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The Broad Experience Profile

The Broad Experience

English, Human interest, 1 season, 207 episodes, 3 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes
Women’s experiences at work can be challenging, rewarding, and downright ugly – sometimes in the same week. The Broad Experience sparks candid conversations about women, men, careers, and success. We discuss the stuff everyone’s thinking about, but not always talking about. Leaves you feeling more enlightened, less alone. Hosted by journalist Ashley Milne-Tyte.  
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Final Episode: What's Changed in Ten Years

In this, the final episode of The Broad Experience, I talk to three women about what has changed for women at work during the past decade, and what remains to be done.I began this show in 2012. Back then women and the workplace was a little discussed topic, and almost no one was podcasting about it. But my own experiences at work had convinced me this subject deserved much more attention. And while one measly decade barely registers in the arc of history, it means something to those of us who live through it. There has definitely been progress during the years I’ve worked on this show. My guests are based all over the world. Branca Vianna is a longtime listener who lives in Rio de Janeiro. Today she is the founder and president of a highly successful podcast company in Brazil, Radio Novelo. Frequent guest Avivah Wittenberg-Cox is back in London after a stint at Harvard. She always has an intriguing take on where we are, and where we should go next. Heather McGregor, once known as Financial Times columnist Mrs. Moneypenny, was in one of my first podcasts, and I was delighted that she agreed to be in my last. She’s now living and working in Dubai.I can’t tell you how rewarding it’s been to make this show during the last almost 11 years. Thanks for listening and for all the emails and other messages of support. It means a lot when you work alone from your closet. Onward. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/25/202333 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 200: You and Your Money

Shame, guilt, trauma…these are just some of the words that came up in my conversations for this show on women’s relationship with money. Why IS that relationship so complicated? Two women with different money backgrounds, knowledge, and expectations, help me delve into that question.My first guest, Sarah Wolfe, grew up with little knowledge of how to handle money and a mother who told her she didn’t really have to worry about it anyway. She just needed to find a guy who would. But that advice didn’t work out so well. Kristine Beese is CEO of Untangle Money, which helps women plan, save, and spend. Her own life experience and years in the financial services industry taught her just how poorly it caters to women. Yet women tend to work less over a lifetime, earn less, and live longer than men - if anyone needs solid monetary advice, it’s us.The final episode of The Broad Experience will be out in January. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/20/202231 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 199: Age and Possibility

Ageism and sexism are sometimes described as a double-whammy that hits women later in life. Which is a bit worrying, because I’m 52 and wrapping up this show after a decade of production. Onto new things - I hope!My first guest lives in New Zealand and recently got back into the workforce in her fifties after being out for more than a decade. It feels like that notorious double-whammy is hitting her, yet it’s impossible to truly measure. She wants people to know that many 50-plus women aren’t coasting on a sea of contentment and financial security.Avivah Wittenberg-Cox agrees that ageism is rampant, but says we need to re-frame things if we’re going to improve life for older workers. And that starts with educating employers about the advantages of maintaining and engaging 50-plus employees, a group that includes more women than ever before. It’s up to us to do our part as well, she says, including “recognizing that usually what got you here isn't going to get you through the next phase.” As usual she's sprouting with ideas that I plan to use in my own next phase. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/30/202228 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 198: From Convent to Corporate

Ellen Snee decided to become a nun in the early ‘70s, which seemed an inopportune time. Society was changing rapidly, there were riots on her college campus, and as a friend told her, nuns and priests were abandoning convents and the priesthood, not joining. But Ellen felt a sense of mission and purpose that didn’t go away. She spent 18 mostly happy years with an international order of nuns, the Religious of the Sacred Heart.In a stereotype-busting conversation, Ellen describes how life in a convent gave her a freedom her married girlfriends lacked, how she hoped to change the Catholic Church from the inside, and how taking a vow of chastity didn’t mean the end of her relationships with men. Since leaving the convent in the early 1990s Ellen has used her wisdom and insights within corporations, to help professional women “learn how to know what they know, how to recognize their desire, and how to pursue it.” Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/14/202224 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 197: Facing the Music

In this show we meet three musicians, all performers and teachers, and get a sense of how much the traditional world of classical music is changing. We also hear some of their playing. Lydia Brown, now a professor of collaborative piano at Juilliard, began her career mentored by several women who worked to established her profession. Yet despite this female influence, she says she’s had to fight to achieve the same success as a male pianist. Renate Rohlfing was one of Lydia’s students. Now in her late thirties, she has had a successful career, traveling far and wide to play. But it took her a long time to realize that performing does not have to mean sticking to old expectations of what a woman ‘should’ look like on stage. French horn player Christine Stinchi is working on her doctorate at Rutgers University. She performs in pants, and has had plenty of women mentors in what was for so long a male field. She sees a hopeful future for women in brass. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/25/202230 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 196: Where Partner Violence Meets the Workplace

When longtime Canadian journalist Anna Maria Tremonti was 23, she married a charming guy she met through work. He turned out to be violent, a secret Anna Maria kept from everyone, including her colleagues. This was quite a feat given his attacks would sometimes leave her with visible bruises she’d have to cover up before heading into work. In this episode she and I talk about her long-ago marriage and the scars it left behind. We discuss the positive role work played in her life, even as she strove to keep any signs of her tumultuous home life hidden. Anna Maria is the writer and host of the six-part CBC podcast Welcome to Paradise. My second guest is Beth Lewis, director of Standing Firm, a Pittsburgh-based organization that trains businesses to spot signs of abuse in their employees, as well as signs that they might have an abuser on staff. Standing against partner violence and abuse is a big part of health and wellness that many companies currently bypass.You will hear some descriptions of partner violence in this episode. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/28/202235 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 195: The Road Less Traveled

Lots of us dream of leaving corporate life to travel the world. Meena Thiruvengadam did just that, incorporating travel into her career. But sometimes following your dream occupation means flouting expectations of what you should be doing - including expectations your traditional Indian family has for you.In this episode we discuss the exhaustion that can come from trying to make things work at work, the frustrations travelers of color often face, and the many joys of traveling alone. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/7/202221 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 194: How to Confront Bias

In this episode my guests Raina Brands and Aneeta Rattan share ideas about how to call out bias so it can’t sit there in the background, subtly undermining our progress.Confronting bias can seem intimidating to many women. It means awkwardness, and making people (including us) feel uncomfortable.But as you heard if you listened to the last show with Raina, causing discomfort is no reason not to call out unfairness when we see it. Aneeta describes how she treads the fine line of her own discomfort in speaking up, vs. continuing to exist in a biased system. Raina and Aneeta are both professors who run the site Career Equally. This show is full of ideas on how to 'de-bias' your career. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/13/202222 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 193: Bucking the System

I knew I wanted to talk to Professor Raina Brands when I spotted a tweet of hers last year in which she revealed that her CV contained some updated, and quite personal, information - information most of us wouldn’t reveal to an employer. In this episode Raina discusses her project to help women ‘de-bias’ their careers, something she and her colleague Aneeta Rattan write about on their site, Career Equally. She explains what that means, why it’s important, and how we can get started. She also talks about why she decided to get personal in public and what the response has been. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/26/202218 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 192: Better in Scandinavia (re-release)

This time we're revisiting an episode about working women in the Nordic countries. Scandinavia has a reputation for equality and excellent work/life balance. American women look enviously at these nations as they scrape together a short maternity leave or finish another 10-hour day. But here's the paradox: there are just as few women in powerful roles in Scandinavia as there are in the US. Three women in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark take us behind the scenes to find out why. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/12/202228 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 191: Woman in Command: Life in the Army

In her early twenties, bored by her office job, Kelly joined the British Army for a life of adventure. This was just before 9/11. She’d grown up a relatively conflict-free world. Suddenly everything changed. Kelly spent almost 19 years in the Army doing multiple jobs in different parts of the world, including Iraq and Afghanistan. She loved much of what Army life gave her. Other things were less appealing, from sexual harassment to fellow officers who couldn’t handle women in the loneliness of being a woman in command when one of your soldiers is killed. In this show Kelly - who asked me not to use her last name so she could speak freely - looks back on her career, what she learned, and what she wishes could have been different in the ultimate male environment. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/20/202232 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 190: Difficult Relationships: managing drama at work

Business and economics reporter Stacey Vanek Smith has not only reported on the gender pay gap and other workplace discrimination, she’s experienced it firsthand. But it hasn’t put her off the workplace. Far from it. In her book, Machiavelli for Women, she explores how women can thrive in a setting that was not designed for them.In this show - the tenth anniversary episode of The Broad Experience - we focus on a few areas that are rarely discussed, in particular the relationships women have with other women at work, and how to manage them when things get tricky. We delve into the inequities mothers face after coming back from parental leave, and our shared experience of receiving vague, discouraging and useless feedback - and what to do next. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/31/202227 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 189: Stop Telling Women to Find an Equal Partner

Bobbi Thomason studies gender for a living. She was aware of the pitfalls couples can fall into, even those who assumed their relationship would be absolutely equal. Still, when her own marriage foundered over career equality (or the lack of it), she was gutted. At the same time she was reading social media comments urging women to demand a ‘50/50 partner.’ ‘I tried that,’ she thought, ‘and it didn’t work.’In this episode we hear Bobbi’s story. She says sticking to her belief that she deserved a partner as willing to sacrifice for her as she was for him, has cost her a great deal. But she’s learned through academic research and personal experience that support comes in many forms, and that all women need a ‘village’ to get ahead. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/7/202219 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 188: You vs. Burnout

Two years into a pandemic many of us are overwhelmed at work, feeling we have little control, and dealing with a lack of support from our organizations. Burnout rates are up all over the world. But they were bad even before Covid-19 came along. So what can we do about it?In this episode we meet three women who know burnout first-hand. Danielle Fried works for a small business that exploded during Covid. It took a health crisis for her to realize she was a frazzle of her former self. Jennifer Moss is the author of The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress and How We Can Fix It and a longtime expert on happiness and unhappiness at work. She says it's up to leaders to solve this problem, and there is plenty they can do about it. Jamie Hand is one such leader, managing her own stress levels while tackling burnout one team member at a time.Jennifer's pandemic dog Maple made her presence felt during our interview. For an outtake, go to the episode 188 page at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/7/202224 minutes, 21 seconds
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Introducing Remote Works

Work has changed forever. Our host Melanie Green is on a journey to learn how we can thrive in work through 2021 and beyond. We'll share stories about the challenges and possibilities those changes bring. We'll hear about the tools, tech, and best practices that power flexible work. Produced by Citrix. Follow along @Citrix Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/7/202214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 187: Redefining success (revisited)

It's the start of a new year - a time when a lot of us think about changing our lives. In this show we re-visit a conversation with two traditionally successful women who left their old work lives for the unknown. But jumping meant leaving their identities behind as well as their paychecks.Radio journalist Tess Vigeland left her job at the top of her game, and initially wondered if she was nuts to have done so. Whitney Johnson was itching to move away from her comfortable existence at Merrill Lynch and challenge herself in new ways. She invites other people to do something similar, even if you may not think you need disrupting.This conversation feels just as relevant in pandemic times as it did when we recorded it, as more and more people re-consider what success actually means. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/4/202227 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 186: Our Obsession with Winning (and how to re-think)

The culture of winning pervades our lives. From sport to the classroom to the workplace, we're supposed to 'kill it' or congratulated for 'crushing it.' But all that crushing can take a toll on the psyche, as Olympic athlete Cath Bishop can attest. Cath spent years training in her sport, rowing, and competed in three Olympic Games. When she left sport she thought she'd left the obsession with winning behind. Instead she found it was pretty much everywhere.In this episode we discuss what winning actually means if you want to achieve long-term success (which looks a lot different than what most people think of as 'success.') We talk about the gendered language around winning, and the young female sports stars who are rejecting the winning narrative.Cath is the author of 'The Long Win: the search for a better way to succeed.' Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/17/202123 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 185: Women Getting Paid

