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Last Self Help Podcast Profile

Last Self Help Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 207 episodes, 19 hours, 50 minutes
(Formerly Everyday Attraction) Get ready for a new season of our new podcast The Last Self Help podcast. Based on the Teachings of Abraham (abraham-hicks) and many other enlightened channels and teachers. We uncover that the only satisfying and sustainable place to find your answers is within you. We'll show you how to uncover your inner wise-one and never again need another self-help book for your wellbeing. Discover the divinity within YOU.
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Reality Shifting with Cynthia Sue Larson

Join us with esteemed author and physicist Cynthia Sue Larsen about how we can use both spirituality and quantum science to better understand our ability to more fully impact our reality. We know Self Help is an inside job and Cynthia helps us better understand how the self and the outside world co-mingle with intention and expectation. This is fun and a little nerdy.
8/4/202044 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Beliefs Create Our Experiences

@Darryl Anka (channel for Bashar) talks to us about how important our understanding of beliefs are in order for us to better understand and even change our reality or experience in the physical. In Last Self Help fashion, information is power and we create a sure fire way to see what beliefs are not serving you and how to change them up for better manifestations. If your life is repeating itself with same experiences and outcomes this episodes is for YOU.
6/3/202054 minutes, 29 seconds
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Welcome to The Last Self Help Podcast

Why The Last Self Help Podcast? Because the guru is you. It's time to go within and connected to the infinite intelligence that resides inside you beyond the fear, beyond the past, beyond the beliefs. Together we will explore the ancient and modern wisdom of how to tap into your intuition, your highest self, your truth. Our podcast is hosted by Rae Zander and Debbianne DeRose.
5/12/202046 minutes, 35 seconds
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Your Natural State of Abundance—The Communion of Light

Basking is your only tasking. This wise channel reminds us of how perception is really ever our only "problem." And forgetting of who we really are ... but that, too, can be shifted. 
3/2/201957 minutes, 45 seconds
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Surrender Often and Easy, Featuring the Communion of Light

Surrender is an active way to live your life and slip into the effortless effort-ing of divine flow. We engage to lead the way.
2/9/201957 minutes, 45 seconds
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From the Communion of Light: Lazy Cash—How to Work Less and Bring in More

Rae Zander introduces you to the work of Frank Butterfield and the Communion of Light. How can you align yourself with a flow of abundance? According to the Communion of Light, cash/dollars/euros come via alignment, not action. Especially not by running around. All income is passive.
1/26/201957 minutes, 45 seconds
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From the Communion of Light: Contrast, Desire, Alignment, Allowing

Rae Zander shares information from the Communion of Light. If you are interested in channeled work, Frank Butterfield is a Master Channel who brings forth the amazing Communion of Light vortex several times a day. Check out this simple and fluid process for manifesting to your heart's content from the Communion of Light.
1/12/201957 minutes, 45 seconds
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Forgiving Money With the Communion of Light

Welcome to a new and innovative episode of Everyday Attraction. We welcome the Communion of Light as they help us rethink money entirely and get into the energy of cash. We also explore the nature of forgiveness and passive income!
10/26/201858 minutes, 14 seconds
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Bad Parenting?

Abraham delivers the most direct and elegant information about how to parent. Warning: This is probably the opposite of anything you have ever heard or read. Check out our website for more information.
9/14/201857 minutes, 44 seconds
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Should I Assume Everything Is Going to Be All Right?

Our hosts have a special treat. They are focused on the channel Frank Butterfield and the Communion of Light. This is life-changing infomation.
8/24/201857 minutes, 12 seconds
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A hack is a quick and easy way to do something to make your life easier. Can you hack the law of attraction? Discover the power of MicroBlissing and find easy ways to manifest the life of your dreams with Rae Zander and guest Debbianne DeRose.
7/20/201857 minutes, 44 seconds
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What About Commitment?

Our hosts discuss the light and dark sides of being committed. They explore when to lean in and when to let go.
7/13/201857 minutes, 44 seconds
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Oprah's Shakti Teacher, Lisa Schrader, Discusses Being in the Receiving Mode

This week Rae Zander and cohost Lisa Schrader dive in to the unlimited power of feeling satisfaction in life and how such a stance can open the doors to all you have been asking for. Lisa is an amazing teacher, coach, and leader who has changed the lives of thousands. Check out her website at
6/22/201852 minutes, 9 seconds
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Under the Influence

Our hosts talk about living under the influence of Source ... or maybe Twitter? They wake up and pivot to alignment in this engaging discussion of leading-edge Abraham teachings for living your best life. Their website is
6/15/201857 minutes, 44 seconds
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Vibrational Currency

Our hosts dive into the latest teachings of Abraham about where prosperity flows from and how much you can expect. These leading-edge teachers show how our beliefs stop our flow.
6/1/201857 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Thing About Death Is …

Our hosts explore the great transition, or as Abraham likes to call it, "crocking." Their irreverence seeps in a deep understanding that death does not exist. However, we know we still have to manage the physical loss and the reality of our own transition. Thanks for joining us for this tender, humorous, and loving discussion of an experience we will all go through.
5/18/201828 minutes, 53 seconds
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All In Manifesting with Jeanette Maw

Today we welcome LOA Superstar Jeanette Maw from the Good Vibe Blog. Rae and Jeannette chat about all things easy manifesting and be all in when it comes to receiving our good. We are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people for our greatest unfolding. Our website is
4/27/201831 minutes, 1 second
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Turning Thoughts to Things

Abraham says, "We are here for the creating, not just the creation." On today's show, our hosts explore how to enjoy the journey to the thing you are wanting so there is no more waiting! It's all vibration and energy and created just for you. Tap in to the joy now, because you can. Our website is
4/20/201829 minutes, 32 seconds
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What the Fear?

This week we look under the hood of fear and see what is really going on when we feel this emotion. Abraham shows us how to release it AND get the information the Fear is trying to communicate to you. Join us for another rollicking romp through all things Law Of Attraction. Our site is
4/13/201829 minutes, 50 seconds
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How To Connect With Your Inner Being

This nonphysical language is subtle but powerful and you have to be in the "receptive mode" to truly get the whisperings of your inner being. Join Rae and friends today as they talk about the language of intuition and how to hook up with your infinite intelligence every day. Our website is
3/16/201828 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to See Through the Eyes of Source

This week Rae and Heather dive into the topic of resonance and antiresonance. This is a key tool in getting all you want and enjoying the journey to it. We are joined by a new cohost, Debbianne DeRose. Our website is Feel good, sister!
2/17/201830 minutes, 44 seconds
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There Is No Exclusion in the Universe

So you better stop telling that story. Abraham says we live in an attraction-based universe, so a "no" is actually a "yes," a push is a pull. Confused? The good news is you are not alone—your guidance is waiting. Our website is
2/3/201829 minutes, 28 seconds
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2017 Wrap up—Tuning Right for Year in Sight

Join our hosts as we get clarity on how to tune in to what is already here for us from our request ... and how to be at peace with what is in the meantime. Tons of love to you all. If you'd like to support the podcast and hear more shows in 2018, please go to
12/30/201730 minutes, 44 seconds
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No need to Be Bold, Just Joyful

Our hosts dove into understanding the systems of creation that lie just below the energy of our emotions. Find out why being bold might not serve you as well as finding the powerful cocreative force known as joy. Our website is  
10/20/201729 minutes, 25 seconds
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Be Awash in Thoughts of Plenty

When we think something is rare or hard to get, we are right. But when we practice thoughts of plenty about relationships, money, or whatever calls our desire ... then we tip into what Abraham calls "the receive mode," and even something on its way is delightful. Our website is 
10/6/201730 minutes, 4 seconds
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How 15 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life

The best part of Easy Breezy Manifesting is that opportunities come to you—you don't go to them. However, you'll need to be in the receiving mode. On today's podcast, our hosts talk about how 15 minutes of meditation a day can make all the difference in your manifesting game. Our website is
9/8/201730 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Speed up Manifesting What You Want

Our hosts dive deep into Abraham's Step 4 of the creative process—a crucial step in understanding how to stop efforting and start allowing what you want to pop into place. Our website is
9/1/201731 minutes, 1 second
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Stop Banging It out in Action—There Is a Better Way

Easy-breezy manifesting is the new metaphysical technology for creating with ease and fun, finding the power in inspired action. Abraham once again shows us how what we are asking for is already here, ready to align and manifest. If you'd like to join our mastermind, easy-breeze manifesting discussions, email us at [email protected].
8/11/201730 minutes, 10 seconds
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When to Focus, When to Just Let Go

We know that what we think about manifests, but when is it time to relax and just let things unfold, trusting in the unfolding of Source Energy? This week we dive deep, with our Abraham friends, into the cocreative process and easy manifesting. Our website is
7/21/201730 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Formula for Happily Ever After

It's simple, sweet, savory, and full of satisfaction. Listen in was we explore how Abraham is telling us that we can be happy now even without "the stuff" and happy when the stuff pops in ... and it will with this winning formula. To help support this podcast, check out 
6/23/201730 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why You Should Do What Is Best for You ...

