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English, Religion, 1 season, 108 episodes, 3 days, 51 minutes
Learn truth that will impact your life, investigate your faith, develop as a leader, and experience the best four days of your winter break.
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Main Session 1

Todd Ahrend
1/5/202443 minutes, 6 seconds
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Main Session 2

Todd Ahrend
1/5/202449 minutes, 30 seconds
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Main Session 4

Morgan Burns
1/5/202448 minutes, 44 seconds
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Main Session 5

Chad Glover
1/5/202448 minutes, 3 seconds
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Main Session 6

Chad Glover
1/5/202447 minutes, 41 seconds
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Trust Issues

How can I know that the Bible is reliable and actually from God? Hasn't it been changed by humans over the years? If God is trustworthy, how do I explain the bad things that happen to me? In a culture of fake news, it now seems harder and harder to know what is real and what isn't. Come and see why the Bible is reliable and relevant today, and why God is worthy of our trust.
1/5/202439 minutes, 31 seconds
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Just Do It! He's Got You

Following God is a journey of faith right? What does that actually mean? What does that actually look like? How do I know what my next steps are? What if I know, but I am nervous to take that step? What if that step of faith feels more like a giant leap into the unknown? Well...welcome to the adventure of a lifetime. Come press in with us into God’s call to “walk by faith” in this world and learn some basics that will help you discover and take your next step! 
1/5/202437 minutes, 8 seconds
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4th Quarter

As we know, the 4th quarter is the most important quarter.  If you're a college athlete, come to this breakout to learn how to live for what is most important and most impactful in the midst of the athlete grind!  
1/5/202426 minutes, 46 seconds
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Practical Discipleship: How to lead others

Jesus invites us to make disciples as we follow Him.This is the greatest way we can honor Jesus and leave our mark in this world for Him. Where do I start? What should be my focus as I look to lead others to grow? How do I continue to grow in making disciples?  We will tackle all of these questions and more and learn together how to make disciples.
1/5/202433 minutes, 21 seconds
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Have you ever wondered how to follow Christ in Greek life? There can be a lot of challenges and obstacles to prioritizing your relationship with God, but also some incredible opportunities. Come and see what it could look like to live for Christ as a Greek, and how you can maximize this unique opportunity!
1/5/202437 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Key to Progress

Does it ever feel like taking the steps to get to know God is a lot of work that is hard to get motivated for? You see your need for God, you know He has true life for you, you make resolutions, but it feels like the results don't come very fast and motivation is quickly lost. In a world obsessed with quick fixes and results from minimal investment, come learn how a life of simple consistency over time is actually the key to unlocking the life that God has for us!
1/5/202419 minutes, 56 seconds
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Next Step Development

Have you ever wondered what more you could do to grow your faith and learn about God? In this encounter we will talk about why and how to keep a learner’s mindset in respect to faith. We will even share some incredible tools and resources to use in your personal development.
1/5/202422 minutes, 35 seconds
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Scripture Memory

"Be a Bible nerd? Nah, no thanks!" Come hear about the value of not just knowing what the Bible says but having it in your heart and in your mind all day long. It may just be the greatest fuel to for your relationship with God! 
1/5/202427 minutes, 31 seconds
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Comms 101

Do you want a close relationship with God? Like any close relationship communication is key. But does prayer even work? How do I know if God's listening? What does it look like to have a deep prayer life? Come check out how prayer is one of our biggest assets and some practical ways to go deeper. 
1/5/202421 minutes, 49 seconds
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Bible Bootcamp

Soldiers go to boot camp in order to create a strong foundation for their military lives. Come get training on how to start reading the Bible in order to create a strong foundation for your entire life! (No push ups required.)
1/5/202421 minutes, 9 seconds
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Stressed Out

Nobody gets how much you have on your plate. School, social life, relationships, career plans.. it never ends. Come learn how to overcome stress and anxiety and have true peace in a world that seems to be stressed out!
1/5/202447 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Right Kind of Confident

In a world that tells us to be SO many things as women, we can often feel exhausted, confused and be left second guessing ourselves. God calls us to something better. As we find our identity in Him, we can find true security and confidence!...So what is this identity and how do we exactly live it out? Let’s look at what it means to be a godly woman, why it is worth it, and how God teaches us to go about it!
1/5/202443 minutes, 50 seconds
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It’s no doubt that we have many different influences in our lives and we desire to be people of influence. We admire people who impact others and the upcoming generations. We see names like XYZ, but when it comes to being a woman of godly character/influence, what does it take? Who are we looking to as our example and how do we actually become these kind of women? What does real influence according to God? So much of our influence as godly women comes from what we intake and who we look to. Come hear what it takes to be a woman of influence that God can use!
1/5/202447 minutes, 25 seconds
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Jesus, the Ultimate Ladies Man