In this show we're talking about women getting paid. Two business owners weigh in on how to charge for your services and how to respond to people who ask if they can 'pick your brain.' We tackle a question from a woman who knows she's paid less than the last man who did her job, but asks if she's happy, how much should she care? And we hear from a negotiation expert on how to use the negative voice in your head - the one that says 'you can't ask for that much!' - to help you get what you want.This episode distills some findings from past shows. I'm using it as a springboard to more coverage on women and money in 2022. Guests today are Adrienne Graham, Kathy Caprino, Jacquette Timmons and Natalie Reynolds. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/1/202119 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 184: The Long Game

A lot of people are quitting their jobs at the moment. In the US, more than 12 million people left jobs voluntarily between July and September. They are fed up, burned out after months and months of pandemic working, and some are wondering, what am I doing this for anyway? Is this what I really want to do with my life? If not, what do I want to do instead?In this show Dorie Clark helps us answer some of those questions, which all involve the need for long-term thinking. She talks about the ideas in her new book, The Long Game: how to be a long-term thinker in a short-term world. We discuss how to carve out time to think about the future, identifying what’s most meaningful to you, and casting off the expectation that you ‘find your passion' (too much pressure!)We also meet consultant Tom Waterhouse, who had a long-term plan to have a family before it was too late. But realizing his dream meant infuriating his bosses. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/17/202130 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 183: Rejection

Rejection plays a part in everyone's work experience. But women are socialized to seek approval, and as my first guest says, 'rejection is the opposite of that.' In this show I speak to Jessica Bacal, author of The Rejection that Changed My Life, about the sting of rejection and what we can learn from it. We also meet nonprofit leader Amy Campbell Bogie. She talks about two searing rejections she went through, and how to emerge gracefully from what can feel like a slap in the face. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/28/202123 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 182: Doing What Matters

Lauren Tucker is a longtime advertising executive and, as a Black female, she's rather unusual in that industry The last time we spoke she was finding it tough to land a job in her field in a new city. Today she runs her own successful inclusion management business, where she grapples with everything from cultural blind spots to terrible job descriptions.Still, Lauren is itching to find out what's around the corner. Looking back, she sees a career that despite her ambitions was largely controlled by others. Her job's demands influenced what she did with her life. Today, she wants her job to be in service of her life - and her perspective on life has changed quite a bit in the last few turbulent years. She still has a lot to do. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/7/202119 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 181: Digital Body Language

Nearly all our workplace communication is digital. Gone are the days when faxing seemed like efficient new technology (believe me, it did at one point). Emails, team communication programs like Slack, texting, instant messaging - they’re all convenient and speedy. They can also cause a lot of angst.In this show I sit down with Erica Dhawan, author of the book Digital Body Language, to talk about why digital communication can be so fraught with frustration and anxiety. Is that terse email simply direct, or does a more sinister meaning lurk in those short sentences? Are emojis OK at the office and if so, for whom? I’m also joined by Liz Zelnick, whose experience in a past job made her think again about her use of exclamation points. And we look at the advantages of virtual meetings, where stereotypes can fade into the background. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/16/202123 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 180: A Book of Her Own (re-release)

Scan the business section of any bookstore and you'll see reams of books written by men, far fewer by women. In this show, which originally aired in 2018, we talk about women as writers and readers of business books. Is it imposter syndrome, fear, or lack of time that stops women from putting fingers to keyboard? Is Lean In a business book or a self-help book? And why are female authors less likely to embrace a publicity blitz when their book is published? My guest is Alison Jones, owner of Practical Inspiration Publishing, host of the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast and author of This Book Means Business. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/31/202123 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 179: Sixtyish and Loving It: Perseverance and the Midlife Career Change

In the last couple of episodes we talked about the transitions working couples go through. In this show we re-meet a former guest, one half of one such couple. Heather McGregor embraced a big career change at 55, going from entrepreneur to academic dean, continuing a period in her life where she's switched from supportive partner to family breadwinner. Heather has always had an eye on the future, planning for what might come next. She believes it's never too late for a career change - if you prepare ahead of time. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/11/202120 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 178: Working Couples - Your Questions Answered

This is a quick follow-up episode to the last show with INSEAD professor Jennifer Petriglieri, author of Couples that Work. We tackle a few of your questions, covering everything from 'how do we split the invisible home and parenting tasks?' to couples with different working styles to couples living apart for work. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/15/202110 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 177: Couples That Work

Books and articles offer career advice or relationship advice. They rarely consider the link between the two. Yet dual-career couples are everywhere, and anyone who's part of one knows your careers can only run in parallel for so long At some point, life is going to get complicated - and not only if you have kids. So how do you make it work?INSEAD professor Jennifer Petriglieri, author of Couples That Work, has spent years researching working couples and learning from their experiences. In this episode we talk about the three transitions couples go through over the decades, and what her research (and her own career and home life) have taught her about the roadblocks couples face, and how to navigate them.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/6/202126 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 176: Thinking Differently: Neurodiversity at Work

This show is all about working with neurodiversity - having a condition such as ADHD, or Asperger’s or anything else that means your brain functions a bit differently from a lot of your colleagues'.Emma Case had always wanted to work in fashion, and she loved it - but at the same time she had trouble with things that seemed totally straightforward to others. It took years to work out why. Emma now runs Women Beyond the Box, a platform that celebrates the successes of neurodiverse women. Michelle Jones and Paige Jeffrey are in this category too. Paige often found the office a confusing environment but didn’t know why until last year. Michelle’s world was rocked when, in her late thirties, she received some shocking news about her brain.All three women have struggled at times, but they’ve all learned use their particular brains to fuel their success. And each of them wants workplaces to open up, to be more inclusive - to recognize that neurodiversity can be a benefit to a project or a team rather than a hindrance. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/1/202131 minutes
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Episode 175: Rejecting Resilience

In this show we consider the idea that resilience is overrated. When Omolara Thomas Uwemedimo attended medical school she learned to be stoic and to power through. But during her career as a pediatrician and professor, she powered through so much that her body turned on her. She says too many Black women are supporting their workplaces - and everyone else - to the detriment of their health. She wants to change that.Therapist Camesha Jones was a student when she experienced a mental health crisis. Today she's bringing mental healthcare to women in Chicago whose needs have too often not been met. Mental health, she says, "is the gateway to having the life that you want." Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/7/202123 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 174: Alcohol and Work

A lot of workplaces use alcohol as social glue. When Lisa Smith started out as a lawyer in the '90s she spent multiple late nights out drinking with colleagues. But the pressures of work had her drinking at home too, and by the time she was in her thirties she was an alcoholic. In this show we look at women's relationship with alcohol as it intersects with the workplace. By being at the bar Lisa got career opportunities she wouldn't have if she'd stayed at her desk. Today she works with law firms on changing their cultures so that alcohol plays less of a central role in people's careers, and to end the stigma around addiction in the legal profession. We also meet Dawn Nickel of She Recovers to talk about the issues women face in seeking treatment for substance use, and how the pandemic has affected women in recovery. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/20/202126 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 173: A Nanny Speaks Up (re-release)

The income gap between women is widening fast as well paid, educated women outsource traditionally female tasks to women who earn far less, with little job security. In this episode we meet Alison Wolf, a professor and labor market expert and author of The XX Factor. Then we hear from Jennifer Bernard, a Trinidad-born, New York-based nanny. She describes the unequal work environment that is the home, how she began to gain confidence on the job, and what makes her feel successful. Since this episode was first released life has become harder for domestic workers of all kinds. Many lost their jobs during the early days of the pandemic, and some remain unemployed. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/5/202123 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 172: Speaking While Female

This episode takes a step back in time to look at the history of women as public speakers, and how the past relates to the present. If you look at history books or speech anthologies, you might assume women didn't say very much in public until the 20th century. But that's far from the case. My guest, speechwriter and coach Dana Rubin, has compiled a speech bank of women's speeches going back hundreds of years. Women were speaking's just that HIStory wasn't interested. And that legacy, Dana argues, affects the way women see themselves as speakers today. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/16/202122 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 171: Unconventional

Erica Heilman is the host of the podcast Rumblestrip. The Atlantic recently named her series ‘Our Show’ the best podcast of 2020. But before she was a brilliant podcaster, Erica was a lot of other things. She was a seller of muffins, she was a theater performer, she milked cows, she worked on a TV news show, then in documentaries, then for a healthcare website…and that’s not all.It took Erica a while to get where she wanted to be. And she’ll be the first to admit she had no idea where that was.She is not the only person who’s struggled to work out, what am I doing? What am I good at? How best do I use the skills I actually have? Some of us take longer to get there. We wish it were different, but it’s not. This is a show about the messiness of the unconventional career path. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/25/202126 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 170: Emergency: Women in Medicine during Covid

Dara Kass had always known emergency medicine was for her. She loved the excitement of the ER, the fact that she always had too much to do. It was only when she had a baby that she realized the emergency room, like so many other workplaces, wasn’t going to fit in with her - she was expected to fit in with it. She set out to change that for her and everyone else.But when Covid-19 hit New York last spring, Dara was presented with challenges she could never have imagined - catching the virus herself, protecting her family, working through a relentless pandemic, and the loss of a colleague to suicide. She still wants to bring gender equity to emergency medicine. But she says workers’ mental health has to take priority now and as we emerge from this pandemic. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/4/202129 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 169: Controlling the Controllable

2021, a year so many of us have been hoping will turn a global page for the better, has got off to a rocky start. There is so much we can’t control at the moment, so in this show we’re going to concentrate on what we can do - that is, take the reins of our own careers, albeit from behind our computers. My guest is Lisa Unwin, co-founder of London-based Reignite Academy and author of She’s Back. I wanted to talk to Lisa because she’s now optimistic about the future, when a few months ago she felt quite differently. Among other things we discuss the underrated business phone call, how men and women have used social media differently during lockdown (which may be hurting women’s careers), and what happens when women don’t charge for their work. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/18/202125 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 168: Home Alone

Being single is a lifestyle choice for some women and an unwelcome reality for others. In this episode we meet three women, each with different perspectives on living and working alone, especially during a pandemic. Retired professor Joan DelFattore has been happily single for decades. Susie, a consultant, is mourning the lack of a husband and children. Her isolation during Covid just makes everything feel worse - particularly when HR seems fixated on families. And psychotherapist Magali Rozenfeld says being by yourself can provide unexpected opportunities for growth. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/17/202030 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 167: Power and Body Language (re-release)

Today we revisit the theme of body language in the workplace: hunching, spread legs, eye contact, and kissing - all in a business setting. We meet Yale psychology professor Marianne LaFrance, who discusses how men and women play up their power, or lack of it, through non-verbal communication. And Financial Times journalist Elaine Moore talks about how she deals with unwanted male kisses at business meetings.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/9/202021 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 166: How to Work Better from Home - a conversation with Laura Vanderkam

Working from home is the new normal for a lot of us. But that doesn't mean we like it. Or that we're good at it. In this episode I sit down with Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It, What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, and, most recently, The New Corner Office: How the Most Successful People Work from Home. Working from your house or apartment has taken on new meaning - and stress - in the pandemic. But Laura says there are ways to gain focus, force yourself to stop at the end of the day, and make the rhythm of the whole thing work for you. WFH won't go away when the pandemic does, but doing it well is a skill that most of us need a little help mastering. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/23/202024 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 165: Yes, You Can Negotiate During Covid

Now may not seem like the best time to ask for what you want at work, whether that's more money, a new title, or more time off. Everyone's under stress and putting in extra hours, right? But this situation isn't ending any time soon. And you may be about to burn out. So why NOT ask for what you want and need?In this episode we meet negotiation coach Fotini Iconomopoulos. We talk about her background as a child of Greek immigrants and what that taught her about advocating for herself. And we discuss how women in particular can stop their empathy getting in the way of reaching their goals. Because you can improve your situation, even during tough times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/10/202025 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 164: Hard Conversations

In this show we meet a small business owner, Rachel Garrett who specializes in boosting women's careers - only to find that during Covid, her own was flagging. She is far from alone. We now know that in September, four times as many women than men left the US workforce thanks to the pressures of the pandemic. Rachel and I discuss the difficult conversations she started at home about whose career was getting priority, and why it's important - even now - that women don't put themselves on the sidelines. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/29/202020 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 163: No Kids. Working Hard.