Yes, we said it. We stand tall as we hear Abraham so clearly explain why doing what feels good to you serves everyone ... yes, everyone. So this is permission to stop pleasing others and connect to your unlimited supply for the betterment of all. We know this is flip side living at its best. Our website is
6/2/201730 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Being Impulsive Is a Good Thing

The Feel Good Sisters unravel the secret language of impulses and how Source energy may be whispering to you impulsively on how to allow everything you want with ease and flow. Our website is  
5/26/201730 minutes, 40 seconds
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Instant Manifestation and the True Meaning of Living in the Now

Abraham does it again with flip side, counterintuitive knowing. As it turns out, what's happening now is actually the past. Confused? Don't be—just listen in and let the "Feel Good" sister explain how to truly live in the now ... which (hint) isn't in the physical world. Our website is  
5/5/201729 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Remedy for Feeling Overwhelmed

First, we discover what is going on vibrationally when we feel overwhelmed. We will then uncover what the heck to do about it. As usual, the answer will surprise and delight you. Get ready to be ready. Our website is
4/14/201730 minutes, 32 seconds
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For Parents and People Pleasers—Find Relief Here

Working too hard to keep your kids happy?  Trying to be the best mom or dad ever? Find out why such efforts may not be working for you or your kids. This works with anyone your are trying to please. We explore the problem with feathered nests and the joy of contrast. Our website is
3/24/201730 minutes, 7 seconds
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Thousands of Treasures Awaiting You Every Day!

Are you ready to be ready? Ready for what you ask? Your inner being, your spiritual entourage, is ready to engage and show you where everything you want is waiting. But you have to be ready to be ready? How? Listen in this week on Everyday Attraction with your Feel Good Sisters, Rae and Heather. Our website is
3/11/201730 minutes, 14 seconds
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There Is a Pony in There Somewhere

In other words, don't resist what is going wrong. There is clarity coming, and the solutions are being whispered to us. However, if we are splashing about in the problem, we will miss the grace of "come this way." We go deep with Step 5 this week on Everyday Attraction. Our website is
2/18/201730 minutes, 42 seconds
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When You Can't Think of Puppies

This week we'll talk about how to bridge beliefs that are keeping you from stepping into your alignment. If you can't stop thinking about the issue, there is still a way into the receptive mode. Our website is
1/28/201730 minutes, 1 second
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There Is Just One Thing to Do for Everything to Come to You

Abraham tells us there is no assertion in the universe. There is only attraction, so we must find a way to tame our beautiful minds to focus on what feels good. Join us for a discussion about this powerful law of attraction.  
1/21/201730 minutes, 34 seconds
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Your Inner Coach and Trusting the Contrast

You are equipped with infinite wisdom. You have an inner coach who knows you like no one else and loves you unconditionally. Our inner coach (being, god, spirit) also knows the path of least resistance to all we are wanting ... and may have a few twists and turns in mind ... so relax, you are being guided.  
1/14/201730 minutes, 31 seconds
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Feeling a Little Tense?

This week we discuss the antidote to anxiety. It is simple and radical. Join us and awaken to the effortless feel-good flow waiting for you. Our website is  
12/3/201630 minutes, 27 seconds
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Are You Desiring or Yearning? One Can Manifest, the Other Does Not

The internal work of LOA is so personal and so fine-tuned. Understanding these energetic emotions can mean the difference between a life of frustration and a joyous journey from one "yes" to the next. You get to decide. Our blog is  
11/19/201630 minutes, 15 seconds
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Hold on to Your Power, No Matter What's Going on

It has been quite a week in the United States—and we are going to flip it good, Abraham style. Join us for another week of getting beyond the surface and feeling into the flow of you own alignment, which no one can take away from you, no matter what.  
11/12/201630 minutes, 20 seconds
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Surrender Early And Often

Abraham reveals that something even better than you imagined is around the corner. Trust the unfolding even if it makes no sense at all. 
11/4/201630 minutes, 21 seconds
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What Your Dog Can Teach You About Alignment

This week we talk about animal behavior and what it can tell us about our own challenges with "domestication." If you are feeling any lack of freedom these days or dancing with scarcity, this show will bring you insight.
10/28/201630 minutes, 20 seconds
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Understanding Physical Pain and How We Find Relief

We'll talk about a major wisdom nugget as Abraham delivers new insights in understanding what physical pain is and how we can stay in alignment even when we are in the midst of it. We'll discuss amazing insights in how to find relief. Our website is and our blog is
10/14/201630 minutes, 38 seconds
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Aligned Parenting

Abraham reveals their radical take on how to be a powerful parent. With their leading-edge understanding, we uncover how to truly support our kids. It's flip side living!
9/30/201630 minutes, 18 seconds
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Empathy vs. Compassion—A Vibrational World of Difference

We'll focus on the big energetic difference between having empathy for someone versus having compassion. To truly be the uplifters we were born to be, tune in to find out what supports those you love more. Our website is  
9/9/201630 minutes, 27 seconds
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If You Are Not Here, Now, You Are Nowhere Real

We explore the importance of being present in the now moment in order to fully galvanize our spiritual entourage to deliver the experiences, the things, the desires of our heart. Just breathe and come back home to the eternal now. Everything is here for you in the now. Our website is Our essential oil of the week is the feel-good blend, Cheer.
8/26/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Power of Forgetting Who You Have Been

Wow, Abraham reminds us that our Inner Being has no need to remember who we have been and is only focused on this moment.  So who do you want to be now? Our website is  
8/19/201630 minutes, 20 seconds
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Overwhelm and Exhaustion—There Is Another Way

Today's show is all about understanding why many of us are overwhelmed and exhausted. Abraham explores how Source energy can replenish you each day if you'll only let it. We have resistance if we are tired, but the good news is letting go is just a thought away. Join us. Our website is
7/29/201659 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Pushing Yourself Or Others Never Works

We dive deep into understanding why pushing or action without inspiration is actually introducing resistance and slowing down what you want to show up. Find out why chillin' isn't just for summer. Our website is  
7/1/201659 minutes, 51 seconds
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Are You Feeling Exhausted? How to Feel Energized!

This week we explore Abraham's instant boost and how to allow the energy you have already summoned. What fun to know how to ride the wave of support. Check out our website at  
6/17/201659 minutes, 53 seconds
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Unlock Your Direct Connection to Source Energy

On today's show we explore how self-appreciation or truly understanding your worth directly unlocks your endless connection to Source. Want to get more intuitive ideas, bring in infinite intelligence, and never feel alone in the world again? This show is for you.
6/3/201659 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Enjoy the Journey, Even the Bumpy Parts

The week we focus on the journey, not the destination. We discover how to even enjoy the turbulence that is part of our flight. Tap into unconditional fun on your Feel-Good Sisters' Everyday Attraction journey.
5/6/201658 minutes, 47 seconds
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Are You Addicted to What Is?

We wrap up our series on addiction with this amazing "flip-side" understanding of how we are often addicted to certain beliefs or ways of seeing the world that are keeping what we want from manifesting. This is about awakening to know that was is, is actually what was. Where you want to go now is all that matters.  
4/8/201658 minutes, 49 seconds
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The New 12 Steps: Revised and Revibed, Part 2

We continue our joyous journey of the new 12-step recovery program coming from the perspective of our beloved Abraham. Join us for a fresh look at addiction, recovery, alignment, and the truth of who you are. Also, we launch our Send the Feel Good Sister to Alaska adventure.
3/18/201659 minutes, 26 seconds
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The 'New' 12 Steps—How to Level-Up Substance Recovery

This week we dive deep into Abraham's revibing the traditional 12-Step program of recovery from addiction. This is a whole new way of seeing who you really are, whether you are or have been an addict, or not. They have done it again and shared more "flip-side" living. Our websites are and    
3/12/201659 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pain = No Gain

Many self-help gurus tell us that unless we get out of our "comfort zone," we cannot reach our goals and aspirations. Abraham disagrees completely. Join us as we unravel why the discomfort zone slows you down and how to leverage the power of Source energy and infinite intelligence in all you do. Our website is and check out our blog at
2/27/201659 minutes, 18 seconds
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Simple Steps To Get What You Want

Welcome to the receptive mode, where what is doesn't trigger your focus because you are in vibration with your desires being a done deal. Step into the most delicious freedom ever. Our website is 
2/20/201659 minutes, 32 seconds
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Your "Inner Being" Has An Opinion About That ...

