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The CreateU Experience

English, Education, 3 seasons, 165 episodes, 3 days, 21 hours
With a NEW in-person podcast on YouTube and all audio platforms every Tuesday, Brendan Meyers brings you experiential interviews, motivation, and strategies to enhance your fitness, business, and overall quality of life. From a former college athlete and exercise physiology graduate, to over 2.5 million followers on social and owning several successful online businesses - he has the experiences and structure, along with his guests, to bring your vision to life. Welcome to the CreateU Experience!**When you review the podcast on Itunes by using this link -- , you receive 7 FREE gifts including an ab workout and meal plans!
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Episode 110: Pushing For A Natural Experience With MD, Mike Diamonds

Social media gives you the ability to help as many people as possible. Today's guest is MD, Michael Diamonds, a medical doctor and influencer who advocates having a natural experience in bodybuilding. In this episode, Dr. Mike discusses with Brendan Meyers how sharing his natural bodybuilding experience on social media helped many people in their own journeys. Join in the conversation and discover how your actions inspire someone, even if you aren't aware of it. You don't want to miss this insightful discussion. Sit back and enjoy!Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts
6/11/202139 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 109: The American Dream With Jordan Staucet

For many, reaching the American dream is their end goal. It is what makes them get out in the morning and work themselves out. Just like every success story you've ever heard, getting to the top isn't a piece of cake. But if there's someone who can inspire you to take the first bite, it's Jordan Staucet, co-owner at LevelOne Distributing. He joins Brendan Meyers to share his inspiring journey to success. Jordan started his career with so much passion and willingness to succeed. Taking the leap and getting into the medical industry, he discovered the beauty of slowing down. By doing so, he learned more about the industry and created relationships, which later on made him closer to the path to success. Jordan wants to inspire everyone to get out of their way a bit and appreciate slowing down because great things take time, and they don't just happen overnight.Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts
6/4/202133 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 108: Acne Changed Our Lives With Brian Turner

Changing and improving yourself isn’t just a physical journey. You can also change and transform how you think, consciously and subconsciously. Join Brendan Meyers as he gets into a conversation with fitness expert and skin-care influencer, the Skin Boss himself, Brian Turner. Brian talks about influencing people on social media, how he beat acne, and how to deal with negative people online. Brian also shares insights on how to influence your subconscious mind. Listen in for tips on becoming a better you.
5/25/202140 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 107: The Real Growth Of Entrepreneurship With Rob Miller

Being an entrepreneur is one thing but growing as one is another. You won't be able to reach the next level if you just stay inside your little box, doing the same thing over and over again. It's good practice to branch out, experiment, network with other entrepreneurs because all of that will play a role in the growth of your business. Join your host Brendan Meyers as he talks with Robert Miller about establishing growth in your business. Rob is the Chief Strategy Officer of the digital marketing agency, ScaleBold. Rob helps entrepreneurs achieve true growth, particularly in E-commerce. Learn why networking is important, why challenging yourself to new things is necessary for creating growth, and why you shouldn't follow the same old path that everyone goes on. Get ready to make a big impact today with Robert Miller.
5/21/202143 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 106: YouTube Mastery, Scale To 1M Subs With Stan Browney

Are you an aspiring YouTuber? Is creative content your passion? Check Brendan Meyers as he interviews Stan Browney. Listen how Stan, at 13 years old at that time, started to make videos and create online content out of passion. Learn how he scaled up to a million subscribers on YouTube in four years and what pushes him to pursue this kind of career. Plus, found out why he proved his parents wrong. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts
4/5/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 105: Carrying The World On Your Shoulders With Kevin Kreider

Asian representation has always been powerful in show business, particularly in Hollywood, but it cannot be denied that they are still far from reaching the spotlight. With this in mind, actor Kevin Kreider has decided to use his talents to create a healthy community for his fellow Asian-Americans. Joining Brendan Meyers, he talks about his life as an adopted South Korean living with white people and how that led to pursuing greatness in acting and modeling. He explains how he helps empower Asians through his work, especially in the show Bling Empire, to give his people that much-needed highlight. Kevin also talks about his challenges of being in the eyes of the public constantly, sharing how looking out for the right opportunities and learning the art of detachment helps him cope with failures and rejections left and right.Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts
3/31/202155 minutes, 36 seconds
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Slow The F* Down With Tyler Holt

In your self-development journey, as well as in your business and dealing with other people, developing patience is always the key. It’s allowing things to blossom in the way that they’re going to bloom. Too often, people want instant gratification. They want things right NOW. However, many things can’t be rushed, and not everything will go exactly how you want in the timeframe that you want all the time. On today’s show, Brendan Meyers brings on business owner Tyler Holt to talk about the merits of having patience, slowing down, and going with the flow of your business. Tyler also talks about how patience correlates with the success of your business, relationships, and where you want to go in life. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts
3/19/202124 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 103: Terminal Cancer To Multi 6-Figure Business Owner With Logan Sneed

Despite the world constantly looking for instant and fast-tracked results, real success can only be achieved through a tedious yet meaningful process. Therefore, the best entrepreneurial mindset must involve persistence, patience, and resilience. Brendan Meyers brings in Logan Sneed from Fitpreneur Academy to share his inspiring story of recovering from a severe brain tumor, learning about the ketogenic diet, and helping people build their own fitness businesses. He explains how the best business partnerships take time to find a solid foundation and block your ego from getting in the way of your success. Logan also explains why entrepreneurs must concentrate on just a small audience that offers high returns and how important it is to provide solutions than merely selling.
3/17/202148 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is Big D* Energy A Real Thing? (With A 22-Year-Old) With Andrew Wicker

Are you a fitness coach wanting to build your business on social media? Then you need to have the Big D* Energy! Andrew Wicker, the General Manager for CreateU gym, joins Brendan Meyers in this episode. Andrew explains what the Big D* Energy is all about: being confident in your own skin and where you are as a person. Today’s episode features an interesting conversation on how you can tap into yourself and get the confidence you need to step up and speak out. Join in and discover your Big D* Energy!
3/5/202124 minutes, 47 seconds
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From The Military To Realtor With 1.5M On TikTok (Zachary Loft)

Zachary Loft is a legend. If you’re in real estate, you would know him as the realtor who has 1.5 million followers on TikTok. You would never have guessed that if you saw young Zachary just out of the Army, living the full reserve lifestyle, having no clue what he wanted to do. But when he got introduced to real estate, he placed himself in a trajectory that would keep him addicted to growth, both in wealth and influence, but all in a good way. And it all started when Zachary burned the proverbial boat and stuck his feet into the flames. Brendan Meyers takes him to the show so that we can learn a thing or two from how this stellar person created his own life by being consistent, different, and unapologetically himself.
3/2/202143 minutes, 13 seconds
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Fitness Saved My Life (An Untold Story)

A time of rapid physical development and profound emotional changes, the teenage years is the hardest period of a person’s life. Coupled with peer pressure, it can be a confusing and uncomfortable time which, in a lot of cases, leads to a lot of problems such as teen pregnancy, suicide, bullying, depression, drug and alcohol use, and many more. Brendan Meyers is no stranger to these problems, having grown up with severe acne that caused him anxiety and stress when he looked at himself in the mirror. In today’s show, he tells the untold story of how fitness saved his life and how he overcame the things that were holding him back.
2/26/202115 minutes, 55 seconds
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Get More Buyers & Followers (Funnel Hacking)

Regardless of what your business is or the kind of offers you have, the way you connect with people is still the most impactful factor in any marketing strategy. By learning the right way to funnel hacking, entrepreneurs can determine which business holes to patch and how to properly show up to their target market. Brendan Meyers delves into the three parts of the business funnel and how to approach each one: the top ones, who may not have heard of you ever; the middle ones, who are starting to show interest in your business and are just waiting to be entertained; and the bottom ones, who are on their last stage of becoming buyers and even regular patrons. If handled well, this funnel can provide the smoothest operations and cash flow any business owner could ever wish for. 
2/19/202120 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Big 3 To Scaling Your Coaching/Training Business With Mathew Park

The biggest difference between growing and scaling is impact and nowhere does it apply more than in the coaching world. A leading high-performance coach and professional bodybuilder, Mathew Park, joins Brendan Meyers to show the biggest things that contribute to scaling a coaching business. Mathew shares his journey of becoming a coach that led him to help people become successful. He reveals the truth about making an impact on people and having a thousand to none followers bring revenue. Mathew emphasizes the importance of being in a mission to serve others, even when confronted with limitations. Dive in into this conversation and bring home three big nuggets of wisdom that you can start applying in your own business now!
2/15/202126 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 97: You Don't Fear Selling, You Fear Opinions!