We all long for attention, for affirmation, to be accepted, to be seen, and to be pursued by someone who recognizes our value. Does someone like this exist? Come hear what God has to say about a true love that doesn’t disappoint – from one girl to another!
1/5/202436 minutes, 12 seconds
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Swipe Right with Relationships

Almost all people long and desire to be married, but why is the success rate so low? Why is "try before you buy" not producing thriving marriages? Come hear about God's heart and design for relationships and some practical ways you can prepare now for a godly relationship & marriage one day.
1/5/202446 minutes, 54 seconds
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Not For Me

Culture tells us to keep our beliefs to ourself. So does everything else inside of us. But, what does Jesus say? If we're honest, we know Jesus wants us to talk to our friends about our faith, but that seems terrifying!! Where do I even begin? How do I do it in a way that shows I care and love my friends? Come check out how you can begin introducing your friends to the greatest life they could live! 
1/5/202432 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Leader That Lasts

We all want to live a significant life don't we? But what does it take to become a leader that leaves a lasting impact? Come learn how to be an effective leader that can take some hits, and leaves behind a legacy that lasts.
1/5/202434 minutes, 11 seconds
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Under the Influence

We live in a world full of "influencers", but have you ever wondered how much our phones and social media actually influence us? Come learn about how we can influence our technology instead of letting it influence us!
1/5/202443 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Tension of Time

What do you want to be true of your life? It’s one thing to be excited about prioritizing God at SMC - there’s no distractions, everyone around you is doing it, and it’s what everything is talking about. But what about back on campus? In the midst of busy schedules, wavering motivation, and a lot of distractions, how do you actually prioritize God and what He wants for your life? Whether this is your first SMC or your fifth, come learn how to live a priority driven life and the many benefits of doing so. 
1/5/202434 minutes, 3 seconds
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When The Going Gets Tough

We've all had thoughts of "truly following God in college would be really hard". Come see how to live against the grain and walk with God through some potentially challenging circumstances. 
1/5/202442 minutes, 36 seconds
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Anyone Up There?

Ever wonder if we can know for SURE if God exists?  Finally want to understand Creation vs Evolution?  Come and see how the Bible and science not only don't contradict each other, but how science and creation actually confirm what God says to be true about the world. 
1/5/202450 minutes, 8 seconds
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Main Session #3

1/5/202354 minutes, 44 seconds
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Main Session #4

1/5/202348 minutes, 35 seconds
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Main Session #5

1/5/202354 minutes, 54 seconds
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Main Session #6

1/5/202350 minutes, 9 seconds
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Five Star Recruit

1/5/202342 minutes, 50 seconds
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What If: The Working World

1/5/202339 minutes, 8 seconds
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Next Level Leadership

1/5/202336 minutes, 37 seconds
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Lights Please

1/5/202332 minutes, 28 seconds
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Passing the Baton

1/5/202346 minutes, 46 seconds
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God's Chosen Instruments

1/5/202338 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is the Bible legit?

1/5/202343 minutes, 40 seconds
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Trust Fall

1/5/202337 minutes, 57 seconds
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1/5/202331 minutes, 54 seconds
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Canceling Stress & Anxiety

1/5/202341 minutes, 23 seconds
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Keep Up

1/5/202334 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Key Ingredient

1/5/202343 minutes, 32 seconds
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SMART Phones

1/5/202343 minutes, 52 seconds
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1/5/202347 minutes, 47 seconds
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Against the Grain

1/5/202340 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Case for the Creator

1/5/202342 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Reason for God

1/5/202348 minutes, 32 seconds
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Power Moves Only

1/5/202331 minutes, 4 seconds
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Got Milk?

