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Marvelous with Kirsten Tyrrel Profile

Marvelous with Kirsten Tyrrel

English, Personal/Lifestyle/Family, 1 season, 158 episodes, 2 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes
The Marvelous Moms Club is one of inclusion and connection. This is a space where you'll be not only allowed, but encouraged to dream big dreams, imagine the very best future for yourself and your family, and do so without perfection or criticism. We're throwing away expectations- from ourselves, from society and from all the influences that can hold back the raw authenticity that makes us truly marvelous. We are lifting up our children and the women within the reach of our influence- to be thought leaders, brave souls and colorful personalities to enhance the lives of everyone around us. Through honest reflection, purposeful action and crazy amounts of ambition and LOVE we are embracing the gift and glory of motherhood, by showing every woman in the human race- that she is marvelous beyond measure!
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Introducing She Builds Online: The podcast for female business owners ready to level-up

 Hey, it's Kirsten and welcome to the power packed world of She Builds Online. This isn't your typical podcast. It's your ticket to a transformative journey where we break the rules and redefine success. Join me in candid conversations and untold stories that go beyond the business buzz. We're not just about making it, we're about making every part of your life extraordinary. And I'm not your average host either. I'm an entrepreneur who's been in the trenches and I'm ready to have the real conversations that need to happen for us to truly understand what it means to be successful. In each episode, we're diving into the highs, the lows, and those pivotal moments that propel us forward.  Success isn't one size fits all, and neither is this podcast, so get ready for insights from game changers across diverse industries. I'm bringing you a toolkit of marketing and sales wisdom, practical advice, and insider tips to amplify your business in every single way.  But hold up, because this isn't just about business. It's about injecting inspiration and mindset magic into your everyday life. I'm not just here to help you reach your dreams. I'm here to shake up the dream itself and help you redefine what it means to be successful. So buckle up and get ready to transform your life and business from the inside out.  Subscribe to She Builds Online now where we're rewriting the rules one episode at a time
2/23/20241 minute, 13 seconds
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She Builds a Toy Testing Business with Mel Craig

I had the most fun conversation with Mel from Toy Testing sisters learning all about she and her sister Mandy have built a successful affiliate brand online!  Mel shares how they started by posting about toys they genuinely liked and soon attracted a loyal following. While the dream was to grow a   Balancing their roles as mothers and sisters, they were able to establish paid partnerships with companies and they also embedded affiliate links to earn from the toys they suggested.  With over 200k followers, they are still learning how to further improve and expand using other social media platforms, and while Mel expressed that she feels they are still newbie beginners, you can see clearly they have put in the work and effort to build a massive empire!  They're looking forward at conquering TikTok, YouTube and expanding the people they can connect with over their love of toys!  We also geek out over Manychat and it's massive potential to help you connect and grow on Instagram using authentic automation.    Here's what we cover on today's episode:    -The Journey from Zero to 200k Followers -Overcoming the Fear of Starting from Scratch -The Importance of Authenticity and Passion -The Business Model of Toy Testing Sisters -The Power of Affiliate Marketing and Brand Partnerships -The Challenges and Rewards of Scaling -Discovering Many Chat: A Game Changer -The Power of Engagement and Automation -Branching Out to Other Platforms -Exploring Amazon Onsite Commissions -The Power of Partnership and Work Ethic -Advice for Aspiring Content Creators   Follow the Toy Testing Sisters over on Instagram HERE!  Grab their Toy Guides HERE!    Ready to level up YOUR online business?   Join the FREE Five Day Manifesting Challenge to start making small shifts towards your big dreams! 
2/21/202437 minutes, 13 seconds
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She Does Something New: Facing My Fears In the Cold

I am beyond excited to spill the beans on this latest podcast episode! Picture this: me, hitting the slopes for the first time, trying my hand at skiing, and diving headfirst into a world of adventure. But hold on tight because this experience isn't just about flexing bravery muscles – it's a game-changer, a shift in identity that defies the limits I set for myself. Get ready for a deep dive into my journey, where I share how embracing bold choices has transformed my life. It's not just a podcast episode; it's an invitation for you to shake off those autopilot habits. I'm here to show you how making intentional decisions in the now can reshape your identity and align you with the person you aspire to be. Oh, and the excitement doesn't stop there! Drumroll, please... I'm thrilled to announce that I'm opening up coaching spots. If you're itching for a guide on making those epic identity shifts in your own life, you're in the right place. Let's kick autopilot to the curb and start living intentionally! Can't wait to connect with you all. Cheers to embracing the adventure! 🚀 Book a coaching call with me HERE! 
2/14/202427 minutes, 38 seconds
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She Builds a Successful Interior Design Business with Sam Cram

In this captivating podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing the accomplished interior designer, Sam Cram. We delved into her inspiring journey of kickstarting her own business and attaining remarkable success, all at a young age.  Throughout our conversation, Sam generously shared insights on strategies like maximizing social media, crafting a strong online presence, and leveraging professional networks – invaluable advice for fellow entrepreneurs like myself. We also explored the power of manifesting goals and the significance of having a crystal-clear vision of success. Sam painted a vivid picture by recounting personal stories, from manifesting her dream house and car to discussing the nitty-gritty details of scaling her business while maintaining unwavering consistency. T he episode is a treasure trove of both motivational and practical wisdom for anyone navigating the entrepreneurial journey. Follow Sam over on Instagram HERE!  Let's chat about your biz... my dm's are always open!  Click HERE to connect with me! 
2/7/202438 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hustle vs. Manifesting: Which One Works BEST?

If you want to be successful, what is most important? Shifting your mindset and focusing on manifesting? Or working hard to earn your dream life?  On this episode I'm exploring the balance between energy and reality and how to navigate the world of manifesting, when you're conditioned to work hard and pay your dues.  If you've been hustling hard and feel like your dreams are no closer than when you began, OR if you have been focusing intensely on positive thoughts to no avail...this episode will clarify how you can strike the perfect balance between both the "woo-woo" and the work!  Did this episode challenge your reality? What aha moments did it give you? Tell me what you think over on the gram! Follow me HERE!  Want to start a podcast that makes massive impact?  Grab my free Podcast Prep e-course HERE!   
1/31/202420 minutes, 32 seconds
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Choosing Authenticity and Building a Million Dollar Life with Aubrey Grossen

Aubrey Grossen joins me on the podcast today and shares her personal journey of fostering authenticity in her online business. She encourages the stance of 'being a full you' rather than fitting into a specific niche or mimicking what other successful influencers are doing. We talked about the powerful shift that occurs when one aligns their actions with their underlying beliefs, and the central role God plays in Aubrey's business journey. We talk about the different seasons in business – the times to push hard, build, and flourish, and the times to pull back and honor family life. Right now, Aubrey's in a season of rest, and she emphasizes the importance of showing up fully as a mother. It's a reminder we all need. Aubrey drops some truth bombs about success being relative. It's not just about the professional achievements; it's about finding contentment in the present. Life and relationships take the front seat, and she urges us to assign a higher intrinsic value to those moments. Trust me, you don't want to miss this candid and insightful conversation. Aubrey Grossen brings a refreshing perspective to the table, and I can't wait for you to soak in the wisdom she shares.  Join in on the conversation on Instagram!  Automate and amplify your sales with a powerful online quiz: Grab the QUIZ PLAYBOOK HERE!   
1/24/202451 minutes, 43 seconds
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From Fear to Confidence: How Podcasting Changed My Life

On today's episode I take a deep dive into my personal journey of starting a podcast and the incredible transformation it brought into my life. From battling imposter syndrome to finding my unique voice, I share the raw emotions and challenges I faced along the way. I open up about my initial fears and doubts, recounting the moment when I sat down in front of the microphone and froze with uncertainty. Thankfully, I tapped into my secret weapon  —an alter ego named Vera—who helped me overcome my fears and dive headfirst into the world of podcasting. While podcasting opened doors to financial benefits and professional growth, it was the internal transformation that truly took me by surprise. The confidence built through overcoming challenges and consistently showing up for the podcast inspired me to push past my limits and believe in my ability to accomplish difficult tasks. If you, too, have considered starting a podcast, I encourage you to seize the opportunity. Through intentional research, an acceptance of imperfection, and the courage to start, you can find your own unique voice and share your stories with the world. It's a journey that holds immeasurable personal growth and the power to transform both your life and the lives of your audience. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your podcasting game, I offer tools and resources to support you on your journey. From my podcast prep e-course to the upcoming podcast membership, I'm dedicated to guiding you through every step of launching a powerful and impactful podcast. Check out the podcast prep e-course here: Grab the Quiz Playbook here:    
1/10/202419 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 318: The Power of Being: Transforming Your Mindset for Success in 2024

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of "She Builds Online." As we step into the new year, I've been doing a lot of reflection, and I want to share these insights with you in this episode. Looking back at the past year, it's been a whirlwind of accomplishments, growth, and valuable lessons. I've celebrated some big wins, and yes, faced a few challenges too. But each step has been a part of this incredible journey. I've learned that celebrating our achievements is just as important as learning from our mistakes. It's all about growth, right? As we look forward to 2024, I want to talk about setting specific, actionable goals. I know setting goals can sometimes feel daunting, especially if we've faced disappointments in the past. But I've realized that keeping our ambitions vague because we're afraid of failing isn't the answer. We need to set clear, defined goals and trace our progress towards them. One thing I've come to understand is that success isn't just the result of hard work. It's also about accepting and recognizing our inherent value and worth. That's why I encourage you to start seeing yourself as the successful person you aim to be. Imagine you're already there, and let this vision guide your actions and expectations. It's not just about what we do; it's about how we see ourselves and our potential. Before we dive into goal-setting, it's crucial to become centered and truly know who we are and who we aim to become. This understanding forms the foundation of our ambitions and aspirations. It's not just about setting targets; it's about aligning them with our true selves. I'm also thrilled to announce that we've rebranded the podcast to 'She Builds Online.' This change reflects our evolving journey together. This year, I'm committed to bringing you weekly episodes featuring incredible female entrepreneurs who will share their stories, inspire you, and offer strategic tips to help you grow your business online. So, let's embrace 2024 with open arms, ready to set goals, achieve success, and celebrate every milestone along the way. Together, we're building more than just businesses; we're building dreams, lifestyles, and legacies. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Here's to a year of growth, success, and building our futures, one step at a time!   GRAB THE FREE PODCAST PREP E-COURSE HERE: PODCAST PREP E-COURSE Share this episode on social and let's get social on Instagram and TikTok! Tune in to episode 308: The Secret of Success: The Method for Creating Massive Wealth+Success in Your Business
1/6/202419 minutes, 59 seconds
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Starting The New Year With Goodbye!