Many entrepreneurs offer the most sophisticated products and yet are still unable to grow, expand, or move forward. One of the most probable reasons that this is so is because of their strong fear of opinions. By always concentrating on the negative feedback you receive from customers alone, your offers would not see the light of day no matter what. Brendan Meyers aims to change this stigma by presenting a simple eight-day journaling process to deliver the best products and continue engaging with clients instead of simply falling into the abyss of insecurity. He also shares a simple process of self-awareness check for entrepreneurs to be able to understand their experiences and trauma that may be hindering them to come across customers in the most engaging ways.
2/12/202125 minutes, 24 seconds
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Running Through Life's Hurdles With Jonnie Ellis

The pandemic seems to have turned the whole world upside down and has torn down many businesses in its path. One company that is flourishing despite it, though, is Fit Sol, the brainchild of Jonnie Ellis and the premier provider of virtual and in-person corporate wellness and personal training. Jonnie’s story is a story of transformation. Five years ago, he wasn’t even in the fitness industry but owned a dispensary in Denver. He relates how his falling out with a business partner led him to create success in the fitness space and the opportunity to serve some of the largest tech corporations in the world, especially with the pandemic restrictions now where basically everything has to be virtual. 
2/8/202136 minutes, 35 seconds
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Using Feedback As Your Secret Weapon (LEADERSHIP)

Feedback is usually taken in a negative way, perhaps as a form of attack. But without gathering feedback and acknowledging them as they are, the path to true leadership will remain blocked. Brendan Meyers lists down five important points in getting feedback, digesting it, and utilizing it to hone your leadership skills and become a better person overall. He also explains why one who aims to get honest and constructive feedback must also learn the art of giving the same courtesy to other people.
1/29/202114 minutes, 5 seconds
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This 22-Year-Old CEO Is A Powerhouse, WOW! (With Nadya Okamoto)

Prepare to challenge your disbelief because this episode’s guest is an absolute powerhouse. Joining Brendan Meyers on the hot seat is Nadya Okamoto, the 22-year-old CEO of the lifestyle period brand, August. Fueled by a passion for eradicating period poverty among the homeless, Nadya started her first nonprofit when she was 14. Her hunger for learning and willingness to ask for support allowed her to achieve in a few years what most people will never accomplish in their lives. But there is another side to all this success. Nadya has her own share of hardships as a young leader of a new brand that is still in its build phase, coupled with an ongoing struggle to overcome childhood trauma and mental health issues. Brendan dives deep into these two sides of Nadya and shows us why she is a true embodiment of the CreateU Experience.
1/25/202132 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Business Building Mindset With Josh Clay

When you’re good at something, people can get value from you. It is the business building mindset, however, that brings that ability into fruition as it allows you to extend your services to the people who need it. This is what Josh Clay, a performance and movement specialist based in Santa Monica, California, discusses in his conversation with host, Brendan Meyers. As a fitness expert, Josh is very well aware of the value he can give through the services he offers, but he is also painfully aware that he will be doing people a disservice if he doesn’t scale his business to include as many clients as possible. Join in as they trade their insights on growing a business, building relationships, and more in this episode.
7/24/202025 minutes, 24 seconds
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Build Your Network (LIFE HACK)

Your network is your net worth. We keep hearing this saying every now and then, no matter what business you are in. True enough, if you want to succeed, then you should surround yourself with successful people and learn from them. In this episode, host, Brendan Meyers, dives deep into this great life hack of building your network. He shares with us his experiences of finding the people who inspire him to reach his goals, imparting some great wisdom to help us in our own journey.
7/17/202010 minutes, 17 seconds
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Focus on the GOOD!

The majority of people focus too much on the things that they’re going to lose at, and that what sets successful people, entrepreneurs, and brands apart. They’re all extremely focused on the big vision, the ultimate goal, and they never stop transforming. On today’s show, Brendan Meyers explains why we should be focusing on the good, and how this winning mindset can help us stop thinking about the possibility of losing. At the end of the day, if we don’t shoot for the stars, then we’ll never get there.
6/26/202013 minutes, 45 seconds
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Keeping Your Vision Alive

Times are tough right now, and if you haven’t bailed out on your dreams yet, you must be doing an excellent job. It is in times like this that we must keep pushing ourselves to keep our vision alive. In this reassuring episode, Brendan Meyers reminds us that we have come a long way to give up now. He shares some things we can do for ourselves to reconnect with our vision and get results. It is the very message of positivity that we all need in these trying times.
6/19/202012 minutes, 55 seconds
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Fighting Oppression With Joe Thurman

With everything happening around the race relations issue in the United States right now, thought leaders from all walks of life are stepping up and raising their voices in the fight against oppression. Joe Thurman is the Founder and CTO at Jobber Group – a corporate executive running a corporate organization. When not wearing his CEO suit, Joe is well aware that he is foremost a black person. With each turn of events, it becomes all the harder for him to ignore the realities around oppression and the struggle against it that is happening around him. Joining Brendan Meyers on this podcast, Joe shares his insights on the current state of events and raises a call to action against racial inequality and oppression. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
6/12/202052 minutes, 24 seconds
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Rushing Decisions Is OKAY!

Contrary to popular belief, doing things on impulse is not as bad as many would like us to think. On some occasions, it can even be seen as a strength. Brendan Meyers, in this Quick Time Friday episode, talks in praise of rushing decisions. He sheds light on how rushing decisions can help us when we have to take a risk—when we are at that game-time moment where it is okay to shoot for the fence. We don’t have to hold ourselves back all of the time. Sometimes, we have to trust our gut and allow it to reveal an opportunity that may have passed if we did not take that jump. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
6/5/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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People Come & Go… Accept It

People come and go. That’s just the simple truth of it. As you go through life, there will be friends that come in and out of it. On today’s show, Brendan Meyers talks about the reality of having to move on when the people around you don’t believe you or support your vision. Are there friends who are pointing fingers at you or teasing you or don’t want to deal with you? Maybe it’s time for you to move on and find new peeps to hang with to help you bring your vision to life. Think about how powerful you are and how much you can accomplish without these people holding you down. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
5/29/202011 minutes, 55 seconds
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Beer Talk With A Doctor With Dr. Michael DellaCorte

The way people have been living life has changed since circumstances around the world shifted, but that shouldn’t stop you from living life anyway. Whether it’s fitness or relationships, life still goes on, and you still have the right to live it. Over a couple of beers, Brendan Myers and Dr. Michael DellaCorte, a chiropractor with Health Edge Family Spinal Care, have honest conversations about how they’ve been living life. If you’ve been craving the feeling of a truthful discussion covering a variety of relatable subjects, Brendan and Michael’s conversation is definitely for you. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
5/22/202031 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Market Is SHIFTING!

