges, you will:✓ Learn to stop procrastinating and avoiding the change you truly desire✓ Build new habits that form a strong foundation for change✓ Abandon the harmful habits that are dragging you down✓ Strengthen your character, becoming a more virtuous version of yourselfAnd above all: You will find out just how much you are capable of.Every morning, the email arrives in your inbox, and it presents you with a choice. You can do the harder thing, you can do the challenge. Or you can follow the drift of least resistance—you can open the email and leave it at that. Or worse…you can ignore this call right now and not sign up at all. Which way will you go?The 2024 New Year New You Challenge officially begins on Monday, January 1st. Stop delaying. Head over to and sign up NOW! Let’s go.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/22/2023 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
You Must Give Them This Gift
Theodore Roosevelt lived an incredible life. He was an author. A naturalist. A rancher. A police chief. A cowboy. A hunter. A governor. A soldier. A president. An explorer. A philanthropist. And that’s probably not even close to an exhaustive list. His life was full of activity. It was full of adventure. It was marked by triumph and adversity to overcome.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/22/2023 • 29 minutes, 11 seconds
You’re Made Not Born
There is a beautiful passage in The Velveteen Rabbit where the young rabbit asks one of the seasoned old toys in the playroom whether ‘becoming real’—the process of being changed by the love of a child—is something that has to do with how a toy is made. Is it about having certain parts, he asked? Does it require a certain makeup?"Real isn't how you are made," says the toy horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."So yes, it’s a choice, but an unusual type of choice. It’s the decision, as we’ve talked about, to accept this process. To open yourself up to it. To let it change you.We choose to have kids, and they choose to give us their love, to really love us. We play with them, we connect with them, we open ourselves to them and they to us. And then this process changes, transforms both of us in the most wonderful and magical of ways.For those ready to accept the process, to open yourself up to it, we created the 2024 New Year New You Challenge. It’s a set of 21 actionable challenges—presented one per day—built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. Our goal is to help you and your family make 2024 your best year yet.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/21/2023 • 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Are You Modeling This?
Beauty to the Stoics was far deeper than appearances. “If your choices are beautiful,” Epictetus said, “so too will you be.”It’s simple and it’s true. You are what your choices make you, nothing more and nothing less.Isn’t this what we try to teach our kids? That, yes of course, we love them unconditionally and unequivocally, and have since the moment they were born, but they have this incredible power to choose what kind of person they’re going to be. The reason we read to them, the reason we tell them things, the reason we have rules and punishments and incentives in our house is to try to instill in them a good compass for making good choices.We created the 2024 New Year, New You Challenge for that person and for that reason—to help you create a better life, and a new you in 2024. It’s 3 weeks of actionable challenges, presented in an email per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. It’s 3 weeks of waking up each morning, opening the email, and making a beautiful choice. And it will require 3 weeks of discipline and sacrifice and following the process.But when you see the results? Well, it will take your breath away. So sign up NOW to join us in the 2024 Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/20/2023 • 4 minutes, 28 seconds
You’re Responsible Too
Each of us is responsible for what we do as parents, but we’re also responsible for the dynamic that exists in our homes and in our relationships. Just because you’re the nice one, just because you do the repairing, just because you’re not as hard on your kids—that doesn’t mean that you’re not complicit in the stress or strain that’s being inflicted. It’s our job to create a safe and loving and supportive home. We can’t make excuses—Oh, he’s just under stress at work. Oh, that’s what she learned growing up. And this pertains to more than just punishment. It’s our job to get on the same pages as our spouse, our co-parent, their step-parent, our ex, whatever, and figure out how to do this right. If we’re struggling, if we sense something’s wrong? Well, we can’t deny it. We can’t make excuses for it. We can’t just leave our children to fend for themselves with it. Because what they’ll end up doing is blaming themselves…and eventually, inevitably, you too. For those tired of making excuses, we announced last week the 2024 New Year New You challenge. This set of 21 actionable challenges—presented one per day, built around the most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy—is really a set of 21 choices. Every morning, the email arrives in your inbox, and you have to choose. Will you take the easy way or the hard way? Will you read the email and leave it at that or will you take on the challenge? Will you get better this year? That’s the question. That’s the choice. That’s the responsibility you can accept.
12/19/2023 • 4 minutes, 41 seconds
It’s Ultimately This That They Judge You On
There’s no question Hemingway was a great writer. He was the voice of a generation—The Lost Generation. He redefined prose style in the English language. His books have sold millions of copies. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.He wrote beautifully on love and family (A Farewell to Arms). He wrote beautifully on struggle and perseverance (The Old Man and the Sea). He was also a pretty awful husband and father. As one of his sons said, to Hemingway “family life [was] the enemy of accomplishment.” It was a thing that interfered with his greatness, his craft, his books. “On several occasions,” Patrick Hemingway recounted that Hemingway “said being a a good husband, being a good father…all of [these things were] not recognized by a reviewer when he reviewed his book.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/18/2023 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Whitney Cummings On Self-Awareness And Better Parenting Habits
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to American stand-up comedian, actress, writer, director, producer, and podcaster Whitney Cummings on self-awareness, the ability to update the script, and the impressions we leave on our children.IG, X, and Tiktok: @WhitneyCummingsTo follow her on OnlyFans @Whitney✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/16/2023 • 17 minutes, 14 seconds
This Is Something To Be Glad About
It can be hard to express your feelings as a father sometimes. Not so much because men are expected to bottle up their emotions, but because the emotions that come with being a dad can be so overwhelming and complex. It’s a rush of a million feelings: love, joy, fear, absurdity, exhaustion, responsibility, motivation, and primal attachment.No one prepared you for any of this…and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever dealt with before. How do you express it? How do you let your family know what they mean to you? How they have you wrapped around their finger, how they are your everything?Maybe the line from The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse will suffice. “Sometimes I want to say I love you all,” says the mole, “but I find it difficult.” “Do you?” says the boy. “Yes, so I say something like I’m glad we are all here.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/15/2023 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Don’t Try To Make Them Happy
A parent is only as happy as their unhappiest child, goes the expression. And even if that wasn’t true, even if it didn’t directly impact our own happiness, would any of us want our children to be unhappy? Of course not. We love them so much. The last thing we want is for them to feel pain.We want their lives to be wonderful. We want them to have fun. We want them to have a great life. We want them to be happy!There’s nothing wrong with this…except that oftentimes trying to make someone happy is a recipe for failure. “Happiness is not my ultimate goal for my own kids,” Dr. Becky Kennedy writes in her amazing book Good Inside (which we continue to rave about). “Unhappiness certainly isn’t my goal for them, but here’s a deep irony in parenting: the more we emphasize our children’s happiness and ‘feeling better,’ the more we set them up for an adulthood of anxiety.”
12/14/2023 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
Why Not?
He was a young man fresh out of the Naval Academy and a stint in the submarine service. He was being interviewed by Admiral Hyman Rickover for a coveted spot in the nuclear program. Then he got the question that changed his life.“How did you stand in your class at the academy?” Rickover asked. “Sir, I stood 59th in a class of 820,” future president Jimmy Carter answered. “But did you do your best?” Rickover asked. And when Carter could not honestly answer that he has always done his best, Rickover simply said, “Why not?” and then ended the interview.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/13/2023 • 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Let Them Know They Have It
We wanted it so badly and we never got it. We still haven’t got it. Dad was withholding, dad was hard to please—we wanted to make him proud, but we just couldn’t. That’s partly why we’re working so hard today.There’s some part of us that thinks if we can just accomplish enough, make enough money, win enough awards, surpass him then maybe, finally, we’ll get that begrudging pat on the back. We’ll get him to acknowledge us. He’ll let us know he respects us, loves us, and appreciates us. But somehow it never seems to be enough.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/12/2023 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
You Have This Freedom Now
There are things you would have never done before. You’d never have sung a crazy song in public. You’d never have painted your nails. You would have vomited before you sucked snot out of someone’s nose (as Hasan Minhaj did). You’d have rather starved than put on a McUniform and work extra hours at some job you hate.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/11/2023 • 3 minutes, 22 seconds
How To Raise A Resilient Child
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan reminds us to raise a resilient child by resisting the urge to intervene, helping them manage their emotions, showing them that everything thing can be figured out, and lastly leading by example. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/10/2023 • 13 minutes, 56 seconds
Don’t Let Your Kids Be Worse
We’ve talked about this before: Being a father is a second chance. It’s a fresh start. It’s an obligation to work on yourself so your kids pick up where you’ve left off, benefiting from the struggle and progress you have made. You can’t pass them the baton of your weaknesses and flaws.You cannot let them be worse than you.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/8/2023 • 5 minutes, 16 seconds
It Doesn’t Happen All At Once
No one is the parent they want to be. That’s the bad news. The good news is that most of us are better parents than we were.We’ve talked a lot about the big choice we all have to make. Are we just somebody who has kids? Or are we a parent? And while this is a choice, it’s also more of an aspiration. You don’t magically, suddenly become the perfect parent. How could you? There’s so much you don’t know, so many lessons you haven’t learned, so many gifts you haven’t been given yet. So much stuff hasn’t happened yet.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/7/2023 • 3 minutes, 59 seconds
This Will Make Your Life (And Kids) Better
Most times, we’re in need of all the help we can get. We read parenting books, or watch parenting videos, trying to find those keys to make our lives just a little bit easier. That’s why we created the Daily Dad email, after all. Seneca said that we ought to acquire one thing per day – whether that’s a quote, a story, a relationship that makes us better, it doesn’t matter. We try to deliver that one thing in each email. But of course, we couldn’t do it alone. When trying to deliver that one thing to you each day, we often need one thing ourselves to inspire us, to help us become the best people and parents that we can be. Some of these things are books. Some are items to carry with you, or to keep on your desk. Some make for great holiday gifts. Some you might want to share with new or expecting parents. In any form, check them out…and pass them along if they work. The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Love, Parenting, and Raising Great Kids by Ryan Holiday In each of his letters to his friend Lucilius , Seneca would include a quote, something to chew on, a thought to guide the day. “Each day,” he told Lucilius, you should “acquire something that will fortify you against poverty, against death, indeed against other misfortunes, as well.” Just one thing. Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be by Dr. Becky Kennedy When we talk about parenting books that completely change your perspective about raising your kids, we’re probably talking about this one. We’ve talked about it plenty of times before (like here, here, and here), and will inevitably keep returning to it, not only because it’s a book about becoming a better parent, but it’s also about simply becoming a better person. It’s about building empathy. How to Raise Kids Who Aren’t Assholes by Melinda Wenner Moyer At some point, we’ve all been scared that our kids will be bad people, that they won’t be the respectful and hard-working person we thought we raised them to be. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/6/2023 • 7 minutes, 27 seconds
They Are Doing Their Job
We’ve been talking about Dr. Becky’s wonderful book Good Inside recently (a must read!), and she has a great little section where she’s talking about a parent who ends up having to pick up and physically remove their child from a situation where they are hitting their younger sibling. There’s guilt and frustration and fear and so much that comes up in these situations.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/5/2023 • 4 minutes, 13 seconds
They Deserve To Know
It’s dark stuff. It’s not pleasant. We wish it wasn’t true.But that doesn’t mean we can hide it from our children. Because it did happen. And it can easily happen again if we’re not careful.John G. Burnett knew this. That’s why on his birthday in 1890, he finally told his children what happened when he was in the army in 1838. He told them what he saw at what’s become known as the Trail of Tears.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/4/2023 • 5 minutes, 41 seconds
Ryan And Sam On Who Makes The Decision
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on understanding the alternatives later and making the decision, while teaching our children the correct instincts while their away from home.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/3/2023 • 16 minutes, 9 seconds
You’re Making Them Hungry
It does work. We have to concede that. For generations, some parents have tried withholding praise, withholding pride, withholding approval so that their kids don’t feel entitled to it. The idea is that this will make them hungry, make them really work for it. No participation trophies here! You’ve got to earn it in my house!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/1/2023 • 4 minutes, 17 seconds
What Legacy Are You Providing?
Harry Truman was not a good businessman. The clothing shop he opened with a friend was a disaster—and he was paying off the debts through his senate career and into his presidency. Most of his investments were flops. He had to sell off chunks of his mother’s farm when they couldn’t pay the mortgage. After he left office, the only safety net he had was his army pension.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/30/2023 • 5 minutes, 8 seconds
What Do You Want Them NOT To Say?
We know what we want our kids to say about us when they grow up. We want them to say that we were great parents, that we did our best. We want them to say that they knew they were loved. We want them to say that they love spending time with us–especially now that they’re older and they have a choice.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/29/2023 • 3 minutes, 39 seconds
Teach Them This To Give Them That
We want happy kids, obviously. But as we talked about recently, you can’t make your kids happy. Certainly, you can’t always keep them happy.So what do you do?There’s a great exchange between Epictetus (we recommend his Discourses) and one of his students. The student is asking Epictetus to show him what to do so he can be wise and successful. This is the wrong request, Epictetus says. It would be better to ask how to be adaptable to circumstances.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/28/2023 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
You Gave Up This Right
Being a parent doesn’t mean you give up on your dreams. We’ve talked about this many times. What kind of message would it send to your kids to see their parents quit on themselves? What kind of house is it to grow up in where Mom or Dad aren’t growing, changing, aren’t taking risks, aren’t fulfilled?And yet, we also understand that it’s not about us anymore. Before, sure, we could take every risk and pursue every opportunity. But things are different now. There are people counting on us, people affected by our decisions.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/27/2023 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
Ryan and Sam On Reflecting Through Parenting And Solving The Problem
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on breaking constraints, finding the solution to the problem, and the impacts on their household reflecting through parenting.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/25/2023 • 16 minutes, 7 seconds
How To Raise Generous Kids
It’s a world with too many problems. It’s a world with too much suffering. It’s a world with too much selfishness. We can’t fix all of this as people nor as parents. But we can try to help a little.We’ve talked before about Ron Lieber’s clever description for the goal of most parents. We’re trying, he says, to raise kids who are “the opposite of spoiled.” (he has a book of the same name). That is to say, kids who are not just self-sufficient, but have energy and resources left over to help others.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/24/2023 • 4 minutes, 38 seconds
No One Has It Better Than You
Things could be so much better. This could be a world that takes care of parents and families. It could be a world with a better safety net. It could be a world where we don’t shrug after a school shooting, or as democracy is dismantled by fanatics and nut-jobs.We could use more support. Inflation could come down. Your spouse could get their act together. Things could be better, they should be better.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/23/2023 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
It’s Been Like This A While
Kids have always been like this. They’ve always been crazy. Always had trouble sleeping at night. Always liked to play and explore. They’ve been overwhelmed by hormones. They’ve been driving their parents crazy a long time.We talked a while back about Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s Children’s Games painting which depicts a loud and raucous scene of kids playing outside. It’s 463 years old and yet, with a few exceptions, it resembles almost exactly what the kids in your neighborhood were doing last weekend.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/22/2023 • 4 minutes, 26 seconds
This Is What To Train Them In
It’s easy to forget it when you see them hitting a sibling. Or when you catch them in a lie. When you hear them say something mean. When the call comes in from school, or worse, the police station.It’s easy to forget that our kids are good. That they have good morals. A good heart. That they are still that same innocent and pure little thing we brought home from the hospital. It’s easy to forget because we’re so worried, so worried that our sweet innocent and pure thing will end up like most of the people we meet in life–which is to say not so innocent and pure.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/21/2023 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
How To Care Less What Others Think
We used to need so much to be happy, as we talked about recently. We needed things to go well. We needed excitement and success. We needed people to like us. We needed people’s approval.But now? Now, not so much.Conan O’Brien, who like any performer has some part of him that craves attention and validation, has explained how his insecurity has lessened as he got older and had a family. “Oh as long as they’re alright,” he has said of his kids, then basically everything is right.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/20/2023 • 3 minutes, 19 seconds
Ryan & Sam On The Right Way To Praise
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on staying consistent to the system, the results to bad decision making, and comparing ourselves against ourselves.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/19/2023 • 16 minutes, 24 seconds
It’s Not Annoying, It’s The Job
Sometimes it can feel like being a dad is just an endless series of errands. It’s the call from the bedroom that they need a glass of water. It’s the call from college for you to come to take them shopping for something they need for their apartment. It’s the running around town getting soccer cleats, or picking up concert tickets, or bringing them the homework they forgot. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/17/2023 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
You Don’t Have The Time
We talked recently about some of the folks who comment on the Daily Dad Instagram (do follow us!) or reply to these emails. Sure, some of the responses are nice, but so many of them are self-righteous and hectoring, judgmental and superior. There is something profoundly sad about these commenters too. Because, whether they know it or not, they are the punchline in that famous old cartoon, “Sorry, honey, I can’t come to bed right now, someone is wrong on the internet!” ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/16/2023 • 12 minutes, 55 seconds
Only They Can Say
Gandhi was a saintly man, but he was not a particularly great father. He was too demanding of his children, too controlling, too quick to push them away when they were not exactly what he wanted them to be (which was impossible).It is sad that the man who was so kind and patient and forgiving, such a father figure to so many, could not be those things for the people who loved him the most, who most deserved that from him. But this is why we study the lives of the greats and not-so-greats–they provide us lessons, both inspiring and cautionary.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/15/2023 • 4 minutes, 13 seconds
You Can’t Fault Them For Your Hypocrisy
The author Rinker Buck (he has an amazing book called Life on the Mississippi where he travels the entire river in a homemade flat boat) remembers vividly what would happen when his father came home. We talked recently about what kind of feeling the sound of a parent at the door springs up for you. Well for him, it was partly fear–because he knew he was going to get punished, usually for unfair, contradictory reasons.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/14/2023 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
Try To Get To This Place
The thing about parenting is that it’s always thrusting us into situations we have to deal with, we have to solve, we have to correct, we have to stop. Our kids aren’t listening. Our kids did something dangerous. Our kids failed a class. Our kids are drifting in a direction that worries us.Of course, there are some parents who are oblivious to all this, just generally hands-off. But the rest of us, who are just doing the best we can, struggle with these situations. We don’t want to yell, but that’s what we end up doing. We want to teach and instruct, but it somehow devolves into a power struggle. We fail to reach them, fail to teach them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/13/2023 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Adam Grant On Creating Your Own Momentum
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan speaks with organizational psychologist and book author Adam Grant on seeing things in the context of where they actually sit, learning to be pleased but not satisfied, current sports culture, perfect parenting and his new book Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/11/2023 • 12 minutes, 32 seconds
Do You Know Your Purpose?
What gives you the right? What’s your purpose on this planet? Why do you work so hard, why do you fight for the causes you fight for, why do you put up with all the crap you have to put up with in this life?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/10/2023 • 2 minutes, 19 seconds
Beware This Energy
You think it’d be pretty non-controversial. Over on the Daily Dad Instagram (you should follow us!) we’ll post something about having fewer opinions and judgements when it comes to your kids. We’ll talk about loving them unconditionally–even when you don’t understand, even when you disagree. We’ll put up a video about letting your kids be who they are, not trying to make them into something you think they should be.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/9/2023 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
How Much Of This Do You Give Them?
You give your kids a lot. You pay for everything. You sacrifice so much–parts of your career, your health, your hobbies. You drive them around, you build your schedule around them. And you give them your most precious resource–time, so much time. No one is questioning that. It’s indisputable.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/8/2023 • 2 minutes, 54 seconds
It’s The Worst Lie
“I do it all for them,” we say. We tell ourselves that’s why we’re getting on the plane, that’s why we’re spending another long night at the office, why we ’re taking that big risk, why we’re starting that next venture.It’s for them, we’re doing it all for our family…those people we rarely see.It’s a good motivation to be sure, and it’s also a very flattering one. It’s ironically, a rather self-serving one too. Because by dressing our actions up in selflessness, we don’t actually end up thinking much about anyone but ourselves.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/7/2023 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
It Will All Be Past Tense Soon
It sort of sneaks up on you, doesn’t it? For years, you literally fell asleep next to this person. They fell asleep on you. You were the last thing they saw, the last person they talked to, the one they begged for one more story, one more kiss, to do the blankets right one more time. And then suddenly, they’re like “Goodnight, Dad.” “Goodnight mom, close the door on the way out, will you?”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/6/2023 • 3 minutes, 53 seconds
Ryan & Sam On Emotional Vaccination
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on the difference between expressing pride and relief, and practicing motivated intrinsically vs extrinsically with our kids.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/5/2023 • 15 minutes, 9 seconds
They Need This, Whether They Know It Or Not
Stoicism 101: Philosophy for Your Actual Life It’s an awesome, accessible, and practical two-week deep dive into philosophy that every parent (and even older kids) can benefit from. We’re teaching the Stoic secrets to success, resilience, and productivity, as well as how a Stoic masters their emotions (something useful for both parents AND kids!).The course includes 2 live Q&As with Ryan Holiday where you can ask all your Stoicism related questions. And you will have access to a private discussion board to ask questions, share thoughts, and interact with other people taking Stoicism 101.Why don’t you join us?This LIVE course begins in just two days on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH. Sign up at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/4/2023 • 4 minutes, 45 seconds
You Still Have Time To Avoid Those Regrets
On their deathbeds, fathers think about a lot of things. They think about the world they’re leaving to their sons and daughters. They think about how they parented. They think about the mistakes they made. They think about what they did right. They are warmed by the thoughts of their children, and, if they are lucky, they find themselves surrounded by them, the hospital bed serving as the final crowded table we have talked about here.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/3/2023 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
Take Their Pain Seriously
We all have some version of this memory: We didn’t feel well. We fell awkwardly on our wrist. We hit our head. We told our parents, but they didn’t believe us…they told us we’d be fine. They told us we’d feel better soon. Then a few days later it turned out that we had scarlet fever or shingles. Our wrist was broken. We’d sustained a concussion.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/2/2023 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
It’s For Parents Too
Aristotle wrote his famous Nicomachean Ethics for his son, Nicomachus. Seneca was given a philosophy teacher by his father. Cato too, was given the philosophical education his parents felt the promising boy deserved. Marcus Aurelius tried to give Commodus a group of philosophical advisors, and we can imagine that one of his great disappointments in life was that his philosophy and his example didn’t seem to rub off on his son.Stoicism 101✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/1/2023 • 4 minutes, 38 seconds
There’s Enough To Worry About Already
Being a parent is terrifying. Joan Didion’s famous line, as we talked about recently, is that once you have kids you are never not afraid. We are hostages to fortunes now, always worried that something could or will happen to our kids.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/31/2023 • 4 minutes, 47 seconds
Can Your Kids Say This?
You are not perfect. Nobody would argue that–least of all your kids. But are you better? Better than you were when they were younger? Better than you were a couple years ago? Better than yesterday?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/30/2023 • 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Ryan & Sam On Solving The Problem First
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on the unexpected things in life we can’t prepare for, the anticipation of things often being worse and solving the problem first.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/28/2023 • 14 minutes, 43 seconds
You Need To Calm Down
Your kids are going to make bad decisions. They are going to do things you disagree with. They may well grow up into someone you don’t understand.That means calming down. It means trying to see their perspective. It means giving them space. It means asking questions and withholding opinion. It means offering help. It means providing resources. It means acceptance. It means unconditional love.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/27/2023 • 2 minutes, 14 seconds
You’ll Only Hear It If You’re Really Listening
It’s a noisy world out there… and most of us add to the din. We chatter on social media. We chatter on the phone. We chatter over email.Even as parents, we tend to do a lot of talking. There are all the things we tell our kids. The things we remind them about. The lessons we try to teach them. The books we read to them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/26/2023 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
If You Can’t Do That, Do This
Maybe someday, you’ll get there. It’ll probably be too late–your teenager will be grown up, the phase will be over, things will have calmed down. You know these things you seem to have strong opinions about…the tone of your kid’s voice. Whether the music they listen to is any good. How they want to style their hair. What they want to major in. Who they marry.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/25/2023 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
This Power Corrupts
It happens so often that you hardly even notice it anymore. Your kids said they weren’t hungry and now of course they are. You told them to go to the bathroom before you left (they ignored you), and now they want you to pull the car over so they can pee. You knew they’d like this movie, you knew they’d have fun, you knew that other kid was trouble.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/24/2023 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
What Do They Think When You Come Home?
Here’s a test of your own childhood: Imagine you’re sitting on the couch watching TV. You’re in the kitchen making a snack. You and a friend are hanging out upstairs. And then you hear the garage door going up. Or you hear keys in the front door. The car pulling into the driveway.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/23/2023 • 3 minutes, 36 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Being A Emotionally Matured Parent
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on starting with the idea that your kids are good inside, what truly is our role in helping our children instead of whats wrong, and more parenting tips from Dr. Becky Kennedy and her book Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/21/2023 • 38 minutes, 59 seconds
Our Kids Owe Us Nothing
Family is wonderful. None of us would be here, the writer Aaron Thier once put it, if people hadn’t taken care of us when we were small. Somebody birthed us, raised us, drove us to school, kept us safe.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/20/2023 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
You Need So Little Now
We had this idea of what we wanted, needed our lives to be. How much money we wanted to make and through what career path. We wanted a new house. We wanted to go on trips. We wanted to live somewhere exciting and interesting. We wanted to do cool stuff, we demanded a lot out of life.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/19/2023 • 3 minutes, 38 seconds
No Need To Make Excuses
Yeah, some people won’t get it. Yeah, some people think it’s weak.But you? You know it isn’t.Which is why you make no secret about your other life–about your kids, about what being a good parent demands of you, how it competes for your time (and interest) at work.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/18/2023 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
Every Step Comes With This
There was that moment after they were born that you found yourself looking forward to when they could crawl. It will be so fun, you thought…right up until they started crawling away and getting themselves into dangerous situations.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/17/2023 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
How Long Can They Hold Out?
We all want better for our kids. We want them to have a better life than we had. We want them to have better parents than we had. That’s why we’re trying so hard. That’s why we wrestle with our demons–going to therapy, reading books, putting in the work.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/16/2023 • 3 minutes, 57 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Steven Rinella On Recapturing Important Moments With Your Kids
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to Steven Rinella about the sense of wonder, respect & adventure for nature, spending time with family, and his new book catch a crayfish, count the stars: fun projects, skills, and adventures for outdoor kids .✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/14/2023 • 23 minutes, 40 seconds
Teach Them To Put Their Energy Here
There is so much we want to teach our kids—so much that fathers are expected to teach their kids. How to ride a bike. How to swim. How to throw a punch. How to tie a tie. How to read. How to get up the guts to talk to someone.All of this is important, of course. All of this must be done.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/13/2023 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
It’s Made You Stupid (But Better)
The last book you read was Goodnight Moon. The last series you binged was Harry Potter. You know more about the latest scandal at your daughter’s high school than the 2024 primary candidates. You’ve spent so much time in the sun at soccer games and baseball practice that you might be fried inside.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/12/2023 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
This Is Everything You Ever Wanted
The two boys who look just like you. The daughter who lights up when you pick her up from school. The teenager who wears your old band t-shirts. The mischievous prankster who makes you roll your head back in laughter. The nerd who plays video games with you. The foodie who loves to cook with you. The kid going off to college. The one sitting behind the store counter of their first job.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/11/2023 • 2 minutes, 5 seconds
Are You Good At Hearing?
“She’s not good at hearing people,” the musician Mikel Jollett writes of his mother in his haunting memoir Hollywood Park. “If we tell her we’re hungry, she’ll say, ‘No you’re not. You ate earlier.’ If one of us says ‘I’m sad,’ she tells us that it’s not true, that we’re happy now because we’re with her.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/10/2023 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
They’re Probably Just Tired Of This
When they’re grouchy, when they’re glass-eyed, when they’re stuck, when they’re making choices that don’t quite make sense…there could be many reasons why your kids are acting this way. They could be tired, as we’ve said before. They’re almost certainly hungry–as we said, that’s at the root of most problems. They could be depressed, they could be going through something and just not understand what it is.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/9/2023 • 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Christina Pazsitzky On Making Kids Priority
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with comedian Christina Pazsitzky on balancing work and life, and raising kids while being a good parent.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/7/2023 • 11 minutes, 16 seconds
You Were Given Something Special
You knew it that day in the hospital. You felt it the first time they threw their arms around you. You are reminded of it every time they do something decent and kind and good.You were given something very special. You have been entrusted with something very special. A bundle of genes and circumstances that will never exist ever again in history, that’s never ever existed before–something, someone totally unique and wonderful. Someone with gifts, someone with something to offer, someone who needs to be protected, taught and helped to become everything they’re meant to be.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/6/2023 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
This Is Always The Goal
When your teenager sits you down to come clean to you about something…When you’re on vacation and wondering whether you should try to squeeze one more thing in…When your adult kid decides to get divorced…When you’re frustrated and resentful about something with your spouse and decide to have a talk, there is something you should keep in mind.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/5/2023 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
It Can All Go Away In A Second
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”It’s fitting that one of the most important things you can do as a parent requires you to think about something that’s very nearly impossible for a parent to consider. It comes to us from Marcus Aurelius by way of Epictetus.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/4/2023 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
This Is How To Hold Them To You
If you want to spend more time with your kids, as we said recently, the important thing is that you don’t drive them away. Yet that’s what so many of us do, isn’t it?Because we worry, because we care, because we can’t quite strike the right balance, our efforts end up backfiring. Think of John O’Connor’s mom whose smothering tendencies drove her son to move from California to Arizona just to get some distance. There’s no way she wanted that to happen, but she made it happen all the same. Think of Tim Hardaway Sr., whose drive to make his son a great basketball player, nearly made Tim Hardaway Jr. quit the sport altogether. As so many of us do to our kids in our own ways.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/3/2023 • 3 minutes, 59 seconds
You’re Going To Regret This
Imagine you’ve come to the end. You’re leaving this world, leaving your kids behind. Or worse, more unthinkably, your kids are leaving you. They’re off to college. They’re moving across the country. Time or distance or conflict separates you. They’ve been in an accident. You’ve both lived to ripe old ages, but they go first.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/2/2023 • 3 minutes, 27 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Being Challenged More In The Parenting Domain
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on stepping outside of our own upbringing and challenging the conversation more as parents when it comes to the freedom of our children. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/30/2023 • 15 minutes, 9 seconds
Store These Moments In Your Soul
This change we’ve made, this decision to become dads—it has uprooted everything. It’s like we were hit, suddenly, with a crossfire hurricane. The house is a mess. The schedule is grueling. There is never enough sleep, never enough time in the day.Even the cool, quiet dark is pierced by the shriek of a man who has stepped on a pile of Legos… and the shriek is coming from your mouth. Yet to be good at our jobs, to be good at this fatherhood thing, we need stillness. We need time to reflect. We need focus. We need calm to restore and reboot us.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/29/2023 • 2 minutes, 59 seconds
You Won’t Be Able To Get It Out Of Your Head
You weren’t wrong. You did have some experience on the matter. You only wanted what was best for them.You wanted them to stay in school. You didn’t want them messing around with something that could cause them trouble. You wanted them to be safe. You wanted to make sure they stayed the good and innocent and promising kid you used to carry around.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/28/2023 • 3 minutes, 27 seconds
Do They Get To See This Too?
They see you disheveled and groggy. They see you busy and preoccupied. They see you argue with your spouse. They see you burned out after a long week. They see regular old, normal you.But what about some of those peak career moments? When you sold your company. When you were invited to that special reception at the fancy place downtown. The first day of shooting for your new screenplay. When you were interviewed for that big morning show. When that raise finally came through.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/27/2023 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
It’s Just Too Much For Them
The amount of choices we have today is not normal. Certainly, it’s quite new. When you were a kid–which was not that long ago–there were how many channels on TV? Even cable, which radically expanded that number, was still finite and nothing compared to streaming. There was no infinite scroll…YouTube only rolled out autoplay at the end of videos in the last decade. And this is only discussing what we watch–there is essentially an unlimited choice in what we listen to, who we date, where we travel, what we eat.In a recent episode of the Daily Stoic podcast, the filmmaker Casey Neistat was talking about how in his family, they’ve taken to watching movies on a big television in their family room or bedroom because the iPads were overwhelming and causing problems.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/26/2023 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
This Is Something You Should Do
When they’re young, when they’re asleep, when they’re older, when you’re old, when you’re on vacation, after a big Thanksgiving meal, early in the morning before school, in the afternoons when you’re visiting their new family, there’s one thing you should do with your kids:We’ve talked about John Adams (the great McCullough bio is at The Painted Porch) and his fascinating relationship with his brilliant son John Quincy.Ryan Holiday dedicated a chapter to the value of walking in his best-selling book Stillness is the Key. You can grab signed and personalized copies here. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/25/2023 • 3 minutes, 57 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On The ability To Handle Frustration
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on being the model for our kids and the ultimate skill on the ability to handle frustration. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/23/2023 • 21 minutes, 17 seconds
Don’t Let Your Curiosity Atrophy
By now, you’ve almost certainly lost count of how many questions you’ve been asked by your kids. From the moment they can talk, that’s what fatherhood is—answering questions. Some you can’t wait for them to ask, some you hope they’ll never ask (or ask their mom), some so absurdly, brilliantly child-like you never could have guessed they were coming in a million years.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/22/2023 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Are You The Splendid Or The Vile?
In 1940, as Nazi bombs rained down on London, an observer noted the contrasts between the “natural splendor and human vileness.” This idea (which inspired Erik Larson’s wonderful book The Splendid and the Vile) would be born out over the next several months–not just the bombs falling in one of the world’s great cities, but also the human resilience and heroism in response to such villainy and evil.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/21/2023 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
It’ll Come To You Later
In the moment, it seemed like a big deal. In the moment, you just needed them to understand your concerns. In the moment, the phone was ringing. In the moment, you were overwhelmed. In the moment, you were worried something might happen. In the moment, you had other plans.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/20/2023 • 3 minutes, 1 second
There Are Only Hard Decisions
Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was simple and straightforward? That’s what we’d like the job of a parent to be. We’d like there to be a blueprint that laid out exactly what we have to do and when we have to do it in order to guarantee that all our parental i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.Of course, life isn’t remotely like that.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/19/2023 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
This Is A Very Underrated Skill
There are parents who pay for music lessons so their kids can play an instrument. There are parents who tutor their kids in a foreign language. There are parents who teach their kids how to do all sorts of things–to start a campfire, to change a flat tire, to sew a button.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/18/2023 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Paul Kix On Balancing Techniques And Being Self-Conscious
On this episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan talks to Paul Kix about enjoying the time we do have with our kids, while being self-conscious of what we call work during family settings. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/16/2023 • 11 minutes, 52 seconds
It’s Not Too Late To Make Improvements
F. Scott Fitzgerald knew the long term damage of being spoiled rotten. Not only was he a prime and painful example himself—as we’ve written about—but as he observed and studied the rich men and women of the Jazz Age, he saw how indulgent people quickly became the “careless” monsters that he portrayed in The Great Gatsby.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/15/2023 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
You Can Give Them This
Your kids ask for a lot. Money. Patience. They ask for toys and games and attention. They demand chicken nuggets after you hand them the hamburger they told you they wanted. They ask for forgiveness, and they ask for trust.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/14/2023 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
You Must Study The Greats
Study any great leader, artist, athlete, or parent, and you’ll find that they had a hero, a mentor, or a model. Some were lucky enough to study directly under that person. But for most, this studying happened remotely—by reading books, watching documentaries, listening to interviews, and so on.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/13/2023 • 4 minutes, 31 seconds
Take This Seriously
They’re scared there’s something under their bed or in their closet. They tell you they don’t want to go to school today. They tell you they feel depressed. They tell you that they think somebody hates them. They tell you that they hate playing this sport or practicing that instrument.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/12/2023 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
You Always Have Five More Minutes To Give
They were traveling with their three-year-old son. They boarded their flight in Boston. They were heading back to Los Angeles after visiting family in Cape Cod. They could not have anticipated that just 49 minutes into the trip, their plane would be hijacked and driven into the south tower of the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/11/2023 • 4 minutes, 51 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Taking Advice And Understanding Parenting Phases
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on experiencing parenting versus taking the advice and understanding the phases of parenthood. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/9/2023 • 16 minutes, 58 seconds
Give What You Didn’t Get. Forget What You Did.
As we’ve said before, each of us as parents have to try to give what we didn’t get as kids. The attention. The support. The understanding. Whatever it is, we have to try our best to be better for our kids.That can be encouraging them to become who they are–even if you don’t agree or understand. Or making sure to give them space to fail, while showing them support and encouragement to try again. Or maybe it’s choosing to be an ancestor, not a ghost.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/8/2023 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
You Won’t Let Them Do This To You Anymore
Before, you were a glutton for punishment. You were tolerant. You were accepting. If the boss wanted it, if the customer needed it, if it could help you in your career, you were up for it.Long hours. Long flights. Calls at 2 a.m. Quick trips into the office on the weekends.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/7/2023 • 3 minutes, 59 seconds
Give Them A Little More Than Feels Safe
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”It’s scary. It’s especially scary for women, whose careers are almost invariably set back by having kids in their prime working years. But it’s scary for men too. Because when we say “work/life balance” what we’re really talking about is tradeoffs.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/6/2023 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
Is This A Family Habit?
Even a hundred years ago, it was an argument at plenty of dinner tables. They didn’t have TVs then, let alone iPads, but families were still fighting about what was happening at meal time, what was allowed to happen at the table. Parents were still comparing themselves against what they thought the neighbors were doing, what kind of behavior they were letting their kids get away with.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/5/2023 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
These Experiences Are Both Cheap And Rich
The pressure to do is one that rests heavy on all parents. We plan that big family vacation to Disneyland. We put everyone in the car and drive like a madman through traffic to make it to that special dinner on time. We put everyone in their least comfortable clothes and pose them for that awkward photo.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/4/2023 • 3 minutes, 50 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Normalizing The Parenting Journey
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on men having the conversation and creating the proper space for fatherhood.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/2/2023 • 15 minutes, 18 seconds
The Difference Between Schooling And Education
You send them to great schools. You make sure they do their homework. You drill them on their flashcards. You are saving for college. You are not going to let them set their sights low like you did, or maybe you won’t accept them getting into anywhere less prestigious than you did.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/1/2023 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
You Won’t Regret This
There are a lot of things that don’t age well. Tattoos done late at night, on impulse. Trendy haircuts. Lots of things we think are important, that we chase hard will turn out not to matter much to us later. Things we fought about, argued about will seem silly in retrospect. Fears, you find, don’t age well either–the things we worry about will become smaller the further we get from them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/31/2023 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
It Is A Temple
The house is noisy. It is messy. It is expensive, and not easy to maintain. It’s filled with toys, and sharp Legos that you step on in the middle of the night. It’s dirty. It’s got one obligation after another.And yet it’s wonderful…so, so wonderful. The whole job of it. The whole mess of it. “We must think of ourselves as ministers and priests in our own house as in a temple,” the Stoic philosopher Hierocles once said, “chosen and consecrated to nature itself.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/30/2023 • 2 minutes, 14 seconds
This Is Your Advantage Now
Your career used to be the only thing you had. It was just you. You had your ambitions. You had as many hours as there were in the day. And you were willing to work–incredibly hard, do anything–to get ahead.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/29/2023 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
You Can’t Do It For Them?
If you had an early flight, you’d get up no problem. If you had a chance to go see old friends or your favorite band, you’d stay up late without even thinking about it.But your kids wake you up early or cut into sleep? Ugh! You’re full of complaints.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/28/2023 • 3 minutes, 20 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Casey Neistat On Building Better Parenting Routines
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”Visit and receive $200 off your membership today.On this episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan talks to Casey Neistat about the discipline you have after having kids and building better parenting routines through stoicism. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/26/2023 • 22 minutes, 34 seconds
They Are Clay In Your Hands
Each of us, no matter how old or successful, has things we wish we knew how to do. We wish we could speak another language, or change the oil in our own car, or play the guitar. It’s not that we aren’t up for learning these things now—more so even than when we were young—but it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, as they say, even when the dog wants to learn.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/25/2023 • 4 minutes, 36 seconds
You Already Blew Up Your Life
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”Yes, it’s not good to be late. Yes, you’ve got places to go. You’ve got emails to respond to. You were hoping to get a workout in today. You were hoping to have a few minutes to relax on the couch.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/24/2023 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
You’re A Hostage To Fortune Now
After having kids, every parent quickly realizes just how much less freedom they have. Your schedule is different. Your sleep is different. What you can watch on TV is different. Where you can live is different. Kids are, as we’ve said, a dose of unavoidable reality–a reality where you are indisputably, almost laughably not in charge.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/23/2023 • 3 minutes, 6 seconds
Guilt Is Not Productive
You hear people talk about “mom guilt”–the feeling that moms get for not being perfect, not measuring up to their own impossible standards, or the impossible standards they think other moms have. Of course, there’s dad guilt too–all good parents feel like they’re falling short, like they’re not doing enough, like they’re not good enough.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/22/2023 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
This Is How They Can Be Great
Visit and receive $200 off your membership today.We talked recently about the Spartan who pointed out that it wasn’t right to say that “the better man won” at the Olympic Games. The better wrestler had won, he said. And it’s an important point: there are lots of winners out there who are actually losers. A lot of achievements that turn out to be costly victories because of the means used to achieve them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/21/2023 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Building Courage And Exploring Curiosity
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on the skill set that comes with exploring curiosity, and teaching our kids how to build courage. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/19/2023 • 9 minutes, 11 seconds
It’s OK That They Make You Crazy
Sometimes it’s good to acknowledge our biases. And one of the biggest biases in our lives is our kids. Not just a bias in the sense that we prefer them, but a bias like one of those ones that cognitive behavioral scientists point out that prove we’re totally and utterly irrational.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/18/2023 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
This Is A Sign You’re Doing Great
We all sit up at night and wonder if we’re doing a good job, if we’re failing our kids, if we’re raising them right. We kick ourselves for what we feed them, whether we’re meeting all their needs, whether we’re learning…whether they’re learning.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/17/2023 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
You Started Over
It doesn’t matter how many decades old you were. It doesn’t matter what you’d experienced, what you knew, how smart or powerful you were. A turning point was reached when you had kids.The Parent-To-Be: A Daily Dad Parenting Challenge✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/16/2023 • 4 minutes, 10 seconds
Give Into This
You have a very important job. You have so much going on. That’s the terrible part about having kids, for both men and women–for most of us, it comes right in the prime of our careers, in the prime of our lives. Can we afford to slow down? To stop? Do we want to?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/15/2023 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
How To Think About Your Approach
It was Seneca who said that a wise philosopher doesn’t just study in their particular school of thought, but surveys widely, taking and absorbing ideas from any and all thinkers. He would say he read like a spy in the enemy’s camp, and that he’d quote even a bad author if the line was good.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/14/2023 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Ryan Holiday On Illustrating Better Values To Our Kids
On this episode of the Daily Dad Ryan talks on the importance of illustrating different versions of ourselves while away or on vacation, and how you carry those moments back to your actual life. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/12/2023 • 15 minutes, 42 seconds
They Need Their Space
Visit and receive $200 off your membership today.You have to give them space. Not just space right after school or soccer practice, as we’ve talked about, but making sure you don’t bombard them with questions or instructions. But your kids need literal space too. A room of their own, literally and figuratively.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/11/2023 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
It’s Not A Pretty Picture
Imagine that you’re gone and able to look down now and see your kids from above. Or imagine that somehow you had magical powers and could see inside their heads and read their thoughts. What is it that you would never want them to witness? What is it that you would never want them to feel?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/10/2023 • 4 minutes, 36 seconds
Kiss It While It’s Here
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”The thing about having kids is that it’s so fleeting. They grow up so fast, as we’ve said before. They are in a constant process of leaving you, leaving who they were. And scarier still, as the last few years have shown, is that life is unpredictable and even tragic.No one is here forever. Things can change in a tragic instant.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/9/2023 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
You Don’t Just Get To Leave
Marriage is hard. Perhaps yours is especially hard. You both work very hard…or maybe only one of you works hard and that’s the problem. Perhaps one of you has worked very hard on this relationship and the other hasn’t. Perhaps it’s been a very long time, perhaps you’ve drifted very far apart. Maybe you’re bored. Maybe you’re just tired.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/8/2023 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
These Two Traits Are Enough
“This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”There’s all these things we want to make sure our kids learn. We agonize over which school to put them in, what their grades are. We try to interest them in the right career, try to fire up their ambition. You push them to play sports, you teach them an instrument, you send them to summer camps. You read a thousand parenting books, you try all the latest strategies.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/7/2023 • 3 minutes, 7 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Setting up Flexible Boundaries For Our Kids
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on unavoidable reality, flexibility within their household, and creating space in your life for your love ones. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/5/2023 • 18 minutes, 40 seconds
You Come From A Strong Tradition
Today’s episode is brought to you by LifeForce.Visit and receive $200 off your membership today.If you’re in your 30s, then your parents raised you through the global financial crisis, SARS, the bursting of the tech bubble, and 9/11. They saw two wars in Iraq, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Black Monday. If you’re in your 40s, they experienced that and the crack epidemic, the AIDS epidemic, stagflation, Chernobyl, and the final saber rattling of the Cold War. If you’re in your 50s, then your parents raised you through Vietnam and Watergate and the Berlin Wall. If you’re in your 60s, they raised you through the Civil Rights movement, the counterculture revolution, the draft, Vietnam, the Kennedy assassinations, MLK’s assassination, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. If you’re older than that… well, now we’re getting into even headier territory: the war in Korea, the Iron Curtain, the Second World War, the Marshall Plan, and god knows what else.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/4/2023 • 4 minutes, 4 seconds
You Can Make A Break
It’s been this way for a long time. Parents who ignored their kids. Parents who were too busy working, surviving, to be there emotionally. Parents who drank. Parents who pushed too hard, who asked too much. It’s been generations of this, it is the human story, written in the private lives of families, written in the history books, explaining so much of why we are the way we are.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/3/2023 • 5 minutes, 16 seconds
Take Them Seriously
Sometimes just a title, just a concept can be enough. Wherever You Go There You Are is a great book…and a great mantra. The Obstacle is The Way, and Ego is the Enemy were intended to have a similar effect. Even if you don’t crack the covers, just the concept is enough to provide a little guidance.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/2/2023 • 4 minutes, 2 seconds
You’ve Already Gotten The Gift
Visit and receive $200 off your membership today.Nothing keeps us up, nothing haunts us like the thought that something could happen to our kids. We dread even the good things that take them away from us, moving out, going to college, that job across the country.But there is, in this fear, a certain ingratitude, isn’t there? Not just for the present moment in front of us that we are neglecting, but for all the wonderful things we’ve already gotten to do–with our kids, with our spouse, with all of us together.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/1/2023 • 4 minutes, 22 seconds
It’s This Intention, This Choice That Matters
There are a lot of kids out there. There are fewer parents. Not just because most families have more than one child, but because unfortunately, tragically, not everyone who has a kid decides to be a parent.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/31/2023 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Matthew McConaughey On Being Present and Measuring Happiness
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with actor Matthew McConaughey about his new course: Roadtrip – the Highway to More, the importance of being close to the ones you love and how “You Are The Toy” when it comes to your children.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/29/2023 • 53 minutes, 34 seconds
Are You Making It Easy To Be A Kid In Your House?
Seeing your own parents now, as an adult, is stressful. There’s a great Ram Dass line that the comedian Pete Holmes has used in relation to his own parents: You think you’re enlightened—go spend a week with your family.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/28/2023 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
We Corrupt Our Children
We say we’re trying to raise kids who are kind, who help others, who are generous, who are not selfish, who are not cruel, who treat everyone equally, who hold themselves to high ethical standards. We say that virtue, that doing what’s right is more important than anything else, than money or success or getting ahead.But what do we show? What do we show?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/27/2023 • 3 minutes, 6 seconds
You Don’t Have To Squeeze One More Thing In
Yes, it’s true you only get so much time with them. Yes, it’s true you flew halfway around the world for this trip, you took time off work. Yes, it’s true that it’s convenient, that it will only take a few minutes, and save you a lot of trouble. Yes, it’s true that it could be a special experience they remember forever.But you know what else it could be?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/26/2023 • 3 minutes, 24 seconds
Can You Imagine?
In some ways, the ancient world seems so remarkably similar to ours. Marcus Aurelius has a passage in Meditations pepping himself up to get out of bed early in the morning. His name was Marcus–maybe your name is Marcus today. People liked sports then, they fell in love, they liked eating olives. There’s a passage in Seneca’s Letters where he talks about getting impatient as he waits for his table before dinner, and then sits frustrated as they stick him with a bad one.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/25/2023 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
What Are You Optimizing For?
Health matters. Wealth matters. These things matter not just to us, but to our families. You only have to look around to see people who don’t optimize for these things and the way that ripples through not just their own life, but the lives of their children–children who see dad not taking care of themselves, mom who never quite realized her potential.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/24/2023 • 5 minutes, 26 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Self Awareness and Generational Impacts
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on a second round of doing less and seeing the results, and how self-awareness impacts our families in the end. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/22/2023 • 22 minutes, 39 seconds
You Never Know What You’re Comparing Against
You’re wondering if you’re doing something wrong because your kid can’t ride a bike. You’re wondering why they’re not more athletic…or more academic. You feel like a failure because they dropped out of college or because your divorce has been hard on them. And all of these feelings are more pronounced when you look across the street or across the parking lot at school and see other families nailing it in all these areas.Visit and receive $200 off your membership today.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/21/2023 • 3 minutes, 27 seconds
These Are Your 5 Choices
The hot button political issue of the day is “parental choice.” In Florida and D.C., Chicago and California, parents of differential political persuasions are fighting with their school boards, their librarians, their universities over a host of culture war issues and their right to choose what their kids learn about (or don’t learn about). Some of the issues are serious. Some of them are made up.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/20/2023 • 4 minutes, 31 seconds
All Their Dreams Are A Parent’s Fears
There is an inherent tension, a conflict of visions even, at the heart of every family. They want to live happy, fulfilling, interesting lives, and as the parent…you want nothing bad to ever happen to them. Sure, you want them to be happy and have fun, but most of all, more than anything, you want them to be safe.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/19/2023 • 3 minutes, 33 seconds
It’s All Bubbles
It was a timeless scene, one that might have happened in your house just this past afternoon. The kids are playing with bubbles. They are laughing and yelling. Blowing and darting around trying to pop them. Finding the most wonderful joy in the simple magic of soap and air.Visit and receive $200 off your membership today.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/18/2023 • 3 minutes, 29 seconds
Have You Shown Them What Greatness Looks Like?
Do you know the story of Cincinnatus? He was a Roman general who had retired to his farm until he was called to rescue his country from an invasion. Made dictator in these desperate times, he had unlimited power, which he used to save the empire… only to immediately relinquish the power and return to his farm.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/17/2023 • 3 minutes, 49 seconds
You Can't Have It All
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan shares an article from a Father's Day read from The Free Press on the upstream choices we have to make and continuing to do less as parents with discipline and trade offs.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/15/2023 • 13 minutes, 44 seconds
In The End, It Doesn’t Even Matter
Being two minutes late to school. The fourth discussion about cleaning up before company comes over. The grouchy tone. The broken vase. The mischief with their friends. The I told you to turn off the iPad and come help me downstairs!!!!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/14/2023 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
You Can Have More Time If You Do It Right
It’s a good reminder, one that we can zip past too easily because we’re busy, because we have so much on our plate: You only get 18 years with your kids. It’s a reminder not just to soak in the time you have with them, but to make sure you’re really parenting in those 18 years. Because soon enough they’ll be gone, they’ll be living with someone else, listening to someone else.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/13/2023 • 5 minutes, 9 seconds
It’s Your Job To Help Open Their Eyes
Almost every talented and successful person can remember their introduction to whatever it was that became their thing. In Mastery, Robert Greene explores countless examples of this beautiful process by which some of the world’s most notable experts discovered their “life’s task.” He talks about Martha Graham’s first time watching a dance performance, for example, and he tells the story of the compass that Albert Einstein’s father gave him as a present when he was five years old:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/12/2023 • 3 minutes, 40 seconds
The Words To Notice
As a society, we have very attuned ears for what words are offensive. There are words that religious people find offensive. There are the words that collectively we have decided are hurtful…as well as the words various groups are trying to get people to understand are potentially hurtful.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/11/2023 • 3 minutes, 22 seconds
You Are Never Not Afraid
It would be wonderful if it ever eased up, but it doesn’t. You worried when they were in the womb, and here you are all these years later, still worrying. Are they doing ok? Are they getting enough nutrients? Is something going to happen to them? Are they happy?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/10/2023 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
Ryan Holiday On Relaxing The Exceptions While On Vacation at Jackson Hole
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks about the straw that breaks the camel's back and relaxing the impulse to force things.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/8/2023 • 14 minutes, 3 seconds
As A Father, This Is Your One Job Today
Your job today as a father is to do one thing. It’s to read this poem, which dates back to 1895, and then to think about how to incorporate its lessons into how you raise your kids. Ignore the gendered language (it was written as advice to the poet’s son) because it doesn’t matter. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/7/2023 • 4 minutes, 15 seconds
Give Them This Ambition
We try to inspire our kids. We try to motivate them. We try to incentivize them. We want them to care about winning–that’s why we push them into sports. We want them to go to a good college–that’s why we reward them for their grades. We want them to succeed in this world–that’s why we tell them stories of the greats (that’s the idea behind The Girl Who Would Be Free and The Boy Who Would Be King, for instance).We want our kids to be ambitious.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/6/2023 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
Of All The Things To Be Extra About, This Is It
It’s clear some parents take things too far. They push their kids too hard in sports. They push them too hard in school. They solve every problem for them, indulge every whim and desire, shelter them from discomfort and the slightest independence. They celebrate the most minor of accomplishments, they encourage the most unusual of behaviors.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/5/2023 • 3 minutes, 28 seconds
Don’t Tie Down Your Eagle
When a young Florence Nightingale began making moves toward volunteering in hospitals, her aristocratic parents were horrified. It had been difficult enough raising a precocious child. Now she wanted to debase herself with work below her station? They were embarrassed. What would their friends think? How would it look? Like a lot of parents with determined, independent children, they felt rejected. They thought her choices rebuked theirs.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/4/2023 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
Great Is Not The Same As Good
We watch sports with our kids. That’s greatness, we say of some 4th quarter comeback win. They’re the G.O.A.T, we explain–the greatest to ever do it. We talk to our kids about the work that went into that success, the practice, the sacrifice. Maybe we even talk about the incredible rewards that follow such greatness. But it’s important that we also remind them where this skill sits in the overall scheme of things.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/3/2023 • 3 minutes, 25 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Being Present And Doing Less
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on doing less by saying no, physically being present and the cost of every opportunity. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/1/2023 • 19 minutes, 22 seconds
Nobody Wins A Battle Of Wills
Because you’re in charge, because you’re so much bigger and stronger and smarter, it’s easy to get trapped into a battle of wills with your kids. Don’t do that or else! Because I said so. Oh, you think it ’s like that, do you? We put our foot down. We tell them how it’s going to be. We argue. Sometimes, at the very, very end of our rope, we lock them in their room.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/30/2023 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
Nothing is Better Than This. Prioritize Accordingly.
Is there anything better than the feeling of your kid’s head on your chest? Them running towards you at pick up time? Seeing their name pop up as an incoming call on your phone? Them asking for advice? Them asking to show you something?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/29/2023 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
Where Are You Trying To Get Better?
Tom Brady has always been relentless about trying to get better. Trying to get his passes out quicker. Trying to get his spirals a little tighter. Trying to optimize his diet. Trying to recover from games faster.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/28/2023 • 3 minutes, 21 seconds
This Is All We Have To Do
We know the world throws a lot at our kids. We know it’s noisy out there and there are competing influences. We know they’re pretty forgetful too. These are kids that can barely remember where their backpack is…how are we supposed to communicate the most essential and important truths of life? How do we get them to remember what we tell them?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/27/2023 • 3 minutes, 28 seconds
How To Get Them Through Tough Times
One thing we know for certain is that our kids will go through things. They’ll have a crisis of identity, of faith, of social status. They’ll be overwhelmed. They’ll be confused. They’ll have questions. They’ll doubt themselves.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/26/2023 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Daily Dad And Austin Kleon On Parenting And Creativity
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with one of his favorite writers Austin Kleon on Parenting strategies before and after writing a book, and Creativity within your household. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/24/2023 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 42 seconds
Where Will Your Kids Get This From?
We know that our kids want to feel good, feel safe, feel loved. We know they want to feel that someone is proud of them, that they’re talented, that they’re worth something. We also know that they’ll want to have fun, take risks, mess up, be crazy, and feel the pleasures of the world.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/23/2023 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
They Must Be Diligent In Their Business
It matters far less what a person does in life than how they do it. An exploitative corporate executive might have an expense account and a fancy title, but we all admire the hardworking and selfless teacher more. And we certainly acknowledge that, whatever the differences in salary, one contributes far more to society.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/22/2023 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
Teach Them To Be Kings
Unless you are currently in line for a hereditary throne, it’s unlikely your children will ever be a king or a queen. This is a good thing, as it seems like both a thankless and toxic job–to say nothing of its effectiveness as a form of government.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/21/2023 • 3 minutes
You Can Give Them What You Wish You’d Gotten
Few of us felt completely understood as kids. At a young age, our parents didn’t quite understand what we were saying, what we wanted, how much we missed them when they were gone, how scared we were when we were alone. When we got older, they didn’t seem to remember just how hard it was to be a teenager, how overwhelming the world was, how different we felt from others, how behind we sometimes felt (as we wrote recently). And now as adults, we struggle too–maybe our spouse doesn’t fully get us. Maybe our parents are incapable of seeing or listening to us when we try to communicate about wounds we carry from the past.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/20/2023 • 4 minutes, 17 seconds
Everything Is A Test Of Your Priorities
We put our family first. That’s what we believe. That’s what we say. That’s the first commandment in the Daily Stoic Parenting Challenge. That’s the advice we give other parents. That’s effectively what we tell our kids too: You’re the most important thing in the world to me.And then almost every single day, in countless ways, we fail to live up to those words.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/19/2023 • 4 minutes
Everything Marcus Learned From Antoninus
Happy Father’s Day to everyone!It’s pretty incredible how concise Marcus Aurelius is throughout Meditations. There are nearly 500 passages throughout, and rarely is a passage longer than a few sentences.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/18/2023 • 3 minutes, 48 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Setting Our kids And Ourselves Up For Success
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on setting our kids and ourselves up for success, creating space by doing less and building the confidence to remain consistent. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/17/2023 • 19 minutes, 7 seconds
This Is Why They Study
The point is not to get good grades. The point is not a good score on their SATs. It’s not about what college they get into. College is not about what kind of job they can snag. Success in school is not succeeding in school.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/16/2023 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
They Don’t Learn Anything Important This Way
Think of all the stuff you know. The skills you have. The movie quotes you can throw out there mid-conversation.It’s interesting, isn’t it? You remember more from a two-hour movie than from the museums you were dragged to. You learned more from Wikipedia rabbit holes you fell down than you do from a couple decades in school. What’s that about?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/15/2023 • 2 minutes, 5 seconds
How To Be Someone They Can Be Proud Of
Of course, her father would have preferred to be powerful, to be wealthy, to hold some prestigious position. He didn’t want to dig sewage canals or wait on entitled aristocrats. He didn’t want to be at the bottom of Rome’s social hierarchy. Nobody would choose that life.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/14/2023 • 5 minutes, 48 seconds
Their Feelings Are Their Feelings
Some of the things your kids think are ridiculous–products of their imagination or their fears. Some of the things they like are hilarious and weird–the products of their own uniqueness, products of just not knowing better. Some of the feelings they have are not your fault–again, they have imaginations and fears. Some of their feelings are products of mistakes you’ve made, flaws you have.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/13/2023 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
Tell Them They Have This
Nobody would have wanted Joseph Kennedy to be their dad. He was an avaricious businessman. He cheated on his wife. He had his daughter lobotomized and sent away. He was controlling and manipulative. He saw his kids as extensions of himself. As we wrote recently, one of the only reasons Robert F. Kennedy turned out differently than his siblings is that he was mostly ignored and left alone by his parents, saving him from the ordeals of some of his brothers.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/12/2023 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
Ryan And Wife Samantha Holiday On Grumpy Mornings And Parenting Strategies
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on screen time & the differences in parenting moods in the morning.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/10/2023 • 12 minutes, 56 seconds
Why Don’t They Come To You With Problems?
When your kids mess up, what’s your reaction? Do you freak out? Or are you calm? Do you make the situation better...or worse?Can you actually listen?Or are you halfway through a solution before they’ve even gotten two words of explanation out of their mouths? ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/9/2023 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
All They Want Is This
It was a long time ago. It was in a pretty conservative place, in a less understanding era. And even if it wasn’t, even in different circumstances, no parent wants to walk in to see their teenager making out with someone in their room. But in this case, a mom had been stunned to find her daughter on top of the covers with her daughter’s best girl friend.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/8/2023 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
At Least They’re Getting Paid For It
There’s something that strikes us as a little gross, the way politicians trot out their families to win elections, to humanize themselves or get sympathy when they screw up. There’s something exploitative about the way celebrities use pregnancy announcements or events in their kids’ life to get publicity. And there’s something plain weird about the way that some influencers turn their kids into content.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/7/2023 • 4 minutes, 41 seconds
You Don’t Want A Doll
Sometimes it feels like it would be easier if they just did what we wanted. If they could sit there for a second, as we try to handle something. If they could just pose for the photo. If they could keep the clothes we got them nice and clean. If they would play the role we hoped for, fulfill the dreams we have for them–go to the school, get the job we pick, have the wedding we plan for them in our fantasy.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/6/2023 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
The Sign Of A Smart Kid
Education these days seems to be about signals. What did you get on your SATs? How many AP classes did you take? What schools did you apply to? What extracurriculars did you practice? Even some of the modern strain of political correctness, critics have said, is really just a way for people to prove that they are more educated than other people–that they were taught the right words for this and that.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/5/2023 • 4 minutes, 23 seconds
Daily Dad and Sam Gwynne On Mental Health and Parenting Advice
On this episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan talks to Sam Gwynne about new parenting advice, the youth building a community around mental health, and the pressures of matching the expectations.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/4/2023 • 23 minutes, 31 seconds
Are You A Rich Parent?
There are different kinds of rich families. There are families that have lots of money. There are families that have lots of time together. Sometimes these families are the same…too often they are not.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/2/2023 • 5 minutes, 20 seconds
How To Keep Them With You
We’re always losing our kids. In fact, we’re raising them to lose them–every minute, every interaction is building towards that moment when they will leave and live their own life. We’re raising them knowing that one day we will leave them for good too. Plus there is the fact that, as the Stoics says, we’re constantly changing, ceasing to become who we once were–and nowhere is this truer than with our children, who will never be 1 or 2 or 3 or 13 ever again.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/1/2023 • 5 minutes, 52 seconds
The Most Stoic Person In Marcus’ Life
Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius’ adopted father and predecessor, was not a Stoic. He didn’t identify as, nor did anyone call him, a philosopher. He left behind no writings. There are no anecdotes of him dropping in on lectures in Greece or studying under some guru.And yet, of all the people in Marcus’ life, Antoninus was the most Stoic. He was cool under pressure. He quietly went about his business. He was hard-working, self-sufficient, and never got worked up. He was a beloved leader. His mere presence put other people at ease.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/31/2023 • 4 minutes, 11 seconds
Do This For Them And They Will Never Forget
From his dad, Bruce Springsteen learned about shame, about broken pride, and struggling with demons that you can’t quite conquer. It’s an all too common story, unfortunately. The lack of a strong role model leaves a void that haunts a kid forever, even long after they leave the house. You can hear that pain in Springsteen’s songs today.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/30/2023 • 4 minutes, 31 seconds
That’s The Job
Once, on an imperial tour in some distant province, a woman darted out from the crowd and blocked the path of the Emperor Hadrian, asking for help with some now-forgotten issue. Hadrian tried to put her off. “I haven’t got the time,” he said, attempting to move past her. “Well stop being emperor then!” the woman shouted after him. Hadrian paused, turned back and helped her.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/29/2023 • 4 minutes, 30 seconds
Ryan Holiday And Tamron Hall Talk Daily Dad Book Release And The New Rules Of Sharing
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to Tamron Hall about his new book release, more wholesome moments while in NYC, and how "Sharing Sucks" when dealing with two year olds. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/27/2023 • 18 minutes, 38 seconds
Do You Really Think They Did That On Purpose?
