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English, Religion, 1 season, 537 episodes, 2 days, 18 hours, 55 minutes
Orthodixie - a weekly podcast from Fr. Joseph Huneycutt, brought to you by Ancient Faith Radio
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The Ear Bird (The Angel Cried) Gets the Worm

Fr. Joseph tells of his recent visit to a psychiatrist and his annual struggle with The Guess Who.
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Joy Comes in the Mourning (Dove)

Fr. Joseph recounts holding Easter colored chicks... holding a BB gun, his eye on a sparrow... and later, standing outside in the rain wearing a ball cap, oven mitts and holding a napkin-covered lacrosse stick, chanting, "Here birdie, birdie, birdie." Yes, this week's podcast is for the birds.
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“He's in a better place” ... than Dixie?

Fr. Joseph tackles the subject of "place" -- where we come from and where we're headed.  Your departed mom, your dad, sister, brother or spouse:  they are on that mysterious journey.  It’s only a better place if Love is there … let’s pray that includes all of us.
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Do You Have What It Takes?

Fr. Joseph encounters Bible floppers, hip-hoppers, and mountain toppers in his quest to discover ... What It Takes.
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Past Fast

Fr. Joseph reports on this year’s Lenten Superlative Awards Banquet at St. Kismet in Gethsemane Falls. Last year’s gala saw a total of 13 awards being presented to the best and worst participants in the Great Fast.  This year's big celeb is, ahem, a no brainer!
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Here Comes Peter Cottontail?

So tell us, Father Joseph—just how did the Resurrection of our Lord get mixed up with bunnies, chocolate, and eggs?
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A Funny Thing, Sex

Fr. Joseph's way of saying, "Pardon me while I slip into something a little more... serious."
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Happy ... EIEIO!

Letters have been pouring into the Orthodixie headquarters over the past week, many of them dealing with what can only be said and not written.  You’ve all no doubt heard it, it is pronounced ******** (or EIEIO).  Fr Joseph tries to allay fears [of EIEIO] while assuring us that "this, too, shall pass."
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What Kind of Fool are You?

Fr Joseph quotes Chicago, Kevorkian, Ben Franklin, St Paul and Hallmark in making a case for April Fools.
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The Healing of Yuck

Much like the pains of labor endured by a mother bearing a child, sometimes our journey back to healing is a painful one. And yet, the joy that comes with the new birth is far greater -- inexplicably greater -- than that which our cold heart endured. In the meantime, we must begin where we are.
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Fasters Anonymous ala Gilligan's Isle

Fr Joseph, struggling toward humility in the first week of the Fast, tells of his first visit to Fasters Anonymous... and their curious theme song.
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Two Miles ‘til Pascha

Fr Joseph reveals one of his Lenten pet peeves: “Do the best you can.” Do the best you can? Now brothers and sisters, that’s a recipe for failure. Heck, sinner that I am, the best I can is what has got me to where I am! We don’t give an inexperienced bunch of players a ball – with no practice whatsoever – and say, “Okay, it’s game time. Do the best you can.” No. We practice and practice and practice. We fall down, get back up; struggle to do better.
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Fasting Songs

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourself, it’s almost that time; time to cue your favorite theme song for the upcoming Lenten Fast! Perhaps the theme song from Star Wars? Or maybe we could sing a fasting song, during this election year, to the tune of "Hail to the Chief?" Then again, there’s always the Beverly Hillbillies ...
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Reality: The First Step Toward Salvation

This week, Fr Joseph gets real: "The thing about Confession is that it is natural. That is, it is Real. Almost everything else we do with our sin is false and unnatural. We punish ourselves, justify our actions, and hide. Yet, in Confession -- in opening ourselves to God the Light -- we expose the hypocrisy of our double life. In truth, we've been living a lie. Without Confession, Absolution, and Reconciliation we live a lie before God and Man as if it were Reality. In reality, no one is fooled -- not our neighbor, not ourselves. And, let's be real, certainly not God."
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Orthodoxy in Dixie

This week's podcast is taken from the book, "One Flew Over the Onion Dome" – any similarities to your own parish, bishop or jurisdiction is purely intentional. Orthodoxy not available in all states. In your area, it may only be available in a foreign language – in which case, your mileage may vary …
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Your Day, On The Floor….Jelly Side Up

Fr Joseph reviews the rules of life, particularly Murphy's Law and its variants, and and then provides us with a rule we can all live with.
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Fr Joseph, with help from Fr Thomas Hopko and Elder Porphyrios, delves into the malady known as Nojoyatall.
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Hello Jiddo, Hello Yaya

No matter what you call your grandparents, go to Church Camp, write home, and beware the Mama Eater.
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My Cup (of Joe) Runneth Over

A brief history of the coffee hour, with some suggestions about how best to use the time as you sip your morning brew!
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House Blessing at Mr. Potato Head's

The Theophany and House Blessings. What happens in the service, in our homes, and in our lives.
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St. Joseph and Mass Appeal

Fr. Joseph discusses his introduction to, and the Church's teaching about, St. Joseph the Betrothed.
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The Skinny

Every year at this time we reflect upon the true meaning of Christmas. Fr. Huneycutt shows us from Holy Scripture and from the Church Fathers that Christmas is all about .... clothing!
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‘Twas the Week Before Nativity

Just a few more days until the Nativity feast. With the fast, the shopping, the are you doin'? Let us prepare? Yes. But regardless of how prepared we are, let us be thankful.
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Baby Jesus by the Chimney

Fr. Joseph sets out on a search for the Baby Jesus.
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Here Comes Santa!

Fr. Joseph talks to us about Santa Claus in his son's—and in his own—imagination.
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Fasting Q&A

Today Fr. Joseph answers the questions sent in by listeners on the subject of fasting.
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Help! There's An Iconostasis In My Living Room!

You know how strange dreams can be when you're not sleeping in your own bed? Well this one ranks up there with the strangest but, as usual, Fr. Joseph has a very practical application.
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Halloween - Druids and Devils, Daughters and Dads and . . . . Dentists?

It is only September, but stores are already displaying their Halloween "goods." What are we to make of this holiday as Orthodox Christians?
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AMERICAN Orthodoxy? I don't know.

Today, Fr. Joseph is reading his fan mail and coming across some interesting questions!
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Once I Was Black But Now I Am . . . . White?

Be inspired by the phenomenal story of St. Moses the Black: a model for us all no matter the color of our "sin."
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Remembering St. Elvis

Listen as Fr. Joseph takes the long journey from Elvis to Church history. You really can get there from here!
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Fr. Joseph speaks from hot and muggy Houston about the theology of elevators. Going up?
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People For The Ethical Treatment Of . . . . Dragons??

Who knew they were a protected species? Apparently not St. George!
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The Awful Art of Awfulizing

We all have the tendency of turning a small concern into a full-scale worry.
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The Door to Yes World is Now . . . Closed?

Children, parents and grandparents - whatever condition we find ourselves in, God knows and understands.
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When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder

What's in a name? Our names represent our families and we are family through the blood of Christ.
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Here's Hoping You All Had a Happy Honeymoon!

Honey, Mead, Old Age and John the Baptist. You'll just have to listen to get the connection.
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Bumper Sticker Theology

Honk 40 times if you are Orthodox!
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EVANGELISM: How Many Orthodox Does It Take To Change A Light bulb?

The Great Commission just doesn't apply to us, right?
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Are You Older Than God?

My age is the right age and it increases annually.
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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Phronema

The legend of Subdeacon Andrew and how to obtain an Orthodox mind.
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Hide the Hodag and Pass the Pentecost!

Say what? Listen to this whimsical story about book sales, fake creatures and the birth of The Church.
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Ixnay on XB? With a Shout!

Christ is Risen and He is Ascended! What can we say? Hallelujah!
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Blindman, Bleakidy Blank & Blagoslovi!

If Christ can make eyeballs out of spit and clay, He can take care of you!
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Fool's Gold and the Filthy Lucre of a Fiver

Fools and their gold are soon parted.
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Bless Your Heart - Smallah, Smallah, Smallah

What do you get when you mix the language and culture of the South with the long and rich heritage of the "Old Country?" Get ready to smile!
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Magnolias, Oaks and Superheroes

The legend of Sunshine Boy and his lesson in humility.
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Men, Ketchup and the Resurrection

You have to listen to get the connection. Hint: Men and Women are just different!
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Shut Up - He is Risen!

Sometimes we can be just too impressed with our own words.
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Pranksters and Paddling

In some cases a good old fashion paddling is in order. Fr. Joseph explains.
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Accents and the Annunciation

Communication can be difficult given our various places of origin but this particular message from the New Testament was unmistakable.
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Lent and Baseball

Fr. Joseph draws from the wisdom of St. Theodore the Studite to help us endure the last half of Great Lent
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Introducing the Orthodixie Podcast

Fr. Joseph Huneycutt is interviewed about his new podcast on Ancient Faith Radio
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The Cross

Why do Christians display a symbol of death?
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A Retelling of Zacchaeus

Sometimes we're too familiar with a Gospel passage. Fr Joseph's retelling of the story of Zacchaeus is, to say the least, a li'l diff.
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A Retelling of Zacchaeus

Sometimes we're too familiar with a Gospel passage. Fr Joseph's retelling of the story of Zacchaeus is, to say the least, a li'l diff.
1/31/20226 minutes, 42 seconds
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Orthodixie Turns 100!

I recently received word that my high school football coach was celebrating his 100th birthday. I thought he was old when I played for him over 40 years ago! Now I know he was my age NOW . . . way back then. Coach Cullivan features prominently in this old podcast. Even if you’ve heard it, in honor of him beginning his 101st year, give it a listen.
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Orthodixie Turns 100!

I recently received word that my high school football coach was celebrating his 100th birthday. I thought he was old when I played for him over 40 years ago! Now I know he was my age NOW . . . way back then. Coach Cullivan features prominently in this old podcast. Even if you’ve heard it, in honor of him beginning his 101st year, give it a listen.
6/2/202113 minutes, 25 seconds
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Orthodixie Unmasked!

In these challenging times, we are tempted to look back and think, "Where have all the good times gone?" Fr Joseph says, "Take off your mask!"
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Orthodixie Unmasked!

In these challenging times, we are tempted to look back and think, "Where have all the good times gone?" Fr Joseph says, "Take off your mask!"
2/3/20218 minutes, 55 seconds
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How long will we have to live like this: COVID, masks, hate, doom, divisive politics, closures, and cancellations? Fr Joseph answers from St Joseph/Houston.
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How long will we have to live like this: COVID, masks, hate, doom, divisive politics, closures, and cancellations? Fr Joseph answers from St Joseph/Houston.
10/11/20209 minutes, 41 seconds
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How the Germ Stole Pascha

Everyone who's Orthodox likes Pascha a lot. But the Germ who lived just beyond our grasp did not!
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How the Germ Stole Pascha

Everyone who's Orthodox likes Pascha a lot. But the Germ who lived just beyond our grasp did not!
4/17/20206 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ain't Gonna Bump No Mo (With No Big DOWAMA)

You ever had a wreck with the bishop in the car? Yeah, well, lemme tell ya before he does: I have!
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What If It's NOT the End of the World? (Asking for a Friend)

FYI, this episode is a gentle rant. It's not PC, but GTGFAT.
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Part-time Hesychast, Full-time French Fry

It ain't easy being a Dry Fry Step Count Ascetic Athlete!
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A Big Shout Out to Silence!

After nearly three decades in Orthodoxy, Fr Joseph says he’s attended only one real-deal silent retreat. It happened in his own parish. The retreat flyer stated: This is a silent retreat: no screens, no phones, no gadgets . . . a detox from worldly noise and distractions. (Pretty scary, huh?)
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Nick Knock, Poppycock, Heretic Be Gone!

Looking back: first, ten years; then, past Mary Poppins; all the way to Arius—even to a dinosaur—Fr. Joseph sings a couple Orthodox ditties, recounts a heretical tune, and concludes with possibly worse!
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Donne with the Ecumenical Campfire

This ecumenical Thanksgiving tale has developed over the years—in large part thanks to AFR listeners. Enjoy!
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Trick or Treat on Mount Athos

Fr. Joseph, just in time for seasonal tom foolery, recounts his recent pilgrimage to Greece and the Holy Mountain.
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She'll Be Coming ‘Round Mount Athos When She Comes

Fr Joseph (with help from the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and Beck) fears his upcoming trip to Mount Athos. I mean, if you were him, wouldn't you?
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Camp St. Raphael 2018

An audio snapshot of CSR Session One, 2018—with the complete Serenade Night (beginning at 29:07). Ya Boy!
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Kids, Pigs, a Side of Hopko, and Demonic Christians

Jesus cast the demons into the swine. What did that sound like? Fr Joseph, with help from the children of St Joseph Church, and a potent dish of Hopko, explains.
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Ain’t Gonna Bump No Mo (With No Big DOWAMA)

You ever had a wreck with the bishop in the car? Yeah, well, lemme tell ya before he does: I have!
11/8/20197 minutes, 56 seconds
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What If It’s NOT the End of the World? (Asking for a Friend)

FYI, this episode is a gentle rant. It's not PC, but GTGFAT.
9/5/201910 minutes, 57 seconds
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Part-time Hesychast, Full-time French Fry

It ain't easy being a Dry Fry Step Count Ascetic Athlete!
7/31/20199 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Big Shout Out to Silence!

After nearly three decades in Orthodoxy, Fr Joseph says he’s attended only one real-deal silent retreat. It happened in his own parish. The retreat flyer stated: This is a silent retreat: no screens, no phones, no gadgets . . . a detox from worldly noise and distractions. (Pretty scary, huh?)
4/5/201912 minutes, 35 seconds
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Nick Knock, Poppycock, Heretic Be Gone!

Looking back: first, ten years; then, past Mary Poppins; all the way to Arius—even to a dinosaur—Fr. Joseph sings a couple Orthodox ditties, recounts a heretical tune, and concludes with possibly worse!
1/16/20197 minutes, 2 seconds
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Donne with the Ecumenical Campfire

This ecumenical Thanksgiving tale has developed over the years—in large part thanks to AFR listeners. Enjoy!
11/16/201815 minutes, 15 seconds
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Trick or Treat on Mount Athos

Fr. Joseph, just in time for seasonal tom foolery, recounts his recent pilgrimage to Greece and the Holy Mountain.
10/26/201814 minutes, 54 seconds
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Tupelo Huneycutt and Cross Podination

What do y'all think of the name St Elvis Orthodox Church? Okay, how about Father Elvis? Er ... can we at least have a church and priest in Tupelo?
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She’ll Be Coming ‘Round Mount Athos When She Comes

Fr Joseph (with help from the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and Beck) fears his upcoming trip to Mount Athos. I mean, if you were him, wouldn't you?
8/9/20189 minutes, 9 seconds
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Camp St. Raphael 2018

An audio snapshot of CSR Session One, 2018—with the complete Serenade Night (beginning at 29:07). Ya Boy!
7/12/201841 minutes
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Kids, Pigs, a Side of Hopko, and Demonic Christians

Jesus cast the demons into the swine. What did that sound like? Fr Joseph, with help from the children of St Joseph Church, and a potent dish of Hopko, explains.
7/5/201812 minutes, 12 seconds
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Tupelo Huneycutt and Cross Podination

What do y'all think of the name St Elvis Orthodox Church? Okay, how about Father Elvis? Er ... can we at least have a church and priest in Tupelo?
6/1/20189 minutes, 17 seconds
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Camp St Raphael 2017 - Audio Snapshot

An audio snapshot of CSR Session One, 2017—with a montage of Serenade Night. Ya Boy!
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Camp St Raphael 2017 - Audio Snapshot

An audio snapshot of CSR Session One, 2017—with a montage of Serenade Night. Ya Boy!
7/14/201726 minutes, 50 seconds
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My Trip to Lebanon: MoFood and MaFee Wi-Fi

Fr Joseph confesses his gluttony and lack of wisdom—also known as his trip to Lebanon.
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My Trip to Lebanon: MoFood and MaFee Wi-Fi

Fr Joseph confesses his gluttony and lack of wisdom—also known as his trip to Lebanon.
6/26/201722 minutes, 21 seconds
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I Had Not Planned the Cross

Ain't nuthin light about the Cross, so it wasn't in Fr Joseph's plans. (Nor had he planned for the absence of family, choir members and director, a dying dog, and his own wretchedness during the time of the Lenten retreat with Mother Melania.)
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Not Fake News, Good News, but Does the Bible Tell You So?