So much has been happening with the current COVID-19 situation that it can be challenging to think about what’s next. Still, even with what we have to face now, it is necessary to look at the future because the reality is that people are going to be affected the most once we get out of the quarantine. In the middle of this is the shift in the market. Brendan Meyers guides us in confronting what is ahead by talking about the changes that are starting to surface and will impact us soon. Take to heart what Brendan is going to share because, at the end of the day, the businesses that shift with the market are the same ones that will stay. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
5/15/202012 minutes, 12 seconds
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Judgment Breeds Failure

With everything that is going on in the world, it is so easy to fall into a place of judgment. We allow our initial reactions to get the best of us that we fail to take a step back and look carefully into the situation. We judge things and other people too quickly; we forget to assess, understand, and learn. In this episode, Brendan Meyers talks about judgment and how it breeds failure. He talks about it in the context of our egos, highlighting the way judgment gets us nowhere. In a world where negativity runs high, challenge yourself to be better. Brendan tells you how. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
5/1/202012 minutes, 43 seconds
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YouTube – My Exposed Opinion!

The world is undeniably not at its best at the moment. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted so much of our personal and professional lives. Now, with time on our hands, we flock online to get our daily dose of updates or distraction or both about the situation. In this Quick Time Friday episode, Brendan Myers looks into what is happening in the world of YouTube. He scrolls through the headlines and shares his opinions on the things being displayed—from the daily news and pop culture to the ways people capitalize through videos. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
4/24/202014 minutes, 42 seconds
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Quarantine Vibes (Lets Just Chat) With Taylor Daugherty

Most people did not see this current pandemic coming, so when it did hit, everyone was caught off-guard. Now, we are pushed into a life where social distancing and quarantine have oddly become the norm. In this episode, Brendan Myers sits down with Taylor Daugherty of the CreateU media team to chat about what’s going on. They cover a range of topics from conspiracy theories and the state of traveling to gaining new perspectives about life and more. On living in this current condition, Brendan and Taylor talk about how they are coping and their realizations about the importance of relationships in our lives as well as the freedom to go out. More than ever, we are reminded of the many things we take for granted. Follow along to this conversation and gain some new insights to think about this quarantine period. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
4/17/202045 minutes, 18 seconds
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It Ends TODAY!! (Motivational Speech)

So many people are so incredibly talented, but they’re not living at their full potential. The one thing that seems to be holding them back is their lack of faith – faith that they can do it and that everything that is around can be just the way that they want it to be. On today’s show, Brendan Meyers shows us how we can break through our glass ceilings and start taking control of our life. If you need that extra push to get past the barriers, you wouldn’t want to miss this episode. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
4/10/20207 minutes, 5 seconds
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Supplements Vs. Steroids

No doubt, a conversation starter in the fitness industry and wellness space is supplements versus steroids. In this episode, Brendan Meyers takes on this very controversial topic. He shares his personal opinion on supplements versus steroids as he takes a closer look at the differences between the two. At the end of the day, it’s essential to put the right nutrients in your body, because if you don’t, then your body will not be working as optimally as you want. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
4/3/202016 minutes, 33 seconds
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Today Is The Day!

The majority of the world today is lacking authenticity. What most people don’t know is that authenticity will help you win the day today! In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Brendan Meyers explains why being your authentic self and sharing exactly how you feel can help you get through and win the day. Don’t unnecessarily burden yourself with feelings of frustration or resentment with the people you’re cooped up with. Release that burden and be on your journey to better relationships with your parents and loved ones. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
3/27/20208 minutes, 15 seconds
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Coronavirus & Life Today!

The Coronavirus pandemic is front and center in every news outlet and as a result, the world has entered an almost-eerie silence. But throughout the threat of COVID-19 is an opportunity to step yourself up: there is time to learn and to improve before the panic inevitably settles. Brendan Myers dives into the health crisis that has the world on its knees, and what you can do to turn the situation around for yourself. This event can be a learning experience if you let it. Look for the positives, and you just might find yourself in a much better place.
3/20/20209 minutes, 32 seconds
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Three Tiers To Life!

We go on this life evolving towards our dreams and aspirations. As we take that journey, we arrive at certain points that either become the destination or simply just another pitstop. In this episode, Brendan Myers walks us through the three levels to life. He shares with us the different levels of where we possibly are in our own journeys of finding that comfortable place or that wanted transformation. Find inspiration here as you reassess where you are between great and legendary.
3/13/202010 minutes, 19 seconds
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You Are Holding Yourself Back!

Vulnerability is a quality that gets talked about a lot, but no matter how liberating the feeling of true vulnerability, of authenticity, is, people are afraid that any expression of vulnerability is grounds for judgment from others. But preventing yourself from being vulnerable might also be the one thing that’s stopping you from fully enjoying everything the world has to offer. Brendan Myers explores the feeling of vulnerability: what stops people from being vulnerable and how to get over the barrier. Sooner or later, you’ll be trapped in a cage of your own making. Learn how to get out of that cage, and open yourself up to the experience of vulnerability and authenticity.
3/6/20207 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Drone Awareness (Mindset)!

There are so many things in the world that we have no control over. In fact, you can even say there’s nothing we’re in control of. Exercising awareness is understanding this truth but also being acutely perceptive about the choices you have to make. Brendan Myers talks about keeping yourself aware in a busy world that you have no control over. You can’t be in the passenger seat your whole life. It’s time to take the reins of whatever things you have control of in your life.
2/28/20204 minutes, 50 seconds
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Awaken The Body And Unlock Awareness With Jen Esquer

Sometimes, it’s the little things that can have the biggest impacts on our life. In the creation of your optimal body, it’s important to be aware of yourself and your surroundings, no matter how common they may seem. Top 40 physical therapy influencer and owner of The Mobility Method, Jen Esquer, aka Dr. Jen Fit, tells the story of how she started out and grew to be one of the best fitness trainers on Instagram. She gives her insights on what an optimal body really is and talks about how you can achieve it. She shares and explains two easy and practical methods that she uses in shifting her state of being, whenever placed in a stressful situation or when you simply need to relax. Awaken the body and unlock awareness in this great episode that teaches you how to master your body to its optimal state.
2/25/202048 minutes, 45 seconds
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Master Instagram Stories (Try this!)

Instagram Stories are gaining popularity, with people sharing seconds of their daily lives or promoting something they want to the world. Today, Brendan Meyers tackles how you can capitalize on these short prompts and make your product or cause be known to your target audience. He teaches on how to not make your stories seem to salesy and when it is best to add texts to your image or video. Pick some useful tips here as Brendan briefly shares the do’s and don’ts when making and sharing IG stories.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
2/21/202010 minutes, 35 seconds
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Repattern Your Mind

With change as the only constant thing in the world, transformation in life is possible. In this Quick Time Friday episode, Brendan Meyers carries on CreateU’s mission of igniting your breakthrough and bringing your vision to life starting with your mind. Transformation begins with what you think. Thus, you need to transform your thoughts and repattern your mind—to see that what you want to be, you can become. Join Brendan in this brief yet very inspiring episode where he shows you the techniques that help you gain the clarity to remove the negativities of the past and focus on the future.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
2/14/202010 minutes, 24 seconds
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Get Your Power Back!

