Learn German like a baby would by listening to the language and getting a "feel" for it. We're not only learning German here though: We are passionate about personal development of all kinds. Our motto: Improve your German. Improve your life. Listen to the podcast and let the German language wash over you, like music.
Lerne Deutsch wie ein Baby, indem du der Sprache zuhörst und ein "Gefühl" für sie bekommst. Wir lernen hier aber nicht nur Deutsch: Persönliche Entwicklung jeder Art ist unsere Leidenschaft. Unser Motto: Verbessere dein Deutsch. Verbessere dein Leben. Höre dir den Podcast an und lass dich von der deutschen Sprache umspülen, wie Musik.
aller guten Dinge sind drei ??? #proverb (Podcast S02E30)
Wer zieht die Fäden hinter den Kulissen? ???
Und was genau heißt diese Redewendung "die Fäden ziehen"? ?
Höre dir diese Episode an, um es herauszufinden!
Was ist ein Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher?
Finde es heraus in dieser Episode! Es ist gar nicht so schwer. ?
3/26/2018 • 5 minutes, 23 seconds
Buchrezension: Der wunderbare Weg von M. Scott Peck #Thema – Authentic German Learning Podcast #55 (S02E19)
Der "wunderbare Weg" der persönlichen Entwicklung wird leider von wenigen Menschen beschritten.
Jedoch von euch, meinen Hörern! ?
Höre dir jetzt diesen Podcast an.
3/19/2018 • 29 minutes, 5 seconds
einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul #Sprichwort – Authentic German Learning Podcast #54 (S02E18)
Würdest du etwas sagen, wenn dir ein Geschenk nicht gefällt? ??
Höre dir diese Episode an: einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul
3/12/2018 • 7 minutes, 31 seconds
Durchfall #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #53 (S02E17)
Eines der lustigsten - und ekeligsten - deutschen Wörter: Durchfall! ???
Höre diese Episode, um mehr zu erfahren - auf eigene Gefahr! ?
3/5/2018 • 6 minutes, 47 seconds
Die 6 Säulen des Selbstwertgefühls von Nathaniel Branden #Thema – Authentic German Learning Podcast #52 (S02E16)
Wie steigere ich mein Selbstbewusstsein?
Und was ist das überhaupt und wo kommt es her?
Diese Fragen werden in dieser Episode beantwortet!
2/26/2018 • 20 minutes, 1 second
die Zeit totschlagen #Redewendung – Authentic German Learning Podcast #51 (S02E15)
Wer hat schon Zeit heutzutage? Kein Grund, sie noch extra *totzuschlagen*!
Aber was bedeutet das genau? Finde es heraus in dieser Episode!
2/23/2018 • 3 minutes, 52 seconds
Zweisamkeit #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #50 (S02E14)
Was bedeutet "(in trauter) Zweisamkeit" und warum ist es so viel besser als "togetherness"?
Finde es heraus in dieser Episode!
2/21/2018 • 6 minutes, 5 seconds
Buchrezension: Beziehungen in Echtzeit von Stefan Molyneux #Thema – Authentic German Learning Podcast #49 (S02E13)
Beziehungsprobleme? Lerne mit dieser Episode, wie du "Beziehungen in Echtzeit" führst.
Nicht nur das: Gleichzeitig lernst du auch Deutsch!
2/19/2018 • 18 minutes, 7 seconds
was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen #Sprichwort – Authentic German Learning Podcast #48 (S02E12)
Hast du nicht etwas vergessen?
Dann musst du es holen!
In dieser Episode geht es um das Sprichwort: "was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen"
2/16/2018 • 3 minutes, 54 seconds
Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #47 (S02E11)
? STOP! Nicht so schnell! ?
In dieser Episode lernst du alles über einen interessanten Aspekt der deutschen Kultur: die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung - und warum es keine auf der Autobahn gibt.
2/14/2018 • 11 minutes, 41 seconds
Buchrezension: Über Wahrheit von Stefan Molyneux #Thema – Authentic German Learning Podcast #46 (S02E10)
"Dieses Buch wird dein Leben ruinieren..."
Was ist die wichtigste Wahrheit, die für dein Leben relevant ist?
In dieser Episode stelle ich dir ein Buch vor, das genau diese Frage beantworten möchte.