Today's episode is the last one you'll see on this show (for a while). After spending eight years podcasting I have discovered there's truly a formula for a successful show that will either hit the top charts and bring you the leads and sales you've dreamt of, or be a total time suck. Tune in to hear how I'll be helping budding podcasters start or scale their shows in 2024, and why it means I'll be saying goodbye to this show for a while!  Tune in to my new show: She Builds Online where I'll be sharing the entire journey and helping you tap into podcasting power.  Grab my free Podcast Prep e-course before it's gone here:    
1/3/202416 minutes, 53 seconds
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Gear Up for Growth: Building Momentum as the Year Ends

In this episode, we delve into ending the year with purpose and setting ourselves up for success in 2024. It's a mix of reflection, strategy, and personal insights. I introduce a helpful resource, the 'Business Reboot', to aid in this reflective journey. The episode centers on the importance of honest self-evaluation and strategic planning, sharing my own experiences in shifting from survival mode to intentional growth. There's a focus on building a solid foundation and the necessity of keeping consistent in our efforts. The episode wraps up with encouragement to maintain momentum and prepare for a fruitful new year, offering practical advice for entrepreneurs looking to grow and succeed. The key takeaway? How to end the year strong and begin the next one with a clear, empowered vision. Ready to reboot your business for growth in 2024? Get the free reboot training here:    
11/22/202318 minutes, 18 seconds
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Unlocking Financial Freedom: How to Thrive as a Virtual Assistant from Home with Jade Elsberry

Dive into this insightful episode where we explore the empowering journey of Jade, a virtual assistant who transformed her career and life. From overcoming financial struggles and the challenges of motherhood to mastering the art of virtual assistance, Jade's story is a beacon of inspiration for anyone aspiring to achieve financial freedom and flexibility. Discover the secrets of becoming a successful VA, the importance of personal branding, and the art of balancing work with personal life. Whether you're considering a career as a VA or looking to scale your existing business, this episode is packed with valuable lessons and actionable advice. 🌟 Special Offer: Don't miss our exclusive Quiz Playbook, designed to help you attract more quality leads and automate your sales process effectively. Learn how to leverage the power of quizzes for your business growth. Click the link below to access the Quiz Playbook and start transforming your marketing strategy today! 
11/16/202332 minutes, 20 seconds
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From Comfort Zone to Global Trailblazer with Tara Williams

Join Kirsten as she dives into a riveting conversation with Tara, a four-time guest whose entrepreneurial journey embodies the true essence of financial freedom and personal evolution. This episode unfolds the remarkable story of how Tara transformed her life from the constraints of the corporate world to the liberating adventures of world travel, all while nurturing a flourishing business. Get inspired by the candid discussions around stepping out of comfort zones, embracing cultural diversity for business innovation, and the intentional steps towards achieving the dream of financial independence. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or just starting out, Tara’s insights offer valuable lessons on living life with purpose and passion. Tune in to discover how to shape your own entrepreneurial path towards success and fulfillment.   Want to grow your business with interactive marketing? Snag the quiz playbook here: Want to learn more about Millionaire University and start building your own million dollar business? Check out all the goodies:  Millionaire University
11/8/202359 minutes, 4 seconds
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Mastering Motherhood & Business: A Guide to Managing Mental Load

In this episode, we take a hard look at the mental load that comes with being a mom entrepreneur. It's a real talk about the unexpected twists of daily life, like surprise bunnies, and how these moments can shed light on our capacity to manage and even thrive amidst chaos. We'll discuss the challenges of balancing the intense demands of parenting and business, and how to navigate the pressures without losing ourselves to overwhelm. If you're a mom trying to run a business and feeling the weight of it all, tune in for some practical insights and strategies to help lighten the load. Looking for ways to automate your business so you can spend more time with your family? Check out the Quiz playbook here:   
11/2/202321 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 314: From Springs to Success with Jorja Leavitt

Jorja Leavitt joins me on the podcast today, sharing her journey from flipping one mattress online, to a now thriving empire with over 1,400 resellers! Jorja has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and a sharp eye for opportunity. She brings a fresh perspective on motherhood and entrepreneurship, and shares the challenges and wins she has experienced. In this episode:  How Jorja identified a specific problem and turned it into a multi-million dollar company. How long it took Jorja to take a paycheck from her start-up, and what every new entrepreneur needs to know. The truth about balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship and how Jorja navigates reality. The game of business and how Jorja approaches it. Casting a large shadow and empowering your children to build their own lives. The importance of relationships in business ownership. Navigating jealousy of non-entrepreneurial moms. ....and SO much more! Want to grow your online business with interactive marketing? Snag the quiz playbook here: Share this episode on social and let's get social on Instagram and TikTok!
10/18/20231 minute, 5 seconds
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Honoring Our Personal Evolutions: How Every Struggle Shapes Us

In this heartfelt episode, I dive deep into the power of introspection, sharing my own journey of self-discovery and growth. Reflecting on my past struggles, moments of doubt, and personal victories, I emphasize the profound value of every experience, both good and bad. I challenge you, the listener, to re-define your own metrics of success and urge you to recognize and express gratitude to your past selves for paving the way to where you are now. Whether you're a business owner, a mother, or someone seeking a deeper understanding of personal growth, this episode is my personal testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the beauty of life's journey. Ready to use your powerful voice and story to start your own podcast? Grab my free podcast prep e-course here: Follow me on TikTok for more inspirational content:   
10/11/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Rise of a Rockstar with Emm

Emm is a real life Rockstar living in Los Angeles, singing her way to the top. She has been an inspiration to me as I watch the unfolding of her career. She is one of the most authentic and fascinating people I've met on the internet. I knew I needed to share her story and journey with all of its hustle, prayer and magic.  "I think every person has a right to be provided for as God's child. So I was like, you know what? I think God's going to take care of me. And I'm just going to speak that over myself until I believe that it's true because my faith is weak in this area. And I was just speaking that constantly. Twenty-four- seven, all the way to work. When I went to the bathroom at work, when people left the room at work, like all the time, I was speaking out loud and all the way home." Check out Emm's inspiring content and music on TikTok: EMM'S TIK TOK Follow me on TikTok HERE! Ready to leverage the power of YOUR voice with your own podcast?  Join my FREE Podcast Prep E-course HERE and get all the details on how you can start your own show in a matter of days! JOIN HERE! 
10/4/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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310. New Season & Defining Success: It's Personal

Welcome back to the Kirsten Tyrrel show where we're launching a new season filled with inspiring interviews, strategies to help you grow your business and start or scale your own podcast! On this season launch episode Kirsten is sharing the new direction of the podcast and how each episode will serve to guide you in your business growth. The podcast is nearly eight years old,  and Kirsten is sharing valuable insight and a peek behind the curtain of her own show.  She's sharing:  The power podcasting has over social media and why you need to launch a show ASAP. The truth about how saturated the podcasting market is. The single most important thing Kirsten has done to grow her business and brand and how it STILL opens doors years later. The future of the Kirsten Tyrrel show and what you can expect in this season and beyond. The crucial thing you MUST do in order to achieve success in your life and business. A challenge to define success in a personal way so you can know achievement when you see it.  ....and SO much more!  Want to grow your business with interactive marketing? Snag the quiz playbook here:  And join us next week as Kirsten interviews a real life ROCK STAR!   
9/27/202320 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sprinting to Success

Starting June 15ht I embarked on a 90 day sprint to success. I have seen this process work its magic in my life in prior seasons, and after seeing how stagnant my personal growth had become, I decided it was time for a refresh.  This episode was recorded 35 days in, and is a raw and somewhat unfiltered audio journal. The progress internally that had happened only 1/3 of the way is astonishing to me! The power of intention is real and I know that we are capable of transformation at ANY stage of life. Tune in as I share what I've done, how it's shifted my reality and how you can start doing it too!  And snag the My Story Shift Program here:   
8/9/202323 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Secret of Success: The Method for Creating Massive Wealth+Success in Your Business

Are you struggling to overcome your fears and limiting beliefs around money? Are you tired of feeling stuck in your business and unable to unlock the success and abundance you desire? In this episode, I'm excited to share with you the FAR Method - a powerful tool that can help you achieve alignment and break through your money blocks to unlock the secret of success. The FAR Method is not just about positive thinking or taking massive action. It's about finding alignment with your feelings, taking the right actions, and breaking through limiting beliefs to receive the success and abundance you desire. And in this episode, I'm going to show you how to apply these principles to your business and your life. Through the FAR Method, I'll teach you how to tap into your heart and create a belief layer that goes beyond your logical thoughts. You'll learn how to become the person you want to be and take the right actions that align with your feelings and beliefs. And most importantly, you'll learn how to break through limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that hold you back from receiving the success and abundance you deserve. But achieving alignment and unlocking the secret of success is not just about a quick fix. It takes time, effort, and practice. That's why I'll also share with you practical tips and daily practices that will support your alignment and help you stay committed to the process. So if you're ready to overcome your fears and money issues and unlock the secret of success and abundance, then join me in this episode as we dive deep into the principles of the FAR Method.   Ready to create more passive marketing in your business? Grab the Quiz Playbook for free HERE:  
5/10/202319 minutes, 29 seconds
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Finding Harmony in the Hustle: Balancing Business+Family

In this episode, I'm opening up about the ups and downs in my life, business, and family, and how I've found the sweet spot of harmony between my hustle, my home, and my personal life. Join me as I share my experiences, thoughts, and plans for this podcast, which is all about helping you create a sustainable business that supports the lifestyle you desire, without sacrificing your family or your well-being. Click here to learn how you can create a mini digital product to create passive income that gives you time freedom:   Until next time, have a beatiful day! 
4/26/202314 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Power of Pivoting with Chelsea Wilson

My guest today is a long time friend who has inspired me for years. Chelsea Wilson is a voice teacher specializing in musical theatre performance. She’s a graduate of the University of Michigan’s Musical Theatre BFA program and uses her expertise to support her students all over the world, from Broadway stars to amateurs singers. In 2017 she began working as the associate vocal coach on the Broadway production of SCHOOL OF ROCK and later THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. In 2021 she co-founded Broadway Vocal Coach, an online training program for professional and aspiring musical theatre performers who want to take the next step in their careers. She’s a wife and a new mom and she currently lives in Washington State. We're chatting all about the pivot she made in her career and how it took her to a place she know she was always destined to arrive at, in spite of the discomfort getting there.  You can tune in to Chelsea's podcast HERE And check out Broadway Vocal Coach HERE!  Want to start your own podcast?  CLICK HERE FOR MY FREE PODCAST PREP E-COURSE!
12/6/202248 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Sisterhood of Motherhood with Chynna Hansen of Little Mama Shirt Shop

Chynna Hansen, the creator and founder of Little Mama Shirt Shop joins me on the podcast to share the story of how she started her shop! She's giving us an insight into how her inspired idea has become a multi-million dollar brand with nearly 30 employees, all in a matter of six years. Her journey is inspiring and you'll love hearing how much she attributes her success to the state of her mind and her dreams. Head to Little Mama Shirt Shop HERE! Save 10% by using code: MARVELOUS10  Join the Little Mama Shirt Shop community on Instagram HERE!  Come hang out with us on IG and follow me HERE! 
11/29/202241 minutes, 31 seconds
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Brave History with Melissa Barocio

Melissa is on the show today sharing her story about how she created the nonprofit company Back to 1776. As she watched our founding fathers history and legacies being drug through the mud, she felt a strong urgency to stand up and speak out. This lead to her most recent adventure in launching her own podcast, Because They Were Brave! We're dishing all about her passion for the pilgrims and the unknown stories she feels called to share.  Subscribe to her show Because They Were Brave HERE  Ready to start your own podcast? CLICK HERE FOR THE FREE PODCAST PREP E-COURSE!  
11/22/202241 minutes, 31 seconds
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What If You Can't FAIL?