As the following game show reveals, some of your favorite Bible verses might not be in the Bible!
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I Had Not Planned the Cross

Ain't nuthin light about the Cross, so it wasn't in Fr Joseph's plans. (Nor had he planned for the absence of family, choir members and director, a dying dog, and his own wretchedness during the time of the Lenten retreat with Mother Melania.)
3/20/20179 minutes, 39 seconds
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Not Fake News, Good News, but Does the Bible Tell You So?

As the following game show reveals, some of your favorite Bible verses might not be in the Bible!
3/6/201710 minutes, 12 seconds
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Imma Let Yuma Finish, Y'all

With the Fast upon us, Fr Joseph remembers longing for chocolate in Paradise. But that was then, this is Yuma.
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Imma Let Yuma Finish, Y’all

With the Fast upon us, Fr Joseph remembers longing for chocolate in Paradise. But that was then, this is Yuma.
2/18/201715 minutes, 10 seconds
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Hospitality and Joy with Erin Kimmett

Fr Joseph interviews Kh. Erin Kimmett about her forthcoming book Hospitality and Joy—available at
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Hospitality and Joy with Erin Kimmett

Fr Joseph interviews Kh. Erin Kimmett about her forthcoming book Hospitality and Joy—available at
12/8/201616 minutes, 25 seconds
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Holy Cow! Batman, St Cuthbert, Jack Chick—BOOM!

Do you know how hard it is to squeeze Jack Chick, Batman, and St Cuthbert into the same episode? Not to mention a cow, church school, and bats. BOOM!
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We Have No King . . . but Caesar?

With current events around the country following the recent election, this episode might not typify the "lighter side of Orthodoxy"—but we Christians are called to be the light, right?
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We Have No King . . . but Caesar?

With current events around the country following the recent election, this episode might not typify the "lighter side of Orthodoxy"—but we Christians are called to be the light, right?
11/14/201611 minutes, 38 seconds
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Holy Cow! Batman, St Cuthbert, Jack Chick—BOOM!

Do you know how hard it is to squeeze Jack Chick, Batman, and St Cuthbert into the same episode? Not to mention a cow, church school, and bats. BOOM!
10/28/201618 minutes, 12 seconds
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Soteriology, Hesychasm And Huneycutt In Beaumont

The words: soteriology, hesychasm, and vlachos were spoken recently in Beaumont, Texas—not to mention so-dzo, so-dzentai, huneycutt, and so-dzenestitai. (Most holy Theotokos, save us!)
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Get Behind Me . . . Pokémon?

Is "Pokémon Go" a sign of the End Times, or are the pocket monsters really unintended Evangelists?
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Camp St. Raphael 2016 - Audio Snapshot

An audio snapshot of CSR Session One, 2016—with a montage of Serenade Night. Ya Boy!
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Get Behind Me . . . Pokémon?

Is "Pokémon Go" a sign of the End Times, or are the pocket monsters really unintended Evangelists?
8/11/201614 minutes, 10 seconds
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Camp St. Raphael 2016 - Audio Snapshot

An audio snapshot of CSR Session One, 2016—with a montage of Serenade Night. Ya Boy!
7/8/201632 minutes, 17 seconds
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BREAKING NEWS: Men and Women are Different!

A sermon on the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women reveals shocking news!
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BREAKING NEWS: Men and Women are Different!

A sermon on the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women reveals shocking news!
5/17/201613 minutes, 7 seconds
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Grant Me to See (With 2.5 Readers)

It's not often that Bruce Jenner, St Photios, Hipsters, and Fabio make it into the same sermon. Maybe it's time for Fr Joseph to upgrade his reading glasses.
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Grant Me to See (With 2.5 Readers)

It's not often that Bruce Jenner, St Photios, Hipsters, and Fabio make it into the same sermon. Maybe it's time for Fr Joseph to upgrade his reading glasses.
4/11/201613 minutes, 32 seconds
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In Hell, On My Cell, Searching Up Paradise

There was a time when "Is it real, or is it Memorex?" meant something. Nowadays, we've forgotten the latter and can't define the former! Even with help from Randy Travis, ELO, Drake, Jim Croce, and Adele -- Fr Joseph still seems to miss his Ma (Bell).
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Zombies Evolving, Flying Priest Revolving: Camp St Raphael and Ask Abouna

Fr. Joseph entertains questions from young people at Camp St. Raphael—proving, Darwin's Theory notwithstanding, that the more things change, the more they remain the same.
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In Hell, On My Cell, Searching Up Paradise

There was a time when "Is it real, or is it Memorex?" meant something. Nowadays, we've forgotten the latter and can't define the former! Even with help from Randy Travis, ELO, Drake, Jim Croce, and Adele -- Fr Joseph still seems to miss his Ma (Bell).
1/19/201614 minutes, 45 seconds
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I Love Jesus, but I Hate You: Our Witness on the Internet

Not much has changed on the internet since this episode appeared five years ago: endless pics of naughty bits, cyber minefields, perpetual gossip, and . . . Christ. It's "the End" versus "the sun will come out tomorrow." So, whose side are you on?
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I Love Jesus, but I Hate You: Our Witness on the Internet

Not much has changed on the internet since this episode appeared five years ago: endless pics of naughty bits, cyber minefields, perpetual gossip, and . . . Christ. It's "the End" versus "the sun will come out tomorrow." So, whose side are you on?
11/19/201514 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Can-Do Kinda Salvation in OKC

Fr. Joseph was with Fr John Salem and the good folks at St Elijah Antiochian Orthodox Church, Oklahoma City, the fourth week of Lent. Here's a short excerpt from the two-day retreat.
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Manly Beauty: St. Raphael of Brooklyn

Using Hebrews 5:1 as his text—"For every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins"—Fr. Joseph speaks of the manly beauty of St Raphael.
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Manly Beauty: St. Raphael of Brooklyn

Using Hebrews 5:1 as his text—"For every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins"—Fr. Joseph speaks of the manly beauty of St Raphael.
7/27/201512 minutes, 19 seconds
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Camp St. Raphael - 2015

An audio snapshot of CSR Session One, 2015—with a montage of Serenade Night. Ya Boy!
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Of Peter, Paul, CSR, and SCOTUS

Fresh from a week at Camp St. Raphael, Fr. Joseph "heard the news of the day—O Boy!"
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Fr Danislav! You Are Not a Woman!

All the hoopla about a former Olympic star so-called transitioning into the opposite sex (Girl Scouts, Boys Scouts, bathrooms, and blah blah) has just about sent Fr Joseph over the edge. He dreams of setting Fr. Danislav straight, or vice versa.
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Camp St. Raphael - 2015

An audio snapshot of CSR Session One, 2015—with a montage of Serenade Night. Ya Boy!
6/30/201517 minutes, 53 seconds
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Of Peter, Paul, CSR, and SCOTUS

Fresh from a week at Camp St. Raphael, Fr. Joseph "heard the news of the day—O Boy!"
6/29/201510 minutes, 39 seconds
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Fr Danislav! You Are Not a Woman!

All the hoopla about a former Olympic star so-called transitioning into the opposite sex (Girl Scouts, Boys Scouts, bathrooms, and blah blah) has just about sent Fr Joseph over the edge. He dreams of setting Fr. Danislav straight, or vice versa.
5/26/201514 minutes, 27 seconds
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Aaron Copland, a Muslim, and the Resurrection of the Common

Why on earth are Aaron Copland, the Dubliners, Yo-Yo Ma, Alison Krauss, the New York Philharmonic, and a Muslim found in the same podcast? Simple! Maybe within the Light of the Resurrection we'll all turn 'round right.
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Aaron Copland, a Muslim, and the Resurrection of the Common

Why on earth are Aaron Copland, the Dubliners, Yo-Yo Ma, Alison Krauss, the New York Philharmonic, and a Muslim found in the same podcast? Simple! Maybe within the Light of the Resurrection we'll all turn 'round right.
4/16/201514 minutes, 25 seconds
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Huneycutt Obit

Fr. Joseph reads a few of his own obits—just don't say he "died" on the radio.
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Clergy Can Be Funny, But Teachable?

From handling serpents rightly to singing services wrongly—not to mention girl crushes, bike crashes, and the lack of clairvoyance—the clergy of the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America have tales to tell.
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Peter Cottontail and Pascha

A silly visit from the "Easter Bunny" leads to a serious exposé of "Spring Celebration Customs," the bunny basket, and the Pascha basket—even red eggs—in this timely encore episode.
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My Big Fat Weak Fasting (or Speaking Wookie During Lent)

You might not be a Jedi in the Fast, but you may be speaking Wookiee and not even know it! The struggling faster Fr. Joseph calls in the big lightsabers for help: The Mamas & the Papas, The Boss, John Williams, Mississippi John Hurt, Scarlett O'Hara, and Chewbacca.
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My Big Fat Weak Fasting (or Speaking Wookie During Lent)

You might not be a Jedi in the Fast, but you may be speaking Wookiee and not even know it! The struggling faster Fr. Joseph calls in the big lightsabers for help: The Mamas & the Papas, The Boss, John Williams, Mississippi John Hurt, Scarlett O'Hara, and Chewbacca.
3/11/201513 minutes, 42 seconds
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But in the Parish Hall He Be All Like . . .

Rumor has it that this episode is about gossip. But like I told someone else . . . don't tell anyone!
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But in the Parish Hall He Be All Like . . .

Rumor has it that this episode is about gossip. But like I told someone else . . . don't tell anyone!
1/30/201513 minutes, 32 seconds
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Houston, We Have a Bathroom Problem?

Houston made the news recently—a story involving local legislation, "gender confusion," and restrooms. Fr Joseph, who ironically often wears a "dress" to the Men's Room, rants about . . . something else?
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An Orange Book in Orange County

In this episode—an introductory snip from a Fire From Ashes retreat at St Luke Orthodox Church, Garden Grove, California—Fr. Joseph says, "Enough about me... a bit about the book."
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Kronstadt Not: Fr Danislav's Hoaxters House of Industry

In this episode, which features a guest appearance by Fr. Danislav Gregorio, Fr. Joseph intends to show a vagabond who's boss! Hard to explain, but it doesn't quite turn out as planned.
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When Stephen King Delivers The News

Stephen King writes the news? Delivers the newspaper? Either times are hard or the news is horrible! If it's both, what are we to do about it?
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The Things You Do When You Don't Want To Do The Things You Ought To Do

Fr. Joseph says, "I'll have you all know that I took time out from reading Scripture, visiting the sick, and saying my prayers to record this podcast—now with more banjo!"
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“Hebbin - Yes, Debbil - No” (And Other Great Sermons)

Where do sermons come from? Well, they sure don't come from Neil Young, Stephen Bishop, George Jones, or the Bay City Rollers! But these, and more, join John Chrysostom and John of Kronstadt in this episode, which begins, of course, with Sammy Davis Jr.
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Why Doesn't God Heal Me?

Fresh from the Antiochian Clergy Symposium on "Medicine, Theology, and Healing," Fr. Joseph shares his thoughts on Jesus' healing of the paralytic, and that which matters most.
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Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in England (Constantine and Helen, too)!

Just back from five weeks in the United Kingdom, Fr. Joseph shares from his travelogue on the Saints—and others—he encountered there. In other words, what do Joseph of Arimathea, Patrick of Ireland, Elder Sophrony, King Arthur, and Ron Weasley all have in common?
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The Premarital Podcast that has Everyone Singing!

Here comes the summer, here comes the Bride, love is in the air—but WAIT! Listen to this retreaded podcast before you hit the road of matrimony!
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Raise ‘em, Clap ‘em, Thump Wid ‘em (Shadow Puppets?): What Am I to Do with My Hand

Fr Joseph rants and runs for cover—raising concerns, but not hands (please).
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Metropolitan Philip—A Few Stories

Fr Joseph reminisces about Metropolitan Philip prior to the Trisagion for the Departed at St Joseph Church, Houston, on the Sunday of the Cross, March 23, 2014.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ortho-Nerd Staretz

A long time ago, in a parish far, far away . . . It is a period of church war. Ortho-Nerds, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the Nominal Ecclesiarch. During the struggle, Ortho-Nerd spies managed to steal secret plans to the Ecclesiarch's ultimate weapon, the Death Pew . . . (Also in this episode, Fr Joseph says: geek, dork, loser, dweeb, tetragrammaton, gamer, and emo.)
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Grumpy Priest Has Good News for Goose, Gander, and Gender Confused

Sometimes you can judge a podcast by its title!
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Negroes, Converts, Cradles, and Slaves

The changing nature of words only distorts what defines us in Christ. One way or the other, we're all the same.
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Men (and Women!), Sons of God in Shreveport

Just a few women, at first, raised their hands; later, all of them acknowledged their "sonship." If God's their Father, who's their Mother? Fr. Joseph speaks to gals and guys at St Nicholas Church, Shreveport, Louisiana.
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From Bible Belt to Belleville: Orthodixie in Ontario

Fr. Joseph speaks in Belleville, Ontario, at a seminar hosted by Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. Lovely folks, lovely place. But like many of us, they have their work cut out for them—keeping Orthodox Christianity ALIVE in that little place. Here follows a few snippets from our time together.
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Played with Death (But Passed Through the Tollhouse in Clean Underwear!)

Whether in tuxedo or collar, whether playing the role of smart aleck or slow learner, one thing is certain: Stuff happens. Be prepared. Say your prayers . . . and wear clean underwear.
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Judge Joseph in Double Jeopardy

Joseph, a priest, is called. The question is: Is he guilty?
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Dem Babies, Dat Noise, Dis, Diss—Liturgy!

Ever tempted by those misbaving in church—you know, the parents? (Of course, kids can be quite the nuisance, too.) Fr. Joseph ventures where angels, at least priests—even parents, fear to tread!
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Get Behind Me S-s-s-tan (You Big White Smoking Dog)!

Ever thought of a sermon while chasing a cigarette-smoking dog named S-s-s-tan out behind a mosque on a Sunday morning? (Well, Fr Joseph is not sure he has either.)
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The Girdle of Humility (Do Not Eat!)

Fr Joseph slips into something a little less comfortable, but it's what everyone wears in the Kingdom!
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YaBoy! Camp St Raphael 2013

From Waiters to Ask Abouna, from Cups to Taylor the Latte Boy, from Living Water to Green Eggs & Ham . . . it must be Camp St Raphael "live" from Wagoner, Oklahoma! YaBoy!
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On Honeymoon . . . with John the Baptist?

What does John the Baptist have in common with bees, mead, honey and moons—even honeymoons? Fr. Joseph fills in the details and answers the question: If Zacharias and Elizabeth knew then what they know now, would they have gone through with it all?
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Peanut's Daddy and Resurrected Monsters

Fr. Joseph presents a snip of material that he and Steve Robinson are working on at the St George Cathedral (Wichita) men's retreat in Victoria, Kansas.
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A Sermon on Same-Sin Unions

This is really not a sermon about so-called same-sex unions. Really, it's not.
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Fr. Danislav: Part-Time Prodigal and Wannabe Country Singer

Fr. Danislav Gregorio returns to the Orthodixie podcast to hawk his new country music CD. (WARNING: You have been warned.)
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Gay Bus, Short Bus: All of Us

Emerging from a long hiatus, Fr Joseph comes out of the closet (!) and runs into a bus full of bullies.
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Camp St. Raphael 2012 - Session One, Part One

Fr. Joseph took his recorder to Camp only to find that it . . . aged him? Er, the campers' songs aged him? Maybe he took his recorder—and his age—to camp? Anyway, the podcast is new and he is old. (But, he's not the oldest.) Here's an audio snapshot of Camp St. Raphael, Session One, Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America.
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A Priest Confesses, Eh?

