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English, Personal/Lifestyle/Family, 2 seasons, 28 episodes, 12 hours, 10 minutes
It a podcast aim at helping young people deal with personal issues through bible based knowledge and sharing of personal life experiences. Every young person out there has gone through or is going through one addiction or the other. So subsequently, in this podcast they will be moments of personal experience sharing because life struggles are real.
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Procrastination-A thief of time

Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. It is typically perceived as a negative trait due to its hindering effect on one's productivity often associated with depression,low self esteem,guilt and inadequacy. I also look at types of procrastination. There are academic and non academic. This episode, gives ways you can overcome procrastination. Take a listen and learn from it.
1/28/202119 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why you must not regret

The year has been an eventful one.Most times , it is in the habit of human beings to start to count their losses than show gratitude for their lives which is paramount. This episode focuses on imploring the listener to rather show gratitude to God for life instead of regretting over the things he/she couldn''t achieve. The summary is that the listener should retreat and not regret over anything due to the peculiarity of the year,2020. Take a listen and get encouraged.
12/12/202013 minutes, 39 seconds
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Why people develop stereotypic mindset

There are many reasons to why people develop stereotypic mindset. In this episode of real life issues I highlighted a few among many factors that could lead to people developing a stereotypical mindset: There are traditions,beliefs,experien ces in life, etc . I also mentioned some of the consequences of having this habit. Please take a listen and you will not regret you did.
12/4/202013 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Ultimate misconception

The title of this episode is derived from the fact that there are issues and happens around us that we most times quickly conclude that ,it is the will of God and got decieved to remain in that spot without seeking God's word to know what he is actually saying about that very situation. It is a solo podcast that seeks to point out a few issues that believers misconstrue atimes. I emphatically,revealed that God wants us well and prosperous and I backed it up with little bible citations to butress my claims. So please take a listened and findout more.
11/19/202025 minutes, 44 seconds
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What happens when jealousy and envy comes.

Jealousy and envy are feeling shadow emotions,it is not strange to have them . Infact ,it is part of human experience. Somebody said;Jealousy occurs when we want to keep what we have . Meanwhile,envy is when we want something we don't have. This is common among humans but God hates it . So take a listen and know how to deal with these feelings.
11/11/202015 minutes, 57 seconds
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Tips on how to deal with discouragement

In this episode,I talked about ''tips on how to deal with discouragement" . Discouragement is a common feeling and it is not out of place to admit that no one is exempted from it. The tips were not highlighted in order of priority and they are not conclusive. The first tips is that you should remember some past victories,keep an encouragement file,get moving,take a break, grab lunch with someone who encourages you. Don't spend too much time with people who discourage you and so on and so forth. Take a listen and get the complete tips and you will not regret you did.
11/2/202018 minutes, 12 seconds
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The limitation of man

The limitation of man is an episode I try to list out why man is limited and why God is unlimited. Man can promise and fail but God cannot fail. The reason man will promise and fail is because he is emotional and anything can happen that could alter his state of mind. God on the other hand, is not subject to any circumstances because he is not emotional. Take sometime to listen and get the full gist.
10/24/202014 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Power of Choice with Joyfaith

This is an interview concept,In this episode, I interviewed the the CEO of Havilah couture in Nigeria. I started by asking her about the meaning of Choice,we looked at the importance of making the right choice, Why choice is so powerful,the reason why people make bad choices in life. Could you imagine living on earth just existing and finally ,take a listen and find out why she said anyone who does not live life intentionally is a dead man.
10/16/202023 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why God places options before us.

Why God places options before us is an episode predicated on the lesson I learnt while trying to make a choice for a friend. In this episode ,I did a brief run down of the lesson I learnt,the need to allow kids and teenagers make choices early in life in order to learn by experience on how to make wise choises in life and finally I did an introduction of our next episode. Take a listen and you will not regret it.
10/8/202011 minutes, 48 seconds
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This is an interview session with the writer of the book"Beyond the pain".In this session I asked her what inspired her writing generally,her role model,her style of writing and the summary of the book ,plus many other things you will love to know about her and the book.Take out time and listen to the end and you will not regret you did.
9/30/202031 minutes, 51 seconds
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She got me thinking

She got me thinking is a solo episode of our podcast. This topic is predicated on the fact that I was going through my whatsapp when I stumbled on a girl's status who said she use to have issues with accepting her looks and due to that I began to figure out many things we cannot change because our power of choice is limited. For example ,the family we were born into,our complexion,structure and so on. Meanwhile, most times when we wish to be like others they are wishing to also be like us- I call it the irony of life. In this episode, I explained why we should accept our selves regardless of our looks. structure, body shape and more that I couldn't share for now.
9/24/202012 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to handle false accusation

It is very easy for one to have a misconception of somebody or something. In this episode we discussed how many persons have been accused falsely and later it was realised the accused was innocent. My fellow discusant shared his experience,how he was accused by his class teacher . Take a listen and get to know what happened to him eventually.
9/18/202035 minutes, 11 seconds
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This is the part 2 of the topic, feeling of rejection. we dwelled more on assumption which is the child of the feeling of rejection which also leads to misjudgement or drawing a wrong conclusion. And we looked into a few persons who turned rejection to a challenge and through perseverance they became the best. Rejection is a learning process and not a time to have self pity which is not healthy. In conclusion, we highlighted the consequences of the fear of rejection.
9/14/202020 minutes, 8 seconds
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Feeling of rejection.

