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NUS Muslim Society Official Podcast Profile

NUS Muslim Society Official Podcast

English, Religion, 2 seasons, 42 episodes, 1 day, 7 hours, 44 minutes
Assalamu'alaikum! Welcome to our official Podcast channel! Look forward to interesting content from the NUSMS Executive Committee, the Adhocs as well as our Ground Up Initiatives. Jazakumullah Kheyr!
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Religion & Rationality: The Logic Of Islam by Ustaz Ahmad Ubaidillah & Brother Kaven Siddique

In the contemporary era of secularism, religion is often misunderstood to be devoid of rationality. This event aims to give both Muslims and non-Muslims a better understanding of how Islam strikes a balance between these concepts.Tune in to learn about the role of both belief and reason in Islam, and get a glimpse into how these are used to justify the existence of God! Time Stamps: Uztaz Ubaidillah’s sharing: 00:03:38 Fundamental Question - How do we understand rationality or intellect within the Islamic Context? 00:07:39 Does this mean that our belief is irrational? (To believe in something we cannot affirm with our senses.) 00:11:49 What is Tafakkur? 00:12:56 The story of Prophet Ibrahim A.S. 00:22:49 Example of imbalance between reason and Revelation Brother Siddique’s sharing 00:29:34 Brother Siddique’s story: converting to Islam 00:33:10 Miracles of the Qur’an: Physics, Astrology and the Big Bang 00:39:13 Is faith simply an emotional preference or a geographical coincidence? 00:42:14 One type of logical evidence: Formal Arguments 00:46:10 Argument from contingency 00:55:34 Panel Sharing 1:45:50 QnA
8/9/20241 hour, 59 minutes, 49 seconds
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Navigating Dunya Through Deen by Ustazah Norsuria Binte Jani & Ustaz Suffiyan Zainal Shah

Balancing faith and career goals can be challenging, but you’re not alone! Our speakers will share insights, address misconceptions, and offer best practices for students and fresh grads. Time Stamps: 00:21 Intro of event 01:06 What is IAS 03:28 Ustazah Norsuria's intro 03:55 Ustaz Suffiyan’s intro 04:50 Intro to Panel Sharing 1: Background & Personal Experiences as a Student/Fresh Grad 06:00 Ustaz Suffiyan’s intro 08:46 Ustazah Norsuria’s intro 12:00 Ustaz Suffiyan’s process to transition from secular to Islamic education 16:58 Ustazah Norsuria navigating workplace challenges as a spina bifida patient with physical challenges and the only Malay Muslim wearing the hijab Sharing 2: Dealing with Uncertainty and Managing Expectations through Faith 21:00 Ustaz Suffiyan’s challenges in his new academic journey at the Islamic University of Madinah 32:29 Ustazah Norsuria’s challenges working in a secular space with colleagues who were not understanding of your faith Sharing 3: Why being in a secular society is not detrimental to practicing our faith 40:35 Ustaz Suffiyan’s shares how compatible practicing Islam in a secular society like Singapore is 47:00 Ustazah Norsuria’s shares how she juggles between personal life, faith, and work Sharing 4: How do we practice good habits and sunnah as a student? 51:15 Ustaz Suffiyan’s tips on navigating life after university while holding on to Islamic principles 58:05 Ustazah Norsuria’s shares more good habits we can practice 01:01:25 Ustaz Suffiyan shares how we can balance taking breaks and continuing with our responsibilities (without losing focus) 01:08:00 Q&A 01:08:55 “How do you strive for success in your career without feeling guilty about chasing the worldly life?” 01:11:21 “How do you manage when you feel like you are not a good enough Muslim (compared to those around you)? And vice versa when you’re religious but your friends aren’t?” 01:16:59 “The profession that I’m in helps to give back to the community, however, it also affects me mentally due to the background of the people I help. How do I overcome this?” 01:24:55 Recitation of Dua to surrender everything to Allah (Surah Ghafir 40:44) 01:25:28 Recitation of Dua Istikhara 01:28:55 “Working in a company that advocates for LGBTQ+ rights and we have events to promote inclusivity and whatnot. Being a Muslim, how do I overcome this?” 01:33:00 Ustazah Norsuria’s one major takeaway from today’s sharing 01:35:20 Ustaz Suffiyyan’s one major takeaway from today’s sharing (recitation of Surah Al Fajr 89:15-16) 01:40:00 Closing
8/9/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 10 seconds
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Taharah Talk: Reflecting the Purity Within by Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman | NUSMS Nisaa'