Recorded live at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church in St Paul, Alberta, Canada. Fr. Joseph confesses that, for him, fasting from food ain't the problem.
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God's a Steeler, Tebow's Out, and Orthodixie Takes a Bow

What caused the Steelers' dynasty in the seventies? (Of course it was Fr. Joseph.) What caused 35,000 folks to pray the "Our Father" in a football stadium? (Of course it was the Supreme Court.) Tim Tebow caused quite a stir in the NFL. (Only the Perfect makes perfect.) And Fr. Joseph takes a bow (but how do you say "hiatus"?).
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Orthodixie - 2011 in Brief

Fr Joseph looks back on the past year and is thankful that the basketball does not determine the wife; that space aliens did not kill him; that Fr Danislav is not a weekly guest; that Elton John and Lady Gaga were not singing in church at Pascha; that kids go to Camp; and, especially, that God forgives sinners (and fools). Thank for your support!
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Handel for Ho-Ho, Half Nelson for Noel, Hunger for Hesychia

Fr. Joseph bumps into Mariah, the Grinch, and the Boston Pops, as he beats up a camera man, a mother, and a child—all in the name of "winter."
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One Man, Forty Women in Shelby County

From a retreat given in an historic Southern City featuring song snips from Johnny Rivers, William Warfield, and Paul Simon (just to name a few).
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Annual Ecumenical Campfire and Contest

A 3-year-old Thanksgiving "tradition": The Eighth Ecumenical Campfire—and contest. This year's contest winners will receive the new book by Fr. Michael Keiser titled Spread the Word: Reclaiming the Apostolic Tradition of Evangelism. Tune in to this encore episode for details.
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Gaze of Pantocrator, Dance of Dragonfly

Fr. Joseph offers a brief meditation on the beauty of fallen creatures—at least in His eyes!
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The Way of Christ is Easy . . . in Mecca

Fr. Joseph travels to Pennsylvania to deliver a series of talks based on the Didache. In this episode, excerpts from two OCA parishes: Holy Cross, Williamsport, and Christ the Saviour, Harrisburg.
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Halloween . . . Again?

What's an Orthodox Christian to do on Halloween?
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A “No Brainer” in Syria

Fr. Joseph was part of a delegation that traveled to Syria, September 13-18, 2011, on a fact-finding mission, especially regarding the three million Christians in that country. This episode of the Orthodixie podcast includes the one question he asked Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as well as other observations.
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The Kingdom of God? You're Going to Hell! (Blogs)

What's the difference between Orthodox Christians' participation on the internet and, say, secular scoundrels? Sometimes, it seems, not much. In this encore episode, Fr. Joseph admits that his foot has been been in his mouth but his tongue is still in his cheek. in other words: "Let's be careful out there!"
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The Road (Fork, Toilet Paper, Water Tower) Not Taken

Fr Joseph—in his previous life—rolled yards, bent forks, painted water towers, and was, on more than one occasion, killed by his father. (Some of which is actually true.) In the end, hats off to fear!
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We're Not Gay; We Were Sewn This Way

From Bert and Ernie to parents, kids, and a pope—Fr Joseph talks about the struggles and the goal of sexuality in part two of this two-part series.
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I'm Not Gay; I Was Drawn This Way!

What do you say when a ten-year-old says, "My best friend is gay"? How 'bout cartoon friends, can they be gay? Fr. Joseph wades in where even Elmer Fudd dares tread in this first episode of a two part series on . . . well, you know what the topic is.
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Fr. Danislav's Itty Bitty Great Books

Fr. Danislav Gregorio visits the Orthodixie studio to plug his latest publishing efforts, a series of Great Books that cover bachelor fasting, Orthodox evangelism, patience, and mindless middle-aged mishaps (among other things—perhaps even the most important thing).
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The Bellybutton, the Beast, and the Beatbox (from Camp St Raphael)

Fr Joseph offers an "audio snapshot" of life at Camp St Raphael - 2011, Session One. (Oh, and for him to hear it, that fat lady will need to sing a little louder.)
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DO THAT AGAIN: Wives, Obey Your Husbands (Doh!)

Kiss the bride ... check! Walk the aisle ... check! Enjoy the honeymoon ... check! (Then what?) Pulling an episode from the "Best Of" files, Fr. Joseph discusses the ch-ch-changes that come with love and marriage. (Just for fun, see if you can identify all of the songs used in this oldie but goodie.)
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Dancing With The Demon What Brung Ya?

Fr Joseph is lost. Perhaps you are, too? Great. Salvation loves company! A 2008 rerun about recalculating. Keep coming back!
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Christ Is Ascended! (Huh?)

It always comes on a Thursday and, after a familiar dialogue of forty days, it always leaves one speechless (so to speak). In this episode from 2007, Fr. Joseph looks at the "Hi's" and "Hello's" of the Feasts.
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Lickety Split ‘Splainin' Orthodoxy

Studies show that no matter how many people get on an elevator, riders move around to allow the same amount of space between themselves and each of the others. Some elevator riders stare at the numbers, some continue conversations, and others start superficial ones. Uh oh, someone just asked about Orthodoxy! You've got about 30 seconds (and a $100 prize riding on it); what do you say?
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What Does an Orthodox Christian Look Like?

Fr. Joseph speaks at the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver's Clergy-Laity Conference, hosted by St George Greek Orthodox Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (He was going to title the talk "What Does a Greek Look Like?"—but then again, what DOES a Greek look like?)
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Back When I Was the Antichrist

Everyone from Nero to Kissinger to Osama to GaGa has been believed to be the Antichrist. The weekly Bible study group at St. Joseph Church, Houston, is about to learn from—I mean, of—another one.
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Midnight in the Elfin Garden of Paschal Pajamas - Conclusion

In the last episode, Fr. Joseph encountered a little green church elf, Elton John, Lady GaGa, Archie Bunker, and Buzz Lightyear in pajamas. In this concluding episode, he tries to make sense of it all (with the help of Ol' Scratch).
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Midnight in the Elfin Garden of Paschal Pajamas

Due to a knock on the noggin, Fr. Joseph finds himself fast-forwarding toward Pascha and holding hands with a green elf at midnight in a church where everybody is clothed in their pajamas and the iconostasis has been replaced with ... dirty laundry?
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No Poo In My Hood!

Due to circumstances beyond his control, Fr. Joseph recorded this podcast from his bathroom. This is a true statement and has nothing to do with the title of this episode (which, thanks to St. Paul, includes a bad word seldom uttered politely).
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A Tonight Show Rerun (with Dave, Conan, Leno & Red)

Fr. Joseph revisits "The Tonight Show" and dreams of hosting, guesting and side-kicking (featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Conan O'Brien, Carnac the Magnorfodox, David of Wales, Red Skelton, "the world's greatest grape catcher" and more)!
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Cross Your Heart, Not Your Legs!

There is perfect freedom in Christ, but when it comes to the church: don't cross your legs, leave your crumbs, or even bring your gum! Fr Joseph rehearses a few of the dos and don'ts of temple worship.
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House Blessing, Shaun Cassidy & The Exorcist

Fr Joseph ventures into the chaos of mass house blessings with the Sign of the Cross, two Shaun Cassidy fans, and one former Exorcist!
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Illuminated Backboard, Digital Blackboard

A chubby tween grows into the full stature of a backyard basketball hot dog, while his skinny friend perfects flawless boredom at the free throw line; and an upcoming Orthodox Education Webinar to boot!
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Orthodixie in the Rearview

With the New Year 2011, Fr Joseph looks back at some stranger moments of 2010 on the Orthodixie Podcast. (It all began when he went bar hopping with Jesus.)
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Back When Christmas Was Younger

The entries are in, the votes have been tallied—thanks to all who participated! We have three "winners"—Erin, Alex, and Adam—a kid's story, and some kids telling stories.
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The Ghost Of Past Christmas Presents ... A Contest

The audio version of the book, "We Came, We Saw, We Converted: The Lighter Side of Orthodoxy in America" is the perfect gift for that special someone (you know, the one who's hard to buy for, and you might as well get them something for free!). Fr. Joseph is giving away free copies to those who send him their funniest Christmas Story—listen closely to this encore (re-gifted?) episode, "The Ghost of Past Christmas Presents" for details on how to win your free audio book download!
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Gun Toting Singing Santa Bums A Ride

Fr. Joseph picks up "Santa"—only to discover that this Jolly Ol' Elf is packing heat and on a mission (from God).
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A Priest Quits

Fr. Joseph solicited podcast ideas with the premise: "A priest, married with children, quits -- just walks away from the ministry. Why?" Some answers may surprise you. (By the way, how do we Orthodox define crazy?)
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Reconvening the Ecumenical Campfire

Last year's "listener supported" Thanksgiving podcast featured a Roman Catholic priest, two Orthodox clergymen, a Baptist boy and an Episcopalian gal, and a Greek layman, who—unexpectedly—shared a Thanksgiving campfire. Here are the combined episodes, slightly edited; stay tuned for details regarding this year's contest at episode's end!
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The Farmer in the Dell (in Chicago) - Part 2

Since it is well known that he is a priest from the "Old Country," Fr. Joseph may want to be careful about offending the Farmer in the Dell or Mr. MacDonald. (This is Part 2, from Christ the Savior Church, Chicago.)
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An Orthodixie In That Toddlin' Town - Part 1

Can you imagine for a moment that all this revealed religion stuff is really, really real? Imagine, if you will, the Theotokos pondering things, like: Where is Christ the Savior? Fr. Joseph imagines and ponders his way toward answers in Part One of this special episode, "live" and edited, from Christ the Savior church in the Windy City.
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A Survey of Christian Caterpillars, Muslim Hookahs & Holy Bread

The number of Orthodox Christians in America is greatly inflated in a recent survey; an anonymous Orthodox comments on a Christian caterpillar; and a Muslim converts to Christianity thanks to antidoron -- all this and more as Fr. Joseph reads letters from AFR listeners.
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When God Says Goodbye

From childhood to adulthood to parenting -- even death -- Goodbyes aren't easy. Fr. Joseph tries to understand Goodbye with the help of his parents, his brother, three Evangelists and ... Brad Paisley?
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Redneck in Ramallah?

As Fr. Joseph leaves St. George Church and heads west to St. Joseph's, he muses on past "Sons of St. George" and wonders if there really ever was a "Redneck in Ramallah."
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Truly Odd, Truly [Pac] Man

Fr. Joseph's displeasure with Stephen Hawking's recent statement about God not being necessary for Creation is akin to his dislike of sweet red BBQ sauce. Though this episode "tilts," only the obnoxious virtual gobbler succumbs to gravity (if there is such a force, that is).
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Bill's Bible Bait & Tackle Calendar

Did you ever try to find something even remotely Orthodox in your local superstore, gift shop, or bible book store? Chances are, you'll find all manner of things purporting to be spiritual, religious, new-fangled and Christian -- though nary even a wall calendar reflecting the Ancient Faith. Besides, what should you do when you do find one?
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Priesthood (You Don't Wanna Do That)

Here's a very serious interview of a known-to-be-funny man; Fr. Joseph quizzes his "boss," Fr. John Salem, on the high calling of the priesthood.
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Dueling Deacons from the “Old Country”

Fr. Joseph interviews two Deacons of the Church – both hailing from, ahem, the “Old Country” – that is, one was reared in middle Tennessee and the other was born and raised in the hills of West Virginia [rimshot]. Enjoy!
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“Speedy Sacraments for Liturgical Losers”

(Fr. Joseph dedicates this program to the memory of Fr. Matthew MacKay, who would have appreciated the humor—he hopes.) This week the Orthodixie podcast catches up with the author of An Empty Church is a Peaceful Church, Fr. Danislav Gregorio, about his new book, Speedy Sacraments for Liturgical Losers.
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What Is The Orthodox Christian Fellowship?  (A Clergy-Laity Report)

Fr. Joseph interviews the Development Director, Presbytera Shyla Hadzellis and her husband, Fr. Nicholas, about OCF and their presence at the recent GOA Clergy-Laity Congress held in Atlanta, Georgia.
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Camp St. Raphael 2010 - A Musical Snapshot

Fr. Joseph Huneycutt was blessed to attend the second session of Camp St Raphael 2010 -- YaBoy! Enjoy this musical snapshot!
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Gossip Boys Beaten By Wolf

On a summer's day thirty years ago, three college kids set out on rafts for an 8-hour tour. But it was the punctured egos (more so than a raft's hole) that owe thanks to the Wolf River.
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Aidan's Song - A Year in the Life of a Parish Priest

On this special edition of the Orthodixie Podcast, Fr. Joseph interviews the author of the new Conciliar Press book Aidan's Song: A Year in the Life of a Parish Priest. The book has been compared to the "Far Side" cartoon and the TV show Married With Children—but nothing quite compares to Fr. Aidan Wilcoxson's singing a rather surprising number on this very podcast. Aidan's Song is an insightful, moving, and often hilarious personal snapshot of a year in the life of a parish priest. Enjoy!
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They Will Know We Are Christians By Our ... Blogs?

What's the difference between Orthodox Christians' participation on the Internet and, say, secular scoundrels? Sometimes, it seems, not much. Fr. Joseph admits his foot's been in his mouth but his tongue's still in his cheek; in other words: "Let's be careful out there!"
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American [Orthodox Bishops] Top 40

As many of you know, an historic gathering took place this past week in New York City: All of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops (at least a goodly number of them) met to discuss matters which pertain to the Church in the Americas. The Orthodixie Podcast had a Man on the Street for the proceedings but, as this podcast is only updated about once a week,some of the information you are about to hear may seem contrary to other reports, or it may be a bit dated, or, frankly, it may be flat out untrue. (But have fun identifying the snippets of music in the podcast.)
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My Big Ol' Hairy Godmother

Is it Real—or is it My Big Ol' Hairy Godmother? That's the question that hits a depressed Fr Joseph as he faces up to Change, and he tries to get up ... in anticipation of falling again.
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Bagpipes & Liturgical Dance, Next Sunday

Fr. Joseph, in this Sunday morning sermon, announces the pending changes to the worship services of St. George, Houston. Well, kinda ...
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“The Blindside” (in Syria)

Fr. Joseph's not much of a movie buff, but he was recently "blindsided" in Syria. This special 30-minute episode details his recent pilgrimage to Syria, and a certain "Paul" whom he kept bumping into while there. You'll need to listen all the way to the end to discover the answer to a question he's now asked: "Why did you go to Syria?"
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Past Fast (Rewind)

Fr. Joseph revisits the Lenten Superlative Awards, Bright Week and the remainder of the Feast (someone needs to tell him that—although meat, dairy, and cheese are now allowed—singing is not required).
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Past Songs of Peculiar Paschas (Oldies but Goodies)

From clerical collar-wearing altar boys to (apparently) Alice Cooper and KISS attending the Paschal Matins -- Oh, and you've never heard the Good News till you've heard it read in German, with a Japanese twist and a Southern accent. (In this "blast from the past," Fr. Joseph even describes how to get one's choir-directing wife to "do her job" only 48 hours after giving birth!)
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Pop Songs of Peculiar Paschas

From clerical-collar-wearing altar boys, to postpartum Paschal choir directors, to (apparently) Alice Cooper and KISS attending the Paschal Matins ... Fr. Joseph's seen it all. And you've never heard the Good News till you've heard it read in German, with a Japanese twist, and a Southern accent.
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St Vlad's Kids' Cafe

Recently, Fr Joseph had the good fortune to enjoy some warm spring days in the Northeast at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, where he spent the weekend teaching, preaching, and hanging out with some wonderful young people at what's known as The Kids' Cafe.
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One Eyed, One Horned, Lenten Purple People Eater

What's the difference between Purple People and White People? Oh, and what's eating the Orthodox these days? (It's memory lane with bases loaded; for some, Lent can't end soon enough.)
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The Tonight Show: Conan, Carnac, Dave, and Lento?