2/12/2018 • 17 minutes, 45 seconds
auf dem Laufenden sein #Redewendung – Authentic German Learning Podcast #45 (S02E09)
Was bedeutet die deutsche Redewendung "auf dem Laufenden sein"? Das klingt anstrengend, nicht wahr? ?
Nun, frag nur die Leute, die sich ständig auf dem Laufenden halten müssen!
2/9/2018 • 3 minutes, 16 seconds
dafür #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #44 (S02E08)
Dafür, dass ihr das AGL-Projekt unterstützt, erkläre ich euch jetzt das Wort... dafür! ;)
Wusstest du, dass man es wie ein trennbares Verb nutzen kann?
Finde in dieser Episode heraus, wie!
2/7/2018 • 5 minutes, 28 seconds
Die Bücher von Alice Miller, schweizerische Psychologin #Thema – Authentic German Learning Podcast #43 (S02E07)
Die Wurzeln der Gewalt sind bekannt.
Lerne in dieser Podcast-Episode nicht nur Deutsch, sondern auch eine unbequeme Wahrheit...
2/5/2018 • 20 minutes, 55 seconds
ohne Fleiß kein Preis #Sprichwort – Authentic German Learning Podcast #42 (S02E06)
Learn German online every day!
Denn: Ohne Fleiß kein Preis!
Listen to this German learning podcast to find out the meaning.
2/2/2018 • 3 minutes, 57 seconds
deshalb #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #41 (S02E05)
Warum? Deshalb!
Finde diese und andere Bedeutungen des deutschen Wortes "deshalb" in dieser Episode heraus!
1/31/2018 • 6 minutes, 19 seconds
Wie man ein Buch liest von Mortimer J. Adler und Charles Van Doren #Thema – Authentic German Learning Podcast #40 (S02E04)
Ein Buch zu lesen ist eine Kunst!
Wie liest man also ein Buch am schlausten? Höre dir diese Episode an und finde es heraus.
Außerdem wirst du dadurch effektiv Deutsch lernen online!
1/29/2018 • 23 minutes, 13 seconds
jemandem ans Herz gewachsen sein #Redewendung – Authentic German Learning Podcast #39 (S02E03)
Was bedeutet die deutsche Redewendung "jemanden ans Herz gewachsen sein"?
Lerne Deutsch online und finde es heraus in dieser Podcast-Episode! Die Erklärung wird dein Herz erwärmen!
1/26/2018 • 5 minutes, 59 seconds
womit #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #38 (S02E02)
Was bedeutet das seltsame deutsche Wort "womit"?
Finde es in dieser Podcast-Episode heraus. Du wirst überrascht sein, wie vielseitig dieses Wort ist!
1/24/2018 • 7 minutes, 53 seconds
Einführung Staffel 2: Bücher über persönliche Entwicklung #Thema – Authentic German Learning Podcast #37 (S02E01)
Staffel 2 ist hier: Bücher über persönliche Entwicklung!
Warum ist es nur so schwer, besser zu werden? Finde es heraus in dieser Episode!
1/22/2018 • 22 minutes, 50 seconds
Eile mit Weile. #Sprichwort – Authentic German Learning Podcast #36 (S01E36)
Nur keine Hektik - Eile mit Weile.
Höre dir diese Podcast-Episode an, um herauszufinden, was dieses Sprichwort bedeutet.
1/19/2018 • 6 minutes, 53 seconds
überrascht #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #35 (S01E35)
Selbst das Wort "überrascht" klingt in der deutschen Sprache überraschend!
H öre dir diese Podcast-Episode an, um alles über dieses Wort herauszufinden, das du wissen musst.
1/17/2018 • 5 minutes, 27 seconds
Interview: How to learn German easily – memorization techniques with Frans Duijts #Interview – Authentic German Learning Podcast #34 (S01E34)
Frans stellt uns fünf einfache Schritte vor, mit denen man sich alles merken kann, was man möchte - auch deutsche Vokabeln und Artikel!
Höre dir diese Podcast-Episode an, um herauszufinden, wie auch du ein Gedächtniskünstler werden kannst.
1/15/2018 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 26 seconds
die Seele baumeln lassen #Redewendung – Authentic German Learning Podcast #33 (S01E33)
Letting the soul dangle? Yes, that's a German expression – and a great one at that!
Listen to this podcast episode to find out more.