In another QuickTime Friday, Brendan Meyers talks about how you can get your power back by learning how to not give it away. When you feel like your power is fading or you are giving away too much of it, you can simply take a break and re-evaluate yourself. Brendan offers some advice on regaining your energy. He also stresses the importance of understanding where your energy is being provided, realizing that you can’t save everybody and fix everyone’s problem.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
1/31/202012 minutes, 14 seconds
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Getting Past Traumas With Madison Rice

Dealing with trauma is a touchy subject because many people don’t quite understand the severity of its effects on them on their own. But dealing with trauma is a part of growing, and you must not let it be a hindrance to moving forward with your life. Brendan Myers sits down with Madison Rice, a Denver-based personal trainer who specializes in Crossfit and Olympic Lifting. Together, they delve into the subject of trauma, and illustrate a small part of a process that has one confront their trauma. Perhaps there’s something in your past that’s holding you back from performing at your absolute best? If so, let Brendan and Madison show you a way towards facing your trauma, and learning to let it work for you.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
1/28/202048 minutes, 38 seconds
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Go Go Go Mindset

Out of all the things in the world, your mindset could be the first and ultimate thing that’s hindering your growth. Changing your mindset will certainly do you a lot of good. Brendan Myers discusses having the mindset of a go-getter as an important step in actually going and getting what you want out of life. A simple shift can radically alter the way you see the world, especially the things you already have right in front of you. Work on your mindset today to bring out the best in you!   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
1/24/20209 minutes, 49 seconds
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Let It Go!

Letting go is one of the most difficult things that we will ever face in our entire lives. That could be letting go of a business that you love or pretty much anything that you’re passionate about. On today’s show, Brendan Meyers talks about this sensitive matter and gives an example of something that’s going on in his life that he’s letting go of – a toxic relationship. 2020 is a new year with new opportunities. Take a look inside and ask yourself what you need to let go of so you can take hold of and focus on new things that truly serve you.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
1/17/202014 minutes, 47 seconds
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Life As A 15 Year Old With Jessica McNeil

Wouldn’t it be eye-opening to have a new and different perspective of the world that we’re living in straight from someone who’s actually walking through it right now? Brendan Meyers brings on 15-year-old Jessica McNeil. A former cheerleader, Jessica also loves to draw, paint, and edit videos. Today, she talks about the difficulty of trying to fit into a group and the focus on social media, and shares the modern teenager’s perspective of the current world.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
1/3/202014 minutes, 4 seconds
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Who Are You?

Who are you? In today’s episode, Brendan Meyers asks himself the same question. Brendan believes that if you want growth, you have to constantly discover who you truly are. Listen to Brendan as he reminds you to focus on the areas that allows you to grow and continue learning about who you are.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
12/27/20194 minutes, 52 seconds
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Painful Days… MY TRUTH

Many things can happen to the human body behind closed doors without anyone else realizing, including injuries. The temptation to keep training while injured will always be there, but you must also be able to prioritize long-term health. Brendan Meyers opens up about the days when his body pain was intense and how he was able to get through those days. Giving yourself days to heal is an important part of the training process and arguably just as important as the actual training. Listen to Brendan’s story and see how allowing yourself that resting time helps you out in the long run.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
12/20/201911 minutes, 55 seconds
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Patience can be a bigger key to success. In this episode, Brendan Meyers tackles the importance of patience in achieving long-term success. Believing in the impossible can lead you to greater things, especially when you find a way to achieve it with patience. More brief influential notes from Brendan as he talks about the benefits of being patient, how being impatient hurts relationships, and how to control stress.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
12/13/201910 minutes, 48 seconds
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Mentality Of An Olympic Athlete (12 Years Old) With Holden McNeil

Sports, especially in a professional setting, demand so much of athletes at any age, but that’s especially true for young athletes. The sheer determination of young athletes always make for powerful, inspiring stories of passion. Such is the story for twelve-year-old Olympic gymnast Holden McNeil. From the very beginning, Holden has been laser-focused, keeping his eyes on the prize, and now he’s reaping his reward: a shot at the world’s biggest sporting event at such a young age. Holden displays wisdom beyond his years, and demonstrates the purity of passion stoked in one’s childhood.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
11/29/201911 minutes, 6 seconds
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3 Ways To Level Up Your Performance

Maximizing your personal performance can be tricky. This is especially true when you’re just starting out in your career. One will inevitably get swept up in the rush of whatever field they’ve decided to dive into headfirst. On today’s show, host Brendan Meyers reveals the three secrets that will help you perform your best in whatever career path you’ve chosen. Feeling like you’re stuck in a rut? Ground yourself in these three ways to level up your performance.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
11/22/201911 minutes, 23 seconds
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Free Services, Big Business With Michael DellaCorte

When you give something from the heart, the rewards you reap will be more than you deserve. Today, Brendan Meyers interviews Dr. Michael DellaCorte, a chiropractic at Health Edge, to talk about how giving has created his business. As someone who focuses on healing and helping others, Dr. Michael believes that through continuous self-upgrade and research, one can become more confident in helping others and growing as a professional. Join this powerful and inspiring discussion about how giving can be a power tool for business success.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
11/19/201929 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why You Should Buy Your Favorite Car & Then Sell It

Have you ever achieved something you have long wanted and ended up letting it go thereafter? The feeling sucks but gives more meaning to life than you can imagine. Today, Brendan Meyers shares a short story about buying his favorite car and then selling it. The decision to do so was heartbreaking but it is all about self-trust. Learn the importance of trusting your vision and trusting the opportunities in front of you in this episode.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
11/15/201912 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Net Carb Gimmick With Megan Sherer

Whether you’re prepping or you’re trying to lose some weight, you might have seen some label in the grocery store or some ad on the good old TV about net carbs. Holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach Megan Sherer talks about the net carb gimmick. The reasoning behind net carbs is taking the total amount of carbohydrates in a food item, discounting the fiber. With fiber being digested more slowly and differently than simple carbohydrates, this gives people a false sense of how much calories they’re taking in and how much energy they’re expending. Learn more about net carbs and the truth behind the label in this special episode.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
11/8/201914 minutes, 25 seconds
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Food Sensitivity, Counting Macros, And WebMD With Chase McNary

Food sensitivity is very common, leaving many deprived from consuming delicious servings. In this episode, we are joined by Chase McNary, is a former contestant of the popular TV show called The Bachelorette. As someone with gut issues, Chase emphasizes the importance of having a food sensitivity test or food intolerance test. He also talks about counting calories and macros, the common symptoms of insensitivities to specific foods, and using WebMD as a symptom checker. Join Brendan Meyers and Chase as they exchange insights on choosing the right food and using CreateU Nutrition as a healthy supplement.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
11/5/201940 minutes, 59 seconds
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Best Advice To Lose Fat Or Gain Weight

Always trust the process to be committed to doing your best each day are the keys to making the best transformation in your life. In today’s episode, Brendan Meyers talks about how you can lose fat and builds muscle effectively using sales funnel as an example. Gain some insight on how to transform your body and even your life. Don’t miss this episode to achieve your best transformation!   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
11/1/201914 minutes, 44 seconds
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My First Bodybuilding Prep Experience

Preparing for a bodybuilding competition is definitely hard work. Moving from performance-enhancing drugs, Brendan Meyer takes us to his 100% natural journey in his very first bodybuilding prep experience. He details why he chose the path towards natural transformation amidst the numerous artificial options surrounding us. Follow Brendan’s story, his experience in the competition, and the lessons he has learned from it in this episode.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
10/25/201922 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Is “Healthy Eating”? With Katrina Wright

What is healthy eating? Today’s guest, Katrina Wright, owner of Sculpt You, talks about a common but often neglected topic: eating right. She shares her definition of it and what you need to focus on to be in a positive state of health. Despite being an advocate for positive food consumption, Katrina also has her share of unhealthy addiction to chips. With this, she talks about how we can teach ourselves to take everything in moderation and break food addiction. Learn more from Katrina as she explains further on the different definitions of healthy eating, capping it off by emphasizing how there is no right way to eat healthily. It is all about mentally feeling good.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
10/22/201932 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Three Steps To Instagram Growth