Reflecting the Purity Within: Taharah and Our Spiritual Well-Being In this episode & session organised by NUSMS' Nisaa', Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman shared with us the significance of cleanliness, which is indeed half of our faith. Listen in as we will delve into the connection between physical Taharah (purity) and our spiritual well-being! Time Stamps 00:00:00 Ustazah's opening remarks & Du'as 00:02:00 What is cleanliness & Taharah? Why is it important for our spirituality? 00:05:34 Ablution & why do we need to perform it? 00:09:53 Concept of menstruation & purification 00:19:51 Why is it important to perform ablution? What is the bigger purpose? 00:37:15 Cleanliness is half of Iman 00:56:06 Summary of Ustazah's sharing 01:00:25 QnA Session
12/17/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Voyage: Qur'an & Familial Relationships by Ustaz Fadhil Azman, Ustazah Amirah Munawwarah & Ustaz Khairul Anwar | NUSMS QTIO

The Voyage: Qur'an & Familial Relationships In this episode & sharing organised by NUSMS' Quran: The Immense Ocean (QTIO), we have 3 esteemed teachers- Ustaz Fadhil Azman, Ustazah Amirah Munawwarah and Ustaz Khairul Anwar, who will share on the role of the Qur’an in guiding us & the ways to develop a harmonious family - a core of the community. Tune in to understand the Qur’anic perspective of familial relationships and relate it to psychological wellbeing, while learning ways to inculcate Qur’an’s teachings in our daily interactions. Time Stamps 00:00:00 Ustaz Fadhil's sharing 00:27:07 Overview of Ustaz's sharing 00:27:36 Ustazah Amirah's sharing 00:44:58 Overview of both Asatizah's sharings 00:45:32 Panel discussion & QnA
12/17/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 37 seconds
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You've Got A Friend in Me by Ustaz Muhammad Mukhtar Bin Habib Mohamed | NUSMS PBUH

You've Got A Friend in Me In this episode by NUSMS' Peace Be Upon Him, we have Ustaz Muhammad Mukhtar Bin Habib Mohamed sharing with us on how to cultivate genuine friendships with noble intentions and treat others with values that emulate Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Tune in to learn more! Time Stamps: 00:00:00 Introductions 00:02:38 Opening & Mawlid recitations 00:29:45 Sharing by Ustaz Muhammad Mukhtar Bin Habib Mohamed 01:10:49 Some takeaways from the sharing 01:14:35 QnA Segment
12/17/20231 hour, 43 minutes, 23 seconds
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Iman Series Part 3: Judgement Day, Destiny and God's Decree by Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman

In the last part of the Iman Series, Judgement Day, Destiny and His Decree, Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman shared with us the wisdoms behind the creation of Judgement Day and its signs and provides us with a deeper understanding of Qada’ and Qadar through meaningful hadiths and Quranic verses. Time Stamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:30 Recap: Elaboration on Hadith Sahih Muslim 8 - “Tell me about faith” 00:04:10 Start of Section 1: Belief in Judgement Day 00:09:40 Terminologies of Judgement Day 00:16:55 Elaboration of Surah Al-A’raf Verse 187 00:20:20 The concept of believing in the Judgement Day 00:25:20 Narration of Rasulullah s.a.w when asked about the Hour 00:26:50 Surahs that talk about the Judgement Day 00:29:30 Elaboration of Surah Al-Anbiya’ Verse 34-35 00:33:10 What does it mean to belief in the Final Day? 00:34:15 An All-Encompassing Belief: Elaboration of Surah Ar-Rum Verse 27 00:35:05 Reality of the Book of Deeds: Surah Al-Isra’ Verse 13-14 00:38:00 A Sound and Just Judgement: Surah Al-Qasas Verse 84 00:39:20 How does it positively impact us if we believe in the Judgement Day? 00:44:35 Start of Section 2: Belief in His Destiny & Decree 00:45:27 Recap: Elaboration on Hadith Sahih Muslim 8 - “Tell me about faith” 00:48:00 Elaboration of Surah Ali-Imran Verse 26: Allah Has the Greatest Authority 00:52:00 Definitions of Qada’ and Qadr 00:58:48 Elaboration of Surah Ar-Ra’d Verse 39: At the end of the day, Allah s.w.t is in control 01:04:30 Duas that were mentioned by Umar ibn al-Khattab, Mujahid and Ibn Salamah 1:15:40 A dua for contentment when He has decreed something for us 1:18:10 Question and Answer Segment 1:33:00 Recitation of Dua Qunut Nazilah
11/19/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 31 seconds
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Iman Series Part 2: The Books and The Prophets, by Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman

