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Spiritual Depression – Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Cover
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Spiritual Depression – Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

English, Religion, 1 season, 24 episodes, 17 hours, 46 minutes
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been recognised as one of the greatest preachers in the English language. This series of sermons uncovers some of the causes of spiritual depression, and applies the gospel as a remedy to recover joy.
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No one escapes life's trials, tribulations, or depression. The heaviness and darkness of life can surround us and leave us feeling without hope. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains from 1 Peter 1:6-7, it is natural for Christians to feel grieved and sorrowed. But why do trials and tribulations happen to Christians? What is God accomplishing by allowing difficult circumstances into our lives? Each situation is designed by God to refine the precious character of our faith. Just as gold is refined by the fire to remove impurities, our faith must be refined to remove the impurities of sin. Lloyd-Jones proclaims the words of Peter, that trials are essential in order to show the genuineness of our faith, to prove that we, by God's power, can withstand the test. There is no need to despair! We are able to endure such times because the Lord loves us and we can trust Him. These trials are only for a season and we understand that the Lord is faithful to us in all circumstances. The day of revelation is coming, and those who have been refined and are proven faithful will be delivered on that day. The Lord will present those who have been refined faultless.
11/26/202046 minutes, 30 seconds
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Christians can find themselves discouraged or depressed in their faith, noticing that attempts to grow in knowledge are met with fatigue or busyness. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains in this sermon on 2 Peter 1:5-7 how this is not just a coincidence. Symptoms of spiritual depression are subtle and come creeping into the Christian life. Times like this remind the child of God of their life before Christ, one filled with uncertainty, shallowness, and misery. Causes for this spiritual depression come from having the wrong view of faith and sheer lack of diligence. Christians must safeguard their time with the Lord, be diligent to grow deeper in faith and in the knowledge of the Lord, and supplement faith with virtue. Faith grows when the pressures of the world are confronted with the truth of God’s Word. When this is done with patience and diligence, the Christian will not be as prone to fall away, and will begin to grow and enjoy the Christian life with abundance.
11/19/202046 minutes, 42 seconds
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Weary in Well Doing

Oh, Christian, have you grown weary of well doing? In your hopelessness and despair, how have you been carrying on? Despite being on a correct path, we have all experienced spiritual depression. Much of this can be attributed to a "middle period" of the Christian life. A time that comes after much growth and momentum, and we struggle to continue despite feeling routine. Listen close as this sermon from Galatians 6:9 outlines some common pitfalls and dangers during this period. Negative voices encouraging us to give up, resigning to the feelings of hopelessness and artificial stimulants to keep us going such as alcohol or drugs provide no lasting hope. If you are feeling like you are just putting one foot in front of the other, Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages us that such feelings are normal! Instead of stalling, look to the Word to discover "Why am I weary? What has caused me to feel this way?" Our energy for serving Christ and growing in maturity is not from our feelings, but from our Savior. Acknowledge that this life is a time of preparation for what is to come and rest in knowing our Lord will rescue and redeem us in due time. In this sermon on Galatians 6:9, Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages us that our walk will have ups and downs, but we can stand in our faith and not grow weary in doing well.
11/12/202046 minutes, 9 seconds
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False Teaching

Are you suffering from bouts of unhappiness in your Christian faith? Could it be that one contributing factor may be conflict and confusion due to false teaching within the Christian church? The main problem of spiritual depression lies within, not outside, the church. In Galatians 4:15, the Apostle Paul confronts false teaching within the church. Today, false teaching can be very subtle and creep its way into the believer’s life. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points out that false teaching sometimes detracts from the Christian message. Other times, as in the case of the Galatians, it adds to the Christian message. Either way, false teaching leaves the believer conflicted and confused. Maybe the believer hasn’t thoroughly embraced false teaching, but he is disturbed by it. In either case, the believer has lost their first happiness. How might the church safeguard herself against these dangers? Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones calls the church to embrace and cling to the original Apostolic message. It cannot be subtracted from, and nothing can be added to it. There is joy in the Christian message. Listen and know the simple truths of the Bible and rediscover the joy of your salvation as you build your life on this rock.
11/5/202046 minutes, 51 seconds
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Praying in the Spirit

