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Love is like a plant Profile

Love is like a plant

English, Social, 1 season, 51 episodes, 13 hours, 56 minutes
If love is like a plant, how can we help it grow? Love is like a plant is a podcast about relationships, dating, sex and heartbreak hosted by Ellen Huerta, founder of Mend (, an app that helps you through a break up, and Sarah May B,( the podcaster behind Help Me Be Me and The Break-Up Album. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
Episode Artwork

LILAP - Dealing with Burnout

Hi friends! This is an episode we recorded during 2021 all about the burnout app developed by Mend, as well as what burnout is and how to deal with it. We hope you enjoy! And if you're interested, here's the Help Me Be Me episode on burnout plus some oldies: xo
7/6/202222 minutes, 4 seconds
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LILAP Insecurities In Relationships

In this episode, Sarah May and Elle answer a listener request - how to deal with insecurities in relationships. We were both recording from home during lockdown, so apologies in advance for the sound quality. Wishing you all well this fall and sending our love - stay safe and healthy! xo
6/9/202113 minutes, 38 seconds
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LILAP Listener Q&A Episode 3: We Answer Your Last Batch Of Questions!

We hope you all are doing well. In this episode, Sarah May and Elle answer the last batch of LILAP listener questions that were sent in this spring. We were both recording from home during lockdown, so apologies in advance for the sound quality in a few parts. Wishing you all well this fall and sending our love - stay safe and healthy! ICYMI, here are the other two LILAP listener question episodes: Episode 1: Episode 2:
10/22/202025 minutes, 36 seconds
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LILAP Listener Q&A Episode 2: We Answer More Of Your Questions!

We hope you all are doing well. In this episode, Sarah May and Elle answer more LILAP listener questions. Wishing you all well this summer and sending our love - stay safe and healthy! Questions answered in this episode: -How can you meet people and date post-lockdown? -How can you move on from a person you have a connection with (when you miss them)? -What is the best way to improve and maintain relationships you already have with people of the opposite gender? -When can you say "I love you" (like a friend) to a friend? -How soon can you say "I love you" to the person you're dating? -Why do you think most relationships aren't working these days? Is it social media or people becoming unhappy quickly? ICYMI, here's the first LILAP listener question episode: Other episodes that were mentioned: Dating: Our Approach To Dating & What To Look For In A Partner: 3 Tips For Dating + Finding Love In The Age Of Tinder:
6/24/202025 minutes, 2 seconds
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LILAP Listener Q&A Episode 1: We Answer Your Questions!

In this episode, Sarah May and Elle answer LILAP listener questions on breakups, boundaries, relationships, roommate troubles & dating. In this episode we mentioned the Red Flags episode: We also mentioned a great resource on healthy vs unhealthy relationships, One Love Foundation: We have a special request: if you enjoy listening to our podcast, be sure to subscribe, give us 5 stars on iTunes, and share this episode with a friend or two. These small ways to give back help us increase our ranking and grow the podcast with no advertising, and we hope to keep this up! Thank you - Elle & Sarah :)
5/26/202023 minutes, 14 seconds
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Coronavirus Episode: Dealing With Uncertainty During Lockdown

In this episode of Love Is Like A Plant, Elle and Sarah May share some of their favorite resources for dealing with the difficulty and uncertainty of the current situation. If you like this podcast, please send it to a friend who might like it too, and please leave a 5-star review in iTunes. Show notes: -Tara Brach was mentioned in this episode. Her website is: -This episode was recorded remotely using an app, so we apologize for the overlap that happens at a few points.
5/13/202019 minutes, 31 seconds
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Coronavirus Episode: Being Single During Lockdown

In this episode, Elle and Sarah May talk about how to stay sane if you're on lockdown by yourself and how to mend if you're going through a breakup during this pandemic. They'll also be recording a LIVE episode with listeners and you're invited! To join, email [email protected].
4/6/202021 minutes, 36 seconds
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How To Have A Healthy Long Distance Relationship