Abraham tells us that when we feel negative emotion, it means one thing and one thing only ... in that moment, what we are thinking is in direct opposition to what our inner being knows about us and the situation. How can we see from broader, infinite intelligence? Join us to find out more. And check out our blog at
2/6/201658 minutes, 45 seconds
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It's All Happening in the Receiving Mode

We kick off the new year fresh and frisky and all about the receiving mode. Did you know Source energy is throwing you a vibrational party that you can make manifest! Just find the door marked Receiving Mode—and we will show you how.
1/16/201659 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why There Is No Coincidence

This week we explore what Abraham calls the co-incidence of the universe working with you, around you, and offering all kinds of signs to follow. Join us for a joyous exploration of a world where this is no true coincidence but profound guidance, if you'll allow.  
11/14/201559 minutes, 42 seconds
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That Problem Is Divinely Inspired? Really??

How can my contrast, my issue, my problem come from anywhere but way outside of the vortex? Welcome to Step 5 leading-edgers. This week we delve deep into what it means to move through problems (big or small) and still stay divinely inspired, guided, and ultimately grateful. This gets very real. Our website is
10/30/201559 minutes, 3 seconds
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Even Financial Focus Feels Good

Abraham reveals that all contrast is working for you, in order to reach a new expansion point, to get closer to what your really want. Even financial focus can take on an unconditional feel-good flow, because what you are wanting is right behind the letting go. Check out our website at for more information and opportunities to be in the feel good flow.
10/23/201559 minutes, 20 seconds
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Feel It Forward

The present is really the vibrational past. To truly cocreate and be in alignment with Source, we need to Feel It Forward. Join our discussion as a listener shares her "feel good" flow story. Our website is  
10/9/201559 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Share Your Gifts With the World

To collaborate or not to collaborate? That is the question we explore on this week's show. We need each other to express our gifts and talents, but knowing when to call it collaborative-quits is key to great success. Check out our website at    
10/2/20151 hour, 30 seconds
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There Is Great Benefit in That Contrast

Everything is serving you. Even the contrast. You are on your path, you can trust what is happening. Welcome Step Five of the creative process from our Abraham. Now, how can you enjoy the journey, you eternal being you? We also introduce Emotional Aromatherapy. There is great love for you here.
9/18/201558 minutes, 55 seconds
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Materialism Is the Leading Edge of Alignment

We explore how the universe revolves around your conscious thought and how it plays into the material world. You know you're aligned by how you are feeling and your ability to dance with whatever shows up. 
9/4/20151 hour, 16 seconds
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50% Less Action, 50% More Alignment

If you are feeling like you are not enough, or you spend a lot of time trying to get other people to 'understand' you ... this episode is for you. Blessings are reigning down on you according to Abraham. Today we discover how to let them in!
8/28/20151 hour, 28 seconds
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Food Episode—Why You Should Take Your Inner Being to Dinner

This week we explore the vibrational side of food. What's good to eat, what's not, and what trumps everything. Check out our website at
8/14/201559 minutes, 50 seconds
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Syncing Up With Source Energy

Did you know Source/Spirit/Infinite Intelligence has an opinion about you? And when you get crossways of that broader knowing, well, it does not feel good. Tune in and find out how to sync up with all that Source has already orchestrated for you. You are so loved! Check out our website at to learn more about how to align and get in the "feel good" flow!
7/31/201559 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Be of Service to Others AND Take Care of Yourself

We love to be of service to others, but often we give and give and feel depleted, falling out of alignment. On today's show we'll talk about how to be of service to others, stay in your alignment, and be a powerful uplifter Abraham-style. Join us for more leading-edge everyday attraction. For more information, visit our website at
7/24/201559 minutes, 29 seconds
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Getting Current With Who You Have Become

Abraham tells us that anything in physical reality today is old news from the perspective of the nonphysical. Your vibrational reality is where your true future is unfolding. The lead-edge and tomorrow's reality is present in your current vibration, so what are you broadcasting? What are you bringing into tomorrow? Check out our website at to learn more about The Feel Good Sisters.
7/17/20151 hour, 57 seconds
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Can You Let Yourself Have It All?

This week we talk about how to balance the energies of wanting and contentment. How to be at peace will all that is, to choose the path of least resistance but still be a passionate, desiring person asking for MORE. This is leading-edge fun. Check out our website at and check out our sponsor doTERRA Essential Oils for emotional alignment.  
6/26/201559 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why Are You Going It Alone When Source Is Whispering in Your Ear?

This week we explore the language of divine impulses to act and dive into how to stay open and allowing to your Spiritual Entourage—as they know exactly what you need to get exactly where you want to go ... and enjoy the ride through the path of least resistance. Let's get allowing! Check out our website at and our doTERRA Essential Oils site,
6/19/201558 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Most Powerful Alignment Practices of All Time

We delve in to the 17- and 68-second processes, the most important (according to Abraham) alignment processes they could ever give us. Once we do this, the Universe will surprise and delight us in all we have been asking for and more!
6/5/201559 minutes, 1 second
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What's Right When Things Go Wrong?

This week we explore the wisdom in contrast. Contrast is serving us in order to determine what it is we DO want and the ability to choose our focus. We will always have things going 'wrong' on planet Earth, but there is also an opportunity in every circumstance to find the more! Check out our website at   Thanks to our sponsor doTERRA Essential Oils—for emotional well-being.   
5/22/20151 hour
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To Perceive Is to Receive!

We are exploring how it is we participate in creating our lives and how much more we can receive if we can expand our perception to 'see' internally and externally what we have already asked for. We explore the idea that simple shifts in perception can light up a path of receiving. It's no more waiting, just expanding here and now. You can visit our website at  Our show is sponsored by DoTERRA Essential Oils, therapeutic grade, organic essential oils to help you feel better every day.
5/15/201559 minutes, 41 seconds
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Living in Receiving—How to Get Into the Receiving Mode

According to our beloved teacher Abraham, there is a state, a "mode," where you receive the intuition, the inspiration, the information, the moment-to-moment divine nudges for your most joyful and exhilarating path in life, every day! But in order to get all this delicious information and connection, you need to be in the receiving mode. We'll talk about how on today's show. Also check out to learn more about using therapeutic-grade essential oils for your own emotional journey to higher vibes! Our website is
5/8/20151 hour, 4 seconds
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How to Simplify the Process of Alignment

Alignment is the joint path of you and Source, the road of least resistance leading to what you are wanting, and more. The best news is this process is much simpler than we have been making it out to be. Join us for a joyride in and out of delicious alignment. Check out our website at 
5/1/201559 minutes, 17 seconds
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Dream Big and Let It Flow

It's all about big desires, enjoying the journey, and letting contrast bring clarity. We will remember the powerful point of attraction that we are every day! Abraham encourages us to stretch beyond what we think is possible and then allow the emotional journey and how we feel to be our only priority. Book an alignment session on our website, A heartfelt thanks to our sponsor, Doterra Essential Oils.  
4/24/201558 minutes, 55 seconds
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Work Hours VS. Alignment Hours

We are talking about the magic of working WITH the energy that creates worlds or trying to BE the energy that creates worlds. This is powerful knowledge for the fast, enjoyable track to all you have been wanting, but more important, all you are wanting to become. Check out our website at, book a session,  and check out our alignment essential oils at 
4/10/201559 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Path of Least Resistance and Relationships

We are continuing to explore our new favorite path, the PLR (Path of Least Resistance)! This week we turn our attention to relationships, being of service, while staying connected to your Truth, your authenticity, your Inner Being. Check out our website at and our alignment essentials
4/3/201559 minutes, 19 seconds
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Praying for a Miracle