In the second part of the Iman Series, The Books and the Prophets, Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman shared with us the purpose of the Books and Prophets, the wisdoms behind believing in them as well as what makes the Quran and the Prophets special, through meaningful hadiths and Quranic verses. Time Stamps: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:30 Recap: Elaboration on Hadith Sahih Muslim 8 - “Tell me about faith” 00:03:50 Start of Section 1: Belief in His Books 00:20:35 All that which has been revealed (The Books and Scriptures that were mentioned in the Quran, Elaboration on Taurat, Zabur, Injil and Suhuf) 00:28:45 The concept of belief in His Books 00:32:20 What the Quran means to us 00:37:50 Positive human developments when we believe in His Books 00:46:48 Start of Section 2: Belief in His Prophets 00:47:08 Recap: Elaboration on Hadith Sahih Muslim 8 - “Tell me about faith” 00:48:05 Elaboration of Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 285 00:58:05 Elaboration of Serah Al-Hajj Verse 52 (Prophets and Messengers) 1:00:45 Why do we need the Messengers of Allah s.w.t? 1:02:35 Elaboration of Al-Ahzab Verse 21 (Uswah Hasanah & Husn Akhlaq) 1:06:45 A dua on seeking clarity that we can practice 1:09:40 Question and Answer: What can I do as a student to make a conscious effort to include the Quran in my daily life? 1:18:20 Recitation of Dua Qunut Nazilah
11/11/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 14 seconds
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Setting the Sail: Qur'an & Self by Ustaz Adi Ho | NUSMS QTIO

In this episode & session organized by NUSMS' Qur'an: The Immense Ocean, Ustaz Adi Ho discussed the significance of the Qur'an in our daily lives and advises us on learning how to develop a deep and personal connection with it. This is through learning the role of the Qur'an, to gain greater perspective towards Qur'an in Islam and finally to develop love, meaning & deeper personal connection with the Qur'an. Tune in to learn more!
10/23/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 16 seconds
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Iman Series Part 1: Allah s.w.t and His Angels, by Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman

In the first part of the Iman Series, Allah s.w.t and His Angels, Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman shared with us the definition of Iman, the ways to strengthen our relationship with Allah s.w.t as well as the wisdoms behind believing in the Angels, through meaningful hadiths and Quranic verses. Time Stamps 00:00:00 Ustazah’s opening remarks and Duas 00:02:50 Introduction to Section 1: What is Iman? 00:05:42 What is Iman: Elaboration on Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 25 00:10:15 Definition of Iman 00:17:40 Hadith (narration) about Rasulullah s.a.w. and the Sahabahs 00:24:17 Elaboration on Hadith Sahih Muslim 8: “Tell me about Faith” 00:26:17 Introduction to Section 2: Belief in Allah s.w.t 00:27:57 Elaboration on Surah Asy-Syura Verse 13 00:31:02 Believing in Allah s.w.t is also the first pillar of Islam 00:33:30 The nature of humankind (Surah Al-‘Alaq Verses 1-5) 00:38:16 The nature of servitude (Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 136-138) 00:41:25 Reciting Dua after waking up and the significance of practising it 00:45:00 Our testification before this life (Surah Al-A’raf Verse 172-173) 00:49:42 Sharing on a book titled “The Major Sins” 00:51:30 Elaboration on Surah Asy-Syura Verse 11: There is none like Allah s.w.t. 00:53:08 The concept of belief in Allah s.w.t. 00:56:57 Ways of reflection on the existence of Allah s.w.t 00:59:25 Mindfulness of Allah s.w.t: Surah Al-Imran Verse 29 1:00:16 Excellence in character through belief in Allah s.w.t 1:03:44 Introduction to Section 3: Belief in His Angels 1:06:22 The reality of Angels: Surah An-Najm Verses 5-6 1:07:20 The reality of Angels: Surah Al-Fussilat Verse 38 1:08:46 Three criteria to belief in His angels 1:09:55 The oath of the believers: Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 285 1:11:17 Story about the Angels and knowledge: Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 30 1:17:36 The angels in relation to affairs of humanity 1:18:20 The positive impacts of belief in His Angels 1:21:04 A Dua/dhikr for firm belief 1:23:05 Question and Answer with Ustazah
10/16/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 48 seconds
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Leadership Experience Sharing by Mr Ahmad Aizat Bin Rahmat