If you knew you couldn't fail, how would you change the way you are living today? Who would you spend time with? What would you do or not do? Where would you go? I'm talking about how to take big risks and feel aligned with your dreams today on this solo episode. Tune in and let me know on Instagram what you'd do differently if you knew YOU couldn't fail! Follow me HERE! 
11/17/202212 minutes, 26 seconds
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Choosing Positivity with Izzie Miller

Izzie was living the life in London with a man she thought she'd spend the rest of her life with. After an anniversary trip, that reality was shattered and Izzie was thrust into a new life. Her reaction to that event sent her spiraling, and changed several circumstances in her life. She bounced back from that horrendous experience, and has since become influentialk in the lives of tens of thousands of people. Izzie and I talk about how simple it is to choose a positive perspective.  Listen to the episode to hear more about Izzie and get ready to take notes! Follow Izzie on Instagram HERE.   and on Tik Tok HERE Come hang out with us on IG and follow me HERE!  Check out the podcast prep e-course where I'll show up in your inbox to give you all you need to know to get started here-
11/8/202246 minutes, 24 seconds
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Modeling A Beautiful Life with Summer Bellessa

Summer learned early on the type of woman she wanted to be. She also experienced the reaction to her living in alignment with her gifts, which made her play small. But after a season she recognized her living fully was inspiring to others, and the only way she really wanted to live.   Follow Summer on Instagram HERE. Come hang out with us on IG and follow me HERE!  Ready to share YOUR voice with the world in your own podcast? Check out the podcast prep e-course where I'll show up in your inbox to give you all you need to know to get started here-  
11/1/202255 minutes, 30 seconds
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Showing Up Happy with Lisa Valentine Clark

My guest on the show today is none other than the amazing and marvelous Lisa Valentine Clark. She is the prime example of showing up and showing the world what you're made of. Actress, podcast host, mom of five and recent widow to one of the funniest men to ever walk on the planet, Lisa shines in every endeavor she undertakes.  Listen to the episode to hear more about Lisa's journey and how she has overcome the most devastating obstacles with humor and love. Check out Lisa's show HERE.  Follow Lisa on Instagram HERE. Come hang out with us on IG and follow me HERE!  Ready to share YOUR voice with the world in your own podcast? Check out the podcast prep e-course where I'll show up in your inbox to give you all you need to know to get started here-
10/25/202249 minutes, 19 seconds
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Seven Years Stronger!

Welcome back to the Marvelous Podcast! I am so delighted you are here. Things have changed and taken on different names, but in this episode I'm explaining how the premise of the show is still the same as when it began seven years ago. I am inspired and empowered by stories from people who choose to live intentionally, to reach for big dreams and live life LOUD.  I've always been passionate about showcasing the patterns that successful and happy people have in their lives, to show that ANYTHING is possible when you decide to live more intentionally.  We all have a God-given purpose that includes gifts, skills and even weaknesses that can become strengths, and it's our job to take what we've been given and create the lives of our dreams. Aligning with God to co-create and live our loudest most exhilerating life is the ultimate goal!  I'm here to show you how it's possible, share stories from people who have done or are currently doing it, and to be the positive and empowering voice in your head, helping you live life LOUD.  Ready to share YOUR voice with the world in your own podcast? Check out the podcast prep e-course where I'll show up in your inbox to give you all you need to know to get started here-
10/19/202218 minutes, 4 seconds
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37 is the New 40!

I recently turned 37, and the freedom I feel after my birthday has been unlike anything I've experienced in YEARS. This is the pep talk and motivation you didn't know you needed! I'm breaking down how to STOP caring and start doing what you love, regardless of the possibility of failure. So many aha moments on this episode, you have to listen to experience all the magic!    Speaking of magic- grab the Quiz Playbook here-
6/21/202220 minutes, 3 seconds
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DON'T Do the HUSTLE! Marketing Automation Series Part 5

If working hard and hustling feels like you are moving the needle, but it is coming in the way of your's time to add automation. Throughout the series we have discussed authenticity in automation, so don't be afraid that making some shifts and using tech will ruin your momentum! You are only as powerful as your systems that allow you to grow and scale. Bring that magic and human connection into the equation and start creating automation in your business! Watch the 10 Minute Masterclass about VIP days here--
6/15/202215 minutes, 19 seconds
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What's in it for Them? Marketing Automation Series Part 4

Things get a little controversial on this episode as I question and call out the marketing industry. Do those fake scarcity tactics really work? Would we have even needed them if we had stayed connected to our audience? This episode walks thorugh how to create more trust with our buyers by asking ourselves one important question-"What's in it for them?". Listen in then snag the Quiz Playbook here- 
6/14/202215 minutes, 36 seconds
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You are the MAGIC in your Marketing- Marketing Automation Series Part 3

You are the magic in your marketing, the reason everything works. If you've been focusing outside of yourself to create that magical connection, you've looked beyond the mark! On today's episode I'm breaking down the next step in authentically automating your marketing! In fact, there are five steps, and I've got all the goodies for you. Also grab the Quiz Playbook here- 
6/13/202216 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rediscovering Your Intention: Marketing Automation Part 2

Today is episode 2 of the bonus series- Marketing Automation: How to Authentically Automate Your Business in 2022! If you've gotten too caught up in the metrics of business, and wanting automation is ONLY about the bottom line, this episode is for you. In order to step it up with our marketing, we have to create more intention and our WHY has to be more centered and real than ever before. Let me know what YOUR why is by tagging me on Instagram @kirstentyrrel. Grab the free Quiz Playbook at 
6/10/202216 minutes, 1 second
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The Lie of Passive Income- Marketing Automation Series Part 1

Today starts the Marketing Automation series where I'm breaking down how to incorporate authentic automation into your business. We have to begin by demystifying some beliefs and stories that have kept us frozen and questioning the success of our businesses. Can you achieve true passive income simply by selling a certain product? Are you ever really done marketing? It's all here in this episode! And grab the Quiz Playbook to learn how to create an engaging automated sales funnel with a QUIZ!-->
6/9/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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Massive changes and our big move!

Major changes happened in the Tyrrel family over the past couple of months and I'm sharing all about it on today's episode. In business you have to make big changes to make progress and momentum happen. You're getting the entire back story to our unexpected move and where we are now. Things are going to change, and all for the better! 
6/7/202229 minutes, 4 seconds
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You Know You're An Entrepreneur If...

If you own 100 urls, have dozens of ideas per day and feel like you're never going to be able to succeed with all of might be an entrepreneur. This episode is dedicated to the rising and scaling entrepreneurs who are looking backwards to determine their likelihood of moving forward. Your past failures and unfulfilled ideas do not indicate your future success! Tune in and take the biz quiz here- 
3/16/202215 minutes, 17 seconds
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I'm Not Doing This Anymore!

Today I'm sharing a shift I'm making in my own business, and why it's absolutely necessary for me to do so. Rather than leaving you high and dry and compromising my integrity to be consistent, I'm sharing how that consistency is changing, and the word I'm adding in front of consistency to change the game. I am not disappearing forever, but I'm definitely ready to create real impact and efficiency in my online business! I hope my shift inspires you to be more intentional in your own business!    And take the biz quiz here-
3/8/202214 minutes, 35 seconds
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Multiple Ways Up the Mountain with Stirling Gardner

I've invited my friend and fellow marketing guru Stirling Gardner to the podcast to talk all things authenticity and transparency in marketing. After seeing a Facebook post of his, I reached out to have a conversation for all to hear on the podcast. We talk about mental health and the roller coaster of emotions that come with selling your own offers online. Check out Stirling's Lanch Perfect Program here:
3/3/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
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Put Your Blinders On!

We've talked about staying in your lane, and avoiding getting caught up in what others are doing. On a similar note today I'm talking about how vital it is to your success to put your blinders on, and stop trying to win an invisible race! Tune in and get ready to focus on YOUR goals in a whole new way! 
3/1/202211 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Make Your Email Work For YOU. Leveling Up Your List Series 6

It's the final episode of the Leveling Up Your List Series! All the elements come together to create a clearer picture of how your email list can truly serve your business. Rather than feeling your email is one more chore or to-do list item, I'm telling you how to create a powerful automated sales funnel with your email! Snag the Quiz Playbook as mentioned in the episode- 
2/24/202214 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Best Platforms for Email Marketing. Leveling Up Your List Series 5

Which platform should you use for email marketing? Do you NEED an official platform? What are the metrics you should be anaylzing? I'm breaking it all down on this episode of the series! To check out Davinci for all your marketing and business needs+stellar email marketing- check it out here:  
2/23/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Know What To Say to Your List. Leveling Up Your List Series 4

Welcome back to the Leveling Up Your List Series! We've learned a lot about planning for a successful high converting list, but at some point you actually have to send emails to that list! I'm breaking down the reasons people hold back from emailing, and giving some of my best strategies for knowing what to send! Snag the Quiz Playbook here-
2/22/202219 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Invite People to the Email Party. Leveling Up Your List Series 3

We're back with episode 3 of the Bonus Series: Leveling Up Your List! Today I'm sharing the ins and outs of using content upgrades and freebies to build your list. I'm breaking down how to utilize an optin effectively, and what you need to know before ever asking for the email address! Join me in the free Facebook group here-
2/21/202216 minutes, 16 seconds
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My Accidental Email List. Leveling Up Your List Series 2

On today's episode I'm sharing the embarrassing truth of how I built an entire email list of over 1200 people- on accident. I was taught from day one to have an email list, and apparently I made it a priority. But, what happens when you don't build a list intentionally? Listen to the episode to learn how I built my list on accident, and how I've since built it with intention! Check out the free Facebook group for Marketing Connection at
2/18/202215 minutes, 21 seconds
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My Email list was DEAD! Leveling Up Your List Series 1

Wondering if email marketing is dead? Is it worth spending time to grow your list, or are people not even reading emails anymore? On this first episode of the Leveling Up Your List series, I'm sharing all about how I allowed my list to die, and what I did to revive it- and even sell my high ticket offer! It's time to level up YOUR list and I'm showing you how, all in this awesome bonus series! 
2/17/202218 minutes, 34 seconds
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Your Messaging is the Problem!

If you've been trying to market or sell your offers and products- only to discover it's not working- it's likely you have a messaging issue. On this episode I'm breaking down how to establish what you want to be known for, the value of choosing and communicating an expertise and offer, and what you're likely doing to your audience without these things! 
2/10/202217 minutes, 46 seconds
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Are You Afraid? You Should Be!

So many entrepreneurs live with fear of putting themselves out there. Fear of being judged. Should you be afraid? Abso-freakin-lutely. And yet.. no. Fear is normal but it's not essential to success. You will never feel like you have all the answers or you are perfect. But you'll never grow if you don't take risks and allow yourself to fly! Sharing my advice to overcome fear and see it a bit differently on today's episode. Join me here- 
2/8/202222 minutes, 5 seconds
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Has Instagram Changed?

Today I have my friend Michelle Gifford joining me for an episode of the podcast where we are discussing how Instagram has changed over the years. How can you use it now most effectively? Are these changes GOOD news for all of us or not? Check out Michelle's Rock the Reels Challenge here-
2/3/202226 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Stay in Your Lane (and why it matters)

Tempted to change lanes every time you see traffic moving a little faster in a different one? Tune in to learn how this same habit in your business can massively impact you (and not in a good way). Check out our sponsor Davinci CRM at 
2/2/202215 minutes, 41 seconds
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Your Business NEEDS An Online Quiz!

