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Stories That Made Us

English, Religion, 15 seasons, 59 episodes, 1 day, 9 hours, 41 minutes
Few things are constant across all humanity and throughout time. Stories are one of them. Some stories we forget, while some stay with us forever. Some are stories of culture, morals, and philosophies that guide us to happy and meaningful lives. These are stories of Gods and Demons, of Heroes and Legends, epic battles and wars; stories of fortitude and inner strength, of fighting against all odds and emerging victorious. These stories inevitably become tales that determine our moral compass, justify norms and mores of our society, and provide a proud self-identity, and a socio-cultural belonging. These become the stories that give us meaning. This podcast is about such stories. Those that are deeply rooted within us, governing our morality and principles. So join us on a journey across cultures, tribes, civilizations, and religions, as we identify and discuss those stories that matter. The stories that made us.
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S2 E17: Heroines & Heroes - JewishTale - Adam and Eve: The Conclusion

This episode is the finale of the three-part Jewish tale of Adam and Eve. Check out the previous two episodes before you listen to this for more context. In the first episode, we spoke of God’s intent to create man and angels’ opposition to the love and freedom of will and conscience that God chose to gift mankind. We spoke of the creation of Adam, of the existence, nature, and the journey of our souls, and in doing so, we spent time talking about the disposition of an ideal man – and the nature of Adam. The second episode recounted the nature of an ideal man, the story of Satan, the creation of Lilith and Eve, and then we spoke of Adam and Eve’s life in Paradise – in the garden of Eden; and then concluded that episode with the fall of humanity as we ate the forbidden fruit.The story this week continues from here. It has been collected and recounted from the book titled “The Legends of the Jews” by Louis Ginsberg. Details below:Reference:Title: The Legends of the Jews Volume 1Author: Louis GinzbergURL:'re active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Dreams Become Real by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Temperature of the Air on the Bow of the Kaleetan by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Temperature of the Air on the Bow of the Kaleetan by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Does Anybody Know About Anything by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. of the Skies, Under the Earth by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Meeting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
9/14/202151 minutes, 28 seconds
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S2 E16: Heroines & Heroes - JewishTale - Adam and Eve Part II

Welcome to another episode of Stories That Made Us. This week’s tale is a continuation of the past week, the second part of our three-part tale of Adam and Eve. In the previous episode, we spoke of God’s intent to create man and angels’ opposition to the love and freedom of will and conscience that God chose to gift mankind. We spoke of the creation of Adam, of the existence, nature, and the journey of our souls, and in doing so, we spent time talking about the disposition of an ideal man – and the nature of Adam. Check out all that if you’ve missed it in last week’s episode! The tale continues this week, where we speak of the fall of Satan, the creation of woman, Adam and Eve’s life in the garden of Eden, and finally, the fall of man.The story has been recounted from the book titled “The Legends of the Jews” by Louis Ginsberg.Reference:Title: The Legends of the Jews Volume 1Author: Louis GinzbergURL:'re active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Crisis - Scoring Action by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Day by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.! Do You Read by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Stockton Slow Drag by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. of Chaos by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Tall Ship by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
9/7/202130 minutes, 13 seconds
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S2 E15: Heroines & Heroes - JewishTale - Adam and Eve Part I

Hi There! Welcome to another episode of Stories That Made Us. This episode, and in the next two, we tell the Jewish tale of man’s creation, disgrace, punishment, and expulsion from the garden of Eden – it’s the story of the first of humanity – it’s the life and times of Adam and Eve. This myth requires no introduction, and so, without any fanfare, let's get straight to the story, which has been recounted from the book titled “The Legends of the Jews” by Louis Ginsberg. Details are in the show notes.Reference:Title: The Legends of the Jews Volume 1Author: Louis GinzbergURL:'re active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Anguish by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. in C Minor Hess 68 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
8/31/202132 minutes, 15 seconds
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S2 E14: Heroines & Heroes - Native American Sioux Tale - Two Young Friends