We're still in a pandemic and we know women's careers are suffering. So many of us are managing working from home and family at the same time. But what if you don't have kids, or your children are grown up? In this show we meet two child-free women with different experiences of work during Covid. One feels her career is thriving. The other wonders what ambition means anymore when she just wants to get offline before midnight. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/14/202018 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 162: The Coming Shift: What's Happening to Our Careers (part 2)

In the last episode you heard Jessi Hempel and I ask, what is happening to women’s careers right now? So many of us are still at home, often with family underfoot, attempting to manage children’s schooling or simply care for them while also doing our own jobs. Much has been written about the ‘women’s recession’ and the enormous pressure women are under during this pandemic.In this show Avivah Wittenberg-Cox offers a more hopeful perspective.She sees this crisis is an opportunity for organizations to change the way they do things and make the workplace fairer for everyone. She says a generation clash between men is part of the current problem. And she says many of us will undergo a big shift in our careers in the months and years ahead, whether we welcome it or not. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/28/202025 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 161: What is Happening to Women's Careers Right Now?

In this episode I sit down with Jessi Hempel, host of LinkedIn's Hello Monday podcast about the future of work.If you have family responsibilities the future may have shrunk to this week and managing what's right in front of you. As Jessi puts it, for many of us career questions 'exist in a different plane in time, and we're not existing in that plane right now.' She and I talk about how the last six months have affected women's careers in particular, and what might happen next. We discuss who's able to get ahead right now, and the delights of a supportive manager whose home/work life is as crazy as your own.We don't have a crystal ball, but we wonder - will this pandemic have lasting effects on women's progress? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/14/202023 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 160: Stress and the Benefits of Being Outside (re-release)

When I first made this show I could never have imagined how large a role both stress and getting outside would play in our lives in 2020.In this episode I talk to science writer Florence Williams, author of The Nature Fix, about how spending time outside can help lower our stress levels and allow us to gain perspective on daily problems. Most of us live and work in urban environments, spending hours a day in front of a screen. Nothing could be less natural. In this show we talk about how spending time outdoors can improve our lives in multiple ways, and how women can benefit even more than men. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/17/202025 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 159: Science Evangelist

Ainissa Ramirez has loved science since the age of four. But her dreams of becoming a scientist were almost squelched when she got to college. When she graduated she vowed to make other people's journeys through science better than her own. Today, she's helping thousands of people understand and appreciate how the world works - and maybe even go into science themselves. In this episode we talk about the ups and downs of her career, leaving academia to go out on her own, and some of the amazing stories in her new book, The Alchemy of Us.And she has some solid advice for other women scientists who may be finding their workplaces...challenging. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/30/202024 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 158: Caring in a Crisis

A lot of us have been able to work from home during lockdown these last few months. One group of workers that hasn't is paid caregivers - aides, mainly women, who are paid by the hour to help elderly, frail and disabled people accomplish some of the tasks of daily living.In this show we meet two women who have been doing care work for three decades - Susie Rivera in Texas and Maria Colville in Massachusetts. Their job is one of the fastest growing in the U.S. But it pays poorly and a lot of people don't see its importance...until they need that care themselves. Some clients are grateful and gracious, others less so. Each woman feels called to her role. As Maria puts it, "The opportunity to make an impact in someone else's life," is its own reward. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/13/202021 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 157: More Than Power Poses

In this episode I hand over the reins to Lauren Schiller, host of Inflection Point. In this show she and writer Ruth Whippman (a fellow Brit) discuss the very American idea that if you just try hard enough, you can get pretty much anything you want - from a better figure to a better job. But Ruth says self-belief plus a few girl power T-shirts and social media slogans do not an equal society make. Tune in to hear Lauren and Ruth discuss what needs to change for 'empowerment' to lead to real power. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/23/202051 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 156: An Immigrant's Tale

Fernanda Santos moved to the U.S. from Brazil to go to graduate school, but ended up staying and forging a career in journalism. Her work is a thread throughout this episode (she was an early believer in the mantra ‘never work for free’). But this story is also about how Fernanda's immigrant experience, and her journalist training, helped when she was forced to confront a future she never expected. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/10/202024 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 155: Firefighter

Some of us have two jobs: one that pays us, one that sustains us in another way. In this episode we meet two women who volunteer as firefighters. Stephanie Looi and Kassie Stevens have faced challenges in their roles, but each feels lucky to be doing it. Stephanie just went through Australia's devastating fire season and had to make decisions she never thought she would. Kassie faces incredulous reactions when she shows up to a call, and sometimes hostility as well. But they both say it's a privilege to serve - and to inspire other women. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/23/202028 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 154: Straight Talk + Empathy: Women, Men, and Leadership in Crisis

You’ve probably seen some of the stories: women leaders around the world are “stepping up to show the world how to manage a messy patch for our human family.” I’m quoting one of this week’s guests, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, from her Forbes piece on women leaders’ success during the pandemic. She and other writers on this topic make the same point: when you look at countries with the best coronavirus outcomes so far, they often have one thing in common - a woman at the top. In this week’s show Avivah and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, author of Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? discuss the leadership styles we’re seeing during this global crisis, why Andrew Cuomo can chat about recipes on TV where Jacinda Ardern probably couldn’t, and whether today’s female leaders will change anything for women in the future. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/5/202030 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 153: Partnership in the Pandemic

Last month an article appeared in The Atlantic with the title The Coronavirus is a Disaster for Feminism. One striking line reads, ‘The coronavirus smashes up the bargain that so many dual-earner couples have made in the developed world: We can both work because someone else is looking after our children. Instead, couples will have to decide which one of them takes the hit.’But is that true?In this episode we meet three married women in Canada, the US, and the UK, and one (male) sociologist, Daniel Carlson, who has studied couples and the division of labour in the home. Kristen Elworthy and Anna Lagerdahl have children and Samantha Murphy doesn’t. Each has found the pandemic has affected her work/life balance in unexpected ways. And it’s not all about housework and childcare - women may be carrying a greater emotional load at this time, which affects many aspects of our lives. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/14/202032 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 152: Young Breadwinner

My guest in this episode started working right around the time most of us started school. Marie was just five years old when her acting work began supporting her entire family. But as she got older she noticed all the best parts were going to the boys, while the roles she was getting relied on her looks. Her dreams of continuing in acting were dashed when she realized what she was expected to do to get better parts.Today she has a totally different career, but she’ll never forget what show business taught her - about professionalism, teamwork, and sexism. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/31/202024 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 151: Mary Lou at 94

In this episode we meet a true broad - a 20th century woman who has bucked convention in more ways than one.Mary Lou landed her first job as a telephone operator in 1941, and went on to become a social worker and then a teacher. Along the way she married, had six children, divorced, and became a (very) independent woman. Today, at almost 95, she’s settled down with her partner Al and tells me, ‘I’ve had a fantastic life.’ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/10/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 150: Who Do You Think You Are?

A lot of women have a voice in their heads that asks them that question. In this episode we explore women's confidence, or the lack of it, and why it matters to our livelihoods. We discuss why women often struggle to recognize their value, and how much of our experience depends on our backgrounds. We meet Chicago business owner Denise Barreto, who is enviably confident, and NPR journalist Stacey Vanek Smith, who shares some of my hangups. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/22/202022 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 149: Forgiveness at Work

In this episode we look at forgiveness as a career tactic. A lot of us stew for weeks or months over things that have happened at work. My guest Christie Lindor decided the way to get ahead in her career was to forgive the aggressions - micro and otherwise - she was subject to at the office. She talks about how and why she chose forgiveness as a way forward, and how focusing on what you want to come out of a bad situation can help you deal with hurt, anger and resentment. If you're fuming over a work situation right now, tune in. This is the last episode you'll hear for a while as The Broad Experience goes on hiatus for a few months. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/7/201917 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 148: So Many Incompetent Leaders

Most leaders in business and politics are male, and most of us rate our leaders poorly. Would that change if more leaders were women? In this show I meet up with Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, author of 'Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?' We discuss confidence versus competence, learning to distrust our instincts, and how bad leadership can drive a lot of us out of a job (voluntarily). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/15/201923 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode147: Forced Out (re-boot)

Most of us have a bad breakup with work at some point. You don't have to be fired for things to end on a sour note, but however the end comes, leaving a job in difficult circumstances is one of the hardest experiences to go through. In this show we meet two women who know this first hand: Marion Kane, longtime food writer at some of Canada's top newspapers, and Heather McGregor, a frequent guest in this show's early years and now executive dean of the Edinburgh Business School. We hear their stories and get some advice on how to recover your confidence and your livelihood after a rocky exit. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/24/201924 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 146: Ageism, or Prejudice Against Our Future Selves

This is the second of two shows on what happens as women in the workforce get older. And a lot of it isn't good. Women can experience a double whammy of prejudice that men don't, and it's affecting our bank accounts apart from anything else. In this episode we meet women's leadership professor Terri Boyer, and founder of Magnificent Midlife Rachel Lankester. Each discusses age discrimination (which is perpetrated by both men and women) and suggests ways we can tackle it, beginning with women not buying into the narratives we've been fed over the years. OK, centuries. And we meet late-in-life lawyer Kate Wiseman, who's having a positive experience of being an 'older woman' at the office. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/6/201926 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode145: Working through Menopause

You're commuting to work and you start overheating; you're suddenly feeling more anxious about everything; you can't sleep properly, and your colleagues and family are driving you nuts. Many women in their forties start feeling these signs of peri-menopause. And in the UK, some employers are actually moving to support their female staff as they go through this transition. But menopause still remains largely under-discussed, particularly in the youth-obsessed US (why would you admit you're menopausal when the workplace is already sexist and ageist?) In this show we meet a menopause coach and an employee who are both determined to bring more transparency to one of the last workplace taboos. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/7/201926 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 144: Class and Career (re-release)

In this show, originally released in 2016, we look at how class can play out at work. Each of my guests works in a professional setting but both grew up in blue-collar households. Each has had trouble navigating the white-collar workplace and some of its attitudes. We also meet Daniel Laurison, a sociology professor at Swarthmore. He co-authored a study on the 'class ceiling' in Britain. It showed that on average, people in high-status professions who began life in a working-class household earn less than their more privileged peers. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/23/201929 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 143: True Equality: When it's OK to be Mediocre

We all need inspiration in the form of successful women. But sometimes the pitches I get about the latest amazing, do-it-all star who's 'killing it' can make me feel tired rather than inspired. Financial Times columnist Pilita Clark is in the same boat. She argues that true equality means not having to be utterly stellar to receive recognition. In this show we discuss her theory that women should be allowed to be as mediocre as any man. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/8/201920 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 142: Working Daughters: Your Career + Parent-care

More and more working women are taking care of an ill or aging parent. And while there's plenty of discussion about working mothers and what can be done to support them, there's almost none about working daughters. This episode aims to change that. In it we meet three women who've become caregivers. Liz O'Donnell is the founder of online community Working Daughter; Maria Toropova is part of that community and was just 29 when her mother got sick; and Kate Schutt let her music career slide as she cared for her mother during the last years of her life. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/21/201937 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 141: When I'm 85 - an interview with Madeleine Kunin