1/12/2018 • 5 minutes, 21 seconds
Nachspeise #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #32 (S01E32)
Die Nachspeise ist oft das leckerste Gericht der ganzen Mahlzeit - zumindest für Kinder!
Höre dir diese Episode an, um herauszufinden, warum.
1/10/2018 • 6 minutes, 26 seconds
The #1 Cause of Failure When Learning German #Thema – Authentic German Learning Podcast #31 (S01E31)
Achte darauf, dass du diesen Fehler nicht machst!
Ich möchte nicht, dass du diesen Fehler machst und scheiterst.
Höre dir diese Episode an, wenn du erfolgreich Deutsch lernen willst.
1/8/2018 • 7 minutes, 2 seconds
Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund. #Sprichwort – Authentic German Learning Podcast #30 (S01E30)
Bist du ein Frühaufsteher oder ein Morgenmuffel?
Ich sage nur: Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.
Was das bedeutet, erfährst du in dieser Episode.
1/5/2018 • 6 minutes, 28 seconds
Vorfreude #Vokabel – Authentic German Learning Podcast #29 (S01E29)
"Vorfreude, schönste Freude" heißt es in einem Weihnachtslied.
Höre dir diese Podcast-Episode an, um mehr über dieses wunderschöne Wort zu erfahren.
1/3/2018 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
? einen Frosch im Hals haben ? #idiom (Podcast S01E27)
Video: How prefixes change the verb “legen” | The beauty of German prefixes, Part 5
[sc name="youtube-excerpt" id="dJF4lxImDHc"][/sc]
3/20/2017 • 18 minutes, 45 seconds
Video: The most beautiful place in Germany? | Spreewald
[sc name="youtube-excerpt" id="V14-Zl5MLF0"][/sc]
10/29/2016 • 7 minutes, 32 seconds
Video: Speak like a native: 7 short German phrases (2 words) | slang
[sc name="youtube-excerpt" id="75BX4dhvTd0"][/sc]
10/15/2016 • 0
Video: 13 funny German idioms ?
[sc name="youtube-excerpt" id="inWOWfMgDH0"][/sc]
8/18/2016 • 14 minutes, 45 seconds
bei jemandem ist der Groschen gefallen #idiom (Podcast S01E03)
Learn German by practicing common German idioms! So what does this idiom mean? And what is a "Groschen" anyway? Listen to this podcast to hear it fall!
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 7 seconds
ohne Fleiß kein Preis #proverb - Authentic German Learning Podcast #42 (S02E06)
Learn German online every day! Denn: Ohne Fleiß kein Preis! Listen to this German learning podcast to find out the meaning.
1/1/1 • 3 minutes, 57 seconds
auf dem Laufenden sein #idiom - Authentic German Learning Podcast #45 (S02E09)
What does the German phrase “auf dem Laufenden sein” mean? That sounds tiring, doesn't it? 😯
Well, just ask the people who need to keep themselves updated!
1/1/1 • 3 minutes, 15 seconds
Book Review: On Truth by Stefan Molyneux #topic - Authentic German Learning Podcast #46 (S02E10)
“This book will ruin your life…” What is the most important truth relevant to your life? In this episode I introduce you to a book that aims to answer exactly this question.
1/1/1 • 17 minutes, 44 seconds
Aller Anfang ist schwer. #proverb (Podcast S01E06)
We say: “Aller Anfang ist schwer.” What does this German proverb mean? And do you have to be worried about that when learning German? Listen and find out!
1/1/1 • 3 minutes, 43 seconds
dafür #vocab - Authentic German Learning Podcast #44 (S02E08)
Did you know that you can use “dafür” like a separable verb? Find out how in this episode!
1/1/1 • 5 minutes, 28 seconds
The Language Learning Revolution & My Story #topic (Podcast S01E01)
More and more people are realizing that traditional langauge learning methods don't work. I say we completely revolutionalize language learning!
1/1/1 • 13 minutes, 41 seconds
Book Review: The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck #topic - Authentic German Learning Podcast #55 (S02E19)
Unfortunately, the “road less traveled” of personal development is taken by few people. However, by you, my listeners! 😃 Listen to this podcast now.
1/1/1 • 29 minutes, 5 seconds
Book review: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod #topic (Podcast S02E28)
Want to learn German but don't have the time? Listen to this podcast to make a huge life change with one simple step, one morning at a time.