We’ve got a fantastic tale from North America this week, a myth of the Sioux people of MidWest United States. The Sioux nation is one of the largest Native American tribes, consisting of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes. They traditionally lived in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, but were forced to migrate west to the great plains by the French and the Ojibwe tribes.The Sioux of old were a nomadic people who roamed the great plains, following buffalo herds throughout the American Midwest. Buffalos being an important part of their culture – responsible for food, clothing, houses – or teepees and many pieces of jewelry. The people believe in Wakan Tanka, the great spirit. This represents the power or the sacredness that resides in everything – both living and inanimate. Storytelling, as with almost all Native American tribes, is an important part of the Sioux culture. Tales, indeed, legends were passed down from one generation to another as tales told around the bonfire. This story is one such tale. Recorded in the early 20th century by Mrs. Marie McLaughlin, and in her own words, “ told in the lodges and at the campfires of the past, and by the firesides of the Dakotas, these tales are the thoughts of a grave, and sincere people, living in intimate contact and friendship with the big outdoors that we call Nature; a race that is humble, but honest and fair; a sincere, and gravely thoughtful people, willing to believe that there may be in even the everyday things of life something not yet fully understood; a race that can, without any loss of native dignity, gravely consider the simplest things, seeking to fathom their meaning and to learn their lesson”Reference:Title: Myths and Legends of the SiouxAuthor: Marie L. McLaughlinURL:'re active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Danse Macabre - Isolated Harp by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. - Primal Drive by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
8/10/202139 minutes, 14 seconds
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S2 E13: Heroines & Heroes - Tales from Japan

Hello! Welcome to a brand new episode of Stories That Made Us. For this week’s tale, we head over to the land of the rising sun, the mighty country of Japan.Japanese myths have traditionally been passed down through oral traditions, for through most of Japan’s history, its communities were predominantly isolated from one another. This allowed for local legends and myths to grow around the unique features of the geographic location where the people who told the stories lived. We shall find examples of this throughout our four tales, where the stories are tied tightly to their geographic regions.The two main sources for Japanese myths that are most recognized and widely known are the texts of Kojiki and Nihon Soki or Nihongi. These ancient texts delve into the creation of the Gods and the world, and from there, continue to cover the origins of the Japanese people and the monarchy.Old listeners would have listened to the tale of Japanese creation myth in Episodes 35, 36, and 37 of the first series. Those tales were all taken from the Kojiki and Nihongi, and are a marvelous account of the trials and tribulations faced by Gods and Goddesses as they shaped the world we live in today.This week, we have four tales from this beautiful land, all courtesy of the book titled “Old World Japan – Legends of the Land of the Gods” by Frank Rinder. Details of which are below.Reference:Title: Old-World Japan: Legends of the Land of the GodsAuthor: Frank RinderURL:'re active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Dreamy Flashback by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
8/3/202135 minutes, 51 seconds
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S2 E12: Heroines & Heroes - K'iche' Mayans: The Hero Twins of Popul Voh

This week, we speak of the Hero Brothers - Hunahpu and Xabalanque of the Quiche Mayans. The tale is narrated in the Popul Voh, or the Book of Council, the very same from where we recounted the Mayan tale of Creation of the World. Check out that story in Episodes 29 & 30 of the first season. Reference:Title: Latin American Mythology -The Mythology of All Races - Vol. 11 Author: Hartley Burr AlexanderURL:'re active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Machinations by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Situation by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Child by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Dramatic by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
7/27/202132 minutes, 34 seconds
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S2 E10: Heroines & Heroes - Native American - Seneca Story of Genonsgwa

This week, continuing with our theme of Native American folklore, we recount the Seneca tale of Genonsgwa, or the stone giant. Now to put the story into context, the Genonsgwa, is the name of a mythological rock giant of the Iroquois-speaking tribes, of whom the Seneca are a prominent part, living south of Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes in North America. In some tribal traditions there is only one such stone giant, while in others, there is a whole race of them. These giants are descibed as being about twice as tall as humans, with their bodies covered in rock-hard scales that repel all normal weapons. They are associated with winter and ice, and they hunt and eat humans. In some legends Genonsgwas were once human, and became cannibal monsters as a curse punishing them for evil deeds, like the Windigos of Chippewa mythology. In other legends, Stone giants were never human, but were a tribe of primordial man-eating monsters.Reference:Title: Seneca myths and folk talesAuthor: Arthur C. ParkerLink:'re active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Isolated by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. of the Undead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. and Toast by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
7/6/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
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S2 E9: Heroines & Heroes - Native American - Cherokee Tale of the Hunt and Corn

Hello! Thank you for tuning in to Stories That Made Us, the podcast all about tales from folklore and mythologies. This week’s tale takes us to the Native American tribes of the Cherokee. The story is of the Lucky Hunter Kana’ti, and his wife Selu, the Corn. Reference:Title: Myths of the Cherokee: Extract from the Nineteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American EthnologyAuthor: James MooneyWe're active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Bumbly March - Music to Delight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Mystery 4 - Film Noire by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
6/29/202129 minutes, 10 seconds
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S2 E7: Heroines & Heroes - Native American Ojibwe - Tale of Nanabozho Part II