It happened again. Your kid screwed up. They did something stupid—from drawing on the walls to getting caught drinking. They hurt someone or they lied. They failed a test or broke something important. You’re pissed. You want to yell.But before we do that, stop and think: Have you raised a good kid? Have you taught them right from wrong? Have you taught them to care about other people and the truth?Yes, yes you have.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/26/2023 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
The Things You Leave Behind
Plutarch recorded the story that Socrates went to the fanciest neighborhood in Athens and called out, “What are you doing, men? You are giving all possible attention to acquiring money, but small thought to your sons to whom you are to leave it.”As Socrates pointed out, money is just one piece of the legacy puzzle.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/25/2023 • 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Where Is All That Now?
Those white shoes your parents told you to keep off the grass, the khakis they wanted you to keep clean on Easter. The car they didn’t let you eat in, the walls they told you not to mess up with your posters.Where is all that now? The shoes are long since thrown away, the pants outgrown, handed down and then finally tossed by someone. The walls have been repainted many times over. Even the car, by this point, is probably a squashed metal cube in a junkyard–and if it isn’t, the person driving it has long since given up trying to make sure it’s ‘nice.’✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/24/2023 • 3 minutes, 53 seconds
These Things Don’t Matter
However much they seem to be prioritized by other parents, by certain cultures, perhaps by your own parents, or your instincts, in the end, it doesn’t matter.It doesn’t matter what color they dye their hair…it doesn’t matter how clean their room is…it doesn’t if they’re gay or straight or anything on any spectrum…it doesn’t matter where they go to college…it doesn’t matter what field they enter…it doesn’t matter how dark or strange or profane the music they like is…it doesn’t matter whether they abandon the piano✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/23/2023 • 3 minutes, 53 seconds
This Will Haunt You
We parents are collectors. We have the photos from the day they were born. We have the first drawing they did. Their first pair of shoes, the tickets to that first flight. We have their high school diploma and their baseball t-shirts. We have their trophies and ribbons. Our garage, we’ve said, is a graveyard of strollers and high chairs and bikes and boxes of outgrown clothes and toys.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/22/2023 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Ryan Holiday And CBS Morning Talk Daily Dad Book Release and Garbage Time
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to CBS Morning in depth on applying stoicism, Garbage Time versus Quality Time & unforgettable family moments during a rainy weekend in NYC. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/20/2023 • 13 minutes, 6 seconds
You Don’t Have To Be Perfect. You Do Have To Do This.
None of us will be perfect parents. Our children will not agree with and understand with every choice we make–now or later. We are going to make mistakes. We are going to do things we regret. We are going to find out later just how the decisions we made affected them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/19/2023 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
Only Later Will You See This
“Only later,” Joan Didion wrote of her daughter, “did I see that I had been raising her as a doll.” Grieving, heart broken over the sudden and tragic loss of her family (detailed in the moving books A Year of Magical Thinking and Blue Nights), she was almost certainly being too hard on herself, yet…Aren’t we all a little guilty of this?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/18/2023 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
It’s You You Know
They are so like you. So like their mother. They have the same affect. They have the same bad habits. The same hopes, the same fears you did when you were their age. This helps you be patient with them, helps you connect with them, helps you get them what they need.You understand.Or so you think.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/17/2023 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
Now’s The Time To Get It Together
Look, when you were young, you could get away with it. You could spend more than you had–knowing you’d figure things out later. You could be selfish because you were the only person that really counted in your life. You weren’t expected to have it together, you were expecting to make mistakes and learn by trial and error.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/16/2023 • 3 minutes, 49 seconds
The Kind of Marriage You Need To Build
There is a famous line we have posted many times here at Daily Dad, one that’s always popular on Instagram whenever it goes up. The most important thing you can do for your kids, it reads, is love their mother. While the quote could be made to be more inclusive (for both genders and for modern, blended families) the overall wisdom is spot on: Kids thrive when their parents not only get along, but love each other. A good marriage is a critical part of a happy home.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/15/2023 • 5 minutes
Daily Dad And Wife Samantha Holiday Talk parenting and Better Safe Than Sorry
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to his wife Samantha about what their learning as parents and when to enforce the better safe than sorry rule. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/13/2023 • 21 minutes, 24 seconds
Teach Them This Grand Tradition
For thousands of years, humans have been expressing wisdom to each other through fables. Whether it’s Aesop or the Bible or Leonardo da Vinci or Hans Christian Anderson, smart writers have been packaging moral lessons in the form of quaint little stories or parables.And, for just as long, parents have been passing these fables onto their children.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/12/2023 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
It’s Yourself You Should Be Worried About
There seems to be this concern, particularly on the right and from older generations, that kids are just way too soft these days. Everyone is sensitive. Everyone is easily triggered. Everyone seems to have some sort of mental illness or trauma.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/11/2023 • 3 minutes, 27 seconds
Quality Time Is The Easy Way Out
No vacation, no special experience, not even a family outing, just happens on its own. There is planning. There is time off work. There is the expense. There is the intention–to spend *quality* time together.And this is wonderful and it should be celebrated, soaked in when it happens. Just be sure not to give yourself too much credit because you booked a trip to the beach or got them excited for ice cream or the movies.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/10/2023 • 4 minutes, 22 seconds
Don’t Be So Nice That…
Nobody likes confrontation. Nobody likes having to enforce our boundaries. Nobody likes having to have an awkward conversation with their parents. Or the boss. Or the mechanic who is working on your car.But you know what we should like even less? Being burned out when we get home. Not having patience or energy left for our kids. Not having a shred of slack left to deal with the inevitable stresses that will occur in the course of picking them up from school, getting them dinner, getting them to bed.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/9/2023 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
A Real Way To Be Happy
We talked recently about the fleetingness of happiness. The way that happiness changes and evolves, the way that it tends to ensue rather than exist as something to pursue. A happy family is not one where everyone is happy all the time, Ursula Le Quin said. No, it’s closer to something we cycle through.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/8/2023 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
Daily Dad On Connecting With Our Kids Through The Obstacles Of Life
On this episode of The Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan talks in depth about empire, philosophy, and natural feelings when it comes to our kids, as well as the connection we make with them through the opportunities and obstacles of life. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/7/2023 • 18 minutes, 49 seconds
This Makes The Disruptions Worth It
These kids have changed your life. There are so many things you used to do that you no longer can. Traveling with no notice. Staying out all night. Sleeping on an airplane…sleeping in at all.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/5/2023 • 2 minutes, 59 seconds
Show Them How To Use That Energy
Joan Didion was bored. She was four or five. She was bothering her mother. She was asking for something to do.Her mother could have sent her away. Told her to stop. Told her to figure it out for herself. Instead, she went over to a drawer and pulled out a notebook. Here, she said, if you’re bored “then write something. Then you can read it.” The little girl was taken aback. “I had just learned to read,” she later explained, “so this was a thrilling kind of moment. The idea that I could write something–and then read it!”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/4/2023 • 2 minutes, 13 seconds
If It Works, Do It Again
We parents are like field goal kickers. Just like if a certain shirt or a pair of socks brings a kicker luck, Were always looking for something, Anything that will give us an edge. Just like a free throw shooter going through a preposterous routine, were religious about ours to.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/3/2023 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
Like All Things, It’s A Process
Sure, you become a parent when you have a kid. It’s a biological thing. It’s a legal status. It’s codified on a piece of paper. But we all know that being a good parent is something much more than that.There is no one moment, one benchmark, one thing that makes you a parent–just as there is no single moment that one becomes a writer or an entrepreneur or a wise elder. Even ‘turning pro’ as the great Steven Pressfield has written, is not something that happens with the signing of a contract or being drafted by a team.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/2/2023 • 3 minutes, 9 seconds
You Can’t Do This For Them?
Think of all the things you’ve pretended to be interested in on a date. Think of all the hours you’ve spent at the office, what you’ve committed to and sacrificed to get ahead. Think of the bosses you’ve put up with at that job, the obnoxious colleagues. Think of the hours you’ve spent pouring over your finances, investing and saving and growing. Think of the time you set aside to go to the gym, think about the willpower you summon to slide into the cold plunge.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/1/2023 • 4 minutes, 48 seconds
Daily Dad And Scott Hershovitz On How Certain Parenting Behaviors Affect Our Children
Ryan talks to Scott Hershovitz about the Adventures in Philosophy with Kids, the common misconceptions about philosophy, how to apply philosophy to actual life, and more.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/29/2023 • 28 minutes, 21 seconds
Do You Really Care?
Do You Really Care?“A key point to bear in mind…You’re better off not giving the small things more time than they deserve.-Marcus AureliusIt seems like it’s really important to you. That the door not be slammed. That the chores be done a certain way. That everything be put away immediately. That feet go on the ground, not the furniture.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/28/2023 • 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Let This Keep You Going
Ryan Holiday’s latest book, The Daily Dad comes out May 2. Preorder your signed and numbered first edition before they sell out! There are going to be moments where we’re not sure we can keep going. We hit a plateau in our career. We hit a wall on mile 19 of our first marathon. Our marriage is struggling. Our attempt to lose weight has stalled out. Going back to school has turned out to be a lot more than we expected.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/27/2023 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Do Not Concede The Narrative
Ryan Holiday’s latest book, The Daily Dad comes out May 2. Preorder your signed and numbered first edition before they sell out![COUNTDOWN CLOCK]None of us come from families that were perfect. None of us got everything we needed. Our parents were not perfect. Indeed, they may have been quite flawed. Perhaps they were not loving enough, understanding enough, accepting enough. Maybe they just weren't there enough.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/26/2023 • 4 minutes, 5 seconds
There Is No Time For This Anymore
Parenting doesn’t have to change a person. As we said recently, plenty of people remain the same selfish, immature, irresponsible people they were before they had kids. Which is why it’s worth making the distinction between having kids and being a parent.There are lots more of the former in this world than the latter.People who just have kids are still living the lives they had before. Parents live a different life. They become different people with different priorities, different capacities, different standards for themselves.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/25/2023 • 3 minutes, 39 seconds
This Is What Happiness Is
Too many of us have the wrong idea about what happiness is. We confuse it with pleasure or fun. We confuse it with some sort of permanent state or an accomplishment to pursue. But happiness is more subtle and supple than that. It is something that ensues, as the great Viktor Frankl says in Man’s Search for Meaning.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/24/2023 • 4 minutes, 21 seconds
Daily Dad And Wife Samantha Holiday On Parenting Is A Trip
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to his wife Samantha about what their learning as parents, and the importance of making time for your children.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/22/2023 • 19 minutes, 20 seconds
You Will Want A Crowded Table
You Will Want A Crowded Table“What a great spectacle it is when a husband or wife with many children are seen with these children crowded around them!”-Musonius RufusIt’s helpful to sit back and really think about what parental success looks like.First, of course, it’s having healthy kids who survive to adulthood—that’s obvious.But second, when you flash way forward into the future, what is it? It’s that beautiful phrase captured in the title of the Highwomen’s hit “Crowded Table.” At Thanksgiving. On birthdays. At some summer house on the beach you all rent as a family. That is, having kids whom you get to see, whom you have a good relationship with, whom you want to spend time with . . . for the rest of your days.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/21/2023 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
You Can’t Lose Track
Nothing takes up space in a parent’s head (or heart) quite like a kid who is struggling. “You’re only as happy as your unhappiest child,” the expression goes, and it’s true. If one of your kids is struggling–with reading, with adjusting to a new school or city, with becoming a teenager, with the divorce, with some health issue–it’s hard to focus or think about anything else. Even if you’re crushing it at work, even if one of your other kids just made honor roll or the varsity team.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/20/2023 • 3 minutes, 33 seconds
Melt Those Negative Feelings Away With This
You’re upset because you just blew it in that meeting. You’re kicking yourself because you meant to get up early and ended up sleeping through your alarm and missing a flight. You’re stressed about the business, you wish your marriage was better, you hate the way your house looks from the street. You can’t watch the news without being disgusted or outraged or worried.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/19/2023 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
The Garage Is The Graveyard
You notice it one day–the garage is full. Of strollers no longer used–first the single, then the double and the jogger. The chair you and your spouse spent so many wee hours of the morning in, rocking the baby back to sleep in. There is the balance bike. Then the first one with pedals. It’s next to the trailer you used to strap them in and tow them behind your bike.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/18/2023 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
Give Them This Grace
It’s important to remember that everyone was a kid once…and that no child is perfect. For instance, as a child Gandhi once stole some money from his brother. The boy was wracked with guilt, terrified of the consequences–from his parents, from the law, from God. Ultimately, he went to his father and confessed, laying out every aspect of his crime in great detail in a long, self-flagellating note, offering himself up for some extreme punishment he felt he deserved.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/17/2023 • 4 minutes, 18 seconds
Daily Dad And Daniel Lubetzky On The Steps To Being Successful
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks to KIND Snacks Founder Daniel Lubetzky about the importance of being kind, culture and values in a successful company & the steps on making the world a better place.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/16/2023 • 17 minutes, 9 seconds
You Must Seed This Habit
In one of F. Scott Fitzerald’s funniest short stories, “Head and Shoulders,” a certifiable genius falls in love with a showgirl. The plot and moral of the story aren’t relevant for today’s email—though the story is highly recommended—instead there is a little passage in it that introduces a concept that is worth thinking about:✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/14/2023 • 3 minutes, 37 seconds
Their Needs Are So Modest
“Your kids are not keeping score on your career. They just want a parent who’s emotionally present and supportive of them.”-Ben StillerDavid Letterman was the king of late night. His shows ran for thirty-three seasons, making him the longest-serving late-night talk show host in the history of American television. At its peak, he was making something like $30 million a year, watched by an audience of many millions every week.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/13/2023 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
This Is A Tricky Balance
There is a joke about a kid who, not liking the ‘No’ he got from one parent, asked the other, in order to get a ‘Yes.’ “Never come between your mother and I,” the father says, “we sleep in the same bed together.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/12/2023 • 4 minutes, 24 seconds
This is Who to Study
We spend a lot of time looking at the absolute worst parents. Not just because so many leaders and celebrities and artists seem to put their families absolutely last in order to achieve their success, but also because artistically, flawed and tragic figures quite naturally fill up the most pages and screentime. As Tolstoy opens Anna Karenina, all happy families resemble each other but unhappy families are unhappy in their own way.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/11/2023 • 4 minutes, 13 seconds
Do You Know? Do They?
Of course, this parenting thing is hard. It’s expensive. It’s an enormous amount of work and responsibility. And yet, we are the luckiest people in the world, aren’t we?Not just because, as we’ve said before, it took a black swan of black swans for any of us to be here, for us to even have our kids (especially those parents who struggled with fertility or adoption). We have been given an incredible gift with this opportunity to be parents.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/10/2023 • 3 minutes, 59 seconds
Daily Dad And Amy Morin On Overcoming Mentally Challenging Situations
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan sits down with author Amy Morin in talks on how to find agency in your everyday life, overcoming mentally challenging situations by gaining perspective, and the cost of success when it comes to parenthood.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/8/2023 • 27 minutes, 42 seconds
Here Is Love
Relationships are tricky. Especially the ones we have built the modern world around. Monogamous. Long term. An equal partner in parenting and in professional pursuits. Oh and our partner is supposed to be our best friend too.It’s a lot to ask of someone. Harder still when you throw in the craziness of kids and the current state of the world. But you deserve a partner like that, and they deserve a partner like you. We deserve happiness and fulfillment and love, together.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/7/2023 • 3 minutes, 38 seconds
Work with Them to Find Their Lane
“As we bring up our children, we have to remember that we are caretakers of the future. By improving their education, we improve the future of mankind, the future of this world.”-Immanuel Kant Adam’s father wanted nothing but for his son to go to college. John Adams wanted to do anything but go to school. He often skipped class to go fishing or hunting or to fly his kite. He didn’t like his teachers. He didn’t think he was learning anything useful. He had no interest in furthering his education.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/6/2023 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
Why Would You Do Anything To Undermine This?
We all know that confidence is important. Most of us wish we had more of it. We spend a lot of time trying to build it up in our kids. By encouraging them. By reassuring them. By seeking out activities that will develop it in them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/5/2023 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
What You’d Actually Do Anything For
We say we’d do anything for our family. We’d like to think if we were tested, if we had to make some terrible choice, if it really was a matter of life and death, or if we were struggling to subsist, we’d come through.Would we though?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/4/2023 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
The Words To Notice
As a society, we have very attuned ears for what words are offensive. There are words that religious people find offensive. There are the words that collectively we have decided are hurtful…as well as the words various groups are trying to get people to understand are potentially hurtful.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/3/2023 • 3 minutes, 19 seconds
Daily Dad on Offering Dignity & Empathy While Finishing His Book
Ryan talks about being role models to our kids by showing respect, dignity and empathy for others aside from our personal opinions.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
4/1/2023 • 16 minutes, 33 seconds
Give Yourself Some Credit
It can be easy to question your parenting. To feel like you’re not doing good enough, that you’re not nearly enough. You see what other parents are doing, or hear what other fathers say they are doing, and it can seem like you’re the worst parent ever: The food you give them isn’t healthy enough, their education isn’t good enough, you’re not patient enough, you’re not dedicated enough.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/31/2023 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
You Are So Lucky
The odds of any of this happening is literally incomprehensible. Some scientists have estimated that the chances of any one person being born are somewhere in the realm of one in four hundred trillion.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/30/2023 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
It Should Change You
Everyone says that becoming a parent changes you. The responsibility. The stress. The unconditional love. The cuteness. This is big stuff.But as the comedian Tom Segura observes in one of his great Netflix specials, it’s wrong to say that it changes people–that’s just not the right language. It’s that having kids should change you. If it doesn’t he says, if you’re still the same person? If you have the same routines, the same behaviors, the same priorities afterwards? That’s a big problem! You’re doing something wrong!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/29/2023 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
The Skill That Matters Above The Others
There’s so much we have to teach our kids. How to tie their shoes. How to drive. How to do math. How to throw a football and hit a baseball. How to put up and down the toilet seat. How to clean up after themselves.These are the practical skills of life. But they are worthless without other intangible personality traits–the ones we’ve talked so much about here: Kindness. Self-discipline. Work ethic. And most of all, courage.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/28/2023 • 2 minutes, 20 seconds
This Is More Important Than Winning
It’s good that your kids participate in sports. It gives them confidence. It keeps them active. It shows them the value of teamwork. It gives them the thrill of victory. These are all things we hope they’ll carry with them in life.That was Theodore Roosevelt’s view. He loved “manly sports.” Football. Wrestling. He took his kids, as we’ve said, on daily adventures, on long hikes and through obstacle courses, coming up with contests to keep it all competitive.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/27/2023 • 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Daily Dad on Being Grateful For The Time We Have
Ryan talks about the highs and lows of parenting and how to remain grateful for the time that you have with your kids.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/25/2023 • 13 minutes, 32 seconds
They Heard It From You
Have you ever heard your kids say something that just stops you cold? One of those remarks that instinctually makes you do a double take? It can be an unexpected curse word, or some preposterous old-timey expression, or one of those heartbreakingly earnest statements about love or happiness.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/24/2023 • 3 minutes, 20 seconds
You Have To Recognize This
Eva Amurri had a privileged childhood. Her mother is movie star Susan Sarandon, and her father is Italian director Franco Amurri. She spent her early days on the sets of blockbuster movies. She got to travel to beautiful places. She never had to want anything that could be bought with money.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/23/2023 • 3 minutes, 39 seconds
Infuse This Into Your DNA
Early in his career, the neuroscientist Andrew Huberman worked mostly in isolation. In his lab, he kept a list of the scientists he loved and admired. “I would read that list over and over,” he said. “I didn’t realize it at the time, but this is what is called introjection.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/22/2023 • 4 minutes, 37 seconds
Always Keep Your Eye Out
One of the great things about kids is that they keep you on your toes. Not just because you have to worry about them all the time, but because they give you so many more things to notice. As we talked about a long time ago, if you have a son that likes helicopters or a daughter that’s obsessed with birds, there’s suddenly a reason for you to be a lot more aware as you go through the world. There’s stuff for you to look for, to point to, stuff that you would ordinarily have a kind of adult’s blindness too.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/21/2023 • 3 minutes, 6 seconds
There Is A Last Time To All Of It
There’s a meme that features the characters from the movie The Sandlot that says “At some point in your childhood, you and your friends went outside to play together for the last time, and nobody knew it.” It’s not a quote that’s actually in the movie, but a line parents should understand just as well as their kids.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/20/2023 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Daily Dad on Pointless Power Struggles
Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the fine line between setting boundaries and getting upset about trivial things.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Check out the Daily Dad Store 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/18/2023 • 17 minutes, 56 seconds
If You Don’t Believe In Them, Who Will?
In 1982-83, Jim Valvano coached the North Carolina State basketball team to a National Championship title. The Wolfpack was a mid-ranked team that entered the NCAA tournament looking like anything but a title contender. It was improbable that they’d win their first two games, and even if they did, no one in the world would have put even a dollar on them upsetting #2 ranked Virginia. No one, except Coach Valvano. He believed he and his guys could do it. Even when his guys didn’t.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/17/2023 • 5 minutes, 37 seconds
Are You Sharing This?
We’ve talked before about Jimmy Carter’s father. James Sr. was a flawed man, to be sure. He was strict and stern, often unaware of the way he loomed over his quiet, bookish son. The elder Carter was a figure of old time values–hard work, stoicism, decency–as well as old time vices–a smoker, a racist. He was also capable of moments of great kindness and he put his son on a straight and narrow path that the boy is still walking nearly 100 years later.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/16/2023 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
You Can Be Safe Without Being Crazy
Sure, it’s a trend these days that parents are overprotective. We’ve got helicopter parents and snowplow parents and risk averse, paranoid parents. This is true and it harms kids.But you know what’s responsible for way more harm to kids? Parents who aren’t thinking about this stuff at all. Parents who don’t take basic safety precautions because they’re either not aware or not clued into very real, very common worst case scenarios.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/15/2023 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
Don’t Let Them Be Alone With This
In the classic novel, Bright Lights Big City by Jay McInerney the narrator flashes back to the scene of his mother’s deathbed. Battling cancer, aware the end is near, she takes just enough pain medication to be uninhibited but still lucid.The walls between parent and child fall away. They talk openly of the things they never managed to broach in life without embarrassment. They talk about sex. They talk about love. They talk about their fears and worries. They shared their insecurities, their feelings of inadequacies.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/14/2023 • 3 minutes, 30 seconds
This Is The Greatest Form Of Love
You do many things for your children because you love them. You work hard to provide for them. You manage their education. You teach them the things they’ll need to know in life. You protect them–from others and themselves.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/13/2023 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
Daily Dad On Keeping Your Kids Safe
Ryan talks about the stresses of parenting and how to remain grateful for the time that you have with your kids.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Check out the Daily Dad Store 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/11/2023 • 10 minutes, 9 seconds
This Changes How They See The World
This is just my personality, we say. I just don’t have any energy when I get home from work, we complain. I’m in a bad mood today, that’s all. My parents weren’t any different, and I turned out ok. It’s just a stressful period right now. They’re young, they won’t remember any of this.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/10/2023 • 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Remember Who Sets The Curve
It can seem like parenting is a rather perilous thing, right? The statistics come at you like daggers to your heart–how many kids die each year in this kind of accident or that one, how many kids are injured doing this and that. The world feels so dangerous, so terrifying.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/9/2023 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
Why Do We Chase This?
It’s pretty widely agreed that too much of anything spoils a person. We read the cautionary tales of the rich families whose inheritance wrecks generations of offspring. We hear the sad stories of brothers and sisters torn apart trying to distribute their parents’ estate. Perhaps we look back on a childhood of our own, one where we wanted little in the material sense, but could have used a mom or a dad who was around more, who was tired less, who seemed to be so important to other people that they missed how important they were to us.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/8/2023 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
It’s A Bad Look
It never looks good when it comes to us via an ESPN headline or a viral tweet. Ja Morant’s dad getting into a fight at one of his son’s games. OBJ’s dad causing drama for his son’s team via Twitter. LaVar Ball making ridiculous pronouncements about his sons’ promise as athletes…and as entrepreneurs.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/7/2023 • 4 minutes, 16 seconds
We Are All Unprepared
In 1929, William Alexander Percy’s favorite cousin died. Then just a few years later, he lost his mother. Then his cousin’s wife died and he lost his own father. He had wanted to be a poet. He had hoped to spend his days traveling the world, practicing law, enjoying his family’s wealth. Yet the confirmed bachelor found himself compelled by circumstances to adopt his cousin’s three boys: Walker (14), LeRoy (13) and Phin (9).✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/6/2023 • 4 minutes, 14 seconds
Daily Dad On Saying No And Valuing Your Time
Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about why it's important to say no to things that you don't need to do, how important the time that you get to spend with your kids is, and more.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/4/2023 • 27 minutes, 30 seconds
The Only Thing To Get Put Out By
Jimmy Carter was a pretty buttoned up guy. He was known, even under the stress of the Oval Office, to be remarkably poised. The angriest an aide ever saw him though, came over a last minute scheduling change. It wasn’t the poor communication that bothered him. It wasn’t that he was going to be late–something the ever punctual Carter despised. It was because the secretary had bumped Carter’s plans to take his daughter to the circus.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/3/2023 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Don’t Get Caught Hanging Your Head
It’s one of the most beautiful and haunting songs ever recorded. The version written and recorded by Sting is pretty good, but the Johnny Cash version? It’s like he was meant to put that track down.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/2/2023 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Beware The Power You Wield
The things we say to our kids matter. The tone we use, the rules we enforce, the standards we hold them to–they feel it. They feel it profoundly. Kids always have and always will.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
3/1/2023 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Why This Is So Terrifying
As we said recently, the wonderful thing about parenting is that it opens you up. It expands your heart to a new capacity, a level you didn’t think possible. The problem, of course, is just how exposed this makes you feel.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/28/2023 • 4 minutes, 13 seconds
They Learned This Lesson For You
The comedian and actor Rob Delaney’s son Henry was healthy and beautiful, but then he got sick. Delaney and his wife Leah didn’t know what to do, so they took Henry to the doctor. It took a long time but eventually, the doctor found that Henry had a brain tumor. They operated on it, and he got better. But sadly the tumor took Henry’s life at just two years old.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/27/2023 • 5 minutes, 41 seconds
Daily Dad and David Rubenstein on Raising Happy and Healthy Kids
David M. Rubenstein is a successful entrepreneur and an innovative philanthropist.He is the co-founder and co-chairman of The Carlyle Group and host of “The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations” on Bloomberg TV. He is the the author of several books, including the best seller How to Lead: Wisdom from the World's Greatest CEOs, Founders, and Game Changers, and most recently, How to Invest: Masters of the Craft. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/25/2023 • 17 minutes, 19 seconds
Meet Them While There Is Still Time
In his book, The Vanishing American Adult, then-U.S. Senator Ben Sasse pondered what might strike a person from the distant past as odd about our modern society. Aside from the technology, he said, they’d notice the extreme age segregation. Invariably today we spend time almost exclusively with people our own age.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/24/2023 • 4 minutes, 2 seconds
Maybe You Were Saved
If you’re one of those kids who didn’t get everything you needed from your parents–and let’s face it, pretty much everyone is–you probably carry something with you as an adult today. Maybe you’re angry or sad. Wounded or resentful. You wonder what could have been, who you’d be, if they’d been around more…or been more patient…or loving…or understood you.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/23/2023 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Teach Them Real Class
Of course, we want our kids to have class. That is to say: A strong sense of decency and taste, restraint and grace, with a set of values that have become virtues by virtue of having consistently lived those values. The question is: How do you teach this? How do you pass on this sort of ineffable, effortless sense of self?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/22/2023 • 4 minutes, 30 seconds
You Must Make Time For This
When we have to go to the doctor, we make the time. If the check engine light comes on in our car, we get it to the shop. When we have some lucrative business opportunity, we find time to make it happen. Kids take up so much of our time, but there’s room–we always manage to make room.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/21/2023 • 4 minutes, 11 seconds
We Must Show Them That We Mean It
When she was 68 years old, Jimmy Carter’s mother joined the Peace Corps. She asked to be sent somewhere far away where they could use a nurse’s help, and she ended up in India for 21 months. She had spent nearly all of her life on a small farm in rural Georgia…and now she was thousands of miles away in the most foreign of lands, volunteering, serving others.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/20/2023 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Daily Dad on the Winter Storms and the Obligations of Success
On today's episode Ryan talks about a recent winter storm that came through Texas, how him and his family thought about it, how success changes your obligations to the common good, and more.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/18/2023 • 16 minutes, 54 seconds
Try To Be All In
Have you ever watched someone sit and play with a little kid for hours? Like totally engrossed, never checking a phone, never rushing, never getting bored or frustrated, never pulling the adult card? Maybe your spouse can do this, maybe you’ve seen a grandparent do it, maybe you’ve pulled up and watched the teachers at a daycare do it (or maybe you’ve watched them calmly, quietly put 10 kids down for a nap at the same time).✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/17/2023 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Do You Want To Lose This?
We talked recently about the costs of selfishness. Ego, narcissism, self-centeredness–it’s not only a recipe for inevitably overreaching in the professional world, it is a death sentence to personal relationships.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/16/2023 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
Never, Ever Forget This
Maybe you had a rough day with the kids. Or a tough day at the office. It’s in one of those moments you doubt whether you’re doing enough of this or that, or you’re left feeling jealous or unsatisfied. It’s in these moments you need to remember: “There are people who have seen their children die,” Mary Laura Philpont writes in her book Bomb Shelter.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/15/2023 • 3 minutes, 12 seconds
This Is Better Than I Love You
Of course, we try to tell our children we love them. Sometimes they receive it. Sometimes they roll their eyes. Sometimes–depending on how we grew up and what we saw from our parents–even just saying ‘I love you’ can be difficult or a stretch for us.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/14/2023 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
This Is What Is Making You So Stressed
Parenting and stress seem to just go together. Anxiety, concern, they follow too. There’s always something we are tracking, something we’re worried about. If our son’s grades don’t get better, it could mean he won’t get into college. It could be confirmation of that learning disability we’ve been told about. Your daughter was tired yesterday and now you just heard her sneeze–is she sick? Oh no, we cannot afford to get sick right now.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/13/2023 • 3 minutes, 55 seconds
Daily Dad On 'The Last Time'
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Ryan talks about how as parents we can get so caught up in raising the kids we forget to appreciate the little things. There will be a last time you get a call from the principal, the last time you pack a lunch, or drop them off at school; everything must come to an end. It is important to remain present and make the most of these moments, you never know when it will be the last time.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/11/2023 • 12 minutes, 51 seconds
They Must Learn Through Trail And Error
You can’t prevent your kids from making mistakes. Nor, honestly, should you really want to. You have to let them learn on their own. And you have to give them the space to do it. Knowing that you’ve instilled the character, the awareness, and the willingness to ask for help that they will need in order to bounce back from the mistakes they will inevitably make.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/10/2023 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Point Them Towards What They Can Change
We’d love to give our kids everything they want. We’d love to fulfill every wish and eliminate every inadequacy. We can’t. So we must focus on what we control, we must point them to what they control, what they can change, where their effort matters most.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/9/2023 • 3 minutes, 17 seconds
What Are You Teaching Them?
We can tell them now, we can tell them early, that we’d rather them develop themselves as people, find their project, find their people, than optimize themselves to win such a deranged competition. And we can remind them of that timeless Bible verse–the one that asks what good it is to gain the whole world (or anything)if you lose your soul in the process.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/8/2023 • 4 minutes, 41 seconds
It's Still Hard For Them
The good thing is that our kids are smarter and more resilient than we think. With time, they’ll come to understand that hey, we struggled with our issues too as parents, as adults. The fact that we weren’t always there or perfect? Hopefully they’ll realize and come to accept that it wasn’t because we didn’t love them.It was because we’re human! Just like them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/7/2023 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
So Little Is Left Over
Even when our kids get up early, we have, at most, a couple hours with them before school and work. Then after school or sports and work, we have what, maybe a couple more hours? Soon enough they’re asleep. It’s pretty sad when you think about it…which is probably why we don’t think about it.So little time is left for us. Don’t waste it. Seize it.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/6/2023 • 5 minutes, 33 seconds
Daily Dad And Scott Hershovitz On Being A Model Parent
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan sits down with Scott Hershovitz to discuss how we can become model parents. Rather than getting angry with our kids for acting out we can identify where our kids learn this behavior or why they're behaving in such a disruptive manner, ultimately this leads to our kids teaching us a lot about ourselves. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/4/2023 • 34 minutes, 2 seconds
This Is All That Matters
We need to deliberately let all the craziness and mundane tasks of life to fall away. Because all of those things that we allow to stick around, even if just in the background or further down the list, will inevitably steal from those few things we care about most.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/3/2023 • 2 minutes, 11 seconds
They Already Doubt Themselves Enough
It’s not that you don’t think they’re great or talented. You’re a big fan. You always have been. You know they can do it. You just worry. You just want them to be safe. You just want them to find what is actually best for them.Maybe they can make it. Maybe they can’t. All we can say for certain is that they’ll never know for sure if we don’t let them figure it out for themselves and support them along the way.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/2/2023 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Be More Than A Hero
From the outside, we can admire people. We can acknowledge and be inspired by their heroism, but we must still strive to learn from their failure to be great and be more than a good parent at the same time.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
2/1/2023 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
You're Stretched To A New Capactity
There’s no question that becoming a parent has stretched you beyond limits you ever thought possible. You are busier now than you ever were in your life. You manage to survive on less sleep than you ever thought humanly possible. You have been stressed, worried, upset in new ways and to new heights.Your kids have given you so much. They have quite nearly given you a heart attack on many occasions…but they compensate for this by giving you a much bigger heart. They stretch you, they expand you, they make you better.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/31/2023 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
How Have We Gotten So Far From This?
Remember: A little fellow follows you. Your kids are always watching. They’re the ones you should want to impress. They’re the ones you should never want to let down. They’re the ones you’re not only fighting for, but whose standards—whose natural admiration and love—you should always be fighting to live up to.They are the only ones whose opinions matter.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/30/2023 • 3 minutes, 21 seconds
Daily Dad On Delegating Time For A Successful Home Life
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan sits down with writing partner Nils to talk about the work life time management and how to balance their expectations to ensure they can get the most out of the moments they spend with those they love most. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/28/2023 • 20 minutes, 52 seconds
It's A Lie And An Excuse
A little fellow follows you, remember that. The decision to shut down emotionally doesn’t just impact you. The decision to overcommit. The decision to be gone. The decision to hold onto resentments. The decision not to take care of yourself. The decision to hold them to unfair standards, to belittle or to be mean.All of this matters. It matters more than anything.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/27/2023 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Give Them A Minute!
You missed them while they were away at school. You want to hang out with them. You want to be an attentive, interested parent. You want to make sure they’re alright–that there isn’t something they need to tell you. Let them decompress. Give them something to eat. Put on some music. Just be there. If you want to talk, maybe share with them something from your day or your life.Let them come to you.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/26/2023 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
The Block Doesn’t Always Chip
We want such big things for and from our kids. Because we know what they’re capable of. Because we have worked so hard to provide a better childhood for them than we had. Because we know the mistakes we made in our lives and want them to learn from them–to pick up where we left off. We also know what has served us well, what we are capable of.But the problem with that is this: Our kids are not us. It’s that simple. As much as they are like us in so many ways, they are their own people. They are so different from us.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/25/2023 • 4 minutes, 5 seconds
Does It Have To Be Hard To Be Your Kid?
Think about the life of Randolph Churchill, who we have talked about. Think about the life of Claudia Williams, the daughter of Ted Williams, who we’ve talked about. Think of Commodus, the son of Marcus Aurelius. These children were privileged in many ways—they had wealthy, powerful parents who gave them access to so many wonderful things.But surely if you’d have asked them, they’d have told you *just how hard it was* to be the child of someone like their parents.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/24/2023 • 4 minutes, 2 seconds
It's Always Been Like This
Out in the street, the kids are playing and screaming. They’re throwing balls and sharing toys. It’s noisy and insane, sweet and overwhelming. It’s always been crazy and hard and baffling. Yet people have figured it out, they’ve survived.And so will you.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/23/2023 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
Daily Dad On Making The Most Of Your Time With Your Kids
On this weekend of episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan shares a compilation of emails that help parents understand the importance of our time with our kids. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/21/2023 • 15 minutes, 44 seconds
You Must Learn To Measure Life On Different Terms
Douglas MacArthur seemed relatively accepting of his quiet, sensitive boy. It was undoubtedly MacArthur’s dream to see his son graduate from West Point and enter the service. That was never going to happen. So MacArthur had to adjust, like all fathers he had to accept “undeniable reality,”—something that could not have been easy for a man used to getting his way on a global scale.✉️ Want Stoic wisdom delivered to your inbox daily? Sign up for the FREE Daily Stoic email at🏛 Get Stoic inspired books, medallions, and prints to remember these lessons at the Daily Stoic Store:
1/20/2023 • 5 minutes, 57 seconds
Here's What Happens If You're Selfish
Each of us has dreams and demons, goals and baggage. Sometimes in equal measure, sometimes not–and not always in favor of the good stuff. We have trauma from our own childhood, things that we’re hooked on, bad habits, personality flaws. We have issues. At the same time, we have big, new, important things we want to do in this life–which we only have one of by the way.✉️ Want Stoic wisdom delivered to your inbox daily? Sign up for the FREE Daily Stoic email at🏛 Get Stoic inspired books, medallions, and prints to remember these lessons at the Daily Stoic Store:
1/19/2023 • 5 minutes, 43 seconds
Ask Them This Question Every Day
We’re always asking our kids questions. How was school? How did baseball practice go? Did you stay out of trouble? What did your teacher say about your math grade? Did you have fun with your friends?We ask these questions because we want to have something to talk about. We ask these questions because we’re concerned. We ask these questions because the answers matter to us. Our kids realize this.✉️ Want Stoic wisdom delivered to your inbox daily? Sign up for the FREE Daily Stoic email at🏛 Get Stoic inspired books, medallions, and prints to remember these lessons at the Daily Stoic Store:
1/18/2023 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
If Not Them, Who?
We do our best to be good citizens. Good colleagues. Good people. We don’t freak out like some demonic Karen in a viral video when something goes wrong at the supermarket. We follow the law. We help others when they need it. We try to practice the golden rule.Good. Good. Good. ✉️ Want Stoic wisdom delivered to your inbox daily? Sign up for the FREE Daily Stoic email at🏛 Get Stoic inspired books, medallions, and prints to remember these lessons at the Daily Stoic Store:
1/17/2023 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
It's Invisible Work
It would be nice if the work we did at home was as clear as the work we do at, well, work. At the office, the number of hours matters. At the office, you have metrics to hit. You have a quantifiable output. You have someone who can tell you–the boss, your customers–whether you’re doing a good job or not.But at home? With our kids? It’s so much trickier.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/16/2023 • 4 minutes, 10 seconds
Daily Dad On Demonstrating Valuable Lessons While On Vacation
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan shares a story from his Family trip to Hawaii over the holidays! Through this experience Ryan draws a lesson on the importance of Justice.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/15/2023 • 12 minutes, 51 seconds
What Schools Are Your Kids Attending?
What schools are your kids attending? No, not what college or prep school. This is more of a “school of life” question. Charis Denison, a relationship development and organizational specialist who works with a lot of young people, recently observed “At one time or another, every young man will get a letter of admission to ‘dick school.’ The question is, will he drop out, graduate, or go for an advanced degree?”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/13/2023 • 4 minutes, 12 seconds
Why You Can’t Compare Yourself To These People
These apps are designed to make you feel vulnerable, hook you, and sell you stuff. While that is great for the social media platforms, it’s not so great for your family. And it’s definitely not great for your mental health.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/12/2023 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
It's Afternoon Now
Don’t be sad. Don’t be delusional. Adjust. Accept. Appreciate. Because, as Lindbergh perfectly puts it, “in our breathless attempts we…miss the flowering that waits for afternoon.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/11/2023 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
Have Them To Teach Them
If we want kids who know their own space, know what’s appropriate and what isn’t, what will hurt other people and what brings a smile to someone’s face, then we’re going to have to show them. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/10/2023 • 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Why Not Get Better Here?
If the Stoics have taught us anything it is that we should focus only on the things we can control. We can control what kind of parents we are. We cannot control the outcome of our actions, of course, but we can control how we talk to our kids, how we raise them, how we discipline and reward them, what we expect from them, and what they can expect from us.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/9/2023 • 5 minutes, 1 second
Karen Duffy on Parenting With The Hand Your Dealt
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan sits down with former actress and stoic Karen Duffy to discuss her latest book stoic inspired parenting book Wise Up and the importance of valuing people and relationships. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/7/2023 • 36 minutes, 35 seconds
Remind Yourself What Love Is
There are few scenes in literature that capture love and loss and the terrifying but also inspiring moment of becoming a father quite like the end of A Farewell to Arms. And nothing quite captures love like this quote from it:“When you love, you wish to do things for. You wish to sacrifice for. You wish to serve.”✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/6/2023 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Let Them Write Their Own Script
It seems like it would be easy but as we have found out in the course of our own lives, it’s one of the hardest things in the world: Figuring out who you are, figuring out what your purpose is.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/5/2023 • 2 minutes, 59 seconds
Put Your Focus Here
You’re at the store and you see a parent talking rudely to their kids. Or letting them run around like it’s their house. You read some news story about some terrible parenting strategy that drives you nuts. Or maybe it’s closer to home and you don’t like how much time your spouse is spending on their phone.You know what you should do about this? You should focus on being a better parent yourself.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/4/2023 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
This Is What You'll Remember
It won’t be the recitals. Or the graduations. Or the expensive trips to theme parks. Or the birthdays or the Christmas mornings. When you think back on your life, the moments that fill you with nostalgia and love will be rather ordinary.We are just there. We don’t need it to be anything other than what it is…which is ordinary and extraordinary at the same time.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/3/2023 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Is This Really Something To Be Proud Of?
Some people’s houses look like they don’t even have kids. You see it on the Instagram accounts of the picture-perfect influencers. Or you go to a dinner party at a house that seems way nicer than yours. Where is the evidence of the kids? The mess. The piles of toys. The smudges on the windows and the walls. You know these people have kids, but somehow it looks like regular people live there instead of feral animals.Maybe this makes those parents proud. Maybe this makes you jealous or insecure.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
1/2/2023 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
Daily Dad On Maintaining Your Kids Presence
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan sits down with writing partner Nils to talk about how parents can get things wrong when it comes to maintaining a relationship with their kids and how they can end up driving them away when all they want is their presence. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/31/2022 • 12 minutes, 42 seconds
Your Kids Can Have A More Grateful Outlook
It’s important that you teach your kids about gratitude. Because it’s so easy to take life, to take the gifts we have been given, for granted. Especially when we’re stressed, when you’re a kid with homework or acne or a room to clean.This is a wonderful time to be alive. Even if it wasn’t—it’s amazing that any of us are alive at all. The odds are astronomically small that we are.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/30/2022 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Everyone Needs This
Regardless of what some people say, it never hurts to give your kids a positive word, or to tell them that you love them and are proud of them. In fact, that’s our job. Our job is to encourage and support and believe–not minimize or cut down to size. It’s to help them be what they are. They need that, from you most of all. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/29/2022 • 4 minutes, 46 seconds
How Much Do You Want It
Every parent knows that kids make a great excuse. When people ask us to do something we’d rather not do, if we need a way to get out of a commitment we mistakenly agreed to, we have the perfect out: Sorry, something came up with the kids. Sorry, I can’t, I have to grab the kids.If we’d actually wanted to, we’d have found a way. But they don’t know that!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/28/2022 • 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Demand The Best Of Yourself For Them
This is that weird time of year where we start to think about how we want the following year to go. We start thinking about what we call “resolutions”—the promises we make to ourselves about what we’re going to do in the next 12 months.Why is it that we wait to demand the best for and of ourselves?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/27/2022 • 3 minutes, 25 seconds
They're Not Trying To Give You A Hard Time
It can sometimes feel like everything is falling apart. No one is behaving. No one is listening. Everyone is yelling. Causing problems. Making messes.In exasperation you find yourself shouting What is going on? Why is everyone giving me such a hard time today?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/26/2022 • 3 minutes, 38 seconds
This Is A Gift You Can Give Yourself (And Your Family)
Here on Christmas, and throughout this holiday season, take some time to think about what it will take to have that. Think about the choices you’re making with your kids now so that they’ll choose to fly from their homes to yours when they’re older and have families of their own. Think about the gifts you have to give them today—your love, your support, your presence—to receive the gift of a crowded table in the future.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/25/2022 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
Daily Dad On How To Form Good Habits For The New Year
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Podcast Ryan shares a compilation of his best thoughts on how to form the best habits from this past year. Ranging from journaling, rules and expectations, and how to cultivate good physical and mental health, Ryan provides these excerpts to help prep you for what parenting in 2023 will bring you. Sign Up For New Year New You Challenge Here!✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/24/2022 • 15 minutes, 11 seconds
Those Impactful Moments Can Come Any Time
When we think teacher, we think classroom. When we think leader, we think the corner office or the lectern or a general in front of their troops. But the truth is that a teacher can do their job anywhere and in many forms, just as a leader can.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/23/2022 • 3 minutes, 1 second
We Are All The Same
Nobody wants to be like their parents…or like the adults they remember growing up. The ones who were clueless…or uncool. The ones who seemed to forget what it was like to be a kid. The ones who rhapsodized about the good old days and the way things used to be.But here’s the cold hard truth: You’re not different.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/22/2022 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
This Is Criminal
You weren’t the parent you wanted to be in 2022. You weren’t the person you wanted to be in 2022. Almost no one was. And anyone who thinks or says they were is lying.None of us were perfect. We all screwed up. We all back-slid. We all picked up bad habits. And as a parent, that means our kids picked up those bad habits too. Because, as we’ve said before, behavior is the language of children.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/21/2022 • 5 minutes, 23 seconds
This is Why They’re A Mess
Nobody’s listening. Everyone is grouchy. Grades are slipping. Siblings are fighting. What is happening, one spouse says to another. Why are the kids such a mess today?The answer is there in plain sight: The kids are a mess because *things are a mess.*✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/20/2022 • 1 minute, 54 seconds
Don't Merge Like This
We encourage our children. We want to set them up to succeed. But we can’t merge their glory into our own. We can’t let them think they have to impress us, make us proud, or worry that they have let us down or failed us.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/19/2022 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
How Past Grievances Affects Parenting With Susan Cain
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan speaks with Susan Cain about parental relationships, not just with their children but their own parents and how past grievances can influence your role as a guardian.Susan Cain is a long time friend of Ryan, she also is the author of the bestsellers “Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverted Kids,” and “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can't Stop Talking,” which is in its eighth year on The New York Times bestseller list and was named the best book of 2012 by Fast Company.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/17/2022 • 22 minutes, 30 seconds
This Is The Best Competition
Way too many parents are competitive. They see the car their neighbor is driving and they want to get a better one. They hear that a friend’s kid got into a fancy school and they think, “My kid is smarter. I’ve got to get them in there too.” We want to make more money than other parents, we want our kids tobeat other kids in sports, we want our kids to be cuter than other kids, we want our houses to be cleaner.Needless to say, this is mostly toxic and negative. Where should we channel it?📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/16/2022 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
Show Them How To Be Beautiful
Epictetus said that the root of beauty was beautiful choices. “If your choices are beautiful,” he said, “so too will you be.”It’s simple and it’s true. You are what your choices make you, nothing more and nothing less.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/15/2022 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
Where Did They Learn It From?
We’re rightfully disappointed when we hear about a kid getting caught cheating. Whether it’s on a test or a violation of some NCAA policy, it’s good that we take these things seriously. The problem, of course, is the lack of self-awareness–on our parts. We must ask ourselves where did they learn this from?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/14/2022 • 4 minutes, 1 second
Everyone Has Something Going On?
We all know how hard our home life is, we know how it affects us–weighing on us, distracting us, making us act out. Well, we can safely assume that the same is true for everyone else. So we should then act with the corresponding empathy and understanding.Everyone is going through something. They don’t need more crap from you.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/13/2022 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Soon It Will Be Gone
It’s a haunting thought that, in the busyness and day-to-dayness of parenting, we can so easily forget the little things. The chubby hands of our toddler. The squeaky voice of our teenager. The clear skin of our little boy or girl. The days when we could easily pick them up and carry them. The days when they needed us to drive them around or make their Halloween costumes.That will soon be gone.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/12/2022 • 4 minutes, 25 seconds
Managing Screen Time and Getting Kids Outside With Steven Rinella
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan talks to Steven Rinella about his new book Outdoor Kids in an Inside World: Getting Your Family Out of the House and Radically Engaged with Nature (which you can pick up at the Painted Porch), making sure your kids aren't spending too much time on screens, and how to find the right balance between pursuing your purpose and spending time with family. Steven is a conservationist and host of his own show MeatEater. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/11/2022 • 26 minutes, 30 seconds
They Deserve To Know Before It's Too Late
It’s a story as old as fatherhood itself. The son or daughter kills themselves to win the approval of their dad, which never seems to come. There is pain, resentment, bewilderment. I have worked so hard to make you proud, am I just not enough? Only at the end, or after the parent’s death, is it revealed: The child had the thing they wanted all along. They just never knew.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/9/2022 • 4 minutes, 29 seconds
Be Careful Of Telling Them To Be Careful
You’re just trying to keep them safe. You’re just trying to help them. You’re just trying to look out for them. So you say or scream or text.Be careful!But you know what you’re really doing?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/8/2022 • 3 minutes, 31 seconds
These Are Wonderful Sounds
One thing that hits you from the very first moments of being a parent is the noise. Your children come out screaming and they don’t stop. It makes you realize how quiet life was before—a quiet you will never know again, except for those few odd hours in a hotel room on a business trip and the precious evening hours between their bedtime and yours. However, we must hear every one of these wonderful sounds. We must appreciate what each one represents and says to us. We must listen to them.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/7/2022 • 4 minutes, 12 seconds
Don't Be A Ghost
You work hard. It keeps you busy. You are trying to provide for a family after all–to keep them safe and secure, so they never have to want or go without. That’s why you come home late, after they’re all asleep. That’s what has you rising early and heading to the airport, before anyone has stirred.It’s beautiful. It’s inspiring. It’s your job. It’s also sad. Very sad. And very easily the sign of something very broken.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/6/2022 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
This Will Make Your Life (And Kids) Better
It’s not easy, this thing we’re trying to do. You’d think it would be: Billions of people have done it through history and the survival of our genes literally depends on it…yet here we are struggling. In need of all the help we can get.Today, we wanted to put together a list of stuff that has been of use to us here at Daily Dad over the years. Some books. Some items to carry with you or to keep on your desk. Some make for great holiday gifts. Some you might want to share with new or expecting parents.Check them out…and share them if they work.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/5/2022 • 7 minutes, 27 seconds
5 Parenting Don'ts
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad Ryan compiles advice from his Daily Dad newsletter, podcasts, and interviews to share a highlight reel of 5 Parenting Don'ts. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/3/2022 • 16 minutes, 1 second
Why Don't You Put That Energy Here?
The Stoics remind us not only to focus on what’s in our control, but specifically in regards to aggravating people, they tell us that the best revenge is to not be like them. Don’t be angry. Live well. Don’t get sucked into a negative world, commit more deeply to a positive world that you do control–the one you live in with your family. The one where your children will not exist forever—so enjoy it now while you can.Put that energy where it counts. Put it where it makes you better.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/2/2022 • 3 minutes, 27 seconds
How To Be The Greatest Ever
We’ve said before: kids do well when they can. When you give them the opportunity, kids generally do the right thing. You don’t have to scream. You don’t have to force them to do their homework. You just have to give them the opportunity to show you they know what’s right…sometimes they just need one more chance to get there.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
12/1/2022 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Aren't You A Little Old For That?
When our kids mess up we say: Aren’t you a little old for that? And we have all sorts of rules of thumb for what things are age appropriate or not—what age they should stop having accidents, what age they should stop throwing a tantrum just because they’re tired, what age it stops being okay for other people to have to pick up after them.You’re too old to act this way. It’s time to grow up.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/30/2022 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
What's More Important?
It’s strange. The things we’re upset about–with our spouses, with our children, with our siblings. They feel like they matter so much in the moment. With time or distance though, these feelings always fade. And what’s left when we’ve acted on them? When we let them get the better of us in the moment? Sheepishness. Regret. Damage that cannot be undone.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/29/2022 • 3 minutes, 34 seconds
You Gotta Be Delicate About These Things
It’s the moment we dread. Our son is dating someone we know is bad for them. Our daughter is about to change college majors and throw away years of work. Our toddler has started biting or hitting or shouting some curse words.We have to think about correcting behavior as nudging our children, not forcing them. We have to persuade, not overpower.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/28/2022 • 4 minutes, 20 seconds
Knowing When To Take A Break
On this weekend episode of The Daily Dad Ryan talks about being an "activity addict" and how he and his wife balance knowing when it's time to just rest. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/26/2022 • 17 minutes, 21 seconds
How To Raise Generous Kids
You want to raise kids who aren’t entitled. Who are self-sufficient. Who are decent and kind, part of the solutions not the problems of the world and of their generation. Successful or struggling, you want your kids to be generous. With their time, with their money, with their talents. Rather than let the Black Friday spirit of materialism and selfishness infect us, let us contribute to something bigger than ourselves. Let us be good Stoics today, just head over to—together we can contribute a small amount to help fight a big problem.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/25/2022 • 5 minutes, 42 seconds
Why We Should Always Be Grateful
Today and always we should be grateful. To choose resentment or envy, bitterness or fear, anxiety or anger–because your flight was delayed? Because your band teacher is a jerk? Because your marriage fell apart? This is to spit in the face of so many people who have so much less.Gratitude, always. That is the way.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTubeWe are thankful today and every day for all of you. Thank you for being a part of the Daily Dad community!
11/24/2022 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
What Values Are You Rewarding?
Pretty much every parent wants to raise kids who turn out to be good people. So it's important to show them that moral excellence is what matters. That being a good person is not just what you pay lip service to, but what you are always thinking about.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/23/2022 • 4 minutes, 44 seconds
You Don't Have To Be Perfect
We sweat so much. Whether we’re on our phone too much, when we could (and should) be playing with our kids. Whether their lunch yesterday was perfect. Whether we attend every dance recital and graduation. Whether we’re doing enough. Whether they’ll hate us forever for not letting them go to this school trip or that sleepover. Whether they’re scarred forever because we lost our temper or forgot something they needed or couldn’t afford something they wanted because everyone else has one.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/22/2022 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
You're Lying To Yourself If You Think This Works
Your son failed a test. He hit his brother. Your daughter forgot to do her homework. She scratched your car and lied about it. They are acting insane and you need it to stop. You just desperately want them to grasp the stakes of what’s happening.So you yell. You threaten timeout. You threaten to ground them. You don’t hold back. But it doesn’t work. Of course, it doesn’t work.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/21/2022 • 4 minutes, 11 seconds
How to Adjust to Growing Pains
On this weekend episode of The Daily Dad Ryan riffs about how he handled his kids outgrowing their stroller and his clever way to get them excited about exercising. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/19/2022 • 11 minutes, 48 seconds
You Can't Form A Picture
As it happens, this is good advice for fathers as well. It’s easy to go into it thinking that you know. Because you’ve read the books. Because you’re on your third kid now and have it handled. Because you and your spouse have a plan for how to do it all right. And then guess what? Unavoidable reality quickly humbles anyone with this kind of certainty.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/18/2022 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Your Little Guy and Gals
Across cultures, across generations, across politics and moments in time, this having kids thing–it just cuts through everything. You probably know very little about the Easter Uprising in Ireland. You don’t have to know who Michael Mallin was. You don’t have to know what motivated him to join an armed revolution against the British. You don’t have to know what he did as one of its leaders.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/17/2022 • 5 minutes, 52 seconds
Wait and See
You’re pretty sure you know what’s best for your kids. You’re sure something they are considering is a bad idea. You’re sure they shouldn’t drop out of school. You’re sure they shouldn’t hang out with that kid. You’re sure they should take this job instead of that one. And usually you’re right. Usually, you know better.But do you know best? Really? How can you be so sure?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/16/2022 • 4 minutes, 1 second
Always Look For This
It can feel like there is never enough time as a parent. And it’s true, there isn’t…yet part of this is our fault. As Seneca would say, it’s not just that life is short, it's that we waste a lot of it.As parents we have to look for opportunities to save time…so we can spend more of it with the people we love.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/15/2022 • 2 minutes, 56 seconds
You’ll Want To Know You Were Here
We’ve said before that parenting is a grind. It’s exhausting. It can all seem so humdrum, even a burden. Staying up with an overtired toddler. Staying up until curfew to check on a teenager. There will come a time that you’ll look back on even the most difficult moments of this journey and be nostalgic for it.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/14/2022 • 4 minutes, 59 seconds
Surprising Lessons From A Trip To Disneyland
On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan recaps his trip to Disneyland with his family and how he was able to teach his kids about the importance of gratitude. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/12/2022 • 18 minutes, 54 seconds
Are You Helping Them Build Their Reading Muscles
It’s interesting to think about the steady decline in expectations for our kids when it comes to reading. Sure, we want them to be able to read earlier than ever, but what about what they read?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/11/2022 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Teach Them The Ideals Of A Rare Spirit
You wouldn’t think of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius as a parenting book.The former Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said all entrepreneurs, economists and politicians should read Meditations (and several American presidents have too). General James Mattis said every soldier should read Meditations. Actors recommend it to others in show business. Athletes recommend it to others in sports. Writers recommend it to other writers. Founders recommend it to others setting out to start a business.But every parent should read it too.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/10/2022 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
You're Lucky They're Born Now
This seems like such a fraught moment in time. There was a pandemic. There’s been civil unrest. It feels like institutions are falling apart. Naturally, this scares us as parents. We’d like to look at the world before us is with fear and anger. But there's another way: gratitude, and determination.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/9/2022 • 4 minutes, 28 seconds
Are You Doing This For Them?
Today is Election Day in America (and countries all over the world will have theirs sometime soon). If you don’t vote, if you can’t be bothered to participate, then how can you say you really want your kids to have a better life? How can you really say you’d do anything to protect them?Do this for them. It’s literally the least you can do.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/8/2022 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
It’s Easy Until It Happens To You
Each of us goes into this with opinions–so many opinions. Not just about parenting but about other parents. Parents who let their kids have lots of screentime. Parents of kids with “ADHD.” Divorced parents. Parents who ply their kids with soda and sugary cereals to get them to behave. Because we think we know better, or at least we’re confident that we know “the right way” to do things.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/7/2022 • 4 minutes, 45 seconds
Daily Dad on How Life Can Pull You Away From What Truly Matters
Ryan talks about a recent chaotic travel week when he was reminded about how easily life can take you away from what actually matters.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Check out the Daily Dad Store 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/5/2022 • 14 minutes, 13 seconds
Fatherhood Is Not Babysitting
You’re not a babysitter. You’re not some lesser figure in your kids’ lives. When you are with them—and when you are not with them—you’re their father. That matters. It’s an important job, one that you should take seriously and never demean (and not let others demean, either). You’re doing it because you love it, because you get something out of it, and you know what kind of impact it has.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/4/2022 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
How To Shape Yourself and Your Kids
The famous screenwriter’s maxim is “show don’t tell.” Marcus Aurelius said it’s a waste of time to speculate or argue about what makes a good man, a good athlete, a good teammate, a good parent. Our job, he said, was to be one. We can have great conversations. We can give them a great lecture. But what matters is what we model.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/3/2022 • 4 minutes
Don't Let Them Steal This
Not every parent is a public figure, but each of us are constrained by the same amount of finite energy. And it could be argued that in a world of social media, we do have a presence on platforms with the potential to expose us to endless amounts of people who disagree or dislike us.The question is: Are you going to get bogged down by this or ignore it?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/2/2022 • 4 minutes, 12 seconds
It Takes A Team
It’s impossible to do this all, isn’t it? We have all the tasks, responsibilities, and aspirations we’ve always had–eating and sleeping and working and paying our taxes and taking out the trash and following our dreams–but now we have little people to care for on top of all that. Little helpless people with infinite needs. How can we do it all?✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
11/1/2022 • 4 minutes, 9 seconds
Teach Them About This Choice
Michael Lewis tells the story of a coach named Jack Kenney who changed his life. One morning at an overnight tennis camp, all the campers stormed the dining hall to try to get their favorite box of cereal. The options ranged from Froot Loops every kid likes to the dark bran stuff no kid likes.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/31/2022 • 4 minutes, 27 seconds
Managing Opposing Parenting Opinions and Expectations
On this weekend's episode of Daily Dad Ryan chats with his writing partner Nils Parker about different parenting topics and how to respond to outsider opinions and parenting expectations. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/29/2022 • 24 minutes, 55 seconds
It’s The Work That Matters
The great physicist Richard Feynman had a father who instilled his brilliant son with an interesting perspective about the world. Sitting down, he would lay the newspaper out on the table and ask his boy questions about what they saw and read. Once, when they came upon a photo of the Pope blessing a group of believers, Richard’s father asked his son if he knew the difference between the Pope and his followers. And then, before Richard could answer, he said, “The difference is the hat. He is wearing a hat.” His dad would repeat the same exercise whether it was a photo of a general with stars on their collar or a wealthy executive with an expensive suit.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/28/2022 • 5 minutes, 3 seconds
It’s Ok To Have Conditions
Your job is to be a fan of your kids. We’ve said this before. Your job is to help them become who they are. We’ve said that too. Your job is to help them find “their project,” their “life’s task.” We’ve said all that, and hopefully you’ve gotten the message.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/27/2022 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
You Have to See This
We talked recently about this choice we have as parents–about what we choose to see. Just like everyone has the choice to see the cup as half full or half empty, as parents we have a lot of power over the lens that we bring to each parenting situation, each crisis, each potential frustration.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/26/2022 • 4 minutes, 45 seconds
That They Scared You Is Not An Excuse
Any parent can tell you, the maddest they ever got at your kids is not because they did something to pissed you off or hurt your feelings. It was because they scared you. By running away in a parking lot. By getting caught with some dangerous drugs. By not coming home at curfew. By playing with something you told them they could never touch without an adult present.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/25/2022 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
Rare Doesn’t Mean It Doesn’t Happen
We must take two seemingly contradictory facts seriously at the same time. The first is that many parents are way too risk averse, overwhelmed by anxieties and worries about incredibly rare or unlikely dangers. The second is that, to paraphrase the writer Morgan Housel, things that never happen, happen all the time.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/24/2022 • 6 minutes, 18 seconds
Kids Don't Care About Your Accomplishments
On this weekend's episode Ryan shares his youngest son's reaction to his book making the New York Times Best Seller list, diving into what kids truly care about when it comes to your role as a parent.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/22/2022 • 16 minutes, 6 seconds
What is Your Ego Distracting You From?
We live in a world awash with ego. We see it every day. We can see the ego of our boss, and how it has turned the office against them. We can see ego in politicians and professional athletes. We can see it in our kid’s teacher, perhaps, when they get in some pissing match with another parent or are threatened by a precious student. As they get older, we can even see ego in our own kids—thinking they can ace a test without studying or advance in sports without practicing.✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/21/2022 • 5 minutes, 17 seconds
Never Blame Your Kids
In 2021, in the midst of a terrible storm that not only killed hundreds of Texans but left millions without power, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz fled the state for the warmer weather of Mexico. It was, of course, a shameful abdication of leadership and responsibility that surprised absolutely no one who knows anything about Ted Cruz, especially members of his own party. If that wasn’t enough, Cruz would then break another cardinal rule of parenting: He threw his kids under the bus, trying to make the whole thing sound like it was his young daughters’ idea.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/20/2022 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Everybody Has Something
We would love for our kids to be perfect. To not just be born with ten fingers and ten toes, but flawless genetics and impeccable luck so nothing bad ever happens to them, so they are never sick and never in pain. However, the inevitable is true: everyone has something. 📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/19/2022 • 4 minutes, 50 seconds
Which Type Will You Be?
The story of George Washington and the cherry tree is not a true one. It is also, as we’ve written here before, not a story whose moral is about lying. It’s actually about the complex relationship between a parent and a child, one where the child trusts the parent enough to tell the truth, even when they have done wrong, and a parent who respects their child enough not to punish this kind of honesty.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/18/2022 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
What Will You See?