1/1/1 • 21 minutes, 30 seconds
Selbst ist der Mann. / Selbst ist die Frau. #proverb (Podcast S01E24)
As adults we are very independent. Learn the German proverb that we proudly say after we have accomplished something on our own. Listen and practice.
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 43 seconds
Book review: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck #topic (Podcast S02E22)
When you are learning German, do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? With the former, you will have much betters chances to learn German!
1/1/1 • 13 minutes, 46 seconds
aller guten Dinge sind drei #proverb (Podcast S02E30)
Like German snacks but don’t want to be rude? Just say “aller guten Dinge sind drei” before you take three! 😉 Listen and learn about this German proverb.
1/1/1 • 4 minutes, 53 seconds
Learning German vs. Acquiring German – What’s the Difference? #topic (Podcast S01E13)
Don’t just learn German, acquire it! That’s what you need to do to achieve German fluency and speak like a native. Listen to find out more.
1/1/1 • 11 minutes, 53 seconds
Book review: The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone #topic (Podcast S02E25)
Success is your duty! At least that's what Grant Cardone says. Let's explore the interesting philosophy presented in The 10X Rule. Listen and learn German.
1/1/1 • 27 minutes, 57 seconds
den Schwanz einziehen #idiom (Podcast S02E27)
Don’t “tuck in your tail,” be brave! The best way to learn German is to learn words in context, so I'll teach you this German idiom with lots of examples.
1/1/1 • 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Schnuckiputz, Schatz ❤️ #vocab (Podcast S01E26)
Schnuckiputz is one of the most beautiful German words. If you learn German, feel free to call your special someone this. Listen and find out what it means!
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 52 seconds
Book Review: Real Time Relationships by Stefan Molyneux #topic - Authentic German Learning Podcast #49 (S02E13)
Relationship problems? Learn how to have “relationships in real time” with this episode.
Not only that: you also learn German at the same time!
1/1/1 • 18 minutes, 7 seconds
deshalb #vocab - Authentic German Learning Podcast #41 (S02E05)
Why? For this reason! Find out these and other meanings of the German word “deshalb” in this episode!
For some German learners, 55 and 555 in German is difficult to pronounce. No worries, we will practice it together! Listen to this audio and repeat after me.
1/1/1 • 4 minutes, 10 seconds
einen Frosch im Hals haben 🐸 #idiom (Podcast S01E27)
German pronunciation can be difficult. Even more so if you have a frog in your throat! Listen to this podcast to find out more about this German idiom.
1/1/1 • 3 minutes, 6 seconds
Übung macht den Meister #proverb (Podcast S01E12)
What do you need to learn German? Well, practice! And practice makes perfect, or how we say in the German language: Practice makes the master. Listen now.
1/1/1 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
[English] About me and this podcast #intro #topic (Podcast S00E00)
Welcome to my podcast for German learners! In this episode, I explain (in English) a bit about myself and the podcast. The other episodes are all in German!
1/1/1 • 18 minutes, 39 seconds
hinterlistig #vocab & Max & Moritz (Podcast S02E29)
Learn German culture: The two protagonists of a best-selling children’s story are said to be "hinterlistig". Listen to this podcast to find out more!
1/1/1 • 4 minutes, 43 seconds
Weltanschauung #vocab (Podcast S02E26)
What does Weltanschauung mean and how is it pronounced? You'd be surprised how many people say it wrong! Listen to this podcast to improve your German.
1/1/1 • 4 minutes, 2 seconds
Podcast: die Fäden ziehen #idiom
Who is pulling the strings behind the scenes? 🦹
And what exactly does this phrase “die Fäden ziehen” mean? 🤔
Listen to this episode to find out!
1/1/1 • 5 minutes, 18 seconds
Hier geht die Post ab. #proverb (Podcast S02E24)
If you take a break from learning German once in a while and party hard, you can say “Hier geht die Post ab!” to impress your non-German speaking friends.
1/1/1 • 7 minutes
Geist #vocab (Podcast S02E23)
“Geist” does not just mean ghost, it can mean many things! If you are learning German, you might be surprised by how very different meanings are connected.
