A podcast that amplifies the voices of LGBT+ educators and celebrates the power of diversity
S4, E7: Heartstopper 3
This week we are talking all things Heartstopper Season 3 with friend of the show Aisling Walters (she/her). We discuss our favourite characters, favourite moments, and some of the deeper themes of the new season.In this episode we revisit our interview with Fisayo Akinade (her/him), who plays Mr Ajayi in Heartstopper, and we share a brand new interview with Ash Self (he/him), who plays Felix in the show. We love to hear your feedback, so please rate and review this episode. You can also follow us on socials @PrideProgress.Thanks for listening! www.prideprogress.co.uk
10/13/2024 • 36 minutes, 44 seconds
Draft Guidance for 'Gender Questioning Children'
A few weeks ago the Department for Education published their draft guidance relating to trans and non-binary students in schools, which they are calling 'Gender Questioning Students'.
This is draft non-statutory guidance, which is open for a 12 week consultation period ending in March. This is not new law, and it is not statutory guidance. Right now, what is happening in schools should not change, or be informed by, what this draft guidance says. Teachers and schools should continue to follow the statutory safeguarding advice set out in 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' which states:
- 'The fact that a child or a young person may be LGBT is not in itself an inherent risk factor for harm.'
- 'It is... vital that staff endeavour to reduce the additional barriers faced [by transgender children] and provide a safe space for them to speak out or share their concerns with members of staff.'
We encourage you to read the draft guidance in full, to consider how this guidance, if implemented, would impact young people in schools, and share your thoughts through the consultation. Below are some relevant resources which may support you in doing so:
1. You can read the guidance in full here: https://consult.education.gov.uk/equalities-political-impartiality-anti-bullying-team/gender-questioning-children-proposed-guidance/supporting_documents/Gender%20Questioning%20Children%20%20nonstatutory%20guidance.pdf
2. The TNB Network website has a comprehensive response to the draft guidance (an easy read version is also available). You can find that report here: https://tnb.org.uk/our-law-toolkit
3. The TNB Network and Schools Out UK are hosting a free webinar for educators on Thursday 11th January at 6:30PM. This is an opportunity for educators to find out more about the draft guidance and consultation period. You can sign up here:
We will continue to share information and resources linked to the draft guidance and consultation period through our social media platforms and website. If you have specific questions regarding the information shared in this episode please get in touch, we'd be happy to support in any way we can:
[email protected]
1/6/2024 • 9 minutes, 49 seconds
P&P BITES, E10: Visibility with Mel Lane
Pride & Progress Bites' is a P&P mini-series.
We've been releasing the Pride & Progress podcast for 3 years now, and the podcast is built on the belief that sharing a story can start a change. Stories are incredibly powerful - even a short story has the power to start a meaningful change. In each ‘Pride & Progress Bite', we hear from an LGBT+ educator or ally, each sharing a short story of pride & progress from their own school or community.
This week's Pride & Progress Bite comes from the brilliant Mel Lane (she/her). She is the head of education for Pop'n'Olly, and joins us to talk about visibility.
Share a story – start a change. www.prideprogress.co.uk
12/1/2023 • 6 minutes, 3 seconds
P&P BITES, E9: Trans Awareness Week - Cameron Curry
‘Pride & Progress Bites' is a P&P mini-series.
We've been releasing the Pride & Progress podcast for 3 years now, and the podcast is built on the belief that sharing a story can start a change. Stories are incredibly powerful - even a short story has the power to start a meaningful change. In each ‘Pride & Progress Bite', we hear from an LGBT+ educator or ally, each sharing a short story of pride & progress from their own school or community.
This week's Pride & Progress Bite comes from the brilliant Cameron Curry (he/they). They joins us at the beginning of Trans Awareness Week to talk about the first time he got his hormone prescription .
Share a story – start a change. www.prideprogress.co.uk
11/14/2023 • 5 minutes, 35 seconds
P&P BITES, E8: Trans Parent Day - Travis Joseph
‘Pride & Progress Bites' is a P&P mini-series.
We've been releasing the Pride & Progress podcast for 3 years now, and the podcast is built on the belief that sharing a story can start a change. Stories are incredibly powerful - even a short story has the power to start a meaningful change. In each ‘Pride & Progress Bite', we hear from an LGBT+ educator or ally, each sharing a short story of pride & progress from their own school or community.
This week's Pride & Progress Bite comes from the brilliant Travis Joseph (he/they), founder of Trans Black Hub UK. He join us on Trans Parent Day, and they talk to us about their experience being a trans parent.