There’s so much we don’t control as parents. We don’t control what’s happening in the world. We don’t control what our kids are going through. We don’t even really control what they do–not as much as we’d like to think anyway. But the one thing we do control, the Stoics would say, is how we choose to look at things. We choose what handle we grab in each situation, the story we tell ourselves about it.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/17/2022 • 4 minutes, 32 seconds
Daily Dad on Staying Present with the Kids When Traveling for Work
Daily Dad on Staying Present with the Kids When Traveling for WorkRyan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the impact traveling for work can have on the relationship with your kids and spouse. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Check out the Daily Dad Store 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/15/2022 • 26 minutes, 49 seconds
It’s Never Too Late to Be a Good Father
Ted Williams was not a good father—at least not for most of his life. He was a great baseball player, but for a long time, he was a really selfish and ruthless person. He came from a horrible, abusive childhood himself and struggled to find the ability to love and care about anyone, including himself. It was like his own childhood prepared him to be a kind of lone wolf, a machine designed to do one thing really well (and caring about other people was not that thing).📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/14/2022 • 4 minutes, 36 seconds
The Little Things You Have To Do (That They Won’t Even Notice)
📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTubeWe do all sorts of things for our kids. We make grand gestures and do small favors. We clothe them and make sure their favorite pants are clean for Spirit Day. We feed them and make sure their favorite snack is in their lunch box. We get up in the middle of the night to go pick them up if they call, and we stay up into the night when they don’t. We’d sell our kidney if they needed it, and we’ll mortgage our house for their college tuition.
10/13/2022 • 4 minutes, 19 seconds
Is This What You Want Them To Say?
By now you might have already seen the viral obituary that a son published in Jacksonville, FL earlier this summer. “Lawrence H Pfaff Sr. was born in Belmont, NY, on April 16, 1941,” it reads. “He passed away on June 27, 2022, living a long life, much longer than he deserved.” The searing obituary goes on to describe a philanderer, a liar, a flake, a disgraced cop, a narcissist, an abusive drunk, and an absentee father.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/12/2022 • 4 minutes, 2 seconds
Questions Deserve Answers
Kids are curious. Most adults aren’t. How does that happen? Most kids stop being curious because the adults around them weren’t curious. The trait wasn’t encouraged…so it disappeared.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/11/2022 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
The Most Wonderful Things in the Most Wonderful Time
Yes, it is terribly difficult. And stressful. And expensive. And overwhelming–physically, emotionally, even sonically. Noises. Demands. Unfixable problems. Not nearly enough sleep.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Want Stoic wisdom delivered to your inbox daily? Sign up for the FREE Daily Stoic email at📱 Follow us: Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook
10/10/2022 • 4 minutes, 30 seconds
The Best Way To Lead Your Kids I Robert Greene Parenting Advice
On today’s episode of the podcast best selling author Robert Greene explains the importance of setting a good example for your kids. 📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/8/2022 • 8 minutes, 4 seconds
Be Proud of What You Created
Who among us is not insecure? We look around and see people who make more money. Who have bigger houses. Who have accomplished more than we have. This insecurity is compounded by social media, but it is also timeless. There’s a story that Julius Caesar once stood in front of a statue of Alexander the Great. At the age Caesar was at that moment, Alexander the Great had already conquered the world. By comparison, Caesar had done almost nothing.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/7/2022 • 4 minutes, 58 seconds
Teach Them To Go Find It
A young Kwame Onwuachi was cooking with his mother in their apartment in The Bronx when suddenly the apartment was overwhelmed by a strange smell. As he would write in his memoir, the, “thick fragrant smell of curry came on so strong both of us stopped what we were doing and looked up.” But it wasn’t actually the smell that he remembered. It was what his mother did next.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/6/2022 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
See It This Way Now
All good things come to an end. The same goes for some things you might not think of as good. Your kids waking up in the middle of the night. The fights between siblings. The call from the police station about your teenager. The financial dependence.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/5/2022 • 3 minutes, 19 seconds
It Takes Discipline
In the 1960s, the young poet Diane di Prima was at one of those legendary Beat parties that movies are made of. Everyone was there. There were drugs and ideas and romances. Jack Keroauc was there, holding court. And yet, di Prima got up to leave and go home early.📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/4/2022 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
In The Hall, It is The Enemy
📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/3/2022 • 5 minutes, 18 seconds
Daily Dad and Austin Kleon on Raising Kids as a Creative Person
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks to author Austin Kleon about how to balance being creative with being a parent.📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
10/1/2022 • 23 minutes, 40 seconds
Don’t Forget to Schedule Time for This
📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/30/2022 • 4 minutes, 22 seconds
Try To Think About How You’d Feel
📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/29/2022 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
You Have To Help Them Here
📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is available now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/28/2022 • 5 minutes, 4 seconds
Let Them Decide
📕 Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" is available now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/27/2022 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Find Where They Know More Than You
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/26/2022 • 4 minutes, 19 seconds
Daily Dad on the Importance of Personal Awareness
Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the importance of personal awareness.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Melin is giving our an exclusive offer of 20% off your first order! Go to and use code DAILYDAD for 20% off If melin doesn’t become your new favorite hat, send it back for a full refund.LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the candidates you want to talk to, faster. Did you know every week, nearly 40 million job seekers visit LinkedIn? Post your job for free at📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/24/2022 • 19 minutes, 52 seconds
Do Your Kids Have This?
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/23/2022 • 3 minutes, 48 seconds
Who do You Wish Your Parents Were?
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/22/2022 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
Have You Really Understood This?
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/21/2022 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
Your Kids Are Not Keeping Score
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/20/2022 • 3 minutes, 29 seconds
It’s Good When They’re Bad
Of course no one likes it when their children misbehave. Whether it’s the defiant toddler in the grocery store or the teenager speaking to you rudely, not only do we not like these behaviors, we take them as indictments of our capacity as parents. Clearly they don’t respect us. Clearly they don’t listen. Clearly we’re failing.📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/19/2022 • 3 minutes, 53 seconds
Daily Dad on Making the Most of Every Day
Ryan talks about the stresses of parenting and how to remain grateful for the time that you have with your kids.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.This episode is sponsored by BetterHELP. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/17/2022 • 12 minutes, 31 seconds
When it Comes to Parenting, the Stakes Couldn’t be Higher
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/16/2022 • 3 minutes
This is What It Takes To Thrive
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/15/2022 • 1 minute, 25 seconds
When Should We Quit?
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/14/2022 • 4 minutes, 21 seconds
They Need Windows
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/13/2022 • 3 minutes, 17 seconds
Make Sure They’re Busy Doing This
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/12/2022 • 4 minutes, 1 second
Why I Pick up Trash at the Beach
On this episode of the podcast Ryan reads his recent article about picking up trash on the beach and the reward that comes from it.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/10/2022 • 13 minutes, 9 seconds
Slow Down or You’ll Miss This Gift
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/9/2022 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
Other People Have Trouble Too
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/8/2022 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Don’t Wish Away A Minute Of It
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/7/2022 • 4 minutes, 32 seconds
Help Them Find Their People
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/6/2022 • 3 minutes, 1 second
It’s All a Tricky Balance
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/5/2022 • 5 minutes, 17 seconds
Daily Dad on Consumer Culture and Knowing What to Keep
Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the impact of consumer culture on family life.Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.This episode is sponsored by BetterHELP. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/3/2022 • 19 minutes, 55 seconds
The Real Solution to Most Parenting Problems
Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/2/2022 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
What Does This Say About School?
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
9/1/2022 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Don’t Help Them Become Who You Were
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Greens is going to give you a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/31/2022 • 4 minutes, 27 seconds
Again, Which Will You Be?
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/30/2022 • 2 minutes, 3 seconds
Let Them Do Dangerous Things Carefully
📕Pre-order Ryan Holiday's new book "Discipline Is Destiny" and get exclusive pre-order bonuses at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/29/2022 • 4 minutes, 50 seconds
Daily Dad on Keeping Your Kids Safe
Ryan talks about the vacation that he and his family recently went on in Florida, the protective measures that you should take to make sure your kids are safe, and more.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Athletic Greens is going to give you a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/27/2022 • 19 minutes, 30 seconds
Kids See Through To What Matters
LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the candidates you want to talk to, faster. Did you know every week, nearly 40 million job seekers visit LinkedIn? Post your job for free at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/26/2022 • 4 minutes
Did It Bring You Closer Together?
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8/25/2022 • 1 minute, 55 seconds
This is When You Are Happiest
Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/24/2022 • 4 minutes, 13 seconds
Teach Them To Be Bigger
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8/23/2022 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Give Them An Enormous Kingdom
Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/22/2022 • 4 minutes, 28 seconds
Daily Dad on the Vulnerability of Parenting
Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the vulnerabilities that parenting opens you up to.Pair Eyewear’s base frame and magnetic top frame combination makes it easy to switch up your style. Go to for 15% off your first purchase.Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the candidates you want to talk to, faster. Did you know every week, nearly 40 million job seekers visit LinkedIn? Post your job for free at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/20/2022 • 21 minutes
Teach Them It's Figureoutable
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8/19/2022 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
Let Them Know This
Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/18/2022 • 4 minutes, 11 seconds
The Two Most Important Skills To Teach Your Kids
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8/17/2022 • 3 minutes, 3 seconds
Make Them Prove It
This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/16/2022 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
We Have The Strangest Priorities
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8/15/2022 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Daily Dad on Vaccinating Kids and COVID-19
Ryan talks about his youngest son getting vaccinated, why we should serve the common good, how to think about vaccines, and more.Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.This episode is sponsored by BetterHELP. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at Products will help you perform better, sharpen your mind and get consistent, quality sleep. Go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout to get 15% off.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/13/2022 • 22 minutes, 19 seconds
Your Kids are Not a Reflection of You
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8/12/2022 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
Teach Them How To Play Ball
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8/11/2022 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
What You Can’t Give Them, This Can
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8/10/2022 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
Have You Done This?
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8/9/2022 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Teach Them To Care Like This
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8/8/2022 • 5 minutes, 43 seconds
Daily Dad on Setting the Right Example for your Family
Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils parker on today’s episode of the Daily Dad Podcast.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.NED Products will help you perform better, sharpen your mind and get consistent, quality sleep. Go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout to get 15% off.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/6/2022 • 16 minutes, 59 seconds
It’s Time To Look in the Mirror
Athletic Greens is going to give you a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/5/2022 • 3 minutes, 57 seconds
It’s Good Practice
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8/4/2022 • 2 minutes, 12 seconds
You Can’t Force It
InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/3/2022 • 3 minutes, 44 seconds
Never, Ever, Ever, Ever Do This
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/2/2022 • 4 minutes, 10 seconds
Don't Give Them An Ego
This episode is sponsored by BetterHELP. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
8/1/2022 • 4 minutes, 15 seconds
Daily Dad and Tony Gonzalez on Balancing Work and Family
Ryan and Tony Gonzalez talk about the tension between reaching for ambitious goals while still being a good parent and partner, why you have to choose between family, work and scene, how to do great work and still be a great parent, and more.Tony Gonzalez is regarded as one of the greatest tight ends of all time. He spent his first 12 seasons with the Kansas City Chiefs, who selected him in the first round of the 1997 NFL Draft. During his last five seasons, he was a member of the Atlanta Falcons. Since retiring in 2013, Gonzalez has served as an analyst for Fox Sports.Athletic Greens is going to give you a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/30/2022 • 18 minutes, 32 seconds
Don’t Give Them an Ego
InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/29/2022 • 4 minutes, 15 seconds
Don’t Make Them Fit In
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7/28/2022 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
Be A Gardener
NED Products will help you perform better, sharpen your mind and get consistent, quality sleep. Go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout to get 15% off.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/27/2022 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
How You Do It Is How They Will
🎓 Inspired by these last few difficult years, we’ve assembled the best Stoic wisdom into an actionable course—Slay Your Stress: A Daily Stoic Challenge. The new 20-day challenge, which includes 6 new days, is designed to equip you with the strategies and mindsets needed to reclaim your life from the negative effects of stress and anxiety. This will be a live course. Beginning on July 26, all participants will move through the course together at the same pace. Registration is open and will be for five more days. Registration will close tonight at MIDNIGHT. Sign up for Slay Your Stress Now.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/26/2022 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
Try This At Dinner
Pair Eyewear’s base frame and magnetic top frame combination makes it easy to switch up your style. Go to for 15% off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/25/2022 • 3 minutes, 51 seconds
Daily Dad on Teaching Kids to be Open Minded
On this episode of the podcast Ryan talks about the recent “Drag Storytime” event that took place at the Painted Porch Bookshop in Bastrop, Texas.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.This episode is sponsored by BetterHELP. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at’InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/23/2022 • 15 minutes, 47 seconds
Your Kids are Not a Reflection of You
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/22/2022 • 4 minutes, 13 seconds
Teach Them To Be Particular
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7/21/2022 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Give Them This Compass
Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/20/2022 • 4 minutes, 46 seconds
We Are All Complicated
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7/19/2022 • 2 minutes, 11 seconds
Always Come Right Back
InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/18/2022 • 3 minutes, 37 seconds
Daily Dad on the Importance of Personal Awareness
Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils parker on today’s episode of the Daily Dad Podcast.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.NED Products will help you perform better, sharpen your mind and get consistent, quality sleep. Go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout to get 15% off.InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Pair Eyewear’s base frame and magnetic top frame combination makes it easy to switch up your style. Go to for 15% off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/16/2022 • 21 minutes, 15 seconds
They Don't Feel as Old as They Look
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7/15/2022 • 3 minutes, 48 seconds
It’s Worth The Embarrassment
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7/14/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
Your Last Will and Testament
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7/13/2022 • 4 minutes, 44 seconds
This Is What They Want
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7/12/2022 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Teach Them About Their Ultimate Power
📕 The Girl Who Would Be Free is an all-ages fable written by the bestselling author Ryan Holiday and illustrated by the prolific illustrator Victor Juhasz. The 148-page book, produced entirely by Daily Stoic and printed here in the United States, is OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE online at or at The Painted Porch Bookshop in Bastrop, Texas.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/11/2022 • 4 minutes, 49 seconds
Daily Dad on the Perception of Mom and Dad
Ryan talks about the different perceptions of mothers and fathers, how he interacts with people who recognize him, and more.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/9/2022 • 12 minutes, 3 seconds
How to Convince Them
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7/8/2022 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
How To Encourage Crazy Dreams
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7/7/2022 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
Don’t Let It Hit the Bullseye
InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/6/2022 • 4 minutes, 25 seconds
Don’t Take This From Them
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7/5/2022 • 1 minute, 57 seconds
Make Today Mean Something
This podcast is sponsored by BetterHELP. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/4/2022 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
Daily Dad and Kathryn Schulz on Learning from Loss and Grief
Ryan talks to Kathryn Schulz about teaching your kids how to wrestle with the inevitability of loss and grief, protecting those around us and passing along a better world for your kids, and more.Kathryn Schulz is a staff writer at The New Yorker and the author of Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error. She won a National Magazine Award and a Pulitzer Prize in 2015 for “The Really Big One,” an article about seismic risk in the Pacific Northwest. Her most recent book is Lost & Found, a memoir that grew out of “Losing Streak,” which was originally published in The New Yorker and later anthologized in The Best American Essays. Her other essays and reporting have appeared in The Best American Science and Nature Writing, The Best American Travel Writing, and The Best American Food Writing. A native of Ohio, she lives with her family on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.This podcast is sponsored by BetterHELP. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/2/2022 • 19 minutes, 29 seconds
Sweet Kids in a Cruel World
NED Products will help you perform better, sharpen your mind and get consistent, quality sleep. Go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout to get 15% off.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
7/1/2022 • 3 minutes, 40 seconds
To Understand It, Get The Children’s Book
InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.If you pre-order The Girl Who Would Be Free through the Daily Stoic Store BEFORE July 8, 2022, you receive these exclusive bonuses and deals:Audiobook and e-book versions (emailed directly to the email associated at checkout on July 8, 2022): the audiobook contains over an hour of original content, including an interview between Ryan Holiday and Victor Juhasz, narration by Ryan Holiday, narration by his wife, Samantha Holiday, and more.If you pre-order a signed copy of The Girl Who Would Be Free, you will receive a FREE copy of The Boy Who Would Be King (your free copy of The Boy Who Would Be King will automatically get shipped out with your copy of The Girl Who Would Be Free. Do not add The Boy Who Would Be King to your cart unless you want to pay for additional copies)If you pre-order an unsigned copy of The Girl Who Would Be Free, you will receive the opportunity to purchase The Boy Who Would Be King 50% OFF (you must add The Boy Who Would Be King to your cart to automatically have the discount applied)To learn more about the pre-order bonuses and pre-order your signed or unsigned copies of The Girl Who Would Be Free, head over to up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/30/2022 • 5 minutes
Being a Fan Isn’t Easy
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/29/2022 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
They Must Have This Strength
Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/28/2022 • 3 minutes, 40 seconds
Don’t Do This To Them
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/27/2022 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
Daily Dad on the Opinions that Parents Pass Down To Their Kids
Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about how parents opinions impact children and end up shaping their worldview.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.NED Products will help you perform better, sharpen your mind and get consistent, quality sleep. Go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout to get 15% off.InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/25/2022 • 23 minutes, 16 seconds
You Don’t Want Them To Say This
Pair Eyewear’s base frame and magnetic top frame combination makes it easy to switch up your style. Go to for 15% off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/24/2022 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
You Have To Back Them Up
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/23/2022 • 4 minutes, 24 seconds
That They Used To Be Oblivious Is Not an Excuse
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/22/2022 • 4 minutes, 3 seconds
Their Needs Are So Modest
Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/21/2022 • 4 minutes, 18 seconds
Are You A Real Parent
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/20/2022 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
Daily Dad on the Transferrable Excitement of Kids
Ryan talks about how infectious kids excitement can be and how adults can apply it to their lives.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Pair Eyewear’s base frame and magnetic top frame combination makes it easy to switch up your style. Go to for 15% off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/18/2022 • 17 minutes, 10 seconds
It’s Time To Be Honest
This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/17/2022 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
Do Not Get In The Way Of Their Primal Inclinations
Sunday can help you grow a beautiful lawn without the guesswork OR nasty chemicals. Full-season plans start at just $129, and you can get 20% off at checkout when you visit GETSUNDAY.COM/DAILYDAD. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/16/2022 • 3 minutes, 6 seconds
Family Doesn’t Hold You Back
Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/15/2022 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Are You A Real Parent?
NED Products will help you perform better, sharpen your mind and get consistent, quality sleep. Go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout to get 15% off.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/14/2022 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
They Should Keep A Garden
InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/13/2022 • 1 minute, 7 seconds
Daily Dad and Tariq Azim on Mental Health and Learning From Your Own Parents
Ryan talks to Tariq Azim about growing up in war ridden Afghanistan, the trauma of watching his father’s mental health collapse, his desire to show his parents that he was strong enough, and more.Tareq Azim is the author of Empower: Conquering the Disease of Fear, which was recently published in January 2022. Tareq is a seven-time World Championship attending coach in combat sports, a former Division I linebacker at Fresno State, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, an author, and a philanthropist. He also created the first Afghan Women’s Boxing Federation in 2004. Tareq’s mission is to normalize conversations about mental health, and this has driven his career and success throughout his life.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at can help you grow a beautiful lawn without the guesswork OR nasty chemicals. Full-season plans start at just $129, and you can get 20% off at checkout when you visit GETSUNDAY.COM/DAILYDAD.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/11/2022 • 28 minutes, 57 seconds
The First Rule Is To Ignore Stupid Rules
Pair Eyewear’s base frame and magnetic top frame combination makes it easy to switch up your style. Go to for 15% off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/10/2022 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
Don't Give Them Your Fears
Pair Eyewear’s base frame and magnetic top frame combination makes it easy to switch up your style. Go to for 15% off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/9/2022 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
Help, But Don’t Make Them Helpless
Grab your exclusive NordVPN deal by going to to get a huge discount off your Nord VPN plan+ Free threat protection + 1 additional month for free. It’s completely risk free with Nord’s 30 day money back guarantee.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/8/2022 • 4 minutes, 10 seconds
They Can’t Take This Away
InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/7/2022 • 4 minutes, 25 seconds
All That Matters Is This
Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/6/2022 • 4 minutes, 1 second
Daily Dad on Talking To Your Kids About Religion
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks about the conversation he had with his son about religion and how you should think about it with your own kids.NED Products will help you perform better, sharpen your mind and get consistent, quality sleep. Go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout to get 15% off.InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
6/4/2022 • 12 minutes, 46 seconds
Give Them Plenty Of These
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/3/2022 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
It’s Hard For All of Us
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/2/2022 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Do You Know What You Look Like Angry?
Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
6/1/2022 • 4 minutes, 32 seconds
You Can’t Change Your Parents
Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/31/2022 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
What Is More Important?
Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/30/2022 • 4 minutes, 23 seconds
Daily Dad on Getting Help and Optimizing Time With Your Kids
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about how to think about spending time with your kids.Grab your exclusive NordVPN deal by going to to get a huge discount off your Nord VPN plan+ Free threat protection + 1 additional month for free. It’s completely risk free with Nord’s 30 day money back guarantee.Pair Eyewear’s base frame and magnetic top frame combination makes it easy to switch up your style. Go to for 15% off your first purchase.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/28/2022 • 23 minutes, 9 seconds
This is Anti-Enlightenment
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/27/2022 • 3 minutes, 15 seconds
There Is Nothing Better Than This
Ryan talks about the joy of parenting.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/26/2022 • 3 minutes, 51 seconds
Teach Them About This Tension
BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/25/2022 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Assume The Best
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/24/2022 • 3 minutes, 21 seconds
It's A Fun Excuse
InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/23/2022 • 3 minutes, 50 seconds
Daily Dad on Talking to Your Kids About Death
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks about the moment when his son asked him if he is afraid to die, the importance of valuing your time with you kids, and more.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/21/2022 • 14 minutes, 41 seconds
They Do Most of It
Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/20/2022 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Think The Unthinkable
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/19/2022 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
Why Do We Say This?
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/18/2022 • 3 minutes, 25 seconds
You Say You Wish You Were Around More
Ryan talks about the importance of spending time with your children.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/17/2022 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
How to Get Them to Read (Or Do Anything)
Ryan talks about how you can get your kids to read moreSign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/16/2022 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Daily Dad on Organizing Your Life
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about how Ryan recently hired someone to help him organize his home.Kion Aminos is backed by over 20 years of clinical research, has the highest quality ingredients, no fillers or junk, undergoes rigorous quality testing, and tastes amazing with all-natural flavors. Go to to save 20% on subscriptions and 10% on one-time purchases.Grab your exclusive NordVPN deal by going to to get a huge discount off your Nord VPN plan+ Free threat protection + 1 additional month for free. It’s completely risk free with Nord’s 30 day money back guarantee.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/14/2022 • 26 minutes, 38 seconds
Begin Anew, While You Can
Ryan talks about how to always start fresh.Kion Aminos is backed by over 20 years of clinical research, has the highest quality ingredients, no fillers or junk, undergoes rigorous quality testing, and tastes amazing with all-natural flavors. Go to to save 20% on subscriptions and 10% on one-time purchases.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/13/2022 • 4 minutes, 38 seconds
What Can You Do?
Ryan talks about the the importance of focusing on what you can control.InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/12/2022 • 4 minutes, 21 seconds
Not All Readers Are Good Parents, But All Good Parents Are Readers
Ryan talks about the value of developing a reading practice.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase! That’s for $10 off.If you want to become a great reader, the Stoics can help. We built out their best insights into ourRead to Lead: A Daily Stoic Reading Challenge. Since it first launched in 2019, Read to Lead has been our most popular challenge, taken on by almost ten thousand participants. Today, we’re excited to announce that, for the first time ever, registration to jointhe 2022 live cohort is officially open.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/11/2022 • 5 minutes, 18 seconds
Teach Them To Choose
Ryan talks about preparing your kids for making decisions.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/10/2022 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
Here's How To Spend More Time With Them
Ryan talks about the importance of making time for your kids.Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/9/2022 • 3 minutes, 51 seconds
Daily Dad on How to Live and Act Sustainably
On today’s episode of the Daily Dad Podcast Ryan talks about how his family is thinking about serving the common good, making the world a better place for future generations, the importance of thinking about our individual actions affect others, and more.InsideTracker provides you with a personalized plan to improve your metabolism, reduce stress, improve sleep, and optimize your health for the long haul. For a limited time, get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store. Just go to to claim this deal.Sunday can help you grow a beautiful lawn without the guesswork OR nasty chemicals. Full-season plans start at just $129, and you can get 20% off at checkout when you visit GETSUNDAY.COM/DAILYDAD.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
5/7/2022 • 14 minutes, 36 seconds
Guilt Won't Help
Ryan talks about why guilt doesn’t help.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/6/2022 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
You Gotta Take An Interest
Ryan talks about why you have to be interested in your kids lives.If you want to become a great reader, the Stoics can help. We built out their best insights into ourRead to Lead: A Daily Stoic Reading Challenge. Since it first launched in 2019, Read to Lead has been our most popular challenge, taken on by almost ten thousand participants. Today, we’re excited to announce that, for the first time ever, registration to jointhe 2022 live cohort is officially open.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/5/2022 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
There Are So Many Ways for Them To Contribute
Ryan talks about how your kids can help.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/4/2022 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
This Is Making You So Much Better
Ryan talks about how much better this job is making you.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/3/2022 • 3 minutes, 1 second
This is Always In Their Control
Ryan talks about why teaching your kids to focus on what they can control.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Get a copy of Cheryl Strayed’s “Tiny Beautiful Things” at the Painted Porch Bookshop.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
5/2/2022 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
Roosevelt Montas on Teaching the Classics to Kids
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks to author Roosevelt Montas about how to make philosophy and the classics accessible to young children, how the classics connect to something in our humanity, how the ancient texts connect children and adults the same, and more.Roosevelt Montás is Director of the Freedom and Citizenship Program. He was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to New York as a teenager. Roosevelt specializes in Antebellum American literature and culture, with a particular interest in American national identity. He regularly teaches moral and political philosophy in the Columbia Core Curriculum as well seminars in American Studies. Roosevelt is the author of “Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation.”Kion Aminos is backed by over 20 years of clinical research, has the highest quality ingredients, no fillers or junk, undergoes rigorous quality testing, and tastes amazing with all-natural flavors. Go to to save 20% on subscriptions and 10% on one-time purchases.Grab your exclusive NordVPN deal by going to to get a huge discount off your Nord VPN plan+ Free threat protection + 1 additional month for free. It’s completely risk free with Nord’s 30 day money back guarantee.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/30/2022 • 18 minutes, 48 seconds
They Listen Better Than You
Ryan talks about why you must listen to your children.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/29/2022 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
Compete On This
Ryan talks about what really matters in parenting.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/28/2022 • 3 minutes, 48 seconds
What Kind Of Energy Are You Bringing?
Ryan talks about the importance of bringing the right energy to parenting.Kion Aminos is backed by over 20 years of clinical research, has the highest quality ingredients, no fillers or junk, undergoes rigorous quality testing, and tastes amazing with all-natural flavors. Go to to save 20% on subscriptions and 10% on one-time purchases.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/27/2022 • 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Wherever They Are, You Are Too
Ryan talks about why you have to always stay beside your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/26/2022 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
This Doesn’t Make It Right
Ryan talks about why you shouldn’t “love bomb” your kids.Sunday can help you grow a beautiful lawn without the guesswork OR nasty chemicals. Full-season plans start at just $129, and you can get 20% off at checkout when you visit GETSUNDAY.COM/DAILYDAD.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/25/2022 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
Daily Dad on Finding Maximum Enjoyment with Minimum Cost
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks about his families recent trip to a NASCAR race in Austin, how to raise kids who are aware of their situation and not spoiled, knowing how to find maximum enjoyment at minimum cost, and more.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/23/2022 • 12 minutes, 40 seconds
This Doesn’t Make It Right
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/22/2022 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
They Help You Notice Things
Ryan talks about why you should pay close attention to your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/21/2022 • 2 minutes, 13 seconds
Think The Unthinkable
Ryan talks about why you should be aware of the harsh realities of life.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/20/2022 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
They Can Make It Beautiful
Ryan talks about what you must give to your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/19/2022 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Who Gets Your Patience?
Ryan talks about where you should direct your patience.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/18/2022 • 4 minutes, 44 seconds
Josh Peck on Breaking the Cycle of Generational Trauma
On today’s episode Ryan talks to actor Josh Peck about his experience growing up with a single mom and never meeting his father, the power of breaking the cycle of generational trauma, why parents have to embody the traits that they want their kids to have, and more.Josh Peck is an American actor, comedian, and YouTuber. Josh began his career as a child actor in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and had an early role on The Amanda Show from 2000 to 2002. Peck rose to prominence for his role as Josh Nichols alongside Drake Bell's character in the Nickelodeon sitcom Drake & Josh from 2004 to 2007, and in its two television films in 2006 and 2008. His new book, which was released just yesterday, “Happy People Are Annoying,” is a humorous and candid memoir reflecting on the stumbles and silver linings of his life—including early struggles with food, drugs, self-esteem, and self-sabotage—and traces a zigzagging path to redemption.Kion Aminos is backed by over 20 years of clinical research, has the highest quality ingredients, no fillers or junk, undergoes rigorous quality testing, and tastes amazing with all-natural flavors. Go to to save 20% on subscriptions and 10% on one-time purchases.Ten Thousand is offering our listeners 15% off your purchase. go to and enter code DAILYDAD to receive 15% off your purchase.Sunday can help you grow a beautiful lawn without the guesswork OR nasty chemicals. Full-season plans start at just $129, and you can get 20% off at checkout when you visit GETSUNDAY.COM/DAILYDAD.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/16/2022 • 27 minutes, 34 seconds
This is The Real Dad Tax
Ryan talks about the true perk of parenting.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/15/2022 • 3 minutes, 48 seconds
You Want Tough (But Practical) Kids
Ryan talks about the balance between discipline and practicality.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/14/2022 • 5 minutes, 30 seconds
We Keep This From Our Kids
Ryan talks about your obligation to let your kids craft their own reality. Ten Thousand makes the highest quality, best-fitting, and most comfortable training gear. Ten Thousand is offering our listeners 15% off your purchase. go to and enter code DAILYDAD to receive 15% off your purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/13/2022 • 3 minutes, 50 seconds
Don’t Give Them This
Ryan talks about why you should protect your kids from this dangerous feeling. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/12/2022 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
There Are Things Better To Just Not Think About
Ryan talks about the problems that are better left unsolved.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/11/2022 • 4 minutes, 31 seconds
Daily Dad on Setting Priorities and Making Sacrifices
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks about how he prefers to set priorities rather than concrete goals, how it’s easy to have ambitious personal goals but not make the proper sacrifices, and more.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at is offering our listeners 15% off your purchase. go to and enter code DAILYDAD to receive 15% off your purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/9/2022 • 12 minutes, 40 seconds
Don’t Burden Them
Ryan talks about why you have to let your kids be who they are.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/8/2022 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
Give Them Something to Believe In
Ryan talks about why you have to be something strong for your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/7/2022 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
This is When It Matters
Ryan talks about the most important time you have with your kids.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/6/2022 • 4 minutes, 2 seconds
They Are Trying to Talk To You
Ryan talks about how you must always be willing to listen to your kids.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/5/2022 • 4 minutes, 1 second
You’ll Never Be Proud Of This
Ryan talks about how to manage your temper with your kids.Sign up for the Daily Stoic Taming Your Temper Course at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/4/2022 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Daily Dad on the Balance Being Overly Permissive and too Strict
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about how to think about the messages that they’re sending to their kids, how to teach your kids about the responsibility of taking care of things, and more.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/2/2022 • 24 minutes, 20 seconds
You Have To Explain
Ryan talks about why you owe your children an explanation.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
4/1/2022 • 4 minutes, 10 seconds
Hit Them With One Of These
Ryan talks about why you should always be expressing your love to your children.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/31/2022 • 4 minutes, 38 seconds
Make Sure They’re Drinking This
Ryan talks about the benefits of staying hydrated.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/30/2022 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
What Are Your Rules?
Ryan talks about the importance of instilling values into your kids.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved super-powered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/29/2022 • 4 minutes, 24 seconds
There Is A Difference. A Big Difference.
Ryan talks about the difference between good and bad parenting.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved super-powered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Do you want to feel like you are ready to take on life’s most challenging “job”? Take the first step today by committing the next 30 days to The Parent-To-Be: A Daily Dad Parenting Challenge. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/28/2022 • 5 minutes, 1 second
Daily Dad on Embracing the Ordinary
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks about a recent trip that he went on with his kids, how important it is to embrace the ordinary experiences that your kids find extraordinary, Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/26/2022 • 12 minutes, 33 seconds
Cherish the Good Moods
Ryan talks about why you should savor the moments when your kids are happy.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/25/2022 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
There’s Consequences To This Too
Ryan talks about why you should teach your children about the essential virtues,Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/24/2022 • 5 minutes, 18 seconds
You’ll Want Them Close
Ryan talks about why you must let your children be who they are.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/23/2022 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
What Do They Worship?
Ryan talks about how important your children's heroes are.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/22/2022 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
Ignore it, Do Your Best
Ryan talks about why you have to tune out what other parents are doing.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/21/2022 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
Daily Dad on the Power of Outsourcing and Delegating
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks about his decision to hire a stylist to outsource the decision making of buying clothes, how parents should think about money and time, and more.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/19/2022 • 23 minutes, 45 seconds
Are You Showing Them How To Be A Student?
Ryan talks about why you must teach your kids to value learning. 🎓 Sign up for Stoicism 101: Ancient Philosophy For Your Actual Life - Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/18/2022 • 5 minutes, 49 seconds
Two Rules To Teach Your Kids
Ryan talks about the importance of passing on guidelines to your children.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/17/2022 • 3 minutes, 57 seconds
Your Job is to Support Your Spouse
Ryan talks about why all parents need a supporting cast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/16/2022 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
What Are You Rushing From?
Ryan talks why you should slow down and appreciate the time you get with your kids.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/15/2022 • 4 minutes, 32 seconds
Point Your Love in the Right Direction
Ryan talks about why your love is the only legacy that matters.Ten Thousand makes the highest quality, best-fitting, and most comfortable training gear. Ten Thousand is offering our listeners 15% off your purchase. go to and enter code DAILYDAD to receive 15% off your purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/14/2022 • 3 minutes, 12 seconds
Daily Dad on Managing Your Relationship With Work
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks about being on the final stretch of finishing his upcoming book, his goals as a writer and as a parent, and how you can be better at managing your relationship with work.Ten Thousand makes the highest quality, best-fitting, and most comfortable training gear. Ten Thousand is offering our listeners 15% off your purchase. go to and enter code DAILYDAD to receive 15% off your purchase.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/12/2022 • 12 minutes, 47 seconds
Take The Second Chances When You Get Them
Ryan talks about how you should always be trying to improve as a parent.Magic Mind is the daily morning drink for creators, entrepreneurs & freelancers. Go to and use the discount code at checkout DAILYDAD to get a limited 20% off your first order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/11/2022 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
We Are In Touch With Eternity
Ryan talks about the timeless nature of parenting.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 2,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/10/2022 • 3 minutes, 41 seconds
Don’t Just Read To Your Kids, Re-Read
Ryan talks about why you should always go back to great books that you’ve already read to your kids.Magic Mind is the daily morning drink for creators, entrepreneurs & freelancers. Go to and use the discount code at checkout DAILYDAD to get a limited 20% off your first order.Do you want to feel like you are ready to take on life’s most challenging “job”? Take the first step today by committing the next 30 days to The Parent-To-Be: A Daily Dad Parenting Challenge. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/9/2022 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
They Came In Like a Wrecking Ball
Ryan talks about the reality of raising kids.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/8/2022 • 3 minutes, 20 seconds
You Can Survive Anything
Ryan talks about why you’ve got what it takes.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/7/2022 • 3 minutes, 15 seconds
Daily Dad on Navigating Difficult Relationships
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about how to handle relationships with people who have developed completely different views, the importance of compartmentalizing, BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at Mind is the daily morning drink for creators, entrepreneurs & freelancers. Go to and use the discount code at checkout DAILYDAD to get a limited 20% off your first order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/5/2022 • 26 minutes, 50 seconds
This Must Be The Top Priority
Ryan talks about why your kids should be number one.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Show your support for freedom and democracy in Ukraine and the world, donate here: Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/4/2022 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Hang This Up On Your Wall
Ryan talks about lessons that we can take from Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at your support for freedom and democracy in Ukraine and the world, donate here: Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/3/2022 • 5 minutes, 44 seconds
Please Encourage Them To Do This
Ryan talks about the power of journaling and why you should pass it on to your kids.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Get a signed and personalized copy of Ryan Holiday’s book Stillness Is The Key in the Daily Stoic Store and at The Painted Porch.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/2/2022 • 4 minutes, 22 seconds
It’s Painful But It’s Made You Invincible
Ryan talks about why parenting changes your relationship with time.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Get a signed and personalized copy of Ryan Holiday’s book Stillness Is The Key in the Daily Stoic Store and at The Painted Porch.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
3/1/2022 • 4 minutes, 15 seconds
Be Careful or You’ll Miss It
Ryan talks about why parenting changes your relationship with time.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Get a signed and personalized copy of Ryan Holiday’s book Stillness Is The Key in the Daily Stoic Store and at The Painted Porch.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/28/2022 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
Dailly Dad on Viewing Time With Your Kids as a Gift
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks about how to view setbacks or delays as an excuse to spend more time your kids, why there’s very few things in life that are as important as spending time with your kids, and more.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Magic Mind is the daily morning drink for creators, entrepreneurs & freelancers. Go to and use the discount code at checkout DAILYDAD to get a limited 20% off your first order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/26/2022 • 13 minutes, 23 seconds
Don’t Deprive Them Of This
Ryan talks about why you should let your kids cultivate some time with themselves.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Get a signed and personalized copy of Ryan Holiday’s book Stillness Is The Key in the Daily Stoic Store and at The Painted Porch.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/25/2022 • 4 minutes, 11 seconds
We’re All In The Same Boat Now
Ryan talks about the great equalizer that is parenting.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/24/2022 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Are You Using This Power?
Ryan talks about the power of waiting before you respond.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/23/2022 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
There Needs To Be Another Outlet
Ryan talks about the benefits of releasing pent up emotion.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/22/2022 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
Two Maxims For Your Kids
Ryan talks about how the most important things you should teach your children.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/21/2022 • 3 minutes, 28 seconds
Daily Dad and Author Matthew Crawford on Leading Your Kids By Example
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks to author Matthew Crawford about his New York Times bestselling book Shop Class as Soulcraft (which you can pick up at the Painted Porch), how to lead your kids by example, our dependency on tools, and more.Matthew B. Crawford is an American writer and research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. He is a contributing editor at The New Atlantis, and is also a motorcycle mechanic. He is the author of the instant bestseller Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work as well as The World Beyond Your Head and Why We Drive: Toward a Philosophy of the Open Road. Ten Thousand makes the highest quality, best-fitting, and most comfortable training gear. Ten Thousand is offering our listeners 15% off your purchase. go to and enter code DAILYDAD to receive 15% off your purchase.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/19/2022 • 19 minutes, 47 seconds
You Can’t Say These Words Enough
Ryan talks about the importance of letting your kids know how much they mean to you.Do you want to feel like you are ready to take on life’s most challenging “job”? Take the first step today by committing the next 30 days to The Parent-To-Be: A Daily Dad Parenting Challenge. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
2/18/2022 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Your Kids Say Nothing About You
Ryan talks about why you should be detached from the idea of your kids being successful. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/17/2022 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
These Are The Richest Kids
Ryan talks about the kind of life that anyone can give to their kids.Do you want to feel like you are ready to take on life’s most challenging “job”? Take the first step today by committing the next 30 days to The Parent-To-Be: A Daily Dad Parenting Challenge. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/16/2022 • 3 minutes, 12 seconds
What Do You Wish You Would Have Known?
Ryan talks about how you should prepare for this job.Do you want to feel like you are ready to take on life’s most challenging “job”? Take the first step today by committing the next 30 days to The Parent-To-Be: A Daily Dad Parenting Challenge. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/15/2022 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
Cherish The Garbage Time
Ryan the most important time that you can spend with your kids.Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/14/2022 • 3 minutes, 12 seconds
Daily Dad on Grieving the Loss of a Family Pet
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about how your relationship with your dog changes after having kids, why it’s important to make peace with your dogs before they go, and more.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Ten Thousand makes the highest quality, best-fitting, and most comfortable training gear. Ten Thousand is offering our listeners 15% off your purchase. go to and enter code DAILYDAD to receive 15% off your purchase.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/12/2022 • 22 minutes, 56 seconds
Teach Them To Look for the Smooth Handle
Ryan talks about how you should teach your kids to view the world.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/11/2022 • 4 minutes, 12 seconds
Don’t Hurry Them Along
Ryan talks about what the most important thing that you can do is…Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/10/2022 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
How Not To Punish Your Kids
Ryan talks about how you can use punishment to make your kids better people.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/9/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
The Main Thing We Have To Teach Them
Ryan talks about the most important thing that you can show your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/8/2022 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
What Is More Important
Ryan talks about why you have to think about what you value more…Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/7/2022 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Dr. Nate Zinsser on Raising Confident and Competent Kids
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks to the director of West Point’s Performance Psychology Program Dr. Nate Zinsser about his new book The Confident Mind: A Battle-Tested Guide to Unshakable Performance, teaching your kids to build confidence by breaking tasks down into their component parts, how to distinguish between confidence and teach your kids to be competent, and more.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/5/2022 • 24 minutes, 53 seconds
Encourage Them To Be The Best
Ryan talks about why it’s important to teach your kids to be the best that they can be.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/4/2022 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Just A Few Seconds of Embarrassing Bravery
Ryan talks about the moments that define all of our lives.Get a signed copy of Ryan Holiday’s newest book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave at the Daily Stoic Store or at The Painted Porch.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/3/2022 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
They Don’t Know What They Want
Ryan talks about how to set the right precedent for your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/2/2022 • 3 minutes
Now Is The Time To Use It
Ryan talks about how to get through the tough moments.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/1/2022 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
They Need To Experience This
Ryan talks about the importance of letting your children experience failure.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/31/2022 • 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Daily Dad’s Best Parenting Habits for 2022
Today’s episode of the podcast features excerpts from Ryan’s interviews with Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson on Raising Resilient Kids and Coach Shaka Smart on Maintaining Work-Life Balance.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/29/2022 • 39 minutes, 59 seconds
You Never Stop Worrying
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/28/2022 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
Let Them Have A Seat At The Table
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/27/2022 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
No One Can Take That You Had Them
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/26/2022 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
You Have To Have Their Back
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/25/2022 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Every Moment Is The Same
Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/24/2022 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
Daily Dad’s Top 10 Parenting Reminders
Today’s episode is a compilation of some of Daily Dad’s best reminders from 2021. Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/22/2022 • 20 minutes, 58 seconds
You Can Only Pick Two
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/21/2022 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
They Know When You’re Not Paying Attention
Ryan discusses the intuitive power of your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/20/2022 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
They’re Always Right, You Know
Ryan explains why you must always listen to your children very closely, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/19/2022 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
You’d Only Do This For Them
Ryan discusses the things that you’d only do for your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/18/2022 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
This Is How You Make Them Smart
Ryan explains the importance of teaching your kids to be curious, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/17/2022 • 2 minutes, 13 seconds
Daily Dad on the Gap Between Taste and Ability
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about Tom Brady’s career as one of the best NFL quarterbacks of all time, how to teach your kids to properly handle their emotions, the gap between taste and ability, and more.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Bespoke Post has a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/15/2022 • 23 minutes, 38 seconds
They Could Be Your Last Words
Ryan talks about the recent passing of a great stand-up comedian and the lesson you can take from it as a parent, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/14/2022 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Provide Them With This Unusual Advantage
Ryan talks about why you should always encourage your children to learn, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/13/2022 • 2 minutes, 48 seconds
Teach Them That All They Control Is How They Play
Ryan explains you should teach this important lesson to your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/12/2022 • 2 minutes, 9 seconds
Do This For Them
Ryan explains why you must look out for your kids in this way, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/11/2022 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Be Like This
Ryan discusses why you must give your children the love and support that they need, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/10/2022 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Daily Dad’s Tips for a Better You In 2022
Today’s episode of the podcast features some of the best tips from Ryan and Nils on becoming a better version of yourself in the new year. They talk about maintaining positive habits and routines, managing screen time as a parent, and more.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/8/2022 • 39 minutes, 2 seconds
How To Teach Your Kids To Be Brave
Ryan asks you to think about what your actions are telling your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Get a signed copy of Ryan Holiday’s newest book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave at the Daily Stoic Store or at The Painted Porch.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and start your New Year off right! And be sure to use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/7/2022 • 3 minutes, 55 seconds
You Have To Do Better
Ryan explains why you must do better than your parents did, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/6/2022 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Are You Bringing This Home?
Ryan talks about why you should bring home cool toys for your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/5/2022 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
What Would Come Out At Trial?
Ryan talks about the importance of your actions, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/4/2022 • 2 minutes, 19 seconds
Don’t Be Like This
Ryan explains the difference between letting your kids grow and being a bad parent, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/3/2022 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
Daily Dad on the Common Good and Protecting Your Family
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the COVID-19 Omicron variant, our obligation as human beings to the common good and serving others, practical ways that you can protect your family and loved ones from the virus, and more.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/1/2022 • 30 minutes, 46 seconds
All You Control is How You Play
Ryan explains why you must focus on the one single thing that you control, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.→ We hope you join us in the 2022 New Year New You Challenge. It kicks off in a little over a week. It’s 3 weeks of actionable challenges, presented in an email per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. Just go to to sign up before sign ups end on January 1st!Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/31/2021 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Have You Taught Them This Virtue?
Ryan discusses the vitality of teaching your children patience, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.→ We hope you join us in the 2022 New Year New You Challenge. It kicks off in a little over a week. It’s 3 weeks of actionable challenges, presented in an email per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. Just go to to sign up before sign ups end on January 1st!Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/30/2021 • 3 minutes, 44 seconds
It’s Not Possible Without Struggle
Ryan talks about the importance of being open about the trials of parenting, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.→ We hope you join us in the 2022 New Year New You Challenge. It kicks off in a little over a week. It’s 3 weeks of actionable challenges, presented in an email per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. Just go to to sign up before sign ups end on January 1st!Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/29/2021 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
Show Them How To Challenge Themselves
Ryan talks about the importance of leading your kids by example and taking on challenges that make you and your family better, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.→ We hope you join us in the 2022 New Year New You Challenge. It kicks off in a little over a week. It’s 3 weeks of actionable challenges, presented in an email per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. Just go to to sign up before sign ups end on January 1st!Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/28/2021 • 3 minutes, 37 seconds
How Long Can You Go?
Ryan explains why you should focus on the things that actually matter , on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/27/2021 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Daily Dad on New Year's Resolutions and Striving to be Better
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about how powerful new year’s resolutions can be if approached correctly, how to set a precedent in your family of always striving to improve, the Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge, and more. → We hope you join us in the Daily Stoic 2022 New Year New You Challenge. It kicks off in a little over a week. It’s 3 weeks of actionable challenges, presented in an email per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. Just go to to sign up before sign ups end on January 1st!Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/25/2021 • 23 minutes, 33 seconds
This is the Greatest Gift
Ryan discusses how important it is to be highly involved in your kids lives, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/24/2021 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Original is Better Than Smart
Ryan talks about why intelligence isn’t always the greatest indicator of impact, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/23/2021 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Why? Why? Why?
Ryan talks about the importance of cultivating curiosity in your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/22/2021 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Your Kids Deserve A Better You
Ryan talks about why you always have to be getting better for your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.→ We hope you join us in the 2022 New Year New You Challenge. It’s 3 weeks of actionable challenges, presented in an email per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy. Just go to to sign up before sign ups end on January 1st!Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/21/2021 • 3 minutes, 51 seconds
You Are Constantly Losing Them
Ryan talks about the ever changing nature of raising kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/20/2021 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
Daily Dad on Robert Greene, Mentorship, and Being a Role Model
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks about his relationship and recent visit with his mentor Robert Greene, the truth and importance of the saying “it takes a village,” why if you want your kids to be something you have to be that thing, and more.Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Get signed copies of Robert Greene's books at The Painted Porch BookshopCompetitive Cyclist is THE online specialty retailer of road and mountain bikes, components, apparel, and accessories. Go to and enter promo code DAILYDAD to get fifteen percent off your first full-priced purchase plus FREE SHIPPING on orders of $50 or more. Some exclusions apply.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/18/2021 • 18 minutes, 50 seconds
Do You Really Care?
Ryan discusses how to reassess what you actually care about, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/17/2021 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Don’t Wish. Be
Ryan explains why your actions matter so much, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/16/2021 • 2 minutes, 14 seconds
Everybody is Going Through Something
Ryan discusses how to think about other peoples struggles, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase! That’s for $10 off.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/15/2021 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Where Did This Come From?
Ryan explains why you should think about the rules that you follow and where they come from, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/14/2021 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
Who Else Would You Rather Do It With?
Ryan discusses why you must always make time for your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Competitive Cyclist is THE online specialty retailer of road and mountain bikes, components, apparel, and accessories. Go to and enter promo code DAILYDAD to get fifteen percent off your first full-priced purchase plus FREE SHIPPING on orders of $50 or more. Some exclusions apply.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/13/2021 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
Daily Dad on Drawing Healthy Boundaries With Your Family
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about how to approach the actual process of setting boundaries with your family, how the way your parents interact with your kids is a window into how they treated you as a kid, and more.Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase! That’s for $10 off.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/11/2021 • 22 minutes, 5 seconds
Love is Not a Victory March
Ryan explains the harsh reality of becoming a parent, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.KiwiCo believes in the power of kids and that small lessons today can mean big, world-changing ideas tomorrow. KiwiCo is a subscription service that delivers everything your kids will need to make, create and play. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code DAILYDAD at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/10/2021 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
You’ll Wish This Too
Ryan explains why the little things that you get frustrated about don’t really matter, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/9/2021 • 2 minutes, 11 seconds
Everything is Easy Compared to This
Ryan talks about why you need to be the constant that your kids can depend on, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Competitive Cyclist is THE online specialty retailer of road and mountain bikes, components, apparel, and accessories. Go to and enter promo code DAILYDAD to get fifteen percent off your first full-priced purchase plus FREE SHIPPING on orders of $50 or more. Some exclusions apply.Get Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch at The Painted Porch Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/8/2021 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
They Come Back Around
Ryan talks about why you need to be the constant that your kids can depend on, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/7/2021 • 2 minutes, 6 seconds
Here’s How You Can Help Other Parents
Ryan discusses how your honesty can help others, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/6/2021 • 3 minutes, 37 seconds
Daily Dad on the Importance of Cultivating a Competitive Spirit
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the failure of parents to explain how things work, how to balance discipline and sensitivity, how to teach your kids to use the competitive spirit to propel them further, and more.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.KiwiCo believes in the power of kids and that small lessons today can mean big, world-changing ideas tomorrow. KiwiCo is a subscription service that delivers everything your kids will need to make, create and play. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code DAILYDAD at out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at https://store.dailydad.comSign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/4/2021 • 24 minutes, 9 seconds
Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing
Ryan talks about how what matters over everything else, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Competitive Cyclist is THE online specialty retailer of road and mountain bikes, components, apparel, and accessories. Go to and enter promo code DAILYDAD to get fifteen percent off your first full-priced purchase plus FREE SHIPPING on orders of $50 or more. Some exclusions apply.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2021 • 3 minutes, 36 seconds
Are You Teaching Them Values?
Ryan discusses how much louder actions speak than words, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Get a copy of Courage Is Calling and The Boy Who Would Be King at The Painted Porch Bookshop.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/2021 • 3 minutes, 40 seconds
What Does Your Calendar Say?
Ryan discusses how much louder actions speak than words, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/1/2021 • 3 minutes, 44 seconds
Somebody Just Made This Stuff Up
Ryan explains why it’s important to challenge the status quo, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/30/2021 • 3 minutes, 1 second
You Make Debts Your Children Have To Pay
Ryan discusses how your choices will impact future generations, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase! That’s for $10 off.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/29/2021 • 4 minutes, 44 seconds
Daily Dad on Sleep Training Your Kids (and Yourself)
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the important role that sleep plays in successful parenting, how to get the right amount of sleep and eliminate distractions, how to handle your children’s sleepless nights, and more.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Competitive Cyclist is THE online specialty retailer of road and mountain bikes, components, apparel, and accessories. Go to and enter promo code DAILYDAD to get fifteen percent off your first full-priced purchase plus FREE SHIPPING on orders of $50 or more. Some exclusions apply.Every week StoryWorth emails your loved one a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase! That’s for $10 off.Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/27/2021 • 27 minutes, 9 seconds
You’re The Voice In Their Heads
Ryan discusses how a parent’s words and actions affect their children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/26/2021 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
Again, You Can’t Do This
Ryan discusses what you have to be weary of doing as a parent, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/25/2021 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Here’s What They Need
Ryan explains how you can simplify your children’s needs, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/24/2021 • 2 minutes, 5 seconds
Remember What Success Looks Like
yan discusses why you must define success for yourself, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/23/2021 • 2 minutes, 2 seconds
You’re Fighting the Last War
Ryan explains why you must focus on what really matters in parenting, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/22/2021 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
Work, Family, Scene: You Can Only Pick Two
On today’s podcast Ryan talks about the trade off that comes along with juggling a career, a happy family, and a thriving social life.Read the article: time can be quality time. Take walks, throw the ball, cook some dinner. Time flies, and it will be the little things your kid remembers. Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at Cyclist is THE online specialty retailer of road and mountain bikes, components, apparel, and accessories. Go to and enter promo code DAILYDAD to get fifteen percent off your first full-priced purchase plus FREE SHIPPING on orders of $50 or more. Some exclusions apply.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/20/2021 • 15 minutes, 58 seconds
This is What They Want
Ryan discusses why parents must take an interest in how their kids feel, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/19/2021 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
Go The F*ck To Sleep
Ryan explains why sleep plays such an important role in parenting, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/18/2021 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
Give Them This...While You Can
Ryan talks about why you should show your kids how much they mean to you, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/17/2021 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
Nobody Likes a Spoiled Child
Ryan discusses how to set your children up for success, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/16/2021 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Can You Afford To Regret This?
Ryan talks about how doing the right thing in the moment, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.KiwiCo believes in the power of kids and that small lessons today can mean big, world-changing ideas tomorrow. KiwiCo is a subscription service that delivers everything your kids will need to make, create and play. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code DAILYDAD at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/15/2021 • 4 minutes, 59 seconds
Nick Palmisciano on Practicing Jui Jitsu and Raising Resilient Kids
On today’s episode, Ryan talks to Nick Palmisciano about the lessons that training in Jiu Jitsu can teach young kids, the benefits of training as a family, Nick’s journey as an entrepreneur, and more.Nick Palmisciano is the CEO of Diesel Jack Media, a full-service marketing agency. Nick is also the Vice President and one of four founding board members of Save Our Allies, an effort that rescued 12,000 refugees in the final 10 days of the Afghanistan Mission. He was one of the twelve men that physically went to Kabul to assist with the evacuation. He spent six years of his life serving as an infantry officer in the United States Army. In 2006, Nick created Ranger Up, the first military lifestyle brand, which kicked off a decade and change of veteran entrepreneurial endeavors focused around digital marketing and social media. KiwiCo believes in the power of kids and that small lessons today can mean big, world-changing ideas tomorrow. KiwiCo is a subscription service that delivers everything your kids will need to make, create and play. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code DAILYDAD at will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at Cyclist is THE online specialty retailer of road and mountain bikes, components, apparel, and accessories. Go to and enter promo code DAILYDAD to get fifteen percent off your first full-priced purchase plus FREE SHIPPING on orders of $50 or more. Some exclusions apply.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at https://store.dailydad.comSign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookFollow Nick Palmisciano: Homepage, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube See Privac
11/13/2021 • 41 minutes, 20 seconds
Why Didn’t You Make Time For Me?
Ryan discusses how time isn’t found, it is made, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/12/2021 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
How to Make Your Kid Less Materialistic
Ryan discusses the strategies you can use to raise kids who aren’t dependent on material things, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/11/2021 • 4 minutes, 6 seconds
They Can Still Be Successful
Ryan talks about the myth that children must have a rough upbringing to be great, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/10/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
This is Why They Don’t Respect Their Elders
Ryan talks about how important boundaries are, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/9/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Your Job Is To Make Fast Transitions
Ryan explains what you can’t bring home to your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. List your product on AppSumo between September 15th - November 17th and the first 400 offers to go live will receive $1000, the next 2000 to list a product get $250. And everyone who lists gets entered to be one of 10 lucky winners of $10k! Go to to list your product today and cash in on this amazing deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/8/2021 • 4 minutes, 25 seconds
Megan Phelps-Roper on Breaking the Cycle of Generational Pain
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks to former Westboro Baptist Church member Megan Phelps-Roper about her experiences growing up in the church, the problem of radicalization in society and modern institutions, considering the individual perspectives of the people who we disagree with, and more. Megan Phelps-Roper is an American political activist who was formerly a member of, and spokesperson for, the Westboro Baptist Church. Phelps-Roper left the church in 2012 after she was unable to reconcile her doubts with her beliefs. She travels around the world to speak about her experience in the church and advocates dialogue between groups with conflicting views. In 2019, she released a memoir, Unfollow: A Journey from Hatred to Hope.List your product on AppSumo between September 15th - November 17th and the first 400 offers to go live will receive $1000, the next 2000 to list a product get $250. And everyone who lists gets entered to be one of 10 lucky winners of $10k! Go to to list your product today and cash in on this amazing deal.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookFollow Megan Phelps-Roper: Homepage, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook See Privacy
11/6/2021 • 1 hour, 22 minutes, 48 seconds
This Is Why You Have To Care
Ryan discusses why you have to care about the world around you, not just your own kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/5/2021 • 5 minutes, 9 seconds
They Don’t Understand and It’s Your Fault
Ryan explains why it’s your responsibility to break things down for your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/4/2021 • 3 minutes, 34 seconds
Do They Have a Project?
Ryan discusses the importance of letting your children discover what they love, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/3/2021 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
A Child’s Life Should Be Good, Not Easy
Ryan reminds you why you must let your kids struggle in order to learn the lessons that they can build a life on``, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Check out the new Daily Dad Luctor et Emergo challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/2/2021 • 4 minutes, 35 seconds
This Is Our Elegy
Ryan reminds you why you can’t give up on being the best parent you can be, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/1/2021 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
Daily Dad on the Value of Children’s Education
On today’s episode of the Daily Dad podcast, Ryan talks about the decision to not send his kids back to school, seeking out a world-class online school for his oldest son, the importance of taking children’s education seriously, and more.Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.List your product on AppSumo between September 15th - November 17th and the first 400 offers to go live will receive $1000, the next 2000 to list a product get $250. And everyone who lists gets entered to be one of 10 lucky winners of $10k! Go to to list your product today and cash in on this amazing deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/30/2021 • 16 minutes, 51 seconds
They Don’t Need To Know You Know
Ryan explains why you should always do what you need to do for your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/29/2021 • 4 minutes, 31 seconds
Love Without End. Amen
Ryan talks about the only thing that you need to give your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/28/2021 • 3 minutes, 36 seconds
What to Want for Them
Ryan discusses the cost of having high hopes for yourself and your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/27/2021 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
The Most Important Decision You Make
Ryan discusses why you must show your children how much you care about them, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/26/2021 • 3 minutes, 28 seconds
Teach Them These Three Duties
Ryan talks about the most important lessons to be teaching your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. List your product on AppSumo between September 15th - November 17th and the first 400 offers to go live will receive $1000, the next 2000 to list a product get $250. And everyone who lists gets entered to be one of 10 lucky winners of $10k! Go to to list your product today and cash in on this amazing deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/25/2021 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
Daily Dad and Coach Shaka Smart on Maintaining Work-Life Balance
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks on the delicate balance between working and spending time with your family, shares an excerpt from The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge where Shaka Smart, the current head men's basketball coach at Marquette University, discusses how he manages work and life, and more. Sign up for The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge: your product on AppSumo between September 15th - November 17th and the first 400 offers to go live will receive $1000, the next 2000 to list a product get $250. And everyone who lists gets entered to be one of 10 lucky winners of $10k! Go to to list your product today and cash in on this amazing deal.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/23/2021 • 17 minutes, 17 seconds
Do Your Future Self This Favor
Ryan talks about why you should savor the moments that you have with your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Check out the new Daily Dad Tempus Fugit challenge coin at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/22/2021 • 4 minutes, 9 seconds
You Can’t Be Naive
Ryan discusses why you should always be striving to understand more about the world around you, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pick up a copy of Robert Greene’s new book The Daily Laws over at The Painted PorchSign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/21/2021 • 4 minutes, 18 seconds
What Did You Learn?
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan reads an article that he wrote for USA Today about how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed his life and his relationship with his children."There’s no reason to rush through bedtime. There’s no reason to rush through anything or to anywhere. Because what we’re rushing from is our children."Read the article: Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Framebridge makes it easier and more affordable than ever to frame your favorite things - without ever leaving the house. Get started today - frame your photos or send someone the perfect gift. Go to and use promo code DAILYDAD to save an additional 15% off your first order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/20/2021 • 15 minutes, 25 seconds
You’re a Coach In A Game That’s Changed
Ryan explains how things will always be changing and you must adjust to what is new, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/19/2021 • 4 minutes, 38 seconds
Do You Know Them? And They You?
Ryan asks you to think about how well you actually know your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/18/2021 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Daily Dad on Creating Lasting Memories With Your Children
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan recounts his two week long road trip that he took in September 2021 with his family. He discusses blowing out a tire on the highway, visiting family while also doing interviews and press for his newest book, making the trek up a mountain road to see his partner at an abandoned ghost town, and more.Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a custom bundle of cereal and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Framebridge makes it easier and more affordable than ever to frame your favorite things - without ever leaving the house. Get started today - frame your photos or send someone the perfect gift. Go to and use promo code DAILYDAD to save an additional 15% off your first order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/16/2021 • 17 minutes, 27 seconds
This Is What You’ll Wish
Ryan explains why you should savor the moments you have with your children, before they are gone, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Check out the new Daily Dad Medallion at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/15/2021 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
You Have to Make Adjustments
Ryan explains why you have to bend to meet your children’s needs, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Check out the new Daily Dad Medallion at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/14/2021 • 3 minutes, 46 seconds
Constantly Remind Yourself That Time Flies
Ryan discusses how you should look at time with your kids, not just what they say, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Check out the new Daily Dad Medallion at Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/13/2021 • 5 minutes, 48 seconds
This is Their Language
Ryan explains why you must watch what your children do, not just what they say, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/12/2021 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
The Moments of Leniency Matter
Ryan talks about the value of having patience with your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/11/2021 • 3 minutes, 34 seconds
Author Adam Rubin on Embracing Childhood and Pursuing Passion
On today’s podcast, Ryan talks to Adam Rubin about his newest book High Five, the childlike mindset, the importance of putting yourself in the shoes of your children, what it means to be fun and silly, and more.Adam Rubin is a #1 New York Times best selling author of children's books. His books have sold over one million copies. Rubin graduated from Washington University in St. Louis where he studied advertising and worked as an advertising creative director for ten years before leaving his day job to focus on writing books. His new book Gladys the Magic Chicken comes out on October 26th, 2021.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Munk Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.KiwiCo believes in the power of kids and that small lessons today can mean big, world-changing ideas tomorrow. KiwiCo is a subscription service that delivers everything your kids will need to make, create and play. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code DAILYDAD at Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter,
10/9/2021 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 57 seconds
What Are You Teaching Them?