Fr. Joseph visits The Tonight Show—really!—and dreams of hosting, guesting and side-kicking (featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Conan O'Brien, Carnac the Magnorfodox, David of Wales, Red Skelton, "the world's greatest grape catcher," and more)!
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A Repeat Visit To The Orthodox Urgent Care Hospital

Suffering from a case of Lenten white boy funk, Fr Joseph revisits the Orthodox Urgent Care Hospital. (He also promises next week's podcast will be on The Tonight Show!)
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The Fast is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Firmament

First it was "live podding," then the dread, the guilt and the heavens were separated from the earth (which, naturally, led to a parody of the theme song from "Green Acres"). Clean Monday blows through quickly; pigs don't fly, but kites do (and don't miss Fr. Joseph's fun outtakes at the very end).
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Paschal Fire From Spiritual Ashes

Fr. Joseph gets lost in Houston, loses his wallet in the airport and becomes invisible at stop lights -- all from Dallas, Texas.
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Orthodox Home Exorcised ... On TV!

Fr. Joseph recounts the expelling of demons from the home of a parishioner. (Kinda, sorta.) "More at eleven ..."
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Bar Hopping With Jesus

Fr. Joseph reads a creative letter from the Orthodixie Mailbag. It's not what it seems. Or, is it?
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Five Loaves, Two Fish, Small Fries and a Large Diet

Fr. Joseph looks back on 2009 episodes of the Orthodixie podcast (and can't believe he didn't get fired) and looks forward to more jabs at American Orthodoxy in 2010.
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The Ghost Of Christmas Favre

A vision of Brett Favre, along with the surprise of a Pittsburgh Steeler, join Fr. Joseph (a husky seventh grade boy) on the playing field of ... priestly ministry.
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We Came, We Saw, We Converted

In this special edition of Orthodixie, John Maddex interviews Fr. Joseph about his new Conciliar Press book, We Came, We Saw, We Converted.
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We Came, We Saw, We Converted

A blatantly commercial message for Fr. Joseph Huneycutt's new book, "We Came, We Saw, We Converted" (Conciliar Press). It's a humorous look at a book that takes a humorous look at Orthodoxy. But what else would you expect from the Orthodixie?
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‘Twas the Night of Nativity

Just a few more weeks until the Nativity feast. With the fast, the shopping, the preparations ... how are you doing? Let us prepare? Yes. But regardless of how prepared we are, let us be thankful.
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Thanksgiving - The 8th Ecumenical Campfire - Part 2

In our last episode: a Roman Catholic priest, two Orthodox clergymen, a Baptist boy and an Episcopalian gal, along with a Greek layman—unexpectedly—share a Thanksgiving campfire. In the end, Fr Joseph asked: "What do you think happens?" This week, an answer (provided almost entirely from AFR listeners).
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Thanksgiving: The 8th Ecumenical Campfire

A Roman Catholic priest, two Orthodox clergymen, a Baptist boy and an Episcopalian gal, along with a Greek layman—unexpectedly—share a Thanksgiving campfire. What do you think happens?
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Catechizing From the Barber's Chair in Beaumont

It's not often that one gets scalped by a Christian, rarer still is when a priest willingly airs his failures (of "Biblical proportion"). Protestants may cheer this episode as much as the Orthodox, but with both sides on differing sides. This episode of the Orthodixie podcast eavesdrops on some arguments concerning Scripture and Tradition at St Michael's in Beaumont, Texas.
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Opinion: Is the Pope Anglican?

The recent announcement by Pope Benedict of the formation of "a special provision for Anglicans, including married clergy" to come home to Rome got Fr Joseph wondering about his own journey and what he, and they, believe. He agrees with the pope!
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Bishops and Old Shoes

When is a bishop like an old shoe? A comfortable shoe? A GPS? Alas, there may come a time when you have to check with Johnston and Murphy on such things.
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Janitor, Banjo, Sideburns, a Nun: Opa!

What's a Christian look like? It's all Greek to me! In this episode, Fr Joseph gets schooled by an imagined janitor, a native Houstonian, and a real nun.
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St. Anthony and the Flying Spaghetti Madness - Aarr!

At a 1,500 year "disadvantage" -- Aarr! -- St. Anthony the Great missed out on International Talk Like a Pirate Day. But, Fr. Joseph imagines what the desert dwelling Father might have said to disciples of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
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Ewnay Yearay At Bill's Bible, Bait & Tackle

Did you ever try to find something even remotely Orthodox in your local superstore, gift shop, or bible book store? Chances are, you'll find all manner of things purporting to be spiritual, religious, new-fangled and Christian -- though nary even a wall calendar reflecting the Ancient Faith. Besides, what should you do when you do find one?
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When God Ain't Good Enough

What do you do when God ain't good enough? Now that's a softball question! In this week's episode, Fr. Joseph is still looking for that softball.
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Spooky-Doxy At The Stop-n-Drop

With the help of a prophecy of the fourth or fifth or fourteenth -- or fifteenth -- century, one thing's for certain: We are one day closer to the End of Time today than we were yesterday. But, in this 19th, oops, 20th, er, 21st century ... who's counting? In this episode Fr Joseph has a "come to Jesus meeting" with a modern day self-proclaimed "relevant prophet" in the hills of East Tennessee.
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King, Queen, Prince - and a Rebel - at Jiffy Lube

Whether it was the invite to his 30-year high school reunion, or the fantasy that he was losing his hearing, one thing's for certain: Nothing clears Disco like an oil change. Fr Joseph reminisces about the dance floor—whilst lying on the floor—at Jiffy Lube®.
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American Orthodoxy: More Fun Than A Barrel Of Bishops

Father Joseph talks about possible titles for his forthcoming book: a humorous look at Orthodoxy in America. NOTE: For those keeping score, during the course of this podcast the following words will be mentioned: sycophant, bishops, titles, convivial, cult and Antiochian.
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He Built This City, But He Didn't Write The Song

In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph takes a trip in the time machine and travels back to the 4th Century (with a brief musical stop in the 1970s).
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A Three-peat on Clergy Feet

With the election of a new Metropolitan for the Antiochians and fresh-from-seminary newly ordained men throughout the Church, one thing’s for sure: Their feet are the same as, well, yours! Here’s a three-peat on clay feet.
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Clergy Feet Are Made of Clay

With the recent falling asleep of Archbishop DMITRI of the Orthodox Church in America, Fr Joseph was reminded of the many occasions in his presence—especially the one concerning his feet and His Eminence, which is included in this repeat episode. (Fr Joseph writes: "Forgive me; it’s silly really—obviously an attempt at humor by a fool. But even a fool can recognize the truth of . . . clay feet.")
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Orthodox White Boy

An all points bulletin has just issued: "There's an Orthodox White Boy in Syria!" (But, while Fr Joseph's away, we hope you'll enjoy this episode from the "Best Of" archives.)
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Divine Dousing with the Dynamic Duo

Thanks to a superb pair of handlers/chauffeurs, Fr. Joseph goes a house blessin' in Houston.
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With help from his daughter, Fr. Joseph tries to stay on pitch while singing Dan Idzikowski's "Superchristological and Homoousiosis".
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Are You Ortholackadaisical?

"These days, Orthodox Christianity is becoming known on the highways and byways, even in the hills and the hollers. But let's not get lazy. Let's not squander this opportunity." Fr. Joseph thinks everyone should have the opportunity to hear about -- even come home to -- the True Faith (and click here to visit the SmallTown Heroes he speaks about at their web site).
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Meletius Metaxakis Makes a Maalox Moment

Tackling the differences among the Gregorian, Julian, and Appalachian Calendars concerning the date of Christmas is nothing new -- and can be quite the tongue twister.
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The Ghost Of Past Christmas Presents

What do Charles Dickens, Buzz Lightyear, Vladimir Lossky, the Carolina Panthers, the Baltimore Colts, Angels, Shepherds, George Frideric Handel and Kawasaki all have in common? Surely to goodness nothing but this podcast! Fr Joseph is visited by another "ghost."
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Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas ... Carol?

Fr. Joseph joins Sir Paul McCartney, Alvin Chipmunk, José Feliciano and other Wailers in a journey down memory lane -- eschewing the worldly sounds of the season for some really bad (ghostly) percussion moments. Are you prepared?
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Much Ado About Despota

Nothing excites a priest quite like a Bishop's visit, and you just never know what a Bishop might say. For instance, how would you answer the question: "Will there be only Christians in heaven?"
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A Tooth, A Truck And A (Paffhausen)

What does a root canal, a story from Greek mythology and the OCA have in common?
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Letters From The Old Country

This episode is taken from the forthcoming audio book version of "We Came, We Saw, We Converted." Fr. Joseph answers letters from AFR listeners which include: annoying Orthodox phrases, wicked political emails, Palestine, women's ordination and Waffle House.
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Letters From The Old Country

This week, Fr Joseph answers questions from AFR listeners. Topics include: annoying Orthodox phrases, wicked political emails, Palestine, women's ordination, and Waffle House.
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Putting the Fun in Dysfunction Since AD 33

Fr. Joseph delivers a brief newscast (sponsored by®) featuring Orthodox stories from around the country including this week's Person of the Week.
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The Frostis on the Pumpkin

Has the latest news about the election, international struggles and the economy got you down? Well, take heart and fear not -- for the frost, my friends, is on the pumpkin!
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Mr. B. Al Zeebop, Orthodox Christian Anarchist

From rumors and whispering campaigns, to flattery and praise, the Church is able to weather any storm. However, the temptations may prove too much for the fair-weather (or even the foul-weather) faithful laity and clergy. In this episode, Fr. Joseph meets Mr. B. Al "Buba" Zeebop and his devilish operation.
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Orthodoxy: Christianity, Just Harder

Interviews and arguments, struggles and slogans, one thing's certain: Orthodoxy ain't easy -- and that's no small thing. Or, is it?
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The Ike & Rita (“Turners”) Review

This week's episode, not nearly as exciting as visuals of a major hurricane slamming a major city, is a personal reflection on former Houston guests: Gustav, Katrina, Ike and Rita.
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The Handicapped Convert

While "rugged individualism" may be a cultural trait, it sure won't save you; and although blindness is a serious handicap, Converts may insist on being in the driver's seat. Whether we want it or not, American Orthodox Converts need help.
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The Xenia, Galina, Coinkydink

We've all heard "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." Fr. Joseph finds that hard to believe. Then again, some things which are hard to explain serve as cures for our unbelief. Is that by coincidence?
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Who's in Your Icon Corner?

Icon Corners can be like a family scrapbook -- and, God willing, vice versa. While moving the family prayer corner, Fr. Joseph remembers prayers answered through the intercessions of the Saints.
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Me - Adam, You - Helpmeet

This week's podcast features snippets from "The Newlywed Game" taken from a Couples Retreat at St Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church in Houston, Texas.
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Expect a Miracle!

From Oral Roberts to Black Oak Arkansas, strange things happen. Whoa! There goes Uncle Ernie runnin' 'round the church! Then, there's bread and wine. Oh, you'll just have to listen (no interpretation necessary).
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Recalculating Our GPS

Is there virtue in being lost? Not exactly. Then again, being found is only worthy when the Finder is the Hound that loves you. Fr. Joseph's sense of direction is a little different (i.e., nonexistent). Truth is, most of the time, he doesn't know where he is.
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Gotta Go To Camp Now

Fr. John Monto joins Fr. Joseph Huneycutt for a week at Camp St Raphael. This week's podcast offers an audio snapshot -- including the soon-to-be-classic "DOWAMA Don't Let Your Campers Grow Up to be Clergy" and the new smash hit, "Gotta Go To Camp Now." Enjoy!
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Jesus Loves You (But)

Actions speak louder than words. Some words acquire different meanings depending on context. And love, well, love changes everything. But ...
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Jesus Loves You (But)

Actions speak louder than words. Some words acquire different meanings depending on context. And love, well, love changes everything. But ...
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Ortho-Man & the Riddle of the Psssssst!

In the third and final episode of Ortho-Man, Fr. Joseph is led down a dark hallway by a mysterious stranger who reveals to him the similarities of Underdog, Batman, Pink Panther, Indiana Jones, Buzz Lightyear and ... Ortho-Man.
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Ortho-Man And The Confusion of Tongues

In this week's Ortho-Man sequel, Fr. Joseph can't understand the movie, gets knocked out, smells garlic, dreams of Popeye, quotes St Nicholai of Zica and ponders the mysterious identity of Psssst Man.
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Due to some pretty sweet connections, Fr. Joseph is allowed a peek at the upcoming summer blockbuster, ORTHO-MAN! Is there a role for Acrivia Man? Economia Man? What would an Orthodox superhero wear? Was Popeye Greek Orthodox? Some answers, and some questions begging your help, all in this week's podcast.
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Without Love, It's All Just Peas and Carrots

Miss Jane gets a tongue lashing, Mr. Bodine speaks in tongues. Things go dark as Fr. Joseph interviews Dr. Indadark. In the end, lacking the main ingredient, it's all just peas and carrots. Suffice it to say: Love covers a multitude of podcasts.
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Hello Jiddo, Hello Yaya

Fr. Joseph is away at Camp St. Raphael -- YaBoy! -- this week. He took his AFR mic with him and promises an interview with Big Foot next week ... that is, if the Mama Eater doesn't get him first. Until then, enjoy this week's rebroadcast! (Oh, and pray for Orthodox campers & staff.)
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Baby Jesus by the Chimney

In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph sets out on a search for the Baby Jesus.
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Here Comes Santa!

In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph talks to us about Santa Claus and his sons—and his own—imagination.
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Word and Virgin: God in Human Flesh

As we begin the Nativity fast, Fr. Joseph has some helpful reminders for us. He's also looking for your questions on fasting - serious, humorous or otherwise. Write him at his email address above.
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Revisiting “An Empty Church Is A Peaceful Church”

Here's a remastered version of Fr Joseph's interview with Fr. Danislav Gregorio, author of the book, An Empty Church is a Peaceful Church, taken from the forthcoming audio book version of We Came, We Saw, We Converted.
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An Empty Church Is A Peaceful Church

Listen to this exclusive encore "interview" with the author of a book (wink, wink) on proper church etiquette.
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An Empty Church Is A Peaceful Church

Listen to this exclusive "interview" with the author of a new (wink, wink) book on proper church etiquette.
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Daylight Saviour Time

What time is it anyway? In this classic podcast from the last time we set our clocks back, Fr. Joseph reflects on our obsession with time as a culture and the impact it has on our priorities.
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Daylight Saviour Time

What time is it anyway? As we set our clocks back, Fr. Joseph is reflecting on our obsession with time as a culture and the impact it has on our priorities.
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Bending the Rules Out of Love

Fr. Joseph manages to connect grandma with KISS, mama with a dirty slugger, catgut with a knee bone, wrestling with a loser, and God Himself with bending the rules -- all in under 12 minutes! (This episode is taken from the new audio version of "We Came, We Saw, We Converted: The Lighter Side of Orthodoxy in America", available from Conciliar Press.)
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Bend the Rules

It's called the new commandment and the greatest commandment. It is LOVE. And, sometimes, love must trump the rules as Fr. Joseph explains in this week's podcast.
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The Great Awakening

So, what would it look like if suddenly the country was swept up in the popularity of Orthodoxy. Brace yourself for Fr. Joseph's vision!
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Just Because You're Ugly Doesn't Mean You Can't Sing!

