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Moonlight Mile from

English, Rock, 1 season, 13 episodes
Each week we pick a theme and play songs based around that theme.  A mix of classic and current artists with some spoken word thrown in for good measure.
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Episode 15 - Thank You

Giving thanks to everyone for listening
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Episode 14 - Cover To Cover #2 - The Beatles

In celebration of the incredible 50th-anniversary edition of The White Album, we are bringing back Cover to Cover for The Fab Four.
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Episode 13 - Fall Back

An array of songs for the Autumn Breeze, including some user-submitted emotional favorites
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Episode 12 - Dollar Dollar Bills

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through…
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Episode 11 - Feminine Perspective

Letting the women do the talking (or singing) this week
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Episode 10 - Keep On Running

Running wild, running for cover, running for office.  We're putting one foot in front of the other this week.
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Episode 9 - Welcome To The Working Week

I was looking for a job and then I found a job and heaven knows I'm miserable now
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Episode 8 - Balanced BreakFEST 2018

We are previewing some of the amazing artists performing as a part of the upcoming Balanced BreakFEST 2018.  Be sure to check out Swamp Child, Sit…
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Episode 7 - Eyes For You

This week we're looking into the window of the soul
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Episode 6 - Cover to Cover (Bob Dylan)

We're exploring interpretations of a songwriting master this week.
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Episode 4 - Drinking

Knock back a cold one with me this week on Moonlight Mile Radio
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Episode 2 - The City

Back with episode 2, we explore all things urban, hop on the subway and join me for a ride through the city.
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Episode 1 - Beginnings

The beginning! We're gonna have a new start, a new beginning, we need a change, it can't wait. The time has come - Moonlight Mile radio.