Once again we hear Abraham talk about the flip side of life, specifically prayer. Hold on to your hats, church ladies and gents, it's going to be a fun ride. We will hear how to truly pray every day in an energy that is effective, powerful, and most of all, in full appreciation of our fellow human beings. We are all on our path.   Be sure to also check out our website at and click on the blog to hear more about the gift of essential oils in your prayer practice.   
3/20/201559 minutes, 59 seconds
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Trust the Process, Trust Your Life

Abraham says "you never get it wrong, because you never get it done." We are always in process to something new, different, and its up to us to steer that new and different into what we are wanting. On today's show we discuss how to trust that your Spiritual Entourage is guiding you if you'll just follow the feeling. 
3/13/201559 minutes, 50 seconds
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Living on the Flip Side

What we love about Abraham is that it's always the flip side of what you think you know about the spiritual life. Choosing the comfortable path reveals the power in our alignment.  Check out our new Facebook page and some alignment treats.
3/7/20151 hour, 10 seconds
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The Path of Least Resistance

We are all about the effortless way to find your true path. Hear how Source energy is calling you to your path—it's all here for you. And check out some soothing ways to find your alignment on our blog:  
2/7/20151 hour, 12 seconds
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How to Push Your Reset Button Every Day

On today's show we talk about the only relationship that matters—you and your inner being and how each day can be an opportunity to claim more fully who you really are and claim the life you have come here to create. We will talk about sleep, pivoting, and finding your comfort zone. Check out our website at and click on OUR BLOG to learn how essential oils can help you hit your reset button even in the middle of your busy day.
1/31/201559 minutes, 41 seconds
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Sensual and Spiritual

We discuss being deliciously wrapped in the physical experience AND having a spiritual experience. Time to fall in love with the seemingly mundane, which is actually the miraculous. We are smelling, tasting, touching, and seeing Spirit as the manifest world on Everyday Attraction.
1/24/201559 minutes, 30 seconds
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How You Are Feeling Right Now Is Everything

Abraham tells us that the universe doesn't hear what we say—only what we feel. Our feeling vibration right now is saying to the universe, Bring me more of this. Is what you are feeling now what you are wanting more of? If not, right now is the perfect time to choose again.
1/17/201558 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Feel Better Fast!

Abraham tells us momentum and the law of attraction are one and the same—always moving and creating ... so when you can soothe yourself before negative momentum gets going, Source can play with you in the most delightful ways. Keep this show close for a Soothing Rampage to feel better fast. Thanks for your support. Happy holidays. 
12/20/201459 minutes, 13 seconds
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Nothing Has to Change for You to Feel Better

We talk about true freedom on today's show. Unconditional living, loving, and happiness. You can find your alignment right from where you are because it is always an emotional journey first. If you'd like to support our show, check out Thank you!
12/13/201458 minutes, 48 seconds
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Finding Your Balance in a Wobbly World

We dive deep into understanding the importance of emotion, physical, and energy balance. How to be the meta-surfer, poised and ready for the next wave but not efforting or striving. Everything is already complete in spirit, now it is just about riding the wave into shore.
11/22/201459 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sensual Spirit

We say yes to the physical world as a direct extension of source energy! Your senses are spirit-filled, interrupting the magnificence of this world. Get ready to receive in a whole new sexy way.
11/15/201458 minutes, 53 seconds
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Emotion IS a Manifestation

How you CHOOSE to feel is the first step in conscious creation. Emotion is the first indication of what is coming. When we deeply care about how we feel, we wake up to our true power to manifest in physical reality.  
10/24/20141 hour, 5 seconds
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We explore the productive, joyful, and inspired life that unfolds when we align and hook up with infinite intelligence. When we are in the flow, it is only effort-ing that slows down manifestation and expansion.  
10/17/201459 minutes
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Speaking the Language of the Universe

Abraham says we live in an attraction-based universe that does not understand your words, but reads your vibration. You say "NO!" but your vibration of attraction says, "More of that." Join us today for the subtle but profound language of creating your own reality.
10/3/201459 minutes, 51 seconds
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Incremental Enlightenment

Be easy on yourself. Life is supposed to be fun. We explore how little shifts in thought and feeling can be enough to get you to where you want to go, and STILL enjoy the journey. Our destination is always alignment and we can have that now.
9/19/201459 minutes, 34 seconds
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Rendezvous Points

Abraham tells us that we are not creating with Spirit but experiencing rendezvous points with what has already been created in consciousness. Tune in to find easy, joyful ways to cross paths with your highest intentions.    We also endorse Frank Butterfield's Series "When My Business Exploded" and his other wonderfully channeled audio And our favorite new book How Do You Pray by friend and spiritual teacher Celeste Yacoboni. This book is filled with inspiring responses from leaders in all walks of life, helping us all to understand prayer in a new and vital way.
9/12/201459 minutes, 10 seconds
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Wobble-Free Thinking

We discuss expansion and stability. The ability to stay connected and synced with Source in any and all circumstances. It's time for unconditional living and loving. The only way to fly!
8/29/201459 minutes, 18 seconds
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Your Focus: What Is or What Is Becoming?

Effortless alignment is the key to joyful creation. However, being aware of your focus in your everyday moments is how we truly become wanted—creators with Source. It's time to pull your attention from WHAT IS, if "what is" is not serving you, and focus on what IS becoming. Be at peace and refocus. 
8/15/201459 minutes, 14 seconds
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Today we review some highlights from a recent Abraham-Hicks workshop on releasing your grip on What Is, if what is is not pleasing you. We are remembering the unmatched power of your focus and how a simple reimagining can create a whole new experience. Join the energy that creates worlds, and let the path find you!
7/25/201459 minutes, 35 seconds
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To Do or To Be: Leveraging the Power of Source-Energy

In a world of go, and do, and do some more, we explore the leverage of alignment and the entourage of Source surrounding us with endless opportunities for prosperity, expansion, and more joy. To be in alignment with Source, your highest self, is to truly experience the magnificence of being alive in the physical world, propelled by the unseen. 
7/18/201458 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Manage Your Point of Attraction

Did that thought come from inspiration or desperation? Am I creating or living by default, and what is a wobble, and how is it the most important thing to know when you are a powerful creator? Find out all this and more on this week's show. We will also hear from LOA coach and teacher Jeanna Gabellini on how to Speed Dial The Universe! And thanks to our sponsor, let's start an appreciation revolution!
6/20/20141 hour, 15 seconds
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Blending With the Infinite Present

Today on EDA, we talk about the benefits of staying present and to only look back if it feels good. Abraham talks about the problem with traditional psychotherapy and the power and leverage of being a blended consciousness with Source. What a ride!
6/13/201459 minutes, 2 seconds
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Worry-Free Living

Join us for an exploration of worry-free, successful living and loving. With simple and elegant wobble-free focus, we can unite with infinite intelligence to take us to the next level of expansion and joy. 
5/23/201459 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Creative Control in Letting Go

We explore the creative power of letting go and let Spirit inspire. Old school motivation is tired; in the moment inspiration is wired. Join us as we discuss leading-edge spiritual technology.
5/9/201459 minutes, 38 seconds
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Doubt? What is it? Why do we have it? What to do with it? Abraham explains it all for us with a lot of love from The Feel Good Sisters, Heather and Rae. Life is good even in the contrast baby!
5/2/201459 minutes, 14 seconds
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Unconditional Living!

We explore how to live beyond circumstances. Stop dealing with reality and start creating it! It's all about your vibrational atmosphere where the air is clear.
4/18/201459 minutes, 8 seconds
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Setting Your Vibrational Climate

From the climate all things come. Everything starts from energy patterns or atmospheres. Join us this week on how to create your climate for better manifestations AND enjoy the journey to it. No waiting for happiness, because it is already done in consciousness. Also check out some helpful tools for vibrational uplift:
4/4/201459 minutes, 41 seconds
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What's Up With All These Changing Desires?

Find your true calling with a powerful trajectory of divine desire and release the roller coaster of confusion.
3/21/201459 minutes, 34 seconds
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Your Infinite Pie

We pierce the illusions of scarcity and find the infinite flow!
3/14/20141 hour, 2 seconds
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From Surviving to Thriving and From Believing to Knowing

You are never alone and you can discover your spiritual entourage by simply tapping into your Source. Start here!  
2/22/201459 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Only Thing You Ever Need to Do to Get All You Want

The only thing you ever need to do to get all you want is to connect with Source Energy. Today on Everyday Attraction, we talk about how to get and, more important, stay connected to Source, consciously and with focus. It is only with this conscious connection that we can deeply enjoy the unfolding of our lives.
2/8/201459 minutes, 44 seconds
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Transitions! How to Love Them and Enjoy the Ride!