Ryan explains how your actions influence your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/8/2021 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Give Them Plenty of These
Ryan discusses the importance of letting your kids know that you’re proud of them, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/7/2021 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
This is The Great Leveler
Ryan explains the brain can be your strongest asset, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave is out now! Check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/6/2021 • 2 minutes, 19 seconds
You Can’t Do This
Ryan explains why you must slowly transition out of your kids life as they get older, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/5/2021 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Show Them What a Good Marriage Looks Like
Ryan discusses why cultivating a healthy relationship with your partner is so important, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. List your product on AppSumo between September 15th - November 17th and the first 400 offers to go live will receive $1000, the next 2000 to list a product get $250. And everyone who lists gets entered to be one of 10 lucky winners of $10k! Go to to list your product today and cash in on this amazing deal.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/4/2021 • 3 minutes, 51 seconds
Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson on Raising Resilient Kids
On todays episode, Ryan has another conversation with Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson about their new book What Do You Say?: How to Talk with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home, experiencing adversity and developing resilience, why we should look at the last year as a gift that can improve our lives rather than a burden, how to teach kids to find purpose and control in their own lives, and more. Ned Johnson is the president and founder of PrepMatters. A 1993 graduate of Williams College, Mr. Johnson has a BA in Economics and Political Science. Originally from Connecticut, Mr. Johnson now resides with his wife and children in Washington, DC.William R. Stixrud, Ph.D., is a clinical neuropsychologist and founder of The Stixrud Group. He is a member of the teaching faculty at Children’s National Medical Center and an assistant professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine.Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at Pack makes the best Keto Granola Bars that contain just a single gram of sugar and 2 to 3 net carbs—and they’re only 140 calories. Get 20% off your first purchase of ANY Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code DAILYDAD at checkout.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookFollow Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson: Homepage, Twitter,
10/2/2021 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 37 seconds
They Are Reborn Each Day
Ryan explains how children look at the world and why you should always consider it, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave is out now! Check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/1/2021 • 2 minutes, 59 seconds
They Can Teach You About This
Ryan explains why the sunk cost fallacy is so vital, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave is out now! Check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/30/2021 • 3 minutes, 1 second
You Can't Forget This
Ryan explains why you can’t forget about your own childhood, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave is out now! Check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/29/2021 • 2 minutes, 8 seconds
Nothing You Teach Them Matters Without This
Ryan explains why the Stoic virtue of courage is so essential, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/28/2021 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
It’s Not Fair
Ryan explains how you should set your expectations for your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/27/2021 • 3 minutes, 15 seconds
Daily Dad on What Makes a Great Children's Book
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan and his writing partner Nils Parker talk about the their favorite kids books and what makes them so impactful.Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/25/2021 • 20 minutes, 57 seconds
“And What Did You Do?”
Ryan discusses how you want to raise kids who take action, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/24/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
This is The Eulogy You Get to Hear
Ryan explains how you should look at the best moments with your children like this, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/23/2021 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
Whose Voice Are You Interiorizing?
Ryan explains how the voices that you study should end up guiding you throughout your life, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/22/2021 • 3 minutes, 37 seconds
Kids Do Well When They Can
Ryan discusses why it’s important to base your expectations on this simple idea, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/21/2021 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
You Would Tell Them This. So Tell Yourself Too
Ryan explains why you should treat your own ambitions as you would your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/20/2021 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
Daily Dad on the Unavoidable Reality of Parenting
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan discusses the concept of facing reality and how different it becomes when you have kids, how much what we “want” doesn’t matter in the face of unavoidable reality, the obligation you have to your children and to society, and more.Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/18/2021 • 14 minutes, 50 seconds
There’s a Reason We Tell These Stories
Ryan explains the timeless nature of storytelling, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/17/2021 • 3 minutes, 1 second
What If Someone Else Treated Your Kids This Way?
Ryan explains the double standard that we hold others to but not ourselves, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/16/2021 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Remind Yourself of This
Ryan discusses why you should always of whose opinion actually matters, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/15/2021 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
How To Raise Brave Kids
Ryan explains how to raise your kids to be brave, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/14/2021 • 2 minutes, 56 seconds
Try To See It This Way
Ryan explains why you shouldn’t take your kids or your life for granted, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/13/2021 • 2 minutes, 19 seconds
Daily Dad on The Power of Saying No
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan discusses his first time leaving his family for work since the pandemic began over a year and a half ago, the importance and the power of saying no, how he is thinking about work and travel moving out of the pandemic, and more.Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/11/2021 • 15 minutes, 54 seconds
Try To See It This Way
Ryan explains how you should aim to view the moments you have with your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/10/2021 • 2 minutes, 19 seconds
They Need Somebody to Do This
Ryan explains why you must be the one who encourages and believes in your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/9/2021 • 3 minutes, 25 seconds
Remember This About Most People
Ryan explains how you should think about almost all of the people that you encounter, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/8/2021 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Do Not Be Afraid
Ryan explains why fear is your biggest enemy, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Pre-orders are available for Ryan Holiday’s new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave - check it out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/7/2021 • 3 minutes, 22 seconds
What Will You Be Able To Say?
Ryan challenges you to think about the present as if it were the past, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/6/2021 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
Daily Dad on Teaching Your Child to Think, Not Just React
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan and his writing partner Nils Parker talk about the widespread Critical Race Theory Histeria, how to reach, and more. Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.AppSumo is the best way to automate all of the busywork that comes with running a business, so you can boost your productivity, scale beyond your skillset, and focus on what matters most to you. AppSumo is the leading digital marketplace for entrepreneurs. Now with awesome tools for authors too. Just go to PLUS: Use code ryanholiday at checkout for $20 free credits (limit first 500, new accounts).Harry’s is the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New Harry’s customers can redeem a Starter Set. You get a five-blade razor, a weighted handle, foaming shave gel with aloe, and a travel cover to protect your blades when you’re on the go. That’s a $13 value for just $3. There’s truly never been a better time to try Harry’s. Go to HARRYS.COM/DAILYDAD to try Harry’s today. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/4/2021 • 22 minutes, 52 seconds
They Must Be Taught To Do This
Ryan explains why everyone is inherently worthy, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/3/2021 • 2 minutes, 56 seconds
This Is The Fire
Ryan discusses the moments that constitute the delicate flame that your children carry, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/2/2021 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
No, They Were Learning Something
Ryan explains how your children are always learning something from what is going on around them, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/1/2021 • 2 minutes, 59 seconds
They Can’t See Like You
Ryan explains why you have to understand your children’s perspective, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/31/2021 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
You Are Making Withdrawals
Ryan explains the account you keep with your kids and how you should balance the books, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/30/2021 • 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Daily Dad on the Future and Fragility of Children’s Education
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan and his writing partner Nils Parker talk about the dilemma of uncertainty that parents face in the modern world of education, what the actual goals of education are and the lack of infrastructure that supports them, and more. AppSumo is the best way to automate all of the busywork that comes with running a business, so you can boost your productivity, scale beyond your skillset, and focus on what matters most to you. AppSumo is the leading digital marketplace for entrepreneurs. Now with awesome tools for authors too. Just go to PLUS: Use code ryanholiday at checkout for $20 free credits (limit first 500, new accounts).Harry’s is the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set for just $3 at Go to to redeem your offer.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/28/2021 • 23 minutes, 56 seconds
Are You Preparing Them To Answer The Call?
Ryan asks you if you’re preparing your children for the opportunities that lie ahead of them, and launches the pre-order for his new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave which you can check out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/27/2021 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
You Better Up Your Bandwidth
Ryan discusses how you can regain some of your time, for your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/27/2021 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
What If You Didn’t Do Anything Special?
Ryan explains what the most important thing you can do for your children is and launches the pre-order for his new book Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave which you can check out at up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/25/2021 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
The Shame of Those Awkward Photos
Ryan explains why the memories that matter are not staged. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/24/2021 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
This Is Wonderful
Ryan explains why you should be present with you children. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/23/2021 • 2 minutes, 3 seconds
Daily Dad on Maintaining Positive Habits and Routines
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan and his writing partner Nils Parker talk about the fallacy of everything “returning to normal” in a post COVID 19 world, the habits and routines that they’ve taken away from the pandemic, and more. Hiya is the pediatrician-approved superpowered chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children’s vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Daily Dad listeners receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal go to or enter code DAILYDAD at checkout.Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/21/2021 • 22 minutes, 46 seconds
They Must Come First
Ryan explains why this must take up most of your time. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/20/2021 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Just Go To Bed
Ryan explains why you should prioritize sleep.Grab a copy of Go The Fuck to Sleep at the Painted Porch Bookshop!Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/19/2021 • 1 minute, 48 seconds
Make Them Promise
Ryan explains why you should teach your kids this lesson early on.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/18/2021 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
It’s Easier Than You’re Making It
Ryan explains how you should look at the time that you spend with your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.coFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/17/2021 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Teach The Why
Ryan explains why you must show your children the importance of continuously gaining knowledge.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.coFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/16/2021 • 3 minutes, 29 seconds
Daily Dad on Managing Your Screen Time
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan and his writing partner Nils Parker talk about the difficulties of managing screen time as a parent, how when your attention is focused on screens your children are more likely to get into trouble, how some of the smartest people in the world are optimizing devices to exploit your attention, and more. Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/14/2021 • 22 minutes, 2 seconds
Don’t Let Them Get Sick
Ryan explains why you must guard your children against this modern illness.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/13/2021 • 3 minutes, 1 second
Count These Small Mercies
Ryan discusses why you must be the right example for your kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/12/2021 • 1 minute, 55 seconds
Did This Teach You Something About Time?
Ryan explains why the pandemic should have taught you this.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/11/2021 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
You’ll Never Regret Playing With Your Kids
Ryan discusses the one thing that you’ll never regret doing with you children.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/10/2021 • 1 minute, 56 seconds
You Only Have One Thing to Do
Ryan explains why you must always be present with your children.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/9/2021 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
Daily Dad on Sending Kids Back to School This Year
On today’s episode, Ryan discusses why he’s not sending his kids back to school this year, how you should weigh decisions based on how they affect other people, and why we shouldn’t judge others for the decisions that they make. Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to’s is the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set for just $3 at Go to to redeem your offer.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/7/2021 • 21 minutes, 51 seconds
You Can Always Give Them This
Ryan discusses the things that are always available to you to give to your children. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/6/2021 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
It’s Always A Blessing
“The thing about being a parent is that it gives you superpowers—or at least a superpower. Nothing too special. You can’t fly. You can’t stop bullets with your chest. But you are able, at least with the right frame of mind, to be serene and happy in the kinds of situations that make everyone else miserable.”Ryan explains the power of being a parent.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/5/2021 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Always Keep Their Interests In Mind
“There will always be a gulf between parents and their children, at least when it comes to taste. As it should be, your tastes are informed by years of experience and theirs by the yet unjaded joy of discovery. Why would you like what they like? You know more!”Ryan explains why you should always encourage your children’s interests.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/4/2021 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
It’s Good That You Worry About This
“The question hits you in a soft place. It hits you when you least expect it...and yet it’s there constantly. Am I a good parent? Am I doing enough? Am I screwing this up?”Ryan explains why your anxiety about how good of a parent you are is actually a good thing. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/3/2021 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
You Are The Toy
Ryan discusses the way children look at their parents.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/2/2021 • 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Daily Dad on Why I Won’t Be Exploiting My Kids On Social Media
“It was a surprisingly easy decision to make: No posting kid photos on social media. My wife and I made this decision not because, like everyone, we’ve been bored to death by endless baby photos from friends. Not because I’m worried about anyone’s safety (though as a writer I’ve had a few creepy encounters). But to look at a sleeping baby, defenseless and pure, and think, How many likes do you think this will get? struck us as particularly gross.”Ryan explains why he won’t post photos of his children on social media. Four Sigmatic’s mushroom coffee is real organic, Fair-Trade, single origin Arabica coffee, with Lion’s Mane mushroom for productivity, and Chaga mushroom for immune support. We've worked out an EXCLUSIVE offer with Four Sigmatic on their best-selling Mushroom Coffee - but this is JUST for Daily Dad listeners: Get up to 40% off + Free Shipping on Mushroom Coffee bundles. To claim this deal you MUST go to up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/31/2021 • 12 minutes, 12 seconds
You Have To See It This Way
“The defining feature of this parenting life is how much stuff goes wrong. Plans dash to pieces. Your kids change their mind. They get hurt, stuff comes up, stuff gets cancelled. If you’re an anxious person, a stressed person, a fragile person, this stuff will kill you.”Ryan explains why you always have to strive to get better. If you want to lead your family better, sign up for the new 9-week live course The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge today! This is a masterclass in leadership with the cadence and rigor of a boot camp. It is also a live course, which means all participants will join the course together and move through together at the same pace to their own version of the same goal—to be a great leader. Registration will close on Saturday, July 31st at midnight CST and the course will begin on Sunday, August 1st. We hope to have you join us at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/30/2021 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
This Is The Most Impressive Form Of Greatness
Ryan explains how you should lead your family.If you want to become a better leader, sign up for the new 9-week live course The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge today! This is a masterclass in leadership with the cadence and rigor of a boot camp. It is also a live course, which means all participants will join the course together and move through together at the same pace to their own version of the same goal—to be a great leader. Registration will close on Saturday, July 31st at midnight CST and the course will begin on Sunday, August 1st. We hope to have you join us at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/29/2021 • 4 minutes, 1 second
What Did You Learn From This?
“There’s no question that the last year and half has been tragic. Millions of people have perished in a merciless pandemic, millions more are still dealing with the consequences. Businesses were destroyed. Jobs were lost that will never come back. Relationships were subjected to unimaginable strain, institutions were stretched to their breaking point.”Ryan asks you what you learned from the last year and how you will apply it moving forward.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/28/2021 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
It's All About The Specifics
Ryan explains how the particular circumstances of your children’s life are all that matters.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/27/2021 • 2 minutes, 59 seconds
This Is What They Really Want
Ryan explains why you should cherish all of the time that you can with the people that you love.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/26/2021 • 2 minutes, 6 seconds
Daily Dad on How Hard It Is to Be a Kid
On today’s podcast, Ryan talks about the difficulties that your children face, why it’s so important to put yourself in their shoes and try to remember how you felt as a child, how the pandemic has been even tougher on young kids, and more.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at’s is the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set for just $3 at Go to to redeem your offer.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/24/2021 • 17 minutes, 16 seconds
What Messages Are You Sending To The Future?
Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/23/2021 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Be Ready to Go...Wherever They Go
“We’ve told the story a bunch of times, but it’s so good, it’s worth repeating. In high school, Jim Valvano told his dad he was not only going to be a college basketball coach, but he was going to win a National Championship. A few days later, his dad pointed towards the corner of his bedroom, “See that suitcase?” “Yeah,” Jim said, “what’s that all about?” “I’m packed,” his dad explained. “When you play and win that National Championship I’m going to be there, my bags are already packed.” ”Ryan describes the best gift that you can give to your children. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/22/2021 • 2 minutes, 54 seconds
They Have To Do This. You Don’t.
“Have you ever left Twitter feeling better about humanity? When was the last time you had a productive discussion with someone on Facebook? How often does Instagram bring out feelings of jealousy or envy in you?”Ryan explains what you do and don’t have to do. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/21/2021 • 2 minutes, 8 seconds
It Should Be The Easiest Thing In The World
“Parenting is very hard. Keeping your kids safe. Keeping them fed. Keeping them in the best schools, making sure they get good grades in those schools. We have to do all this as we navigate a world where Murphy’s Law is real, where bills have to get paid, where we have our own crap to deal with that no one is going to handle for us.”Ryan explains how to be a great parent right here right now. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/20/2021 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Everything Is A Phase
“It’s tricky to understand this because before you had kids, everything in your life seemed permanent. It just was. If your job sucked, it was never going to magically start not sucking. That was simply an element of the nature of the thing: it was a sucky job.”Ryan explains why you have to be patient with this part of your child’s life. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/19/2021 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson on Raising Self-Driven Children
On today’s podcast, Ryan speaks with Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson about their book The Self-Driven Child which they wrote to help parents and educators nurture a sense of agency and purpose in children, how to define and give your best effort in all of the things that you do, the difference between a healthy drive for excellence and having enough, and more.Ned Johnson is the president and founder of PrepMatters. A 1993 graduate of Williams College, Mr. Johnson has a BA in Economics and Political Science. Originally from Connecticut, Mr. Johnson now resides with his wife and children in Washington, DC.William R. Stixrud, Ph.D., is a clinical neuropsychologist and founder of The Stixrud Group. He is a member of the teaching faculty at Children’s National Medical Center and an assistant professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine.Felix Gray offers desined glasses to make daily screen time more comfortable and the workday more productive.Get yourself a pair of glasses made for the 21st century and designed for modern, hardworking eyes. You have nothing to lose (except maybe eyestrain). Go to for the best Blue Light glasses on the market.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Harry’s is the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set for just $3 at Go to to redeem your offer.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/17/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 20 seconds
You Have To Say Yes
“They want you to get in the pool with them. They want you to let them ride on your back. They want you to drive them to their friend’s house. They want to watch that awful movie. They want you to do that funny voice again.”Ryan explains why you can never turn your kids down. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/16/2021 • 2 minutes, 8 seconds
You Cannot Let This Happen
“You know, your parents weren’t always like this. They were young once. Hopeful, open-minded, even adventurous. They weren’t always so conservative, so stuck in their ways.”Ryan explains why you should be the change and not get in the way of change.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/15/2021 • 4 minutes, 39 seconds
You Don't Have To Do Anything But This
Ryan explains why this is all you have to do.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/14/2021 • 1 minute, 50 seconds
Just Pick Yourself Back Up
“Maybe you haven’t been as good of a dad as you would like to be lately. You were on your phone too much. You let your short temper get the best of you. You prioritized work over family. You got too wrapped up in your expectations, you were too harsh, you didn’t see things their way.”Ryan explains how to bounce back from failure.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/13/2021 • 2 minutes, 11 seconds
Try To Get This
“While we have talked recently about the dangers of multitasking as a parent—because it makes you distracted, because it gives you conflicting priorities—that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t look for efficiencies. In fact, that’s one of the secrets of this whole job: Always looking for how to get more juice for your squeeze.”Ryan explains how to get more out of what you already have.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/12/2021 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Daily Dad on Why the Slower Life is the More Natural Life
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan contrasts his life pre-pandemic, during the pandemic and now on the brink of post pandemic, how your routines as a parent shape and mold your children, how to follow the path of Stillness and why it’s so important, and more.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at’s is the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at Go to to redeem your offer.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/10/2021 • 17 minutes, 12 seconds
You've Got No Right
“Kids are so sweet. So innocent. Which makes the famous photo all the more haunting. A young boy dressed in a white robe and a tall, white, conical hat touches his reflection in a riot shield held by an African American State Trooper named Allen Campbell. The photo was taken in 1992 at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Georgia. “Me and this kid, neither one, made a choice to be here,” Campbell said sympathetically some two decades after the photo was taken. “The state patrol made me come, and his mom and daddy brought him.”Ryan explains why you shouldn’t impose your biases on your children.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/9/2021 • 2 minutes, 56 seconds
This Is Where They Get You
“The author Sebastian Junger does not own a stroller, even though he has two young kids. When we had him on the Daily Stoic podcast recently, he explained that he doesn’t really need one—because he can carry them both, or carry one while the other walks. It makes for good exercise. But it was also a philosophical issue for him.”Ryan discusses why you should always work on being close to your children.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/8/2021 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
Don't Thrust Them Away
“Of course, they can be annoying. Painfully so. They scream in your ears. They ruin your clothes with their food and dirt-covered hands. They can cut off your air supply as they crawl onto your back for a piggyback ride. Yet you have to absorb this. You can’t thrust them away. Even though it hurts. Even though you love this shirt. Even though you can’t breathe. ”Ryan explains why you must control your emotions as a parent. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/7/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
What Message Are You Sending?
“Ten or twenty years from now, they won’t remember the Princess breakfast that you spent hours and hundreds of dollars arranging for the first morning of their first trip to Disneyland. It’s more likely that they’re going to remember something you can’t possibly predict. Something small, and seemingly insignificant to you right now.”Ryan explains what your kids will actually remember. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/6/2021 • 4 minutes, 12 seconds
Why You Must Bring This Home
“So many moments of greatness can be traced back to this. Where did an athlete’s love of the game come from? Where did the scientist’s curiosity come from? The novelist’s passion for story? The philosopher’s quest for truth? A politician’s love of history?”Ryan explains how to cultivate a love for reading in your children.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/5/2021 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Daily Dad on Getting Rid of Your Stuff
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks about why it’s important to go back through the old and useless stuff, how it helps clean out not only your house but your mind, how it affects kids and how they react when you do get rif of stuff, and more. Felix Gray offers desined glasses to make daily screen time more comfortable and the workday more productive.Get yourself a pair of glasses made for the 21st century and designed for modern, hardworking eyes. You have nothing to lose (except maybe eyestrain). Go to for the best Blue Light glasses on the market.BetterHELP will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 48 hours. Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Get 10% off your first month at up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/3/2021 • 15 minutes, 10 seconds
There Must Be Hope
“A lot has happened in your life. It’s rightly made you cynical about some things, be it politics, relationships, or other people. A lot has happened in history, too, and anyone who has ever read a book will have trouble shaking the fact that a lot of lies have been told, a lot of horrible rigging of the system has happened and a lot of that contributes to the mess we’re in now.”Ryan explains why nothing is irredeemable. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/2/2021 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Would It Change Anything?
“We’ve talked before about the nature vs nurture debate. As we’ve said, it’s a waste of time (because the debate is clearly settled). But here’s the weird thing, would it even change anything if it weren’t?”Ryan discusses why you must have high standards for yourself. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/1/2021 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
This is Another Secret
“A few weeks ago, we talked about the secret to being a better parent. We talked about getting more juice for your squeeze. We talked about hiring help—outsourcing things you really don’t need to be doing.”Ryan discusses why you must take care of your affairs so you have more energy to give your kids.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookCheck out wealthfrontSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/30/2021 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
Prepare, Because It's Inevitable
“Your kids came into your life as a blessing. They brought you unalloyed joy. They are the source of so much happiness and positivity. But you have to remember: It won’t always be like this.”Ryan explains why you must always be prepared for hard times.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/29/2021 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
You Can't Be Remote
“Anyone who has read about aristocratic British parenting can’t help but be appalled. Children were not only not seen, but not heard from—for years. They were shipped off to schools. They were expected to carry incredible burdens and deliver on the aspirations of their family, with little to no concern whether their personal aspirations were aligned in the slightest.”Ryan explains why you must be present with you kids.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/28/2021 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Daily Dad on the 9/10 Ratio of Positivity and Discipline
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks about creating a positive ratio of being a fun loving parent while still maintaining a disciplined outlook, why you will only have a crowded table at the end of your life if you are pleasant to be around, the tricky balance between positivity and discipline, and more.Readeo provides a virtual story time platform called Bookchat. Bookchat lets you read your favorite award-winning books over video chat with your loved ones, no matter how far apart you are. All of this can be yours for just $10 per month. You can try Readeo out for yourself with a 30-day free trial by using the code DAILY on Felix Gray offers desined glasses to make daily screen time more comfortable and the workday more productive.Get yourself a pair of glasses made for the 21st century and designed for modern, hardworking eyes. You have nothing to lose (except maybe eyestrain). Go to for the best Blue Light glasses on the market.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/26/2021 • 13 minutes, 29 seconds
This Is Why You're Here
“Sometimes you get a glimpse into the lives of single or childrenless people and feel a tinge of jealousy. How much more time they have. What they haven’t had to worry about during the pandemic. Even the acronym D.I.N.K, can make your mouth water a bit: Dual incomes, no kids.”Ryan explains why the only person who we should deny is you…Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/25/2021 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
How To Deter Them
“There are things we don’t want our kids to do. We set up rules. We create punishments. We supervise them closely. It a degree, but it’s also exhausting. Meanwhile, we neglect—as we’ve discussed a thousand times—the most powerful deterrent and the most influential motivator: Our own actions.”Ryan explains why you have to be your kids inspiration.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/24/2021 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
This Was a Wake Up Call
“We can imagine that parents who have nearly lost a child—or parents who tragically have—operate on a different plane of consciousness than those of us who have not. A parent who had a health scare, a parent who helped a child claw their way back from an addiction, a parent who has been estranged but reunited, these people know what they missed or almost missed.”Ryan explains why you must be grateful for every second that you’ve got. Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/23/2021 • 3 minutes, 44 seconds
Don't Let Them Sneer
“You’ve seen a lot. You’ve been through a lot. You know what’s up. As a parent, you have to make sure that the insight you’ve gleaned from these experiences does not turn into cynicism—and if it does from time to time, that you shield your kids from it. Because any disillusionment you might feel about people or the world or your own present circumstances is not their fault and it does not serve them well.”Ryan explains why you have to be sure not to infect your kids.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/22/2021 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
They Owe You Nothing
“Yes, you’ve done a lot for your kids. You brought them into the world. You wiped their butts. Maybe you even paid for all their years of grad school.”Ryan explains the fundamental truth that all parents must grapple with.For one day only, Ryan Holiday's bestselling book Ego Is The Enemy is only $1.99 as an ebook on Amazon! ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/21/2021 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
Daily Dad’s 6 Father’s Day Lessons
On today’s special Father’s Day episode, Ryan talks about 6 lessons that have helped him on his journey as a parent. The lessons are: 1. Tame your temper 2. Hunger and schedule is essential 3. Take walks together 4. All time is quality time 5. Life should be good but not easy 6. tell them how much they mean to you. Happy fathers day from Daily Dad!Gravity Blankets make the only blanket proven to improve sleep quality, with 78% of people reporting a better night’s sleep when using gravity. Just go to and check out the weighted blankets, weighted sleep masks and weighted robes. Use promo code DAILYDAD to get 15% off your purchase.Framebridge makes it easier and more affordable than ever to frame your favorite things - without ever leaving the house. Get started today - frame your photos or send someone the perfect gift. Go to and use promo code DAILYDAD to save an additional 15% off your first order.***Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/20/2021 • 19 minutes, 57 seconds
Daily Dad on Lessons Learned Traveling With Young Kids
On today’s episode of the podcast, Ryan talks about the RV trip that he and his family took out to West Texas, and the lessons that he took from the experience. Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Felix Gray offers desined glasses to make daily screen time more comfortable and the workday more productive.Get yourself a pair of glasses made for the 21st century and designed for modern, hardworking eyes. You have nothing to lose (except maybe eyestrain). Go to for the best Blue Light glasses on the market.***Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/19/2021 • 16 minutes, 14 seconds
This is 90% of Being A Dad
“What’s the key to being a great dad?”Jay asks at the beginning of the second episode of the show Modern Family.”Ryan discusses what the key to being a great dad is, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/18/2021 • 3 minutes, 20 seconds
This Is What They Want (But This Is What They Need)
“They just bit their brother. They failed their math test. They scratched the car. They did something wrong, and you’re upset. And now they’re lying to you. Or throwing a tantrum. Or acting completely belligerent.”Ryan explains why you have to always make things right, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/17/2021 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
How You See It Matters
“There’s stuff that happens that nobody wants to have happen—especially to their kids. Whether it’s breaking an arm or being bullied, life visits things upon us. Things that frustrate, things that hurt, things that cause problems.”Ryan explains why your perspective is everything, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/16/2021 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
Why Are You Rushing This?
“Bedtime can be stressful when you’re convinced it has to happen by a certain time. The evening walk becomes less fun because you keep telling them to hurry up. Dinner becomes less satisfying because there’s less time to taste the food. In fact, from a kid’s perspective, speeding things along starts to feel like it’s the most important thing in the world to us.”Ryan explains why you should run towards life not away from it, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/15/2021 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Is It Nature or Nurture?
“How much of this is nature and how much is nurture? Nobody really has a great answer to that question. What we know for certain, though, is that the debate as a whole is a waste of time. Because if it was only nature, there’d be no reason for any of us to do anything or even ponder how we can make our kids’ lives better.”Ryan explains the difference between what is natural and what is learned, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/14/2021 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
Sebastian Junger on the Wonder of Existence and the Complexity of Freedom
On today’s episode of the podcast Ryan talks to author and filmmaker Sebastian Junger about his new book Freedom which details his 400 mile journey along the railroad lines of the American East Coast, how the experience of having children challenges your notions of freedom, how the fragility of life reveals a wonderment at existence, and more. Sebastian Junger is the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of The Perfect Storm, War, and Tribe. As an award-winning journalist, a contributing editor to Vanity Fair and a special correspondent at ABC News, he has covered major international news stories around the world. Junger is also a documentary filmmaker whose debut film "Restrepo" was nominated for an Academy Award and won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance. Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. Harry’s is the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at Go to to redeem your offer.HelloFresh is the meal-kit subscription that gets you healthy and delicious home-cooked meals, right to your doorstep. Meals are seasonal and delicious, and save you and your family time and money on grocery shopping. Visit and use code DAILYDAD12 for 12 free meals, including free shipping.ShipStation makes it super easy to manage and ship all your orders from all your sales channels faster, cheaper and more efficiently. Ship more in less time. Just use the offer code, DAILYDAD, to get a 60 - day free trial. Go to, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in DAILYDAD. Make SHIP happen.This episode is also brought to you by StoryWorth. Every week StoryWorth emails your mom a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase! ***Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Sebastian Junger: Homepage: Instagram: See Privacy Policy at
6/12/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 40 seconds
This Is The Secret
“When you look at successful people with kids—be they CEOs or athletes or artists—it can be easy to marvel: How do they do it? How do they get it all done? How do they get it all done and still stay in shape?”Ryan explains how you can get more done while staying connected with your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Magic Spoon is an adult version of what you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/11/2021 • 4 minutes, 2 seconds
What Are You Even Fighting About?
“There is no family immune to conflict. Whether it’s about shoes left out or tattoos or politics, families fight. Siblings argue. Parents punish rule rebel. Spouses disagree, fail to communicate, and struggle under stress.”Ryan explains why you’ve got to remember how little these things matter, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/10/2021 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
You Must Adjust Accordingly
“It doesn’t matter how old you are, you grew up in a society and a culture that was less inclusive and less diverse than the one we’re in now. Certainly one that was less sensitive too.”Ryan explains why you must always question and re-evaluate your views, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/9/2021 • 3 minutes, 1 second
This is What You Wanted
“Any parent who has had young kids takes a minute to remind younger parents with babies of this. Yes, you want them to start crawling, but as soon as they do, you’ll miss being able to set them down and not having to worry they’ll move.”Ryan discusses the fleeting moments that you will wish you could relive, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/8/2021 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
It's Ok For Your Kid To Be Affected
“There is perhaps no remark responsible for more banal evil than this one: I don’t want my kid to be negatively affected. This is what parents say—and have said for generations—in objection to just about any change, whether it was integrating schools or equal playing time in youth sports.”Ryan explains why you can’t over protect your kids, and launches the new premium leather edition of The Obstacle Is The Way, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The first production run has only a limited quantity, so do not miss your chance to buy this beautiful new edition of The Obstacle is the Way! To order your copy, head over to If you order TODAY, it will arrive in time and make for the perfect Father’s Day gift. Please note: if you live outside the U.S., we cannot make any guarantees about when your order will arrive. ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/7/2021 • 3 minutes, 7 seconds
Charlie Mackesy on the Importance and the Power of Kindness
On today’s episode, Ryan talks to author Charlie Mackesy about his #1 New York Times bestselling book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, the process of writing and creating the book, how beautiful and rare it is to find contentment, and more.Charlie Mackesy is the author of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. The book has sold over 1.4 million copies and spent 55 weeks on the Sunday Times Bestsellers List top ten. He co-runs Mama Buci, which is a honey social enterprise in Zambia.Framebridge makes it easier and more affordable than ever to frame your favorite things - without ever leaving the house. Get started today - frame your photos or send someone the perfect gift. Go to and use promo code DAILYDAD to save an additional 15% off your first order.Gravity Blankets make the only blanket proven to improve sleep quality, with 78% of people reporting a better night’s sleep when using gravity. Just go to and check out the weighted blankets, weighted sleep masks and weighted robes. Use promo code DAILYDAD to get 15% off your purchase.Harry’s is the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at Go to to redeem your offer.HelloFresh is the meal-kit subscription that gets you healthy and delicious home-cooked meals, right to your doorstep. Meals are seasonal and delicious, and save you and your family time and money on grocery shopping. Visit and use code DAILYDAD12 for 12 free meals, including free shipping.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Charlie Mackesy:Homepage: Twitter: Facebook: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/5/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 16 seconds
Who Should Make Who Proud?
“We say it casually. We mean well. “Make me proud out there, kiddo,” we say as they trot out onto the soccer field. “Make your parents proud,” we say as they head off to college. And when they do great stuff, we reward them by letting them know that they have made us proud. We want this to motivate them. We use it, oftentimes unconsciously, to hold them accountable.”Ryan explains why you should make this a priority in your life, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/4/2021 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Don't Miss The Reminders
“Every time you pick them up to trim their nails. Every time you take them to get their haircut. Every time you have to take a load of clothes to Goodwill or to a friend’s house. Every time you have to buy them a new pair of socks or shoes, be sure to take a moment to take notice.”Ryan discusses how important the little things are and why they remind you of what matters most, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/3/2021 • 3 minutes, 20 seconds
Is It Really As Bad As You Say?
“There is a type of parent who is constantly worried about their kids. They’re worried that the teacher isn’t giving their daughter enough attention. They’re worried that their son is falling behind. They fight and claw for every advantage...and resist every possible disadvantage with equal ferocity. More than anything, they want their kids to “succeed”—and they will not let anything get in the way of that.”Ryan rationalizes the worry and nervousness that comes with raising kids in a system that is largely out of your control, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/2/2021 • 3 minutes, 39 seconds
Where Do They Learn To Judge?
“You didn’t mean anything by it. It was a comment under your breath about your brother’s spending habits. It was a joke about a celebrity’s weight. It was a complaint about the way your neighbor parks in their driveway. It was the conversation between you and your spouse over dinner, about what’s wrong with the other side, about them.”Ryan discusses how much of an impact what you say has on your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/1/2021 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
This Makes It Harder
“You got frustrated. Because they were being annoying. Because you already told them. Because they know they’re not supposed to hurt their brother like that.”Ryan explains why the best place to be is in the present moment, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/31/2021 • 2 minutes, 13 seconds
Jessica Lahey on Self-Efficacy and Genetic Predisposition to Addiction
Ryan talks to Jessica Lahey about her new book The Addiction Inoculation: Raising Healthy Kids in a Culture of Dependence, protecting your kids against addiction and finding the right information to guide them to success, teaching your kids about self-efficacy, and more.Jessica Lahey is the New York Times bestselling author of The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed. She has written for The New York Times and The Atlantic and has taught middle and high school for over a decade. Magic Spoon is an adult version of the cereal you loved as a kid—without the sugar, carbs, or guilt. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today. Use our promo code DAILYDAD at checkout to save five dollars off your order.Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. That’s makes it super easy to manage and ship all your orders from all your sales channels faster, cheaper and more efficiently. Ship more in less time. Just use the offer code, DAILYDAD, to get a 60 - day free trial. Go to, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in DAILYDAD. Make SHIP happen.Gravity Blankets make the only blanket proven to improve sleep quality, with 78% of people reporting a better night’s sleep when using gravity. Just go to and check out the weighted blankets, weighted sleep masks and weighted robes. Use promo code DAILYDAD to get 15% off your purchase.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Jessica Lahey: Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/29/2021 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 57 seconds
Always Think About Why
“It’s not easy to do when they’re hitting or biting or waking up ten times a night. When they’re failing classes they’re more than capable of passing. When they get caught sneaking out. When they’re acting like a jerk.”Ryan explains that there’s usually a reason behind everything your kids do, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/28/2021 • 2 minutes, 4 seconds
What We Do Ripples Through
“In the beautiful children’s book, Each Kindness, Jacqueline Woodson tells the story of a young girl named Chloe who, in the casual way that kids often do, treats a classmate cruelly. She is moved to change one day when her teacher demonstrates the way that water ripples when a stone is dropped in it.”Ryan explains why your actions impact what your children do, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/27/2021 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
They Can't Understand
“Look, there’s just no way your kids can understand. It’s impossible for a person that young, that free of responsibilities, to comprehend what it feels like to be a parent—to have your heart running around outside your body.”Ryan explains why you have to take on the burden of concern, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/26/2021 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
You Need To Take This Time
“Certainly, someone would have needed him for something. His wife, one of his thirteen kids, a courtier, the pressing business of state. But for a few minutes to an hour—sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening—Marcus Aurelius was unreachable. This was too important.”Ryan explains why you must take your time seriously, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/25/2021 • 2 minutes, 51 seconds
Don't Despair, Just Wait
“Your kids can drive you nuts. They’re crazy. They’re struggling. They can be ungrateful. They can test and frustrate you like nothing else. But before you complain or despair...”Ryan explains why time is one of our most useful assets, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/24/2021 • 2 minutes, 12 seconds
Daily Dad and Nils Parker on Breaking the Cycle of Dysfunction
On today’s episode Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about why setting expectations is crucial for kids fulfilling their potential, how to deal with the problems that your parents let fall on your shoulders, the importance of breaking the cycle of dysfunction, and more. Gravity Blankets make the only blanket proven to improve sleep quality, with 78% of people reporting a better night’s sleep when using gravity. promotes a deeper, more restorative sleep while decreasing your bodies production of stress hormones. Just go to and check out the weighted blankets, weighted sleep masks and weighted robes. Use promo code DAILYDAD to get 15% off your purchase.Ritual is a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.Framebridge makes it easier and more affordable than ever to frame your favorite things - without ever leaving the house. Get started today - frame your photos or send someone the perfect gift. Go to and use promo code DAILYDAD to save an additional 15% off your first order.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/22/2021 • 37 minutes, 3 seconds
What if You Treated Everyone This Way?
“You know that your kids are monsters when they’re tired. You know they don’t make good decisions when they’re hungry. You know that they have emotions and urges and drives operating inside them that they don’t understand. Hormones, ignorance, fear, energy they can’t control.”Ryan explains why we should treat everyone with the same level of respect, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/21/2021 • 2 minutes, 1 second
Every Kid Needs This From At Least One Person
“All kids have had a hard time this last year. Of course, for many less privileged children the last twelve months were just an introduction to the daily struggle their parents have experienced since the day they were born. Broken systems. Lurking danger. Shrinking options. Pivotal moments lost that will never come back.”Ryan talks about the one thing that your kids need from you, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/20/2021 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Don't Start This For Them
“Maybe you do it because you’re in a hurry. Maybe you do it because you hate to see them struggle. Maybe it’s just a sweet gesture. Maybe you remember your parents doing it for you. Whatever the reason, you should stop.”Ryan explains why you should teach your kids to be self-sufficient, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/19/2021 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Let Them Be Who They Are
“We should always try to learn from parents who have had it harder than us, who have really been through the ringer. If you haven’t watched Brandon Boulware’s deeply moving testimony about his struggles with his transgender daughter, you should really take the time to see it.”Ryan explains how you should nurture your kids spirit, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/18/2021 • 3 minutes, 28 seconds
Don't Let Them Do More Damage
“That idiot at work. That jerk of a neighbor. That contractor who has repeatedly lied and misled you. These are realities of life, of course, but as a parent, they are also an extra layer of crap you have to deal with on top of bedtimes and colds and getting the kids off to school and making sure they are fed.”Ryan explains why you should never let external events influence your most important job, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/17/2021 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Daily Dad and Nils Parker on Being Present With Your Kids
On today’s episode Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about Ryan’s recent parenting struggles, the urgency of giving your kids your undivided attention, the delicate balance between emotional and financial costs, and more. This episode is brought to you by Skillshare. Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. That’s episode is also brought to you by Harry’s, the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at You’ll get a 5-blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shave gel, a travel cover, and a travel size body wash. It’s an incredibly great deal, but act fast while supplies last! Go to to redeem your offer.This episode is also brought to you by ShipStation. No matter how much you sell, ShipStation makes it super easy to manage and ship all your orders from all your sales channels faster, cheaper and more efficiently. Ship more in less time. Just use the offer code, DAILYDAD, to get a 60 - day free trial. That’s 2 months FREE of no - hassle, stress - free shipping. Just go to, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in DAILYDAD. That’s, enter offer code DAILYDAD. Make SHIP happen.This episode is also brought to you by HelloFresh, the meal-kit subscription that gets you healthy and delicious home-cooked meals, right to your doorstep. HelloFresh sends you meal kits in a way that fits in with your schedule and dietary preferences. Meals are seasonal and delicious, and save you and your family time and money on grocery shopping. Visit and use code dailydad12 for 12 free meals, including free shipping.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/15/2021 • 35 minutes
Your Kids Have Not Been Harmed
“The last year has been rough. It’s not how any of us would have chosen for things to go. Remote schooling. Missed birthday parties. Cancelled trips. No unnecessary trips to the store, no concerts or games from the bleachers. Lost time with older loved ones—maybe even lost loved ones.”Ryan explains why you must grab this situation by the right handle, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/14/2021 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Make Sure They Always Have This
“It’s the most heartbreaking scene in an already heartbreaking book. It’s the scene at the end of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. The father is dying. He knows it. He is trying to say goodbye to his son, the one he has tried to keep alive, to raise to be decent, to survive. “You said you wouldn’t ever leave me,” the boy cries…”Ryan explains why you’ve gotta give your children you’re whole heart, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/13/2021 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
They Are Your Work
“Bryan Caplan is a busy economist. He’s also a busy parent of four kids, all of whom he now homeschools. Might having that many kids and that much education to supervise impede on his career? Probably. But as Bryan tells his grad students as well as his children, ‘You are not an interruption of my work. You are my work.’”Ryan explains what your most important job is, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/12/2021 • 3 minutes, 9 seconds
They Must Be Surrounded By This
“Do you know Lewin’s Equation? You’re experiencing its implications as you read this:B = f (P,E)Behavior is a function of a Person and their Environment. Our habits, our actions, our lives are determined largely by our surroundings.”Ryan explains why you must teach your children to read, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/11/2021 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
It's Game Time
“Everybody wants to get better. Next time, we tell ourselves, we’ll get it right. We’ll try harder. We’ll have less going on at work and therefore more time to focus. Tomorrow will be a fresh start. When they’re a little older we’ll be able to do X,Y,Z.”Ryan explains why now is the time to be the best parent you can be, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/10/2021 • 2 minutes, 12 seconds
Daily Dad and Nils Parker on the Importance of Independent Decision Making
On today’s podcast Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about Ryan’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, the difficulty of weighing decisions independently, how to guide your children to being their best selves, and more. Readeo provides a virtual story time platform called Bookchat. Bookchat lets you read your favorite award-winning books over video chat with your loved ones, no matter how far apart you are. The Readeo library includes hundreds of books from publishers like Chronicle and Simon and Schuster, including stories in English, Spanish, and French. All of this can be yours for just $10 per month. You can try Readeo out for yourself with a 30-day free trial by using the code DAILY on That’s to get 30 days of virtual storytime for free.Gravity Blankets make the only blanket proven to improve sleep quality, with 78% of people reporting a better night’s sleep when using gravity. promotes a deeper, more restorative sleep while decreasing your bodies production of stress hormones. Just go to and check out the weighted blankets, weighted sleep masks and weighted robes. Use promo code DAILYDAD to get 15% off your purchase.This episode is also brought to you by Harry’s, the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at You’ll get a 5-blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shave gel, a travel cover, and a travel size body wash. It’s an incredibly great deal, but act fast while supplies last! Go to to redeem your offer.This episode is also brought to you by ShipStation. No matter how much you sell, ShipStation makes it super easy to manage and ship all your orders from all your sales channels faster, cheaper and more efficiently. Ship more in less time. Just use the offer code, DAILYDAD, to get a 60 - day free trial. That’s 2 months FREE of no - hassle, stress - free shipping. Just go to, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in DAILYDAD. That’s, enter offer code DAILYDAD. Make SHIP happen.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/8/2021 • 33 minutes, 29 seconds
It's Not About You
“We all enter fatherhood with preconceived notions and expectations. We hear about that magically profound connection that forms the moment they are born. We’re told nothing will make us feel more fulfilled, nothing will give us a stronger or clearer sense of purpose, nothing will compare to the kind of happiness you experience when our kids do this or accomplish that.”Ryan challenges you to ask yourself a hard question, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/7/2021 • 3 minutes, 7 seconds
Let Them Drum
“In Margarita Engels’s beautiful poem Drum Dream Girl (a must read for every parent), a little girl wants to be a drummer. But time and time again she is deterred. By archaic gender roles. By her teachers. By her own parents.”Ryan explains why you must let your kids dream, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/6/2021 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
If you Want Them To Listen
“You want them to listen. You want them to respect you, as we’ve talked about. What’s the secret?”Ryan explains the key to good parenting, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/5/2021 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
They Shrug It Off. So Can You
“Your kid falls. If you’re not paying attention, they brush themselves off and keep going. But if they see the look on your face? They burst into tears. A lot of parenting is like this. Your kids naturally have the appropriate attitude—whether it’s about standardized testing or body image or what have you—but then we project our silly baggage onto them and attach undue significance to things, and that’s when stuff starts to go sideways.”Ryan explains why you should be able to let go of what isn’t important, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/4/2021 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
Do Your Actions Match Your Values
“We tell ourselves we’re good people. We support good causes. We vote for the right candidates. We are disgusted when we hear people say bigoted or cruel things.”Ryan explains why your choices matter the most, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/3/2021 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Daily Dad and Nils Parker on Doing the Right Thing During the Pandemic
On today’s podcast Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about Ryan’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, why it’s important to always try to do the right thing for your kids and family, the gap between classes and its impact on people’s response to the pandemic, and more. This episode is brought to you by Readeo. Readeo provides a virtual story time platform called Bookchat. Bookchat lets you read your favorite award-winning books over video chat with your loved ones, no matter how far apart you are. The Readeo library includes hundreds of books from publishers like Chronicle and Simon and Schuster, including stories in English, Spanish, and French. All of this can be yours for just $10 per month. You can try Readeo out for yourself with a 30-day free trial by using the code DAILY on That’s to get 30 days of virtual storytime for free.This episode is brought to you by Ritual, a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. And if you don’t love Ritual within your first month, they’ll refund your first order. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.This episode is brought to you by Skillshare. Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. That’s episode is also brought to you by StoryWorth. Give your mom the most meaningful gift this Mother’s Day with StoryWorth. Every week StoryWorth emails your mom a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase! That’s for $10 off.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/1/2021 • 39 minutes, 40 seconds
This Is The Enemy
“You’re distracted because this weird work email just came in. You’re in a bad mood because of something you saw. And what happens? Well, your kids get the brunt of it. Or they get only 50% of Dad at dinner, because you’re home but not really home.”Ryan discusses where you should be placing your attention, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/30/2021 • 2 minutes, 7 seconds
This Explains Everything
“How old were you when you first heard of the concept of being “hangry?” Maybe it was a friend that joked about it, or someone you were dating. Maybe you’re just hearing about this portmanteau of hungry and angry for the first time in this email. Oh yeah, that’s so true.”Ryan explains how hunger can be a teachable moment, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/29/2021 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
This Is A Tough Balance
“We’ve talked about being a fan of your kids. We’ve talked about believing in them. We’ve talked about encouraging and supporting them. We talk about these things because they’re important.”Ryan describes the delicate balance between discipline and reward, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/28/2021 • 3 minutes, 17 seconds
Your Family Was Given A Gift
“There have been incalculable losses over the last year. The death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic is staggering. The economic devastation is generational. And that is to say nothing of the missed graduations, the lost seasons of youth sports, the time away from the classroom.”Ryan reminds you that there is still more time to grasp the present moment, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/27/2021 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
Don't Just Assume It Will Work Out
“In Meditations, Marcus Aurelius takes a moment to remind himself of the “malice, cunning and hypocrisy that power produces,” and the “peculiar ruthlessness often shown by people from ‘good families.’” It’s notable that he would say such a thing, because Marcus came from a great family. His grandparents were illustrious Romans, he had a doting mother, and then he was adopted by Hadrian and Antoninus Pius and groomed for power.”Ryan explains why you must mold your children into good people, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/26/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Daily Dad and Nils Parker on Resiliency and Fragility
On today’s podcast Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about the contradicting ideas of resiliency and fragility and the role that they’ve played in children’s lives during the COVID 19 crisis. This episode is also brought to you by Readeo. Readeo provides a virtual story time platform called Bookchat. Bookchat lets you read your favorite award-winning books over video chat with your loved ones, no matter how far apart you are. The Readeo library includes hundreds of books from publishers like Chronicle and Simon and Schuster, including stories in English, Spanish, and French. All of this can be yours for just $10 per month. You can try Readeo out for yourself with a 30-day free trial by using the code DAILY on That’s to get 30 days of virtual storytime for free.This episode is brought to you by Ritual, a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. And if you don’t love Ritual within your first month, they’ll refund your first order. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.This episode is also brought to you by HelloFresh, the meal-kit subscription that gets you healthy and delicious home-cooked meals, right to your doorstep. HelloFresh sends you meal kits in a way that fits in with your schedule and dietary preferences. Meals are seasonal and delicious, and save you and your family time and money on grocery shopping. Visit and use code dailydad12 for 12 free meals, including free shipping.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/24/2021 • 31 minutes, 45 seconds
Don't Forget How Small They Are
“There’s a wrenching scene in the haunting novel The Sweet Hereafter (not to be read for the faint of heart). A widowed husband is folding up the clothes of his late wife. He’s struck, holding her things, just how physically small she was.”Ryan describes why it’s the little things that you will remember after they’re gone, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/23/2021 • 2 minutes, 20 seconds
What Are You Making Them Do?
“There’s a line adapted from Aristotle but given to us by the historian Will Durant: We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit. The real question as parents then is what are we making our kids do?”Ryan discusses the importance of realizing that your kids habits define who they are, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/22/2021 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
This Could Be The Moment
“You’re busy. It’s just a trip to the store. They have been a pain all day. You’re trying to get ready to give them a special surprise. ”Ryan explains why every second with your kids counts, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/21/2021 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
What Game Are You Teaching Them?
“There are two types of games in this life: Finite and Infinite games. Finite games are things you do once and then they’re over. Infinite games are more like life itself—it goes on and on and everything is interrelated and independent.”Ryan explains why you must choose the games you teach your children carefully, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/20/2021 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
You Can't Expect Them To Have The Same Taste...Yet
“We’ve talked before about enjoying the classics with your kids. Not necessarily ‘the classics’ in the ancient Greek literature sense, but classic rock, classic films. You know, the all time greats.”Ryan explains how your children will grow up to reflect the taste that you give them, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/19/2021 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
Daily Dad on Advice for Expecting Parents
On today’s podcast Ryan talks to his friend and writing partner Nils Parker about advice that they wish they would've been given before they had kids. This episode is brought to you by Skillshare. Try learning a new skill with Skillshare and its amazing community of members. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. That’s episode is also brought to you by StoryWorth. Give your mom the most meaningful gift this Mother’s Day with StoryWorth. Every week StoryWorth emails your mom a different story prompt – questions you’ve never thought to ask. Get started right away with no shipping required by going to You’ll get $10 off your first purchase! That’s for $10 off.This episode is also brought to you by Harry’s, the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at You’ll get a 5-blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shave gel, a travel cover, and a travel size body wash. It’s an incredibly great deal, but act fast while supplies last! Go to to redeem your offer.This episode is also brought to you by ShipStation. No matter how much you sell, ShipStation makes it super easy to manage and ship all your orders from all your sales channels faster, cheaper and more efficiently. Ship more in less time. Just use the offer code, DAILYDAD, to get a 60 - day free trial. That’s 2 months FREE of no - hassle, stress - free shipping. Just go to, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in DAILYDAD. That’s, enter offer code DAILYDAD. Make SHIP happen.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/17/2021 • 42 minutes, 23 seconds
Give What You Didn't Get
“Marqise Lee didn’t play football in 2020. He could have played for Bill Belichick but he didn’t. Not because he was worn down or afraid of the grind—as an athlete and a football player, he’s in the prime of his career.”Ryan explains why difficulty should bring your family closer together, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/16/2021 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
This Is The One Thing You Cannot Do
“We can mess up a lot as parents—in fact, we will mess up a lot. We will work too much. We will have issues from our own childhood bubble to the surface. We’ll lose our tempers. We can push too hard...or not hard enough.”Ryan describes the most important responsibility you have as a parent, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.This episode was brought to you by Magic Spoon. Magic Spoon makes delicious cereal just like you remember from when you were a kid—only this version has only 3g carbs and 11g of protein. Use code RYANHOLIDAY at to get free shipping. Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/15/2021 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
To Whom Much Is Given...
“Your kids want to know why their friends don’t have to do chores. They want to know why you aren’t happy with middling grades. They want to know why you’re taking the trouble they got in so seriously. It’s not a big deal, they say.”Ryan explains the importance of setting high expectations for your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Marcus Aurelius’s character wasn’t an accident. He fought—to use his phrase—to be the person philosophy tried to make him, the person Rusticus and his mother and Antoninus tried to make him. That’s the story we tell in The Boy Who Would Be King and we’d love for you to check it out. And we have some great news—the ebook version of The Boy Who Would Be King is available on Amazon right now for $1.99. The promotion ends tomorrow night, so pick up a copy and share it with your kids while they’re at their most formative. ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/14/2021 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
Don't Think About It This Way
“Every TV show perpetuates the stereotype. Our own memories confirm it. At some point, parents have to have “The Talk.” About drugs. About sex. About race. About divorce.”Ryan explains why the perspective you take when raising kids is everything, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/13/2021 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
This Solves Most Problems
“We’ve said before that taking a walk will solve most of your parenting problems. Getting the kids outside, rocking them with the ambulatory sway of our species, stimulating them with some sunlight and scenery. It’s decent for your relationships too—with both your kids and your spouse—to get some space, turn down the volume, distract the mind.”Ryan describes the simple solution to most of your problems, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/12/2021 • 2 minutes, 11 seconds
Daily Dad on How to Raise a Resilient Child
“Every parent wants a resilient child. Nobody feels good sending a fragile or vulnerable kid in the world. We know that resilience isn’t just a tool to weather the inescapable hardships in life, but also the secret to surviving everyday problems without losing your cool, like dealing with difficult people or running late to an important meeting.”On today’s podcast, Ryan reads a few fundamental strategies for dads looking to teach their kids the art of resiliency. This episode is brought to you by Ritual, a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. And if you don’t love Ritual within your first month, they’ll refund your first order. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.This episode is also brought to you by Readeo. Readeo provides a virtual story time platform called Bookchat. Bookchat lets you read your favorite award-winning books over video chat with your loved ones, no matter how far apart you are. The Readeo library includes hundreds of books from publishers like Chronicle and Simon and Schuster, including stories in English, Spanish, and French. All of this can be yours for just $10 per month. You can try Readeo out for yourself with a 30-day free trial by using the code DAILY on That’s to get 30 days of virtual storytime for free.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/10/2021 • 13 minutes, 26 seconds
It's Your Job To Check In
“Nobody steals a scene on Seinfeld quite like George’s parents, Frank and Estelle Costanza. And of course, nobody makes George more miserable than them. They are a crazy, absurd set of parents.”Ryan uses the example George Costanza from Seinfeld to explain why it’s your responsibility to understand your child’s life, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/9/2021 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Have You Seen Their Perspective?
“We think they’re making excuses. We think they’re making stuff up. We just want them to go back and sleep in their bed. Or listen to their coach. Or get their work done. It’s fine, we tell them. Just give it a try. Wear your jacket, it’s not that uncomfortable. Do your homework, it’s not that difficult.”Ryan explains why you should do your best to see things through your kids eyes, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/8/2021 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
You’ll Always Have This
“The last twelve months have been rough. They were defined by lockdowns and job losses and masks and wildfires and protests. But what about someone with a one-year-old? To them, the last twelve months certainly had all those things, but it was mostly defined by the birth of their child, their first smile, their first…so many things.”Ryan explains why your children should be your most prized possession, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/7/2021 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
If You Want Your Kids To Respect You
“Every parent wants to be respected. They want to be listened to. They want their advice to be taken seriously. They want to be looked up to. And how do far too many of us try to get these things from our kids? By endless words. By force. By fear. By simply assuming it’s ours by right.”Ryan explains how you can truly earn the admiration of your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Ryan Holiday's book Lives of the Stoics is on sale as an E-Book for just $1.99! The pages of this book start with Zeno, the founder of Stoicism, and end with Marcus Aurelius, the great philosopher king. In between, you’ll learn the stories of Cicero and Seneca, Cleanthes and Chrysippus, Rusticus and Epictetus, Cato and his daughter Porcia. Grab your copy of Lives for just $1.99 now!***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/6/2021 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
They Don’t Know Your Battles
“The story of Major Taylor is an inspiring one...and a tragic one. Major Taylor was the greatest cyclist of his generation, perhaps one of the great athletes to ever live. The only problem was that he was born in 1878 and he was born black in America.”Ryan illustrates why you should always be open with your children by telling the story of Major Taylor, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/5/2021 • 3 minutes, 3 seconds
Daily Dad and Ron Lieber on Preparing Your Kids For Financial Success
Ryan speaks to author Ron Lieber about the key Stoic virtue of temperance, how money can be a great tool for teaching, how parents and kids should approach college and gap years, and more.Ron Lieber is a bestselling author of several books and has been a New York Times columnist since 2008. His newest book The Price You Pay for College: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make released in January 2021. This episode is brought to you by Harry’s, the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. For a limited time, Harry’s has an exclusive offer for listeners of the Daily Dad Podcast. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at You’ll get a 5-blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shave gel, a travel cover, and a travel size body wash. It’s an incredibly great deal, but act fast while supplies last! Go to to redeem your offer.This episode is also brought to you by Readeo. Readeo provides a virtual story time platform called Bookchat. Bookchat lets you read your favorite award-winning books over video chat with your loved ones, no matter how far apart you are. The Readeo library includes hundreds of books from publishers like Chronicle and Simon and Schuster, including stories in English, Spanish, and French. All of this can be yours for just $10 per month. You can try Readeo out for yourself with a 30-day free trial by using the code DAILY on That’s to get 30 days of virtual storytime for free.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Ron Lieber:Homepage: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/3/2021 • 56 minutes, 59 seconds
Teach Them To Think and Evaluate
“Plutarch tells us the story of a Spartan leader: "As he reclined after his meal the Eiren would tell one boy to sing, while to another he would pose a question which called for a considered reply, like "Who among the men is best?' or 'What is your opinion of so-and -so's action?' Thereby boys grew accustomed to judging excellence and to making a critical appraisal of the citizens right from the start.”Ryan discusses how you should mold your kids minds to question and review, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/2/2021 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
They Get It Better Than You
“We told the story recently of the wakeup call that Rich Cohen got from his son’s hockey coach. Complaining about playing time, the coach asked if Rich’s son was happy, and when Rich said he was, the coach asked, “Then what do you care?””Ryan explains why you should listen to your kids view on things, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/1/2021 • 3 minutes, 1 second
It’s Usually Not an Accident
“Florence Nightingale was an incredible woman. She revolutionized nursing. She saved thousands and thousands of lives. This came as a surprise in Victorian England because women weren’t supposed to do career-type things, let alone something as hands on as work in a hospital. Her spirit and her determination came as a surprise to her parents too, as we’ve talked about, who thought their wealth and status, should have bestowed on their daughter a quiet dignity and taste for the finer things.”Ryan explains why you should be careful with who you expose your kids to, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/31/2021 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
It’s a Family Affair
“Taylor Branch’s incredible series on Martin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights Movement spans three volumes. It’s almost 3000 pages with hundreds of footnotes. It won awards like the Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction and the National Book Critics Circle Award. More importantly, it’s really, really good—a must-read for anyone trying to understand social change or American history.”Ryan describes how your kids are a part of the journey that you are on, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/30/2021 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Be Careful of Your Implications
“In an early episode of The Crown, Princess Margaret and her sister Queen Elizabeth wax nostalgic about their loving, late father, who used to refer to his daughters as his “pride and joy.” It was a beautiful memory, but also a painful one.”Ryan explains how the things that you aren’t aware of may be impacting your children the most, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/29/2021 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Daily Dad and Volleyball Legend Gabrielle Reece on How Family Gives Us Meaning
Ryan speaks to Gabrielle Reece about how family gives us meaning, the stillness that is required to accurately observe ourselves, how to properly maintain healthy relationships and find enough for yourself, and more. Gabrielle Reece is a professional volleyball player and author of the New York Times bestseller My Foot Is Too Big for the Glass Slipper. She is also an executive member of Laird Superfood and is also the host of the Gabby Reece Show.This episode is brought to you by Box of Awesome from Bespoke Post. They have a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. To get started, you just take a quiz at your answers help them pick the right Box of Awesome for you.Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.This episode is also brought to you by Skillshare is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning. With so much to explore, real projects to create, and the support of fellow creatives, Skillshare empowers you to accomplish real growth. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month! Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership.This episode is also brought to you by Readeo. Readeo provides a virtual story time platform called Bookchat. Bookchat lets you read your favorite award-winning books over video chat with your loved ones, no matter how far apart you are. The Readeo library includes hundreds of books from publishers like Chronicle and Simon and Schuster, including stories in English, Spanish, and French. All of this can be yours for just $10 per month. You can try Readeo out for yourself with a 30-day free trial by using the code DAILY on That’s to get 30 days of virtual storytime for free.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Gabrielle Reece:Homepage: Twitter: Instagram: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/27/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 59 seconds
Do You Do This Over Dinner?
“Some families watch TV at dinner. Some families eat separately. Some families talk idly about their day. Dinner at Agnes Callard’s house is different. She and her children debate.”Ryan challenges you to think about what your family dinner conversation is concerned with, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/26/2021 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
They Don’t Understand Time (Do You?)
“Think about where you were fifteen years ago. Twenty. Just how long ago that was. Now think about your thoughts from fifteen years ago. Maybe that takes you back too far, but even that is illustrative: when we’re younger, we have a very limited conception of time… because we haven’t experienced much of it.”Ryan explains why you should instill a genuine concept of time in your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/25/2021 • 3 minutes, 24 seconds
Be Something and Somebody
“E.H Harriman was a hell of a businessman and, as we’ve talked about before, a surprisingly good father. He had a reputation as a rapacious industrialist, but at home he was tender and engaged with his kids. He was patient and instilled in them good values.”Ryan discusses why you should set high expectations for your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.This episode was brought to you by Magic Spoon. Magic Spoon makes delicious cereal just like you remember from when you were a kid—only this version has only 3g carbs and 11g of protein. Use code RYANHOLIDAY at to get free shipping. ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/24/2021 • 3 minutes, 1 second
Lay Down These Rules
“Every family is going to have their own rules. Some parents want a “Yes, sir” and Yes, Ma’am,” others are OK being called by their first name. Some tolerate elbows on the table, others won’t even allow screen time. Every family is different, so every family will have different rules.”Ryan explains why you must show more than you tell, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out now, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/23/2021 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
Are You Telling Them This?
“As a young novelist, Susan Straight was told by her mentor, the great James Baldwin, “You must continue to write. It is imperative.” Imagine how different that was than the example she got from her own mother, who as we explained, believed her own creative life was over the day she had kids.”Ryan explains why you must believe in your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/22/2021 • 2 minutes, 12 seconds
How to Teach Your Kids About Ancient Philosophy
On today’s podcast, Ryan Holiday discusses some tips for teaching your kids about ancient philosophy and Stoicism. We want to pass on our knowledge to our children, but it isn't always easy to know how to best do that. Skillshare is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning. With so much to explore, real projects to create, and the support of fellow creatives, Skillshare empowers you to accomplish real growth. Skillshare is also incredibly affordable—especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month! Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership. That’s episode is brought to you by Harry’s, the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. For a limited time, Harry’s has an exclusive offer for listeners of the Daily Dad Podcast. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at You’ll get a 5-blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shave gel, a travel cover, and a travel size body wash. It’s an incredibly great deal, but act fast while supplies last! Go to to redeem your offer.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/20/2021 • 13 minutes, 29 seconds
We Can Choose Our Parents
“We were given two parents. Or maybe one. Or maybe more. All of our upbringings were different, and outside of our control. We didn’t get to decide who our mom was or who our dad was, if they got divorced, if they were present, if our stepparents were a blessing or a nightmare.”Ryan discusses the ability that you have to choose who you model yourself after, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out now, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/19/2021 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Classics Are The Key
“You like stuff. your kids like different stuff. It’s a conflict as old as parenthood itself. Music, food, art--the generational divide is real. Does this mean we can’t even connect? No, of course not. There is something we should always be able to enjoy together--the stuff that transcends generations: The classics.”Ryan explains why you should bond with your children over things that will stand the test of time, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out now, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/18/2021 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Here’s What Matters
“Rich Cohen loves hockey. He loves watching his kids excel at it. Like any parent, the last thing he wants to see is for them to struggle, or worse, to not get their fair share--whether it’s playing time or respect.”Ryan explains why you should learn to let go of what isn’t essential to your job when parenting your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/17/2021 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
Your Job Is To Bother
“They’d rather you not check in so much. They’d rather you not tell them how you feel about them so much. They’d rather you not hug them in front of their friends. And? It’s not a coincidence that father rhymes with bother. That’s our job. To be up in their business.”Ryan discusses the importance of being involved in your children’s lives, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out now, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/16/2021 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
The Kinds of Stories To Tell Them
“It was a dark time. The world was falling apart. School was a distant memory. All they had was time. Is this your life? Or is it the plot of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road?”Ryan explains why you should expose your kids to inspiring and entertaining stories that instill values in them, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out now, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/15/2021 • 3 minutes, 3 seconds
Daily Dad and Illustrator Victor Juhasz on Marcus Aurelius and The Boy Who Would Be King
On today’s podcast, Ryan speaks to his collaborator and illustrator for his new book The Boy Who Would Be King about the process of creating the art for the book, imposing discipline on yourself, how he was impacted by Marcus Aurelius’ story, and more. Victor Juhasz is an artist and illustrator whose work has appeared in Rolling Stone, Time Magazine, and Esquire Magazine, and more. He has illustrated many books including G is for Gladiator: An Ancient Rome Alphabet and is for Zeus: A Greek Mythology Alphabet.This episode is also brought to you by Box of Awesome from Bespoke Post. They have a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. To get started, you just take a quiz at your answers help them pick the right Box of Awesome for you.Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Victor Juhasz:Homepage: Twitter: Instagram: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/13/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 6 seconds
Transcend this Bitter Math
“We know our parents sacrificed for us. That’s what history is...people giving stuff up for future generations, whether it’s crossing lonely oceans or fighting in wars or, as it was in the old days, enduring painful, suffocating relationships and stultifying gender roles.”Ryan explains why you should be careful about how you view the relationship with your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out now, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/12/2021 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
They’re Only Going To Ask You So Many Times
“They’re only going to ask you so many times: to get in the pool with them, to sit next to them, to help with their homework, to talk about the problem they’re having. No, not because you only get a certain number of summers and car rides and moments with your kids, like we’ve talked about. They’re only going to ask you so many times, because at some point they’re going to get the message.”Ryan talks about why the urgency of the present should encourage you to be better to your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out now, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/11/2021 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
What’s More Important?