A few years ago I spoke to former Vermont governor Madeleine Kunin for a show called Politics is Power. When I took some of her career advice and wrote it up in a LinkedIn post, it got hundreds of (positive) comments. So when I heard she had a new memoir out about being in her eighties, I couldn't wait to talk to her again. In this show we discuss what it's like to officially be an old woman, and talk about some of the highs and lows of reaching your eighties. We discuss how she's changed as a person and go back in time to her childhood, to parts of her career, and to the time she became single again at 60 after years of marriage. She found love again at 71. Being 85, she says, 'is not what I pictured in my mind.' Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/5/201926 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 140: The Coaching Cure, part 2: The Coachee

This is the second of two shows on women and the coaching industry. This time we find out about one novice coachee's first experience of leadership coaching at work. We talk to management expert Anne Libby and coach trainer Terry Maltbia about why coaching has become so popular in the last couple of decades, especially among women - and why anyone picking a coach should ask questions first. And we meet Christine Whelan, a professor of consumer science and an expert on the self-help industry. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/20/201926 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 139: The Coaching Cure, part 1: The Coach

The coaching industry has been exploding over the last several years. Life coaches, wellness coaches, career coaches, executive coaches - it can seem like everyone's hiring a coach for something. And the industry is dominated by women. This is the first of two shows in which we look at why coaching has become so popular and why women in particular want to become coaches, and clients. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/4/201928 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 138: Focus Amidst the Chaos

Right now a lot of us are thinking about our intentions for the new year. Plenty of people have a side project they're hoping to get off the ground - it could be a novel, a new business, or perhaps you just want to learn to paint. Whatever it is, you have to make it happen on top of the rest of your life. Which is where the problems start. In this episode cartoonist, teacher, and author Jessica Abel talks about how to bring focus to a crowded life so you can actually turn your idea into a reality. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/28/201823 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 137: Pregnancy Loss and Work

In this show we take on a taboo topic - pregnancy loss. Around a fifth of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and many women are dealing with the after effects alone, while they're at work. Some go to work as if nothing had happened. Others (especially outside the US) take some time off. But it can be awkward when they get back. As a culture we're not great at comforting people who've been through a loss of any kind. But we can always learn. In this episode we meet three women from three different countries, each with a different experience of pregnancy loss and the workplace. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/8/201836 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 136: Loyalty Has Limits

So many women stick around in jobs they've had for years, unsure of their next step. In the first part of this episode we look at why it can be so hard to move on even when we know we should. In part two we talk about emotions in the workplace. Is it OK to cry openly (really?) or should we stick with the conventional advice to flee to the bathroom? We learn about gender and the science of tears. And we meet someone who has to watch her tone of voice and expression pretty much all the time for fear of being misunderstood. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/15/201822 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 135: The Comeback

Many women will take time out of the workforce at some point in their careers. But getting back in can be notoriously hard. In this show we meet Lisa Unwin, co-author of the book 'She's Back'. We discuss how to change your attitude to persuade an employer (and yourself) of your worth, how to frame an absence from the workforce, and why career and motherhood have a lot in common with a game of chess. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/30/201823 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 134: Running for Office

The US midterm elections are just around the corner. In this episode we meet two women running for office for the first time, Suzanna Coleman and Morgan Murtaugh - one Democrat, one Republican. They're from different generations and different parts of the country. Each hopes to unseat an incumbent who's been around for a long time. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/6/201822 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 133: The Ambition Decisions

In the early '90s Hana Schank and Elizabeth Wallace graduated from college with big dreams for the future. But more than 20 years later they didn't feel like success stories. Career and family life felt messy and underwhelming. But surely their friends from college had made it work - maybe they could pick up some tips? Hana and Liz set out to interview the women they'd graduated with to find out how they'd channeled their ambition over the years and what their stories can teach the rest of us. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/18/201826 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 132: The Military Spouse and the Challenge of Work

Why is it so hard to combine a career with military life? That's the question we look at in this show, brought to you by Stacy Raine, a military wife herself. Women who marry a US service member often start out with careers of their own. But as time goes by and families move around the country, military spouses find it tough to find work. This show looks at the reasons behind that, what we can do to change the status quo, and why the rest of us should care. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/20/201829 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 131: Would You Work in a Women-Only Space?

Women-only workspaces are becoming more and more popular for freelancers and entrepreneurs. One such space, The Wing, has garnered a lot of press and is opening branches in multiple US cities as well as abroad. For fans, these spaces are a haven for professional women. But others say a women-only office is no triumph for equality. In this show I visit the Brooklyn branch of The Wing and meet up with one of its members, podcaster Mallory Kasdan. I also talk to former TBE guest Leigh Stringer, a workplace expert, and to UK-based Amy Rowe. Amy works from a co-working space herself, but it has plenty of men - and she likes it that way.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/29/201822 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 130: How to Make the Most of Your Time (re-release)

We say it repeatedly - that we're 'crazy busy' and 'don't have time' for various things we enjoy, or used to. The pressure of work and life is too much. Or is it?In this show I talk to author and journalist Laura Vanderkam about women and time management. Her book is I Know How She Does It - How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time. Laura says many of us buy into a negative storyline about what's (im)possible as a worker and a parent. She argues there are ways to have a senior job and a family and not lose your mind - you just have to think creatively. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/12/201821 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 129: Will They Still Like Me? The Power of Negotiation (part 2)

When Neda Frayha landed her first job as a physician she didn't even think to negotiate. The money was a big jump from what she'd been earning as a medical resident. Who was she to complain? Then years later she learned she was on less money than her peers. In this episode Neda talks about her route to becoming a negotiator. We discuss her fears along the way, the need to be liked and the concern that she was being 'too pushy' (she wasn't).This is the second of two episodes on the art of negotiation. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/21/201822 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 128: You're Worth It - The Power of Negotiation (part 1)

Women hear that we negotiate less than men, that we're not as good at it as men, that we get backlash when we do negotiate. All such negative stuff. Yet there's so much power in negotiation. It's a vital tool to get us what we want at work and everywhere else. In this show I sit down with Natalie Reynolds to demystify negotiation and talk about how women can make it work for them - in their own way. That includes not accepting 'no' as a final answer. Natalie is CEO of negotiation consultancy Advantage Spring and author of the book We Have a Deal. This is the first of a two-part show. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/13/201836 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 127: Resilience

"Empower yourself. You will be underestimated and misunderstood. Do it anyway." Those were some of the first words I heard Dana Canedy speak at a women's careers event earlier this year. In this show I ask Dana to expand on that advice. She was the first person in her family to go to college. She had dreamed of being a writer from childhood, and had a long career in journalism, much of it at the New York Times. But along the way she experienced terrible loss. Now she is a single mother to a 12-year-old boy and she runs the Pulitzer Prizes, the first woman and person of color to do so. In this episode she talks about resilience, handling yourself at work, and the joy of giving back. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/28/201825 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 126: The Hell of Networking (re-release)

All the career manuals say it: to get ahead at work, you have to keep expanding your network. But for a lot of women there's something cringey about networking, from walking up to strangers and introducing yourself to the feeling of fakeness networking can bring. In this show I talk to three guests about how to get over a horror of networking and why you should bother. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/15/201820 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 125: Saying No to Office Housework

Women, and particularly women of color, get lumbered with most of the office housework. Stuff like ordering lunch, clearing up after a meeting, or sending out meeting notes. But office housework is also the unexciting stuff organizations need to get done - necessary, humdrum tasks that won't burnish your resume. Women disproportionately take on those tasks. In this show I speak with journalist Ruchika Tulshyan about what women can do to push back on office housework, while treading the ever-fine line between deference and standing up for themselves. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/2/201817 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 124: Fair Pay, part 2: Transparency Matters

This is the second part of a two-episode show on women's pay. In this one we talk about why companies should be more transparent about their pay practices. Payscale's Lydia Frank says you don't have to brandish everyone's paychecks, but let's end the silence around compensation. It's not rude to discuss money at work - people want to make sure they're being paid fairly. And we talk to University of Iceland professor Thorgerdur Einasdottir about Iceland's new equal pay law. It puts the onus on employers, not employees, to ensure men and women are getting paid the same for equal work. Finally we come back to negotiation: is it fair that women have to negotiate for better pay when studies show many of us hate doing it and fare worse then men? Comments welcome as usual. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/10/201818 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 123: Fair Pay, part 1: It Begins with Babysitting

This show kicks off a two-part exploration of the pay gap and women's ongoing efforts to get equal pay for equal work. First, we talk to researcher and author Yasemin Besen-Cassino. She found out the pay gap begins a lot earlier than you might think - at age 14. (Male babysitters get paid more than female ones!) Then we meet Lydia Frank from Payscale to talk about the importance of pay transparency and why even women with MBA degrees often fail to get a raise. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/5/201828 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 122: Leading in Faith (re-release)

It's far more common than it used to be to see women in roles such as rabbi or priest. But these hard-won jobs aren't without their frustrations as well as their triumphs. In this show we meet three women. One went straight to her calling from college, the other two are career-changers. We talk about how women are viewed by the congregation, what you can get away with when you preach, and how getting ahead can still be tougher for women - even within denominations where women are accepted as leaders. Appearance came up much more than I expected during these interviews. These women have to manage their image just as carefully as any corporate executive. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/21/201828 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 121: A Book of Her Own

Scan the business section of any bookstore and you'll see reams of books written by men, far fewer by women. In this show we talk about women as writers and readers of business books. Is it imposter syndrome, fear, or lack of time that stops women from putting fingers to keyboard? Is 'Lean In' a business book or a self-help book? And why are female authors less likely to embrace a publicity blitz when their book is published? My guest is Alison Jones, host of the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/9/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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Bonus episode: Femininity and Power

"When you see the countries that have been run by women, they’re not necessarily the Anglo-Saxon countries." In this extra episode we're back with Avivah Wittenberg-Cox. She's fresh from 30 years of living in France, and a keen observer of how gender plays out all over the world. "Anglo-Saxon cultures do not like, embrace, or value femininity," she says. Ouch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/27/20189 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 120: Does Your Partner Support Your Success?

This time we're talking about couplehood and careers. My first guest is shocked that her mentees' boyfriends refuse to marry them until they - the men - are the main breadwinner. My second guest isn't surprised at all. In this episode we talk about who supports whom in heterosexual and same-sex couples, and what that support looks like. We discuss how dual-career couples can maintain partnerships where each person gets what they want and need. And we get tips on using team-building techniques to good effect at home. With Diane Reichenberger and Avivah Wittenberg-Cox. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/19/201830 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 119: Women in Medicine are Burning Out

Most women and quite a few men have at least one female doctor. A lot of those doctors are burning out faster than their male colleagues. In this show we talk about why. We discuss burnout and lack of empathy in a profession that on the surface seems to be all about it; how women judge one another’s success, and how they can help eachother. My guests are family doctor Robin Devine and maternal fetal medicine specialist Heather Anaya. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/5/201834 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 118: A Year for Women?