1/5/202326 minutes, 22 seconds
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1/5/202327 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Bible Made Easy

1/5/202327 minutes, 11 seconds
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Facts over Feelings

1/5/202323 minutes, 25 seconds
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Main Session #1

Chad Glover
1/7/202234 minutes, 51 seconds
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Main Session #2

Chad Glover
1/7/202246 minutes, 3 seconds
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Main Session #3

Chad McDonald
1/7/202253 minutes, 15 seconds
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Main Session #4

Philip Abode
1/7/202245 minutes, 31 seconds
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Main Session #5

Jason Kuhlman
1/7/202243 minutes, 50 seconds
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Main Session #6

Jason Kuhlman
1/7/202252 minutes, 42 seconds
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Lovin’ On My Day Ones

Ever have those people you can’t wait to share exciting news with? You have those people you loving sharing memories with? Have you ever wondered if people were in your life for a specific reason? Come and learn how to share your faith with those closest to you!
1/6/202249 minutes, 10 seconds
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Swipe Right With Relationships

Almost all people desire and long to be married, but why is the success rate so low? Why is "try before you buy" not producing thriving marriages and why is the duration of dating not matching up to the length of marriages? Come hear about God's heart and design for relationships and some practical ways you can prepare now for a godly relationship and marriage one day.
1/6/202248 minutes, 26 seconds
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Next Steps: From Campus to the World

Graduation. It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. It’s all you’ve been working towards. And yet the thought of what comes next… whoa! So many questions. So many unknowns. You know you want to walk with God and influence others, but how? Come, let talk about how to take effective next steps. Your future is waiting!
1/6/202240 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is the Grass Really Greener?

Apples to oranges. On brand to off brand. Me to her. Come find out how comparison, when done incorrectly, leads to discontentment, but when done according to the Bible, leads to life and joy.
1/6/202248 minutes, 58 seconds
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Get Out Of Your Head

Did you know that we have over 30,000 thoughts a day? And research says that 75% of those thoughts are negative! The Bible and science both agree that our lives are shaped by our thoughts. But the great thing is we have the ability to choose what we think about! Come learn why our mind is so important and how we can learn to think about what we’re thinking about and ultimately transform the trajectory of our lives.
1/6/202243 minutes, 2 seconds
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Starter Pack

Greatest bang for your buck! Memorizing God’s word is a multifaceted beneficial habit that could revolutionize your walk with God and your impact. Come and learn the benefits of memorizing God’s word and techniques to help you lock them into your long term memory!
1/6/202227 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Right Kind of Strong

Our culture teaches us that it's important for women to be STRONG, and the Bible agrees! If culture's definition of strong is true, then why do we often feel so anxious and overwhelmed? Is there something more God intended?
1/6/202259 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bible 101

Genesis? Deuteronomy? Habakkuk? Ever open up the Bible and have no idea what's happening? Or do you wish you could know what God is wanting to tell you from the whole Bible? Come learn how you can practically read the Bible and get something out of it no matter what you're reading!
1/6/202225 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is Anyone Up There?

Prayer. Is it possible (or even productive) to communicate directly with God Himself? What does it actually look like to connect with God by talking to Him? How can I go deeper with God in prayer? Come and hear why talking to God is worth it and leave with tools to help you communicate with the Creator of the universe in practical, real ways.
1/6/202232 minutes, 45 seconds
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Discipleship: Helping Others Grow

One of my friends trusted Christ. Now what? Often the next steps to helping someone grow can seem daunting. Is there a manual for this? Come learn from the bible how to help someone grow deep roots in their relationship with God and live to make an impact on others!One of my friends trusted Christ. Now what? Often the next steps to helping someone grow can seem daunting. Is there a manual for this? Come learn from the bible how to help someone grow deep roots in their relationship with God and live to make an impact on others!
1/6/202247 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Crown Juul

We have all thought about it. We have all asked ourselves the question. What does God have to say about this area of drugs and alcohol? Does it even matter?  We all need answers on this area so come find out what the Bible actually has to say about drugs and alcohol.
1/6/202241 minutes, 4 seconds
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Against The Grain

What do painting, traffic, and cutting hair all have in common? You shouldn't go against the grain. Do you ever feel like no one else around you is following Christ? Jesus calls his followers to live differently than the world around them, is going against the grain of the world too tall of a task? Let's see what God says about the changed lifestyle of following Christ and how it's not just what we are called to do but it's what who we were created to be.
1/6/202241 minutes, 22 seconds
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Effective Athleticism

If you're a college athlete, you can leave behind a legacy of wins, statistics and personal accolades - these aren't bad, but they are momentary.  Records are made to be broken.  However,  you can also leave behind a legacy of men or women whom you have impacted for Christ.  They will last for all of eternity.  Come to this breakout to learn how to use your athleticism to effect all of eternity.
1/6/202243 minutes, 10 seconds
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Leadership That Leaves A Legacy

While there’s a lot of buzz today about leadership, it’s rare to find a clear understanding of what it truly takes to be an effective leader.  We all desire to make a difference in those around us & for the ripple effects of our lives to bring hope & change to our world. This breakout looks at both the qualities of true leadership & the process in which God uses everyday people to make an eternal impact in the lives of others.
1/6/202253 minutes, 19 seconds
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So Much To Do, So Little Time