“Yeah, it costs money to heat a house warmer than it needs to be. Yeah, rooms should be clean. Yeah, it’s annoying when shoes are left in a pile. Yeah, you told them to knock that off already. But? But what’s more important?”Ryan explains why you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff, cause it’s not what really matters, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out now, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/10/2021 • 3 minutes, 26 seconds
You Can Educate and Entertain
“You want to put them to sleep, so you read them the first book off the shelf. You’re on the couch with your daughter, so you watch whatever movie is on TV. You want the kids to relax in the car, so you put something on the iPad.”Ryan explains why the stories that you expose your children to should inspire and instruct them, and launches his newest book The Boy Who Will Be King, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.The Boy Who Would Be King is out today, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available now. Go to to order now and you’ll automatically get the free audiobook.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/9/2021 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
You Must Raise and Educate Them the Same
“Are there differences between boys and girls? Of course. Anyone that tells you differently either isn’t a parent or they have some agenda that’s blinding them. There are sex differences in every other animal that ever existed. Humans are no exception.”Ryan explains why there is no difference in raising different genders, the point is to raise them to be great, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/8/2021 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
Allie Esiri On the Power of Poetry and Daily Reads
On today’s podcast, Ryan speaks to writer Allie Esiri about the Stoic’s infatuation with ancient poetry, how to read and find insight in poetry, how the greatest writing communicates to us on a subliminal level, and more. Allie Esiri is a writer and former actress in stage, film, and television. She has released several poetry anthologies including 2020’s, Shakespeare for Every Day of the Year, a collection of passages from Shakespeare's greatest works.This episode is brought to you by Harry’s, the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. For a limited time, Harry’s has an exclusive offer for listeners of the Daily Dad Podcast. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at You’ll get a 5-blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shave gel, a travel cover, and a travel size body wash. It’s an incredibly great deal, but act fast while supplies last! Go to to redeem your offer.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Allie Esiri:Homepage: Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/6/2021 • 17 minutes, 41 seconds
This Is All an Invention
“This didn’t used to exist you know. Kids had it way harder before. Not just a hundred-plus years ago when they were valued most for their labor on the farm, but back further still—kids got married when they were still kids, they were exposed to the horrors of the world when they were still kids, they were forced to fight and fend for themselves while they were still kids.”Ryan explains how childhood was made up, and why it’s your job to protect it for your children, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/5/2021 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
There Are More Important Things to Worry About
“In Plato’s Phaedrus, Socrates tells the story of the god Theuth approaching the King of Egypt, hardly able to contain his excitement about sharing his latest and greatest invention: an innovative technology he called “writing.” The King was enthusiastically opposed.”Ryan discusses the timeless debate about the things that are negatively impacting children’s growth, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/4/2021 • 3 minutes, 37 seconds
What Kind of Voice Are You Giving Them?
“You hear it all the time. The voice in your head. You’ve heard it all your life. The one that tells you what’s right. The one that tells you what it thinks you ought to do. It can also turn nasty, whispering that you’re not good enough, that everyone sees through you, that you’ll never measure up.”Ryan explains how our internal narrative is largely developed during childhood, and why you should take the responsibility of molding your child’s inner voice very seriously, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/3/2021 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
They Don't Care
“Of course, your kids love you. They look up to you. They imitate you. They want to be around you. At the same time, it seems like they could not be less impressed or less interested in us.”Ryan uses a story from the Super-Bowl winning quarterback Phil Simms to illustrate why your kids won’t be your fans, but you should be their biggest one, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/2/2021 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
This Is Why We Read
“You’ve read plenty of bad books as a parent. The ham-handed kids books. The nonsensical ones. The vanity projects. The patronizing ones. Why are you reading to your kids? To teach them to read, of course. To spend time together, of course. But also to teach them about life.”Ryan explains the purpose that stories should serve in your children’s life, and launches his new book The Boy Who Would Be King, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.Pre-order The Boy Who Would Be King, our newest release at Daily Stoic, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available for preorder now. As a special bonus, if you order this book before March 9th, 2021, you’ll get a FREE audiobook version as well. Go to to pre-order now and you’ll automatically get the free book.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/1/2021 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Daily Dad’s Best Advice From Authors
Today’s episode features a compilation of some of the best advice that we’ve found from great authors. Ryan revisits stories from Cormac McCarthy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, and James Frey. This episode is brought to you by Ritual, a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. And if you don’t love Ritual within your first month, they’ll refund your first order. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.This episode is also brought to you by Box of Awesome from Bespoke Post. They have a huge number of collections no matter what you’re into: the great outdoors, style, cooking, mixology, and more. To get started, you just take a quiz at your answers help them pick the right Box of Awesome for you.Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code DAILYDAD at checkout.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/27/2021 • 10 minutes, 43 seconds
They Got Your Number
“You used to think you had it so together. And maybe you still do. At work, you’re important and together. In relationships, you’re measured and firm. You’re an adult. You’re in charge right Nah. They are in charge.”Ryan explains why your children should hold as special place in your heart, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/26/2021 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
It's Not Fair to Expect This
“If you’ve ever watched Netflix’s The Crown, you’ve seen this lesson play out: Queen Elizabeth is strong. She’s stoic. She’s restrained. She’s got a profound sense of duty. And she is continually surprised to see others struggle or fall short of her standards.”Ryan discusses why the point is, as Marcus Aurelius said, to be “tolerant with others, and strict with yourself,” on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/25/2021 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
If You Want Them to Do Right
“You think they’re not watching, but of course they are. What else do they have going on? You’re the most entertaining and strange show in their lives. They watch what you eat...and how you eat. They watch how you treat your partner. They watch how you drive. They watch how you treat people. They see your habits. They live in your lifestyle. They feel what you value and what you don’t.”Ryan explains why you must model the behavior that you want to see your kids reciprocate, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/24/2021 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
You Must Amend Your Life
“Nobody wants to think about this. We love our kids too much. We love our lives too much. We have too much to do. But we have to stop. We have to stop and think about this unpleasant fact: We will not be here forever. Nobody will be.”Ryan explains why you need to be with your children in the present moment, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/23/2021 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
What Are We Teaching Them?
“The fact that there are so many memes about this shows how widespread the problem is. ‘Another day without using the Pythagorean theorem,’ reads one. Another jokes about a kid wanting to learn how to balance their finances who is instead taught ‘Hot Cross Buns’ on the recorder. Another has a totally unprepared adult repeating the one thing they learned in school: ‘Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.’”Ryan why you need to instill good character into your children, on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/22/2021 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
Daily Dad’s Best Advice from Athletes and Coaches
Today’s episode features a compilation of some of the best advice that we’ve found from athletes and coaches. Ryan revisits stories about Kobe Bryant, Jack Harbaugh, Archie Manning, and Jim Valvano. This episode is brought to you by Harry’s, the best subscription service where you receive new razor blades, shaving cream, and other grooming products by mail. For a limited time, Harry’s has an exclusive offer for listeners of the Daily Dad Podcast. New customers can get a Harry’s Starter Set and a FREE body wash for just $3 at You’ll get a 5-blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shave gel, a travel cover, and a travel size body wash. It’s an incredibly great deal, but act fast while supplies last! Go to to redeem your offer.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/20/2021 • 12 minutes, 9 seconds
We Cannot Abdicate Our Responsibilities
“We’ve talked before about F. Scott Fitzgerald. He was a great writer who wrestled with many demons. He was spoiled by his parents. He inherited alcoholism. He struggled valiantly at the end of his life to be a good father, but it was an uphill battle. Even the times were against him—society tolerated selfish, immature fathers. Especially high-achieving ones.”Ryan encourages you to be present with your children, and explains the consequences of neglecting them, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/19/2021 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
It’s About Learning, Not Memorization
“It’s time for us to review your multiplication tables, you tell them. Let’s look over your vocab flash cards. Or maybe you’re one of those parents that makes your kids recite poems or plays, that signs them up for performances. Maybe you’re drilling them for a spelling bee right now.”Ryan discusses why the goal in teaching your children lessons should be to instill the knowledge in them, not just to get them to remember it, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/18/2021 • 2 minutes, 14 seconds
There Are No Such Things As “Children’s Stories”
“Aesop’s Fables are silly stories about dogs and mice and foxes and lions. Children love them. But are they ‘for kids?’ No, they are for human beings. They are designed to teach lessons. Bad stories pander. Good stories entertain. Great ones teach while they do it. The question is, what kind of stories are you filling your kid imagination with? What kind of stories are you filling your own life with?”Ryan explains why the stories that you expose your children to should be teaching them timeless lessons, and launches his newest book The Boy Who Will Be King, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.Pre-order The Boy Who Would Be King, our newest release at Daily Stoic, written by Ryan Holiday in the depths of the pandemic (not unlike the one Marcus ruled through), this new beautifully crafted book is available for preorder now. As a special bonus, if you order this book before March 9th, 2021, you’ll get a FREE audiobook version as well. Go to to pre-order now and you’ll automatically get the free book.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/17/2021 • 3 minutes, 17 seconds
The Harder Path Is Worth It
“Cynicism is easy. Being jaded is easy. Being tired—tired of other people, tired of life—is easy. Hope? Hope is hard. Earnestness is hard. Caring is hard. But that’s the whole thing: Nobody said being a parent was easy.”Ryan explains that raising children is challenging but also rewarding, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/16/2021 • 2 minutes, 3 seconds
Their Faults Are Your Faults
“They don’t listen. They make bad choices. They don’t give their best efforts. Your kids can drive you nuts. After all, isn’t mimicry pretty aggravating?”Ryan explains how your children are an opportunity for you to understand your own flaws, and to help them overcome them, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.This episode was brought to you by Magic Spoon. Magic Spoon makes delicious cereal just like you remember from when you were a kid—only this version has only 3g carbs and 11g of protein. Use code RYANHOLIDAY at to get free shipping. ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/15/2021 • 2 minutes, 54 seconds
Daily Dad and Agnes Callard on Teaching Children Philosophy
On today’s episode Ryan speaks to professor and author Agnes Callard about pulling children towards philosophy, how to popularize philosophy in your own household, and how to set the stakes higher when teaching your kids. Agnes Callard is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago (ancient philosophy and ethics). She wrote Aspiration: The Agency of Becoming and wrote the lead essay in On Anger, one of the New Yorker’s top books of 2020. This episode is brought to you by Ritual, a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. And if you don’t love Ritual within your first month, they’ll refund your first order. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Agnes Callard:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/13/2021 • 22 minutes, 25 seconds
You Are Only As Happy As Your Unhappiest Child
“In 2013, two of Jack Harbaugh’s kids were coaching against each other in the Super Bowl. They had led their respective teams to the NFL promised land, achieving success at the highest level of organized football, and now they were going to play the game their family loved in front of 71,000 people inside the Superdome and more than 160 million viewers at home across the country.”Ryan discusses the predicament of watching one kid fail while the other succeeds, and explains how their happiness can not determine your worth, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/12/2021 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
You Can Find the Time
“We think we’re too busy. We think it’s impossible. We’re parents now. There’s no way we can start that company. There’s no way we can finish that project. We have to be realistic. We’ve got to put aside for now. There just isn’t enough time.”Ryan explains why you don’t have to hang up your dreams when you have kids, you just have to be creative, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/11/2021 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
The Fire Is Real
“The last pages of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road are about the hardest thing any father will ever have to read. The man is dying. He knows it. He knows it means leaving his boy alone—alone in a terrible world. He knows he has just a few minutes left to teach, to prepare his son for life without him. What does he does? What does he say?”Using this example from Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road,” Ryan explains why we should teach our children about the goodness that is already within them, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/10/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Leave Them Alone!
“As we’ve said before, people have been complaining of the next generation...since well, generations. It’s an old cliche: There’s something wrong with our kids and their friends. They’re missing something. Ugh.”Ryan explains the tired cliche of complaining about the lack of understanding in younger generations, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.This episode was brought to you by Magic Spoon. Magic Spoon makes delicious cereal just like you remember from when you were a kid—only this version has only 3g carbs and 11g of protein. Use code RYANHOLIDAY at to get free shipping. ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/9/2021 • 3 minutes, 6 seconds
We’re Doing It Wrong
“When you think of your own school days, what do you think of? What do the days at school of your own children look like? Certainly, very different from what school was ever intended or imagined to be. The root word of school—scholé—in Greek refers to the idea of leisure. It’s supposed to be a place of reflection.”Ryan discusses how we’ve distorted the nature of children's education throughout the years, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/8/2021 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Daily Dad and Jessica Lahey, Angel Parham, Brett McKay, and Dr. Harvey Karp on Parenting
Today’s episode features clips from some of the best interviews about parenting from The Daily Stoic Podcast. Ryan talks to Jessica Lahey, Angel Parham, Brett McKay, and Dr. Harvey Karp about letting your kids fail, reading the classics to them, teaching them hope and decency, and how to approach parenting from a philosophical perspective.This episode is brought to you by Ritual, a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. And if you don’t love Ritual within your first month, they’ll refund your first order. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual today.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/6/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 5 seconds
You Got What You’ll Want
“There’s been some iconic father-son moments in sports history. Tiger hugging his son Charlie after winning the Masters. Drew Brees lifting up his son Baylen after winning the Super Bowl. Michael Phelps running to kiss his son Boomer after making Olympic history. Now there is a new one.”Ryan explains how even amidst your greatest achievements, all that you want is what you already have, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/5/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Prepare Them Now. While You Can.
“Life is easy now. We should just let them enjoy it right? Before they have to work for a living. Before they have to care about what’s going on in the world. While they can do whatever they want, while they can get away with eating whatever they want, and all the innocent freedoms that children are blessed with.”Ryan discusses why you should be sure that your kids are ready for the harsh reality of the world, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/4/2021 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
Let’s Get To The Bottom Of It
“They have questions. You have answers. That’s how this works? Sure, if you want to be a human form of a Google Search.”Ryan explains why you should let your kids figure things out on their own, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/3/2021 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Give Them This Stuff
“The novelist John Steinbeck used to write his novels with pencils. In 1952, he was wearing himself out writing his greatest novel, East of Eden. He was also wearing down his pencils, one by one, as the words poured out.”Ryan discusses how the mundane can become treasure, but only if you look for it, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/2/2021 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
The Right Thing Is Not So Simple Anymore
“When you were younger, you were brash. You didn’t take crap. You didn’t keep quiet. If you disagreed, or didn’t like something, you said something. We hated hypocrites. We shook our head at the compromises that we saw older people make. We laughed at them for the way they settled. We were angry with our parents for their political and social beliefs. We were idealistic. They were conservative. It drove us nuts.”Ryan explains why you must learn to balance your ambition with your role as a parent, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/1/2021 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
Daily Dad and Emily Oster on Rational Parenting
On today’s episode, Ryan has a wide-ranging conversation with professor and economist Emily Oster. They talk about how to balance your life with children, how to communicate positive messaging, how the American government handled the pandemic, and more.Emily Oster is a professor of economics at Brown University, as well as the bestselling author of several books. Her most recent book, Cribsheet, aims to help improve decision making during the early years of parenting.This episode is brought to you by Ritual, a multivitamin that delivers high quality nutrients, including Vitamin D3, in just 2 daily pills. Your multivitamins are delivered to your door every month with free shipping, always. You can start, snooze, or cancel your subscription anytime. And if you don’t love Ritual within your first month, they’ll refund your first order. Get key nutrients without the B.S. - Ritual is offering listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit to start your Ritual todayThis episode is brought to you by LMNT, the maker of electrolyte drink mixes that help you stay active at home, work, the gym, or anywhere else. Electrolytes are a key part of a happy, healthy body. Right now you can receive a free LMNT Sample Pack for only $5 for shipping. To claim this exclusive deal you must go to This deal is only valid for the month of January. Get your FREE Sample Pack now. If you don’t love it, they will refund your $5 no questions asked.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/30/2021 • 53 minutes, 1 second
Teach Them How To Devour Like This
“Some parents want their kids to know how to read. We want more than that. We want our kids to be obsessed. We want them to hunger for books. We want them to read like they’re on a mission.”Ryan explains why you should teach your children to find great joy and insight in reading, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/29/2021 • 3 minutes, 9 seconds
Don’t Tie Down Your Eagle
“Florence Nightingale was a precocious child. As a toddler, she always went her own way. Then, unlike many girls her age at the time, she wasn’t interested in parties or getting married or fancy things. She wanted to do something different with her life.”Learn how the life of Florence Nightingale should teach you to let your kids grow into who they were meant to be, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/28/2021 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Keep Your Head Up And Take Another Swing
“No person has a perfect track record. Certainly, no parent does. We all mess up. We all fall short. We get our priorities wrong. We make mistakes. We lose our temper and our patience. We all handle certain situations in ways we wish we hadn’t.”Ryan discusses why holding onto your past mistakes is a recipe for disaster, and why you should always strive to get better, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/27/2021 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Make Your Name Mean Something
“When Cato’s son Marcus fell at the second battle of Philippi in 42 BCE, his final act was to shout his father’s name. When Cato’s daughter Porcia wanted to prove her mettle to the conspirators as they plotted against Caesar, she simply told her husband, ‘I am Cato’s daughter.’”Ryan explains why you should live the principles and values that you want your children to live up to, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.This episode was brought to you by Magic Spoon. Magic Spoon makes delicious cereal just like you remember from when you were a kid—only this version has only 3g carbs and 11g of protein. Use code RYANHOLIDAY at to get free shipping. ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/26/2021 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Regular Kids Can Do Great Things
“It is obvious, in retrospect, why some of the towering figures of the 20th century were who they were. Stalin. Hitler. Mao. Even Churchill. They had formative, even horrible childhoods that propelled them to seek power, made them ruthless and cunning, ambitious and even the worst of them, brilliant at times.”Learn why your kids don’t have to come from painful circumstances to be great, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/25/2021 • 2 minutes, 48 seconds
Daily Dad and Harvey Karp on How to Be a Great Parent
Ryan speaks with Dr. Harvey Karp, a parenting expert and inventor of the SNOO Sleep System, about how people prepare for parenthood, the benefits of seeking out parenting expertise, and more.Dr. Harvey Karp is a pediatrician and the creator of the SNOO Sleep System. Dr. Karp is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and teaches pediatrics at USC’s Keck School of Medicine. He has achieved renown for his methods that help infants quickly and safely go to sleep.Get the SNOO Sleep System:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/23/2021 • 34 minutes, 24 seconds
It’s Not Over For You
“The writer Susan Straight was helping her mother move, when she found an old painting thrown in the trash can. Sensing that this wasn’t something that her mother had bought, she asked her about it. ‘I took a painting class at the YMCA,’ her mother explained. ‘Then I found a book—teach yourself to paint. My mother was an artist. She made beautiful sketches of our garden and our house in Switzerland.’”Ryan explains the reason why you should continually cultivate your interests and hobbies as a parent, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/22/2021 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Don’t Be Mad At Good People
“You’re a patient person. You don’t get road rage. You don’t snap at your employees. You accept apologies when offered. You treat strangers well. Because these are the rules of polite society. Because this is the secret to success in business and life.”Ryan discusses how proximity affects how you treat people, and why you should learn to control your temper, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/21/2021 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Just Be a Fan. Just Be a Fan.
“Maybe your kid is into weird stuff. Maybe their heavy metal band sucks--or their talents as a white MC are almost offensive. Maybe you can’t stand the shows they like, or maybe their dream is an unlikely one at best.”Learn why you should cheer your kids on while nurturing and respecting their interests, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/20/2021 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
The Struggle With Struggle
“We all know that what we went through in life is what made us who we are. The breakups, the failures, the losses and the mistakes. Some of us grew up poor. Others grew up rich but with absent parents. Others grew up around addiction or dysfunction.”Ryan discusses the delicate balance between protecting and restraining your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/19/2021 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
Everything Is Figureoutable, Pt. II
“When Charles Lindbergh was thinking about attempting the first transatlantic flight, he ran into an issue. It wasn’t that he had very little money. It wasn’t that he was a nobody. It wasn’t even that he hadn’t flown more than a few hours in one stop before. It wasn’t even that others who had tried it had died.”Ryan discusses the one skill that that transcends all others, and why you must show it to your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/18/2021 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Daily Dad On Bringing the Right Energy Into Your Home
On today's long episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan and Nils talk about how to create and maintain the right environment in your home—one where your kids are always happy to hear you coming home from work. The Stoic Parent is a 10-day course that will help you become the best parent you can be. Each day you receive a new challenge with exercises and advice that will guide you to raising your kids the best way. Learn more at***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/16/2021 • 25 minutes, 37 seconds
You Have To Sell Them On This
“As you’ve gotten older, it’s been harder to deny: People can be awful. Institutions let you down. The world will break your heart. There is such thing as evil. There is too much of it out there.”Learn why it’s okay to protect your kids from the evil in the world, so long as you sell them on this, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/15/2021 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Don’t Overdo It!
“You love them. It feels good to get them things. It feels good to spoil them even. Especially if you’re someone who works a lot, who feels guilty about mistakes they’ve made, who carry wounds from their own childhood.”Ryan discusses the delicate balancing act that you must practice, even when showing your kids affection, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/14/2021 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Apply Your Opinions At Home
“Like any reasonable adult, you’ve got opinions about the world. How the country should be run. What courage looks like in a politician. What a great coach does, what’s expected of an athlete in crunchtime, what loyalty they owe to the team. Maybe you think budgets should be balanced, maybe you really admire the boldness of certain entrepreneurs and think the world needs more of them.”Ryan explains why the most important place to employ your opinion is in your home, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/13/2021 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
They Don’t Need a Lecture. They Need This.
“Your kids screwed up. They failed a test. They forgot their homework. They hit their brother. They scratched your car and lied about it. They got caught drinking. They got caught cheating. Worse, yet, you have talked to them about these things so many times. ”Learn why it’s imperative that you practice patience and discipline with your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/12/2021 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Work With Them To Find Their Lane
“You want your kids to be successful. You want them to be ambitious. You want them to fulfill the potential you see in them. Every parent does. You have this idea of where you think you ought to go… and then of course, they have other ideas.”Ryan discusses why you should help your children realize who they were meant to be, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/11/2021 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
Daily Dad On Raising Kids During the Pandemic
On the first longform episode of the Daily Dad podcast, author Ryan Holiday and editor Nils Parker discuss the unique challenges they've faced as parents during the COVID-19 pandemic.The Stoic Parent is a 10-day course that will help you become the best parent you can be. Each day you receive a new challenge with exercises and advice that will guide you to raising your kids the best way. Learn more at***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/9/2021 • 35 minutes, 1 second
Look for The Excuse
“When he was a young teenager, Lewis Puller Jr. got himself an afternoon paper route. It was one of those things that his parents insisted on so he could learn responsibility and hard work and all that. And it was certainly good for that. It was also good for something even better. One day, Lewis’ bike got a flat tire, so his dad (Chesty Puller, the most decorated Marine in US history) drove him on the route. The next day, it rained, so Chesty did it again. On the third day, Lewis’ dad got the car and drove him again anyway--even though he didn’t need to. Because it was the excuse he was looking for to spend time together.”Learn why we must make excuses to spend time with or kids, and why all time is quality time, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/8/2021 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
Embrace This Mindset
“You clean and the house is dirty. You do the dishes and then five minutes later, the sink is full again. Literally before you’ve even finished helping them put their toys away, they’re splayed out across the floor. The new clothes you just bought them are now filthy and frayed. This can drive you nuts. Or you can learn to love it.”Ryan explains that raising is an art that shouldn’t be taken for granted on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/7/2021 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
Give Them Space
“If you’re not careful, their whole lives get filled up. Soccer practice. School. Cello lessons. Chores are home. After all, you don’t want them in front of screens all day. You want them to make something of themselves. You don’t want them to waste their life or fall behind.”Learn how to be mindful of your kids time and schedule, and why it’s your responsibility to protect them from burnout, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/6/2021 • 2 minutes, 8 seconds
Delay, Delay, Delay
“You’re angry. That’s understandable. Your boss has been awful. The contractor still hasn’t finished fixing the bathroom. You just spilled coffee on your shirt. Or maybe it’s one of those days with the kids: One kid lied to you about doing their homework. The other talked back to their mother. A third still made scrambled eggs and forgot to turn the stove off. ”Ryan discusses a Stoic tactic for taming your temper, and how to turn hard moments into lessons for your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/5/2021 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Are You The Good Guys?
“We picked up our political beliefs somewhere. From books we read, from how we grew up, from what we’ve seen in the world. We got started in our industry for so many reasons--luck, a natural inclination, because the money seemed good.”Learn why you should be actively revising your perspective on life, and how to teach your kids to do the same thing, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/4/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Show Them Age is No Barrier
“When Bessie Carter, President Jimmy Carter’s mother, was 68 years old, she saw an ad on television for the Peace Corps that said ‘Age is no barrier.’ So she joined. Almost 70 years old, she went to India and taught nutrition and family planning!”Learn how Jimmy Carter’s mother inspired him to never stop making a difference, even when the clock was ticking, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/1/2021 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
It’s Never Too Late
“We talked recently about Springsteen’s choice for parents: Will you be an ancestor or a ghost? Haunt them or help them? The story he tells about how he came to this understanding comes from his own struggles with his own father. As he explained on Broadway, when he and his wife were expecting their first kid, his father--who had always been distant and harsh--drove something like five hundred miles and showed up at Bruce’s door.”Ryan uses the example of Bruce Springsteen’s father to explain why you should face the past and help your kids be better than you were, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.We created the New Year, New You Challenge to help you create a better life, and a new you in 2021. Sign up for the challenge at***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/31/2020 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
You Have To Make Time For This
“You’re stressed. You’re busy. You have so much on your plate. Time to read? Other than kids books? Get out of here. Except maybe the latter is the solution to the former. If you want to be less stressed, you gotta make time for yourself--to read, to think, to learn. The great William Osler (founder of John Hopkins University) told his medical students it was important that they turn to literature as a way to nourish and relax their minds. ‘When chemistry distresses your soul,’ he said, ‘seek peace in the great pacifier, Shakespeare, ten minutes with Montaigne will lighten the burden.’”Ryan discusses the importance of learning, and communing with the ‘saints of humanity’, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.We created the New Year, New You Challenge to help you create a better life, and a new you in 2021. Sign up for the challenge at***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/30/2020 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
The Present Is Pleasurable Enough
“After a long and arduous hunt, Theodore Roosevelt finally got the bull caribou he had been tracking. ‘It was one of those moments,’ he later wrote, ‘that repay the hunter for days of toil and hardship; that is if he needs repayment, and does not find life in the wilderness pleasure enough in itself.’”Ryan explains why we should always focus on the present moment, because it’s where the true reward lies, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.We created the New Year, New You Challenge to help you create a better life, and a new you in 2021. Sign up for the challenge at***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/29/2020 • 3 minutes, 21 seconds
You Have To Keep Track
“This whole thing can go by so fast. Because you have so much going on. Because you feel like you’re barely keeping your head above water. It’s understandable, but if you don’t slow down and wrap your head around this parenting thing, you can end up missing so much that matters.”Ryan explains why you should pay close attention to the time you spend with you kids, and how you can make the most out of it, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.We created the New Year, New You Challenge to help you create a better life, and a new you in 2021. Sign up for the challenge at***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/28/2020 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
We Can Be That Gift
“Marcus Aurelius’s father died when he was young. But then this young boy who was cursed by tragedy received a great gift--a gift that the children who have received it, know to be one of the most incredible things in the world: He had a loving stepfather.”Learn why you must embody the traits that you want to pass down to your kids, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/25/2020 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
Make Sure They Know That They Are Plenty
“Lyndon Johnson grew up poor. Like, log cabin, almost 19th century poor. He was not, like his future running mate, John F. Kennedy, unaware of the economic crises of his time. He was not sent to the best schools. Yet, he did alright for himself, didn’t he?”Ryan discusses how LBJ’s own mentality harmed him, and why you should teach your kids that they are enough, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. We created the New Year, New You Challenge to help you create a better life, and a new you in 2021. Sign up for the challenge at***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/24/2020 • 3 minutes, 1 second
Don’t Be All About Business
“Is there anything sadder than a person whose work is their life? They neglect their family, they put in crazy hours, they have no interests, no hobbies outside what they do at the office. Maybe your parents were like this. Perhaps you are like this.”Learn why you should shift your perspective to the things that actually matter, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.This episode was brought to you by Magic Spoon. Magic Spoon makes delicious cereal just like you remember from when you were a kid—only this version has only 3g carbs and 11g of protein. Use code RYANHOLIDAY at to get free shipping. ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/23/2020 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Teach Them to Handle Things
“You don’t need your kid to be a rocket scientist to be special. You don’t need to teach them 15 languages or the cello. It’s not a degree from Harvard or a perfect SAT that’s going to vault them into the elite category—not the elite category that counts.”Ryan explains how to give your kids what truly matters, on today’s Daily Dad podcast. We created the New Year, New You Challenge to help you create a better life, and a new you in 2021. Sign up for the challenge at***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/22/2020 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
You Can’t Let Them Do This
“They say it all the time. When will this be over? Are we there yet? Why is this taking so long? Do we have to? It’s whiney. It’s annoying. You ask them to stop. But in getting upset, you miss the real opportunity. To teach them. To explain to them what they’re really saying.”Learn why you should’t take the only time that you have with your kids for granted, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/21/2020 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
Which Will It Be?
“In his Broadway show, Bruce Springsteen—whose songs have often focused on the painful legacy of our parents—explained the choice that all of us have as fathers. “We are ghosts or we are ancestors in our children's lives,” he said at the beginning of Long Time Comin’. “We either lay our mistakes, our burdens upon them, and we haunt them, or we assist them in laying those old burdens down, and we free them from the chain of our own flawed behavior. And as ancestors, we walk alongside of them, and we assist them in finding their own way, and some transcendence.”Learn how you can be an ancestor, and not a ghost to your children, on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/18/2020 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
This Is How to Ask Them
“When Martin Luther King Jr. took over Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL, he insisted on a small social shift after his sermons that was immediately noticed. As he mingled with his parishioners on Sundays, he wouldn’t ask them what they were doing, the way previous pastors had. Instead, he looked them in the eye and said How are you doing?”Learn more about this story and why the questions you ask your kids are so important on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/17/2020 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
This Is What Putting Them First Looks Like
“For his whole career, Archie Manning had been a company man for the New Orleans Saints. He was great but the team was terrible. For years, they had lost. For years, he had endured poor offensive lines, poor drafting and never even coming close to contention. So you’d think it would have been a second wind for his career to be traded to Houston and then to the Vikings. He still had years left in him, a real shot of being part—finally—of a winning team. But instead, in 1984, he retired.”Learn why Archie Manning made this decision and how it impacted his children on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/16/2020 • 2 minutes, 48 seconds
They Are Going to Ask You
“At some point in the future your kids and your grandkids are going to ask you. They’re going to say: Dad, when there were 200,000 cases and 2,000 deaths a day in America during the pandemic, what were doing?”Ryan lends some perspective to the choices we are all making about how we behave during the pandemic on today’s Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/15/2020 • 3 minutes, 29 seconds
The Lives of the Greats Remind Us
“Why do we tell our kids stories? Why do we tell them about history? Teach them about Martin Luther King, George Washington, Cincinnatus, Florence Nightingale, Jesus, Marcus Aurelius? Because it matters.”Ryan explains the importance of teaching kids about history’s greatest men and women on today’s Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/14/2020 • 2 minutes, 12 seconds
It’s Always Been Like This
"There he walked, along the trail, carrying his young child pressed up against his side. Sometimes the kid would get a burst of energy and call to be put down. I want to walk. I want to walk. So the father would set the child down and they’d walk together, hand in hand. Soon enough, they’d get tired again and need to be carried. Other times, the father stopped briefly to readjust, putting the child down between his legs and then picking up him and switching sides. Walk. Rest. Walk. How long did it go on like this? What were their names? Where were they going?"Find out the meaning behind this story, and its hidden significance for all parents of any era, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/11/2020 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Think of Everything They Missed
"You read an old book and it’s pretty common: Dads didn’t used to be present for the birth of their children. Sometimes they weren’t even in town—they’d heard about it in a letter or a call, and not meet their own kids for days or weeks or months until after they were born... Things are way different now. A lot more is demanded of fathers and also of mothers. It’s hard, but also… what a gift!"Ryan explains what those parents of previous generations missed out on on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
This Is Something to Invest In
"You work hard for your family. You know how you sweated for each dollar, which can make it hard to spend. Especially if you have an eye toward investing—every dollar expended now comes at the cost of returns in the future. That’s one way to think about it, but it’s not the only way."Find another perspective on how to invest in your family on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/9/2020 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Practice What You Preach
"If you haven’t read Emily Oster’s work, then your wife probably has. She’s a wonderful, brilliant economist (who also has a brilliant newsletter) whose work focuses on parenting and children. It shouldn’t surprise us that her work is brilliant and often contrarian, given the unique childhood she had. Oster was the children of two professors at Yale. Her mother and father did more than just interesting work—they showed it to their children, expanding their minds and their perceptions in the process."Ryan explains how the way you set up your household influences your children for the rest of their lives on today's Daily Dad Podcast.Sign up for Emily Oster's newsletter:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/8/2020 • 3 minutes, 24 seconds
Protect Them From This, Too
"Two thousand years ago, Plutarch, quoting a philosopher named Xenocrates, was talking about how concerned parents back then made sure their children wore ear protection when they wrestled, so as not to damage their cartilage. But isn’t it interesting, he asked, that we’re less concerned with what goes in their ears?"Ryan talks about the things we need to protect our children from, including those threats that aren't physical, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/7/2020 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
This Is a Family Motto
"It was one of those nights. The boys would not go to sleep. They had that contagious energy that so often keeps brothers awake. The first time their father came in to tell them to go to bed, they didn’t listen. The second time, too. More giggling. Fighting. Playing games. Messing around. Getting into mischief. Finally, on the third time, Jack Harbaugh was readying to yell, just like the father in the movie Step Brothers—RUMPUS TIME IS OVER!! And yet, he didn’t."Ryan explains the lesson we can all learn from Jack Harbaugh on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/4/2020 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
What You Teach Them Can Never Be Taken Away
"A lot can go wrong. You and your spouse could split up. You could get cancer and die before your kids grow up. They could join a cult. They could move far away. They could be the victim of injustices or experience serious adversity.We have no idea what life has in store for our kids. So what should we do now?"Ryan describes what we should focus on, even though we can never know the whole future, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2020 • 2 minutes, 6 seconds
Better To Be Best At This, Than Anything Else
Cato the Elder was a great man. He was successful at agriculture. He was successful as a writer. He was a powerful politician. He towered over Roman life not just in his own time, but for generations hence. Yet that wasn’t what he was proud of. That’s not what he worked hardest at, or admired in others.Ryan explains what Cato the Elder prioritized, and why it matters to any parent, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/2020 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
What Matters More Than Results
Tracee Ellis Ross has a famous, successful mother: the singer Diana Ross. You might think that someone that successful would care a lot about success. Indeed, it’s a pretty common pattern: the driven parent drives their children—to get good grades, to win games, to be the strongest, prettiest, or most popular. They want to continue their pattern of excellence down through the college their kids go to or the profession they work. But Tracee got lucky. Her mom did it right.Find out what Tracee's mom did, and how you can emulate her example, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/1/2020 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Are You Inspiring Them With This?
"There’s a lot of darkness in the world. A pandemic. Corrupt and failed politicians. Institutions groaning under the weight of modern problems. Maybe your neighbors are a jerk, or your boss sucks. It can be easy to feel depressed about how things are. It can be easy to pass this onto your children. But how fair is that? You’re going to let your cynicism infect them? This early?"Learn how to inspire your chidlren to fulfill their highest potential on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/30/2020 • 2 minutes
You’re Your Parents Now
"It hits you randomly. You’re in the middle of packing your kids up for a drive to the beach. You’re laying on the couch because your back hurts. You’re telling your daughter to stop messing with the thermostat. Holy crap. I have become my parents."Ryan talks about the impact of this realization, and what it means for you, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
What Are You Going to Focus On?
"You can look at all the negative in the world. You can focus on the dark clouds above. Or you can look for the silver lining, the bright spots. We have that expression about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty? Well, what worldview are you going to teach your children?"Ryan points out the importance of optimism over pessimism on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/26/2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
It’s Good to Have Difficult People in Your Life
"Maybe your parents have issues.Maybe you have trouble getting along with your siblings. Maybe your spouse and you are very different. Maybe you have all these things and more. It’s tough. Sometimes you resent it. Sometimes it drives you crazy. "Ryan describes the approach you should take with people like this on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/25/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
Now Is the Time. Right Now.
"Your kids are always listening, that’s true. They’ll always look to see what you’re doing and learn from you. Nell Painter learning from her mother’s career change late in life is proof of that. But it’s also a fact that when they’re young, they’re much more impressionable. They can pick up languages earlier. They have fewer habits. They’ve seen less."Ryan describes why you need to teach your kids now, while they're young, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/24/2020 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
This Is Where to Put Your Effort
"You’re making good money. You’re saving. You’re investing. You’ve bought those personal finance books that tell you how to manage your finances. You’ve worked extra hard, taken risks, done everything you have to do to create a better life for your kids. Wonderful.But is that really prioritizing the right thing?"Ryan tells you what kind of legacy you should be focused on leaving your children on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/23/2020 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
You've Been Graced
"Charles de Gaulle had a hard life. He was a POW in WWI. He had to flee France in order to save it in WWII. He endured protests and assassination attempts. He also had a daughter named Anne, who was born with Down’s syndrome. In 1928 when she was born, this was not something people knew how to deal with—handicapped children were often sent away to institutions. Parents were made to feel ashamed, as if they were responsible, for having a 'retarded' child. "Ryan uses the experience of Charles de Gaulle and his wife Yvonne to demonstrate how we should all treat our children, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/20/2020 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
Tell Them Before It’s Too Late
"An accident, a mistake—no matter the intention, no matter how sweet the child or living the parent—can irrevocably change a life. A kid playing with a gun. A father who leaves a pool gate open. A mother who forgoes the car seat because it’s a short trip, the teenager taking risks with their friends.In an instant, everything can be blown apart. One choice. One bad call. One shortcut. And all you’ll be able to do after? Hang your head."Ryan explains this lesson using a song recorded by Johnny Cash on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/19/2020 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
It’s the Hardest Thing
"Chesty Puller saw some stuff. He fought in the Banana Wars. He fought in guerilla wars. He took islands in the Pacific during WWII. He fought in Korea. So you might think that he’d be able to handle just about anything life threw at him. But like you, he was a father, and he found that it was just about the hardest thing a person can ever do."Ryan tells a story about Chesty as a father, and explains what it means for all of us parents, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/18/2020 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
This Is How to Act
"It’s confusing to be a parent these days. Confusing to be a father, too. Because roles are in a state of flux. Expectations are always increasing. And of course, the world is an enormous mess.There’s a pandemic. Civil unrest. An unpredictable economy. A culture war. What are you supposed to do? What should your priorities be? What do you focus on?"Ryan points out the thing you should care about most, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/17/2020 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
You Have To Unlock This
Clearly, Dean Acheson’s parents did a good job. They raised him to be diligent enough to get into the best schools. They provided for him. They made him curious. They made him feel loved and safe.Yet for all his early success, it wasn’t until much later in life—law school, in fact—that he was fully unlocked as a human being. There, he said, with the help of his professions, he was introduced to a “tremendous discovery..."Find out what that discovery is, and how it can change your life and the lives of your children, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/16/2020 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
You Don’t Stop Teaching Your Kids
"Nell Painter was an accomplished adult. She was more than out from under her parents thumb—she was in her seventies. She was a world-class historian. Yet even then, her mother was teaching her.How did she have the courage to leave a promising academic career at that age to leave her job and go to art school?"Find out the answer on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/13/2020 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
Yet Don’t Be Too Tough
"As we’ve talked about, you have to toughen your kids up. No one is well-served by parents who are soft, who let them be soft.But at the same time, many a tough parent has had to come to terms with the fact that every kid is different and needs different things."Ryan explains the best way to challenge your kids on today's Daily Dad Podcast.Today's episode is brought to you by Magic Spoon, makers of delicious breakfast cereal that's actually good for you. Each serving of magic spoon has the same amount of protein as a dozen eggs, only 3g net carbs and no artificial ingredients. Visit and use code RYANHOLIDAY to get free shipping on your order.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/12/2020 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
Make Them Feel Like They’re “Enough”
"Obviously you want them to be successful. You want them to be excellent—at whatever they do in this life. But it is essential, as you try to motivate and encourage and inspire them, that you are quite clear: All of this is extra."Ryan explains why your kids in and of themselves should be enough for you, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/11/2020 • 2 minutes, 8 seconds
Not Just to Read, but to Read Critically
"An illiterate world is not a good one, but a world where people unthinkingly believe and accept everything they read is not that much better. So it’s great that you’re teaching your kids to read, but are you teaching them to read critically?"Ryan describes the important next step you must take with your children's reading, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
They’re Listening. They Really Are.
"Like so many dads, Harbaugh kept repeating this ridiculous line because, who knows why, that’s just what dads do. Not once in the five hundred times he said it over the course of their childhood did it get a reaction. Not once. But he kept at it, because he thought maybe it would get through."Find out the line, and how it stuck with Harbaugh's famous sons, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/9/2020 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
You Have to Come Up With Challenges
"Of course, you want tough kids. You want boys who are active and resilient. You want girls who are active and resilient. You want them to be healthy, you want them to be able to overcome obstacles, you want them to know how to defend themselves, you want them to be prepared for the ups and downs of life. "What's the best way to do that? By providing them with challenges, as Ryan explains on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/6/2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
Don’t Ever, Ever Do This
"Cato the Elder, we’re told by Plutarch, “used to say that a man who beats his wife or a child is laying sacrilegious hands on the most sacred thing in the world.”Boom. It doesn’t matter how angry you are. It doesn’t matter who started it. It doesn’t matter how many times you told your son. It doesn’t matter that your parents used to do it. It doesn’t matter that some cultures still accept it. For two thousand years, we’ve known it: It’s wrong."Ryan lays down the law on why corporal punishment is never okay on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/5/2020 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
Who Are You Doing This For?
"It’s almost incomprehensible.The parents were rich. They were powerful. Their kids had access to the best tutors in the world. The best schools. They were already connected. They already had a leg up in life. So why did they risk everything—tax fraud, racketeering charges—to bribe their way into college?"Ryan explains where your priorities in raising your children should lay on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/4/2020 • 2 minutes, 56 seconds
Only A Parent Understands
"The Spartan Agesilaus was the toughest of the tough. Like all Spartans, he had been trained in the agoge to be courageous and self-disciplined and beyond fear and pain. He was capable of incredible feats in battle and was in peak physical condition. As a Spartan king, he was all these things and more. But he was also a father, and as you know, that changes you."Ryan describes the changes that come from being a father on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/3/2020 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
They Learn From Home
"You tell them to be good. To be honest. To follow the law. To care about other people. That safety comes first. You say these things, but what do you show?"Ryan explains why your good example is just as important as the words you utter on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/2/2020 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
What If You Didn’t Think You Knew?
"You’re a dad, so you know a lot. You’ve been alive a while. You’ve read a thing or two and heard a thing or two. So when your kids ask you questions—about history, about life, about why people are this way or that way, you’re quick with an answer.But what if this was actually a bad habit? What if this was a form of stupidity?"Ryan describes why being the all-knowing father may not be the best role for you to fill, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/30/2020 • 1 minute, 53 seconds
They Don’t Need to Worry About Anything But This
"F Scott Fitzgerald wasn’t always the best father, but as one of the most brilliant writers and thinkers of his time, he certainly knew how to express fatherly advice perfectly in words. One of the best letters he ever wrote is to his daughter Frances while she was away at camp, where he discussed the anxieties and worries that all young people feel. Some things were worth worrying about, he said, and some weren’t. So he gave her a list."Ryan talks about the list Fitzgerald sent to his daughter, and its timeless message for parents anywhere, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/29/2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
Let Them Hear It From You
"You can’t wait until you’re on your deathbed to let them know how you feel about them. You can’t wait until you’re dead and gone and they go through your stuff and find the news clippings you kept and finally see that you were proud of them. You can’t just hope they overhear you saying it to someone else. You can’t just assume they know."Ryan tells us why we can't wait to tell our kids how we feel about them, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/28/2020 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
There’s a Reason You’re So Raw
"While there are certainly people out there for whom the pandemic or our political environment have brought out their worst, the rest of us have started to feel something different. We’re raw. We’re vulnerable. We tear up when we hear about someone losing someone. We tear up when we think about families struggling to make ends meet. Have you seen some of the videos we’ve posted on Instagram lately? Of stepparents adopting their stepchildren? Or military parents surprising their children with an unexpected visit home?It’s like instant waterworks…What is that?"Ryan talks about a parent's emotional vulnerability—and why that vulnerability is okay—on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Easier or Harder? Which Is It?
"What’s the through line to judge a good parent through the early days to the glory days through the golden years? It’s simple: Do you make their life easier or harder? Better or worse?"Learn the importance of this question on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/26/2020 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
They Are Always Your Child
"We have to remember that while we’re on this journey. They’re going to get older. Someday, perhaps some day soon, they’ll stop being a little boy or a little girl. But they’ll never, not ever, stop being your child. And it’s important to realize that this is what you are to your own parents and grandparents."Ryan explains the permanent connections that you have with your family, and why those connections last forever, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/23/2020 • 2 minutes, 13 seconds
When Is Their Time?
"Of course, you’re busy. You have work. You have your spouse. You have your kids. You have all the obligations of adulthood. All these things are important. How do you fit it all in?The truth is, if you’re winging it everyday, you won’t get it all in. Something will fall by the wayside and too often, that’s our kids."Ryan explains the importance of actually carving out time for your kids, not just taking its existence for granted, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/22/2020 • 2 minutes, 48 seconds
Teach Them to Notice
"When Robert Lovett, the future State Department official and Secretary of Defense, was a kid, it happened that both father and son took similar routes in the morning and evening—although at different times—to work and to school. Lovett and his father would often play an interesting game based on this coincidence."Ryan explains the game and shows you why you should train your child's perception on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/21/2020 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
If It Works, Do It Again
"We parents are like field goal kickers. Just like if a certain shirt or a pair of socks brings them luck, we’re always looking for something, anything that will give us an edge. Just like a free throw shooter going through a preposterous routine, we’re religious about ours too."Ryan describes parental superstitions—and why they're okay!—on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/20/2020 • 1 minute, 51 seconds
You Have to Be Proud
"Imagine you’re in the middle of the biggest moment of your career. Suddenly, someone starts attacking and criticizing your son. They’re not completely wrong. Your son has made mistakes. Your son has struggled with addiction and bad decision-making. Those decisions have cost your family money, maybe. It’s caused you untold stress, personally. It’s made you sad and it’s made you angry. It’s certainly caused problems for you at work. What do you do?"Ryan explains a recent high-profile example of what you should do in this situation on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/19/2020 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
What Are You Leaving Them?
"Someone once remarked to the famed Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn, that his father hadn’t left him much when he had died. Rayburn was quick to correct this misconception. My father, he said, '“gave me my untarnished name.'Harry Truman would say something similar to his own daughter. The question today is: What are you leaving to your children?"Ryan describes the legacy you should leave your children on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/16/2020 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
You Can’t Be a Hypocrite
"A few years ago, the Emmy-winning actor William H. Macy was asked for the best piece of advice he was ever given. 'Never lie,' he answered. 'It’s the cheapest way to go. Lies cost you a lot and they’re never worth what they cost.' But as the authors of Unacceptable: Privilege, Deceit & the Making of the College Admissions Scandal noted, precisely as Macy was giving this interview, he and his wife Felicity Huffman were helping their daughter unknowingly cheat on her SATs."Ryan explains why hypocrisy is so bad for a parent to indulge in, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/15/2020 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
Protect This Impulse
"We have to remember that our job as parents, as educators, is not to keep our kids in line. It’s not to crush their initiative because it’s disruptive or uncomfortable or difficult for us. We have to encourage them. We have to make space for our kids. If they want to read? By god, let them! If they want to skip ahead, or deviate from the conventional path? Cheer them on!"Using the childhood experience of the French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ryan shows how important it is to foster our kids' love of books on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/14/2020 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Where Did You See That?
"Your daughter gets mad, so she slams the door and screams. Your son makes himself a snack and leaves the kitchen a disaster for someone else to clean up. You hear them say something rude to a waiter. You see them write something offensive on social media. Before you get mad yourself, before you condemn, just take them aside. Ask them, kindly, openly, a question that the strongman Mark Bell says he always asks his teenage kids: 'Hey, when have you seen me do that?'"Ryan explains the merits of finding out the source of your kids' misbehavior on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/13/2020 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
Don’t Make Them Wait for It
"When you’re gone, when they go through your stuff or when they talk to your friends at your funeral, it will be undeniable clearly: God, your dad just loved you so much. You were all he talked about. He was more proud of you than anything. Just look at all these photos he kept. And news clippings. And mementos. They’ll know this because it’s true, because the evidence will speak for itself. But what about, you know, if you speak for yourself?"Ryan explains why it's so important to explain your feelings to your children now, while you still can, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/12/2020 • 2 minutes, 1 second
When You Get Them to Listen...
"We all say things to our kids, just as our parents did. Little bits and bobs of wisdom that we picked up places. We hope they hear us. We hope it gets through. And when it does? Oh, that is the best."Ryan talks about E.H. Harriman, a railroad tycoon who passed down wisdom to his daughter and watched her embody it herself, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/9/2020 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Here’s How to Have Lasting Impact
"There’s a lot going on in the world, a lot going wrong. There’s so much we’d like to change, so much we’d like to be better.Where do we start? How about with our kids?"Ryan talks about the most effective way you can leave your mark on the world—through the way you guide your child's life—on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/8/2020 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
Why You Have to Be Good to Your Kids
"Sure, it’s important that you keep up with your friends. You wouldn’t want to be one of those people that just disappears once they have kids. You and your spouse should get out and see folks from time to time. You can’t turn down every invite. You can let those friendships—the ones from school, from growing up, from the old days—drift away. You can’t neglect your hobbies, either. Work, too…And all of a sudden, where did your time go?Remember what really counts more than anything else is family. Your family."Ryan describes why ultimately we need to put family before friends on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Daily Dad:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/7/2020 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
There’s Always an Excuse
"There’s always an excuse for why you’re not being the parent you’d like to be, just as there’s always an excuse why you’re not being the person you know you’re supposed to be. Things are busy at work. This divorce has really messed you up. It’s this damn pandemic. You’re really struggling with your own issues right now. It’s been hard since your brother got sick, or since the hurricane struck. You’re just tired, you don’t seem to be any good at this. They’re older now and it’s your time. But an excuse doesn’t actually excuse."Ryan shows why those excuses ultimately do not matter on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/6/2020 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
This Is the Highest Praise
"There is one way to judge, in the end, whether you’ve done this thing right. It’s not based on how rich your kids get. It’s not whether they make it into Yale, or whether they turn out handsome or beautiful, smart or famous."Find out what the ultimate test is, and how to pass it, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/5/2020 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
We All Need to Hear This
Ryan further discusses the letters that author F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote to his daughter, and what they say about him and his character as a parent, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/2/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
We Are All in This Together
"It’s easy to forget this. It’s easy to give into dissension and conflict and zero-sumness. Especially now. Especially when things are so dark. Isn’t that the natural state of things? Survival of the fittest. We’re in a war—our genes need to survive. So screw those other parents, screw their kids. There are only so many spots at Harvard, you know. So many spots in the preschool that will increase their chances to get there."Ryan explains why we need to ignore that impulse to raise our kids above other people's on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/1/2020 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
You Don’t Have to Be So Serious
"It’s exhausting to be a kid. Because they’re clever and creative and you’re not. Because they’re pure and idealistic and you’ve been hardened by the world you’ve seen. Because they’re still uniquely themselves, yet to be beaten down or corrupted. 'Grown ups never understand anything by themselves,' the always childlike Saint-Exupéry would write, 'and it is exhausting for children to have to provide explanations over and over again.'"Ryan explains why it's so important to get on your kid's level on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/30/2020 • 2 minutes, 9 seconds
Who Are You Studying for Their Sake?
"What kinds of books do dads like? Well, according to the displays at Barnes & Noble and Costco, it’s almost exclusively books about war and history. Have you ever wondered why that is? Why did your dad—who maybe didn’t read that much—still manage to get through one or two 500-page biographies each year?"Find out why—and what you can learn from this fatherly practice—on today's Daily Dad Podcast.Get your copy of Ryan's new book, Lives of the Stoics ( To get the special bonuses for ordering the book, visit***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/29/2020 • 3 minutes, 38 seconds
Nourish This Wonderful Trait
"Sometimes, when parents fall down on the job, it falls to someone else to do the job. The primary and most important influence on Queen Victoria, for instance, was not her mother but her beloved governess Baroness Lehzen, who later became her adviser and friend.It was from Louise Lehzen that Victoria got the backbone that made her one of England’s great queens—one who ruled for some 63 years, more than 40 of them by herself."Ryan describes what Baroness Lehzen did that imbued Victoria with so much strength, and how you can emulate her example, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/28/2020 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
Teach Them to Believe in This
"In August 1933, F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote a letter to his young daughter Frances who was away at camp. It's a beautiful, personal letter from a man who was flawed—failed by his own parents—but tried, especially at the end of his short life, to step up and do the right thing."Learn more about what Fitzgerald tried to teach his daughter, and what you can learn form his example, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/25/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
What Story Are You Telling Your Kids?
"There are a few versions of history you can tell your kids. You can tell them the propaganda version—the fables, the self-serving myths, the lies that dictators or the jingoists like to traffic in. You can tell them the dark truth version, the almost-nihilist 'People’s History' version that is resurgent today—that everything is bad, was done with evil intention, that all of history is a cover for malevolence and that progress is impossible. Or you can tell them the third version: The one that does not deny history or hope. The one that looks to see the good in people without pretending the bad didn’t happen."Ryan describes how to teach your kids an accurate understanding of our country's history on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/24/2020 • 2 minutes, 51 seconds
Your Feelings Don't Count
"Parenting just demands so much more of you, just more than you ever even thought yourself capable of giving. You do it because you want to, because you love them, of course, but also because you have no choice. This just is what it is."Ryan describes the obligation that all parents now share on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/23/2020 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
You Have to Do This. We Need It.
"There is a reason that this metaphor keeps popping up. Cormac McCarthy talked about 'carrying the fire' in his haunting novel The Road, which he wrote for his son. Now Alanis Morissette puts her own spin on it in her beautiful song, 'Ablaze,' which she wrote for her two children."Ryan explores this metaphor further in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/22/2020 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Don’t Be Like These People
"We’ve come to call them 'Karens,' but the truth is that being an entitled, obnoxious ass transcends gender. It has nothing to do with the haircut, and everything to do with thinking that you’re the center of the universe and that your kids matter more than other people’s."Ryan describes what makes Karens tick and how you can avoid becoming one on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/21/2020 • 3 minutes, 6 seconds
Keep the Little Promises
"We tell our kids a lot of things. We tell them that we love them. That we’ll support them no matter what. That they can come to us with anything. We also tell them little things: We tell them we’ll be home by six. We tell them that if they clean up their toys they can have a treat. We tell them that sure, next time we’re here, we can do what they want. We tell them when they’re older, they can do this or that. It’s not that we don’t mean those little promises; it’s just that because they’re small, we forget. Or we were really only saying them to distract them, or to change the subject. Because we were assuming they would forget, too."Ryan describes why those little promises are so important, and why we must treat them as sacred, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/18/2020 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
You Must Love the Kid You Have
"Maybe you’re an introvert and your daughter turned out to be an extrovert. Maybe you always hoped for a daughter and ended up with three sons. Maybe you wanted an athlete. Or you wanted someone to hand over the family business to. Maybe, sometimes in secret, you wish you had a kid who was easier. Who didn’t struggle as yours does. Who was closer—in this way or that way—to some image you always had in your mind. Well, guess what? That’s a YOU problem. It’s certainly not their problem."Ryan talks about the importance of accepting your children for who they are on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/17/2020 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
What Can You Do? You Can Do This.
"Especially in the early days, it can seem like being a dad is to assume the role of perpetual third wheel. You can’t nurse. You can’t magically comfort your baby. It’s not you they’re crying for in the middle of the night. So where can a dad contribute?"Find out a great way a dad can contribute to the household in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/16/2020 • 2 minutes, 23 seconds
Send Them a Postcard
"Maybe you have to travel a lot for work. Maybe you take an occasional vacation. Or you’re on the road a lot with one of your older kids for sports or school or whatever. The point is: You’re away from your kids. What should you do?"Ryan describes the simple thing you can do to stay close to your child when physically far away in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Stoic email: @DailyStoic:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/15/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
You Don’t Have to Have the Words
"How do you tell your kids how you feel? How do you say what needs to be said? There are so many moments where words escape us. Because we’re stunned. Because we’re scared. Because we’re angry in the moment and it overrides what we wish we could tell them, what we know they want to hear."Ryan explains what you need to do to surmount this difficulty on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/14/2020 • 2 minutes, 8 seconds
Tell ‘Em More Than Once
"Do you remember the best piece of advice you got from your dad? Are there sayings from childhood that have stuck with you? That time you were getting teased and Dad told you that it was what was on the inside that counted. That time when you were drifting toward the wrong crowd and Dad reminded you that we become like our friends. That advice is seared in your memory. It was a pivotal moment."Ryan discusses how to teach your kids lessons in a way that will stick on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/11/2020 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
Show Them How to Do This
"In 1952, Margaret Thatcher’s father was driven out of office when a rival political party won a majority in the election. His position wasn’t a particularly partisan one, so it surprised him and most people when his head came up on the chopping block. Her father was upset. He was hurt. And he could have reacted in a way driven by those emotions. But he didn’t."Find out about the lesson that this man's actions hold for all of us on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
You’ve Got to Live Up to Your Standards
"It’s a touching scene. The father in The Road is giving the last of the hot chocolate they had found to his son. He pretends to make a little for himself, but he’s really giving it all to his son, who is but skin and bones at this point. But he can’t quite pull it off."Ryan describes the lesson that a particular scene from Cormac McCarthy's work of post-apocalyptic fiction has for any parent in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/9/2020 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Don't Judge Them Too Harshly... Or Quickly
"In the spring of 1921, a young ballplayer named Louis Gehrig had a tryout for the great John McGraw at the Polo Grounds. McGraw was the manager of the New York Giants and one of the greatest evaluators of talent in the history of the game. It was a good tryout. Gehrig hit a few deep balls. He was lively and quick. He was already showing off his almost inhumanely large lower body, which was so key to power at the plate. But then Gehrig headed to first base… where he promptly let an easy ball go through his feet. According to biographers, the tryout ended almost immediately. McGraw had seen all he needed to see."There's a lesson to be learned from this, one that Ryan explains in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/8/2020 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
It's OK to Be Ambitious
"You have things you want to do in this life. Maybe you want to write a book or you’re in the middle of starting a company. Maybe you’re trying to win a championship or run for president. You want to be a great dad too, but is it possible to do all these things at once?"Ryan talks about the pressure to accomplish great things as well as be a great a parent, and how those two desires mesh, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/7/2020 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
This Is How You Teach Them
"There is so much you want to teach them. When they’re little. When they’re teenagers. When they are out of the house and about to get married. When they are struggling at their job. When they are raising kids of their own. What’s the best way to do that?"Find out how to teach your kids everything they need to know on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/4/2020 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Make Them Do Their Own Stuff
"For some of us, it could be easily deduced that our kids have no hands. And no brains. We put on their clothes for them. We make their decisions. We clear the road in front like a snowplow. We hover like a helicopter, just in case something goes wrong. We do everything for them."Ryan tells us why it's important to let your kids do their own work on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/3/2020 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
It’s the Thousandth Time That Counts
"C’mon, Dad, again! One more time! Can we keep going a little longer? Let’s start over! I don’t want to stop!You’ve heard all these things more times than you can count. The request for one more book before bed. One more time riding on your back. To watch that funny video one more time. To sing that song once more from the beginning. To hear the story over again. To jump in the pool one more time… and then one more time after that… and one more time after that."Ryan describes the importance of these moments, and why we should appreciate every one of them, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/2/2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
You Can’t Stop. No Matter What.
"Nothing about Marcus Aurelius’ reign was fair. Fate tested him with one catastrophe after another. The Parthians invaded and triggered a war that would last five years. Then the River Tiber flooded, destroying homes and livestock, causing a famine in Rome. Then, after victory against the Parthians, Romans brought back a deadly contagion, which became known as the Antonine Plague. Then, crippled by famine and plague, hostile tribes to the north seized the opportunity to band together and attacked the Romans—a war that would last the rest of his days."The way Marcus responded to his swings in fortune mirrors how you should treat your kids—something Ryan explains further in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
9/1/2020 • 3 minutes, 20 seconds
It’s Not About the Stuff
"You work very hard and are able to provide. Not just the basic necessities, but all sorts of extras. Because of you, your kids have a swimming pool. They have nice vacations. They have their own room. They have a big TV downstairs with lots of channels. They have all this and more.And yet, it doesn’t matter."Ryan describes the limitations of what your money can buy you on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/31/2020 • 2 minutes, 14 seconds
It’s About Being There… A Lot
"How do you get through to your kids? How do you show them what’s right? How can you make sure they know how much you care about them? That you’re there for them? The answer is simple: You can be there. A lot."Ryan talks about why there's no substitute for your presence in your children's lives in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/28/2020 • 2 minutes, 20 seconds
You Will Have to Take the Lead On This
"It feels elitist to say this, but it’s true: Public education is built for the lowest common denominator. It has to be. One of the beautiful and powerful things about public education is that it’s for everyone. And to be for everyone it has to average out needs and skill-level and that means neglecting what is superfluous or advanced. This is not a criticism. It’s just a reality."What does this reality imply for you and your children? Ryan explains on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Teach Them That They Decide the End of Every Story
"As dads, one of the hardest things to think about is our kids experiencing hardship. So maybe we teach them to turn away from the things that are hard, to take the easy way, to forgo difficulty whenever possible. Maybe we teach them to look at hardship as failure, as unfairness, as the end of the story. It just wasn’t meant to be, we might say, there’s nothing you can do about it. What if we taught them—trained them—to see hardship another way, a better way?"Ryan highlights an example of a Navy pilot who took steps to write the end to his own story in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/26/2020 • 3 minutes, 15 seconds
Be So Good They’ll Think This Later
"The writer Ambrose Bierce was a notorious cynic and curmudgeon. He was also fearless and hilarious and a father. At some point in his life—we’re not clear on the details—he went through a painful split with his wife and the mother of his three children. Beneath his hard exterior, he was a sensitive man, and although we don’t know what happened, we get the sense that it was an enormous betrayal. Was it indefinitely? Worse? Again, we don’t know."Learn about an encounter that Ambrose Bierce had with his son, and the implications that meeting holds for all of us, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/25/2020 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
It’s About the Right Moment
"There are so many books you want your kids to read. The books that influenced you. The ones that changed your life. The ones you have so many fond memories of. The ones that speak truths you know they need to hear. But it’s essential that you don’t rush this… or at least understand that timing is going to matter."Ryan discusses the patience you must exhibit as a parent in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/24/2020 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
How Are You Embodying Your Values?