Is your lead generator performing like a super star? Do you know exactly how to dish up the ideal offers to your audience? If you have been wondering about how on earth online quizzes can provide a stellar level of growth in your business, this episode is for you! I go over all the best parts of online quizzes, and how you can figure out the best quiz for YOUR biz. Take the biz quiz here-
1/27/202223 minutes, 19 seconds
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It's all smoke and mirrors! Marketing behind the scenes of some BIG names in business

After six years I've seen a LOT of behind the scenes to some beloved and not so beloved businesses. I want to share the real, the raw and the ugly with you. Today I'm breaking down the sad truths that keep us stuck as business owners, and the viscious cycle of deceit that has crippled growth for beginners and intermediate entrepreneurs. Join the listening party here:
1/25/202226 minutes, 48 seconds
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Part 2: Who's to Blame For Our Obsession With Excellence?

In Part Two I round out this concept of looking outside of ourselves for validation or proof to make key decisions. How can we escape the hamster wheel we find ourselves on? How can we start trusting an inner guide rather than the outside sources that are all stuck in their own cycles? I'm breaking it all down on today's episode! 
1/19/202219 minutes, 6 seconds
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Part 1: Who's to Blame For Our Obsession With Excellence?

This week I'm getting "real" sharing my struggle with anxiety, OCD and ADHD, and where I think one of the big root causes is for our suffering. Have we really done this to ourselves? Who's to blame? I'm breaking it all down on this Part one of a series dedicated to helping us find our peace in the midst of a chaotic world. 
1/14/202219 minutes, 24 seconds
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I'm BACK! What happened in 2021?!

It was a long year off from sharing my life on the podcast, but I'm back and ready to share about all the crazy lessons I've learned as a mom, entrepreneur and overall as a woman who has been living 100% for the past several years. Let's catch up friend! 
1/5/202215 minutes, 25 seconds
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I Made a HUGE Mistake that You Should NOT Make

Have you experienced the pure joy and elation that comes when you accomplish a big scary dream? Are you still overjoyed when your triumph makes others uncomfortable and they attack you? Not so fun anymore, is it? Sadly that's the world we live in and you have to learn to not let the egos of others hold you back from doing what you were put on this earth to do! You're not here to play small. Don't make the mistakes I did. Tune in to find out what I did and DIDN'T do. 
1/15/202118 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Fastest Launch with Jenna Wood

Jenna is a business friend of mine and we have seen each other through a lot- from shop owner, mlm success and coaching. Recently Jenna FINALLY launched a small group coaching that became a 5 figure launch- and this is the behind the scenes of how she did it and what her massive action added up to! Share with someone who needs to just GET IT DONE! 
1/14/202122 minutes, 12 seconds
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Imposter Syndrome vs. Self-Awareness

Is Imposter Syndrome holding you back from massive action in your business? Or are you simply self-aware and striving to create quality products and offers for your audience? I'm breaking it all down on today's episode of Marvelous Mompreneur! Let 2021 be the year you move the needle forward and just get things done! Waiting for perfection will leave you waiting WAY too long. 
1/13/202112 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Make a Future Memory

We can get so caught up in vivid memories of the past- but what about the future? We are creating TODAY for an intentional and happy tomorrow, right? So why not take the goals and dreams we have for ourselves and create a powerful future memory? In today's episode I'm talking about why and how to make a future memory that will empower you to create the life of your dreams! 
11/23/202015 minutes, 50 seconds
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How Positive Feedback is Hurting You

Think the negative feedback is damaging? What if I told you the positive feedback is just as detrimental to the negative? It's true! When you build your reality on the feedback of others- good or bad- you are building a house of cards that will eventually fall. You have to own who you are from an internal and positive space- rather than one based on external circumstances and opinions. So- are you ready to ignore the positive feedback when showing up? 
11/18/202014 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ignore the Analytics and Keep Creating!

I'm piggybacking off of last week's episode where I hope you felt inspired to take fast action and stop second guessing yourself. Today I'm sharing more about how I avoid the pitfall of analyzing and criticizing myself and taking the feedback personally. You need to create positive habits around your content creation so you avoid the pitfalls of stalling when things don't go the way you'd planned! Tune in and let me know what you do to avoid obsessing over the analytics! 
11/11/202015 minutes
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You're Suffering From Analysis Paralysis!

I had no idea I was a perfectionist. I actually felt like I was quite the opposite my entire life. So imagine my surprise when I realized I was not immune from perfectionism! I went from the fast action taking bliss of naivety to one of analyzing my every move. It was the most counterproductive phase of my life and I'm sharing all about it on today's episode! Want to learn how to avoid analysis paralysis? Listen in!
11/4/202018 minutes, 49 seconds
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Are You in the Shallow or the Deep?

In trying to gain mastery over my mind I allowed myself to have a glance at my journey. It's not productive to look into the past and shame yourself for what you didn't achieve, but it can be powerful to find patterns. Today I am sharing an analogy of the ocean waves and the shallow and deep ends we may find ourselves in at different phases of our development and growth. I am striving to get back into the deep but am in the middle of the waves right now. Where are you? Share this episode on social and let's get social on Instagram and Facebook! 
10/30/202017 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Evolve Your Life with Jelayne Shelton

From viral sensation to inspiring 6 figure entrepreneur, Jey has been busy for the last three years! She has truly evolved everything about her life from her health (losing over 150 pounds) and building a very public and powerful empire, Jey has come a long way and she's sharing all about her evolution with us today on the podcast! Don't listen unless you're ready to EVOLVE! 
10/8/202047 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to Aim Your Brain with Stacey Haslam

Stacey is the mother of 5 kids and she has been a strong proponent of encouraging her family to do what she calls "aim your brain". As we discussed the power of focus, the mind and setting our brains on the desires of our hearts, Stacey shares some strong insight into how you can truly achieve ANYTHING when you simply AIM YOUR BRAIN!
9/24/202046 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lessons From A Social Media Hater

We all complain about the haters- but today I learned a big valuable lesson from one that I think everyone needs to hear. Are you focusing your energy and attention on things you do NOT love, but expecting them to go away? Do you realize the more you focus on something the more it expands and grows? It's time to get real and intentional and aware of our stories that are spinning on repeat CONSTANTLY! Learn more here-
9/21/202015 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP 260: A Summit For Mompreneurs with Jessica Peterson

Today I'm chatting with Jessica Peterson, the organizer of the Just Own You Summit which I'm presenting at on September 24th! I was so impressed with Jessica and wanted to share the back story of her creation of this summit with everyone. I love seeing mompreneurs go for their dreams and stake their claim in the space they want to exist in. I hope Jessica's story inspires YOU to just own your dream and GO for it! Check out the summit and get registered here-
9/10/202040 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 259: Five Steps to Stop Talking Negatively About Others

Think your words and the way you speak about others doesn't impact your own joy and peace? Think again! In this episode I'm breaking down the importance of speaking kindly of others and how to retrain your brain to be more kind and accepting. Five steps to start having more positive views of others which in turn will bring more joy and happiness into your own life! Share with a friend and let's talk about it on social! Tag me and share the episode with your thoughts! 
9/3/202021 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 258: Let's chat Imposter Syndrome with Michelle Gifford- Business Bestie Chat!

Everyone needs someone they can have the real talk convos with- and Michelle is totally my person! We decided to share our very real, raw convos with you on our podcasts once per month! So today you can hear us chat allllll about Imposter Syndrome and how to combat it! Michelle drops some major truth bombs and coaches me off the ledge with the fear I have for creating content when I'm worried about the haters! Tune in and prepare to learn A LOT! 
8/28/202045 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP 257: A Faith-Filled Mind with Tara Williams

This is a really powerful episode- one that means a lot to me personally. I have shared faith filled episodes and know that many- if not all of my listeners are Christian women. I have shared a wide variety of subject matter but it is imperative that I share the deepest and truest parts of my faith and what has helped me to feel extreme joy in this life. Tara helps me explain things that are lifelines and tools to help us all to receive more clear inspiration, understand the power of our minds and how to create with God. It's a really special episode- I can't wait for you to listen! 
8/6/202042 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP 256: Being a Voice for the Voiceless

Today I'm talking about some perspective on the issue of human trafficking. Today, July 30th is World Day Against Human Trafficking and it's an important, vital issue to discuss the impact WE can make to eradicate this from our world. My approach goes beyond protests and will serve to empower you EVERY DAY in the decisions you make with your life to be a strong and powerful advocate for goodness. We can't fight fire with weak approaches- we have to bring our best. And to bring our best we have to DO our best to create lives that enable us to contribute to important causes like this! 
7/30/202011 minutes, 51 seconds
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XO- Whip, An Episode Dedicated to Whippycake

In today's episode, Mel Haskins and I are sharing about one of the people who meant a lot to us in her short life on earth. Whippycake has been on the podcast a couple of times, and now she's here again, but in a different spirit. Mel and I wanted to celebrate her life and share some of our precious memories with you, since she had such a lasting impact on our lives. I miss her SO much and am so grateful for the life she led to be an anchor to me and the best giggle companion EVER! We lost Whippy to cancer in March 2020 and soon after the COVID-19 crisis began, so we have not been able to process or mourn her loss appropriately. Tune in and celebrate her life alongside us. 
7/2/202057 minutes, 52 seconds
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Being Uncomfortable is NOT Always BAD!

My the thoughts we think that can run away with us being drug behind like a jockey in a bad horse race! Today I had a stream of consciousness that was so destructive and I'm sharing a bit about it on the podcast! We ARE the habits we take part in every day. Changing for the better might feel "wrong" for a bit, but only because it's not familiar! Keep going even if it's not comfy. 
3/11/202010 minutes, 51 seconds
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There's No Wrong and Right!

Yikes, ever had a life lesson hit you like a bag full of bricks on a slow Sunday morning? That's what happened this past weekend as I FINALLY got something that life has been trying to tell me for- well, forever.  We know murder is wrong. We know chocolate is good. But actually, chocolate is not good for everyone and not everyone even likes it. So in that regard, very few things are universally "wrong" and "right". Taking the moral approach out of it and down to a sense of wondering if there is a right or wrong way to build our lives, we can quickly see that we have been following a set of rules that do not apply and are actually holding us back from creating the lives we want! 
3/5/202010 minutes, 47 seconds
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Late with Kate and Kirsten

Today's episode is originally from my short-lived podcast, The Kirsten Tyrrel podcast.. may it rest in peace. I had some fantastic interviews on that show that you may have missed if you didn't subscribe to it! Today's is with a dear friend, Kate Call. We chat (ok we mostly giggle) about all things life, entrepreneurship and the journey to success.  If you've ever chased a big dream or even realized the fulfillment of a goal, only to realize you may want something different... tune in! 
2/26/202018 minutes, 45 seconds
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Why You Shouldn't WAIT For the Perfect Time

This is a subject I could talk about for days, weeks, months and well- forever. I have always been an action taker and know that life is short and wonderful, and I don't want to look back and have regrets. On today's episode I am ranting with you about how silly it is that we wait so long, and put off the big dreams and goals we have for ourselves! There are parts of my life that I have held out sharing- thinking I couldn't be ALL of these things. And now I look into the past wondering WHAT IF I HAD JUST KEPT GOING?  I started out doing a daily IGTV every day this year. And I stopped because I was overwhelmed by how I would keep up with it. Could I create every day? What if I didn't want to? And here I am a month later, wishing I had never stopped. I'd be so much further in my journey if I had created daily content!  I give some tips on how to avoid this rut, so tune in! 
2/19/202015 minutes, 47 seconds
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It's MARVELOUS with Kirsten Tyrrel