1/1/1 • 16 minutes, 35 seconds
einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul #proverb (Podcast S02E18)
Would you say something if you didn't like a gift? 🎁🤔
Listen to this episode: einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul
Do I Have To Learn German Grammar When Learning German? #topic (Podcast S01E25)
Well, yes and no. I know learning German grammar can be hard for some. Luckily, you don't have to learn all the grammar rules by heart. Listen and learn.
1/1/1 • 11 minutes, 36 seconds
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden #topic (Podcast S02E16)
How do I increase my self-confidence? And what is that anyway and where does it come from? 🤔
These questions are answered in this episode!
1/1/1 • 20 minutes, 1 second
Durchfall #vocab (Podcast S02E17)
One of the funniest — and most disgusting - German words: Durchfall! 💩
Listen to this episode to find out more — at your own risk! 🤣
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 47 seconds
die Zeit totschlagen #proverb (Podcast S02E15)
Who has time these days? No reason to even kill it!
But what does that mean exactly? Find out in this episode!
1/1/1 • 3 minutes, 51 seconds
Otto Normalverbraucher #vocab (Podcast S01E08)
Are you learning German and have heard of the term "Otto Normalverbraucher"? Who is that guy and what does he do? Well, turns out he's pretty average…
1/1/1 • 4 minutes, 44 seconds
was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen #proverb (Podcast S02E12)
Haven't you forgotten something? Then you have to get it! This episode is about the saying: "If you don't have it in your head, you have it in your legs”
⛔ STOP! Not so fast! ✋ In this episode, you'll learn all about an interesting aspect of German culture: the speed limit — and why there aren't any on the highway.
1/1/1 • 11 minutes, 41 seconds
Zweisamkeit #vocab (Podcast S02E14)
What does “(in trauter) Zweisamkeit” mean and why is it so much better than “togetherness”? Find out in this episode!
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 4 seconds
Einführung Staffel 2: Bücher über persönliche Entwicklung #Thema (Podcast S02E01)
Learn German and improve your life at the same time! Season 2 is here: Personal Development Books! Why is it so hard to get better? Find out in this episode!
1/1/1 • 22 minutes, 49 seconds
jemandem ans Herz gewachsen sein #idiom (Podcast S02E03)
What does the German expression “jemandem ans Herz gewachsen sein” mean?
Learn German online and find out in this podcast episode! The explanation will warm your heart!
1/1/1 • 5 minutes, 59 seconds
Eile mit Weile. #proverb (Podcast S01E36)
No rush — Eile mit Weile.
Listen to this podcast episode to find out what this German saying means.
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 53 seconds
Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund. #proverb (Podcast S01E30)
Are you an early riser or a morning person?
All I'm saying is: Morning Hour has gold in its mouth.
You'll find out what that means in this episode.
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 28 seconds
How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren #topic (Podcast S02E04)
Reading a book is an art!
So what is the smartest way to read a book? Listen to this episode and find out.
This will also help you learn German online effectively!
1/1/1 • 23 minutes, 12 seconds
überrascht #vocab (Podcast S01E35)
Even the word “überrascht” sounds surprising in the German language!
Listen to this podcast episode to find out everything you need to know about this word.
1/1/1 • 5 minutes, 26 seconds
Nachspeise #Vokabel (Podcast S01E32)
Dessert is often the tastiest dish of the entire meal — at least for children!
Listen to this episode to find out why.
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 25 seconds
The Books of Alice Miller, Swiss Psychologist #topic (Podcast S02E07)
The roots of the violence are known.
In this podcast episode you will not only learn German, but also an inconvenient truth…
1/1/1 • 20 minutes, 55 seconds
womit #vocab (Podcast S02E02)
What does the strange German word “womit” mean?
Find out in this podcast episode. You'll be surprised at how versatile this word is!
1/1/1 • 7 minutes, 53 seconds
The #1 Cause of Failure When Learning German #topic (Podcast S01E31)
Make sure you don't make this mistake!
I don't want you to make that mistake and fail.
Listen to this episode if you want to successfully learn German.
1/1/1 • 7 minutes, 1 second
Interview: How To Learn German Easily – Memorization Techniques With Frans Duijts (Podcast S01E34)
Frans introduces us to five simple steps to help you memorize anything you want — including German vocabulary and articles!
Listen to this podcast episode to find out how you too can become a memory artist.
1/1/1 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 26 seconds
die Seele baumeln lassen #Redewendung (Podcast S01E33)
Letting the soul dangle? Yes, that's a German expression – and a great one at that!