Welcome to a brand new episode of Stories That Made Us! This week we conclude the wonderful tale of the great Algonquian hero – Nanabozho, which we began in the previous episode. Keen listeners and old followers of the podcast would remember Nanabozho – for he played a grand role in the creation of the Anishinaabe world – helping the great spirit – the Kitchi Manitou to build our world and populate it with all beings – making everything the way we see it today. Check out episode 6 of the first series for that awesome tale. This story is one of his many tales and has been taken from the book titled, “The Indian Fairy Book – From the Original Legends” by Henry Schoolcraft.Reference:Title: The Indian Fairy Book From the Original LegendsAuthor: Henry R. SchoolcraftWe're active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Comfortable Mystery 3 - Film Noire by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Balance Redux by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Return by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Prelude by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
6/15/202143 minutes, 7 seconds
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S2 E6: Heroines & Heroes - Native American Ojibwe - Tale of Nanabozho

Welcome to a brand new episode of Stories That Made Us! This week we recount a wonderful tale of the great Algonquian hero – Nanabozho. Keen listeners and old followers of the podcast would remember Nanabozho – for he played a grand role in the creation of the Anishinaabe world – helping the great spirit – the Kitchi Manitou to build our world and populate it with all beings – making everything the way we see it today. Check out episode 6 of the first series for that awesome tale. Now, this episode continues with the tales of this great hero of the Native Americans of the great lakes. Anthropologists and scholars, those who study the Anishinaabe Adizookaan – traditional storytellings – believe this hero to be a trickster spirit, a culture hero that features prominently in the traditional folklore of the many native American tribes of the great lakes. Often appearing in the shape of a rabbit or a giant man – as is the case in this tale – he is a shapeshifter and is responsible for teaching mankind all the good things we know.This story is one of his many tales and has been taken from the book titled, “The Indian Fairy Book – From the Original Legends” by Henry Schoolcraft.Reference:Title: The Indian Fairy Book From the Original LegendsAuthor: Henry R. SchoolcraftWe're active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Constancy Part 3 - The Descent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Bava Sleeps In a Little Later Than He Expected To by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
6/8/202134 minutes, 4 seconds
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S2 E5: Heroines & Heroes - Viking Sagas: Eric The Red and Leif Ericsson

In this episode, we talk about Eric Thorvaldsson and Leif Erickson. Better known as Eric the Red, this remarkable man was a Norse explorer, who, according to the medieval sagas of Iceland and Greenland, was the founder of the first settlement of Greenland. His son, Leif Erickson, took after his father, and sailed westward, all the way to North America, to the land he named Vinland, which is today interpreted as being coastal Nova Scotia in Canada.This week, we tell their tales. These are their stories, as written down in the Icelandic saga. It is recounted by Jennie Hall in her book “The Viking Tales”. Details below:Title: Viking TalesAuthor: Jennie HallURL:'re active on social media. Check us out below:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under a creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Alchemists Tower - Strings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Time by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Andante by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Trailer by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
6/1/202142 minutes, 38 seconds
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S2 E2: Heroines and Heroes - The Mabinogian: Culhwch and Olwen Part II

Welcome to the second episode of a brand new series of Stories That Made Us. This second series is all about the Heroes of mythology. It's the stories of conquests, love, wars, and heartbreaks; the tales of men and women who, through their bravery, conviction, integrity, and strength, created the moral and social constructs that govern our lives to date. Once the world was created, as discussed in the first series, it fell to heroes and heroines to guide the race of mankind to be a better version of ourselves. These are those tales. The inspirational stories of courage, selflessness, and justice were passed down to us by our parents and grandparents. We continue with the famous story of Kilhwch and Olwen, which is a classic hero quest during the times of the great fabled British King Arthur. The story is translated from the book - THE MABINOGION. Now the Mabinogion is one of the earliest compilation of stories to have come from the British isles. Written around the 12th and 13th centuries, these tales provide a fascinating glimpse into pre-Christian British life.This episode covers the second part of this wonderful tale, while the next one concludes our story. The book we refer to is free for use and distribution and can be found in Check out the description for more details on the book! It is, as you would find out, an intriguing read!Reference: Title: The MabinogionAuthor: Lady Charlotte GuestTranscribed from the 1849 edition text by David Price, email [email protected]: hope you enjoy the tale. If you do, please leave a rating and feedback. Share and subscribe! Your patronage would help us immensely! Get in touch with us:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Anamalie by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Star by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Time by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Macabre - No Violin by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. and Toast by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
5/11/202134 minutes, 15 seconds
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S1E40 - Creation Myths: The Hindus of India