You may notice some changes here for the show! What once was Marvelous Moms Club is now simply, Marvelous with Kirsten Tyrrel. After many months-- ok YEARS of soul searching with this show, I realized it wasn't about the motherhood component of life that I was speaking to. It was to the ENTIRE woman and how powerful I know we all are! I almost ended this show forever, but I decided to transition it into something I think it was always meant to be! So subscribe if you haven't yet, and get ready to feel freakin' marvelous after you listen to every episode! 
2/12/202015 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 249: Stand Up and Laugh with Jenna Kim Jones

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It's the last Monday of the year, Marvelous Moms! So glad you're here. How many of you personally know a stand up comedian? Today's episode is with Jenna Kim Jones, who not only does stand up comedy, but also has her own podcast! Here's what we covered: The Couple Friends you really want and need Her journey in the world of comedy How kids are great sources for content Extroverts and Introverts the list goes on...     I want to hear from YOU my friend! Let's chat about this over on Instagram- @kirstentyrrel You can tag me or post and use #marvelousmomsclub so we can keep the conversation going. You know what? You should make sure you've SUBSCRIBED to the podcast! Do that here on iTunes or Stitcher! AND if you LOVE the podcast and want to show me some love- head to iTunes and leave a rating and review! (thank you so much!) More from this episode: Jenna's Instagram Jenna's Podcast Jenna's Website Thanks for listening- have a marvelous day! Xo, Kirsten[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="CONNECT ON INSTAGRAM" color="juicy-pink" link="||target:%20_blank|"][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]
1/3/202035 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP 248: How to Raise Fearless Children with Marriann Hough

Happy Marvelous Monday! It's not very often that we get a grandma on the podcast, but today we have Marriann Hough, mother of nine and grandmother of 20! She's lived a little longer than some of us, and has some good tips for new moms and beyond. I LOVE all the topics we discussed, including: Finding something your kids love to do while they're fairly young Making them stick with one thing for a year Living without fear Spirit animals! Gratitude Service and much, much more. It's a nice long one for you! Don't forget to follow Marriann: Marriann's Instagram  
12/23/20191 hour, 38 seconds
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EP 247: Making Money Is Not Hard with Teria Brooks

It's the weekend! I think Friday is a great day for a chat with an old friend. I've been friends with Teria Brooks for over a decade! I think she's absolutely amazing and I'm super excited to share her awesomeness with you. In today's episode, we talk about: Abundance in the business world Making money doing what you're already good at Walking through darkness to get to the light a whole bunch of other things! Oh my gosh it's almost Christmas!!! Don't forget to check out all the things: Teria's Instagram At Home Pixels airet DESIGNS
12/20/201944 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP 246: Getting Past Judgment with Kristen Mittler of Old Joy

Hey Marvelous Moms! Today we have another awesome homeschooling mom on the podcast. Kristen Mittler is one of the most relatable people I know, and I know you will love listening to her. Whether homeschooling is your thing or not, this is a great episode!
12/16/201940 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP 245: How to Find Your Space in the World with Nikki Elledge Brown

Happy Monday, Marvelous Moms! How's everyone doing with all the holiday planning? I swear no matter how much I think I'm prepared for this time of year, it's always WAY crazier than I remember! Today's episode is with the lovely Nikki Elledge Brown, who describes herself as "a self-proclaimed word nerd, military spouse, former park ranger, college professor, and mom of two, known online for her quirky-yet-super-practical teaching style and refreshingly honest reflections on the realities of parenthood + entrepreneurship." Interested? Thought so. Listen to our chat because Nikki has tons of golden nuggets to share, like: What makes you special Being present Making your future self grateful for your current self and of course... how to find your space in the world! You'll love this one, promise. More from this episode: Nikki's Instagram Nikki's Website Naptime Empires Podcast Free Cheat Sheet  
12/9/201945 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP 244: How My Mom Helped Me Become a Teenage Entrepreneur

Today's episode is one that was originally going to air on the podcast "Full Time Family"- a whim I had months ago. I decided to instead present it as a series here within Marvelous Moms to keep all the great content in one easy to find place! This episode is also different than any we've had so far. The reason for that is because we have a mom AND a daughter talking with us!  Do you remember Alison Prince from episode 202? She's back today and has her daughter Makayla telling her side of the story. I love hearing this different perspective. It's always been the moms talking about their kids with no input from the other side, so this was fun! We talked about a bunch of things, including: An ultimatum from mom Selling $100,000 in nine months Knowing what you want to do with your life Understanding the value of money at a young age Freedom to choose any path you want Creating her OWN COURSE! I hope you enjoy listening to this fun chat between mother and daughter (and me!)   I want to hear from YOU my friend! Let's chat about this over on Instagram- @kirstentyrrel You can tag me or post and use #marvelousmomsclub so we can keep the conversation going. You know what? You should make sure you've SUBSCRIBED to the podcast! Do that here on iTunes or Stitcher! AND if you LOVE the podcast and want to show me some love- head to iTunes and leave a rating and review! (thank you so much!) More from this episode: Makayla's Instagram Alison's Instagram Makayla's Website Alison's Website   Thanks for listening- have a marvelous day! Xo, Kirsten
12/2/201938 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP 243: How To Work From Home With Your Husband with Corrine Stokoe

Today I have another episode that was originally going to air on the podcast "Full Time Family"- a whim I had months ago. I decided to instead present it as a series here within Marvelous Moms to keep all the great content in one easy to find place! I had Corrine on the podcast YEARS ago, she was on episode 73 which you can find in the links below. It's so fun to go back and talk to former guests again and see where they're at now. If you don't remember Corrine, she's the creator of Mint Arrow! Be sure to check out those links below as well. And of course, listen to this episode because that's one of the main things we're talking about.  So, what exactly did we talk about today? Following the Spirit for decisions big and small (God/intuition/whatever higher power you believe in!) Knowing when you need extra help with your business How to integrate family life with being a work-at-home couple Including your kids in your business and much more! I want to hear from YOU my friend! Let's chat about this over on Instagram- @kirstentyrrel You can tag me or post and use #marvelousmomsclub so we can keep the conversation going. You know what? You should make sure you've SUBSCRIBED to the podcast! Do that here on iTunes or Stitcher! AND if you LOVE the podcast and want to show me some love- head to iTunes and leave a rating and review! (thank you so much!) More from this episode: Corrine's podcast for Mint Arrow Mint Arrow's Instagram Mint Arrow's Website Mompreneur Monday with Corrine Stokoe of Mint Arrow (Episode 73)   Thanks for listening- have a marvelous day! Xo, Kirsten
11/25/201936 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP 242: Kirsten, How is Homeschool Going?

It's Five Minute Friday! And today I have a little check in episode- letting you know how homeschool is really going. I get asked a lot how I am balancing this on top of everything else- and a few months in... this is the stone cold truth! 
11/23/20197 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP 241: Raise to Conquer with Keia & Kirsten

Mommas! We have something really special to share on today's episode! Keia was on the podcast a couple of months ago and after our talk (and several others after it) we realized how much we wanted to work with each other! We have a shared passion for teaching others and we're sharing on this episode how we plan to do just that! 
11/20/201922 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP 240: Changing Your World with Jadah Sellner

Happy Monday, Marvelous Moms! Get ready to listen to the smooth sounds of Jadah's voice on the podcast today. This episode manages to be relaxing and inspiring at the same time 🤣 Here's the gist of our conversation: Not achieving business success until her third business try Gaining 355,000 email subscribers in two years Leaving a big business she helped create What she's reading Letting our kids feel validated and more, of course! As always, we hope your day is brightened by the podcast today. Don't forget to follow Jadah on Instagram and to check out her website. She's also provided a FREE 5-Step Build Your Challenge Roadmap.  
11/18/201936 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP 239: Five Minute Domino Effect

The other day during "chore time" my kids decided instead of taking 5 minutes to do something, they'd take 3 hours. This opened up the doors for a math lesson, a time management lesson, and even brought out the dominos for an object lesson in cause and effect! Listen in for five minutes to see how THESE five minutes changed their minds about chores!
11/15/20198 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP 238: Singing Again!

Hey moms! Today is a BONUS episode- intended to be a Five Minute Friday but I had a LOT to say. This episode was recorded after a few others that are coming in the very near future- and you can FEEL the energy shift in my voice. And my voice is the exact topic of conversation today. I had a really amazing experience in Florida last month and wanted to share it publicly. And this is just one of many wonderful moments- but it was life changing and I never want to forget it!
11/13/201913 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP 237: Full Time Family Series- Kindle Garner

Today's episode is one that was originally going to air on the podcast "Full Time Family"- a whim I had months ago. I decided to instead present it as a series here within Marvelous Moms to keep all the great content in one easy to find place! Kindle is my inspiration for the homeschool life we are living right now. She is THE person to follow and learn from if you are toying around with the idea, or need some empowerment as a homeschool mom. We covered a LOT of ground here and got pretty deep into our beliefs about the school system and why we are not just homeschooling to combat what we see are the FLAWS, but rather the beauty that we are finding and the positives in schooling our children from home. You may not know this- but all homeschool parents get asked the same basic questions and are met with the same reactions from parents who do not homeschool. I asked Kindle to debunk or demystify three of those main things we get asked about or the assumptions people make- and her answers were fantastic.
11/11/201942 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP 236: The Beauty-ful Circle

It's a Five Minute Friday yo! Today I'm talking (rather ranting and rambling) about my journey through self esteem, and how I went from a lazy teen to a self aware adult. I'm finally realizing now- how beauty isn't about the makeup, the clothes or the hair. It's about your light- who you are and really just BEING yourself. Cliche? Yep. But I'm ok with it- and I hope you glean something from this short episode! 
11/8/20198 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP 235: Healthy Hustle with Renee Schreibman

Hey everybody... aren't you so glad we're still here? Marvelous Moms Club has brought so much inspiration to thousands of people and I want it to continue as long as possible! Today I have my friend Renee on the podcast. She is FULL of said inspiration and she is marvelous to listen to. Here are some things we talked about: When she started thriving and wanted to share it with everyone else How she manages her time Books! Going from nothing to six figures in ten months!! Life on social media Making a difference in the lives of others Much more!   If this episode spoke to you in any way, please feel free to share if with your family and friends. Spread that inspiration like wildfire! Now that you're in love with Renee, don't forget to follow her on Instagram. Catch you all next week!   xoxo, Kirsten
10/21/201937 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP 234: Oops I Did it Again!