Welcome to our last episode of 2019! In this episode, we offered a response to a LILAP listener's question about how to have a healthy long-distance relationship, one where you're not clinging even though the person is far away. We shared a few really important strategies for healthy relationships in this episode that are helpful whether you're in an LDR or not. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from us. We're thankful for each of you and we're looking forward to sharing new episodes in 2020.
12/13/201911 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Pros & Cons Of Dating Someone Older

In this episode of LILAP, Elle and Sarah May talk about dating someone who's older. Are there benefits to dating someone who's a few or more years older? Is the older dating pool better or worse for dating? Are there any red flags to look for when dating someone older than yourself? If you like this episode, be sure to subscribe and give LILAP 5 stars on iTunes!
10/18/201913 minutes, 55 seconds
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What To Do If You're Overprotective Or Jealous When It Comes To Exes

Exes can be a point of stress for a lot of couples, and social media doesn't make it any easier...In this episode of LILAP, Elle and Sarah talk about how to deal with your partner's exes (or your ex's exes!), and what to do if their relationship rubs you the wrong way. They also discuss red flags, ultimatums and what it might mean if you're jealous of your SO's exes.
9/13/201921 minutes, 18 seconds
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Should You Stay Or Should You Go? How To Know If A Relationship Is Right

We're back from our seasonal break with a whole new set of episodes! Today's episode is all about relationship happiness and how to know whether you're with the right person. We talk about staying in relationships too long, what questions to ask yourself, and why it's worth the short term pain to end a relationship that isn't right for you. Also, an announcement: Elle is heading to Barcelona in a few months for the very first Mend retreat! For more info, visit If you're a fan of LILAP, we have a special request to take two seconds right now and leave us a 5-star review so that more people can find our podcast.
8/7/201916 minutes, 49 seconds
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Is Social Media Affecting Your Love Life?

In this episode of LILAP, Elle and Sarah May talk about the way social media can affect relationships and why it may be a good idea to detox from social media. They also share some advice on how to deal with tricky social media situations (like when your partner follows someone you don't want them to). Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
3/22/201911 minutes, 23 seconds
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Sex With Your Ex: Why We Do It & How To Recover

In this episode of LILAP, Elle and Sarah May tackle a very popular topic: sex with an ex. Why do we hook up with our exes? How can we recover if we're post-sex with an ex and not feeling great about it? Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
3/5/201915 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Valentine's Day Episode: How To Enjoy V-Day Even If You're Single

Happy Valentine's Day! In this episode, Elle and Sarah talk about Valentine's Day, why it's a charged holiday and how to enjoy it even if you're not one part of a couple. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
1/31/201910 minutes, 55 seconds
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Setting Yourself Up For Happiness In The New Year

Happy New Year everyone! In this episode of LILAP, Sarah and Elle share their own personal resolutions and how they like to kick off the new year. They also talk about the power of manifestation and how to harness the power of it in your own life. If you like this episode, be sure to leave a 5 star review in Podcasts and subscribe to get future episodes. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
1/12/201926 minutes, 40 seconds
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What To Do When Your Breakup Is Dragging Out

In this listener requested episode of LILAP, Elle and Sarah May talk about what to do when a breakup drags out and why we so often avoid a clean break even when we know it's the right thing. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
12/1/201813 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Positive Outlook: How Your Partner's Mindset Can Affect You & Your Relationship

In this episode, Sarah May and Elle talk about positive outlooks vs negative outlooks and why mindset is an important thing to think about when it comes to your own relationships. If you like this episode, be sure to subscribe and tell a friend! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
10/31/201810 minutes, 46 seconds
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Making It Official: When & How To Define The Relationship (DTR)

In this episode, Sarah May and Elle share their own experiences of making things official, and how to navigate the conversation even if you're scared of the outcome. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
10/11/201819 minutes, 50 seconds
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Don't Settle: Why You Shouldn't Settle In A Relationship

In this episode of LILAP, Sarah May and Elle talk about settling: why you shouldn't settle in a relationship & how to identify if you are settling (and then what to do about it!). If you like this episode, share it with a friend and subscribe to get all our new episodes. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending! Music by Booker Hill.
8/24/201817 minutes, 23 seconds
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MICROCHEATING! What is it & how to deal if it happens to you