"We talk to our kids about doing what’s right. We talk to them about thinking for themselves. We talk to them about being kind, we talk to them about so many important things. But what do our actions say?"Ryan discusses the actions of one brave woman and the example she set on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/21/2020 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
A Dad Provides for His Family
"You remember the famous scene from Breaking Bad. Walter has messed up his life. He is struggling. He meets Gus Fring, who is all the things he is not: Secure. Confident. Powerful. Gus gives him a speech that puts a spine in Walter, that both inspires him and rationalizes everything he is being tempted to do."Hear Gus' speech and learn more about what he means in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/20/2020 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
You'll Always Worry
"What is being a father but worry? We talked about that great image from Obama a while back. Being a parent, he said, is a little like taking your heart outside your body and putting it in a vulnerable person who makes bad decisions. And that was said by a guy whose children are guarded 24/7 by the Secret Service!"Ryan talks about why worrying about your kids is natural, and how we should keep it to a reasonable level, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/19/2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
You Must Be Unreachable
"You work hard. You have so many responsibilities. So many people depend on you. Which is precisely why you must work to become unreachable."Ryan tells us why it's so important to keep work and home life separate in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/18/2020 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
You Have to Help Them Do This
"We love our kids, that’s why we hate to see them struggle. But maybe that’s precisely the wrong way to think about it? Because we love our kids, we have to let them struggle. We need them to struggle."Ryan discusses why it's so important to let our kids experience challenges on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/17/2020 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Teach Them to Ask Questions
"Too often, as parents, we focus on the results. We care about their grades. We care about whether they’re turning in their homework. We care whether they know their times tables or whether they’re making it to work on time for their summer jobs. Obviously these things are important, but by doing this we can end up skipping over some of the more important parts of the process—and end up missing opportunities to inculcate lifelong habits that are far more valuable than any grade."Ryan says what the focus should be in our children's educations in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/14/2020 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
This Must Come First
"Trevor Ariza chose family over basketball. He chose his son—a month with him—over $1.8 million dollars in salary. He made the right choice, although it couldn’t have been an easy one. This year’s NBA season has already been cut short. Who knows what the future of sports will hold?But for Trevor, in the middle of a custody battle over his 12-year-old son, decided that this one-month, court-appointed visitation window was the most important thing."Ryan describes how you should prioritize your family in today's Daily Dad Podcast.Sign up for The Stoic Parent, Daily Stoic's new course on parenting:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/13/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
They Can’t Tell You This
“Your kids can’t tell you they’re having a hard time. They don’t know that they are. They don’t understand what’s happening in the world. They don’t appreciate what the disruption to their schedule, to their school, to seeing their friends has really meant. Even if they’re older, even if they could tell you, would they? Do they really understand why they feel the way they do? Or is it just manifesting itself in the form of frustration, resentment, apathy?“Ryan talks about how to discern what your children are actually telling you on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/12/2020 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Look for These Moments
In the 2008 American presidential campaign, Barack Obama famously used the Reverend Wright scandal as what he later called a “teachable moment”—a chance to discuss race with the American people. Ryan describes what Obama did with that teachable moment, and why we should always be on the lookout for teachable moments of our own, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/11/2020 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
This Is Your Warrant
"What gives you the right? What’s your purpose on this planet? Why do you work so hard, why do you fight for the causes you fight for, why do you put up with all the crap you have to put up with in this life?"Ryan describes the ultimate obligation of fatherhood in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 19 seconds
Everything but This Is Temporary
"You’ve been working for this moment your whole life. To make it into the league. To sit behind the big desk. To command the squadron. To have the power. It was for these things that you sacrificed a lot, but now you think your family really has to sacrifice. Don’t they understand how important this is?"Ryan re-orients us toward the truly important thing, the one that's always more important than your job, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/7/2020 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
This Is the Enemy of Good Parenting
"There are so many sad examples: The father who can’t bear to be contradicted. The parents who refuse to admit when they are wrong. The mom who spends all her energy trying to impress other people. The father who is jealous of his own son, or threatened by the attention his daughter gets. All these parental failings—and make no mistake, they are failings—share a root cause: Ego."Ryan describes the pitfalls of ego, and how you can avoid them, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/6/2020 • 2 minutes, 54 seconds
Let Them See You in Your Element
"What do you think drew Steph Curry to basketball? It must have been many things, but chief among them has to have been the time he spent in arenas watching his dad play. The lights before the team ran through the tunnel. The cheers of the crowd. The pounding of the music. The sound of the buzzer. Seeing dad do his thing."Ryan discusses how you can prepare your child for life by showing them yours in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/5/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
What Do We Do In Times Like This?
"So much has happened and so much now remains uncertain. Do we go back to work? Do we let the kids go to the park? Do we stay inside? Do we start homeschooling?A pandemic raises questions. It explodes the status quo. Suddenly everything seems in flux. Suddenly our foundation has been shaken."Ryan describes how this pandemic, although unique, is not unlike situations that our predecessors have dealt with in the past, and how we can use their actions as a guide, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/4/2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
You Gotta Take an Interest
"When Margaret Thatcher was in school as a young girl, she was assigned books like we all were. Some were boring. Some were exciting. Some were strange. But without fail, her father—with barely a high school education himself—took interest. He wanted to discuss what she was reading. He wanted to read them with her."Learn about the impact that this simple gesture can have on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
8/3/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
These Are Magic Words
"When you hear these three words, there can be only one response. To drop everything and look. To engage. To be flattered and excited, to love every second and to stare with rapt attention at your child’s latest discovery, achievement, experiment, daredevil attempt."Find out what those magic words are, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/31/2020 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
This Is the Secret to Your Hardest Job
"It doesn’t matter if you’re the president, a doctor, or an internationally touring musician—they all agree that the hardest job is being a parent. Because it’s not just a job. It’s the job that you have to do on top of your other jobs. It’s the one job you can’t quit or get promoted or retire from. It’s the one job where the responsibilities are never clearly defined and always seem to be changing. It’s the one job that there is no training for. That you don’t get paid for either."So how do you do the best job at your most important job? Find out on today's Daily Dad Podcast.Sign up for The Stoic Parent now! It's 10 days of parenting wisdom based on role models throughout history, and will help you become the best parent you can be:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/30/2020 • 3 minutes, 7 seconds
There Is No Party Line
"Should you let your kids have screen time when they’re younger? How young is too young to give them their first phone? What about sugar and processed foods? Should they get an allowance? Should you make them get a job? Do they have to clean up after themselves or can the parents help? Should they do their own laundry?"Find out the right answer—that there is no "right answer"—on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/29/2020 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
Make Life More Promising When You’re Around
"F. Scott Fitzgerald lived a glamorous life and then he cracked up. All his talent. All his money. All the beauty and the passion evaporated. His wife, Zelda, wasn’t blameless in this collapse—both of them had partied hard, had prioritized things far less important than their beloved daughter Scottie. He was a man with demons, and those demons eventually won a terrible victory. "And yet, even with his flaws, Fitzgerald was a good father." Ryan describes how and why, and what you can do to emulate Fitzgerald's example, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/28/2020 • 3 minutes, 1 second
It’s Hard to Be Them
"It would be nice if the world was nice. It would be nice if it was easy to be a kid. Unfortunately, it isn’t. It’s hard to be the smart kid. As Stefan Zweig said, 'no one suffers more than the gifted pupil' in an average world."Ryan discusses the importance of empathizing with your children in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
This Is the Tricky Balance
"School doesn’t matter. It just doesn’t. Have your grades from elementary school ever come up once in your life? Even a Harvard GPA is unnecessary on a resume. That 'permanent record' your teachers were keeping on you turned out to not be so permanent and nobody cares that you got suspended several times in 8th grade. The whole thing is an exercise in made up rewards and punishments, an artificial fantasy world that has no bearing on the real world."Ryan describes how to maintain a proper balance with regard to your children's schooling, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/24/2020 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
Your Bond Should Grow
"Every father is different, yet when we hear the descriptions, or see the portrayals of fathers on film, it can feel like we’re the only one who is different. Every other dad, apparently, felt an instantaneous and profound connection to their kids from the moment they first held them."Not all dads feel the fatherly bond at the outset of their child's life—Ryan explains this feeling in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/23/2020 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
There Are Better Forms of Motivation
"When you look at champions—in sports or politics or business—it’s hard not to detect a theme running through a lot of their motivations. Many of these superstars, be they men or women, are fighting for something. They want the approval of their father. They want to prove their worth to their families. They want to feel loved. They want to show that the doubt they experienced young or the trauma they endured was wrong and that they have survived. "Ryan shows how an ultra-competitive upbringing may not have the desired effect on your child, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/22/2020 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Show Them What You Love (But Don’t Make Them Love It)
"You have been looking forward to this for so long. The opportunity to turn them onto your favorite bands. To watch your favorite movies. To take them to your favorite places. To order your favorite foods together."Ryan describes the right way to introduce your kids to your favorite things, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/21/2020 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
This Is a Chance to Learn
"There is nothing that can prepare you for being a dad, as the cliche goes. No book. No class. No amount of seeing your own parents or siblings do it. So one way to look at this thing is that it shows us how little we know. The other way, the more positive way, is to see it as something that teaches us."Ryan describes how we can learn from the experience of being a father in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/20/2020 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
You Gotta Give Them Access
"We want to make sure our kids have opportunities in life. We want to make sure that they’re not excluded or kept out. We work hard—try to make money, try to invest, try to get ahead in our careers and life so our kids can have a head start. All good. But sometimes, for all this hustle and ambition, we neglect one of the easiest ways to help them get ahead."Ryan describes how to give your kids a head start in learning about life in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/17/2020 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Try Not to Give Them Anything Extra
"We all have issues. We know that. Our goal as fathers, as we’ve said, is to not pass them on. To stop the cycle of dysfunction. It’s a low bar, to be sure, but it's an important one: Don’t let the demons you wrestle with find softer targets in your children."Ryan describes how important it is not to burden your children with your baggage on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/16/2020 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Look for the Double Opportunity
"The jogging stroller lets you exercise… while spending time with your kid. The drive to school, or to soccer tournaments… is a chance to have that conversation you needed to have with your daughter. All the chores that need to be done around the house...they’re a way to teach your kids about responsibility."Ryan discusses how you can find unexpected places to impart lessons to your child in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/15/2020 • 3 minutes, 9 seconds
This Could Be That Day
"It was just another day on vacation for the Roosevelts in 1921. FDR spent the morning sailing around Campobello Island with Eleanor and his two older boys. They’d had quite an adventure. Seeing a small fire on another nearby island, they rushed and put it out as a family. When they got back, FDR and his sons raced each more than a mile to a swimming hole. And then later they jumped into the Bay of Fundy together."Find out the consequences of that swim, and what they mean for you and your family, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/14/2020 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
You Guys Should Do This Together
"Each morning, Hugh Jackman and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness, get up early and, after they meditate, they read together. Actually, they read aloud to each other. Hugh to Debbora-Lee. Deborra-Lee to Hugh."Find out why reading together with your spouse, or doing anything together, makes for such a strong relationship in today's Daily Dad Podcast.Get your copy of Stillness Is the Key:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/13/2020 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Remember the True Value of an Education
"You send them to great schools. You make sure they do their homework. You drill them on their flashcards. You are saving for college. You are not going to let them set their sights low like you did, or maybe you won’t accept them getting into anywhere less prestigious than you did."But that's not the only kind of education that matters. Find out more in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
They Deserve to Be Sheltered (Somewhat!)
"How much should we shelter our kids from the scariness of the world? How much should we protect them from knowing about the day-to-day events of the world that they are not to blame for, that they can’t do anything about?"Ryan discusses what we need to do to keep our kids appropriately informed and protected, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/9/2020 • 3 minutes, 17 seconds
Don’t Teach Them What to Think, Teach Them How
"It’s tempting to tell them exactly what they can and can’t do. It’s tempting to tell them what you expect them to do, or explain how the world works. But would you have listened to that when you were their age? What did you do when your parents pretended like they knew what they were talking about?"Ryan talks about the best way to teach your kids the important lessons that you have for them on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/8/2020 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
You Are Being Reminded
"It’s been a rough couple weeks. You watched your retirement accounts lose as much as 30% of their value. You’re watching businesses disappear left and right. Maybe you’re stuck at home. Maybe you have to show up to work every day, with a flutter of fear in your heart, because you have one of those 'essential' jobs. Your kids are at home—school is canceled. You’re going through groceries like crazy. You’ve never used more toilet paper. And the news is bad, bad, bad, every single day."There's a silver lining to all this chaos—as Ryan explains in today's Daily Dad Podcast.Sign up for The Stoic Parent:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/7/2020 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
See If They Can Understand This
"You probably heard the story of the ugly duckling growing up. Or perhaps you remember the story of Solon and Croesus. Both stories—one about a duckling and the other about a very rich man—have the same moral: That time has a way of evening things out. It can turn you into a beautiful swan… or it can strip you of all your winnings. They teach us that we shouldn’t be too sure of our success or our struggles because these states are often much more transitory than it can feel at the time."Ryan discusses how to use fables like these and others to teach your children, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/6/2020 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Keep Their Life Normal
"We’ve talked before about how children born into privilege or power or a well-known family can easily become spoiled. Marcus Aurelius was an exception to this rule… but sadly, his own son, Commodus was not. But that all feels very distant. What about someone like Jimmy Kimmel?"Ryan discusses Jimmy Kimmel and how he helps his kids stay grounded amidst the riches in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Stoic email: @DailyStoic:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/3/2020 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
This Is How To Get What You Want
"We’ve talked about so many things in this email over the last year, so many goals we have as parents. We talked about treating fatherhood as a second chance. We talked about giving what you didn’t get. We talked about the magic of the words “as a family.” We talked about how nothing is better than time spent with your kids, we talked about how wonderful it is to get them things. We talked about raising readers. We talked about a future with a “crowded table”—a family that’s close and stays close. But how do you do that? That’s the million dollar question. Or rather, it’s the priceless question—because there’s no amount of money you wouldn’t spend to make those ideas a reality."Ryan discusses one great way to make those ideas a reality on today's Daily Dad Podcast.Sign up for The Stoic Parent, a 10-day parenting course from Daily Stoic:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/2/2020 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
They Shouldn’t Have To Earn This
In today's Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan tells the story of a young Lyndon Johnson and how his mother's adulation would turn into something worse, something that we all must avoid.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
7/1/2020 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
Don’t Force Your Interests On Them
You had all these ideas about what being a father would be. You looked forward to fixing cars together. Or watching your favorite movies. Or taking them to all the places you loved as a kid. This is wonderful and certainly it comes from the right place: that you want to spend time with them, that you have ideas for ways to connect and to teach them. But it’s important that you’re also open to being led by who they are and what they want, and not just your own desires and ideas."Ryan discusses the importance of letting your kid become their own person, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/30/2020 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
You Have to Take Care of Yourself, Too
"We’ve talked before of the crossfire hurricane that is becoming a father. When you first become a dad, your whole life gets turned upside down. As you scramble to manage and handle all the things now on your plate, you sometimes say to yourself: When they’re a little older, this will calm down. As soon as we get through [insert phase], everything will go back to normal. It’s this delusion—this lie, really—that we use to explain all the things we’re putting off."***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/29/2020 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
They Are Meant For This
"Maybe you remember when your kids were really young—or maybe they still are really young so you know this even better—what you could do to magically calm them down. It didn’t matter how hysterical they were, how bad they were fighting going to sleep, all you had to do was take them for a walk. Or strap them in a stroller. And bam: they were out."Ryan explains the lesson that you can learn from this in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/26/2020 • 2 minutes, 14 seconds
You Must Give Them This Gift
"Theodore Roosevelt lived an incredible life. He was an author. A naturalist. A rancher. A police chief. A cowboy. A hunter. A governor. A soldier. A president. An explorer. A philanthropist. And that’s probably not even close to an exhaustive list. His life was full of activity. It was full of adventure. It was marked by triumph and adversity to overcome."Learn more from the lesson of Teddy Roosevelt in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/25/2020 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Seldom Should Be Heard a Discouraging Word
"If you’re not paying attention, it’s easy to slip into a habit of almost invariable negativity: Stop doing that. Don’t touch this. No, you can’t watch TV right now. Why isn’t your room clean? I’m sorry but I’m not buying this. I’m disappointed with how you did on this test. That is just not realistic, shouldn’t you think about trying something else? I don’t think so. You already know the answer... and the answer is 'No.'"Learn how to avoid falling into the negativity trap on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/24/2020 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Be Spartan With Your Wealth
"The emperor Hadrian never had a son so he devised a very specific succession plan. He adopted a fifty-one-year-old man named Antoninus Pius on the condition that he adopt Marcus Aurelius. He thought this would provide for five years of training for Marcus—instead Antoninus lived and instructed for twenty three. You might think that being a prince-in-waiting for that long, being the heir to the richest and most powerful man in the world would ruin a person. It ruined Caligula. It ruined Nero. It’s ruined the children of plenty of people in positions of far less privilege."Why didn't it ruin young Marcus Aurelius? Ryan explains, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/23/2020 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
What Are Your Rules?
"You’re a parent, so you have rules. What are they? No, not rules for them. Rules for you."Ryan talks about the most important rules that a parent can set, and introduces the newest course from Daily Stoic, The Stoic Parent: 10 Commandments For Becoming A Better Parent. Register for The Stoic Parent now:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/22/2020 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
It’s An Honor to Do This
"They say that the reason people have long shaken hands with their right hands was to signal that we came in peace and we’re not dangerous. They say that when dogs roll over and show you their belly, it’s an indication of trust and deliberate vulnerability... These might not feel like particularly meaningful gestures of respect and love, but they are. It’s an honor to get them, even though we regularly overlook the significance. The same is true with so many things that our kids do."Ryan discusses the joy of getting close with your kids on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/19/2020 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
Show Them Their Hometown
"Maybe you don’t love where you live. Maybe if you had more money or a different job, you’d live elsewhere. Maybe it is too liberal or too conservative or too damn provincial for your taste. But this place you live right now, with your kids? It’s their home. It’s where they are from.And that means something. "Ryan explains why you should instill in your kids a love of their hometown, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/18/2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
This Should Be What You Teach Them
"If you haven’t watched the TV series Friday Night Lights since you’ve become a father, you should watch it again. There’s a reason that Coach Taylor is so compelling on the screen: It’s because he’s the way almost all of us wish our fathers had been."Ryan explains Coach Taylor's lessons, and what they mean for all of us, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/17/2020 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
It’s Wrong to Ignore What You Know Is Wrong
"There is so much on your plate. So much you have to worry about as a parent... So it’s understandable if you’ve been distracted, and you’ve missed an opportunity here or there to make certain causes—certain longstanding societal injustices—your top priority. But that doesn’t excuse it."Ryan explains why social ills can't just be ignored on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/16/2020 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
Here’s How to Tie Your Family Together
"You want them to listen. You want them to respect your rules. You want them to do what they’re supposed to do, the things that will make them successful. So how do you get them to do it?"Ryan describes exactly how on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/15/2020 • 2 minutes, 11 seconds
You Are On The Front Lines of This Fight
"One of the most insidious and toxic forces in the world is the belief that some races are naturally better than others, or that one sex is inferior to another. Even if there were some slight biological differences that scientists were eventually able to prove in one domain or another—what exactly would it matter? Not only would every man, woman and race still share far more in common than they did differences, it would have absolutely zero bearing on who the individuals you meet in the course of a day (or a job interview) actually are as people. It shines no light on their potential, their character, their humanity."And it's a parent's job to show their children just how insidious this belief is—as Ryan explains on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/12/2020 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
Be A Towering Example
"Cato didn’t write any books. He never taught classes. He never gave interviews. He liked to say that he only spoke when he was certain that what he’d say wasn’t better left unsaid. You won’t find many statues of him in Rome. Books about him are few and far between... Yet his example inspired plenty."Learn more about Cato and the example he set for us in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/11/2020 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
Can You Accept You’re Not In Control Anymore?
"The first thing becoming a parent teaches you, as we’ve talked about before, is that idea of “unavoidable reality.” Each new father, David Brooks once explained, suddenly discovers that they’re not in control anymore. The kids are."Learn how to accept, or even enjoy this feeling on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 31 seconds
This Is How They Will Learn
"It was said for all the genius that Socrates possessed, Plato, and Aristotle, and all the sages who learned from him 'derived more benefit from the character than from the words of Socrates.' So it was too for Zeno and Cleanthes, the two earliest Stoic philosophers. 'Cleanthes could not have been the express image of Zeno,' Seneca would write, 'if he had merely heard his lectures; he shared in his life, saw into his hidden purposes, and watched him to see whether he lived according to his own rules.'"Find out how to be this kind of teacher on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/9/2020 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
We Have To Care. We Have To Care.
Ryan discusses an issue that we as fathers cannot ignore, on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/8/2020 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Teach Them to See the Big Picture
"Most of us are old enough to remember coming down to find our father at the breakfast table reading the newspaper. It was simply part of the routine, as it had been for generations, of the informed citizen. You read the news. Maybe you also remember them listening to talk radio in the car, or tuning into the nightly news on TV.While this was certainly admirable, the reality is that the news environment has changed."Hear some suggestions on how to consume media, alone or with your family, today on Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/5/2020 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
This Is the Kind of Coach You Have to Be
"A father is a provider, a protector, a rule-setter, a friend. They are an educator and exemplar. They are also—whether their kids play sports or not—a coach. Because we have to coach our kids through so much in life. We coach them through new experiences, through the games of school and work and relationships, through life’s challenges and troubles."Listen to learn more about the intersection of coaching and parenting, in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/4/2020 • 3 minutes, 21 seconds
Teach Them These Four Virtues
"Aristotle worshipped them. The Christians and Stoics too. Four simple words. Four essential tenets for living:Courage. Moderation.Justice. Wisdom."Learn more about these four critical traits for any parent on today's Daily Dad Podcast.Get the Four Virtues medallion here: ***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/2/2020 • 2 minutes, 11 seconds
This Is What We Are Fighting For
"Because of the fiery trial of the Civil War and what it came to represent, Abraham Lincoln is, to most of us, a figure of moral guidance. This naturally overshadows his almost equally unbelievable accomplishments: how did a poor boy on the frontier without formal schooling manage to teach himself to read, to teach himself the law, and become, in time, the President of the United States?"By using methods that should be available to all of our children, as Ryan discusses in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
6/1/2020 • 3 minutes, 6 seconds
This Is How To Teach Them to Be Understanding
"One of the wonderful benefits of reading fiction, studies have begun to show, is that it helps cultivate empathy... It also happens that fiction—the best fiction anyway—teaches us this empathy by way of specific advice and admonition."Hear more about fictional works with a real message on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/29/2020 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
A Dad Must Ask For Help
"If your kid was struggling, you’d want them to tell you, right? If they didn’t understand something in class, you’d want them to ask the teacher. If your neighbor needed something, you wouldn’t mind if they mentioned it. If your spouse was overwhelmed and needed a hand, you’d expect them to come to you. Okay. But what about you? Are you okay?" Find out what you should do when you need help on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/28/2020 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Leave It At The Door
"All day at work you experience stress. You witness other people’s stupidity. You are the victim of their moods and emotions. Your phone pings constantly with alarming news of the world, the pangs and envies that drive social media. What are you to do?"Find out on today's Daily Dad Podcast.Sign up for Daily Stoic's Slay Your Stress course now:***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
It’s Time To Tap Into Their Energy
"If you talk to any of your friends right now, you’ll hear stress. You’ll hear fear. You’ll hear anger. You’ll hear the fatigue in their voice, the wondering how much longer this can go on. But if you talk to a kid?" That's a different story, as you'll find on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/26/2020 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
You Have to Let Them Struggle
"No father wants to see their kids suffer. It’s almost more painful for you than it is for them to watch them trip over their words, to scratch their heads in front of their homework, or to bumble their way through the early years of their career. Biologically this makes sense—you’re designed to want to save them, to empathize on almost a self-destructive level. But evolutionarily it also doesn’t make sense. If they never struggle, they can’t grow, they can’t learn, they can’t get better."Learn why this is the case on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/25/2020 • 2 minutes, 59 seconds
Show Them What’s What and Who’s Who
"Richard Feynman’s father took pains to show his son—usually by their photo in the newspaper—who was worthy of respect or not. He didn’t want his son to be fooled by appearances or titles or fancy clothes. He wanted him to know what a good man was like, and what actually made someone worth admiring. This is something we have to do too, in our own way."Find out how to show your kids who's worthy of their admiration in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/22/2020 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Don’t Let Them Dislike Themselves
"One of the more vulnerable moments of Pete Buttigieg’s pioneering campaign for president (as a front-running, openly gay man) came in South Carolina. At a town hall, Mayor Pete talked about what it was like to be young and struggle with this identity, this part of his sexuality. His answer should be read by every father out there."Hear the rest on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/21/2020 • 3 minutes, 3 seconds
Here’s How To Calm Your Kids Down
"Why are your kids so crazy? Why is everything so stressful? Why aren’t they doing better in school? Better at listening? Better at focusing?"Find out how to help your kids develop focus on today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/20/2020 • 2 minutes, 7 seconds
Pain Is a Part of Life
"Oh how you wish you could make sure they never suffered. Oh how you wish you could have prevented these last couple weeks. You don’t want them to be scared. You don’t want them to hurt. You don’t want them to miss out on anything. To tell them they can’t see their friends. They can’t go to prom. To have to say, as many dads are having to say, 'Sorry, we can’t afford that right now.'But guess what? That’s not possible."So what can you do? Learn more in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/19/2020 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
You Have to Face Your Flaws
"Each of us picked things up in childhood. Because of how our own parents were. Because of the experiences we had. Because of things we did... or didn’t do."Learn about the choice about your flaws that you need to make in today's Daily Dad Podcast.Get your copy of Ego Is the Enemy for just $2.99: 20% off Ego medallions and pendants: an Ego medallion and get an Ego print for $10 (75% off):***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/18/2020 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
Books Are Door-Shaped Portals
"A while back, we gave you Kipling’s poem “If.” Well today, you have another job, to read some of Margarita Engle’s poem about books."Listen to the poem in today's Daily Dad Podcast, and find out why reading is so critical to kids and fathers both.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/15/2020 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
This Is Something to Be Glad About
"It can be hard to express your feelings as a father sometimes. Not so much because men are expected to bottle up their emotions, but because the emotions that come with being a dad can be so overwhelming and complex. It’s a rush of a million feelings: love, joy, fear, absurdity, exhaustion, responsibility, motivation, and primal attachment."How does a dad express his emotions to his loved ones? Listen to today's Daily Dad Podcast episode and find out.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/14/2020 • 2 minutes, 19 seconds
What Is Your Anxiety Doing to Them?
"You’re anxious. You’re stressed. You want them to be safe. You worry about what they’re doing when you’re not there. You worry about their future. You worry they might not get into the school you have your heart set on. You stress over their friend who might be a bad influence. You stress about the cars zooming by your house. You’re nervous about COVID-19 and climate change and global unrest and everything else on the news. You don’t want anything bad to happen—to them, to you, to anyone. In the tunnel vision of your anxiety, these things are all you can think about. "That anxiety doesn't come without its own negative side effects, as Ryan details in today's Daily Stoic Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/13/2020 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Help Them Become Who They Are
"Bruce Springsteen has three children: Evan, Jessica, and Sam. One of them is an Olympic-level equestrian (which can not have been a cheap or easy interest to encourage, nor always a fun one to watch). His son, Sam, recently became a New Jersey firefighter (a scary thought for any parent). Clearly, Bruce and his wife Patti have figured out how to help their children become who they are, and to realize their potential. "Find out how they did it in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/12/2020 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Don’t Let Your Kids Be Worse
"Arthur MacArthur was a vain and conceited man. He was a war hero at age 18 at the Battle of Missionary Ridge. From there he went on to become a colonel, then a major, then lieutenant colonel, and then held several other prestigious military positions. He was notoriously self-absorbed and ambitious. As one former aide would say, Arthur was the 'most flamboyantly egotistical man I had ever seen.'"Yet MacArthur's excessive ego was exceeded by one other person's. Find out who in today's Daily Dad Podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/11/2020 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
What Legacy Are You Providing?
"Harry Truman was not a good businessman. The clothing shop he opened with a friend was a disaster—and he was paying off the debts through his senate career and into his presidency. Most of his investments were flops. He had to sell off chunks of his mother’s farm when they couldn’t pay the mortgage. After he left office, the only safety net he had was his army pension."Yet as Ryan describes in today's Daily Dad podcast, Truman was still able to leave his children a special legacy, something worth more than a large cash inheritance.****If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/8/2020 • 3 minutes, 3 seconds
What Will They Learn From This?
"Right now, you and your family are stuck at home. Or you trying to dig yourself out of the wreckage of a situation that wasn’t your fault, that is stressful, confusing, and overwhelming. There is a lot that is uncertain right now, a lot that we just don’t know. But one thing is a given: Your kids are watching you in this moment. They might not be in school. They might think that this is time off from learning, but, in fact, they are being taught so much. And you are the teacher. The question is: What is the lesson? What are you showing them?"In today's Daily Dad podcast, Ryan discusses the things you might want your children to learn from you during the pandemic.****If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/7/2020 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
These Are Also Magical Words
"Last week, we talked about some words that become magical when you become a dad. Although “I love you” is always powerful, suddenly, when you have kids, the phrase “as a family” becomes one of the most meaningful expressions in your life. It sets your priorities. It defines your existence. But there is another short phrase—a question, actually—that also has the power to melt your heart."Find out what those words are on today's Daily Dad podcast.****If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/6/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
It Feels Good to Get Them Things
"Sometimes it can feel like being a dad is just an endless series of errands. It’s the call from the bedroom that they need a glass of water. It’s the call from college for you to come to take them shopping for something they need for their apartment. It’s the running around town getting soccer cleats, or picking up concert tickets, or bringing them the homework they forgot. "Ryan discusses how to change your perspective when you feel like you're becoming your kids' butler.****If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/5/2020 • 2 minutes, 9 seconds
Can You Teach Them to Give It Their All?
"We talked before about Kipling’s poem “If,” which was written as advice for Kipling’s son, John. It’s a beautiful poem about toughness and virtue, honor and duty. But there is one line that doesn’t get as much attention, maybe because it’s a bit confusing..."Find out more in today's Daily Dad podcast.****If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/4/2020 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Show Them What They’ll Get Out Of This
"Most schools and most parents teach reading all wrong. They bully kids into doing it. They pressure them. They tell them, 'Reading is what smart and successful people do.' Then they’re surprised when kids who struggled with reading don’t think they’re smart, and they wonder why kids almost wear illiteracy as a badge of honor. They wonder why people say things like, 'I haven’t read a book since I was forced to in high school.'Ryan discusses the best way to help your kids fall in love with reading.****If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
5/1/2020 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
These Are Three Wonderful Words
"Before you had kids, 'I love you' was that powerful three word phrase. You said it to your future wife or your future husband and you loved hearing it. But now there is another phrase even more beautiful. It’s these three words: as a family."Ryan describes the beauty of being part of a family in today's podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/30/2020 • 2 minutes, 34 seconds
You Have to Listen
"...As parents, we tend to do a lot of talking. There are all the things we tell our kids. The things we remind them about. The lessons we try to teach them. The books we read to them. But it’s worth remembering that ancient saying: Two ears… one mouth."****If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/29/2020 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Now Is The Time For Wisdom
"It doesn’t matter how old you are or how old your kids are. You have more experience than them. In some cases, that’s a couple decades. In other cases, it’s many decades. But whatever the age difference is between you and your kids, you’ve lived longer and been through more."What to do with all that hard-won experience? Ryan explains in today's Daily Dad podcast.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/28/2020 • 2 minutes, 19 seconds
Lift Them Up, Don’t Hold Them Back
"Family is wonderful. None of us would be here, the writer Aaron Thier once put it, if people hadn’t taken care of us when we were small. Somebody birthed us, raised us, drove us to school, kept us safe. So naturally we feel an affinity and obligation to our family, as we hope our own children will. Being around them is comfortable. It’s familiar. It’s primal. But it’s also important that we realize, as we get older as parents, that we always remember that our job is to lift our children up, to push them forward, and never to hold them back. That’s why we have to work on ourselves. That’s why we can’t get complacent or selfish."Ryan talks about the importance of teaching your kids to eventually live their lives independently.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
This Is the Main Lesson
"There is so much we want to teach our kids—so much that fathers are expected to teach their kids. How to ride a bike. How to swim. How to throw a punch. How to tie a tie. How to read. How to get up the guts to talk to someone. All of this is important, of course. All of this must be done. But there is a lesson underneath all these lessons that matters more."Find out the lesson in this week's episode of the Daily Dad podcast.****If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/24/2020 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Character Is Fate. Never Forget That.
"These are challenging, uncertain times, no question. What’s at the root of it? How did we get here? And what can fathers do about it?The answer comes to us, as it often does, from an ancient prescription: Character is fate."Listen to learn more about why character is so important in raising your children into amazing adults—and how to do it.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow @DailyDadEmail:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/23/2020 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
How Will You Use This Time?
"Right now, most of us are stuck with what you might call dead time. We’re trapped indoors. We’re working from home… or not at all. Kids are out of school, and who knows when it will be back in. We’re in the snow day of all snow days, except we can’t go outside and take advantage of the time off because the snow might make us all sick."What ways can you convert this experience, from "dead time" that leaves you no better off than you were before, to "alive time" that enriches your life and helps the best version of you leave quarantine for the final time, however many months in the future that may be?***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Ryan:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/22/2020 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
You Have To Treat Them The Same
"Does your dog’s gender matter to you? Like have you ever once thought about whether they were capable of this task or that task because of their sex? Has your understanding of their gender changed how you play with them? Do you think about whether to get them this toy or that toy based on its color? Or its name?"Ryan discusses how you should treat your child depending on their gender, i.e. exactly the same.***If you enjoyed this week’s podcast, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps with our visibility, and the more people listen to the podcast, the more we can invest into it and make it even better.Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.comFollow Ryan:Twitter: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/21/2020 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
Never Make Fun Of Them For This
Your kids will do all sorts of ridiculous things. They will trip and fall, and yes, you will sometimes laugh. You will tease them about this and that. They’ll make hilarious mistakes. They’ll look back on their own childish ridiculousness with bemusement. Your family will have all sorts of inside jokes. This is fine. This is wonderful. It’s what binds people together—the ability to bust each other’s balls, to share memories and experiences. But there is one thing you should not tease your kids about, as the now famous (anonymous quote) goes: “Never make fun of someone if they mispronounce a word. It means they learned it by reading.”Receive a new email with a meditation like this one every day by signing up for the Daily Dad at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/20/2020 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
They Must Learn How To Compete
It wasn’t until many years into his coaching career that Pete Carroll really settled into his philosophy—the system by which he built his teams, and his athletes around. It seems simple but it’s actually a profound one. As he describes it: Always compete. Compete.Isn’t that what sports are about? Where’s the innovation there?According to Carroll, competition isn’t about beating someone or something. It isn’t some contest between two opposing individuals, groups, or teams. It isn’t a zero-sum game. It isn’t something you do on Sundays. Competition, Carroll says, is all about doing your best. It’s striving to reach your potential. It’s focusing on doing “things better than they have ever been done before.” That’s the mentality a competitor approaches every day with: Am I better today than I was yesterday? Yes? Then I won. Your job as a dad—whether you coach one of their teams or not, whether they play sports or not—is to help instill this mindset in your kids. They have to learn how to compete. Every day. In everything. We’ve talked about Jeannie Gaffigan and her husband Jim, how they started competing as parents, seeing who could get the kids to bed fastest, or get up earliest to make breakfast. We’ve talked about how your kids will rise to the level of your expectations—and that’s true for their expectations of themselves too. No one gets better just because. Getting better takes work. Improvement requires drive. Winning requires competing. Well, are you teaching them that? More importantly, are you modeling that?Kids need opportunities to compete. They need contests to better themselves in—whether it’s trying to memorize every state capitol faster than they did yesterday or running across the yard more times than they did last time. They need to grow up in a house where everyone is trying to grow somehow, in something. Where everyone is expected to perform at their best. If you can make that happen, they’ll be a winner.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/17/2020 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
You Must Find The Stillness
This change we’ve made, this decision to become dads—it has uprooted everything. It’s like we were hit, suddenly, with a crossfire hurricane. The house is a mess. The schedule is grueling. There is never enough sleep, never enough time in the day. Even the cool, quiet dark is pierced by the shriek of a man who has stepped on a pile of Legos… and the shriek is coming from your mouth. Yet to be good at our jobs, to be good at this fatherhood thing, we need stillness. We need time to reflect. We need focus. We need calm to restore and reboot us. Where will we find it? It won’t be, as Seneca and Marcus Aurelius remind us, in fleeing to the country or to the sea. It won’t be those measly two weeks of vacation or by cutting and running. No, we must find the stillness within the chaos. It might not feel like these moments of quiet can exist with all the crying babies or arguing teenagers, but they can. We must go within. We must find it, early in the morning before the house is awake. We must drink in those minutes after the kids are in bed—really drink it in, don’t defer it in favor of Netflix. We must take time with a journal. We must enjoy that cute, but preposterously slow, walk from school to the car, or from the car back into the house. Soak up the garbage time. Soak up the quiet. Store these moments in your soul so you can have them always. You must find the stillness. So much depends on it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/16/2020 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
Why Don’t You Know?
By now, you’ve almost certainly lost count of how many questions you’ve been asked by your kids. From the moment they can talk, that’s what fatherhood is—answering questions. Some you can’t wait for them to ask, some you hope they’ll never ask (or ask their mom), some so absurdly, brilliantly child-like you never could have guessed they were coming in a million years. Samuel Edison, the father of Thomas Edison, once remarked of his son—who few thought was a genius as a child—that Thomas was “forever asking me questions and when I would tell him I didn’t know, he would say, “Why don’t you know?” Out of the mouths of babes. What a perfect indictment expressed so innocently. Your kid is 5. Or 13. Or 30. But you’re much older. It makes sense that they don’t know things. But you? You don’t have an excuse! Too many of us let our curiosity atrophy as we get older—we close our minds the minute we close our last textbooks. Kids are a great reminder that our learning should never cease, that we should never be satisfied not knowing the answers to things—or at the very least knowing where to find the answers. If we want our kids to have an “everything is figureoutable” mentality, we’re going to have to model it ourselves. We have to show them that we’re curious, that our education is still ongoing, that we’re constantly questioning and discovering and exploring too.Why don’t you know? There’s no good answer. So keep learning. Keep thinking. Ask yourself that question. If you want to raise a “why child” you’re going to need to be a “why adult.” See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/15/2020 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
It’s Your Fault They’re This Way
F. Scott Fitzgerald knew the long term damage of being spoiled rotten. Not only was he a prime and painful example himself—as we’ve written about—but as he observed and studied the rich men and women of the Jazz Age, he saw how indulgent people quickly became the “careless” monsters that he portrayed in The Great Gatsby. In Fitzgerald’s stories, the rich are always expecting life to be easy, expecting their money to exempt them from consequences; they’re selfish, naive, insufferable, and superficial. As the subjects of his stories, this makes them fascinating heroes and anti-heroes, but Fitzgerald also wanted us to know who the real villains were: the parents and the families that raised them. As he depicts in one memorable exchange in The Offshore Pirate, a story about a young, beautiful girl who refused to listen to her guardians:“You’ve grown unbearable! Your disposition—”“You’ve made me that way! No child ever had a bad disposition unless it’s her family’s fault! Whatever I am, you did it.”This truth applies to all of us, not just fathers and families whose incomes put them in the 1%. We must blame ourselves or no one, remember? If our kid’s not a hard worker, that’s on us. If our kid’s a bully or acts like they have an advanced degree from “dick school,” that’s on us. If our kid has an attitude or gets into trouble, that’s on us. They’re kids. It’s our fault for not teaching them better… and it’s even less excusable if we throw up our hands and say, “That’s just the way they turned out.”No, whatever they are, we did it. And it’s not too late to make improvements. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/14/2020 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
They Need You To Be Calm
The world is a scary place right now. Your retirement accounts have taken enormous hits. Events are getting cancelled. Government officials are failing, publicly and embarrassingly, to protect us. Nobody knows quite what the next few weeks or months will look like. But one thing that is certain? Your kids need you to be calm. They need this as much as they need anything right now. Because this wasn’t their fault. Because they haven’t been through stuff like this before. Because they are looking to you for guidance, for an example of how to be and behave. If you’re freaking out, if you’re letting your anxiety run wild, what will they think? More importantly, how is that helping them in any way? People in the sway of their passions or fears don’t make good decisions. They don’t inspire confidence. They are not their best selves. Well, this is a moment that requires the very best of you. It requires you conquering your fear, discarding your anxiety, and focusing on the task at hand. It requires you to truly be there for your kids. To make good decisions, in the calm and mild light of good philosophy. This is where you teach them what leadership and citizenship look like. This is where you teach them how to be strong and calm precisely when a situation most calls for it. They need you to be calm. So step up. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/13/2020 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
What Will You Regret?
On their deathbeds, fathers think about a lot of things. They think about the world they’re leaving to their sons and daughters. They think about how they parented. They think about the mistakes they made. They think about what they did right. They are warmed by the thoughts of their children, and, if they are lucky, they find themselves surrounded by them, the hospital bed serving as the final crowded table we have talked about here. The question for you to think about today, on a day hopefully quite far from that moment, is what decisions are you making now and how will you think about them then? Think about what most dads regret as they come to the end of life: They regret not spending more time with their kids. They regret not telling them how proud of them they were (not doing it nearly enough). They regret taking things too seriously, they regret letting petty differences or petty problems loom larger than the love that they felt in their hearts. They regret not being present, spending all that energy trying to organize perfect “quality” time when there was so much ordinary, wonderful garbage time to be had. They regret not “engaging with the slime” because they cared too much about keeping the house clean. They may regret spoiling their kids, not teaching them the right lessons, not having the conversations that needed to be had. Well, you’re lucky. Because you’re not on your deathbed right now. Because it’s not too late. Nor is it ever too early. Today you can adjust and change to make sure you don’t have those regrets—or at least you can seek to minimize them. You only get one go at this. Learn from the people who have come before. Learn from your own parents. Try to get it right. Before you regret it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 39 seconds
Teach Them Early, Teach Them Often
Each of us, no matter how old or successful, has things we wish we knew how to do. We wish we could speak another language, or change the oil in our own car, or play the guitar. It’s not that we aren’t up for learning these things now—more so even than when we were young—but it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, as they say, even when the dog wants to learn. It can be a frustrating experience. Sometimes, when the desire is deep enough but the capacity for comprehension is not, it can even produce resentment toward our own parents for not encouraging or teaching us these skills earlier—when we had less going on, when our mind was more pliable, when we had the time. The French philosopher Jean de la Bruyère (who we’ve quoted before) has spoken about the importance of laying the foundation for language learning in our children: “when the soul naturally receives everything, is deeply impressed by it, and when the memory is fresh, quick, and steady.” That is, as early as possible. It’s true for more than just picking up française or español. When we’re young our mental maps have yet to be fully drawn. Our neural pathways are still being carved. Our brains are lumps of clay waiting to be molded--by exposure, by experience, by accident, by parents. When we’re young, our view of the world has not yet been colored by the kind of preconceptions, desires, and passions that seem to define what is possible for adults. Kids aren’t tied down by the familiar and they aren’t yet burdened by the responsibilities that adults know too well. They can be excited easily with games, they are impressionable, they are not yet jaded, and, most of all, they have time. They have so much time. You have to recognize that they are clay in your hands. You have to help them seize this window. You have to help them open their minds. Jean de la Bruyère said that language especially will “clear the way for the acquisition of solid learning.” But so will dancing, learning to tie a tie, computer programming, drawing, piano, and a million other skills. More is better, as we’ve said before. Help them develop range. Let them learn to love not only the benefits of range but the pride of depth and the process of acquiring both. It’s not too late. But earlier is better. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/9/2020 • 3 minutes, 20 seconds
This Makes Us Crazy
Sometimes it’s good to acknowledge our biases. And one of the biggest biases in our lives is our kids. Not just a bias in the sense that we prefer them, but a bias like one of those ones that cognitive behavioral scientists point out that prove we’re totally and utterly irrational.We love our kids and love makes us crazy. It is irrational. And that’s okay. In Herman Hesse’s beautiful novel Siddhartha, the titular character—who had spent his whole life in the solitary pursuit of enlightenment—suddenly finds himself a father. This changes him. Makes him feel all sorts of things he had never felt before, feelings that, in many ways, he had denied and pushed away for so long as part of his journey. “He was madly in love, a fool because of love,” Hesse writes of Siddhartha, but also of you and every other parent who’s ever lived. “Now he always experienced belatedly, for once in his life, the strongest and strangest passion; he suffered tremendously through it and yet was uplifted, in some way renewed and richer.” Our kids make us drive. They drive us crazy. They mess with our minds and our priorities. Love does that. Mad, mad love is powerful, skewing things. But it’s also a wondrous, special thing. It makes us suffer, but it also rewards us. It uplifts us. It changes us, sure, but they change us so much for the better.It’s good to acknowledge that.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/8/2020 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
What Do You Never Want Them To Think?
Imagine that you’re gone and able to look down now and see your kids from above. Or imagine that somehow you had magical powers and could see inside their heads and read their thoughts. What is it that you would never want them to witness? What is it that you would never want them to feel?Not failure, obviously, because you know that’s a part of life. Not suffering—within reason—because that too is a part of life, as the Buddha says. But you would never want them to feel stupid, or feel unloved, or feel that they had to earn your approval. You would never want them to feel worthless. Or find out that they really needed you but were afraid to come to you for help. You would never want them to think you were too busy for them, or that you cared about their success more than their happiness. This is basic stuff, right? Okay, but honestly, if you really looked at your behavior, do you think you contribute to those exact feelings? They came to you and instead of listening… you rushed right in with judgement or a lecture. You criticize far more than you compliment. You are cold or easily disappointed… because you’re still dealing with your own issues. You lost your temper. You say harsh things. Every father does this. We make our kids feel a way that if we heard their boyfriend or their boss made them feel that way we’d drive down and kick their ass. We do it because we’re not aware enough, because we don’t take our influence seriously enough. And that’s not okay. We can do better. We have to do better. Imagine you could see the world from inside your kid’s heart and head. Now look at their father—look at the way you act towards them. It’s not the picture you want to see, is it?So change. Now. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/7/2020 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
You Come From A Strong Tradition
If you’re in your 30s, then your parents raised you through the global financial crisis, SARS, the bursting of the tech bubble, and 9/11. They saw two wars in Iraq, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Black Monday. If you’re in your 40s, they experienced that and the crack epidemic, the AIDS epidemic, stagflation, Chernobyl, and the final saber rattling of the Cold War. If you’re in your 50s, then your parents raised you through Vietnam and Watergate and the Berlin Wall. If you’re in your 60s, they raised you through the Civil Rights movement, the counterculture revolution, the draft, Vietnam, the Kennedy assassinations, MLK’s assassination, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. If you’re older than that… well, now we’re getting into even headier territory: the war in Korea, the Iron Curtain, the Second World War, the Marshall Plan, and god knows what else. You think that was easy? You think there weren’t moments where they shut the door and wept out of anger or fear? You think they didn’t spend a lot of nights sitting up in bed, talking quietly to their partner about what was going to happen, about how (and if) they were going to make it? They were scared. They were overwhelmed. They wondered what kind of world this was to bring you up in. And then you know what? They put on a smiling face and made you breakfast. They went to work. They saved their money. They prepared for your future. They loved you. They protected you. They soldiered on. You come from that tradition. You come from parents who didn’t have it easy… and grandparents who had it harder, and great-great-great grandparents who definitely had it worse. What we face today is tough. These are real economic, political, and medical crises. But we’ll get through it. We’ll get through it as our parents did. We’ll keep smiling. We’ll keep protecting. We’ll keep doing our job. Because we have to. We have a tradition to uphold. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/6/2020 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
You Have One Job Today
Your job today as a father is to do one thing. It’s to read this poem, which dates back to 1895, and then to think about how to incorporate its lessons into how you raise your kids. Ignore the gendered language (it was written as advice to the poet’s son) because it doesn’t matter. There isn’t any child, boy or girl, at any age who won’t benefit from this wisdom. If— BY RUDYARD KIPLINGIf you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and DisasterAnd treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spokenTwisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:If you can make one heap of all your winningsAnd risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,And lose, and start again at your beginningsAnd never breathe a word about your loss;If you can force your heart and nerve and sinewTo serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in youExcept the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minuteWith sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!Go!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/3/2020 • 2 minutes, 56 seconds
What You’re Doing Is Important
These are strange times to be a father. Fathers have never been expected to do more—around the house, in their children’s lives. This is wonderful. It’s also challenging and confusing because societal expectations and the actual process for preparing new dads for doing these things are not quite in alignment. At the same time, the word “masculine” is not indelibly connected to that idea of “toxic masculinity.” So much of what it has and continues to mean to “be a man” are now denigrated and criticized. The modern picture of a dad is somehow simultaneously an overweight oaf who tells lame jokes and a patriarchal tyrant. A control freak and a checked out layabout. And this isn’t even getting into the extreme theories about how having kids is unconscionable in an age of climate change or feminist arguments for “abolishing the family.” The point is: It’s confusing and overwhelming to be a dad sometimes. Who should you be? How should you act? Are you doing the right thing? Or are you a monster?Blake Masters, the founder of Spar! (an awesome fitness/habit app that will help you get better and stay healthy) and the co-author of Peter Thiel’s Zero to One, has a rather refreshing and inspiring message for dads out there. We asked him what fatherhood has meant to him and his answer cuts through so much of the noise:I am *proud to be a father*, not only in the sense that my particular children have this or that specific quality, or that I teach them x or I learn from them about y. I'm proud to be a father because fatherhood is important, fatherhood is a key half of what makes the whole human enterprise keep going, and fatherhood specifically is about raising formidable young people that understand and respect what's good about the world their predecessors have made, how to keep up that good work, and indeed, maybe even how to make things a little better, without getting crushed or discouraged or too jaded along the way. *My* kids are great, I love them very much, and I'm proud of and cherish our relationships. But every once in awhile, when they have finally gone to sleep for the night, it's nice to zoom out and try to understand the big picture: we are participating in the timeless institution of watching over and rearing small people, who will before too long take up that challenge and do it again themselves. Don’t let anyone make you feel down about this. Don’t let anyone kick you around for doing your best. This fatherhood thing is important. It’s a long tradition we are a part of. We are doing the work of our grandfathers and their grandfathers, and at the same time, we are also moving the world forward, questioning old assumptions, setting new norms. Give yourself some credit. Feel the power of that bigger picture. Know that you are engaged in a timeless process, one that the human species would not survive without. You are a father and that’s a good thing. Keep going. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/2/2020 • 3 minutes, 58 seconds
Imagine What This Is Like For A Kid
Seeing your own parents now, as an adult, is stressful. There’s a great Ram Dass line that the comedian Pete Holmes has used in relation to his own parents: You think you’re enlightened—go spend a week with your family.The point is, having Mom and Dad come stay with you is few people’s idea of a relaxing weekend. It’s stranger still once you have kids, because suddenly you start to see and think about your own childhood differently. Some insights you get are good, but some of the behaviors you see make you sad. Because you see it through the eyes of your own kids now, you see how it affects them. How could I have handled these people as a child, you think. This is no way to live.As we’ve said before, each one of us needs to examine these feelings and process them. Your kids are a second chance for you. You have to heal your inner child. You have to wipe the slate clean. But this exercise—of seeing your parents and their flaws through your kid’s eyes—should also humble you. Because how do you think it is living with you now? Do you think it’s easy to be a kid in your house? Or might it be incredibly stressful and disorienting—what, with all your anxieties and vices and issues? Remember that your kids—like you all those years ago—have no idea that this isn’t normal. They have no idea that you mean well but are flawed. They have no idea that this is stuff you’re working on in therapy or in your journal or with your spouse. All they feel are the effects. The residue of your unaddressed anger. The insanity of your need to control things. The stress of your work. That’s not fair. They can’t handle it. You have to handle it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
4/1/2020 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Here’s The Only Silver Lining
People are freaked out. Events are cancelled. Schools have been let out. You’re working from home, or, at least, not going out like you used to. Money is being lost. The elderly and vulnerable are at risk. We are seeing, laid bare, what incompetent leadership looks like...and how fragile our institutions are. Is there any good that can come of this? On a large scale, no. But there is one silver lining to look at here: You’re spending more time with your kids, as a family. You’re being reminded, vividly, of what’s truly important in this life. You’re able to see just how much you took stability and the modern global world for granted, and how when that falls away, what’s left is the core unit of family. What’s left in stark relief are the people and relationships you care about most. So as you sit here, going a little stir crazy, push those fears and anxieties out of your mind and focus on what matters. Drink in this time with your family. Go play a game with your kids. Watch their favorite movie on the couch tonight. Work on a project in the garage together. FaceTime with your brother or sister or son who lives across the country. Heed this reminder, seize this moment. The present is all we have. Nobody knows where this is going to go—-except that, like all things, it will eventually pass. But right now? Right now, the silver lining, the gift of it, is that it’s an opportunity for you to cherish your loved ones. It’s a chance for you to be a good father. It’s a chance for you to be together. Take it. It was bought at a high cost and it would be a tragedy on top of a tragedy to waste it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/31/2020 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Tell Them of Cincinnatus
Do you know the story of Cincinnatus? He was a Roman general who had retired to his farm until he was called to rescue his country from an invasion. Made dictator in these desperate times, he had unlimited power, which he used to save the empire… only to immediately relinquish the power and return to his farm. Is the story true? Does it matter? George Washington knew this story—it was almost certainly read to him as a boy—and modeled his life on it. From this legend came real history—it shaped Washington’s life and the life of the country he helped found. The same goes for the story of Washington and the cherry tree. Is it true? Probably not. But for generations, children were taught this story and it shaped real lives and the country they lived in. Today, we don’t tell these stories enough. Children’s books are all about robots and talking dogs. Or they are preposterously inappropriate totems for parents to virtue signal with (who thought this book was a good idea?) History books as kids get older are all about facts, they’re all about punching holes in things, in showing how the heroes of the past were all racists and hypocrites. And then we wonder why we live in a world devoid of courage. Where irony reigns and inspiration is replaced by nihilism. Of course these things are gone. There is only one way to get them back: By telling your children of Cincinnatus. Teach them the legends and myths of the past. Show them what greatness looks like, even if it’s through the haze of hagiography. Give them someone to look up to. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/30/2020 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
Your Job Is To Keep Them Safe
It’s in moments like these—a pandemic or a hurricane or a terrorist attack—that we fathers are thrown back into a more primal role. Yes, there are so many things we are expected to do as dads these days: Teaching them to love to learn. Teaching them how to be vulnerable and kind. Raising them to question things, to pursue mastery, to follow the four virtues. All of these things are important… but quite obviously come to matter very little if we don’t do our most important job: Keeping them safe. Right now, practically, that means curtailing travel and meetings. That means washing your hands. It means keeping their (and your) immune system healthy. That means sending your employees home, supporting the less fortunate however you can, so they can stay home too. It means making sure you have the supplies necessary (food, medicine, etc) in case of mandatory quarantines. On a larger level though, this is a reminder that many of us have not been taking this job seriously enough. We are complicit in enabling these incompetent leaders who got us into this mess. We looked the other way because “the economy was good.” We accepted arguments like, “It doesn’t matter if a president or a governor or a prime minister is a good (or competent/qualified) person, what matters is if they agree to support the policies of my party.” We’ve been telling our kids that character matters, but we didn’t fully believe it and now we are being reminded of the timeless rule that character is fate. We didn’t prioritize leadership and here we are… leaderless when we desperately need it. Most of us ignored the warnings. Most of us assumed someone else would solve this. Most of us let others do the talking for us. We didn’t have emergency supplies handy. We didn’t have a plan. And here we are—in danger. Thankfully, kids seem to be remarkably (and mercifully) protected from COVID-19, but the rest of the world is not. We need to remember what our primary job as fathers is. We can never neglect it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
You Have To Help Them Discover This
Almost every talented and successful person can remember their introduction to whatever it was that became their thing. In Mastery, Robert Greene explores countless examples of this beautiful process by which some of the world’s most notable experts discovered their “life’s task.” He talks about Martha Graham’s first time watching a dance performance, for example, and he tells the story of the compass that Albert Einstein’s father gave him as a present when he was five years old:“Instantly, the boy was transfixed by the needle, which changed direction as the compass moved about. The idea that there was some kind of magnetic force that operated on this needle, invisible to the eyes, touched him to the core.At the core of most of these stories are a few key ingredients: Luck. Openness. Curiosity. And of course, often, a parent who actively exposed their kid to different things. For every Tiger Woods, who had golf more or less forced on him from birth, there is an Albert Einstein whose life was changed by a simple gift—a thought from a father who said, “Hey, maybe they would like this” or “Hey, this might be fun.”It’s your child’s job to figure out what they want to do in life. No parent can or should make their child master anything. But it is your job, especially when they’re young, to open their eyes. To introduce serendipity into the equation, to expose them to all the possibilities that life has to offer. Show them how things are figureoutable. Show them what’s out there. Help them discover. You’ll change them...and you may just change the whole world in the process. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/26/2020 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
Nobody Wins in a War of Attrition
Because you’re in charge, because you’re so much bigger and stronger and smarter, it’s easy to get trapped into a battle of wills with your kids. Don’t do that or else! Because I said so. Oh, you think it’s like that, do you? We put our foot down. We tell them how it’s going to be. We argue. Sometimes, at the very, very end of our rope, we lock them in their room. Maybe we think this is what authority is, that it’s about force. That it’s about asserting dominance or control. Of course, this is wrong, not just morally but factually. It’s one of the most enduring myths of history, propagated by movies and stories, that wars are won and lost by two great armies going head-to-head in battle. In fact, in a study of 30 conflicts comprising more than 280 campaigns from ancient to modern history, the historian B. H. Liddell Hart found that in only 6 of the 280 campaigns was a decisive victory the result of a direct attack on the enemy’s main army. Only six. That’s 2 percent.Instead, most wars—like most arguments and most matters in life—are won indirectly. They’re won creatively. They’re not matters of full force going against full force, but about finding another way around, a way to really get through. Sometimes they’re won by delay, sometimes by surprise, other times by feints or alliances. And so it should go with your kids. You’re not going to yell them into listening. You’re going to have to find where they’re vulnerable. You’re not going to get them to calm down by force, but by realizing that they’re hungry...or need to be tired out. You’re not going to get them to stop being afraid by logic, you’ll have to change their perspective. Nobody wins a battle of wills. Every victory is Pyrrhic. So get creative. Stop throwing yourself against a wall. Protect both combatants. Don’t attack head-on. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/25/2020 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
If They Don’t Get It From You, Where Will They?