Episode Description: In this session with Mr Aizat from our NUSMS Adhoc-Seccomm Induction, he shared some of his leadership experiences, mistakes & learning points from his years & journey with NUSMS during his term as the President of the 46th NUSMS ExCo & beyond.
10/10/202317 minutes, 34 seconds
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Student Leadership by Prof Walid Jumblatt Abdullah

Episode Description: During this session at our annual Adhoc-Seccomm Induction (ASI), Prof Walid discussed the challenges of being a leader in this day and age. He also shared the aspects that we can work on as individuals, through a handful of advice, to be competent in the way that we carry out our roles in this upcoming AY23/24.
10/10/202327 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ramadhan Sharing with tertiary muslim societies by SS Dr Mufti Nazirudin

Alhamdulillah on the 29th of March 2023, the muslim societies of various tertiary institutions had the privilege of being addressed by our Mufti Sahibus Samahah Dr Nazirudin during our combined Iftarawih (Iftar and Tarawih) event. Mufti spoke about the Qur'an and seeking Allah's acceptance and also weaved in gems of guidance in rising to the challenges presented to us as students and as muslims. Timestamps; 0:00 The blessing of our student days  3:10 The month of Qur’an  4:10 The difference between those who seek Allah’s reward and those who seek Allah’s acceptance  7:25 The most valuable thing in the sight of Allah swt  9:10 Surah An-Najm - The vastness of Allah swt’s forgiveness  11:02 Are we among those who glorify ourselves? 13:01 What does being compassionate mean?  14:30 Nothing escapes Allah’s mercy  18:00 Dealing with faith and modernity  19:55 Can we offer solutions to the problems of today?  20:30 Some of the challenges of today  23:05 Rising to the challenge  24:50 Confidence emerges from knowledge  25:55 Navigating faith and critical thinking in university  27:30 Islam is a religion of thought  28:30 Spirituality as part of the model in complementing faith and science  30:30 The process of offering a solution rooted in faith for masjid goers during the Covid-19 pandemic  37:30 A challenge for all of us 
7/25/202338 minutes, 2 seconds
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Welcoming Wellness by Ustaz Adi Ho | NUSMS Rihlah

During this final session organised by NUSMS Rihlah in Semester 2 titled 'Welcoming Wellness', Ustaz Adi Ho joined us in NUS and provided us with a beautiful and balanced insight to understanding what wellness means to us as muslims and how we can go about attaining it. Timestamps; 00:00 Opening and Introduction  05:10 The beauty of Surah Al-Asr 10:10 How to achieve success against time  15:23 Do we trust Allah swt will forgive us? 25:48 Who should we be serving to achieve success? 35:10 The greatest blessing we have as the ummah of Rasulullah ﷺ  37:48 Tips for those going through difficulty  40:18 The biggest test for you 52:50 Rabbi inni limaa anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer - Meaning and origin of do'a 1:01:20 The love between the Prophet ﷺ and Sayyidatina Khadijah RA  1:06:50 How to istighfar (seek Allah’s forgiveness) before making do’a (supplications and prayers) to Allah swt  1:08:15 Don’t be in a hurry  1:08:32 How many times to do istighfar?  1:11:45 Do’a for blessed sustenance 1:16:55 Laa tathriba ‘alaikumul yaum - The forgiveness of Nabi Yusuf AS  1:19:35 Do we know what’s good for ourselves?  1:20:40 The best way to end our do’as 
7/25/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 12 seconds
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Islamic Theology and the Challenges of our time by Ustaz Anwar Hussain