Welcome to episode 40 of Stories That Made Us. We, with this one, have just stepped into the last three episodes of the first series on creation myths - and so it's no wonder we have a grand tale to tell. This week, it's the stories, the mythologies, and folklore of our creation - from the ancient land of India. Yes, we dive into the Hindu creation myths! Before we begin, a huge shoutout to David A Leeming's book, Creation Myths of the World: An Encyclopedia, from where the tales have been taken. So then, let's get started with another fantastic episode of Stories That Made Us.Reference:David A Leeming, "Creation Myths of the World: An Encyclopedia."I hope you enjoy the tale. If you do, please leave a rating and feedback. Share and subscribe! Your patronage would help us immensely! Get in touch with us:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes is either free to use or under creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:What True Self, Feels Bogus, Let's Watch Jason X by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. in D Major by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Without the Rest by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
3/1/202129 minutes, 5 seconds
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S1E24 - Creation Myths: The Irish

The Irish were a part of the Celtic tribes that populated most of Western Europe. They developed a mythology that was separate not only from that of the continental Celts, but also their neighbors, the welsh Celts. Today's tale is not much of a creation myth per se. In fact, we covered the Celtic creation myths in episode 8 of this series. What the tale is, and what we cover today, is a history of invasions that eventually led to the establishment of a unique identity of the people of Ireland. Today, we discuss the story of the habitation and development and settlement of Ireland. As far as a creation story is concerned, today's tale is part of an epic that depicts the gradual development of an Irish identity out of the chaos of numerous invasions. Each invasion contributes to the Irish uniqueness, all culminating into the existence of a spectacular tale of Ireland.Our story today comes from Lebor Gabala Erenn, or the Book of Invasions. It is a collection of poems and narratives that speak of the occupation of Ireland, from the times of the creation of the world all the way to the middle ages. The book, and indeed, our story, tells the tale of six invasions of Ireland. The first to land upon the Irish shores were the people of Cessair - who was a descendant of Noah. They were followed by the people of Partholon. Then came the followers of Nemed, and later, the Fir Bolg , the Tuatha de Dannan, and finally, the Milesians. The first four invaders or settlers were either decimated or had to abandon the island. The fifth group came to be revered as the pagan gods, while the sixth, and final, group of settlers represent the Irish people, the Gaels of today.So then, let's hear the tale of the wondrous island of Ireland!I hope you enjoy the stories. If you do, please leave a rating and feedback. Share and subscribe! Your patronage would help us immensely! Get in touch with us:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes are either free to use, or under creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Minyo San KyokuArtist: Doug Maxwell/ Zac ZingerSource: YouTube Audio LibraryOver Time by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Odonis OdonisSource: YouTube Audio LibrarySong of MirrorsArtist: Unicorn HeadsSource: YouTube Audio LibraryDestination UnknownArtist: Ugonna OnyekweSource: YouTube Audio LibraryYour SuggestionsArtist: Unicorn HeadsSource: YouTube Audio LibraryMagical GravityArtist: Asher FuleroSource: YouTube Audio LibraryIntuit256 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( ExpanseArtist: Unicorn HeadsSource: YouTube Audio Library
11/2/202047 minutes, 52 seconds
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S1E19 - Creation Myths: Tales from Africa II: The Ekoi, Fang, Fon, Fulani and Basonge