Do you ever feel overwhelmed about everything there is to do in a day? Busyness is a common challenge most college students face. Check out what God has to say about this difficulty and how to use your one life to prioritize what matters most.
1/6/202237 minutes, 2 seconds
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Big Dawgs Gotta Eat

Want to be a big dawg in your faith? Whether you've just begun a relationship with God or you've been walking with God for years, come check out how to take your growth to the next level and be a life-long learner.
1/6/202227 minutes, 19 seconds
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Is anyone surprised anymore by stats about social media being linked to depression? We all know to some degree that using our phone too much isn’t good for us, but isn’t the phone a good thing too? If I  use  my phone and social media less will I be missing out? And where do I even begin when I use my phone for literally everything? Come and see what the Bible has to say about phones and how we can use them in a way that honors God!
1/5/202249 minutes, 45 seconds
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Pillow Talk

Guys can be one of the most fun things to talk about, but also the most confusing… Whether you are a chronic crusher or you’ve been crushed one too many times, looking for the one or just looking for fun… Come hear what God has to say about a true love that doesn’t disappoint - from one girl to another!
1/5/202242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Stress & Anxiety

It's no secret that one of the side-effects of the pandemic was a spike in stress & anxiety. To varying degrees we all have had to try to learn to navigate it. What is its purpose? How do I handle it well? Come discover what God says about stress & anxiety and how to not only handle it but leverage it in a way that will help me grow closer to God and better impact others!
1/5/202246 minutes, 10 seconds
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Trust Issues

People don’t trust anything these days, so why should you trust an ancient book passed down throughout history?  The Bible is the most read, studied, and scrutinized book to ever exist, and it has continued to stand the test of time. Come see why you can not only trust that this book is from God, but actually use it as God’s tool to transform your life.
1/5/202244 minutes, 49 seconds
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The One Million (+) Year Vision

The years of being in college are the time to set your eyes on having a vision in which the skies are the limit! What if you took your college years to consider building a vision that lasted for an eternity? Can you envision being a part of a movement that after One Million years it’s just getting started? Come see how God wants to build into your life a vision that will last for all eternity.
1/5/202241 minutes, 36 seconds
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Crucial Character

You have one life and one chance to build character. Your character will be crucial to how God uses your life to change the world. Come hear about some critical character qualities for anyone who wants to be used by God.
1/5/202253 minutes, 48 seconds
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Creation vs. Evolution

More and more scientists are questioning evolution for scientific reasons. The more we discover in science the more it lines up with the Biblical account. Learn about three areas of science that point strongly to a creator.
1/5/202247 minutes, 24 seconds
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Main Session One

Matt Bradner
1/8/202134 minutes, 27 seconds
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Main Session Two

Matt Bradner
1/8/202138 minutes, 27 seconds
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Main Session Three

Matt Bradner
1/8/202137 minutes, 20 seconds
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Main Session Four

Todd Ahrend
1/8/202130 minutes, 27 seconds
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Main Session Five

Todd Ahrend
1/8/202136 minutes, 6 seconds
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Main Session Six

Todd Ahrend
1/8/202138 minutes, 58 seconds
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Creation vs. Evolution

Is there evidence for God creating the world?
1/8/202147 minutes, 44 seconds
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Trust Issues

People don’t trust anything these days, so why should you trust an ancient book passed down throughout history?  The Bible is the most read, studied, and scrutinized book to ever exist, and it has continued to stand the test of time. Come see why you can not only trust that this book is from God, but actually use it as God’s tool to transform your life!
1/8/202127 minutes, 37 seconds
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Real Life Prayer

Have you ever wondered what the point of prayer is? And does it even work? Or does God hear my prayers and answer them? Have you asked yourself what it looks like to pray? And how can I fit it into my busy schedule?  This encounter will explain how a strong prayer life can help us take our relationship with God to the next level. We’ll walk away with some practical tips that help us enhance our prayer lives now in college, and for the rest of our lives!
1/8/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is there a Quizlet for this?

It’s hard enough to commit school work to memory, let alone attempt to memorize verses from the Bible. And what's the point of memorizing it anyways? We will unpack why God tells us to have the bible on our hearts, how we can do that, and some practical ways to begin. Whether you have been memorizing the Bible for years or just starting out, this encounter will help to give you the motivation to keep God’s word on your heart for a lifetime!
1/8/202126 minutes, 41 seconds
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But Wait, There's More!