We could be entering a new era for women at work. Women aren't whispering about bullying or harassment any more, and we're speaking up about equal pay more often. Everything feels different than it did just a few months ago. A lot of us are excited about the future. Could this be the year more women see equality at work, and will men support that evolution (or revolution?) Two guests on different continents talk about their hopes and fears for the year ahead. Anne Libby is a longtime management expert and observer of workplace dynamics. Nastaran Tavakoli-Far co-hosts The Gender Knot podcast from London. Send feedback to [email protected]. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/22/201825 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 117: Behind the Scenes at The Broad Experience

This time, a short show in which I'm the interviewee. Sara Holtz of the Advice to My Younger Me podcast talks with me about how I came to start The Broad Experience, what goes into making it and why production tends to be seat-of-the-pants. For more on the life of an independent podcaster, check out for a photo of my recording studio, AKA my clothes closet. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/31/201717 minutes, 19 seconds
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Broad Experience teaser

Just recorded a new teaser to mark the show's five-year anniversary. Pass it along and help TBE land more listeners! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/21/20172 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 116: The Reckoning

Sexual harassment at work used to be something everyone knew about but no one talked about. Now everyone is talking about it. Scores of women are publicly naming prominent men as harassers. Many of those men have lost their jobs. But what does the reckoning mean for women in the workplace, and the power dynamic between the sexes? This show features two guests, Laura Linnaeus from the US and Linda Betts from Australia. Each has a different idea of what #MeToo and the current climate will do for women's careers. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/15/201724 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 115: Putting Yourself First

For many women, looking after after ourselves in the midst of work and family life can feel like a stretch. In this show we meet two women who ignored what their bodies were telling them before switching tack and putting themselves first. I made this show because listeners wanted an episode on self-care - but only if it felt real. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/28/201724 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 114: My Answer is No (If That's OK With You)

A lot of women have trouble saying no to requests at work and in the rest of life. We don't want to let people down, and many of us enjoy helping others. But too many women are withering under the weight of tasks and favors they've taken on because they couldn't bring themselves to say no. In this show I talk to psychiatrist and author Nanette Gartrell about how to set boundaries with bosses and colleagues without damaging your relationships. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/14/201724 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bonus Episode: Unpacking Sexual Harassment

Before the revelations about Harvey Weinstein, Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes and Donald Trump, Jennifer BerdhahI and I sat down to talk about sexual harassment. Jennifer is a professor at the University of British Columbia who studies harassment and power in organizations. In this show we look at what motivates sexual harassment, why anti-harassment trainings don't work, and what we can do about all of it. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/27/201723 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 113: What's in a Name

Plenty of us work remotely in one way or another, known to clients or collaborators by name only. In this show we meet a woman who, in her profession, is often assumed to be a man. We talk about how she deals with that, and her distaste for female titles - especially 'Ms.'And I talk to a man and woman who swapped names and identities for a week at the office. The results were revealing. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/19/201733 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 112: Your Weight, Your Worth

Finding a weight-loss DVD in your mailbox, wondering why you didn't get that promotion, or just being told you need to lose weight 'for your health' - these are some of the things today's guests have experienced in the workplace. All three are or have been overweight, and each has felt judged for it while on the job. They are not alone. In this show, we look at how much being overweight affects a woman's career. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/29/201728 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 111: Hiring Hell

Remember rejection letters? Some of us do, but they're a lot less common in today's hiring world. In this show we look at how and why the hiring process is getting longer, not to mention more frustrating and less polite. Two recent job seekers discuss their experiences and Allison Hemming of The Hired Guns brings some perspective. 
  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/13/201722 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 110: Stress and the Benefits of Being Outside

In this show I talk to science writer Florence Williams, author of The Nature Fix, about how spending time outside can help lower our stress levels and allow us to gain perspective on daily problems. Most of us live and work in urban environments, spending hours a day in front of a screen. Nothing could be less natural. In this show we talk about how spending time outdoors can improve our lives in multiple ways, and how women benefit even more than men. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/2/201725 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 109: Ambition on Hold

In this show we reunite with Tess Vigeland, one of the guests on my most popular show to date - episode 75, Redefining Success. Within a few years Tess quit a longtime job as a national radio host, wrote a book, got divorced and set off to travel the world. She had always been fueled by ambition, and lots of it. She also valued herself mostly through her job. We talk about how her attitude to ambition, success and office politics has changed in the 18 months she's been on the road. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/13/201722 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 108: Conservative Women Speak Up

America is politically divided, and women with different views are not talking to eachother. In this show we hear from two conservative women about their lives and views on politics, feminism, and being an out conservative in a liberal workplace.And we meet a lifelong liberal who's set on getting both groups of women to enter politics for the good of democracy. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/28/201729 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 107: Expect the Unexpected

Lauren Tucker was like a lot of other women who've been working in corporate life for years - itching to go out on her own. So she did. But things didn't turn out the way she expected. In this show we talk about dashed hopes, reinvention in a new place, why diversity in the ad business still sucks, and caring for your parents when everything around you is falling apart. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/12/201723 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 106: Authenticity vs. Conformity (re-release)

Authenticity is a buzzword that crops up a lot these days. We're all meant to 'be ourselves' at work. But how realistic a goal is that for women, really? In this show I speak to Sylvia Ann Hewlett, author of the book Executive Presence. Sylvia says women have to find the right balance of being themselves and having the perfect combination of gravitas, communication skills and appearance to get to the top. Lauren Tucker is pretty much there. Still, she says meshing her forthright personality with the workplace is no picnic, even at her level. And why should she even have to try? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/29/201724 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 105: The Assistant

A few years ago I found out the most popular job for women in America is the same as it was in the 1950s - administrative assistant, or secretary. I was shocked. How could this be, in an era where women are more educated than men? Why are so many of us still working to support other people - mostly men - rather than pursuing something for ourselves? I set out to tackle those questions in this show, and take a look at the assistant role as it exists now. Typing and dictation are out, while managing executives' lives and company projects are in. But traditional aspects of the job remain. This is a role women still flock to, and are sought for, while men are largely absent. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/15/201726 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 104: Starting Over

Brooke Lark was raised to think having a career was selfish and motherhood was sacred. She had four children by the age of 29 and never expected to work outside the home. But as she began to have more contact with the outside world, the certainties of her religion began to crumble. At 35 she was faced with a whole new prospect - not only working, but being the main breadwinner for her family. In this show we hear Brooke's story of being raised Mormon, losing her religion and joining a workplace she had no idea how to navigate. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/27/201724 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 103: Conservative State of Mind

Patricia Jones was born and raised in Utah, a state with a conservative bent and one of the highest wage gaps in the US. 60% of the population is Mormon, but belonging to a conservative faith never stopped Pat from having a family and a career, first running a business, then as a politician. In her latest role she's on a mission to raise the status of women at work in Utah. And that means persuading a lot of pale males it's a good idea. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/5/201718 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 102: When Women Work For Free (re-release)

Women have a problem valuing themselves, both setting prices and believing they're truly worth something in the marketplace. A lot of us charge too little for our work. Sometimes we don't charge at all. It's a complicated, multi-layered issue, and part of the reason women earn less than men. As someone who squirms whenever I have to talk about how much I'm worth, I knew I had to tackle the topic on the podcast. Guests are Adrienne Graham and Kathy Caprino. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/22/201720 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 101: Your Work, Your Private Life

The boundaries between work and home are fraying all the time. We spend work time doing personal stuff, and time at home working. We talk about our personal lives at work too, and vice versa. But some of us aren't comfortable sharing much about our home lives with colleagues - we like our boundaries. Yet not sharing can put us at odds with a world where everyone's connected on social media. My first guest guards her privacy, but wonders if she's hurting her career by being circumspect. My second guest has a different take on openness at work. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/10/201726 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 100: Owning It - an Interview with Sallie Krawcheck

For years Sallie Krawcheck was one of the few famous women on Wall Street. She earned millions of dollars, had a huge office, and the use of a private jet. A few years ago, all that changed when she made the switch to entrepreneurship. In this interview we talk about the relationship between her gender and her firing from Citibank, why she won't shut up about diversity, stodgy company cultures, and handling sexism at work. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/20/201730 minutes, 52 seconds
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Broad Experience Shorts: Going on Leave

In this week's mini-show Rachael Ellison is back to talk about leave. She says delegation plays a big part in having a successful leave, but more importantly, a successful return. Whether you're going on parental leave or you suddenly have to take care of a sick parent, your exit can be fraught with uncertainty. Then there are the unexpected surprises that await you when you get back. Rachael talks about ways that employee, boss and team can work together to plan for a smooth absence. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/13/20179 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 99: Hate to Delegate

A lot of women admit it: we have trouble delegating. How many times have you said, "It's just easier if I do it"? But you can't pull off a senior role without giving away some of your work to other people. In this show we look at the cultural reasons why women shy away from delegation, and how we can get more comfortable with it. My guests are coach and consultant Rachael Ellison and management professor Jodi Detjen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/5/201723 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 98: Leaning Back

A lot of women dream of scaling back their careers after they have kids, even if it's just for a while. Some quit altogether and stay out of the workforce for years. In this show I talk to Kathryn Sollmann of 9 Lives for Women about the pros and cons of dialing back your work life. Kathryn says one vital point often gets left out of these 'leaning out' discussions: the importance of long-term financial security. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/20/201723 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 97: Women's Work

We talk a lot on the show about being a woman in a man's (work) world. But lots of women are in female-dominated fields, and that can bring its own challenges - one of them being lower pay. Meanwhile your boss is still likely to be a man. Tune in to hear from listeners in two majority-women fields and from sociologist Marianne Cooper. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/22/201622 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 96: Burnout

Anyone can burn out at work, but women seem to be doing it faster and younger than men. In this show we take a closer look at what leads to burnout and how to prevent it in the first place. My guests are career and burnout coach Dana Campbell and journalist and former BuzzFeed News editor Stacy-Marie Ishmael. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/29/201620 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 95: Better in Scandinavia

The Nordic countries have a reputation for equality and excellent work/life balance. American women look enviously at these nations as they scrape together a short maternity leave or finish another 10-hour day.But here's the paradox: there are just as few women in powerful roles in Scandinavia as there are in the US. Why? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/14/201628 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 94: Class and Career

In this show we look at how class can play out at work. Each of my guests works in a professional setting but both grew up in blue-collar households, and each has had trouble navigating the white-collar workplace and the attitudes of some of its workforce. I also talk to Daniel Laurison, a sociology professor at Swarthmore. He co-authored a study on the 'class ceiling' in Britain. It showed that on average, people in high-status professions who began life in a working-class household earn less than their more privileged peers. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/30/201628 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 93: Women in Politics (re-release)

Countries like the US and UK may thrive in many areas, but not when it comes to women in politics. The US Congress is about 20% women and in the UK, Parliament is 23% female. Yes, it's an improvement on former decades, but in 2016 why aren't more women holding power at a national level?We have two fantastic, outspoken guests on today's show, which was first released in early 2015: Megan Murphy, former Financial Times Washington bureau chief (now with Bloomberg), and Madeleine Kunin, former and first woman governor of Vermont. She once ran against Bernie Sanders. We discuss the landscape for women in politics today, what life as a female politician is actually like, and why it's so important that more women go into politics in the first place. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/10/201629 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 92: Illness and Secrecy

A lot of people are working with some kind of health condition. Many of them keep that a secret from bosses and co-workers. In this show we look at perceptions of weakness at work, and talk to two guests with health issues. One of them is still deciding how and when to reveal her condition, and wonders if she does, will she ever be promoted again? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/28/201623 minutes
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Episode 91: Sandberg vs. Slaughter

Two women dominate discussions about women in the workplace today: Sheryl Sandberg and Anne-Marie Slaughter. In this show New Yorker writer Sheelah Kolhatkar and I talk about each woman's message and philosophy and how they differ from one another. We also hear from some of you about what you think of them. And we ask what will galvanize change for women long-term - individual effort, or a system overhaul? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/12/201615 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 90: Working with Asperger's

This is a mini-episode. It sprang from my conversation with Tina Alberino, who featured in the last show on the beauty business. She surprised me at the end of our interview by mentioning she was awkward with people. I'd just had an animated 40 minute conversation with her, so I probed, and this short show is the result. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/21/20166 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 89: Inside the Beauty Business

Self-care. You hear that phrase all the time if you're a professional woman. We're all urged to care for ourselves, to take time to do yoga, go to the gym, maybe indulge ourselves with a little beauty treatment once in a while. Many of us get something done on a regular basis - from a haircut to waxing. But how often do we think about the working conditions of the women who work on us? In this show we take a look inside the beauty business - and it isn't pretty. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/9/201626 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 88: Selling Empowerment

Women's conferences are springing up all over the place, promising empowerment, inspiration, and motivation. But at the end of the day are they galvanizing real change, or do they just make women feel good? My guests are SHE Summit founder Claudia Chan, and New Yorker writer Sheelah Kolhatkar. Her Business Week piece about women's conferences earlier this year inspired this episode. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/25/201624 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 87: Work and Intimacy (part 2)