We know that our kids want to feel good, feel safe, feel loved. We know they want to feel that someone is proud of them, that they’re talented, that they’re worth something. We also know that they’ll want to have fun, take risks, mess up, be crazy, and feel the pleasures of the world. As the person in charge, as the person who wants them to be successful in life, it may come to pass that you are at odds with those feelings more often than you’d like. Because you see their potential, you are critical of their choices. Because you are worried about them, you’re strict. Because you know how hard and competitive the world is, you push them...and then maybe you push them some more. And because you have so much on your plate, you don’t always say the nice thing, the obvious, supportive, reassuring thing. The problem is: If our kids aren’t feeling safe or loved or supported by us, where will they get it from? Because they will go out and try to find it. If Dad is blocked off because Dad is busy, Daughter will go find love in the wrong places. If Dad is a hard ass, because Dad regrets his choices in his own youth, and he pushes too hard, Son might rebel or learn to value the wrong things. The gender of the child doesn’t matter. Neither does their natural personality. If Dad doesn’t give his kids what they need, they’ll get it somewhere else and it will almost certainly not be from the right or best place. It might be from drugs or a gang or bad influences or reckless behavior or from a false belief that you can earn acceptance and appreciation. All of that is wrong. Your kids deserved those things at birth. And they deserve them from you.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/24/2020 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
It Is Always Scary To Do This
There has never been a father—a good one anyway—that did not at least occasionally look at what was happening around them and question the world they were bringing up their kids in. This is worth remembering today, as you watch the news or the stock market, whether you’ve got adult kids or just found out you’re having your first.Yes, it looks scary out there...but it’s always been scary. Just three years ago, on that somber, confusing day for many people—the day a certain president was elected—hospitals were full of mothers giving birth and new fathers being minted. You think the COVID-19 pandemic is scary? Imagine you and your family just survived WWI and here comes the Spanish Flu. Even the supposedly idyllic 1950s actually occurred under the claustrophobic terror of potential nuclear annihilation. And if you were black, or gay, or any other number of minorities, it was even more repressive still.It might feel like this is a bad time to be bringing kids into the world, that what’s happening out there should alarm you. But again, it’s always been scary and always will be scary. Fathers have had to raise their children through plagues and civil wars. They’ve faced pogroms and changing climates. They’ve stared down appalling infant mortality rates, along with failed states, incompetent kings, and moral corruption. There will never be a time peaceful enough, upstanding enough, fair enough, bright enough, calm enough to reassure you. All we can do as dads is keep going—we must keep carrying the fire. We must do our best to raise good kids who can survive and endure and make the world a little better. And we should be grateful that as scary as the world is...we’re luckier it’s not as scary as it once was. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/23/2020 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
You’ll Want Them To Come To You With Problems
When your kids mess up, what’s your reaction? Do you freak out? Or are you calm? Do you make the situation better...or worse? Can you actually listen? Or are you halfway through a solution before they’ve even gotten two words of explanation out of their mouths?The answers to these questions matter if, like a good dad, you want to be the kind of father who your kids turn to when they have a problem. You want them to come to you with their fears, with their secrets, with their dilemmas, don’t you?Well then you better make yourself the kind of parent that has earned that honor, that has earned that respect. Because it’s a privilege and not a right. Need proof? Think about your own parents and how many things you kept from them. Even more, why you kept it from them. Sure, some things we hide because we know it’s stuff we’re not supposed to be doing. But a lot of it is stuff we could have used their advice on, that we ached to connect over—but we knew we couldn’t. Because they would rush to judgment. Because they wouldn’t let us explain. Because it would trigger their anxiety or their temper or their moralizing reminders. You want them to come to you with problems? You want to help them? Then show them. Teach them that it’s worth doing. Teach them that they’ll get a fair hearing. Prove to them that you make things better and not worse. Let them see how you love them more than you hate any mistake. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/20/2020 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
What Are They Learning From How You Carry Yourself
From his dad, Bruce Springsteen learned about shame, about broken pride, and struggling with demons that you can’t quite conquer. It’s an all too common story, unfortunately. The lack of a strong role model leaves a void that haunts a kid forever, even long after they leave the house. You can hear that pain in Springsteen’s songs today.As unlucky as Bruce was to be dealt that hand, he was also incredibly lucky. Because in his mother he had a very different example, one that taught him very different things. In his memoir, Born to Run, Bruce writes about visiting his mom at work, Lawyers Titles Inc, where she was a legal secretary. Where his dad was angry and bitter, his mom was brave and tough. He could see himself in her and it called him to be better. “I am proud, she is proud,” he wrote, recalling how it felt to see her in her element, away from their house, doing her job. “We are handsome, responsible members of this one-dog burg pulling our own individual weight, doing what has to be done. We have a place here, a reason to open our eyes at the break of day and breathe in a life that is steady and good.” Again, this is why we have to remember that our children are always watching. This is why we have to let them see us work. We want to teach them what it takes to survive in this world. We want them to see us dressed up, sleeves rolled up, surrounded by people who respect and depend on us. We want them to see us not only at our private worst, but also at our public best. “Truthfulness, consistency, professionalism, kindness, compassion, manners, thoughtfulness, pride in yourself, honor, love, faith in and fidelity to your family, commitment, joy in your work and a never-say-die thirst for life,” Bruce wrote decades removed from those afternoons at the legal office in New Jersey, “Those are some of the things my mother taught me and that I struggle to live up to.” Do the same for your kids and they’ll never forget it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/19/2020 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
They Feel Bad Enough Already
It happened again. Your kid screwed up. They did something stupid—from drawing on the walls to getting caught drinking. They hurt someone or they lied. They failed a test or broke something important. You’re pissed. You want to yell. But before we do that, stop and think: Have you raised a good kid? Have you taught them right from wrong? Have you taught them to care about other people and the truth?Yes, yes you have. Now ask yourself: Does yelling teach them these things more? Does getting upset re-emphasize what is right and what is wrong, or does it just reinforce the power dynamic between you two? Does yelling make them hear you more...or tune you out completely?More to the point, if you’ve raised a good kid, do you really think they did that on purpose? Don’t you think they already feel bad? In fact, wouldn’t a calm discussion about the difference between who you know they are and what the statement their behavior has made be a far louder and clearer discussion than yelling ever could be? Remember as you’re getting upset that you’re not just dealing with the situation at hand but you are also showing your kids how adults should act when things go wrong—you are teaching them lessons that will impact how they treat their employees and their own children in the future. Keep that in mind… and calm down. Be understanding. Talk, don’t yell. Let their own conscience—the one you have worked so hard to help them develop—do most of the heavy lifting. Let them learn to see the error in their own ways, let them learn how to learn from their mistakes. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/18/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
Give Them Access To This Wisdom
For thousands of years, humans have been expressing wisdom to each other through fables. Whether it’s Aesop or the Bible or Leonardo da Vinci or Hans Christian Anderson, smart writers have been packaging moral lessons in the form of quaint little stories or parables. And, for just as long, parents have been passing these fables onto their children.But for whatever reason, this form of storytelling has lost favor. The stories are violent, people complain, or a tad dark. They’re full of weird historical anachronisms. They aren’t funny. Where are the pictures?! But Washington didn’t really chop down the cherry tree. Talk about missing the point. Our job as parents is to teach our kids the timeless truths of the world. It doesn’t matter that the Frog and the Scorpion didn’t really exist—what matters is that we have to see people’s true nature. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or not, the lessons in the Bible have served humanity very well over thousands of years. Make an effort to start bringing these fables into your house. You can listen to them on Spotify in the car. You can read them together before bed. Or you can tell the stories yourself from memory. Don’t just focus on the plot. Talk about the lessons too—talk to them about Da Vinci’s fable of the stone and its message about the importance of solitude and quiet. Talk about the Fox and the Stork, and how when you play a prank, you’ll get pranked too. Talk about “sour grapes.” Teach them about the world through ridiculous stories. It’s a grand tradition...and a critical part of growing up. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/17/2020 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
You’d Trade Anything For This, Yet…
When Kobe Byrant took off in his helicopter from downtown Los Angeles on January 26th, he was a 5 time NBA champion. He was a 2x Finals MVP. He was a 2x Olympic Gold Medalist. He had won an Emmy and was a New York Times bestselling author. He had earned hundreds of millions of dollars in his career and raised a venture capital fund of more than $100 million, with stakes in companies like Cholula Hot Sauce and Alibaba. Yet it goes without saying that he would have traded all of those incredible accomplishments, if he had been lucky enough to be offered the choice, for just one more day as a dad to his four girls. And you, whatever accomplishments you have piled up in your life, would do the exact same thing. Who wouldn’t? We know this. If asked, we would say it. Yet...yet...yet...look at our choices. You’d give up so much for one more bedtime with your kids, and here you are, on your phone while they’re in the bath. No amount of money could compensate you for one more morning with them, and here you are, grouchy because it’s early, put out because you’re sitting in traffic as you drive them to school. You’re away from home, chasing a business deal. You’re preoccupied with email. You’re thinking about whether the grass is greener on the other side of the marriage fence. You’re planning that trip with friends. You have, right now, in your grasp the thing that Kobe Bryant, that Stuart Scott, that John F. Kennedy would have traded the Sports Center desk for, traded the presidency for, traded all their trophies for. Do not take it for granted. Do not trade it away for nothing. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/16/2020 • 4 minutes, 59 seconds
The Trade Off Is Worth It
These kids have changed your life. There are so many things you used to do that you no longer can. Traveling with no notice. Staying out all night. Sleeping on an airplane...sleeping in at all. You used to have so much more energy for your job, for your friends. You used to have time to do lots of things. And now it’s a real crapshoot whether you will get a shower in today...let alone keep up with the ambitious upstarts coming behind you. So let’s not be sanguine about the sacrifices this decision has required you to make. But these days, society does a pretty good job discussing all the costs—financial, physical, social—of having kids. You see it in every article about the celebrity or artist who chooses not to have a family. You see it in the arguments of every activist or politician who pleads for sympathy for working parents. What seems to get mentioned much less often is what you’ve been given as a result of becoming a father, the wondrous happiness you feel despite all the disruption. “One doesn't tend to associate kids with peace,” the venture capitalist Paul Graham observed recently in his fantastic essay about being a parent, “but that's what you feel. You don't need to look any further than where you are right now.All those ordinary moments: Playing in the yard. Getting pummeled when they jump in your bed in the morning. Watching TV on the couch. Being a family. It’s just so amazing. Even the garbage time together is great—and well worth what you’ve traded away to get it. “Most of the freedom I had before kids,” Paul Graham wrote, “I never used. I paid for it in loneliness, but I never used it.” It’s true for you too. It’s true for all of us. We’ve paid a high price for these kids, but we have gotten—we will keep getting—so much. Sometimes it’s helpful to tell ourselves that. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/13/2020 • 2 minutes, 54 seconds
If You Feel Upset, Do This
You’re upset because you just blew it in that meeting. You’re kicking yourself because you meant to get up early and ended up sleeping through your alarm and missing a flight. You’re stressed about the business, you wish your marriage was better, you hate the way your house looks from the street. You can’t watch the news without being disgusted or outraged or worried. What should you do? How can you deal with the creeping overwhelm that each of these problems has come to represent?Go spend time with your kids. Seriously. 5 minutes. 15 minutes. 5 hours. Watch as those feelings melt away. Not because you’ve ignored them, but because they’ve been placed in perspective. Your kid doesn’t think you’re garbage because you messed up at work. Your kid doesn’t care about the economy. They’re not anxious. They’re not cynical. They’re not riding you about anything. They’re present. They’re happy. They’re grateful. They’re wonderful and they think you’re wonderful. Soak that in. Let them rub off on you. Have fun. Be reminded of what life was like before all these responsibilities fell onto your shoulders. And then, properly refreshed and reset, go back and tackle your problems the only way you can: one at a time, in the way that’s best for you and the people you love. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/12/2020 • 2 minutes, 12 seconds
Raise Them To Be a “Why” Child
In one of F. Scott Fitzerald’s funniest short stories, “Head and Shoulders,” a certifiable genius falls in love with a showgirl. The plot and moral of the story aren’t relevant for today’s email—though the story is highly recommended—instead there is a little passage in it that introduces a concept that is worth thinking about:“I was a ‘why child. I wanted to see the wheels go around. My father was a young economics professor at Princeton. He brought me up on the system of answering every question I asked him to the best of his ability.” A “why child”—what a delightful phrase! Isn’t that what we’re trying to raise? We’ve talked about raising a child who knows how to “figure things out” but this is part and parcel of that. A why child isn’t content to take things at face value, or simple explanations. They not only want to see the wheels go round, they want to know why, they want to know how, they want to know where they came from in the first place.Can this be annoying? Absolutely. It can even get them in trouble (isn’t that the whole message of the Curious George series?). But curious is better than complacent, annoying is better than ignorant. You must seed this habit. You must make sure you water it too—and do your best never to stamp it out, just because you’re tired, or just because the question is inappropriate. The more questions they ask the better. Not just to their parents, but for their whole life. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/11/2020 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Don’t Let Them Get Discouraged
We’ve all done it. It’s happened to almost all of us. We see a thing. We want to try it. It’s hard. And…we give up. Whether it’s karate, business, piano, reading, learning another language...every new skill has a “pain period” and, most of the time, we never get over it.Because we lack encouragement or any visible progress, we quit. In a way, this is a kind of costly cognitive error. In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about something he calls “The Plateau of Latent Potential.” This plateau can be likened to bamboo, which spends its first five years building extensive root systems underground before exploding ninety feet into the air within six weeks. Or to an ice cube, which will only begin to melt once the surrounding temperature hits thirty-two degrees (or the resulting water that only boils at two hundred and twelve degrees).Just because it sometimes takes longer than we’d like to see the results of our efforts doesn’t mean that our efforts are going to waste. In fact, most of the important work—the build up—won’t seem like it’s amounting to anything, but of course it is. We struggle with realizing this as imagine being a kid. They’ve never experienced the elation of suddenly breaking through that plateau. They don’t even have enough experience to understand the bamboo analogy!Which makes this a key area for a dad to exert important influence. You have to keep encouraging them. You have to help them see even the microscopic progress they’re making. You have to help manage their expectations. It might not seem like doing this piece of homework or trying hard in practice matters. It might not seem like any of it is making a difference, but you can show them how it is. You can show them why it matters. It’s not that they should never quit things (especially things you forced them to do against their will). It’s that if you want them to get across the threshold, they’ll need your help. They’ll need you to encourage them. They’ll need your help developing grit. They’ll need you to convince them that a payoff is coming. Because it is. Especially if they can learn this as a general life lesson. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/10/2020 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
You’re Doing Better Than You Think
It can be easy to question your parenting. To feel like you’re not doing good enough, that you’re not nearly enough. You see what other parents are doing, or hear what other fathers say they are doing, and it can seem like you’re the worst parent ever: The food you give them isn’t healthy enough, their education isn’t good enough, you’re not patient enough, you’re not dedicated enough. But it’s important, when you start to feel this way, that you step back. Don’t just compare yourself to the dads you see around you—that can be dubious and unreliable—compare yourself to your own father and his father before him. When Jerry Seinfeld was on Jimmy Fallon a few years ago, he quipped, “You know what my bedtime story was when I was a kid? Darkness!”Compared to not too long ago, you’re the greatest dad ever—you’re spoiling your kids rotten and protecting them in a bulletproof, bubble wrapped hug. John D. Rockefeller could not give his kids half of what you do—even with his wealth, the collected wisdom and modern technology you have access to was way beyond his grasp. Just think of what fathers used to let their kids do, think of the basic things fathers used to not do. You would never tolerate that.Because you care and are committed in a way that is generationally and historically completely unprecedented. You are present and home to a degree that fathers never have been before. Even as lopsided as household chores remain between genders, the small amounts of progress that have been made are providing a dramatically better example for your kids than ever before. The sensitivity that you feel towards their feelings, the openness you have about your feelings—even if you are a pretty closed off guy—is still better than any generation before. You are doing better than you think. It’s just hard to see that because you’re surrounded by so many other dads doing the same, who for the first time ever are expected to do the same. So give yourself some credit. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/9/2020 • 2 minutes, 38 seconds
They Are Always Listening
Have you ever heard your kids say something that just stops you cold? One of those remarks that instinctually makes you do a double take? It can be an unexpected curse word, or some preposterous old-timey expression, or one of those heartbreakingly earnest statements about love or happiness. Where did that come from, you think? Where did they hear that?Of course, you know. They heard it from you. You’re the one who cursed. You’re the one who told them about how annoying your neighbor is. You’re the one who turned on the TV and let them sit there. The point of this is not to shame you, it’s to remind you. Your kids are always watching. A little fellow follows you...eyes, ears, and heart open and absorbing. Don’t be the parents in A Christmas Story, washing their son’s mouth out with soap, yelling at his friend’s mother, pretending that there is anyone else to blame but yourself. Don’t be the parent who underestimates their power to teach, who thinks that your kid is lost if they don’t have access to the most expensive and prestigious schools. No, they are always learning, always watching, always little vessels ready to be filled. What will they hear? What will you pour? That’s the question. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/6/2020 • 2 minutes
Make Sure They Spend Time Around Old People
In his book, The Vanishing American Adult, Senator Ben Sasse pondered what might strike a person from the distant past as odd about our modern society. Aside from the technology, he said, they’d notice the extreme age segregation. Invariably today we spend time almost exclusively with people our own age. Our kids go to school with other kids. We work with other adults. Our own parents and grandparents are shunted off to retirement communities and old folks homes and cruise ships. The average age in the US Senate, where Sasse works, is around 61, and there are only 10 people in it under 50 years old. When was the last time you stayed under the same roof as someone twice your age? How many conversations do you have with people who grew up without the things you completely take for granted?In Lori McKenna’s song, Humble and Kind, she talks about “visiting grandpa every chance that you get.” It actually requires more than that, more than just seeing your own family. You have to make sure your kids aren’t stuck in a bubble, living their lives away from anyone but other children. Instead, you have to expose them to wisdom. Expose them to people who remember the good and the bad things that humans did in the recent and not-so-recent past. Expose them to people who have learned painful lessons. Expose them to people who have accomplished incredible things. The famous Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes died two days short of his 94th birthday. But in those years, he managed to shake hands with John Quincy Adams (the 6th US President) and John F. Kennedy (the 35th US President), who were born almost exactly 150 years apart. Indeed, the 19th century remains just a handshake or two away. A few handshakes more and you’re back before the founding of America, a few handshakes more and you’re in uncharted territory. This is humbling. This is inspiring. This is eye opening. This is a human wormhole to timeless wisdom.People born today might live for a very long time. But the people born a long time ago don’t have many years left. Meet them while there is still time. Let your kids learn from them while there is still time. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/5/2020 • 2 minutes, 51 seconds
This Is Something to Work Towards
Have you ever watched someone sit and play with a little kid for hours? Like totally engrossed, never checking a phone, never rushing, never getting bored or frustrated, never pulling the adult card? Maybe your spouse can do this, maybe you’ve seen a grandparent do it, maybe you’ve pulled up and watched the teachers at a daycare do it (or maybe you’ve watched them calmly, quietly put 10 kids down for a nap at the same time).When you see this sort of effortless presence and patience, it’s humbling. It’s an incredible feat of human endurance and focus; one that doesn’t seem to come naturally to all of us. And that’s the point: It doesn’t come naturally. Like all other feats of endurance and skill, it takes work. You build the muscle before you can use it to move mountains...or put a dozen toddlers to bed.But here’s the real question: Are you actually putting in enough of that kind of effort? Or are you just throwing up your hands and saying, “That’s not me. I can’t do it.” You would not be alone. But you would also not be more wrong. Try. Start small and try. Leave your phone in the car when you come home. Play LEGOs for the next hour, with no interruptions. Write the rest of the afternoon off. Put as much work into this parenting thing as you do with your work. Try to be all-in, just for a bit.See what happens.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/4/2020 • 2 minutes, 5 seconds
Introduce Them To The (Friendly) World of Ideas
General Jim Mattis has talked about his idyllic childhood in Pullman, Washington. There he spent time outdoors, explored, got in trouble, and had an all-American childhood. He talks lovingly of a house filled with books—as we’ve said, a house without books is not a home—and parents who not only encouraged their children to read them, but questioned and interacted with them. “They introduced us to a world of great ideas—not a fearful place,” he said, “but a place to enjoy.” What a thing to say! A target for each of us to try to hit with our own children. It’s so easy in these partisan, political times to live not only in a bubble of our own beliefs...but to actively denigrate the beliefs of others. Think of the families hunkered down, watching Fox News, refusing to interact with any information that contradicts their worldview. Think of the parents who are no better than book burners, arguing that Huckleberry Finn should be pulled from schools or that trigger warnings need to be put in front of everything remotely controversial. These people are teaching their children that ideas are dangerous, that disagreement is an offense and that you can make things go away by pretending they don’t exist. You must teach your kids to be curious, to be open, to be willing to explore. Your job is not to make them believe what you believe or to prevent them from ever encountering what you dislike or think is repulsive. Your job is to teach them how to make their own informed opinions, how to decide for themselves, how to be comfortable with uncomfortable topics. Don’t model contempt. Don’t model close-mindedness. Don’t model fear. Ideas are our friends. They will serve your children well, and your children will serve them well, if you teach them early and often. The world is a place of great ideas. There is nothing to be afraid of...except fear and ignorance. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/3/2020 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
You Can't Prevent Them From Making Mistakes
Nobody wants to see their kid make a mistake. That’s why we spend so much time teaching them right and wrong, why we try to be a good example, why we try to catch and stop them when we see them going down the wrong path. Since the beginning of time fathers have been doing this...and since the beginning of time have had, at best, only minimal success. In the novel Siddhartha, the title character tries desperately to convince his son of the importance of the simple way of life, having learned the wisdom of it through painful experience. Like you, like all fathers, he watches as his son ignores his warnings, despairing as his son goes the wrong direction. As he sees his son falling into bad habits, Siddhartha confides his frustration to his friend, Vasudeva, who replies, “Do you really believe you have committed your follies so that your son may be spared them?” It would be wonderful if our kids didn’t have to learn through trial and error, if they could simply accept our advice and start where we left off, rather than touch the proverbial hot stove for themselves. But we should be wise enough as human beings by now to know that is simply not how life works. Much of what we learn has to be learned on our own. Some mistakes have to be made to be fully understood. Don’t your own experiences teach you that, anyway? How many of your parents’ warnings did you really listen to?You can’t prevent your kids from making mistakes. Nor, honestly, should you really want to. You have to let them learn on their own. And you have to give them the space to do it. Knowing that you’ve instilled the character, the awareness, and the willingness to ask for help that they will need in order to bounce back from the mistakes they will inevitably make. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
3/2/2020 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Don’t Let Your Kids Down
Do you know the story of the 300 Spartans? Maybe you do. It was first immortalized by Herodotus, and then has been passed down through the ages from Simonides to Plutarch. Most recently, it was the basis for the awesome Zack Snyder movie by the same name, and Steven Pressfield’s beautiful novel, Gates of Fire. If you don’t know the story, here’s what happens: the Ancient Greek King Leonidas led some 7,000 men, 300 of which were Spartans, in a battle against an invading army of more than 300,000 soldiers led by Xerxes the Great, king of the Achaemenid dynasty of Persia. The Spartans held the front line for two days, but on the third, they were outmaneuvered. Leonidas ordered the 300 Spartans to remain and fight, sacrificing himself and his men to allow Greece to live and fight another day. There is a part left out in most retellings though, that is worth thinking about today. How did Leonidas choose the 300 warriors to lead out to the Hot Gates to battle an overwhelming enemy? Obviously he picked his best and bravest warriors. But there was something else they all had in common. They were all “fathers of living sons.” You might think this was exactly what leaders would have tried to avoid—that the ones with families were allowed to sit out this potential suicide mission—but that’s now how it worked in Sparta. Fathers were chosen because fathers would not want to let their sons down. These fathers would fight most bravely, most fiercely, not only to protect what they had back at home, but also because they would not dare abandon their comrades or behave cowardly for fear of letting down the family that so looked up to them. How far we have gotten from this! You have parents bribing their kids into college. You have dads looting the companies they work for to pay for that ski house in Aspen. You have people willing to do anything to get famous—from sex tapes to reality television—even if it means humiliating their kids forever. C’mon. Remember: A little fellow follows you. Your kids are always watching. They’re the ones you should want to impress. They’re the ones you should never want to let down. They’re the ones you’re not only fighting for, but whose standards—whose natural admiration and love—you should always be fighting to live up to. They are the only ones whose opinions matter. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/28/2020 • 3 minutes, 9 seconds
Why This Is So Important
This is just my personality, we say. I just don’t have any energy when I get home from work, we complain. I’m in a bad mood today, that’s all. My parents weren’t any different, and I turned out ok. It’s just a stressful period right now. They’re young, they won’t remember any of this. All lies. All excuses. All holding the potential to cause terrible painIn his beautiful and vulnerable memoir, Bruce Springsteen talks—years later—about how his father’s mood and issues affected him. “As a boy I just figured it was the way men were, distant, uncommunicative, busy within the currents of the grown-up world,” he said. “As a child you don’t question your parents’ choices. You accept them. They are justified by the godlike status of parenthood. If you aren’t spoken to, you’re not worth the time. If you’re not greeted with love and affection, you haven’t earned it. If you’re ignored, you don’t exist.” It breaks your heart. And each of us is doing some version of that to our own kids right now. Our moods and choices and the examples we set are affecting them always, changing how they see the world and how they see themselves. It’s making them feel better or worse, worthwhile or worthless, safe or vulnerable. A little fellow follows you, remember that. The decision to shut down emotionally doesn’t just impact you. The decision to overcommit. The decision to be gone. The decision to hold onto resentments. The decision not to take care of yourself. The decision to hold them to unfair standards, to belittle or to be mean.All of this matters. It matters more than anything.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 28 seconds
This Is All You Can Want For Your Kids
Douglas MacArthur was a complicated man. He was ambitious. He was vain. He made many mistakes. It’s very unlikely that he was a perfect father. In fact, it’d be incredible if he had been, given his demanding, seemingly perfect father (a Civil War hero) and controlling, overly involved mother (who was actively involved in her son’s career up until her death in 1935). But it is surprising that, given all that, Douglas MacArthur seemed relatively accepting of his quiet, sensitive boy. It was undoubtedly MacArthur’s dream to see his son graduate from West Point and enter the service. That was never going to happen. So MacArthur had to adjust, like all fathers he had to accept “undeniable reality,”—something that could not have been easy for a man used to getting his way on a global scale. This was a learning experience for MacArthur as it will be for all of us. It forced him to think about measuring life on different terms, certainly terms different than his own parents had thought about. We get a sense of this from a “prayer” he wrote one evening for his only child, his son, Arthur:“Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.Build me a son whose wishes will not take the place of deeds; a son who will know Thee — and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge.Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. Here let him learn to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail.Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be high; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men; one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the weakness of true strength. Then I, his father, will dare to whisper, ‘I have not lived in vain.’”Not bad! And did you notice something about it? It doesn’t say anything about careers or success or reputation. It’s all about character—the only thing that really matters. It’s also the only thing we should actually want for our kids, and something we should work our asses off to provide. The rest is up to them.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/26/2020 • 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Where Will They Get Their Degree?
What schools are your kids attending? No, not what college or prep school. This is more of a “school of life” question. Charis Denison, a relationship development and organizational specialist who works with a lot of young people, recently observed “At one time or another, every young man will get a letter of admission to ‘dick school.’ The question is, will he drop out, graduate, or go for an advanced degree?”She happened to be speaking about some of the more toxic elements in cultural masculinity, but the truth of that quote applies to both sexes and pretty much every gender stereotype. It can just as easily be said that every young woman is presented with a letter of admission to an equal number of problematic schools. It’s like every boy and girl, some time around middle school and high school, will get recruiting letters from...-The school of being entitled and spoiled-The school of cheating to get ahead-The school of not caring about anyone but yourself-The school of materialism-The school of anxiety and worry-The school of getting high and killing time-The school of being an asshole or a liar or an insufferable egomaniacUnlike college—which is so expensive they’ll need your help to pay for it—parents have less say over the decision to attend any of these schools. Instead, all you can do is try to direct them, try to show them examples of the costs of going one way or another. Your job is to help educate them so they can make the right choice about their education. So they decide to drop out rather than graduate, or better yet, not even consider being recruited by any of these toxic schools. And, as always, lead by example, show them proudly which degree is (and isn’t) on your wall. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/25/2020 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
You Can Give Them This Gift
In 1982-83, Jim Valvano coached the North Carolina State basketball team to a National Championship title. The Wolfpack was a mid-ranked team that entered the NCAA tournament looking like anything but a title contender. It was improbable that they’d win their first two games, and even if they did, no one in the world would have put even a dollar on them upsetting #2 ranked Virginia. No one, except Coach Valvano. He believed he and his guys could do it. Even when his guys didn’t. The rather unassuming Valvano was known for that unshakeable—borderline irrational even—belief in himself and in his teams. In his coaching career. In his battle with cancer. In every aspect of life, he lived by a quote he heard when he was a young boy, “Every single day, in every walk of life, ordinary people accomplish extraordinary things!” Valvano was, himself, an ordinary kid with ordinary parents from an ordinary town where he received an ordinary education. Still, he did extraordinary things in his life. Valvano wasn’t yet out of high school when he first told his dad he had decided what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He was going to be a collegiate basketball coach, he told him. With that high schooler’s naivete, he said, “Dad, I’m going to win a National Championship.” Think about how your parents would have reacted if you’d told them that. Maybe you can feel—in your heart, if you’re being honest—how you’d react if you heard your own kids say that. Well, that’s a really hard thing to do bud. Are you sure? Maybe have a backup plan. That wasn’t how Mr. Valvano was built. A few days after Jim told his dad about his plans for the future, his dad called him into his bedroom. “See that suitcase?” he asked, pointing to a suitcase in the corner of the room. Confused, Jim replied, “Yeah, what’s that all about?” “I’m packed,” his dad explained. “When you play and win that National Championship I’m going to be there, my bags are already packed.” “My father,” Jim would later say in his legendary ESPY speech, “gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” Stricken with the cancer that would soon after take his life, that belief drove Valvano’s Wolfpack to the national championship in 1983 and it gave him the strength to give that very speech.We talked recently about not being a minimizer, about how important instilling the growth mindset in our kids is. Our job is to spur our children to conceive of big dreams, to encourage them to go after them, to give them the greatest gift anyone can give another person: belief. If you don’t believe in them, who will? And if they are, in fact, lucky enough to find someone else who believes in them, think about what it will do to your relationship when they are able to compare, when they are able to say, “This total stranger saw my potential, but the people who birthed me and raised me and claimed to love me, just could not.”You have to give them your belief. You have to be ready to root for them. It’s the greatest gift you can give. It’s the one they, whether they tell you or not, want more than anything.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/24/2020 • 3 minutes, 47 seconds
Love is About Service
Ernest Hemingway was not a great husband or, as often as he should have been, a great father. He had four wives, at least one affair, and was often absent in his family’s life, preferring to spend his time when not writing on big-game hunting, deep sea fishing, bullfighting, and so on. But he was a great writer and a great observer of the human condition. There are few scenes in literature that capture love and loss and the terrifying but also inspiring moment of becoming a father quite like the end of A Farewell to Arms. And nothing quite captures love like this quote from it:“When you love, you wish to do things for. You wish to sacrifice for. You wish to serve.”Isn’t that what we’re doing here as dads? We’re asking that question Tom Hanks expressed almost as beautifully as Hemingway:“What do you need me to do? You offer up that to them. I will do anything I can possibly do in order to keep you safe. That’s it. Offer that up and then just love them.”So think about that today. Remind yourself what love is, what your job is. You’re here to serve. Whether that’s driving them around, or just listening to them talk. Your job is to sacrifice. To give what you didn’t get. Offer that up. Offer it always. Even if they’re not ready to take it. Even if they don’t understand. Even if you’re not as good at it as you’d like to be. Just keep trying. Keep serving. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/21/2020 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
You Are Letting Them Steal From Your Family
In early January, Kobe Bryant got a note from a reporter at ESPN. She was working on a story about a moment in Lakers’ history and she wanted to feature Kobe in the story. It’s one of those requests that public figures get all the time. It’s part of their job—in fact, it’s kind of one of the things that attracted them to the job in the first place. To be in the news, to have people want to hear their opinion, to grow their brand. How long would it have taken to answer the inquiry? Fifteen minutes? An hour? A few emails back and forth? Who knows. What we do know is how Kobe responded to it, and it’s a response made heartbreakingly sad but also deeply moving considering his tragic death just a few weeks later. "Can't right now," Kobe messaged the reporter. "My girls are keeping me busy. Hit me up in a couple of weeks.How often do you have the discipline to send something like that? How strong are you at putting your family first? How good are your defenses against the endless requests, opportunities, impositions, and obligations that come with your work and with life? It’s so easy to let people steal your time, to let them take you away from the thing that is keeping you busy: your kids. Your family. Your private space. Kobe Bryant, tragically, will not get any more time with his kids and they will not get any more time with him. Which is what makes that text he sent such a powerful reminder to us, a final feat of performance left there to inspire those of us continuing in the shadow of his death. Put your family first. Put your kids first. Say that you’re too busy. Say no.Politely decline. You have other priorities. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/20/2020 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
Don’t Be A Dream Hoarder
There is a type of parent out there. Career-wise, they are killing it. They have a good marriage to an income-earning spouse and together they make good money. They live in a great neighborhood in an awesome house. They have good educations. They have smart kids. They go on nice vacations. And yet, they are constantly worried. Worried about money. About whether their kids will get into the right school and get the right jobs. About their taxes. About keeping up with the Joneses. About so many things. Everything looks great on the outside—and by any objective measure, it is actually great—but they are somehow still angry or anxious on the inside. Sure, there is a lot wrong in the world, and you never know when it could all go away (natural disaster, medical emergency, legal troubles, etc), but at the same time you’d think with how hard they work and all the things that have gone right, that life would at least feel a little easier. That they’d be comfortable. Maybe even...haNot so much. Instead, these parents respond to their inner turmoil by trying to exert even greater control over their external environment. Does this dissonance sound familiar? Maybe because you know these people. Perhaps there is a part of you that is these people. But do you know the term that sociologists and political observers have created for them? It’s not a particularly nice one: They’re called dream hoarders.Dream hoarders are the people who, in an attempt to soothe their own anxieties by securing their station in life and smoothing the path for their children, do things to control the world around them that have the effect of limiting opportunity and mobility for those “beneath them.” Dream hoarders are the NIMBYs (Not In My Back Yard) who oppose the creation of more housing (because it would ruin the character of their neighborhood). They oppose school vouchers and magnet schools from the comfort and safety of their children’s private schools. They favor legacy admissions standards to colleges over any kind of assistive programs that give the poor and underprivileged a boost. These are the people who complain about taxes directed at funding initiatives to help the greater good...despite being in the 1% or better. These people are immune from most of the real crises that are ravaging their country and the world, and instead turn their own piddly problems into World War III at school board and city planning meetings all across America. They have gotten what’s theirs, and their anxiety about being able to keep it forever has blinded them to the reality that so many others are barely getting by. Look, it would be ridiculous to criticize anyone for wanting to pass only advantages and privileges to your kids. That is, of course, the entire point of evolution. That’s why you have worked as hard as you have to get ahead, to build up the life you want. But we have to remember that our kids aren’t going to live in a bubble. They are going to have to make their way in the world—a world that the dream hoarders are increasingly turning into a battlefield of Rich vs. Poor, Us vs. Them. If we want our kids to enjoy the bounty we have worked so hard to give them, if we want them to take advantage of those opportunities in ways that make us proud and make them proud of themselves, then we can’t just think about our kids anymore. We have to think about “the children”—as in the neighborhood’s and the city’s and the country’s young people. We can’t hoard from them. We have to share. See Privacy Policy at
2/19/2020 • 4 minutes, 23 seconds
How Could You Be So Stupid?
If you ever hear yourself uttering these words, “How could you have been so stupid?” to your kids—because they just got escorted home by a police officer, because they lost that expensive iPad you gave them, because whatever...Here’s an answer: The same way you were so stupid when you were their age.Think about all the dumb stuff you did when you were 10. Or 15. Or 30. Or yesterday. How could you have been so stupid? Skateboarding without a helmet and getting injured when you fell. Speeding when you just got your license and ending up with a ticket. Not studying for that big exam and failing. Drinking too much and getting a nasty hangover. The truth was you didn’t really know better, even if you did “know” better, even if people had told you, as you were doing it, not to do it. The only reason you’re able to see now, in retrospect, how dumb you were is because you’ve gotten older. Because you’ve experienced things. Because you experienced doing that dumb thing and now realize how dangerous/unnecessary/ill-advised it actually was. So let’s scratch that phrase, that question, along with “How many times do I have to tell you?” from our vocabulary as fathers. Because it is really stupid—and cruel. Focus instead on using this moment, whatever it is that makes you want to say that, as an opportunity to teach. As an opportunity to make them smarter, rather than a chance to make them feel bad. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/18/2020 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Your Kids Will Be Whatever You Make Them
Dr. Edith Enger’s son was born with athetoid cerebral palsy. A diagnosis like this would be scary whenever one gets it, but getting it decades ago was scarier still. Dr. Enger (then not a doctor) and her immigrant husband, who had both survived the Holocaust, were frustrated and confused and overwhelmed. One day, at a visit to the doctor’s office, Edith Enger expressed some of these fears and worries to the specialist. It was there that she got some advice that is worth sharing for every parent, whether their family ever has to face that kind of adversity or not. “You son will be whatever you make of him,” the doctor explained. “John’s going to do everything everyone else does, but it’s going to take him longer to get there. You can push him too hard, and that will backfire, but it will also be a mistake not to push him hard enough. You need to push him to the level of his potential.” Your kids will be whatever you make them. It’s true of parenting and it’s true of life. Edith Enger is living proof of that (everyone should read her book, The Choice). She survived the death camps. She survived communism. She survived coming to America with nothing. She decided she would make something of those experiences. She refused to accept that her son was forever compromised, believed that he would thrive if she—and he—believed he could.No one is saying that things won’t be hard. No one is saying that any of this is fair—dyslexia or disabilities, being a refugee or losing your job, being a genius or being short, divorce or having to change schools. What matters is what we make of it. What matters is who we push them (and ourselves) to be. What matters is the kindness and the love and the patience we accompany that pushing with. We can’t do everything for them—that would only make them helpless anyway—but we can believe in them and help them believe in themselves. We can help them reach the level of their potential. We can make them be what they are capable of. We have to. That’s our job.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/17/2020 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Are You Teaching Them Gratitude?
Your kids should be grateful. Not to you and mom, of course, you’re just doing your job. You’re legally and biologically obligated. Your kids should be grateful for everything. We all should be. This is a wonderful time to be alive. Even if it wasn’t—it’s amazing that any of us are alive at all. The odds are astronomically small that we are. So it’s important that you teach your kids about gratitude. Because it’s so easy to take life, to take the gifts we have been given, for granted. Especially when we’re stressed, when you’re a kid with homework or acne or a room to clean. Jason Harris, the CEO of Mekanism—an award-winning ad agency—and the author of The Soulful Art of Persuasion, has an interesting practice for how to persuade your kids to have a more grateful outlook about life. As he writes:As I tell our boys, you’ve got to be great—but you’ve also got to be grateful. Every Sunday night we write down in our book three things for which we are individually grateful. I know this is not an earth-shattering idea. And I’m not the kind of guy who loves shouting out my “intentions” in a yoga class. But this practice has made a world of difference for me and my kids. It resets you and gets you prepped for the week ahead. The things they write down can be big-ticket items like a place to live, or just the fact that they are alive and kicking. But they can also be little things, like something good that happened at school or a play in a game. What’s helpful about writing these reflections in a notebook is that you can consult previous entries and jog your memory on truly trying days. It helps them go back and tap into those feelings when they may seem lost and hopeless.My boys like the routine and look forward to it each week. This is an exercise that takes less than ten minutes, and yet the effects can be dramatic. Keeping thoughts of gratitude on the surface of your mental life can help you realize that whatever might be going wrong today, on balance we all have a ton to be positive about.Beautiful. And how much more beautiful would the world be if more of us took up this practice? And practiced it with our kids?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/14/2020 • 3 minutes, 17 seconds
You Can Be a Dad Anywhere
When we think teacher, we think classroom. When we think leader, we think the corner office or the lectern or a general in front of their troops. But the truth is that a teacher can do their job anywhere and in many forms, just as a leader can. Plutarch would say of Socrates that he “did not set up desks for his students, sit in a teacher’s chair, or reserve a prearranged time for lecturing and walking with his pupils. No, he practiced philosophy while joking around (when the chance arose) and drinking and serving on military campaigns and hanging around the marketplace with some of his students, and finally, even while under arrest and drinking the hemlock. He was the first to demonstrate that our lives are open to philosophy at all times and in every aspect, while experiencing every emotion, and in each and every activity.” As with teaching and with leadership and with philosophy, so too with parenting. You can be a dad anywhere. It’s not just on fishing trips or at family dinners. It’s not just about carrying them around in a baby bjorn or going to back-to-school night. It’s not about punishments or incentives, or rules or life lessons, though of course it’s also about all these things too. Remember what we’ve talked about with quality time vs. garbage time? It may just be that the most impact you’ll have as a dad will come while joking around, it may come on a walk, it may come with how you do your job (and show them your work), it may come on a family vacation or it may come while you’re watching TV and make some passing comment that lands in exactly the right way. It may come—god forbid—on your deathbed, as you depart from this life with courage and compassion, showing them that they don’t need to be afraid, that you love them and that they’ll be okay without you.Being a Dad is not some official thing. It’s not sitting on high, doling out pronouncements and demanding obedience. It’s something you do anywhere and everywhere, every minute of every day in the same way that Socrates taught—by example, by getting down to their level, by being open, and by adapting to the situation at hand.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/13/2020 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
Help, But Don’t Make Them Helpless
There is so much to do. Your kids have to be dressed. They have to eat. They have go to school. They have to do well in school. They’ll need jobs. They’ll need to figure out finding a home, finding a spouse, navigating the difficulties of the world. There is so much to do...and they are so bad at all of it. So where does a parent draw the line? How do you know where to help, what to handle for them, what to tell them doesn’t matter and they don’t have to worry about?Of course, there are no rules. No one can give you a perfect list: Pay for their college, but not their car. Cook them food but don’t do their homework for them. Clean the kitchen but not their room.So maybe instead we should look for a good principle to follow instead. Perhaps this one from Plutarch would work: "A leader should do anything,” he said, “but not everything." Our job is to help our kids but not make them helpless. We want to teach them how to do things, not necessarily do them for them. That means encouraging them to make their own decisions, that means modeling the right behavior, that means showing them that the only person to blame in life is ourselves (and no one else). A great leader is never above rolling up their sleeves. Like a great dad, they’ll do anything for their family or their organization. But they also know they can’t do everything. It’s not good for them or for anyone else.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/12/2020 • 2 minutes, 13 seconds
Here’s Where To Be A Competitive Parent
Way too many parents are competitive. They see the car their neighbor is driving and they want to get a better one. They hear that a friend’s kid got into a fancy school and they think, “My kid is smarter. I’ve got to get them in there too.” We want to make more money than other parents, we want our kids to beat other kids in sports, we want our kids to be cuter than other kids, we want our houses to be cleaner. Needless to say, this is mostly toxic and negative. But that competitive urge is hard to get rid of. So where should we channel it? We've told you about Jeannie Gaffigan before, whose haunting story of a surprise pear-sized tumor changed her and her family’s life. She found a good outlet. She explained that during her recuperation from the surgery her husband brought out a new side of himself and created a healthy, positive dynamic in their relationship: I noticed that like Jim started learning all about the day to day stuff. Out of necessity, but I feel like in my recovery, he has a whole different level of appreciation for me. And also he'd do things like my son Jack was going to like all these bar mitzvahs every weekend because everyone was turning 13. And I'm bad at tying ties, but I would do it because he wasn't home. And then he would be like, when he does something better than me, he brags about it. He's like, ‘who ties the better tie?’ So there was a lot of this kind of fun competition of who made eggs better. And it was a different level of our relationship because before he was not doing that stuff.Don’t compete with other dads, or other families. Compete with your spouse. Compete with their mother. Who can use their phone less? Who can get them down to bed fastest? Who can convince the kids to do that thing they hate doing with the least amount of arguing? Who can pick up the most slack? Who can get up earliest and start breakfast? Who can complain the least?You’ll both be better and happier for it. Your kids might not notice...but they’ll be happier and better for it too.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/11/2020 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Blame Yourself—Or No One
A few weeks ago, there was a fascinating piece about the controversial NFL receiver Antonio Brown. Of course, anything about Antonio Brown is fascinating—his behavior in the last several months has cost him something like $40M in guaranteed money and taken the best wide receiver in the game out of the game, possibly forever. But what’s worth taking note of in this piece, for any dad or stepdad, are two seemingly inconsequential remarks by Larry Moss, Brown’s stepfather. Brown and his brothers, Desmond and Eddie, would often try to intervene in arguments between their mom, Adrianne Moss, and Larry—arguments Larry attributes to trying to parent Antonio.Larry Moss, Brown's stepfather, says Brown started staying out late and sneaking off with cars around the age of 14, with a "no respect" attitude that contributed to his leaving the Miami Gardens home. As Larry remembers it, he and Brown's mother even lived in separate homes at times because of friction between him and Brown.Imagine that. 17 years later this guy is still pointing the finger at a child for the troubles in his marriage. And he’s so shameless about it, he’s willing to put it on the record to ESPN. This is not what dads do—even if they do have difficult children, even if they are stressed and overwhelmed by being a father or stepfather. We have to follow Marcus Aurelius’ advice always: “Blame yourself or no one.” Your spouse is not the problem. Your job is not the problem. The economy is not why you’re stressed. It’s not the weather. The fact that the house is a mess is not your kid’s fault. The fact that their grades are slipping is not their fault. That’s not why your marriage is struggling. You’re the problem. Your systems are the problem. Your parenting is the problem. Focus on that. It’s the only thing you control. It’s your job to take the blame. It’s your job to help fix it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 48 seconds
Your Expectations Are A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
The writer Thomas Sowell once noted, sardonically, how sad it is that editions of Frederick Douglass’s memoirs, when provided for high school students, were forced to provide annotated definitions of many words. What does it say, he asked, that a slave in the 1800s was able—under the penalty of severe violence—to teach himself a vocabulary that privileged high school students cannot manage after a hundred and fifty years of progress? And what does it say that we have to spoon feed them the answers to these vexing problems—how could they possibly look up a word without our help!—instead of expecting them to figure it out themselves?We have talked before about why it’s important not to baby your kids when it comes to reading. We have also talked about teaching them that “everything is figureoutable”—that is, giving them the skills to learn what they don’t know. But it’s also important that, as a father, you provide the expectation that they are capable of doing things. If you treat your kid like a helpless idiot...they’ll stay one. If you assume that certain ideas are beyond their comprehension, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your kids will not learn that which you expect them not to be able to learn. Equally, they will grow and strive and struggle to meet the expectations you do have. If Frederick Douglass could do it, your kid can definitely do it. He had to fear for his life. He had not only to steal time to read, he had to steal books and newspapers too. Your children have far more advantages. So expect, encourage, inspire them to seize this. Expect great things from them, expect progress, but most of all, expect them to try.They’ll be better for it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/7/2020 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
What’s The Contract You Have With Your Kids?
In 2009, after winning two National Championships as the head coach of the Florida Gators football team, Urban Meyer stunned the nation by announcing his retirement. The self-admitted workaholic, Meyer made the decision to step down due to a health scare. He woke up in the middle of the night with severe chest pains, lost consciousness, and was rushed to a hospital in an ambulance. He said that when his 18-year-old daughter, Nicki, found out her father would be leaving his job in Florida, she hugged him and said, “I get my daddy back.” She didn’t care about National Championships. She didn’t care about multi-million dollar salaries. She didn’t care about how many people admired her father. She cared that all those things meant her father was never around. So she drafted a contract he had to sign before he ever agreed to another coaching position. What were the terms?1. My family will always come first.2. I will take care of myself and maintain good health.3. I will go on a trip once a year with Nicki (at minimum).4. I will not go more than nine hours a day at the office.5. I will sleep with my cell phone on silent.6. I will continue to communicate daily with my kids.7. I will trust God's plan and not be overanxious.8. I will keep the lakehouse.9. I will find a way to watch Nicki and Gigi play volleyball.10. I will eat three meals a day.It’s a beautiful sentiment, reminiscent of something we talked about recently: King Leonidas choosing 300 Spartan fathers because he knew fathers do whatever they have to do to not let their children down. Would that be the case for Meyer? He returned to football in 2011, taking the head coaching job at Ohio State. In 2015, a caller on a radio show asked Meyer if he still honored Nicki’s contract. He laughed, saying "I tore that thing up a long time ago...It was all for show." Yikes. In 2019, he retired from Ohio State...due to the "long-term risks" associated with a health issue. It was also done in the shadow of mishandling domestic abuse allegations against his former receivers coach.Just because Urban Meyer fell short doesn’t mean the contract was a bad idea, it doesn’t mean we have fall short ourselves. What would a contract with your kids look like? What terms do you need to agree to to have a happier, healthier life? To protect you from your own drive and workaholism? To make sure your family is always firstSign it and stick to it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/6/2020 • 3 minutes, 29 seconds
Don't Wait To Be Proud
It’s a story as old as fatherhood itself. The son or daughter kills themselves to win the approval of their dad, which never seems to come. There is pain, resentment, bewilderment. I have worked so hard to make you proud, am I just not enough? Only at the end, or after the parent’s death, is it revealed: The child had the thing they wanted all along. They just never knew.This was Claudia Williams’, the daughter of Ted Williams, story. Only buried in a pile of memorabilia did she find a note left by her impossible-to-please father. “To my beautiful daughter,” it said, “I love you. Dad.’” In a recent obituary of the brilliant publisher Sonny Mehta, Roger Cohen writes:“When Mehta’s father, a diplomat, died in Vienna, Mehta found in his desk a folder with every article ever published about him. The pride of his father, who had never complimented his son, was evident.”It breaks your heart. Why couldn’t they have expressed some of this when they were alive? Was it a generational thing? Did they think it was helping to make their kids better, tougher? We wonder this about our own parents sometimes: Did they lack the words, did they just not know any better? Why couldn’t they have been more like Jim Valvano’s father and given us the gift of being a fan?In the end, these questions don’t get answered. We’ll never know. What we do know, what does matter, is what we do with our kids right now. We have been given a second chance. We have been given our own opportunity. We can’t wait to be proud. We can’t keep our feelings for them hidden under piles of paper or in a drawer in our desk. We have to tell them now. We have to show them now.That we’re rooting for them. That we love them. That we believe in them. That we’re proud of them. Because we are. And they deserve to know it—before it’s too late. Before it’s just some bittersweet memory of a connection that should have been there...but for mysterious reasons, never was made.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/5/2020 • 2 minutes, 52 seconds
You’re Too Old To Act Out
When our kids mess up we say: Aren’t you a little old for that? And we have all sorts of rules of thumb for what things are age appropriate or not—what age they should stop having accidents, what age they should stop throwing a tantrum just because they’re tired, what age it stops being okay for other people to have to pick up after them. You’re too old to act this way. It’s time to grow up.But, unfortunately, we apply this standard to ourselves less often. Whether it’s as serious as an affair or as silly as getting hangry because you neglected to eat, we seem to forget that we should be policing ourselves first. Our kids are at least still kids, even when they’re acting a bit beneath their age. You’re an adult. What excuse do you have?“We ought not willingly add to old age, which has many of its own problems, the shame of misbehaviors.” That’s Cato the Elder, who seems to have really lived up to that second part of his name. Remind yourself today and every day that you are getting older, that it’s time to grow out of these silly habits you’ve allowed yourself to fall into. Remind yourself that you’re too old to act out, to stoop this low, to not be responsible for yourself. It doesn’t matter if other people are willing to let you get away with it—because you’re a success in your field, because you have a patient spouse, because you’re in private—what matters is that you shouldn’t let yourself get away with it. You’re too old to act out. And even if you weren’t, remember your kids are always watching—a little fellow follows you—so act like the adult that they believe you are.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/4/2020 • 2 minutes, 27 seconds
How To Teach Them This Essential Value
Pretty much every parent wants to raise kids who turn out to be good people. Almost no father thinks: I’d love for my son to be rich, but awful. Or I’d love for my daughter to be famous, but vapid and cruel. It’s a given. And yet, when you look at most of what we do and say as parents, especially as our kids get older, it’s clear that what we’re actually encouraging and incentivizing is for our kids to be successful. We want to hear how they did on their math test and whether they came in first running laps in PE. We want to know what college they want to go to, and how their extracurriculars are going. We nudge them toward a field of work that’s lucrative, that’s exciting, that will mean they won’t have to worry about money. The problem is that none of this has anything to do with what deep down we actually know we want—that we want them to be good and kind and wonderful to be around. So, clearly, it’s time to rethink some things. As Adam Grant and his wife, Allison Sweet Grant, wrote in a wonderful piece for The Atlantic, maybe the key is to stop trying to raise successful kids. Maybe the key is to change what you give attention to at home and in conversation. Instead, you need to actively discuss and reward thinking about the values that have to do with character. As they write: “To demonstrate that caring is a core value, we realized that we needed to give it comparable attention. We started by changing our questions. At our family dinners, we now ask our children what they did to help others. At first, ‘I forget’ was the default reply. But after a while, they started giving more thoughtful answers. ‘I shared my snack with a friend who didn’t have one,’ for example, or ‘I helped a classmate understand a question she got wrong on a quiz.’ They had begun actively looking for opportunities to be helpful, and acting upon them.”Brilliant. And practical and actionable. It’s worth every father building into their breakfast and dinner conversations and time driving in the car. Don’t ask them about the things that don’t matter in the big scheme of things, don’t teach them that they can impress you with accomplishments alone. Show them that excellence is what matters—moral excellence. That being a good person is not just what you pay lip service to, but what you are always thinking about. So they will too. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
2/3/2020 • 3 minutes, 18 seconds
Get Rid of Your Preconceived Notions
One of the things Napoleon advised his generals against was “forming a picture” of the battle. What he meant was that your preconceived notions, your predictions, were a dangerous liability in something as fluid and fast-paced as a battle. As it happens, this is good advice for fathers as well. It’s easy to go into it thinking that you know. Because you’ve read the books. Because you’re on your third kid now and have it handled. Because you and your spouse have a plan for how to do it all right. And then guess what? Unavoidable reality quickly humbles anyone with this kind of certainty. Many dads go into fatherhood with strong ideas of how differently they’re going to do things than their own parents. They were upset or hurt or never understood why their dad was the way he was. And what do they soon find out from firsthand experience? That, in a lot of cases, there was actually a logic to it. That dad wasn’t as big of a jerk as he seemed to you, a little kid. That it was more a timeless function of the job than any decision they were consciously making. When we talked to James Frey a while back about what he’d learned about fatherhood, his answer was along similar lines. He described being a father as an “ongoing process of learning and adjusting and adapting.” Every situation, every kid, was different, he said. In other words, you can’t form a picture. Not of fatherhood. Not of your family. Not of each of your kids. You don’t know how it’s going to go. You don’t even have much of a vote in a lot of it. Which is why we have to be willing to adjust. To be flexible. To always be ready to learn and to change.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/31/2020 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
You Must Engage With The Slime
Rules and regulations are important. A child needs to learn what behaviors are acceptable and which ones are not. They need structure and guidance. They need to learn about responsibility and accountability; about how actions have consequences; about respecting authority. Sensible, hardset rules can help with a lot of those things. But arbitrary rules that we make up simply for our own convenience, those are something we should step back from and think hard about. You know the kind we’re talking about. The ones produced in the moment, on the spot, as a response to that one-word question our children learn early and that has a special way of driving us nuts: Why? Because I said so! Because I don’t want to do that.For a long time, one of the arbitrary rules in Jeannie Gaffigan’s house had to do with slime. Maybe your kids are too old to care about slime, but it’s not difficult to relate Jeannie’s dilemma. Sure, the kids are having fun, but it’s a pain in the ass to clean up, and who do you think is going to be the one left with the scrubber and the paper towels in their hands? Recently, though, Jeannie Gaffigan had a change of heart about her rules—particularly after a battle with a benign but very life threatening brain tumor. She recently talked about it and her brush with death on Marc Maron’s podcast:“My nine year old just turned 10. She is into making slime. You know, this is a big thing, right? It's this whole little science thing. So my daughter is really into this slime thing and I had a list of rules and regulations for slime in the house and how to deal with it because I was finding it in places that are like—AH! But after the surgery, I realized that I never asked, 'can you teach me how to make the slime?' I never engaged with the slime. I engaged with the control of the slime.”We don’t want to deal with the mess. So we come up with a rule. We’re too tired when we get home from work. Rule. We just got that carpet and it was expensive. Rule. We’re adults, this is silly. Rule. Our kids could be making better use of their time. Rule. We just don’t have the patience right now. Rule. What we seem to have less rules about are with ourselves. Why not a rule about being interested? Why not a rule about playing and having fun together? Why not a rule about encouraging their fascinations rather than curtailing them? Those are the important rules because they will bring you and your kids closer together. They will help you relax. And, of course, as Jeannie explained, you can still limit where the slime is used in your house. ”There's still rules,” she said somewhat obviously. Because like in any healthy household, there has to be. But make the shared experience--make the fun together--come first. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/30/2020 • 3 minutes, 25 seconds
Don’t Baby Them When It Comes to Books
It’s interesting to think about the steady decline in expectations for our kids when it comes to reading. Sure, we want them to be able to read earlier than ever, but what about what they read? Not long ago, kids were taught Latin and Greek so they could read the their original languages. Think of Aesop’s Fables. Think of children being read Plutarch’s Lives by their parents. This is heavy stuff. And purposefully so. Because when you read old school books, what you’re really doing is acquainting yourself with the obscure yet illustrative figures from the ancient world while also displaying a willingness to wrestle with timeless and morally complex topics. There is a quote from George Orwell, which dates to the early 20th century, that illustrates how much things have changed. “Modern books for children are rather horrible things,” he said, “especially when you see them in the mass. Personally I would sooner give a child a copy of Petronius Arbiter than Peter Pan, but even Barrie seems manly and wholesome compared with some of his later imitators.”How many adults even know who Petronius is? (He was a writer who lived in the court of Nero). And how many adults today probably winced at the idea that a book should teach kids how to be manly? Even the idea of wholesomeness is controversial! Wholesome according to whom? The white male patriarchy? The west? The Judeo-Christian tradition? This is how the discussion devolves these days. Is it any surprise then that the children and young adult sections of today’s bookstores are filled with so much infantilizing escapism, fantastical melodrama, ie just plain absurd nonsense? The curmudgeons among us want to blame millennials and Gen Z for this. Their laziness and faltering tastes are why we’re awash in this stuff. But do you really believe our kids are dumber than the kids of Orwell’s time? Or back before that? Of course not! They’re kids. We’re the problem. Parents. Adults. Educators. Publishers. As a collective, we’ve stopped believing our kids are capable of reading challenging books. So we provide them without “kids editions” and give them silly picture books, instead of helping the build their reading muscles, and then we wonder why they can’t handle heavy stuff. Well stop it. Push them. Push yourself. They aren’t babies. Or at least they shouldn’t be after they’ve learned to read for themselves.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/29/2020 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Teach them Early Where Their Value Lies
The ancient writer—and father—Plutarch tells us of a parenting strategy he discovered in the works of Plato. “Young people must be taught from childhood,” he said, “that it is not right to wear gold on their bodies or to possess it, since they have their own personal gold intermixed into their soul, hinting (I think) at the virtue that is part of human nature and received at birth.” It’s a beautiful idea: They don’t need to wear that most precious and sought after ornament...because they are made of something much more precious. Even more beautiful is the timelessness of this observation. Plato said it over 2000 years ago...and Mr. Rogers ended every one of his programs with something very similar. "You've made this day a special day by just being you,” he would say. “There's no person in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are." We must, as parents, teach our children where their value really lies. It’s not in accomplishments. It’s not in what they earn or how they look. It’s not to be found in anything external at all. It’s inherent. It exists because they exist. Because there is no one on the planet with their same combination of DNA and experiences and circumstances. That’s what makes them special—what makes them rarer than any of the rarest jewels and more precious than the most precious metals. That’s why we love them. And why they should love and value themselves. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/28/2020 • 2 minutes, 16 seconds
You Are Not A Babysitter
The late ESPN broadcaster—and father of two girls—Stuart Scott, was once sitting in a restaurant with some friends and their respective children. Everyone was having fun, and it was one of those delightful scenes where you see parents bonding with their kids. The kids were behaving. The dads were present. All was well.Until a mom walked by and, recognizing Scott, tried to pay him a compliment for “babysitting the kids.” She did not realize that this was an insult to Scott—and in fact to all fathers. Because dads don’t babysit. It’s impossible. Babysitting is something somebody else does for your children on your behalf. A babysitter is by definition a non-parent. These were Scott’s kids. He couldn’t babysit on his own behalf. It’d be like calling a homeowner a security guard every time you see them lock their house when they leave for work. They’re not protecting someone else’s property, they’re just being a responsible homeowner. They’re just doing their job.Scott was doing his job. He was being a dad. No more, but certainly no less. As his friend would observe after Scott’s tragic death from cancer, “We didn’t see ourselves as an occasional parental figure who might take the kids off mom’s hands for a couple hours.”See what you do as important. Because it is. You’re not a babysitter. You’re not some lesser figure in your kids’ lives. When you are with them—and when you are not with them—you’re their father. That matters. It’s an important job, one that you should take seriously and never demean (and not let others demean, either). You’re doing it because you love it, because you get something out of it, and you know what kind of impact it has. Not because you’re covering for someone else. Not because anyone can do it. They can’t. You’re the only one who can. And that’s why it’s got a special name when you do it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/27/2020 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds
You Will Want A Crowded Table
Right now, you’re thinking about what all the other parents are doing. What schools they’re getting their kids into. What the best strollers are. You’re thinking about how to get them to do their homework or how to keep their rooms clean. How to manage your life and career and staying in shape. It’s overwhelming and you’re stressed.Every dad is. So maybe it’s helpful to sit back and really think about what parental success really looks like. First, of course, it’s having healthy kids who survive to adulthood—that’s obvious. But second, when you flash way forward into the future, what is it? It’s that beautiful phrase captured in The Highwomen hit—it’s having a crowded table. At Thanksgiving. On birthdays. At some summer house on the beach you all rented as a family. That is: having kids who you get to see, who you have a good relationship with, who you want to spend time with...for the rest of your days. Tiger Moms and Tiger Dads might raise Harvard grads, but will they have crowded tables? Snowplow parents might feel important for the first eighteen years of their kids’ lives, but will those kids resent them for spoiling and sheltering them? Instead of a crowded table, might their house be crowded with kids who have failed to launch? Some of the best lyrics in the Highwomen song capture the path forward for a dad who is looking forward to those crowded table days:If we want a gardenWe're gonna have to sow the seedPlant a little happinessLet the roots run deepIf it's love that we giveThen it's love that we reapIf we want a gardenWe're gonna have to sow the seedIf you want a crowded table, you’ll need to plant the seeds. You’ll need to make the decisions now so they’ll want to make the decision to fly from their homes to yours when they’re older and have families of their own. That means listening without judgment. That means being a fan and a supporter. That means loving unconditionally. That means managing your temper. You’ll need to set the table today to have the one you’ll want tomorrow.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/24/2020 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
What Do You Think You Look Like When You’re Anxious?
A couple weeks ago, we talked about the sobering exercise of trying to observe other people getting upset or losing their temper at their kids. Nothing wakes you up quite like catching a reflection of yourself in other people, especially when it comes to our anger problems. But this exercise of looking in the mirror through people-watching can be used to address other bad habits and parenting flaws as well. One such area is our anxiety. Everyone knows anxious parents. The mom who is always worried about strangers with candy or drugs in Halloween treats. The dad who turns into a totally different person at the airport, turning the already stressful experience of traveling into a nightmare of conflict and needlessly high stakes. There are the couples who are always fighting about money, even though they are hardly starving, and whose lifestyle and insecurities are in a vicious negative feedback loop. There are the couples who are stressed—a decade and a half before they need to be—about where their kids will go to college, or the ones whose political views have them convinced the world is about to end and are thus perpetually outraged and worked up.When these folks catch our attention, we should turn our gaze towards their children. What effect is this having on them? What kind of energy is all this anxiety and stress causing? Is it solving any problems? Is it contributing to anyone’s happiness? Is it the source of a lot of misery?The point here is not to judge. It’s to see ourselves in someone else. We are all anxious. We all have our own bundles of worry and fear. And these things turn us into a type of person we do not want to be, and someone whom our children do not deserve. Anxiety doesn’t solve problems—it compounds them. It ratchets up the tension. Not just on you, but the impressionable and innocent people who have no choice but to live under your roof. It’s hard to watch other people behave this way, which is why we are usually in denial about behaving that way ourselves. You have to catch yourself. You have to work on yourself before you become the thing you cannot stand to look at.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/23/2020 • 3 minutes, 7 seconds
This Is Good Advice For Your Kids
We’ve talked before about David Epstein’s wonderful book Range, which advises against premature specialization—in athletes, in kids, in intellectual development. It tends to be better, he writes, to pursue a wide variety of activities and build a base of competence than it is to be like Tiger Woods--or rather like Earl Woods--and dedicate yourself or your child to golf at two years old. But it’s important that the message of this book is not oversimplified. There undoubtedly must come a time, as Epstein points out, for someone like Roger Federer, where you decide to commit to something and it becomes your thing. While you don’t want to do that too early, it’s important you don’t get to it too late either. Getting serious about becoming a Navy SEAL at age 35 is an exercise in futility (another lesson Tiger Woods learned too late). Which is why it’s important that we also pass along the advice that David Brooks has for young people in The Second Mountain. “Get to yourself quickly,” he writes. “If you know what you want to do, start doing it.” It’s ironic that the rise of specialization for kids seems to have also coincided with an increasingly extended adolescence for many kids. Now everybody is told to go to college. Then encouraged to travel. Or travel and then go to college. (Gap year consulting is now a real thing.) Then move to a new city. Date around, have flings. Try a handful of different jobs. People seem to be delaying getting serious about their lives...and then they wonder why they are falling behind, why they aren’t truly great at anything, why they are 35 years old and have little to show for their year and start thinking about the Navy SEALS.So this is the delicate balance you’ll have to figure out as you guide your kids through life. Don’t take options off the table too early...but don’t put off choosing forever. It’s great to be interested in lots of things...but you should still search for a true love. Don’t overly specialize...but if you have a calling, chase it!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/22/2020 • 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Just Listen. Just Listen. Just Listen.
Ted Williams was not a good father. We’ve written about this before, but it bears restating for our purposes here that while he was the greatest hitter to ever play baseball, he was quite literally the opposite as a father, totally neglecting the responsibilities of being a dad...until eventually his hardened exterior cracked. With time, and mostly due to the persistent efforts of his children, he began to connect and share with them. He began to be the father they had wanted and needed for so long. There is one scene in Wright Thompson’s profile of Williams’ daughter that shows Ted learning one of the most basic lessons of being a great father—one that we could all use a reminder of today (and, by the way, one that will make you a better husband and boss and person too). It happened when Claudia was going through a painful breakup. For some reason, she decided she would actually open up to her father about it, that she’d actually invite this man who had rejected her so many times when she was younger into her private pain. Almost immediately it became tense, a kind of argument about what to do. “Please don’t be mad,” she pleaded with him. “Just listen to me. I am hurting.”Williams grinded his teeth and struggled with his impotence towards another person’s problem. “What the hell do you want me to do about it!” he shouted. “I can’t do a fucking thing.Then Claudia said the words that every father needs to remember: “Just tell me you love me.”Then Williams said the words that every father needs to say: “JESUS CHRIST. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Most importantly, he did what you need to do more of, when your spouse has a problem, when your kids have a problem, when they come to you with news or with worries or with mistakes. He listened. Just listen. That’s all you have to do. You don’t always have to solve their problems You don’t have to tell them what they did wrong. You don’t have to make it go away. You just have to hear them. Because as often as not, what your loved ones are really looking for is love, not lessons. They don’t want fixes, they want friendship. They want a sympathetic ear, a confederate, someone to be on their side and to say “you’re right, screw those guys!”. You don’t need to have all the answers, you just have to let them know that you hear them and you love them. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/21/2020 • 2 minutes, 56 seconds
You Have To Be Flexible
When you read parenting books, it’s hard not to get the distinct sense that there is a right way to parent. That being a dad (or a mom) means following a set of processes—backed up and confirmed by research—and that to do anything else is to deviate and fail. We think the same thing about teachers too: Here is how the best teachers operate, so be like that. But the truth is that it’s all relative. There is no right way because every child is different, every parent is different, every situation is different. Think about the story of the prodigal son—it’s a lesson about a bunch of things, but one of the subtler lessons is that different kids require different treatment. The father in that story wasn’t being unfair. He was being what each of his sons needed. Recently, we asked the author James Frey (yes, that James Frey—the brilliant and controversial novelist; read Katerina or Bright Shiny Morning if you haven’t yet) what he’s learned about fatherhood, and he actually told us something pretty similar:Being a Dad is an ongoing process of learning and adjusting and adapting. That for each kid, at each stage of that kid's life, you have to adjust and learn. I have three kids. Two girls and a boy in the middle. Being a Dad, to me, isn't like being a drill sergeant. There is no single way to handle each child...I don't want them all to be the same person. They are each unique, with their own personalities and strengths and struggles. And they are radically different at different ages. And that requires me to constantly be learning how to best raise them.It’s great advice and worth thinking about today. You have to be flexible. You have to be willing to approach each situation as a distinct set of circumstances and conditions. There is no “right way” to do things, but there is always a “right thing” to do in each situation. Adjust until you find it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/20/2020 • 3 minutes, 2 seconds
How Many Times Have You Been Told?