One does not have to sing well by worldly standards nor even be good looking. Yet, one must raise a loving, cheerful, truthful voice to do justice through creation to the Creator, God.
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Defeating Sin

Today we feature an interview with Fr. Joseph about his brand new book - Defeating Sin: Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever
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Developing A Rule Of Prayer

What does it mean to have a discipline of prayer? In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph helps us understand and introduces a helpful resource: Visit the St Philip's Prayer Discipline website at:
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Developing A Rule of Prayer

What does it mean to have a discipline of prayer? Fr. Joseph helps us understand and introduces a new and helpful resource. If you are interested after listening, contact him at: St. George Orthodox Church 5311 Mercer Houston, TX 77005 Or, write him at the email adress above.
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Help! There's An Iconostasis In My Living Room

You know how strange dreams can be when you're not sleeping in your own bed? Well, this one ranks up there with the strangest. But, Fr. Joseph has a very practical application in this "Best Of" Orthodixie podcast.
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Constantine - He Built This City, But He Didn't Write The Song

Take a trip in the time machine with Fr. Joseph and travel back to the 4th Century (with a brief musical stop in the 1970s).
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It was only a dream but the lesson is of supreme importance.
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Bless Your Heart - Smallah, Smallah, Smallah

What do you get when you mix the language and culture of the South with the long and rich heritage of the "Old Country?" Get ready to smile in this encore presentation!
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Houston, We Have a Bathroom Problem?

Houston made the news recently—a story involving local legislation, "gender confusion," and restrooms. Fr Joseph, who ironically often wears a "dress" to the Men's Room, rants about . . . something else?
11/10/201413 minutes, 52 seconds
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An Orange Book in Orange County

In this episode—an introductory snip from a Fire From Ashes retreat at St Luke Orthodox Church, Garden Grove, California—Fr. Joseph says, "Enough about me... a bit about the book."
10/28/201419 minutes, 34 seconds
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Kronstadt Not: Fr Danislav’s Hoaxters House of Industry

In this episode, which features a guest appearance by Fr. Danislav Gregorio, Fr. Joseph intends to show a vagabond who's boss! Hard to explain, but it doesn't quite turn out as planned.
10/18/201413 minutes, 29 seconds
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When Stephen King Delivers The News

Stephen King writes the news? Delivers the newspaper? Either times are hard or the news is horrible! If it's both, what are we to do about it?
10/3/201414 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Things You Do When You Don’t Want To Do The Things You Ought To Do

Fr. Joseph says, "I'll have you all know that I took time out from reading Scripture, visiting the sick, and saying my prayers to record this podcast—now with more banjo!"
9/1/201413 minutes, 30 seconds
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“Hebbin - Yes, Debbil - No” (And Other Great Sermons)

Where do sermons come from? Well, they sure don't come from Neil Young, Stephen Bishop, George Jones, or the Bay City Rollers! But these, and more, join John Chrysostom and John of Kronstadt in this episode, which begins, of course, with Sammy Davis Jr.
8/12/201417 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Doesn’t God Heal Me?

Fresh from the Antiochian Clergy Symposium on "Medicine, Theology, and Healing," Fr. Joseph shares his thoughts on Jesus' healing of the paralytic, and that which matters most.
7/21/201411 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Three-peat on Clergy Feet

With the election of a new Metropolitan for the Antiochians and fresh-from-seminary newly ordained men throughout the Church, one thing’s for sure: Their feet are the same as, well, yours! Here’s a three-peat on clay feet.
7/13/201414 minutes, 1 second
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Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in England (Constantine and Helen, too)!

Just back from five weeks in the United Kingdom, Fr. Joseph shares from his travelogue on the Saints—and others—he encountered there. In other words, what do Joseph of Arimathea, Patrick of Ireland, Elder Sophrony, King Arthur, and Ron Weasley all have in common?
6/30/201422 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Premarital Podcast that has Everyone Singing!

Here comes the summer, here comes the Bride, love is in the air—but WAIT! Listen to this retreaded podcast before you hit the road of matrimony!
5/29/201417 minutes, 7 seconds
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Raise ‘em, Clap ‘em, Thump Wid ‘em (Shadow Puppets?): What Am I to Do with My Hand

Fr Joseph rants and runs for cover—raising concerns, but not hands (please).
4/30/201419 minutes, 25 seconds
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Metropolitan Philip—A Few Stories

Fr Joseph reminisces about Metropolitan Philip prior to the Trisagion for the Departed at St Joseph Church, Houston, on the Sunday of the Cross, March 23, 2014.
3/23/201414 minutes, 48 seconds
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Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ortho-Nerd Staretz

A long time ago, in a parish far, far away . . . It is a period of church war. Ortho-Nerds, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the Nominal Ecclesiarch. During the struggle, Ortho-Nerd spies managed to steal secret plans to the Ecclesiarch's ultimate weapon, the Death Pew . . . (Also in this episode, Fr Joseph says: geek, dork, loser, dweeb, tetragrammaton, gamer, and emo.)
2/28/201414 minutes, 44 seconds
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Grumpy Priest Has Good News for Goose, Gander, and Gender Confused

Sometimes you can judge a podcast by its title!
1/14/201411 minutes, 17 seconds
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Negroes, Converts, Cradles, and Slaves

The changing nature of words only distorts what defines us in Christ. One way or the other, we're all the same.
12/5/201313 minutes, 28 seconds
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Men (and Women!), Sons of God in Shreveport

Just a few women, at first, raised their hands; later, all of them acknowledged their "sonship." If God's their Father, who's their Mother? Fr. Joseph speaks to gals and guys at St Nicholas Church, Shreveport, Louisiana.
11/18/201320 minutes, 38 seconds
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From Bible Belt to Belleville: Orthodixie in Ontario

Fr. Joseph speaks in Belleville, Ontario, at a seminar hosted by Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. Lovely folks, lovely place. But like many of us, they have their work cut out for them—keeping Orthodox Christianity ALIVE in that little place. Here follows a few snippets from our time together.
10/31/201317 minutes, 43 seconds
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Played with Death (But Passed Through the Tollhouse in Clean Underwear!)

Whether in tuxedo or collar, whether playing the role of smart aleck or slow learner, one thing is certain: Stuff happens. Be prepared. Say your prayers . . . and wear clean underwear.
10/8/201314 minutes, 21 seconds
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Judge Joseph in Double Jeopardy

Joseph, a priest, is called. The question is: Is he guilty?
9/16/201311 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dem Babies, Dat Noise, Dis, Diss—Liturgy!

Ever tempted by those misbaving in church—you know, the parents? (Of course, kids can be quite the nuisance, too.) Fr. Joseph ventures where angels, at least priests—even parents, fear to tread!
9/7/201314 minutes, 30 seconds
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Get Behind Me S-s-s-tan (You Big White Smoking Dog)!

Ever thought of a sermon while chasing a cigarette-smoking dog named S-s-s-tan out behind a mosque on a Sunday morning? (Well, Fr Joseph is not sure he has either.)
8/18/201313 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Girdle of Humility (Do Not Eat!)

Fr Joseph slips into something a little less comfortable, but it's what everyone wears in the Kingdom!
7/24/201310 minutes, 24 seconds
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YaBoy! Camp St Raphael 2013

From Waiters to Ask Abouna, from Cups to Taylor the Latte Boy, from Living Water to Green Eggs & Ham . . . it must be Camp St Raphael "live" from Wagoner, Oklahoma! YaBoy!
7/5/201319 minutes, 41 seconds
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On Honeymoon . . . with John the Baptist?

What does John the Baptist have in common with bees, mead, honey and moons—even honeymoons? Fr. Joseph fills in the details and answers the question: If Zacharias and Elizabeth knew then what they know now, would they have gone through with it all?
6/23/201311 minutes, 48 seconds
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Peanut’s Daddy and Resurrected Monsters

Fr. Joseph presents a snip of material that he and Steve Robinson are working on at the St George Cathedral (Wichita) men's retreat in Victoria, Kansas.
4/16/201313 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Sermon on Same-Sin Unions

This is really not a sermon about so-called same-sex unions. Really, it's not.
4/1/201312 minutes, 28 seconds
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Fr. Danislav: Part-Time Prodigal and Wannabe Country Singer

Fr. Danislav Gregorio returns to the Orthodixie podcast to hawk his new country music CD. (WARNING: You have been warned.)
3/3/201311 minutes, 22 seconds
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Gay Bus, Short Bus: All of Us

Emerging from a long hiatus, Fr Joseph comes out of the closet (!) and runs into a bus full of bullies.
2/9/201315 minutes, 16 seconds
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Zombies Evolving, Flying Priest Revolving: Camp St Raphael and Ask Abouna

Fr. Joseph entertains questions from young people at Camp St. Raphael—proving, Darwin's Theory notwithstanding, that the more things change, the more they remain the same.
7/15/201218 minutes, 30 seconds
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Camp St. Raphael 2012 - Session One, Part One

Fr. Joseph took his recorder to Camp only to find that it . . . aged him? Er, the campers' songs aged him? Maybe he took his recorder—and his age—to camp? Anyway, the podcast is new and he is old. (But, he's not the oldest.) Here's an audio snapshot of Camp St. Raphael, Session One, Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America.
7/10/201218 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Can-Do Kinda Salvation in OKC

Fr. Joseph was with Fr John Salem and the good folks at St Elijah Antiochian Orthodox Church, Oklahoma City, the fourth week of Lent. Here's a short excerpt from the two-day retreat.
3/31/201220 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Priest Confesses, Eh?

Recorded live at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church in St Paul, Alberta, Canada. Fr. Joseph confesses that, for him, fasting from food ain't the problem.
3/13/201216 minutes, 12 seconds
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God’s a Steeler, Tebow’s Out, and Orthodixie Takes a Bow

What caused the Steelers' dynasty in the seventies? (Of course it was Fr. Joseph.) What caused 35,000 folks to pray the "Our Father" in a football stadium? (Of course it was the Supreme Court.) Tim Tebow caused quite a stir in the NFL. (Only the Perfect makes perfect.) And Fr. Joseph takes a bow (but how do you say "hiatus"?).
1/17/201214 minutes, 45 seconds
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Orthodixie - 2011 in Brief

Fr Joseph looks back on the past year and is thankful that the basketball does not determine the wife; that space aliens did not kill him; that Fr Danislav is not a weekly guest; that Elton John and Lady Gaga were not singing in church at Pascha; that kids go to Camp; and, especially, that God forgives sinners (and fools). Thank for your support!
12/30/201116 minutes, 47 seconds
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Handel for Ho-Ho, Half Nelson for Noel, Hunger for Hesychia

Fr. Joseph bumps into Mariah, the Grinch, and the Boston Pops, as he beats up a camera man, a mother, and a child—all in the name of "winter."
12/10/201113 minutes, 52 seconds
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One Man, Forty Women in Shelby County

From a retreat given in an historic Southern City featuring song snips from Johnny Rivers, William Warfield, and Paul Simon (just to name a few).
11/25/201119 minutes, 8 seconds
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Annual Ecumenical Campfire and Contest

A 3-year-old Thanksgiving "tradition": The Eighth Ecumenical Campfire—and contest. This year's contest winners will receive the new book by Fr. Michael Keiser titled Spread the Word: Reclaiming the Apostolic Tradition of Evangelism. Tune in to this encore episode for details.
11/17/201131 minutes, 18 seconds
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Gaze of Pantocrator, Dance of Dragonfly

Fr. Joseph offers a brief meditation on the beauty of fallen creatures—at least in His eyes!
11/10/201113 minutes, 42 seconds
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Halloween . . . Again?

What's an Orthodox Christian to do on Halloween?
10/24/201112 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Way of Christ is Easy . . . in Mecca

Fr. Joseph travels to Pennsylvania to deliver a series of talks based on the Didache. In this episode, excerpts from two OCA parishes: Holy Cross, Williamsport, and Christ the Saviour, Harrisburg.
10/10/201118 minutes, 28 seconds
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A “No Brainer” in Syria

Fr. Joseph was part of a delegation that traveled to Syria, September 13-18, 2011, on a fact-finding mission, especially regarding the three million Christians in that country. This episode of the Orthodixie podcast includes the one question he asked Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as well as other observations.
9/29/201115 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Kingdom of God? You’re Going to Hell! (Blogs)

What's the difference between Orthodox Christians' participation on the internet and, say, secular scoundrels? Sometimes, it seems, not much. In this encore episode, Fr. Joseph admits that his foot has been been in his mouth but his tongue is still in his cheek. in other words: "Let's be careful out there!"
9/21/201114 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Road (Fork, Toilet Paper, Water Tower) Not Taken

Fr Joseph—in his previous life—rolled yards, bent forks, painted water towers, and was, on more than one occasion, killed by his father. (Some of which is actually true.) In the end, hats off to fear!
9/9/201117 minutes, 24 seconds
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Clergy Feet Are Made of Clay

With the recent falling asleep of Archbishop DMITRI of the Orthodox Church in America, Fr Joseph was reminded of the many occasions in his presence—especially the one concerning his feet and His Eminence, which is included in this repeat episode. (Fr Joseph writes: "Forgive me; it’s silly really—obviously an attempt at humor by a fool. But even a fool can recognize the truth of . . . clay feet.")
8/31/201114 minutes, 54 seconds
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We’re Not Gay; We Were Sewn This Way

From Bert and Ernie to parents, kids, and a pope—Fr Joseph talks about the struggles and the goal of sexuality in part two of this two-part series.
8/18/201117 minutes, 52 seconds
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I’m Not Gay; I Was Drawn This Way!

What do you say when a ten-year-old says, "My best friend is gay"? How 'bout cartoon friends, can they be gay? Fr. Joseph wades in where even Elmer Fudd dares tread in this first episode of a two part series on . . . well, you know what the topic is.
8/7/201116 minutes, 5 seconds
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Fr. Danislav’s Itty Bitty Great Books

Fr. Danislav Gregorio visits the Orthodixie studio to plug his latest publishing efforts, a series of Great Books that cover bachelor fasting, Orthodox evangelism, patience, and mindless middle-aged mishaps (among other things—perhaps even the most important thing).
7/21/201115 minutes
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The Bellybutton, the Beast, and the Beatbox (from Camp St Raphael)

Fr Joseph offers an "audio snapshot" of life at Camp St Raphael - 2011, Session One. (Oh, and for him to hear it, that fat lady will need to sing a little louder.)
7/6/201119 minutes, 55 seconds
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DO THAT AGAIN: Wives, Obey Your Husbands (Doh!)

Kiss the bride ... check! Walk the aisle ... check! Enjoy the honeymoon ... check! (Then what?) Pulling an episode from the "Best Of" files, Fr. Joseph discusses the ch-ch-changes that come with love and marriage. (Just for fun, see if you can identify all of the songs used in this oldie but goodie.)
6/25/201117 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dancing With The Demon What Brung Ya?

Fr Joseph is lost. Perhaps you are, too? Great. Salvation loves company! A 2008 rerun about recalculating. Keep coming back!
6/20/201114 minutes, 20 seconds
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Lickety Split ‘Splainin’ Orthodoxy

Studies show that no matter how many people get on an elevator, riders move around to allow the same amount of space between themselves and each of the others. Some elevator riders stare at the numbers, some continue conversations, and others start superficial ones. Uh oh, someone just asked about Orthodoxy! You've got about 30 seconds (and a $100 prize riding on it); what do you say?
6/6/201112 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christ Is Ascended! (Huh?)

It always comes on a Thursday and, after a familiar dialogue of forty days, it always leaves one speechless (so to speak). In this episode from 2007, Fr. Joseph looks at the "Hi's" and "Hello's" of the Feasts.
5/27/201110 minutes, 1 second
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What Does an Orthodox Christian Look Like?