During this session in Semester 2, Ustaz Anwar Hussain joined us in NUS to share about the subject of Aqidah or Islamic Theology and its importance in guiding us through the challenges of our current time and environment. Timestamps; 0:00 Opening  4:55 The different terms referring to Islamic theology - Kalam, Aqidah etc.  7:41 Understanding the significance of the knowledge of Aqidah 8:45 The parable of the tree  17:47 The world is shrinking  19:20 The fruit of the tree is spirituality  22:32 The definitions of Aqidah  26:49 Evidence in Islamic theology is based on conviction  36:40 What is the syllabus to attain this knowledge?  50:25 The definition of a Sufi and Tasawwuf  57:50 The challenges of our time  59:05 Prophecies of the end of times unfolding  1:01:35 Seeking Islamic knowledge is important now more than ever  1:02:25 Ideologies of today 1:03:10 Extremism is a consequence of weakness in the knowledge of Aqidah  1:05:15 Islam is backward in modern times?  1:07:30 The importance of this knowledge  1:09:28 Q&A  1:12:30 What Imam Shafi’ie said about seeking knowledge while we are young and not waiting for old age  1:17:25 The difference between Iman and Aqidah  1:18:20 The possibility of having knowledge with no Iman  1:21:50 The 2 types of people who will not attain knowledge  1:22:23 Can someone with misunderstandings in theology be a Sufi?  1:24:20 Imam Shafi’ie’s definition of Bid’ah  1:27:00 Closing
7/25/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ruqyah and Protection by Ustaz Ruknuddin Zainor

During another session in Semester 1, Ustaz Ruknuddin Zainor joined us on zoom to share about Ruqyah and Protection as part of our efforts to understand how we can take care ourselves and our family with the proper knowledge of the unseen. Timestamps; 0:00 – Ruqyah (Healing) is mentioned in the Qur’an 8:50 – Forms of Jinn: JinnJa Chicken? 11:13 – Sihr: White vs. Black Magic 21:15 – Ways Sihr is casted 28:55 – ‘Ain and its effects 34:45 – Start of Q&A 35:30 – 6 things to do if inflicted with Sihr 39:50 – Are nightmares and sleep paralysis forms of disturbance? 40:04 – How to avoid giving and receiving ‘Ain 42:13 – Is the ‘third eye’ real? 43:17 – Self Ruqyah vs. seeking help from an Ustaz 44:12 – ‘Was-was’: Mental health issue or Jinn disturbance? 46:47 – What is a Qareen and can it cause me disturbances? 47:40 – 4 doors through which Syaitan can enter you
7/25/202357 minutes, 47 seconds
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Elderly Mental Health Awareness by Dr Nur Farhan Alami Musa

During this session in Semester 1, Dr Nur Farhan joined us on zoom to share about elderly mental health as part of our efforts to understand how we can take care of these important members of our family and our muslim community. Timestamps; 00:00 Opening by Dr Nur 04:03 What does it mean to be a Muslim Doctor? 06:21 Case 1: Patient presenting memory issues 14:27 Case 2: Patient who is depressed 18:27 Case 3: Low Cortisol and sudden forgetfulness 21:00 Case 4: Patient with Dementia 25:17 Case 5: Dementia Patient who kept climbing trees  27:33 Case 6: Stressful situations may uncover early signs of dementia   29:18 Case 7: Repetitive conversations may not be due of dementia  32:00 Case 8: Caregiver feared that excessive milk consumption by elder was causing dementia 33:47 Is it normal for old people to be sad is it a good enough reason for medication? 35:28 Book Recommendations! 36:55 Situations where sending elders to a nursing home is better than neglect 39:00 Q&A 39:30 Q: How do we understanding patients who dislike medication? 41:16 Q: Perceived supernatural disturbances that are actually caused by medical problems? 43:20 Q: What can we do to help the elderly community in Singapore? 44:50 Q: How do we prevent mild cognitive impairment from progressing into dementia?
7/25/202352 minutes, 8 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 18 | Eid in the Community