In this show we hear the second half of my conversation with sexuality counselor Evelyn Resh. We talk about why prioritizing your children can backfire, the sex/work dynamic in gay relationships, and why Evelyn hasn't been taking her own advice - and how she's trying to change that. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/24/201626 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 86: Work and Intimacy (part 1)

Remember sexuality counselor Evelyn Resh from episode 19, Women, Work, and Sex? She's back. In this show we take another look at what our work lives do to our intimate lives, and what we can do about it. We had so much to talk about I decided to divide the conversation in two. The next one will come out next week. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/17/201621 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Broad Experience 85: Far From Home - Women in Aid

A lot of us give to causes we care about. But how many of us ever think about the workers at some of these nonprofits - aid organizations like Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, or Oxfam? The aid world is full of women, and in this show we meet one of them. Work/life balance? Not easy when you and your partner need a UN helicopter to visit one another. The job can be physically grueling and also dangerous. Sexual harassment happens all the time. But the work is also rewarding and challenging in ways she couldn't have imagined. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/2/201621 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Broad Experience 84: When Women Decide

For centuries women didn't have the opportunity to make decisions outside the home. Now they do. But even today, after decades in the workplace and in public life, our decisions are questioned more than men's. In this show we meet Therese Huston, author of the new book How Women Decide: What's True, What's Not, and What Strategies Spark the Best Choices. We discuss myths around women and decision making, why we're still second-guessing Marissa Meyer two years after she canceled Yahoo's work-from-home policy, and what's at stake when women take a risk. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/17/201622 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Broad Experience 83: I Did It My Way

This is the second of two shows on generational differences at work. They're there, even if we don't always acknowledge their existence. This time we focus on Gen X women and some of the ways in which they differ from their younger colleagues and fail to understand them - and vice versa. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/3/201620 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Broad Experience 82: Generation Clash

This week we look at generational conflict between women at work. We all know it’s there, lurking, even if we talk about it behind eachother’s backs. This show features a generation expert plus a baby boomer and a millennial on the gaps in experience and understanding between women. This is the first of two shows on this topic. Next time we get Generation X's perspective. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/18/201619 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Broad Experience 81: Money vs. Fulfillment

In this show two guests take on two listener questions. The first asks whether women have to strive so much for equality. Can't they just be happy if they enjoy their jobs...even if they know the guy before them got paid more for doing the exact same thing? Another listener says there's a huge gap between her and her husband's salaries. She likes her job, but wonders if she should give it up to stay home with her child so her Silicon Valley spouse can have what his colleagues do: a stay-at-home wife 'who makes his life happen.' Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/5/201626 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Broad Experience 80: Daughters in Charge (re-release)

Traditionally it was always men who followed their fathers into the family business. But in the last 15 years, the number of women joining family firms has quintupled. More and more daughters are choosing to go where once only their brothers did - and some are taking over the reins. But even today, women face a different set of challenges when they enter family companies. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/21/201619 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Broad Experience 79: Equal and Different

In this show we reconnect with a previous guest, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox. You won't hear her use expressions like 'women's leadership'. We talk about the concept of balance, nature versus nurture, why companies have to stop looking for women to fit their cultures - and why internal women's networking groups may be a waste of time. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/7/201621 minutes
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The Broad Experience 78: Unpacking Sexual Harassment

This is the second of two shows looking at unwanted attention at work. This time I talk to Jennifer Berdhahl, who actually studies sexual harassment for a living. We talk about what really motivates it, how to tackle it, and why it's such a problem in one area in particular: academia. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/22/201620 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Broad Experience 77: Don't Call Me Sweetie

There's outright sexual harassment, and there are the subtler ways of keeping women in their place. This is the first of two shows that looks at harassment and unwanted male-to-female attention at work - and what to do about it. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/8/201623 minutes
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The Broad Experience 76: Communicating While Female

The way women communicate is getting a lot of scrutiny these days: from upspeak and vocal fry to indirect emails and over-apologizing, we're being urged to change our ways. In this show we look at whether the way women use language - especially at work - is our problem, or society's. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/25/201624 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Broad Experience 75: Redefining Success

It's the end of the year - a time when a lot of us think about changing our lives in one way or another. In this show we talk to two traditionally successful women who left their old work lives for the unknown. But jumping meant leaving their identities behind as well as their paychecks. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/18/201527 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Broad Experience 74: On Confidence

Study after study shows women have less confidence than men. But you hardly need a study to work that out. Just look around you - how many women do you know who exude the same self-belief as the men in your life? Confidence, or the lack of it, is a big issue in many women's careers, including my own. In this show I talk to business owner Denise Barreto, whose confidence I envy, and NPR reporter Stacey Vanek Smith, who shares a lot of my hangups. She has to psych herself up to ask for things at work, because she's not quite sure she deserves it. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/3/201520 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Broad Experience 73: A Nanny Speaks Up

The income gap between women is widening fast as well paid, highly educated women outsource traditionally female tasks to women who earn far less, and have little job security. First I talk to Alison Wolf, a professor and a labor market expert. Then we spend the rest of the show with Jennifer Bernard, a Trinidad-born, New York-based nanny. We hear about the unequal work environment that is the home, how she began to gain confidence on the job, and what makes her feel successful. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/17/201522 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Broad Experience 72: The Power of Image (re-release)

Our appearance affects the way others see us, whether we like it or not (hello, Hillary Clinton). Most successful women spend a lot of time thinking about the image they present to the outside world. But how you 'should' look in a professional setting can depend on where you work. And while there's endless emphasis on women's appearance, men have to think about this too. The power of image runs deep. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/1/201512 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Broad Experience 71: Our Bodies, Our Work

Every month for much of their lives, women go through something at work that men do not. In this show we delve into the intersection of menstruation and work. The workplace is becoming ever more female, yet women are largely still fitting into a structure designed by men, for men - and that means dealing with both periods and menopause in whispers. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/19/201526 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Broad Experience 70: A Female Education

In this show we look at the merits a single-sex education and what that does for you as you enter the workplace. America still has more than 40 women's colleges, and many of them are thriving. So does being educated among other women mean you have a better or worse experience when you get into a workplace designed by men, for men? Featuring Barnard president Debora Spar along with three women's college graduates. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/5/201523 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Broad Experience 69: Working with Other Women

It's a cliché but it's true: many women dislike working with other women. They claim female bosses and colleagues undermine them, talk behind their backs, and generally make them miserable.But what if you're part of the problem?In this show we delve into the dynamics of female relationships, why they can be so antagonistic, and how to redress the balance. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/23/201525 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Broad Experience 68: Introverts at the Office

Last year I released a show on authenticity at the office - how authentic, really, can women be at work, I asked? It depends on the place, but for many women the answer is 'not very.' That said, the conversations on that podcast revolved around being too big a personality for your workplace, which was the only point of view I'd considered. A few months later I met a friend for dinner. She mentioned how awkward she felt at her office because she was an introvert in a sea of extroverts. This show looks at the introvert's side of life in the modern workplace - how to adapt to extrovert expectations, and when to accept you don't fit in. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/8/201521 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Broad Experience 67: How to Make the Most of Your Time

In this show I talk to author and journalist Laura Vanderkam about women and time management. Her latest book is 'I Know How She Does It - How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time.' Laura says many of us buy into a negative storyline about what's (im)possible as a worker and a parent. She argues there are ways to have a senior job and a family and not lose your mind - you just have to think creatively. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/24/201521 minutes, 34 seconds
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Broad Experience Shorts: Non-Mom

I did a show last year called Professional Women, No Kids. It did way better than I expected. This is a 7-minute show on the same topic, using some of my interview tape that didn't make it into that first show. Do you have to be a mother to be a 'real woman'? Lots of people think so. My guest and I discuss why motherhood is still the ultimate in womanhood even as fewer women have children. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/14/20157 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Broad Experience 66: Men on Women

In this episode two men share their views on women and men in the workplace. One is straight, one gay, one works in tech and one in the arts.We talk about how gay men can be sexist too, why society values masculine qualities over feminine ones, and what one company, SoundCloud, is doing to increase the number of female engineers who work there (including making its job descriptions less exacting). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/30/201519 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Broad Experience 65: Transcending tradition: women in India

India has a huge population and a burgeoning economy. More and more women are getting an education, yet only a third of women work outside the home. In this episode we hear from Indian journalist Shaili Chopra, founder of We discuss some obstacles Indian women face that western women don't, and why they badly need more female role models. We talk about the influence caste still has on Indian society, why Shaili's nanny has her own nanny, and why Shaili doesn't call herself a feminist. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/19/201522 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Broad Experience 64: Forced out

Most of us have a bad breakup with work at some point. You don't have to be fired for things to end on a sour note, but however the end comes, leaving a job in difficult circumstances is one of the hardest experiences to go through. In this show we meet two women who know this first hand (so do I - more on that in the show). We hear their stories and get some advice on how to recover your confidence and your livelihood after a tricky exit. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/1/201524 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Broad Experience 63: Getting your hands dirty

What could be more male than a construction site? Only 9 percent of US jobs in the industry belong to women, and even fewer involve manual labor. So what drove Renee Mercado to spend her days outdoors, managing a crew of curious and sometimes suspicious guys? In this show we talk about what drew her to this work, the sexist comments she hears on a daily basis, and how she feels she's making a difference in a man's world. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/19/201517 minutes, 42 seconds
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The BroadExperience 62: Claiming credit

In this show we hear from some familiar guests, using parts of our conversation you've never heard. Lauren Tucker heads the tech division of an ad agency. She talks candidly about race and whether bosses ever see your full potential at work. Mary Kopczynski of 8of9 Consulting says women have to claim credit for their work or others won't notice their achievements. Curt Rice of the University of Tromsø talks about what it's like being a man advocating loudly for women in the workplace. And Financial Times journalist Simon Kuper reminds us it's not just women who make career sacrifices for their families. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/4/201518 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Broad Experience 61: Get ahead. No guilt (re-release)

Subtle gender discrimination at work, female guilt, and how to say no - these are the topics we discuss in this show, which I first released in the autumn of 2013. One guest is a young journalist who didn't even believe in gender discrimination until she was forced to recognize it. The other a seasoned businesswoman with distinct views on what it takes to get ahead, and good tips on how to get rid of guilt. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/20/201519 minutes
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The Broad Experience 60: Leading in faith

This time, a show on women in religious roles. It's more common than it used to be for women to become rabbis or priests. But these hard-won jobs aren't without their frustrations as well as their triumphs. In this show we meet three women. One went straight to her calling from college, the other two are career-changers. We talk about how women are viewed by the congregation, what you can get away with when you preach, and how getting ahead can still be tougher for women - even within denominations where women are allowed to be leaders. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/6/201526 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Broad Experience 59: Politics is power

Countries like the US and UK may be doing well in many areas, but not when it comes to women in politics. The US Congress is about 20% women. In the UK, Parliament is 23% female. Yes, it's an improvement on former decades, but in 2015 why aren't more women holding power at a national level?We have two fantastic, outspoken guests on today's show: Megan Murphy, the Financial Times Washington bureau chief, and Madeleine Kunin, former (and first woman) governor of Vermont. We discuss the landscape for women in politics today, what life as a female politician is actually like, and why it's so important that more women go into politics in the first place. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/23/201529 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Broad Experience 58: When Men Stay Home

More and more men are staying at home to look after kids while their wives or girlfriends support the family. In this show we explore what that situation means for women's careers, and what these role reversals mean for men. Evidence shows society still doesn't wholly accept stay-at-home fathers - that we still view men as type-A go-getters who aren't 'real men' if they take on a caregiving role. In the US even taking a brief paternity leave can be a fraught issue. But will women ever be truly equal at work until more men become caregivers? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/9/201525 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Broad Experience 57: Women, work, and stress