Love 'em or hate 'em, transitions are a necessary part of being alive. Change is the one thing you can be sure of. Today on Everyday Attraction we explore the art of transitions and how to embrace what they are about and get excited about what's coming. You are never alone on the trajectory of your life!  
2/1/201459 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Only Thing You Ever Want to Know

This week we kick off 2014 with a focus on Worthiness: The only thing you ever want to know about (and revel in) and allow yourself to fully embody. There is still more "worthiness" to allow in! It's infinite, just like you. We'll also introduce Step 4 of the creative process with Source. Yes, according to our teacher Abraham, there are 1, 2, 3 and now 4 ...
1/18/201459 minutes, 9 seconds
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It Just Gets Easier and Easier

How you are feeling in this moment is everything. It is your point of attraction. Being conscious of what you are feeling is as important. Today on Everyday Attraction, we focus on it getting easier and easier because that vibrational stance in this moment makes what's coming easier still.
12/14/201358 minutes, 35 seconds
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Overwhelmed and Confused? Here Is Your Remedy!

Let Abraham, Rae, and Heather talk you into ease and clarity for this season and the rest of the new year! Everything is waiting for you on your high-flying disc. Tune and find out how to turn it around and fly high.
12/7/201359 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Path of Least Resistance Is Instant Manifestation

Source, God, All That IS ... guides you to the path of least resistance, which is the path of pure joy. Listen in as we discuss how to follow that path and be firing on all energy engines within this holiday season and every day. And we find some delicious tips for flipping any conversation into a high-vibing experience! Thanks, Abraham!
11/23/201359 minutes, 45 seconds
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Trust What Is Happening—and "When to Stop" Affirmations

No matter what is manifesting in your life right now, there is important information unfolding that is only for your expansion and to get to all that you are asking for. We talk about learning how to read the contrast because, as long as we are human and physical, there will be contrast! We'll talk about how to be happy on the way to everything you want and when it is NOT a good idea to start making affirmations.   Join us for a deep dive in to LOA. Thank you Abraham ( and Heather ( Our website is
11/16/201359 minutes, 45 seconds
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Positive Contrast Because Everything Is Always Working Out for Me

Just because things are seemingly going "wrong" in one's life does not necessarily mean we are out of alignment with Source. We may be actually working with Source deep inside the seeming contrast in our life, as a way to expand, become more clear, and ride life in an extraordinary way. Things are always working out for you and me.
11/1/201358 minutes, 54 seconds
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Law of Attraction for Smarties: Everything Is Serving You

Today we will engage the elegant simplicity of these laws and how they can significantly enhance your everyday life. We will also remind you that everything in your life, even the nasty bits, is serving you. Find out how on this week's Everyday Attraction with Rae Zander and Heather Novak.  
10/25/20131 hour, 14 seconds
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How to Let What You Want Happen

According to Abraham, the only thing that ever ever keeps our dreams and desires manifesting is vibrational resistance. Resistance to what we want through negative self-talk, low-feeling emotions, and an inability to stop repeating what is. This week we explore choosing a high-flying disc and sticking to it no matter what anyone else says or does. You ready to let what you want happen? The universe is.
10/11/201359 minutes
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Releasing a Reactionary Life: Entering Into Unlimited Energy

On today's show we remember the unlimited stream of energy that we are and discuss how to let go of living conditional lives. Your life does not have to be perfect for you to access the pure joy, exuberance, and love that you are right here and right now. There is great love for you here. Everyday Attraction is hosted by Rae Zander ( and Heather Novak (
10/4/20131 hour, 27 seconds
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IF ONLY, I Could Quit My Job or ...

The universe is taking you at your vibration, not your words. You may be saying you want freedom, but your vibration may be screaming bondage. Nothing personal, but the reflective nature of this universe can only give you more of that. The good news is you can shift that momentum. Tune in to find out how!
9/20/20131 hour, 5 seconds
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Control?? The Ridiculous Power of Your Attention

Feeling like you need some more control in your life? Step one is to make sure you are taking your attention as seriously as the universe. On this week's show, we explore the major power of your attention to anything (wanted or unwanted) and how to take back control! Visit our website at
9/13/201359 minutes, 55 seconds
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Living Beyond Circumstances!

We explore our primary relationship with Source today on Everyday Attraction. When we chase things outside ourselves to find love, joy, fulfillment, we live chasing and reacting. When we come home to Spirit, we awaken to a life beyond the ups and downs and are left with the unconditional love that allows us to truly feel alive and free.
8/23/20131 hour, 35 seconds
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The Power to Choose Again

At every moment we are at choice. Is this thought/feeling for my highest good or is it keeping me stuck in the past? We'll talk about the power to lay some new pipes on the road to joyful, flowing abundance. You can be happy now but you'll need to choose it. 
8/9/201359 minutes, 47 seconds
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Action Vs. Effort

Abraham says the only difference between action and effort is resistance. When action become effort we are not working against ourselves and its time for some realignment. Tune in this week for a clear road map on when to stay and when to go! It's all good this week on Everyday Attraction.
7/26/201359 minutes, 1 second
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The Importance of LETTING GO

Abraham reveals that cleaning out "old beliefs" might be just the opposite thing to do when you are trying to change or uplift a situation in your life. It's time to just lay some NEW PIPES and learn how to let go and drop things that are not serving you. This is an art form of alignment. Join us.   Also, check out our sponsor:  To connect with Heather directly, see her website at
7/12/201358 minutes, 52 seconds
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Preparing for Love at First Sight

This week we talk about vibrational equivalency and how to attract love, joy, and the experiences you are wanting. We'll uncover simple principles to change your life with ease and attract the relationships that will mirror your highest self.
6/28/201358 minutes, 55 seconds
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At Play With Your Reality

Which reality are you living, and do you know how to choose another? Do you know that another is at your fingertips? We'll explore core Abraham philosophy and practicality to become more fully the powerful creators that we are. No more living by default!
6/7/201359 minutes, 10 seconds
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What to Do Every Day to Have the Best Day

This week Abraham tells us what we can do every day to ALLOW the life we desire, the life we intended to live when we came here to have this experience. These are foolproof steps to realize who you really are and enjoy the journey to who you have become.
5/31/201359 minutes
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For the Love of the Contrast and the Illusion of Perfection

How to be at peace with where you are and release the story that you are wrong or that your life is off path. Abraham helps us wake up from the false premise of perfection and the gift of contrast.
5/10/201359 minutes, 53 seconds
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Stop Talking About What You Don't Want

Seriously. Your focus is powerful, and when you give words to the unwanted, you not only keep it coming but you also leave no room for the NEW STORY you want to tell about what is coming. Beam the solution, not the problem. This is tough love from Abraham.
4/26/20131 hour, 7 seconds
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Body and Business Alignment

How to align with your best-feeling body and your most joyous work. Join us as we discuss how to get what you want and enjoy the journey to more and more. We focus in on Abraham's teachings of body and business alignment today on Everyday Attraction. Many thanks to our sponsor:
4/19/201359 minutes, 54 seconds
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Find the Easy Button

Rae and Heather explore, with the help of our friends ABRAHAM (, how to find the easy button to brilliance, abundance, and a fulfilled life. We also endorse some of our favorite things like this new book Dying to Be Me, essential oils by DoTerra, and Happy Spring Into Good.
3/29/201359 minutes, 45 seconds
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Abraham and the Superbowl

This week on Everyday Attraction we talk about the power of focus, the 49ers, the importance of stepping back and going general! Time to celebrate on the way to everything you desire. Special welcome to Heather Novak. To learn more, visit her website at
3/15/20131 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
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Abundance Is a Frequency

We once again tap the genius of The Teachings of Abraham to reveal the mechanics of abundance and manifestation. They reveal the power of your general desires and how to cultivate seeds that move quickly into all that you are wanting specifically. Are you holding back your good? Find out how you can let it all in. For more information, check out You are an uplifter—
2/23/201359 minutes, 23 seconds
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In Search of My Alignment

We are joined this week by The Communion of Light via channel Frank Butterfield as he shares his gift of opening to greater wisdom. Listen in as students of the law of attraction ask everyday questions in search of their alignment.   If you 'd like to hear more from this channel, check out
2/2/201359 minutes, 58 seconds
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Power Manifesting

Abraham shows us how to powerfully manifest in our own lives as well as how to positively influence others. This week, it's all about playing in the premanifest world!  
1/26/201359 minutes, 13 seconds
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You Have to Be Happy, to Be Happy (and Other Metaphysical Musings)

We discuss how to become a creative, deliberate, and happy creator with Source Energy. We'll explore key concepts from Abraham that unlock the path to being truly happy and a powerful influence for good.
1/12/201359 minutes, 29 seconds
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They Rise and Fall to Your Expectations

We explore the power of expectation, turning the other cheek, and how to best inspire others. We also dive deep into understanding the problem with focusing attention on unwanted circumstance, and how to turn it around. Join Rae and Janice on Everyday Attraction.
11/17/20121 hour, 11 seconds
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Allowing Your Inner Thinner Being

We will explore exciting and game-changing ideas around weight loss and the Law of Attraction, with the help of our resident channel Frank Butterfield and The Communion of Light. You'll hear some teaser tracks from a full series that The Communion is offering called the Inner Thinner Being series. If you have struggled with weight or know someone you love who gets metaphysics but can't overcome this issue, then you'll want to purchase the whole series. You can email [email protected] for more information on how to hear this leading-edge, amazing information.
11/10/20121 hour, 5 seconds
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Yeah, But Does This Work in the Real World?