Fr. Joseph speaks at the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver's Clergy-Laity Conference, hosted by St George Greek Orthodox Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (He was going to title the talk "What Does a Greek Look Like?"—but then again, what DOES a Greek look like?)
5/16/201117 minutes, 43 seconds
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Back When I Was the Antichrist

Everyone from Nero to Kissinger to Osama to GaGa has been believed to be the Antichrist. The weekly Bible study group at St. Joseph Church, Houston, is about to learn from—I mean, of—another one.
5/4/201120 minutes, 23 seconds
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Past Songs of Peculiar Paschas (Oldies but Goodies)

From clerical collar-wearing altar boys to (apparently) Alice Cooper and KISS attending the Paschal Matins -- Oh, and you've never heard the Good News till you've heard it read in German, with a Japanese twist and a Southern accent. (In this "blast from the past," Fr. Joseph even describes how to get one's choir-directing wife to "do her job" only 48 hours after giving birth!)
4/23/201115 minutes, 3 seconds
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Peter Cottontail and Pascha

A silly visit from the "Easter Bunny" leads to a serious exposé of "Spring Celebration Customs," the bunny basket, and the Pascha basket—even red eggs—in this timely encore episode.
4/18/201116 minutes, 18 seconds
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Midnight in the Elfin Garden of Paschal Pajamas - Conclusion

In the last episode, Fr. Joseph encountered a little green church elf, Elton John, Lady GaGa, Archie Bunker, and Buzz Lightyear in pajamas. In this concluding episode, he tries to make sense of it all (with the help of Ol' Scratch).
4/7/201115 minutes, 24 seconds
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Midnight in the Elfin Garden of Paschal Pajamas

Due to a knock on the noggin, Fr. Joseph finds himself fast-forwarding toward Pascha and holding hands with a green elf at midnight in a church where everybody is clothed in their pajamas and the iconostasis has been replaced with ... dirty laundry?
3/26/20119 minutes, 30 seconds
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No Poo In My Hood!

Due to circumstances beyond his control, Fr. Joseph recorded this podcast from his bathroom. This is a true statement and has nothing to do with the title of this episode (which, thanks to St. Paul, includes a bad word seldom uttered politely).
3/17/201114 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Tonight Show Rerun (with Dave, Conan, Leno & Red)

Fr. Joseph revisits "The Tonight Show" and dreams of hosting, guesting and side-kicking (featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Conan O'Brien, Carnac the Magnorfodox, David of Wales, Red Skelton, "the world's greatest grape catcher" and more)!
3/5/201114 minutes, 26 seconds
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Cross Your Heart, Not Your Legs!

There is perfect freedom in Christ, but when it comes to the church: don't cross your legs, leave your crumbs, or even bring your gum! Fr Joseph rehearses a few of the dos and don'ts of temple worship.
2/26/201118 minutes, 33 seconds
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Clergy Can Be Funny, But Teachable?

From handling serpents rightly to singing services wrongly—not to mention girl crushes, bike crashes, and the lack of clairvoyance—the clergy of the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America have tales to tell.
2/17/201117 minutes, 15 seconds
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Huneycutt Obit

Fr. Joseph reads a few of his own obits—just don't say he "died" on the radio.
2/5/201115 minutes, 26 seconds
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House Blessing, Shaun Cassidy & The Exorcist

Fr Joseph ventures into the chaos of mass house blessings with the Sign of the Cross, two Shaun Cassidy fans, and one former Exorcist!
1/28/201111 minutes, 59 seconds
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Illuminated Backboard, Digital Blackboard

A chubby tween grows into the full stature of a backyard basketball hot dog, while his skinny friend perfects flawless boredom at the free throw line; and an upcoming Orthodox Education Webinar to boot!
1/15/201113 minutes, 20 seconds
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Orthodixie in the Rearview

With the New Year 2011, Fr Joseph looks back at some stranger moments of 2010 on the Orthodixie Podcast. (It all began when he went bar hopping with Jesus.)
12/30/201022 minutes, 32 seconds
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Back When Christmas Was Younger

The entries are in, the votes have been tallied—thanks to all who participated! We have three "winners"—Erin, Alex, and Adam—a kid's story, and some kids telling stories.
12/24/201017 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Ghost Of Past Christmas Presents ... A Contest

The audio version of the book, "We Came, We Saw, We Converted: The Lighter Side of Orthodoxy in America" is the perfect gift for that special someone (you know, the one who's hard to buy for, and you might as well get them something for free!). Fr. Joseph is giving away free copies to those who send him their funniest Christmas Story—listen closely to this encore (re-gifted?) episode, "The Ghost of Past Christmas Presents" for details on how to win your free audio book download!
12/17/201015 minutes, 42 seconds
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Gun Toting Singing Santa Bums A Ride

Fr. Joseph picks up "Santa"—only to discover that this Jolly Ol' Elf is packing heat and on a mission (from God).
12/11/201013 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Priest Quits

Fr. Joseph solicited podcast ideas with the premise: "A priest, married with children, quits -- just walks away from the ministry. Why?" Some answers may surprise you. (By the way, how do we Orthodox define crazy?)
11/30/201010 minutes, 53 seconds
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Reconvening the Ecumenical Campfire

Last year's "listener supported" Thanksgiving podcast featured a Roman Catholic priest, two Orthodox clergymen, a Baptist boy and an Episcopalian gal, and a Greek layman, who—unexpectedly—shared a Thanksgiving campfire. Here are the combined episodes, slightly edited; stay tuned for details regarding this year's contest at episode's end!
11/24/201030 minutes, 23 seconds
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Bending the Rules Out of Love

Fr. Joseph manages to connect grandma with KISS, mama with a dirty slugger, catgut with a knee bone, wrestling with a loser, and God Himself with bending the rules -- all in under 12 minutes! (This episode is taken from the new audio version of "We Came, We Saw, We Converted: The Lighter Side of Orthodoxy in America", available from Conciliar Press.)
11/12/201012 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Farmer in the Dell (in Chicago) - Part 2

Since it is well known that he is a priest from the "Old Country," Fr. Joseph may want to be careful about offending the Farmer in the Dell or Mr. MacDonald. (This is Part 2, from Christ the Savior Church, Chicago.)
11/5/201017 minutes, 29 seconds
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An Orthodixie In That Toddlin’ Town - Part 1

Can you imagine for a moment that all this revealed religion stuff is really, really real? Imagine, if you will, the Theotokos pondering things, like: Where is Christ the Savior? Fr. Joseph imagines and ponders his way toward answers in Part One of this special episode, "live" and edited, from Christ the Savior church in the Windy City.
10/30/201020 minutes, 33 seconds
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A Survey of Christian Caterpillars, Muslim Hookahs & Holy Bread

The number of Orthodox Christians in America is greatly inflated in a recent survey; an anonymous Orthodox comments on a Christian caterpillar; and a Muslim converts to Christianity thanks to antidoron -- all this and more as Fr. Joseph reads letters from AFR listeners.
10/21/201015 minutes, 39 seconds
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When God Says Goodbye

From childhood to adulthood to parenting -- even death -- Goodbyes aren't easy. Fr. Joseph tries to understand Goodbye with the help of his parents, his brother, three Evangelists and ... Brad Paisley?
10/9/201013 minutes, 10 seconds
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Redneck in Ramallah?

As Fr. Joseph leaves St. George Church and heads west to St. Joseph's, he muses on past "Sons of St. George" and wonders if there really ever was a "Redneck in Ramallah."
10/2/201013 minutes, 29 seconds
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Truly Odd, Truly [Pac] Man

Fr. Joseph's displeasure with Stephen Hawking's recent statement about God not being necessary for Creation is akin to his dislike of sweet red BBQ sauce. Though this episode "tilts," only the obnoxious virtual gobbler succumbs to gravity (if there is such a force, that is).
9/22/201015 minutes, 32 seconds
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Bill’s Bible Bait & Tackle Calendar

Did you ever try to find something even remotely Orthodox in your local superstore, gift shop, or bible book store? Chances are, you'll find all manner of things purporting to be spiritual, religious, new-fangled and Christian -- though nary even a wall calendar reflecting the Ancient Faith. Besides, what should you do when you do find one?
9/10/201013 minutes, 41 seconds
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Priesthood (You Don’t Wanna Do That)

Here's a very serious interview of a known-to-be-funny man; Fr. Joseph quizzes his "boss," Fr. John Salem, on the high calling of the priesthood.
9/3/201011 minutes, 49 seconds
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Dueling Deacons from the “Old Country”

Fr. Joseph interviews two Deacons of the Church – both hailing from, ahem, the “Old Country” – that is, one was reared in middle Tennessee and the other was born and raised in the hills of West Virginia [rimshot]. Enjoy!
8/27/201013 minutes, 51 seconds
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Letters From The Old Country

This episode is taken from the forthcoming audio book version of "We Came, We Saw, We Converted." Fr. Joseph answers letters from AFR listeners which include: annoying Orthodox phrases, wicked political emails, Palestine, women's ordination and Waffle House.
8/20/201012 minutes, 13 seconds
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“Speedy Sacraments for Liturgical Losers”

(Fr. Joseph dedicates this program to the memory of Fr. Matthew MacKay, who would have appreciated the humor—he hopes.) This week the Orthodixie podcast catches up with the author of An Empty Church is a Peaceful Church, Fr. Danislav Gregorio, about his new book, Speedy Sacraments for Liturgical Losers.
8/9/201011 minutes, 55 seconds
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Revisiting “An Empty Church Is A Peaceful Church”

Here's a remastered version of Fr Joseph's interview with Fr. Danislav Gregorio, author of the book, An Empty Church is a Peaceful Church, taken from the forthcoming audio book version of We Came, We Saw, We Converted.
7/29/201011 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Is The Orthodox Christian Fellowship?  (A Clergy-Laity Report)

Fr. Joseph interviews the Development Director, Presbytera Shyla Hadzellis and her husband, Fr. Nicholas, about OCF and their presence at the recent GOA Clergy-Laity Congress held in Atlanta, Georgia.
7/23/20108 minutes, 21 seconds
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Camp St. Raphael 2010 - A Musical Snapshot

Fr. Joseph Huneycutt was blessed to attend the second session of Camp St Raphael 2010 -- YaBoy! Enjoy this musical snapshot!
7/14/201016 minutes, 33 seconds
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Gossip Boys Beaten By Wolf

On a summer's day thirty years ago, three college kids set out on rafts for an 8-hour tour. But it was the punctured egos (more so than a raft's hole) that owe thanks to the Wolf River.
7/2/201014 minutes, 12 seconds
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Aidan’s Song - A Year in the Life of a Parish Priest

On this special edition of the Orthodixie Podcast, Fr. Joseph interviews the author of the new Conciliar Press book Aidan's Song: A Year in the Life of a Parish Priest. The book has been compared to the "Far Side" cartoon and the TV show Married With Children—but nothing quite compares to Fr. Aidan Wilcoxson's singing a rather surprising number on this very podcast. Aidan's Song is an insightful, moving, and often hilarious personal snapshot of a year in the life of a parish priest. Enjoy!
6/21/201022 minutes, 50 seconds
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They Will Know We Are Christians By Our ... Blogs?

What's the difference between Orthodox Christians' participation on the Internet and, say, secular scoundrels? Sometimes, it seems, not much. Fr. Joseph admits his foot's been in his mouth but his tongue's still in his cheek; in other words: "Let's be careful out there!"
6/10/201014 minutes, 55 seconds
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American [Orthodox Bishops] Top 40

As many of you know, an historic gathering took place this past week in New York City: All of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops (at least a goodly number of them) met to discuss matters which pertain to the Church in the Americas. The Orthodixie Podcast had a Man on the Street for the proceedings but, as this podcast is only updated about once a week,some of the information you are about to hear may seem contrary to other reports, or it may be a bit dated, or, frankly, it may be flat out untrue. (But have fun identifying the snippets of music in the podcast.)
5/29/201014 minutes, 54 seconds
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My Big Ol’ Hairy Godmother

Is it Real—or is it My Big Ol' Hairy Godmother? That's the question that hits a depressed Fr Joseph as he faces up to Change, and he tries to get up ... in anticipation of falling again.
5/21/201014 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bagpipes & Liturgical Dance, Next Sunday

Fr. Joseph, in this Sunday morning sermon, announces the pending changes to the worship services of St. George, Houston. Well, kinda ...
5/18/201010 minutes, 54 seconds
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“The Blindside” (in Syria)

Fr. Joseph's not much of a movie buff, but he was recently "blindsided" in Syria. This special 30-minute episode details his recent pilgrimage to Syria, and a certain "Paul" whom he kept bumping into while there. You'll need to listen all the way to the end to discover the answer to a question he's now asked: "Why did you go to Syria?"
4/30/201030 minutes, 58 seconds
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Orthodox White Boy

An all points bulletin has just issued: "There's an Orthodox White Boy in Syria!" (But, while Fr Joseph's away, we hope you'll enjoy this episode from the "Best Of" archives.)
4/17/201013 minutes, 5 seconds
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Past Fast (Rewind)

Fr. Joseph revisits the Lenten Superlative Awards, Bright Week and the remainder of the Feast (someone needs to tell him that—although meat, dairy, and cheese are now allowed—singing is not required).
4/10/201010 minutes, 28 seconds
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Pop Songs of Peculiar Paschas

From clerical-collar-wearing altar boys, to postpartum Paschal choir directors, to (apparently) Alice Cooper and KISS attending the Paschal Matins ... Fr. Joseph's seen it all. And you've never heard the Good News till you've heard it read in German, with a Japanese twist, and a Southern accent.
4/4/201015 minutes, 4 seconds
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St Vlad’s Kids’ Cafe

Recently, Fr Joseph had the good fortune to enjoy some warm spring days in the Northeast at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, where he spent the weekend teaching, preaching, and hanging out with some wonderful young people at what's known as The Kids' Cafe.
3/26/201014 minutes, 14 seconds
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One Eyed, One Horned, Lenten Purple People Eater

What's the difference between Purple People and White People? Oh, and what's eating the Orthodox these days? (It's memory lane with bases loaded; for some, Lent can't end soon enough.)
3/13/201017 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Tonight Show: Conan, Carnac, Dave, and Lento?

Fr. Joseph visits The Tonight Show—really!—and dreams of hosting, guesting and side-kicking (featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Conan O'Brien, Carnac the Magnorfodox, David of Wales, Red Skelton, "the world's greatest grape catcher," and more)!
3/5/201014 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Repeat Visit To The Orthodox Urgent Care Hospital

Suffering from a case of Lenten white boy funk, Fr Joseph revisits the Orthodox Urgent Care Hospital. (He also promises next week's podcast will be on The Tonight Show!)
2/26/201012 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Fast is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Firmament

First it was "live podding," then the dread, the guilt and the heavens were separated from the earth (which, naturally, led to a parody of the theme song from "Green Acres"). Clean Monday blows through quickly; pigs don't fly, but kites do (and don't miss Fr. Joseph's fun outtakes at the very end).
2/17/201017 minutes, 40 seconds
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We Came, We Saw, We Converted

In this special edition of Orthodixie, John Maddex interviews Fr. Joseph about his new Conciliar Press book, We Came, We Saw, We Converted.
2/2/201021 minutes, 35 seconds
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Paschal Fire From Spiritual Ashes

Fr. Joseph gets lost in Houston, loses his wallet in the airport and becomes invisible at stop lights -- all from Dallas, Texas.
1/30/201012 minutes, 33 seconds
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Orthodox Home Exorcised ... On TV!