Chances are you've noticed that professional women are often stressed out. In this show we aim to find out why and bring some relief. First we meet Jen Yip, a Broad Experience listener who lived a stressful existence for years, but kept going because plowing through was the only option she knew - until she started to crack.Then we hear from therapist and corporate consultant Marjorie Hirsch, who has some advice about how to cut down on stress. This includes tackling stuff women tend to suck at, such as saying no, setting boundaries, and asking questions that'll make your life easier. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/23/201526 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Broad Experience 56: All the right moves

This is the second of two shows on women in their twenties. Last time we heard from two young women talking about communication problems, confidence, and the competition they're up against. This time two women in their forties look at the twenties from their perspective: Broad Experience listener and professor Dawn Edmiston, and Dr. Meg Jay, TED talker and author of The Defining Decade. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/9/201522 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Broad Experience 55: A difficult decade

For some the twenties are a fun, relatively carefree time (who are these people?), but for many women this decade is stressful. They're trying to work out how they fit into the workplace, whether they're even in the right career, and how to communicate with older colleagues. The world is far more competitive than it was 20-plus years ago when I started working. But that's not the only thing that's different about the old me and today's twenty-somethings. My guests are London-based digital marketer Ade Okeowo, Broad Experience intern April Laissle, and Dr. Meg Jay, author of The Defining Decade. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/26/201521 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Broad Experience 54: Power and body language

In the summer I did a show about communication at the office, but it left out one glaring component: body language. So today we tackle hunching, spread legs, eye contact, and kissing by gender - all in a business setting. I speak to Yale psychology professor Marianne LaFrance about how men and women play up their power, or lack of it, through non-verbal communication at work. And Financial Times journalist Elaine Moore talks about how she deals with unwanted male kisses at business meetings. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/17/201419 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Broad Experience 53: A technical problem

This has been a big year for stories about women in tech, ranging from depressing tales of sexual harassment at startups to controversy over egg freezing and advice from a prominent CEO on *not* asking for a raise. The spotlight is shining on women in technology far more strongly than when I first covered this topic on the podcast in 2012. In this episode we focus on Silicon Valley, the tech capital of the world, and ask why it can be such a challenging place for women to work. My guests are Financial Times journalist Hannah Kuchler and tech worker Talia Fukuroe. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/1/201421 minutes, 4 seconds
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The BroadExperience 52: When women work for free

Women have a problem valuing themselves - both setting prices and believing they're truly worth something in the marketplace. We tend to charge too little for our work. Sometimes we don't charge at all. It's a complicated, multi-layered issue, and it's part of the reason women earn less than men. As someone who squirms whenever I have to talk about how much I'm worth, I knew I had to tackle the topic on the show. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/18/201419 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Broad Experience 51: The curse of comparison

Who hasn't compared themselves to someone else at work, envying the relationship they have with the boss, or the amount of attention they get for their work? Then there's the other side of comparison - boosting your ego by assuring yourself you're better than that woman down the hall.The comparisons we make at work can hold us back in our careers, whether we work for a company or for ourselves. In this show Canadian leadership coaches Lauren Bacon and Tanya Geisler explain how we can overhaul this relationship and turn it into something less destructive, more constructive. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/2/201417 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Broad Experience 50: Starting a business

Female entrepreneurship is rising fast. In the US, a third of businesses are now owned by women. But look a bit deeper and you find nearly all these businesses are 'solopreneurships' - they don't have any employees and they don't bring in much money. This is sometimes by design, but not always: many women are unprepared for the inequities that still exist in entrepreneurship. In this show we meet two ambitious entrepreneurs who want to grow their companies: Julia Pimsleur and Denise Barreto. They have advice about how to survive in the male-dominated world of fundraising, why hiring other people is a must even when you can barely afford it, and how passion for your work isn't all it's cracked up to be. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/20/201423 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Broad Experience 49: The pace of progress

So much attention is focused on women in the workplace today that you might think progress is everywhere. Yes, more women are joining company boards, and some prominent women have top jobs. But other numbers haven't shifted much. In this show Financial Times journalist Carola Hoyos laments the slow pace of change in Britain in particular. But she says one upcoming move could turn things around. Meanwhile, Norway is getting a lot right on work and life. Curt Rice of the University of TromsØ says the future looks good for both sexes - and not just in the far north. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/6/201423 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Broad Experience 48: Professional women, no kids

More and more women are reaching their mid-forties without having children. Sometimes this is by choice, and sometimes it's not. But here's what both sets of women have in common: they're operating in a world where being a mother is still considered the default setting for women. Discussions of women in leadership usually assume every woman has to juggle her work with children. But where does that leave the rest of us? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/22/201426 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Broad Experience 47: Authenticity vs. conformity

'Authenticity' is a buzzword that crops up a lot in articles about the workplace. We're all meant to be in an era where we can 'be ourselves' at work. But how realistic a goal is that for women really? In this show I speak to author and speaker Sylvia Ann Hewlett, whose most recent book is Executive Presence. Sylvia says women have to find the right balance of being themselves and having the perfect combination of gravitas, communication skills and appearance to be considered for leadership positions. She talks about how to pull that off. Lauren Tucker leads her own division at an ad agency, but she says meshing her forthright personality with the workplace is no picnic, even at her level. And why should she even have to try? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/8/201425 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Broad Experience 46: Communication at the office

A lot of women run up against communication problems at work - everything from failure to be heard in meetings to giving orders to having male colleagues misread something they said. In this show we look at how differently men and women use language in the workplace. And we find out what each sex can do to better understand the other's style, from interrupting to taking...a while... to get to the point. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/11/201422 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Broad Experience 45: Killing the Ideal Woman (re-release)

In this show we look at how much women are still trying to live up to the stereotype of the ideal woman - and how that may be hurting our careers. You know her: she's does everything (at home and at work), she looks fabulous, and, of course, she's nice. My interviewee, management professor and author Jodi Detjen, says women's efforts to tick all the right female boxes are consuming our waking thoughts, and our careers are suffering as a result. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/28/201414 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Broad Experience 44: The motherhood factor

For years, motherhood was considered our only job. Today, many women head back to work full-time not long after becoming parents. For some, everything goes smoothly, but for others, the return to work is challenging and confusing: they may not want the same things from their job that they did before, they crave flexibility (and can’t seem to get it), or their employer’s perception of them as a worker has changed – and not for the better.In this show we look at the transition from worker to worker-parent, find out what companies are doing to accommodate employees, and discuss how overburdened parents can make the pitch for a saner existence. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/14/201425 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Broad Experience 43: Navigating expectations

What happens when you're a woman at work who doesn't look traditionally feminine? We meet a couple of young women who know what it’s like to look for a job when you don’t appear the way society expects. And when you’ve had experience working as both genders, you have a unique perspective on the workplace. We meet Lisa Scheps, who had great success when she presented as a male entrepreneur, but as a woman in the workplace, her career has stalled. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/30/201417 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Broad Experience 42: The outsider within: transgender in the workplace

In this show, we hear about transgender men's experiences of the workplace. What does that have to do with women and work? A lot, it turns out. These guys began their working lives presenting themselves as female, then transitioned, and suddenly, work was a whole different place. Despite having the same abilities, a lot of the trans men suddenly had more authority. They were assumed to be more competent. Sometimes they even landed jobs they couldn't get before. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/16/201421 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Broad Experience 41: Stop fixing women, start fixing companies

On this show my guest says it's not women who need to lean in, it's companies. At a time when women are 60% of university graduates, 51% of the population and make 80% of purchasing decisions, why, she asks, do most companies still expect women to change their behavior if they're going to excel in the workplace? She says it's corporations that need to adapt to the new reality. But how long will it take? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/2/201420 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Broad Experience 40: The hell of networking

Ask a group of women how much they enjoy networking and most will shudder. They see it as fake, transactional, not something they want to spend time on. Research backs this up: women do not connect with other people in their industries or even within their companies as much as men do, and it's hurting their careers. In this show three guests talk about how to get over the dread of networking, why it's worth engaging with strangers on a regular basis, and why it's never too late to follow up. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/20/201419 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Broad Experience 39: Daughters in Charge

Traditionally it was always men who followed their fathers into the family business. But in the last 15 years or so, the number of women joining family firms has almost quintupled. More and more daughters are choosing to go where once only their brothers did - and some are taking over the reins. But even today, women face different challenges than men when they enter family companies. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/20/201420 minutes, 1 second
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The Broad Experience 38: Women, work, and sex (re-release)

In this show, sexuality counselor and author Evelyn Resh says many busy professional women are putting their sex lives to one side as work and kids swallow their time and energy. She wants to change that. This show is about much more than women's sexuality, though - it focuses on our ability, or lack of it, to switch out of work mode and focus on life's pleasures, whatever they happen to be. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/6/201422 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Broad Experience 37: Leaning In (re-release)

A year ago, the first rumblings were heard in the press about a business book by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. No one could have predicted then that 'leaning in' would become a catchphrase, and Sandberg's book a cultural phenomenon. In this show, produced last April, I sat down in a Greenwich Village apartment with 5 women from generations X and Y to discuss Sandberg's blockbuster, 'Lean In'. At the time the book had only been out a few weeks. It's now been on the New York Times Bestseller List for 51 weeks. Six women, wine, Middle Eastern food, and lots of opinions. Tune in. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/24/201425 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Broad Experience 36: Emotions at the office

How OK is it to show your emotions at work? Traditionally, not very. Some of my guests say that's changing. Others say we still work in male-dominated companies where crying or getting angry will damage your reputation - if you're female. Tune in for some good meltdown stories, a few facts on the science of tears, and some sage advice on not letting workplace eruptions get you down. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/9/201417 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Broad Experience 35: Advertising is broken - women speak out

The ad industry draws plenty of women, but hardly any of them end up making the creative decisions that influence the marketing messages we see every day. In this episode of the show we ask why so few women end up in top creative roles at ad agencies, and talk to Kat Gordon, founder of the 3% Conference, about what she's doing to try to change the status quo. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/24/201415 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Broad Experience 34: Make them laugh - women, men, and humor at the office

You've heard it before: women aren't funny. Or at least not as funny as men. Well it turns out if you're a senior woman in a corporation, perception is reality. Always a devotee of the self-deprecating joke, I was surprised to learn from my guest, professor of linguistics Judith Baxter, that these self-directed barbs don't go down well when women deploy them in board meetings. Tune into the show to find out what happens when senior men and women use banter or otherwise joke around at work. Ponder why this form of office communication works for men, but not their female counterparts. And laugh. Or grit your teeth, depending on your level of frustration. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/10/201410 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Broad Experience 33: What is success?