Who can talk to God? Who can boldly enter His presence and communicate with Him in prayer? Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones guides us through this careful study of how are we to pray. The blood of Jesus, His death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us unhindered access to the Father. But that open access to God in prayer is not an invitation to be casual, flippant or fill our prayers with meaningless repitition. We need the Holy Spirit's guidance to teach us how to pray. The spiritual battles of life, the weakness of our flesh, and our need for intecession requires careful attention to our communication with our King. Prayer that glorifies God, prayer that maximizes our spiritual life, is prayer that is filled with reverence and respect for our Father who loves us and is always ready to hear the voice of His children.
10/9/202043 minutes, 8 seconds
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Praying Always

Praying Always
10/2/202044 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Shield, Helmet and Sword

The Shield, Helmet and Sword
9/25/202046 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Whole Armour of God

There are many who fail at the Christian life because they have not recognized they are involved with spiritual warfare. The scriptures tell us we are involved in a spiritual conflict, and our spiritual enemy is subtle beyond description. That’s the warning Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives us as he begins this sermon on verses 13-15 in Chapter 6 of Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians. He continues by revealing the hope that is found in the Bible in the whole of Ephesians 6. There, Paul tells us there is a way of victory through the armour of God. In our spiritual conflict, how can we avail ourselves of the strength of the Lord and the power of His might? By taking the full armour of God prayerfully, piece by piece. Each piece of the armour of God is important for us to have access to the full strength of the Lord.
9/18/202044 minutes, 10 seconds
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Be Strong in the Lord

As Christians, we sometimes face times of spiritual depression—times of trouble, worry, even misery. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tells us in this sermon that it is profoundly important for us to recognize that the Christian life is a life of spiritual conflict with the powers of evil. As he focuses on Ephesians 6:10-11, he reveals the Christian’s hope: Jesus Christ has conquered our enemy. Since we are in Christ, His mighty power comes into us. We can be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. It is with that power alone we can triumph and prevail, finding complete victory over the spiritual forces that are arrayed against us.
9/11/202045 minutes, 15 seconds
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Spiritual Depression

In Adam; in Christ; dead unto sin - our need to live in realisation of this fact; the danger of psychological experiences; the certainty of our victory over sin; God is bringing us to glory; God chastises His children; don't yield to sin.
9/4/202046 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Danger of Error

The Colossian heresy (gnosticism) explained; the problem of the counterfeit religion; the fight against Greek philosophy; practical advice on the avoidance of error; when philosophy becomes theology; characteristics of false teaching.
8/28/202048 minutes, 5 seconds
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Alive Unto God

The need for a firm grasp of the teaching of Scripture; the importance of Romans 6; crucified with Him; alive unto God; freed from the power of sin; the indissoluble union.
8/21/202045 minutes, 52 seconds
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Dead to Sin

The Biblical doctrine of the covenant; the union of the believer with Christ; to continue in both sin and grace is impossible; the charge of antinomianism; crucified with Christ.
8/14/202042 minutes, 32 seconds
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That Your Joy May Be Full

Our failure to grasp God's purpose for us; the importance of systematic reading of the Scripture; and prayer; Christ dwells in our heart by faith; a knowledge of Christ within; we must declare this experience.
8/6/202042 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Spirit of Bondage

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been recognised as one of the greatest preachers in the English language. This series of sermons uncovers some of the causes of spiritual depression, and applies the gospel as a remedy to recover joy.
1/24/202043 minutes, 29 seconds
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Looking at the Waves

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been recognised as one of the greatest preachers in the English language. This series of sermons uncovers some of the causes of spiritual depression, and applies the gospel as a remedy to recover joy.
1/23/202042 minutes, 12 seconds
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Where is Your Faith?