Most of us have had a feeling of rejection at some point in our lives. I know the feeling was not a good one because we have been there. In our discussion on this episode we looked at the meaning of rejection,how to manage rejection,The consequences of having the fear of rejection and we mentioned a few persons who turned rejection to a challenge which eventually catapult them to outstanding figures. And we shared our experiences too. so do well to give this episode a listen.
9/12/202027 minutes, 19 seconds
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Getting your priorities right

The ability to prioritize is born out of your understanding of time . when you understand that time is precious you will learn how to priotize. When you can answer the "why" question then it means you know what you are doing. Failure to priotize leads to the wrong use of time. In this episode , the speaker maintained that Priotizing your time will help you fight an enemy called ignorance. It will help you know how to choose your friends and prepare for the future. So I charge you to listen to the end and learn from this short talk.
9/9/202013 minutes, 17 seconds
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+The Role of youths on Climate Change

The Youths should be the major drivers of the campaign on Climate change for other natural groups to follow suit . This is because they are the future. The end of this discussion focuses on the role of youths on Pressuring relevant bodies and policy makers in different quarters to make and implement policies that will seek to preserve the earth.
9/6/202013 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Role of youths and The Church on Climate Change

Natural disasters such as huricanes,tornadoes,floods,fires, melting ice caps,crop failures and record of heat indexes,etc are now common occurrences in our environments and scientists have predicted that it is due to Climate change. We saw the need to discussed about this topic because it is actually a big issue that requires proactive steps from everyone in order to check the activities of human beings which have posed this threats to our environment. Therefore, as Christians it is not out of place to create awareness in our immediate communities so that the adverse effects of human activities will be reduced drastically. we have assess our topic and we realised this is not about nature worship,but rather trying to remind us of God's commandment to Adam in the book of genesis where He told man to" tend and keep " the garden of Eden. So I implore you to listen and as well learn from this episode.
9/5/202036 minutes, 22 seconds
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Is it right for a child of God to present a false age for a job?

We are in a time where believers and none believers alike are facing a lot of challenges. But in the case of the believers we can't do what other people do, and get away with it. Our aim is to please our God.Plus the fact that our final destination is heaven, should we give a false age in order to gain employment or contract? Please listen and get to hear the opinions of the brothers.
9/4/202027 minutes, 15 seconds
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Your situation is not strange

It is common to have a feeling such as frustration because there is no utopian society. Plus the fact that we are living beings and as such we are not exempted from possible disappointments from friends,families.etc And as well sometimes missing it when we attempt to achieve our set goals. we adviced that the feeling of frustration shouldn't be entertain due to its negative effects which could lead to depression, anxiety , suicidal thoughts and so on. The ability to control your feelings is a sign of maturity. we concluded by giving possible solutions to dealing with the feeling of frustration.
9/1/202031 minutes, 34 seconds
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Psychology and Low self esteem

Imagine having some sort of disorder simply because you are suffering from low self esteem . Low self esteem is a destiny destroyer .People with low self esteem tend to be less productive compare to others with high self esteem. So in this episode we looked at the psychological view of low self esteem and its negative effect. Then we also discussed on why people develop low self esteem. And ended the discussion with a charge to go back to the word of God which is able to keep you in perfect peace because your mind is stayed on him. He holds the perfect healing to the mind.
8/23/202041 minutes, 7 seconds
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Aggression or what we called anger is a big issue to many persons regardless of where they come from or who they are in the society . The topic seeks to address the reasons why aggression shouldn't be part of any human being's way of life. Because it could lead to so many things such as regrets, lost of relationships,separation etc. We also looked at ways we could deal with aggression for instance, the popular idea of counting 1-10 when you are angry,plus always being quick to forgive as well as make provision for it because offence will come. God did not say we shouldn't be angry but the sun shouldn't go down on it.
8/18/202037 minutes, 21 seconds
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Intro to BAD MENTAL HABIT (Low self esteem )

In life,challenges and issues could change a healthy mind to an unhealthy mind. It is when a person is in that condition of unhealthy self image,self doubt , self sabotage and so on that we can say one is having a bad mental habit. In this episode I spoke about low self esteem and how it hinders our smooth and fruitful walk with God. I cited the case of Satan and Eve in the garden of eden and how he influenced her mind and turned her against God. In the end Eve sinned because her environment gave her options on what information to feed on but she chose the wrong one. And finally I shared my short personal life experience.
8/14/20208 minutes, 39 seconds
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The need for a healthy Self esteem

In life there will always be good times and bad times. And no matter what comes your way, you gotta stay strong and believe in yourself. See, the devil is always out to destroy the mind of a man using different medium such as peer pressure, Abuses from parents and guardian making you feel like you can never amount to anything but i tell you, you didn't create yourself neither did they create you. Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might... focus on improving yourself you got the Father's Backing.
8/13/202050 minutes, 20 seconds
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Real life issues with Abba

7/26/202045 seconds