You can follow Black Trans Hub Uk @blacktrnshubuk, or find out more on their website: https://www.blacktranshub.co.uk
Share a story – start a change. www.prideprogress.co.uk
11/4/2023 • 5 minutes, 1 second
P&P BITES, E7: Bi Invisibility - Gareth Campbell
‘Pride & Progress Bites' is a P&P mini-series.
We've been releasing the Pride & Progress podcast for 3 years now, and the podcast is built on the belief that sharing a story can start a change. Stories are incredibly powerful - even a short story has the power to start a meaningful change. In each ‘Pride & Progress Bite', we hear from an LGBT+ educator or ally, each sharing a short story of pride & progress from their own school or community.
This week's Pride & Progress Bite comes from the brilliant Gareth Campbell (he/him) who talks about the importance of bi visibility.
You can follow Gareth on X using @themosaicuk and on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/garethcampbellmosaic?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app
Share a story – start a change. www.prideprogress.co.uk
10/29/2023 • 6 minutes, 40 seconds
P&P BITES, E6: Celebrating Ace Week - Sarah Cosgriff
‘Pride & Progress Bites' is a P&P mini-series.
We've been releasing the Pride & Progress podcast for 3 years now, and the podcast is built on the belief that sharing a story can start a change. Stories are incredibly powerful - even a short story has the power to start a meaningful change. In each ‘Pride & Progress Bite', we hear from an LGBT+ educator or ally, each sharing a short story of pride & progress from their own school or community.
This week's Pride & Progress Bite comes from the fantastic Sarah Cosgriff (she/they) as they tell us about Ace week.
Share a story – start a change. www.prideprogress.co.uk
‘Pride & Progress Bites' is a P&P mini-series.
We've been releasing the Pride & Progress podcast for 3 years now, and the podcast is built on the belief that sharing a story can start a change. Stories are incredibly powerful - even a short story has the power to start a meaningful change. In each ‘Pride & Progress Bite', we hear from an LGBT+ educator or ally, each sharing a short story of pride & progress from their own school or community.
This Pride & Progress Bite comes from the brilliant Zahara Chowdhury (she/her). Zahara tells us why, as a cisgender women, she thinks it is important to share pronouns to try and create a culture of belonging.
Share a story – start a change. www.prideprogress.co.uk
10/17/2023 • 4 minutes, 59 seconds
P&P BITES, E4: LGBT+ History Month - Rodney Wilson & Alessio Ponzio
'Pride & Progress Bites' is a P&P mini-series.
We have been releasing the Pride & Progress podcast for 3 years now, and the podcast is built on the belief that sharing your story can start a change. Stories are incredible powerful - even a short story has the power to start meaningful change. In each 'Pride & Progress Bite' we hear from an LGBT+ educator or ally, each sharing a short story of pride & progress from their own school or community.
This Pride & Progress Bite comes from Rodney Wilson, the original founder of LGBT+ History Month, and Alessio Ponzio, from LGBT+ History Month Canada. They share with us the origins of History Month, what they have planned in their countries this year, and encouragements to start planning for LGBT+ History Month UK coming in February.
If you have a bite-size story of pride & progress that you'd like to share in your own episode - get in touch - we'd love to hear from you. Share a story - Start a change.
9/30/2023 • 5 minutes, 56 seconds
S3, E13: Heartstopper 2
For the final episode of Season 3 we are talking all things Heartstopper with a variety of voices from our Pride & Progress Community including special guest and friend of the show Aisling Walters (she/her). We explore your favourite characters, favourite moments, and ask why you think shows like this are important.
We love to hear your feedback, so please rate and review this episode. You can also follow us on Instagram & Twitter/X @PrideProgress. You can find links to other Pride & Progress resources and events here: https://linktr.ee/prideprogress.
Thanks for listening!
8/18/2023 • 46 minutes, 50 seconds
SPECIAL EPISODE: NEU LGBT+ Educators' Conference
We were invited to join the NEU's LGBT+ Educators' Conference in Bristol. The theme for the conference this year was 'Defending our Community'. In this episode we capture the conference by speaking with organisers, guests, and stall holders about the importance of creating these safer spaces, and what lessons they'll be taking home with them from the conference. In this episode you can hear from Just Like Us, Olly Pike, Schools Out UK, Stonewall, Trans Actual, Kacey De Gruit, and the wonderful Divina De Campo.
Thanks for listening to this Pride & Progress special episode!