Do you find the Bible boring or irrelevant? Have you tried reading the Bible but don’t know where to start? Ever wonder if it even applies to your life? Not anymore! Join us in learning how to enhance the Bible by reading and studying it for all it’s worth!
1/8/202120 minutes, 54 seconds
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Making the Most of Your Now

In our fast paced world, obligations and responsibilities can stack up so quickly, which often leaves us under the burden of feeling behind in life—stressed, anxious, and even guilty. Nobody enjoys that--no way! Rather than struggling to just make it, God wants us to make the most of every opportunity. In the Bible, He has given to us all the keys we need to unlock the potential in every day. Let’s learn how to make each one count!
1/8/202139 minutes, 50 seconds
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Tickets to Heaven

It is so easy to get excited about having the ticket to the big game or concert, so how much more excited should we be that we have the ticket to heaven through the gospel AND that we can share that ticket with our friends and family? Too awkward? Too weird? Too uncomfortable? Come learn how to share the gospel with those closest to us!
1/8/202143 minutes, 56 seconds
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Streets of gold? Lake houses everywhere? Endless buffet of Chick Fil A? However you picture heaven, this breakout will break down some truths in scripture of what Heaven will actually be like! Come learn what it truly means to rest in peace!
1/8/202132 minutes, 23 seconds
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The God You Can Know

People talk about a relationship with God all the time, but how can you actually know God on a personal level? God is actually eager to know you better than you know your best friend or family members! Come see how this relationship is possible and how to practically get to know God on a deeper level.
1/8/202135 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Lost Art of Disciplemaking

How do I help someone else grow in their faith & become a spiritual leader?
1/8/202157 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Fraternity Would Jesus Be In?

Is it actually possible to live out my faith and be in Greek Life at the same time? Come learn some tips on how doable it actually is and see that the Bible may have more to say about it than you might think.
1/8/202142 minutes, 59 seconds
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Stressed Out

Nobody gets how much you have on your plate. School, social life, relationships, career plans.. it never ends. COVID has shaken our plans and taken anxiety to a whole new level. Come learn how to deal with stress and anxiety and have true peace in a world that seems to be stressed out!
1/8/202151 minutes, 14 seconds
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Getting More Out of Relationships

Most people would say they want more out of relationships. More fun. More trust. Just...more. God wants more for us, too. He has a real plan for your relationships. Single, Dating, or Engaged -- come learn how God’s love changes how we love.
1/8/202152 minutes, 20 seconds
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SMART Phones

Like a double edged sword, our phones have the potential to improve our lives substantially. But (especially when it comes to our faith) they also have the potential to distract and even destroy our lives. Come see how to use your phone/social media in a way that helps you and honors God!
1/8/202144 minutes, 35 seconds
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Temptation is inevitable but overcoming it is possible! But you might be asking yourself the question, is it really possible? God has real answers and solutions to this question. Come hear about how you can overcome the temptations in your life!
1/8/202154 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Right Kind of Strong

"Girl Boss!" Our culture teaches us that it's important for women to be STRONG, and the Bible agrees!  If culture's definition of strong is true, then why do we often feel so anxious and overwhelmed?  Is there something more God intended?
1/8/202153 minutes, 45 seconds
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Having a hard time keeping up? Ever feel like the standards around you are always changing or you're having to be someone you're not? Come hear how God defines us and our image instead of our ever-changing culture.
1/8/202143 minutes, 2 seconds
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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Life is full of decisions. They are apart of every life. What should do I do? Where do I go?  Who do I date? What should I choose? How do I discover and make decisions in light of God's will? Come, learn about how to make decisions along this journey of life as someone follows God.
1/8/202146 minutes, 8 seconds
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Proverbs 18 says there is a friend who stick closer that a brother!  And it has been said, "Show me your friends, I'll show you your future."  Come to this breakout to learn why it is a must that we have the right inner circle in our lives and how to best learn from these trusted friendships God gives us.
1/8/202140 minutes, 18 seconds
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Leave A Legacy

We all have one shot at this thing called life, but how do I make it count? God has designed us to make a spiritual impact on others that will last forever into eternity. Come to this breakout and hear how you can leave a legacy with your life!
1/8/202150 minutes, 30 seconds
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Under the Influence

We all know that drugs and alcohol are a normal part of the American college experience. Whether it is to help have a good time, bond with our friends or even an escape to numb-out pain, it is a staple on our college campuses. Come find out what God has to say about drugs and alcohol in the Bible, I think you will be surprised how relevant it is to this topic!
1/8/202128 minutes, 43 seconds