Today we explore the magic of the Law of Attraction for Real People in Real World circumstances. We'll explore some of the techniques that can not only speed up great manifestations but help you to enjoy the journey to what you are wanting. No waiting for your joy. Thanks to our sponsor:
11/2/20121 hour, 32 seconds
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Can't You Do Just One Thing for Me?

This week we continue our exploration of the metaphysics of relationships, especially those intimate ones that seem to threaten our happiness if "they" do not behave themselves. Set yourself FREE by releasing the need for anyone to be any different than they are and unleash the power that creates worlds, unconditional love. Thank you, Abraham
10/19/20121 hour, 13 seconds
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How to Let Go of Thinking You Are With the Wrong Person (or in the Wrong Place)

Making something or someone in your life "wrong" or "not enough" is a surefire way to keep small, mediocre and unhappy. Release this trap and let your freedom reign. It's time to take your relationships to the next level, the level of True love. "There is a pony in there somewhere."—Jerry Hicks
10/12/201259 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Weird Little Trick for Creating Money—Featuring the Communion of Light

Just when you think you have heard it all about how to create abundance—there is more. The more this week on our show is courtesy of Frank Butterfield and the Communion of Light. We'll be featuring a Village call that really gets into the nitty-gritty on how we can realize the pot of gold right here, right now.  A special thanks to the sponsor of this week’s episode, 
9/28/201259 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Metaphysics of Marriage

Why do we want it? What are we looking for? How can we be successful in looking for and living in marriage? Join our resident marriage coach Marsha Fried for an in-depth look at the metaphysics of marriage. A special thanks to the sponsor of this week’s episode,
9/21/201259 minutes, 46 seconds
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Living Your Excitement, Understanding Your Power

We go to the outer edges of understanding, exploring yet another fascinating teacher and channel of attraction. This week we bring to you Bashar. This channel comes through Darryl Anka, who has a fascinating story of his own awakening. I think you will find this information challenging, amusing and spiritually adventurous as we continue to explore the understanding of consciousness and how we can live more Divinely inspired lives. There is great love for you here.
9/7/201259 minutes, 40 seconds
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Graceful Transitions and Joyful Parenting

We focus on relationships today, watching our reactions to see if we can find more room to be at peace with where everyone is in their lives. By releasing the need for anyone to be different, we embrace the ability to truly feel our own authenticity.   I'm joined by my guest co-host Janice Campbell, author of Receive Your Life.  
8/24/201259 minutes, 32 seconds
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I Have What I Want and I Want What I Have. Really??

We dedicate today's show to the Communion of Light and revel in their wisdom, their insights, their ease. In three segments we talk about physical conditions, family relationships and money! It's Everyday Enlightenment this week on Everyday Attraction. This show is brought to you with the support of Frank Butterfield and the Communion of Light. Check out See you in The Village.
8/17/201258 minutes, 51 seconds
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Radical Nonresistance

We explore what it means to really release resisting what is while still demanding well-being. "Demanding" you can have what you want. It is mystical, magical and totally practical balance of being in the world fully engaged but holding a broader knowing that allows great joy. We thank Frank Butterfield of the Communion of Light for his deep contribution to today's show. Join The Village at We also thank our sponsor, Send Out Cards. Join our Gratitude Adventure today.
8/10/20121 hour
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What Is Up With the Body?

We welcome MaryBeth today to our show. She is a channel, teacher, artist and friend. We'll talk about the ease and benefit of learning to channel, and we'll talk specifically about The Body. Who are we really, and how can we best help ourselves live a physically enjoyable life? If you'd like to engage with MaryBeth directly in a one-on-one session, you can email her at [email protected]. Mention that you heard her on Everyday Attraction, and you'll receive a special offer.  
8/3/20121 hour, 1 second
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Self-Awareness Heals the Need for Self-Improvement

We walk the path metaphysical today healing the notion that you need to be improved! Instead we awaken to the broader knowing of who you really are, what you are really creating in your life, and how to self-correct whenever we get off course. Rae interviews a powerful teacher by the name of Nancy Marie of, a website dedicated to self-awareness and aligning for children and adults of all ages. Janice and I also visit our metaphysical porch to discuss easy options for expansion.  
7/20/201258 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Greatest Metaphysical Paradox and How the Mundane Becomes Magic

Join us today was we engage both The Communion of Light and our house channel, Abraham, in a leading-edge conversation on how to manifest THE EASY way. Yes, we are embracing our inner lazy manifester today and loving every minute. Life is supposed to be fun, as our friend Abraham would say.  
7/13/20121 hour, 23 seconds
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Leap Frog Reality: Your Time Is Now

There is more freedom than you can imagine in how life show's up for you. We've begun a deep and revelationary understanding of the mechanics of creation. Let's release the process and open up to allowing MORE of what we are wanting.   JOIN OUR GRATITUDE CHALLENGE:   We want to thank Frank Butterfield and The Communion of Light for their priceless contribution to today's show. Check out for more information.  
6/29/20121 hour, 24 seconds
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Allowing vs. Attraction: Welcome to Spirit's Happy Hour

We'll explore the power of allowing versus the resistance that often comes when we TRY to make something happen—manipulating what we know about attraction. We'll hear from our friend, Frank Butterfield, of The Communion of Light ( We'll also review the magnificent book written by Anita Moorjani titled Dying to Be Me: My Journey From Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing. Learn more about Anita at  
6/22/201259 minutes, 46 seconds
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Beyond Positive Thinking

We move into the open spacious realms of surrender this week. It's okay where you are. You are on the way. And this moment is just fine. Thank you, Frank!    
6/15/201259 minutes, 50 seconds
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You Are So Free You Can Choose Bondage

This phrase is something many of us are familiar with from the Teachings of Abraham. On today's program we follow another being of light brought to us by teacher, channel, friend of Everyday Attraction, Frank Butterfield. We'll hear an entire channeled exchange as everyday questions about freedom, money, careers, get the perspective of Source poured upon them. Enjoy. You can read and hear more about Frank's work by visiting
6/1/20121 hour, 15 seconds
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You Don't Have to Fix Anything to Get What You Want

You are constantly told in these metaphysical gatherings to "cleanup your vibration" so you can get what you want. Well, what does that mean exactly? And will explored by perception is always at the root of our "problems." Life just gets easier and easier on Everyday Attraction. Today's program is inspired by Frank Butterfield and his work with the Communion of Light,  
5/25/201259 minutes, 57 seconds
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Acceptance Is Not Allowing

We are fine-tuning our ability to receive all we have asked for. Part of that tuning is understanding, at a feeling level, the difference between accepting what is happening as opposed to allowing what is coming. This subtle but profound understanding might usher in things you have wondered, Why are they not here? We'll talk specifically about money and how to powerfully move into the flow.
5/4/20121 hour, 20 seconds
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Creating a Home, Understanding Sadness

Abraham often tells us we can create a button or a castle. There is no extra effort on the universe's part. But a home, a house, a place to call our own can sometimes feel like creating the impossible. Today we engage the help of The Communion of Light ( in understanding how to create a home, release sadness about the past, and clean up what we think we know about the laws of attraction.
4/20/20121 hour, 25 seconds
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To Be Mystical and Practical