Today we talk about what it means to "microcheat" and how to deal with it if it comes up in your own relationships. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
8/17/201815 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dating: Our Approach To Dating & What To Look For In A Partner

In this episode of LILAP, Sarah May and Elle talk about their own approaches to dating as a way of answering the common question, "What should I look for in a partner?" If you like this episode, share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe to get future episodes. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
5/30/201814 minutes, 41 seconds
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What To Do When Your Partner Breaks Up With You To Focus On Work/School/_______

Has someone ever told you..."I just need to really focus on myself/my career/school/_____" as a reason for not moving forward in a relationship? We call this "getting their house in order" and it's the topic of today's podcast - why are some people unable to get their house in order and be in a relationship, while others are able to balance both? If you like this episode, be sure to subscribe! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
4/7/201815 minutes, 25 seconds
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Post-Breakup Shame: What To Do If You Feel Embarrassed After Your Breakup

Post-breakup shame is normal - know that you're not alone if you feel that sting. If you're feeling ashamed or embarrassed after your breakup, this episode will help you move through those feelings and focus on what's more important: you! If you like this episode, share it with a friend and be sure to subscribe! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
3/22/201813 minutes, 13 seconds
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Our Self Care Routines & How To Make Self Care A Daily Practice

Self care is IN, and for good reason. Elle and Sarah May share how they're practicing self care at the moment and how you can take care of yourself even if you feel like you don't have the time. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
2/26/201816 minutes, 20 seconds
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Breakups: Is It Harder To Leave Or To Be Left?

Love Is Like A Plant is back! We were on hiatus this fall while Sarah welcomed a new human into her life, but we are excited to be back with today's episode where we ask the question: Is it harder to leave, or be left? Elle and Sarah pull from their own experiences and talk about all of the layers of emotions involved with leaving someone. You can listen to the episode on iTunes or on Soundcloud. If you like it, be sure to share it with a friend and subscribe to get future episodes! In this episode we talk about how helpful it is to read other people's stories, and here are a few we recommend: Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert Love Warrior, Glennon Doyle Melton Tiny Beautiful Things, Cheryl Strayed Bridget Jones' Diary, Helen Fielding The Language of Letting Go, Melody Beattie When Things Fall Apart, Pema Chodron Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
12/12/201716 minutes, 34 seconds
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What To Do If You're Blaming Yourself For Your Break Up

Self blame is a painful reality for most people after heartbreak. In today's episode, Elle and Sarah May talk about how to let go of feeling responsible for your breakup. If you like this episode, subscribe and share it with a friend you love! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
7/26/201711 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Toxic Habits You Should Avoid In Relationships

In this episode of Love Is Like A Plant, Elle and Sarah May talk about things to avoid if you want to improve the health of your relationship. If you like this podcast, be sure to subscribe, share with friends, and leave a review in iTunes. :) Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
6/13/201723 minutes
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When + How To Let Go Of A Relationship That Isn't Right

In this episode of LILAP, Sarah May and Elle talk about how to let go, even, and especially, when it hurts. If you like LILAP, please subscribe for future episodes and leave a review on iTunes!
4/27/201714 minutes, 8 seconds
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Breakups: How To Get Through Your First Major Heartbreak

In this episode of LILAP, Sarah May and Elle talk about first heartbreak and why they say "the first cut is the deepest." They also give tips for how to deal, if you're experiencing your first major heartbreak. If you like LILAP, please subscribe for future episodes and leave a review on iTunes! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
4/27/201719 minutes
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Happy New Year! Elle & Sarah May Share Their New Year's Rituals

Happy New Year from Elle and Sarah May!! In this episode of Love Is Like A Plant, they share their New Year's rituals and how to start the year in a way that nourishes you. If you like LILAP, please subscribe for future episodes and leave a review on iTunes! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
1/4/201715 minutes, 16 seconds
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Holiday Loneliness: How To Make It Through The Holidays!