I played with your heart momma! I told you we were ending the podcast a few episodes ago- and I am taking it back. Eating my words and changing my mind. I'm like a professional mind changer. But I promise it's for a good reason and I can't wait for you to listen to this episode. Making shifts to get into alignment is incredibly important! 
10/16/201910 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP 233: Flying High with Steffanie Wing of That Undercover Unicorn

Hey Marvelous Moms! I've got my friend Steffanie Wing on the podcast today. Among other things, we discuss the oh-so-dreaded postpartum depression and anxiety. This topic will never not need to be talked about! Please join us and learn a thing or two. Follow Steffanie on on Instagram!
10/7/201942 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 232: For the Love of Learning with Keia Blake

Hey Marvelous Moms! Today on the podcast I'm talking with a good friend of mine, Keia Blake. She is the kind of person who loves to learn and apply her knowledge to her daily life. We talk to a lot of moms on here who work from home. Did you know that it's possible to work a corporate job from home? That's right. You don't have to sit in an office building to be a loan officer (what Keia does) or something similar. We talk about that too! Hope you enjoy this episode, and as always, have a Marvelous day! Follow Keia on Instagram and on her website. 
9/30/201948 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP 231: Raising Creations with Angie Chandler

Angie Chandler is on the podcast today! This episode sums up pretty well the whole point of the Marvelous Moms Club Podcast. I say that because Angie gives some really good parenting advice I hadn't thought of before! And, she also has found a way to use her passions to help others. Angie used to be a teacher. Now, instead of reaching just 22 students in a classroom, she reaches the lives of thousands! To find the "Mom store" pages we talk about in the episode, go to Angie's Etsy page. Check out Angie's website, and follow her on Instagram!  
9/23/201941 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP 230: Live Free with Micala Quinn

It's hard to sum up this episode because Micala Quinn brings us personal stories as well as her business ventures. There's no shortage of inspiration for you today, that's for sure! Micala shares her story of losing a child, one that is never easy to share. She also tells us how she was able to start making money from home doing freelancing. This enables her to stay home and spend precious time with her children. We really hope you enjoy this one! Follow Micala on Instagram or check out her blog.
9/16/201940 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP 229: Finance & Family with Kumiko Love of The Budget Mom

Finances. Maybe not your favorite part of life, but they're a big necessity to maintain. I've got Kumiko Love a.k.a. The Budget Mom on the podcast today, and she knows what it's like to be lost in your personal finances! Managing income, debt, bills, and everything else finance-related can be overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be! Listen to today's episode to find out how important it is to be comfortable with your finances. You will feel so much better once you have it all figured out! You can follow Kumiko on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or her blog!
9/9/201926 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP 228: Big Dreams are Worth Waiting For

Today I'm sharing about something super exciting that we are doing as a family, something I have been dreaming of for over 10 years!  That led me to think- how many of our dreams do we give up on when they haven't happened in a year, or even a few months?  Did you know it took Michelangelo 4 years to complete the Sistine Chapel? The coliseum took 10 years to finish, the leaning tower of Pisa took 199 years to be completed...  So, are you giving your big dreams long enough to come true? 
9/6/201910 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP 227: Moms Don't Sit on Beaches with Jen Brewer

Do you ever wish you were one of "those families" that got to travel a lot? It seems impossible to do when you have kids, a demanding job, and so much more on your plate! I love my interview with Jen Brewer because her family has been able to travel many times even though her husband works full-time.  Are you curious how they do it? Tune in to find out!
9/2/201938 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP 226: Make Today Marvelous!

I have created some really cruddy days for myself this week- and it all starts the night before. Today I'm sharing three tips for a MARVELOUS day, and how you can create these small shifts that give you the days you REALLY deserve as a mom! Listen in and share with a momma who needs to hear it! 
8/30/20197 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 225: Beautiful Grief with Claire Aleman

This episode will break your heart and put it back together. I don't know if I've said this before on here, but I wish I could hug each and every one of you, especially when you're going through the most difficult times in your lives! Today you get to listen to my talk with a good friend, Claire Aleman. She is a shining example of how you can live through loss. She teaches that it's possible for grief and happiness to exist at the same time. Feel free to follow Claire's Instagram or her blog!
8/26/201946 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 224: A Hug From the Future

Today is a quick and meaningful Five Minute Friday episode where I'm helping you to connect the past, present and future. Have you ever thought about what your future self would want you to know? What would you go back and tell the past version of yourself today? It's important that we have awareness and start taking action steps and loving ourselves NOW to become the women we are striving to be! 
8/23/201910 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP 223: Bed Ease with Betsy Mikesell of Beddy's

Happy Monday, Marvelous moms! Betsy Mikesell is on the podcast today. This episode is awesome for at least two reasons: you'll realize that there are still problems to be solved that you can turn into a business, and you'll learn about an amazing kind of bedding (if you haven't already heard of it)! Betsy is the creator and CEO of Beddy's. Listen to our interview to hear her story! You can find Beddy's here. Betsy has a blog for her family, and you can also check out her personal Instagram or the Beddy's Instagram.
8/19/201936 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP 222: Back to Business Mama!

Have you had a desire to start a business? Do you already have one? What are you waiting for to take your big dream to the next level- or get started?  I'm participating in an AMAZING free online summit this month with Michelle Gifford and many other talented ladies called the Back to Business Summit!  I'm sharing on this episode about how CRUCIAL it is to listen to that call to CREATE! 
8/16/201910 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP 221: Dished Up with Katie Farrell of Dashing Dish

Today we have another awesome woman on the podcast! Her name is Katie Farrell and she is the creator of Dashing Dish. You might've seen the app or been to her website. She's done us all a favor and put meal planning, clean-eating recipes, tech-smart grocery lists, product recommendations, workouts, spiritual exercises, personalized coaching, and more, all in one convenient place. No more excuses! You can find Katie's website here, and check out her Instagram too!
8/12/201921 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP 220: Let's Go Woo-Woo!

Hey ladies! Today let's go a little "out there" and a little "woo woo" to discuss something that I have found to be a really big help to me. Raising your vibration. I have experienced this in many instances but lately I have noticed there are some really quick things you can do to raise your vibration and experience incomprehensible joy!  Listen in to hear about the first time a high vibration moment made me cry! 
8/9/20192 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 219: Simplify with Stephanie Sikora of Life Made Simple

More often than not, the things I talk about in my interviews with people end up being exactly what I needed to hear that day! Today's episode with Stephanie Sikora definitely came at the right time for me, and I have a feeling about 99% of you will be able to relate. You might be surprised at how "understood" you feel while listening! Stephanie helps people to simplify their lives so that they're not constantly feeling anxious and overwhelmed by the millions of things we have to do every single day as moms. Listen to get some pointers, and then when you feel inspired, check out her book here! You can follow Stephanie on Instagram or check out her blog.  
8/5/201927 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP 218: Give Yourself a Break!

Hey mama- today on this episode I'm chatting with you- because you are my friend- to remind you that you are doing a FANTASTIC job of raising your family. We are setting the standard WAY too high and I don't know why we do that.  My parents didn't entertain me 24/7 and I have a really great, happy life. Anyone else?  Let's lower our standards a bit, give ourselves a break and know that even on our worst days we are doing better than we think! Happy August momma!   
8/2/20196 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP 217: International CEO Mom with Alex Rudnicka

Today I have a guest who grew up in Poland! Alex Rudnicka comes from a difficult background, made more so by her low self esteem. She wants you to know that if she can learn confidence and create a better life for herself, that you can, too! You're going to love this episode, not just because Alex has a gorgeous accent, but because she has many words of wisdom to share with us all. Follow Alex on Instagram or on her blog.
7/29/201940 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP 216: Power of the masterMIND

It's Five Minute FRIDAY Y'all!  I'm so excited about this one- because I've been REVVED up all week talking about it on social media! The power of the masterMIND is REAL ladies- and I've created an amazing space for us to connect on Facebook. If you've been seeking out like minded people- or people who think totally differently from you who can challenge you- this is a wonder place for you. It's full of supportive women cheering each other on, working through weakness, and best of all- it's totally FREE! I hope you see you in there soon! 
7/26/20196 minutes, 1 second
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EP 215: Making the Most of Every Moment with Roni Lambrecht

Hey Marvelous Moms - today's episode is really important. I talked with Roni Lambrecht, a wonderful mother who lost her only child. This topic is never easy for anyone but if you have kids you NEED to listen! Roni wants to share with everyone how she has been making it through her loss and how she lives without regrets. This episode will be one I come back to often because it's a reminder we need when we get caught up in life. If you'd like to follow Roni, you can find her on Instagram, her blog, or Facebook. She also has books on Amazon!
7/22/201935 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP 214: World Travels with JoEllen Woods

JoEllen is one of the most inspiring humans if you are looking to cut loose and get REALLY far out of your comfort zone! She's on the podcast today talking about how her family moved from the United States to New Zealand- and how that set off a chain of events that has taken them to 17+ countries! And now they are in the process of preparing to move to ITALY. You have to tune into this one my friends- it's SO good! Even if you can't pick up life and move across the world- it's inspiring to see how her perspective about other things in life shifted after they moved and embarked on a life of travel and adventure! ⁠  
7/15/201928 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP 213: Connection is KEY!

Today on the fabulous FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY episode- I'm talking about how important CONNECTION is! You're going to hear me talk about this all day every day- because I really want the marvelous moms and listeners to KNOW they are capable of connecting to their purpose AND their families! Tune in and tell me what you think over on Instagram! 
7/12/20197 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP 212: Celebrate! with Allison Carter

I've got Allison Carter on the podcast today! Are you one of those moms who goes to Pinterest when you're trying to plan a party, but all you get is overwhelmed? There are endless pictures of perfect setups and clever themes, but does it actually help you get anywhere with the planning? Well, Allison has a natural gift for party planning and she has used it to create a business called Allison Carter Celebrates. She does all the hard work for you so you get to enjoy your children's birthdays without all the stress. I love this episode because it just proves again how we all have our different talents and strengths, and anyone can use their gifts to help other people. For a lot of moms, that means creating a business. For others, it is simply finding your passion and sharing it! As always, I hope you are inspired. Check out Allison's website, and take advantage of her free download: 5 Things Everyone Needs to Know Before Planning Their Next Party. You can also find her on Instagram!
7/8/201925 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP 211: Forgive Like a Child Does

We all realize we are learning far more from our children than they could ever learn from us, right? We are students to the best teachers around, these little people with so much purity and joy that we need to take time to really implement some of their amazing qualities- like forgiveness. Have you ever noticed how quickly kids forgive? Why are we so hard on ourselves for things they let go a long time ago? Today's episode is talking all about the power of forgiving just as little children! 
7/5/20195 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP 210: Gathering Around with Jennifer Zumbiel

I've got Jennifer Zumbiel on the podcast today! She's a mom of four and the creator of an AWESOME family resource called Togather Moments. We're all moms and we're always looking for ways to connect with our children more. In today's episode we talk about how simple it really is to grow closer together as a family.  I just said it's simple, but sometimes we all need some help with any aspect of motherhood. Jennifer has a sample on her website that you can try! Click here to try the sample and see if her mealtime game is something that could help your family! You can find Jennifer on Instagram, Facebook, or on her website.
7/1/201926 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP 209: Pick Flowers NOT Fights

This episode is not what you may think it's about- today I'm talking about how we fall into the comparison trap that can make us absolutely MISERABLE! I'm sharing a perspective shift that can help you to look at others a little differently- and have the help of my friend Lyndy who wrote a beautiful song- Pick Flowers- available today on Spotify! 
6/28/20198 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP 208: Making Moxie with Shauna Armitage

I LOVE the word MOXIE- and in case you need a definition: force of character, determination, or nerve. Basically- you're tough and nothing is getting in your way. As Shauna looked to the future she became the epitome of MOXIE, which inspired the name of her company now- Making Moxie.  You should be imagining flappers and sassy women right now- women who aren't quiet. Sound like the day we live in now?   You can find Shauna on Instagram or on her website.
6/25/201928 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP 207: The Elevator Experience

There are moments in motherhood that can be horrific and jaw-dropping in the moment that become the best stories later. This one put me at my wits' end as a young mother, but looking back now I can't help but laugh as I envision it all over again in my mind! If you're trying to "survive" any phase of parenting, this one is for you! 
6/21/20195 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 205: Creating Magic in Motherhood

Listen, we all think magic is something that happens when you wish upon a star, or requires large grandiose efforts. But what I'm discovering the longer I raise kids and reflect on my own childhood, is that magic is in the moments that create the memories! It doesn't require big trips to Disneyland, or a perfectly crafted adventure; it is many times just in the feelings and simple elements we can't even plan for! 
6/14/20195 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP 204: Reconnecting Through Homeschool with Cass Miller

If you've been a listener for a while, you know I've given a go to homeschooling in the past. People like Cass Miller are what has inspired me to give it another shot! Cass decided she wanted something different for her life and her family's, so she stays home and teaches her children. Is homeschool something you've thought about, but you aren't sure? This episode will give you some great insight and motivation if you decide it's what is right for your family!
6/11/201935 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP 203: Making LISTS for Success!