You’ve told them a million times. You told them why they need to study before their test, and they didn’t and they came home with a D. You told them about how their effort is the only thing they control in sports, and here they are, complaining—after refusing to take their training seriously—about why their friend gets more playing time. You’ve told them about manners. You’ve told them about not hitting their brother. You’ve told them why it’s important to keep their room clean.And yet, and yet and yet...Here you are. Looking at a dirty room. At bad grades. How many times do I have to tell you?, you hear yourself say. Are you deaf?Here’s a better question, one that might stop you cold: How many times have you been told? Not when you were a kid, but lately. About the importance of eating better. Of the relationship between exercise and weight. About how gross it is to bite your nails. To save for retirement. To read that important book. To update your operating system. And yet, and yet and yet...You’re still doing them. Or not doing them. You got a speeding ticket last month that cost you $250 and here you are still driving faster than you should. So why don’t you cut them a little break? Or at least be a little more understanding? Just because it’s clear what someone is supposed to do (or not do) doesn’t mean it’s easy. Especially when you’re a kid. Especially when your whole life is people throwing commands and demands at you. So relax. Be kind. Be patient. And maybe try to inspire them by showing them how it’s hard for you too—but you’re still trying. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/17/2020 • 2 minutes, 35 seconds
You Are Capable of Change
Ted Williams was not a good father—at least not for most of his life. He was a great baseball player, but for a long time, he was a really selfish and ruthless person. He came from a horrible, abusive childhood himself and struggled to find the ability to love and care about anyone, including himself. It was like his own childhood prepared him to be a kind of lone wolf, a machine designed to do one thing really well (and caring about other people was not that thing). If you haven’t read Wright Thompson’s insanely beautiful profile of Williams’ daughter, Claudia Williams, you should. It starts off dark and depressing, but by the end it has enough hope in it to inspire even the most hard-boiled and reluctant fathers. Because, over time, due to the incredible efforts of his children, Ted Williams started to change. “What’s incredible as an observer was to watch him fall in love with his kids,” a friend says in the profile Thompson says in the piece about Williams.”The vulnerability of having love for your children. You could see it just gnaw. It was everything against his grain to succumb to this outside influence of children. Love had control over him. He felt vulnerable. A vulnerability he had never had in his life.” And that was starting to show itself in little hints, whether it was entries in Williams’ fishing journal, where for the first time he began to write about the kids he had long ignored or in the signed poster his daughter had found under piles of memorabilia after her father’s death, that just said, ‘To my beautiful daughter. I love you. Dad.’”You have that vulnerability now. Those same powerful forces are gnawing at you too, hopefully, and making progress on that tough exoskeleton you developed to protect yourself. You can let this change you, let this make you better. You can even begin—no matter how far you are down the road, as Williams was—start to make up for mistakes you might have made earlier in fatherhood. It’s never too late.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/16/2020 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
Nobody Is Better Than Your Kids
The great physicist Richard Feynman had a father who instilled his brilliant son with an interesting perspective about the world. Sitting down, he would lay the newspaper out on the table and ask his boy questions about what they saw and read. Once, when they came upon a photo of the Pope blessing a group of believers, Richard’s father asked his son if he knew the difference between the Pope and his followers. And then, before Richard could answer, he said, “The difference is the hat. He is wearing a hat.” His dad would repeat the same exercise whether it was a photo of a general with stars on their collar or a wealthy executive with an expensive suit. After years in the uniform business, Feynman’s father knew that people were people, whatever clothes their job dressed them in. He wanted his son to realize that nobody was better than him, that everybody was equal, no matter who they were and what they had accomplished. You can imagine this gave his young son a lot of confidence, confidence that your children could benefit from. Just because other kids live in bigger houses or have more illustrious last names, does that mean they are better? Just because other kids do or don’t wear glasses, do or don’t have their own car, do or don’t go on weekend ski trips, do or don’t receive financial aid, what does that mean? It means nothing. If you want to raise a kid that challenges the status quo, that fulfills their potential, that looks at the world without prejudice, teach them that. The other side of that lesson for Feynman was humility and it’s why you should teach it to your kids too. Feynman didn’t think his Nobel Prize made him special—in fact, he was reluctant to accept it. Because he disliked the pomp and circumstance and he knew that accolades don’t make you any more or less right. He didn’t need a special hat to feel good about himself, and he didn’t like getting the attention—when the work was what mattered. Nobody is better than your kids and your kids are not better than anyone else. The sooner they realize that, the better.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/15/2020 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
It’s Time To Look in the Mirror
Kids are crazy, right? When they’re hungry, they are rude and difficult to manage. They are demanding and seem incapable, most of the time, of doing anything for themselves. They are totally ungrateful for what people do for them. In fact, a lot of the time they are completely unaware that anyone exists in the world but themselves. This is not new, obviously. In the 1600s, the French satirist Jean de La Bruyère captured the timelessness of the selfishness of the young. “Children are overbearing,” he wrote, “supercilious, passionate, envious, inquisitive, egotistical, idle, fickle, timid, intemperate, liars, and dissemblers; they laugh and weep easily, are excessive in their joys and sorrows, and that about the most trifling objects; they bear no pain, but like to inflict it on others.” It’s all true. And so is the kicker with which he ended his observation, “...already they are men.”The point being: Before you complain about how selfish and crazy your kids are, we ought to look in the mirror. Don’t we get hangry? Don’t we take people for granted? Don’t we alternate between elation and frustration? Don’t we get excited by trivial things? Aren’t we incapable of regulating our emotions and our desires? And haven’t we had a lot more time to practice these things too?Cut them a break. You cut yourself plenty.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/14/2020 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
This Is Proof You Have What It Takes
Who among us is not insecure? We look around and see people who make more money. Who have bigger houses. Who have accomplished more than we have. This insecurity is compounded by social media, but it is also timeless. There’s a story that Julius Caesar once stood in front of a statue of Alexander the Great. At the age Caesar was at that moment, Alexander the Great had already conquered the world. By comparison, Caesar had done almost nothing. While there might be some motivational benefits to this insecurity, it’s probably not the best way to live. And does anyone think they do good work while telling themselves they are not enough? Might fullness and confidence actually be a better place—cognitively, creatively, emotionally—to approach your work and your life from than craving? You don’t make great work feeling like a piece of shit. You make great work knowing you are capable of making great work. In any case, the Catholic activist—and possibly future saint—Dorothy Day had a good observation that we can think about today as a way of putting some of those insecurities to bed. Because whatever you do, wherever you are in your career and life, there is something you should be taking great satisfaction and meaning in—there is something you should be incredibly proud of yourself for: the person(s) you have created. As she writes:“If I had written the greatest book, composed the greatest symphony, painted the most beautiful painting or carved the most exquisite figure, I could not have felt the more exalted creator than I did when they placed my child in my arms...No human creature could recieve or contain so vast a flood of love and joy as I felt after the birth of my child. With this came the need to worship, to adore.” That feeling, that feeling you felt the first day you held your children. The feeling you feel when they run into your arms and call you daddy. Or when they come into your room to ask for advice. Or when you sit across the table from them and watch them eat. That feeling—the pride, the love, the connection—this is the feeling to carry with you. You made that. You were the exalted creator of that. It might not be a billion dollar tech startup, it might not be a Grammy-winning album or the Mona Lisa, but it’s one hell of a something. And it’s only the beginning. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/13/2020 • 3 minutes, 19 seconds
This Is Making You So Much Better
We talked before about how MacArthur had a kind of scheduled morning craziness with his son Arthur, who would enter his room promptly at 7am and pummel his father awake. Then together they’d sing songs—old army songs Douglas had taught him—with Arthur still slurring his R’s—while dad shaved and got ready for work.As William Manchester observes in his amazing biography of the complicated man, MacArthur believed that his son was the only one who appreciated his singing. “He was wrong,” Manchester wrote. “Everyone around him appreciated it because they saw the changes the boy had wrought in him.” MacArthur, whose only child was born when he was 58, and was already one of the most powerful men in the army, had always been active and firm. But with a young boy running around, he became alive in a way that he had never been before. He laughed. He loved. He let his guard down. Manchester beautifully captures what fatherhood has done for countless fathers for all time: A snapshot of the three MacArthurs, taken on the boy’s third birthday, shows Arthur in a sailor suit, his mother in a flower-trimmed frock, and his father in khaki. The General’s expression can only be described as adoring. Acclaim, achievements, decorations, and high rank had come to him early. Now, in his sixties, he had found serenity.You have been given a wonderful gift—actually that’s not quite right, you have helped create a wonderful gift. Now you have to give yourself over to it. You have to truly accept it and let it into your heart. Not just once, for the first time, when they are young and so irresistibly cute, but over and over again as you both get older. Let it keep making you better. Let it give you serenity. Have fun. Get crazy. Be adoring. Relax your guard. Keep changing. You deserve it and so does everyone around you.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/10/2020 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Where Is Your Ego Getting In The Way?
We live in a world awash with ego. We see it every day. We can see the ego of our boss, and how it has turned the office against them. We can see ego in politicians and professional athletes. We can see it in our kid’s teacher, perhaps, when they get in some pissing match with another parent or are threatened by a precious student. As they get older, we can even see ego in our own kids—thinking they can ace a test without studying or advance in sports without practicing.The laundry list of out of control egos is easy to write. But it’s interesting to think that putting it together may in fact be our own ego distracting us from ourselves. Because by focusing on the problems other people’s egos are causing we excuse ourselves from looking in the mirror at our own.Today and every day, dads should take a moment to just think about where ego is holding them back. Is the power struggle with your teenager actually over anything important or is this just you demanding to be in control? “You can’t learn that which you think you already know,” Epictetus once said. Well, what things are you holding yourself back from learning because you’re a know-it-all? The pissing contest you got into with a teacher? The pissing contest you’re still in with your dad? The hours you work, the money you spend, the car you drive—is there ego tied up in any of these? Any chance it’s warping your priorities? Any chance it’s getting you into trouble? Ego is the enemy. Always. Of everything, but especially of the things that really matter in this life: happiness, a family that gets along, improving, contentment, forgiveness, stillness.You know it. So stop thinking about other people and work on yourself. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/9/2020 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
It’s a Low Bar, But You Better Clear It
If you haven’t seen the fascinating Netflix documentary about Rachel Dolezal, a troubled woman who pretended to be black when she’s actually white, you should. It’s not worth getting into the controversial racial issues that the documentary brings up, but it’s worth watching them in the documentary, since it shows them in all their very human complexity and contradiction. What is worth noting here is a comment that one of Rachel’s adopted younger brothers (who she ended up raising herself) says about their missionary foster parents. He says something like: The one job of parents is to give their children a childhood they don’t have to spend years of therapy processing. Certainly that’s a low bar. The only lower bar is literally keeping them alive. But it’s worth bringing up because of how many parents fail to meet it, even as they succeed in other ways. Sure, you helped turn your son into a professional football player, but to do it, you cultivated an insatiable desire to win that prevents him from ever enjoying those victories. Or you got your daughter into Harvard, but you were so strict and demanding that her poor self-esteem makes her tolerate the worst kind of people in relationships. Your kids get one life. What kind of life are you raising them to have? They get one sense of self. Are you giving them a kind or a harsh one?The world would be a better place if dads took the time to actively think about what the ramifications of their decisions are going to be. Imagine your son or your daughter on a therapist’s couch in the future. Of course they’re going to be talking about you—that’s almost all anyone talks about in therapy. But perhaps that image might stop you from having that affair, it might make you go a little easier on them, it might help you respond better in that critical situation when they come to you and say, “Mom, Dad, I have to tell you guys something. This isn’t easy but...”Do you need to have that argument with your spouse? Can you let it go? Why not do something about your anger problem? (More on that here). Or your drinking problem? Or your weight problem? Maybe you don’t need to push your religious beliefs so hard? Maybe you can give them space to explore their own political leanings instead of belittling them? And at the same time, maybe if you were a little less busy and a little more attentive, maybe you’d stop missing all their cries for help or that problem that’s been brewing for some time?Your job is not to make them rich. Not to make them smarter than everyone else. All those trappings are extra. What your real job is, is to give them a childhood they don’t need therapy to get over. Start there.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/8/2020 • 3 minutes, 33 seconds
All You Can Do As a Dad
You might not think of Tom Hanks as a father, but he is one. He had four kids, two from his first marriage, Colin and Elizabeth, and two from his second, Chet and Truman. You might not think of Tom Hanks as someone who messes up, or someone who would struggle at something as wholesome as being a dad, but again, you’d be wrong. A recent New York Times profile spent some time talking with Hanks about fatherhood, and the reality of what it was like to have his first two kids while he was still an up and coming actor. Colin and Elizabeth were growing up while their father was still trying to get parts, trying to make a living and pay the rent, as Hanks puts it. But by the time Chet and Truman were born, he was long past that. They grew up with a dad who was much more secure, who didn’t have to audition anymore, who was famous and beloved. Does he feel guilty about some of those mistakes? Absolutely. How has it affected his parenting style? It’s made him much more understanding, much more patient, and ultimately, much more responsible. As he explained: It isn’t easy being a parent, not for any of us. Somewhere along the line, I figured out, the only thing really, I think, eventually a parent can do is say I love you, there’s nothing you can do wrong, you cannot hurt my feelings, I hope you will forgive me on occasion, and what do you need me to do? You offer up that to them. I will do anything I can possibly do in order to keep you safe. That’s it. Offer that up and then just love them.Beautiful, yeah? And humanizing, too? Look, if you think you’re not going to mess up as a Dad, you’re in for a rude surprise. If you think the struggles you’re going through in your career, in your marriage, in your life are not going to affect your kids, you’re being naive. But you can’t whip yourself about that. All you can do is try to learn from your failings and keep going. You can keep showing up and asking, “What do you need me to do?” You can offer that. You can love them.And if you keep doing it, you’ll get some of the flashes of a happy family that Tom Hanks talks about in the article, the kind that make life worth living.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/7/2020 • 3 minutes
Do You Know What You Look Like Angry?
A while back, we talked over at Daily Stoic about one of Seneca’s remedies for a hot temper. Try to catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror some time when you’re upset, he said, and you’ll be appalled at how you look. We talk about this exercise a bit in our course on anger, but the logic is worth considering for any dad. Anger might feel deserved or appropriate, but it almost always looks awful. The next time you are out, try watching for other dads who are getting angered by something their kids are doing. Or observe the crowd at your son or daughter’s next baseball game. Track that family traveling on vacation at the airport, or people at the table across from you at dinner. Because it’s as close to a look in the mirror as you’re likely to get. How do you think you look when you tell your son way too loudly to “Sit down. I told you already, sit down!” when they bounce around with too much energy? How do you think you look as you grab their arm with frustration and jerk them closer to you in line? Do you think you sound good threatening—like some tyrant—to take away some basic privilege of theirs because they’re not behaving exactly as you like? Or when you shout at them to hurry up at the airport? You think you don’t sound like a bully when you belittle and criticize them for messing up again? You think you don’t look like a monster when, after the argument escalates and escalates, you slap them across the face?You look terrible. You look as awful and shameful as the people looked when you saw them do it in public, to their kids, as you tried to avert your gaze. You looked like Tom Izzo, yelling at that player during March Madness, and everyone else feels like the other players who wanted to step in and restrain him. No one looks good angry. No one would want to catch a reflection of themselves in the heat of the moment. Which is why we have to catch ourselves first. Which is why we have to do the work on ourselves now, before we become the thing we cannot stand to look at.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/6/2020 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Feelings Are Not Indictments
One of the things you have trouble adjusting to when you first have kids is the crying. Not just because it’s loud, but because it feels like you’re being stabbed in the heart. We are not meant, evolutionarily, to be good at ignoring crying babies—especially ones we are related to. It provokes us in a very deep place, and that’s a good thing. But, as they get older, you’ll have to learn how to manage this. Because it’s inevitable that your children will be upset, even cry, throughout their lives. You son will fall and hurt himself. Your daughter will be angry that her toy broke. They’ll be sad. They’ll get dumped. They’ll be heartbroken. They’ll get fired and they will fail.As a father, you have to understand this critical lesson: Tears are not indictments. They are facts. They are not problems for you to solve, or charges for you to defend yourself against. They are pronouncements. What your kids need is for you to listen to them. To hear what they are saying. No more. No less. They don’t need a lecture. They don’t need you to tell them how they can avoid this next time. They definitely don’t need to be told how this is not a big deal...or conversely, how this is a huge deal and totally their fault. They just need you. They need dad. They need dad to understand. Got it? By the way...this advice should apply to your marriage or relationships too.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/3/2020 • 2 minutes, 15 seconds
A Dad Must Think The Unthinkable
It’s fitting that one of the most important things you can do as a parent would require you to think about a thing that’s very nearly impossible for a parent to even consider. It comes to us from Marcus Aurelius by way of Epictetus: As you kiss your son good night, says Epictetus, whisper to yourself, “He may be dead in the morning.” Don’t tempt fate, you say. By talking about a natural event? Is fate tempted when we speak of grain being reaped?Of course, this is not an easy thing to do. It goes against all our impulses. But we must do it. Because life is fleeting and the world is cruel. Marcus lost 5 children. 5! Seneca, we gather, lost one early too. It should never happen, but it does. It heartbreakingly-world-wreckingly-nobody-deserves-it does. And it’s not that we hope that Marcus Aurelius and Seneca’s philosophical training prepared them for the pain of losing a child (nothing can prepare you for that). What we hope is that this exercise meant they didn’t waste a single second of the time they did get with their beautiful children.A parent who faces the fact that they can lose a child at any moment is a parent who is present. Who loves. Who does not hold onto stupid things or enforce stupid rules. A great dad looks at the cruel world and says, “I know what you can do to my family in the future, but for the moment you’ve spared me. I will not take that for granted.” Anxiety? Keeping up with the Joneses? Caring about getting into that exclusive pre-school or into Harvard? Who cares?It can all go away in a second. There’s nothing we can do about that. We can, however, drink in the present. We can be what they need right now. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/2/2020 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Make Sure You Make Time For Crazy
Douglas MacArthur was a man of routine, most military men are. So it shouldn’t surprise us that he built a family life around routine. But unlike far too many fathers who make routine a form of control, MacArthur’s morning routine was about fun—it was about starting the day off right.As the peerless William Manchester details in his book American Caesar, the morning time was one of the best times at the MacArthur household. In fact, it was kind of scheduled crazy fun: When Arthur began to walk, and then to talk, father and son developed a morning ceremony. At about 7:30 A.M. the door of the General’s bedroom would open and the boy would trudge in clutching his favorite toy, a stuffed rabbit with a scraggly mustache which he called “Old Friend.” MacArthur would instantly bound out of bed and snap to attention. Then the General marched around the room in quickstep while his son counted cadence: “Boom! Boom! Boomity boom!” After they had passed the bed several times, the child would cover his eyes with his hands while MacArthur produced the day’s present: a piece of candy, perhaps, or a crayon, or a coloring book. The ritual would end in the bathroom, where MacArthur would shave while Arthur watched and both sang duets.And it didn’t just happen when Arthur was young. As he got older, while his father ruled post-war Japan, Arthur would wake at 7am, and according to Manchester, “rush into the General’s bedroom and pummel him.We talked before about Ulysses S. Grant’s evening wrestling matches with his kids. We talked about the epic games in the yard that Harmon Killebrew’s father knew was killing his grass but helping raise his kids. Well, we shouldn’t just be talking about this, we shouldn’t just be thinking it was cute that MacArthur and Grant let their guard down at home. We have to do the same thing.No one is too important or too busy to have some crazy time at home. No one is above getting pummeled by their kid in bed. No father should hesitate before singing at the top of their lungs while they shave. These moments are the best moments. If they’re rare, you’re doing it wrong. They should be regular. Maybe like MacArthur, they should be scheduled every morning for 7:30.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
1/1/2020 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Teach Them Early—When You Still Can
Cato the Younger was not an easy man to get to do something. If he felt it went against his conscience or that it was illogical, you’d have an easier time convincing a fish to climb a tree. That’s just how he was. All his life.So, as you can imagine, Cato was not an easy student. He resisted anyone and everyone who tried to tell him what to do. Plutarch, one of his biographers, observed that “to learn is simply to allow something to be done to you and to be quickly persuaded is natural for those who are less able to offer resistance.” This is why we start instructing our kids in the important things so early, even when it seems like they are way too young. Because if we wait, they’ll be able to easily fight us off and resist the lessons they will need in life. Cato was an obstinate student, Plutarch tells us—“in each case he demanded the reason and wanted to know the why and wherefore.” But this resistance was nothing compared to what Julius Caesar and Pompey faced when they tried to bowl Cato over as an adult, when they tried to show him how the world really worked. It was nothing compared to what other corrupt and dishonest politicians experienced when they tried to show Cato what was in his “best interest.”While Cato had been a resistant learner, what his teachers were able to get up and over his defenses really stuck. Those lessons about right and wrong, about doing your duty, about the history of Rome—those lessons were etched into steel. And no one was ever able to teach him otherwise...even with the threat of death or a bribe of many dollars. We have to teach our kids early. We have to push past their reservations. Of course they would rather play video games. Of course it’s more fun to goof off. But now is the time. Before they can fight us off with their full determination. Before the cement is completely dry. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/31/2019 • 3 minutes, 9 seconds
You Can’t Choose Your Parents, But You Can…
One of the best lines from Seneca is that while we can’t choose our parents, we do have the ability to choose whose children we will be. In ancient Rome this was even more true than it sounds, because it was common for people to be adopted into families. Seneca’s brother, Lucius Annaeus Novatus, for instance, was adopted by a man named Gallio, whose name he eventually took (and if that name sounds familiar, it’s because Seneca’s brother is in the Bible).In any case, this idea is worth thinking about now that you’re a parent. Instead of thinking about how you parents were, and using that as an excuse for whatever type of parent is easiest and most natural, why don’t you think about who you wish your parents were. Maybe that’s a specific person or maybe that’s just an ideal that you’ve seen in a movie or read about in a book. Maybe it’s a combination of the mother of one of your friends, and then someone else has become a father-figure and mentor to you since. Or maybe it’s Mr. Rogers and Ms. Frizzle from Magical School Bus. Or maybe it’s Socrates and Oprah. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you try to live as if that is whose child you were and are. We want to eliminate the excuse of “Oh that’s just how I was raised” and “It’s what I saw growing up.” Instead we want to flip it from a rationalization to an encouragement. I am this way because it’s what my “parents” taught me to be. I’m a great dad because I had a great dad (or dads). I am carrying on the tradition. I am passing along the love and the lessons I got.You can’t choose your parents. They did the best they could. But you can choose whose footsteps you’re going to follow in, and in so doing, what kind of parents your kids are going to have.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/30/2019 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
If You’re Not Getting Better, You’re Getting Worse
It’s a sad sight when you see a dad who has clearly stopped trying. He puts on weight. He checks out of his marriage. Maybe he starts drinking more. He resigns himself to the fact that he hates his job. He accepts whatever grades his kids bring home from school. He makes their behavior somebody else’s problem. We see that dad and we think, “I never want to be that guy.”Good. Ok. But what steps are you following to make sure you don’t? In the startup world, they said that if your company isn’t growing, it’s dying. In a way, it’s sort of true for people too. If you’re not actively developing yourself, what’s happening? You’re atrophying. You’re getting worse. Epictetus liked to quote Socrates, that he delighted in attending to his own improvement day to day. Brilliant. And in a way, the perfect thing for you to be thinking about as we head into a new year. How are you improving yourself day to day? Are you working out? Are you reading? Are you setting goals for yourself? Are you clocking in at home as well as at the office? Your kids will be better served by a father that’s getting better. More importantly, they will be inspired by your example. Show them that you’re trying—that we can never stop trying—and they’ll follow you in their own way.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/27/2019 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
The Stakes Are High
It’s hard to picture Fred Rogers as a parent. Of course, we can easily recall him as Mr. Rogers, patiently and lovingly explaining things to generations of young viewers at home. But that was his work. Could he have really been like that at his home? Or was he much less perfect there—losing his temper, stressed about money, involved with himself?Obviously no one really knows the answer to this but his kids, but from the various recent documentaries we are told Fred Rogers was a great dad. We know that Fred Rogers tried very hard to be the same kind and understanding man that he was for other people’s children with his own. Did he have his own issues? His own flaws? Absolutely. Who doesn’t? But he also knew the stakes were too high to simply leave it at that: When we choose to be parents, we accept another human being as part of ourselves, and a large part of our emotional selves will stay with that person as long as we live. From that time on, there will be another person on this earth whose orbit around us will affect us as surely as the moon affects the tides, and affect us in some ways more deeply than anyone else can. Our children are extensions of ourselves.Our responsibilities as parents extend far beyond just putting a roof over their head and packing lunches for school. It includes working on our own emotional issues and ourselves so that the little people in our orbit don’t get thrown out of whack (remember John Wooden’s advice: A Little Fellow Follows You). We can’t be consummate professionals at work only to come home, loosen our tie or our belts, and then just wallow in our personal status quo. We have to be growing, improving, actively working to provide a good example and a safe place for our kids to grow and learn. We chose to bring them in the world. They depend on us and watch our every move. Now we owe it to them to live up to the stakes of the situation we have created. Every. Single. Day. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/26/2019 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
Why Are You Rushing?
We’re always in a rush. We have to get them ready for school. We have to get them off to bed. We have to get to the airport. We have to get back inside. We have to finish up dinner. We are, as parents, it seems, perpetually short of time and always eager to get to the next thing. But it’s worth stopping and thinking this morning, what we are actually rushing to and what we are rushing away from. You’re wrapping up bedtime quickly, why? So you can sit and watch Netflix after they’re asleep? You cannot stand for them to be late to school, why? Fear of other parents judging you? You want to be to the airport how early? And for what reason? Because it recommends doing so on your ticket?As dads, when we rush, we should know that we are hurrying through life. We are zipping through their childhood—the exact thing that we will stop and miss at some point not long from now. How much of this will seem important then? How much would we give for a few minutes back here, that right now we seem to want to be over as quickly as possible?We are rushing through the 18 summers we get from them at home. We are rushing through the few hundred breakfasts before they are sullen, hormonal teenagers. We are rushing out early in the 4th quarter to beat traffic in one of the last football games we’ll be able to see together before they have kids of their own. We are rushing towards an uncertain future—one in which we might have cancer, in which a war might break out, or one in which we might be much, much busier with work than we are now. So slow down. Enjoy it. They call it “the present” for a reason—because it is a gift. Appreciate it. Don’t scarf it down. Savor it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/25/2019 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
What Kind Of Energy Are You Bringing?
The ubiquity of the word “energy” these days is probably a sign of how pervasive pseudo-science and charlatans have become. We are inundated with energy healers and energy crystals. You can hire consultants to analyze your company’s energy. You can take a sound bath to remove negative energy, or have an aura reader interpret the energy you put out into the world.Yet for all that nonsense, energy is a real thing in parenting. Just as Cesar Milan talks about projecting the right energy to your dog, so too can your kids pick up on the energy you are emanating. Bad day at work? They can feel it. Hate where you live? They can feel it. Pissed off at your spouse? They can tell, even if you only argue when they’re asleep. Why are your kids running around like crazy, acting like monsters today? Well, maybe you ought to check what kind of energy you’re generating. Why is your son hitting his little brother? Maybe because you’re a ball of tension and frustration, and it’s contagious. Why is your daughter being such a terror? Maybe that resentment your wife is holding on to has something to do with it. Maybe she just couldn’t stand how things were at breakfast this morning—how awkward and weird it was.When you see behavior and attitude problems, adjust your energy first. Look in the mirror first. If you want a happy home, a home with kindness and love and peace, then bring that energy with you. Project it consciously and deliberately—show that things are good with you and they will be better with everyone else.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/24/2019 • 2 minutes, 43 seconds
If You Want Your Children To Turn Out Well
It’s easy to think that money is the solution to most of the problems of parenting. After all, we remember our own childhood and the things that money could have provided us. If only we could have had Invisalign instead of those awkward braces...If only we could have lived in a better neighborhood...If only Mom and Dad didn’t have to be so stressed...If only we could have afforded coaches or tutors, we could have gone pro or gotten into Harvard. It’s true, money does make some things better. It’s certainly better to have it than not have it (Seneca was right when he called wealth a “preferred indifferent,” not good or bad, but nice to have). But it’s a mistake to think that money will magically create a magical childhood for your kids. It’s not true that money will guarantee them a good life or prevent them from feeling pain or loss. It’s not true, as we have written, that money is even high on their list of needs. What kids actually want is you. What kids actually need is Dad. As Dear Abby quite brilliantly put it in a column back in the 1950s, “If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money.” You can’t pay someone to be there for your kids. You can’t pay someone to do the job only you can do. Sure, money can make things easier, but it is no substitute for quality time (or garbage time). It will never be as important as what you can provide by being hands on, by being a good example, by showing them you care for them and value them. And the proof of this is how many people—including you and your own childhood—were able to turn out just fine without much money.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/23/2019 • 2 minutes, 32 seconds
You Have To Mean What You Say
It’s so easy to make threats as a dad. If you don’t stop that, I’m going to turn the TV off. If you don’t start being nicer to your brother, we’re going to go home. You have to pick up your clothes first, or else there is no snack. You do it when they’re little, and if you remember your own childhood, it keeps happening all the way through—about curfew, about grades, about keeping their room clean, about how you talk to people. But while making threats is easy, keeping one’s word is harder. Because the link you made between a clean room and the TV was totally artificial and you didn’t really mean it. Because you still want to go to the basketball game with your daughter, and really don’t want to have to enforce it as a punishment. Think about Obama and the red line he drew in Syria. He meant it...but he didn’t really mean it, and when his bluff got called, the whole national security picture changed. As a parent, it’s critical that you mean what you say. So enforce every threat with the firmness of a dictator? No, how about you make fewer threats? How about you stop forcing things together that you’re not serious about? This way when you do make a causal link, it’s because it matters. When you draw a line, know that it’s worth enforcing. Know that you will enforce it. So your kids learn that words mean something. Specifically that your words mean something.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/20/2019 • 2 minutes, 21 seconds
There Is Nothing Better Than This
Falling in love with your spouse is great. Making a lot of money is awesome. Crushing it at work is too. It’s nice to have a big house or to go out and have a wonderful night with friends. But nothing is quite like coming home and having your kid rush to give you a hug. When they fall asleep on you on the couch. When they climb on your shoulders. When you hear them coming around the corner, excitedly saying your name and they jump into your bed. Nothin’s better, as Bruce Springsteen put it, than blood on blood. There is a lot of great stuff in life, but nothing is better than family. That’s what he’s saying. The blood relation is not what he’s talking about. He’s talking about the bond. The people you look the other way for. The people you’d do anything for. The people who you are doing all this for. So the question to think about today is: If this really is the best and most important thing, are you really building your life around it? If nothing feels better than that hug, than wrestling on the floor, than carrying them in your arms to throw them in the pool on a summer afternoon, then why isn’t it happening more often? We pull extra hours at the office to get promoted. We take risks to make investments with our money. We make plans to see friends or have fun. But do we actively sacrifice and scheme so that we might have more of the one pleasure that tops them all? Do we actively prioritize the thing that truly matters most? Those moments when blood is on blood, when family is together?Crazy, isn’t it?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/19/2019 • 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Kids See Through To What Matters
You can sit your kids down to watch what you think is the greatest movie of all time, and they’ll get bored and fall asleep. You can get floor seats to an NBA game and they’ll roll their eyes. You can introduce them to your fanciest, most important friends and they’ll want to go back to whatever they were doing before you called them over. It’s almost a rule that kids don’t care about what you really, really want them to care about. And yet, there is something about kids that also seems to resemble that hilarious line from Homer Simpson. “I’m not easily impressed,” he tells Mr. Burns as they’re driving. Then he looks out the window and shouts, “Whoa! A blue car!”Your kids might not understand how expensive those floor seats were, but they love that there is free popcorn. They might not appreciate that classic movie, but they can also play in the dirt with rapt presence for three hours. They don’t care about your billionaire boss, but they think Grandma and Grandpa are the two coolest people in the entire world. Whether they admit it or not, they think you are cool. That’s why they copy you, that’s why they want to put on your shoes, that’s why the t-shirt you gave them from when you were young is the one they love to sleep in every night. Kids aren’t easily impressed, and yet somehow they are. It’s really that they see through most of the constructs us adults have taken for granted. They can naturally do what Marcus Aurelius practices in Meditations, the art of stripping things of the “legend that encrusts them.” Meanwhile, they also see simple, ordinary things for all the wonder and beauty that the rest of us miss. They see how little most things matter, and see how much other things do. And in this we can learn a great deal from them.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/18/2019 • 2 minutes, 42 seconds
Always Think About How Other People Are Doing
Perhaps you’re familiar with the scene in the Bible where Moses—aided by God—parts the Red Sea. It was a miracle of epic proportions that allowed the Israelites to race through and escape the Egyptians who were chasing them. Lesser known about the miracle is what happens next. When Moses released the sea, the Egyptians were trapped. The water crashed around them and thousands perished.Naturally, the Israelites broke out in song and celebration. As the angels went to join them, God rebuked them, according to the Talmud. “How dare you sing for joy,” it was written, “when My creatures are dying.”Now whether any of this actually happened or not doesn’t change the lesson. It is easy in the midst of victory and success to think of how wonderful this is for you. It’s also easy to forget who or what your “winning” might have come at the expense of. We must be careful not only to be good sports in this life, but empathetic and caring enough to realize that things are not always as great for other people as they are for us. Proverbs 24:17 expresses it well: “Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth.” It’s these kinds of ancient and timeless lessons that we must pass along to our children (to say nothing of following ourselves). If you are reading this email, you are privileged in some way. You can afford a computer. You are alive. You are literate. You are lucky enough to have children and know that they are safe. Fate has not been so kind to everyone else. There are others out there drowning. Somebody at a factory in China had to make the computer or smartphone you are looking at right now. Others didn’t get to go to school. They have no help, no one is looking out for them. You can still enjoy what you have and you should still want to win in life. But don’t be so clueless and self-absorbed as to not care that other people are suffering. And don’t raise children who are indifferent to it either. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/17/2019 • 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Teach Them It's Figureoutable
There’s a story that occurs constantly in the biographies of many creative and brilliant people. It goes something like this: As a kid they had a question—maybe it was about how car engines work, or what Antarctica is like. It doesn’t matter if the question is about history or science or animals, because their dads all had the same response. They said, “I don’t know, but let’s go figure it out!” So they went to the library or the hardware store or the computer and they dug around and they found they answer. What this experience did was instill the young versions of these notable figures with a few essential lessons that set them on their paths: 1) their fathers actually listened and cared; 2) curiosity is the starting point of a great adventure; and 3) there are places, like the library or the internet or some wise old neighbor, where answers can be found. Most importantly though, they learned something well-expressed in the title of Marie Forleo’s new book: they learned that “Everything is Figureoutable.” Problems can be solved. Ignorance can be eliminated. Answers can be tracked down. The unknown can be made familiar. Things can be discovered.Your job is to teach that. Today and every day. It’s to actually listen to their questions...and then help them find the answers. That doesn’t mean give them the answers. It means teaching them how to figure things out for themselves. Teach them to love the process. Teach them to get excited about it. Teach them to head to the library or the laptop, the telephone, or their science teacher. Everything is figureoutable. Big and small. But it takes someone to help them figure that out. It takes you.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/16/2019 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Don’t Just Protect Yours
We take care of our own, we say. Family is family. Blood is thicker than water. These are noble sentiments that have encouraged beautiful sacrifice, forgiveness, and accomplishments. One problem with it though is that it too easily justifies provincialism and nepotism. A recent social critic observed that not long ago when people talked about getting together to do something “for our kids,” whether it was build a swimming pool or invest in education, it was obvious that they meant everybody’s kids. Or, at least, they meant more than just their biological kids.But unfortunately, that’s changed. When we say “our own” we don’t think Americans or whatever country we live in, we think race. Or we think our blood relatives. That’s awful. This system we live in demands that we think of ourselves as more than just parents to our own kids. We have to think generationally. We can’t just think about getting ours, or protecting ours. We have to think like a village, like a group.The Stoics remind us that we are “made for each other.” Marcus Aurelius spoke dozens of times about the “common good.” He didn’t just care about his kids. He cared about everybody’s kids. Because that’s what justice—what doing the right thing—demands of us. It’s better to think of “our kids” as everybody. We’re all in this together, every single dad. We’re all better if we’re doing better, together. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/13/2019 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
There Are Things Better To Just Not Think About
Emily Oster is a writer and a thinker after our own heart. Frustrated with all the bad parenting advice—most of which seems to be based on old wives’ tales and ridiculously bad data—she set out to apply her economist training to the subject of parenting. What kind of sleep training is best? Formula or breastfeeding? Screen time, good or bad?The result was her book Cribsheet: A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting from Birth to Preschool, which is worth reading and recommending to anyone with young kids. But what’s so interesting about the book is where it ends, which is not with some data driven insight but something completely anecdotal, and yet totally true. Oster, about to take her daughter on an international trip, anxiously asked the pediatrician what would happen if her daughter was stung by a bee while they were away. What if she’s allergic? What if something bad happens? You know the script, what if, what if, what if?The doctor’s reply: “I’d just try not to think about that.”As Emily explained in an interview:I think about that advice all the time because it’s pretty broadly applicable to a lot of things in parenting. We can get caught up in every tiny decision and miss the enjoyment of parenting and the part of this that’s supposed to be fun. It just pushed against some of my worse instincts as a parent to just obsess over everything. Sometimes you just have to accept that you cannot control everything. That’s hard, but it’s part of the fun. Also, the kid was eventually stung by a bee, and it was totally fine.Selective ignorance seems like a dangerous parenting strategy, and, of course, if practiced all the time, would be. But there is no way you’re going to be a good dad if all you do is worry about everything that could possibly happen. There’s no way you’ll be present or fun or attentive if your mind is constantly running through worst case scenarios. There’s no way you’ll get the big decisions right if you’re sweating every tiny decision. There are some things it’s better not to think about. There are some times when we just need to accept that we’re winging it. There are some problems we’ll just have to solve when we get to them--if we even have to get to them. In the meantime, we’ve got plenty of other things to go do it!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/12/2019 • 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Your Kid is Not a Status Symbol
Did you know DJ Khaled has a son? And his name is Asahd? Of course you did, because if you’ve heard of DJ Khaled even once in the last couple years, it’s probably come up. His social media feed is like 100% photos of his kid (Asahd had his own Instagram account with nearly 2 million followers). His dad named his most recent album Father of Asahd. He put a picture of his kid on the cover. In interviews, he even claimed his son “produced” the album. Dad even designed a signature shoe with Asahd that they sell at Kids Footlocker.All this for a two year old. It’s cute at first. But if you think a little bit more about it, it raises some red flags. Is this really what the kid wants? Is this really healthy or appropriate? Or is it just a cheap way to get attention and exploit his cuteness? Most of us are not rappers or influencers, so the ethics of a lot of those questions are sort of irrelevant. But we are dads and it’s important we draw some clear boundaries when it comes to our kids. Our kids are our kids. They are not status symbols. They are not extensions of us (or our brands). They are not here so we can impress people—at dinner conversations or in the media. Where they go to college says nothing about us. How cute they look dressed up for their birthday says nothing about us. Our job is to take care of them, not exploit them. We’re supposed to let them get to be normal, to have a childhood—not to draw them into our adult world prematurely, or because it’s easier for us. That’s the best gift the Father of [Insert Your Kid’s Name] can give them. It might not seem as cool as a platinum record or a shoe deal or bragging rights in front of your friends, but it will go a lot further in making sure they have a healthy, balanced, happy life.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Don’t Give Them an Ego
You love your kids more than anything. You think they’re God’s gift (which they are, to you!). You want them to know how you feel about them, and you feel bad when they feel bad about themselves. These are all perfectly healthy and laudable feelings.At the same time, we have to make sure we’re not puffing up their ego with our endless praise and our very natural bias towards their virtues and blindness to their vices. Seneca knew this balance was not easy—it isn’t for any parent. It’s hard for grandparents and uncles too. But if our goal is to raise well-adjusted, self-aware kids, we’ll have to work for it. Even if our instinct is to rush over and tell them they’re the greatest, most special-est little kiddo there ever was. As Seneca writes in his essay, Of Anger, this requires speaking honestly—with kindness—and holding them accountable for their actions. Even if that pains us. He explains:Flattery, then, must be kept well out of the way of children. Let a child hear the truth, and sometimes fear it: let him always reverence it. Let him rise in the presence of his elders. Let him obtain nothing by flying into a passion: let him be given when he is quiet what was refused him when he cried for it: let him behold, but not make use of his father's wealth: let him be reproved for what he does wrong. It will be advantageous to furnish boys with even-tempered teachers and paedagogi: what is soft and unformed clings to what is near, and takes its shape: the habits of young men reproduce those of their nurses and paedagogi.Seneca knew what he was talking about because he saw Nero’s mother do the opposite. She indulged his every whim. She cleared every obstacle out of his path. She made him think he was infallible and invincible. By the time she brought in an even-tempered teacher like Seneca around to be a good influence, it was too late. She had ruined her son. And he in turn ruined himself and nearly ruined Rome.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Who Cares What That Idiot Thinks?
There are going to be moments in fatherhood—when you’re dancing to Baby Shark to entertain your kid, or you’re way into the third book in the Twilight series for your daughter or you’re making the lamest dad joke of all time—where you might be tempted to step back and think: Oh God, what would the twenty year old version of me think of this? I told myself, I’d never be this guy, and here I am setting up a tent at a soccer game and putting sunscreen on my nose. If they saw me right now, would they mock me mercilessly? Would they kick my ass?We all think that. We all have that 16-year-old or 25-year-old in our head with their strange, arbitrary and always critical standards for what selling out, or settling, or giving in looks like. Here’s the thing though—and hopefully your own kids give you some perspective on this—but you had absolutely no idea what you were talking about when you first thought those things. You were inexperienced. You were entitled. You were completely self-absorbed. And you were insecure and you were scared and you had not even an inkling of what real love and happiness was. So that you would be different now, at age _____ with _____ kids? That you would be doing things now you never thought you’d find yourself doing? That’s not selling out. That’s not settling. You’re not a loser. No, you just know something about life now. You know what really matters now. You know what is important to you. And you don’t care as much what people think anymore...starting with that naive teenager in your head.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Let ‘Em See You Work
One of the unusual side effects of our modern lives is how siloed work is for most people. “Work” is a place you drive to in the morning and come home from in the evening. It’s what you’re doing while your kids are at school, or in other cases, while they’re asleep at night. Great dads (and healthy people) aspire to what we call “work life balance” which only further perpetuates this silo. Work is not supposed to intersect with your time with your kids. The problem? Well, where are your kids supposed to learn the importance of work ethic? How are they supposed to know what a hard working dad looks like if they never actually get to see it? How are they supposed to learn what work looks like at all?There is an old Latin expression A bove maiori discit arare minor. The younger ox learns to plow from the elder. That’s because the oxen would be harnessed in together. The kid would not only get to see their dad do what they do, they’d be literally strapped into it together. Obviously good boundaries are important. Obviously you don’t want your work life to overwhelm or interfere with your home life. But make sure that striving for this balance doesn’t accidentally deprive your kid of an important example—Dad, the provider. Dad, the protector. Dad, the hard-working guy they can hold up as an inspiration. It doesn’t matter what your profession is, whether you’re a CEO or a stay-at-home dad or you’ve since retired. Show your kids your work. Show ‘em how much you put into it. Let them see you sweat. It’s good for you and it’s good for them.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Teach Them to Choose
It makes sense that you and mom would make most of the decisions for your kids. You guys know more. Your kids basically know nothing. About life. About what the weather is going to be tomorrow. How the world works. You, on the other hand, have been 7 as well as 17-years-old before. Not only does that give you a lot more experience, but it’s also pretty obvious that most decisions don’t matter. You’ve got places to go and more important things to worry about, so you pick their clothes out to be done with it—to move things along.The problem with this is that you’re depriving your kids of a very important skill: The ability to make decisions. Is it any wonder than so many teenagers are utterly overwhelmed when it comes to choosing where to go to college? Or what to major in? For most of them, it’s the first real decision they’ve made in their lives.That’s why, as a Dad, you have to actively work to not choose everything for them. Ask them whether they want to go to the park or play catch in the yard. Ask them what movie they want to see. What should we cook for dinner? Do you want to take a shower tonight or a bath? Would you rather go out for the baseball or the basketball team? If you don’t like mowing the lawn, what’s another chore you’d like to do to contribute around the house? Shorts or pants today? Go pick out something to wear. Teach them how to choose. Empower them. Make sure they know how to decide, and to be OK with it, even if they decide wrong. It doesn’t matter that you know more. Let them learn. Life is decisions. Prepare them for it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 33 seconds
They Don't Feel as Old as They Look
Do you remember when you were in fourth grade and you looked across the playground and saw the sixth graders? They looked so much older. So much bigger. Their lives seemed so much different than yours. Then time passed and eventually you took the place of those sixth graders on the playground. But did you actually feel that much older and bigger and different? Of course not. You didn’t feel anything like what you imagined those confident, older kids would have felt like. You were still you—insecure, scared, wondering what to do next. It’s important to realize this phenomenon is not a quirk of your personality. It is a nearly universal human experience. We all have a little bit of that imposter syndrome, no matter what we look like or how old or young we are. Your own kids are no exception. Even though they are growing like crazy, even though they might pretend to be so mature and so beyond where they were even a few months ago, the truth is that inside they are full of doubts and concerns. They are looking around wondering when the hell they are going to feel as put together and as ‘adult’ as they imagine everyone else does. Your 5-year-old feels that way. Your 15-year-old feels that way. Your 25-year-old feels that way. Just as you did. Just as you will continue to at 45 and 50 and 75. So be there for them. See through the posturing. Reassure them. Love them accordingly.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds
Curb Sometimes, Spur at Others
Seneca was a father, though we don’t know much, if anything, about his son. We know he was a wonderful uncle, and that he struggled valiantly as a tutor to reign in the impulses of Nero. What kind of father was he? How did he teach his young charges? We don’t have many specifics, but in his essay On Anger, Seneca does give us fathers some advice on how to raise our kids—specifically when it comes to making sure they are not spoiled, mean, or cruel. Here is a thought from Seneca this morning on the importance of encouragement and freedom:A boy's spirit is increased by freedom and depressed by slavery: it rises when praised, and is led to conceive great expectations of itself: yet this same treatment produces arrogance and quickness of temper: we must therefore guide him between these two extremes, using the curb at one time and the spur at another.He must undergo no servile or degrading treatment; he never must beg abjectly for anything, nor must he gain anything by begging; let him rather receive it for his own sake, for his past good behaviour, or for his promises of future good conduct.Our job as Dads is to encourage as well as enforce, to spur as well as curb. One kid might need more of one, while another kid needs less of the other. The same kid on different days might need different things. But that’s what you’re there for. That’s what you’re supposed to help them with—to spur them to want to be great by themselves.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
Punishment Should Make Them Better
Punishments aren’t supposed to be fun. They’re suppose to deter bad behavior. That’s why kids get grounded or sent to their room. That’s why we take away their toys or iPad privileges. It’s supposed to send a message: Listen or you lose out. Randall Stutman is probably one of the most influential coaches you’ve never heard of. Basically every Wall Street bank and hedge fund of any significance has hired him as an advisor at one point or another. A lot of the CEOs and executives ask him about parenting. He has one piece of advice relating to consequences for bad behavior: Punishment should make them better.It’s pretty fitting advice coming from a coach too. Think about it: A basketball coach who is disappointed in someone’s effort, makes them go do sprints, or pushups. It’s not fun and it makes the kid stronger. A football player who didn’t make their GPA has to go to extra study sessions. An athlete who gets in trouble off the court might have to do community service or write an apology letter. These are more than simple deterrents. They’re punishments that make them better both as players and as people. When you get upset, when you catch your kid doing something they’re not supposed to do, Dad, make sure that you don’t punish out of emotion or out of fear. Take a minute. Come up with a punishment that makes them better. Something they wouldn’t choose to do, but is good for them. Vocab drills. Memorizing state capitals. Volunteering somewhere. Picking up trash. Painting the house. They won’t like it, but one day, they may actually thank you for it. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Is It Really Time to Go?
Even the most patient dad gets bored. Or has somewhere to be. Or really doesn’t see what makes this flower--the 400th one drawn in a row--so special. So we want to prod our kids along. Dinner’s almost ready. We’re going to be late. The game’s about to start. It’s really hot out here.The entrepreneur Derek Sivers has talked about how hard he works to override these instincts. Because the truth is, most of the stuff we’re rushing to is not that urgent. “Whatever he’s doing right now, that’s the most important thing,” Derek wrote. “So I encourage him to keep doing it as long as possible. I never say, ‘Come on! Let’s go!’ Of course my adult mind wanders to all the other things we could be doing. But I let it go, and return to that present focus.”There is a certain amount of Zen in that, which is valuable to us for its own sake. But with regard to our kids, it’s also teaching them a valuable skill. Shouldn’t we want them to develop the ability to focus and pursue their curiosity? Isn’t it worth it for them to get a little dirty or for you to show up to the birthday party a bit late because they were really, intensely alive for a few minutes? And isn’t this a better problem to have than struggling to motivate a bunch of screen addicted zombies, as is so often the case for modern parents these days?Encourage your kids. Resist the urge to hurry. It’s not really time to go. You’re exactly where you—and they—need to be.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 22 seconds
What are Your Rules?
In her memoir, Composed, Rosanne Cash talks about how she wished she was as a parent of small children and how different that was from the reality. She recalls that her biggest rule ended up being no juice after 5pm. Why? Something about sugar before bed. In any case, although she knows she did the best she could, Rosanne looks back and wishes she had imposed more structure, more rules on her young children. That’s something we have to think about as dads. Part of the job of a parent is to come up with the rules of the house and to enforce them (and for them to make sense too!). Winging it might seem better, except that means you’re judging every situation anew—deciding in the moment what to allow and what not to. Letting things slide might seem easier, but the chaos that flows from it is much more difficult.So what are the rules of your house? What’s expected of your kids—in terms of chores, behaviors, and habits? What’s forbidden? What don’t we do in this house? Are you firm about the rules? Do you make sure everyone follows them, including yourself? And then, crucially, what is the logic behind these rules and can you explain them in a way that gets real buy in and understanding? A father is not a tyrant...but a person who makes arbitrary rules without explaining them is. Create some rules. Stick to them. Be fair about them. Your kids might not love them now, but when they look back on their childhood, they will at least be grateful for the structure and the clarity they provided.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Practice the Pause
In her famous and controversial book Bringing Up Bébé, the author Pamela Druckerman talks about Le Pause—The Pause—as the secret to French parenting, and their sleep-trained infants. Basically, instead of rushing in as soon as their kids start to cry, French parents pause. They wait a few minutes, understanding that newborns often cry between sleep cycles, and that if you disrupt them (even to comfort them) you are actually preventing them from learning how to sleep. Sleep training is a polarizing and controversial topic among parents, so let’s not even go there. Instead, let’s take a minute to consider that le pause can actually be a great strategy for dads in all facets of their kids life. When you son trips and falls, do you need to rush over as if it was a life or death emergency? Or can you pause, and let him figure out how hurt he is first, whether he wants or needs to cry?When your daughter comes over and starts to tell you something, do you have to try to help her explain what she is saying? Or can you pause and let her struggle with the words, and learn how to say it on her own?When your teenager explains why they want to quit the track team, why start arguing right away? Can you pause and let them propose what they want to do instead?When your wife messes up or scratches the car or is rude, what if you didn’t get upset? Can you pause and consider all the things on her plate? And how it almost certainly wasn’t intentional?If one of your kids calls to tell you that they are gay or getting a divorce or are in some kind of trouble, do you need to say anything at all right away? Or can you pause? Can you suspend judgement and just listen? And just be there?Practice the pause.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Epithets for Your Kid
One of the most interesting passages in Marcus Aurelius is this one:Epithets for yourself: Upright. Modest. Straightforward. Sane. Cooperative. Try not to exchange for others.These were essentially the words he wanted to live by—his principles expressed in the fewest syllables possible. At we’ve spent the last couple years talking about how important it is to figure out what these epithets are and to make sure we are living by them.But here is another way to look at. What if as a father you sat down—ideally with your co-parent—and fleshed out what those words mean for each of your children too? As in what kind of kid are you trying to raise? What are the watchwords that you are attempting to move them towards with your parenting?Some obvious ones:Kind.Loyal.Moral.Honest.And maybe some more specific ones to help them succeed in the worldCreative. Bilingual. Hard-working. A lifelong learner.Maybe to some dads it’s important for their kids to be athletic. Another, a reader. Others still that their kids live a life of service. There is a lot of room here for choice and most of the answers are right. But if you don’t know what you’re aiming for, how can you expect to hit a target? How do you know you’re not accidentally teaching them to exchange one epithet for another? The truth is you can’t. So get writing.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 17 seconds
Help Them Carry the Fire
There are brief moments where you get a glimpse inside your kid’s soul. When they meet their baby brother or sister for the first time and start to cry because of how much love they feel. When they say something truthful and real in a way that adults would never dare. When they offer to share what little they have with somebody else, without any prompting from you. It’s in these moments that you get the sense that humans are born with inherent goodness. It’s not something we are just taught. It’s a gift that comes to us at birth. There is purity there. Innocence. And yet, as a grown up, you’ve seen enough of the world to know that most people are no longer innocent and pure and good.So what does that mean? It means your job as a dad is to protect and encourage and nurture that goodness. In Cormac McCarthy’s haunting novel, The Road, he calls this “the fire.” A dad’s job is to help their child carry the fire, to keep them safe long enough that this goodness can pass onto the next generation, and that hope and light can remain in this dark world a little longer. That’s what you have to do today and every day. Help them carry the fire. Protect the gift. Pass on the light.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 1 minute, 56 seconds
This is a Fresh Start
We were all deprived or hurt in our childhoods. Even the best parents left something to be desired. Maybe we were ignored. Or maybe we were pressured too much. Maybe Mom’s insecurity was a burden to us. Or Dad’s sense of humor cut too deeply. Maybe our family was poor. Maybe our family was too rich, too materialistic. We wished then that things would be different. We wished that they could just understand. That they could just give us what we needed. It didn’t happen. And that hurt. But now we have a second chance. Now we are the parent. You are Dad. The question then is what are you doing to do it differently? How are you going to handle this second chance? The past can’t be undone. But we can heal old wounds by being for someone else what we needed ourselves. And we can make a better world by being for our kids, what our parents were not for us.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 1 minute, 53 seconds
Blow Their Nose, and Your Own
Because women can seem so much better at this parenting stuff, because historical gender roles have often decided for them that most household duties are their responsibility, there is a secret strategy that father’s have been relying on for generations: Pretend to be bad at something and your wife (or your mother or a well-meaning neighbor) will take care of it for you. Feign like you can’t figure out the car seat? Here, I’ll do it.Make a couple really bad dinners. Here, I’ll do it.Act really overwhelmed. Here, I’ll hire a babysitter to help while I’m out of town.Any dad can tell you, this works. Deep down, they also know it’s incredibly manipulative and unfair. It’s a violation of a basic principle of adulthood, too, because instead of stepping up for ourselves and our commitments, we’re letting someone else do it for us. The Stoics said that we are responsible for blowing our own noses. We are. And when we became dads, we signed up to blow our kids noses until they were old enough to do it themselves. We can’t just pass these responsibilities onto our spouse or their mother or even hired help. We have to do a lot of it ourselves. Because we signed up for it. Because it sets a bad example if we don’t. Because we’ll be better and more confident if we get some wins under our belt.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 7 seconds
Your Kids are Not a Reflection of You
The philosopher Stilpo of Megara had a daughter who had a bad reputation. We don’t know what for, it could have be deserved or it could have been one of those ridiculously minor violations of etiquette that the ancient world was so obsessed about. They weren’t exactly shy about double standards back then, especially when it came to women.But that’s beside the point. Someone once tried to shame Stilpo for his daughter’s reputation. His reply is worth noting: “She is not more a disgrace to me than I am an honour to her.”This might seem like a detached or un-fatherly thing to say, but it is in fact, the healthiest and most respectful approach for a parent to have. Your kids are their own people. If they succeed and go to a great college and make a lot of money, that’s because they worked hard and got there. It doesn’t really say anything about you. If they mess up, it’s because they messed up. It doesn’t say you’re a bad father. The same goes for your successes and your failures—your kids aren’t extra special or important just because you’re great at your job. Your kids are no less important or special because you’re out of work or struggling. Yes, of course, we’re all working together and as a parent, it’s your responsibility to care for them, love them, provide for them, and teach them the right lessons. But don’t associate what they do, what they wear, whether they’re the cool kid at school or a little awkward, with yourself. And don’t assume that just because you’re you that that somehow raises or lowers expectations for them. Life is hard enough for a kid out there. Don’t make it harder. Don’t add extra pressure. Let them be their own people. Love them the same, always, no matter what happens or how things go.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
How to Get Them to Read (Or Do Anything)
We want our kids to read. We want them to read instead of watching so much TV or playing with the iPad. So we make up rules or create incentives to motivate them to pick up a book (I’ll give you a dollar for every book you finish this year). What we don’t do enough is actually the easiest and clearest form of teaching: We don’t provide a good example.How often do your kids catch you reading? How often do they see you with a book in your hands? You want them to read, but do you read regularly to them? You tell them books are important, that books are fun, but where is the evidence? If you want your kids to read more, show them what a reader looks like. Talk to them about books. Make books a central part of your house...and your lives. Think about those curse words they know. You’ve actually been trying to get them not to use them...but where did your kids pick them up? By watching you. And what’s true for books is true for just about anything—being healthy, being kind, being a hard workerSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/3/2019 • 1 minute, 47 seconds
Why Kids Like Their Grandparents
Even if it wasn’t such a relief for overworked dads and moms, it’d hurt a little to think about how much our kids love their grandparents. It almost seems like they prefer grandma and grandpa sometimes, don’t they?Why is that?It’s pretty simple. Because grandparents have outgrown most of their baggage. They have let go. Even a lot of grandparents who were demanding and exacting parents seem to finally settle into themselves and manage to be exactly what the generation once removed needs. And kids can sense this: Grandma loves me for me. She’s so nice all the time. Grandpa just wants to hang out. He doesn’t try to make me do anything. He doesn’t boss me around or correct me, he just listens.Of course, this isn’t universally true...there are lots of bad grandparents out there. But what makes the great ones great is that they’re present, accepting, and proud. Traits that are unfortunately easy to lose sight of as busy, stressed out, and well-meaning parents.Which makes it a decent test to consider when we get really worked up or worried or upset with our kids: How would a grandparent think about this? What if I wasn’t such a dad about this? Would that make things better?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/2019 • 2 minutes, 2 seconds
It's All Quality Time
You’ll hear other dads talk about the need for “quality time” with their kids. It’s sort of a strange phrase, if you think about it. Because it implies a kind of hierarchy of time that nobody has ever really bothered to define. There’s a judgement to it too, that maybe the time or experiences you—the busy, ordinary, doing-the-best-you-can dad—give your kids is not enough. The comedian Jerry Seinfield, who has three kids—an 18-year-old daughter, a 16-year-old son, and a 13-year-old son—pushes back against that. Special days? Nah. Every day is special. Every minute can be quality time:I’m a believer in the ordinary and the mundane. These guys that talk about "quality time" – I always find that a little sad when they say, "We have quality time." I don’t want quality time. I want the garbage time. That’s what I like. You just see them in their room reading a comic book and you get to kind of watch that for a minute, or [having] a bowl of Cheerios at 11 o’clock at night when they’re not even supposed to be up. The garbage, that’s what I love.Your job is not to entertain them. Or to curate every minute of their lives so that everything is meaningful and important and edifying. Your job is to be their dad. You job is to be there. To help them see that quality is what we make it, that it’s always within our reach if we so choose. Eating cereal together can be wonderful. Blowing off school for a fun day together can be wonderful—but so can the twenty minute drive in traffic to school. So can taking out the garbage or watching a garbage truck meander through the neighborhood. All time with your kids is created equal. What do you with it is what makes it special.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/2019 • 2 minutes, 30 seconds
No, This is the Special Part
In her wonderful book On Looking, Alexandra Horowitz takes a series of walks in different environments. What does a geologist see on a city block? What does a naturalist see walking through a park? What does a dog see on a short walk around the block? But the most interesting walk was the one Alexandra took with her 19-month-old. The idea was that she would take her young son and really try on his perspective about the world. So they walk out of Alexandra’s apartment, down the hall to the elevator, down and out of the elevator, and across the lobby to the front door, where they would start the walk. And as Alexandra went to check in with her 19-month-old son as they headed out onto the city street, she suddenly realized...that the walk had begun the second they started getting ready in the apartment.To an adult, things have official beginnings and ends. Parties have start times. The gift is given when it is unwrapped and opened. A fun family dinner kicks off when everyone sits down. It ends when the last bite of dessert has been eaten. Everything else is prep or clean-up. Of course, this is all a product of our adult labeling-minds. To a kid, anything can be special and fun. A walk doesn’t have to be outside. Dinner can be anywhere and at anytime. How many stories have we heard or pictures have we seen of young children spending hours on Christmas morning playing in the cardboard box that the actual gift came in? This sincerity and presentness is wonderful. As fathers, we have to appreciate it. We have to encourage it and make sure we don’t crush it with subtle corrections and insistence on the “official” way things are or should be. Most of all, we have to learn from this love of the moment, and add it as much as possible to our own lives. For, the walk truly can begin when the shoes go on, not just when they first hit the pavement.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/2019 • 2 minutes, 37 seconds
What a Good Sport Looks Like
As we’ve said before, Seneca was a father and a father figure to many people. Even today, through his writing, he remains an inspiring, patient, and firm father figure through the advice he wrote thousands of years ago. We don’t know what kind of father he was, but we can imagine that his kid (and the kids he tutored) were taught the lessons of sportsmanship, an essential skill for athletes and for life. How you handle winning and losing shows so much about who you are—and the earlier kids are taught this, the more prepared they will be for the real world (which includes plenty of both). In his essay, Of Anger, Seneca lays out some specific advice for fathers when it comes to teaching your kid how to be a good sport. He writes:In contests with his comrades we ought not to allow him to become sulky or fly into a passion: let us see that he be on friendly terms with those whom he contends with, so that in the struggle itself he may learn to wish not to hurt his antagonist but to conquer him: Whenever he has gained the day or done something praiseworthy, we should allow him to enjoy his victory, but not to rush into transports of delight: for joy leads to exultation, and exultation leads to swaggering and excessive self-esteem.This is important. We want to give our kids a will to win, but one they can control and contain. We want them to feel good when they win, without being so dependent or addicted to that feeling that they are crushed when, inevitably, they lose. We don’t want their success to fuel their ego, or their shortcomings on the field to lead to insecurity or self-loathing. It, like all things, is about balance. And most of all, about being respectful, responsible, and enjoying the process more than the results.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/2/2019 • 2 minutes, 41 seconds
An Important Rule for Dads
The economist Russ Roberts is a guy who understands how the world works. He knows about the laws of the economy and government. He knows about philosophy and he knows about history. He lives his life by a number of rules and rituals. He keeps Shabbat, for instance, and he commits to regularly tithing a portion of his income. He has another rule, specifically for dads, that is worth thinking about today:If your child offers you a hand to hold, take itThe preciousness of childhood, the preciousness of this day, today, this moment when your child wants your hand for comfort can be hard to appreciate in the moment. You might be tired. Or just tired of holding your child’s hand. Take it anyway. As they get older, they assert their independence. That’s good. But in the meanwhile, hold their hand, take care of them with an open heart. And when they ask to hear Curious George for the nth time, read it again as if it were the first. Life and relationships are an endless dance of reaching out and pulling away. You reach out to your kids, they pull away—they’re busy, they’re in front of their friends, they’re mad at you. You try to help them and they don’t want it. You want what’s best for them but they don’t understand. We can’t control that. It’s going to hurt sometimes. Signals will get crossed. It’s heartbreaking but it’s part of growing up. What we can control is that whenever they reach out—whenever they offer us a hand to hold—that we take that opportunity. When they want to lay in our bed with us, we can let them. When they call on the phone, we can answer—even if we’re in a meeting. When they ask to talk about something, we can listen, whatever it’s about. We can hold them tight every chance we have. We need to make a rule of it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at