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Norse myth & sagas with Sigrdrifa

English, Religion, 1 season, 11 episodes, 5 hours, 5 minutes
The Vala was thereNorse myth & sagas with SigrdrifaI explore various subjects in Norse mythology.I speak about the role that a godess, giantess or Valkyries played in Norse society when it comes to initiating kings or warriors. I exploring the purpose of initiations called ”sacred marriage” and the esoterica behind  ”finding a spirit spouse”. The great psychologist Carl Jung have greatly contributed to our understanding of the unconscious influence of the archetypes, I speak about this as well as the process of how we become more self-aware, and how we integrate the shadow self of our psyche. ....and much more
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Gulveig & Gullentanne " The gods of pure fire"

Gullveig - "The Bringer of Ecstasy… "The immortal sorcery Völva", "The goddess of Sejd" Her name is “Golden Drink”, “Golden Intoxication”, all “ Gold-Power.”The Aesir speared Gullveig with a she was burned thrice in Hárr's hall She arose every time… symbolically she defied the agony of death times three.. Gullentanne - "The god of fire", ”The protector against the wind on the sea” as your name is Vindlér, Gullentanne 'the one with golden teeth’Heimdall ”the Glory to the world”, You guard the Bifrost bridge located on the outskirts of Asgård and You monitor the whole world from there. You will sound your horn to alarm of the fullness of timewhen ”The twilight of the gods” and their destiny is at hand. Only the Vulva knows where your Gjallarhorn is hidden at the roots of the worldtree.
2/15/202215 minutes, 4 seconds
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(Hyperborean) WINTER SOLSTICE 2021We are painfully reminded..that we are prisoners of an ancient legend… we shall die by and for this legend"... This natural world of wonder is now under siege… The system of technocracy is in effect brining our world to slavery.. and master control as we have never seen before… ..and we aslo know that the onslaught and fierce intensity in this cosmic war on the races shall intensify..Our race believes in Hyperborean magic, it is the Order of Odin-Wotan. Made by SIGRDRIFA PODCAST 2021. Inspired by the Mestro Miguel Serrano "Hail to our Sun this day lighting our path on the way we are going home no more being alone rising each day a newjoy in the mourning due Hail to our Sun this day Hail to our Sun Hail to winter solstice 2021" Franz Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (Orchestra version)
12/20/202114 minutes, 39 seconds
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Crucified on the Tree of Terror

Welcome to another episode of the podcast Sigrdrifa. The title is ”Crucified under the Tree of Terror”…You probably guessed it right….it is about the sacrifices of Odin, the recovered magical Runes, the Path of the Warrior Hero back to His Homeland, about Kalis destructive power in the end of Kali-Yuga; Her name means "the fullness of time"...and much more. Enjoy!
4/29/202134 minutes, 48 seconds
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Freja's golden tears of Amber

FREJA’s GOLDEN TEARS of AMBERGullveig (the golden way) is ”the bright and clear” Vanadis Freja with a valuable ”golden necklace” and two beautiful daughters ”the golden twins” with names ”the treasures & gems”. Freja cries ”red golden tears of amber” as she went looking all over the world for her beloved and lost Od. But where can we find a connection with Od, also called ”the furious with ecstasy”?Sigrdrifa will explore on the mystery about Od.
2/9/202128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Winter Solstice & Yule greetings 2020

Winter Solstice & Yule greetings from the podcast SigrdrifaDecember 21, 2020, at 16:59 we enter the Yule season when the axis of earth is the further away from the sun.At the ”the longest and darkest night of the year” we get served ”the mead of wisdom”.
12/21/202020 minutes
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The magical rune row Utharken

This presentation is about the magical rune row Utharken.There was an author and poet born in Värmland , Sweden, in 1881, worked in Lund and died there in 1937 by the name Sigurd Agrell. He is perhaps best known for his runological work and theories. He presented the ”Uthark theor”, therefor the old Utharken is better known as ”the magical rune row”.He focuses on rune magic and gematria. He was well-versed in Roman and Greek mythology and had excellent knowledge about the Indo-European mythologies as well as Norse mythology. The book ”Lapptrummor och Runmagi" is one of the books that Sigurd Agrell wrote about rune magic and I take information from that book when I briefly try to describe the 24 runes in the magic rune row Utharken, it’s about the symbol, the numerical and the sound value plus its connection with Norse and Indo-European mythologies.
10/14/202045 minutes, 44 seconds
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”Sky gods, Creation gods and the Noble warrior”

The most known skygod in Norse myth is Heimdall, even though Tor and Tyr also are candidates.I will venture to say there is yet another skygod, forgotten from a time when our forefathers viewed the sky differently. I will explore on this.I will also bring focus the three creation gods; Oden, Höner and Lodur. We know about Oden but who is Höner and Lodur?And talk about the awakening process of ”the noble warrior” the Aristos; (the warrior cast connected to the remnant blood of the ancient Indo European people).
8/29/202034 minutes, 11 seconds
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Maiden mythology in Norse society

The title of my talk is ”Maiden mythology in Norse society” I’m speaking about the role that a godess, giantess or Valkyries played in Norse society when it comes to initiating kings or warriors. I’m exploring the purpose of initiations called ”sacred marriage” and the esoterica behind  ”finding a spirit spouse”. The great psychologist Carl Jung have greatly contributed to our understanding of the unconscious influence of the archetypes, I’m speaking about this as well as the process of how we become more self-aware, and how we integrate the shadow self of our psyche. The knowledge about this process could aid the Aristos in the adventure of forming ”nobility of character”.I’m mentioning the greatest archeological findings in Scandinavia since Viking age as well as a historical event from the last pagan temple of Uppsala. Lastley I’m speaking about the halls of initiation, Valhöll and Folkäng and Norse divination “art of Sejdr and Galdr” and the mediators of the ceremonies; the Gydjas, the Völvas, the Valas.
7/9/202055 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sol-Vagnen - Our ancestors were sun worshipers

Our ancestors were sun worshipers. The Sol- vagnen is perhaps the finest example of a Scandinavian Bronze Age religion.It also provides insight into the timing of the domestication of the horse in Scandinavia. Another important symbol in the north is the sun cross also called ”the wheel of the year” ”årshjulet”. Its a cross with a circle around it. It represent the four cosmic turning points ; vinter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice and the fall equinox. We have never let go of our heathen traditions. All the way back from the Nordic Bonze age we’ve been honouring and worshiping the life giving sun. In such a times as this when our trust for governmental rule and leaders are virtually erased, we are (through our blood memory) being reminded of our ancestors respect, dependency and awe of our land, gods and cosmos. we shall worship our life giving sun and give credence to our pantheon of gods we shall be taught that of the old ways. Again shall we awaken the Indo -European soul, with a new vision to guard our own traditions, culture and blood.
6/4/202016 minutes, 44 seconds
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"The golden age and the mead of poetry"

In norse mythology there was a time that was called the ”golden age” where ”peace and wisdom” ruled the land this time is known as Frodafridr.It was also the time when Kvasir, ”the personification of infinite wisdom and knowledge " created by the gods moved freely through the worlds.I will also speak about the Aesir-Vanir war and what started it and what happened to the precious mead of poetry hidden in the underworld by the lady of wisdom.
5/19/202017 minutes, 18 seconds
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Norse Creation Story

I'll speak of the creation story in Norse myth and the nine worlds around the ”the great measuring tree Yggdrasil". Where the hot and fire realm of Muspelheim melt the icy cold and misty realm of Nifelheim and creates the Ur-giant Jotun Ymer. And out of this giant the first humans, Ask and Embla where created.
5/15/202023 minutes, 12 seconds