Fr. Joseph recounts the expelling of demons from the home of a parishioner. (Kinda, sorta.) "More at eleven ..."
1/20/201015 minutes, 35 seconds
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Bar Hopping With Jesus

Fr. Joseph reads a creative letter from the Orthodixie Mailbag. It's not what it seems. Or, is it?
1/9/201013 minutes, 37 seconds
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Five Loaves, Two Fish, Small Fries and a Large Diet

Fr. Joseph looks back on 2009 episodes of the Orthodixie podcast (and can't believe he didn't get fired) and looks forward to more jabs at American Orthodoxy in 2010.
12/30/200919 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Ghost Of Christmas Favre

A vision of Brett Favre, along with the surprise of a Pittsburgh Steeler, join Fr. Joseph (a husky seventh grade boy) on the playing field of ... priestly ministry.
12/23/200919 minutes, 7 seconds
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Soteriology, Hesychasm And Huneycutt In Beaumont

The words: soteriology, hesychasm, and vlachos were spoken recently in Beaumont, Texas—not to mention so-dzo, so-dzentai, huneycutt, and so-dzenestitai. (Most holy Theotokos, save us!)
12/18/200930 minutes, 32 seconds
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We Came, We Saw, We Converted

A blatantly commercial message for Fr. Joseph Huneycutt's new book, "We Came, We Saw, We Converted" (Conciliar Press). It's a humorous look at a book that takes a humorous look at Orthodoxy. But what else would you expect from the Orthodixie?
12/10/20092 minutes, 40 seconds
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‘Twas the Night of Nativity

Just a few more weeks until the Nativity feast. With the fast, the shopping, the preparations ... how are you doing? Let us prepare? Yes. But regardless of how prepared we are, let us be thankful.
12/4/20098 minutes, 24 seconds
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Thanksgiving - The 8th Ecumenical Campfire - Part 2

In our last episode: a Roman Catholic priest, two Orthodox clergymen, a Baptist boy and an Episcopalian gal, along with a Greek layman—unexpectedly—share a Thanksgiving campfire. In the end, Fr Joseph asked: "What do you think happens?" This week, an answer (provided almost entirely from AFR listeners).
11/24/200920 minutes, 57 seconds
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Thanksgiving: The 8th Ecumenical Campfire

A Roman Catholic priest, two Orthodox clergymen, a Baptist boy and an Episcopalian gal, along with a Greek layman—unexpectedly—share a Thanksgiving campfire. What do you think happens?
11/18/200914 minutes, 17 seconds
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Catechizing From the Barber’s Chair in Beaumont

It's not often that one gets scalped by a Christian, rarer still is when a priest willingly airs his failures (of "Biblical proportion"). Protestants may cheer this episode as much as the Orthodox, but with both sides on differing sides. This episode of the Orthodixie podcast eavesdrops on some arguments concerning Scripture and Tradition at St Michael's in Beaumont, Texas.
11/8/200926 minutes, 5 seconds
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Opinion: Is the Pope Anglican?

The recent announcement by Pope Benedict of the formation of "a special provision for Anglicans, including married clergy" to come home to Rome got Fr Joseph wondering about his own journey and what he, and they, believe. He agrees with the pope!
10/31/200918 minutes, 19 seconds
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Bishops and Old Shoes

When is a bishop like an old shoe? A comfortable shoe? A GPS? Alas, there may come a time when you have to check with Johnston and Murphy on such things.
10/24/200912 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jesus Loves You (But)

Actions speak louder than words. Some words acquire different meanings depending on context. And love, well, love changes everything. But ...
10/15/200912 minutes, 6 seconds
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Janitor, Banjo, Sideburns, a Nun: Opa!

What's a Christian look like? It's all Greek to me! In this episode, Fr Joseph gets schooled by an imagined janitor, a native Houstonian, and a real nun.
10/8/200915 minutes, 14 seconds
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St. Anthony and the Flying Spaghetti Madness - Aarr!

At a 1,500 year "disadvantage" -- Aarr! -- St. Anthony the Great missed out on International Talk Like a Pirate Day. But, Fr. Joseph imagines what the desert dwelling Father might have said to disciples of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
9/25/200919 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ewnay Yearay At Bill’s Bible, Bait & Tackle

Did you ever try to find something even remotely Orthodox in your local superstore, gift shop, or bible book store? Chances are, you'll find all manner of things purporting to be spiritual, religious, new-fangled and Christian -- though nary even a wall calendar reflecting the Ancient Faith. Besides, what should you do when you do find one?
9/15/200914 minutes, 45 seconds
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When God Ain’t Good Enough

What do you do when God ain't good enough? Now that's a softball question! In this week's episode, Fr. Joseph is still looking for that softball.
9/8/200914 minutes, 31 seconds
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Spooky-Doxy At The Stop-n-Drop

With the help of a prophecy of the fourth or fifth or fourteenth -- or fifteenth -- century, one thing's for certain: We are one day closer to the End of Time today than we were yesterday. But, in this 19th, oops, 20th, er, 21st century ... who's counting? In this episode Fr Joseph has a "come to Jesus meeting" with a modern day self-proclaimed "relevant prophet" in the hills of East Tennessee.
8/26/200920 minutes, 35 seconds
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King, Queen, Prince - and a Rebel - at Jiffy Lube

Whether it was the invite to his 30-year high school reunion, or the fantasy that he was losing his hearing, one thing's for certain: Nothing clears Disco like an oil change. Fr Joseph reminisces about the dance floor—whilst lying on the floor—at Jiffy Lube®.
8/15/200920 minutes, 32 seconds
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American Orthodoxy: More Fun Than A Barrel Of Bishops

Father Joseph talks about possible titles for his forthcoming book: a humorous look at Orthodoxy in America. NOTE: For those keeping score, during the course of this podcast the following words will be mentioned: sycophant, bishops, titles, convivial, cult and Antiochian.
7/31/200914 minutes, 47 seconds
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Developing A Rule Of Prayer

What does it mean to have a discipline of prayer? In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph helps us understand and introduces a helpful resource: Visit the St Philip's Prayer Discipline website at:
7/21/200912 minutes, 46 seconds
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He Built This City, But He Didn’t Write The Song

In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph takes a trip in the time machine and travels back to the 4th Century (with a brief musical stop in the 1970s).
7/14/200916 minutes, 4 seconds
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Belittled Bum Begs for a Good Word

Fr. Joseph, or someone who looked a lot like him, ruins his morning by saying "Good Morning" to a beggar. (Or was it the other way around?)
7/7/200911 minutes, 54 seconds
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American Converts In Syria

Fr. Joseph interviews Fr. Matthew MacKay and Fr. Richard Petranek, both American Converts, about their recent mission trip to Syria, their meeting with the Patriarch, the holy sites, Syrian hospitality and a hospital where it can be said of the doctor, "Father knows best."
6/25/200920 minutes, 36 seconds
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Hot Rockin’, Flame Throwin’, But Old Timey

Fr. Joseph sets out on a new path, complete with a new call-in Radio Talk Show. The topic is "evangelism" and callers from around the country, even some a little closer to home, offer ideas. (But, pssssssst, have you heard the latest gossip?) Tune in now!
6/20/200917 minutes, 6 seconds
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SmallTown Heroes, Orthodox Evangelism, And You

Fr. Joseph revisits a previous podcast -- with a bit of an update: He's got some CDs to give away from the group The SmallTown Heroes. You'll hear a bit about them in this week's episode, but be sure to listen for details at podcast's end for how to receive your FREE copy of their new CD, Lo, the Hard Times. Enjoy!
6/8/200917 minutes, 12 seconds
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Just An Old Fashioned Love Song

Love is in the air ... goin' to the chapel and we're gonna ... take out the papers and the trash ... you may kiss the ... love stinks!? The missing parts, and the glue that holds it all together, may be found in Fr. Joseph's ode to the big event of summer.
5/30/200917 minutes, 16 seconds
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Father Mom

It's not easy when a man "gives birth". The struggle is magnified when Daddy plays Stay-At-Home. This week, Fr Joseph tackles both issues ... like a man.
5/21/200913 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Ear Bird (The Angel Cried) Gets The Worm

In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph tells of his visit to a psychiatrist and his annual struggle with the Guess Who.
5/13/200917 minutes, 47 seconds
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Clergy Feet

Though a touchy, even ticklish, subject; a Birkenstock wearing podcaster puts his best foot forward on priests' little piggies, hierarchical hokey pokey and a shoe shine with Sheen.
5/6/200914 minutes, 13 seconds
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Christ Is—Simply—Risen!

Fr Joseph weighs in on the complications involving the simple proclamation "Christ is Risen!" and its various responses... such as "Yee-Haaw!"
4/27/200912 minutes, 44 seconds
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Antiochians - Running on Empty?

In this short commentary, Fr Joseph finds himself strapped to a chair, under bright lights, and being interrogated until he is rescued by ... Jackson Browne?
4/21/200910 minutes, 52 seconds
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El Paso Pale Gaso (Defeating Sin North of the Border - Part 2)

Thank God Lent's over! As we journey through Holy Week to the Great Feast of Feasts, Pascha, let's listen in on some more of the retreat -- including PALE GAS -- which took place just north of the border in El Paso, Texas.
4/12/200917 minutes, 13 seconds
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Defeating Sin Just North of the Border

As we head toward the end of the Lent and the beginning of Holy Week, Fr Joseph begins a series based on the book "Defeating Sin- Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever" -- taken from a retreat hosted by St George Church in El Paso, Texas.
4/6/200917 minutes, 20 seconds
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Happy ... EIEIO

In this rebroadcast, Fr Joseph answers letters about the Fast -- most of them dealing with the unpronounceable ************ (or EIEIO).
3/31/200914 minutes, 4 seconds
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O.U.C.H - Orthodox Urgent Care Hospital

Things aren't always as they seem and injuries, not to mention distractions, plague us even in church. In the end, Fr Joseph, though day dreaming for the most part, realizes a cure.
3/22/200911 minutes, 53 seconds
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Missiology: Nashotah House (Through Alaska) To St. Vladimir’s

On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, Fr. Joseph and long-time friend Fr. Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, chat about things old, things new, the Church's missiology -- and Nashotah House, too.
3/10/200921 minutes, 14 seconds
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St. Ephraim’s Prayer

With the advent of the Great Fast—Lent—Fr Joseph takes a serious look at a familiar prayer written by St. Ephraim the Syrian in the 4th century. St. Ephraim's prayer is a regular part of the Orthodox Christian's prayer "diet" during the Great Fast of Lent. It may also be said throughout the year as part of one's prayer rule. This Lenten meditation is taken from the book Defeating Sin: Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever (published by Regina Orthodox Press).
3/1/200917 minutes, 17 seconds
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I Did Not Sleep With That [Canaanite] Woman

The night before a Sunday sermon can be fraught with fear and struggle for many a priest. But, of your charity, if you see me walking on water ... help me back into the boat!
2/20/200915 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Great Awakening

Orthodoxy is often called "America's Best Kept Secret," but what would it look like if it was embraced by all -- including "the world"? In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph shows us.
2/8/200910 minutes, 43 seconds
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Orthodox White Boy

Fr. Joseph believes this episode will not end until everyone is offended (or should be).
1/31/200912 minutes, 27 seconds
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Divine Dousing with the Dynamic Duo

Thanks to a superb pair of handlers/chauffeurs, Fr. Joseph goes a house blessin' in Houston.
1/24/200911 minutes, 32 seconds
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With help from his daughter, Fr. Joseph tries to stay on pitch while singing Dan Idzikowski's "Superchristological and Homoousiosis".
1/17/20099 minutes, 39 seconds
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Are You Ortholackadaisical?

"These days, Orthodox Christianity is becoming known on the highways and byways, even in the hills and the hollers. But let's not get lazy. Let's not squander this opportunity." Fr. Joseph thinks everyone should have the opportunity to hear about -- even come home to -- the True Faith (and click here to visit the SmallTown Heroes he speaks about at their web site).
1/8/200916 minutes, 10 seconds
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Meletius Metaxakis Makes a Maalox Moment

Tackling the differences among the Gregorian, Julian, and Appalachian Calendars concerning the date of Christmas is nothing new -- and can be quite the tongue twister.
12/28/200814 minutes, 41 seconds
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Baby Jesus by the Chimney

In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph sets out on a search for the Baby Jesus.
12/20/200816 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Ghost Of Past Christmas Presents

What do Charles Dickens, Buzz Lightyear, Vladimir Lossky, the Carolina Panthers, the Baltimore Colts, Angels, Shepherds, George Frideric Handel and Kawasaki all have in common? Surely to goodness nothing but this podcast! Fr Joseph is visited by another "ghost."
12/14/200814 minutes, 28 seconds
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Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas ... Carol?

Fr. Joseph joins Sir Paul McCartney, Alvin Chipmunk, José Feliciano and other Wailers in a journey down memory lane -- eschewing the worldly sounds of the season for some really bad (ghostly) percussion moments. Are you prepared?
12/6/200814 minutes, 35 seconds
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Here Comes Santa!

In this encore presentation, Fr. Joseph talks to us about Santa Claus and his sons—and his own—imagination.
12/1/200810 minutes, 30 seconds
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Much Ado About Despota

Nothing excites a priest quite like a Bishop's visit, and you just never know what a Bishop might say. For instance, how would you answer the question: "Will there be only Christians in heaven?"
11/23/200814 minutes, 44 seconds
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A Tooth, A Truck And A (Paffhausen)

What does a root canal, a story from Greek mythology and the OCA have in common?
11/16/200813 minutes, 58 seconds
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Letters From The Old Country

This week, Fr Joseph answers questions from AFR listeners. Topics include: annoying Orthodox phrases, wicked political emails, Palestine, women's ordination, and Waffle House.
11/8/200813 minutes, 25 seconds
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Daylight Saviour Time

What time is it anyway? In this classic podcast from the last time we set our clocks back, Fr. Joseph reflects on our obsession with time as a culture and the impact it has on our priorities.
11/2/200815 minutes, 41 seconds
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Putting the Fun in Dysfunction Since AD 33

Fr. Joseph delivers a brief newscast (sponsored by®) featuring Orthodox stories from around the country including this week's Person of the Week.
10/26/200812 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Frostis on the Pumpkin

Has the latest news about the election, international struggles and the economy got you down? Well, take heart and fear not -- for the frost, my friends, is on the pumpkin!
10/11/200817 minutes, 38 seconds
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Mr. B. Al Zeebop, Orthodox Christian Anarchist

From rumors and whispering campaigns, to flattery and praise, the Church is able to weather any storm. However, the temptations may prove too much for the fair-weather (or even the foul-weather) faithful laity and clergy. In this episode, Fr. Joseph meets Mr. B. Al "Buba" Zeebop and his devilish operation.
10/6/200818 minutes, 32 seconds
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Orthodoxy: Christianity, Just Harder

Interviews and arguments, struggles and slogans, one thing's certain: Orthodoxy ain't easy -- and that's no small thing. Or, is it?
9/29/200817 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Ike & Rita (“Turners”) Review

This week's episode, not nearly as exciting as visuals of a major hurricane slamming a major city, is a personal reflection on former Houston guests: Gustav, Katrina, Ike and Rita.
9/17/200819 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Handicapped Convert

While "rugged individualism" may be a cultural trait, it sure won't save you; and although blindness is a serious handicap, Converts may insist on being in the driver's seat. Whether we want it or not, American Orthodox Converts need help.
9/6/200814 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Xenia, Galina, Coinkydink

We've all heard "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." Fr. Joseph finds that hard to believe. Then again, some things which are hard to explain serve as cures for our unbelief. Is that by coincidence?
8/31/200816 minutes, 33 seconds
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Who’s in Your Icon Corner?

Icon Corners can be like a family scrapbook -- and, God willing, vice versa. While moving the family prayer corner, Fr. Joseph remembers prayers answered through the intercessions of the Saints.
8/23/200813 minutes, 53 seconds
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Me - Adam, You - Helpmeet

This week's podcast features snippets from "The Newlywed Game" taken from a Couples Retreat at St Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church in Houston, Texas.
8/18/200816 minutes, 28 seconds
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Expect a Miracle!