This episode of LILAP is for anyone who is feeling a little lonely during the holidays this year. Elle and Sarah May talk about what to do if you're solo this year, and how to thrive during the holiday season. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from us to you! <3 Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
12/23/201611 minutes, 22 seconds
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Red Flags: What To Look For + What To Avoid When You're Dating

Do you pay attention to red flags in relationships? Elle and Sarah May share their top red flags and what to do when they happen with someone you're seeing. If you like LILAP, please subscribe for future episodes and leave us a review on iTunes! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
10/14/201619 minutes, 8 seconds
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Do You Stay In Relationships Because You're Scared Of Being Alone?

Does the thought of breaking up with your S.O. send you in a panic even if you're not sure they're the right person? Are you stuck in a mediocre relationship because you would rather not be alone? In this week's episode of Love is like a plant, we talk about what to do if your fear of being alone is holding you back. If you like LILAP, please subscribe for future episodes and leave us a review on iTunes! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
9/23/201615 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why We Ghost People + What To Do If You've Been Ghosted

This week Sarah May and Elle talk about how to deal with GHOSTING, "the act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date." (Thanks, If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! You can listen to this episode on iTunes too. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea
9/9/201614 minutes, 56 seconds
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What To Do When Your Partner Won't Change

This week Sarah May and Elle discuss what to do when your partner won't change, and a few tips to make difficult conversations easier. If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! You can listen to this episode on iTunes too. Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
8/26/201613 minutes, 45 seconds
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Soul Mates: Should You Hold Out To Meet Your Soul Mate?

Do you believe in soul mates? Should you wait until you find the perfect one? What if you aren't sure? These are the questions Sarah May and Elle answer in this episode on soul mates. If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! You can listen to this episode on iTunes too. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea
8/12/201615 minutes, 3 seconds
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Fight Fair: What You Should Know About Fighting With Your S.O.

Fighting is inevitable in relationships, but healthy fighting is something that can take practice. In this episode, Sarah May and Elle share their top tips for resolving conflict and making it through difficult conversations with the person you love (and anyone, really!) Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
7/28/201616 minutes, 23 seconds
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What To Do When Someone Tells You They Don't Love You Anymore

It happens: people fall out of love. So what happens next? How can you put yourself back together if someone tells you they don't love you, but you still love them? And if this happens in committed relationships and marriages, should you stick it out and work things out, or walk away? In this episode of LILAP, Sarah May and Elle talk about how to deal with the pain of falling out of love.
7/22/201613 minutes, 52 seconds
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On-Again, Off-Again: What to Do When Someone Says They Want A Break

Why are on-again off-again relationships so common? And what should you do if your partner wants to take a break? Elle and Sarah May discuss in this week's episode of LILAP. If you like this episode, leave us a review on iTunes and subscribe to get more episodes! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending! What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea
7/15/201612 minutes, 38 seconds
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How To Keep It Fresh: Can A Relationship Be Too Intimate?

In this episode of LILAP, Sarah May and Elle talk about how to keep things interesting in a relationship, and whether or not there is such a thing as being "too intimate." If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
6/21/201613 minutes, 10 seconds
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Being Single: Why It Doesn't Suck + What To Do When It Hurts

We know it can be an eye-rolling moment when someone says being single is awesome, but the truth is: sometimes is really is awesome. Sometimes it's not awesome. In this episode of LILAP, Elle and Sarah May talk about both sides and in between. If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending! Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea
6/10/201612 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Ex Episode: How to Get Your Ex Back

This week's episode is dedicated to anyone who has ever Googled "how to get my ex back." In The Ex Episode we talk about getting back together with exes, whether exes can be friends and what to do when you miss your ex.  If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
6/3/201617 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Talk About Boundaries In A Relationship + What To Do When You Don't Agree

In this week's episode, we are talking about why boundaries are important in relationships and what to do when your ideas of what's OK/what's not OK in a relationship don't align. We also share the key to talking about boundaries so that it brings you closer together, not further apart - even when the topic is uncomfortable (think: porn, strippers, etc). If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
5/20/201617 minutes, 7 seconds
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Marriage Part Deux: Why Do People Get Married + What If One Person Doesn't Want To?