Syawal has come and gone, but Eid is a day we always keep close to our hearts 🤍 Learn more about what Eid is, and how Muslims from different cultures celebrate it in our Raya-themed episode. From greetings to food to traditions, we welcome you to appreciate the diversity in Islam while still finding the connections in celebrating Eid. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors.  We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
5/30/202334 minutes, 25 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 17 | Ramadan in the Community

Listen in as we explore how Ramadan is a month for Rahmah, and the importance of giving back to the community. We even have a handy list of activities for you to take up to contribute to the community, so stay tuned… 🌙 The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors.  We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
4/7/202314 minutes, 11 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 16 | Rekindling Family Ties

Do you know of people that do not have a good relationship with their family? And how common is it in this generation? 🏠 In this episode, we examine degeneration in family ties in today’s society, the importance of ‘family’ in Islam, and what we can do to improve these bonds. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors.  We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
3/25/202326 minutes
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Context Lens Episode 15 | Loss and Grief - Dealing with Death

Our Family episodes strive to help increase our excellence through providing actions and tips when it comes to leading and being with our families. Follow along for a meaningful series where we explore themes which will help us in our journey to grow and improve on ourselves 🤍 The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors.  We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
3/18/202325 minutes, 33 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 14 | If Not Now, Then When?

As the last part of our Halal Dating mini-series, we bring you our last ‘Individual’ episode: If Not Now, Then When? Have you been feeling pressured to find a partner? Wondering about some principles to keep in mind when meeting new people? Uztaz Ma’az Sallim shares his answers to these & some additional advice in our latest episode. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors. We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
3/12/202317 minutes, 57 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 13 | Swiping for the One?

In the second part of our Halal Dating mini-series, we have a conversation about… dating applications! The modern dating world has brought on many changes to the very concept of “dating” and are halal dating apps really halal? We continue our conversation with Uztazah Syariati in our latest episode. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors. We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
3/10/202320 minutes, 9 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 12 | Halal Dating: An Oxymoron?

In the first part of our Halal Dating mini-series, we look at important definitions of the Islamic view of “dating”. How is dating defined in our current world? Is dating allowed? What is ta’aruf? These are some of the questions we sat down with Uztazah Syariati to discuss in our latest episode. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors. We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
3/9/202339 minutes, 6 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 11 | Am I A Good Enough Muslim?

We have all been there - consumed by doubts and feelings in times of hardship. What defines an ideal Muslim? And how do we emulate such a person? It is time to set aside a few moments to validate this inner conflict and have a discussion. This episode, the team discusses turning to Him for guidance, and what we have found along the way. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors. We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
2/10/202323 minutes, 6 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 10 | “Beauty”: A (Re)Definition

Kicking things off with a lens on ourselves, we start the first episode of our “Individual” series on redefining the concept of beauty through cultivating good habits and seeking positive influence on our lives  We highlight the importance of and ways to focus on our inner beauty and deen, and discuss identifying a “friend or foe” reflected by those around us. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors. We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
2/3/202322 minutes, 17 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 9 | Lens Get Started!

Context Lens is back this AY22/23 with a new team & direction for our content! If you’re a new listener wondering who we are, or if you’re a familiar face curious about what’s next, look no further. In this first episode of the year, the team shares our intentions and directions for the episodes up ahead. We also mention a little sneak peek at the kind of content we’ll be delving into - so stay tuned 🎧 The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors. We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
1/25/20239 minutes, 21 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 6 | Self-Love: There’s more than meets the ‘I’

Assalamualaikum everyone! Join us in this episode where Afiqah, Nabila and Huda unpack the question 'Is there more to self-love?'. Raising their own personal takes and building on the pointers shared during our very first Focus Group Discussion, take a deep dive into this concept with us and rediscover its meaning and greater purpose. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, and corrections of errors. We welcome you to participate in this conversation and we would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected] anytime.
12/18/202122 minutes, 18 seconds
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Project Link Episode 3 | Cancer in Older Persons