I'm not a list making mom- I'm not a "planner person", and I lack a lot of the organizational skills that other women have to help them not go insane. At least that was the "old me". Now I am evolved and realizing how something as dreadful as making a to-do list or having structure can actually help me accomplish FAR more in my life! Today's Five Minute Friday should help you to see more clearly what needs to be done and how to get to it! 
6/7/20195 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP 202: "Because I CAN!" with Alison Prince

Wow you guys, Alison is amazing! I was impressed just listening to her success as an entrepreneur and the businesses she's created, but when I heard what she's done with some of her kids, I was blown away! She has set the bar pretty high when it comes to setting your kids up for their own financial freedom. Don't we all want the peace of mind of knowing our kids will be grow up and be able to make a living? Why not start them young?! If you want to know what I'm talking about, just tune it to today's episode and see for yourself.   You can find the master class that Alison mentions by clicking here. You can also find Alison on Instagram!
6/4/201947 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP 201: The Dreaded "Play Date"!

Listen up mamas- I know I'm not alone in this. I thought teething and potty training were tough, but there are certain phases of motherhood nobody really talks about and you're not prepared for until they happen. The play date. Can we talk about it? I dread them, I feel guilty when we don't have enough of them and I think it gets in my head far more than it needs to! But surely you can agree in some way, right? It's one more layer of thinking that we sometimes just don't have capacity for after a day of using our superhero brains! I'd love to know how you feel about "the play date"... so go leave us a comment on Instagram and weigh in! 
5/31/20194 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 200: Thriving Bodies with Lahana Vigilano of Thrival Nutrition

Lahana, wife and mother of two, is the founder of Thrival Nutrition! She wanted to find a way to help women feed their families better. Once determined to become a doctor, she changed her path and became a certified nutritionist instead because she believes food is medicine! I found this interview very inspiring, and I know you will too! You can find Lahana at or on Instagram.
5/28/201927 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 199: Your Inner Stoplight

Welcome to the first of many Five Minute Friday segments on Marvelous Moms Club! Every week, tune in to a quick little episode to get you ready for the weekend! Today I'm sharing about the inner stoplight- and yes I just made it up. Life is all about the analogies ladies! We are built up of so many hopes, dreams, plans and responsibilities that we can sometimes forget to be in tune with or aware of the indicators all around us telling us when it's time to stop, slow down or GO. Tune in to learn more and leave a comment on Instagram telling us what you thought! 
5/24/20196 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP 198: Together Unplugged with Julie Ball

Julie Ball is the creator of Sparkle Hustle Grow, a subscription box and online community for entrepreneurial women. Along with that, she's created a subscription box specifically for families called Together Unplugged!  Listen to the episode to learn more about this awesome family resource. Check her out at or specifically!
5/21/201927 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP 197: End of School Year Regrets

Today on this special Friday episode I'm talking about the trap that many moms fall into as a school year ends. We are all relieved for the break from packing lunches, signing papers, field trips etc. But we are also guilt ridden women who tend to look at what we did NOT accomplish through the year vs. what we DID.  I'm giving some trips and tricks to help you appreciate the last 9 months and own the amazing memories you made as a family and how YOU grew this year too!   
5/17/201913 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 196: A Village for Moms with Michelle Bowler of The Waiting Warriors

Michelle Bowler is an army wife and a mother to four girls! She wanted to create a way for women in situations similar to hers to feel connected. She created her own blog and podcast, The Waiting Warriors, as a place for "waiting wives" to find comfort and to know they're not alone. It's kind of like the Marvelous Moms Club, but especially for wives of military or first responders! This episode is so inspiring whether you are a waiting wife or not. As always, there is something for everyone to relate to. I hope you listen and enjoy!
5/14/201939 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP 195: Happy Mother's Day!

Welcome to a special Mother's Day episode of the Marvelous Moms Club! You may have already noticed, we have gotten a little bit of a facelift- with a new logo and some new content! What has REALLY changed here is the purpose and mission of this community- and that includes you. On this day dedicated to mother's- I wanted to take some time to tell you how much I appreciate you for being here- and to give you some sneak peek insight into what is ahead. I share the new Marvelous Moms Club mission statement and how my own perspective has changed since starting this "club" 3 1/2 years ago! Tune in to listen! 
5/11/201916 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 194: An Education for Every Child with Abby Chao of CollegeBacker

Abby Chao believes that every child in America should have access to a college fund. With the insane cost of college, wouldn't you agree?! In today's episode she talks about CollegeBacker, the company she founded about two and a half years ago. She's come up with an awesome way for you to help your child save money for college! It's never too late or too early to start.  Listen to learn more about it. And check out for a special deal for our listeners!
5/6/201927 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP 193: Don't Quit Before the Miracle with Jalynn Schroeder

If you don't know Jalynn, I'm so excited for you to be introduced to her! She's well known in the blogging world, the direct sales world, and the fashion world. She's made a name for herself with Senegence, the company that makes LipSense, and she has accomplished so much more. I hope you'll love listening to her experiences and advice as much as I did. You can learn something from her, whether you're in the same business realm or not! As a mom of two, she also knows just how important and challenging the role of mother is. What are you waiting for? Listen up!
2/13/201934 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP 192: Southern Livin' with Shae Taylor

Shae is one of the most amazing women I know and I fell in love with her accent first, her heart second and her sense of humor last but not least. You never know what's going to come out of her mouth- as you'll hear on this episode- and you will find she's the first person to catch you when you're falling. She's a mom of two teenage boys- so if that doesn't tell you how marvelous she is- I don't know what will. Find show notes at  
2/7/201939 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP 191: So I Moved to Nashville

Hey ladies! If you have been listening in real time for the last three years- you've noticed the absence of new episodes! In this episode I'm explaining where I've been and literally where I moved over the summer last year! I can't wait to catch up with you! 
2/4/201913 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP 190: The Mommy Behind Mommi- Erin Schurtz

Erin- I owe you one girl- because you are a saint! Erin was kind enough to let me interview her TWICE because our first interview from almost two years ago was corrupted! Here we are now though- sharing this fantastic interview with you! Erin is a mother I look up to SO much! She's not only a military wife, the most PATIENT mother I've ever seen in action but she's also an entrepreneur and the creator of MOMMI- with the most amazing healthy offerings for moms! Check out this episode- and go to the blog to get 20% off your first order from! 
1/31/201935 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP 186: Strong and Fit with Lacey and Alli

These two ladies are SO impressive and have turned their own personal struggles as women and mothers into a community that serves THOUSANDS of women!  I love a good pay it forward story as much as the next person, but when people stumble upon something simply by caring to help others- it gives me chills. These two sisters embarked on a diet challenge of sorts when each of them were experiencing their own set of struggles. They sacrificed to do it together and it ended up bringing them closer than ever. Listen in to hear them chat about their story and the birth of their movement- Strong Fit Mamas!   
9/5/201825 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP 185: The Modern Homemaker with Kendra Hennessy of Mother Like a Boss

Homemaker. Do you love that word or do you hate it a little? Most of us Marvelous Moms feel the pressure of keeping a home in order at least sometimes, right? For a lot of us, it's our "job." Kendra Hennessy is the owner of "Mother Like a Boss" and she is on the podcast today to tell us that we don't have to let this word define us! Also, we don't have to dread cleaning our houses and everything else that comes with the word "homemaker." This episode definitely changed my perspective on homemaking and I am excited to share it with you.
6/21/201822 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP 183: Planning Well with Tonya Dalton of inkWELL Press

Do you ever wish you were better at planning? I know I struggle to prioritize my time and stay organized, sometimes despite my best efforts. Tonya Dalton is our guest this week, and she has a business centered around productivity tools and training. Listen to our chat, and check out her website. Happy planning!
5/31/201825 minutes
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EP 181: Grit and Grace with Christina Tinker

Hey everyone! Happy Thursday! Today's guest is Christina Tinker. She's a public speaker and she has also founded a parenting website! You can find the links at the bottom of this page.  I hope everyone enjoys what she has to say about parenting!   Speaking Website // Parenting Website
5/17/201821 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP 179: The CHARMS of Life with Lindsay McCarthy, Coauthor of The Miracle Morning for Parents and Families

I don't know how many of you have been with me from the beginning of this podcast, but if you have, you probably know how the book "The Miracle Morning" changed my life! That's why I'm so excited about this episode. Lindsay McCarthy teamed up with Hal Elrod, the author of the original book, to make a version especially designed for parents and families! Listen as Lindsay shares a few golden ideas that led to this amazing follow-up book. You can find her book by clicking this link below! The Miracle Morning for Parents and Families
5/3/201826 minutes, 50 seconds
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EP 175: Love What You Do with Abbi Perets

Happy Thursday, Marvelous Moms! Abbi Perets is on the podcast today and I know you'll enjoy her energy. She is a writer and she absolutely loves what she does! Isn't it so great that we all have different interests and we're all good at different things? Like Abbi says, "One man's boring is another man's awesome." (Or woman... of course).  Listen to today's episode to hear about the three things Abbi believes are most important for success and happiness!   Here are some awesome resources from Abbi:  
4/5/201826 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP 174: Breaking the Cycle with Jess Winnett

We all like a good come back story, don't we? Jess Winnett grew up in a less-than-perfect home and had great examples of what not to do in her own marriage. Instead of continuing a cycle of poor choices and broken families, Jess has done everything she can to have a healthy relationship with her husband and children. She's proof that you can make a better life than your parents had, no matter how crazy things were for you growing up! Listen for your marvelous inspiration!
3/29/201826 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP 172: Living a Big Life with Catherine Middlebrooks

Catherine Middlebrooks is a yoga teacher, mom wife, and the founder of brb Yoga. She helps mothers get their strength back after pregnancy and childbirth! Listen to today's episode to find out why working out is different once you've had a baby, and why it's so important!
3/8/201826 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP 171: Back at it with Michelle Gifford

We're back after a little break! Michelle Gifford is on the podcast today talking about doing things your way. She's a business mentor, podcaster, Maskcara artist, and a photographer - just to name a few. Check out her course! A Girlfriend's Guide to Blogging is your secret sauce to blogging to be found online. No more wasting time writing without being seen. This course walks you through step-by-step creating a blog and content that gets you found by the right people (think people searching on Google and Pinterest and finding YOU). Coupon code: kirsten50
3/1/201822 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP 164: Conquering the Critics with Melisa Osmond

Not many of us can say we've been critiqued in the tabloids, but Melisa Osmond found herself in the spotlight in a very unwelcome way. She married into a well-known family (can you guess which one?) and lives a mostly normal life. She never imagined that strangers could be so mean online! Even if you haven't been the target of cyber-bullying, we've all been victim of negative criticism at some point or another. Melisa shares how she overcame the hate in today's episode! She knows what you've been through and can say "Me, too."
9/21/201744 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP 161: Celebrating Friendship and Motherhood with Cat & Nat