In this episode, Sarah May and Elle talk about marriage: why is one of them married and the other isn't? Why do people get married? And is it a deal breaker if someone doesn't want to get married? If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
5/13/201618 minutes, 36 seconds
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What To Do When You Feel Jealous In Relationships + Breakups

Being jealous in a relationship or after a breakup is its own form of torture, so how do you stop if you're totally obsessed? In this episode Ellen Huerta ( and Sarah May B. ( talk about what's behind jealousy and ways you can begin to move out of it. If you like it, don't forget to hit subscribe to get more episodes! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
5/3/201616 minutes, 3 seconds
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Commitment Issues: What to Do If Someone Won't Commit

What should you do if someone won't commit? In this episode of Love is like a plant, Ellen Huerta ( and Sarah May B. ( talk about commitment - why people are afraid of it, and what to do if you're not getting the level of commitment you want in a relationship. If you like it, don't forget to hit subscribe to get more episodes! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea
4/29/201621 minutes, 33 seconds
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Cheating: Why It Happens + What To Do About It

Cheating is one of the most painful things, yet it happens all the time. In this episode, Ellen Huerta (of and Sarah May B. (of Help Me Be Me)talk about why people cheat and what to do when it happens. If you like it, don't forget to hit subscribe to get more episodes! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
4/20/201616 minutes, 28 seconds
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Marriage Part 1: Are Polyamory and Serial Monogamy Replacing Marriage?

What is the state of relationships in 2016? Ellen Huerta of Mend ( and Sarah May B. of Help Me Be Me ( talk about the changing nature of marriage and relationships, and how they think about partnerships. If you like what you hear, don't forget to hit subscribe. Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea About Love is like a plant: Inspired by the famous John Lennon & Yoko Ono interview on love, hosts Ellen Huerta and Sarah May B. answer the question “If love is like a plant, how do we keep it alive?” Whether you’re heartbroken, or happily coupled, they explore what it means to love well in bite-sized episodes. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
4/15/201615 minutes, 18 seconds
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3 Tips For Dating + Finding Love In The Age Of Tinder

How have dating apps affected love and romance? Ellen Huerta of Mend ( and Sarah May B. of Help Me Be Me ( talk about how they found love through dating apps, plus some tips for anyone on the market. If you like what you hear, don't forget to hit subscribe. Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending! What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea About Love is like a plant: Inspired by the famous John Lennon & Yoko Ono interview on love, hosts Ellen Huerta and Sarah May B. answer the question “If love is like a plant, how do we keep it alive?” Whether you’re heartbroken, or happily coupled, they explore what it means to love well in bite-sized episodes.
4/6/201618 minutes, 27 seconds
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Together but Alone: How to Love Someone and Not Lose Yourself

In this episode of Love is like a plant, Ellen Huerta of Mend ( and Sarah May B. of Help Me Be Me ( talk about how to find balance between love and life. How can we love someone and not lose touch with ourselves? If you like what you hear, don't forget to hit subscribe. Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending! What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea About Love is like a plant: Inspired by the famous John Lennon & Yoko Ono interview on love, hosts Ellen Huerta and Sarah May B. answer the question “If love is like a plant, how do we keep it alive?” Whether you’re heartbroken, or happily coupled, they explore what it means to love well in bite-sized episodes.
4/1/201617 minutes, 15 seconds
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Introducing: Love is Like a Plant

Inspired by the famous John Lennon & Yoko Ono interview on love, hosts Ellen Huerta and Sarah May B. answer the question “If love is like a plant, how do we keep it alive?” Whether you’re heartbroken, or happily coupled, they explore what it means to love well in bite-sized episodes. Featuring interviews with: Mereki Beach, Light Watkins and Jennifer Puno. Featuring "The Game - All That (Lady)" ft. Lil Wayne, Big Sean, Fabolous & Jeremih) DGC, Interscope. Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music. Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!
2/12/20165 minutes, 5 seconds