Listen to this podcast episode to find out more.
1/1/1 • 5 minutes, 20 seconds
Personal Development and Language Learning – a Good Combination! #topic (Podcast S01E28)
1/1/1 • 11 minutes, 22 seconds
Vorfreude #Vokabel (Podcast S01E29)
“Vorfreude, schönste Freude” goes a German Christmas song.
Listen to this podcast episode to learn more about this beautiful word.
1/1/1 • 3 minutes, 45 seconds
Why You Absolutely Can Not Skip Steps When Learning German #topic (Podcast S01E22)
When learning German, it is absolutely impossible to skip any steps. Linguists have found that our brains are wired to learn German in a natural order.
1/1/1 • 10 minutes, 5 seconds
fit wie ein Turnschuh #idiom (Podcast S01E21)
Don’t just learn German, but also exercise! This way, you stay “fit like a sneaker”! Listen to this podcast episode to find out the meaning of the idiom.
1/1/1 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
pfui, boah und huhu #vocab (Podcast S01E20)
Pfui! Boah! Huhu! The German language has some very funny interjections. Listen to this podcast episode and enjoy learning German.
1/1/1 • 7 minutes, 14 seconds
How You Self-Correct and Why It May Be Blocking You From Learning German #topic (Podcast S01E19)
If you correct yourself too much, it can completely sabotage the way you learn German! So don't be afraid of mistakes. Listen and find out how.
1/1/1 • 10 minutes, 30 seconds
Sprachwissenschaftler #vocab (Podcast S01E17)
What is a "Sprachwissenschaftler"? Listen and find out in this episode. The German language shows once again how precise it can be!
1/1/1 • 4 minutes, 57 seconds
Listen to THIS and You Will Learn German! (Krashen’s Input Hypothesis) #topic (Podcast S01E16)
Listen to this episode and you will automatically learn German. Wow! How is that possible? In this episode you will find out. 💡
1/1/1 • 13 minutes, 1 second
Wer rastet, der rostet. #proverb (Podcast S01E18)
Whoever rested, rusts. So don't stop learning German and listen to this episode. When learning German, it is important to never give up!
1/1/1 • 4 minutes, 24 seconds
Have Fun! Relax While Learning German! #topic (Podcast S01E10)
Warning: If you are stressed out while learning German you not only have less fun, you also won't learn much! Science has proven that. Listen to learn more.
1/1/1 • 9 minutes, 27 seconds
Sehenswürdigkeit #vocab (Podcast S01E11)
The Germans don't just have many beautiful monuments and buildings, they also have a very nice word for it. Listen to find out why it's so fitting!
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 40 seconds
Learn German Easily: Like a Baby! (The Natural Approach) #topic (Podcast S01E07)
Want to learn German but think it's too hard? Well, with the natural approach, you can learn it in no time! Listen to this to find out more.
1/1/1 • 11 minutes, 8 seconds
sich von jemandem eine Scheibe abschneiden können #idiom (Podcast S01E09)
People who learn German are sometimes confused about all the weird German idioms. To "take a slice from someone"? What a strange expression! Find out more.
1/1/1 • 5 minutes, 35 seconds
eine dicke Lippe riskieren #idiom (Podcast S01E15)
If you learn German and speak it well, you certainly won't risk a thick lip. What does this German idiom actually mean? Listen and find out!
1/1/1 • 5 minutes, 35 seconds
wohlklingend #vocab (Podcast S01E14)
Is the German language "wohlklingend"? Well, this word is one of many reasons why German sounds so melodious in the first place. Learn German by listening!
1/1/1 • 2 minutes, 55 seconds
doch #vocab (Podcast S01E05)
In German, with just the four letters "doch", you can express defiance and you don't even need to swear! But what else does it mean? Listen to find out.
1/1/1 • 6 minutes, 46 seconds
Fingerspitzengefühl #vocab (Podcast S01E02)
When you learn German, you learn all kinds of interesting words. Most German words make a lot of sense and the word Fingerspitzengefühl is no exception.
1/1/1 • 4 minutes, 23 seconds
Yes, YOU CAN learn German! #topic (Podcast S01E04)
If you ever doubted yourself, ever doubted that you could succeed, listen to this! The truth is that no matter what you think, YOU CAN learn German.