You're gonna love this one! Cat & Nat are the epitome of best mom friends. If you don't already know them, this episode will make you want to. "Momming" is better together!
9/15/201724 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP 160: Full Time "Me" with Shara Park

Shara is an awesome woman I met at the Wannabe Balanced event this year. She's a mother of two, a news anchor for KSL, and overall boss mom! This is a great episode with a peek into what it's like to be a full time working mom and basically rock all aspects of your life.
9/14/201731 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP 153: VIbrant and Happy with Jen Riday

Jen Riday is the host of a podcast called Vibrant Happy Women, and she is the epitome of that name! Ladies, be aware that major creative and special sparks flew during this episode. The synergy that can happen on a podcast interview is kind of amazing. I LOVED Jen when she interviewed me on her podcast, and loved her even more when I had the chance to chat with her for an episode of MY podcast! She is a remarkable insightful woman and you would be smart to follow her podcast as well as this one. We talked a lot about motherhood and how imperative it is that we create joy in the center of our homes. I LOVED how she compared mothers to the sun, with planets- our kids and spouses- orbiting around us, and how if we are happy it effects that orbit and energy. It's the phrase, happy wife happy life, right? But a lot more spectacular than that. The best thing that happened on this episode was the validation of how IMPORTANT it is to take care of myself before I can take care of my family. Following my dreams, passions and desires only makes me better, it doesn't take away that love I have for my children! Meditation is something I have been thinking about, as well as this craving for yoga, and Jen brought all of it right to me with her belief that an hour of yoga is as good as weekend away. Thank you Jen for having such a great conversation with me, sharing your insight as a mother of 6 children and proponent of happiness and vibrance!
6/7/201723 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP 150: Embracing the Unexpected with Al Fox Carraway

You might recognize the name Al Carraway from her book "More Than the Tattooed Mormon." She is a writer, public speaker, and mother to two young children: Gracie and Christian. Despite flunking public speaking class, Al now speaks multiple times a week and has won awards for her speaking. In her episode, she talks about her faith and how it has pushed her to be who she is.
5/17/201736 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 147: Eating Clean and Cooking Dirty with Samantha Rodgers

Hey everyone! Today is a great one for all you foodies or moms wanting a little reset on your eating routine. I love Sam's tag line- you can't eat clean without getting dirty! If you think about it, most convenient food isn't messy. We gravitate to fast food and easy meals to prevent further work in the kitchen. Raise your hand if you've ever ordered in just because you CANNOT do another dish. My hand is up. I love stories that include someone finding silver lining in a hard situation. Sam had major digestive issues for most of her life, and as she got to the bottom of what was causing it, she developed a way to eat. And it hasn't only benefited her, but those around her and anyone who wants to take advantage of her research and planning! Tune in to listen to more and get started with Sam's meal planning subscription to help you make meal time healthy and easy!
3/14/201735 minutes, 46 seconds
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EP 143: A Little Switcheroo

Today you're going to hear a slightly different episode! I let the amazing Whippycake (remember her from episode 79?) interview ME on the podcast! In honor of International Women's Day I was really excited to share more about my own story as a mompreneur business owner! I love sharing stories of my guests and have been asked a lot lately to share more of my own background and what a day in the life is like for me! So sit back and relax and enjoy the fun twist on today's episode! Thank you Whippy for being an amazing host!!
3/8/201730 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP 142: Bucket List Goals with Jessica Gee

Have I mentioned before how excited I am to have the means and time to travel the world? We're getting closer every day, and talking to people who are actually doing it keeps my fire lit! I had the chance to sit down with Jessica Gee from The Bucket List Family months ago while she was in Turkey! I was so pleasantly surprised to see how normal she and her family are, in spite of their extraordinary lifestyle! I was so inspired by Jessica and her family, as well as so impressed about how they spread their happiness with others. They are such a service oriented family and are spreading goodness all around the globe. Jessica and I talked about what it has been like traveling the world with two young children, and what she's looking forward to when they take a break from their travels. Thank you for taking time between ocean dives and safaris to chat with me Jessica! It was so fun!  
2/22/201734 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP 141: Bring on the Rain!

Today's episode is all me, your host, Kirsten (you know me, right?) sending my voice into cyberspace for you to listen. I'm sharing some pretty personal stuff about what life is looking like for me right now and how so many bumps and bruises have led me to a GLORIOUS rainfall! I used to hate rain...ok I still kind of hate rain. I'm a summer soul, born in June and I love the sunshine. Gloomy skies mean gloomy moods for me. So thankfully the rain I'm speaking of is hypothetical, and the best type of rain anyone can hope for. The rain of abundance. After spending a year working harder than I've ever worked, I am reaping some amazing rewards and I wanted to share that with you! It's only fair to get to hear the good stuff, after sharing some of the struggle along the way, right? I don't know that I've ever talked this long on my own without a guest, so I hope it proves how much I had in my heart to share! I've tried to record this a few times and today it flowed freely. So enjoy, find some inspiration (I hope) and peace, knowing that all hard work pays off! Have a marvelous day!
2/22/201719 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP 134: The Purposeful Housewife- Allie Cassazza

The internet is amazing friends- it makes it possible to make friends literally ANYWHERE in the world. And I didn't need to look far to find Allie- she's raising an adorable family in Arkansas, and I only stumbled upon her thanks to a blog post of hers that went viral recently. You've probably heard about her, or read about her rather. She solved every moms problem with her article, and I felt all the good feelings while chatting with her! I was literally thinking to myself the other day how much I hate picking up after my kids. How I know they can learn to pick up after themselves and it's an every day battle- but in the mean time I'm stuck doing it.  Allie had the same moment in her motherhood and stopped to problem solve rather than do what most of us do- follow the same pattern expecting a different result. She realized that the things she was cleaning up every day were her kids toys- and they had way too many of them. So she started on a path that led her to clearing out not only a toy haul, but all the clutter that inundated her life! It left her so bored that she had to change a few things in their family...and you'll have to listen to find out what I'm talking about!
1/13/201729 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP 132: Doing A LOT With a Little with Rhonna Farrer of Rhonna's Designs

You know those days as a mom when you are just melting into the floor in despair because you can't handle one more thing? The days you realize maybe you've taken on too much and need to quit it all just to be able to be the perfect mother? I know you've felt that way- whether or not you work or just take on a lot of extra responsibilities in your community, church, etc. The day I sat down to chat with Rhonna was one of those days for me. I had met her once before but it was an instant love, an immediate connection that I was BEYOND grateful to have. I knew before we even got Skype to work that it was going to lift my burden just to talk to her. And of course- she said all the right things and never once made me feel bad for feeling bad! As she went on to share some incredible, uplifting stories, she warmed my heart even more and helped me see that there is hope beyond my bad days. Rhonna is famous for her incredible app- Rhonna's Designs. It's been one of the most popular apps in the app store for three years now, and will change. your. life! She's SO talented and has evolved with her field even before it was ready to evolve. Basically she was a pioneer of digital media, online scrapbooking and frankly- doing a LOT with a little. In an era where it feels like we need ALL the things to be successful, this episode will ground you and help you to realize what is most important, how to make your dreams come true no matter what your circumstance- and it will just leave you feeling AWESOME. Rhonna is by far one of the wisest, sweetest women I've had the pleasure of knowing and I can't wait for you to get to know her more through this episode! Thank you for sharing your heart with us you beautiful woman! Keep up with Rhonna on Instagram and all the places- you won't be sorry!
12/7/201639 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 117: Against All Odds, Stories of Adoption with Kindle Garner

Kindle is one of those people you just INSTANTLY love. It could be her charming demeanor, or the way she can melt your heart and make you laugh all in one sentence. Or maybe it's the fact that in spite of how incredible her story is, she's still relatable, in a really spectacular way. Whatever it is that makes me love her, I guarantee you will love her too! Her story is heart wrenching, faith testing and empowering, and she is the definition of Marvelous Mom. And here's what I want everyone to realize- being marvelous does not mean being perfect. It means fully embracing your motherhood, feeling gratitude for your children and your divine role as their mother. Grab a box of tissues and prepare to ugly cry. This is a story of faith in God, faith in the fact that He truly hears prayers and answers them, and that we are all worthy of amazing blessings! Enjoy this episode brought to you by the Retail Arbitrage Course, where you can learn to make money every time you go shopping!
10/10/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 116: Affirmations, Dreams and Why I Started Marvelous Moms Club

Today's episode is short and sweet and might explain a little bit more about why I started Marvelous Moms and what the last year has been like for me personally! As the host of the podcast I rarely talk much about my own personal journey, but today felt it was important to catch you up on where we are at in our million dollar goal, why I've fallen behind and how I am getting my act back together! Whether you are a new listener or old one, this is meant to inspire you and remind you that we are all human- but we are capable of being AMAZING MARVELOUS MOMS! And today's episode is sponsored by the Amazon FBA Course- to learn how you can make a full time living from the comforts of home, check out!
10/6/201611 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP 115: Hope, Faith and Freckles with Emily Meyers of The Freckled Fox

Several months ago I was on my favorite social media platform, Periscope, when a new person popped up and everyone invited me to watch her live streams. I had never heard of her, didn't know her story (because I was living under a rock somewhere that Instagram didn't exist apparently), but I instantly loved her. Who was this beautiful red head with five children, and how on earth did she seem so calm and sweet with FIVE children under the age of five running around? I got to know Emily a lot through watching her Periscopes, and we became "social media friends", which was wonderful. She would come on my periscopes and laugh and leave supportive comments as I tried to show everyone my make-up regimen that consisted of 3 year old lip liners and half broken brushes. I thought, hey, this girl is really sweet and fun, I should have her on the podcast sharing some mom tips since she's clearly got some things figured out to have had so many kids in such a short time! I had no idea, none whatsoever, that she was battling the hardest year of her life. Because I had been living under a rock, I had never read her blog, didn't know that her husband Martin was suffering from Stage 4 Melanoma. I didn't know that on top of taking care of five kids, she was taking care of a terminally ill husband, maintaining a blog and keeping a smile on her face. I just thought she was an adorable, carefree mom with the standard life we all seem to live. When I started reading more on her blog, I was devastated for her. I almost felt embarrassed that I had asked her to be on the podcast, not realizing how difficult life was for her. I watched with thousands of other people as her life continued to become weighed down with sorrow, and cried my eyes out when I found out her sweet husband had passed away just days before Father's Day. You never know how to talk to someone when they are in grief, or at least I don't. I prayed for Emily like everyone else, and let her know I was there. Fast forward a few months, and now I can't go a day without talking to her. She's become one of my soul sister friends, the kind that you just know you knew before. I'd always heard Emily was sweet and kind, but until I met her in real life, I didn't realize truly how special she is. And not only is she the most patient, mellow mother, she is HILARIOUS and we keep each other laughing on a daily basis, which I have always thought is the best medicine... Emily came to visit me this past weekend with all five of those amazing kids, and we stole a little time after they were all in bed to finally have this podcast interview. I'm honored to be able to share a little more insight into what the last year and a half were like for Emily, the moments she didn't feel ready to share on her blog, the stories behind the stories. I know it's been overwhelming to share everything in the middle of her turmoil, and she's always striven to keep her blog positive, faith-filled and amazing. So grab some tissues- I promise you will need them, and if you haven't already, prepare to fall head over heels in love with this absolutely Marvelous Mom, Emily Meyers. Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to catch all the new episodes! I love sharing these stories with you, and all of them hold a piece of my heart!  
9/28/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 44 seconds