We welcome as our guest today, Rev. Bill Englehart, senior minister at Unity in Marin and author of the new book, Spiritual Rules Of the Road ( We talk about how to be practical, mystical and powerful in life. We explore the mystical and practical sides of Unity as well as the key to be an authentic mystic from our teachers Abraham. It's another hour of metaphysical porch talk.  
4/13/201259 minutes, 33 seconds
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When to Desire and When to Allow—That Is the Question

Today we explore the KEY to being a powerful creator—and the decision is yours now. We use the help of wonderful Frank Butterfield and his Communion of Light,, to help us understand who we are and how to live more ecstatic lives now.   Happy Easter—as we rise again and again.
4/6/20121 hour, 7 seconds
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From Seeker to Creator

We'll explore the profound consciousness shift when we move from seeker to creator. Who will we need to become to realize our ability to create and not just follow? What practices will we need to master to be the master creator? We move more deeply this week into claiming life perfect, even in its seeming imperfection. We embrace the freedom, joy and expansion that is our birthright.
3/30/20121 hour, 27 seconds
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No More Waiting

Abraham tells us we are not on the precipice but always in the process of receiving all that we are wanting. This shift in perception is everything, it is the key. Do you see something as just around the corner (always just ahead) or are you in the thick of its perfect unfolding? Are you on the brink or in the flow. Today we'll remember how  to live fully engaged.
3/23/20121 hour, 15 seconds
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Is the Desire for Material Things a Trap?

We'll explore "the void" and how we often try to "fill it" with things. And how 17 seconds can absolutely change your life. The good news is there is a very distinct way to fill the void and have beautiful things coming into your life as well. Yum. You can have what you want AND enjoy the journey to them ... Suffering is optional on Everyday Attraction.  
3/16/20121 hour, 26 seconds
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How and Why to Release Being Critical, Judgmental or Disappointed

Abraham tells us that when we are critical or in judgement of others (or circumstances), we are out of wack with who we have become. We are depriving ourselves of the celebration that Source is feeling about the person, the circumstance. Tired of disagreeing with Source? Want to join the party? Join us for a deep romp into the metaphysics of the critical mind.
3/3/201259 minutes, 54 seconds
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Romancing Desire, Part 2

We read your emails from this past week's question: Are there desires you have given up on? We heard you; we thank you for responding. We hope you enjoy this response from our heart and the heart of Abraham. Blessings abound.
2/25/20121 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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Romancing the Dream

How do we stay true to our authentic desires? Today on Everyday Attraction, we talk about our intimate relationship with our desires. Should we learn to compromise? Accept disappointment? Be resigned to seemingly impossible circumstances? Let's go deep about our relationship with our dreams and desires.   
2/18/20121 hour, 16 seconds
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Stay True to Yourself While Creating Joyful, Satisfying Relationships

We'll explore the key to every relationship. We flip the meaning of accountability and revel in responsibility. Join us for this joyful metaphysical romp in romancing yourself, your life, your world.
2/11/20121 hour, 28 seconds
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How to Inspire Others to Your Own Success

Some of the most powerful work we do is to inspire others. That work is also a direct path to our own success. Join us as we explore how to best inspire others and find the missing piece to our own greatest successes. We love the teachings of Abraham (
1/28/201259 minutes, 42 seconds
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You Are Eternal and You Are Never Alone

Let's blur the lines between what we think of as physical and nonphysical. It seems as if that line of demarcation is no longer serving us! Our direct understanding of how fully Source/Spirit is having a physical experience AS US can bring great joy and endless creative opportunities our way. You are limitless when you travel with this pack of understanding.   
1/21/20121 hour, 12 seconds
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The Change Has Already Been Made

The concept of "it is done" is a big one in metaphysics—we create in nonphysical consciousness first. But how do we find the change vibration and bring it into the experience of our lives? We'll also talk about how the key to happiness is about managing contrast, not avoiding it.
1/14/20121 hour, 19 seconds
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Eating From the Inside Out

It's traditional this time of year to set new goals and resolutions. Before you do any of that, I hope you can join us for this leading-edge discussion about food, weight and powerfully creating what you want. I'll be joined by my wonderful co-host Janice Campbell of the Receive Your Life radio program.
1/7/20121 hour, 15 seconds
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It's ALL in the Family

We'll explore the opportunities that relatives provide us  to STAY in the Vortex. It's actually easy and fun. We'll review a step-by-step guide on being with those who sometimes don't understand you. And we'll celebrate the unconditional love for all from Source. Whew.
12/17/20111 hour, 31 seconds
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Remembering Jerry Hicks: Who He Was, Is, and Is Becoming

This episode is a tribute hour to Jerry Hicks. Jerry made his transition back into the nonphysical this last week. For us who follow the teachings of Abraham, Jerry has been our close friend and fellow seeker. We'll explore his legacy, his impact, his continuing presence in our lives. When great spiritual teachers transition from the physical, it gives us an opportunity to pause and appreciate ALL we have learned. We love Jerry for the powerful part of the triad he plays with Esther and Abraham ... and we'll continue to stay tuned to what's next! There is great love for you here.
12/3/20111 hour, 16 seconds
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Parenting, Partnering and Pleasing Others With Jesus-Style

What to do when your kids don't share their toys, you can't stop the mind-chatter, and just want to have a good time. Abraham explains it all for you. Join us for an in-depth look at how we can parent with confidence, partner with others in faith, and just stop that pleasing thing.
11/19/20111 hour, 17 seconds
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Just Don't Feak Out!

Today on Everyday Attraction, we'll explore what to do when nothing is going right and you're looking straight at a big fat unwanted manifestation. We'll talk about how to regain your power and move in another direction, in the moment. Your "mic" to the universe is always on so let's explore how to keep aware of what we are saying, feeling, creating ... right here, right now. Yum. Delicious. And happy 11/11/11! Lots of open doors to your greatest unfolding.
11/12/20111 hour, 17 seconds
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Are You Interested in Knowing Your True Spiritual Partner?

We are talking about your relationship with Source and all that IS. Your brilliance! Your Total Self. I had the exquisite opportunity of hearing Rev. Michael Beckwith recently and I'm inspired to talk about claiming a more profound walk with Source as an intimate partner. The Big Blend, as Abraham would say. This is the most exciting relationship on the planet.
10/28/20111 hour, 26 seconds
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Understanding the Feelings of Loss and Grief

This episode is dedicated to my dear friend Tamara Fay, who made her transition. Love to you, eternal Tammy. We'll talk about the feelings of loss and grief and how we can understand more fully from a nonphysical perspective. If you struggle with feelings of loss and grief, we hope this episode will bring you some relief. Joining me is Janice Campbell, host of Receive Your Life on Unity Online Radio.
10/21/201159 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Reason You ...

In this episode of Everyday Attraction we'll focus on the reason you do anything, desire anything, want anything, strive for anything. Let's go beyond the surface of our wanting and uncover the only thing we ever ever really want. Really! I'll be joined by Janice Campbell, creator of the Receive Your Life methodology and host of Receive Your Life on Unity Online Radio.
10/14/20111 hour, 27 seconds
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Information IS Freedom

We'll explore on today's show the TRUTH behind everything you are wanting and lead you into the only manifestation that matters. We'll also surf the waves of conflict and show how you can find your alignment no matter what anyone else is doing. I'm joined by one of my favorite Abrahamsters, Rosemarie Michaels. (
10/7/201159 minutes, 58 seconds
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An Emotional Shift IS a Manifestation

Sometimes knowing how the Law of Attraction works can focus us too much what we want—a manifestation—and therefore we are very aware of the fact that it is still missing. We'll explore the catch-22 of “missing something” and provide a direct and easy method to enjoy your journey to everything you are wanting. Thank you, Abraham!
9/30/201159 minutes, 59 seconds
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Beautiful From the Inside Out: Energy Medicine

This week on Everyday Attraction we interview the modern mystic, healer, teacher, speaker and leading-edge dweller Rev. Julie Renee Doering. She talks to us about how to work with Spirit, our Inner Being, when things are good, when we are healthy, so as to keep the momentum and connection to Source when contrast arises. These practices not only make life easier in the future, they allow more joy and fulfillment today. Also discussed: How to rejuvenate your body, every day. Join us for the discussion on the power of energy medicine. Rev. Julie Renee's website is
9/23/201159 minutes, 54 seconds
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An Emotional Shift Is Enough: In Fact, It Is Everything