Success - we all want it. But what, exactly, does it mean? Career coach Kathy Caprino and mindful leadership coach Emily Bennington are my guests on this show. Both women are authors, and both have corporate careers behind them. Kathy and I discuss why some of us seem to expect success to come almost instantly when we launch a new project or entrepreneurial venture - and what the reality of such a launch entails.Emily talks about her entry into the work world as a wildly ambitious twenty-something set on corporate domination. She wanted the title, the promotion, the money. What she hadn't bargained on was just how stressful she would find her ascent. After years of striving she had a change of heart, and changed her definition of success. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/27/201420 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Broad Experience 32: Home as career-killer

Liz O'Donnell, author of Mogul, Mom & Maid, tackles some of the ground Sheryl Sandberg didn't touch on in her women-in-the-workplace bestseller, Lean In: the home front. O'Donnell says it's difficult to lean in to your career when you're the one with most of the responsibilities at home. Things seem to be a bit easier in Europe. Financial Times journalist Simon Kuper says everyone he knows, male and female, expects both halves of a couple to work and to share childcare. What that means is that pretty much no one is 'leaning in'. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/16/201317 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Broad Experience 31: Tips for success from an entrepreneur

In the second show in the Tips for Success series, we're sticking to a creative theme. A lot of women dream of starting their own business. My guest actually did it. She's Alexandra Ferguson, CEO of the company of the same name, prolific maker of pillows and makeup cases with cheeky sayings that sell in the US and around the world. She started sewing in her living room five years ago. These days she works out of a small factory space in Brooklyn and has more then ten employees - and growing. But getting to where she is now has involved plenty of ups and downs. She offers some great tips and caveats in this episode about business, creativity, and working with your mother. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/1/201313 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Broad Experience 30: Women in academia

To an outsider, being a professor can look like a great job (I'm thinking vigorous intellectual engagment, flexibility, and long vacations). Often it is, and not just for those reasons. But just because you work in a center of higher learning doesn't mean everything that goes on there lives up to humanity's highest ideals. From maternity leave to work/life balance to getting promotions, life in the ivory tower is often tougher for women. We look at the statistics, talk about why women are still lagging men on the employment front, and get into a sobering discussion about sexual harassment in the scientific community, which, like other STEM fields, is trying to attract more women. 15 minutes. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/17/201315 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Broad Experience 29: Show me the money

In this show I explore women's attitude to money, something I've reported on quite a bit over the years and still find fascinating. Many women still have an ambivalent relationship with money - it's tied up with their feelings about themselves and how they do, or don't value themselves. I interview Natalia Oberti Noguera, CEO of the Pipeline Fellowship, and financial behaviorist (yes, that's a thing) Jacquette Timmons. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/4/201320 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Broad Experience 28: Claiming authority

In this show we look at world of women lawyers. Big Law, as it's known in the US, is well known for having few women at the top. And when they do gain partnership, women are paid less: female partners at law firms are paid just under $500,000 a year on average, as opposed to $734,000 for men. Neither sex is on the breadline, clearly, but a lot of female lawyers today never thought they'd be contending with some of the persistent gender issues they are. Still, lawyers are like many other women in the workplace - many have the same tendency to assume their hard work should simply be recognized and rewarded accordingly. It rarely is.We talk about:Why female lawyers flee large firms after relatively little time on the job.Why working hard is never enough.How some lawyers are claiming authority and pushing to increase the number of women in leadership.The job/family balancing act, and what it's like growing up with a lawyer for a mom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/21/201316 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Broad Experience 27: Rise of the well-paid woman

In this show author Alison Wolf discusses how the rise of elite women has created a less equal world. The gap between the highly educated and everyone else is bigger than it's ever been, and Wolf explains how we got here, why Sweden isn’t the beacon of equality many of us think, and how pizza helped get women into the workforce. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/7/201316 minutes, 30 seconds
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26 Get Ahead. No Guilt.

In this show we talk to two women with different perspectives on getting ahead at work. One is a Generation Y journalist who's worked for Newsweek and Tumblr, and is still navigating the new world of journalism-slash-content-creation. The other is a seasoned business owner and newspaper columnist. She says if women could just rein in their guilt, they might achieve their ambitions. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/23/201319 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Broad Experience 25: Killing the Ideal Woman

In the first show of the fall season my guest, author and management professor Jodi Detjen, says women aren't making it to positions of power because they're too busy trying to be 'the ideal woman' - attempting to do everything perfectly at work and at home, all the while looking great and, of course, being nice. But all that striving for perfection doesn't leave much time for anything else. Detjen and I discuss why women still fall into this trap and how to adjust your assumptions in order to have a saner existence - at work and at home. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/9/201315 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Broad Experience 24: Women in tech speak up

Let's face it, no matter what women do for a living, they're far less likely than men to feel comfortable in any kind of spotlight. The Write/Speak/Code conference for women in technology set out to change that. Tune in to hear three different voices discussingWhy women have trouble saying what we think in a professional contextWhy it's hard for women to claim expertise (and how to get over that)The importance of speaking in publicBluffing (start cultivating your bluffing powers)Why being referred to as a 'woman in technology' is incredibly irritating Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/5/201310 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Broad Experience 23: Tips for success from a CEO

I'm starting a series called Tips for Success, and this first episode features a candid conversation with Monique Nelson, CEO of UniWorld Group, a multicultural advertising and marketing agency based in Brooklyn, NY. Most CEOs are white and male. Monique is neither.In the interview Monique talks about:Making mistakes - lots of them - to learn and get aheadThe advantages of being on more of a 'jungle jim' career track than the traditional ladderSpeaking up for yourself at the officeThe importance of mentorship and sponsorshipThe part race plays in her everyday life and workKeeping an eye on Yahoo's Marissa Mayer, and being a pregnant CEO herself Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/22/201318 minutes, 13 seconds
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The BroadExperience 22: The Mean Girls Edition

It’s a cliché , but true: women can be truly horrible to one another at work. In this show we look into the origins of female aggression, why it plays out in such an underhanded way, and what you can do if you’re caught up in an office bitch-fest. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/8/201316 minutes, 36 seconds
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The BroadExperience 21: 50 Shades of Em & Lo

"We have the independence and freedom of being freelancers but without the fear and horror of being out there on your own."- Em and LoEntrepreneurs - and sex and relationship writers - Em and Lo began working together at in the late '90s. They left the mother ship to form their own 'sex writing empire' (or close enough) in the mid 2000s. Many entrepreneurs are advised to take on at least one partner. These two women did that, and the partnership is still going strong many years (and four children) later. In this show they talk about the advantages of working with a partner, how they suffer from some of the afflictions common to professional women (they may be able to talk openly about sex, but asking for more money from an editor is another matter), how a brand like theirs has to evolve as they, and their kids, get older, and why their music teacher's husband can't look them in the eye. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/24/201315 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Broad Experience 20: The Man Show

This week The Broad Experience sits down with three guys to talk about how men and women interact at the office, political correctness, women-bashing on the internet, and men’s evolving roles as caregivers. Will The Hangover’s premise — that men looking after a baby is funny — be hilarious ten years from now? More candid conversation on everything to do with women, men, work, the relationship between the sexes, stay-at-home dads and sexism. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/10/201317 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Broad Experience 19: Women, work, and sex

Ever read a book or article about a superwoman and secretly wondered about her sex life (i.e. does she have one)? This is an aspect of successful women's - and men's - lives that's rarely discussed, and certainly not openly. But for many people sex is an important part of a healthy, happy relationship. Sexuality counselor and author Evelyn Resh says many busy professional women are putting their sex lives to one side as work and kids swallow their time and energy. She wants to change that. This show is about much more than women's sexuality - it focuses on their ability, or lack of it, to switch out of work mode and focus on life's pleasures, whatever they may be. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/28/201323 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Broad Experience 18: The power of image

What you look like matters when it comes to your career. But not always in the way you think. The suits and makeup that may be pretty much required in one workplace could look absurd in another. But whether you dress up or down, the image you present to your bosses and colleagues can affect your progress. And it's not just women who have to think about this stuff (why else did they invent nose and ear-hair trimmers?) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/13/201311 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Broad Experience 17: Female in Silicon Valley

It's tough to raise money for a startup, regardless of your gender. But when women go out and seek funding they sometimes come up against some interesting attitudes. Tune in to hear LaunchBit co-founder Elizabeth Yin share some tales from Silicon Valley. And in part two of the show we talk to women from two global companies that have just won awards for their efforts on behalf of women in the workplace. Apparently, Icelandic men couldn't be happier to have more women in their midst. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/29/201318 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Broad Experience 16: Leaning In

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's book 'Lean In' was famous - or infamous, depending on your point of view - before it was even published. Once it came out, it shot to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. This week six women from Generations X and Y gather over food and wine to debate the merits of Sandberg's advice. Views are varied and unvarnished. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/12/201326 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Broad Experience 15: Do we have to fit in?

In this episode I talk to career coach and Forbes writer Kathy Caprino about how much, if at all, women have to 'fix themselves' to succeed and fit into company culture. Shouldn't companies change their cultures to meet women halfway? In part two we find out why international consumer goods company Unilever is attracting women by cozying up to their parents. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/1/201316 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Broad Experience 14: When it's too hard to leave

This time we look at why women stay in jobs longer than men, even when they know they should move on. Danielle Maveal, formerly of Etsy, discusses why it was so hard to quit, and why women should have the courage of their convictions. And we meet former Wall Street equity analyst Whitney Johnson and talk about her journey from music major to equity analyst, and why she's so invested in women's happiness. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/18/201316 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Broad Experience 13: women and negotiating + women in tech

What happens when a female employee asks a female boss for a raise? And why do so many women in tech companies work in 'empathy roles' rather than technological ones? Tune in to find out, with guests Ashley Welde, Sara Laschever and Lauren Bacon. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/4/201313 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Broad Experience 12: Kenyan entrepreneurs

Africa's economies are growing fast and this is partly linked to entrepreneurship. Women make up a large number of African entrepreneurs, so when I went to Kenya in January on a Habitat for Humanity trip I was keen to interview a couple. Find out why Kenyan men are apparently chilling out as Kenyan women do more and more in the workforce, and meet the young woman who is putting the youth from Africa's largest slum on the filmmaking map. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/5/201312 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Broad Experience 11: Women of a Certain Age

How does a woman's age affect her life at work? Hillary Clinton may be going gangbusters at 65, but can the rest of us hope for a fruitful career later in life? Tune in to hear from one successful executive who's navigating the sometimes choppy waters of life as an 'older woman' at work, and find out why it's never too late to decide to do something new with your life. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/13/201214 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Broad Experience 10: selling stereotypes

In this show I talk to 5 interviewees about how women come across in the media. Why are there still so many stereotypes around in 2012? Are young women affected by what they watch and will those portrayals have any impact on the way they choose to live their lives? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/15/201218 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Broad Experience 9: Ambition and Power

Are women afraid to describe themselves as ambitious? Do they even want the corner office? Nicki Gilmour of The Glass Hammer and Caroline Turner of Difference Works help me break down women's often tricky relationship with ambition and power. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/2/201210 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Broad Experience 8: The Good Girls Revolt

In this episode we meet author and journalist Lynn Povich, who was part of the first ever female class-action lawsuit, brought against Newsweek in 1970. We talk look back at the Mad Men office era and ask how much has changed for working women during the last 40 years. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/10/20129 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Broad Experience 7: non-white & female

In this episode of the show we talk to a white man who's been through - and actually enjoyed - diversity training, and discuss how it changed his attitude to the workplace. We also talk to Trinidad-born reporter Stacy-Marie Ishmael about her experience of being brown-skinned at a very white, male-dominated company. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/15/201212 minutes
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The Broad Experience, episode 6: The Levo League

The Broad Experience, episode 6: The Levo League by The Broad Experience Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/11/20128 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Broad Experience, episode 5: female entrepreneurship

In part one of a two part Broad Experience on women entrepreneurs, we try to unpick some of the current hype on female entrepreneurship. We also ask why it matters that so few women grow their companies. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/6/201210 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Broad Experience, episode 4: getting ahead

This week Financial Times columnist Mrs. Moneypenny and McKinsey director Joanna Barsh discuss what they think women need to do, and not do, to get to the top. McKinsey has just published new research on why women aren't reaching the C-suite. Mrs. Moneypenny firmly believes the reason comes down to one thing: women themselves. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/9/201211 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Broad Experience, episode three - women and technology

Why do so few women work in tech, despite our love of consumer technology? Gina Trapani, Vivek Wadhwa and Adda Birnir weigh in. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/5/20127 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Broad Experience, episode 2

Episode 2 of The Broad Experience, my show about women, the workplace and success. This time: men, equitable relationships and sex, plus the keys to being a good leader. Let me know what you think! amilnetyte at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/14/20129 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Broad Experience, episode 1

The Broad Experience is an audio show on women, the workplace and success that I'm creating while studying on CUNY's entrepreneurial journalism program. This is the first episode. I'd love to know what you think. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/1/201210 minutes, 11 seconds