Social media is the biggest marketing driver these days, and with platforms like Instagram, shining from a bevy of stars can be hard. In this QuickTime Friday episode, Brendan Meyers, an IG success himself, teaches you how to capitalize on it and discusses three crucial steps that you can take for Instagram growth. You don’t have to be a professional for this because it is much simpler than you think. Read on and discover the easy path towards Instagram success.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
10/18/201914 minutes, 53 seconds
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From Homeless To A 7-Figure Coaching Business With Sterling Griffin

What would you do if you know you could not fail? Lifestyle entrepreneur Sterling Griffin opens up about his motivation that comes from experiencing homelessness that drove him to success and become a seven-figure health coach. He reveals his initial setbacks in entrepreneurship and the series of changes he had to make, including his mindset on self-love and confidence which paved the way for clarity and vision. Learn about overcoming negative dialogue and how your genuine desire to help people bring strategies to your business that are so effective that money just comes naturally to you.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
10/15/201956 minutes, 22 seconds
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Should You Drink Caffeine? (Coffee)

As CreateU raises up its game in the nutrition world, it continues to introduce more interesting products that can be great alternatives to your usual energizers. Today, Brendan Meyers focuses his discussion on caffeine which a majority consumes every day. He educates us on the effects of caffeine and how it has become an ingredient in some energy drinks and why you need to be cautious when drinking them. He cautions that there are foods that may interact with it or it may have varied effects on your body at a hormonal level. Learn why Brendan does not drink coffee and when you can drink it in an acceptable situation.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
10/11/201915 minutes, 22 seconds
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Unlocking Your True Potential With Todd Abrams

Believing in yourself is the key to any kind of success. However, the people surrounding you are also key to how your goals will be achieved. In this episode, Brendan Meyers interviews Todd Abrams, the CEO of Icon Meals – one of the leading prepared food companies in the world – and the host of the podcast “The DadBod Show.” Todd talks about unlocking our true potential and walks us through his journey to becoming the entrepreneur that he is today, adding that it is important to have every single moment that you have aimed towards enjoying life to the fullest and not suppressing the fun factor. He shares the secrets as well as his adventure in building his unique company.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
10/8/201946 minutes, 8 seconds
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It’s Okay To Quit

Giving up and quitting are two very different things. In this short but powerful episode, Brendan Meyers differentiates to us, through his life experiences, what it means to give up or quit. He shares some useful advice on how to let go of relationships that are not serving you for the better. Brendan then reminds you that if you feel lost in life, do not let yourself suffer because you can always let go of how you feel and change your mindset.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
10/4/20195 minutes, 50 seconds
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Passion Defined: The Road To A Million Dollar Life with Tony Grebmeier

The usual way of introducing ourselves is stating what we do for a living. For Tony Grebmeier, the Co-founder of ShipOffers, he goes about it by telling people that he is a husband and father first before anything else. Today, Brendan Meyers sits down with him to talk about the importance of relationships not only to our personal lives but professionally as well. As an entrepreneur, podcast host, journal creator, and host of the BEFULFILLED community, Tony believes that relationships come first before business, and his success across his multiple ventures is a testament to how he values that. He shares his journey and some great nuggets of wisdom on being passionate, developing relationships, and stepping out to be phenomenal. Learn more about Tony’s road to a million-dollar life in this episode.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
10/1/201955 minutes, 37 seconds
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First Step To Your Morning!

Getting out of bed healthy and alive is already a huge bonus. That is why you should not take your mornings for granted and establish a positive reaction and routine the moment you open your eyes. How you start your mornings dictate how you function the rest of the day. In this episode, Brendan Meyers shares how he goes about his day, starting with his morning routine, highlighting how discipline is the core to attaining a better day and overall better life.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts—
9/27/201910 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Truth About Being A Mom with Brittany Lesser

Being a mom in this day and age means having to find that certain work-life balance. Someone who has that figured out is health and fitness YouTuber, Brittany Lesser. In this episode, Brittany shares her thoughts on various personal topics that give us a view of the life of a modern-day mom. She talks about the importance of showing up for the people you love, what makes marriage work, and health. Crediting her overall success to motherhood, Brittany also talks about being a single mother to her son, the realities of having a baby, and the struggles of being a mom that people don’t know about. Get a dose of inspiration from Brittany, especially if you are a mom or on the way to becoming one, on today’s show.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
9/24/201955 minutes, 26 seconds
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Are You Working Hard Enough?

When you have a certain goal, training is very important to achieve it. The question is, are you training or working hard enough? What does working hard enough even mean? In this episode, explore the concept of hard work as it relates to consistency, discipline, and working smart towards reaching your goals and getting that result that you’ve been working for.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
9/20/201914 minutes, 52 seconds
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Becoming A Freelancer And Taking The Leap with Alex Callahan

Life is plagued with numerous options, making it hard for us to make decisions. For Alexandria Callahan, she always knew that she wanted to be free from options and living life her way. This lifestyle blogger, yoga instructor, and graphic designer teaches us the importance of self-love and doing what feels right for us instead of letting others dictate our flow. Through yoga, she has rediscovered herself and was able to create her own life structure. Sharing some insights about working as a freelancer versus working in a cubicle 9 to 5, she encourages us to live life however we want. Learn more from Alexandria and her perceptions on how we can maximize self-love in this episode.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
9/17/201958 minutes, 25 seconds
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Confessing To The World

We struggle with a lot of things in life, and handling each of them takes discipline. This is what Brendan Meyers talks about in this episode. Opening up his heart on his struggle of lacking discipline, he shares how he is overcoming that in various aspects of his life. Learn how you, too, can develop discipline in your life as Brendan takes us through his experiences and how he’s developing and applying this value on his team and the stage.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
9/13/201911 minutes, 39 seconds
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What Models Don’t Talk About, Body Enhancements, And Defeating Self Doubt with Talia Colalancia

Modeling seems like a very glamorous career, but people don’t truly understand how difficult it is to model. The most difficult part of being a model for Talia Colalancia was getting comfortable in front of the camera. Talia is a college student doing freelance modeling. Looking at fashion magazines and social media posts, she always thought models have everything put together, until she had her own glimpse of that world. In this episode, Talia talks about defeating self-doubt and becoming better in front of the camera, what she thinks about body enhancements, and what models don’t talk about. If you’re thinking of taking that first step into modeling, you don’t want to miss this show.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
9/10/201957 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Costs Of Lacking Discipline (Change The Small Things)

It is the small things that often have the biggest impact. Unfortunately, they are often the ones that are overlooked. In this short episode, Brendan Meyers teaches you how those baby steps should not be taken for granted. At the heart of this is the importance of discipline in doing simple things. He talks about how, by doing so can affect your dreams and vision and brings things to whole new places you would never have expected. On to the darker side, Brendan talks about the dangers of creating excuses for yourself and its effects on your overall performance at home and work. Learn the lessons of cleaning up after yourself and soon see the domino effect of positivity in your life.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
9/6/201912 minutes, 27 seconds
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Reframe Your Anxiety, Ask For Support, Be The Real You with Leanna Carr

Overcoming obstacles and fears can help get you to your goals. In this episode, powerlifter and sports psychologist Leanna Carr teaches us how to reframe our anxieties and turn our weaknesses into power. As she shares her life journey, she highlights the importance of communication, achieving positive relationships, and stepping out of your comfort zone. She also talks about how it is being a woman defending yourself from the stereotypes of the world. Learn more and be inspired by Leanna’s concept on being real in today’s show.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
9/3/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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Building A Business… What They Don’t See (Frustration)