“I’m so old already. Can I still get cancer treatment?” “I’m too young to get cancer.” In this episode, we sit down with Dr Nydia Camelia, a geriatrician, practising at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, with a special interest in cancer. Tune in to this episode to know more as we debunk misconceptions about cancer in older persons! Here is the link to the website mentioned in our podcast:
6/6/202141 minutes, 45 seconds
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Context Lens Episode 4 | Our Last Straw

Welcome back to Context Lens! In this episode, follow Nasrul, Afiqah, and our special guest, Syazana, as they navigate environmental sustainability and the role that Muslims play in being vicegerents or "khalifah" on this earth. The Context Lens podcast represents the personal opinions and experiences of the Context Lens team and guests to the podcast. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are the speakers’ and are not representative of NUS Muslim Society. While we strive to ensure that the information shared is accurate to the best of our ability, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or corrections of errors. We welcome you in this conversation and would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed too! Feel free to leave us a DM on Instagram @contextlens.mp3 or drop us an email at [email protected]
4/12/202129 minutes, 19 seconds
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Project Link 2021: Episode 2 | Elderly Living Alone

This podcast will share with its listeners more about the plight of elderly living and coping alone and to raise awareness on what they could do to help out.
3/1/202134 minutes, 46 seconds
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Peace Be Upon Him 1442H: Forging a heart that beats for the Beloved ﷺ

In the second and final episode of Let Love Blossom, we go into the issues raised by the public which includes: love of the dunya, social media, the state of our heart and being, our environment and social circles, and needing to reignite the love for the Prophet ﷺ.
2/18/202138 minutes, 20 seconds
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Peace Be Upon Him 1442H: How do you love a man ﷺ you have never met?

In the first episode of Let Love Blossom, we go into the various ways of loving a man ﷺ we have never met through several real-life analogies that we may already engage in, and learning how to apply them to loving the Prophet ﷺ. The guest speaker for our podcast series is Ustaz Fizar Zainal, the current founder and owner of The Mutual Good Pte Ltd. He is accompanied by our Senior Advisor, Shauqat, and our Programmes Head, Danish.
2/17/202134 minutes, 42 seconds
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Project Link 2021: Episode 1 | Physically Disabled Elderly

Ms Yong Limin, Head of Allied Health at Methodist Welfare Services, shares with us her experiences being a physiotherapist for the elderly for 20 years and how we as youths could help out the disabled elderly.
2/8/202125 minutes, 22 seconds
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Project Link 2020: Understanding the Elderly

In this episode, we hope to gain a deeper insight into how the elderly are viewed in Islam. This episode will entail the religious perspective towards the elderly and how we, as individuals acquire a religious responsibility in relation to the well-being of the elderly in our households and beyond. Our guest speaker, Ustaz Muhammad Fadhullah Daud is the Senior Executive Officer at the education division at Darul Arqam Singapore. He spent 12 years of his studies at Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah. He later furthered his studies on Islamic Jurisprudence at Al-Azhar University for 4 years and graduated in 2010.
5/20/202057 minutes, 19 seconds
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Project Link 2020: Caring for Elderly

In this episode, we discuss about health issues facing the elderly, and how we as caregivers can provide them with better care. This includes maintaining both physical and mental health, by keeping the mind active as well as changing diet and physical habits. Our special guest is Adj Assoc Prof Lim Si Ching, senior consultant of Changi General Hospital. She specializes in Geriatric Medicine and Dementia, and teaches at NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Duke NUS.
5/1/202042 minutes, 46 seconds
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Project Link 2020: Connect with the Elderly

In this episode, we talk about the social issue facing the elderly in Singapore, including ageing well in Singapore, mental health issues, age discrimination in the workplace and much more. The special guest for this episode is Professor Premchand Dommaraju, an NTU Associate Professor in Sociology who researches on aging and gerontology. Project Link Projects Director, Faizudeen, and Programs Head, Amjad, also joins us for this discussion.
5/1/202056 minutes, 6 seconds