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been recognised as one of the greatest preachers in the English language. This series of sermons uncovers some of the causes of spiritual depression, and applies the gospel as a remedy to recover joy.
1/22/202045 minutes, 13 seconds
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Labourers in the Vineyard

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been recognised as one of the greatest preachers in the English language. This series of sermons uncovers some of the causes of spiritual depression, and applies the gospel as a remedy to recover joy.
1/21/202040 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been recognised as one of the greatest preachers in the English language. This series of sermons uncovers some of the causes of spiritual depression, and applies the gospel as a remedy to recover joy.
1/20/202040 minutes, 52 seconds
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Fear of the Future

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been recognised as one of the greatest preachers in the English language. This series of sermons uncovers some of the causes of spiritual depression, and applies the gospel as a remedy to recover joy.
1/19/202046 minutes, 18 seconds
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Vain Regrets

Our past often reminds us of years wasted. What could I have done with that time? How might my present be different if I had a better past. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones believes that meditating upon our past failures is a waste of time. “If you can't do anything about a thing,” he argues, “stop thinking about it.” The Apostle Paul was a man whose past was filled with sin. His energies were devoted to harm and destroy the Christian message. He was the last Apostle to come to Jesus. Yet, with all of his past sin, Paul does not find misery in the present. His past does not affect his new identity in Jesus Christ. Lloyd-Jones wants Christians to know that we certainly were what we once were, but now we are what we are. We must study Scripture, know who we are, and be prepared for these spiritual attacks. Bemoaning our past cripples us in the present. Listen as the Doctor encourages Christians to ruthlessly fight against this condition so that one does not behave like a fool. The fool focuses on self and seeks to change what he cannot control. The Godly man, on the other hand, is more interested in Christ, and less interested in self.
1/18/202043 minutes, 17 seconds
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That One Sin

Sincere Christians face real problems in life. The idea that someone might become a Christian and never deal with doubt, discouragement, depression, and suffering of various kids is unbiblical. It’s possible for genuine Christians to be miserable. While Satan cannot rob Christians of their salvation, he can make them miserable Christians. In this sermon, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines one particular strategy which Satan may use in depressing Christians: reminding them of past sin. Something one did, or said, can haunt him years later. While this Christian certainly believes God saves sinners, he feels that his sin is in a different category; that the gravity or volume of his past sin places him outside of God’s grace. Listen in as the Doctor explains that depression caused by looking at past sin stems from a poor understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not die for a certain kind of sinner––he died for the greatest of sinners. The grace required to save the most respectable person in society is the same grace which saves the least. As Satan tempts us to despair, we must look to the cross of Jesus Christ and see him who died for all of our sin.
1/17/202042 minutes, 30 seconds
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Mind, Heart, and Will

Are you experiencing the joy of your salvation? Why do Christians become spiritually depressed? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that we often do not realize the greatness of the Gospel. In this sermon, the Doctor shows that the Christian message is to involve the whole person; and the whole person is to be affected by it. We cannot rejoice in the Gospel if our doctrine is unbalanced or lopsided. Some Christians emphasize merely the morality of the Christian message. Others believe Christianity is only about forgiveness of sins. This is due to the fact that many preachers embrace doctrine which lacks balance. Converts often look like those used in their conversion, picking up their characteristics. Thus, for many, their understanding of the Christian message is lacking. Listen as Lloyd-Jones argues that the Gospel transforms the whole man––not simply part of him. A Christian is a man who knows why he is what he is. A Christian must be ready to give a reason for the hope within. As we battle spiritual depression, it is imperative that we know the whole Gospel and that we have been affected by it. In this way, one may, once again, experience the joy of their salvation.
1/16/202044 minutes, 35 seconds
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General Consideration

Are you unhappy? Are heavy burdens weighing you down? Do you feel that you cannot escape feelings of despair? Christian, you are not alone! Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows us how God's Word addresses depression from Psalm 42:5,11. A depressed Christian is not a contradiction of terms, it is a reality we must learn to address with the hopefilled truth of Scripture. The Doctor addresses the extravert and introvert, both with their tendency to overanalyze one’s self which leads to weariness and dejection. His challenge is to “get to know” yourself and understand your own triggers. Do you know your own dangers? Physical conditions also play a part in spiritual depression, says Lloyd-Jones. The Christian must be aware of this so as to readily push back against the Devil. Our enemy cannot control us, but he can and will use exaggerate circumstances to futher discourage us. The Psalmist in turn encourages us to do two things: first, speak the Word to ourselves instead of allowing our minds to wonder into despair. Second, remind ourselves of God and His love for us. Defy yourself and the world by putting your hope in God!
1/15/202041 minutes, 48 seconds