Some people only tend to see the surface of success of a business. The true behind-the-scenes of building a business is often lost to them. Taking over the driver’s seat and being the person at the top of the game is tough because you will have to through a couple of speed bumps. In this Quick Time episode, Brendan Meyers sheds light into the overlooked aspects of being a business owner – all the frustrations and the mess that people don’t see.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/30/201910 minutes, 34 seconds
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Being A Hot Influencer, The Truth Behind Being Attractive, And The Misunderstanding That Comes With It with Jacqueline Zuccherino

When we see attractive people, we always assume that they had it all easy – good family, perfect relationships, and dream jobs. In this episode, host Brendan Meyers reveals how far this is from reality as he interviews Jacqueline Zuccherino, a hot influencer originally from Italy. Jacqueline opens up about her difficult childhood because of looking “different” and how that had an impact on her adult life. They discuss how having an open mind beyond the stereotypes can help you achieve your goals, the thrill of leading a life of spontaneity, and finally deciding what you want in life. Jacqueline also touches on using social media to create influence and change. As you listen in, learn how to accept the beauty we all have.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/27/201954 minutes, 21 seconds
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Eat Unhealthy & Build Your Body!

With the wealth of information available to us today, we have a better understanding of what is good or bad for us in terms of our food choices. This level of comprehension about nutrients, carbs, and fats makes us realize how poorly we did in the past. Can we still make changes though? Brendan Meyers shares an effective but easy-to-do strategy for making healthier food choices that are enjoyable, because if you’re not enjoying, what’s the point, right?   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/23/201912 minutes, 20 seconds
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Coming Out Of A Dark Place, Flexible Coaching, And Leveling Up Daily with Ben Green

In many stories of redemption and finding your purpose, there is a certain breaking point that makes us rethink about the life we currently live. For Ben Green, before becoming a health and fitness professional, it was coming out from a dark place of drug addiction and destructive habits. In this episode, he inspires us to get out of our dark places and enhance our life with the help of fitness. Ben shares some of his successful coaching strategies and structures that you can implement in your own life. At the end of the day, only you can truly transform yourself and build that leveled-up life.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/20/201958 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Best Foods To Fit Your Macros… Explained with Megan Sherer

While many of us eat to feel good, the food choices we often make only give us short-term satisfaction rather than better health in the long run. Coming over to talk about all things wellness and health is Megan Sherer, a holistic health and wellness coach and Founder of Empowered Bodies. In this episode, Megan breaks down the best foods to fit our macros that can optimize how we function in our daily lives. Learn a lot about the different kinds of food you need in your body to improve your lifelong health from the inside out.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/16/201938 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Tough Stories Of Being Homeless And In Prison with Drew Felts

A grateful heart deserves more blessings even from strangers. In this one of a kind episode, Brendan Meyers gives a twist to his useful interviews and puts an inspirational stranger on the show. Brendan met Drew Felts randomly, and they kick it off with an uplifting conversation about the travesties of a foster child and how Drew remained positive despite everything that has happened in his life. Jumping from one foster family to another and going in and out of prison for drug abuse and other crimes, Drew recounts his interesting roller coaster life and how he is handling it moving forward. It’s never too late to make a change. No matter how bad your day turns out to be, you have ultimate control on how it is going to turn out.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/13/201956 minutes, 31 seconds
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Best Organization Tool For Your Life!

Organization is key to everything, especially your business, when creating your vision. Organization is not easy, but once you become an expert or a professional at organizing your life, you’ll be so surprised at what comes. In this episode, Brendan Meyers shares an organization tool he and his team use every single day to increase efficiency and clarity with everything that they do.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/9/20198 minutes, 18 seconds
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Defeating Your Circumstances And Fears with Shannon Henry

Many of us are being held back by our insecurities resulting in us not being able to succeed in the things we love to do most. Shannon Henry, a budding YouTube clothing reviewer, is everyone’s happy pill despite her insecurities, thanks to her passion for fitness, fashion, and goal to live life to the fullest. In this episode, she shares how her career picked up from doing clothing hauls and teaching people some tricks to get the rights sizes and style when shopping online. She talks about her fears and insecurities, and how connecting to more people helped her overcome them. Get inspired to live life to the fullest as Shannon opens about her challenges and shows us how we, too, can defeat our own insecurities and fears.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/6/201942 minutes, 12 seconds
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Empower Yourself In 6 Minutes (SPEECH)

The workweek has come to an end. That means in this Quick Time Friday, it is time to recharge the energy we’ve used up and come into a moment to empower ourselves. Brendan Meyers gives your dose of motivation in six minutes. Let everything sink in and believe that life is in your favor.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
8/2/20196 minutes, 57 seconds
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How To Become A Sponsored Athlete

These days, social media has become one of the primary vehicles for success in business and even in sports. If you are a professional athlete and you want sponsorship, let host Brendan Meyers teach you how to become a sponsored athlete. Sponsorship should be giving the athlete more than 15% commission especially when you get to a significant height of fame. As Brendan walks you through the important elements that help get you to that point of success, he notes that you should be 100% yourself and be out of your comfort zone. He also emphasized the significance of staying within your niche, sending emails, transforming your social media, and documenting your progress. Follow the simple but effective steps in this insightful episode and you could be a sponsored athlete.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/30/201914 minutes, 53 seconds
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How To Regain Trust… Enemies Are Your Friends!

When you’ve lost trust in people, it usually means that the other person might’ve let you down. However, we may not realize it but a lot of the times, we are actually the ones at fault. We’re the ones that are so insecure that we lose trust with someone else. Trust is something tough to come by with people, especially with ourselves. How many of us actually trust ourselves? In this episode, get rid of the impossible and learn to trust yourself again so you can fully open to it and be present to the opportunity of regaining trust in people.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/26/201915 minutes, 23 seconds
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Thoughts On Performance Enhancing Drugs, Anxiety, And Growing A Following with Dylan McKenna

Anxiety often takes over a lot of us. We fidget here and there, moving restlessly on towards or away from the next thing. American-born fitness model and online coach Dylan McKenna is familiar with this struggle. He shares with us his story of overcoming anxiety along with his thoughts on performance-enhancing drugs. Dylan talks about how he got into bodybuilding and how it helped with his anxiety. With a great following behind him on YouTube and social media, he shares great nuggets of wisdom about growing a following and putting out content while sharing how he deals with haters. Join in on this rollercoaster ride of a conversation with host Brendan Meyers and Dylan McKenna and learn a thing or two about fitness, health, relationships, and more.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/23/201958 minutes, 45 seconds
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What To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

Humans as we are, we encounter certain points in our life where it feels like we took on more than we should. As a result, we feel like giving up because everything seems to be crumbling around us. Brendan Meyers taps into this completely human moment and shares what to do to overcome it. Those who have done unimaginable things, the superhumans in the world, are who they are because they never have up. Follow suit and take a step towards success.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/19/201910 minutes, 46 seconds
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A Passion To A Dream Job with Founder And CEO Of Ink Monstr, Reed Silberman

Once you go beyond the thinking that everything is all about money, you’ll find yourself finally living the life you most want to live. This is what Reed Silberman discovered. From being a Wall Street broker for five years that wore his soul out, Reed quit his job and went for his passion as a snowboarder. Soon after, he found himself becoming a successful professional at it and a coach that made his sponsors and students happy, leading him to learn about vinyl graphics, graphic design, and printing which eventually became his company, Ink Monstr. As he went through this familiar story of leaving the corporate world towards becoming his own boss, discover some unique insights about what it means to be passionate about something and how pursuing it makes money follow.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/16/20191 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
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Creating Wealth Through Real Estate with Akash Lal