From Oral Roberts to Black Oak Arkansas, strange things happen. Whoa! There goes Uncle Ernie runnin' 'round the church! Then, there's bread and wine. Oh, you'll just have to listen (no interpretation necessary).
8/10/200814 minutes, 49 seconds
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An Empty Church Is A Peaceful Church

Listen to this exclusive encore "interview" with the author of a book (wink, wink) on proper church etiquette.
8/2/200811 minutes, 16 seconds
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Help! There’s An Iconostasis In My Living Room

You know how strange dreams can be when you're not sleeping in your own bed? Well, this one ranks up there with the strangest. But, Fr. Joseph has a very practical application in this "Best Of" Orthodixie podcast.
7/26/200811 minutes, 29 seconds
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Recalculating Our GPS

Is there virtue in being lost? Not exactly. Then again, being found is only worthy when the Finder is the Hound that loves you. Fr. Joseph's sense of direction is a little different (i.e., nonexistent). Truth is, most of the time, he doesn't know where he is.
7/19/200814 minutes, 20 seconds
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Gotta Go To Camp Now

Fr. John Monto joins Fr. Joseph Huneycutt for a week at Camp St Raphael. This week's podcast offers an audio snapshot -- including the soon-to-be-classic "DOWAMA Don't Let Your Campers Grow Up to be Clergy" and the new smash hit, "Gotta Go To Camp Now." Enjoy!
7/14/200816 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hello Jiddo, Hello Yaya

Fr. Joseph is away at Camp St. Raphael -- YaBoy! -- this week. He took his AFR mic with him and promises an interview with Big Foot next week ... that is, if the Mama Eater doesn't get him first. Until then, enjoy this week's rebroadcast! (Oh, and pray for Orthodox campers & staff.)
7/5/200811 minutes, 3 seconds
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Jesus Loves You (But)

Actions speak louder than words. Some words acquire different meanings depending on context. And love, well, love changes everything. But ...
6/28/200811 minutes, 54 seconds
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Bless Your Heart - Smallah, Smallah, Smallah

What do you get when you mix the language and culture of the South with the long and rich heritage of the "Old Country?" Get ready to smile in this encore presentation!
6/21/20087 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ortho-Man & the Riddle of the Psssssst!

In the third and final episode of Ortho-Man, Fr. Joseph is led down a dark hallway by a mysterious stranger who reveals to him the similarities of Underdog, Batman, Pink Panther, Indiana Jones, Buzz Lightyear and ... Ortho-Man.
6/14/200815 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ortho-Man And The Confusion of Tongues

In this week's Ortho-Man sequel, Fr. Joseph can't understand the movie, gets knocked out, smells garlic, dreams of Popeye, quotes St Nicholai of Zica and ponders the mysterious identity of Psssst Man.
6/7/200813 minutes, 27 seconds
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Due to some pretty sweet connections, Fr. Joseph is allowed a peek at the upcoming summer blockbuster, ORTHO-MAN! Is there a role for Acrivia Man? Economia Man? What would an Orthodox superhero wear? Was Popeye Greek Orthodox? Some answers, and some questions begging your help, all in this week's podcast.
5/31/200810 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Ear Bird (The Angel Cried) Gets the Worm

Fr. Joseph tells of his recent visit to a psychiatrist and his annual struggle with The Guess Who.
5/24/200816 minutes, 21 seconds
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Joy Comes in the Mourning (Dove)

Fr. Joseph recounts holding Easter colored chicks... holding a BB gun, his eye on a sparrow... and later, standing outside in the rain wearing a ball cap, oven mitts and holding a napkin-covered lacrosse stick, chanting, "Here birdie, birdie, birdie." Yes, this week's podcast is for the birds.
5/17/200817 minutes, 17 seconds
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“He’s in a better place” ... than Dixie?

Fr. Joseph tackles the subject of "place" -- where we come from and where we're headed.  Your departed mom, your dad, sister, brother or spouse:  they are on that mysterious journey.  It’s only a better place if Love is there … let’s pray that includes all of us.
5/10/200814 minutes, 15 seconds
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Do You Have What It Takes?

Fr. Joseph encounters Bible floppers, hip-hoppers, and mountain toppers in his quest to discover ... What It Takes.
5/3/200813 minutes, 24 seconds
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Past Fast

Fr. Joseph reports on this year’s Lenten Superlative Awards Banquet at St. Kismet in Gethsemane Falls. Last year’s gala saw a total of 13 awards being presented to the best and worst participants in the Great Fast.  This year's big celeb is, ahem, a no brainer!
4/27/200810 minutes, 13 seconds
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Here Comes Peter Cottontail?

So tell us, Father Joseph—just how did the Resurrection of our Lord get mixed up with bunnies, chocolate, and eggs?
4/19/200817 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Funny Thing, Sex

Fr. Joseph's way of saying, "Pardon me while I slip into something a little more... serious."
4/12/200816 minutes, 37 seconds
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Happy ... EIEIO!

Letters have been pouring into the Orthodixie headquarters over the past week, many of them dealing with what can only be said and not written.  You’ve all no doubt heard it, it is pronounced ******** (or EIEIO).  Fr Joseph tries to allay fears [of EIEIO] while assuring us that "this, too, shall pass."
4/5/200813 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Kind of Fool are You?

Fr Joseph quotes Chicago, Kevorkian, Ben Franklin, St Paul and Hallmark in making a case for April Fools.
3/30/200816 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Healing of Yuck

Much like the pains of labor endured by a mother bearing a child, sometimes our journey back to healing is a painful one. And yet, the joy that comes with the new birth is far greater -- inexplicably greater -- than that which our cold heart endured. In the meantime, we must begin where we are.
3/23/200815 minutes, 51 seconds
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Fasters Anonymous ala Gilligan’s Isle

Fr Joseph, struggling toward humility in the first week of the Fast, tells of his first visit to Fasters Anonymous... and their curious theme song.
3/16/200814 minutes, 42 seconds
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Two Miles ‘til Pascha

Fr Joseph reveals one of his Lenten pet peeves: “Do the best you can.” Do the best you can? Now brothers and sisters, that’s a recipe for failure. Heck, sinner that I am, the best I can is what has got me to where I am! We don’t give an inexperienced bunch of players a ball – with no practice whatsoever – and say, “Okay, it’s game time. Do the best you can.” No. We practice and practice and practice. We fall down, get back up; struggle to do better.
3/8/200814 minutes, 59 seconds
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Fasting Songs

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourself, it’s almost that time; time to cue your favorite theme song for the upcoming Lenten Fast! Perhaps the theme song from Star Wars? Or maybe we could sing a fasting song, during this election year, to the tune of "Hail to the Chief?" Then again, there’s always the Beverly Hillbillies ...
3/1/200814 minutes, 23 seconds
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Reality: The First Step Toward Salvation

This week, Fr Joseph gets real: "The thing about Confession is that it is natural. That is, it is Real. Almost everything else we do with our sin is false and unnatural. We punish ourselves, justify our actions, and hide. Yet, in Confession -- in opening ourselves to God the Light -- we expose the hypocrisy of our double life. In truth, we've been living a lie. Without Confession, Absolution, and Reconciliation we live a lie before God and Man as if it were Reality. In reality, no one is fooled -- not our neighbor, not ourselves. And, let's be real, certainly not God."
2/23/200815 minutes, 36 seconds
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Without Love, It’s All Just Peas and Carrots

Miss Jane gets a tongue lashing, Mr. Bodine speaks in tongues. Things go dark as Fr. Joseph interviews Dr. Indadark. In the end, lacking the main ingredient, it's all just peas and carrots. Suffice it to say: Love covers a multitude of podcasts.
2/16/200812 minutes, 35 seconds
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Orthodoxy in Dixie

This week's podcast is taken from the book, "One Flew Over the Onion Dome" – any similarities to your own parish, bishop or jurisdiction is purely intentional. Orthodoxy not available in all states. In your area, it may only be available in a foreign language – in which case, your mileage may vary …
2/9/200815 minutes, 27 seconds
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Your Day, On The Floor….Jelly Side Up

Fr Joseph reviews the rules of life, particularly Murphy's Law and its variants, and and then provides us with a rule we can all live with.
2/2/200857 seconds
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Fr Joseph, with help from Fr Thomas Hopko and Elder Porphyrios, delves into the malady known as Nojoyatall.
1/26/200813 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hello Jiddo, Hello Yaya

No matter what you call your grandparents, go to Church Camp, write home, and beware the Mama Eater.
1/19/200810 minutes, 11 seconds
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My Cup (of Joe) Runneth Over

A brief history of the coffee hour, with some suggestions about how best to use the time as you sip your morning brew!
1/12/200817 minutes
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House Blessing at Mr. Potato Head’s

The Theophany and House Blessings. What happens in the service, in our homes, and in our lives.
1/5/200814 minutes, 9 seconds
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St. Joseph and Mass Appeal

Fr. Joseph discusses his introduction to, and the Church's teaching about, St. Joseph the Betrothed.
12/29/200712 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Skinny

Every year at this time we reflect upon the true meaning of Christmas. Fr. Huneycutt shows us from Holy Scripture and from the Church Fathers that Christmas is all about .... clothing!
12/22/200713 minutes, 37 seconds
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‘Twas the Week Before Nativity

Just a few more days until the Nativity feast. With the fast, the shopping, the are you doin'? Let us prepare? Yes. But regardless of how prepared we are, let us be thankful.
12/15/20078 minutes, 15 seconds
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Baby Jesus by the Chimney

Fr. Joseph sets out on a search for the Baby Jesus.
12/8/200714 minutes, 54 seconds
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Here Comes Santa!

Fr. Joseph talks to us about Santa Claus in his son's—and in his own—imagination.
12/1/200710 minutes, 30 seconds
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Fasting Q&A

Today Fr. Joseph answers the questions sent in by listeners on the subject of fasting.
11/24/200724 minutes, 5 seconds
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Word and Virgin: God in Human Flesh

As we begin the Nativity fast, Fr. Joseph has some helpful reminders for us. He's also looking for your questions on fasting - serious, humorous or otherwise. Write him at his email address above.
11/16/200711 minutes, 29 seconds
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An Empty Church Is A Peaceful Church

Listen to this exclusive "interview" with the author of a new (wink, wink) book on proper church etiquette.
11/9/200711 minutes, 10 seconds
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Daylight Saviour Time

What time is it anyway? As we set our clocks back, Fr. Joseph is reflecting on our obsession with time as a culture and the impact it has on our priorities.
11/3/200715 minutes, 30 seconds
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Bend the Rules

It's called the new commandment and the greatest commandment. It is LOVE. And, sometimes, love must trump the rules as Fr. Joseph explains in this week's podcast.
10/27/200712 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Great Awakening

So, what would it look like if suddenly the country was swept up in the popularity of Orthodoxy. Brace yourself for Fr. Joseph's vision!
10/20/200710 minutes, 43 seconds
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Just Because You’re Ugly Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Sing!

One does not have to sing well by worldly standards nor even be good looking. Yet, one must raise a loving, cheerful, truthful voice to do justice through creation to the Creator, God.
10/12/200712 minutes, 3 seconds
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Defeating Sin

Today we feature an interview with Fr. Joseph about his brand new book - Defeating Sin: Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever
10/6/200718 minutes, 24 seconds
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Developing A Rule of Prayer

What does it mean to have a discipline of prayer? Fr. Joseph helps us understand and introduces a new and helpful resource. If you are interested after listening, contact him at: St. George Orthodox Church 5311 Mercer Houston, TX 77005 Or, write him at the email adress above.
9/29/200712 minutes, 39 seconds
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Help! There’s An Iconostasis In My Living Room!

You know how strange dreams can be when you're not sleeping in your own bed? Well this one ranks up there with the strangest but, as usual, Fr. Joseph has a very practical application.
9/22/200711 minutes, 23 seconds
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Halloween - Druids and Devils, Daughters and Dads and . . . . Dentists?

It is only September, but stores are already displaying their Halloween "goods." What are we to make of this holiday as Orthodox Christians?
9/15/200712 minutes, 5 seconds
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Constantine - He Built This City, But He Didn’t Write The Song

Take a trip in the time machine with Fr. Joseph and travel back to the 4th Century (with a brief musical stop in the 1970s).
9/7/200714 minutes, 44 seconds
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AMERICAN Orthodoxy? I don’t know.

Today, Fr. Joseph is reading his fan mail and coming across some interesting questions!
9/1/20079 minutes, 20 seconds
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Once I Was Black But Now I Am . . . . White?

Be inspired by the phenomenal story of St. Moses the Black: a model for us all no matter the color of our "sin."
8/24/200712 minutes, 39 seconds
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Remembering St. Elvis

Listen as Fr. Joseph takes the long journey from Elvis to Church history. You really can get there from here!
8/18/200711 minutes, 41 seconds
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Fr. Joseph speaks from hot and muggy Houston about the theology of elevators. Going up?
8/10/20077 minutes, 55 seconds
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People For The Ethical Treatment Of . . . . Dragons??

Who knew they were a protected species? Apparently not St. George!
8/4/200711 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Awful Art of Awfulizing

We all have the tendency of turning a small concern into a full-scale worry.
7/28/200710 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Door to Yes World is Now . . . Closed?

Children, parents and grandparents - whatever condition we find ourselves in, God knows and understands.
7/21/200710 minutes, 46 seconds
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When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder

What's in a name? Our names represent our families and we are family through the blood of Christ.
7/14/200710 minutes, 28 seconds
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It was only a dream but the lesson is of supreme importance.
7/6/20078 minutes, 31 seconds
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Here’s Hoping You All Had a Happy Honeymoon!

Honey, Mead, Old Age and John the Baptist. You'll just have to listen to get the connection.
6/30/200711 minutes, 13 seconds
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Bumper Sticker Theology

Honk 40 times if you are Orthodox!
6/23/200711 minutes, 2 seconds
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EVANGELISM: How Many Orthodox Does It Take To Change A Light bulb?

The Great Commission just doesn't apply to us, right?
6/14/200712 minutes, 39 seconds
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Are You Older Than God?

My age is the right age and it increases annually.
6/9/200711 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Phronema

The legend of Subdeacon Andrew and how to obtain an Orthodox mind.
6/1/200711 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hide the Hodag and Pass the Pentecost!

Say what? Listen to this whimsical story about book sales, fake creatures and the birth of The Church.
5/25/200714 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ixnay on XB? With a Shout!

Christ is Risen and He is Ascended! What can we say? Hallelujah!
5/19/20079 minutes, 36 seconds
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Blindman, Bleakidy Blank & Blagoslovi!

If Christ can make eyeballs out of spit and clay, He can take care of you!
5/11/20079 minutes, 22 seconds
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Fool’s Gold and the Filthy Lucre of a Fiver

Fools and their gold are soon parted.
5/5/20076 minutes, 51 seconds
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Bless Your Heart - Smallah, Smallah, Smallah

What do you get when you mix the language and culture of the South with the long and rich heritage of the "Old Country?" Get ready to smile!
4/28/20077 minutes, 31 seconds
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Magnolias, Oaks and Superheroes

The legend of Sunshine Boy and his lesson in humility.
4/21/20077 minutes, 41 seconds
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Men, Ketchup and the Resurrection

You have to listen to get the connection. Hint: Men and Women are just different!
4/14/20076 minutes, 45 seconds
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Shut Up - He is Risen!

Sometimes we can be just too impressed with our own words.
4/7/20075 minutes, 46 seconds
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Pranksters and Paddling

In some cases a good old fashion paddling is in order. Fr. Joseph explains.
3/31/20077 minutes, 10 seconds
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Accents and the Annunciation

Communication can be difficult given our various places of origin but this particular message from the New Testament was unmistakable.
3/25/20076 minutes, 55 seconds
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Lent and Baseball

Fr. Joseph draws from the wisdom of St. Theodore the Studite to help us endure the last half of Great Lent
3/18/20077 minutes, 31 seconds
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Introducing the Orthodixie Podcast

Fr. Joseph Huneycutt is interviewed about his new podcast on Ancient Faith Radio
3/15/20079 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Cross

Why do Christians display a symbol of death?
3/10/20075 minutes, 36 seconds