Tales from Africa are wondrous and many. This week, we discuss the stories of some very interesting tribes that emerged from the continent. This, of course, is a continuation of our tales from Africa. Other tribes are represented in episodes 16, 11, 7, and 3. There's also the ancient Egyptian creation myth that we covered in the 17th episode.Hi there and welcome to Stories That Made Us. This week, we tell tales of the Ekoi, Fan, Fon, Fulani, Bakuba, and Basonge. The stories have been inspired by David A Leeming's amazing book, "Creation Myths of the World: An Encyclopedia."We begin with the origin story of the Ekoi.The Ekoi is a common name that is given to a combination of southeastern Nigerian tribes. They live near the Efik people, whose tale of origin we covered in the 16th episode! Under the religious leadership of high priests called Ntoons, the Ekoi are best known for their ritualistic many-faced skin-covered masks. The Ekoi story contains a two creator motif that is perhaps expressed in the multi-faced masks for which the tribe is famous. Keen listeners may also find the closeness in names between the Ekoi and Efik creators. The next story is of the Fan. The Bantu-speaking Fan inhabit parts of what are now Gabon, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea. Their creation myth is a story of human origin. There's a sense of an element of evil inherent in the world. The Fang creation myth emphasizes the fall of Fam, a creature that represents original mankind. The evil was so incorrigible in him that the deities had to create a new Fam who became the ancestor of the present humans. Their story possesses an element of the flood myths where the god destroys the old creation with thunder and lightning. Interestingly, the myth purports the idea that the world has inherent evil that is in the buried old and original Fam. It also speaks about the potential spiritual power in the existence of the Soul. We now move on to the Fon. The Fon is a large West African group of peoples living in Benin, southwest Nigeria, and Togo. Their short creation myth, which exists in various forms, features a moon goddess. The Fon is a patrilineal people whose creation myth is dominated by apparently female forces. In all likelihood, this arises from the obvious creative power of women as birth-givers. Of interest, too, is the presence of a positive force in the body of a serpent. The final story is of the Basonge. A Bantu tribe of the southeast Congo region, the Basonge, tell creation myths that feature, like so many other myths of Africa, the theme of enmity between two creators. I hope you enjoy the story. If you do, please leave a rating and feedback. Share and subscribe! Your patronage would help us immensely! Get in touch with us:Twitter: @storiesthtmdeus Instagram: @storiesthtmdeus Facebook: [email protected] music used for the episodes are either free to use, or under creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions:Isolated by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Time by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Mystery 4 - Film Noire by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( HillsArtist: Sir CubworthSource: YouTube Audio LibraryDark Alley DealsArtist: Aaron KennySource: YouTube Audio LibraryDarkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Emmit FennSource: YouTube Audio LibrarySharp SensesArtist: Ugonna OnyekweSource: YouTube Audio LibraryWaking to RealityArtist: Unicorn HeadsSource: YouTube Audio LibraryThe Big Decision by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
9/28/202031 minutes, 6 seconds
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S1E8 - Creation Myths: The Celts of Europe

In today's episode, we dive into the creation myths of the Celts. The history of the ancient Celts comes to us primarily from texts by Classical authors. These include the likes of Herodotus and Hecataeus of Greece. Julius Caesar also chronicled much of their history and many of their tales. Some scholars suggest that the origins of Celts can be found in the Hallstatt culture of central Europe. Academics date it to the ninth century B.C. Others trace Celtic origins to an aristocratic warrior culture prevalent in Europe in the fifth century B.C. This was known as the La Tène culture. By the fifth century B.C., Celts were a major power in most of Europe and as far east as Galatia in modern-day Turkey. The Celts were co-inhabitants of Europe, along with the Romans and the Greeks, and were involved in numerous battles against the two. Records suggest that in 390 B.C, the Celts overran and sacked Rome. They also fought the Grecian armies in 279 B.C.They migrated to the British Isles beginning in the fifth century B.C, and a culture unique to the islands developed over the next centuries. Cultures that can more conveniently be categorized as Irish or Welsh, for example, rather than Celtic.In this episode, we discuss three of the more prominent creation myths that are ascribed to these peoples. There are multiple creation myths in the Celtic cosmology. Celts, after all, did occupy most of Western Europe. Many tribes or regions would have had their own tales. Furthermore, these tales were mostly documented by the Romans and the priests and monks of the Christian church. Attempts were made by these scribes to incorporate the Celtic myth as a part of Roman or Christian cosmology.I hope you enjoy the stories. If you do, please leave a rating and feedback. Share and subscribe! Your patronage would help us immensely!Follow us on Twitter at @storiesthtmdeusThe music used for the episodes are either free to use, or under creative commons license. Below are their links and attributions -Destination UnknownArtist: Ugonna OnyekweSource: YouTube Audio LibraryA Face in a CloudArtist: Nathan MooreSource: YouTube Audio LibraryTurning SlowlyArtist: Ugonna OnyekweSource: YouTube Audio LibraryParzivalArtist: William RosatiSource: YouTube Audio LibraryTime Passing By by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( - Thatched Villagers by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( TimeArtist: SYBSSource: YouTube Audio LibraryYour SuggestionsArtist: Unicorn HeadsSource: YouTube Audio Library
7/13/202032 minutes, 30 seconds