Although many have their own ways to create wealth in real estate, not all of them can take that money long-term. Commercial and residential real estate developer and owner of Lal Real Estate & Development, Akash Lal, gives a quick rundown on how you can create long-term wealth in real estate. By sharing his own purchases and flips, Akash shows that generating wealth is not only a goal for oneself, but for the people whose places you are going to develop. In this episode, take a step towards your real estate journey and begin your way to creating long-term wealth.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/12/201914 minutes, 8 seconds
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Optimizing Your Health – Fixing The Problem with Karlee Garland

Just when we thought we are doing things right with our health, life suddenly starts to throw us a curveball that will unravel the issues we never thought we had. Holistic online health and wellness coach Karlee Garland went through that journey herself. Competing in bodybuilding competitions when she was seventeen paired with naïve ideas on what being a young female is, Karlee used to manipulate her eating habits along with exercise supplementation. A year later, Karlee found herself diagnosed with Lyme disease, multiple coinfections of Lyme, and breast implant illness. In this episode, take the journey with Karlee as she talks about finding her healing, optimizing her health, and fixing the problem. Discover as well the importance of being able to be alone, integrating self-care time and meditation into your life, and the power of nature to heal.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/9/201955 minutes, 35 seconds
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Steroids are OKAY? with Akaash Aesthetics

Taking steroids for muscle building has become quite popular these days. However, some people are in doubt if taking it is safe or not. Akaash, the owner of Akaash Aesthetics, answers these questions and talks about what his company is all about, which is keeping his clients healthy. He also tackles the three different steroid families. When taking performance-enhancing drugs, you have to be methodical with it and know how it interacts with your diet. In this episode, understand how steroids and performance-enhancing drugs work so you can optimize your performance in business and life.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/5/201914 minutes, 30 seconds
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The KING Of Tinder, Guy Talk with Brett Maverick

Do you know that you can literally build your Tinder to get an extra 2,000 followers on Instagram? In a day and age where clout is a currency, you could get anything if you have a following – from money to access to bars, clubs, and events. Tinder pro Brett Maverick have thousands of like on Tinder. He has a YouTube channel as well with 550,000 subscribers. In this honest, no-nonsense conversation, Brett talks about his purpose for being on social media, his goal to build his own company, his skincare regimen and jawline widening experiment, and the things that bring him happiness. Become a Tinder pro like Brett as he shares some of the lessons he learned in front of the camera.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
7/2/20191 hour, 16 minutes, 58 seconds
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To Be An Elite Level Athlete with Guest Interviewer Taylor Daugherty

There are so many athletes out there in the world, yet only a few can be considered an elite level athlete. No matter how good you think you are, if you do not work hard and respect yourself, then you are bound to fall out. Host Brendan Meyers brings in one of the content creators at the CreateU Agency, Taylor Daugherty, to talk about the elite level athletes and the Olympians around the world who are killing it. Brendan shares the important lessons that he has taken away from working with these great people that he still uses in training now. Sharing the amazing feats and talents, Brendan gets us into the mindset to become an elite in whatever we do. Tap into the elite level of your own mind, body, and physical abilities, and be inspired to start giving your all with everything you do.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
6/28/201921 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Heartfelt Tragedy To A Social Media Success with Chloe Gottschalk

As you are creating your own path, you will encounter hurdles that would test your self-belief. Chloe Gottschalk from Iowa is a 23-year-old working full time as a Marketing Coordinator and a social media influencer. She literally went with her gut by deciding to turn down the full-ride scholarship offers for law school. A former soccer player in Eastern Illinois University Athletics, Chloe’s passion was tested when she discovered she had a mono. Nevertheless, she focused on fitness as her escape and decided to share her routines on social media. Now, she’s inspiring a lot of people across the world by sharing her unique story. In today’s episode, we dive into the value of overcoming adversities, getting out of your comfort zone, and adding value to your followers.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
6/25/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Biggest Mistakes I Made At 23 Years Old

Your biggest mistakes can be the greatest source of lessons in your life. Brendan talks about the biggest life mistakes he made at age 23. Going back to his past, he shares some things he came across with at an early age that he didn’t know how to deal with, confront, or embrace. He says mistakes are like a double-edged sword – half of the time it works against you, half of the time it’s great. At the end of the day, you just have to take advantage of where you are and trust the process. When you can adapt and create that relatability with anything in your life, you will find more success than you could ever imagine.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
6/21/201914 minutes, 53 seconds
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From NOTHING to 300k Followers, Inside The Philosophical Mind of Jorge Rosado

Building authority and creating influence are achievable if you can establish yourself strong enough to gain massive followers. Fitness competitor and powerlifter Jorge Rosado reveals the hack to starting from nothing to winning an immense amount of followers. Owning the first ever fitness infographic account that grew 200,000 followers in just a month or two, he dives into the art of showing up and turning lead into gold. There is a load of gold nuggets in this episode. Don’t miss out on Jorge’s take on combatting negativity, getting out your comfort zone, and thriving for success without excuses.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
6/18/201959 minutes, 3 seconds
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How I Went From A College Student To 1 Million Followers

Success stories come with their own twists and turns. Sometimes, where we thought we’d find success is not where it ends up to be. Brendan shares his own story of how he went from being a college student to having one million followers on social media. He takes us into that journey of realizing where his passions really are and how he moved against the grain and kept on with it. As he gained momentum online, Brendan shows how he was able to manage it all and succeed, proving that life gives you opportunities to grow. All you got to do is ask.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
6/14/201919 minutes, 29 seconds
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Building The Midwest Bodybuilding MECCA And Dropping The Ego with Dylan Armbrust

Bodybuilders are known for their strength and determination in everything. They go all in and never do anything half-heartedly. Dylan Armbrust, the owner of Armbrust Pro Gym, talks about the value of dropping the ego and breaking free from your comfort zone. Life truly happens when you’re outside of your box, and Dylan shares how past experiences can hold you back from achieving. As we dive into the art of soaking in and finding appreciation, Dylan shares the keys to building something, bringing it to life, and going all in.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
6/11/201942 minutes, 9 seconds
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How To Get A Hot Girl with Brittany Lesser

As humans, we are relationship-based and we want to be connected with other people. However, every relationship is different and you have to find the right person to vibe with you well. But how will you approach a person when sometimes people are afraid of commitment? How will you know if he or she is interested with you through your conversation? Get some relationship advice and explore the different perspectives of men and women when it comes to dating and relationships as Brendan is joined by YouTube fitness enthusiast Brittany Lesser.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
6/7/201927 minutes, 11 seconds
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Overcoming Unhealthy Eating, Combatting Eating Disorder, & Creating Nutritional Success with Alexa Stanco

Many factors including poor work-life balance affect the way people eat these days. Due to these unhealthy eating habits, many are now living unhealthy lives. Dietetic technician Alexa Stanco teaches us how to overcome unhealthy eating and combat eating disorders amidst the battles we may be facing in life. Alexa has overcome eating disorders, addiction, and emotional pain herself but has been able to overcome that and has established herself as an expert in the fitness field. Through her experience, she has developed a method that has helped her control her life and become healthy again. She joins us today to talk about gut health and eating properly and share the keys to successful nutrition.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
6/4/201957 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Social Media Trick You Need To Know – Name Association

Are you searching for a creative strategy to market your brand? Learn the art of name association, a proven game changer with psychology that gets people to buy into you. Do you ever wonder why every time you read gold nuggets, there is a massive chance you will associate it to McDonald’s chicken nuggets? Dive in as we reveal a social media trick you need to know.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
5/31/201916 minutes, 27 seconds
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Going “All In,” Online Coaching, & What Success Looks Like with Nick Komodina