Abraham is teaching us that in every moment we are at choice in how we respond to the circumstances in our lives. But an emotional shift, a new thought, is all that is necessary to start changing those circumstances to more perfectly align with what we want, who we are. An emotional shift IS a manifestation. It is enough. Join us for an exploration of just how easy it can be to manifest today.
9/9/20111 hour, 9 seconds
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One Day I Woke Up

Everyday awakenings are our focus today. We are going to wake up to the experience of creating our lives with our vibration (feeling tone), and also to how we influence the way OTHERS show up in our world. Yep, that annoying employee or relative is trying to tell you something about what you are putting out there. Come with us and celebrate this hour on how to absolutely alter how your relationships are showing up, without ever having to say a word to anyone. It's an inside job, baby! And it's time to awaken to how we can bring the best out of everyone we know. My guest and co-host will be Janice Campbell of Receive Your Life on Unity Online Radio. (
9/2/20111 hour, 2 seconds
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Morning Rituals: How We Awaken

I'll be joined by author and mystical teacher Kimberly Call to discuss her new e-book, Morning Rituals: How We Awaken ( How we stay connected to Source throughout our day can mean the difference between being a powerful creator or living in reaction to our circumstances. Kimberly talks about how to stay connected to Source all day long by using those first precious moments in the morning.
8/5/201158 minutes, 43 seconds
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Leading-Edge Abraham: 2.0 Law of Attraction

"Just when you thought you heard it all about the Law of Attraction—wait there is more! My co-host Janice Campbell ( and I discuss the latest Abraham workshop we attended together in San Francisco, California. We'll discuss how free you are to create in the world of contrast, as long as you know how to find your alignment no matter what! This is leading-edge information for those of us ready for Law of Attraction 2.0.
7/22/201159 minutes, 57 seconds
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Everyday Attraction: Everything I Need Is Always Available to Me

Whew. What a relief to know that striving and efforting outside The Vortex is just exhausting. Tired of running out of energy? We'll discuss how to catapult yourself with the leverage of Alignment, while you bask and enjoy the sun. I'll be joined by Janice Campbell of The Receive Your Life Company,, and the host of Receive Your Life on Unity Online Radio.
7/15/20111 hour, 1 second
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Emotions Rule

You are a thinking, feeling being. You can't help it. That is a good thing. But do you know what emotions are telling you about your life or what indications they are of what's coming in your life? Join us as we uncover keys to understanding from the Teachings of Abraham ( about how we create in the world and how we can live happier and more fulfilling lives … every day. My guest will be Rosemarie Michaels (
7/1/20111 hour, 9 seconds
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Source Speaks to Us Every Day

Source energy, Divinity, our high-selves, Christ Consciousness. Whatever you choose to call it, is speaking to us in every moment, every day, through every experience. How can we tune in more clearly? How can we experience the joy, the love, the understanding it is unfolding for us? Today we explore this wonderful understanding of the Vortex and let Abraham tell us to truly live the life we intended to live. Join us.
6/24/201159 minutes, 59 seconds
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Parenting in the Vortex: Who Is Teaching Whom?

My guest this week is Sara Exley of Present Moment Parenting, which is a website, e-zine, radio show and community dedicated to people seeking a deeper more fulfilling parenting experience. In our conversation we will discover key practices to turn parenting from a job to a luxury. We'll explore ways to stay present to the teachings our children are bringing for our own personal expansion. Join us! (
6/17/20111 hour, 32 seconds
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Your Direct Line to Source Energy

Let's get real about your ability and mine to tap right into the Mind of Source. It is after all, who we REALLY are. This week I'll be talking to someone I have come to call a "translator of Source energy." Her name is MaryBeth Rapisardo and she has honed this skill of direct lining into Source so beautifully that she teaches us from a place of pure Divinity. Come play with us and let's bask in our knowing of who we really are.
6/10/201159 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Art of Appreciation

Did you know appreciation is an art form? Oh yes, a glorious art form that can give you the very eyes of Source. A divine perspective that can change the very fabric of your day and your experience in this manifest abundance. Join me and my guest Rev. Julie Renee ( as we discuss the everyday art form of appreciation that is the easiest quick trip into 'the vortex' to experience everything you have ever wanted. Be a powerful uplifter living in the art of appreciation.
6/3/201159 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Did I Attract THAT?

Ever attract something that you are sure you are not a vibrational match to? We are going to delve into the more subtle and profound understandings of the Law of Attraction. We'll explore some of the newest information from our family of teachers Abraham, clearing it all up for you. When you know the laws of life, then life is fun. I'll be joined by co-host Janice Campbell of The Receive Your Life Company,, and the host of Receive Your Life on Unity Online Radio.
5/27/20111 hour, 14 seconds
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Flowdreaming With Summer McStravick

Special guest Summer McStravick on Flowdreaming—a radical approach to manifesting. Summer is an author, teacher and the creative mind of Flowdreaming ( Your desires are just a Flowdreaming away. Summer was also the director of Hay House Radio, where she produced Wayne Dyers' weekly radio show. Join us for an extraordinary hour focused on manifesting the easy way.  
5/20/201159 minutes, 46 seconds
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Release Resistance: The Oneness Blessing

Everyday Attraction welcomes Unity minister Patricia Keel. Patricia has also become a Oneness Trainer—teaching a miraculous form of energy work known as a "blessing" that is changing lives and profoundly expanding our conscious connection to the Divine. Join us and release some resistance!
5/13/20111 hour, 17 seconds
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Happiness Is a Choice: Even for Teachers, Preachers and Parents

We are always at choice in our lives. Every moment presents us with an opportunity to choose again if something does not feel good or is not working. In this episode of Everyday Attraction, we'll talk about how to stay conscious of the choices you are making, and how you can never get it wrong. Join us as we joyously remember why we came here and how to live more fully in alignment with ourselves and those we share our lives with. If you are a teacher, preacher or parent, you will especially enjoy this discussion as we explore choosing happiness even in the face of discontent.
5/6/20111 hour, 25 seconds
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“To Do” or “To Be,” That Is the Question

Ever find yourself run by a "to do" list, becoming a human doing and not a human being? The time has come to release the list and embrace the brilliance of the moment, which has encoded in it everything that is relevant to your happiness and your best life. Let's talk about how being spiritually connected can be the most productive thing you can DO today and everyday with special guest Janice Campbell, author of Receive Your Life ( 
4/29/20111 hour, 17 seconds
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Align With Your Source, With MaryBeth Rapisardo

We are all channels in some respects and there are those amongst us, like MaryBeth Rapisardo, that have a gift to receive more clearly the messages and love of Source Energy. In this episode, MaryBeth, a channel, teacher and weekly guest on the popular Law of Attraction Club (, will be with us channeling high source. Those familiar with the energies of Abraham through Esther Hicks will feel right at home. We'll also chat beyond what the future holds, and into experiencing the wholeness that you are.
4/22/20111 hour, 5 seconds
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I Create What I Believe, With Nancy Marie

Our guest for this episode is Nancy Marie, the driving force for self-actualization and the creator of the I Create What I Believe Art Program ( This work is based on the research of Dr. Bruce Lipton regarding the power and biology of beliefs. We'll discuss breakthrough information about beliefs and the role of art for releasing unwanted beliefs and creating the life you want.
4/15/20111 hour, 17 seconds
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Living in The Vortex

We cannot overlook the fact that the very act of observation is in itself an act of creation. How we choose to think and where we focus IS the act of creation itself. So how do we daily choose to construct the thought ways we want to live, and deconstruct the thoughts we don't want to live? Can pulling your attention away from things be the most powerful step into fully realizing the life you came to live? Join us.
4/8/201159 minutes, 33 seconds
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Never Look Back?

The Law of Attraction tells us that the stories we tell about our past are creating our future. What these stories say can create or block our alignment with what we want. Is looking back on your life serving you or keeping you stuck? We'll discuss how to cast a new past and step fully into your never-ending now. We'll also discuss the surprising new information from Abraham about the subconscious mind. Join us!  
4/1/20111 hour, 34 seconds
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How to Channel Your High-Self

We are exploring channeling. What is it, who does it, and for what purpose? We'll talk about the life-changing benefits of learning to channel or tune in to your High-Self every day. We know that purposely focusing on your own personal connection to Source is a way to "channel" infinite intelligence and unconditional love, through you. No matter what you have planned today, the power of opening to the "eyes of source" can change everything. Host Rae Zander will be joined by Janice Campbell, teacher and host of Receive Your Life on Unity Online Radio.
3/25/201159 minutes, 45 seconds