You become a powerful source within yourself that attracts better when you go all in and unleash the beast within you. Founder of Team NK Athletics and Impakt, Nick Komodina shows what success looks like coming from the perspective of a successful personal trainer. Nick is one of the top coaches in the fitness industry, and he breaks down the training method, coaching principles, and mentality he taps into his clients. As he dives into the importance of staying away from the loser mentality and insecurities, he also touches on the effect of childhood traumas, content creation, accepting compliments, and more.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
5/28/201957 minutes, 57 seconds
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I Once Hated Bodybuilding… But Then This Happened

Bodybuilding is an excellent physical activity that can contribute to our physical well-being while increasing muscle size. Brendan has been doing bodyweight training for years, but for a week now, he’s been doing bodybuilding and learning about his body on a different level. He says that as you get into your bodybuilding workout, you’ll recognize that it’s more than just the bodybuilding movement. It’s about the process and the experience of being uncomfortable and allowing yourself for all the things that come up, and embracing those things and moving forward. Learn more about the great benefits of bodybuilding as Brendan shares more information and what he’s learning about it firsthand.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
5/24/201923 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Bachelorette Unprotected… Chase McNary Tells ALL & Gets Vulnerable About JoJo

The beauty of reality shows is that it gets people hooked on real-life situations. Many assume that it is all scripted and not candid at all, but Chase McNary of The Bachelorette exposes the truth. Today, we get to know the real Chase McNary and if rumors are true that he was in love with JoJo. All joking aside, find out how he got in the season 12 of one of the most to binge-watch dating game shows and how he dealt with life post-show. Owner of REVEL Social, an immersive “Instagrammable” bar and restaurant in the heart of Denver, Chase reveals what got him into business and shares the vibe in their barn restaurant.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
5/21/201957 minutes, 5 seconds
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I Was Bullied, So I Took Tallies (Painful)

Most of us have experienced bullying at one point in our lives. Some handled it casually while others carried over grudges and took tallies, and one of those is yours truly. Today, we dive into the issue of bullying and how taking tallies can cause self-harm and increase negativity. Discover how to unlock yourself from the chains of past pain. At the end of the day, these tallies can be the ones pulling you down and pulling you back from evolving.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
5/17/201925 minutes, 57 seconds
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Building A Gaming Empire At 20 Years Old & Building 1.7 Million Subscribers On YouTube with Brandon Martyn

People play games to relieve stress. For Brandon Martyn, it also meant going down an unhealthy path and lifestyle. Known as MYSTIC7, Brandon is a renowned American gamer and YouTube celebrity best known for playing Clash of Clans, Pokemon Go!, Fortnite, and DRAGONITE among others. As someone who has built a gaming empire at twenty years old with 1.7 million subscribers on YouTube, creating content 24/7 ultimately took a toll on him and led him to a dark place with depression. Bouncing back from that, Brandon is pursuing the mental health world, processing his own platform for mental health that will help others also come out of their lows. He uses his online influence combined with technology to create a positive change in the world, bringing to light the importance of talking about mental health in this day and age.   Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts —
5/14/201945 minutes, 36 seconds
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My Opinion On Having Sex (Shocking)

Sex is admittedly not as taboo as it was before. People have come to openly speak about it and express it the way they want to. Brendan gives his own take on this topic as he expresses his own opinions about having sex. While people easily throw that word around, Brendan still sees the beauty of having sex that is intimate, caring, incredible, and loving. On the flip side, he also tackles how sex can sometimes be impersonal and distant for others. He uncovers both sides to this word and leaves it to us to decide how we understand it. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts!
5/10/201916 minutes, 57 seconds
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Facing Death, Speaking Around The World, & Combatting Mental Illness with Kevin Hines

Everyone can choose to take care of their mental health and battle mental illnesses. A storyteller at heart with a Golden Gate Bridge suicide story anyone can learn from, Kevin Hines recounts his whole journey from taking his own life to influencing people to prevent it. A best-selling author, global public speaker, and award-winning documentary filmmaker, he illustrates the experience of having hallucinations, paranoia, and bipolar disorder. Currently in the pre-production of his new docuseries, “The Journey,” Kevin shows how to prepare for the dark and hard times, why perceptions thrive into insecurities, and what the leading cause of suicide is. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts!
5/7/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 43 seconds
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Stop Giving So Much!! – A Success Principle

Pouring everything you have to benefit others may be a good thing. However, letting things all out at once could easily dry us up. The same principle goes to how we position ourselves as influencers. Sometimes, we get carried away that we are left scrambling to find something more of us to give; and the longer we look, the fewer people are going to wait. In this episode, Brendan talks about this success principle – saying to stop giving everything to your audience. As counter as it may sound, holding yourself back actually keeps that relationship between you and your audience longer. Learn the deeper reasons why and how you can still provide them the values that you want to inspire. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts!
5/3/201916 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Painful Truth of Competing & Soccer to Bodybuilding with Brooklyn Hillenbrand

Just when she thought her life couldn’t get any better playing soccer overseas on a US women’s team, Brooklyn Hillenbrand was unexpectedly pulled back from the life she had known when she tore her knee at a match. Overcoming severe injuries and feelings of self-doubt and undergoing reconstructive surgery, Brooklyn eventually bounced back and took her talents from the soccer field to building something incredible with her body. Now, she is a fitness influencer, a nationally qualified bikini competitor, a fitness coach, and athlete from Washington, DC. Learn how Brooklyn turned her life around and took life’s blessings in disguise, overcoming the challenges with recovery and transitioning to body-building. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts!
4/30/201948 minutes, 24 seconds
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My Scary Suicidal Journey (Story Revealed)

Life has a very interesting way of taking you towards the path you are meant to be. Sometimes, it leads us across many bumps that make it challenging for us to even go on, but as you continue, you’ll find something worthwhile. Starting the very first of many Quicktime Fridays, Brendan lets us in on the difficult journey that brought him to where he is now. Brendan begins by taking us back to how his life went a total 360 – from being on top of the world in California to lying down on the ground thinking he was dying from various losses and health conditions. Brendan narrates the events that changed his life where he broke through and ended up making $100,000 in one day, built incredible companies, and gained more than he could imagine. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts!
4/26/201944 minutes, 59 seconds
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Austin Dunham Talks TRUTH Of Jaw Exercises, His Fitness Career, And Chris Heria

Austin Dunham is a fitness enthusiast, a successful YouTuber with more than 680,000 subscribers, and the founder of the AD Workout program. He enjoys calisthenics and offers bodyweight training tutorials and routine – motivating others to achieve what he has done. Austin gives the lowdown on jaw exercises and provides tips for anyone who wants to start a YouTube channel. On the side, he touches on pursuing YouTube full time, following your passion, and what he thinks of Chris Heria and THENX. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts!
4/23/201946 minutes, 14 seconds
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CreateU Experience: The Kickoff

About a year and a half ago, life couldn’t be anymore crueler for Brendan Meyers. In one week, he lost his relationship with his girlfriend. Over the next six months, Brendan found himself experiencing several illnesses, going through occasions where he thought he was dying. Hitting the plateau with everything not going in his favor, Brendan felt he lost everything until something hit him. He started looking deeper inside of himself and took a leap of faith to evaluate his life, assessing where he was lacking and why was he there. At that moment, he created the CreateU Experience Podcast to bring people around the world to discover the hacks to be successful. Dive into this episode to get a glimpse of the possibilities and visions in life you could create. Review this podcast on iTunes using this link — — and receive 7 FREE gifts!
4/16/201920 minutes, 25 seconds